Using Google Earth to evaluate GCOS weather station sites
Using Google Earth to evaluate GCOS weather station sites
Weather – January 2009, Vol. 64, No. 1 Using Google Earth to evaluate GCOS weather station sites 4 Ian Strangeways TerraData, Wallingford, Oxfordshire The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) was set up in 1992, co-sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the International Council for Science (ICSU) with the aim of improving climate measurements. This was not a new network of modern, high-precision, automatic instruments but a selection from amongst the best of the long-established existing network of manual stations, administered mostly by the world’s National Meteorological Services (NMSs). These stations use the traditional instruments that have been in operation for all of the twentieth century, and earlier, and which are still widely used today (Strangeways, 2003). In addition to instrument networks measuring land-surface conditions, GCOS also includes networks measuring marine-air and sea-surface temperature along with salinity and barometric pressure from across the oceans, subsurface ocean conditions using the Argo floats, the radiosonde upper air network as well as outflow measurements of the world’s major rivers and the surface radiation network. GCOS also concerns itself with satellite measurements. In this article I look at land surface meteorological stations, in particular as regards their temperature measurements. The GCOS land-surface network is made up of stations drawn from four sources (Peterson et al., 1997): the Global Historical Climatology Network (7283 stations); the Climatic Research Unit’s dataset (2525 stations); WMO 1961–1990 ‘Normals Stations’ (stations that produce means for that 30year period) (3342 stations); and the list of Reference Climatological Stations (RCS) – specially selected, high-quality stations with a long history of observations (2283 stations). According to WMO recommendations, each member country should operate at least one RCS. Stations from these four sources, totalling 15 433, were sifted, to avoid duplication, and then ranked according to length of record; data quality (homogeneity); whether the station was an RCS; whether the station reported in real time over the GTS; the size of the surrounding population – to minimize urban heat island (UHI) effects; good prospects of the site continuing to operate into the future; and the probability of the site remaining substantially unchanged over time. Having rated the stations according to these criteria, they were further selected depending on their geographical position and how this affected the calculation of gridded means. The final selection is made up of just over 1000 stations (WMO 1, WMO 2). The aim of GCOS was first to identify existing networks of stations suitable for generating datasets and secondly to improve and upgrade these stations to meet the more demanding requirements of climatemonitoring – requirements which are more rigorous than those traditionally required for simple meteorology and weather forecasting. For the task of climate monitoring, WMO compiled a list of ten GCOS principles (WMO 3). This does not necessarily mean that the stations are now all to the new standard and meeting the required principles; it is up to the individual countries whether they wish to, can afford to, or are able to modify existing stations and procedures to meet the new standards. Nevertheless, these stations provide a substantial part of the data used for the production of global climate datasets and the more that can be done, therefore, to enhance them for the future, the better. This article will show how Google Earth can be used as such an aid. Google Earth Google Earth allows users to look at any point on Earth in considerable detail; anyone with a PC can download the software and access the images free of charge (Google). The PC must have certain minimum requirements and a broadband internet connection is advisable for speed, but most users will have an adequate set-up. The system uses images collected from satellites and aircraft joined together seamlessly. It has endless uses from simply looking at one’s own house, to its regular use in TV news reports. Here, its use for looking at GCOS weather stations sites on land is explored. Using Google Earth to evaluate GCOS sites The advantage of being able to look closely at any of the 1000+ GCOS land stations is that much can be gleaned about the reliability, quality and representativeness of the sites simply by looking at them in this way. It is almost as good as flying over them in a helicopter. While a snapshot picture of a station as it is today (or as it was recently – Google Earth images are not real-time) will tell us little about its long-term history, there will be many clues regarding its present state as well as hints about its past, such as the presence of trees around the site, which can be assumed to have grown with time. How much the site is embedded in a town, city or airport, and its exact whereabouts within them, are all valuable pieces of additional information to anyone using the data from the sites for climate research, particularly in allowing for any biases that may have been introduced by the site itself, and which could change slowly over time as the sites changed, introducing a false trend. The recent availability of Google Earth enables, for the first time, useful detective work of this kind to be done, and to be done at no cost other than the time taken. Such details are lacking in the WMO GCOS list of stations and most researchers have so far been working largely in the dark about the physical nature of the sites and their surroundings. But there is a problem. The positions of the GCOS sites are only specified in the WMO literature to one minute-of-arc resolution. This resolution locates stations to within about a km of their actual position. While this is generally adequate for identifying which grid box to place them in when calculating areal means, it is not precise enough to enable the exact location of the site to be seen, just the general surrounding area. To see the site itself, to within a few metres, the locations need to be specified to the nearest secondof-arc (or to the fourth decimal place if given in decimal degrees). However, the UK Met Office has kindly provided me with the National Grid References of the six UK GCOS stations and these are to higher resolution than the WMO coordinates, enabling the actual met. enclosures The six UK GCOS weather station sites. WMO Latitude Longitude Elevation Index Place name Degrees minutes seconds Degrees minutes seconds (m) Figure 3005 Lerwick 3026 3162 60 8 21.57082 N 1 11 10.45602 W Stornoway 58 12 51.56459 N Eskdalemuir 55 18 41.45749 N 3302 Valley 53 15 3377 Waddington 53 10 32.40429 N 0 31 23.67795 W 69 5 3808 Camborne 50 13 5 19 40.17160 W 84 6 7.84727 N 3.68642 N 78 2 6 19 10.48552 W 6 3 3 12 24.47368 W 217 4 32 15.52381 W 6 4 A wide view of the six stations The Google Earth view of the UK from around 1500 km altitude (Figure 1) takes in all six stations. An obvious feature is how the sites are dominated by the sea, Eskdalemuir and Waddington being the only inland sites. Nor are the Midlands or the south-east of England represented, although these regions are represented in the (unconnected) Central England Temperature record and in many other UK datasets; we are looking here just at GCOS sites. Weather – January 2009, Vol. 64, No. 1 to be located to within about 50 m or less. The six UK GCOS sites will, therefore, be used to illustrate the potential of Google Earth in evaluating the GCOS sites. It is important to remember that GCOS uses existing stations, generally National Weather Service stations (NWSs), which have at least a 30-year-long record. Such stations in the UK (and globally) were not installed for climate studies but for the immediate and practical purposes of weather forecasting and more recently for aviation. The six UK GCOS sites met these original requirements very well indeed, and still do, but this does not mean that they also necessarily suit GCOS requirements, which are somewhat different. The same will apply to most stations globally. Table 1 gives details of the UK sites. Evaluating weather stations with Google Earth Table 1 Lerwick Figure 1. This Google Earth view of the UK, from an altitude of about 1470 km, shows the location of all six GCOS sites. The strong influence of the sea is apparent. (© TerraMetrics 2008 http://www.; GeoPerspectives 2008; and GeoContent 2008.) The Lerwick site in the Shetland Islands (Figure 2) is clearly free from the influence of any town or airport and will represent the island’s weather and climate extremely well. The station will, however, be strongly influenced by its close proximity to the open North Atlantic, except when wind speeds are very low; a rarity in these latitudes and open exposures. Readings will often, therefore, be more representative of the temperature of the air over the surrounding seas (Marine Air Temperature – MAT) than that over the land. Stornoway Figure 2. The Lerwick site in the Shetland Islands. In common with the other UK sites, this figure shows a wide-angle, three-dimensional view and (inset) a close-up view looking vertically downwards at the location of the met. enclosure; in this case probably the small square enclosure to the bottom right. The location of the station is shown in the wide view by a black square. See text for discussions. (© TerraMetrics 2008; DigitalGlobe 2008.) The precise location of the Stornoway site is obscured by a small, thin cloud (Figure 3), but we know where it is to within a few metres and it is clear that the measurements will be dominated by the sea’s influence, even more so than at Lerwick, since it is almost on the beach. But being on the east side of the Isle of Lewis, the prevailing southwesterly winds will have travelled across the island before reaching the site and will have been modified during their transit, to an extent dependent on conditions. Temperature readings will, therefore, often be influenced by the sea. Being at an airfield, complications may result, depending on the exact positioning of the instruments amongst the buildings, concrete and 5 Evaluating weather stations with Google Earth Valley Weather – January 2009, Vol. 64, No. 1 Valley, on Anglesey (Figure 4), is one of those sites presented by Google Earth with less pixel resolution than usual, making it impossible to see the finer details of the site. However, sufficient can be seen to be certain that the site is within the airfield, and even where it is located amongst the runways. The fact that the site is again adjacent to the coast, and on this occasion on the west side of an island exposed to the prevailing wind, tells us that, except under rare calm conditions, measured temperatures will normally be closer to those that would be observed over the sea rather than the land. Waddington Figure 3. The Stornoway site on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. (©TerraMetrics 2008 http:// and DigitalGlobe 2008.) tarmac, which we cannot quite see in this image; but this will only occur in rare calm conditions and so will be minor. Eskdalemuir Being obscured by cloud, the site is not visible, making it impossible to judge the fine details of the site, such as the number and proximity of surrounding buildings and trees, which can turn a seemingly rural site into one with a semi-urban nature. In assessing a site, two main features are important – the close-up details that allow a judgement to be made about its microclimate (and whether this might be changing) and the wide-angle view that tells us about how well the site represents the area. The general location of the site, just into Scotland, represents a typical inland and upland region, but because it is not possible to see any local detail, no figure is included. This inland, lowland, site (Figure 5), is probably the most representative of the UK of all six GCOS stations. The clarity of the image is also one of the highest of the six sites, the Stevenson screen and other instruments being just about recognizable. The surrounding airfield may affect readings on calm days (and nights), the buildings and concrete affecting windspeed and temperature, but this will probably be minor since the open country is very close by. The reason that sites are at airports in amongst the buildings, or in towns, is because the old manual instruments, still in wide use at GCOS stations, need operators. Yet a word of caution is necessary here. A hurried, uncoordinated rush to change to automatic instruments would be a disaster for future measurements if it results in a host of different new designs being deployed globally. Great care is required in organizing any change to automatic weather stations (AWSs), not only as regards the need for an overlap period for comparison of new with old, but more importantly regarding the actual design of the AWSs. A further article will be prepared on the important matter of appropriate station designs for future climate monitoring. Camborne 6 Figure 4. The Valley site on Anglesey. (© TerraMetrics 2008 The site at Camborne (Figure 6) is clearly visible and is at a good location, being away from a town or airport, as at Lerwick. However, it is just a few kilometres from the west coast of Cornwall on this narrow stretch of land at the tip of England, exposed to the prevailing westerly winds; this coast is renowned for surfing. This will make the influence of the sea strong again, as at Lerwick, Stornoway and Valley. Operating land stations near to discontinuities, like the coast, makes their day-to-day measurements more sensitive to changes in wind direction than sites surrounded by more homogeneous landscapes, such as at Waddington and Eskdalemuir. On some days, the measurements will represent the sea; on others, the land. It might be a Other UK sites – Thurleigh Google Earth is, of course, applicable to all met. sites everywhere. An example of a non-GCOS site in the UK is at the Royal Aeronautical Establishment (RAE), Thurleigh, in Bedfordshire (previously an RAF and USAF airbase) (53° 13’ 36.9”N, 00° 27’ 55.68”W). This site is also the WMO synoptic station BEDFORD 03560. (Its location is given as 52° 13’N, 00° 29’W but, as with all WMO coordinates, it is only given to one minute-of-arc and in consequence locates the station 1.8 km Figure 6. The GCOS site near Camborne in Cornwall (not to be confused with Cambourne in Cambridgeshire). The met. enclosure is probably the square enclosure seen at the bottom left. (© GeoPerspectives 2008.) Weather – January 2009, Vol. 64, No. 1 useful refinement, therefore, to differentiate between the two states rather than to lump all the measurements together. Exactly where stations are, however, is less important than their stability over time, stability being vital for the detection of small, climate-induced changes over long periods. Where stations are sited, however, might influence how stable they have been. Temperature anomalies (changes relative to a 30-year reference period) are less affected, over a long period, by station location than by station and site changes. Evaluating weather stations with Google Earth Figure 5. The Waddington GCOS site in Lincolnshire. (© GeoPerspectives 2008.) away from its real location – see earlier about WMO’s limited resolutions.) This particular site has been chosen as a practical example of the use of Google Earth since it is relevant to the issue of changing local land-use. Decommissioned in 1994, the runways at Thurleigh are now used for the mass storage of new cars (Figure 7). The presence of around 10 000 cars will inevitably cause some change in temperature of the air as it passes around them and this will be reflected in the measured temperature at the met. site just 200 m away. The dark-coloured crops surrounding the site to the east and south will also warm the air passing over them more than a lighter surface would. The longer-term changes in land-use represented by the storage of cars, combined with the year-by-year short-term changes in crops, will combine and be reflected in the recorded temperature (pers. comm. Ledger and Cox, 2008). Most ‘rural’ areas in the UK are not stable ‘natural-rural’, but managed and fluid, and so are not immune to changes that can affect the local temperature. Google Earth brings to light details of local influences such as these in a way not previously possible. It is important to note, however, that while UHIs are a reality, what matters is not the temperature bias introduced by the town or airport but whether the bias changes over time, which can happen if the sites change slowly. Global sites A comparison between the accurate Met Office coordinates and those of the WMO’s at the six UK sites show that the average difference in fixing the locations is about 700 m, ranging from 340 to 1160 m. Assuming that this level of uncertainty is reflected around the globe, it means that even though it will not be possible to identify the actual met. enclosures when using the lower-resolution WMO coordinates (and thereby judge the microclimate they are operating in), the WMO locations are good enough to allow a judgement to be made of how representative the sites are of the surrounding country and whether they are associated with an airfield or town. There is not space here to investigate sites beyond the UK, but suffice to say that from a preliminary look there are a high proportion of airport locations worldwide, reflecting the situation in the UK. Very often towns are also associated with the stations, raising the possibility, if not the certainty, of a UHI trend. It is sometimes possible to locate sites more precisely if the name of the station in the WMO list is particularly descriptive, such as ‘Jakarta Observatory’ (GCOS site number 96745 at 06° 11’S, 106° 50’E). By keying in the name, instead of the coordinates, the actual observatory is displayed by Google Earth (Figure 8). (It should be noted that Google Earth allows town names, post 7 Weather – January 2009, Vol. 64, No. 1 Evaluating weather stations with Google Earth Conclusions Google Earth is an invaluable tool for climate research, allowing meteorological stations to be seen and assessed both in close-up (to evaluate a site’s current microclimate and local influencing factors) and in the wider view (to make a judgement about the site’s representativeness and the likelihood of it having changed over time). This gives those researchers assembling climate datasets the ability to look at most of the GCOS (and other) stations as if from a lowflying aircraft, and thereby make additional judgements about them. WMO is, therefore, urged to upgrade its station list to give all locations to the enhanced resolution used here. Today this is a simple task given the wide availability of GPS navigation systems, although whether it will be done is another matter. Figure 7. RAE Thurleigh, Bedfordshire. The met. site is shown in the lower left box (with a close-up inset). The lower-right image is a wide-angle view of the whole area. The top section shows the thousands of cars stored on the runways and the dark crops to the south. Inset is a section of the runway showing the cars in more detail. (© GeoPerspectives 2008. Aerial image published with kind permission from the GeoInformation Group. Cities Revealed aerial imagery © The GeoInformation Group, 1998–2008.) Acknowledgements I would like to thank John Prior and David Parker at the Met Office for their help in reviewing an early draft of this paper and for making many useful suggestions. Thanks are due also to the several organizations and companies holding copyrights on the images for their kind permission to use them without charge to illustrate the stations; detailed credits are given against each figure. The images are a key part of this article. References Figure 8. The Jakarta Observatory site, Java, Indonesia. (© DigitalGlobe 2008 and Europa Technologies 2008.) codes, sports centres and other forms of site-identification to be used to search for a site as well as latitude and longitude.) Such inner-city locations, as here in Jakarta, chosen no doubt many decades ago for simple meteorology, do not well suit the requirements of today’s climate studies because of the unrepresentative nature of large cities and because of the danger of temperature 8 biases slowly changing with time. The other two GCOS sites in Java (at Cilacap at 07° 44’S, 109° 01’E and Sangkapura at 05° 51’S, 112° 38’E) appear equally unrepresentative of the island. Whether they have remained stable over time is, however, of greater importance than their actual location; stations in or near cities, however, are more likely to have changed over time. Peterson T, Daan H, Jones PD. 1997. Initial selection of a GCOS surface network. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc. 78: 2145–2152. Strangeways IC. 2003. Measuring the natural environment (2nd edn). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. WMO 1 (Click on ‘list of GSN Stations’) [Accessed March 2008]. WMO 2 gcos/documents/GSN_Station_Map.pdf [Accessed March 2008]. WMO 3 prog/gcos/documents/GCOS_Climate_ Monitoring_Principles.pdf [Accessed March 2008]. Google userguide/v4/ [Accessed March 2008]. Correspondence to: Ian Strangeways, 7 Cherwell Close, Thames Street, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 0HF, UK Email: © Royal Meteorological Society, 2008 DOI: 10.1002/wea.334