Comments and Responses - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS
Comments and Responses - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS
14.0 Comments and Responses—Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS 14.4.2 EMAIL PUBLIC COMMENTS There were 198 emails from the public commenting on the Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS. A form letter made up 162 of the 198 emails. Table 14.4.2-1 presents individuals who commented via email, with their respective commenter identification number. This number can be used to find the emailed document that was submitted and to locate the corresponding table in which responses to each comment are provided. Exhibit 14.4.2-1 presents reproductions of the emails that were received in response to the Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS. Comment documents are identified by commenter ID number, and each statement or question that was categorized as addressing a separate environmental issue is designated with a sequential comment number. Table 14.4.2-2 presents the responses to emailed comments to the Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS. Responses to specific comments can be found by locating the corresponding commenter ID number and sequential comment number identifiers. Table 14.4.2-1. Commenters on the Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Email) Commenter Comment ID Commenter Comment ID Jack Aaron S-E-0114 Royelen Boykie S-E-0160 Christine Ahia S-E-0194 John and Joann Breeden S-E-0115 Earlene Alexiou S-E-0020 John Broussard S-E-0199 Bobbie Alicen S-E-0136 Andrea Brower S-E-0077 Kathy-Lyn Allen S-E-0032 Debbie Burack S-E-0216 Nadine Apo S-E-0025 Stu Burley S-E-0001 Harvey Arkin S-E-0127 Diana Burns S-E-0112 Mikel Athon S-E-0206 David Burns S-E-0223 Chessa Au S-E-0192 Carole Burstein S-E-0068 Meghan Au S-E-0036 Flemming Carstensen (Navy League) S-E-0118 John Barnett S-E-0080 Shannan Chan S-E-0019 Richard Benton S-E-0184 Glenn Chapman S-E-0155 Carl Berg S-E-0075 Shirley Chew S-E-0119 Barbara Best S-E-0079 Kelli Chin S-E-0182 Laura and Andrew Binstock S-E-0055 Randy Ching S-E-0101 Patricia Blair S-E-0029 Duane Choy S-E-0168 Nova Blazej (USEPA) S-E-0225 Janet Codispoti S-E-0162 Trudy and Larry Blow S-E-0097 Skye Coe S-E-0140 May 2008 Hawaii Range Complex Final EIS/OEIS 14-65 14.0 Comments and Responses—Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS Table 14.4.2-1. Commenters on the Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Email) (Continued) Commenter Comment ID Commenter Comment ID Steve Colon (Navy League) Nola Conn S-E-0078 S-E-0048 Myron Gerhard S-E-0099 Elaine Gima S-E-0064 Tara Cornelisse S-E-0169 Miguel Godinez S-E-0014 Lowell Wes Cummins S-E-0113 Jamesy Gonsalves S-E-0011 Donna Lee Cussac S-E-0006 Sharon Goodwin S-E-0076 Fred & Claire Dauer S-E-0117 Adrianna Grace S-E-0067 Nancy Davlantes S-E-0047 Rose Grady S-E-0171 Danial Del Monte S-E-0116 Jennifer Graybill S-E-0091 Caren Diamond S-E-0088 Mary Groode S-E-0060 Lisa Diaz S-E-0174 Ravi Grover S-E-0033 Kathleen Dockett S-E-0163 Jill Guillermo-Togawa S-E-0198 Paul Doucette S-E-0149 Patti Hackney S-E-0130 John Dwork S-E-0073 Libbie Hambleton S-E-0166 Tanya Eldridge S-E-0085 Kealakai Hammond S-E-0147 Kim Elegado S-E-0143 Cory Harden S-E-0186 Ann Engerman S-E-0065 Hilary Harts S-E-0172 Marjorie Erway S-E-0196 Cynthia Hathaway S-E-0193 Raquel Esparza S-E-0030 Mike Hendrickson S-E-0131 Dinda Evans S-E-0022 Sandra Herndon S-E-0087 Summer Faria S-E-0145 Fern Holland S-E-0009 Lori Ferrell S-E-0215 Ikaika Hussey S-E-0201 Joel Fischer (University of Hawai'i) S-E-0002 Robin James S-E-0056 Stephanie Fitzgerald S-E-0104 Scott Jarvis S-E-0026 Katy Fogg S-E-0034 Michael Jasny (Natural Resources Defense Council) S-E-0213 Sophie Foulkes-Taylor S-E-0090 Jonah Jensen S-E-0037 Neil Frazer (University of Hawaii, Manoa) S-E-0100 Ernest Jepson S-E-0086 Debbie Friedman S-E-0102 David Johnston S-E-0158 Lauryn Galindo S-E-0156 Michael Jones (University of Hawaii) S-E-0003 Lisa Galloway S-E-0010 Jay Jones S-E-0063 Christina Gauen S-E-0217 Leita Kaldi S-E-0214 14-66 Hawaii Range Complex Final EIS/OEIS May 2008 14.0 Comments and Responses—Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS Table 14.4.2-1. Commenters on the Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Email) (Continued) Commenter Comment ID Commenter Comment ID Emailer-Kealakai S-E-0109 Michele McKay S-E-0141 Serena Kaldi S-E-0189 Madeleine Migenes S-E-0061 Kanoe Kapu S-E-0017 Ann Moffat S-E-0161 Koalani Kaulukukui (Earthjustice) S-E-0212 Nina Monasevitch S-E-0106 Naia Kelly S-E-0043 Carolyn Moore S-E-0015 Lily Kempf S-E-0084 Mike Moran S-E-0038 Angela Kepler S-E-0142 Jill Morgyn S-E-0008 Brown Kevin S-E-0178 Don Morrison (Pacific AquaScapes, Inc.) S-E-0123 Dave Kisor S-E-0021 Paul Moss S-E-0187 Barbara Kranichfeld S-E-0066 Kevin Nesnow S-E-0205 Marina Kuran S-E-0111 Tom Norris (Bio-Waves Inc. ) S-E-0209 Gordon LaBedz S-E-0093 Tutabelle Ojeda S-E-0013 Steve LaFleur S-E-0042 Catherine Okimoto S-E-0138 Jeffrey Lagrimas S-E-0203 Ellen Okuma S-E-0016 Helena Lake S-E-0082 Jamie Oshiro S-E-0204 Cindy Lance S-E-0126 Richard Owen S-E-0089 Aline Larkin S-E-0157 Janice Palma-Glennie S-E-0004 Teri Lawrence S-E-0046 Jane Panju S-E-0210 Marie Le Boeuf S-E-0023 Lauri Peacock S-E-0185 Peggy LeDoux S-E-0094 Joy Perfetti S-E-0044 Katie Leinweber S-E-0035 Lauren Pomerantz S-E-0040 Bobbi Leung S-E-0071 Patricia S. Port (U.S. Dept of Interior) S-E-0121 Bill Lewis S-E-0051 Brooke Porter S-E-0052 Alan Lott S-E-0098 Richard Powers S-E-0188 Rich Lucas S-E-0058 Kelly Prince S-E-0069 John Lyons S-E-0054 Kyno Ravelo S-E-0197 Denise Lytle S-E-0173 Jacqueline Remington S-E-0170 Richard Macke S-E-0110 Gail Richard S-E-0039 Raymond Madigan S-E-0128 Anne Rivers S-E-0108 Den Mark S-E-0132 Cathy Robinson S-E-0175 Laura Marsh S-E-0183 Bina Robinson S-E-0165 Lisa Marshall S-E-0027 Constance Rocse S-E-0041 Mary Martin S-E-0207 Puanani Rogers S-E-0092 Bryan Matsumoto S-E-0219 Katy Rose S-E-0074 Bobby McClintock S-E-0018 John Rumbaugh S-E-0096 Cathy McDuff S-E-0057 Annalia Russell S-E-0031 May 2008 Hawaii Range Complex Final EIS/OEIS 14-67 14.0 Comments and Responses—Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS Table 14.4.2-1. Commenters on the Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Email) (Continued) Commenter Comment ID Commenter Comment ID Jeff Sacher S-E-0191 Janet Taylor S-E-0107 Janos Samu S-E-0081 Lee Tepley S-E-0218 Noyita Saravia S-E-0083 Healani Trembath S-E-0024 Forest Shomer S-E-0139 Leilani Trocki S-E-0137 Emailer-Silvia S-E-0211 Dona van Bloemen S-E-0150 Cornelia Skipton S-E-0179 Robert Wagner S-E-0133 Stephen Skogman S-E-0049 Briana Wagner S-E-0028 Steve Slater S-E-0059 Robert Wahinehookae S-E-0148 Victoria Smith S-E-0103 Ron Whitmore S-E-0045 Jody Smith S-E-0012 Lacie Whitten S-E-0222 Whitney Stolman S-E-0095 Mark Wichar S-E-0005 Mary Stone S-E-0190 Faith Wilcox S-E-0053 David Strauch S-E-0144 Donald Wilson S-E-0122 Michael Swerdlow S-E-0007 Anita Wintner S-E-0050 Emailer-Sylvia S-E-0072 Dawn Wooten S-E-0181 14-68 Hawaii Range Complex Final EIS/OEIS May 2008 COMMENT NUMBER COMMENT NUMBER S-E-0001 S-E-0002 1 1 14-69 Exhibit 14.4.2-1. Copy of Email Documents - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS 14-70 COMMENT NUMBER COMMENT NUMBER S-E-0003 S-E-0004 1 2 1 3 4 Exhibit 14.4.2-1. Copy of Email Documents - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Continued) COMMENT NUMBER COMMENT NUMBER S-E-0004 (cont.) S-E-0004 (cont.) 5 1 6 7 8 14-71 Exhibit 14.4.2-1. Copy of Email Documents - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Continued) 14-72 COMMENT NUMBER COMMENT NUMBER S-E-0008 S-E-0055 1 1 2 3 Exhibit 14.4.2-1. Copy of Email Documents - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Continued) COMMENT NUMBER COMMENT NUMBER S-E-0059 S-E-0072 1 1 2 14-73 Exhibit 14.4.2-1. Copy of Email Documents - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Continued) 14-74 COMMENT NUMBER COMMENT NUMBER S-E-0078 S-E-0097 1 1 Exhibit 14.4.2-1. Copy of Email Documents - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Continued) COMMENT NUMBER COMMENT NUMBER S-E-0098 S-E-0099 1 1 14-75 Exhibit 14.4.2-1. Copy of Email Documents - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Continued) 14-76 COMMENT NUMBER COMMENT NUMBER S-E-0100 S-E-0102 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 Exhibit 14.4.2-1. Copy of Email Documents - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Continued) COMMENT NUMBER COMMENT NUMBER S-E-0103 S-E-0110 1 1 2 3 14-77 Exhibit 14.4.2-1. Copy of Email Documents - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Continued) 14-78 COMMENT NUMBER COMMENT NUMBER S-E-0111 S-E-0113 1 2 3 Exhibit 14.4.2-1. Copy of Email Documents - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Continued) 1 COMMENT NUMBER COMMENT NUMBER S-E-0114 S-E-0115 1 1 14-79 Exhibit 14.4.2-1. Copy of Email Documents - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Continued) 14-80 COMMENT NUMBER COMMENT NUMBER S-E-0116 S-E-0117 1 1 Exhibit 14.4.2-1. Copy of Email Documents - Supplement to the Draft EIS/OEIS (Continued)
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