May - Casino High School


May - Casino High School
Casino High School
90 Queensland Road, Casino NSW 2470
Ph: 02 6662 3077
Fax: 02 6662 6390
Term 2 Number 7
8th May 2015
Term 2 - Week 4
50 Year Sewing - Mrs Swan
Year 10 Faculty Information Sessions
Term 2 - Week 5
50 Year Sewing - Mrs Swan
NAPLAN Years 7 & 9 - Mrs Bell
Year 10 Parent/Carers Subject Information Evening
Year 10 Faculty Information Sessions
Support A, Community Gardens - Miss Attard
Dubai Group - Mrs Swan
Year 12 Chemistry Excursion, SCU
Dubai Group - Mrs Swan
Year 10 Faculty Information Sessions
NAPLAN Years 7 & 9 - Mrs Bell
Year 10 Faculty Information Sessions
Community Gardens - Mrs Swan
NAPLAN Years 7 & 9
Northern Rivers Careers Expo., GSAC - Mrs Larsson
School Athletics Carnival, half day
School Athletics Carnival, all day
Community Gardens - Mrs Swan
Transition to work, Special Ed.
Working with Wood Excursion, Brisbane - Mr Simpson
Transition to work, Special Ed.
Year 10 Faculty Information Sessions
NAPLAN catch up day
Zone Cross Country, Lismore - Miss Evenden
Principal Report - Mr Schneider
Welcome to our second newsletter for Term 2. As we move into week four of Term 2 we already have had a
number of significant events including the school cross country at Evans Head, an ANZAC Day Assembly,
participation in the Casino Community ANZAC Day Dawn Service and March, Year 10 Work Experience, Year 12
Parent Teacher evening, Year 12 Academic Awards Assembly, our Show Team travelling to Bonalbo and Grafton,
interschool Senior and Junior Debating, the Girls Education Leadership Camp and a number of interschool, zone
and regional sporting events.
I must congratulate the students on their behaviour and participation at these events and also the involvement of
their parents and carers. It is pleasing to see the school, parents and carers actively participating in a partnership to
obtain the best possible outcomes for our students and their children.
In the coming weeks parents need to be aware of further significant school events. A Year 10 Parent/Carer subject
information evening will be held on Tuesday night. This is particularly important as students in consultation with
their parents and carers need to select their pattern of study for their Stage 6 HSC Courses. This selection is a
difficult process as they need to consider their career aspirations and ability when determining what courses to
nominate for their HSC pattern of study.
Principal’s Report cont…..
At Casino High School we offer an extensive curriculum in the HSC with 35 Board Developed Courses
(BDC), four Board Endorses Courses (BEC), nine VET
industry curriculum framework courses plus TAFE, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and schoolbased apprenticeships and Traineeships. Obviously the
decision is complex and Casino High School staff offer
both information sessions to parents and students
plus individual interviews for parents and students so
that their choices are in their best present and future
23rd June from 10am
to 2pm. NAIDOC
Assembly commences
at 12.15pm
Everyone is most welcome
to attend.
Other important upcoming events are the NAPLAN
tests for Year 7 and year 9 from Tuesday 12th to
Thursday 14th May, the school athletics carnival on
Thursday 21st May and information session on Monday eventing 25th May for prospective Year 7 students
for 2016.
Celebrating 50 Years on the Hill 
Casino High School is currently celebrating “50
Years on the Hill”. To help the school celebrate
this occasion a Fete/Open Day will be held on
29th August 2015 between 12noon and 6pm in
the school grounds.
I would also like to remind parents and carers that supervision at the school starts at 8.30am in the morning
and if you are driving your child to school please let
them off at the front of the school. When students
cross the road in front of the school they need to use
the pedestrian crossing.
We are searching for community members and
organisations who would like to hold a stall at
the school on this day. The cost of the stall is $20
per stall. Please contact Jennifer Maslen via
email or
telephone the school on 6662 3077.
Deputies - Ms Grieves & Mr Wray
If you are interested in helping out with the fete
please do not hesitate to contact myself or Karen
Armstrong, P&C President.
 We have a very busy week coming up with Year 10.
 Subject Information Sessions for Year 11 2016
will be held all week.
 A Meeting for parents and students will be
held on Tuesday 12th May at 6pm in the
Library. This is the first step on their journey
into senior school and it is absolutely essential
that all students and their parents attend. The
meeting will last for an hour. The students will
be issued with their Senior Subject Selection
 Year 7 and Year 9 students will have their NAPLAN
Testing on Wednesday 13th May and Thursday
14th May. A catch up day for any absent students
will be on Friday 15th May.
 Mrs Larsson will be taking a group of interested
students to the Northern Rivers Careers Expo on
Thursday 14.5.15 at Goonellabah Sports and
Aquatic Centre.
 We wish our Cross Country runners all the best for
the Zone Cross Country to be held at the Lismore
Racecourse on Friday 15.05.15.
 Congratulations to all those students and staff
who participated in the Casino Anzac Day March
and Dawn Service. It was such a pleasure to be
part of this group at such an important community
event. Well done Casino High.
The School’s NAIDOC Celebrations will be held on
Jenny Maslen
Week 4
Term 2
Week 5
Term 2
R. Fleming
S. Campbell
E. Rosolen
J. Carbis
L. Miller
H. Lynn
J. King
M. Giles
P. Serone
V. Solomon
J. Parmenter
D. Skinner
M. Pitman
P. Serone
The PDHPE (Personal Development, Health & Physical
Education) faculty contributes significantly to the
development of our young people’s overall wellbeing
by providing opportunities for students to learn about,
and practice ways of, adopting and maintaining a
healthy, productive and active life. We look to actively
involve students learning through movement
experiences that are both challenging and enjoyable,
and improve their capacity to move with skill and
confidence in a variety of contexts. We promote and
encourage students to enjoy and value physical
activity in their lives.
Learning in PDHPE encourages young people to take a
positive approach to managing their lives and equips
them with skills for current and future challenges.
Issues that affect young people and explored in class
physical activity
mental health
drug use
sexual health
supportive relationships
personal safety
gender roles and discrimination.
opportunities for students to challenge themselves and
excel. These include; the organisation and
management of each of the three major whole school
sporting carnivals – Swimming, X-Country and Athletics,
preparing & coaching sporting teams for State
Knockout Competitions, Driver Education Seminars ie
NRMA, Fire & Rescue, Senior Study days, Excursions ie
RRISK day, Leadership Camps.
Fitness is FUN
The Multi-Stage Fitness Test - students call it the ‘Beep’
test, because of the noise that loudly says, ‘keep
running as not enough lactic acid has accumulated in
your legs to wipe the smile off your face’. I’m sure that’s
why it’s called the ‘Beep’ test?!?
We provide students with an exciting and diverse
variety of subjects to cater for a broad range of
student interests and needs which include:
Core PDHPE for all students in Years 7-10
(mandatory – for all students)
Year 9-10 Elective Courses
- PASS (Physical Activity & Sport Studies)
- Child Studies (a new course)
Year 11-12 Elective Courses
- Community & Family Studies (a new course)
- SLR (Sport, Lifestyle & Recreation)
Our faculty staff includes:
Mr Glenn Fryer (Relieving Head Teacher)
Ms Alecia Kearney (Instructional Leader)
Mr Tim Myers
Mr Govin Srinivasalu (Year 12 Year Adviser)
Mrs Rachael Wall (Year 11 Year Adviser)
As well as excellence in teaching, the PDHPE faculty is
responsible for the provision of a range of whole
school and extracurricular activities that provide
Students can get a gauge on their current level of
fitness and set personal fitness goals during PE class in
preparation for the school X-Country held annually at
Evans Head. This year’s top performers for both boys
and girls in years 7 - 10 are listed below:
Year 7
Blair Haynes
Emily Taylor-Talbot
Year 8
Luke Judson
Leigh Noppen
Year 9
Zebidiah Thomas
Ruby Gelzinnis
Year 10
Trey Hallett
Juliara O’Donoghue
Boys Education Leadership Program
‘Leading the Way’
Preparations are well underway for the 14th annual
Boys Education Leadership Camp to be held at Stinson
Camp Ground in early August……………….…. weather
Child Studies Elective Class in
Year 9 & 10 by Mr Myers
Child Studies explores some of the many facets of child
development from pre-natal to 8 years of age. It has
proven to be very popular, with twenty Year 10
students and thirty Year 9 students currently
The success of the camp continues to revolve around completing the subject as one of their elective choices.
the four pillars of the program - RESPECT, INTEGRITY, Child Studies allows students to appreciate the range
COURAGE and FOCUS. These qualities are seen as core of ways they can positively impact on the wellbeing of
in our boys’ personal development and growth in children, as well as provide them with skills and
gaining a greater awareness in what makes a good knowledge to prepare them for the future, in both
man. These four qualities are explicitly reinforced over paid and unpaid contexts.
the 3 days through all camp activities and personal
Students were recently asked what they liked about
this subject, and students view this subject to be highly
Boys in both Year 9 & 10 have already had a special valuable as it “is definitely relevant to real life” & “I
preliminary meeting where students have had the have learnt so much, not only about children but about
opportunity to self-nominate for selection on the the whole experience of raising a family.” Many
camp. As has been the case over the many years, the students thought that “it will help in the future” and
camp has proved very popular by the boys with places “helps me understand more about kids.”
on the camp highly coveted. Over the next few weeks
the selection process will take place, which involves Throughout the past 18 months that the subject has
recommendations from class teachers, Year Advisers been running, students have participated in many fun
and Deputy Principals. Once a list of successful learning experiences, such as making papier-mache’
applicants has been finalised by the Principal, students money boxes, baby photo guessing competitions, taste
attending this year’s camp will be invited to attend at a testing of baby foods as well as bathing and changing
Tuesday morning full School Assembly, after which the of babies to name a few.
real fun begins – the boys preparing and organising So far in Term 1, students in Year 9 have been
themselves for the adventure.
completing a unit about preparing for parenthood
Last year staff from Lismore High attended our camp including planning for pregnancy, physical changes to
to see for themselves the good work achieved by our the body during pregnancy and issues which may
lads and the positive experience our young men have. evolve with parenthood.
As a result, Casino High has been working closely with
Students in Year 10 have been studying all aspects of
staff from Lismore High over the past months and will
childhood health & safety as well as Food and
be supporting the implementation of our program for
Nutrition in Childhood, covering topics such as
their very first Leadership Camp.
childhood diseases and immunisations, safety around
the home, weaning
babies onto solids,
dietary guidelines
and food allergies.
Above: A number of the boys in action last year in an
undisclosed location (secret business!).
Mr Glenn Fryer & Mr Stephen Wojciechowski (Camp
Zac Gray & Lincoln Appleton practice technique
under Don’s watchful eye.
Have you been paying attention?
1976: Don Abnett far left, middle row attended
Casino High School between 1974 and 1976.
Where have you seen this symbol?
“The National Development Coach of Boxing Australia
(AIS – Australian Institute of Sport) visits Casino High
and he is one of ours!”
Don Abnett, a former student of Casino High who
completed his schooling in 1976 journeyed back to his
home school to work with students in a series of
boxing seminars. Students were instructed in various
components of the sport where many experienced the
intricate skill involved in maintaining balance, body
awareness, correct technique and fitness requirements
for a very demanding sport.
Don has risen from humble beginnings to the position
of Head Coach at the AIS where he has lead and guided
young athletes at World Championships since 2004.
The sport of boxing has taken him all over Australia
and around the world to include Head Coach of the
Australian Boxing team at the Commonwealth Games
in Glasgow and the London Olympic Games.
Through Don working with students and sharing his
experiences and achievements, students gained a
greater appreciation of the importance of some key
life skills of focus, determination and goal setting to
help enable success in life.
Answer: Found on the right arm sleeve of teacher’s
staff shirt.
What is the Art Work Significance
(special meaning)?
The ‘Junbung’ (Platypus) is known as Casino’s totem
in local Bundjalung culture. The design of people
joined together around the outside represents Unity,
Strength and Connectedness (connection) of all
people. The four separate group of lines represent
the four main roads coming into ‘Djanangmum’
(Casino) to be a part of the learning environment at
Casino High (Pool of Learning).
So impressed was Don with his experience working
with our students that he plans to make space in his
hectic schedule and return to Casino High next year to
run more boxing seminars as part of an annual high
performance program.
Local Bundjalung man Troy Freeburn designed the
symbol in 2014 in single dark print on calico. In the
final design the colours of the Aboriginal flag were
introduced. Now that’s Stronger Smarter….and
Deadly too.
Mr Glenn Fryer (Relieving HT PDHPE)
Mr Glenn Fryer (Coordinator of Staff Shirts)
From little things, BIG things grow’……and
I’m just not talking about muscles.
During Term 1 students of Year 8 learnt about
‘Caring and Respectful Relationships’. This unit
included learning about bullying, harassment and
abuse, whilst also focusing on positive
relationships and how students could use power
in these relationships in a positive way.
‘Bullying’ is when people repeatedly and
intentionally use words or actions against
someone or a group of people to cause distress
and risk to their wellbeing. People who do it
usually have more influence or power over
someone else, or want to make someone else feel
less powerful or helpless.
During the unit the students completed an
assessment task that required the students to
create an information booklet titled ‘Happy
Students Happy Schools’. This booklet was
designed for high school students, informing them
about bullying and providing strategies to help
them improve peer relationships and to prevent
bullying within the school setting.
The assessment task strongly reinforced Casino
High School’s Anti-Bullying Policy, allowing
students to understand bullying while providing
them with the skills to stand up to bullying and to
further improve on their skills in developing
positive and caring relationships at school.
Students provided an excellent standard of work
with some students providing detailed
information and examples that could be applied
to our school setting.
Phase one in the conversion of the boys change rooms
into our first Fitness Gym/Human Performance Lab is
nearing completion. This new facility has been designed
to enhance the learning opportunities of students in both
the theory and practice of improving human performance
within PDHPE class programs and to provide a place for
our sporting athletes to efficiently train during sport and
lunch break as part of preparations for State Knock-Out
and Athletic competitions.
The development of the gym has been a cross-curricular
endeavor involving our ongoing partnership between
school and community sectors. To this end the P&C has
provided some necessary funds for the purchase of rubber
flooring and weight machines. Building and Construction
VET students used some of their welding and fabrication
skills to prepare the site and to make and install brackets
to secure punching bags. Tutorial students have designed
storage racks, performed ongoing maintenance and
helped design the gym layout. Many staff and parents
have generously contributed to the project by donating
and sourcing pieces of equipment over the past 8 months.
I would like to particularly acknowledge the support and
extra care that Phil from Casino Health Club has provided
through the supply and installation of some specialised
equipment to help get us up and running.
The gym is now open for business at lunchtimes.
Currently, students in years 10-12 are allowed access to
workout. To ensure safe use numbers are restricted to 10
students at a time and teachers volunteer their time to
supervise. Students wishing to sign-up for the gym need
only see staff at the PE Staffroom.
With football season upon us, and the Beef Week Cup
around the corner, we expect a number of our athletes to
start getting serious and hit the gym.
Mr Glenn Fryer (Relieving HT PDHPE)
Below: Liam Sheppard, Rach Clark, Emma Gordon, KristieLee Gollan & Theo van der Merwe showing how it’s done.
Athol and Peter! You are awesome ambassadors for
our school and our community, you’ve done us proud!
Mr Pietens
‘In front of the posts’ with Athol Williams
Recently, one of our year 9 students Athol Williams
(AJ) was selected to play for the Queensland State
Indigenous Schoolboys AFL team at the National
Carnival in Cairns, North Queensland.
I recently congratulated Athol on his major
achievement and took the opportunity to have a chat
about his love of the game and his aspirations for
the future. During this conversation I was surprised
to discover that Athol is a recent convert to the
Australian game, “Two years ago I was asked by
some friends (Solomon and Sean) to come and have a
kick, I thought, yeah why not. Since then I’ve really
developed a love for the game. The Casino Lions are
a great club and my team mates know how to play
hard and have fun too”. Athol continued to tell me
that he has always enjoyed sport and has played
rugby league, touch footy, union and a plethora of
others. The skills he developed in these sports were
easily transferred to AFL, “The first year I played
with the Lions (U/14’s) was tough, we were a young,
inexperienced squad and had to learn quickly. In
2014 we did far better and made it to the district
preliminaries, unfortunately we didn’t make it to the
finals, but we were getting better. This year I’m
playing in the 16’s team and we’re looking to make it
to the grand final. Playing in the North Coast Rep
squad has improved my game and over the recent
holidays (when in Cairns for the National Carnival) I
trained under Eddie Sansbury and Brian Hooper.
Their experience and training as well as playing
against some quality opposition really helped me step
up another level. Some of those fellas from WA, SA
and the NT were awesome. I’m looking forward to
training with the North Coast squad again soon and
Peter Laurie (fellow student and selectee) and I will
head to Newcastle or Sydney for the State Carnival
in June”.
I know I speak for all of us when I say well done
Casino High faced Casino Christian School last week
in Round 2 of the state-wide Bill Turner Trophy.
After having a bye in the first round this was the
first hit-out for the girls this year. The squad is
looking different this year with many new players
coming into the fold.
The first half was slow to begin with before Stella
Allen opened up the scoring in the 7th minute. Mille
Hayward scored in the 28th minute after making a
breakaway through the opposition’s defence. Casino
Christian followed soon after to peg one goal back
before half time. The second half began quite
quickly with Mia Saul scoring a great goal within the
first minute. The girls continued to dominate and
sealed the win in the 12th minute when Mille
Hayward scored her second goal. The final score
finishing 4-1 to Casino High School. A great start to
the competition.
It is now onto Round 3 against Alstonville High.
Miss Evenden
U15s Girls Soccer Coach
Congratulations to Natalia
Brooker who represented
the North Coast last week
at the State Open Girls
Football Championships in
Bathurst. She did both
herself and the school
proud and was selected as
a shadow player for the
State team. Well done
Natalia!!! It is such an
incredible achievement to
be selected in a North
Coast team (from Tweed
border to Port Macquarie)
and travel to a State
Championships. Keep up
the great work.
Miss Evenden
Sports Organiser
Casino High’s annual cross country carnival was held at Evans Head in Week 1 of this term
on a glorious sunny day. It was a case of second time lucky after we had to postpone the
carnival late last term. A fabulous day was had by all. The cross country was run in the
morning along the beach, followed by activities in the afternoon such as canoeing,
swimming, fishing, skateboarding, sand modelling and various beach games. The following
students did extremely well on the day and are our age champions:
12 Years- Charli Armfield
12 Years- Isaiah Freeburn
13 Years- Kiarraha Piccoli
13 Years- Travis Trustum
14 Years- Isabel Davis
14 Years- Andrew Knight
15 Years- Haylee Bruggy
15 Years- Eli Harper
16 Years- Juliara O’Donoghue
16 Years- Joel Pillar
17+ Years- Renee Weis
17+ Years- Clark Cahill
You might be wondering though which house won the carnival. Results were as follows:
1st Irving - 678 points, 2nd Tomki - 670 points,
3rd Carrington - 652 points and 4th
Richmond -514 points
2015 Cross Country
Sand Modelling
Competition at
Evans Head
Winners: Zeike Thompson
-Warne, Robert Mackay,
Georgia Burston, Anna
Parker, Sarah Parker and
Nadine Jacobs.
Runner up:
Congratulations to Peter Laurie and Athol (AJ) Williams
who have both been selected in the Northern NSW AFL
team to participate at the NSWCHS State Australian
Football Carnival in Marrickville in early June. They were
selected in the team after representing the North Coast
in the Greater Northern AFL Exchange in Newcastle last
We wish the boys the best of luck and I am sure you will
do well in Sydney. It is such a tremendous achievement
to make a team to travel to the State Championships.
Miss Evenden-Sports Organiser
Our Open Girls Soccer team took on Alstonville
High School in Week 1 of this term in Round 2 of
the NSW CHS Knockout competition. Alstonville got
off to a great start in scoring in the 11th minute of
the first half. This did not deter our girls though and
they kept at it and defended well. They also had
quite a few chances and narrowly missed levelling
the scores. The girls knew they could more than
match it with Alstonville and came out in the
second half determined to change the game
around in their favour. The second half was quite
even with not too many goal scoring opportunities
for either team. The breakthrough came in the last
5 minutes of the half when Natalia Brooker weaved
through a few defenders and slotted a goal into the
net to level the scores 1-1 and send the match into
extra time.
Extra time was 10 minutes each way with the first
team to score declared the winner. Extra time went
by and neither team had scored which sent both
teams into a penalty shootout.
The shootout involves both teams taking 5
penalties from the penalty spot roughly 10 yards
out from the goal line. Our girls scored 4 out of 5
goals and Talarra Berry did brilliantly as goalkeeper
and saved two of the shots from Alstonville which
resulted in Casino High winning the game 1-1 (4-3
on penalties) and sending us into round 3 against
Maclean High School.
The teamwork and excellent attitude the girls
displayed throughout the game was incredible.
Every player put in more than 100% effort and
never gave up even when their backs were against
the wall. They not only did themselves proud but
also the school should be very proud of what they
have achieved. We look forward to taking on
Maclean High School.
Miss Evenden
Sports Organiser
What a great week of work experience for 47 Year 10 students!!!
Most students had an amazing introduction to the world of work. Students observed a variety of work in the field of
their choice and undertook supervised tasks appropriate to their skill level. Hopefully the students can use this
experience for future job interviews and in selecting their course and subject choices for Years 11 and 12.
I am grateful to the teachers that volunteered to visit some of the students. The teachers enjoyed seeing their students
in a different situation to a classroom and I received very positive feedback from them regarding the students and their
work places.
A big thank you to all the businesses and workplace supervisors for your time and interest in Casino High students.
Host Businesses included; Casino Public School, Aussie Air (Ballina), Casino Hospital, Pirlo’s Tyre Centre (Lismore),
Sharon’s Hair and Beauty, Solid Mob (Ballina), Cinnaman’s Budget Buys (Grafton), Casino Library, St Mary’s Primary, St
Michael’s (Southern Cross Care), Goonellabah Preschool, Casino West Public School, Mulherin Schier Accountants, South
Side Truck Centre (Lismore), Planet Music (Lismore), Tony’s Workshop, Hairport (Kyogle), Affordable Beauty (Lismore),
Rappville Public School, Kookaburra Early Learning, , Network Video, MP Steel (Lismore), North Coast Petroleum and
Dolphin Marine Magic.
Students pictured below and over page at their work experience businesses.
Bradley Taylor
Amarina Poultry Farm
Bryce Taylor
Gava Spray
Joel Masterson
Sign A Rama
Lachlan Souter
Scrivener &
Joel Pillar
Tony Hatton Auto Electrics
Joshua Coote
GP Auto Electrics
Rylee vidler
McDonalds Pharmacy
Rose Blanch
The Ivey Room
Hannah Laird
Casino Veterinary Clinic
Jessica Eastment
Sophie’s Restaurant
Jamaia Wilkinson
Casino Police Station
Mitchell Pitman
Richmond Valley Council
Kyle Parry
Bridgestone Tyres
Wally Drew
Richmond Valley Council
Rhys George
Marsh General
Rachel Coonan
Northern Rivers Veterinary
Several students have been offered casual positions as a result of their outstanding attitudes and
application to work. Others have prospective full-time work offers when they leave school and one
employer enquired about SBAT (School Based Apprentice Traineeships) for Year 12 students.
Faculty Awards - Congratulations to the following
students for Excellence in Science.
Jack Moloney, Rachel Clarke, Blake Horne, Jonathan
Neale and Lisa-Maree Gill, Robert MacKay and
Meagan Dillon for Excellence during all Practical
Lessons.Audley Hickling, Sarah Parker and Isaac
Robinson, Applied Effort in Practical Tasks.
Wade Usher and Jaru Fraser for Consistent Effort.
Casino beats Kadina
in first round debate
by Faeann Muller
Casino High School’s Senior Debating Team has
beaten Kadina High School in the first round of
the Premier’s Debating Challenge.
The team, comprising Joshua McLeod, Laura
Neal, Leilah Snow-Wood and Evana Srinivasalu
were too strong for Kadina.
The teams debated via Video Conference, that
‘We should ban Alcohol Advertising’.
The Adjudicator from Coffs Harbour was
impressed with both teams but particularly
singled out the Casino team, describing their
The team next goes up against Grafton and
Richmond River High Schools in rounds two and
three - watch this space!
Mrs Muller
Debating Coach
Emily Tuppurainen Year 8 and Marley Currie Year 8
Trevina McGrady Year 8 and Jaru Fraser Year 8
Congratulations! Each of these students receives a
Every morning and every lunchtime, the Show
Team, Mrs Wenham and James Lang (the
Agriculture Assistant) are down near the Ag plot
working with the show steers.
Two weeks ago, they represented your School at
the Bonalbo Show and last weekend they
represented at the Grafton Show. They spent all
day on Friday learning about judging and showing
cattle (in the rain). They then went down to
Grafton and camped overnight (Casino received 5
inches of rain that night and Grafton received
similar). They showed real ANZAC spirit and got
on with the job in a professional manner showing
endurance and comradeship. The name of Casino
High School was noted, not just in the Casino
community but extended into the Northern NSW
Community. The Team showed that Casino High
School students are hardworking, dependable
and responsible; traits that are typical of our
students - that the best people come from Casino
High School.
The hard work that Mrs Wenham and the Show
Team are doing and the determination that they
are showing are encouraging to everyone
connected to Casino High School. I would like to
thank Mrs Wenham in particular and James Lang
for all their efforts in setting up and running the
Casino High Show team.
They have given up a lot of their own time to
make a difference in the community. Thank you.
I would also like to thank all the Parents and
Carers involved too as they have done a great job
in organising the students and making sure that
they were as well turned out as the show steers
The students involved in the Show Team are:
Harry Amey, Bayley McFarlane, Jonathan Neal,
Riley Patton, Riley Randall, Travis Brettner, Travis
Trustum, Phoebe McMillan, Teagan Manning and
Chloe Vidler.
Mr McPherson
Head Teacher Science
Did you know 9 out of 10 adults say
the thing they are most scared of is
Public Speaking? Despite this, we all
find ourselves in situations where
we need to speak to a larger group of
people, some of whom we don't
know. Weddings, funerals, training
others in the work place, accepting a
trophy, making an award, birthday
celebrations, addressing a meeting.
These are the events that make up
the richness of our lives. The skill of
speaking enhances our lives in many ways. At Casino High
students have many opportunities to speak in public and in
English we focus on learning the skills to overcome our natural
shyness and enjoy the experience. We have invited Marcelle
Bernard to deliver her very entertaining Speak easy workshop to
students in Year 7 for over 8 years. This year Marcelle will be
here on the 19th May and any student can attend. We encourage
Year 7 to be there and are also providing older students with a
“refresher” before the Gunthorpe Shield Pubic Speaking unit,
taught to all years during Term 2. The cost is $5.00. Permission
notes are available from English teachers or the English
It can be hard to get to quality dram performances in country areas but we
are lucky. We have NORPA. This year Norpa have managed to get Bell
Shakespeare to perform Hamlet at Lismore City Hall. The English Faculty is
organising two events. Junior students will travel by bus to a matinee
performance on Monday 31st August, while senior students and parents will
attend an evening performance. If parents are interested in booking tickets
thyrough a school group booking, please contact Mrs Tiernan, English Head
Teacher by Tuesday 12th May so that bookings can be finalised.
NEEDED!! A Calculator in working order for the ‘Calculator
Allowed’ Numeracy test on Thursday, 14th May
Next week our Year 7 and Year 9 students will undertake the NAPLAN tests with all Australian school students. The test
results provide feedback to parents and teachers regarding the literacy and numeracy skills of the students and assist our
school in the planning of literacy and numeracy programs that will further benefit students. So, it is very important that
students in Years 7 and 9 participate and try hard during the tests that will be held in the school hall.
Tuesday, 12th May
Wednesday, 13th May
Thursday, 14th May
Friday, 15th May
– Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation); Writing
– Reading
- Numeracy (all students in both Years 7 and 9 need to bring a CALCULATOR .
– Catch-up day for any test that has been missed.
Year 7 will work the tests from 9.00 a.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday with Year 9 taking their turn beginning halfway
through Period 3.
On Thursday, Year 9 will work the tests from 9.00 a.m. with Year 7 taking their turn beginning halfway through Period 3.
Students can prepare for these tests through ensuring that they receive adequate rest and sleep, eat properly, drink
plenty of water, prepare your calculator in working order, bring and wear your glasses if you have these.
Students, be diligent in your effort in every lesson to improve your literacy and numeracy skills before next week.
There are a few “Dos and DON’Ts”which will apply during the week’s assessments that we need to bring to your attention:
Bring and wear your glasses if you need them.
Bring a calculator to use during the Calculator test on Thursday, 14th May.
You might need to borrow one from a brother/sister, friend or neighbour you may need to buy
a cheap one in order to work the calculator test.
Bring books and equipment for other lessons that will be held on NAPLAN days.
Bags will be left inside the hall.
Bring mobile phones to school.
Bring books, ipads or computers to any of the tests. Leave them in bags or at home this week.
Year 7
9.10 am
Language Conventions- 45 mins.
Writing – 40 mins.
Books/equipment for Periods 3, 4, 5, 6
13th May
9.30 am - after
Reading – 65 mins.
Books/equipment for Periods 3, 4; Sport
12th May - sent
from Assembly
14th May
11.50 am Period 3 teacher
Year 9
Period 3 teacher)
Language Conventions – 45 mins.
Writing – 40 mins.
Books/equipment for Periods 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
14th May
11.25a.m. (after
Reading – 65 mins.
Books/equipment for Periods 1, 2, Sport
12th May
11.55 a.m. (with
Numeracy – Calculator – 40 mins.
Non-calculator – 40 mins.
Books/equipment for Periods 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
14th May
9.00 a.m. (no
Numeracy – Calculator – 40 mins.
Non-calculator – 40 mins.
Books/equipment for Periods 3, 4, 5, 6
Friday, 15th May in the hall will be the catch-up day for any missed tests; come to the hall after homeroom.
Please contact the school on 6662 3077 if you have any concerns.
Christine Bell, Learning and Support Teacher.
N. Schneider, Principal.