the outlook - United States Power Squadrons


the outlook - United States Power Squadrons
Cape Lookout Sail And Power Squadron
A unit of the U.S. Power Squadrons®
District 27
Boating is fun...we'll show you how
April 2010
Volume 50
Issue 4
CLSPS Website:
Upcoming Events:
Spring Day Potluck at the Starr’s Home
Wednesday, April 7
CPR Training
See Jim‟s article, page 3
Monday, 12 April
CLSPS ExComm Meeting
At Morgans Restaurant
1745: Dinner; 1900: Meeting
Monday, April 19
CLSPS Dinner Meeting
At The Chelsea
1700: Social; 1800: Dinner; 1900:
Reservation Form -- Page 9
Monday, May 3
CLSPS ExComm Meeting
At Morgans Restaurant
1745: Dinner; 1900: Meeting
Commander Tobacco administers membership oath to
new member Diana Rezab
Saturday, May 8
Pot Luck at the Scheer’s Home
Details to follow
Saturday, May 15
Blessing of the Fleet
Hilton Marina
Sign-up form -- page 8
Friday/Sunday, June 11-13
D/27 Rendezvous
Oriental, NC
Pleasant afternoon for regatta spectators
Cdr Richard Tobacco, JN
903 Coral Court
New Bern, NC 28560
Lt/C Richard J.
Tobacco, JN
Commander’s Call
A Thank You to Our Volunteers
Executive Officer
Lt/C Jim Starr, JN
2410 Harbor Island Road
New Bern, NC 28562
Educational Officer
Lt/C Kurt Weinheimer, P
122 Lugano Rd
New Bern, NC 28562
Administrative Officer
Lt/C Rhys Evans, AP
115 Gatewood Drive
New Bern, NC 28562
Lt/C Beth Schwartz, P
1806 Spencer Ave.
New Bern, NC 28560
Lt/C Neal Schwartz, P
1806 Spencer Ave.
New Bern, NC 28560
Press-ganged - forced to join-in against one's will. Press-gangs often
kidnapped civilians and placed them into service for the navy. They
were feared for centuries until improvements in servicemen's pay and
conditions made them unnecessary. [Press has nothing to do with
pressure; it is from the obsolete word prest (French prêt, or loan)
meaning the money advanced on enlistment.]
CLSPS, like all squadrons, is an all volunteer organization.
Nothing will happen without someone stepping up and saying, “I can do
that”. We have had many people stepping up of late and I salute them
for doing so. I hope that many more will do so; the task need not be
great to be appreciated. Helping out is also a great way to establish
„relationships‟ with other members. There is much to be done, we need
your support, and press-gangs no longer exist.
I extend, in behalf of all who attended the Spring Day social/potluck, a big thank you to Sherry and Jim Starr for inviting CLSPS into
their lovely home. The selection of appetizers, the weather, the sailboat
races, the fellowship and the adult beverages were excellent. It was a
wonderful afternoon.
At the Spring Day event I had the privilege of inducting Diana
Rezab into the squadron. And, during that afternoon Diana volunteered
to chair the group that will be pulling together the hosting of the joint
New Bern Yacht Club – CLSPS picnic on June 26th. She will be
needing volunteers to assist in planning and setting up of the event. If
you “can do that”, please send me a note.
I extend the thanks of the squadron to:
Larry Lovvorn, for heading up this year‟s on-the-water activities
and to his cruise captains: Dick Ewan, George Halyak, and
Owen Smith.
Mike McCulley for heading the Blessing of the Fleet on May 8th.
Ruby and Jim Scheer, for volunteering to host a social/pot-luck
at your home MAY 15TH.
Jim Davidson, Dave Little, and Phyllis Pardee for helping chase
down member email addresses.
My personal thanks to those who expressed regrets on the loss of
my mother – I hope she is enjoying her new journey.
Lt/C Jim Starr, JN
March Pot Luck – A Great Saturday Afternoon!
Saturday, March 20 showed up with warm
breezes, clear skies, and temperatures in the 70s.
Perfect for a CLPS pot luck celebration! The food
that everyone brought was delicious and plentiful.
The beer and wine were cold. March Madness was
inside playing on the TV, but no one wanted to be
inside when there was sailboat racing on the lake.
Many thanks to organizer Bob Luhrs,
Commodore Bill Cresswell and the rest of the Shore
Side Sailors for putting on a great show for us (see
the pictures!). Most of the radio controlled sailboats
racing were Kyosho Seawinds – fiberglass hulls, 39”
LOA, 9” Beam, 74” mast height. You need to buy
upgraded composite sails to be competitive. Sailed
with two controls – sheet position (jib and main
linked) and rudder.
The racing was realistic (except the collisions
didn’t do any damage), the racing rules were the same,
and there were lots of “starboard” and “room” calls.
We had forty-five or so CLPS members and about
fifteen Shore Side Sailors and spouses. Great turnout!
Sorry if you missed it.
American Heart Association’s Heartsaver
CPR (using a mask), choking, and an
introduction to the use of automatic
electronic defibrillators (AED).
American Heart Association certification
upon successful completion.
Instructor will be Mary Ann Kreuger, wife of
CLSPS member Ralph Kreuger, who normally
teaches this class to law enforcement and
other local emergency personnel.
The course costs $65 per person, payable to
CCC on the day of the class.
The only physical requirement for
participation is that you are able to get down
on the floor to practice CPR with a dummy.
I’ll let the participants know the room number
at CCC via email a day or two prior to the
We’re getting older and we’re spending time
isolated out on the water in our boats. You probably
haven’t taken a CPR refresher in years. Invest a
morning in making sure you can save someone’s life if
you need to! I need to know if you are participating
by April 7.
CLSPS CPR Class – Sign Up Now!
Right now we don’t have enough participants
for Craven Community College to run our CPR
Class. If you are planning to attend, send me an email
( to register. Here are the
 Saturday, April 10, at Craven Community
College, from 8am – 12pm. (Yes you have to
get up early on a Saturday, but we’ll all go to
lunch after the class.)
The Outlook and other great information are available at the CLSPS Website:
Lt/C Kurt Weinheimer, P
Linda Tobacco, AP
We have three new classes scheduled to start
in the fall. Engine Maintenance will begin on
August 10, 2010, and on September 9th we will
begin Piloting and Junior Navigation. Anyone
interested should contact me by phone or email to
The past month has been busy with the
completion of and testing for our Navigation,
America‟s Boating Course and Advanced Piloting.
Our ABC class lead by Lloyd Moore had a 100%
passing rate and four or our members passed
Navigation with Bill Reasons. We are still awaiting
the results for the AP class of 9 students.
In March we ran two seminar classes at
West Marine on Saturday mornings. We had 3 to 4
students in each of the offerings which were How to
Read a Chart and GPS. Lloyd Moore taught the
Chart Reading and Jim Scheer taught the GPS
seminar. We offered On Board Weather
Forecasting but we had no registrants.
We will be adding to the Fall offerings over
the next few months so check our CLSPS education
website to stay informed about the opportunities.
If you are aware of a squadron member
who is experiencing personal hardship, please
send a note explaining the situation to our
Sunshine Lady -
Radio Company
2010 Vessel Safety Inspections
Schedule of organized inspections
Saturday April 10, 2010
N.W. Marina 9:00am-12:00pm
2302 Hwy 70 E
New Bern
Saturday May 1, 2010
Oriental Marina 10:00am-2:00pm
Saturday/Sunday May 22/23, 2010
National Safe Boating Week
Lawson‟s Creek Launch Sites 9:00am-12:00pm
Specializing in selling,
Installing, and servicing
marine electronic equipment
since 1945
We appreciate your business
Saturday June 12, 2010
Oriental (Pecan Grove) 9:00-12:00pm
Saturday July 10, 2010
Lawson‟s Creek Launch Site 9:00am-12:00pm
of epinubial blood currents and how they resembled
the sea-waters coming off the thrust side of the limb
bladed propellor. Her co-worker, Dr. Madeline
Gasker, we called her Maddy for short, worked on the
noctofurial components of the sipsucker mussels and
how they are responsible for the symptomatotic
attraction to the cooling systems of paraboric engines.
Absolutely remarkable work."
"This reminds me, P/C, of the time I came
upon an enemy warship, the German vessel, Hans Off,
just off the Bull Dog Straits near Cat Man Do. We
were out of cannon balls, so we had to make a very
quick get- away. We were up wind of her, so I
decided to call into play the effects of the fumes of
butyl-butyrate on theolysolytic nerve endings in the
human nose. I had the cooks uncap fourteen kettles of
the compound which smelled something awful. The
Germans pulled off a neat controlled jibe and
disappeared into the moonless night. It was a lucky
move for us. Ah well, P/C, I enjoy reminiscing about
the good old days. But, there were some real
unpleasant ones as well."
"You can say that again, Captain."
"But, there were some real unpleasant ones as
"Yes, yes, I know. I was only saying that. I
remember trying to escape from an island near San
Francisco. I‟d been studying the currents in the
entrance to the harbor, when the associate warden,
Alfred Catraz, caught me with the chart of local
waters. Mariners always need to know the
..local....waters........and... zzzzzzz!"
"P/C, you‟ve been asleep, not paying a bit of
attention to our conversation about your problematic
engine with all the sea life clogging the water cooling
"Mussels, #?X //-$ mussels."
P/C William J. Ash, SN, H
Bulenometric Tartometry
P/C William J. Ash, SN, H
"Horatio, have you noticed how loud and how
tasteless the music is, piped into retail stores, doctor‟s
waiting rooms and restaurants? Perhaps my age is
getting in the way of appreciating this noise which, to
me, is totally toneless. You‟d think there would be
some provision to play works of Mozart, Hayden,
Gershwin or even Dave Brubeck. I don‟t connect
with this modern noise. Maybe I‟m too tired today to
think straight"
"P/C, why do you make such a fuss about all
this. I‟ve listened to you for years and your story
continues without abatement. You‟ve had your day in
the sun, now turn it over to those coming after you.
You were a very fine scientist in your day. They can‟t
take that away from you, but new technologies,
younger minds with different needs have taken over.
And remember, you still have some common talking
points. Even nautical ones."
"Yup, I guess you are right again, Captain.
Incidentally, I was at Northern Nautical the other day
and I noticed they had the new lineographic
prombulators required by North Carolina law. They
work on gravicentric proboscomeuric energy derived
from the breakdown of mercurofastisic components of
phosphemetric suds. I knew they were coming up
with this, but I never imagined it coming so quickly.
They are relatively inexpensive"
"Well, I must admit it took me by surprise as
well. The prombulator was obtained in plastofastic
form with the subnickeled side-banded
fesconabmomacht corpuscular fittings made from
highly sensitive magnetized feeblesysters. I believe
these were developed in 1931, the year you were born.
I find this rather amusing and appropriate."
"Appropriate, but I question the term amusing.
More important to our discussion, however, is the
need to recognize a handful of notable scientists,
engineers and others on the spear points of discovery.
Take, for example, Dr. Ella Fant, a physiologist who
worked with large animals and discovered the effect
A Good Start
Monthly Raft Ups
Happy Birthday to
the Following
When P/C Richard Ewan looks down the
road a few days and sees the weather is going to
cooperate on the second Tuesday, he'll leave an
email message about where and when the raft up
will occur. No sign up is required but let him know
you are interested so that he can put you on the
email list and then you just show up and have a
good time. If it's lunch time at the time of the raft
up, why not bring along something to share as well
as your own lunch? If you want to know about or
have suggestions for a raft up, contact Dick at: 252
635-9933, or email him at:
Boyack, Richard W. – 10 April
Boyack, Robert A. – 8 April
Dricks, Dolores F. – 1 April
Leech, Stephen L. – 1 April
Weinheimer, Kurt L. – 23 April
April Raft Up
The first monthly raft up of the season will
be help on Tuesday April 13, location TBA. If you
are not on the original signup list, please let Dick
Ewan ( know of your
interest. Dick will send out an email before the raft
indicating the location and time, weather permitting.
Come on out and join us!
R/C Sailboats ready to race
2010 CLSPS Cruises
The following cruises have been identified
for this year with the appropriate cruise leader
identified. If you are interested in any of these
cruises please contact the cruise leader.
1. Charleston
o Date TBD
o Cruise Leader: George Halyak
o Contact: 637-9225
Wilmington and Cape Lookout
o Dates 5/23-28
o Cruise Leader: Owen Smith
o Contact: 444-5420
Ocracoke for the Music Festival on June 5
o Dates: early June (specifics TBD soon)
o Cruise Leader: Karl Lichty
o Contact: 805 451-8984
D27 rendezvous at Pecan Grove (Oriental)
o Dates: June 11-13
o Cruise Leader: Richard Tobacco
Contact: 633-1254
River Dunes
o Dates: 7/23-25
o Cruise Leader: Richard Tobacco
o Contact: 633-1254
Cape Lookout
o Dates: 8/20-22
o Cruise Leader: Larry Lovvorn
o Contact; 672-5200
D27 at New Bern Hilton
o Dates: 9/24-25
o Cruise Leader: Mike McCulley
o Contact: 444-2349
In addition we are planning on having midweek raft ups on the second Tuesday of each month.
For those signed up, an email will be sent
confirming the location and/or cancellation due to
weather. Contact Dick Ewan on 635-9933 or to get on the list.
We hope you will join us on one of these
Larry Lovvorn, Cruise Coordinator
Cape Lookout Sail & Power Squadron
Blessing of the Fleet
Saturday, May 15, 2010
New Bern Grand Marina
10:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
Memorial Ceremony – New Bern Grand Rear Porch
Individual vessel blessings
Laying of wreath in Neuse River
Luncheon – New Bern Hilton/Riverfront
Uniform: Summer Whites or squadron shirt or any suitable attire
There will be a cruise to the marina for those wishing to arrive on Friday, May 14th and
spend the night. As reservations are received, the marina will be informed of boats that are
coming and their dockage requirements. However, slip reservations must be confirmed by
calling the dockmaster at 638-0318. Arrangements will be made for Friday dinner at Morgan‟s
Restaurant. There is no charge for dockage on Saturday morning until lunch is over. Don‟t
have a boat? Join us for the activities on Saturday anyway. Please indicate your intention to
participate in the cruise and/or Blessing of the Fleet and luncheon by calling Cruise Captain
Mike McCulley at 444-2349, or email:
The reservation slip below and payment must be received by May 7, 2010.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CLSPS 2010 Blessing of the Fleet - Reservation Form
Cut here
Member/Guest: ___________________________Check for Saturday activities only___
Vessel Information: Make: _______________________ Arrival date: _____________
Boat Name: _______________________ Length _______Beam ______Draft________
Power Requirement: 30 amp______ 60 Amp______ (if arriving Friday)
Total number of people for lunch @ $17.00 per person _____
Total amount due for luncheon: $____________
Return this reservation form and a check for the luncheon made payable to “CLSPS” to:
Michael McCulley, 421 Boros Rd., New Bern, NC 28560
Cape Lookout Sail and Power Squadron April Dinner Meeting
The Chelsea Restaurant -- Monday, 19 April 2010
1700–Social Hour 1800–Dinner
Name: ________________________________________________
Number attending ______ X $24.00 each = Amount enclosed $________
Please send your check prior to Friday, April 16, 2010 to:
Rhys Evans, 115 Gatewood Drive, New Bern, NC 28562 252-675-0400
P/C Diana Thompson,
Fleece jackets have been added to the Ship's Store inventory. The Anniversary Logo in
gold is the design. I have navy in stock, but other colors can be ordered. Prices are as follows:
Men and Women sizes S, Med, Lg, and XLg sell for $42.00. XXLg (Men and Women) sell for
Knit Shirts: Ladies and men's short sleeve and long sleeve knit shirts will be $30.00.
Sizes 2X and 3X sell for $33.00
They are available in red, white, and navy. Sizes:
Ladies Sm., Med., Lg., X-Lg., and 2X. Ladies shirts have no pockets.
Men's: Sm., Med., Lg., X-Lg., 2X and 3X. We now have men‟s knit shirts with
without pockets available in both white and navy.
Denim Shirts: Denim cloth shirts are also available in both short and long sleeves.
They are priced at $25.00. Sizes--same as above.
The Anniversary Burgee is available for $25.00.
Pennant magnets are priced at $5.00. They can be placed on your vehicle or used on the
Hats and visors will sell for $10.00.
If anyone has any suggestions for other items to be carried in the Ship's Store, please let
me know.
You can contact me at 252-638-2565, or e-mail me at If you
send an e-mail and I do not contact you in a timely manner, please call me as it might not have
gone through.
If you are interested in a current CLSPS knit white or navy short sleeve or denim long
sleeve shirt, they are all available for $20.00.
YAWN -- An honest opinion openly expressed.
June’s Jokes
WRINKLES -- Something other people have.-.Similar to MY character lines.
P/C June Reasons, P
Some SMILES to Start Your Day
DUST -- Mud with the juice squeezed out.
ADULT -- A person who has stopped growing at
both ends and is now growing in the middle.
BEAUTY PARLORS – Where women curl up and
CANNIBAL -- Someone who is fed up with people.
The windward mark (yellow) is in there
CHICKEN -- Only animals you eat before they
were born and after they are dead.
COMMITTEE -- A body that keeps minutes and
wastes hours.
EGOTIST -- Someone who is usually ME deep in
HANDKERCHIEF -- Cold storage.
INFLATION -- Cutting money in half without
damaging the paper.
MOSQUITO -- An insect that makes you like flies
RAISIN -- A grape with a sunburn.
SECRET -- Something you tell one person at a
SKELETON -- A bunch of bones with the person
scraped off.
TOOTHACHE -- The pain that drives you to
TOMORROW -- One of the greatest labor saving
devices of today.
District 27 Change of Watch
D/Lt/C Mike McCulley sworn in as District 27
Executive Officer
P/D/Lt/Cdr Lloyd Moore & Jane attend D 27
Change of Watch
More R/C Sailboats
Outlook Staff
Articles in the Cape Lookout Outlook reflect
the opinions of the authors. USPS is not
responsible for editorial content. Readers’
comments, suggestions, and contributions
are welcome. Please contact any of the
bridge officers.
Editor: 1/Lt Marty Warner, P
Advertising Manager: (Open)
Legislation: P/C Larry McNellis, JN*
Safety Officer: Joanne Somerday
Public Relations Officer: P/C Bill Ash, SN, H
Chairman, Squadron Vessel Safety Program:
Richard Boyack, JN - 252 637-1941
Boat US offers a 50% discount to USPS members.
Our Boat US group number is GA80679P and must
be used to claim your $12.50 discount.
Don’t forget to patronize our advertisers, and be
sure to tell them you are from CLSPS and saw their
ad in The Outlook.
Vessel Examiners:
Robert Blanchard – 603-528-0138
Janet Blanchard – 603-528-0138
Richard Boyack - 252 637-1941
Bob Boyack – 252-633-5108
Jewt Collyar – 444-6939
Bob Cowardin – 633-0255
Jim Davidson - 637-6697
Jim Dugan – 637-5319
George Maravelas – 638-6238
Lloyd Moore (637-5547)
Don Oltz - 636-2905
Owen Smith – 444-5420
Please notify Bill Reasons (637-6685 or if you have any changes to
the information we have on file such as boat
information, e-mail or mailing address, birthdays,
telephone number etc.
Please provide information to the Editor by the
20th of the month by e-mail for the next
newsletter. Late items will appear in the next issue
of the Outlook. Marty
Cape Lookout Sail and
Power Squadron
2131 Neuse Cliffs Circle
New Bern, NC 28560-6819
Cape Lookout Sail and Power Squadron
A Unit of the United States Power Squadrons®
District 27
America’s Boating Club