Youth Guide August 12-‐15, 2015


Youth Guide August 12-‐15, 2015
 2015 Youth Leadership Conference Youth Guide University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario August 12-­‐15, 2015 Page 1 of 13 Table of Contents 1 WELCOME .......................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 CONFERENCE THEME .................................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 CONFERENCE DATES ..................................................................................................................................... 3 1.3 CONFERENCE LOCATION .............................................................................................................................. 3 1.4 CONFERENCE PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................ 3 2 DIRECTIONS TO UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO ....................................................................... 4 2.1 UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO CAMPUS MAP ............................................................................................... 5 3 CONFERENCE CHECK-­‐IN ................................................................................................................ 5 4 CONFERENCE CHECK OUT ............................................................................................................ 6 5 PACKING LIST ................................................................................................................................... 6 6 LOST & FOUND ................................................................................................................................. 6 7 DAMAGED UNIVERSITY PROPERTY .......................................................................................... 6 8 YLC BEHAVIOR STANDARDS ....................................................................................................... 6 8.1 SUMMARY OF CONFERENCE BEHAVIOR STANDARDS .............................................................................. 7 8.2 REASONS FOR EARLY DEPARTURE FROM THE CONFERENCE ............................................................... 7 9 YLC DRESS AND APPEARANCE STANDARDS .......................................................................... 8 9.1 EFY DRESS STANDARDS EXAMPLE ......................................................................................................... 10 10 YLC CELL PHONE AND ELECTRONICS POLICY .................................................................. 11 11 ESCORTING AT YLC ................................................................................................................... 11 12 “THE ASK” -­‐ FORMAL DINNER AND DANCE ....................................................................... 12 13 LOST AND FOUND ...................................................................................................................... 12 14 YLC 2015 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE ..................................................................................... 13 Page 2 of 13 1 Welcome We are delighted that you have chosen to attend the 2015 LDS Youth Leadership Conference. We hope that you will find unique opportunities to develop lasting friendships, grow spiritually, develop leadership skills and gain confidence in living the Lord’s standards for youth in a caring, trusting, accepting and exciting atmosphere. 1.1 Conference Theme "Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day."(D&C 4:2). 1.2 Conference Dates Wednesday August 12th to Saturday August 15th. 1.3 Conference Location University of Waterloo REV (Ron Eydt Village) Central Complex 200 University Ave West Waterloo ON, N2L 3G1 1.4 Conference Purpose The purpose of YLC is to: • Strengthen your commitment to live the gospel of Jesus Christ • Provide meaningful spiritual experiences • Have fun, make new friends, strengthen existing friendships • Prepare for missions and temple marriage Page 3 of 13 2 Directions to University of Waterloo Drop-­‐off and pick-­‐up location is just outside Ron Eydt Village (REV). To get a Google map of the exact location, paste the following coordinates into 43.470120, -­‐80.553715 A map to the University of Waterloo can be found on the registration website at: And written directions and maps can be found on the University of Waterloo website at:­‐find-­‐us/maps-­‐and-­‐directions Please be mindful that you will be responsible for any parking tickets received while on campus. Page 4 of 13 2.1 University of Waterloo Campus Map 3 Conference Check-­‐In August 12th registration starts at 7:00am. Page 5 of 13 4 Conference Check Out YLC officially ends on Saturday August 15, 2015 at 4:00 pm. At this time individual stake leaders are responsible for their youth. Arrange to be picked up where you were dropped off between 4:00 -­‐ 5:00pm. 5 Packing List •
Clothing that is appropriate for the conference schedule and meets YLC Dress and Appearance Standards Personal hygiene items (Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Soap, Shampoo, Deodorant, etc) Scriptures, Strength for Youth pamphlet, and a journal Bath towel Alarm Clock, watch Required medications Umbrella Optional: Camera, sports equipment Spending money as needed Fan (dorms are not air-­‐conditioned) 6 Lost & Found Please contact Sister Ann Holtby via email at to arrange collection of items that may have been lost during YLC. Any items remaining at the end of the conference will be kept for one month at which time they will be donated to charity. 7 Damaged University Property Please be advised that conference attendees will be held responsible for damage of materials or property belonging to the University of Waterloo. 8 YLC Behavior Standards The YLC Behavior Standards are based on the standards outlined in the “For the Strength of Youth” booklet. We encourage you to read this booklet regularly and especially in preparation for YLC. Following the standards will assist you in being receptive to the spirit as you participate in the conference. Page 6 of 13 8.1 Summary of Conference Behavior Standards •
Be honest Live the law of chastity Obey civil and campus laws Use clean language Respect property of others, including that of the University of Waterloo Keep the Word of Wisdom Adhere to the “YLC Dress and Appearance Standards” (found on the next page) Willingly participate in all scheduled activities Encourage others in all aspects of conference participation Young Men may escort Young Women to and from all activities Stay in your house, twig, and branch groups for all activities Remain in your residence after your evening Twig Devotional Other than scheduled twig devotionals, young men should never enter the residence of the young women (and vice versa) 8.2 Reasons for Early Departure From the Conference Activities for which a participant will be sent home early include, but are not limited to, the following: •
Stealing, Possessing firearms, knives, or any harmful weapon Doing anything harmful to themselves or others Violating the Word of Wisdom Violating the Law of Chastity YM inside a YW residence, or vice versa, other than for Twig devotionals Leaving campus grounds without permission for any reason Leaving residences after 11pm Repeatedly disregarding leaders instructions and YLC standards Page 7 of 13 9 YLC Dress and Appearance Standards Formal Semi-­‐
Formal Best Casual Young Men 1. Pants – Suit type dress pants (conservative). No jeans, khakis or chino pants. 2. Shirts – Single color or white dress shirt with collar, short or long sleeves. No plaid, patterned or multi-­‐colored shirts. Modest pin-­‐stripe shirts OK. 3. Ties – No offensive pictures, patterns or words. No western string ties. To be tied properly to the neck and not worn loose. 4. Socks – Must be worn and be visible above the shoes. 5. Shoes – Dress shoes. No runners, sandals or flip-­‐flops. 6. Suit Jacket or Blazer – Preferred but not mandatory. 7. Hair should be neat with well groomed facial hair 8. No hoodies, jeans, piercing jewelry, hats, chains or running shoes 9. No visible tattoos Same as formal. With the following
Young Women 1. Dress or skirt should be knee length or longer 2. Hair should be neat and tidy 3. Dresses/tops not revealing, sleeveless or strapless and should cover back and shoulders 4. No hoodies, jeans, multiple earrings, hats, chains or running shoes 5. No visible tattoos Same as formal 1. No suit coat is required 2. Dressy khakis are appropriate. 1. Shirt with sleeves, not ripped, no vulgar or suggestive wording 2. Pants should not be overly baggy or hang below the waist line 3. No ripped or frayed jeans 4. Hair should be neat, well groomed facial hair 5. No visible tattoos 1. Shirt with sleeves, not ripped, no vulgar or suggestive wording 2. Pants should not be overly baggy or hang below the waist line 3. No ripped or frayed jeans, no leggings 4. Hair should be neat and tidy 5. No visible tattoos 6. Multiple earrings or other piercings are not appropriate Page 8 of 13 Sports 6. Piercings are not appropriate 7. No Shorts 7. Capris are acceptable. 1. Shorts or sweat pants 2. Shirt with sleeves, not ripped, no vulgar or suggestive wording 3. Running shoes 4. Knee length shorts, no holes or slashes, no spandex, no cut-­‐
offs 1. Shorts or sweat pants 2. Shirt with sleeves, not ripped, no vulgar or suggestive wording 3. Running shoes 4. Knee length shorts, no holes or slashes, no spandex, no cut-­‐offs Page 9 of 13 9.1 EFY Dress Standards Example Page 10 of 13 10 YLC Cell Phone and Electronics Policy As convenient as cell phones are, they can be a frustrating and unwelcome distraction to both the user and to the people nearby. Cell phones should not interrupt YLC activities. In order to show courtesy and respect for everyone involved, we ask YLC participants to be good examples and follow these guidelines: • Please do not use cell phones for texting, conversation, e–mail, game play, or anything else during organized meetings, devotionals, classes and other activities. • If you feel you must have your cell phone with you, please turn it off during activities to avoid the temptation to use it. • Camera Features — If your cell phone has a camera, please do not use it when its use could be unwelcome, distracting, or an interruption to others. The atmosphere at YLC is both spiritual and social. Cell phone use (including texting) typically isolates users and limits their ability to communicate well with those around them. YLC requires specific leaders to be available through cell phones for purposes of organization and emergencies. We appreciate everyone’s understanding regarding this necessity. 11 Escorting at YLC Purpose of Escorting It is expected that young men within a branch will escort the young women of their branch, to and from the events during YLC. The purposes of escorting are to: •
Show respect and appreciation for the young women Develop conversation skills Meet new people Ensure young women reach their destination safely Escorting is not intended to be an exclusive, dating experience. Young men are encouraged to escort many different young women within their branch. Page 11 of 13 12 “The Ask” -­‐ Formal Dinner and Dance For the Friday night dinner and formal dance, a twig of young men will ask the young women in their twig to the formal dinner and dance. We encourage the young men and their house leaders to prepare a creative way to accomplish this invitation. This invitation is not a single or exclusive couple invitation. The group of young men in a twig will ask and escort the young women within their twig. It is not appropriate for a young man to ask a young woman, inside or outside of his twig, to the formal on an individual basis. 13 Lost and Found Please contact Sister Ann Holtby via email at to arrange collection of items that may have been lost during YLC. Any items remaining at the end of the conference will be kept for one month at which time they will be donated to charity. Page 12 of 13 14 YLC 2015 Conference Schedule Page 13 of 13