Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One
Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One
Joyce Lexicography Volume Ninety-Nine Vol. 99 Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) Edited by C. George Sandulescu Press Release 11 February 2014 A Manual for the Advanced Study of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake in one hundred volumes by C. George Sandulescu and Lidia Vianu 26,000 pages From 11 November 2011 until 11 of February 2014, Contemporary Literature Press has published 100 volumes of FW lexicography. These volumes are, in fact, part of one big project, which, for practical purposes, we have entitled “A Manual”. The list of these volumes can be found everywhere in the volumes. All the Lexicons can also be accessed, together with the full text of FW linearized, on Professor George Sandulescu’s site, Între 11 noembrie 2011 şi 11 februarie 2014, Contemporary Literature Press a publicat 100 de volume în seria Joyce Lexicography. Ele reprezintă un singur mare proiect al editurii, pe care l-am intitulat, pentru raţiuni practice, “A Manual”. Lista lor se află în interiorul fiecărui volum publicat. Lexicoanele pot fi accesate pe websiteul Profesorului George Sandulescu, precum şi pe cel al Editurii, as well as the site of the Publishing House, cography.html . cography.html. Cele trei volume pe care le publicăm acum ţin tocmai de partea practică a proiectului nostru. Folosim Segmentarea lui Clive Hart pentru a cerceta rolul jucat de limbile străine în Finnegans Wake. Limba română este doar un început. The three volumes we are publishing now focus on the practical side of our project. We have chosen Clive Hart’s Segmentation of FW as an opportunity to study the role played by, foreign languages in Joyce’s text. Romanian has been used as one possible beginning. The Rosetti Romanian Corpus (echt rumänisch) and the Clive Hart English Corpus are tools for the study of Romanian or any another language that might be relevant to the understanding of Finnegans Wake. Cele două Corpus-uri pe care le publicăm acum, Rosetti Romanian Corpus (echt rumänisch) şi Clive Hart English Corpus, sunt unelte de lucru pentru cei care vor să continue cercetarea legată de importanţa limbii române, ori a oricărei alte limbi străine, în înţelegerea textului lui James Joyce. C. George Sandulescu and Lidia Vianu ISBN 978-606-8592-35-0 © Clive Hart © The University of Bucharest © C. George Sandulescu Cover Design, Illustrations, and overall Layout by Lidia Vianu Subediting: Bianca Zbarcea. Typing: Valentina Bănuţ, Irina Borţoi, Sorina Cimpoeru, Georgiana Filip, Sorina Grozăvescu, Alexandra Munteanu. IT Expertise: Simona Sămulescu. Publicity: Violeta Baroană. Acknowledgments Clive Hart: A Concordance to Finnegans Wake, Part Two, ‘Syllabifications’, pp. 345-459. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1963. N.B. Not all Syllabifications placement errors have been specifically corrected everywhere, though we have done the maximum to set everything right. GS & LV N.B. This Lexicographic Series as a whole is primarily meant as teaching material for the larger half of Continental Europe, which, for practically three quarters of a century, was deprived of ready access to the experimental fiction and poetry of the world. All Western literary criticism was also banned. Hence, the imperative necessity of re-issuing a considerable amount of post-war discussions. The Publisher. Given the importance of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake, all postgraduates in English, Romanian, French, and German work on this research project as part of their normal and regular academic assignments. LV Academic Director C L P If you want to have all the information you need about Finnegans Wake, including the full text of Finnegans Wake line-numbered, go to the personal site Sandulescu Online, at the following internet address: Joyce Lexicography Volume Ninety-Nine Vol. 99 Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) Edited by C. George Sandulescu C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 1 Table of Contents A Manual for the Advanced Study of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake in one hundred volumes by C. George Sandulescu and Lidia Vianu p. 2 Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (From A to M) p. 11 Letter A Letter B Letter C Letter D Letter E Letter F Letter G Letter H Letter I Letter J Letter K Letter L Letter M p. 12 p. 47 p. 83 p. 117 p. 143 p. 157 p. 179 p. 201 p. 227 p. 236 p. 242 p. 253 p. 288 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 2 A Manual for the Advanced Study of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake in one hundred volumes by C. George Sandulescu and Lidia Vianu Volume Vol. 1. Title The Romanian Lexicon of Finnegans Wake. Number of Pages Launched on 455pp 11 November 2011 217pp 7 December 2011 195pp 13 January 2012 263pp 11 February 2012 237pp 7 March 2012 411pp 31 March 2012 Vol. 2. Helmut Bonheim’s German Lexicon of Finnegans Wake. Vol. 3. A Lexicon of Common Scandinavian in Finnegans Wake. Vol. 4. A Lexicon of Allusions and Motifs in Finnegans Wake. Vol. 5. A Lexicon of “Small” Languages in Finnegans Wake. Dedicated to Stephen J. Joyce. Vol. 6. A Total Lexicon of Part Four of Finnegans Wake. Vol. 7. UnEnglish English in Finnegans Wake. The First Hundred Pages. Pages 003 to 103. Dedicated to Clive Hart. 453pp 27 April 2012 Vol. 8. UnEnglish English in Finnegans Wake. The Second Hundred Pages. Pages 104 to 216. 280pp 14 May 2012 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 3 Vol. 9. UnEnglish English in Finnegans Wake. Part Two of the Book. Pages 219 to 399. 516pp 7 June 2012 Vol. 10. UnEnglish English in Finnegans Wake. The Last Two Hundred Pages. Parts Three and Four of Finnegans Wake. From FW page 403 to FW page 628. 563pp 7 July 2012 Vol. 11. Literary Allusions in Finnegans Wake. 327pp 23 July 2012 Dedicated to the Memory of Anthony Burgess. Vol. 12. Finnegans Wake Motifs I. The First 186 Motifs from Letter A to Letter F. 348pp 7 September 2012 Vol. 13. Finnegans Wake Motifs II. The Middle 286 Motifs from Letter F to Letter P. 458pp 7 September 2012 Vol. 14. Finnegans Wake Motifs III. The Last 151 Motifs. from Letter Q to the end. 310pp 7 September 2012 Vol. 15. Finnegans Wake without Tears. The Honuphrius & A Few other Interludes, paraphrased for the UnEducated. 248pp 7 November 2012 Vol. 16. Joyce’s Dublin English in the Wake. 255pp 29 November 2012 269pp 15 April 2013 241pp 15 April 2013 466pp 15 April 2013 Vol. 17. Adaline Glasheen’s Third Census Linearized: A Grid. FW Part One A. Vol. 18. Adaline Glasheen’s Third Census Linearized: A Grid. FW Part One B. Vol. 19. Adaline Glasheen’s Third Census Linearized: A Grid. FW Part Two. C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 4 Vol. 20. Adaline Glasheen’s Third Census Linearized: A Grid. FW Parts Three and Four. 522pp 15 April 2013 Vol. 21. Musical Allusions in Finnegans Wake. FW Part One. All Exemplified. 333pp 10 May 2013 295pp 10 May 2013 Vol. 22. Musical Allusions in Finnegans Wake. FW Part Two. All Exemplified. Vol. 23. Musical Allusions in Finnegans Wake. FW Parts Three and Four. All Exemplified. 305pp 10 May 2013 Vol. 24. Geographical Allusions in Context. Louis Mink’s Gazetteer of Finnegans Wake in Grid Format only. FW Episodes One to Four. 281pp 7 June 2013 Vol. 25. Geographical Allusions in Context. Louis Mink’s Gazetteer of Finnegans Wake in Grid Format only. FW Episodes Five to Eight. 340pp 7 June 2013 Vol. 26. Geographical Allusions in Context. Louis Mink’s Gazetteer of Finnegans Wake in Grid Format only. FW Episodes Nine to Eleven. 438pp 7 June 2013 Vol. 27. Geographical Allusions in Context. Louis Mink’s Gazetteer of Finnegans Wake in Grid Format only. FW Episodes Twelve to Fourteen. 238pp 7 June 2013 Vol. 28. Geographical Allusions in Context. Louis Mink’s Gazetteer of Finnegans Wake in Grid Format only. FW Episode Fifteen. 235pp 7 June 2013 Vol. 29. Geographical Allusions in Context. Louis Mink’s Gazetteer of Finnegans Wake in Grid Format only. FW Episodes Sixteen and Seventeen. 216pp 7 June 2013 Vol. 30. German in Finnegans Wake Contextualized. FW Episodes One to Four. 314pp 18 June 2013 339pp 18 June 2013 Vol. 31. German in Finnegans Wake Contextualized. FW Episodes Five to Eight. C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 5 Vol. 32. German in Finnegans Wake Contextualized. FW Episodes Nine to Eleven. 413pp 18 June 2013 Vol. 33. German in Finnegans Wake Contextualized. FW Episodes Twelve to Fourteen. 228pp 18 June 2013 Vol. 34. German in Finnegans Wake Contextualized. FW Episodes Fifteen. 222pp 18 June 2013 Vol. 35. German in Finnegans Wake Contextualized. FW Episodes Sixteen and Seventeen. 199pp 18 June 2013 Vol. 36. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode One. 205 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 37. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Two. 127 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 38. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Three. 193 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 39. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Four. 208 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 40. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Five. 136 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 41. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Six. 266 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 42. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Seven. 173 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 43. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Eight. 146 pp 9 September 2013 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 6 Vol. 44. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Nine. 280 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 45. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Ten. 290 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 46. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Eleven. Part One. 271 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 47. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Eleven. Part Two. 266 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 48. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Twelve. 116 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 49. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Thirteen. 169 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 50. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Fourteen. 285 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 51. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Fifteen. Part One. 260 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 52. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Fifteen. Part Two. 268 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 53. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Sixteen. 247 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 54. A Lexicon of Selective Segmentation of Finnegans Wake (The ‘Syllabifications’). FW Episode Seventeen. 241 pp 9 September 2013 Vol. 55. Theoretical Backup One for the Lexicon of Finnegans Wake. Charles K. Ogden: The Meaning of Meaning. Dedicated to Carla Marengo. 331pp Noël 2013 Vol. 56. Theoretical Backup Two for the Lexicon of Finnegans Wake. Charles K. Ogden: Opposition. Dedicated to Carla Marengo. 93pp Noël 2013 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 7 Vol. 57. Theoretical Backup Three for the Lexicon of Finnegans Wake. Charles K. Ogden: Basic English. Dedicated to Carla Marengo. 42pp Noël 2013 Vol. 58. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode One. 235pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 59. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Two. 149pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 60. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Three. 190pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 61. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Four. 191pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 62. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Five. 164pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 63. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Six. 310p 7 January 2014 Vol. 64. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Seven. 136pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 65. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Eight. 157pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 66. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Nine. 234pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 67. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Ten. 361pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 68. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Eleven, Part One. 337pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 69. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Eleven, Part Two. 266pp 7 January 2014 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 8 Vol. 70. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Twelve. 167pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 71. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Thirteen. 148pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 72. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Fourteen. 174pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 73. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Fifteen Part One. 187pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 74. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Fifteen Part Two. 229pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 75. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Sixteen. 191pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 76. A Lexicon of Finnegans Wake: Boldereff’s Glosses Linearized. FW Episode Seventeen. 215pp 7 January 2014 Vol. 77. Stories from Finnegans Wake. Frances Boldereff: Sireland calls you, James Joyce! 171pp 17 January 2014 Vol. 78. Theoretical Backup Four for the Lexicon of Finnegans Wake. Volume 78. Tatsuo Hamada: How to Read FW ? Why to Read FW?What to Read in FW? 271pp 23 January 2014 Vol. 79. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode One. 246pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 80. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Two. 141pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 81. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Three. 238pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 82. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Four. 246pp 11 February 2014 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 9 Vol. 83. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Five. 168pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 84. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Six. 325pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 85. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Seven. 216pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 86. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Eight. 164pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 87. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Nine. 349pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 88. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Ten. 363pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 89. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Eleven Part One. 371pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 90. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Eleven Part Two. 337pp. 11 February 2014 Vol. 91. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Twelve. 145pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 92. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Thirteen. 198pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 93. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Fourteen. 350pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 94. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Fifteen Part One. 335pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 95. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Fifteen Part Two. 339pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 96. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Sixteen. 316pp 11 February 2014 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 10 Vol. 97. Clive Hart’s Segmentation as Exemplified by Romanian. FW Episode Seventeen. 311pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 98. Alexandru Rosetti echt rumänisch Corpus 227pp 11 February 2014 322pp 11 February 2014 253pp 11 February 2014 Vol. 99. Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (From A to M) Vol. 100. Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus Two (From N to Z) You are kindly asked to address your comments, suggestions, and criticism to the Publisher: For all the 100 FW Lexicons and the full FW text linearized, please go to C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 11 Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (From A to M) C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 12 Letter A à aar aarse abal abala aballoons abanded abashing abawlers abbess abbess’s abbeycliath abecedarian abed abeddy abel abell abella abellars abelle abelled abelles abelle’s abelli’s abellous abells abellum abelongd abetts abey abgut abib abil abiliter abilities ability abill abilla 281.12 370.27 301.02 186.10 600.10 274.28 494.28 431.16 497.05 289.26 601.27 237.33 198.20 051.13, 156.34, 180.19, 254.34, 256.33, 392.06, 544.30, 600.08 472.02 224.10, 362.05, 470.27, 579.18 326.01, 368.12, 512.10, 512.10, 619.16 326.01, 368.12, 512.10, 512.10, 619.16 243.07 201.35, 553.26, 571.15, 610.21, 610.21 627.28 061.06, 192.25 215.24 182.20 539.29 569.12 040.28 323.20 095.22 541.17 490.14 620.22 513.25, 513.25 392.36 104.02, 240.20 597.28 104.06 333.30, 548.06 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 13 abilling ablebodied abled ablen abler ablest aboardshoops abobs aboc abogue abolls abolly aboo aboot aboots abortanabory abote abound abount abouter aboutes abouties abouts abouts aboutwoman above abrack abrac’s abrigies abroad abroads abroads abroad’s abrog abrupth absanti absolvers abub abuelish abule abundancy abundantly 450.29 160.34 397.25, 409.26 072.34 071.13 063.29, 320.12, 375.36 077.28 414.05 456.22 350.29, 528.37 543.08 472.02 054.01, 304.12, 580.15 336.17 288.25 257.27 323.20 297.09 338.34 202.04 070.25, 101.03 566.09 496.33 010.26, 069.24, 108.25, 155.25, 203.14, 206.05, 222.24, 255.07, 328.10, 469.02, 506.25, 555.03, 558.33 355.03 151.06 468.13 495.23 274.12 110.23 066.07, 202.29, 417.20 333.15 419.02 115.28 549.01 242.19 005.22 004.09 097.17 452.34 066.30 612.05 088.07 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 14 abusies abyss acarry’s accanponied accent accents accessible accidentated accompanied accord accorde accountably accoutred ace aced acer acerution aces acessory acestross acettera ach achachamer achan achap achapel-Asitalukin ache acheeping acher acheronistic achers aches achet achord ach’s acht achthercuss acinous aciodes acities ack acks 568.04 040.23 492.19 607.32 180.35 087.03, 344.25 159.33 186.03 544.15 415.18 222.02 086.03 594.14 295.26 231.20 008.12 107.19 575.36 237.36 018.03 339.36 090.31 332.05 556.15 398.16 237.15 110.08 127.31, 294.F1, 302.28, 362.20, 423.17 622.05 350.24 202.35 579.33 225.11, 270.09 494.15 284.03 053.31 137.31 054.04 157.32 450.10 115.12 408.32 222.11 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 15 acktericksticks acola acooshy acosaghacosta acostecas acosts acotta acqbrimacqmirage acre acreedoed acreena acre’s across acrwatter act actacurs actical acticals acticors acticuls acting actinism action action actionable actions active actogram actoristic actorsactrisscalls actrix acts acumen acuminal acuminamoyas acumque ad adam adama adamanvantora 149.22 133.15 484.26 414.19 172.22 152.27 624.34 160.07 254.15 470.20 080.07, 111.02, 257.21, 320.33, 390.01, 559.10, 567.34, 567.35 515.25 376.34 480.34 470.35 135.06 255.25, 414.19, 426.33, 587.35 518.22 337.23 388.31 048.07 617.14 009.05, 157.12, 345.32 611.31 036.11, 310.36, 332.30 274.L2 048.18 159.21 300.20 165.23 334.07 314.08 363.28 526.33 192.23 415.04 055.29 201.30 605.32 016.11, 128.20, 463.32 019.30, 040.34, 067.23, 180.16, 221.13, 469.20, 485.32, 496.21, 514.23, 532.06 224.29, 224.30 598.33 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 16 adamaud adameen adaminant adamised adamite adammangut adams adam’s adamson adapolam adar adarthella adbaugham add adda addem addendance adder addios adeils adelfian adelphians adem adey adieu adim adimply adin adindy adipates adition adjure adjustables adjustment admiral ado adolphus adomina adonine a-Donk adont Adoo adoodling 451.03 021.06 617.23 080.01 530.28 214.19 065.05 057.20, 436.07 187.35 396.09 326.26, 358.20, 358.20 151.20 024.14 056.07 232.28 538.25 358.35 311.16 348.01 236.29 073.18 572.25 034.31 470.07 580.17 560.19 097.26 073.35, 601.26 353.28 163.31 151.20 594.05 236.28 150.34 567.22 240.07, 464.02, 485.21, 504.35, 550.27 167.09 471.03 158.01 614.29 338.21 227.33, 290.09 622.05 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 17 adoor adoors adoory adore-glunneral adores adories adorion adorn adornaments adoro adory ados adour adouring adovies adown adowns a-dreams adrope ads adulterated adulteratous adulterous adult’rous adumped adums aduna adunderry adure adventure advice adye aeblen-Balkley aehe aeorns aerial aering aethher afact afar afear afesh affair 107.36 351.34 377.02 352.23 288.02 395.09 398.18 395.10 291.12 263.F3 395.10, 395.22 178.26 224.25, 439.09 173.04 184.31 010.28, 010.28, 088.32, 456.26 509.34 597.20 089.19 244.15, 299.30, 302.17 445.35 363.34 161.17 146.10 590.01 303.18 623.28 323.21 475.27, 554.07 138.31, 231.10 432.18 313.18 326.25 206.15 236.30 274.32 332.20 077.15 183.07 513.16 318.05 256.25 505.32 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 18 affed affianced affica afid afield afire afore aforitch a-four afraida afras afrond aftara after aftercheeks afters afts agaba agad agadye agains again’s against agait agakhroustioun agam agamated agana agandi agany agar agara’s agar’s agate age age agearries aged aged ageg agen agen 037.33 061.19 463.06 595.03 100.19 621.03 584.16 069.12 430.03 272.03 234.28 021.33 343.33 049.35, 053.07, 093.01, 326.17, 446.23, 492.35, 512.14, 533.04, 568.30, 589.25, 606.07, 612.02, 614.24 463.11 095.29, 130.20 133.30 276.09 258.03 313.18 333.11 006.14, 093.35 178.01 051.13 396.19 093.15 308.L2 080.20 289.02 506.28 423.18, 464.11 601.24 102.08 197.35 053.03, 079.12, 115.31, 151.34, 183.13, 223.08, 243.27, 296.12, 270.10, 324.18, 329.23, 332.11, 355.29, 395.29, 410.13, 450.23, 491.08, 510.12, 534.23, 541.09, 545.34, 555.19, 559.31, 564.16, 607.07 342.13, 343.16 529.26 018.15, 358.10, 390.14 354.09 169.14 162.28 415.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 19 ager’s ages ages aggeng agglomeratively aggravated aggs agh aghain aghbally agheallagin agios agitant aglionic agnian agnone agog agog agogue agolance agon agonising agonist agonistic AGONISTIC agonnianne agonoser’s agoras agore agos agrass agreed agreeing agreement agreening agrees agunnded agusaria ahahn ahanahanahana aharan ahars 312.27 008.04, 017.04, 079.31, 241.03, 456.29, 544.25 298.L1 240.10 186.10 358.27 352.05 310.12 344.28 014.09 332.05 503.11 538.36 355.10 513.17 389.22 225.15 222.14 071.26 477.21 265.08 337.28 260.10 516.24 040.14 275.R1 512.18 290.21 155.32 037.02 432.11 482.09 574.32 574.33 574.33 607.24 214.22, 323.18 323.27 117.04 205.29 554.10 380.21 241.27 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 20 ahbella ahbluh ahead aheads ahem ahim ahmalong ahn ahnsy ahnthenth ahnung ahoy ahoyaway ahoyden ahs ahs ahur Ahuri ahurling ahurries aichon aid aidafrira’s aided aiding aidor aill’s aimd aims aindua ainey ainoy aint air airafall airain aircanny aird aire aired aires airette’s airey’s 585.24 339.02 234.27, 426.23, 494.24, 560.27 288.17 421.19 060.05, 374.35, 611.08, 612.03 485.33 128.26 105.14 608.24 378.36 285.14, 285.14, 285.14 285.14 255.31 202.36, 593.22, 593.22 339.25 349.04, 359.17 165.28 455.01 214.03 214.03 469.30 601.27 475.36 098.23, 348.11 378.05 235.16 315.30 113.11, 282.06 561.19 391.33 212.14 191.13 004.10, 011.34, 022.36, 044.01, 045.16, 416.04, 462.10, 577.10 140.25 338.26 408.16 541.32 295.17, 423.03 413.01 065.04, 256.20, 354.01, 564.18 376.07 570.29 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 21 airial airioes airity airmaid airmaidens airmakers airs air’s airs’ airslidingdraws airy airyans aisance aise aisies aisigheds aisy aisymen aitoikon aizurely ajar ajarry ajeams akelly akes akeyakiltic akins akroidakruscam aks aksically aktiers alaam alaames alabellars alaciters alacities aladin alah alahmalong alaisance alaisy 407.01 326.18 606.22 352.08 601.08 059.18 052.12 069.08, 177.25 210.25 511.29 131.05, 505.14, 584.31, 620.12, 621.06 360.08 327.24 343.01 284.12 387.21 173.15, 176.22 524.11 416.12 427.01 305.F2 333.02 399.34 463.02 350.20 582.32 326.09 355.22 257.27 352.33 292.30, 315.23 178.06 156.12 067.25 497.33 243.07 608.17 115.12 073.35 084.11 485.33 327.24 173.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 22 alamangra alamina alanars alang alanna alantic’s alaric alarum alas alast alawd alba albania albarnstone albe alce alded aldermann aldses ale aleak aleau a-leaves alectralyse aleekie aleen aleesh alehus alelouh alend alewd alf algaceous algia algiabrown alice alice alices alicious alick aliens alignments alike 009.13 183.01 594.05 148.23 100.07 336.27 336.12 081.08, 178.18 077.35 551.01 341.30 600.22 114.25 280.31 459.27 613.27 324.28 503.10 117.20 031.12, 145.12, 296.26, 405.19, 581.18 058.25 383.21 551.12 067.08 210.08 143.35 192.26 294.16 258.03 546.33 325.08 248.21 613.18 228.25, 314.36 286.01 344.32 105.17 526.32 421.04 158.04, 456.08 162.12 120.16 167.19, 358.29, 551.29 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 23 alimpaloop aline aling alingalying alist Alister alite alites alitey alive alively alivline alizzy’s alla allagamated allah allahbath allasee allchoractorsalled allehs alley alley allin all-Muslim allow allowme alloyd allpersuasions alls all’s allthatsortofthing allthesameagain alltitude alltolled alltraumconductor alluckallums allusaphist alluvial allwho ally allyedimseldamsels 302.24 040.30 569.12 267.07 006.33 370.21 350.28, 440.32, 583.14 241.35 461.04 162.18, 293.20, 500.02 273.20 178.05 111.06 520.03 308.L2 233.32 417.27 324.09 314.08 256.12 550.12 291.04, 532.32 105.27 228.04 068.12 577.26 204.07 373.04 537.03 113.27, 351.22 550.19 178.05 094.27 004.33 376.13 378.09 378.09 478.12 072.14 213.32 015.11 035.23, 038.23, 430.10 432.21 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 24 allymedears’ allyoum allyous almanesir almostfere aloan aloe aloft aloid aloitez alolosis alomon alone aloner along alooraalors alot aloud Alouette’s alow alowre alows alpasplace alpeens alpers alpheson alppling als alsoletto altar altarshoming altated altay alter alterance alterand altered alters alterum altheouse altid altin 328.20 295.12 271.03, 334.17 150.16 067.10 624.07 359.33 340.30 471.12 213.19 054.32 198.04 062.04, 236.09, 236.10, 237.03, 418.01, 588.05 032.36 029.03, 103.11, 312.27, 485.33, 579.24 615.08 025.10 325.08, 410.11, 582.03 077.29 450.16 265.12, 488.11 496.13 333.01 081.15 032.16 314.35 089.34 007.02 005.01 281.19 344.27, 560.13, 606.02 470.15, 470.17 505.14 376.30 568.32 293.L1 569.09 201.09 312.36 572.19 338.20 326.21 457.31 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 25 altitude altivar alto altomeetim alton Alton altons altxebec alty aludination alumballando alumbus alure aluse alusi aluvu alviland always alway’s alying ama amaba amabapa amagoaded amain amainagain amalgamate amalgamerge amalinks amam aman aman amanamanant amanded amanessy amanish amantanai amantaya amanvantora amaraca ama’s amassofmancynaves 040.32 331.26 247.20 336.09 248.22, 569.28 572.36 019.09 323.04 398.04 372.24 409.29 484.32 359.34, 478.23 283.10 290.19 594.23 176.27 458.09 458.09 267.07 267.F4 267.F4 267.F4 180.03 257.33 258.19 575.27 575.27 613.19 331.17 103.08, 202.15, 256.25, 303.23, 386.36, 387.31, 425.32, 584.31, 598.34 354.10 414.19 076.02 326.23 505.24 425.16 595.20 498.15 598.33 255.15 204.05, 253.28 370.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 26 amasy amater amatory amatt amazon ambat amber ambiambisumers ambing amble ambler ambles amblings ambolator ambre ambulating ambulatrix ambulaups ambuling am-Bummel ambye amen amena’s amens amento amere ameron amerries ameyu ami amic amica amid amie amientos amies amieson amin amina aminal amine aminous aminted 493.07 560.28 357.22 560.25 199.13 493.02 100.12 155.04 386.05 338.27 429.04 423.24, 494.32 582.05 490.03 198.34 497.35 364.04 576.20 033.36 191.10 600.30 014.20, 054.08, 167.31, 240.06, 536.28 601.23 502.30 220.21 583.12 561.24 508.20 565.15 211.10 102.05 254.16 357.07, 606.04 584.31 443.15 300.26, 553.11 126.05 311.02 183.01 244.13 531.21 288.19 440.19 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 27 amintul aminx amis amisas amman ammangut ammen amn amnesically amnesty amnisia amo 064.25 amoci amockame amon amond among amoor amoore amoor’s amor amorate amore amores amoror amorous amors amorse amount amour amourfully amourie amourneen’s amours amp ampared amphilius amphions amphyre amplin ampling amplum amplus 468.20 261.01 240.06 233.30 205.30, 267.18, 568.32 214.19 454.13 514.23, 538.33 251.04 570.07 158.10 212.36, 212.36 542.13 163.30 503.32 177.11, 605.06 292.01 069.06 059.02, 281.20 231.28, 247.27, 499.11 092.27 024.31, 132.19, 173.22, 241.21, 338.19, 397.23, 600.11 003.04, 384.01, 388.24 547.25 040.14 551.10 313.11 108.33, 359.12, 380.12 335.07 158.27 493.36 428.08 250.16, 593.08, 460.23 123.15 551.02 596.18 222.07 137.24 593.24 323.14 198.21 099.33 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 28 ampulars amt amy amybows amyg amy’s ana ana anabal anadoon anagh anah anajocky anal anamaraca anambulating ananas ananima anaral anars anas anausteriums ancee ancee anchoredcheek ancients andas Andean andeatar ander anderducken anderson andesias andew andeyn andies andine anding andiums andivis ando andoilish an-Doras 011.20 237.12 063.12 011.12 116.32 576.04 055.05, 080.20, 182.01, 212.11, 309.14, 331.25, 351.30, 417.12, 497.30, 583.09, 597.19 184.19, 287.21 186.10 543.30 284.06 075.14, 358.19 331.24 611.13 255.15 497.35 170.20 456.27 375.24 594.05 360.09, 570.12, 601.14 387.14 202.21 105.14 537.15 498.34 468.01 106.08 406.07 581.33 323.01 413.14 542.31 501.34 525.28 284.12, 535.33 542.08 484.07 269.10 468.10 092.19, 232.31 466.23 073.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 29 andoria andraves andredful andreian andros andrum andsel andser andswear andump andurk andwds andywhank anelang’s anevver anew anforan angaluvu angel angelical angelines angelion angelist angelo angels angiolesque anglage anglas angle angle angled anglers angles anglian angling angoly angonamed angorpound angso angster angt angtaggle angtennas 369.25 363.07 348.14 318.11 203.13 124.36 534.09 600.12 053.33 223.04 055.21 262.L3 064.07 353.31 077.01 623.16 123.24 594.23 222.22, 505.33, 551.15, 594.04 040.07, 407.15, 605.11 161.01 223.19 391.33 230.03 628.10 081.23 275.F6 485.12 050.27, 165.13, 190.32, 534.36, 608.24 278.L1 416.09, 615.19 151.09, 521.01 298.25, 390.14, 390.14 042.28 347.12 611.30 361.21 056.06 004.28 130.15 495.09 287.F4 414.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 30 angue angular ani ania ania’s anigel anights anik anima animalism animation animously aniuvia anjeuchy ankered ankle anknee ann anna annah Annah annalism annas anna’s annaship annated annaulinn anne annes annians annies annity annlueamoore anno anno Anno annon’s anno’s annoy annsos annual annuarannus 260.F1 019.13, 286.21 049.19, 237.30 185.31, 504.24 339.14, 549.16 300.05 015.20, 283.26 338.23 456.27 127.14 087.34, 143.08 032.27 627.27 004.25 312.05 286.20 211.28 021.06, 293.22, 312.01, 503.23, 516.18, 516.18, 538.02, 538.32 030.22, 100.07, 102.28, 138.08, 270.04, 275.14, 294.29, 406.28, 551.06 138.23, 377.19, 477.05 038.30 254.26 071.12 076.24, 329.17 354.19 441.12 264.28 512.18 350.22, 391.05, 552.20 277.05 452.27 042.14 069.06 330.06, 348.19 182.20 246.32 297.F3 123.32, 373.16 009.06, 162.16 127.19 142.25 332.05 151.32 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 31 anny anoaning anoch anoff anolised anon anoobs anorder anos another anouet anouncing anov ansen anserstanded anson answa answer ansyfett ant anta antaglionic antagonist antaj antanai antar antarchy antas antaya antes anthean anthemlander antholitic anthos anthroa’s anthrope anthropicks anthropist anthus anti antibus antic antically 370.21, 455.09, 455.10, 455.10, 586.31, 588.18 628.03 502.01 116.32 522.32 171.12, 183.07, 258.22, 338.03 550.35 374.16 183.01 040.03 408.04 365.01 038.22 053.04 594.24 138.12 023.20, 023.20 287.02, 604.07 531.07 408.35 513.12 513.17 516.24 325.11 595.20 243.15 167.06 598.06 498.15 611.28 613.17 609.32 611.14 235.09, 235.09, 235.09 601.22 071.32 173.18 544.12 092.13 237.26 398.16 379.31, 615.04 034.02 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 32 antics antifloures antig’s antlament antlets antlossly antonio antora antram ants anulengro anungopovengreskey anus anus anuweir anxiety anymous anymphs anymus anything anywhere anza anzanzangan anzas anzer anzussch aorbinaire aotre aowl aozaozing apalla aparang apartings apartita aparts ape ape apee apeer apengha a-pennies aperon apex 172.20, 173.32, 441.28, 450.27 256.09 055.27 614.02 567.31 610.07 483.17 598.33 553.32 343.23, 435.36 472.22 056.36 163.17 440.13 448.31 087.06 435.31 548.02 423.02 417.26 072.19 558.28 389.01 598.06 558.27 488.07 295.17 473.17 240.12 407.18 316.21 345.05 095.33 412.29 238.26 221.07, 271.L4 221.07, 271.L4 058.25, 583.29 019.31 377.27 313.16 011.34 297.14 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 33 apheu’s aphist à-phiz aphoron apic apiccolo a-pie apinas aping a-pipe apnow apolam apologise apommenites apon apoppapoff apose aposed Aposteln appainted appaled appalled apparitions appealed appear appearance appeared appears appel appelle appladdyapple applepied applers apples applications applicom applous appointed appointing appointments appropriating apricus 193.20 072.14 153.21 606.27 115.32 450.19 407.29 223.02 505.08 220.26 348.16 396.09 151.07 498.10 617.03 461.15 332.07 118.30 569.08 090.16 427.07 452.23 507.06 452.22 615.17 186.12, 483.10 050.08 434.35 078.20, 314.33, 483.15 197.08 044.20 121.11, 126.17, 167.15, 170.30, 246.29 276.F5 146.13 271.24 026.36 262.28 254.23 286.28 437.22 107.33 108.36 161.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 34 April aproariose apron aptotously aptz aqueduxed aquillia’s aquilties aquintaism arab arahast araks aran arancitrone arancy aranta aranth ararat aras arasing arber arbitrary arbs arc arceathay arcenlads arcenors arceson arch archal archas arched arches Archet archialisation archic archicism archies arching archistically architectarchly archology 035.03 121.27 297.11 157.21 571.28 243.33 204.07 508.19 245.12 117.15 114.04 491.18 131.22 132.28 102.25 513.12 561.21 267.F6 010.16, 310.11 050.12 065.32 099.09 219.11 269.24 490.28 075.08 096.35 423.01 020.29, 030.20, 031.21, 074.11, 188.16, 188.16, 188.16, 203.04, 249.31, 364.07, 392.20, 581.05, 612.27, 612.27, 612.28 075.14 062.21 156.29, 273.04 203.27 222.02 181.07 080.25 525.10 298.L2 167.12 072.16 005.01 412.28 388.29 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 35 arch’s archt archy arck arcolepts arcosis arctic Arcy ardargoos arden’s ardi ardin ardor ards area arean arearing arenias arestary arestive Arezzo’s arge argisia’s argobawlers argogalenu argoos argul argumends arhodes aria arial arial arias ariastrion ariaumaurius arina arios aris arised arith ark arka arkery 532.01 335.29 077.18, 167.06, 447.33 007.31 395.08 475.10 519.19 587.04 347.14 242.33 185.21 245.14 374.16 191.33 198.08 310.08 466.11 263.F2 280.L1 554.01 260.13 599.18 601.24 005.31 184.13 347.14 327.18 245.10 208.26 117.04 613.36 106.11 387.13, 482.11, 553.16 600.06 113.04 101.08 078.11 202.18 089.17, 092.12 030.04 153.27, 409.35, 468.29, 493.20, 547.26, 581.08, 590.02, 624.15 198.05 577.34 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 36 arks arksky arktic arlik arlington’s arly arm armament armanize armed armes arming armon arms arms arnall arnell arnels aroe aroma arome aron aroon arosary arose arouma aroun around aroundaroundhersarounds aroundside arow arra arrah arranged arranging arras array arres arrested arrests arrexes 369.20 034.03 339.21 254.30 406.02 602.34 027.04, 186.35, 275.17, 291.22, 530.17 494.03 466.25 507.12, 557.23 426.14 549.11 615.18 608.17 353.35 108.18, 564.28 108.18, 564.28 241.32 405.20 143.03 155.05 582.20 015.04, 620.05 459.02 302.27, 556.17 209.18 004.32 010.30,033.36,039.21,269.05,355.09,613.23 314.08 113.09 261.F1 612.14, 346.11 091.04 258.09 107.33 438.03 320.18, 388.01 341.22 101.29 223.21 349.33 610.04 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 37 arries arrived Arrosa arrow arrowa arrums ars arse arsely arsencruxer arses arsey arshes arskiled arsky arson arss arst arsty arsus arsy art artars arted artempa arters arte’s artful arthar arthella arther arthin arthur arthy artiest artir artistic artman arto artpeatrick artryproof artryville arts 529.26 003.05 207.15 043.21 209.91 566.16 009.21, 061.27, 065.20, 162.01, 332.08, 543.17, 551.29, 593.10, 599.05, 606.33, 617.03 008.17, 008.21, 010.02, 010.11, 010.13, 010.21, 027.01, 046.20, 340.24, 371.22 150.12, 356.22 516.31 040.13, 301.10 333.08 182.27 567.19 013.22 350.33 251.11, 602.23 537.10 395.02 272.31 543.20 088.23,199.19,253.04,324.20,418.07,485.01 135.24 013.27, 150.12 178.02 558.22 251.28 121.27, 378.33 347.09 151.20 618.30 203.09 375.08 091.13 616.02 499.09 182.19 599.04 247.10 003.10 290.19 205.26 460.17, 560.34 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 38 art’s artsky arty Arty artyly arum arum arumarumominum arums arundser arx arxaquy aryman asa asach asagam asaloppics asama asas asay asc ascene ascent asch ascircles ascmerul ascu asend ash asha ashanaral ashaw ashaws ashe ashed Ashies ashkt ashod ashone ashore ashunders asia 531.11 338.09 160.08, 303.13,390.10,453.04 463.22 547.04 017.09,081.08,178.18,317.04,479.36,485.26,552.01 503.35 314.08 154.02 445.17, 566.13, 566.14, 566.15 078.16 285.09, 347.02 388.29 390.31 325.17 595.03 093.15 386.06 596.24 172.23, 596.34 263.L4 199.17 331.30 538.33 491.15 228.13 518.23 064.32 585.09 240.01, 240.02, 260.F1, 359.11 240.01, 240.02 340.27 527.08 098.13 246.14, 485.33 061.18 155.05 547.14 426.36 613.09 469.06 229.21 489.10 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 39 asia asiada asian asianised aside asider asies asioused asis Asitalukin asits ask askayas asker’s askewaskieym’s askivvymenassed askortas aslang aslayers asleep asloop asloot aspects asperaguss asphaltium asphault aspirated aspis asporation asprewl aspsed ass ass assa assa assabbess’s assamble ass-and-pair assbawls assed assemble 150.26 054.17 166.32, 564.35, 610.12 191.04 059.04, 082.14, 331.17 418.02 463.30 416.24 112.26, 470.15, 470.17, 470.19 110.08 331.06 362.11 348.23 404.27 257.27 601.25 492.06 247.29 338.22 337.21 397.16, 449.35, 476.22, 556.33 562.16 610.14 208.11 448.17 157.02 581.30 251.31 405.26 257.25, 463.21 437.11 426.33 006 21, 067.19, 093.09, 096.01, 141.34, 174.15, 231.18, 254.15, 260.18, 323.21, 343.19, 373.29, 380.25, 423.18, 479.09, 495.15, 512.35, 538.32, 555.11, 581.22, 625.27 071.11, 342.10, 418.24 398.15 280.L1 601.27 338.27 522.19 520.05 110.18, 492.06, 491.33, 543.12, 580.08 213.17 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 40 assembled assembling assent assents asserted asses assession assias assinated assing assity asso assoboundbewilsothoutoosezit associations assocrats assorted assousyoceanal asstling assumed assundrian assuranced assured assurers assures assuring ast Astagob astarin astartey astcleeps asteamadorion aster astered astering asterssias astery asthmatic astomosically astones astra astrides astronomy 498.27, 538.27 358.33 037.22 575.35 357.31 153.36, 183.13, 343.22, 611.36 198.17 596.12 241.02 457.30, 607.25 353.25 517.21 154.33 348.05 367.25 503.09 384.03 625.15 086.12 439.34 378.03 151.01, 235.25 608.17 356.20 108.19 364.29, 493.35 503.14 227.35 091.14 614.12 398.18 279.F09, 455.14 098.12 341.29 339.18 406.05 366.23 615.05 493.11 061.20, 061.20 564.36 449.11 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 41 astrool astrophear astsar asunder asundery asure atakia atalk atall ate Atelier atellye atentions aterre ateskippey ateyar Atha-Cliath atharept athaun athay atheis athem’s athens atheristic atheses athews athic athicus athigh athims athirst athlate athletic athome athomely athome’s athor atic atica atick atkin atkins atmas 622.13 222.12 353.09 546.12 339.25 162.14 450.11 066.20 073.09 604.19 531.15 492.07 241.05 019.14, 504.24 076.19 319.27 420.20 250.27 462.08 490.28 522.30 588.16 519.19 357.13 309.08 277.F6 072.14 602.27 277.F6 199.35 052.06 462.28 319.26 457.35 078.01 111.11, 116.20 525.15 062.02 212.11 268.08 081.18 241.25 243.27 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 42 atnaratatattar atom atouxatre atrus atsee atskuns atta-Belle attached atta-Cleath attendance attention attes atthack atthoms attic attics attilad attillary attracted attrapped atullaghatullepleats au auberg Auberge aubes Auborne auburnea’s auctors Audeons-behind-Wardborg audi audibble audience audio aug aughacleeagh aughacleeaghbally aught aughts auguration auking auks 339.18 296.06 414.19 059.09, 587.08 558.27 297.18 350.26 139.35 562.21 057.31 604.20 099.09, 434.28 359.07 348.31 312.07 178.17 545.27 251.01 378.09 099.09 372.01 332.05 530.27 541.19 333.35 124.34 208.11 495.18 381.04 413.07 569.11 152.14 016.18 533.31 134.06 198.23 310.12 014.09 224.31, 315.06 327.06 099.26 597.12 545.29 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 43 auld aulds aulinn ault aultaneously aulwoman aum aumon aumone aums aum’s aumunt aun aunelegants auner auning aunstown aunt aunter aunties auntisquattor aunts aunty auntyjogging auplain aura auran’s aura’s aurealis aurealised aurious aurnary auro aurore aurousians aurs auru aururu aurwatteur Auscullpth ausland’s auspices auspices 152.26, 213.04, 336.10 228.36 264.28 118.28, 581.30 161.12 054.04 249.22, 360.27, 364.28, 509.11, 600.36 139.03 538.20 050.30 364.08 008.25 042.12, 094.30, 126.12, 210.35, 268.F6, 325.14, 407.04, 573.33 353.27 568.06 041.22 291.10 031.16, 224.03, 229.04, 364.23, 373.32, 384.30, 069.27 435.01 019.27 284.F5 359.28, 407.06, 429.01, 539.06 053.07 236.24 345.02 060.33 327.15 332.34 085.32 353.12 535.04 462.22 587.01 344.33 032.03, 272.10, 595.16, 335.16 032.03, 272.10, 595.16, 335.16 335.16 078.05 532.09 116.21 332.14 100.18 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 44 auspiciously AUSTERIC austeriums autamed autel author author-batman autour auwatter auwck ava avala avalla avalley avalls avalonche avar avaster ave aveiling avent avera averan averas averred aves avez avicks avico avignue avik aviking avin avis avitches aviz avogue avore avorous avourneens avrotides avvents awades 049.13 266.R1 387.14 277.L5 462.01 452.10, 533.29 162.06 281.07 578.19 133.01 073.36 178.33 460.32 328.27 580.01 028.09 172.11, 213.09 024.19 225.14 503.26 527.22 255.14 146.08 009.36 343.30 288.16 478.20 101.33 179.19 226.34 185.34 609.19 316.32 053.07, 435.18 348.34 587.22 100.08 393.29 089.16 290.24 482.10 604.12 608.34 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 45 awahallya awaited awake a’war awards awares awash away awayo awayo aways awd awe awed aweens awer awers awes awful awght awghurs awl awl awland awlanmore awlity awmbroke awn awnawndest awnroc awns awpens awry awsers awyggla awys ax ax axacraxian axarksky axe axes 056.07 041.28 041.15, 242.05, 476.11 436.13 018.32 371.26 233.32, 290.21 009.35, 039.08, 062.19, 109.19, 197.06, 208.22, 227.05, 227.11, 237.15, 285.14, 360.31, 369.09, 370.36, 432.17, 434.26, 462.17, 493.25, 581.10, 582.22 509.24 353.29 028.23, 114.16, 114.17, 496.06, 548.16, 620.29, 620.30 523.04 626.26 015.15 241.26 151.23 446.09 135.09 159.30, 432.13 141.32, 556.34 008.25 237.06, 322.02 342.06 579.28 050.23 292.31 074.15 006.26, 068.06, 139.36, 303.21, 377.14, 443.02, 498.14 003.15 503.33 388.02 605.01 364.15 514.24 276.F1 048.16 374.34 063.30, 092.36, 156.05, 156.14, 192.03, 369.15 158.29 099.28 034.03 053.32, 229.23, 323.04, 407.24 344.12, 516.05 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 46 axion axis axity axle axled axodias axters aya ayearn ayenolly ayir ayis ayman ayne azalles azar azillahs azolites aztecs azul 604.15 458.35 179.14 116.33, 144.33, 214.24 359.23 498.04 393.32 471.03 379.23 368.18 323.30 199.16 025.32 373.22 075.03 389.32 102.03 549.17 242.11 494.05 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 47 Letter B ba baad’s baar bab babaun babe babies babipibambuli bably babobed babogue babs baby bac baccio bach back backagain backcrook backed backers backs back’s backshattered backward backy bad badbadah baddend badgered badiah badies badkessy badory badour 267.F4, 335.03 104.18 370.27 258.12 126.12 066.30, 378.03 584.14 306.F5 608.23 040.02 350.29 314.30 198.08 054.16 045.28 346.22 004.19, 009.12, 023.31, 057.25, 060.13, 064.25, 067.29, 084.03, 108.01, 134.11, 144.07, 160.21, 183.11, 204.25, 238.05, 289.F3, 294.28, 309.02, 322.20, 324.19, 332.36, 381.01, 385.06, 386.09, 389.04, 412.21, 426.22, 470.29, 498.04, 510.27, 517.22, 561.16, 564.07, 579.05, 586.17 114.19 127.17 492.29, 608.24 530.02 066.13, 222.11 321.08 137.13 381.03 011.11 054.18, 211.23, 240.16, 268.19, 534.10, 548.14 003.15 609.32 541.27 097.06 531.11 228.36 471.02 395.22 462.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 48 badouring bads badtomm baffle baft baft bag bag bagbone bage baggers baggon baggy bags bagwindburster bahi-Ahuri baht bahts bailer bailey bailis bain baiscopal baiter bake baked bakelly bakers bakks bakuk bal bala balanars balanced balant balbalbutience bald bald baldam balder baldo baldoom balds 173.04 327.25, 541.14 006.11 610.30 137.23, 508.02 123.21 067.09, 102.16, 206.09, 207.18, 221.30, 232.12, 257.19, 273.23, 313.25, 377.08, 390.16, 398.30, 406.10, 444.20, 455.20, 491.06, 514.34 350.11 567.06 410.13 560.23 141.11 011.11 026.01, 064.35, 095.14, 252.02, 337.11, 384.27, 430.31, 616.14, 621.06 359.13 165.28 093.20 379.07 031.27 127.06 540.20 499.31 365.09 339.09 414.09, 453.06 139.11 463.02 290.27 034.08 116.32 132.06, 186.09, 186.10, 408.20 600.10 594.05 174.17 338.17 309.02 065.03, 177.12, 364.01, 525.18, 554.06, 554.06 071.29 258.21 263.05 553.13 258.21 423.18 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 49 bale baleau balee baleine balistics balk Balkally ball ballacks ballah ballando ballds balled ballem baller’s balloon balloons balls balls bally bally ballyed balm balmed balmy balo balong baloo baloosing balots balsemate balt balt Baltic bam bamb bambombumb bambuli bambum ban ban-Annah banborn band 357.34 383.21 013.12, 305.19 175.16 004.05 054.30 612.32 079.16, 083.27, 114.27, 129.29, 157.07, 316.23, 317.13, 339.10, 541.19, 557.10, 584.23 315.28 317.12 409.29 075.17 232.15 277.F1 262.L1 322.07 274.28 112.15, 247.21, 231.21, 406.34, 416.23, 463.17, 502.20, 523.12 072.02 305.14, 410.10, 440.25, 460.12, 612.15 350.12 323.16 558.35 078.06 578.21 347.26 103.11 180.28 607.10 324.14 499.01 620.07 106.15 320.21 046.10 251.18 341.06 306.F5 273.L4 013.26, 031.12 038.30 055.10 062.10, 146.20, 226.18 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 50 banded bandiment bands bane bang banger bangers banging bangoist bangshot banjees bank banked bankment banks bankum banmaids banman banned banners bans banson banter baothsopolettes bapa bapptossed baptist baptistae bar baraced barass barate barative bar-atta-Cleath barb barbar barbarorum barbarous barbarus barbebeway bard bardfields bardin 494.28 497.05 065.02, 393.16 029.22, 162.21, 304.04 304.F1, 356.32, 469.35, 550.26 071.35 390.12 140.16 364.32 396.01 205.32 264.23, 526.01, 547.30 277.F7 547.18 006.34, 055.04 445.34 126.19 344.06 247.30, 537.28 084.13 460.22 138.12 082.15 343.24 267.F4 080.07 388.14 287.24 055.32, 070.29, 086.08, 113.03, 132.24, 208.21, 358.30, 497.29 354.17 418.24 451.32 140.33 057.31 169.04, 480.24 120.34 555.24 171.16 157.27 348.36 099.12, 133.27, 197.28, 265.23, 422.13 010.34 245.14 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 51 bare bare bared bargbargain baric barihams barine barins bariste barium bark Bark barkar barke’s barm’s barnaur-Jaggarnath barney barnies barnstone baroom baroon baropolis barouter barq barque barrack barred barrel barrelled barren barrett barrow barrows bars bart barumba baryntos bas basco base bash bashap 030.01, 312.06 163.04 156.35 023.05 312.25 133.04 518.28 027.20 360.26, 415.09 009.35 049.10 279.01, 329.06, 382.28, 423.29, 446.30 211.02 339.09 378.36 531.10 342.13 200.06 584.14 280.31 052.25 316.09 181.06 314.11 549.24 620.35 327.24 411.02, 481.18 138.18, 212.23, 351.03, 439.12, 444.15, 472.04 286.F4 053.16 171.14 015.24, 079.26, 244.34, 455.13, 479.34 437.07 105.14 596.11 187.21 214.07 329.01 154.12 210.01 491.19 098.13 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 52 bashaws bashes bashing bashwards basiant basis bask baskel bass basses bast bastion basund bat bata batarian batch batcha baten bath bathaltar batham bathos bathred baths bathtub batiste batman batoom batos batrus battabat-Talur battaring battell batter battersbid battle battled battle’s bau bauched baugham 336.33 431.16 202.22 347.35 304.L2 102.17 194.13 295.01 295.01, 565.22 351.14 016.09 536.01 494.35 084.04, 171.09, 493.02 102.19 229.19 162.31 052.22, 604.03 037.15 129.13, 129.28, 198.05, 290.13, 312.06, 417.27 606.02 018.29 159.27 467.15 188.26, 284.04, 333.36 606.02, 606.07 117.12 162.06 006.10 512.22 558.27 044.20 327.04 326.16 479.25 080.02 291.11 515.30 272.28, 403.06 093.16 466.01, 481.20 319.04 024.14 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 53 baugibaumblatt baun baurnus baush baut baw bawdy bawl Bawler bawlers bawls bawlveldts baw’s bax bay baybohm bayre bays bayse baysse bayyates bazounded bazzlement beacons beadle beak beaks bealbe beam beamer beams bean beans bear beard bearded bearer bearians bearing bearlined bears beast 424.20 150.27 126.12 240.21 091.28 280.L4 494.29 095.07, 095.07 039.23, 147.04 382.22 005.31, 497.05 284.19, 520.05 032.27 176.36 330.21 208.03, 313.26, 315.32, 386.24, 464.35 029.02 333.34 550.24 602.15 464.21 303.07 552.28 375.26 358.25 511.09 157.06 416.10 459.27 054.01, 091.18, 131.29, 237.14 508.03 127.15, 566.05 040.07, 357.06, 523.19 140.31 014.35, 132.32, 275.F3, 481.24, 614.07 086.18, 177.32, 464.12, 467.15, 480.12, 532.08 387.08 115.18, 325.18, 511.21, 585.07 285.L3 186.15, 221.07, 426.29 208.17 522.15, 572.06 245.02 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 54 beastius’ beat beat beaten beater beaters beatha beats beau beau beaubel beau’s beaver beaverbrooker bebeway bec becanned becca becca’s bechers bechronickled bechosbeck becked beckers become becoming becontinued’s bed bedarft bedded bedder beddum beddy be-dee bedicate bedimbt bedinous bedone bedore beds bee beeber 104.06 151.18 255.15 161.16 553.02 542.30 384.09 403.05 527.29 548.28 146.17 203.27 160.16 072.10 348.36 323.04, 369.29 007.17 203.04 483.19 130.15 380.08 414.19 076.26, 232.16, 372.15, 578.21, 609.16 064.31 077.30 240.06 597.08 626.18 005.29, 018.18, 040.02, 051.13, 156.34, 180.19, 188.01, 254.34, 256.33, 332.17, 339.05, 376.35, 392.06, 441.29, 457.28, 541.36, 544.30, 555.07, 565.36, 600.08, 619.07 221.33 245.30 252.12, 253.09 200.23 243.06, 474.02, 616.01 437.07 379.19 059.32 414.36 328.36 411.29 526.06 387.24, 590.28 087.22 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 55 beef beeforeness beehivehut beejee beems beencleaned beenyveenyteeny beer beeron bees bees beestsch beetons befooled beforce before before-Wicked beg begeneses beggar beggars beggfuss begin begs begunne behaved behavers behinder behind-Wall behind-Wardborg beina beit beit bejibbers Bejorumsen bejubers bekka beknownst bel belavered beleaved beleeft beli 190.05 419.04 605.24 234.31 258.35 091.17 021.01 084.36, 518.34, 614.07, 617.21 563.12 146.17 398.34 571.28 437.24 337.03 126.20 095.29 434.10 046.18, 173.26, 215.01, 248.34, 262.F7, 398.29 350.31 070.34, 135.13 510.19 041.13 056.28 430.34 104.12 464.33 520.18 379.24 434.10 569.11 221.25 125.02, 305.11 342.04 187.11 529.16 394.32 471.02 445.26 005.23, 071.03, 146.17, 210.12, 210.12, 337.08, 538.10, 556.01, 556.05, 556.16, 562.03, 595.06 448.13 625.30 150.09 120.14 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 56 belief belief-stakes believing belimned beling belise belisk beliza Belkelly Belkelly-Balkally bell bell bella bellars bellas belle Belle Belle belled belledem bellek belles belle’s bellic bellically belliching bellied bellies belliney belling bellis belli’s bellished bello bellous bellow bells bellulo bellum belly bellye belly’s belong 484.15 170.33 301.04, 468.16 357.29 552.10 068.29 335.33, 567.01 328.36 611.27 612.32 059.35, 073.10, 121.36, 141.05, 245.25, 278.11, 311.18, 324.25, 326.01, 343.03, 434.25, 604.11 346.33, 491.16 209.24, 279.F31, 368.12, 512.10, 512.10, 512.10, 566.23, 585.24, 619.16 243.07 106.32 027.16, 201.35, 327.06, 527.30, 553.26, 556.07, 571.15, 610.21, 610.21 139.35, 246.20 540.10 152.23, 420.25, 551.12, 618.34, 627.28 545.29 412.10 061.06, 192.25, 237.08 215.24 537.18 292.25 407.32 245.30 142.02, 233.25 432.21 031.32, 518.19, 567.36 446.07 182.20 386.01 027.26, 134.18, 290.F5 539.29 383.22 007.02, 022.31, 028.28, 208.27, 222.34, 282.F1, 361.22, 371.12, 566.18, 569.12 052.14 040.28 080.13, 095.36, 113.36, 206.36, 270.F2, 393.18, 485.32, 557.11 568.23 137.12 569.03 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 57 belongd belonghead belovers belovs below belowstard belowther belpaese bels belt beltye belums belus ben benacaddie benboss bend benders bends bene beneath beneaus ben-Edar beneros bening Benn benny benopubblicoes benses beold beonerflsh ber berated berates berds berd’s bereared bereaved berella berg berge berged bergen 323.20 611.33 520.19 468.13 239.33, 569.03 607.26 266.10 129.27 169.14 027.06, 534.19, 559.09 138.23 323.15 594.23 395.12 200.23 013.24 364.36, 578.20 130.02 102.06 606.13 249.09 527.28 030.11 346.04 349.31 375.32 041.20, 041.20 371.24 504.29 015.32 571.29 271.19 157.01 249.15 152.17 381.23 492.27 085.17 530.29 037.01, 151.13, 333.35 328.16 056.26 310.04 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 58 berginiste berillas beriquiet berkhelm bern bernabohore berolum berra berried berries berrimates berrow berry berryeke berry’s bert berth berthing berths bertine’s berty berutters besendean beshottered besides beson bespokables best bestas bestic best-king bestopoulos besty besume bet betasselled Beth bethey bethizzdryel beths beti betogiving betothem 163.19 373.21 506.17 273.28 202.20 245.13 338.07 568.17 264.26 130.14, 376.28, 438.10, 504.33 535.33 391.14 027.16, 041.25, 064.28, 066.17, 228.18, 310.29, 430.25, 435.21, 444.28, 529.02, 544.17, 559.06, 566.04 221.33 342.15 088.21, 274.29, 388.29 004.32 062.07 598.06 211.05 233.18 241.26 494.19 352.30 431.18, 523.24 578.31 496.31 121.32, 173.11, 253.01, 277.20, 414.33, 536.21 352.35 038.11 505.27 424.07 191.17 371.22 278.01 474.08 290.06 412.25 241.27 302.F1 088.28 380.09 053.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 59 bett bette better betters betther bettised bettle betts bettyyelsas bettyformed between beugled beurrable beurry bewas beway bewilsothoutoosezit bewised bey bey beycliath beyond beyron bey’s beyth bez bezigues bezond bezzled bhar bhing bhour bhoy bhrakonton bhramsa biad bianca biassed bib bibber bibbous bibis bibles 208.20, 495.25, 595.07 209.14 298.03, 356.09 107.09 234.29 192.36 369.01 095.22, 242.05 444.31 183.13 250.35, 367.01, 561.25 284.19 162.02 461.02 595.35 348.36 154.33 378.30 406.33, 484.23, 541.17 346.05 237.33 570.01 357.02 558.02 533.08 017.36 350.20 165.22 589.32 080.14 273.22 484.29 624.23 508.12 481.18 254.16 342.09 168.07, 491.33, 580.08 620.22 423.05 140.13 300.17 539.02 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 60 bibs bid bidden biddy bideintia bidience bids bidson biduubled biedo biels bierd biered bierhome bies bies bif big bigby bigenesis biger biggar bigpipey bigs bijance biking bil bilashings bild bilder bildin bildising biled bilee bileejeu bilei bilette bilettes bilibum bilibus bilily biling biliter 203.19 108.02, 515.30 011.29 021.29 610.07 605.29 101.05 199.29 583.27 219.12 116.28 332.22 560.20 181.06 006.02 100.14 171.01 091.11, 188.24, 398.30 210.15 240.13 613.11 015.30 130.36 099.11 389.03 437.06 337.19, 513.25, 513.25 211.07 159.31, 588.33 077.03, 377.26 546.17 332.28 263.F4 205.07 329.30 031.20 267.20 073.35 194.18 466.32 164.02 403.10 392.36 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 61 biliter bilker bill bill billa billers billey billing billow bills billsilly billy billybiloroman bils bil’s bilt bin bind binder binding bine bines bing bings bins bin’s bio biogenselman biography bipibambuli bique bird birdies birds bird’s birdy birg birger birk birry bis bis 154.22 037.35, 111.21, 296.07 115.28 104.06 333.30, 548.06 373.23 238.04 450.29 160.19 414.28 015.18 021.09, 053.36, 075.15, 416.08 254.15 084.15 424.27, 424.33 116.13 543.11 019.12, 370.09 093.18 278.09 143.14 351.12 587.07 553.18 491.04 409.02, 625.23 181.17 230.16 173.13 413.31 306.F5 183.14 010.32, 010.34, 039.21, 098.36, 256.26, 412.07, 451.16, 476.01, 534.36, 595.33 416.12 147.07, 180.28, 388.25, 438.35, 527.26, 562.17 496.31 505.17 012.36 133.06 553.03 207.10 066.25, 228.26, 419.32, 436.24, 452.08, 514.22, 562.17 113.30 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 62 BIS bishing bishkis bishop bishopric bishospastored bison bisses bisumers bit bit bitered biters bites bits bitsch bitten bitten bixbiyas blabbers blabstard blachk black black blackblobs blacked blacks Blacks blacksliding blad bladders blade blades blagroggerblah blaimend Blakes blancer blanes blanium blank blankered 306.R1 041.11 568.19 392.14 134.29 612.08 302.23 475.35 155.04 019.02, 061.19, 223.04, 266.26, 247.09, 288.05, 312.14, 469.01, 498.22, 547.01, 557.03, 559.34, 561.24 625.07 059.15 111.04 263.F1 255.35, 285.F1, 334.04, 416.18, 570.29 141.23 255.06 303.16 414.19 114.28 042.04 241.29 503.23 006.01, 016.29, 035.16, 114.10, 187.17, 301.06, 385.06, 405.36, 447.05, 451.15, 457.18, 583.22 398.32 339.21 429.21 129.32, 221.22, 386.29 409.23 405.09 056.25 090.12 063.02, 222.29 033.06 582.32 340.12 074.15 409.23 049.22 135.28 013.34 179.02, 474.14 612.22 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 63 blares blaseed blasey blasst blast blasted blasting blasts blatt blawn blaze bleak bleakest bled bleeding bleege bleen bleh blemm’as blend blenn bless blesse blest bleu bleus blick blid blin blind blinged blinkers blinly bliqueme blissed blistered blitzbolted blive blizzered blobs block blocks bloddy 256.11 237.19 485.13 071.18 219.17, 471.13 194.14 416.35 504.31 150.27 139.36 021.17, 540.29 316.22 365.18 397.25 370.23 277.12 023.01 300.18 182.21 614.32 066.18 087.03, 443.05 567.26 063.29, 320.12, 334.02, 375.36, 563.13 076.32 157.26 290.22 140.27 328.03, 447.23 119.31, 379.20 612.21 612.21 347.35 445.34 107.16 181.08 078.07 481.25 416.20 339.21 080.30, 277.02, 583.26 072.36 324.11 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 64 blond blong blonker blonovi’s blood blooded blooder bloodheartened bloody bloom bloon blos bloshblothe bloss blothe blots blott blotting blotts blow blower blowers BLOWERS blowing blown blows blow’s blu blubber blue blue bluebolteredblues blue’s bluffed bluffer bluffingly bluh blume blumes blunt bluse blushes 273.27, 429.19 013.04 611.34 230.15 049.27, 169.19, 171.32, 292.09 033.22, 170.33 378.11 577.07 070.25, 423.15 467.11, 564.23 389.27 568.21 280.33 237.12 280.33 225.36 538.31 565.09 458.23 407.05, 517.08 227.32 270.13 303.R2 476.01, 519.22 059.35, 422.04, 461.34 049.26, 422.30 552.19 180.12 329.11 063.16, 142.10, 171.17, 226.32, 253.36, 328.09 399.05 378.09 542.03 556.10 084.09 590.20 116.01 240.33, 339.02 267.29 548.04 116.02 261.02 064.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 65 blushing bluts bly bo boababbaun boabaybohm boam board board boarder boards boardshoops boaryellas boassity boat boat boath bob bobandninepenny bobbies bobbis bobed bobo bobs bobs bobsy bobus boc boccoo boche bock bocker bockers bocks bock’s bocroticon bod boddy boddywatcher bode boden bodens bodied 357.32 385.14 283.28 050.16, 336.02 126.12 029.02 558.15 159.32, 180.36, 374.15, 451.03, 469.18, 517.36, 517.36, 551.28, 582.07 349.08 358.20 058.33, 098.06, 262.25, 375.06 077.28 327.32 353.25 065.30, 131.02, 136.20, 139.34, 215.01, 321.14, 418.05, 479.31 104.16 021.25 005.02, 094.33, 245.27, 270.27, 590.17 396.18 113.36 334.04 040.02 622.23 414.05, 540.29 189.19 611.26 352.11 456.22 427.13 388.21 037.06, 095.02, 276.13, 310.28 442.09 098.21 222.28 189.07, 292.05 614.28 116.32 415.17 026.17 040.17 466.22 541.26 160.34, 413.31 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 66 bodies bodoff body body’s boel boes bog boge bogen bogeys boggaleesh boggan boggan’s bogger boggeryin bogom bogue boh boher bohm bohmend bohore boi boiassed boil boiled boily boir bois boisterous boites boits bok boko bokovskva bolator bold bolder boldy’s bole boles boleshqvick boleth 486.19 370.17 063.16, 088.14, 107.30, 118.12, 160.07, 220.16, 289.15, 293.F2, 309.16, 329.18, 411.34, 438.16, 442.31, 482.25, 597.21, 616.06 101.13, 248.25, 361.12, 521.24 437.08 011.34 376.03, 398.30, 531.03, 556.25 036.16 464.30 304.09 192.26 084.06, 369.08 435.30 204.21 305.33 347.02 350.29, 528.37 078.32 373.05 029.02, 055.28 505.34 245.13 201.25 110.18 026.07, 231.13, 604.24 336.31 534.01 392.16 440.12 547.23 235.24 211.28 129.23, 379.17 051.17 498.15 490.03 053.14, 091.11, 250.36, 273.27, 315.03, 383.17, 451.17, 474.15, 588.33, 606.18, 615.06 309.13 361.12 451.07, 504.25, 596.21 303.19 302.18 267.21 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 67 bolgs bolier bolist bollags bollions bolls bolly bolo bolosk bols bolster bolted bolteredbolts bolt’s bolum bolus bom bom bomasum bomb bombom bombomboom bombonant bombs bombumb bommers bomnet bon ßov bonant bond bonds bone bone bonegorer bones bong bongusta bonian bonnet bonny bons 381.05 317.15 128.18 541.18 151.14 543.08 321.15, 472.02, 516.10 494.17 162.15 376.27 577.12 078.07 378.09 135.25, 140.17 590.10 154.18 118.04 007.34, 007.34, 256.27 103.02, 103.02, 103.04, 103.04 097.15 424.18, 588.20 552.29 103.02, 103.04 053.01 304.16 341.06 258.34 176.36 442.09 269.L2 053.01 510.35 617.07 036.32, 052.19, 085.08, 177.21, 192.29, 193.29, 221.23, 229.30, 249.07, 330.34, 347.12, 425.01, 550.10, 567.06, 603.23 565.26 255.15 016.03, 031.25, 122.08, 343.04, 387.33, 391.32, 434.25, 504.25, 569.03 245.26 438.02 539.25 040.09 124.27 542.22 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 68 boo booard boob boobied boobrawbees booby bood boof booh book book bookers bookisonester bookpage books boom boom boomaround booming boon booned boor boormistress boors boor’s boos boose boosh booshkees boosoloom boost boosting boostius boosycough boot booth bootle boots boots’ boove boowood boozelem bor 054.01, 191.35, 225.08, 304.12, 373.25, 464.07, 580.15 077.06 442.36, 580.14 416.03 146.17 146.06 104.18 609.16 372.30 018.17, 131.02, 136.19, 229.32, 380.24, 412.33, 422.15, 443.24, 460.20, 530.19, 611.25 275.L4 549.04 177.14 428.16 219.24, 256.18 564.22 103.02, 103.04 613.23 173.21, 565.05 029.11, 181.25, 556.29, 612.20 323.33 491.32, 585.34 023.29 552.20 487.12, 615.33 011.02, 066.05, 154.11 052.24, 140.33, 488.11, 590.19 240.24, 586.26 417.12 012.13 583.19 320.06 468.04 095.08 336.17 394.27 315.22 026.10, 035.10, 126.13, 210.16, 288.25, 415.03, 466.34, 467.01, 531.11 469.08 110.17 239.01 515.28 398.27 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 69 boracum borad bordened border borders bordunates bore borealic bored boren borg borg borgenthor borgey borines borised born borne borneccles borned borner boroff borough borougham borugh-the-Less borre borre’s borro borrow borry borry bort bortanborumba bory bos bose bosed bosh bosh boshicksal bosition bosk 442.08 492.22 580.02 025.10 474.18 156.11 387.17, 390.34, 392.11, 396.36 487.01 384.35, 388.18, 393.08 525.21 005.06, 012.35, 310.03, 316.13, 529.21, 569.11, 582.21 072.12 246.06 327.30 533.15 310.18 055.10, 059.18, 084.29, 114.12, 134.19, 137.14, 159.24, 164.35, 178.10, 194.12, 210.04, 304.27, 370.07, 387.12, 506.26, 547.05, 585.18 041.07, 285.15, 383.20, 469.15, 495.18, 561.20 613.09 530.09 290.26 340.20 029.35, 057.35, 132.22, 162.30, 260.12, 340.34, 442.11, 503.14 104.20 569.14 248.17 415.32 095.18 017.04, 455.12 333.33 105.08 086.07 257.27 351.05 323.20 019.31, 112.31, 148.20, 319.20, 388.09, 409.16 287.19, 623.17 345.34 051.36 348.32 283.L2 299.08 351.24 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 70 bosolom bosom bosomheaving boss bossed bossers bossities bost bosuned bosy bot botag botch botchum bote botham bothed bothy’s botinesque botipacco botomia bott bottes bottle bottled bottom bottomed botts bouch boucqs bough boughnoon bought boule boulees boulotts boum bound bound boundbewilsothoutoosezit boundin bounding bount 180.27 170.35, 180.12, 471.07 189.25 013.24, 020.08, 052.24, 273.23, 415.17, 442.27, 442.27, 485.33 012.28, 574.25 088.29 493.22 622.29 313.04 207.16 219.23, 316.30, 447.13, 516.27 409.29 010.18 610.11 066.30, 297.09, 458.16 315.04 230.02 354.15 512.18 069.36 318.25 340.31 023.01 095.27, 182.31, 263.24, 458.18, 569.25 140.33, 382.03, 575.13 164.29, 390.36 110.26 622.11 169.21 206.12 236.21 470.15 115.25, 415.17 366.09 087.05 625.25 116.06 007.01, 055.27, 064.33, 243.05, 292.26, 317.06, 323.32, 439.15, 461.23, 525.01, 560.01, 590.03 104.16, 338.34 154.33 110.03 190.31 202.04 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 71 bour bourd bourg bourine bourne bournes bournigglers bouscher boused bout boutbarrows boutcheries bouties boutot bouts bouve bovo bow bowbreak bowcrural bowed bowel bowel bower bowl bowls bowm bown bowpeel bows bowth bowyers box boxer boxers boxes boxsitting boy boyce boyes boyish boyne 091.14, 135.02, 171.27 178.28 162.30 248.09 198.08, 268.16, 367.29, 371.33 365.34 244.06 156.35 158.04 229.25, 242.15 595.23 350.16 496.33 372.10 155.25, 163.23, 298.16, 427.31 333.20 234.01 079.08, 102.27, 376.31, 381.13, 403.06, 442.27, 547.30, 576.27, 613.24 546.23 557.17 133.31, 270.16, 288.15 161.27, 462.13 161.27, 462.13 450.16 060.14, 107.12, 131.23, 351.14, 582.06 080.11, 389.28 505.29 397.20 475.13 011.12, 304.28 311.15 312.36 022.22, 066.27, 082.24, 091.26, 098.12, 122.13, 165.31, 207.10, 276.25, 287.11, 299.18, 326.36, 393.28, 397.11, 439.31, 442.33, 469.30, 503.02, 562.14, 563.32, 618.12 049.30, 142.11 575.08 077.11, 122.26, 165.21 053.31 010.14, 010.15, 010.19, 027.09, 043.17, 051.33, 142.09, 152.13, 159.21, 177.36, 228.31, 237.15, 242.08, 245.04, 277.23, 344.29, 362.08, 363.14, 372.29, 377.13, 410.29, 417.17, 439.30, 442.05, 443.11, 451.27, 453.16, 466.29, 488.21, 530.21, 559.30, 563.26, 614.29 004.05 435.15 183.04 041.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 72 boyne boyo boys boys boy’s boys’ boyum bozzle bozzy bra brace brace braced bracing brack bracken brac’s braged brageous braggat braggin bragh braghs bragk brags brain brains’ braios braithers bralasolas brance branch branching brand brandt brandtsers brandy’s branjewomen brant brars bras brasilian brass 211.34 329.17 033.09, 054.09, 094.01, 129.13, 179.08, 205.28, 209.30, 266.18, 291.11, 329.25, 363.06, 367.02, 369.07, 385.09, 385.09, 526.17, 529.24, 543.09, 587.06 349.26 039.36, 041.12, 208.06, 336.04, 471.32, 584.17, 620.22 555.17 258.34 352.30 040.07 202.13 220.15, 316.09, 328.30, 388.05, 471.06 106.32 244.29 537.06, 581.18 495.23 005.23, 319.04 274.12 354.09 380.15 060.12 022.35 303.14 330.09 438.16 360.17 159.25, 444.03 099.34 497.24 052.11 014.08 220.32 029.03, 604.04 123.08 068.19, 311.30, 484.13, 484.34, 582.31 176.18, 176.18 054.02 155.36 054.08 198.31 270.24 467.05, 550.35 442.14 008.19, 373.29, 511.30, 609.28 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 73 brassador-at-Large brasses brassured brasterd brasures brat brate brathairs brathran bratschballs brattlefield brattons braves brawbees brawl brawler brawn bray brdsz bread breads break break breaker breakfastbringer breakical breaking breakingly breamstone breast breasted breasttorc breathing brecht breciades brecky bred bred breds Bree breech breeched breeches 472.10 041.11 235.25 320.07 550.24 555.20, 563.07 518.22 052.12 252.04 072.02 609.34 152.05 246.33 146.17 338.03 144.05 590.25 340.01 105.11 124.13, 199.19, 317.01, 416.18, 550.25, 566.03 310.22 160.35, 546.23 353.31 054.30, 107.31 473.23 293.16 164.23 182.21 225.22 211.27, 277.06 365.15 612.02 550.17 539.30 534.02 534.19 127.11, 164.15, 235.32, 411.22, 541.30, 590.08 352.17 152.16 375.32 182.24 012.22 389.35, 539.02 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 74 breen Breen’s breighten brella bremient bren bretas bretellated breton brets brett brew brewer brewery brewham brey breyhambrey breys briania’s briannus bribaddies brick bricken brickredd bricks bridalled bride bride brides brides’ bridge bridged bridges bridging bridian Brien biertree bries briggan briggans bright brighteners brigid 087.31 056.32 537.11 462.21 348.03 327.06 048.07 227.36 491.32 559.10 542.34 138.01, 283.24, 419.27 104.12 015.35 097.16 265.01, 333.08, 620.09 317.10 553.06 339.14 151.32 228.36 552.05 086.24 020.08 042.32 298.30 013.27, 022.26, 203.02, 500.21, 500.22, 500.22, 500.27, 500.27, 500.30, 501.03, 561.16, 576.06 399.03 566.16 548.03 063.14, 097.22, 129.09, 136.30, 184.12, 306.25 547.25 600.08 305.08 263.13 070.07, 270.31, 370.21, 385.15 588.31 127.36 399.14 530.12 011.17, 211.33 524.28 404.35 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 75 brigies Brigstow brill brilla brilla-parasoul brimbillybrin brine bring bringer brink brink brinos brinus Briny bris bris brises brist bristle brit british bro bro broaching broad broader broads broad’s broddy brodhar’s brodhel broed brog broggt broglia brogue brogued broke broken broken broking brolly 110.23 537.24 015.36 492.23 569.20 254.15 346.15 013.26, 043.22, 197.21, 230.32 271.11, 608.16 473.23 547.20 342.25 488.29 134.06 095.04 545.20, 545.21, 545.21 513.02 370.24 443.19 071.03 387.05 403.23 160.30, 188.27 155.04 324.36 066.07, 202.29, 417.20 051.19 419.02 115.28 234.06 070.26 445.06 378.34 549.01 600.12 284.04 313.23, 343.31, 581.16 444.05 022.36, 040.15, 074.15, 092.02, 373.29, 420.33, 541.25 168.03, 191.27 419.01 041.29 315.20 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 76 bromette brondas bronnbronne bronry bronses bronze brooch brood brooda brook brookable brooker brool broom broomirish brooms brooth broren brose brose brot broth brothar’s brothelly brother Brother brothers brother’s brothred brotto brou’s brow browed brown browns brows browth browtobayse brthirhd bru bruch bruck 022.20 243.16 003.15 352.21 440.05 573.21 242.34 413.15 129.10, 248.35 078.17 142.12, 427.11, 514.25, 537.35, 563.26 123.32 072.10 005.34 056.24 600.33 403.11 243.13 199.34 520.36, 529.01, 608.20 201.15 163.06, 163.06 398.02, 482.05 099.13 436.14 066.26, 168.07, 223.19, 489.28, 537.21 193.21 301.F2 585.29 404.29 425.20 148.19 003.14, 006.25, 012.08, 093.25, 183.30, 535.16 264.06 194.22, 243.25, 286.01, 424.36 020.02 371.03, 394.23 121.33 602.15 310.15 490.26 323.09 499.33 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 77 Brueller Bruerie Bruin’s bruised Bruiser bruk Brullo brum brume brundt brune bruno brupth brush brush brushup bruskblunt brusted brute bruws Bryan bryf Bryony bub bubble bubblye bubhub bubly bucca buccinate buccio buccus buch buchin buchs buck buckdom bucked bucker bucketnozzler buckets buckle bucklenoosers 150.15 038.04 128.25 021.35 376.09 073.13 151.11 009.27, 134.08, 134.08 336.15 318.31 352.22 488.08 242.19 443.25 176.16 340.03 116.02 462.10 255.13 228.34 376.08 418.27 450.32 029.35, 097.17 536.32, 607.32 526.09 239.33 384.29 369.26 156.12 045.28 118.16 103.08 568.28 545.23 344.16, 384.01, 412.35, 469.11 090.26 535.08 139.06 024.35 005.03, 372.18 214.05 319.29 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 78 bucks buck’s bucky bud buddies budds buddy budja budmonth buds budvispa buelish buff buffing bug bugga bugger bugled bugs buia build builders building built buiting bukividdy buktu bukujibun bul bulance bulbs bulbul buldum bule buless bulger bulging buli buling bulissa buljoynted bull buller 070.12 142.12 234.32 024.01 309.20, 415.19 450.18 021.08, 346.25 056.34 553.23 161.29, 459.03, 583.21, 583.22 596.29 452.34 022.35, 336.19 222.26 186.21, 326.22, 475.20, 582.10 095.18 496.03 589.32 015.06, 540.35 424.10 099.08, 624.07 191.34 015.07, 274.11 063.15, 071.02, 394.17, 489.14 433.20 327.34 288.23 484.26 136.08 084.02 354.01, 531.08, 557.12 355.10 258.20 066.30, 242.34 050.36 132.29 310.27 306.F5 033.36 256.33 310.31 171.31 584.08 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 79 bullet bullies bullished bullocks bulls bully bully’s bulose bulous bult bulumbumus bum bum bumb bumbose bume Bummel bumn bumper bum’s bumsaps bumulbumus bun bunate bunckley bund bunda bung bungsap bunk Bunk bunking bunks bunkum bunnies buns buny buone buoyant bur burdy burenda 193.21 322.33 356.30 611.26 547.35 021.07, 025.33, 490.35 587.07 475.14 004.30 416.03 598.05 065.28, 155.32, 177.14, 194.18, 253.13, 351.36, 598.34 273.L4, 506.31 341.06 623.17 340.23 191.10 617.36 087.01 535.10 585.18 023.05 598.05 294.F4, 484.26, 531.17 607.21 224.36 324.13 577.15 098.10, 235.05 269.20 267.F6 258.36 388.20 041.07 316.14 430.36 308.F2 232.05 368.13 415.01 112.35, 386.21 378.05 232.03 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 80 burg burgburgghers burgh burgher burghers burgs burg’s burgst burial buries burk burkes burlygrowth burn burnea’s burner burnes burnia burns burntress burnum burnums burra burrow burrs Burrus-Caseous burry burst burst burster bursts burt bury burys bury’s bus buses bush bushe bushed busheers bushes 261.16, 326.25 090.31 623.23 018.23, 057.36, 384.17, 487.09, 560.07 265.13, 578.35 543.19 497.19, 552.16 453.33 257.31 614.32 113.34, 290.06 005.35 106.06 558.20 013.26, 059.17, 102.07, 134.29, 171.14, 265.07, 280.27, 377.07, 387.35, 421.04, 504.24, 540.15, 552.22 381.04, 396.01 369.08 549.04 275.05 009.25, 614.08 137.23 509.24 450.31 393.26 005.35, 147.26, 455.13, 479.24, 577.14 454.30 167.04 214.32 091.03, 362.30, 444.15, 614.32 071.15 359.13 066.19, 295.F1 339.06, 598.07 035.28, 062.28, 080.33, 132.36, 193.15, 237.05, 297.20, 372.17, 374.28, 442.07, 541.29 554.02 578.26 013.11, 040.32, 251.01, 449.15, 489.06, 598.34 409.15 012.08, 087.35 586.11 034.33, 085.03, 285.17, 470.04 163.12 007.35, 542.35 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 81 bushi bushing bushure busies business busked busker busodalitarian’s busqued buss busses bust bust busted buster bustered bustioned bustly Bustonly buth butience buties buts butt buttal butter butterbust butterbust butting butt-in-the-North button buttons butts butus buwel’s buy buys buzz buzzled bworn bye byg byl 561.32 431.17 201.20 568.04 146.22 546.10 040.21 099.36 038.03 147.30, 291.14, 327.18 006.01, 432.20 075.04, 156.10, 165.28, 358.27 106.33 600.19 535.09 324.01 228.33 368.17 135.13 561.08 309.02 131.20, 340.32 612.12 023.32, 160.02, 262.F6, 415.18, 435.33 097.19 350.23, 388.19 165.28 106.33 142.18 569.05 391.34, 607.35 061.22 396.35, 434.25, 552.28 121.10 366.20 077.29, 172.06, 247.18, 537.23, 561.04 358.33 534.04 234.03 597.18 225.34, 382.29, 409.11, 454.03, 454.04, 500.22, 600.30 339.11 532.25 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 82 bylike byoperian byrdes bys byscuttlings bysuckerassousyoceanal byte 171.13 294.01 348.34 210.27, 557.02, 595.01 095.33 384.03 073.16 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 83 Letter C caald cabbis cabby cabe Cabe cable cables cacacanotioun cacaon cacians caco cad cadabra cadas caddie cadendecads cadenus cadilly cadont cads caecated caetera caeterorum caffincafiera cage caged cagnoling cahlike caill’s cain cained cainnin caires cairn cake cake cakeache 324.17 612.02 487.10 033.02 200.03 158.10 077.09 354.21 179.12 160.12 233.27 003.11, 341.01, 518.12 184.26 152.27 200.23 601.14 055.30 577.05 338.21 601.14 076.36 514.20 514.20 414.19 479.15 539.23 329.13, 600.36 092.19 153.32 235.16 303.32 059.10 391.33 065.04 479.34 172.20, 175.29, 239.01, 379.04, 550.13, 563.29 340.27 294.F1 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 84 cakes calamitumbling calava calced calds cale calfe caliber call called callem callering callher callie callimbs calling callme calls callzie calm calmum caloured calpable calves cam came camel camellated cameramen cameyou-e’enso camination caminous camode camomilla campaigning campassed campf campness can-again canal cancancacacanotioun candeater candees 370.01, 460.32 514.11 595.27 448.30 425.24 250.27 476.26 008.36 035.18, 073.25, 116.12, 316.28, 367.11, 431.31, 450.19, 494.06, 530.21 098.17, 167.05, 380.15, 596.19, 621.27 094.34 070.20 396.07 054.16 238.30 122.05, 336.05, 543.09, 610.36 479.13 294.27, 337.10, 363.28 383.17 556.22 026.18 205.08 363.32 229.15 262.29, 352.33, 550.20 067.04, 288.14 020.01, 368.32 285.21 435.09 065.31 497.02 288.19 533.17 492.13 356.31 543.12 498.26 470.19 451.19 484.28 354.21 406.07 057.19, 182.08 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 85 candle candled candleloose cane-Law cane-Lee canesian canicans caninnies cann canned Cannell Cannochar cannon canny canotioun canponied cans can’s cant cantenue canting cantle cantos cants caon cap cap capable capacity cape Caper capes capetulo capiture capnoise capped cappellas capron caps cap’s capturable capture car 188.34 025.26 343.24 324.22 324.22 123.27 497.18 175.33 089.10 007.17, 210.27 392.30 348.19 174.22 408.16 354.21 607.32 019.16, 283.02, 289.05 531.26 212.32, 240.13, 359.19, 520.29, 553.15 347.22 498.21 379.23 381.18 156.05 179.12 023.21, 185.35, 198.32, 247.19, 257.06, 321.10, 406.14, 415.07, 495.30, 518.09, 541.12, 559.20, 567.07, 583.05 278.L1 108.35, 186.33 576.02 004.36, 317.36, 533.09 415.10 562.05 054.34 537.23 168.11 448.14, 481.30, 532.34 527.01 026.12 383.19, 502.34 306.F2 058.22 035.29, 082.02 137.01, 210.19, 385.12, 434.27, 580.18, 615.21 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 86 cara carable caraborg Carbery carbry carcarcaract card cards care carefully carême carete carett cargo caries carine carlows carmon carnadined carnate carnations carnons caro carott carp carras carried carry carry’s cars carshal’s cart carthy Carthy’s cartilaged cartys cas casandrum casas case Caseous cases caseus 471.03 041.01 316.13 194.02 144.05 414.19 228.23, 388.31 027.32 330.07, 433.06 122.22 184.32 206.14 501.04 220.33 228.02 268.18 129.01 526.28 079.03 292.15, 596.04 308.19, 600.09 276.L1 409.14 390.25 254.09, 539.26, 600.05 320.18 304.05 494.34 492.19 192.06 536.21 079.26, 434.31 137.02 200.35, 381.02 437.08 027.25 129.06, 152.27 124.36 549.03 131.17, 356.23, 498.04, 543.31, 560.09, 576.30, 582.12 167.04 192.07, 416.22, 544.26 163.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 87 cash cashlcasket casques cass cassel cassia cassidy cassing cast caste castellated caster casters castle castles castrum casts casualisation casually cat catch catcher catered Cathayan-Euxine catootletoo cattls catura caugh caught caughtawan caught-emerod’s caughtscheaf cauld cault caulture caur caurs cause caused causes causing caust 149.17 414.19 415.01, 561.16, 578.07 431.03 254.15 376.32 612.15 087.15 206.01 060.31, 120.14, 314.26, 364.33, 449.02, 534.34, 567.20 237.21 551.31 108.22 388.07 379.01 471.16, 414.04 567.36 128.30, 307.25, 318.15 076.07 005.25 089.24, 148.17, 181.23, 240.11, 388.03, 393.13, 445.19, 513.13 206.33, 328.16 461.15 219.06 263.13 461.27 386.35 291.F6 511.14 329.13 197.36 063.18 612.25 152.26, 213.04 385.03 569.35 577.17 317.29 536.24 176.30, 332.27 596.25 483.01 419.09, 424.08 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 88 caustum cautelousness cautious cavated cavement caving cavites cawber cawcaw Cawley Cawley’s Cawthelock cayence cease ceases ceassing ceathay cebo cecity cedar ceded cedera cedras cedron celcism celebrated celerious celery cell cellar cellars cellas celles celles’ cellies cellory cells cellular celsius celticocommediant cemt cenatas cended 185.25 111.20 034.26 605.26, 605.27, 605.33 596.28 508.21 571.36 131.16 413.35 025.36 392.08 587.30 608.03 118.04, 129.08 454.31 607.25 490.28 043.23 236.30 171.11 105.30 160.05 235.17 171.11 082.31 470.06 611.29 586.27 086.05 410.13 545.27 615.02 226.04 227.18 012.28, 250.12 308.03 017.06 116.11 597.31 033.03 262.01 353.28 222.35 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 89 cendiarist cendiary cene cenors cens cense censed censitive censive censor censors censtrobed census cent centaurnary centaurs centenary centian centime centor centors centre centric centrum cents cephalous ceps ceptered cera cerfs ceritis cert certain certain CERTAINTY certinelazily certitude cerution cess cessantlament cessas cessed cessers 426.02 424.31 137.17 096.35 013.29, 483.21 207.01, 235.17, 378.33 179.10, 336.35, 412.14, 536.19 230.26 465.12 136.17 134.35 263.06 523.30 240.28 535.04 032.03 386.36 038.26 123.15 060.32 026.21 106.36 310.07, 605.16, 606.03 463.21 242.04 310.06 164.01 290.01 568.32 113.11 096.02 610.17 022.17, 031.09, 084.05, 100.33, 185.30, 558.03, 609.35 340.26 282.R4 121.24 178.32 107.19 433.05 614.02 327.24 492.05 600.24 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 90 cessory cesters cestuish cetera ceterogenious ceterus cettera chace chad chaf chafers chaff chafts chaina chainted chair chairch chairmanlooking chairs chake chalk chamber chambers chambre chamed chamer champ chamtur chan chance chance chancers chang change change changeability changed changing chankata chantedly chantement chanting chap 237.36 348.28 115.12 071.07, 127.22, 127.22 595.23 379.31 339.36 335.10, 553.23 138.33, 565.10 274.01 435.35 089.36, 240.15, 444.29 133.30 243.15 237.11 251.22, 423.07, 493.05 358.27 416.07 357.06, 528.35 446.10 233.35 063.15, 475.18 566.07 182.09 502.28 556.15 077.19 496.26 284.08 141.17, 363.29, 395.28, 403.24, 516.22 345.22 342.31 119.24 239.04, 252.10, 289.07, 346.29, 464.20, 491.07, 538.08, 574.24, 575.11, 577.12 106.18 308.L2 083.32 042.36, 167.28, 394.18 024.23 461.33 028.08 543.08 221.34, 237.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 91 chap chapel chapel-Asitalukin Chapelle chaplain chapper chappy chaps charge charged charger charmer charming chart charted chary chas chasa chase chased chasing chasm chasse chasser chat chats chaun chaup chaw cheaf cheap cheats check chedolche chee cheekeepy cheeks cheeky cheena cheep cheeping cheeriode cheetchee 349.18 374.31, 571.18 110.08 080.36, 334.36 564.32 439.30 357.05 370.27 313.20 040.16, 529.14, 586.05 133.22 290.16, 465.20 561.13 096.28 254.13 225.02 030.14 160.06 443.30 405.01 475.28 229.24 076.36 228.14 586.01 494.25 419.17 209.31 303.21 612.25 300.F3, 406.36, 574.13, 574.22 322.02 016.08, 537.15 302.22 209.22, 333.05, 474.10 275.F1 041.11, 463.11, 493.08 376.20 616.12 357.03 622.05 359.19 244.20 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 92 chef cheirst chekes chemical chen chen’s chepes chepps chept chequer chequered cher cherché cherib cherikissings cherrily cherry chert chess chessvan chest chested chester chests chestviousness chetaoli chevre chevuole chew chewer chewing chick chicked chicken chicker chid chief Chief chiefmaker chiefs chiel chievmiss chiff 058.20 308.F1 390.09 167.06 209.34, 531.06 548.33 077.29 067.17 347.12 375.20 091.30 345.17 149.24 150.16 446.11 031.30 251.20 613.30 588.28 013.27 328.02, 426.11, 596.06 109.03 390.18, 446.31, 448.14 077.29 156.14 609.10 276.13 089.06 233.33 412.04 209.01, 587.31 565.21 541.21 070.08 423.19 340.02 024.33, 033.06, 127.10, 251.29, 392.14, 483.18 219.13 206.07 213.27 472.22 020.31 350.07 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 93 Chikda-Uru-Wukru child child children Children childs child’s chill chill’s chily chimbers chime chimings chimple chin chin china’s chind’s chine chinello chingarri chin-grin chinly chino chip chiric Chirruta chitt chiu chjelasys chlocracy choating chob choff choidcholerd chonal chone chong chonry choo chooks choor 024.07 555.16, 579.01 481.02 576.32 102.29 244.09, 244.10 167.08 099.12 248.11 565.20 369.08 026.28, 051.32 360.11 282.14 039.24, 072.22, 136.30, 136.31, 219.20, 257.21, 447.19, 465.28, 568.28, 601.32 346.18 343.15 252.05 495.23 043.23 180.14 082.12 344.16 054.18 329.01 123.16 204.12 499.09 209.23 417.23 484.32 404.07 357.03 495.09 135.16 370.33 277.02 277.01 115.04, 299.F3 482.12 348.19 009.16 608.21 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 94 chop chopchap choractorschord choreal choredcheck choristic chorn chorous choses chosies chouc chough chow christ christian christien chromatic chromatokreening chronic chronickled chronism chronisms chrost chthumpered chu chub chubby chucha chuckers chuff chuffuous chugger’s chullard chum chumminchums chun chuna chup chur church churches 241.36, 311.24 304.F2 314.08 013.18, 284.03 145.25 537.15 234.20 157.03 148.19 291.12 007.24 035.08 249.30 474.10, 537.05 569.15 114.11 201.35 611.06 392.28 182.12 380.08 393.20, 515.11 290.07 331.14 360.09 466.04, 480.04, 480.05, 484.29 342.19 461.24 027.20 310.32 352.34 131.34 379.03 392.15 005.08 314.08 051.15 220.19 346.15 318.19 587.14 082.19, 431.25, 533.27 059.16 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 95 church’s churchwardens churls churuls chute chutes chysm cicero ciclist ciclometer ciel cielo cientotrigintadue cif cilier ciliouslooking cilled cimmed cimoroon cinct cinctis cincts cindgemeinded cingk cingle cinssies cint cinta cinthinous ciolated cionator cioppachew ciphered circensor circle circles circling circulars circulingly cirrhonimbant cis cisamica cisprinks 546.21 116.27 381.33 303.24 003.19, 200.05 616.26 282.25 152.10 145.11 614.27 504.24 244.25 054.12 154.12 335.18 120.18 093.25 497.09 207.25 297.21 185.15 294.20 252.16 550.35 030.23 603.28 366.23 615.03 118.28, 281.14 054.33 154.07 233.33 118.01 136.17 132.13, 505.13 228.13 209.24 295.31 055.27 599.25 568.10 254.16 537.05 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 96 cissions cississies cissous cissters cissymaidies cistral citadel citas citations cited CitEncy citendency citers cites cities citrantament citron citrone cits city city CITY civicise civily cizism clack clacking clacks clad claim claimed claiming claination clam clamazzione clammitation clamoured clan claney clangavore clangle clapadad clappers 618.14 526.34 449.15 096.13 192.02 109.19 073.24 610.08 491.30 356.05 421.23 305.09 608.17 523.05 115.12, 368.13, 473.20 371.23 575.16 132.28 368.19 049.17, 053.17, 094.18, 100.34, 107.24, 108.28, 111.33, 132.30, 151.03, 151.06, 154.25, 187.07, 356.23, 411.12, 424.34, 494.22, 541.27, 576.02 072.11 286.R3 446.35 055.13 231.27 423.05, 469.10 256.06 595.33 110.24, 134.19, 134.24, 392.29, 605.06 030.08, 129.22, 155.10, 603.36 421.02, 472.29, 574.13 093.19, 315.19 603.23 546.22 173.15 153.25 100.02 484.23 083.24 393.29 456.22 347.27 614.13 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 97 claret clasped class classed classical clastics clates claths clatter claused clava claver clavers claws clay clean cleaned Cleath cleay clee cleeagh cleeaghbally cleeath cleeps cleeva clefft clefield’s cleivka clept clerk clerks clerosies Clery Clery’s clete cletus clever cliath Cliath cliaver clid cliffs cling 411.14 232.12 125.13, 294.08, 359.12, 395.13, 396.11, 419.34, 444.04, 451.34, 459.04 089.16 179.23 447.34 049.14 491.19 147.21 569.14 170.33 352.23 285.25 491.07 314.21, 569.07 237.21, 448.10 091.17 057.31 212.15 210.19, 498.12 310.12 014.09 539.17 614.12 134.01 583.35 381.14 341.09 254.07 382.13 312.36 541.36 385.07 386.20 013.30, 279.07 155.34 426.03 237.33 420.20 159.30 302.12 010.36 153.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 98 clip clish clitties clived cloak cloaked clock clocks cloded clog clogypst cloke cloose clord close closed closed closes close’s closet closhant closing closure cloted cloth clothe clothed clother clothes clothesed cloths clotted cloud clouded Clouds clouted clouthed clouths clover club clubber clucking clud 210.22 376.16 284.23 481.13 016.34, 155.02, 567.18 339.29 068.30, 087.15, 219.01, 406.09, 427.34, 449.24, 517.25, 519.31, 531.24, 558.18, 617.21 177.28 356.07 127.07 364.18 553.14 617.04 362.09 023.11, 047.19, 102.14, 207.32, 545.30 063.27, 411.18, 450.21, 586.17 072.06 221.22 203.26 551.25 552.24 484.11 605.24 026.10 022.25, 039.06, 182.33, 456.14, 536.30, 577.31 543.14 421.36, 441.05, 539.03, 550.29 549.33 064.02, 337.11, 465.09 355.19 537.15, 569.01 097.16 246.07, 296.27, 480.26, 590.17 277.15 018.23, 519.07 049.26 366.15 295.07 286.15 197.07, 205.06, 436.29, 528.07 335.13 256.06 456.23 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 99 cludded clused clusium clutch clzp coach coal coalman’s coarse coastedself coat coated coatliar coats coats coat’s coaxed coaxes cobely cock cockeys cocks cock’s cockstown Cocoa cocommediant cocopotl cocoursing cocta cod codden codding coded codedition codeignus coel coffin coffincoffing coffynosey coga coghamade cognisances 155.09 157.12 084.15 572.02 284.14 415.10 411.32, 411.32 326.10 214.24 321.06 024.29, 030.22, 043.06, 043.20, 150.28, 190.26, 193.19, 242.34, 391.14, 404.17, 404.25, 451.02, 497.32, 559.09, 567.30 448.07 264.F3 183.35, 289.19, 323.12, 407.36, 466.33 107.07 561.31 192.08 546.16 294.12 031.18, 044.02, 051.22, 136.14, 447.12, 468.30, 538.22 493.14 022.03, 245.03, 303.F2 329.26 097.04 026.31 033.03 294.24 609.14 134.18 578.08 326.34 346.24 232.26 512.17 624.26 467.25 353.06 414.19 005.22 257.14 341.08 089.30 261.20 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 100 cognise cognition cognits coh cohaired coherend coherently coho cohoran coid coil coincidences cokes cola colacion colanius colar colarinas colation colcitrantament cold colded colderymeid coldlogical colepts colicus colina coline’s collaborators collakill collect collection colled college collin collion collogher collogher-la-Belle colohour colombs Colonel colonials colons 082.17 063.05 283.27 040.05 275.01 242.15 040.05 040.05 020.09 443.23 121.24, 160.35, 348.08, 466.08 597.01 232.01 133.15, 237.12, 382.05 528.20 118.13 516.35 361.28 417.27 371.23 211.32, 265.03, 290.15, 382.12, 502.09, 578.23 561.30 239.18 396.14 395.08 193.21 210.10 226.15 118.25 060.08 357.24, 409.04, 434.06, 502.11 278.08, 445.29 152.26 389.09 533.33 538.29, 538.30, 538.33 540.09, 540.11, 540.12 540.10 176.10 335.28 317.30, 600.17 152.16 374.09 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 101 colopulation colorissimo colour coloured coloured’s colours colous colout col’s coltous colum columnists com comayo comb combating combe combination combs come come comecomed comedy comeoutable comer comeraid comers comes comeshare come-union comic Comic coming comitated commediant commence commend commended commending commends commers commincio 557.17 240.15 503.24 029.20, 054.31, 126.19, 339.12, 434.08, 463.14, 611.06, 611.35 277.01 237.04, 466.27 018.29, 173.16 286.F5 302.03 348.03 298.31 438.18 262.28 197.35 391.23, 422.25 597.17 235.16, 254.35 614.35 022.04, 152.28 238.32, 240.06, 280.07, 448.32, 567.24, 623.01 344.12 255.25 369.18, 372.01 425.24, 540.26 367.32 317.10 036.20 142.16 276.F2 191.18 227.30 580.25 222.07 022.31, 194.22, 264.10, 274.14, 602.19 280.29 033.03 444.15 356.27, 533.06 525.04 163.30 089.26 322.26 432.04 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 102 commixtion common commons communicables communicambiambis umers communicated commuter’s comologosis comondation comore comores comoss comparisoned compass compatabilily compatibly competite compile complete completet complimentary complishies composition compounded computables con concentrum conception concerned conche conchoidconcordia concrete condamned condemnatory conditional conditionally conditioned condra’s condraws condriac conducting 347.22 041.04, 276.24, 435.33, 523.23 380.07 087.19 155.04 181.35 056.01 341.30 382.19 095.21 203.21, 555.08 409.12 152.05 480.26 164.02 085.27, 533.05 325.04 566.14 560.07 119.14 613.11 349.34 614.34 253.35 367.31 352.02, 363.17, 614.28 463.21 444.11 221.10 390.17 135.16 054.10 077.17 418.30 090.35 163.23, 270.01 326.08 521.24 293.F1 420.33 181.35 183.09 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 103 conductor cone conee cones coney’s confounder confusalem conjungation Conn connected connection connections Connee connell Connell connell’s Connell’s conner Conner connerman connmuns connoistre Connor connouth cononnulstria Conor conoscope conscience conscionable consciounce conscious consciously consciousness consistency consorted constein constituted constitution constricted constrictor construct contaminated content 278.09 297.11, 297.11, 403.08 003.07, 140.35 131.10 449.08 323.06 355.11 143.13 376.01 121.18 228.17 348.06 549.28 070.29 081.09, 386.22, 507.26, 580.31 310.28 382.05 319.04 317.31 141.25 521.28 081.34 271.01 227.27 229.17 380.12, 380.33, 381.25 349.18 123.21 266.30 623.25 072.30, 173.32, 377.28 153.03, 173.33, 174.01, 300.25 421.22 192.32 239.28 211.16 355.01 596.09 036.09 085.18 515.22 292.15 407.34 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 104 contigruity continent continue continued’s continuous contracted contras contribusodalitarian’s controllable conundrums convenience convenient convention’s conversioning converted convulsing coo coocoon cook cooker Cooks cook’s cool Cool coole coolsha coombe coombs coon coon’s coon’s coop coopering coops coor Coort coose cooshy coover cop copal copanc cope-acurly 607.20 388.05 537.16 626.18 501.22 182.34 156.10 099.36 011.33, 032.07, 184.15 506.03 520.06 172.25 516.29 512.16 220.30 231.16 245.18, 427.13 483.35 020.06, 136.14, 214.23, 394.07, 486.17 323.13 456.31 551.04 006.13, 006.13 139.14 569.23 626.35 243.23, 334.35 542.03 256.26, 483.35, 519.03 499.13 105.21 405.21 059.05 537.23 414.06 376.01 018.33 484.26 141.15 338.32 365.09 349.10 140.19 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 105 coped copers coping copious copodium copolos copotl copper’s copper’s cops coque cor corant corawman cordation corde corded corder cordia cordial cordials cordo core coree corello cores corico coricori cork corks Cormacan cormack Cormack Cormick corn Cornel corneltree corner corners cornies cornish corns coronate 043.22 229.09 554.03 137.30 334.03 368.33 294.24 480.17 338.35 428.27 575.16 228.21 328.25 242.13 142.25 222.02 482.35 210.03 054.10 260.F2, 313.07, 581.13 453.26 215.23, 513.17 185.24 584.30 134.19 432.31 584.27 623.01 310.34 381.10 463.22 450.25 137.02 376.01 348.11, 462.20 607.29 588.31 577.08 555.11 102.11 151.19 505.05, 622.25 250.35 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 106 coroners corot corpolous corporate corporated corpse corrall corrier corruption cors cors corsaired corss cosaghcosmic cosmically cosmos cost costa costal costant costecas costello costitis costive costs cosycasket cot cotes coth Cothraige cots cotta cottch cotted cotten cotther cotton cottoncrezy cotts cott’s cou couch 602.16 266.23 541.25 580.23 108.15, 228.20, 332.14 509.32 285.F2 367.32 062.18 048.07 344.10 600.11 056.03 414.19 394.32 263.24 613.12 510.26 172.22 099.21 567.21 152.27 072.05 130.09 027.10 624.34 578.07 159.19, 227.03, 242.33 129.22, 232.13 013.28 054.14 111.26 160.07, 481.32 439.04 185.04, 496.03 434.05 275.09 612.32 009.08 543.21 529.31 054.15 597.17 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 107 couched cough coughwhooping coula coulas Couley coulored count counted countenanced counter countered counthest counting country countrylifer coup coup couple coupling coups courched couriered course courseful courser coursers courses coursing court courting courts cousien cousin cout couth couthrement coutred coutsch couverers covan cover coverdull 542.28 095.08, 397.24 128.10 220.19 314.35 242.36 443.34 496.17 575.11 537.03 321.28 186.24 365.18 282.29 293.F1 356.34 099.30, 577.20 105.28 577.18, 613.10 614.30 300.17 531.10 471.15 049.35, 230.24, 237.23, 423.30 194.26 481.02 452.23 143.12, 605.19 322.36, 609.14 236.22 009.07, 094.28 005.36, 030.23, 089.17, 545.30 162.14 055.17, 313.09, 422.17 060.30 239.35 113.01 594.14 204.06 088.27 597.15 096.28, 394.01, 577.18, 611.12, 611.26 359.12 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 108 covered covering covers covert covery coves cow cow cowards cowding cowegian Cowell cowls cowmoney cowpow cox coxious coxity coy coys crackcruck cracker crackers cracking cracks craft crag crake cramation cramp crank cranks cranna’s craptions cras crash crashers crass crass crat crates craw crawl 220.28, 291.16 344.19 602.24 564.03 326.31 039.14 134.30, 228.32, 317.08 105.26 276.F1 061.07 016.06 607.04 456.16 416.17 375.05 124.36, 234.17 052.14 224.36 226.28 469.26 426.05 304.F1 026.30, 033.16 076.05, 143.13, 376.09 011.04 120.25, 162.30, 241.23, 269.F4, 356.36, 468.24, 483.11, 510.10, 604.13, 623.19 300.32 493.32 342.19 556.36 424.10 329.31 329.17 364.19 534.34 356.32, 382.19 341.20 152.08 491.19 397.26 328.12 341.18 074.14 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 109 Crawl Crawls craxian crazemazed crazyaztecs cream creaminated creaming creas creasious create CREATE created creates creating creation creator cred credible credit cree creed creeder creedoed creena creepers creepingly creke cremuncted creppycrescence crescendied crescent cressing crested crezy Crian cribibis cried crimed crimsoned cripped criticos 617.11 618.01 099.28 389.27 242.11 236.04, 527.13 366.17 383.15 345.02 277.F2 604.27 262.R2, 262.R2 484.19, 605.04, 605.05, 605.08, 605.35, 606.07 088.09 282.28 142.25, 306.22, 581.28 551.07 337.35 155.03, 301.04, 425.21 033.24 395.32 215.26 320.04 515.25 376.34 006.05 445.36 285.F5 227.32 044.20 138.06 492.07 276.F3 288.03 044.01, 468.30 009.08 087.18 300.17 506.26 078.32 180.02 617.23 551.31 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 110 critus crockeries croft crom cromforemost Cronione crook crookers crooklycrooks crooksman croom crooned cropfs cross crossed croticon crottycroucely crow crowd crowded crown crowned crucer cruciated cruck crude crum crumbling crumbs crumines crumpler crums crupp crural crusha crusher crust crusted crutched Crutches cruwell 307.L1 443.25 139.33, 552.13 625.07 362.05 415.21 066.15, 127.17 245.08 113.09 155.17 556.27 156.06 043.32 306.02 412.36 060.35, 084.20, 120.19 614.28 044.20 227.20 133.22, 360.04 042.22 543.22 169.13, 237.24, 329.29 289.30 480.25 137.13, 192.18 426.05 358.06 050.13 415.21 430.29 613.17 395.16 449.36, 563.24 010.13 557.17 262.15 150.05 018.31, 078.11 038.07 579.32 209.07 022.14 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 111 crux cruxer cruxian crween cry cry cryphul cryptogam crystal c’stle cu cub cuba cubation cubone cuccia’s cuchet cuddle cuddler cue cuffs cuish cuite cuitsman cuity cul cul CUL cula cula culacticors culapuloids cular cularly cula’s culated culates culdus cule culeads culeneous cules cules 173.02 516.31 155.28 587.13 068.20, 143.17, 475.08, 494.06 352.27 242.30 546.13 084.29 018.06, 018.06, 018.06 484.29 516.16 530.33 112.21, 397.34 221.23 561.24 302.10 379.20, 391.03 608.25 380.10 149.02, 542.13 090.34 133.30 391.04 602.28 397.32, 490.03, 584.31 255.15 286.R4 306.24, 494.09 122.21, 440.02 048.07 540.33 023.01, 082.12, 230.31, 265.F2, 315.30 004.31 601.22 541.27 349.17 137.24 070.06, 097.15, 135.27 128.36 570.17 018.11, 037.11, 518.22 353.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 112 cules’ culingly culink culisation culising cull Cullagh cullaghmore culled cullen cullerymaid’s cullinans culling cullion cullions cullion’s cullised cullogues cullpth cullus culmination culone culos culos culosity culossed culosus culous culously culpatory culpting culpuration culs cult cultads cultural culture culum culums culus culusts cum cum 081.03 055.27 166.26 149.27 352.27 223.14 622.04 025.31 203.13 141.35 181.17 286.14 092.26, 391.18 555.21 129.02 239.19, 305.30 127.36 398.03 532.09 248.16 232.08 132.15 016.04 113.30 173.34 492.05 466.31, 466.31 112.20, 229.32, 410.16, 445.27, 493.10 088.13, 097.14 056.15 121.26 368.12 384.18, 617.14 303.F1 302.17 086.20, 405.11 164.25 264.07 346.24, 553.30 525.33 367.14 156.25, 228.22, 243.31, 309.21, 442.08 089.27 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 113 cumbe cumbered cumbre cum-Enheritance Cumhal cuminamoyas cumo cumque cums cumtra’s cumuddher-in-chaff cumul cumule cunct cundenances cunding cundis cunditate cundus cune cuniar cuniarity Cunnuc cunsciously cuoniams cup cupassit cupement cupes cupiose cupiscent cupper cuppered cuppers cupping cups cups cups’ cupth’s cur cura curable curables 230.20 545.18 279.F27 264.09 243.14 201.30 198.02 605.32 234.34, 542.30 601.24 240.15 375.29 198.34 206.35, 497.10, 007.16, 360.04 382.02 153.01 287.23 185.24 574.12, 574.12, 574.12 500.04 019.03 241.05 378.13 394.31 278.04 004.11, 138.29, 237.01, 261.25, 321.16, 334.10, 345.24, 450.31, 561.12, 561.14, 616.20 167.33 151.19 349.32 290.04 432.10 276.09, 320.30, 330.09 155.28 133.08 171.08 144.09, 145.14, 232.35, 321.15, 433.25, 568.14, 616.23 345.27 355.12 516.19 011.18, 602.23 164.30 041.01 197.25 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 114 curacy curate curator curatress curbs cure cured curedent curers cures curface curies curing curiosited curious curious curius curling curls curlugh curly curra curraghed currals currant curred current currently curs cursed cursekissed curser cursing cursioned curss curst cursus curtains curum curus curve curverself curves 143.07 221.10 572.19 352.13 303.19 014.25, 389.06, 545.06, 550.18, 573.07, 613.25 447.36, 541.27 184.23 422.03 011.20 496.11 290.08 115.23 449.01 363.28 484.36 513.01 345.26 024.30, 280.36 476.06 140.19 214.21 322.19 234.15 460.33 380.05 124.21 254.25, 287.28 338.25, 518.22 029.09 078.33 506.06 516.19 324.31 225.12, 225.13 311.36 318.10 543.31 611.14 096.33 133.03 540.33 376.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 115 curvy cus cus cusado cusaghcusant cusascmerul cuse cushiccups’ cushion cushla cushla cushy cuspidal cuss cus’s cussa cussed cusses cussion cussors cusst custard customarily cut cut cuta cut-dean cuterre cutes cutey cutfrank cuts cutschum cuttas cutted cutter cutterer cutticules cutties cuttle cuttle cutt’s 137.28 319.06, 373.24 185.19 485.21 414.19 519.34 518.23 016.05 355.12 028.06 480.23 399.18 556.32 273.28 054.04, 128.02, 174.16, 407.17 056.01 119.02 324.24, 526.27 435.35 125.16 541.11 275.19 475.15 138.09 043.25, 056.22, 076.19, 156.29, 176.26, 236.36, 240.34, 517.26, 544.16, 551.31, 571.06, 612.14 601.16 240.19 550.27 541.35 607.22 484.07 405.23 051.07, 245.28, 284.02, 460.09, 572.04, 576.20, 580.04, 619.11 005.08 541.17 496.03 356.36, 492.15 340.01 518.22 197.33 453.24 072.01 352.01 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 116 cwmwladed cycled cycles cyclical cyclicling cycling cydlac cye cygthe cylinder cylmania Cymric-Helleniky cynical cynicism cyphyllicks cysts czlanthas 590.16 416.30 208.09, 310.07, 375.13 605.04 153.26 099.05 203.26 327.34 341.10 179.34 228.19 263.14 610.14 353.08 525.08 613.20 351.14 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 117 Letter D da da dable dabout daces dach dacianmad dacist daclouths dactylism dad daddy daddydadge dadin dads dad’s dae daew Daffy daft dag dagad daghdags dag-Zindeh-Munaday dah dahm dahveddahs dai daign daily dailyones 007.26, 031.18, 037.22, 054.17, 058.09, 135.31, 139.32, 147.12, 147.12, 147.14, 158.02, 160.30, 172.31, 179.12, 197.23, 199.12, 200.31, 204.10, 204.10, 212.06, 213.04, 221.28, 224.02, 228.10, 232.03, 232.28, 234.05, 239.10, 271.F4, 272.02, 272.02, 272.03, 348.35, 350.33, 388.11, 415.34, 416.25, 434.07, 445.32, 466.19, 466.21, 469.34, 470.01, 470.36, 470.36, 477.22, 478.13, 478.13, 481.21, 502.15, 518.06, 518.25, 521.06, 527.27, 528.12, 545.09 092.02, 466.20 053.04 057.25, 539.25 575.36 254.28 577.01 090.26 295.07 522.07 020.31, 286.04, 347.27, 435.01, 590.21 016.01, 306.03 332.05 485.13 601.26 432.30, 492.30 439.13, 486.01 235.34 597.31 084.14 439.10 186.21, 199.04, 453.13, 531.01 009.26 044.20 096.09, 413.10, 484.14 205.16 524.36 205.31 085.03 196.19, 532.31 153.15 136.26 058.11 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 118 daims daintee daintily dainty dairy daisers daisies daisying daisymen dal daldale dale dales dale’s dalesaga Daley dalgan dalgoland dalicence dalisks dalisque dalkin dall dalled dally dalough dalough-le-vert dals dam dam dama damandamanant damanu damanvantora damapplers damble dame dames damestough daminant damines 113.11 102.32 254.31 238.03, 409.12 505.14 035.17 242.17 363.03 524.11 317.33 003.15 007.02, 609.16, 620.21 342.07 553.35 209.06 220.24 048.13 091.08 388.19 040.27 335.33 226.32 201.26 468.28, 587.32 256.12, 298.30 200.20, 406.01 062.35, 248.30 605.11 234.15, 611.17 033.34, 033.35, 111.03, 142.22, 220.33, 250.07, 252.35, 254.25, 255.22, 258.21 346.16, 471.34 450.32 414.19 076.02 364.33 598.33 146.13 226.17 530.33 015.17, 194.28, 509.24 485.16 617.23 451.03 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 119 daminiva’s dammangut dammers dammum damn damndamnbut damned damned damnor damo damoiseau damors damp dampster damrotter dams dam’s damsels dan danapalus danapplous danars dance danced dances dancy dandgunne dandle dando dandyline danelang’s daneously danes dane’s danfest dang danger danian Daniel danified dankje dann 601.23 214.19 572.02 515.09 252.34, 326.32 414.19 381.25 421.02 418.30 499.09 212.36, 212.36 230.14 551.10 201.06 319.16 017.15 069.10, 351.31 043.20 432.21 056.14, 420.26, 602.28 182.18 254.23 387.11 249.11, 358.35, 378.29, 465.23, 615.02 109.06 342.12 282.F4 025.23 328.31 232.31 535.01 353.31 414.01 389.10 438.14 082.36 185.31 168.05 221.32 625.12 133.28 150.11 012.06 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 120 danser danseuses dansked dante dantic danto daphne dapodopudupedding dapolam dappel dar dar darpidarpad dard dardi dare darean dared daredonit darft dargoos dariaty daries darimus daring daris dark darkery darnel darner darpad darri dar’s dart darthar darthella darty dary dary dascircles dasguesched dash dasher 513.16 098.12 330.34 269.L1 510.03 047.19 406.25 599.08 396.09 078.20 065.13, 202.16, 326.26 341.29 234.19 389.25 185.21 068.17, 202.31, 436.31, 516.06 205.05 480.20 353.11 221.33 347.14 345.29 241.29, 443.31 432.30 368.35 202.18 203.25, 622.15 231.14 094.31 108.17 234.19 180.13 597.01 206.18 347.09 151.20 160.08 181.07, 303.26, 581.27 071.16 228.13 232.33 233.17 051.14 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 121 dasherisher dashouts dass dasson dat datal date dated datepholomy dates daties dating dats dattle datus daublin daucher daugghter daughter daunelegants dauner da-Uru-Wukru davalls daw daweens dawl dawn dawn-of-all-works dawpeehole daws daw’s day day daybrandy’s dayde dayed dayevil 176.11 502.20 511.30 248.04 256.26 607.06 267.02, 294.28, 598.23, 601.36 210.36, 589.25 389.17 088.25 542.28 256.22 520.18 353.11 121.27 373.19 498.14 444.26 389.10 353.27 568.06 024.07 580.01 196.17, 360.04 241.26 322.02 006.26, 099.01, 138.36 041.09 120.31 141.18 276.06 004.21, 005.10, 005.13, 005.24, 016.05, 027.11, 035.04, 042.06, 050.32, 058.05, 058.29, 059.11, 059.19, 066.03, 066.04, 069.28, 070.26, 076.23, 079.10, 086.11, 089.14, 089.18, 102.15, 102.28, 107.23, 110.28, 112.10, 119.31, 125.21, 129.13, 135.24, 138.17, 145.01, 169.07, 176.20, 182.26, 192.19, 194.11, 205.16, 209.28, 211.16, 219.04, 233.36, 257.01, 264.04, 275.25, 276.27, 278.22, 284.29, 294.04, 294.F4, 301.20, 301.20, 301.21, 301.21, 301.21, 301.21, 304.F1, 322.16, 337.28, 338.18, 338.18, 347.01, 348.35, 378.20, 390.06, 407.08, 433.07, 433.12, 434.17, 436.27, 436.27, 455.05, 455.24, 456.34, 457.19, 457.19, 457.19, 457.20, 460.19, 460.29, 472.29, 481.07, 481.07, 481.08, 485.06, 486.27, 488.27, 489.35, 490.27, 491.27, 493.02, 497.27, 502.13, 513.12, 514.22, 517.31, 520.03, 520.17, 521.10, 530.01, 539.28, 544.28, 547.33, 556.02, 556.05, 556.08, 570.09, 570.11, 570.12, 596.16, 602.20, 613.08, 617.21, 620.12 353.07, 381.24, 399.21, 399.25 155.36 538.20 415.14 423.28 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 122 daying day’ll daylooking dayne daynism days days day’s daysboost daysed dayte dayterrorised dayth daze dazmy dazzle dazzlingly Dea deacon deaconess deaconesses deaconry dead deade deaf deafdom deafs deakin deal dealing dealings deams dean deaned deanupper dear dearment dears dears’ deary Dea’s deatar 389.21 398.34 109.07 333.23 350.12 039.25, 041.01, 045.15, 054.03, 069.10, 089.18, 101.15, 127.25, 133.18, 221.06, 240.29, 280.07, 282.27, 408.19, 432.33, 470.17, 473.09, 542.33, 547.28, 553.15, 553.16, 561.06, 565.05, 615.25 104.12 005.11, 088.14, 117.05, 407.29, 407.31, 487.34, 506.10, 540.33, 573.02, 588.34, 614.21 583.19 617.29 325.06 184.08 346.22 562.16 492.32 113.01 339.19 210.14 055.17 209.06 366.24 254.06 488.20, 505.21, 560.18 363.20 329.27 236.30 522.28 369.11 280.26, 384.24, 585.17 333.10 077.21 293.12 413.10, 494.19, 550.27 291.F4 501.32 013.27, 013.27, 060.31, 062.21, 146.19, 161.13, 492.16 571.04 348.07, 395.34, 538.19, 545.25 328.20 005.26 059.23 406.07 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 123 deave Deavis deb debbledeblank deboko deburgghers decads decanal decanesian decant deceived decencies decency dechious decidedly decimmed decimoroon de-citron decked decker decks declan decores decorous decorum decoy decoys dectural ded deddoh de-dentelle dedit deditioned dedroll dedye dee dee deece deed deedees deedumms deedust 476.21 041.04 526.20 332.05 253.34 051.17 623.23 601.14 484.28 123.27 240.13 174.04 494.04 436.01 578.20 542.20 497.09 207.25 575.16 261.02, 379.25 620.07 511.25 484.23 432.31 608.09 092.05 226.28 603.29 165.09 418.06, 551.02 340.31 265.L1 153.28 484.24 324.01 340.01 210.01, 437.07, 452.28, 598.09 342.29 375.03 140.14, 185.31, 312.02, 315.31, 424.05, 461.08 258.24 258.24 055.03 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 124 deekchimple deen deenen deep deepen deer deeth deevin defallen deftkiss defyne degarius deh-Munaday dehobbles dehooly’s dehorn dehowse deiculosus deignus deils deintia deism dejenk deksan del delaries Delawarr delays deleted deleure delfian delibile delig delikato deliond delivered dell dell della delled delling dells delly 282.14 095.17, 365.32 564.35 381.10, 470.06 141.06 500.12 079.17 264.28 233.33 418.22 510.10 498.03 205.16 275.22 440.15 428.15 525.22 466.31 624.26 236.29 610.07 162.23 179.28 285.18, 285.19 207.26 004.03 212.04 577.24 183.36 064.19 073.18 185.25 265.10 566.26 361.23 048.06 270.21, 360.33 276.L2 349.21 346.26 562.26 549.32 089.18 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 125 deloire delond delonde delounges delph delphians delusk dem demaer demands demd demean demeanour dememdes demented demia’s demicolons demihemispheres demmed demmed demon demonstrative dems demuredemeanour den den dendency dend dendecads dendron dene denendeney deneys DENIES denname dens dense density denskaulds dent dentaccia 207.11 626.28 609.17 321.34 403.11 572.25 576.03 439.17, 545.29, 624.08 317.18 369.02 052.05 494.31 035.06, 189.26 542.24 179.25 263.11 374.09 508.21 239.33 353.08 455.27 115.27 278.F7 189.26 046.02, 050.15, 102.24, 167.35, 255.31, 260.18, 407.20, 436.03, 516.19, 541.13, 541.16 350.02 424.20 305.04 239.34, 541.27 601.14 042.20, 588.32 553.22 003.15 284.F1 350.23 308.R2 276.F1 088.15, 504.34, 517.22 048.01 350.12 228.36 184.23, 484.09 180.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 126 dentament dentated dentelle dentifide dention dentity denture denus denying denzando denze deosy deoturanian dependence depict depondant deq derg derivative dermann derodromites derry dersh derts descendanced descent describables descript desedo desendas desia desias designful desirable desirables dismally desombre despoints destained destind desting destinies destril 253.19 186.03 265.L1 051.05 593.16 049.36 524.17 413.27 073.02 226.30 539.20 396.31 289.20 118.02, 500.14 039.09 602.17 025.24 203.20 084.16 503.10 160.21 058.36, 210.04, 323.21 617.12 394.18 109.06 068.20 298.32 121.09 351.05 612.11 594.04 542.31 426.12 456.30, 517.03, 562.30 243.19 566.12 343.16 165.28 341.05 328.10 577.33 092.11, 497.04 542.17 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 127 destung detached detic detrigesima deurscodeignus deus deus deveide deveiled developmented dever devere devil deville devolment devoting devraye dew dewed dewing dews dewstaned dewy dextrous dey deyled deyn deys deztious dhoo’s dhreamdhrue dhrift dhrue di diabbled diabolum diaconal dialled dialler diamondise diaptotously dibble dibblon 126.22 079.06, 545.01 114.15 433.03 624.26 246.18, 326.03, 456.30 341.24 340.21 075.05 279.F06 341.35 266.10 194.15, 281.F3 294.18 578.34 408.18 253.33 040.17, 130.25, 244.29, 501.34, 582.11, 598.22 061.08 463.09 504.30, 556.18 128.02 600.06 107.11 470.07 570.34 525.28 387.35 339.05 371.33 320.21 418.07 320.21, 378.28 345.23 239.33 074.08 605.21 551.32 309.14 428.11 157.21 016.18 362.02 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 128 dicat dich dick dicks dicky dict dicted dictic diction dictions dictive dictus didact didads diddle diddlers diddy didillididtha die die died diedow diejestings dienence dierry dies dies diest dieuw different dification diform dig digged digger digging diggingharrow dighsayman dights digitarian digits dignavia 569.21 132.36 469.23 126.18, 241.09 178.28 391.11 167.23, 458.03 524.33 060.21, 077.25, 155.08 269.F3, 439.06 298.17, 612.09 569.21 050.36 432.30 493.20 042.01 257.21 023.05 019.06 004.05, 060.28, 200.23, 276.26, 295.01, 295.01, 408.22, 409.30, 472.21, 550.28, 613.03 381.23, 546.11 159.12, 308.17, 319.03, 470.13, 555.15 455.14 536.07 357.25 344.02 263.18, 284.12, 314.13, 325.07, 350.33, 351.07, 354.25, 379.28, 435.05, 459.10, 468.30, 499.21, 535.33, 540.36, 554.02, 563.31 341.11 622.10 221.11 601.15 209.02 222.13 324.33, 425.35 141.24 189.28 121.32 600.13 323.03 498.32 362.01 414.05 254.33 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 129 digrotts digs dik diken’s diketsflaskers dillain dillidillies dilligence dillongi dilly diluvial diluvious dim dimadim dimatzi dimbt dimdim dime diminy dimissional dimmansions dimply dimsedamsels din dinah’s dinburgh dindy dine dinebbia dinelles dinernes dines dine’s ding dinhole dinkledelled dinly dinogues dinpotty dins din’s dint 513.14 006.25, 069.32, 228.35 057.32 440.01 556.30 219.20 023.05 336.29, 475.09 187.16 519.08 577.05 047.04 014.16 019.22, 157.29, 258.21, 297.F2, 395.01, 560.19 552.25 234.01 059.32 552.25 161.04, 610.11 475.02, 475.16 395.01 367.27 097.26 432.21 050.05, 069.10, 073.35, 088.21, 151.31, 229.33, 236.10, 262.11, 311.32, 407.27, 546.17, 548.06, 601.26 250.31 487.09 353.28 536.23, 542.08 324.27 359.29 100.06 547.08 039.34 006.02, 310.29 581.20 346.26 225.02 601.31 059.12 327.19, 415.13 108.27 303.21 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 130 dints diochesse dior dios diose dipdripping dipitist dipnominated dipsics dirt dirto dirts disante discernibles dischdienence dischord discriminatingly diseased dises diseut dish dishaw dishcovery dishdrudge dished dishing dishness dishsized disides disimally disk disks dismembers dismic dispute dissolusingness distance distributed distributer distribution dit ditchies ditheroe’s 080.11 171.25 256.27 348.01 163.26 029.25 191.03 088.20 151.30 069.22 368.11 025.02 461.24 050.01 357.25 013.18 369.27 423.27 289.08 236.20 031.24, 210.22, 229.14, 243.15, 422.17, 461.28, 464.09, 607.09 131.08 326.31 221.14 224.34 462.02 182.07 111.08 008.32 006.16 086.35 055.22 008.06 298.28 309.10 143.14 457.24 164.06 530.10 219.07 006.08 241.01 221.31 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 131 dities dittery ditty dityationists divide divided divil divirdual divis divisibles diviva divivus divvy dixdixed dizzled dizzying dmmrng doaty dobahs doblins’ doboits dobrass dobremient dock docks docks dock’s docktor docta doctor dodrdoer doerendoff doff’s doff’s dog dogged dogs doh doilish doilskins 242.17 410.02 411.29 493.12 019.18 110.13, 292.31 050.02 396.20 468.10 472.30 490.26 050.15 331.24 113.09 248.30 234.02 203.27 258.02 094.30 388.18 600.23 211.28 373.29 348.03 098.31, 329.08, 378.16 034.09, 491.07 346.03 533.11 241.15 134.18 227.05, 553.33 424.20 532.04 257.27 123.24, 363.26, 370.17 329.23 345.26 030.24, 179.04, 446.13 492.06 096.36, 312.32, 385.34 340.31 466.23 370.35 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 132 doily dokondylon dolche dold dole dolence dolenes doll Dollett dolling dolls dolmagtog dologer dolon dolor dolphing dolphinglad dolphos dolphted dolphus dom domain domar domational dome domedaries domer domers domina dominal dominant domite domkin Domnally domnation domodary doms dom’s don donagh donational donche donda 083.15 056.13 302.22 563.27 144.10 573.23 609.04 141.05, 527.24, 577.16 290.09 389.27 249.01 246.05 091.15 349.20 408.36, 445.18 300.28, 555.20 563.26 093.33 234.35 167.09 090.26, 101.27, 110.04, 130.29, 188.16, 188.23, 236.30, 241.22, 244.34, 251.36, 307.17, 330.29, 333.31, 373.15, 395.01, 409.01, 424.33, 440.01, 508.24, 564.34, 568.33, 594.06 600.10 255.16 614.27 018.21, 147.26, 155.15, 213.31, 379.15, 582.30 443.31 031.27, 319.06 263.01 471.03 451.01 014.17 072.11 333.04 420.28 362.03 181.07 060.06, 361.23 239.34 201.36, 481.21 490.06 128.28 255.23 179.12 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 133 dondering dondherdonell dong donia donit donius donk Donk donnance donnay Donnell Donner donney Donogh donome Donoshough donot dons dont dontelleries dontos doo dooce dooced dood doodle doodled doodlem doodling doodman doodoo doody dooing dook dooleyoon doolins doom doompsy doon doons dooped door 623.24 187.15 553.12 333.18 241.30 353.11 080.28 230.12 614.29 184.19 478.26 087.12 087.32 369.10 106.02 332.32 349.19 535.09 004.04 338.21, 547.22 205.02 244.35 010.06, 010.09, 010.14, 077.27, 079.21, 144.12, 227.33, 503.16, 584.22 087.31 035.27 185.31 244.33, 258.05, 376.24, 404.28 332.05 379.12 622.05 339.29 149.08 479.06 050.08 340.20 107.19 372.16 258.21, 343.26, 552.25, 613.03 373.06 461.13, 472.06, 543.30 094.03, 236.23 326.24 054.11, 098.13, 107.36, 110.30, 146.36, 257.13, 579.12 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 134 door doored doorknockers doors doory doos doosh doosled dootsch doo-you-doo dop dopes dops dopudupedding dor dor dora Doras dorboys dore dore dorefulvid dore-Juxta-Mare dores dorf doria dories dorion dorme doro doror dorozone dorp dorse dorus dory dos dose doses dosian doso doss dostay 071.13 369.14 445.31 351.34, 385.27, 434.30 377.02 273.12 258.05 331.33 070.04 065.30 101.04 586.31 074.19 599.08 099.29, 189.14, 332.08, 332.13, 333.08, 378.05, 379.03, 406.36, 477.34, 538.31, 560.03 041.05 434.07 073.26 266.18 093.06, 411.29, 504.21 185.15 284.30 051.23 288.02 071.33 369.25 395.09 398.18 245.02 263.F3 374.20 321.23 383.23 383.21 255.21 395.10, 395.22 018.29, 172.35, 178.26, 325.33, 416.34, 433.02, 465.13, 598.02, 610.34 351.17 077.30 187.07 312.08 228.28 058.11 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 135 dosus dotary dotes doth dotonates dotted dottos douasoys doubray doubt doubted doubtedly doubting doucks doueen douga dougal Dougal Dougall doughall douiro douix doun dour dour douring dours dous douscheock dout dov dove dovely dovers dovies dovites dow Dowd dowdy do-wells dower dower’d dowern 234.08, 610.16 013.20 269.06, 440.22 230.26 353.23 121.16 541.20 059.01 340.01 541.21 060.18 118.15, 356.01, 425.09 468.15 456.15 005.23 248.35 482.09 214.36, 475.30 384.14, 386.06, 389.18 588.29 327.04 200.22 252.32 224.25, 238.35, 439.09, 462.26 151.35 173.04 360.30 230.12 524.24 343.13 069.13 085.17, 354.28, 577.17 327.35 370.31 184.31 048.24 455.14 089.13, 439.20 333.26 544.29 587.10 371.18 427.18 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 136 downan downdillies downdivvy downdummies downe downer downes downhams Down-in-Easia downminddowns down’s dows dowth doxy doygle doyle Doyles doyoucallem doyoucallme do-you-do doze dozy drab draft drag dragger dragon draining drainit drake drama dranse drap draped draper’s draping drappen drasselmann drats drave draves draw 258.04 475.09 331.24 530.03 506.24 083.24, 083.28 549.04 093.08 482.29 113.09 010.30, 049.24, 509.34 063.25 355.30 116.15 225.21 142.15 017.13 048.13 094.34 479.13 035.16 219.05 061.03, 429.22 208.25 598.05 565.18 126.04 577.01 372.18 414.13 486.13 050.06, 517.02 199.10 073.17 435.14 040.15 509.22 346.29 088.23 332.32 539.29 363.07 178.27, 585.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 137 drawee drawer drawers drawn draws drawsing drazzles dreach dread dreadfilled dreads dream dreama dreamed dreams dream’s Dream’s dreamsed dreamt drear drearies dreck dree dregs dreisers dreme drengs dress dressed dresses dresses drew drewers drick drift drifting drin dring drinker drinking drinks drinn drinny 575.14 266.30 575.18 419.32, 595.19 328.05, 420.33, 511.29 379.04 504.35 090.34 329.09, 347.19 019.24 243.01 228.13 079.28 551.11 366.14, 597.20 219.05 061.04 615.24 075.05, 307.12 209.20 042.35 068.21 600.20 129.01 055.23 342.30 343.11 004.35, 102.12, 115.10, 157.08, 159.09, 212.17, 239.09, 246.18, 297.01, 331.09, 360.35, 384.31, 441.30, 455.05, 489.22, 514.17, 529.32, 529.33, 560.27, 617.18 037.27, 232.20, 407.04, 441.05 586.13 102.32 080.25 546.06 126.05 503.32, 535.30, 598.05 100.33 498.33 511.31 107.32 096.03 277.04 052.27 028.12 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 138 drip dripping drips drive driver drivers drix drizzle drock drole droll drolleries drolling drolly dromadary dromadary dromarith dromed dromites dromus drone drool droops drop dropdrap drope dropper dropping droppings drops drowsay droyd drst drua’s drud drudge druff drugged druid drum drum drumdrummers 023.22 029.25, 089.01 074.17 449.08 059.25, 395.16 585.15 447.28 552.35 541.02 043.18 121.17, 276.01, 324.01 507.16 449.35 368.17 581.27 071.16 030.04 032.31 160.21 451.11 074.14 287.31 626.17 265.L1 073.17 089.19 494.24 208.36, 581.19 564.31 235.05, 244.23 597.23 282.20 091.36 601.21 220.21 221.14 037.11 266.31 611.05 051.34, 085.22, 124.36, 162.03, 178.01, 240.27, 288.22, 356.19, 503.01, 531.09, 553.03 345.12 314.08 497.17 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 139 drums drund drunkard’s drunks drups dru’s dry dryel dry’s du dua dual DUAL dualman Duane dub dubb dubblandaddydubility dublins Duc ducabimus ducare ducators duced ducente ducint duck ducked ducken duckling ducks ducky ductor ducts ducus dud due due duepoise dues duff Duff 135.31, 506.03 597.05 125.02 263.04 157.10 124.30 147.25, 469.27, 578.19 241.27 177.04 198.18, 540.21 561.19 186.04, 396.20, 528.24 282.R1 442.27 365.25 072.34, 553.27, 625.36 178.02 332.05 607.03 087.30 073.26 306.12 433.06 408.02 128.09 166.23 366.23 135.26, 138.34 294.14, 471.18 323.01 070.23 358.29, 553.22 577.01 492.22 152.28 211.16 294.17 054.12, 604.17 381.23, 381.24 407.06 338.20 469.21 313.34 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 140 duffs dugalius dugout duke dukiboi dukon dulceydovely dulcis dulibnium dulicet dull dullable dullas dullescence dulligence dullin dulls dulocelerious dulsily dum duman duman’s dumb dumbdrummers dumbones dumbtolt dumenos duments dumic dummies dumms dump dumpdumped dums dum’s dumutual dun duna dunamento dunanduncing duncle 302.F1 573.08, 573.28 351.06 335.30 201.25 071.35 327.35 209.35, 541.32 310.07 042.32 359.12 391.06 468.11 054.35 531.02 309.13 351.25 611.29 031.24 020.19, 033.35, 089.33, 200.23, 258.20, 296.06, 352.24, 567.12 593.07 593.07 619.01 497.17 387.33 078.33 174.19 127.04 497.15 530.03 258.24 080.06, 223.04, 332.17, 364.29, 615.12 314.08 118.22, 590.01 303.18 273.01 530.10 083.29, 586.19 094.31, 623.28 220.21 257.27 310.13 211.29 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 141 dundarri dunder dunderry dune dung dung Dungaschiff dunglecks dungs duniforms Dunnell’s Dunnochoo dunphyville’ll duolcis dupe dupedding dupes dupoider dur durately durbar-atta-Cleath durby durd dure during durk duroy durrasdur’s durses durst durt durty durumchuff dushka dusk dust dustand duty duubled duum duwasland dux 180.13 370.33 323.21 079.15 004.27, 004.27, 100.05, 185.32 273.L3 350.07 416.11 343.29 344.10 007.12 348.19 375.05 568.10 252.34 599.08 423.20 169.18 165.07, 332.21 038.07 057.31 448.14 023.04 475.27, 554.07 368.35 055.21 085.33 257.27 060.31 127.28 347.09 387.10 196.15 352.34 333.28 419.21 018.04, 055.03, 108.25, 184.23, 245.31, 314.16, 441.05, 447.13, 468.33, 535.29, 557.08, 568.02, 601.02 492.17 235.11 583.27 097.33, 517.35 479.29 252.20, 425.20 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 142 duxed duxit d’weh dwell dwellers dwellingness dwindle d’woe Dwyer dyall Dyar dydos dydowdy dye dyed dyedo dyeing dyfy dyhips dying dyk dyke Dyke dykers dylly dylon dyn dynamon dynamonologos dyng dyr dzey 243.33, 611.19 060.33 470.13 036.28 036.30 488.02 122.35 470.13 116.16, 446.31, 602.14 325.25 529.25 433.02 333.26 305.F1, 313.18, 340.31, 480.12 492.05 527.17 527.23 191.23 214.21 055.23, 171.17 325.32 470.04 008.27 181.04 357.21 056.13 593.03 163.30 194.16 214.09, 359.33 321.25 347.08 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 143 Letter E each each eachbird eachin eachother eagen eager eagle eagle eagles eal eanupper ear earcases eareans eared earfaceman earhoure earin earing earis eark earl earlds early earner earnity ears ears earsy earth earth’s earum earwicked eary ease 228.35, 576.30 048.14, 349.26 098.36 485.12 389.07 415.15 446.09 024.29, 248.06, 482.15 383.04 106.22 525.29 501.32 009.24, 014.35, 038.23, 182.20, 222.12, 327.36, 425.16, 492.16, 568.26 416.22 518.13 156.23, 414.36 429.20 587.01 362.22, 362.23 375.14, 466.11 255.15 409.35 391.07 147.28 135.31, 164.02, 502.16, 502.16, 502.16, 502.16 543.27 133.31 011.24, 148.04, 321.22, 477.23, 550.26 071.11, 176.13 314.27 155.29, 410.16, 531.13, 571.15 068.34 488.11 539.04 343.32 016.06, 057.25, 235.30, 237.35, 329.02, 365.29, 408.27, 576.24, 595.32 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 144 ease easechapel eased eases Easia easily east east eastcake easter easterloaves easts eastwind eastyday easy easyan easyosey eat eat eater eaters eathay eating eats eau eavesdropping eazy ebbed ebbia ebbiated ebolutions ebriated eccles ech echo echoable echolowing eck eckenased Ecluse ecomedy ectheion ecting 339.01 571.18 266.30, 423.27 361.05, 571.11 482.29 068.01 051.30, 114.05, 135.10, 245.02, 447.20, 578.04 418.29 563.29 091.17 598.20 030.07 558.18 004.21 040.14, 123.16, 153.07, 173.15, 553.26 008.20 584.11 610.06 418.15 150.02, 192.33, 334.12 542.30 490.28 061.15, 432.11 211.27, 530.27 015.18, 199.26, 383.21, 553.14 564.31 343.27 374.08 324.27 029.29 346.08 429.23 416.23, 613.09 237.20, 377.03 584.34 253.27 510.26 139.36 344.35 520.19 540.26 539.03 284.01 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 145 ecumans edams Edar edd eddies edeosy edge edged edged edges edgment edible edicted edition editioned edor education Education edward eedypuss eehew eel eeled eels Eels een e’en e’enso e’er eer’d eers eese eeser effects effectual effia effible efficient EFTAY’S eg egans egg eggbetter 369.24 351.31 030.11 540.33 263.18 396.31 007.21, 569.17 492.08, 545.14, 550.25 338.11 478.34 344.08 016.23, 088.06, 422.26, 594.32 458.03 512.17 484.24 053.04 097.18 307.03 088.31 445.23 399.29, 399.29, 399.29 584.33 335.06 344.09 450.06 527.30 049.24 065.31 562.27 485.27 337.25 071.04 565.10 483.01 118.28 604.04 183.14 284.12 308.R1 032.03, 330.07 358.23 081.23, 192.32, 382.11, 450.01 298.03 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 146 eggfuss eggs eggyyolk Eglise ego ego egoases egobragh egoist egoistically egoric egos egypt Egyptian ehe ehmen’s ehrmin eider eifel eiffel eight eightened eilish eire eirinn eirn eiro eiry eirying eison Eitelnaky either eithne eke ekellous ekkles elated elbaw eldster electric electrick elegants elegy 041.13 076.06, 184.32, 285.04, 333.33, 351.03 404.29 184.27 096.20, 131.26 566.26, 566.26, 576.33 303.14 488.21 488.16 336.36 307.L1 104.22 130.30 206.15 581.02 343.22 209.22 301.18 314.01 283.F1, 617.24 243.06 063.06 028.01, 280.01 604.08 538.26 340.06 312.09 324.28 146.16 151.11 355.36, 566.10 394.26 221.33, 602.21 099.20 373.03 484.08 494.29 318.31 380.12 322.31 353.27 077.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 147 element elemontary eletion elevution elf elgany elgia elgible elia elias eligum elijiacks eliminal eliric elitest elixion elixtrolysis el-Jovan elks’ ell ella ella ellas ella’s ellbo elle elleneeller elles elles elli Elligut ellis ellisotoelles ellman’s ells elly elopment elsas else elsers elses elsesbody 164.33 422.28 279.04 338.06 170.17, 524.30 334.08 243.29 482.21 525.14 266.01, 340.22 296.F3 156.26 337.09 513.32 320.07 346.13 163.31 472.15 243.01 360.33 133.02, 173.11, 178.27, 206.35, 435.19, 549.19, 618.04, 622.03, 627.05 349.21 327.32, 527.01, 615.02 205.11 336.02 290.02, 528.08, 528.09, 563.05 219.17 468.09 113.11, 226.22, 253.07, 279.F31, 339.16, 359.29, 365.28, 462.07, 512.16, 545.25, 601.28, 617.23 281.07 084.36 365.26 220.21 601.28 485.29 549.32 525.16, 531.22 394.10 444.31 003.07, 239.34, 260.05, 282.05, 503.22 371.34 594.10 329.18 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 148 elsk elskar elsy elta Elta eluct eluctable eluctably elure elv elves elysiums emancipated emani embal embarass embaurnus embellishing emberable emberer emberried embers emble embrace embria embs embulger emdown Emeratic-Hebridian emerod’s eminent emita emitter emma emman’s emm’as emorous empered employ empor emposed empson empson’s 233.33 028.26 398.18 076.21 221.13 374.12 184.08 120.32 560.27 199.05 551.13 379.17 081.04 237.30 408.20 418.24 240.21 119.16 608.31 201.10 264.26 024.11 343.03 471.06 494.13 087.07 132.29 542.08 263.13 063.18 380.20, 381.16, 504.15 471.05 317.34 092.25, 133.36 202.20 182.21 158.11 190.01 464.04 317.03 066.19 537.36 245.24 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 149 emptied empties emptiness empty Empyre emt emvowelled enactment enbowls encore encumbered Ency end end endenda endally endas endascope endbookers endean endeavour endecads endecate ended enden endency ender enders ender’s endet endevolment endgiddyex Endicoth endifine ending endissimest endly endmacht endor 313.21 549.22 434.24 319.36, 372.19, 386.08 289.10 262.10 515.12 222.16 389.28 003.04 545.18 421.23 019.31, 083.20, 187.05, 269.17, 340.36, 535.30, 292.06, 023.10, 084.32, 199.02, 288.24, 372.34, 541.27, 341.26, 038.34, 099.17, 200.19, 291.01, 434.34, 547.19, 342.35 042.10, 129.28, 203.18, 312.06, 503.14, 585.09, 050.04, 138.18, 230.13, 312.32, 505.34, 586.27, 051.36, 138.33, 239.34, 320.23, 508.18, 598.07, 257.27 232.03, 331.26 406.01 488.06 115.30 549.04 494.19 624.35 601.14 273.17 003.11, 169.20, 284.19, 320.17, 357.29, 413.33 608.29 305.09 335.11 124.36, 330.01 126.16 420.19 578.34 066.12 277.F4 051.06 276.11, 298.05 154.06 029.35 240.13 379.03 058.35, 144.30, 239.35, 327.02, 510.20, 600.36, 070.08, 153.22, 242.15, 327.23, 521.17, 614.04, 074.15, 154.34, 248.15, 332.01, 533.26, 617.07 079.30, 178.25, 268.26, 335.12, 535.15, C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 150 endowed ends endsea endsthee endth endtougend endyures enfant enfichue eng engaged engals engd engens engien engine englisches english engorge Enheritance enked enkelman en-la-Valle ennia ennious enough ensempry entangled ente enter entide enties entitled entrousnest ents enugh enzando eoufhome eoggs eon eorns Epée epi 351.10 020.16, 028.02, 102.06, 170.13, 202.19, 283.15, 324.35, 336.29, 376.14, 452.34, 478.03, 478.05, 505.06, 548.27, 585.16, 593.13 428.21 628.14 310.21 247.07 295.03 244.35, 545.36 268.13 333.02 306.F3, 351.22 601.10 328.25, 328.25 005.31 146.20 337.20 532.10 160.22 563.31 264.09 487.07 370.07 380.09 473.01 057.22 380.22, 620.19 364.24 161.13 105.25 321.34 577.29 336.32 571.28 241.10 331.12 596.14 226.30 133.17 178.33 613.18 236.30 329.30 611.18 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 151 epiphanal epistemion epistle epiwor equal equin equinade equined equities equoia equother era eraeragusaria eras era’s eratic-Hebridian erdebbleerden erdes erdulous ere erebus erecordant erect erected erecting erections erendth eres erescaper erethetise eretyred erges ergic ergical ergs eric erically erick ericks’ erie erik 611.13 116.31 108.24 611.22 017.35 372.11 455.28 607.33 438.14 126.12 336.24 457.13 314.08 117.04 009.36, 009.36, 595.28 623.07 263.13 332.05 350.02 315.21 568.03 237.31, 487.21, 598.32, 613.23, 627.05 239.30 450.28 153.28, 155.23, 600.14 099.30 248.01 356.33 310.21 601.06 228.29 156.14 395.06 022.32 349.07 338.11 533.22 004.32, 285.F3, 378.13, 393.08 185.29 478.28, 498.23 024.22 038.04 320.28 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 152 erils erim erin erin eriN erinering erin’s erinsheiner erintly erinunder eriodendron erio-Miletians erios eris erish erk erkegaard erl erlehome-upon-Eskur erls ern erne ernest erogamy erogenal erol erotic eroticisms erotundity erovmeravmerouvian err erred errig errin errin errinsilde errors errstaffs erse ersegood erssas erssias 434.07 112.07 007.32, 089.25, 140.18, 332.14, 437.31 338.36 226.31 424.20 244.25, 453.06, 478.31 194.14 221.10 485.26 438.28 042.20 309.11 540.35 551.34 608.19 582.29 246.01 268.F3 220.35 450.17, 536.19 184.17, 621.05 382.28 532.06 537.26 616.20 619.36 439.25 614.35 055.36 113.04 555.22 343.30 353.31 587.02 525.21 391.16 545.13 178.23 273.28, 530.19, 534.18, 607.11 346.23 173.25 339.18 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 153 erst erther erthings eruction erung eruption erxeses eryin erz erzherr escalating escapading escape escaper Escaut escence esche esias Eskur esolde esparation esperanto esperation esperons espertieu esprit esprot essance esse essel essence essiest essive establishment estady estarolies estcher ester esterrado Esterre esterrite estfar esther 283.07 499.07 368.20 499.01 300.16 612.23 286.08 305.33 577.22 289.09 005.01 388.03 053.01 228.29 203.21 045.35 506.17 542.31 220.35 538.08 257.26 582.08 257.25 245.23 289.22 267.F3 354.07 066.14, 177.17 295.26 559.06 378.08 234.18 162.19 304.L3 598.11 368.11 345.17 210.35, 413.06, 458.10 289.22 052.29 301.03 476.04 069.14, 429.18 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 154 esthers esther’s esthetic estimated estnunc estrange estries estuan estuants estumation esture eternal ether etheredayth etherich ethetise ethical ethics etiams etnass être ettna eturnally eturningties euchoristic euclidius eugh euhumorisation eung eunuch eupanepi euphraties eure eureeke euresponsor European europeans eux Euxine euyes eval evar evay 003.12, 624.25 427.01 173.18 125.21 609.24 017.33 145.24 239.06 508.19 204.02 602.18 274.14 325.30, 452.13, 462.34 346.22 054.03 156.14 109.21, 487.27 038.36 384.27 094.01 041.36 212.10 298.17 582.20 234.20 155.32 308.02 331.31 503.28 332.19 611.18 199.14 064.19 230.01 542.25 037.26 519.01 102.12 263.13 244.32 599.09 203.36 322.04 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 155 eve evelo even evener evented ever ever everafter evero evers ever’s every everyeveryournameis evidence evil evild evils evily evilybolly evitant evolment evre evver ewality ewer ewere ewers ewill ewr ex exactly exagoras exampling exanimation excellsiored excessible exchange Exchange excommunicambiambisumers excretory executive 037.16, 214.01, 429.12, 513.25 039.07 104.03, 136.28, 283.F1, 380.14, 475.33, 502.04, 517.33 325.01 517.34 036.31, 242.29, 476.09, 341.35, 048.08, 077.14, 078.36, 099.22, 110.10, 158.14, 202.12, 206.08, 239.19, 242.31, 253.08, 362.18, 364.23, 413.32, 426.02, 426.03, 455.22, 461.11, 508.33, 551.16, 576.19, 600.25, 613.20, 618.25 342.12 606.07 353.09 202.02, 598.01 050.34, 362.18 460.16 113.09 479.12 062.07, 325.02 194.15, 423.28, 538.12 613.21 024.06 381.10 516.10 186.33 578.34 273.12 077.01 523.04 041.35 055.15 019.11, 550.19 620.27 593.17 066.12 177.32, 515.22 155.32 356.14 087.34 553.15 285.28 471.06 135.10 155.04 175.31 042.08 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 156 exegesis exelcy exhaustible exilic exinction exineveryexistence existent exmouth exojesus exousthaustible expected expectedly expectednesses expensive explosion expressibles exshellsis extensive extremity exuberabundancy eyar eydes eydge eye eyeare eyed eyedeal eyeing eyeld eyeoneyesed eyes eyes eyesed eyeyed eyria eyrieglenn eyss eyus 511.16 521.04 160.04 472.34 083.25 113.09 366.02 526.12 177.25 296.10 091.27 120.27, 324.27 110.28 067.34 170.27 078.04 357.28 154.35 356.28 464.23 612.05 319.27 035.02 506.26 007.36, 010.21, 013.30, 069.34, 129.14, 169.12, 183.17, 252.16, 273.F3, 294.01, 329.10, 344.05, 347.08, 408.26, 423.07, 431.08, 437.26, 534.27, 564.07 414.12 088.15, 134.26, 189.10, 214.25, 249.03, 327.29, 335.01, 344.23, 361.36, 434.28, 480.10, 533.20, 534.18, 590.02, 609.05 384.24 209.01 148.33 323.29 011.06, 025.03, 043.09, 074.06, 235.24, 257.23, 298.14, 310.29, 398.18, 404.14, 465.03, 493.05, 537.11 176.13, 344.12, 418.31 323.29 444.16 255.10 553.22 292.24 074.06 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 157 Letter F fabishospastored fabulation fac face face fàç’e’ faced facedness faceman facemen facepacket faces faces facey facies fact fact faction factness factor factors facts factuary fadar fadar’s fadda fadder faddle fadher faf faffing fag Fagi fahrts faiate fail fails fair 612.08 558.01 524.30 003.14, 030.21, 046.20, 050.10, 089.32, 095.04, 159.15, 207.19, 315.09, 357.23, 363.21, 370.25, 404.01, 442.30, 496.11, 531.08, 550.29, 563.15, 577.11, 582.20, 605.16, 624.02 071.12, 071.15 124.11 050.21, 052.26, 076.01, 081.13, 119.15, 120.36, 132.12, 359.28, 461.26, 533.09 091.18 429.20 208.36 492.20 078.27, 151.02, 356.06, 493.06, 589.23 352.19 279.F08 337.06, 347.01, 380.03 183.07, 404.32, 474.05 341.12 078.21, 445.08, 512.07, 604.33 123.10 164.34, 380.11 027.17, 127.16 057.16, 110.01, 156.09, 532.09 084.15 182.18 597.01 232.28 496.26 323.08 180.35 601.03 529.30 180.22 403.09 085.09 180.12 244.06 344.25 134.27, 226.25, 233.12, 360.05, 472.22, 515.27 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 158 fairance fairioriboos fairs fairy faititillifaitly fake falia falidebankum fall fall fallable fallar falled fallen fallhim fallible falling fallows falls falltherfalluses fally fal’s famado famatios fame famed familiar familias familla famillias family famous fampiny fams fan dance fanciers fancy fand fander fanelly 504.18 154.11 129.21 478.32, 621.06 023.05 090.19 077.01 465.32 445.34 023.34, 030.15, 078.08, 088.02, 090.06, 134.30, 140.25, 197.30, 225.36, 257.29, 273.10, 570.06 348.04 153.26 029.07 149.04, 258.14 017.27, 049.03, 049.30, 191.27, 233.33, 355.27, 363.33, 426.13 251.11 100.15, 201.33 417.33, 535.33 229.19 383.23, 503.15, 607.24 332.05 506.18 053.24, 329.28 352.18 492.22 059.34 619.13 085.25, 132.23, 173.22, 545.03 427.21 389.15, 391.10, 570.20 434.11 395.15, 398.11 611.09 098.18, 229.15 046.19 621.26 080.27, 262.22, 296.22, 596.32 538.30 438.35 292.20 167.19 481.34 450.10 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 159 fanerole fanetes fang fanian fann fannfawners fant fanti fantulus fanu fanunian fany far farafield farback farder fare fared fares farforth farfrom farfully faring farings farious farlane Farlane farm farnham faroo farover farre farreating farreation farred Farrell farrer farsts farte farther farthers farthring fartodays 439.35 565.28 418.08, 494.20, 563.31 277.F7 538.27 309.09 599.06 260.09 166.22 213.01 265.04 230.20 058.31, 096.05, 102.07, 139.06, 176.32, 234.28, 310.10, 407.14, 476.04, 513.16, 581.31, 589.10 100.19 004.19 378.25 130.09, 140.12, 177.05, 209.04, 491.32, 516.35, 518.02 042.26 080.34 581.28 565.32 156.15 026.04 241.03 079.32 100.03, 180.10 210.10 183.04, 257.05, 524.20 090.24 521.32 613.08 102.21 432.11 390.11 278.26 212.13, 516.31 161.27 613.23 162.04 057.04, 414.35 281.F1 202.02 622.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 160 farts fas fashion fashionable fashioned fassa fast fas-Taem fastbringer fastened fasting fat fatal fatas fatch’d fates fath father fathers father’s fathom fat’s fatufa faulter faulters faun faust favour fawkes fawners fax fay fayette Faynix fazzio feald fear feared fears Fearsome fearsome’s feartonights feasance 453.12 031.36, 443.13 227.08, 446.06 120.35 194.33, 276.F2 398.15 020.08, 046.13, 210.28, 434.31 311.12 473.23 208.16 584.28 035.10, 051.17, 087.10, 414.13, 483.25 084.20 005.15 014.28 131.04 596.04, 599.04 015.08, 033.04, 045.13, 055.08, 094.33, 095.20, 191.34, 206.02, 215.14, 234.11, 246.06, 266.F2, 313.09, 325.18, 382.18, 431.18, 480.26, 482.01, 560.26 585.14 070.28, 099.12 362.08 533.28 606.36 334.12 355.35 015.21 160.27 364.06 574.36 309.09 260.12 224.29, 321.05, 384.30 026.16 139.35 345.23 602.15 226.06, 279.01, 318.05, 403.10, 439.07, 492.27, 505.06 475.03 389.23 227.32 294.13 622.15 532.19 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 161 feast feater feather featured features fecalties fect fed fed-ben-Edar fedes fee feed feeding feeds feel feelbelong feeled feelingfit feen feerd feet feets feife feige feigned feit felde feldfallen feld’s feldt felicitous fell fella fellas fella’s fellay fellbowm feller fellers fellfoss fello fellors fellow 147.16, 261.21, 357.17, 380.10, 528.06, 541.24 334.12 355.12, 577.06 602.02, 602.05 577.11 366.20 532.29 037.30, 097.14, 185.10, 375.33, 449.32, 456.24, 572.01, 580.04 030.11 343.09, 597.16 418.02 333.06 209.01, 337.05 336.13 290.15, 420.13, 420.13, 510.33 569.03 335.06 431.01 562.32 497.16 279.08, 422.09 545.30 464.20 014.02 075.19 453.28 184.28 355.27 108.15 585.22 537.14 119.10, 238.14, 305.12, 350.21, 541.15, 552.35, 558.28 082.13, 311.27, 374.34, 611.27, 611.27 611.10 096.02 395.19 505.29 247.23, 257.07, 285.07, 299.29, 303.31 420.08, 506.16 202.32 174.14 221.12 039.32, 129.21, 191.19, 245.02, 301.18, 350.35, 422.11, 447.30 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 162 fellows fellow’s fellows’ fells fellsed fellthey felon felt feme fender Fender fendi fendy fengtse fennel fenrirfeofhome fer feral feral ferant fercings ferdinamd fere ferended ferentes ferer fergee’s fergs fericiously fermentated fermont fermoyfernhim ferns feros ferreters ferry fers fersenless fert ferteed ferus 148.24, 450.06 205.33, 261.F2, 410.04 056.35 316.31, 380.04, 626.18 373.14 370.32 355.27 163.09, 290.14 092.24 069.32 369.12 131.08 222.23 299.26 037.36 424.20 133.17 027.03, 193.04, 250.34, 354.32, 512.07 120.10 013.15, 111.15 035.11 364.08 535.09 067.10 284.19 601.16 365.01 379.32 233.21 182.05 537.18 183.05 257.27 074.17 519.06, 548.25 497.23 055.13 485.02, 580.12 183.16 415.33 350.05 345.25 136.08 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 163 fesh fesstiydt fesswise fest festa fester festoons festouned fests fet fetated fetation fetched fête fetor fett fetta fettered fettering fetts feu feud feuersteyn feuille feverfraus few Fewney fex fex fey fff fhull fianced fianxed fiat fiat fib’s fication fichue ficking fickle ficle fiction 256.25, 459.07 510.32 546.07 082.36, 086.13, 275.08, 388.04, 552.05, 563.30 104.04 600.11 106.34 256.09 541.16 440.24 252.17 308.L2 473.13 186.12 119.10 531.07 462.05 118.02, 411.15, 567.05 475.10 106.24 436.02 058.35, 091.15 225.24 191.18 603.19 244.08, 570.35, 607.02 622.05 136.18, 449.15 185.14, 345.29 501.10 116.33 624.23 433.05 235.22 034.07, 034.07 613.14 210.31 209.02 268.13 300.25 310.10 493.19 161.02, 185.03, 192.19, 452.06, 574.34 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 164 fictional ficules fid fidalicence fidare fide fidel fidelities fidels fides fidly fie field field fieldchaplain fielded fields Fields field’s fiena fiend fiendship fier fiera fierce fieries fif fife fiffty fifif fifteen Figgis fighs fight fighter fighting figure figured fijjiz fild filicial filips fill 261.17 018.11 281.16 040.27 068.17 051.05, 157.25, 178.18, 313.11, 480.09, 485.20 520.13 572.23 589.34 087.03, 141.13, 337.06 395.20 004.28 077.08, 080.08, 100.19, 360.12, 475.24, 553.19, 609.34 106.12 564.32 449.34 010.34, 039.02, 043.02, 174.27, 203.06, 208.06 569.08 381.14 605.19 055.06 542.18 128.19, 378.24 479.15 344.26 501.26 600.30 077.14, 411.11 208.26 284.15 529.09 550.32 588.10 003.06, 464.27 092.04 453.03 602.27 596.29 347.19 273.L3 613.18 463.36 295.F2 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 165 fillable fill’d filled filledfelon filler fillers filles filleted filling filly fillyers filmagh filming filmsies filmung fils filthed filthyheat fim fin final find findention finders finding findth fine fined finely fines finesof fing fing fingee finger fingeredness fings finibility finis finish finishing finisissimalls finister 131.10, 492.26 122.13 019.24, 101.23, 248.24, 310.26, 417.27, 481.08 355.27 324.26, 338.27 475.11 434.28 474.07 042.21 101.16, 395.20, 562.01 371.01 324.10 398.25 279.F14 375.01 374.24 111.32 492.29 498.33 279.F24, 366.23, 376.17 123.03 449.09 593.16 585.16 261.07 153.34 051.06, 128.14, 188.07, 346.27, 426.31, 547.25, 570.23 537.15 389.16 238.17 289.05 018.35, 226.26 341.11 018.34 067.29, 246.08, 437.13 031.16 238.17, 455.33 245.12 228.14 596.31 543.29 298.30 228.28 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 166 finitatively finite finitely finn finnan’s finners finnisk-en-la-Valle finns Finns fino finpot fins fintins fir fire firearms fired fires fire’s firessence firmierity firmly first firts fisch fisck fish fish fisher fishfellows’ fishies fishing fisht fishy fisk fissi fist fister fit fit fits fit’s fitted 613.35 037.04, 127.04, 505.24 180.07 377.22 578.06 036.26 380.09 099.15 330.17 541.04 356.03 483.27 624.18 352.27 003.09, 029.07, 046.06, 117.17, 234.24, 245.08, 330.03, 350.35, 409.23, 439.35, 514.09, 542.26, 552.27, 594.21, 621.03 353.35 005.26, 405.35, 514.07, 514.27, 539.11, 589.24 052.19, 090.09, 304.22, 404.06, 501.25, 581.14 013.36 378.08 291.F8 520.32 003.24, 006.02, 254.19, 413.16, 450.34, 452.20, 539.03 521.01 056.25 198.09 098.22, 221.07, 281.F2, 312.02, 511.14, 546.18, 595.10 072.11, 484.36 118.35 056.35 524.31 173.36 621.12 480.16 013.34 356.09 534.19 551.29 339.04, 431.01, 501.26 339.26, 512.36 420.26 194.17 076.11 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 167 fitting fitzhuorson fauna fives fivest fix fixed fixes fixing fixioners fixureashone fizzing fizzyboisterous fjaell flaa flag flaged Flagonan flags flaherty flaiflake flakes flame flammabilis flamme flammed flammelwaving flamtry Flanagan flank flap flapper flare flash flashing flaskers flaum flauwing flavoured flawered flawforms flayer 052.31, 127.04 529.20 605.20 055.14, 202.01 596.16 102.13, 465.26, 551.28 214.04, 545.16 162.13 260.12 377.24 613.09 060.24 547.23 057.14 129.30 339.13, 463.22, 496.04 494.21 027.25 207.03 520.30 054.15 041.20, 561.19 017.28, 502.35, 570.06 301.05 232.03 084.34 080.24 101.17 348.35 210.20 561.02 452.04 266.31 344.24, 549.18, 610.03 210.32, 246.08 583.15 556.30 364.28 397.01 111.34, 444.22, 556.15 350.11 596.24 050.21 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 168 flea fleckled flected flecting flections flee fleeced fleeter fleetfoot fleets Flemmings flesh fleshed fleshmeant flesks flexibly flexions flexuous flicksrent flier’s flies flights flights-the-charmer flinarsky fling flingent flinging flinsborg flirts float floats flod floe flood flooded floods floored flooring flor florated flord flore flosion 417.03 602.04 120.21 605.29 411.18 129.30 578.10 377.27 128.04 005.32 542.23 186.05, 481.30 271.F4 082.10 141.08 454.06 519.35 124.06 298.15 446.18 118.32 119.15, 324.36 290.16 013.22 478.25 142.18 011.11 582.21 418.32 065.29, 160.04 530.23 209.30 017.22 118.12 126.24, 589.27 070.31 269.09 577.34 561.20 088.17 336.13 364.14 184.30 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 169 flotation flounce floures flow flowed flower flowering flowerleaf flowers flowing flown flowret flowrets flowvius floyeds fish fluction Fluctuary flue fluent flues fluh fluke flung Flure flushed flute fluthered flutter flutter-afraida fluvia fluvious fluvium flux fly flyer foaled foaptz fobsed focal focillation foco fodder 589.29 221.11 256.09 042.20, 174.20 481.09, 481.09 212.16, 237.31, 409.14, 459.35, 470.07, 509.21, 609.11, 609.11 406.24 121.10 014.36, 059.11, 354.26 117.03 405.36 360.30 254.36 526.25 536.23 571.29 299.18 080.29 185.21 605.19 416.33 037.20 023.25 419.11 389.07 058.36 007.03, 590.01 063.27 117.14, 121.05 272.03 107.17 182.11 095.16 567.13 232.11, 244.27, 267.F3, 291.F4, 458.17, 528.28 534.36 485.24 571.28 408.19 117.14 266.16 231.32 242.10 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 170 foderacies fodren fodt foederated foedted foefom foes fog fogg fogged foh fohrt foil foiled foils foje foklokken fold fold folded folden foldingmorn folds foliorum folium folk folker folks folk’s foll followable folly folly folthediddlers fom fond fonder fondler fong food food fooi fool 349.34 326.24 339.34 537.18 137.14 007.09 487.10, 571.35 048.02 607.31 536.19 353.14 313.04 124.21, 359.35 010.08, 354.22 599.07 160.31, 160.31 353.15 014.25, 043.31, 075.23, 288.03, 375.35, 462.35, 490.16, 527.22, 605.30 613.02 305.L1 186.01, 359.32 608.28 571.32 325.31, 563.09 326.08 425.20 283.14, 537.19 038.15 567.31 215.25 526.22 325.35 157.07, 279.F12, 321.03, 415.28 625.06 042.01 007.09 212.18, 457.16, 477.30 328.04 612.09 325.14 437.20 071.22, 231.06 125.22 015.14, 299.16, 301.15, 415.27 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 171 fool foolfooled fooling fools fool’s foolthenairyans foor foost foot foot footed footed footlarge footlers foots forabit forall foran forasti forator force forced ford ford Ford ford-Atelier ford-on-Mudway fordrock ford’s fore forefather forefelt foregoing forehand foremost foreness fore’s foretime foretombed forget forgettable 175.17 314.08 337.03 584.18 595.12, 613.28 019.06 360.08 282.31, 282.31 070.15 008.15, 015.31, 128.04, 128.13, 131.25, 186.24, 199.16, 204.06, 222.31, 330.33, 367.05, 426.36, 426.36, 426.36, 427.01, 433.13, 444.05, 457.11, 550.21, 553.28 071.26, 175.17 120.07, 160.19 341.21 272.22 029.10 469.24 019.02 018.35, 458.22 123.24 512.27 303.22 126.20, 461.06, 484.02, 575.28 430.17 014.05, 031.20, 086.11, 133.28, 182.26, 296.F3, 483.30, 547.17, 576.26, 583.12 353.23 512.31 531.15 393.09 541.02 549.18 005.18, 013.20, 014.31, 053.27, 064.35, 091.07, 100.24, 130.02, 160.33, 174.24, 208.35, 226.25, 250.17, 264.12, 319.19, 321.02, 326.22, 332.20, 372.13, 378.17, 379.22, 470.12, 488.01, 537.04, 542.15, 566.30, 576.04, 582.02, 584.16, 587.16, 587.35, 594.29, 605.34 033.04 163.09 599.33 253.14, 576.23 362.05 419.04 453.03 108.22, 478.04 586.30 147.01, 231.24 058.20 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 172 forgetting for-giggle forgilhisjurylegs forgiven forhers forhim forhold forit foritch forium fork fork forks fork’s forlake forlifer form formal formally formation formatory formed formed formee former formication formly formly forms forms fornax fornobody forownly fors forsacrifice forsaken forseeking forsight fort forte forted forter 231.24 377.19 060.11 490.24 547.29 010.19, 098.36, 240.14, 246.34, 246.34, 246.35 365.03 271.05, 413.18 069.12 326.08 087.14 274.L4 090.11 028.04 348.04 444.11 018.25, 045.16, 045.17, 072.25, 099.19, 107.08, 122.20, 123.10, 128.04, 149.29, 158.10, 198.25, 222.13, 229.08, 324.10, 413.31, 456.28, 462.07, 509.28, 523.13, 552.21, 579.14, 623.17, 624.20 357.27 056.27 137.34, 222.17, 374.26, 509.28, 599.17 147.15 123.19, 134.26, 183.13, 352.02, 361.04, 414.07, 544.12, 619.09 349.06 059.28 334.12 333.30, 529.07 612.13 342.28 150.17, 596.24 344.10 319.34 292.14 235.27 029.17 571.32 183.18 346.31 417.23 246.04, 567.25, 577.33 404.26 340.23 548.12 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 173 fortes forth forths forth’s fortner fortotalled fortumble fortunate fortunates fortune fortunes forty forus forvell forward foryou foskerfusker foss fostered fosters Fosti for fottafutt fou fought foukou foul foulfoule fouler fouling fouls foulties foun founder founderess foundland four four fourch fours fourthly fowl 595.14 009.16, 073.18, 441.12, 473.10, 537.08, 570.21, 581.28, 583.32 039.22, 343.33 245.08, 552.26, 575.11 531.25 542.32 417.14 090.17 421.09, 544.13 113.32, 357.23, 476.02, 566.34 492.28 068.19 460.27, 465.09, 505.33 626.33 037.02, 174.06, 243.04 076.31, 148.01 178.36 202.32 042.07 368.04 048.19 333.34 599.08 197.25 086.26 320.05 183.15, 212.19, 512.25, 515.26, 520.25 090.31 602.32 197.08 206.33 120.31 357.04 325.14 121.27, 323.06 244.18 412.04 022.23, 087.15, 221.30, 250.12, 393.22, 405.22, 430.03, 517.30, 559.35, 581.22 353.35 408.33 043.29, 202.01 123.03 066.35, 586.21 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 174 fowlium fowls fox Fox foxed foxphiz fox’s fractions fractured fractus fragate fraida frail fram frame framed frances franchisable franchised frangible frank franka frantic fraternitisers fraud’s fraudurers fraus frays free free-Down-in-Easia freegal freer french frenchllatin frength fresh freshed freshenall freshment freshpainted freskment fresqued fressor 083.31 595.12 030.18, 159.28, 242.35, 293.F2, 360.11 511.09 087.22 307.F7 245.09 256.31 310.10, 466.12 041.06 439.35 272.03 567.29 317.09 349.09 022.36, 241.18 478.19 024.27 548.19 150.34 405.23 343.38 297.32 608.06 460.20 173.17 603.19 090.07 017.19, 093.03, 152.12, 173.07, 204.19, 236.31, 239.22, 276.F2, 318.09, 387.35, 439.08 482.29 033.30 162.09 296.F1, 392.15 495.27 341.11 542.36 055.10 619.15 191.08 452.19 129.29 088.29 124.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 175 frey friar friars friaryfamily fria’s frich frichunfoldingmorn frids fire frieclub fried friede friend friended friendly friends fries frieze fright frightened frighthisdualman frillfrocked frinch frira’s frish frisking frock frocked frockies frocksfull frogate frogs fromthirty frond front fronted fronts froraids forst frothdizzying frow frowned frow’s 356.17, 550.02, 582.26 191.01 048.03 611.09 430.24 497.36 571.32 019.09 023.20 436.29 060.21 376.36 289.23 056.21 076.04 391.35, 444.35, 460.18 097.03, 170.06, 572.04 327.01 423.17 521.24 442.27 191.01 008.11, 008.13, 486.17 601.27 098.24, 264.06 572.04 444.28, 467.11 166.15, 191.01 431.03 236.12 242.24 121.05, 394.21 093.12 021.33, 609.12 009.04, 055.10, 204.25, 339.07, 415.28 280.23 369.04 316.03 338.31 203.27 486.06 555.22 119.10 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 176 frowse fru-Chikda-Uru-Wukru fructs fructuosities frue frufrocksfull fruice fruit fruitful fruityfrond frumpishly fru’s frutties fry ftjschute fu fubling fuchs fudgist fuffpfaffing fug fugal fuggading fugium fugle fugue fuit fukie fulgurayous full full fulldt fulled fuller fullness fulls fullth fullvner fulvid fum fumance fumastelliacinous fumbed 526.25 024.07 019.15 348.33 370.04 236.12 171.18 135.31, 194.12, 428.01, 495.24 421.28 609.12 242.19 245.33 497.10 035.14, 446.12 003.19 396.36 346.01 574.04 323.23 529.30 354.32 605.17 350.05 051.31 011.09 121.28 017.32, 033.34, 033.34 532.20 422.30 011.29, 016.04, 124.24, 152.26, 229.30, 231.09, 236.12, 286.31, 415.06, 494.36, 512.09 342.16, 348.04 537.04 590.13 562.11 224.10 350.34 155.28 348.14 284.30 326.07 219.05 157.32 482.21 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 177 fumbers fume fumed fumious fummed fun function fund funded funder fundum fundust funkfires funnies funnyadams funx fuoco fur furcers furcht furioted furking furl furloined furred furse furst furters further furto furts furty furwards furz fused fusel fuseleers fuseries fush fusiasm fusing fusion fusionism 340.26 333.16, 542.22, 624.24 236.02, 320.25 430.27 370.28 060.34, 086.14, 203.31, 596.31, 607.16 341.25 452.18 599.05 481.34, 596.03 229.21 535.29 581.14 431.01 065.05 035.09 387.03 039.15, 215.19 565.04 481.09 138.28 302.15 019.26 419.29 141.22 072.35 238.24 332.08, 533.15 288.F7 070.05 415.05 285.F3 357.36 294.23 156.31, 542.11, 605.34 412.34 058.23 431.13 525.31 425.15 242.16 100.23, 222.02, 252.19, 432.14, 542.11 117.33 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 178 fusker fuson fuss fussed fussion fustigation fut futt futter futthered fuul fuxes fuyant fyd fydd fyddye fyn fyne fysis fyx 178.36 019.19 041.13, 430.22 078.21, 193.21, 513.31 353.25 150.07 156.34 599.08 384.28 322.10 088.19 249.02 502.35 034.17 529.25 480.12 418.27 510.10 329.34 200.05 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 179 Letter G gaar gaard gaardgaars gab gaba gabawlers gabblers gabet gabollags gaby gaceous gad gad gadag gaddy gade gading gado gadovies gadye gaff gaffe gafiena gafiuna gag gage gageflavoured gageg gaggeng gagnolina gagyng gain gaining gainly gains gain’s 370.27 246.01 424.20 221.15 490.08 276.09 497.05 540.24 577.17 541.18 449.35 613.18 009.26, 024.07, 180.04, 202.05, 258.03, 379.33, 485.05, 612.32 346.33 186.21 195.03 551.34 350.05 464.02 184.31 313.18 522.22 268.12 605.19 605.20 363.36 577.05 556.15 169.14 240.10 225.15 244.07 228.22, 343.09 318.07 121.25 241.33 434.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 180 gainus gait gaiterd gal gala gale galenes galenu gales galia gall galla gallaghers gallant gallian gallians galls gall’s gallus galowre gals gal’s galstones galuvu gam gam gaman gamated gamb gambols game gameous game’s gamies gamma gammoner gammons gamore gams gamyg gamyjig gan gan- 361.03 051.13 320.07 033.30, 114.25, 297.F2 233.36, 475.02, 475.13 022.10, 184.24, 406.24, 469.15 453.19 184.13 468.14, 562.12 551.24 021.23, 176.20, 384.14, 386.06, 389.18, 480.34, 500.04 520.03 090.10 168.10, 620.07 138.11 106.17 215.14, 326.08 405.06, 496.18 484.35 496.13 601.10 040.25, 463.19 224.19 594.23 093.15, 261.27, 296.F3, 546.13 346.17 256.25, 303.23 303.L2 346.17 012.27 373.26, 445.34, 569.17, 569.25, 614.18 241.05 375.16 300.26 120.34 560.11 433.02 132.19 075.02 116.32 332.24 199.18, 389.01, 622.23 332.05 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 181 gana ganas ganasanavitch ganda gander gandering gandi gandy gang gangd ganger gangers ganger’s ganglions gangs gangsted gannon’s gans ganson gansumgantast gantogyres gants gap gapemonides gapers gapers gapo gar gara gara’s Garath garced gard gardaddy garden gardener gardens gardes gardien gards gardsmanlake garee 080.20 570.12 278.23 545.09 428.10 059.22 289.02 276.17 376.11, 466.29, 478.16, 480.36, 560.14 127.28 490.17 540.24 126.15 571.36 015.05, 032.27, 068.31 496.15 297.F3 286.F5 530.31 314.08 319.26 596.23 398.15 037.08, 455.19 007.16 366.02 339.19 202.07 497.11 068.09 601.24 622.04 338.13 555.13, 555.15, 609.17 306.03 062.19, 597.15 133.06 617.22 541.26 483.25 210.04, 579.12 599.19 052.24 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 182 garettes gargley gargoh gari gari’s garius garius garlick garmenteries garments garnath garri garries garry Garry gar’s garseen gart garten gartern garters garth garths garts gas gas gasand gaschiff gases gasp gasps gass gassed gasser gassy gast gasta gasti gastulus gat gate gate Gate 351.12 234.31 245.14 112.07 408.26 498.03 076.07 413.13 181.29 311.30 342.13 180.14 619.06 346.24 526.24 102.08 615.31 485.01 075.01, 253.31 532.22 011.22, 436.01 098.16, 281.02, 542.12, 580.11 435.07 135.36 036.13, 160.30, 171.35, 176.31, 229.16, 239.05, 485.29, 494.23, 496.13, 511.21, 556.29 423.33 374.36 350.07 231.21 190.22 568.07 555.11 020.31 232.04 207.26 144.06 099.09 423.33 532.12 060.12 044.06, 069.21, 128.34, 149.29, 149.32, 197.35, 234.01, 242.24, 329.31, 337.10, 337.10, 373.25, 439.35, 508.22, 564.35, 625.35 105.26 569.09 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 183 gated gatem gates gath gather gathered gathering gatherthem gathumbs gatogtug gats gatts gaul gaulgalls gauzements gave gawn gaws gay gayle gayment gaze gazed gazelle gazer gean geant gear gearls gearries gebirger gebordened geborg geborn geds gee geegeeses geela geena geequanee geering gees gee’s 113.09, 115.26, 310.15 506.10 004.06, 249.07, 612.24 286.06 453.16, 548.13 587.29 010.32 015.02 337.25 351.17 497.08 366.10 237.18 326.08 159.08 413.15 426.10 548.24 020.26, 054.23, 273.17, 451.30, 511.17, 578.22, 608.20 360.02 236.30 009.05, 084.12, 197.14, 382.17, 548.03 069.12 238.36 143.26, 193.12, 471.09 361.11 319.12 429.08, 609.01 626.03 529.26 133.06 580.02 005.06 370.07 241.27 006.32, 018.34, 231.14, 588.02 089.34 407.18 354.15 072.08 372.20 027.20, 166.01 379.32 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 184 geese geeses geg gegst gehaven gein geing geistgel gelaut geld gelegenaitoikon gelert geling geller gelly gels gem gamble gemeinded gemelimen gemout gemyeyes genal genating genation genations gend gendered gendtougend general generand generation generations generously geners geneses genesis GENETIC genets genever geng genically 446.19 089.34 054.23, 169.14 272.17 100.07 316.19, 374.24 549.03 187.15 300.05 484.09 084.04 416.12 177.22 088.33 468.09 231.13 015.14, 359.32, 567.33, 587.26, 601.01 456.22, 542.27, 542.27, 542.27, 566.06, 586.30 343.03 252.16 271.13 354.17 025.03 431.35 004.36 251.17 018.20, 018.20 533.26 137.14, 581.16 247.07 567.22 372.06, 604.23 284.21, 331.31, 606.11 600.09 350.06 267.17 350.31 240.13 275.R1 504.02 406.20 240.10 436.09 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 185 geniem genious geniture genius genral genselman genses gent gentide gentilisation gentilmensky gentius gently gents genua genuinas genuine GENUINE geolettes ger gerd’s gerenal gerend gerent GERILAG gerl gerls germon gern gerngerotty gerre gesima gest gestern gestfudgist gesumy gesus get geta getherall gethered gethergush 078.12 154.20, 595.23 300.L1 034.14 243.10 173.13 488.35 024.26, 281.24, 374.29, 496.10, 523.22 577.29 031.33 034.18 464.16 537.19 090.07 513.20 209.32 087.28 279.R1 440.20 352.10 444.21 338.19 584.28 566.21, 566.24, 574.33 305.R1 268.F3 450.17 222.09 565.12, 565.12 424.20 498.17 272.29 298.27, 433.03 489.11 407.30 323.23 234.12 316.28 243.03, 433.33, 616.11 542.19 346.12 396.24 581.27 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 186 gethering getherum getorix gets getter getting geyboren geyed geyer geylywayled ghal ghalian gharaghghastly gheallGhimley ghirs ghistan ghost ghosted Ghoul ghoulish ghowho ghundhurthghurs ghurutty giants giaour gibbets gickers gidding giddy giddyculling giddyex giddyrex gieling gien gift gift gifting giftness gig gigasta 601.31 186.25 088.22 467.27, 507.09, 597.09 451.04 373.26 525.21 015.03 042.15 331.32 099.27 564.30 003.15 178.30 332.05 290.07 241.32 493.02 353.03 136.07, 494.03 354.06 615.04 291.04 023.05 008.25 493.13 067.07 068.18, 305.03 420.21 046.21, 046.22 346.09 132.20 092.26 066.12 281.F1 322.03 272.29 187.10 418.20 246.28 498.27 119.14 081.05 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 187 gigmagees gild giles gilhisjurylegs gill gill gills gilt gimandodrgin ginbottle ginbrow ginds gine gineral giness ging ginger gingoos gink gink’s gins gintadue gintarian gintiquinque giography giol giolesque gionds girillies’ girl girlies girlified girls girls girl’s girond girth gist gistanters gists git gitabale 027.20 549.32 416.32 060.11 588.32 104.18 012.21, 215.14 127.34 424.20 004.01, 207.29, 228.21, 292.10, 292.17, 320.15, 327.36, 386.26, 487.29, 543.17, 548.32 458.18 003.14 431.04 529.22 292.F1 184.17 617.17 022.34 493.30 294.02 285.L2 012.26, 376.23 054.12 111.06 134.13 234.12 143.33 081.23 277.22 351.12 092.25, 200.19, 226.33, 532.20 094.01 329.17 054.09, 367.01, 504.22, 601.13 105.10 183.25, 407.07 209.18 150.11 214.12, 323.23 357.05 575.19 029.08 357.34 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 188 gits give given given giver giver givers giving glaa glad glaggagglomeratively glam glances glands gland’s glaning glarying glas glas glass glasses glasspanelfitted glassy glatteraglutt gleam glee gleement gleescreaming glenn glens glen’s gless glibly glibtograbakelly glide glie glik glim glimmed glims glin glint’s glionic 093.05 434.14, 560.34 077.27 355.06 545.32 345.28 057.17 380.09 265.F4 258.28, 563.26 186.10 506.29 405.20 451.04 595.10 221.19 339.19 075.16, 142.14, 485.12, 502.35, 550.24 625.13 084.29, 100.23, 101.29, 167.20, 193.16, 247.36, 252.07, 277.F5, 408.24, 415.28, 455.16, 460.21, 486.24, 589.30, 609.15 031.17, 183.21, 386.16, 387.06, 463.14 076.11 208.09 349.12 099.16 182.08 348.13 383.15 553.22 602.15 142.13 074.15 079.18 463.02 486.07 584.09 578.36 434.13 075.09 141.15 087.26, 092.04 006.35 513.17 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 189 glish glo glodynamonologos gloe-Noremen glom gloo gloomering glooral gloot gloovah glores glorians gloriously glosia gloss glossary glossies glotte’s glove gloves gloving glow glow glow’s Gluckin glucks glucksarsoon glugs glus glut glutables glutt glutton gluttural glyph glyphy’s glyptics gmard gnaceous gnacio gnates gnavia gnawns 609.15 202.22, 528.23 194.16 309.11 533.22 207.33 565.02 381.30 290.18, 478.34 369.19 286.31 004.07 063.22 525.08 609.15 423.09 497.19 532.22 374.12 022.35 144.28 585.05 349.07 245.08 180.08 200.08 344.01 595.16 198.33, 327.13 612.13 151.28 349.12 240.27 117.13 122.07 595.07 419.19 371.22 186.13 228.11 115.33 254.33 605.01 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 190 gnays gneses gniagnian gnir gnirurdrgnobs gnols gnomen gnomes gnomist gnone gnoscere gnosible-edible GNOSIS gnysthy go goad goad goaded goading goady goak goak’s goalgaceous goalucrey goarchicism goat goaters gob gobawlers gobbleus goblin gobragh go-bragk gobretas gobrew gocciolated god godden godden godder godlap godly 256.13 411.29 389.22 221.09 424.20 274.F2 223.03 030.03 283.27 336.34 225.15 287.27 088.06 262.R2 239.22 014.16, 060.19, 096.20, 163.09, 208.13, 279.F12, 281.F3, 338.32, 441.29, 449.22, 552.23, 567.24, 570.29, 577.35 097.23, 624.17 346.34 180.03 203.28 005.13 005.07 339.04 613.18 358.09 525.10 035.13, 215.27, 240.34, 353.02, 596.01 522.16 047.03, 232.32, 463.01, 466.34, 467.18, 503.14 005.31 157.26 039.21 303.14 438.16 048.07 283.24 054.33 046.24, 079.21, 091.28, 111.03, 488.22 625.18 339.24 155.27 344.02 261.L3 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 191 godoo godparents gods goeasy goer goers goes goesthere gog gogagog gogalenu gogmagog gognese gogran go-gully gogusty goh going going go-jumpy gokgoknob gol gola goland gold goldell goldies golds golect golhuts goll Goll golla gollow Golly gology goloo golorum golosh gom gomaister gomery 079.21 189.01 004.01, 004.01, 005.33, 289.16 123.16 233.11, 367.20, 587.36 086.33, 381.36 007.27, 007.27, 303.11 455.19 006.19, 006.19, 025.23, 136.01, 366.26 071.26 184.13 222.14 435.08 396.16 499.04 035.03 245.14 042.36, 141.01, 264.10, 292.29, 331.04, 599.33 294.L1 332.24 023.05 344.14 297.F2 513.08 388.19 075.10, 127.34, 179.34, 214.02, 289.06, 561.21 360.33 256.12 211.03 234.26 416.35 512.01 370.22 485.33 580.34 395.03 387.12 131.35 498.19 346.02 347.02 568.17 058.26, 543.28 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 192 gomeryite gomery’s gomuster gon gonamed gonblack gondola gondoom gone goneahead gones gong gongty gonies gonnianne gono gonoch gons gony goo good goodchob gooder gooding goodjesusalem Goodman goods gool goolapnow gooms goont goontangues goos goose Gooseberry’s goosip goothoyou gopark gopatom gopovengreskey gor gora goraumd 525.07 426.11 393.08 019.15, 371.36, 535.20, 593.10, 621.25 361.21 016.29 447.32 343.26 021.05, 223.29, 231.30, 265.03, 310.18, 336.06, 385.03, 386.07, 547.34 426.23 012.29, 263.17 026.27, 029.24 336.32 353.01 512.18 085.05 498.23 167.07, 613.11 102.07 276.15 021.30, 085.17, 346.23, 369.08, 492.24, 500.19, 590.20 357.03 358.16, 602.09 379.22 192.35 212.09 255.08, 346.25 371.22 348.16 456.15 327.29 541.34 347.14, 493.30 026.05 342.15 623.03 471.02 051.20 344.30 056.36 613.28 062.16 309.24 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 193 gorballyed gore Gore gored gorer gorge gorgeous goric gories gorious gorladns gorlaygorman gorod goromboassity gorong gorool goround go-round gorpound gorridgorballyed gorror gor’s gorude gory gos gos gosmotherthemselves gosongingon gosterfosters got gotangos gotenente gotetabsolvers goth gothic gothland gotisters gotstrade gott gotted gotter gotter 323.16 037.02, 535.15, 553.07 606.19 339.29 255.15 378.23, 563.31 492.34 336.36 397.25 454.15 353.19 023.05 236.24 565.21 353.25 019.05 165.21 525.17 550.27 056.06 323.16 423.16 102.08 240.18 303.13 187.01, 205.29, 316.35, 407.02 307.L1, 345.20 353.27 274.24 368.04 338.30, 537.01 019.05 228.27 004.09 626.28 120.22, 263.10 197.09 137.08 602.21 188.31, 240.35, 346.22 133.15 612.31 349.32 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 194 gotthened gottheres gottom gott’s gotty gotty’s goturny goul gould goup’s gourge gout goutfeller gouts gow gowe gown goyed grab grabakelly grabbed grace grace graceful gracious grad gradation graddaghgrade gradia grading grafiend graible grain graine grained grainia gram gram grammatical GRAMMATON gran grand 345.34 311.04 582.01 043.32, 282.F4 531.17 071.12 309.23 277.03 479.05 185.06 049.34 180.07, 312.15, 351.06 257.07 358.04 478.18 207.24 297.03 456.01 332.15 463.02 498.05 057.23, 220.02, 227.23, 391.02, 413.03, 434.21, 468.32, 530.28, 577.03 260.L1 414.24 037.13 351.27, 491.35 557.23 044.20 108.02 534.22 611.29 055.06 301.F4 197.28 019.23 026.34, 088.16 031.25 165.23, 430.11, 609.10 399.09 307.F7 286.R1 396.16 191.34 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 195 granda grandgosterfosters grandhotelled grandyoulikethems granes grange grantit grapce graph grapher graphers graphically graphice graphies graphique graphs graphy graso grass grassy grate gratiagrading gratises grau gravated graved gravius gravure gravy graw gray grayer greany grease greasing greasymost greawis greb gred gree Gree greedy greed 160.30 368.04 017.33 535.12 004.04 057.09 004.35 489.04 007.15, 220.11, 226.01, 226.01, 438.19, 467.33, 488.24, 522.21 472.09 121.11 292.28, 412.03 604.19 242.19 339.23 032.13 120.22, 275.F2, 277.25, 476.33, 482.17, 510.13 038.03 007.30, 207.02, 482.09, 494.19 231.07 253.17, 387.19, 460.26 611.29 409.26 247.35 063.07 560.18 572.30, 572.33, 573.02, 573.05, 573.15 013.07 171.01 377.04, 494.26, 511.02, 511.07 101.35, 214.33, 585.20 186.08 620.11 412.33 399.23 156.17 552.02 068.25 029.01 086.14 488.36 133.07, 373.14 565.13 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 196 Greek greekable green greenable greening greenlindigan greenold greenst grees greest greeth greget Gregor gremmitgrene grene greon greskey gressulations Grete-by-the-Exchange gretta grettitude greven grewnworsteds grey greyned greys gri gridando grieff grievy Griffith-Moynihan grig grim grimace grime grims grimst grin grinantibus grind grine grine 569.07 181.22 032.29, 086.35, 101.36, 171.16, 208.18, 443.36, 471.13, 611.34 609.01 607.24 611.06 186.08 346.04 397.12 514.28 243.03 343.15 520.04, 520.10 023.05 228.08, 397.35 329.06 279.F32 056.36 234.21 135.10 067.31 098.15 622.20 611.35 014.34, 288.28, 475.31, 583.18 603.35 603.18 193.17 093.20 536.12 227.06 307.09 406.30, 464.28 093.29, 244.21, 448.24, 455.13, 483.33, 600.35 423.08 392.19 348.05 220.35 082.12, 139.01 398.16 128.08 014.28, 398.15, 398.15 282.L3 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 197 grines gringnirgripe gripment gripper grips gris grish gristly grits gro groamlius groands grobgrab grocer Groevener grog grogging gromgromme groom gross grossest grotts ground grouped grove groved grovemazes growback growdnyk’s grown growth gru gruaugrubs grudged gruggy grunch grund grung grunter grunting 484.29 424.20 141.21 084.16 535.13 183.32 202.34 351.08 170.34 249.12 171.29 322.34 481.15 332.15 437.17 325.01 006.19 381.36 023.05 443.08 040.02, 362.09 284.22, 556.25 425.15 513.14 076.33, 113.32, 128.09, 128.31, 161.34, 332.12, 494.24, 546.11 129.12 284.05 265.01 221.20 389.04 102.19 006.31, 036.18, 056.12, 170.30, 252.18, 407.13, 478.14 128.20, 558.20 540.21 023.05 245.26 534.22 418.19 342.17, 342.17 223.31 576.31 423.33 273.20 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 198 guage guall guam guard guardargoos guarded guardiant guardise guardism guardness guards guard’s guchuna gude guds guels guents guepe guere guerre guerrig guesched guesed guest gueuxers gugoothoyou gugulp guidd guides guidous guile guind guines Guiney’s guinnengs guinnsis guin’s guired guise guished gul gul gula 323.05, 466.32, 478.09 073.14 095.27, 095.28 084.34, 232.30, 260.06, 371.34, 579.12 347.14 464.12 151.20 005.17 180.32 357.18 361.19 093.06 346.15 626.06 073.06, 275.10 206.14 550.18 417.22 233.30 233.30, 339.23 353.31 232.33 381.20 063.22, 124.15, 135.19, 325.17 361.36 471.02 613.22 366.12 363.09 427.13 071.19 577.27 088.20 381.19 129.10 421.26 285.L2 092.01 414.16, 532.27 288.17 201.22, 327.18, 397.34 162.16 162.12 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 199 gulant gular gulash guldson guled guld gulfied gull gulls gull’s gully gulp gulphia gult gultonia gulvalvulous gum GUMPTIOUS gums gumtreeumption gun gun gund gunitals gunn gunnded gunne gunne gunneral gunners gunoshooto guns gur gurat gurayous gurd gurdsen gurdy gureen gures gures gurgitation gurin 157.04 610.10 287.F4 371.06 341.11 547.32 306.06 383.16, 424.10 595.14 026.31 499.04, 518.09 190.18, 613.22 320.20 159.13 343.01 310.04 112.07, 126.12, 422.28, 526.26, 590.24 308.R2 233.17 191.13 336.06, 350.32, 352.14 349.12 288.09, 315.22 525.05 008.14 323.27 025.23 104.12 352.23 349.15 160.29 031.19, 065.11, 173.22, 177.09, 552.28 233.31, 256.22 100.19 422.30 608.10 429.19 231.15 279.03 282.11 352.29 558.03 625.34 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 200 gurios-in-Newrobe gurr gurtha gus gusaria gush guss gust gusta gusted gustered gustissimost gusty gut gutfulls guting guts gut’s gutstract gutter guy gyddyum gye gyings gynal gyndelse gynes gyng gypst gyrdle gyres gyric gyt gyttens 155.05 351.30 403.12, 403.13 058.15, 265.06, 378.19, 489.17, 515.30 117.04 178.12, 581.27 326.05, 362.16, 448.17, 492.24 616.16 438.02 610.01 212.33 104.06 035.03 022.36, 171.17, 214.19, 365.26, 381.32, 455.10, 455.10, 455.11, 490.14, 507.10, 548.15, 568.22 350.34 078.12 319.12 491.06 346.33 332.12, 517.14 119.32, 339.21, 528.26, 598.33 414.26 497.23 256.31 619.02 282.05 613.35 244.07 364.18 548.17 596.23 120.27 186.28 239.23 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 201 Letter H H haab haar haared haba habit habit habitands habitation habited habiting hach hack hacknolan hacks hade hadure haendel hafts hag hagal hagar hagen Haggans hagion hagion hagionous hags hague-Marengo hahat hahing hahn hahnthenth hahs haihaighaudhlug 443.24 312.19 362.31, 613.05 468.36 418.17 545.18, 624.08 350.04 062.16 550.30 421.08 602.22 100.07, 329.33 190.06 303.F3 005.31 329.04 554.07 054.27 133.30 492.11 107.36 530.34 328.22 299.23 605.14 305.L2 520.33 296.19, 340.08, 627.26 223.16 482.11 600.07 110.21, 205.29 608.24 183.14 054.15 310.11 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 202 hail hailed hailey hain haincold hainodaisies hair haire haired hairs hair’s haitch hake hal haled haleine hales halething half halft halian hall halla halley hallfisk hallhoarding hallo halloo halloon hallowed hallrhosmightiadd halls hall’s hallya halooing halpence hals halted halter halters haltshealing halves 552.35, 558.19 234.27, 417.10 329.36 344.28 578.23 242.17 108.23, 166.15, 183.18, 265.21, 273.F8, 323.03, 475.15, 527.21 423.03 147.35, 220.12, 265.19, 275.01, 609.03 444.27 177.25 443.01 240.18, 446.10 243.14, 329.16, 582.26 311.08 156.36 461.21 029.16 100.19, 161.11, 533.34, 534.29 247.06 564.30 058.33, 117.16, 165.09, 408.26, 458.02, 588.09, 609.18 362.22 536.33 013.34 365.16 485.22 541.22, 541.22, 541.22 323.25 587.14 056.07 077.02, 125.13, 550.35 005.30 056.07 324.18 338.28 557.10 121.07, 241.32 511.30 054.25 611.28 540.32 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 203 ham ham ha’m hambers hambrey hame hamer hamerat hamieson hamilton hamlooking hammaggs hamme hammers hammlet Hammud’s hammyum hamnk hampton hampton hams ham’s hamsk han hanagan hanahanahana hanaral hanced hand handaways handbaddend handed handedly hander handled handler handler handling hands handschiner handshighs 018.29, 019.15, 030.07, 040.11, 088.21, 090.24, 095.09, 097.16, 123.08, 147.34, 277.F4, 284.F4, 284.F4, 284.F4, 315.04, 318.21, 369.12, 387.28, 388.21, 393.05, 397.18, 422.18, 422.26, 434.12, 492.23, 493.17, 570.19 071.21 174.13 562.13 317.10 098.08, 319.30, 326.18, 415.29, 616.04 192.08 127.31 126.05 300.27 467.10 352.05 351.16 033.09 418.17 156.22 613.12 365.21 442.09 354.16 041.14, 058.30, 093.08, 093.21, 208.31, 286.29, 455.07, 518.28 039.17, 584.02 481.24 016.01, 027.14, 034.06, 147.30, 212.12, 616.03 417.31 554.10 375.24 460.30 027.04, 042.09, 052.25, 085.04, 085.12, 096.23, 121.22, 168.06, 177.31, 240.10, 246.23, 253.14, 271.11, 289.10, 321.27, 369.02, 371.25, 435.08, 467.13, 495.02, 504.27, 534.20, 572.06, 576.23 496.06 541.27 087.16, 255.01 122.08 276.02 285.13, 530.29 444.21 072.13 384.26 028.04, 080.14, 137.25, 194.05, 265.21, 286.13, 304.01, 330.33, 430.21, 470.08 333.04 272.22 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 204 handsker handsy handy hanees hanga hangas hangd hanged hanger hangled hangs hang-together hann hanna hannes hanno’s hans hanshrub hant hantes hants hanyzhonies hao haohao haoul hap hape ha’pence hapennies hapes hapje hapnot happiness happing happitents happluddyhappsteckers happy haps hapsing har har Hara 607.05 621.21 612.01 330.09 497.11 015.12 391.08 049.26 114.22, 444.19 615.19 224.08 048.23 446.01 212.06 391.05 123.32 343.25 588.31 129.17, 603.32 502.10 250.05 101.28 233.24 233.26 499.18 022.33, 395.27, 404.11, 425.27, 514.22 008.17 046.18 549.36 313.32 257.02 110.07 189.10 533.17 258.22 044.20 514.08 110.07, 111.29, 131.15, 257.02, 556.19 062.25, 130.35 597.20 080.14, 130.04, 242.20, 464.31, 492.26, 549.28 346.14 049.03, 580.32 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 205 harabahts harall haran haras hard hardened harding hards hard’s hare harem hare’s harfeast harican hariwallahs hark harksome harlot harma harmonious harom harp harps harrem harrods harrow hart harters hart’s hasd hase hash hasstenhast hast hastcold haste hastem hastern hasting hastle hat hatchery 379.07 354.01 380.21 113.07 012.36, 034.08, 049.29, 276.12, 322.11, 415.32, 455.34, 464.18 087.34 273.23 016.13, 443.05 109.21, 412.05 016.01, 227.04 331.19 335.29 541.24 489.20 609.33 500.04 080.26 352.06 093.22 109.23, 188.26 547.06 066.29, 224.16, 466.18 089.33 576.07 127.11, 159.15 600.13 275.14 008.19 541.03 333.28 491.18 075.20, 366.29 414.19 114.04 349.19 265.03 317.20, 456.24 238.02 598.10 371.11 072.09 008.16, 009.02, 041.02, 059.06, 242.14, 255.12, 267.F6, 322.01, 351.18, 415.32, 482.11, 513.10, 522.24, 567.01, 584.15 201.25 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 206 hater hates hatmas hatouxhats hatsong hattaras hatted hatton haty haubeen haudhlug haugh hault haun haunaton haunt hauntered haunts haurd hause haused hauses hausig hausthible hav havebeen havemiseries haven haves havet haveyous haw hawa hawaw hawe haweshowe hawk hawks hawl hawn hawrd hay 408.11 551.35 243.27 414.19 085.30, 551.08 110.24 010.16 089.31, 265.F2 539.02 178.03 568.28 310.11 622.27 581.30 364.19, 419.17 499.09 224.03, 326.24, 368.07 293.F2 595.15 319.20 535.17 533.18 154.08 265.26 091.27 324.30 042.19, 052.29, 076.33 288.25 060.22, 100.07, 143.10, 244.29, 478.16 463.32 202.10 068.20 202.04, 450.05, 520.20 066.24 619.34 180.31 256.13 215.30, 383.16 505.01 315.16 443.02 023.28 167.08 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 207 haymix haynix hayns haytehayte’s haza hazar hazards hazelwood hazi hazometron hazs hazy hazyheld head head headed headed heading headoromanscing heads head’s heaheahear heal healian healing heallheallach health healthing healths healy hean heap heaped heaps hear heard heardth hearing hearingly hearingness 331.02 473.16 342.29 342.22 176.27 389.32 615.07 372.15 056.11, 521.22 559.24 177.20 111.24 625.26 003.20, 004.30, 004.34, 006.34, 015.31, 020.16, 029.24, 031.10, 040.25, 119.29, 131.13, 132.12, 143.20, 178.34, 204.01, 212.13, 229.32, 234.27, 241.20, 254.12, 262.F6, 274.04, 274.08, 275.13, 292.19, 299.F2, 311.24, 316.24, 339.02, 344.26, 349.02, 373.33, 376.24, 415.03, 426.08, 426.23, 439.10, 450.06, 452.15, 471.14, 474.12, 482.23, 486.21, 490.15, 494.24, 511.24, 525.28, 538.34, 549.03, 560.27, 582.26, 589.06, 589.15, 600.19, 611.33 355.06 047.01, 095.20, 120.36, 121.22, 127.01, 136.25, 152.09, 381.35, 472.05, 513.07, 517.05 276.L1 548.35 327.11 084.17, 236.33, 288.17, 405.04, 407.36, 496.23, 581.12 190.02, 233.16 466.25 011.23, 461.13 023.11 204.03, 611.28 332.05 099.27 622.28 077.31 280.13 608.08 123.16, 583.17 057.13, 124.24, 307.23 098.17 102.24 222.12, 237.12, 337.26, 466.25, 486.30, 584.36 017.15, 038.27, 061.29, 121.36, 362.15, 562.24 231.22 237.17 096.30 581.31 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 208 hears hearsilvar heart Heart hearted heartened heartened heartening hearthed hearts heartzed heartzyheat heasts heat heated heathen heatherous heavals heaven heavenly heavens heaver heavin heaving heavy hebeau heber hebited Hebridian hebus hecame heck heckhocks hed heda hedarhoad hedars hedge hedonum hedrally hedron heds hed’s 023.26 467.35 290.03, 328.21, 336.34, 360.12, 407.24, 536.10, 539.15, 619.17 143.02 171.01, 240.22, 560.28, 608.18 535.19, 577.07 354.13 189.26 602.16 254.03, 563.29 331.23 102.19 367.32 102.19, 364.17, 492.29 415.19, 461.28 549.07 129.14 184.03 469.30, 590.08 185.29 446.01 352.15 220.34 189.25, 190.31, 353.16 170.28, 335.35, 587.10 527.29 604.04 224.11 263.13 286.F1 288.14 423.11 130.20 535.21 469.34, 478.13 081.09 566.11 475.10 610.06 477.01 107.08 547.34 229.36 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 209 hee heedheeding heehewheehew heeing heel heeldy heeling heelless heels heem heen heerd hees heetuck Hefferns heid heifer height heighten heil heild heile heim heirn heis heiss heist heito hekarry hel held held helic helizod hell hella helldselse helled Helleniky hellows hellt helly 123.02, 628.14 023.28 397.22 399.29 299.14 093.36, 319.03, 404.33, 410.32 230.12 021.12 081.22 009.29 404.26 200.18 160.26, 538.29 029.12 225.09 519.06 251.15 614.01 132.22, 418.08, 606.02 336.08 070.03 326.05 356.13 052.09, 129.23, 533.18 538.26 425.22 347.34 299.14 338.35 207.24 445.06, 586.18 480.20, 584.19, 586.26, 625.26 354.08 091.35 452.11 525.06, 552.16 151.20 239.34 292.18 263.14 569.25 077.27 283.10 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 210 helm helmina’s helot help helps help’s helsson helv helygangs hem hemans hemeand hemey hemispheres hemmed hemons hemoth hemp hems hem’s hemuth hen hena henceforward hended hends heneul henge hengist henguts heniacs henna henning hennyhindyou hens hent henter’s hentleman heol heorebukujibun heory heouse herairy 273.28, 574.15 601.21 019.18 010.13, 130.20, 157.13, 192.12, 516.29 067.26, 238.19, 309.08 181.18 124.29 262.F1 015.05 003.13, 115.14, 147.11, 188.18, 193.09, 348.26, 374.04, 421.19, 484.36, 493.16, 514.29, 571.02, 571.02, 571.25 397.31 170.10 246.18 508.21 104.03, 320.14 059.28 007.14 317.28 183.14 318.05 244.36 393.23, 578.20 602.30 243.04 438.01 343.25 119.25 596.13 214.12 319.12 497.20 594.30 234.19 272.19 038.22, 478.15 388.05 381.13 010.18 228.33 484.26 163.25 338.20 584.31 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 211 herapool herb herbal herbour herbs hercabroads herculossed herd herdoff hered heredayth herenow herers herfhull herhead hericks hering heringcan heringpot herlehome-upon-Eskur herlynt herman hernabreen hernapark herr herra herrn herry’s hers hersherself her-Soles-Up hersson herstellung heruthr hervolk hery hesitant hesitent hespers hessock hessvan hest 300.09 005.23 478.09 171.27 190.06 419.02 492.05 223.01, 540.27 363.26 445.31, 465.17 346.22 394.34 617.18 624.23 426.08 618.15 017.24, 354.24, 354.25, 354.25, 444.17, 525.20 518.18 020.07 220.35 232.13 392.15 087.31 321.08 289.09, 541.13 326.26 272.25 584.01 143.16, 298.15, 408.27, 414.30, 543.19, 547.29, 608.10 113.09 526.29 531.22 319.29 296.L1 280.19, 280.27 565.06 051.17, 557.04 542.24 133.14 038.14 272.F4 013.27 313.14, 365.18 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 212 hester hesters het hets hett heu heuman heure he-used-to hew hewas hewersoftened hewheehew hewit hewn heying hi hian hib hibbert hibeline hibernian hibernskers hiberring hibilley hibisces hibitance hibitating hible hiboh hibow hiccups’ hicked hicksal hid hidarhoda hidden hide hider hides hidin hids hie 413.06 624.25 064.01, 108.26, 398.27 182.13 355.31 058.18 214.22 346.07 291.03 010.24, 399.29, 399.29, 399.29, 474.12 079.03 077.32 399.29 042.04 412.09 347.31 206.15 090.28 607.32 388.29 071.26 055.20 497.06 504.30 238.04 349.20 348.16 437.14 091.27 078.32 442.27 355.12 049.27 283.L2 069.02 434.07 081.09, 284.25 019.08, 081.10, 093.08, 127.26, 300.F4, 340.11, 359.03, 403.14, 483.31, 583.21 110.30 366.29 486.30 342.26 059.20 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 213 hiem hifie hig high highdeed higher higherland highest highs hight hightful hights hike hil hill hillbarrow hillhead hilloupa hills hilly hilp hilt himaroundhershimba himbelling himel himper hims hind hind hindered hinding hindred hinds hind’s hinduce hindyou hinee hinees hinerstones hing hinged hingeywilly 277.15 004.28 169.23 097.01, 319.30, 408.07, 451.22, 547.21, 582.29 461.08 451.22 392.31 080.20, 104.04, 451.22 134.31, 272.22 358.23, 358.24, 368.24, 425.31 497.24 143.11 603.16 131.28 012.27, 012.27, 012.28, 012.28, 012.29, 022.19, 050.30, 132.22, 202.16, 265.F2, 288.12, 360.34, 415.09, 474.22, 506.02, 529.24, 568.22, 607.27 015.24 003.20 339.32 044.08, 448.04, 546.32 174.29 622.26 529.31 113.09 257.04 567.36 120.26 149.04 005.16, 199.35, 535.11 222.36, 295.06, 564.08 350.15 507.22 285.F5 330.33 146.08 252.05 289.06 272.19 182.12 016.31 207.07 261.F4, 273.22, 607.08 069.15 232.24 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 214 hinis hink hinn hinninaird hinnon hino hinsky hint hion hiornal hippuc hips hir hired hirk hirondella hirr hirring hirs hisbeard hish hiskers hislaws hisn hiss hissle hist histan histenency histhest histhy historic historicold history hisway hithim hititahiti hito hitting hive hivehut hiven Hiver 272.27 608.22 469.01 541.32 078.09 054.18 064.31 340.23 352.17 228.33 140.13 214.21, 237.35 568.16 359.03 182.12 359.28, 359.28 492.17 007.19 241.32 177.32 250.11 117.07 539.29 442.30 148.26, 297.F5 060.04 343.34 493.02 146.34 269.19 623.10 059.15, 385.18, 477.36 382.12 169.21 577.23 358.36 337.29 054.33 042.35 561.07 605.24 315.22 548.29 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 215 hiviour hlug ho hoa hoad hoak hoangoly hoarding hoarse hoasts hoats hoatstory hob hobbilies hobbis hobbles hobbyhorsical hobixhoch hock hockery hockits hocks hodhoda hodagrey hodamena’s hodammum hoda’s hodatantarums hodes hodge hodie hodomantic hoe hoebok hoel hoer hoesed hoewaxed hof hofe hoffer 430.19 310.11 058.16, 058.16, 117.16, 206.16, 244.09, 328.25, 352.23, 352.26, 431.32 366.16 081.09 411.06 611.30 365.16 472.20 551.03 051.15, 081.30 051.13 097.03, 359.17 005.32 511.28 275.22 434.07 414.19 025.25 311.33 160.13 037.30 130.20 424.20 135.31, 348.35, 434.07, 478.13 583.18 601.23 515.09 569.33 445.17 208.26 266.01 546.11 241.08 039.17, 360.05, 379.36 129.23 169.12 588.18 178.01 490.01 253.32, 538.32, 541.21 572.16 087.16 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 216 hog hogan hogfulled hogged hoh hohem hoho hohold hohs hoiled hoist hoken hokeypoo hokkurs hol holan holawidey hold holden holden holder holders holding holdings holdit holdpp holds holdsterer hole hole holeborough holeborrow holed holedoth holemole holenosing holes holler Hollerins holleydoodlem hollow holly 228.18, 269.12 388.17 590.13 487.07 054.28 188.18 590.04 478.30 352.29 324.17 268.F4 360.08 256.02 326.22 312.19 341.24 625.25 076.02, 133.18, 141.14, 143.17, 228.30, 242.05, 278.F7, 281.24, 311.14, 352.24, 365.03, 377.02, 418.05, 438.20, 478.30, 544.07 077.22, 234.36 340.26 313.03, 313.03, 320.05, 371.02, 517.09, 529.34 366.05, 450.10, 488.04, 574.19, 582.08 321.04, 476.11, 489.20 616.14 535.06 571.29 025.10, 181.12 296.F1 008.26, 036.30, 046.21, 069.07, 070.19, 120.31, 134.02, 163.01, 178.29, 194.18, 201.23, 220.13, 278.03, 323.06, 339.02, 342.31, 351.18, 370.20, 386.03, 398.27, 428.13, 434.09, 447.02, 451.09, 464.13, 521.08, 541.23, 581.20 350.11 162.30 017.04 031.06, 137.36, 336.04, 563.32 230.26 614.27 365.16 015.09, 167.13, 221.30, 241.12, 375.08, 549.05, 597.17 348.10 291.11 379.12 319.01 050.33, 070.02, 077.16, 155.16, 231.16, 264.F3, 307.04, 326.11, 424.33, 551.29 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 217 hollyisland hollymost holm holma’s holme holme holomew’s holse holson holst holster’s holy holyphamous holyway hom homatism homba hombulus home homeans homed homely homers homes home’s homethinks home-upon-Eskur homiah homing homme homme’s hompty homrigh’s homy hon honagyan honal hond hone honest honey honeybeaverbrooker 111.18 271.F5 132.33, 139.33, 331.36 517.19 279.F27 341.19 140.01 077.10 332.08 346.26 276.F5 352.22, 416.19 073.09 242.24 338.22, 459.24 241.25 165.22, 257.04 286.F1 022.21, 041.17, 074.06, 074.07, 181.06, 133.17, 138.30, 138.30, 215.32, 225.14, 231.04, 244.10, 296.31, 332.27, 336.09, 372.17, 379.03, 382.20, 382.26, 388.13, 434.03, 446.35, 457.35, 461.28, 473.05, 531.13, 602.33 333.15 098.05 078.01 034.16 286.F1 111.11, 116.20, 363.22 149.03 220.35 032.01 470.15, 470.17 365.04 106.12 341.32 174.26 396.12 126.05, 213.08 334.11 277.02 462.21 176.27, 190.30, 210.32, 277.01, 353.18, 460.17 572.21 017.13 072.10 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 218 hong honies honnda honochie honoured honours hontas hony hoo hoochee hood hooded hoods hood’s hoodurt hooed hoof hoohoo hoohoom hoohoorhook hooka hooken hooks hool hoola hoolagh hoolags hooley hooley Hooley Hooligan hools hooly hooly’s hoom hoomen hoomeo hoon hoon hoonearth hoop hooper 230.36 101.28 481.21 228.01 073.36 552.30 559.32 133.02 046.32, 162.27, 297.F5, 439.20, 449.25 209.22 012.33, 029.29, 059.18, 163.05, 188.10, 235.16, 251.10, 270.08, 291.20, 298.12, 329.09, 351.29, 362.21, 452.06, 461.06, 492.08, 563.29, 571.14 588.16 033.01, 375.09, 375.09 227.34, 403.22, 483.05 387.10 230.21 386.18 379.13 488.14 003.15 066.15, 119.29, 133.34, 228.30, 379.16, 601.35 194.36 170.17 181.13, 280.16 415.07, 617.07 329.17 128.33 498.10 368.29 340.20 125.04 593.12 377.34 100.07, 520.33, 608.08 440.15 318.06, 488.14 553.33 485.34 301.05, 593.18 273.L1 155.29 197.27, 454.13 368.29 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 219 hooping hooping hoops hoopsabout hoopy hoor hoorhooric hoort hooru hoo’s hoose hoosh hoot hoot hootch hooth hooting hooved hoo-whoo hoozebecome hop hope hoper hoper hopes hoploits hopparray hopper hopperminded hoppers hoppers hopping hops hor horable horace horanghoangoly horason horc horchers hord horde 423.26 383.05 450.35 331.17 054.31 224.36 003.15 555.10 205.30 016.26 371.33, 439.20 617.04 457.24 092.06 354.18 485.35 007.30, 310.17 263.04 049.27 149.27 240.06 268.29, 612.35 010.02, 154.33, 236.07, 572.17 414.21, 414.22, 416.08, 417.03, 417.22, 417.33 418.11, 418.12 154.03, 308.F2 187.15 341.22 307.16 041.12 170.31, 257.05 105.28 194.34, 423.27 415.17, 443.23 054.13, 349.01, 365.05, 377.25 438.17 325.13, 616.26 611.30 347.03 018.34 339.18 243.34 243.10, 285.F3 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 220 hore horehounds horizon horn horned horners horning horns horn’s horror horrors horse horsebroth horsed horseluggarshorship horsical horsing horsman horush horwan hos hose hosens hosepants hose’s hosililesvienne hosmightiadd hoss hosses hosso-Keevers hoss’s host host hosters hosting hostmark hosts hoststown hostus hostwhite hot hot 020.36, 046.22, 197.21, 229.12, 245.13, 397.05, 481.26, 504.22, 549.14 531.25 494.09 084.08, 091.27, 118.23, 157.03, 245.01, 274.07, 316.15, 414.07, 428.15, 479.35, 482.19, 556.36, 563.06 112.22, 590.28 589.32 500.13 008.31, 451.07, 528.28 204.21 091.30, 311.25, 626.28 019.25 084.27, 121.23, 132.12, 137.28, 221.18, 360.30, 365.33, 370.23, 413.07, 521.12, 522.16, 610.02 482.05 075.15, 137.17 023.28 547.27 434.07 315.16 568.17 360.16 352.34 205.32, 231.28, 322.30, 322.30, 467.36 239.10, 423.16 133.16 319.32 088.01 348.36 056.07 347.16 397.22 310.17 443.29 396.24, 409.06 345.29 219.08 501.32 473.09 314.22 329.25 532.04 214.15 135.07, 140.04, 222.09, 231.32, 322.05, 406.20, 459.36 345.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 221 hotelled hotes hother hotwaterwottle hoty hou houatted houche hough houghted houker houl houlas hould hoult houly houma houn hounhound hound hounding hounds hounin’s hount hour hour houraised houre hours hourter house house househumper houses house’s housh housie houssy hout hove 017.33 184.18 618.25 176.36 341.08 135.06, 202.12, 490.13, 585.04 056.07 462.07 349.19 018.02 415.06 024.15 062.05 513.13 105.12 057.06 020.17 108.17 003.15 480.04 343.15 352.20 531.25 035.32 232.28 221.01, 310.25, 364.24, 414.33, 484.29 176.10 262.25 587.01 117.29, 238.17, 429.08 320.19 005.14, 014.14, 017.34, 021.10, 021.13, 030.16, 042.24, 043.19, 054.27, 057.34, 077.28, 084.18, 108.19, 139.32, 151.01, 177.13, 179.18, 179.35, 184.13, 186.31, 197.32, 204.09, 219.02, 220.35, 221.15, 256.34, 271.06, 274.22, 276.25, 289.18, 312.17, 319.30, 353.13, 356.05, 362.34, 371.13, 377.05, 390.04, 392.26, 395.29, 405.23, 409.22, 427.04, 427.36, 428.08, 435.02, 444.24, 454.33, 481.29, 498.30, 503.14, 523.26, 545.03, 597.14 354.17, 345.19 107.34 039.31, 116.34, 416.36, 537.01 137.21, 213.16 059.20 575.26 578.32 033.36 012.36 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 222 hoved hovens hoves hove’s howe howffse howghowho howham howiatrees howitswhy howl howle howley howling howls howlsballs howmuch hows howse howth howwhen hoy hoyaway hoyden hoykling hoyle hoyteboyce hrift hrone hronehflord hroneroom hropes hu huam huamhaighaudhlug hub hubadah hud hud huddart hudded hue huebra 383.15 324.29 278.11 403.16 076.14, 256.13, 365.11 538.16 291.04 147.34 259.06 272.06 284.19, 567.36 309.22 608.09 547.21 116.29 231.21 414.11 107.18, 282.18, 310.09, 335.01 525.22 129.24, 448.18, 535.26 394.29 054.26, 077.06, 285.14, 285.14, 285.14, 377.27, 460.27, 624.23 285.14 255.31 384.05 323.02 004.05 418.07 417.11 336.13 498.07 349.11 285.12 452.35, 499.10 310.11 239.33 609.32 021.24, 186.08, 285.12, 312.03 342.14 206.18 517.07 182.08 202.13 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 223 hued huest hugamore hugewhite hugging Huggins hugh Hugh hugon hugugoothoyou hui huise huit huite huith huk hukar hul hulation hulerusspower hulesalesolde hulic hulked hull hullows hullpulthebell hulme hulments huls hum human humanar humanasant humationary humberland humble hume humed humember humious humispheure hummed hummer-Phett 043.20, 167.10, 223.30, 234.26, 288.F5, 336.12, 411.24, 602.04, 611.06 240.03, 414.08 132.19 350.10 384.21 519.05 325.32 382.22 535.20 471.02 281.04 091.04 597.36, 620.04 388.16 091.04 288.27, 413.11 357.02 415.25, 415.32 058.08 248.21 326.23 603.30 049.27 370.34, 624.23 613.20 245.25 130.24 624.28 026.14 613.04, 618.14 090.27, 619.19 441.26 084.05 077.33 387.09 503.16 097.24 032.13 493.17 563.04 346.07 015.15 355.31 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 224 hummer’s humming hummour humnk humorisation humour’s hump humper humph humpledan humps humptahumpty hums humust hun hunarahund hunderts hundhurthhundread hundred hunds’ hunerhinerstones hung hung hungrig hungry hunigan’s hunkered hunkn huns hunt hunter hunters hunting huntus huon huoni huorson huoys hur hurabelle 439.23 198.01, 549.20 331.33 365.21 331.31 316.34 006.04, 022.28, 358.24 107.34 328.34 420.26 602.24 314.08 550.36 281.L4 422.14 201.24, 244.32, 254.03, 254.26 023.05 339.07, 607.25, 607.26 054.25 023.05 347.19 126.06, 133.17, 444.12 548.15 207.07 058.04, 228.16, 295.18 200.12 406.30 288.28 006.20 274.L3 553.34 127.13, 610.03 320.11, 332.04 107.14, 576.25, 585.23 283.25, 386.36, 497.07 124.27, 373.20 622.27 202.23 499.08 529.20 491.36 300.30, 349.04, 351.32, 359.17 201.35 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 225 hurd hurdles hurdlestown hurdsday hure hure’s hurever huri hurifex hurily hurling hurrible hurries hurrish Hurry hurs hur’s hurst hurteen hurthhurtiness hurts hus hu’s hushusband husbands huse husen hush huskle hustorily hut hut hutian huts hutton hvuns hyacinthinous hyacinths hyas hyber hyde 314.29 570.05 203.07 491.27 457.15, 478.25 110.10 202.12 165.28 449.15 465.10 455.01 477.21 214.03 607.20 008.27 234.28 478.24 162.08, 351.29 378.22 023.05 298.33 064.18 267.05, 294.16, 320.11, 351.24, 464.32, 581.22, 585.11, 604.07 478.23, 480.18, 480.18, 500.03 023.05 627.01 390.20 240.29 337.11 628.12 556.27 323.35 392.31, 605.24 043.23 375.24 416.35 549.04 609.24 118.28 092.16 593.01, 593.01, 593.01 464.10 549.31 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 226 hydrad hydrants Hyens hygiecynicism hyllygully hyme hymful hymn hyms hynte hyr hyrs hyse HYSTERIC hyttel 036.07 182.36 291.10 353.08 518.09 206.34, 379.36 536.16 015.13 183.15 224.03 326.02 348.11 375.34 266.R1 338.08 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 227 Letter I iberia iberian iberias iberiast iberiously ibernia ibernian ibiliter ibis ibisces iboe iboh ibow ice iching ichthyan icicai icon icori icycled id idens identified identity ides idim idiocal idiotically idnis idsglass iectiones igen ighevisien ignacian ignites iivdluaritzas ikan 424.09 078.25 115.11 123.30 119.16 297.05 567.35 154.22 452.08 349.20 359.36 078.32 442.27 502.18 407.32 007.20 450.24 614.28 623.01 416.30 026.17, 072.22 347.06 615.05 582.15 366.29 297.F2 106.11 615.05 597.19 277.F5 185.19 332.04, 332.04 423.05 153.21 334.10 572.15 197.29 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 228 ikin ikke ikon ikos ilands ild ilde ildies ildish ile ilex ilium ilks ill illas illiillicately illicit illium ills illsilly illume im image imbeina imesnider imitable immanence immence impellant imperatived important imposed impudent imsolff inaboss inadays inafter inaire inall inandoutdown in-a-pie inapoke 032.06, 113.08 221.28, 506.04 279.F12 252.15 348.16 155.24, 410.09 391.16 325.28 461.28 056.28 023.20 453.36 184.18 493.03, 499.08, 588.32, 589.15 430.36 023.05, 023.05 525.02 385.25 062.11 124.14, 414.28 015.18 244.26 156.27, 186.14, 224.02 053.03 221.25 320.04 441.14 394.33 367.13 486.35 176.25 381.05 165.25 469.24 308.F2, 353.17 485.33 542.33 049.35, 446.23 295.17 154.05, 242.31 612.14 407.29 359.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 229 inardor inaring inat inausland’s inbeddy inbetts inbond inbored inbottle inbourne incarnate incarnated incest inch incidance incidence incidences incident incidental inckers incline inconvenience incorporated incular incurred ind ind indaco indeade indergored inderivative indernees inders indians indicat indicative indicatively indies indiest indigan indigo indigut indonche 374.16 087.05 323.28 116.21 243.06 242.05 510.35 393.08 458.18 367.29 596.04 535.36 254.06, 387.19 293.15, 362.09 049.36 299.08 597.01 060.23 109.28 617.02 478.20 520.06 387.36 315.30 380.05 285.04 342.34 284.28 363.20 339.29 084.16 234.19 541.33 483.08 076.07 053.14 269.31 010.28, 499.21 288.24 403.13, 611.06 267.16 171.17 255.23 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 230 indonk indove indown indrias indring indrinny inds induce induced indwards infected infinite inforced informed infrowned ingated ingcomed ingelbrett ingels ingenting ingerls ingles inglish ingorgeous ingulfied ingult inhanced inhand in–hand inhands inhaven inheavin in–her inholder inishmhan iniumininjills injon injoro ink inker inklers inkling 230.12 354.28 065.32 219.11 511.31 028.12 431.04 289.06 004.09 371.36 436.15 505.24 430.17 123.19, 414.07 555.22 113.09 369.18 542.34 359.32 414.34, 416.27 450.17 297.27 275.F6 492.34 306.06 159.13 460.30 052.25, 467.13, 572.06 168.06 286.13 143.10 220.34 583.31 320.05 616.03 278.04 141.09 274.02 160.32 166.26, 187.18, 294.02, 425.24, 441.13 357.11 419.26 154.30, 256.04 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 231 inkus inlaine inland inlandia in–laugh in–law in–laws’ inlay’s in-Leal-Ulster in–lieu in–load in–louth in–love inluminatedhave inmidden inn Inn innager’s inne inned innes in–Newrobe innghis inngling inning innoculises inns inn’s innt innteerily innturns inoilia inpot inpotty inquinance inregn insacks insee insiduously insight insistence inspirer instone 081.22, 322.30 034.23 469.11 098.07 312.13 021.14, 284.F4, 323.15, 436.16, 545.05 183.28 506.09 482.29 139.29, 220.22 448.15 049.15 067.36 278.04 503.08 052.27, 264.28, 328.02, 328.26, 347.14, 469.01, 482.07, 600.07, 604.08 512.34 312.27 610.22 374.14, 491.31 025.27 155.05 024.35 620.15 562.19 394.30 111.17, 330.30 372.29 292.30 364.06 539.31 456.03, 456.03 356.03 059.12 240.08 568.34 035.09 600.13 580.19 551.34 354.14 395.17 008.01 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 232 instushes instye insure insured insweeps intaxes intaxication intaxis intentional intentionally interest interestingly intermutuomergent interruptedly inthe in–the in–Thews inthou intimate intime intiristid intona intoxicated introducing introspection intuation intus inunder inurney inusand invasive inveils invented invention in–waders in–wait inwhitepaddynger inworms IO iodrama iodreama ion ions 346.02 305.06 428.12 333.06, 544.12 123.08 005.32 447.29 554.01 151.08 163.29 589.08 179.12 055.11 405.07 142.06, 142.06 300.F4 129.33 054.14 495.25 432.33 538.03 617.06 089.08 246.36 445.29 055.35 611.24 017.32 264.L2 326.20 072.17 541.30 077.05 602.26 089.22 007.35 612.18 059.12 305.R1, 305.R1 050.06 079.28 206.11, 398.18 222.07, 248.05, 328.08, 380.23, 581.31 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 233 iouker ipathete ipso iraizde ire ired ireland ireling’s irely iremonger ireton irgland’s iric iries irigate iris irish Irish irishblooder irisher irishis irland irls iron iron’s irragun irrara irrgeling irse–made–earsy Isaac ised iseels iseut ishguss ishmhan isht isis island isle islender isles isliness ismade 183.33 226.06 488.09 032.08 488.26 005.30, 068.10 428.07 270.30 119.25 584.05 224.27, 224.27 595.10 513.32 551.28 601.33 186.28 126.24, 290.28, 309.24, 347.08, 427.03, 600.33, 608.25 322.02 378.11 092.18 322.02 446.25 346.08 210.13 141.03 352.14 497.04 088.33 314.27 227.33 087.18, 565.33 344.09 236.20 326.05 616.03 320.05 305.21, 470.16, 470.18, 470.20 111.18, 525.30 017.18, 051.25, 463.31, 514.26, 529.20, 578.25 378.11 254.33 148.36 321.09 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 234 ismenon ismion isolate isold isonester isonian isoot isotoelles ispiration issa issabon is–silvier ist istas ists iswhatis itachapel–Asitalukin italian italukin itas itch itcherous iter iterum ither ithyphallic itinerant itsch itself Ituc ivanhoesed iva’s ivdluaritzas iveagh ivel ivelyonview ivengrene iver iverever ivis ivor ivory ivy 059.16 326.33 003.06 607.31 177.14 048.23 487.32 601.28 257.25 256.33 442.09 211.35 293.01 514.10 280.27 223.27 110.08 151.08 110.08 060.16, 119.11 069.12, 376.19, 423.15, 529.16 181.08 315.13 247.17 325.13 481.04 594.07 141.23, 247.27 123.27 237.29 178.01 601.23 572.15 408.28 008.28 018.29 329.06 013.17 242.31 468.10 295.02 502.02 186.13 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 235 ivying ixion ixtion izago ized izing izod izod izzdryel izzed izzer izzier izzier’s izzledazzle izzy izzy izzyboy 199.36 346.13 343.18 052.15 429.24, 545.33 498.20 032.16, 062.35, 096.08, 101.11, 178.09, 324.04, 452.11 107.05 241.27 550.36 286.22 471.07 408.23 113.01 073.07, 200.31, 373.27, 457.27, 538.22 399.11 530.21 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 236 Letter J ja jab jab jacent jaciulations jack jacking jackmartins jacobs jacob’s jacques jaculate jade jaell jaer jagd Jaggarnath jagged jaggers jagmartin jahn jahoo jahs jailey jakers jakes jallisuus jalmar jambe jambo jambras jamja jams janaral janeska janeyjailey jankeltian 056.34, 389.03, 532.18, 532.18, 537.24 498.16 342.14 036.15 089.10 171.17, 177.24, 422.33, 487.04, 489.12, 528.36 581.11 007.04 188.28 089.15 335.34 338.27 261.01 261.03 284.F4 055.16 342.13 180.18, 339.12 497.06 086.02 388.33 609.18 282.24, 282.24 064.19 469.11 463.09, 547.22 325.11, 325.12 284.F4 422.33 199.20 550.35 537.24 193.25 492.29 333.05 064.19 311.22 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 237 jantaj japansies jappy jar jarry jars jaunties jaw jawbreakical jaws jazyma’s jazzyma jealice jealousties jeams ject jected jectilised jection jective jector jee jeean jees jelasys jeld jell jelly jellybies jelties jem jemsums jenaskayas jenk jeras jerichol jermine jerries Jerusalem jest jester jester’s jestings 325.11 059.14 054.23 026.18, 088.20, 305.F2, 341.06 333.02 621.25 233.23 125.19, 188.11, 256.19 293.16 300.13, 493.09 578.22 102.15 344.32 350.15 399.34 608.08 232.23, 321.06 353.28 221.36, 252.28 412.13 576.18 234.31 546.18 205.32 417.23 136.13 006.36 170.34, 486.18 006.02 554.06 242.33 325.17 348.23 179.28 348.23 470.18 289.10 064.23 105.06 577.32 338.12 073.14 536.07 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 238 jestiveness jestky jesus jesusalem jets jetties jeu jeuchy jeunerate jevin jew jiacks jibbers jibed jibun jibway jicqueyjiff jig jigs jills jim jimboed jine jingbangshot jiniks jinks jinksky jinpalast jip jist jivana jo Jobber jobbers jocax jock jocky jocqjolicass joculated joe jog jogging 222.32 335.02 296.10 192.35 122.11 358.24 329.30 004.25 422.08 563.37 250.07, 250.07 156.26 187.11 317.30 484.26 134.14 254.15 501.10 146.02, 332.24, 479.14 302.04 141.09 211.06 238.18 224.03 396.01 439.33 094.29 513.11 597.13 458.27 258.04 597.19 397.11, 398.04, 476.32 178.22 368.28 063.30 007.35 331.24, 383.24 254.15 129.10 003.12 414.22 053.07 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 239 john johns johnson Johnson joimt joined joineth joining joins joint jointed joints joist jok joke joked jolicass jolking jolly jombyourselves jon jones Jones–Orbison joni jons jook jord jorg jorgn jorn joro jorum jorumsen jos joss jourd’hui Journal journed journemus Jovan jowl joy joyable 060.31 268.07 440.08 377.32 231.31 584.30 533.24 060.08 185.28 108.14, 569.21 104.05 199.22 113.36 155.16 071.18 320.23 254.15 094.04 093.34 465.10 255.13, 274.02, 471.14 275.F5, 576.36 302.23 609.08 207.30 329.29 006.36 163.30, 343.36 124.29 622.06 160.32 290.F3 529.16 238.33, 526.17 611.05 281.04 531.36 585.27 264.15 472.15 222.31 045.10, 045.11, 245.21, 460.09, 486.08, 583.17 529.36 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 240 joyed joymt Joynes joynted joys joytsch jschute ju jube jubers jubes jublian juby juddenly jugation jugers jugging juggles juice ju–jaw juliennes july jumbo jump jumpy jun junct junction junctions junctive junctive junctively junctor jungation junk jupers jupeyjade jure jured jures jurious jurylegs justilloosing 068.02 534.18 370.21 027.02, 244.29, 310.31 357.18, 428.20, 466.18, 587.06 485.13 003.19 352.28 231.18, 444.22 394.32 273.17, 396.34 340.06 379.16 441.24 525.04 057.18 351.10 557.05 261.F3, 405.36, 412.17, 521.12 256.19 553.17 203.20 359.04 010.16 332.24 008.29 496.24, 573.20 078.35, 251.12, 575.04, 595.25 269.03 468.09 305.L1 524.19 125.07 143.13 624.24 279.F22 261.01 594.05, 617.10 595.36 496.01 234.29 060.11 180.03 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 241 justled jute jutes Juxta–Mare jypt 092.06 110.26 067.17 051.23 198.01 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 242 Letter K kaans kaart kabatcha kabbis kabulary kack kad kadoodling kaffier kah kak kakould kakruscam kakyls kale kalepe kalified kalled kally kalsson kalus kam kan kanbeard kand kandcropfs kanek kang kankankannan kannonkabbis kansakroidkant kanter kants kants’ kapak- 387.02 538.08 052.22, 604.03 456.07 419.12 531.25 207.24 622.05 059.29 246.05 137.12, 534.03 171.10 352.33 567.34 261.06, 296.F3 229.13 005.16 083.35 612.32 323.16 480.20 446.03 053.24, 206.02 532.08 052.35 306.02 258.17 457.08 113.09 028.19 456.07 257.27 297.09, 414.22, 432.32, 559.27 561.02 077.22, 138.27 064.13 257.27 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 243 kaparka kapuk karakter karoff karry kars kart karthy karu kase kasm kat kata kating katnaratatattar kats katsch kattershin kature kavicks kawnkay Kay kaya kayas kaylands kayman kaysure keamic kean keaven kedoerkee keeamore Keef–Rosses keels keen keep keeper keepers Keepers keepers’ keeping 178.33 257.27 098.09 049.03 207.24 365.17 377.33 091.13 010.17 282.09 533.24 184.31, 197.10, 354.26 024.23, 024.23 078.24 339.18 101.26, 347.15, 347.30, 366.08 296.24 333.07 085.33 101.33 003.15 172.24, 510.08 282.23 471.03 348.23 595.26 089.07 063.04 102.05 197.29 059.21 257.27 485.29 338.19 310.16 152.32 210.19, 321.34, 565.19, 620.24 313.05 123.24, 129.31, 376.10, 377.01, 438.30, 443.04, 539.06 006.04, 128.16, 142.24 370.08 183.26 345.20 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 244 keepy kees keet’s Keevers keevna keg kehley kek kekkle kel kelled kellous kells kelly kelly-Balkally kelly–on–the–Flure kelly’s KELLYTHIGH kelt keltian kelts kelt’s kempt ken kencap kenend kenic Kenna’s kenner kenny kens keptive kerbrose kerfully kerks kerl kerls kernwindup kerretts kerries kerry kers kersse 275.F1 417.12 197.21 310.17 331.25 367.11 090.28 033.24 372.15 228.17, 408.20 324.13 099.20 091.09 011.23, 361.16, 390.07, 463.02, 611.05, 611.27 612.32 389.07 032.29 305.R1 413.01 311.22 227.05 169.19 013.08 348.23, 588.20 023.21 248.15 240.26 589.18 321.01 142.04 331.20 541.02 608.20 536.17 005.33 462.17 314.31 090.08 044.08 082.22, 316.12, 577.25 038.22, 073.31, 076.24, 376.26 350.26 322.09 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 245 kery keses kessy keth kettle kewdykewers key key keykeycockeys keyed keyes keygels Key-Po keypoo keys keys key’s keys’ keythighs keyvilla khean Khorwan khroustioun kiang kiboi kick kick kicked kicks kid kidimatzi kidmass kids kiel kiel kien kies kiest kik kikant 385.09 280.03 471.02 418.06 329.12 257.27 344.29 008.08, 020.25, 040.29, 043.08, 056.36, 100.29, 113.26, 146.15, 187.02, 266.F1, 306.09, 315.22, 317.05, 317.05, 337.29, 368.10, 368.14, 416.06, 422.07, 464.29, 516.20, 527.01, 533.08, 538.15, 568.25, 568.26, 602.34, 616.11 176.15 582.32 493.14 542.28, 594.34 043.09 567.33 009.34 256.02 087.25, 285.14, 316.23, 347.10, 456.32, 460.02, 552.09 106.11 248.20 282.L2 548.20 609.18 123.16 352.34 396.19 199.19 201.25 375.04, 423.10 344.09 067.19 370.02 441.09, 527.05, 562.34 234.01 215.21 067.11 027.23 307.L1 468.03 587.27 502.24 236.17 297.09 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 246 kil kill killer killers killer’s killing kill’s killy–Belkelly killy–Belkelly–Balkally kilt kiltic kilty kim kimbo kimono kims kin kin kinamucks kinaton kinatonetically kinatown kinbetts kind kind kinder kindle kindles kindling kindly kinerny kinesis king kingbilly kingfar kingfest kinghorn 175.05, 412.36 060.08, 255.13, 347.21, 589.15 122.26, 247.02, 430.33 231.33 409.28 008.23, 618.26 051.16 611.27 612.32 414.07, 611.36 326.09 057.09 588.17, 598.20 249.23 214.11 373.34 011.34, 017.02, 020.05, 032.06, 039.04, 051.15, 053.21, 079.20, 081.18, 086.06, 094.17, 102.09, 102.09, 110.08, 113.08, 166.08, 169.19, 180.08, 182.11, 184.08, 187.08, 201.26, 205.18, 207.14, 220.15, 229.30, 240.30, 253.16, 253.31, 257.22, 262.24, 268.15, 290.F7, 292.20, 295.F1, 311.07, 326.30, 328.05, 329.04, 333.04, 346.28, 367.33, 369.11, 369.28, 372.09, 377.28, 379.07, 381.36, 387.28, 395.35, 413.21, 414.04, 420.09, 428.03, 429.17, 445.05, 446.05, 464.11, 464.19, 478.14, 478.24, 485.13, 507.28, 510.16, 533.06, 537.35, 537.35, 550.15, 552.36, 565.13, 575.25, 576.15, 576.28, 578.16, 581.22, 603.20, 610.31, 621.25, 627.23 105.31, 345.17 465.33 235.27 614.30 484.16 242.05 096.30, 117.17, 128.19, 270.F4, 297.F4, 465.31, 585.34, 596.05 268.L4 469.23 027.13 549.03 083.04, 117.17 239.01 264.L2, 264.L2 198.21 011.01, 025.29, 046.13, 092.16, 111.08, 187.11, 198.35, 231.12, 251.35, 265.F2, 270.03, 279.F21, 302.15, 310.17, 314.01, 333.21, 338.30, 359.25, 368.09, 375.34, 416.10, 449.32, 452.11, 452.27, 455.28, 476.35, 491.34, 495.20, 510.18, 534.31, 606.31, 607.28, 608.30, 611.33, 626.27 053.36 310.10 086.13 563.06 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 247 king–merchant kingology kingr king’s kingson kingtone kinguette kinias kinish kinkinkankankinloeflare kinmidden kinotons kins kins kin’s kin’s kins’ kinsback kinscum’s kinses kinsin kinson kinstool kinstuck kinurney kinwhose kiosk kipper kippers kips kir kirk kirks kirry kis kish kish kishabrack kished Kishgmard kishouse 447.15 387.12 326.07 018.13, 070.19, 122.19, 157.17 241.18 144.30 032.11 256.21 465.31 113.09 549.18 503.08 005.32 026.02, 026.02, 034.09, 067.24, 131.16, 148.04, 156.19, 178.11, 200.01, 213.28, 222.13, 241.25, 301.F1, 311.23, 317.22, 320.26, 324.12, 355.22, 364.28, 365.12, 370.35, 397.28, 405.31, 464.19, 500.02, 528.36, 569.34, 577.26, 582.19, 587.20, 588.18, 596.17, 600.23 281.L2, 353.27 334.35, 578.33 106.17 250.31, 485.21 322.20 534.33 008.06, 090.11, 125.11 437.29 043.10 559.07 157.11 264.L2 276.F4 597.13 144.07 257.05 234.20 099.16 326.25 552.04 068.15 568.19 144.14, 235.17, 564.09 347.36, 424.03 495.23 527.31 371.22 139.32 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 248 kiss kiss kissed kisses kisses kissies kissime kissing kissings kissy kit kites kitties kittle kitty kivinis kivis kivs kivvies kiya kkkrrr klakkaklaskaklatschaklaus klesters kley kleydoodle kling klings kloe kloefells klokken klopatzkloth knaver knavery knaving knee knee kneed kneeghed kneeghs 015.16, 062.31, 066.06, 096.05, 203.35, 215.21, 446.16, 523.14, 533.20, 557.03 418.22 078.33, 156.17 111.17 105.32 340.11 227.10 061.21, 300.15, 436.09 446.11 433.04 055.07, 415.34, 454.35, 548.14 484.20 090.14 160.27 361.16 536.31 347.35 540.36 130.18 471.03 378.07 044.20 044.20 044.20 155.31, 155.31 571.36 361.25, 447.24 258.05 199.35, 269.12, 289.10, 586.30 068.35 290.24, 375.33 626.18 353.15 044.20 542.34 505.34 047.21 091.11 067.23, 211.28, 230.05 346.02 075.21, 091.34 241.24 393.29 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 249 Kneels kneepudsfrowse knees knell knells kneze knickers knie knife knight knights knived knivery knob knobs knock knockers knocker’s knolan knoll knot knots know knowknowable known knownst knows Knox–Gore knuckledownedgment knucks knun knut ko kockkockles kodeboko kodhuskoe koff’s kohahat koiffed kok’s 291.10 526.25 023.20, 026.35, 199.21, 302.14, 330.34, 409.16, 461.24, 552.22, 554.06 388.34 324.28 102.13 208.15 194.28 050.29, 455.31 126.18 381.33 162.05 510.28 241.24, 344.14, 559.09 157.12, 378.01 447.15, 530.33 445.31 091.34 303.F3 499.23, 552.23 361.10 162.10, 202.20, 225.36, 302.F2, 541.14 224.18, 246.24, 287.04, 362.14, 366.06, 581.27 255.25 062.32 026.21, 060.27, 079.17, 091.28, 096.29, 110.30, 123.22, 179.04, 239.30, 321.09, 380.23, 503.08, 575.19, 596.10, 616.30 445.26 305.20, 333.15 606.19 344.08 467.30 353.15 512.16 051.17, 214.10, 416.16 090.31 623.08 051.17 023.05 506.35 339.15 482.11 339.11 008.20 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 250 kolist kom kome kommen komuck konkondylon kong kongsbykonnkonnen kont konton K. O. O. kook kooken kookin kool kop kopendolous kopfgoknob kopfs kopp kork korked korpff korran kors kortas kosmikon kosouso kost kot kot koto kotzdondherkould kount kov kovskva kowchaff kox Kraal 491.06 205.27 182.23 553.34 091.01 044.20 056.13 119.25 582.32 003.15 323.26 286.26 508.12 013.14 295.F1 170.16 550.15 533.26 417.33 339.13 344.14 272.16 078.05 497.28 176.30 250.04 177.09 622.24 247.29 468.21 345.24 320.09 044.20, 612.15 163.06 233.35 187.15 171.10 178.32 201.34 498.15 089.36 567.24 186.19 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 251 kraft krahsing kramadityationists krass krat krauts kraval Kraw kraydoubray kreations kreator kreening krel krepz krieg krieged kring krinmkriyamu kroidKroon-Kraal kropper kruscam kry ku kuays kubine kuffs kujibun kuk kuki kukuings kulon kum kumed kumiary kums kumst kun Kundred kung kunun kupot 301.23 230.26 493.12 323.21 199.34 550.11 366.20 284.F4 340.01 585.01 411.15 392.28 597.32 343.22 162.09 539.11 279.05 424.20 601.03 257.27 186.19 331.16 352.33 093.13 241.22, 294.19 535.07 284.F4 339.12 484.26 116.32 245.02 095.32 258.10, 258.14, 258.18 027.10, 422.26 314.34 511.17 288.17 593.17 370.24 376.02 457.07 023.05 424.07 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 252 kur kurat kurias–in–Ashies kurios kurs kurts kurunkus kushk kusky kussens kut kuvs kwadded kwart kweeny kyls kyrienne kyrious kysh 220.35 056.19 155.05 261.25 326.22 366.27 023.05 081.22 203.35 070.30 393.32, 413.20 233.32 323.19 516.09 291.22 519.11 567.34 220.05 565.03 084.16 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 253 Letter L là laa laam laames laaming lab labashing labella labellars la–Belle la–Belle labells labials lable λαβον labour laboured labouring laburt lac lace laced lacey lach la–Chapelle lachasse lache lachers lachk lachsen lachters lachus lachy laciters lacities lack lacking 332.18 129.30, 265.F4 067.25 497.33 566.09 234.08, 599.18 431.16 209.24 243.07 246.20 540.10 569.12 465.26 240.27 269.L2 436.20 489.31 006.23 339.06 203.26, 461.19 207.05, 233.09, 235.34, 387.04, 569.23 340.30 043.33 099.27, 596.14 080.36, 334.36 076.36 165.14 502.14 503.23 532.11 092.02 004.04 155.34, 341.17 608.17 115.12 166.30, 285.01, 428.22 289.11 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 254 lacks lact lad ladaew ladays ladd ladders laddin laddylade laded laden lader’s lades lade’s ladey’s ladh ladher ladies ladies’ ladim ladin lad’ll ladns l–a–dreams lads ladst lady lady’s laender laeugh laf lag LAG lage lagh laghlags laguerre lah lahat lahbluh lahn 315.28 604.14 051.08, 219.22, 231.29, 251.01, 251.01, 331.26, 343.08, 442.24, 493.03, 496.11, 548.10, 562.10, 563.26, 593.15 597.31 069.10, 615.25 141.08 479.27 407.27 044.20 617.24 291.05 503.34, 586.36 334.33 134.05 069.28 511.27 078.27 454.14 054.11, 348.22, 361.24, 386.15, 492.34, 569.02 616.15 560.19 073.35 374.03 353.19 597.20 075.08, 210.04, 465.15, 467.25, 570.04 130.03 018.07, 181.22, 229.09, 229.10, 301.11, 318.04, 528.24, 585.01, 598.33 537.32 382.28 005.05 567.18 347.20, 542.05 305.R1 229.10 128.33, 334.13 332.05 043.02, 498.10, 541.18 233.30 235.07 389.23 339.02 128.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 255 laid laidills laiding laids laine lained lairy laisance laisy lake lake lakriyamu lala lalah lalahs laling lall lalooly lam lamam lamaya lamb lambe’s lambs lamb’s lame lament lamie lamina laming lammocks lamode lamore lamos lamourie lamours lamp lamplight lamps lan lana lanars lance 138.13, 177.21, 239.03, 285.F6, 311.12, 499.31 124.14 348.11 438.23 034.23 247.19 040.30 327.24 173.15 202.28, 599.19 348.04 601.03 026.13, 450.26 067.33 523.16 483.24 547.11 595.17 347.21, 363.18, 562.35 331.17 627.03 065.07, 091.32, 223.01 440.18 009.28 178.13 438.23 189.34, 614.02 584.31 183.01 542.04 358.34 221.24 600.11 327.33 493.36 250.16 327.05, 559.36, 613.01 438.30 305.F3 327.19, 536.35 351.30 594.05 059.07, 084.02, 265.08, 562.32 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 256 lance lanced lancer lancey lanchonry lancinant lancollin land land landaddylandbut landbutallyouknow lande lander landers landhar landia landine’s landing landiskippy landman’s landmon landmore lando lando lando’s landrua’s lands land’s landsland landsmen land–West landy lane laner lanes lanes’ laney lang 350.13 349.15 049.22 360.34 482.12 597.24 533.33 010.34, 013.05, 015.02, 021.16, 025.28, 040.19, 042.25, 042.36, 056.15, 061.02, 062.25, 067.25, 070.06, 073.02, 074.05, 078.13, 078.13, 081.17, 088.30, 111.01, 124.25, 130.08, 130.30, 131.35, 135.19, 139.20, 148.08, 156.30, 169.24, 171.02, 176.27, 187.28, 197.09, 205.03, 213.35, 215.22, 235.11, 244.24, 245.16, 253.11, 257.01, 257.36, 264.31, 265.02, 276.F7, 295.19, 311.05, 313.19, 318.32, 320.28, 323.20, 335.07, 337.34, 340.24, 347.11, 352.09, 353.15, 359.26, 359.35, 378.06, 387.09, 388.19, 390.35, 392.34, 403.18, 412.04, 427.22, 428.07, 435.25, 437.05, 446.25, 446.25, 469.11, 479.29, 480.10, 488.30, 510.13, 525.30, 528.18, 544.01, 547.16, 548.01, 548.01, 553.30, 579.28, 582.25, 583.20, 589.22, 599.23, 601.35, 605.04, 615.28 440.21 332.05 581.33 581.27 157.36, 158.11 057.32, 141.22, 432.36, 487.31, 513.12, 581.03, 609.32 040.34, 228.07, 398.05 492.26 098.07 039.34 539.18, 605.20 011.10 521.07 279.F22 553.30 279.F14, 570.03 409.29 385.35 601.21 097.03, 290.18, 348.16, 385.09, 455.08, 474.18, 496.08, 542.02, 595.26, 600.35, 604.24 014.31, 116.21, 129.27, 171.06, 199.18, 203.03, 213.35, 288.13, 300.29, 304.21, 323.26, 374.03, 406.13, 595.10 391.15 311.01 514.24 064.03 051.08, 100.03, 180.10, 210.10, 287.30, 373.25, 390.04, 491.15, 550.30, 568.22 412.36 135.28 354.33 043.33, 083.24, 084.08, 206.24 148.23, 289.19, 338.22, 547.33 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 257 langavore langder langing lang–lang langlast lang’s langthis language lanisans lanium lanius lanna lannah lannensis lanner lannludder lanns lanny lanse lansiman lanst lantern’s lanthas Lanthern lanthroa’s lantic’s lantlossly lanus lanver lap lap lapaloosa lapidating lapluck lapnow lapping laps lapse lapsing lapucky lapuloids lard larded 393.29 270.15 445.10 054.15 006.26 353.31 232.32 421.17 384.32 013.34 118.13 270.04 377.19, 477.05 600.29 100.06 370.28 229.03, 626.06 370.21 228.17 057.03 601.05 197.26 351.14 010.27 601.22 336.27 610.07 163.24 422.02 325.08, 378.02, 404.25, 437.36 344.02 254.23 544.13 034.32 348.16 057.11 497.08 418.33 333.06 116.31 540.33 215.26, 433.35 472.31 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 258 lard’s large Large larged largement laries larinas lariohoot larion laroo larry laryrook las lase lasee lash lashe lashes lashings lasolas lass lassal lasses lassies lasso lassocrats lassoed last last lastered lastics lasting last’s lastus lat latavala latched late latentic later laterally laterelly laters 292.23 017.32, 272.22, 576.24 472.10 069.16, 622.33 310.06 004.03, 156.15 361.28 092.06 361.30 450.06 314.19 184.16 547.21 470.07 324.09 287.F4 246.14 119.12 211.07 014.08 136.25, 159.30, 179.12, 293.22, 407.27, 415.28, 559.34 128.32 025.21, 130.03, 295.27 607.15 423.02 367.25 426.27 006.26, 186.11, 231.20, 304.21, 527.35, 551.01 354.03 543.10 447.34 220.29, 499.02 132.03 325.10 030.10 178.33 244.30 003.06, 035.11, 083.27, 462.28 311.21 043.20, 170.32, 558.10 323.29 337.04 390.01 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 259 later’s latest latetolove latiginous latin latinlatine latinenties LATIO lation latria lattary latter lattin lauchterday laud lauded laudered lauding laudits laugh laughed laughing laugh’s laughsed laughter laughterer laum laun launched laund launic launstown laups laura’s lause laut lav lava laval la–Valle La–Valse’s lavant 533.23 440.01 472.19 475.17 467.14, 495.27, 596.25 219.17 444.36 336.32 305.R1 369.06 157.19 350.27 382.13, 619.03 519.16 539.28 032.27, 172.19 550.03 269.05 234.21 043.34 037.28, 084.32, 312.13, 532.08 326.36, 492.04, 554.08 283.18, 361.18 079.35 580.07 062.06, 087.16 255.01 360.27 268.F6 162.31 614.08 266.24 291.10 576.20 327.15 093.24 484.09, 609.10 010.35 595.27 628.06 380.09 601.25 285.16 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 260 lavaster lave laveras lavered laves lavia lavicious lavs law Law lawd lawd lawdy lawer lawforms lawful lawfully lawghurs lawn lawnd–via–Brigstow lawney lawnroc lawn’s lawrie lawrs Lawry laws laws’ lawsey lawshus lawyer lax laxable laxarksky laxes lay laya layars layass layed layer layers layer’s 024.19 225.14, 244.04, 290.03, 439.32, 564.21, 621.24 009.36 448.13 013.19, 499.26 600.05 349.28 338.21 021.14, 083.34, 169.04, 203.17, 284.F4, 323.15, 333.19, 436.16, 449.04, 464.34, 511.15, 515.13, 536.29, 545.05, 553.22 324.22 490.04 341.30 343.21 151.23 596.24 144.31 084.33 008.25 139.36, 498.14 537.24 091.18 388.02 270.20 550.31 141.14 514.24 132.15, 310.25, 524.04, 539.29, 589.34 183.28 064.13 581.22 374.20 092.36, 100.13, 156.05 183.32 034.03 516.05 035.23, 315.05, 351.32, 357.03, 395.19, 492.14, 510.14, 510.15, 533.29 329.32 502.05 231.18 072.29, 405.01 062.35 043.03, 165.26, 337.21, 572.05 056.11 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 261 layman layorlays lay’s laze lazilee lazily lazy le lea lead leaded leadeny leader leaders leads leaf leaffs leaflong Leafy leagh league leagues leak leaking leal Leal–Ulster lean leans leap leaper leaplights leaps learies learis learning lears learum leary Leary leas lease leasely 472.03 023.05 041.01, 471.16, 577.24 506.09 548.31 232.35 121.24 214.20, 360.07 528.14 081.17 547.15 144.06 348.05 214.11 497.33 128.36 121.10, 153.15, 271.F5, 407.24 421.12 470.25 174.26 557.11 224.23, 378.28, 540.02 347.09 058.25 042.10 339.31 482.29 025.27, 032.15, 132.29, 550.08 291.21 079.12, 242.02, 277.13, 547.16 203.07 571.01 303.02 370.19 255.15 252.05, 389.04 176.13 488.11 243.29, 566.36 043.21 434.36 534.22 232.20 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 262 leash leashing leass least leather leathury leau leave leaved leavely leavenweight leaves leaves leavest leavos leay lebens lebone lebuone lech lecherskithers’ lechheight lecited leckman lecks lecktuals leckylike lect lection lectium lectralyse lectual led ledan ledar ledas ledd leddies ledeosy ledes ledged ledges ledhropes 461.23, 613.08 623.02 141.34 227.34, 237.04 557.28 536.11, 536.11 383.21, 553.14 289.01, 352.03, 610.05, 610.05 055.27, 124.20, 140.34, 243.13, 265.04, 339.28, 448.36, 600.36, 625.30 296.31 019.24 121.05, 275.11, 336.15, 389.20, 427.02, 449.33, 460.24, 551.12, 580.19, 608.26 106.25 624.22 470.19 212.15 339.21 192.29, 550.10 368.13 061.14 323.18 132.22 356.05 337.06 343.31, 416.11 161.06 438.26 234.26 094.10 153.30 067.08 268.28 011.21, 124.19, 223.12, 405.34, 495.36, 588.25 420.26 065.13 279.F27 540.33 263.18 396.31 054.11 338.11 072.04 349.11 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 263 le–Duc lee Lee leeft leege leek leekie leeks leem leeme leems leen leeng leep leep leeps leepy leer leers lees Lees leesh leet leetlecree leetness leetsfurcers leff leff’s lefft leffy left lefts leg legal legallooking legels legged legger legibelling legible legions legitimate legobrew 073.26 129.30, 133.21, 232.35 324.22 150.09 277.12 568.27, 623.26 210.08 449.33, 550.10 577.22 351.20 619.26 143.35, 476.28 549.13 397.16, 476.22 345.11 244.35 426.18 051.07 193.17 008.04, 356.11, 508.19 330.17 192.26, 229.17 272.08 395.32 543.01 565.04 081.35 049.13 583.35 332.28 054.11, 510.35, 580.01 357.21 011.06, 210.15, 337.30, 361.25, 372.14, 478.35, 613.29 131.22 518.15 587.26 012.26, 019.22, 123.01, 167.10, 285.13, 331.08 166.17 031.32 119.15, 421.34, 482.21 228.32 543.35, 572.31 283.24 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 264 LEGOMENA legoturny le–Greek legs legs legsonder legtium leib leich leid leid leigh leiney leinster leish leison leisure leize leja lekar lelouh lem lemagne lemamen leman lemanden lemaney lemans lemeem lemenly lements lemerched lemm’as lemon lemonde lemonities lemonly lemontary lems lemyums lena lenasmole lend 262.R1 309.23 569.07 059.09, 060.11, 155.28, 188.29, 225.09, 233.02, 251.18, 256.36, 284.02, 316.32, 351.20, 498.03, 522.16, 582.22, 594.28, 607.20 341.28 310.16 550.06 505.08 037.01 610.14 151.19 257.17 295.F1 381.16 335.17 146.16 619.01 018.02 325.11 301.01 258.03 138.32 280.28 054.08 485.07 467.27 423.04 243.28 022.14 126.16 252.05 412.10 182.21 331.17 021.27 188.25 337.10 422.28 567.16 590.11 057.32, 211.08 223.17 200.19, 239.35, 288.24, 312.06, 335.12, 546.33 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 265 lender lenders lender’s lends lendsea lene lenes lengro length leninsula lenk lenn lens lensed lenta lentam lentay lentous lenu leogos leoled leon leosus leotorium leotto lep lepe le–Pore–in lepot lepsy lept lepts lesh lesias les–Pains Less lesse lessk lest lest lested lestrine lesvienne 378.11 204.22, 229.03, 551.02 126.16 593.13 428.21 164.31 609.04 472.22 146.04, 166.18, 394.17 135.18 008.06 066.18, 553.22 271.20 113.28 099.09 238.25 240.16 611.29 184.13 349.22 152.23 136.27, 367.20, 388.16, 596.26 161.25 503.05 251.25 464.29, 525.10 229.13 135.10 559.15 232.30 115.30 395.08 338.21 553.21 213.18 569.14 203.08, 277.11 361.13 419.35, 585.08, 619.36 339.25, 354.03 299.16 407.14 348.36 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 266 letched letheometry lething letin letlitter LETRISTICKS lets lett letta lettas letter LETTER letterday lettered lettering letters lettes lettle letto lettres leuds leuf leur leure leutey leutheriodendron levante leveens level leven leventh levers le–vert levin levoila levution lewd lewder lewed lewis lews lex lex 459.26 370.13 029.16 393.01 073.29 281.R1 221.23, 224.12 339.12 087.23, 157.08, 157.17, 159.05, 159.06, 329.35, 422.33, 561.11 340.18 050.31, 060.10, 080.14, 097.32, 137.24, 397.29, 459.23 308.16 456.34 424.23 114.18 183.11, 419.19, 430.24 193.23 198.22 281.18, 281.19 534.21 283.24 240.24 058.26 064.19 493.21 042.20 228.10 201.27 463.05 388.12 517.33 370.35 605.11 222.08, 299.12 388.22 338.06 203.32, 325.08 323.09 289.09, 531.14 352.14 489.07 023.20, 083.09, 169.03, 571.08 340.28, 418.23, 493.24 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 267 lexes lexis lextronite ley leyan leyden leyg leypoe leys leyves le–Zoyd lezza lezzo lhee liliablous liaks liando lianess lianess liangly liar liar’s libany libatory libbrium libellous liberal liberated libet libies libnium libout librated librine libris libum libus lic licately lice licence licensed 133.30, 438.22 073.25 349.14 201.35, 312.29 510.22 585.16 130.21 427.27 106.08 608.28 370.29 211.14 281.19, 336.24 628.14 054.15 186.23 292.30 038.14 568.04 352.18 415.24 264.F3, 606.30 008.20 489.32 604.08 599.18 048.18 477.19 342.34 287.26 548.29 310.07 229.25 379.07 043.22 477.23 194.18 013.27 260.F1 525.02 007.18, 344.32 032.03, 040.27 086.14 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 268 licet lichinello liciated licious licit licitor’s lick lick lickathims licked licker lickers lickers’ lickey licking lickmaam’s licks lick’s licksher licksheruthr licky lico lic–on–you licterate lictuous licyman licy-pulicy lid lidebankum li–di lids lie lied liefd liefest liefing liegia liek lieme liens lienyouger lieras liers 042.32 043.23 486.34 421.04, 528.17 029.01 270.05 126.21, 158.04, 166.30, 225.09, 292.10, 337.36, 409.12, 413.13, 416.15, 456.08, 461.14, 537.33 105.23 199.35 160.20, 470.29 117.26 412.35 056.36 422.07 140.20, 229.08, 355.16, 381.11 277.F1 525.08 485.01 280.10 280.27 392.25 110.31 174.15 336.31 128.29 057.03 414.26 140.27 445.34 345.23 041.11, 234.16, 248.16 357.08, 430.31, 445.34, 534.10, 584.09 257.06, 289.04, 303.20, 324.02, 367.29, 387.09, 470.14, 552.10, 601.20 077.21 562.07 361.18 207.12 409.24 485.18 422.32 548.20 361.19 540.23 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 269 lies liesemoutioun liessian liest lietry lieu lievtonant liewithhers lif life life lifeboat lifer liffe liffey liffi liffic liffious lift lifted lifter lifters lifting liftle lig ligant ligate ligere liggymaglooral light light lighted lightful lighting lights light’s ligible lign lignol ligns liguchuna ligue 006.35, 089.19, 096.06, 100.06, 126.14, 138.11, 251.30, 293.F1, 364.10, 368.11, 437.17, 441.26, 462.11, 525.02, 601.16, 618.07 354.20 151.22 384.24 291.12 139.29, 220.22 338.19 143.16 318.24 113.03, 150.33, 261.19, 407.20, 517.20, 589.22 338.06 065.30 356.34, 444.11 210.18 054.24 159.12 576.36 317.32 318.06, 361.18, 495.08 054.31, 569.19 273.11 130.01 363.33 504.14 028.05, 265.10, 502.17 014.04 508.22 163.04 381.30 003.13, 004.33, 011.17, 020.20, 024.01, 030.13, 064.06, 100.23, 131.28, 145.36, 147.25, 190.33, 208.28, 224.12, 236.02, 266.13, 320.26, 321.18, 328.23, 358.01, 378.17, 383.20, 397.29, 417.07, 425.21, 427.16, 438.30, 441.16, 449.07, 450.12, 450.14, 460.29, 495.13, 495.14, 498.25, 506.27, 544.35, 560.04, 587.03 399.25 135.30 291.25 011.12 015.02, 032.09, 032.26, 038.06, 095.24, 134.18, 135.20, 244.03, 260.F3, 475.10, 492.09, 571.01 091.18, 626.34 356.21 296.27 338.21 364.03 346.15 256.36 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 270 ligum lihud lik likah’s liked likeevna likelihud liken likencelikeness likes likethems likevice liking likin’s likos likun lilakriyamu lilesvienne liletter lils lilts lilty lim liman limb limbeina limbinated limbraves limbs lime limed limen li–meng liment limentation limers limes liminal LIMINAL limitator limited limn 296.F3 021.24 254.30, 578.36 434.29 057.20, 174.05, 434.12, 437.01 331.25 021.24 050.06 113.09 033.29 163.12, 576.33 535.12 085.16 483.19 106.17 252.15 370.24 601.03 348.36 459.23 338.21 112.33 373.34 337.26 594.34 358.15, 447.33 221.25 131.32 246.33 238.30, 337.26, 431.14, 537.29, 559.36 013.14, 032.11 506.07 271.13 338.26 163.02 209.03 174.28 553.10 247.08, 337.09 276.R1 334.15 046.07 443.16 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 271 limned limninging limonde limoney limony limpaloop limpsests lin lina linarsky lina’s linda linder lindigan line line linear lined linen lines liness ling lingalying linger linger lingerer lingt Ling–Taou lingua lingual lining linings lini’s link linka linkity links linn linnates linnen linnies linns linnteerily 357.29 607.24 327.25 344.21 192.32 302.24 182.02 353.33 210.10, 304.19 013.22 430.36 445.32 408.34 611.06 008.30, 031.36, 040.30, 073.32, 088.17, 178.05, 186.07, 202.08, 212.22, 223.32, 294.02, 398.09, 447.01, 513.30, 535.01, 548.29, 555.14, 560.30, 582.32 071.26 279.04 007.20, 140.29, 156.20, 208.17 097.24, 198.36 161.01, 235.23, 245.11, 252.15, 299.19, 310.05, 380.17, 587.26, 595.14 354.18 395.19, 419.12, 538.31, 569.12 267.07 475.22 346.32 192.05 242.08 081.34 117.14 099.34, 122.32, 392.24, 424.02 275.01, 319.13 121.20 531.21 166.26 471.31 178.24 567.36, 613.19 264.28 345.28 577.29 494.10 076.25 364.06 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 272 linnyflowers lino linoise linorum linos linsh linx lio liodraping liom lion liond lionial lionic lionized lionola lions lion’s lior liorten lios lip lipe liped lipos lipped lipplads lips lipses liqueme liquitudinis liquorst lire lired liric lisa lisato lisha’s lisks lisle lisotoelles lisp lisp 354.26 052.16 226.05 264.07 042.30 243.25 346.35 488.10 509.22 156.16 223.19, 380.10, 555.21 361.23 488.31 513.17 483.22 488.09 129.02, 571.36, 581.31 305.30 594.34 315.32 240.33 069.34, 170.29, 326.35, 377.26, 397.19, 539.24, 558.22, 597.12 578.21 559.23 207.09 609.04 570.04 006.26, 015.01, 171.18, 276.F6, 441.12, 442.15, 455.01, 463.36, 511.31, 533.02, 577.26, 603.02 156.13 445.34 100.34 105.20 488.26 005.30 513.32 304.03 255.01 351.23 550.11 578.25 601.28 254.13 105.11 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 273 lispering liss lissa lissabon lissciously lisse lissimime lisslesoughts list listaman listed listen listening lister listing listingness listings listletomine lists list’s lit lite liteasy lited liter literal literately literative lites litest litey lith lithe lithon lithostroton liths lithual lithy lititians litmious litness litopucos litre 580.19 281.F2, 296.F2 212.09, 256.33 442.09 414.30 578.08 612.12 379.15 006.33, 072.23, 192.01, 350.34, 491.06, 524.25, 535.08 202.15 049.07 237.09 384.20 546.04 503.30 355.05 414.29 023.28 009.28, 113.27 051.27 004.19, 053.16, 083.27, 178.14, 222.36, 226.27, 241.13, 256.08, 494.02, 578.23 350.28, 440.32, 583.14 153.07 395.33 247.02 505.04 431.32 023.09 241.35, 549.17 320.07 461.04 053.15, 242.28, 539.01 057.26 119.17 073.30 594.22 512.16 503.04 173.16 184.36 404.12 011.14 265.21 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 274 lit’s litten litten’s litter litterettes litteris litties little little littled littleme littlers littlesons littoral litz litz litzas liuia liuto liur livable livans live lived livehunkered lively liven liven livenamond livened livengrene livening liventh liver liverian liveried livers liverside lives livetion livial livid liviero 270.23 259.03 528.04 037.17, 073.29, 286.22, 420.35 284.15 512.17 284.23 007.26, 010.27, 010.32, 010.32, 010.32, 010.32, 010.33, 010.33, 010.33, 010.33, 010.33, 010.33, 010.34, 010.34, 019.03, 030.01, 111.33, 144.13, 492.08, 526.34 342.16 358.07 446.02 083.35 019.28 286.19 182.07, 421.27 272.L3 551.33 236.17 043.33 067.14 186.03 006.15 038.02, 041.27, 083.05, 092.21, 139.19, 162.18, 227.14, 279.F21, 293.20, 311.22, 316.14, 395.17, 481.25, 500.02, 525.29, 533.27, 538.21, 551.22, 612.10 235.31, 481.13, 534.26 274.L3 273.20 546.02 341.20 503.32 357.28, 564.17 329.06 468.21 032.31 021.28, 200.28, 211.03, 334.15, 464.13, 499.28, 620.13 381.18 241.28, 358.23 073.33, 100.30 563.01 019.08, 138.25, 272.F4, 335.28, 462.31, 538.11, 617.15 160.11 213.32 432.31 456.10 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 275 living livisciously livline liv’s livver lixion liza lizabeliza lizards liziies lizod lizzy’s llatin lloyd lo load loads loaf loafen loafonwashed loafs loajazzyma loan loaner loaves lob lobbicides lobe lobobo located location locative locaust loch lochlannensis loch–Turnbull lock lock locked lockers locks locks lockses’ 104.01, 283.17, 532.14, 532.16, 597.07 437.04 178.05 550.18 097.30 346.13 291.14 328.36 101.25 114.05 452.11 111.06 495.27 373.04 202.22 006.27, 193.01, 199.23, 448.15 525.23 134.27, 208.07, 521.13 378.23 159.27 498.07 102.15 624.07 520.09 598.20 437.06 331.17 419.21, 551.25, 599.18 622.23 189.30 071.16 162.19 419.09 248.23 600.29 171.31 031.15, 031.24, 039.05, 073.31, 098.25, 160.12, 165.32, 229.31, 230.10, 279.F02, 284.F4, 368.15, 409.13, 474.02, 531.24, 548.05, 584.03, 587.28, 587.30, 596.26, 616.02 071.28, 340.07 268.02, 450.31, 552.22 524.29 256.36, 337.31, 566.29, 615.23 418.22 028.06 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 276 lockstown lockt lockup locky loco locous locus locution locutioning locutionist locutor locutory lod loddledome lode loded lodgeable lodgeries lodher lodotonates loe loefells loeflare loer lofa lofabishospastored loffs loft loft loftfan loftical lofts log logass loge loged loger logged loggedlike loggers logging logic logical 097.07 014.07, 069.25 180.06 151.24 135.08 295.01 254.20 155.08 381.18 072.16 177.19 575.04 394.35 379.15 097.31, 215.08, 223.08 356.07 420.23 607.07 454.14 353.23 290.24, 375.33, 382.30 626.18 549.18 151.31 045.03 612.08 026.04 017.28, 031.01, 191.16, 204.19, 243.28, 361.18, 506.02, 569.19 340.30 262.22 005.01 255.08 073.07, 077.13, 154.23, 581.16, 607.21 555.11 128.01, 583.04, 605.07 091.09 091.15 344.14, 608.23 297.28 019.19 151.17 073.01, 474.05 109.13, 134.34, 220.30, 310.21, 373.21, 396.14, 465.12, 468.08, 483.36 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 277 logically LOGICUM logion’s logistic logium logos logosis logs logue logues lohn lohned lohs loid loider loids loined loire lois loitez loits loits lok lokbloon lokkiloky lold loll lollall loly lom lomansch lombarouter lombos lombs lomdree lome lommey’s lomn lomnones lomon lon lona 006.30, 119.21, 164.16, 612.19 264.R1 317.02 123.18 410.04 194.16 341.30 242.29, 461.20 327.03, 470.09 398.03 324.16 049.06 019.31 359.09, 471.12 336.24 540.33 115.13, 419.29 207.11, 419.12 086.07 213.19 187.15 272.L4 051.16 389.27 424.20 368.10 117.10 065.17, 525.05 547.11 089.35 363.18 085.25 314.11 120.02 335.28 600.20 256.11 093.03 577.08 288.14 198.04 318.04 211.07 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 278 lonche lond londe lone lonely lones lone’s lonettes lonety long longas longd longe longed longement longer longfella longi longing longlegs longopatom longs long’s longsidethat longst lonian lonians lonts lontseng loo loo lood looderamaunloof loofer’s loofliest loogged loogions looing look look looked 028.09 261.F2, 294.04, 618.22, 626.28 609.17 007.28, 017.33, 062.04, 117.10, 215.33, 237.03, 361.19, 450.28, 469.21, 498.12, 520.18, 581.34 092.25, 152.19 113.06, 378.23, 603.26 161.03 273.18 598.18 007.01, 013.04, 029.03, 081.31, 102.28, 111.33, 173.19, 184.07, 188.03, 269.F4, 296.04, 312.27, 315.32, 363.11, 371.33, 415.32, 461.12, 462.03, 469.21, 470.25, 473.12, 485.33, 518.10, 531.18, 579.24, 585.29, 587.36, 603.09 239.05 323.20 406.03 041.31, 600.19 132.03 191.05 082.13 519.08 495.23 498.03 344.30 545.24, 567.01 071.35 612.10 085.09 417.12 381.05 606.30 611.30 046.33, 073.05, 131.35, 200.36, 359.19, 541.22, 541.22, 541.22 176.10 425.28 314.08 274.26, 476.07, 623.19 395.34 265.29 428.20 509.34 324.18 007.18, 021.18, 022.05, 022.29, 059.18, 130.33, 162.36, 182.20, 312.30, 324.33, 534.31, 544.29, 556.23, 570.32 418.35 542.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 279 lookedfor looker lookers looking lookingated lookly lookond loola lools looly loom loomenos loon loonade looney loonik Looniys loons loop looped looper loopers looping loopings looplashes loops looral looralooraloomenos loos loosa loose loosed loosely loosh looshooloosies loosing loost loosus loot looter loothering lootie 108.32 191.25 125.09, 355.24 061.04, 092.25, 095.14, 109.07, 111.19, 120.18, 128.06, 153.03, 289.11, 416.05, 416.07, 442.02, 467.10, 518.15, 589.23 113.09 404.32 520.27 475.02, 475.14 373.28 178.16, 595.17 012.13, 323.27, 329.26, 385.29 615.08 320.09, 327.33, 370.14, 389.27, 534.17 513.21 331.12, 624.24 432.20 464.07 094.35, 131.29 295.32, 302.24, 325.09, 333.28, 379.30, 394.14, 562.16, 569.05, 597.20 423.06, 621.20 110.31, 327.01 288.F4 394.11 551.01 119.12 510.28, 557.02 381.30 615.08 008.14, 443.36 254.23, 494.25 008.02, 029.03, 224.35, 236.19, 314.26, 343.24, 498.23, 522.34, 581.01, 617.04 113.20, 183.34, 219.16 413.27 064.28 257.27 531.18 180.03, 607.10 376.08 625.22 146.17, 204.16, 290.18, 333.12, 354.23, 478.34, 610.14 379.08 195.02, 195.03 058.24 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 280 looting lootly loover looves lop lopalombarouter lope loped loper loper’s lopes lopocattls lopon lopos loppics lopping lops lops lop’s lopulos lopysius loquent loquohy lora lord lord lorded lord’s lore lores lore’s lorians loring lorium lors lors losby lose loseher loser loserem losh losh 359.16 372.34 093.07 434.06 029.03, 058.04, 063.32, 232.34, 420.27, 496.36 314.11 359.14 099.19, 324.29, 378.35 048.15 457.14 520.25, 622.09 386.35 443.06 107.14 386.06 039.35 584.13 349.30 241.15 306.10 155.31 283.08 290.F6 458.14 025.27, 074.04, 097.24, 135.08, 135.09, 141.24, 254.36, 316.06, 325.16, 336.13, 355.25, 362.09, 565.12 106.33 472.30 541.09 036.17, 539.24 011.33 480.06 004.07 064.17 410.04 010.03, 025.10 290.18 244.07 029.28, 143.22, 185.28, 246.27, 360.25, 472.07, 475.14, 488.35, 609.02 279.F09 512.18 304.31 137.29 346.02 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 281 losha loshmat losk losobuth loss lossa lossay’s lossegg losses lossh lossies lossly lossness lossyhair lost loster lostures losy lot lote loth lothe lothe lotions lots lotsphilots lottery lottes lotte’s lotticism lotting lotto lotts lottylike lotwashipper loud louderamain louderamainagain loud’s lough loughed lough–le–vert Loughlin 106.23 562.01 162.15 561.08 018.22, 318.18, 366.03, 410.04, 420.27, 548.35 551.35, 551.35 492.10 129.14 261.12 349.16 497.19 610.07 023.19 265.21 118.07, 238.29, 239.03, 363.23, 374.11, 596.10 265.02 317.35 200.15 019.18, 063.22, 143.07, 165.21, 325.08, 410.11, 582.03, 586.24 531.17 542.34 254.14 105.12 166.27 036.13, 225.36, 324.14, 333.36, 534.19, 550.15, 596.12 062.16 359.16 181.29 532.22 374.13 102.16 281.19 203.06, 458.23, 625.25 101.03 408.35 077.29, 180.34, 257.30, 267.17, 305.26, 440.08, 441.25, 522.26, 601.28 257.33 258.19 353.16 039.09, 062.35, 248.30 023.29, 418.03 605.11 106.07 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 282 Loughlins loughmoor louh Louis loung lounges loup loupa loups lour louse loused louset lousiman lousmei lousom lousties lousy lout louta louth lovah lovar’s lovar’s love loved loven lover lovers lover’s loverum lovery loves love’s loving lovis lovs lov’s lovving low low lowed lower 049.33 577.14 258.03 246.17 225.17 321.34 108.27, 547.16 339.32 526.18 234.20 338.04 175.03 323.04 057.03 068.18 338.34 350.15 301.08 010.04, 281.F2, 286.F5, 314.29 567.35 049.15 207.09 540.31 294.18 021.09, 022.24, 067.36, 093.32, 159.14, 253.04, 288.10, 289.04, 300.28, 325.30, 328.07, 338.31, 370.04, 406.35, 406.35, 472.19, 486.22 132.24, 296.23, 410.26, 413.25, 488.04, 524.06, 533.28, 619.03 220.21 056.15, 074.12, 224.14, 294.27, 299.09, 301.F3, 325.12, 356.09, 383.16, 478.36, 485.20, 620.14 268.F4, 520.19 567.08 610.06 140.23 004.09, 205.18, 530.15, 625.24 625.08 030.18, 144.28, 438.02 388.08 468.13 532.22 394.06 023.16, 032.10, 141.24, 153.18, 175.03, 203.01, 203.18, 214.30, 265.12, 277.16, 290.24, 296.27, 301.F4, 316.03, 319.01, 336.29, 360.03, 379.10, 427.18, 434.08, 452.16, 488.11, 553.20, 569.24, 617.10 105.30, 199.28 007.33 064.10, 318.13 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 283 lower’s lowes lowing lowlane lowlap lowly lowm lowman’s lown lowp lowpattern lowre lowrings lows lows low’s lowshure lowswaying lowther loy loyd loydhaired loyd’s loyiss loyrge loze luaritzas lubberate lubber’s lubdead lubejubes luber lubrate lubrated luc lucalised lucanized luccia lucefinis lucens lucid luck luck- 364.04 343.17 154.35, 175.04, 510.26 491.15 437.36 337.26 160.02 334.36 333.14 072.09 029.23 313.05, 496.13 338.28 168.02, 202.17, 297.02, 333.01, 470.30 346.31 538.29, 549.18 549.27 100.21 266.10 378.09, 431.04, 517.30 373.04, 616.01 609.03 590.05 453.26 533.35 348.08 572.15 300.23 173.09 488.20 396.34 157.01 343.28 305.03 253.12 087.18 545.33 157.24 228.14 234.08 108.02 034.32, 210.05, 417.07 378.09 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 284 lucks lucksarsoon lucky lucre lucrey lucrine lucrum lucrumines luct luctingly luction lucylamp lud ludd ludder luddylude ludillongi ludination luding ludin’s ludium lueamoore luego luffer lug luggarslugged lugh lughurutty lugical lugs luhy Luinn luir luius lujo lujorum luka lukajoni luke lukin lukkilokki- 200.08 344.01 055.28, 307.F7, 315.15, 417.10, 502.12 200.20 358.09 112.12 050.13 613.17 374.12 092.04 162.13 327.05 153.24 331.09 370.28 044.20 426.33 519.08 372.24 419.24, 507.28 108.27 469.29 069.06 470.33 590.20 310.11 023.28 343.27 479.06 493.13 165.21 180.24, 449.20, 595.16 340.06 328.02 458.34 484.11 397.11, 398.04, 476.32 290.F3 609.07 609.08 529.20 110.08 424.20 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 285 lulia lull lulled lullu lulo luls lulutent luly lum lumballando lumbs lumbumus lumbunate lumbus lume lumen lumes lumin luminated luminatedhave luminatured luminous lummmm lump lumpfleeter lumphantes lumply lumps lumpsk lums lumses lun luna lunch lund lunder lung lungged lunkenend lunn lunthers lunukluono 083.34, 083.34 246.03 078.04 353.28 052.14 128.36 076.30 089.36, 533.06 056.34 409.29 319.17 598.05 607.21 484.32 244.26, 433.01 255.19, 610.16 155.27 265.27 461.18 278.04 568.34 155.20 595.19 323.23, 332.17, 332.17, 363.24, 613.01 377.27 502.10 595.19 374.06, 380.07 323.28 478.12 242.01 351.09 627.30 240.32, 406.09 069.08, 602.17 102.10, 578.22 057.14, 155.24, 331.25 426.05 248.15 370.28 352.09 023.05 081.33 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 286 lup lupa lupalleaps lupe lupkabulary luponing luppe lupped lupping lupsuppy lupsus lupty lure lured lurem lure’s lurning lusch luscious luse lusi lusk lust lusting lustre lustred lustrelike lustriously lusts lusty lut lutent luteral lutor luve luvey luvia luvial luvii luvious luvium luvs luv’s 397.19 550.15 303.02 325.30 419.12 484.02 542.09 310.33 395.06 417.15 005.27 396.29 359.34, 478.23, 560.27 548.11 513.02 061.04 222.25 406.06 148.01, 482.05 261.02, 283.10 290.19 338.17, 576.03 077.31, 107.13, 576.21 222.30 528.19 349.15 032.26 483.22 367.14, 444.25 508.29 479.13 076.30 297.27 387.13 208.25 297.22 107.17, 546.35, 547.05, 585.32 047.04, 080.25, 213.32, 404.01 287.25 014.16, 182.11 095.16, 251.02 479.15 315.13 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 287 luvu luwed lux lux luxes luxiously luxty lwd lycopodium lyd lyffe lyg lying lyingplace lyke lykeses lykkhean lylac lylaw lymp lympiading lyn lyng lynn Lynn lynt lyon lyonview lyovyover Lyph lyphics lyputtana lyrical lys lys lysaloe lyst lysus lyt lytl lytrical lyzettes 594.23 319.12 431.36 307.L1 429.17 038.04 566.28 482.13 334.03 331.28 387.09 471.31 267.07 262.F1 413.07, 600.24 280.03 123.16 461.19 511.15 167.22, 261.11 084.31 044.11, 062.34 069.17, 069.18, 516.07 248.07 148.36 232.13 273.27 018.29 350.06 355.32 570.06 583.09 452.03, 615.04 057.28, 155.25, 359.32 354.14 359.33 186.11 196.21 237.09, 615.24 105.10 415.01 237.02 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 288 Letter M ma ma maam’s maans maas maasch mable mac macan macarett macchiavelluti mace mach machine machrees macht machus’ mack mackenzies macks macmacmacmacmahonitch macolacion macormack macoulored macrees macrobius macron macsaint maculacy maculate maculatus mad 020.17, 033.18, 050.06, 056.31, 069.14, 079.28, 092.25, 093.22, 093.22, 098.04, 100.36, 102.15, 115.32, 120.34, 124.16, 130.05, 133.36, 135.27, 143.03, 147.14, 147.15, 195.04, 200.33, 205.31, 224.29, 224.30, 241.21, 256.04, 260.F1, 261.F2, 264.12, 264.13, 268.24, 273.02, 289.29, 290.27, 290.27, 297.30, 298.27, 306.F1, 306.F1, 307.04, 318.06, 332.13, 348.11, 376.01, 380.25, 389.15, 395.23, 426.03, 433.03, 450.32, 456.27, 461.17, 471.05, 474.05, 487.22, 502.36, 517.02, 517.25, 562.06, 568.01, 578.05, 580.20, 586.07, 595.27, 596.24, 598.12, 601.28, 602.13, 619.16, 621.08, 621.09, 625.27 085.13, 121.09, 268.L3, 302.L2, 339.33, 345.17, 445.13 277.F1 549.10 101.09 491.15 508.26 176.36, 329.18, 559.35 463.22 501.04 251.26 568.30, 604.22 228.15 503.02, 626.15 286.14 240.13 100.16 137.02, 358.21, 450.25 065.12 019.09 332.05 529.16 528.20 450.25 443.34 343.11 255.20 318.09 267.F1 247.28 045.14 191.13 010.09, 038.14, 103.08, 158.03, 190.32, 291.24, 374.22, 473.07, 509.13, 577.01 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 289 madam made made–earsy mades made’s madethemology madhawn madityationists mado madomina madories madorion madoro madory mads madst maer mag magandy magareen magd mage magees magellan magen mages mage’s maggerbymaggin maggs magh maglooral magna magnage magne magnetic magnian magnom magnum magoaded magog magreeth magtog 019.30 084.28, 089.30, 138.07, 184.08, 192.27, 230.34, 232.34, 252.26, 320.11, 321.09, 357.30, 381.14, 432.24, 454.36, 504.02, 561.26, 581.17, 581.36 314.27 239.10 008.32, 464.06 374.17 443.02 493.12 240.07 471.03 395.09 398.18 263.F3 395.10 070.02, 386.28, 410.32 086.18 317.18, 444.32 407.04 276.17 376.18 436.12, 540.22 053.03, 072.20, 507.02, 543.21 027.20 512.05 162.28 486.34 142.13 113.09 337.18 352.05 054.19, 324.10, 381.22 381.30 625.26 450.23 280.28 497.16 352.11 020.07 404.26 180.03 222.14 243.03 246.05 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 290 magula magunnded mah maher Mahon mahonitch mahs mai maid maid maidens maidesses maidies maids maids maid’s maids’ maierians mail Mailey mailia maimed maimthem main main mainagain maining maintalish maios maires maisigheds maister major major’s mak make maked makenoise maker makers makers maker’s making 162.12 323.27 032.04, 374.22 221.23 099.28 529.16 346.05 471.01 014.33, 015.30, 138.08, 148.24, 149.09, 164.08, 212.17, 247.34, 257.01, 276.F2, 352.08, 364.03, 390.31, 428.08, 433.28, 525.13 433.19 601.08 011.31 192.02 126.19, 181.10, 504.21, 514.26, 526.23, 543.21 104.21 059.36, 181.17 066.13, 183.25, 229.14 345.01 240.12, 364.05, 457.02, 471.26, 563.16, 565.32 220.11 410.23 489.31 504.31 024.06, 081.08, 224.34, 257.33, 302.25, 346.27, 469.25, 473.25, 527.21 352.21 258.19 239.34 296.L1 553.16 256.20 387.21 568.17 029.02, 442.06, 572.21 331.02 212.13, 498.16 197.10, 278.12, 433.27 551.11 031.21 060.27, 087.06, 126.10, 206.07, 247.02, 301.04, 317.23, 320.17, 618.30 052.14, 059.18, 310.15, 585.15 342.09 335.11, 583.28 124.29, 192.36, 467.09 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 291 makor makt mal mala malaid male malelouh malency malhill malice malicked malinks mall mallards mallkalled mallow malls mallt malong mals mals malster malt mam mama mamahalla mamen mamma mammy’s mana manage manager’s managh manahoussy manangel mance manchap manche manclatter mancowls mancy mancynaves mand 342.28 547.14 233.32, 251.36, 289.11, 334.15, 599.05 184.28, 298.04 285.F6 430.22, 485.26, 577.01, 581.18, 594.31, 617.25 258.03 318.02 132.22 021.21, 488.16 470.29 613.19 389.07, 581.15 080.09 083.35 575.17 298.30 240.29 485.33 005.01 341.04 062.03 021.35, 037.34, 086.06 331.17, 478.33, 491.29, 528.10 586.07 362.22 054.08 461.17 626.27 184.19, 287.21 270.10 558.36 284.06 578.32 505.33 310.22 221.34 199.34 147.21 456.16 051.35, 117.33, 228.20, 281.14 370.15 235.29, 317.28, 325.22, 366.26, 403.12, 435.28, 514.02 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 292 manded manden mandodrmandovites mandrite mandy mane manescu manesir manessy manet maney mange manged mangra mangut mani mania maniac manian manic manish manisht manitis manize manlake manlooking manmarked manmaun mann mann manner Mannigan’s mannity manns manns mann’s mannstown manny mano manocturne manometer manon 326.23 467.27 424.20 048.24 496.08 200.07 123.16, 179.21, 230.33, 310.20 484.29 150.16 505.24 272.05 207.25, 423.04 494.21 164.28 009.13 214.19 237.30 228.19, 416.30, 480.21, 521.32 471.14 261.15 263.10 425.16 320.05 151.10 466.25 599.19 416.07 547.33 614.17 042.20, 048.10, 066.32, 071.08, 088.23, 129.16, 250.19, 250.21, 328.26, 356.02, 503.10, 578.11, 578.11, 610.22 071.34 033.18 523.18 042.14 358.23 345.04 278.F3 243.26 455.09, 455.10, 455.10 389.19 328.17 608.10 258.22, 338.03 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 293 manonger manorum manos manovers manoverum manox manright mansbell mansboxer mansch manschy manse manseprated mansfluh mansionables mansioned mansions mansland manspare manstongue manstown manswold mant mant mantanai mantarchy mantaya manteau manted manths manti mantic mantics mantitions mantle mantled mantrue mants mantuam manu man–up–in–the–Sky manvantora manvir 108.18 543.16 564.09 570.05 361.32 512.04 546.20 278.11 142.11 085.25 243.16 528.09 239.21 037.20 052.26 265.04 367.27 265.02 077.16 355.24 047.22 073.28 615.32 353.06 595.20 167.06 498.15 240.36 601.05 421.34 237.26 241.08, 284.27 172.20 571.22 024.09, 242.35 125.02 403.22 414.06 113.02 364.33 543.29 598.33 465.07 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 294 manx many many manychiel manyeth manygoround manyness manything manzelles map mar Mara Mara maraca maranth marazalles marble marc marchands marchers marching mard mare Mare marea maree marellous Marengo marginable margrits mari maria marian maried maries marilla marine marines mario Mario Marios mark 085.36 094.27, 131.08, 171.19, 355.22, 408.13, 442.03, 593.05, 600.30 106.08 472.22 274.20 525.17 122.36 417.26 470.32 042.15, 287.14 010.06, 010.18, 317.17, 319.34, 329.04 040.16, 122.16, 122.19, 460.17 270.L2 255.15 561.21 075.03 207.07 249.03, 253.12 352.26 469.12 210.15, 323.31 345.13, 371.22 279.F09, 433.01, 576.28, 583.09 051.23 198.08, 244.14 186.25 180.10 223.16 004.19 249.12 203.24 228.34 177.02 050.11 126.18, 435.30, 569.10 184.20 587.17 225.05 450.24 407.16 243.35 009.32, 017.01, 108.22, 110.19, 112.32, 114.32, 137.25, 189.06, 192.21, 222.03, 244.14, 262.F1, 301.F5, 419.28, 421.29, 430.06, 463.29, 473.09, 493.13, 529.35, 533.35, 567.12, 601.36, 606.26 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 295 markable markably marked marken market marketable marking marklable marks mark’s marly marm maro marodnimad maronite’s maroon marooned marpoorter marqueza marriage married marriedad marriment marry mars marsch marshal marshy martem martial martin martin martins martir maru maruluka marulukajoni marxing mary maryllis mas mas ma’s 086.32, 127.35, 532.35 123.35, 368.17 031.24, 547.33, 581.21 126.23 298.06, 316.30 533.31 149.20, 370.09 240.27 066.01, 080.10, 127.34, 161.08, 181.24, 238.01, 251.17, 283.23, 421.18, 431.02 553.23 242.02 291.22, 587.10, 624.19 499.07 509.13 470.14 015.04 549.22 327.33 328.14 210.12 176.13 020.31 062.07 197.16, 324.33 339.15, 540.15 332.18 099.24 017.08 455.11 149.07 086.02, 377.10 354.16, 419.08 007.04, 392.03, 467.33 499.09 609.07 609.07 609.08 083.15 389.13 609.12 091.05, 092.30, 101.28, 176.26, 182.24, 186.16, 209.25, 211.04, 219.22, 243.27, 281.01, 296.01, 301.F5, 328.21, 374.10, 421.02, 460.35, 483.35, 556.05, 577.32, 598.15 573.30 166.16, 204.05, 253.28, 268.17, 517.19, 578.22 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 296 maserovmeravmerouvian mash mashed mashkt masiada masine mask masker’s masks masque mass mass massed masser massing massofmancynaves mast master master–in–chief masters master’s mastoly mastory mastress masts masy mat mata mataphoron matchemable mate mate mated matehim mately mater materialities mates matetam matha mathematical mather mathes 113.04 466.12 110.14 547.14 054.17 294.25 131.12, 590.24 404.27 221.27 603.03 093.09, 111.29, 125.01, 197.15, 215.21, 238.21, 413.24, 483.13 341.24 023.16, 332.26, 358.13 186.35 457.30 370.15 248.31, 351.15, 504.23, 590.15 004.04, 035.30, 237.13, 251.28, 279.F09, 337.18, 358.18, 360.36, 462.02, 479.29, 560.29, 568.35, 587.33, 596.18, 613.32, 624.11 127.10 186.36, 385.35, 394.17, 395.06, 477.13 036.27, 055.01, 305.31 485.31 397.07 228.17 407.20 493.07 137.04, 198.13, 262.F4, 524.25, 562.01 135.16 606.27 508.26 125.08, 134.01, 232.19, 243.32, 350.35, 387.23, 417.20, 423.30, 461.24, 487.13, 499.01, 523.23, 548.07, 575.27, 577.04, 605.04 072.15 308.L2 589.35 482.31 297.01, 560.28 394.32 049.19, 055.04, 229.01, 526.36, 535.33 336.09 329.14 394.31 296.21 595.17 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 297 mathunaramatically matick mating mato matoysed matron matt matter matterafact matterpoetic mature matures matzi maud mauderman maukins maul mauling maultaneously maun maunsmaunt mauranna maurius maw mawm mawther max maxodias may maya mayability maycallher maycodding maycuddler maycull mayers’ mayne maynoother mayo mayor mayor–king–merchant 023.05 129.19, 296.26 268.08 560.11 499.07 133.26 086.19, 257.05 415.13, 560.25 258.33, 478.17 183.07 468.10 189.28, 425.31 239.11 234.01 451.03 596.14 365.12 292.27, 317.16 186.23 161.12 479.35, 614.17 314.08 384.30 102.28 113.04 146.04 193.30 146.05 342.02 498.04 352.10, 471.01 627.03 597.28 396.07 346.24 608.25 223.14 364.26 363.08 371.26 197.35 138.24 447.15 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 298 mayres may’s maywantme maze mazed mazes mazeus mazia maziful meade meadow meads meagre meal mealahmalong mealers mealian mealine meals mealturn meaminning mean meand meandine meaning meanium meanour means meansuniumgetherum meant meant meantry meants mear meas mease meash meat meated meathes meats meby mecarott 379.05 227.17, 374.07 070.17 411.08 389.27 221.20 504.19 627.28 104.01 286.07, 568.22 315.33 558.19 456.11 017.16, 301.28, 397.33, 457.04, 582.16 485.33 545.27 347.10 008.30 283.23 621.14 267.03 049.05, 339.09, 444.05, 448.33, 494.31, 538.18 170.10 542.08 077.26 113.03 189.26 285.27, 333.15, 465.11, 522.08 186.25 062.03, 082.10, 318.31, 515.13, 535.18 231.08 286.L4 318.26 372.02 607.20 329.02 260.F1 211.23, 242.25, 428.01, 490.20, 566.14, 594.32 498.09 595.17 129.01, 306.03, 550.14 611.04, 611.26 390.25 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 299 mecula’s med medallised mede medears’ mediant mediata medy mee meeching meem meena meeng Meer meerme meerschall meet meet meethes meetim meeting meffible meg meggs Meghisthest mei meid meidagad mein meinded meining meising meister mejig mejip meknot mel mela mela melakins melas meleg melhion 601.22 199.09, 372.01 551.32 269.18, 525.19, 583.11 328.20 033.03 228.23 503.17 099.31, 205.31, 628.14 583.04 022.14 585.24 395.02 205.34 409.17 133.21 238.06, 259.06 339.24 595.17 336.09 051.10 183.14 086.19, 199.21 333.33 269.19 068.18, 529.34 239.18 009.26 330.24 252.16 267.03 417.28 191.35 146.02, 479.14 458.27 361.10 181.28, 201.02, 248.02, 451.07, 539.22, 541.31, 586.22 235.32, 236.06 307.L1 355.22 237.36 011.06 352.17 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 300 meliamurphies melimen melise melittle melk mell mellar mella’s melle mellian mellow mellow mells mellt melo melode melodious melong melosophopancreates meltingmoult meltingworks melucky melumpsk mem member members memdes meme memer memorial memormee mems mena menagerie menag’s menal mena’s menassed mend mended mendly mendoso mends 293.10 271.13 244.30 111.33 262.22, 425.09 323.01, 547.02 444.13 354.26 560.01, 563.05 443.10 060.29 346.12 019.08 436.18 253.24 223.08 184.15 111.33 088.09 241.24 614.31 315.15 323.28 518.33 488.18, 493.17, 493.27 008.06, 557.15 542.24 054.16 445.13 600.26 628.14 235.05 212.12, 518.24 476.25 334.25 296.04, 352.01 601.23 492.06 074.15, 505.34, 510.20 440.35 029.35 312.08 245.10, 326.02, 548.27 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 301 mene meneck’s mened menen menessy menfichue meng mengro mengst mengst menial menie meniere mening menlivers menn meno menon menos menos menot menots menotting me-nought menoyous mens mens mens’ mensch mensch mensesness mensipater mensky mensy ment menta mental mentalist mentally mentalness menti mentially mentically 439.14, 440.35 334.25 075.20 285.18 513.31 268.13 338.26, 414.28, 427.14 171.29 476.20, 505.16 123.21 321.23, 345.01 244.05 075.03 625.26 100.30 503.10 572.16 059.16, 116.33 615.08 174.19 215.08 389.02, 588.09 507.14 227.16 156.12 013.11, 232.07, 245.08, 325.16, 351.23, 502.30, 621.35, 628.06 185.17 528.33 318.27, 397.23 161.03 241.11 342.26 034.18 344.30 025.16 613.18 035.22, 171.18, 366.07, 440.21, 452.03 072.21 056.13, 115.33, 149.32 543.07 062.26 610.01 394.14 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 302 mentionability mentionable mentionablest mentioned mentious mentivorous mento mentoed mentrousnest mentuensoes menufactors meo me-o’er-the-hazy meoil me-ondenees meots mequick meramybows meravmerouvian merchant merched mercies mercy mercyonhurs mere mere mère mère mere’s merge mergeant merged mergent merger merges mergreen merian merically mericle meridian meries merigas merin 107.07 300.03, 420.04 320.12 299.06 159.34 227.35 220.21 545.24 241.10 425.18 027.17 238.35, 485.34 111.24 603.01 139.21 350.22 215.07 011.12 113.04 447.15 412.10 349.25 534.13 234.28 243.05, 493.12, 583.12, 627.05 212.36 256.20 548.28 540.25 017.24, 049.36 318.34 363.21 055.11 232.32 310.24 428.17 032.29 504.07 185.29 326.31 430.04 348.07 171.35 332.14 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 303 meritus mermauderman mernians merollingeyes meroughgorude merouvian merried merriers merries merrnion merry mers mer’s mertime merul merzial mes meselles meselps meses mesh meskad mesmer mesnider mess messe messed messerag messer’s messican messus mest mester mestoon met metale metallikos metangere meteering meter meters meth methers 392.14 596.14 376.12 011.06 240.18 113.04 226.18 619.28 312.28, 508.20 129.23 378.33, 488.32, 588.17 498.29 476.07 085.36 518.23 069.35 504.28 339.16 612.24 452.34 221.34, 267.13, 546.04 207.24 360.24 320.04 091.35, 237.07, 364.35, 534.01, 613.25, 619.05 236.07 596.02 310.25 239.07 530.32 105.36 186.36 154.06 004.18, 271.04, 283.F2, 324.20, 607.30 572.17 417.21, 447.30, 488.33, 518.10, 594.10 216.03 252.15 509.33 407.02 386.05, 608.10, 614.27 235.17 106.16 135.05 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 304 methew methyst metic metical metoloves metomyplace metre metrically metron metrum mettant mettle metusolum metuus meum meune meup meus mew mewetma mews mew’s mey meyant meyle meys meyu miad mic mica mical mice micha michael Michael michael’s Michael’s michal micheal mick micker mickers mick’s 253.12 245.07 431.34 286.23 004.09 114.18 194.09 429.10 559.24 036.14 228.10 359.04 378.15 514.23 356.11 144.14 106.20 185.04 541.15 297.30 134.17 140.01 246.18, 366.27, 526.08 455.20 426.15 252.20, 313.26 565.15 575.09 102.05 254.16 494.01 215.32 234.01 279.F34, 459.02, 612.02 382.12 090.10 600.18 340.21 011.23 005.19, 097.29, 358.21, 376.01 199.21 173.32 520.01 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 305 micumtra’s mid middelism midden middle middles midgets midins midlands midnought midor midships midwhiches midy mienious miens mienting mientos mieras mig might mightcallimbs mightiadd mightily mighty mighty miherculossed mihi mik mike miknie mikon mile miles’ Miletians milia miliafamilias miliar milias milibatory milie milikan milintary 601.24 357.01, 357.07, 357.07, 561.26, 606.04 344.22 503.08 253.31 468.26 605.12 077.31 306.13 415.13 474.18 543.12 406.36 605.14 353.25 469.02 296.08 549.31 162.14 443.15 009.36 458.17 210.36, 212.18 238.30 056.07 263.25 128.03, 562.33 383.04 492.05 213.07 234.26 116.23 194.28 468.21 009.16, 553.05 350.21 309.11 427.25 389.15 237.35 081.06 604.08 445.34 318.15 338.20 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 306 miliours militery militiaman milits’ milk milkcare mill milla millafoulties millah millas millers millersfolly millian millierly millieu million millor mills milt mim mime mimirism mimus min mina mina minaminamoyas minarmina’s minbass mincepies mind mindminded minding minds mind’s mindsers mindwaiting mine mine 345.02 1660.4 354.10 567.11 624.32 192.06 494.24, 531.10 211.08, 211.08, 211.08, 434.11, 492.13 357.04 521.15 350.21 084.01 625.06 129.16 414.34 552.28, 552.28 144.29 614.13 316.11, 577.21 277.F5 267.02, 353.15 180.04, 599.36, 612.12 016.28 219.09 024.34, 078.27, 139.28, 253.35, 283.13, 343.22, 372.23, 383.24, 484.05 183.01, 611.13 153.02 314.08,314.08, 314.08 201.30 003.15 601.21 295.01 210.01 070.35, 329.35, 379.26, 460.30, 552.24 113.09 018.17, 033.29, 041.12, 042.22, 099.32, 124.07, 160.33, 427.33, 464.17, 544.28, 576.24 280.08, 528.08 188.14 339.01 541.26 377.20 010.29, 023.28, 077.04, 093.14, 167.03, 194.04, 215.11, 223.09, 283.10, 301.11, 361.01, 519.03, 531.21, 587.08, 615.24 105.12 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 307 mined mineer miners minerva mines mine-sub-Fagi ming mingled minglement mingst minies minister ministers ministrants miniumminiva’s minivorous minnies minning minopalmular minpull minsters minstrel mint minted mints mintul minussed minx minxed minxt mio miolo miracles mirage miramies mirching mire mirican mirim mirks mirror mirth 141.25, 170.11, 579.32 112.33 027.16 061.01 450.11, 451.03, 456.20, 539.13, 613.17 403.09 481.12, 403.09 345.01, 363.26 092.28 462.04 453.26 037.08 597.34 492.16 278.04 601.23 128.07 349.04 267.03 613.18 377.35 552.03 454.09 235.36, 424.36, 440.23 170.08, 440.19 024.32 064.25 609.30 261.01 130.11 222.32 416.18, 416.18 531.21 427.23 470.20 553.11 435.02 226.24 132.02 016.28 078.08 408.19, 582.20 074.10 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 308 miry misas misceous miscious misck mise miselves miseries misery mish mished mishes mishles misk miskes misola misole miss miss MISS missage missem misses misshes missies missing mission missional missives missly missy mist mistaken misthued mistletocles mistocles mistor mistress misty misunderstanding misus mit mita 444.29 233.30 386.24 066.04 323.11 356.12 487.18 288.25 202.03 072.24, 187.12, 414.32 251.12 022.30 590.12 421.01 347.05 348.31 267.15 006.15, 020.31, 145.06, 186.36, 186.36, 237.07, 245.34, 279.F09, 624.06 278.L2 305.R1 298.07 364.02 381.35 021.19 075.08 042.36, 119.31 049.35, 545.12 395.01 237.13 361.09 145.07, 234.26 007.30, 131.26, 237.06, 477.30 123.30 167.10 392.24 307.L1 050.23 023.29, 412.23, 571.07 539.21 118.25 238.15 492.03, 559.05 471.05 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 309 mitas mite mite mites mite’s mither mitially mitiate mitigated mittal mittalman mittences mitting mittled mix mixed mixtion mo moaned moanesia moaning moans moats mobbed mobile mobilisk mobilism moboil mobus moci mock mockame mockical mocking mocks mocks mod mode modicum modied modius modo modo 119.11 203.18, 291.03, 494.33, 513.20 072.11 349.13 057.12 119.11 325.13 409.34 535.03 067.19 479.20 529.08 599.12 232.10 428.07 058.24, 331.02, 433.23 066.20, 092.26, 194.04 347.22 253.35 430.13 428.02 041.22 603.19 005.33 501.12 152.25, 163.20, 483.24 163.21 308.L2 448.29 407.27 468.20 061.17, 355.30, 358.21, 378.27, 411.19, 423.01, 622.19 542.13 515.16 205.28 235.23, 358.34 105.27 137.03 221.24, 409.11, 533.17 362.31 470.13 003.02, 528.23 248.01 188.09 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 310 modst modus moe moecklenburgmoeria moes mohn moi moil moiseau moisselle moist mok mokst mole molking mollient Mollies mollow molly molnirmolon molten moltked molus moment momilla mominous mominum momorphemy mon mon mona monary monay mon-Carbery mond mondations monde monders monder’s mondhued monds 085.30 034.18, 157.26 007.15, 353.14 090.31 249.16 460.17 377.31 046.18 130.17 230.14 230.15 044.01, 627.03 102.25, 125.19, 247.06, 498.15 518.33 129.04 223.17 242.31 614.27 347.36 409.25, 607.02 106.34 565.21 360.28, 450.25 424.20 155.36 007.17 333.13 467.35 082.34 492.13 543.06 154.02 599.18 013.20, 017.21, 064.04, 051.33, 077.07, 094.14, 119.17, 175.33, 198.04, 205.11, 236.08, 262.F1, 271.20, 279.F22, 318.06, 488.04, 526.28, 534.14, 615.18, 625.16 261.L1, 416.12 062.34, 498.18 172.13 184.30 194.02 118.05, 207.06, 375.21, 503.32, 537.08, 552.11 340.09 021.27, 327.25, 438.30, 519.05 497.31 234.12 288.F5 134.07, 310.14, 343.05 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 311 mond’s mone moneless monence mones monetised money moneya moneys mong mongan monganmongded mongepadenopie monger mongers mongled mongrel mongs monheber moniac monian monicals monides monies monimoss monite monities monitory monk monker monknounest monkst monkynous monkysh monnblue monolith monologos monorother mons mon’s mont montane 391.18 274.25, 538.20, 546.15, 594.09 594.10 337.04 285.29 574.29 140.28, 302.05, 344.21, 416.17, 423.30, 489.11 313.12 595.15 396.06, 478.23 099.26 332.05 418.06 179.34 144.30, 584.05 514.01 345.01 441.32 064.14 604.04 573.31 184.36, 387.18 463.03 007.16 456.21 545.32 403.17 188.25 317.31 145.34 610.32 269.26 609.30 417.15 084.16 399.05 539.01 194.16 255.05 059.28 199.01, 433.04 012.35, 264.16, 375.27, 386.20, 390.29, 416.16 478.31 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 312 montary monta’s Monte month months month’s monthsmind monthsminding monthst montory mony monymh mood moodmined mood’s mook mooking mookse mooky mooltroon moolwashable moomeining moon moondag mooners mooney moonger moonium moonlake moon’s moor moore moors moor’s moos moose moose moosed mooster mooth mop mophilust mor 422.28 601.26 202.09 037.15, 236.10, 553.23, 553.23 542.32 329.19 460.30 280.08 015.34 506.19 172.11, 250.36, 451.12, 464.06 490.13 125.06, 292.23, 590.16 141.25 369.31 231.07 320.06, 343.24 153.21 583.33 604.15 577.07 267.03 059.01, 167.34, 233.34, 280.07, 329.19, 375.12, 395.09, 557.09 453.13 395.13 219.19 340.20 377.15 202.28 201.10 086.09, 211.26, 292.01, 577.14 069.06, 609.03 012.27 059.02, 281.20 621.25 236.19 053.18 158.03 576.18 054.25, 595.01 222.12, 531.23 107.13 055.03 098.33 148.31 231.10 331.25 487.23 499.11 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 313 mor morafamilla morah moral moralities moralizing moram morate morde mordhar more more moreans moorefussed moreland morers mores more’s moret morfi morg morgans morial morica moricas morinthorrorumble mork morken mormee mormo morn morn morning morning moroon moror moroso morphemy morphology MORPHOMUTATION morphoseous morphysed 342.35 434.11 087.08 084.04, 572.34 145.26 434.01 593.13 092.27 018.01 099.25 024.16, 024.31, 025.31, 041.33, 049.11, 050.23, 057.26, 073.11, 084.05, 095.21, 096.24, 129.30, 132.19, 148.31, 173.22, 180.01, 197.17, 238.06, 241.21, 288.10, 314.15, 315.35, 336.16, 338.19, 377.03, 377.03, 378.20, 391.27, 397.23, 438.10, 439.12, 473.07, 491.11, 504.35, 553.30, 583.11, 585.05, 585.22, 586.36, 600.11, 608.12 399.28 015.05 513.31 553.30 476.14 003.04, 203.21, 384.01, 388.24, 555.08, 626.01 475.07 350.05 247.09 020.07 547.34 009.34 562.31 395.35 353.24 479.32 378.14 628.14 253.35 347.04, 376.11, 558.17, 571.32 346.12 041.14 242.14 207.25 547.25 269.L1 599.18 127.13 281.R1 190.31 434.32 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 314 morregos morrha’s morrow morrows morrow’s morry mor’s morse mortal mortal mortial Morum mory mos mosa mosaic moses mosing moslattary mosophy moss mossive most most mostfear mostfere mostinmust mosts mot motch mote moted moter motes moth moth mother mothered mothers mother’s mothers’ 407.02 141.35 244.34, 380.22, 568.24 280.06 614.21 408.22 236.09 313.11 152.34 105.17 349.02 460.18 148.31 172.24 034.02 549.14 107.13 047.19, 585.22 569.02 350.27 134.14 141.05, 161.27, 409.12, 545.32, 550.21 031.32 006.18, 009.16, 014.19, 050.17, 052.20, 056.03, 058.14, 066.32, 118.36, 126.10, 130.03, 151.01, 154.32, 156.17, 167.25, 178.04, 178.29, 187.09, 190.11, 194.03, 194.19, 234.09, 234.13, 246.28, 248.32, 271.F5, 278.23, 292.04, 326.34, 358.11, 362.05, 404.21, 407.25, 407.36, 413.32, 417.04, 422.14, 424.08, 434.19, 445.16, 449.28, 450.35, 460.16, 470.17, 526.18, 547.04, 567.31, 568.31, 570.02, 576.31, 590.15, 605.11 072.14 505.06 067.10 394.30 353.25 021.14, 396.06 415.13 128.19, 484.21 172.31 331.27 132.24 007.14, 244.36, 587.21 342.05 011.09, 125.12, 149.23, 167.32, 187.24, 200.03, 242.25, 253.02, 253.02, 253.03, 299.10, 439.08, 449.36, 473.17, 502.22, 545.09, 560.28 296.22, 470.27 083.17, 585.14 253.03, 479.01 183.27, 183.28, 183.28 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 315 motherthemselves mothy motion motthermock mottocraft motty mou moud mould moulded mouldered mouldy moult mound MOUND mounded mount mountain mountains mounted mounting mountjoy mountof mounts mount’s mour moures mourfully mourican’s mourmeant mourn mourneen’s mourning moury moury mouse mouselles mousin moust mout mout mouth mouth 353.27 258.35, 274.11, 617.12 365.27, 436.36 378.27 623.19 379.34 144.35, 314.22 010.08 206.34, 582.10 186.02 143.14 382.15 241.24 008.05, 111.34, 135.09, 323.02, 386.20, 420.23, 464.26 276.R1 542.04, 588.19 028.22, 053.06, 108.33, 192.35, 247.34, 359.12, 380.12, 541.13, 580.22, 588.15, 623.23 019.32, 129.04 243.05 013.24 504.14 460.09 470.16 505.31 375.23 023.08, 331.33 102.27 158.27 447.06 231.08 011.14 428.08 247.18 096.07 104.10 120.06, 553.02 113.11 107.23 232.07 007.16 354.17 054.35, 131.18, 177.25, 245.23, 263.02, 364.15, 389.01, 394.22, 437.20, 493.07, 578.25 071.19, 525.25 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 316 mouthed mouther moutherhibbert mouthing mouths mouth’s mouthst moutioun mov movable move move moved moves movick moving movingth movs mow mown mow’s moxed moymoyas moyers Moyly Moynihan moyno moztheart muccumul much much muchers muchness muck muck mucks muckst mucky mud mudder muddher-in-chaff muddles 429.18 224.10, 424.19 388.29 329.33 367.34 510.04 519.21 354.20 411.18 117.35 191.11, 404.10, 456.13, 531.29 071.16 066.31, 091.02, 162.05, 314.02, 314.05, 420.29, 430.14, 483.34, 544.07, 579.34, 617.27 499.11 354.01 165.33 274.20 499.11 068.05 557.19 579.01 438.29 257.27 201.30 539.07 095.03 307.09 609.24 360.12 375.29 171.19, 261.29, 388.14, 414.11, 484.16, 485.34, 495.20, 612.15 349.33, 350.02 381.07 122.36 091.01 254.22 344.35 386.33 456.27 072.08 465.33 499.35 100.05 006.05, 068.14, 228.33, 420.08, 552.05, 594.11 496.26 240.15 409.18 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 317 muddymuzzle muddy’s mudgaardmudicate mud’s mudst Mudway muee muehler muffin mufflers mugee muggies Muggli mugglian mugnus muhrmuhr Muhun muid Muirk muirries muk muk muked mukking mukklers mulanchonry mular mulberryeke Mulcnory mule muled mules mulette mulier mulikick muling mulion mulium mullagh mullah mullas mullium 352.29 423.34 424.20 536.04 156.22 332.26 393.09 291.28 213.02 290.F5 516.07 588.02 342.02 123.11 123.21 484.35 017.23 254.03 306.28 622.05 081.28 599.20 349.23 089.09 294.20 327.01 482.12 017.09, 613.18 221.33 397.36 073.35, 198.34, 525.31 133.30, 234.25 250.04 230.07 166.26 349.09 550.29 380.10 498.30 390.09 292.F3 319.08 613.25 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 318 mullunmulo mult multeemiously multy muluation muluius mulum mum mum mumb mumble muminamummer mummers mummur mummy mun Munaday muncononnulstria muncted munculus mund mundher mundo munds mund’s mundson mune muneranded mung munites munkers muns munster munt mup mur murabi murables muraised murals murature 023.05 122.09 184.06, 316.23 285.10 215.25, 261.19 593.15 484.11 056.34 026.18, 279.F34, 279.F34, 279.F34, 302.16, 416.02, 491.28, 603.30 515.09 608.22 295.05 314.08 029.26 356.06 604.11 547.04 014.36, 136.01, 163.03, 534.11, 538.23 205.16 229.17 227.32 525.33 088.23, 253.05, 256.11, 514.02 092.09 416.16 105.02 245.18, 469.16 325.22 244.26 171.32 057.14, 187.03, 258.16, 375.01 497.20 095.34 047.08, 521.28 131.10 008.25 355.08 100.18 139.25 197.25 354.24 579.31 344.17 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 319 murdherers mure muredemeanour muristic murk murket murl murphies murphyc murraimost murrlubejubes murrmal Murty muscles muse musers mush musical musin musk Muslim musong musses muster mustered mustering mustimus mustwhomust mut mutandies mutant mutating MUTATION mutative mutativeness mutch mute muter’s muth muthisthy muth’s mutose mutras 617.18 013.10, 493.13 189.26 594.28 143.07, 404.10 378.08 437.31 293.10 031.35 178.04 396.34 251.36 472.15 015.32 272.F3 032.10 008.26 365.08 539.16 267.28 068.12 595.04 154.08 393.08 149.08 364.09 108.12 223.27 450.17, 593.21 284.12 361.20 460.12 281.R1 036.32 112.12 143.29 016.14 056.01 244.36, 348.13, 434.36 623.10 042.27 314.21 080.24 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 320 mutren mut’s mutt mutter muttering muttony muttyflesks mutual mutualism mutuomergent muzd muzement muzzle myaso mybows mycapnoise myeyes myg mygdaleine mygdaloid myhead myjig mylaya mylose mymy myn myn myng mynn myplace mypolity’s myriameliamurphies myriams myround mysell mysterion mystic mystsprinkled mysty myth mythey mythical mytic 377.10 277.L2 517.13 066.25, 298.28 245.04 241.16 141.08 530.10 308.L2 055.11 163.02, 425.28 125.13 352.29 339.06 011.12 168.11 025.03 116.32 094.16 183.12 229.32 332.24 329.32 185.28 162.25 130.21, 326.19, 367.10, 625.02 342.20 295.08 584.14 114.18 133.18 293.10 265.22 381.30 585.07 301.18 293.18 153.27 155.24 581.24 331.09 354.10 147.08 C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 321 If you want to have all the information you need about Finnegans Wake, including the full text of Finnegans Wake line-numbered, go to the personal site Sandulescu Online, at the following internet address: C. George Sandulescu Clive Hart Segmentation Corpus One (from A to M) 322 The University of Bucharest ( ) is supporting the largest up to date Finnegans Wake Lexicographic Series, edited by C. George Sandulescu and redacted by Lidia Vianu at Contemporary Literature Press:
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