Sociedad Chilena de Trastornos Bipolares
Sociedad Chilena de Trastornos Bipolares
TERCERAS JORNADAS DE LA SOCIEDAD CHILENA DE TRASTORNOS BIPOLARES La Sociedad Chilena de Trastornos Bipolares, filial de la ISBD (International Society for Bipolar disorders) constituida como corporación de derecho privado sin fines de lucro en octubre del año 2012, realizará sus Terceras Jornadas el próximo 4 y 5 de septiembre del 2013, en el Hotel Intercontinental, Santiago, Chile. Dichas jornadas cuentan con siete prestigiosos invitados internacionales (ver más abajo), que desarrollarán la temática; “El Trastorno Bipolar a lo largo del ciclo vital”; esta actividad cuenta además con la participación del departamento de Salud Mental del Ministerio de Salud, que evaluará el Programa GES del Trastorno Bipolar a un año de su implementación. En esta oportunidad, nuestra Sociedad desea entregar a nuestros socios algunos beneficios, en este caso contar con un tiempo de reserva en la inscripción más extenso. Si desea hacerse socio, complete la ficha en el mismo formulario de inscripción de las jornadas, indicando la opción “sí deseo hacerme socio”. Les contamos, que al 8 de mayo en curso tenemos 110 inscritos y más de 40 socios, por lo que auguramos una excelente convocatoria. Queremos que nuevamente esta sea una instancia de encuentro y provecho académico de nuestra comunidad de profesionales. Esperanza Habinger Miguel Prieto Danilo Quiroz Directora Terceras Jornadas Tesorero SOCHITAB Presidente Sochitab Santiago, Mayo del 2015 Sociedad Chilena de Trastornos Bipolares -‐ SOCHITAB Terceras Jornadas Sociedad Chilena de Trastornos Bipolares Directores: Esperanza Habinger Miguel Prieto Danilo Quiroz Fecha: Jueves 4 y viernes 5 de septiembre 2015 Lugar: Hotel Intercontinental Santiago. Invitados Internacionales: -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ Joseph Calabrese (USA) Michael Gitlin (USA) Eric Yougstrom (USA) Manuel Sánchez de Carmona (México) Diego Martino (Argentina) Oscar Heeren (Perú) Sergio Strejilevich (Argentina) Patrocinadores: Ministerio de Salud del Gobierno de Chile – MINSAL International Society for Bipolar Disorders – ISBD Sociedad de Psiquiatría y Neurología de la Infancia y Adolescencia – SOPNIA Corporación Nacional Autónoma de Certificación de Especialidades Médicas -‐ CONACEM Universidad Diego Portales – Faculta de Medicina Universidad Católica – Facultad de Medicina Universidad de los Andes – Facultad de Medicina Instituto Psiquiátrico de Santiago Dr. José Horwitz Clínica Dávila Auspiciadores: Golden Astrazeneca / GSK / Tecnofarma Silver Axon Pharma / Bagó / Etex / Janssen / Laboratorio Chile Lilly / Pfizer Pharma Investi / Recalcine / Saval Sociedad Chilena de Trastornos Bipolares -‐ SOCHITAB Currículum abreviado de Invitados Extranjeros Joseph Calabrese (USA) Professor of Psychiatry; Director, Mood Disorders Program, Case Western Reserve University; Co-‐ Director, Bipolar Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio.Dr Calabrese completed his medical training at Ohio State University and his psychiatric residency at the Cleveland Clinic. After completing a research fellowship at the NIMH, he returned to Cleveland in 1989 to start the Mood Disorders Program. Dr Calabrese is a Professor of Psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University & Director of the Mood Disorders Program. He co-‐directs along with Robert Findling, MD, the NIMH-‐funded ‘Bipolar Research Center’ in Cleveland, Ohio. Dr Calabrese has received five NIMH/Federal research grants. The general focus of the research center is ‘improving clinical outcomes in underserved populations of bipolar disorder’, including those receiving care within community mental health centers, children, adults, older adults, and those currently abusing alcohol or drugs. Dr Calabrese has over 220 scientific publications that focus on the phenomenology and treatment of bipolar disorder. His individual scientific focus is the development of the class of anticonvulsants and the atypical antipsychotic agents as long-‐term treatments with special emphasis on rapid cycling and dual diagnosis presentations. Dr Calabrese is a member of a number of scientific advisory boards and committees and is affiliated with the American Psychiatric Association. He is also a referee for several scientific journals, including the American Journal of Psychiatry and Annals of Neurology, and has authored or co-‐authored more than 130 scientific articles and book chapters. Dr Calabrese was chosen by psychiatry residents to receive the ‘Best Teacher of the Year Award’ in three different years, and in 2004, received a NARSAD Lifetime Achievement Award for Psychiatric Research into Mood Disorders. Michael Gitlin (USA) Dr. Gitlin is Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine. He is currently the Director of the Adult Division and Director of the Mood Disorders Clinic at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital. He is the author of many scientific articles and book chapters as well as two editions of a solo authored psychopharmacology textbook written for nonphysician therapists entitled The Psychotherapist's Guide to Psychopharmacology published by the Free Press. He recently coauthored a book entitled Psychotropic Drugs and Women with Dr. Victoria Hendrick. He served as Chief of Staff at the Neuropsychiatric Hospital from 1997-‐1999. His recent awards include: Distinguished Educator Award in Teaching from the UCLA Department of Psychiatry in 1999, the UCLA Department of Psychiatry Outstanding Housestaff Teaching Award in 1994, the Distinguished Service Award from the Southern California Psychiatric Society in 1995 and was named Psychiatric Times Teacher of the Year in 2002. He has also won the award for the best Internal Medicine Board Review Course in the area of psychiatry from the American Board of Internal Medicine. Sociedad Chilena de Trastornos Bipolares -‐ SOCHITAB Eric Yougstrom (USA) Eric Youngstrom is a Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he is also the Acting Director of the Center for Excellence in Research and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder. He is the first recipient of the Early Career Award from the Division of Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology, and is an elected member of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. He has served as the Director of the Data Management and Statistical Analysis Unit and Research Methods Core of the Center for Research in Bipolar Disorder across the Life Cycle. He earned his doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Delaware, and he completed his predoctoral internship training at Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic before joining the faculty at Case Western Reserve University. Prof Youngstrom is a licensed psychologist who specializes in the relationship of emotions and psychopathology, and the clinical assessment of children and families. He teaches courses on assessment and therapy, developmental psychopathology, research design, and multivariate statistics, and has earned the Carl F. Wittke, Glennan Fellowship, and the Northeastern Ohio Teaching Awards. He also actively investigates ways of improving the use of clinical assessment instruments for making better differential diagnoses, predictions about future functioning, or monitoring of treatment progress – particularly with regard to bipolar disorder across the lifespan. Prof Youngstrom has spoken on the topic of pediatric bipolar disorder at scientific meetings in Canada, Europe, South America, and Asia, as well as around the United States. Prof Youngstrom has published more than 130 peer reviewed publications on the topics of clinical assessment and emotion, and he has served as an ad hoc reviewer on more than 40 prominent psychology and psychiatry journals as well as being on the editorial boards of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, the Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, and Psychological Assessment. Prof Youngstrom is the principal investigator on a five year grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (R01 MH066647) and co-‐investigator of a second, multi-‐ site R01, both designed to improve the assessment of bipolar disorder in diverse community samples. He has received grants from the NIMH, the Ohio Department of Mental Health, Cuyahoga County, and the Schubert Center for Child Development, and has been principal or co-‐ investigator in funded projects to a value of more than $20 million. Manuel Sánchez de Carmona (México) At the present time Dr. Sánchez de Carmona is President of the ISBD Mexican Chapter (International Society for Bipolar Disorders), an ISBD Board Councilor and Co-‐chair of the ISBD Advocacy Committee. He works as a private practice physician in Mexico City. Dr. Sánchez de Carmona earned his Medical Degree from the School of Medicine of the Anáhuac University in Mexico City. Received his psychiatric education at the National Psychiatric Institute Ramón de la Fuente in Mexico City and from the Autonomous National University of Mexico. Received the award for obtaining the highest score in the Psychiatric Residency Exam. He Sociedad Chilena de Trastornos Bipolares -‐ SOCHITAB completed his training with studies at the Jackson Memorial Hospital, University of Miami, and at the New York Psychiatric Institute, Columbia University, USA. He worked in Mexico´s National Psychiatric Institute in the Obsessive Compulsive Clinic doing clinical research and the validation of the Yale Brown Scale in Spanish. He began working 15 years ago with bipolar disorders in the outpatient clinic and developed an educational program for bipolar family members. Since then he has participated in numerous research and clinical projects in different aspects of bipolar disorder. He completed a national survey of demographic and clinical information about Mexican bipolar patients. Dr. Sánchez de Carmona actively participated with the Latin American Network for Affective Disorders and just finished a pharmacological survey in collaboration with other seven latin american countries. He is working with the IANBD (Iberoamerican Network for Bipolar Disorders) in a project investigating social stigma and quality of life for the bipolar patient. Currently he has developed the Bipolar Connection program, a non profit community educational project designed to reach patients and family members that need to receive and learn about the disorder. He is an activist working with advocacy groups in his country and is currently developing a media campaign to fight bipolar disorders stigma. Diego Martino (Argentina) Doctor en Medicina Univeridad Favaloro, psiquiatra especialista en Estadística para Ciencias de la Salud y Magíster en Psicoinmunoneuroendocrinología y Magíster en Psiconeurofarmacología. Investigador adjunto del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Argentina (ingreso en 2013). Médico del Programa de Trastornos Bipolares del Instituto de Neurociencias de la Fundación Favaloro. Miembro del Consorcio de Investigación en Esquizofrenia y Neurodesarrollo (Febrero 2005-‐actualidad). Miembro de la Asociación Argentina de Trastornos del Humor (ASATHU) (Marzo 2008-‐actualidad). Coordinador del “Curso Universitario de Actualización en Trastornos Bipolares”. Instituto de Neurociencias, Universidad Favaloro (Marzo 2008-‐ actualidad). Supervisor de residentes de psiquiatría. Hospital General de Agudos Parmenio Piñero y Hospital Teodoro Alvarez (Feberero 2007-‐actualidad). Docente curso “Clínica Psiquiátrica”. Hospital de Emergencias Psiquiátricas T. de Alvear (Marzo 2006-‐actualidad). Oscar Heeren (Perú) Actualmente es el presidente del Capítulo Peruano de la ISBD 2011-‐2015. Psiquiatra Subespecialista Psicogeriatra (U de Maryland) Ha realizado investigación en el área de los trastornos bipolares y psicogeriatría. Heeren, O et al: Tratamiento Psicofarmacologico del Trastorno Bipolar en America Latina. Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment (Barc.). 4(4):205-‐211; 2011. Heeren, O et al: Association of depression with agitation in elderly nursing home residents. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, Volume 16, No. 1, 4-‐7, 2003. Sociedad Chilena de Trastornos Bipolares -‐ SOCHITAB Heeren, O et al: The association between decreasing length of stay and readmission rate on a psychogeriatric unit. Psychiatric Services, Volume 53, No. 1, 76-‐79, 2002. Póster presentado en la American Psychiatry Association annual meeting, Washington D.C., Mayo 1999. Heeren, O et al: Religion and end of life treatment preferences among geriatric patients. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, Volume 16, Issue 2, 203-‐208, 2001. Poster presentado en la American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry annual meeting, Miami, FL, Marzo 2000. Sergio Strejilevich (Argentina) Sergio Strejilevich es Jefe del Programa de Trastornos Bipolares del Instituto de Neurociencias, Fundación Favaloro. Consultor del Departamento de Psiquiatría del instituto de Neurología Cognitiva y Miembro del Consorcio de Investigadores en Esquizofrenia y Neurodesarrollo. Su investigación reciente se ha centrado en la descripción del curso de la enfermedad bipolar y sus modificadores, los déficits cognitivos asociados a la enfermedad y la postulación de mecanismos biológicos subyacentes a los episodios mixtos. Actualmente es counsilor de la International Society for Bipolar Disorders. Sociedad Chilena de Trastornos Bipolares -‐ SOCHITAB
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