Annual report 2014
Annual report 2014
CONTENTS 2 Chairman's Letter 3 Executive Director's Letter 4 Who We Are 6 CAHI Programs 10 CAHI Fellows 13 CAHI Faculty 15 Financial Report 2014 16 Partners and Sponsors 17 Board of Directors 18 Management Team 19 Projections for 2015 Chairman's Letter Robert A. Jeffe INCAE Commencement Address Managua, Nicaragua May 31, 2013 It is hard to believe it has only been three years since my wife, Elizabeth, and I decided to focus our philanthropic energy on advancing healthcare in Central America. Our idea was simple— if we funded the enhancement of healthcare management techniques, technological innovation, and the strategic application of relevant data, we could leverage more and better healthcare for those who needed it the most. We were delighted when this approach resonated with the academic experts and practitioners with whom we shared it. After many creative conversations, supplemented by field research, 2 it became clear to us that Central America was the ideal place to apply this strategy. We created a non-profit organization, the Central American Healthcare Initiative (CAHI), to advance the work, and I am excited to present to you its first annual report. Partnering with INCAE (the leading business school in Central America), Stanford University, New York University, and the Vivian Pellas Hospital (a worldclass hospital in Nicaragua), and supported by important Central American business leaders such as Carlos Pellas and Stanley Motta, CAHI now offers a variety of programs to advance healthcare delivery in Central America. CAHI’s fundamental approach is to provide current and future healthcare leaders with the training and mentorships needed to incubate and catalyze their brightest ideas with tangible results. Last year CAHI commenced its annual one-year Fellowship Program. Having met our 16 outstanding Fellows from all six countries in Central America, I am convinced they are truly the next generation of healthcare leaders in the region. In early February of this year, the Fellows all graduated and embarked upon projects that will make a real difference in the efficient delivery of healthcare. This spring we launched our postgraduate one-year healthcare management training program, designed for healthcare executives in public hospitals, where the positive impact upon the poorest population will be the highest, and our research projects continue. It has been extremely satisfying to see the programs we once only imagined now becoming powerful realities. I want to thank our dedicated and talented board and management team for their contributions to CAHI. I would like to express our appreciation to Luis Figueroa, our Executive Director; Andrea Prado, our Academic Director; and Chris Barry, our Project Director, on their tireless, outstanding efforts to effectively design and implement all of our programs. I also want to thank our important supporters throughout the region and the United States. We truly appreciate your interest and enthusiasm. Traveling across Central America and meeting with so many committed leaders dedicated to improving healthcare has been an incredible experience. It has allowed me to connect with the people making change happen, see innovation being applied, and most importantly, witness the difference being made in people’s lives. Helping support this work has been immensely gratifying. I invite you to join us. Together we can truly make a difference! Sincerely, Robert A. Jeffe Executive Director's Letter Luis Figueroa CAHI is making a significant difference in the quality of life for thousands of people throughout Central America. We are working to foster the next generation of health leaders, as well as stimulate the exploration of many revolutionary and innovative ideas for enhancing accessibility, efficiency and quality of healthcare in the region. The projects we support endeavor to improve the health of Central America’s most vulnerable citizens, including indigenous groups, poor rural communities, and other marginalized segments of the population. The experience has been exciting and challenging, and we are satisfied with our advances to date. Nevertheless, closing the gap for Central America’s healthcare needs is still a distant goal. 3 Indeed, much work remains in front of us, and we will need the support of many more individuals and organizations to achieve this objective. Our call is for more and better-coordinated collaborations, not only among local and international health organizations, but also incorporating many other institutions with close ties to the social determinants of health working in education, technology and rural development. We are most appreciative of the many outstanding individuals and institutions that continually bestow CAHI with exceptional support and advice. We are especially grateful to our donors and sponsors whose generous investments in CAHI enable the realization of our ambition to drive enhanced healthcare for those who need it most, and to our institutional partners – INCAE Business School, New York University and Stanford University – which fortify CAHI’s programs with invaluable expertise. We are equally thankful for our accomplished Board of Directors, with special recognition for CAHI Founder and Chairman, Robert Jeffe, without whose support CAHI would not be a reality. Finally, we are thrilled with the great strides made by our inspiring CAHI Fellows. CAHI’s impact relies on the passionate commitment and dedication of all these extraordinary people. Sincerely, Luis Figueroa Who We Are CAHI is a young and growing non-profit organization that has a passion for driving healthcare delivery innovation in Central America. The health challenges facing the region are varied and complex, and we believe that decentralized, grass-roots creativity and local leadership provide the best opportunity to advance solutions with impact, providing vital healthcare services to those who need them most. Our approach is a targeted investment in local leaders, their ideas and their potential to transform healthcare delivery through innovation and enhanced management, leveraging millions of dollars spent on health annually. With more efficient delivery of effective care, the health systems of Central America can provide vital care to more people. In operation for three years, CAHI has already attracted the support of major Central American philanthropists and improved the lives of children and families across the region. Thanks to a grant from the Jeffe Foundation that covers all of CAHI’s administrative expenses, 100% of donations go directly to deliver our three programs. 2014 Health Innovation Fellowship Graduation Gary Goodenough (Board Director), Andrea Prado (Academic Director), Gonzalo Navarro (CAHI Fellow), Robert Jeffe (Chairman), Luis Figueroa (Executive Director), Alvaro Salas (Board Director) 2014 Health Innovation Fellowship Graduation 4 OUR MISSION Foster a new generation of leaders to drive critical improvements in Central American healthcare, through innovation, use of technology and enhanced management. OUR VISION A Central America where everyone has access to quality healthcare services, regardless of any socioeconomic, cultural or geographic barriers. Health Innovation Fellows Gonzálo Navarro and Sergio Lopéz participating in a team-building exercise 5 CAHI PROGRAMS CAHI designed three programs to fulfill its mission The CAHI Health Innovation Fellowship is an incubator program for talented social leaders to implement, scale and replicate innovative projects that improve healthcare access for the poorest people in Central America. The Fellowship provides the tools and support needed for leaders that are highly committed to a better future for the health of the region. CAHI Academic Director Andrea Prado engaging a class in a case study analysis of public-private partnerships The Fellowship supports these select health leaders with management and leadership training, mentorships, professional networks, and the applied use of best practices in healthcare delivery to catalyze their innovative ideas. CAHI recently graduated its first class of 16 CAHI Health Innovation Fellows from all over Central America (see pages 10 - 12). And our second generation of CAHI Fellows is already off to a strong start in the first half of 2015. INCAE Senior Lecturer Roberto Mendoza teaching a class on project finance and accounting to the 2014 Health Innovation Fellows 6 CAHI Programs CAHI Academic Director Andrea Prado introducing CAHI to alumni and special guests gathered for INCAE’s 50th Anniversary in November Health systems not only require innovation, but also highly trained and effective managers. While it is important to expand the number of hospitals and health centers, it is equally important that these centers are managed in an efficient and professional manner to maximize the impact of public health investments. CAHI aims to provide the managers of important public hospitals with the training and management advice needed to run these institutions properly, optimizing daily operations, supply chains, human resource management, financial planning and quality controls. More effective and efficient delivery of healthcare services is possible with well-trained managers of public hospitals, maximizing the use of the limited resources available and minimizing waste. CAHI successfully launched its first class of Healthcare Management Fellows in April 2015. Community health promoter in San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala Ultimately, CAHI aims to partner with our Innovation and Management Fellows to see their projects through to implementation and impact. Adding to CAHI’s role as incubator and catalyst, we are also building the foundations for a dynamic network of leaders to spearhead the future of Central American health. CAHI Fellow Wilman Rojas in Alto Telire, Costa Rica 7 CAHI Programs CAHI Fellow Edgar Noguera from Honduras CAHI seeks to contribute to a better understanding of how organizations and individuals in developing countries provide healthcare to the poorest populations, also known as the base of the pyramid (BoP). CAHI Fellow Erlin Rugama from Nicaragua There are numerous health challenges faced by this segment of the population, but CAHI’s first stage of research is focusing on three important areas: 1. Utilization of mobile and IT health solutions CAHI Fellow Aura Cuellar from Guatemala 8 2. Private business models to provide healthcare to low- income populations 3. Delivery of products and services to geographically remote areas at the “last-mile” CAHI’s research aims to identify and study best practices that can be discussed and shared with other experts, practitioners and policy makers from around the world, providing promising solutions to pressing health challenges. Some of the main research projects developed by CAHI in 2014 are highlighted below: 1. Working alongside Stanford Professor Dr. Paul Wise, with support from the Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies (SEED), CAHI sought to understand how best to design and implement mobile health technologies that respond to the needs of endusers. The paper focuses on “cultural brokers” and the vital role they play in connecting designers and engineers from high-income countries with end users at the base of the pyramid in lowincome countries. This research proposal won the Highly Commended Award of the Emerald/CLADEA Latin American Management Research Fund 2014 and was presented at the TU Dresden Interdisciplinary Summer School 2014. 2. CAHI is providing an analysis of the best practices of a network of small social pharmacies that deliver vital medicines and medical services to rural, isolated, and poor regions of Nicaragua. 9 CAHI Programs Research Studies 3. Management in Global Health Education: A New Health Innovation Fellowship in Central America, a collaborative effort with New York University Professor Dr. Nathan Bertelsen, seeks to understand the role that business schools and management training can play in the support of healthcare professionals. Case Studies 1. The first of two case studies, Sistema Ser, explores the case of Dr. Jorge Gronda, a social entrepreneur, who has successfully implemented a private micro-insurance model to provide primary healthcare for the BoP in Northern Argentina. 2. Our second case study addresses how Acción Médica Cristiana, a non-governmental organization managed by Erlin Rugama (2014 CAHI Health Innovation Fellow), is able to successfully operate a financially sustainable organizational model to distribute low-cost and high-quality medications in rural Nicaragua. Stanford student training a community health promoter in San Lucas Tolimán, Guatemala In 2015, CAHI will continue to develop its research agenda and to disseminate the knowledge generated through these efforts. A new project, Implementation of Inclusive Innovations:Training End-Users at the Base of the Pyramid, began in April 2015 with the support of SEED and Stanford Professor Dr. Paul Wise. CAHI will also publish case studies to document the development and challenges of projects from our 2014 class of CAHI Health Innovation Fellows. CAHI FELLOWS Fellow Project Mentor Title Pablo Acuña Chief Executive Officer Paralelo Diez Costa Rica CR+: Enhanced management, logistics, and public campaigns to improve voluntary blood donations Dr. Álvaro Salas* Former Executive President Costa Rican Department of Social Security Costa Rica Dr. Guadalupe Argueta Director of Strategic Health Planning El Salvadoran Institute of Social Security El Salvador Tracking and preventing chronic kidney disease Juan Carlos Ulloa Advisor to the Director General Inter-American Center for Social Security Studies Mexico Allan Bejarano Training Coordinator Mujeres que Salvan Vidas Costa Rica Mujeres que Salvan Vidas: Guidance and counseling for breast cancer patients from survivors Dr. Mario Ruiz Chief of Surgery San Francisco de Asís Hospital Costa Rica Dr. Jessica Chavarría Health Access Coordinator Ministry of Health Costa Rica Public-private partnership to improve quality and speed of care for poor populations Dr. Luis Bernardo Sáenz Project Director Comprehensive Cancer Care Network, Costa Rican Department of Social Security Costa Rica Aura Cuellar Nurse Wings Guatemala Mobile clinic to provide access to reproductive health in rural communities Dr. Miguel Garcés Founder National Health Institute Guatemala *CAHI Board Director 10 Title Health Innovation Fellows 2014 Health Innovation Fellows 2014 Fellow 11 Title Project Mentor Title Dr. Alcibíades González Pediatrician José Domingo De Obaldía Maternal Infant Hospital Panamá Combat newborn HIV and syphilis with community health worker interventions Leila Garro Professor of Women's Health and Perinatology University of Costa Rica Costa Rica Dr. Karen Herrera Research Professor Center for Health Studies and Research, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua CIES Nicaragua Online degree in biostatistics and information systems Alcira Castillo Former Director School of Public Health, University of Costa Rica Costa Rica Dr. Sergio López Surgical Oncologist Dr. Manolo Morales Hospital Nicaragua Utilization of WhatsApp to build referral and diagnostic network Dr. Luis Fulgencio Báez Chief of Pediatrics Hospital Metropolitano Vivian Pellas Nicaragua Dr. Gonzálo Navarro Dental Surgeon National Autonomous University of Nicaragua Leon Nicaragua Promotion and access to primary oral healthcare Dr. Miguel Orozco Director Center for Health Studies and Research, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua CIES Nicaragua Edgar Noguera Project Manager Aldea Global Honduras Community health initiative with intensive participation from communities Dr. Juan Carlos Álvarez Health Adviser Office of the Prime Minister Spain Health Innovation Fellows 2014 Fellow Project Mentor Title Wilman Rojas Regional Health Director Costa Rican Department of Social Security Costa Rica A cultural guide to providing medical services to remote, indigenous communities Erlin Rugama Program Manager Acción Médica Cristiana Nicaragua Expansion of a chain of community, Dr. Néstor Castro non-profit pharmacies designed to deliver essential medication to the last mile Director Epidemiology and Health Department, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua - Leon Nicaragua Agnes Saborio Quality Control Manager Hospital Metropolitano Vivian Pellas Nicaragua Develop and implement patient safety in nursing curriculum to minimize errors and reduce inhospital infections Gilberto Guzmán* Chief Executive Officer Hospital Metropolitano Vivian Pellas Nicaragua Dr. Mario Soriano Technical Medical Advisor National implementation of Department of Adolescent government plan to improve adolescent health Health, Ministry of Health El Salvador Celina Palomo Director Salvadoran Health and Human Development Foundation El Salvador Dr. José Sprok Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery San Juan de Dios Hospital Costa Rica Surgical room optimization in San Juan de Dios Hospital Román Macaya Ambassador to the United States State Department Costa Rica Antón Zamora Adviser to the Minister Ministry of Health Costa Rica Salud a un Clic: Virtual platform with mobile applications to connect doctors, patients and their families José Pablo Arce Medical Director San Rafael de Alajuela Hospital Costa Rica *CAHI Board Director 12 Title Leila Garro Professor of Women's Health and Perinatology University of Costa Rica Costa Rica CAHI FACULTY INCAE Professors Juan Carlos Barahona Ph.D. Assistant Professor Technology and information systems Esteban Brenes Ph.D. Professor Strategy and entrepreneurship María Elena Carballo Ph.D. Assistant Professor Leadership and communication Forrest Colburn Ph.D. Professor Political analysis José Exprúa Ph.D. Professor Marketing * CAHI Academic Director 13 We would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation for all of the hard work and dedication provided by the INCAE professors and local and international health experts who have participated in CAHI's courses and webinars. Niels Ketelhöhn D.B.A. Professor Strategy and competitiveness Francisco Leguizamón D.B.A. Professor Negotiation, social organizations management, organizational behavior, ethics and managerial decisions Julio Sergio Ramírez Ph.D. Professor General management and communication Luis Javier Sanz Ph.D. Professor Leadership Roberto Mendoza M.A.E. Senior Lecturer Accounting and control Felipe Pérez Ph.D. Professor Sustainable development and entrepreneurship Andrea Prado Ph.D.* Assistant Professor Organizational change and sustainability In memory of our beloved professor, mentor and friend, Dr. Luis Javier Sanz (1971 - 2015) CAHI FACULTY Local and International Health Experts Juan Carlos Alvarez M.D. Health Adviser Office of the Prime Minister Spain Alcira Castillo M.Sc. Former Director School of Public Health University of Costa Rica Nathan Bertelsen M.D. Assistant Professor Department of Population Health Medicine New York University Yuri Kogan Ph.D. Independent Consultant Project Management and Leadership Skills * CAHI Board Director 14 Álvaro Salas M.D.* Former Executive President Costa Rican Social Security Paul Wise M.D.* Behrman Professor of Child Health and Society School of Medicine Stanford University FINANCIAL REPORT 2014 Donations and Expenses DONATIONS $ 502,326 EXPENSES $ 260,086 62% Development Investments * 79,986 19 Administration * 77,618 19 625 0 $ 418,316 100% CAHI Programs 2014 Other Expenses * Total Expenses Provision for growth - CAHI Programs 2015 $ 84,010 * Development investments and administrative expenses are financed entirely by the Jeffe Foundation A complete financial audit from Topel and Silver, Certified Public Accountants, is available on our website website: 15 PARTNERS AND SPONSORS Thanks to vital contributions from our donors and sponsors, along with the support of our strategic partners INCAE Business School, New York University, and Stanford University, we have been able to build and strengthen sound programs that focus on practical application while simultaneously maintaining high academic standards of instruction and research. INCAE, the top international business school in Latin America, is our base of operations for CAHI training activities. In addition to strong management expertise, INCAE has a long history of forming leaders in government, civil society, and business, offering all CAHI participants a comprehensive education adapted to the realities of the developing world with instruction from professors with extensive experience. 16 Paul Wise M.D., Stanford Professor and CAHI Board Director, delivering a lecture on healthcare in politically unstable countries Jessica Chavarría, CAHI Fellow, and Nathan Bertelsen M.D., NYU Professor, at Health Innovation Fellowship Graduation Sponsors Robert A. and Elizabeth R. Jeffe Foundation With the support of President Carlos Pellas With the support of President Stanley Motta Gary Goodenough Academic Partners BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert and Elizabeth Jeffe Founders CAHI Jeremy Bulow Ph.D. Richard A. Stepp Professor of Economics Graduate School of Business Stanford University Arturo Condo Ph.D. Former Rector INCAE Gary Goodenough Retired Managing Director Mackay Shields Gilberto Guzmán Chief Executive Officer Hospital Metropolitano Vivian Pellas Peter Henry Ph.D. Dean Leonard N. Stern School of Business New York University Álvaro Salas M.D. Former Executive President Costa Rican Department of Social Security Jesper Sorensen Ph.D. Executive Director, SEED Jeffe Professor of Organizational Behavior Graduate School of Business Stanford University Paul Wise M.D. Behrman Professor of Child Health and Society School of Medicine Stanford University Anthony C. Wood Foundation Executive 17 MANAGEMENT TEAM Luis Figueroa Ph.D. Chris Barry Executive Director Project Director Andrea Prado Ph.D. María Andrée Martínez Academic Director Administrative and Communication Coordinator 18 PROJECTIONS FOR 2015 CAHI Fellows Edgar Noguera and Antón Zamora participating in a ropes course activity to build leadership and teamwork skills CAHI Health Innovation Fellows 2014 19 · We will expand and strengthen CAHI’s programs to improve the impact of our research and our Fellowships, including the recently launched Healthcare Management Program. · We aspire to expand our partnerships throughout Central America, complementing the existing commitments of support from Nicaragua and Panama. · We aim to forge new partnerships with individuals, foundations and corporations in the United States to catalyze CAHI’s growing impact in the region. Your donation is an INVESTMENT. Please support Our Mission! For more information about CAHI and ways to support our work, please contact us at: or at +506 2437-2345 on the campus of INCAE Business School in Costa Rica