® ZEPHIR TECHNICAL BULLETIN 2 PACKAGED UNIT FOR FRESH-AIR WITH ACTIVE THERMODYNAMIC ENERGY RECOVERY FRESH AIR OPERATION 100% Air flow rate from 4,500 to 16,000 m3/h ZEPHIR2 is the high efficiency packaged unit that provide fresh and purified air to the ambient, at the same time the unit estract the exhaust air from the same ambient generating the required air renewal and purification. The unit may also be equipped with electronic high efficiency filters that can works on smoke, fine dust, virus and bacteria. Thanks to heat pump technology, all year-round the active thermodynamic recovery multiplies the energy contained in the expelled air and gets rid of high pressure drops common of traditional systems. The heating or cooling energy thus produced reduces the power requested from the additional air-conditioning system, and therefore its cost. Thanks to its capability to purify air and to run with high energetic efficiency, ZEPHIR 2 is the perfect situation in the various types of systems serving light commercial, commercial and industrial applications. BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® FRESH AND PURE AIR IS A FUNDAMENTAL NEED, BUT ITS AVAILABILITY IS DECREASING EVERY DAY EACH ONE OF US ASSUMES APPROXIMATELY ONE KILOGRAM OF FOOD, THREE LITRES OF LIQUIDS AND OVER 10,000 LITRES OF AIR. However, although we can choose the food and drinks we consume, we are rarely able to act over the quality of the air that we breathe. Clean and pure air is at the base of our wellbeing; it exists in nature but it is increasingly hard to benefit from it because of its continued degradation caused by human action. THE QUALITY OF THE AIR WE BREATHE IS TREATENED BY MANY POLLUTION SOURCES The habits of our daily lives lead us, either for work, rest or entertainment purposes, to spend 90% of our time in indoor environments, where numerous pollutants accumulate. Simply introducing fresh outdoor air to dilute indoor pollutants is not a solution, because of additional polluting agents present in outdoor air. Indoor activities generate many pollutants, only some of which are evident as they are immediately perceivable (odours, humidity, smoke). Outdoor air contains pollutants that are more dangerous, such as particulates and fine dust, pollen, bacteria and so on. In actual fact there are many more sources of pollution that we often do not notice straight away, such as construction materials, furnishings, dispersed dust, mould and micro-organisms, cleaning products, carbon dioxide to name but a few. These affect our health in many ways, including coughs, respiratory diseases, often chronic, increase in proneness to infections, problems to the cardiocirculatory system. BT08M001GB-02 2 ZEPHIR 2 ® ZEPHIR 2 IS THE INNOVATIVE AND EFFICIENT SOLUTION THAT FULLY SATISFIES THE AIR RENEWAL, PURIFICATION AND ENERGY SAVINGS IN THE COMMERCIAL SECTOR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES ZEPHIR2 eliminates the pollution in the buildings where we live It expels unhealthy air and, at the same time, introduces purified and air-conditioned outdoor air. With the electronic filters on outdoor air, acting as high-efficiency electrostatic purifier, it minimises suspended pollutants such as smoke, fine dust, viruses and bacteria. At the same time it reduces the high ventilation consumption generated by the pressure drops common to traditional filters and it also gets rid of the need to change periodically traditional filters because electronic filters can be regenerated by washing. ZEPHIR2 is a high-efficiency active thermodynamic recovery unit Unlike traditional systems, the active thermodynamic circuit recovers all year-round the energy contained in the flow of exhaust air, it multiplies it thanks to heat pump technology and then provides it to the served areas of the building. In this way it minimises the external fresh-air load and provides additional capacity to maintain comfort conditions. ZEPHIR2 simplifies the system and increases its efficiency Thanks to the packaged system construction, the system components and their installation are already included inside the unit. In addition, the energy generated by the active thermodynamic recovery reduces the power and therefore the cost of the additional airconditioning system. This comprehensive high-efficiency reduces the user's primary energy consumption even up to 50%. 3 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® COMPACT AND VERSATILE PACKAGED UNIT SOLUTION Inside ZEPHIR2 there are all the components necessary to operate correctly: - the intake section and supply section are separated by a steel partition from the extraction and expulsion sections - the heat pump's components (compressors, thermostatic valve, electrical panels and electronic control panels) are set in separate compartments and easily accessible for ordinary maintenance purposes . Before it is expelled outside, the exhaust air pass through the external exchanger. The active thermodynamic recovery circuit recover the energy from exhaust air and transfer it to the fresh air supplyed to the served areas of the building. In summer operation, the external exchanger operates as condenser. The cooling power generated by the recovery circuit is then released to the fresh air flow on the heat exchanger located in the treatment section. In winter operation the cycle is ireversed, and therefore the external exchange coil operates as evaporator. The exchanger located in the treatment section can thus release the generated heat power to the air flow. In middle season the unit can operate in Freecooling, introducing purified outdoor air into rooms operating with fans only, without activating the compressors, thus saving even more energy. A. Fresh air intake Complete with prefilter with G4 efficiency EXTRACTION AND EXPULSION ZONE B. Supply fan Electronic controlled type, blows pure air in the rooms C. Internal exchanger It transfers energy (heat/cool) to the fresh air D. External exchanger It recovers energy (cool/heat) from the exhaust air E. Exhaust air fan Electronic control type, it rejects the unhealthy air outdoors F. Heat Pump It allows the active thermodynamic recovery system operation MAIN OPTIONS 1. High-efficiency filtration Depending on the stage, either electronic (efficiency equivalent to H10) or pocket-type (efficiency F7) 2. EXTRAPOWER Additional water exchanger, to increase the field of application 3. Modulating motorized three-way valve For EXTRAPOWER option 4. Hot gas post-heating It recovers condensation energy in the summer humidity control 5. Humidification Steam-type or evaporating package-type FRESH AIR INTAKE AND SUPPLY ZONE The numerous available accessories make ZEPHIR2 adaptable to the most diverse types of systems and climate conditions, and they ensure maximum efficiency in all chosen configurations. Some of the accessories are: - High-efficiency electronic filters, with efficiency of H10, these increase the purity of inlet air without the increase in consumption typical of traditional systems; - EXTRAPOWER, this can widen the operational field also using low-energy content fluids; - Hot gas post-heating, entirely powered by the recovery of condensation energy, which would otherwise be dissipated. The standard adjustment of ZEPHIR2 is based on the three temperature probes located on fresh, extraction and supply air, and it also allows the visualisation of the relative humidity of the air extracted from rooms. For the active control of humidity (using specific accessories) it is possible to have humidity probes also on supply air and fresh air. BT08M001GB-02 4 ZEPHIR 2 ® COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF ZEPHIR 2 IN PRODUCING HEATING AND COOLING ENERGY VS. TRADITIONAL SYSTEMS ZEPHIR2 MULTIPLIES THE ENERGY RECOVERED FROM EXHAUST AIR Contrary to what takes place in traditional heat recovery units, ZEPHIR 2's active thermodynamic circuit recovers the energy contained in the flow of exhaust air, it multiplies it thanks to heat pump technology and then provides it to the served ambient. In this way it eliminates the external fresh air load and provides additional capacity to maintain comfort conditions. For users this means a reduction up to 50% in the consumption of primary energy (Ep) and the simultaneous improvement of the indoor air quality. In addition, the complexity of systems used in the commercial sector for the year round operation cycle of: offices, commercial buildings, hospitals, hotels and so on is greatly simplified. Ep = primary energy At the same quantity of heating and cooling energy generated in the year round operation cycle in a typical commercial installation, the primary energy consumption of ZEPHIR 2 equipped with electronic filters can be reduced by more than 50% compared with the traditional systems, considering the actual total consumption for energy production, ventilation and pumping. REQUIREMENTS AND YIELD HEATING SYSTEM EXTERNAL AIR LOAD . RECOVERY YIELD . FRESH-AIR CONSUMPTION COOLING HEAT INTEGR EXTERNAL AIR LOAD . RECOVERY YIELD . ELECTRICITY HEAT INTEGR VENTILAT COMPR INTEGRATION CONSUMPTION ELECTRICITY GENERAT . PUMPS GAS PRIMARY ENERGY CONSUMPTION GENERAT . Condensation boiler Air-cooled Refrigerator UTA with F7 filters, no recovery Condensation boiler Air-cooled Refrigerator UTA with F7 filters and recovery 55% Air-water heat pump UTA with F7 filters and recovery 55% Water-water heat pump UTA with F7 filters and recovery 55% ZEPHIR 2 (F7 filters) ZEPHIR 2 (electronic filters) NOTES All fresh air unit with supply of 9,000 m3/h and extraction/expulsion of 8,500 m 3/h. Available static pressure: supply 300 Pa, extraction 200 Pa. ZEPHIR 2 in configuration ENERGY. Condensing boiler production efficiency: 98%. Pressure drop of static plate exchanger (with 55% Exchange efficiency) supply 250 Pa , extraction 250 Pa . Generation efficiency of air-cooled refrigerator: EER 2.7- ESEER 4.4. External fans with variable flow rate. Circulation electro pumps (usage): variable flow rate, static pressure 150 kPa. Generation efficiency of air-water heat pump: EER 2.7- ESEER 4.4 - COP 3.2. External fans with variable flow rate. Circulation electro pumps (usage): variable flow rate, static pressure 150 kPa. Generation efficiency of water-water heat pump: EER 4.7- ESEER 6.0 - COP 4.4. Source temperature: 15°C. Circulation electro pumps (usage and source): variable flow rate, static pressure 150 kPa (source: 80 kPa ). Location: Milano, Italy. Annual operational hours: 3,132 (usage 8-20 for 261/days/year). Conventional climates: heating up to +15°C outside, freecooling from +15°C to +19°C outside, cooling over +20°C outside. Primary energy equivalency / methane gas consumption: 0.0346 GJ/Nm 3 (lower heating value 9.6 kWh_t/Nm 3). Primary energy equivalency / electrical energy consumption: 0.001 GJ/kWh_el (national electrical system efficiency0.46 kWh_el/kWh_primary). 5 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® ACTIVE THERMODYNAMIC RECOVERY THE BEST TECHNOLOGICAL CHOICE FOR AN EFFICIENT USE OF ENERGY RECOVERY THAT DOES NOT PENALIZE VENTILATION Traditional heat recovery systems, either static or rotative types, generate pressure drops on the air flows that usually exceed 250 Pa. These constantly affect ventilation, causing increased electrical consumption which, in the annual cycle, nullify a large part of the energy actually recovered. The active thermodynamic recovery's heat exchangers are instead constructed with high-efficiency finned coils, therefore they have pressure drops that are absolutely modest during the entire operational cycle. C C THE EXHAUST AIR AS A SOURCE OF ENERGY ZEPHIR2 produces heating or cooling energy with greater efficiency than that of other traditional generators which use fresh air as a source of heat exchange. By using exhaust air as heat source, it is indeed possible to obtain higher evaporation temperatures on the cold exchanger and lower condensation temperatures on the heat exchanger, reducing the electrical absorption of the compressors, even by 50%. THE HIGHEST EFFICIENCY AT PARTIAL LOAD Since the maximum power is requested only for short periods of time, it is fundamental to dispose of the maximum efficiency in the conditions of partial load. ZEPHIR2 uses Scroll-type high-efficiency compressors. The advantages are: - compressors manufactured in large numbers at industrial level, with strict quality checks and highest reliability thanks to the big scale production volumes; - the cooling circuit uses two different-sized compressors, in order to obtain more adjustment steps. It is thus possible to supply for usage only the energy that is actually required; - efficiency increases by over 50% when operating at partial load, thanks to the bigger heat exchange surfaces available. STABLE AND RELIABLE OPERATION The electronic expansion valve adapts rapidly and precisely to the actual load required for usage, allowing stable and reliable adjustment. This results also in a further increase in efficiency and longer compressor life. DESIGNED FOR THE BEST ENERGY USE ZEPHIR2 automatically chooses the best operating condition on the basis of indoor and outdoor conditions: - it compares outdoor air conditions with the room set point set by the user. It then chooses the operating mode (heating or cooling) on the basis of the thermal load of the fresh air; - it then compares the room set point with the actually occurring conditions. It decides which and how many resources to activate (e.g. compressors), to reduce the load generated by the fresh-air and to introduce into the rooms additional energy that may be available. BT08M001GB-02 6 THE SEQUENTIAL DEACTIVATION OF THE COMPRESSORS INCREASES EFFICIENCY ZEPHIR 2 ® ACTIVE THERMODYNAMIC RECOVERY HIGH-EFFICIENCY DURING THE ENTIRE ANNUAL CYCLE CONTINUOUS SUPPLY OF CAPACITY WITH GROWING EFFICIENCY The adopted technological solutions make ZEPHIR2 a unique and versatile heating or cooling power generator, able to adapt itself automatically to fresh air loads by continuously checking the requirements of the served environments, but most of all able to obtain from its cooling circuit high efficiency in all operational conditions. PERFORMANCE IN HEATING PERFORMANCE IN COOLING Example data refer to ZEPHIR2 ENERGY model 90. Compressors: C1 = smaller compressor, C2 = larger compressor GREAT SYSTEM SIMPLIFICATION AND INCREASE IN RELIABILITY With ZEPHIR2 system's initial costs are greatly reduced compared with a traditional solution based on air treatment units equipped with a static or rotary recoverer and separate production, for example via refrigerators and boilers. Most usual system activities are already carried out by Clivet inside the unit. - Component selection and sizing - Mechanical and hydraulic connections - Electrical and adjustment wiring - Functional test. The user simply has to connect the air distribution channels and power the unit. A NEW CONCEPT OF GENERATOR WITH INTEGRATED ENERGY RECOVERY Regulations and procedures to calculate the energy certification of the building-system are often based on heat recovery devices of a traditional type (static or rotary). These can easily be extended to systems equipped with ZEPHIR2 as fresh air and energy recovery system. Thanks to fresh air technology by using heat pump, ZEPHIR 2 is in fact a heating or cooling highefficiency generator complete with active thermodynamic recovery on expelled air. The energy generated during its operation reduces the share of the building's requirement from the auxiliary generator (usually necessary for the phase to reach steady state and load peaks). By reducing the total requirement of primary energy, the complete system is thus more efficient compared with traditional solutions. Consequently, the building's energy performance also improves, and with it its value on the real estate market. AA B C D D E E F F G G 7 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® HIGH EFFICIENCY ON VENTILATION WITH ELECTRONIC CONTROLLED FANS HOW TO IMPROVE VENTILATION WHILST REDUCING CONSUMPTION A significant portion of systems' running costs is due to the consumption for ventilation in air fresh-air units. To this it should be added the search for correct operating conditions, which forces long and precise calibrations at the worksite. The ZEPHIR2 ventilation technique allows both of these operational costs to be greatly minimised. VERSATILITY OF BACKWARD BLADES IMPELLERS This particular type of rotor offers a wider field of operation compared with a traditional forward-bladed fan. When necessary, this can supply high static pressures simply by varying the number of revolutions. The accurate balancing and the self-lubricating bearings ensure its rotating stability over time. EFFICIENCY OF THE ELECTRONIC CONTROLLED MOTOR The external rotor electric motor is driven by the continuous magnetic switching of the stator. The advantages are: - The lack of brushes and the particular power supply increase efficiency by 70%; - Even the life cycle increases, thanks to the elimination of the brushes' natural effects; - The electronic control also includes a "soft start" solution, which drastically reduces the starting current of the fan and limits even more the system's electrical commitment. ADVANTAGES OF DIRECT COUPLING (PLUG FAN) The motor's rotation is transmitted directly to the rotor, without the use of transmissions (belts and pulleys): - The transmissions' inefficiencies are eliminated; - The belt consumption and maintenance are eliminated. EFFICIENCY OF THE VENTILATION SYSTEM INCREASES BY 30% The whole ventilation system, made up of rotor and motor, is therefore very versatile and efficient. Consumption is 30% lower than a ventilation system of the same capacity used by traditional units available on the market. Electrical power absorbed by electric motor, data constructor - Example, referred to flow of 7.800 m3/h with 500 Pa external static pressure. AIR FLOW AUTOMATIC ADJUSTMENT ZEPHIR2's original technology eliminates all calibrations necessary at the worksite on traditional fans, and therefore the relative times and costs. The desired air flow is set on the display by the user and the unit maintains it constant automatically by regulating the speed of both fan sections. In the phase of installation and start up, ZEPHIR 2 thus adapts to actual pressure drops of the air distribution and diffusion system. In addition, during its entire operational life cycle, this system compensate the progressive dirtying of the air filters, always automatically. BT08M001GB-02 8 ZEPHIR 2 ® HIGH AIR FILTRATION EFFICIENCY WITH ELECTRONIC FILTERS H10 HOW TO INCREASE THE FILTRATION EFFICIENCY WHILST MINIMISING ITS OPERATIONAL COSTS High efficiency filters (F7 category) of a traditional system increase the energy spent on ventilation, because of greater loss of pressure. These also require more frequent maintenance, with a significant cost at the end of each year to replace the filters. The electronic filters available for ZEPHIR2 make outdoor air filtering even more efficient and at the same time they reduce costs for ventilation and maintenance compared with traditional systems. VERY HIGH FILTRATION EFFICIENCY The efficiency of electronic filters on ZEPHIR2 is equivalent to classification H10 used in traditional filters, that is the category indicated as "absolute filter". These are effective even against smoke, fine dust, particulates PM10, PM2,5, PM1, bacteria, germs and viruses. THE VENTILATION ENERGY IS REDUCED The very high efficiency of filtration is achieved with very low pressure drops. These are dependant on the metal pre-filter located upstream of the plates to trap the largest particles, to homogeneously distribute the air flow and to contain the magnetic field generated during operation. GAINS ALREADY FROM THE SECOND YEAR OF OPERATION The reduction of ventilation consumption is the first item of saving for electronic filters. Savings on maintenance are even more evident, because electronic filters are washable and do not need to be replaced at regularly as traditional filters. Taking as reference the price of a standard unit, the total yearly running cost is reduced from over 20% for the version with traditionalbag filters to less than 8% thanks to the electronic filters. The deriving payback is usually less than one and a half years. 9 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® TWO AVAILABLE VERSIONS FOR PERFECT INTEGRATION INTO VARIOUS SYSTEM TYPES THE ENERGY AND RECOVERY VERSIONS HAVE DIFFERENT CONDITIONS OF AIR SUPPLY MADE FOR COMFORT AND BUSINESS At the same level of treated air flow, the ENERGY and RECOVERY versions appear externally identical. Even the main construction features and solutions for air ventilation and purification are the same. The two versions differ in nominal heating and cooling capability, and therefore in the thermal conditions of air temperature and humidity that can be obtained in unit output. This arises from the different termodinamic recovery circuit. size of the active ZEPHIR2 RECOVERY This can minimise a large part of the fresh-air load even in the most demanding operational conditions, releasing the remaining share to the integrative air conditioning system. In the remaining operational period it can generate highly efficiently additional capacity to be introduced in the rooms. ZEPHIR2 ENERGY THE ENERGY VERSION HAS 30% MORE MAXIMUM CAPACITY COMPARED WITH RECOVERY This is the version with largest capacity, able to cover the fresh-air load for the most part of the year. In the remaining operational period, the increased available capacity further reduces the intervention of the integrative air conditioning system. The ENERGY version therefore amplifies the advantages of the RECOVERY version. EXTRAPOWER OPTION In particular cases, ZEPHIR2's field of application can be further extended by the optional treatment section EXTRAPOWER. Based on a finned coil exchanger equipped with a motorised 3 way valve, EXTRAPOWER requires only two hydraulic connections to be powered with hot or cold fluid produced outside the unit. The greater available capacity allows: - a further increase of dehumidification in particularly demanding situations, e.g. coupling with radiant systems, induction terminals, chilled beams); - extension of the working field in particularly severe cold or hot climates. BT08M001GB-02 10 ZEPHIR 2 ® THE ADVANTAGES OF ZEPHIR2 IN THE VARIOUS TYPES OF APPLICATION MIXED SYSTEM WITH TERMINAL UNITS AND DEDICATE FRESH-AIR UNIT TO SERVE SPECIFIC AREAS OF THE BUILDING The air purified and treated by ZEPHIR2 ENERGY is introduced directly into the rooms. The terminal units operating on the room loads, all able to carry out dehumidification, can be of any type for example: - Hydronic terminals (fan coils); - Direct expansion packaged unit (packaged, water loop, rooftop); - Direct expansion unit in one or more sections (split, multisplit, VRF). Relative humidity, % 25 MIXED HYDRONIC SYSTEM WITH RADIANT DIFFUSION This is a system solution where the diffusion system is not equipped with dehumidification. This function is carried out by ZEPHIR2 ENERGY, thanks to the sensitible and latent treatment of outdoor air and the simultaneous extraction of room air. There is no requirement for hydraulic connections to hot or cold fluids produced and distributed outside the unit. 25 20 40% et bu lb te m pe 60% 20 15 W 20% 15 10 10 5 -5 -20 -15 -10 -20 -15 -10 0 Absolute humidity, g/kg 80% ra t ur e, °C When the outdoor air load falls to below the design value, the capacity of ZEPHIR2 ENERGY can contribute to condition rooms - via the fresh-air distribution and diffusion system - and thus reduce the integrative system's consumption. Already in this typical application it is possible to appreciate: - The system simplification obtained thanks to the packaged solution, which does not require fluids to be fed to it; - The high seasonal efficiency and therefore the reduction in operation costs. 30 30 5 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Dry bulb temperature, °C An indicative example of application with terminal units equipped with dehumidification in cooling mode. The 'sa' point humidity can be increased via the humidification devices available as an option. INLET AIR CAN BE DEHUMIDIFIED BY TEMPORARILY REDUCING THE FLOW RATE, WITHOUT FURTHER SYSTEM COMPLICATIONS In the short periods of time when outdoor air is at maximum load, ZEPHIR2 ENERGY acts as follows: - In the summer cycle it increase automatically its dehumidification capacity via the temporary reduction in air flows; - In the winter cycle it stays at normal operation and, if necessary, it temporarily activates the optional electrical elements below the normal operational field. Thus the advantage of the ZEPHIR2 ENERGY system over traditional ones is even greater: - Water is produced at the temperature required by the radiating system (lower in winter, higher in summer), with an increase in production efficiency of up to 20%; - Also the generator's size is significantly reduced, up to 35% also thanks to the increased capacity supplied by ZEPHIR2 ENERGY compared with a conventional system (with a static plate recovery unit at 55% efficiency). An indicative example of application with floor radiant panels. The dotted line indicates the treatment obtained with nominal air flow rate. The 'sa' point humidity can be increased via the humidification devices available as an option. 11 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® MIXED HYDRONIC SYSTEM WITH INDUCTION DIFFUSERS OR CHILLED BEAMS The constant air flow rate of ZEPHIR2 ENERGY ensures that the induction diffusers and the active chilled beams work correctly, based on the principle of diffusion via induction. CHILLED WATER CAN BE PRODUCED AT HIGH TEMPERATURE (E.G. 18°C) TO POWER THE ENTIRE SYSTEM (ACTIVE BEAMS AND FRESH-AIR UNIT). THIS WAY THE PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY INCREASES AND THE SYSTEM'S COST DECREASES At the same time, in summer operation it carries out the necessary dehumidification, as required by the floor radiant panel solution, In particularly severe climate conditions, thanks to the EXTRAPOWER option it is possible to use the same flows required by the induction diffusers or by the active chilled beams. To correctly dehumidify in the summer, a traditional system should in fact produce low temperature chilled water (e.g. 7°C) only to dehumidify outdoor air in the primary air treatment centre. The chilled water would then be mixed to feed the chilled beams at a higher temperature (e.g. 18°C). Relative humidity, % By choosing ZEPHIR ENERGY it is possible, in the summer cycle, to produce chilled fluid at a higher temperature (e.g. 18°C), with an immediate double advantage: - Chiller efficiency +20% ; - Size and cost of chiller -20% . 80% ra t ur e, °C 25 25 20 m pe 60% te 40% et bu lb 20 15 W 20% 15 10 10 5 0 -5 -20 -15 -10 -20 -15 -10 Absolute humidity, g/kg This advantage actually is four-fold: - The capacity generated highly efficiently by ZEPHIR2 ENERGY is no longer necessary on the main generator, which can thus be further reduced in size and therefore cost (even up to -35%); - The system is also greatly simplified, reducing the number and diameter of pipes and insulation, in addition to all the relative costs of operational pumping. 30 30 2 5 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Dry bulb temperature, °C An indicative example of application with active chilled beams. The dotted line indicates treatment of the EXTRAPOWER option, at the reported conditions. The 'sa' point humidity can be increased via the humidification devices available as an option. MIXED SYSTEM WITH FRESH-AIR INLET ON THE RETURN OF DUCTABLE TERMINAL UNITS Fresh air treated by ZEPHIR2 RECOVERY is introduced on the return channel of the single terminal units, which complete the treatment before introducing it into the rooms. Also in this case the terminal units can be of any type, for example fan coils, water loop heat pumps, split, multisplit, VRF. ZEPHIR2 RECOVERY therefore represents the solution preferred by investors when the single terminal units are bought by the respective users, as often happens in shops part of shopping galleries. Relative humidity, % 30 30 20 60% m te 15 10 10 5 -5 -20 -15 -10 -20 -15 -10 0 5 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Dry bulb temperature, °C An indicative example of application with introduction on the return of ductable terminal units. The 'sa' point humidity can be increased via the humidification devices available as an option. BT08M001GB-02 15 20% W Compared with a traditional system equipped with a static recoverer, ZEPHIR2 RECOVERY keeps its superiority in terms of inlet air quality, system simplicity, high operational efficiency and economy, and it contributes to improve the energy class of the building. et bu lb 40% 20 12 45 50 Absolute humidity, g/kg 80% pe ra tu re , °C 25 25 ZEPHIR 2 ® EXTENDING OPERATIONAL LIMITS In some locations it is possible that extremely severe climate conditions occur, such to fall outside the operational field of ZEPHIR2 and to prevent it from operating correctly. -THE OPERATIONAL FIELD IS VIRTUALLY LIMIT-LESS, BY USING AS INTEGRATION THE FLUIDS ALREADY PRESENT IN THE SYSTEM ON THE UTILITY OR SOURCE SIDE The EXTRAPOWER option can provide sufficient integration to take the unit back to normal operational limits. Often fluids that are suitable for this purposes are already present in the main system, and ZEPHIR 2 can use them without any further system complications. Some frequent application examples: - WLHP loop system; - Geothermal source system; - Radiant hydronic system; - Hydronic system with induction terminals; - Hydronic system with active chilled beams; - Industrial system with energy waste. Relative humidity, % 30 30 The illustrated case represents an extreme application. Energy integration is constituted by the same water that circulates in the WLHP loop circuit, therefore in 'neutral' temperature conditions compared with the served rooms and thus usually not used in conditioning, if not as energy source for the heat pumps. 20 40% et bu lb te m pe 60% 20 15 W 20% 15 10 10 5 The high air quality, high production efficiency in thermodynamic recover and the great system simplicity therefore are unchanged even in difficult climate conditions to be confronted in different ways. -5 -20 -15 -10 -20 -15 -10 0 Absolute humidity, g/kg 80% ra t ur e, °C 25 25 5 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Dry bulb temperature, °C An indicative example of application with WLHP loop system in extreme climate conditions. The dotted line indicates treatment of the EXTRAPOWER option, at the reported conditions. The 'sa' point humidity can be increased via the humidification devices available as an option. NEW OPPORTUNITIES FROM RETROFITTING EXISTING SYSTEMS Many buildings constructed in the past decades are not equipped with an adequate controlled mechanical ventilation system. Today it is possible to upgrade the existing system with this functionality, without invasive operations. ZEPHIR2 ENERGY can in fact handle completely the fresh-air, introduce it into the terminal unit return channel (which is therefore unchanged), and carry out energy recovery. In other cases the existing system is instead equipped with fresh-air but not with energy recovery of the exhaust air. With ZEPHIR2 ENERGY operations on site are even smaller, using the air intakes already available in the system. The application opportunities are therefore virtually limit-less and extend to numerous systems: - Air handling unit; - Rooftop; - Ductable terminal units. An indicative example of system retrofit on Air treatment unit. The shutters in the diagram allow the system to reach steady state. 13 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® HIGH EFFICIENCY EVEN IN HUMIDITY CONTROL HOW TO SAVE ENERGY IN SUMMER OPERATION We have seen how ZEPHIR2 can dehumidify outdoor air by: - Latent capacity achieved with nominal air flow rate (standard dehumidification); - Increase in the share of latent capacity in the temporary operation with reduced air flow rate; - Latent capacity achieved with nominal air flow rate, after pre-treatment with the EXTRAPOWER option. In addition, for good part of the summer operation, ZEPHIR 2 can neutralise the outdoor air load and contribute to minimise the room loads. The high production efficiency makes its use more energetically advantageous than integrative conditioning systems. In these circumstances the supplied air from ZEPHIR 2 is at the conditions that are normally found at the supply of an air conditioner, and it is therefore sufficient to ensure its correct distribution and diffusion into the rooms. In summer operation, it is possible that the served room's temperature is satisfied but not the humidity, and that ZEPHIR2 therefore continues with dehumidification. In this condition, the post-heating allows the inlet air not to cool down further. HOT GAS POST-HEATING IS CARRIED OUT ENTIRELY BY RECOVERING THE CONDENSATION HEAT THAT WOULD OTHERWISE BE DISCHARGED TO THE OUTSIDE Relative humidity, % 30 30 2 ZEPHIR carries out the post-heating with a hot gas technology, which recovers the condensation heat otherwise dissipated to the outside. This way the installation and running costs of traditional devices are minimised. 20 m pe 60% te 40% et bu lb 20 15 W 20% 15 The same device is used to control the supply temperature in more traditional systems with centralised fresh air unit. Further details are contained dedicated to accessories. in the section 10 10 5 -5 -20 -15 -10 -20 -15 -10 0 Absolute humidity, g/kg 80% ra t ur e, °C 25 25 5 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Dry bulb temperature, °C HOW TO SAVE ENERGY IN WINTER OPERATION high attendante areas in applications spontaneously the rooms, thus reducing the humidifier devices in the air Relative humidity, % 30 30 25 20 60% m te lb bu et 15 10 10 5 -5 -20 -15 -10 -20 -15 -10 0 5 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 50 Relative humidity, % 30 25 80% ra t ur e, °C 25 20 60% pe the 45 30 te m BT08M001GB-02 in 40 Dry bulb temperature, °C 40% 20 et bu lb The requirement of a humidifying device and its selection thus depend from analysing of the actual loads, of the system type and the best total cost for initial purchase, installation and running throughout its life cycle. Further details are contained dedicated to accessories. 15 20% W Should it be necessary, ZEPHIR2 can avail itself of two different humidification, both installed on-board the machine and complete with control and operation components: - The electric steam humidifier device keeps the temperature of the outlet air from the humidification section as substantially unchanged, thanks to the autonomous production of steam - The adiabatic humidification device allows for a greater increase in humidity, does not have direct electricity consumption, but it lowers the temperature of outlet air from the humidification section. 40% 20 Absolute humidity, g/kg 80% ra t ur e, °C 25 pe In actual fact, the commercial sector increase humidity in actual necessity for conditioning system. THE IMMERSED ELECTRODES HUMIDIFICATION DEVICE OPERATES AT A CONSTANT TEMPERATURE, WHILST THE EVAPORATING PACKAGE DEVICE HAS AN ADIABATIC 15 W 20% 15 10 10 5 -5 -20 -15 -10 -20 -15 -10 0 5 section 0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Dry bulb temperature, °C 14 30 35 40 45 50 Absolute humidity, g/kg In winter operation, the outdoor air's low absolute humidity could lead to dry air being introduced into the rooms after heating in the fresh-air unit. ZEPHIR 2 ® STANDARD UNIT SPECIFICATIONS - RECOVERY AND ENERGY CONFIGURATION COMPRESSOR Scroll compressor complete with: overload thermal protection, high refrigerant discharge temperature, rubber antivibration mounts, oil charge. A oil heater is automatically switched on at the compressor shut-down to prevent oil dilution by the refrigerant. The compressors are connected in tandem on a single refrigerator circuit. They have bi-phase equalization of the oil and are equipped with cut-off bibcocks STRUCTURE The basement is assembled with a painted galvanized steel frame. The internal structure is made of “ALUZINK” bent galvanized steel . The alloy that protects the Aluzink allow an excellent corrosion proofing thanks to the galvanic protection typical of the combination aluminium-zinc. PANELLING Panels of the compressor panel in steel sheet metal, painted using polyester powders, colour RAL 9001 and covered on the inside with ashlared sound-absorbent material. Sandwich panels in the air treatment section with dual walls in steel sheet metal with polyurethane insulation (40 kg/m3), thickness of outer sheet metal 6/10 mm galvanized and painted using polyester powders colour RAL 9001, polyurethane thickness 40 mm with thermal conductivity coefficient 0.022W/mK, thickness of internal sheet metal 5/10 mm hot galvanized. The panel is also provided with a PVC profile for thermal insulation and a EPDM rubber gasket that ensures the hermetic seal. All panelling can easily be removed to allow complete accessibility to internal components. INTERNAL EXCHANGER - exchanger for the external air treatment - exchanger for the energy recovery of the air in expulsion Direct expansion finned exchanger, made from copper pipes in staggered rows and mechanically expanded to the fin collars. The fins are made from aluminium with a corrugated surface and adequately distanced to ensure the maximum heat exchange efficiency. FAN - supply fan - exhaust fan Plug fans without scroll with reverse blades driven by electronicallycontrolled "brushless" dc motors with direct coupling. No transmission sizing is needed. The fan is equipped with a self-adjustment device to keep the flow rate constant. REFRIGERANT CIRCUIT The circuit is complete with: - refrigerant charge - sight glass with moisture indicator - high pressure switch - low pressure switch - high pressure safety valve - filter dryer - electronic expansion valve - non-return valve - 4-way reverse cycle valve - liquid receiver FILTRATION - fresh air intake side - ambient air suction side Pleated filter for greater filtering surface, made up of galvanized plate frame with galvanized and electric-welded protective mesh, and regenerable filtering media made from polyester fibre sized with synthetic resins. G4 efficiency according to CEN-EN 779 standard (Eurovent class EU4/5 - average efficiency 90.1% ASHRAE 52-76 Atm). Self-extinguishing (resistance to fire class 1 - DIN 53438). ELECTRICAL PANEL The electrical panel is situated inside the units and is accessed through a hinged door that is opened by a special key The Power Section includes: - main door lock isolator switch - compressor circuit breaker - compressor power supply remote control switch - fan motor thermal protections of internal section and external section - circuit breaker to protect auxiliary circuit Microprocessor control section: - treated air temperature control - daily, weekly programmer of temperature setpoint and unit on/off - compressor overload protection and timer - self-diagnosis system with immediate display of the error code - demand limit - clean contacts for remote ON-OFF, cumulative alarm, fan status, compressor status, summer/winter mode - control keypad, including: - display to indicate operating status and mode - display of the set values and the error codes - PRG key for setting and displaying operation parameters - ALARM button to access the alarm management functions - unit operation or ventilation only selection button - On/Off and manual reset button for overload device activation - UP and DOWN keys for the navigation of the menu and the sub-menu ACCESSORIES - Temperature and humidity control - Enthalpy free-cooling - Hot gas re-heating coil - EXTRAPOWER (with water exchanger in addition) - Modulating three-way valve - Configuration for high external temperature - Configuration for external low temperature - Preheating electric heaters - Water to waste evaporating wet-deck humidifier - Electrode boiler steam humidifier - Air quality sensor for CO2 p.p.m. control - Air quality sensor for CO2 and VOC p.p.m. control - High efficiency F7 air filter - Electronic filter - Sand trap louvre (separately supplied accessories) - Filters dirty differential pressure switch in delivery - Filters dirty differential pressure switch in expulsion - Filters dirty differential pressure switch in expulsion and delivery - high and low pressure gauges - serial port RS485 with MODBUS protocol - Serial communication module LON WORKS - phase monitor - power factor correction capacitors (cosfi > 0.9) - Remote control with remote microprocessor control (separately supplied accessories) - Electronic wall-mounting room thermostat (separately supplied accessories) - Rubber antivibration mounts (separately supplied accessories) - Indoor installation The following are also available for these units: - Copper / copper internal exchanger - Copper / copper external exchanger - Copper / copper hot gas re-heating coil TEST Unit manufactured according to the ISO 9001 quality standards and subject to functional testing at the end of the production line TRAY Condensate collecting tray in aluminum alloy 1050 H24 with anti-condensate insulation, welded and equipped with threaded discharge coupling 15 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR2 ENERGY GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ZEPHIR 2 (PRODUCT CPAN-XHE) Size 45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 COOLING Cooling capacity Sensible capacity Compressor power input EER HEATING 1 1 2 1 kW kW kW 32 21 8,9 3,57 36,4 24,4 10,5 3,46 44,1 29 12,6 3,49 51,5 34,4 14 3,68 61,5 41,8 16,9 3,64 73,9 44,7 18,6 3,97 89,7 60,8 22,3 4,02 106,1 72,3 23,8 4,46 Heat output Compressor power input COP COMPRESSOR Type of compressors No. of Compressors Std Capacity control steps Refrigerant circuits AIR HANDLING SECTION FANS (OUTLET) Type of fans Number of fans Fan diameter Air flow Air flow Installed unit power Max outside static pressure FANS (EXPULSION) Type of fans Number of fans Fan diameter Air flow Air flow Installed unit power Max outside static pressure CONNECTIONS Condensate discharge Water coil fittings POWER SUPPLY 2 2 2 kW kW 35,4 6,7 5,28 40,6 7,8 5,19 50,4 9,2 5,5 58,2 10,9 5,36 70,5 12,2 5,78 82,5 14,3 5,78 98,8 16,5 6 112,7 18,2 6,2 Nr Nr Nr Scroll 2 3 1 Scroll 2 3 1 Scroll 2 2 1 Scroll 2 3 1 Scroll 2 3 1 Scroll 2 3 1 Scroll 2 3 1 Scroll 2 2 1 Nr mm l/s m3/h kW Pa RAD 1 450 1250 4500 1 400 RAD 1 500 1444 5200 1 670 RAD 1 500 1667 6000 2,7 650 RAD 1 500 1944 7000 2,7 610 RAD 1 560 2500 9000 3,1 580 RAD 1 630 3055 11000 3,2 480 RAD 2 500 3611 13000 2,7 670 RAD 2 500 4444 16000 2,7 490 Nr mm l/s m3/h kW Pa RAD 1 450 1189 4280 1 380 RAD 1 450 1372 4940 1 300 RAD 1 500 1583 5700 2,7 610 RAD 1 500 1847 6650 2,7 600 RAD 1 560 2375 8550 3,1 580 RAD 1 560 2902 10450 3,1 390 RAD 1 630 3430 12350 3,2 350 RAD 2 500 4222 15200 2,7 490 1" Gas 1" 1/2 1" Gas 1" 1/2 1" Gas 1" 1/2 1" Gas 1" 1/2 1" Gas 2" 1" Gas 2" 1" Gas 2" 1" Gas 2" 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 3 4 5 6 5 6 Standard power supply V (1) air inlet temperature expulsion heat exchange coil 27°C D.B. - 19°C W.B. Fresh air temperature : 35°C D.B./ 24°C W.B. EER referred only to compressors (2) air inlet temperature expulsion heat exchange coil 20°C D.B. - 13.7°C W.B. Outdoor air temperature: 7°C D.B./ 6.1 °C W.B. COP referred only to compressors DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb (3) SCROLL = scroll compressor (4) The compressors connected in tandem on single circuit assure 3 capacity steps if of different size and 2 capacity steps if of same size (5) RAD = radial ventilation (6) Max static pressure with pleated air filters SOUND LEVELS Constructional configuration:ZEPHIR 2 Recovery Sound Power Level (dB) Size 45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 Octave band (Hz) Sound pressure level Sound power level 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dB(A) dB(A) 87 86 76 72 71 66 58 52 59 76 89 88 79 75 73 68 61 55 61 78 90 91 82 78 76 73 65 58 64 82 92 92 84 80 78 75 67 61 66 84 91 94 89 84 80 76 69 60 68 86 92 95 90 86 81 77 70 61 70 88 92 94 97 91 89 87 85 72 77 95 96 98 101 95 94 92 89 77 81 100 BT08M001GB-02 16 The sound levels are referred to units working at full load in nominal conditions. The sound pressure level is referred at a distance of 1 m. from the ducted unit surface working in free field conditions.External static pressure 50 Pa. (standard UNI EN ISO 3744) Please note that when the unit is installed in conditions other than nominal test conditions (e.g. near walls or obstacles in general), the sound levels may undergo substantial variations. ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR2 ENERGY ELECTRICAL DATA ZEPHIR 2 (PRODUCT CPAN-XHE) Size 45 F.L.A. - FULL LOAD CURRENT AT MAX ADMISSIBLE CONDITIONS F.L.A. - Compressor 1 A 9,8 F.L.A. - Compressor 2 A 10,2 F.L.A. - Single supply fan A 2,2 F.L.A. - Single exhaust air fan A 2,2 F.L.A. - Total A 24,9 L.R.A. LOCKED ROTOR AMPERES L.R.A. - Compressor 1 A 64 L.R.A. - Compressor 2 A 64 L.R.A. - Single supply fan A 2,2 F.L.I. FULL LOAD POWER INPUT AT MAX ADMISSIBLE CONDITION F.L.I. - Compressor 1 kW 5,9 F.L.I. - Compressor 2 kW 6 F.L.I. - Single supply fan kW 1 F.L.I. – Single exhaust air fan kW 1 F.L.I. - Total kW 14,2 M.I.C. MAXIMUM INRUSH CURRENT M.I.C. - Value A Data referred to standard units. power supply: 400/3/50 Hz +/-6% 78,7 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 9,8 14,3 4,3 2,2 31,1 14,3 14,3 4,3 4,3 37,7 15,2 16,4 4,3 4,3 40,7 15,2 22,6 4,9 4,9 48,1 15,2 30,6 4,9 4,9 56,1 22,6 30,6 4,3 4,9 67,2 30,6 30,6 4,3 4,3 78,9 64 101 4,3 101 101 4,3 95 111 4,3 95 118 4,9 95 173 4,9 118 173 4,3 173 173 4,3 5,9 8,3 2,7 1 18,2 8,3 8,3 2,7 2,7 22,3 8,9 10,1 2,7 2,7 24,7 8,9 13,2 3,1 3,1 28,6 8,9 17 3,2 3,1 32,5 13,2 17 2,7 3,2 39,1 17 17 2,7 2,7 45,1 117,8 124,4 135,3 143,5 198,5 209,6 221,3 voltage unbalance: max 2 % Values not including accessories ELECTRICAL INPUT OF OPTIONAL COMPONENTS To obtain the electrical input of the unit including accessories, add the standard data in Electrical Data table to those for the selected accessories. SIZE F.L.A. FULL LOAD CURRENT AT MAX ADMISSIBLE CONDITIONS F.L.A. EHP7 - Preheating electric heaters from 3 kW F.L.A. EHP14 - Preheating electric heaters from 4,5 kW F.L.A. EHP6 - Preheating electric heaters from 6 kW F.L.A. EHP1 -Preheating electric heaters from 9 kW F.L.A. EHP2 - Preheating electric heaters from 12 kW F.L.A. EHP3 -Preheating electric heaters from 18 kW F.L.A. EHP4 - Preheating electric heaters from 24 kW F.L.A. EHP8 -Preheating electric heaters from 36 kW F.L.A. HSE3 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 3 kg/h F.L.A. HSE5 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 5 kg/h F.L.A. HSE8 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 8 kg/h F.L.A. HSE9 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 15 kg/h F.L.A. FES - Electronic filter F.L.A. LTEMP - Configuration for external low temperature F.L.I. FULL LOAD POWER INPUT AT MAX ADMISSIBLE CONDITION F.L.I. EHP7 - Preheating electric heaters from 3 Kw F.L.I. EHP14 - Preheating electric heaters from 4,5 kW F.L.I. EHP6 - Preheating electric heaters from 6 kW F.L.I. EHP1 -Preheating electric heaters from 9 kW F.L.I. EHP2 - Preheating electric heaters from 12 kW F.L.I. EHP3 -Preheating electric heaters from 18 kW F.L.I. EHP4 - Preheating electric heaters from 24 kW F.L.I. EHP8 -Preheating electric heaters from 36 kW F.L.I. HSE3 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 3 kg/h F.L.I. HSE5 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 5 kg/h F.L.I. HSE8 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 8 kg/h F.L.I. HSE9 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 15 kg/h F.L.I. FES - Electronic filter F.L.I. LTEMP - Configuration for external low temperature 45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4,8 6,5 8,7 13 17,3 26 3,2 8,7 8,7 0,6 1 4,8 6,5 8,7 13 17,3 26 3,2 8,7 8,7 0,6 1 8,7 13 17,3 26 3,2 8,7 8,7 16,2 1,1 1 8,7 13 17,3 26 3,2 8,7 8,7 16.2 1,1 1 17,3 26 34,6 52 8,7 8,7 16.2 1,5 1 17,3 26 34,6 52 8,7 8,7 16.2 1,5 1 17,3 26 34,6 52 8,7 16.2 2,2 1 17,3 26 34,6 52 8,7 16.2 2,2 1 kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW 3,0 4,5 6,0 9,0 12,0 18,0 2,3 6,0 6,0 0,15 0,3 3,0 4,5 6,0 9,0 12,0 18,0 2,3 6,0 6,0 0,15 0,3 6,0 9,0 12,0 18,0 2,3 6,0 6,0 11,3 0,25 0,3 6,0 9,0 12,0 18,0 2,3 6,0 6,0 11,3 0,25 0,3 12,0 18,0 24,0 36,0 6,0 6,0 11,3 0.33 0,3 12,0 18,0 24,0 36,0 6,0 6,0 11,3 0.33 0,3 12,0 18,0 24,0 36,0 6,0 11,3 0.5 0,3 12,0 18,0 24,0 36,0 6,0 11,3 0.5 0,3 PRESSURE DROPS OF OPTIONAL COMPONENTS The value of static pressure available on the supply and return duct is obtained by subtracting from the available net maximum pressure (see general table of technical data) the pressure drops of any accessories. SIZE PRESSURE DROP EPWR - EXTRAPOWER (with water exchanger in addition) CPHG - Hot gas re-heating coil F7 - High efficiency F7 air filter FES - Electronic filter HWS - Water to waste evaporating wet-deck humidifier ASGX - Sand trap louvre Pa Pa 1 Pa Pa Pa Pa 45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 35 15 120 15 15 65 45 20 130 20 20 85 26 15 170 20 20 50 33 20 180 25 25 65 30 15 170 20 20 110 42 20 180 25 25 170 31 15 170 20 20 120 43 20 180 25 25 170 The values shown are to be considered approximate for units operating power in normal use with standard air flow rate. (1)Pressure drops with filters with average dirtiness 17 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR2 ENERGY COOLING PERFORMANCE Size INLET AIR TEMPERATURE DISCHARGED/AMBIENT AIR TO COIL °C Ta (°C) DB/WB 22 / 19 28 / 20 45 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 / 19 28 / 20 52 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 / 19 28 / 20 60 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 / 19 28 / 20 70 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 / 19 28 / 20 90 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 / 19 28 / 20 110 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 kWf 18,4 20,1 29,1 18,9 20,7 29,8 19,5 21,3 30,6 31,4 33,1 34,9 19,0 24,9 33,3 19,5 25,6 34,2 20,1 26,4 35,1 36,0 37,9 40,0 27,5 27,5 41,8 28,2 28,2 43,0 29,0 29,0 44,2 45,3 47,3 49,1 30,2 32,8 48,1 31,1 33,9 49,1 31,9 34,9 50,1 51,3 53,7 56,5 32,2 43,8 57,6 33,2 45,1 59,3 34,2 46,3 60,9 62,3 64,8 67,0 33,3 53,4 69,5 34,5 55,0 70,5 35,7 56,7 71,8 73,4 77,9 83,8 kWe 2,8 3,4 7,9 2,9 3,5 8,0 2,9 3,5 8,1 8,1 8,3 8,4 2,7 4,6 9,1 2,8 4,7 9,2 2,8 4,8 9,4 9,5 9,7 9,9 4,4 4,4 10,3 4,4 4,4 10,4 4,5 4,5 10,6 10,8 11,2 11,8 4,7 5,5 12,0 4,7 5,5 12,1 4,8 5,6 12,3 12,5 13,0 13,6 4,5 7,3 14,4 4,5 7,4 14,5 4,6 7,5 14,6 14,8 15,5 16,1 4,3 10,0 16,2 4,3 10,1 16,3 4,4 10,2 16,3 16,4 16,7 17,2 kWs 9,7 10,4 14,6 14,6 15,4 19,7 15,3 16,3 20,5 21,1 21,5 22,7 10,1 12,6 15,9 16,2 18,5 21,8 17,4 19,5 22,8 23,9 24,9 26,1 13,8 13,8 20,4 21,4 21,4 27,5 22,5 22,5 28,5 29,4 29,3 29,3 15,2 17,0 21,1 24,0 24,0 29,6 25,5 25,1 31,5 33,5 35,0 33,8 17,2 21,8 28,1 30,0 31,6 38,4 30,6 34,3 40,1 41,8 43,1 44,6 19,1 27,5 30,7 31,7 39,6 50,6 33,7 42,3 51,2 50,2 46,6 51,1 25 Td 15,7 15,3 12,6 18,4 17,9 15,1 19,8 19,2 16,5 18,0 20,6 22,8 16,3 14,9 13,1 18,7 17,5 15,6 20,0 18,8 17,0 18,3 20,6 22,8 15,3 15,3 12,1 17,5 17,5 14,5 18,8 18,8 15,9 17,4 20,3 23,2 15,7 14,9 13,2 17,9 17,8 15,5 19,2 19,3 16,6 17,7 20,0 23,4 16,4 14,9 12,9 18,1 17,6 15,4 19,9 18,7 16,8 18,1 20,6 23,0 16,9 14,7 13,9 19,4 17,3 14,4 20,8 18,6 16,2 18,4 22,2 23,9 Tw 14,8 14,4 12,1 15,8 15,4 13,2 16,8 16,4 14,2 15,3 17,4 19,5 15,3 14,1 12,2 16,3 15,0 13,2 17,3 16,0 14,3 15,3 17,5 19,6 14,3 14,3 11,6 15,3 15,3 12,5 16,3 16,3 13,6 14,6 16,9 19,1 14,6 14,2 11,7 15,5 15,1 12,7 16,6 16,1 13,8 14,9 17,1 19,2 15,3 14,0 12,2 16,3 14,9 13,2 17,3 16,0 14,2 15,3 17,5 19,8 15,9 14,0 12,3 16,9 14,9 13,4 17,9 16,0 14,5 15,6 17,6 19,6 EER 6,5 5,9 3,7 6,6 6,0 3,7 6,8 6,1 3,8 3,9 4,0 4,1 7,0 5,4 3,6 7,1 5,5 3,7 7,2 5,6 3,8 3,8 3,9 4,0 6,3 6,3 4,1 6,4 6,4 4,1 6,5 6,5 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 6,5 6,0 4,0 6,6 6,1 4,1 6,7 6,2 4,1 4,1 4,1 4,2 7,2 6,0 4,0 7,4 6,1 4,1 7,5 6,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 4,2 7,8 5,4 4,3 8,0 5,5 4,3 8,1 5,6 4,4 4,5 4,7 4,9 kWf 17,9 19,5 28,5 18,4 20,1 29,2 19,0 20,7 30,0 30,8 32,5 34,3 18,4 24,6 32,4 19,0 25,4 33,3 19,6 26,1 34,2 35,1 37,0 38,9 26,9 26,9 40,3 27,7 27,7 41,2 28,4 28,4 42,1 43,1 45,3 47,7 29,4 32,2 46,9 30,3 33,2 48,1 31,2 34,2 49,3 50,4 52,6 54,8 31,5 42,5 55,5 32,5 43,7 57,0 33,5 45,1 58,5 60,0 62,9 65,7 32,6 53,3 68,4 33,9 54,8 68,7 35,1 56,3 69,5 70,9 75,3 82,0 Ta = fresh air temperature D.B./W.B. Temperature range Ta = 22/19 typical with use of a water pre-treatment heat exchange coil DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb kWf = Cooling capacity in kW kWe 3,0 3,7 8,3 3,1 3,7 8,4 3,1 3,7 8,5 8,5 8,7 8,8 2,9 4,9 9,7 3,0 4,9 9,8 3,0 5,0 9,9 10,0 10,2 10,4 4,6 4,6 11,2 4,7 4,7 11,4 4,7 4,7 11,6 11,7 12,1 12,4 5,0 5,8 12,7 5,0 5,8 12,7 5,1 5,9 12,8 13,0 13,5 14,2 4,7 7,8 15,5 4,8 7,8 15,6 4,8 7,9 15,7 15,9 16,3 16,9 4,6 10,3 17,0 4,6 10,4 17,1 4,7 10,4 17,2 17,4 17,8 18,3 kWs 9,5 10,2 14,2 14,5 15,2 19,3 15,2 16,1 20,1 20,8 21,2 22,5 9,9 12,3 15,6 16,1 18,3 21,4 17,2 19,2 22,5 23,6 24,6 25,8 13,5 13,5 19,7 21,1 21,1 26,7 22,2 22,2 27,8 28,7 29,1 30,0 14,9 16,8 20,5 23,6 23,9 29,0 25,1 25,1 30,9 32,9 34,7 33,8 16,8 21,4 27,2 29,6 31,1 37,5 30,2 33,7 39,3 41,0 42,3 43,8 18,8 26,9 30,4 31,5 39,0 50,0 33,5 41,7 50,4 49,3 45,5 49,9 26 Td 15,8 15,4 12,8 18,5 18,0 15,3 19,9 19,4 16,7 18,2 20,8 22,9 16,4 15,1 13,3 18,8 17,6 15,8 20,1 19,0 17,1 18,5 20,8 23,0 15,4 15,4 12,4 17,6 17,6 14,9 19,0 19,0 16,3 17,7 20,4 22,9 15,8 15,0 13,5 18,0 17,9 15,7 19,3 19,3 16,9 18,0 20,1 23,4 16,5 15,1 13,2 18,2 17,7 15,7 20,0 18,8 17,0 18,4 20,9 23,3 17,0 14,9 13,9 19,5 17,5 14,6 20,9 18,7 16,4 18,6 22,5 24,2 Tw 14,9 14,5 12,3 15,9 15,5 13,3 16,9 16,5 14,4 15,4 17,5 19,7 15,4 14,1 12,4 16,4 15,1 13,4 17,4 16,1 14,4 15,5 17,6 19,8 14,4 14,4 11,9 15,4 15,4 12,9 16,4 16,4 14,0 15,0 17,2 19,4 14,7 14,3 11,9 15,7 15,2 12,9 16,7 16,2 13,9 15,0 17,2 19,5 15,4 14,1 12,5 16,4 15,1 13,5 17,4 16,1 14,5 15,6 17,8 20,0 16,0 14,0 12,4 16,9 15,0 13,6 17,9 16,0 14,7 15,8 17,9 19,8 EER 5,9 5,4 3,4 6,0 5,5 3,5 6,1 5,6 3,5 3,6 3,8 3,9 6,3 5,1 3,3 6,4 5,1 3,4 6,5 5,2 3,5 3,5 3,6 3,7 5,8 5,8 3,6 5,9 5,9 3,6 6,0 6,0 3,6 3,7 3,7 3,8 5,9 5,6 3,7 6,1 5,7 3,8 6,2 5,8 3,9 3,9 3,9 3,9 6,7 5,5 3,6 6,8 5,6 3,7 6,9 5,7 3,7 3,8 3,9 3,9 7,2 5,2 4,0 7,4 5,3 4,0 7,5 5,4 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,5 kWf 17,8 19,4 28,3 18,3 19,9 29,0 18,8 20,5 29,8 30,6 32,2 34,0 18,3 24,5 32,1 18,8 25,2 33,0 19,4 25,9 33,9 34,8 36,7 38,6 26,7 26,7 39,9 27,4 27,4 40,6 28,2 28,2 41,5 42,5 44,7 47,2 29,2 32,0 46,4 30,1 33,0 47,6 30,9 33,9 48,8 49,9 52,1 54,1 31,3 42,0 54,8 32,3 43,3 56,3 33,2 44,6 57,7 59,2 62,2 65,2 32,4 53,1 67,8 33,6 54,6 68,1 34,9 56,1 68,9 70,2 74,6 81,2 kWe 3,1 3,7 8,5 3,1 3,8 8,5 3,2 3,8 8,6 8,7 8,8 8,9 3,0 5,0 9,9 3,0 5,0 10,0 3,1 5,1 10,1 10,1 10,3 10,6 4,7 4,7 11,4 4,7 4,7 11,7 4,8 4,8 11,9 12,0 12,4 12,7 5,1 5,9 13,0 5,1 5,9 13,0 5,2 6,0 13,1 13,2 13,8 14,4 4,8 7,9 15,8 4,9 8,0 15,9 4,9 8,0 16,1 16,2 16,6 17,1 4,6 10,4 17,3 4,7 10,5 17,4 4,8 10,6 17,6 17,8 18,2 18,7 kWs 9,5 10,1 14,1 14,4 15,1 19,2 15,2 16,0 19,9 20,6 21,1 22,4 9,9 12,2 15,5 16,0 18,2 21,3 17,1 19,2 22,4 23,4 24,5 25,7 13,4 13,4 19,5 21,0 21,0 26,5 22,1 22,1 27,6 28,5 29,0 30,2 14,8 16,7 20,3 23,5 23,8 28,7 25,0 25,2 30,7 32,7 34,6 33,8 16,6 21,3 26,9 29,5 31,0 37,2 30,1 33,6 39,0 40,7 42,1 43,5 18,7 26,7 30,3 31,4 38,8 49,8 33,4 41,5 50,2 49,0 45,1 49,5 Td 15,9 15,4 12,9 18,5 18,1 15,4 20,0 19,4 16,8 18,3 20,9 22,9 16,4 15,1 13,3 18,9 17,6 15,9 20,2 19,0 17,2 18,5 20,8 23,1 15,5 15,5 12,5 17,6 17,6 15,0 19,0 19,0 16,4 17,8 20,5 22,8 15,8 15,0 13,6 18,0 17,9 15,9 19,3 19,3 17,0 18,1 20,2 23,4 16,6 15,1 13,3 18,3 17,8 15,8 20,0 18,9 17,1 18,5 21,0 23,4 17,0 14,9 14,0 19,5 17,5 14,6 20,9 18,8 16,5 18,7 22,6 24,4 Tw 15,0 14,6 12,4 15,9 15,6 13,4 17,0 16,6 14,4 15,5 17,6 19,7 15,4 14,1 12,5 16,4 15,1 13,5 17,4 16,1 14,5 15,6 17,7 19,8 14,4 14,4 11,9 15,4 15,4 13,0 16,4 16,4 14,1 15,2 17,3 19,4 14,7 14,3 11,9 15,7 15,3 12,9 16,7 16,3 14,0 15,1 17,3 19,6 15,5 14,2 12,6 16,4 15,2 13,6 17,4 16,2 14,6 15,7 17,8 20,0 16,0 14,0 12,5 17,0 15,0 13,7 17,9 16,0 14,8 15,9 17,9 19,9 EER 5,7 5,2 3,3 5,8 5,3 3,4 5,9 5,4 3,5 3,5 3,7 3,8 6,1 4,9 3,2 6,2 5,0 3,3 6,3 5,1 3,4 3,4 3,5 3,6 5,7 5,7 3,5 5,8 5,8 3,5 5,9 5,9 3,5 3,5 3,6 3,7 5,8 5,4 3,6 5,9 5,5 3,7 6,0 5,6 3,7 3,8 3,8 3,8 6,5 5,3 3,5 6,6 5,4 3,5 6,7 5,5 3,6 3,7 3,7 3,8 7,0 5,1 3,9 7,2 5,2 3,9 7,3 5,3 3,9 3,9 4,1 4,3 kWe = Compressor power input in kW kWs = sensible cooling capacity (kW) Td = dry bulb air outlet temperature °C Tw = wet bulb air outlet temperature °C All cooling capacities do not take into account the heat generated by fan motors FOLLOWS >> BT08M001GB-02 18 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR2 ENERGY >> GO ON COOLING PERFORMANCE INLET AIR TEMPERATURE DISCHARGED/AMBIENT AIR TO COIL °C Ta ( °C ) D B / WB Size 22 / 19 28 / 20 130 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 / 19 28 / 20 160 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 25 26 kWf kWe kWs Td Tw EER kWf kWe kWs Td Tw EER kWf kWe kWs Td Tw EER 48,5 58,7 84,9 50,0 60,8 86,9 51,5 62,7 89,0 91,1 95,4 99,9 61,3 61,3 96,3 63,4 63,4 98,9 65,3 65,3 101,6 104,4 110,4 116,9 6,8 9,3 18,5 6,8 9,4 18,7 6,9 9,4 18,9 19,2 19,8 20,6 9,0 9,0 20,9 9,1 9,1 21,0 9,2 9,2 21,1 21,3 21,7 22,2 25,9 30,4 39,1 44,0 45,5 54,5 46,0 48,3 57,3 60,1 62,5 63,8 33,3 33,3 45,1 51,0 51,0 63,9 54,9 54,9 67,4 70,9 74,0 76,6 16,2 15,2 13,2 18,0 17,6 15,6 19,4 18,9 16,9 18,2 20,6 23,1 15,9 15,9 13,8 18,5 18,5 16,2 19,8 19,8 17,5 18,8 21,1 23,5 15,2 14,3 12,1 16,2 15,3 13,1 17,2 16,3 14,1 15,2 17,4 19,6 15,1 15,1 12,7 16,0 16,0 13,6 17,1 17,1 14,7 15,7 17,8 19,9 7,1 6,3 4,6 7,3 6,5 4,6 7,5 6,7 4,7 4,7 4,8 4,8 6,8 6,8 4,6 7,0 7,0 4,7 7,1 7,1 4,8 4,9 5,1 5,3 47,5 57,6 82,0 49,0 59,5 83,8 50,6 61,2 85,7 87,7 91,9 96,5 60,0 60,0 94,7 61,8 61,8 97,1 63,7 63,7 99,7 102,4 108,2 114,5 7,2 9,8 20,0 7,2 9,8 20,3 7,3 9,9 20,5 20,8 21,3 21,9 9,5 9,5 21,9 9,6 9,6 22,1 9,7 9,7 22,2 22,4 22,8 23,2 25,3 29,9 38,0 43,4 45,0 53,5 45,5 47,7 56,3 59,1 61,5 62,7 32,8 32,8 44,1 50,5 50,5 63,0 54,3 54,3 66,5 69,9 73,0 75,5 16,3 15,3 13,5 18,1 17,7 15,8 19,6 19,1 17,1 18,4 20,8 23,4 16,0 16,0 14,0 18,6 18,6 16,4 19,9 19,9 17,6 19,0 21,3 23,7 15,3 14,4 12,3 16,2 15,4 13,3 17,2 16,4 14,4 15,5 17,7 19,8 15,2 15,2 12,8 16,1 16,1 13,8 17,2 17,2 14,8 15,9 18,0 20,1 6,6 5,9 4,1 6,8 6,1 4,1 6,9 6,2 4,2 4,2 4,3 4,4 6,3 6,3 4,3 6,4 6,4 4,4 6,6 6,6 4,5 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Temperature range Ta = 22/19 typical with use of a water pre-treatment heat exchange coil DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb kWf = Cooling capacity in kW kWe = Compressor power input in kW kWs = sensible cooling capacity (kW) Td = dry bulb air outlet temperature °C Tw = wet bulb air outlet temperature °C All cooling capacities do not take into account the heat generated by fan motors OPERATING LIMITS (COOLING) 35 THE LIMITS ARE INDICATIVE AND CONSIDERED: - GENERAL AND NON-SPECIFIC SIZES - STANDARD AIR FLOW-RATE - OPERATION AT FULL LOAD - CORRECTLY INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED UNIT 30 Text (W.B.) °C 2 TEXT = TEMPERATURE OF FRESH AIR /INLET OF TREATMENT COIL CAUTION! TEMPERATURE MEASURED WITH WET BULB (W.B.=WET BULB) 25 20 1 TI = TEMPERATURE OF INTAKE AIR / INLET OF EXPULSION COIL. CAUTION! DRY BULB MEASURED TEMPERATURE (D.B.=DRY BULB) 15 1 = STANDARD OPERATING RANGE 2 = OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT WITH EXTRAPOWER OPTIONS AND CONFIGURATION FOR EXTERIOR HIGH TEMPERATURE 10 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Ti (D.B.) °C WET BULB TEMPERATURE -EXAMPLE 19 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR2 ENERGY COOLING PERFORMANCE Size INLET AIR TEMPERATURE DISCHARGED/AMBIENT AIR TO COIL °C Ta (°C) DB/WB 22 / 19 28 / 20 45 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 / 19 28 / 20 52 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 / 19 28 / 20 60 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 / 19 28 / 20 70 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 / 19 28 / 20 90 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 / 19 28 / 20 110 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 27 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 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3,0 5,2 4,8 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,5 5,3 4,3 2,9 5,4 4,4 3,0 5,6 4,5 3,1 3,1 3,2 3,3 5,1 5,1 3,0 5,2 5,2 3,0 5,3 5,3 3,1 3,1 3,2 3,3 5,1 4,9 3,0 5,2 5,0 3,1 5,4 5,1 3,2 3,2 3,3 3,3 5,8 4,7 3,0 5,9 4,7 3,1 6,0 4,9 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,5 6,2 4,7 3,4 6,4 4,7 3,4 6,6 4,8 3,4 3,5 3,6 3,8 Ta = fresh air temperature D.B./W.B. Temperature range Ta = 22/19 typical with use of a water pre-treatment heat exchange coil DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb kWf = Cooling capacity in kW kWe = Compressor power input in kW kWs = sensible cooling capacity (kW) Td = dry bulb air outlet temperature °C Tw = wet bulb air outlet temperature °C All cooling capacities do not take into account the heat generated by fan motors FOLLOWS >> BT08M001GB-02 20 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR2 ENERGY >> GO ON COOLING PERFORMANCE Size Ta ( °C ) D B / WB 22 / 19 28 / 20 130 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 / 19 28 / 20 160 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 INLET AIR TEMPERATURE DISCHARGED/AMBIENT AIR TO COIL °C 27 kWf C1 46,8 C2 56,7 C1+C2 80,0 C1 48,3 C2 58,6 C1+C2 81,7 C1 49,8 C2 60,3 C1+C2 83,6 C1+C2 85,5 C1+C2 89,7 C1+C2 94,4 C1 59,1 C2 59,1 C1+C2 93,1 C1 60,8 C2 60,8 C1+C2 95,4 C1 62,6 C2 62,6 C1+C2 97,9 C1+C2 100,5 C1+C2 106,1 C1+C2 112,1 28 30 kWe kWs Td Tw EER kWf kWe kWs Td Tw EER kWf kWe kWs Td Tw EER 7,5 10,1 21,1 7,5 10,2 21,4 7,6 10,3 21,6 21,8 22,3 22,8 9,9 9,9 22,8 9,9 9,9 23,0 10,0 10,0 23,2 23,4 23,8 24,2 24,9 29,5 37,2 43,0 44,6 52,8 45,1 47,3 55,6 58,4 60,8 62,0 32,4 32,4 43,5 50,1 50,1 62,4 53,9 53,9 65,8 69,3 72,3 74,8 16,4 15,4 13,7 18,2 17,8 16,0 19,7 19,2 17,3 18,6 20,9 23,6 16,1 16,1 14,1 18,7 18,7 16,5 20,0 20,0 17,8 19,1 21,4 23,8 15,3 14,5 12,5 16,3 15,5 13,5 17,3 16,5 14,6 15,7 17,8 20,0 15,2 15,2 12,9 16,2 16,2 13,9 17,2 17,2 14,9 16,0 18,1 20,2 6,3 5,6 3,8 6,4 5,8 3,8 6,6 5,9 3,9 3,9 4,0 4,1 6,0 6,0 4,1 6,1 6,1 4,1 6,3 6,3 4,2 4,3 4,5 4,6 46,4 56,3 79,0 47,8 58,1 80,7 49,4 59,8 82,5 84,5 88,7 93,3 58,6 58,6 92,2 60,3 60,3 94,5 62,1 62,1 96,9 99,4 104,8 110,7 7,6 10,3 21,7 7,7 10,4 21,9 7,7 10,4 22,1 22,3 22,8 23,2 10,0 10,0 23,4 10,1 10,1 23,6 10,2 10,2 23,8 24,0 24,4 24,8 24,7 29,3 36,9 42,8 44,4 52,4 44,9 47,1 55,3 58,1 60,5 61,6 32,3 32,3 43,2 49,9 49,9 62,1 53,7 53,7 65,5 69,0 71,9 74,4 16,4 15,4 13,7 18,2 17,9 16,1 19,7 19,2 17,4 18,7 21,0 23,7 16,1 16,1 14,1 18,7 18,7 16,5 20,0 20,0 17,8 19,1 21,5 23,9 15,4 14,5 12,6 16,3 15,5 13,6 17,3 16,5 14,7 15,8 17,9 20,1 15,3 15,3 13,0 16,2 16,2 14,0 17,3 17,3 15,0 16,1 18,2 20,3 6,1 5,5 3,6 6,3 5,6 3,7 6,4 5,7 3,7 3,8 3,9 4,0 5,8 5,8 3,9 6,0 6,0 4,0 6,1 6,1 4,1 4,1 4,3 4,5 45,6 55,4 77,0 47,0 57,2 78,7 48,4 58,9 80,5 82,4 86,6 91,2 57,7 57,7 90,1 59,3 59,3 92,2 61,0 61,0 94,5 96,9 101,9 107,4 7,9 10,6 22,8 7,9 10,8 23,0 8,0 10,8 23,2 23,4 23,8 24,1 10,4 10,4 24,7 10,5 10,5 24,9 10,5 10,5 25,1 25,3 25,8 26,3 24,3 28,9 36,1 42,4 44,1 51,7 44,5 46,8 54,6 57,5 59,8 60,9 31,9 31,9 42,5 49,6 49,6 61,4 53,3 53,3 64,9 68,3 71,3 73,6 16,5 15,5 13,9 18,3 18,0 16,2 19,8 19,3 17,5 18,8 21,2 23,8 16,2 16,2 14,3 18,8 18,8 16,6 20,1 20,1 17,9 19,3 21,6 24,1 15,4 14,6 12,8 16,4 15,6 13,8 17,4 16,6 14,9 15,9 18,1 20,2 15,3 15,3 13,1 16,3 16,3 14,1 17,3 17,3 15,2 16,2 18,4 20,5 5,8 5,2 3,4 5,9 5,3 3,4 6,1 5,4 3,5 3,5 3,6 3,8 5,6 5,6 3,6 5,7 5,7 3,7 5,8 5,8 3,8 3,8 3,9 4,1 Ta = fresh air temperature D.B./W.B. Temperature range Ta = 22/19 typical with use of a water pre-treatment heat exchange coil DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb kWf = Cooling capacity in kW kWe = Compressor power input in kW kWs = sensible cooling capacity (kW) Td = dry bulb air outlet temperature °C Tw = wet bulb air outlet temperature °C All cooling capacities do not take into account the heat generated by fan motors 21 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR2 ENERGY HEATING PERFORMANCE Size Ta (°C) DB -5 0 5 7 45 10 15 -5 0 5 7 52 10 15 -5 0 5 7 60 10 15 -5 0 5 7 70 10 15 -5 0 5 7 90 10 15 TEMPERATURE OF EXHAUST COIL INLET AIR/AMBIENT AIR (°C) (D.B./W.B.) 16/10,4 18/12,1 19/12,9 20/13,7 22/15,3 kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 33,4 33,2 32,9 18,2 20,5 32,8 17,7 20,2 32,6 18,1 20,0 32,3 4,7 5,2 5,9 2,1 2,7 6,3 2,2 2,8 6,7 2,5 3,1 7,7 15,1 20,4 25,5 18,5 19,9 27,6 21,3 22,8 30,7 26,6 27,9 35,8 7,2 6,3 5,6 8,7 7,7 5,2 8,0 7,2 4,9 7,1 6,4 4,2 34,9 34,6 34,2 19,1 21,4 34,1 18,9 21,5 33,9 18,8 21,2 33,5 4,8 5,4 6,1 2,1 2,7 6,5 2,3 2,9 6,9 2,6 3,2 7,9 16,0 21,2 26,4 19,0 20,4 28,4 22,0 23,6 31,5 27,1 28,7 36,6 7,2 6,4 5,6 9,0 7,8 5,3 8,3 7,5 4,9 7,3 6,6 4,2 35,7 35,3 34,9 19,6 21,9 34,7 19,4 22,0 34,5 19,2 21,7 34,1 4,9 5,5 6,2 2,2 2,8 6,6 2,3 2,9 7,0 2,6 3,3 8,0 16,5 21,7 26,8 19,3 20,8 28,8 22,3 24,0 31,9 27,4 29,0 37,0 7,3 6,4 5,6 9,1 7,9 5,3 8,5 7,5 4,9 7,3 6,6 4,2 36,5 36,0 35,6 20,1 22,4 35,4 19,9 22,6 35,2 19,6 22,2 34,7 5,0 5,6 6,3 2,2 2,8 6,7 2,3 3,0 7,1 2,6 3,3 8,1 17,0 22,1 27,2 19,6 21,1 29,3 22,7 24,3 32,4 27,6 29,3 37,4 7,3 6,4 5,6 9,2 8,0 5,3 8,6 7,6 5,0 7,4 6,7 4,3 38,0 37,5 37,0 21,0 23,6 36,7 20,9 23,5 36,5 20,3 23,0 35,9 5,2 5,8 6,5 2,2 2,9 6,9 2,4 3,0 7,3 2,7 3,4 8,4 17,9 23,0 28,1 20,2 21,8 30,1 23,2 24,9 33,2 28,1 29,9 38,2 7,3 6,5 5,7 9,5 8,2 5,3 8,8 7,8 5,0 7,6 6,8 4,3 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 38,4 38,2 37,8 18,5 25,7 37,7 18,5 25,6 37,5 18,4 25,6 37,1 5,5 6,1 6,9 2,3 3,5 7,4 2,5 3,7 7,8 2,8 4,2 9,0 15,0 20,3 25,4 17,1 21,0 27,5 20,2 24,1 30,6 25,3 29,3 35,7 7,0 6,2 5,4 8,2 7,4 5,1 7,6 7,0 4,8 6,6 6,0 4,1 40,2 39,7 39,3 19,3 26,7 39,1 19,3 26,6 38,9 19,3 26,7 38,4 5,7 6,4 7,2 2,3 3,6 7,6 2,5 3,8 8,1 2,9 4,3 9,2 16,0 21,1 26,2 17,5 21,5 28,3 20,6 24,6 31,4 25,8 29,9 36,4 7,1 6,3 5,5 8,4 7,5 5,1 7,7 7,1 4,8 6,7 6,2 4,2 41,0 40,5 40,1 19,7 27,4 39,9 19,7 27,3 39,6 19,6 27,3 39,1 5,7 6,5 7,3 2,3 3,6 7,7 2,5 3,8 8,2 2,9 4,4 9,4 16,4 21,5 26,7 17,7 21,9 28,7 20,8 25,0 31,8 26,0 30,2 36,8 7,1 6,3 5,5 8,5 7,6 5,2 7,8 7,1 4,8 6,8 6,2 4,2 41,9 41,4 40,9 20,1 28,1 40,6 20,1 28,0 40,4 20,0 27,9 39,8 5,9 6,6 7,4 2,4 3,7 7,8 2,6 3,9 8,3 2,9 4,5 9,5 16,9 22,0 27,1 18,0 22,3 29,1 21,0 25,4 32,2 26,2 30,6 37,2 7,2 6,3 5,5 8,5 7,6 5,2 7,8 7,2 4,9 6,8 6,3 4,2 43,6 43,0 42,5 21,2 29,9 42,2 20,9 29,6 41,9 20,6 29,0 41,2 6,1 6,8 7,6 2,4 3,8 8,1 2,6 4,0 8,6 3,0 4,6 9,7 17,8 22,8 28,0 18,5 23,3 30,0 21,5 26,3 33,0 26,5 31,2 38,0 7,2 6,3 5,6 8,7 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18,3 23,4 28,5 20,4 21,9 30,5 23,4 24,8 33,6 28,3 30,0 38,5 7,2 6,4 5,7 8,5 8,4 5,4 7,9 7,8 5,1 6,9 6,9 4,4 62,7 61,8 60,9 35,3 38,1 60,4 34,8 37,0 59,9 33,3 38,1 58,7 8,7 9,6 10,6 4,1 4,5 11,2 4,3 4,7 11,8 4,7 5,4 13,2 19,3 24,4 29,4 21,2 22,4 31,4 24,2 25,1 34,5 28,8 30,8 39,3 7,2 6,5 5,7 8,7 8,5 5,4 8,1 7,8 5,1 7,0 7,1 4,4 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 63,0 64,6 65,1 31,7 43,6 65,1 31,4 43,4 64,8 31,1 44,1 63,5 8,7 9,7 10,9 4,0 5,8 11,5 4,2 6,1 12,2 4,7 6,8 13,8 14,0 19,8 25,3 17,0 20,7 27,5 20,0 23,8 30,6 25,0 29,2 35,5 7,3 6,7 6,0 7,9 7,5 5,7 7,4 7,2 5,3 6,6 6,5 4,6 68,6 68,5 68,1 33,1 45,3 67,7 32,8 45,2 67,3 32,2 46,2 66,0 9,2 10,1 11,2 4,1 5,9 11,8 4,3 6,2 12,5 4,8 7,0 14,1 15,7 21,0 26,3 17,4 21,2 28,3 20,4 24,3 31,4 25,4 29,9 36,3 7,5 6,8 6,1 8,0 7,7 5,7 7,6 7,3 5,4 6,7 6,6 4,7 70,9 70,3 69,6 33,7 46,5 69,1 33,4 46,3 68,6 32,8 47,2 67,2 9,4 10,3 11,4 4,2 6,0 12,0 4,4 6,3 12,6 4,9 7,0 14,3 16,4 21,6 26,7 17,6 21,6 28,7 20,6 24,7 31,8 25,6 30,2 36,7 7,6 6,8 6,1 8,1 7,8 5,8 7,6 7,4 5,4 6,7 6,7 4,7 72,8 72,0 71,0 34,4 47,9 70,5 34,1 47,6 69,9 33,4 48,1 68,4 9,6 10,5 11,6 4,2 6,1 12,2 4,5 6,3 12,8 4,9 7,1 14,5 17,0 22,1 27,2 17,8 22,0 29,2 20,8 25,1 32,2 25,8 30,5 37,1 7,6 6,9 6,1 8,1 7,9 5,8 7,7 7,5 5,5 6,7 6,8 4,7 75,7 74,9 73,8 35,7 51,2 73,2 35,4 50,8 72,6 34,6 49,8 70,9 9,8 10,8 11,9 4,3 6,3 12,5 4,6 6,6 13,2 5,1 7,2 14,8 17,8 23,0 28,0 18,2 23,1 30,0 21,2 26,1 33,0 26,2 31,1 37,9 7,7 6,9 6,2 8,2 8,2 5,9 7,8 7,7 5,5 6,8 6,9 4,8 Ta = Outside air temperature (°C) DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb kWt = Heating capacity provided (kW) BT08M001GB-02 kWe = Compressor power input in kW Td = dry bulb air outlet temperature °C All heating capacities do not take into account the heat generated by fan motors 22 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR2 ENERGY HEATING PERFORMANCE Size Ta (°C) DB -5 0 5 7 110 10 15 -5 0 5 7 130 10 15 -5 0 5 7 160 10 15 TEMPERATURE OF EXHAUST COIL INLET AIR/AMBIENT AIR (°C) (D.B./W.B.) 16/10,4 18/12,1 19/12,9 20/13,7 22/15,3 kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 79,2 77,9 76,8 32,8 56,5 76,3 32,3 56,7 75,9 31,6 55,8 74,8 10,8 11,7 12,8 3,9 7,7 13,5 4,2 8,2 14,2 4,7 9,1 16,2 14,5 19,6 24,6 15,4 21,5 26,6 18,4 24,7 29,7 23,4 29,7 34,7 7,3 6,7 6,0 8,3 7,3 5,7 7,7 6,9 5,3 6,8 6,2 4,6 82,1 81,0 79,9 34,2 58,9 79,4 33,7 59,4 78,9 32,9 58,3 77,8 11,1 12,0 13,2 4,0 7,9 13,9 4,3 8,4 14,6 4,8 9,3 16,6 15,3 20,3 25,4 15,8 22,1 27,4 18,8 25,4 30,5 23,7 30,4 35,5 7,4 6,8 6,1 8,5 7,4 5,7 7,8 7,0 5,4 6,9 6,3 4,7 83,7 82,6 81,5 34,9 60,3 81,0 34,5 60,6 80,5 33,5 59,5 79,3 11,2 12,1 13,4 4,1 8,0 14,1 4,4 8,5 14,8 4,8 9,4 16,9 15,7 20,7 25,8 16,0 22,5 27,8 19,0 25,7 30,9 23,9 30,7 35,9 7,5 6,8 6,1 8,5 7,5 5,8 7,9 7,1 5,4 6,9 6,3 4,7 85,3 84,2 83,1 35,7 61,7 82,5 35,2 61,9 82,0 34,2 60,7 80,7 11,4 12,3 13,6 4,2 8,1 14,3 4,4 8,6 15,0 4,9 9,5 17,1 16,0 21,1 26,2 16,2 22,9 28,2 19,1 26,1 31,3 24,0 31,0 36,3 7,5 6,8 6,1 8,6 7,6 5,8 8,0 7,2 5,5 7,0 6,4 4,7 88,8 87,5 86,3 37,2 65,0 85,7 36,7 64,2 85,1 35,7 63,0 83,7 11,7 12,7 14,0 4,3 8,4 14,7 4,5 8,8 15,5 5,0 9,7 17,5 16,9 22,0 27,0 16,6 23,7 29,0 19,5 26,7 32,1 24,4 31,6 37,1 7,6 6,9 6,2 8,7 7,8 5,8 8,1 7,3 5,5 7,1 6,5 4,8 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 94,8 93,4 92,1 47,2 60,1 91,4 46,2 59,3 90,8 45,6 58,4 89,4 12,6 13,6 14,9 5,9 7,4 15,6 6,3 7,8 16,4 6,9 8,5 18,6 14,8 19,8 24,9 17,3 20,1 26,9 20,2 23,0 30,0 25,2 28,0 35,0 7,5 6,9 6,2 7,9 8,1 5,9 7,4 7,6 5,5 6,6 6,9 4,8 98,6 97,1 95,7 49,2 62,7 95,0 48,1 61,9 94,4 47,5 60,7 92,9 12,9 13,9 15,3 6,1 7,6 16,0 6,4 7,9 16,9 7,1 8,7 19,1 15,6 20,6 25,7 17,7 20,6 27,7 20,6 23,6 30,7 25,6 28,5 35,8 7,6 7,0 6,3 8,1 8,2 5,9 7,5 7,8 5,6 6,7 7,0 4,9 100,6 99,1 97,6 50,2 64,0 96,9 49,4 63,3 96,2 48,6 61,9 94,7 13,1 14,1 15,5 6,2 7,7 16,3 6,5 8,0 17,1 7,2 8,8 19,3 16,0 21,0 26,1 17,9 20,9 28,1 20,9 23,9 31,2 25,9 28,8 36,1 7,7 7,0 6,3 8,2 8,3 6,0 7,6 7,9 5,6 6,8 7,1 4,9 102,6 101,0 99,6 51,4 65,4 98,8 50,8 64,6 98,1 49,9 63,2 96,4 13,3 14,3 15,7 6,2 7,8 16,5 6,6 8,1 17,3 7,3 8,8 19,6 16,4 21,5 26,5 18,2 21,2 28,5 21,2 24,2 31,6 26,1 29,1 36,5 7,7 7,1 6,3 8,2 8,4 6,0 7,7 7,9 5,7 6,9 7,1 4,9 106,6 105,1 103,5 53,7 68,3 102,7 54,1 67,3 101,9 52,8 65,8 100,0 13,7 14,7 16,1 6,4 8,0 16,9 6,8 8,3 17,8 7,5 9,0 20,1 17,3 22,3 27,4 18,7 21,9 29,3 21,9 24,8 32,4 26,8 29,7 37,3 7,8 7,1 6,4 8,4 8,6 6,1 7,9 8,1 5,7 7,1 7,3 5,0 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 108,3 106,6 105,0 61,6 61,6 104,3 61,2 61,2 103,6 59,7 59,7 102,1 14,1 15,1 16,4 7,2 7,2 17,2 7,5 7,5 18,1 8,2 8,2 20,5 13,4 18,4 23,4 17,9 17,9 25,4 20,9 20,9 28,5 25,8 25,8 33,5 7,7 7,1 6,4 8,5 8,5 6,1 8,1 8,1 5,7 7,3 7,3 5,0 112,8 110,9 109,3 65,1 65,1 108,5 64,0 64,0 107,7 62,0 62,0 106,1 14,5 15,5 16,9 7,4 7,4 17,7 7,7 7,7 18,6 8,3 8,3 21,0 14,1 19,1 24,2 18,5 18,5 26,2 21,4 21,4 29,2 26,2 26,2 34,3 7,8 7,2 6,5 8,8 8,8 6,1 8,3 8,3 5,8 7,5 7,5 5,1 115,0 113,1 111,4 66,5 66,5 110,6 65,4 65,4 109,8 63,3 63,3 108,1 14,7 15,7 17,1 7,5 7,5 17,9 7,8 7,8 18,8 8,4 8,4 21,3 14,5 19,5 24,6 18,8 18,8 26,6 21,7 21,7 29,6 26,5 26,5 34,6 7,8 7,2 6,5 8,9 8,9 6,2 8,4 8,4 5,8 7,6 7,6 5,1 117,3 115,3 113,6 67,9 67,9 112,7 66,9 66,9 111,9 64,8 64,8 110,2 14,9 15,9 17,3 7,6 7,6 18,2 7,9 7,9 19,1 8,5 8,5 21,6 14,9 19,9 24,9 19,0 19,0 26,9 21,9 21,9 30,0 26,8 26,8 35,0 7,9 7,3 6,6 9,0 9,0 6,2 8,5 8,5 5,9 7,7 7,7 5,1 122,1 119,8 117,9 69,9 69,9 117,0 69,8 69,8 116,1 68,1 68,1 114,4 15,3 16,3 17,8 7,7 7,7 18,7 8,0 8,0 19,6 8,7 8,7 22,1 15,7 20,7 25,7 19,4 19,4 27,7 22,5 22,5 30,7 27,4 27,4 35,8 8,0 7,3 6,6 9,1 9,1 6,3 8,7 8,7 5,9 7,9 7,9 5,2 Ta = Outside air temperature (°C) DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb kWt = Heating capacity provided (kW) kWe = Compressor power input in kW Td = dry bulb air outlet temperature °C All heating capacities do not take into account the heat generated by fan motors OPERATING LIMITS (HEATING) 30 THE LIMITS ARE INDICATIVE AND CONSIDERED: - GENERAL AND NON-SPECIFIC SIZES - STANDARD AIR FLOW-RATE - OPERATION AT FULL LOAD - CORRECTLY INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED UNIT 25 Text (D.B.) °C 20 15 10 TEXT = TEMPERATURE OF FRESH AIR /INLET OF TREATMENT COIL CAUTION! DRY BULB MEASURED TEMPERATURE (D.B.=DRY BULB) 1 5 3 0 TI = TEMPERATURE OF INTAKE AIR / INLET OF EXPULSION COIL. CAUTION! TEMPERATURE MEASURED WITH WET BULB (W.B.=WET BULB) -5 -10 2 -15 -20 -25 8 10 12 14 Ti (W.B.) °C 16 18 20 1 = STANDARD OPERATING RANGE 2 = OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT WITH EXTRAPOWER OPTIONS AND CONFIGURATION FOR EXTERIOR LOW TEMPERATURE ALSO INCLUDES THE OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT WITH ELECTRICAL HEATERS OPTION (REFER TO THE SECTION DEDICATED ) 3 = OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT ONLY FOR A LIMITED PERIOD OF TIME (MAX 1 HOUR) °C 23 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ZEPHIR 2 (PRODUCT CPAN-XHE) Size 45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 COOLING Cooling capacity Sensible capacity Compressor power input EER HEATING 1 1 2 1 kW kW kW 20,8 15,1 4,3 4,86 24,4 17,3 5,4 4,49 32,9 22,6 8,5 3,89 37,8 25,6 9,8 3,86 48 32,9 11,3 4,24 55,5 38 13,1 4,24 65,7 44,5 14,9 4,41 77,1 52,3 17,6 4,38 Heat output Compressor power input COP COMPRESSOR Type of compressors No. of Compressors Std Capacity control steps Refrigerant circuits AIR HANDLING SECTION FANS (OUTLET) Type of fans Number of fans Fan diameter Air flow Air flow Installed unit power Max outside static pressure FANS (EXPULSION) Type of fans Number of fans Fan diameter Air flow Air flow Installed unit power Max outside static pressure CONNECTIONS Condensate discharge Water coil fittings POWER SUPPLY 2 2 2 kW kW 22,1 3,7 5,94 26,4 4,4 6,02 37 6,8 5,47 42,6 7,9 5,36 52,3 9,3 5,61 61,5 11 5,57 72,4 12,8 5,65 84,6 15,2 5,57 Nr Nr Nr Scroll 1 1 1 Scroll 1 1 1 Scroll 2 3 1 Scroll 2 3 1 Scroll 2 2 1 Scroll 2 3 1 Scroll 2 3 1 Scroll 2 3 1 Nr mm l/s m3/h kW Pa RAD 1 450 1250 4500 1 400 RAD 1 500 1444 5200 1 670 RAD 1 500 1667 6000 2,7 650 RAD 1 500 1944 7000 2,7 610 RAD 1 560 2500 9000 3,1 580 RAD 1 630 3055 11000 3,2 480 RAD 2 500 3611 13000 2,7 670 RAD 2 500 4444 16000 2,7 490 Nr mm l/s m3/h kW Pa RAD 1 450 1189 4280 1 380 RAD 1 450 1372 4940 1 300 RAD 1 500 1583 5700 2,7 610 RAD 1 500 1847 6650 2,7 600 RAD 1 560 2375 8550 3,1 580 RAD 1 560 2902 10450 3,1 390 RAD 1 630 3430 12350 3,2 350 RAD 2 500 4222 15200 2,7 490 1" Gas 1" 1/2 1" Gas 1" 1/2 1" Gas 1" 1/2 1" Gas 1" 1/2 1" Gas 2" 1" Gas 2" 1" Gas 2" 1" Gas 2" 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 400/3/50 3 4 5 6 5 6 Standard power supply V (1) air inlet temperature expulsion heat exchange coil 27°C D.B. - 19°C W.B. Fresh air temperature : 35°C D.B./ 24°C W.B. EER referred only to compressors (2) air inlet temperature expulsion heat exchange coil 20°C D.B. - 13.7°C W.B. Outdoor air temperature: 7°C D.B./ 6.1 °C W.B. COP referred only to compressors DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb (3) SCROLL = scroll compressor (4) The compressors connected in tandem on single circuit assure 3 capacity steps if of different size and 2 capacity steps if of same size (5) RAD = radial ventilation (6) Max static pressure with pleated air filters SOUND LEVELS CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY Sound Power Level (dB) Size 45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 Octave band (Hz) Sound pressure level Sound power level dB(A) dB(A) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 85 84 74 70 69 64 56 50 58 74 87 86 77 73 71 66 59 53 60 76 88 89 80 76 74 71 63 56 63 80 90 90 82 78 76 73 65 59 65 82 89 92 87 82 78 74 67 58 67 84 91 94 89 85 80 76 69 60 69 87 91 93 96 90 88 86 84 71 76 94 94 96 99 93 92 90 87 75 80 98 BT08M001GB-02 24 The sound levels are referred to units working at full load in nominal conditions. The sound pressure level is referred at a distance of 1 m. from the ducted unit surface working in free field conditions.External static pressure 50 Pa. (standard UNI EN ISO 3744) Please note that when the unit is installed in conditions other than nominal test conditions (e.g. near walls or obstacles in general), the sound levels may undergo substantial variations. ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY ELECTRICAL DATA ZEPHIR 2 (PRODUCT CPAN-XHE) Size 45 F.L.A. - FULL LOAD CURRENT AT MAX ADMISSIBLE CONDITIONS F.L.A. - Compressor 1 A 11,9 F.L.A. - Compressor 2 A F.L.A. - Single supply fan A 2,2 F.L.A. - Single exhaust air fan A 2,2 F.L.A. - Total A 16,8 L.R.A. LOCKED ROTOR AMPERES L.R.A. - Compressor 1 A 75 L.R.A. - Compressor 2 A L.R.A. - Single supply fan A 2,2 F.L.I. FULL LOAD POWER INPUT AT MAX ADMISSIBLE CONDITION F.L.I. - Compressor 1 kW 7,2 F.L.I. - Compressor 2 kW F.L.I. - Single supply fan kW 1 F.L.I. – Single exhaust air fan kW 1 F.L.I. - Total kW 9,5 M.I.C. MAXIMUM INRUSH CURRENT M.I.C. - Value A Data referred to standard units. power supply: 400/3/50 Hz +/-6% 79,9 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 14,3 4,3 2,2 21,3 9,8 10,2 4,3 4,3 29,1 9,8 14,3 4,3 4,3 33,2 14,3 14,3 4,9 4,9 38,9 15,2 22,6 4,9 4,9 48,1 15,2 22,6 4,3 4,9 51,8 15,2 30,6 4,3 4,3 63,5 101 4,3 64 64 4,3 64 101 4,3 101 101 4,9 95 118 4,9 95 118 4,3 95 173 4,3 8,3 2,7 1 12,3 5,9 6 2,7 2,7 17,6 5,9 8,3 2,7 2,7 19,9 8,3 8,3 3,1 3,1 23,1 8,9 13,2 3,2 3,1 28,7 8,9 13,2 2,7 3,2 31 8,9 17 2,7 2,7 37 108 82,9 119,9 125,6 143,5 147,2 205,9 voltage unbalance: max 2 % Values not including accessories ELECTRICAL INPUT OF OPTIONAL COMPONENTS To obtain the electrical input of the unit including accessories, add the standard data in Electrical Data table to those for the selected accessories. SIZE F.L.A. FULL LOAD CURRENT AT MAX ADMISSIBLE CONDITIONS F.L.A. EHP7 - Preheating electric heaters from 3 kW F.L.A. EHP14 - Preheating electric heaters from 4,5 kW F.L.A. EHP6 - Preheating electric heaters from 6 kW F.L.A. EHP1 -Preheating electric heaters from 9 kW F.L.A. EHP2 - Preheating electric heaters from 12 kW F.L.A. EHP3 -Preheating electric heaters from 18 kW F.L.A. EHP4 - Preheating electric heaters from 24 kW F.L.A. EHP8 -Preheating electric heaters from 36 kW F.L.A. HSE3 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 3 kg/h F.L.A. HSE5 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 5 kg/h F.L.A. HSE8 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 8 kg/h F.L.A. HSE9 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 15 kg/h F.L.A. FES - High efficiency H10 electrostatic air filter F.L.A. LTEMP - Configuration for external low temperature F.L.I. FULL LOAD POWER INPUT AT MAX ADMISSIBLE CONDITION F.L.I. EHP7 - Preheating electric heaters from 3 Kw F.L.I. EHP14 - Preheating electric heaters from 4,5 kW F.L.I. EHP6 - Preheating electric heaters from 6 kW F.L.I. EHP1 -Preheating electric heaters from 9 kW F.L.I. EHP2 - Preheating electric heaters from 12 kW F.L.I. EHP3 -Preheating electric heaters from 18 kW F.L.I. EHP4 - Preheating electric heaters from 24 kW F.L.I. EHP8 -Preheating electric heaters from 36 kW F.L.I. HSE3 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 3 kg/h F.L.I. HSE5 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 5 kg/h F.L.I. HSE8 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 8 kg/h F.L.I. HSE9 - Electrode boiler steam humidifier from 15 kg/h F.L.I. FES - High efficiency H10 electrostatic air filter F.L.I. LTEMP - Configuration for external low temperature 45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A 4,8 6,5 8,7 13 17,3 26 3,2 8,7 8,7 0,6 1 4,8 6,5 8,7 13 17,3 26 3,2 8,7 8,7 0,6 1 8,7 13 17,3 26 3,2 8,7 8,7 16,2 1,1 1 8,7 13 17,3 26 3,2 8,7 8,7 16.2 1,1 1 17,3 26 34,6 52 8,7 8,7 16.2 1,5 1 17,3 26 34,6 52 8,7 8,7 16.2 1,5 1 17,3 26 34,6 52 8,7 16.2 2,2 1 17,3 26 34,6 52 8,7 16.2 2,2 1 kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW 3,0 4,5 6,0 9,0 12,0 18,0 2,3 6,0 6,0 0,15 0,3 3,0 4,5 6,0 9,0 12,0 18,0 2,3 6,0 6,0 0,15 0,3 6,0 9,0 12,0 18,0 2,3 6,0 6,0 11,3 0,25 0,3 6,0 9,0 12,0 18,0 2,3 6,0 6,0 11,3 0,25 0,3 12,0 18,0 24,0 36,0 6,0 6,0 11,3 0.33 0,3 12,0 18,0 24,0 36,0 6,0 6,0 11,3 0.33 0,3 12,0 18,0 24,0 36,0 6,0 11,3 0.5 0,3 12,0 18,0 24,0 36,0 6,0 11,3 0.5 0,3 PRESSURE DROPS OF OPTIONAL COMPONENTS The value of static pressure available on the supply and return duct is obtained by subtracting from the available net maximum pressure (see general table of technical data) the pressure drops of any accessories. SIZE PRESSURE DROP EPWR - EXTRAPOWER (with water exchanger in addition) CPHG - Hot gas re-heating coil F7 - High efficiency F7 air filter FES - High efficiency H10 electrostatic air filter HWS - Water to waste evaporating wet-deck humidifier ASGX - Anti-sand grid Pa Pa 1 Pa Pa Pa Pa 45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 35 15 120 15 15 65 45 20 130 20 20 85 26 15 170 20 20 50 33 20 180 25 25 65 30 15 170 20 20 110 42 20 180 25 25 170 31 15 170 20 20 120 43 20 180 25 25 170 The values shown are to be considered approximate for units operating power in normal use with standard air flow rate. 25 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY COOLING PERFORMANCE Size 45 52 INLET AIR TEMPERATURE DISCHARGED/AMBIENT AIR TO COIL °C Ta (°C) DB/WB 25 / 18 28 / 20 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 25 / 18 28 / 20 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 25 / 18 28 / 20 60 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 25 / 18 28 / 20 70 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 25 / 18 28 / 20 90 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 25 / 18 28 / 20 110 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 25 / 18 28 / 20 130 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 kWf 18,5 19,5 20,0 20,6 21,7 22,9 21,5 22,8 23,4 24,1 25,5 26,9 18,1 19,9 29,3 19,1 21,1 30,9 19,7 21,8 31,8 32,7 34,5 36,4 18,6 24,9 33,5 19,9 26,4 35,4 20,5 27,3 36,4 37,4 39,5 41,7 27,2 27,2 42,2 28,9 28,9 44,8 29,7 29,7 46,1 47,4 50,2 53,1 29,8 33,0 49,1 31,6 35,0 51,9 32,5 36,0 53,4 54,9 57,9 61,0 31,1 42,4 57,3 32,9 44,8 61,0 34,0 46,2 62,8 64,7 68,6 72,5 Ta = fresh air temperature D.B./W.B. DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb kWf = Cooling capacity in kW kWe = Compressor power input in kW kWe 3,6 3,7 3,7 3,8 3,9 4,0 4,6 4,7 4,7 4,8 4,9 5,1 2,7 3,2 7,1 2,7 3,3 7,3 2,7 3,3 7,4 7,5 7,6 7,8 2,6 4,3 8,2 2,6 4,4 8,4 2,6 4,4 8,5 8,6 8,9 9,1 4,1 4,1 9,5 4,1 4,1 9,7 4,2 4,2 9,9 10,0 10,3 10,5 4,3 5,1 11,0 4,4 5,2 11,3 4,5 5,2 11,4 11,6 11,8 12,1 4,2 6,9 12,7 4,3 7,0 12,9 4,4 7,1 13,1 13,2 13,6 13,9 kWs 12,7 13,3 14,1 14,8 15,5 16,1 14,4 15,3 16,1 17,0 17,7 18,4 14,3 15,6 19,1 15,5 16,5 20,1 16,6 17,4 21,1 22,2 23,1 23,9 15,3 18,6 21,7 16,6 19,6 22,9 17,8 20,9 24,1 25,2 26,2 27,2 21,6 21,6 27,7 23,1 23,1 29,0 24,8 24,8 30,6 32,2 33,7 35,0 24,3 26,3 32,2 26,2 28,0 33,9 28,2 29,9 35,6 37,3 38,8 40,4 26,0 32,0 38,2 28,1 34,2 39,8 30,1 36,5 41,9 43,9 45,6 47,2 25 Td 16,7 19,2 20,6 22,1 24,6 27,1 16,8 19,3 20,7 22,2 24,7 27,2 17,9 17,3 15,6 20,3 19,8 18,1 21,7 21,3 19,5 20,9 23,4 25,9 18,5 17,1 15,9 20,9 19,7 18,3 22,4 21,1 19,7 21,2 23,7 26,2 17,9 17,9 15,9 20,4 20,4 18,4 21,7 19,8 19,3 21,3 23,7 26,2 18,5 17,9 16,4 20,9 20,4 18,8 22,3 21,8 20,3 21,8 24,3 26,8 19,1 17,7 16,3 21,6 20,1 18,9 23,1 21,6 20,4 21,9 24,4 26,9 Tw 13,6 15,6 16,7 17,7 19,8 21,9 13,5 15,6 16,6 17,6 19,7 21,8 14,8 14,5 12,7 16,8 16,5 14,8 17,8 17,5 15,8 16,8 18,9 21,0 15,2 14,2 12,8 17,2 16,2 14,9 18,2 17,2 15,9 16,9 19,0 21,1 14,8 14,8 12,9 16,8 16,8 15,0 17,8 16,0 15,8 17,0 19,1 21,2 15,1 14,8 13,2 17,1 16,8 15,2 18,1 17,8 16,3 17,3 19,4 21,5 15,4 14,5 13,2 17,5 16,6 15,3 18,5 17,6 16,3 17,3 19,4 21,4 EER 5,1 5,3 5,3 5,4 5,6 5,8 4,7 4,9 5,0 5,0 5,2 5,3 6,8 6,2 4,1 7,0 6,4 4,2 7,2 6,6 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,7 7,2 5,8 4,1 7,6 6,1 4,2 7,7 6,2 4,3 4,3 4,5 4,6 6,7 6,7 4,5 7,0 7,0 4,6 7,1 7,1 4,7 4,7 4,9 5,1 6,9 6,5 4,5 7,2 6,8 4,6 7,3 6,9 4,7 4,7 4,9 5,0 7,3 6,2 4,5 7,6 6,4 4,7 7,8 6,5 4,8 4,9 5,0 5,2 kWf 18,0 19,0 19,5 20,1 21,2 22,3 21,0 22,2 22,9 23,5 24,8 26,2 17,6 19,3 28,5 18,7 20,5 30,1 19,3 21,1 31,0 31,8 33,6 35,3 18,2 24,2 32,6 19,3 25,7 34,5 19,9 26,6 35,5 36,5 38,5 40,6 26,5 26,5 41,2 28,2 28,2 43,6 29,0 29,0 44,9 46,2 48,9 51,7 29,2 32,3 47,9 31,0 34,0 50,6 31,9 35,0 52,0 53,5 56,4 59,5 30,3 41,4 55,8 32,2 43,9 59,5 33,3 45,2 61,3 63,2 66,9 70,6 kWe 3,9 3,9 4,0 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,9 5,0 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,4 2,9 3,5 7,6 2,9 3,5 7,8 2,9 3,5 7,9 7,9 8,1 8,3 2,8 4,6 8,8 2,8 4,7 9,0 2,9 4,7 9,1 9,2 9,4 9,6 4,3 4,3 10,1 4,4 4,4 10,4 4,5 4,5 10,5 10,6 10,9 11,2 4,6 5,4 11,8 4,7 5,5 12,0 4,7 5,5 12,1 12,3 12,6 12,9 4,5 7,3 13,5 4,6 7,5 13,8 4,7 7,5 13,9 14,1 14,4 14,7 kWs 12,5 13,1 13,9 14,6 15,3 15,9 14,2 15,0 15,9 16,7 17,5 18,2 14,1 15,4 18,8 15,2 16,3 19,7 16,3 17,2 20,8 21,9 22,8 23,6 15,0 18,2 21,3 16,4 19,3 22,5 17,6 20,6 23,7 24,9 25,8 26,8 21,2 21,2 27,2 22,7 22,7 28,6 24,4 24,4 30,1 31,7 33,2 34,5 23,8 25,8 31,7 25,8 27,6 33,4 27,7 29,5 35,1 36,8 38,3 39,9 25,5 31,4 37,5 27,6 33,6 39,1 29,6 35,8 41,2 43,2 45,0 46,5 26 Td 16,8 19,3 20,8 22,3 24,7 27,2 16,9 19,4 20,9 22,4 24,8 27,3 18,0 17,4 15,8 20,4 19,9 18,3 21,8 21,4 19,7 21,1 23,5 26,0 18,6 17,3 16,0 21,0 19,8 18,5 22,5 21,2 19,9 21,3 23,9 26,4 18,0 18,0 16,1 20,5 20,5 18,6 21,9 21,9 20,0 21,4 23,9 26,3 18,6 18,1 16,5 21,0 20,5 19,0 22,4 22,0 20,5 22,0 24,5 27,0 19,2 17,9 16,5 21,7 20,3 19,1 23,2 21,7 20,5 22,0 24,5 27,1 Tw 13,7 15,8 16,8 17,8 19,9 22,0 13,7 15,7 16,7 17,8 19,8 21,9 14,9 14,6 12,9 16,9 16,6 14,9 17,9 17,6 15,9 17,0 19,1 21,2 15,2 14,3 13,0 17,2 16,3 15,0 18,2 17,3 16,0 17,1 19,2 21,3 14,9 14,9 13,0 16,9 16,9 15,1 17,9 17,9 16,1 17,1 19,2 21,3 15,2 14,9 13,3 17,2 16,9 15,4 18,2 17,9 16,4 17,4 19,5 21,6 15,5 14,6 13,4 17,5 16,6 15,4 18,5 17,6 16,4 17,4 19,5 21,6 EER 4,7 4,8 4,9 5,0 5,2 5,3 4,3 4,5 4,6 4,6 4,7 4,9 6,2 5,6 3,7 6,4 5,9 3,9 6,5 6,0 3,9 4,0 4,1 4,3 6,5 5,3 3,7 6,8 5,5 3,8 7,0 5,6 3,9 4,0 4,1 4,2 6,1 6,1 4,1 6,4 6,4 4,2 6,5 6,5 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 6,3 6,0 4,1 6,6 6,2 4,2 6,7 6,3 4,3 4,3 4,5 4,6 6,7 5,6 4,1 7,0 5,9 4,3 7,2 6,0 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,8 kWf 17,8 18,8 19,4 19,9 21,0 22,1 20,8 22,0 22,7 23,3 24,6 26,0 17,5 19,1 28,2 18,6 20,3 29,9 19,1 20,9 30,7 31,5 33,2 35,0 18,1 23,9 32,3 19,2 25,5 34,2 19,8 26,3 35,2 36,2 38,2 40,2 26,3 26,3 40,8 27,9 27,9 43,2 28,8 28,8 44,5 45,8 48,4 51,2 29,0 32,0 47,5 30,8 33,7 50,2 31,7 34,7 51,6 53,0 56,0 59,0 30,1 41,0 55,3 31,9 43,5 59,0 33,1 44,9 60,8 62,6 66,3 69,9 kWe 3,9 4,0 4,1 4,1 4,2 4,3 5,0 5,1 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,5 2,9 3,5 7,8 3,0 3,6 8,0 3,0 3,6 8,0 8,1 8,3 8,5 2,9 4,7 9,0 2,9 4,8 9,2 2,9 4,8 9,3 9,4 9,6 9,8 4,4 4,4 10,3 4,5 4,5 10,6 4,5 4,5 10,7 10,8 11,1 11,4 4,7 5,5 12,0 4,8 5,6 12,3 4,8 5,6 12,4 12,5 12,8 13,1 4,6 7,5 13,8 4,7 7,6 14,0 4,7 7,6 14,2 14,3 14,6 14,9 kWs 12,4 13,1 13,8 14,5 15,2 15,8 14,1 15,0 15,8 16,7 17,4 18,1 14,0 15,3 18,6 15,1 16,2 19,6 16,2 17,1 20,7 21,7 22,7 23,5 14,9 18,1 21,2 16,3 19,2 22,4 17,5 20,5 23,6 24,7 25,7 26,7 21,1 21,1 27,0 22,6 22,6 28,4 24,3 24,3 30,0 31,6 33,1 34,4 23,7 25,7 31,5 25,6 27,4 33,2 27,6 29,4 34,9 36,6 38,1 39,7 25,4 31,2 37,3 27,4 33,4 38,9 29,4 35,6 41,0 43,0 44,7 46,3 Td 16,9 19,4 20,8 22,3 24,8 27,3 17,0 19,4 20,9 22,4 24,9 27,4 18,1 17,5 15,8 20,5 19,9 18,3 21,9 21,4 19,7 21,1 23,6 26,1 18,7 17,3 16,1 21,1 19,8 18,5 22,5 21,2 19,9 21,4 23,9 26,4 18,1 18,1 16,2 20,5 20,5 18,6 21,9 21,9 20,1 21,5 23,9 26,4 18,6 18,1 16,5 21,0 20,6 19,0 22,5 22,0 20,5 22,0 24,5 27,0 19,2 17,9 16,5 21,7 20,3 19,1 23,2 21,8 20,6 22,1 24,6 27,2 Tw 13,8 15,8 16,8 17,9 19,9 22,0 13,7 15,7 16,8 17,8 19,9 21,9 14,9 14,6 12,9 16,9 16,6 15,0 17,9 17,6 16,0 17,0 19,1 21,2 15,2 14,3 13,0 17,3 16,4 15,1 18,3 17,4 16,1 17,1 19,2 21,3 14,9 14,9 13,1 16,9 16,9 15,1 17,9 17,9 16,2 17,2 19,3 21,4 15,2 14,9 13,3 17,2 16,9 15,4 18,2 17,9 16,4 17,5 19,5 21,6 15,5 14,6 13,4 17,5 16,7 15,4 18,5 17,7 16,4 17,5 19,5 21,6 EER 4,5 4,7 4,8 4,8 5,0 5,2 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 6,0 5,4 3,6 6,2 5,7 3,8 6,3 5,8 3,8 3,9 4,0 4,1 6,3 5,1 3,6 6,6 5,3 3,7 6,7 5,5 3,8 3,9 4,0 4,1 6,0 6,0 4,0 6,2 6,2 4,1 6,3 6,3 4,2 4,2 4,4 4,5 6,1 5,8 4,0 6,4 6,0 4,1 6,5 6,2 4,2 4,2 4,4 4,5 6,5 5,5 4,0 6,8 5,7 4,2 7,0 5,9 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,7 kWs = sensible cooling capacity (kW) Td = dry bulb air outlet temperature °C Tw = wet bulb air outlet temperature °C All cooling capacities do not take into account the heat generated by fan motors FOLLOWS>> BT08M001GB-02 26 ZEPHIR 2 >> GO ON ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY COOLING PERFORMANCE INLET AIR TEMPERATURE DISCHARGED/AMBIENT AIR TO COIL °C Ta (°C) DB/WB Size 25 / 18 28 / 20 160 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 22 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 kWf 31,9 52,4 67,1 33,9 57,2 71,7 35,3 56,9 73,9 76,1 80,2 84,2 kWe 4,2 9,2 14,8 4,2 9,3 15,2 4,3 9,5 15,4 15,6 15,9 16,3 kWs 30,9 38,5 44,2 33,9 40,3 46,5 35,3 42,3 48,9 51,4 53,5 55,5 25 Td 19,3 17,9 16,8 21,7 20,5 19,4 23,4 22,1 20,9 22,3 24,9 27,4 Tw 15,9 14,5 13,5 17,9 16,4 15,5 18,9 17,6 16,5 17,5 19,6 21,7 EER 7,7 5,7 4,5 8,0 6,1 4,7 8,2 6,0 4,8 4,9 5,0 5,2 kWf 31,3 51,4 65,5 33,2 54,9 70,0 34,6 56,2 72,2 74,3 78,4 82,2 Ta = fresh air temperature D.B./W.B. DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb kWf = Cooling capacity in kW kWe = Compressor power input in kW kWe 4,4 9,7 15,8 4,5 9,9 16,2 4,6 10,0 16,4 16,6 16,9 17,3 kWs 30,3 38,1 43,6 33,2 39,9 45,8 34,6 41,8 48,2 50,7 52,8 54,8 26 Td 19,4 18,0 17,0 21,8 20,6 19,5 23,5 22,2 21,0 22,5 25,0 27,6 Tw 15,9 14,6 13,6 17,9 16,6 15,6 18,9 17,6 16,6 17,6 19,7 21,8 EER 7,1 5,3 4,1 7,4 5,5 4,3 7,6 5,6 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,8 kWf 31,1 51,0 65,0 33,0 54,3 69,5 34,4 55,9 71,6 73,7 77,7 81,6 kWe 4,5 9,9 16,2 4,6 10,1 16,6 4,7 10,2 16,7 16,9 17,3 17,6 kWs 30,2 37,9 43,3 33,0 39,8 45,6 34,4 41,7 48,0 50,4 52,6 54,5 Td 19,4 18,0 17,0 21,8 20,6 19,5 23,5 22,2 21,0 22,5 25,1 27,6 Tw 15,9 14,6 13,6 17,9 16,6 15,6 18,9 17,6 16,6 17,7 19,7 21,9 EER 6,9 5,1 4,0 7,2 5,4 4,2 7,4 5,5 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 kWs = sensible cooling capacity (kW) Td = dry bulb air outlet temperature °C Tw = wet bulb air outlet temperature °C All cooling capacities do not take into account the heat generated by fan motors OPERATING LIMITS (COOLING) THE LIMITS ARE INDICATIVE AND CONSIDERED: - GENERAL AND NON-SPECIFIC SIZES - STANDARD AIR FLOW-RATE - OPERATION AT FULL LOAD - CORRECTLY INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED UNIT 35 30 Text (W.B.) °C 2 TEXT = TEMPERATURE OF FRESH AIR /INLET OF TREATMENT COIL CAUTION! TEMPERATURE MEASURED WITH WET BULB (W.B.=WET BULB) 25 20 TI = TEMPERATURE OF INTAKE AIR / INLET OF EXPULSION COIL. CAUTION! DRY BULB MEASURED TEMPERATURE (D.B.=DRY BULB) 1 15 10 1 = STANDARD OPERATING RANGE 2 = OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT WITH EXTRAPOWER OPTIONS AND CONFIGURATION FOR EXTERIOR HIGH TEMPERATURE 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Ti (D.B.) °C WET BULB TEMPERATURE -EXAMPLE 27 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY COOLING PERFORMANCE Size 45 52 INLET AIR TEMPERATURE DISCHARGED/AMBIENT AIR TO COIL °C Ta (°C) DB/WB 25 / 18 28 / 20 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 25 / 18 28 / 20 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 25 / 18 28 / 20 60 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 25 / 18 28 / 20 70 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 25 / 18 28 / 20 90 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 25 / 18 28 / 20 110 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 25 / 18 28 / 20 130 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 27 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 kWf 17,6 18,7 19,2 19,7 20,8 21,9 20,6 21,8 22,5 23,1 24,4 25,8 17,3 18,9 28,0 18,4 20,1 29,6 19,0 20,7 30,4 31,2 32,9 34,6 17,9 23,7 32,0 19,0 25,3 33,9 19,6 26,1 34,9 35,8 37,8 39,9 26,1 26,1 40,5 27,7 27,7 42,9 28,5 28,5 44,1 45,4 48,0 50,8 28,7 31,8 47,0 30,5 33,4 49,7 31,4 34,4 51,1 52,6 55,5 58,5 29,8 40,6 54,8 31,7 43,2 58,5 32,8 44,4 60,3 62,1 65,7 69,3 Ta = fresh air temperature D.B./W.B. DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb kWf = Cooling capacity in kW kWe = Compressor power input in kW kWe 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,2 4,3 4,4 5,1 5,2 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,6 3,0 3,6 8,0 3,1 3,6 8,1 3,1 3,7 8,2 8,3 8,5 8,6 2,9 4,8 9,2 3,0 4,9 9,4 3,0 4,9 9,5 9,6 9,8 10,0 4,5 4,5 10,5 4,6 4,6 10,8 4,6 4,6 10,9 11,1 11,3 11,6 4,8 5,6 12,2 4,9 5,7 12,5 4,9 5,8 12,6 12,8 13,1 13,4 4,7 7,6 14,1 4,8 7,7 14,3 4,8 7,8 14,5 14,6 14,9 15,2 kWs 12,3 13,0 13,7 14,5 15,1 15,7 14,1 14,9 15,7 16,6 17,3 18,0 13,9 15,2 18,5 15,1 16,1 19,5 16,1 17,0 20,6 21,6 22,6 23,4 14,9 18,0 21,1 16,2 19,1 22,3 17,4 20,4 23,5 24,6 25,5 26,6 21,0 21,0 26,9 22,4 22,4 28,2 24,2 24,2 29,8 31,4 32,9 34,2 23,5 25,5 31,4 25,4 27,3 33,0 27,4 29,2 34,7 36,4 38,0 39,6 25,2 31,0 37,0 27,3 33,2 38,7 29,3 35,4 40,7 42,8 44,5 46,0 28 Td 16,9 19,4 20,9 22,3 24,9 27,4 17,0 19,5 21,0 22,4 24,9 27,5 18,1 17,5 15,9 20,5 20,0 18,4 21,9 21,5 19,8 21,2 23,6 26,1 18,7 17,4 16,1 21,1 19,9 18,5 22,5 21,3 20,0 21,5 24,0 26,4 18,1 18,1 16,2 20,6 20,6 18,7 21,9 21,9 20,1 21,5 24,0 26,4 18,7 18,1 16,6 21,1 20,6 19,1 22,5 22,0 20,6 22,1 24,6 27,0 19,2 17,9 16,6 21,7 20,4 19,2 23,2 21,8 20,6 22,1 24,6 27,2 Tw 13,8 15,8 16,9 17,9 20,0 22,1 13,7 15,8 16,8 17,8 19,9 22,0 14,9 14,6 12,9 16,9 16,7 15,0 17,9 17,7 16,0 17,1 19,2 21,3 15,3 14,4 13,1 17,3 16,4 15,1 18,3 17,4 16,1 17,2 19,3 21,3 14,9 14,9 13,1 16,9 16,9 15,2 17,9 17,9 16,2 17,2 19,3 21,4 15,2 14,9 13,4 17,2 17,0 15,4 18,2 18,0 16,5 17,5 19,6 21,7 15,5 14,7 13,5 17,6 16,7 15,5 18,6 17,7 16,5 17,5 19,6 21,7 EER 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,9 5,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 4,6 5,8 5,2 3,5 6,0 5,5 3,6 6,1 5,6 3,7 3,8 3,9 4,0 6,1 5,0 3,5 6,4 5,2 3,6 6,5 5,3 3,7 3,7 3,9 4,0 5,8 5,8 3,9 6,0 6,0 4,0 6,2 6,2 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,4 6,0 5,7 3,9 6,2 5,8 4,0 6,3 6,0 4,1 4,1 4,2 4,4 6,3 5,3 3,9 6,6 5,6 4,1 6,8 5,7 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,6 kWf 17,4 18,5 19,0 19,5 20,6 21,7 20,5 21,7 22,3 22,9 24,2 25,5 17,2 18,7 27,7 18,3 19,9 29,3 18,8 20,5 30,1 30,9 32,6 34,3 17,8 23,5 31,7 18,8 25,1 33,6 19,4 25,8 34,5 35,5 37,5 39,5 25,9 25,9 40,1 27,5 27,5 42,5 28,3 28,3 43,7 45,0 47,6 50,3 28,5 31,5 46,6 30,2 33,1 49,3 31,2 34,1 50,7 52,1 55,0 58,0 29,6 40,2 54,3 31,4 42,7 57,9 32,6 44,0 59,7 61,5 65,0 68,6 kWe 4,1 4,2 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,5 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,4 5,6 5,7 3,1 3,7 8,2 3,1 3,7 8,3 3,2 3,7 8,4 8,5 8,6 8,8 3,0 4,9 9,4 3,1 5,0 9,6 3,1 5,0 9,7 9,8 10,0 10,2 4,6 4,6 10,8 4,7 4,7 11,0 4,7 4,7 11,1 11,3 11,5 11,8 4,9 5,7 12,5 5,0 5,8 12,8 5,1 5,9 12,9 13,0 13,3 13,6 4,8 7,8 14,4 4,9 7,9 14,6 4,9 8,0 14,8 14,9 15,2 15,5 kWs 12,3 12,9 13,7 14,4 15,1 15,7 14,0 14,8 15,7 16,5 17,3 18,0 13,9 15,1 18,4 15,0 16,1 19,4 16,1 17,0 20,4 21,5 22,4 23,3 14,8 17,9 21,0 16,1 19,0 22,2 17,3 20,3 23,3 24,5 25,4 26,5 20,8 20,8 26,7 22,3 22,3 28,1 24,1 24,1 29,7 31,2 32,7 34,0 23,4 25,3 31,2 25,3 27,2 32,8 27,3 29,1 34,6 36,3 37,8 39,4 25,1 30,8 36,8 27,1 32,9 38,4 29,1 35,2 40,5 42,6 44,3 45,8 30 Td 16,9 19,5 20,9 22,4 24,9 27,4 17,1 19,5 21,0 22,5 24,9 27,5 18,2 17,5 16,0 20,6 20,0 18,4 22,0 21,5 19,9 21,3 23,7 26,2 18,7 17,4 16,2 21,1 19,9 18,6 22,6 21,3 20,1 21,5 24,0 26,5 18,1 18,1 16,3 20,6 20,6 18,7 22,0 22,0 20,2 21,6 24,0 26,5 18,7 18,2 16,6 21,1 20,6 19,1 22,6 22,1 20,6 22,1 24,6 27,1 19,3 18,0 16,7 21,8 20,4 19,2 23,3 21,9 20,7 22,2 24,7 27,3 Tw 13,9 15,9 16,9 17,9 20,0 22,1 13,8 15,8 16,8 17,9 19,9 22,0 14,9 14,7 13,0 17,0 16,7 15,1 18,0 17,7 16,1 17,1 19,2 21,3 15,3 14,4 13,1 17,3 16,4 15,2 18,3 17,4 16,2 17,2 19,3 21,4 14,9 14,9 13,2 17,0 17,0 15,2 18,0 18,0 16,3 17,3 19,4 21,4 15,2 14,9 13,4 17,3 17,0 15,5 18,3 18,0 16,5 17,5 19,6 21,7 15,6 14,7 13,5 17,6 16,7 15,5 18,6 17,7 16,5 17,5 19,6 21,7 EER 4,2 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,7 4,9 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,2 4,4 4,5 5,6 5,1 3,4 5,8 5,3 3,5 5,9 5,5 3,6 3,6 3,8 3,9 5,9 4,8 3,4 6,2 5,0 3,5 6,3 5,1 3,6 3,6 3,8 3,9 5,6 5,6 3,7 5,9 5,9 3,9 6,0 6,0 3,9 4,0 4,1 4,3 5,8 5,5 3,7 6,0 5,7 3,9 6,2 5,8 3,9 4,0 4,1 4,3 6,1 5,1 3,8 6,4 5,4 4,0 6,6 5,5 4,0 4,1 4,3 4,4 kWf 17,1 18,1 18,6 19,2 20,2 21,2 20,1 21,3 21,9 22,5 23,8 25,1 16,9 18,4 27,2 17,9 19,5 28,7 18,5 20,1 29,5 30,3 31,9 33,6 17,4 23,1 31,1 18,4 24,7 32,9 19,1 25,3 33,9 34,8 36,7 38,7 25,4 25,4 39,4 27,0 27,0 41,7 27,8 27,8 42,9 44,1 46,7 49,3 28,0 30,9 45,7 29,7 32,6 48,4 30,6 33,5 49,8 51,1 54,0 56,9 29,1 39,3 53,4 30,9 41,8 56,8 32,0 43,0 58,5 60,2 63,7 67,1 kWe 4,3 4,4 4,4 4,5 4,6 4,6 5,4 5,5 5,6 5,6 5,8 5,9 3,2 3,9 8,5 3,3 3,9 8,7 3,3 3,9 8,8 8,9 9,0 9,1 3,2 5,1 9,8 3,2 5,2 10,0 3,2 5,2 10,1 10,2 10,4 10,6 4,8 4,8 11,2 4,9 4,9 11,5 4,9 4,9 11,6 11,7 12,0 12,3 5,1 6,0 13,0 5,2 6,1 13,3 5,3 6,1 13,4 13,5 13,8 14,1 5,0 8,1 15,0 5,1 8,2 15,2 5,1 8,3 15,3 15,5 15,7 16,0 kWs 12,1 12,8 13,5 14,3 14,9 15,5 13,9 14,7 15,5 16,3 17,1 17,8 13,7 15,0 18,2 14,8 15,9 19,1 15,9 16,8 20,2 21,3 22,2 23,0 14,6 17,7 20,7 15,9 18,7 21,9 17,1 20,1 23,1 24,2 25,2 26,2 20,6 20,6 26,4 22,1 22,1 27,8 23,8 23,8 29,3 30,9 32,4 33,7 23,1 25,0 30,8 25,0 26,9 32,5 27,0 28,8 34,2 35,9 37,4 39,1 24,8 30,4 36,3 26,8 32,5 38,0 28,8 34,8 40,0 42,1 43,8 45,3 Td 17,1 19,5 21,0 22,5 25,0 27,5 17,1 19,6 21,1 22,6 25,1 27,6 18,2 17,6 16,1 20,6 20,1 18,6 22,1 21,6 20,0 21,4 23,8 26,3 18,8 17,5 16,3 21,2 20,0 18,7 22,7 21,4 20,2 21,6 24,1 26,6 18,2 18,2 16,4 20,7 20,7 18,8 22,1 22,1 20,3 21,7 24,1 26,6 18,8 18,3 16,7 21,2 20,7 19,2 22,6 22,1 20,7 22,2 24,7 27,2 19,3 18,1 16,8 21,8 20,5 19,3 23,3 22,0 20,8 22,3 24,8 27,4 Tw 13,9 16,0 17,0 18,0 20,1 22,2 13,9 15,9 16,9 17,9 20,0 22,1 15,0 14,7 13,1 17,0 16,8 15,2 18,0 17,8 16,2 17,2 19,3 21,4 15,3 14,5 13,2 17,4 16,5 15,3 18,4 17,5 16,3 17,3 19,4 21,5 15,0 15,0 13,3 17,0 17,0 15,3 18,0 18,0 16,4 17,4 19,5 21,5 15,3 15,0 13,5 17,3 17,0 15,6 18,3 18,1 16,6 17,6 19,7 21,8 15,6 14,8 13,6 17,6 16,8 15,6 18,6 17,8 16,6 17,6 19,7 21,8 EER 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,6 3,7 3,9 3,9 4,0 4,1 4,2 5,2 4,8 3,2 5,5 5,0 3,3 5,6 5,1 3,4 3,4 3,5 3,7 5,5 4,5 3,2 5,8 4,8 3,3 5,9 4,8 3,4 3,4 3,5 3,7 5,3 5,3 3,5 5,5 5,5 3,6 5,6 5,6 3,7 3,8 3,9 4,0 5,4 5,2 3,5 5,7 5,4 3,6 5,8 5,5 3,7 3,8 3,9 4,0 5,8 4,8 3,6 6,1 5,1 3,7 6,2 5,2 3,8 3,9 4,1 4,2 kWs = sensible cooling capacity (kW) Td = dry bulb air outlet temperature °C Tw = wet bulb air outlet temperature °C All cooling capacities do not take into account the heat generated by fan motors FOLLOWS >> BT08M001GB-02 28 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY >> GO ON COOLING PERFORMANCE Size INLET AIR TEMPERATURE DISCHARGED/AMBIENT AIR TO COIL °C Ta (°C) DB/WB 25 / 18 28 / 20 160 30 / 21 32 / 22 35 / 24 38 / 26 27 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 kWf 30,9 50,6 64,5 32,8 53,7 68,9 34,2 55,5 71,0 73,1 77,1 80,9 kWe 4,6 10,1 16,5 4,7 10,3 16,9 4,7 10,4 17,1 17,3 17,6 17,9 kWs 30,0 37,8 43,1 32,8 39,6 45,3 34,2 41,6 47,8 50,2 52,3 54,3 28 Td 19,4 18,0 17,1 21,9 20,6 19,6 23,6 22,2 21,1 22,6 25,1 27,7 Tw 15,9 14,6 13,7 17,9 16,6 15,7 18,9 17,6 16,7 17,7 19,8 21,9 EER 6,7 5,0 3,9 7,0 5,2 4,1 7,2 5,4 4,2 4,2 4,4 4,5 kWf 30,6 50,2 63,9 32,6 53,1 68,3 34,0 55,0 70,4 72,5 76,5 80,2 kWe 4,7 10,3 16,9 4,8 10,5 17,3 4,8 10,6 17,4 17,6 18,0 18,3 Ta = fresh air temperature D.B./W.B. DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb kWf = Cooling capacity in kW kWe = Compressor power input in kW kWs 29,8 37,7 42,9 32,6 39,5 45,1 34,0 41,4 47,5 50,0 52,1 54,1 30 Td 19,5 18,0 17,1 21,9 20,6 19,6 23,6 22,2 21,1 22,6 25,1 27,7 Tw 15,9 14,6 13,7 18,0 16,7 15,7 18,9 17,7 16,7 17,7 19,8 21,9 EER 6,5 4,9 3,8 6,8 5,1 3,9 7,0 5,2 4,0 4,1 4,3 4,4 kWf 30,2 49,4 62,9 32,1 52,2 67,2 33,6 53,9 69,2 71,3 75,1 78,8 kWe 4,9 10,7 17,6 5,0 10,9 18,0 5,0 11,0 18,2 18,3 18,7 19,0 kWs 29,5 37,4 42,4 32,1 39,2 44,7 33,6 41,1 47,1 49,5 51,6 53,6 Td 19,5 18,1 17,2 22,0 20,7 19,7 23,7 22,3 21,2 22,7 25,2 27,8 Tw 16,0 14,7 13,8 18,0 16,7 15,8 19,0 17,7 16,8 17,8 19,9 22,0 EER 6,1 4,6 3,6 6,4 4,8 3,7 6,7 4,9 3,8 3,9 4,0 4,1 kWs = sensible cooling capacity (kW) Td = dry bulb air outlet temperature °C Tw = wet bulb air outlet temperature °C All cooling capacities do not take into account the heat generated by fan motors 29 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY HEATING PERFORMANCE Size 45 52 TEMPERATURE OF EXHAUST COIL INLET AIR/AMBIENT AIR (°C) (D.B./W.B.) Ta (°C) DB -5 0 5 7 10 15 -5 0 5 7 10 15 -5 0 5 7 60 10 15 -5 0 5 7 70 10 15 -5 0 5 7 90 10 15 -5 0 5 7 110 10 15 16/10,4 18/12,1 19/12,9 20/13,7 22/15,3 kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 20,6 20,6 20,5 20,4 20,3 19,8 2,7 3,0 3,3 3,5 3,7 4,2 7,4 12,6 17,8 19,8 22,9 27,8 7,6 6,9 6,2 5,8 5,5 4,7 21,3 21,5 21,4 21,3 21,1 20,6 2,8 3,1 3,4 3,6 3,8 4,3 7,8 13,2 18,4 20,4 23,4 28,3 7,6 6,9 6,3 5,9 5,6 4,8 21,9 22,0 21,8 21,7 21,5 20,9 2,8 3,1 3,5 3,7 3,9 4,3 8,2 13,5 18,6 20,6 23,7 28,5 7,8 7,1 6,2 5,9 5,5 4,9 22,5 22,5 22,3 22,1 21,9 21,3 2,9 3,2 3,5 3,7 3,9 4,4 8,6 13,8 18,9 20,9 23,9 28,7 7,8 7,0 6,4 6,0 5,6 4,8 24,1 23,6 23,1 22,9 22,6 22,0 3,0 3,3 3,6 3,8 4,0 4,5 9,5 14,5 19,4 21,4 24,4 29,2 8,0 7,2 6,4 6,0 5,7 4,9 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 25,4 25,0 24,6 24,4 24,2 23,8 3,2 3,5 3,9 4,1 4,4 5,0 8,3 13,3 18,3 20,3 23,3 28,3 7,9 7,1 6,3 6,0 5,5 4,8 26,4 26,0 25,6 25,4 25,2 24,7 3,3 3,6 4,0 4,3 4,5 5,1 8,8 13,8 18,8 20,8 23,8 28,8 8,0 7,2 6,4 5,9 5,6 4,8 27,0 26,5 26,1 25,9 25,7 25,2 3,3 3,7 4,1 4,3 4,6 5,2 9,1 14,1 19,1 21,1 24,1 29,1 8,2 7,2 6,4 6,0 5,6 4,8 27,5 27,1 26,6 26,4 26,2 25,7 3,4 3,7 4,2 4,4 4,6 5,2 9,4 14,4 19,4 21,4 24,4 29,4 8,1 7,3 6,3 6,0 5,7 4,9 28,6 28,1 27,7 27,5 27,2 26,6 3,5 3,9 4,3 4,5 4,8 5,4 9,9 14,9 20,0 22,0 24,9 29,9 8,2 7,2 6,4 6,1 5,7 4,9 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 35,4 34,9 34,5 19,0 21,1 34,3 18,7 20,8 34,1 18,5 20,8 33,8 4,8 5,3 6,0 2,3 2,9 6,4 2,4 3,0 6,8 2,8 3,4 7,8 11,0 16,1 21,2 16,0 17,0 23,2 18,9 19,9 26,2 23,9 25,1 31,4 7,4 6,6 5,8 8,4 7,4 5,4 7,7 6,8 5,0 6,7 6,1 4,3 36,9 36,3 35,8 19,7 22,1 35,6 19,5 21,7 35,4 19,2 21,7 35,1 4,9 5,5 6,2 2,3 2,9 6,6 2,5 3,1 7,0 2,8 3,5 8,0 11,7 16,7 21,8 16,3 17,4 23,8 19,3 20,3 26,9 24,3 25,5 32,0 7,5 6,6 5,8 8,6 7,5 5,4 7,9 7,0 5,1 6,8 6,2 4,4 37,6 37,0 36,5 20,1 22,5 36,3 19,9 22,2 36,1 19,7 22,1 35,8 5,0 5,6 6,3 2,3 3,0 6,7 2,5 3,2 7,1 2,9 3,6 8,1 12,0 17,0 22,1 16,5 17,6 24,1 19,5 20,6 27,2 24,5 25,7 32,3 7,5 6,6 5,8 8,7 7,6 5,4 7,9 7,0 5,1 6,9 6,2 4,4 38,4 37,7 37,2 20,5 23,0 37,0 20,3 22,7 36,8 20,2 22,6 36,4 5,1 5,7 6,4 2,3 3,0 6,8 2,5 3,2 7,2 2,9 3,6 8,2 12,4 17,4 22,4 16,7 17,8 24,4 19,7 20,8 27,5 24,8 25,9 32,6 7,5 6,6 5,8 8,8 7,7 5,4 8,0 7,1 5,1 7,0 6,3 4,4 39,9 39,2 38,7 21,5 24,0 38,4 21,2 23,9 38,1 21,3 23,4 37,6 5,3 5,9 6,6 2,4 3,1 7,0 2,6 3,3 7,4 3,0 3,7 8,4 13,0 18,0 23,1 17,1 18,3 25,1 20,1 21,4 28,1 25,3 26,3 33,2 7,5 6,6 5,9 8,9 7,8 5,5 8,2 7,3 5,1 7,1 6,4 4,5 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 41,0 40,2 39,7 19,5 26,9 39,5 19,5 26,6 39,3 19,1 26,1 39,0 5,8 6,3 7,1 2,3 3,9 7,5 2,5 4,2 7,9 2,9 4,6 9,1 10,9 15,9 20,9 14,9 17,9 23,0 18,0 20,9 26,0 22,9 25,8 31,2 7,1 6,4 5,6 8,3 6,9 5,3 7,7 6,4 5,0 6,6 5,6 4,3 42,7 41,8 41,2 20,4 28,0 41,0 20,2 27,7 40,8 19,9 27,2 40,5 5,9 6,5 7,3 2,4 4,0 7,7 2,6 4,3 8,2 3,0 4,8 9,4 11,6 16,5 21,5 15,2 18,3 23,6 18,3 21,3 26,7 23,3 26,3 31,8 7,2 6,4 5,6 8,5 7,0 5,3 7,8 6,5 5,0 6,7 5,7 4,3 43,5 42,7 42,0 20,8 28,6 41,8 20,6 28,3 41,6 20,3 27,7 41,3 6,0 6,6 7,4 2,4 4,1 7,8 2,6 4,3 8,3 3,0 4,8 9,5 11,9 16,8 21,9 15,4 18,6 23,9 18,4 21,5 27,0 23,4 26,5 32,1 7,3 6,5 5,7 8,6 7,1 5,4 7,8 6,5 5,0 6,8 5,8 4,3 44,3 43,5 42,8 21,2 29,2 42,6 21,0 28,9 42,4 20,7 28,3 42,0 6,1 6,7 7,5 2,5 4,1 7,9 2,7 4,4 8,4 3,0 4,9 9,6 12,2 17,2 22,2 15,6 18,8 24,2 18,6 21,8 27,3 23,6 26,7 32,4 7,3 6,5 5,7 8,6 7,1 5,4 7,9 6,6 5,0 6,9 5,8 4,4 46,0 45,1 44,5 22,0 30,4 44,2 21,8 30,1 43,9 21,6 29,4 43,4 6,3 7,0 7,8 2,5 4,2 8,2 2,7 4,5 8,7 3,1 5,0 9,8 12,8 17,8 22,9 15,9 19,3 24,9 18,9 22,3 27,9 23,9 27,2 33,0 7,3 6,4 5,7 8,8 7,2 5,4 8,0 6,7 5,0 7,0 5,9 4,4 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 50,4 49,4 48,7 28,4 28,4 48,4 28,2 28,2 48,1 28,0 28,0 47,7 6,8 7,5 8,3 3,4 3,4 8,8 3,6 3,6 9,3 4,0 4,0 10,6 10,2 15,2 20,2 15,9 15,9 22,2 18,9 18,9 25,3 24,0 24,0 30,4 7,4 6,6 5,9 8,3 8,3 5,5 7,8 7,8 5,2 7,0 7,0 4,5 52,8 51,4 50,5 30,0 30,0 50,1 29,6 29,6 49,8 28,8 28,8 49,4 7,1 7,7 8,5 3,5 3,5 9,0 3,7 3,7 9,5 4,1 4,1 10,9 10,9 15,8 20,8 16,4 16,4 22,7 19,4 19,4 25,8 24,3 24,3 30,9 7,4 6,7 5,9 8,6 8,6 5,6 8,0 8,0 5,2 7,0 7,0 4,5 53,8 52,5 51,5 30,7 30,7 51,2 30,3 30,3 50,8 29,4 29,4 50,3 7,2 7,9 8,7 3,6 3,6 9,2 3,7 3,7 9,7 4,1 4,1 11,0 11,2 16,1 21,1 16,7 16,7 23,1 19,6 19,6 26,1 24,5 24,5 31,2 7,5 6,6 5,9 8,6 8,6 5,6 8,1 8,1 5,2 7,1 7,1 4,6 54,5 53,5 52,7 31,4 31,4 52,3 31,0 31,0 52,0 30,2 30,2 51,2 7,3 8,0 8,8 3,6 3,6 9,3 3,8 3,8 9,8 4,2 4,2 11,2 11,4 16,4 21,5 16,9 16,9 23,4 19,8 19,8 26,5 24,7 24,7 31,5 7,5 6,7 6,0 8,7 8,7 5,6 8,2 8,2 5,3 7,2 7,2 4,6 55,6 55,7 55,3 32,6 32,6 54,9 32,4 32,4 54,5 32,1 32,1 53,0 7,4 8,3 9,2 3,7 3,7 9,7 3,9 3,9 10,2 4,3 4,3 11,4 11,8 17,1 22,3 17,2 17,2 24,3 20,3 20,3 27,3 25,4 25,4 32,1 7,5 6,7 6,0 8,8 8,8 5,7 8,4 8,4 5,3 7,4 7,4 4,6 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 58,3 57,6 56,8 31,1 35,6 56,4 31,0 35,2 55,9 31,3 34,5 54,9 8,1 8,9 9,8 3,8 4,6 10,4 4,1 4,9 10,9 4,6 5,4 12,4 9,4 14,5 19,5 15,0 16,2 21,5 18,0 19,1 24,5 23,3 24,1 29,5 7,2 6,5 5,8 8,2 7,7 5,4 7,6 7,2 5,1 6,8 6,3 4,4 59,8 59,9 59,5 32,5 37,2 59,1 32,3 36,7 58,6 32,8 35,9 57,1 8,2 9,1 10,2 3,9 4,7 10,7 4,2 5,0 11,3 4,7 5,6 12,7 9,8 15,0 20,2 15,4 16,6 22,2 18,4 19,5 25,2 23,6 24,5 30,1 7,3 6,6 5,8 8,3 7,9 5,5 7,8 7,3 5,2 7,0 6,5 4,5 60,8 61,1 60,7 33,4 38,0 60,3 33,1 37,5 59,8 33,4 36,6 58,2 8,3 9,3 10,3 4,0 4,8 10,9 4,2 5,1 11,4 4,7 5,6 12,8 10,0 15,3 20,5 15,6 16,8 22,5 18,6 19,7 25,5 23,8 24,7 30,4 7,3 6,6 5,9 8,4 8,0 5,5 7,9 7,4 5,2 7,0 6,5 4,5 61,9 62,2 61,9 34,2 38,7 61,5 34,0 38,2 61,0 34,0 37,3 59,3 8,4 9,4 10,5 4,0 4,8 11,0 4,3 5,1 11,6 4,8 5,7 13,0 10,3 15,6 20,8 15,8 17,0 22,8 18,8 19,9 25,8 24,0 24,8 30,7 7,4 6,6 5,9 8,5 8,0 5,6 7,9 7,4 5,3 7,1 6,6 4,6 64,6 64,6 64,0 36,2 40,1 63,6 35,8 39,5 63,0 35,1 38,6 61,3 8,7 9,7 10,8 4,1 4,9 11,3 4,4 5,3 11,9 4,9 5,8 13,3 10,9 16,2 21,3 16,3 17,3 23,4 19,3 20,3 26,4 24,3 25,2 31,2 7,4 6,7 5,9 8,8 8,1 5,6 8,1 7,5 5,3 7,2 6,6 4,6 Ta = Outside air temperature (°C) DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb kWt = Heating capacity (kW) BT08M001GB-02 kWe = Compressor power input in kW Td = dry bulb air outlet temperature °C All heating capacities do not take into account the heat generated by fan motors 30 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY HEATING PERFORMANCE Ta (°C) DB Size -5 0 5 7 130 10 15 -5 0 5 7 160 10 15 TEMPERATURE OF EXHAUST COIL INLET AIR/AMBIENT AIR (°C) (D.B./W.B.) 16/10,4 18/12,1 19/12,9 20/13,7 22/15,3 kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP kWt kWe Td COP C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 69,4 68,6 67,6 32,6 45,0 67,1 32,2 44,5 66,5 31,3 43,5 65,2 9,6 10,4 11,5 4,1 7,0 12,1 4,3 7,5 12,8 4,8 8,2 14,4 9,5 14,6 19,6 14,1 16,8 21,6 17,1 19,8 24,6 22,0 24,7 29,6 7,2 6,6 5,9 8,0 6,4 5,5 7,4 6,0 5,2 6,5 5,3 4,5 73,1 71,4 70,0 33,9 46,7 69,4 33,5 46,1 68,9 32,9 45,0 68,0 9,9 10,7 11,8 4,2 7,2 12,4 4,4 7,6 13,1 4,9 8,4 14,8 10,3 15,2 20,1 14,4 17,2 22,1 17,4 20,1 25,1 22,3 25,1 30,2 7,4 6,7 5,9 8,1 6,5 5,6 7,6 6,0 5,3 6,7 5,4 4,6 74,5 72,8 71,4 34,6 47,6 70,9 34,2 46,9 70,3 33,6 45,8 69,3 10,1 10,9 12,0 4,2 7,3 12,6 4,5 7,7 13,3 5,0 8,5 15,0 10,6 15,5 20,4 14,5 17,4 22,4 17,5 20,3 25,5 22,5 25,2 30,5 7,4 6,7 6,0 8,2 6,5 5,6 7,6 6,1 5,3 6,7 5,4 4,6 75,6 74,3 73,0 35,3 48,5 72,4 34,9 47,8 71,9 34,3 46,6 70,5 10,2 11,1 12,2 4,3 7,4 12,8 4,5 7,8 13,5 5,1 8,6 15,2 10,8 15,8 20,8 14,7 17,6 22,8 17,7 20,5 25,8 22,7 25,4 30,7 7,4 6,7 6,0 8,3 6,6 5,7 7,7 6,1 5,3 6,8 5,4 4,6 76,8 77,2 76,6 36,7 50,5 76,1 36,3 49,7 75,3 35,5 48,2 72,8 10,2 11,4 12,6 4,4 7,6 13,3 4,7 8,0 13,9 5,2 8,8 15,5 11,0 16,4 21,6 15,0 18,0 23,6 18,0 20,9 26,6 22,9 25,8 31,3 7,5 6,8 6,1 8,4 6,7 5,7 7,8 6,2 5,4 6,9 5,5 4,7 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 C1 C2 C1+C2 81,3 80,1 79,0 32,9 55,9 78,4 32,3 55,5 77,9 32,4 54,7 76,8 11,5 12,4 13,6 4,2 10,0 14,4 4,4 10,5 15,1 5,1 12,0 17,2 8,8 13,8 18,9 12,8 16,9 20,9 15,8 19,9 23,9 20,9 24,9 28,9 7,1 6,5 5,8 7,8 5,6 5,4 7,3 5,3 5,2 6,4 4,6 4,5 85,0 83,3 82,0 34,3 58,0 81,5 33,8 57,6 81,0 33,7 56,6 80,3 11,8 12,8 14,0 4,3 10,3 14,8 4,5 10,8 15,6 5,2 12,3 17,7 9,4 14,4 19,4 13,1 17,3 21,4 16,0 20,3 24,5 21,1 25,3 29,6 7,2 6,5 5,9 7,9 5,6 5,5 7,5 5,3 5,2 6,5 4,6 4,5 86,7 84,9 83,6 35,1 59,0 83,0 34,7 58,6 82,6 34,4 57,6 81,8 12,0 12,9 14,2 4,4 10,5 15,0 4,6 11,0 15,8 5,2 12,4 18,0 9,7 14,7 19,7 13,2 17,4 21,7 16,2 20,5 24,8 21,2 25,5 29,8 7,2 6,6 5,9 8,0 5,6 5,5 7,5 5,3 5,2 6,6 4,6 4,5 88,4 86,6 85,1 36,0 60,1 84,6 35,7 59,7 84,1 35,0 58,6 83,4 12,2 13,1 14,4 4,5 10,6 15,2 4,7 11,1 16,0 5,3 12,6 18,2 10,0 14,9 19,9 13,4 17,6 22,0 16,4 20,7 25,0 21,4 25,6 30,1 7,2 6,6 5,9 8,0 5,7 5,6 7,6 5,4 5,3 6,6 4,7 4,6 91,8 89,9 88,4 38,0 62,3 87,7 38,1 61,8 87,2 36,2 60,6 86,1 12,6 13,5 14,9 4,6 10,9 15,6 4,9 11,4 16,5 5,4 12,9 18,7 10,6 15,5 20,5 13,7 18,0 22,5 16,8 21,0 25,6 21,6 26,0 30,6 7,3 6,7 5,9 8,2 5,7 5,6 7,8 5,4 5,3 6,7 4,7 4,6 Ta = Outside air temperature (°C) DB = dry bulb WB = wet bulb kWt = Heating capacity (kW) kWe = Compressor power input in kW Td = dry bulb air outlet temperature °C All heating capacities do not take into account the heat generated by fan motors OPERATING LIMITS (HEATING) THE LIMITS ARE INDICATIVE AND CONSIDERED: - GENERAL AND NON-SPECIFIC SIZES - STANDARD AIR FLOW-RATE - OPERATION AT FULL LOAD - CORRECTLY INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED UNIT 30 25 Text (D.B.) °C 20 15 10 TEXT = TEMPERATURE OF FRESH AIR /INLET OF TREATMENT COIL CAUTION! DRY BULB MEASURED TEMPERATURE (D.B.=DRY BULB) 1 5 TI = TEMPERATURE OF INTAKE AIR / INLET OF EXPULSION COIL. CAUTION! TEMPERATURE MEASURED WITH WET BULB (W.B.=WET BULB) 0 -5 -10 1 = STANDARD OPERATING RANGE 2 = OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT WITH EXTRAPOWER OPTIONS AND CONFIGURATION FOR EXTERIOR LOW TEMPERATURE ALSO INCLUDES THE OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT WITH ELECTRICAL HEATERS OPTION (REFER TO THE SECTION DEDICATED ) 2 -15 -20 -25 8 10 12 14 Ti (W.B.) °C 16 18 20 °C 31 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR 2 ENERGY SUPPLY FAN PERFORMANCE 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 510 570 630 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 - - - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 - - - - - rpm 1244 1279 1314 1351 1386 1420 1455 1486 1518 1551 - - - - - kW 0,48 0,53 0,58 0,64 0,69 0,75 0,81 0,87 0,93 0,99 - - - - - l/s 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 rpm 1037 1067 1099 1132 1165 1861 1231 1263 1294 1325 1356 1387 1448 1508 1566 kW 0,57 0,62 0,69 0,76 0,83 0,91 0,98 1,05 1,13 1,20 1,28 1,367 1,533 1,708 1,889 l/s 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (Pa) 160 130 110 90 70 60 52 45 Standard air flow l/s rpm 1152 1179 1204 1231 1259 1286 1316 1343 1373 1402 1428 1457 1510 1566 1618 kW 0,75 0,83 0,89 0,96 1,03 1,11 1,19 1,28 1,37 1,45 1,53 1,62 1,79 1,98 2,17 l/s 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 - rpm 1305 1326 1348 1369 1392 1415 1437 1461 1486 1509 1534 1558 1609 1656 - kW 1,04 1,12 1,21 1,30 1,37 1,45 1,53 1,61 1,70 1,79 1,89 1,99 2,20 2,39 - l/s 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 - rpm 1196 1216 1235 1255 1274 1294 1313 1332 1351 1371 1392 1411 1454 1498 - kW 1,27 1,37 1,45 1,56 1,67 1,78 1,88 1,98 2,08 2,19 2,31 2,41 2,66 2,93 - l/s 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input rpm 998 1020 1040 1063 1084 1105 1128 1148 1169 1192 1213 1235 - - kW 1,41 1,53 1,66 1,81 1,95 2,08 2,24 2,38 2,53 2,71 2,87 3,02 - - - l/s 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 rpm 1228 1250 1274 1299 1322 1347 1374 1399 1426 1454 1479 1506 1557 1607 1658 kW 1,77 1,92 2,10 2,24 2,37 2,52 2,69 2,85 3,04 3,23 3,42 3,61 3,96 4,16 4,72 l/s 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 - - - m3/h 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 - - - rpm 1466 1480 1497 1514 1533 1553 1571 1591 1611 1630 1651 1672 - - - kW 2,83 2,97 3,14 3,32 3,52 3,74 3,94 4,10 4,28 4,44 4,63 4,83 - - - The performance takes into account the pressure drops in the unit (pressure drops in treatment coil, standard filters, etc.). To determine the performance required of the fans, you must add to the usable static pressure desired the pressure drops of any accessories. DISCHARGE FAN PERFORMANCE 80 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 510 570 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 - - - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 - - - - - rpm 1229 1262 1305 1343 1378 1411 1444 1478 1509 1543 - - - - - kW 0,47 0,52 0,57 0,63 0,69 0,74 0,80 0,86 0,92 0,98 - - - - - l/s 1372 1372 1372 1372 1372 1372 1372 1372 - - - - - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 - - - - - - - rpm 1337 1366 1397 1428 1461 1494 1526 1559 - - - - - - - kW 0,58 0,63 0,69 0,74 0,80 0,86 0,92 0,99 - - - - - - - l/s 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 rpm 1096 1122 1151 1177 1207 1238 1267 1298 1329 1357 1387 1416 1444 1501 1556 kW 0,65 0,72 0,78 0,84 0,91 0,99 1,07 1,16 1,24 1,31 1,39 1,48 1,56 1,74 1,92 l/s 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 rpm 1243 1265 1288 1311 1335 1359 1382 1409 1435 1460 1486 1511 1537 1587 1638 kW 0,90 0,98 1,07 1,14 1,22 1,29 1,36 1,45 1,54 1,63 1,73 1,82 1,92 2,10 2,29 l/s 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 rpm 1144 1165 1186 1206 1227 1247 1267 1285 1306 1328 1351 1374 1398 1444 1490 kW 1,13 1,21 1,31 1,41 1,52 1,62 1,71 1,80 1,90 2,01 2,13 2,24 2,37 2,63 2,89 l/s 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 - - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 - - - - EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (Pa) 160 130 110 90 70 60 52 45 Standard air flow l/s rpm 1325 1345 1364 1382 1399 1414 1430 1447 1465 1481 1498 - - - - kW 1,63 1,74 1,85 1,95 2,05 2,15 2,25 2,37 2,50 2,62 2,75 - - - - l/s 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 - - - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 - - - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input BT08M001GB-02 rpm 1085 1106 1129 1148 1167 1187 1205 1224 1244 1263 - - - - - kW 1,78 1,91 2,05 2,20 2,34 2,50 2,66 2,81 2,98 3,13 - - - - - l/s 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 - - m3/h 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 - - rpm 1402 1418 1436 1456 1477 1497 1518 1537 1558 1579 1602 1624 1636 - - kW 2,43 2,66 2,83 3,02 3,22 3,41 3,57 3,71 3,89 4,06 4,25 4,45 4,56 - - 32 ZEPHIR 2 ® CONSTRUCTIONAL CONFIGURATION: ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY SUPPLY FAN PERFORMANCE 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 510 570 630 640 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 1250 - - - - - m3/h 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 - - - - - rpm 1232 1244 1279 1314 1351 1386 1420 1455 1486 1518 1551 - - - - - kW 0,41 0,48 0,53 0,58 0,64 0,69 0,75 0,81 0,87 0,93 0,99 - - - - - l/s 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 m3/h 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 rpm 1026 1037 1067 1099 1132 1165 1861 1231 1263 1294 1325 1356 1387 1448 1508 1566 kW 0,54 0,57 0,62 0,69 0,76 0,83 0,91 0,98 1,05 1,13 1,20 1,28 1,367 1,533 1,708 1,889 l/s EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (Pa) 160 130 110 90 70 60 52 45 Standard air flow Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow l/s 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 1667 Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 rpm 1143 1152 1179 1204 1231 1259 1286 1316 1343 1373 1402 1428 1457 1510 1566 1618 kW 0,66 0,75 0,83 0,89 0,96 1,03 1,11 1,19 1,28 1,37 1,45 1,53 1,62 1,79 1,98 2,17 l/s 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 - rpm 1298 1305 1326 1348 1369 1392 1415 1437 1461 1486 1509 1534 1558 1609 1656 - kW 0,92 1,04 1,12 1,21 1,30 1,37 1,45 1,53 1,61 1,70 1,79 1,89 1,99 2,20 2,39 - l/s 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 2500 - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 - rpm 1190 1196 1216 1235 1255 1274 1294 1313 1332 1351 1371 1392 1411 1454 1498 - kW 1,15 1,27 1,37 1,45 1,56 1,67 1,78 1,88 1,98 2,08 2,19 2,31 2,41 2,66 2,93 - l/s 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 3056 - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input rpm 991 998 1020 1040 1063 1084 1105 1128 1148 1169 1192 1213 1235 - - kW 1,22 1,41 1,53 1,66 1,81 1,95 2,08 2,24 2,38 2,53 2,71 2,87 3,02 - - - l/s 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 3611 rpm 1219 1228 1250 1274 1299 1322 1347 1374 1399 1426 1454 1479 1506 1557 1607 1658 kW 1,56 1,77 1,92 2,10 2,24 2,37 2,52 2,69 2,85 3,04 3,23 3,42 3,61 3,96 4,16 4,72 l/s 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 - - - m3/h 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 - - - rpm 1460 1466 1480 1497 1514 1533 1553 1571 1591 1611 1630 1651 1672 - - - kW 2,60 2,83 2,97 3,14 3,32 3,52 3,74 3,94 4,10 4,28 4,44 4,63 4,83 - - - The performance takes into account the pressure drops in the unit (pressure drops in treatment coil, standard filters, etc.). To determine the performance required of the fans, you must add to the usable static pressure desired the pressure drops of any accessories. DISCHARGE FAN PERFORMANCE 80 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 510 570 590 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 1189 - - - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 - - - - - rpm 1206 1229 1262 1305 1343 1378 1411 1444 1478 1509 1543 - - - - - kW 0,44 0,47 0,52 0,57 0,63 0,69 0,74 0,80 0,86 0,92 0,98 - - - - - l/s 1372 1372 1372 1372 1372 1372 1372 1372 1372 - - - - - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 5200 - - - - - - - rpm 1319 1337 1366 1397 1428 1461 1494 1526 1559 - - - - - - - kW 0,55 0,58 0,63 0,69 0,74 0,80 0,86 0,92 0,99 - - - - - - - l/s 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 1583 Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 rpm 1078 1096 1122 1151 1177 1207 1238 1267 1298 1329 1357 1387 1416 1444 1501 1556 kW 0,60 0,65 0,72 0,78 0,84 0,91 0,99 1,07 1,16 1,24 1,31 1,39 1,48 1,56 1,74 1,92 l/s 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 1847 Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 7000 rpm 1230 1243 1265 1288 1311 1335 1359 1382 1409 1435 1460 1486 1511 1537 1587 1638 kW 0,85 0,90 0,98 1,07 1,14 1,22 1,29 1,36 1,45 1,54 1,63 1,73 1,82 1,92 2,10 2,29 l/s 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 2375 Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 rpm 1130 1144 1165 1186 1206 1227 1247 1267 1285 1306 1328 1351 1374 1398 1444 1490 kW 1,07 1,13 1,21 1,31 1,41 1,52 1,62 1,71 1,80 1,90 2,01 2,13 2,24 2,37 2,63 2,89 l/s 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 2902 - - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 - - - - EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (Pa) 160 130 110 90 70 60 52 45 Standard air flow l/s rpm 1312 1325 1345 1364 1382 1399 1414 1430 1447 1465 1481 1498 - - - - kW 1,56 1,63 1,74 1,85 1,95 2,05 2,15 2,25 2,37 2,50 2,62 2,75 - - - - l/s 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 3430 - - - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input Standard air flow m3/h 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 - - - - - Standard air flow Fan RPM Total input rpm 1069 1085 1106 1129 1148 1167 1187 1205 1224 1244 1263 - - - - - kW 1,69 1,78 1,91 2,05 2,20 2,34 2,50 2,66 2,81 2,98 3,13 - - - - - l/s 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 4222 - - m3/h 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 16000 - - rpm 1391 1402 1418 1436 1456 1477 1497 1518 1537 1558 1579 1602 1624 1636 - - kW 2,40 2,43 2,66 2,83 3,02 3,22 3,41 3,57 3,71 3,89 4,06 4,25 4,45 4,56 - - 33 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® ACCESSORIES EHP - PREHEATING ELECTRIC HEATERS The option is indicated for cold climate and premit to preheat the inlet air to the water treatment battery and to extend the work limit. Ideal for places where the outside temperatures to active the heaters during for a short in all year. In these cases the simplification of the system is widely bilance than conduction cost. The fins are made of aluminium, with a size suitable to ensure high efficiency and maintain low power density on the surfaces to limit overheating. The low temperature of the heating elements increases their lifespan and limits the effect of air ionization. The electrical heating elements are managed by a thermal control device with two power settings. The electric heater activation depends on the outside air temperature. This electric heater generate a preliminary treatment of the outside air before entering into the active termodinamic heat recovery exchanger. Just in case the outdoor air temperature might be lower than the presetted parameter inside the electonic control, the unit stops both electric heater and ventilation in order to introduction of too cold air in the served ambients. COMBINATIONS PREHEATING ELECTRIC HEATERS SIZE This operation involves variation of the main electrical data of the machine. Hot water coil and electric heaters cannot be mounted at the same time EXTENSION OF OPERATING LIMITS WITH PRE-HEATING ELEMENTS The minimum work temperature of the heat pump with electric heater change and depends on the series and the power of the electric heater. The minimum temperature is easily to reckon subtrahend the DELTA T value (table following below) to the air temperature inlet on exchanger. POWER ELECTRIC HEATERS / DELTA T AIR FLOW RATE [L/S] SIZE 45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 3 kW 2,0 1,7 - 1250 1444 1667 1944 2500 3056 3611 4444 4,5 kW 3,0 2,6 - 6 kW 4,0 3,4 3,0 2,5 - 30 12 kW 7,9 6,8 5,9 5,1 4,0 3,2 2,7 2,2 18 kW 11,9 10,3 8,9 7,6 5,9 4,9 4,1 3,3 24 kW 7,9 6,5 5,5 4,4 36 kW 11,9 9,7 8,2 6,7 THE LIMITS ARE INDICATIVE AND CONSIDERED: - GENERAL AND NON-SPECIFIC SIZES - STANDARD AIR FLOW-RATE - OPERATION AT FULL LOAD - CORRECTLY INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED UNIT 25 20 Text (D.B.) °C 9 kW 5,9 5,1 4,4 3,8 - 15 10 TEXT (D.B.) = AMBIENT AIR TEMPERQATURE / HANDLING COIL INLET CAUTION! DRY BULB MEASURED TEMPERATURE (D.B.=DRY BULB) 1 5 TI = TEMPERATURE OF INTAKE AIR / INLET OF EXPULSION COIL. CAUTION! TEMPERATURE MEASURED WITH WET BULB (W.B.=WET BULB) 3 0 -5 -10 2 Delta T -15 -20 8 10 12 14 Ti (W.B.) °C BT08M001GB-02 16 18 °C 34 1 = STANDARD OPERATING RANGE 2 = OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT WITH ELECTRICAL HEATERS OPTION. THE DELTA T VALUE IS POSSIBLE CALCULATE USING THE PREVIOUS TABLE AS A REFERENCE THE HEAT PUMP SIZE AND THE ELECTRIC HEATER POWER. 3 = OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT ONLY FOR A LIMITED PERIOD OF TIME (MAX 1 HOUR) 20 ZEPHIR 2 ® EPWR - EXTRAPOWER (WITH WATER EXCHANGER IN ADDITION) Exploiting the cold and warm fluids in the system is possible: - to extend the work limits of the heat pump in hard external climate condition; - to supplement the capacity of the heat pump in application where is necessary the humidity control; - to support the environment start up even if the thermodynamic recovery is swicth off. The option is constituted in a heat exchanger positioned inside of the heat pump linked through hydraulic pipes to the main hydraulic system. The control start through a modulation deviation valve, with the main goal to keep the absolute value of the humidity set up from the user in the range of the inlet temperature prearranged. The electronic logic of the heat pump can to invert automatically refrigerating cycle (cold/warm) according to the water temperature inside of exchanger. The exchanger is complete with an antifreeze protection, always active also with the unit is in stand by as long as with power supply. If is necessary can open the valves at the maximum value allowable to permit the flowing water in the exchanger to avoid creation ice. EXCHANGER PRESSURE DROPS AIR SIDE 60 THE AIR SIDE PRESSURE DROPS ARE RELATIVE TO THE MEDIUM AIR TEMPERATURE OF 5°C AND ARE TO BE ADDED TO THE PRESSURE DROPS DUE TO DUCTS, TERMINAL DEVICES AND ANY OTHER COMPONENT THAT CAUSES A DROP IN WORKING DISCHARGE HEAD. 55 50 52 45 160 110 DP [Pa] 40 QA = AIR FLOW DP = PRESSURE DROP 45 35 70 130 90 30 60 25 20 15 10 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000 17500 20000 QA [m 3/h] EXCHANGER PRESSURE DROPS WATER SIDE 90 45-52 60-70 80 70 PRESSURE DROPS ON THE WATER SIDE ARE CALCULATED CONSIDERING AN AVERAGE WATER TEMPERATURE OF 65°C 90-110 DP [kPa] 60 QW = WATER FLOW-RATE (L/S) DP = PRESSURE DROP 130-160 50 THE WATER FLOW RATE MUST BE CALCULATED WITH THE FOLLOWING FORMULA 40 QW [L/S] = P / (4,186 X DT) 30 P = HEATING CAPACITY / COOLING IN kW DT = TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WATER INLET / OUTLET 20 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 QW [l/s] This option reduces the available static pressure (air side). The component requires connection to the plumbing system (to be provided for by the client). Water exchanger and electric heaters cannot be mounted at the same time. The CTU option (temperature and humidity control) must be provided in case supply air humidity control is required. 35 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® EXTRAPOWER (WITH WATER EXCHANGER IN ADDITION) COOLING PERFORMANCES AT MAX. CAPACITY T i/ T o ( °C ) 7 / 12 Size kWf kWs Td 9 / 14 Tw kWf kWs Td 11 / 16 Tw kWf 45 Ta (°C) DB/WB Qo (l / s) Ta (°C) DB/WB Ta (°C) DB/WB Ta (°C) DB/WB Ta (°C) DB/WB Ta (°C) DB/WB Ta (°C) DB/WB Ta (°C) DB/WB kWf kWs Td Tw 13,9 13,0 24,5 18,9 15,4 14,4 19,4 16,7 16,8 15,6 15,3 14,7 18,2 16,6 8,6 8,6 22,2 18,1 23,4 14,2 13,2 28,1 21,1 15,7 14,6 22,8 19,0 17,2 15,9 18,3 16,9 18,6 17,0 11,2 11,2 22,5 18,6 32 / 22 37,5 25,7 14,6 13,5 31,8 23,4 16,1 15,0 26,3 21,2 17,6 16,3 21,5 19,2 19,0 17,4 13,6 13,6 22,8 19,1 35 / 24 45,5 29,0 15,2 14,2 40,0 26,7 16,7 15,6 34,0 24,5 18,3 17,0 28,1 22,3 19,8 18,3 17,2 17,2 23,2 20,6 38 / 26 54,1 32,2 15,9 14,8 48,5 30,0 17,4 16,2 42,6 27,8 18,9 17,6 36,3 25,5 20,4 19,0 22,1 20,4 24,0 21,9 42 / 27 58,4 36,6 16,5 15,2 52,8 34,5 18,0 16,5 46,9 32,3 19,5 17,9 40,7 30,1 21,0 19,3 26,9 25,0 24,6 22,2 50 / 29 67,2 45,2 10,5 12,8 61,7 43,1 12,0 14,3 55,9 41,0 13,5 15,8 49,9 38,9 14,9 17,2 36,3 33,9 18,4 20,3 1250 28 / 20 33,0 23,6 14,3 13,3 27,0 21,1 15,8 14,6 21,5 18,7 17,2 15,8 17,0 16,4 18,5 16,7 9,6 9,6 22,4 18,1 30 / 21 37,2 26,2 14,7 13,6 31,0 23,7 16,2 15,0 25,2 21,3 17,6 16,2 20,3 19,0 18,9 17,2 12,4 12,4 22,7 18,7 32 / 22 41,5 28,8 15,1 13,9 35,2 26,2 16,6 15,3 29,1 23,8 18,0 16,6 23,8 21,5 19,4 17,6 15,2 15,2 23,1 19,2 35 / 24 50,4 32,4 15,8 14,6 44,1 29,9 17,3 16,0 37,5 27,4 18,8 17,4 31,1 25,0 20,2 18,6 19,3 19,3 23,6 20,7 38 / 26 60,0 36,0 16,6 15,4 53,7 33,5 18,0 16,7 47,0 31,1 19,5 18,1 39,9 28,6 21,0 19,4 24,5 22,9 24,4 22,1 42 / 27 64,7 41,0 17,3 15,8 58,5 38,6 18,7 17,1 51,8 36,2 20,2 18,4 45,0 33,7 21,7 19,7 29,8 28,2 25,0 22,4 50 / 29 67,2 45,2 14,7 15,2 61,7 43,1 16,0 16,4 55,9 41,0 17,3 17,6 49,9 38,9 18,6 18,8 36,3 33,9 21,6 21,3 1667 28 / 20 42,1 29,3 13,3 12,5 34,4 26,2 14,9 14,0 27,3 23,1 16,4 15,3 21,4 20,4 17,8 16,4 12,0 12,0 22,0 18,0 30 / 21 47,3 32,5 13,6 12,7 39,6 29,3 15,2 14,3 32,1 26,3 16,7 15,6 25,6 23,5 18,1 16,8 15,5 15,5 22,1 18,5 32 / 22 52,7 35,7 13,8 13,0 44,9 32,5 15,5 14,5 37,2 29,4 17,1 15,9 30,1 26,5 18,5 17,2 18,9 18,9 22,4 19,0 35 / 24 63,9 40,3 14,4 13,5 56,2 37,1 16,0 15,0 47,9 34,0 17,6 16,5 39,7 30,9 19,2 18,0 23,9 23,9 22,7 20,5 38 / 26 75,8 44,7 14,9 14,1 68,2 41,6 16,5 15,6 59,9 38,5 18,1 17,1 51,1 35,4 19,8 18,6 30,9 28,2 23,5 21,7 42 / 27 81,8 50,8 15,4 14,4 74,1 47,8 17,0 15,9 66,0 44,7 18,7 17,3 57,3 41,6 20,3 18,8 37,5 34,5 24,0 21,9 50 / 29 94,1 62,6 9,3 11,8 86,5 59,6 10,8 13,4 78,5 56,6 12,4 15,0 70,2 53,6 14,0 16,6 50,6 46,7 17,6 19,9 1944 28 / 20 46,9 33,1 13,7 12,9 38,3 29,5 15,3 14,3 30,5 26,2 16,7 15,5 24,0 23,0 18,1 16,5 13,5 13,5 22,2 18,0 30 / 21 52,8 36,7 14,1 13,1 44,1 33,2 15,6 14,6 35,8 29,7 17,1 15,9 28,7 26,6 18,5 17,0 17,5 17,5 22,4 18,6 32 / 22 58,9 40,3 14,4 13,4 50,0 36,7 16,0 14,9 41,4 33,3 17,5 16,2 33,7 30,1 18,9 17,4 21,3 21,3 22,7 19,1 35 / 24 71,5 45,5 15,0 14,0 62,7 41,9 16,6 15,5 53,3 38,4 18,2 16,9 44,1 35,0 19,6 18,3 27,0 27,0 23,1 20,6 38 / 26 85,0 50,5 15,7 14,7 76,2 47,0 17,2 16,1 66,9 43,5 18,7 17,5 56,9 40,0 20,3 19,0 34,7 32,0 23,9 21,9 42 / 27 91,7 57,5 16,2 15,0 83,0 54,0 17,8 16,4 73,7 50,6 19,3 17,8 64,0 47,1 20,9 19,2 42,1 39,1 24,5 22,1 50 / 29 105,6 70,9 10,2 12,6 97,0 67,6 11,7 14,1 87,8 64,2 13,2 15,6 78,4 60,9 14,7 17,1 56,9 53,1 18,2 20,2 2500 28 / 20 60,2 42,6 13,7 12,9 49,1 38,0 15,3 14,3 39,0 33,6 16,7 15,6 30,7 29,6 18,1 16,5 17,3 17,3 22,2 18,1 30 / 21 67,8 47,3 14,1 13,2 56,6 42,6 15,6 14,6 45,7 38,2 17,1 15,9 36,7 34,1 18,5 17,0 22,4 22,4 22,4 18,6 32 / 22 75,6 51,9 14,4 13,4 64,1 47,3 16,0 14,9 53,1 42,8 17,5 16,2 43,2 38,7 18,9 17,4 27,4 27,4 22,7 19,1 35 / 24 92,1 58,6 15,0 14,0 80,6 54,0 16,6 15,5 68,4 49,4 18,1 16,9 56,7 45,0 19,6 18,3 34,8 34,8 23,1 20,6 38 / 26 109,5 65,1 15,6 14,7 98,2 60,6 17,2 16,1 86,0 56,1 18,7 17,5 73,0 51,5 20,3 19,0 44,5 41,2 23,8 21,9 42 / 27 118,2 74,2 16,2 15,0 106,9 69,7 17,7 16,4 94,9 65,2 19,3 17,8 82,3 60,8 20,8 19,2 54,2 50,5 24,4 22,1 50 / 29 136,2 91,6 10,1 12,5 125,0 87,2 11,6 14,1 113,2 82,8 13,1 15,6 101,1 78,6 14,6 17,1 73,3 68,4 18,2 20,2 3056 28 / 20 69,1 49,7 14,4 13,4 56,4 44,4 15,8 14,7 44,7 39,4 17,2 15,9 35,4 34,7 18,5 16,7 20,0 20,0 22,5 18,2 30 / 21 77,8 55,2 14,8 13,7 64,7 49,8 16,3 15,1 52,7 44,8 17,6 16,2 42,3 40,1 18,9 17,2 26,1 26,1 22,8 18,7 32 / 22 87,0 60,7 15,2 14,0 73,7 55,3 16,7 15,4 61,0 50,2 18,1 16,6 49,7 45,5 19,4 17,7 32,0 32,0 23,1 19,3 35 / 24 106,1 68,5 15,9 14,7 92,6 63,1 17,4 16,1 78,5 57,9 18,8 17,4 65,1 52,8 20,3 18,7 40,7 40,7 23,6 20,7 38 / 26 126,4 76,1 16,6 15,5 113,0 70,9 18,1 16,8 98,7 65,6 19,5 18,1 83,7 60,4 21,0 19,5 51,3 48,5 24,4 22,1 42 / 27 136,5 86,7 17,3 15,8 123,1 81,6 18,7 17,1 108,9 76,4 20,2 18,5 94,5 71,3 21,7 19,8 62,7 59,5 25,0 22,4 50 / 29 157,5 107,5 11,4 13,6 144,3 102,4 12,8 15,0 130,4 97,4 14,2 16,4 116,5 92,4 15,7 17,8 85,0 80,8 19,0 20,6 3611 28 / 20 86,8 61,5 13,7 12,9 70,9 54,9 15,3 14,3 56,4 48,6 16,7 15,6 44,4 42,7 18,1 16,5 24,9 24,9 22,2 18,1 30 / 21 97,9 68,3 14,1 13,2 81,6 61,6 15,6 14,6 66,1 55,2 17,1 15,9 53,0 49,3 18,5 17,0 32,4 32,4 22,4 18,6 32 / 22 109,1 75,0 14,4 13,4 92,6 68,2 16,0 14,9 76,6 61,9 17,5 16,3 62,4 55,9 18,9 17,4 39,6 39,6 22,7 19,1 35 / 24 132,9 84,6 15,0 14,0 116,4 78,0 16,6 15,5 98,8 71,3 18,1 16,9 81,8 65,1 19,6 18,3 50,2 50,2 23,1 20,6 38 / 26 158,1 94,1 15,6 14,7 141,7 87,5 17,2 16,1 124,1 81,0 18,7 17,5 105,4 74,4 20,3 19,0 64,3 59,5 23,8 21,9 42 / 27 170,6 107,1 16,2 15,0 154,3 100,6 17,7 16,4 136,9 94,2 19,3 17,8 118,8 87,8 20,8 19,2 77,9 73,1 24,4 22,1 50 / 29 196,6 132,3 10,1 12,6 180,5 126,0 11,6 14,1 163,4 119,6 13,1 15,6 146,0 113,5 14,6 17,1 105,9 98,9 18,2 20,2 Qo (l / s) 160 Tw 21,1 Qo (l / s) 130 Td 33,7 Qo (l / s) 110 kWs 29,9 Qo (l / s) 90 18 / 23 kWf 30 / 21 Qo (l / s) 70 13 / 18 Tw 28 / 20 Qo (l / s) 60 Td 1250 Qo (l / s) 45 kWs 4444 28 / 20 100,1 72,1 14,4 13,4 81,7 64,5 15,9 14,7 64,9 57,2 17,2 15,9 51,4 50,3 18,5 16,8 29,0 29,0 22,5 18,2 30 / 21 112,8 80,2 14,8 13,7 93,9 72,4 16,3 15,1 76,4 65,1 17,7 16,3 61,4 58,2 19,0 17,2 37,9 37,9 22,8 18,7 32 / 22 126,1 88,1 15,2 14,0 106,9 80,3 16,7 15,4 88,5 72,9 18,1 16,6 72,1 66,0 19,4 17,7 46,4 46,4 23,1 19,3 35 / 24 153,9 99,4 15,9 14,7 134,3 91,7 17,4 16,1 113,9 84,0 18,9 17,4 94,3 76,7 20,3 18,7 59,1 59,1 23,7 20,7 38 / 26 183,3 110,4 16,6 15,5 163,9 102,9 18,1 16,8 143,1 95,2 19,6 18,2 121,3 87,7 21,0 19,5 74,5 70,4 24,4 22,2 42 / 27 197,9 125,9 17,3 15,8 178,6 118,5 18,8 17,2 157,9 111,0 20,3 18,5 137,0 103,5 21,7 19,8 91,0 86,5 25,1 22,4 50 / 29 228,4 156,0 11,4 13,6 209,2 148,7 12,9 15,0 189,0 141,4 14,3 16,5 169,0 134,2 15,7 17,8 123,4 117,4 19,0 20,6 Ta = air inlet temperature of water coil (°C) DB = dry bulb , WB = wet bulb Ti/To = water temperature inlet/outlet (°C) Qo = air flow (l/s) kWf = cooling capacity in (kW) kWs = sensible cooling capacity (kW) Td = outlet air temperature from the dry bulb water coil (°C) Tw = outlet air temperature from the wet bulb water coil (°C) WARNING: DATA LISTED IN THE TABLE ARE BASED ON THE MAXIMUM POWER THAT CAN BE GIVE TO THE WATER EXCHANGER. THE POWER IS REGULATED FROM THE DEVIATION VALVE TO PERMITI (1) TO HOLD THE DESIRE CONDITION (TEMPERATURE E/O ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY) OR (2) TO EXTEND THE OPERATIVE FIELD OF THE REFRIGERATION CIRCUITE. BT08M001GB-02 36 ZEPHIR 2 ® EXTRAPOWER (WITH WATER EXCHANGER IN ADDITION) HEATING PERFORMANCES AT MAX. CAPACITY 30/25 kWt Td (°C) Ta (°C) 47,5 39,9 32,5 25,2 18,0 10,6 7,1 8,4 9,5 10,4 11,2 11,7 66,5 58,6 51,0 43,5 36,3 29,2 17,9 19,3 20,5 21,6 22,5 23,5 Ta (°C) 53,0 44,5 36,2 28,0 20,0 11,7 6,2 7,6 8,8 9,8 10,7 11,4 74,5 65,7 57,1 48,8 40,6 32,8 16,8 18,3 19,6 20,8 21,8 22,9 Ta (°C) 66,2 55,6 45,3 35,2 25,2 14,9 8,3 9,5 10,4 11,1 11,7 12,1 92,1 81,2 70,6 60,3 50,3 40,6 19,4 20,7 21,7 22,6 23,4 24,2 Ta (°C) 74,6 62,6 51,0 39,5 28,2 16,6 7,4 8,6 9,6 10,5 11,2 11,8 104,4 92,0 80,0 68,3 56,9 45,9 18,3 19,7 20,8 21,8 22,7 23,7 Ta (°C) 96,1 80,6 65,5 50,7 36,0 21,0 7,4 8,6 9,6 10,5 11,2 11,6 134,9 118,9 103,3 88,2 73,5 59,2 18,5 19,9 20,9 21,9 22,8 23,7 Ta (°C) 111,9 93,8 76,1 58,7 41,5 24,0 6,1 7,5 8,6 9,7 10,5 11,2 158,2 139,4 121,2 103,4 86,2 69,3 16,9 18,4 19,7 20,8 21,9 22,9 Ta (°C) 138,8 116,4 94,6 73,2 52,0 30,3 7,4 8,6 9,6 10,5 11,2 11,6 194,9 171,8 149,3 127,4 106,2 85,5 18,5 19,9 21,0 21,9 22,8 23,7 Ta (°C) Ti/To (°C) 20/10 kWt Td (°C) 162,4 136,2 110,5 85,2 60,3 34,8 6,1 7,4 8,6 9,6 10,5 11,2 229,8 202,5 176,0 150,2 125,1 100,7 16,9 18,4 19,7 20,8 21,8 22,9 Size 45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 Qo (l / s) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Qo (l / s) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Qo (l / s) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Qo (l / s) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Qo (l / s) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Qo (l / s) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Qo (l / s) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Qo (l / s) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 35/30 Td (°C) 1250 73,7 22,0 65,7 23,5 58,0 24,7 50,4 25,8 43,1 26,7 36,0 27,8 1444 82,6 20,8 73,7 22,4 65,0 23,7 56,5 24,9 48,3 25,9 40,3 27,1 1667 102,2 23,7 91,1 25,0 80,3 26,1 69,8 27,0 59,7 27,8 49,8 28,6 1944 115,7 22,4 103,2 23,9 91,0 25,0 79,1 26,1 67,6 27,0 56,4 28,0 2500 149,7 22,7 133,4 24,1 117,6 25,2 102,3 26,2 87,4 27,1 72,9 28,1 3056 175,6 21,0 156,6 22,5 138,0 23,8 120,0 25,0 102,5 26,0 85,5 27,1 3611 216,3 22,7 192,7 24,1 169,9 25,2 147,7 26,2 126,2 27,1 105,3 28,1 4444 255,1 20,9 227,4 22,5 200,5 23,8 174,3 24,9 148,8 26,0 124,1 27,1 kWt kWt 45/40 Td (°C) kWt 60/50 Td (°C) 88,2 80,0 72,0 64,2 56,7 49,4 30,3 31,9 33,1 34,2 35,2 36,2 106,5 98,0 89,7 81,7 73,9 66,4 40,8 42,5 43,8 44,9 45,9 47,0 99,0 89,7 80,8 72,1 63,7 55,4 28,9 30,5 31,9 33,1 34,2 35,4 119,4 109,8 100,6 91,6 82,9 74,4 38,9 40,7 42,1 43,4 44,5 45,7 122,2 110,8 99,7 88,9 78,5 68,3 32,3 33,7 34,8 35,7 36,5 37,4 147,7 135,9 124,4 113,2 102,5 91,9 43,2 44,7 45,9 46,9 47,7 48,6 138,5 125,6 113,0 100,9 89,0 77,5 30,8 32,3 33,5 34,6 35,5 36,5 167,3 153,9 140,9 128,3 116,1 104,2 41,3 43,0 44,3 45,4 46,3 47,4 179,2 162,5 146,2 130,4 115,1 100,2 31,1 32,6 33,8 34,8 35,7 36,7 216,3 199,0 182,1 165,8 150,0 134,5 41,7 43,3 44,6 45,6 46,5 47,6 210,5 190,8 171,8 153,2 135,2 117,7 29,1 30,8 32,1 33,3 34,3 35,5 253,5 233,3 213,7 194,5 176,0 157,9 39,2 41,0 42,4 43,6 44,7 45,9 258,9 234,7 211,2 188,4 166,2 144,7 31,1 32,6 33,8 34,8 35,7 36,7 312,5 287,5 263,1 239,6 216,7 194,3 41,7 43,3 44,6 45,6 46,5 47,6 305,7 277,2 249,5 222,6 196,4 171,0 29,1 30,7 32,0 33,2 34,3 35,4 368,2 338,9 310,4 282,6 255,6 229,3 39,1 40,9 42,3 43,5 44,6 45,8 kWf = Cooling capacity in (kW) Temperature range Ti/To = 20/10 typical with use of a preheating with water ring coil Ti/To = water temperature inlet/outlet (°C) Qo = air flow (l/s) kWt = Heating capacity (kW) Td = outlet air temperature from the dry bulb water coil (°C) WARNING: DATA LISTED IN THE TABLE ARE BASED ON THE MAXIMUM POWER THAT CAN BE GIVE TO THE WATER EXCHANGER. THE POWER IS REGULATED FROM THE DEVIATION VALVE TO PERMITI (1) TO HOLD THE DESIRE CONDITION (TEMPERATURE E/O ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY) OR (2) TO EXTEND THE OPERATIVE FIELD OF THE REFRIGERATION CIRCUITE. OPERATING LIMITS (HEATING) OPERATING LIMITS (COOLING) 2 25 TEXT = TEMPERATURE OF FRESH AIR /INLET OF TREATMENT COIL CAUTION! TEMPERATURE MEASURED WITH WET BULB (W.B.=WET BULB) 20 1 25 20 Text (D.B.) °C THE LIMITS ARE INDICATIVE AND CONSIDERED: - GENERAL AND NON-SPECIFIC SIZES - STANDARD AIR FLOW-RATE - OPERATION AT FULL LOAD - CORRECTLY INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED UNIT 30 Text (W.B.) °C THE LIMITS ARE INDICATIVE AND CONSIDERED: - GENERAL AND NON-SPECIFIC SIZES - STANDARD AIR FLOW-RATE - OPERATION AT FULL LOAD - CORRECTLY INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED UNIT 30 35 15 10 1 5 -5 -10 15 TI = TEMPERATURE OF INTAKE AIR / INLET OF EXPULSION COIL. CAUTION! DRY BULB MEASURED TEMPERATURE (D.B.=DRY BULB) 10 2 -15 15 20 25 Ti (D.B.) °C 30 35 40 1 = STANDARD OPERATING RANGE 2 = OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT WITH EXTRAPOWER OPTIONS AND CONFIGURATION FOR EXTERNAL HIGH TEMPERATURE TI = TEMPERATURE OF INTAKE AIR / INLET OF EXPULSION COIL. CAUTION! TEMPERATURE MEASURED WITH WET BULB (W.B.=WET BULB) -20 -25 8 5 10 TEXT = TEMPERATURE OF FRESH AIR /INLET OF TREATMENT COIL CAUTION! DRY BULB MEASURED TEMPERATURE (D.B.=DRY BULB) 3 0 10 12 14 Ti (W.B.) °C 16 °C To extend the operating range, EXTRAPOWER option toghether with high/low external temparture configuration must be selected 37 18 20 1 = STANDARD OPERATING RANGE 2 = OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT WITH EXTRAPOWER OPTIONS AND CONFIGURATION FOR EXTERIOR LOW TEMPERATURE .ALSO INCLUDES THE OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT WITH ELECTRICAL HEATERS OPTION (REFER TO THE SECTION DEDICATED ) 3 = OPERATION FIELD OF THE UNIT ONLY FOR A LIMITED PERIOD OF TIME (MAX 1 HOUR) BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® 3WVM - MODULATING 3-WAY VALVE PRESSURE DROP MODULATING THREE-WAY VALVE 120 45-52 110 100 90-110 60-70 90 80 DP [kPa] To be used in conjunction with the EXTRAPOWER option. It is controlled by the on-board microprocessor by means of a 0-10V signal and allows fully automatic adjustment of the water exchanger. The valve with modulating actuator is provided already installed and wired on the machine. 70 130-160 60 50 40 30 20 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q [l/s] Q [l/s] = water flow rate DP = water-side pressure drop (kPa) Option requiered for unit with EXTRAPOWER accessory CTU - TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY CONTROL It’s a option that permit to manage the additional elements to humidity control (increase/ reduction). It’s include humidity probes in aspiration, outside air and inlet air and consequent automatic regulation. When is request the dehumidification using the compressor power available and others additional elements to satisfy the humidity set point. When is request the humidification using the humidifier capacity in side of the heat pump to satisfy the humidity set point. CPHG - HOT GAS RE-HEATING COIL This option is recommended during the summer when dehumidification of the room is required. The flow of air to enter the room may contain a higher level of humidity than desired. The dehumidification process is used to reduce it. The air flow is first cooled in the treatment coil with separation of condensation. It is then freely post-heated to maintain the desired condition of comfort in the room served. The post-heating coil is located behind the treatment coil and is activated by drawing a flow of hot gas down the line from the compressors through the action of a dedicated solenoid valve. The process starts working based on the humidity set-point established by the user. With respect to traditional devices, such as electrical heating elements or hot water coils, the use of the post-heating coil does not consume any energy. It also lowers the condensation temperature, which provides two positive effects: the power absorbed by the compressors is considerably reduced, and at the same time the cooling power is increased with greater efficiency (EER). 1 T 4 RH 3 5 1 2 3 4 5 External air and umidity/temperature probe Air cooled and dehumidified on inside exchanger (evaporator) Hot gas bypass valve Treated air by the re-heating exchanger External exchanger (condenser) Indicative scheme - not in scale This option reduces the available static pressure (air side). This accessory is combine to the option: CTU - temperature and humidity control BT08M001GB-02 2 38 ZEPHIR 2 ® PERFORMANCES OF POST-HEATING COIL HOT GAS RE-HEATING 22 Size 24 kWt Td kWt 10,4 8,6 7,2 6,9 6,2 5,2 16,7 17,8 18,7 20,5 22,1 23,4 11,1 9,3 7,9 7,6 6,9 5,9 11,3 9,4 7,9 7,5 6,7 5,6 16,3 17,4 18,4 20,2 21,8 23,2 12,1 10,2 8,6 8,2 7,5 6,4 15,7 14,7 13,6 12,6 11,6 10,6 17,6 19,4 20,6 22,2 23,7 25,2 16,8 15,7 14,7 13,6 12,6 11,6 17,3 16,1 15,0 13,8 12,7 11,6 17,1 18,9 20,2 21,8 23,4 24,9 18,4 17,3 16,1 15,0 13,8 12,7 22,8 21,3 19,8 18,3 16,8 15,3 17,3 19,1 20,4 22,0 23,5 25,1 24,4 22,8 21,3 19,8 18,3 16,8 25,7 24,0 22,3 20,6 19,0 17,3 16,8 18,6 19,9 21,5 23,1 24,7 27,5 25,7 24,0 22,3 20,7 19,0 33,3 31,1 28,9 26,7 24,6 22,4 17,4 19,2 20,5 22,0 23,6 25,1 35,5 33,3 31,1 28,9 26,8 24,6 37,7 35,2 32,7 30,3 27,8 25,4 16,8 18,6 20,0 21,6 23,1 24,7 40,2 37,7 35,2 32,8 30,3 27,8 45 Ta (°C) Qo (l / s) 10 12 14 16 18 20 52 Ta (°C) Qo (l / s) 10 12 14 16 18 20 60 Ta (°C) Qo (l / s) 10 12 14 16 18 20 70 Ta (°C) Qo (l / s) 10 12 14 16 18 20 90 Ta (°C) Qo (l / s) 10 12 14 16 18 20 110 Ta (°C) Qo (l / s) 10 12 14 16 18 20 130 Ta (°C) Qo (l / s) 10 12 14 16 18 20 160 Ta (°C) Qo (l / s) 10 12 14 16 18 20 AMBIENT RETURN AIR TEMPERATURE°C 26 Td kWt Td kWt 1250 17,1 11,8 17,6 12,9 18,2 10,0 18,7 11,1 19,1 8,6 19,6 9,7 20,9 8,3 21,4 9,3 22,5 7,6 23,0 8,6 23,9 6,5 24,3 7,6 1444 16,7 12,9 17,1 14,1 17,9 10,9 18,3 12,1 18,8 9,4 19,3 10,5 20,7 9,0 21,1 10,1 22,3 8,2 22,7 9,4 23,6 7,1 24,1 8,2 1667 18,1 17,8 18,6 19,5 19,9 16,8 20,4 18,4 21,1 15,7 21,6 17,3 22,7 14,7 23,2 16,3 24,2 13,6 24,7 15,2 25,7 12,6 26,2 14,2 1944 17,6 19,6 18,1 21,4 19,4 18,4 19,9 20,2 20,7 17,3 21,2 19,0 22,3 16,1 22,8 17,9 23,8 15,0 24,3 16,7 25,4 13,8 25,9 15,6 2500 17,8 25,9 18,3 28,2 19,6 24,3 20,1 26,7 20,9 22,8 21,4 25,1 22,5 21,3 23,0 23,6 24,0 19,8 24,5 22,1 25,5 18,3 26,0 20,6 3056 17,2 29,2 17,7 31,8 19,0 27,5 19,5 30,1 20,4 25,7 20,8 28,4 22,0 24,0 22,4 26,6 23,5 22,3 24,0 24,9 25,1 20,7 25,6 23,2 3611 17,9 37,8 18,4 41,2 19,7 35,5 20,2 38,9 21,0 33,3 21,5 36,7 22,5 31,1 23,0 34,5 24,1 28,9 24,6 32,3 25,6 26,8 26,1 30,1 4444 17,3 42,8 17,7 46,6 19,1 40,2 19,6 44,1 20,4 37,7 20,9 41,6 22,0 35,2 22,5 39,1 23,6 32,8 24,1 36,6 25,2 30,3 25,6 34,1 29 32 Td kWt Td 18,3 19,4 20,3 22,1 23,7 25,0 14,0 12,2 10,7 10,4 9,7 8,6 19,0 20,1 21,0 22,8 24,4 25,7 17,8 19,0 19,9 21,7 23,3 24,7 15,3 13,3 11,7 11,3 10,5 9,4 18,5 19,7 20,6 22,4 24,0 25,4 19,4 21,2 22,4 24,0 25,5 27,0 21,1 20,0 19,0 17,9 16,8 15,8 20,1 22,0 23,2 24,8 26,3 27,8 18,8 20,7 21,9 23,5 25,1 26,6 23,2 22,0 20,8 19,7 18,5 17,3 19,6 21,5 22,7 24,2 25,8 27,3 19,0 20,9 22,1 23,7 25,3 26,8 30,6 29,0 27,5 26,0 24,4 22,9 19,8 21,7 22,9 24,5 26,0 27,6 18,4 20,2 21,5 23,1 24,7 26,3 34,5 32,8 31,0 29,3 27,6 25,9 19,1 21,0 22,2 23,8 25,4 27,0 19,1 21,0 22,2 23,8 25,3 26,9 44,6 42,4 40,1 37,9 35,7 33,5 19,9 21,8 23,0 24,6 26,1 27,6 18,4 20,3 21,6 23,2 24,8 26,3 50,6 48,0 45,5 42,9 40,4 37,9 19,1 21,0 22,3 23,9 25,5 27,0 Ta = outlet air temperature from the treatment coil and entering the post-heating coil Qo = air flow rate (l/s) kWt = thermal power provided (kW) Td = Outlet air temperature from the re-heating coil(°C) The post-heating coil is supplied with hot gas released from the outlet pipe. Since the temperature of the hot condensation gas is related to the ambient air intake temperature, the approximate powers of the post-heating coil are expressed based on the ambient air intake temperature. 39 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® HSE - ELECTRODE BOILER STEAM HUMIDIFIER This device is perfect for the winter period when it is necessary to add humidity to the room without cooling the air flow. The modulating automatic adjustment makes it possible to adapt the production of steam and the related operating costs to meet actual needs. Available in different powers, the device is suitable for use with unsoftened water of medium conductivity. It is complete with water filling solenoid valve, disposable cylinder, water drainage solenoid valve, distribution nozzle, electronic control card with functions of verification of water level, verification of conductivity, anti-foam, manual override of water drainage. To ensure the utmost hygiene, the cylinder is automatically drained after a certain period of inactivity. The device includes an automatically activated anti-freeze device. A supply probe is used to monitor the humidity level. It is installed and wired onboard the machine. The accessory is installed inside the unit and is connected to the electrical panel of the machine. If required a vapour air capacity more than the standard described, it’s possible to predispose (in option) a 0-10 volts signal to manage a external humidifier (care client). COMBINATIONS ELECTRODE BOILER STEAM HUMIDIFIER Size This operation involves variation of the main electrical data of the machine. This accessory requires the presence of a water circuit and drain on board the machine. Provided by the customer This accessory is combine to the option: CTU - temperature and humidity control HWS - WATER TO WASTE EVAPORATING WET-DECK HUMIDIFIER This option is recommended when quick, efficient humidification of the served room is required. Humidification of the air mixture occurs by passing the air flow through a honeycomb package that is kept humid at all times by a series of nozzles that inject water in small drops. The reserve of water for treatment is taken directly from the water mains. During operation, the pure water vapour is mixed with the air currents. The remaining part, enriched with mineral salts, is collected in the tub and eliminated. The constant exchange of water ensures cleaning of the evaporation septum and provides maximum limitation of the formation and proliferation of Legionnaire's Disease. With this option, energy consumption for water evaporation is limited. Whenever the packaged humidifier is active, in addition to humidifying, adiabatic cooling of the air takes place, which is constantly compensated for by the thermal control device. Direct connection to the plumbing system eliminates the need for special water treatment and easy control of the humidification process by means of the measuring and adjusting device of the water flow rate provided standard. The accessory is installed inside the unit and is connected to the electrical panel of the machine. SOLENOID VALVE MEASURING DEVICE ADJUSTER MANUAL SHUT-OFF VALVE Size 45 52 60 70 90 110 130 160 Ta (°C) D.B. Ta (°C) W.B. 15 5,4 20 9,2 25 12,6 30 15,1 35 17,6 kg/h 17 19 21 26 30 kg/h 19 22 24 31 35 kg/h 22 25 28 35 40 kg/h 26 29 33 41 47 kg/h 33 38 42 53 60 kg/h 41 46 51 65 74 kg/h 48 55 61 76 87 kg/h 60 67 75 94 108 Ta D.B.= dry bulb temperature of inlet air to the wet deck. Ta W.B.= wet bulb temperature of inlet air to the wet deck. Approximate values of the maximum rate of steam released by the wet deck humidifier to the air to obtain controlled thermal and humidity conditions in supply. The data refer to a unit with standard air flow rate in supply. This option reduces the available static pressure (air side). This accessory requires the presence of a water circuit and drain on board the machine. Provided by the customer This accessory is combine to the option: CTU - temperature and humidity control BT08M001GB-02 40 ZEPHIR 2 ® IO/II - INDOOR / OUTDOOR INSTALLATION The standard unit for external installation is complete with grate against rain situated on the aspiration and expulsion ways and plenum to attach inlet and outlet air canals. The optional version for internal installation is complete of plenums to attach inlet all canals air. It’s necessary to predispose shorts removable canals especially on the external canal air and expulsion canal to permit the maintenance. FCE - ENTHALPY FREE-COOLING When external conditions allow it, the unit is capable of automatically activating free-cooling mode, which, by keeping the compressors off and drawing in suitably filtered fresh air, cools the served room. This operating mode is especially useful in spring and autumn or with high ambient loads. It allows substantial reduction of the unit's energy consumption and wear of th e compressors by placing air directly into the room. The settings are determined automatically by comparing the temperature and humidity outside and in the served room. This accessory is combine to the option: CTU - temperature and humidity control PAQC- AIR QUALITY SENSOR FOR CO2 P.P.M. CONTROL This option is recommended for areas with highly variable rates of traffic. The probe measure the amount of CO2 in the environment and sends the machine a 0/10V proportional signal. Based on the received signal, the machine manages the input of the correct amount of refresh air, preventing wasted energy and money due to a treatment of fresh air in excess of actual needs. The probe is installed and wired on board the machine and is located in the unit's supply duct. PAQCV - AIR QUALITY SENSOR FOR CO2 AND VOC P.P.M. CONTROL The option is recommended in areas with tobacco smoke, formaldehyde (from solvents, deodorants, glues, paints, detergents), food preparation, etc. The probe measure the amount of CO2 and VOC (volatile organic compounds) in the environment and sends the machine a 0/10V proportional signal. Based on the received signal, the machine manages the input of the correct amount of refresh air, preventing wasted energy and money due to a treatment of fresh air in excess of actual needs. The probe is installed and wired on board the machine and is located in the unit's supply duct. LTEMP - CONFIGURATION FOR EXTERNAL LOW TEMPERATURE The option is necessary in very cold climate, where the external temperature range is between –5°C and –20°C. The option is complete of heaters with automatic regulation and thermostat built to protect the electric board from cold warranting a right functionality. An other heater device keep the right temperature level the electronic main board holding the correct communication speed of the microprocessor and avoiding damages on display. This operation involves variation of the main electrical data of the machine. This addiction element remains always functional also when the unit is switch off as long as the elettrical supply is maintained on. IMPORTANT! It’s necessary to provide appropriate precautions to avoid stock pile snow and ice in front of the inlet and outlet air. 41 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® HTEMP - CONFIGURATION FOR HIGH EXTERNAL TEMPERATURE This option is advisable for very hot climates, where the outside temperature must be between +40°C and +50°C included . This is composed of a forced ventilation system, activated by the thermostat, that provided at the maintenance of the electric switchboard right temperature. The hot air evacuation is set via ductwork connection between the electric switchboard and the unit air ducting. This accesory is always operating even at switched off machine on condition that the power supply is maintained active and the machine isn’t sectionized. For the correct unit operation the temperature within the unit must be under 50 °C. Therefore, during storage or unit already installed but not powered, must be avoided the temperature above. With the unit installed and connected to the air distribution system, protections and safeties work only with active electrical power supply and not severed sectionized unit. ASGX - SAND TRAP LOUVRE The option is recommended in areas with high dust and sandy zones. The grids are collocated on external air intake and, thanks to the shake metallic labyrinth, the grids are capable of stop particles with a diameter higher than 60/80 µm present in the air flow. The grids are selfcleaning because they are fitted at the bottom with holes for dusts evacuation . Provide the unit raised installation to enable the right sand evacuation Separately supplied accessories This option reduces the available static pressure (air side). F7 - HIGH EFFICIENCY F7 AIR FILTER The multi-dihedral filters with rigid pockets, class F7, are filtering components that are in addition to the standard G4 filters, for more effective filtering. They are widely used in civil air conditioning systems and in industrial applications that require suitable performance concerning fine dusts and particles with dimensions greater than µm. Class F7 filters are made of fibreglass paper, pleated with constant calibrated spacing, mounted on frames with a sturdy structure in extruded moulded polyester; the ample filtering surface reduces air side pressure drops. Class F7 filters must be replaced after reaching their limits of dirtiness with scheduled periodic maintenance. It is possible to provide as an accessory the dirty filters differential switch, which informs the user that the admissible limit of dirtiness has been reached so as not to excessively reduce the air flow rate with respect to the nominal value. This option reduces the available static pressure (air side). PSSAF - DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCH FOR DIRTY AIR FILTERS It makes it possible to detect and signal (with a suitable alarm) when the dirtiness of the air filter reaches its maximum level. This provides the machine operator with information on when filter maintenance is required. The detection signal is installed in the unit. It is already connected to the electrical panel and pre-calibrated in the factory. Calibration can be modified by a specialized service centre during the commissioning phase. Among the accessories it is available the following option: - differential pressure switch for dirty air filters in supply - differential pressure switch for dirty air filters in expulsion: - differential pressure switch for dirty air filters in expulsion and supply. The warning signal is unique and it operates with cumulative logically , aside from filtration options. This device is not applicable at the “Electronic air filter” option, being equipped with clogging integrated signalling and therefore not compatible with differential pressure switch. BT08M001GB-02 42 ZEPHIR 2 ® FES - HIGH EFFICIENCY ELECTRONIC AIR FILTER (EQUIVALENT TO CLASS H10) The second stage of filtration with high efficiency is create through electrostatic cells filter. The filtration efficiency is over 95% for particles that have got diameters over 0,5 micron and it’s equivalent to classification H10 used in the traditional filters, in other words the class identified as “absolute filter” effective also onto smokes, thin dusts, PM10 PM2, PM1, bacterium, germs and virus. The electronic filters eliminate the ventilation higher consumption generated by the traditional filters pressure drops and they are regenerated by washing. The clogging of the electronic filter is signalled by a sensor enabling to schedule the routine maintenance, that the user can easily do by simply washing in water with a cleaner not aggressive for aluminum.. The electronic filters are made with aluminium alloy and are complete with metal pre-filter. The control electronic circuit is integrated with water-proof protection that allows the washing. This option reduces the available static pressure (air side). This operation involves variation of the main electrical data of the machine. The H10 class electronic filters and the F7 pocket filters cannot be included simultaneously on the machine. HOW THE ELECTRONIC FILTERS WORK The air and the dirty particles in suspension pass through a magnetic field created by ionization cables that charge them with positive potential. The dirty particles pass through the electric field created between, the plates charged positively (that repulse) and the plates with negative charge where dirty particles in suspension fall down (Van der Vaals principle). The particles deposited can be periodically removed by washing from the collector. FLOW OF CONTAMINATED AIR IONIZATION CAPTIVATION APPLICATION CASE OF HIGH EFFICIENCY ELECTRONIC FILTERS Concerning commercial applications, in fresh air intake sections after the pre filter G4 sometimes other additional filtration stages with higher efficiency are used, with classes F6 and F7 disposed immediately after G4 prefilters. Choosing the electronic 2 filters on ZEPHIR the user get a bigger filtration efficiency and at the same time a reduction of the fans electric consumption. Indeed we have to consider the particles with diameter in a range between 0,35 and 0,45 micron where usually there are the biggest concentration of dangerous pollutants. In this range the traditional filtration system provide: F6 (about 0,35 ÷ 0,45 µm) → filtration efficiency 20% F7 (about 0,35 ÷ 0,45 µm) → filtration efficiency 50% The resulting efficiency F6+F7 (initial pollution 100%) is equal to 100 x (1-20) x (1-50) = 40% 2 The filtration efficiency of ZEPHIR in the same range is over 75% and increase again with particles with bigger dimension (over 95% with particles over 0,5 micron) . The equivalent PRESSURE DROPS is 20 Pa, therefore with a reduction over 90% than the pressure drop of a traditional filtration system (eg .F6+F7 ) THE OPERATING COSTS REDUCTION IN AN APPLICATION CASE OF HIGH EFFICIENCY ELECTRONIC FILTERS Considering a typical installation in commercial application where the air renewal of 9000 m3/h is generated by the 2 use of a unit ZEPHIR Energy 90. The system works for 14 hours per day and 6 days a week to a total amount of 4300 hours in one whole year. The price of the electric energy is in this case 0,15 euro/ kwh. In this example it is assumed (=100%) the unit standard’s price, complete therefore with filters G4 but without of second filtration stage of high efficiency. The bigger initial price of the electronic filters vs the traditional filters has a pay back in less than one and a half year thanks to lower costs of ventilation and ordinary maintenance. 2 Unit ZEPHIR ENERGY 90 (9.000 m3/h) SECOND FILTRATION STAGE F7 H10 + 3,5 % + 20,6 % Fan energy absorption per year MAINTENANCE COST 8,9 % 6,2 % Maintenance scheduling 3 3,9 % 1 1,0 % (F7 filters) (wire+cleaner) FILTRATION SYSTEM PURCHASE COST Extraprice on standard unit ENERGY COST Spare price (per visit) Maintenance time per visit Maintenance unitary price Maintenance cost per year 60 90 30 €/h 12,1 % 1,2 % 21,0 % 7,4 % OPERATION COST PER YEAR Energy + Maintenance, % on the std. Unit cost RETURN ON INVESTEMENT (ROI) 43 15,8 month (1,3 years) BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® TAEWX - WALL ELECTRONIC THERMOSTAT 135 86 The option allow to check the main functions of the unit in remote position. It’s predisposed for wall application the device have an easy keyboard and intuitive display with icons menu. The user can do: - switch on and switch off the unit; - change seasonal modality (cold/warm); - change temperature set up; - change humidity set up; - to set up the weekly and daily timer; - show the main information about the unit. The keyboard operation can be disconnected to avoid handling from not allow users. The device is linked to the electric main board through a twisted double cable (section from 0,5 to 1,5 mm2) with a maximum distance 200 metres. The power supply is 24 volts it can get form the electric main board of the unit. Separately supplied accessories This accessory is necessary when the extraction is carried out from a position different from the room real conditions. It also contains a dedicated temperature probe and an humidity probe that can be used to replace the ones installed on the machine. This accessory requies the electrical connection during installation. Provided by the Customer. RCMRX - REMOTE CONTROL WITH REMOTE MICROPROCESSOR CONTROL 164 193 Option that permit to manage all main function of the unite from a remote place. Easily to apply on the wall, show the same aspect of the user keyboard situated on board of the unit. The device show a easy keyboard and a intuitive display with icons and texts. The device is linked to the main electric board on the unit with a maximum distance 200 metres. The device can be used even simultaneously with the “wall electronic thermostat“. 2 x SCHIELDED TWISTED PAIR CABLE AWG 20/22 = SEC. 0.3 – 0.5 mm2 Separately supplied accessories This accessory requies the electrical connection during installation. Provided by the Customer. MOB - SERIAL PORT RS485 WITH MODBUS PROTOCOL It allows serial connection of supervision systems, using ModBus as the communication protocol. It allows access to the complete list of operating variables, controls and alarms. The device is installed and wired on board the machine. LONW - SERIAL PORT RS485 WITH LONWORKS PROTOCOL It allows serial connection of supervision systems, using LonWorks as the communication protocol. It allows access to a list of operating variables, control and alarms compliant with the Echelon standard. The device is installed and wired on board the machine. BT08M001GB-02 44 92 ZEPHIR 2 ® PM - PHASE MONITOR The phase monitor makes it possible to check the correct connection of the phases and their imbalance in units powered with a tri-phase system. If the connection of the phases is not correct, or the threshold of phase imbalance is exceeded, or the voltage is too high or too low for a certain amount of time, the monitor acts on the control circuit and orders the machine to be shut down. As soon as nominal line conditions are restored, the unit is automatically reset. The device is installed and wired on board the machine. PFCP - POWER FACTOR CORRECTION CAPACITORS (COSFI > 0.9) The component is necessary to lower the phase difference between current and voltage in the electromagnetic components of the machine, such as asynchronous motors. By re-phasing it is possible to reduce the intensity of the line current by reducing a part of the power of the mains (reactive power). This leads to an economic benefit which the energy provider grants to the final user. The component makes it possible to bring the cosfi power factor to values which on average are greater than 0.9. The device is installed and wired on board the machine. MHP - HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE GAUGES Although the standard unit permit already to show the digital parameters of pressure of the refrigeration circuit, this option allow the analogic measures of the Freon pressures on suction and compression, giving a most easy way to check the work parameters from specialists in the field. The two liquid pressure gauges and corresponding pressure sockets are installed on the machine in an easily accessible location. The device is installed and wired on board the machine. M16 125 155 CMS - CLIVET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS) Clivet Management System (CMS) is a Clivet supervision system that allow to schedule and manage all the installed Clivet conditioning units, optimizing their functional working and the others systems in order to reduce the energy consumption. Thanks to the simple use of the software and to the tridimensional graphic interface, it is possible to change complex activities of system operating into simple activities made by the customer. Clivet management system let to visualize the maintenance state of the conditioning units, valuate and manage the alarms. The user makes operation on the supervision workstation or on the PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) interface display. The exchange data between workstation, units, control electronic devices, remote managing electronic devices is made on serial bus networks by communication standard protocol RS485, or on local network LAN (Local Area Network) Ethernet TCP/ IP. The control software let to verify the conditioning unit and to make the on-line assistance directly from Clivet factory using the telephone network. 45 BT08M001GB-02 12.5 Separately supplied accessories 125 The rubber anti-vibration devices are fastened in housings on the longitudinal members. They reduce the vibrations caused by the machine, reducing the noises transmitted by the support structures. These elastic bodies soften axial and tangential stresses. Their mechanical and physical characteristics remain nearly unchanged over time thanks to the highly resistant material they are made of. As an alternative to the rubber anti-vibration devices, it is possible to use neoprene rubberized strips on the longitudinal support members. As an alternative to the rubber anti-vibration devices, it is possible to use neoprene rubberized strips on the longitudinal support members (not supplied by Clivet). 100 AMRX - RUBBER ANTIVIBRATION MOUNTS ZEPHIR 2 ® RESUMPTIVE STATEMENT OF MAIN ACCESSORIES AND FUNCTIONALITY CPAN-XHE OPTIONS OPTION DESCRIPTION ENERGY RECOVERY Versions IO Outdoor installation II Indoor installation CTEMP Temperature control CTU Temperature and humidity control FCE Enthalpy free cooling ● ○ ● ○ ○(3) ● ○ ● ○ ○(3) ● ○ ○(1) ○ * ○(1) ○(1) ● ○ ○(1) ○ * ○(1) ○(1) ● ○ ○(3) ● ○ ○(3) ● ● ● ○ ○ * ○ ○(2) ○(2) ○(3) ○(3) ○ ○ ● ● ● ○ ○ * ○ ○(2) ○(2) ○(3) ○(3) ○ ○ * * ○ ○ ○ ○ * * ○ ○ ○ ○ Configurations RTA Active thermodynamic recovery EPWR EXTRAPOWER (with water exchanger) 3WVM Modulating three-way valve EHP Preheating electric heaters AMRX Rubber antivibration mounts LTEMP Configuration for external low temperature HTEMP Configuration for high external temperature Refrigerant Circuit EVE Electronic expansion valve MHP High and low pressure gauges CPHG Hot gas re-heating coil Ducting Circuit PCOSME Air flow constant in delivery and expulsion FMG4 Class G4 fresh air filters FEG4 Class G4 air filters on exhaust air F7 High efficiency F7 air filter FES Electronic filter ASGX Sand trap louvre PSSAF Differential pressure switch for dirty air filters in delivery PSEAF Differential pressure switch for dirty air filters in expulsion PSTAF Differential pressure switch for dirty air filters in expulsion and delivery HSE Electrode boiler steam humidifier HWS Water to waste evaporating wet-deck humidifier PAQC Air quality sensor for CO2 p.p.m. control PAQCV Air quality sensor for CO2 and VOC p.p.m. control Electric Circuit RCMRX Remote control with remote microprocessor control TAEWX Wall-mounted electronic room thermostat MOB Serial port RS485 with MODBUS protocol LONW PM PFCP ● Standard ○ Option Serial communication module LONWORKS Phase monitor Power factor correction capacitors (cosfi > 0.9) Separately supplied option * ○(1) Available only with EPWR option EXTRAPOWER (with water exchanger in addition) ○(2) Available only with FEG4 option Class G4 air filters on exhaust air ○(3) Available only with CTU option Temperature and humidity control BT08M001GB-02 46 ZEPHIR 2 ® FUNCTIONAL CLEARANCES When placing the unit, it is necessary to comply with the functional spaces indicated in the dimensions. Compliance with fictional spaces is essential to: - ensure proper operation of the unit - allow maintenance technicians easy access to the equipment compartments - protect authorized operators and exposed persons. If several units are placed near one another, the functional spaces between machines must be doubled. DIMENSIONAL ZEPHIR 2 ENERGY / RECOVERY Size 45-52 DIMENSIONAL 1 2917 3 14 16 15 884 646 646 17 18 2 186 113 22 569 * 1760 * 113 19 569 * 136 61 236 56 2897 56 61 10 6 9 23 B B W4 5 4 FLANGE DIMENSIONS ON UNITS FOR INDOOR INSTALLATION View B-B flange to channel exhaust air 524 89 W3 19 ES ES 146 1184 M R 1054 1844 642 13 12 1500 ** 1891 437 966 View A-A flange channel for outdoor air 7 11 642 20 21 AE AE 23 A WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION ZEPHIR 2 ENERGY Size W1 W2 W3 W4 kg kg kg kg Shipping weight kg 45 198 191 176 169 735 52 203 195 180 173 750 45 185 178 163 156 683 52 190 182 167 160 698 ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY Size W1 W2 W3 W4 Shipping weight kg kg kg kg kg 146 W2 A 1 1200 ** 8 W1 1296 105 (1) COMPRESSORS (2) ELECTRICAL PANEL (3) MICROPROCESSOR KEYBOARD (4) SUPPLY FAN (5) EXHAUST FAN (6) EXCHANGER FOR THE OUTDOOR AIR HANDLING (7) EXCHANGER FOR THE ENERGY RECOVERY OF THE AIR IN EXPULSION (8) PLEATED AIR FILTER CLASS G4 (EN779 NORM) (9) ELECTRONIC AIR FILTERS / F7 BAG FILTERS (OPTIONAL) (10) EXTRAPOWER (WITH WATER EXCHANGER IN ADDITION) (OPTIONAL) (10) PREHEATING ELECTRIC HEATERS (OPTIONAL) (11) 3 WAYS-VALVE (OPTIONAL) (12) HOT GAS RE-HEATING COIL (OPTIONAL) (13) WATER TO WASTE EVAPORATING WET-DECK HUMIDIFIER (OPTIONAL) (14) REMOVABLE PANEL FOR ACCESS TO THE COMPRESSOR COMPARTMENT (15) POWER INPUT (16) WATER EXCHANGER WATER OUTLET EXTRAPOWER 1 1/4" GAS (17) WATER EXCHANGER WATER INLET EXTRAPOWER 1 1/4" GAS (18) HUMIDIFIER INLET WATER Ø 1/2" GAS (19) CONDENSATE DISCHARGE (20) PLEATED AIR FILTER CLASS G4 (EN779 NORM) (21) STEAM HUMIDIFIER WITH IMMERGED ELECTRODES (OPTIONAL) (22) LIFTING BRACKETS (REMOVABLE, IF REQUIRED, AFTER POSITIONING THE UNIT) (23) FUNCTIONAL CLEARANCES (M) AMBIENT AIR DISTRIBUTION (R) AMBIENT AIR INTAKE (AE) FRESH AIR INTAKE (ES) AIR EXHAUST (*) VIBRATION MOUNTS POSITION (**) SUGGESTED CLEARANCE The presence of optional accessories may result in a substantial variation of the weights shown 47 i n BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® DIMENSIONAL ZEPHIR 2 ENERGY / RECOVERY Size 60-70 DIMENSIONAL 2 2917 3 17 15 184 14 1234 16 995 18 235 113 22 19 10 6 9 23 B W3 19 ES B W4 5 4 61 113 569 * 169 56 1891 1500 ** 89 13 12 1760 * 2897 56 61 FLANGE DIMENSIONS ON UNITS FOR INDOOR INSTALLATION View B-B flange to channel exhaust air 524 569 * ES 992 995 2 146 1184 M 437 1054 1844 R 966 View A-A flange channel for outdoor air 7 AE 11 992 20 21 A 1 23 AE WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION ZEPHIR 2 ENERGY Size W1 W2 W3 W4 kg kg kg kg Shipping weight kg 60 239 230 212 204 885 70 243 234 216 207 900 60 231 222 204 196 853 70 226 217 199 190 832 ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY Size W1 W2 W3 W4 Shipping weight kg kg kg kg kg A 146 W2 1200 ** 8 W1 1296 (1) COMPRESSORS (2) ELECTRICAL PANEL (3) MICROPROCESSOR KEYBOARD (4) SUPPLY FAN (5) EXHAUST FAN (6) EXCHANGER FOR THE OUTDOOR AIR HANDLING (7) EXCHANGER FOR THE ENERGY RECOVERY OF THE AIR IN EXPULSION (8) PLEATED AIR FILTER CLASS G4 (EN779 NORM) (9) ELECTRONIC AIR FILTERS / F7 BAG FILTERS (OPTIONAL) (10) EXTRAPOWER (WITH WATER EXCHANGER IN ADDITION) (OPTIONAL) (10) PREHEATING ELECTRIC HEATERS (OPTIONAL) (11) 3 WAYS-VALVE (OPTIONAL) (12) HOT GAS RE-HEATING COIL (OPTIONAL) (13) WATER TO WASTE EVAPORATING WET-DECK HUMIDIFIER (OPTIONAL) (14) REMOVABLE PANEL FOR ACCESS TO THE COMPRESSOR COMPARTMENT (15) POWER INPUT (16) WATER EXCHANGER WATER OUTLET EXTRAPOWER 1 1/2" GAS (17) WATER EXCHANGER WATER INLET EXTRAPOWER 1 1/2" GAS (18) HUMIDIFIER INLET WATER Ø 1/2" GAS (19) CONDENSATE DISCHARGE (20) PLEATED AIR FILTER CLASS G4 (EN779 NORM) (21) STEAM HUMIDIFIER WITH IMMERGED ELECTRODES (OPTIONAL) (22) LIFTING BRACKETS (REMOVABLE, IF REQUIRED, AFTER POSITIONING THE UNIT) (23) FUNCTIONAL CLEARANCES (M) AMBIENT AIR DISTRIBUTION (R) AMBIENT AIR INTAKE (AE) FRESH AIR INTAKE (ES) AIR EXHAUST (*) VIBRATION MOUNTS POSITION (**) SUGGESTED CLEARANCE The presence of optional accessories may result in a substantial variation of the weights shown in the table. BT08M001GB-02 48 105 ZEPHIR 2 ® DIMENSIONAL ZEPHIR 2 ENERGY / RECOVERY Size 90-110 DIMENSIONAL 3 2917 3 19 113 2291 19 ES B W3 56 B W4 FLANGE DIMENSIONS ON UNITS FOR INDOOR INSTALLATION 5 View B-B flange to channel exhaust air ES 992 23 9 169 61 1700 ** 6 10 12 61 56 524 89 13 569 * 1760 * 2897 569 * 1234 235 184 113 15 18 22 14 1454 437.5 4 View A-A flange channel for outdoor air 20 21 7 11 966 AE 992 R 146 M 2244 1 W2 A AE 23 1200 ** 8 W1 A 146 1584 16 17 995 995 2 1296 WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION ZEPHIR 2 ENERGY Size W1 W2 W3 W4 kg kg kg kg Shipping weight kg 90 251 242 223 214 929 110 272 262 242 232 1009 90 232 223 204 195 853 110 261 251 231 221 965 ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY Size W1 W2 W3 W4 Shipping weight kg kg kg kg kg 105 (1) COMPRESSORS (2) ELECTRICAL PANEL (3) MICROPROCESSOR KEYBOARD (4) SUPPLY FAN (5) EXHAUST FAN (6) EXCHANGER FOR THE OUTDOOR AIR HANDLING (7) EXCHANGER FOR THE ENERGY RECOVERY OF THE AIR IN EXPULSION (8) PLEATED AIR FILTER CLASS G4 (EN779 NORM) (9) ELECTRONIC AIR FILTERS / F7 BAG FILTERS (OPTIONAL) (10) EXTRAPOWER (WITH WATER EXCHANGER IN ADDITION) (OPTIONAL) (10) PREHEATING ELECTRIC HEATERS (OPTIONAL) (11) 3 WAYS-VALVE (OPTIONAL) (12) HOT GAS RE-HEATING COIL (OPTIONAL) (13) WATER TO WASTE EVAPORATING WET-DECK HUMIDIFIER (OPTIONAL) (14) REMOVABLE PANEL FOR ACCESS TO THE COMPRESSOR COMPARTMENT (15) POWER INPUT (16) WATER EXCHANGER WATER OUTLET EXTRAPOWER 2" GAS (17) WATER EXCHANGER WATER INLET EXTRAPOWER 2" GAS (18) HUMIDIFIER INLET WATER Ø 1/2" GAS (19) CONDENSATE DISCHARGE (20) PLEATED AIR FILTER CLASS G4 (EN779 NORM) (21) STEAM HUMIDIFIER WITH IMMERGED ELECTRODES (OPTIONAL) (22) LIFTING BRACKETS (REMOVABLE, IF REQUIRED, AFTER POSITIONING THE UNIT) (23) FUNCTIONAL CLEARANCES (M) AMBIENT AIR DISTRIBUTION (R) AMBIENT AIR INTAKE (AE) FRESH AIR INTAKE (ES) AIR EXHAUST (*) VIBRATION MOUNTS POSITION (**) SUGGESTED CLEARANCE The presence of optional accessories may result in a substantial variation of the weights shown in the table. 49 BT08M001GB-02 ZEPHIR 2 ® DIMENSIONAL ZEPHIR 2 ENERGY / RECOVERY Size 130-160 DIMENSIONAL 4 2917 3 16 17 1634 1395 1395 2 15 14 113 113 19 ES 23 B B W4 56 61 View B-B flange to channel exhaust air 5 1392 10 9 W3 169 2291 FLANGE DIMENSIONS ON UNITS FOR INDOOR INSTALLATION 1700 ** 6 61 56 524 89 13 12 19 569 * 1760 * 2897 569 * 235 184 18 22 ES 1584 M 146 1454 2244 R 437.5 966 View A-A flange channel for outdoor air 20 4 11 AE W1 W2 A 1 AE A 146 23 1200 ** 8 1392 7 21 1296 WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION ZEPHIR 2 ENERGY Size W1 W2 W3 W4 kg kg kg kg Shipping weight kg 130 332 320 295 283 1229 160 345 333 307 294 1279 130 315 303 278 266 1161 160 328 316 290 277 1211 ZEPHIR 2 RECOVERY Size W1 W2 W3 W4 Shipping weight kg kg kg kg kg (1) COMPRESSORS (2) ELECTRICAL PANEL (3) MICROPROCESSOR KEYBOARD (4) SUPPLY FAN (5) EXHAUST FAN (6) EXCHANGER FOR THE OUTDOOR AIR HANDLING (7) EXCHANGER FOR THE ENERGY RECOVERY OF THE AIR IN EXPULSION (8) PLEATED AIR FILTER CLASS G4 (EN779 NORM) (9) ELECTRONIC AIR FILTERS / F7 BAG FILTERS (OPTIONAL) (10) EXTRAPOWER (WITH WATER EXCHANGER IN ADDITION) (OPTIONAL) (10) PREHEATING ELECTRIC HEATERS (OPTIONAL) (11) 3 WAYS-VALVE (OPTIONAL) (12) HOT GAS RE-HEATING COIL (OPTIONAL) (13) WATER TO WASTE EVAPORATING WET-DECK HUMIDIFIER (OPTIONAL) (14) REMOVABLE PANEL FOR ACCESS TO THE COMPRESSOR COMPARTMENT (15) POWER INPUT (16) WATER EXCHANGER WATER OUTLET EXTRAPOWER 2" GAS (17) WATER EXCHANGER WATER INLET EXTRAPOWER 2" GAS (18) HUMIDIFIER INLET WATER Ø 1/2" GAS (19) CONDENSATE DISCHARGE (20) PLEATED AIR FILTER CLASS G4 (EN779 NORM) (21) STEAM HUMIDIFIER WITH IMMERGED ELECTRODES (OPTIONAL) (22) LIFTING BRACKETS (REMOVABLE, IF REQUIRED, AFTER POSITIONING THE UNIT) (23) FUNCTIONAL CLEARANCES (M) AMBIENT AIR DISTRIBUTION (R) AMBIENT AIR INTAKE (AE) FRESH AIR INTAKE (ES) AIR EXHAUST (*) VIBRATION MOUNTS POSITION (**) SUGGESTED CLEARANCE The presence of optional accessories may result in a substantial variation of the weights shown in the table. BT08M001GB-02 50 105.5 ZEPHIR 2 ® 51 BT08M001GB-02 The data contained in this bulletin is not binding and may be changed by the manufacturer without prior notice. All reproduction, even partial, is prohibited. © Copyright - CLIVET S.p.A. - Feltre (BL) - Italy
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