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New opportunities for European industrial SMEs as developers of photonics A Technology Roadmap for SMEs developing new photonic devices PhotonicRoadSME is funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme 2 Table of content Table of content ......................................................................................................................... 3 1. Executive summary ........................................................................................................... 7 2. PhotonicRoadSME Roadmaps: A tool designed for SMEs’ innovation potential in the field of photonics ............................................................................................................................... 9 2.1 What means „Roadmapping“ for SMEs? .................................................................................... 9 2.2 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and value-chain ................................................... 10 2.3 SME developers Technology Roadmap: Main benefits ............................................................. 13 2.4 SMEs-developers roadmap structure: Guidelines to use the SME developers roadmap. ............ 13 2.4.1 Analysis of devices .................................................................................................................................... 14 2.4.2 Relevant fabrication technologies ............................................................................................................ 15 2.4.3 Related materials ...................................................................................................................................... 15 3. Roadmaps for SMEs developing novel photonic devices and components for the ICT sector 17 3.1 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Data Transmission .................................... 17 3.1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.1.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 18 3.1.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Data Transmission ................................... 20 3.1.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 21 3.1.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 25 3.2 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Data Storage ............................................ 26 3.2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 26 3.2.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 27 3.2.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Data Storage............................................ 27 3.2.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 28 3.2.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 30 3.3 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Signal Processing...................................... 30 3.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 30 3.3.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 31 3.3.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Signal Processing ..................................... 31 3 3.3.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 32 3.3.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 33 3.4 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Display Technologies ................................ 34 3.4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 34 3.4.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 34 3.4.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Display Technologies ............................... 35 3.4.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 36 3.4.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 38 4. Roadmaps for SMEs developing novel photonic devices and components for the Health & Well-Being sector ..................................................................................................................... 39 4.1 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Diagnosis ................................................. 39 4.1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 39 4.1.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 40 4.1.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Diagnosis ................................................. 42 4.1.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 43 4.1.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 46 4.2 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Prevention ............................................... 47 4.3 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Treatment / Laser surgery ........................ 47 4.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 47 4.3.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 48 4.3.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Treatment / Laser surgery ....................... 48 4.3.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 49 4.3.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 49 4.4 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Monitoring............................................... 50 4.4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 50 4.4.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 50 4.4.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Monitoring ............................................... 51 4.4.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 52 4.4.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 53 5. Roadmaps for SMEs developing novel photonic devices and components for the Environment & Energy sector ................................................................................................... 54 5.1 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Environmental Monitoring and Sensing .... 54 5.1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 54 4 5.1.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 55 5.1.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Environmental Monitoring and Sensing .. 56 5.1.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 57 5.1.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 59 5.2 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Energy saving and Lighting ....................... 59 5.2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 59 5.2.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 60 5.2.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Energy saving and Lighting ...................... 61 5.2.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 62 5.2.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 63 5.3 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Lasers in manufacturing and Quality control 63 5.3.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 63 5.3.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 64 5.3.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Lasers in manufacturing and Quality control 65 5.3.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 65 5.3.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 66 5.4 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Energy production .................................... 67 5.4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 67 5.4.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 68 5.4.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Energy production ................................... 68 5.4.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 69 5.4.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 70 6. Roadmaps for SMEs producing novel photonic devices and components for the Safety & Security sector.......................................................................................................................... 70 6.1 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Detection, inspection and enforcement technologies ..................................................................................................................................... 71 6.1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 71 6.1.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 72 6.1.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Detection, inspection and enforcement technologies .............................................................................................................................................................. 73 6.1.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 74 6.1.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 76 5 6.2 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Authentication and Identification ............. 77 6.2.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 77 6.2.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 77 6.2.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Authentication and Identification ............ 78 6.2.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 79 6.2.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 80 6.3 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Protective systems ................................... 80 6.3.1 6.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 80 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Public safety............................................. 81 6.1.1 Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 81 6.1.2 Most relevant devices and components identified .................................................................................. 81 6.1.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Public safety............................................. 82 6.1.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices ..................................................................................... 83 6.1.5 Materials linked to these devices ............................................................................................................. 84 7. References ...................................................................................................................... 85 8. Imprint ........................................................................................................................... 87 6 1. Executive summary In the next ten years, scientific developments in the field of nanophotonics -as key driving force in photonicswill influence many different industrial branches. In these industrial sectors, many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are involved as traditional suppliers, start-ups or developers of high tech products. In order to remain competitive in these markets, SMEs have to integrate new results and developments in their commercial vision for future applications and products. th The project PhotonicRoadSME, funded under the 7 Framework Programme of the European Commission, aims at developing technology roadmaps to identify future Research & Technology Development (RTD) strategies for European SMEs in the field of photonics within the next 5-15 years. These roadmaps identify trends in research and development and associate them to products and applications, thus outlining their technical and economical potential for problem solving. Analysis of relevant international research and development results concerning nanophotonic materials, novel photonic devices and components as well as related key fabrication technologies shall enable SMEs to better react to these emerging requirements. These elements are core components of the roadmaps developed within the framework of the project. This roadmapping process facilitates SMEs decision-making as far as investment is concerned, and it contributes to the design of successful business models in medium term. The development of technology roadmaps in PhotonicRoadSME is expected to have not only a strategic impact on RTD activities of SMEs active in photonics sectors, but it will also have further downstream impacts. This is basically mentioned because through the development of novel products and technologies SMEs will be able to remain competitive, thus securing the creation of new jobs. Hence, this document is part of a series of three SME-type roadmaps, which complement the four sectorspecific roadmaps previously developed in the project. Due to the different needs and objectives SMEs have depending on the place they occupy in the supply chain is that PhotonicRoad distinguishes between three different types of SMEs, namely: SME developers SMEs producers SMEs users Although the present roadmap is focused on SME-type developers, all three roadmaps part of this series should be read in conjunction, because they are complementary and only in that way it is possible to have a complete overview of the analysis done. All three SME-type roadmaps are based on the results of a European survey on more than 120 European SMEs, the results of 9 R&D reports on different photonic material categories, more than 40 SMEs‟ technology audits performed in the photonics sector, 4 SWOT analyses in the industrial sectors “ICT”, “Environment”, “Health & Well-Being”, and “Safety & Security” as well as interviews and workshops with photonic experts from R&D and industry. All data was collated in a database and then linked to a roadmapping tool, both developed within the framework of PhotonicRoadSME. Thus, the information shaping the roadmap directly comes from the 7 database, which condenses information about more than 200 nanophotonic materials, novel photonic devices and components as well as related fabrication technologies. The aim of this roadmap is to provide SME developers a general overview on most relevant developments of new photonic devices and components, materials and fabrication technologies that are expected to play an important role in the evolution of the photonics field in the near future. The information presented is related to four industrial sectors (ICT, Environment, Health & Well-Being, and Safety & Security) approached by PhotonicRoadSME. Last but not least, this roadmap does not pretend to be a scientific study nor it approaches photonics‟ technological aspects in detail. This document has been rather conceived as a practical and handy reference guide aimed at helping SME developers to gain an insight on photonics. The ultimate goal of this roadmap is, therefore, to enable SME developers to take the necessary strategic decisions for their own development and consolidation in the market by having a comprehensive overview of the photonics landscape. In-depth technological details can be found in the four sector-specific Technology Roadmaps previously published by PhotonicRoadSME. PhotonicRoadSME consortium wishes you an interesting reading and hope that this document will help you in your future development. 8 2. PhotonicRoadSME Roadmaps: A tool designed for SMEs’ innovation potential in the field of photonics 2.1 What means „Roadmapping“ for SMEs? In the past few years the single word "roadmap" has surfaced as a popular metaphor for planning Science and Technology (S&T) resources. The variant "roadmapping" is a new verb that describes the process of roadmap development. The practice of roadmapping typically involves social mechanisms, and is both a learning experience as well as a communication tool for roadmap participants. 1 Technology roadmaps are used in industry, government, and science to portray the structural and temporal relationships among science, technology and applications. Roadmaps are then used as an aid tool in decision-making in order to improve the coordination of activities and resources in complex and uncertain environments. Nowadays, the specific uses of technology roadmaps include: technology strategy, planning and management; technology marketing; enhancement of communications among researchers, technologists, product managers, suppliers, users and other stakeholders; identification of gaps and opportunities in technology programmes and identification of obstacles for a rapid and low-cost product development. In the industry, managers also use roadmaps to identify high potential areas and accelerate the technology transfer from science to market. Technology roadmapping (TRM) is thus placed within the domain of strategic planning and foresight methods, being then perceived as a practical approach to deal with the complex process of technological innovation. The long-term competitiveness of a company depends mainly on its ability to establish a successful product and market position. The latter is well connected to the way a company manages the hidden potential in its existing technological capabilities. For a successful strategic technology management, it is important to supply the persons on charge with effective methods and tools. In a sense, a technology roadmap points out the different paths that lead to a certain goal. Company specific technology roadmaps offer then systematic help to prepare the technologies that are essential in delivering a product in the future. A company specific technology roadmap centres on technological goals and activities and the linking of activities. In a broad sense, future technological development trends and future customer requirements are equally considered. In order to develop such company specific technology roadmaps, companies need information about the future development of the relevant technologies, processes and components. Hence, PhotonicRoadSME‟s SME-type roadmaps are constricted to deliver SMEs a general overview mainly focused on three aspects inherent to photonics: 1. devices 2. fabrication technologies and, 3. materials 1 Schaller, Robert R., Technological Innovation in the Semiconductor Industry: A Case Study of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS), PhD Dissertation, University of Maryland, 2004, p. 10 9 In this way, the main aim of the PhotonicRoadSME project is to make the necessary information available to SMEs and to contribute to raising awareness and increase visibility on novel photonics developments. Considering the above mentioned, there are two main features characterising this roadmap. It is market oriented and technology driven. Due to this approach innovative solutions and technologies, materialised in the concept “devices”, occupy primacy in this roadmap. Nonetheless, since fabrication technologies and relevant materials are part of the development process to produce devices, these are approached as well, but to a lesser extent and are not the focus of the analysis, but rather a complement of it. As mentioned before, this series of roadmaps are expected to serve as a practical reference to SMEs in order to support them in their decision-making process and to help them seize their innovation potential and, ultimately, to reach their core business objectives like, for instance: remain competitive be profitable increase productivity differentiate from competitors increase market share consolidate in the market be innovative explore niche markets 2.2 Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and value-chain 2 As confirmed by different studies , small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a key role in the photonic field, since they represent the majority of enterprises in the EU and contribute to employment, entrepreneurship and innovation. Thus, considering that background information is that PhotonicRoadSME has developed three specific SMEtype roadmaps in order to provide guidance to SMEs either already working on photonics or interested on integrating photonics solutions and innovations in their existing products or technologies. As identified by PhotonicRoadSME, SMEs have specific priorities and particular interests in photonics depending on various factors: their research and development (R&D) budget, cash flow, capacities and infrastructure, and position in the supply chain. Bearing this in mind, for the purposes of the SME-type roadmaps, PhotonicRoadSME distinguishes among three types of SMEs: SME developers of photonics applications have special interest in materials, devices and/or fabrication technologies which are at the development level of “scientific result / technology invention” or “laboratory prototype”. As these companies have their own research and development 2 Photonics 21 (Optech Consulting), “Photonics in Europe Economic Impact”, December 2007, p. 5 European Commission, Information Society and Media (Photonics Unit), “An overview of photonics innovation clusters and technology platforms in Europe”, June 2010, p. 8 10 departments, they are interested in further developing and finding solutions. They are technology driven and used to finding technological solutions. At the same time, they have the brain power, equipment and potential for this type of work. SME developers work in close collaboration with SMEs producers, for whom they supply or develop specific technologies and innovations. SMEs Producers of photonics applications focus on materials, devices and/or fabrication technologies which are at the “industrial demonstrator” or “industrialisation” level. SME producers have a natural interest on “laboratory prototypes” and for that reason they normally work in close coordination with SME developers. Conversely, some SMEs producers are -in some cases- also SME developers. These companies are not interested in further developing photonics applications but rather have competencies in the production and manufacturing. The focus moves away from development technologies towards manufacturing technologies. Process knowledge and facilities are the most important for them. On top of that these SMEs have a network of recipients and the focus is moving towards customers (SMEs users) and providing them with components/devices they need to integrate in their products. SMEs Users of photonics may only be interested in materials, devices and/or fabrication technologies which are at the “industrialisation” and “market entry” level. Despite the fact that they are not particularly appealed to the R&D process of photonics, they do have an interest on potential applications of new photonics technologies. SMEs users work close to market and are customer oriented. In order to satisfy their own innovation necessities and fulfil their customers‟ demands and thus deliver solutions to their problems, SMEs users normally keep close contact to SMEs producers. Although in most of the cases SMEs users tend to purchase existing photonics materials or devices which can be integrated into their processes and products (thus increases added value of these), they sometimes require SMEs producers to fabricate specific photonics solutions for them. The graph below illustrates the interplay of different SME types in the photonics market. Figure 1: Interplay of different SME-types in the photonics market 11 Apart of the differentiation between different SME type -and as a second element of the analysis-, PhotonicRoadSME distinguishes between five different technology life cycle stages. As mentioned above, each SME type is interested or active in specific phases of the technology life cycle depending on their role in the value chain: 1. Scientific results / technology invention (red colour) - the very first steps in the development process. This is considered as true research and is often still in theory or in a test status. 2. Laboratory prototype (orange colour) - still within the research status, but moving from theoretical calculations and evidence towards a proof in reality as tests are verified and results can be seen in the laboratory. 3. Industrial demonstrator (yellow colour) - now results can be brought forward towards the industry. The purely scientific results are being applied with first applications and can be introduced to interested companies. 4. Industrialisation (green colour) - the development is starting to prove itself, the movement and transition toward real-life applications is moving forward and the demand by industry is beginning to increase. 5. Market entry (purple colour) - the final stage in the development process. The technology/application is now ready available for the end consumer, probably still not everywhere and at a rather higher price. The matrix below (figure 1) brings both elements of analysis together and that way illustrates the technology life cycle phases in which SMEs are active or interested according to their role in the value chain: Figure 2: Relevant product development stages for the different SME types 12 2.3 SME developers Technology Roadmap: Main benefits SME developers are at the start of the value chain. Their role is to pick up new discoveries from the lab to the industry by developing new products which will later be produced by SME producers. SME developers have a close link to the SMEs producers which will later upscale the development at the industrial level. Considering this, the following table illustrates the different ways in which SMEs developers can benefit this roadmap. Table 1: SME developers roadmap – Main benefits 2.4 SMEs-developers roadmap structure: Guidelines to use the SME developers roadmap. This roadmap approaches four main industrial sectors, ICT, Environment & Energy, Health & Well-Being and Safety & Security. Since the above mentioned sectors are rather large, PhotonicRoadSME identified the four most relevant sub-sectors of each of these and the analysis herein contained has been performed at that level. 13 Figure 3: PhotonicRoadSME industrial sectors and subsectors In other words, the roadmap is formed by the analysis of sixteen sub-sectors. The first part of each subsector approaches an overview on the main technical aspects related to it and the main relevant aspects to SME developers. Moreover, each of sub-sector is analysed from three main perspectives: a) analysis of devices b) relevant related fabrication technologies and, c) related materials For practical purposes and in order to enable the reader to easily identify the information he is looking for, the main results are presented in tabular arrays. When relevant and appropriate there are explanatory texts approaching technical issues related to the information contained in the tables. Cross references are also included and these are aimed linking the information contained to other relevant sources of information, which could be interesting to the reader (e.g. roadmaps for SME developers or SMEs users). 2.4.1 Analysis of devices This section forms the core part of the roadmap and it delivers and in-depth overview of devices related to the sub-sector at stake. This section is based on the information collated in two tables. The first one corresponds to a list of devices having achieved the level of maturity that makes them interesting to SME developers, namely they are still at the “techical invention” (red colour) or “laboratory prototype” (orange colour) level of development. This roadmap table shows the time scale foreseen for each device according to its level of development. 14 Level of development - dummy search Technology Invention Legend : Laboratory Prototype Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Dummy device 1 TI Dummy device 2 TI Dummy device 3 TI LP ID I ME LP ID LP I ID ME I ME Figure 4: Example of table showing the level of development of devices TI LP ID I Dummy device 4 Dummy device 5 LP Dummy device 6 LP The second Dummy device 7 ID ID I ME ME I ME table lists the same devices and LP this time ID the Imain technical challenges ME they can help SME Dummy device 8 LP ID LP ID I ME developers to overcome and the main application LP area(s) for each deviceI are included. ID Dummy device 9 Dummy device 10 Dummy device 11 ID New photonic devices/components identified I ME ME I ME Dummy device 12 ME Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEsdevelopers in given sector Dummy device 1 Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Dummy device 2 Challenge 1 Challenge 3 Application domains concerned by the device Application 1 Application 1 Application 2 Figure 5: Example of table showing main challenges overcomes by the device and the main applications 2.4.2 Relevant fabrication technologies The following section contains a list of relevant fabrication technologies. This is based on the devices listed and all fabrication technologies part of the list are linked to the respective device they are relevant for. Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Subsector Fabrication technologies linked Fab 1 Fab 2 Device A Fab 3 Fab 4 Device B Fab 5 Figure 6: Example of table showing the main Fabrication technologies linkeds 2.4.3 Related materials The last section entails a table collating materials related to the devices. The former are linked to the latter and this enables the reader to easily understand the interdependencies existing. Devices identified for developers Material category Material 1 Material 2 Device A Device B Device C Figure 7: Example of table showing the main materials linked to the devices 15 Once again, all SME type roadmaps are conceived as reader-friendly documents, practical, handy and easy to understand. For those readers interested in further technical detailed descriptions of devices, fabrication technologies or materials, these can be found 4 industrial sector technology roadmaps. Moreover, for those SME developers being at the same time producers or simply interested on devices, which are at the “industrial demonstrator“ or “industrial” level of development, they are encouraged to take a look at the SME developers roadmap. The same applies in the case of SME developers who would like to have an insight on aspects related to SMEs users. All three documents are part of the same concept and can be better understood if read in conjunction. In the respective industrial sectors, these ones containing more data regarding the market, the technological trends, as well as a detailed analysis of challenges and opportunities for photonics in the four sectors analysed in the course of the project. Information is also available on the internet via the database of the project or the PhotonicWiki area dedicated (both being free of charge). 16 3. Roadmaps for SMEs developing novel photonic devices and components for the ICT sector Photonics are at the heart of the ICT sector, mainly due to the already established and further growing importance of optical communications. ICT sector encompasses all fields related to the transmission of electrical and optical signals, storage and writing of data on physical supports, processing of the signal (analysis, interpretation and manipulation) and also the field of displays, for home or professional applications. Another important feature of the ICT sector is that it has a direct impact in many other industrial sectors like e.g. Environment, Safety & Security and Health & Well-Being. This mainly because in these sectors, optics are needed to sense, communicate and store data. Although considerable technological improvements have been achieved in the last years, there are still issues that need to be attended. Thus, the main general challenges in ICT will be to improve all-optical networks to avoid losses in conversion of signals, reduce power and energy consumption of components, decrease costs of components and develop systems that are even faster in data rate and more reliable. The first part of the analysis entails an overview concerning photonic devices which can offer solutions to overcome the main challenges identified in ICT that SME-developers are facing. In a second stage a timeline concerning the devices level of development is presented. The third component of the analysis comprehends an overview of the fabrication technologies related to the devices at stake. The last section deals with the materials related to the devices. In order to facilitate a better understanding and deliver a more illustrative overview, the analysis is presented according to four related subsections: Data Transmission, Data Storage, Signal Processing and Display technologies. 3.1 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Data Transmission 3.1.1 Overview Data Transmission is a large field comprising all the applications allowing the good and high rate transmission of optical and electrical signal, especially in voice and data communication. Concerning the use of photonics in this subsector, the main applications that will benefit are optical transmitters, light sources, modulators, transmission fibre, optical amplifiers, wavelength multiplexers and demultiplexers, photodetectors and sensors. All these devices allow thus emission, propagation and reception of the signal, as well as the conversion of the electrical signal into an optical signal and vice versa. 17 SME-developers are facing the challenge of having many large firms dominating the field of Data Transmission mostly because applications are household mass production type and require a lot of parts and investments to keep costs at low level. Most of the large producers are also developers leaving not much room for SMEs. However, there are some smaller niche where according to the experts involved in the project, there is still a potential for SMEs in Data Transmission : optical interconnectors, optical modulators and photodetectors. In particular this concern the devices based on silicon photonics technology and lasers. For these, a solution envisaged could be to stay in the shadow of big companies by developing products for them. Besides, thanks to the large number of R&D projects going on in Europe on the field of Data Transmission, there is a quite large volume of research results for upscaling and further developments of new technologies. Main challenges for SME-developers would then be to develop new devices/materials at low costs, to miniaturize size and weight as well as to lower ernergy consumption and heat dissipation for a better packaging of devices. In a general way, the improvement of performances in terms of modulation speed and bandwidth are widely required by the market. Finally, it is important to notice that all relevant devices concerning Data transmission identified in the course of the project will all very soon be ready for the demonstration phase which means a high activity potential for SME developers to take up mature developments expected by the market in 2013-2015. Concerning the optical interconnects, a majority of devices are already available as prototypes. These ones are able to provide better coupling properties as well as higher performances and transfer rate. Optical modulators are also in a high development phase, allowing now better integration properties, better modulation vbandwidth and speed of transmission. All these devices will play an important role in the way of mixing optics with electrical systems. The tendancy is clearly to develop and progress on the road to alloptical networking (in conjunction with the field of Signal processing). 3.1.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Data Transmission identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. 18 New photonic devices/components identified Deformable mirror array for adaptive optics based on SOI Ferrofluids with optical properties based on nanoparticles Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEsdevelopers in Data Transmission Application domains concerned by the device Arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) (de)multiplexer based on SOI High performance (Narrower transmitted beam; reduced signal fade) Thermal stability Low heat generation Mechanical stability High modulation bandwidth Miniaturisation High modulation speed/bandwidth, data rate Low optical losses Compact and low weight devices Wavelength ajustable Fast response time Low noise Compact size Miniaturisation Prevent unwanted feedback Highly reliable Strong polarisation rotation Circular dichroism High modulation speed / bandwidth data rate (ultra fast all-optical switches) High modulation speed / bandwidth data rate Mechanical stability Wavelength ajustable (large frequency range of ~0.05-10 THz) High modulation bandwidth Miniaturisation Higher performance (modulation and range of wavelength) Circuitry based on plasmonics (waveguides etc.) (Easy integration aluminium) Field effective transistors based on nanotubes (NT) Basis for digital integrated circuit Grating couplers based on SOI Better performance in term of coupling Light sources based on nanoparticles (NP) Miniaturisation High speed of transmission Light sources based on nanotubes (NT) Miniaturisation High speed of transmission Miniaturisation Higher sensitivity Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Optical antennas based on metamaterials Optical isolators based on metamaterials Optical rotators based on metamaterials Optical switch based on quantum dots (QD) THz modulators based on metamaterials THz radiation sources based on nanotubes (NT) Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Nano-lasers based on plasmonics Optical buffer based on SOI microring resonators Optical interconnects based on nanotubes (NT) Optical modulators using forward biased p-i-n diodes based on SOI Optical modulators using GeSi electro-absorption based on SOI Optical modulators using MOS capacitors based on SOI Optical modulators using reversed biased pn junctions based on SOI when based on Optical amplifiers Optical modulators Optical transmitters Optical modulators Optical transmitters Photodetectors Fast sensors for signal capture Optical modulators Optical modulators Optical modulators Optical modulators Optical amplifiers Optical transmitters Optical amplifiers Optical interconnects WDM Optical modulators Photodetectors WDM Optical interconnects Optical transmitters Optical transmitters Optical modulators Miniaturisation Better performance transmission rate Miniaturisation Better performance Optical interconnects Optical transmitters in terms of Optical interconnects Optical interconnects High modulation depth but low speed Optical modulators Low power consumption High modulation bandwidth Optical modulators High modulation speed Optical modulators High modulation bandwidth High device integration Optical modulators 19 Higher sensitivity, but slow response Compact size/handheld (Easy and cheap fabrication by printing) Higher sensitivity High response time High dynamic range Relaxed fabrication tolerance compared to AWG High reliability/efficiency Cost effective High signalling speed Low power dissipation Photodetectors based on organic transistors Photodetectors enhanced by plasmonics Planar concave grating (PCG) based on SOI Quantum dot (QD) laser for optical interconnects THz radiation source based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Photodetectors Photodetectors Optical interconnects Optical transmitters Optical interconnects High modulation bandwidth Adjustable wavelengths Optical transmitters Low noise and high efficiency for coupling, while low power consumption Polarisation insensitive gain Miniaturisation/easy integration Potentially low cost High gain Tuneable over a broad wavelength range Vertical-cavity semiconductor optical amplifier (VCSOA) Waveguide amplifiers based on quantum dots (QD) Optical amplifiers Optical amplifiers Table 2: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME-developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) in Data Transmission 3.1.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Data Transmission The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Data Transmission. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (2009-2011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). Level of development - ICT / data transmission/ developer Short-term Timeline 2009 Deformable mirror array for adaptive optics based on SOI TI Dynamic holography TI Ferrofluids with optical properties based on nanoparticles Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters Optical antennas based on metamaterials Optical isolators based on metamaterials Optical rotators based on metamaterials Optical switch based on quantum dots (QD) THz modulators based on metamaterials THz radiation sources based on nanotubes (NT) THz radiation sources based on plasmonics Arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) (de)multiplexer based on Circuitry based on plasmonics (waveguides etc.) Dispersive waveguides based 2010 Middle-term 2011 2012 LP 2013 2014 ID LP LP TI LP TI 2017 2018 2019 I ME ID I ME ID I ME ID I ME TI LP TI LP ID I ME TI LP ID I ME TI LP ID LP LP ID I ME I I ID 2022 ME I ID 2021 ME I ID LP 2020 ME ID TI 2016 ID LP TI 2015 I LP TI Long-term ME ME I ME LP ID 20 I ME 2023 2024 on metamaterials Field effective transistors based on nanotubes (NT) LP Grating couplers based on SOI Light sources based on nanoparticles (NP) Light sources based on nanotubes (NT) Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Nano-lasers based on plasmonics Optical antennas based on plasmonics Optical buffer based on SOI microring resonators Optical filter based on photonic crystals Optical interconnects based on nanotubes (NT) Optical modulators using forward biased p-i-n diodes Optical modulators using GeSi electro-absorption based on ... Optical modulators using MOS capacitors based on SOI Optical modulators using reversed biased pn junctions based on SOI Optical switches based on nanotubes (NT) Photodetectors based on organic transistors Photodetectors enhanced by plasmonics Planar concave grating (PCG) based on SOI Quantum dot (QD) laser for optical interconnects THz radiation source based on polymeric nanostructures / ... Vertical-cavity semiconductor optical amplifier (VCSOA) Waveguide amplifiers based on quantum dots (QD) Legend : Technology Invention ID LP ID LP ID LP ID LP I ME I ME I I ID ME I LP ID LP ID LP ID LP ME ME I ME I ME I ME ID LP I ID I ME LP ID I ME LP ID I ME LP ID I ME LP ID I ME LP ID LP ID LP ID LP ID LP I ME I ME I ME I ME ID I LP LP LP ME ME ID ID ID Laboratory Prototype I ME I ME I ME Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Table 3: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Data Transmission - ICT 3.1.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). 21 Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Data Transmission Fabrication technologies linked Direct laser writing Dry etching Deformable mirror array for adaptive optics based on SOI Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Colloidal chemistry for nanoparticle synthesis Ferrofluids with optical properties based on nanoparticles (NP) Linear coating devices Sol-gel wet-chemical synthesis Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Optical antennas based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Optical isolators based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Optical rotators based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) Linear coating devices Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Optical switch based on quantum dots (QD) Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography THz modulators based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) THz radiation sources based on nanotubes (NT) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography Arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) (de)multiplexer based on SOI EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Deep-UV projection lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Electron beam lithography 22 Circuitry based on plasmonics (waveguides etc.) Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures EUV photolithography Microcontact printing/soft lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Nanoimprint lithography for plasmonics nanostructures Sputtering as deposition technology for plasmonic nanostructures Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Field effective transistors based on nanotubes (NT) Hollow Swiss roll fabrication Laser ablation Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Grating couplers based on SOI Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Colloidal chemistry for nanoparticle synthesis Dip coating process Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) Light sources based on nanoparticles (NP) Linear coating devices Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Sol-gel wet-chemical synthesis Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Light sources based on nanotubes (NT) Not identified Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Dip-pen lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Electron beam lithography Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures EUV photolithography Focused ion beam milling for plasmonic nanostructures Nano-lasers based on plasmonics Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Nanoimprint lithography for plasmonics nanostructures Sputtering as deposition technology for plasmonic nanostructures Thermal evaporation deposition for plasmonic nanostructures Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Optical buffer based on SOI microring resonators Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Optical interconnects based on nanotubes (NT) Laser ablation Direct laser writing Optical modulators using forward biased p-i-n diodes based on SOI Dry etching Electron beam lithography 23 EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography Optical modulators using GeSi electro-absorption based on SOI EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Optical modulators using MOS capacitors based on SOI Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography Optical modulators using reversed biased pn junctions based on SOI EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Photodetectors based on organic transistors Not identified Deep-UV projection lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Dip-pen lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Electron beam lithography Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures EUV photolithography Focused ion beam milling for plasmonic nanostructures Microcontact printing/soft lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Photodetectors enhanced by plasmonics imprint lithography for plasmonics nanostructures Sputtering as deposition technology for plasmonic nanostructures Thermal evaporation deposition for plasmonic nanostructures Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Planar concave grating (PCG) based on SOI Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Quantum dot (QD) laser for optical interconnects Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) 24 Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Molecular Beam Epitaxy Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography THz radiation source based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Hot embossing Laser ablation Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Vertical-cavity semiconductor optical amplifier (VCSOA) Reactive Ion Etching technology for OLEDs Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) Linear coating devices Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Waveguide amplifiers based on quantum dots (QD) Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Legend : Technology Invention Industrial Demonstrator Laboratory Prototype Industrialisation Market Entry Table 4: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Data Transmission-ICT (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 3.1.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Devices identified for developers Optical rotators Optical antennas Metamaterials Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters THz modulators Optical isolators Circuitry Plasmonics Nanolasers Photodetectors THz radiation sources Nanotubes Field effective transistors Light sources Optical interconnects Nanoparticles Ferrofluids with optical properties Light sources Optical switch Quantum dots Lasers Waveguides amplifiers 25 Deformable mirror array for adaptive optics Arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) (de)multiplexer Grating couplers SOI Optical buffers Optical modulator Planar concave gratings THz radiation source Polymeric nanostructures Fibres Microfluidics Organic transistors Undefined material category Legend : Microfluidics Photodetectors Vertical-cavity semiconductor optical amplifier (VCSOA) Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 5: Material categories related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Data Transmission-ICT 3.2 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Data Storage 3.2.1 Overview By definition, Data Storage encompasses all the applications related to storage, from devices permitting to write the data (lasers, laser diodes) on a support to the support itself (optical discs, memories, buffers). Many opportunities exist in this filed for photonics to increase the amount of data stored. As for Data Transmission, this market is dominated by large players, due to high amount of pieces needed by users (obligation of mass production). Howerver, if most of these large firms are both developers and producers, there are still opportunities for SME developers thanks to the the strong position of Europe in terms of patents and R&D. The main challenge for developers will be to increase storage capacity, rewrite-ability, and lifetime as well as the access time. All of this has to be done in conjunction with a low and decreasing GB cost and an improvement of the compatibility with existing electronic data storage formats. One of the main risk in this field in general could be the emergence of too many new storage formats, leading thus to an absence of compatibility and standardization. Players in the field have thus to work in close collaboration to take care of the real needs of the market. As for Data Transmission also, most relevant devices are in advanced level of laboratory development leading to a market entry as early as 2012-2013 for some devices and therefore a strong potential of demand from producers in the next few years. Moreover, due to the properties of the market, no application can be considered as really interesting for SMEs. 26 3.2.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Data Storage identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. New photonic devices/components identified Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEs developers in Data Storage Application domains concerned by the device Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Efficiency (lower the threshold of lasers) High resolution data storage Bandwidth modulation Reliable Laser diodes Optical data storage based on biological nanomaterials High data storage capacity (50TB) Optical discs Optical data storage based on holographic concepts Slow light application using metamaterials Nano-lasers based on plasmonics Optical buffer based on SOI microring resonators Optical data storage devices based on plasmonics Semiconductor all-optical buffers Slow light application using photonic crystals High data storage capacity (3.9 TB) High lifetime Interchangeability/compatibility with existing systems High durability Stop and store function with unlimited storage time Better resolution data storage Miniaturisation Better efficiency in terms of localisation of the source Integration possible in switch and routers Switch control Fast High storage capacity High data rate Multiple layers Compactness All optical High rate Potentially stop-and-store of photons Optical discs Optical buffer Laser diodes Optical buffers Optical discs Optical buffers Optical buffers Table 6: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME-developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) in Data Storage-ICT 3.2.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Data Storage The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Data storage. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (2009-2011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). 27 Level of development - ICT /Data storage/ developer Short-term Timeline 2009 Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Optical data storage based on biological nanomaterials Optical data storage based on holographic concepts Slow light application using metamaterials 2010 TI Optical buffer based on SOI microring resonators Optical data storage devices based on plasmonics LP TI LP TI LP LP Technology Invention 2014 ID I ID ID 2016 2017 2018 2021 2022 2023 2024 ME I ME ID I ME I I ME ME ID I I Laboratory Prototype 2020 I I ID 2019 ME ID LP LP 2015 ID ID LP LP Long-term 2013 LP Semiconductor all-optical buffers Legend : 2012 TI Nano-lasers based on plasmonics Slow light application using photonic crystals Middle-term 2011 ME ME Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Table 7: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Data Storage-ICT 3.2.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Data Storage Fabrication technologies linked Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Not identified Optical data storage based on biological nanomaterials Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Optical data storage based on holographic concepts Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Slow light application using metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) 28 Laser ablation Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Optical buffer based on SOI microring resonators Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Deep-UV projection lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Dip-pen lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures EUV photolithography Optical data storage devices based on plasmonics Focused ion beam milling for plasmonic nanostructures Microcontact printing/soft lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Nanoimprint lithography for plasmonics nanostructures Sputtering as deposition technology for plasmonic nanostructures Thermal evaporation deposition for plasmonic nanostructures Not identified Semiconductor all-optical buffers Direct laser writing Dry etching Slow light application using photonic crystals Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Legend : Technology Invention Industrial Demonstrator Laboratory Prototype Industrialisation Market Entry Table 8: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME-developers in the subsector Data Storage-ICT (the colour represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 29 3.2.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Devices identified for developers Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters Metamaterials Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses Slow light applocation Plasmonics Optical data storage devices Nanotubes Optical antennas SOI Optical buffers Photonic crystals Undefined material category Slow light application Optical data storage based on biological nanomaterials Optical data storage based on holographic concepts Semiconductor all-optical buffers Legend : Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 9: Material categories related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Data Storage-ICT 3.3 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Signal Processing 3.3.1 Overview Signal processing is defined as the analysis, interpretation and manipulation of the signal, being either electrical or optical. This field encompasses thus all the applications allowing the treatment of the signal, like waveguides, photodetectors and machine vision. As for Data Transmission and Storage, the market is dominated by large firms. One application however provides quite a good potential for SME developers, namely Machine vision. Indeed, unlike optical modulators or amplifiers which require low cost, mass production market types and thus are valid only for big companies, the field of machine vision is more application specific and requires the flexibility and adaptation capacities of SMEs. The challenge for SME developers is to gather a large and wide know-how including software, electronics and optics to be able to fulfill each specific requirements. In technical terms, the challenge is also to increase the sensitivity of detectors and reduce the optical losses in particular in silicon photonics, composing most of waveguides. This could be done in a soon future thanks to the strong R&D in the field. Finally the speed of information processing, the power consumption of devices and the CMOS compatibility are future challenges to overcome. As for the Data transmission subsector, the tendancy is clearly to converge on all-optical networking. 30 Most devices identified by the project for the field are still in the early to mid-stages of development which leads to high development potential at the moment (2010), in particular in the field of higher precision optical waveguides with fewer losses and lower power consumption. 3.3.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Signal processing identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. New photonic devices/components identified Ferrofluids with optical properties based on nanoparticles ... Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEs in Signal Processing Optical modulators Low heat generation Mechanical stability Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Optical antennas based on metamaterials Circuitry based on plasmonics (waveguides etc.) Dispersive waveguides based on metamaterials Photodetectors based on organic transistors Planar concave grating (PCG) based on SOI Application domains concerned by the device Optical amplifiers High resolution image Precision of measuring / image acquisition (fine detail) Fast response time Low noise Compact size Machine vision Photodetectors Optical waveguides Low optical losses Photodetectors/multipliers Low optical losses High transfer rate/speed Compactness Control of dispersion High sensitivity Compactness Low optical losses Compactness Low power consumption Optical waveguides Photodetectors Optical waveguides Table 10: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME- developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) in Signal Processing-ICT 3.3.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Signal Processing The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Signal processing. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (2009-2011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). 31 Level of development - ICT / signal processing/ developer Short-term Middle-term Long-term Timeline 2009 Ferrofluids with optical properties based on nanoparticles Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Optical antennas based on metamaterials Circuitry based on plasmonics (waveguides etc.) Dispersive waveguides based on metamaterials Photodetectors based on organic transistors Planar concave grating (PCG) based on SOI Legend : Technology Invention 2010 TI 2011 2012 2013 LP TI ID LP TI LP LP ID 2014 2017 2018 2019 I ME ID I ME I ID Laboratory Prototype 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ME ID ME ID ID LP 2016 I LP LP 2015 I I ME ME I ME Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Table 11: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Signal Processing-ICT 3.3.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Signal processing Fabrication technologies linked Colloidal chemistry for nanoparticle synthesis Ferrofluids with optical properties based on nanoparticles (NP) Linear coating devices Sol-gel wet-chemical synthesis Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Optical antennas based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Deep-UV projection lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Electron beam lithography Circuitry based on plasmonics (waveguides etc.) Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures 32 EUV photolithography Microcontact printing/soft lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Nanoimprint lithography for plasmonics nanostructures Sputtering as deposition technology for plasmonic nanostructures Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Dispersive waveguides based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Not identified Photodetectors based on organic transistors Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Planar concave grating (PCG) based on SOI Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Legend : Technology Invention Industrial Demonstrator Laboratory Prototype Industrialisation Market Entry Table 12: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Signal Processing-ICT (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 3.3.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Devices identified for developers Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses Metamaterials Optical antennas Dispersive waveguides Plasmonics Circuitry Nanoparticles Ferrofluids with optical properties SOI Planar concave grating Organic transistors Legend : Photodetectors Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 13: Material categories related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Signal Processing-ICT 33 3.4 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Display Technologies 3.4.1 Overview The field of Display Technologies is actually dominated by Asia, whether it comes to developers of displays or developers both being part of the large producing firms and their suppliers. In the field, Europe was and has the potential to become once again a global driver thanks to its high capacities and know-how. However, Asian firms are more concentrated on mass production displays for household applications where both development and production costs are at stake. European SMEs have yet another area to explore which is the field of “professional‟ or „specific‟ displays. For instance, the experts in this project consider that laser projection displays and 3D displays are the two higher potential applications for SMEs from early development on. First the market is more specific and secondly it requires a wide know-how to integrate all the technologies and subsystems (such as electronics, softwares…). The situation seems thus to be good for European SMEs, at least if the R&D investments go up in the coming years. The main technical challenges are the elimination of specles, but also to get faster response-time, higher lifetime of components/devices, more compact and/or thinner/lighter as well as flexible displays, and low power-consumption displays. Health risks of materials used are also a big issue (radiations, recycling…). As stated before, some applications like laser projection and 3D displays could become very interesting and affordable fileds for SMEs in the near future. Laser projection, and also pico-projection systems (e.g for application on cell phones), will certainly see the improvement of the colour gamut available, in parallel with a better development of green laser diodes. Concerning 3D displays, the field has a huge potential, but not necessarily in terms of photonic solutions. One of the main challenge in the field will be to develop eye and head movements tracking systems in order to switch images from holographic to stereoscopic vue and viceversa. That measn further development of hardwares and softwares able to adapt also images to the viewing angle. Apart of this, the field will also see the improvement of the LEDs and OLEDs-based displays, mainly through the enhancement of light extraction properties, brightness of the reflexion coatings, the lifetime and reliability of devices… Size of the screens is also a field of improvement, especially for the field of OLEDs displays. Most of devices indentified here will no longer stay in the development phase. Most of the R&D efforts are concentrated on flexible displays and OLEDs where Europe has a leading expertise. 3.4.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Display technologies identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. 34 New photonic devices/components identified Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEs in Display Technologies Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on ... High reflection coating Enhance the light extraction Lower the threshold of lasers Field effective transistors based on nanotubes (NT) Thinner and lighter displays Low power consumption LEDs/OLEDs enhanced by plasmonics Higher brightness Light sources based on nanoparticles (NP) Better lifetime and reliability Better brightness possible High speed colour fastness ultrasmall optoelectronics devices inexpensive mass production of white LEDs Miniaturisation (thickness) High brightness Colour tuneable Large area High power efficiency Application domains concerned by the device Laser projection LED displays OLED displays Transparent displays OLED displays LED displays Light sources based on nanotubes (NT) OLEDs for lighting with improved efficiency LED displays LED displays Pico Projectors Light sources LED displays Optical antennas based on plasmonics High lifetime and reliability Better brightness Organic light emitting field effect transistors (OLEFETs) For low-cost, large area electronic products OLED displays Quantum dot (QD) laser for displays and laser projection Compact device Good colour gamut Pico projectors OLED displays Laser projection Table 14: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME- developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) in Display technologies-ICT 3.4.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Display Technologies The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Display Technologies. There are three main timeframes considered: shortterm (2009-2011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). 35 Level of development - ICT / display technologies/ developer Short-term Middle-term Long-term Timeline 2009 Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Field effective transistors based on nanotubes LEDs/OLEDs enhanced by plasmonics Light sources based on nanoparticles Light sources based on nanotubes OLEDs for lighting with improved efficiency Optical antennas based on plasmonics Organic light emitting field effect transistors (OLEFETs) Quantum dot laser for displays and laser projection Legend : Technology Invention 2010 2011 TI LP LP LP ID 2014 ID I 2015 2016 2017 LP ID 2018 2019 LP ID ID 2023 2024 ME ME I ID 2022 ME I LP 2021 ME I ID 2020 ME I ID LP 2013 I ID LP LP 2012 ME I ME I ME I Laboratory Prototype ME Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Table 15: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Display technologies-ICT 3.4.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Display Technologies Fabrication technologies linked Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Field effective transistors based on nanotubes (NT) Hollow Swiss roll fabrication Laser ablation Chemical synthesis (bottom-up approach) for generation of plasmonic nanostructures Colloidal chemistry for nanoparticle synthesis Dip-pen lithography for plasmonic nanostructures LEDs/OLEDs enhanced by plasmonics Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) doctor blading technology for OLEDs Electron beam lithography 36 Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Focused ion beam milling for plasmonic nanostructures Microcontact printing/soft lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Nanoimprint lithography for plasmonics nanostructures Reactive Ion Etching technology for OLEDs Spincoating technology for OLEDs Sputtering as deposition technology for plasmonic nanostructures Thermal evaporation deposition for plasmonic nanostructures vacuum sublimation technology for OLEDs Colloidal chemistry for nanoparticle synthesis Dip coating process Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) Light sources based on nanoparticles (NP) Linear coating devices Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Sol-gel wet-chemical synthesis Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Light sources based on nanotubes (NT) dip coating technology for OLEDs doctor blading technology for OLEDs OLEDs for lighting with improved efficiency inkjet printing technology for OLEDs screen printing technology for OLEDs Dip-pen lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Electron beam lithography Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Optical antennas based on plasmonics EUV photolithography Focused ion beam milling for plasmonic nanostructures Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Thermal evaporation deposition for plasmonic nanostructures doctor blading technology for OLEDs Organic light emitting field effect transistors (OLEFETs) Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Quantum dot (QD) laser for displays and laser projection Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Legend : Technology Invention Industrial Demonstrator Laboratory Prototype Industrialisation Market Entry Table 16: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Display technologies ICT (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 37 3.4.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Metamaterials Devices identified for developers Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters LEDs/OLEDs Plasmonics Optical antennas Field effective transistors Nanotubes Light sources Nanoparticles Light sources Quantum dots lasers OLEDs Legend : Field effect transistors Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 17: Material categories related to devices identified for SME-developers in the subsector Display technologies-ICT 38 4. Roadmaps for SMEs developing novel photonic devices and components for the Health & Well-Being sector Optic and photonic have already had a big influence on the development of the Health & Well-Being field, thanks e.g. to the progress made in the development of the microscopes. The Health & Well-being sector encompasses medical diagnosis and therapy, but also comprises lifesciences and biotechnology aspects. Today optical technologies are not only important for imaging techniques, but also for treatment, therapeutics and chemical diagnosis. Photonics will improve biomedical measurements, diagnostics and treatment, thus leading to a highly efficient and customised personal/individual healthcare. They will also provide early diagnostics that will permit rather preventing than curing diseases and lead to smaller, cheaper and disposable devices. Challenges for photonics in the Health & Well-being sector are mainly social acceptance and cost effectiveness of products and systems. Biocompatibility is also a big issue in order to avoid adverse effects. For reliable diagnostics, novel biolabels and markers or label-free techniques have to be developed with high depth and spatial resolution. The following analysis of the main challenges and photonic solutions in Health & Well-Being for SMEdevelopers will be based on a subdivision in four areas: Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment & Laser surgery and Monitoring. 4.1 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Diagnosis 4.1.1 Overview The subsector Diagnosis deals with the detection of illness or sickness with the help of biological/chemical analysis and imaging techniques (morphological analysis). Different fields can be considered in this subsector and lots of different tools are used, like biosensors/biolabels for molecular analyses, x-ray imaging techniques, Optical coherence tomography, microscopy… SMEs in the field of Diagnosis are facing a big market, essentially because of the highly evolving field and the important needs and requirement of users and end-customers (detection of cancer, ageing society…). This opens very interesting opportunities in terms of market share. The main problem in Europe is that the cost factor and cost of access limit this market, because the European policy is more on a system of health for all than on an excellence system. This implies that European customers want cheaper, faster and lighter devices and equipments. However, the lack of standardisation in terms of European insurance systems renders the overview of the overall market difficult for SMEs. On the positive side however, SME developers can benefit from the wide European R&D efforts and expertise in the field of diagnosis. There are several new technologies emerging at the moment, but many large companies involved. One challenge for SME developers is to cooperate with these big players for the development of new devices, but also for the access to patented technologies and licencing issues. 39 According to the experts involved in the project, optical biosensors, optical coherence tomography and capsule endoscopy offer the largest R&D opportunities for SME developers. Indeed, there are a lot of different elements and associated technologies (software, materials…) which needs to be assemble and that require the flexibility that larger firms do not have. Also, there is a big demand for the development of new test-stripes (e.g cancer markers…) that represent a reel opportunity for SMEs in the field. On a technical aspect the main challenges are more related to biology than photonics properties (e.g. immobilization of probes…) and to the clinical approval which is very much time and money consuming for SMEs. A specific attention has also to be taken on the costs of the developed components, as well as on the biocompatibility of the materials used, especially for in vivo sensors and markers. Many of the devices in the Diagnosis sub-sector are in the laboratory scale stage of development for another 2 years which provides a lot of cooperation and research opportunities for SME developers (see table below). 4.1.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Diagnosis identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. New photonic devices/components identified Biolabels based on quantum dots (QD) for single-molecule detection Deformable mirror array for adaptive optics based on SOI Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEs-developpers in Diagnosis Sensitivity Resolution (better photostability and brightness) Biocompatibilty Single molecule detection Retinal screening Higher sentivity, reliability Optical biochips and biosensors High resolution of pictures Leaving out eye drops Microscopy Non harmful imaging procedures Miniaturisation of devices / handheld OLED based biosensors Miniaturisation / non invasive (OLED as minitaturised light source) Biosensors based on fibres Biolabels High resolution of pictures Near infrared (NIR) emitter based on OLEDs Optical antennas based on metamaterials Sensors based on metamaterials Bio sensors based on SOI microring resonators Application domains concerned by the device Retinal screening Dental imaging Otical biopsy/tumour detection Optical biochips and biosensors Miniaturisation / non invasive (nanometer scale light spots) Optical biochips and biosensors Enhanced sensivity, relatiability Optical biochips and biosensors Sensitivity and reliability Fast measurements Sensitivity and reliability Miniaturisation Multi-analyse capable Optical biochips/biosensors Optical biochips/biosensor 40 Real-time measurement possible Biosensors based on nanotubes (NT) Biosensors based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Field emission x-ray source based on nanotubes (NT) Sensitivity and reliability Multi-analyse capable Fast measurement Nanoscale Sensitivity and reliability Miniaturisation Non invasive (Glucose monitoring) Real-time and fast measurement Smaller devices Cheaper High resolution Optical biochips/biosensor Optical biochips/biosensors X-ray imaging and Computer Tomography Grating based interferometer for X-ray and neutron phase contrast imaging High resolution radiation doses Light sources based on nanotubes (NT) Improved light source Permit better resolution images Miniaturisation Endoscopy Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) probes based on nanotubes (NT) High sensitivity and resolution Miniaturisation (nanoscalar size) Biolabels and nanophosphors MEMS mirror for endoscopic OCT (EOCT) Fast and reliable Combination of diagnostic and treatment High sensitivity and resolution and contrast at low X-ray imaging and Computer Tomography Optical biopsy/tumour detection Endoscopy Optical coherence Tomography Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Near-field techniques based on plasmonics OLEDs for lighting with improved efficiency Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Optical antennas based on plasmonics Optical filter based on photonic crystals Miniaturisation Fast and reliable (real-time and short reaction time) Combination of diagnostic and treatment High sensitivity Improved image resolution and performances High intensity of light Low energy consumption Microscopy Pulse oximetry Optical biochips/biosensors Enhanced sensitivity Miniaturisation Optical biochips/biosensors Better wavelength filtration Photodetectors based on SOI Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PSOCT) High sensitivity and spatial resolution Non-harmful Quantum dot (QD) laser for application in OCT Higher resolution and penetration depth High sensitivity and spatial resolution Quantum dot (QD) lasers for biomedical applications High sensitivity and spatial resolution Combination of diagnostic and treatment Less power consuming Miniaturisation (compared to conventional lasers) Improved localisation of light Reliability THz radiation source based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Optical biochips and biosensors Sensitivity at the nanoscale Implantable device Low energy consuming High sensitivity Slow light application using photonic crystals Optical biopsy/tumour detection Microscopy Pulse oximetry Better sensitivity Miniaturised devices Less power consuming Penetrate several millimetre of tissues Safer and less invasive 3D imaging Dental imaging Optical Coherence Tomography Optical Coherence Tomography Optical Coherence Tomography Retinal screening Microscopy Optical biopsy and tumour detection Breath gas diagnostic Optical biochips/biosensors Optical tumour detection Dental Imaging Table 18: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME-developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) in Diagnosis-Health & Well-Being 41 4.1.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Diagnosis The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Diagnosis. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (20092011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). Level of development - Health and Wellbeing/Diagnosis/Developer Timeline Biolabels based on quantum dots for single-molecule detection Deformable mirror array for adaptive optics based on SOI Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Near infrared (NIR) emitter based on OLEDs Short-term 2009 2010 2011 TI Optical antennas based on metamaterials Sensors based on metamaterials Bio sensors based on SOI microring resonators Biosensors based on fibres Biosensors based on nanotubes Biosensors based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Field emission x-ray source based on nanotubes (NT) Grating based interferometer for X-ray and neutron phase contrast imaging Light sources based on nanotubes MEMS mirror for endoscopic OCT Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Near-field techniques based on plasmonics OLEDs for lighting with improved efficiency Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Optical antennas based on plasmonics Optical filters based on photonic crystals THz radiation source based on ID LP LP TI LP TI LP TI LP TI ID ID LP ID LP ID LP I ME I ME I ME I ME I ME I ME I ME ME ID ID I ME I ME I ME LP ID LP ME I ID LP ME I ID LP ID I ME I ME LP ID I ME LP ID I ME LP ID LP ID LP ID LP ID LP ID LP LP LP ID LP I ME I ME I ME I ME I ME ID ID 2021 ME ID ID LP Long-term 2019 2020 2018 ME ID LP 2017 I ID LP LP 2016 I ID TI 2015 I ID TI Photodetectors based on SOI Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography Quantum dot (QD) laser for application in OCT Quantum dot (QD) lasers for biomedical applications Slow light application using photonic crystals LP TI OLED based biosensors Middle-term 2012 2013 2014 I ME I ME I ME ID 42 I ME 2022 2023 2024 polymeric nanostructures Legend : Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Table 19: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Diagnosis-Health & Well-Being 4.1.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Diagnosis Fabrication technologies linked Dip coating process Hybrid Vapour Phase Epitaxy (HVPE) Linear coating devices Biolabels based on quantum dots (QD) for singlemolecule detection Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography Deformable mirror array for adaptive optics based on SOI EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) doctor blading technology for OLEDs Near infrared (NIR) emitter based on OLEDs inkjet printing technology for OLEDs dip coating technology for OLEDs doctor blading technology for OLEDs OLED based biosensors Hollow Swiss roll fabrication inkjet printing technology for OLEDs screen printing technology for OLEDs Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Optical antennas based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) 43 Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Sensors based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Bio sensors based on SOI microring resonators Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Laser ablation Biosensors based on fibres Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Biosensors based on nanotubes (NT) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography Biosensors based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Hot embossing Laser ablation Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Field emission x-ray source based on nanotubes (NT) Not identified Grating based interferometer for X-ray and neutron phase contrast imaging Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Light sources based on nanotubes (NT) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) probes based on nanotubes (NT) Not identified MEMS mirror for endoscopic OCT (EOCT) Not identified Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures EUV photolithography Focused ion beam milling for plasmonic nanostructures Near-field techniques based on plasmonics Microcontact printing/soft lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Nanoimprint lithography for plasmonics nanostructures Thermal evaporation deposition for plasmonic nanostructures dip coating technology for OLEDs doctor blading technology for OLEDs OLEDs for lighting with improved efficiency inkjet printing technology for OLEDs screen printing technology for OLEDs Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Laser ablation Dip-pen lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Electron beam lithography Optical antennas based on plasmonics Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures EUV photolithography 44 Focused ion beam milling for plasmonic nanostructures Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Thermal evaporation deposition for plasmonic nanostructures Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography Optical filter based on photonic crystals EUV photolithography Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Photodetectors based on SOI EUV photolithographyFocused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Not identified Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PSOCT) Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Quantum dot (QD) laser for application in OCT Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Quantum dot (QD) lasers for biomedical applications Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Direct laser writing Dry etching Slow light application using photonic crystals Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography Hot embossing THz radiation source based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Laser ablation Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Legend : Technology Invention Industrial Demonstrator Laboratory Prototype Industrialisation Market Entry Table 20: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME-developers in the subsector Diagnosis-Health & WellBeing (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 45 4.1.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Devices identified for developers Optical antennas Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses Metamaterials Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters sensors Plasmonics Near-field techniques Biosensors Light sources Nanotubes Magnetic resonance imaging probes Field emission x-ray source Optical antennas Biolabels Quantum dots lasers Bio sensors SOI Deformable mirror array Photodetectors Biosensors Fibres Microfluidics Near infrared (NIR) emitter OLED bisosensors Microfluidics Optical filters Polymeric nanostructures/ Photonic crystals Slow light application THz radiation source Biosensors Grating based interferometer for X-ray and neutron phase contrast imaging Undefined material category MEMS mirror for endoscopic OCT (EOCT) Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) Legend : Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 21: Material categories related to devices identified for SME-users in the subsector Diagnosis-Health & Well-Being 46 4.2 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Prevention Prevention subsector was defined as the protection of skin and eyes. This implies the fields of sunscreens and protective coatings for glasses and sunglasses. The market is dominated by large players, in particular in the field of glass. There could be opportunities in future developments in the field of foils and glasses for houses applications (in conjunction with the Environment & Energy sector). There is currently no relevant device for developers identified in the database for the subsector Prevention. However, it is possible to state that the flexibility and adaptation properties of glasses will be a major issue in the near future, and that the development of new coatings will be a major driver to achieve this. Also, the possible adverse effects of the new nanomaterials used will have to be studied and minimized, especially for the applications related to sunscreens. 4.3 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Treatment / Laser surgery 4.3.1 Overview Treatment is defined as the remediation of a health problem, following a diagnosis, by removing the cause of the disease or sickness or by treating/alleviating the associated symptoms with the help of drugs, therapy or surgery. Optics/photonics contributes to this field mainly for targeted drug delivery, photodynamic therapy, laser surgery (tissue-ablation or tattoo removal) … As for the subsector Diagnosis and even if US are near behind, European SME developers can benefit from a strong European R&D particularly in the field of lasers. According to the experts involved in the project, SME developers have also real opportunities in the field of novel materials for targeted treatments, e.g. for photodynamic therapy. However clinical approval requires a high investment in terms of time and costs which means that SME developers need often to cooperate with large (pharmaceutical) companies. Other issues like health risks of some new nanomaterials need also to be tackled first. The main challenges for this field are mainly to reduce the invasability of treatment methods and to improve their sensitivity. The specific targeting is also abig issue to assure the avoidance of possible adverse effects of molecules used. Additionaly, there is also a quite strong demand in terms of development for laser surgery with new wavelengths / power range and new guided optics for laser beams. The main challenges here for developers are miniaturisation, precision and effectiveness of laser sources and devices. Most of the devices identified by the project are still in very early stage which provides quite large opportunities for SME developers. 47 4.3.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Treatmetn/Laser surgery identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. Novel / improved features helping to New photonic devices/components identified overcome identified challenges for SMEdevelopers in Treatment / Laser surgery Application domains concerned by the device Effective, precise and minimally invasive High power density Precise cutting / ablation quality Reliability of the laser Specific targeting of the cancer cells Improvement of treatment parameters No global toxicity of photosensitizers Photosensitizers show local toxicity only after illumination IR surgical knife based on quantum dot (QD) laser Photodynamic therapy based on nanotubes (NT) Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Specific targeting possible Quantum dot (QD) lasers for biomedical applications Precision and minimally invasive High power Reliability Laser ablation/surgery Photodynamic therapy (PDT) Photodynamic therapy Photodynamic therapy Laser ablation/surgery Table 22: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME-developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) in Treatment and Laser surgery - Health & Well-Being 4.3.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Treatment / Laser surgery The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Treatmetn/Laser surgery. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (2009-2011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). Level of development - Health and Wellbeing/Treatment/Developer Short-term Timeline 2009 IR surgical knife based on quantum dot (QD) laser Photodynamic therapy based on nanotubes (NT) Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Quantum dot (QD) lasers for biomedical applications Legend : 2010 Technology Invention 2011 2012 TI LP TI LP LP LP Middle-term ID ID 2013 Long-term 2014 2015 ID ID 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 I 2022 2023 2024 ME I I 2021 ME ME I Laboratory Prototype ME Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Table 23: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Treatment and Laser surgery-Health & Well-Being 48 4.3.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Treatment / Laser Surgery Fabrication technologies linked Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) IR surgical knife based on quantum dot (QD) laser Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Not identified Photodynamic therapy based on nanotubes (NT) Not identified Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Quantum dot (QD) lasers for biomedical applications Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Legend : Technology Invention Industrial Demonstrator Laboratory Prototype Industrialisation Market Entry Table 24: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME-developers in the subsector Treatment and Laser surgery - Health & Well-Being (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 4.3.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Devices identified for developers Nanotubes Photodynamic therapy device lasers Quantum dots IR surgical knife laser Photonic crystals and fibres Legend : Microfluidics Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 25: Material categories related to devices identified for SME-developers in the subsector Treatment and Laser surgery Health & Well-Being 49 4.4 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Monitoring 4.4.1 Overview Monitoring is dealing with all the fields and devices allowing to follow the vital signs or metabolic activity of a patient either in the hospital (e.g after a surgery) or at home. Development of remote monitoring devices (tele-medicine) could be a good way to answer to one of the general challenges of the Health sector, which is the reduction of the time spent by a patient in the hospital. Requirements of the subsector are very similar to the ones of the Diagnosis subsector. The main challenge for developers will be the improvement of the access to the clinical trials, which are at the moment too much time and money consuming for SMEs and require thus often cooperation with larger companies. In this only the European policy could help to improve the situation faced by SMEs. Same problem also concern the access to patented technologies and licencing. Technical challenges are more on the side of miniaturisation of devices but also lower energy consumption. Indeed several monitoring applications require now patient to carry the monitoring device for a long time and not necessarily in hospital facilities, requiring thus stand-alone devices with a high reliability. There is actually a development of the filed in the direction of tele-medicine / e-health. But this can cause problems in terms of public acceptance. Experts involved in the project have considered that biosensors offer the largest opportunities for SME developers as well as capsule endoscopy. In the first category, many devices identified are still in the early stage of development for another 2 years which creates immediate opportunities for SME developers. 4.4.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Monitoring identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. New photonic devices/components identified Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEdevelopers in Monitoring Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on ... Higher sentivity, reliability OLED based biosensors Miniaturised (compact light source) Optical antennas based on metamaterials Sensors based on metamaterials Photodetectors enhanced by plasmonics Bio sensors based on SOI microring resonators Miniaturisation / non invasive (nanometer scale light spots) Biosensors based on fibres Application domains concerned by the device Biosensors Enhanced sensivity, relatiability Enhanced efficiency Higher spatial detection accuracy Sensitivity and reliability Fast measurements Sensitivity and reliability Miniaturisation 50 Glucose monitoring Biosensors Biosensors senior & infants monitoring Biosensors Biosensors Multi-analyse capable Real-time measurement possible Sensitivity and reliability Multi-analyse capable Fast measurement Nanoscale Sensitivity and reliability Miniaturisation Non invasive (Glucose monitoring) Miniaturisation Fast and reliable (real-time and short reaction time) Combination of diagnostic and treatment High sensitivity Biosensors based on nanotubes (NT) Biosensors based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Optical antennas based on plasmonics Biosensors Glucose monitoring Biosensors Biosensors Sensitivity at the nanoscale Biosensors Enhanced sensitivity Miniaturisation Implantable device Low energy consuming High sensitivity Photodetectors based on SOI Biosensors senior & infants monitoring Blood gas monitoring Table 26: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME-developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) in Monitoring-Health & Well-Being 4.4.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Monitoring The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Monitoring. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (20092011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). Level of development - Monitoring/ developer Short term Middle term Long term Timeline 2009 2010 Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials TI OLED based biosensors TI Optical antennas based on metamaterials Sensors based on metamaterials Bio sensors based on SOI microring resonators Biosensors based on fibres Biosensors based on nanotubes (NT) Biosensors based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Optical antennas based on plasmonics Photodetectors based on SOI Legend : Technology Invention TI 2011 2012 2013 2014 LP ID I ME LP ID I ME LP ID TI LP ID ID LP LP ID LP I ME ID I 2021 2022 2023 ME I ME I ME I ME I ME I Laboratory Prototype 2020 ME I ID ID 2019 ME ID LP 2018 ME ID LP 2017 I ID LP 2016 I LP LP 2015 ME Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Table 27: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Monitoring-Health & Well-Being 51 2024 4.4.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Monitoring Fabrication technologies linked Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) dip coating technology for OLEDs doctor blading technology for OLEDs OLED based biosensors Hollow Swiss roll fabrication inkjet printing technology for OLEDs screen printing technology for OLEDs Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Optical antennas based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Sensors based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Bio sensors based on SOI microring resonators Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Laser ablation Biosensors based on fibres Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Biosensors based on nanotubes (NT) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography Biosensors based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Hot embossing Laser ablation Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Not identified 52 Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Laser ablation Dip-pen lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Electron beam lithography Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Optical antennas based on plasmonics EUV photolithography Focused ion beam milling for plasmonic nanostructures Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Thermal evaporation deposition for plasmonic nanostructures Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Photodetectors based on SOI EUV photolithographyFocused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Legend : Technology Invention Industrial Demonstrator Laboratory Prototype Industrialisation Market Entry Table 28: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME-developers in the subsector Monitoring-Health & WellBeing (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 4.4.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Devices identified for developers Sensors Metamaterials Optical antennas Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters Biosensors Nanotubes Optical antennas Biosensors SOI Photodetectors Polymeric nanostructures/ Photonic crystals Biosensors Microfluidics Biosensors Fibres Microfluidics OLEDs Plasmonics Legend : Biosensors Optical antennas Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 29: Material categories related to devices identified for SME-developers in the subsector Monitoring-Health & Well-Being 53 5. Roadmaps for SMEs developing novel photonic devices and components for the Environment & Energy sector The environmental industry has emerged in the 1970s when we became aware of deterioration in both global and local environmental pollution due to human activities. The market environment has then changed very quickly and, since the beginning of the twenty-first century, has expanded with the appearance of "clean" products and technologies, in most sectors of the economy. The specificity of this market lies in the fact that its emergence and growth depend heavily on public intervention, through regulatory and tariff policies. The awareness of environmental issues, despite still strong opposition, led more proactive policies, which have recently experienced acceleration with the green stimulus plans. The optical and photonic applications are positioned mainly on issues of analysis and control measures for monitoring the environmental properties, lighting management (light sources, light guides…), energy production from collected light (solar panels). One additional field could be considered, which is the improvement of manufacturing processes, via the use of lasers and controls allowing to speed up and render processes more efficient. The main challenges for the application of photonics materials in the Environment & Energy sector are the improvement of the efficiency, the reliability, the safety and the lifetime of the devices as well as the reduction of costs. The following analysis devoted to main challenges in photonics for SME-developers in the Environment & Energy sector will consider 4 subsectors: Environmental monitoring and sensing, Energy saving & Lighting, Energy production and Lasers in manufacturing & Quality control. 5.1 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Environmental Monitoring and Sensing 5.1.1 Overview Monitoring and sensing the environment aims mainly at controlling the properties and quality of our surrounding environment (e.g. air or water pollution). This subsector encompasses thus many different applications with the common point that is the use of sensors, detectors or imaging techniques. The main applications considered during the project for this subsector are remote sensing/LIDAR, optical sensors, trace-gas monitoring aerial and space imaging, spectroscopy and thermal imaging. A tremendous market is here available, composed in majority of many niche markets really affordable for SMEs due to the large amount of possible applications. New materials are now available for integration into industrialised products which can potentially provide a good correlation between the environmental impact and the quality of measurement. A great challenge for SME developers is the improvement of collabotation between them and system integrators at the early stage of development. The absence of this kind of interaction lead often to complex 54 systems those are both difficult and costly to produce. There is a lot of development still required in this area. Other challenges are more technical and concern mainly the efficiency/sensitivity, life time, size and measurement‟s speed of devices. As well, automated and stand-alone devices might be developed in order to allow continous monitoring (in correlation with the field of Energy production, e.g energy harvesting). The main conclusion of the analysis of the field by experts involved in the project is that spectroscopy consists in an area with high potential for SMEs due to the specific know-how required to produce such components. Setting up specific sensors also provide an application with high potential for development due to the large number of parameters to be measured and the different technologies that have to be integrated. Most devices identified for the field are entering the demonstrator stage soon and the focus for SME developers should first be on new type of optical snesors using materials technologies such as quantum dots, metamaterials or nanotubes for biological or chemical sensing. 5.1.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Environmental monitoring and sensing identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. New photonic devices/components identified Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEdevelopers in Environmental Monitoring Application domains concerned by the device and sensing Biolabels based on quantum dots for single-molecule detection Fabrication repeatability control (depends on technology) Miniaturisation (from 5 to 500 nm) Fast real-time measurements (from ps to ms time region) Low energy consumption Toxicity control (depends on materials) Deformable mirror array for adaptive optics based on SOI Low energy consumption Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Tuneability More sensitive Sensors based on metamaterials THz radiation sources based on nanotubes Biosensors based on fibres Optical sensors Imagers in space Multi- and hyper spectral imaging Optical sensors Fabrication repeatability control Miniaturisation Fast real-time Low energy consumption Fabrication repeatability control (depends on technology) Miniaturisation (from 10 nm to 10 mm) Fast real-time measurements Toxicity control (depends on materials) Fabrication control Miniaturisation 55 Optical sensors Optical sensors Spectroscopy Optical sensors Fast real-time measurement Biosensors based on nanotubes (NT) Biosensors based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Chemo-sensors based on fibres Chemo-sensors based on nanoparticles (NP) Chemo-sensors based on quantum dots (QD) Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Photodetectors based on organic transistors Slow light application using photonic crystals Fabrication control Miniaturisation Fast real-time measurement Low energy consumption Fabrication control Miniaturisation Fast real-time measurement Low energy consumption Low energy consumption Toxicity control Reliability Fabrication control Miniaturisation Fast real-time measurement Low energy consumption Fabrication control Toxicity control Miniaturisation and flexibility High sensitivity Nanoscale Potentially low-cost High resolution Miniaturisation (handheld device) Embedded device Low energy consumption and high sensitivity Fast start-up time Easy and cheap fabrication (by printing) Optical sensors Optical sensors Optical sensors Thermal imaging Optical sensors Optical sensors Optical sensors Optical sensors Spectroscopy Thermal imaging Miniaturisation of devices Optical sensors Table 30: Main challenges identified for SME-developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) of devices in Environmental monitoring and sensing-Environment & Energy 5.1.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Environmental Monitoring and Sensing The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Environmental monitoring and sensing. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (2009-2011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). Level of development - Environment / environmental monitoring / sensing / developer Short-term Timeline 2009 Biolabels based on quantum dots for single-molecule detection Deformable mirror array for adaptive optics based on SOI Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials 2011 TI TI Sensors based on metamaterials THz radiation sources based on nanotubes TI Biosensors based on fibres LP Biosensors based on nanotubes Biosensors based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals 2010 2012 2013 LP Long-term 2014 ID LP ID 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 I 2020 I ME LP ID I ME TI LP ID I ME LP ID ID ID I I ME ME ID I I ME ME 56 2021 ME TI LP LP Middle-term 2022 2023 2024 Chemo-sensors based on fibres Chemo-sensors based on nanoparticles Chemo-sensors based on quantum dots Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre Optical antennas based on nanotubes Photodetectors based on organic transistors Slow light application using photonic crystals Legend : Technology Invention LP ID LP I ID LP I ID LP ID LP ME I ME I ME ID LP LP ME I ID ID ME I ME I Laboratory Prototype ME Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Table 31: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Environmental monitoring and sensingEnvironment & Energy 5.1.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Environmental Monitoring and Sensing Fabrication technologies linked Dip coating process Hybrid Vapour Phase Epitaxy (HVPE) Linear coating devices Biolabels based on quantum dots (QD) for singlemolecule detection Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Direct laser writing Steinbeis-Europa-ZentrumDry etching Deformable mirror array for adaptive optics based on SOI Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Sensors based on metamaterials EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) THz radiation sources based on nanotubes (NT) Laser ablation Biosensors based on fibres 57 Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Biosensors based on nanotubes (NT) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography Biosensors based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Hot embossing Laser ablation Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Laser ablation Chemo-sensors based on fibres Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Colloidal chemistry for nanoparticle synthesis Dip coating process Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) Chemo-sensors based on nanoparticles (NP) Hollow Swiss roll fabrication Linear coating devices Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Sol-gel wet-chemical synthesis Dip coating process Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) Hybrid Vapour Phase Epitaxy (HVPE) Linear coating devices Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Chemo-sensors based on quantum dots (QD) Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Not identified Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Laser ablation Not identified Photodetectors based on organic transistors Direct laser writing Dry etching Slow light application using photonic crystals Electron beam lithography EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Legend : Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Table 32: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Environmental monitoring and sensing-Environment & Energy (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 58 5.1.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Devices identified for developers Sensors Metamaterials Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters Bio sensors Nanotubes Optical antennas THz radiation sources Nanoparticles Chemo-sensors Biolabels Quantum dots Chemo-sensors SOI Deformable mirror array for adaptive optics Bio sensors Fibres Chemo-sensors Microfluidics Organic transistors Photodetectors Bio sensors Polymeric nanostructures/ Photonic crystals Slow light application Microfluidics Legend : Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 33: Material categories related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Environmental monitoring and sensing-Environment & Energy 5.2 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Energy saving and Lighting 5.2.1 Overview Energy saving is by definition involving all the technologies allowing us to use less energy for the activities of our everyday life. In terms of photonics, it involves mainly lighting technologies (lighting sources, light guides for lighting management…). But other fields like more efficient displays, thermal measurement by optical technologies (for energy-efficient building e.g.) are also involved. Displays will not be entirely treated here, but for more information, readers can refer to the section dealing with Display technologies in the ICT sector. Lighting industry is a wide area with numerous players, where Europe has a leading position. Moreover, this is a growing market, notably since the appearance of the LEDs (inorganic and organic) and because light is used in many other fields than for ambient lighting. 59 Lighting management provides great opportunities for SME developers, particularly in the field of smart films. One of the main development could be to set up a new system able to collect the light during day and store it in order to be used at dawn and at night when not much light is required. Besides, SME developers have on one hand to take into account the comfort and adaptation to the users in terms of efficiency and on the other hand to respect the recycling issues given by the legislation. This implies a good choice of the materials used for the products and a work in close collaboration with the producers and users (e.g designers o light integrators). Main improvements that could be given or provided by developers concern mainly the efficiency, lifetime, size, as well as the energy consumption of devices. A special care could also be taken on the effiency of the colour gamut, the form of the light, the maintenance issues (complexity of systems), the toxicity of the components and the thermal management. Lots of novel light sources are today available for these purposes. The majority of relevant components identified for SME-developers during the course of the project will help to produce better and more efficient inorganic LEDs. Many devices are in the early to advanced development stage and almost ready for the demonstrato phase, creating thus immediate opportunities for SME developers. Providing cheaper technologies in new LED/OLED lighting will be critical for an earlier acceptance by the luminary market. Some efforts are however to be taken on OLEDs before they become mature enough for the market. It is also important to nore here that these new light sources will not consist in a replacement market, but rather on a renewal market of lighting systems, where a new way of lighting has to be invented. 5.2.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Energy saving and lighting identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. New photonic devices/components identified Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Field effective transistors based on nanotubes (NT) Light sources based on nanoparticles (NP) Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEdevelopers in Energy saving and Lighting Stable high efficiency and colour of the light (depends on the technology) High reproduction of colours Optimise efficiency of LEDs High contrast ratio Permit high resolution Low power consumption High efficiency and colour Long life Reproducibility of colours High brightness 60 Application domains concerned by the device More efficient lighting point sources Lighting sources Paper-like electronics More efficient lighting point sources Lighting sources High efficiency and colour Long life Reproducibility of colours High brightness Mass production of white LEDs Fully integrated system High efficiency and colour Long life Reproducibility of colours Flexibility High brightness High brightness Nanoscale High brightness Low-cost and large area Miniaturisation (handheld device) Embedded device Low energy consumption and high sensitivity Fast start-up time Easy and cheap fabrication (by printing) Light sources based on nanotubes (NT) OLEDs for lighting with improved efficiency Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Organic light emitting field effect transistors (OLEFETs) Photodetectors based on organic transistors More efficient lighting point sources Lighting sources More efficient lighting point sources Lighting sources Lighting sources Lighting sources Thermal imaging Table 34: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME- developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) Energy saving & Lighting - Environment & Energy 5.2.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Energy saving and Lighting The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Energy saving and lighting. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (2009-2011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). Level of development - Environment / energy saving and lighting/ developer Short-term Timeline 2009 Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Field effective transistors based on nanotubes (NT) Light sources based on nanoparticles Light sources based on nanotubes OLEDs for lighting with improved efficiency Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Organic light emitting field effect transistors (OLEFETs) Photodetectors based on organic transistors Legend : 2010 Middle-term 2011 TI LP LP ID LP ID LP ID LP 2012 ID Long-term 2013 2014 ID I 2015 2016 2017 2018 I 2019 2022 2023 2024 ME ME I ME I ME ID I ME LP ID I ME LP ID I ME Technology Invention 2021 ME I LP 2020 Laboratory Prototype Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Tabe 35: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Energy saving & Lighting -Environment & Energy 61 5.2.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Energy Saving and Lighting Fabrication technologies linked Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Field effective transistors based on nanotubes (NT) Hollow Swiss roll fabrication Laser ablation Colloidal chemistry for nanoparticle synthesis SDip coating process Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) Light sources based on nanoparticles (NP) Linear coating devices Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Sol-gel wet-chemical synthesis Light sources based on nanotubes (NT) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) dip coating technology for OLEDs doctor blading technology for OLEDs OLEDs for lighting with improved efficiency inkjet printing technology for OLEDs screen printing technology for OLEDs Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Laser ablation Legend : doctor blading technology for OLEDs Organic light emitting field effect transistors (OLEFETs) Not identified Photodetectors based on organic transistors Technology Invention Industrial Demonstrator Laboratory Prototype Industrialisation Market Entry Table 36: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Energy saving & Lighting-Environment & Energy (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 62 5.2.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Metamaterials Nanotubes Nanoparticles Organic transistors OLEDs Legend : Devices identified for developers Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters Field effective transistors Optical antennas Light sources Light sources Photodetectors Field effect transistors Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 37: Material categories related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Energy saving & Lighting Environment & Energy 5.3 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Lasers in manufacturing and Quality control 5.3.1 Overview Lasers in manufacturing and Quality control encompasse all the applications willing to improve the manufacturing processes in terms of efficiency and control. Lasers can be used in several domains for cutting, welding, forming… of materials and various sources of lasers are now available with different wavelengths for all applications. In this field, rapid prototyping (3D printing of polymers with lasers) is in big expansion because of the “gain of time it allows” to make prototypes. Concerning Quality control the field is mainly represented by metrology sensors that can be integrated or not in machine vision systems. In the field of lasers, Europe has a large and leading R&D activity which can highly benefit SME-developers by giving them lots of development opportunities. The experts in the project have highlighted the field of laser micromanufacturing as an area where SME developers can bring a lot of inputs due to the large development efforts needed. The main challenges are the increase of laser power and resolution, the decrease of the costs of components and systems, and the possibility to use them with 3D materials. The reliability of materials and laser sources is also a big issue as they have to be used in a continous way for 24h production. In this field, the further development of nanolasers could be a great opportunity for SMEs (see table below). In terms of Quality Control, the most interesting application will certainly be the machine vision. Many photodetectors devices and imaging systems like e.g OCT or THz sources are at the moment still in the laboratory stage for another 2 to 3 years and provide excellent opportunities for SME developers. The main challenges here are the size reduction of systems and the improvement of the sensitivity and the stability. 63 5.3.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Lasers in manufacturing and Quality control identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. New photonic devices/components identified Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEdevelopers in Lasers in manufacturing Application domains concerned by the device and Quality control Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Optical antennas based on metamaterials Sensors based on metamaterials Chemo-sensors based on fibres Nano-lasers based on plasmonics Photodetectors based on organic transistors Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PSOCT) THz radiation source based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Lower the threshold of lasers Enhancement of modulation bandwidth Lasers in manufacturing High sensitivity (depends on technology) Cameras and machine vision High sensitivity (depends on technology) Cameras and machine vision Low energy consumption Metrology sensors Low energy consumption More stable than conventional sensors High reliability Better localisation of the laser source New fabrication mean for metamaterials Good for nano-lithography (high resolution) High sensitivity Fabrication easy and cheap Miniaturisation Non destructive Better performances Metrology sensors Lasers in manufacturing Cameras and machine vision Metrology sensors High sensitivity Cameras and machine vision Table 38: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME- developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) in Lasers in manufacturing & Quality control-Environment & Energy 64 5.3.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Lasers in manufacturing and Quality control The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Lasers in manufacturing and Quality control. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (2009-2011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). Level of development - Environment / lasers in manufacturing and quality control/ developer Short-term Timeline 2009 Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Optical antennas based on metamaterials Legend : Technology Invention 2012 LP TI LP TI LP TI LP 2013 2014 ID I 2015 2016 2017 2018 ID I ME ID 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ME ME I ME I ID ME I ID ID 2019 I ID LP LP Long-term ID LP LP Nano-lasers based on plasmonics Photodetectors based on organic transistors Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography THz radiation source based on polymeric nanostructures 2011 TI Sensors based on metamaterials Chemo-sensors based on fibres 2010 Middle-term ME I ME I ME LP Laboratory Prototype ID I Industrial Demonstrator ME Industrialisation Market Entry Table 39: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Lasers in manufacturing & Quality control-Environment & Energy 5.3.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Lasers in manufacturing and Quality control Fabrication technologies linked Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) 65 Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Optical antennas based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Sensors based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Laser ablation Chemo-sensors based on fibres Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Dip-pen lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Electron beam lithography Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures EUV photolithography Focused ion beam milling for plasmonic nanostructures Nano-lasers based on plasmonics Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Nanoimprint lithography for plasmonics nanostructures Sputtering as deposition technology for plasmonic nanostructures Thermal evaporation deposition for plasmonic nanostructures Not identified Photodetectors based on organic transistors Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PSOCT) Not identified Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography THz radiation source based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Hot embossing Laser ablation Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Legend : Technology Invention Industrial Demonstrator Laboratory Prototype Industrialisation Market Entry Table 40: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Lasers in manufacturing & Quality control-Environment & Energy (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 5.3.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Devices identified for developers Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses Optical antennas Metamaterials Sensors Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters Plasmonics Polymeric nanostructures/ Nano-lasers THz radiation source 66 Photonic crystals Organic transistors Photodetectors Fibres Chemosensors Polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography Undefined Legend : Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 41: Material categories related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Lasers in manufacturing & Quality control-Environment & Energy 5.4 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Energy production 5.4.1 Overview In terms of photonic technologies, Energy production is dealing with the gathering of the solar energy by the way of specific materials embedded in solar panels to transform this one in electrical energy. (Another way could be to use the existing biomass to collect this energy and produce a new one by the mean of photosynthesis.) This field is a highly technical one, mainly due to the complexity level of devices. There are similarities with the Lighting subsector according to the technologies used. The main problem is the high cost of materials embedding as well as the toxicity of the materials used. This means that SME developers have to work with larger firms. Besides, most of the devices identified in the project are photovoltaïc solar cells which are now close to the industrialization stage. Concerning this particular field, the main challenges are more in the recycling issues of the materials, the energy conversion efficiency (avoid losses during AC/DC conversion) as well as the lifetime of devices. Moreover, development and research are still needed in terms of energy (electrical) storage solutions. New R&D area involving nanomaterials like nanoparticles, nanotubes or plasmonics, also provide opportunities for SME developers in the short term. Finally, according to the experts involved in the project, there is a whole area of development concerning what they call energy harvesting, which means using the energy sources around (e.g. photosynthesis, heat, …), store it and use it to self-power devices. Unfortunately no device has been identified in this field. Unfortunately, noe devices have been identified during the project for SME-developers. 67 5.4.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Energy production identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. New photonic devices/components identified Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEdevelopers in Energy production Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Tailor light-matter nanoscale Optical antennas based on plasmonics Enhanced absorption interaction in Application domains concerned by the device the Photovoltaics/solar cells Photovoltaics/solar cells Long lifetime Improved performances (3% power conversion) Stable in air Low cost (printable) Long lifetime Cost reduction Better efficiency (3D capture possible) Long lifetime Absorption enhanced Solar cells based on nanoparticles (NP) Solar cells based on nanotubes (NT) Solar cells enhanced by plasmonics Photovoltaics/solar cells Photovoltaics/solar cells Photovoltaics/solar cells Table 42: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME- developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) in Energy production-Environment & Energy 5.4.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Energy production The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Energy production. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (2009-2011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). Level of development - Environment/ Energy production/ developer Short-term Timeline 2009 2010 2011 Optical antennas based on nanotubes Optical antennas based on plasmonics Solar cells based on nanoparticles LP Solar cells based on nanotubes LP ID Solar cells enhanced by plasmonics LP ID Legend : Technology Invention Middle-term LP 2012 2013 ID ID LP 2014 Long-term 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 I ME I ME ID I I 2021 2022 2023 2024 ME ME I Laboratory Prototype 2020 ME Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Table 43: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Energy production-Environment & Energy 68 5.4.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Energy production Fabrication technologies linked Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Laser ablation Dip-pen lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Electron beam lithography Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Optical antennas based on plasmonics EUV photolithography Focused ion beam milling for plasmonic nanostructures Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Thermal evaporation deposition for plasmonic nanostructures Colloidal chemistry for nanoparticle synthesis Dip coating process dip coating technology for OLEDs Solar cells based on nanoparticles (NP) Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) Linear coating devices Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Sol-gel wet-chemical synthesis Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Solar cells based on nanotubes (NT) dip coating technology for OLEDs Chemical synthesis (bottom-up approach) for generation of plasmonic nanostructures Colloidal chemistry for nanoparticle synthesis Deep-UV projection lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Dip coating process dip coating technology for OLEDs Dip-pen lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) doctor blading technology for OLEDs Solar cells enhanced by plasmonics Electron beam lithography Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures EUV photolithography Focused ion beam milling for plasmonic nanostructures Microcontact printing/soft lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Nanoimprint lithography for plasmonics nanostructures Sputtering as deposition technology for plasmonic nanostructures Thermal evaporation deposition for plasmonic nanostructures Legend : Technology Laboratory Prototype Industrial 69 Industrialisation Market Entry Invention Demonstrator Table 44: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Energy production-Environment & Energy (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 5.4.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Devices identified for developers Optical antennas Nanotubes Solar cells Optical antennas Plasmonics Solar cells Nanoparticles Legend : Solar cells Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 45: Material categories related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Energy productionEnvironment & Energy 6. Roadmaps for SMEs producing novel photonic devices and components for the Safety & Security sector Safety & Security involve all the applications aiming at protecting people against international harm (Security) and/or against accidental harm (Safety). The sector has an old history, mainly due to the fact that major advances are coming from the defence area. Although big groups are already well installed on this market, the sector is perfectly suited for SMEs, mainly because of the small production scales and market volumes. However, it stays difficult for SMEs to handle the 3 different kinds of customers in this market: civilian customers, large companies (in terms of subcontracting) and governmental and public customers (hardly affordable for SMEs because of the slow payment process). Moreover Safety & Security is a highly evolving field due to the fact that it is regulation driven. Optics and photonics in Safety & Security will mainly have an impact on applications where sensing, detection and imaging systems are used. It will therefore be useful for detection of threats and inspection technologies (video surveillance, luggage‟s scanning in airports…), authentication and identification processes like biometric systems for face recognition, and systems for protection (automated vision systems). One other big domain of application for photonic technologies is the public safety encompassing the protection of pedestrian and drivers-assistance, as well as illumination processes. Through this high importance of sensors in the field, main challenges in Safety & Security will mainly be an improvement of the sensitivity, the resolution of detection and imaging systems. For instance, night-vision 70 systems are becoming more and more important for safety. Moreover, miniaturisation of sensors as well as the development of contactless measurement technologies will help to further improve the field. The following analysis devoted to main challenges in photonics for SME-developers in the Safety & Security sector will consider 4 subsectors: Detection, Inspection and Enforcing technologies, Authentication and Identification, Protective systems and Public safety. 6.1 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Detection, inspection and enforcement technologies 6.1.1 Overview Photonic technologies influence this subsector mainly through the properties of optical sensors. Most of them are then used to detect biological or chemical agents in air or water. Photodetectors for VIS, UV, IR, NIR and even now THz wavelengths have also a high importance for the field and are used in many imaging technologies to scan hazardous objects (e.g. luggage-scanning in airports) or video-surveillance applications (superposition of different spectrum to a conventional image). One of the main opportunities for SME-developers is the development of bio- and chemo-sensors. However, there can still be a danger for them because of the high investment needed to produce them (especially for QD based sensors). In imaging technologies, the field of spectroscopy is probably the most interesting for SME-developers, mainly because they have the knowledge on all the necessary pieces for the systems. A big challenge for SME developers will be to increase sensitivity, reduce the size and emission power as well as to speed up the measurement process while providing even better resolution. Moreover, as these sensors have most of the times to be used in hazardous and/or harsh environments, they have to be remotecontrolled and resistant/independent to external conditions. In this way, the field can learn from other sector like Environment or ICT, even if the technology transfer is rather limited due to the predominance of defense applications. According to the experts involved in the project, another area of high interest for SME developers is the field of cameras and night vision. For instance, THz imaging offers great potential for SME developers as it is yet in the early stage and is bound to replace old x-rays systems. 3D cameras also offer big opportunities, not only in terms of photonic solutions. Future developments will consist in tracking movements without markers, as well as direct 3D hardwares (in conjunction with the ICT sector). All the devices identified in the project for developers in this field are in the early stage of development, meaning opportunities for SME for the next 2-3 years. 71 6.1.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Detection, inspection and enforcement technologies identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SMEdevelopers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. New photonic devices/components identified Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEdevelopers in Detection, inspection and Application domains concerned by the device enforcement technologies Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on ... Near infrared (NIR) emitter based on OLEDs Optical antennas based on metamaterials Sensors based on metamaterials THz radiation sources based on nanotubes (NT) THz radiation sources based on plasmonics Bio sensors based on SOI microring resonators Biosensors based on fibres Biosensors based on nanotubes (NT) Biosensors based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Chemo-sensors based on fibres Chemo-sensors based on nanoparticles (NP) Chemo-sensors based on quantum dots (QD) Field emission x-ray source based on nanotubes (NT) Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Sensitivity – resolution (more sensitive sensors) Fast / real time High sensitivity and resolution (Sufficient for buried objects) Miniaturisation (Nanometre scale light spots, enhance signal to noise ratio) Fast / real-time (speed improved) High sensitivity and resolution (Micro- and millimetre wave imaging; better signal to noise ratio) Sensitivity / Resiolution (enhanced sensitivity) Fast / real-time (possible) High sensitivity and resolution (Detection in strong magnetic fields; large frequency range) High sensitivity and/or resolution (Penetrate plastic and cardboard) Bio and chemo-sensors Imaging technologies Bio and chemo-sensors Imaging technologies Bio and chemo-sensors Imaging technologies Imaging technologies Miniaturisation High sensitivity and/or resolution High sensitivity and/or resolution Real-time measurement possible Multi-analyte capable High sensitivity and/or resolution Multi-analyte capable (different diameters) Bio-and Chemosensors Better sensitivity Bio-and Chemosensors Good reliability (less sensitive to heat and vibrations) Compactness (when packaged) Good sensitivity Compactness of sensor Multi-analyte capable Bio-and Chemosensors Bio-and Chemosensors Bio-and Chemosensors Bio-and Chemosensors Bio-and Chemosensors Multi-analyte capable Fast imaging High resolution Miniaturisation Non-harmful (function temperature) High sensitivity Nanometer scale precision Imaging technologies at room Bio-and Chemosensors Bio-and Chemosensors Nanoscale 72 High sensitivity Miniaturisation (lightweight and thin if printed) Cheap (if printed) High sensitivity Low power consumption Compactness Photodetectors based on organic transistors Photodetectors based on SOI Slow light application using photonic crystals THz radiation source based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Imaging technologies Imaging technologies Miniaturisation of sensors Bio-and Chemosensors Non-harmful Imaging technologies Table 46: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME- developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) in Detection, inspection and enforcing technologies-Safety & Security 6.1.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Detection, inspection and enforcement technologies The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Detection, inspection and enforcement technologies. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (2009-2011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). Level of development - Detection/ Inspection/ Enforcing Technology/ developer Short term Timeline 2009 Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Near infrared (NIR) emitter based on OLEDs Optical antennas based on metamaterials Sensors based on metamaterials THz radiation sources based on nanotubes (NT) THz radiation sources based on plasmonics Bio sensors based on SOI microring resonators Biosensors based on fibres 2010 Middle term 2011 2012 TI LP TI LP TI LP 2013 2014 ID I ID TI LP ID Biosensors based on nanotubes LP 2019 I ME I ME I ME I ME ID I ME ID I ME Chemo-sensors based on fibres LP ID I ME ID LP I ID LP ME ID ID LP LP ME I LP ID I I ID 2022 ME LP LP 2021 ME Biosensors based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Chemo-sensors based on nanoparticles (NP) Chemo-sensors based on quantum dots (QD) Field emission x-ray source based on nanotubes (NT) Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Photodetectors based on organic transistors 2020 ME I ID ID 2018 ME LP LP 2017 I TI ID 2016 I LP LP 2015 ID ID TI Long term ME ME I ME I 73 ME 2023 2024 Photodetectors based on SOI LP Slow light application using photonic crystals THz radiation source based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Legend : LP ID ID I ME I ME LP Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype ID I Industrial Demonstrator ME Industrialisation Market Entry Table 47: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Detection, inspection and enforcing technologies-Safety & Security 6.1.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Detection, inspection and enforcement technologies Fabrication technologies linked Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) doctor blading technology for OLEDs Near infrared (NIR) emitter based on OLEDs inkjet printing technology for OLEDs Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Optical antennas based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Sensors based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) THz radiation sources based on nanotubes (NT) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Deep-UV projection lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Dip-pen lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Electron beam lithography Electron beam lithography for plasmonic nanostructures EUV photolithography Focused ion beam milling for plasmonic nanostructures Microcontact printing/soft lithography for plasmonic nanostructures Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) THz radiation sources based on plasmonics Nanoimprint lithography for plasmonics nanostructures Sputtering as deposition technology for plasmonic nanostructures Thermal evaporation deposition for plasmonic nanostructures 74 Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography Bio sensors based on SOI microring resonators EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) SIMOX (Separation by IMplanted OXygen) process for fabricating SOI wafers Smart Cut™ process for fabricating SOI wafers Laser ablation Biosensors based on fibres Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Biosensors based on nanotubes (NT) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography Biosensors based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Hot embossing Laser ablation Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Laser ablation Chemo-sensors based on fibres Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Colloidal chemistry for nanoparticle synthesis Dip coating process Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) Chemo-sensors based on nanoparticles (NP) Hollow Swiss roll fabrication Linear coating devices Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Sol-gel wet-chemical synthesis Dip coating process Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) Hybrid Vapour Phase Epitaxy (HVPE) Linear coating devices Chemo-sensors based on quantum dots (QD) Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Field emission x-ray source based on nanotubes (NT) Not identified Microfluidics based photonic crystal fibre (PCF) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Laser ablation Photodetectors based on organic transistors no Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Photodetectors based on SOI EUV photolithographyFocused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Slow light application using photonic crystals Dry etching Electron beam lithography 75 EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Dry etching Electron beam lithography THz radiation source based on polymeric nanostructures / photonic crystals Hot embossing Laser ablation Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Legend : Technology Invention Industrial Demonstrator Laboratory Prototype Industrialisation Market Entry Table 48: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Detection, inspection and enforcing technologies-Safety & Security (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 6.1.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Devices identified for developers Optical antennas Metamaterials Sensors Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters Bio sensors Field emission x-ray source Nanotubes Optical antennas Chemo-sensors THz radiation sources Nanoparticles Chemo-sensors Quantum dots Chemo-sensors Photodetectors SOI Bio sensors Bio sensors Fibres Chemo-sensors Microfluidics Bio sensors Polymeric nanostructures/ Photonic crystals Microfluidics Slow light application THz radiation source OLEDs Organic transitors Plasmonics Near infrared (NIR) emitter Photodetectors THz radiation sources 76 Legend : Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 49: Material categories related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Detection, inspection and enforcing technologies-Safety & Security 6.2 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Authentication and Identification 6.2.1 Overview Authentication is the process of checking the information against single, previously identified entity. On the contrary Identification requires that the verifier (human or computer) check the information against a database of known entities to detect uniquely a given entity. In the both cases, entities to detect are either objects or persons. Photonic technologies help mainly in both processes by the use of specific photodetectors, semi-conductors or machine-vision systems, leading often to biometric applications. Both processes involve also the use of security markers for e.g. packages identification or used in the anticounterfeiting area. There is a huge demand for new products in this field in particular using photodetectors which could mean opportunities for SME developers. However the experts involved in the project have warned that there are high investments required, meaning that SME developers would have to work with larger players. Main improvements rely mainly on responsiveness/speed of the sensors and on the biometric properties. The development of Security markers (in particular for anti-counterfeiting purpose) has been also highlighted as one of the best opportunites for SMEs. Because of its constant evolution this field requires a broad range of new technological solutions which is more adapted to SMEs than to larger group. According to this, the main challenges are to keep these new devices to small size and with a high degree of integration into already existing products. The cost of devices is not so much of a challenge, because usually products bearing such markers are high-value products. Most of the devices, identified in the project however are close to the industrialisation stage (2011) and the potential for developers is to work closely with SME producers to provide them even more flexible products (e.g. wider emission wavelenghts). 6.2.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Authentication and Identification identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. 77 New photonic devices/components identified Novel / improved features helping to overcome identified challenges for SMEdevelopers in Authentication and identification Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Optical antennas based on metamaterials Application domains concerned by the device High resolution: image resolution, spatial resolution (Resolution far below the diffraction limit) Fast response time Low noise Small size High radiation efficiency Integration possibility Small sized devices Multiple emission wavelength Easy integration High sensitivity and responsivity Compactness Easy and cheap fabrication (by printing) Small sized devices (incorporated in ink) Multiple emission wavelength Easy integration High number of distinct codes Security marks / labels based on metamaterials Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Photodetectors based on organic transistors Security marks / labes based on quantum dots (QD) Machine vision Photodetectors Markers and labels Markers and labels Photodetectors Markers and labels Table 50: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME- developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) in Authentication and identification-Safety & Security 6.2.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Authentication and Identification The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Authentication and identification. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (2009-2011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). Level of development - Authentication/ Identification/ developer Short-term Timeline 2009 Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Optical antennas based on metamaterials Security marks / labels based on metamaterials Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Photodetectors based on organic transistors Security marks / labes based on quantum dots (QD) Legend : 2010 2012 2013 LP ID I ME ID I ME LP TI LP ID LP Technology Invention 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ME I ID ID 2014 I ID LP LP Long-term 2011 TI TI Middle-term ME I ME I ME Laboratory Prototype Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Table 51: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Authentication and identification -Safety & Security 78 6.2.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Fabrication technologies linked Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Authentification& Identification Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) THz radiation sources based on nanotubes (NT) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Optical antennas based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Security marks / labels based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Optical antennas based on nanotubes (NT) Laser ablation Photodetectors based on organic transistors Not identified Dip coating process Direct nanoparticle deposition (DND) Hybrid Vapour Phase Epitaxy (HVPE) Linear coating devices Security marks / labes based on quantum dots (QD) Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Spray pyrolysis Legend : Technology Invention Industrial Demonstrator Laboratory Prototype Industrialisation Market Entry Table 52: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Authentication and identification - Safety & Security (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 79 6.2.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Devices identified for developers Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses Metamaterials Security marks / labels Optical antennas Optical antennas Nanotubes THz radiation sources Quantum dots Organic transitors Legend : Security marks / labes Photodetectors Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 53: Material categories related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Authentication and identification-Safety & Security 6.3 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Protective systems 6.3.1 Overview Definition given to Protective systems during the project was mainly oriented through the computer assisted vision and night-vision, cognitive systems. Photonic technologies take part of this subsector mainly through the expansion of the photodetectors features. However, this field has also close relationships with the ICT sector, especially Data transmission and Signal processing (please refer to the corresponding parts in this Roadmap). The knowledge transfer from other fields is thus very high, as well as the number of possible applications. The main problem here is the complexity of such systems involving multiple fields. Moreover, while the market seems to be ready to absorb the technology, the risk of non-acceptance by final users is high because the systems are non-natural ones. According to the experts involved in the project, there is a high potential for SMEs and developers in particuler in the field of night vision systems. The main challenges for them will be to improve the interoperability of systems, reduce their complexity (requiring multiple knowledge), as well as increase the degree of automatisation. There is still quite a few years before the devices identified in this project reach the market. Unfortunately, no devices were identified for SME developers at the moment. 80 6.1 Main challenges and opportunities for photonics in Public safety 6.1.1 Overview This subsector is particularly hard to handle because of the close relations it has with the other subsectors in Safety & Security. In a general definition, Public safety deals with the protection of public spaces and civilians. But for this reason, it involves technologies necessary for detection, inspection, identification and systems for protection. To simplify the problem, we have chosen to consider in this subsector only the applications related to pedestrian and driver protection as well as applications using light for illumination of public spaces and signage. The market attractiveness of Public Safety is increasing with the high amount of possible applications and the fact that citizens are less willing to consider risks as natural facts of life. For this reason, the civilian market begin to be more and more interesting. However, the lack of common strategy for safety at the European level could lead to a development of a large amount of niche markets restricted to only few of countries. Also, the low rate of knowledge transfer can be a risk, mainly due to the fact that most applications are coming from the defense area. End users in this market are mostly public authorities dealing with larger companies. However there are some opportunies for SME developers to provide their R&D know-how to these big firms. The main challenge is thus to maintain the costs low by developing devices which are easy to produce. Once again, the field of night vision e.g. for driver assistance offers quite a few opportunities of development for SMEs, mainly through new photodetectors. As well, lighting equipment (see ICT sector), particularly LEDs and OLEDs devices in the last stage of development are interesting for signage applications for pedestrian protection. 6.1.2 Most relevant devices and components identified The table below summarises all devices in the field of Puclic safety identified in the course of the project and which according to their development stage are relevant to SME-developers. It provides also information concerning the main novel or improved features the devices or components have and which can be useful to helping SMEs-developers to overcome their main challenges identified. The related application domains give final shape to the table. These have been provided by PhotonicRoadSME experts. 81 Novel / improved features helping to New photonic devices/components identified overcome identified challenges for SMEdevelopers in Public safety Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on ... Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Near infrared (NIR) emitter based on OLEDs LEDs and OLEDs for lighting and signage High brightness / High efficiency High resolution/Readable distances Optical antennas based on metamaterials Chemo-sensors based on fibres Light sources based on nanotubes (NT) OLEDs for lighting with improved efficiency Photodetectors based on organic transistors Photodetectors based on SOI Application domains concerned by the device from longer Pedestrian and driver protection High resolution/Readable from longer distances High brightness /high efficiency High resolution/Readable from longer distances Operation over a wide temperature spectrum High reliability Compactness Inexpensive mass production of white LEDs High brightness Flexibility and compact Colour-tuneable High sensitivity Easy and cheap fabrication by printing Compactness High reliability/stability High sensitivity Low power consumption Pedestrian and driver protection Pedestrian and driver protection Pedestrian and driver protection LEDs and OLEDs for lighting and signage LEDs and OLEDs for lighting and signage Pedestrian and driver protection Pedestrian and driver protection Table 54: Main technical challenges overcome by devices identified for SME- developers (left column) and related application domains (right column) in Public safety-Safety & Security 6.1.3 Level of development of identified devices for developers in Public safety The following table collates an overview on the level of development of devices and components identified for SMEs-developers related to Public safety. There are three main timeframes considered: short-term (2009-2011), middle-term (2012-2014) and long-term (2015-2024). Level of development – Public safety/ developer Short-term Timeline 2009 Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Near infrared (NIR) emitter based on OLEDs Optical antennas based on metamaterials Chemo-sensors based on fibres Light sources based on nanotubes (NT) OLEDs for lighting with improved efficiency Photodetectors based on 2010 Middle-term 2011 TI LP TI LP TI LP LP ID LP ID LP ID ID Long-term 2013 2014 ID I 2015 2016 2017 2018 I ME I ME I ME I ME I ID 2020 ME ID ID 2019 ME I LP TI LP 2012 ME I ME 82 2021 2022 2023 2024 organic transistors Photodetectors based on SOI Legend : LP Technology Invention ID I Laboratory Prototype ME Industrial Demonstrator Industrialisation Market Entry Table 55: Level of development of devices identified for developers in the subsector Public safety-Safety & Security 6.1.4 Fabrication technologies linked to these devices The table below links the identified devices and components to related fabrication technologies which already exist or are under development. As can be seen in the legend at the bottom of the table, the different colours help to distinguish between the different levels of development of both, fabrication technologies and devices / components (the absence of colour for a fabrication technology means that the information regarding its level of development was not available). Identified devices / components for SME-developers in Public safety Fabrication technologies linked Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) doctor blading technology for OLEDs Near infrared (NIR) emitter based on OLEDs inkjet printing technology for OLEDs Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Optical antennas based on metamaterials Focused ion beam lithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Laser ablation Chemo-sensors based on fibres Micro-machining by ultrashort laser impulses Carbon nanotube chemical vapor deposition (CNT-CVD) Light sources based on nanotubes (NT) Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) dip coating technology for OLEDs doctor blading technology for OLEDs OLEDs for lighting with improved efficiency inkjet printing technology for OLEDs screen printing technology for OLEDs Photodetectors based on organic transistors Not identified Direct laser writing Electron beam lithography Photodetectors based on SOI EUV photolithography Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) Legend : Technology Invention Industrial Demonstrator Laboratory Prototype 83 Industrialisation Market Entry Table 56: Fabrication technologies related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Public safety-Safety & Security (the colour of the cell represents the level of development, as explained in the legend below the table) 6.1.5 Materials linked to these devices The following table brings together the main materials relevant to the devices and components identified. Like in previous tables the different colours serve to identify the level of development of devices and components. Material category Devices identified for developers Magnifying hyperlenses / superlenses Metamaterials Optical antennas Frequency selective surfaces / optical filters Nanotubes Light sources SOI Photodetectors Fibres Chemo-sensors OLEDs Near infrared (NIR) emitter Organic transistors Legend : Photodetectors Technology Invention Laboratory Prototype Table 57: Material categories related to devices identified for SME- developers in the subsector Public safety-Safety & Security 84 7. References Scientific publications, articles and reports 1 2 Photonics21 ETP, “Strategic Research Agenda”, April 2006 3 Photonics21 ETP, Workgroup 1, Information and Communication 4 Photonics21 ETP, Second strategic research agenda in photonics: “Lighting the way ahead”, January 2010 Experts interviewed 1 Dr Andreas Ehrhardt, Photonics BW, Germany 2 Prof Dr Alfred Meixner, Nano-Optics Group, Universität Tübingen, Germany 3 Prof Dr Marian Marciniak, National Institute of Telecommunications, Poland 4 Prof Dr Przemyslaw Deren, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland 5 Prof Dr Witold Lojkowski, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland 6 Prof Dr Pentti Karioja, VTT Technical Research Center, Finland 7 Dr Tapio Niemi, VTT Technical Research Center, Finland 8 Dr Luis Martí, Nanophotonics Technology Center, Spain 9 Dr Guillermo Sánchez, Asociacion Industrial de Optica, Color e Imagen, Spain 10 Dr Sebastián Pantoja, DAS Photonics, Spain 11 Dr Cédric Louis, Nano-h, France 12 Dr Armin Lambrecht, Fraunhofer Institut für Physikalische Messtechnik (IPM), Germany 13 Dr Michal Leszczynski, TopGaN, Poland 14 José Antonio Ramos, Asociacion Industrial de Optica, Color e Imagen, Spain 15 Winfried Bentz, Bentz Consulting, Germany 16 Dr Laurent Haas, EyeNetics, France 17 Steffan Gold, Viaoptic, Germany 18 Dr Markku Känsäkoski, VTT Technical Research Center, Finland 19 Prof Dr Harald Giessen, Department of Physics, Universität Stuttgart, Germany 20 Dr Antoine Kevorkian, Teem Photonics, France 21 Prof Dr Costas Soukoulis, Physics Department, Iowa State University, USA 22 Prof Dr Ekaterina Shamonina, Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies, Universtiät ErlangenNürnberg, Germany 23 Dr Oskar Painter, Department of Applied Physics, California Institute of Technology, USA 24 Dr Anders Kristensen, Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark 25 Prof Dr Manfred Bayer, Department of Experimental Physics IIa, Universität Dortmund, Germany 26 Prof Dr Jørn M. Hvam, DTU Fotonik, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark 27 Prof Dr Arafy Aly, University of Zaragoza, Spain 28 Dr Georg von Freymann, Institute of Nanotechnology, KIT, Germany 29 Prof Dr Martin Kristensen, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus Universiteit, Denmark 30 Prof Dr Peter Vukusic, School of Physics, University of Exeter, United Kingdom 31 Prof Dr Volker Sick, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, USA 32 Prof Dr Paul French, Department of Physics, Imperial College London, United Kingdom 33 Prof Dr Alexei Semenov, Deutsches Luft- und Raumfahrtzentrum, Germany 34 Prof Dr Susanna Orlic, Institute of Optics, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany 85 35 Dr habil H.-J. Eisler, Lichttechnisches Institut (LTI), KIT, Germany 36 Prof Dr Alicia Larena, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain 37 Prof Dr Ulrich Fischer-Hirchert, University of Hartz and CEO of HarzOptics GmbH, Germany 86 8. Imprint This Technology Roadmap was made in connection with the European project “Development of Advanced Technology Roadmaps in Photonics and Industrial Adaptation to SMEs” (“PhotonicRoadSME”). The project was funded by the European Community under the “Seventh Framework” Programme (Grant Agreement No 224572). Authors: Laurent Volle, Chambre Régionale de Commerce et d’Industrie de Bourgogne, France Dr. Anthony Salingre, Eduardo Herrmann, Dr. Jonathan Loeffler Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, Germany The following persons have contributed to this report as partners in the project: Dirk Kalinowski (OptecNet e. V. Deutschland, Germany) David Vitale, Sylvain Gras, Dr. Serge Valette, Marc Derien (Association pôle Optique Rhône-Alpes, France) Isabel Ferrando Garrido, Paula Subirats, Elena Boronat (Asociacion Industrial de Optica, Color e Imagen, Spain) Jouko Strand, Ari Alatossava (Micropolis Ltd., Finland) Swen König (Universität Karlsruhe - Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics, Germany) Prof. Dr. Witold Lojkowski (High Pressure Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) Prof. Dr. Eusebio Bernabeu, Dr. José-Maria Rico Garcia (Universidad de Complutense de Madrid, Spain) Contact of project co-ordinator: Dr. Jonathan Loeffler e-mail: Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum Erbprinzenstraße 4-12, 76133 Karlsruhe Germany The authors are responsible for the content. All rights reserved except those agreed by contract. No part of this publication may be translated or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the authors Version: October 2010 87 88