Moving Away from Legacy Systems and Choosing the Right ERP


Moving Away from Legacy Systems and Choosing the Right ERP
Moving Away from
Legacy Systems and
Choosing the Right
ERP Solution
Ron Grilli, CEO, Simparel
David Cropper, CIO, Mamiye Brothers
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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Today’s ERP Solution Pressures
Business Agility – launching new
product lines, new markets,
complex channels, evolving
Collaborative Demands – global
supply chains, quick response,
unified business and data
Mandated Compliance – ever
changing import and export
requirements, retailer demands,
consumer product requirements
Processing Efficiencies – data
accuracy, completeness,
timeliness, consistency
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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What’s Your Game Plan for Tomorrow?
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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Technology & Processes Have Evolved…
Vintage 1980 to 2000’s
Next Generation 2010 +
Telex, Fax, Phone
Integrated Office, PDA devices, Messaging
“Fedex “ Courier Based Specification Exchange
Virtual Collaboration
Drawings, Swatches, Pattern Parts
Digital Design Tools
Legacy ERP Traditional Software
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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Did Your Business Get Left Behind?
Common “Legacy Environment” drawbacks:
Rigid development & delivery methodologies
Lengthy reaction time to address business changes
Overly-complicated & difficult-to-manage programs
Functionality gaps & user dissatisfaction
Costly and/or painful version release upgrades
Business applications written at different times with different
tools, languages, etc.
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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What to look for in Advanced ERP Solutions
Common Technology Platform across business functions
Open Architecture for ease of configuration
Common MS Office and related products integration
Shared business views from concept to delivery
Dynamic configuration and reconfiguration
Ease of access via client or web or mobility devices
Deployment capable of leveraging cloud computing
Flexible user friendly forms and processes
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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Advanced ERP TCO Improvements
Total Cost of Ownership
Traditional ERP
Requirements Definition
Complete definition required prior to development.
Next Generation ERP
Requirements Definition
Flexibility of definition allows for changing business requirements.
Development Cycle
Rigid development requires significant effort even for minor changes.
Development Cycle
Metadata‐driven environment enables rapid development.
Ongoing Maintenance & Support
Complex hard‐coded programs require specialized maintenance and support.
Ongoing Maintenance & Support
Configurable metadata reduces maintenance and simplifies ongoing support.
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
$ Savings Areas:
$ ERP Definition
$ Configuration
$ Deployment
$ Enhancements
$ Support
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Take Inventory of Your ERP Platform(s)
Infrastructure − your ability to leverage
today’s on-demand computing, web
access, mobility devices, etc.
ERP vintage − its relevance in today’s
world of open architecture, xml standards,
metadata, RAD tools
Offline processes − number of offline
stand alone spreadsheet and email
processes in use across the business
Applications & interfaces − systems
that need to be connected, monitored and
independently maintained
Enhancements & support − IT skill set,
personnel, flexibility and support
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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Redefine Your Business Requirements
PLM − digital assets, design concepts,
specifications, costing, approvals, etc.
SCM − RFQ, costing, procurement,
production, inbound logistics, etc.
MFG – Capacity planning, material
requirements, inventory, shop floor, etc.
ERP − product and business hierarchy,
workflow, transactional processes, alerts,
reporting views, customer compliance, etc.
EDI − role of EDI in sourcing, cataloging,
retail trading, 3PL, finance processes, etc.
WMS − DC warehouse functions, RF &
RFID, case pack, pick pack, reprocess, etc.
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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Advanced ERP $$$ ROI Potential
Key Challenges
Balancing supply with demand
Identifying trends & exceptions
Removing supply chain bottlenecks
Optimizing inventory levels
Reducing complexity costs with growth
Leveraging the power of the Internet
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
Potential Net Income Opportunity
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Deliver Business User Friendly Processes
Alert Driven
Web Accessible
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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Best Practices at Work
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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65 Years Old Family Owned and
Operated Apparel Company
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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About Mamiye Brothers
Historically recognized as exclusively Children’s apparel licensed
products (Disney, Looney Tunes, etc.)
– Domestic distribution only
– “12 piece prepack” business
Transitioning since 2000 to more complex business offering
Added Juniors and most recently Missy lines
Macy’s Affinity program
Domestic and International
Multi configured prepacks, single size replenishment, etc.
Less reliance today on licensed product with own brands
– Little Me
– Flapdoodles
– Wallflower (jeans)
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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Current Business Challenges
Economic recovery climate
Increasing labor costs where products traditional sourced
Increasing raw material costs
Back office footprint expanding globally
Deliver a value proposition that holds the line on cost while
maintaining quality and fashion
Flexible nimble infrastructure to support the needs and growth of
the business
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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ERP Systems Background
Current ERP legacy system in place for 12 years
Highly modified and not supported by the Vendor
Many “bolt-ons”
Not considered user friendly
Expensive to modify
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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New ERP Decision & Process
Early 2010 decision to determine cost/benefit of newer solutions
Reduction in headcount projected at 2% of payroll
Other G&A savings projected at 5%
Projecting significant growth in business with reduced headcount
Flexibility to enter new markets
SaaS requirement
– Moving away from being in the data center business
– Scalability, DR, subscription pricing—Major pluses
– Ultimately allowing us to focus on the business
Shortlisted 4 Vendors
Interviews and in-depth demonstrations versus RFP checklist
April 1st contract signing
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Minimal conversion, ramp up/wind down
Little Me and Flapdoodles
Business rules & references complete
Styles for upcoming seasons loaded
Sales & production orders Nov 1st ready
Integration with 3PL on track
Document Management link on track
Balance of Mamiye Business Divisions
– 1st Quarter 2011
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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Future Plans
Fully Integrated Collaboration
– PLM processes
– Vendor Portal processes
Enhanced Business Reporting
– Executive Dashboards
– Alerts
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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Don’t Be This Guy…
Session Questions?
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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Thank You!
Ron Grilli
David Cropper
© Simparel, Inc. 2010
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