April 2016 - Temple Beth El
April 2016 - Temple Beth El
Temple e-Talk J a n u a ry • F eb r u ar y • M ar c h • Ap r il 2 0 1 6 The most popular question I am asked is: “Why did you become a rabbi?” My response goes something like this: “Becoming a rabbi was the easy decision. The hard one was deciding to be Jewish!” by Rabbi Peter S. Levi Camp: Let’s Make it Happen by Rabbi Rachel Kort My parents would tell you that sending me and my sister away to camp for the summer was a vacation. But my parents never traveled for vacation so that my sister and I could afford to go to Jewish camp and to Israel as teenagers. The fact that Jewish camp is extremely expensive is not lost on me. time. I still have a vivid memory of sitting outside the dining hall at Camp Tawonga in the Sierra Mountains watching the sun go down on the eve of Shabbat, touched by a copy of Abraham Joshua Heschel’s “The Sabbath.” I had nothing to do with Judaism in high school. My life has never been the same since. The top Jewish philanthropic foundations in the United States I grew up a secular and humanist Jew. My are all pouring money into trying parents are both Jews. All my grandparents to make Jewish summer camp were Jews. Yet, to me, being Jewish was nothing affordable for the Jewish community. more than an adjective that described me like They have made this commitment having brown eyes or being six feet tall. That all over time because more than any changed with camp. Jewish experience, While a student at it has been shown UC Santa Barbara, I had the to play a role in privilege one summer month helping instill strong of attending BCI (Brandeis Jewish identities and The Remarkable and Unexpected Results of Collegiate Institute in Simi growing amazing Jewish Summer Camp Valley; http://bci.aju.edu/) for a human beings. An Your clergy team reflects upon their own experiences with 26-day immersive experience extensive research that changed the course of my study by Steven how Jewish camps move the Jewish people. life. This was a safe community Cohen in 2008 has to explore my own identity shown that camp as a human being and how attendance increases Judaism can inform my life. The great joy for me My parents were committed to Rabbi K’vod continued on page 30 in this camp setting was to live, learn, eat, sing, instilling Jewish identity in me and my sister dance, explore, question, reject, and embrace in and for all the reasons Rabbi K’vod spoke of an enveloping and holistic environment with a in his article (below), they believed in the by Cantor group of peers also open to the journey. I loved power of Jewish summer camp. The problem Natalie Young it. I grew. The only downside was not being able was, my family could not afford it on our My husband to recreate this intensity in my daily life outside own. My parents sent me to a Labor Zionist and I are both of camp. So I went back on staff for another summer camp that was modeled after a products of the three summers. kibbutz. The tuition was lower than other Jewish youth Jewish summer camps because the campers movement, Rabbi Levi continued on page 30 took on a lot of the labor and maintenance having found that goes into our connection and identity Rabbi Kort continued on page 30 through the meaningful camp experiences we each had growing up. We met at The Imperative of camp as staff members, fell in love Jewish Summer Camp there, and even got engaged at by Rabbi K’vod Wieder camp. It is a deep part of who we are. Even though I first As clergy and parents, we are both went to Jewish summer extremely invested in providing those camp as a 19 year old experiences for our own children and counselor, it was the the youth that we work with. opening of Jewish life that I could claim Cantor Natalie continued on page 30 for myself for the first Clergy’s Corner The Samueli Center Page 1 for Progressive Judaism 2A Liberty ● Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 ● 949.362.3999 ●www.tbesoc.org Here is an overview of the many opportunities we provide at Temple Beth El for spiritual connection and worship services: On Shabbat Friday Evening Shabbat Services in the Sanctuary 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat: A multi-generational joyous and participatory musical service, welcoming Shabbat with dancing, community, opportunities for reflection and inspiration. 5:30pm pre-service Oneg (light appetizers) SCHEDULE OF WORSHIP SERVICES 7:30pm Traditional Reform Shabbat Service: A beautiful worship service in the mainstream Reform model using a variety of musical styles to create a warm and inviting worship experience. Typically, the last Shabbat of each month the choir sings. Our rabbis offer inspirational learning with their sermons. Includes opportunities for reflection and inspiration. This service is followed by an Oneg Shabbat of desserts and socializing! Every Saturday at 9am: Torah Study in room 214/215 Exploration of the weekly portion in a warm and welcoming atmosphere where each participant has the opportunity to learn, listen and share. Every 3rd Shabbat of the month one of our rabbis leads the discussion. A brief lay-led service follows the study. January 2016 Friday, January 1 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services Saturday, January 2 Parshat Shemot, Exodus 1:1-6:1 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service with Kiddush community lunch to follow Every Saturday at 9:15am*: Shabbat morning Conservative prayer in the Chapel. Ivdu Et Hashem B’simcha (Serve the Holy One with Joy) blends high energy, joyous, participatory service with opportunities for meditation and contemplation in a warm and intimate community. Return to that moment at Mt. Sinai through traditional Torah reading while exploring its personal relevance to each one of us. Led by our rabbis and lay leadership. * Except Jerusalem Shabbat begins at 9:30am. (See details on page 4) During the Week Refuat HaNefesh: Healing of the Soul Minyan Tuesdays at 6:30 pm A prayer gathering held each and every Tuesday evening in the Sidney Eisenberg Chapel. This service enables those of us who are in mourning or observing a Yahrzeit to join with their Temple Beth El family for a 30 minute service filled with prayer, song and quiet moments of reflection to recite the Mourner’s Kaddish. The service is a fusion of prayers both in Hebrew and English, using the weekday prayer book, Siddur Eit Ratzon. All the Hebrew is transliterated and has beautiful, relevant explanations of the intentions behind the prayers. Friday, January 29 7:30pm Shabbat Services followed by Oneg* Saturday, January 30 Parashat Yisro 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service with Kiddush community lunch to follow February 2016 Friday, January 8 7:30pm Shabbat Services followed by Oneg* Friday, February 5 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service with Beit Teshuvah Saturday, January 9 Parashat Vaera, Exodus 6:2-9:35 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service with Kiddush community lunch to follow Saturday, February 6 Parashat Mishpatim, Exodus 21:1-24:18 8:45am Exploring Jewish Prayer 9am Torah Study 9:30am Jerusalem Shabbat with Beit Teshuvah 10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace 12pm Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Paul Steinberg Friday, January 15 4pm PreK & K Family Shabbat Experience 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services Saturday, January 16 Parashat Bo, Exodus 6:2-9:35 8:45am Exploring Jewish Prayer 9am Torah Study 9:30am Jerusalem Shabbat & Ari Wohl will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah 10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace Friday, January 22 9:30am ECC Shabbat 7:30pm Shabbat Services followed by Oneg* Saturday, January 23 Parashat Beshalach: Exodus 13:17-17:16 Shabbat Shira 9am Torah Study 9:15am Kol Isha Shabbat Service, details on page 5 RSVP for KISS Kiddush luncheon at http://tbesoc.org/rsvp.html or e-mail kol_isha_shabbat@cox.net Friday, February 12 7:30pm Shabbat Service Saturday, February 13 Parashat Terumah, Exodus 25:1-27:19 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service with Kiddush community lunch to follow Friday, February 19 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday, February 20 Parashat Tetzaveh, Exodus 27:20-30:10 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service with Kiddush community lunch to follow Friday, February 26 7:30pm Shabbat Services Page 2 April 2016 Saturday, February 27 Parashat Ki Tisa, Exodus 30:11-34:35 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service with Kiddush community lunch to follow Friday, April 1 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services Saturday, April 2 Parashat Shmini, Leviticus 9:1-11:47, Shabbat Parah 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service with Kiddush community lunch to follow March 2016 Friday, March 4 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Saturday, March 5 Parashatt Vayakhel, Exodus 35:1-38:20, Shabbat Shekalim 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service with Kiddush community lunch to follow 10am Reform Service and Matthew Skaist will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah Friday, April 8 7:30pm 2nd Shabbat: Men’s Club Beatles Shabbat Saturday, April 9 Parashat Tazria, Leviticus 12:1-13:55, Shabbat HaChodesh 8:45am Exploring Jewish Prayer 9am Torah Study 9:30am Jerusalem Shabbat 10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace Friday, March 11 7:30pm 2nd Shabbat: Chinese Shabbat Friday, April 15 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services Saturday, April 16 Parashat Metzora, Leviticus 14:1-15:33, Shabbat HaGadol 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service with Kiddush community lunch to follow 10am Reform Service & Isabella Siegrist will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah Friday, March 18 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services Saturday, March 19 Parashat Vayikra, Leviticus 1:1-5:26 8:45am Exploring Jewish Prayer (Adult Library) 9am Torah Study 10am Jerusalem Shabbat 10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace Friday, April 22 Erev Pesach No Shabbat services - Enjoy your 1st Passover Seder Friday, March 25 7:30pm Shabbat Services Saturday, April 23 Parashat Bo, Exodus 12:21-15, Numbers 28:16-25 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Shabbat & Passover Day 1 Service with Kiddush community lunch to follow 5pm Enjoy 2nd Seder at the Temple (with advance reservations) Saturday, March 26 Parashat Tzav, Leviticus 6:1-8:36 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service with Kiddush community lunch to follow 10am Reform Service and Jessica Rosiak will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah Sunday, April 24 Parashat Emor: Leviticus 22:26-23:44 & Numbers 28:16-25 9:30am Conservative Passover Day 2 Service Friday, April 29 Parashat Beshellach, Exodus 13:17-15:26 & Numbers 28:19-25 9:30am Conservative Passover Day 7 Service 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services Saturday, April 30 Parashat Re’eh, Deuteronomy 14:22-16:17 & Numbers 28:19-25 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service & Passover Day 8 Service with Yizkor 7pm Post-Passover Bread & Beer Bash Carnival Sunday, March 20th, 2-5pm includes megillah reading, carnival, bounce house, costumes, & so much more! Children’s Game Passes $18 (available online, or $20 at the door) PURIM – Wednesday March 23rd 6:00pm Savory Hamantaschen Dinner Feast (with all the usually liquid consumables) 7:00pm Traditonal Megillah Reading (yes, the whole megillah with Schtick) Page 3 SCHEDULE OF WORSHIP SERVICES Saturday, March 12 Parashat Pekudei, Exodus 38:21-40:38 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service with Kiddush community lunch to follow Jerusalem Shabbat Experience with the Band of Milk and Honey (& a little schnapps) At 9:30am on these Saturdays : January 16, February 6, March 19, April 9 In the Sidney Eisenberg Chapel On the streets of Jerusalem on Shabbat morning, the dew on the trees reflect sunlight sparkling diamonds, the air is crisp and still, and the peace is palatable. Joyous prayer pours out houses and little shteibls - the human song and the song of creation intertwined. Friends and family come together to eat, to share, and to immerse in words of life-giving Torah. One can’t imagine a Torah more relevant and real. • Be absorbed in a meditative and meaningful musical journey through the morning service • Enjoy transliterated and fully-accessible Hebrew prayer • Rejoice around the Torah with schnapps and sparkling cider • Eat and engage in guided community study over lunch Tot Shabbat Playspace HOLIDAYS/ SPECIAL PROGRAMS January 16, February 6, March 19, April 9, May 21 at 10:30am Children ages 2-5 years will enjoy the Shabbat Playspace with one of our rabbis, our ECC Director Terry, and Miss Beth in the Early Childhood Center. A Special Shabbaton with Beit Teshuvah Beit Teshuvah is a Jewish rehabilitation center for individuals struggling with substance abuse and other addictions. Beit Teshuvah is founded on authenticity and wholeness, and integrates spirituality, psychotherapy, Jewish teachings, the 12 Steps, and the creative arts. We have an opportunity to experience their stories, teaching, and inspirational music throughout the weekend. Friday, February 5th 6pm – Kabbalat Shabbat with Cantor Young and the Beit Teshuvah Band 7:30pm – Shabbat Dinner with Beit Teshuvah founders, Rabbi Mark Borovitz and Harriett Rossetto, $20/adult RSVPs required via the temple website Saturday, February 6th 9:30am – Jerusalem Shabbat with the Band of Milk and Honey 11:45am – Shabbat Lunch with Rabbi Paul Steinberg – “From Brokenness to Reclaiming Hope and Courage” No charge. Please RSVP on the temple website 4:30pm - Teen Only Session with Beit Teshuvah – Jewish Addiction and Recovery Center 7pm – Freedom Song – A Transformational Musical Freedom Song is a transformative musical that will shatter the myth of Jews being immune to addiction. By interweaving a Passover Seder with personal stories of addiction, Freedom Song poses one stark question, “WHAT ARE YOU A SLAVE TO?” The cast of Freedom Song is not a cast of actors; they are actual addicts in recovery that have broken off the shackles of drugs, alcohol, gambling, and other destructive behaviors. By performing in Freedom Song, our interchanging cast members have an opportunity to answer questions from the audience and to share their experiences on how best to recover from a lifestyle of addiction. Using song and dance, tears and laughter, and an intense post show discussion with our cast, Freedom Song will open your eyes to the real life struggle against the ‘bondage of self’ that we all fight every day. Page 4 Popular Women-Led Service ~ Now Even More Musical, More Engaging Special Guest Speaker Cantorial Student Heather Seid Saturday, January 23, 2016 9:15 AM ~ Sidney Eisenberg Chapel No charge, but RSVPs for lunch are requested by January 10 via the Paperless Post or via the Temple Beth El SOC website: http://tbesoc.org/rsvp.html. Donations are welcome to help offset the cost of this special lunch. For $36 or more by January 15 you’ll be listed in the program as a “Supporter” Please earmark donation “KISS Kiddush Luncheon” Thank you! “Kol Isha” means both “every woman” and “woman’s voice.” To participate in the service or for more information please contact Wendy Lupul at kol_isha_shabbat@cox.net or 949-425-9365. Click here or scan QR code with a smart phone for an illustrated audio of Lynnda Levine chanting a portion of the shir from Parashat Beshellach, the KISS Torah reading. Shavuot Ascending The Mountain: All Night Shavuot Experience June 11-12, 2016 at 7pm As a sacred window in time, the holiday of Shavuot invites us into an experience of personal and communal revelation. More than a historical moment, the story of the Israelites receiving Torah at Mount Sinai is meant to be re-experienced by us as an opportunity receive guidance around how to live our lives more “soulfully” - with a deeper sense of purpose and meaning. Join the community of Temple Beth El in an all-night journey using sacred texts, stories, meditation, and music to ascend the mountain of revelation to reveal a Torah that is personal, authentic, and lifegiving. We will conclude with a Conservative Morning Service at 6am on Sunday, June 12 and 2nd Day Shavuot Services with Yizkor on Monday, June 13 at 9:30am. Page 5 HOLIDAYS/ SPECIAL PROGRAMS Sumptuous Kiddush Luncheon & Entertainment following services HOLIDAYS / SPECIAL SERVICES S T A B B A H S SECOND Shabbat is so much more than a prayer service. Shabbat is a time to build community, to connect with friends both old and new, to eat, drink, sing, dance, laugh, learn…and pray. HOLIDAYS/ SPECIAL PROGRAMS Temple Beth El dedicates the Second Shabbat of each month as an opportunity to build ADULT community through creative programming. Your synagogue is most interested in cultivating adult community that is fun, interesting and meaningful….from the second Shabbat of each month dedicated to adult community, to guest scholars and speakers, to birthing the Boomers club of folks just like you who want to stay connected to your temple community. Upcoming events include: January 9 7pm Saturday night for the Comedy Night (details on page 10) March 11 7:30pm Shabbat Table Goes to China Shalom Hunan: American Jews and Chinese Food Joellyn Wallen Zollman April 8 7:30pm BEATLES SHABBAT sponsored by the Men’s Club. Join us for a great evening of community, music, friends and fun and a service inspired by the Fab Four. June 10th 7:30pm Volunteer Shabbat Join us for a special Shabbat honoring all our volunteers. Post-Passover Beer & Bread Bash Friday, April 8th at 7:30pm sponsored by the Men’s Club Join us for a great evening of community, music, friends and fun and a service inspired by the Fab Four. Saturday, April 30th at 7pm After a week of matzah, we are all ready for the tastiest things made from wheat and barley. Join us for a Havdalah with fine homebrewed beers, ales & bochs paired with fine artisanal breads. Liberate your palate! ~ RSVP on temple website ~ Page 6 SECOND SHABBATS Shabbat Table Goes to China Friday, March 11 6:45pm Shabbat (Chinese) Dinner $20/person (RSVP in advance on the temple website - tbesoc.org, click on RSVP for upcoming events) Dr. Zollman holds a Ph.D. in Jewish history from Brandeis University. Locally, she has taught classes on Jewish history, American religion, and religious art and architecture at San Diego State University, UCSD, and the Center for Jewish Culture. Professionally, she has worked with the Jewish material culture collections at the Smithsonian Institution, the Skirball Museum, and The American Jewish Historical Society. Israeli Supreme Court Justice Salim Joubran Tzedek Tzedek Tirdof Justice Justice You Shall Pursue (Deuteronomy 16:20) April 5 at 7pm Join in for an intimate conversation with Arab Israeli Supreme Court Justice Salim Joubran (b: 1947). He has served as a Supreme Court justice since 2003 and became a permanent member in May 2004 as the first Arab to receive a permanent appointment in the Israeli Supreme Court. Co-sponsored with the Rose Project of Jewish Federation & Family Services Page 7 HOLIDAYS/ SPECIAL PROGRAMS 7:30pm Speaker – all are welcome to come to the speaker even if not attending the dinner Passover: An Opportunity For Personal and Communal Liberation by Rabbi K’vod Wieder HOLIDAYS/ SPECIAL PROGRAMS Passover is rooted so deeply in the heart of Jewish consciousness that across the world, even secular Jews will participate in a seder. I know families who are not religious who have put together their own family haggadot - sometimes focused on personal issues, sometimes on issues of social justice, sometimes just on the ritual foods, as matzah and maror awakens memories, some personal, and some beyond to a more ancient place. In our tradition, the Exodus from Egypt is the core of the Jewish myth, the Jewish story. Whether we are praying three times daily, reciting Kiddush on Shabbat or any other festival, or observing the very holiday of Pesach, our liturgy reminds us zecher l’tziat mitzrayim - the memory of the going out of Egypt. The reason why this story is so essential to the tradition, and is so compelling that it is celebrated across the Jewish world regardless of religious observance, is that it is about the journey from slavery to freedom. Even though there is an immense distance between the literal oppression under the Egyptian taskmasters and our 21st century affluent lifestyles where freedom doesn’t seem to be relevant, we are still drawn to Pesach, to explore the journey from slavery to freedom. I want to articulate some possible ways that slavery is deeply relevant to us in our lives today and what freedom could mean for each one of us. Each one of us experiences bondage consciously or unconsciously on a personal level. We may be involved in work that is not fulfilling. We may be in relationships where there is more struggle than joy. We may feel despair at not finding someone to share our lives in an intimate way. We may be at a loss to how to support our kids emotionally while they are going through a tough time. We may continue to hurt at the ways our parents can’t affirm the people that we are and the lives we’ve chosen to live. We may feel immense pressure and stress from the responsibilities we carry. We may feel a lack of purpose or direction. If we extend our identity beyond the personal and to our larger community, society, or global reality, we may be in touch with being a part of or witnessing socio-economic systems that do not respect the dignity of every human being, making sure that everyone has food, water, and shelter. We may notice how our socio-economic systems allow us to pollute and destroy the planet that we live on. What characterizes all of these examples is that on a personal level they describe a “narrow psychological and spiritual emotional place”, and on a societal level, they describe a system that is too narrow to meet everyone’s needs. The word for Egypt is mitzrayim, which means “a narrow place.” The story is speaking to each one of us. The text and rituals of Passover are designed to help us become aware of our own “narrow places” and to show us a path of personal and communal liberation. When we ask Ma Nishtanah, we are not only asking why this night is different, but we are asking why we are different. Why is our life different than what we’ve envisioned for ourselves? Why are we different from what we aspire to? And what Red Sea do we need to cross to become even more fully ourselves? We hope you will join us for our second night seder at Temple Beth El to explore the story of Passover in a way that is more personal and relevant than ever before. And to make the journey to authentic freedom together! MECHIRAT HAMETZ: SELLING OF HAMETZ I/We (the undersigned) hereby authorize Rabbi K’vod or his designated representative to sell all “hametz” located on our premises. Home Address:______________________________________________________________________ Business Address:____________________________________________________________________ I/we understand that this is a legal transaction and that I/we may not partake in these products during the week of Passover. I/we understand that these products will be repurchased for our use immediately after Passover. Please fill out and return this form to Myka at Temple Beth El of South Orange County by 8am Wednesday, April 20th. It is customary to make a contribution at this time to fulfill of the custom of Maot Hittim/providing for the needs of the poor on Pesach. The collected funds will be donated to Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger [mazon.org]. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Signature Printed Name Return to Temple Beth El of South Orange County: Email mthompson@tbesoc.org ~ Fax 949/362-5323 ~Drop off at front desk by 8am Wednesday, April 20th Page 8 Pesach (Passover) begins Friday, April 22nd and ends Saturday, April 30 Preparing for Passover? As you prepare your home for the holiday, keep in mind that food banks are in need of donations. You can always bring your food donations to the temple collection area (in the corridor near the Adult Library.) South County Outreach Food Bank will pick up these donations. Passover Hospitality: Need a Host? Want to Host? If you would like to host one or more members of our Temple Beth El extended family who do not have anyone locally with whom to share Passover seder on the first night, please call the Temple (949-362-3999 ext 103). Likewise, if you don’t have a place to attend seder and would like to join others from your Temple Beth El family, please also let us know. We will work to match everyone up and ensure that “all who are hungry” have a place to come, eat, schmooze, and enjoy the mitzvah of the Seder meal as it was intended to be enjoyed: together. Passover Morning Services (in the chapel) Passover Day 1 Services: 9:15am on Saturday, April 23 Passover Day 2 Services: 9:30am on Sunday, April 24 Passover Day 7 Services: 9:30am on Friday, April 29 Passover Day 8 Services: 9:15am on Saturday, April 30 (Yizkor) Havdalah and End of Passover Celebration – April 30th 7pm singing and sharing Resources to Help Prepare for Pesach Check out the Temple website for some great Passover activities and resources! www.tbesoc.org/passoverfun.html (or click on Passover from tbesoc.org) 2nd Night Seder at Temple Beth El Saturday, April 23rd, 2016 More than a folk custom of our people, more than a historical account of the Israelites in Egypt, Passover is an opportunity to touch what is most important in our lives and find ways to move beyond stuck places to greater freedom and joy. With delicious food, challenging and inspiring conversation, meditation, and song, we will take the journey from slavery to freedom as a holy community. There will be separate and integrated adult and children programming to help both age groups have a meaningful experience. Reservations must be made by March 14th, 2016. Schedule: 5:30pm - Gathering and Introductions 6pm - The Journey Begins - “Secrets of Slavery and Freedom” (There will be appetizers and salad served throughout) 7:30pm - Dinner 8:45pm - “Celebrating Freedom” - Final singing and sharing Yom Hashoah: May 4 ~ Educate ~ Yom Hashoah, also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day, is commemorated through a variety of programs and services. Attend the Evening of Holocaust Remembrance at Chapman University on Tuesday, May 3rd at 7pm in the Chapman Auditorium. This year will be a Tribute in Art, Words and Music. Temple Beth El Honors Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day Read Rose DeLiema’s (z”l) memoir So You Can Remember: A Mother Writes to Her Children (available for free on the temple website - just click on Yom HaShoah) ~ Never Again ~ ~ Remember ~ Pick up a yellow memorial candle (available at the Temple’s front desk in mid-March) and light it on Tuesday evening, May 3, 2016 Orange County will be joining the LA “Walk to End Genocide” on Sunday, April 17, 2016 at La Brea Tar Pits from 9am-1pm. Sign up online (www.walktoendgenocide.org) Page 9 HOLIDAYS/ SPECIAL PROGRAMS A Night Of Insight, Freedom, and Joy: Filling Miriam’s Cup Including the Stories of Women at the Seder Monday, April 11, 7pm ADULT PROGRAMMING Join BE Sisters and Rabbi Kort to welcome the month of Nisan and prepare for Passover Women’s Retreat “The Red Tent” Women connecting to Women Join us as we cruise on the Carnival Inspiration to Ensenada, Mexico Friday, May 13, 2016 thru Monday, May 16, 2016 Together we will learn, laugh, and share our stories Don’t miss the boat, book now to hold your spot, group limited to 54 women Booking # 6X0CS0 For more information contact Merritt Weiss-Bruinfan3@gmail.com Cindy O’Neil Ross- Cindyakama@aol.com Lois Wilson -Lowil@cox.com Scholarships available Men’s Club Upcoming Events Breakfast We hope to see the ‘regular’ Temple Beth El Men’s “Breakfast Club’ers” and welcome any new Men’s Club members who have not yet come by to our monthly breakfast at Coco’s at 27750 Crown Valley Pkwy. Mission Viejo, CA 92691! Join us on any or all of the upcoming dates (the 2nd Thursday of each month) January 14, February 11, March 10, April 14 at 9:30am. Please email Mel Zimmerman at InOtherWords@msn.com if you plan on attending so that he can reserve enough tables. Hearing Men’s Voices A new program providing the opportunity to having meaningful connection with other men on topics like “Work and Worth,” and “Fathers and Sons.” Monthly sessions take place on the second Thursdays at 7 pm in the library January 14th - Topic - “The Man Rules” February 11th - Fathers & Sons, Fathers & Daughters March 10th - Intermarriage & Families Page 10 Temple Beth El Connections Congregants age 55+ get together every other month to enjoy lunch ($10 with advance reservations) together and a featured speaker or presentation. Upcoming programs will be both entertaining and thought-provoking, so please mark your calendar to start the New Year off and renew friendships! In 2016 TBE Connections will be presenting programs that should be of vital interest to all temple members. Most of us have little knowledge of the Muslim Religion. A religion followed by over a billion people worldwide. To help us understand this religion and answer our questions, on February 1st at 11:30 am we will have the opportunity of meeting with Professor Zakyi Ibrahim, Ph.D. He is on the faculty of Cal State Fullerton in the field of comparative religion. He is an expert on the Muslim Religion. As usual lunch may be obtained for $10.00 by making your reservations with Myka at mthompson@tbesoc.org. Or you may call her at 949-362- 3999 ext 316. Please mark your calendars to be sure you do not miss these informative events. If you want further information do not hesitate to call me at 949-443-5435. Lew Einbund Questions? Want to express interest? Lew Einbund - sleinbund@cox.net 949-443-5435 Muriel Sachs - Sachsaphone6@comline.com 586-3055 Joan Kirschenbaum - JoanKirschenbaum@cox.net 388-9464 or 370-6222 Wishing a Warm Welcome to our Newest Members! Eric and Carrie Bourget of Aliso Viejo Larry and Debbi Kuhn of San Clemente Ron and Adelle Chemers of San Clemente Michael and Debra McKee of Aliso Viejo Anthony and Talia Cortes of Aliso Viejo Jeff and Gail Peddie of Newport Beach Sandra Elliott of Laguna Niguel Jason and Elizabeth Resnick of Rancho Mission Viejo Roger Gordon of Laguna Hills Stacey-Ann Shapero of Dana Point Tom and Joanna Gutteridge of Laguna Niguel Page 11 ADULT PROGRAMMING On Monday April 4th also at 11:30am, Gary Ratner, a spokesman for “Stand With Israel,” will tell us about the threat of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against the State of Israel. He will also discuss the threat of antisemitism throughout Europe and the USA. He too will offer the opportunity for Questions and Answers. HINENU CARING COMMITTEE On Sunday, October 25th, the Hinenu Caring Committee enjoyed a light brunch while planning for a year of helping our community in a caring way. This is our once a year kickoff when new and continuing members come together. We honored Shirley Einbund who, after many years of service, is stepping down as the co-chair of the committee. Our volunteers choose to participate in any or all of the following: ¥ Help prepare and deliver meals to congregants who are recovering from illness or surgery ¥ Visit and “schmooze” with our members who are homebound ¥ Attend Shiva Minyans where more members are needed ¥ Help set up the “Meal of Consolation” after a funeral Should you Þnd yourself in need, please do not hesitate to contact Rabbi K’vod Wieder kvod@tbesoc.org or call 949-362-3999 ext. 106, Wendy Levin - wenlevin2@gmail.com or call at 949-380-0236 or Ellen Prince - ellenprinc@aol.com or call at 949-322-4573. ADULT PROGRAMMING WE ARE HERE CARING FOR YOU Book Clubs Cooking for Connection Daytime Book Club Our Daytime Book Club provides the opportunity to discuss Jewish-themed books selected on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Upcoming dates and book selections include: January 19, February 16 and March 15 Time: 11:30am -1pm in the Adult Library Coordinators: Sharon Wolfson shwolfson@sbcglobal.net & Claire Stein originalclarita1@cox.net January 19 Doha 12 by Lance Charnes February 16 The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah March 15 In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume April 19 TBA Yom HaShoah program May 17 Miriam’s Kitchen: a Memoir by Elizabeth Ehrlich At 7pm on these Tuesdays: January 5, February 9, March 8, April 12 Want to shmooze a bit with other congregants while preparing a favorite vegetarian recipe for our Saturday morning kiddush lunch? Join Sandy Rothberg and Rabbi K’vod to give to our community. We are looking for dishes that can be frozen, kept in our freezer and taken out when needed for the coming month. To participate, RSVP to Sandy at sandy@rothberg.org and let her know what you’d like to prepare. You bring the ingredients. People of the Book All are welcome to join us on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7pm! We recently opened our book selections to all types of books not limited to Jewish themes or authors. Please come for our interesting and lively discussions. RSVP to Helen. Upcoming dates are January 13, February 10, March 9, April 13 Time: 7pm in the Adult Library Coordinator: Helen Rasner at helen@rasnerlaw.com or cell 949-233-2606 Page 12 The Body Covered & Uncovered: Nudity in the Bible & the Ancient World With special guest Scholar Dr. Sharon Keller Tuesday, January 19, 2016, 7:30pm Part 1 Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 7:30pm Part 2 The common assumption is that Adam and Eve were ashamed when they discovered themselves to be naked, but if we look carefully at the text in Genesis it says that they “…were not ashamed.” The Bible presents a complicated appreciation of the human body that is at times positive and at times negative, but is never “shameful.” Co-sponsored with the Community Scholar Program Page 13 ADULT EDUCATION Dr. Sharon Keller set her sights on a PhD in Bible and Egyptology when she was in the 6th grade and steadfastly worked toward that goal earning her doctorate at NYU in the Department of Hebrew and Judaic Studies in the area of Bible and the Ancient Near East. Sharon is currently on the Classics faculty at Hofstra University where she teaches courses as diverse as “Women in The Hebrew Bible,” “Magic, Miracle, and Medicine in the Ancient World,”and“GrecoRoman Comedy.” Adult Education Adult education classes are offered free to temple members, and $18 for non-members. To register for a class, please contact Myka at mthompson@tbesoc.org or 949-362-3999 ext 316. Exploring Jewish Prayer with Rabbi K’vod Wieder Saturday mornings January 16, February 6, March 19, and April 9 at 8:45am in the Adult Library The rabbis envisioned prayer as an opportunity to connect with the deepest part of us. In this short class, we’ll explore how prayer can be a vehicle for this kind of spiritual connection. Tuesdays at 7:30pm Learn about how Jewish tradition responds to contemporary issues of interest. We will explore topics in a series of mini classes Jan. 19, 26 Special Guest Teacher Dr. Sharon Keller: The Body Covered & Uncovered: Nudity in the Bible & the Ancient World Maps of Reality: ADULT EDUCATION World of Judaism with Rabbis Feb. 9, 16, 23 Idol Worship: A Biblical Portrait of Addiction with Rabbi K’vod Staying Sane in a World That Doesn’t Always Make Sense Mar. 8, 15, 29, 23 Jewish Wisdom About Death and Dying with Rabbi K’vod with Rabbi K’vod Wieder Thursdays at 7pm in the library January 21, February 18, April 7 Apr. 12,19, 26 Israel Today with Rabbi Kort A new series of classes fit for newcomers and those who have been attending the Maps of Reality classes. In this series, we’ll explore some of the more profound theologians in our tradition and seek to integrate their thinking with modern physics, philosophy, and the wisdom of the Jewish mystics. Through these reflections, we hope to more deeply recognize God’s living presence in our lives and discover how our Jewish communal practice only enhances our experience. To deepen our conversations, we will assign some preparatory reading between classes. May 10, 17, 24, 31 My Jewish Identity with Rabbi Kort June 14, 21, 28 - The Word That Creates: Effective Everyday Communication with Those That We Love with Rabbi K’vod Explore Israel from the Comfort of a Couch Mondays, March 7 & March 14 from 7-9 pm Did you know that the popular TV seriers Homeland and In Treatment are both remakes of Israeli shows? Over the past few years, Israel has produced some amazing television programming, drama and comedy, that gives a glimpse into Israeli society and the Israeli psyche. If you love great television and want to learn more about Israel, Rabbi Kort invites you to join her for this two part “mini series.” No prior knowledge necessary. Popcorn provided. RSVP on temple website. Page 14 Gordon & Sklar Registration for the 2016-17 School Year is Open Early Childhood Center Get your registration materials and information online at www.tbesoc.org/childhoodcenter.htm Temple Beth El…. ...Where Jewish learning is fun. Join us! Call Director Terry Fierle for a tour! 949-362-3999 ext 317 Serving children 7 months through pre-kindergarten For families with young children... Here Comes Shabbat! A Special Shabbat Experience for PreK-2nd Graders 5:25-5:45pm on the these Fridays: January 15, February 5 & 19, March 18, April 15, May 6 & 20 community-wide nosh (snack) after this service. For more information contact Rabbi Rachel Kort, Director of Jewish Engagement, rabbikort@tbesoc.org; 949-362-3999, ext. 102 KIDS CORNER Join us in the Sanctuary on the above Fridays for a special service tailored for PreK-2nd graders. This is a special Shabbat ritual the 1st & 3rd Fridays of the month from 5:25-5:45pm and includes singing, stories, tzedakah collection, and time to say goodbye to the week and welcome in Shabbat. All families with young kids are welcome to participate. Join us for a Shabbat Chai Students Giving Torah to our Temple Community An Invitation to Visit our 6th Grader’s Prophets Gallery Friday, January 15th Shabbat Chai means “Live Shabbat.” Our goal is simple: learn through authentic experience. Through our Project-Based Learning Program, our Shabbat Chai students have the opportunity to bring Judaism to life for our Temple-wide community. Project-Based Learning not only gives kids a tangible way to use the knowledge and skills they are acquiring, but also creates opportunities for our students to enrich our entire synagogue. On January 15th, our 6th graders will present a Modern Prophets Gallery in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Their gallery will help teach our community about the meaning of prophecy and honor individuals who, like our biblical prophets, have used their voices to call for justice in the world. Page 15 Shabbat Chai-lights Community, Torah, Shabbat Building Community One Shabbat Dinner at a Time Shabbat Chai isn’t just for children, it is a time for parents to learn and build community too. In addition to Rabbi Levi’s adult learning offerings during Shabbat Chai Fridays, parents are invited to join children for special Grade Level Shabbat Experiences throughout the year. KIDS CORNER During each Grade Level Shabbat, parents and children will learn together, build community, enjoy Shabbat dinner and sit together as a class for either our ‘Here Comes Shabbat’ Service (PreK-2nd Grade) or Kabbalat Shabbat Service (3rd-5th) in the Sanctuary. Our 2nd & 3rd Graders enjoyed their special Shabbat experiences earlier in the year. PreK, Kindergarten, 1st, 4th, & 5th Graders will have their special Shabbat afternoons on the following dates. Parents, please mark your calendars. Google Calendars All of our events are on a Google Calendar - ready for your mobile device, etc! Shabbat Chai dates, Hebrew School Dates, Parent Events...sync everything today! tbesoc.org/calendar.html Calendar of Fall Dates Shabbat Chai No Shabbat Chai Jan. 1 Shabbat Shabbat Shabbat Shabbat Shabbat Purim Carnival No Shabbat Chai Shabbat Shabbat Shabbat Jan. 15 Feb. 5 Feb. 19 March 4 March 18 March 20 April 1 April 15 May 6 May 20 PreK & Kindergarten January 15, 4-5:45 pm 1st Grade February 5, 4-5:45 pm 4th Grade March 4, 4-7 pm 5th Grade April 15, 4-7 pm (parents) *Overnight experience for 5th graders Hebrew School Mondays, 4:30-6:30pm Jan. 4 Jan. 11 No Class Jan. 18 Jan. 25 No Class Feb. 1 Feb. 8 No Class Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 29 March 7 March 14 March 21 No Class March 28 No Class April 4 April 11 April 18 No Class April 25 If you have any questions about Shabbat Chai, Hebrew School, or your family’s Jewish journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at 949-362- 3999, ext. 102; rabbikort@tbesoc.org. BEMSY—Beth El Middle School Youth L’Shalom, Rabbi Kort BEMSY—Beth El Middle School Youth Calling All 6th & 7th Graders Calling All 6th & 7th Grades BEMSY is our Youth Group for 6th & 7th graders. The group will meet on Shabbat Chai Fridays from 4:00-4:45 pm in our Youth Lounge. Sixth and seventh graders will have an opportunity to schmooze with friends, buy a slice of pizza, play basketball and board games. This time will also include a “camplike” Shabbat ritual designed especially for BEMSY. In addition to Shabbat Chai Fridays, BEMSY will meet for fun and festive Shabbat dinners and activities from 7pm -8:30pm, in our Youth Lounge on the following dates: Feb. 19, May 6. On Sunday, April 10, BEMSY will join our Senior Youth Group, BESTY for a Chocolate Seder (45:30pm) For more information contact Rabbi Rachel Kort, Director of Jewish Engagement at rabbikort@ tbesoc.org or 949-362-3999, ext. 102 Page 16 Navigating Teen Challenges Bring together professional resources to provide tools & guidance for facing the Challenge of Modern Adolescence. KIDS CORNER Page 17 UPCOMING EVENTS: BESTY Teen Community Year-Long Programs BESTY Teen Community: a soulful place for friends, fun, and becoming the leader you were meant to be. KIDS CORNER A SUPPORTIVE PLACE TO BE WHO YOU ARE BESTY’s primary value is that at all of our events you feel like you can be yourself. We know that in high school there is a lot of pressure to fit in and to be liked. Our Teen Leadership Board, youth director, and rabbis are deeply committed to creating an inclusive space where your unique presence and contribution is appreciated. Teen Community Calendar January 1/5 6:30-8:30pm – Lounge Night: Israel Food and Culture 1/8 7-9pm – Shabbat Club: Police Brutality (at private residence) A SOULFUL PLACE The synagogue Teen Community provides a unique opportunity to explore what is meaningful and important in life. Our BESTY Teen Leadership Board will pick a handful of topics that our teen community wants to explore and will offer some fun events with our warm and spiritual rabbis. Our Shabbat Club experiences in our youth lounge and at people’s homes are informal environments for singing and celebration. 1/24 2pm – Navigating the Challenges Teens Face Conference 1/31 4-6pm – 8th Grade Tzedakah Board 2/6 4:30pm - Teen Only Session with Beit Teshuvah – Jewish Addiction and Recovery Center A FUN PLACE Whatever fun activities you envision we can make a reality. Every month we’ll come together for an evening in our youth lounge, various weekend activities, including Broomball overnights, professional sport outings, Yogurt and a Movie, our infamous Club night, and many more. 2/7 2-5pm – Big Air 2/23 6:30-8:30pm – Lounge Night 2/28 4-7pm Sunday Program – Whiffle Ball Tournament, Teen Leadership Program, 8th Grade Tzedakah Board 3/11-13 Senior USY Kinnus – Beth El in La Jolla 3/13 4-7pm Sunday Program – Murder Mystery, Teen Leadership Program, 8th Grade Tzedakah Board 3/18 BESTY Shabbaton 3/20 Purim Carnival 3/27 4-6pm – 8th Grade Tzedakah Board 4/8 7-9pm – Shabbat Club: Heaven and Hell 4/10 4-7pm Sunday Program – Candy Seder with BEMSY, Teen Leadership Program, 8th Grade Tzedakah Board 4/15 USY SATO/HeChalutzim Kinnus at Valley Beth Shalom, Encino A PLACE FOR LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Many teen programs are just about connecting socially and hanging out. Our perspective is that teens have an important contribution to make to our synagogue community and the world. BESTY is unique in that our core programming fulfills middle and high school community service requirements. In both the 8th Grade Tzedakah Board and 9th-12th Grade Teen Leadership Program teens learn the skills necessary to transform vision into action, supported by the wisdom of our Jewish tradition. Registration for our Teen Community is available on our Temple website (www.tbesoc.org) under the tabs Social/BESTY Teens Funds are never a barrier to participation. Please let us know if we can help your child attend. Please don’t hesitate to contact Rabbi K’vod Wieder at kvod@tbesoc.org or 949-362-3999 ext 106 with any questions. February March April 4/29-5/1 NFTY Spring Kallah – Camp JCA Shalom, Malibu Page 18 Campership Information Passport to Jewish Life Scholarship Program through the Jewish Federation of Orange County. A key finding of Jewish Federation and Family Services research is that Jewish learning experiences during youth increase our children’s chances of choosing Jewish lives as adults. JFFS Passport to Jewish Life® educational grants make these experiences possible. Like passports used by travelers, Passport to Jewish Life® grants open the doors to exciting Jewish destinations – such as Jewish camping, Maccabi experiences, religious school, teen leadership programs, Israel trips and more – for youth and young adults, 4th grade through age 22. Raymond Plotkin Campership Scholarship The Raymond Plotkin Campership Fund was established by Phyllis, Steve and Scott Blanc as a loving tribute to honor the memory of their beloved cousin and nephew Raymond Evan Plotkin, who passed away from complications of the H1N1 Swine Flu in 2009. The Campership Fund is available to Temple member children who will be attending URJ Camp Newman, Swig, Camp Hess Kramer, Hilltop, Merage JCC Camp Haverim, Camp Ramah, Camp JCA Shalom, Tawonga, or Camp Yofi. We invite you to apply by sending a letter sharing why it is important to you to go to camp, and for those who have attended in the past, tell about your experience and why you want to go back. The deadline to apply is Thursday, February 26th. Please send all letters attention to Bonni Pomush at bpomush@tbesoc.org Page 19 KIDS CORNER Learn more about eligibility and deadlines at http://jewishorangecounty.org/about/what-we-do/grants/ passport\ It is with special pride we want to thank the members of ourLegacy Society. These are special people who have served our Temple for many years and are working to secure our future. Please consider joining them by contacting Bonni Pomush, Mollie Lazarus, or Shirley Einbund. SUPPORT OUR TEMPLE COMMUNITY Ensure your legacy for future generations What aspects of Jewish Orange County do you cherish most? Joy of Jewish learning? Belonging to a Synagogue community? Quality senior services? Innovative Jewish teen programs? Fighting poverty and caring for those in need? A Legacy Gift is: About planning for a Jewish future in Orange County and providing information about dozens of ways to leave a Jewish legacy. Phyllis and Steve Blanc Shiffy and Avi Crane Shirley & Lew Einbund Pamela & Rob Fecher Robin Brandes-Gibbs & Tim Gibbs Susan & Michael Goldfader Jeff Greer & Keary Gregg Mimi Harris Scott & Bonnie Kehe Harvey Kramer Sherri Hofmann Krause Shula Kalir-Merton Joan Kirschenbaum About how each of us, at every economic level, can become a part of the Jewish Legacy community. About your values positively impacting our community. Leave a Legacy Gift so your values live on. Page 20 Mollie & Stephen Lazarus Dr. & Mrs. Stanton Leemon Cindy & David Mirsky Jane & Pete Moss Amy & Joel Packer Bonni Pomush & Patti Holliday Cindy & Gil Ross Sheri & Jack Saladow Polly Sloan Kymberly & William Spector Rosemary & Howard Stevens Leslie & Jake Tatel Lois Weiss Ina & George Welland Support the Temple while you shop!! The TBE Mall Submissions for the next Temple e-Talk are due by April 1st . Email them to communications@tbesoc.org. Shop your favorite websites & earn money for the Temple! Really. It’s that easy. Do You Grocery shop at TBE M ? all Back-to-school shopping? Planning a trip? Support the Temple & do it online! Is your Ralphs card currently connected to TBESOC? If so, it automatically expired on September 1st and needs to be re-activated! To re-register for the new term, go to www.ralphs.com. Amazon, HotWire, Beauty/Drugstore.com, Dollar and Thrifty car rentals, Buy.com, World of Watches...and more! Share this info with family & friends! The more people using the links, the greater the Temple’s earnings! If you shop at Ralphs and have not yet designated the Temple to receive a percentage of your purchases: 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to www.ralphs.com Click on ‘No Account? Register’ or Log in Once logged in, click on ‘my account’ Link your Ralph’s card to the temple by clicking on: a. Community Rewards b. Edit my community contribution and follow the instructions c. Remember to click on the circle to the left of your organizations’ name 1. Go to http://tbesoc.org/escrip.htm 2. Save it as either: a. A Favorite. On the top of your screen click on “favorites”, then click on “add favorites.” b. A Shortcut on your desktop (recommended). Click on the word “File” on the top of your screen. Click on “Send,” and then click on “Shortcut to desktop”. A shortcut will be placed on your desktop for you to open each time you shop. A portion of every purchase goes to the Temple! Page 21 SUPPORT OUR TEMPLE COMMUNITY .org tbesoc n click o Tribute Funds Honor a Loved One Celebrate Special Events Uphold the Memory of the Dearly Departed SUPPORT OUR TEMPLE COMMUNITY Happy are the keepers of justice, those who give tzedakah at all times. -Psalm 106:3 Donation given by: Name____________________________________________ Address__________________________________________ _________________________________________________ Amount of Donation $____________ __Attached is check number:_____________ __I authorize payment on my Visa / MC / Discover #:__________________________________________ Expiration _____________ Signature____________________________________ Please send acknowledgement to: Name_______________________________________ Address_______________________________________ _____________________________________________ Please select one: __In honor of... __In memory of... __On occasion of... _____________________________________________ Please return form with payment to: Temple Beth El of South Orange County 2A Liberty, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Please make a minimum donation of $10. Donations made will appear in Temple Talk. Tzedakah Opportunities __Cantor Natalie Young’s Discretionary Fund __Adult Library __Children’s Library __Saturday Service Kiddush Fund __Donna Van Slyke Campership Fund __Early Childhood Center (ECC) __Endowment Fund __General Fund __Gloria & Herb Smolinsky Torah Fund __Iris & Marshall Miller Memorial Shiva Fund __Israel Matters Fund __Leadership Development Fund __Mary and Al Leavitt Progamming Fund __Mirsky Temple Beth El Religious School Scholarship Fund Page 22 __Prayer Book Fund (Gates of Prayer $36) __Rabbi Allen Krause Scholar-inResidence Fund __Rabbi Levi’s Discretionary Fund __Rabbi Kort’s Discretionary Fund __Rabbi K’vod Wieder’s Discretionary Fund __Raymond Plotkin Campership Fund __Religious School Education Fund Happy Anniversary March April William and Renee Adler (20 years) Jonathan and Kimberly Cherney (24 years) Kenneth and Elizabeth Bachrach (13 years) Lee and Flo Barker (67 years) Marvin and Carrie Chotiner (10 years) Jonathan and Theresa Barnett (26 years) Steve and Phyllis Blanc (38 years) Alan and Alane Dolensky (5 years) Ronald and Lisa Berman (31 years) Richard and Nancy Blumenthal (29 years) Tomer and Michal Elkayam (17 years) Alan and Lisa Fenning (39 years) Rory and Candice Carpenter (12 years) Steven and Beth Faskowitz (28 years) Lewis and Sheree Finkelstein (22 years) David and Elena Flyer (32 years) Robert and Pamela Fecher (31 years) James and Elizabeth Fraser (17 years) Marvin and Myra Gordon (31 years) Jeff and Margie Fleitman (29 years) Harry and Millie Goldschmitt (45 years) Marlon and Elizabeth Green (27 years) Gerald and Judy Gillard (7 years) Aaron and Jaci Gurewitz (9 years) Laura and Mitch Gutell (41 years) Jeff and Robin Gormin (35 years) Raymond and Deborah Jankowski (35 years) Robin and Jan Keith (36 years) Lewis and Victoria Hofstein (35 years) Allen and Ellen Kirschenbaum (30 years) Howard and Lili Landman (27 years) Andrew and Ioana Kimmel (22 years) Sasha and Wendy Kottmeier (16 years) Jeff and Michelle Litten (18 years) Ronald and Vicki Portnoff (47 years) Mark and Marilyn Moran (19 years) Charles and Julia Ribak (39 years) Robert and Sharon Pratt (44 years) Ben and Cindy Needleman (14 years) Lawrence and Marion Schack (32 years) David and Rita Reifman (27 years) Jeffrey and Catherine Peck (27 years) John and Kim Scher (14 years) William and Kymberly Spector (18 years) Bryan and Laura Phillips (13 years) Mark and Cheryl Silverstein (43 years) Jake and Leslie Tatel (30 years) Justin and Jill Pores (10 years) Theodore and Emilia Song (11 years) Irv and Kathryn Vodovoz (56 years) Duncan and Ellen Prince (42 years) Murray and April Wachtenheim (27 years) David and Jodi Rifkin (10 years) Evan and Heather Wohl (23 years) Neil and Patricia Rozen (4 years) Luke and Sarah Wood (9 years) Elliot and Debra Sternberg (38 years) February Steven and Kathy Binder (22 years) Jeffery and Caryn Chernin (36 years) Nicholas and Audrey Tomovich (25 years) Jeffrey and Firuzeh Claar (16 years) Stu and Marcie Urquhart (11 years) Richard and Lori Covey (29 years) Justin and Allison Ward (15 years) Michael and Susan Goldfader (18 years) Andrew and Merritt Weiss (29 years) Kevin and Ettie Graham (17 years) David and Miriam Hillburn (25 years) Joseph and Marla Kaufman (27 years) Dennis and Aleta Kite (34 years) Mansour and Golriz Kohanteb (37 years) William and Marcie Korson (30 years) James and Linda Lander (36 years) Howard and Lainey Mitzman (36 years) Philip and Karen Schlesinger (12 years) Gary and Elizabeth Sherwin (29 years) Daniel and Susan Sterns (21 years) Page 23 ANNIVERSARY January Chicken Soup wishing a full & speedy recovery to... DONORS Harold Hutto Lori Koff Mary Leavitt Mildred Levine Sherry Mencher George Pollak Elaine & Sid Reisch Anita Silver Jake Tatel Sue Treshansky Many Thanks To Our Donors! Cantor Natalie Young’s Discretionary Fund Iris & Jeffrey Ameen • In memory of Rubin Rosenfeld Mollie B. Lazarus • In memory of Doug Bendell Ray & Debbie Jankowski • In memory of Lois Jankowski The Gerenraich Family • In memory of Herbert Lockwood Cedarbaum and Mitchell Adult Library Fund Claire & Arnie Stein • In memory of Richard Howard & Rosalie Block Saturday Morning Service Fund Albert & Amy Gazzar • In honor of Albert’s birthday Caryn & Jeff Chernin • In honor of Steve Birch Charlie & Wendy Lupul • In honor of Charlie’s High Holy Day shofar blowing • In honor of Wendy’s High Holy Day Haftarah, Torah reading & service leading Charna Cone • In memory of Nettie & Nathan Spiegelman Elly & Arthur Rosen • In memory of Ida Rosen • In honor of their 55th Wedding Anniversary Evan Wohl • In honor of receiving High Holy Day Honors Frances Weiss • High Holy Days Honor George & Roberta Abramson • In memory of Father Jiri & Heather Herrmann Joel Cone • In memory of Alice & Ray Cone Jon & Rena Konheim • In honor of receiving a High Holy Day Honor Judith & Martin Schneyer • In memory of Tillie Pollack • In memory of Marvin Banks Leslie & Jake Tatel • In memory of Barton Glaser • In memory of Bill Tatel Page 24 • On occasion of Birthday/ Aliyah Lin & Howard Goldman • In honor of receiving a High Holy Day Honor Lois Weiss • In memory of Dennis Weiss • In memory of Roslyn Zuckerman Max & Sue DeLiema & family • In memory of Doris Gross • In memory of Dennis Brown’s mother Rabbi Jon & Rena Konheim • In honor of Jon’s 75th birthday Susan Goldman • In memory of Claire Sherman The Crane Family • In memory of Leonore Crane Many Thanks To Our Donors! (continued) The Rigney Family Vida & Kourosh Kohanteb and Refah Family • In memory of Behzad Refah Children’s Library Fund Gertrude Zoller • In memory of Margaret Zoller Gertrude Zoller • In memory of Jack Zoller Donna Van Slyke Campership Fund Miriam Harris • In memory of Jean Schatz General Fund ECC (Early Childhood Center) Ellis & Maura Kupferman • In honor of Leonard Kupferman Gerald & Marlene Weintraub • In memory of Lawrence Weintraub • In memory of Belle Weintraub Glenda D. Rosen • In memory of Stanley L. Rosen Harvey Kramer • In memory of William Horwitz Gloria & Herb Smolinsky Torah Fund Cindy & Mark Disman Joel & Barbara Goodman • In memory of Estelle Feinblatt Iris & Marshall Miller Memorial Shiva Fund Charlene & Kenny Zuckerman and Family • In memory of Thelma Jasper Sandi Weinstein • In memory of Pearl Weinstein Israel Matters Fund Arthur Strick Elliott Kornhauser • In memory of Emanuel Kornhauser Samantha & Andy Flores • In memory of Dennis Weiss Barbara Gerlicki • In memory of Eli Fachler Michael & Joyce Rubel • In memory of Doris Gross Miriam Harris • In memory of Raymond Schatz Sandy Elliott • In memory of Robert Daniel Elliott Oneg Fund Claire & Arnie Stein • In honor of their 60th wedding anniversary Rabbi Allen Krause Scholar-in Residence Fund Cindy O’Neill-Ross • In memory of Eddie Yudell Miriam Harris • In memory of Rabbi Steven Schatz Sherri Krause • In memory of Ron Naglie’s mother • In memory of Vicky RubinHowton’s father • In celebration of Lew Einbund’s 85th birthday Rabbi Rachel Kort’s Discretionary Fund Caryn & Jeff Chernin • In honor of Rabbi Kort’s support The Crane Family • In memory of Issie Nachshen Chris & Stacy Cussen • In honor of receiving a High Holy Day Honor Harvey Kramer • In memory of Sidney Horwitz Jay Greenberg • In honor of his retirement Sharon Diskin & Sheldon Eskow • In honor of receiving a High Holy Day Honor Susan Goldman Rabbi K’vod Wieder’s Discretionary Fund Mary & Al Leavitt Programming Fund Stan Levin • In memory of Juliet Levin Anita Gold • In memory of Edythe Glickman Mirsky TBESOC Religious School Scholarship Albert & Amy Gazzar • High Holy Days Honor Caryn & Jeff Chernin • In honor of Rabbi K’vod’s support The Crane Family • In memory of Dr. Daniel Nachshen Dennis & Deidre Greenberger • In memory of Joe Cirel Geri & Allan Weiss • In honor of receiving a High Holy Day Honor Irwin Bornstein & Ellen Gecht • In memory of Leon M. Bornstein Jon & Rena Konheim • In memory of Harvey Konheim Mark & Anna Gross • In memory of Rose & Gabriel Drimer Richard Moldawsky • In memory of Marein Moldawsky Vida & Kourosh Kohanteb and Refah Family • In memory of Behzad Refah Rabbi Peter Levi’s Discretionary Fund Anna & Mark Gross Fran Gale • In memory of her father, Herbert Sandler Louis Berlin • In memory of Josephine TuckerArenson Raymond Plotkin Campership Fund Miriam Harris • In memory of Eleanor Evans Mr. & Mrs. Rich Mills • In memory of Glenn Rosen Religious School Education Fund Iris & Jeffrey Ameen • In memory of Dottie Boulian Jay Greenberg • In memory of Harry Heskin Myron Margolis • In memory of Jo Ann Margolis • In memory of Harvey Margolis This list includes donations from September 1, 2015 through December 8, 2015. We apologize for any omissions. Page 25 Tzedakah Fund Pete & Jane Moss • In memory of Rabbi Jack Pressman • In memory of Roslyn Zuckerman DONORS Alan & Lisa Fenning • In memory of Raylee Fenning • In memory of Ivan Hill Anita Gold • In memory of Henry Glickman • In memory of Barbara Bloomberg Barb & Hal Horowitz • In honor of Kenny & Kellye Moses & Family Barbara & Joe Lebovitz • In memory of Lillian Swack Barbara Queen • In memory of Molly Hersch Bonni Pomush & Patti Holliday • In memory of Marvin Banks • In honor of Amy Packer • In honor of Kim Gubner Claire & Arnie Stein • In memory of Fred Lapin • In memory of Bessie Stein Dr. David Willner • In honor of his aliya on Shabbat morning for Albert Gazzar’s birthday Heidi Penkava Jayne Silver • In memory of Doris Gross Mark Hales • In memory of Josephine TuckerArenson Michael & Gail Isen Mr. & Mrs. Howard Goldman • In memory of Jack Goldman Myron Margolis • In memory of Batia Sela Rob & Susie Roof • In memory of S. Allan Roof Rochelle & Nelson Zagalsky • In honor of Howard Duhan’s 90th birthday Ron Berman & Lisa Aisner • In memory of Doris Gross • In memory of Enid Berman Scott Danto Sharon Lynne Pratt • In memory of Lawrence I. Bonin Susan & Glenn Bier • In honor of receiving a High Holy Day Honor Yury Igolnikov • In memory of Pesia Igolnikov • In memory of Solomon Igolnikov In Memoriam IN MEMORIAM January 1/2 January 15/16 Clifford Altschuler, brother-in-law of Ina Welland Eva Beitstock, grandmother of Sharon Devor Lynn Beitstock*, grandmother of Jason Devor Rebbecca Berns, daughter of Melford and Suzan Berns Isidore Bezansky**, grandfather of Fred Pardes Ralph Binder, husband of Ann Binder Leo Cohen, father of Susan Riesz Charles Dortort**, brother of Suzanne Glantz Vernon Emerman*, father of Judd Frank Dave Gelman, loved one of Jerold Lazerson Janet Gelman, loved one of Jerold Lazerson Odette Glueck, grandmother of Stewart Weston Brenda Gottlieb, mother of Michael Collins Bertha Greenberg, mother of Allan Greenberg Eleanor Kalb, mother of Elizabeth Sherwin George Kappes*, father of Chris Kappes Steven Kaufman, brother of Bruce Kaufman Lew Kranz*, uncle of Avi and Shiffra Crane Steven Leibovitz, father of Adam Leibovitz Bernice Leon, grandparent of Wendy Glatman Anita Malk, mother of Kimberly Cherney Bernard Mann, father of Amy Blank Jerome Mirsky*, father of David Mirsky Edward Olitsky*, father of Steven Olitsky Stanley Rosen*, father of Linda Eisenberg Abraham Sachs, father-in-law of Muriel Sachs Samuel Silverman*, brother-in-law of Marilyn Silverman Karen Stein, aunt of Lawrence Eisenberg Harold Steingold, father of Ruth Levi Barbara Tustin, sister of Cindy Greenberg Joyce Wagner, mother of Steve Wagner Mildred Wexler*, sister-in-law of Marilyn Silverman Genie Amram, sister of Fortunee Tawil Vivian Atkins*, mother of Lisa Blumstein Doris Baker, mother-in-law of Patricia Baker Alan Block, father of Kenneth Block Herbert Danciger, grandfather of Jill Pores Samuel Edelstein, father of Cindy Eden Ethel Ellison, mother of Phoebe Bryan Marvin Fecher**, father of Robert Fecher Julius Gefaell, father of Gertrude Zoller Marvin Goldberg, father of Dan Goldberg Sam Karver*, father-in-law of Joan Karver Rosalie Korson**, mother of William Korson David Lander, father of James Lander Hyman Ledeen, grandfather of Kathy DeLiema Jessica Levy, granddaughter of Stanley Levy Gitta Maister, mother of Lauren Green Delores Manasevit, mother of Beryl Schlesenberg Gary Naiman**, husband of Sharon Naiman Elsa Neuwirth, mother of Edward Neuwirth Luba Orlosoroff, aunt of Claire Stein Louise Queen, mother of Stephen Queen Hope Robinson, mother-in-law of Teena Robinson Herman Rubel**, father of Michael Rubel Fred Salcer**, father of Caryl Stein Mildred Shaw, grandmother of Debbi Anders Barbara Shieldkret*, daughter-in-law of Audrey Shieldkret Sarah Silverman*, mother-in-law of Marilyn Silverman Jonathan Simons, son of Lionel Simons Ben Smith, grandfather of Hailey Potok Marvin Solomon, father of Dan Solomon Samuel Steinsapir, father of Joan Rubel Donald Taylor, brother-in-law of Anita Gold January 8/9 Lyle Bolton, uncle of Ken Devor Albert Bragg, father of Tina Zimmerman Aaron Brunswick, great uncle of Brad Shapiro Jacob Fankel, father of Susan Goldman Robert Frank*, step-father of Judd Frank Rena Frank**, mother of Louis Frank Judith Garfinkle, mother of Jeffrey Garfinkle Morton Goldfader, uncle of Michael Goldfader Betty Goodman, mother of Joseph Goodman Sherman Greengus*, father of Marlene Beach Bonnie Hagmeyer, aunt of Jill Klein Stanley Hoccom, father of Sarah Wood Seymour Karpel*, father of Arnold Karpel Anne Kiefer, mother of Robert Kiefer Claire Kirschenbaum, aunt of Allen Kirschenbaum William Levine, father of Barry Levine Sophia Manesse, mother of Ira Manesse Jo-Anne Markman, sister of Diane Leemon Hedy Neufeld, grandmother of Adam Neufeld Sanford Newman, father of Jeffrey Newman Bella Olitsky*, mother of Steven Olitsky Marion Phillips, grandmother of Suzy Engelman Jeanette Prastein, mother of Rebeccah Quevedo-Prastein Shirley Rheingold, mother of Barbara Gerlicki Lila Robinson, mother of Lois Weiss Benjamin Robinson, father of Jay Robinson Daniel Bennell, father of Mollie Lazarus Dayton Berk, father of Ellen Gravitt Alan Chalfin, husband of Eta Chalfin Ruth Ershler, grandmother of Miriam Harris Shirley Goldman, mother of Howard Goldman Walter Grossfeld, brother in-law of Peggy Skulsky Leona Hoffman, grandmother of Beth Faskowitz Evelyn King, grandmother of Melissa Fromme Rebecca Lesser, grandmother of Michael Goldfader Ben Locke, father of Honey Locke Albert Nahan, uncle of Betty Drader Alice Needle, mother of Geraldine Weiss Bonnie Newman, mother of Jeffrey Newman Jakov Rosenbaum, father of Daniel Rosenbaum Ernest Rosengarten, father of Karen Jacobson Rose Rubel, mother of Fredric Rubel Ethel Rubin, mother of Susan Treshansky Henry Scheinkman, father of James Scheinkman Lewis Seligsohn**, father of Bruce Seligsohn David White, grandfather of Heather Coman Julie-Anne White Coman, mother of Heather Coman January 22/23 Joseph Rubenstein, father of Craig Rubenstein Rickie Santell, mother of Lisa Cheng Phyllis Shane Tassia Sher, remembered by Gershon and Janna Shamay Alan Siegel, stepfather of Rachelle Collins Nina Springer, grandmother of Nora Keisman James Sweet, father of Brian Sweet Harry Teitelbaum, husband of Marilyn Teitelbaum Gerald Triestman, father of James Triestman Rose Weinberg*, mother of Shirley Einbund Pauline Weiner, aunt of Harvey Kramer Robert Werner, father of Minda Cohen Ruth Yellen, mother of Gay Rams January 29/30 Clara Alexander, grandmother of Sandra Greenberg Samuel Beitstock, grandfather of Sharon Devor Theodore Block*, father of Edward Block Bernice Blum, mother of Harry Blum David Cole, father-in-law of Robert Morris Beatrice Fox, mother of Shelley Tanner Fannie Fried, grandmother of Steven Faskowitz Adeline Genson, mother of Lisa Pine Isaac Goldberg**, father of Barbara Cherry, z”ll Herman Goldberg**, remembered by Zane Buzby Frances Henderstein, mother-in-law of Henrietta Henderstein Saul Hershfield, brother-in-law of Arthur Rosen Philip Hyman**, grandfather of Jennifer Hyman Solomon Kats, father of Eugenia Igolnikov Anna Kirschner, grandmother of Ken Devor Henry Korngold, father of Wendy Rothenberg Naomi Lesser, aunt of Michael Goldfader Sara Morchy*, niece of Scott and Bonnie Kehe Robert Newman, father of Rosalind Robbins Freda Noble, mother of Sue DeLiema Miriam Pardes**, mother of Fred Pardes Josephine Perlman, mother of Audrey Tomovich George Rappaport, father of Gilda DrotmanBierman Ervin Riekes, father of Daniel Riekes Goldie Robinson, grandmother of Debra Kulick Sidney Schecter, father of Terry Hanna Louis Scofield, brother-in-law of Robert Fecher Abraham Skulsky**, brother-in-law of Sidney Reisch Bennett Tanner, brother of Mark Tanner Avrom Weinberg, father of Benjamin Weinberg Jerome Westerman, brother of Fay Zeramby Sally Westerman, mother of Fay Zeramby Harvey Wine, brother-in-law of Helen GibbelPainter February 5/6 Alexander Aster**, father of Barbara Watkins Irene Diamond, mother of Judy Dreyer Sylvia Dreyer, mother of Robert Dreyer Thelma Fecher**, mother of Robert Fecher “May their memories be for a blessing.” Yahrzeits are observed at the Shabbat Service that falls on or before the anniversary dates. * / ** In loving memory, a light will be lit on the Temple’s Memorial Board (* rotunda, ** chapel) Page 26 In Memoriam (continued) February 12/13 Raymond Aisner, father of Lisa Aisner Jack Bisheff, father of Steve Bisheff Esther Blumenfeld, mother of Solomon Blumenfeld Sofia Bonder, aunt of Nora Keisman Henrietta Daks, mother of Geraldine Binstock Rose Drimer**, mother of Anna Gross Barry Elias, step-father of Ellyn Miller Phillip Fenning, father of Alan Fenning Morton Gerenraich, father of Kenneth Gerenraich Reah Gober, aunt of Gay Rams Marilyn Goldberg, mother of Cheryl Silverstein Mae Goldman**, mother of Howard Goldman Leonard Gorlick, father of David Gorlick Joseph Kalb, father of Elizabeth Sherwin Adele Kaufman**, mother of Norbert Kaufman Darleen Korn, mother of Lori Koff Allen Krause*, husband of Sherri Krause Isadore Kriloff, father of Stuart Kriloff Phoebe Kutner, mother of Frances Cohen Solomon Leider**, father of Jack Leider Marcy Levine, mother of Marc Garelick Leah Levy, wife of Stanley Levy Ella Light Bob Margolis*, father of Jon Margolis Helen Martin*, mother of Lori Block Pauline Moldawsky, mother of Rich Moldawsky Yale Penzell, father of Seth Penzell Joseph Reisch, brother of Sidney Reisch Janette Richmond*, grandmother of Cynthia Mirsky Jayne Rogovin*, niece of Audrey Shieldkret Merwin Rosenberg, father of Alan Rosenberg Louise Salter*, mother of Glenda Rosen Robert Sherman, brother of Debra Whaley David Shieldkret*, father of Susan Dull Arnold Shulman*, father of Richard Shulman Eugene Siegel*, cousin of Karen Forrest Sylvia Squires, friend of Jay Greenberg Fannie Zimmerman, grandmother of Laurie Mills Ida Zimmerman, mother of Louis Frank Max Zuckerman, brother of Sol Zuckerman February 19/20 Lenore Aron** Joseph Ben-Zvi, father of Tamar Peleg Sylvia Chabinsky, grandmother of Norbert Kaufman Nancy Cohen, aunt of Miriam Harris Sarah DeHaaff, daughter-in-law of Carrie Chotiner Jake Dobrofsky*, father of David Dobrofsky Melvin Fisher*, father of Karen Forrest Henry Frischmuth, father-in-law of Robert Fecher Seymour Garfinkle, uncle of Steven Binder Cynthia Glick, sister-in-law of Wendy Levin Arnold Goodman, father of Joseph Goodman Aron Gottlieb, father of Michelle Collins Josephine Gubner, grandmother of Adam Gubner Jack Herz, father of Jeff Herz Gloria Karpf*, mother of Douglas Karpf Isadore Kosta**, father of Marcia Grand Charoltte Kriloff, mother of Stuart Kriloff David Krutman, father of Ganna Levitin Lawrence Lange, brother of Susan Riesz Ann Lieberman**, remembered by Shelly Emmer Eugene Mandel*, husband of Sunny Mandel Kalman Margulies**, father of Blanche Thoma Joan Marshall, sister of Nancy Kesselhaut Morris Pazornik, father of Arthur Pazornik Minnie Rabinowitz, aunt of Phyllis Blanc Ann Ross*, mother of Gil Ross Elaine Rubin, mother of Cindy Leish Bruce Schram, father of Molly Naglie Benjamin Shieldkret, father-in-law of Audrey Shieldkret Harry Sklar*, father of Myra Gordon Pearl Stevens*, mother of Howard Stevens Bernard Tilove*, father of David Tilove Gerald Warshawsky**, remembered by Latife Warshawsky Anna Wasserman**, mother of Samuel Wasserman Michael Wasserman**, father of Samuel Wasserman Louis Wittenberg**, father of Barbara Cohen February 26/27 Pearl Bornstein*, mother of Irwin Bornstein Paul Denis, father of Michele Goodman Frances Disman*, mother of Mark Disman Isaac Diwan, father of Fortunee Tawil Beth Ervais, mother of Robert Ervais Ben Fremer, father of Laura Gutell Salomon Gerlicki, husband of Barbara Gerlicki Maurice Gibbel, brother of Helen GibbelPainter Arnold Kartzinel**, grandfather of Heather Kartzinel Ruth Keith, mother of Robin Keith Harry Kirschner, grandfather of Ken Devor Mort Krause, father-in-law of Sherri Krause Maurice Labowitz, grandfather of Ruthie Weiss Abraham Lasher, father of Christina Freedman Abe Levin, father of Stan Levin Sadie Milner, mother of Florence Garwin Harold Norman, grandfather of Adam Leibovitz Rose Pazornik, mother of Arthur Pazornik Sonya Rappaport, aunt of Penny Tee Emanuel Reiser**, father of Sheila ReiserOkun Emily Rosen, mother-in-law of Glenda Rosen Ruth Sandler, grandmother of Aubra Sandler Marvin Schoenfeld**, remembered by Cathy Harp Joseph Shapiro, grandfather of Beth Faskowitz Jack Simons, father of Lionel Simons Simon Tryper, father of Annie Mintz Ruth Weiss, mother of Allan Weiss Nicole Willens, daughter of Carol Roane March 4/5 Martin Brown, father of Avery Brown Harry Einbund*, son of Lewis and Shirley Einbund Jack Elsen, uncle of Mollie Lazarus Mariska Frankel*, grandmother of Susie Wagner Ralph Glatman, grandparent of Aaron Glatman Sheldon Goldman, father of Norman Goldman Alton Knight, remembered by Susan Deutsch Sylvia Lazarus, mother of Stephen Lazarus Diane Lemm, mother of Benjamin Trachtman Gladys Lindheimer, grandmother of Lori Covey Flore Lisha, mother of Amy Gazzar Edward Masket, father of Kate Smiley Ardith Nahan, cousin of Betty Drader Joe Noble, father of Sue DeLiema Ayah Peleg, mother of David Peleg David Polak, father of Maurice Polak Morris Queen, father of Stephen Queen Martin Reisch**, brother of Sidney Reisch Ilona Riesz, mother of Michael Riesz Joseph Robbins, father of Barry Robbins Celia Sachs, mother-in-law of Muriel Sachs Leon Saffren, father of Rena Konheim Walter Sommerfeld, stepfather of Janet Lorin Alan Stark, grandfather of Jacob Ward Gertrude Strauss, mother of Ellen Belfer Robert Turner, father of Nancy Valk Eva Ullmann, mother of Edith Rubinstein “May their memories be for a blessing.” Yahrzeits are observed at the Shabbat Service that falls on or before the anniversary dates. * / ** In loving memory, a light will be lit on the Temple’s Memorial Board (* rotunda, ** chapel) Page 27 IN MEMORIAM Blanche Fisher*, mother of Karen Forrest Samuel Fleitman, father of Jeff Fleitman Sarah Frydman**, daughter of Ben Frydman Ronald Gabrielson, father of Jacqueline Fein Bajla (Belle) Gerlicki, mother-in-law of Barbara Gerlicki Alan Harris, brother of Arlene Holtzman Rae Irving, grandmother of Joan Kirschenbaum Bess Kaufman, mother of Bruce Kaufman Esther Kaufman*, grandmother of Linda Kirsch Jack Kirby, father of Neal Kirby Nathan Krachman, father of Debra Sokolski Joseph Kramer, father of Harvey Kramer Jean Lefkowitz**, remembered by Clifford Levinson Saul Lubetkin**, father of Michael Lubetkin Howard Manko, father of Jerry Manko Rita McCarty, mother of April Wachtenheim Sadie Meltsner**, aunt of Shirley Saydman Irene Mendelsohn, mother of Susan Mendelsohn Sam Mitzman, father of Howard Mitzman Helen Moscovitch, mother of Jerry Moss Lloyd Olin, nephew of Sherry Mencher William Pollack, father of Judith Schneyer Elyn Rankell**, sister of Linda Sokoloff Laurence Rappaport, brother of Gilda Drotman-Bierman Yetta Reisch**, sister of Sidney Reisch Ann Ruef, mother of Ron Ruef Edythe Savlov, mother of Gary Savlov Jack Scheinman*, father of Barbara Scheinman Joyce Schoenfeld**, remembered by Cathy Harp Alan Schuster**, remembered by Zane Buzby Alice Silverman, grandmother of David Silverman Shirley Sklar*, mother of Myra Gordon Rhoda Sonne, grandmother of Susan Mendelsohn William Starr, grandfather of Dayna Herz Morris Strassberg*, father of Joan Karver Julius Weiss*, father of David Weiss In Memoriam (continued) Sara Warshaw, mother of Maurie Edelman Leeland Weiss, son of Andrew and Merritt Weiss March 11/12 IN MEMORIAM Elaine Angel, mother of Katherine Angel Jack Cohen, father of Jeff Cohen Milton Felsenfeld, father of Robert Felsenfeld Jeffrey Fruman, ex-husband of Sara Fruman David Hoffman, friend of Avi and Shiffra Crane Frances Joel, mother of Ruth Blumenfeld Anne Landman, grandmother of Howard Landman Sam Lefkowitz, father of Henrietta Henderstein Paul Levine, husband of Mildred Levine Douglas Maister, father of Lauren Green Albert Mintz, husband of Annie Mintz Eric Nash, father of Evelyn Nash Gregg Peretz*, brother of Elise Ranauro Sala Samueli, mother of Henry Samueli Judy Schifrin, mother of Jeff Kern Rachel Sklar*, grandmother of Myra Gordon Sam Skulsky, father in-law of Peggy Skulsky Sara Soriano, mother of Lili Landman Max Waltzman, father of Herbert Waltzman Florence Weiss, mother-in-law of Lois Weiss Eliot Weston, father of Stewart Weston March 18/19 Marc Bomze, father of Rhonda Jarema Richard Bussell, father of Kevin Bussell Robert Coblens, father of Carrie Chotiner Elie Diwan, brother of Fortunee Tawil Pauline Einbinder, mother of Donald Schultz Moe Eisman, uncle of Sharon Devor Beatrice Felsenfeld, mother of Robert Felsenfeld Bernice Gold, mother of Stephen Gold Sheldon Greenberg, brother-in-law of Claire Greenberg Joan Hill, mother of Lisa Fenning Fanny Kaufman, grandmother of Norbert Kaufman Judy Kweller, mother of Jonathan Kweller Judy Lindheimer, stepmother of Lori Covey Mel Nathanson, father of Ivan Nathanson David Packer*, brother of Joel Packer Bette Penzell, mother of Seth Penzell Emanuel Pogoda, step-father of Charles Ribak Shirley Rosen*, mother of Laurie Mills Rose Singer, mother of Carol Singer Max Weinberg*, father of Shirley Einbund Dorothy Weisberg, mother of Jacob Weisberg Stanley Weiss*, father of Sid Weiss March 25/26 Sylvia Amber, mother of Jeri Leibson Martin Aron, father of Joan Lyons Isaac Berkowitz, husband of Judy Berkowitz Monte Binder, father of Steven Binder Del Christensen, son-in-law of Joan Karver Lelia Galatz, mother of Pauline Sloan Frances Hoffnung, mother of Warren Hoffnung Rela Kesselhaut, mother of Arthur Kesselhaut Jerry Kravitz, husband of Mary Ann Kravitz Joan Kutner, mother of Scott Kutner Harold Manasevit, father of Beryl Schlesenberg Adolph Milner, father of Florence Garwin Shlomo Perez, father of Sarah Kasman Abraham Rabinowitch, father of Mark Rabinowitch Arnold Resnick, father of Nancy Kiefer Sid Rose, father of Marsha Bisheff Mona Ross, cousin of Fay Zeramby Sam Ross*, father of Gil Ross Bernard Rudolph*, father of Lucille Sacks Sande Solomon, mother of Dan Solomon Enta Tryper, mother of Annie Mintz Aaron Zimmerman*, father of David Zimmerman April 1/2 Irma Bohrman, mother of Evelyn Nash Samuel Chabinsky, grandfather of Norbert Kaufman Art Fox, brother of Shelley Tanner Rick Gabrielson, brother of Jacqueline Fein Sol Gale**, father of Jay Gale Jean Goldberg, grandmother of Sharon Devor Abraham Green, uncle-in-law of Muriel Sachs Rose Greenberg, grandmother of Deborah Green Jay Guzofsky*, brother of Barbara Goodman Benjamin Henderstein, father-in-law of Henrietta Henderstein Linda Hoccom, sister of Sarah Wood Matthew Jankowski, father of Raymond Jankowski Donald Jones, father of Patricia Baker Julius Kaplan*, father of Laura Rothman Beatrice Katz, sister of Mildred Levine Joseph King, grandfather of Melissa Fromme Marion Land, grandmother of Suzy Engelman Geofrey Leavitt*, son of Al and Mary Leavitt Harold Leibovitz, grandfather of Adam Leibovitz Suzanne Low*, sister of Matthew Goldberg Pearl Nadel, great-grandmother of Jason Grumet Ruth Netter, grandmother of Carin Ong Yetta Rappaport, mother of Gilda DrotmanBierman Frank Reis, grandfather of Eric Fromme Austin Rheingold, father of Barbara Gerlicki Annette Sandler**, mother of Frances Gale Abe Slutsky, father of Sandy Hutto Howard Stearns, brother-in-law of Arnold Stein Malak Tabibzadeh, grandmother of Firuzeh Claar Ethel Zalk, grandmother of Deborah Green April 8/9 Sidney Carp, father of Melanie Coble Irving Faskowitz, father of Steven Faskowitz Beatrice Fishbon, mother of Norma Levenson James Forrest, father of Karen Forrest Louis Fox, father of Shelley Tanner Marvin Greenberg, husband of Claire Greenberg John Hanna, father of Robert Hanna Rose Harris, grandmother of Lonnie Tee Jerome Hersch**, father of Barbara Queen Moshe Igolnikov, father of Yury Igolnikov Alfred Issler, husband of Carolina Issler Sally Levin, mother of Alan Levin Joseph Lichtenstein, father of Marlene Spiegel Rosalyn Manesse, wife of Ira Manesse Richard Mitchell, brother of Gail Rosiak William Netter, grandfather of Carin Ong Louis Neufeld, grandfather of Adam Neufeld Stan Parker*, father of Kathy Helling Eileen Rams, mother of Hank Rams Sally Roane, mother of Ken Roane Claire Rofsky, mother/mother-in-law of David and Bonnie Rofsky Richard Sherer, son of Harry and Ruth Sherer Rose Skulsky**, sister of Sidney Reisch Pearl Spector, grandmother of William Spector Carl Strauss, father of Jennifer Kaufman Eva Talby, mother of Nitza Talby Anna Wendruck*, mother of Julia Ribak Melvyn Zeramby**, husband of Fay Zeramby Joseph Zimmerman, grandfather of Laurie Mills Helen Zoffer, aunt of Avi and Shiffra Crane April 15/16 Rose Aron, mother of Joan Lyons Meyer Blumenfeld, father of Solomon Blumenfeld Maxwell Daks, father of Geraldine Binstock Robert Danto, grandfather of Karen Anapoell Michael Deutsch, husband of Susan Deutsch Gerald Diskin, husband of Sharon Diskin Herman Elliott, father-in-law of Sandra Elliott Saul Eskow, father of Sharon Diskin and Sheldon Eskow Abby Feiner, wife of Ron Feiner Jacob Felsenfeld, grandfather of Robert Felsenfeld Jean Fleitman, mother of Jeff Fleitman Lillian Galatz, grandmother of Adam Gubner Nathan Goldberg, father of Cheryl Silverstein Bayla Goodman, mother-in-law of Stanley Levy Adam Handman, brother of Sam Hahn Arnold Held, father of Laurie Held Sonia Jacobson, mother of Marilyn Moran Phyllis Kramer, wife of Harvey Kramer Leslie Liebhaber, father of Nanci Dunne Edward Merkow, uncle of Brad Shapiro Margie Niesen, aunt of Allyn Jaffrey-Shulman Seymour Peretz, father of Elise Ranauro Caralyn Peuser, cousin of Linda Kirsch Lou Piltz, father of Jan Keith Carla Polak, mother of Maurice Polak John Richey, father-in-law of Debbie Richey Herbert Rosen, father of Arthur Rosen Belle Rubenstein, mother of Paul Rubenstein Albert Schneyer, father of Martin Schneyer David Schoolman**, brother of Toby Schoolman Rose Silverman, great-grandmother of Jason Grumet I Silverman, grandfather of David Silverman Barbara Simons, wife of Lionel Simons Herbert Smolinsky*, step-father of Barbara Goodman Melvin Warshaw**, father of Linda Goldman “May their memories be for a blessing.” Yahrzeits are observed at the Shabbat Service that falls on or before the anniversary dates. * / ** In loving memory, a light will be lit on the Temple’s Memorial Board (* rotunda, ** chapel) Page 28 In Memoriam (continued) Gisela Gila Weinberger, mother of Yael Weinberger-Butler April 22/23 April 29/30 Lillian Bader Blanche Balaban, mother of Richard Balaban Bernice Bloom*, mother of Michelle Gerstley Betty Cooper, mother of Peggy Skulsky Leon Davidson, father of Linda Lander Harry Einbund*, father of Lewis Einbund Rose Elliott, mother-in-law of Sandra Elliott Maurine Findley, mother of Alyssa Finkelstein Byrdie Fox*, mother of Lorraine Kramer Morris Friedman**, father of Joyce Rubel Doris Gale, mother of Jay Gale Morris Glass, father of Eleanore Rosen Joel Goodman, Sr.*, father of Joel Goodman Rita Kaufman, mother of Seth Kaufman Herman Kliersfield*, grandfather of Shula Kalir-Merton Rebecca Kliersfield*, grandmother of Shula Kalir-Merton Louis Levenson**, father of Elliott Levenson Dale Levine**, sister of Larry Levine Arnold Manson, father of Michael Manson Bronie Markiewicz**, father of Jacqueline Hyman Lester Meyer, father of Virginia Sotolov Laura Naiman, mother-in-law of Sharon Naiman Albert Pardo*, father of Lois Wilson Paula Penkava, mother of Richard Penkava David Pollack, father of Muriel Sachs Millie Rosenthal, mother of Alexandra Rosenberg Elias Solomon, father of Rina Dolensky Melville Stern, father of Paul Stern Lonia Wafel, mother-in-law of Gale Schlesinger Berthold Wiener*, grandfather of David Hillburn Caecilie Wiener*, grandmother of David Hillburn Victor Young, father of David Young Marian Zimmerman*, mother of David Zimmerman Our Condolences to... Saralyn Wolf and family on the loss of her grandmother, Josephine Tucker Arenson Victor Keisman and family on the loss of his brother, Bernardo Keisman Caryn Chernin and family on the loss of of her father, Marvin Banks Cecelia Lance and family on the loss of her brother, Berle S. Bonner Christopher Brenn and family on the loss of his mother, Linda Brenn Roxanne Cherry on the loss of her mother and Jacob Weisberg on the loss of his wife, Bobbi Cherry Lew Finkelstein and family on the loss of his father, Stanley Finkelstein Moji Lustig and family on the loss of her mother, Houri Firouzbakhsh Mark Gross and family on the loss of his mother, Doris Gross Kathy DeLiema and family on the loss of her brother, William Present Ledeen Michael Milchiker and family on the loss of his father, Abraham Milchiker Paul Boulian and family on the loss of his mother, Dorthy “Dottie” Boulian Sue Deutsch and family on the loss of her father, Eli Fachler Cindy Greenberg and family on the loss of her mother, Barbara Kohn Krause Family on the loss of their friend, Betty Ann Greenbaum Miller Abby Kartzinel and family on the loss of her father, Mark Morse Ron Naglie and family on the loss of his mother, Flora Naglie Lori Covey and family on the loss of her father, Richard Robechek Miriam Ohana and Sara Marcus and staff member Rebecca Schenker on the loss of their father, Murray Schenker Sol Zuckerman on the loss of his wife and Kenneth Zukerman on the loss of his mother, Roslyn Zuckerman Page 29 IN MEMORIAM Dorothy Baker, mother of Joe Baker Phillip Bassell, father of Lawrence Bassell Paul Bonner, father of Cecelia Lance Ida Brownstein, grandmother of Linda Goldman Mariane Coble, mother of Melanie Coble Sidney Diamond, father of Judy Dreyer Philip Diamond, father of Janice Ruef Gabriel Drimer**, father of Anna Gross Benjamin Fleischman, father of Martin Fleischman Rose Gold, grandmother of Allyn JaffreyShulman Geraldine Gold*, grandmother of Karen Gray Sidney Goldfader, father of Michael Goldfader Esther Greenberg, mother of Jay Greenberg Carol Grouse, mother of Elizabeth Green Irene Haferl, mother of Robert Haferl Robert Inslee, father of Rosemary Stevens Herbert Kramer*, husband of Lorraine Kramer Arlene Krinsky, sister of Susan Treshansky Lillian Levenson, mother of Elliott Levenson Elinor Oziel, mother of Alison Herson Jeanette Pollak*, mother of Susan Roof Clara Putzer, aunt of Alannah Rosenberg Sharon Sacks*, daughter of Lucille Sacks Sidney Schwartz, father of Andrew Schwartz Anita Schwartz*, mother of Jo Anne Simon Robert Shapin, husband of Audrey Shapin Saul Siegenfeld, grandfather of Adam Neufeld Herman Solomon, great-grandfather of Lori Lazerson David Spiegel*, father of Janet Lorin Dorothy Stern, mother of Heidi Penkava Max Strauss, father of Ellen Belfer Stephen Treshansky*, husband of Susan Treshansky Jacob Warshaw, grandfather of Linda Goldman Alojzy Wenda, grandfather of Alyssa Finkelstein Miles Zane, brother of Loretta Modelevsky Jacob Zubli, grandfather of Daniel Akiva MORE FROM THE CLERGY Rabbi Levi continued from page 1 I can tell you about the workshops, the learning, the artistic and creative expressions of Judaism, the people, the song sessions, the spirited worship, the embrace of community... Yet none of it can truly do justice to experiencing a camp environment first hand. A retreat is a glimpse and a taste. After my BCI camp experience, I knew that more than just being a Jew, that Judaism would somehow inform my life. Most folks embrace Judaism while their professional and educational lives and ambitions continue. I, however, was already a teacher. And a Jewish teacher is called a rabbi. MORE FROM CLERGY Rabbi Kort continued from page 1 running a camp. We spent the mornings doing avodah (work): cleaning the camp grounds, chopping vegetables, and even cleaning the toilets. My sister and I came back from our first summer at camp looking like Israeli pioneers. We were tan and muscular. My teenage sister declared, “I am moving to Israel to live on a kibbutz!” My dad told us we weren’t allowed to go back to that camp, but I spent the next six summers there. I roleplayed Aliyah Bet, Israeli danced, sang protest songs from the 1960s. I grew up at camp and I grew to be a Zionist because of camp. Camp is where I learned how to be independent. It is also where I learned to advocate for myself and my Jewish education. With my parents help, and support, each winter when I registered for camp, I would also apply for scholarships through our temple and the Jewish Federation. It’s been almost 25 years since I first experienced Jewish summer camp. Jewish camp is still one of the great Jewish identity-building tools. And it is still expensive. If you have the financial resources, I encourage you to support the continuity of the Jewish people by supporting Jewish summer camp. Help send your grandchildren to camp or make a donation to our Beth El Campership Fund, the Raymond Plotkin Campership Fund. If you are a parent who cares about building your child’s Jewish identity, I encourage you to invest in a Jewish summer camp experience for your child. And if you are like my parents and have the desire, but need financial assistance to make camp happen for your child, I invite you to have the courage to ask for help from your community, our Beth El community and our Jewish Federation. Rabbi K’vod continued from page 1 the likelihood of adult participation and identification in every one of the following areas. As adults, campers are: • 30% more likely to donate to a Jewish charity; • 37% more likely to light Shabbat candles; • 45% more likely to attend synagogue monthly or more; and • 55% more likely to be very emotionally attached to Israel. Many people describe their experience at Jewish summer camp as “magical.” Children in elementary and high school experience their schedules and their everyday world as defining reality for them. Besides the academic pressure, the focus of extracurricular sports or arts, the peer expectation to present themselves in a certain way, what else is there? Only when a child has the opportunity to spend an extended time away from home, are they free from reality as they know it. The great cultural anthropologist, Mircea Eliade said that every “rite of passage” experience has three components: separation, initiation, and return. Only when we remove ourselves from the world as we know it can we be open to a radically different kind of experience. The two to six hour bus ride that children take to camp, and the couple of nights away bunking with peers creates that separation. Once in that Page 30 new place, “initiation” is an exposure to something totally new. A beautiful natural environment, the opportunity to be real with friends, a deep exploration of personal values, and a spiritual experience of Shabbat can turn on a young person to an entirely different dimension of possibility in life. And then, the “return” – the bus ride back from camp to their everyday lives brings a different child home. Returning from camp brings a child who has touched something beautiful inside themselves, something having to do with being Jewish, and orients them to seek those experiences throughout their lives. Cantor Natalie continued from page 1 Serving at camp as faculty has given us the opportunity to pay it forward to the next generation. Just as we found inspiration and holy connections through the relationships with the staff and faculty when we were young, we consider it both a blessing and obligation to be those role models for others. Our children have been part of that experience with us from the moment they were each born, riding in backpacks and on shoulders, where they could learn early on what it meant to be part of a camp family. Camp is a unique place where individuals can experience the breadth of Jewish life outside of the synagogue. It is where art and swimming and a nature hike can connect us more deeply to our Jewish identity than sitting in a classroom or worship service. While there are wonderful things that can come from those experiences as well, the physical space of a synagogue can sometimes feel restraining in our ability to feel spiritually open. For generations, camp has provided a safe place for individuals to not only explore their Judaism, but the deepest parts of themselves. Through camp, individuals become community, become family, finding their voices and growing into strong and independent adults. I hope to and look forward to hearing about your meaningful camp experiences and how they have impacted your lives. Please send me your memories at cantoryoung@tbesoc.org. january 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 New Year’s Day Temple Office & Schools Closed 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services 3 4 ECC Returns 4:30pm Hebrew School 7:30pm Jewish Life Committee 5 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 6 7 6:30 Hebew for Adults 8 7pm Shabbat Club: Police Brutality 7:30pm Shabbat Services 6:30pm Teen Lounge Night 12 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 13 7pm People of the Book 6:30 Hebew for Adults 18 Martin Luther King Day Temple Offices & Schools Closed 19 11:30am Daytime Book Club 14 9:30am Men’s Club Breakfast 7pm Hearing Men’s Voices 7:30pm World of Judaism & Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 17 9:15am Conservative Service 9 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service 15 16 9:30am Saba & Savta 8:45am Exploring Jewish Prayer 4pm PreK & K Family Shabbat Experience 9am Torah Study 4pm Shabbat Chai 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services 20 21 7pm Maps of Reality 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 22 7:30pm Shabbat Services 9:30am Jerusalem Shabbat & Ari Wohl Bar Mitzvah 10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace 23 9am Torah Study 9:15am Kol Isha Shabbat Service 6:30 Hebew for Adults 7:30pm The Body Covered and Uncovered 24 10:30am PreK-2nd Grade Mitzvah Day 2pm Navigating Teen Challenges 25 Tu B’Shvat 9:30am ECC Tu B’shvat Seder 4:30pm Hebrew School 7pm Havurat Tzedek 26 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 27 28 6:30 Hebew for Adults 7:30pm The Body Covered and Uncovered 31 3rd-5th Grade Mitzvah Day 4pm Tzedakah Board Page 31 29 30 2pm Meditation 9am Torah Study Retreat Begins (ends Sunday) 9:15am Conservative 7:30pm Shabbat Service Services 2pm 7th Grade Group Mitzvah Project TEMPLE CALENDAR 11 4:30pm Hebrew School 2 9am Torah Study 7pm Comedy Night Reception 8pm Show 7pm Cooking for Connection 7:30pm World of Judaism & Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 10 Saturday february 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 11:30am TBE Connections 2 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 7:30pm Jewish Life Committee 6:30 Hebew for Adults Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 Friday 5 4pm 1st Grade Family Shabbat Experience 7:30pm World of Judaism & Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 4pm Shabbat Chai 4:15pm Being the Best Parent We Can Be 7:30pm Everyday Holiness: Gratitude 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Serivce with Beit Teshuvah TEMPLE CALENDAR 7:30pm Special Event and Dinner Saturday 6 8:45am Exploring Jewish Prayer 9am Torah Study 9:30am Jerusalem Shabbat with Beit Teshuvah 10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace 2pm Lunch & Learn 4:30pm Teens with Beit Teshuvah 7pm Freedom Song 7 2pm BESTY Big Air 8 4:30pm Hebrew School 9 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 6:30 Hebew for Adults 10 11 12 7pm People of the Book 9:30am Men’s Club Breakfast 7:30pm Shabbat Service 7pm Hearing Men’s Voices 7pm Cooking for Connection 13 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service 7:30pm Adult B’nai Mitzvah/Confirmation Class & World of Judaism 14 15 Presidents Day Temple Offices & Schools Closed 16 11:30am Daytime Book Club 17 18 7pm Maps of Reality 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 23 Purim Katan 24 25 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 9:15am Conservative Service 26 Campership Applications Deadline 6:30pm Teen Lounge Night 7:30pm Shabbat Services 6:30 Hebew for Adults 7:30pm World of Judaism & Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 28 4pm Tzedakah Board & Teen Leadership 4pm Shabbat Chai 7pm BEMSY 6th/7th Grade Shabbat Dinner 7:30pm World of Judaism & Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 22 4:30pm Hebrew School 6:30pm BESTY Lounge Night 7pm Havurat Tzedek 20 9am Torah Study 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services 6:30 Hebew for Adults 21 19 29 4:30pm Hebrew School 6pm BESTY Page 32 27 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service 6pm Annual Gala march 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 7:30pm World of Judaism & Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 4pm Shabbat Chai 4:15pm Being the Best Parent We Can Be 7:30pm Everyday Holiness: Gratitude 7 4:30pm Hebrew School 13 14 15 11:30am Daytime Book Club 4:30pm Hebrew School 7pm Israel from your Couch with Rabbi Kort 9 7pm People of the Book 7pm Cooking for Connection 7:30pm Adult B’nai Mitzvah/Confirmation Class& World of Judaism 16 10 9:30am Men’s Club Breakfast 21 2pm Purim Carnival 4:30pm Hebrew School 7pm Hearing Men’s Voices 6:45pm 2nd Shabbat: Chinese Shabbat Table Experience 9:15am Conservative Service 17 18 19 4pm Shabbat Chai 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services 6:30 Hebew for Adults 6:30 Hebew for Adults 7:30pm World of Judaism & Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 27 4pm Tzedakah Board 28 4:30pm Hebrew School 7pm Havurat Tzedek 29 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 10am Reform Service and Matthew Skaist Bar Mitzvah 12 9am Torah Study 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 22 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 9:15am Conservative Service 11 7:30pm World of Judaism & Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 20 5 9am Torah Study 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services 6:30 Hebew for Adults 7:30pm Jewish Life Committee Saturday BESTY Shabbaton 23 24 Purim 7pm Purim Celebration Megillah Reading & schtick! 8:45am Exploring Jewish Prayer 9am Torah Study 10am Jerusalem Shabbat 10:30am Tot Shabbat Playspace 25 Shushan Purim 26 9am Torah Study 7:30pm Shabbat Services 9:15am Conservative Service 10am Reform Service and Jessica Rosiak Bat Mitzvah 30 31 6:30 Hebew for Adults 7:30pm World of Judaism & Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class Page 33 TEMPLE CALENDAR 7pm Israel from your Couch with Rabbi Kort 8 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 4 4pm 4th Grade Family Shabbat Experience 6:30 Hebew for Adults 6 Friday April 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 9:30am ECC Shabbat 9am Torah Study 3 4 ECC Closed for Spring Break 5 ECC Closed for Spring Break 11:30am TBE Connections 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 6 ECC Closed for Spring Break 7 ECC Closed for Spring Break TEMPLE CALENDAR 4pm Tzedakah Board & Teen Leadership 7pm BE Sisters: Filling Miriam’s Cup: Including the Stories of Women at the Seder 6:30 Hebew for Adults 9 8:45am Exploring Jewish Prayer 7:30pm 2nd Shabbat: Men’s Club Beatles Shabbat 7:30pm Everyday Holiness 12 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 8 ECC Closed for Spring Break 7pm Shabbat CLub: Heaven and Hell 7pm Israeli Supreme Court Justice Salim Joubran 11 4:30pm Hebrew School 9:15am Conservative Service 7pm Maps of Reality 6:30 Hebew for Adults 10 4pm BEMSY 6th/7th Grade Candy Seder with BESTY 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services 13 9:30am ECC Exodus 7pm People of the Book 14 9:30am Men’s Club Breakfast 7:30pm World of Judaism & Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 15 4pm 5th Grade Family Shabbat & 5th Grade Overnight 4pm Shabbat Chai 4:15pm Being the Best Parent We Can Be 6pm BESTY 6pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services 17 9am Walk to End Genocide 18 4pm 3rd Grade Passover Sing-along 4:30pm Hebrew School 19 11:30am Daytime Book Club 20 21 Temple Offices & Schools Closed 9:30am Conservative Passover Day 2 Service 25 Passover III 7pm Havurat Tzedek 6:30 Hebew for Adults 26 Passover IV 10:30 Tot Shabbat Playspace 16 5th Grade Family Shabbat & 5th Grade Overnight 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Service 10am Reform Service & Isabella Siegrist Bat Mitzvah 23 Passover I 9am Torah Study 9:15am Conservative Enjoy Passover Seder with Family & Shabbat & Pesach Friends / No Shabbat Day 1 Service Services Held at 5:30pm Enjoy the Temple 2nd Seder at the Temple (details p. 9) 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 7:30pm World of Judaism & Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class 24 Passover II 22 Passover 9am Torah Study 9:30am Jerusalem Shabbat 27 Passover V 6:30pm Refuat Hanefesh Minyan 28 Passover VI 29 Passover VII Temple Offices & Schools Closed 30 Passover VIII 9am Torah Study 9:30am Conservative 9:15am Passover Day 7 Conservative Service Service & 8th Day Passover Service 6pm Kabbalat with Yizkor Shabbat Service 7pm Post-Passover Bread & Beer Bash 6:30 Hebew for Adults 7:30pm World of Judaism & Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class Page 34 Temple Beth El of South Orange County The Samueli Center for Progressive Judaism 2A Liberty ~ Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-3372 ~ Phone: 949.362.3999 www.TBESOC.org OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. Closed Legal and Religious Holidays. Although the office may be closed, our voice mail system is always on. Please leave your name, telephone number and a brief message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. BOARD OF TRUSTEES *Indicates an Executive Committee Member BOARD OF TRUSTEES CONTINUED President* Michael Goldfader mgoldfader@tbesoc.org BE Sister Co-President Lainey Mitzman laineymitzman@gmail.com Executive Vice President* Firuzeh Claar fclaar@cox.net Men’s Club President Alan Dolensky AlanDolensky@cox.net Vice President Finance* Rob Fecher tbird1957@cox.net VP Judaism in Action* Leslie Tatel STAFF Rabbi Peter Levi ext 101 tatelmom@yahoo.com Vice President Membership* rabbilevi@tbesoc.org Vice President, Education* Amy Packer apackermom@gmail.com Associate Rabbi K’vod Wieder ext 106 kvod@tbesoc.org Treasurer Jeff Greer Cantor Natalie Young ext 105 jmgreer@ymail.com Secretary* Deb Jankowski debj1234@gmail.com Executive Director Bonni Pomush Trustee at Large Glenn Bier gbier2003@yahoo.com Director, Early Childhood Center Terry Fierle ext 317 tfierle@tbesoc.org Trustee at Large Phyllis Blanc pjblanc@msn.com Administrative Assistant Myka Thompson ext 316 mthompson@tbesoc.org Trustee at Large Robin Brandes-Gibbs brandesgibbs@hotmail.com Communications Coordinator Karol Tran ext 103 communications@tbesoc.org Trustee at Large Shirley Einbund sleinbund@cox.net Accounting Manager Pam Uber robmeg96@cox.net Event Coordinators Linda Lander Rochelle Pazornik Trustee at Large Miriam Hillburn mhillburn33@icloud.com Youth Group Advisor Chavva Olander Trustee at Large Bonnie Kehe bekehe@gmail.com Trustee at Large Sarah Wood jewish@3Dsolarsystem.com Trustee at Large Michael Pearlman michael.pearl@cox.net Trustee at Large Gil Ross garilc@aol.com Trustee at Large Brian Selvan brianselvan@hotmail.com Trustee at Large William Spector wjspector@cox.net Trustee at Large Evan Wohl e_wohl@cox.net Sheri Saladow Trustee at Large Rob Ervais cantoryoung@tbesoc.org ext 213 bpomush@tbesoc.org ext 112 pam@tbesoc.org ext 401 949.916.9965, jel6351@cox.net 949.831.6545, dbeventgal@aol.com 949.677.2717 chavvao@gmail.com Get Temple events & services on your mobile device or computer! Visit us at www.tbesoc.org Click on Calendar Add our Google calendar to yours & have dates at your fingertips! Page 35 CONTACT US SSaladow@aol.com Director of Jewish Engagement Rabbi Rachel Kort ext 102 rabbikort@tbesoc.org SPECIAL EVENT Calling all Auction Items! Please keep the Gala Auction in mind when you are out and about. NOW is the time to get those contributions for the Auction! Send in your tribute for our Keepsake Journal! Have a friend who owns a business? Are you willing to donate 2 tickets out of your season pass? Are you a regular at a particular coffee shop, restaurant, etc.? Know someone who knows someone who...? Celebrate Sheri Saladow and Shirley and Lew Einbund! We are preparing a Keepsake Journal & Directory to distribute at this year’s Night at the Movies Gala. You are invited to take out an ad in support of these exemplary people who have made incredible contributions to our community. Let’s really show them our love and appreciation! Ask…well...everyone you know...if they’ll make a tax-deductible donation to TBESOC for this important fundraising event. Give them an idea of what you’re looking for (vacation rentals, airline miles, restaurant dinners, movie tickets, salon treatments, gift shop merchandise, wine, books, toys, coffee, jewelry, golf course passes, sports equipment, gift cards, museum passes, surf lessons, amusement park passes, grocery store certificates, sporting event tickets, etc.). Use your imagination to come up with original and interesting new ideas. Ask the manager to support your favorite cause with a donation in the form of an item or advertisement – it’s very hard to say no to a customer! In addition to Tributes, place an ad promoting your own business and get your favorite local spots to contribute an ad or item for our auction. HOW? Choose the size ad you want and provide text or your own graphics. Forms are available on the temple website - just click on Gala (on the right-hand side of the page.) HOW? Print out a copies of the Contribution Form (and solicitation letter, if you like) from tbesoc.org/gala.html Keep some with you (maybe in your car?!) so you’re always ready Please drop off auction items with the completed forms to the Temple no later than Wednesday, February 10. Page 36