osman - M1CarbinesInc.com
osman - M1CarbinesInc.com
@osman DIAGRAM OF REFERENCE POINTS 8B INDICATING PEEP SIGHT AND ELEVATION ADJUSTMENT HOLE (OIL) OPERATING SLIDE " ' - H~NDLE (BB COVER) ~ WINDAGE ADJUSTMENT _ _ \ .v HAND GUARD J 1 ---. LOAD 22 SUPER BB5 / OIL ~1jiiiiilI1IiiiIiiI_"'-_ SPARE MAGAZINE (CLIP FOR 270 SPARE 8B5) READ All INSTRUCTIONS CAREFUllY and before operating gun FOR BEST PERFORMANCE USE CROSMAN SUPER BBs ® CROSMAN M-l CARBINE BB AIR RIFLE 22 SHOT REPEATER (with 270 shot capacity spare magazine) CROSMAN M-l CARBINE BB AIR RIFLE 22 SHOT 'REPEATER FOR SAFETY - ALWAYS FOLLOW l'HESE SIMPLE SAFETY RULES: 1. Treat every gun as if it is a loaded gun. 2. Always keep muzzle of gun pointed in a safe direction. Don 'tpoint at anything you don't intend to shoot. Keep fingers off trigger when cocking barrel. 3. 4. 5. 6. Be sure of your target and your backstop. Conduct yourself as a true and safe sportsman when using your gun. 7. Do not attempt to disassemble your gun competent repairman. use a The Crosman M- 1 Carbine BB Air Rifle is 9 repeater, Slide Action Barrel Cocking with an internal magazine capacity of 22 Crosman Super BB's and a spare magazine (clip) holding an additional 270 BB's. Fast, easy, slide action operation of the barrel chambers a BB each time for rapid firing. The operating slide handle acts as a BB port cove'r preventing B8's from falling out of the internal magazine. Fully adjustable rear sight, with windage and elevation adjustments permits CROSMAN M-l CARBINE BB AIR RIFLE 22 SHOT' REPEATER FOR SAFETY - ALWAYS FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE SAFETY RULES: 1. TO LOAD RIFLE: 1. Treat every gun as jf jt ;s a loaded gun. 2. Always keep muzzle of gun pointed in a safe di rection. 3. Don't point at anything you don't intend to shoot. 4. Keep fingers off trigger when cocking barrel. 5. Be sure of your target and your backstop. 6. Conduct yourself as a true and safe sportsman when using your gun. 7. Do not attempt to disassemble your gun competent repairman. fast and simple zeroing on the target. The front sight blade is protected from damage by two outwings. You can expect the best accuracy at 15 feet or closer. As with most BB guns, the NRA standard for BB gun targets is established at this distance. use a The Crosman M- 1 Carbine BB Air Rifle is <;J repeater, Slide Action Barrel Cocking with an internal magazine capacity of 22 Crosman Super BB's and a spare maga zine (clip) holding an additional 270 BB's. Fast, easy, slide action operation of the barrel chambers a BB each time for rapid firing. The operating slide handle acts as a BB port cover preventing BB's from falling out of the internal magazine. Fully adjustable rear sight, with windage and elevation adjustments permits FIRST AND ALWAYS, point rifle in a safe direction and thoroughly acquaint yourself with all reference points in the diagram. Be sure gun is not cocked and test it by pointing in a safe direction and squeezing the trigger. Pull Operating Slide Handle back to open BB Port cover. By holding the rifle at a slight angle, 22 Crosman Super BB's can slowly be poured from the box lor from the spare mag azine) into the Hand Guard groove allowing the BB's to enter the hole for the internal magazine. You may pour remaining BB's into the removeable spare magazine in the bottom of the rifle. 2. TO REMOVE SPARE MAGAZINE ICLlP): With rifle held in one hand, muzzle forward, push the magazine up I into the stock), then forward ltownrd the muzzle) at the same time pushing the bottom of the magazine forward in a semi-rotating motion. The magazine can then be removed. Slide the cover on the magazine forward. The magazine can be loaded with 270 Crosman Super BB's. Close slide cover and insert the magazine into the gun in the reverse procedure as explained above. To pour 22 BB's from the spare magazine into the internal magazine, open the magazine slide cover about 112 inch and follow the procedure TO LOAD RIFLE. 3. TO ADJUST REAR SIGHT: Windage: If you want to shoot to the right, turn windage correction knob clockwise. To shoot left, turn knob counterclockwise. Elevation: If you want to shoot higher, push down and pull peep sight to the rear until it locks in the next recess. To shoot lower, push down on the peep sight blade and move forward until it locks in the next recess. 4. TO SHOOT RIFLE: With muzzle slightly elevated, place hand on barrel over non-slip grip (identification name) and slide barrel to the rear as far as it will go. (CAUTION: DO NOT place finger or hand over muzzle end of barrel while cocking. DO NOT place finger on trigger while cocking.) Slide barrel forward to extreme full length. DO NOT slam barrel forward when returning to locked position as this will cause BB to override BB retainer and fall out of barrel. DO NOT cock by pushing barrel into the ground or hard surfaces as you may obstruct barrel or damage crowning. Take aim, squeeze trigger to s~Oo!. Loaded chamber can be checked through BB indI cating hole. 5. LUBRICATION: Lubricate all moving parts through BB indicating hole and at point where barrel recesses into main tube' forward of the front band. With the magazine (clip) removed, and gun upside down~ oil at sear and hammer points. Oil sparingly With three or four drops of oil at each point and when parts ap pear dry. For best results and trouble free per formance, use Crosman Special Pellgunoil ®: onl7' Never use penetrating, detergent or regular gun ods as they may be harmful to valve seals. 6. CARE OF YOUR GUN: The Crosman M-l Carbine BB Air Rifle is a precision built gun of the most modern design and construc tion. Materials have been carefully selected for quality and long life. The use of hardwood stock, solid steel barrel and precision machined parts attest to this statement. When it is released for shipment, it has undergone numerous, rigid inspectio~s a~d has been test-fired for performance. Treat It With DO NOT cock by pushing barrel into the ground or hard surfaces as you may obstruct barrel or damage crowning. Take aim, squeeze trigger to shoot. loaded chamber can be checked through BB indio eating hole. 5. LUBRICATION: lubricate all moving parts through BB indicating hole, and at point where barrel recesses into main tube forward of the front band. With the magazine (clip) removed, and gun upside down, oil at sear and hammer points. Oil sparingly with three or four drops of oil at each point and when parts appear dry. For best results and trouble free performance, use Crosman Speciar Pellgunoil ® only. Never use penetrating, detergent or regular gun oils as they may be harmful to valve seals. 6. CARE OF YOUR GUN: The Crosman M- 1 Carbine BB Air Rifle is a precision built gun of the most modern design and construction. Materials have been carefully selected for quality and long life. The use of hardwood stock, solid steel barrel and precision machined parts attest to this statement. When it is released for shipment, it has undergone numerous, rigid inspections and has been test-fired for performance. Treat it with PLACE Necessary Postage HERE TO: CROSMAN ARMS CO., INC. EAST CHURCH AT TURKHILL FAIRPORT, N. Y. 14450 E WARRANTY ISTRATION IMPORTANT. To properly maintain validity of guarantee, fill in this card and mail to Crosman Your recorb of warranty and guarantee are in the attached Arms Company. instructions. } 6. If you own other guns, please note: .... Abe:. Your Name: Address Brand: . Brand: .. Brand: . City and State Type: Type: Type: Occupation: We are pleased to welcome you to America's fastest growing shooting sport with the purchase of your Crosman. .. Dale purchased: Gun Model:.. We would like to send you and three of your friends a copy of our new "Shooting Fun Booklet" if you will furnish their names and addresses. Dealer's name:. Address. City and Stale .. Your answer to the following questions will be helpful to us in endeavors to further the shooting enjoyment of our customers. 1. What or who prompted you to buy your Grosman: o~r Please send these friends your "Shooting Fun Booklet": Name: Address .. City and State. 2. What kind of shooting will the gun be used for: Name:. Where will you shoot: Address. . 3. In what magazines do you read about guns? ) City and State 'Ii Name: 4. What features of your gun do you like best: Address .. City and State 5. Additional features or changes you would like in your gun: Crosman Arms Co., In1:., Fairport, N. Y. (IN CANADA, DUNNVILLE, ONtARIO) 0 . Z' <:: 0 ..,. :;. UJ , ",. 10- ~. .~. ~ t .' " .. II 'I' .~ ~ r· I;!!." III oo~a.3 • I ~ ... Z ~~ .60 .7S 15 .45 .1 S OP£RATING SLIDE.. MAGAZINE ..... _.. MAGAZINE COVER ... MAGAZINE SUPPORT PLATE ... B9 PORT COVER.. 1~ 1-10 1 38 FRONT BAND TRIGGER GUARD. COLLAR... LOCATING STUD STOCK SCREW MAGAZINE SPRING 1-15 1-17 1-19 TUBE BEARING SUPPORT RING... TUBE.. FRONT SIGHT SCREW 1-26 1-28 1-30 1-31 760-25 400-16 Do not order Components_ .10 1 15 .95 50 )50-)6A 3,,0-40'* 350-41 350-42 f MINIMUM ORDER $1.00_ Prices subject to change Without notice. purchase must accompany parts order. Parts Will be shipped prepaid. ; "'. ......: ::I .1:' CI ,K ..• • (COMPLETE) (incl. -6 & -10). __ . .~o _TO 10 a PARTS LIST • Darts 1-2, 1-14 and 1·21 are Mating Parts. r;XPLODEO VIII!:W OVER SIZE RETAINER BALL' 156 ') ... TRIGGER GUARD SCREW... 10 .10 .10 _60 RETAINER BALL. ( 140").·· POP VALVE ASSY RETAINER SPRING HAMMER AND PISTON ASSY 1 00 15 10 85 STOP AND PLUG ASSY .... "0" 50 10 80 .50 .10 10 .45 .10 10 10 10 .95 1 00 1.40 1a _Z5 .'0 3.15 10 RING SEAL FELT ... .$ LIST PRICE BARREL LOCK BALL.. TRIGGER PIN PISTON SPRING .........................•_.. TEFLON RING .,. GUIDE SCREW VALVE SPRING SPACER TRIGGER SPRING. BARREL CAP. (ADDED 6/10/68) RETAINER RING,.. TRIGGER GUARD LOCK WASHER ... OPERATING SLIDE ASSY SUPPORT RING ASSEMBL Y MAGAZINE ASSY STOCK CLAMP SCREW Check or money order In the amount of total "CROSWOOO" is Crosman Brand Name for Plastic Stock and Handguard. Wood. Parts 1.2A, t-14A and 1-21A are Mating Parts-Croswood. '*Avallable factory assembly only. SIGHT ELEVATOR... 1-25 NOTES: .' 0 STOCK SCREw.. 1-24 55 .l!) WINDAGE SCREW........................ 10 40 .50 10 .10 45 75 1 )0 1-23 BARREL LOCK SPRING HAND GUARO-CROSWOOD ..... _.. . 350-4 350·a 350-10 350-12 350-14A 350-1 t. 350-18 350-25 350-27 350-]) 350-)5· HAND GUARD-WOOD(no longer avail.) use 1·14A 1-14A 180-6~ 1-14 10 FRONT SIGH1:... PEEP SIGHT SPRING 1-11 180-56 140-95 1-41 1-40 1-12 .40 DESCRIPTION FRONT SIGHT WASHER TUBE SUPPORT SCREW I~ ,. MINIMUM CHARGE OF " • II TUBE STUD I~ ...' ",::I:, t il ,'.. ~. 1-36 1-37 1-18 '.' . . _ ::I ..... ... 1-35 .55 .55 .90 RECEIVER PLATE AND SIGHT MOUNT... REAR PEEP SIGHT... ..............•..... TRIGGER I~ 18 :I '" ' '" REAR SIGHT ASSV LOCK WASHER.. I~ 1-16 ,lQ ~ .::1' :> VI III 3' :;)lll ~ 00 '!J- ;:to ~.. g~ Z ·mr . ....=I::r. 8en=r . (1)" ' . __ ~~U! - n0~,.-. ~ B .... ... _ ~: ·1 1-33 1-34 I~ 7.25 1-32 PART NO. STOCK-CROS-WOOD _ S 7 30 LIST PRICE STOCK-WOOD (no longer available) use '-2A 11 , _. P,' , ,l. ;,1 " ',I. PRICE LIST AND ASSEMBLIES FOR: MODEL M-l f+' :!I C1) . , ~ 3 ~ ... -g'<I»;:) (l)OVllll 0;:)0'-' III "0 ~ ..... ;{ lll;:)glQ (1) II> ;:) !l ~ '<~. 0 ~ g 3 ~ 10 . c-.o(n ;.'!ur ~(1):T'< . ~3~~1" -gOlQ'<~ 0 ' 0 l~A DESCRIPTION ~. BARREL )Ii ... III . ,. ;:~'n <D ~,_. Ill";;> ~"I • ~ : ~5' .0(') ~ o~. . 0 (i) 0:ja. .;:)'" ... =-.to ,,.', VI!!, , -'~ .. ~'o~g :T (1) ~ 1-. ' ~ ~,.."O& :;).(/> ,g.~ ~ 0 ~lQlQ:;):!"' Q) < Ql'" ~r ()~~c. :;"; g~ \ Z 1~ PART NO. (I) iirH 18 . o ::E':;: ~ (i) !!!.iia. .. .. PRICE LIST AND ASSEMBLIES FOR: MODEL M-l MINIMUM CHARGE OF PART NO. 1·1 1-2 1-2A ,.) '-4 1-5 1-0 '·7 ,-. ,-. '-10 1-" 1-' 2. LIST PRICE DESCRIPTION BARREL... . 57.30 STOCK-WOOD (no long4erayailabte) use 1-2A 1-32 1-33 STOCK-CROSWOOO.. '-34 .......•. 7.25 .55 .90 DESCRIPTION . FRONT SIGHT WASHER ... REAR SIGHT ASSY.(COMPLETEI LOCK WA.SHER ... TUBE STUD ... TUBE SUPPORT SCREW , -35 $ .10 3.15 .00 .25 .!:is 1-36 1-37 .60 1-38 SUPPORT RING ASSEMBLY .. , .40 MAGAZINE .75 1.00 .15 1-40 1-41 MAGAZINE ASSY MAGAZINE COVER .• _ MAGAZINE SUPPORT PLATE.. BB PORT COVER..... FRONT SIGH"'t..... . OPERATING SLIDE ASSY. (incl. -6 Be -10) .. .45 .15 .40 PEEP SIGHT SPR ING .10 '-14 HAND GUARD-WOoO(no longer avail.) use 1-14A HAND GUARD-CROSWOOO FRONT BAND .45 1-16 TRIGGER GUARD." .75 1-17 COLLAR ,.. .40 1.30 ,-, 8 LOCATING STUD 1-19 STOCK SCREW. .10 1-20 MAGAZINE SPRING .10 1-21 A BARREL. LOCK SPRING .10 .50 1-23 WINDAGE SCREW. .25 1-24 STOCK SCREW. ., 0 1-25 SIGHT 'EL.EVATOR. . 55 1-26 TUBE SEARING .50 1-28 SUPPORT RING... .• 5 1-30 TUBE ...•.. FRONT SIGHT SCREW f.I5 STOCK CLAMP SCREW. 140-95 (ADDEO 6/10/68) 180-56 RETAINER RING... 180-65 350-4 350-8 TRIGGER SPRING .... .• 5 Gu'OE SCREW. 350-315* 350-3GA * 350-40* 350-4 , 350-42 400-16 760'25 STOP AND PLUG ASSV . VAL.VE SPRING TEFLON RING. BARREL LOCK BALL .. TRIGGER PIN .50 " 0 " RING SEAL. .IS .. .• 0 HAMMER AND PISTON ASSY .• POP VALVE ASSY ... RETAINER SPRING .. RETAINER BALL (.140") .. OVER SIZE RETAINER BALL (.156"1· TRIGGER GUARO SCREW. I!XPLOOEO VIEW "CROSWOOO" is Crosman Brand N~me for Plastic Stock and Handguard. Wood. Parts l-2A. 1·14A and '·21A are MaUng Parts-Croswood, .10 .10 .45 .10 _10 PISTON SPRING FELT ... .10 .10 .10 .10 .80 .50 BARREL CAP .. SPACER 350-10 350-12 350-14A 350-16 350-18 350-25 350·27 350-33 MIN'MUM ORDER $1.00. Prices subject to change without notice. purchase must accompany parts order. Parts will be shipped prepaid, .10 ., 0 TR'GGER GUARD LOCK WASHER .. a. P.-.RTS LIST .... NOTES; *Avallable factory assembly only. Do not order Components. l . 0 LIST PRICE TRIGGER RECEIVER PLATE AND SIGHT MOU,..T... REAR PEEP SIGHT. OPERATING SLICE .. _...... '-'4A 1-15 1-3' PART NO. Parts 1-2, 1-14 and 1·21 are Mating Parts Check or money order in the amount of total . 1.00 .00 10 .10 .10 .10 the same flne care that you give your other valued possessions and it will give you many hours of care· free pleasure and enjoyment. Keep your rifle clean, free of dirt and grit from entering the barrel and internal mechanism. When storing it, be sure to unload it and not cocked. Wipe off metal parts with an oily cloth gently to prevent rust and preserve the finish. DO NOT USE DETERGENT OILS OR GUN SOLVENTS as they are harmful to seals and the finish. 7. REPAIR SERVICE: It is not necessary for your dealer to replace your gun. Your Crosman gun can be serviced at one of the authorized Crosman Service Stations In your state (listed on the attached list.) DO NOT return gun to factory without written permission. Our Service Stations are equipped to make warranty repairs on Crosman guns, using original Crosman parts, within ninety (90) day warranty period. GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE must be filled out, and accompanying your gun in order to qualify for service. WARRANTY is void if gun has been disassemble'd or, in the judgment of the service :,tation, has been tampered with, abused or misused. Always include a description of the malfunction with the gun. IMPORTANT: The guarantee certificate should be properly filled the same flne care that you give. your other valued possessions and it will give you many hours of care· free pleasure and enjoyment. Keep your rifle clean, free of dirt and grit from entering the barrel and internal mechanism. When storing it, be sure to unload it and not cocked. Wipe oft metal parts with an oily cloth gently to prevent rust and pre serve the flnish. DO NOT USE DETERGENT OILS OR GUN SOLVENTS as they are harmful to seals and the finish. 7. REPAIR SERVICE: Jt is not necessary for your dealer to replace your gun. Your Crosman gun can be serviced at one of the authorized Crosman Service Stations In your state (listed on the attached list.) DO NOT return gun to factory without written permission. Our Service Stations are equipped to make warranty repairs on Crosman guns, using original Crosman parts, within ninety (90) day warranty period. GUARANTEE CERTIFICATE must be filled out, and accompanying your gun in order to qualify for service. WARRANTY is void if gun has been disassembled or, in the judgment of the service station, has been tamp ered with, abused or misused. Always include a de scription of the malfunction with the gun. out at ti me of purchase and must accompany your gun when quolified worranty service is required during th .. 90·day period. Where the guarantee certificate has been misplaced, a vertification (sales slip) from your dealer will suffice. Should this unit become inoperative, due to defective parts or workmanship, Crasman Arms Company fully guorantees it will be repaired to function as or'gin-olly designed. This guarantee does not imply thot worn finish, missing parts and abused components will be replaced/repaired at no charge. ANY OTHER ;:orATEMENT MADE OR IMPLIED REGARDING THE WARRANTY AND NOT INCLUDED HEREON IS INVALID. GUARANTE:EJ CERTIFICATE IMPORTANT Keep this certificate. Cut out and take to Crosman Authorized Service Station to qualify for warranty service. Customer's Name . Slre.t Town ... Dealer's Name. . Stot.... . Mod.I. ...Dote Purchas.d .. . CROSMAN ARMS CO. Fairport, N. Y.14450 ...........t eu.an-~D TO: _ (g~~!!!~~e ~~'~~n~?~:c~NY, INC. 980 TURK HILL ROAD FAIRPORT, NEW YORK 14450 Authorized Service Stations '"THIS LIST IS REVISED PERIODICALLY. BEFORE RE· TURNING A GUN TO A LISTED STATION. VERIFY THAT IT IS CURRENTLY AN ACTIVE CROSMAN SERVICE STATION:' The nationwide network of Factory Authorized Service Stations listed hereon have been established for your convenience and in the interest of providing fast, local service on both In-Warranty and Out-Of-Warranty guns. All of these Stations are fully equipped to handle repairs on all models of Crosman Pellguns and BB guns. DO NOT return'your gun to the factory. Refer to the nearest Service Station on the list. The guarantee certificate in the Owner's Manual, packed with each Cros man gun should be properly filled out at time of purchase and must accompany your gun when qualified warranty service is required during the 90-day period. Where the guarantee certificate has been misplaced, a verification (sales slip) from your dealer will suffice. Should this unit become inoperative, due to defective parts or workmanship, Crosman Arms Company fully guarantees it will be replaced to function as orig inally designed. This guarantee does not imply that worn finish, missing parts and abused components will be replaced/repaired at no charge. ANY OTHER STATEMENT MADE OR IMPLIED REGARDING THE WARRANTY AND NOT INCLUDED HEREON IS INVALID. NOTE: It is illegal for anyone other than a bona fide dealer, manu facturer, or person holding a valid Federal Firearms License to ship Air and CO 2 Pistols through the United States mail. Ask your local dealer to mail it for you. These units may, however, be sent by an individual, via railway express in most states. AUGUST 15. 1972 CROSMAN ARMS COMPANY, INC. LANGDALE MONTGOMERY SELMA ALABAMA John O.Spinks· 509 12th Avt.IMidfitld. AtaJ35228 _ _ Rudolph'$: Gun Rrp;iirs· 2!l23 4th Ave. Nonh 35045 _ _ JOI', FixitShop· Rt.l.8ox486 35080 17 miles So. of Birminvt-m on Routl31 HAyes-Store·Box187 36864 . _ Todds Gun Slore· 24' No. Court SI. 36104 ._ Walk. Arms Co.. RI. 2, Box 38 36701 PHOENIX YUMA ARIZONA Bohm's Incorporattd· 3440 East Van B1nfl85008 Frank's G1"I1 Shop· 2259 4th Ave. 85364 BIRMINGHAM CLANTON HELENA 205-781·1111 205-_ 602-27~1262 _ ARVADA OELTA PALISADE COLORADO PJ's Sponing Goods Co.. 5300 W.dswar1h A'll. 80002 303-424-1778 Rob"t J. Mimsrll, Gunsmilh - 1252 Grand Ave. 81416 _._ _ 303-874-9374 Ray's Gunsmith Shop· RI. I. Box 366 81526 . BRISTOL ELMWOOO SIMSBURY WALLINGFORD CONNECTICUT Horchllr's Gun Shop' 8 Fn: St. 06010 2Q3.582.Q530 John Baronowskus - 32 Vi.... Hill Rd. 06110 203-561.(1120 K.P. Fic!3rms Sefvice Slation Co. - Box 274 0s070 Modern Gunaall·DtnnisKatoni,Jr.·1406 Durtlllm Rd.06492-=: 203-265·1015 NEWPORT BEACH NORTH HIGHLANDS OXNARD PACIFICA PETALUMA PORTERVILLE RIVERSIDE SAN CARLOS SAN OIEGO 209-_ R •••• SAN DIEGO (EI C3jon) ORLANDO ST. PETEftS8URG 305-634-1728 305-691-3111 904-383-4258 305-299-4324 813-896-8634 ATLANTA CONYERS DECATUR GRIFFIN lIDULTRIE IllSl.GFAWIl GEORGIA ROKh Sporting Goods· 213 E. Pica Ferry Rd.H.E_ 30305 _ E.horn Gun Shop· RI. 3. Flat Shoals Rd. 302!l1 The GIMI Corral. Inc. 2821 E. Col" Ave. 30033 Walk. Alms Ca., Int:.· 1360 WEst: Taylol 51. 30223 Sout"n AulD Stor.· 122 first St. S.E. 31168 Mat's Gun & Tadt.. Shop • Corner Hwy. 11 &. 189 30138_ 404-261-8000 464483-2143 404-317·7288 404-228-4223 912-985-5714 404-462,2386 HONOLULU WAIPAHU HAWAII Ki...·' Spwting Goods· King at Smith Sts. 96817 808-53"164 w.ipthu Bitydl! &: Sporting Goods· 94-320 Otpat St. 96197_ IDAHO FALLS IDAHO Paul's Rlpeir SIrvict· 1095 Adl Avenue 834(11 lIT. DORA 205-263.J078 206-872-3811 SAN GABRIEL SAN JOSE SANTA ANA SANTA BARBARA SHASTA STOCKTON VAN NUYS ARTESIA BAKERSFIELD BERRY CREEK DALY CITY DUARTE FRESNO FUllERTON LANCASTER LONG BEACH LOS ANGElES 30~565-0448 ._ Toby's Inc.· 7450 H.W. 21th Ave. 33147 A.W.Pttlf1Oft Gun Shop ·1693 Old Highwly 441, 32751 _._ J.y"Spons Den· 140 HestingsSI. 32808 ._ 8ill..lltkson.lnc.. 11004IhSI. So. 33701 ~._ 2O!J..822.J019 CALIFORNIA Lloyd's Pellgun Rtplir . 1238 P8r1 SI. 94501 4OB-522~709 K. HAtfield CrasrNn Repair· 240 E. AdIl.SI. 92805 _ _ 714-821.-& N.bSponing Goods 92804 _ Ray's Sporting Goods- 18925 NOrM. 81Yd. 90701 213-924-1714 Valley Gun Shop· 4300 GOfdon 93307 aos.832·3011 Bald Rock Gun Shop· 95916 916-533-4653 O.1y City Gun Stor.· 6694 MissionSt_ 94014 41~75S-7434 Clmptr's Ha...-n - 2402 E. Huntinglon Orivl91010 21H59-12S5 R.V.Produc1s.lnc.-6310H.Blac:ksuK'lI93701 • Huls Sponing Goods· 601 S. Etdid 92632 cridl..' ...... IllIyL 1'4-371-5911 Chtistll'lSl!n's Guns&SponingGoods·...936% 0.8IKh 93534 _ 8111 & Frank SpOr1ing Goods· 345 Long Buch Bl¥d. 90812.__ HE-619-87 lu McMurray&Son·I5446 Cabrito Rd.(V.nNuys)91Q .__ 213·181·1921 Perry's Sponing Goods· 43f»3 BrOldMy (H8Wthot"ne) 90250 __ 213-815-3816 AI's Gunsmith Shop· 371 East Columbil91761 (Pamone)._ 114-823-2922 H_1s Spor1ing Goods· 21 FlShion Islend 92660 . __ 714-M4-2121 (Pkk·upuation only) Oon's Nu-Matic Repair· P.O. Box 496-7442Wan A'll. 95660.._. 916-331·1269 Oxnard Sporling Goods· 140 North A 5.. 93030 .,._..._ __._ ~2638 PacitiCl Spons Clnttr,lne. . 2130 Palmltlo A'll. 94044 _ •..•. 415-359-0546 Andrrson Gunsmithing· 2485 P.talutNI Blvd.N. 949S2 •••• _.~_. 107·763-3852 Sporttmen Spnrl Goods· 50 H. Mlin St_ 93251._._.•.~._ ..__•..... 209-184-1581 80b SUIWlllrtt Gun Shop· 3830 Jurupa Alit. 92506 ._.._•....•..._.. 714-4)92-S400 Walt Ricti . P.O. Sox 991 94070 ..•..__••.... H .. ~~ H_._.__ . 8udlmln's Gun Shop· 3636 Univtnity Ave, 92Ioo(Pick~'ttIIio"onIyl Krasill's Inc.· 568 Sixth Ave. 92101 _ ... '''.~._._~~_ 11~23!HJ181 Naill InstrulMrlt . 1682 Gmntilld Dr. lEI Cljon) 92021_. 714-441-8991 Woodlander'sSpor1ing Goods-300A Elst LuTu.... Or.91776 _. 213-28s-6611 Houston Hobby Shop, Ine.· 930 Town &. Counlry 95128 408-241-4540 NealsSporling Goods·219 East 4th 51. 92705IPick...,Sltholulftlyl 114-547-5723 PIlch &. Son Sporting Goods· 1207 SlItt SI. 93101 -.._.__... 805-966-1461 Oall D. SAldridr,e, Gunsmith - Rock CrHk Rd. 96081.. _ C, Bowser R~loading&. Ammo Shop-142 E, Main Sf. 95202 __ 209-465-1415 LesMeMuffily&.Son ··15446 Clbri10 Rd. 91406 213-181·1921 ALAMEDA ANAHEIM FLORIDA Don', Clo..... RIJ*r· 502 H.E. 13th St. 33304 FORT LAUDERDALE MIAIII •• _ . BELVIDERE CHICAGO DANVILLE GENEVA OAK lAWN PEKIN WESTlIDNT ANDERSON .v Gun &: Rif" Rlpeir· 2S42 N.W. 22nd. SI. 33142 ILLINOIS Jones & Bliley - Logan Ave. at S. Main $1. 61008 . 815-543-9086 Cor",', Rod&. Retl Slrva·6532 H. Clark SI. 6062S ----.312·143·2980 Johmon'sSponing Goods· 794L.. St. 60016 . _ 312-299-1714 S &. J Sport Shop· 423 Eat M.in 61832 .__... ..__ ~ __ .~ .. ~ .. 217-442-8919 The Outdoonman Sporting Gds. Co. 105 WISt Stitt St.60134 ~, 312·232-4680 lain', Aaociatld Guns, Inc.· 4542W. 95thSt. 604f»3 ._._...• 312·851·9751 Don's Gun Rlptir· Routt 2, GI.ntNIr 0,. 61554 .._._._.•__ 309-346-5242 o &. ESttidi• . 9 S. 216 C. . Aven", 60559 . _ . _.._~._ .. 312·968-3359 INDIANA Hodson & Son Pili Gun Rlpai,. RR 7, Box 18 Scauerfilld Rd. South 46011 Myas Gun Shop - N. W.bash Avtrlut 46714 _.._••._.__.__ RaiD Corpontion . 2203 W. Fflnklin 51. 47712 •• Robert E. Lunlr· 3541 Al* Drive 46815 _.__•._._.. . ._.~ Schlaner HlI'dwtr. Co .• Inc.. 5310 Mlrchlndese Dr. 46805 ...__ C-K $pons &. Hobby Service· 9553 Indianapolis 8lvd. 46322 _ BrOid RippleSpO(1SShop· 1015 E. Wmli,ld Blvd. 46220 __ W"lfldlor Goo Shop· 8510 Southeasttrn Ave. 46239 Mers Out-D-DoorsStorl- 1613 N. DIVis St. 46901 __ . Roblrl80bson, B&. BGun Rlpair· 801 S.spring SI.46544_ Gary.n·s Trading Post . US. 43, 46168 (Pick·up 111110n onJy•.._. H _ _. _ . _ . _ _ ••• _ BLUFFTON EVANSVILLE fT. WAYNE HIGHLANO INOIANAPOLIS KOKOMO MISHAWAKA PLAINFIELD BETTENDORF BURLINGTON CEOAR FAlLS OESIIDINES 2Q8..52J-2481 •• •• 311-643·2055 219-824-2230 812-422-6945 219-485-8319 219-48«161 219·923-6809 317-862-2512 317-452-4149 219·259.(1712 311-839-i217 IOWA Air & Gas Gun Rtpair -1125 V.lIey Dr.• 80x f»3, 52722 _ _ 319-355-3282 Dnlkt HiNdwlre· 106 Washington SI. 52602 _ NdIon's Engine Shop- 620 Statr St. 50613 _ Tony's Gun Shop· 2110 E. 141h St.. 50316 51S-262-6898 G~n's Real Repaw Servtca . 1738 Fearte 51 515·2S2·2990 GREAT BEND WICHITA KANSAS Phillips Sporting Goods· 2016 BrOld'My 67530 __ .~ __._ _ 316·793-3291 W m Rod 1\ Rtol R,,,,"· 233 Mo'hMton 61203 316-284-5891 illY' Rod 1\ ROIl R,,,,. SIMco ·414 PottioSI. 61211 316·261-8462 KENTUCKY LOUISVILLE OOOfJ', Sporting Goodo ·1515 Bordolown Rd. 4D205 ..._........ 502-451·1321 NEW ORLEANS C_I Gun 1\ R"". Co.. 2401 So. Cloiborn. A... 10125 NORTH CAROLINA ASHEVILLE CHARLOTTE OURHAM FAYETTEVILLE WINSTON-SALEM LOUISIANA CHICOPEE GRANBY NORTHBORO BAY CITY OAVISON DETROIT GRAND HAVEN INKSTER LANSING OSCOOA SPRUCE Peltze,'s Sport Shop' 2311 E. MonulMnt St. 21200 ..-...._._~_ .. 301~76-3130 Applo Hordwor'o Inc.' 5919 Riggs Rood 20193_........_... Poluor Sport Shop, Eaot· 1015 E.....od Rd. 21040 .... Bort', Sporting Goodo· 1419 Ritchio HigbMy 21061 301·559-1313 3OHl16.flO6O Blrt's Sporting Goods· 2435 Mountlin Rd. 21122 .....•.. __ __ MASSACHUSETTS Chicopoo Sport Contor· 48 Cabot St. 01013 _ ..__. . 413-592·1280 LE. B,lr... 1\ Son • 21 Forgo Pond Rd. 01033 ....__._.. 413-487-4263 For'" Orchord Alchorv 1\ Spl. Gdo. Co. 19 Bloke St. 01532 .... 611·393-8263 MICHIGAN 511-892.2011 9...n', Sport Shop· 601 Columbus Avo. 48106 __...... ._........ 511-892-4586 Frank & Jacks Crosman Service· Lot 74 Gumwood O"io.. Eaot Mobilo E 48423 __..__ __ 313-853-8188 ACO Sportsmen Service Inc.· 13501 VlnOykl48234 .. M"'_'" Kooiman Sport Shop· 635 Fullon 49417 _ Irv's Gun Shop· 27367 Michigan A'll. 48141 .._ _ B 1\ WSupply Co. ·412 Bokor SI. 48910 ..: __ Loo', PIoce· 5650 N. M·m 48150 __ Will', Gun Shop· 5603 No. Hubbard L.b Road U7S2 _ _ _ _ . .. __ 511·139·5222 _.. __._ ",. 313-36s.4610 MINNESOTA DEERWOOD MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL T.R. T,bor· Routt I 56444 _ B 1\ BSupplv Co.. 4501 Minnohohi Avo. S. 6S400 ..__ Born n Gun Shop· 926 Miosisoippi SI. (Fridloyl65432 J.ck Frost lM 81it· 854 Rice SI. 55117 ._ JACKSON MERIOIAN M,V 1\ Jtcl<son . 838 W. C,pitol St. 39200 NOfmandv Sorvico Co.' 6401 . lot Koy Fiotd 39301 w _ •• _ _ ••••• _ . 21B.164-3104 612·124-5230 612·560-1618 612.uB-4603 MISSlSSlPl'I • ...... 801-482-G811 MISSOURI HUOSONVILLE LEES SUMMIT(K.n.CiIV) ST.LOUIS Jo,', Gun Shop· 236B Bony St. 49426 .. Sports Cant.r Service Dept.. 15 W. 3rd. St. 64063. Gritlin Gun Shop· 4416 MorgonlOfd Rood 63116 .._ 816·524-0283 ......... 314·162·1843 AKRON CINCINNATI CLEVELANO COLUMBUS DAYTON FAI RVIEW PARK FREMONT LIMA MASSILLON MOGADORE (Akron) REAOING(Cinanl'llti) ST. MARYS TOLEDO WARREN YOUNGSTOWN Clarkins Sporting Goods Repair - 3200 Arlington Rd. 44312 Ed Brendamour Inc.' 130 E. 6th St. 45202 ..•._ .. Jim Derek's· 2113S lO:3in Rd. 44126 (Pick·up S:~t::n only) R 1\ F Hardwaro· 11915 Kinsman Rd. 44120 lanos Gun Rock· 4161 N. High 51. 43214 Nevil's Gun Service - 2222 Old Troy Pike 45404 . Bob's Crosman Repair· 4096 W. 227 St. 44126 Fremont Gun &: Ath.ricSupply - 121 No. Arch St. 43420 Ace Alarms & locksmith· 909 Catalpa Ave. 4ft804 .. ThIiTradingPost·412ErieSt.S.44646 Den Boytes Crosman Repair· 3391 State 51. 44260 Oeisch Gun Rep.ir· 1020 Reading Road 45215 .._ _ Weapon Smithery· 1005 Linclen Ave. 45885 .. _. Young's Crosman Service· 2621 . 102nd St. 43611 ..• Jones Robbins (Sportlend) ·104 High St. N.W. 44481 . Pinchot's Air Gun & Tackle Serviee-l643 Lansdowne Blvd.44505 CLINTON KINGFISHER TULSA OKLAHOMA Shamburg'sWholesate Sporting Goods - 403 Frisco Ave. 73601 405-323-6209 Tho Sport Shop' B.- Bldg. Main 1\ Will Roge" 13650 . 405·315·5130 Polor Moydag· 2231 S. 84IH. A 14129 _.. .. 918·621·1519 Herb's Gun Shop· 2412 Frist AYe. N. 59101 Jim's Gun Shop • ~ox 13 59071 .._.• NEBRASKA .... 406·248-8916 406·329-3633 w 216·644-4182 216-734-1412 216·151-4002 614-263-0369 513·233-6520 216-734-5817 419·332-8961 419-229-3015 216-833-7761 216-673-9676 513·554-1100 419·126-6694 216·392-8161 216·143·9121 OREGON GRANTS PASS PORTLANO ALLENTOWN BRISTOL ERI GIBSONIA LEBANON MOUNTAINTOP (Wilkes-B8tTe Ar.) NEW KENSINGTON PITTSBURGH SPRING CITY MONTANA BILLINGS ROSCOE 704-253-1095 704-376-1017 919-286-0253 919-425-8560 919-788-2646 OHIO . 504-526-9152 MARYLAND BALTIMORE CHILLUM EOGEWOOO GLEN BURNIE PASAOENA Dan's Gun Shop· 371 Swannanoa River Road 28805 Spencer M. Fulp, Gunsmith· 1904 Anderson SI. 28200 Don Hill's lock & Gun Shop - 2602 Hillsborough Rd. 27705 Bull's Eye Gunshop - 990 McPherson Church Road 28304 The Air Ri'le Center ·1804 Spr-vue St. S.E. 27107 .. WARWICK Ralph BISSe, Gunsmith· 1008 N.E. He'.y St. 91526 Ollie D.mon, Int.. 4530 S.E. Hawthorne 97215 503-479-4052 503-232·3193 PENNSYlVANIA S.W. Gaugler, Gunsmith ·1503 E. Livingston St. 18103 Bristol Gun & Tackle Shop . 5 Pond 51. 19001 ...__ Harrv E. Mu.l~r· THE KEY MAN· 445 W. 81hS,- 16502 .. LoJool Sorvico· 5451 P,och SI. 16509 .. .. A. Chrtstian Uhl- 5000 lakewood Rd. 15044 .._ _ M.rtin lavIInSporting Gds. Store - 433 North 9th. 51. 17042 Millef'sSport Shop - 2 Summit View Dr. 18707.. ....._ Jacob's Sport Goods· 4th Ave, & 9th 81. 17072 Tackle Service . 2815 Brownsville Rd. 15227._._ John L. Keeley· R.D. 1 19475 _. 814-866-0151 412-443·1160 717-273-3148 717-474-6931 ............. 412·881·3324 ....... 215-495·6814 RHODE ISLAND GlOrgesSporting Gds.lnc. ·1089 Bald Hill Rd.028S6 SOUTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE 215-432·9952 215-788-9185 Art Delany's Sporting Goods· 2021 Wade Hampton Blvd.29601 (JA Sammons Pick Up Stationl 401-828·2397 NEBRASKA BEATRICE HASTINGS NEBRASKA CITY OMAHA Uhl~.Sporting n •• ullla"y a Goods· 204 North 5th St. 68310 _ Sporting Goods 1m:, - 232 N. Lincoln St. 68901 _. 402·223-4233 _ _ 402"'62·6240 The Sport Shop· 707 C'n.ral Ave. 68410...... 402-873-6020 POMfS Gun Shop· 6782 Pratt St 68104 ....... . m 402·5f.8..3777 NEVADA LAS VEGAS Christensen Shootet"s Supply & Sporting Goods RENll 3979 W. Cherl on Blyd. B9102 _ __..__ _ Alpine Reloading Room· 1100 S. Wei. Ave. 89502 _ _ NEW HAMPSHIRE 702-878-4724 702.323-5319 WONALANCET - ' , Gun Shop· RI. lISA IN. Sandwich) 03191 NEW JERSEY BLACKWOOO OIX HILLS J.y', Sport Con..,· 1000 N. BIatk Ho", Pik' 08012 __"_,,._. 609·227·9793 J_h W. Z,iser· 3 Cherter Coon 11146. ._.._........__._ 516-586-5104 ELIZABETH KEARNY LAKEHURST SADDLEBROOK SOMERSET UNION YARDVILLE Ross Sport Shop· 1053 E~ZIb"h Ave. 07201 ......_._. __ J & J Firearm' Co.' 445 Kwny Ave. 01032 .. _. KrugsSport & Tackle Shop ·11 A RI.37.08733 ._....__ _ T..get.... Inc. . Rt. 46 & 5th 01662 .._..._... ._ _ F'ed W. Lewi,· RD .3· Box 312 . L Ellison Rood 08873 _ Young's Ai" Gun Repair· 720 Colonial Arms Rd. 01083 _ _ H'ffy',Army Nevy Stor,· R. 130& Klock,. Rd. 086Z0 _._ 201·998-7979 201-657-8202 201,844-8912 608·585-5450 NEWYDRK ENDICOTI HDRSEHEADS Richard Ellon Gunsmith· 1377 LlWiston ROid 14003 .. T,ylor & Vodney Inc.· 303 C..t",1 Ave. 12206.. Gun Gallery Inc.· 271 Central Ave. 11714 ....._....__• • 51B-472·9183 .._. 516-433·3060 716-948·9629 (Elmil'l·Corning Ar.) SO. GLEN FALLS HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON STATION ISLIP ITHACA KERHONKSON LINDENHURST MANHASSET MIDDLETDN MDNTlCELLO NEWBURGH NIAGARA FALLS OGDENSBURG PATCHDGUE PLATIEKILL SEAFORD SLOATSBURG SYRACUSE WEBSTER MURFREESBORD (Location ,,3) 'NASHVILLE WHITE HAVEN Johnson's Gun Repair· 7 Marion Avt. 12801 .. _._ Mr. Edwllrd Pomerantz- Trlil Sport Shop 12446 .•.. CharlilS Bait & Tackle -175 E. Montauk Hgwy. 11157 Target Gun 8: locksmiths· 605 P"ndoml ROid 11030 Bob Lounsbury Spt. Goods -104 North 81. 10940 ....._ 50m G,,,ne, Gunsmith· 46 Floral D,ivt 12701 ._._ Doyco S.or,,· 305 B"",dwoy Box 16212701 M.F. Kinney Corp.· 364 B,OIdwoy 12560 Rapids Gun Shop' 7811 Buffalo A..,.. 14304 .._.__.. _H The Spom Mart . 82B Ford S•. 13669 Royal Fishing Tickle CO"ln<- ·127 _ __ _ _ 516·TU4-2021 516-MAl-6286 914-784-7711 914-79406226 914·561·3266 716-284-4541 _ _._ 315-393·2865 Moin SI. 11772._ 516-475-5410 Carpenter's Gun WORS - Box C, Gunshop Rd. 12568 ..._ .._. 914-562-8089 E, John BorKei, Gunsmnh· 2046 SaefOfd Ave. 11783 _. ... 516-221-8229 D..~ Sport Shop· 7 JohnsontOWll Rood 10814_.._ ......__._._. 914-753·2198 . Sportsmen R..-ir Shop· 448.11.- St. 13200 .._. 315-422·2056 Deve KieIon·Gunsmith· 57 Kinlellertor Perl< 14580 .. ... 716-872·2256 '' u , 803-895-3855 803-646-7613 Greenfield's· 353 E. Main St. 37066 _ ~ _ _ _ ~ . 1 : : : ~:d.r~::~eu~8S~~:O~~~a~' ;~~~~.~.~.~.~~~ _.._ 615·926-3035 E.G. Haqstrom - 2008 Janis OrM 38116 _._ _.._._ _ 901-397-4145 Oowdle Sporting Goods· 2896 Walnut Grove Rd. 38100 _._._.. Dowdle Sporting Goods· 543 Perkins Extended 381 00 .. .....~.. Quality Tire Co. - 4228 James Rd. 38128 _..._.._ ... 901.386.7660 Greenfield's· 114 W. Vine 51. 37130 .. .__ _._ Gun Cily U.S.A.· 673 MurtrtlOSbo,o Rood 37210 .. Dowdle Sporting Goods· 4283 Highway 5 t So. 31116 ... ... 616.254.8608 .__. Moses Gun & locksmith· 1521 College S1. 77701 .__• .. _ Texas Gun Shop, Inc.. 4518 S. Padre Istand Or. 7841,. .. Chaffte Crosman Repair - 420 South 30th St. 75110 . Wiley's Gun· 539 W. Jetterson 75208 ... . ..._._. Ed Budd's Custom Gun Shop' 5100 Harlan Or. 79924 . Point's Gun Shop - P.O. aox 31:J 18362 .._.._.._.__._._..__.._. Wil9ler's Tackle Shop . 1104 Nabors lane 79760 .._.._.._ ..__..__ The Gun Shop ·1906 E. SoutnmOI'9 77502 .._ _ __.._. ._. Ken's Gun Clinic· 3090 25th 51. 11640 .....__.__ _ _._. .._ Oon's Gun Shop· 3329 Fredericksburg Rd. 78201 _...._..._ _.. Gassman's Archery & Air Rifle Hdg. . 102 Jackson Keller 78216 512-854-4424 214-874-5174 214-YlH3-3528 915-751-6273 512-882-6815 915-337·6270 713--472·1145 713·983-5920 512-735-1931 512-821-1131 UTAH LEHIIUtah Co.) MAGNA OGDEN Hutch's· 50 E. Mlin S1. 84043 ..__ Fltvo Sporting Goods· 8915 W. 2700 So. 84044 .. Merrill O. Shomaker· 1604· 20th S1. 84401 ....._...._ BRATILEBORO Clapp's Sporting Goods Co.. 157 Main S1. 05301 _ _ _ _.. 518·792·9177 Guns&: Ammo· 269 New York Ave. 11743 _ _ __ _ 51Q.HA1·1928 The "CompoSit,"· cor. N.Y. Ave. & W. 16th SI. 11746 516·211-4969 (Pick up Station Only) Ber9" Gun Shop ·130 FlHnlOn Ave. 11751 516·581·7525 M.D. R.pair Sarvice· Box 251·515 W. Bu",10 SI. 14850 .._ 607·213·7970 ..aue ''''''' TEXAS BEAUMONT CORPUS CHRISTI CDRSICANA DALLAS EL PASO INGLESIDE DDESSA PASADENA PORT ARTHUR SAN ANTONID NorNn Richmln Gurumnh,lnc. . 2560 SUMisi Hwy. 11110..__ 516-826-8989 M,. Jerry Schnu,,· lZ3 Lorroi.. Gall 11554 _ _ _ 516-796-0842 IMkfi'ld Sport C.... · 246C La'kfield Rd, 11731._.._._ _ (Pick up Stltion tor E. John Bol1lcti) Murrey Brown - 609 N. DUll'll Aw. 13760 '_' 'p"' •••_ . Bob', Bow Hunting & Sporting Gds. . 15611_ Rd. 14845.._... 6OJ.739-1949 u,\I"y uuuua - "'v"" (J.A. Sammons Pick Up Station) J.A. Sammons - Roul' 2, 29851 Bowen Distributors· 2 Circle St. 29656 TENNESSEE GAllATIN(Location .2) JOHNSDN CITY KNOXVILLE MEMPHIS _._•• Pick up Slltion for TlfgII1lotksmith ALABAMA ALBANY BETHPAGE BELLMORE EAST MEADOW Ill) EAST NDRTHPORT GREER LeFRANCE .... 801·297-9923 ...... 801·399·2234 VERMONT ....... 802·254-4260 VIRGINIA CHARLOTIESVILLE Carter's Gun Works· 2211" JsffefSon Park Ava. 22903 . 703·296·6363 WASHINGTDN SEATILE SPDKANE TACDMA 5oylo<', Gun Shop· 942615th AYe. 98106...... Art's Repair Service· 4104 Grind Ave. 99203 Welcher's Gun Shop· 6400 Pacific Ave. 98408 . . 206·RD7·3424 __ .. 509-RI7·1312 206472·1113 WEST VIRGINIA FAIRMDNT FOND DU LAC GRAFTON MAUSTON MILWAUKEE SO. MILWAUKEE TWO RIVERS Th. Sport Store· 312 MoOfos 51. 26554 _..._._._...._.... WISCONSIN Jack's lock & Gun Shop· 37 Forest Ave. 54935 .. 304-363-0220 _ _ .. Fall's Bun R'I*h" . 1457 River Bend Rd. 53024 _ __ _ R & RShooters Supplies . RI. 1 Box 32 53948 .._._.__._ __ M,nin's R'plir SlfVice' 8409 W. Burleigh St. 53222 ..__ _.._ N. Hintz Sport & Marint Inc. 1235 MitwluknAve. 53172 .._ .. Gil's Sporting Goods· 1918 Washington St. 54241 .._._..... 414-922-4420 414-317·1514 608-847-4582 414-873·3220 414·162-1281 414-192-7531 ONTARIO GLASGOWC.2 SCOTLANO HAUTS OE SEINE FRANKFURT/MAIN 20124 MILANO CARACAO MANILA BAYAMON CAPARRA HEIGHTS MAYAGUEZ SANTURCE TRANAS ST. CROIX ST. THOMAS CANADA Crosman Arms (Canada) Ltd. Broad St.• DunrMIle GREAT BRITAIN James W. McCallum James McCallum. Ltd.. 62 Robertson St. FRANCE Galan Armes et Munitions International 59. Bd. Vohairo . 92 . Asnieres GERMANY Franz A. Dioler. K.G.. Wilhernl·Lousch. . Str. ITALY Berena Fiocchi S.P.A. . Via Fabio FilIi 27 NETHERLAND ANTILLES Piar Pharmaca~Kontraat 26 PHILIPPINES Associatod Trading Corp.· 557 Rosario Binondo PU~RTO RICO Now York Dopt. Store Loon Lyon Martin· LaArmeria Motropolitana· Box 109741009201 Now York Oopt. Store· San Patricio Shopping Conter J. Cavamory Applicancas· McKinley 59 Now York Dept. Store· Stop #17 Max Steck· Calle Monserrate 620 SWEDEN Stig Hjelmquist . Box 172 VIRGIN ISLANDS St. Croix Auto & Hordware - Christianstad Treasure Trove Lawrence A. Creque· P.O. Box 637 ~{M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.~J.M.tJ.M.M.M.M.M.M.MM.M.M.M.M.M.M.MMMMM]~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~J This is a Limited Offer Onlyl ~+ ~ ~ CROSMAN CO 2 SHOTGUN CERTIFICATE ;:gJ ~+ ~. ~. ~ My payment for the Model 1100 of $29.95, plus $2.50 for shipping and handling charges, total $32.45 D(check) ~ for the complete Trapmaster #80 set at $49.95, plus $4.50 for shipping and handling charges, total $54.50 0 check 0 money order is enclosed: ~+ ~ I purchased my Crosman gun, Model No. ~ ~ ~ :::gJ ~ CUSTOMER'S SIGNATURE ~ -- • ~+ COMPLETE ADDRESS (PLEASE PRINTI ~+ ~ ~+ on I DATEI at (WHERE PURCHASl!DI ~~ ~+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti: ~ ~ ~~ NAME CITY PHS. o (check) ..~ ~ f~ ..u ::-. STREET ~ ~ ~. ~ This certifies that I am a Crosman gun owner, which qualifies me for the purchase of the Trapmaster Model II 00 at a special cost to me of oniy$29.95 (reguiar$49.95 ), or the complete Trapmasterset, Model 80, as shown on reverse, for oniy$49.95 (regular $89.95). ~+ ~ ~+ .~ .~ ~ SPECIAL FACTORY DIRECT OFFER ~ ~+ ~ ~ VOID Thirty Days after Purchase of Gun nAT. Crosman Arms COo, Inc., retains the right to cancel this offer without prior notice. ZIP ~~ ~~ f~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~·~·rIrIrIrWfrIrfrIffrfff~·w·~~·rfff~{fffffffffff{i'lr{~{rM1lff~~·fl ~·~·~·~·flrlr{rIff~~ ~~©©111100£!\~~ Shotgun ~ with Crosman's The SPOrl. CO, Trap the most eliciting new shoohng sport ever introduced. is now available for the whole family. It's economical. too. Costs only a fraction of powder shotgun shooting. Perfect for spaCIous home areas, club houses. camps. even your basement can become a skeet range! CO, Trap IS the fantastic new development for complete famIly shooting fun. See the new Crosman CO, 'rap shooting system at your deale,'s now. E.,.rything you need comes In one package. TrapmasterCO, shotgun. 100 shotgun shells. 10 CO, Powerlets. 2S reusable tarl"s. anet the new skeet The ',ap. The entire CO, trap system sells for under $90.00. The Trapmas", shotgun alone sells for less than 550.00. Pick yours up today. ShOlgUD. \ood"n9 ~\' lle \\o'o\e. TheCrosman CO, Trapmaster shotgun IS a full size shotgun It looks like. l4,o'4f ~.,o fP.els Itke. shoots like the real thing. It IS the real thing. And Il has features that other shotguns do not havebecause It has adlustable CO, power for limited area shooting. The Shells. CROSMAN TRAPMASTER MODEL 1100 CO, SHOTGUN SPECIFICATIONS ACTION: One stroke side cocking single shot BORE: ,380 true cylinder bore. OVERALL LENGTH: 46'/2" LENGTH OF PULL: 14 If. " DROP AT COMB: I" DROP AT HEEL: 2" SIGHT: Metal bead front The Trapmaster shoots standard No.8 shot from Crosman CO, Shotshells. The load of over 55load·chillod shot produces a consistent pattern••ssurins _ut POWER: Crosman Giant CO, Powerlets SAFETY: Positive Cross bolt safety a clean target break every time. The system has an effective ranee up to 40 feet. $3.00 per 100 STOCK AND FOREARM. Contoured harctwoodwalnut finish .Ta~~::s Theco, TaraelS. Trap breakaway targets are shaped like real clay pigeons. BARREL: Full rib 28" true cylinder Targets The domed plastic targets have rinas that break away when they are hit. Then they ate quickly put together and used over and over again. ThI TriD. Also AYOilalt'e-Mlnl_ Co_ Clay Torget•• The specially-desiened Crosman CO, trap provides every thrill of powder shotgun trap shooting. Now. trap aod skeet shooters can shoot far more often at ta, less cost. The Crosman CO, trap and trap system is excellent for beginners. And g,eat practice for you bird hunters. as well. It's the first economical shotgun system tor everyone. Standard Trap equipment includes: Remote Foot Release to permit individual shooting. Auxiliary arm tor conversion 10 MO·SKEET·O shooting. _ $32.00 fAMll Y GUNS. Be a two gun CO, trap family_ Get an extra Trapmaster shotgun when you buy your CO, Trap system. so your son can learn with his own gun. It's a great way to get close to your boy. (§rosman Rn motelnlof'fNtlc:n Write OeO'. PUG "Answ.s to your Questions 1ItMt." Cro.man Arms Co., Inc., fairport, N. Y. 14450 Cro.man Arms Co. (Canada) LTD., Dunnville, Onto PATIERN: Appro.i mately 14- dia. at 4011. WEIGHT: 6lf. Ibs. _$60.00