Congratulations - RVC Education Foundation
Congratulations - RVC Education Foundation
24th ANNUAL FUNDRAISING HONORING THOMAS J. WAGNER GALA HONOREE & CENTRE STAGE RUTH FINS MEMORIAL AWARD RECIPIENT SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 2014 7:00 PM GARDEN CITY HOTEL Hilarious! Exciting! Moving! Classic! ! g Always Entertainin The Madison adison Theatre at Molloy l College C ll 1000 Hempstead Ave Rockville Centre, NY 11571 516.323.4444 THE ROCKVILE CENTRE EDUCATION FOUNDATION On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Rockville Centre Education Foundation, welcome to our 24th Annual Gala. EXECUTIVE BOARD Joel Ditchik, President Maureen Reid, Vice President Tina Rekus, Vice President Audra Cerruto, Vice President Darren Raymar, Secretary Lisa Nunziato, Treasurer Ron Carman, Past President BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lorrie Brady Marianne Bracco Tavora Buchman Roseann Burke-Petrizzi Lisa Carcaterra By way of background, the Foundation uses the monies raised this evening to enhance the educational experience for all students in the Rockville Centre public schools. We fund grants submitted by our teachers and administrators to find new and innovative ways of learning inside and outside the classroom. Look inside this Journal for the list of those grants we awarded the school district for this current academic year. The pictures tell the real story: Getting Steamed at Watson, Bakers and Shakers at Covert and learning about the weather at the Weather Bug at the Middle School are just a few of the examples of the creativity we have sponsored. This year’s Gala honorees share the Foundation’s mission to make a difference in the lives of Rockville Centre’s most valuable resource: our children. Whether on the playing field or the high school stage, Tom Wagner and Centre Stage provide our children the opportunity to forge new relationships, work as part of a team to achieve a common goal and understand that success requires hard work and dedication on the part of all involved. Janine Cavanagh Sylvia Chertow Hon. William Croutier Lynne Fay Delia Garrity Ann Marie Hendry • Our Gala honoree, Thomas J. Wagner, volunteers his time and energy to Rockville Centre’s youth sports programs. On the baseball field and the basketball court, as a coach and a commissioner, Tom teaches our children about teamwork, leadership and sportsmanship. These are life-long lessons that will be remembered after the game has been played and the score recorded. Suzanne Knab Maria Marinelli Michael Petrizzi John Profitlich Sue Quilty Nancy Richner Stuart Richner Barbara Schoen Michelle Sewell Wendy Spelfogel • Centre Stage, the recipient of the Ruth Fins Memorial Award, is the first student group that the Foundation has honored. An inclusive drama club, Centre Stage began from an idea inspired by the friendship and bond between two students at South Side High School. Following that initial first step and fueled by the collaboration among students, families and teachers, Centre Stage has grown to become a source of pride in our community. It touches the lives and hearts of all involved—whether working behind the scenes or standing for the ovation at the end of its annual production. Patricia Sullivan-Kriss Tonya Thomas Dr. Brian Zuar DISTRICT LIASIONS Liz Dion We appreciate the hard work of so many for making this evening a success. Our thanks go out to our local merchants for their continued generosity and support. On a personal note, my warmest thanks to our Gala co-chairs, Tina Rekus and Audra Cerruto for their energy, commitment and unfailing good nature in organizing this lovely evening. Christopher Pellettieri HONORARY DIRECTORS Elaine Ajello Chris Amato Dr. William Johnson Mathew Kakis Our final note of appreciation goes to each of you. Thank you for joining us this evening and for your continued support of the Rockville Centre Education Foundation. We are happy you are here and hope to see you next year when we celebrate our Silver Anniversary. Enjoy the evening. Hon. Eugene Murray Rabbi Barry Schwartz Joel Ditchik, President Hon. Dean Skelos Hon. Frank Yannelli P.O. Box 361 x Rockville Centre, NY 11571 x Rockville Centre is an outstanding community that is deeply dedicated to enriching the education and experiences of our children. We are so fortunate to be amongst such committed professionals, parents, and community members who collaboratively work to maintain the highest standards and most innovative programs for our children. The grants that our Foundation are able to provide to our schools are a perfect indication of this combined effort. This year in our endeavor to continue fund-raising we honor the following: Thomas J. Wagner, who is recognized for his amazing commitment to making a difference in the lives of Rockville Centre’s children. As a coach, commissioner and member of the Board, Tom has spent selfless hours of his time and energy in managing both the Little League and youth basketball programs in our community. On behalf of our entire community, we thank him for his undeniable commitment to our children! Center Stage is an unbelievable program run by the students of our schools and various volunteers of our community. This student-initiated project that began in 2009, has grown into a Club that year after year works to foster an inclusive community amongst students with special needs and their peers. We would like to thank all of the individuals involved in this program for their never ending effort and enthusiasm on and off the stage! A big thank you to our local merchants and our sponsors who so generously contributed to our cause. We know in these tough economic times, donations are more difficult and we can’t express enough our appreciation for their generosity. We strongly encourage each of you to SUPPORT OUR LOCAL MERCHANTS. We gratefully acknowledge and support all of those listed in our journal. The contributions made by you will enable our Foundation to enrich the lives of the children within our schools for years to come. In addition, the Gala Committee has worked tirelessly to ensure the success of this evening’s event and we respectively thank and acknowledge those who have assisted in making this GALA possible and such a success. Thank you for supporting this wonderful endeavor and we hope you enjoy your evening! All the Best, Tina Rekus and Audra Cerruto Gala Co-Chairs 2014 Thomas Wagner 2014 Gala Honoree Tom Wagner is recognized for his hard work and dedication in overseeing various boys & girls sports programs in Rockville Centre. ,QDQQRXQFLQJ7RP¶VVHOHFtion as the 2014 Gala honoree, Joel Ditchik, President of the Board of Directors for the Ed Foundation said: 7RP¶VFRPPLWPHQW DVDYROXQWHHUDQGKLVVHUYLFHDQGOHDGHUVKLSWR5RFNYLOOH&HQWUH¶V\RXWKVSRUWVSURJUDPVDUH exemplary. The Ed Foundation is pleased to honor a member of our community who shares in our mission to make a difference in the lives of our YLOODJH¶Vmost valuable resource: our children. Tom has stepped up to the plate on more than one occasion since he began volunteering with WKH5RFNYLOOH&HQWUH/LWWOH/HDJXHLQ&XUUHQWO\VHUYLQJDVWKH/HDJXH¶V9LFH-President for Administration, Tom is responsible for all League communications and serves as the liaison with thH0D\RU¶VRIILFHRQILHOGDOORFDWLRQ+DYLQJFRDFKHGDWDOOOHYHOVDQGin his role as the Commissioner of the National League, Tom can be seen at all the games insuring things are run on-time and in accordance with Little League guidelines. He then returns to handle the avalanche of paperwork that comes with the various roles he plays. $VWKHVHDVRQVFKDQJH7RP¶VFRPPLWPHQWPRYHVIURPWKHEDVHEDOOILHOGWRWKHEDVNHWEDOO court. He has been involved in every aspect of running the Rockville Centre Basketball League since 2000. Serving as a coach and commissioner throughout various divisions in the boys and girls leagues, he is currently a Head Commissioner in the Major Girls division. As member of the RVCBL Executive Board, Tom is responsible for sponsoUVKLSFRRUGLQDWLRQ³7RP¶VZRUN ethic is fueled by his relentless pursuit of fair play.´said Greg Fanning President, RVCBL Tom, who works as First Vice-President & Complex Risk Officer for Morgan Stanley, has lived in Rockville Centre for the past 15 years. He and his wife Patti have three children: Griffin, a junior at Johnson & Wales University, Katy, a sophomore at South Side High School and Emma, who is in 8th Grade at the Middle School.. Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Centre Stage is an inclusive drama club that has grown from an idea developed through the imagination and teamwork between two students, Cathy Mackey and Bryan Nesdill, at South Side High School in the spring of 2008. They had the vision to bring together general education students and students with special needs to write, act and produce a play. Through their efforts and with the support of volunteers, families and school staff and administrators, Centre Stage has grown and reaches out to an ever-widening circle of young people of all different ages and with all different levels of ability. What they share is a common bond of friendship and lasting memories, as they work year-round to put on a fulllength theatrical production. The Rockville Centre Education Foundation is proud to put the spotlight on Centre Stage by awarding it the 2014 Ruth Fins Memorial Award, the first time that the Foundation is honoring a student group. From its inception as a small project in a Language Arts class with a skeleton crew and a few overturned tables serving as a set, Centre Stage has grown to producing full-length musicals. Since that humble beginning, Centre Stage has gone on to stage performances that include the High School Musical (2011), The Wizard of South Side (2012) and South Side Style. (2009), Camp Rockville (2010), Slick (2013). Noreen Leahy, the Assistant Superintendent of Schools, says of Centre Stage: Centre Stage is not just another school club. In my opinion, it is the heartbeat of South Side High school. Not a day goes by that we are not amazed by the creative contributions of the people that help put this show together. There is no test that could ever measure what our students learn when they make Centre Stage happen. Congratulations to Thomas J. Wagner and Centre Stage and to the Rockville Centre Education Foundation of the entire Rockville Centre community Alex Costello Thomas J. Wagner Gala Honoree Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Receipent 2014 Annual Dinner and Gala CONGRATULATIONS TO THOMAS J. WAGNER Gala Honoree & CENTRE STAGE Ruth Fins Memorial Award WILLIAM J. CROUTIER, JR. HAMMILL, O’BRIEN, CROUTIER, DEMPSEY, PENDER, KOEHLER, P.C. 6851 JERICHO TURNPIKE SUITE 250 PO BOX 1306 SYOSSET, NEW YORK 11791 TELEPHONE (516) 746-0707 FAX (516) 677-5475 hh h h -Michael Reid, Regional Manager, New York State a a a We are Proud to Support the a Rockville Centre Education Foundation Luxury at Every Turn Mercedes-Benz of Rockville Centre is proud to support the 5RFNYLOOH&HQWUH (GXFDWLRQ)RXQGDWLRQ Service Facility 110 W. Graham Avenue Hempstead, NY 11550 516/766/2585 Showroom 650 Sunrise Highway Rockville Centre, NY 11570 516/766/6900 THE DITCHIK FAMILY CONGRATULATES THOMAS J. WAGNER 2014 GALA HONOREE AND THE ENTIRE CENTRE STAGE FAMILY 2014 RUTH FINS MEMORIAL AWARD Congratulations to the Gala Award Recipients T HOMAS J. WAGNER Gala Honoree CENTRE STAGE Ruth Fins Memorial Award Diana and Robert Silon Congratulations Thomas J Wagner Gala Honoree Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Charlie and JR Crowley Congratulations to our 2014 Honorees Thomas J Wagner & Centre Stage Norma & Jim Koppel y y Congratulations to the 2014 Gala Award Recipients Thomas J. Wagner Gala Honoree Centre Stage y Ruth Fins Memorial Award Lisa Carcaterra and Steve Napolitano p p p p p p p Congratulations Tom p p p p p p p p We’re All So Proud of You Love, Mom and Dad Debbie and Dave Susan and Rick Congratulations to our 2014 Gala Award Honorees Thomas J. Wagner Gala Honoree and Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Recipient It is our privilege to recognize your accomplishments. The Rockville Centre Education Foundation Board of Directors Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be done! There are points to be scored. There are games to be won. And the magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go! Congratulaons to Thomas Wagner, Gala Honoree For teaching our children the true definion of winning. & Centre Stage, the Ruth Fins Award Recipient For making magic happen. & Thanks to The Board of Directors of the RVC Educaon Foundaon For your reless efforts in support of our classroom teachers. For it is all about the kids. Maureen & Russ Reid Ruth Fins Award Recipient 2002 CONGRATULATIONS HONOREES STU-ART SUPPLIES Custom Picture Framing 2045 Grand Avenue Baldwin (516) 546-5151 Andrew & Stephanie Ray Lisa Hubley Congratulations to the Rockville Centre Education Foundation on its 24th Annual Gala Thomas J. Wagner Gala Honoree Centre Stage Ruth Finns Memorial Award Recipient Karen K. Lipton Wayne H. Lipton Past President Former and Founding Board Member Honorees of the 18th RVC Education Foundation Gala 2013-2014 Education Foundation Grants Nineteen of twenty-three received proposals were approved for partial or full funding for the 2013-14 Baker’s & Shakers* Brenda Gross Covert $980.42 This fun food adventure integrates science, math and nutrition in a self-contained classroom. Primary Core students will join with their peers in an inclusive setting while learning about healthy eating and nutrition. Consultants from “Bakers and Shakers” will work with the children as mini chefs to create delicious edible creations and to reinforce good food choices. Finding Seating for AllAdapt the World You Live Patricia Beaumont Middle School $1,386.56 Ball/balance chairs will provide a healthy, safe posture to our current and future special needs students by giving them the opportunity to both actively move and maintain an optimal stimulation level. The chairs stimulate learning and improve attention by meeting sensory and motor needs in MS children with special education needs. Portable Keyboard Tom Ricupero Wilson $449.86 The portable keyboard will expand many activities within the music program and throughout the school. This will enhance music rehearsals in the gymnasium as well as small group music lessons. Wilson Garden* Eileen Votke Wilson 2,000.00 A Horticulturist in Residence from the Cornell Cooperative Extension will teach the students the science of gardening, composting, and the environmental benefits of organic gardening. These workshops will enhance the use of the greenhouse while enriching the elementary science curriculum. Art Travelers Through Time; Literacy & History Through Art* Jennifer Tramantano Covert $1,650.00 This Interdisciplinary program is a partnership between Covert School’s third graders and the Hofstra University Museum. During the year-long program, students visit the museum to gain exposure to original works of art and study authentic cultural artifacts to expand their understanding of community and world cultures. Students use scientific skills and visual thinking strategies to observe, record, and draw conclusions about the history and story behind each artifact. Students connect this object based learning with activities in ELA, science, social studies and math. Horticulturist in Residence* Lynn Woods Covert $2,000.00 A Horticulturist in Residence from the Cornell Cooperative Extension will teach the students the science of gardening, composting, and the environmental benefits of organic gardening. These workshops will enhance the use of the greenhouse while enriching the elementary science curriculum. Resident Artist for Covert Kindergarten* Paula Lake Covert $3,070.00 A resident artist provides kindergarten students with a knowledge and appreciation for a variety of artists and art forms. Children learn about famous artists and then create their own masterpieces using the style of the artist and a variety of mediums. Center for Academic Excellence & Collaborative Language & Literacy Project Virginia Stamatakis Covert $4,043.00 This innovative program assists students and their families by exposing them to outside resources, referrals, and social, educational, language, library and health services. The program supplements the current elementary school experience and curriculum to expand the social, academic and emotional well being of each student and family that participates. Quilts for Pediatric Unit of Sloan Kettering Barbara Jay Hewitt $500.00 Children participate in a non-traditional educational experience in this hands-on learning experience. Students design, create and sew quilted blankets for pediatric cancer patients at Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital. Students learn compassion and appreciation for their good health as they take the time to bring happiness to a sick child. Accessing the iWorld Allison Wallace Middle School $1,148.95 iPads have been an effective resource with special needs students. The positive impact of this technology will be enhanced through the addition of volume control headphones, adaptive keyboards and applications that can be programmed to fit the needs of each student. 4 school year. These grants total $46,695.84. Skills, Skills, Glorious Skills! Angela Tarquinio High School $280.50 Living the Writerly Life* Christopher Figaro Covert $2,500.00 BioArt Enrichment Program Chris Karaktin High School $10,000.00 The Specific Skills Card Program is a building block in creating successful high school ESL readers. The instructional cards are tools to teach concepts such as cause and effect, context clues, drawing conclusions, figurative language, fact and opinion, inference, logic and reasoning, predicting outcomes, and reading for detail. “Living the Writerly Life: A Residency with Children’s Book Author Eve Feldman” helps writing come to life for students and inspires them to develop a passion for writing. Ms. Feldman incorporates the writing of personal narratives, literary responses and creative writing in her dynamic and informative workshops. Bio Art is a new and emerging art form. This pilot program will enrich art students’ experiences and artwork by integrating the study of biology and earth science concepts with the art making process. Increasing the Usabiilty of iPads in the SE Classroom Patricia Barkwill Middle School $650.00 Students in Resource Rooms consistently use iPads. Headphones with built-in microphones will increase the usability of the iPads and enhance the students ability to complete assignments independently. The Big Picture: Studio in Art 8 Christy Silecchia-Ferrone Middle School $639.72 All eighth grade Studio in Art students will engage in a 2-D acrylic painting project inspired by nature. The painting creation, development and installation will include individual and group design based on the themes of earth, wind, fire and water. WeatherBug Victor Lee Middle School $10,000.00 Centre Stage Squared Jennifer Monsour Middle & High School $1,500.00 Get STEAMED with Engineering Susan Kahan and Patricia Montemarano Watson $2,450.00 At the heart of the WeatherBug Program is a stateof-the-art scientific-grade weather monitoring system securely installed on the school’s roof-top. The weather station, interactive tools and activities will integrate within the current science curriculum for eighth grade MS students and benefit the meteorological reporting from the TV Broadcast Club. This school-wide, thematic, age-specific program will introduce students to the value of engineering and architecture in everyday life. All students will be introduced to engineering through a program entitled “Think Big - Become an Engineer!” and through a visit from a local engineer. “Get STEAMED” will build on children’s natural inclination to design, build and take things apart. As students collaborate and solve problems, they will become acquainted with scientific and technical careers. 4 Elements Installations Art 7 Sculptures Christy Silecchia-Ferrone Middle School $1,446.83 All seventh grade art students will engage in sculpture creation, development and installation inspired by American Abstract Expressionist, Louise Nevelson. The students’ work will be thematically centered around the natural elements of earth, wind, fire and water. Centre Stage is an inclusive student-initiated theatre project that combines the efforts of regular and special needs students at SSHS. Centre Stage Squared will expand this project to SSMS with the SSHS students serving as mentors for the younger students. Funds will be used for equipment and consultant support for this extracurricular theatre project. *RVC Education Foundation Rise Project (Residencies Inspiring Students in Education) CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2014 GALA AWARD RECIPIENTS CENTRE STAGE RUTH FINS MEMORIAL AWARD & THOMAS WAGNER GALA HONOREE LIZ DION, MAYDA KRAMER, GREGG SPAULDING & MARK MASIN Congratulations to Thomas J. Wagner Gala Honoree and Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Recipient WE PROUDLY SUPPORT THE ROCKVILLE CENTRE EDUCATION FOUNDATION AND YOUR COMMITMENT TO OUR YOUTH EXPERIENCE THE NEW GARDEN CITY HOTEL 272 BRAND NEW GUEST ROOMS & SUITES THIS SPRING 45 Seventh Street Garden City, NY | reservations 516.747.3000 | Congratulations to the Rockville Centre Education Foundation Congratulations to and to Thomas J. Wagner Gala Award Recipients Thomas J. Wagner Gala Honoree & Centre Stage Gala Honoree & Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Ruth Fins Memorial Award Recipient Karen and Dennis Richter Michael and Lisa Curti The RVC Education Foundation would like to thank Noah Dion for enriching our evening with the gift of music. Elna Drava and Milton Brown Congratulates the 2014 Gala Award Recipients Thomas J. Wagner We appreciate the work that the RVC Education Foundation contributes to the RVC Schools. Shelagh McGinn, Rose Cammarata, and Jen Pascarella SSMS Administrators GALA HONOREE Centre Stage RUTH FINS MEMORIAL AWARD RECIPIENT Rockville Centre Education Foundation Congratulates our Past & Present Honorees Year Gala Honoree Ruth Fins Award 1997 Delia Garrity 1998 Anita La Spina 1999* Mike Abresch Fredi Norris 2000 Larry VandeWater Tony Brunetta 2001 Dean Skelos Larry Waxman 2002 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murray Russ Reid 2003 Past/Present BOE Members Andrea Patterson Carl DeCicco 2004 Bill Johnson Ralph Campanella 2005 Members of RVC PTAs Richard Kurtz 2006 Mike Norwood Marion Miller 2007 Mike Heller Dot Zaiser 2008 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lipton Darren Raymar 2009 Matt Kakis Carol Burris 2010 Frank Yannelli Gene Kaplan Karen Baer Judy Birnbaum Paula Genovesi Shirley Johnson 2011 2012 Mark Masin John Murphy 2013 Doris Kearns Goodwin Joan F. Waldman 2014 Thomas J. Wagner Centre Stage *Robin Calitri – Distinguished Service Award Ryan Delaney, Gina Lukaszewski, Cathy Mackey, Bryan Nesdill, Adam Stevens and Ellen White Congratulate the 2014 Ruth Fins Award Winner Centre Stage We are so incredibly proud of the accomplishments made over these past years and look forward to the next production!! r r Congratulations Centre Stage Love, Friendship and Fun Wrapped up in Every Show! Thank you Centre Stage Players Past and Present! Noreen and Jim Leahy he Board of Directors and The Membership of The Rockville Centre Basketball League would like to Congratulate Thomas Wagner. Tom is a member of our Board of Directors, Sponsor Coordinator, Co-Head Commissioner for the Major Girls Division and coach. He has been an active contributor to RVCBL for many years. We would like to thank the Rockville Centre Education Foundation for enriching the education of the children in our community 3033 Express Drive North, Suite 100 Islandia, New York 11749 (631) 234-4444 Congratulations! Thomas J Wagner and Centre Stage All of the work you do on behalf of our community is appreciated! Lorrie and Dennis Brady Congratulations Thomas J Wagner & Centre Stage artikay cashmere The MacAneney Family Congratulations Thomas J Wagner Your friends at Kasey's Kitchen and Cocktails & Rooftop 32 Anthony Geraci TTGERACI@AOL.COM 516-807-2995 cell 23 North Park Ave Rockville Centre N.Y. 11570 516-766-5049 Phone 516-807-2995 Catering 516-766-5240 Fax 'ALA(ONOREEs4HOMAS*7AGNER and Congratulations to 2UTH&INS-EMORIAL!WARD2ECIPIENTs#ENTRE3TAGE Laurence Mack, M.D. FACOG Infertility Associates of Long Island, P.C. 1130 North Broadway Massapequa, NY 11758 and and Congratulate the 2014 Honorees Thomas J. Wagner and Centre Stage Thank you for all of your efforts and accomplishments. The Luposello Family applauds Thomas J. Wagner, Centre Stage and the Rockville Centre Education Foundation’s marvelous work. Congratulations to all! BEER – BOURBON – BBQ Tel: 212-213-3587 43 East 30th St. New York, NY 10016 Congratulations to Thomas J. Wagner and Centre Stage From the DeVito Family 294 Main Street Farmingdale NY 11735 Phone 516-586-3595 Congratulations to The Rockville Centre Education Foundation for enriching the lives of children and to Cris and Ron Carman for their consistent support of the Foundation Robert Carman Congratulations to the Rockville Centre Education Foundation Thomas J. Wagner Gala Honoree & Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Francis X. Murray, Mayor Village of Rockville Centre Congratulations From the Field to the Stage Thank You for Your Continuing Support and Devotion to Our Children Thomas Wagner & Centre Stage The Dion Family Liz, Peter, Noah and Hannah Thomas J. Wagner and Congratulations Thomas J. Wagner Centre Stage & Centre Stage Ridge Abstract Corp. Proudly Supports Rockville Centre Education Foundation Thomas J. Wagner Gala Honoree Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Recipient New York 120 Wall Street, 18th fl New York, NY 10005 • • • Bill & Mary Ann Johnson Andrew Nunziato Senior Title Officer Brooklyn 1967 McDonald Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11223 Thank you for bringing such rich and rewarding experiences to our children. New Jersey 1 Bethany Road, Ste 70 Hazlet, NJ 07730 COMMERCIAL * RESIDENTIAL * INDUSTRIAL TITLE INSURANCE * 1031 EXCHANGE * SETTLEMENT STATEMENTS*ACCOMMODATION SERVICES WWW.RIDGEABSTRACTCORP.COM Thomas J. Wagner & Congratulations to the Rockville Centre Education Foundation and to Gala Award Recipients Thomas J. Wagner Gala Honoree Centre Stage Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Recipient Tom Hanley James and Ellen Bellando Congratulations to the 2014 Thank you Gala Award Recipients Thomas J. Wagner Gala Honoree tʎt Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Recipient tJanet Cisario t Congratulations to the Honorees For all you do for RVC, Tom Wagner & Centre Stage. Congratulations! Alanna & John Bender The Angelis Family Congratulates the Education Foundation and the 2014 Honorees s Nick’s 227 Sunrise Highway RVC 516-763-3278 s Pizza Joint Congratulations 195 Brower Ave. RVC 516-766-5206 s Harry’s Italian 2 Gold St. NYC 212-747-0797 225 Murray St. NYC 212-608-1007 Rockefeller Plaza Concourse Level NYC 212-218-1450 to Thomas J. Wagner and Center Stage u u The Rockville Centre Administrators’ Association Congratulates the 2014 Gala Award Recipients 516.323.3324 Thomas J. Wagner Gala Honoree • Congratulations • to u u Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Recipient Bechtle & Murphy Attorneys and Counselors At Law 100 Garden City Plaza Suite 518 Garden City, New York 11530 Thomas J. Wagner and Center Stage (516) 812-3200 ANTHONY J. SANTINO SENIOR COUNCILMAN - 4th District TOWN BOARD 1 WASHINGTON STREET TOWN OF HEMPSTEAD HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. 11550-4923 RVC SEPTA Congratulates Centre Stage on being the Ruth Fins Memorial Award Recipient Congratulations to Thomas J. Wagner Congratulations and An MVP for the Children of RVC & Centre Stage A Magical Mix of Many Talents • Peter and Delia Garrity • Many Thanks to Coach Tom Wagner Catherine, Anne, and Greg Bernhart Rockville Centre Little League Congratulates Thomas J Wagner Gala Honoree and Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Congratulations to Gala Honoree Thomas J. Wagner and Ruth Fins Award Recipient Centre Stage ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Congratulations to Thomas J Wagner Gala Honoree & Centre Stage Ruth Fins Award Recipient Congratulates Thomas J. Wagner Gala Honoree And Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Recipient CONGRATULATIONS Thomas J. Wagner and Centre Stage Congratulations to the 2014 Honorees Thomas J. Wagner and Centre Stage Rockville Centre Lions Endowment Fund Inc. Francis X. Becker, Jr. Legislator, District 6 Theodore Roosevelt Executive & Legislative Building 1550 Franklin Ave Mineola, New York 516-571-6206 Congratulations to Thomas J. Wagner and Centre Stage Christine and Tom Becconsall Congratulations to Thomas J. Wagner & Centre Stage Carol & Barry Koch Congratulations Coach Wagner! You’re the best! RVC XTREME Colleen, Emma, Gianna, Grace, Jenna, Katherine, Katie, Kelly, Nicole, Olivia, Page, Sandra and Stephanie RVC Lacrosse Congratulates Thomas J Wagner Gala Honoree and Centre Stage Ruth Fins Memorial Award Gloria and Mark Romanowski Congratulate the 2014 Gala Award Recipients Congratulations to this year’s honorees Thomas J. Wagner and Centre Stage Open 7 days a week Lunch, Dinner, Sunday Brunch 2 Party Rooms for All Occasions Congratulations to Thomas J. Wagner and Centre Stage Hadjiyane Family Congratulations from John Mattarazzo Congratulations to Thomas J. Wagner and Centre Stage Barbara and Ron Schoen Congratulations to Thomas J. Wagner & Centre Stage The Negroni Family Congratulations to the Honorees Carol & Alan Ditchik Congratulations Centre Stage Luke Campbell Friends of the Foundation 4 U Nails& Spa Brew 7 Cabo C.J.’s Coffee Shop Carvel Churchill’s 808 Clothes Emris Penny Salon GrillFire Halpern Shoes Albert and Jacqueline Horcher Isabella’s Kookaburra La Parma III Joseph and Lucy Landesberg Masters and Co Florist Matty’s Toy Shop Monaghan’s Paradiso Park Ave Nails Pioneer Hair Designers Pizza Joint Polka Dot Pound Cake Press 195 Pretzel Stop Prime Catch Rave Cleaners Robin Redeker Tom and Nancy Ricupero Rockville Centre Recreation Roe’s Casa Dolce, Inc. Roman Nails RVC Bike Shop Star Nails & Spa Subway N. Village Ave Touch of Italy Wild Ginger CRIS & RON CARMAN SALUTE AND GIVE KUDOS TO THOMAS J . WAGNER Gala Honoree Dedicated volunteer and advocate for boys & girls sports programs in Rockville Centre. Vice-President for Administration, Rockville Centre Little League Sponsor Coordinator, Rockville Centre Basketball League Whether on-or-off the baseball field or the basketball court, Tom Wagner is being recognized for his tireless commitment to making a difference in the lives of Rockville Centre’s children. As a coach, commissioner and member of the Board, Tom has spent selfless hours of his time and energy in managing both the Little League and youth basketball programs in our community. & CENTRE STAGE RUTH FINS MEMORIAL AWARD RECIPIENT Centre Stage is a unique collaboration among students with special needs, general education students, South Side High School Staff and dedicated volunteers. Beginning in 2009, students have adapted the storyline of a popular musical to reflect SSHS and the Rockville Centre community. The purpose of the Club is to create a sense of community and belonging in which a unified, cohesive group works towards a common goal. CROWN FORD #"!