Experimental performance of EUV multilayer flight mirrors for AIA
Experimental performance of EUV multilayer flight mirrors for AIA
UCRL-PROC-218841 Experimental performance of EUV multilayer flight mirrors for AIA Regina Soufli1*, David L. Windt2†, Jeff C. Robinson1, Sherry L. Baker1, Eberhard Spiller1, Franklin J. Dollar3, Andrew L. Aquila3, Eric M. Gullikson3, Benjawan Kjornrattanawanich4, Charles Brown5, John F. Seely5, Bill Podgorski6, Leon Golub6 1Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 94550 2Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory, New York, NY 10027 3Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 4Universities Space Research Association, National Synchrotron Light Source, Beamline X24C, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 5Space Science Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375 6Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA 02138 *regina.soufli@llnl.gov; phone 925-422-6013; fax 925-423-1488 † Current affiliation for D.L. Windt: Reflective X-ray Optics, New York, NY 10027 Introduction ¾ Multilayer coatings for the 7 EUV channels of the AIA have been developed1 and completed successfully on all AIA flight mirrors. Mo/Si coatings (131, 171, 193.5, 211 Å) were deposited at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). SiC/Mg (304, 335 Å) and Mo/Y (94 Å) coatings were deposited at Columbia University ¾ EUV reflectance of the 131 / 335 Å, 171 Å, 193.5 / 211 Å primary and secondary flight mirrors and the 94 / 304 Å secondary flight mirror was measured at beamline 6.3.2. of the Advanced Light Source (ALS) at LBNL ¾ EUV reflectance of the 94 / 304 Å primary and secondary flight mirrors was measured at beamline X24C of the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) at Brookhaven National Lab. Preliminary EUV reflectance measurements of the 94, 304 and 335 Å coatings were performed with a laser plasma source reflectometer located at Columbia University ¾ 1 Multilayer-coated AIA flight mirror pair at 335 Å (SiC/Mg, left) and 131 Å (Mo/Si, right) Prior to multilayer coating, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) characterization and cleaning of all flight substrates was performed at LLNL R. Soufli, D. L. Windt, J. C. Robinson, E. A. Spiller, F. J. Dollar, A. L. Aquila, E. M. Gullikson, B. Kjornrattanawanich, J. F. Seely, L. Golub “Development and testing of EUV multilayer coatings for the atmospheric imaging assembly instrument aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory”, Proc. SPIE 5901, 59010M (2005). AFM data on flight substrates at LLNL determine surface roughness and reveal morphology associated with specific polishing techniques 100000 Tinsley SN002 secondary substrate (prior to coating with 94/304 Å) 100000 AIA-1001-002 10×10 µm2, locs. A, B, (Tinsley) C, D Sagem 04R0416 primary substrate (prior to coating with 131/335 Å) Primary 04R0416 (Sagem) 10×10 µm2, locs. A, B, C, D, E 2×2 µm2, locs. A, B, C, D 2×2 µm2, locs. A, B, C, D, E 1000 4 4 PSD (nm ) PSD (nm ) 1000 10 0.1 0.0001 10 0.001 0.01 -1 Spatial frequency (nm ) 10×10 µm2, loc. B 0.1 2×2 µm2, loc. B 0.1 0.0001 0.001 0.01 -1 Spatial frequency (nm ) 10×10 µm2, loc. E σ = 0.14 nm rms σ = ∫ 2π f S ( f )df f1 2×2 µm2, loc. E σ = 0.51 nm rms f2 2 0.1 where S(f) ≡ PSD (nm4), f1= 10 -3 nm-1 , f2 = 5×10-2 nm-1 2-dimensional power spectral density of 10×10 µm2 AFM images obtained at LLNL on AIA flight substrates fy (nm-1) Tinsley SN002 secondary substrate (94/304 Å), loc. B Sagem 04R0416 primary substrate (131/335 Å), loc. E +0.025 0 -0.025 -0.025 0 Preferential direction of polishing marks σ = 0.14 nm rms -1 +0.025 fx (nm ) Isotropic surface finish σ = 0.51 nm rms To maximize mirror performance, multilayer “shadowing” due to coating masks and fixtures needs to be minimized ¾ “Shadowing” is caused during multilayer deposition by sputtered species bouncing off hardware parts in the vicinity of the substrate, causing the multilayer to miss thickness/wavelength specifications in these areas ¾ In the case of the AIA optics, the D-shaped mask is of particular concern for shadowing, which occurs around the center line of the optic: (1) Within the substrate region that undergoes multilayer deposition (2) Underneath the mask, in the region that is expected to remain covered AIA primary Region where D-mask “shadowing” occurs Coated region D-mask AIA secondary AIA mirrors benefit from D-mask design modifications 17 16 before D-mask modifications: M4-041209A2 M4-041215A2 15 131 Å Mo/Si 14 ϕ=180° after D-mask modifications: M4-050324A2 M4-050331A2 AIA secondary, r =15 mm θi= 87 deg ϕ=270° 15 mm 13 ± (0.3 x FWHM131 Å) 12 0 45 90 ϕ=90° 135 180 φ (deg) 225 270 315 360 EUV reflectance measurements vs. azimuth angle are performed at r = 15 mm on a test AIA secondary to assess improvements in shadowing due to D-mask modifications 171 Å Mo/Si ϕ=0 CWHM wavelength (nm) ± (0.3 x FWHM171 Å) Reflectometry and scattering beamline 6.3.2 (ALS) Beamline Specifications • Wavelength precision: 0.007% • Wavelength uncertainty: 0.013% • Reflectance precision: 0.08% • Reflectance uncertainty: 0.08% • Spectral purity: 99.98% • Dynamic range: 1010 69.0 70 68.5 Reflectance (%) 60 68.0 50 67.5 12.90 40 12.95 30 13.00 PTB CXRO 20 Precision Reflectometer 10 0 12.5 13.0 13.5 W avelength (nm) 14.0 • 10 µm × 300 µm beam size • 10 µm positioning precision • Angular precision 0.01 deg • 6 degrees of freedom • Sample size up to 200 mm LG156 Peak wavelength and reflectance of 131 Å flight primary meet specifications in entire clear aperture 134 Clear Aperture at r = 94 mm Clear Aperture at r = 45 mm Peak wavelength (Å) 133 ± (0.3 × FWHM) = ± 1.4 Å 132 131 130 r = 45 mm r = 60 mm r = 75 mm r = 90 mm r = 92 mm r = 94 mm 129 128 127 -45 M4-051116A3 0 45 90 φ (deg) Peak Reflectance (%) 80 Clear Aperture at r=94 mm Clear Aperture at r=45 mm r = 45 mm r = 60 mm r = 75 mm r = 90 mm r = 92 mm r = 94 mm 70 60 ϕ=90° 50 θmeas = 87 deg M4-051116A3 40 335 Å Mg/SiC -90 -45 0 φ (deg) 45 90 ϕ=0 -90 ϕ=-90° 131 Å Mo/Si θmeas = 87 deg r Peak wavelength and reflectance of 131 Å flight secondary meet specifications in entire clear aperture 134 Clear Aperture at r = 34 mm Clear Aperture at r = 9 mm 133 Peak wavelength (Å) ± (0.3 × FWHM) = ± 1.4 Å 132 131 130 r = 9 mm r = 12 mm r = 20 mm r = 30 mm r = 32 mm r = 34 mm 129 128 127 M4-051116A2 -45 80 Peak Reflectance (%) θmeas = 87 deg 0 φ (deg) 45 90 335 Å Mg/SiC r Clear Aperture at r=34 mm Clear Aperture at r=9 mm 70 ϕ=90° 60 r = 9 mm r = 12 mm r = 20 mm r = 30 mm r = 32 mm r = 34 mm 50 40 -90 -45 131 Å Mo/Si θmeas = 87 deg M4-051116A2 0 φ (deg) 45 90 ϕ=0 -90 ϕ=-90° EUV reflectance of flight mirrors is consistent with AFMmeasured substrate roughness 70 Reflectance (%) 60 50 40 M4-051116 A1 (witness, Si wafer substrate) θmeas= 87 deg A2 (secondary, Sagem 0420 substrate) Mo/Si, Γ = 0.36 N=50 A3 (primary, Sagem 416 substrate) A4 (witness, Si wafer substrate) 30 20 10 0 120 125 130 Wavelength (Å) 135 Flight mirror Primary (Sagem 04R0416) Secondary (Sagem 04R0420) Substrate roughness (Å rms) 5.0 5.2 Rpeak (%) 56.2 58.8 ∆R* (%, absolute) 8.5 8.4 Rpeak +∆R 64.7 67.2 140 *∆R = predicted reflectance loss due to high-spatial frequency roughness, based on AFM measurements of the substrate and on a multilayer growth model Measurements of specular EUV reflectance and diffuse scattering are consistent with each other Normalized intensity 1 Direction of specular reflectance (R) AIA flight primary (Tinsley SN003 substrate) Μo/Si, λ = 210.94 Å θmeas = 87 deg Loc. A (r = 90 mm, ϕ = 0°), Rpeak = 31.7 % 0.1 Loc. B (r = 90 mm, ϕ = 60°), Rpeak = 32.2 % Loc. C (r = 75 mm, ϕ = - 30°), Rpeak = 34.2 % Loc. D (r = 75 mm, ϕ = 30°), Rpeak = 34.6 % diffuse scattering 0.01 155 160 165 170 Detector angle, θdet (deg) 175 θmeas= 87 deg Mo/Si-coated flight mirrors at 193.5 Å (right) and 211 Å (left) Reflectance, R (%) 30 θdet= 174 deg Loc. A 20 Loc. B Loc. C Loc. D 10 0 180 190 200 210 220 Wavelength (Å) 230 240 94 Å (Mo/Y) / 304 Å (SiC/Mg) flight coatings 335 Å (SiC/Mg) flight coatings Flight mirrors are shown after 335 Å SiC/Mg coating is completed (right), prior to deposition of 131 Å Mo/Si coating Acknowledgements •The authors are grateful to the AIA/SDO teams at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Lockheed Martin, and NASA • This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. W-7405-ENG-48. The work at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC03-76F00098 • Funding was provided by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory