Networks - Vladimir Batagelj
Networks - Vladimir Batagelj
$ ' Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks Vladimir Batagelj University of Ljubljana Photo: V. Batagelj, Araneus diadematus Applications of Social Network Analysis 2005 University of Zurich, Switzerland, 20/21 October 2005 & % version: October 20, 2005 / 17 : 12 V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 2 ' $ Outline 1 Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Large Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 Decompositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4 Cuts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 8 Citation weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 9 Cores and generalized cores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 10 k-rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 15 Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 23 Bipartite cores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 32 Directed 4-rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 37 Pattern searching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 40 See also . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 41 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 1 ' $ Networks A network N = (V, L, P, W) consists of: • a graph G = (V, L), where V is the set of vertices, A is the set of arcs, E is the set of edges, and L = E ∪ A is the set of links. n = card(V), m = card(L) • P vertex value functions / properties: p : V → A • W line value functions / weights: w : L → B In November 1996 we started the development of Pajek – a program, for analysis and visualization of large networks. The latest version of Pajek is freely available, for noncommercial use, at its home page: de Nooy, W., Mrvar, A. and Batagelj V.: Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek, CUP,2005. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 2 ' $ Large Networks Networks are used in social sciences from thirties (Moreno). Most networks collected till 1990 are small (some tens of vertices). Development of IT in nineties enabled collection of large networks – several thousands or millions of vertices. Large networks are usually sparse m << n2 . network ODLIS dictionary Citations SOM Molecula 1ATN Comput. geometry English words 2-8 Internet traceroutes Franklin genealogy World-Wide-Web Actors US patents SI internet size 61K 168K 74K 140K 520K 1.7M 12M 3.6M 3.9M 82M 38M n = |V | 2909 4470 5020 7343 52652 124651 203909 325729 392400 3774768 5547916 m = |L| 18419 12731 5128 11898 89038 207214 195650 1497135 1342595 16522438 62259968 source ODLIS online Garfield’s collection Brookhaven PDB BiBTEX bibliographies Knuth’s English words Internet Mapping Project gedcoms Notre Dame Networks Notre Dame Networks Nber Najdi Si Two main approaches: statistics and decompositions. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 3 ' $ Decompositions The main goals in the design of Pajek are: • to support abstraction by (recursive) decomposition of a large network into several smaller networks that can be treated further using more sophisticated methods; • to provide the user with some powerful visualization tools; • to implement a selection of efficient subquadratic algorithms for analysis of large networks. With Pajek we can: find clusters (components, neighbourhoods of ‘important’ vertices, cores, etc.) in a network, extract vertices that belong to the same clusters and show them separately, possibly with the parts of the context (detailed local view), shrink vertices in clusters and show relations among clusters (global view). ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 4 ' $ Cuts The standard approach to find interesting groups inside a network was based on properties/weights – they can be measured or computed from network structure (for example Kleinberg’s hubs and authorities). The vertex-cut of a network N = (V, L, p), p : V → IR, at selected level t is a subnetwork N(t) = (V 0 , L(V 0 ), p), determined by the set V 0 = {v ∈ V : p(v) ≥ t} and L(V 0 ) is the set of lines from L that have both endpoints in V 0 . The line-cut of a network N = (V, L, w), w : V → IR, at selected level t is a subnetwork N(t) = (V(L0 ), L0 , w), determined by the set L0 = {e ∈ L : w(e) ≥ t} and V(L0 ) is the set of all endpoints of the lines from L0 . ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 5 ' $ Vertex-cut: Krebs Internet Industries, core=6 Lucent CommerceOne UPS SAP CIBER Motorola Ariba Yahoo! EMC FoundryNetworks HP Peoplesoft Oracle EDS Sun IBM Siebel WebMethods divine E.piphany BMCSoftware Cisco Novell Intel ExodusComm KPNQwest AT&T Vignette CacheFlow Loudcloud Compaq RealNetworks RedHat Dell Akamai MSFT Inktomi AOL Pajek Each vertex represents a company that competes in the Internet industry, 1998 do 2001. n = 219, m = 631. red – content, blue – infrastructure, green – commerce. Two companies are linked with an edge if they have announced a joint venture, strategic alliance or other partnership. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ Pajek V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 6 ' $ Line-cut: Krebs Internet Industries, w3 ≥ 5 CIBER Motorola Ariba FoundryNetworks Oracle Sun IBM E.piphany HP Cisco Intel AT&T KPNQwest KPMG Compaq RealNetworks Dell Akamai MSFT Inktomi AOL TerraLycos FoundryNetworks RealNetworks KPMG TerraLycos AT&T AOL Pajek Compaq Inktomi Sun MSFT HP Dell Akamai IBM Cisco Intel KPNQwest Ariba Oracle Motorola CIBER E.piphany Pajek & ▲ ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 % ☛ ✖ Pajek V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 7 ' $ Simple analysis using cuts We look at the components of N(t). Their number and sizes depend on t. Usually there are many small components. Often we consider only components of size at least k and not exceeding K. The components of size smaller than k are discarded as ’noninteresting’; and the components of size larger than K are cut again at some higher level. The values of thresholds t, k and K are determined by inspecting the distribution of vertex/arc-values and the distribution of component sizes and considering additional knowledge on the nature of network or goals of analysis. We developed some new and efficiently computable properties/weights. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 8 ' $ Citation weights POGGIO-T-1975-V19-P201 KOHONEN-T-1976-V21-P85 KOHONEN-T-1976-V22-P159 ANDERSON-JA-1977-V84-P413 KOHONEN-T-1977-V2-P1065 PFAFFELHUBER-E-1975-V18-P217 COOPER-LN-1979-V33-P9 WOOD-CC-1978-V85-P582 AMARI-SI-1977-V26-P175 PALM-G-1980-V36-P19 BIENENSTOCK-EL-1982-V2-P32 SUTTON-RS-1981-V88-P135 HOPFIELD-JJ-1982-V79-P2554 ANDERSON-JA-1983-V13-P799 AMARI-S-1980-V42-P339 KOHONEN-T-1982-V43-P59 KNAPP-AG-1984-V10-P616 MCCLELLAND-JL-1985-V114-P159 CARPENTER-GA-1987-V37-P54 GROSSBERG-S-1987-V11-P23 GROSSBERG-S-1988-V1-P17 SEJNOWSKI-TJ-1988-V241-P1299 BROWN-TH-1988-V242-P724 HECHTNIELSEN-R-1987-V26-P1892 HECHTNIELSEN-R-1987-V26-P4979 HECHTNIELSEN-R-1988-V1-P131 KOHONEN-T-1990-V78-P1464 BROWN-TH-1990-V13-P475 TREVES-A-1991-V2-P371 HASSELMO-ME-1994-V7-P13 HASSELMO-ME-1993-V16-P218 HASSELMO-ME-1994-V14-P3898 BARKAI-E-1994-V72-P659 HASSELMO-ME-1995-V67-P1 HASSELMO-ME-1995-V15-P5249 The citation network analysis started in 1964 with the paper of Garfield et al. In 1989 Hummon and Doreian proposed three indices – weights of arcs that are proportional to the number of different source-sink paths passing through the arc. We developed algorithms to efficiently compute these indices. Main subnetwork (arc cut at level 0.007) of the SOM (selforganizing maps) citation network (4470 vertices, 12731 arcs). See paper. GLUCK-MA-1997-V48-P481 ASHBY-FG-1999-V6-P363 Pajek ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 9 ' $ Cores and generalized cores E.Arkin J.Mitchell I.Tollis M.Bern A.Garg D.Eppstein L.Vismara G.diBattista R.Tamassia M.Goodrich G.Liotta D.Dobkin S.Suri J.O’Rourke J.Vitter J.Hershberger B.Chazelle R.Seidel B.Aronov L.Guibas H.Edelsbrunner M.Sharir F.Preparata J.Snoeyink P.Agarwal R.Pollack D.Halperin J.Pach P.Gupta M.Smid E.Welzl M.Overmars P.Bose M.vanKreveld J.Boissonnat O.Devillers J.Matousek C.Yap J.Majhi M.Yvinec M.deBerg O.Schwarzkopf R.Janardan J.Schwerdt G.Toussaint M.Teillaud J.Urrutia J.Czyzowicz C.Icking The notion of core was introduced by Seidman in 1983. Vertices belonging to a k-core have to be linked to at least k other vertices of the core. A very efficient algorithm exists for determining cores. The notion of core can be extended to other vertex functions and for several of them the corresponding cores can be efficiently determined. R.Klein Figure presents the pS -core at level 46 of the collaboration network (7343 vertices, 11898 edges, edge weight counts the number of common works) in the field of computational geometry. See paper. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 10 ' $ k-rings A k-ring is a simple closed chain of length k. Using k-rings we can define a weight of edges as ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ wk (e) = # of different k-rings containing the edge e ∈ E Since for a complete graph Kr , r ≥ k ≥ 3 we have wk (Kr ) = (r − 2)!/(r − k)!, the edges belonging to cliques have large weights. Therefore these weights can be used to identify the dense parts of a network. For example: all r-cliques of a network belong to r−2edge cut for the weight w3 . We can assign to a given graph a triangular network in which every line of the original graph gets as its weight the number of triangles that contain it. The triangular weights provide us, combined with islands, with a very efficient way to identify dense parts of a graph. & % Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ❙ ● ❙ ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 11 ' $ Triangular connectivity Related to triangular network is the notion of triangular connectivity that can be used to operationalize the notion of strong ties. These notions can be generalized to short cycle connectivity (see paper). ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 12 ' $ Edge-cut at level 16 of triangular network of Erdős collaboration graph WORMALD, NICHOLAS C. LASKAR, RENU C. SHELAH, SAHARON MCKAY, BRENDAN D. HEDETNIEMI, STEPHEN T. MAGIDOR, MENACHEM KLEITMAN, DANIEL J. CHUNG, FAN RONG K. GRAHAM, RONALD L. SAKS, MICHAEL E. LINIAL, NATHAN ARONOV, BORIS PACH, JANOS POLLACK, RICHARD M. HENNING, MICHAEL A. SPENCER, JOEL H. ALON, NOGA OELLERMANN, ORTRUD R. LOVASZ, LASZLO KOMLOS, JANOS GODDARD, WAYNE D. FRANKL, PETER FUREDI, ZOLTAN ALAVI, YOUSEF CHARTRAND, GARY HARARY, FRANK KUBICKI, GRZEGORZ SCHWENK, ALLEN JOHN TUZA, ZSOLT BABAI, LASZLO SZEMEREDI, ENDRE BOLLOBAS, BELA AJTAI, MIKLOS RODL, VOJTECH NESETRIL, JAROSLAV without Erdős, n = 6926, m = 11343 ROSA, ALEXANDER GYARFAS, ANDRAS SCHELP, RICHARD H. LEHEL, JENO STINSON, DOUGLAS ROBERT CHEN, GUANTAO MULLIN, RONALD C. FAUDREE, RALPH J. COLBOURN, CHARLES J. JACOBSON, MICHAEL S. PHELPS, KEVIN T. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 13 ' $ Directed 3-rings In directed networks there are two types of 3-rings: cyclic transitive The 3-rings weights were implemented in Pajek in May 2002. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 14 ' $ Edge-cut at level 11 of transitive network of ODLIS dictionary graph serial publication American Library Directory transaction log periodical suggestion box frequency review charge series issue library call number colophon Library Literature journal fixed location layout publishing printing American Library Association /ALA/ blanket order Books in Print /BIP/ vendor title page homepage entry International Standard Book Number /ISBN/ published price round table catalog bibliographic record dummy condition librarian edition fiction plate Oak Knoll imprint dust jacket abstract work book bibliography half-title editor title library binding table of contents /TOC/ invoice new book text parts of a book book size publisher binding cover front matter index copyright endpaper collation folio page ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ Pajek V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 15 ' $ Islands If we represent a given or computed value of vertices / lines as a height of vertices / lines and we immerse the network into a water up to selected level we get islands. Varying the level we get different islands. Islands are very general and efficient approach to determine the ’important’ subnetworks in a given network. We developed very efficient algorithms to determine the islands hierarchy and to list all the islands of selected sizes. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ See details. & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 16 ' $ Islands - Reuters terror news united_airlines plant flight train arabic-language power pilot manual contain bin_laden saudi-born uniform inhale scare firefighter dissident jet leader airport afghanistan police knife-wielding anthrax skin phone airliner officer support country hijack trace jonn help special terrorism war united_states embassy business wednesday deadly plane mighty force thursday pakistan official hijacker arab cell agent world commercial case necessary taliban fbi call man congressional newspaper chemical member rental suspect saudi service passenger boston organization weapon car herald pakistani twin week strike space plea specialist 110-story world_trade_ctr edmund pentagon air north cheyenne tower wyoming offutt news late new_york city florida action africa anti-american terror group responsibility mayor air_force pfc nebraska barksdale mayor_giuliani landmark team exchange american conference debris miss effort thousand rescue market center aid edward fire smoke people stock dept buildng financial toll worker plaugher large postal emergency chief district state & death Pajek ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 east headquarters morning tuesday south military terrorist apparent the_worst washington louisiana base act attack Using CRA S. Corman and K. Dooley produced the Reuters terror news network that is based on all stories released during 66 consecutive days by the news agency Reuters concerning the September 11 attack on the US. The vertices of a network are words (terms); there is an edge between two words iff they appear in the same text unit. The weight of an edge is its frequency. It has n = 13332 vertices and m = 243447 edges. ▲ nuclear ▲ american_airlines attendant ▲ airline % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 17 ' $ Islands – US patents As an example, let us look at Nber network of US Patents. It has 3774768 vertices and 16522438 arcs (1 loop). We computed SPC weights in it and determined all (2,90)-islands. The reduced network has 470137 vertices, 307472 arcs and for different k: C2 =187610, C5 =8859,C30 =101, C50 =30 islands. Rolex [1] 0 139793 [11] 190 125 [21] 17 16 [31] 12 3 [41] 1 3 [51] 2 3 [61] 0 0 [71] 0 0 [81] 2 0 29670 9288 3966 1827 997 578 362 250 104 71 47 37 36 33 21 23 8 7 13 10 10 5 5 5 7 3 3 3 2 6 6 2 4 1 5 2 1 1 1 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 7 ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 18 ' $ distribution Island Theme size size distribution ● 10000 ● ● ● ● ● freq ● ● ● ● 100 ● ● ● ● ● ●● ●● ●● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ●●● ●● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●● 1 ● ● ●● ● ● 2 5 10 20 ● ●● ●● ● ●● ● 50 100 size ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 19 ' $ Main path and main island of Patents 5855814 4456712 5683624 5555116 5543077 5124824 5171469 5283677 5122295 5016989 5374374 5016988 5308538 4957349 4877547 4820839 4832462 4797228 4752414 4721367 4704227 4657695 5171469 5122295 4770503 4795579 4877547 4709030 4719032 4695131 4710315 4713197 4659502 4621901 4797228 4630896 4710315 4583826 4510069 4558151 4550981 4659502 4526704 4502974 4514044 4480117 4472293 4472592 4455443 4419263 4422951 4550981 4460770 4526704 4472293 4422951 4415470 4400293 4386007 4330426 4357078 4386007 4349452 4368135 4293434 4290905 4340498 4340498 4387039 4387038 4361494 4302352 4302352 4195916 4229315 4149413 4229315 4202791 4261652 4149413 4198130 4082428 4154697 4113647 4013582 4029595 4130502 4032470 4083797 4082428 4118335 4011173 4077260 4017416 3975286 4011173 4000084 3960752 3954653 3872140 2544659 3675987 3947375 3960752 3876286 3881806 3731986 3795436 3891307 3697150 3636168 3767289 3666948 3322485 3773747 3796479 3795436 2682562 3691755 ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 20 ' $ Liquid crystal display Table 1: Patents on the liquid-crystal display patent 2544659 2682562 3322485 3636168 3666948 3675987 3691755 3697150 3731986 3767289 3773747 3795436 3796479 3872140 3876286 3881806 3891307 3947375 3954653 3960752 3975286 4000084 4011173 4013582 4017416 4029595 4032470 4077260 4082428 date author(s) and title Mar 13, 1951 Dreyer. Dichroic light-polarizing sheet and the like and the formation and use thereof Jun 29, 1954 Wender, et al. Reduction of aromatic carbinols May 30, 1967 Williams. Electro-optical elements utilazing an organic nematic compound Jan 18, 1972 Josephson. Preparation of polynuclear aromatic compounds May 30, 1972 Mechlowitz, et al. Liquid crystal termal imaging system having an undisturbed image on a disturbed background Jul 11, 1972 Rafuse. Liquid crystal compositions and devices Sep 19, 1972 Girard. Clock with digital display Oct 10, 1972 Wysochi. Electro-optic systems in which an electrophoreticlike or dipolar material is dispersed throughout a liquid crystal to reduce the turn-off time May 8, 1973 Fergason. Display devices utilizing liquid crystal light modulation Oct 23, 1973 Aviram, et al. Class of stable trans-stilbene compounds, some displaying nematic mesophases at or near room temperature and others in a range up to 100◦ C Nov 20, 1973 Steinstrasser. Substituted azoxy benzene compounds Mar 5, 1974 Boller, et al. Nematogenic material which exhibit the Kerr effect at isotropic temperatures Mar 12, 1974 Helfrich, et al. Electro-optical light-modulation cell utilizing a nematogenic material which exhibits the Kerr effect at isotropic temperatures Mar 18, 1975 Klanderman, et al. Liquid crystalline compositions and method Apr 8, 1975 Deutscher, et al. Use of nematic liquid crystalline substances May 6, 1975 Suzuki. Electro-optical display device Jun 24, 1975 Tsukamoto, et al. Phase control of the voltages applied to opposite electrodes for a cholesteric to nematic phase transition display Mar 30, 1976 Gray, et al. Liquid crystal materials and devices May 4, 1976 Yamazaki. Liquid crystal composition having high dielectric anisotropy and display device incorporating same Jun 1, 1976 Klanderman, et al. Liquid crystal compositions Aug 17, 1976 Oh. Low voltage actuated field effect liquid crystals compositions and method of synthesis Dec 28, 1976 Hsieh, et al. Liquid crystal mixtures for electro-optical display devices Mar 8, 1977 Steinstrasser. Modified nematic mixtures with positive dielectric anisotropy Mar 22, 1977 Gavrilovic. Liquid crystal compounds and electro-optic devices incorporating them Apr 12, 1977 Inukai, et al. P-cyanophenyl 4-alkyl-4’-biphenylcarboxylate, method for preparing same and liquid crystal compositions using same Jun 14, 1977 Ross, et al. Novel liquid crystal compounds and electro-optic devices incorporating them Jun 28, 1977 Bloom, et al. Electro-optic device Mar 7, 1978 Gray, et al. Optically active cyano-biphenyl compounds and liquid crystal materials containing them Apr 4, 1978 Hsu. Liquid crystal composition and method Table 2: Patents on the liquid-crystal display patent 4083797 4113647 4118335 4130502 4149413 Apr 11, Sep 12, Oct 3, Dec 19, Apr 17, date 1978 1978 1978 1978 1979 4154697 May 15, 1979 4195916 Apr 1, 1980 4198130 Apr 15, 1980 4202791 May 13, 1980 4229315 Oct 21, 1980 4261652 Apr 14, 1981 4290905 4293434 4302352 Sep 22, 1981 Oct 6, 1981 Nov 24, 1981 4330426 May 18, 1982 4340498 4349452 4357078 Jul 20, 1982 Sep 14, 1982 Nov 2, 1982 4361494 4368135 Nov 30, 1982 Jan 11, 1983 4386007 May 31, 1983 4387038 Jun 7, 1983 4387039 Jun 7, 1983 4400293 4415470 Aug 23, 1983 Nov 15, 1983 4419263 Dec 6, 1983 4422951 4455443 4456712 4460770 4472293 Dec Jun Jun Jul Sep 27, 19, 26, 17, 18, 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 4472592 4480117 4502974 Sep 18, 1984 Oct 30, 1984 Mar 5, 1985 4510069 Apr 9, 1985 author(s) and title Oh. Nematic liquid crystal compositions Coates, et al. Liquid crystalline materials Krause, et al. Liquid crystalline materials of reduced viscosity Eidenschink, et al. Liquid crystalline cyclohexane derivatives Gray, et al. Optically active liquid crystal mixtures and liquid crystal devices containing them Eidenschink, et al. Liquid crystalline hexahydroterphenyl derivatives Coates, et al. Liquid crystal compounds Boller, et al. Liquid crystal mixtures Sato, et al. Nematic liquid crystalline materials Krause, et al. Liquid crystalline cyclohexane derivatives Gray, et al. Liquid crystal compounds and materials and devices containing them Kanbe. Ester compound Deutscher, et al. Liquid crystal compounds Eidenschink, et al. Fluorophenylcyclohexanes, the preparation thereof and their use as components of liquid crystal dielectrics Eidenschink, et al. Cyclohexylbiphenyls, their preparation and use in dielectrics and electrooptical display elements Sugimori. Halogenated ester derivatives Osman, et al. Cyclohexylcyclohexanoates Carr, et al. Liquid crystal compounds containing an alicyclic ring and exhibiting a low dielectric anisotropy and liquid crystal materials and devices incorporating such compounds Osman, et al. Anisotropic cyclohexyl cyclohexylmethyl ethers Osman. Anisotropic compounds with negative or positive DC-anisotropy and low optical anisotropy Krause, et al. Liquid crystalline naphthalene derivatives Fukui, et al. 4-(Trans-4’-alkylcyclohexyl) benzoic acid 4’”-cyano-4”-biphenylyl esters Sugimori, et al. Trans-4-(trans-4’-alkylcyclohexyl)-cyclohexane carboxylic acid 4’”-cyanobiphenyl ester Romer, et al. Liquid crystalline cyclohexylphenyl derivatives Eidenschink, et al. Liquid crystalline fluorine-containing cyclohexylbiphenyls and dielectrics and electro-optical display elements based thereon Praefcke, et al. Liquid crystalline cyclohexylcarbonitrile derivatives Sugimori, et al. Liquid crystal benzene derivatives Takatsu, et al. Nematic halogen Compound Christie, et al. Bismaleimide triazine composition Petrzilka, et al. Liquid crystal mixture Sugimori, et al. High temperature liquid crystal substances of four rings and liquid crystal compositions containing the same Takatsu, et al. Nematic liquid crystalline compounds Takatsu, et al. Nematic liquid crystalline compounds Sugimori, et al. High temperature liquid-crystalline ester compounds Eidenschink, et al. Cyclohexane derivatives Table 3: Patents on the liquid-crystal display patent 4514044 4526704 4550981 4558151 4583826 4621901 4630896 4657695 4659502 4695131 4704227 4709030 4710315 4713197 4719032 4721367 4752414 4770503 4795579 4797228 4820839 4832462 4877547 4957349 5016988 5016989 5122295 5124824 5171469 5283677 5308538 5374374 5543077 5555116 5683624 5855814 date author(s) and title Apr 30, 1985 Gunjima, et al. 1-(Trans-4-alkylcyclohexyl)-2-(trans-4’-(p-sub stituted phenyl) cyclohexyl)ethane and liquid crystal mixture Jul 2, 1985 Petrzilka, et al. Multiring liquid crystal esters Nov 5, 1985 Petrzilka, et al. Liquid crystalline esters and mixtures Dec 10, 1985 Takatsu, et al. Nematic liquid crystalline compounds Apr 22, 1986 Petrzilka, et al. Phenylethanes Nov 11, 1986 Petrzilka, et al. Novel liquid crystal mixtures Dec 23, 1986 Petrzilka, et al. Benzonitriles Apr 14, 1987 Saito, et al. Substituted pyridazines Apr 21, 1987 Fearon, et al. Ethane derivatives Sep 22, 1987 Balkwill, et al. Disubstituted ethanes and their use in liquid crystal materials and devices Nov 3, 1987 Krause, et al. Liquid crystal compounds Nov 24, 1987 Petrzilka, et al. Novel liquid crystal mixtures Dec 1, 1987 Schad, et al. Anisotropic compounds and liquid crystal mixtures therewith Dec 15, 1987 Eidenschink, et al. Nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds Jan 12, 1988 Wachtler, et al. Cyclohexane derivatives Jan 26, 1988 Yoshinaga, et al. Liquid crystal device Jun 21, 1988 Eidenschink, et al. Nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds Sep 13, 1988 Buchecker, et al. Liquid crystalline compounds Jan 3, 1989 Vauchier, et al. 2,2’-difluoro-4-alkoxy-4’-hydroxydiphenyls and their derivatives, their production process and their use in liquid crystal display devices Jan 10, 1989 Goto, et al. Cyclohexane derivative and liquid crystal composition containing same Apr 11, 1989 Krause, et al. Nitrogen-containing heterocyclic esters May 23, 1989 Clark, et al. Liquid crystal devices Oct 31, 1989 Weber, et al. Liquid crystal display element Sep 18, 1990 Clerc, et al. Active matrix screen for the color display of television pictures, control system and process for producing said screen May 21, 1991 Iimura. Liquid crystal display device with a birefringent compensator May 21, 1991 Okada. Liquid crystal element with improved contrast and brightness Jun 16, 1992 Weber, et al. Matrix liquid crystal display Jun 23, 1992 Kozaki, et al. Liquid crystal display device comprising a retardation compensation layer having a maximum principal refractive index in the thickness direction Dec 15, 1992 Hittich, et al. Liquid-crystal matrix display Feb 1, 1994 Sagawa, et al. Liquid crystal display with ground regions between terminal groups May 3, 1994 Weber, et al. Supertwist liquid-crystal display Dec 20, 1994 Weber, et al. Supertwist liquid-crystal display Aug 6, 1996 Rieger, et al. Nematic liquid-crystal composition Sep 10, 1996 Ishikawa, et al. Liquid crystal display having adjacent electrode terminals set equal in length Nov 4, 1997 Sekiguchi, et al. Liquid crystal composition Jan 5, 1999 Matsui, et al. Liquid crystal compositions and liquid crystal display elements ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 21 ' $ Islands – The Edinburgh Associative Thesaurus n = 23219, m = 325624, transitivity weight HAPPEN JUST NOTWITHSTANDING PAYMENT YET MONIES AGAIN RECEIPT STOLE PAID UNPAID PAY ALREADY THRIFTY COINS MONEY INCREASE HAPPENED DEALER LOOT NOW NEVERTHELESS DEFICIT THRIFT OFTEN PROVIDE OFFER BUT WHY PROPERTY MORE MONEY BELIEVE REPAY NO PLEASE AS SOON THEREFORE ANYWAY NOT REFUSE PROBABLY MEANWHILE SOMETIME COULD POWERFUL INHUMAN LECTURER BOSS STUDYING CHAIRMAN RESPONSIBLE TEACHER ENGINEERING LEARNING ELEGANCE MAN PROFESSION TEACHING HAIRY SCHOOL EDUCATION MYSTERIOUS CHARM BELOVED HOMEWORK NICE WORK TRAINING LOVE ATTRACTIVE GIRL LECTURES DELIGHTFUL SCIENCE LESSONS STUDY SCIENTIFIC FLIRT MATHS KINDNESS ADORABLE RESEARCH ACTIVITY BEAUTIFUL LOVELY SHAPELY ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 22 ' $ Internet Movie Database 12th Annual Graph Drawing Contest, 2005. The IMDB network is bipartite (2-mode) and has 1324748 = 428440 + 896308 vertices and 3792390 arcs. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 23 ' $ Bipartite cores The subset of vertices C ⊆ V is a (p, q)-core in a bipartite (2-mode) network N = (V1 , V2 ; L), V = V1 ∪ V2 iff a. in the induced subnetwork K = (C1 , C2 ; L(C)), C1 = C ∩ V1 , C2 = C ∩ V2 it holds ∀v ∈ C1 : degK (v) ≥ p and ∀v ∈ C2 : degK (v) ≥ q ; b. C is the maximal subset of V satisfying condition a. Properties of bipartite cores: • C(0, 0) = V • K(p, q) is not always connected • (p1 ≤ p2 ) ∧ (q1 ≤ q2 ) ⇒ C(p1 , q1 ) ⊆ C(p2 , q2 ) • C = {C(p, q) : p, q ∈ IN}. If all nonempty elements of C are different it is a lattice. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 24 ' $ Algorithm for bipartite cores To determine a (p, q)-core the procedure similar to the ordinary core procedure can be used: repeat remove from the first set all vertices of degree less than p, and from the second set all vertices of degree less than q until no vertex was deleted It can be implemented to run in O(m) time. Interesting (p, q)-cores? Table of cores’ characteristics n1 = |C1 (p, q)|, n2 = |C2 (p, q)| and k – number of components in K(p, q): • n1 + n2 ≤ selected threshold • big jumps from C(p − 1, q) and C(p, q − 1) to C(p, q). ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 25 ' $ Table (p, q : n1 , n2 ) for Internet Movie Database 1 1590: 1590 1 | 22 24: 1854 1153 | 43 14: 29 83 2 516: 788 3 | 23 23: 47 56 | 44 14: 29 83 3 212: 1705 18 | 24 23: 34 39 | 45 13: 30 95 4 151: 4330 154 | 25 22: 42 53 | 46 13: 29 94 5 131: 4282 209 | 26 22: 31 38 | 47 12: 29 101 6 115: 3635 223 | 27 22: 31 38 | 48 12: 28 100 7 101: 3224 244 | 28 20: 36 53 | 49 12: 26 95 8 88: 2860 263 | 29 20: 35 52 | 50 11: 27 111 9 77: 3467 393 | 30 19: 35 59 | 51 11: 26 110 10 69: 3150 428 | 31 19: 35 59 | 52 11: 16 79 11 63: 2442 382 | 32 19: 34 57 | 53 10: 35 162 12 56: 2479 454 | 33 18: 34 62 | 54 10: 35 162 13 50: 3330 716 | 34 18: 34 62 | 55 10: 34 162 14 46: 2460 596 | 35 18: 33 61 | 56 10: 34 162 15 42: 2663 739 | 36 17: 33 65 | 57 9: 35 187 16 39: 2173 678 | 37 16: 33 75 | 58 9: 33 180 17 35: 2791 995 | 38 16: 30 73 | 59 9: 33 180 18 32: 2684 1080 | 39 16: 29 70 | 60 9: 32 178 19 30: 2395 1063 | 40 15: 29 77 | 61 9: 31 177 20 28: 2216 1087 | 41 15: 28 76 | 62 9: 31 177 21 26: 1988 1087 | 42 15: 28 76 | 63 8: 31 202 ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 26 ' $ (247,2)-core and (27,22)-core Survivor Series Royal Rumble Zhukov, Boris (I) Wright, Charles (II) Wilson, Al (III) Wight, Paul Wickens, Brian White, Leon Warrior Warrington, Chaz Ware, David (II) Waltman, Sean Walker, P.J. von Erich, Kerry Vaziri, Kazrow Van Dam, Rob Valentine, Greg Vailahi, Sione Tunney, Jack Traylor, Raymond Tenta, John Taylor, Terry (IV) Taylor, Scott (IX) Tanaka, Pat Tajiri, Yoshihiro Szopinski, Terry Storm, Lance Steiner, Scott Steiner, Rick (I) Solis, Mercid Snow, Al Smith, Davey Boy Slaughter, Sgt. Simmons, Ron (I) Shinzaki, Kensuke Shamrock, Ken Senerca, Pete Scaggs, Charles Savage, Randy Saturn, Perry Sags, Jerry Ruth, Glen Runnels, Dustin Rude, Rick Rougeau, Raymond Rougeau Jr., Jacques Rotunda, Mike Ross, Jim (III) Rock, The Roberts, Jake (II) Rivera, Juan (II) Rhodes, Dusty (I) Reso, Jason Reiher, Jim Reed, Bruce (II) Race, Harley Prichard, Tom Powers, Jim (IV) Poffo, Lanny Plotcheck, Michael Piper, Roddy Pfohl, Lawrence Pettengill, Todd Peruzovic, Josip Palumbo, Chuck (I) Page, Dallas Ottman, Fred Orton, Randy Okerlund, Gene Nowinski, Chris Norris, Tony (I) Nord, John Neidhart, Jim Nash, Kevin (I) Muraco, Don Morris, Jim (VII) Morley, Sean Morgan, Matt (III) Mooney, Sean (I) Moody, William (I) Miller, Butch Mero, Marc McMahon, Vince McMahon, Shane Matthews, Darren (II) Martin, Andrew (II) Martel, Rick Marella, Robert Marella, Joseph A. Manna, Michael Lothario, Jose Long, Teddy LoMonaco, Mark Lockwood, Michael Levy, Scott (III) Levesque, Paul Michael Lesnar, Brock Leslie, Ed Leinhardt, Rodney Layfield, John Lawler, Jerry Lawler, Brian (II) Laurinaitis, Joe Laughlin, Tom (IV) Lauer, David (II) Knobs, Brian Knight, Dennis (II) Killings, Ron Kelly, Kevin (VIII) Keirn, Steve Jones, Michael (XVI) Johnson, Ken (X) Jericho, Chris Jarrett, Jeff (I) Jannetty, Marty James, Brian (II) Jacobs, Glen Jackson, Tiger Hyson, Matt Hughes, Devon Huffman, Booker Howard, Robert William Howard, Jamie Houston, Sam Horowitz, Barry Horn, Bobby Hollie, Dan Hogan, Hulk Hickenbottom, Michael Heyman, Paul Hernandez, Ray Henry, Mark (I) Hennig, Curt Helms, Shane Hegstrand, Michael Heenan, Bobby Hebner, Earl Hebner, Dave Heath, David (I) Hayes, Lord Alfred Hart, Stu Hart, Owen Hart, Jimmy (I) Hart, Bret Harris, Ron (IV) Harris, Don (VII) Harris, Brian (IX) Hardy, Matt Hardy, Jeff (I) Hall, Scott (I) Guttierrez, Oscar Gunn, Billy (II) Guerrero, Eddie Guerrero Jr., Chavo Gray, George (VI) Goldberg, Bill (I) Gill, Duane Gasparino, Peter Garea, Tony Funaki, Sho Fujiwara, Harry Frazier Jr., Nelson Foley, Mick Flair, Ric Finkel, Howard Fifita, Uliuli Fatu, Eddie Farris, Roy Eudy, Sid Enos, Mike (I) Eaton, Mark (II) Eadie, Bill Duggan, Jim (II) Douglas, Shane DiBiase, Ted DeMott, William Davis, Danny (III) Darsow, Barry Cornette, James E. Copeland, Adam (I) Constantino, Rico Connor, A.C. Cole, Michael (V) Coage, Allen Coachman, Jonathan Clemont, Pierre Clarke, Bryan Chavis, Chris Centopani, Paul Cena, John (I) Canterbury, Mark Candido, Chris Calaway, Mark Bundy, King Kong Buchanan, Barry (II) Brunzell, Jim Brisco, Gerald Bresciano, Adolph Bloom, Wayne Bloom, Matt (I) Blood, Richard Blanchard, Tully Blair, Brian (I) Blackman, Steve (I) Bischoff, Eric Bigelow, Scott ’Bam Bam’ Benoit, Chris (I) Batista, Dave Bass, Ron (II) Barnes, Roger (II) Backlund, Bob Austin, Steve (IV) Apollo, Phil Anoai, Solofatu Anoai, Sam Anoai, Rodney Anoai, Matt Anoai, Arthur Angle, Kurt AndrØ the Giant Anderson, Arn Albano, Lou Al-Kassi, Adnan Ahrndt, Jason Adams, Brian (VI) Young, Mae (I) Wright, Juanita Wilson, Torrie Vachon, Angelle Stratus, Trish Runnels, Terri Robin, Rockin’ Psaltis, Dawn Marie Moretti, Lisa Moore, Jacqueline (VI) Moore, Carlene (II) Mero, Rena McMichael, Debra McMahon, Stephanie Martin, Judy (II) Martel, Sherri Laurer, Joanie Keibler, Stacy Kai, Leilani Hulette, Elizabeth Guenard, Nidia Garca, LiliÆn Ellison, Lillian Dumas, Amy Taylor, Scott (IX) Van Dam, Rob Matthews, Darren (II) LoMonaco, Mark Hughes, Devon Huffman, Booker Heyman, Paul Hebner, Earl McMahon, Stephanie Keibler, Stacy Wight, Paul Simmons, Ron (I) Senerca, Pete Ross, Jim (III) Rock, The Reso, Jason McMahon, Vince McMahon, Shane Martin, Andrew (II) Levesque, Paul Michael Layfield, John Lawler, Jerry Jericho, Chris Jacobs, Glen Hardy, Matt Hardy, Jeff (I) Gunn, Billy (II) Guerrero, Eddie Copeland, Adam (I) Cole, Michael (V) Calaway, Mark Bloom, Matt (I) Benoit, Chris (I) Austin, Steve (IV) Anoai, Solofatu Angle, Kurt Stratus, Trish Dumas, Amy ’WWF Smackdown!’ ’WWE Velocity’ ’Sunday Night Heat’ ’Raw Is War’ WWF Vengeance WWF Unforgiven WWF Rebellion WWF No Way Out WWF No Mercy WWF Judgment Day WWF Insurrextion WWF Backlash WWE Wrestlemania XX WWE Wrestlemania X-8 WWE Vengeance WWE Unforgiven WWE SmackDown! Vs. Raw WWE No Way Out WWE No Mercy WWE Judgment Day WWE Armageddon Wrestlemania X-Seven Wrestlemania X-8 Wrestlemania 2000 Survivor Series Summerslam Royal Rumble No Way Out King of the Ring Invasion Fully Loaded ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 27 ' $ (2,516)-Hard core Hot Tight Asses 6 Hot Tight Asses 20 Hot Sweet Honey Hot Shots Hot Nights at the Blue Note Cafe Hot In the City Hospitality Sweet Hooter Heaven Honey Buns Hollywood Starlets Hollywood Exposed 2 Holly Does Hollywood Holiday for Angels Hindlick Maneuver, The Hienie’s Heroes Hidden Obsessions Hershe Highway 4 Herman’s Bed Heads and Tails Head Games Head Clinic Hawaii Vice Part III: Beyond the Badge Hawaii Vice 6 Hawaii Vice 5 Hawaii Vice 2 Harlequin Affair Hard to Handle Hard Rider Hard as a Rock Happy Endings Guilty by Seduction Greatest American Blonde Grand Opening Graduation from F.U. Gorgeous Good Girls Do Going Pro Goin’ Down Slow Goddess of Love Gluteus to the Maximus Glen or Glenda? Glamour Girl 5 Give Me Your Soul... Girls’ Club, The Girls Who Love to Suck Girls of the Double D 9 Girls of the Double D 13 Girls of the Double D 11 Girls of the A Team, The Girls of Paradise Girls of Cell Block F Girl with the Heart-Shaped Tattoo, The Ginger’s Private Party Ginger’s Greatest Boy/Girl Hits Ginger Then and Now Ginger Snacks Ginger On the Rocks Ginger Lynn: The Movie Ginger Lynn Non-Stop Ginger Lynn and Co. Ginger in Ecstasy Ginger Effect, The Ghost Town Gettin’ Ready Gang Bangs II Gang Bangs Gang Bang Wild Style 2 Gang Bang Nymphette Gang Bang Jizz Queens Gang Bang Jizz Jammers Gang Bang Girl 22 Gang Bang Girl 20 Gang Bang Girl 17 Gang Bang Girl 13 Gang Bang Girl 12 Gang Bang Face Bath 4 Gang Bang Face Bath 3 Gang Bang Face Bath 2 Gang Bang Face Bath Gang Bang Cummers Games Couples Play Future Voyeur Full Throttle Girls 1: Boredom Pulled the Trigger Full Nest Full Moon Fever Friends and Lovers: The Sequel Fresh Meat French Doll Forbidden Cravings Forbidden Bodies For Your Thighs Only For the Money 1 Fluffer, The Flesh Shopping Network Flashback First Annual XRCO Adult Film Awards Firm Offer Firefoxes Fire in the Hole Fine Art of Cunnilingus, The Film Buff Filet-o-Breast Femmes Ørotiques, Les Femme Vanessa, La Fast Girls Farmer’s Daughter 2 Fantasy Inc. Fame Is a Whore On Butt Row Eyewitness Nudes Extreme Sex 4: The Experiment Extreme Sex 2: The Dungeon Extreme Sex 1: The Club Exhibitionist, The Executive Suites Every Woman Has a Fantasy 3 Eternity Eternal Lust 2 Escort to Ecstasy Erotic Starlets 12: Crystal Lee Erotic Newcummers 4 Erotic Explosions 2 Entertainment L.A. Style Encore Enchantress Edge of Heat 2 Edge of Heat Ecstasy Easy Way, The Earth Girls Are Sleazy E. TV DØj Vu Dreams of Candace Hart Dreams in the Forbidden Zone Dream Machine, The Dream Lust Dragon Lady 4: Tales from the Bed 3, The Double Penetrations 7 Double Penetrations 6 Double Penetrations 2 Double Penetration 5 Double Penetration 4 Double Penetration 2 Double Penetration Dirty Prancing Dirty Pictures Dirty Movies Dirty Looks Dirty Dreams Dickman and Throbbin Diamond in the Rough Diamond Collection Double X 74 Diamond Collection Double X 10 Diamond Collection 79 Diamond Collection 67 Diamond Collection 64 Diamond Collection 61 Dial F for Fantasy Dial a Nurse Dial A for Anal Devil Made Her Do It, The Devil in Miss Jones 5: The Inferno, The Devil in Miss Jones 4: The Final Outrage Devil in Miss Jones 3: A New Beginning, The Desktop Dolls DeRenzy Tapes Delinquents On Butt Row Deeper, Harder, Faster Deep Throat Girls Deep Obsession Deep Inside Victoria Paris Deep Inside Vanessa del Rio Deep Inside Traci Deep Inside Shanna McCullough Deep Inside Samantha Strong Deep Inside Racquel Darrian Deep Inside P.J. Sparxx Deep Inside Nina Hartley Deep Inside Missy Deep Inside Kelly O’Dell Deep Inside Ginger Lynn Deep Inside Brittany O’Connell Deep Inside Barbii Deep Inside Ariana Deep In Angel’s Ass Deep Cover Deep Cheeks 3 Decadence Debutante, The Dear Bridgette Darker Side of Shayla, The Darker Side of Shayla 2, The Curse of the Catwoman Cumshot Revue 5 Cumshot Revue 3 Cumshot Revue 2 Cumming of Ass Cumback Pussy 9: Your Ass Is Mine! Cumback Pussy 8 Cumback Pussy 6 Cumback Pussy 4 Get Some Cum for Me Carol Cream of Cumback Pussy Crazed Covergirl Country Girl Coming on Strong Coming of Age Come Hither, Cum Ginger Club Head Club Ginger Club DV8 2 Cherry Cheeks Cheerleader Academy Cheeks 2: The Bitter End Cheek to Cheek 2: The Newest Cheeks on the Block Checkmate Charmed and Dangerous Chameleon, The Certifiably Anal Centerfolds Caught In the Middle Caught in the Act Caught From Behind 9 Caught From Behind 6 Caught From Behind 4 Caught From Behind 2: The Sequel Caught From Behind 10 Cat Alley Car Wash Angels Captain Butt’s Beach Canned Heat California Native Cajun Heat Butts of Steel Butties Butt Sisters, The Busted Burning Desire Burgundy Blues Bun for the Money Bun Busters British Are Coming, The Bringing Up the Rear Bride, The Breaking It Brazilian Connection, The Brat Force Bottoms Up! Series 8 Bottom Line, The Bottom Dweller Part Deux, The Bottom Dweller 5: In Search of... Booty Mistress Booty Ho 3 Boobs Butts and Bloopers 1 Boiling Point Boiling Desires Body of Innocence Body Music Bod Squad, The Blowin’ the Whistle Bloopers 2 Bloopers Blondes Who Blow Blondage Blame It On Ginger Black Valley Girls 2 Black Valley Girls Black Throat Black Stockings Billionaire Girls Club Bigger They Come Big Pink, The Big Melons 4 Big Melons 31 Big Melons 26 Big Mellons 25 Beyond Thunderbone Beyond Reality: Mischief in the Making Between the Cheeks 3 Between the Cheeks 2 Between the Cheeks Best Rears of Our Lives, The Best of the Vivid Girls #30 Best of the Dark Bros., Vol. 2, The Best of the Dark Bros., The Best of Talk Dirty, Vol. 1, The Best of Shane 1 Best of Loose Ends Best of Double Penetration Best of Diamond Collection 11 Best of Christy Canyon Best of Caught from Behind 2 Best of Caught from Behind Best of Amber Lynn Beefeaters Beaverly Hills Cop Beaver and Buttcheeks Beat Goes On, The Bazooka County 3 Battle of the Titans Battle of the Superstars Bare Market Bare Elegance Barbii Unleashed Barbara Dare’s Bad Ball Street Badgirls 2: Strip Search Bad Backroad to Paradise Backing in 3 Backfield in Motion Backdoor to Hollywood 11 Backdoor Summer II Backdoor Brides Part 2 Backdoor Brides Backdoor Bonanza 9 Backdoor Bonanza 13 Back to Nature Back Doors, The Bachelor Party Baby Face 2 Babe Watch Aussie Exchange Girls Asspiring Actresses Ass Openers 8 Ass Openers 6 Ass Openers 4 Ass Openers 3 Ass Openers 10 Ass Openers 1 Ass Lovers Special Ass Busters Inc. Ass Backwards Art of Desire Aroused Army Brat 2 Arizona Gold Anything Goes Another Rear View Animal in Me Angels of Mercy Angelica Angel Rising Angel Puss Analizer, The Anal Trashy Ass Anal Thunder 2 Anal Taboo Anal Sweetheart Anal Sluts and Sweethearts Anal Secrets Anal Riders 106 Anal Queen Anal Princess Anal Mystique Anal Lover Anal Justice Anal Innocence 2 Anal Inferno Anal Hounds and Bitches Anal Hellraiser 2 Anal Encounters 2 Anal Encounters 1 Anal Ecstasy Anal Delights 3 Anal Deep Rider Anal Crack Master Anal Climax 3 Anal Attitude Anal Anarchy Anal Adventures of Suzy Super Slut American Pie American Beauty Amber Lynn: The Totally Awesome Amazing Tails 5 Amazing Tails 4 Amazing Tails 3 Amazing Tails 2 Amazing Tails 1 All the Best, Barbara Alice in Hollyweird Al Terego’s Double Anal Alternatives Aja After Midnight Afro Erotica 15 Adventures of Tracy Dick: The Case of the Missing Stiff Adventures of Billy Blues, The Adult 45 Above the Knee A-List, The A Is for Asia 4F Dating Service 40 Something 1-800-934-Boob North, Peter (I) Wallice, Marc Byron, Tom Young Nurses In Lust Young Girls in Tight Jeans Young and Naughty Year of the Sex Dragon, The XTV 2 XTV 1 X-rated Bloopers and Outtakes X-rated Blondes X Dreams Wrapped Up WPINK-TV 3 Woman in Pink, The Within and Without You With Love from Susan With Love from Ginger Witching Hour, The Wire Desire Wings of Passion Willing Women Wild Women 61: Rachel Ryan Wild Women 32: Summer Rose Wild Women 11: Tanya Foxx Wild Weekend Wild in the Wilderness Wild Buck Wild Bananas On Butt Row Wild and Wicked 3 Wicked Whispers Wicked Ways #2 Wicked One Wicked As She Seems Whore, The Whore of the Worlds Whore House Who Killed Holly Hollywood? White Bunbusters Whispered Lies Where the Sun Never Shines What Gets Me Hot! Wet Dreams Reel Fantasies West Coast Girls We Love to Tease Way They Were, The Wacky World of X-Rated Bloopers Voyeur, The Voyeur’s Favorite Blowjobs and Anals 8, The Voodoo Lust: The Possession Visions of Desire Virgin Dreams Video Tramp Victoria and Company Vegas: Snake Eyes Vagina Town Up Your Ass 5 Up ’n Coming Unforgivable Unchain My Heart Unbelievable Orgies Turnabout True Legends of Adult Cinema: The Modern Video Era True Legends of Adult Cinema: The Erotic 80’s Trashy Lady Tracie Lords Toys 4 Us 2 Touch of Mischief Touch Me Torrid Without a Cause Top It Off Top 25 Adult Stars of All Time, The Too Good to Be True Tomboy To the Rear Tits Ahoy Tip of the Tongue Tight Squeeze Tight Ends in Motion Thrill Street Blues Three-way Lust Three by Three Those Lynn Girls This Is Your Sex Life Texas Crude Terms of Endowment Terminal Case of Love Temptation Eyes Teasers Tease, The Tawnee Be Good Taste of Victoria Paris Taste of Tawnee, A Taste of Ariel Tarnished Knight Talk Dirty to Me, Part III Talk Dirty to Me 9 Takin’ It to the Limit Take My Wife, Please! Take Me Tailspin 1 Tails of Perversity 3 Tails of Perversity 2 Tails of Perversity Tailiens 2 Tailiens Tailhouse Rock Tailgunners Swedish Erotica 74 Swedish Erotica 56 Swedish Erotica 54 Surfside Sex Superstars of Sex: Racquel Darrian Super Tramp Super Groupie Sunny After Dark Summer Break Sugarpussy Jeans Suburban Swingers 2 Street Walkers Strange Sex in Strange Places Stiff Competition 2 Stiff Competition Starting Over Starr Star, The Star Cuts 4: Ginger Lynn Star Cuts 39: Trinity Loren Star Cuts 37: Buffy Davis Star 85 Splendor in the Ass Splash Shots Spies Spermbusters Spellbound Spectacular Orgasms Sorority Pink 2: The Initiation Sophisticated Lady Sodomania: The Baddest of the Best Sodomania: Slop Shots 1 Sodomania 18 Sodomania 13 Snatched Smart Ass, The Smart Ass Returns, The Slumber Party Sloppy Seconds Slip of the Tongue Slip Into Ginger and Amber Slightly Used Sleeping with Everybody Slave to Love Sky Foxes Skin Games Sister Dearest Sindy Does Anal Again Simply Kia Simply Blue Shot From Behind Sheila’s Deep Desires Shayla’s Gang Shaved Pink Shane’s World Sexy Secrets N 1 Sexy and 18 Sexual Fantasies Sextectives Sexpertease Sex Toys Sex Stories Sex Sluts in the Slammer Sex Shoot Sex Plays Sex Maniacs Sex Fifth Avenue Sex Busters Sex Beat Sex Appraisals Sex Academy 2: The Art of Talking Dirty Sex 3: After Seven Sensual Exposure Seeing Red Seducers, The Secret of Her Suckcess Secret Life of Nina Hartley, The Secret Fantasies 4 Secret Fantasies 3 Screaming Rage Scarlet Woman, The Scarlet Bride, The Savanah Unleased Satyr Satin Seduction Sabotage Ruthless Affairs Royals: Ginger Lynn Roll-x Girls Rocky Porno Video Show, The Rising, The Rise of the Roman Empress 2 Ribald Tales of Canterbury Return to Sex 5th Avenue Reincarnation of Don Juan Red Vibe Diaries 2: Dark Desires Rear Ended Roommates Rear Busters Raunch V Raunch 6 Rapture Rambone the Destroyer Rainwoman 6 Rainwoman 4 Rainbird Radio-active Radio K-KUM Rachel Ryan RR Queen of Hearts 3 Pussypoppers Pussyman Takes Hollywood Pussyman 2: The Prize Pussyman Psychic, The Prom Girls Project: Ginger Private Teacher Private Affairs: Vol 6 Private Affairs: Vol 2 Pretty As You Feel Precious Peaks Pouring It On Possessions Portrait of Dorian Pornomania 1 Porn on the 4th of July Poonies, The Pleasure Seekers Pleasure Party Pleasure Hunt Part II Plaything 2 Plaything Playing with a Full Dick Play It Again... Samantha! Pink Pussycat, The Piece of Heaven Physical II Photo Flesh Perverted Passions Perverted 1 Perks Perfect Fit Peggy Sue Passionate Heiress Passionate Angels Passenger 69 Passages 2 Passages 1 Party Doll A Go-Go, Part 1 Party Doll A Go-Go 2 Party Doll Paradise Lost Paler Shade of Blue, A Overtime: Oral Hijinx Oval Office, The Outrageous Orgies 5 Outlaw, The Out of Love Orgies Oral Majority 9 Oral Majority 8 Oral Majority 7 Oral Majority 4 Oral Majority 3 Oral Majority 10 Oral Majority Open Up Traci Only the Very Best On Video Only the Best of the 80’s One Night Stand On the Loose On Golden Blonde Office Girls Obsession Nurse Nancy Nurse Fantasies Norma Jeane Anal Legend Nobody’s Looking No Tell Motel Nightbreed Night Temptress Night Tales Night Deposit New Wave Hookers 4 New Wave Hookers 2 New Wave Hookers Never Say Never Naughty Thoughts Naughty 90’s Nasty Nymphos 3 Nasty Lovers Naked Truth, The Naked Ambition Naked and Nasty Mystic Pieces Mystery of the Golden Lotus Muff ’n’ Jeff Motel Sex More Than Friends Moonstroked Model Wife Miscreants Mirage 2 Mirage Mind Shadows 2 Mind Shadows Midslumber’s Night Dream Midnight Pink Midnight Hour, The Megasex Matter of Size, A Masque Mark of Zara Marilyn Whips Wallstreet Manbait 2 Manbait Man Who Loves Women, The Make My Wife, Please Make My Night Make Me Want It Magic Shower, The Lust in the Fast Lane Lust College Lust Bug, The Lust at the Top Luscious Lucy in Love Lucky Break Lovin’ USA Lovers, The Love Lessons Love Ghost Love Bites Loose Morals Loose Ends III Loose Ends II Loose Ends Loads of Fun 4 Little Romance Like a Virgin Life and Loves of Nikki Charm Let’s Play Doctor Legend of Barbi-Q and Little Fawn, The Laying the Ghost Latin Lust Last Temptation, The Lascivious Ladies of Dr. Lipo, The Laid Off Lady in Red, The KSEX 106.9 Kiss, The Kiss My Asp Kinky Vision 2 Kinky Couples Kinky Keyhole Video #114: Christy Canyon Special Kascha and Friends Just Another Pretty Face Juicy Sex Scandals Juicy Lucy Jezebel Jaded Love It’s My Body Interactive Insatiable Inferno Indecent Itch Indecent Exposures Inches for Keisha In Search of the Golden Bone Immaculate Erection Images of Desire I Want It All I Touch Myself I Like to Be Watched I Dream of Christy Hunger, The House On Chasey Lane House of the Rising Sun House of Sleeping Beauties 2 House of Sleeping Beauties House of Blue Dreams Hottest Ticket Hothouse Rose Part 1 Hotel Sodom Hotel Paradise Hotel Fantasy Hot Wired Hot Tight Asses 9 Hot Tight Asses 8 ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 28 ' $ 4-rings and analysis of 2-mode networks In bipartite (2-mode) network there are no 3-rings. The densest substructures are complete bipartite subgraphs Kp,q . They contain many 4-rings. w4 (Kp,q ) = (p − 1)(q − 1) The 4-rings weights were implemented in Pajek only recently, in August 2005. Example: Bibliography from W. Imrich, S. Klavžar: Product graphs: structure and recognition, JohnWiley & Sons, New York, USA, 2000. (PDF), (net – 2-mode 674×314 network). ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 29 ' $ Example: 4-rings in a 2-mode network ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 30 ' $ Example: 1-edge cut for w4 ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 31 ' $ Example: labeled main part of 1-edge cut for w4 bamu-91 bamu-88 Skrekovski, R.Mulder, H.M. klsk-96 klmu-98 Klavzar, S. klmu-99 bamu-83 Bandelt, H.-J. bamu-94 dam-97 klgu-95 pish-83 klgu-97 Shawe-Taylor, J. mopi-81 Pisanski, T. mopi-88 Mohar, B. mopi-83 mopi-90 gukl-96 Gutman, I. match-97 haim-99 imkl-99b auha-91 imkl-93 Hagauer, J. Schaffer, A.A. imkl-98 fehe-85 imkl-97 fesc-86 imkl-92 Zerovnik, J. fesc-92 imkl-99 imze-94 J. Aurenhammer,Feigenbaum, F. imze-96 auha-90 White, A.T. doim-70 Dorfler, W. jhag-97 Agnihotri, N. Kumar, R. Jha, P.K. jhsl-92 jhsl-94 hezh-94 doim-72 jhsl-89 jhsl-93 jhag-96 mopi-85 Zhu, X. Imrich, W. Slutzki, G. Hell, P. Watkins, M.E. nowa-72a nowa-72b Nowitz, L.A. zh Zho hey Rival, I. nori-83 nori-88 nora-96 Nowakowski, R hara-91 ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ Ullman, J.D. Hopcroft, J.E. Alexe, G. Olaru, E. Aho, A.V. olal-98 ▲ alol-97 Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; Applicationsahho-87 of Social Network ▲ & ▲ Jacobson, M.S. jaki-83 Kinch, L.F. fija-85 Rall, D.F. brno-96 hara-97 Hartnell, B.L. hara-95 ▲ jaki-86 popu-81 Pultr, A. Poljak, S. poro-83 lone-80 poro-81 nepu-78 Rodl, V. nero-78 Nesetril, J. nero-85 20/21 October 2005 chgr-89 Graham, R.L. Chung, F. R.K. grpo-71 Saks, M.E. % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 32 ' $ Directed 4-rings There are 4 types of directed 4-rings: cyclic transitive genealogical diamond In the case of transitive rings Pajek provides a special weight counting on how many transitive rings the arc is a shortcut. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 33 ' $ Simple line islands in IMDB for w4 We obtained 12465 simple line islands on 56086 vertices. Here is their size distribution. Size Freq Size Freq Size Freq Size Freq -------------------------------------------------------2 5512 20 19 38 4 59 2 3 1978 21 18 39 3 61 1 4 1639 22 15 40 2 64 1 5 968 23 9 42 2 67 1 6 666 24 13 43 3 70 1 7 394 25 12 45 3 73 1 8 257 26 6 46 4 76 1 9 209 27 6 47 5 82 1 10 148 28 5 48 1 86 1 11 118 29 6 49 2 106 1 12 87 30 3 50 2 122 1 13 55 31 6 51 1 135 1 14 62 32 5 52 2 144 1 15 46 33 3 53 1 163 1 16 39 34 1 54 2 269 1 17 27 35 5 55 1 301 1 18 28 36 4 57 1 332 2 19 29 37 7 58 1 673 1 -------------------------------------------------------- ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 34 ' $ Example: Islands for w4 / Charlie Brown and Adult Morgan, Jonathan (I) Kesten, Brad Brando, Kevin Robbins, Peter (I) Shea, Christopher (I) Altieri, Ann Schoenberg, Jeremy Boy, T.T. Hauer, Brent Voyeur, Vince Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show Reilly, Earl ’Rocky’ Charlie Brown Celebration Ornstein, Geoffrey You Don’t Look 40, Charlie Brown He’s Your Dog, Charlie Brown Making of ’A Charlie Brown Christmas’ You’re In Love, Charlie Brown It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown Charlie Brown’s All Stars! Life Is a Circus, Charlie Brown Charlie Brown Christmas Dough, Jon Sanders, Alex (I) North, Peter (I) Michaels, Sean Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown Mendelson, Karen Stratford, Tracy Davis, Mark (V) Horner, Mike It’s Magic, Charlie Brown Dryer, Sally Melendez, Bill You’re a Good Sport, Charlie Brown Drake, Steve (I) It’s a Mystery, Charlie Brown Boy Named Charlie Brown It’s an Adventure, Charlie Brown Byron, Tom Silvera, Joey It’s Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown Play It Again, Charlie Brown Momberger, Hilary West, Randy (I) Is This Goodbye, Charlie Brown? Charlie Brown Thanksgiving There’s No Time for Love, Charlie Brown Jeremy, Ron You’re Not Elected, Charlie Brown Snoopy Come Home It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown Wallice, Marc Savage, Herschel Thomas, Paul (I) Shea, Stephen Pajek Pajek ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 35 ' $ Example: Island for w4 / Polizeiruf 110 and Starkes Team Maranow, Maja Starkes Team, Ein Starkes Team - Eins zu Eins, Ein ’Affre Semmeling, Die’ Starkes Team - Kollege Mrder, Ein Starkes Team - Sicherheitsstufe 1, Ein Martens, Florian Starkes Team - Erbarmungslos, Ein Starkes Team - Das Bombenspiel, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Ein Bild von einem Mrder Polizeiruf 110 - Kopf in der Schlinge Polizeiruf 110 - Zerstrte Trume Polizeiruf 110 - Angst um Tessa Blow Polizeiruf 110 - Rosentod Starkes Team - Blutsbande, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Doktorspiele Starkes Team - Tdliche Rache, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Jugendwahn Starkes Team - Der Mann, den ich hasse, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Heikalte Liebe Starkes Team - Kindertrume, Ein Starkes Team - Mrderisches Wiedersehen, Ein Lansink, Leonard Starkes Team - Auge um Auge, Ein Schwarz, Jaecki Starkes Team - Lug und Trug, Ein Starkes Team - Der letzte Kampf, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Todsicher Polizeiruf 110 - Der Spieler Polizeiruf 110 - Mordsfreunde Starkes Team - Kleine Fische, groe Fische, Ein Starkes Team - Roter Schnee, Ein Bademsoy, Tayfun Starkes Team - Der Verdacht, Ein Starkes Team - Der Todfeind, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Kurschatten Starkes Team - Mordlust, Ein Winkler, Ein Wolfgang Starkes Team - Das groe Schweigen, Polizeiruf 110 - Tote erben nicht Starkes Team - Der schne Tod, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Der Pferdemrder Starkes Team - Trume und Lgen, Ein Polizeiruf 110 - Henkersmahlzeit Starkes Team - Bankraub, Ein Starkes Team - Verraten und verkauft, Ein Starkes Team - Braunauge, Ein Starkes Team - Im Visier des Mrders, Ein Starkes Team - Die Natter, Ein Lerche, Arnfried Pajek ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 36 ' $ 5-rings In the future we intend to implement in Pajek also weights w5 . Again there are only 4 types of directed 5-rings. cyclic transitive ???? ???? ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 37 ' $ Pattern searching If a selected pattern determined by a given graph does not occur frequently in a sparse network the straightforward backtracking algorithm applied for pattern searching finds all appearences of the pattern very fast even in the case of very large networks. Pattern searching was successfully applied to searching for patterns of atoms in molecula (carbon rings) and searching for relinking marriages in genealogies. Michael/Zrieva/ Francischa/Georgio/ Damianus/Georgio/ Legnussa/Babalio/ Nicolinus/Gondola/ Franussa/Bona/ Marin/Gondola/ Magdalena/Grede/ Junius/Georgio/ Anucla/Zrieva/ Nicola/Ragnina/ Nicoleta/Zrieva/ Junius/Zrieva/ Margarita/Bona/ Sarachin/Bona/ Nicoletta/Gondola/ Marinus/Bona/ Phylippa/Mence/ Marinus/Zrieva/ Maria/Ragnina/ Lorenzo/Ragnina/ Slavussa/Mence/ Three connected relinking marriages in the genealogy (represented as a p-graph) of ragusan noble families. A solid arc indicates the is a son of relation, and a dotted arc indicates the is a daughter of relation. In all three patterns a brother and a sister from one family found their partners in the same other family. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 38 ' $ Relinking patterns in p-graphs A2 All possible relinking marriages in pgraphs with 2 to 6 vertices. Patterns are labeled as follows: A3 A4.1 B4 • first character – number of first vertices: A – single, B – two, C – three. A4.2 A5.2 A5.1 • second character: number of vertices in pattern (2, 3, 4, 5, or 6). B5 A6.3 A6.2 A6.1 C6 B6.4 B6.1 B6.2 B6.3 • last character: identifier (if the two first characters are identical). Patterns denoted by A are exactly the blood marriages. In every pattern the number of first vertices equals to the number of last vertices. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 39 ' $ Frequencies normalized with number of couples in p-graph × 1000. pattern A2 A3 A4.1 B4 A4.2 A5.1 A5.2 B5 A6.1 A6.2 A6.3 C6 B6.1 B6.2 B6.3 B6.4 Sum Loka 0.07 0.07 0.85 3.82 0.00 0.64 0.00 1.34 1.98 0.00 0.00 0.71 0.00 1.91 3.32 0.00 14.70 Silba 0.00 0.00 2.26 11.28 0.00 3.16 0.00 4.96 12.63 0.90 0.00 5.41 0.45 17.59 13.53 0.00 72.17 Ragusa 0.00 0.00 1.50 10.49 0.00 2.00 0.00 23.48 1.00 0.00 0.00 9.49 1.00 31.47 40.96 2.50 123.88 Turcs 0.00 0.00 159.71 98.28 0.00 36.86 0.00 46.68 169.53 0.00 0.00 36.86 0.00 130.22 113.02 7.37 798.53 Royal 0.00 2.64 18.45 6.15 0.00 11.42 0.00 7.03 11.42 0.88 0.00 4.39 0.00 10.54 11.42 0.00 84.36 Most of the relinking marriages happened in the genealogy of Turkish nomads; the second is Ragusa while in other genealogies they are much less frequent. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 40 ' $ See also In last year we introduced in Pajek also support for multi-relational networks that combined with temporal networks enable analysis of new kinds of networks – such as KEDS networks (Kansas Event Data System or Tabari). Another new option is the product of networks. It allows us, for example, to determine other kinship relations (sister, uncle, niece, . . . ) in genealogies. ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖ V. Batagelj: Analysis and Visualization of Large Networks 41 ' $ References 1. Batagelj, V. and Mrvar, A.(1996-): Pajek– program for analysis and visualization of large network, home page, data sets. 2. Batagelj, V. and Zaveršnik, M.(2002): Generalized Cores, arxiv cs.DS/0202039 3. Batagelj, V. and Zaveršnik, M.(2003): Short cycle connectivity. arxiv cs.DS/0308011 4. Mrvar, A. and Batagelj, V. (2004): Relinking Marriages in Genealogies. Metodološki zvezki - Advances in Methodology and Statistics, 1, Ljubljana: FDV, 407-418. 5. de Nooy, W., Mrvar, A. and Batagelj V. (2005): Exploratory Social Network Analysis with Pajek, CUP. Amazon. ESNA page. 6. J. P Scott: Social Network Analysis: A Handbook. SAGE Publications, 2000. Amazon. 7. S. Wasserman, K. Faust: Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications. CUP, 1994. Amazon. 8. White, D.R., Batagelj, V., and Mrvar, A. (1999): Analyzing Large Kinship and Marriage Networks with Pgraph and Pajek. Social Science Computer Review – SSCORE, 17, 245-274. 9. Zaveršnik, M. and Batagelj, V. (2004): Islands. Slides from Sunbelt XXIV, Portorož, Slovenia, 12.-16. May 2004, PDF ▲ ▲ ● ❙ ▲ ❙ ▲ ▲ Applications of Social Network Analysis, University of Zurich, Switzerland; 20/21 October 2005 ▲ & % ☛ ✖