Europe`s Largest Flat Breeze Up Sale
Europe`s Largest Flat Breeze Up Sale
BLOODSTOCK SALES IRELAND Europe’s Largest Flat Breeze Up Sale MAY 21st & 22nd, 2015 As you were you will always be, Cherished forever in our memory. Our dear Friend and Colleague Mark O’Hanlon (1963 - 2015) A reception will be held in Mark’s memory in the Roof Top Restaurant, Gowran Park racecourse after the last horse breezes on Thursday, 21st May IRELAND Europe’s Largest Flat Breeze Up Sale Thursday, May 21st Friday, May 22nd Breeze Up at Gowran Park Racecourse – 1.30pm Sale at the Complex, Goresbridge – 10.30am Michael Donohoe & Sons Auctioneers Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland Tel.: 059-9775145 (Outside Ireland +353 59 9775145) E-mail: Website: Notice to Buyers and Sellers: The attention of Vendors and Purchasers is drawn to our revised conditions of sale. These conditions of sale form the basis of the contract between buyer and seller. We advise all prospective purchasers to carefully read these conditions of sale before bidding. The attention of purchasers is particularly drawn to their rights and the procedures and time limit to be completed with in the event of complaint or dispute. CONDITIONS OF SALE Definitions: “The Auctioneers’’ shall mean Michael Donohoe & Sons or any parties acting on their behalf. "The Vendor’’ shall mean the person, partnership or corporation named in the Entry Form as Owner of the Lot provided that where an owner is not named in the Entry Form or in the case of a partnership the person who enters the Lot for sale shall be deemed to be the Vendor. “The Purchaser’’ shall mean the highest bidder to whom the Lot is knocked down subject to the provisions set out herein and shall include a person who is the vendor or member of a per vendor partnership. “Lot’’ shall mean and include horses of all descriptions offered for sale by Michael Donohoe & Sons. “Sales Complex’’ means any premises being permanent, temporary or otherwise used by the Auctioneers in any Sales. ********** Michael Donohoe & Sons, their servants or agents shall not accept any responsibility for injury, loss or damage suffered to 1. persons, animals, goods or property or howsoever arising as a result of any act, omission, default or neglect on their part or on the part of any owners of horses and/or their agents or visitors to the Sales. They further retain the right to prohibit the entry to their Complex of any animal which is suspected to be suffering from a contagious disease. 2. (i) RESERVES, BIDDING AND PRIVATE SALES: A Lot entered in the Catalogue and advertised for sale shall not be sold by the owner before the auction of that Lot. Should they fail to reach their reserve, vendors may negotiate privately, and in the event of a sale it must be transacted through the Auctioneers. Anyone found not adhering to this condition of sale will be barred from all future sales. (ii) There may be a reserved price for any Lot and subject to such reserved price, the highest bidder shall be the Purchaser. Should any dispute arise between two or more bidders the Auctioneers shall adjudicate on the dispute and their decision shall be binding on all parties. At their discretion, the Auctioneers may put up the Lot in dispute for Auction and re-sale. (iii) The Auctioneers reserve the following rights: [a] To refuse without reason the bidding of any person; [b] To bid on their own behalf up to the reserve price; and [c] To withdraw the Lot from sale at any time before it has been knocked down without disclosing the reserved price. A Vendor shall not bid or allow anyone else to bid on his behalf for any Lot owned by him except in cases where such Lot is being sold on the dissolution of a partnership. (iv) Any Lot in the Auctioneers Sales Complex for the purposes of sale or otherwise shall be there at the Vendor’s risk provided, however, that where such Lot has been sold it shall be at the Purchaser’s risk from the fall of the hammer or time of sale if sold privately. In the event that the purchasers exercises the right of re-examination in accordance with Condition Number 4 subsection (iii) hereunder, the Lot shall remain at the Vendor’s risk until such re-examination has been completed. The Auctioneer shall not be liable for loss, damage or injury caused by a Lot or to a Lot while on their Sales Complex whether by disease, accident or otherwise howsoever arising and whether to a person in charge of such a Lot or to any third party. Any Lot purchased shall be removed from the Sales Complex not later than 24 hours after the date of the purchase and at the Purchaser’s expense. The Auctioneers shall bear no responsibility for the maintenance, upkeep or well being of any Lot. (v) If a Lot is purchased and not paid for, the Auctioneers shall be entitled to retain the Lot until payment is received and in respect of the period of such retention, the Auctioneers shall have a lien upon the Lot for all expenses including freight incurred by them or any Agent acting on their behalf in keeping, maintaining, training, treating or otherwise dealing with the Lot during such period of retention and such lien shall not be lost by reason of the fact that the Lot is kept by them or their Agents elsewhere than in their Sales Complex. A Lot shall not be delivered to a Purchaser until the expenses mentioned have been discharged in addition to the purchase price. Should the Purchaser fail to pay for a Lot, the Auctioneers in their absolute discretion may at any time re-sell the Lot by Public Auction or Private Sale and the deficiency (if any) resulting from such re-sale shall immediately be made good by the defaulting purchaser and in default of a payment it shall be recoverable from the Purchaser as liquidated damages. The Auctioneers or the Vendor of a Lot shall be at liberty to pursue all legal remedies available to them against a defaulting Purchaser to recover the purchase price or any deficiency therein arising from the default. (vi) No undertaking by the Auctioneers, their servants or agents to take charge of a Lot previous to or after a sale or to forward such Lot to a destination shall be held to impose upon the Auctioneers any legal obligation or vitiate any of the foregoing Conditions. Any person engaged to bring and take away a Lot shall do so at the cost and risks in all respects of the owners of such Lot. 3. (i) (ii) (iii) DESCRIPTIONS OF A LOT AND STABLE VICES: The Auctioneers shall not be liable or responsible for the accuracy of any information set out in the Catalogue or announced from the Rostrum concerning a Lot listed for sale or for any description, pedigree or warranty expressed or implied on its behalf such information being supplied by the Vendor who alone is responsible for its accuracy. The Vendor shall at all times indemnify the Auctioneers in respect of such information supplied. A Lot listed in the Catalogue is sold with its Engagements, Pregnancy Status and/or Produce Record as listed therein or announced from the Rostrum at the time of sale such information being as presented by the Vendor. The Auctioneers will endeavour to have all Catalogue information correctly stated, but the Vendor is responsible for the correction of any error or omission. It shall be the duty of the Vendor to ensure that the Lot is properly described as set out in the Catalogue. In the event of any dispute as to the description or information of a Lot, the Purchaser’s remedy shall be against the Vendor and the Vendor’s remedy shall be against the Purchaser and the Auctioneers who act as Agents between Vendor and Purchaser shall not be liable as a party in any action or dispute that might arise between the parties. Subject to the right of re-examination in accordance with Condition 4 (iii) hereunder a lot is sold either at the fall of the hammer or where a lot is not sold in the ring at the time of subsequent private agreement. These Conditions of Sale provide the basis for the contract between Vendor and Purchaser. Where veterinary examination is requested and the lot successfully passes such re-examination procedure the sale is concluded at that time subject to the following important conditions. [a] Any Lot which is a habitual wind-sucker, weaver or box walker or has been unnerved or has been tubed or otherwise operated on for unsoundness in wind or has shown any evidence of sweet itch and is not so described is returnable in accordance with Condition 3 (iii) hereof. [b] Any Lot described at the time of sale as a Colt and does not at such time have two testes descended to the scrotum or is described at the time of sale as a gelding and is at such time a colt or rig is returnable in accordance with Condition 3 (iii) hereof. If the Purchaser of any Lot sold with a Pedigree or description contends that it does not correspond with such Pedigree or ii description, or if he contends that such lot is afflicted with vice as set out in Condition 3 (ii) [a] above then he must notify the Auctioneers within seven days from the last day of the sale at which the Lot was purchased specifying exactly the nature of the complaint that the Purchaser makes in respect of the Lot Purchased. Failure to so notify the Auctioneers shall defeat any right or remedy the purchaser may otherwise have pursuant to these conditions or otherwise. The Auctioneers shall then nominate a Veterinary Surgeon or other expert to investigate the purchasers contention and the decision of such Veterinary Surgeon or expert shall be binding on vendor and purchaser. In the event that a Lot is returnable by reason of the matters arising herein, the Vendor shall pay to the Auctioneers the cost to the Auctioneers and to the Purchaser of returning the Lot and the amount of any payment under this Condition payable to the Purchaser shall be fixed by the Auctioneers whose decision shall be final and binding on all parties. (iv) Should any dispute arise between a Vendor and a Purchaser as to any of the matters referred to in the Condition 3 (iii) hereof, it shall be adjudicated upon by the Auctioneer at such time and in such manner as the Auctioneers in their absolute discretion shall think fit and their decision shall be final and binding on all parties. All expenses and charges incurred by such adjudication shall be borne by the party found to be in error. The Auctioneers shall not be liable as a party in any dispute between the Vendor and Purchaser or in any legal action arising thereout. 4. VETERINARY CERTIFICATES AND RE-EXAMINATION (For this Sale see Page 9): A Lot may be offered for sale in the manner following: [a] As it stands – meaning that the Lot is sold at the fall of the hammer without a veterinary certificate or right of re-examination. [b] Subject to re-examination – in which event, the Purchaser shall be entitled to have the Lot examined in accordance with Paragraph 4 (iii) hereof. [c] With the benefit of a Veterinary Certificate – meaning that the Lot shall be sold in accordance with the terms and conditions recited in Paragraphs 4 (ii) and 4 (iii) hereof. (ii) Where a Lot is offered for sale with a veterinary certificate it must be a veterinary certificate from a panel of approved veterinary surgeons nominated by the auctioneers. It shall be the Vendors responsibility to ensure that this Certificate is lodged with the Auctioneer not less than one hour before the expected time of sale. The Certificate shall be available for inspection by prospective Purchasers and may subsequently be read out from the Rostrum at the time of sale. In the event that a Certificate has been mislaid or is not available for any other reason at the time of sale, the Auctioneers may in their absolute discretion decide to postpone the sale or not offer the Lot for sale. In any event, the Auctioneers shall not be held liable to any party by reason of the non-production of the Veterinary Certificate. (iii) Once a Lot is purchased, the Purchaser must notify the Auctioneers within 30 minutes of purchase if a re-examination is required. In such event, the Auctioneers shall arrange for such re-examination at the expense of the Purchaser and such reexamination will be performed by a member of the panel other than such member who has furnished the original Certificate and the opinion expressed on re-examination shall be final and binding on all parties. If on such re-examination a defect is apparent in the lot and such defect has not been referred to in the original Veterinary Certificate and the member carrying out such examination is of opinion that such defect is of practical significance, then the purchaser may repudiate the said sale. The decision of the member of the panel who has carried out the re-examination as to the significance or otherwise of any defects disclosed on such examination shall be final and binding on Vendor and Purchaser. (iv) A Lot remains at the Vendors risk until completion of the re-examination procedure. Once re-examination has been completed and the Lot has passed such re-examination, such lot is then held to the purchasers risk. Following sale of a Lot by auction or privately, it shall remain the Vendors responsibility: [a] To ascertain if re-examination has been requested and [b] To present such horse for re-examination. (v) Save as herein before provided no Lot shall be returnable. (i) 5. BLOOD TEST The purchaser of all Lots will have the right, within 30 minutes of the fall of the hammer, to request a blood analysis, to detect pain killing, anti-flammatory or performance altering drugs. If the result is positive the animal is returned and the Vendor shall be barred from all future performance sales. 6. PAYMENT: Payment to Vendors or their authorised Agents, will be made 30 days after the sale in respect of those animals where payment has been received from the Purchaser. In the event of a defaulting purchaser, the Auctioneers shall not be held liable or responsible for any deficiency which may arise on the resale of an uncleared Lot. The Auctioneers shall use their best endeavours at all times to ensure the completion of a purchase to the mutual benefit of the Vendor and Purchaser. The Auctioneers shall in their absolute discretion decide the terms and conditions under which a Purchaser shall discharge his payment for any Lot purchased. In the event that the Auctioneers are for any reason unable to secure payment from the Purchaser then the Auctioneers shall not be held liable by the Vendor for the purchase money or any part thereof. 7. DISPUTES: Subject to the foregoing Conditions, the Auctioneers act as the Agent of both the Vendor and the Purchaser and to this end, the Auctioneers shall use their best endeavours to act to the mutual benefit of both Vendor and Purchaser. In the event that any dispute arises for whatever reason as between the Vendor and the Purchaser, then the Auctioneers, the Vendor and the Purchaser shall be bound by these Conditions of Sale. The Auctioneers shall not be liable to the Purchaser or to the Vendor in any manner howsoever arising from the sale of any Lot and in the event of any dispute arising in relation to any Lot, the Vendor’s remedy shall be against the Purchaser and the Purchaser’s remedy shall be against the Vendor. In the event that a dispute arises as between Vendor and Purchaser in respect of any Lot before the Auctioneers have paid over any purchase money, the Auctioneers on being notified of the said complaint and dispute between the parties, shall lodge any purchase money in their possession in an interest bearing Deposit Account until such time as the dispute is resolved as between the Vendor and Purchaser they both acknowledging to the Auctioneers that the matter has been so resolved. It shall be the obligation of the Purchaser to pursue the resolution of the dispute and in default of prosecution of same, the Auctioneer shall, on notice to the Purchaser, be at liberty to pay out to the Vendor any money that was withheld on foot of the Purchaser’s complaint, and shall do so unless the Vendor produces evidence to the Auctioneer that legal proceedings have been commenced. In the event that a Vendor or Purchaser initiates legal proceedings, the Auctioneers shall be bound by these Conditions of Sale and by any Order of Court in relation to the matter. 8. COMMISSION AND AUCTION FEE: On the sale of a Lot commission shall be paid to the auctioneer at the rate of 1.5% of the sale price to be paid by the vendor and the rate of 6% of the sale price to be paid by the purchaser. A similar charge will be made for any Lot disposed of between the date of publication of the Catalogue and one week after the date of sale. Full commission is to be paid by the Vendor to the Auctioneers in respect of any Lot returnable and/or returned. V.A.T. will be charged on all purchasers except (1) The Purchaser is from an E.U. country and is registered for V.A.T. (V.A.T. number must be given to Goresbridge Horse Sales); (2) The Purchaser is from a non-EU country. (Proof of shipment must be given to Goresbridge Horse Sales). PLEASE CONTACT OFFICE WITH REGARD TO NEW V.A.T. RATES iii Breezed In Ireland…. So Race In Ireland! Irish Trained 2 Year Olds Enjoy: Minimum 2 year old maiden value of €11,000+ High class juvenile programme Competitive Training Costs Skilled Trainers & Jockeys The best of sales, the best of racing! LETTERS OF NOTE (IRE) 1000 Guineas Prospect Bought and trained by Michael O’Callaghan for €13,500 at the 2014 Goresbridge Breeze-Up Sale. Consigned by Kilminfoyle House Stud. Ballymany, The Curragh, Co. Kildare, Ireland. T:+353 45 443060 • E: • hotels Kilkenny Langton House Hotel 10 miles from Newpark Hotel Telephone +353-56-7722122 Goresbridge Horse Sales Hotel Kilkenny Telephone +353-56-7762000 Springhill Hotel Telephone +353-56-7721122 Carlow 15 miles from Goresbridge Horse Sales Telephone +353-56-7765133 Club House Hotel Telephone +353-56-7721994 Ormond Hotel Telephone +353-56-7723900 Hibernian Hotel Telephone +353-56-7771888 Lyrath Estate Hotel Telephone +353-56-7760088 Rivercourt Hotel Telephone +353-56-7723900 Seven Oaks Hotel Telephone +353-59-9131308 Lord Bagenal Telephone +353-59-9774000 Dolmen Hotel Telephone +353-59-9142002 The Step House Hotel Telephone +353-59-9773209 There is also a large selection of Bed & Breakfast accommodation available in close proximity to the Horse Sales. For further information, contact us at the above telephone number or Kilkenny Tourism at +353-56-7764933. v SADDLERY IRELAND 18" Prestige 17.5" Schockemohle 17.5" Stubben Roxane 18" Stubben Siegfried 17" Stubben Edelweiss 17.5" Sue Carson Monoflap Many more Saddles in stock. Prices from €100 17.5" Albion SLK Wide Range of Equestrian Products at Competitive Prices 17.5" Berney International Visit our online shop at m o .c ry le d d a s e g d ri b s re o www.g Check out our FACEBOOK PAGE for Offers and Updates NOW STOCKING: GORESBRIDGE SADDLERY, Main Street, Goresbridge, Co. Kilkenny. Tel: 087-7654919 vi Special Notices to Vendors ➣ All entries must arrive at Gowran Park Racecourse on Wednesday, 20th May by 10.00am. ➣ Passports with up-to-date flu vaccinations and health certificates must be available for inspection on arrival at Gowran Park Racecourse. ➣ Gowran Park Racecourse will be available for a Pre-Breeze Up from 4.30pm on Wednesday, 20th May. Vendors who wish to take part should contact the office on arrival. ➣ All vendors must provide, at their own risk, riders of their choice to partner the Breeze Up Lots during the Pre-Breeze-Up and at the Breeze-Up. ➣ Approved back protectors, footwear and skull helmets must be worn at both the Pre-Breeze-Up and at the Breeze-Up. ➣ The official Breeze-Up at Gowran Park Racecourse will commence at 1.30pm on Thursday, 21st May in strict catalogue order. Vendors must ensure that all Lots, with the relevant riders, are ready to breeze in strict numberical order as the breeze up must be continuous. ➣ All Lots should be transported, by their Vendors, to The Sales Complex, Goresbridge by 8.00am on Friday, 22nd May. ➣ The Sale will commence at 10.30am sharp at The Sales Complex, Goresbridge. vii ATTENTION BUYERS Due to new VAT rates on the purchase of horses in Ireland, it is now necessary for prospective purchasers to register with us before the sale. Registration takes only seconds and can be done in the office prior to sale. For further information please contact the office on ph. +353 59977 5145 or visit our website viii Special Notices to Purchasers ➣ The Purchaser of all lots will have the right, within 30 minutes of the fall of the hammer, to request a wind examination which will be carried out on their behalf by Goresbridge Veterinary Panel (whose decision shall be binding and conclusive on all parties). The purchaser should contact the Sales Office to arrange the above examination. ➣ The Purchaser of all lots will have the right, within 30 minutes of the fall of the hammer, to request a blood analysis, to detect pain killing, anti-inflammatory or performance altering drugs. The purchaser should contact the Sales Office to arrange the above examination. If the result is positive the animal is returned and the vendor shall be barred from all future sales. ➣ Veterinary Surgeons will be available to examine lots on behalf of intending purchasers prior to the sale. ➣ Video recordings of the Breeze-Up will be shown throughout the sales complex at Goresbridge. BREEZE-UP ONLINE The Breeze-Up can be viewed online at Michael Donohoe & Sons would like to thank the Board of Directors and the staff at Gowran Park Racecourse for the use of their top class facilities. ix x Payments PURCHASERS PLEASE NOTE All accounts must be settled in full on the day of the sale unless prior arrangements have been made. To do so please contact Martin Donohoe on +353 87 2569496 Cheque Payments PAYMENT METHODS Buyers who intend to pay by cheque should obtain a written reference from their bank for the maximum amount required. This letter should be forwarded to our bank at: Bank of Ireland, Borris, Co. Carlow, Ireland. Fax: + 353 59 9771990 Card Payments The following cards are accepted: Mastercard, Visa, Maestro and Laser Debit Cards Goresbridge regret that a surcharge of between 1.2% - 2.75% will be added to the appropriate amount. This is the rate charged to Goresbridge by the credit card companies. Bank Transfer Payment by Bank Transfer will be accepted. Cash Payments Euro cash and sterling cash will be accepted. xi €7 million in bonuses 550 races Enhance your bloodstock returns. Ensure your horse is a part p of Plus 10. €12,500 eevery ver y time an eligible horse wins a Plus Plus 10 race race Br Breeders, eeders, rs,, pinhoo pinhookers kers and owners owners all all benefit Can yyou ou aff afford ffor ord not to be in? +44 (0) 20 7152 00 +44 0026 26 plus10bonus.c om V isit Visit to check check your your horse horse’s’s eligibility eligibilit ty and to download download a registration registration for fform. orm. IRISH THOROUGHBRED BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION Sales Code of Practice THE OBJECTIVE OF OUR CODE OF PRACTICE IS: AGENT To ensure integrity and transparency in the Irish Bloodstock Industry. An Agent is duty bound to act in the best interests of his Principal at all times This will benefit the entire bloodstock community ensuring the laws of the land are upheld thus encouraging a competitive, fair and thriving marketplace. This will safeguard the interests of all parties involved in horse related transactions both at public auction and private sales. It will also encourage new people to enter the business. An Agent must not place himself in a position where personal interests conflict with his duties to the Principal. An Agent must notify the Principal when a potential conflict of interest arises, whatever that conflict of interest may be. When an Agent acts as a vendor of any horse in which he has an interest the Agent must disclose to the Principal the full extent of his interest. Definitions An Agent is any person who advises and/or represents the buyer or seller of thoroughbreds at public auction or private sale. The Agent may only act for more than one Principal in a transaction if he has first disclosed this fact to all his Principals and obtained their consent. The Principal is a person or entity who appoints an Agent to act on his behalf in the sale or purchase of bloodstock. An Agent must disclose to his Principal any Luck Money he receives. It is imperative that any such arrangements of this kind are disclosed to all parties to the transaction including owners not present on the day of the sale. Luck Money refers to any financial payment or payment in kind made by or on behalf of a vendor to a purchaser or his Agent, after the sale of a horse has been concluded. If an Agent receives an offer to purchase a horse he must relay that offer in its entirety to his Principal. CODE OF PRACTICE ENFORCEMENT Vendor The Vendor must endeavor to answer honestly and factually any question he or she is asked by a potential Purchaser or Agent. If any party wishes to make a complaint about an alleged breach of the above Code of Practice they should notify the Sales Company where the alleged incident occurred. Their complaint should be made in writing, naming specific individuals involved and the details of the alleged wrongdoing. The sales company will endeavor to resolve disputes, however, depending on the nature of the complaint and the recompense sought it may be necessary for the offended party to pursue their case through the civil courts. All parties involved will provide their full assistance to the sales company or the courts. Anyone convicted of an offence which is in breach of this Code of Conduct may be banned for a period of time from the sales complex at the discretion of the sales company. Any changes of ownership of a horse following publication of the catalogue must be disclosed to the sales company. Purchaser A Purchaser has the right to ask questions of the Vendor. Neither the Purchaser nor anyone else must seek to influence or intimidate the Vendor or any potential Purchasers of a horse before, during or after the lot passes through the auction ring. Secret arrangements between purchaser and vendor or either party’s agent are not permitted. xiii This code has been developed by the ITBA in conjunction with Goffs, Tattersalls Ireland and Goresbridge Bloodstock Sales. MUCH MORE THAN JUST RACING IRISH THOROUGHBRED BREEDERS’ ASSOCIATION The Irish Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association is the representative body of the Irish Thoroughbred Breeding Industry at both National and International Level. Promotion (3) Irish Thoroughbred Marketing. The Irish Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association supports Irish Thoroughbred Marketing and the Irish Equine Centre. (4) Robert J. Goff & Co. plc/Goffs Bloodstock Sales. (5) The European Federation of Thoroughbred Breeders’ Associations. Protection (6) The International Breeders’ Association. The modern racehorse is an international globetrotter. There are, however, risks inherent in modern transport developments – namely, the spread of contagious and infectious diseases. The ITBA has taken major strides to protect your interests in this sphere in the form of: Regions The ITBA is a 32 county organisation, divided into six regions which organise interesting seminars and meetings to assist our members. • An active veterinary committee, with advice and assistance from our Veterinary Consultant Dr. Des Leadon. Achievements of the ITBA The Association has a long list of achievements to its credit including: • The preparation of an annual Code of Practice (in co-operation with England, France,Germany, Italy and USA) to advise, prevent and deal with contagious and infectious diseases. • The establishment of the Irish Equine Centre. • The introduction of the Irish European Breeders’ Fund. • The establishment of The Irish Equine Centre and access to the state laboratories throughout the country to assist breeders with their day-today veterinary problems. • Increase in Irish racing sponsorship. • Inclusion of thoroughbred Breeders in the National Development Plan 2007-2013. Representation • Introduction of suffix for all Irish-breds. Through the ITBA the breeders are represented on the following bodies: • Establishment of both the Bewleys Hotels and EBF N.H and the ITBA N/H Fillies Schemes. (1) The Irish Equine Centre. • Establishment of a Comprehensive Membership Benefits Scheme. (2) Horse Racing Ireland. FOR A MEMBERSHIP FEE OF €75 YOU CAN AVAIL OF ALL THE SERVICES PROVIDED. For further details please contact: Shane O'Dwyer (Manager), ITBA, Greenhills, Kill, Co. Kildare. Tel: 045-877543. Fax: 045-877429. E-mail: xv The Association of Irish Bloodstock Insurance Agents and Brokers represents a combined experience of over 150 years in Bloodstock and Sport Horse Insurance All members are totally Irish owned, staffed and accredited, paying Irish taxes. Support your local broker who can offer competitive terms and Lloyd’s security from the fall of hammer MEMBERS Nicholas Molloy Insurances Ltd, Riversdale, Culmullen, Drumree, Co:Meath Nick Molloy (Chairman) 01 8251000 Fax 01 8251877 087 7916909 Sean Barrett Bloodstock Insurances Ltd Unit 6 Rogans Court, Patrick St., Dun Laoghaire CoDublin John Barrett David Molloy Oisin Farrell 01 2845401 Fax 01 2845438 086 6738810 086 8093799 085 1907989 BBA Ireland Ltd Curragh Bloodstock Agency Ltd Kilwarden Lodge, Kill, Co:Kildare Natasha Langan Carmel Quinn Declan Murray 045 877227 045 877227 Fax 045 877688 086 8546209 087 6478613 087 2403614 Emerald Bloodstock Incorporating Bloodhorse Insurances Main St., Kilcullen, Co:Kildare Peter Kelly John Donnelly 045 484880 Sweeney Walsh & Associates & Equestrian Insurance Ireland Ballybrien, Ballymacarbry, Clonmel, Co:Tipperary Michelle Walsh Brendan Walsh 086 2544612 087 9852475 052 6186882 Fax 052 6186913 087 2686430 087 6687722 All members appropriately approved by the Central Bank of Ireland and carry the statutory Professional Indemnity Insurance Cover xvi IRELAND Footage of all Lots, shown in-hand can be viewed prior to the Sale on xvii STABLE INDEX Friday, May 22nd 2015 Stable 1 Lot 10 Stable 24 Lot 145 Stable 47 Lot 67 Stable 2 Lot 20 Stable 25 Lot 175 Stable 48 Lot 87 Stable 3 Lot 30 Stable 26 Lot 22 Stable 49 Lot 107 Stable 4 Lot 40 Stable 27 Lot 34 Stable 50 Lot 127 Stable 5 Lot 50 Stable 28 Lot 46 Stable 51 Lot 147 Stable 6 Lot 60 Stable 29 Lot 58 Stable 52 Lot 167 Stable 7 Lot 70 Stable 30 Lot 72 Stable 53 Lot 187 Stable 8 Lot 80 Stable 31 Lot 84 Stable 54 Lot 207 Stable 9 Lot 90 Stable 32 Lot 96 Stable 55 Lot 11 Stable 10 Lot 100 Stable 33 Lot 108 Stable 56 Lot 41 Stable 11 Lot 110 Stable 34 Lot 122 Stable 57 Lot 71 Stable 12 Lot 120 Stable 35 Lot 134 Stable 58 Lot 101 Stable 13 Lot 130 Stable 36 Lot 146 Stable 59 Lot 131 Stable 14 Lot 140 Stable 37 Lot 158 Stable 60 Lot 151 Stable 15 Lot 150 Stable 38 Lot 172 Stable 61 Lot 25 Stable 16 Lot 160 Stable 39 Lot 19 Stable 62 Lot 38 Stable 17 Lot 170 Stable 40 Lot 39 Stable 63 Lot 52 Stable 18 Lot 180 Stable 41 Lot 59 Stable 64 Lot 68 Stable 19 Lot 190 Stable 42 Lot 79 Stable 65 Lot 83 Stable 20 Lot 200 Stable 43 Lot 99 Stable 66 Lot 54 Stable 21 Lot 210 Stable 44 Lot 119 Stable 67 Lot 66 Stable 22 Lot 220 Stable 45 Lot 139 Stable 68 Lot 78 Stable 23 Lot 230 Stable 46 Lot 159 Stable 69 Lot 95 xviii Stable 70 Lot 109 Stable 98 Lot 62 Stable 126 Lot Stable 71 Lot 123 Stable 99 Lot 86 Stable 127 Lot 152 Stable 72 Lot 135 Stable 100 Lot 112 Stable 128 Lot 116 Stable 73 Lot 149 Stable 101 Lot 136 Stable 129 Lot 216 Stable 74 Lot 161 Stable 102 Lot 42 Stable 130 Lot 176 Stable 75 Lot 173 Stable 103 Lot 63 Stable 131 Lot 18 Stable 76 Lot 21 Stable 104 Lot 85 Stable 132 Lot 55 Stable 77 Lot 31 Stable 105 Lot 105 Stable 133 Lot 102 Stable 78 Lot 51 Stable 106 Lot 132 Stable 134 Lot 129 Stable 79 Lot 61 Stable 107 Lot 12 Stable 135 Lot 196 Stable 80 Lot 81 Stable 108 Lot 37 Stable 136 Lot 142 Stable 81 Lot 91 Stable 109 Lot 57 Stable 137 Lot 104 Stable 82 Lot 111 Stable 110 Lot 77 Stable 138 Lot 171 Stable 83 Lot 121 Stable 111 Lot 115 Stable 139 Lot 24 Stable 84 Lot 141 Stable 112 Lot 177 Stable 140 Lot 44 Stable 85 Lot 33 Stable 113 Lot 212 Stable 141 Lot 64 Stable 86 Lot 53 Stable 114 Lot 143 Stable 142 Lot 88 Stable 87 Lot 73 Stable 115 Lot 144 Stable 143 Lot 82 Stable 88 Lot 93 Stable 116 Lot 114 Stable 144 Lot 106 Stable 89 Lot 113 Stable 117 Lot 211 Stable 145 Lot 137 Stable 90 Lot 133 Stable 118 Lot 174 Stable 146 Stable 91 Lot 23 Stable 119 Lot 17 Stable 147 Lot 221 Stable 92 Lot 47 Stable 120 Lot 49 Stable 148 Lot 217 Stable 93 Lot 74 Stable 121 Lot 97 Stable 149 Lot 162 Stable 94 Lot 98 Stable 122 Lot 128 Stable 150 Lot Stable 95 Lot 124 Stable 123 Lot 65 Stable 151 Lot 103 Stable 96 Lot 148 Stable 124 Lot 94 Stable 152 Lot 28 Stable 97 Lot Stable 125 Lot 125 Stable 153 Lot 36 35 xix 32 56 Stable 154 Lot 69 Stable 182 Stable 155 Lot 89 Stable 183 Stable 156 Lot 188 Stable 157 Lot Stable 158 Stable 210 Lot 183 Lot 201 Stable 211 Lot 229 Stable 184 Lot 179 Stable 212 Lot 199 15 Stable 185 Lot 223 Stable 213 Lot 181 Lot 45 Stable 186 Lot 228 Stable 214 Lot 192 Stable 159 Lot 76 Stable 187 Lot 178 Stable 215 Lot Stable 160 Lot 213 Stable 188 Lot 218 Stable 216 Lot 191 Stable 161 Lot 186 Stable 189 Lot 202 Stable 217 Lot 227 Stable 162 Lot 1 Stable 190 Lot 166 Stable 218 Lot 232 Stable 163 Lot 5 Stable 191 Lot 155 Stable 219 Lot 235 Stable 164 Lot 6 Stable 192 Lot 138 Stable 220 Lot 209 Stable 165 Lot 185 Stable 193 Lot 118 Stable 221 Lot 189 Stable 166 Lot 197 Stable 194 Lot 195 Stable 222 Lot 219 Stable 167 Lot 168 Stable 195 Lot 203 Stable 223 Lot 157 Stable 168 Lot 26 Stable 196 Lot 156 Stable 224 Lot 206 Stable 169 Lot 7 Stable 197 Lot 165 Stable 225 Lot 226 Stable 170 Lot 184 Stable 198 Lot 215 Stable 226 Lot 205 Stable 171 Lot 14 Stable 188 Lot 204 Stable 227 Lot 169 Stable 172 Lot 43 Stable 200 Lot 164 Stable 228 Lot 234 Stable 173 Lot 75 Stable 201 Lot 153 Stable 229 Lot 233 Stable 174 Lot 3 Stable 202 Lot 117 Stable 230 Lot 222 Stable 175 Lot 29 Stable 203 Lot 193 Stable 231 Lot Stable 176 Lot 16 Stable 204 Lot 194 Stable 232 Lot 214 Stable 177 Lot 48 Stable 205 Lot 154 Stable 233 Lot 198 Stable 178 Lot 92 Stable 206 Lot 126 Stable 234 Lot 231 Stable 179 Lot 4 Stable 207 Lot 208 Stable 235 Lot 224 Stable 180 Lot 27 Stable 208 Lot 163 Stable 236 Lot 236 Stable 181 Lot 9 Stable 209 Lot 225 xx 2 8 LOT 1 FROM ARDGHALLAN STABLES STABLE 162 BAY COLT (GB) May 7th, 2013 Oasis Dream Captain Gerrard (IRE) Delphinus Golden Heights Shalad'or (GB) (1995) Shalati E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Hope Soviet Star Scimitarra Shirley Heights Yelney High Line Dona Gaylord View at 1st dam SHALAD'OR (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £24,697 and placed 9 times; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 8 foals: Golden Sprite (GB) (2003 f. by Bertolini (USA)): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times. Imperial Oak (GB) (2010 g. by Imperial Dancer (GB)): winner at 2 years. French Gold (GB) (2002 f. by Bien Bien (USA)): placed once at 3 years. 2nd dam SHALATI (FR): winner at 3 years in France and placed 4 times; dam of 5 winners from 11 runners and 12 foals: Kewarra (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £35,851 and placed 11 times; also placed once over hurdles at 5 years. Shalateeno (GB): 3 wins at 3 to 5 years and £27,387 and placed 18 times; dam of winners. Shalad'or (GB): see above. Shalholme (GB): winner at 3 years and placed once, broodmare. Northern Latitude (IRE): winner at 4 years in Norway. Shalati Princess (GB): placed twice at 3 and 4 years; also placed 5 times over hurdles at 5 to 7 years. Ci Ci La Femme (GB): placed once at 2 years. Mtoto Girl (GB): placed once at 4 years, broodmare. 3rd dam Dona Gaylord (FR): 4 wins in France and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Prix de la Vallee d'Auge, Deauville, L. and 3rd Prix d'Arenberg, Chantilly, Gr.3; dam of 4 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals: Lyrdon: 14 wins at 3 to 9 years in France and £64,573 and placed 30 times. Eva De Mun (FR): winner at 3 years in France and placed 7 times. Shalati (FR): see above. Dochka (FR): winner at 4 years in France and placed twice, broodmare. 4th dam GALIOTE (FR): 2 wins in France and placed 3 times; dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 7 foals: SETKATDEU (FR): 2 wins in France inc. Prix La Fleche, Evry, L., placed once. Dona Gaylord (FR): see above. Sheshoon's Son (FR): 4 wins in France and £12,483, placed 3rd Prix des Champs-Elysees, Longchamp, L. Jilgueno (FR): 7 wins in France and placed 16 times. The next dam Gharaibeh: 2 wins in France and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Prix de la Calonne, Deauville; dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: Roi Regnant (FR): 4 wins in France and placed 26 times inc. 2nd Criterium de Bernay, Deauville, L. 1 LOT 2 THE PROPERTY OF MR. TONY HAYES STABLE 215 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 14th, 2013 (Second Produce) Danzig Razyana Secretariat L'On Vite Fanfreluche Mr Prospector Seeking The Gold Con Game Nashwan Alrayihah Irish Valley B.C. Nominated. Danehill Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) Maseera (USA) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam MASEERA (USA): unraced; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 3 foals; Lady Stella (GB) (2011 f. by Dylan Thomas (IRE)): 2 wins: winner at 2 years and placed once; also winner at 3 years, 2014 in Spain and placed once. She also has a yearling filly by Mastercraftsman (IRE). 2nd dam ALRAYIHAH (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 3 winners, 3 runners, 7 foals inc.: Alfarooq (USA): winner at 6 years in U.S.A. and £77,771. Ayrton (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £20,978. 3rd dam IRISH VALLEY (USA): ran in France; dam of 8 winners, 10 runners, 14 foals inc.: ALHAARTH (IRE): Champion 2yr old in Europe in 1995, 8 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in France and £374,467 inc. Generous Dewhurst S., Newmarket, Gr.1, 3rd Irish Champion S., Leopardstown, Gr.1; sire. GREEN POLA (USA): 2 wins at 2 years in France inc. Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: CAPE LIZBURNE (JPN): won Tokyo City Keiba Jo O Hai, Ohi, L. Reine Verte (JPN): placed once at 2 years in Japan; dam of Geyersworth (JPN): winner in Japan, 2nd Mainichi Hai, Hanshin, Gr.3. Dalayil (IRE): unraced; dam of 4 winners inc.: AQALEEM (GB): 2 wins at home and in Australia and £209,096 inc. Derby Trial S., Lingfield Park, Gr.3, 3rd Derby S., Epsom, Gr.1. Dhelaal (GB): unraced; dam of 3 winners inc.: MAKFI (GB): Jt Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2010, Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2010, 4 wins and £584,722 inc. 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Prix Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1; sire. 4th dam GREEN VALLEY (FR): unraced; dam of 13 winners, 14 runners, 15 foals inc.: GREEN DANCER (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France inc. Observer Gold Cup, Doncaster, Gr.1, Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Lupin, Longchamp, Gr.1; champion sire. VAL DANSEUR (USA): 9 wins in France and in U.S.A. inc. Golden Gate H., Golden Gate, Gr.2, 3rd Sunset H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. ERCOLANO (USA): 3 wins in France inc. Prix du Lys, Chantilly, Gr.3; sire. SIR RALEIGH (USA): 4 wins inc. Prix de la Chapelle, Saint-Cloud, L.; sire. SOVIET LAD (USA): 3 wins in France and in U.S.A. inc. Prix de Pontarme, Longchamp, L., 2nd Bernard Baruch H., Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. PINK VALLEY (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France inc. Prix d'Aumale, Chantilly, L.; dam of 8 winners. Vallee Dansante (USA): winner at 3 years in France; dam of 9 winners inc.: BROOKLYN'S DANCE (FR): won Prix Cleopatre, Evry, Gr.3; dam of SOLEMIA (IRE): won Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1. Funsie (FR): unraced; dam of AUTHORIZED (IRE): Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2007, won Vodafone Derby S., Epsom Downs, Gr.1; sire. 2 LOT 3 FROM DUHALLOW BLOODSTOCK STABLE 174 BAY COLT (GB) April 24th, 2013 (Third Produce) Sakhee Sakhee's Secret (GB) Palace Street Fantastic Light Elise (GB) (2003) Napoleon's Sister E.B.F. Nominated. Bahri Thawakib Secreto Majestic Street Rahy Jood Alzao Sheer Audacity View at 1st dam ELISE (GB): winner at 2 years; also placed twice at 3 years in France; dam of 1 runner and 3 foals. 2nd dam NAPOLEON'S SISTER (IRE): winner at 3 years and £22,107, Tripleprint Lupe S., Goodwood, L.; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals inc.: Queen of Naples (GB) (f. by Singspiel (IRE)): winner at 3 years and £21,169 3rd Bet 365 Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr.2; dam of 2 winners. 3rd dam SHEER AUDACITY: placed twice at 3 years in Italy; dam of 10 winners from 11 runners and 11 foals inc.: PELDER (IRE): Champion 2yr old in Italy in 1992, 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in France and in Italy, £309,072 inc. Prix Ganay, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. OATH (IRE): 3 wins and £647,419 inc. Derby S., Epsom, Gr.1; sire. SHEER DANZIG (IRE): 6 wins inc. Foster's Silver Cup Rated S., L.; sire. AUDACIOUS PRINCE (IRE): 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home, in France and in Hong Kong and £142,022 inc. Prix Pelleas, Saint-Cloud, L. Sheer Spirit (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 6 winners inc.: MANIEREE (IRE): 4 wins and £139,749 inc. Blandford S., Gr.2. Solid Rock (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years 2nd Surrey S., Epsom Downs, L. Bold Choice (IRE): winner at 3 years 3rd Glasgow S., Hamilton Park, L. 4th dam MISS UPWARD: winner; dam of 5 winners from 9 runners and 13 foals inc.: MISS PETARD: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,649 inc. Ribblesdale S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2; dam of 9 winners inc.: REJUVENATE: 2 wins and £65,505 inc. Park Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.2. GREEN TURBAN (GB): won Stadshypotek Taby Varsprint, Taby, L. Kiss: 4 wins, 3rd Portland H., Doncaster, L.; dam of CASEY: 4 wins inc. Park Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.2; grandam of PATAVELLIAN (IRE): 8 wins at home and in France inc. Prix de l'Abbaye, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr.1, AVONBRIDGE (GB): 7 wins at home and in France inc. Prix de l'Abbaye, Longchamp, Gr.1. Gay Fantasy: unraced; dam of 10 winners inc.: LUCKY GUEST: won Preis der Stadt Baden-Baden, L. (twice); sire. Persian Fantasy (GB): 2 wins 2nd George Stubbs S., Newmarket, L.; dam of PERSIAN LIGHTNING (IRE): 6 wins inc. Buckhounds S., Lingfield Park, L.; grandam of BIG BAD BOB (IRE): 8 wins at home, in France and in Germany inc. Furstenberg-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3; sire; third dam of SNOW FAIRY (IRE): Champion 3yr old filly in England and Ireland in 2010, Champion older mare in Ireland in 2011, 8 wins at home, in Hong Kong and in Japan and £3,911,804 inc. Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1, Irish Champion S., Leopardstown, Gr.1, Oaks S., Epsom, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cup, Kyoto, Gr.1 (twice) and Hong Kong Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1. 3 LOT 4 FROM WATERGRANGE FARM STABLE 179 BAY COLT (IRE) February 28th, 2013 (First Produce) Dansili Thousand Words (GB) Verbose Invincible Spirit Cooke's Bar (IRE) (2007) St Clair Star E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Hasili Storm Bird Alvernia Green Desert Rafha Sallust Clariden View at 1st dam COOKE'S BAR (IRE): ran; Above is her first foal. 2nd dam ST CLAIR STAR: winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 9 winners from 13 runners and 15 foals inc.: ST CLAIR RIDGE (IRE) (f. by Indian Ridge): 6 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £148,018 inc. Futurity, Curragh, Gr.3, Hillsborough H., Tampa Bay Downs, L. and Marie P Debartalo Oaks, Louisiana Downs, L., placed 2nd Mrs Revere S., Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and Pebbles S., Gulfstream Park, L.; dam of 4 winners inc.: CAT BY THE TALE (USA): won San Gorgonio H., Santa Anita, Gr.2, 2nd Santa Ana H., Santa Anita, Gr.2, Wilshire H., Hollywood Park, Gr.3, 3rd Gamely S., Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Las Palmas H., Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Bayakoa H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2. Shere Khan (TUR): winner, 2014 in Turkey, 3rd Surat S., Ankara, L. Moonshot (USA): unraced; dam of Full Moon's Back (USA): winner in U.S.A., placed 2nd Gin Rummy Champ S., Gulfstream Park West. Don't Surrender (IRE) (g. by Zieten (USA)): 4 wins, £50,832: 3 wins at 2 and 4 years and £33,602 and placed 6 times inc. 3rd Sandy Lane Rated Classified S., Haydock Park, L.; also winner in Singapore and £17,230. Yonge Tender: 7 wins and £33,883 and placed 16 times; dam of a winner: Echo Rock (IRE): 7 wins, £206,812: winner at 2 years and £10,037 and placed twice; also 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in Hong Kong and £196,775. Trademark (IRE): 4 wins in Hong Kong and £102,321 and placed 5 times. Clairification (IRE): 3 wins and £15,572, placed 9 times; dam of 6 winners: Indienne (IRE): placed once at 4 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: Afkar (IRE): winner at 4 years and £14,106 and placed 15 times. 3rd dam CLARIDEN: placed twice; dam of 8 winners from 13 runners and 14 foals inc.: SUPERLATIVE: 5 wins inc. Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2 and July S., Newmarket, Gr.3, 2nd Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix Robert Papin, M'-Laffitte, Gr.1, European Free H., Newmarket, L., 3rd Temple S., Sandown Park, Gr.3 and 4th Dewhurst S., Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. YONGE ST CLARE: 5 wins at 2 and 4 years and £14,459 inc. Spring Cup H., York, L., placed 17 times inc. 2nd Star Fillies S., Kempton Park, Gr.3 and Top Rank Club Victoria Cup H., Ascot, L. Sally St Clair: winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 10 winners inc.: DOREG (IRE): won Beamish Stout Ruby S., Tralee, L. Irish Flower (IRE): 4 wins in France and £68,097, 3rd Prix Asselco Grand Prix Anjou Bretagne, Le Lion D'Anger, L.; dam of Mister Ryan (FR): winner in France, 2nd Prix Hampton, Maisons-Laffitte, L., Shishangaan (IRE): winner, 3rd Prix Zeddaan, Fontainebleau, L. Fandance: placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: Daikjin (IRE): winner in Italy, 3rd Premio Alessandro Sambruna, L. 4 LOT 5 FROM RATHMUCK STABLES STABLE 163 BAY COLT (IRE) January 26th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Danehill Mira Adonde Arazi Glint In Her Eye Wind In Her Hair Barathea Tobougg Lacovia Presidium True Precision Madam Muffin B.C. Nominated. Danehill Dancer Jeremy (USA) Madam Gaffer (GB) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam MADAM GAFFER (GB): winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 5 foals: Baffer (IRE) (2010 c. by Bachelor Duke (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in Italy and £19,393 and placed 18 times. She also has a yearling filly by Intense Focus (USA). 2nd dam TRUE PRECISION (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £37,575 and placed 6 times; dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals: PIVOTAL POINT (GB) (g. by Pivotal (GB)): 6 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years at home and in France and £236,865 inc. GNER Diadem S., Ascot, Gr.2, Laurent-Perrier Champagne Sprint S., Sandown Park, Gr.3 and Prix du Petit Couvert, Longchamp, Gr.3, placed 3rd King's Stand S., Ascot, Gr.2 and P. P. O'Leary Mem.Phoenix Sprint S., Curragh, Gr.3. Bambika (GB): placed once at 3 years; also 5 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2013 in Greece and £33,058 and placed 9 times. Foreign Editor (GB): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and £28,037 and placed 8 times. True Magic (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 5 years and £26,608 and placed 14 times; dam of a winner: Dark Castle (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 and £27,836 and placed 9 times. Uncle Exact (GB): winner at 2 years and placed 5 times; also placed 3 times at 4 years in Denmark. Hot Pants (GB): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times, broodmare. Madam Gaffer (GB): see above. True Decision (GB): winner at 3 years and placed twice. Holly Cleugh (GB): placed once at 3 years. True Seeker (GB): unraced; dam of a winner: Dunedain (GB): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2013 in France and in Spain and £28,036 and placed 13 times. 3rd dam MADAM MUFFIN: placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of a winner from 4 runners and 4 foals: True Precision (GB): see above. 4th dam NORTHERN LADY: 3 wins at 2 years and placed once; dam of 2 winners from 7 runners and 11 foals: De Rigueur: 5 wins at 3 to 5 years and £20,924 and placed 6 times. Coral Hall: 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in Belgium. 5 LOT 6 FROM ULLARDBEG STABLES STABLE 164 BAY COLT (IRE) April 11th, 2013 (Third Produce) Northern Dancer Pas de Nom Mr Prospector Sayedat Alhadh Muhbubh Woodman Hawk Wing La Lorgnette Grand Lodge Summer Sunset Elegant Bloom B.C. Nominated. Danzig Haatef (USA) Summer Sunrise (GB) (2007) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SUMMER SUNRISE (GB): ran once at 3 years; dam of 3 foals; Paris Sunrise (IRE) (2011 f. by Compton Place (GB)): unraced to date. 2nd dam Summer Sunset (IRE): winner at 2 years and £15,189 and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Silver Flash S., Leopardstown, L. and Flame of Tara EBF S., Curragh, L.; dam of 2 winners from 6 runners and 6 foals inc.: El Buen Turista (GB): 3 wins, £114,464: 2 wins at 2 years and placed once; also winner at 3 years in Hong Kong and £108,891 and placed 4 times. 3rd dam ELEGANT BLOOM (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; Own sister to Fly A Kite; dam of 9 winners from 13 runners and 14 foals inc.: ROLO TOMASI (IRE): Champion sprinter in Scandinavia in 2000, 10 wins at home, in Denmark, in France, in Norway and in Sweden and £202,946 inc. Waterford Testimonial S., Curragh, L., Prix Servanne, Chantilly, L., Sydsvenskan Jagersro Sprint, Jagersro, L., Zawawi Baltic Cup, Jagersro, L. and Polar Million Cup, Ovrevoll, L., 2nd Blenheim S., Curragh, L., Belgrave S., Fairyhouse, L., 3rd Prix Servanne, Chantilly, L., Prix Cor de Chasse, Longchamp, L., Norsk Jockeyklubs Sprintlop, Ovrevoll, L. (twice) and IBM Taby Varsprint, Taby, L. Elegant Ridge (IRE): 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Germany and in U.S.A. and £144,207 and placed 12 times inc. 2nd Henkel Rennen (1000 Guineas), Dusseldorf, Gr.2, Buena Vista H., Santa Anita, Gr.2, Fiji S., Hollywood Park, L., 3rd Premio Pietro Bessero, Milan, L., Bayerischer Fliegerpreis BMW Niederlass., Munich, L. and Golden Poppy H., Golden Gate, L.; dam of 2 winners inc.: MONTIRIDGE (IRE): 6 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £160,949 inc. Bonhams Thoroughbred S., Goodwood, Gr.3, Cantor Fitzgerald Heron S., Sandown Park, L. and Insure Pink Stubbs S., Newmarket, L., placed 2nd bet365 Mile, Sandown Park, Gr.2, Nayef Joel S., Newmarket, Gr.2, Jersey S., Ascot, Gr.3, Autumn S., Newmarket, Gr.3 and 3rd Brit.Stallion Studs Royal Windsor S., Windsor, L. Zuccini Wind (IRE): 8 wins at 2 to 4 years in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £70,465 and placed 8 times; dam of a winner: Favourite Girl (IRE): 6 wins at 2 and 4 years and £131,986 and placed 15 times inc. 2nd Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L. and Totescoop6 Two Year Old Trophy, Redcar, L. Key Girl (IRE): ran a few times; dam of a winner: Music Theory (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, placed 3rd Betfred Mobile Solario S., Sandown Park, Gr.3. All Elegance (IRE): ran twice; dam of a winner: BLACK ELEGANCE (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £29,188 inc. Premio Mantovani, Milan, L., 3rd Christiana S., Delaware Park. 6 LOT 7 FROM BALLYVADEN STABLES THE PROPERTY OF A PARTNERSHIP STABLE 169 Green Desert Hope Sadler's Wells Wyola Rubies From Burma Storm Bird Mujadil Vallee Secrete Bob Back Bezza Lady Lord B.C. Nominated. Oasis Dream Approve (IRE) BAY COLT (IRE) May 10th, 2013 Lady Coquette (SWE) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam LADY COQUETTE (SWE): placed once at 3 years in Denmark; dam of a winner from 3 runners and 6 foals; Bit of Chocolate (GB) (2008 c. by Motivator (GB)): 6 wins in Italy and £39,733 and placed 16 times inc. 2nd Premio Toscana, Florence, L. Cultured Lady (IRE) (2011 f. by Art Connoisseur (IRE)): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014, died at 3 years. 2nd dam BEZZA (IRE): ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of a winner from 4 runners and 4 foals; Marezzo (SWE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Denmark and in Sweden. 3rd dam LADY LORD (IRE): unraced; dam of 2 winners from 7 runners and 7 foals inc.: LADY STORM (IRE): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £71,343 inc. Premio Novella - Trofeo Tattersalls, Milan, L., 3rd Premio Regina Elena (1000 Guineas), Rome, Gr.2; dam of 3 winners inc.: STORM MOUNTAIN (IRE): 11 wins in Italy and £267,788 inc. Coppa d'Ora di Milano, Milan, L., 2nd Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr.1; sire. 4th dam GWENDOLYN (USA): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 3 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: Rosenbloom: 9 wins in Belgium 3rd Prix le Gladiateur, Sterrebeek, L. Katie Koo: 2 wins at 3 years; dam of 5 winners inc.: HAKARI: won Kilfrush/Coolmore Tipperary Sprint, Tipperary, L. Heartland: placed once at 3 years; dam of 7 winners inc.: INNER CITY (IRE): won Premio Chiusura, Milan, Gr.3, Tanforan H., Bay Meadows, Gr.3, 2nd Queen Anne S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2. The next dam ISOBELLA: winner at 2 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to TITLE (USA) and Blade (USA); dam of 7 winners, 14 runners and 16 foals inc.: Isobelline (USA): winner at 2 years; dam of 6 winners inc.: ROBELLINO (USA): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £60,061 inc. Royal Lodge S., Ascot, Gr.2; champion sire. Fairlawne: winner at 2 years; grandam of DARK MARBLE (GB): 6 wins in Germany and in Slovakia, £40,915 inc. Hasseroder Sprint Cup, Hoppegarten, L.; sire; third dam of MISTER COSMI (GB): 15 wins at home, in Germany and in U.S.A., £155,003 inc. Gerrard Richmond S., Goodwood, Gr.2, 3rd Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1, AUDITORIUM (GB): 2 wins at 2 years, £76,072 inc. Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L., 3rd Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1. Osculate (USA): unraced; dam of 4 winners inc.: Brave Advance (USA): winner, 2nd St Hugh's S., Newbury, L.; dam of VENTURE CAPITALIST (GB): 9 wins inc. Duke of York S., Gr.3. 7 LOT 8 FROM RAHEEN STUD STABLE 231 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 27th, 2013 (Third Produce) Giant's Causeway Helsinki Vettori Lady Vettori Lady Golconda Danehill Rock of Gibraltar Offshore Boom Rainbow Quest Phariseek Pharaoh's Delight B.C. Nominated. Shamardal Lope de Vega (IRE) Phantasy Rock (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam PHANTASY ROCK (IRE): 2 wins at 4 years and £10,171 and placed 3 times; dam of 1 runner and 4 foals; She also has a yearling colt by Dream Ahead (USA). 2nd dam Phariseek (IRE): winner at 2 years and £22,120 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Budweiser Celebration S., Curragh, L. and 3rd King Charlemagne Platinum S., Cork, L.; dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 9 foals inc.: HISAABAAT (IRE): 4 wins, £144,339: 2 wins at 3 and 6 years, 2014, placed 8 times; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years, £121,173, AES Champion 4yo Hurdle, Punchestown, L., Spring Juvenile Hurdle, Leopardstown, L., placed 7 times inc. 2nd JCB Triumph Hurdle, Cheltenham, L., Juvenile Hurdle, Punchestown, L. Pero Pero (JPN): 5 wins at 3 years, 2014 in Japan and placed 10 times. 3rd dam PHARAOH'S DELIGHT: 3 wins at 2 years and £215,072 inc. Heinz 57 Phoenix S., Phoenix Park, Gr.1, 2nd Moyglare Stud S., Curragh, Gr.1, 3rd Keeneland Nunthorpe S., York, Gr.1, Ladbroke Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr.1 and Ciga Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of 7 winners from 11 runners and 14 foals inc.: PHARMACIST (IRE): winner at 2 years and £24,351, Rochestown S., Leopardstown, L.; dam of 7 winners inc.: RED ROCKS (IRE): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £1,623,004 inc. Man O'War S., Belmont Park, Gr.1 and John Deere Breeders' Cup Turf, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, 2nd Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd Ladbrokes St Leger S., York, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Turf, Monmouth Park, Gr.1; sire. BLUE CORAL (IRE): 9 wins at home, in Austria, in Czech Republic, in Italy and in Slovakia and £89,501 inc. Premio Giubileo, Milan, L. MEDICINAL (IRE): 7 wins, £126,990: 3 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in France and £57,708 inc. Silver S., Leopardstown, L., 3rd Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial S., Leopardstown, Gr.2 and Royal Whip S., Curragh, Gr.2; also 3 wins over fences and £58,587 2nd Buck House Novice Chase, Punchestown, L. and 3rd Betfair Novice H. Chase, Fairyhouse, L. and winner over jumps in France. GALVAUN (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years in France and £98,569 inc. Prix Solitude, Saint-Cloud, L., 3rd Prix de Royallieu, Longchamp, Gr.2. Pyramid Painter (IRE): unraced; dam of 3 winners inc.: GREEN ROCK (FR): won The Baileys Criterium de l'Ouest, Craon, L. and 3rd Prix Greffulhe, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2. Dookus (IRE): ran on the flat in France; dam of a winner: US LAW (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years in France inc. Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, 3rd Criterium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1. 8 LOT 9 FROM BOSTON STABLES STABLE 181 Pivotal Captain Rio (GB) BAY COLT (IRE) April 26th, 2013 Beloved Visitor Glencoagh Order (IRE) (1999) Danehill Annemasse E.B.F. Nominated. Polar Falcon Fearless Revival Miswaki Abeesh Danzig Razyana Suave Dancer American Order View at 1st dam GLENCOAGH ORDER (IRE): ran; dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals; Folie Med (IRE) (2005 f. by No Excuse Needed (GB)): 8 wins in Italy and £38,136 and placed 23 times. Mister Pyrus (IRE) (2006 c. by Pyrus (USA)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £21,608 and placed 3 times. Strategic Order (IRE) (2012 g. by Strategic Prince (GB)): placed 4 times at 2 years, 2014. She also has a yearling colt by Lilbourne Lad (IRE). 2nd dam ANNEMASSE (FR): unraced; dam of a winner from 6 runners and 10 foals: Duchess of Ross (IRE): placed once at 3 years; dam of 2 winners. 3rd dam AMERICAN ORDER (USA): ran on the flat in France; dam of 3 winners from 8 runners and 12 foals: Groom Order (GB): unraced; dam of 5 winners inc.: BECKETT (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £125,351 inc. Aga Khan Studs National S., Curragh, Gr.1; sire. BARRING ORDER (IRE): 2 wins inc. Loughbrown S., Curragh, L.; dam of Bogie (IRE): 2 wins, £65,858: winner at 2 years; also winner at 3 years in U.S.A. 2nd Will Rogers S., Hollywood, Gr.3, Barring Decree (IRE): 2 wins 2nd Garnet S., Naas, L., Cooley S., Dundalk, L. 4th dam EXCLUSIVE ORDER (USA): 4 wins in France inc. Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.2, 4th Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr.1; Own sister to Teddy's Courage (USA); dam of 10 winners from 12 runners, 13 foals inc.: ENTREPRENEUR (GB): Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 1997, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, £189,827 inc. 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. EXCLUSIVE (GB): 2 wins inc. Coronation S., Royal Ascot, Gr.1, 3rd Fillies' Mile S., Ascot, Gr.1, 1000 Guineas, Gr.1; dam of 6 winners inc.: ECHELON (GB): Champion older mare in Ireland in 2007, 9 wins at 2 to 5 years and £399,772 inc. Matron S., Leopardstown, Gr.1; dam of INTEGRAL (GB): 6 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and £441,706 inc. Falmouth S., Newmarket, Gr.1 and Sun Chariot S., Newmarket, Gr.1, 2nd Kingdom of Bahrain Sun Chariot S., Newmarket, Gr.1. CHIC (GB): 6 wins and £280,851 inc. Celebration Mile, Gr.2 (twice), 2nd Sun Chariot S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Matron S., Leopardstown, Gr.1. SADLER'S IMAGE (IRE): 4 wins at 3 years and £49,794 inc. Chester S., Chester, L. and Godolphin S., Newmarket, L., 3rd Chester Vase, Gr.3. DANCE A DREAM (GB): 2 wins and £92,294 inc. Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L., 2nd Oaks S., Epsom, Gr.1; grandam of PIPEDREAMER (GB): 6 wins at home and in France and £468,534 inc. York S., York, Gr.2 and Prix Dollar, Longchamp, Gr.2, 3rd Coral Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1. 9 LOT 10 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 1 Danzig Razyana Kris Rafha Eljazzi Song Fayruz Friendly Jester Non Dimenticar Don't Forget Me Me Amboselli B.C. Nominated. Danehill Kodiac (GB) BAY COLT (IRE) April 5th, 2013 Louvolite (IRE) (1999) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam LOUVOLITE (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed twice; Own sister to MASTER FAY (IRE); dam of a winner from 3 runners and 5 foals: Mal And Dave (IRE) (2007 g. by Redback (GB)): 5 wins, £47,173: winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; also 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in Sweden and £41,216 and placed 3 times. Magic Time (IRE) (2012 f. by Zebedee (GB)): placed twice at 2 years, 2014. Chemise (IRE) (2005 f. by Chevalier (IRE)): placed once at 2 years. 2nd dam NON DIMENTICAR ME (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 15 foals inc.: MASTER FAY (IRE) (c. by Fayruz): 4 wins at 2 and 5 years at home and in Hong Kong and £367,213 inc. Rose Bowl S., Newbury, L., placed 2nd Chinese Club Challenge Cup, Sha Tin, L. DIMENTICATA (IRE) (f. by Danetime (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years and £139,117 inc. Belgrave S., Fairyhouse, L., placed 10 times inc. 2nd Boylesports Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Robert H Griffin Debutante S., Leopardstown, Gr.2, ISF Victor McCalmont EBF S., Gowran Park, L. and 3rd Irish Stallion Farms EBF Brownstown S., Leopardstown, Gr.3; dam of a winner: Satono Prestige (JPN): winner in Japan. Zarin (IRE) (g. by Inzar (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 6 years and £19,505 and placed 10 times inc. 2nd Doncaster Mile, Doncaster, L. Fine Cut (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £10,364. Ma Nikitia (IRE): unraced; dam of a winner: Zebelini (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed once. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Bushranger (IRE) and a yearling colt by Dandy Man (IRE). 3rd dam AMBOSELLI: placed once at 2 years; dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 9 foals inc.: Mrs Fisher (IRE): 6 wins at 2 and 3 years and £26,858 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Oak Tree S., Goodwood, L.; dam of winners inc.: Masafi (IRE): 10 wins, £64,874: 8 wins at 3 and 4 years and £47,118 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Blue Square Chester H., Chester, L.; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and £17,756 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Play Roulette At William Hill Nov. Hurdle, Huntingdon, L. Sticky Fingers (IRE): ran; dam of MAMMA GIOVANNA (IRE): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 in Italy and £49,974 inc. Premio Archidamia Mem. Manuela Tudini, Rome, L., placed 13 times. River Chase (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners inc.: River Melody (IND): winner in India, 3rd H.S.B.C. Cup, Kolkata, L. 10 LOT 11 FROM BROWN ISLAND STABLES STABLE 55 BAY FILLY (IRE) May 5th, 2013 Oasis Dream Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat Kayrawan Omanah (USA) (1999) Hachiyah E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Hope Royal Academy Mountain Ash Mr Prospector Muhbubh Generous Himmah View at 1st dam OMANAH (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals: Chevie (IRE) (2005 g. by Chevalier (IRE)): 7 wins, £336,481: 2 wins at 3 years and £19,577 and placed 5 times; also 5 wins at 5 to 7 years in Hong Kong and £316,904 and placed 10 times. Cul A Dun (IRE) (2006 g. by Soviet Star (USA)): 3 wins at 4 and 5 years and £20,941 and placed 5 times. Rann Na Cille (IRE) (2004 f. by Agnes World (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £10,213 and placed 14 times. Chevanah (IRE) (2009 f. by Chevalier (IRE)): winner at 2 years and placed twice, broodmare. Spirit of The Air (IRE) (2010 c. by Soviet Star (USA)): placed once at 2 years. Shan Dun Na Ngall (IRE) (2011 g. by Shantou (USA)): placed once at 2 years, 2013. Carraigin Aonair (IRE) (2012 f. by Fastnet Rock (AUS)): unraced to date. 2nd dam HACHIYAH (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 6 winners, 8 runners, 9 foals inc.: NASIJ (USA) (f. by Elusive Quality (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £43,687 inc. Mckeever St Lawrence Masaka S., Kempton Park, L., placed 6 times inc. 3rd Rothmans Royals May Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.3 and Princess Margaret S., Ascot, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: Rezwaan (GB): 7 wins at 2 to 6 years, 2013 and £18,787. Tanfeeth (GB): 2 wins at 3 years; also winner at 4 years in U.A.E. Turjuman (USA): 6 wins and £22,330. Baqaat (USA): 3 wins, £32,566: winner at 3 years and placed twice; also 2 wins at 5 and 6 years, 2014 in Australia and £27,509, placed 8 times. 3rd dam HIMMAH (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £12,733 and placed once; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 6 foals inc.: HIWAYA (GB): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £46,121 inc. Rosemary Rated H., Ascot, L. and Oh So Sharp S., Newmarket, L., placed 3 times inc. 2nd Newgate Stud Radley S., Newbury, L.; dam of a winner: Maakel (USA): ran in Australia; dam of Kidwelly (AUS): winner in New Zealand, 2nd New Zealand Bloodstock Royal S., Ellerslie, Gr.2. Mutawwaj (IRE): 3 wins, £74,248: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £18,875, 3rd Newmarket S., Newmarket, L., Troy S., Doncaster, L.; also winner at 6 years in U.S.A. and £54,905, 3rd Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr.1. Salul (GB): unraced; dam of winners inc.: HALLOWED DREAM (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £167,284 inc. Yerba Buena Breeders' Cup H., Golden Gate, Gr.3, 2nd Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.1 and Pretty Polly S., Newmarket, L. Etaaq (IRE): unraced; dam of winners inc.: El Trastolillo (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years in France and £34,335 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Prix La Fleche, Maisons-Laffitte, L. 11 LOT 12 FROM FEIGH STABLES STABLE 107 BAY COLT (GB) February 15th, 2013 (Second Produce) Excellent Art (GB) Colourways (IRE) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. Polar Falcon Fearless Revival Seeking The Gold Obsessive Secret Obsession In The Wings Singspiel Glorious Song Danehill Chartres Gothic Dream B.C. Nominated. Pivotal View at 1st dam COLOURWAYS (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £12,304; also placed 3 times at 4 years in France; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 3 foals; Niquel (GB) (2011 c. by Medicean (GB)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2015 in France and in Spain and £23,031 and placed 6 times. She also has a yearling colt by Paco Boy (IRE). 2nd dam CHARTRES (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £51,395 inc. Ardilaun House Hotel Oyster S., Galway, L., placed 4 times inc. 3rd Diamond S., Curragh, L.; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc.: CERTERACH (IRE) (g. by Halling (USA)): 4 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years, 2014 at home and in U.A.E. and £491,898 inc. Al Tayar Motors Dubai Gold Cup, Meydan, Gr.2, placed 2nd At The Races Curragh Cup, Curragh, Gr.3, Estrela Energia Nad Al Sheba Trophy, Meydan, Gr.3 and 3rd District One Nad Al Sheba Trophy, Meydan, Gr.3. Lonan (IRE): winner at 4 years, 2013 and placed 5 times; also placed once over hurdles at 5 years, 2014. She also has a yearling colt by Henrythenavigator (USA). 3rd dam Gothic Dream (IRE): winner at 2 years and £55,523 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Ribblesdale S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2, EBF Tyros S., Curragh, L. and 3rd Kildangan Stud Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1; also placed once at 3 years in West Germany, 2nd BMW Europachampionat, Hoppegarten, Gr.3; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: PUGIN (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £149,625 inc. Airlie Stud Silver S., Curragh, L. and Ballycullen S., Fairyhouse, L., placed 2nd Jefferson Smurfit Mem. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1, Ballycullen S., Curragh, L. and 3rd Aati Dubai City of Gold S., Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3. CHARTRES (IRE): see above. Sogno Verde (IRE): winner at 3 years and £14,114 and placed 3 times; dam of 3 winners inc.: LILBOURNE LAD (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years and £162,834 inc. Dubai Duty Free Railway S., Curragh, Gr.2 and Alfred Nobel Rochestown S., Naas, L., placed 5 times inc. 2nd Emaar Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Irish TB Marketing Gimcrack S., York, Gr.2; sire. Bobbyscot (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 7 years, 2014 and £42,629 and placed 9 times inc. 2nd Airlie Stud Gallinule S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Coolmore Hurricane Run S., Tipperary, L. Pointed Arch (IRE): winner at 3 years, placed once; dam of 2 winners inc.: Farquhar (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014, £76,224, placed once. 12 LOT 13 FROM GAYBROOK LODGE STUD STABLE CHESNUT COLT (IRE) March 22nd, 2013 (Second Produce) Green Desert Hope Sadler's Wells Wyola Rubies From Burma Highest Honor Verglas Rahaam Waajib Ostwahl Ostkonigin B.C. Nominated. Oasis Dream Approve (IRE) Ms Sasha Malia (IRE) (2007) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam MS SASHA MALIA (IRE): unraced; dam of 3 foals. She also has a yearling colt by Vale of York (IRE). 2nd dam OSTWAHL (IRE): 4 wins at 2 to 5 years in Germany and £20,996 inc. Deutscher Buchmacher Stutenpreis, Neuss, Gr.3 and Nereide Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, L., 2nd Nereide Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, L., 3rd G. P. von Dusseldorf Stadt Sparkasse, Dusseldorf, Gr.2, Preis der Diana - Deutsches Stuten Derby, Mulheim, Gr.2; dam of 4 winners, 7 runners and 8 foals: Ostfanni (IRE): 10 wins, £53,509: 4 wins at 3, 6 and 7 years and £14,984; also 6 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years, £38,525; dam of a winner. Olaf (IRE): 3 wins at 3, 6 and 7 years in France and in Germany. Ostjessy (IRE): 2 wins at 4 years and £22,779, broodmare. Nanny McPhee (IRE): winner at 3 years. 3rd dam OSTKONIGIN (GER): 5 wins in West Germany; dam of 5 winners from 5 runners and 6 foals inc.: OSTWAHL (IRE): see above. Ostwahlerin (GER): 2 wins at 3 years in Germany; dam of winners inc.: Oligarchica (GER): 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in Italy and £38,456, placed 3rd Premio Baggio, Milan, L.; dam of Oil of England (GER): winner at 3 years, 2014 in France and £110,750 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr.2 and Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr.2. Ost Tycoon (GER): winner at 3 years in Germany; dam of winners inc.: OMIKRON (IRE): 9 wins in Germany and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £158,108 inc. Volkswagen Preis der Deutschen Einheit, Hoppegarten, Gr.3, placed 20 times inc. 2nd Oppenheim UnionRennen, Cologne, Gr.2, 3rd BMW Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1. OSTLAND (GER): 9 wins, £166,570: 3 wins in Germany inc. Buchmacher Albers Grand Prix Aufgalopp, Cologne, Gr.3, 2nd BMW Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1; also 5 wins over fences, winner over jumps in Germany, Markgraf Berthold Hurdle, Baden-Baden, L. 4th dam OBHUT (GER): unraced; dam of 6 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals: Orline (GER): unraced; dam of winners inc.: ONESTO (GER): won Preis von Schlenderhan, Baden-Baden, L., Spreti Memorial, Munich, L., Silberne Peitsche, Gelsenkirchen, L., 2nd Ostermann-Pokal, Gelsenkirchen, Gr.3, Otto-Wolff Preis, Koln, L., VGH Sprint Preis, Hannover, L., 3rd Henckel-Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr.2, Elite-Preis, Koln, Gr.3, Otto Wolff Preis, Koln, L. and 4th Premio Chiusura, Milan, Gr.3. Ordo Presto (GER): winner in West Germany, 2nd Arag Junioren Preis, Dusseldorf, L. 13 LOT 14 FROM CHURCH VIEW STABLES STABLE 171 BAY COLT (IRE) March 12th, 2013 Oasis Dream Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat Chia Laguna (IRE) (1997) Ela-Mana-Mou Lalla's Rock E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Hope Royal Academy Mountain Ash Pitcairn Rose Bertin Ballad Rock Spank View at 1st dam CHIA LAGUNA (IRE): winner at 3 years in Italy and £12,066 and placed 4 times; dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals; Mr Celtic (IRE) (2004 c. by Celtic Swing (GB)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £13,442 and placed 8 times. Ebony Roc (IRE) (2010 g. by Shirocco (GER)): 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 and placed twice. Wise Venture (IRE) (2009 g. by Kheleyf (USA)): 2 wins at 2 years and placed once. Kris Chia (IRE) (2005 f. by Kris Kin (USA)): winner at 2 years in Italy and placed 5 times. 2nd dam LALLA'S ROCK: 3 wins at 2 years in Italy and £28,789 inc. Premio dell'Avvenire, Milan, L. and Premio Eupili, Milan, L., placed twice inc. 3rd Premio Bimbi, Milan, L.; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc.: MISS CAROLINA (IRE) (f. by Danehill (USA)): Champion older mare in Italy in 1998, 9 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £133,370 inc. Premio Bagutta - Memorial Sergio Cumani, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Carlo Chiesa, Rome, L. (twice) and Premio European Breeder's Fund, Florence, L., placed 4 times inc. 2nd Criterium Femminile, Rome, L. and Premio Signorino, Rome, L.; dam of 3 winners inc.: MISS NASHWAN (IRE): 3 wins in Italy and £56,304 inc. Premio Carlo Chiesa, Rome, Gr.3, placed 2nd EBF Park Express S., Curragh, L. Dane to Dream (USA): winner, 2014 in U.S.A. Rockwood (IRE): 10 wins, £102,211: winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; also 9 wins at 3 to 6 years in Italy and £97,498 and placed 28 times. 3rd dam SPANK: unraced; dam of 4 winners from 4 runners and 5 foals inc.: LALLA'S ROCK: see above. Medjugorje (IRE): 7 wins at 3 to 7 years in Italy and £64,322 and placed 28 times inc. 3rd Premio Botticelli, Rome, L. Shivani (GB): 3 wins at 3 years in Italy and £17,931 placed 3rd Premio Buontalenta, Rome, L.; dam of 5 winners: 4th dam SLIPPERTY: 2 wins at 2 years inc. Acorn S., Epsom, L., placed once; dam of 6 winners from 7 runners and 11 foals inc.: Sharp In Slippery (FR): winner at 2 years; dam of 7 winners inc.: LA ZOFFANY (AUS): won Marsh Classic, Morphettville, Gr.2, The Great Western, Flemington, L., Matron S., Flemington, L., 2nd Thoroughbred Club S., Caulfield, Gr.3, Auckland Racing Club H., Flemington, L. and Seppelt Great Western S., Moonee Valley, L. CHINA EXPRESS (AUS): won Andersen Consulting S., Flemington, L. 14 LOT 15 FROM BALLINVANA HOUSE STUD STABLE 157 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) April 15th, 2013 Mozart Dandy Man (IRE) Lady Alexander Dancing Dissident Rachel Pringle Castanetta (IRE) (1997) E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Victoria Cross Night Shift Sandhurst Goddess Nureyev Absentia Doulab Highly Delighted View at 1st dam CASTANETTA (IRE): winner at 3 years and £16,120 and placed 15 times; dam of 2 runners and 7 foals; Minnie Pinches (IRE) (2004 f. by Mujadil (USA)): unraced; dam of a winner: Murra Niedda (IRE) (f. by Clodovil (IRE)): 4 wins at 2 years in Italy and £28,291 and placed once, 2nd Criterium Labronico, Livorno, L. 2nd dam RACHEL PRINGLE (IRE): placed twice at 2 years; dam of 5 winners from 12 runners and 15 foals inc.; COBOURG LODGE (IRE) (c. by Unblest (GB)): 5 wins at 2 and 4 years and £72,270 inc. Waterford Testimonial S., Curragh, L., placed 2nd Coolmore Stud Concorde S., Cork, Gr.3, 3rd Horris Hill S., Newbury, Gr.3, Blenheim S., Curragh, L. and Carlsberg Ruby S., Tralee, L. Denise Margaret (IRE): 3 wins, £14,924: 2 wins at 3 years and placed twice; also winner at 5 years in Australia and placed once; dam of 2 winners. Liffey Bank (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £14,784 and placed 8 times. Flamingo Bay (IRE): winner at 4 years and placed 4 times; dam of a winner: Invincible Heart (GR): winner at home and in Hong Kong. 3rd dam HIGHLY DELIGHTED (USA): 4 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years and placed 8 times; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 8 foals inc.; Miracle Ridge (IRE): 16 wins and £97,855 and placed 23 times inc. 3rd Ballyogan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3. What A Pleasure (IRE): 4 wins, £24,751: 2 wins at 3 years and placed 7 times; also 2 wins at 5 years in U.A.E. and £16,503 and placed 7 times. 4th dam DELIGHTFUL TIMES (USA): 2 wins in U.S.A.; dam of 3 winners from 3 runners and 6 foals inc.: T O Nacho (USA): 9 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and placed 3 times. The next dam DELIGHTFUL: winner at 2 years, Epsom Stud Produce S., Epsom; dam of 11 winners from 13 runners and 14 foals inc.: PRINCESS CLOUD: 9 wins in U.S.A. inc. Selene S., Woodbine, placed 9 times; dam of 8 winners inc.: Never Cloud (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of SPECKLED GUINEA (USA): 8 wins in U.S.A. inc. Fancy Naskra S., Louisiana Downs. Arabian Star (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of BUILT TO WIN (USA): 11 wins in U.S.A. and $117,066 inc. Skippack S., Philadelphia Park, D'S SECRET CODE (USA): won Delta Miss S., Louisiana Downs; grandam of MEADOW STORM (USA): 4 wins in U.S.A. and $167,655 inc. National Jockey Club Oaks, L., SPANISH RIDGE (USA): won Clasico dia de los Padres, Hipodromo Camarero, L., 2nd Clasico Copa 4 de Julio, Hipodromo Camarero, L. (twice). BOMBAY: 3 wins in U.S.A. inc. San Bruno S., Bay Meadows, placed once. 15 LOT 16 FROM GROVE STUD STABLE 176 BAY FILLY (USA) March 19th, 2013 (Third Produce) Candy Ride (ARG) Ride The Rails Candy Girl Storm Cat Smara (USA) (2007) Layounne B.C. Nominated. Cryptoclearance Herbalesian Candy Stripes City Girl Storm Bird Terlingua Mt Livermore La Affirmed View at 1st dam SMARA (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; Own sister to Dark Cheetah (USA) and Shadow of Storm (USA); dam of a winner from 1 runner and 4 foals; Snow Trouble (USA) (2011 c. by Tapit (USA)): winner at 2 years, 2013 and £19,544 and placed 3 times. Katama (USA) (2012 f. by Medaglia d'Oro (USA)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling filly by Hard Spun (USA). 2nd dam LAYOUNNE (USA): placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: Dark Cheetah (USA) (g. by Storm Cat (USA)): 7 wins, £185,462: 2 wins at 2 years and £49,537 2nd Racing Post in Ireland Belgrave S., Curragh, L.; also 5 wins at 4 to 8 years in U.S.A. and £135,925 2nd Bold Ruler H., Belmont Park, Gr.3 and 3rd Bold Ruler H., Belmont Park, Gr.3. Mogador (USA) (c. by Danzig (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £98,014 2nd Elusive Quality S., Belmont Park; sire. Shadow of Storm (USA) (f. by Storm Cat (USA)): winner at 2 years in U.S.A. and £19,917 2nd Anna M Fisher Debutante S., Ellis Park, broodmare. Tarfaya (USA): unraced; dam of a winner: STORMING INTI (USA): won Pulpit S., Gulfstream Park, Awad S., Belmont Park, 2nd American Turf S., Churchill Downs, Gr.2. 3rd dam LA AFFIRMED (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,496; Own sister to LOVELIER (USA); dam of 6 winners from 12 runners and 15 foals inc.: DELLA FRANCESCA (USA): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £203,805 inc. Belmont Breeders' Cup H., Belmont Park, Gr.2, 3rd Entenmann's Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. CARESS (USA): 13 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £433,769 inc. Athenia H., Aqueduct, Gr.3, Beaugay H., Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of 7 winners inc.: SKY MESA (USA): won Hopeful S., Saratoga, Gr.1 and 2nd Haskell Invitational H., Monmouth Park, Gr.1; sire. GOLDEN VELVET (USA): won Sixty Sails H., Hawthorne, Gr.3, Sabin H., Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, 2nd Ogden Phipps H., Belmont Pk, Gr.1. Archeology (USA): placed once at 2 years; dam of ARCHIMEDES (JPN): won Asahi Challenge Cup, Hanshin, Gr.3. COUNTRY CAT (USA): 9 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £362,938 inc. Gardenia S., Ellis Park, Gr.3, 2nd Acorn S., Belmont Park, Gr.1. BERNSTEIN (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £117,148 inc. Railway S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Concorde S., Cork, Gr.3; champion sire. Unify (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A., 2nd Nijana S., Saratoga, Gr.3; dam of 3 winners inc.: Coherent (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of DOC HAY (USA): 10 wins at 3 to 7 years, 2014 and £116,580 inc. Rous S., Ascot, L. Emmaus (USA): unraced; dam of 5 winners inc.: WISEMAN'S FERRY (USA): won West Virginia Derby, Gr.3; sire. 16 LOT 17 FROM MEADOWVIEW STABLES STABLE 119 BROWN FILLY (GB) April 7th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Danehill Hasili Diesis Ausherra Princess of Man Green Desert Cape Cross Park Appeal Lycius Perfect Peach Perfect Timing B.C. Nominated. Dansili Strategic Prince (GB) Thumpers Dream (GB) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam THUMPERS DREAM (GB): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of 1 runner and 4 foals; Dream On Paddy (GB) (2009 g. by Hawk Wing (USA)): placed once at 3 years. 2nd dam Perfect Peach (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years and £32,516 and placed 13 times inc. 2nd Slatch Farm Stud Flying Fillies' S., Pontefract, L.; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals; Perfect Blossom (GB): 8 wins at 3, 5 and 7 years, 2014 and £41,351 and placed 7 times. Poppy's Rose (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 6 years and £22,449 and placed 14 times, broodmare. Thumpers Dream (GB): see above. 3rd dam PERFECT TIMING: 6 wins and £60,346 inc. Doncaster Bloodstock Scarbrough S., Doncaster, L., placed 13 times inc. 3rd Remembrance Day EBF S., Doncaster, L.; dam of 4 winners from 5 runners and 6 foals; Perfect Peach (GB): see above. Perfect Brave (GB): winner at 4 years and £10,442 and placed 11 times. Perfect Echo (GB): winner at 4 years and placed twice; dam of 2 winners inc.: Perfect Muse (GB): 3 wins at 4 years, 2014 and £19,358 and placed 6 times. Duchess de Belfort (GB): winner at 3 years in Austria. 4th dam ERIDANTINI: unraced; dam of 4 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: OFFA'S MEAD: 16 wins at 4 to 10 years and £30,687 inc. Bovis H., Ascot, L., placed 22 times. PERFECT TIMING: see above. 17 LOT 18 FROM BALLINAHULLA STABLES STABLE 131 CHESNUT COLT (GB) March 6th, 2013 Machiavellian Medicean (GB) Mystic Goddess Wolfhound Thicket (GB) (1996) Sharpthorne E.B.F. Nominated. Mr Prospector Coup de Folie Storm Bird Rose Goddess Nureyev Lassie Dear Sharpen Up Abeer View at 1st dam THICKET (GB): winner at 2 years, EBF Manny Bernstein Bookmakers Novices S., Bath; dam of 6 winners from 11 runners and 14 foals; DIJARVO (GB) (2009 f. by Iceman (GB)): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2013 at home, in France and in U.S.A. and £51,341 inc. Prix La Fleche, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed 3rd Railbird S., Hollywood Park, Gr.3. Diminuto (GB) (2004 f. by Iron Mask (USA)): 7 wins at 2 to 4 years and £36,960 and placed 23 times. Outbid (GB) (2010 f. by Auction House (USA)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and placed 7 times. Seductive Witch (GB) (2005 f. by Zamindar (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years and placed twice. Basilica (GB) (2008 g. by Zafeen (FR)): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years, placed twice. Baileys Applause (GB) (2002 f. by Royal Applause (GB)): winner at 3 years and placed 5 times. Iorek Byrnison (GB) (2006 c. by Auction House (USA)): placed twice at 2 years. Tarrants Way (GB) (2007 c. by Auction House (USA)): placed once at 2 years. Wadi Alamardi (GB) (2011 g. by Lucky Story (USA)): placed once at 2 years. She also has a yearling colt by Sayif (IRE). 2nd dam Sharpthorne (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed twice inc. 3rd St Hugh's S., Newbury, L.; dam of 6 winners, 11 runners and 14 foals inc.: Splinter (IRE): 11 wins, £36,319: winner at 2 years; also 10 wins in Denmark and in Sweden and £32,017 and placed 45 times. Cold Climate (GB): 5 wins at 4, 6 and 8 years, £43,498, placed 19 times. Whitethorne (GB): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and £27,674 and placed 5 times. 3rd dam ABEER (USA): 3 wins at 2 years and £44,252 inc. Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2 and Queen Mary S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2, placed 4 times, 2nd Cherry Hinton S., Newmarket, Gr.3, 3rd William Hill Cheveley Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1, 4th Cornwallis S., Ascot, Gr.3 and Lowther S., York, Gr.3; dam of 10 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: CLOUD FOREST (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £89,859 inc. Kobuk King S., Del Mar, L., placed 6 times inc. 2nd Prix de Tourgeville, Deauville, L., Escondido H., Del Mar, L. (twice) and 3rd Prix de Saint Patrick, Longchamp, L. Banner (USA): winner at 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of winners: Attractive (TUR): placed once at 2 years in Turkey; dam of Campio (TUR): 2 wins at 2 years in Turkey and £55,200 and placed 8 times inc. 3rd Kemal Sahir Kurutluoglu, Veliefendi, L. 18 LOT 19 FROM MAYFIELD STABLES STABLE 39 BAY COLT (IRE) April 27th, 2013 (First Produce) Danehill Camacho (GB) Arabesque Modigliani Modura (IRE) (2009) Soltura E.B.F. Nominated. Danzig Razyana Zafonic Prophecy Danzig Hot Princess Sadler's Wells Rosa Mundi View at 1st dam MODURA (IRE): unraced. Above is her first foal. 2nd dam SOLTURA (IRE): unraced; dam of 5 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals inc.: Discover Roma (IRE) (f. by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE)): 3 wins in Italy 3rd Premio Alberto Zanoletti di Rozzano, Milan, L.; dam of a winner: Liliargh (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2014. Thewaytosanjose (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of a winner: Voice of A Leader (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2013 3rd One Call Ins. Flying Scotsman S., Doncaster, L. Alcadia (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 4 winners inc.: Cappa Brack (IRE): 7 wins, £33,075: winner at 2 years and £20,329 3rd Danehill Dancer Tipperary S., Tipperary, L. and Kerry Spring Water Rochestown S., Cork, L.; also 6 wins in Bahrain and £12,746. Dereenatra (IRE): 3 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years, 2014 in France. Zapata (IRE): placed once at 3 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: IMAZULUTOO (IRE): 4 wins, £41,617: winner at 2 years and £11,826; also 3 wins over hurdles at 3 years and £29,369 inc. Juvenile Hurdle, Fairyhouse, L. and placed once over fences. 3rd dam Rosa Mundi (USA): winner at 3 years 3rd Cornelscourt S., Leopardstown, L.; dam of 9 winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: SWORD DANCE: 4 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £107,987 inc. Del Mar H., Del Mar, Gr.2; sire. CORREGGIO (IRE): 6 wins, £173,204: placed once; also winner in U.S.A.; also winner over hurdles and 4 wins over jumps in U.S.A. and £163,338 inc. Marion Dupont Scott Colonial Cup Hurdle, Camden, L. La Joyeuse (USA): winner at 2 years 4th Mount Coote Stud Athasi S., Curragh, Gr.3; dam of a winner: ENDLESS JOY: 2 wins at 2 years and £20,157 inc. Hennessy X. O. EBF Killavullen S., Leopardstown, Gr.3; dam of ENDLESS HALL (GB): 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home, in Italy and in Singapore and £931,944 inc. Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.1; sire. Palais Rose (USA): winner at 3 years 2nd Brownstown Stud S., Leopardstown, L.; dam of 2 winners inc.: Legal Profession (IRE): 5 wins, £21,201: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years 3rd Ballysax S., Curragh, L.; also 3 wins over hurdles at 5 and 7 years. Quarter Deck (IRE): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 7 winners inc.: HANA (FR): won Prix des Tourelles, Chantilly, L. Boat Race (USA): placed twice at 3 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: America's Cup (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years 3rd Weatherbys Ireland Greenlands S., Curragh, Gr.3; also placed once at 4 years in U.S.A. Minerva (IRE): unraced; dam of 4 winners inc.: KEY OF SOLOMON (IRE): 9 wins at 3 to 8 years in U.S.A. and £104,453 inc. Hasta La Vista H., Turf Paradise. 19 LOT 20 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 2 Danzig Razyana Kris Rafha Eljazzi Taufan Tagula Twin Island Key To Content Key Maneuver Worthy of Note B.C. Nominated. Danehill Kodiac (GB) BAY COLT (IRE) May 26th, 2013 Jumbo Romance (IRE) (1998) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam JUMBO ROMANCE (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 5 years and £28,749 and placed 11 times; dam of a winner from 4 runners and 5 foals inc.: Arnaud (IRE) (2008 g. by Chevalier (IRE)): 4 wins, £47,213: placed once at 3 years; also 2 wins over hurdles at 3 and 5 years, 2013 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Horse and Jockey Hotel Hurdle, Thurles, L. and 2 wins over fences at 5 years, 2013 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Racing Post Lightning Novices' Chase, Doncaster, L. and 3rd Red Mills Chase, Gowran Park, L. Giorgi (IRE) (2011 f. by Kodiac (GB)): placed once at 3 years, 2014. 2nd dam KEY MANEUVER (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of 7 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals inc.: Flashy Concorde (USA): 19 wins at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £101,951. More Denis (IRE): 15 wins at 3 to 7 years in Italy and £24,219. 3rd dam WORTHY OF NOTE (USA): unraced; Own sister to SWINGTIME (USA); dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: SPENDER (USA): 14 wins at 2 to 7 years in U.S.A. and £257,812 inc. Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonel S., Ellis Park, 2nd Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.2. Acurare (USA): winner at 2 years in U.S.A. and £20,320, 4th Del Mar Debutante S., Del Mar, Gr.2; dam of winners. Pia Grace (USA): 2 wins in Japan; dam of winners inc.: MIDEON BIT (JPN): won Tanabata Sho, Fukushima, L. and 2nd Fuji S., Nakayama, Gr.3. Patty Bid (USA): unraced; grandam of DANCING GENERAL (USA): won Pro or Con H., Santa Anita, L.; third dam of Blingismything (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in U.S.A., 2nd Megahertz S., Santa Anita, L. and 3rd Buena Vista S., Santa Anita, Gr.2, Wave The Flag (USA): winner at 3 years, 2014 in U.S.A., 2nd Wild Applause S., Belmont Park. 4th dam SWOON'S TUNE: 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. inc. Junior Miss S., Del Mar; dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: SWINGTIME (USA): 9 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in U.S.A. and £198,708 inc. Beverley Hills H., Gr.2 and Santa Maria H., Santa Anita, Gr.2, 2nd Santa Barbara H., Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners. BAG OF TUNES (USA): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £65,173 inc. Kentucky Oaks, Gr.2, 2nd Alabama S., Saratoga, Gr.1, Coaching Club American Oaks, Belmont, Gr.1, Delaware Oaks, Gr.1; dam of winners. Song Sparrow (USA): 2 wins at 2 years in U.S.A., 2nd Alcibiades S., Keeneland; dam of winners inc.: CORMORANT (USA): won Jersey Derby, Atlantic City, Gr.1; sire. 20 LOT 21 FROM EGMONT STUD STABLE 76 BAY FILLY (IRE) January 15th, 2013 Danzig Razyana Secretariat L'On Vite Fanfreluche Northern Dancer Sadler's Wells Fairy Bridge Habitat Twyla Running Ballerina B.C. Nominated. Danehill Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) Bright Birdie (IRE) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam BRIGHT BIRDIE (IRE): unraced; Own sister to MEATH (IRE) and Dalcassian (IRE); dam of 2 runners and 5 foals; Living On Promises (IRE) (2008 f. by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE)): placed once at 2 years, died at 2 years. 2nd dam TWYLA: 2 wins at 2 years; Own sister to DEFECTING DANCER; dam of 4 winners from 10 runners and 15 foals inc.: TWIST AND TURN (GB) (c. by Groom Dancer (USA)): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in West Germany and £97,096 inc. Dalham Chester Vase, Chester, Gr.3, 2nd Gerling Preis, Koln, Gr.2; sire. MEATH (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)): 4 wins at home and in Hong Kong and £169,487 inc. Airlie Stud Gallinule S., Curragh, Gr.3. Dalcassian (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)): winner at 3 years and £14,013 3rd Rock of Gibraltar EBF Tetrarch S., Curragh, Gr.3. Twizzle (IRE): placed twice at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: SERPENT (NZ): won Lincoln Lodge New Zealand St Leger, Trentham, L. Tisza (GB): ran twice; grandam of Ninja (ITY): 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £57,311 3rd Premio Toscana, Florence, L. Twilight Tango (GB): unraced; dam of 3 winners inc.: GWAIHIR (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home, in France and in U.S.A. and £107,511 inc. Criterium du Fonds Europeen de L'Elevage, Deauville, L., 2nd Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3. Mombassa (IRE): 4 wins and £98,784 2nd Go And Go Round Tower S., Curragh, L., Blenheim S., Curragh, L., Belgrave S., Curragh, L. Masai Queen (IRE): unraced; dam of CHANDLERY (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 5 years, 2014 at home and in Qatar and £60,135 inc. Veuve Clicquot Vintage S., Goodwood, Gr.2. 3rd dam RUNNING BALLERINA: winner at 2 years; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 5 foals inc.: DEFECTING DANCER: 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £48,160 inc. Windsor Castle S., Royal Ascot, L. and Bonusprint Sirenia S., Kempton Park, L., 4th Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1; sire. SKATING: 3 wins and £35,815 inc. Lapis S., Phoenix Park, L., 2nd Budweiser Pretty Polly S., Curragh, Gr.2; dam of 4 winners inc.: FADEYEV (USA): won Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr.3, Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, 3rd Hollywood Derby, Gr.1; sire. ICE BALLET (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in France inc. Prix Occitanie, La Teste Buch, L.; dam of CHAMPERY (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy inc. Premio Tullio Righetti, Rome, L., 3rd MehlMulhens Rennen (2000 Guineas), Cologne, Gr.2; grandam of PLATINUM PRINCESS (NZ): won Churchill S., Riccarton Park, Gr.2. Dancing Decoy: placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of 4 winners inc.: CATCH TWENTY TWO: won EBF Old Connell Race, Curragh, L. 21 LOT 22 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 26 BROWN COLT (GB) March 2nd, 2013 (Third Produce) Danzig Razyana Alzao Last Second Alruccaba Nureyev Peintre Celebre Peinture Bleue Puteri Sadler's Wells Wentworth Sweeping B.C. Nominated. Danehill Aussie Rules (USA) Beautiful Lady (IRE) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam BEAUTIFUL LADY (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 4 foals: Practising (GB) (2011 f. by Rail Link (GB)): placed twice at 2 years, 2013; also 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in U.S.A. and £45,036 and placed once. Brilliant Toy (GB) (2012 f. by Champs Elysees (GB)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling colt by Compton Place (GB). 2nd dam PUTERI WENTWORTH (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £27,585; dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals inc.: Putra Sas (IRE) (c. by Sri Pekan (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 5 years and £38,859, 2nd Jardine Lloyd Thompson Dee S., Chester, Gr.3. 3rd dam Sweeping: winner at 2 years and £10,877, 2nd Princess Elizabeth S., Epsom, L. and 3rd Somerville Tattersalls S., Newmarket, L.; dam of 5 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: WATCHING (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £148,074 inc. Porcelanosa Sprint S., Sandown Park, L. and Field Marshal S., Haydock Park, L., 2nd Prix du Gros-Chene, Chantilly, Gr.2. Desert Lynx (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners inc.: NUFOOS (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years inc. Eternal S., Warwick, L., 2nd Firth of Clyde S., Ayr, Gr.3, Chartwell S., Lingfield Park, Gr.3; dam of AWZAAN (GB): 4 wins at 2 years and £177,720 inc. Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1, MURAAQABA (GB): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 inc. Sweet Solera S., Newmarket, Gr.3, 2nd May Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.2, MUTEELA (GB): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £108,500 inc. Sandringham H., Ascot, L. and EBF Guisborough S., Redcar, L., 2nd Oak Tree S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and Supreme S., Goodwood, Gr.3. Aiming (GB): placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Princess Loulou (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 and £35,717, Darley Prix Jean Romanet, Deauville, Gr.1 and British Stall. Studs EBF Conqueror S., Goodwood, L., Betfred TV EBF Stallions Gillies S., Doncaster, L. and 3rd Ridgewood Pearl S., Curragh, Gr.3. Easy Target (FR): winner, 3rd Pomfret S., Pontefract, L. White Heat (GB): placed once at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: MEDIA MOGUL (GB): 4 wins at 2, 3 and 6 years at home and in U.S.A. and £75,854 inc. Will Rogers S., Hollywood Park, Gr.3. Dhekraa (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2nd EBF Lansdown S., Bath, L. Hankering (IRE): unraced; dam of FOREVERTHEOPTIMIST (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2013 at home and in U.A.E. and £28,634 inc. Bank of New York Mellon Dragon S., Sandown Park, L. Starring (FR): placed once at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: LETSGOROUNDAGAIN (IRE): won Silver Tankard S., Pontefract, L. Hiroo Garden (GB): unraced; grandam of DE GRATIA (JPN): 4 wins at 2 and 4 years in Japan and £429,063 inc. Kokura Nisai S., Kokura, L. 22 LOT 23 FROM HORSE PARK STUD STABLE 91 BROWN COLT (IRE) March 29th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Big Bad Bob (IRE) Clever Millie (USA) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. Roberto Toter Back Marju Fantasy Girl Persian Fantasy Mr Prospector Cape Canaveral Seaside Attraction Topsider Fateful Fate's Reward B.C. Nominated. Bob Back View at 1st dam CLEVER MILLIE (USA): winner at 4 years; dam of 3 winners from 3 runners and 4 foals: Clever Miss (GB) (2011 f. by Mount Nelson (GB)): winner at 2 years, 2013 and placed 6 times. Majeed (GB) (2010 g. by Mount Nelson (GB)): winner at 3 years, 2013 and placed 3 times. Elle Dorado (GB) (2012 f. by Paco Boy (IRE)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed once. 2nd dam FATEFUL (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of 7 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals inc.: POINTS OF GRACE (USA) (f. by Point Given (USA)): 7 wins at 3 to 5 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £323,058 inc. Dance Smartly S., Woodbine, Gr.2, broodmare. FATEFULLY (USA) (f. by Private Account (USA)): 4 wins at 3 years inc. Rosemary Rated H., Ascot, L., October S., Ascot, L.; dam of winners inc.: FAVOURABLE TERMS (GB): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years and £310,092 inc. Vodafone Nassau S., Goodwood, Gr.1. MODERN HISTORY (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £70,854 inc. Prix F.B.A-Aymeri de Mauleon, Toulouse, L. Opportunist (IRE): 8 wins in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. and £188,086, 3rd Derrinstown Stud Burj Nahaar, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3. Have Faith (IRE): winner at 2 years; dam of Faithful One (IRE): 3 wins, £37,454: 2 wins at 3 years and £18,143; also winner at 4 years in France and £19,311, 2nd Prix du Point du Jour, Craon, L. Portentous (GB): unraced; dam of Signposted (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2013, 3rd Casco EBF Stallions Cocked Hat S., Goodwood, L. Dark Mile (USA): 6 wins, £89,907: winner at 3 years; also 5 wins at 4, 5 and 7 years in France and £83,209; dam of winners inc.: Lutece Eria (FR): 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and £123,403, 3rd Prix Zeddaan, Fontainebleau, L. Super Eria (FR): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 in France and £48,623, 3rd Prix de la Vallee d'Auge, Deauville, L. 3rd dam FATE'S REWARD (USA): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £59,646; dam of 3 winners from 3 runners and 4 foals inc.: Happenchance (USA): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £58,783, 2nd Moonlight Jig S., Laurel; dam of winners inc.: CLASS (USA): won Monongahela H., Charles Town, Hildene S., Colonial Downs, 3rd Selima S., Laurel, Gr.3. Lovely Later (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: LOVELY AFTERNOON (USA): won Arlington Breeders' Cup Oaks, Gr.3. WITH PATIENCE (USA): won Oakley S., Colonial Dns, Somethingroyal S., Colonial Dns, Lambholm South Brookmeade S., Colonial Dns. 23 LOT 24 FROM ROCKVIEW STABLES STABLE 139 BROWN FILLY (IRE) April 23rd, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Danzig Razyana Be My Guest Offshore Boom Push A Button Roberto Red Ransom Arabia Royal Academy Zalaiyka Zanadiyka B.C. Nominated. Danehill Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) Zalama (FR) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam ZALAMA (FR): winner at 3 years in France and placed once; dam of 1 runner and 4 foals; Quarterdeck (IRE) (2012 c. by Mastercraftsman (IRE)): unraced to date. 2nd dam ZALAIYKA (FR): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £213,330 inc. Dubai Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix de la Grotte, Longchamp, Gr.3 and Prix des Reservoirs, Deauville, Gr.3, 2nd Coronation S., Royal Ascot, Gr.1; dam of 4 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: Zalaiyma (FR) (f. by Rainbow Quest (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £26,135 and placed twice inc. 2nd Prix Coronation, Maisons-Laffitte, L.; dam of 3 winners: Zabarajad (IRE): 2 wins, £36,069: winner at 3 years and £18,090 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Dylan Thomas EBF Tetrarch S., Curragh, L.; also winner at 5 years, 2013 in U.S.A. and £17,979. Zalantoun (IRE): placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years; also winner at 4 years, 2013 in Italy and placed 6 times. Zunera (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed once. Zalafira (FR): placed twice at 2 years in France; dam of 4 winners inc.: Zafora (IRE): 5 wins at 4 to 6 years, 2014 in France and £76,639 and placed 20 times. Zafarani (FR): winner, 2013 in France. She also has a yearling filly by Dalakhani (IRE). 3rd dam ZANADIYKA (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £85,167 inc. Prix Casimir Delamarre, Longchamp, L. and Prix Contessina, Evry, L., 2nd Prix du Palais Royal, Longchamp, Gr.3, Prix Edmond Blanc, Evry, Gr.3, Premio Bagutta, Milan, Gr.3 and 3rd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals inc.: ZALAIYKA (FR): see above. Zanapour (FR): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £85,705 3rd Prix de Tourgeville, Deauville, L. Zankara (FR): winner at 3 years in France; dam of 6 winners inc.: Ballybacka Queen (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2013 and £24,931 2nd Flame of Tara EBF S., Curragh, L. and 3rd Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.3. Zakatal (GB): placed 5 times at 5 and 6 years; also winner at 3 years in France and £23,300; also winner over hurdles at 5 years. Zanada (FR): unraced; dam of a winner: MAIGURI (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 4 years in France and £164,357 inc. Prix Roland de Chambure, Longchamp, L., 2nd Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr.1 and 3rd Criterium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1. 24 LOT 25 FROM GAYBROOK LODGE STUD STABLE 61 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 2nd, 2013 (First Produce) Stop The Music Stolen Date Standaan Twin Island Jolly Widow Green Desert Invincible Spirit Rafha Sadler's Wells Silly Goose Ducking B.C. Nominated. Taufan Tagula (IRE) Ohwhatalady (IRE) (2008) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam OHWHATALADY (IRE): ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; She also has a yearling filly by Elzaam (AUS). 2nd dam SILLY GOOSE (IRE): winner at 3; dam of 5 winners, 8 runners, 10 foals inc.: Pyromaniac (IRE): 4 wins, £31,057: 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and £19,792; also winner over hurdles at 4 years, 2014 and £11,265 3rd Sky Bet Supreme Trial Sharp Nov. Hurdle, Cheltenham, L. Artful Artist (IRE): 3 wins at 5 years, 2014 and £61,880. She also has a 3-y-o colt by Acclamation (GB) and a yearling filly by Fame And Glory (GB). 3rd dam DUCKING (GB): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 4 foals inc.: Dance of Love (IRE): winner at 2 years, 3rd Debutante S., Leopardstown, L.; dam of 3 winners inc.: FALSTAFF (IRE): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home, in Singapore and in U.A.E. and £576,450 inc. Singapore Derby, Singapore, L., 3rd Nakheel Dubai Sheema Classic, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1. 4th dam GLIDING: 2 wins at 3 years; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: BAY STREET: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £14,869 inc. Princess Elizabeth S., Epsom, Gr.3; dam of 13 winners inc.: DAARIK: won Red Bank H., Monmouth Park, Gr.3. BEX (USA): won Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of CRIMSON QUEST (IRE): won Prix du Conseil de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.2, LADY ECLAIR (IRE): won Chester H., Chester, L., BALLARAT (IRE): won Prix du Carrousel, M'-Laffitte, L., SAVETHISDANCEFORME (IRE): won Silken Glider S., Curragh, L., HIJAZ (IRE): won Prix Belle de Nuit, M'-Laffitte, L.; grandam of AL SHEMALI (GB): won Dubai Duty Free S., Meydan, Gr.1, 3rd International Cup, Kranji, Gr.1, TUNGSTEN STRIKE (USA): won Henry II S., Sandown Park, Gr.2, DEEM (IRE): won Cape Verdi S., Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3. DARK STREET (IRE): won Premio U.N.I.R.E., Naples, L. BAY SHADE (USA): won Premio Buontalenta, Rome, L.; dam of ABURY (IRE): won Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L.; grandam of BAD GIRL RUNS (SAF): Jt Champion 3yo filly in South Africa, won TBA Paddock S., Kenilworth, Gr.1, Cape Fillies' Guineas, Kenilworth, Gr.1. ROSE OF MONTREAUX: winner at 3 years, Salisbury 1000 Gns Trial S., Salisbury, Gr.3, 4th Coronation S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2; dam of a winner: Pleasuring (GB): placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of 8 winners inc.: SUGGESTIVE (GB): won Criterion S., Newmarket, Gr.3. RASHBAG (GB): won Prix de Conde, Longchamp, Gr.3; sire. 25 LOT 26 FROM POND VIEW STABLES STABLE 168 BAY OR GREY FILLY (GB) March 9th, 2013 (Second Produce) Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Ahonoora Park Express Matcher Mendez Linamix Lunadix Machiavellian Majhud Winsa B.C. Nominated. Galileo New Approach (IRE) Mujdeya (GB) (2007) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam MUJDEYA (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £10,787 and placed twice; dam of 3 foals; Mushtarak (GB) (2012 g. by Raven's Pass (USA)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling colt by Royal Applause (GB). 2nd dam MAJHUD (IRE): winner at 3 years and £11,604; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 6 foals; Mujdeya (GB): see above. 3rd dam WINSA (USA): winner at 3 years; Own sister to BAHRI (USA); dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: Mutahayya (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £27,865 2nd Easter S., Kempton Park, L. and Stardom S., Goodwood, L. 4th dam Wasnah (USA): 2nd Crawley Warren Pretty Polly S., Newmarket, L.; dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 14 foals inc.: BAHRI (USA): Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 1995, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £481,090 inc. Queen Elizabeth II S., Ascot, Gr.1, St James's Palace S., Ascot, Gr.1, 2nd Juddmonte International S., York, Gr.1, Sussex S., Goodwood, Gr.1, 3rd 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. BAHHARE (USA): 3 wins at 2 years and £114,315 inc. Champagne S., Doncaster, Gr.2, 3rd Dubai Champion S., Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. Soud (USA): 5 wins at 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £158,089 2nd Golden Gate Breeders' Cup H., Golden Gate, Gr.3. Istiqlal (USA): unraced; dam of 4 winners inc.: MUQBIL (USA): won Lane's End Greenham S., Newbury, Gr.3 and 3rd Belmont Breeders' Cup H., Belmont Park, Gr.2. Mostaqeleh (USA): 2 wins, 2nd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.2; dam of NAWWAAR (USA): 5 wins to 2014 and £144,862 inc. HH The President Cup, Abu Dhabi, L. and National Day Cup, Abu Dhabi, L. Hureya (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of MUTHABARA (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £58,800 inc. Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr.3. Zaqrah (USA): placed once; dam of RAWAAQ (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 inc. 1000 Guineas Trial S., Leopardstown, Gr.3. Bahareeya (USA): unraced; dam of 2 winners inc.: Burj Alzain (IRE): 2 wins, 3rd International Trial S., Lingfield Park, L. Wissal (USA): unraced; dam of 5 winners inc.: SUDOOR (GB): 3 wins and £47,120 inc. Star S., Sandown Park, L. ETHAARA (GB): 3 wins at 3 years and £32,296 inc. EBF National Stud Boadicea S., Newmarket, L.; dam of ETAAB (USA): 4 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £39,233 inc. Nayef Rosemary S., Newmarket, L. MUDAARAAH (GB): 2 wins at 2 years and £47,902 inc. Star S., Sandown Park, L., 2nd Prestige S., Goodwood, Gr.3. Muwaary (GB): 2 wins to 2014, 2nd Jersey S., Ascot, Gr.3. 26 LOT 27 FROM CLENAGH CASTLE STUD STABLE 180 GREY COLT (IRE) March 5th, 2013 (Second Produce) Big Bad Bob (IRE) Sense of Greeting (IRE) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. Roberto Toter Back Marju Fantasy Girl Persian Fantasy Chief's Crown Key of Luck Balbonella Bold Lad Lady Redford Etoile Grise B.C. Nominated. Bob Back View at 1st dam SENSE OF GREETING (IRE): ran; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 3 foals; Camanche Grey (IRE) (2011 g. by Camacho (GB)): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 3 times. She also has a yearling colt by Casamento (IRE). 2nd dam LADY REDFORD: ran once in a N.H. Flat Race at 5 years; dam of a winner from 7 runners and 12 foals; TIGER ROYAL (IRE) (g. by Royal Academy (USA)): 6 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years and £147,607 inc. Greenlands S., Curragh, Gr.3. Cradle Brief (IRE): unraced; dam of 4 winners inc.: SIR XAAR (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 5 years and £87,190 inc. Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L., 2nd Mill Reef S., Newbury, Gr.2. Fuerta Ventura (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years and £35,873; also 2nd Premio Giovanni Falck - Trofeo Darley, Milan, L.; dam of The Gold Cheongsam (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 and £288,199 3rd EBF National Stud Boadicea S., Newmarket, L. Redvers (IRE): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2013 and £113,197. Again Royale (IRE): unraced; dam of 2 winners: SACRED ASPECT (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2013 and £31,797 inc. Danehill Dancer Tipperary S., Tipperary, L. Super Say (IRE): 5 wins at 4 to 7 years, 2013 and £69,129 3rd Carlingford S., Dundalk, L. 3rd dam ETOILE GRISE: placed; dam of 5 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Dragon Steed: winner at 3 years 4th White Rose S., Ascot, Gr.3. Alsiba: winner at 4 years; dam of 7 winners inc.: Dashiba (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £37,753 2nd Upavon S., Salisbury, L. and 3rd Chesham S., Royal Ascot, L.; dam of BARSHIBA (IRE): 7 wins, £346,184 inc. Lancashire Oaks, Haydock, Gr.2 (twice), DOCTOR DASH (GB): winner at 2 years, Stonehenge S., Salisbury, L.; grandam of ARABIAN QUEEN (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014, £53,775 inc. Duchess Of Cambridge S., Newmarket, Gr.2. Saraday: placed 10 times at 2, 4 and 5 years; dam of 6 winners inc.: OSCAR SCHINDLER (IRE): Champion older horse in Ireland in 1996, Champion older stayer in Europe in 1996, 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years and £519,630 inc. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1 (twice), 3rd Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1, Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Royal Oak, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. Roger Ramjet (IRE): winner, 2nd Beresford S., Curragh, Gr.2. Fanny Blankers (IRE): winner at home and in Denmark, 3rd Best Western Norsk Oaks, Ovrevoll, L.; dam of Dutch Harrier (IRE): winner 2nd Queen's Vase, Royal Ascot, Gr.3; grandam of Harriers Call (IRE): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years 3rd Silver S., Curragh, L. 27 LOT 28 STABLE 152 FROM YEOMANSTOWN STUD Kingmambo Allegretta Sadler's Wells BAY COLT (FR) Sadima Anima March 9th, 2013 Indian Ridge (First Produce) Compton Place Tevara (GB) Nosey (2008) Zieten Torgau Snoozy Time E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. Eligible for French Breeder’s Premium. View at 1st dam TEVARA (GB): ran on the flat in France at 3 years. King's Best Creachadoir (IRE) 2nd dam TORGAU (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £85,482 inc. Charles Heidsieck Cherry Hinton S., Newmarket, Gr.2, placed twice, 2nd Shadwell Stud Cheveley Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1 and Moyglare Stud S., Curragh, Gr.1; dam of 3 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: Stellarta (GB): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2015 and £16,369 and placed 10 times. Knapton Hill (GB): winner at 3 years, placed 4 times; dam of winners inc.: Pitlochry (IRE): winner at 2 years and £13,129, placed twice; also 4 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2014 in Hong Kong and £288,369, placed 7 times. The Dark Wizard (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 and placed 6 times; also 2 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2015 in Macau and £30,176, placed 4 times. Tislimeen (GB): ran a few times; dam of a winner: Miss Eleni (TUR): winner, 2014 in Turkey. 3rd dam SNOOZY TIME: winner at 2 years; dam of 10 winners from 13 runners and 13 foals inc.: TORGAU (IRE): see above. AKINDAYIM (IRE): 22 wins at 2 to 8 years in Turkey and £620,225 inc. Topkapi Trophy, Veliefendi, L., placed 18 times. Dream of Fame: 11 wins, £235,915: 2 wins at 3 years and £13,784 and placed 3 times; also 9 wins at 4 to 8 years in U.S.A. and £222,131 and placed 21 times inc. 2nd Sandshark H., Del Mar, L., 3rd San Marino H., Santa Anita, L. and Wickerr H., Del Mar, L. Fujiyama Crest (IRE): 8 wins, £57,202 inc. 7 wins and £50,424 and placed 5 times. Seasonal Splendour (IRE): 6 wins, £46,063: 4 wins at 4 and 5 years and £37,553 and placed 12 times inc. 3rd Tripleprint Lupe S., Goodwood, L.; also 2 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years and placed 4 times; dam of winners inc.: RESTLESS SOUL (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £158,626 inc. Yerba Buena S., Golden Gate, L., placed 2nd Osunitas H., Del Mar, L., La Zanzara H., Santa Anita, 3rd Santa Barbara H., Santa Anita, Gr.2 (twice) and Beverly Hills H., Hollywood Park, Gr.3 (twice). When In Rome (GB): 7 wins, £102,536: winner at 3 years and £51,077 and placed 8 times inc. 2nd Queen's Vase, Royal Ascot, Gr.3 and 3rd Arena Racing Derby Trial S., Lingfield Park, Gr.3; also 6 wins at 5 to 7 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £51,459, placed 12 times. Strength 'n Honour (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £26,061 and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Classic Trial, Sandown Park, Gr.3. 28 LOT 29 FROM GREENHILLS FARM STABLE 175 BAY COLT (IRE) April 20th, 2013 (Second Produce) Big Bad Bob (IRE) Mastoora (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. Roberto Toter Back Marju Fantasy Girl Persian Fantasy Royal Applause Acclamation Princess Athena Barathea Sacred Love Abstraction B.C. Nominated. Bob Back View at 1st dam MASTOORA (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 1 runner and 3 foals; Knoxville Bullet (IRE) (2012 g. by Clodovil (IRE)): placed twice at 2 years, 2014. She also has a yearling filly by Kheleyf (USA). 2nd dam SACRED LOVE (IRE): placed once at 3 years; dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals inc.: Illustrious Prince (IRE): 9 wins at 3 to 7 years, 2014 and £48,510. Heart In The Air (IRE): winner at 4 years, 2015. 3rd dam ABSTRACTION (GB): unraced; Own sister to DE QUEST (GB) and SOURCE OF LIGHT (GB); dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 7 foals inc.: Blueberry Forest (IRE): 15 wins, £88,037: 2 wins at 2 years and £21,502; also 13 wins in Germany and £66,535 2nd G. P. der Freien Hansestadt Bremen, Bremen, Gr.3, 3rd Grosser Preis der WestLB, Dusseldorf, Gr.3. Noahs Ark (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £71,341 2nd Kilboy Estate S., Curragh, L.; also 3rd Garden City Breeders' Cup S., Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of 3 winners inc.: TEMPS AU TEMPS (IRE): 5 wins, £169,927: 2 wins at 2 years in France and £90,805 inc. Prix Herod, Longchamp, L.; also 3 wins over jumps at 5 years in France and £79,122. After (IRE): winner at 2 years 2nd Anglesey S., Curragh, Gr.3, Ballyogan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, 3rd Brownstown S., Naas, Gr.3. 4th dam DE STAEL (USA): 2 wins at 2 years; Own sister to PEACETIME (USA), QUIET FLING (USA), Balabina (USA); dam of 9 winners, 11 runners, 12 foals inc.: WANDESTA (GB): 7 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £810,558 inc. Santa Ana H., Santa Anita, Gr.1, Santa Barbara H., Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Matriarch S., Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. DE QUEST (GB): 3 wins at 3 years in France, £107,466 inc. Prix du Conseil de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.2, 3rd Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr.1; sire. SOURCE OF LIGHT (GB): 7 wins and £93,799 inc. Chester Rated S., L. TURNERS HILL (GB): 4 wins in France inc. Grand Prix de Compiegne, Compiegne, L., 2nd Prix du Conseil de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.2; sire. Fine Detail (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 7 winners inc.: FASHIONABLE (GB): 2 wins inc. Pretty Polly S., Newmarket, L.; dam of JACK NAYLOR (GB): 3 wins at 2 years, 2014 inc. Silver Flash S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, 3rd Prix Marcel Boussac, Longchamp, Gr.1. Intricate Design (GB): unraced; dam of KRAMULKIE (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in Italy inc. Premio Bereguardo, Milan, L. Valencia (GB): placed once at 2 years; dam of 7 winners inc.: DEPORTIVO (GB): 6 wins inc. Flying Five, Curragh, Gr.2; sire. IRISH VALE (GB): 2 wins at 2 years inc. Harry Rosebery S., Ayr, L. 29 LOT 30 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 3 BAY FILLY (IRE) January 16th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Danzig Razyana Kris Rafha Eljazzi Pivotal Kyllachy Pretty Poppy Caerleon Rose Vibert Premier Rose B.C. Nominated. Danehill Kodiac (GB) See Nuala (IRE) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SEE NUALA (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 1 runner and 5 foals: Kuala Queen (IRE) (2011 f. by Kodiac (GB)): placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014. She also has a yearling filly by Sir Prancealot (IRE). 2nd dam ROSE VIBERT (GB): unraced; dam of 5 winners, 7 runners and 9 foals inc.: ASPECTOFLOVE (IRE) (f. by Danetime (IRE)): 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.A.E. and £257,531 inc. Bab al Shams Cape Verdi S., Meydan, Gr.2, Deloitte Rosemary H., Ascot, L., Irish Stallion Farms EBF Garnet S., Naas, L. and Normandie Stud EBF Fleur de Lys S., Lingfield Park, L., placed 2nd Premio Sergio Cumani C. Naz, Milan, Gr.3, Cape Verdi S., Meydan, Gr.3 and Meydan Balanchine S., Meydan, Gr.3. Sky Quest (IRE): 10 wins and £67,129 and placed 20 times. Serbelloni (GB): 4 wins, £24,242: 3 wins at 4 and 5; winner over hurdles. Aimee Vibert (GB): 2 wins at 4 years and placed twice; dam of a winner: Silver Alliance (GB): 7 wins and £23,936 and placed 11 times. 3rd dam PREMIER ROSE: 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £30,501 inc. Strensall S., York, L., placed 11 times inc. 2nd Beeswing S., Newcastle, L., Duchess of Montrose H., Newmarket, L. and Kiveton Park Steel S., Doncaster, L.; Own sister to SHAPINA; dam of 6 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: Opera Ghost: 7 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years and £45,492; sire. Final Stab (IRE): 7 wins, £23,546: 4 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years and £14,309; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 to 6 years. 4th dam Florintina: 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 7 times inc. 3rd Bunbury Cup H., Newmarket, L.; dam of 4 winners from 5 runners and 5 foals: SHAPINA: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years inc. Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr.3, 2nd Cherry Hinton S., Newmarket, Gr.3, Princess Margaret S., Ascot, L., 4th Cheveley Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: Elegant Rose: 2 wins at 4 years; grandam of WISE DENNIS (GB): won Merrion S., York, L., Zabeel Mile, Nad Al Sheba, L., 2nd Hambleton S., York, L., Silver Tankard S., Pontefract, L., Hyde S., Kempton, L. Video King: 17 wins, £60,685: 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and £23,521; also 12 wins in Italy and £37,164, 3rd Premio Signorino, Rome, L. Petalina: winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of winners inc.: Absolutely Perfect: winner at home and in Italy, 3rd EBF Anglesey S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Premio Cascine, Firenze, L. (twice). Peninsula (GB): winner in West Germany, 3rd Schwarzgold Rennen, Hoppegarten, L.; dam of PRYOR (GER): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany inc. Furstenberg-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, Grosser Bavaria Preis, L. and Grosser Radeberger Pilsner Preis, Dresden, L. 30 LOT 31 FROM EGMONT STUD STABLE 77 Dubai Millennium Zomaradah Chief's Crown Bright Tiara Expressive Dance Blushing Groom Rahy Glorious Song Droll Role Youpickem Analisa B.C. Nominated. Dubawi Poet's Voice (GB) BAY FILLY (IRE) March 14th, 2013 Ra Hydee (USA) (1994) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam RA HYDEE (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £13,366 and placed once; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 11 foals; Jack Junior (USA) (2004 g. by Songandaprayer (USA)): 12 wins, £335,143: winner and placed 5 times; also 11 wins at 6 to 9 years, 2013 in France £326,404, placed 12 times inc. 2nd UAE Derby, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.2. Perfect Paula (USA) (2005 f. by Songandaprayer (USA)): winner at 2 years, placed 3 times inc. 3rd St Hugh's S., Newbury, L.; dam of 3 winners. Ra Devil (USA) (2000 g. by Devil's Bag (USA)): winner at 4 years in U.S.A. Liturgical (USA) (2006 c. by Songandaprayer (USA)): winner at 2 years. Under My Wing (IRE) (2011 c. by Raven's Pass (USA)): placed once at 3 years, 2014 in Qatar. She also has a yearling filly by Dragon Pulse (IRE). 2nd dam YOUPICKEM (USA): winner; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners, 13 foals inc.: JONOWO (USA) (f. by Navajo (USA)): 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £106,373 inc. Regret S., Churchill Downs, L.; dam of 3 winners inc.: Beaux Arts Ball (USA): winner in U.S.A., 2nd Zippy Do H., Calder; dam of NIGHTMARE AFFAIR (USA): 11 wins in U.S.A. and $1,113,464 inc. Smile Sprint H., Calder, Gr.2, 3rd TVG Breeders' Cup Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and Frank J de Francis Memorial Dash S., Laurel, Gr.1, Off the Richter (USA): 2 wins in U.S.A. 3rd Railbird S., Hollywood Park, Gr.3; grandam of Another Silver Oak (USA): 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2013 in U.S.A. 3rd Sanford S., Gr.2. STOLIE (USA) (f. by Navajo (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £50,005 inc. Bourbonette S., Turfway Park; dam of 8 winners inc.: STOLEN GOLD (USA): won Precisionist S., Hollywood Park, L. and 2nd Hollywood Futurity, Hollywood Park, Gr.1. Something Light (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of WANNA CUDDLE (USA): won Louisiana Stallion S. (fillies), L., Western Resolve (CAN): winner in U.S.A. 2nd Shady Well S., L.; grandam of No Shenanigans (USA): 7 wins in U.S.A., 2nd Cosmic Bob S. Soar (USA) (g. by Flying Chevron (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £43,258 3rd Swynford S., Woodbine, Gr.3. 3rd dam ANALISA (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,963; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 13 foals inc.: TERRA INCOGNITA (USA): 3 wins at 2 years in U.S.A. and £81,125 inc. Alcibiades S., Keeneland, Gr.2; dam of 2 winners. Maltage (USA): placed 3 times in Germany; dam of 6 winners inc.: MARTILLO (GER): won Prix du Muguet, Gr.2 (twice), 2nd Premio Vittorio di Capua, Gr.1, 3rd St James's Palace S., Ascot, Gr.1; sire. 31 LOT 32 STABLE 126 FROM DOLMEN BLOODSTOCK Darshaan Homage BAY COLT (GB) Blakeney Percy's Lass January 22nd, Laughing Girl 2013 Danehill Danehill Dancer (Third Produce) Cartoon (GB) Mira Adonde (2006) Alzao Elfin Laughter Rainbow's End E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. Own brother to LADY TIANA (GB). Mark of Esteem Sir Percy (GB) View at 1st dam CARTOON (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 4 foals; LADY TIANA (GB) (2011 f. by Sir Percy (GB)): 4 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £46,507 inc. EBF Stallions Gillies S., Doncaster, L., placed 5 times. She also has a 3yo gelding by Sir Percy (GB) and a yearling colt by Sir Percy (GB). 2nd dam ELFIN LAUGHTER (GB): 2 wins at 2 years and placed twice; dam of 10 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: SMIRK (GB) (c. by Selkirk (USA)): 6 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £177,612 inc. Ben Marshall S., Newmarket, L., placed 2nd Bet Attheraces Mile, Sandown Park, Gr.2, Gist Ben Marshall S., Newmarket, L., Newmarket Darley S., Newmarket, L. and 3rd Doncaster Mile, Doncaster, L. Fisher (GB): 4 wins, £32,367: winner at 3 years and placed twice; also 3 wins over hurdles at 3 and 5 years, 2014 and £28,984 and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Q8 Oils Juvenile Hurdle, Leopardstown, L. Stetchworth Prince (GB) (g. by Cadeaux Genereux): 3 wins, £79,259: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £34,474 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd European Free H., Newmarket, L.; also winner at 4 years in U.A.E. and £44,785 and placed once. 3rd dam RAINBOW'S END: winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of 12 winners from 15 runners and 16 foals inc.: SIGN OF HOPE (GB): 3 wins at 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and £137,558 inc. Oak Tree Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed 3rd La Jolla H., Del Mar, Gr.3, Bay Meadows Breeders' Cup H., Bay Meadows, Gr.3. Finian's Rainbow: 3 wins, £50,056: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 5 times; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £41,104 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Premio Chiusura, Milan, Gr.2, All American H., Garden State and 3rd Oettingen-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3. Chasing Moonbeams: winner at 2 years and £10,971 and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Goffs St Hugh's S., Newbury, L.; dam of 3 winners. Carmot (GB): 2 wins at 2 years; also placed once at 2 years in France and £16,726, 2nd Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte, M'-Laffitte, Gr.2. Brilliance (GB): winner at 3 years, placed 3 times; dam of 6 winners inc.: TORA BORA (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £31,106 inc. Eternal S., Warwick, L., placed 5 times inc. 3rd Oak Tree S., Goodwood, L. Varnish: winner at 2 years and placed twice; dam of 3 winners: Shine (GB): ran 3 times; dam of Rathkenny (IRE): 6 wins, £49,642: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £18,734 and placed 8 times inc. 2nd Tote Silver Tankard S., Pontefract, L.; also 4 wins over hurdles, £30,908. Jazz (GB): placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 2 winners inc.: Madame Boulangere (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £155,205, placed 3rd Starlit Rotary S., Goodwood, L. 32 LOT 33 FROM BANSHA HOUSE STABLES STABLE 85 BAY COLT (GB) March 21st, 2013 (Third Produce) Cadeaux Genereux Clarentia Bahamian Bounty (GB) Authoritative (GB) (2006) Diktat Australian Dreams E.B.F. Nominated. Young Generation Smarten Up Ballad Rock Laharden Warning Arvola Magic Ring Finlaggan View at 1st dam AUTHORITATIVE (GB): unraced; dam of 2 runners and 3 foals: Ormer (GB) (2011 f. by Kyllachy (GB)): placed once at 3 years, 2014. Rembrandt (GB) (2012 c. by Dutch Art (GB)): ran once. 2nd dam AUSTRALIAN DREAMS (GB): 7 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and £37,824 inc. Coolmore Stud Baden-Baden Cup, Baden-Baden, L., placed 4 times; dam of a winner from 4 runners and 7 foals: Wadnaan (GB): winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; also placed once over hurdles at 4 years. 3rd dam FINLAGGAN (GB): 3 wins at 3 years and £14,959 and placed 7 times; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: NEEDWOOD BLADE (GB): 9 wins at 3 to 6 years at home and in U.S.A. and £197,129 inc. Victor Chandler Palace House S., Newmarket, Gr.3, Bay Meadows Breeders' Cup H., Bay Meadows, Gr.3, NGK Spark Plugs Abernant S., Newmarket, L. and Bentinck S., Newmarket, L., placed 2nd Cammidge Trophy, Doncaster, L., 3rd NGK Spark Plugs Abernant S., Newmarket, L. and Mcarthurglen City of York S., York, L.; sire. ISLAY MIST (GB): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and £124,866 inc. Senorita S., Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed 2nd Walmac Lone Star Oaks, Lone Star Park, L., 3rd San Clemente S., Del Mar, Gr.2, Carris Memorial H., Remington Park, Rick's Memorial H., Remington Park and Adena Springs Matchmaker Turf Sprint, Remington Park; dam of winners. AUSTRALIAN DREAMS (GB): see above. Merveilles (GB): 6 wins, £72,485: 3 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years and £41,083 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd S & R McGrath Memorial Saval Beg S., Leopardstown, L.; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years and £25,364 and placed 8 times inc. 3rd Fishery Lane Hurdle, Naas, L. and winner over fences at 6 years. Feolin (GB): winner at 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of a winner: Run Fat Lass Run (GB): 4 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2015 and £14,747. Summers Lease (GB): winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of a winner: Summer Isles (GB): 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 and placed twice. 4th dam MISTY HALO: 22 wins, £32,059: 20 wins at 2 to 6 years and £31,214 and placed 16 times; also 2 wins in Isle Of Man; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc.: Shifting Mist (GB): 5 wins at 3 years and £16,202; dam of winners inc.: SHIFTING PLACE (GB): Champion 2yr old filly in Italy in 2004, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £69,761 inc. Premio Primi Passi, Milan, Gr.3, placed 2nd Prix Robert Papin, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2, 3rd Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L. and Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L. 33 LOT 34 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 27 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 5th, 2013 (First Produce) Gone West Silken Cat Theatrical Green Room Chain Fern Pivotal Kyllachy Pretty Poppy Grand Lodge Lady Betambeau Boristova B.C. Nominated. Speightstown Lord Shanakill (USA) Lady Caprice (GB) (2009) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam LADY CAPRICE (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed twice. She also has a yearling filly by Casamento (IRE). 2nd dam LADY BETAMBEAU (IRE): ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to LADY BEAR (IRE); dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 8 foals inc.: Caprice des Bleus (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years in France and £50,848. Giveitupforthelady (GB): 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. 3rd dam BORISTOVA (IRE): winner at 2 years; dam of 2 winners, 7 runners, 8 foals inc.: LADY BEAR (IRE): 11 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, £205,980 inc. Atalanta S., Sandown, L.; dam of winners. 4th dam Bold Meadows: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2nd Blandford S., Curragh, Gr.2; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 13 foals inc.: Judicial Field (IRE): 10 wins, £74,936: 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 3rd Shannon Challenge Race, Tipperary, L. and Oyster S., Galway, L.; also 2 wins over hurdles, 3rd Champion 4yo Hurdle, Punchestown, L. and The Ladbroke Extended H. Hurdle, Leopardstown, L. and 4 wins over fences. Bold Vision: 3rd Sweet Solera S., Newmarket, L.; dam of winners inc.: HARVARD HONOR (NZ): won Enterprise Homes Great Easter S., Riccarton Park, L. and 3rd Smokefree Wellington S., Trentham, Gr.3. BEARABLE (NZ): won Ford Champagne S., Wingatui, L. Spouting (NZ): unraced; dam of Tube (AUS): 4 wins in Australia, 3rd Tab Cranbourne Cup, Cranbourne, L. The next dam SPARE FILLY: 3 wins at 3 and 4 years; Own sister to SAMOTHRAKI; dam of 9 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: VAN HOUTEN: 12 wins in Italy inc. Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Milan, Gr.2, 3rd Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan, Gr.1; sire. AFRICAN TUDOR: 12 wins at 2 to 7 years at home and in Italy and £56,918 inc. Premio Bereguardo, Milan, L., 4th Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr.3. MANFILIA: 5 wins at 2 to 4 years inc. Scottish & Newcastle Breweries H., Newcastle, L.; dam of winners inc.: KILIJARO: Champion 2yr old filly in Ireland in 1978, Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 1979, won Patrick S. Gallagher Phoenix S., Phoenix Park, Gr.1, Prix du Moulin, Longchamp, Gr.1, Yellow Ribbon S., Santa Anita, Gr.1; grandam of SHAME (AUS): won Sires' Produce S., Eagle Farm, Gr.1, The 1000 Guineas, Caulfield, Gr.1. AFRICAN HOPE: won La Coupe, Longchamp, Gr.3; sire. Eternal Snow: placed once in France; grandam of HAPPY TICKET (USA): 11 wins in U.S.A. inc. Ballerina S., Saratoga, Gr.1. Tir-An-Oir (IRE): unraced; dam of DRAGON TRIUMPH (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £41,630 inc. Ulster Harp Derby, Down Royal, L. 34 LOT 35 FROM POWERSTOWN STUD STABLE 97 CHESNUT FILLY (IRE) February 12th, 2013 (Third Produce) Gone West Zaizafon Nureyev Pastorale Park Appeal Danehill Mozart Victoria Cross Storm Cat Golden Cat Eurobird B.C. Nominated. Zafonic Iffraaj (GB) Mozie Cat (IRE) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam MOZIE CAT (IRE): winner and placed once; dam of 2 runners and 3 foals; David's Secret (GB) (2010 g. by Sakhee's Secret (GB)): placed 3 times at 2 years. 2nd dam Golden Cat (USA): winner at 3 years, placed 3rd Mitsubishi Diamond Vision S., Curragh, L.; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: POUNCED (USA) (c. by Rahy (USA)): 2 wins at 2 years at home and in U.S.A. and £459,849 inc. Breeders' Cup Juvenile Turf (c&g), Santa Anita, Gr.2, 2nd Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. Big Bound (USA) (c. by Grand Slam (USA)): 7 wins, £67,473: 2 wins at 3 years and £31,828 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Bet365 Classic Trial, Sandown Park, Gr.3 and 3rd Spillers Horse Feeds Fairway S., Newmarket, L.; also 5 wins at 4, 6 and 7 years, 2013 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £35,645 and placed 5 times. Pampas Cat (USA) (c. by Seeking The Gold (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years and £26,208 and placed twice, 2nd National Express Fairway S., Newmarket, L. and 3rd Bank of America Chester Vase, Chester, Gr.3. Celtic Cat (IRE) (c. by Danehill (USA)): 5 wins, £132,811: winner at 2 years and £17,650 and placed twice inc. 2nd Acomb S., York, L.; also 4 wins at 4 to 6 years in Hong Kong and £115,161 and placed 7 times. 3rd dam EUROBIRD: Champion 3yr old stayer in Ireland in 1987, 4 wins at 3 years and £182,647 inc. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1, Blandford S., Curragh, Gr.2 and Kinderhill Oaks Trial, Phoenix Park, L., placed 7 times inc. 2nd Meld S., Curragh, Gr.3, Royal Whip S., Curragh, Gr.3, 3rd Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1, Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1 and Blandford S., Curragh, Gr.2; dam of 10 winners from 13 runners and 14 foals inc.: EUROSTORM (USA): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £76,962 inc. Brownstown Stud S., Leopardstown, L. and Diamond S., Curragh, L., placed 2nd Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L., Locust Grove S., Churchill Downs, L. and 3rd Mint Julep H., Churchill Downs, L.; dam of 4 winners inc.: Man O'Mystery (USA): winner, 2nd Lawdirect James Seymour S., Newmarket, L.; also winner over jumps at home and in U.S.A., 2nd Laurel Pub Company Top Novices' Hurdle, Aintree, L. BOWMORE (IRE): 3 wins, £45,985: 2 wins at 3 years and £39,037 inc. Ardilaun House Hotel Oyster S., Galway, L., placed 5 times inc. 3rd Ballyroan S., Leopardstown, L. and Challenge S., Leopardstown, L.; also winner over hurdles at 4 years and placed once. Garden Society (IRE): 7 wins at 3, 7 and 8 years and £55,786 and placed 8 times inc. 3rd Bet Direct Channel 4 Chester S., Chester, L. Wing Express (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £19,954 and placed twice inc. 2nd Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L.; also placed twice in France. 35 LOT 36 FROM HAREFIELD STUD (AGENT) STABLE 153 BAY COLT (IRE) May 4th, 2013 (First Produce) Danzig Razyana Secretariat L'On Vite Fanfreluche Kingmambo King's Best Allegretta Spectrum Colourfast Sedulous B.C. Nominated. Danehill Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) Principessa Rose (IRE) (2008) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam PRINCIPESSA ROSE (IRE): placed once at 3 years; Above is her first foal. 2nd dam Colourfast (IRE): winner at 3 years, £20,107, placed 8 times inc. 3rd Silver Flash S., Leopardstown, L.; dam of 2 winners, 4 runners and 4 foals inc.: Jennie Jerome (IRE): winner at 3 years, placed 6 times; dam of a winner: Craftsmanship (FR): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 and placed 4 times. 3rd dam SEDULOUS: 4 wins at 2 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £48,466 inc. Hennessy X. O. Killavullen S., Leopardstown, Gr.3; Own sister to TAPOLITE; dam of 9 winners from 13 runners and 15 foals inc.: Indaba (IRE): 4 wins, £47,747: 3 wins at 3 years and £29,716 2nd October S., Ascot, L.; also winner at 4 years in France and £18,031 3rd Prix Contessina, Maisons-Laffitte, L.; dam of 3 winners inc.: Ahlan Emarati (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014 2nd Railway S., Curragh, Gr.2, 3rd Gimcrack S., York, Gr.2 and Norfolk S., Ascot, Gr.2. So Sedulous (USA): 2 wins at 3 years and £12,548; dam of 6 winners: SHIROCCO (GER): Champion 3yr old in Germany in 2004, Champion 3yr old in Italy in 2004, won Vodafone Coronation Cup, Epsom Downs, Gr.1, Gran Premio del Jockey Club, Milan, Gr.1, Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Turf, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. SUBIACO (GER): 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in Germany and £204,098 inc. Gerling Preis, Cologne, Gr.2, 2nd Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1, 3rd ELE Pokal-Grosser Erdgas Preis, Gelsenkirchen-Horst, Gr.1. SATCHMO (GER): 7 wins, £42,537: 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and £27,023 inc. Ittlingen Pokal, Hamburg, L.; also 3 wins over jumps at 5 years in France 3rd Bader Preis Hurdle, Baden-Baden, L. STORM TROOPER (GER): won G. P. der Stadtsparkasse Dortmund, Dortmund, L., 2nd WestLB-Deutschland-Preis, Dusseldorf, Gr.1 and 3rd BMW Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1. SEPTEMBER STORM (GER): 3 wins at 3 and 5 years in Germany and £18,289 inc. SWB Derby Trial, Bremen, L.; sire. Shoah (GER): 2 wins at 3 years in Germany; dam of SHINING GLORY (GER): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in Germany inc. Grosser Preis der EILERT-Bauunternehmung, Hannover, L., X Mark (JPN): 2nd Shirafuji S., Tokyo, L., Ireland Trophy, Tokyo, L. So Squally (GER): unraced; dam of So Smart (GER): 3rd GP vom Gestut Burg Eberstein Brummerhof, Hannover, L. Swish (GER): unraced; dam of SWACADELIC (GER): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in Germany inc. G. P. Schollglas Hannoverschen Volksbank, Hannover, L., 3rd Oppenheim Union-Rennen, Cologne, Gr.2. Adamant (USA): winner at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: FAIRY WINTER (IND): won Nilgiris Derby, Udhagamandalam, L. Sqillo (IRE): placed once at 3 years in Germany; dam of a winner: Scotland (GER): winner at 2 years 3rd King Edward VII S., Ascot, Gr.2. 36 LOT 37 STABLE 108 BROWN COLT (IRE) May 5th, 2013 (First Produce) FROM FEIGH STABLES Oasis Dream Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat Mark of Esteem Najmat Alshemaal E.B.F. Nominated. Pedra Ona (IRE) (2006) Green Desert Hope Royal Academy Mountain Ash Darshaan Homage Dancing Brave Noretta View at 1st dam PEDRA ONA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in Italy and £12,343 and placed twice; Above is her first foal. 2nd dam Najmat Alshemaal (IRE): winner at 3 years and £14,481 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Golden Daffodil S., Chepstow, L. and 3rd Shadwell Stud Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L.; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: Shaimaa (IRE): 6 wins, £66,788: 4 wins at 4 and 6 years and £48,451 and placed 10 times; also winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years and placed twice; also winner over hurdles at 5 years and £11,715 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Ladbrokes Gold Rush H. Hurdle, Killarney, L. and placed once over fences at 7 years, broodmare. Invincible Touch (IRE): 12 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2013 in Italy and £49,684. Emteyaz (GB): 9 wins, £121,996: winner at 3 years; also 8 wins at 3 to 7 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in U.A.E. and £118,531. Miskina (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 9 times; dam of a winner: Links Drive Lady (GB): 7 wins at 4 to 6 years, 2014 and £48,182. Otototm (GB): winner at 3 years. 3rd dam NORETTA (GER): Champion older mare in Germany in 1987, 4 wins in West Germany inc. Gontard-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L. and Robert PferdmengesRennen, Koln, L., placed 2nd G. P. Continentale Deutsches St Leger, Dortmund, Gr.2, Deutscher Stutenpreis-Ford Hentschel, Hannover, Gr.3, Herbststuten-Preis um den Gatz.Alt-Pokal, Neuss, Gr.3, 3rd Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Preis vom Schloss Roland-Stutenpreis, Dusseldorf, L., 4th Preis der Diana, Mulheim, Gr.2, Ludwig Goebels-Erinnerungsrennen, Krefeld, Gr.3; dam of 4 winners from 4 runners and 5 foals inc.: Najmat Alshemaal (IRE): see above. Norissa (IRE): 7 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Germany; dam of 3 winners. 4th dam NINIVETTA (GER): 2 wins in West Germany and placed twice; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc.: NEW SUITOR (GER): 7 wins, £56,106: 6 wins at 2 to 5 years in Germany and £54,759 inc. Sierstorpff-Rennen (Hamburger Criterium), Hamburg, L.; also winner over jumps at 5 years in Germany. Nigella (GER): 3 wins at 3 years in West Germany and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Preis der Landeshauptstadt Munchen, Munich, L., 3rd Dusseldorfer BMW Preis, Dusseldorf, L.; dam of 5 winners inc.: Nanouska (GER): winner at 3 years in Germany, placed 3rd Fahrhofer Stutenpreis, Hamburg, L.; dam of Nizza (GER): winner at 3 years in Germany, 2nd Japan Racing Association Trophy, Baden-Baden, L. Ninisterna: 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in West Germany and £21,072; grandam of Nukleon (GER): 8 wins at 3 to 9 years in Germany and in Italy and £43,298, 2nd Grosser Radeberger Pilsner Preis, Dresden, L. 37 LOT 38 FROM GAYBROOK LODGE STUD STABLE 62 BAY FILLY (GB) April 29th, 2013 (Third Produce) Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Danehill Speirbhean Saviour Kingmambo King's Best Allegretta Lyphard Mrs Ting Caretta B.C. Nominated. Galileo Teofilo (IRE) Rex Regina (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam REX REGINA (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years in France and £46,387 inc. Prix La Sorellina, La Teste De Buch, L., placed once; dam of 2 runners and 3 foals; Drumkilbo (GB) (2012 c. by Shamardal (USA)): placed 3 times at 2 years, 2014; also placed once at 3 years, 2015 in Italy. Gauchita (GB) (2011 f. by Invincible Spirit (IRE)): placed once at 2, 2013. 2nd dam MRS TING (USA): ran 3 times at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to AL NASR (FR); dam of 8 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: TRIPAT (IRE) (g. by Persian Bold): 15 wins, £121,019: 3 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years in France and £68,000 inc. Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3; also 12 wins over jumps in France and £53,019. REX REGINA (IRE) (f. by King's Best (USA)): see above. Delivrance (FR): winner at 2 years, 2014 in France and £12,500. 3rd dam CARETTA: 2 wins at 3 years in France; dam of 8 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: AL NASR (FR): Champion older miler in Europe in 1982, 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and £148,170 inc. Prix d'Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd Prix Ganay, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. KINGSALSA (USA): 4 wins in France and £297,813 inc. Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3, 2nd Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix du Moulin, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1; sire. DIAL DREAM: 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £33,006 inc. Grand Prix de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, L.; dam of 6 winners inc.: Periple (FR): winner, 3rd Prix de Lutece, Longchamp, Gr.3. JEWELLED REEF: winner at 2 years, Danepak Bacon S., Newmarket, L. Jabal Tarik (FR): 4 wins in France, 3rd Prix du Lys, Chantilly, Gr.3; sire. Epure: winner at 3 years in France; dam of 8 winners inc.: Swinging Dancer (GB): winner in Germany, 3rd Preis der Deutschen Bank AG, Bremen, L. Eriza (GB): winner in France 2nd Prix Joubert, M'-Laffitte, L.; dam of DROSIA (IRE): 3 wins in France inc. Prix de la Cochere, Chantilly, L. Needwood Epic (GB): winner at 4 years; dam of YASOODD (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £190,433 inc. Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, GRIPT (GB): 6 wins in France inc. Prix Montenica, Maisons-Laffitte, L., SIR GRAHAM WADE (IRE): 6 wins at home and in France and £140,051 inc. G. P. de Nantes Etapi du Defi du Galop, Nantes, L., 3rd Sagaro S., Ascot, Gr.3, Guermantes (GB): 3 wins in France, 2nd Prix du Casino d'Arcachon-La Sorellina, La Teste De Buch, L.; grandam of Mar Adentro (FR): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and £213,491 2nd Prix du Petit Couvert, Longchamp, Gr.3, 3rd Prix de l'Abbaye, Longchamp, Gr.1. 38 LOT 39 FROM MAYFIELD STABLES STABLE 40 CHESNUT COLT (USA) March 9th, 2013 Galileo Cape Blanco (IRE) Laurel Delight Theatrical Alphe (USA) (1996) Nijinsky's Best B.C. Nominated. Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Presidium Foudroyer Nureyev Tree of Knowledge Nijinsky Best In Show View at 1st dam ALPHE (USA): unraced; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals: DELAWARE RIVER (USA) (2001 g. by Quiet American (USA)): 19 wins in U.S.A. and £402,233 inc. Smarty Jones Classic S., Philadelphia, L. (3 times), Watchmans Warning S., Penn National, Willy Wank H., Presque Isle Downs, placed 27 times inc. 2nd Ligature S., Penn National, L. Make It Special (USA) (2007 c. by Grand Slam (USA)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £45,570 and placed 8 times. Jaybo (USA) (2000 c. by Jade Hunter (USA)): 3 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £43,355 and placed 7 times. My Five Queens (USA) (2010 f. by Elusive Quality (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 in U.S.A. and £14,752 and placed twice. Lil Ragazza (USA) (2005 f. by King Cugat (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed once. Barbie Doll Type (USA) (2004 f. by Rahy (USA)): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £22,611 and placed twice; dam of a winner: Reckless Move (USA): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2015 in U.S.A. Lemon Crusta (USA) (2009 f. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)): winner at 2 years in U.S.A., broodmare. Hitch A Ride (USA) (2003 c. by Pulpit (USA)): placed 5 times at 3 to 5 in U.S.A. Endearing Quality (USA) (2011 f. by Bluegrass Cat (USA)): unraced to date. 2nd dam NIJINSKY'S BEST (USA): unraced; dam of 3 winners, 6 runners, 10 foals inc.: YAGLI (USA) (c. by Jade Hunter (USA)): 10 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £1,036,441 inc. Manhattan H., Belmont, Gr.1, United Nations H., Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Gulfstream Park Breeders' Cup H., Gr.1; sire. Jade Island (USA): winner at 3 years in France; dam of a winner: Motivation (FR): 2 wins at 3 in France, 3rd Prix Vulcain, Deauville, L. 3rd dam BEST IN SHOW (USA): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £23,224 inc. Comely S., Aqueduct, 4th Acorn S., Belmont Park; Own sister to Reckless Driver; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 18 foals inc.: BLUSH WITH PRIDE (USA): 6 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £277,522 inc. Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr.1; dam of winners. GIELGUD (USA): winner at 2 years, Champagne S., Doncaster, Gr.2; sire. MONROE (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years inc. Ballyogan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, 2nd Phoenix S., Phoenix Park, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: XAAR (GB): Champion 2yo in Europe in 1997, Champion 3yo in Europe in 1998 (9.5-10.5f.), 5 wins at home and in France inc. Dewhurst S., Newmarket, Gr.1 and Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. Sex Appeal (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: EL GRAN SENOR (USA): Champion 2 and 3yo in Europe in 1983 & 1984, won Dewhurst S., Gr.1, Irish Derby, Gr.1, 2000 Guineas, Gr.1; sire. TRY MY BEST (USA): Champion 2-y-o in England and Ireland in 1977, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years inc. Dewhurst S., Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. 39 LOT 40 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 4 BAY OR BROWN COLT (USA) February 16th, 2013 Zabeel Eight Carat Straight Strike Shadea Concia Northern Dancer Fairy King Fairy Bridge Irish River Atyaaf Bank On Love B.C. Nominated. Octagonal Lonhro (AUS) Nasaieb (IRE) (1997) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam Nasaieb (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed twice inc. 3rd National S., Sandown Park, L. and 4th Sino Group Dragon Trophy, Sandown Park, L.; dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: Kissing Lights (IRE) (2002 f. by Machiavellian (USA)): winner at 2 years and £21,097 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Polypipe Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2 and Princess Margaret S., Ascot, Gr.3, died at 3. Best One (GB) (2004 g. by Best of The Bests (IRE)): 6 wins at 4 to 6 years and £27,779 and placed 31 times. Luminous Gold (GB) (2005 f. by Fantastic Light (USA)): 3 wins at 3 to 5 years and £12,407 and placed 9 times; dam of a winner: Zifena (GB) (f. by Zamindar (USA)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and £32,730 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Prestige S., Goodwood, Gr.3. Caps Lady (USA) (2009 f. by Hard Spun (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £37,879 and placed 8 times. Plying (USA) (2010 f. by Hard Spun (USA)): 3 wins at 3 years, 2013 in France and £34,148 and placed once. Nilassiba (GB) (2003 f. by Daylami (IRE)): winner at 2 years in France and placed twice, broodmare. Ize On Sady (USA) (2011 f. by Henny Hughes (USA)): winner at 3 years, 2014 in U.S.A. and placed twice. 2nd dam ATYAAF (USA): ran 3 times at 2; dam of 6 winners, 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: RAISE A GRAND (IRE) (c. by Grand Lodge (USA)): 3 wins at 2 years and £53,573 inc. Solario S., Sandown Park, Gr.3; sire. Royal Aty (IRE) (c. by Royal Academy (USA)): 3 wins, £61,426: winner at 3 years, 2nd King Charles II S., Newmarket, L.; also 2 wins in U.S.A. Fleur des Champs (IRE): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Sniplaz (AUS): winner in Australia and in Hong Kong, 2nd San Domenico S., Randwick, Gr.3. 3rd dam BANK ON LOVE (USA): unraced; Own sister to GALLANT SPECIAL (USA); dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 12 foals inc.: WELDNAAS (USA): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £78,961 inc. John of Gaunt S., Haydock Park, L., 3rd Scottish Equitable Gimcrack S., York, Gr.2 and Richmond S., Goodwood, Gr.2; sire. Equate (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; grandam of POTANIO (USA): won Iowa Breeders' Derby, Prairie Meadows. Bank On Her (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: I'm In Love (USA): winner, 2nd Athenia H., Belmont, Gr.3; dam of MORE THAN LOVE (USA): won Miesque S., Hollywood Park, Gr.3. 40 LOT 41 FROM BROWN ISLAND STABLES STABLE 56 Grindstone Birdstone (USA) BAY COLT (USA) May 3rd, 2013 Dear Birdie Royal Flush (USA) (2001) Smart Strike Elusive Rose B.C. Nominated. Unbridled Buzz My Bell Storm Bird Hush Dear Mr Prospector Classy 'n Smart Cozzene Rosedon View at 1st dam ROYAL FLUSH (USA): winner in U.S.A. and £20,794 and placed twice; dam of 5 winners from 5 runners and 6 foals: LEGACY (USA) (2010 f. by Sightseeing (USA)): 3 wins, 2014 in U.S.A. and £130,991 inc. Cypress S., Los Alamitos, placed 5 times inc. 2nd Las Madrinas H., Fairplex Park, Santa Lucia H., Santa Anita, 3rd Bayakoa S., Los Alamitos, Gr.2 and 4th Santa Maria Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr.2. Brilliant Future (USA) (2008 f. by Mingun (USA)): 4 wins, 2013 in U.S.A. and £129,871 and placed 8 times inc. 2nd My Charmer S., Turfway Park and 3rd West Virginia Senate President's S., Mountaineer Park, L. Unbelievable Hand (USA) (2009 g. by Holy Bull (USA)): winner at 3 years in Canada and £25,865 and placed 7 times. Pleasure (USA) (2011 f. by Purim (USA)): winner at 3 years, 2014 in Canada and £19,263 and placed twice. Five Hearts (USA) (2012 f. by Langfuhr (CAN)): winner at 2 years, 2014 in U.S.A. and £12,018 and placed once. 2nd dam ELUSIVE ROSE (USA): unraced; Own sister to LADY ALOMA (CAN); dam of 5 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc.: Warren's Rosebud (USA): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in U.S.A. Warren's Nicholas (USA): winner at 4 years, 2013 in U.S.A. and £41,251. 3rd dam ROSEDON (CAN): 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,629; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 12 foals inc.: BENBURB (CAN): Champion 3yo colt in Canada in 1992, 7 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A., £637,248 inc. Molson Export Million S., Woodbine, Gr.2. LADY ALOMA (CAN): 3 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £73,085 inc. Ontario Colleen S., Woodbine, L.; dam of winners inc.: CHOPININA (CAN): won Royal North H., Woodbine, Gr.3, 2nd Atto Mile S., Woodbine, Gr.1. DESPITE THE ODDS (USA): won Hill Prince S., Belmont, Gr.3; sire. KARRA KUL (CAN): won Geri H., Woodbine, L. Areydne (CAN): 7 wins in U.S.A., 2nd Bison City S., Fort Erie, L., Ontario Damsel S., L., 3rd Duchess S., Woodbine, L., Fury S., Woodbine, L., Maple Leaf S., Greenwood, L., Ontario Fashion S., L., Selene S., Woodbine, L., Star Shoot S., Woodbine, L.; grandam of SCHOONER BAY (CAN): won Classy 'n Smart S., Woodbine, L.; third dam of INDIAN POND (CAN): won Carotene S., Woodbine, L., 3rd Nassau S., Woodbine, Gr.2. Rosekris (CAN): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: BOUNTEMPO (USA): won Canterbury Park Lassie S., Canterbury Park. Amynteon (CAN): unraced; dam of winners inc.: MY GIRL LISA (USA): won Coral Springs H., Hialeah Park, Lazer Show S., Arlington Inter, Crafty Drone S., Hawthorne and Honor the Hero Turf Express S., Canterbury Down. 41 LOT 42 FROM SHERBOURNE LODGE STABLE 102 Green Desert Hope Sadler's Wells Wyola Rubies From Burma Green Desert Ardkinglass Reuval Never So Bold Song's Best Songs Jest B.C. Nominated. Oasis Dream Approve (IRE) BAY FILLY March 23rd, 2013 Loch Fyne (GB) (1996) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam LOCH FYNE (GB): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 8 foals inc.; Theatre of Dreams (GB) (2002 g. by Averti (IRE)): winner at 2 years and placed twice. 2nd dam SONG'S BEST (GB): unraced; Own sister to TADWIN; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 9 foals inc.: Lennox Lewis (GB) (g. by Superpower): 3 wins at 2 years and £30,481 2nd Sandy Lane Rated S., Haydock Park, L. 3rd dam SONGS JEST: unraced; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: REESH: 6 wins at 2 and 3 years and £61,807 inc. C. B. A. Greenlands S., Curragh, Gr.3, Palace House S., Newmarket, Gr.3 and Temple S., Sandown Park, Gr.3, 4th King's Stand S., Royal Ascot, Gr.1; sire. TADWIN: 3 wins inc. Hopeful S., Newmarket, L., 2nd Waterford Foods Phoenix Flying Five, Phoenix Park, Gr.3; dam of 8 winners inc.: MUSADIF (USA): won Polar Cup, Ovrevoll, Gr.3. NADWAH (USA): 2 wins at 2 years and £47,128 inc. Queen Mary S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3, 3rd Stakis Casinos Lowther S., York, Gr.2. Tarf (USA): winner at 2 years; grandam of LADY GLORIA (GB): 6 wins at home and in France and £129,175 inc. Select Racing UK On Sky 432 S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and Princess Elizabeth S., Epsom, Gr.3. Imperial Jade: 4 wins 2nd Lowther S., York, Gr.2; dam of 7 winners inc.: AVERTI (IRE): 5 wins at 2, 5 and 6 years and £133,855 inc. King George S., Goodwood, Gr.3, 2nd Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr.1 and 3rd Nunthorpe S., York, Gr.1; sire. INDIAN LAKE (GB): won Preis der Spielbank Bad Neuenahar, L. Hawaash (IRE): 5 wins, £20,350: winner at 3 years; also 4 wins at 4 to 6 years in Norway 3rd Norsk Jockeyklubs Sprintlop, Ovrevoll, L. Royal Jade (GB): winner; dam of Million Percent (GB): 11 wins and £77,011 2nd Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L.; grandam of Bonnie Charlie (GB): 4 wins at 2, 6 and 7 years, 2013 and £134,492, 2nd Horris Hill S., Newbury, Gr.3, Molecomb S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and 3rd Chipchase S., Newcastle, Gr.3. Copy-Cat (GB): ran a few times; dam of PASTORAL PLAYER (GB): 5 wins inc. John of Gaunt S., Haydock Park, Gr.3, 2nd Park S., Doncaster, Gr.2, CHIL THE KITE (GB): 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2014 at home and in France and £255,748 inc. Prix du Ranelagh, L., 2nd International Topkapi Trophy, Veliefendi, Gr.2. Wakayi: 2 wins 4th Queen Mary S., Gr.3; dam of 6 winners inc.: ROYAL STORM (IRE): 9 wins, £157,754 inc. Dubai Duty Free Cup, L. and Cathedral Stakes, Salisbury, L. 42 LOT 43 FROM CHURCH VIEW STABLES STABLE 172 Danehill Allegheny River Efisio Danz Danz Darcey Bussell Known Fact Warning Slightly Dangerous Royal Academy Assia Alys B.C. Nominated. Danetime Bushranger (IRE) BAY COLT (IRE) March 22nd, 2013 Alessia (GER) (1997) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam Alessia (GER): winner at 2 years in Germany and placed 3rd Grand Cave Koln Flieger Preis, Cologne, L.; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals; Pinpoint (IRE) (2002 g. by Pivotal (GB)): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years and £168,682 and placed 14 times inc. 2nd Royal Windsor S., Windsor, L., 3rd James Seymour S., Newmarket, L., Wolferton H., Ascot, L. and 4th Betfair Brigadier Gerard Stakes, Sandown Park, Gr.3. Royal Defence (IRE) (2006 g. by Refuse To Bend (IRE)): 5 wins at 3, 5 and 8 years, 2014 and £23,255 and placed 12 times. Grand Entrance (IRE) (2003 g. by Grand Lodge (USA)): winner at 3 years. Ahoy (IRE) (2004 c. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)): winner and placed twice. Perfect Point (IRE) (2007 g. by Cape Cross (IRE)): winner and placed once. 2nd dam Assia (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years in Germany, 2nd Dusseldorfer BMW Preis, Dusseldorf, L.; dam of 6 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals inc.: ARCADIO (GER) (c. by Monsun (GER)): Champion 3yr old colt in Germany in 2005, 5 wins in Germany and £186,172 inc. Grosser Mercedes-Benz Preis, Baden-Baden, Gr.2 and, Cologne, Gr.2, 2nd G.Dallmayr-Preis Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr.1 and 3rd BMW Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1; sire. ASSIUN (GER) (g. by Monsun (GER)): 3 wins, £76,642: 2 wins in Germany inc. Preis der Dr Busch Mem., Krefeld, Gr.3, 2nd Berlin Brandenburg-Trophy, Hoppegarten, Gr.2, 3rd Grosse Europa Meile, Cologne, Gr.2, Mehl-Mulhens Rennen, Gr.2; also winner over hurdles. ANTHURIUM (GER) (f. by Hector Protector (USA)): 4 wins in Germany inc. Buchmacher Springer Sprint-Pokal, Munich, L.; dam of 4 winners. Astilbe (GER): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany; dam of 6 winners inc.: ALLANIT (GER): 4 wins at home and in Germany inc. Pattex Rennen, Dusseldorf, L., 3rd Fruhjahrspreis des Bankhaus Metzler, Gr.3. ADORNA (GER): won G. P. der Hannoverschen Volksbank, Hannover, L. ALCINA (GER): 2 wins at 4 years in Germany and £12,000 inc. BadenBadener Hotellerie & Gastronomie, Baden-Baden, L. 3rd dam ALYS: 4 wins in France inc. Prix de Saint-Cyr, Longchamp, L., 3rd Prix d'Astarte, Deauville, Gr.2; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners, 10 foals inc.: PRINCESS NANA (GB): 4 wins at 3 years in Germany and £68,134 inc. ARAG Preis (1000 Guineas), Dusseldorf, Gr.2; dam of 7 winners. Princess Mood (GER): placed in Germany; dam of SUNNY KING (IRE): 9 wins at home and in Hong Kong and £1,450,108 inc. Carnarvon S., Newbury, L. 3rd Dubai Golden Shaheen S., Meydan, Gr.1, CAPTAIN RAMIUS (IRE): 8 wins, £194,029 inc. Star Appeal S., Dundalk, L. Princess Dancer (GER): unraced; grandam of PASTORIUS (GER): Champion 3yr old colt in Germany in 2012, Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2012 (9.5-10.5f.), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 in France and in Germany, £638,260 inc. Prix Ganay, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. 43 LOT 44 FROM ROCKVIEW STABLES STABLE 140 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) April 21st, 2013 Royal Applause Majestic Missile (IRE) Tshusick Mystiko Mysticism (GB) (1995) Abuzz E.B.F. Nominated. Waajib Flying Melody Dancing Brave Infanta Real Secreto Caracciola Absalom Sorebelle View at 1st dam MYSTICISM (GB): winner at 4 years and placed 8 times; Own sister to Puzzlement (GB); dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals; Rompicapo (IRE) (2002 c. by Lend A Hand (GB)): 9 wins at 3 to 7 years in Italy and £67,843 and placed 27 times. Gavarnie Beau (IRE) (2003 g. by Imperial Ballet (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 years and £19,914 and placed 8 times. Lilaki (IRE) (2004 f. by Iron Mask (USA)): winner at 4 years in Greece. Maysie (IRE) (2001 f. by Imperial Ballet (IRE)): winner at 3 years in Spain and placed 5 times; dam of a winner. She also has a yearling filly by Arakan (USA). 2nd dam ABUZZ: 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £51,281 inc. Trusthouse Forte Hungerford S., Newbury, Gr.3, 4th Brian Swift Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc.: WORLD PREMIER (GB) (g. by Shareef Dancer (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 5 years and £70,114 inc. Chesham S., Royal Ascot, L., 3rd SBJ Group July S., Newmarket, Gr.3. SHINY (GB) (f. by Shambo): winner at 2 years and £32,934, National S., Sandown Park, L., 3rd Dubai Duty Free Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr.3. Puzzlement (GB) (g. by Mystiko (USA)): 7 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years and £48,957 3rd Wulfrun S., Wolverhampton, L. 3rd dam Sorebelle: 3 wins at 3 and 4 years 2nd Ward Hill Bunbury Cup H., Newmarket, L.; dam of 3 winners from 8 runners and 8 foals inc.: Local Lass: 4 wins, £95,424: winner at 3 years and £35,358 2nd Van Geest Criterion S., Newmarket, Gr.3; also 3 wins in U.S.A. and £60,066 2nd Orinda Breeders' Cup H., Golden Gate; dam of winners inc.: LONESOME DUDE (CAN): won Steinlen S., Hollywood Park, L. Starry Way: ran once; dam of 2 winners: POINT OF LIGHT: won Keeneland EBF Phoenix Sprint S., Phoenix Park, Gr.3 and 4th Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr.1. Jalopy: winner at 3 years; dam of Hunting Lion (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £50,453 2nd Richmond S., Goodwood, Gr.2; sire, Anno Domini (GB): 4 wins, £22,861: winner at 2 years 2nd Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L.; also 3 wins at 5 years in Italy. La Bella Fontana: ran once; dam of 5 winners inc.: REVOQUE (IRE): Champion 2yr old in Europe in 1996, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France and £274,990 inc. Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Pertemps 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. KING OF TARA (IRE): 4 wins at home and in France, £98,553 inc. Prix Eugene Adam, Deauville, Gr.2, 2nd Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1. Suleiman (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2nd Prix du Lys, Longchamp, Gr.3. 44 LOT 45 FROM BALLINVANA HOUSE STUD STABLE 158 BAY COLT (GB) April 18th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Green Desert Organza Sandhurst Prince Tappen Zee Rossaldene Sadler's Wells Montjeu Floripedes Desert King Sundrenched Utr B.C. Nominated. Desert Style Paco Boy (IRE) Goldrenched (IRE) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam GOLDRENCHED (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 4 foals; Goldbraid (GB) (2011 c. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)): winner at 2 years, 2013 in Germany and placed 3 times. Fei Kuai (GB) (2012 f. by Paco Boy (IRE)): unraced to date. 2nd dam SUNDRENCHED (IRE): winner at 2 years and £16,190, EBF Montrose S., Newmarket, L.; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 3 foals inc.: Sunny Game (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £12,896. 3rd dam UTR (USA): ran a few times; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: SUNDRENCHED (IRE): see above. Bonnard (IRE): 4 wins, £110,227: winner at 2 years and £64,513, 2nd EBF Futurity, Curragh, Gr.3, Meld S., Curragh, Gr.3, Champagne Lanson Vintage S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and 3rd Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1; also 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £45,714 3rd Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1. Zurich (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A., 2nd Mel's Hope S., Calder. 4th dam HASBAH: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £68,602 inc. EBF Garnet S., Phoenix Park, L., 2nd Coronation S., Royal Ascot, Gr.1; dam of 1 runner and 1 foal: Utr (USA): see above. The next dam AL BAHATHRI (USA): Champion 3yr old filly in Ireland in 1985, Champion 3yr old miler in Ireland in 1985, 6 wins at 2 and 3 years and £198,491 inc. Goffs Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, 2nd 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 13 foals inc.: HAAFHD (GB): Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2004 (9.5-10.5f.), Champion 3yr old in England in 2004, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £492,288 inc. Champion S., Newmarket, Gr.1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. MUNIR (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £108,787 inc. Victor Chandler Challenge S., Newmarket, Gr.2; sire. Almaaseh (IRE): placed once at 3 years; dam of 8 winners inc.: RAVE (IRE): won Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1, International Cup, Kranji, Gr.1, 2nd Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1. ALMATY (IRE): won Curragh S., Curragh, Gr.3; sire. Artisia (IRE): placed; dam of RED CADEAUX (GB): Champion older stayer in Europe, won Hong Kong Vase, Sha Tin, Gr.1, 2nd Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr.1, Melbourne Cup, Flemington, Gr.1 (3 times). Gmaasha (IRE): unraced; dam of 4 winners inc.: GLADIATORUS (USA): Champion older horse in Italy in 2009, won Premio Vittorio di Capua - Tris Int.13, Milan, Gr.1, Dubai Duty Free S., Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1 and 2nd Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1; sire. 45 LOT 46 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 28 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 24th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Waajib Flying Melody Ahonoora Princess Athena Shopping Wise Ahonoora Inchinor Inchmurrin Selkirk Triple Sharp Drei B.C. Nominated. Royal Applause Acclamation (GB) Laureldean Express (GB) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam Laureldean Express (GB): placed 4 times at 2 years; also placed twice at 2 and 3 years in France and in U.S.A. and £13,781 inc. 2nd Criterium du Languedoc-Prix Paul Guichou, Toulouse, L.; dam of a winner from 3 runners and 4 foals inc.: Silken Express (IRE) (2009 f. by Speightstown (USA)): 3 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014 and £38,044 and placed 8 times. Tamayura (IRE) (2011 f. by Tamayuz (GB)): placed twice at 3 years, 2014 in Japan and £18,926. 2nd dam TRIPLE SHARP (GB): 2 wins: winner at 3 years and placed once; also winner over hurdles at 4 years; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 9 foals inc.: Ellmau (GB) (g. by Dr Fong (USA)): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years and £28,342 and placed 6 times inc. 3rd Weatherbys Superlative S., Newmarket, Gr.2. Nasri (GB) (g. by Kyllachy (GB)): 4 wins at 2 and 5 years and £175,671 and placed 11 times inc. 2nd King Charles II S., Newmarket, L., 3rd Investec Surrey S., Epsom Downs, L., Britain's Got Talent Paradise S., Ascot, L. Laureldean Express (GB) (f. by Inchinor (GB)): see above. Triple Star (GB): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed twice. She also has a yearling filly by Dutch Art (GB). 3rd dam DREI (USA): placed once at 3 years; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: TRIPLE THREAT (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in France and £157,125 inc. Prix Eugene Adam (Grand Prix de Maisons-Laffitte), Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2 and Prix La Force, Longchamp, Gr.3, placed 6 times inc. 2nd Prix de Boulogne, Longchamp, L., 3rd Prix d'Harcourt, Longchamp, Gr.2 and Prix de Guiche, Chantilly, Gr.3. PINA COLADA (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and £82,111 inc. Chandler H., Turf Paradise, placed 2nd San Clemente H., Del Mar, Gr.2 and Monrovia H., Santa Anita, Gr.3; dam of winners. Mrs Marsh (GB): unraced; dam of winners: CANFORD CLIFFS (IRE): Champion older miler in Europe in 2011, 7 wins at 2 to 4 years and £951,724 inc. Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, JLT Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.1, Queen Anne S., Ascot, Gr.1, St James's Palace S., Ascot, Gr.1, Sussex S., Goodwood, Gr.1 and Coventry S., Ascot, Gr.2, placed 2nd Qipco Sussex S., Goodwood, Gr.1, Bathwick Tyres Greenham S., Newbury, Gr.3, 3rd 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, Darley Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1; sire. Zeeran (GB): placed once at 3 years; also 8 wins in Sweden and £40,615 and placed 23 times. Mayo Lad (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and placed 6 times; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2013 in Bahrain and placed twice. Fondly (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2015. 46 LOT 47 FROM HORSE PARK STUD STABLE 92 Royal Applause Princess Athena Machiavellian Midnight Angel Night At Sea Danehill Desert King Sabaah Sadler's Wells Wakria Spirits Dancing B.C. Nominated. Acclamation Dark Angel (IRE) BAY COLT (IRE) April 17th, 2013 Gemini Diamond (IRE) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam Gemini Diamond (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £32,656 and placed 7 times; also placed once at 4 years in Germany, 2nd IVG Euro Select Preis, Cologne, L.; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 8 foals inc.; Philosophers Guest (IRE) (2006 f. by Desert Prince (IRE)): winner at 4 years and £10,220 and placed 8 times, broodmare. Dreamer (IRE) (2012 f. by Dansant (GB)): unraced to date. 2nd dam WAKRIA (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £41,222 inc. Prix de Saint-Cyr, Longchamp, L., placed 4 times inc. 2nd Grand Criterium de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, L. and 3rd Prix des Sablonnets - Criterium de L'Ouest, Nantes, L.; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: Gemini Gold (IRE) (f. by King's Best (USA)): winner at 2 years and £16,687 and placed twice, 3rd EBF Park Express S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Gerrardstown House Silken Glider S., Curragh, L.; dam of 2 winners. Vellankria (IRE) (f. by Machiavellian (USA)): winner at 3 years in France and £20,064 and placed 8 times inc. 2nd Prix Occitanie, Toulouse, L.; dam of a winner. Gemini Diamond (IRE) (f. by Desert King (IRE)): see above. Caughnawaga (FR) (g. by Indian Ridge): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £23,043 and placed 7 times; also placed once at 3 years in France, 2nd Prix Tantieme, Saint-Cloud, L. 3rd dam SPIRITS DANCING (USA): 2 wins at 2 years and £12,768 inc. Danepak Bacon S., Newmarket, L.; dam of 4 winners from 4 runners and 4 foals inc.: WAKRIA (IRE): see above. Soyinca (FR): winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of winners inc.: FOREIGN FOOTSTEPS (AUS): won Tunku Gold Cup, Selangor, L., Coronation Cup, Perak, L. (twice), 2nd Coronation Cup, Perak, L. Off Guard (AUS): winner in Australia and in Macau, 3rd Tulloch S., Rosehill, Gr.2. 4th dam ROSE DU BOELE (FR): unraced; dam of 6 winners, 10 runners, 11 foals inc.: TRISHYDE (USA): 6 wins at 4 and 5 years in France and in U.S.A. inc. Prix de Malleret, Longchamp, Gr.2, Fleur de Lis H., Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and Las Potrancas S., Santa Anita, L., placed 2nd Santa Barbara H., Santa Anita, Gr.1, Citation H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2 and 3rd Hollywood Turf Cup H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. Idefix (USA): 4 wins in France, placed 2nd Prix Montenica, M'-Laffitte, L., Prix du Point du Jour, Longchamp, L., Prix Servanne, Evry, L., 3rd Prix Contessina, Evry, L. and Prix de Montretout, Longchamp, L. Digital Blues (USA): 2 wins in France, 2nd Grand Prix de Clairefontaine, Clairefontaine, L., Grand Prix d'Aquitaine, La Teste Buch, L. 47 LOT 48 FROM GROVE STUD STABLE 177 BAY COLT (IRE) May 16th, 2013 (Second Produce) Footstepsinthesand (GB) Boragh Jamal (IRE) (2007) E.B.F. Nominated. Giant's Causeway Glatisant Namid Danccini B.C. Nominated. Storm Cat Mariah's Storm Rainbow Quest Dancing Rocks Indian Ridge Dawnsio Dancing Dissident Fantoccini View at 1st dam BORAGH JAMAL (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of 1 runner and 2 foals; Cathy's Pursuit (IRE) (2012 f. by Pastoral Pursuits (GB)): ran twice at 2 years, 2014. 2nd dam DANCCINI (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 8 foals; WHITBARROW (IRE) (g. by Royal Abjar (USA)): 13 wins and £152,251 inc. Molecomb S., Goodwood, Gr.3, Weatherbys VAT Returns Service S., Haydock Park, L. and Woodcote S., Epsom Downs, L., placed 30 times. Green Park (IRE) (g. by Shinko Forest (IRE)): 13 wins at 2 to 10 years, 2013 and £147,776 and placed 41 times inc. 3rd West Properties Sandy Lane S., Haydock Park, L. Petite Histoire (IRE) (f. by Desert Story (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 years and £36,797 and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Sara Lee Marble Hill S., Curragh, L.; also placed once at 2 years in France; dam of a winner: Storyline (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 4 times. 3rd dam FANTOCCINI: placed twice; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals inc.: Puppet Play (IRE): 7 wins at 5 to 7 years and £36,319; dam of 2 winners: Placere (IRE): 3 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2013 and £31,923. Korbous (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2014 and £17,013. Albateelah (KSA): winner at 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Monticino (IRE): winner at 2 years. 4th dam SALLAIL: winner at 3 years and placed 9 times; dam of 5 winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc.: MAILMAN: 18 wins at home, in Belgium and in Italy and £122,988 inc. Premio Trofeo Cino del Duca, Milan, L. and Prix du Presidente et de Mme. Max Dugniolle, Ostend, L. Innate: 3 wins at 3 to 5 years and £21,342; dam of 5 winners inc.: Broken Innate (IRE): 11 wins in Belgium and France; dam of BROKEN IN LIGHT (FR): 6 wins inc. Prix Georges Trabaud, Marseille Borely, L., 3rd Grand Prix de Marseille, Marseille Borely, L. and Prix de la Californie, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L., BROKEN KITTEN (FR): 3 wins in France inc. Prix des Jouvenceaux et des Jouvencelles, Vichy, L., 2nd G.P. CIC Banque Privee Criterium de Lyon, Lyon-Parilly, L. Salience (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of 4 winners inc.: Cherim Vuomes (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in Italy and £22,281 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Premio Botticelli, Rome, L. 48 LOT 49 FROM MEADOWVIEW STABLES STABLE 120 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) April 2nd, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Danzig Razyana Diesis Lagrion Wrap It Up Soviet Star Starborough Flamenco Wave Last Tycoon Ridiya Riyda B.C. Nominated. Danehill Dylan Thomas (IRE) Ridiforza (FR) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam RIDIFORZA (FR): unraced; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 4 foals; Fidelma Moon (IRE) (2012 f. by Dylan Thomas (IRE)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed once. 2nd dam Ridiya (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years 3rd EBF Silver Flash S., Leopardstown, L.; dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals inc.: Ridiyara (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: RIDAAR (FR): 4 wins at 3 and 6 years in France and £98,187 inc. Grand Prix Inter-Regional des 3 Ans, Agen, L., 3rd Prix Eugene Adam (G.P. de Maisons-Laffitte), Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2. Descriptive (IRE): winner at 2 years and £11,507; dam of 3 winners inc.: VALONIA (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £65,916 inc. EBF Flying Fillies S., Pontefract, L., 3rd Rockfel S., Newmarket, Gr.2. Explain (GB): winner at 2 years, 2014. Rihana (IRE): placed once at 3 years; dam of 2 winners: Bronze Angel (IRE): 7 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2014 and £419,504 3rd Ben Marshall S., Newmarket, L. Designate (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014. 3rd dam RIYDA: 2 wins at 3 years and £17,777 inc. James Seymour S., Newmarket, L.; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: Ridaiyma (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years 3rd Glorious Rated H. S., Goodwood, L.; also 2nd Premio Legnano, Milan, Gr.3; dam of 3 winners inc.: RAJIK (IRE): 6 wins at 4 and 5 years and £148,402 inc. Ballycullen S., Curragh, L. and Ardilaun Hotel Oyster S., Galway, L. Ridafa (IRE): winner at 3 years in France; dam of RIDASIYNA (FR): Jt Champion 3yr old filly in Europe in 2012, 4 wins at 3 years in France and £337,928 inc. Prix de l'Opera, Longchamp, Gr.1. Cheshire Cat (IRE): 2 wins, £31,075: winner at 3 years; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £24,568; dam of winners inc.: BREGO (USA): won Edward J Debartolo Sr. Mem. Breeders' H., Remington Park, L. Riyama (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of a winner: RIYAFA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £34,596 inc. Harvest S., Ascot, L.; dam of RIYALMA (IRE): winner at 3 years, £18,770, Pretty Polly S., Newmarket, L., Risayla (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in Australia and in France, £51,446 3rd Epona S., Rosehill, L., Rubina (IRE): winner at 2 years, £23,043 3rd Flame of Tara EBF S., Curragh, L. Jallaissine (IRE): placed twice in France; dam of Rigolleto (IRE): 4 wins at 2 to 6 years, 2014 and £34,832 3rd Totepool Silver Tankard S., Pontefract, L., Campbeltown (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £27,352 2nd Harry Rosebery S., Ayr, L., Prix Zeddaan, Maisons-Laffitte, L. Cosabawn (IRE): ran a few times; grandam of Sir Jack Layden (GB): winner at 2 years and £17,159 3rd Royal Lodge S., Newmarket, Gr.2. 49 LOT 50 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 5 BAY COLT (IRE) March 16th, 2013 Danzig Razyana Sharpen Up Mira Adonde Lettre d'Amour Runaway Groom Cherokee Run Cherokee Dame Lyphard All The Rage Laugh And Be Merry B.C. Nominated. Danehill Danehill Dancer (IRE) Foofaraw (USA) (2002) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam FOOFARAW (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £61,404 and placed 5 times; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals: Thomas Baines (USA) (2007 g. by Johannesburg (USA)): 7 wins, £116,791: winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; also 6 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years, 2013 in Canada and in U.S.A. and £110,273 and placed 12 times inc. 3rd California Derby, Golden Gate, L., Eddie Logan S., Santa Anita and Nashville S., Hollywood Park. Face The Problem (IRE) (2008 g. by Johannesburg (USA)): 5 wins at 2 and 4 years and £74,236 and placed 10 times, died at 5. Light Weight (IRE) (2011 f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)): winner at 2, 2013. She's A Pistol (IRE) (2012 f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)): placed twice at 2 years, 2014. She also has a yearling colt by Fastnet Rock (AUS). 2nd dam ALL THE RAGE (USA): placed twice at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of 5 winners from 5 runners and 5 foals: Sweet Science (USA) (f. by Diesis): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A., 2nd Robert G Dick Mem. Breeders' Cup S., Delaware, L., Top Corsage H., Churchill Downs and 3rd Bewitch S., Keeneland, Gr.3; dam of winners. Sound And Fury (USA) (g. by Carson City (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £26,252, 3rd South Mississippi Owners S., Fair Grounds. 3rd dam LAUGH AND BE MERRY (USA): Champion turf mare in U.S.A. in 1990, 9 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £287,958 inc. Flower Bowl H., Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of a winner from 3 runners and 3 foals: On the Town (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Uncle Sam (USA): winner in U.S.A., 2nd Pomona Derby, Fairplex Park, Alydar S., Hollywood Park and 3rd Swaps S., Hollywood Park, Gr.2. 4th dam Imaflash (USA): 10 wins at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £94,279, 4th Test S., Saratoga, Gr.3; dam of 9 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: MEDI FLASH (USA): Jt Champion older mare in Italy in 1988, 2 wins in Italy inc. Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.2; dam of winners. LOOK DAGGERS (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and £135,437 inc. Rutgers Breeders' Cup H., Meadowlands, Gr.3, 2nd Sheepshead Bay H., Belmont Park, Gr.2. REALLY FLASHY (USA): 4 wins at 4 years in U.S.A. and £78,828 inc. Q,Belmont Park,, 3rd Virginia H., Calder, broodmare. I Certainly Am (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: MAHFOOTH (USA): won Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3. CERTAINLY CLASSIC (USA): won Grey S., Woodbine, Gr.3. 50 LOT 51 FROM EGMONT STUD STABLE 78 BAY FILLY (IRE) May 1st, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Oasis Dream Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat Alhaarth Maigh Nuad (IRE) (2004) Welsh Mist E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Hope Royal Academy Mountain Ash Unfuwain Irish Valley Damister Welwyn View at 1st dam MAIGH NUAD (IRE): ran 3 times at 2 years; dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 5 foals; Try Your Luck (IRE) (2008 f. by Captain Rio (GB)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £11,798 and placed 5 times. Casablanca Fo (IRE) (2009 f. by Iffraaj (GB)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Russia and placed 3 times. Our Rachael (IRE) (2012 f. by Haatef (USA)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling colt by Dragon Pulse (IRE). 2nd dam WELSH MIST (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £35,626 inc. Nestle Rowntree Black Duck S., York, L., placed 10 times inc. 3rd Black Duck S., York, L.; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: Anglezarke (IRE) (f. by Acclamation (GB)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £105,140 and placed 9 times inc. 2nd Polypipe Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2, J W Lees Achilles S., Haydock Park, L., 3rd King's Stand S., Ascot, Gr.1 and EBF Lansdown S., Bath, L., broodmare. Brighter Future (GB): 8 wins, £30,234: 3 wins at 3 years and £13,628 and placed once; also 5 wins at 4 and 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £16,606 and placed 11 times, broodmare. Mr Aitch (IRE): 5 wins, £33,097: 4 wins at 3, 4 and 7 years and £26,601 and placed 8 times; also winner over hurdles at 6 years, placed 5 times. Soyuz (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years and £49,214 and placed 7 times. Rio Mist (GB): 3 wins at 3 years and £13,070 and placed 3 times. Never A Quarrel (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2013 and placed twice. 3rd dam WELWYN: 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £16,081 and placed once; Own sister to Welshwyn; dam of 3 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: WELSH MIST (GB): see above. Diebiedale (GB): placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years; dam of 2 winners inc.: Iceman George (GB): 7 wins and £23,493; also winner over hurdles. 4th dam TAKAWIN: 4 wins at 2 and 3 years inc. Acorn S., Epsom, L., 3rd Molecomb S., Goodwood, Gr.3, Queen Mary S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3, 4th Princess Elizabeth S., Epsom, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Welshwyn: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £44,276 and placed 8 times inc. 2nd Cheveley Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2, Queen Mary S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2, Salisbury 1000 Gns Trial S., Salisbury, Gr.3, King George S., Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of 3 winners: Our Rowena: placed twice at 3 years; dam of WANDERING ANGEL (IND): won Southern Command Trophy, Pune, L. Feshang: ran once; dam of 2 winners inc.: Golden Bold (IRE): winner, 2nd Criterium Femminile, Rome, L.; grandam of Seul Blue (ITY): 13 wins, 2nd Premio Toscana, Florence, L. 51 LOT 52 FROM GAYBROOK LODGE STUD STABLE 63 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 16th, 2013 (First Produce) Giant's Causeway Helsinki Vettori Lady Vettori Lady Golconda Mr Prospector Kingmambo Miesque Imperial Ballet Imperial Beauty Multimara B.C. Nominated. Shamardal Lope de Vega (IRE) Bawaakeer (USA) (2008) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam BAWAAKEER (USA): unraced. She also has a yearling colt by Power (GB). 2nd dam IMPERIAL BEAUTY (USA): 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in France and £191,432 inc. Prix de l'Abbaye, Longchamp, Gr.1, Summer S., York, L. and Dubai Airport World Trophy S., Newbury, L., placed 2nd Cheveley Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr.1, King George S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and 3rd Prix de Seine-et-Oise, MaisonsLaffitte, Gr.3; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 9 foals: Ipswich (IRE) (f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in France and £64,224, placed 2nd Grand Prix de Vichy, Vichy, Gr.3, La Coupe, Longchamp, Gr.3, 3rd Prix Jacques Laffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, L. 3rd dam MULTIMARA (USA): placed twice at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: IMPERIAL BEAUTY (USA): see above. Gulsary (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 in France and in U.S.A. and £105,506, 2nd Modesty H., Arlington, Gr.3, Keertana S., Churchill Dns, 3rd Robert J Frankel S., Santa Anita, Gr.3, Megahertz S., Santa Anita, L. Be My Queen (IRE): winner at 3 years and £23,123 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Ardilaun House Hotel Oyster S., Galway, L.; dam of a winner. 4th dam EVENING AIR (USA): unraced; dam of 8 winners, 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: MIDNIGHT AIR (USA): 2 wins at 2 years and £29,004 inc. May Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: MIDNIGHT LINE (USA): won Long Island H., Aqueduct, Gr.2, 2nd Gamely Breeders' Cup H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1, 3rd Vodafone Oaks S., Epsom, Gr.1 and E P Taylor S., Woodbine, Gr.1. Midnight Ransom (GB): unraced; dam of NOCTURNAL SECRET (GB): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in France and £152,538 inc. Prix Le Fabuleux, Maisons-Laffitte, L. Shadow Song (IRE): winner at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: TOGETHER (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and £527,468 inc. Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S., Keeneland, Gr.1, 2nd Meon Valley Stud Fillies' Mile S., Ascot, Gr.1, Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Qipco 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, Matron S., Leopardstown, Gr.1 and First Lady S., Keeneland, Gr.1. JAN VERMEER (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France and £436,689 inc. Criterium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, 3rd Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1 and Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1. Terrific (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2013 and £29,936, 3rd Irish Stallion Farms EBF Salsabil S., Navan, L. 52 LOT 53 FROM BANSHA HOUSE STABLES STABLE 86 BAY COLT (GB) February 23rd, 2013 (Third Produce) Try My Best Coryana Auction Ring Flying Melody Whispering Star Warning Diktat Arvola Limbo Nigella Ninivetta B.C. Nominated. Waajib Royal Applause (GB) Neila (GER) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam NEILA (GER): 2 wins at 2 years in Germany and £45,745 and placed twice inc. 4th Prix Miesque, Gr.3, Maisons-Laffitte; dam of 4 foals. She also has a yearling filly by Harbour Watch (IRE). 2nd dam Nigella (GER): 3 wins at 3 years in West Germany and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Preis der Landeshauptstadt Munchen, Munich, L., 3rd Dusseldorfer BMW Preis, Dusseldorf, L.; dam of 5 winners from 5 runners and 8 foals inc.: Nanouska (GER) (f. by Dashing Blade): winner at 3 years in Germany and £19,454, 3rd Fahrhofer Stutenpreis, Hamburg, L.; dam of winners inc.: Nizza (GER): winner at 3 years in Germany and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Japan Racing Association Trophy, Baden-Baden, L. Nice Queen (GER): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany; dam of winners inc.: Nuoro (GER): 4 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2013 in Germany and £14,239. Nos Lando (GER): 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Germany and £20,859. Noble Dash (GER): 4 wins at 4 years in Germany and £12,503. 3rd dam NINIVETTA (GER): 2 wins in West Germany and 15,400 D.M. and placed twice; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc.: NEW SUITOR (GER): 7 wins, £56,106: 6 wins at 2 to 5 years in Germany and £54,759 inc. Sierstorpff-Rennen (Hamburger Criterium), Hamburg, L.; also winner over jumps at 5 years in Germany. NORETTA (GER): Champion older mare in Germany in 1987, 4 wins in West Germany and 152,170 D.M. and 39,600 fr. inc. Gontard-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L. and Robert Pferdmenges-Rennen, Koln, L., placed 9 times inc. 2nd G. P. Continentale Deutsches St Leger, Dortmund, Gr.2, Deutscher Stutenpreis-Ford Hentschel, Hannover, Gr.3, HerbststutenPreis um den Gatz.Alt-Pokal, Neuss, Gr.3, 3rd Prix de Flore, SaintCloud, Gr.3, Preis vom Schloss Roland-Stutenpreis, Dusseldorf, L., 4th Preis der Diana, Mulheim, Gr.2 and Ludwig GoebelsErinnerungsrennen, Krefeld, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: Najmat Alshemaal (IRE): winner at 3 years and £14,481, 2nd Golden Daffodil S., Chepstow, L. and 3rd Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L. 4th dam NAPOLITANA (GER): 2 wins in West Germany and placed 3 times; dam of 10 winners from 11 runners and 11 foals inc.: Nathania (GER): 2 wins in West Germany, 2nd Gontard Rennen, BadenBaden, L., Ostermann-Pokal, Gelsenkirchen, L.; dam of winners inc.: Nelson (GER): winner in France, in West Germany and in Switzerland, 2nd Ratibor-Rennen, Krefeld, L.; also winner over jumps in Switzerland. Nicomedia (FR): 5 wins in France; dam of winners inc.: Nergal (GER): winner in West Germany, 2nd Preis der Jahrlingsauktion, Baden-Baden, L. 53 LOT 54 FROM KNOCKANGLASS STABLES STABLE 66 BAY COLT (IRE) April 22nd, 2013 (Second Produce) Northern Dancer Pas de Nom Mr Prospector Sayedat Alhadh Muhbubh Nijinsky Royal Academy Crimson Saint Afleet Amity Jennifer Elaine B.C. Nominated. Danzig Haatef (USA) Hearthstead Dancer (USA) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam HEARTHSTEAD DANCER (USA): winner at 2 years and placed twice; also placed once over hurdles at 4 years; dam of 3 foals: Burrenbridge Hotel (IRE) (2011 g. by Ivan Denisovich (IRE)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling filly by Zoffany (IRE). 2nd dam Amity (USA): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £63,100, 2nd Harborview S., Hastings Park, 3rd Nanaimo H., Hastings Park and Tri Cities H., Hastings Park; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc.: Boycott (USA): 7 wins at 3 to 7 years in France and £95,057. Fair Oak (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £23,165. Lake Cook (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £29,062. 3rd dam JENNIFER ELAINE (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to AUNT STEL (USA); dam of 9 winners from 11 runners and 16 foals inc.: OLD TUCSON (USA): 6 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £92,556 inc. Dogwood S., Hastings Park and Northburn Printers Inlet H., Hastings Park, 3rd British Columbia Derby, Hastings Park, L. 4th dam BLOSSOM MORGAN: winner in U.S.A.; dam of 8 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: AUNT STEL (USA): 6 wins at 4 to 6 years in U.S.A. inc. Miss America H., Golden Gate, 3rd Countess Fager H., Golden Gate, Gr.3; dam of winners. Heather Road (USA): 3 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,921, 3rd Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: HEATHERTEN (USA): won Apple Blossom H., Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Hempstead H., Belmont, Gr.1 (twice), Ladies H., Aqueduct, Gr.1, Ruffian H., Belmont, Gr.1, 2nd Apple Blossom H., Oaklawn Park, Gr.1, Delaware H., Saratoga, Gr.1, 3rd Spinster S., Keeneland, Gr.1. BULL INTHE HEATHER (USA): won Florida Derby, Gr.1. MUSIC TIME J (USA): won New Zealand Trophy Yonsai S., Tokyo, L. Lady Andromeda (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of MARICARMEN (USA): 4 wins in U.S.A. inc. Surfside S., Hialeah Park. Heather's Halo (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of TEASING CHARM (USA): won Politely S., Monmouth Park and Budweiser Penn National Breeders' Cup Hp, Penn National, 2nd Boiling Springs H., Meadowlands, Gr.3; grandam of HYPERBARIC (USA): won Citation H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1, 2nd Shoemaker Mile S., Hollywood Park, Gr.1, 3rd Shoemaker Mile S., Hollywood Park, Gr.1. Heather's Dancer (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of SOLDIER'S DANCER (USA): won Tropical Park Derby, Calder, Gr.3, Calder Derby, Calder, Gr.3 and Miami Mile H., Calder, Gr.3, LADY JENSEN (USA): won Te Ata S., Remington Park, Useeit S., Remington Park. 54 LOT 55 FROM BALLINAHULLA STABLES STABLE 132 BAY FILLY (GB) April 2nd, 2013 (Second Produce) Try My Best Coryana Auction Ring Flying Melody Whispering Star Storm Cat One Cool Cat Tacha Distant View Bolivia Balabina B.C. Nominated. Waajib Royal Applause (GB) Cool Catena (GB) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam COOL CATENA (GB): unraced; dam of 2 foals: High Rail (GB) (2012 c. by High Chaparral (IRE)): unraced to date. 2nd dam BOLIVIA (USA): unraced; dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 3 foals inc.: Cochabamba (IRE) (f. by Hurricane Run (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years and £54,291 and placed 7 times inc. 2nd Rockfel S., Newmarket, Gr.2, Prestige S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and Star S., Sandown Park, L., broodmare. 3rd dam Balabina (USA): winner at 3 years and £11,310 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Sir Charles Clore Memorial S., Newbury, L. and 4th Cheveley Park Stud Sun Chariot S., Newmarket, Gr.2; Own sister to PEACETIME (USA) and QUIET FLING (USA); dam of 11 winners from 11 runners and 12 foals inc.: BAL HARBOUR (GB): 4 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years and £77,294 inc. Gala S., Kempton Park, L. and Superlative S., Newmarket, L., 2nd Prix GontautBiron, Deauville, Gr.3 and 3rd Hardwicke S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2; sire. BINARY (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £50,660 inc. Prix des Tuileries, Saint-Cloud, L., placed 2nd Prix de Psyche, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: BINARY FILE (USA): Champion miler in Scandinavia in 2005, Champion older horse in Scandinavia in 2006, won Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Ovrevoll, Gr.3, Strensall S., York, L., Hangover Square Pokallob, Copenhagen, L., Pramms Memorial, Jagersro, L., Swedish Open Mile, Taby, L., 2nd Prix Dollar Fouquet's Barriere, Longchamp, Gr.2, Stockholm Cup International, Taby, Gr.3, Stockholms Stora Pris, Taby, L., Dansk Jockey Club Cup, Copenhagen, L. (twice), 3rd Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Ovrevoll, Gr.3, Hangover Square Pokallob, Copenhagen, L. and Stockholms Stora Pris, Taby, L.; sire. Binche (USA): placed once at 3 years; dam of PROVISO (GB): won Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Santa Anita, Gr.1, Diana S., Saratoga, Gr.1, Just A Game S., Belmont Park, Gr.1, Abu Dhabi First Lady S., Keeneland, Gr.1, Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix du Pin, Longchamp, Gr.3, Prix Occitanie, Bordeaux, L., 2nd Fillies' Mile S., Ascot, Gr.1, Spinster S., Keeneland, Gr.1, Santa Monica H., Santa Anita, Gr.1, 3rd Prix Rothschild, Deauville, Gr.1, Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix Chloe, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, Prix de Psyche, Deauville, Gr.3 and Prix Vanteaux, Longchamp, Gr.3, BYWORD (GB): Champion older horse in France in 2010, won Prince of Wales's S., Ascot, Gr.1, Prix Dollar, Longchamp, Gr.2, Prix du Muguet, SaintCloud, Gr.2, Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix Jacques Laffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, L. and Prix Pelleas, Compiegne, L., 2nd Prix d'Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2 and 3rd Juddmonte International S., York, Gr.1. BEQUEATH (GB): 2 wins at 4 years inc. Fred Archer S., Newmarket, L. Bina Gardens (GB): 2 wins at 3 years, 3rd Aston Park S., Newbury, L. 55 LOT 56 FROM OAK TREE FARM STABLE 150 BAY COLT (IRE) February 21st, 2013 (Second Produce) Green Desert Rafha Cozzene Cozy Maria Mariamme Big Shuffle Call Me Big Call Me Alice Surumu Molto In Gamba Mole B.C. Nominated. Invincible Spirit Zebedee (GB) Annaofcompton (IRE) (2007) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam ANNAOFCOMPTON (IRE): unraced; dam of 3 foals; Anna's Valley (IRE) (2012 f. by Moss Vale (IRE)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling colt by Approve (IRE). 2nd dam MOLTO IN GAMBA (GER): winner at 3 years in Germany; Own sister to MONDRIAN (GER); dam of 4 winners from 5 runners and 8 foals; Mity Dancer (GER) (f. by Alzao (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany, £41,562, placed 2nd Frankfurter der Mehl Mulhens Stiftung, Frankfurt, Gr.3, 3rd Baden-Wurttemberg-Trophy, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, Grosser SWB Stutenpreis von Bremen, Bremen, Gr.3 and Tuborg Scandinavian Open Championship, Copenhagen, Gr.3; dam of a winner. Most Honourable (GER) (c. by Law Society (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in Germany, placed 2nd P. der Firma Jungheinrich Gabelstapler, Hannover, L. and 3rd Grosser Radeberger Pilsner Preis, Dresden, L. Mona Alaya (IRE): winner at 3 years in Germany and placed 4 times. 3rd dam MOLE (GER): 4 wins: 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in West Germany inc. Preis der Jahrlingsauktion, Baden-Baden, L.; also winner over jumps in West Germany; dam of 11 winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: MONDRIAN (GER): Champion 3yr old in Germany in 1989, 12 wins at 2 to 4 years in West Germany inc. Aral-Pokal, Gelsenkirchen, Gr.1 (twice), Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1, Grosser Preis von Baden, BadenBaden, Gr.1 (twice), Grosser Preis der Berliner Bank, Dusseldorf, Gr.1 and R+V Preis von Europa, Koln, Gr.1, 2nd Der Grosse Preis der Berliner Bank, Dusseldorf, Gr.1, R+V Preis von Europa, Koln, Gr.1; sire. Marcotte: 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Belgium 2nd Prix de l'Immobiliere Chasse des Princes, Sterrebeek, L., Prix Les Guinees, Sterrebeek, L. and 4th Grand Criterium National d'Ostende, Ostend, Gr.2; dam of winners: Garden In The Rain (FR): winner in France and in U.S.A., 2nd San Gorgonio H., Santa Anita, Gr.2, Santa Ana H., Santa Anita, Gr.2; dam of GOVINDA (USA): won G. P. der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler, Hamburg, Gr.3 (twice), 2nd Goldene Peitsche, Baden-Baden, Gr.2. Embraceable You (FR): winner in France and in U.S.A., 2nd Carleton F Burke H., Santa Anita, Gr.2. Jersey Bounce (IRE): 5 wins in France and in U.A.E. 2nd Prix Le Vase d'Argent, Toulouse, L., Abu Dhabi Championship, Abu Dhabi, L. No Exit (FR): unraced; dam of HOWARD LE CANARD (FR): won Grand Prix de la Riviera Cote d'Azur, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L. Molto Allegra (GER): winner in West Germany 2nd Preis der Jahrlingsauktion, Baden-Baden, L.; dam of a winner. Molto Forte (GER): winner at 2 years in Germany; dam of winners inc.: Monetary (GER): winner in France, 2nd Prix Minerve, Deauville, Gr.3. 56 LOT 57 FROM FEIGH STABLES (AGENT) STABLE 109 Excellent Art (GB) BAY COLT (IRE) March 17th, 2013 Sadinga (IRE) (1999) E.B.F. Nominated. Polar Falcon Fearless Revival Seeking The Gold Obsessive Secret Obsession Northern Dancer Sadler's Wells Fairy Bridge Taufan Ingabelle Bodelle B.C. Nominated. Pivotal View at 1st dam SADINGA (IRE): winner at 3 years and £10,202 and placed 3 times; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 9 foals; Cool Judgement (IRE) (2005 g. by Peintre Celebre (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £21,737 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Chester H., Chester, L. Showboating (IRE) (2008 g. by Shamardal (USA)): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2013 and £48,905 and placed 25 times. Live Grace (IRE) (2011 f. by Archipenko (USA)): winner at 2 years in Switzerland and placed twice. 2nd dam INGABELLE: 3 wins at 2 to 4 years and £39,456 inc. Keeneland Phoenix Sprint S., Phoenix Park, Gr.3; dam of 8 winners, 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: EVA'S REQUEST (IRE) (f. by Soviet Star (USA)): 7 wins at 2 to 4 years at home, in Italy and in Turkey and £456,332 inc. Premio Lydia Tesio Shadwell - Tris Int, Rome, Gr.1, broodmare. PRIORY BELLE (IRE) (f. by Priolo (USA)): Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Ireland in 1995, 2 wins at 2 years and £65,713 inc. Moyglare Stud S., Curragh, Gr.1; dam of 4 winners inc.: KILTUBBER (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years at home and in Italy and £60,772 inc. Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L.; dam of OPINION (IRE): 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014 at home and in Australia and £302,027 inc. The Metropolitan, Randwick, Gr.1, 2nd Schweppes Sydney Cup, Randwick, Gr.1, FOX HUNT (IRE): 7 wins at 3 to 5 years at home, in France, in Germany and in U.A.E. and £305,331 inc. Grosser Preis Von DSW21 St Leger, Dortmund, Gr.3 and Nad Al Sheba Trophy, Meydan, Gr.3, ANAM ALLTA (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £81,591 inc. Coolmore Stud Concorde S., Tipperary, Gr.3. WILD BLUEBELL (IRE) (f. by Bluebird (USA)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £51,667 inc. Concorde S., Tipperary, Gr.3; dam of 4 winners inc.: Il Pirata (IRE): 3 wins, £261,169: winner at 2 years and £18,029 3rd Railway S., Curragh, Gr.2; also 2 wins in Hong Kong and £243,140. Danielli (IRE): placed 5 times at 3 and 4 years; dam of 4 winners inc.: CHRISELLIAM (IRE): Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 2013, 3 wins at 2 years, 2013 at home and in U.S.A. and £449,766 inc. Shadwell Fillies' Mile S., Newmarket, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Janicellaine (IRE): 2 wins, £82,754: winner at 2 years; also winner at 4 years in Canada and £79,076 2nd Flaming Page S., Woodbine, L. and 3rd My Charmer H., Calder, Gr.3. Very Special (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014 and £33,769. 3rd dam Bodelle: 8 wins, £21,762: 4 wins at 3 to 5 years; also 4 wins over hurdles at 4 and 6 years 2nd Benson & Hedges H. Hurdle, Fairyhouse, L., 3rd Huzzar H. Hurdle, Fairyhouse, L.; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 7 foals inc.: INGABELLE: see above. 57 LOT 58 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 29 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 24th, 2013 (First Produce) Royal Applause Princess Athena Green Desert Sogno Verde Gothic Dream Green Desert Desert Sun Solar Green Dancer Pirie Klarifi B.C. Nominated. Acclamation Lilbourne Lad (IRE) A Fortunate Life (IRE) (2002) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam A FORTUNATE LIFE (IRE): unraced. Above is her first foal. 2nd dam PIRIE (USA): unraced; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals inc.: DECADO (IRE) (c. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £157,328 inc. Rock of Gibraltar EBF Tetrarch S., Curragh, Gr.3, Keeneland International S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Oak Lodge Sires Loughbrown S., Curragh, L., placed 3rd Boylesports Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, United Arab Emirates Royal Whip S., Curragh, Gr.2, Amethyst S., Leopardstown, Gr.3 and Heritage S., Leopardstown, L. Smoky Cloud (IRE): 5 wins, £29,837: 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, £23,456 and placed 8 times; also 2 wins at 7 years, 2014 in Belgium, placed 3 times. Supreme Occasion (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £22,838. 3rd dam KLARIFI: winner at 3 years, Ballycorus S., Leopardstown, L., placed twice inc. 4th Tara Sires Desmond S., Curragh, Gr.3; Own sister to West China; dam of 8 winners from 14 runners and 17 foals inc.: FRACAS (IRE): 5 wins at 3 and 5 years and £296,808 inc. Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial S., Leopardstown, Gr.2, Meld S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, Betfred Classic Trial, Sandown Park, Gr.3 and Silver S., Curragh, L., placed 2nd Rheinland-Pokal Stadtsparkasse Kolnbonn, Cologne, Gr.1, EBF Mooresbridge S., Curragh, Gr.3, Ballyroan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, Diamond S., Fairyhouse, L., Ascon Rohcon Alleged S., Curragh, L.; sire. Tregaron (USA): 3 wins at 5 and 6 years and £48,854 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Daily Mail Silver Trophy S., Lingfield Park, L. Ezy Koter: 2 wins at 3 years and placed 4 times inc. 2nd EBF Ulster Harp Derby, Down Royal, L.; sire. Woodwin (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Rover Ireland 1000 Guineas Trial S., Leopardstown, L.; dam of winners. Silver Skates (IRE): placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Icon Dream (IRE): winner at 2 years and £53,490 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd MBNA Chester Vase, Chester, Gr.3. Starfish (IRE): unraced; dam of LA COLLINA (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2013 and £288,845 inc. Keeneland Phoenix S., Curragh, Gr.1 and Matron S., Leopardstown, Gr.1, placed 7 times inc. 2nd Silver Flash S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, Abu Dhabi Ridgewood Pearl S., Curragh, Gr.3, EBF Blue Wind S., Naas, Gr.3, 3rd Moyglare Stud S., Curragh, Gr.1 and Big Bad Bob Gladness S., Curragh, Gr.3. Shona (USA): placed once at 4 years; dam of winners inc.: Caelis (GB): 5 wins, £110,097: 3 wins at 3 years and £11,945; also 2 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2013 in U.S.A. and £98,152, 3rd Marjorie L Everett H., Hollywood, Gr.2, Santa Barbara H., Santa Anita, Gr.2. Elaine (IRE): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Grail Maiden (AUS): winner in South Africa, 3rd Tekkie Town Winter Oaks, Kenilworth, L. 58 LOT 59 FROM MAYFIELD STABLES STABLE 41 BAY COLT (GB) March 28th, 2013 (Third Produce) Waajib Flying Melody Ahonoora Princess Athena Shopping Wise Green Desert Invincible Spirit Rafha Royal Academy Paix Royale Play Or Pay B.C. Nominated. Royal Applause Acclamation (GB) Peach Pearl (GB) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam PEACH PEARL (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £67,481 inc. Prix Ronde de Nuit, Deauville, L., placed 6 times inc. 4th Prix Imprudence, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3; dam of 2 runners and 4 foals; Altaira (GB) (2011 c. by Dubawi (IRE)): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in France. She also has a yearling colt by Dutch Art (GB). 2nd dam Paix Royale (GB): winner at 2 years in France and placed twice inc. 2nd Prix Herod, Evry, L.; dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: PEACH PEARL (GB) (f. by Invincible Spirit (IRE)): see above. Peacefally (IRE) (f. by Grand Lodge (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £62,981 and placed 8 times inc. 3rd Rood and Riddle Dowager S., Keeneland, L.; dam of 3 winners inc.: Frogtown (USA): winner, 2013 in U.S.A. 3rd dam Play Or Pay (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and 311,000 fr. and placed 8 times inc. 2nd Grand Criterium de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, L.; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: PLAYACT (IRE): 3 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £139,346 inc. Prix Madame Jean Couturie, Vichy, L., 2nd Long Island H., Aqueduct, Gr.2, Sheepshead Bay H., Belmont, Gr.2, Prix Minerve, Deauville, Gr.3, Bewitch S., Keeneland, Gr.3, Prix des Tourelles, Chantilly, L., Prix Urban Sea, Le Lion D'Anger, L. and 3rd Prix de Royallieu Hotel du Golf Barriere, Longchamp, Gr.2; dam of 3 winners inc.: Miss Rail Link (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years in France and £70,329 and placed 9 times. PLAY AROUND (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £24,828 inc. Prix Joubert, Evry, L., placed once; dam of 7 winners inc.: Love Your Looks (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £24,296 and placed 9 times inc. 3rd Normandie Stud EBF Fleur de Lys S., Lingfield Park, L. and Betfred Snowdrop Fillies' S., Kempton Park, L. Priere (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £53,572 and placed 8 times inc. 2nd Prix de Saint-Cyr, Chantilly, L., Prix Isola Bella, Fontainebleau, L., Grosser Preis der Stadtsparkasse, Dusseldorf, L. and 3rd Prix de la Cochere, Chantilly, L. Bianco E Nero (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Italy and £30,644. Paix Royale (GB): see above. Play With Fire (FR): winner at 3 years in France; dam of 5 winners inc.: MILLBAG (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £42,466 inc. Bovis Homes Pavilion S., Ascot, L., placed 3rd Horris Hill S., Newbury, Gr.3. Coconut Penang (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £50,317 and placed 8 times inc. 2nd Purely Scots Mineral Water Rated S., Haydock Park, L.; also placed once at 3 years in France. 59 LOT 60 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 6 BROWN COLT (GNY) March 28th, 2013 (Third Produce) Giant's Causeway Helsinki Vettori Lady Vettori Lady Golconda Sadler's Wells Montjeu Floripedes Acatenango Bougainvillea Britannia B.C. Nominated. Shamardal Lope de Vega (IRE) Burning Heights (GER) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam BURNING HEIGHTS (GER): placed twice at 3 years in France; dam of 2 runners and 3 foals: Burning Rules (IRE) (2012 f. by Aussie Rules (USA)): placed once at 2 years, 2014 in Germany. 2nd dam BOUGAINVILLEA (GER): winner at 3 years in Germany and placed twice; Own sister to BORGIA (GER); dam of 4 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals inc.: BURMA GOLD (IRE) (c. by Java Gold (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years in Germany and in Italy and £66,552 inc. Premio St Leger Italiano, Milan, Gr.3, placed 8 times inc. 2nd Grosser Preis Von DSW21 St Leger, Dortmund, Gr.3, Silbernes Band der Ruhr, Mulheim, L., G.P. Jung. Gabelstapler Langer Hamburger, Hamburg, L. and 3rd Prix de Reux, Deauville, L. Burma Sea (FR): winner at 2 years, 2014 in France and £18,334. Burma Beach (GER): winner at 4 years, 2014 in Germany. She also has a 2-y-o colt by King's Best (USA) and a yearling filly by Rip Van Winkle (IRE). 3rd dam BRITANNIA (GER): Champion older mare in Europe in 1989 (11-14f.), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in West Germany inc. G.P. Continentale Versicherungs St Leger, Dortmund, Gr.2, 4th Prix Royal Oak, Longchamp, Gr.1, Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.1 and R+V Preis von Europa, Koln, Gr.1; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals inc.: BORGIA (GER): Champion 3yr old filly in Germany and France in 1997, 6 wins at 3 and 5 years in Germany and in Hong Kong and £1,396,103 inc. BMW Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1, Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.1, 2nd Breeders' Cup Turf, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and 3rd Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: BERMUDA REEF (IRE): 3 wins at 4 years, 2014 in Germany and £54,392 inc. Almased Cup Hamburg Trophy, Hamburg, Gr.3. Born Wild (GER): winner at 3 years; dam of BALTIC BARONESS (GER): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 in France and £302,220 inc. Qatar Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr.1, BALTIC ROCK (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in Germany and £43,943 inc. Preis SWB Derby Trial, Bremen, L., Baltic Comtesse (FR): winner at 2 years, 2014 in France and £23,750, 2nd Prix des Reservoirs, Deauville, Gr.3, Baltic Storm (IRE): 3rd Preis SWB Derby Trial, Bremen, L. BOREAL (GER): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in Germany and £606,318 inc. Vodafone Coronation Cup, Epsom Downs, Gr.1 and BMW Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1, 2nd Credit Suisse Private Banking Pokal, Cologne, Gr.1, UAE Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.1, 3rd Sheema Classic, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1; sire. Borghesa (GER): placed once at 3 years in France; dam of a winner: Burggraf (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in France and in Italy. 60 LOT 61 FROM EGMONT STUD STABLE 79 Gulch Height of Fashion Nureyev Al Ishq Allez Les Trois Silver Buck Silver Charm Bonnie's Poker Drone Intently Naughty Intentions B.C. Nominated. Nayef Tamayuz (GB) GREY FILLY (IRE) April 17th, 2013 Terri's Charmer (USA) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam TERRI'S CHARMER (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £13,526 and placed twice; dam of 2 winners from 4 runners and 6 foals; Smartinblack (IRE) (2010 c. by Footstepsinthesand (GB)): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Denmark and in Sweden and £50,730 and placed 7 times. Rum Sun N Sand (USA) (2008 f. by Speightstown (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden and placed twice. Machiavelian Storm (IRE) (2012 f. by Dark Angel (IRE)): placed once at 2 years, 2014. She also has a yearling colt by Arcano (IRE). 2nd dam INTENTLY (USA): 8 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £138,910 inc. Victoria Lass H., Jefferson Downs, Budweiser Delta Downs Breeders Cup H'cap, Delta Downs and Monique Rene S., Louisiana Downs, 3rd First Flight H., Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of 8 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: GONE FOR REAL (USA) (c. by Gone West (USA)): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £114,542 inc. Royal Palm H., Hialeah Park, Gr.3, 2nd Canadian Turf H., Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; sire. CRAFTY BUZZ (USA) (f. by Crafty Prospector (USA)): 2 wins at 2 years in U.S.A. inc. Jersey Jumper S., Meadowlands; dam of 6 winners inc.: PLANTAGENET (SPA): won IKC Fonder Pramms Mem, Jagersro, Gr.3. Aesculus (USA): winner at home and in U.S.A., 3rd Charon S., Calder. Intend to Win (USA) (f. by Housebuster (USA)): 4 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £50,807 3rd T V Vixen S., Arlington Park; dam of 9 winners inc.: JOSH'S MADELYN (USA): won Raven Run S., Keeneland, Gr.2. Party Silks (USA): unraced; dam of UPSTART (USA): won Lambholm South Holy Bull S., Gulfstream Park, Gr.2, 2nd Champagne S., Belmont Park, Gr.1, 3rd Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Flight of Angels (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 8 winners inc.: NOBO JACK (USA): won Gumma Kinen, Takasaki, L. (twice), Kurofune Sho, Kochi, L. (twice), Hokkaido Sprint Cup, Sapporo, L. 3rd dam NAUGHTY INTENTIONS (USA): 2 wins at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of 8 winners from 8 runners and 8 foals inc.: PERCIPIENT (USA): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £210,655 inc. Anoakia S., Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Linda Vista H., Oak Tree, Gr.3, 2nd La Canada S., Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of 9 winners inc.: Chickapee (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of STRIKE ME LUCKY (USA): 4 wins at 4 years in U.S.A. and £61,395 inc. Claire Marine S., Arlington International, 3rd Bewitch S., Keeneland, Gr.3. Sharp Spirit (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 6 winners inc.: Telina (USA): winner in France; dam of EAGLE TIME (USA): 16 wins in U.S.A. and £170,661 inc. Memorial Day H., Mountaineer Park, L.; grandam of EQUALLY GOOD (USA): 8 wins in U.S.A. and £64,195 inc. Lansing S., Pinnacle Race Course. 61 LOT 62 FROM POWERSTOWN STUD STABLE 98 BAY COLT (IRE) March 31st, 2013 (Third Produce) Sadler's Wells Floripedes Darshaan Gwynn Victoress Blushing Groom Rahy Glorious Song Caerleon Preseli Hill of Snow B.C. Nominated. Montjeu Pour Moi (IRE) Village Singer (USA) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam VILLAGE SINGER (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed 3 times; dam of 2 runners and 4 foals inc.; Tender Fantasy (IRE) (2012 f. by High Chaparral (IRE)): placed 3 times at 2 years, 2014 in Italy. She also has a yearling filly by Casamento (IRE). 2nd dam PRESELI (IRE): Champion 2yr old filly in Ireland in 1999, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £147,415 inc. Moyglare Stud S., Curragh, Gr.1, Debutante S., Leopardstown, L. and Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L., placed 2nd Hunston Financial Pretty Polly S., Curragh, Gr.2 and Waya S., Pimlico, L.; dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals inc.: Arizona John (IRE): 9 wins and £68,523 and placed 26 times. Hapiboy (USA): winner at 3 years, 2014 in U.S.A. She also has a 2-y-o filly by Tale of Ekati (USA). 3rd dam HILL OF SNOW (GB): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 12 foals inc.: PRESELI (IRE): see above. KONG (IRE): winner at 3 years and £73,891, Letheby & Christopher Derby Trial S., Lingfield Park, Gr.3; also placed once over hurdles at 7 years and placed twice over fences at 7 years. MOUNT KILIMANJARO (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £22,696 inc. Weatherbys Bank Further Flight S., Nottingham, L., placed once. Snowfire (GB): winner at 2 years and £78,359 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Sagitta 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and South East Electrical Oh So Sharp S., Newmarket, L.; also placed once at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of 2 winners inc.: MODEL (USA): won Its in the Air S., Hollywood Park, L., 2nd Juddmonte Spinster S., Keeneland, Gr.1, Santa Maria H., Santa Anita, Gr.1, Clement L Hirsch H., Del Mar, Gr.2, Bayakoa H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Santa Lucia H., Santa Anita, L., 3rd Santa Margarita Invitational H., Santa Anita, Gr.1, Yerba Buena S., Golden Gate, L., Adoration H., Del Mar, L. and Audrey Skirball-Kenis S., Hollywood Park. Big Game Hunter (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £19,719 and placed twice; also placed 8 times over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and £21,146 inc. 2nd Blackwater H. Hurdle, Cork, L., Weatherbys Ireland GSB Hurdle, Fairyhouse, L. and 3rd Spring Juvenile Hurdle, Leopardstown, L. and placed 9 times over fences at 5 to 7 years, 2013. Winter Lion (IRE): 2 wins at 4 years, 2014 and £15,072 and placed once. Lady of Substance (IRE): unraced; dam of a winner: Expensive Candy (USA): winner, 2014 in U.S.A. 62 LOT 63 FROM SHERBOURNE LODGE STABLE 103 CHESNUT FILLY (IRE) February 21st, 2013 (Second Produce) Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Danehill Speirbhean Saviour Danehill Rock of Gibraltar Offshore Boom Kahyasi Zavaleta La Meilleure B.C. Nominated. Galileo Teofilo (IRE) Zavaala (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam ZAVAALA (IRE): unraced; dam of 3 foals; She also has a 3-y-o colt by Duke of Marmalade (IRE) and a yearling filly by Teofilo (IRE). 2nd dam ZAVALETA (IRE): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £52,693 inc. Athasi S., Curragh, L. and Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L.; dam of 9 winners from 10 runners and 14 foals inc.: DANELISSIMA (IRE) (f. by Danehill (USA)): winner at 3 years and £76,113, Irish Stallion Farms Noblesse S., Naas, Gr.3, 3rd Bet365 Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr.2; dam of a winner: Fergus McIver (IRE): 3 wins, £68,710: winner at 3 years and £48,848 2nd Ballysax S., Leopardstown, Gr.3 and 3rd Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial S., Leopardstown, Gr.2; also winner at 5 years in Australia; also winner over jumps at 5 years in Australia. Daneleta (IRE) (f. by Danehill (USA)): 2 wins, £43,631: winner 3rd Railway S., Curragh, Gr.3; also winner in France 3rd Tierce Magazine Canal Grand Handicap de Deauville, Deauville, L.; dam of 4 winners inc.: INTENSE FOCUS (USA): 2 wins inc. Dewhurst S., Newmarket, Gr.1, 3rd Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. Benicio (IRE) (g. by Spectrum (IRE)): winner at 3 years and £25,472 2nd Rochestown S., Leopardstown, L. and 3rd Anglesey S., Curragh, Gr.3. Simonetta (IRE) (f. by Lil's Boy (USA)): winner at 2 years and £12,147 3rd Woodpark & Ballysheehan Studs S., Curragh, L.; dam of a winner: 3rd dam LA MEILLEURE: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £16,766 inc. McGrath S., Curragh, L., 3rd Keeneland Phoenix Sprint S., Phoenix Park, Gr.3; dam of 10 winners from 12 runners and 13 foals inc.: SHOLOKHOV (IRE): Champion 2yr old in Italy in 2001, 2 wins at 2 years at home and in Italy and £372,769 inc. Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1, 2nd Coral Eurobet Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1, Budweiser Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1 and 3rd Aga Khan Studs National S., Curragh, Gr.1; sire. AFFIANCED (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £60,385 inc. Debutante S., Curragh, L., 2nd Blandford S., Curragh, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners inc.: SOLDIER OF FORTUNE (IRE): Champion 3yr old in Ireland in 2007, 6 wins at home and in France and £1,341,073 inc. Juddmonte Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr.1 and Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. HELIOSTATIC (IRE): 3 wins inc. Meld S., Leopardstown, Gr.3; sire. CARRAIGLAWN (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years inc. Silver S., Curragh, L. NAPPER TANDY (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £92,276 inc. Diamond S., Curragh, L., 2nd Killavullan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3. Raghida (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £23,723 2nd Curragh S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Molecomb S., Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of 7 winners inc.: MARIONNAUD (IRE): 7 wins inc. Concorde S., Tipperary, Gr.3 and Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.3. 63 LOT 64 FROM ROCKVIEW STABLES STABLE 141 Danehill Hasili Machiavellian Tyranny Dust Dancer Mr Prospector Lion Cavern Secrettame Baillamont Pidona Professional Girl B.C. Nominated. Dansili Zoffany (IRE) BAY COLT (IRE) March 9th, 2013 Lioness (GB) (1996) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam LIONESS (GB): placed twice at 3 years; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 8 foals; Mountain Pride (IRE) (2005 g. by High Chaparral (IRE)): 4 wins and £35,600 and placed 5 times. Wilford Maverick (IRE) (2002 g. by Fasliyev (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 4 times. Varonos (IRE) (2006 c. by Hawk Wing (USA)): winner in Greece. She also has a yearling filly by Duke of Marmalade (IRE). 2nd dam PIDONA (GB): winner at 3 years in Germany; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 5 foals inc.: PUPPETEER (GB) (c. by Singspiel (IRE)): 7 wins in France and in U.S.A. inc. Prix du Palais Royal, Longchamp, Gr.3, 2nd San Marcos S., Gr.2. Tempest (GB) (c. by Zafonic (USA)): 2 wins, £87,783: winner and £31,108 3rd Dewhurst S., Newmarket, Gr.1; also winner in U.S.A. and £56,675. 3rd dam PROFESSIONAL GIRL (USA): winner at 3 years and £12,706, Galtres S., York, L.; Own sister to GRACIOSO (USA), CAESOUR (USA) and Dragonada (USA); dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 2 foals inc.: VITELLOZZI (GB): 7 wins at 2, 7 and 9 years in France and in U.A.E. and £59,372 inc. Prix Herod, Evry, L. 4th dam DON'T SULK (USA): 3 wins at 3 years in France and 320,000 fr. and 7,200,000 lire inc. Prix de Royallieu, Longchamp, Gr.3, 4th Premio Roma, Rome, Gr.1; Own sister to JIM FRENCH (USA), Dance Partner (USA) and Appetite (USA); dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: GRACIOSO (USA): 2 wins in France inc. Prix Lupin, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. CAESOUR (USA): 6 wins at 4 and 5 years in France and in U.S.A. inc. Bay Meadows H., Bay Meadows, Gr.2; sire. Dragonada (USA): 3 wins, £62,474: 2 wins 2nd Atalanta S., Sandown, L. and Upavon S., Salisbury, L.; also winner in France and £36,364 2nd La Coupe de Maisons-Laffitte, M'-Laffitte, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners inc.: LA EQUIVOCADA (USA): won Clasico Jorge Alsito Roig Ferre, L. Provacatrice (USA): winner at 3 years in France; dam of 10 winners inc.: Pacific Blue (GER): 2 wins at 3 years in Germany 3rd Kolner Stuten Meile, Cologne, L.; dam of Perfect Son (GB): 5 wins in Germany and £53,365 3rd Saurens Dachfonds Grand Prix-Aufgalopp, Cologne, L. Pepples Beach (GER): 3 wins; dam of PRAKASA (FR): 4 wins in Germany inc. K.Baronin von Ullmann Schwarzgold Rennen, Gr.3. Pretty Procida (USA): winner in Germany; grandam of PRECIOUS BOY (GER): 5 wins in Germany inc. Grosse Europa Meile, Cologne, Gr.2, 2nd Grosser Dallmayr Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr.1. 64 LOT 65 FROM DOLMEN BLOODSTOCK STABLE 123 Seattle Slew Strawberry Reason Mr Prospector Serena's Tune Serena's Song Deputy Minister Dehere Sister Dot Golden Fleece Pixie Erin Spirit In The Sky B.C. Nominated. Vindication Vocalised (USA) BAY COLT (IRE) May 18th, 2013 Faoileoir (USA) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam FAOILEOIR (USA): unraced; dam of 4 runners and 5 foals: Faoileanda (IRE) (2006 f. by Chevalier (IRE)): placed 7 times at 3 and 4 years, broodmare. Le Cheile (IRE) (2011 f. by Intense Focus (USA)): placed 3 times at 3 years, 2014, died at 3. Vocal Warm Up (IRE) (2012 f. by Vocalised (USA)): placed twice at 3, 2015. 2nd dam PIXIE ERIN: 3 wins at 3 years and £23,715 inc. Mount Coote Stud Matron S., Curragh, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals inc.: BINT ALBAADIYA (USA) (f. by Woodman (USA)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £28,723 inc. Singapore Summer S., York, L.; dam of winners inc.: Remaadd (USA): winner at home and in U.A.E., 2nd Derrinstown Stud Marju Jebel Ali S., Jebel Ali, L. and 3rd Gordon S., Goodwood, Gr.3. Gypsy Love (USA): placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners inc.: AMOR DE CISNE (BRZ): won Grande Premio General Couto de Magalhaes, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2. 3rd dam Spirit In The Sky: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2nd Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr.3, 3rd Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr.3 and 4th Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 15 foals inc.: STAR PASTURES: 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. inc. Santa Maria H., Santa Anita, Gr.2, 2nd Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr.1, Yellow Ribbon S., Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: ESPRIT D'ETOILE (USA): 5 wins at 2 to 5 years and £46,238 inc. Kilfrush EBF Concorde S., Phoenix Park, Gr.3. STELLARINA (USA): won Ontario Matron S., Woodbine, L., Tattling H., Woodbine, L., Valedictory H., Woodbine, L., Victoria Park S., Woodbine, L. and 2nd Monmouth Oaks, Gr.2; dam of POSSE POWER (USA): won Auburn S., Emerald Downs, 3rd Longacres Mile H., Emerald Downs, Gr.3, El Camino Real Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.3; grandam of RUTINI (BRZ): won Grande Premio Dezesseis de Julho, Gavea, Gr.2, DARK MAGIC (TUR): won Yunus Emre, Bursa, L. Monza (USA): winner at home and in Hong Kong, 2nd Prix de Conde, Longchamp, Gr.3. Lord Justice (USA): winner, 2nd Dalham Chester Vase, Chester, Gr.3. Spirit of Crow: 12 wins in Italy and £22,807, 2nd Premio Volta, Milan, L. and 4th Premio Tevere, Rome, Gr.2. Skaramanga: 4 wins at 3 years, 4th Gordon S., Goodwood, Gr.3; sire. Riviere Bleue: winner at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: PRINCE BOBBY B (USA): won Sierra Madre H., Santa Anita, Gr.3, 2nd Del Mar Derby, Gr.2, 3rd California Derby, Golden Gate, Gr.2; sire. NOTLEY: won Scarbrough S., Doncaster, L. (twice). Notley Park (GB): placed 3 times; dam of KNOT IN WOOD (IRE): 11 wins at 3 to 7 years, £290,839 inc. Chipchase S., Newcastle, Gr.3. 65 LOT 66 FROM KNOCKANGLASS STABLES STABLE 67 CHESNUT FILLY (IRE) January 29th, 2013 (Second Produce) Mr Prospector Miesque Sadler's Wells Maryinsky Blush With Pride Danehill Rock of Gibraltar Offshore Boom Miswaki Chelsea Prodigious B.C. Nominated. Kingmambo Thewayyouare (USA) Rockfleet Castle (GB) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam ROCKFLEET CASTLE (GB): placed twice; dam of 3 foals. She also has a yearling colt by Requinto (IRE). 2nd dam CHELSEA (USA): winner at 4 years in France and placed twice; dam of 3 winners from 8 runners and 12 foals: Toyo Chicago (USA): 8 wins at 3 to 5 years in Japan and £17,078. Cedar Rangers (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years. Donna Giovanna (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of winners: Arrowzone (GB): 3 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £14,132. Arlecchino's Leap (GB): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed 3 times. 3rd dam PRODIGIOUS (FR): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £23,020 and placed once; dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: SUPER STAFF (USA): 7 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £297,552 inc. Yellow Ribbon H., Santa Anita, Gr.1, Las Palmas H., Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Palomar H., Del Mar, Gr.2, placed 2nd Matriarch S., Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of a winner: Yam (USA): placed once at 3 years in France; dam of Logan's Draw (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £37,484, 2nd Airline S., Louisiana and 3rd Alysheba Breeders' Cup S., Lone Star Park, L. PUBLIC PURSE (USA): 7 wins at 3 to 6 years in France and in U.S.A. and £676,627 inc. Prix Jean de Chaudenay, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, Prix Maurice de Nieuil, M'-Laffitte, Gr.2, San Marcos H., Santa Anita, Gr.2, La Coupe, Longchamp, Gr.3, Carleton F Burke H., Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Prix Vulcain, Saint-Cloud, L., 2nd Hollywood Turf Cup H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1, 3rd Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.1, Dubai World Cup, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1, Grand Prix de Deauville, Deauville, Gr.2; sire. MR ADORABLE (USA): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. inc. Miami Lakes S., Hialeah Park, L., 2nd Christmas Day H., Calder, Gr.3, Thanksgiving Day Breeders' Cup H., Calder, Pembroke Pines Breeders' Cup H., Calder, 3rd Louisville S., Churchill Downs, L. and Hurricanes H., Calder; sire. Plentiful (USA): unraced; dam of winners: Glenmara (USA): placed twice at 3 years in France; dam of Leitra (IRE): winner at 2 years and £37,212, placed 2nd Laing O'Rourke Blenheim S., Curragh, L. and 3rd Flying Five, Curragh, Gr.3. Camanoe (USA): ran twice; dam of winners inc.: ROB ROY (USA): won Mile, Sandown Park, Gr.2, RollsRoyce Cars London Joel S., Newmarket, Gr.3, 2nd Emirates Airline Champion S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Bet365 Mile, Sandown Park, Gr.2, bet365 Craven S., Newmarket, Gr.3, 3rd Cantor Spreadfair Sussex S., Goodwood, Gr.1 and Eddie Read H., Del Mar, Gr.1. July Jasmine (USA): winner at 2 years, 2nd Lingfield Oaks Trial, Lingfield Park, L. and 3rd EBF Alice Keppel H., Goodwood, L. 66 LOT 67 FROM BALLYHANE STABLE 47 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 23rd, 2013 (Second Produce) Mozart Dandy Man (IRE) Lady Alexander Golden Chica (IRE) (2003) Imperial Ballet Sunday Sport Star E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Victoria Cross Night Shift Sandhurst Goddess Sadler's Wells Amaranda Star Appeal Justine View at 1st dam GOLDEN CHICA (IRE): ran twice at 2 years; dam of 1 runner from 1 foal of racing age: Mambis (IRE) (2010 f. by Arakan (USA)): placed 11 times at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Spain. 2nd dam Sunday Sport Star: winner at 3 years and £10,657, 2nd Virginia S., Newcastle, L., 3rd Warren S., Epsom, L. and 4th May Hill EBF S., Doncaster, Gr.3; Own sister to ALWAYS ON A SUNDAY; dam of 6 winners, 8 runners, 8 foals inc.: SIGNS (GB) (f. by Risk Me (FR)): winner at 2 years and £16,810, Winalot National S., Sandown Park, L., placed 5 times; dam of winners inc.: KNAVESMIRE OMEN (GB): 10 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in Germany and £120,420 inc. Langer Hamburger, Hamburg, L. 3rd dam JUSTINE (GER): 4 wins in West Germany; Own sister to JUSTUS (GER); dam of 12 winners from 14 runners and 15 foals inc.: PALMETTO EXPRESS (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and £54,319 inc. Mulheim Fruhjahrs Steher Preis, Mulheim, L., placed 7 times inc. 2nd Oleander-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, Milka Steher Cup, Baden-Baden, L. and 3rd Concord Uhren Preis, Hamburg, L. JUST ICE (GB): 3 wins at 2 years at home and in France and £26,002 inc. Criterium du Bequet, La Teste Buch, L.; dam of winners inc.: JEZEBEL (GB): 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £43,294 inc. Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L., 2nd Flying Fillies' S., Pontefract, L., 3rd Prix de Seine-et-Oise, Chantilly, Gr.3 and Summer S., York, L.; dam of Ancient Goddess (FR): winner at 2 years, 2014 in France, 3rd P G Johnson S., Saratoga, L., Suncoast S., Tampa Bay Downs. ALWAYS ON A SUNDAY: winner at 3 years and £24,938, Pretty Polly S., Newmarket, L., 2nd Cock of the North S., Haydock Park, L., 3rd Lowther S., York, Gr.2 and May Hill EBF S., Doncaster, Gr.3; dam of winners. Junior-Lombard: 9 wins in West Germany, placed 2nd Silbernes Band der Ruhr, Mulheim, L., 3rd Grosser Preis der Stadt Gelsenkirchen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr.3, Preis der Hapag-Lloyd, Bremen, L., Union-KlubPokal, Baden-Baden, L., 4th Grosser Preis von Berlin, Dusseldorf, Gr.1. Roberto's Noble (GB): winner at 3 years in West Germany, placed 2nd Jean Harzheim Rennen, Koln, L. 4th dam Joie d'Amour: Champion older mare in Germany in 1970, 8 wins in West Germany and 30,600 D.M., placed 2nd Klonne-Rennen, Dortmund; dam of 3 winners from 3 runners and 3 foals inc.: JUSTUS (GER): 14 wins in West Germany inc. Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr.3, Dallmayr Coupe-Lukull, Munich, L., Kolner FruhjahrsAusgleich, Koln, L., Otto-Schmidt-Rennen, Hamburg, L. and Preis der Jahrlingsauktion, Baden-Baden, L., 2nd Badener Meile, Gr.3 (twice); sire. 67 LOT 68 FROM GAYBROOK LODGE STUD STABLE 64 CHESNUT COLT (GB) April 9th, 2013 Mr Prospector Seven Springs Roberto Stellaria Victoria Star Danzig Eagle Eyed Razyana Statoblest Gaelic's Fantasy Morning Welcome B.C. Nominated. Distant View Observatory (USA) Pooka's Daughter (IRE) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam POOKA'S DAUGHTER (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,446 and placed 3 times; dam of 2 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals; Avonmore Star (GB) (2008 g. by Avonbridge (GB)): 6 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years, 2014 and £37,751 and placed 15 times. River Spirit (GB) (2012 f. by Avonbridge (GB)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed 7 times. Poppy Red (GB) (2005 f. by Lear Spear (USA)): placed 4 times at 3 and 4. She also has a yearling colt by Nayef (USA). 2nd dam GAELIC'S FANTASY (IRE): winner at 3 years in Italy; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: Maltho (DEN) (c. by Academy Award (IRE)): 10 wins at 3 to 7 years, 2013 in Denmark and in Sweden and £81,324 2nd Harkila Pokallob, Copenhagen, L., Dansk Jockey Club Cup, Copenhagen, L. Torquemada (IRE): 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years and £25,920. Desert Dawn (SWE): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 in Sweden and £124,687. 3rd dam MORNING WELCOME (IRE): placed once at 3 years; dam of 9 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals inc.: BACHIR (IRE): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years at home, in France and in U.A.E. and £401,347 inc. Entenmann's Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1 and Dubai Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1; sire. ALBUHERA (IRE): 12 wins, £189,949: 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £87,944; also 6 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years and £54,814 2nd Gerry Feilden H. Hurdle, Newbury, L. and 2 wins over fences at 7 years, £47,191 inc. Dubai Duty Free Fulke Walwyn Nov. Chase, Newbury, L. ELLIOTS WORLD (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £80,809 inc. National Stud Never Say Die Club Acomb S., York, L. Dawn Raid (IRE): winner at 3 years and £21,411; dam of 4 winners inc.: SOLAR DEITY (IRE): 6 wins inc. Lady Wulfruna S., Wolverhampton, L. 4th dam DAWN IS BREAKING: 2 wins at 2 years; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: DOWN AGAIN (USA): 10 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £345,865 inc. Monrovia H., Santa Anita, Gr.3, 4th Ramona H., Del Mar, Gr.1. SOTABRASCIET (IRE): 18 wins at 3 to 10 years in Italy and £262,830 inc. Premio Capannelle Limited H., Rome, L., Premio Certosa, Milan, L. SOLE CHE SORGI (IRE): 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £158,876 inc. Premio Bereguardo, Milan, L., 3rd Premio Ribot, Rome, Gr.2. Dr Brook: 6 wins, £70,412: 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £21,428 2nd Finnish Orby S., Leopardstown, L.; also 2 wins in Hong Kong, £48,984. 68 LOT 69 FROM HAREFIELD STUD (AGENT) STABLE 154 CHESNUT COLT (GB) January 27th, 2013 (First Produce) Sakhee Sakhee's Secret (GB) Palace Street Auction House Kameruka (GB) (2006) Love Letters E.B.F. Nominated. Bahri Thawakib Secreto Majestic Street Exbourne Fast Flow Pursuit of Love Pinkie Rose View at 1st dam KAMERUKA (GB): 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and £84,679 and placed 13 times; She also has a yearling colt by Showcasing (GB). 2nd dam LOVE LETTERS (GB): winner at 2 years; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 7 foals inc.: Malinche (GB) (f. by Hernando (FR)): winner at 2 years in France, £16,938 3rd Criterium du Bequet, La Teste De Buch, L.; dam of winners. Parlami d'Amore (GB): 4 wins, £34,063: 3 wins at 2 years in France and £29,475; also winner over jumps at 4 years in France. 3rd dam PINKIE ROSE (FR): winner at 3 years in France; dam of 5 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: Jarvo (GB): 5 wins at 6 and 7 years and £20,388. Flying Fraam (SWE): 4 wins at 4 and 5 years in Sweden and £22,690. Happy Blind Date (SWE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden. 4th dam Rose Bonbon (FR): winner at 3 years in France and £16,455 2nd Prix de Thiberville, Deauville, L.; dam of 7 winners, 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Dancing Rose (FR): 4 wins at 3 years in France; dam of 4 winners inc.: ROSEANNA (FR): winner at 2 years in France, £18,812, Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L., 3rd Shadwell Stud Nell Gwyn S., Newmarket, Gr.3. Danedrop (IRE): unraced; dam of 3 winners inc.: DANEDREAM (GER): Champion 3yr old filly in Europe in 2011, Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2011 (11-13f.), won King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S., Ascot, Gr.1, Qatar Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1, Longines Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.1 (twice) and Grosser Preis von Berlin, Berlin-Hoppegarten, Gr.1. Debutante (FR): 3rd Prix Tantieme, Chantilly, L. Mary Martins (IRE): ran a few times; dam of 3 winners inc.: SARATOGA BLACK (IRE): 7 wins in Italy, £204,617 inc. Premio Ambrosiano, Milan, Gr.3, 3rd Gran Premio di Milano, Milan, Gr.1. WARDER (IRE): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £37,094 inc. Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Milan, L. The next dam LADY BERRY (FR): 6 wins at 2 and 3 years in France inc. Prix Royal Oak, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of 9 winners, 14 runners, 14 foals inc.: VERT AMANDE (FR): 5 wins in France and in Spain inc. Prix Ganay, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. INDIAN ROSE (FR): 3 wins at 3 years in France inc. Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr.1, 4th Oaks S., Epsom, Gr.1; dam of 5 winners. LE NAIN JAUNE (FR): 3 wins at 3 years in France inc. Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. 69 LOT 70 STABLE 7 FROM TALLY-HO STUD Rahy Danseur Fabuleux LA BRIVIDA (FR) Surako Marie Rheinberg March 29th, 2013 Marie d'Argonne BAY FILLY Kris S Dr Fong (First Produce) La Bugatty (IRE) Spring Flight (2008) Kris La Balagna Belle Tempete E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. Eligible for French Breeder’s Premium. Noverre Le Havre (IRE) View at 1st dam LA BUGATTY (IRE): placed once at 3 years in France; dam of: La Brivida (FR) (2013 f. by Le Havre (IRE)): see above. Le Brivido (FR) (2014 c. by Siyouni (FR)). 2nd dam LA BALAGNA (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £31,763 and placed 5 times; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals: LE BACARDY (FR): 11 wins, £155,397: winner at 3 years in France; also winner over hurdles at 7 years, 2013 and 4 wins over fences, 2014 inc. Scotty Brand H. Chase, Ayr, L. and 5 wins over jumps in France. DANSANT (GB) (c. by Dansili (GB)): 9 wins at 3 to 6 years at home and in France and £214,120 inc. Magnolia S., Kempton, L., Floodlit S., Kempton, L., Winter Derby Trial S., Lingfield, L., Wild Flower S., Kempton, L. (twice), Quebec S., Lingfield, L., 2nd Glasgow S., Hamilton, L., Winter Open, Lingfield, L. and 3rd Hardwicke S., Ascot, Gr.2. Le Bilboquet (GB): 7 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2014 in France and £85,450. La Boisserie (FR): ran on the flat in France; dam of a winner: Donavista (FR): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in France and £33,667. 3rd dam BELLE TEMPETE (FR): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £25,644 inc. Prix Phil Drake, Saint-Cloud, L., 3rd Prix Cleopatre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Penelope, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of 9 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Tempete d'Honneur (FR): 3 wins at 4 years in France and £55,226 and placed 8 times inc. 2nd Prix Panacee, Toulouse, L., broodmare. Folle Tempete (FR): 2 wins at 2 and 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £78,639 and placed 15 times inc. 2nd Prix Coronation, Saint-Cloud, L., Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L., Prix de la Cochere, Saint-Cloud, L., 3rd Prix Saraca, Evry, L., Prix Jacques Bremont, Vichy, L.; dam of winners. Saint Loup (FR): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and £28,767. Graine de Tempete (FR): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in France, broodmare. Tempetueuse (FR): 3 wins at 3 years in France and £12,424, broodmare. Belle Topaze (FR): winner at 3 years in France; dam of a winner. 4th dam LA RAFALE (FR): unraced; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 9 foals inc.: BELLE TEMPETE (FR): see above. The next dam LES HEURES CLAIRES (FR): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France inc. Prix de Dangu, Longchamp, L. and Prix des Champs-Elysees, Longchamp, placed 5 times inc. 2nd Prix du Carrousel, Longchamp, L.; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 10 foals inc.: LES SAINTES CLAIRES (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £29,610 inc. Prix de Malleret, Longchamp, Gr.3, 3rd Prix d'Astarte, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix Fille de l'Air, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of winners. 70 LOT 71 FROM BROWN ISLAND STABLES STABLE 57 BAY COLT (IRE) April 15th, 2013 (Third Produce) Green Desert Hope Zafonic Arabesque Prophecy Double Schwartz Cois Na Tine Guess Again Marouble Berenice Litigant B.C. Nominated. Oasis Dream Showcasing (GB) Gaelic Princess (GB) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam Gaelic Princess (GB): 11 wins and £109,737 and placed 26 times inc. 3rd Field Marshal S., Haydock Park, L. and 4th The Hilary Needler Trophy, Beverley, L.; dam of 3 foals. 2nd dam BERENICE (ITY): unraced; dam of 4 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Berenica (IRE) (f. by College Chapel (GB)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £19,718, 3rd EBF Athasi S., Curragh, L.; dam of winners inc.: Kingswinford (IRE): 11 wins at 2 to 7 years, 2013 and £64,935. Mixed Message (IRE): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 and £16,825; also winner over hurdles at 3 years, 2013. The Bomber Liston (IRE): 12 wins, £61,396: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £15,661; also 9 wins in Italy and £45,735. Our Blessing (IRE): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years and £14,938. Dalmunzie (IRE): ran twice; dam of a winner: You're My Cracker (GB): winner at 2 years, 2014. 3rd dam LITIGANT (ITY): unraced; dam of 2 foals: Berenice (ITY): see above. 4th dam LEAN ON (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: Misbehaving (FR): winner in France, 2nd Prix des Yearlings, Deauville, L.; dam of winners. The next dam JAMBO: winner at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals inc.: Ouialco (USA): winner in France, 2nd Prix d'Arenberg, Chantilly, Gr.3; dam of winners. Proud Pattie (USA): 6 wins at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: FIESTA GAL (USA): won American Oaks, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Mother Goose S., Belmont Park, Gr.1, 2nd Acorn S., Belmont Park, Gr.1. OSTENSIBLE (USA): won Tattersalls Plate, Randwick, L., Craven Plate, Randwick, L., 2nd Queen Elizabeth S., Randwick, Gr.1; sire. Seximee (USA): 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: NONOALCO (USA): won 2000 Guineas, Gr.1, Prix de la Salamandre, Gr.1, Prix Jacques Le Marois, Gr.1, Prix Morny, Gr.1; sire. STRADAVINSKY: winner at 3 years and £18,318, Whitehall S., Phoenix Park, Gr.3, 4th Joe Coral Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1; sire. Baracala (USA): winner in France; dam of MAXIMOVA (FR): won Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Irish 1000 Guineas, Gr.1. Dols Jaminque (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: JAAMANIQUE (USA): won Port Natal H., Clairwood, L. and 3rd Rex Trueform Fillies' Championship, Kenilworth, Gr.2. 71 LOT 72 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 30 BAY FILLY (USA) April 16th, 2013 (Second Produce) Mr Prospector Secrettame Touch of Hero's Honor Greatness Ivory Wand Green Desert Kheleyf Society Lady Bikala Palavera Paulistana B.C. Nominated. Gone West Elusive Quality (USA) Perfect Eye (IRE) (2007) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam PERFECT EYE (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in France and in Germany and £13,982 and placed once; dam of 2 foals. 2nd dam Palavera (FR): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £19,841 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Prix Contessina, Evry, L.; Own sister to POLYTAIN (FR); dam of 9 winners from 14 runners and 14 foals inc.: PALACOONA (FR) (f. by Last Tycoon): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £60,878 inc. Prix Finlande, M'-Laffitte, L., placed 7 times inc. 3rd Prix Vanteaux, Longchamp, Gr.3 and Prix Ronde de Nuit, Compiegne, L.; dam of winners inc.: DIAMOND TYCOON (USA): won Fair Grounds H., Fair Grounds, Gr.3 and 2nd Totesport Spring Trophy S., Haydock Park, L. CASSIQUE LADY (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £68,825 inc. Warwickshire Oaks, Warwick, L., placed 3 times, 2nd Lillie Langtry S., Goodwood, Gr.3, Voute Sales Warwickshire Oaks, Warwick, L. and 3rd EBF Joan Westbrook Pinnacle S., Haydock Park, L. Queen's Causeway (USA): unraced; dam of KRASLAVA (USA): 5 wins in Peru inc. Clasico Cesar A del Rio Suito, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.3. PALAFAIRIA (FR) (f. by Always Fair (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France inc. Prix d'Angerville, Evry, L. and Prix Solitude, Evry, L., placed 4 times inc. 2nd Prix La Camargo, Saint-Cloud, L., 3rd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.3 and Prix de la Cochere, M'-Laffitte, L.; dam of winners inc.: Palmotia (FR): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and £51,490 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd G. P. Anjou Bretagne-Vignerons Nantais, Nantes, L. Palinisa (FR) (f. by Night Shift (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and in U.S.A. and £43,380 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Prix de Bagatelle, Saint-Cloud, L. and 3rd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.3; dam of winners. Paldouna (IRE) (f. by Kaldoun (FR)): winner at 3 years in France and £24,140, placed 2nd Prix de la Cochere, Chantilly, L., Prix Ceres, M'Laffitte, L. and 3rd Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L.; dam of winners. Pax Bella (FR): placed once at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: Kendargent (FR): winner in France and in U.S.A., 2nd Prix Paul de Moussac, Chantilly, Gr.3; sire. 3rd dam PAULISTANA (USA): placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in France; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: POLYTAIN (FR): 3 wins at 3 years in France inc. Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, placed 3 times, 2nd Prix Niceas, M'-Laffitte, L., 3rd Prix d'Harcourt, Longchamp, Gr.2 and Prix La Force, Longchamp, Gr.3; sire. Rajahmundry (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A., 2nd Drumtop S., Santa Anita, L. and Golden Poppy H., Golden Gate. 72 LOT 73 STABLE 87 FROM BANSHA HOUSE STABLES Danzig Razyana Kahyasi Hasili BAY COLT (GB) Kerali April 5th, 2013 Formidable Efisio Witness (GB) Eldoret (1999) Polish Precedent Actualite Valois E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. Entered in the £150,000 Tattersalls October Auction Stakes, next forfeit 5th May Danehill Cacique (IRE) View at 1st dam WITNESS (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 3 times inc. 3rd EBF Maiden Stakes, Ayr; dam of 3 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals: Nudles (GB) (2009 c. by Trade Fair (GB)): 6 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2014 in Italy and £50,173 and placed 25 times. My Statement (GB) (2005 c. by Royal Applause (GB)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years abroad. Give Evidence (GB) (2004 g. by Averti (IRE)): placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years; also winner at 5 years in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £20,499 and placed 9 times. Lunar Romance (GB) (2006 f. by Royal Applause (GB)): placed once at 2 years. Pastoral Witness (GB) (2011 f. by Pastoral Pursuits (GB)): placed once at 2 years, 2013. Holloway (GB) (2012 f. by Cockney Rebel (IRE)): placed once at 2 years, 2014 in France. She also has a yearling filly by Sakhee's Secret (GB). 2nd dam ACTUALITE (GB): winner at 3 years in France and £17,483; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 8 foals inc.: SHAMROCK CITY (IRE) (g. by Rock City): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £41,794 inc. Charles Heidsieck Fairway S., Newmarket, L. 3rd dam VALOIS: ran 3 times at 3 years; dam of 6 winners, 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: Shannon Vale (USA): 9 wins: winner at 2 years; also 8 wins in Switzerland. 4th dam CAMENAE: winner at 4 years; dam of 7 winners, 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: HIGH TOP: 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £62,930 inc. Observer Gold Cup, Doncaster, Gr.1 and 2000 Guineas S., Newmarket, Gr.1, 2nd Sussex S., Goodwood, Gr.1, Prix Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1; a leading sire. CAMDEN TOWN: 3 wins and £36,906 and 42,000 fr. inc. Jersey S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3, 3rd William Hill Dewhurst S., Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. Cockade: winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: OLD VIC: Jt Champion 3yo colt in Europe in 1989, Champion older horse in Europe in 1990, won Irish Derby, Gr.1, Prix du Jockey Club, Gr.1 and 2nd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S., Ascot, Gr.1; sire. SPLASH OF COLOUR: won EBF Royal Whip S., Curragh, Gr.3, Prix Foy, Longchamp, Gr.3, 3rd Princess of Wales's S., Newmarket, Gr.2. Menthe Frapee: unraced; dam of a winner: DON RAMON (PER): won Clasico Derby Nacional, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.1, Clasico Seleccion de Potrillos Futurity, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.1. Menta Verde (PER): placed in Peru; dam of NORDIC NAVIGATOR (PER): won C. Polla de Potrillos (2000 Guineas), Hipo Monterrico, Gr.1. 73 LOT 74 FROM HORSE PARK STUD STABLE 93 BAY COLT (GB) May 6th, 2013 (Third Produce) Danzig Razyana Secretariat L'On Vite Fanfreluche Warning Diktat Arvola Gorytus Careful Dancer Be Noble B.C. Nominated. Danehill Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) Diksie Dancer (GB) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam DIKSIE DANCER (GB): placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 3 foals; Golden Deer (GB) (2010 g. by Royal Applause (GB)): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2015 in Hong Kong and £191,535 and placed twice. Well Fleeced (GB) (2012 g. by Excellent Art (GB)): placed twice at 2 years, 2014; also winner at 2 years, 2014 in France and £30,791 and placed 7 times. 2nd dam CAREFUL DANCER: ran twice at 2 and 4 years; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 9 foals inc.: Peggy Spencer (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £13,576 and placed 6 times; dam of 5 winners inc.: LA CUCARACHA (GB): 7 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years and £326,568 inc. Nunthorpe S., York, Gr.1, Ballyogan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, King George S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and Cammidge Trophy, Doncaster, L., placed 4 times, 2nd Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr.1, Summer S., York, Gr.3, Lansdown S., Bath, L. and 3rd Leisure S., Windsor, L. La Napoule (GB): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 3 times. Caronment (GB): 3 wins at 4 years in Switzerland; dam of 4 winners inc.: CARO JINA (FR): won Preis der Spielbank Hamburg, Hamburg, Gr.3. 3rd dam BE NOBLE: ran once; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: DARINE: 6 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in France and £39,888 inc. Prix Fille de l'Air, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, 3rd La Coupe de Maisons-Laffitte, M'-Laffitte, Gr.3, Prix de la Pepiniere, Longchamp, L., 4th Sun Chariot S., Newmarket, Gr.2, La Coupe, Chantilly, Gr.3; dam of 4 winners inc.: PENNY DROPS (GB): won Gardner Merchant Mile, Sandown Park, Gr.2, Premio Ambrosiano, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Bagutta - Memorial Sergio Cumani, Milan, Gr.3, 3rd Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1. Stua: winner in Italy; dam of SALSA SOUND (IRE): 8 wins in Italy and £129,935 inc. Premio Avvocato Carlo Marangoni Ltd Handicap, Turin, L. (twice); grandam of BAILA SALSA (IRE): 7 wins in Italy and £79,572 inc. Premio Carlo Chiesa, Rome, Gr.3, STEP DANZER (IRE): 3 wins in Italy and £116,218 inc. Premio Giuseppe Valiani, Rome, L., 2nd Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.1, Miss Circe (ITY): winner in Italy, 3rd Criterium del Mediterraneo, Siracusa, L.; third dam of FANUNALTER (GB): 6 wins at home and in Qatar and £232,212 inc. Summer Mile, Ascot, Gr.2, Diomed S., Epsom, Gr.3, 2nd Summer Mile S., Ascot, Gr.2 and 3rd Dubai Duty Free Zabeel Mile, Meydan, Gr.2, Blindman (ITY): 7 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Italy and £43,896, placed 3rd P. Marchese Giuseppe Ippolito Fassati, Milan, L., Famusa (GB): 6 wins in Italy, 2nd Premio Paolo Mezzanotte, Milan, L., Premio Andred, Pisa, L., 3rd Premio Baggio, Milan, L., Fularmada (GB): winner in Italy, 3rd Premio Baggio, Milan, L. 74 LOT 75 FROM CHURCH VIEW STABLES STABLE 173 Mozart Dandy Man (IRE) BAY COLT (IRE) May 15th, 2013 Lady Alexander Queen of Fibres (IRE) (1995) Scenic Lightning Bug E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Victoria Cross Night Shift Sandhurst Goddess Sadler's Wells Idyllic Prince Bee Canton Lightning View at 1st dam QUEEN OF FIBRES (IRE): 2 wins at 5 years and £10,601 and placed 3 times; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 9 foals; Rocket Rob (IRE) (2006 g. by Danetime (IRE)): 11 wins and £69,421 and placed 21 times. Hi Spec (IRE) (2003 f. by Spectrum (IRE)): 4 wins at 5, 7 and 8 years and placed 8 times. Beatabout The Bush (IRE) (2011 g. by Bushranger (IRE)): 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years, 2015 and placed once. 2nd dam LIGHTNING BUG: 5 wins, £19,316: 4 wins at 4 years and £18,453 and placed 4 times; also winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years; dam of 4 winners from 4 runners and 5 foals inc.: Perugia (IRE) (f. by Perugino (USA)): winner at 2 years and placed twice inc. 2nd Milcars Star S., Sandown Park, L.; dam of 3 winners inc.: Kilworth (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £38,573 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Royal Lodge S., Newmarket, Gr.2 and 3rd Pall Mall James Seymour S., Newmarket, L. 3rd dam Canton Lightning: winner at 3 years, 3rd Galtres S., York, L., 4th Cheshire Oaks, Chester, Gr.3; dam of 9 winners from 10 runners and 16 foals inc.: CHENILLE (IRE): 3 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £69,969 inc. Ryafan H., Hollywood Park, L., placed 2nd Eyrefield S., Leopardstown, L., Pike Place Dancer H., Golden Gate, L., Watch Wendy H., Golden Gate and 3rd Honeymoon H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2; dam of 2 winners: Sweet Treat (IRE): winner at 3 years and £40,406 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Dimitrova 1000 Guineas Trial S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, EBF Conqueror S., Goodwood, L., EBF Dick Hern Fillies S., Bath, L. White Satin (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed twice inc. 3rd Tyros S., Curragh, L.; dam of 2 winners inc.: Sheboygan (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £16,429 and placed twice inc. 3rd Radley S., Newbury, L. Future Treasure: winner at 3 years; dam of 4 winners inc.: Future Queen (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and placed 10 times inc. 3rd Criterium Varesino - Mem. Virginio Curti, Varese, L. Cathy Garcia (IRE): 3 wins in Italy and £15,130 and placed 9 times; dam of NIGHTS CROSS (IRE): 7 wins at home and in Bahrain and £117,566 inc. Tipperary S., Tipperary, L. and Rous S., Newmarket, L., 2nd Willmott Dixon Cornwallis S., Ascot, Gr.3, Molecomb S., Goodwood, Gr.3, 3rd Polypipe Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2, P. P. O'Leary Mem.Phoenix Sprint S., Curragh, Gr.3. 75 LOT 76 FROM BALLINVANA HOUSE STUD STABLE 159 BAY COLT (IRE) April 2nd, 2013 Royal Applause Majestic Missile (IRE) Tshusick Piccolo Bold And Beautiful E.B.F. Nominated. Bold Bunny (GB) (2001) Waajib Flying Melody Dancing Brave Infanta Real Warning Woodwind Bold Lad Western Gem View at 1st dam BOLD BUNNY (GB): placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years; dam of 3 winners from 3 runners and 5 foals: Mrs Warren (GB) (2010 f. by Kyllachy (GB)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and £10,019 and placed 6 times. Jarayaan (GB) (2007 c. by Needwood Blade (GB)): winner at 3 years in Sweden and placed 13 times. Sudest (IRE) (2012 g. by Tagula (IRE)): winner at 2 years, 2014, placed once. 2nd dam Bold And Beautiful: 3 wins at 3 years and £10,314, 3rd Sceptre S., Doncaster, L.; also 3rd Badener Meile, Baden-Baden, Gr.3 and Preis des Casino Travemunde, Hamburg, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners, 8 runners, 10 foals inc.: WARBLER (GB) (f. by Warning): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £33,669 inc. Prix Urban Sea, Lion d'Angers, L., 3rd Prix de Lutece, Longchamp, Gr.3 and Prix Minerve, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: Voliere (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 3rd Quebec S., Lingfield Park, L. SILLY BOLD (GB) (f. by Rousillon (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £20,367 inc. Prix La Camargo, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of winners. Besotted (GB): 4 wins, £20,570: winner at 3 years; also 3 wins at 4 years in France and £15,711; dam of winners inc.: Infatuated (GB): winner at 3 years in France; grandam of Catch The Wells (ARG): winner in Argentina, 3rd Gran Premio Nacional (Derby), Palermo, Gr.1, Mr Dywells (ARG): winner in Argentina, 3rd Clasico Provincias Unidas, Palermo, L. 3rd dam WESTERN GEM: placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: Bold And Beautiful: see above. Las Bela: placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Magical Dust (IRE): winner in Belgium and in France, 2nd Prix Panacee, Toulouse, L. 4th dam Western Air: 3 wins at 2 years, 3rd Lavant S., Goodwood; dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 14 foals inc.: WESTERN JEWEL: 5 wins at 2 years inc. Cornwallis S., Ascot, Gr.3, 2nd Prix Robert Papin, M'-Laffitte, Gr.1, 3rd Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.1. MR FLUOROCARBON: 4 wins inc. Queen Anne S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3; sire. Patsy Western: winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: REDBACK (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £155,815 inc. Greenham S., Newbury, Gr.3 and Solario S., Sandown Park, Gr.3, 3rd Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. Island Air: placed twice at 2 years in France; dam of winners inc.: CRYSTAL AIR (FR): Champion 2yr old in Scandinavia in 1989, won Norsk Kriterium, Ovrevoll, L.; also winner over jumps in Norway. 76 LOT 77 FROM FEIGH STABLES STABLE 110 BAY COLT (IRE) March 17th, 2013 Danehill Offshore Boom Selkirk Independence Yukon Hope Dominion Primo Dominie Swan Ann Local Suitor Local Lass Sorebelle B.C. Nominated. Rock of Gibraltar Mount Nelson (GB) Local Abbey (IRE) (1997) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam LOCAL ABBEY (IRE): unraced; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 7 foals; Bathwick Man (GB) (2005 g. by Mark of Esteem (IRE)): placed 3 times; also 8 wins over hurdles, 2014 and £38,493 and placed 19 times. Local Fancy (GB) (2003 f. by Bahamian Bounty (GB)): winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of 4 winners: Watts Up Son (GB): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £19,957, placed 12 times. Cash Game (GB): 4 wins at 4 years, 2014 in Italy and £26,392 and placed 12 times. Local Flier (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £23,835 and placed 5 times. Kyleakin Lass (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, £36,357, placed 14 times. 2nd dam Local Lass: 4 wins, £95,424: winner at 3 years and £35,358 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Criterion S., Newmarket, Gr.3; also 3 wins at 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £60,066 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Orinda Breeders' Cup H., Golden Gate; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc.: LONESOME DUDE (CAN) (c. by With Approval (CAN)): 6 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £185,295 inc. Steinlen S., Hollywood Park, L. and Live The Dream H., Del Mar, L., placed 3rd Harry F Brubaker H., Del Mar, L. 3rd dam Sorebelle: 3 wins at 3 and 4 years 2nd Ward Hill Bunbury Cup H., Newmarket, L.; dam of 3 winners from 8 runners and 8 foals inc.: ABUZZ: 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £51,281 inc. Hungerford S., Newbury, Gr.3, 4th Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2; dam of 7 winners inc.: WORLD PREMIER (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 5 years and £70,114 inc. Chesham S., Royal Ascot, L., 3rd July S., Newmarket, Gr.3. SHINY (GB): winner at 2 years and £32,934, National S., Sandown Park, L., 3rd Dubai Duty Free Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr.3. Puzzlement (GB): 7 wins, £48,957 3rd Wulfrun S., Wolverhampton, L. Starry Way: ran once; dam of 2 winners: POINT OF LIGHT: won EBF Phoenix Sprint S., Phoenix Park, Gr.3 and 4th Ciga Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr.1. Jalopy: winner at 3 years; dam of Hunting Lion (IRE): 2 wins, 2nd Richmond S., Goodwood, Gr.2, 3rd Raab Karcher Baustoffe Cup, Baden-Baden, Gr.2; sire, Anno Domini (GB): 4 wins, £22,861: winner 2nd Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L.; also 3 wins in Italy. La Bella Fontana: ran once; dam of 5 winners inc.: REVOQUE (IRE): Champion 2yr old in Europe in 1996, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France and £274,990 inc. Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Pertemps 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. KING OF TARA (IRE): 4 wins at 3 years and £98,553 inc. Prix Eugene Adam, Deauville, Gr.2, 2nd Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1. Suleiman (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2nd Prix du Lys, Longchamp, Gr.3. 77 LOT 78 FROM KNOCKANGLASS STABLES STABLE 68 Green Desert Hope Zafonic Arabesque Prophecy Formidable Efisio Eldoret Indian Ridge Ravine Cubby Hole B.C. Nominated. Oasis Dream Showcasing (GB) BAY FILLY (GB) April 24th, 2013 Nelly's Glen (GB) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam NELLY'S GLEN (GB): winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of 2 winners from 4 runners and 5 foals inc.: Alabama Slammer (IRE) (2009 c. by Red Clubs (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £10,988 and placed 10 times. Justice First (GB) (2012 g. by Zebedee (GB)): winner at 3 years, 2015 and placed once. 2nd dam RAVINE (GB): 2 wins at 3 years; dam of 5 winners, 7 runners and 9 foals inc.: CAPTAIN HURRICANE (GB) (g. by Desert Style (IRE)): winner at 2 years and £56,457, TNT July S., Newmarket, Gr.2. Kloof (GB): 7 wins at 3 to 5 years in Bahrain and £23,274. Cassablanca (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A., broodmare. 3rd dam CUBBY HOLE: placed twice at 3; dam of 5 winners, 9 runners and 9 foals inc.: NICHE (GB): 6 wins at 2 and 3 years and £171,728 inc. Falmouth S., Newmarket, Gr.2 and The Lowther S., York, Gr.2, 2nd Madagans 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1. Hidden Meaning (GB): placed once at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: SENOR MIRASOL (GB): 3 wins at 2 years and £74,430 inc. Tipperary S., Tipperary, L., 3rd Prix Robert Papin, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2. Becher (GB): 8 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in France and in Qatar and £151,445, 2nd La Coupe de Marseille, Marseille Borely, L. 4th dam HIDING PLACE: 4 wins at 3 years inc. Nell Gwyn S., Newmarket, 4th Sun Chariot S., Newmarket; dam of 9 winners, 12 runners and 13 foals inc.: LITTLE WOLF: 7 wins at home and in France inc. Ascot Gold Cup, Royal Ascot, Gr.1, 2nd Grosser Preis von Berlin, Dusseldorf, Gr.1; sire. SMUGGLER: 7 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years and £62,559 inc. Yorkshire Cup, York, Gr.2, 3rd Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr.1 (twice); sire. DISGUISE: 3 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in Spain and £12,279 inc. Horris Hill S., Newbury, Gr.2; sire. ELUSIVE PIMPERNEL: 3 wins at 2 and 3 inc. Hyperion S., Ascot, L.; sire. CAMOUFLAGE: 2 wins inc. Royal Hunt Cup H., Royal Ascot, L.; sire. Ambuscade: winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: TRIPWIRE: won G.P. Conseil General des Alpes Maritimes, Cagnes-surMer, L. and Preis der Stadt Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L. Sanctuary: unraced; dam of winners inc.: SHEIKH ALBADOU (GB): Champion older sprinter in Europe in 1992, won Nunthorpe S., York, Gr.1, Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Sprint, Churchill Dns, Gr.1, 2nd Sprint Cup, Haydock, Gr.1, Prix de l'Abbaye, Gr.1, Vosburgh S., Belmont, Gr.1; sire. 78 LOT 79 FROM MAYFIELD STABLES STABLE 42 BAY COLT (IRE) May 6th, 2013 (Third Produce) Galileo Roderic O'Connor (IRE) Secret Garden Nebraska Lady (IRE) (2002) Lujain Montana Lady E.B.F. Nominated. Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Danehill Chalamont Seeking The Gold Satin Flower Be My Guest Invisible Halo View at 1st dam NEBRASKA LADY (IRE): winner at 2 years and £14,345 and placed 6 times; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 3 foals; SIR MAXIMILIAN (IRE) (2009 g. by Royal Applause (GB)): 7 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2015 and £232,049 inc. Meydan Sprint, Meydan, Gr.3, Kilfrush Stud Abergwaun S., Tipperary, L. and Mercury S., Dundalk, L., placed 2nd Derrinstown Stud Flying Five S., Curragh, Gr.3. Lieu Day Louie (IRE) (2007 g. by Bahamian Bounty (GB)): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years. 2nd dam MONTANA LADY (IRE): winner; dam of 6 winners from 7 runners, 7 foals inc.; Red Cell (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years. Slayton (IRE): winner at 3 years in Italy and £10,477; also placed twice over jumps at 4 years in Italy. First Fast Now (IRE): winner at 2 years, broodmare. Landikhaya (IRE): winner at 3 years. Anna Montana (IRE): winner at 3 years. 3rd dam INVISIBLE HALO (USA): winner; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners, 9 foals inc.; Martina Hallo (IRE): 15 wins at 2 to 7 years in Italy and £68,942. Chateaux Pavie (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £29,408. Cielo Grigio (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £12,161. 4th dam PLACER QUEEN: 3 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £35,484 inc. Tattling H., Greenwood, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Beyond Calculation (USA): 12 wins at 3 to 8 years and £70,225. Above The Cut (USA): 9 wins, £49,369: 2 wins at 2 years and £12,721; also 7 wins over hurdles and £32,994 and placed 6 times over fences. The next dam SANTA'S SISTER (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of 11 winners from 12 runners and 13 foals inc.: MY SISTER: winner at 3 years and £13,035, Mulcahy S., Phoenix Park, Gr.3, 4th Irish Guinness Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of 2 winners: Baligh: winner at 2 years 2nd Racing Post Trophy, Newcastle, Gr.1; sire. Copper Creek: winner at 3 years; dam of 11 winners inc.: TIPSY CREEK (USA): won Temple S., Sandown Park, Gr.2; sire. ABUNAWWAS (IRE): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £101,925 inc. Eircom Ballycorus S., Leopardstown, Gr.3. WATHIK (USA): won Keeneland Asoc. Sh. Maktoum Challenge 1, Nad Al Sheba, L. and Sheikh Maktoum Challenge 2, Nad Al Sheba, L. MAGIC COVE (USA): 2 wins at 3 years and £45,162 inc. Aga Khan Studs Solonaway S., Curragh, L. Sagar: winner at 3 years in France; dam of 7 winners inc.: TARAWA (IRE): 10 wins at home and in Italy inc. Darley S., L. 79 LOT 80 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 8 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 25th, 2013 Green Desert Rafha Cozzene Cozy Maria Mariamme Sadler's Wells Barathea Brocade Charlotte Corday Kris Dancing Rocks B.C. Nominated. Invincible Spirit Zebedee (GB) Baraloti (IRE) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam BARALOTI (IRE): placed twice at 3 years; dam of 4 winners, 5 runners, 9 foals: Garbah (IRE) (2008 f. by Kodiac (GB)): placed once at 3 years; also 4 wins at 4 years in U.A.E. and £35,402 and placed 4 times, broodmare. Soto Loti (IRE) (2006 f. by Danetime (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Greece and £18,643 and placed 8 times. Kodiac's Back (IRE) (2011 g. by Kodiac (GB)): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 5 times. Umph (IRE) (2009 g. by Kodiac (GB)): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times. She also has a yearling filly by Bushranger (IRE). 2nd dam Charlotte Corday (GB): winner at 3 years and £22,534, 2nd Victress S., Epsom, L., Middleton S., York, L. and 3rd Gala S., Epsom, L.; Own sister to GAI BULGA (GB); dam of 4 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: Act Up (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £10,400. Belle Passe (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 in U.S.A. and £64,049. 3rd dam DANCING ROCKS: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years inc. Nassau S., Goodwood, Gr.2, 4th Yorkshire Oaks, Gr.1; dam of 9 winners, 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: GLATISANT (GB): 2 wins at 2 years and £31,149 inc. Butlins Sth. Coast World Prestige S., Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: FOOTSTEPSINTHESAND (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £226,451 inc. 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. PEDRO THE GREAT (USA): 2 wins at 2 years and £102,779 inc. Keeneland Phoenix S., Curragh, Gr.1; sire. BELLE D'OR (USA): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £33,973 inc. The Coral Distaff, Sandown Park, L. Frappe (IRE): winner at 2 years; dam of POWER (GB): won Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1 and Goffs National S., Curragh, Gr.1, 2nd Dewhurst S., Newmarket, Gr.1 and Phoenix S., Curragh, Gr.1; sire. GAI BULGA (GB): 3 wins at 3 years and £40,015 inc. Virginia S., Newcastle, L., 2nd Abtrust Select S., Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of winners. ROCKERLONG (GB): winner at 3 years and £70,490, Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L., 3rd Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1; dam of winners. Rainbow Goddess (GB): winner at 3 years in Germany; dam of winners inc.: MAHLER (GB): won Queen's Vase, Ascot, Gr.3, 2nd Ladbrokes St Leger S., Doncaster, Gr.1 and 3rd Melbourne Cup, Flemington, Gr.1; sire. Council Rock: placed once at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: SUPERSTAR LEO (IRE): Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 2000, won Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2, 2nd Phoenix S., Leopardstown, Gr.1 and Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr.1. New York (IRE): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of DECEMBER DRAW (IRE): won Turnbull S., Flemington, Gr.1, 3rd Turnbull S., Flemington, Gr.1 and Hyland Colours Underwood S., Caulfield, Gr.1. 80 LOT 81 FROM EGMONT STUD STABLE 80 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) May 5th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Mozart Dandy Man (IRE) Lady Alexander Tagula Tagula Bay (IRE) (2002) Nezool Almatar E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Victoria Cross Night Shift Sandhurst Goddess Taufan Twin Island Last Tycoon Rowa View at 1st dam TAGULA BAY (IRE): placed 9 times at 2 to 4 years; dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 4 foals; Trojan Rocket (IRE) (2008 g. by Elusive City (USA)): 12 wins at 3 to 7 years, 2015 and £67,581 and placed 11 times. Calmir (IRE) (2010 c. by Camacho (GB)): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in Poland and placed 8 times. 2nd dam NEZOOL ALMATAR (IRE): ran twice at 3 years; dam of 2 winners from 4 runners and 8 foals; Stelletta (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years in Norway and in Sweden, broodmare. Blue Eagle (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden; dam of a winner. 3rd dam Rowa: 3rd Pretty Polly S., Newmarket, L.; Own sister to MY FAIR NIECE; dam of 4 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: LAILA ALAWI (IRE): Champion older mare in Scandinavia in 1995, 10 wins at home, in Norway and in Sweden inc. Winge Oslo Cup, Ovrevoll, L. and Morten Klaveness Minnelop, Ovrevoll, L.; dam of 6 winners inc.: Fjord Cruise (JPN): winner in Japan, 3rd Aichi Hai, Chukyo, L. Rowat Arazi (GB): unraced; dam of 3 winners inc.: BRIBON (FR): won Metropolitan H., Belmont Park, Gr.1, 2nd Cigar Mile H., Aqueduct, Gr.1, 3rd Alfred G Vanderbilt H., Saratoga, Gr.1. 4th dam OH SO FAIR (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: OH SO SHARP: Champion 3yr old filly in Europe in 1985, 7 wins at 2 and 3 years and £431,402 inc. Oaks S., Epsom, Gr.1, 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and St Leger S., Doncaster, Gr.1, 2nd Benson & Hedges Gold Cup, York, Gr.1; dam of 7 winners inc.: ROSEFINCH (USA): won Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr.1. SHAIMA (USA): won Long Island H., Belmont Park, Gr.2; dam of SHANTOU (USA): Champion 3yr old stayer in Europe in 1996, Champion older horse in Italy in 1997, won St Leger S., Doncaster, Gr.1, G. P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d'Oro, Milan, Gr.1; sire. ROUSSALKA: 7 wins at 2 to 4 years and £49,672 inc. Coronation S., Ascot, Gr.2 and Nassau S., Goodwood, Gr.2 (twice); dam of 8 winners inc.: Summer Impressions (USA): winner in France; grandam of AMEERAT (GB): 2 wins and £201,620 inc. 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1. Rain Date: unraced; grandam of COLLIER HILL (GB): won Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1, Canadian International S., Woodbine, Gr.1. Oh So Hot: unraced; dam of a winner: Zonda (GB): winner, 3rd Fortune S., Kempton Park, L.; grandam of HIBAAYEB (GB): won Fillies' Mile S., Ascot, Gr.1. 81 LOT 82 STABLE 143 FROM KILMINFOYLE HOUSE STUD (AGENT) Boundary Big Brown (USA) BAY FILLY (USA) April 12th, 2013 Mien Stravinsky Pavlova (USA) (2004) Hunter's Gold Danzig Edge Nureyev Miasma Nureyev Fire The Groom Strike The Gold Mar Mar View at 1st dam PAVLOVA (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A. at 2 years; dam of 4 winners from 4 runners and 5 foals: Palang (USA) (2012 c. by Hat Trick (JPN)): winner at 2 years, 2014 in Germany and £50,125 and placed once, 2nd Criterium de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1. Stravlova (USA) (2009 f. by Purim (USA)): 3 wins at 4 years, 2013 in U.S.A. and £34,811 and placed 4 times. Martha's Shadow (USA) (2008 f. by Pioneering (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,338 and placed twice. Red River Rising (USA) (2011 c. by Bellamy Road (USA)): winner at 3 years, 2014 in U.S.A. and £26,524. 2nd dam HUNTER'S GOLD (USA): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £86,567 and placed 6 times; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals: Lil's Golden Lad (USA): winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £13,340. Manderlay (USA): winner at 4 years in Canada and placed twice. Ayeyarwaddy (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £12,157. 3rd dam MAR MAR (USA): 13 wins in U.S.A., $372,516 inc. Bonnie Miss S., Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Poinsettia S., Hialeah Park, Gr.3, Jasmine S., Hialeah Park, Melaleuca S., Calder, Margarita S., Calder, Sunset S., Calder and Sunrise S., Calder, 2nd Burn's Return H., Calder, L., Gardenia S., Calder, Ta Wee S., Calder, Wistful S., Meadowlands, 3rd Miss Tropical H., Calder, L. and 4th Cotillion H., Philadelphia, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners, 6 runners and 7 foals inc.: Mar Tie (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: BOLDEST OF ALL (CAN): won Nandi S., Woodbine, L. and 3rd Ballade S., Woodbine, L. 4th dam RETOSPECTOR (USA): unraced; dam of 6 winners, 6 runners and 7 foals inc.: MAR MAR (USA): see above. Simply Joy (USA): 2 wins in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: SIMPLY RUNAWAY (USA): won Silver Spoon S., Delaware Park, L. and 3rd Yankee Fashion S., Suffolk Downs. TIME TO DECIDE (USA): won H A Hindmarsh S., Woodbine, L., 2nd Juvenile S. (fillies), Woodbine, L., 3rd Glorious Song S., Woodbine, L. Shanghi Charlie (CAN): winner in Canada, 3rd Alberta Breeders' H. The next dam RETOSTADA: 5 wins in Chile inc. P. Eugenia, Club Hipico, 2nd Premio Hipodromo Chile, Valparaiso; dam of 4 winners, 7 runners, 9 foals: Sarah Lou (USA): placed 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: T V Sarah (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Zippy Do H., Calder; grandam of Jebular (USA): 14 wins in U.S.A. 2nd Pa-Tha Juv. H., Philadelphia Pk, T V Jeb (USA): 2 wins in U.S.A., 2nd Swynford S., Woodbine, L. 82 LOT 83 FROM GAYBROOK LODGE STUD STABLE 65 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) April 29th, 2013 Gone West Zaizafon Nureyev Pastorale Park Appeal Giant's Storm Cat Causeway Mariah's Storm Sillery Luminosity Bague Bleue B.C. Nominated. Zafonic Iffraaj (GB) Annee Lumiere (IRE) (2002) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam Annee Lumiere (IRE): winner at 2 years in France and £14,175 and placed twice inc. 3rd Grand Prix du Nord, Le Croise-Laroche, L.; dam of 3 winners from 3 runners and 5 foals; Broadway Duchess (IRE) (2010 f. by New Approach (IRE)): winner at 3 years, 2013 and £13,037 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Betfred Snowdrop Fillies' S., Kempton Park, L. Enery (IRE) (2009 c. by Teofilo (IRE)): 6 wins, £39,163: 5 wins at 3 years and £24,719 and placed 8 times; also winner at 4 years, 2013 in U.A.E. and £14,444 and placed 3 times. Acclaimed Light (IRE) (2012 c. by Acclamation (GB)): winner at 3 years, 2015 in Australia. She also has a 4-y-o colt by Teofilo (IRE). 2nd dam LUMINOSITY (GB): winner at 2 years in France and £20,158; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 13 foals; LITTLE TREASURE (FR) (f. by Night Shift (USA)): 6 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and in U.S.A. and £204,167 inc. San Clemente H., Del Mar, Gr.2; dam of 3 winners inc.: MORE CHOCOLATE (USA): won La Canada S., Santa Anita, Gr.2, 2nd Clement L Hirsch S., Del Mar, Gr.1, Santa Margarita H., Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Vanity H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1. ATHENS (IND): won Bangalore Oaks, Bangalore, L. Harem Lady (FR) (f. by Teofilo (IRE)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 in France and £78,868, 2nd Prix Allez France, Chantilly, Gr.3 and 3rd La Coupe, Longchamp, Gr.3. Annee Lumiere (IRE) (f. by Giant's Causeway (USA)): see above. Larc (FR): 3 wins at 3 years, 2014 in France and £59,385. Luminda (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France; dam of 5 winners inc.: RHYTHM OF LIGHT (GB): 6 wins at 2 to 4 years at home, in Turkey and in U.S.A. and £258,125 inc. Goldikova S., Santa Anita, Gr.2. Lazy Afternoon (IRE): winner at 2 years in France and £24,563 3rd Criterium du Languedoc-Prix Paul Guichou, Toulouse, L. Lunar Deity (GB): 7 wins at 2 to 6 years, 2015 and £49,123. Mathanora (IRE): winner at 4 years, 2014 in France and £25,637. Lost Icon (IRE): winner at 3 years in France; dam of 5 winners inc.: Futuro Anteriore (IRE): 11 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 in Italy and £62,091 2nd Memorial Francesco Faraci, Siracusa, L. Mystery Cool (IRE): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 in Italy and £48,559. 3rd dam BAGUE BLEUE (IRE): winner at 2 years in France and £16,487, Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L.; Own sister to BIGSTONE (IRE); dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals inc.: Blue Rock (GB): 5 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in France and £40,233. 83 LOT 84 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 31 BAY COLT (IRE) March 21st, 2013 Danzig Razyana Secretariat L'On Vite Fanfreluche Northern Dancer Be My Guest What A Treat Burslem Stifen Kilpeacon B.C. Nominated. Danehill Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) Eastern Blue (IRE) (1999) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam EASTERN BLUE (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years and £11,135 and placed 7 times; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals: Balack (IRE) (2009 c. by Diamond Green (FR)): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 in Italy and £36,359 and placed 27 times. Peter's Gift (IRE) (2006 f. by Catcher In The Rye (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years and £15,456 and placed 11 times. Shakespeare's Son (GB) (2005 g. by Mind Games (GB)): winner at 3 years and £14,548 and placed 21 times, died at 5. Three Good Friends (IRE) (2007 f. by Orpen (USA)): winner at 2 years. East River (IRE) (2012 c. by Captain Rio (GB)): placed twice at 3 years, 2015. Diamond Solitaire (IRE) (2011 f. by Diamond Green (FR)): placed once at 3 years, 2014. 2nd dam STIFEN: unraced; dam of 10 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: Keeps Ground (IRE): 9 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £96,682. Silver Graund (IRE): 3 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Italy and £13,859. Where's Jasper (IRE): 3 wins, £41,343: 2 wins at 2; also winner in U.S.A. Ruzen (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £15,033 and placed 5 times. Distinctly Blu (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £13,386; dam of winners. Reason Why (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed twice. Outeast (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed once. 3rd dam KILPEACON: 3 wins at 3 years; dam of 6 winners, 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: Tracy's Sundown: winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Impulsive Air (IRE): 10 wins and £59,699 and placed 21 times. Moorefield Girl (IRE): 4 wins at 5 years and £17,601; also 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 4 and 5 years; also 2 wins over hurdles at 6 years. 4th dam GAMMA (GER): placed once at 3; dam of 8 winners. 13 runners, 15 foals inc.: ROYAL WHIP: 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home, in Norway and in Sweden inc. Major Chr. F. Michelets Minnelop, Ovrevoll, L. and Norsk St. Leger, Ovrevoll, L., placed 3rd Norsk 2000 Guineas, Ovrevoll, L.; sire. YESTER LAMBERTH: 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Norway and in Sweden inc. Derby Trial, Ovrevoll, L., 3rd Norsk St. Leger, Ovrevoll, L.; sire. Crecora: winner at 4 years and placed 7 times; dam of winners inc.: It's A Mitsubishi: winner at home and in U.S.A., 3rd North Ridge Farm 1000 Guineas Trial, Phoenix Park, Gr.3; dam of LOANMARK (USA): 11 wins in U.S.A. and $153,915 inc. Private Terms S., Suffolk Downs, 3rd Private Terms S., Suffolk Downs, Asset Impression (USA): 8 wins in U.S.A. and $197,506, 2nd Cherry Hill Mile S., Garden State, Gr.3, World's Playground Breeders' Cup S., Atlantic City, Dancing Count S., Laurel, Dave's Friend S., Laurel, 3rd Private Terms S., Laurel, L., Bimelech S., Laurel and Snow King S., Laurel. 84 LOT 85 FROM SHERBOURNE LODGE STABLE 104 BAY COLT (IRE) May 12th, 2013 (First Produce) Danehill Mira Adonde Desert Prince Glinting Desert Dazzling Park Storm Bird Mujadil Vallee Secrete Topsider Haraabah Marie de Sarre B.C. Nominated. Danehill Dancer Alfred Nobel (IRE) Cealtra Star (IRE) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam CEALTRA STAR (IRE): ran a few times at 2 years; Above is her first foal. 2nd dam HARAABAH (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: DOUBLE QUICK (IRE) (f. by Superpower): 6 wins and £75,615 inc. Vodafone Dash Rated S., Epsom, L.; dam of 4 winners inc.: DIABOLICAL (IND): won Usha Stud Bangalore Stud Summer Million, Bangalore, L., Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Kolkata, L., McDowell Indian Derby, Mumbai, L., The Calcutta Gold Cup, Kolkata, L., Kelachandra Mysore 2000 Guineas, Mysore, L., Golconda 2000 Guineas, Malakpet, L., The Vijay Textiles Golconda Derby, Malakpet, L. Antarctic Zone (IND): winner in India, 3rd F D Wadia Trophy, Pune, L. Speedy James (IRE) (g. by Fayruz): 2 wins at 2 years 2nd National S., Sandown Park, L. and 3rd Molecomb S., Goodwood, Gr.3. 3rd dam MARIE DE SARRE (FR): winner at 3 years in France and 16,500 fr.; dam of 4 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: Passeggiata (USA): 4 wins in France; dam of 4 winners inc.: PASOLINI (GER): won Badener Steher Cup, Baden-Baden, L. 4th dam ORDENSTREUE: Champion 3yr old filly in Germany in 1966, 4 wins inc. Preis der Diana; dam of 9 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: DOM ALARIC (FR): Champion older horse in Canada in 1978, 9 wins in Belgium, in France and in U.S.A. inc. Grand Prix de Deauville, Gr.2, 2nd Canadian International Championship S., Gr.1; sire. Oropesa (USA): 6 wins at 4 years in Italy and in U.S.A. 4th Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.1; dam of 6 winners inc.: OVERDOSE (USA): won Premio Carlo Porta, Milan, Gr.3. Marie d'Orsini: 2 wins in France; dam of 4 winners inc.: DOM VALORY (FR): won Grand H. de Deauville, Deauville, L., Handicap d'Ete, Saint-Cloud, L., Prix de la Porte Maillot, Longchamp, Gr.3. Marie de Vez (FR): winner in France; dam of 13 winners inc.: MARIE DE KEN (FR): won Prix Fille de l'Air, Evry, Gr.3; dam of CHARMO (FR): 5 wins in U.S.A. inc. San Francisco Breeders' Cup Mile H., Gr.2, 2nd Shoemaker Breeders' Cup Mile S., Gr.1, ANA MARIE (FR): 2 wins in France inc. Prix d'Harcourt, Longchamp, Gr.2, 2nd Nassau S., Goodwood, Gr.1, Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr.1; grandam of ANA AMERICANA (FR): 3 wins in France inc. Prix Casimir Delamarre, L., 3rd Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr.1. Marie Dora (FR): winner; grandam of Open Your Heart (GER): winner at 3 years, 2014 in Germany 3rd Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1. Vezina (FR): placed 3 times in France; dam of MORANDI (FR): 4 wins at 2 years in France inc. Criterium de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1. 85 LOT 86 FROM POWERSTOWN STUD STABLE 99 Danehill Clodovil (IRE) GREY FILLY (IRE) March 29th, 2013 Clodora Serious Delight (GB) (1990) Lomond Grey Goddess E.B.F. Nominated. Own sister to Maid In Heaven (IRE). Danzig Razyana Linamix Cloche d'Or Northern Dancer My Charmer Godswalk Thiella View at 1st dam SERIOUS DELIGHT (GB): unraced; dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals; Maid In Heaven (IRE) (2007 f. by Clodovil (IRE)): 3 wins at 3 years and £18,100, placed 3 times inc. 3rd Snowdrop S., Kempton, L. and 4th EBF Conqueror Stakes, Goodwood, L., broodmare. Everygrainofsand (IRE) (2003 g. by Desert Sun (GB)): 19 wins, £139,229: 2 wins, placed 4 times; also 17 wins in Greece and £128,582. Foxhollow Lady (IRE) (1999 f. by Goldmark (USA)): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years and £39,269 and placed 9 times; dam of a winner: Dandis (IRE): 15 wins at 2 to 6 years, 2014 in Greece and £60,531. Wathiq (IRE) (2000 c. by Titus Livius (FR)): 3 wins, £206,895: 2 wins at 2 years, placed once; also winner in Hong Kong and £198,528. Delphie Queen (IRE) (2001 f. by Desert Sun (GB)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £68,403 and placed 7 times; dam of 2 winners: Fast Finian (IRE): 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014, £26,898, placed 9 times. Red Dragon (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 and placed 12 times. Danick of Time (IRE) (2008 g. by Iffraaj (GB)): winner at 4 years. 2nd dam GREY GODDESS: Champion older miler in Ireland in 1987, 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and £47,911 inc. Gladness S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Brownstown Matron S., Curragh, Gr.3, 4th Trusthouse Forte Mile, Sandown Park, Gr.2; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Alost (FR) (g. by Highest Honor (FR)): 5 wins in France and £105,387 2nd Derby du Languedoc, Toulouse, L., 3rd Red Smith H., Aqueduct, Gr.2. Deesse Grise (FR): 10 wins in France and £67,317; dam of 4 winners inc.: GRIS DE GRIS (IRE): 9 wins in France, £458,816 inc. Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, 2nd Prix d'Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. Limpopo (GB): placed twice at 2 years; dam of 13 winners inc.: PIPALONG (IRE): Champion older mare in France in 2000, Champion older mare in Europe in 2001, 10 wins and £421,698 inc. Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr.1, 3rd July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Nunthorpe S., York, Gr.1 and Prix de l'Abbaye, Longchamp, Gr.1 (twice); dam of WALK ON BYE (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £85,004 inc. Anglesey S., Curragh, Gr.3, 3rd Phoenix S., Curragh, Gr.1. OUT OF AFRICA (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years and £62,386 inc. Coldstream Guards Rockingham S., York, L. Silver Shoon (IRE): winner, 2nd Round Tower S., Curragh, Gr.3. China Eyes (IRE): winner, 2nd Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2. Opopmil (IRE): placed twice; dam of Poppy Seed (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £21,547, 3rd Kilvington S., Nottingham, L. Ripalong (IRE): ran a few times; dam of SHAMWARI LODGE (IRE): 6 wins and £134,547 inc. Ridgewood Pearl S., Curragh, Gr.3, IMPERIAL ROME (IRE): 7 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2013 at home and in Hong Kong and £348,865 inc. EBF Tetrarch S., Curragh, L. 86 LOT 87 FROM BALLYHANE STABLE 48 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) April 20th, 2013 Oasis Dream Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat Scottish Reel Queenfisher (GB) (1992) Mavahra E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Hope Royal Academy Mountain Ash Northfields Dance All Night Mummy's Pet Avahra View at 1st dam Queenfisher (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £20,005 inc. EBF Sceptre Stakes, Chester, placed 7 times inc. 3rd Vintage S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and Star S., Sandown Park, L.; also placed twice at 2 years in Germany and £10,194, 3rd Moet & Chandon Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.2 and Kronimus Rennen, Baden-Baden, L.; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age: Kasirgaci (GB) (1998 f. by Karinga Bay): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Turkey and £85,139 and placed 11 times, broodmare. Chocolicious (IRE) (2006 f. by Captain Rio (GB)): 3 wins at 3 years and placed twice, died at 4. Aye Aye Skipper (IRE) (2010 g. by Captain Marvelous (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 and placed 6 times. Ball Burst (IRE) (2003 f. by Imperial Ballet (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 years and £16,179, broodmare. Principe Solitario (IRE) (2007 c. by Pyrus (USA)): winner at 2 years in Italy and £14,773 and placed 4 times. She also has a yearling colt by Elzaam (AUS). 2nd dam MAVAHRA: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £11,186; dam of 6 winners from 6 runners and 9 foals inc.: Queenfisher (GB) (f. by Scottish Reel): see above. Shout Fore (g. by Petong): 7 wins, £32,183: 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £19,576; also 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in Malaysia and £12,607, 2nd The Sprint Trophy, Penang, L. and 3rd Lion City Cup, Singapore, L. 3rd dam Avahra: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 3rd William Hill Gold Trophy H., York, L.; dam of 6 winners from 13 runners and 13 foals inc.: Pavahra: 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,819; dam of winners inc.: LITTLE WINDY (USA): won Delicada S., Louisiana Downs. MILITARY SHOT (USA): won Turf Paradise H., Turf Paradise and 3rd Budweiser Turf Paradise Breeders Cup H., Turf Paradise, L. ELVAHRA (USA): won Duluth H., Canterbury Downs; dam of ELVIGOR (USA): 11 wins in U.S.A. inc. Paradise Mile H., Turf Paradise, L. Cumbrian Melody: 2 wins at 2 years and £20,854; dam of winners inc.: HELLVELYN (GB): 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £149,313 inc. Coventry S., Ascot, Gr.2, 2nd Ind. Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix S., Curragh, Gr.1; sire. Savahra: 2 wins at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: SAVAHRA SOUND: won Federation Brewery Beeswing S., Newcastle, Gr.3 and De Kuyper Sprinter Preis, Hamburg, Gr.3; sire. 87 LOT 88 FROM ROCKVIEW STABLES STABLE 142 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 3rd, 2013 (Third Produce) Taufan Twin Island Marju Mrs Marsh Drei Sadler's Wells Galileo Urban Sea Rainbow Quest Asterita Northshiel B.C. Nominated. Tagula Canford Cliffs (IRE) Gali Gal (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam GALI GAL (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of 4 foals; Madernia (IRE) (2012 f. by Duke of Marmalade (IRE)): placed once at 2 years, 2014 in Spain. She also has a yearling colt by Canford Cliffs (IRE). 2nd dam ASTERITA (GB): winner at 3 years and £42,985, Oaks Trial S., Lingfield Park, L., 2nd St Simon S., Newbury, Gr.3 and Premio Roma Vecchia, Rome, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: CALIFORNIAN (GB) (c. by Zafonic (USA)): 3 wins at 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and £127,507 inc. Forerunner S., Keeneland, L., placed 2nd American Derby, Arlington, Gr.2, San Luis Obispo H., Santa Anita, Gr.2. 3rd dam NORTHSHIEL: winner at 2 years and placed twice; dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 9 foals inc.: SPECIAL NASH (IRE): 4 wins at 2 years in Italy and £96,053 inc. Premio Guido Beradelli, Rome, Gr.2, Criterium Partenopeo, Naples, L. and Premio Toscana, Firenze, L., 2nd Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L. Boloardo (GB): 2 wins and £22,876 and placed 10 times inc. 3rd Gordon Richards S., Sandown, Gr.3 and Foster's Silver Cup S., York, L. Rasm (GB): winner at 3 years and £19,015 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Milcars New S., Ascot, L. and 3rd Wolferton Rated S., Royal Ascot, L. Loxandra (GB): winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of 10 winners inc.: KELTOS (FR): Champion older miler in Europe in 2002, won Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.1, Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, Prix Perth, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, 2nd Challenge S., Newmarket, Gr.2, Prix Quincey, Deauville, Gr.3, 3rd Prix du Pin, Longchamp, Gr.3; sire. KRATAIOS (FR): 13 wins in France and £292,638 inc. Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, Grand Prix de Marseille, Marseille, L., Prix Altipan, Saint-Cloud, L. and Prix Jacques Laffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed 2nd Prix Omnium II, Saint-Cloud, L., 3rd Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix d'Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr.1. LOXIAS (FR): 6 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £140,913 inc. P. Jean de Chaudenay-G. P. du Printemps, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, Derby de l'Ouest, Le Lion D'Anger, L. and Prix Coupe des Trois Ans, LyonParilly, L., placed 8 times inc. 2nd Prix d'Hedouville, Longchamp, Gr.3 and 3rd Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1. KAVAFI (IRE): 6 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in France and £123,342 inc. Prix Quincey - Lucien Barriere, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix Altipan, SaintCloud, L. and P.Vignerons du Gros Plant Anjou Bretagne, Nantes, L., placed 5 times inc. 2nd G.P.Air Mauritius Grand H. de Deauville, Deauville, L. and 3rd Prix Luthier, Deauville, L. IRIDANOS (GB): 6 wins in France and £96,610 inc. Grand Criterium de Bordeaux, Bordeaux B'scat, L., Prix Omnium II, Saint-Cloud, L., 2nd Prix de la Jonchere, Gr.3, Prix Edmond Blanc, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3 88 LOT 89 FROM HAREFIELD STUD (AGENT) STABLE 155 Danzig Foreign Courier Mr Prospector Society Lady La Voyageuse Blushing Groom Groom Dancer Featherhill Blakeney Lonely Shore No Relation B.C. Nominated. Green Desert Kheleyf (USA) BAY COLT (GB) April 30th, 2013 The Lady Mandarin (GB) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam THE LADY MANDARIN (GB): ran; dam of 2 winners from 4 runners and 6 foals; Nearly Not Mine (GB) (2011 f. by Pastoral Pursuits (GB)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in Italy and £32,694 and placed 6 times inc. 3rd Premio Pisa - Sisal Matchpoint, Pisa, L., Premio Royal Mares, Milan, L. and 4th Premio Regina Elena, Rome, Gr.3. The Calling Curlew (GB) (2008 g. by Soviet Star (USA)): placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years; also 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in Belgium, placed 4 times. Black Suit (GB) (2012 c. by Pastoral Pursuits (GB)): placed once at 2 years, 2014 in Italy. 2nd dam LONELY SHORE: winner at 4 years in Italy; dam of 2 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: THE WHISTLING TEAL (GB) (g. by Rudimentary (USA)): 9 wins, £309,907 inc. Ormonde S., Chester, Gr.3 and St Simon S., Newbury, Gr.3, 2nd Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1 and 3rd Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1. 3rd dam NO RELATION: winner at 2 years, Hilary Needler Trophy, Beverley; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: PERTEMPS NETWORK: 9 wins, £34,073: 8 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and £28,509 inc. Philip Cornes Saddle of Gold Final Hurdle, Newbury, L. and winner over fences at 5 years. WARBECK: 10 wins at home and in Belgium and £17,135 inc. Prix le Gladiateur, Sterrebeek, L. AMICUS: 8 wins at home and in Malaysia, £21,952 inc. Singapore Derby, Singapore, L., Tunku Gold Cup, Selangor, L. and Perak Derby, Perak, L. Off Shore: 2 wins 3rd Cheshire Oaks, Chester, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: ANCIENT CITY (NZ): won Geelong Cup, Geelong, L. Cosign (AUS): winner in Australia, 2nd Moonee Valley Cup, Gr.2. Lichen Lady (AUS): winner in Australia, 4th Princess H., Randwick, Gr.3; dam of MOSSMAN (AUS): won Castlemaine Classic, Eagle Farm, Gr.1, 2nd Australian Guineas, Flemington, Gr.1; sire, MOSS ROCKET (AUS): won Challenge S., Randwick, Gr.2, Chirnside S., Caulfield, Gr.2, 3rd Ansett Australia Galaxy H., Randwick, Gr.1. Foreign Bank (NZ): ran; dam of GUINEAS (AUS): won Golden Slipper S., Rosehill, Gr.1, 2nd Sires' Produce S., Randwick, Gr.1; sire. Stashed (NZ): placed twice in Australia and in New Zealand; grandam of BALMONT GIRL (AUS): won Western Australian Oaks, Ascot, Gr.3 and Asian Beau S., Ascot, Gr.3, 2nd Railway S., Ascot, Gr.1. Pagan Queen: 2 wins at 3 years; dam of 7 winners inc.: Spimpinina: winner in Italy, 3rd Premio Cesare Degli Occhi, Milan, L.; dam of DAMA GRANDE (GB): 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £227,353 inc. Premio d'Aprile-Memorial Federico Regoli, Milan, L. Sianiski (GB): ran; dam of SICK AS A PARROT (GB): 6 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £62,942 inc. Norristown H., Philadelphia Park, L. 89 LOT 90 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 9 CHESNUT COLT (USA) March 17th, 2013 Distorted Humor Drosselmeyer (USA) Golden Ballet Tabasco Cat Cateress (USA) (1999) Skybox B.C. Nominated. Forty Niner Danzig's Beauty Moscow Ballet Golden Jewel Box Storm Cat Barbicue Sauce Spend A Buck A Status Symbol View at 1st dam CATERESS (USA): winner at 5 years in U.S.A. and £24,229 and placed 6 times; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 7 foals: Dixie Unioness (USA) (2006 f. by Dixie Union (USA)): 3 wins at 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £52,607 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Czaria S., Sunland Park, broodmare. Rickyontherun (USA) (2007 c. by Roman Ruler (USA)): 8 wins at 2, 3 and 6 years, 2013 in U.S.A. and £98,465 and placed 16 times. Mas Trueno (USA) (2008 c. by Afleet Alex (USA)): winner at 2 years in U.S.A. and £19,557. Big Sur Beach (USA) (2012 c. by Chief Seattle (USA)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling colt by Into Mischief (USA). 2nd dam Skybox (USA): winner at 2 years in U.S.A. and £15,503, 2nd Jersey Jumper S., Meadowlands; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: SAND RIDGE (USA) (c. by Known Fact (USA)): 17 wins at 2 to 9 years in U.S.A. and £452,702 inc. Prairie Express S., L., Bob Feller S., Prairie Meadows, L. and Iowa Sprint H., Prairie Meadows, L., 2nd Essex H., Oaklawn Park, Gr.3 and 3rd Count Fleet Sprint H., Oaklawn Park, Gr.3. STOPSHOPPINGMARIA (USA) (f. by More Than Ready (USA)): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 in U.S.A. and £250,958 inc. Ladies Turf Sprint S., Gulfstream Park, 2nd Frizette S., Belmont Park, Gr.1. DOOTSIE (USA) (f. by Dixieland Band (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. inc. Little Silver H., Monmouth Park; dam of winners inc.: Liam's Song (USA): winner, 2014 in U.S.A., 3rd Governor's Cup H., Charles Town. Precious Princess (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Omnibus S., Monmouth. Peter Paul Rubens (USA) (c. by Belong To Me (USA)): 4 wins at 3 years and £82,125, 2nd Vaillant Fortune S., Epsom Downs, L. 3rd dam A Status Symbol (USA): 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A., 2nd Pinafore S., Suffolk Dns, Imp H., Thistledown, 3rd Gala Fete H., Hawthorne, Thoroughbred Club of America S., Keeneland; dam of 6 winners, 11 runners and 12 foals inc.: Royal Weekend (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £44,193, 2nd Del Mar Debutante S., Del Mar, Gr.2; dam of winners. Orient Pearl (USA): 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A.; grandam of FLASHY BULL (USA): won Stephen Foster H., Churchill Downs, Gr.1; sire. Ball Chairman (USA): placed twice at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: PERFECT SOUL (IRE): won Shadwell Keeneland Turf Mile S., Keeneland, Gr.1, 2nd Niagara Breeders' Cup H., Woodbine, Gr.1, Atto Mile S., Woodbine, Gr.1, 3rd Atto Mile S., Woodbine, Gr.1; sire. Kamalame (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: SAVURLU (IRE): 8 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 in Turkey and £194,627 inc. Zuhtu Erisen, Veliefendi, L. and Zubeyde Hanim, Veliefendi, L. 90 LOT 91 FROM EGMONT STUD STABLE 81 BAY COLT (IRE) January 22nd, 2013 (Second Produce) Green Desert Hope Daylami Tariysha Tarwiya Danehill Danehill Dancer Mira Adonde Persian Bold Cedar Sea Woodland Orchid B.C. Nominated. Oasis Dream Arcano (IRE) Mystic Smile (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam MYSTIC SMILE (IRE): ran once in a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 3 foals; Riyad (IRE) (2012 f. by Haatef (USA)): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 in Italy and placed twice. She also has a yearling colt by Intense Focus (USA). 2nd dam Cedar Sea (IRE): winner at 3 years in France and £23,072 and placed twice inc. 2nd Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L.; dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals inc.: CORSICA (IRE) (c. by Cape Cross (IRE)): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £141,601 inc. Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, Gr.3 and Totepool Glasgow S., Hamilton Park, L., placed 4 times inc. 3rd Ladbrokes St Leger S., Doncaster, Gr.1. TENOR (IRE) (g. by Oratorio (IRE)): 7 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and £114,441 inc. Nigel & Carolyn Elwes Fortune S., Sandown Park, L., placed 2nd Skybet Y'shire Festival Pomfret S., Pontefract, L. Ocean Storm (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2013 and placed 7 times. She also has a yearling colt by Lawman (FR). 3rd dam WOODLAND ORCHID (IRE): ran a few times at 3 years; dam of 6 winners from 11 runners and 12 foals inc.: CD EUROPE (IRE): 6 wins at 2, 5 and 8 years and £129,656 inc. Coventry S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3, placed 2nd Champagne S., Doncaster, Gr.2. Sir Frank Morgan (IRE): 5 wins at 4 years, 2014, £27,509, placed 8 times. Hooke's Law (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2014. Woodland Chant (USA): unraced; dam of a winner: Iveagh Gardens (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed once; also placed once at 3 years, 2014 in Germany, 2nd G. P. der Deutschen Bank Neue Bult Cup, Hannover, L. 4th dam Rose de Thai (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £32,654 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Prix d'Automne, Longchamp, L., 3rd Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix des Lilas, Chantilly, L. and Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L.; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 4 foals; D'ANJOU (GB): 7 wins at home and in U.A.E. and £217,450 inc. BBC World Al Fahidi Fort S., Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3 and Amethyst S., Leopardstown, L., 2nd Minstrel S., Curragh, Gr.3, Belgrave S., Curragh, L., 3rd Minstrel S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Concorde S., Tipperary, Gr.3. TRUTH OR DARE (GB): 6 wins at 3 to 6 years at home and in France and £58,893 inc. Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial S., Leopardstown, Gr.3. SANDSTONE (IRE): 3 wins at home and in Turkey and £85,142 inc. Green Ridge Stables Newmarket S., Newmarket, L., 2nd Gran Premio Citta' di Napoli, Naples, Gr.3 and 3rd R.O.A. Foundation S., Goodwood, L. 91 LOT 92 FROM GROVE STUD STABLE 178 BAY FILLY (IRE) January 17th, 2013 (First Produce) Gone West Zaizafon Nureyev Pastorale Park Appeal Sadler's Wells Refuse To Bend Market Slide Alzao Calamander Local Custom B.C. Nominated. Zafonic Iffraaj (GB) Queenie Keen (IRE) (2007) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam QUEENIE KEEN (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £19,340 and placed 7 times; She also has a yearling colt by Zoffany (IRE). 2nd dam CALAMANDER (IRE): 2 wins at 4 years and £11,846 and placed 8 times; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 5 foals inc.; Diosypros Blue (IRE) (c. by Bluebird (USA)): 4 wins, £107,981: 3 wins at 2 years and £32,819 and placed twice inc. 2nd Coral Sirenia S., Kempton Park, Gr.3; also winner in Hong Kong and £75,162 and placed 3 times. Wychwood Wanderer (IRE): 3 wins and placed 7 times; dam of a winner: Sheikh The Reins (IRE): 3 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2014. 3rd dam LOCAL CUSTOM (IRE): placed 4 times at 2 years; Own sister to TRIBAL RITE; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 7 foals inc.: DUTY PAID (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £43,501 inc. Henry Carnarvon Albany S., Royal Ascot, L., placed 7 times inc. 2nd Miles and Morrison October S., Ascot, L. and 3rd Surrey S., Epsom, L.; dam of a winner: Lady Miletrian (IRE): winner at 3 years and £17,131 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Vodafone Princess Elizabeth S., Epsom Downs, L. and 3rd Mer Car Polish Chartwell S., Lingfield Park, L.; dam of 3 winners inc.: Himalya (IRE): 3 wins, £99,685: winner at 2 years and placed 12 times inc. 2nd Chipchase S., Newcastle, Gr.3, 3rd Park S., Doncaster, Gr.2, Supreme S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and Betdaq Golden Rose S., Lingfield Park, L.; also 2 wins in Italy and placed 5 times. Seiun Jaguars (IRE): 5 wins in Japan and £960,700 and placed 12 times inc. 3rd Icho S., Tokyo, L. and Hopeful S., Nakayama, L. 4th dam COVEN: 4 wins; dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: BALLA COVE: 4 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and £168,606 inc. Tattersalls Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. TRIBAL RITE: 3 wins inc. Silver Flash S., Phoenix Park, L., 3rd Ludwig Goebels-Erinnerungsrennen, Krefeld, Gr.3; dam of 7 winners inc.: SILENT TRIBUTE (IRE): Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Italy in 1997, 2 wins at home and in Italy inc. Premio Novella, Milan, L. BLASTED HEATH: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £34,239, Oral B Marble Hill S., Curragh, L. and Wassl EBF Fillies Race, Leopardstown, L., 2nd Shernazar Curragh S., Curragh, Gr.3, Debutante S., Phoenix Park, Gr.3 and 4th C L Weld Park S., Phoenix Park, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners: BURNING ISSUE: 7 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in U.S.A. and £67,921 inc. Bal Harbour S., Hialeah Park and Hudson County S., Meadowlands, 2nd North Ridge Farm 1000 Guineas Trial, Phoenix Park, Gr.3; grandam of KINDLING (GB): 4 wins inc. Willie Park S., Musselburgh, L., THATTINGER (GB): 2 wins in France, £35,433 inc. Prix Matchem, Maisons-Laffitte, L., 3rd Prix de Guiche, Longchamp, Gr.3. 92 LOT 93 FROM BANSHA HOUSE STABLES STABLE 88 BAY COLT (GB) March 23rd, 2013 Oasis Dream Captain Gerrard (IRE) Delphinus Cyrano de Bergerac Red Lory Lady Roxanne (GB) (1989) E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Hope Soviet Star Scimitarra Bold Lad Miss St Cyr Bay Express Powderhall View at 1st dam LADY ROXANNE (GB): 2 wins at 5 and 6 years and £10,263 and placed 9 times; Own sister to CYRANO STORME (IRE); dam of 2 winners from 6 runners and 10 foals: STRIKING AMBITION (GB) (2000 c. by Makbul): 9 wins at 2 to 5 years at home, in France and in Germany and £246,491 inc. KENO Goldene Peitsche, Baden-Baden, Gr.2, Prix de Ris-Orangis, Deauville, Gr.3, Leinster Waterford Testimonial S., Curragh, L., Sodexho Pavilion S., Ascot, L., Cantor Sport Carnarvon S., Newbury, L., Key of Luck Woodlands S., Curragh, L., Prix Saraca, Saint-Cloud, L. and Prix Contessina, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed 2nd l'Abbaye de Longchamp Maj. Barriere, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix de Seine-et-Oise, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, 3rd Prix de Meautry- Royal Barriere, Deauville, Gr.3 and Hesmonds Stud International Trial, Lingfield Park, L.; sire. Gascon (GB) (1996 g. by Beveled (USA)): 2 wins at 5 years, placed 5 times. Lady Oriande (GB) (2001 f. by Makbul): placed once at 3 years; dam of 4 winners inc.: MY NAME IS BOND (FR) (c. by Monsieur Bond (IRE)): 6 wins at 2 and 6 years, 2014 in France, in Hong Kong and in Macau and £415,329 inc. Prix La Rochette, Longchamp, Gr.3, Criterium du Bequet Ventes Osarus, La Teste De Buch, L. and Macau Hong Kong Trophy, Taipa, L., placed 12 times. Lady Melior (FR): winner at 3 years, 2013 in France and £49,805 and placed 13 times. 2nd dam RED LORY: winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of 7 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: CYRANO STORME (IRE) (g. by Cyrano de Bergerac): 10 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £402,742 inc. Hollywood Turf Express H., Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and Prix du Cercle, Deauville, L., 2nd Hollywood Turf Express H., Gr.3, Dayjur H., Hollywood Park, L., Rick Lozano S., Hollywood Park, L., 3rd Budweiser Hollywood Pk Breeders' Cup H., Hollywood Park, L., Crazy Kid S., Del Mar, L. and Radar Ahead H., Hollywood Park, L. 3rd dam POWDERHALL: 5 wins at 3 to 5 years; dam of 7 winners, 9 runners, 9 foals inc.: Clarandal: 2 wins: winner at 3 years; also winner at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: CASINO PLAYER (GB): Jt Champion 2yr old in Scandinavia in 1991, won Norsk Kriterium, Ovrevoll, L., Pilot Fineliner Cup, Ovrevoll, L. Run Like Mad: winner at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: ZINDERS (AUS): won Castlemaine S., Eagle Farm, Gr.1 and 2nd Spring Champion S., Randwick, Gr.1. Miss Roseburn (AUS): winner in Australia; dam of Maple Grove (AUS): winner in Australia, 2nd R J Peters S., Ascot, L. 93 LOT 94 FROM DOLMEN BLOODSTOCK STABLE 124 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 8th, 2013 (Third Produce) Giant's Causeway Helsinki Vettori Lady Vettori Lady Golconda Bahri Sakhee Thawakib Auction Ring Hatton Gardens Anjuli B.C. Nominated. Shamardal Lope de Vega (IRE) Awani (GB) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam AWANI (GB): placed once at 3 years; dam of 3 foals: The Ostler (IRE) (2011 c. by Mastercraftsman (IRE)): unraced to date. She also has a 3-y-o colt by Lope de Vega (IRE). 2nd dam HATTON GARDENS: 3 wins at 3 years inc. Carna Fillies S., Naas, L., 3rd Premio Umbria, Rome, Gr.2; dam of 8 winners, 10 runners, 14 foals inc.: KUNDALINI (USA) (f. by El Gran Senor (USA)): Champion 3yr old filly in South Africa in 1993-94, 6 wins in South Africa inc. Bloodline Classic, Gosforth Park, Gr.1; dam of winners: Vijanti (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France; dam of VENGENCE (SAF): 4 wins in South Africa inc. East Cape Derby, Arlington, Gr.3. Vivianna (GB): winner at 3 years in France; dam of DIAMOND DIVA (GB): 6 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £400,464 inc. Cashcall Mile Invitational S., Hollywood Park, Gr.2, 2nd Gamely S., Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and 3rd Gamely S., Hollywood Park, Gr.1. Amy Jane (IRE): unraced; dam of Arrowfield (SAF): winner in Zimbabwe, 3rd Zimbabwe Oaks, Borrowdale Park, L. LIME GARDENS (GB) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France inc. Prix Minerve, Deauville, Gr.3, broodmare. PIXIE SPIRIT (USA) (g. by El Gran Senor (USA)): 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £62,236 inc. Boardwalk S., Atlantic City. Ludgate (USA) (f. by Lyphard (USA)): 3 wins, £39,975: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; also winner at 4 years in France, 2nd Prix Casimir Delamarre, Longchamp, L. and Prix Isola Bella, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of winners. Diamond Quest (GB): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Kloonlara (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of EXPERIENCE (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years inc. Balanchine S., Curragh, Gr.3, TELLOVOI (IRE): 7 wins at home and in Italy inc. Premio Tullio Righetti, Rome, L. 3rd dam ANJULI: unraced; dam of 7 winners from 11 runners and 14 foals inc.: KOOYONGA (IRE): Champion 3yo filly in Ireland in 1991, Champion older mare in Europe in 1992, 9 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in West Germany and £849,461 inc. Coronation S., Royal Ascot, Gr.1, Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1, Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1 and Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr.1, 2nd 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Queen Elizabeth II S., Ascot, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: Kreisleriana (USA): winner in Japan; dam of BALANCE THE BOOKS (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3, 2013 in U.S.A. inc. With Anticipation S., Saratoga, Gr.2, 3rd Breeders' Cup Juv. Turf (c&g), Santa Anita, Gr.1. Ghassak (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: VERSAKI (IND): won Nanoli Stud Pune Derby, Pune, L. and Poonawalla Breeders' Multi-Million, Mumbai, L. Fida (IRE): ran twice; grandam of FRATELLINO (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 5 years and £86,691 inc. Hever Sprint S., Lingfield Park, L. 94 LOT 95 FROM KNOCKANGLASS STABLES STABLE 69 BAY COLT (IRE) April 20th, 2013 (Third Produce) Green Desert Rafha Cozzene Cozy Maria Mariamme Sadler's Wells Beat Hollow Wemyss Bight Miswaki Daki Devon Diva B.C. Nominated. Invincible Spirit Zebedee (GB) Amended (GB) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam AMENDED (GB): ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 2 runners and 3 foals: Bonsai Pursuit (IRE) (2010 f. by Pastoral Pursuits (GB)): placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Sweden. Scattolino (IRE) (2012 c. by Zebedee (GB)): placed once at 2 years, 2014 in Italy. 2nd dam Daki (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,346 and placed twice inc. 2nd Rockingham S., York, L.; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc.: Making Strides (GB): 6 wins at 4, 5 and 7 years, 2014 in Belgium, in France and in Germany and £29,872 and placed 9 times. Sibilant (GB): placed once at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: Sweet Coincidence (GB): winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of Lightning Thunder (GB): 2 wins at 2 years, 2013 and £172,847, 2nd Etihad Airways Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Qipco 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Oh So Sharp S., Newmarket, Gr.3. 3rd dam DEVON DIVA (USA): winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £19,528 and placed 3 times; dam of 8 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: TINNERS WAY (USA): 7 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £1,200,395 inc. Californian S., Hollywood, Gr.1, Pacific Classic, Del Mar, Gr.1 (twice), City of York S., York, L., Fortune S., Kempton Park, L. and Golden Gate Breeders' Cup H., Golden Gate, L., 2nd Hollywood Gold Cup H., Gr.1, Mervyn Leroy H., Hollywood, Gr.2, Goodwood H., Santa Anita, Gr.2, Bel Air H., Hollywood, Gr.2, Arcadia H., Santa Anita, Gr.3, 3rd Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr.1, Californian S., Hollywood, Gr.1, San Bernardino H., Santa Anita, Gr.2, Greenham S., Newbury, Gr.3; sire. WESTERN APPROACH (USA): 6 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £112,673 inc. Morvich H., Santa Anita, L., 2nd Budweiser Hollywood Pk Breeders' Cup H., Hollywood Park, L.; dam of winners. DEVON HEIGHTS (USA): 2 wins at 3 years in France inc. Prix d'Angerville, Chantilly, L., 3rd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.3; dam of a winner. Devon Deputy (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £168,844, placed 2nd San Luis Obispo H., Santa Anita, Gr.2, San Luis Rey H., Santa Anita, Gr.2 and Kobuk King S., Del Mar, L.; sire. Summer Retreat (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of winners: High Pasture (USA): ran a few times; dam of Deep Air (JPN): 2 wins at 2 years in Japan and £187,094 and placed twice, 2nd Sapporo Nisai S., Sapporo, L. and 3rd Hochi Hai Yayoi Sho, Nakayama, L. West Devon (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: POLZEATH (GB): 7 wins at 4 to 6 years in South Africa, £32,295 inc. East Coast H., Clairwood, L., 3rd Michael Roberts H., Scottsville, L. Salcombe (GB): 3 wins, £82,510: winner at 2 years and £36,579, placed 2nd Paradime Acomb S., York, L. and Sky Bet Thirsk Classic Trial, Thirsk, L.; also 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £45,931. 95 LOT 96 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 32 BAY COLT (IRE) March 6th, 2013 Royal Applause Princess Athena Green Desert Sogno Verde Gothic Dream Blushing Groom Rainbow Quest I Will Follow Meadow Mint Sweet Mint Sharp Major B.C. Nominated. Acclamation Lilbourne Lad (IRE) Perils of Joy (IRE) (1992) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam PERILS OF JOY (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of 7 winners from 11 runners and 14 foals: HYMN OF LOVE (IRE) (2000 f. by Barathea (IRE)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £85,248 inc. Solonaway S., Curragh, L., placed 2nd Carlsberg Ruby S., Tralee, L., 3rd Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.3, King Charlemagne Platinum S., Cork, L., Victor McCalmont Memorial EBF S., Gowran Park, L. and Hollywood Wildcat Breeder's Cup H., Calder, L.; dam of a winner. Still As Sweet (IRE) (1997 f. by Fairy King (USA)): 5 wins, £67,184: winner at 3 years and placed twice; also 4 wins at 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £61,988 and placed 8 times, broodmare. Epic Pursuit (IRE) (1998 c. by Salse (USA)): placed 3 times at 2 years; also 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £46,258 and placed 3 times. Aura of Calm (IRE) (2002 g. by Grand Lodge (USA)): 2 wins at 4 years and placed once. Joyful Tears (IRE) (2004 f. by Barathea (IRE)): winner at 4 years and placed 4 times, broodmare. Jennifers Joy (IRE) (2005 f. by Green Desert (USA)): winner at 2 years and placed twice, died at 2. Cape Joy (IRE) (2009 f. by Cape Cross (IRE)): winner at 3 years, placed twice. Forbidden Fruit (IRE) (2010 g. by Acclamation (GB)): placed twice at 2 years; also placed once at 2 years in Norway. 2nd dam SWEET MINT: 7 wins at 2 to 4 years and £28,514 inc. Cork and Orrery S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: SWEETENED OFFER (f. by General Assembly (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy and £17,525 inc. Premio Buontalenta, Rome, Gr.3; dam of winners. Insider's View: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,262; dam of winners inc.: Fully Fashioned (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of INVINCIBLE ASH (IRE): 9 wins at 3 to 7 years at home and in U.A.E. and £421,876 inc. Woodies D.I.Y. Sapphire S., Curragh, Gr.3. Risky Game: winner at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: SAFETY TACTIC (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years and £45,703 inc. Salora EBF Round Tower S., Curragh, L., 2nd Shernazar EBF Curragh S., Curragh, Gr.3 and John J Long Memorial Railway S., Curragh, Gr.3. Colourful Cast (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of GOLDEN BALLS (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and £77,564 inc. La Puente S., Santa Anita, L., 3rd Arcadia H., Santa Anita, Gr.2. Smiling And Speedy: unraced; dam of winners inc.: INLET CREEK (USA): won Vineland H., Garden State, L. 96 LOT 97 FROM MEADOWVIEW STABLES STABLE 121 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 28th, 2013 Northern Dancer Special Alydar Peinture Bleue Petroleuse Danehill Danehill Dancer Mira Adonde Thatching Castlerahan Preening B.C. Nominated. Nureyev Peintre Celebre (USA) Barconey (IRE) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam BARCONEY (IRE): unraced; dam of 2 winners from 4 runners and 5 foals: Bint Alzain (IRE) (2009 f. by Marju (IRE)): 3 wins at 3 years, placed 7 times. Messico (IRE) (2010 c. by Nayef (USA)): winner at 3 years, 2013 abroad and placed 7 times. Knocknaman (IRE) (2008 c. by Marju (IRE)): placed 3 times at 2 in France. 2nd dam CASTLERAHAN (IRE): unraced; dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals: BRUNEL (IRE) (c. by Marju (IRE)): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years at home, in France, in Germany and in Turkey and £265,248 inc. Mehl-Mulhens Rennen, Cologne, Gr.2, Prix de la Porte Maillot, Longchamp, Gr.3, Victor Chandler European Free H., Newmarket, L. and Topkapi Trophy, Veliefendi, L., 2nd Mile, Sandown Park, Gr.2, Vodafone Diomed S., Epsom, Gr.3, 3rd Oettingen-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.2. Mutawarath (IRE): 6 wins, £97,184: winner at 3 years; also 5 wins at 4 and 5 years in Australia and £89,397. 3rd dam PREENING: winner at 3 years; dam of 5 winners, 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: Paint The Clouds (GB): 12 wins, £56,406: 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races; also 4 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years and 6 wins over fences, 2015. 4th dam Glinting: winner at 2 years and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Ladbroke Nell Gwyn S., Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of 4 winners from 5 runners and 6 foals inc.: HADEER: 5 wins at 2 and 4 years and £142,803 inc. Federation Brewery Beeswing S., Newcastle, Gr.3, Hungerford S., Newbury, Gr.3 and Kiveton Park S., Doncaster, Gr.3, placed 2nd Diomed S., Epsom, Gr.3, 3rd Swettenham Stud Sussex S., Goodwood, Gr.1, P. Jacques le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1, Juddmonte Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.2, Trusthouse Forte Mile, Sandown, Gr.2, 4th Prix du Moulin, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. NIGHT OF STARS: 2 wins at 4 years at home and in West Germany and £15,511 inc. Preis der Landeshauptstadt, Munich, L.; dam of winners: Glenross (IRE): unraced; dam of SU TIROLESU (IRE): won Premio Melton, Rome, Gr.3, 2nd Premio Umbria, Rome, Gr.3, Premio Capannelle Ltd. H., Rome, L., 3rd Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr.3, SCABIUN (IRE): won Premio del Piazzale, Milan, L., 3rd Premio Roberto Baldassarri, Rome, L. and Premio Gardone, Milan, L. Addaya (IRE): ran once; dam of PRIORS LODGE (IRE): won Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2, City of York S., York, L. and Sovereign S., Salisbury, L., 2nd Joel S., Newmarket, L., Sovereign S., Salisbury, L., 'On The House' S., Goodwood, L., 3rd Lennox S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and Earl of Sefton S., Newmarket, Gr.3; grandam of Penny Drops (GB): winner at 3 years, 2014, 2nd EBF Eternal S., Newmarket, L., EBF Bosra Sham S., Newmarket, L., Prix de Saint-Cyr, Maisons-Laffitte, L. 97 LOT 98 FROM HORSE PARK STUD STABLE 94 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 10th, 2013 Danehill Mira Adonde Arazi Glint In Her Eye Wind In Her Hair Ile de Bourbon Kahyasi Kadissya Kenmare Ilmiyya Ilyaara B.C. Nominated. Danehill Dancer Jeremy (USA) Luggala (IRE) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam LUGGALA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £25,433 and placed 3 times; dam of 4 winners from 4 runners and 6 foals; Fairway To Heaven (IRE) (2009 g. by Jeremy (USA)): 3 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2014 and £27,516 and placed 3 times. Gala Spirit (IRE) (2007 f. by Invincible Spirit (IRE)): winner at 4 years and placed 11 times, broodmare. Vale of Clara (IRE) (2008 f. by Iffraaj (GB)): winner and placed 6 times. Hoon (IRE) (2011 g. by Camacho (GB)): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014; also winner at 3 years, 2014 in U.S.A., £21,251, placed 4 times. 2nd dam Ilmiyya (FR): winner in France placed 3rd Prix Melisande, Evry, L.; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 6 foals inc.; Ilahabad (IRE): 4 wins, £35,633: placed once at 4 years; also winner in France and placed 7 times; also 3 wins over hurdles and placed 6 times. Izmir (IRE): 4 wins, £26,946: winner and placed twice; also winner at 3 years in France; also 2 wins over hurdles and £11,623 and placed twice. 3rd dam ILYAARA: winner in France; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners, 11 foals inc.; IFRAD (USA): 8 wins at 3 to 6 years in France and in U.S.A. and 487,000 fr. and £232,191 inc. Arlington H., Arlington Park, Gr.1; sire. ISTIKAL: 7 wins in France and £58,217 inc. Prix Altipan, M'-Laffitte, L., 2nd Prix du Rond-Point, Longchamp, Gr.3, Prix Exbury, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix La Force, Longchamp, Gr.3, Prix Messidor, M'-Laffitte, Gr.3. Kayaara (IRE): 3 wins, £18,232: 2 wins at 3 years and £16,536 3rd Meld S., Curragh, Gr.3; also winner over hurdles at 5 years. 4th dam LAPARIA: winner in France; dam of 2 winners from 4 runners and 4 foals inc.: Iskanndaroun: 3 wins at 3 years; sire. The next dam PERLE NOIRE: placed 3 times at 3 years in France; dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 4 foals: Coral Mermaid: unraced; dam of 3 winners inc.: Northern Maid: winner; dam of MOUNT ROYAL (URU): Champion miler in Uruguay in 1992, 7 wins in Argentina and in Uruguay inc. G.P.Joaquin S de Anchorena-Internacional, San Isidro, Gr.1, MODERN MAID (URU): Champion 2yr old filly in Uruguay in 1990, 2 wins in Uruguay inc. Gran Premio Criterium (fillies), Hipo Maronas, Gr.1, BLONDE MAID (URU): 7 wins in Uruguay inc. Premio Diana, Hipo Maronas, Gr.2, BROWN MAID (URU): 4 wins in Uruguay inc. Premio Fomento, Hipo Maronas, Gr.2; grandam of SILVER MAID (URU): winner in Uruguay, Premio Eugenio J Lagarmilla, Hipo Maronas, L., 2nd Premio Espana, Hipo Maronas, Gr.3; third dam of ALUBIA PLICCK (URU): won Clasico Fomento, Hipo Maronas, L. 98 LOT 99 FROM MAYFIELD STABLES STABLE 43 BAY COLT (GB) April 25th, 2013 Gone West Silken Cat Theatrical Green Room Chain Fern Busted Shernazar Sharmeen Corvaro Villasanta Maresca B.C. Nominated. Speightstown Lord Shanakill (USA) Sagina (GB) (1999) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SAGINA (GB): placed twice at 3 and 4 years in France; Own sister to CAPRACOTTA (IRE); dam of a winner from 4 runners and 9 foals; Ayer Sali (GB) (2005 c. by Medicean (GB)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Spain and £13,463 and placed twice. She also has a yearling filly by Authorized (IRE). 2nd dam VILLASANTA: placed 4 times at 3 years in France; dam of 9 winners from 11 runners and 11 foals inc.: CAPRACOTTA (IRE) (f. by Shernazar): 5 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £115,276 inc. Matching S., Del Mar, L.; dam of 2 winners inc.: GOAT CHEESE (USA): won Claire Marine S., Arlington International. Fast Goat (USA): placed 5 times in U.S.A.; dam of Fast Track (USA): 2 wins in U.S.A. 3rd All American S., Golden Gate, Gr.3. SALIM TOTO (GB) (f. by Mtoto): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £88,845 inc. Lanwades Stud Severals S., Newmarket, L.; dam of 4 winners inc.: Mazij (GB): 8 wins at 3 to 7 years, 2015 and £25,220. 3rd dam MARESCA: placed once at 2 years in France; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: MUROTO: 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in France inc. Prix Gontaut-Biron, Deauville, Gr.3, 2nd CIGA Prix Dollar, Longchamp, Gr.2; sire. VELLANO (IRE): 6 wins in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £83,915 inc. P.Louis Desboudet- Trophee Centre-Est, Vichy, L. VANYA: 3 wins in France and £37,493 inc. Prix d'Automne, Longchamp, L., 3rd Prix Minerve, Evry, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners inc.: Torcello (IRE): winner at 3 years and £21,900 3rd Philip Leverhulme Dee S., Chester, L. and Daily Record Doonside Cup, Ayr, L. Tencarola (IRE): winner in France 3rd Prix Zeddaan, M'-Laffitte, L. Tetravella (IRE): 3 wins at 4 years in France and £14,647; grandam of Island Remede (GB): winner at 2 years, 2013 2nd Worthington's St Simon S., Newbury, Gr.3; also placed at 3 years, 2014 in France. MAHALIA (IRE): 2 wins inc. Prix Imprudence, L.; dam of 8 winners inc.: ALBISOLA (IRE): 3 wins in France and £102,769 inc. Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, 3rd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.2. Johnny Barnes (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £12,034; also 2nd Criterium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1. Tonnara (IRE): ran on the flat in France; dam of ECTOT (GB): 6 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in France inc. Criterium International, SaintCloud, Gr.1, MOST IMPROVED (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £211,285 inc. St James's Palace S., Ascot, Gr.1; sire. Zivania (IRE): 4 wins at 2 years 2nd Diamond S., Curragh, L., Oaks Trial, Curragh, L.; also placed once in France; dam of 10 winners inc.: IVAN LUIS (FR): won Premio Ellington - Mem. Carlo d'Alessio, Rome, Gr.2, 3rd Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1; sire. 99 LOT 100 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 10 Danehill Allegheny River Fairy King Lindfield Belle Tecmessa Sadler's Wells Entrepreneur Exclusive Order Brief Truce Touch of Magic Flamme d'Amour B.C. Nominated. Danetime Baltic King (GB) BAY FILLY (IRE) March 14th, 2013 Finty (IRE) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam FINTY (IRE): unraced; dam of 3 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals inc.: Hathaway (IRE) (2007 f. by Redback (GB)): winner at 3 years, placed 8 times. Smugglers Lane (IRE) (2012 g. by Bushranger (IRE)): winner at 3 years, 2015 and placed 4 times. Ocean Glory (IRE) (2005 g. by Redback (GB)): winner at 2 years. 2nd dam TOUCH OF MAGIC (IRE): placed once at 2 years; dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 8 foals inc.: Loulan Dane (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Japan; dam of winners inc.: Mozu Star (JPN): winner, 2015 in Japan. Crazy About You (IRE): placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of a winner: Temasek Star (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2014. Bukhoor (IRE): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Hawfinch (GB): 3 wins, £20,880: winner at 2 years, 3rd Star S., Sandown, L.; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2013 in U.S.A. and £14,078. 3rd dam FLAMME D'AMOUR: winner over jumps at 3 years in France; dam of 10 winners from 14 runners and 15 foals inc.: PREMIER AMOUR: 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and in West Germany and £81,049 inc. Furstenberg-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, 3rd Prix de Diane Hermes, Chantilly, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: Passata (FR): winner in Germany; dam of POMELLATO (GER): Champion 2yo in Germany in 2007, won Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2; sire, PARIVASH (GB): won Premio St Leger Italiano, Milan, Gr.3. FLEUR D'ORANGER: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £38,603 inc. Prix de la Ville de Trouville, Deauville, L., 3rd Prix de Royaumont, Longchamp, Gr.3, Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: WEDDING RING (IRE): won Prix Coronation, Saint-Cloud, L., 2nd All Along S., Laurel, Gr.2, 3rd Preis der Diana - Deutsches Stuten Derby, Mulheim, Gr.2, Wilshire H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2; grandam of REDREAMIT (USA): won Twin Lights S., Monmouth Park. Love For Ever (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £10,252; dam of GYPSY KING (IRE): won Dee S., Chester, Gr.3. L'Amour Fou (IRE): winner at 2 years in France, 2nd Criterium de Lyon, Lyon, L., Premio Buontalenta, Rome, L., Grosser Ebel Uhren Preis, Munich, L., 3rd Grand Criterium de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, L., Prix La Camargo, Saint-Cloud, L. and Prix Occitanie, Agen, L.; dam of winners. Fanning The Flame: winner at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: RUNNING FLAME (FR): won Hollywood Turf H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1. Fleety Belle (GER): placed twice in Germany; dam of RED FOR RED (AUS): won Three Year Old Challenge (2nd Leg), Singapore, L. 100 LOT 101 FROM BROWN ISLAND STABLES STABLE 58 Machiavellian Mystic Goddess Halland Park Spectrum Lass Palacegate Episode Pivotal Kyllachy Pretty Poppy Statoblest Pizzicato Musianica B.C. Nominated. Medicean Dutch Art (GB) BAY COLT (GB) March 27th, 2013 Plucky (GB) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam PLUCKY (GB): winner at 3 years and £11,257 and placed 4 times; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 6 foals: Plucky Dip (GB) (2011 g. by Nayef (USA)): 3 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £19,680 and placed 14 times. Delft (GB) (2009 f. by Dutch Art (GB)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £13,421 and placed 6 times, broodmare. She also has a yearling filly by Medicean (GB). 2nd dam PIZZICATO (GB): 2 wins at 3 years; dam of 8 winners, 9 runners, 10 foals inc.: WUNDERS DREAM (IRE) (f. by Averti (IRE)): 4 wins at 2 years and £110,963 inc. Polypipe Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2 and Molecomb S., Goodwood, Gr.3, placed 3 times; dam of winners inc.: INYORDREAMS (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £42,417 inc. EBF National Stud Boadicea S., Newmarket, L., placed 5 times inc. 2nd Scottish Sun EBF Land O'Burns S., Ayr, L. Fire Eyes (GB): winner at 2 years, 2nd Julia Graves Roses S., York, L. GRECIAN DANCER (GB) (f. by Dansili (GB)): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in France inc. Ridgewood Pearl S., Curragh, Gr.3, Prix Miss Satamixa, Deauville, L., 2nd EBF Fairy Bridge S., Tipperary, L., JaWeidenpescher Stutenpreis, Cologne, L., 3rd Windsor Forest S., Ascot, Gr.2, Phoenix Sprint S., Curragh, Gr.3, Bud Light S., Curragh, L.; dam of winners inc.: Dutiful Son (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and £10,636. Muffri'Ha (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014. Nocturn (GB) (g. by Oasis Dream (GB)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 and £50,912 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Hopeful S., Newmarket, L. Go Between (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Go Nani Go (GB): 5 wins and £28,044 and placed 11 times. Bridge Valley (GB): winner at 2 years and placed 7 times. 3rd dam MUSIANICA: 2 wins at 2 years and £17,664 and placed 5 times; dam of 6 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals inc.: MENSA (GB): Champion horse in Hong Kong in 1999-2000 (9½-10½f.), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in Hong Kong and £980,200 inc. Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Hong Kong Gold Cup, L. and Hong Kong Classic Trial, Sha Tin, L., 2nd Heron S., Kempton Park, L., Chairmans's Trophy H., Sha Tin, L., 3rd Chairman's Prize, Sha Tin, L. FIREBOLT (IRE): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in Hong Kong and £1,095,991 inc. Chipchase S., Newcastle, Gr.3, Weatherbys Gen. Stud Book Rated S., Haydock Park, L., The Centenary Sprint Cup, Sha Tin, L., The Sha Tin Vase, Sha Tin, L., 2nd Hong Kong Sprint, Sha Tin, Gr.1. Musical Key (GB): placed twice at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: Harmonic Note (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 and £27,677 and placed 8 times inc. 3rd Height of Fashion S., Goodwood, L. 101 LOT 102 FROM BALLINAHULLA STABLES STABLE 133 GREY COLT (IRE) April 15th, 2013 (First Produce) Seattle Slew Strawberry Reason Mr Prospector Serena's Tune Serena's Song Forty Niner Distorted Humor Danzig's Beauty Bertrando Artist's Studio Inola Gray B.C. Nominated. Vindication Vocalised (USA) Queen Andromache (USA) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam QUEEN ANDROMACHE (USA): winner at 4 years and placed once; She also has a yearling filly by Finsceal Fior (IRE). 2nd dam ARTIST'S STUDIO (USA): winner at 2 years in U.S.A. and £40,276 and placed 4 times; Own sister to SCHOLARS STUDIO (USA) and Poet's Studio (USA); dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 5 foals; Queen Andromache (USA): see above. Fireblossom (USA): winner at 3 years, 2013 in U.S.A. 3rd dam INOLA GRAY (USA): unraced; dam of 2 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals; SCHOLARS STUDIO (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £120,313 inc. La Canada S., Santa Anita, Gr.2, placed twice, broodmare. Poet's Studio (USA): placed 3 times at 2 years in U.S.A. and £20,656 inc. 2nd Black Swan S., Fairplex Park; dam of 7 winners inc.: Ultime Bere (FR): winner in France, 3rd Gd. Criterium de BordeauxsAir Mauritius, Bordeaux Le Bouscat, L. Dance Studio (USA): placed once at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner: ZOOMING (USA): won Trapeze S., Remington Park. Rubina (USA): unraced; dam of 7 winners inc.: RUBYINTHERUFF (USA): won Wild Rose H., Northlands Park. Reigning Rubies (USA): winner in U.S.A. 4th dam INDIANOLA (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners, 8 foals; Got To Fly (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and placed 2nd Graduation S., Del Mar, L. and 3rd Del Mar Futurity, Del Mar, Gr.2. The next dam Rosette (USA): 11 wins in U.S.A. and $54,761, 3rd Paul Revere S., Suffolk Downs; dam of 10 winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: MARSHUA'S ROSE (USA): 6 wins in U.S.A. and $103,500 inc. Mission Viejo S., Los Alamitos; dam of 7 winners inc.: MARSHUA'S RIVER (USA): won Suwannee River H., Gulfstream, Gr.3, Buckram Oak S., Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Valnor H., Hawthorne, 2nd Suwannee River H., Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; grandam of Wonderfully (CAN): 3 wins in Canada, 2nd Jammed Lovely S., Woodbine, L. Rosebitt (USA): winner in U.S.A.; grandam of SILVER EXPRESSION (USA): won New Mexico Cup Juvenile Fillies S., Zia Park, L. Marshua's Secret (USA): winner in U.S.A.; grandam of ALBA DABAS SECRET (USA): 4 wins in U.S.A. inc. Green Oaks S., Delta Downs, L.; third dam of DISTINCTIVE (GB): 2 wins and £70,621 inc. Firth of Clyde S., Ayr, Gr.3, 3rd Ballyogan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3. ROSE CREAM (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A. inc. Bay Meadows Oaks, Bay Meadows, placed 6 times inc. 2nd Honeymoon H., Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Providencia S., Santa Anita; dam of 2 winners. 102 LOT 103 FROM OAK TREE FARM STABLE 151 BAY COLT (GB) April 2nd, 2013 (Third Produce) Darshaan Homage Blakeney Percy's Lass Laughing Girl Danzig Bertolini Aquilegia Main Reef Upend Gay Charlotte B.C. Nominated. Mark of Esteem Sir Percy (GB) Bermondsey Girl (GB) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam BERMONDSEY GIRL (GB): winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 4 foals: Mary Le Bow (GB) (2011 f. by Sir Percy (GB)): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 6 times. Thames Knight (GB) (2012 g. by Sir Percy (GB)): placed once at 2, 2014. She also has a yearling filly by Sir Percy (GB). 2nd dam UPEND: 3 wins at 3 years and £40,222 inc. St Simon S., Newbury, Gr.3; dam of 10 winners from 17 runners and 17 foals inc.: MUSICANNA (GB) (f. by Cape Cross (IRE)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £105,778 inc. Atalanta S., Sandown, L., 3rd Falmouth S., Newmarket, Gr.1 and Sun Chariot S., Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of winners. Shortfall (GB) (f. by Last Tycoon): 3 wins, £44,381: 2 wins at 3 years, 2nd Royal Yorkshire S., York, L.; also winner in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Up And About (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Take It To The Max (GB): 6 wins at 2 and 4 years and £58,394, 3rd Totepool Glasgow S., Hamilton Park, L. Wake Up Call (GB): 4 wins, 2nd EBF Boadicea S., Newmarket, L. Tamarillo (GB): winner at 2 years; also winner at 3 years in U.A.E. and £116,047; dam of SUMMER FETE (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years inc. Oak Tree S., Goodwood, Gr.3, 3rd Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2. Up At Dawn (GB): ran; dam of UP IN TIME (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A., £164,059 inc. San Clemente H., Del Mar, Gr.2. Our Poppet (IRE): ran once; dam of winners inc.: OVERDOSE (GB): Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 2008, Champion 3yr old in Italy in 2008, 16 wins at 2 to 6 years in Austria, in Germany, in Hungary, in Italy and in Slovakia and £202,185 inc. Goldene Peitsche, Baden-Baden, Gr.2. MAJESTIC MOUNT (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in France and £90,538 inc. Prix Luthier, Deauville, L. Poppet's Treasure (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £54,224, 2nd Prix du Cercle, Deauville, L. and Premio Cancelli, Milan, L. Poppets Sweetlove (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years; dam of Patentar (FR): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014, 3rd EBF Guisborough S., Redcar, L. 3rd dam GAY CHARLOTTE: 2 wins: winner at 2 years; also winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: High Gait: 3 wins at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: ROYAL GAIT: Champion older stayer in France in 1987, Champion older stayer in Europe in 1988, won Prix du Cadran, Gr.1, Prix Royal Oak, Gr.1; also won Champion Challenge Trophy Hurdle, Cheltenham, L. Hannah Lightfoot: 2 wins at 3 and 5 years; dam of winners inc.: AKELARRE (SPA): won Gran Premio Madrid, Madrid, L., Copa de Oro de San Sebastian, L. and Gran Premio Philips (Derby), Madrid, L. 103 LOT 104 FROM HYDE PARK STUD STABLE 137 BAY FILLY (GB) March 4th, 2013 (Second Produce) Archipenko (USA) Barnezet (GR) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. Mr Prospector Miesque Nijinsky Bound Special Green Desert Invincible Spirit Rafha Magical Wonder Le Meridien Dutch Queen B.C. Nominated. Kingmambo View at 1st dam BARNEZET (GR): 2 wins at 3 years and placed 6 times; dam of 1 runner and 3 foals: Gobertier (GB) (2011 c. by Avonbridge (GB)): placed once at 2 years, 2013; also placed 7 times at 3 years, 2014 abroad. She also has a yearling filly by Archipenko (USA). 2nd dam LE MERIDIEN (IRE): 4 wins at 3 to 6 years and £22,715 and placed 11 times; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 2 foals: Barnezet (GR): see above. 3rd dam DUTCH QUEEN: ran a few times at 3 and 4 years; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: Prontezzo (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy; dam of winners. Ansellad (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years and £12,507 and placed 7 times. Don Salvatore (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and placed 3 times. 4th dam WILHELMINA: placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 7 winners from 11 runners and 11 foals inc.: Burlington Boy: 4 wins at 2 years, placed 3rd Gimcrack S., York, Gr.2. Miroslav: 4 wins, £17,608: winner at 2 years; also 3 wins in U.S.A. Dunmurry Boy: 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times. Aswellas: 3 wins at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. The next dam DENIAL: 2 wins at 2 years and placed twice; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals inc.: Clonee: winner in U.S.A. and placed once; dam of winners inc.: GOWRAN GREEN (USA): won San Clemente S., Del Mar, 3rd Linda Vista H., Oak Tree, Gr.3, Vallejo S., Golden Gate, Oneonta H., Santa Anita; dam of MISREPRESENTATION (USA): won Del Mar Derby, Del Mar, Gr.3, Sunny Slope S., Santa Anita, Gr.3, Oceanside S., Del Mar and California Breeders' Chmpn S.(2yoc&g), Santa Anita, placed 2nd Norfolk S., Santa Anita, Gr.2, La Jolla Mile S., Del Mar, Gr.3, 3rd Balboa S., Del Mar, 4th Del Mar Futurity, Del Mar, Gr.2; sire. La Diorita (ARG): placed once in Argentina; grandam of HABSBURGO (PER): won C. Asoc. Prop. Caballos Carrera del Peru, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.2, Clasico Hipodromo de Monterrico, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.2, Clasico Estados Unidos de Norteamerica, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.2, Clasico Alfredo Dammert Muelle, Hipo Monterrico, L. and C. Jose Soyer Calmet y Jose Soyer Nash, Hipo Monterrico, L., 2nd C. Ernesto Ayulo Pardo-Cotejo Potrillos, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.1, 3rd Gran Premio Jockey Club del Peru, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.1, Clasico Independencia, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.1. Deluxe (ARG): unraced; grandam of AGAMASY (ARG): 2 wins in Argentina inc. Clasico General Lavalle, Hipodromo Arg, Gr.3. 104 LOT 105 FROM SHERBOURNE LODGE STABLE 105 BAY FILLY (IRE) May 3rd, 2013 (Third Produce) Danzig Razyana Secretariat L'On Vite Fanfreluche Rahy Fantastic Light Jood Storm Cat Calando Diminuendo B.C. Nominated. Danehill Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) Little Match Girl (IRE) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam LITTLE MATCH GIRL (IRE): placed once at 3 years in Italy; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 3 foals inc.; Crystal Court (IRE) (2010 f. by Invincible Spirit (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and placed 8 times. 2nd dam CALANDO (USA): 2 wins at 2 years and £99,349 inc. May Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.3, 2nd Fillies' Mile S., Ascot, Gr.1 and 3rd Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals; CHAMPLAIN (GB) (c. by Seeking The Gold (USA)): winner at 2 years and £47,513, Chesham S., Ascot, L. Sovereignty (JPN): 10 wins and £37,527. Fantando (GB): placed twice at 2 years; also 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £19,564. Ustura (USA): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 and £24,026. Bornean (IRE): placed 3 times; also winner at 3 years, 2013 in U.S.A. She also has a yearling filly by Dubawi (IRE). 3rd dam DIMINUENDO (USA): Champion 3yr old filly in Europe in 1988, 8 wins at 2 and 3 years and £428,600 inc. Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1, Gold Seal Oaks S., Epsom, Gr.1 and Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1, 2nd St Leger S., Doncaster, Gr.1 and 3rd 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; Own sister to PRICKET (USA); dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 14 foals inc.: CALANDO (USA): see above. Decrescendo (IRE): unraced; grandam of Gulapa (GB): 9 wins in Denmark and in Sweden, 2nd Beierholm Copenhagen Golden Mile, Copenhagen, L., 3rd Dansk Pokallob, Copenhagen, L. 4th dam Cacti (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A., 4th Next Move H., Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners from 7 runners and 11 foals inc.: PRICKET (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years inc. R L Davison Pretty Polly S., Newmarket, L., 2nd Oaks S., Epsom, Gr.1; dam of a winner: Cascassi (USA): 2 wins, £11,091: winner at 3 years; also winner at 4 years in France; dam of 6 winners inc.: TEIDE (USA): won Lieutenant Governor's Cup H., Hastings Park, L., 2nd BC Premier's S., Hastings Park, Gr.3. Sister Sophie (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 6 winners inc.: PORT LUCAYA (GB): won Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1 and 3rd Premio Roma, Rome, Gr.1; sire. Polar Fizz (GB): unraced; grandam of DOMESIDE (GB): 13 wins at 3 to 7 years, 2013 in France and in Spain and £256,394 inc. Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, Longchamp, Gr.2. 105 LOT 106 STABLE 144 FROM KILMINFOYLE HOUSE STUD (AGENT) PEGASUS MOON (GB) March 17th, 2013 BAY FILLY (First Produce) Dubai Millennium Zomaradah Chief's Crown Bright Tiara Expressive Dance Holy Roman Danehill Emperor L'On Vite Dominion Moon Drop Little White Star B.C. Nominated. Dubawi Poet's Voice (GB) Rhodesian Moon (IRE) (2008) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam RHODESIAN MOON (IRE): unraced; dam of: Pegasus Moon (GB) (2013 f. by Poet's Voice (GB)): Above is her first foal. 2nd dam MOON DROP: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £15,030 inc. Remembrance Day EBF S., Doncaster, L.; dam of 10 winners, 11 runners and 15 foals inc.: Moon King (IRE) (c. by Cadeaux Genereux): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £42,069, 2nd Coventry S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3 and 3rd Scottish Equitable Gimcrack S., York, Gr.2; also placed 3 times at 6 and 7 years in U.A.E. Abraham Lincoln (IRE) (g. by Danehill (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years and £48,512, 2nd Weatherbys Ireland Greenlands S., Curragh, Gr.3. Devil Moon (IRE) (c. by Danehill (USA)): winner at 2 years and £24,415, 3rd Veuve Clicquot Vintage S., Goodwood, Gr.2. South Dakota (IRE) (c. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)): winner at 2 years and £28,603, 2nd Anheuser Busch Parks Railway S., Curragh, Gr.2. Dancing Drop (GB) (f. by Green Desert (USA)): 2 wins at 2 years and £31,952, 2nd London Clubs Fern Hill Rated H., Ascot, L., October S., Ascot, L., 3rd Sweet Solera S., Newmarket, L., Dragon Trophy, Sandown Park, L. and Oh So Sharp S., Newmarket, L.; dam of winners inc.: JEWEL IN THE SAND (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 4 years and £79,851 inc. Chippenham Lodge Cherry Hinton S., Newmarket, Gr.2. DAVIGNON (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany and £24,783 inc. Scherping Rennen, Baden-Baden, L. Triton Dance (IRE): winner at 2 years and £16,244; dam of MIBLISH (GB): 3 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2014 at home and in Qatar and £132,044 inc. Magnolia S., Kempton Park, L., 3rd Brigadier Gerard S., Sandown Park, Gr.3, Count John (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £29,111, 3rd Dylan Thomas EBF Tetrarch S., Curragh, Gr.3. Mithl Al Hawa (GB) (f. by Salse (USA)): winner at 2 years, 2nd Rockingham S., York, L. and Charlotte S., Newmarket, L.; dam of winners: Marisa (GER): unraced; dam of SMOKEY STORM (GB): 8 wins at home and in Denmark and £103,860 inc. Woodcote S., Epsom Downs, L., Di Stefano (GB): winner at 2 years, 2nd Dragon S., Sandown Park, L., 3rd Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, L., Windsor Castle S., Ascot, L. Nanty (IRE): unraced; dam of winners inc.: TURNING FOR HOME (FR): 2 wins at 3 years in France and in Germany inc. Dallmayr Coupe Lukull Riemer Meile, Munich, L. 3rd dam LITTLE WHITE STAR: ran at 3; dam of 8 winners, 14 runners and 15 foals inc.: BELDALE STAR: 9 wins, £43,822: 4 wins at 2, 3 and 8 years and £28,590 inc. Blue Riband Trial S., Epsom, L.; also 5 wins over hurdles at 4 to 6 years and £15,232, 2nd New Year's Day Hurdle, Windsor, L. Searching Star (GB): placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners inc.: FA-EQ (IRE): won City of York S., L., 2nd Irish 2000 Guineas, Gr.1. 106 LOT 107 FROM BALLYHANE STABLE 49 BAY FILLY (GB) March 14th, 2013 (First Produce) Green Desert Organza Sandhurst Prince Tappen Zee Rossaldene Danzig Ishiguru Strategic Maneuver Doyoun Abaklea Akbala B.C. Nominated. Desert Style Paco Boy (IRE) Ishiadancer (GB) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam Ishiadancer (GB): 3 wins at 4 and 5 years and £25,524 and placed 14 times inc. 3rd Totepool City Plate, Chester, L. Above is her first foal. 2nd dam ABAKLEA (IRE): unraced; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 9 foals: Ishiadancer (GB) (f. by Ishiguru (USA)): see above. Enjoy The Buzz (GB): 5 wins at 5 and 6 years and £23,919; sire. Enjoy The Magic (GB): winner at 4 years, broodmare. 3rd dam AKBALA (IRE): unraced; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: Sopran Abala (ITY): 9 wins at 2 to 6 years in Italy and £78,843, 2nd Criterium Partenopeo, Naples, L. 4th dam AKILA (FR): unraced; dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals inc.: BOOK AT BEDTIME (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £70,392 inc. Park Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.3, 2nd Prix Hubert de Chaudenay, M'-Laffitte, Gr.2. Aksar (USA): 3 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £163,234, 2nd Golden Gate H., Golden Gate, Gr.2, Santa Gertrudes H., Santa Anita, L. and 3rd San Juan Capistrano Invitation H., Santa Anita, Gr.1. Akhtal (USA): winner at 3 years in France and £18,297, 2nd Prix du Carrousel, Longchamp, L. and 3rd Prix Nimbus, M'-Laffitte, L. The next dam LICATA (FR): 3 wins in France inc. Prix Cleopatre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3 and Prix de Malleret, Longchamp, Gr.3; Own sister to Eclectic (FR); dam of 5 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc.: AKARAD (FR): 4 wins in France and 1,516,000 fr. inc. Grand Prix de SaintCloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, 2nd Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1; sire. AKIYDA: Champion 3yo filly in Europe in 1982, 3 wins in France, £197,860 inc. Prix de L'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Prix de Diane, Gr.1, Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr.1; grandam of AKBAR (IRE): won Henry II S., Sandown, Gr.2, AKHIYAR (IRE): won Amethyst S., Leopardstown, L., 3rd Gallinule S., Curragh, Gr.2; third dam of AKDARENA (GB): won Blue Wind S., Naas, Gr.3, 3rd Audi Pretty Polly S., Curragh, Gr.1. ACAMAS: Champion 3yr old in France in 1978, 3 wins in France inc. Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1 and Prix Lupin, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. Licara (FR): 2 wins in France, 2nd Prix Chloe, Evry, Gr.3; grandam of LINNGA (IRE): won Prix Minerve, Evry, Gr.3; third dam of LIVADIYA (IRE): won Trigo S., Leopardstown, L., Golden Pages H., Leopardstown, L. and Denny Cordell Lavarack Mem. EBF S., Gowran Park, L., 2nd Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1, MAXXI ARTE (IRE): won Viejas Casino H., Del Mar, L.; fourth dam of LINNGARI (IRE): won Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1, Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr.1, 2nd Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr.1, Dubai Duty Free S., Gr.1, 3rd Champion S., Newmarket, Gr.1 and Hong Kong Cup, Gr.1; sire. 107 LOT 108 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 33 CHESNUT FILLY (GB) April 30th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Royal Applause Princess Athena Ela-Mana-Mou Entente Cordiale Mirmande Ahonoora Inchinor Inchmurrin Ashkalani Ashlinn Always Far B.C. Nominated. Acclamation Equiano (FR) China Cherub (GB) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam CHINA CHERUB (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £34,188 and placed 13 times; dam of a winner from 3 runners and 5 foals: Dad's Girl (GB) (2012 f. by Sakhee's Secret (GB)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed once. Sakhee'ssquirrel (GB) (2011 f. by Sakhee's Secret (GB)): placed once at 2 years, 2013. She also has a yearling colt by Pastoral Pursuits (GB). 2nd dam ASHLINN (IRE): winner at 2 years; dam of 4 winners, 4 runners, 6 foals inc.: Best Kept (GB): winner at 2 years, 2013 and placed twice. 3rd dam ALWAYS FAR (USA): unraced; dam of 8 winners, 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: ALLOWAY (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £42,437 inc. Prix Cleopatre - Prix Cleomene, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of a winner. Abu Zayan (GB): 2 wins at 3 years in France, £23,763; dam of winners inc.: Anuradha (AUS): winner, 2014 in Australia. 4th dam FAIRY FOOTSTEPS: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £74,074 inc. 1000 Guineas S., Newmarket, Gr.1; Own sister to Royal Coach; dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: Fleet Fairy (USA): winner at 2 years in France, 3rd Prix Penelope, SaintCloud, Gr.3. Fabulous Fairy (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: CHINESE DRAGON (USA): won San Francisco Mile S., Golden Gate, Gr.2 and 3rd Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Santa Anita, Gr.1; sire. Only Be Cause (USA): winner, 2013 in U.S.A. Fabled City (USA): winner at 3 years and £12,565. Truly Bewitched (USA): winner at 2 years; grandam of INFINITE MAGIC (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 at home and in U.S.A. inc. American Derby, Arlington, Gr.3, 2nd Del Mar Derby, Del Mar, Gr.2. Flying Fairy: placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: DESERT PRINCE (IRE): Champion 3yr old in Europe in 1998, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France and £495,005 inc. Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II S., Ascot, Gr.1 and E Prix du Moulin, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd St James's Palace S., Royal Ascot, Gr.1, 3rd Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. ONTARIO (USA): won Anglesey S., Curragh, Gr.3. Swan Princess (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: ALBIREO (JPN): won Commemorative Race of Yukio Okabe, Nakayama, L. Variation (JPN): winner, 2013 in Japan. Get The Groove (JPN): winner, 2014 in Japan. 108 LOT 109 FROM KNOCKANGLASS STABLES STABLE 70 REGENT'S HEIR (USA) March 13th, 2013 CHESNUT COLT Haynesfield (USA) Victorious Vice (USA) (1991) Speightstown Nothing Special Vice Regent Try Sympathy B.C. Nominated. Gone West Silken Cat Tejabo Moody Maiden Northern Dancer Victoria Regina Habitat Santarelle View at 1st dam VICTORIOUS VICE (USA): winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £10,547 and placed once; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 13 foals: GLEAM OF HOPE (USA) (2007 g. by City Zip (USA)): 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £312,035 inc. Jefferson Cup S., Churchill Downs, Gr.3 and Budweiser Select Cradle S., River Downs, L., placed 14 times inc. 2nd Brooks Fields S., Canterbury Down, Tenacious H., Fair Grounds, Robert F Carey Memorial H., Hawthorne, 3rd American Derby, Arlington International, Gr.2, River City H., Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Arlington Classic S., Arlington International, L., Cryptoclearance S., Hawthorne. FOREST PRINCESS (CAN) (1997 f. by Hansel (USA)): 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £191,677 inc. Navajo Princess S., Meadowlands, placed 5 times inc. 3rd Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, L.; dam of 2 winners. V V Goodnight (USA) (2011 f. by Midnight Lute (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in U.S.A. and £52,642 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Pucker Up S., Arlington, Gr.3 and 3rd Hatoof S., Arlington. Justin Rules (USA) (2004 g. by Mr Greeley (USA)): 4 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £46,720 and placed 5 times. Victorious Soul (USA) (2006 c. by Perfect Soul (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and placed once. Court Victory (USA) (2005 f. by Doneraile Court (USA)): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and placed twice. Mr Cielo (CAN) (1999 c. by Conquistador Cielo (USA)): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £36,547 and placed once. On Account of Me (CAN) (2001 f. by Unaccounted For (USA)): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £33,629. Saintly Angel (CAN) (1996 f. by St Jovite (USA)): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of 3 winners inc.: SASKAWEA (CAN) (f. by Stormy Atlantic (USA)): 7 wins in Canada and $822,161, Fury S., Woodbine, L., Ruling Angel S., Woodbine, L., Avowal S., Woodbine, L. (twice) and Zadracarta S., Woodbine, L., 2nd Selene S., Woodbine, Gr.3, Labatt Woodbine Oaks, L., Wonder Where S., Woodbine, L., Repercussion S., Woodbine, L., Glorious Song S., Woodbine, L., Fanfreluche S., Woodbine, L., Bessarabian S., Woodbine, L., 3rd River Memories S., L., Belle Geste S., Woodbine, L. Regent's Heir (USA) (2013 c. by Haynesfield (USA)): see above. 2nd dam TRY SYMPATHY: ran on the flat in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of 13 winners from 14 runners and 16 foals inc.: SKYTRIAL (USA) (f. by Sky Classic (CAN)): 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £187,445 inc. Canadian H., Woodbine, L., 2nd Dance Smartly H., Woodbine, Gr.2; dam of winners. TRAY MY FORCE (ITY) (c. by Blu Air Force (IRE)): 3 wins at 3 years in Italy and £46,577 inc. Premio Tullio Righetti-Shadwell Stud, Rome, L. 109 LOT 110 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 11 Danehill Allegheny River Fairy King Lindfield Belle Tecmessa Lure Orpen Bonita Francita Bluebird Bellissi Ingabelle B.C. Nominated. Danetime Baltic King (GB) BAY COLT (IRE) April 14th, 2013 Belleinga (IRE) (2001) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam BELLEINGA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £22,197 and placed 9 times; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 6 foals: Johann Bach (IRE) (2009 g. by Oratorio (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2014 and £10,519 and placed 3 times. She also has a yearling filly by Kodiac (GB). 2nd dam BELLISSI (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 5 years and £10,321; Own sister to WILD BLUEBELL (IRE); dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 13 foals inc.: Pure Mischief (IRE): 5 wins, £34,334: 3 wins at 5 years and £19,612; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and £14,722. Reve de Chat (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £10,696. 3rd dam INGABELLE: 3 wins at 2 to 4 years and £39,456 inc. Keeneland Phoenix Sprint S., Phoenix Park, Gr.3; dam of 8 winners, 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: EVA'S REQUEST (IRE): 7 wins at 2 to 4 years at home, in Italy and in Turkey and £456,332 inc. Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1, broodmare. PRIORY BELLE (IRE): Jt Champion 2yo filly in Ireland in 1995, 2 wins at 2 years, £65,713 inc. Moyglare Stud S., Curragh, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: KILTUBBER (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years at home and in Italy and £60,772 inc. Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L.; dam of OPINION (IRE): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014 at home and in Australia and £411,750 inc. The Metropolitan, Randwick, Gr.1, 2nd Sydney Cup, Randwick, Gr.1, FOX HUNT (IRE): 7 wins at 3 to 5 years at home, in France, in Germany and in U.A.E. and £305,331 inc. Grosser Preis Von DSW21 St Leger, Dortmund, Gr.3 and Attijari Al Islami Nad Al Sheba Trophy, Meydan, Gr.3, ANAM ALLTA (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £81,591 inc. Coolmore Stud Concorde S., Tipperary, Gr.3. WILD BLUEBELL (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £51,667 inc. Coolmore Stud Concorde S., Tipperary, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: Il Pirata (IRE): 3 wins, £261,169: winner at 2 years and £18,029, 3rd Railway S., Curragh, Gr.2; also 2 wins in Hong Kong and £243,140. Hangar Five (IRE): 2 wins at 5 and 6 years, 2014 and £17,344. Sadinga (IRE): winner at 3 years and £10,202; dam of winners: Cool Judgement (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £21,737, 3rd Chester H., Chester, L. Showboating (IRE): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2013 and £48,905. Live Grace (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2013 in Switzerland. Danielli (IRE): placed 5 times at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners inc.: CHRISELLIAM (IRE): Champion 2yo filly in Europe in 2013, 3 wins at 2 years, 2013 at home and in U.S.A. and £449,766 inc. Fillies' Mile S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Juv. Fillies Turf, Santa Anita, Gr.1. Janicellaine (IRE): 2 wins, £82,754: winner at 2; also winner in Canada, 2nd Flaming Page S., Woodbine, L., 3rd My Charmer H., Calder, Gr.3. Very Special (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014 and £33,769. 110 LOT 111 FROM EGMONT STUD STABLE 82 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 1st, 2013 (Third Produce) Roderic O'Connor (IRE) Alexander Family (IRE) (2006) Galileo Secret Garden Danetime Villa Nova E.B.F. Nominated. Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Danehill Chalamont Danehill Allegheny River Petardia Yashville View at 1st dam ALEXANDER FAMILY (IRE): winner at 3 years; Own sister to Prince of Denmark (IRE); dam of a winner from 2 runners and 3 foals inc.: Lucky Suit (IRE) (2010 f. by Red Clubs (IRE)): winner at 2 years, placed twice. 2nd dam VILLA NOVA (IRE): ran at 3 years; dam of 7 winners, 9 runners, 11 foals inc.: Prince of Denmark (IRE) (g. by Danetime (IRE)): 7 wins, £59,696: 3 wins at 2 years, £25,631, placed 4 times inc. 2nd Dragon S., Sandown Park, L.; also 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.A.E. and £34,065, placed 5 times. Forbidden Paradise (IRE) (f. by Chineur (FR)): winner at 2 years in U.S.A. and £33,738, placed 3rd Blue Norther S., Santa Anita, broodmare. Six of Diamonds (IRE): 6 wins, £259,123: 3 wins at 3 years and £30,475 and placed 6 times; also 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in Hong Kong and £228,648 and placed twice. Star of Canterbury (IRE): 3 wins, £12,512: 2 wins at 3 years and placed twice; also winner over hurdles at 4 years and placed twice. Our Three Graces (IRE): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2013; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2014 in Belgium and placed 4 times. Lady Clitico (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2014 and £11,505 and placed 7 times; also placed 5 times over hurdles at 3 years, 2014. Diamond Soles (IRE): ran a few times; dam of winners: Cheektocheek (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed twice. Company of Ring (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2014 in Italy. 3rd dam YASHVILLE: unraced; dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals: IMPRESSIONIST (IRE): 5 wins at 2, 5 and 6 years at home and in Hong Kong and £329,125 inc. Futurity S., Curragh, Gr.3, placed 2nd Budweiser World Cup International S., Curragh, Gr.2 and 3rd Thoroughbred Corporation Dewhurst S., Newmarket, Gr.1. GRENSHAW (IRE): Champion 2yr old in Belgium in 1995, 2 wins at 2 years in Belgium inc. Prix Hynderick de Theulegoet, Sterrebeek, L., placed once, 2nd Prix Gutt - Tattersalls, Ostend, L.; dam of winners inc.: Gentleshaw (FR): 4 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2014 in France. Trakya Atesi (IRE): 10 wins at 2 to 5 years in Turkey and £80,689. Boldville Bash (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years and placed 3 times. Music Park (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in France; dam of a winner. After Lent (IRE): 2 wins: winner at 4 years; also winner over hurdles. 4th dam Yashina (FR): winner at 3 years in France, placed 6 times inc. 3rd Prix de la Seine, Longchamp, L.; dam of 8 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: Yamashina (IRE): 8 wins, £63,627: 2 wins at 3 years in France, £17,264; also 6 wins over jumps at 4 and 6 years in France and £46,363, 2nd Prix Europe 2 - 4yo Challenge Hurdle, Enghien, L.; dam of winners. 111 LOT 112 FROM POWERSTOWN STUD STABLE 100 GIANETTA (SWI) May 4th, 2013 BAY FILLY (First Produce) Mr Prospector Miesque Sadler's Wells Myth To Reality Millieme Sadler's Wells Galileo Urban Sea Vanishing Prairie Alysheba Venise B.C. Nominated. Miesque's Son Whipper (USA) Galipea (IRE) (2008) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam GALIPEA (IRE): unraced; Own sister to VANISHING CUPID (SWI) and PURPLE MOON (IRE); dam of: Gianetta (SWI) (2013 f. by Whipper (USA)): see above. 2nd dam VANISHING PRAIRIE (USA): 2 wins at 3 years; also placed 3 times at 3 years in France; dam of 11 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: VESPONE (IRE) (c. by Llandaff (USA)): 4 wins at 3 years in France and £405,420 inc. Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1, 2nd Prix Ganay, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Premio Presidente della Repubblica, Rome, Gr.1; sire. LA SYLPHIDE (SWI) (f. by Barathea (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £33,369 inc. Prix Penelope, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: EXPANSION (USA): won Red Smith H., Aqueduct, Gr.2, 3rd Woodford Reserve Manhattan H., Belmont, Gr.1, Man O'War S., Belmont, Gr.1. Monday Show (USA): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £44,583 3rd Preis der Ostdeutschen Sparkassen, Dresden, L. WINDY KING (GB) (c. by Hurricane Run (IRE)): 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014 in France and £96,550 inc. Prix Denisy, Saint-Cloud, L. PURPLE MOON (IRE) (g. by Galileo (IRE)): 4 wins, £973,287: 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £967,910 inc. Coutts Glorious S., Goodwood, L., 2nd Melbourne Cup, Flemington, Gr.1, Hong Kong Vase, Sha Tin, Gr.1. VANISHING CUPID (SWI) (c. by Galileo (IRE)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in France, £108,434 inc. La Coupe de Marseille, Marseille Borely, L. and 2nd Almased Cup Hamburg Trophy, Hamburg, Gr.3. Verdi (SWI) (g. by Llandaff (USA)): 19 wins in France 3rd Criterium de Lyon, Lyon-Parilly, L. and Prix Isonomy, Maisons-Laffitte, L. Verzasca (IRE): winner at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: VERTANA (IRE): 4 wins in France inc. Prix Panacee, Toulouse, L. 3rd dam VENISE (USA): unraced; dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 15 foals inc.: VETHEUIL (USA): 5 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £232,426 inc. Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, 2nd Prix Jacques Le Marois, Gr.1. VERVEINE (USA): 3 wins in France inc. Prix de l'Opera, Longchamp, Gr.2, 3rd Prix Marcel Boussac, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1 and Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: VOLGA (IRE): 7 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £740,314 inc. E P Taylor S., Woodbine, Gr.1, 2nd E P Taylor S., Woodbine, Gr.1. VALLEE ENCHANTEE (IRE): 5 wins in France and in Hong Kong and £911,265 inc. Hong Kong Vase, Sha Tin, Gr.1. VICTORY CRY (IRE): 3 wins in France inc. Grand Prix de Vichy, Gr.3. VESUVE (IRE): 5 wins at home and in France inc. Doonside Cup S., L. Vallee des Reves (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: MAIDS CAUSEWAY (IRE): 4 wins and £350,997 inc. Coronation S., Gr.1, 2nd Fillies' Mile S., Gr.1, 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1. 112 LOT 113 FROM BANSHA HOUSE STABLES STABLE 89 Ishiguru Hellvelyn (GB) GREY COLT (GB) March 2nd, 2013 Cumbrian Melody Lear Fan Hasten (USA) (1999) Promptly E.B.F. Nominated. Danzig Strategic Maneuver Petong Avahra Roberto Wac Lead On Time Ghariba View at 1st dam HASTEN (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of 6 winners from 7 runners and 11 foals: Myownway (GB) (2007 g. by Dubawi (IRE)): 4 wins at 4 to 7 years, 2014 in Bahrain and in U.A.E. and £22,584 and placed 8 times. Great Run (GB) (2010 c. by Compton Place (GB)): 3 wins, £99,739: winner at 2 years and placed once; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2014 in Hong Kong and £97,072 and placed 3 times. Wicked Whisper (GB) (2004 c. by Johannesburg (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years abroad and £13,470 and placed once. Hasty Lady (GB) (2005 f. by Dubai Destination (USA)): winner at 3 years and placed 5 times, broodmare. Gassal (GB) (2006 f. by Oasis Dream (GB)): winner at 2 years and placed 3 times, broodmare. Clutchingatstraws (GB) (2012 f. by Showcasing (GB)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and £11,357 and placed 3 times. She also has a yearling filly by Hellvelyn (GB). 2nd dam PROMPTLY (IRE): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £48,019 inc. Silver Spoon S., Delaware Park; dam of 8 winners, 10 runners, 12 foals inc.: FANTASTIC VIEW (USA) (c. by Distant View (USA)): 3 wins at 2 years and £103,526 inc. Tom McGee Autumn S., Ascot, Gr.3, 2nd Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1; sire. Weald Park (USA) (g. by Cozzene (USA)): winner at 2 years and £42,060, 2nd Weatherbys Superlative S., Newmarket, Gr.2. Expedience (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of a winner: Azamourday (GB): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 in Italy. 3rd dam GHARIBA: winner at 3 years and £28,422, Juddmonte Farms Nell Gwyn S., Newmarket, Gr.3, 4th General Accident 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of 8 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: Reinaldo (FR): 14 wins at 3 to 9 years in Italy and £192,013, 2nd Gran Premio Citta' di Napoli, Naples, Gr.3, 3rd Premio Melton - Memorial Tudini, Rome, Gr.3 and Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr.3; sire. Lord Darnley (IRE): winner in France, 2nd Prix du Lys, Longchamp, Gr.3. Dead of Night (GB): 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A., 2nd Spicy Living H., Rockingham Park, L., Crowned S., Delaware Park, L.; dam of a winner. Hawayah (IRE): winner at 2 years; grandam of HIGH STANDING (USA): 9 wins at 2 to 6 years, £259,801 inc. Hackwood S., Newbury, Gr.3, 3rd Sprint Cup, Haydock, Gr.1 and Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1, Yajbill (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years and £37,561, 2nd Pavilion S., Lingfield, L., Never Lose (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £23,425, 3rd Cecil Frail S., Haydock, L., Morache Music (GB): 6 wins and £81,040; also 2nd Prix Zeddaan, Fontainebleau, L., 3rd Prix de Ris-Orangis, Deauville, Gr.3. 113 LOT 114 FROM MOSS LODGE STUD STABLE 116 Danzig Razyana Kris Rafha Eljazzi Nureyev Rudimentary Doubly Sure Ela-Mana-Mou Olivia Jane Green Lucia B.C. Nominated. Danehill Kodiac (GB) BAY COLT (IRE) May 15th, 2013 Shimla (IRE) (1998) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SHIMLA (IRE): placed once at 2 years; dam of 3 winners, 4 runners and 7 foals: Nero Siculo (IRE) (2004 c. by Beckett (IRE)): 9 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £29,489 and placed 20 times. The Salwick Flyer (IRE) (2003 g. by Tagula (IRE)): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years and £15,161 and placed 11 times. Shilla (IRE) (2011 f. by Kodiac (GB)): winner at 2 years, 2013, placed 6 times. 2nd dam OLIVIA JANE (IRE): unraced; dam of 3 winners from 9 runners and 9 foals inc.: King O' The Mana (IRE) (c. by Turtle Island (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £65,494, 2nd Troy S., Doncaster, L., 3rd Old Vic Cumberland Lodge S., Ascot, Gr.3 and Gartner Derby Trial S., Lingfield Park, Gr.3; sire. 3rd dam GREEN LUCIA: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £33,262 inc. Ballylinch and Norelands Stud S., Gowran Park, L., 2nd Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1 and 3rd Irish Guinness Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of 12 winners from 13 runners and 14 foals inc.: Luchiroverte (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £89,441, 2nd General Accident Jockey Club S., Newmarket, Gr.2, Princess of Wales's S., Newmarket, Gr.2 and 3rd Hardwicke S., Ascot, Gr.2; sire. Euromill: 2 wins at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: TADWIGA (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £106,558 inc. Trusted Partner Matron S., Curragh, Gr.3; dam of ROCK LOBSTER (USA): 10 wins at 2 to 8 years in U.S.A. and £202,718 inc. Saranac S., Saratoga, Gr.3, Faswiga (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years in Canada and in U.S.A. and £103,956, 2nd Ontario Colleen H., Woodbine, L. and Flaming Page S., Woodbine, L.; grandam of TELLINA (SAF): 4 wins in South Africa inc. Gauteng Guineas, Turffontein, Gr.2, 2nd President's Champions Challenge, Turffontein, Gr.1, South African Classic, Turffontein, Gr.1, 3rd H F Oppenheimer Horse Chestnut S., Turffontein, Gr.1 and Sansui Summer Cup, Turffontein, Gr.1, SORELLA BELLA (IRE): Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Italy in 2012, 2 wins at 2 years at home and in Italy and £77,736 inc. Premio Coolmore, Milan, L., 2nd Premio Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1. BARTOK (IRE): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in Italy and £79,005 inc. EBF Orby S., Leopardstown, L. and Premio Daumier, Rome, L., 3rd John Roarty Memorial EBF Railway S., Curragh, Gr.3. Green Castle (IRE): placed once at 4 years; dam of winners inc.: ITHOUGHTITWASOVER (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £75,831 inc. William Hill Braveheart S., Hamilton Park, L. Greenisland (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £39,912, 3rd Miles and Morrison October S., Ascot, L. and EBF Valiant S., Ascot, L.; also 3rd RaceBets Dusseldorfer Stutenpreis, Dusseldorf, L.; dam of SHAMSHON (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 at home and in France and £52,613 inc. Prix de la Vallee d'Auge, Deauville, L. 114 LOT 115 FROM ARDGLAS STABLES STABLE 111 WHARANE (FR) February 20th, 2013 BAY COLT (Second Produce) Warning Diktat (GB) Arvola Mr Greeley Nova Lady (USA) (2007) Turn Me Loose E.B.F. Nominated. Eligible for French Breeder’s Premium. Known Fact Slightly Dangerous Sadler's Wells Park Appeal Gone West Long Legend Kris S Adoradancer View at 1st dam NOVA LADY (USA): placed once at 3 years in Spain; dam of 2 foals. 2nd dam TURN ME LOOSE (USA): placed twice at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 6 foals inc.: Pearl Turn (USA) (f. by Bernardini (USA)): placed 3 times at 3 years, 2013; also 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in U.S.A. and £58,265 3rd Pippin S., Oaklawn Park, L. Naajlah (KSA): winner at 3 years, 2014 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd dam Adoradancer (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £38,707 3rd Klassy Briefcase S., Monmouth Park; Own sister to Rare Opportunity (USA); dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: SAINT ANDDAN (USA): 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £220,056 inc. Churchill Downs H., Churchill Downs, Gr.2; sire. Indiana Moon (USA): 6 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2014 in U.S.A. and £68,497. Jumeirah Beach (USA): 4 wins in Japan; dam of 4 winners inc.: GANGES (JPN): won Galaxy S., Hanshin, L., Perseus S., Tokyo, L., 2nd The Negishi S., Tokyo, Gr.3 and 3rd Procyon S., Chukyo, Gr.3. 4th dam ANDORA (USA): winner at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc.: LUFTIKUS (USA): 5 wins in U.S.A. and £291,950 inc. Lone Star Park H., Lone Star Park, Gr.3, 2nd Strub S., Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. DIVERSA (USA): 4 wins in U.S.A. and £150,251 inc. Busanda S., Aqueduct, L., 3rd Next Move H., Aqueduct, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners inc.: LOVE THEWAY YOUARE (USA): won Vanity H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and 2nd Santa Margarita Invitational H., Santa Anita, Gr.1. Dirty Swagg (USA): winner, 2014 in U.S.A., 3rd Real Quiet S., L. SENSITIVITY (USA): 3 wins in France inc. Grand Prix de Compiegne, Compiegne, L., 2nd Prix Chloe, M'-Laffitte, Gr.3 and 3rd Tierce Magazine-Prix Fille de l'Air, Gr.3 (twice); dam of 2 winners inc.: Catch The Moon (IRE): winner at 3 years in France; dam of LIGHTNING MOON (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £49,401 inc. John Guest Bengough S., Ascot, Gr.3, SONG OF MY HEART (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £49,641 inc. Blenheim S., Curragh, L. Rare Opportunity (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £35,647 3rd Black-Eyed Susan S., Pimlico, Gr.2; dam of 8 winners inc.: STREET SOUNDS (CAN): won Stonerside Beaumont S., Gr.2. SILVER HIGHLIGHT (CAN): won Wonder Where S., Woodbine, L. 115 LOT 116 FROM DERRYCONNOR STUD STABLE 128 BAY FILLY (IRE) January 31st, 2013 (First Produce) Desert Style (IRE) Green Desert Organza Bahri Anadiya (FR) (2008) Alnamara E.B.F. Nominated. Danzig Foreign Courier High Top Canton Silk Riverman Wasnah Linamix Alharir View at 1st dam ANADIYA (FR): ran on the flat in France at 3 years; Above is her first foal. 2nd dam ALNAMARA (FR): 3 wins at 3 years in France and £35,456 inc. Prix de Thiberville, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed once; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 8 foals inc.: ALNADANA (IRE) (f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and £228,312 inc. Prix Messidor, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3 and Prix de Bagatelle, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed 2nd Beverly D S., Arlington International, Gr.1, Investec Princess Elizabeth S., Epsom Downs, Gr.3, Prix Edmond Blanc, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix La Sorellina, La Teste De Buch, L. and 3rd Prix du Pin, Longchamp, Gr.3. Almalyk (FR): 5 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2015 in France and £104,295 and placed 9 times. She also has a 2-y-o filly by Sea The Stars (IRE) and a yearling filly by Exceed And Excel (AUS). 3rd dam ALHARIR (USA): winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: ALNAMARA (FR): see above. ALBAHRI (FR): 3 wins at 3 years in France and £44,118 inc. Grand Prix du Nord, Le Croise-Laroche, L., placed once, 2nd Coupe des Trois Ans, Lyon-Parilly, L. Alhaprince (IRE): 11 wins at 4 to 9 years, 2013 in Spain and £80,063 and placed 34 times. 4th dam THAWAKIB (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £75,403 inc. Ribblesdale S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2, placed twice; dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 14 foals inc.: SAKHEE (USA): Champion older horse in Europe in 2001, 8 wins at 2 to 5 years at home, in France and in U.A.E. and £2,208,160 inc. Juddmonte International S., York, Gr.1, P. de l'Arc de Triomphe-Lucien Barriere, Longchamp, Gr.1, JWE Telecom Dante S., York, Gr.2, Thresher Classic Trial, Sandown Park, Gr.3 and Steventon S., Newbury, L., placed 2nd Vodafone Derby S., Epsom Downs, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Classic, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Prix Gontaut-Biron, Deauville, Gr.3 and 3rd Emirates Dubai World Cup, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1; sire. NASHEED (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £27,136 inc. Sun Life of Canada Trial S., Newbury, L., placed once; dam of 5 winners inc.: Zamaam (GB): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 in France and £72,591 and placed 8 times inc. 3rd La Coupe de Marseille, Marseille Borely, L. Weqaar (USA): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of 3 winners: Cherry Street (GB): winner at 2 years and placed 5 times; also 3 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2014 in Italy and £13,418 and placed 8 times. 116 LOT 117 FROM THE BLOODSTOCK CONNECTION STABLE 202 BAY COLT (IRE) February 24th, 2013 (Third Produce) Big Bad Bob (IRE) Broadways Millie (IRE) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. Roberto Toter Back Marju Fantasy Girl Persian Fantasy Sadler's Wells Imperial Ballet Amaranda Absalom Broadway Rosie Broadway Royal B.C. Nominated. Bob Back View at 1st dam BROADWAYS MILLIE (IRE): unraced; dam of 2 runners and 3 foals: Broadway Ranger (IRE) (2011 c. by Bushranger (IRE)): placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014; also placed once at 3 years, 2014 in Qatar. Giorgio's Dragon (IRE) (2009 g. by Le Vie Dei Colori (GB)): placed 3 times at 3 years. 2nd dam BROADWAY ROSIE: 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £22,969 inc. Emerald 2yo Fillies S., Phoenix Park, L., placed 6 times inc. 3rd EBF Sapphire S., Phoenix Park, L.; dam of 5 winners from 9 runners and 13 foals: EASTERN PURPLE (IRE) (g. by Petorius): 4 wins at 2 to 5 years, £133,457 inc. Greenlands S., Curragh, Gr.3, Phoenix Sprint S., Leopardstown, Gr.3 and Sandy Lane Rated S., Haydock Park, L., 2nd King George S., Goodwood, Gr.3, Wentworth S., Doncaster, L., Dubai Airport World Trophy S., Newbury, L. (twice), 3rd King George S., Goodwood, Gr.3, Phoenix Sprint S., Leopardstown, Gr.3 and Hopeful S., Newmarket, L. Double Oscar (IRE): 12 wins at 2 to 7 years and £84,626. President Elect (IRE): 6 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £31,970. Communard (IRE): 4 wins, £34,553: winner at 2; also 3 wins in Macau. Mo's Main Man (IRE): winner at 3 years in France. Eastern Baby (IRE): unraced; dam of a winner: Asrin Tayi (TUR): winner in Turkey. 3rd dam BROADWAY ROYAL: unraced; dam of 6 winners from 12 runners and 16 foals: BROADWAY ROSIE: see above. MORA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £16,301 inc. Telecom Eireann Brownstown Stud S., Leopardstown, L., placed twice; dam of winners. Broadway Star: 6 wins, £22,177: winner at 2 years; also 5 wins at 4 to 6 years in Australia, £17,720, 3rd Rockhampton Cup, Rockhampton, L. Royal Crofter: 7 wins, £72,400: 2 wins at 3; also 5 wins in Hong Kong. Stone Arch (IRE): 2 wins at 5 and 7 years and £11,016 and placed 5 times. Broadway Singer: winner at 2 years in France. Run To Jane (IRE): ran a few times and ran once over hurdles; dam of winners inc.: Taro Tywod (IRE): 5 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2014 and £22,158. Unidexter (IRE): winner at 4, 2014; also winner over hurdles at 4, 2014. 4th dam GOLDWYN PRINCESS: placed once at 2 years; dam of 4 winners from 11 runners and 17 foals inc.: AFRICAN SONG: 2 wins at 3 years and £37,130 inc. King's Stand S., Royal Ascot, Gr.1, placed twice inc. 3rd Duke of York S., York, Gr.3; sire. Movie Queen: unraced; dam of winners inc.: GALLIC SON (SAF): won Kwazulu-Natal Free H., Clairwood, L. and 3rd Clairwood Park Nursery S., Clairwood, Gr.3. 117 LOT 118 FROM KNOCKGRAFFON STABLES STABLE 193 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 19th, 2013 Danzig Razyana Secretariat L'On Vite Fanfreluche Storm Bird Bluebird Ivory Dawn Blushing Groom Honorine Equal Honor B.C. Nominated. Danehill Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) Fashion Guide (IRE) (1999) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam FASHION GUIDE (IRE): winner at 2 years and £18,152 and placed 6 times; dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 8 foals: Ortac Rock (IRE) (2009 g. by Aussie Rules (USA)): 4 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years, 2015 and £26,182 and placed 11 times. Spotty Muldoon (IRE) (2005 g. by Mull of Kintyre (USA)): winner at 3 years and placed once. Cult Classic (IRE) (2008 c. by Choisir (AUS)): placed once at 2 years, died at 2. Nobel Fashion (IRE) (2012 f. by Alfred Nobel (IRE)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling colt by Tagula (IRE). 2nd dam HONORINE (USA): placed once at 3 years in France; dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 14 foals inc.: FOOLISH HEART (IRE) (f. by Fools Holme (USA)): 10 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in Italy and £156,237 inc. Premio Dormello, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Seregno, Milan, L. and Premio Verziere, Milan, L., 2nd Premio Carlo Chiesa, Rome, L., Premio Novella, Milan, L., Premio Royal MaresMemorial G Bianchetti, Turin, L., 3rd Premio Bagutta - Memorial Sergio Cumani, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Carlo Chiesa, Rome, L., Premio Royal Mares, Turin, L., Premio Libero Perlini, Naples, L.; dam of winners inc.: Sopran Foldan (IRE): 24 wins at 3 to 11 years in Italy and £219,042, placed 2nd Gran Premio Citta' di Napoli, Naples, Gr.3, Premio Chiusura, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Umbria, Rome, Gr.3, Premio Certosa, Milan, L. (twice) and 3rd Premio Piero e Ugo Tudini, Rome, Gr.3. Alfono (ITY): 12 wins at 2 to 8 years, 2015 in Italy and £70,861. 3rd dam Equal Honor (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £20,306, 3rd San Juan Bautista H., Golden Gate; dam of 6 winners, 7 runners, 7 foals inc.: ECHOES (FR): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years in France inc. Prix Corrida, SaintCloud, Gr.3, 3rd Prix de Royallieu, Longchamp, Gr.2; dam of winners: Multicolour Wave (IRE): placed once at 3 years in France; dam of ELUSIVE WAVE (IRE): 6 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in France and £513,340 inc. Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Total Prix Marcel Boussac, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix Rothschild, Deauville, Gr.1 and 3rd Prix Rothschild, Deauville, Gr.1, Million Waves (IRE): winner at 2 years and £19,294, 2nd Gerrardstown House Silken Glider S., Curragh, L.; grandam of CITY IMAGE (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £25,167 inc. Empress S., Newmarket, L. Temple Street (IRE): unraced; dam of LANGS LASH (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £59,748 inc. Queen Mary S., Ascot, Gr.2. Equinol (FR): 3 wins in France, 2nd Prix de Seine-et-Marne, Chantilly, L. Keen's Like: 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in France; dam of winners inc.: Keroub (FR): winner in France, 2nd Prix Maurice Caillault, SaintCloud, L. and 3rd Prix du Lys, M'-Laffitte, Gr.3. 118 LOT 119 FROM MAYFIELD STABLES STABLE 44 Danehill Clodovil (IRE) GREY FILLY (IRE) April 18th, 2013 Clodora Marju Guest (IRE) (1997) Marju Dance Ahead E.B.F. Nominated. Danzig Razyana Linamix Cloche d'Or Last Tycoon Flame of Tara Shareef Dancer Shoot Clear View at 1st dam MARJU GUEST (IRE): placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to Dance Clear (IRE); dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 11 foals; Sapphire Stone (IRE) (2003 c. by Intikhab (USA)): 8 wins, £196,806: winner at 2 years; also 7 wins at 4 to 7 years in Macau and £187,572. Main Gauche (IRE) (2006 f. by Kalanisi (IRE)): 3 wins at 3 and 5 years in Italy and £18,179 and placed 11 times. Musical Parade (IRE) (2010 f. by Amadeus Wolf (GB)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Poland and placed 3 times. Alastar (IRE) (2002 f. by Alhaarth (IRE)): winner at 2 years in Italy, broodmare. Roring Samson (IRE) (2011 g. by Art Connoisseur (IRE)): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014. Marius Maximus (IRE) (2007 c. by Kheleyf (USA)): placed once at 2 years. Caha Pass (IRE) (2012 f. by Lord Shanakill (USA)): unraced to date. 2nd dam DANCE AHEAD (GB): winner at 2 years and placed once; also placed once at 3 years in France; dam of 8 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: Dance Clear (IRE) (f. by Marju (IRE)): 6 wins, £143,094: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £13,911 and placed twice, 3rd Killavullan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3 and Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L.; also 4 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £129,183 and placed 10 times inc. 2nd Cardinal S., Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Roseanna S., Delaware Park, L., My Charmer H., Calder, L., 3rd Eatontown H., Monmouth Park, Gr.3 and Joe Namath S., Gulfstream Park, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners. Dancing Colors (IRE) (f. by Spectrum (IRE)): 3 wins, £44,391: winner at 2 years and £13,302 and placed 6 times; also 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £31,089 and placed once, 3rd Denise Rhudy Memorial S., Delaware Park, L., broodmare. Atamana (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of 6 winners inc.: MULAQAT (GB): 8 wins at home and in U.A.E. and £160,357 inc. Petros Rose of Lancaster S., Haydock Park, Gr.3, Newmarket S., Newmarket, L. and Abu Dhabi Championship, Abu Dhabi, L. Hasheema (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: NAJJAAR (USA): won Sycamore S., Keeneland, L., 3rd Louisville H., Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Arlington Classic S., Arlington International, L. and American St Leger S., Arlington International. 3rd dam SHOOT CLEAR: Champion 2yr old filly in England in 1983, 3 wins at 2 years and £39,022 inc. Waterford Candelabra S., Goodwood, Gr.3, placed 4 times inc. 2nd Gainsborough Stud Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr.3, 3rd May Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.3 and 4th General Accident 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of 7 winners from 12 runners and 15 foals inc.: Cut Clear (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: GLADYATOR (TUR): won Fikret Yuzatli, Veliefendi, L. 119 LOT 120 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 12 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 15th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Green Desert Rafha Cozzene Cozy Maria Mariamme Rahy Noverre Danseur Fabuleux Lion Cavern Tee Cee Hawayah B.C. Nominated. Invincible Spirit Zebedee (GB) Fantastic Cee (IRE) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam FANTASTIC CEE (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 4 foals: Pixie Cut (IRE) (2010 f. by Chineur (FR)): 2 wins, £20,097: winner at 3 years, 2013 and placed 6 times; also winner at 3 years, 2013 in France and £10,122. 2nd dam TEE CEE (GB): winner at 3; dam of 6 winners, 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: Yajbill (IRE) (c. by Royal Applause (GB)): 3 wins at 2 years and £37,561, 2nd Hesmonds Stud Pavilion S., Lingfield Park, L. Miss Dutee (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, broodmare. Captivity (GB): winner at 3 years; also placed 3 times at 5 and 6 years, 2015 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3rd dam HAWAYAH (IRE): winner at 2; dam of 6 winners, 10 runners and 10 foals inc.: Nena Maka (GB): 3 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £72,244; dam of winners inc.: HIGH STANDING (USA): 9 wins at 2 to 6 years and £259,801 inc. Shadwell Hackwood S., Newbury, Gr.3, 3rd Betfred Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr.1 and Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1. Enchanted Princess (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years; dam of winners inc.: Never Lose (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £23,425, 3rd Betfredcasino Cecil Frail S., Haydock Park, L. Morache Music (GB): 6 wins and £81,040; also 2nd Prix Zeddaan, Fontainebleau, L. and 3rd Prix de Ris-Orangis, Deauville, Gr.3. Knight Charm (GB): winner at 2 years; also placed once at 4 years, 2014 in France. Findhorn Magic (GB): winner at 3 years, 2014. 4th dam GHARIBA: winner at 3 years and £28,422, Juddmonte Farms Nell Gwyn S., Newmarket, Gr.3, 4th General Accident 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of 8 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: PROMPTLY (IRE): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £48,019 inc. Silver Spoon S., Delaware Park; dam of winners inc.: FANTASTIC VIEW (USA): 3 wins at 2 years and £103,526 inc. Autumn S., Ascot, Gr.3, 2nd Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1; sire. Reinaldo (FR): 14 wins at 3 to 9 years in Italy and £192,013, 2nd Gran Premio Citta' di Napoli, Naples, Gr.3, 3rd Premio Melton - Memorial Tudini, Rome, Gr.3 and Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr.3; sire. Lord Darnley (IRE): winner at 3 years in France and £20,282, 2nd Prix du Lys, Longchamp, Gr.3. Dead of Night (GB): 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A., 2nd Spicy Living H., Rockingham Park, L. and Crowned S., Delaware, L.; dam of a winner. 120 LOT 121 FROM EGMONT STUD STABLE 83 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 8th, 2013 (Third Produce) Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Stravinsky Looking Back Mustique Dream Danehill Danehill Dancer Mira Adonde Pleasant Colony Fantasy Royale Nijinsky's Lover B.C. Nominated. Galileo Rip Van Winkle (IRE) Visite Royale (USA) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam VISITE ROYALE (USA): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 4 foals; Kalahari Kingdom (IRE) (2011 g. by Footstepsinthesand (GB)): 2 wins: winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 3 times; also winner at 4 years, 2015 in Qatar. Dancer Art (IRE) (2012 c. by Excellent Art (GB)): ran on the flat in Italy. She also has a yearling filly by Pour Moi (IRE). 2nd dam Fantasy Royale (USA): winner at 2 years and £15,417 and placed twice inc. 3rd Challenge S., Leopardstown, L.; dam of 5 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc.: Giant's Fantasy (USA): 2 wins at 5 years, 2014 in U.S.A. Royale Wannabe (IRE): unraced; dam of 4 winners inc.: Secret's Only (AUS): winner in New Zealand, 3rd Windsor Park Stud Japan NZ Int. Trophy, Tauranga, Gr.2 and Team Wealleans Matamata Cup, Matamata, L. 3rd dam NIJINSKY'S LOVER (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £109,941 inc. San Clemente S., Del Mar, L. and Moonglow S., Hollywood Park, L., placed 3 times inc. 3rd Providencia S., Santa Anita, L.; dam of 7 winners from 11 runners and 11 foals inc.: DANCE MASTER (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £118,783 inc. Bashford Manor S., Churchill Downs, Gr.2, 2nd Anderson Fowler S., Monmouth Park and 3rd Gilded Time H., Gulfstream Park, L.; sire. NANINJA (USA): 9 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £222,709 inc. San Simeon H., Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Live The Dream S., Del Mar, L., placed 9 times inc. 2nd American H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2. Limerence (USA): winner at 3 years in France and £35,725 and placed 7 times inc. 2nd Prix de la Californie, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L. and 3rd Prix F.B.A-Aymeri de Mauleon, Toulouse, L.; dam of a winner. Hishi Lover (USA): 2 wins, £214,418: winner at 4 years in Japan; also winner over jumps at 4 years in Japan; dam of 4 winners inc.: Prince Rahy (USA): winner, 2nd Hill Prince S., Belmont Park, Gr.3, 3rd Lexington S., Belmont Park, Gr.3, Awad S., Belmont Park, L. Cappucino Queen (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of winners. GHOST QUEEN (USA): won Hoosier Debutante S., Hoosier Park, L. MOCHA QUEEN (USA): won Zenobia Empress H., Churchill Downs, Pent up Kiss H., Churchill Downs, 2nd Mamzelle S., Churchill Downs, L., Kentucky Cup Turf Dash S., Kentucky Downs, L. Coffee Shop (USA): winner, 3rd Foxy J G S., Philadelphia Park, L. Dearfriendofours (USA): winner in U.S.A.; grandam of JOINT TENANT (USA): 4 wins to 2014 in U.S.A. inc. Governor's S., Indiana Downs, HOOSIER NEIGHBOR (USA): winner at 3 years, 2014 in U.S.A., Paul Tinkle ITOBA Stallion Season S., Indiana Downs. 121 LOT 122 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 34 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 28th, 2013 Danzig Razyana Secretariat L'On Vite Fanfreluche Northern Dancer Sadler's Wells Fairy Bridge Arts And Letters Northern Script My Nord B.C. Nominated. Danehill Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) Scripture (IRE) (1999) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam SCRIPTURE (IRE): unraced; Own sister to SCRIBE (IRE) and NORTHERN HAL; dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals: MOE GREEN (IRE) (2007 g. by Xaar (GB)): Champion 3yr old colt in Scandinavia in 2010, 11 wins in Sweden and £159,713 inc. Casino Cosmopol Svenskt Derby, Jagersro, L., placed 6 times inc. 3rd Dansk Jockey Club Cup, Copenhagen, L. Groovy Hill (IRE) (2009 g. by Kheleyf (USA)): 10 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2014 in Italy and £33,470 and placed 20 times; also placed once over jumps at 3 years in Italy. Hongkong Emperor (IRE) (2012 c. by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE)): placed 3 times at 2 years, 2014 in Sweden. Marishi Ten (IRE) (2010 f. by Invincible Spirit (IRE)): placed twice at 2 and 3 years, 2013. 2nd dam NORTHERN SCRIPT (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 14 foals inc.: SCRIBE (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years and £42,045 inc. Gordon Richards S., Sandown Park, Gr.3; sire. NORTHERN HAL (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in West Germany inc. Preis der Stadt Baden-Baden, L. Caerless Writing (f. by Caerleon (USA)): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £61,120, 2nd Sea World EBF Pretty Polly S., Curragh, Gr.2; dam of winners. Cullberg Ballet (IRE): placed 4 times at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £21,144; dam of winners inc.: BALETTI (USA): won Fort Marcy S., Belmont Park, Gr.3 and 3rd King Edward H., Woodbine, Gr.2. 3rd dam MY NORD (USA): 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 11 winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: ANNOCONNOR (USA): 12 wins in U.S.A. inc. Ramona H., Del Mar, Gr.1, Santa Ana H., Santa Anita, Gr.1 and Vanity Invitational H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1, 2nd Matriarch S., Hollywood, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: Carelaine (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of CAESARION (IRE): won Prix Andre Baboin (G. P. des Provinces), Lyon-Parilly, Gr.3. Prospect Fever (USA): placed once in U.S.A.; dam of WAY WEST (AUS): 2 wins in Australia inc. Blue Diamond Prelude (c&g), Caulfield, Gr.3. AT TALAQ (USA): 8 wins at home, in Australia and in France and £86,887 inc. Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1, LKS MacKinnon S., Flemington, Gr.1 and Foster's Melbourne Cup, Flemington, Gr.1; sire. Pattimech (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: FAR LANE (USA): won Newmarket Darley S., Newmarket, Gr.3 and Carlton Draught Lord Reims S., Morphettville, Gr.3. Lamanka Lass (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of DARK ISLANDER (IRE): won Oak Tree Derby, Santa Anita, Gr.2. 122 LOT 123 FROM KNOCKANGLASS STABLES STABLE 71 BAY COLT (IRE) April 1st, 2013 (Third Produce) Pivotal Captain Rio (GB) Beloved Visitor Tiger Hill Bambola (ITY) (2004) Barakula E.B.F. Nominated. Polar Falcon Fearless Revival Miswaki Abeesh Danehill The Filly Barathea Bright Generation View at 1st dam BAMBOLA (ITY): winner at 2 years in Italy and placed twice; dam of 1 runner and 3 foals: Cormick McDermott (IRE) (2010 g. by Captain Rio (GB)): placed once at 2 years in Poland. 2nd dam BARAKULA (GB): winner at 2 years; dam of 4 winners, 6 runners, 9 foals inc.: Bolshoi Girl (GB): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £28,068. Bellezza (ITY): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy, £15,338; dam of a winner. 3rd dam BRIGHT GENERATION (IRE): Champion 3yr old filly in Italy in 1993, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy and £147,843 inc. Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.1, 2nd Moyglare Stud S., Curragh, Gr.1, Long Island H., Belmont, Gr.2, Pretty Polly S., Newmarket, L.; dam of 8 winners, 12 runners, 13 foals inc.: FATHAYER (USA): 8 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and in U.A.E. and £92,297 inc. Premio Guido Berardelli, Rome, Gr.3, 2nd Premio Botticelli, Rome, L. Sunburst (GB): winner at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Bright And Shiny (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of Glossed And Found (USA): 5 wins at 2 to 6 years, 2015 in U.S.A. and £76,920, placed 14 times inc. 3rd Hoosier Breeders Sophomore S. (f), Hoosier Park, L. Celebrate (IRE): placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Caesarina (GB): 6 wins at 3 and 5 years in Germany and £21,374; dam of Caesarion (GER): 12 wins at 2 to 7 years, 2015 in Germany and £43,808, placed 3rd Kronimus Rennen, Baden-Baden, L. Rumored (USA): placed twice at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: DABIRSIM (FR): Champion 2yr old colt in France in 2011, Jt Champion 2yr old colt in Europe in 2011, 5 wins at 2 years in France and £410,298 inc. Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1 and Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr.3, 2nd Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr.3; sire. Preferred Yield (USA): winner in U.S.A., 2nd Albuquerque Derby, Albuquerque, Charles Taylor Derby, Albuquerque, 3rd Walter R Cluer Memorial S., Turf Paradise, Harvest Festival Futurity, Fresno. 4th dam NEW GENERATION: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of 6 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals: Centinela (GB): ran a few times; dam of winners inc.: HOLY MOON (IRE): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £78,791 inc. Premio EBF Terme di Merano, Merano, L.; dam of CHARITY LINE (IRE): won Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1, FINAL SCORE (IRE): Champion 3yr old filly in Italy in 2014, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in Italy and £268,230 inc. Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1, CHERRY COLLECT (IRE): Champion 3yr old filly in Italy in 2012, won Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.2, 2nd Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1. 123 LOT 124 FROM HORSE PARK STUD STABLE 95 CHESNUT FILLY (IRE) April 13th, 2013 (Third Produce) Sakhee Sakhee's Secret (GB) Palace Street Confidentiality (IRE) (2004) Desert Style Confidential E.B.F. Nominated. Bahri Thawakib Secreto Majestic Street Green Desert Organza Generous Just You Wait View at 1st dam CONFIDENTIALITY (IRE): 8 wins at 3 and 5 years and £34,925 and placed 13 times; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 4 foals; Madame Mirasol (IRE) (2011 f. by Sleeping Indian (GB)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and placed 4 times. Verchild Lad (IRE) (2012 g. by Verglas (IRE)): ran. She also has a yearling colt by Dandy Man (IRE). 2nd dam CONFIDENTIAL (GB): placed once at 3 years; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 6 foals inc.: Confidentiality (IRE): see above. 3rd dam JUST YOU WAIT: unraced; dam of 7 winners from 11 runners and 12 foals inc.: REPRIMAND: 6 wins at 2 to 4 years and £167,146 inc. Scottish Equitable Gimcrack S., York, Gr.2, Trusthouse Forte Mile, Sandown Park, Gr.2, Earl of Sefton S., Newmarket, Gr.3, Marshall S., Newmarket, L. and Burr S., Lingfield Park, L., 2nd Bisquit Cognac Challenge S., Newmarket, Gr.2, Queen Anne S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2, 3rd Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1, Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.2, Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2 and Brigadier Gerard S., Sandown Park, Gr.3; sire. WIORNO (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £139,804 inc. CIGA Prix Dollar, Longchamp, Gr.2, La Coupe, Longchamp, Gr.3 and Prix Pelleas, Evry, L., 2nd Prix Dollar, Longchamp, Gr.2, Brigadier Gerard S., Sandown Park, Gr.3, 3rd Rothman's International S., Woodbine, Gr.1. Waiting (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years and £37,926 and placed 9 times inc. 2nd Dee S., Chester, L. and 3rd Fred Archer S., Newmarket, L. Gamra (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: ROXAN (IRE): winner at 2 years and £24,955, Hilary Needler Trophy, Beverley, L., 2nd Sportsman News Firth of Clyde S., Ayr, Gr.3. Just A Mirage (GB): placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 7 winners inc.: KAHAL (GB): 7 wins at home, in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. and £313,473 inc. Challenge S., Newmarket, Gr.2 and Nearctic S., Woodbine, Gr.2, 2nd Jersey S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3, Morvich H., Santa Anita, Gr.3 (twice), 3rd Compass Group Challenge S., Newmarket, Gr.2. KATICI PRINCESS (IRE): 5 wins at 4 and 5 years in South Africa and £23,895 inc. Champagne S., Kenilworth, Gr.3. SAHARA PRINCESS (IRE): winner at 2 years, Blue Square Fillies S., Curragh, L., 3rd Robert H Griffin Debutante S., Curragh, Gr.2. Doomna (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of Mutafanen (GB): 3 wins, £94,857: 2 wins, 3rd Hampton Court S., Ascot, L.; also winner in U.A.E., 2nd Abu Dhabi Championship, Abu Dhabi, L.; grandam of SHOWMETHEWAY (SAF): won Golden Loom H., Turffontein, L., placed 2nd Tommy Hotspur H., Turffontein, Gr.3, 3rd Mercury Sprint, Clairwood, Gr.1 and Umngeni H., Greyville, L. 124 LOT 125 FROM DOLMEN BLOODSTOCK STABLE 125 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 23rd, 2013 (First Produce) Royal Applause Princess Athena Green Desert Sogno Verde Gothic Dream Montjeu Motivator Out West Danehill Carambola Purchasepaperchase B.C. Nominated. Acclamation Lilbourne Lad (IRE) Mokama (GB) (2008) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam MOKAMA (GB): placed twice at 3 years; She also has a yearling colt by Dragon Pulse (IRE). 2nd dam CARAMBOLA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £36,402 inc. Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L., placed 3 times inc. 2nd Trusted Partner Matron S., Curragh, Gr.3; Own sister to Toreador (IRE); dam of 3 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals: Lady Stardust (GB) (f. by Spinning World (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £15,213 and placed once, 3rd EBF Valiant S., Ascot, L., broodmare. Crescendo (SAF): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in South Africa, £16,365. Green Energy (GB): 3 wins, £13,858: winner at 3 years and placed once; also 2 wins over hurdles at 7 years, 2014 and £11,500 and placed once over fences, 2015. 3rd dam PURCHASEPAPERCHASE: 3 wins at 3 and 4 years inc. BBA Atalanta S., Sandown Park, L., 2nd Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr.1 and 4th Child S., Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of 9 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: MATIYA (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £185,000 inc. Airlie Coolmore Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, placed 2nd Pertemps 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, 3rd Fillies' Mile S., Ascot, Gr.1 and Prix de Diane Hermes, Chantilly, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: NAKHEEL (GB): 2 wins at 2 years and £34,769 inc. Silver Tankard S., Pontefract, L., placed 5 times. Rababah (USA): unraced; dam of AFRICAN SKIES (GB): winner at 2 years and £34,920, Ind. Newspaper Princess Margaret S., Ascot, Gr.3, placed twice; grandam of CALYPSO BEAT (USA): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £42,063 inc. Empress S., Newmarket, L., 2nd Sweet Solera S., Newmarket, Gr.3 and Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr.3. CARAMBOLA (IRE): see above. Toreador (IRE): 4 wins, £57,173: winner at 2 years and £16,010 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Paradime Acomb S., York, L.; also 3 wins at 4 years in South Africa and £41,163 and placed 14 times inc. 2nd Gold Challenge, Clairwood, Gr.1, Hawaii S., Turffontein, Gr.2, Rutherford Sentinel Sprint, Newmarket, Gr.2, 3rd Queen's Plate, Kenilworth, Gr.1, Drill Hall S., Greyville, Gr.2 and Hawaii S., Turffontein, Gr.2. Handel (IRE): winner at 3 years and £31,021, placed 2nd Patrick P O'Leary Mem. Gallinule S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Challenge S., Leopardstown, L. Never Explain (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Red Letter (GB): winner at 2 years and £10,689 and placed 5 times; dam of RADA ANGEL (IRE): 4 wins at 3 years in France and £76,975 inc. Prix Petite Etoile, Deauville, L., placed 3 times inc. 2nd Prix Miss Satamixa, Deauville, L. and 3rd Prix Ceres, Saint-Cloud, L. Purple Spirit (IRE): placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of a winner: Star Ruby (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2nd Musidora S., York, Gr.3. 125 LOT 126 STABLE 206 PYTHIUS (IRE) February 20th, 2013 BAY COLT FROM GRANGE CLARE STABLES Gone West Silken Cat Theatrical Green Room Chain Fern Soviet Star Starborough Flamenco Wave Mille Balles Silicon Lady Siliciana B.C. Nominated. Speightstown Lord Shanakill (USA) Silicon Star (FR) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SILICON STAR (FR): ran on the flat in France at 2 and 3 years; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals: Sacha Park (IRE) (2011 c. by Iffraaj (GB)): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £22,661, placed 7 times inc. 2nd Alfred Nobel Rochestown S., Naas, L. Silicone Tune (IRE) (2008 f. by Green Tune (USA)): 4 wins, £41,731: winner at 2 years in France and £13,275 and placed twice; also 3 wins over jumps at 3 and 4 years in France and £28,456 and placed 3 times. Lukes Well (IRE) (2010 f. by Shirocco (GER)): winner at 2 years in France and £10,204 and placed once. Park Rebel (IRE) (2012 c. by Cockney Rebel (IRE)): placed once at 2, 2014. Pythius (IRE) (2013 c. by Lord Shanakill (USA)): see above. She also has a yearling colt by Sakhee's Secret (GB). 2nd dam SILICON LADY (FR): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in France inc. Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of 10 winners from 13 runners and 13 foals inc.: LATONA (FR) (f. by Kendor (FR)): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £88,030 inc. Prix de Saint-Georges, Longchamp, Gr.3; dam of winners. Psylla (FR) (f. by Fabulous Dancer (USA)): winner at 2 years in France and £19,088, 3rd Prix Imprudence, M'-Laffitte, L.; dam of winners. Bucephalass (FR): 2 wins at 3 years in France; dam of a winner: Panthesilea (FR): winner at 2 years in France; dam of PAGERA (FR): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in Germany and £221,794 inc. Baden Racing Stuten Preis, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, 2nd E P Taylor S., Woodbine, Gr.1, VALIDOR (FR): 19 wins at 3 to 9 years, 2015 in France and £247,295 inc. Derby du Midi, Bordeaux Le Bouscat, L. and GP de la Region Alsace-Etape defi Galop, Strasbourg, L. Phlizz (FR): placed 8 times at 3 and 4 years in France; dam of winners inc.: TERRE DU VENT (FR): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and £160,911 inc. Prix Belle de Nuit, Deauville, L. and Prix du Carrousel, Deauville, L., 2nd Prix de Malleret, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2. 3rd dam SILICIANA: 5 wins at home and in France and £25,649 inc. Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of 15 winners from 18 runners and 18 foals inc.: SILICON BAVARIA (FR): 5 wins in France, in West Germany and in Italy inc. Prix de Seine-et-Oise, M'-Laffitte, Gr.3 and Premio Chiusura, Milan, Gr.3, 2nd Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners. JUNTA: 4 wins at home, in Belgium and in U.S.A. inc. Grand Prix de Bruxelles, L., 2nd Grosser Hertie-Preis International, Munich, Gr.2. Island Mill: winner at 3 years; third dam of ELM PARK (GB): 4 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £212,040 inc. Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1. Run The Risk: ran once; dam of winners inc.: RISK ME (FR): Champion 2yr old colt in France in 1986, won Grand Prix de Paris, Gr.1, Prix Jean Prat, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. 126 LOT 127 FROM BALLYHANE STABLE 50 BAY FILLY (GB) January 27th, 2013 (First Produce) Royal Applause Princess Athena Ela-Mana-Mou Entente Cordiale Mirmande Green Desert Cape Cross Park Appeal Averti Wunders Dream Pizzicato B.C. Nominated. Acclamation Equiano (FR) Dream of Wunders (GB) (2008) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam DREAM OF WUNDERS (GB): placed once at 3 years. Above is her first foal. 2nd dam WUNDERS DREAM (IRE): 4 wins at 2 years and £110,963 inc. Polypipe Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2 and Molecomb S., Goodwood, Gr.3, placed 3 times; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: INYORDREAMS (GB) (f. by Teofilo (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £42,417 inc. EBF National Stud Boadicea S., Newmarket, L., placed 5 times inc. 2nd Scottish Sun EBF Land O'Burns S., Ayr, L. Fire Eyes (GB) (c. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)): winner at 2 years and £11,835 and placed once, 2nd Julia Graves Roses S., York, L. Jacamar (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Poland and placed 6 times. Spartilla (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years. 3rd dam PIZZICATO (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: WUNDERS DREAM (IRE): see above. GRECIAN DANCER (GB): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in France and £143,825 inc. Ridgewood Pearl S., Curragh, Gr.3, Prix Miss Satamixa, Deauville, L., 2nd EBF Fairy Bridge S., Tipperary, L., JaWeidenpescher Stutenpreis, Cologne, L., 3rd Windsor Forest S., Ascot, Gr.2, Phoenix Sprint S., Curragh, Gr.3, Bud Light S., Curragh, L.; dam of winners inc.: Dutiful Son (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and £10,636. Muffri'Ha (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014. Nocturn (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 and £50,912 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Stobart Members Club Hopeful S., Newmarket, L. Go Between (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, £15,799; dam of winners inc.: Go Nani Go (GB): 5 wins and £28,044 and placed 11 times. Bridge Valley (GB): winner at 2 years and placed 7 times. Plucky (GB): winner at 3 years and £11,257; dam of winners inc.: Plucky Dip (GB): 3 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £19,680. 4th dam MUSIANICA: 2 wins at 2 years; dam of 6 winners, 7 runners and 9 foals inc.: MENSA (GB): Champion horse in Hong Kong in 1999-2000 (91/2-101/2f.), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in Hong Kong and £980,200 inc. Audemars Piguet Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1. FIREBOLT (IRE): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in Hong Kong and £1,095,991 inc. John Smith's Chipchase S., Newcastle, Gr.3, 2nd Hong Kong Sprint, Sha Tin, Gr.1. Musical Key (GB): placed twice at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: Haadeeth (GB): 7 wins at 2 to 7 years, 2014 and £40,068; also winner at 6 years, 2013 in Guernsey. Sky Wonder (GB): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Sky Crossing (GB): 3 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2014. 127 LOT 128 FROM MEADOWVIEW STABLES STABLE 122 BAY COLT (GB) February 22nd, 2013 Sakhee Sakhee's Secret (GB) Palace Street Barathea Society (IRE) (1999) Lobmille E.B.F. Nominated. Bahri Thawakib Secreto Majestic Street Sadler's Wells Brocade Mill Reef Light O'Battle View at 1st dam SOCIETY (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of a winner from 3 runners and 5 foals: Hurlingham (GB) (2004 g. by Halling (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £32,294 and placed 21 times. Good Society (GB) (2008 f. by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE)): placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years in France. 2nd dam LOBMILLE: unraced; dam of 10 winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: LIL'S JESSY (IRE) (f. by Kris): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £40,631 inc. Shadwell Stud Nell Gwyn S., Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: PARIS WINDS (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A., £94,487 inc. Revidere S., Monmouth, 3rd Blandford S., Curragh, Gr.2. LOBBYIST (GB) (c. by Mtoto): 13 wins at 2 to 9 years in Belgium and in France, £157,190 inc. Grand Criterium National d'Ostende, Ostend, L. LONE BID (FR) (c. by Priolo (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £103,530 inc. Prix Axor de Dirickx-P. du Point du Jour, Craon, L., 3rd Early Times Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr.1. Hurricane Louis (IRE) (c. by Fabulous Dancer (USA)): 7 wins at 3 to 6 years in Italy and £52,523, 2nd Premio Bereguardo, Milan, L. Love Galore (IRE) (g. by Galileo (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £74,954, 2nd Glasgow S., Hamilton Park, L. 3rd dam LIGHT O'BATTLE: winner at 2 years; Own sister to HIGHCLERE, Blaze of Glory and Light Duty; dam of 4 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: Lobbit: 5 wins, £40,070: 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2nd Champion Two Year Old Trophy, Ripon, L., European Free H., Newmarket, L., Sandy Lane S., Haydock, L. and Spring Trophy, Haydock, L.; also winner in U.S.A.; sire. Lobbino: placed once at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: Lobinda (GB): 3 wins; dam of STATE FAIR (GB): 2 wins at 2 years inc. Washington Singer S., Newbury, L., 3rd Chester Vase, Chester, Gr.3. 4th dam Highlight: 2 wins at 3 years, 4th Princess Royal S., Ascot; dam of 9 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: HIGHCLERE: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France inc. 1000 Guineas S., Gr.1, Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: HEIGHT OF FASHION (FR): Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 1981, won Princess of Wales's S., Newmarket, Gr.2; dam of NAYEF (USA): won Juddmonte International S., York, Gr.1, Champion S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's S., Ascot, Gr.1 and Sheema Classic, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1; sire, NASHWAN (USA): Champion 3yr old in England in 1989 (9.5-11f.), won Derby S., Epsom, Gr.1, Coral Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S., Ascot, Gr.1 and 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. 128 LOT 129 FROM BALLYDALY STABLES STABLE 134 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) February 3rd, 2013 Mr Prospector Miesque Sadler's Wells Maryinsky Blush With Pride Sharpen Up Kris Doubly Sure Brief Truce Sarah Stokes Almaaseh B.C. Nominated. Kingmambo Thewayyouare (USA) Matadora (IRE) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam MATADORA (IRE): placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 5 foals; Una Vita Difficile (IRE) (2008 f. by Ad Valorem (USA)): 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and placed 4 times. 2nd dam SARAH STOKES (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of 2 winners from 4 runners and 8 foals inc.: Nubar Lady (IRE) (f. by Danetime (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 years and £34,322 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Tipperary S., Tipperary, L.; dam of a winner: Dylanbaru (IRE): winner at 2 years and £24,578 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Emirates EBF Marble Hill S., Curragh, L. and 3rd Windsor Castle S., Ascot, L. She also has a 2-y-o filly by Zebedee (GB) and a yearling filly by Bushranger (IRE). 3rd dam ALMAASEH (IRE): placed once at 3 years; dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc.: RAVE (IRE): 12 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2014 at home, in Hong Kong and in Singapore and £3,428,820 inc. Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1 and Singapore Airlines International Cup, Kranji, Gr.1, 2nd Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Longines Hong Kong Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1 and 3rd Singapore Airlines International Cup, Kranji, Gr.1. ALMATY (IRE): 6 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years and £105,171 inc. Curragh S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Molecomb S., Goodwood, Gr.3, 3rd King's Stand S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2; sire. Salee (IRE): 3 wins, £34,828: winner at 3 years 2nd Grangewood Severals S., Newmarket, L.; also 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in France and £25,273; dam of 3 winners inc.: Berlini (GB): 3 wins at 4 years, 2014 in Hong Kong and £170,363. Plutorius (IRE): 8 wins, £110,051: winner at 2 years; also 7 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014 in Australia and £103,508. Miss Brown To You (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 2 winners inc.: BIG ORANGE (GB): 3 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £58,379 inc. Betdaq Colossus Chester H., Chester, L. and Noel Murless S., Ascot, L. Artisia (IRE): placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: RED CADEAUX (GB): Champion older stayer in Europe in 2013, 7 wins at 3 to 6 years at home and in Hong Kong and £4,083,030 inc. Longines Hong Kong Vase, Sha Tin, Gr.1, 2nd Diamond Jubilee Investec Coronation Cup, Epsom Downs, Gr.1, Emirates Melbourne Cup, Flemington, Gr.1 (3 times), Emirates Airline Dubai World Cup, Meydan, Gr.1, 3rd Irish Field Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1, Tenno Sho (Spring Emperor's Cup), Kyoto, Gr.1 and Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Vase, Sha Tin, Gr.1. 129 LOT 130 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 13 BAY COLT (IRE) February 20th, 2013 Bushranger (IRE) Nice One Clare (IRE) (1996) E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Allegheny River Efisio Danz Danz Darcey Bussell Storm Bird Mukaddamah Tash Reach Sarah-Clare Northern Dynasty B.C. Nominated. Danetime View at 1st dam NICE ONE CLARE (IRE): 6 wins at 3 and 5 years and £234,222 inc. Betdaq Diadem S., Ascot, Gr.2 and betabet Sceptre S., Doncaster, L.; dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 5 living foals: Alhaweja (IRE) (2007 f. by Indian Ridge): 2 wins at 4 years in Qatar and £26,027 and placed 11 times. Jubilee Diamond (IRE) (2010 f. by Redback (GB)): winner at 2 years and placed twice. Jawmiener (IRE) (2011 f. by Bushranger (IRE)): ran once, died at 2. 2nd dam SARAH-CLARE (GB): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years and £21,752 and placed 7 times; dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals; NICE ONE CLARE (IRE) (f. by Mukaddamah (USA)): see above. High Class Problem (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 5 years and placed 4 times. Fitting Guest (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times. La Belle Clare (IRE): winner at 4 years; dam of a winner: The Wee Chief (IRE): 4 wins and £16,106 and placed 12 times. She also has a 4-y-o filly by Stowaway (GB). 3rd dam NORTHERN DYNASTY: 5 wins: winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; also 4 wins over hurdles at 4 years and placed 3 times; dam of 4 winners from 8 runners and 8 foals inc.: Western Dynasty: 7 wins and £35,171 and placed 18 times. Sarah-Clare (GB): see above. Stardyn: placed once at 4 years; dam of winners inc.: YOUNG ERN (GB): won Toplist Hungerford S., Newbury, Gr.3, Prix du Palais Royal, Longchamp, Gr.3, Leicestershire S., Leicester, L. (twice), 2nd Juddmonte Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.1, Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1, Beeswing S., Newcastle, Gr.3, Diadem S., Ascot, Gr.3, Prix de la Porte Maillot, Longchamp, Gr.3, Prix du Pin, Longchamp, L., 3rd Prix du Palais Royal, Deauville, Gr.3 and Hambleton Rated H., York, L.; sire. Just Warning (GB): ran once; dam of YOUNG MICK (GB): 12 wins at 4, 6 and 7 years at home and in U.A.E. and £331,958 inc. Grosvenor Cumberland Lodge S., Ascot, Gr.3. 4th dam BROKEN HALF: ran twice at 3 years; dam of 2 winners from 4 runners and 4 foals inc.: Dalby Bugatti (DEN): 11 wins in Denmark and in Sweden and £51,307 and placed 49 times inc. 2nd Verdexa Cup, Jagersro, L. 130 LOT 131 FROM BROWN ISLAND STABLES STABLE 59 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 5th, 2013 Oasis Dream Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat Theatrical Theatrale (USA) (2002) West Brooklyn E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Hope Royal Academy Mountain Ash Nureyev Tree of Knowledge Gone West Brooklyn's Dance View at 1st dam THEATRALE (USA): winner at 3 years in France and placed twice; dam of a winner from 4 runners and 7 foals; Gun Shoot (IRE) (2009 f. by Strategic Prince (GB)): 2 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2014 and £16,431 and placed 10 times. Dunseverick (IRE) (2008 g. by Footstepsinthesand (GB)): placed 4 times at 3 and 4 years. She also has a yearling colt by Frozen Power (IRE). 2nd dam WEST BROOKLYN (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France; dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: Campanillas (IRE) (f. by Montjeu (IRE)): winner at 3 years in France and £58,189 2nd Abu Dhabi Prix de Malleret, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, broodmare. Foot Soldier (IRE): 2 wins, £35,325: winner at 2 years and £17,129; also winner over hurdles at 4 years, £18,196 3rd Easter H. Hurdle, Cork, L. Cote Quest (USA) (f. by Green Desert (USA)): winner in France, 3rd Prix Isola Bella, M’-Laffitte, L., Hoppings S., Newcastle, L.; dam of 2 winners. 3rd dam BROOKLYN'S DANCE (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £48,241 inc. Prix Cleopatre, Evry, Gr.3, 2nd CIGA Prix de Royallieu, Longchamp, Gr.2; dam of 12 winners from 12 runners and 13 foals inc.: SOLEMIA (IRE): Champion older mare in France in 2012, 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and £2,121,478 inc. Qatar Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd Qatar Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr.1. PROSPECT WELLS (FR): 6 wins, £277,134: 2 wins at home and in France and £194,887 inc. Prix Greffulhe, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, 2nd Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1; also 3 wins over hurdles and £76,226 inc. National Spirit Hurdle, Fontwell Park, L. and winner over fences. PROSPECT PARK (GB): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £351,161 inc. La Coupe de Maisons-Laffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3 and Prix du Lys, Longchamp, Gr.3, 2nd Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1. BROOKLYN'S GOLD (USA): 6 wins, £101,305: 2 wins at 3 years in France inc. Prix de Suresnes, Longchamp, L.; also 4 wins over hurdles. NEVER GREEN (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £33,626 inc. Prix Occitanie, Bordeaux Le Bouscat, L.; dam of 3 winners. GOLD DODGER (USA): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £29,853 inc. Prix de la Pepiniere, Longchamp, L.; dam of 5 winners inc.: CHINTZ (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years inc. C L Weld Park S., Curragh, Gr.3. Artful (IRE): winner at 3 years in France; dam of DUPLICITY (GB): winner at 2 years and £21,570, Rose Bowl S., Newbury, L. Brooklyn's Storm (USA): 2 wins in France and in U.S.A.; dam of winners: STORMINA (USA): won Indian Maid Breeders' Cup H., Hawthorne, L.; dam of SILASOL (IRE): Jt Champion 2yr old filly in France in 2012, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £401,854 inc. Prix Marcel Boussac, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr.1. 131 LOT 132 FROM SHERBOURNE LODGE STABLE 106 BAY COLT (IRE) January 14th, 2013 Green Desert Hope Daylami Tariysha Tarwiya Storm Cat Catrail Tough As Nails Red Sunset Sunset Cafe Cafe Au Lait B.C. Nominated. Oasis Dream Arcano (IRE) Cafe Creme (IRE) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam CAFE CREME (IRE): unraced; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 9 foals; Parisian Art (IRE) (2006 g. by Clodovil (IRE)): 3 wins, £21,279: winner at 2 years; also 2 wins at 4 years in Greece, £15,434 and placed 20 times. Red Expresso (IRE) (2005 g. by Intikhab (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 4 times. Ice Cool Lady (IRE) (2007 f. by Verglas (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times. Hot Coffee (IRE) (2011 f. by Haatef (USA)): winner at 2 years, placed 4 times. Cafe Express (IRE) (2009 f. by Bertolini (USA)): winner at 2 years. Lethal Legacy (IRE) (2012 c. by Alfred Nobel (IRE)): placed twice at 2 years, 2014. She also has a yearling filly by Requinto (IRE). 2nd dam SUNSET CAFE (IRE): winner at 3 years; Own sister to BEESHI; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: SEAZUN (IRE) (f. by Zieten (USA)): Jt Champion 2yr old filly in England in 1999, 2 wins at 2 years and £114,350 inc. Shadwell Stud Cheveley Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of winners. Albertinelli (IRE) (g. by Danehill (USA)): 5 wins, £134,853: 2 wins at 3 years and £22,880 3rd Netjets Celebration S., Curragh, L.; also 3 wins at 7 years in Australia, £111,973 2nd Premier's Cup, Doomben, Gr.3. Mahogany (IRE) (c. by Orpen (USA)): winner at 2 years and £11,377 3rd Tyros S., Leopardstown, L. Albert Einstein (IRE) (c. by Danehill (USA)): 2nd Killavullan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3; also 3 wins at 4 years in South Africa. Winesong (IRE): placed once at 3 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: UNIVERSAL (IRE): 7 wins at 3 and 4 years, £256,306 inc. Jockey Club S., Newmarket, Gr.2, Princess of Wales's S., Newmarket, Gr.2; sire. 3rd dam CAFE AU LAIT: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of 10 winners from 13 runners and 14 foals inc.: BEESHI: 5 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in France and £62,140 inc. Prix Foy, Longchamp, Gr.3, 3rd Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1. CHAUMIERE: 4 wins at 3 to 5 years and £126,358 inc. John Smith's Magnet Cup H., York, L., 2nd Stockholm Cup International, Taby, Gr.1. Petit Eclair: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of 5 winners inc.: INSATIABLE (IRE): 6 wins at home and in France, £228,632 inc. Prix Dollar, Longchamp, Gr.2, 2nd Champion S., Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. Annsfield Lady: 3 wins at 3 years; dam of PIPE MAJOR (IRE): 3 wins inc. Van Geest Criterion S., Newmarket, Gr.3; grandam of GALEOTA (IRE): 8 wins inc. Mill Reef S., Newbury, Gr.2, 2nd Golden Jubilee S., York, Gr.1; third dam of BROWN SUGAR (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years inc. Molecomb S., Goodwood, Gr.3, BURNT SUGAR (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 inc. Sirenia S., Kempton Park, Gr.3. 132 LOT 133 STABLE 90 FROM BANSHA HOUSE STABLES Sadler's Wells Urban Sea ARMADILLO (FR) Erins Isle Affianced March 29th, 2013 La Meilleure CHESNUT COLT Waajib Vivement Royal Applause (First Produce) Flying Melody Dimanche (GB) Goodwood Inchinor (2005) Blizzard Icecapped E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. Eligible for French Breeder’s Premium. Galileo Heliostatic (IRE) View at 1st dam VIVEMENT DIMANCHE (GB): 4 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in France and £89,105 and placed 25 times; dam of: Armadillo (FR) (2013 c. by Heliostatic (IRE)): Above is her first foal. 2nd dam Goodwood Blizzard (GB): 2 wins at 2 years and £30,547 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Premio Dormello, Milan, Gr.3, 3rd The Link Mobile Phone Prestige S., Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 9 foals: Snow Bay (GB): 10 wins, £77,126: 9 wins, £69,970; also winner in France. Just The Tonic (GB): 7 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2013 and £32,169. Gipsy Dream (IRE): 6 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2014 abroad. Smirfy's Silver (GB): 4 wins and £13,265 and placed 8 times. Geny Bey (IRE): 3 wins at 5 and 6 years, 2014 abroad. Riu Caramboa (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2015 in Italy and £16,874. Crazy Rhythm (IRE): winner at 3 years in France and £16,781. 3rd dam Icecapped: 2 wins at 3 years and placed 4 times inc. 3rd George Stubbs EBF S., Newmarket, L.; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 10 foals: Goodwood Blizzard (GB): see above. Enamorata (GB): 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in Germany; dam of winners. La Dolfina (GB): 6 wins, £33,818: 3 wins at 3 years and £19,030; also 3 wins over hurdles at 6 years and £14,788. Annaberg (IRE): 5 wins, £15,544: 2 wins at 2 years; also 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden; also winner over jumps in Sweden; dam of winners. Have Merci (GB): 4 wins, £20,218: winner at 2 years; also 3 wins over hurdles at 3 and 4 years and £14,776; dam of winners. Roomtoroom Express (GB): 3 wins, £12,145 inc. winner at 4 years. Racing Brenda (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years; dam of a winner. 4th dam Osmunda: winner at 3 years and placed once, 4th Pretty Polly S., Curragh, Gr.2; dam of 6 winners from 12 runners and 13 foals inc.: Icecapped: see above. Jury Service (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 8 times, broodmare. Broken Promise (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £10,863; dam of winners inc.: Saddle The Stars (AUS): winner in Australia, 3rd K Sutton Memorial Geelong Classic, Geelong, L. Royal Promise (AUS): winner in South Africa; dam of Mogok's Desire (SAF): 4 wins in South Africa, 2nd Protea S., Turffontein, Gr.3. Olean: ran twice; dam of winners inc.: Purple Cap (IRE): 18 wins at 2 to 8 years in Italy and £94,803 and placed 38 times inc. 3rd Premio Citta' di Grosseto, Grosseto, L. Cinnamon Fern (IRE): ran twice; dam of winners inc.: NITROUS (IND): won General Rajendrasinhji Trophy, Pune, L. 133 LOT 134 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 35 BAY COLT (GB) March 28th, 2013 Indian Ridge Compton Place (GB) Nosey Khyber Knight (IRE) (2003) Night Shift Peshawar E.B.F. Nominated. Ahonoora Hillbrow Nebbiolo Little Cynthia Northern Dancer Ciboulette Persian Bold Alys View at View at 1st dam KHYBER KNIGHT (IRE): placed 5 times at 3 years; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 6 foals inc.: Red Roof (GB) (2008 f. by Statue of Liberty (USA)): 10 wins at 2 to 6 years, 2014 in Italy and £54,214 and placed 19 times inc. 3rd Criterium di Pisa, Pisa, L. Westhoughton (GB) (2012 c. by Equiano (FR)): placed 7 times at 2 years, 2014; also winner at 3 years, 2015 in U.A.E. Autopilot (GB) (2011 g. by Kyllachy (GB)): winner at 2 years, 2013 and placed twice. She also has a yearling filly by Compton Place (GB). 2nd dam PESHAWAR (GB): unraced; dam of 7 winners, 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Mind And Life (IRE): winner at 2 years in Italy; dam of winners inc.: Mamath (IRE): 8 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2014 in Italy and £54,240, 3rd Premio Guido Berardelli, Rome, Gr.3. Mild Bee (IRE): 7 wins at 2 to 7 years, 2014 in Italy and £55,384. Meltino (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in Italy and £11,952. 3rd dam ALYS: 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France inc. Prix de Saint-Cyr, Longchamp, L. and Prix Ridgway, Deauville, L., 3rd Prix d'Astarte, Deauville, Gr.2; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: PRINCESS NANA (GB): 4 wins at 3 years in West Germany and £68,134 inc. ARAG Preis (1000 Guineas), Dusseldorf, Gr.2; dam of winners: Princess Mood (GER): placed twice at 3 and 4 years in Germany; dam of SUNNY KING (IRE): won Carnarvon S., Newbury, L. and Spring Cup, Lingfield Park, L., 3rd Golden Shaheen S., Meydan, Gr.1. Princess Dancer (GER): unraced; grandam of PASTORIUS (GER): Champion 3yr old colt in Germany in 2012, Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2012 (9.5-10.5f.), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 in France and in Germany and £638,260 inc. Prix Ganay, Longchamp, Gr.1, Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr.1, Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1, 3rd Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.1; sire. Assia (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years in Germany, 2nd Dusseldorfer BMW Preis, L. and 3rd Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, L.; dam of winners inc.: ARCADIO (GER): Champion 3yo colt in Germany in 2005, 5 wins in Germany inc. Grosser Mercedes-Benz Preis, Baden-Baden, Gr.2 and, Cologne, Gr.2, 2nd Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr.1 and 3rd BMW Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1; sire. ASSIUN (GER): 3 wins, £76,642: 2 wins at 3 years in Germany and £67,630 inc. Dr Busch Mem., Krefeld, Gr.3, 2nd Berlin Brandenburg-Trophy, Hoppegarten, Gr.2; also winner over hurdles. ANTHURIUM (GER): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and £21,630 inc. Buchmacher Springer Sprint-Pokal, Munich, L. 134 LOT 135 FROM KNOCKANGLASS STABLES STABLE 72 CHESNUT COLT (GB) January 19th, 2013 (Second Produce) Danzig Foreign Courier Mr Prospector Society Lady La Voyageuse Nureyev Peintre Celebre Peinture Bleue Red Ransom Weqaar Thawakib B.C. Nominated. Green Desert Kheleyf (USA) Aalya (IRE) (2007) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam AALYA (IRE): placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of a winner, 1 runner and 3 foals: Play Nicely (GB) (2012 c. by Naaqoos (GB)): winner at 3 years, 2015 and placed 4 times. She also has a yearling colt by Equiano (FR). 2nd dam WEQAAR (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of 3 winners, 7 runners and 9 foals: Cherry Street (GB): 4 wins, £21,922: winner at 2 years and placed 5 times; also 3 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2014 in Italy and £13,418, placed 8 times. Fadhaa (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 5 times; also placed once at 7 years, 2015 in U.A.E. Roving Bunny (GB): winner at 2 years, 2013. 3rd dam THAWAKIB (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £75,403 inc. Ribblesdale S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2; dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 14 foals inc.: SAKHEE (USA): Champion older horse in Europe in 2001, 8 wins at 2 to 5 years at home, in France and in U.A.E. and £2,208,160 inc. Juddmonte International S., York, Gr.1, Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1, Dante S., York, Gr.2, Thresher Classic Trial, Sandown Park, Gr.3 and Steventon S., Newbury, L., 2nd Derby S., Epsom Downs, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Classic, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Prix Gontaut-Biron, Deauville, Gr.3 and 3rd Dubai World Cup, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1; sire. NASHEED (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £27,136 inc. Sun Life of Canada Trial S., Newbury, L., placed once; dam of winners inc.: Tamazug (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £28,103 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, Gr.3. Zamaam (GB): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 in France and £73,989 and placed 8 times inc. 3rd La Coupe de Marseille, Marseille Borely, L. Alharir (USA): winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners inc.: ALNAMARA (FR): 3 wins at 3 years in France and £35,456 inc. Prix de Thiberville, Maisons-Laffitte, L., placed once; dam of ALNADANA (IRE): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and £228,312 inc. Prix Messidor, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3 and Prix de Bagatelle, MaisonsLaffitte, L., 2nd Beverly D S., Arlington, Gr.1, Princess Elizabeth S., Epsom Downs, Gr.3, Prix Edmond Blanc, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix La Sorellina, La Teste De Buch, L., 3rd Prix du Pin, Longchamp, Gr.3. ALBAHRI (FR): won Grand Prix du Nord, Le Croise-Laroche, L. and 2nd Coupe des Trois Ans, Lyon-Parilly, L. Khazayin (USA): placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Jaish (USA): winner at 2 years and £17,770, 2nd Lord Weinstock Mem. Ballymacoll S., Newbury, L., 3rd EBF Montrose S., Newmarket, L. Najayeb (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Waseet (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £49,395 and placed twice inc. 2nd Juddmonte Royal Lodge S., Ascot, Gr.2. 135 LOT 136 FROM POWERSTOWN STUD STABLE 101 BAY FILLY (USA) April 23rd, 2013 Mr Prospector Miesque Seattle Slew Charming Lassie Lassie Dear Nureyev Theatrical Tree of Knowledge Golden Act Guiza Cairene B.C. Nominated. Kingmambo Lemon Drop Kid (USA) Miss Fanny (USA) (2001) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam MISS FANNY (USA): placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to DRAMA CRITIC (USA); dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 8 foals; Dream Pegasus (USA) (2009 f. by Fusaichi Pegasus (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 5 years, 2014 in U.S.A. and £51,130 and placed 9 times. Hey Carmen (USA) (2008 f. by More Than Ready (USA)): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £35,682 and placed 4 times, broodmare. El Draque (USA) (2012 g. by Henrythenavigator (USA)): placed twice at 3 years, 2015 in Italy. She also has a yearling filly by Lemon Drop Kid (USA). 2nd dam GUIZA (USA): 5 wins at 3 to 6 years in France and in U.S.A. inc. Palomor H., Del Mar, Gr.2 and Oaklawn Breeders' Cup H., Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, placed 2nd Gamely H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Prix Vanteaux, Longchamp, Gr.3, Countess Fager H., Golden Gate, Gr.3, 3rd Criterium de Saint-Cloud, SaintCloud, Gr.1, Santa Margarita Invitational H., Santa Anita, Gr.1, Vanity Invitational H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Dahlia H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Golden Harvest H., Louisiana Downs, Gr.3, Golden Poppy H., Golden Gate, Gr.3, Santa Lucia H., Santa Anita, L. and Rachel Jackson H., Dueling Grounds, L.; dam of 5 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals; DRAMA CRITIC (USA) (c. by Theatrical): 5 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £162,456 inc. Elkhorn S., Keeneland, Gr.3, placed 4 times inc. 3rd Man O'War S., Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. Third Half (USA): 7 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £157,627. Romantic Venture (USA): 4 wins in Hong Kong and £191,502. Cross Calibrate (USA): 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £31,197. The Director (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £33,229. 3rd dam CAIRENE: winner in U.S.A.; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc.: GUIZA (USA): see above. ASSERTIVE LADY (FR): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Australia and in U.S.A. and £52,484 inc. Labor Day Cup, Morphettville, L.; dam of winners inc.: Middlemarch (AUS): winner in Australia, 3rd Victoria St Leger, Flemington, Gr.3. Deraismes (AUS): winner in Australia, 3rd C N W Caloundra City Cup, Sunshine Coast, L. 4th dam JEM JEN: winner at 3 years, Playboy Pretty Polly S., Newmarket, L., placed once; dam of 5 winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: Crystal Beam: 8 wins, £21,021: winner at 2 years; also 3 wins in Germany; also 2 wins over hurdles and 2 wins over jumps in Germany, 3rd Grosses Gelsenkirchener Ruhr Zoo Chase, Gelsenkirchen, L. Al Joharah: 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £13,674 placed 2nd Prix Lovelace, Saint-Cloud, L., broodmare. 136 LOT 137 FROM KILMINFOYLE HOUSE STUD (AGENT) STABLE 145 BAY COLT (GB) May 2nd, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Green Desert Organza Sandhurst Prince Tappen Zee Rossaldene Darshaan Mark of Esteem Homage Cadeaux Genereux Rambling Rose Blush Rambler B.C. Nominated. Desert Style Paco Boy (IRE) Maigold Lass (GB) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam MAIGOLD LASS (GB): unraced; dam of 2 runners and 4 foals: Maypole Lass (GB) (2010 f. by Halling (USA)): placed twice at 3 years, 2013; also placed 7 times over hurdles at 3 and 4 years, 2014. Mairise (GB) (2011 g. by Authorized (IRE)): placed once at 3 years, 2014; also placed once over hurdles at 3 years, 2014. Gocel (GB) (2012 g. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)): unraced to date. 2nd dam RAMBLING ROSE (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £63,691 inc. Galtres S., York, L., 2nd Lancashire Oaks, Gr.3, Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L., Silver Tankard S., Pontefract, L., 3rd Ribblesdale S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2 and Prix de Pomone, Deauville, Gr.2; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 5 foals: NOTNOWCATO (GB) (c. by Inchinor (GB)): 7 wins at 3 to 5 years and £971,689 inc. Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1, Juddmonte International S., York, Gr.1, Coral Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1, Brigadier Gerard S., Sandown Park, Gr.3, Earl of Sefton S., Newmarket, Gr.3, 2nd Coral Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1, 3rd Juddmonte International S., York, Gr.1 and Prince of Wales's S., Ascot, Gr.1; sire. Heaven Knows (GB): 5 wins at 2 to 5 years and £57,030 and placed 7 times. Rosacara (GB): placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Russelliana (GB): winner at 2, 2nd Cherry Hinton S., Newmarket, Gr.2. 3rd dam BLUSH RAMBLER (IRE): winner at 3; dam of 8 winners, 9 runners, 12 foals inc.: RAMBLING ROSE (GB): see above. Rosika (GB): 3 wins at 3 years, 2nd EBF River Eden S., Lingfield Park, L. (twice) and 3rd EBF Pinnacle S., Haydock Park, L., broodmare. Dayrose (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £17,596; dam of winners: DUBDAY (GB): 7 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2015 in Germany and in Qatar and £842,984 inc. Qatar Derby, Al Rayyan, L., Qatar Gold Heir Apparent Trophy, Al Rayyan, L. (twice) and His Highness The Emirs's Trophy, Al Rayyan, L. (twice), 2nd Grosser Preis des Hannover, Gr.3. Kiss From A Rose (GB): winner at 2 years, 2013 and placed 3 times. 4th dam Nikitina: winner at 3 years and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Silken Glider S., Leopardstown, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: Anastina (GB): 2 wins at 4 years and placed once; dam of a winner: Sugar Mill (FR): winner at 3 years in France, 2nd Prix Charles Laffitte, Longchamp, L., Prix Melisande, Chantilly, L. and 3rd Prix de la Seine, Maisons-Laffitte, L.; dam of GERTRUDE BELL (GB): won Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr.2, Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L. and EBF Daisy Warwick S., Goodwood, L., 3rd Qipco Fillies and Mares' S., Ascot, Gr.2, DICK DOUGHTYWYLIE (GB): 3 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2013 and £95,927 inc. Quebec S., Lingfield Park, L., 2nd Wild Flower S., Kempton Park, L. and 3rd Steventon S., Newbury, L. 137 LOT 138 FROM KNOCKGRAFFON STABLES STABLE 192 BAY COLT (IRE) March 25th, 2013 (Second Produce) Pivotal Captain Rio (GB) Beloved Visitor Black Minnaloushe Eye Witness Black Meyeden (FR) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. Polar Falcon Fearless Revival Miswaki Abeesh Storm Cat Coral Dance Don't Forget Me Mariakova View at 1st dam BLACK MEYEDEN (FR): ran twice at 3 years; dam of 1 runner and 3 foals: Petit Lorenz (IRE) (2009 c. by Diamond Green (FR)): placed 3 times at 2 years in Italy. She also has a yearling filly by Elzaam (AUS). 2nd dam EYE WITNESS (IRE): placed 3 times at 3 years; Own sister to WELL BEYOND (IRE); dam of 6 winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc.: Hasanat (GB) (f. by Night Shift (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £48,309 and placed 7 times inc. 2nd Coolmore Stud Concorde S., Tipperary, Gr.3 and 3rd Brownstown Stud S., Leopardstown, L.; dam of winners inc.: Takrice (GB): winner at 2 years, 2nd Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial S., Leopardstown, L. and 3rd Killavullan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3. Indigo Blue (FR) (g. by Night Shift (USA)): 2 wins, £59,059: winner in France, 3rd Prix Djebel, M’-Laffitte, L.; also winner over jumps in France. Reamzafonic (GB): ran a few times; dam of winners inc.: Red Baron Dancer (GB): 8 wins, £570,336: 2 wins at 2 years; also 6 wins at 4 and 6 in Hong Kong, 3rd The Premier Bowl, Sha Tin, L. 3rd dam MARIAKOVA (USA): placed twice at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to ZAIZAFON (USA); dam of 4 winners from 9 runners and 13 foals inc.: WELL BEYOND (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £18,414 inc. October S., Ascot, L.; dam of winners inc.: OUT OF REACH (GB): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £85,341 inc. Brown Bess H., Golden Gate, Gr.3. Well Warned (GB): winner at 2 years, 3rd Cherry Hinton S., Newmarket, Gr.2; dam of PROHIBIT (GB): won King's Stand S., Ascot, Gr.1, 3rd Nunthorpe S., Gr.1, PRIOR WARNING (GB): won Prix Montenica, Deauville, L., Prix Sigy, Chantilly, L., EMERGENCY (GB): won Prix Amandine, Deauville, L., 2nd Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, Gr.3. Tarot Card (GB): winner at 2 years; dam of My Reward (GB): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014, 3rd Tote EBF Stallions Silver Tankard S., Pontefract, L. Over Rating (GB): placed 5 times at 3 years; dam of Abbakova (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2013 and £19,766, 2nd Danehill Dancer Tipperary S., Tipperary, L. and 3rd EBF Marble Hill S., Curragh, L. Society Ball: 2 wins: winner at 3; winner over hurdles; dam of winners inc.: Keld (IRE): 3 wins, £59,229: 2 wins, 2nd Golden Daffodil S., Chepstow, L.; also winner in U.S.A., 3rd Brown Bess H., Golden Gate, Gr.3. Pigeon Blood (IRE): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Prism (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2nd Winalot National S., Sandown, L. My Micheline (GB): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Sues Surprise (IRE): winner at 3 years and £16,829, 2nd EBF Montrose S., Newmarket, L. and 3rd Musidora S., York, Gr.3. Shaken And Stirred (GB): unraced; dam of Midnight Martini (GB): 3 wins at 2 years and £185,759, 2nd Firth of Clyde S., Ayr, Gr.3. 138 LOT 139 FROM MAYFIELD STABLES STABLE 45 BROWN COLT (IRE) April 27th, 2013 (Third Produce) Gulch Height of Fashion Nureyev Al Ishq Allez Les Trois Doyoun Daylami Daltawa Tirol Moy Water Croglin Water B.C. Nominated. Nayef Tamayuz (GB) Wicked Maria (IRE) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam WICKED MARIA (IRE): ran; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 3 foals; Wolf In The Desert (IRE) (2011 g. by Intense Focus (USA)): winner at 3 years, 2014. Flatcapper (IRE) (2012 f. by Captain Marvelous (IRE)): placed 3 times at 2 years, 2014. 2nd dam MOY WATER (IRE): 2 wins; dam of 5 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: MONA EM (IRE) (f. by Catrail (USA)): 2 wins in France and in Germany inc. Prix du Haras du Thenney-Vallee d'Auge, L.; dam of 7 winners inc.: SIR PRANCEALOT (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years and £101,123 inc. Polypipe Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.2; sire. NICE APPLAUSE (IRE): 10 wins at 2 to 7 years in France and £128,274 inc. Prix Georges Trabaud, Marseille Borely, L. Beau Eile (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014. Maumee (IRE) (c. by Indian Ridge): 2 wins, £62,687: winner at 3 years 2nd Carlsberg Ruby S., Tralee, L., Celebration S., Curragh, L. and 3rd Desmond S., Curragh, Gr.3; also winner at 5 years in U.S.A.. 3rd dam CROGLIN WATER: ran once at 2 years and over hurdles at 4 years; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: BUFALINO (IRE): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £35,854 inc. Round Tower S., Curragh, L. and Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L. MALEDETTO (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £66,312 inc. Marble Hill EBF S., Curragh, L., 2nd Heinz 57 Phoenix S., Leopardstown, Gr.1; sire. Tilbrook (IRE): winner at 3 years and £11,207; dam of 6 winners inc.: Rosabee (IRE): 3 wins, 2nd Princess Margaret S., Ascot, Gr.3. 4th dam LAW AND IMPULSE: 3 wins; dam of 5 winners from 11 runners, 13 foals inc.: GOVERNOR GENERAL: 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £87,316 inc. Abernant S., Newmarket, L., 2nd King's Stand S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2; sire. Power Take Off: 3 wins at 3 to 5 years and £33,765 3rd BBA Atalanta S., Sandown Park, L. and Darley S., Newmarket, L.; dam of 3 winners: Reflex: winner at 2 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: Kellys Reef: 2 wins; dam of CALYPSO REEF: 8 wins at home, in Denmark, in Germany and in Sweden inc. Silberne Peitsche, Gelsenkirchen, L., ARTISTIC REEF (GB): 6 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £106,107 inc. Dayjur H., Hollywood Park, L., 3rd King George S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and San Simeon H., Santa Anita, Gr.3. Implicit: ran a few times; dam of 9 winners inc.: YOUMADEYOURPOINT (USA): won Canadian Turf H., Gr.2. Paris Crystal (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of PARISIAN LORD (USA): 4 wins in U.S.A. inc. Vincent Moscarelli Mem. Breeders Classic, L. 139 LOT 140 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 14 CHESNUT COLT (GB) March 31st, 2013 Green Desert Hope Zafonic Arabesque Prophecy Nijinsky Niniski Virginia Hills Play Fellow Play Or Pay Port Desire B.C. Nominated. Oasis Dream Showcasing (GB) Play Around (IRE) (1991) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam PLAY AROUND (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in France, £24,828 inc. Prix Joubert, Evry, L., placed once; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals: Press The Button (GER) (2003 g. by Dansili (GB)): 10 wins, £87,217: 8 wins at 3 to 6 years and £77,717 and placed 15 times; also 2 wins over hurdles at 6 years, placed once, 2nd Novices' Hurdle, Kempton, L. Love Your Looks (GB) (2008 f. by Iffraaj (GB)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £24,296 and placed 9 times inc. 3rd Normandie Stud EBF Fleur de Lys S., Lingfield Park, L. and Betfred Snowdrop Fillies' S., Kempton Park, L. Priere (GB) (2002 f. by Machiavellian (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France, £53,572, placed 8 times inc. 2nd Prix de Saint-Cyr, Chantilly, L., Prix Isola Bella, Fontainebleau, L., G. P. der Stadtsparkasse, Dusseldorf, L., 3rd Prix de la Cochere, Chantilly, L. Bianco E Nero (GB) (2010 c. by Araafa (IRE)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Italy and £30,644 and placed 13 times. Port Natal (IRE) (1998 g. by Selkirk (USA)): 2 wins at 5 and 6 years and placed once; also placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in France. Pledge (GB) (2000 c. by Ashkalani (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 years in France and placed once. Tamada (GB) (2006 f. by Lucky Story (USA)): winner at 3 years in France and £40,334 and placed 9 times, broodmare. 2nd dam Play Or Pay (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France, 2nd Grand Criterium de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, L.; dam of 7 winners, 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: PLAYACT (IRE) (f. by Hernando (FR)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. inc. Prix Madame Jean Couturie, Vichy, L., 2nd Long Island H., Aqueduct, Gr.2, Sheepshead Bay H., Belmont, Gr.2; dam of winners. Paix Royale (GB) (f. by Royal Academy (USA)): winner at 2 years in France and £18,849, 2nd Prix Herod, Evry, L.; dam of winners inc.: PEACH PEARL (GB): won Prix Ronde de Nuit, Deauville, L. Peacefally (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £62,981, 3rd Rood and Riddle Dowager S., Keeneland, L. Play With Fire (FR): winner at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: MILLBAG (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £42,466 inc. Bovis Homes Pavilion S., Ascot, L., 3rd Vodafone Horris Hill S., Newbury, Gr.3. Coconut Penang (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £50,317, 2nd Purely Scots Mineral Water Rated S., Haydock Park, L. 3rd Dam PORT DESIRE (USA), placed 5 times at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 10 winners from 13 runners and 13 foals inc.: KA LAE (USA): 6 wins in U.S.A. inc. Roseanna Stakes, Delaware Park, placed 13 times; dam of winners. Morena Clara (USA): 8 wins in Republic of Panama, 2nd Clasico Claudio Jorge y Rafael Endara, Panama, L., 3rd Premio Alberto Paz Rodriguez, L. 140 LOT 141 FROM EGMONT STUD STABLE 84 BAY COLT (IRE) March 22nd, 2013 (First Produce) Diesis Modena Al Nasr Majmu Affirmative Fable Green Desert Desert Style Organza Linamix Karlinaxa Karmiska B.C. Nominated. Elmaamul Muhtathir (GB) Karlinha (IRE) (2008) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam KARLINHA (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £38,351 and placed 8 times; She also has a yearling filly by Fast Company (IRE). 2nd dam KARLINAXA (GB): placed 9 times at 2 to 4 years in France and £12,847; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: Karlisse (IRE) (f. by Celtic Swing (GB)): 3 wins at 3 years in France, 2nd Grand Prix du Lion d'Angers, Le Lion D'Angers, L., broodmare. Rioka (IRE) (f. by Captain Rio (GB)): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £42,582, 3rd Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L.; dam of a winner: Penorka (FR): 3 wins at 2 years, 2014 in France and £34,235. 3rd dam KARMISKA (FR): 4 wins in France inc. Prix de la Nonette, Deauville, Gr.3; Own sister to Karmisyk (FR); dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc.: KART STAR (IRE): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £74,870 inc. Prix Coronation, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of 2 winners: KARMIFIRA (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £81,855 inc. Prix Finlande, Longchamp, L., 2nd Dubai Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of 4 winners inc.: On Verra (IRE): winner at 2 years in France and £122,237 2nd Total Prix Marcel Boussac, Longchamp, Gr.1. Keladora (USA): winner in France and in U.S.A., 2nd Grand Criterium de Bordeaux Sauternes, Bordeaux Le Bouscat, L. Karmousil (USA): 6 wins at 3 and 5 years in France, 3rd Prix Hubert de Chaudenay, Longchamp, Gr.2. Kardashina (FR): 3 wins at 3 years in France; dam of 4 winners inc.: AYAM ZAMAN (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £25,590 inc. William Claridge Memorial Zetland S., Newmarket, L. Phillippa (IRE): unraced; dam of Naseem Alyasmeen (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years and £37,789 2nd Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, Gr.3. 4th dam KARMISYN: unraced; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: KARMICHAH (FR): 3 wins in France inc. Prix Belle de Nuit, Evry, L. and Prix Predicateur, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of winners: Kalimisik (FR): 12 wins in France, 3rd Prix Lupin, Longchamp, Gr.1. Karmisyk (FR): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France, 2nd Prix Max Sicard, Toulouse, L., Prix Lord Seymour, Longchamp, L. Kartabula (FR): winner in France, 3rd Prix Louis Desboudet, Vichy, L. and Grand Prix Anjou Bretagne, Chateaubriant, L.; dam of winners inc.: Kansa (FR): winner in France, 2nd Prix Belle de Nuit, M'-Laffitte, L.; dam of LEAUPARTIE (IRE): won Prix de Psyche, Deauville, Gr.3, 2nd Prix de la Nonette, Deauville, Gr.2; grandam of GEORGUI LUI (USA): won Clasico Jose Rodriguez Razzeto, Hipo Monterrico, Gr.3. 141 LOT 142 FROM HYDE PARK STUD STABLE 136 CHESNUT COLT (GB) April 25th, 2013 (Third Produce) Sakhee Sakhee's Secret (GB) Palace Street Fraam Forrest Star (GB) (2005) Starfleet E.B.F. Nominated. Bahri Thawakib Secreto Majestic Street Lead On Time Majestic Kahala Inchinor Sunfleet View at 1st dam FORREST STAR (GB): placed 5 times at 3 years; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 3 foals: Studio Star (GB) (2012 g. by Showcasing (GB)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed 3 times. 2nd dam STARFLEET (GB): placed once at 3 years; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 9 foals: MR NAPPER TANDY (GB) (c. by Bahamian Bounty (GB)): 4 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £261,610 inc. San Francisco Mile S., Golden Gate, Gr.2, placed 2nd Arcadia H., Santa Anita, Gr.2, Aussie Rules EBF Tetrarch S., Curragh, Gr.3, Sir Beaufort S., Santa Anita, Gr.3, Darian Homes King Charles II S., Newmarket, L., Thunder Road H., Santa Anita, L. and 3rd Lure S., Santa Anita, L. Wind Star (GB): 6 wins and £49,095. Sourdeval (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2015 in France and £19,986. Keep The Secret (GB): winner at 2 years and placed once. 3rd dam SUNFLEET: placed 4 times at 3 and 4 years; dam of 6 winners from 11 runners and 11 foals inc.: POOL MUSIC (GB): 13 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £129,011 inc. National S., Sandown Park, L., placed 3rd Mill Reef S., Newbury, Gr.2, July S., Newmarket, Gr.3 and Sandy Lane Rated S., Haydock Park, L. Russian Music (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £72,917 and placed 23 times inc. 2nd Doncaster Mile S., Doncaster, L. 4th dam OLDERFLEET: placed 3 times at 3 years; Own sister to Milk Heart; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: PEACE GIRL: Jt Champion 2yo filly in Ireland in 1987, 3 wins at 2 years inc. Curragh S., Gr.3, 3rd Bentinck S., Newmarket, L.; grandam of HAWRIDGE PRINCE (GB): won Jockey Club Cup, Newmarket, Gr.3 and Fenwolf S., Ascot, L., 2nd August S., Windsor, L., HERO'S JOURNEY (GB): won Heron S., Kempton Park, L., Easaar (GB): 2 wins, £264,006: winner at 2 years; also winner in U.A.E., 2nd Dubai Duty Free, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3; third dam of TOORMORE (IRE): Champion 2yo colt in Europe in 2013, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £360,479 inc. National S., Curragh, Gr.1, Vintage S., Goodwood, Gr.2 and Craven S., Newmarket, Gr.3, 2nd Lennox S., Goodwood, Gr.2, 3rd Queen Elizabeth II S., Ascot, Gr.1 and International Topkapi Trophy, Veliefendi, Gr.2, ESTIDHKAAR (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £117,111 inc. Champagne S., Doncaster, Gr.2 and Superlative S., Newmarket, Gr.2. Runaway: 19 wins, £43,705: 8 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years and £24,276, 2nd Norfolk S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3; also 11 wins in Italy and £19,429. 142 LOT 143 STABLE 114 FROM ARDGLAS STABLES Arctic Tern Beaune Sadler's Wells BAY COLT (FR) Wells Fargo Cruising Height April 7th, 2013 Gone West (Third Produce) Proud Citizen Miss Vic (USA) Drums of Freedom (2005) Lac Ouimet Fille du Lac Sectarine E.B.F. Nominated. B.C. Nominated. Eligible for French Breeder’s Premium. Bering American Post (GB) View at 1st dam MISS VIC (USA): ran on the flat in France at 3 years; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 3 foals: Montepucini (FR): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in Czech Republic. 2nd dam Fille du Lac (FR): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £101,771 and placed 10 times inc. 2nd Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr.3 and Furl Sail H., Fair Grounds, L.; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 6 foals inc.: Via Col Vento (GB) (c. by Friends Lake (USA)): 3 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and £62,909 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Prix du Grand Camp, Lyon-Parilly, L. and 3rd Grand Prix de Compiegne, Compiegne, L. High Rise (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £26,913. Rowdy Sooner (USA): 2 wins at 4 years in U.S.A. and £22,952. 3rd dam SECTARINE (FR): 2 wins in France; dam of 7 winners, 9 runners, 10 foals inc.: Slippering (GB): winner at 3 years in France and £19,202 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Prix de Liancourt, Longchamp, L. and 3rd Prix Charles Laffitte Hermitage Barriere, Longchamp, L.; dam of a winner. 4th dam PAUVRESSE (FR): unraced; dam of 9 winners, 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: VIDEO ROCK (FR): 4 wins in France inc. Prix de Turenne, Chantilly, L. and Prix Nimbus, M'-Laffitte, L., 2nd Prix Niel, Longchamp, Gr.2; sire. LADY DAY (FR): 3 wins in France inc. Prix de l'Elevage, Saint-Cloud, L., Prix Francois Andre, Deauville, L.; grandam of Tongue Twista (GB): winner at 2 years, 2014, 3rd Duchess Of Cambridge S., Newmarket, Gr.2. Profusion (GB): 4 wins, £54,121: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2nd Dee S., Chester, L.; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. 2nd Premio Lazio, Rome, L. Flawlessly (FR): placed 4 times in France; dam of 7 winners inc.: OMBRE LEGERE (IRE): 2 wins in France inc. Prix Penelope, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of GERMINAL (JPN): won Fairy S., Nakayama, Gr.3. Flawly (GB): 2 wins in France and in U.S.A., 2nd Garden City Breeders' Cup H., Belmont Park, Gr.1; dam of FEBRUARY SUN (GB): 3 wins in France and in Germany inc. Mercedes-Benz Stuten-Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, BEST NAME (GB): 2 wins in France inc. Prix du Prince d'Orange, Longchamp, Gr.3, 2nd Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, HEIRLOOM (GB): 3 wins inc. Finale S., Curragh, L. Save Me The Waltz (FR): winner in France; dam of DEALBATA (IRE): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £121,508 inc. Prix Solitude, Saint-Cloud, L. and Mohegan Sky S., Belmont Park, L. Namona (IRE): winner in France; dam of VERY NICE NAME (FR): won Qatar Derby, Al Rayyan, L., 3rd Dubai Sheema Classic, Meydan, Gr.1, TOO NICE NAME (FR): won Prix Montenica, Deauville, L. 143 LOT 144 FROM MOSS LODGE STUD STABLE 115 BAY COLT (IRE) May 11th, 2013 Giant's Causeway Helsinki Vettori Lady Vettori Lady Golconda Danzig Polish Precedent Past Example Darshaan Hazaradjat Hazy Idea B.C. Nominated. Shamardal Lope de Vega (IRE) Hazarayna (GB) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam HAZARAYNA (GB): placed 4 times at 3 years; dam of 2 runners and 5 foals; Her Honour (IRE) (2011 f. by Shamardal (USA)): placed twice at 3 years, 2014. Waha (IRE) (2010 f. by Oasis Dream (GB)): placed once at 3 years, 2013. 2nd dam HAZARADJAT (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to Hashar (IRE); dam of 7 winners from 11 runners and 11 foals inc.: HAZARIYA (IRE) (f. by Xaar (GB)): 3 wins at 3 years and £93,287 inc. EBF Athasi S., Curragh, Gr.3; dam of 4 winners: HARASIYA (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £73,062 inc. Silver Flash S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, 3rd Moyglare Stud S., Curragh, Gr.1. HAZARAFA (IRE): 2 wins inc. Finale S., Curragh, L. Haziyna (IRE): 2 wins, £43,272 2nd Give Thanks S., Cork, Gr.3. HAZARISTA (IRE) (f. by Barathea (IRE)): 2 wins inc. Blue Wind S., Cork, Gr.3, 3rd Irish Oaks, Gr.1 and Yorkshire Oaks, Gr.1; dam of a winner: Hazariban (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2014 and £13,232; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years, 2014 and £28,307. Hidden Brief (GB) (f. by Barathea (IRE)): winner at 3 years and £10,264; also 3rd Prix Petite Etoile, Deauville, L., broodmare. Hazarama (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: Express Logic (GB): ran once; dam of PURE POETRY (IRE): 3 wins inc. Easter S., Kempton Park, L., 3rd Craven S., Newmarket, Gr.3. Handaza (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 6 winners inc.: HAMAIRI (IRE): 2 wins inc. Concorde S., Tipperary, Gr.3. HANABAD (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £106,090 inc. Waterford Testimonial S., Curragh, L., 2nd Ridgewood Pearl S., Curragh, Gr.3. Handazan (IRE): 4 wins, £53,284: winner at 3 years, 3rd EBF Further Flight S., Nottingham, L.; also 3 wins over hurdles at 3 to 5 years, 2014 and placed once over fences at 5 years, 2014. Hannda (IRE): winner; dam of SEAL OF APPROVAL (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013, £369,135 inc. Qipco Brit.Champions Fillies/Mare S., Ascot, Gr.1, Instance (GB): 3 wins 3rd Oak Tree S., Gr.3. Habariya (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: Maryellen's Spirit (IRE): winner at 2 years and £15,506, 2nd Lanwades/Staff'town Silken Glider S., Curragh, L. 3rd dam HAZY IDEA: 5 wins inc. Crookham S., Newbury; dam of 11 winners from 13 runners and 14 foals inc.: HITTITE GLORY: 3 wins at 2 years and £33,939 inc. Flying Childers S., Doncaster, Gr.1 and William Hill Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. RUBRIC: 6 wins at home and in Spain and £11,577 inc. Premio Novel An, Madrid, L., 2nd National S., Sandown Park, Gr.3; sire. CORVIGLIA BOY: winner in France, Prix de Saint-Firmin, Chantilly, L. 144 LOT 145 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 24 Green Desert Rafha Cozzene Cozy Maria Mariamme Roberto Lear Fan Wac Crowning Chief's Crown Ambition Fabulous Notion B.C. Nominated. Invincible Spirit Zebedee (GB) GREY FILLY (IRE) April 8th, 2013 Lear's Crown (USA) (1995) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam LEAR'S CROWN (USA): winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals; HOWYA NOW KID (IRE) (2004 c. by Daggers Drawn (USA)): 6 wins at home and in Hong Kong and £308,027 inc. Surrey S., Epsom, L., placed 3rd Kerry Spring Water Rochestown S., Cork, L., Verglas Loughbrown S., Curragh, L. and Ultimate Travel Carnarvon S., Newbury, L. Security Breach (IRE) (2009 g. by Red Clubs (IRE)): 4 wins, £36,547: winner and placed twice; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years, 2013 and £17,601, placed 3 times inc. 3rd Ladbrokes Mervue H. Hurdle, Galway, L. and winner over fences at 5 years, 2014 and £11,280, placed twice inc. 3rd Florida Pearl Nov.Chase, Punchestown, L. Violent Velocity (IRE) (2003 g. by Namid (GB)): 12 wins, placed 45 times. Temeritas (IRE) (2000 c. by Tamarisk (IRE)): 6 wins, £45,109: winner and placed once; also 5 wins in U.S.A. and £41,655 and placed 9 times. Danesford (IRE) (2005 c. by Danetime (IRE)): 2 wins at 4 years in Greece. Byronic (IRE) (2008 g. by Byron (GB)): winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; also placed once at 3 years in Hong Kong and £11,555. Screenshot (IRE) (2011 g. by Kheleyf (USA)): placed 3 times at 2 years, 2013; also winner at 3 years, 2014 in Qatar. She also has a yearling colt by Zebedee (GB). 2nd dam CROWNING AMBITION (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc.: Silver Patrona (USA): 7 wins in Canada and in U.S.A.; dam of a winner: My Halo Is Rusty (USA): winner, 2014 in U.S.A. Misrule (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: Faaltless (NZ): winner in New Zealand, 2nd Southland Guineas, L. Silver City Lilly (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of 4 winners inc.: CARRABELLE HARBOR (USA): won Kent H., Emerald Downs. Silver City Sizzle (USA): winner, 3rd Bird of Pay S., Northlands Park. 3rd dam FABULOUS NOTION (USA): 9 wins in U.S.A. and £398,630 inc. Santa Susana S., Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 13 foals inc.: FABULOUSLY FAST (USA): 4 wins in U.S.A., £130,383 inc. Test S., Saratoga, Gr.1, 3rd Matron S., Belmont, Gr.1; dam of 5 winners inc.: Humungosaur (GB): placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years; also 3rd Criterium du Fonds Europeen de L'Elevage, Deauville, L. Fabulous Goer (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of 7 winners inc.: The Heebster (USA): winner, 2nd Thoroughbred Farms S., L. Fabulous Bonus (USA): winner; dam of ROYAL LAHAINA (USA): 7 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2013 in U.S.A. inc. Go for Wand H., Aqueduct, Gr.2. Paris Rose (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of 2 winners: DECELERATOR (USA): won Debutante S., Churchill Downs, Gr.3. Cool Blue Red Hot (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Dwyer S., Gr.2. 145 LOT 146 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 36 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 27th, 2013 Danehill Mira Adonde Zafonic Sheezalady Canadian Mill Danehill Desert King Sabaah Teenoso Staff Approved Klairlone B.C. Nominated. Danehill Dancer Fast Company (IRE) Maimana (IRE) (1999) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam MAIMANA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £20,519 and placed 5 times; dam of 2 winners from 4 runners and 7 foals: Last Destination (IRE) (2008 g. by Dubai Destination (USA)): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £13,449 and placed 8 times. Empowerment (IRE) (2010 c. by Elusive City (USA)): winner at 2 years, placed twice; also placed once at 3 years, 2013 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Nu Form Fire (IRE) (2011 g. by Footstepsinthesand (GB)): placed once at 3 years, 2014; also placed 3 times at 3 years, 2014 in Qatar. Frock (IRE) (2009 f. by Excellent Art (GB)): placed once at 2 years, died at 4. Kenobe Star (IRE) (2012 c. by Clodovil (IRE)): unraced to date. 2nd dam STAFF APPROVED: winner at 2 years; dam of 5 winners, 7 runners, 9 foals inc.: POLAR PRINCE (IRE) (c. by Distinctly North (USA)): 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in Italy, £183,088 inc. Premio Presidente della Repubblica, Rome, Gr.1, Diomed S., Epsom, Gr.3 and Premio W. W. F., Rome, L., 2nd Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2, Leicestershire S., Leicester, L., 3rd American Bowl Int. S., Curragh, Gr.2, Prix Messidor, Deauville, Gr.3; sire. Housekeeper (IRE): 5 wins, £113,972: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; also 3 wins at 5 years in U.S.A. and £104,941; dam of winners inc.: Mizyen (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 and £10,878. Rose Buck (GB): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 6 times. Emmas Princess (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £32,683; dam of winners inc.: Capitol Gain (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years and £10,191 and placed 4 times. Angel Flores (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and placed 3 times. Zenita (IRE): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Sirvino (GB): 9 wins and £218,324, placed 2nd Toteexacta August S., Windsor, L. and 3rd Ginger Grouse Braveheart S., Hamilton Park, L. Queen's Lace (IRE): unraced; dam of a winner: Captain Kendall (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013. 3rd dam KLAIRLONE: 2 wins at 3 years inc. Mulcahy S., Phoenix Park, L., placed 3 times inc. 3rd Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1 and 4th Irish Guinness Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of 12 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: IRISH HEART: 6 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A., £65,757 inc. Jockey Club Cup S., Woodbine, Gr.2, 2nd Rutgers H., Meadowlands, Gr.3, San Gabriel H., Santa Anita, Gr.3, International H., Fort Erie, L., 3rd Hawthorne Gold Cup H., Gr.2, Sierra Nevada H., Santa Anita; sire. Clouded Issue: winner at 3 years and placed 4 times inc. 4th Brownstown S., Curragh, Gr.3; dam of winners. Woolpack: unraced; dam of winners inc.: GOLDEN KLAIR (GB): won A Gleam H., Hollywood, Gr.2, Hawthorne H., Hollywood, Gr.2, Silver Belles H., Hollywood, Gr.2, Lafayette Breeders' Cup H., Golden Gate, L., 2nd Milady H., Hollywood, Gr.1, Linda Vista H., Santa Anita, Gr.3, 3rd Vanity Invitational H., Hollywood, Gr.1. 146 LOT 147 FROM BALLYHANE STABLE 51 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 23rd, 2013 (Second Produce) Mozart Dandy Man (IRE) Lady Alexander Danetime Mar Sin De (IRE) (2006) Shall We Tell E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Victoria Cross Night Shift Sandhurst Goddess Danehill Allegheny River Intikhab Confidante View at 1st dam MAR SIN DE (IRE): unraced; dam of 1 foal of racing age, a 3-y-o colt by Windsor Knot (IRE). 2nd dam SHALL WE TELL (GB): unraced; dam of 2 winners from 4 runners and 6 foals: Paddy's Saltantes (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2014 and placed 3 times. Kokshe (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 in Poland. 3rd dam Confidante (USA): 2 wins at 3 years and £19,891, placed 2nd Rosemary Rated H., Ascot, L.; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: CONFIDENTIAL LADY (GB): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France and £494,295 inc. Prix de Diane Hermes, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr.3 and BT Challenge Star S., Sandown Park, L., 2nd 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1 and Swynford Paddocks Sweet Solera S., Newmarket, Gr.3, broodmare. Between Us (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £12,833 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Totepool Pontefract Castle S., Pontefract, L. Censored (GB): winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of a winner: Dutchartcollector (GB): winner at 2 years, 2013. 4th dam WON'T SHE TELL (USA): 9 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £91,286 inc. Blush With Pride S., Louisiana Downs, 3rd Old South S., Louisiana Downs, L., Budweiser River Cities Breeders Cup H'cp, Louisiana Downs, L. and 4th Arlington Oaks, Gr.3; dam of 8 winners from 12 runners and 16 foals inc.: DRILLING FOR OIL (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £136,757 inc. Louisville H., Churchill Downs, Gr.3, 2nd Fifth Third Elkhorn S., Keeneland, Gr.2, Pan American H., Gulfstream Park, Gr.3, Prairie Bayou S., Turf Paradise, 3rd Fifth Third Elkhorn S., Keeneland, Gr.3. WHITE CROWN (USA): 3 wins at 2 years and £34,095 inc. Solario S., Sandown Park, Gr.3, 2nd Superlative S., Newmarket, L.; sire. DR CATON (USA): 3 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £175,703 inc. Long Branch S., Monmouth Park, L., 2nd Haskell Invitational H., Monmouth Park, Gr.1 and 3rd Foster City Mile S., Bay Meadows, L.; sire. Wind Cheetah (USA): winner at 2 years, 2nd Leicestershire S., Leicester, Gr.3, 3rd Criterion S., Newmarket, Gr.3 and Chipchase S., Newcastle, L. Honolua Bay (USA): unraced; dam of winners: HONOLUA STORM (USA): won Eclipse H., Woodbine, Gr.3, 2nd Seagram Cup S., Woodbine, Gr.3, 3rd Marine S., Woodbine, Gr.3. Dr D's Archangel (USA): winner; dam of PAREN LA MUSICA (CHI): won P. Luis Davila Larrain, Club Hipico, L., 2nd Premio Criadores-Dorama, Club Hipico, Gr.2, 3rd Classico Arturo Lyon Pena, Club Hipico, Gr.1. Tell Seattle (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: PARIS VEGAS (USA): won Prix Policeman, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L., 2nd Bernard Baruch H., Saratoga, Gr.2, Nashville S., Hollywood Park. 147 LOT 148 FROM HORSE PARK STUD STABLE 96 BAY COLT (IRE) March 12th, 2013 (First Produce) Taufan Twin Island Marju Mrs Marsh Drei Last Tycoon Marju Flame of Tara Linamix Atalina Alma Ata B.C. Nominated. Tagula Canford Cliffs (IRE) Aljumar (IRE) (2008) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam ALJUMAR (IRE): unraced; Own sister to MARJALINA (IRE). Above is her first foal. 2nd dam ATALINA (FR): winner at 3 years in France and £19,560 and placed 6 times; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals: MARJALINA (IRE) (f. by Marju (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £54,871 inc. Lodge Park EBF Park Express S., Curragh, Gr.3, broodmare. WHAT A CHARM (IRE) (f. by Key of Luck (USA)): 4 wins, £119,226: 3 wins at 2 to 4 years and £81,723 inc. Ladbrokes Listowel S., Listowel, L., placed 2nd Eyrefield S., Leopardstown, L.; also winner over hurdles at 4 years and £37,503, Fred Winter Juvenile H. Hurdle, Cheltenham, L., 3rd ITBA Fillies Scheme EBF Mares Hurdle, Leopardstown, L., broodmare. Gwafa (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2014 and £43,039 and placed 3 times. Via Via (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014. 3rd dam ALMA ATA (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £26,047 inc. Prix de Bellevue, Longchamp, L.; dam of 5 winners from 9 runners and 9 foals inc.: PAIX BLANCHE (FR): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £40,663 inc. Prix Finlande, Evry, L., placed 4 times inc. 2nd Prix Cleopatre, Evry, Gr.3 and 3rd Prix Corrida, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of winners: PRAIRIE RUNNER (IRE): 2 wins in France inc. Prix Minerve, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of PRAIRIE STAR (FR): won Prix Hocquart, Longchamp, Gr.2 and Prix de Conde, Longchamp, Gr.3, 2nd Prix de Barbeville, Longchamp, Gr.3, Prix La Force, Longchamp, Gr.3, 3rd Criterium de Saint-Cloud, Gr.1 and Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, Longchamp, Gr.2, PACIFIC RIM (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years, 2013 in France and £95,529 inc. Prix de Malleret, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, Prairie Flower (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France, 2nd Prix Michel Houyvet, Deauville, L.; grandam of Desert Sage (GB): 4 wins, £79,338: winner at 3 years; also 3 wins in U.S.A., 2nd Gallorette H., Pimlico, Gr.3. POUSSIN (IRE): 3 wins in France inc. Prix Le Fabuleux, Deauville, L., 2nd P. d'Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd P. d'Harcourt, Longchamp, Gr.2, Prix du Prince d'Orange, Longchamp, Gr.3, G. P. de Clairefontaine, L. ATABAA (FR): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £20,757 inc. Prix Occitanie du Casino d'Arcachon, La Teste De Buch, L.; dam of winners. Dalmata (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Al's Mamata (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Edmonton Juvenile S. 4th dam AUTORIN (GER): winner at 3 years in West Germany and placed 5 times; dam of 6 winners from 6 runners and 6 foals inc.: Austria (GER): 5 wins in West Germany; dam of a winner: Astra Nova (GER): winner in West Germany, 3rd G P Dortmunder Union Brauerei Nereide, L.; also winner over jumps in West Germany. 148 LOT 149 FROM KNOCKANGLASS STABLES STABLE 73 BAY COLT (IRE) April 28th, 2013 (Third Produce) Danzig Razyana Diesis Lagrion Wrap It Up Blushing Groom Rahy Glorious Song Secreto Secret Advice Jellapore B.C. Nominated. Danehill Dylan Thomas (IRE) Coachhouse Lady (USA) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam COACHHOUSE LADY (USA): winner at 2 years and placed twice; Own sister to RAHY'S SECRET (USA); dam of a winner from 2 runners and 4 foals: Hustle Bustle (IRE) (2011 f. by Elusive City (USA)): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 4 times. Spend A Penny (IRE) (2012 g. by Acclamation (GB)): placed once at 2, 2014. She also has a yearling colt by Mayson (GB). 2nd dam SECRET ADVICE (USA): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £85,237 inc. Regret S., Churchill Downs, L., placed 4 times inc. 3rd Martha Washington H., Laurel, Gr.3 and Budweiser Arlington Breeders' Cup H'cap, Arlington Int., L.; dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 11 foals inc.: RAHY'S SECRET (USA) (c. by Rahy (USA)): 7 wins in U.S.A. and £203,414 inc. Black Gold H., Fair Grounds, L., placed 14 times inc. 2nd Canterbury Park Breeders' Cup Derby, Canterbury Park, L., Fair Grounds Sales S., Fair Grounds, L., Awad S., Arlington Inter, L., 3rd Hawthorne Derby, Hawthorne, Gr.3 and Risen Star S., Fair Grounds, L. SECRET ADVICE R N (USA) (f. by Hansel (USA)): 3 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £38,396 inc. Palo Alto S., Bay Meadows; dam of winners. Lifting the Veil (USA) (f. by Quiet American (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A., 3rd Claire Marine S., Arlington International; dam of winners. Colonial Mistress (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Storm By You (USA): winner in U.S.A., 2nd Glacial Princess S., Beulah Park and 3rd Cincinnatian S., River Downs. Mistress Winny (USA): unraced; dam of Canadian Mistress (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A., 2nd Nancy's Glitter H., Calder, L., Mairzy Doates H., Calder, Emergency Nurse S., Calder, 3rd Rampart S., Gulfstream Park, Gr.3. Jayhawk Judy (USA): placed twice at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Morsel (USA): winner in Canada and in U.S.A., 2nd Matron S., Assiniboia Downs. 3rd dam JELLAPORE (CAN): ran on the flat in U.S.A. at 2 and 3 years; dam of 6 winners from 11 runners and 16 foals inc.: Storm Ring (USA): winner at 2 years, 3rd Princess Margaret S., Ascot, Gr.3; also 2nd Miesque S., Hollywood Park, L.; dam of winners inc.: Ghost Ring (USA): winner in U.S.A., 2nd Pennsylvania Derby, Gr.3. Suicide Squeeze (USA): winner; dam of Taylor Marini (USA): winner at 5 years, 2014 in U.S.A., 2nd Barretts Juvenile S., Fairplex Park, L. Rajas Secret (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: KIMBERLITE PIPE (USA): won Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.2, Robert F Carey Memorial H., Hawthorne, Gr.3, Turfway Prevue S., L. MARASCA (USA): won Aventura S., Gulfstream Park, L. CRY CRY CRY (USA): won Ladies Express S., Hastings Park. Pupcake (USA): ran in U.S.A.; dam of Dr Einstein (USA): 6 wins in U.S.A., 2nd Union Square S., Golden Gate and North Beach S., Golden Gate. 149 LOT 150 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 15 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 26th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Danzig Razyana Kris Rafha Eljazzi Danzig Fath Desirable Alleged Campestral Field Dancer B.C. Nominated. Danehill Kodiac (GB) Wait Watcher (IRE) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam WAIT WATCHER (IRE): winner at 2 years and £101,649 and placed 3 times; also won Shelbourne Hotel Goffs Fillies 500, Curragh but disqualified to 2nd place; dam of 2 runners and 5 foals inc.: Smoke Show (IRE) (2011 f. by Duke of Marmalade (IRE)): ran a few times, 2014. She also has a yearling filly by Bushranger (IRE). 2nd dam CAMPESTRAL (USA): winner at 2 years; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: CAMPORESE (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in France and £82,263 inc. Prix Corrida, Lyon, Gr.3, 2nd G. P. de Deauville, Gr.2, Prix de Pomone, Deauville, Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: ALICE BELLE (USA): won Remington Park Oaks, Remington Park, L. Subtle Influence (IRE) (g. by Sadler's Wells (USA)): 4 wins, £51,324: placed 6 times at 4 and 6 years; also 3 wins at 3 years in France and £41,526, 3rd Prix Vulcain, Saint-Cloud, L.; also winner over hurdles at 4 years. Desert Move (IRE) (f. by Desert King (IRE)): winner at 2 years, 3rd EBF Galtres S., York, L., Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L., dam of a winner. 3rd dam FIELD DANCER: 6 wins and £62,322 inc. Hardwicke Cup, Phoenix Park, L., 4th Prix de l'Opera, Longchamp, Gr.2; dam of 4 winners, 8 runners, 9 foals inc.: Jazzie (FR): winner at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: BOLD THADY QUILL (IRE): 6 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2013 inc. Cork S., L. 4th dam SOOKERA (USA): Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Ireland in 1977, 3 wins at 2 years and £44,551 inc. William Hill Cheveley Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 13 foals inc.: SO FACTUAL (USA): 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.A.E. and £338,552 inc. Nunthorpe S., York, Gr.1; sire. BOLD FACT (USA): 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A., £172,960 inc. July S., Newmarket, Gr.3, 2nd Gimcrack S., York, Gr.2; sire. Kerali: winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: HASILI (IRE): won Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L.; dam of INTERCONTINENTAL (GB): won Matriarch S., Hollywood, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf, Belmont, Gr.1, CACIQUE (IRE): won Manhattan H., Belmont, Gr.1, Man O'War S., Belmont, Gr.1; sire, HEAT HAZE (GB): won Matriarch S., Hollywood, Gr.1 and Beverly D S., Arlington, Gr.1, CHAMPS ELYSEES (GB): won Canadian International S., Woodbine, Gr.1, Hollywood Turf Cup S., Gr.1 and Northern Dancer Turf S., Woodbine, Gr.1; sire, BANKS HILL (GB): Champion 3yo filly in Europe in 2001, Jt Champion older mare in Europe in 2002, won Coronation S., Ascot, Gr.1, P. Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup F&M Turf, Belmont, Gr.1. 150 LOT 151 FROM BROWN ISLAND STABLES STABLE 60 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 3rd, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Danzig Razyana Kingmambo Love Me True Lassie's Lady Giant's Storm Cat Causeway Mariah's Storm Alzao Lady Upstage She's The Tops B.C. Nominated. Danehill Duke of Marmalade (IRE) Lady Causeway (USA) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam LADY CAUSEWAY (USA): winner; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 4 foals; Master of Time (IRE) (2011 g. by Amadeus Wolf (GB)): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £11,683 and placed once. Gabrial's Lexi (IRE) (2009 f. by Dubawi (IRE)): placed twice at 3 years. 2nd dam LADY UPSTAGE (IRE): 4 wins at home and in U.S.A., £188,112 inc. Pretty Polly S., Curragh, Gr.2, 2nd E P Taylor S., Woodbine, Gr.1, 3rd Prix de l'Opera, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of 4 winners from 9 runners, 9 foals inc.; Travel Team (USA) (f. by Danzig (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £59,290 2nd Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L. and 3rd Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L.; dam of a winner: Redentore (JPN): winner, 2014 in Japan. 3rd dam SHE'S THE TOPS (GB): winner; dam of 5 winners, 9 runners, 11 foals inc.; LADY UPSTAGE (IRE): see above. Lycility (IRE): winner at 2 years 2nd Masaka S., Kempton, L., 3rd Star S., Sandown, L.; also placed twice in France and in Italy; dam of 4 winners: 4th dam TROYTOPS: winner; dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 2 foals inc.: Nayland: 2 wins at 4 and 5 years and £78,610 3rd Doncaster Mile, L. The next dam TOPSY: 5 wins at home and in France inc. Sun Chariot S., Newmarket, Gr.2, 4th 1000 Guineas S., Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: MOST WELCOME: 4 wins and £370,634 inc. Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.2, 2nd Champion S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Derby S., Epsom, Gr.1, 3rd Sussex S., Goodwood, Gr.1, Turf Classic, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire. TOP GUEST: 4 wins at home, in Sweden and in U.S.A. and £103,459 inc. Stockholm Cup International, Taby, L., 2nd Dixie H., Pimlico, Gr.2; sire. BOURBON TOPSY: 4 wins inc. George Stubbs EBF S., Newmarket, L., 3rd Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr.3; dam of 4 winners. Rye Tops: winner 3rd Blue Seal S., Ascot, L.; dam of 2 winners inc.: Wassifa (GB): winner at home and in U.S.A., 3rd Capital Holding Mile H., Churchill Downs, L.; dam of BLINGO (USA): 4 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2014 in U.S.A. and £279,358 inc. San Antonio S., Santa Anita, Gr.2, 3rd Santa Anita H., Santa Anita, Gr.1, HOLD TO RANSOM (USA): 2 wins and £52,416 inc. Sandringham S., Ascot, L.; grandam of PRINCE BISHOP (IRE): 10 wins at 3 to 7 years, 2014 at home, in France and in U.A.E., £615,738 inc. Al Maktoum Challenge R3, Meydan, Gr.1, 3rd Al Maktoum Challenge R3, Meydan, Gr.1 (twice), RETRIEVE (AUS): won Gloaming S., Gr.3, 2nd Gran Premio del Jockey Club, Gr.1, AJC Australian Derby, Randwick, Gr.1. 151 LOT 152 FROM DERRYCONNOR STUD STABLE 127 BAY COLT (IRE) April 18th, 2013 (Second Produce) Roderic O'Connor (IRE) Lucayan Beauty (IRE) (2001) Galileo Secret Garden Marju Koumiss E.B.F. Nominated. Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Danehill Chalamont Last Tycoon Flame of Tara Unfuwain Kereolle View at 1st dam LUCAYAN BEAUTY (IRE): 2 wins, £35,084: winner at 2 years and £12,325 and placed 7 times; also winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £22,759 and placed once; dam of 1 runner and 3 foals; Winstanley (IRE) (2012 c. by Dandy Man (IRE)): placed 8 times at 2 and 3 years, 2015 at home and in U.S.A. She also has a yearling filly by Dandy Man (IRE). 2nd dam KOUMISS (GB): placed 3 times at 3 years in France; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 4 foals inc.: Black Belt Shopper (IRE) (f. by Desert Prince (IRE)): winner at 2 years and £10,912 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Tote Bookmakers Silver Tankard S., Pontefract, L.; dam of 7 winners inc.: Leo Parade (GB): 8 wins at 3 to 7 years, 2013 in Japan and £65,067. Black Label (GB): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 8 times. Star Asset (GB): winner at 3 years, 2015. 3rd dam KEREOLLE: placed in France; dam of 8 winners from 13 runners, 15 foals inc.: ARDEN: 7 wins, £49,892: 5 wins inc. Queen's Vase, Royal Ascot, L.; also 2 wins over hurdles inc. Kennel Gate Novices' Hurdle, Ascot, L. KERULEN (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £31,297 inc. Prix du Cercle, Deauville, L.; dam of 3 winners inc.: Cadeaux Force (ITY): 3 wins at 4 years, 2013 in Italy and £10,382. Mystery Play (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £53,722 2nd Brent Walker Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.1; dam of 8 winners inc.: CONCEAL (GB): 9 wins in U.A.E. and £238,185 inc. First Gulf Bank HH The President Cup, Abu Dhabi, L. Playacting (USA): winner at home and in U.A.E., 2nd Sheikh Maktoum Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Nad Al Sheba, L., 3rd McDonogh EBF H., Galway, L. and Harp Lager Ruby S., Tralee, L. Crown of Thorns (USA): winner, 2nd How Now H., Del Mar, L. Dramatique (GB): winner at 3 years in France and £22,127; dam of JUTLAND (GB): 11 wins at 2 to 8 years, 2015 at home and in U.A.E. and £294,646 inc. Abu Dhabi Championship, Abu Dhabi, Gr.3. Silver Screen (FR): unraced; grandam of Rosen Opera (FR): 2 wins at 3 years in France, 3rd Prix Casimir Delamarre, Longchamp, L. Kiri: placed 3 times; also winner in U.S.A.; dam of 4 winners inc.: KIRI'S CLOWN (USA): won Sword Dancer Invitational S., Saratoga, Gr.1, 2nd Sword Dancer S., Saratoga, Gr.1 (twice) and 3rd Early Times Manhattan H., Belmont Park, Gr.1 (twice); sire. Marlene-D (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of 4 winners inc.: General Eliott (IRE): 4 wins, £48,107: 2 wins 2nd Ben Marshall S., Newmarket, L.; also winner in France; also winner over hurdles. Busker: ran twice; dam of 6 winners inc.: Golden Hamas (IRE): winner in Italy 3rd Criterium Femminile, L. 152 LOT 153 STABLE 201 BROWN FILLY (IRE) February 7th, 2013 FROM THE BLOODSTOCK CONNECTION Big Bad Bob (IRE) Desert Alchemy (IRE) (1999) E.B.F. Nominated. Roberto Toter Back Marju Fantasy Girl Persian Fantasy Danzig Green Desert Foreign Courier Chief Singer Waffle On Humble Pie B.C. Nominated. Bob Back View at 1st dam DESERT ALCHEMY (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £35,157 inc. Oak Tree S., Goodwood, L., placed 4 times inc. 2nd Miles and Morrison October S., Ascot, L.; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals: Perfect Alchemy (IRE) (2011 f. by Clodovil (IRE)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £15,601 and placed twice. Rosko (GB) (2004 g. by Selkirk (USA)): 2 wins and £15,982 and placed 10 times. Present Alchemy (GB) (2006 g. by Cadeaux Genereux): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed twice. Strictly Ballroom (IRE) (2010 f. by Choisir (AUS)): winner at 2 years and placed 4 times. Easy Over (IRE) (2008 g. by Dr Fong (USA)): winner at 3 years, placed twice. Dahab Gold (IRE) (2009 f. by Clodovil (IRE)): placed once at 2 years; also placed 6 times at 4 and 5 years, 2014 in Qatar. She also has a yearling filly by Iffraaj (GB). 2nd dam Waffle On (GB): 2 wins, £15,757: winner at 3; also winner at 4 in France, 3rd Prix Lovelace, M'-Laffitte, L.; dam of 6 winners, 8 runners and 8 foals inc.: EXPRESS WISH (GB) (c. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £69,862 inc. KBC Supreme S., Goodwood, Gr.3. MADID (IRE) (c. by Cape Cross (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 years and £23,302 inc. Ig Index Anniversary Surrey S., Sandown Park, L. La Frou Frou (IRE) (f. by Night Shift (USA)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 in France and in U.S.A., 3rd Prix Casimir Delamarre, Longchamp, L.; dam of winners. 3rd dam Humble Pie: 2 wins at 2 years, 3rd Manton Rose Bowl S., Newbury, L.; dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: LEAP FOR JOY (GB): 3 wins at home and in Italy inc. Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr.3 (twice), 3rd Diadem S., Ascot, Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: MOOD INDIGO (JPN): won Fuchu Himba S., Tokyo, Gr.3. CHAPEL CONCERT (JPN): won Yonago S., Hanshin, L. Miss Temerity (GB): placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of a winner: Crystal Magician (GB): 6 wins in France and in U.A.E. and £72,815, 3rd Al Nasr Leisure/Cyclone Mahab Al Shimaal, Nad Al Sheba, L. Oatcake (GB): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners inc.: COPRAH (GB): 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years, 2014 at home and in Norway inc. Polar Mile Cup, L., 3rd Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Gr.3 (twice). Lower Chapel (GB): unraced; dam of winners inc.: KING'S CHAPEL (AUS): Champion 3yr old colt in New Zealand in 200304, Champion sprinter & miler in New Zealand in 2003-04, won NZ 2000 Guineas, Riccarton Park, Gr.1, ING Telegraph H., Trentham, Gr.1, Family Hotel Otaki Maori WFA S., Hastings, Gr.1; sire. Our Sistine (AUS): winner in Australia; dam of VATICAN (AUS): won Doveton S., Caulfield, L., 3rd H D F McNeil S., Caulfield, Gr.3. 153 LOT 154 FROM GRANGE CLARE STABLES STABLE 205 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 7th, 2013 (Second Produce) Try My Best Coryana Auction Ring Flying Melody Whispering Star Kris S Dr Fong Spring Flight Final Straw Ghariba Krakow B.C. Nominated. Waajib Royal Applause (GB) Squander (GB) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SQUANDER (GB): ran once at 3 years; dam of a winner, 1 runner and 2 foals: Warbrook (IRE) (2011 c. by Tamayuz (GB)): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014; also winner at 3 years, 2014 in Serbia. 2nd dam GHARIBA: winner at 3 years and £28,422, Juddmonte Farms Nell Gwyn S., Newmarket, Gr.3, 4th General Accident 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of 8 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: PROMPTLY (IRE) (f. by Lead On Time (USA)): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. inc. Silver Spoon S., Delaware; dam of winners inc.: FANTASTIC VIEW (USA): 3 wins at 2 years and £103,526 inc. Autumn S., Ascot, Gr.3, 2nd Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1; sire. Weald Park (USA): winner at 2 years and £42,060, 2nd Weatherbys Superlative S., Newmarket, Gr.2. Reinaldo (FR) (c. by Green Desert (USA)): 14 wins at 3 to 9 years in Italy and £192,013 2nd Gran Premio Citta' di Napoli, Naples, Gr.3, 3rd Premio Melton, Rome, Gr.3 and Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr.3; sire. Lord Darnley (IRE) (g. by Darshaan): winner at 3 years in France and £20,282, 2nd Prix du Lys, Longchamp, Gr.3. Dead of Night (GB) (f. by Night Shift (USA)): 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £58,490, 2nd Spicy Living H., Rockingham Park, L. and Crowned S., Delaware Park, L.; dam of a winner. Hawayah (IRE): winner at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: Nena Maka (GB): 3 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £72,244; dam of HIGH STANDING (USA): 9 wins at 2 to 6 years and £259,801 inc. Shadwell Hackwood S., Newbury, Gr.3, 3rd Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr.1, Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1. Enchanted Princess (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years; dam of Never Lose (GB): 2 wins at 3 years, 3rd Cecil Frail S., Haydock Park, L., Morache Music (GB): 6 wins and £81,040; also 2nd Prix Zeddaan, Fontainebleau, L. and 3rd Prix de Ris-Orangis, Deauville, Gr.3. Tee Cee (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of Yajbill (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years and £37,561, 2nd Hesmonds Stud Pavilion S., Lingfield Park, L. 3rd dam Krakow: 2 wins at 3 years, 3rd Duchess of Montrose H. S., Newmarket, L.; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals; BRAASHEE: Champion older stayer in Europe in 1990, 6 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in France and £228,852 inc. Prix Royal Oak, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. ADAM SMITH (GB): 7 wins at 4 to 6 years at home and in U.S.A. and £235,144 inc. Fort Marcy H., Aqueduct, Gr.3 (twice) and Red Bank H., Monmouth Park, Gr.3 (twice). Noirmant: unraced; dam of winners inc.: Portelet (GB): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years; dam of ETLAALA (GB): won Champagne S., Doncaster, Gr.2, 3rd July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1. 154 LOT 155 FROM KNOCKGRAFFON STABLES STABLE 191 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 13th, 2013 (Third Produce) Excellent Art (GB) Scrumptious (GB) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. Polar Falcon Fearless Revival Seeking The Gold Obsessive Secret Obsession Bahri Sakhee Thawakib Be My Guest Griddle Cake Scots Lass B.C. Nominated. Pivotal View at 1st dam SCRUMPTIOUS (GB): placed once at 3 years; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 4 foals: Gangster Story (IRE) (2009 c. by Kheleyf (USA)): 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £20,600 and placed 13 times. Miracle Ninetynine (IRE) (2012 c. by Big Bad Bob (IRE)): placed once at 2 years, 2014. She also has a yearling filly by Big Bad Bob (IRE). 2nd dam GRIDDLE CAKE (IRE): placed twice at 3 years; Own sister to Border Mate (IRE); dam of 3 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: Hidden Luck (GB) (f. by Bin Ajwaad (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden, 3rd Coolmore Matchmaker S., Taby, L.; dam of winners. 3rd dam SCOTS LASS: winner at 3 years; dam of 5 winners, 9 runners, 10 foals inc.: BONNY SCOT (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £120,794 inc. Great Voltigeur S., York, Gr.2, Gordon S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and Zetland S., Newmarket, L., 2nd Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L., 3rd Coalite St Leger S., Doncaster, Gr.1 and Derby Trial S., Lingfield Park, Gr.3; sire. Border Mate (IRE): 4 wins, £60,628: winner at 3 years; also 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A., 2nd Hillsborough H., Bay Meadows, Gr.3. Alignment (IRE): 2nd Prestige S., Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: POTALA PALACE (SAF): won Premier's Champion S., Greyville, Gr.1 and Bidvest Joburg Spring Challenge, Turffontein, Gr.3. Allegoria (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in Italy and £69,653, placed 2nd Premio Verziere, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Giuseppe Valiani, Rome, L., Premio Paolo Mezzanotte, Milan, L. and Premio Andred, Pisa, L. Line Ahead (IRE): ran once; dam of EXCELLENT RESULT (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 at home and in U.A.E. and £269,674 inc. SkyCargo Dubai City of Gold S., Meydan, Gr.2. Highland Gift (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: GOLAN (IRE): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in France and £1,212,001 inc. King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S., Ascot, Gr.1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Prix Niel, Longchamp, Gr.2, placed 2nd Juddmonte International S., York, Gr.1, Derby S., Epsom Downs, Gr.1 and 3rd Budweiser Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. TARTAN BEARER (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, £843,787 inc. Dante S., York, Gr.2 and Gordon Richards S., Sandown, Gr.3, 2nd Derby S., Epsom, Gr.1, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S., Ascot, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's S., Ascot, Gr.1, 3rd Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. Gift Range (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2nd Trigo S., Leopardstown, L. and Prix Petite Etoile, Saint-Cloud, L., 3rd EBF Blue Wind S., Naas, Gr.3. Auld Alliance (IRE): 2 wins, £42,759: winner at 3 years, 2013; also winner at 4 years, 2014 in U.S.A., 3rd Flaming Page S., Woodbine. Leocorno (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2nd EBF Galtres S., York, L. 155 LOT 156 FROM SONNA DEMENSE STUD STABLE 196 BAY COLT (IRE) April 26th, 2013 Oasis Dream Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat Bishop of Cashel Radha (GB) (2000) Ragera E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Hope Royal Academy Mountain Ash Warning Ballet Classique Rainbow Quest Smageta View at 1st dam RADHA (GB): unraced; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals; Panic (IRE) (2006 g. by Polish Precedent (USA)): 6 wins, £299,015: 2 wins at 3 years and £16,338 and placed twice; also 4 wins at 5 and 7 years in Hong Kong and £282,677 and placed 17 times. Hipz (IRE) (2011 f. by Intense Focus (USA)): 2 wins at 2 years and placed 10 times. Aggression (IRE) (2012 c. by Marju (IRE)): winner at 2 years, 2014, from only start. 2nd dam RAGERA (IRE): placed twice at 3 years in Italy; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc.: RAKTI (GB) (c. by Polish Precedent (USA)): Champion older miler in Europe in 2004, 11 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in Italy and £1,651,924 inc. Emirates Airline Champion S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Juddmonte Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's S., Ascot, Gr.1, Netjets Queen Elizabeth II S., Ascot, Gr.1, Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr.1, Premio Presidente della Repubblica, Rome, Gr.1, Premio Botticelli, Rome, L. and Premio Villa Borghese, Rome, L., placed 2nd Prince of Wales's S., Ascot, Gr.1, Queen Anne S., York, Gr.1, Hong Kong Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1; sire. Rasana (GB): ran a few times and ran in Italy; dam of 5 winners inc.: Aldovrandi (IRE): winner at 3 years and £28,439, placed 2nd Midsummer S., Windsor, L. and 3rd Heron S., Sandown Park, L. 3rd dam SMAGETA: 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy inc. Criterium Femminile, Rome, Gr.3 and Premio Cesare Degli Occhi, Milan, L., placed 5 times inc. 2nd Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr.1, Premio Legnano, Milan, Gr.2, 3rd Premio Regina Elena (1000 Guineas), Rome, Gr.1 and Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.1; dam of 8 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: RUSOLI: Champion 3yr old stayer in Italy in 1988, 3 wins at 2 years in Italy and £50,705 inc. Premio Campobello, Milan, L., placed 8 times inc. 2nd Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Merano, Milan, L. Risera (IRE): 3 wins at 3 to 5 years in Italy, £10,591; dam of 3 winners inc.: GUEST OF HONOUR (IRE): 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014 and £138,531 inc. Summer Mile S., Ascot, Gr.2, Royal Windsor S., Windsor, L. Ratafia (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of 4 winners inc.: Risiat (IRE): 16 wins, £173,974: 15 wins in Italy and £161,581, placed 2nd Premio Parioli (2000 Guineas), Rome, Gr.2, 3rd Premio Emilio Turati, Milan, Gr.2; also winner over jumps in Italy. Rinass (IRE): unraced; dam of 4 winners inc.: LE CADRE NOIR (IRE): 8 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in Italy and £166,390 inc. Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr.3, Waterford Testimonial S., Curragh, L., Gran Premio Citta' di Napoli, Naples, L. Pocket A Pound (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £75,920, placed 2nd Premio Archidamia Mem. Manuela Tudini, Rome, L. 156 LOT 157 STABLE 223 BAY OR GREY FILLY (IRE) May 6th, 2013 FROM MANTON STABLES Danetime Le Cadre Noir (IRE) Rinass Generous Grey Galava (GB) (1993) Galava E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Allegheny River Indian Ridge Smageta Caerleon Doff The Derby Graustark Overpowering View at 1st dam GREY GALAVA (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals: Millagros (IRE) (2000 f. by Pennekamp (USA)): 8 wins, £59,360: 6 wins at 3 to 6 years and £45,437 and placed 20 times; also 2 wins over hurdles at 5 years and £13,923 and placed 5 times; dam of a winner: Spes Nostra (GB): 6 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years, 2014 and £36,167. Madhavi (GB) (2002 f. by Diktat (GB)): 3 wins at 4 years and £20,399 and placed 11 times. Alavana (IRE) (2004 f. by Kyllachy (GB)): 3 wins, £14,388: winner at 3 years and placed once; also 2 wins at 4 and 6 years in Greece and £10,908 and placed 4 times. Grey Outlook (GB) (2003 f. by Observatory (USA)): winner at 3 years and £11,703 and placed 13 times, died at 5. Greese (IRE) (1998 f. by Mukaddamah (USA)): winner at 2 years in Germany and placed 5 times; dam of 2 winners. She also has a yearling colt by Le Cadre Noir (IRE). 2nd dam GALAVA (CAN): placed 5 times in France; Own sister to PROCTOR (USA), AL RAHIB (USA), OVER YOUR SHOULDER (USA) and Shahaab (USA); dam of 3 winners from 12 runners and 13 foals inc.: Merciless (GB) (f. by Last Tycoon): winner at 2 years, 3rd Ballymacoll Stud S., Newbury, L.; dam of winners: EL FACHA (CAN): won Premio Carreras del 20, Club Hipico, L. and 2nd Copa de Oro - Carlos Hirmas A, Club Hipico, Gr.2. Quail Run (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Pebbles S., Belmont Park, L. 3rd dam OVERPOWERING (USA): placed 4 times at 2 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to GREAT POWER and BOLD COMMANDER (USA); dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 15 foals inc.: PROCTOR (USA): 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £139,396 inc. Canadian Turf H., Gulfstream Park, Gr.3 and Rutgers H., Meadowlands, Gr.3, 2nd Lawrence Realization S., Belmont Park, Gr.2, Lexington H., Belmont Park, Gr.2, Secretariat S., Arlington Park, Gr.2; sire. OVER YOUR SHOULDER (USA): 5 wins at home and in U.S.A. inc. Bayou H., Fair Grounds, 2nd Orchid H., Gulfstream Park, Gr.2; dam of winners. AL RAHIB (USA): 4 wins in France and £10,912 inc. Prix de Chevilly, Longchamp, L. (twice), 3rd Prix de la Porte Maillot, Longchamp, Gr.3. 157 LOT 158 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 37 BAY COLT (GB) February 11th, 2013 (First Produce) Archipenko (USA) Highly Spiced (GB) (2008) E.B.F. Nominated. Mr Prospector Miesque Nijinsky Bound Special Cadeaux Young Generation Genereux Smarten Up Dr Fong High Reserve Hyabella B.C. Nominated. Kingmambo View at View at 1st dam HIGHLY SPICED (GB): unraced. She also has a yearling colt by Kheleyf (USA). 2nd dam HIGH RESERVE (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £14,588 and placed 3 times; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 7 foals: Pedantic (GB): winner at 4 years and placed once. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) and a yearling filly by Mayson (GB). 3rd dam HYABELLA (GB): 3 wins at 3 years and £24,945 inc. Ben Marshall S., Newmarket, L. and Atalanta S., Sandown Park, L.; dam of 7 winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc.: POET (GB): 8 wins, £320,945: 7 wins at 3 to 7 years and £316,577 inc. Rose of Lancaster S., Haydock Park, Gr.3 and At The Races Kilternan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3; also winner over hurdles at 7 years. Hothaifah (GB): 2 wins at 2 years in France and £34,382, 2nd Prix Eclipse, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3. High Stratos (GB): 3 wins, £16,882: 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 4 and 5 years, 2014; also winner over hurdles at 6 years, 2015. Monsoon Wedding (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of winners: Bensoon (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 and £18,548; also winner at 5 years, 2014 in Singapore and £15,244. Silk Train (GB): winner at 3 years, 2013. Summer Dance (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: CIELO CANARIAS (IRE): 11 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2014 in Spain and £165,343 inc. Gran Premio de la Hispanidad, Zarzuela, L. Hyperspectra (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: FRANCE (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £137,261 inc. Rock of Gibraltar EBF Tetrarch S., Curragh, Gr.3, 2nd Entenmann's Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. MEDIA HYPE (GB): 5 wins at 4, 5 and 8 years, 2015 and £70,368 inc. Betdaq Wild Flower S., Kempton Park, L., 3rd Stockholm Cup International, Taby, Gr.3. HIPPY HIPPY SHAKE (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 and £54,056 inc. British Stallion Studs Lyric S., York, L. Spectral Star (GB): winner at 4 years; dam of Shirocco Star (GB): winner at 2 years and £268,193, 2nd Darley Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr.1, Investec Oaks S., Epsom Downs, Gr.1 and Qatar Prix de Royallieu, Longchamp, Gr.2, 3rd Pretty Polly S., Curragh, Gr.1. Francais (GB): ran once; dam of Finding Neverland (FR): 2 wins at 2 years in France and £49,390, 2nd Prix Amandine, Maisons-Laffitte, L., 3rd Prix Coronation, Saint-Cloud, L. and Prix Volterra, Saint-Cloud, L. Ventura Highway (GB): unraced; dam of winners inc.: ALESSANDRO VOLTA (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £115,051 inc. Derby Trial S., Lingfield Park, Gr.3. 158 LOT 159 FROM MAYFIELD STABLES STABLE 46 BAY OR GREY COLT (GB) March 10th, 2013 (First Produce) Ishiguru Hellvelyn (GB) Cumbrian Melody Surprise Statement (GB) (2008) Proclamation Lucky Dip E.B.F. Nominated. Danzig Strategic Maneuver Petong Avahra King's Best Shamarra Tirol Miss Loving View at 1st dam SURPRISE STATEMENT (GB): unraced. She also has a yearling filly by Delegator (GB). 2nd dam LUCKY DIP (GB): winner at 3; dam of 8 winners, 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: FORTUNATELY (GB) (f. by Forzando): 7 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £98,340 inc. Dragon S., Sandown, L. and Daisycutter H., Del Mar, L., 3rd La Habra S., Santa Anita, L.; dam of winners inc.: Mitchelton (FR): winner at 2 years, 2013 and placed 3 times. Halsion Chancer (GB): 9 wins at 3 to 6 years and £45,051. Kinky (GB): 6 wins, £17,583: winner at 3 years, placed once; also 5 wins at 4 to 7 years in Denmark and in Sweden and £14,273, placed 15 times. Abscent Friends (GB): winner at 2 years, 2014 and £10,376. 3rd dam MISS LOVING: 2 wins at 2 years; dam of 9 winners, 13 runners, 15 foals inc.: MISS LOVELY (GB): 14 wins at 2 to 6 years in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £73,164 inc. Klampenborg Store Sprint, Copenhagen, L., placed 2nd Klampenborg Store Sprint, Copenhagen, L.; dam of winners. Love Returned: 9 wins at 3 to 6 years and £43,685 and placed 17 times inc. 3rd EBF Pearl Sprint, Phoenix Park, L., broodmare. Eh Bien (IRE): 4 wins in Brazil, placed 2nd Presidente Asoc. Latinoamericana de J.C., Gavea, L.; dam of a winner. Allyana (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 7 times; dam of a winner: Harryana (GB): 2 wins at 2 years and £12,847; dam of TEMPLE MEADS (GB): 3 wins at 2 years and £171,031 inc. Mill Reef S., Newbury, Gr.2, Sneak Preview (GB): winner at 2 years and £33,620, 2nd Firth of Clyde S., Ayr, Gr.3 and EBF Dick Poole S., Salisbury, L. Missing Love (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of winners: Athboy Nights (IRE): placed 4 times at 2 years; dam of Poneifattu (GB): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 in Italy and £19,895 and placed 11 times inc. 3rd Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L. Pearls of Thought (IRE): placed twice over hurdles at 4; dam of winners inc.: AUTUMN PEARL (IND): won Christmas Cup, Chennai, L. Flame of Love (IRE): placed once at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: MAN OF THE MATCH (IND): won The Hindu Deccan Derby, Malakpet, L. and 2nd The Vijay Textiles Golconda Derby, Malakpet, L. 4th dam SACRED IBIS: ran a few times at 2 years; Own sister to RED VELVET; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: CREMATION: 3 wins at 2 to 4 inc. McCairns Trial S., Phoenix Park, Gr.3. Sugarbird: winner at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: SAPIEHA (IRE): won Mainstay International, Clairwood, Gr.1 and 3rd Dubai Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. DAJRAAN (IRE): won Prix Hubert de Chaudenay, Longchamp, Gr.2. 159 LOT 160 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 16 BAY COLT (IRE) April 27th, 2013 (Second Produce) Danehill Allegheny River Fairy King Lindfield Belle Tecmessa In The Wings Tillerman Autumn Tint Desert King Brillano Voliere B.C. Nominated. Danetime Baltic King (GB) Pepys Tillergirl (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam PEPYS TILLERGIRL (IRE): unraced; dam of 2 foals; She also has a 3-y-o filly by Baltic King (GB). 2nd dam BRILLANO (FR): winner at 2 years; Own sister to QUI ES TU (IRE); dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 5 foals: Sarah Park (IRE): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years and £29,310 and placed 5 times, broodmare. Gouray Girl (IRE): 3 wins at 2, 3 and 6 years, 2013 and £32,190 and placed 10 times. Karl Marx (IRE): placed twice at 3 years, 2013; also winner over hurdles at 4 years, 2014 and placed 8 times. Kubeba (IRE): placed 5 times at 3 years, 2014. 3rd dam VOLIERE (USA): winner at 3 years in France; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: QUI ES TU (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £65,409 inc. Prix Solitude, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of winners. Volazo (GB): 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and £45,279. Joukov (FR): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and £53,482. 4th dam VIE EN ROSE (USA): placed twice at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; Own sister to VERRIA (USA); dam of 8 winners from 13 runners and 14 foals inc.: MARKSMANSHIP (USA): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £89,315 inc. Coors Light Silver Bullet S., Gulfstream Park, L., 2nd Pan American H., Gulfstream Park, Gr.2. The next dam VIA VENISE (FR): 3 wins at 3 years in France inc. Prix Joubert, Evry, L.; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals inc.: VORIAS (USA): 3 wins in France inc. P. La Rochette, Longchamp, Gr.3; sire. VERRIA (USA): 3 wins in France inc. Prix Chloe, Evry, Gr.3; dam of winners. Valverda (USA): winner in France; dam of winners inc.: VALLEY QUEST (IRE): won Prix Belle de Nuit, Evry, L.; grandam of KANDIDATE (GB): won September S., Kempton Park, Gr.3 and Haafhd Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3, 3rd 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; sire, STAR VALLEY (FR): won Prix de Meautry- Royal Barriere, Deauville, Gr.3. Valdara (GB): winner at 2 years in France, 3rd Prix des Reservoirs, Longchamp, Gr.3; dam of OFFER (IRE): won Schweppes Sydney Cup, Randwick, Gr.1, CYMBAL (IRE): won Nereide-Rennen, Munich, L., MUSHA MERR (IRE): won Michael Seely Mem. Glasgow S., York, L., Al Rashidiya S., Nad Al Sheba, L.; grandam of HAKKAR (TUR): won Ankara S. (St Leger), L., Sakarya S., Veliefendi, L., Jockey Club of Turkey Cup, Veliefendi, L. and Celal Bayar, Veliefendi, L. 160 LOT 161 FROM KNOCKANGLASS STABLES STABLE 74 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) April 21st, 2013 (First Produce) Oasis Dream Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat Trans Island Cross Key (IRE) (2007) Cayman Sunrise E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Hope Royal Academy Mountain Ash Selkirk Khubza Peintre Celebre Sum View at 1st dam CROSS KEY (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 3 times. Above is her first foal. 2nd dam CAYMAN SUNRISE (IRE): placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 7 foals inc.: Indian Seeker (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy. 3rd dam SUM (USA): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £129,808 inc. Pucker Up S., Arlington Park, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: Add The Gold (USA): 9 wins at 3 to 6 years in U.S.A. and £172,321, 2nd John McSorley S., Monmouth Park, 3rd Hill Prince S., Belmont, Gr.3. High Tech Exec (USA): 2nd Pinjara S., Santa Anita. Math (USA): 4 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,869; dam of winners inc.: ART TRADER (USA): won The Chairman's Trophy, Sha Tin, L. It All Adds Up (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Comely S., Aqueduct, Gr.3. Magical Hawk (USA): winner at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: HAPSBURG (FR): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and £76,036 inc. Grand Prix de Vichy, Gr.3, 3rd Prix Jean Romanet, Deauville, Gr.2. Grand Total (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Total Limit (USA): winner in U.S.A., 2nd Malibu S., Santa Anita, Gr.1. Totally Grand (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of JONATHAN'S GIRL (USA): 7 wins in U.S.A. inc. Ligature S., Penn National, L. Princess Miner (USA): ran in U.S.A.; dam of Include The Grand (USA): 12 wins in Canada and in U.S.A., 3rd Delta Colleen H., Hastings Park. 4th dam Qui Royalty (USA): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £42,063, 2nd Boiling Springs H., Meadowlands, Gr.3, Colleen S., Monmouth Park, Susan's Girl H., Arlington Park and 4th Sorority S., Monmouth Park, Gr.1; dam of 10 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: BAKHAROFF (USA): Champion 2yr old in Europe in 1985, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £203,015 inc. Futurity S., Doncaster, Gr.1, 2nd Dewhurst S., Gr.1, 3rd Irish Derby, Gr.1 and Prix du Jockey Club, Gr.1; sire. EMPEROR JONES (USA): 5 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.A.E. and £166,502 inc. Juddmonte Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.2; sire. THYER (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years inc. Beamish Stout S., Tralee, L. MAJLOOD (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. inc. Sirenia S., Kempton Park, L., 3rd Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1. APPOINTED ONE (USA): 4 wins in U.S.A. inc. Revidere S., Monmouth Park, 3rd Boiling Springs H., Meadowlands, Gr.3; dam of winners. DEMONRY (USA): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £37,762 inc. Spring Bonnet S., River Downs; dam of winners. Qui Bid (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: QUE BELLE (CAN): won Preis der Diana, Mulheim, Gr.2, Henkel Rennen (1000 Guineas), Gr.2, 2nd Prix Ganay, Gr.1, 3rd Aral-Pokal, Gr.1. 161 LOT 162 FROM DUNSANY STABLES STABLE 149 BAY COLT (IRE) April 20th, 2013 Oasis Dream Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat Just One Look (GB) (2001) Barathea Western Sal E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Hope Royal Academy Mountain Ash Sadler's Wells Brocade Salse Patsy Western View at 1st dam JUST ONE LOOK (GB): winner at 2 years and placed 6 times; dam of 2 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals: Brief Encounter (IRE) (2006 g. by Pyrus (USA)): 4 wins, £104,415: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £50,026 and placed 3 times; also winner at 3 years in Qatar and £54,389. Bomber Jackson (IRE) (2010 g. by Captain Marvelous (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2015 and £12,201 and placed 7 times. Quick Glance (IRE) (2011 f. by Dandy Man (IRE)): placed once at 3 years, 2014. 2nd dam WESTERN SAL (GB): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £13,682 and placed 7 times; dam of 5 winners from 10 runners and 13 foals inc.: Western Devil (GB) (g. by Dr Devious (IRE)): 7 wins, £49,679: 3 wins at 3 and 5 years in Germany and £29,631 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Renault Deutsches St Leger, Dortmund, Gr.2, 3rd Silbernes Band der Ruhr, Mulheim, L. and Dallmayr Prodomo Trophy, Munich, L.; also 3 wins over hurdles and £13,189 and winner over fences. Bouggatti (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 8 times. 3rd dam PATSY WESTERN: winner at 3; dam of 8 winners, 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: REDBACK (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £155,815 inc. Lane's End Greenham S., Newbury, Gr.3, Ford Solario S., Sandown Park, Gr.3 and Weatherbys Superlative S., Newmarket, L., placed 10 times inc. 2nd Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2, Theo Fennell Lennox S., Goodwood, Gr.3, 3rd Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1, Sagitta 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Easter S., Kempton Park, L.; sire. ABE (GB): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy inc. Premio Toscana, Firenze, L. Granny's Pet (GB): 9 wins at 2 to 8 years and £139,534 and placed 38 times inc. 2nd European Free H., Newmarket, L., 3rd Levy Board Leicestershire S., Doncaster, Gr.3 and King Charles II S., Newmarket, L. Zoudie (GB): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of winners inc.: CROISULTAN (IRE): 5 wins and £133,556 inc. Belgrave S., Fairyhouse, L., placed 19 times inc. 2nd Big Bad Bob Gladness S., Curragh, Gr.3, Michael Kinane Renaissance S., Curragh, Gr.3, Bulmers Live Glencairn S., Leopardstown, L., Navan Sprint S., Navan, L., 3rd Gladness S., Curragh, Gr.3, Vodafone Gaisce Ballycorus S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, Renaissance S., Curragh, Gr.3. Diesel Ten (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 and £12,045 and placed twice. 162 LOT 163 FROM TINVAUN STABLES STABLE 208 BROWN FILLY (IRE) February 4th, 2013 (Second Produce) Big Bad Bob (IRE) Breakmeheart (IRE) (2007) E.B.F. Nominated. Roberto Toter Back Marju Fantasy Girl Persian Fantasy Sadler's Wells Galileo Urban Sea Quest For Fame Rapid Action Fast Flow B.C. Nominated. Bob Back View at 1st dam BREAKMEHEART (IRE): unraced; dam of 2 foals; 1 runner; Bubble Gun (IRE) (2012 f. by Kodiac (GB)): placed 3 times at 2 years, 2014 abroad. She also has a colt foal by Red Jazz (USA). 2nd dam RAPID ACTION (USA): unraced; dam of 3 winners from 3 runners, 6 foals inc.; Come On Blue Chip (IRE): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 and £45,157 and placed 10 times. Reload (IRE): 3 wins at 4 and 5 years and £46,289 and placed 8 times. 3rd dam FAST FLOW (USA): unraced; dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 3 foals; AUCTION HOUSE (USA): 6 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years at home and in U.S.A. and £249,974 inc. Champagne S., Doncaster, Gr.2, Acomb S., York, L., Harry F Brubaker H., Del Mar, L. and Turf Paradise Breeders' Cup H., Turf Paradise, L., placed 2nd Dewhurst S., Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. Full Flow (USA): 8 wins, £205,158: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £23,567 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Weatherbys Superlative S., Newmarket, L.; also 6 wins in U.S.A. and £181,591 and placed 17 times. 4th dam Meteoric: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and 2nd Waterford Candelabra S., Goodwood, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: Intimate (USA): 2 wins in U.S.A.; dam of 7 winners inc.: MARQ FRENCH (USA): won Oklahoma Classics Classic S., Remington Park, L. (twice). Oakie Flash (USA): winner in U.S.A., 2nd Cherokee Nation Classic Cup S., Will Rogers Downs. Laserprint (USA): placed once at 3 years in Italy; dam of 3 winners inc.: BOLSHOI (IND): won Godolphin Barb S., Malakpet, L. The next dam METAIR: 7 wins at 2 and 3 years and £12,743; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 13 foals inc.: TYCHONIC (GB): 13 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £460,191 inc. Arcadia H., Santa Anita, Gr.2 and El Rincon H., Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. Fine Edge: 3 wins, 2nd William Hill Sprint Championship, York, Gr.2; sire. Merida (GB): 2 wins in France and in U.S.A.; dam of 5 winners inc.: Como (USA): 2 wins at 3 years and £16,408; dam of PENCIL HILL (IRE): 5 wins and £68,975 inc. Isabel Morris EBF S., Curragh, L. Demerger (USA): unraced; dam of SOLE POWER (GB): Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 2010, 10 wins at 2 to 7 years, 2014 and £1,541,523 inc. King's Stand S., Ascot, Gr.1 (twice) and Nunthorpe S., York, Gr.1 (twice), 2nd Hong Kong Sprint, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Al Quoz Sprint, Meydan, Gr.1, 3rd King's Stand S., Ascot, Gr.1, Nunthorpe S., York, Gr.1 and Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Gr.1. 163 LOT 164 FROM LONGWAYS STABLES STABLE 200 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 7th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Taufan Twin Island Marju Mrs Marsh Drei Chief's Crown Key of Luck Balbonella Topsider Lock's Heath Lock's Dream B.C. Nominated. Tagula Canford Cliffs (IRE) Unlock (IRE) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam UNLOCK (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed once; Own sister to AKANTI (IRE) and Lock And Key (IRE); dam of a winner from 2 runners and 4 foals: Painted Blue (IRE) (2008 c. by Peintre Celebre (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 6 years, 2014 in Switzerland and £16,412 and placed 13 times. Unbridled Joy (IRE) (2011 f. by Acclamation (GB)): placed twice at 3, 2014. 2nd dam LOCK'S HEATH (CAN): 2 wins at 3 years and placed 7 times; also placed twice at 4 and 5 years in U.A.E.; dam of 4 winners, 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: AKANTI (IRE) (g. by Key of Luck (USA)): 9 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in U.S.A. and £130,988 inc. Rochestown S., Leopardstown, L. and Blue Skies H., Louisiana Downs, placed 2nd Ark-La-Tex H., Louisiana Downs and 3rd Evangeline Downs Mile H., Evangeline Downs, L. Lock And Key (IRE) (f. by Key of Luck (USA)): 3 wins, £112,900: 2 wins at 2 years and £59,160, 2nd EBF Brownstown S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, Go And Go Round Tower S., Curragh, Gr.3, International S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Tyros S., Leopardstown, L.; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £53,740, 2nd Las Cienegas H., Santa Anita, Gr.3. Jazzy Lady (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £15,041. 3rd dam LOCK'S DREAM (USA): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £64,790 and 61,000 fr. inc. Spring Fiesta Cup S., Fair Grounds, 3rd Yerba Buena H., Golden Gate, Gr.3, Bayou H., Fair Grounds, L. and Twilight Tear H., Turf Paradise; dam of 5 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals inc.: BIG BROWN BEAR (USA): 6 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £95,130 inc. Demaloot Demashoot S., Fort Erie, placed 13 times. Dream Regally (CAN): winner at 2 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: LACIE GIRL (USA): won Star Ball H., Golden Gate, Sunnyvale H., Bay Meadows, Richmond H., Golden Gate, Vacaville H., Solano, Orinda H., Golden Gate, 2nd Rancho Bernardo H., Del Mar, Gr.3; dam of LACIE SLEW (USA): won Maryland Racing Media H., Laurel, L. Widgie (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Hi Mandy (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Wafare H., Lone Star Park, L. 4th dam TRILLIONAIRE (USA): 5 wins at 3 years and £27,654 inc. Princess Royal S., Ascot, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 12 foals inc.: LOCK'S DREAM (USA): see above. Not In Doubt (USA): 2 wins at 3 years and £32,081, 2nd Cementone Beaver Henry II EBF S., Sandown Park, Gr.3. Rich Indian (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Native Wind Dancer (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of SUMMER WIND DANCER (USA): 5 wins in U.S.A. and $898,762 inc. Delaware H., Delaware, Gr.2, 3rd Hollywood Starlet S., Hollywood Park, Gr.1. 164 LOT 165 FROM ALBANY STUD STABLE 197 Bushranger (IRE) BAY COLT (IRE) March 18th, 2013 Flashing Blade (GB) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Allegheny River Efisio Danz Danz Darcey Bussell Ahonoora Inchinor Inchmurrin Be My Chief Finlaggan Misty Halo B.C. Nominated. Danetime View at 1st dam FLASHING BLADE (GB): winner at 4 years and placed twice; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 7 foals; Monterey Jack (IRE) (2007 c. by Cape Cross (IRE)): winner at 3 years in Italy and £11,266 and placed 3 times. Belezza Oscura (IRE) (2012 f. by Pastoral Pursuits (GB)): placed 3 times at 2 years, 2014. Mancunian Way (GB) (2006 f. by Green Desert (USA)): unraced; dam of 2 winners: Dancing Juice (GB): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 4 times. Savannah Beau (GB): winner at 2 years, 2014. Rose Scarlett (GB) (2011 f. by Sir Percy (GB)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling filly by Roderic O'Connor (IRE). 2nd dam FINLAGGAN (GB): 3 wins at 3 years and £14,959 and placed 7 times; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: NEEDWOOD BLADE (GB) (c. by Pivotal (GB)): 9 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £197,129 inc. Palace House S., Newmarket, Gr.3, Bay Meadows Breeders' Cup H., Bay Meadows, Gr.3, Abernant S., Newmarket, L. and Bentinck S., Newmarket, L., 2nd Cammidge Trophy, Doncaster, L., 3rd Abernant S., Newmarket, L., City of York S., York, L.; sire. ISLAY MIST (GB) (f. by Distant Relative): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and £124,866 inc. Senorita S., Hollywood Park, Gr.3, placed 2nd Lone Star Oaks, Lone Star Park, L., 3rd San Clemente S., Del Mar, Gr.2, Carris Memorial H., Remington Park; dam of 2 winners: AUSTRALIAN DREAMS (GB) (f. by Magic Ring (IRE)): 7 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and £37,824 inc. Coolmore Stud Baden-Baden Cup, Baden-Baden, L., placed 4 times; dam of a winner: Merveilles (GB) (g. by Vettori (IRE)): 6 wins, £72,485: 3 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years and £41,083 and placed 3rd Saval Beg S., Leopardstown, L.; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years and £25,364, 3rd Fishery Lane Hurdle, Naas, L. and winner over fences at 6 years. 3rd dam MISTY HALO: 22 wins, £32,059: 20 wins and placed 16 times; also 2 wins in Isle Of Man; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc.: Rock Face: 6 wins, £12,837: 5 wins and £12,837 and placed 4 times; also winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years; dam of 2 winners inc.: Sheer Face (GB): 5 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years and £36,349 and placed 20 times inc. 3rd Autumn S., Ascot, L. Shifting Mist (GB): 5 wins at 3 years; dam of 5 winners inc.: SHIFTING PLACE (GB): Champion 2yr old filly in Italy in 2004, 3 wins in Italy and £69,761 inc. Premio Primi Passi, Milan, Gr.3, 2nd Prix Robert Papin, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2, 3rd Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L. and Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L.; dam of Shifting (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2nd EBF Garnet S., Naas, L. 165 LOT 166 FROM BALLYCULLEN STABLES STABLE 190 BAY OR BROWN COLT (IRE) April 13th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Kingmambo Kingsalsa (USA) Caretta Kalanisi Aloisi (GB) (2004) Bellona E.B.F. Nominated. Mr Prospector Miesque Caro Klainia Doyoun Kalamba Bering Bellarida View at 1st dam ALOISI (GB): placed 8 times at 3 and 4 years in France and £17,525; dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 5 foals; Daloisi (FR) (2010 f. by Marchand de Sable (USA)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in France and £33,134 and placed 6 times. Glorious Sinndar (FR) (2011 g. by Sinndar (IRE)): placed once at 2 years, 2013; also 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in Germany and placed twice. Shaloisi (FR) (2012 f. by Air Chief Marshal (IRE)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling colt by Clodovil (IRE). 2nd dam BELLONA (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £31,925 inc. Prix Rose de Mai, Saint-Cloud, L., 3rd Prix Penelope, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 10 foals inc.: Es Que (GB): winner at 3 years in France and £26,963; dam of 3 winners: DOMINANT (IRE): Champion Stayer in Hong Kong 2013-14; 5 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2013 at home and in Hong Kong and £1,570,468 inc. Longines Hong Kong Vase, Sha Tin, Gr.1. ES QUE LOVE (IRE): 5 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2014 and £236,311 inc. bet365 Lennox S., Goodwood, Gr.2; sire. Stoked (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014. 3rd dam BELLARIDA (FR): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France inc. Prix de Royaumont, Longchamp, Gr.3; dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: IN CLOVER (GB): 4 wins at 3 years in France and £125,971 inc. Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of 3 winners inc.: WE ARE (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in France and £200,884 inc. Prix de l'Opera Longines, Longchamp, Gr.1. DREAM CLOVER (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France, £107,540 inc. Prix de Saint-Cyr, Longchamp, L., Prix de la Cochere, Chantilly, L. BAYOURIDA (USA): 2 wins in France inc. Prix Madame Jean Couturie, Vichy, L., 2nd Prix de la Nonette, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of 4 winners inc.: TELLURIDE (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £98,957 inc. Prix Vulcain, Deauville, L., 2nd Prix Hocquart, Longchamp, Gr.2. Bee Charmer (IRE): 5 wins, £81,774: 3 wins in France and in U.S.A. 2nd Sycamore S., Keeneland, Gr.3; also 2 wins over jumps in U.S.A. Fumarelli (USA): 5 wins in France 3rd Prix Le Fabuleux, Saint-Cloud, L. Forty Belles (USA): placed 6 times in France; dam of 3 winners inc.: PARTY (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £29,983 inc. Racing Post Radley S., Newbury, L.; dam of OBSERVATIONAL (GB): winner at 3 years, 2014, £69,199, Casco EBF Stallions Cocked Hat S., Goodwood, L. Noyelles (IRE): unraced; dam of 2 winners: LILY'S ANGEL (IRE): 10 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2013 at home and in U.A.E. and £321,142 inc. Chartwell S., Lingfield Park, Gr.3, 2nd Coolmore Fusaichi Pegasus Matron S., Leopardstown, Gr.1. ZURIGHA (IRE): 3 wins inc. Rosemary S., Newmarket, L. 166 LOT 167 FROM BALLYHANE STABLE 52 BAY FILLY April 21st, 2013 (First Produce) Mozart Dandy Man (IRE) Lady Alexander Model Looks (IRE) (2009) Majestic Missile Victoria's Secret E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Victoria Cross Night Shift Sandhurst Goddess Royal Applause Tshusick Law Society Organdy View at 1st dam MODEL LOOKS (IRE): unraced. She also has a yearling filly by Elzaam (AUS). 2nd dam VICTORIA'S SECRET (IRE): winner at 4 years and placed 7 times; dam of 6 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals inc.: Master Robbie (GB) (g. by Piccolo (GB)): 12 wins at 2 to 6 years and £155,901, placed 2nd Harry Rosebery S., Ayr, L. Julius Geezer (IRE) (g. by Antonius Pius (USA)): 6 wins, £67,228: 4 wins at 2 and 4 years and £33,731 and placed 8 times inc. 3rd Roses S., York, L.; also 2 wins at 5 years, 2013 in U.S.A. and £33,497 and placed twice. 3rd dam ORGANDY: winner at 3 years; dam of 6 winners, 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Sheer Royalty: winner at 2 years; dam of a winner: Sheer (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Nursery S., Hollywood Park, L. She's Royalty (USA): placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of Shawteesh (USA): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and $61,062, 2nd Hoofprint On My Heart H., Stampede Park, 3rd President's H., Stampede Park. 4th dam SILK STOCKING: 3 wins at 3 years inc. Strensall S., York, L.; dam of 10 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: SATINETTE: 2 wins at 2 inc. May Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.3; grandam of SIR OSCAR (GER): won G.P. Audi Zentrum Hannover Meilen Trophy, Gr.2; third dam of SCHILLER DANON (GER): won Preis der Ostdeutschen Sparkassen, Dresden, L., 3rd Hessen Pokal, Frankfurt, Gr.3. Brandon Magic (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 6 years and £36,969, 3rd Vodafone Horris Hill S., Newbury, Gr.3. Blue Patrol: 4 wins, £10,644: 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 4th Horris Hill S., Newbury, Gr.3; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years. Silk Pyjamas: 4 wins, £57,202: winner at 2 years, 2nd May Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.3, 3rd Cherry Hinton S., Newmarket, Gr.3; also 3 wins at 4 years in U.S.A., 3rd Lady Morvich H., Bay Meadows, broodmare. Tender Loving Care: winner at 2 years, 2nd May Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.3; third dam of PEERESS (GB): won Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.1 and Sun Chariot S., Newmarket, Gr.1, 2nd Matron S., Leopardstown, Gr.1, 3rd Falmouth S., Newmarket, Gr.1 and Prix Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1; fourth dam of LADYSHIP (GB): won City Plate, Chester, L. Crinoline: winner at 3 years; grandam of RUBY WINE (GB): winner at 3 years and £27,473, Lord Weinstock Mem. Ballymacoll S., Newbury, L. Ballet (GB): placed once at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: ISLAND SOUND (GB): 7 wins, £88,603: 4 wins inc. James Seymour S., Newmarket, L.; also 2 wins over hurdles and winner over fences. Fair Trade (GB): 4 wins, £36,332: winner at 3 years and £21,828, 3rd Nayef Joel S., Newmarket, Gr.3; also winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 6 years, 2013; also 2 wins over hurdles at 6 years, 2013 and £10,930. 167 LOT 168 FROM WINDMILL STABLES STABLE 167 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) March 16th, 2013 (Third Produce) Northern Dancer Special Alydar Peinture Bleue Petroleuse Lure Orpen Bonita Francita Pursuit of Love Krilova Kalandariya B.C. Nominated. Nureyev Peintre Celebre (USA) Penlova (IRE) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam PENLOVA (IRE): ran; dam of 1 runner and 3 foals; Artiste Celebre (IRE) (2012 g. by Peintre Celebre (USA)): unraced to date. 2nd dam KRILOVA (GB): winner at 3 years in Italy; dam of 1 runner and 2 foals: Chased By The Sun (IRE): unraced; dam of a winner: Touch of Denmark (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in Cyprus. 3rd dam KALANDARIYA: placed 3 times; dam of a winner from 4 runners and 8 foals: Kalarram (GB): ran 3 times; dam of 2 winners inc.: Cayman Fox (GB): 3 wins at 4 and 5 years and £19,753. 4th dam Kermiya (FR): 2 wins at 3 years in France and 165,000 fr. 2nd Prix de la Theve, Chantilly, L.; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: KERITA: 4 wins at 3 years and £56,196 inc. Supreme S., Goodwood, Gr.3, 3rd Challenge S., Newmarket, Gr.2; dam of 3 winners inc.: KERAKA (USA): 2 wins at 2 years inc. EBF Anglesey S., Curragh, Gr.3; dam of KERMIYANA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years inc. Brownstown S., Leopardstown, L.; grandam of KERATIYA (FR): 2 wins at 2 years in France inc. Prix du Bois, Chantilly, Gr.3, KERASONA (FR): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in France inc. Prix Hampton, Maisons-Laffitte, L., Kermiyan (FR): 12 wins in France, 2nd Criterium de l'Ouest, Craon, L., Kerman (FR): winner at 2 years, 2014 in France, 3rd Prix Saraca, Maisons-Laffitte, L.; third dam of ROCKY GROUND (IRE): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 and £37,837 inc. Leisure S., Windsor, L., KARASIYRA (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £54,210 inc. Lenebane S., Roscommon, L., 2nd Noblesse S., Cork, Gr.3. KAREENA: 4 wins at 3 years and £25,603 inc. Fern Hill H., Ascot, L., 4th Waterford Crystal Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2; dam of 3 winners inc.: KARAFERYA (USA): 2 wins at 3 years inc. John T L Jones Diamond S., Phoenix Park, L.; grandam of INSTRUMENTALIST (IRE): 8 wins to 2014 at home and in Australia inc. Mornington Cup, Mornington, L. Kalamba (IRE): placed 3 times in France; dam of KALANISI (IRE): won Champion S., Newmarket, Gr.1 and Breeders' Cup Turf, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, 2nd Juddmonte International S., York, Gr.1; sire, KALAMAN (IRE): won Scottish Derby, Ayr, Gr.2, 2nd St James's Palace S., Ascot, Gr.1 and 3rd Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1, L. Kardiyra (IRE): unraced; dam of KARDTHEA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in Italy and £37,960 inc. Premio Memorial Mario Incisa, Milan, Gr.3. Jeanetta Cochrane (IRE): unraced; dam of SAXON (AUS): won Greenslopes Hospital Queensland Guineas, Eagle Farm, Gr.2; sire. Kapliyda: unraced; third dam of ROCKDALE (NZ): won Racetree T J Smith Classic, Eagle Farm, Gr.1. 168 LOT 169 FROM BRAMBLESTOWN STABLE 227 Danehill Clodovil (IRE) BAY FILLY (IRE) March 28th, 2013 Clodora Bigstone Stoneware (GB) (1997) Krill E.B.F. Nominated. Danzig Razyana Linamix Cloche d'Or Last Tycoon Batave Kris Fairlawne View at 1st dam STONEWARE (GB): placed once at 4 years; also placed once at 3 years in France; dam of 2 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals; Copperbottomed (IRE) (2005 g. by Redback (GB)): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £14,475 and placed 9 times. Giftware (IRE) (2004 f. by Fayruz): winner at 2 years and placed 3 times. Dark Phantom (IRE) (2011 g. by Dark Angel (IRE)): placed 3 times at 3 years, 2014. Spirit Stone (IRE) (2012 f. by Zebedee (GB)): placed once at 2 years, 2014. She also has a yearling filly by Fast Company (IRE). 2nd dam Krill: winner at 3 years in France and £10,766 and placed twice inc. 3rd Prix des Tuileries, Longchamp, L.; dam of 3 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals; DARK MARBLE (GB) (c. by Warning): 6 wins at 3, 5 and 7 years in Germany and in Slovakia and £40,915 inc. Hasseroder Sprint Cup, Hoppegarten, L., placed 18 times; sire. Still Waters (GB): 2 wins at 4 and 5 years and placed 5 times. Degree (GB): winner at 4 years and placed 5 times; dam of 4 winners: MISTER COSMI (GB): 15 wins at home, in Germany and in U.S.A. and £155,003 inc. Richmond S., Goodwood, Gr.2 and Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L., 3rd Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1. AUDITORIUM (GB): 2 wins at 2 years and £76,072 inc. Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L., placed 2nd Champagne S., Doncaster, Gr.2 and 3rd Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1. Princess Georgina (GB): winner at 2 years and placed twice; dam of Cincinnati Kit (GB): 5 wins at 4 years, 2013 and £20,325 and placed once, Cara Gina (GB): 3 wins at 3 years, 2013 and placed once, Royal Birth (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and placed once. Pure Rhythm (GB): winner at 3 years and placed once. Town And Gown (GB): placed 8 times at 2 to 4 years; dam of Oasis Town (GB): winner at 2 years, 2013 and £29,604 and placed twice. 3rd dam FAIRLAWNE: winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of a winner from 3 runners and 4 foals; Krill: see above. 4th dam ISOBELLINE (USA): winner at 2 years; dam of 6 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals inc.: ROBELLINO (USA): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £60,061 inc. Royal Lodge S., Ascot, Gr.2 and Seaton Delaval S., Newcastle, Gr.3, placed 5 times inc. 2nd Ladbroke Blue Riband Trial S., Epsom, Gr.3, Chesham S., Royal Ascot, L., 4th Mecca-Dante S., York, Gr.2 and St James's Palace S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2; champion sire. 169 LOT 170 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 17 Pivotal Captain Rio (GB) BAY FILLY (IRE) April 11th, 2013 Beloved Visitor Petardia Kenema (IRE) (1995) Burkina E.B.F. Nominated. Polar Falcon Fearless Revival Miswaki Abeesh Petong What A Pet African Sky Cancaniere View at 1st dam KENEMA (IRE): 6 wins at 3 and 4 years and £36,401 and placed 7 times; dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 8 foals inc.: Kingsgate Choice (IRE) (2007 g. by Choisir (AUS)): 8 wins and £132,400 and placed 11 times. Aris Terz (IRE) (2002 c. by Monashee Mountain (USA)): 6 wins at 2 to 5 years in Greece and £65,169 and placed 14 times. 2nd dam BURKINA: winner at 2 years; dam of 5 winners, 5 runners and 7 foals inc.: Lord Olivier (IRE) (g. by The Noble Player (USA)): 8 wins and £55,869 and placed 21 times inc. 2nd Timeform Harry Rosebery Trophy, Ayr, L. Iacchus (IRE): 3 wins: 2 wins at 2 years; winner over hurdles at 3 years. Blackpool Festival (IRE): 3 wins, £17,653: winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; also 2 wins at 5 years in Macau and £12,426. Ojos Del Salado (IRE): winner at 3 years in Sweden; dam of a winner: Guaton (SWE): winner, 2014 in Sweden. 3rd dam CANCANIERE: winner at 2 years and placed twice; dam of 4 winners from 5 runners and 9 foals inc.: Dancing Feet: 15 wins at 3 to 7 years in Italy and £24,424, broodmare. 4th dam FRENCH FERN: winner at 3 years, Ribblesdale S., Royal Ascot, placed twice, 2nd Park Hill S., Doncaster and Sandleford Priory S., Newbury; Own sister to STAR MOSS; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: SHANGAMUZO: 8 wins and £85,131 inc. Ascot Gold Cup, Gr.1, Doncaster Cup, Gr.3, Sagaro S., Ascot, L. and Top Rank Club H. S., Newcastle, L., 2nd Yorkshire Cup, Gr.2, Henry II S., Sandown, Gr.3, Jockey Club Cup, Newmarket, Gr.3 (3 times), Autumn Cup H., Newbury, L., Paradise S., Ascot, L., Queen Alexandra S., Royal Ascot, L., 3rd Yorkshire Cup, Gr.2, 4th Ascot Gold Cup, Gr.1, Prix du Cadran, Longchamp, Gr.1 (twice); sire. Sniff: 3 wins at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners inc.: BUSTIFFA: won Prix Gladiateur d'Ostende, Ostend, L. Candy Sniff: winner at 4 years; dam of RUSTI LA RUSSE: 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Belgium inc. Prix Les Guinees, Sterrebeek, L. and Prix Madame du Bois de Roest, Groenendael, L., 2nd Prix Duc d'Ursel, Groenendael, L. and 3rd Prix Emile Van den Bogaerde, Ostend, L. Frondia: winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of winners inc.: DUKY: won Grand Criterium Belge, Groenendael, L., G. P. de la Ville d'Ostende, L., Prix le Vase d'Or, Groenendael, L., Prix St Michel, Boitsfort, L., Belge St Leger, L., 2nd Prix du Cadran, Longchamp, Gr.1 and 3rd Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Groenendael, L.; sire. 170 LOT 171 STABLE 138 BROWN COLT (GB) February 24th, 2013 FROM HYDE PARK STUD Bahamian Bounty Star Pastoral Pursuits (GB) Zafonic Enthralled (GB) (2003) Artifice E.B.F. Nominated. Cadeaux Genereux Clarentia Most Welcome Marista Gone West Zaizafon Green Desert Reuval View at 1st dam ENTHRALLED (GB): ran once; dam of a winner, 3 runners, 6 foals: Regal Approval (GB) (2008 g. by Royal Applause (GB)): winner at 2 years and placed 5 times. Joeluke (GB) (2010 g. by Cockney Rebel (IRE)): placed once at 3 years, 2013. She also has a yearling colt by Pastoral Pursuits (GB). 2nd dam ARTIFICE (GB): winner at 3 years and placed 5 times; Own sister to ARDKINGLASS (GB); dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: Arabic (GB): 3 wins at 4 years, 2013 in Qatar and £16,654. Goodwood Storm (GB): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed 4 times. 3rd dam REUVAL: 2 wins at 3 years and £10,627; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 15 foals inc.: ARDKINGLASS (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £70,103 inc. Jersey S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3; sire. Jura (GB): 4 wins, £30,668: 3 wins at 3 years and £28,540, 2nd Festival S., Goodwood, L.; also winner over hurdles at 6 years. Pitcroy (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: SUCCESSION (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Germany and £37,561 inc. Black Sam Bellamy-Stutenpreis, Cologne, L. SUCCINCT (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £18,660 inc. Ballymacoll Stud S., Newbury, L.; dam of Taloubet (GB): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £17,365, 3rd Winterfavorit-Trial, Cologne, L. Skerray (GB): placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Secret Asset (IRE): 7 wins and £98,725, 3rd Shadwell Hackwood S., Newbury, Gr.3; also 2nd Qatar Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd Kris Flyer International Sprint, Kranji, Gr.1. Ruse (GB): placed twice at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Rowan Brae (GB): winner at 2 years in France and £22,975, 2nd Wettenleip-Junioren-Preis, Dusseldorf, L. Fetlar: unraced; dam of winners inc.: Be Mindful (GB): 8 wins, £97,772: 2 wins at 2 years and £35,221, 2nd Vodafone Diomed S., Epsom, Gr.3 and 3rd Vodafone Horris Hill S., Newbury, Gr.3; also 6 wins at 4 to 8 years in U.S.A. and £62,551. Staffin (GB): 4 wins, £123,194: winner at 2 years, 2nd Solario S., Sandown Park, Gr.3; also 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in U.S.A., 2nd La Habra S., Santa Anita, L. and 3rd Providencia S., Santa Anita, L. Mythic (GB): winner at 3 years and £16,275, 2nd Atalanta S., Sandown Park, L. and 3rd Lanwades Stud Severals S., Newmarket, L. Incredulous (FR): winner at 3 years; dam of SIR GERRY (USA): 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in U.A.E. and £275,698 inc. Ireland Gimcrack S., York, Gr.2, 3rd Golden Jubilee S., Ascot, Gr.1. 171 LOT 172 FROM MOCKLERSHILL STABLE 38 BAY COLT (GNY) March 29th, 2013 Giant's Causeway Daneleta Storm Cat Mariah's Storm Danehill Zavaleta Mr Prospector Kingmambo Miesque Sadler's Wells First Night Morning Devotion B.C. Nominated. Intense Focus (USA) Unquenchable (USA) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at View at 1st dam UNQUENCHABLE (USA): ran once at 3 years; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 6 foals: Havana Cooler (IRE) (2010 c. by Hurricane Run (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 and £49,009 and placed 5 times. Ukrainian Princess (GB) (2009 f. by Medicean (GB)): placed 3 times at 3 years. Usbekia (IRE) (2012 f. by Dylan Thomas (IRE)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling colt by Kandahar Run (GB). 2nd dam First Night (IRE): 2 wins, £20,625: winner at 3; also winner at 4 in U.S.A., 2nd Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L.; dam of 3 winners, 7 runners, 9 foals inc.: Awwal Malika (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Desert Colours (GB): 5 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £14,708. Bosham (GB): 2 wins at 3 years, 2013. Remember Love (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Awesome's Eleven (USA): winner, 2013 in U.S.A. 3rd dam Morning Devotion (USA): winner at 2 years, 3rd Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.3 and 4th Lancashire Oaks, Gr.3; dam of 10 winners, 12 runners, 15 foals inc.: BALANCHINE (USA): Champion 3yr old in Europe in 1994, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, £542,188 inc. Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1 and Oaks S., Epsom, Gr.1, 2nd 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of winners. ROMANOV (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 inc. Jockey Club S., Newmarket, Gr.2, 2nd G. P. de Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, 3rd Derby S., Gr.1, Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1 and Canadian International S., Woodbine, Gr.1; sire. RED SLIPPERS (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £56,012 inc. Cheveley Park Stud Sun Chariot S., Newmarket, Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: WEST WIND (GB): won Prix de Diane Hermes, Chantilly, Gr.1, 2nd Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd Audi Pretty Polly S., Curragh, Gr.1. REDBRIDGE (USA): won Leicester Mercury S., Leicester, L. Eastern Joy (GB): winner in France; dam of IHTIMAL (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 at home and in U.A.E. inc. May Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.2, 3rd Fillies' Mile S., Newmarket, Gr.1, 1000 Guineas, Gr.1. Subtle Breeze (USA): placed once at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: TRUST IN A GUST (AUS): won Bendigo Bank Sir Rupert Clarke Inv. Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.1 and Toorak H., Caulfield, Gr.1. Alleged Devotion (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: HUMBLE EIGHT (USA): won Honeybee H., Oaklawn Park, Gr.3. THADY QUILL (USA): won Superlative S., Newmarket, L., Wickerr H., Del Mar, L. and 2nd Oak Tree Breeders' Cup Mile S., Gr.2; sire. ROYAL DEVOTION (IRE): won Oyster S., Galway, L. APRIL STARLIGHT (USA): won Silver Flash S., Leopardstown, L. Luxury (USA): unraced; dam of SHONAN MIGHTY (JPN): won Sankei Osaka Hai, Hanshin, Gr.2, 2nd Yasuda Kinen, Tokyo, Gr.1. 172 LOT 173 FROM KNOCKANGLASS STABLES STABLE 75 Green Desert Hope Sadler's Wells Wyola Rubies From Burma Doyoun Daylami Daltawa Madame Nureyev Nureyev Miss Derby B.C. Nominated. Oasis Dream Approve (IRE) BAY COLT (IRE) April 12th, 2013 Million All Day (IRE) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam MILLION ALL DAY (IRE): placed twice at 3 years; dam of a winner from 4 runners and 6 foals: Rebecchina (IRE) (2008 f. by Noverre (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £10,724 and placed 5 times. Blood Link (IRE) (2009 c. by Rail Link (GB)): placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years in Italy. Pollon Grey (IRE) (2010 f. by Notnowcato (GB)): placed 3 times at 2 in Italy. Rebel Collins (IRE) (2011 g. by Jeremy (USA)): placed once in a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years, 2015. 2nd dam Madame Nureyev (USA): winner at 2 years in France, 3rd Prix de la Vallee d'Auge, Deauville, L.; dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 12 foals inc.: MISS UNIVERSAL (IRE) (f. by Lycius (USA)): 4 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £167,211 inc. Yerba Buena H., Golden Gate, Gr.3 and Street Dancer S., Hollywood Park, L., 2nd Atalanta S., Sandown, L., Estrapade S., Santa Anita, L., CTT & T.B. Owners of California H., Del Mar, L., 3rd Masaka S., Kempton Park, L., Vodafone Group Trial S., Newbury, L., Star Ball S., Santa Anita, L., Star Gem H., Golden Gate; dam of winners inc.: SHINING ENERGY (USA): won Gamely Breeders' Cup S., Hollywood Park, Gr.1, San Clemente H., Del Mar, Gr.2, La Habra S., Santa Anita, L., American Beauty H., Santa Anita, L., 2nd Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L. and Harold C Ramser Sr H., Santa Anita, L.; dam of Atom (JPN): winner at 2 years, 2013 in Japan and £209,769 and placed once, 2nd Daily Hai Nisai S., Kyoto, Gr.2. Bernard Seven (IRE): 5 wins, £34,952: 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £24,925; also 2 wins over hurdles and £10,027. California Son (IRE): 5 wins, £22,864: 4 wins at 5 and 6 years in Denmark and in Sweden, £10,255; also winner over jumps in Sweden, £10,870. Cloak of Darkness (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £12,846. 3rd dam MISS DERBY (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £10,487 and placed once; dam of 5 winners from 13 runners and 15 foals inc.: Madame Nureyev (USA): see above. Astec Gold (USA): unraced; grandam of Crystal (NZ): 2 wins in New Zealand, placed 2nd Liquorland Gore Guineas, Gore, L. 4th dam MISS TREASURE (USA): winner at 2 years in U.S.A. and placed 4 times; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: JETTA J (USA): 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £67,553 inc. Blue Mountain Futurity, Penn National, placed 6 times inc. 2nd Northernette S., Laurel and 3rd Flocarline H., Pimlico; dam of winners inc.: Manila Flight (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of MILLIE'S TUNE (USA): 5 wins in U.S.A. and $105,939 inc. Yankee Fashion S., Suffolk Downs. 173 LOT 174 FROM MOSS LODGE STUD STABLE 118 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) March 5th, 2013 (First Produce) Pivotal Captain Rio (GB) Beloved Visitor King's Best Ivy Batty (IRE) (2007) Sallanches E.B.F. Nominated. Polar Falcon Fearless Revival Miswaki Abeesh Kingmambo Allegretta Gone West Stresa View at 1st dam IVY BATTY (IRE): ran on the flat in France at 2 years. She also has a yearling colt by Elusive Pimpernel (USA). 2nd dam SALLANCHES (USA): winner at 3 years in France and placed 4 times; dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 13 foals inc.: Shena's Dream (IRE): 4 wins at 3 years and £11,863, broodmare. She also has a 2-y-old colt by Pour Moi (IRE). 3rd dam Stresa: winner at 3 years in France, 2nd Prix d'Automne, Longchamp, L.; dam of 10 winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: MILL NATIVE (USA): 7 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and 824,400 fr. and £324,998 inc. Arlington Million, Woodbine, Gr.1; sire. FRENCH STRESS (USA): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in France inc. Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix Edmond Blanc, SaintCloud, Gr.3 and Prix Perth, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, 2nd Dubai Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, P. Fresnay-le-Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1 and 3rd Prix d'Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. SPORADES (USA): 3 wins at 3 years in France inc. Prix de Flore, SaintCloud, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: TIGRE D'OR (FR): 5 wins at 3 to 6 years in France and £131,206 inc. Grand Prix de la Ville de Craon-Mayenne, Craon, L. Leave Us Leap (USA): winner in France and in U.S.A., 2nd Prix Montenica, M'-Laffitte, L., Prix Tantieme, M'-Laffitte, L. Ile Rousse (GB): 2 wins at 4 years in France and £35,205, 2nd Premio FIA European Breeders Fund, Rome, L. Shake The Moon (GER): winner, 2nd Prix Joubert, Saint-Cloud, L. Borromee (USA): placed once in France; grandam of GOLDY ESPONY (FR): 3 wins at 3 years, 2014 in France and £103,385 inc. Prix Penelope, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Querry Boy (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France, 2nd Prix Policeman, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L. AMERICAN STRESS (USA): 2 wins at 2 years in France inc. Prix du Bois, Longchamp, Gr.3, 4th Prix Robert Papin, M'-Laffitte, Gr.1; sire. Private Talk (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A., 3rd Prix du Lion-d'Angers, Evry, L.; sire. Tremplin (USA): winner at 3 years in France, 3rd Prix du Lion d'Angers, L. Ville Eternelle (USA): 3 wins in France; grandam of WILLYCONKER (IRE): 10 wins at 2 to 6 years, 2013 at home and in U.S.A. and £323,848 inc. Frank E Kilroe Mile H., Santa Anita, Gr.1, WIXOE EXPRESS (IRE): won Tanforan H., Golden Gate, L., VILLA SCIARRA (IRE): won Criterium di Pisa, L., Eternal Ruler (IRE): 3 wins, £92,049: winner at 2 years; also 2 wins at 4 and 6 years, 2014 in U.S.A., 3rd Gleaming S., Saratoga, L. Fairlight Down (USA): winner; grandam of MEXICAN ROSE (NZ): Champion 2yr old filly in Singapore in 2008-09, won Kranji Sprint, L., Merlion Trophy, Kranji, L. and Magic Millions Juvenile Championship, Kranji, L. 174 LOT 175 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 25 BAY COLT (IRE) April 9th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Bushranger (IRE) High Society Girl (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Allegheny River Efisio Danz Danz Darcey Bussell Chief's Crown Key of Luck Balbonella Green Desert Touch And Love Clunk Click B.C. Nominated. Danetime View at 1st dam HIGH SOCIETY GIRL (IRE): ran twice at 2 years; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 5 foals; Sleepy Haven (IRE) (2010 g. by Indian Haven (GB)): 4 wins, £32,592: winner at 3 years, 2013 and placed 3 times; also 3 wins over hurdles at 3 to 5 years, 2015 and £29,064 and placed 7 times. Ruby Rose (IRE) (2012 f. by Vale of York (IRE)): winner at 2 years, 2014. Captain George (IRE) (2011 g. by Bushranger (IRE)): placed twice at 3 years, 2014. She also has a yearling filly by Zebedee (GB). 2nd dam Touch And Love (IRE): winner at 2 years in France and £32,917 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Prix du Gros Chene, Chantilly, Gr.2, Prix de la Vallee d'Auge, Deauville, L., 3rd Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L. and Criterium d'Evry, Evry, L.; dam of 6 winners from 14 runners and 17 foals inc.: BASHFUL (IRE) (f. by Brief Truce (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £50,608 inc. Prix des Jouvenceaux et des Jouvencelles, Vichy, L., placed 10 times inc. 3rd Prix du Calvados, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix des Lilas, Maisons-Laffitte, L. and Prix du Casino d'Arcachon-La Sorellina, La Teste De Buch, L.; dam of 3 winners inc.: Tally Ho (FR): winner in France. Outlaw Torn (IRE): 9 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2014 and £31,880. Heart's Desire (IRE): placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of 4 winners inc.: HEART OF FIRE (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £113,255 inc. Kerry Spring Water Rochestown S., Cork, L. Unsinkable (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2014 and £21,486 and placed twice inc. 3rd International Trial S., Lingfield Park, L. 3rd dam CLUNK CLICK: placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 9 winners from 14 runners and 14 foals inc.: Touch And Love (IRE): see above. Bent Al Fala (IRE): winner at 2 years; dam of 8 winners inc.: PALLODIO (IRE): 6 wins in France and £163,135 inc. La Coupe de Maisons-Laffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3 and Grand Prix de la Riviera Cote d'Azur, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L., placed 3rd Prix Ganay - Prix Air Mauritius, Longchamp, Gr.1, Sportingbet Supports Heros Winter Derby, Lingfield Park, Gr.3 and Prix Herod, Longchamp, L. Iron Major (IRE): 8 wins at 3 to 7 years, 2014 and £69,565. Botanica (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; also 4 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2015 in Qatar and £45,786 and placed 5 times. Odisseia (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £17,283. Cute Cait (GB): winner at 2 years and placed twice; dam of a winner: FREEDOM (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £50,351 inc. Diamond S., Dundalk, Gr.3, placed 4 times inc. 3rd Kilternan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3 and Ladbrokes Listowel S., Listowel, L. 175 LOT 176 FROM DERRYCONNOR STUD STABLE 130 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) March 30th, 2013 Roberto Arabia Crafty Prospector Crafty Example Zienelle Nijinsky Royal Academy Crimson Saint No Pass No Sale Masslama Marmana B.C. Nominated. Red Ransom Intikhab (USA) Mannsara (IRE) (1995) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam MANNSARA (IRE): placed once at 2 years in France; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 9 foals; MANZILA (FR) (2003 f. by Cadeaux Genereux): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in France and £75,516 inc. Prix Servanne, Chantilly, L., placed 3rd Stowe Family Law Henry Gee S., Chester, L. Grievous Angel (IRE) (2010 f. by Amadeus Wolf (GB)): 7 wins, £52,843: winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; also 6 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 in France and in Spain and £46,783 and placed 6 times. Russian George (IRE) (2006 g. by Sendawar (IRE)): 5 wins, £32,748 inc. 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £22,094 and placed 15 times. Mannsar (FR) (2002 g. by Sendawar (IRE)): winner at 2 years in France and £17,815 and placed 6 times. Dancing Red Devil (IRE) (2007 f. by Desert Style (IRE)): winner at 2 years and placed 4 times. 2nd dam MASSLAMA (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France inc. Prix des Reservoirs, Longchamp, Gr.3 and Prix Vanteaux, Longchamp, Gr.3, placed once; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals inc.: MASSIGANN (IRE) (c. by Selkirk (USA)): 3 wins at 3 years in France and £40,724 inc. Prix Point du Jour Fourrages A.N. Dutertre, Craon, L., placed 3 times inc. 3rd Prix Edmond Blanc, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3. Benta Berri (FR): 7 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years in France and in Spain, £92,713. 3rd dam MARMANA (USA): placed 4 times in France; Own sister to MALAKIM (USA); dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: MASSLAMA (FR): see above. Mardani (IRE): 8 wins, £75,743: 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £55,647 and placed 10 times inc. 2nd Theo Fennell Glorious Rated H. S., Goodwood, L.; also placed twice in Switzerland; also 4 wins over hurdles. 4th dam MILL RIVER (FR): winner at 3 years in France and placed once; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 8 foals inc.: MALAKIM (USA): 3 wins in France inc. Prix d'Hedouville, Longchamp, Gr.3, placed 2nd Prix Foy, Longchamp, Gr.3, Prix Niel, Longchamp, Gr.3, Prix Ridgway, Deauville, L., 3rd Prix Gontaut-Biron, Deauville, Gr.3; sire. Madaiyn (IRE): winner at 3 years in France and £32,106, placed 3 times inc. 2nd Prix du Lys, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix de l'Avre, Longchamp, L. Malkhatoun (USA): winner in France and £10,220 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Prix Nimbus, M'-Laffitte, L. Mariyada (USA): winner at 3 years in France; dam of 3 winners inc.: Mayara (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of MAYONGA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £34,097 inc. EBF Fleur de Lys S., Lingfield Park, L. 176 LOT 177 FROM ARDGLAS STABLES STABLE 112 BAY FILLY (GB) April 20th, 2013 Royal Applause Princess Athena Green Desert Sogno Verde Gothic Dream Distant View Observatory Stellaria Royal Academy Valleyrose Valley Quest B.C. Nominated. Acclamation Lilbourne Lad (IRE) Venus Rising (GB) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam VENUS RISING (GB): unraced; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 6 foals; Songsmith (GB) (2008 g. by Librettist (USA)): 3 wins, £18,588 inc. winner at 3 years and placed 4 times. Guiding Light (IRE) (2012 g. by Acclamation (GB)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed once. Businessman (GB) (2007 c. by Acclamation (GB)): winner at 2 years and £16,190, died at 2 years. 2nd dam VALLEYROSE (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in France; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: KANDIDATE (GB) (c. by Kabool (GB)): 10 wins at home and in U.A.E. and £452,574 inc. September S., Kempton Park, Gr.3, Haafhd Al Maktoum Challenge 2, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3, 3rd 2000 Guineas, Gr.1; sire. STAR VALLEY (FR) (g. by Starborough (GB)): 5 wins in France and £121,363 inc. Prix de Meautry- Royal Barriere, Deauville, Gr.3. Verte Vallee (FR): winner at 2 years in France; dam of 2 winners inc.: Sopran Fraver (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in Italy and £21,954, 3rd Premio Marchese Giuseppe Ippolito Fassati, Milan, L. 3rd dam VALLEY QUEST (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £29,630 inc. Prix Belle de Nuit, Evry, L.; dam of 6 winners from 6 runners and 11 foals inc.: Singapore Blue (FR): 7 wins over jumps in France and in Italy and £86,207. 4th dam VALVERDA (USA): winner in France; dam of 10 winners from 12 runners and 16 foals inc.: VALLEY QUEST (IRE): see above. Veridique (FR): winner at 2 years in France and £31,502, 3rd Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; sire. Valdara (GB): winner at 2 years in France and £15,023, 3rd Prix des Reservoirs, Longchamp, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners inc.: OFFER (IRE): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014 at home and in Australia and £627,679 inc. Schweppes Sydney Cup, Randwick, Gr.1. CYMBAL (IRE): 4 wins at 3 years in France and in Germany and £57,059 inc. Nereide-Rennen, Munich, L. MUSHA MERR (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in U.A.E. and £61,503, Glasgow S., York, L., Al Rashidiya S., Nad Al Sheba, L. Valleria (GB): placed; dam of HAKKAR (TUR): won Ankara S. (St Leger), Ankara, L., Sakarya S., Veliefendi, L., Jockey Club of Turkey Cup, Veliefendi, L., Galiphan (TUR): 2nd Buyuk Taarruz, Veliefendi, L. Cool Star (FR): 6 wins in France 2nd Prix Tantieme, Saint-Cloud, L. Verdoro (FR): 4 wins, £91,262: 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France, 3rd Derby de l'Ouest, Nantes, L.; also 2 wins over jumps in France. 177 LOT 178 FROM ROCKVIEW STUD (CO. MEATH) STABLE 187 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 2nd, 2013 Gone West Touch of Greatness Lord At War Ascutney Right Word Danzig Danehill Razyana Ajdal Anima Cocotte B.C. Nominated. Elusive Quality Raven's Pass (USA) Ask Annie (IRE) (2001) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam ASK ANNIE (IRE): unraced; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 6 living foals: King's Warrant (IRE) (2009 g. by King's Best (USA)): winner at 3 years and placed 3 times, died at 4. Antrobus (IRE) (2010 g. by Dalakhani (IRE)): unraced to date, died at 3. She also has a yearling colt by Thewayyouare (USA). 2nd dam ANIMA (GB): placed once at 3 years; dam of 7 winners, 9 runners, 12 foals inc.: Sadima (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: YOUMZAIN (IRE): Champion 3yr old in Germany in 2006, Jt Champion older horse in Europe in 2009, 6 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home, in France and in Germany, £3,395,844 inc. Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Preis von Europa, Cologne, Gr.1, 2nd Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr.1 (twice), King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S., Ascot, Gr.1, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1 (3 times), 3rd Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S., Ascot, Gr.1 (twice), Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Preis von Baden, Gr.1 and Dubai Sheema Classic, Gr.1; sire. CREACHADOIR (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £587,998 inc. Juddmonte Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.1, 2nd Boylesports Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.1; sire. SHREYAS (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £122,701 inc. D. C. Lavarack & Lanwades Stud S., Gowran Park, Gr.3. 3rd dam Cocotte: winner at 3 years, 2nd Sweet Solera S., Newmarket, L.; also 2nd Prix de Psyche, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of 8 winners, 10 runners and 13 foals inc.: PILSUDSKI (IRE): Champion older horse in Germany in 1996, Champion older horse in Europe in 1997, 10 wins at 3 to 5 years at home, in Germany, in Japan and in U.S.A. and £2,828,712 inc. Champion S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Coral Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1, Irish Champion S., Leopardstown, Gr.1, Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Turf, Woodbine, Gr.1 and Japan Cup, Tokyo, Gr.1; sire. GLOWING ARDOUR (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £39,114 inc. Silken Glider EBF S., Leopardstown, Gr.3; dam of winners. FINE MOTION (IRE): Champion 3yr old filly in Japan in 2002, 8 wins in Japan, £2,499,896 inc. Sapporo Kinen, L., Sankeisports Hai Hanshin Himba Tokubetsu, L., Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cup, Kyoto, L., Kansai Telecasting Corp. Sho Rose S., Hanshin, L., Shuka Sho, Kyoto, L. BRIOLETTE (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, £84,327 inc. Trigo S., Leopardstown, L., 2nd Princess Royal S., Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of winners. PEACH OUT OF REACH (IRE): winner at 3 years and £17,051, Ballyroan S., Leopardstown, L.; dam of winners. BARAKA (IRE): winner at 3, Oaks Trial, Lingfield Park, L.; dam of winners. 178 LOT 179 FROM NICHOLASTOWN STUD STABLE 184 BAY COLT (IRE) February 28th, 2013 Vale of York (IRE) Starsazi (GB) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Rafha Halling Red Vale Hamsaat Distant View Observatory Stellaria Sadler's Wells Anasazi Navajo Princess B.C. Nominated. Invincible Spirit View at 1st dam STARSAZI (GB): unraced; dam of a winner from 3 runners and 5 foals; Emerald Smile (IRE) (2009 f. by King's Best (USA)): placed 4 times at 2 years; also 2 wins at 3 years in Austria and placed 5 times. Bertha Burnett (IRE) (2011 f. by Verglas (IRE)): placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014. Colonel Moon (IRE) (2010 c. by Shamardal (USA)): unraced to date. 2nd dam ANASAZI (IRE): placed twice at 3 years in France; dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 13 foals inc.: RUNAWAY (GB) (c. by King's Best (USA)): 6 wins in Denmark and in France and £220,301 inc. Prix Ridgway, Deauville, L., Prix Le Vase d'Argent, Toulouse, L. and Prix Tantieme, Compiegne, L., 3rd Prix d'Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr.1. KILO ALPHA (GB) (f. by King's Best (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France inc. Prix de Bagatelle, Maisons-Laffitte, L.; dam of a winner: Alpha Bravo (GB): winner at 2 years, 2014 in France and £23,750 2nd Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3. Slinky (GB): unraced; dam of a winner: POLAN (FR): won Grand Prix Inter Regional des 3 Ans, Bordeaux Le Bouscat, L. 3rd dam NAVAJO PRINCESS (USA): 16 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £177,371 inc. Molly Pitcher H., Monmouth Park, Gr.2, 4th Matchmaker S., Atlantic City, Gr.1; Own sister to PASSAMAQUODDY (USA); dam of 3 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals; DANCING BRAVE (USA): Champion 3yr old in Europe in 1986, 8 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France and £987,077 inc. Coral Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S., Ascot, Gr.1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1 and Trusthouse Forte Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Derby S., Epsom, Gr.1; a leading sire. JOLYPHA (USA): 4 wins in France and U.S.A. inc. Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr.1, Beverly Hills H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of winners. Arum Lily (USA): 2 wins at 3 years in France; dam of REDWOOD (GB): won Northern Dancer Turf S., Woodbine, Gr.1, 2nd Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Vase, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Dubai Sheema Classic, Meydan, Gr.1 and 3rd Canadian International S., Woodbine, Gr.1. Balleta (USA): 4 wins, £48,630: winner at 3 years; also 3 wins at 4 years in U.S.A. and £43,659; dam of winners. BARRICADE (USA): won Prix Montenica, Saint-Cloud, L. and 3rd Prix Morny Piaget, Deauville, Gr.1; sire. Javandra (USA): placed twice at 3 years in France; dam of a winner: IDAHO QUEST (GB): won Prix Max Sicard-Prix de l'Europe, Toulouse, L., 2nd Prix Foy Gray d'Albion Barriere, Longchamp, Gr.2; sire. 179 LOT 180 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 18 Bushranger (IRE) BAY FILLY (IRE) May 8th, 2013 Radiant Energy (IRE) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Allegheny River Efisio Danz Danz Darcey Bussell Rainbow Quest Spectrum River Dancer Lyphard's Wish Blaine Shore B.C. Nominated. Danetime View at 1st dam RADIANT ENERGY (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 6 foals inc.: ELECTRIC WAVES (IRE) (2008 f. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)): 6 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £73,084 inc. Sodexo Prestige Cornwallis S., Ascot, Gr.3 and Bathwick Tyres St Hugh's S., Newbury, L., 3rd Al Tayer Motors UAE Oaks, Meydan, Gr.3. Appealing (IRE) (2009 f. by Bertolini (USA)): 4 wins, £85,285: 2 wins at 3 years and £14,452 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Oak Tree S., Goodwood, Gr.3; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2013 in U.S.A. and £70,833 and placed twice inc. 2nd Yellow Ribbon H., Del Mar, Gr.2. Tut (IRE) (2007 f. by Intikhab (USA)): winner at 2, placed 4 times, broodmare. Barood (IRE) (2006 g. by Xaar (GB)): placed once at 2 years. 2nd dam BLAINE (USA): placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: Baranja (USA) (f. by St Jovite (USA)): 3 wins at 2 years in Italy and £53,457, 2nd Premio Alberto Zanoletti di Rozzano, Milan, L. and 3rd Premio Regina Elena (1000 Guineas), Rome, Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: Billy Budd (IRE): 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £104,658, 2nd Premio Signorino Mem. A Lancellotti, Rome, L., Premio UNIRE, Naples, L. and 3rd Gran Criterium - C. Int, Milan, Gr.1. Big Creek (IRE): 3 wins in Italy, 2nd Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Milan, L., Premio Gardone, Milan, L. and 3rd Premio Merano, Milan, L. 3rd dam SHORE: 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £26,877 inc. Bewitch S., Keeneland; Own sister to CABILDO, CANAL and Moss (USA); dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: Alligatrix (USA): winner, 3rd Fillies' Mile, Ascot, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: CROCO ROUGE (IRE): won Prix d'Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Lupin, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, 3rd Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Ganay, Longchamp, Gr.1; sire. PERSIANALLI (IRE): won Relaunch S., Del Mar, L., 3rd La Jolla S., Del Mar, Gr.3 and Will Rogers H., Hollywood Park, Gr.3. ALIDIVA: won Oak Tree S., Goodwood, L.; dam of TAIPAN (IRE): Jt Champion older horse in Germany in 1997, won Premio Roma, Rome, Gr.1 (twice) and EMS Kurierpost Europa Preis, Koln, Gr.1 (twice); sire, ALI-ROYAL (IRE): won Sussex S., Goodwood, Gr.1; sire, SLEEPYTIME (IRE): won 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, 3rd Fillies' Mile S., Ascot, Gr.1 and Coronation S., Royal Ascot, Gr.1. 180 LOT 181 FROM LAUREL PARK STABLE 213 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 11th, 2013 Danzig Razyana Kris Rafha Eljazzi Caerleon Tenby Shining Water Wolver Hollow Clifden Bottoms Rosolini B.C. Nominated. Danehill Kodiac (GB) Serious Contender (IRE) (1996) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SERIOUS CONTENDER (IRE): unraced; dam of 3 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals; Buachaill Dona (IRE) (2003 g. by Namid (GB)): 7 wins at 3 to 7 years and £89,962 and placed 7 times; also placed once at 5 years in U.A.E. Fox Covert (IRE) (2001 g. by Foxhound (USA)): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £18,106 and placed 13 times. Contentious (IRE) (2004 f. by Danetime (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 years and placed once, died at 4. Fuoco Nel Fuoco (IRE) (2012 f. by Bushranger (IRE)): placed once at 2 years, 2014 in France. 2nd dam CLIFDEN BOTTOMS: winner; dam of 5 winners from 5 runners. 7 foals inc.: Sugarstown: placed twice; also winner over hurdles; dam of 3 winners inc.: OSSMOSES (IRE): placed 3 times over hurdles and 5 wins over fences, £155,482 inc. Red Square Vodka Gold Cup H. Chase, Haydock, L. 3rd dam ROSOLINI: 2 wins; dam of 5 winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc.: ROBA FINA: 5 wins at 5 years in Italy and £35,914 inc. Handicap d'Autunno, Rome, L., 3rd Premio Parioli (2000 Guineas), Rome, Gr.1. CORYANA: 3 wins inc. Azalea S., Phoenix Park, L., 2nd Brownstown S., Curragh, Gr.3 and 3rd Silken Glider S., Gr.3; dam of 8 winners inc.: WAAJIB: won Queen Anne S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2; sire. CASTILLA (IRE): 4 wins in Germany inc. Waky Nao Bayerischer Fliegerpreis, Munich, L.; dam of CONILLON (GER): 2 wins in Germany inc. Grosser Preis der Sparkasse Dortmund, Dortmund, L., 2nd Deutschlandpreis, Dusseldorf, Gr.1; sire. COTE D'AZUR (IRE): 3 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £80,841 inc. G.P. Conseil General des Alpes Maritimes, Cagnes-sur-Mer, L. Northshiel: winner; dam of SPECIAL NASH (IRE): 4 wins in Italy inc. Premio Guido Beradelli, Rome, Gr.2, ASTERITA (GB): winner, Oaks Trial S., Lingfield, L., 2nd St Simon S., Newbury, Gr.3, Boloardo (GB): 2 wins 3rd Gordon Richards S., Sandown, Gr.3, Rasm (GB): winner 2nd New S., Ascot, L.; grandam of KELTOS (FR): Champion older miler in Europe in 2002, 9 wins at home and in France and £298,092 inc. Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.1; sire, KRATAIOS (FR): 13 wins in France and £292,638 inc. Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, 3rd Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix d'Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr.1, LOXIAS (FR): 6 wins in France inc. Prix Jean de Chaudenay, 3rd Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, SaintCloud, Gr.1, KAVAFI (IRE): 6 wins in France inc. Prix Quincey, Deauville, Gr.3, IRIDANOS (GB): 6 wins in France inc. Grand Criterium de Bordeaux, L., 2nd Prix de la Jonchere, Gr.3, CALIFORNIAN (GB): 3 wins at home and in U.S.A. inc. Forerunner S., Keeneland, L., 2nd American Derby, Arlington, Gr.2. 181 LOT 182 WITHDRAWN 182 LOT 183 FROM CAPPAKEEL STABLES STABLE 210 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 17th, 2013 (Second Produce) Nureyev Arakan (USA) Far Across Imperial Ballet Cotocachi (IRE) (2004) Mackem Beat E.B.F. Nominated. Northern Dancer Special Common Grounds City Ex Sadler's Wells Amaranda Aragon Fancy Flight View at 1st dam COTOCACHI (IRE): placed 5 times; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 2 foals; Oro di Robi (IRE) (2011 c. by Captain Rio (GB)): 3 wins at 3 years, 2014 in Italy and £11,013 and placed 11 times. 2nd dam MACKEM BEAT (GB): ran a few times at 2 years; dam of 3 winners from 7 runners and 12 foals; Itsonlywoody (IRE): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £52,265, placed 11 times. Prince of Merriot (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in Italy and placed 4 times. Nazareno Hen (IRE): winner at 3 years in Spain and placed 6 times. Diamond Beat (IRE): placed twice at 3 and 4 years, 2013 in Spain. 3rd dam FANCY FLIGHT (FR): winner; dam of 4 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals; SUMOQUINN (GB): 11 wins at home and in Hong Kong and £497,988 inc. Rockingham S., York, L., placed 2nd Chairman's Prize, Sha Tin, L. Nussika (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden placed 3rd Amacitalopning, Taby, L. and Norsk Oaks, Ovrevoll, L. Yenaled (GB): 14 wins, £81,994: 13 wins and £79,124 and placed 42 times; also winner over hurdles and placed once. Barley Cake (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and placed 6 times; also placed once over hurdles at 4 years, broodmare. 4th dam FOOLISH FANCY: 3 wins in France and placed twice; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 8 foals inc.: Forfanterie (FR): 8 wins in France; also placed once over jumps in France. Fancy Dancer (FR): 5 wins: 4 wins in France; also winner over jumps in France. Fancy City (FR): 3 wins in France; dam of a winner: City Prospect (FR): winner in France; dam of CITY NOTE (FR): 4 wins over jumps at 4 to 6 years in France and £161,912 inc. Prix Hardatit H. Hurdle, Auteuil, L., placed 11 times, ANGE D'AMOUR (FR): 3 wins over jumps at 4 years, 2014 in France and £143,126 inc. Prix Marc Antony H. Hurdle, Auteuil, L., placed 4 times inc. 2nd P.Guillaume de Pracomtal H. Hurdle, Auteuil, L. and Prix Le Guales de Mezaubran Hurdle, Auteuil, L. Fancy Star (FR): 2 wins in France; dam of 3 winners: Folklorique (FR): placed 4 times in France; dam of GRAY STEEL (FR): placed once over fences and 3 wins over jumps in France and £161,770 inc. Prix Amadou Hurdle, Auteuil, L. and Prix de MaisonsLaffitte Hurdle, Auteuil, L., placed 3rd Gras Savoye Hipcover-Prix La Barka Hdle, Auteuil, L. and Prix Pierre de Lassus Hurdle, Auteuil, L. 183 LOT 184 FROM FAIRGREEN STABLES STABLE 170 BAY COLT (IRE) March 25th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Royal Applause Princess Athena Green Desert Sogno Verde Gothic Dream Green Desert Invincible Spirit Rafha Darshaan Sarenara Saraposa B.C. Nominated. Acclamation Lilbourne Lad (IRE) Saricana (IRE) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SARICANA (IRE): winner at 2 years; dam of 3 runners and 5 foals inc.; Sariyfa (IRE) (2010 f. by Zamindar (USA)): placed twice at 2 and 3 years. Stay With Us (LIB) (2014 f. by So You Think (NZ)). 2nd dam SARENARA (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of 2 winners from 4 runners and 4 foals inc.: Sarima (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of a winner: Sarafiyla (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed once. 3rd dam Saraposa (IRE): winner at 3 years in France and £24,440, placed 2nd Prix de Liancourt, Longchamp, L., 3rd Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L. and Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L.; dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals inc.: Norville (IRE): 8 wins at 4, 7 and 8 years, 2015, £63,413, placed 17 times. 4th dam SAFITA: 2 wins at 3 years in France inc. Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L., 2nd Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of 10 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: SAFAWAN: 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in France and £156,338 inc. Juddmonte Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.2; sire. Safka (USA): winner at 2 years 2nd Firth of Clyde S., Ayr, L. and 3rd Cornwallis S., Ascot, Gr.3; dam of 8 winners inc.: SPEEDFIT TOO (IRE): 6 wins at home and in U.A.E. and £87,951 inc. Heron S., Kempton, L., 3rd Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr.1. Sannkaya (IRE): winner at 2 years; dam of SANKODAR (IRE): 6 wins in Denmark, in France and in Norway and £39,131 inc. Klampenborg Store Sprint, Copenhagen, L. Satiapour: 3 wins, £38,557: winner at 3 years; also 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £33,107 2nd Fort Lauderdale H., Gulfstream Park. Akarita (IRE): winner at 3 years, £13,779 2nd Atalanta S., Sandown Park, L. and 3rd Newbury Fillies' Trial S., Newbury, L.; dam of 6 winners. Simplicity (GB): winner at 3 years 3rd Victor McCalmont Memorial S., Gowran Park, L.; dam of 3 winners. Sarliya (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in France, £49,933; dam of 6 winners inc.: Sarlisa (FR): winner at 3 years in France and £18,829; dam of SARKIYLA (FR): 4 wins at 3 years in France and £249,904 inc. Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, Gr.3, 2nd Prix Jean Romanet, Deauville, Gr.1. Sayyara: winner at 3 years; dam of 6 winners inc.: SAYARSHAN (FR): won Prix Hocquart, Chantilly, Gr.2 and Del Mar H., Del Mar, Gr.2; sire. Safdara (IRE): unraced; grandam of HOLD YOUR COLOUR (IRE): 3 wins at home and in Hong Kong, £96,103 inc. Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, L. 184 LOT 185 STABLE 165 BROWN COLT (IRE) February 15th, 2013 FROM SILVERDALE STUD Bushranger (IRE) Fatwa (IRE) (1998) E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Allegheny River Efisio Danz Danz Darcey Bussell Riverman Lahib Lady Cutlass Lyphard Mayaasa Dish Dash B.C. Nominated. Danetime View at 1st dam Fatwa (IRE): winner at 3 years and £12,934 and placed twice inc. 2nd Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr.3; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 9 foals: Chant de Guerre (USA) (2004 f. by War Chant (USA)): 5 wins, £44,852: 2 wins at 3 years and placed 5 times; also 3 wins at 5 and 6 years in France and £37,483 and placed 14 times, broodmare. Raedah (USA) (2006 f. by Elusive Quality (USA)): winner at 2 years and placed once. Dearest (IRE) (2008 f. by Arch (USA)): winner at 3 years and placed once. Shore Patrol (IRE) (2011 c. by Footstepsinthesand (GB)): placed twice at 2 years, 2013. Faqaraat (USA) (2003 f. by War Chant (USA)): placed once at 2 years. She also has a yearling filly by Bushranger (IRE). 2nd dam MAYAASA (USA): winner at 3; dam of 7 winners, 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: Fatwa (IRE) (f. by Lahib (USA)): see above. Haifaa (IRE): ran twice; dam of winners inc.: EXTRA ZERO (SAF): won Sycamore Sprint, Turffontein, Gr.3 and 3rd Durban Golden Slipper, Greyville, Gr.1. NEGEV (SAF): won Syringa H., Turffontein, L. and 3rd I G Markets Fillies Mile, Turffontein, Gr.3. 3rd dam DISH DASH: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years inc. Ribblesdale S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2, 3rd Yorkshire Oaks, Gr.1; dam of 8 winners from 14 runners and 15 foals inc.: MAROOF (USA): Champion older horse in Europe in 1994, 4 wins inc. Queen Elizabeth II S., Ascot, Gr.1, 2nd National S., Curragh, Gr.1; sire. Sabaah (USA): placed once at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: DESERT KING (IRE): Champion 3yo in Ireland in 1997, Champion 3yo in Europe in 1997 (9.5-10.5f.), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £768,557 inc. Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1, Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, National S., Curragh, Gr.1, 2nd Juddmonte International S., York, Gr.1 and Irish Champion S., Leopardstown, Gr.1; sire. CAIRDEAS (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £115,033 inc. EBF Mooresbridge S., Curragh, Gr.3, 2nd Royal Whip S., Curragh, Gr.2. Dawn Attack (IRE): unraced; dam of CRUCIAL (AUS): won Auraria S., Morphettville, Gr.3, JAVA (AUS): won Manfred S., Sandown Hillside, Gr.3, ANTELUCAN (AUS): won Ottawa S., Flemington, Gr.3. Ahdaab (USA): placed once at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: CALLWOOD DANCER (IRE): 6 wins in Canada and £414,141 inc. Nassau S., Woodbine, Gr.2, 2nd E P Taylor S., Woodbine, Gr.1. CONTREDANSE (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years at home and in Italy and £235,471 inc. Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.2. 185 LOT 186 FROM BRACKILE HOUSE STABLES STABLE 161 BAY COLT (IRE) May 5th, 2013 (Second Produce) Danzig Razyana Secretariat L'On Vite Fanfreluche Red Ransom Intikhab Crafty Example Marouble Ajba Risacca B.C. Nominated. Danehill Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) Magical Bupers (IRE) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam MAGICAL BUPERS (IRE): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £18,658 and placed 11 times; dam of 2 foals; My Kylie (IRE) (2012 f. by Holy Roman Emperor (IRE)): unraced to date. 2nd dam AJBA (ITY): winner in Italy; dam of 4 winners from 5 runners and 6 foals; Sir Bahhare (IRE): 7 wins, £86,753: winner at 3 years in Italy £13,577; also 6 wins over jumps at 4, 5 and 7 years in Italy £73,176, placed 2nd Premio delle Nazioni X Country-Mem.Rocca Merano, L. and Premio Corsa Siepi dei 4 Anni Hurdle, Pisa, L. Magical Bupers (IRE): see above. Sort of Legend (IRE): 3 wins, £27,087: winner at 3 years in Italy £16,242; also 2 wins over jumps at 4 years in Italy and £10,845. Honour Spirit (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy. and and Stp, and 3rd dam RISACCA (ITY): 4 wins in Italy and placed twice; dam of 7 winners from 13 runners and 13 foals inc.: RICIOTTI (FR): 10 wins in Italy inc. Premio Corriere dello Sport, Rome, L. Renza (FR): 11 wins at 2 to 6 years in Italy and £22,494, broodmare. Hadleigh (IRE): 4 wins at 2 to 6 years and £16,728 and placed 11 times. Ledy Raphael (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and placed 3 times. Rietmann: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy. Ripa Ticinese: winner at 2 years in Italy, broodmare. Batilde (IRE): placed 4 times at 3 years in Italy; dam of 6 winners inc.: ROMANCERO (IRE): 6 wins at 2 and 3 years at home, in Hong Kong and in Italy and £382,836 inc. Criterium Varesino, Varese, L., Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L. and The Sha Tin Mile Trophy, Sha Tin, L., placed 3rd Champions' Mile, Sha Tin, L. Dakota Sioux (IRE): 8 wins at 3 to 5 years and £59,669 and placed 5 times; dam of MAX ONE TWO THREE (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £24,922 inc. Stow Law Silver Jubilee Rockingham S., York, L. Luctor Emergo (IRE): 5 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2014 and £14,575 and placed 10 times; also winner over hurdles at 4 years, placed 3 times. Acate (IRE): ran on the flat in Italy; dam of 5 winners inc.: Change of Moon (IRE): 4 wins at 2 years, 2014 in Italy and £37,397 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Premio Rumon, Rome, L. 4th dam RELEGATE: ran 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 4 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc.: Realista (FR): 20 wins in Italy placed 2nd Handicap d'Autunno, Rome, L. Rinascita (FR): winner in Italy and placed 7 times; dam of 12 winners inc.: Rackmaninov: winner in Italy, 2nd Premio Corriere dello Sport, Rome, L. and 4th Premio Principe Amedeo, Turin, Gr.2. Rinagora (IRE): winner in Italy, 2nd Premio Gino Mantovani, Milan, L. 186 LOT 187 FROM BALLYHANE STABLE 53 BAY FILLY (GB) March 6th, 2013 (Second Produce) Try My Best Coryana Auction Ring Flying Melody Whispering Star Rahy Noverre Danseur Fabuleux Rudimentary Elemental Safita B.C. Nominated. Waajib Royal Applause (GB) Critical Path (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam CRITICAL PATH (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £16,866 and placed 3 times; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 1 foal of racing age: Krazy Paving (GB) (2012 g. by Kyllachy (GB)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed once. 2nd dam ELEMENTAL (GB): placed 8 times at 3 years; also placed once over hurdles at 4 years; dam of 5 winners from 5 runners and 6 foals inc.: Iron Fire (IRE): 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £29,213. 3rd dam SAFITA: 2 wins at 3 years in France inc. Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L., 2nd Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of 10 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: SAFAWAN: 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in France and £156,338 inc. Juddmonte Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.2; sire. Safka (USA): winner at 2 years, 2nd Firth of Clyde S., Ayr, L. and 3rd Cornwallis S., Ascot, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: SPEEDFIT TOO (IRE): 6 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.A.E. and £87,951 inc. Crawley Warren Heron S., Kempton Park, L., 3rd Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr.1. Flint Fly (IRE): 9 wins at 2 to 7 years in Italy, £133,018, 2nd Premio Eupili, Milan, L. and 3rd Premio Primi Passi, Milan (San Siro), Gr.3. Nasafiori (IRE): 4 wins at 2, 3 and 6 years in Italy and £76,879, 3rd Premio del Dado, Milan, L. and Premio Villa Borghese, Rome, L. Sannkaya (IRE): winner at 2 years; dam of SANKODAR (IRE): 6 wins in Denmark, in France and in Norway and £39,131 inc. Klampenborg Store Sprint, Copenhagen, L. Satiapour: 3 wins, £38,557: winner at 3 years; also 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £33,107, 2nd Fort Lauderdale H., Gulfstream Park. Akarita (IRE): winner at 3 years and £13,779, 2nd Atalanta S., Sandown Park, L. and 3rd Newbury Fillies' Trial S., Newbury, L.; dam of winners. Saraposa (IRE): winner at 3 years in France and £24,440, 2nd Prix de Liancourt, Longchamp, L., 3rd Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L. and Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L.; dam of winners. Simplicity (GB): winner at 3 years, 3rd Victor McCalmont Memorial S., Gowran Park, L.; dam of winners. Sarliya (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: Sarlisa (FR): winner at 3 years in France and £18,829; dam of SARKIYLA (FR): won Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, Gr.3, 2nd Prix Jean Romanet, Deauville, Gr.1 and 3rd Prix du Moulin, Longchamp, Gr.1. Sayyara: winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: SAYARSHAN (FR): won Prix Hocquart, Chantilly, Gr.2 and Del Mar H., Del Mar, Gr.2; sire. Safdara (IRE): unraced; grandam of HOLD YOUR COLOUR (IRE): 3 wins at home and in Hong Kong inc. Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L. 187 LOT 188 FROM SKRYNE STABLES STABLE 156 Green Desert Rafha Cozzene Cozy Maria Mariamme Danehill Danetime Allegheny River Nashwan Policy Polska B.C. Nominated. Invincible Spirit Zebedee (GB) BAY COLT (IRE) January 7th, 2013 Brosna Time (IRE) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam BROSNA TIME (IRE): placed 3 times at 2 years; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 6 foals; ELUSIVE TIME (IRE) (2008 g. by Elusive City (USA)): 14 wins at home, in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £147,467 inc. Taby Open Sprint Championship, Taby, L. Farzan (IRE) (2009 c. by Elusive City (USA)): placed once at 2 years; also 5 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2013 in Denmark and in Sweden and £19,973 and placed 12 times. Monsieur Rouge (IRE) (2012 g. by Monsieur Bond (IRE)): ran once. She also has a yearling filly by Lilbourne Lad (IRE). 2nd dam POLICY (GB): unraced; dam of 2 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals; Planante (IRE): 6 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy, £23,406, placed 8 times. Planarama (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in Italy and placed 7 times. 3rd dam POLSKA (USA): winner at 2 years and £12,986 and placed twice; dam of 9 winners from 11 runners and 16 foals inc.: QUEEN OF POLAND (GB): 2 wins at 2 years and £38,294 inc. Star S., Sandown Park, L., placed once, 2nd May Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.2; dam of 2 winners: Varsovian (GB): 4 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2015 and £12,134. Queen Anne (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014 and £10,271. Persian Sea (UAE): 3 wins at 3 years and £22,103; dam of a winner: Affinity Orange (GB): winner at 2 years, 2014 in Italy, placed 3 times. Grizel (GB): 3 wins at 2 years and placed once; dam of a winner: WHATSTHESCRIPT (IRE): 7 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £539,956 inc. American H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2, Del Mar Mile H., Del Mar, Gr.2, Generous S., Hollywood Park, Gr.3, Pasadena S., Santa Anita, L., Keep the Promise S., Belmont Park and Pinjara S., Santa Anita, placed 2nd Eddie Read H., Del Mar, Gr.1, Knickerbocker S., Belmont Park, Gr.3, Crown Royal American Turf S., Churchill Downs, Gr.3, 3rd Eddie Read S., Del Mar, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Mile, Santa Anita, Gr.1, American H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2. 4th dam AQUABA (USA): 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. inc. Cotillion H., Gr.3, 4th Ashland S., Gr.1; dam of 7 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: MILLSTREAM (USA): 5 wins inc. Ballyogan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, Cornwallis S., Ascot, Gr.3 and Curragh S., Curragh, Gr.3, 2nd Tripleprint Temple S., Sandown Park, Gr.2; dam of 4 winners inc.: BAARIDD (GB): 7 wins at home and in U.A.E. inc. Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L. and Adnoc National Day Cup, Abu Dhabi, L. Ajjaadd (USA): winner, 2015, 3rd Dubai International Airport World Trophy, Newbury, Gr.3. 188 LOT 189 FROM MANTON STABLES STABLE 221 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 20th, 2013 Oasis Dream Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat Groom Dancer Answer Do (GB) (2000) Be My Lass E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Hope Royal Academy Mountain Ash Blushing Groom Featherhill Be My Guest Good Lass View at 1st dam ANSWER DO (GB): ran once at 4 years; dam of 2 winners, 4 runners, 7 foals: Para Muslera (IRE) (2007 c. by Kheleyf (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £10,753 and placed 4 times. Whip Up A Frenzy (IRE) (2012 g. by Vale of York (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £12,541 and placed twice. Marvelous James (IRE) (2010 g. by Captain Marvelous (IRE)): placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years, 2013. Hannah Louise (IRE) (2011 f. by Iffraaj (GB)): placed twice at 2 years, 2013. She also has a yearling colt by Elzaam (AUS). 2nd dam BE MY LASS (IRE): winner at 4 years in France and placed 4 times; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc.: My Lass (GB) (f. by Elmaamul (USA)): winner at 3 years, placed 3rd Palmers Golden Ball Trigo S., Leopardstown, L.; dam of winners inc.: MAC LOVE (GB): 10 wins and £407,543 inc. Diomed S., Epsom Downs, Gr.3, Select S., Goodwood, Gr.3, Supreme S., Goodwood, Gr.3, Sovereign S., Salisbury, Gr.3, Fortune S., Epsom Downs, L. and Hyde S., Kempton Park, L., 2nd Juddmonte Lockinge S., Newbury, Gr.1, Woodford Reserve Criterion S., Newmarket, Gr.3, Rockingham S., York, L., Doncaster S., Doncaster, L., Carnarvon S., Newbury, L., Cathedral S., Salisbury, L., 3rd Lennox S., Goodwood, Gr.2, Diomed S., Epsom Downs, Gr.3, Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L., Spring Trophy S., Haydock Park, L., Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L. Donny Rover (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £39,824. 3rd dam GOOD LASS (FR): winner at 2 years in France; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals inc.: BONNE ILE: 7 wins at 2 to 6 years at home, in France and in U.S.A. inc. Yellow Ribbon Invitational H., Santa Anita, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: FIN (GB): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £82,307 inc. John W Rooney Memorial S., Delaware Park, L. BONNE ETOILE (GB): 3 wins at 3 years and £21,264 inc. City of Newcastle Upon Tyne Virginia S., Newcastle, L. ILE DE NISKY: 3 wins at 2 to 4 years inc. Cumberland Lodge S., Ascot, Gr.3, 3rd Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1 and 4th Derby S., Epsom, Gr.1. HI LASS: 2 wins at 4 years in France and £30,222 inc. Ciga Prix Gladiateur, Longchamp, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: CENTAINE (GB): 3 wins in Germany inc. Preis der Diana, Mulheim, Gr.2; dam of CALRISSIAN (GER): won Taby Open Sprint Championship, Gr.3, CLIFFROSE (GER): won BMW Sachsenpreis, Dresden, L., 2nd Fahrhofer Stutenpreis, Hamburg, Gr.3. Bluebelle (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of BLUE MAIDEN (GB): won Glowing Honor S., Belmont Park, L., 2nd Leslie Harrison Mem. Nell Gwyn S., Newmarket, Gr.3 and Sweet Solera S., Newmarket, Gr.3. 189 LOT 190 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 19 BAY COLT (IRE) May 20th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Danehill Allegheny River Fairy King Lindfield Belle Tecmessa Ile de Bourbon Kahyasi Kadissya Zino Sabrata Sulmona B.C. Nominated. Danetime Baltic King (GB) Goose Island (IRE) (2001) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam GOOSE ISLAND (IRE): 7 wins, £38,328 inc. 5 wins at 4 years and £26,733 and placed 4 times; dam of a winner from 3 runners and 5 foals inc.: Mywayalways (IRE) (2012 g. by Baltic King (GB)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed 4 times. She also has a yearling colt by Frozen Power (IRE). 2nd dam SABRATA (IRE): winner at 2 years in France and £12,089 and placed 9 times; dam of 4 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals: Goose Island (IRE): see above. Receivedwiththanx (IRE): 6 wins, £35,091: 2 wins at 2 years; also 4 wins at 3 years in Spain and £27,359 and placed 8 times. Tobrata (GB): winner at 6 years and £12,012 and placed 20 times. Head Scratcher (GB): winner at 3 years and placed once. 3rd dam Sulmona (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Prix Zeddaan, Maisons-Laffitte, L.; Own sister to Intervallo (USA); dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 2 foals: Shiroyama Bold (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 5 years in Japan and £230,134 and placed once, 3rd Keisei Hai, Tokyo, L. Sabrata (IRE): see above. 4th dam Spadina (USA): 2 wins in France, placed 4th Prix Cleopatre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of 9 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Saturnino (USA): 3 wins at 4 and 8 years in France and in U.S.A. and £79,846 and placed 13 times inc. 3rd Prix du Lion-d'Angers, Evry, L. and Political Ambition H., Hollywood Park, L. Sulmona (USA): see above. Intervallo (USA): winner in France and £19,768 and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Prix Pelleas, Evry, L. Sharp Thunder (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £18,658 and placed twice; dam of winners inc.: Unbridled Thunder (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Tony Sanchez Memorial Mile S., Manor Downs. Prestons Princess (USA): winner, 2014 in U.S.A. Run In My Hose (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Yolanda's Dream (USA): winner in U.S.A. 190 LOT 191 FROM SHANAVILLE STABLES STABLE 216 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 12th, 2013 (Third Produce) Gulch Height of Fashion Nureyev Al Ishq Allez Les Trois Dubai Kingmambo Destination Mysterial Arctic Tern Love of Silver Silver Clover B.C. Nominated. Nayef Tamayuz (GB) Neve Lieve (IRE) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam NEVE LIEVE (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years and £16,325 and placed 5 times; also placed once at 3 years in France; dam of 1 runner and 4 foals; Success And Gold (IRE) (2011 g. by Royal Applause (GB)): placed once at 3 years, 2014 in Hong Kong. Majrooh (IRE) (2012 c. by Acclamation (GB)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling colt by Lawman (FR). 2nd dam LOVE OF SILVER (USA): 2 wins at 2 years and £33,273 inc. Butlins South Coast World Prestige S., Goodwood, Gr.3, 3rd Prix Marcel Boussac, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of 5 winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc.: Silver Bracelet (GB) (f. by Machiavellian (USA)): winner at 3 years and £12,300 3rd Masaka S., Kempton Park, L.; dam of 3 winners. Taxman (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £26,290. Duquesa (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, broodmare. Silver Queen (GB): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 6 winners inc.: KUAICOSS (IRE): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £93,630 inc. Premio Tudini, Rome, Gr.3. 3rd dam SILVER CLOVER (USA): 3 wins at 4 years in U.S.A. and £21,473; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: CLOVER HUNTER (USA): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £174,414 inc. Golden Gate Derby, Golden Gate, L., 3rd El Camino Real Derby S., Bay Meadows, Gr.3. Silverlado (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: AIKENITE (USA): won Churchill Downs S., Churchill Downs, Gr.2, Commonwealth S., Keeneland, Gr.2, 2nd Dixiana Breeders' Futurity, Keeneland, Gr.1, 3rd Forego S., Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. 4th dam CLOVER LANE (USA): 7 wins in U.S.A. inc. Arlington-Washington Lassie S., Arlington Park; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: Cricket Club (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: DR BOBBY A (USA): won Cherry Hill Mile S., Garden State, Gr.3. FORLADIESONLY (USA): won Grassland H., Calder, L. BOYO (USA): won Derby Trial S., Fairplex Park, L. WORLDLY POSSESSION (USA): won West Long Branch H., Monmouth Park; dam of COLLECT THE CASH (USA): won Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S., Keeneland, Gr.1; grandam of STATELY VICTOR (USA): won Toyota Blue Grass S., Keeneland, Gr.1. Victorious Meg (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of NOME (USA): won Queens County H., Aqueduct, Gr.3; third dam of MUSICAL ROMANCE (USA): won Sentient Jet Breeders' Cup F&M Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr.1 and Princess Rooney H., Calder, Gr.1, RIGOLETTA (USA): won Oak Leaf S., Hollywood Park, Gr.1. 191 LOT 192 FROM LAUREL PARK STABLE 214 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 8th, 2013 (First Produce) Danehill Dancer Monsieur Bond (IRE) Musical Essence Araafa Wong Again (GB) (2008) Susi Wong E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Mira Adonde Song Effervescence II Mull of Kintyre Resurgence Selkirk Stay That Way View at 1st dam WONG AGAIN (GB): placed once at 3 years; She also has a yearling filly by Frozen Power (IRE). 2nd dam Susi Wong (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in Germany and £10,382 and placed 6 times inc. 3rd Radisson SAS Hotel Berlin Cup, Hoppegarten, L.; Own sister to Selking (IRE); dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: BUCCELLATI (GB) (c. by Soviet Star (USA)): 8 wins at 2 to 5 years and £384,209 inc. Ormonde S., Chester, Gr.3, St Simon S., Newbury, Gr.3 and Haafhd Godolphin S., Newmarket, L., placed 3rd Pattison Canadian International S., Woodbine, Gr.1 and Bet365 Gordon Richards S., Sandown Park, Gr.3. LA PETITE CHINOISE (GB) (f. by Dr Fong (USA)): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years at home, in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £58,980 inc. Erik O Steens Memorial, Ovrevoll, L. and Jockeyklubbens Avelslopning, Jagersro, L., placed 3rd Erik O Steens Memorial, Ovrevoll, L. and Jockeyklubbens Avelslopning, Jagersro, L.; dam of a winner: Zen Zansai Zaid (SWE): winner, 2014 in Sweden, 3rd Songline Classic, Taby, L. GOLDEN STUD (IRE) (c. by In The Wings): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £60,382 inc. Premio Alberto Giubilo, Rome, L., placed 7 times inc. 2nd Premio Primi Passi, Milan, Gr.3. Nanigata (GB): winner at 3 years in Germany and placed 3 times; dam of a winner: Gloster Meteor (FR): winner at 3 years, 2014 in France. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Medicean (GB) and a yearling colt by Mount Nelson (GB). 3rd dam STAY THAT WAY: unraced; Own sister to Costly Lesson; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: Selking (IRE): 2 wins, £32,858: winner at 2 years and £22,518 and placed 10 times inc. 2nd Crowther Homes Spring Trophy S., Haydock Park, L., Family Funday Queensferry S., Chester, L. and 3rd Sino Group Dragon Trophy S., Sandown Park, L.; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £10,340. Susi Wong (IRE): see above. Delirious Moment (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £18,311 and placed 6 times; also placed once at 4 years in France, 2nd Prix Edellic, M'Laffitte, L.; dam of 2 winners: Dorinda Gray (IRE): unraced; dam of a winner: Gone Viral (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £13,185 and placed 3 times. 192 LOT 193 FROM THE BLOODSTOCK CONNECTION STABLE 203 BAY COLT (IRE) April 19th, 2013 Royal Applause Princess Athena Green Desert Sogno Verde Gothic Dream Northern Dancer El Gran Senor Sex Appeal Cormorant La Sarto Dame Sybil B.C. Nominated. Acclamation Lilbourne Lad (IRE) Defensive Boast (USA) (1997) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam DEFENSIVE BOAST (USA): winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £14,337 and placed 4 times; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 9 foals: Chief Outsourcer (USA) (2003 g. by Formal Gold (CAN)): 4 wins at 3, 4 and 7 years in U.S.A. and £75,904 and placed 16 times inc. 2nd Anderson Fowler S., Monmouth Park. Taza (USA) (2006 f. by Indian Charlie (USA)): 2 wins at 4 years in U.S.A. and £20,360 and placed twice; dam of a winner: Tazmanian Charlie (USA) (c. by Scat Daddy (USA)): winner at 2 years, 2014 in U.S.A. and £22,292, placed twice inc. 3rd Laurel Futurity. Quinton Punches (USA) (2004 c. by Two Punch (USA)): 2 wins at 2 years in U.S.A. and £13,531 and placed once. Archerfield (USA) (2010 f. by Arch (USA)): placed once at 2 in South Africa. Royal Romancing (IRE) (2011 f. by Roman Ruler (USA)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling filly by Casamento (IRE). 2nd dam LA SARTO (USA): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £60,770; Own sister to PRINCESS SYBIL (USA); dam of 8 winners, 10 runners and 11 foals inc.: LES ARCS (USA) (g. by Arch (USA)): Champion older sprinter in Europe in 2006, 12 wins at 3 to 6 years and £527,591 inc. Golden Jubilee S., Ascot, Gr.1 and Darley July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1. WHITE MOUNTAIN BOY (USA) (c. by Meadowlake (USA)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £100,833 inc. Goss L Stryker S., Laurel, L. and Maryland Juvenile Championship S., Laurel, L. SARTO (USA) (g. by Dixie Union (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £87,846 inc. Find H., Laurel. Oxford Charley (USA) (g. by Lemon Drop Kid (USA)): 2 wins, £133,531: winner at 2 years and £23,591, 2nd Stobart Barristers Dee S., Chester, Gr.3; also winner at 5 years, 2014 in Hong Kong and £109,940. 3rd dam DAME SYBIL (USA): unraced; dam of 10 winners, 11 runners and 15 foals inc.: ALANNAN (USA): 6 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in U.S.A. and £378,546 inc. Churchill Downs H., Gr.2, Commonwealth Breeders' Cup S., Keeneland, Gr.2, 3rd Forego H., Saratoga, Gr.1, Metropolitan H., Belmont, Gr.1; sire. PRINCESS SYBIL (USA): 14 wins at 3 to 8 years in U.S.A. and £155,074 inc. Iroquois S., Aqueduct, L.; dam of winners. NEVER SPEAKING (USA): 13 wins at 2 to 8 years in U.S.A. and £149,468 inc. Lafayette Futurity, Evangeline Down. Sybil's Conquest (USA): 2 wins in Japan; dam of a winner: Dancing Color (JPN): winner in Japan, 3rd Tokyo Yushun (Derby), L. Verse (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Estrela Brimer (USA): winner in Brazil, 3rd Grande Premio Oswaldo Aranha, Gavea, Gr.2. Vice Versa (USA): unraced; dam of CATCHER IN THE SKY (ARG): won G P Presidente Jose Cerquinho Assumpcao, Cidade Jardim, Gr.2. 193 LOT 194 FROM GRANGE CLARE STABLES STABLE 204 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 20th, 2013 (Second Produce) Green Desert Hope Daylami Tariysha Tarwiya Giant's Causeway Shamardal Helsinki Forty Niner Enemy Action Sun And Shade B.C. Nominated. Oasis Dream Arcano (IRE) Sweet Irish (GB) (2007) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SWEET IRISH (GB): winner at 3 years in Denmark; dam of 3 foals: Mandrage (IRE) (2012 c. by Duke of Marmalade (IRE)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling colt by Zebedee (GB). 2nd dam Enemy Action (USA): 2 wins at 2 years and £13,135; also 3rd Mindy Malone H., Calder; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 6 foals inc.: Super Sleuth (IRE) (f. by Selkirk (USA)): 2nd Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr.3, EBF Montrose S., Newmarket, L., 3rd 1000 Guineas, Gr.1, broodmare. Aim Higher (GB): 7 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014 in Norway and in Sweden. Duelling (GB): winner at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: Dovil's Duel (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2013. 3rd dam Sun And Shade (GB): 4 wins, £56,506: winner at 2 years; also 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £47,087, 2nd Lady Morvich H., Bay Meadows, L.; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc.: DAGGERS DRAWN (USA): 3 wins at 2 years and £87,296 inc. LaurentPerrier Rose Champagne S., Doncaster, Gr.2 and Salomon Brothers Richmond S., Goodwood, Gr.2; sire. Cut Short (USA): 3 wins, £44,937: winner at 3 years; also 2 wins at 4 years in U.S.A. and £38,515; dam of winners inc.: BREVITY (USA): 2 wins at 2 years inc. EBF Dick Poole S., Salisbury, L. Concise (GB): 2 wins, £114,314: winner at 2 years and £10,483; also winner at 4 years, 2014 in U.S.A. and £103,831, 2nd Robert G Dick Memorial H., Delaware, Gr.3 and 3rd Garden City S., Belmont, Gr.1. Late Summer (USA): placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of winners: EVADING TEMPETE (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and in Italy, £176,111 inc. Premio Regina Elena 1000 Guineas, Rome, Gr.3. For The Count (AUS): winner in South Africa, 3rd East Coast Oaks, Fairview, L. 4th dam Shadywood: winner at 3 years and £15,672, 2nd Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: MADAME DUBOIS: 5 wins at 3 years at home and in France inc. Park Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.2, P. de Royallieu, Longchamp, Gr.2; dam of winners inc.: INDIAN HAVEN (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £173,167 inc. Entenmann's Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1; sire. COUNT DUBOIS (GB): Champion 2yr old colt in Italy in 2000, 2 wins at 2 years at home and in Italy inc. Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1; sire. Place de L'Opera (GB): 2 wins at 3 years, 3rd Aphrodite S., Newmarket, L.; dam of IMPERIAL STRIDE (GB): won Scottish Derby, Ayr, Gr.2. Kite Mark (GB): ran once; dam of winners inc.: KITE WOOD (IRE): 5 wins at home and in France inc. Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, Longchamp, Gr.2, 2nd St Leger S., Doncaster, Gr.1. 194 LOT 195 FROM KNOCKGRAFFON STABLE 194 BAY COLT (IRE) April 13th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Giant's Causeway Daneleta Storm Cat Mariah's Storm Danehill Zavaleta Rahy Fantastic Light Jood Maggi For Shavian Margaret Feather Flower B.C. Nominated. Intense Focus (USA) Shamsalmaidan (IRE) (2003) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SHAMSALMAIDAN (IRE): placed once at 2 years; dam of 3 runners and 4 foals: Tatelilla (IRE) (2009 f. by Tiger Hill (IRE)): placed once at 3 years in Spain. Qat Flyer (IRE) (2012 c. by Arakan (USA)): ran twice at 2 years, 2014. 2nd dam MAGGI FOR MARGARET (GB): 4 wins at 2 years at home and in France and £40,557 inc. Prix de la Vallee d'Auge, Deauville, L., placed 2nd Manton St Hugh's S., Newbury, L., 3rd Prix des Lilas, Chantilly, L. and Prix du Cercle, Deauville, L.; dam of 5 winners from 12 runners and 13 foals inc.: CADEAU FOR MAGGI (GB) (c. by Cadeaux Genereux): 6 wins at 3 to 6 years in France, £135,181 inc. Prix Servanne, Chantilly, L., 3rd G. P. der Jungheinrich Gabelstapler, Hamburg, Gr.3, Prix du Cercle, Deauville, L. Finikas (GB) (c. by Desert Prince (IRE)): 7 wins at 2 to 7 years in France, 2nd Prix Saraca, Saint-Cloud, L. and 3rd Prix Herod, Longchamp, L. Makila (IRE): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Macondo (FR): winner in France, 2nd G.P. de Bordeaux-Etape du Defi du galop, Bordeaux Le Bouscat, L. Makisarde (FR): winner in France; dam of SNOW BELL (FR): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in France inc. Prix des Lilas, Longchamp, L. 3rd dam FEATHER FLOWER: placed once at 3 years; also winner at 4 years in France and 15,200 fr.; dam of 6 winners from 7 runners and 7 foals inc.: MAGGI FOR MARGARET (GB): see above. Betelgeuse (GB): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Kachina Doll (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £17,195, 3rd Princess Margaret S., Ascot, Gr.3; also 3rd Criterium de Vitesse, Chantilly, L. Mr Lavallette (IRE): 3rd Criterium del Mediterraneo, Siracusa, L. Almunia (IRE): unraced; dam of Lewisham (GB): winner at 3 years, 2013 and £18,891, 2nd TNT July S., Newmarket, Gr.2. 4th dam Antonietta Corsini: 8 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy, 2nd Premio Mergellina, Naples and 3rd Corsa dell'Arno, Firenze; Own sister to APPIANI II; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 12 foals inc.: RELAY RACE: 4 wins at 3 and 4 inc. Hardwicke S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2; sire. Connaught Square: winner at 2, 2nd Cheshire Oaks, Gr.3; dam of winners. Morwenna: unraced; dam of winners inc.: REALEZA (SPA): won Premio Antonio de Satrustegui, Madrid, Gr.1. Bustle On: ran once; third dam of THE RIGHT MONEY (AUS): 5 wins in Australia inc. West Australian Guineas, Ascot, Gr.2, BELL ACADEMY (AUS): won The Prop House Grand Prix S., Eagle Farm, Gr.3, KASUMI (NZ): won Berkley Stud Champagne S., Riccarton Park, L. and NZ Bloodstock Canterbury Belle S., Riccarton Park, L.; third dam of OURFOREIGNMINISTER (AUS): won Metric Mile, Awapuni, Gr.3. 195 LOT 196 FROM HYDE PARK STUD STABLE 135 BROWN FILLY (IRE) March 24th, 2013 Big Bad Bob (IRE) Caona (USA) (2002) E.B.F. Nominated. Roberto Toter Back Marju Fantasy Girl Persian Fantasy Mr Prospector Miswaki Hopespringseternal Green Desert Hawzah Mahrah B.C. Nominated. Bob Back View at 1st dam CAONA (USA): winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of 2 runners and 5 foals: Bwindi (IRE) (2011 g. by High Chaparral (IRE)): placed 4 times at 3, 2014. 2nd dam HAWZAH (GB): unraced; Own sister to FAHIM (GB); dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: Diescentric (USA): 5 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2013 and £57,633. Aldedash (USA): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years. Waz The Devil (USA): 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £13,523. Sharplaw Autumn (USA): 2 wins, £25,691: winner at 3 years; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £17,241; dam of winners inc.: Julio's Gold (USA): winner, 2014 in U.S.A. Rebellious Nature (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Barney R (USA): winner, 2014 in U.S.A. 3rd dam MAHRAH (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of 6 winners, 9 runners, 12 foals inc.: ORATORIO (IRE): Champion 2yr old colt in France in 2004, 6 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France and £1,085,279 inc. Coral Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1, Irish Champion S., Leopardstown, Gr.1 and Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Darley Dewhurst S., Newmarket, Gr.1, Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Phoenix S., Curragh, Gr.1 and 3rd St James's Palace S., York, Gr.1; sire. FAHIM (GB): 5 wins at home, in U.A.E. and in U.S.A. inc. Fort McHenry H., Laurel, L., 2nd Sword Dancer Invitational S., Saratoga, Gr.1; sire. MOWAADAH (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years and £32,138 inc. Summit at Lloyd's Rosemary H., Ascot, L.; dam of winners inc.: Boqa (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2014, 3rd Gallinule S., Curragh, Gr.3. Glimmering (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Wave Theory (USA): winner, 2013 in U.S.A., 2nd Sands Point S., Belmont Park, Gr.2. Kanun (GB): unraced; grandam of BLU CONSTELLATION (ITY): Champion 2yr old colt in Italy in 2010, 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and in Italy and £203,976 inc. Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2. Elauyun (IRE): unraced; grandam of Maddox (IND): 3 wins in India, 2nd The Bangalore 2000 Guineas, L., Kunigal Stud Breeders' Produce S., Mumbai, L., Koh Samui (IND): winner in India, 2nd The Calcutta Oaks, L. 4th dam MONTAGE (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £16,099; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 13 foals inc.: ANDROS BAY (USA): 3 wins at 3 years inc. Blandford S., Curragh, Gr.2. Attractive Missile (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Smokey Diplomacy (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Chapel Belle S., Louisiana; dam of CLEAR THE RUNWAY (USA): 5 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2014 in Canada inc. Jim Coleman Province S., Hastings Park. 196 LOT 197 FROM WINDMILL STABLES STABLE 166 BAY COLT (IRE) May 5th, 2013 (Second Produce) Big Bad Bob (IRE) Casina Valadier (IRE) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. Roberto Toter Back Marju Fantasy Girl Persian Fantasy Danzig Fath Desirable Alzao Raysiza Raysiya B.C. Nominated. Bob Back View at 1st dam CASINA VALADIER (IRE): 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Italy and £44,438 and placed 19 times; dam of 2 foals: Daryan (IRE) (2012 c. by Baltic King (GB)): unraced to date. 2nd dam RAYSIZA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in Italy and £27,624 inc. Premio Alberto Zanoletti di Rozzano, Milan, L.; dam of 6 winners, 10 runners, 11 foals inc.: RYAN (IRE) (c. by Generous (IRE)): 20 wins at 2 to 8 years in Czech Republic, in Hungary, in Italy and in Slovakia and £226,000 inc. Coppa d'Ora di Milano, L. and Premio Duca d'Aosta, Milan, L. (twice), 2nd Premio St Leger Italiano, Milan, Gr.3, Premio St Leger Italiano, Milan, L., Grosser Canon-Preis Riemer Steher-Trophy, Munich, L., 3rd Premio St Leger Italiano, Milan, L. and Autohaus Jacob Fleischhauer Cup, Cologne, L. Highland Daughter (IRE) (f. by Kyllachy (GB)): winner at 2 years and £16,710 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Laundry Cottage Firth of Clyde S., Ayr, Gr.3 and Clipper Logistics Empress S., Newmarket, L., broodmare. 3rd dam RAYSIYA: 3 wins at 3 years; dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 9 foals inc.: Razana (IRE): 4 wins, £34,442: winner at 3 years; also 3 wins at 4 years in France, 2nd G.P. Conseil General de Loire Atlantique, Nantes, L. and 3rd Grand Prix d'Aquitaine, La Teste Buch, L.; dam of winners inc.: SALFORD MILL (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in Hong Kong and £972,173 inc. Newmarket S., Newmarket, L., Hong Kong Derby, Sha Tin, L. and Hong Kong Classic Mile, Sha Tin, L. Profit Alert (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: SHIFTING POWER (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £178,180 inc. CSP European Free H., Newmarket, L., 2nd Tattersalls Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1 and Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1. Kesh Kumay (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: KESHIRO (IRE): 8 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 in Italy and £100,092 inc. Premio Conte Felice Scheibler, Rome, L. and Premio UNIRE, Naples, L., 2nd Premio Carlo d'Alessio, Rome, Gr.3. Ribot's Guest (IRE): ran on the flat in Italy; dam of winners inc.: KINNAIRD (IRE): 6 wins at 2 and 4 years at home and in France and £240,641 inc. Prix de l'Opera, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of BERKSHIRE (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £128,223 inc. Juddmonte Royal Lodge S., Newmarket, Gr.2; grandam of IVAWOOD (IRE): 3 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £141,380 inc. Portland Place Properties July S., Newmarket, Gr.2 and Richmond S., Goodwood, Gr.2, 2nd Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1. MICKDAAM (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.A.E. and £332,884 inc. MBNA Chester Vase, Chester, Gr.3. Invisible Quest (IRE): ran on the flat in France; dam of EMPEROR'S BANQUET (AUS): 8 wins from 4 to 6 years, 2015 in Australia and in Singapore and £366,813 inc. Fortune Bowl, Kranji, L. 197 LOT 198 FROM BRICKFIELD STUD STABLE 233 Mozart Dandy Man (IRE) BAY FILLY (IRE) March 20th, 2013 Lady Alexander My Funny Valentine (IRE) (1996) Mukaddamah Imperfect Timing E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Victoria Cross Night Shift Sandhurst Goddess Storm Bird Tash Coquelin Oh Carol View at 1st dam MY FUNNY VALENTINE (IRE): 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £131,137 inc. Premio Royal Mares Limited H., Turin, L. and Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L., placed 12 times inc. 2nd Criterium Femminile, Rome, L., Premio Carlo Chiesa, Rome, L., Premio Seregno, Milan, L., Premio Verziere, Milan, L., Premio Archidamia, Rome, L., Premio Tadolina, Rome, L., 3rd Premio Novella - Trofeo Tattersalls, Milan, L. and Premio Verziere, Milan, L.; dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 13 foals; Feminscii (GB) (2003 f. by Mark of Esteem (IRE)): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £19,256 and placed 15 times, broodmare. Murbeh (IRE) (2008 g. by Elusive City (USA)): 2 wins at 2 years and £51,444 and placed twice; also placed 5 times at 4 and 5 years, 2013 in U.A.E. and £15,360. Fil de Seda (GB) (2004 f. by Singspiel (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 years in Italy and placed 4 times; dam of 2 winners: Capitan Tetto (ITY): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in Italy and £15,813 and placed 12 times. Fire And Ice (ITY): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in Italy and placed 6 times. Falmaz (GB) (2002 c. by Nashwan (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years in Italy. My Funny Nephew (IRE) (2009 f. by Whipper (USA)): winner at 3 years in Italy and placed 5 times. Lyle Lady (IRE) (2007 f. by Traditionally (USA)): winner at 2 years and £11,376 and placed 3 times. Pink Ribbon (IRE) (2012 g. by Dark Angel (IRE)): placed 5 times at 2 years, 2014. Millharbour (IRE) (2006 g. by Nayef (USA)): placed once at 3 years. She also has a yearling colt by Dandy Man (IRE). 2nd dam IMPERFECT TIMING (IRE): unraced; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc.: MY FUNNY VALENTINE (IRE) (f. by Mukaddamah (USA)): see above. Alpine King (IRE): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £18,493. 3rd dam OH CAROL: placed 4 times; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: Dance Matilda (IRE): 7 wins at 2, 3 and 6 years in Italy; dam of a winner: 4th dam MELODIA: placed once; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc.: Jazz Musician: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £16,197, placed 2nd P J Prendergast Railway S., Curragh, Gr.3, Tyros S., Curragh, L., Kilfrush What A Guest S., Phoenix Park, L. and 4th Jersey S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3. Miami Melody: placed twice at 2 and 3 years inc. 2nd Woodford Stud S., Navan, L.; dam of a winner: 198 LOT 199 FROM CROHANE HOUSE STABLE 212 BAY FILLY (IRE) May 3rd, 2013 Danzig Razyana Secretariat L'On Vite Fanfreluche Known Fact Warning Slightly Dangerous Dazzlingly Try My Best Radiant Elvina B.C. Nominated. Danehill Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) Alarme Belle (GB) (1994) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam Alarme Belle (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £18,693 and placed 12 times inc. 2nd Waterford Testimonial S., Curragh, L., Alexander Hotel Knockaire S., Leopardstown, L., 3rd Athasi S., Curragh, L. and Waterford Testimonial S., Curragh, L.; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals; ARIA DI FESTA (IRE) (2006 f. by Orpen (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £92,576 inc. Premio Torricola, Rome, L., placed 7 times inc. 2nd Premio Regina Elena 1000 Guineas, Rome, Gr.3 and 3rd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.2; dam of a winner: Aria di Primavera (GB): winner at 2 years, 2014 in Italy and £13,400. Snooze (IRE) (2007 f. by Marju (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 years in Italy and £16,358 and placed 10 times. Angel Wind (IRE) (2003 f. by Montjeu (IRE)): winner at 3 years in Italy and placed 3 times; dam of winners. Bella Bianca (IRE) (2000 f. by Barathea (IRE)): winner at 2 years and placed twice; dam of 4 winners. Chiosina (IRE) (2004 f. by Danehill Dancer (IRE)): unraced; dam of 4 winners inc.: MIXED INTENTION (IRE) (f. by Elusive City (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £126,754 inc. Prix de la Cochere, Longchamp, L. and Prix de la Californie, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L., placed 2nd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr.2, Prix de la Grotte, Longchamp, Gr.3. 2nd dam DAZZLINGLY RADIANT: 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £16,286; dam of 5 winners from 9 runners and 13 foals inc.: BUSTAN (IRE) (g. by Darshaan): 5 wins inc. Fairway S., Newmarket, L. Bedazzling (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £97,018; grandam of HALLELUJAH (GB): 7 wins at 2 to 7 years, 2015 and £99,402 inc. Betfred Garrowby S., York, L., 3rd Summer S., York, Gr.3. Rising of The Moon (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years; dam of 3 winners inc.: Flight To The Moon (GB): 9 wins in Italy 2nd Criterium di Pisa, Pisa, L. Radiance (IRE): ran a few times; dam of 4 winners inc.: Chjimes (IRE): 14 wins and £71,520 2nd Coolmore S., Curragh, L. 3rd dam ELVINA (FR): 2 wins at 3 years; dam of 4 winners, 5 runners and 8 foals inc.: Dance By Night: 2 wins at 2 years; dam of 12 winners inc.: DANSEUSE DU SOIR (IRE): won Dubai Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of SCINTILLO (GB): Champion 2yr old in Italy in 2007, 5 wins at home, in France and in Italy and £298,291 inc. Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1, JUMBAJUKIBA (GB): 8 wins at 2 to 6 years and £306,858 inc. Gladness S., Curragh, Gr.3. Sarah Georgina: winner at 2 years; grandam of KINGSTON HILL (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £1,104,278 inc. Ladbrokes St Leger S., Doncaster, Gr.1 and Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1, 2nd Investec Derby S., Epsom Downs, Gr.1. 199 LOT 200 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 20 BAY COLT (GB) April 4th, 2013 (Third Produce) Dick Turpin (IRE) Arakan Merrily Danetime Glen Molly (IRE) (2006) Sonorous E.B.F. Nominated. Nureyev Far Across Sharrood Babycham Sparkle Danehill Allegheny River Ashkalani Nymphs Echo View at 1st dam GLEN MOLLY (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £19,903 and placed 4 times; dam of 1 runner and 4 foals: Tranquil Glen (GB) (2012 f. by Moss Vale (IRE)): ran 3 times. She also has a yearling colt by Sayif (IRE). 2nd dam Sonorous (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £34,933, placed 2nd Kleenex Tissues Rosemary H., Ascot, L.; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 4 foals inc.: Glen Molly (IRE): see above. 3rd dam NYMPHS ECHO (IRE): unraced; Own sister to Glen Rosie (IRE); dam of 6 winners from 6 runners and 6 foals inc.: JAASOOS (IRE): 7 wins at 2 to 7 years at home and in U.A.E. and £181,309 inc. HH The President of the UAE Cup, Abu Dhabi, L. and National Day Cup, Abu Dhabi, L. (twice), 2nd ADEC National Day Cup, Abu Dhabi, L. (twice), 3rd HH The President Cup, Abu Dhabi, L. (twice). 4th dam SILVER ECHO: unraced; Own sister to DAWN SUCCESS; dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: ARTEMA (IRE): 6 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £246,480 inc. Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, Edmond H., Remington Park, L., Remington Park Breeders' Cup H., Remington Park, L. and Remington Green H., Remington Park, L., 2nd Firecracker Breeders' Cup H., Churchill Downs, Gr.3, Remington Green H., Remington Park, L., 3rd Gallinule S., Curragh, Gr.2, Laurance Armour H., Arlington, Gr.3, Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L., John B Connally Jr Turf Club H., Houston, L.; sire. HELLO SOSO (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. inc. Prix des Jouvenceaux et des Jouvencelles, Vichy, L., 2nd Prix Vanteaux, Longchamp, Gr.3, 3rd Diana H., Saratoga, Gr.2, Prix d'Aumale, Chantilly, Gr.3 and Ballston Spa Breeders' Cup H., Saratoga, Gr.3; dam of winners. Glen Rosie (IRE): winner at 2 years and £15,244 and placed 2nd Dubai Duty Free Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: KINGS QUAY (GB): won Washington Singer S., Newbury, L., 2nd bet365 Feilden S., Newmarket, L. and 3rd David Wilson Homes Steventon S., Newbury, L.; also won totescoop6 Elite Hurdle, Wincanton, L. and John Smith's Extra Smooth H. Hurdle, Aintree, L. Silver Blue (IRE): 5 wins at 2 and 5 years and £26,698, placed 3rd Acomb S., York, L. and Connaught Access Flooring Feilden S., Newmarket, L. Rapid Repeat (IRE): winner at 2 years; grandam of HAZEL LAVERY (IRE): won St Simon S., Newbury, Gr.3 and Aphrodite S., Newmarket, L., 2nd DFS Park Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.2 and Pretty Polly S., Newmarket, L., LEO GALI (IRE): won Premio EBF Terme di Merano-Tro, Merano, L., 2nd Give Thanks S., Cork, Gr.3, Premio St Leger Italiano, Milan, Gr.3. 200 LOT 201 FROM NICHOLASTOWN STUD STABLE 183 GREY COLT (GB) February 23rd, 2013 (Second Produce) Danzig Razyana Alzao Last Second Alruccaba King Nureyev Charlemagne Race The Wild Wind Environment Friend Silver Moon High And Bright B.C. Nominated. Danehill Aussie Rules (USA) Champagne Fizz (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam CHAMPAGNE FIZZ (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 5 times; She also has a yearling filly by Kheleyf (USA). 2nd dam SILVER MOON (GB): ran at 2 to 4 years; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: Sorbiesharry (IRE): 9 wins at 4 to 6 years and £39,072 and placed 24 times. 3rd dam HIGH AND BRIGHT: winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc.: Bullion (GB): winner at 2 years and placed twice; dam of 5 winners inc.: Hart of Gold (GB): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years and £31,790. 4th dam Lovely Light: 2nd Cherry Hinton S., Newmarket; dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 13 foals inc.: MAIN REEF: 7 wins at 2 to 4 years and £63,984 inc. Cumberland Lodge S., Ascot, Gr.3, July S., Newmarket, Gr.3 and St Simon S., Newbury, Gr.3, 4th William Hill Middle Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. MOONLIGHT NIGHT (FR): winner at 3 years and £10,033, Musidora S., York, Gr.3, 3rd Oaks S., Epsom, Gr.1; dam of 4 winners inc.: Lady Moon: 3 wins; dam of SHINING STEEL: won Shoemaker H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2; sire, MOON CACTUS: won Prestige S., Goodwood, Gr.3, 2nd Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr.1; grandam of DOYEN (IRE): Champion older horse in Europe in 2004, won King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S., Ascot, Gr.1, 2nd Coronation Cup, Epsom Downs, Gr.1; sire, MOONSHELL (IRE): Jt Champion 3yr old filly in England in 1995, won Oaks S., Epsom Downs, Gr.1, 3rd 1000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, HATHA ANNA (IRE): won Queen Elizabeth S., Flemington, Gr.2, OCEAN OF STORMS (IRE): won Prix Michel Houyvet, Chantilly, L.; fourth dam of MISS FINLAND (AUS): Champion 2yr old filly in Australia in 2005-06, Champion 3yr old filly in Australia in 2006-07, won Golden Slipper S., Rosehill, Gr.1, Storm Queen S., Rosehill, Gr.1, The 1000 Guineas, Caulfield, Gr.1, MISS WORLD (USA): won Garden City S., Belmont Park, Gr.1, 3rd Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S., Keeneland, Gr.1. Diana's Bow: unraced; grandam of BESWINGING (AUS): won Japan Racing Association Cup, Moonee Valley, L. Moonrise: unraced; grandam of SCHUMANN (AUS): won National Sprint Quality H., Canberra, L. Plat du Jour: 2 wins, 2nd Champion Trophy, Ripon, L.; dam of a winner: Navigator: 2nd Ladbroke Blue Riband Trial S., Epsom, Gr.3; sire. Early Morn: ran twice; dam of a winner: DALNAMEIN (GB): won C.Claudio Fernandez Concha(1000 Guineas), Hipo Monterrico, Gr.1. 201 LOT 202 FROM BALLYCULLEN STABLES STABLE 189 BAY FILLY (IRE) May 9th, 2013 (Second Produce) Big Bad Bob (IRE) Flame Keeper (IRE) (2007) E.B.F. Nominated. Roberto Toter Back Marju Fantasy Girl Persian Fantasy Polar Falcon Pivotal Fearless Revival Indian Ridge Cool Clarity Tapolite B.C. Nominated. Bob Back View at 1st dam FLAME KEEPER (IRE): unraced; dam of 1 runner and 2 foals; Character Onesie (IRE) (2012 g. by Dark Angel (IRE)): placed twice at 2 years, 2014. 2nd dam COOL CLARITY (IRE): winner at 3 years and £29,270, Entrepreneur EBF Athasi S., Curragh, L.; dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 5 foals inc.: Natural High (IRE): 6 wins, £46,980: 3 wins at 4 to 6 years and £27,732; also winner of a N.H. Flat Race; also 2 wins over hurdles. 3rd dam TAPOLITE: 2 wins at 2 years and £11,346 inc. Tyros S., Curragh, L.; Own sister to SEDULOUS; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: QUEEN OF PALMS (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and £40,851 inc. EBF Fairy Bridge S., Tipperary, L.; dam of 2 winners inc.: Dokker (IRE): 6 wins, 2014 in Italy 3rd Criterium Partenopeo, Naples, L. ARTISTIC BLUE (USA): winner at 2 years, £21,492, Tyros S., Curragh, L., 2nd Aon MacDonagh Boland S., Curragh, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners inc.: Heartbreak Hero (GB): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £122,607. Aguilas Perla (IRE): unraced; dam of 5 winners inc.: Spirit of Pearl (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, £24,410 2nd Danehill Dancer Tipperary S., Tipperary, L.; dam of Elusive Pearl (FR): 3 wins at 2 years in France 2nd Criterium du Bequet, La Teste De Buch, L. 4th dam PENDULINA: 3 wins at 3 years inc. Cornelscourt S., Leopardstown, L.; Own sister to POMIFERA; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals inc.: SEDULOUS: 4 wins at 2 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £48,466 inc. Killavullen S., Leopardstown, Gr.3; dam of 9 winners inc.: So Sedulous (USA): winner; dam of SHIROCCO (GER): Champion 3yr old in Germany in 2004, Champion 3yr old in Italy in 2004, won Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr.1, Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Turf, Belmont Park, Gr.1; sire, SUBIACO (GER): won Gerling Preis, Cologne, Gr.2, 2nd Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1, SATCHMO (GER): won Ittlingen Pokal, Hamburg, L., STORM TROOPER (GER): won GP der Stadtsparkasse Dortmund, Dortmund, L., 2nd Deutschland-Preis, Dusseldorf, Gr.1, 3rd Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr.1, SEPTEMBER STORM (GER): won Derby Trial, Bremen, L.; sire; grandam of SHINING GLORY (GER): won G.P. der EILERT-Bauunternehmung, Hannover, L., SWACADELIC (GER): won GP Schollglas Hannoverschen Volksbank, Hannover, L., 3rd Oppenheim Union-Rennen, Cologne, Gr.2. Disregard That (IRE): unraced; dam of 7 winners inc.: MISS EMMA (IRE): 5 wins at home and in France inc. Greenlands S., Curragh, Gr.3, Prix de Seine-et-Oise, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3 (twice); dam of KAGURA (USA): won Criterium de Vitesse, Longchamp, L. 202 LOT 203 FROM SONNA DEMENSE STUD STABLE 195 BAY FILLY (GB) May 9th, 2013 Danehill Dancer Monsieur Bond (IRE) Musical Essence Wolfhound Assuage (GB) (2000) Francfurter E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Mira Adonde Song Effervescence II Nureyev Lassie Dear Legend of France A Priori View at 1st dam ASSUAGE (GB): ran at 2 years; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals; Karakorun (GB) (2008 f. by Kheleyf (USA)): 9 wins at 2 to 4 years in Denmark and in Sweden and £87,456 and placed 19 times. Assailing Act (GB) (2004 f. by Acatenango (GER)): 2 wins at 2 years in Russia and placed 4 times. Mr Horsepower (GB) (2011 c. by Monsieur Bond (IRE)): winner at 2 years in Sweden and £10,517 and placed 4 times. 2nd dam FRANCFURTER (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and £13,326; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: FRAULEIN (GB) (f. by Acatenango (GER)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and £372,260 inc. E P Taylor S., Woodbine, Gr.1; dam of 4 winners inc.: MISCHIEF MAKING (USA): 4 wins at 3 years and £54,926 inc. EBF River Eden S., Lingfield Park, L., 2nd Sagaro S., Ascot, Gr.3. THAT IS THE SPIRIT (GB): 3 wins at 3 years, 2014 and £41,821 inc. Investec Surrey S., Epsom Downs, L. Franglais (GER): 3 wins in Germany; dam of 3 winners inc.: FLASHMANS PAPERS (GB): 16 wins at 2 to 7 years, 2013 at home, in Canada and in U.S.A. and £176,531 inc. Windsor Castle S., Ascot, L., 2nd Baldwin S., Santa Anita, Gr.3. 3rd dam A PRIORI (GER): placed 3 times in West Germany; Own sister to ANNA PAOLA (GER); dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: ANNA VICTORIA (GER): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in Germany and £54,112 inc. BMW Sachsenpreis, Dresden, L., 2nd Volkswagen Preis der Deutschen Einheit, Hoppegarten, Gr.3; dam of 3 winners. A STAR (GER): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in West Germany inc. Eugen Furst zu Oettingen Wallerstein Mem, Munich, L. Abdullah (GER): winner in West Germany 2nd Badener Jugend-Preis, Baden-Baden, L. and P & M Winterfavorit Preis, Koln, L. Annaletta (GB): placed once at 3 years; also winner at 3 years in France 3rd Gladiatoren-Rennen, Krefeld, L.; dam of 4 winners inc.: ANOUSA (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £30,386 inc. Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L. Excelente (IRE): 3 wins, £78,058: winner at 2 years and £16,695 2nd EBF Star Appeal S., Dundalk, L.; also 2 wins at 4 years in U.S.A. and £61,363 2nd American 1000 Guineas S., Arlington Int., L. A La Longue (GER): placed 3 times in Germany; dam of 6 winners inc.: LE GIARE (IRE): 9 wins in Italy, £185,681 inc. Premio Guido Berardelli, Rome, Gr.3, 2nd Premio Parioli (2000 Guineas), Rome, Gr.2. 203 LOT 204 FROM LONGWAYS STABLES STABLE 199 BAY COLT (FR) April 18th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Machiavellian Medecis (GB) Renashaan Dansili La Boisserie (FR) (2005) La Balagna E.B.F. Nominated. Eligible for French Breeder’s Premium. Mr Prospector Coup de Folie Darshaan Gerbera Danehill Hasili Kris Belle Tempete View at 1st dam LA BOISSERIE (FR): ran on the flat in France at 3 years; Own sister to DANSANT (GB); dam of a winner from 2 runners and 4 foals; Donavista (FR) (2011 f. by Soldier of Fortune (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in France and £33,667 and placed 6 times. Soldier Boss (FR) (2012 c. by Soldier of Fortune (IRE)): unraced to date. 2nd dam LA BALAGNA (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £31,763 and placed 5 times; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: DANSANT (GB) (c. by Dansili (GB)): 9 wins at 3 to 6 years at home and in France and £214,120 inc. Magnolia S., Kempton Park, L., Floodlit S., Kempton Park, L., Diamond Racing Winter Derby Trial S., Lingfield Park, L., Wild Flower S., Kempton Park, L. (twice) and Quebec S., Lingfield Park, L., placed 2nd Glasgow S., Hamilton Park, L., Mill Wood Winter Open, Lingfield Park, L. and 3rd Hardwicke S., Ascot, Gr.2. Le Bilboquet (GB): 7 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2014 in France and £85,450. 3rd dam BELLE TEMPETE (FR): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £25,644 inc. Prix Phil Drake, Saint-Cloud, L., 3rd Prix Cleopatre, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, Prix Penelope, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of 9 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Tempete d'Honneur (FR): 3 wins at 4 years in France and £55,226 and placed 8 times inc. 2nd Prix Panacee, Toulouse, L., broodmare. Folle Tempete (FR): 2 wins at 2 and 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £78,639 and placed 15 times inc. 2nd Prix Coronation, Saint-Cloud, L., Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L., Prix de la Cochere, Saint-Cloud, L., 3rd Prix Saraca, Evry, L., Prix Jacques Bremont, Vichy, L.; dam of winners. Saint Loup (FR): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and £28,767. Graine de Tempete (FR): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in France, broodmare. Tempetueuse (FR): 3 wins at 3 years in France and £12,424, broodmare. Ouragan (FR): winner at 5 years in Belgium and placed 6 times. Belle Topaze (FR): winner at 3 years in France; dam of a winner. Tempetueux (FR): winner at 3 years in France and placed once. 4th dam LA RAFALE (FR): unraced; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 9 foals; BELLE TEMPETE (FR): see above. The next dam LES HEURES CLAIRES (FR): 3 wins at 3 and 4 in France inc. Prix de Dangu, Longchamp, L., Prix des Champs-Elysees, Longchamp, 2nd Prix du Carrousel, Longchamp, L.; dam of 3 winners, 6 runners and 10 foals inc.: LES SAINTES CLAIRES (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £29,610 inc. Prix de Malleret, Longchamp, Gr.3, placed 4 times inc. 3rd Prix d'Astarte, Deauville, Gr.3, Prix Fille de l'Air, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3 and 4th Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of winners. 204 LOT 205 FROM BRAMBLESTOWN STABLE 226 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 17th, 2013 (Second Produce) Elusive Pimpernel (USA) Holly Hawk (IRE) (2005) Elusive Quality Cara Fantasy Dubai Destination Kardashina E.B.F. Nominated. Gone West Touch of Greatness Sadler's Wells Gay Fantasy Kingmambo Mysterial Darshaan Karmiska View at 1st dam HOLLY HAWK (IRE): placed 6 times at 3 and 4 years; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 3 foals; Johnny Lawman (IRE) (2011 g. by Lawman (FR)): winner at 3 years, 2014 and placed once. She also has a yearling colt by Soviet Star (USA). 2nd dam KARDASHINA (FR): 3 wins at 3 years in France and £53,192 and placed 7 times; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 10 foals inc.: AYAM ZAMAN (IRE) (f. by Montjeu (IRE)): 2 wins at 2 years and £25,590 inc. William Claridge Memorial Zetland S., Newmarket, L., placed once, 3rd Lingfield Oaks Trial, Lingfield Park, L. Phillippa (IRE): unraced; dam of 3 winners: Naseem Alyasmeen (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years and £37,789 and placed 13 times inc. 2nd Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, Gr.3 and Minstrell Recruitment Stand Cup, Chester, L. Starlight Symphony (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 and £15,707 and placed 11 times. Aabir (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014. 3rd dam KARMISKA (FR): 4 wins in France inc. Prix de la Nonette, Deauville, Gr.3 and Prix de Meudon, Longchamp, L., placed 3 times inc. 2nd Prix de Psyche, Deauville, Gr.3; Own sister to Karmisyk (FR); dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc.: KART STAR (IRE): 4 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £74,870 inc. Prix Coronation, Saint-Cloud, L., placed 2nd Prix Amandine, Saint-Cloud, L. and Prix de la Cochere, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of 2 winners: KARMIFIRA (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £81,855 inc. Prix Finlande, Longchamp, L., placed 5 times inc. 2nd Dubai Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of 4 winners inc.: On Verra (IRE): winner at 2 years in France and £122,237 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Total Prix Marcel Boussac, Longchamp, Gr.1, P.Vanteaux-Beachcomber Hotels Royal Palm, Longchamp, Gr.3 and 3rd Prix d'Aumale, Chantilly, Gr.3. Keladora (USA): winner in France and in U.S.A., 2nd Gd. Criterium de Bordeaux Sauternes, Bordeaux Le Bouscat, L. and 3rd Criterium du Languedoc-Prix Paul Guichou, Toulouse, L. Karmousil (USA): 6 wins at 3 and 5 years in France and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Prix Hubert de Chaudenay, Longchamp, Gr.2, Grand Prix de Parilly, Lyon Parilly, L. and Prix d'Avilly-Saint-Leonard, Chantilly, L. Karlinaxa (GB): placed 9 times in France; dam of 7 winners inc.: Karlisse (IRE): placed twice; also 3 wins in France and £40,778 and placed once, 2nd Grand Prix du Lion d'Angers, Le Lion D'Angers, L. Rioka (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £42,582 and placed 9 times inc. 3rd Prix des Sablonnets, Nantes, L. 205 LOT 206 FROM CULRUA STABLES STABLE 224 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 7th, 2013 Mr Prospector Miesque Sadler's Wells Maryinsky Blush With Pride Chief's Crown Key of Luck Balbonella Warning Sketch Pad Scribbling B.C. Nominated. Kingmambo Thewayyouare (USA) Gouache (IRE) (2002) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam Gouache (IRE): winner at 2 years and £21,286 and placed 8 times inc. 3rd Flame of Tara EBF S., Curragh, L.; dam of 5 runners and 9 foals; Mullit (IRE) (2010 g. by Kodiac (GB)): placed twice at 2 years. Mr Cooper (IRE) (2009 g. by Red Clubs (IRE)): placed once at 2 years, died at 3 years. Little Mixer (IRE) (2012 f. by Echo of Light (GB)): ran in Italy at 2 years, 2014. She also has a yearling filly by Sir Prancealot (IRE). 2nd dam SKETCH PAD (GB): placed once at 2 years; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 6 foals; Mizillablack (IRE) (f. by Eagle Eyed (USA)): winner at 2 years and £40,793 and placed 11 times inc. 3rd St Hugh's S., Newbury, L., Field Marshal S., Haydock Park, L. and EBF Lansdown S., Bath, L.; dam of winners. Gouache (IRE) (f. by Key of Luck (USA)): see above. Lonely Traveller (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years in Italy, placed 5 times, broodmare. 3rd dam SCRIBBLING (USA): 2 wins at 3 years and placed twice; Own sister to American Feeling (USA); dam of 4 runners and 7 foals: Pretty Flamingo (IRE): placed twice at 4 years; also placed twice over hurdles at 4 years, broodmare. The King Return's (IRE): placed twice at 3 years in Italy. 4th dam Icy Pop (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A. and $70,100 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Hollywood Lassie S., Hollywood Park, Gr.2; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 16 foals inc.: American Feeling (USA): 3 wins at 4 years in France and in U.S.A., placed 6 times inc. 3rd Prix La Camargo, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of 3 winners. Shining Poppy (USA): 2 wins, £16,333: winner at 2 years and placed 5 times; also winner at 5 years in U.S.A. and £11,631; dam of 2 winners: Java Mistress (USA): unraced; dam of COCOA LATTE (USA): won Saguaro S., Turf Paradise and Paradise Valley H., Turf Paradise, placed 2nd Coyote H., Turf Paradise, Caballos del Sol H., Turf Paradise, 3rd Walter R Cluer Memorial H., Turf Paradise. Pop Singer (USA): winner in France, placed twice; dam of 6 winners inc.: Pops (JPN): winner in Japan; dam of POP ROCK (JPN): won Meguro Kinen, Tokyo, L. (twice), placed 2nd Melbourne Cup, Flemington, Gr.1, Japan Cup, Tokyo, Gr.1, Kyoto Daishoten, Kyoto, Gr.2, Kyoto Kinen, Kyoto, Gr.2, Arima Kinen, Nakayama, L., 3rd Takarazuka Kinen, Hanshin, Gr.1 and Hanshin Daishoten, Hanshin, Gr.2. 206 LOT 207 FROM BALLYHANE STABLE 54 BROWN FILLY (IRE) March 12th, 2013 (Second Produce) Roderic O'Connor (IRE) Jeunesse Doree (IRE) (2006) Galileo Secret Garden Rock of Gibraltar Chalice Wells E.B.F. Nominated. Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Danehill Chalamont Danehill Offshore Boom Sadler's Wells Lyndonville View at 1st dam JEUNESSE DOREE (IRE): placed once at 4 years; dam of 3 foals; She also has a yearling colt by Big Bad Bob (IRE). 2nd dam CHALICE WELLS (GB): unraced; Own sister to YEATS (IRE); dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: Jolly Roger (IRE): 9 wins, £29,709: winner at 3 years; also 7 wins over hurdles at 3 and 5 years, £23,438 and winner over fences at 4 years. 3rd dam LYNDONVILLE (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 3 winners, 7 runners, 8 foals: YEATS (IRE): Champion older stayer in Europe in 2006 & 2009, Champion older horse in Ireland in 2009, 15 wins at 2 to 8 years at home and in France and £1,364,361 inc. Ascot Gold Cup, Ascot, Gr.1 (4 times), Vodafone Coronation Cup, Epsom Downs, Gr.1, Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1 and Prix Royal-Oak, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr.1 and 3rd Prix du Cadran, Longchamp, Gr.1 (twice); sire. SOLSKJAER (IRE): 3 wins at 4 and 5 years and £143,658 inc. Royal Whip S., Curragh, Gr.2; sire. TSUKUBA SYMPHONY (GB): 4 wins in Japan and £1,399,329 inc. Epsom Cup, Tokyo, L. 4th dam Diamond Land: winner at 3 years, 2nd Azalea S., Phoenix Park, L.; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 6 foals inc.: IVANKA (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £143,772 inc. Fillies' Mile S., Ascot, Gr.1, 2nd Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1. KEEN CUT: 7 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in U.S.A. and £54,317 inc. Oral B Marble Hill S., Curragh, L. PRETORIA: 2 wins at home and in Italy inc. Premio Archidamia, Rome, L., 2nd Neuss Stuten Preis der Gunnewig Hotels, Neuss, Gr.3 and 4th Ludwig Goebels-Erinnerungsrennen, Krefeld, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: NASSMA (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years inc. Chester S., Chester, L.; dam of LADY WINGSHOT (IRE): won Fairy Bridge S., Tipperary, Gr.3, BAHAMA MAMA (IRE): won Dragon S., Sandown, L., Grosser Preis der Dr. Duve Inkasso, Hannover, L. and Flieger-Preis, Baden-Baden, L., 2nd Flying Childers S., York, Gr.2, 3rd Goldene Peitsche, BadenBaden, Gr.2, Akdov Stutenpreis (1000 Guineas), Dusseldorf, Gr.2. Sahara Breeze: placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners inc.: ALCAZAR (IRE): 12 wins at home and in France and £441,510 inc. Prix Royal-Oak, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Prix du Cadran, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix Royal-Oak, Longchamp, Gr.1 and 3rd Prix Royal-Oak, Gr.1. LADY OF CHAD (IRE): Jt Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 1999, won Prix Marcel Boussac, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of JEWEL OF NILE (JPN): won Kokura Nisai S., L., Mikki Universe (JPN): winner at 2 years, 2014 in Japan and £109,194, 3rd Icho S., Tokyo, L. 207 LOT 208 FROM TINVAUN STABLES STABLE 207 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 7th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Warning Arvola Cadeaux Genereux Land of Dreams Sahara Star A P Indy Aptitude Dokki Pursuit of Love Clog Dance Discomatic B.C. Nominated. Diktat Dream Ahead (USA) Intricate Dance (USA) (2004) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam INTRICATE DANCE (USA): ran twice at 3 years; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 5 foals; Youcanseeme (IRE) (2009 f. by Le Vie Dei Colori (GB)): winner at 2 years in Poland and placed twice. Garfunkel (IRE) (2011 c. by Excellent Art (GB)): winner at 3 years, 2014 in Sweden and placed once. Dancing Duke (IRE) (2012 g. by Duke of Marmalade (IRE)): ran 3 times. She also has a yearling filly by Dragon Pulse (IRE). 2nd dam Clog Dance (GB): 2nd Owen Brown Rockfel S., Newmarket, Gr.2; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 6 foals inc.: SHORT DANCE (USA) (f. by Hennessy (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £47,174 inc. Radley S., Newbury, L. and Michael Seely Memorial Fillies' S., York, L., 3rd Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr.3; dam of 3 winners inc.: Fray (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 and £10,004. Plover (GB): winner at 3 years, 2013. Yankadi (USA) (c. by Johannesburg (USA)): winner at 2 years and £10,996, 3rd Somerville Tattersall S., Newmarket, Gr.3. Heart Stopping (USA): placed once at 3 years; dam of 2 winners inc.: LOLLY FOR DOLLY (IRE): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and £213,922 inc. Windsor Forest S., Ascot, Gr.2. 3rd dam DISCOMATIC (USA): winner at 3 years in France and 39,600 fr.; dam of 6 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Tuning (GB): 2 wins at 3 years, 2nd Aphrodite S., Newmarket, L.; also 2nd Prix de Pomone, Deauville, Gr.2; dam of winners. Tuning Fork (GB): winner at 3 years 2nd Tote Dante S., York, Gr.2. Raincloud (GB): 2 wins at 3 years in France; dam of winners. Overshadow (IRE): winner 2 years in France and £15,993 3rd Prix Roland de Chambure, Longchamp, L. Deluge (GB): unraced; dam of winners. Delux Cat (TUR): winner in Turkey, 2nd Nenehatun S., Istanbul, L. 4th dam DISCONIZ (USA): 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £85,375 inc. Princess S., Hollywood Park, Gr.3, 3rd Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: DIGAMIST (USA): 3 wins at 2 years inc. Phoenix S., Phoenix Pk, Gr.1; sire. Fly To The Moon (USA): 3 wins, £39,172: winner at 3 years; also 2 wins at 4 years in U.S.A. and £33,187; dam of winners. Moonshine Girl (USA): winner 3rd Queen Mary S., Ascot, Gr.3; dam of Wildcat Moon (USA): 2 wins 2nd California Derby, Golden Gate, L. Disco Doll (USA): 2 wins at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of a winner: CHEROKEE'S DISCO (USA): won Kachina S., Ruidoso Downs. 208 LOT 209 FROM CARRICK O'BRIEN STABLES STABLE 220 BAY FILLY (GB) April 15th, 2013 (First Produce) Kris S Spring Flight Withorwithoutyou Danehill Morningsurprice Kris S Kris Kin Angel In My Heart Sea Hero Swan Sea Schwanensee B.C. Nominated. Lucky Story Art Connoisseur (IRE) I Tilda (IRE) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam I TILDA (IRE): placed once over hurdles. She also has a yearling filly by Sixties Icon (GB). 2nd dam SWAN SEA (USA): unraced; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 9 foals: TITUS ALONE (IRE) (g. by Titus Livius (FR)): 6 wins at 2, 5 and 6 years at home and in South Africa and £44,556 inc. Windsor Castle S., York, L. Milly's Secret (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2013 and £13,282, placed 9 times. Ticks The Boxes (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £13,834, placed twice. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Sakhee's Secret (GB) and a yearling filly by Dragon Pulse (IRE). 3rd dam SCHWANENSEE (USA): unraced; dam of 10 winners, 10 runners, 11 foals inc.: Yavlensky (IRE): placed 3 times at 3 years; also 3 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years in Italy and £49,124 and placed 8 times inc. 2nd Premio Guido Beradelli, Rome, Gr.2 and 3rd Gran Premio d'Italia, Milan, L. Albinor (IRE): placed twice at 2 and 3 years; also 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £32,300, placed 8 times inc. 2nd Premio Citta' di Grosseto, L. Priestlaw (USA): winner at 2 years in Italy and £22,226, placed 2nd Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Milan, L. and 3rd Premio Campobello, Milan, L. Domineer (IRE): 13 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £85,155. Almaden (GB): 7 wins in Italy and £69,739 and placed 23 times. Diminsky (GB): 7 wins, £31,325: 6 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £29,666 and placed 8 times; also winner over jumps at 5 years in Italy. Redbird (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and placed once. Dionisio (USA): 2 wins: winner at 4 years; also winner of a N.H. Flat Race. Madera Moon (USA): 2 wins at 5 years in U.S.A. and £33,113. 4th dam Sassika (GER): 4 wins in West Germany and 66,300 D.M. and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Ludwig Goebels-Erinnerungsrennen, Krefeld, Gr.3, SchwarzgoldRennen (1000 Guineas), Dusseldorf, Gr.3 and 3rd Preis der Stadt Berlin, Hamburg, L.; dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 14 foals inc.: Sarsaparilla (FR): 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in West Germany and 13,000 D.M.; dam of winners inc.: SPEEDMASTER (GER): won Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, Longchamp, Gr.2, 2nd Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, Longchamp, Gr.2, Grosser Muller BrotPreis, Munich, Gr.2 and 3rd Prix Kergorlay, Deauville, Gr.2; sire. Speedgirl (FR): placed once in France; dam of Speedy Dancer (FR): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £33,430, 3rd Derby du Midi, Bordeaux Le Bouscat, L. and Derby du Languedoc, Toulouse, L. Harmonical (USA): winner at 3 years, placed 5 times; dam of winners inc.: STRAIGHT ARROW (GB): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years at home, in France and in Italy and £47,868 inc. Criterium du Bequet, La Teste Buch, L. and Premio Eupili, Milan, L. 209 LOT 210 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 21 BAY FILLY (IRE) January 19th, 2013 (First Produce) Bushranger (IRE) Esedra (IRE) (2008) E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Allegheny River Efisio Danz Danz Darcey Bussell Montjeu Hurricane Run Hold On Mujadil Irish Style Style of Life B.C. Nominated. Danetime View at 1st dam ESEDRA (IRE): winner at 3 years in Italy and placed 3 times; She also has a yearling colt by Kodiac (GB). 2nd dam IRISH STYLE (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £15,682 and placed 3 times; dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals inc.: Imperial Concorde (IRE) (c. by High Chaparral (IRE)): 2 wins, £92,292: winner at 2 years and £12,728, 3rd Ballysax S., Leopardstown, Gr.3; also winner at 5 years, 2015 in Hong Kong and £79,564. 3rd dam STYLE OF LIFE (USA): 2 wins at 3 years and £11,662; Own sister to SEASONAL PICKUP (USA); dam of 9 winners, 11 runners and 12 foals inc.: GREY SWALLOW (IRE): Champion 2yr old in Ireland in 2003, 6 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £920,507 inc. Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1 and Budweiser Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1, 3rd Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1 and Manhattan H., Belmont Park, Gr.1. MOONLIGHT DANCE (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years and £55,320 inc. International S., Curragh, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: MOONLIT LAKE (JPN): won Fukushima TV Open, Fukushima, L. Central Lobby (IRE): 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £141,268, 2nd Prix Daphnis, M'-Laffitte, Gr.3. Stylish Ways (IRE): 4 wins at 2, 3 and 6 years and £47,792, 3rd Van Geest Criterion S., Newmarket, Gr.3. Rustic (IRE): winner at 2 years and £12,852, 3rd Princess Margaret S., Ascot, Gr.3; dam of winners. Style For Life (IRE): 2 wins at 4 years in France and £30,762, 3rd Prix Panacee, Toulouse, L.; dam of winners inc.: NIGHT STYLE (FR): won Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1. MAID OF DAWKINS (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £103,304 inc. Prix d'Automne, Longchamp, L., 3rd Prix Corrida, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; grandam of Dani Wallon (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in France and in Spain, £63,839, 3rd Prix Contessina, Fontainebleau, L., Il Segreto (FR): winner at 3 years, 2015 in France, 2nd Criterium du Languedoc B. de Marmiesse, Toulouse, L. Double Eagle (FR): winner at 3 years in France and £27,647, 2nd Coupe des Trois Ans-Prix de Nuits Fourviere, Lyon-Parilly, L. What A Picture (FR): ran on the flat in France; dam of PARTNER SHIFT (IRE): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £94,425 inc. Prix Anjou Bretagne, Nantes, L., Mufarrh (IRE): 4 wins, £259,932: winner at 2 years; also 3 wins at 4 and 6 years, 2013 in U.A.E. and £250,015, 2nd Etisalat Godolphin Mile, Meydan, Gr.2, Majenta (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 and £22,675, 3rd Lenebane S., Roscommon, L. Fast Style (FR): ran on the flat in France; dam of Royal Style (FR): winner at 2 years, 2014 in France and £33,000, 3rd Prix des Jouvenceaux et des Jouvencelles, Vichy, L. 210 LOT 211 FROM MOSS LODGE STUD STABLE 117 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 30th, 2013 (Third Produce) Try My Best Coryana Auction Ring Flying Melody Whispering Star Green Desert Oasis Dream Hope Reference Point Red Bouquet Cerise Bouquet B.C. Nominated. Waajib Royal Applause (GB) China Pink (GB) (2005) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam CHINA PINK (GB): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 3 foals: Master Ming (IRE) (2010 g. by Excellent Art (GB)): winner at 2 years and placed 4 times. Shanghai Dolly (IRE) (2012 f. by Kyllachy (GB)): placed once at 3 years, 2015. 2nd dam RED BOUQUET (GB): 3 wins at 4 years in Germany and placed 8 times; dam of 6 winners from 7 runners and 8 foals inc.: RED FORT (IRE) (g. by Green Desert (USA)): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £162,826 inc. Wolferton S., Ascot, L., 2nd Charles Whittingham Mem. H., Hollywood, Gr.1, Inglewood H., Hollywood, Gr.3 (twice) and 3rd Charles Whittingham Mem. H., Hollywood, Gr.1. RED CARNATION (IRE) (f. by Polar Falcon (USA)): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £57,238 inc. CIU Serlby S., Doncaster, L., placed 3rd Gala Bingo Berkshire S., Windsor, L.; dam of winners inc.: LEGENDARY (GB): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014 at home and in U.S.A. and £177,094 inc. Knickerbocker S., Belmont Park, Gr.3 and Japan Racing Association S., Laurel, placed 3rd Lure S., Saratoga. 3rd dam CERISE BOUQUET: winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; also placed once at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: RED CAMELLIA (GB): Jt Champion 2yr old filly in England in 1996, 3 wins at 2 years and £66,359 inc. Crowson Prestige S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and Milcars Star S., Sandown Park, L., placed 3rd Dubai Poule d'Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: RED BLOOM (GB): 6 wins at 2 to 5 years and £436,479 inc. Fillies' Mile S., Ascot, Gr.1, Blandford S., Curragh, Gr.2 (twice), Strensall S., York, Gr.3, Pipalong S., Pontefract, L., 2nd Pretty Polly S., Curragh, Gr.1, Prix Jean Romanet, Deauville, Gr.2, 3rd Coronation S., Ascot, Gr.1, Nassau S., Goodwood, Gr.1, Pretty Polly S., Curragh, Gr.1. RED GALA (GB): 5 wins at 3 to 5 years and £92,960 inc. Chester H., Chester, L., placed 4 times inc. 3rd Fred Archer S., Newmarket, L. Red Azalea (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £12,020; dam of winners inc.: Red Peony (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £40,711 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Totesport Virginia Fillies H., Yarmouth, L., EBF Harvest S., Windsor, L. and 3rd Prestige S., Goodwood, Gr.3. Red Fuschia (GB): unraced; dam of RED BADGE (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £88,554 inc. Select S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and Shadwell Steventon S., Newbury, L., 2nd Fairway S., Newmarket, L., On The Dark Side (IRE): winner at 2 years, 3rd Woodcote S., Epsom Dns, L. Red Begonia (GB): unraced; dam of Robert Le Diable (FR): 6 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2014 in France and £180,153 and placed 12 times inc. 2nd Prix Montenica, Deauville, L., Prix de Bonneval, Chantilly, L., 3rd Prix de Meautry- Lucien Barriere, Deauville, Gr.3. 211 LOT 212 FROM ARDGLAS STABLES STABLE 113 CHESNUT FILLY (IRE) March 28th, 2013 Gone West Silken Cat Theatrical Green Room Chain Fern Chief's Crown Grand Lodge La Papagena Manila Benning Belle Pensee B.C. Nominated. Speightstown Lord Shanakill (USA) Porky Pie (IRE) (2001) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam PORKY PIE (IRE): unraced; dam of 4 winners from 5 runners and 8 foals; Red Surprise (IRE) (2009 f. by Great Exhibition (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £14,440 and placed 10 times. Mr Selkirk (IRE) (2006 c. by Trans Island (GB)): 3 wins at 3 years in Italy and £14,386 and placed 9 times. Atello (IRE) (2005 c. by Spartacus (IRE)): 2 wins, £16,489 inc. winner at 3 years in Spain and placed twice. Rey de Trebol (IRE) (2008 c. by Shinko Forest (IRE)): winner at 3 years in France and £10,345. Thundering Cloud (IRE) (2011 f. by Clodovil (IRE)): placed once at 2 years. Diamond Ridge (IRE) (2012 c. by Zebedee (GB)): unraced to date. She also has a yearling filly by Frozen Power (IRE). 2nd dam BENNING (USA): placed 3 times at 3 and 4 years; dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals: Santanaya (IRE): ran 3 times; grandam of Mareeza (AUS): 2 wins in Australia 2nd Thoroughbred Club S., Caulfield, Gr.3. 3rd dam BELLE PENSEE (USA): winner in France; dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 12 foals inc.: TREIZIEME (USA): 7 wins at 2 to 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £238,042 inc. Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr.1 and 4th Gamely H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1; dam of 6 winners inc.: OAKMONT (USA): won Rushaway S., Turfway Park, L.; sire. Soixante Deux (USA): winner in U.S.A.; grandam of KYMA (USA): won Pennsylvania Governor's Cup H., Penn National, L. Treize (USA): unraced; dam of Brancusi (USA): winner in U.S.A., 2nd Toyota Blue Grass S., Keeneland, Gr.1; sire. EASTERN MYSTIC: 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £77,608 inc. Yorkshire Cup, York, Gr.2, 2nd Ascot Gold Cup, Royal Ascot, Gr.1; sire. BECCARI (USA): 2 wins in France inc. Prix de Pontarme, Evry, L. Quest (USA): 3 wins at 3 years 3rd Queen Mary S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2; also 4th Yerba Buena H., Golden Gate, Gr.2; dam of 5 winners inc.: BEQUEST (USA): won Santa Barbara H., Santa Anita, Gr.1, 2nd Ramona H., Del Mar, Gr.1; grandam of GO BLUE OR GO HOME (USA): won Pizzaville Highlander S., Woodbine, Gr.3, ZENELLA (GB): 2 wins at 2 years and £22,537 inc. Totepool Silver Tankard S., Pontefract, L., HUGO (USA): won John D Marsh S., Colonial Downs. Fitzcarraldo (USA): winner at home and in U.S.A., 3rd Laurent Perrier Champagne S., Doncaster, Gr.2. Ski For Gold (GB): winner at 2 years; grandam of BERG BAHN (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years inc. EBF Brownstown S., Fairyhouse, Gr.3. 212 LOT 213 FROM MT LEINSTER STABLES STABLE 160 BAY COLT (IRE) April 10th, 2013 Royal Applause Majestic Missile (IRE) Tshusick Primo Dominie Input (GB) (1996) Putout E.B.F. Nominated. Waajib Flying Melody Dancing Brave Infanta Real Dominion Swan Ann Dowsing Putupon View at 1st dam INPUT (GB): ran once at 2 years; dam of 4 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals; Turk (IRE) (2005 g. by Dr Fong (USA)): 4 wins at 3 years and £20,252 and placed 3 times; also placed twice at 4 years in Qatar. Frolinda (IRE) (2009 f. by Strategic Prince (GB)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £24,151 and placed 21 times. Jedward (IRE) (2007 f. by Namid (GB)): 2 wins at 3 and 5 years and £31,074 and placed 11 times. Platinum Blonde (GB) (2003 f. by Cadeaux Genereux): 2 wins at 2 years and £13,025 and placed twice. County Clare (GB) (2002 f. by Barathea (IRE)): placed twice at 2 years, broodmare. 2nd dam PUTOUT (GB): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of 4 winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: PALANCA (GB) (f. by Inchinor (GB)): 2 wins in Germany and in Italy inc. Premio Primi Passi, Milan, Gr.3, placed once; dam of 4 winners inc.: PRIANCA (GER): won Premio FIA European Breeders Fund, Milan, L. and 2nd P. Union-Gestuts Fruhjahrs-Stuten-Preis, Cologne, L. Kitty Hawk (GB): 2 wins, £47,632: winner at 2 years and £10,388; also winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £37,244 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Trenton S., Meadowlands and 3rd Monrovia H., Santa Anita, Gr.3. Pamona (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed once. 3rd dam PUTUPON: winner at 2 years and placed twice; Own sister to PRECOCIOUS; dam of 4 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc.: DANCEABOUT (GB): 3 wins at 3 years and £93,552 inc. Peugeot Sun Chariot S., Newmarket, Gr.2 and Oak Tree S., Goodwood, L., placed 6 times inc. 2nd Matron S., Curragh, Gr.3, 3rd Falmouth S., Newmarket, Gr.2 and Matron S., Curragh, Gr.3; dam of 3 winners inc.: RAINBOW DANCING (GB): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £77,734 inc. Prix Casimir Delamarre, Longchamp, L., 2nd Prix Fille de l'Air, Toulouse, Gr.3, 3rd Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3. Handsome Man (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £48,648 and placed 6 times inc. 3rd Golden Square Centre Chester H., Chester, L. POLE POSITION: 3 wins in France inc. Prix de Meautry, Deauville, Gr.3 and Prix Eclipse, Gr.3, 3rd Prix Maurice de Gheest, Gr.2; sire. Placement (GB): unraced; dam of 5 winners inc.: PRESTO VENTO (GB): 5 wins and £151,263 inc. National S., Sandown Park, L. and Chartwell S., Lingfield Park, L. 213 LOT 214 STABLE 232 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 23rd, 2013 FROM DERRYMORE HOUSE Danzig Razyana Secretariat L'On Vite Fanfreluche Northern Dancer Sadler's Wells Fairy Bridge Seattle Battle Humble Eight Alleged Devotion B.C. Nominated. Danehill Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) Humilis (IRE) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. 1st dam HUMILIS (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years and £48,513 inc. EBF Blue Wind S., Cork, L., placed once; Own sister to STAGE CALL (IRE) and Blue Oasis (IRE); dam of a winner from 3 runners and 8 foals: Starchitect (IRE) (2011 g. by Sea The Stars (IRE)): placed twice at 3 years, 2014; also 2 wins over hurdles at 3 years, 2014 and £23,747 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd bet365 Summit Juvenile Hurdle, Doncaster, L. and J. Smith's Scottish Triumph Trial Hurdle, Musselburgh, L. Dubai Creek (IRE) (2006 g. by Cape Cross (IRE)): placed twice. Humiliation (GB) (2007 f. by Cape Cross (IRE)): placed twice, broodmare. She also has a yearling filly by Vale of York (IRE). 2nd dam HUMBLE EIGHT (USA): 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £179,356 inc. Honeybee H., Oaklawn Park, Gr.3, 3rd Fantasy S., Oaklawn Park, Gr.2; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: STAGE CALL (IRE) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)): 5 wins at home and in U.S.A. inc. Hopemont S., Keeneland, L., 3rd EBF Futurity, Curragh, Gr.2. Blue Oasis (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)): winner at 3 years and £14,398, 2nd EBF Hoppings S., Newcastle, L.; dam of winners. Humbling (IRE): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: PHOLA (USA): won Churchill Distaff Turf Mile S., Churchill Downs, Gr.2 and 2nd Just A Game S., Belmont Park, Gr.1. 3rd dam ALLEGED DEVOTION (USA): unraced; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc.: THADY QUILL (USA): 6 wins at home, in Barbados and in U.S.A. and £171,039 inc. Weatherbys Superlative S., Newmarket, L., Wickerr H., Del Mar, L., 2nd Oak Tree Breeders' Cup Mile S., Santa Anita, Gr.2; sire. ROYAL DEVOTION (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £47,154 inc. Ardilaun House Hotel Oyster S., Galway, L.; dam of winners. APRIL STARLIGHT (USA): 2 wins at 2 years and £16,841 inc. Silver Flash S., Leopardstown, L., 3rd Railway S., Curragh, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: April Frost (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd My Charmer S., Turfway Park; dam of Late Spring (USA): winner at 2 years, 2014 in U.S.A. and £22,783, 3rd Kentucky Downs Juvenile Fillies S., Kentucky Downs. Altius (IRE): 6 wins, £44,722: winner at 2 years, 2nd El Gran Senor S., Tipperary, L., 3rd Beresford S., Curragh, Gr.2; 5 wins in South Africa. Devoted To You (IRE): winner at 2 years and £61,512, 2nd Debutante S., Leopardstown, Gr.2, broodmare. Humble Fifteen (USA): winner at 2 years in U.S.A. and £11,135, 2nd Lady Razorback Futurity, Louisiana Downs; dam of winners. Luxury (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: SHONAN MIGHTY (JPN): won Sankei Osaka Hai, Hanshin, Gr.2, 2nd Yasuda Kinen, Tokyo, Gr.1, 3rd Yasuda Kinen, Tokyo, Gr.1 and Takarazuka Kinen, Hanshin, Gr.1. 214 LOT 215 FROM ALBANY STUD STABLE 198 Danehill Mira Adonde Arazi Glint In Her Eye Wind In Her Hair Northern Dancer Sadler's Wells Fairy Bridge Ela-Mana-Mou Ela Romara Romara B.C. Nominated. Danehill Dancer Jeremy (USA) BAY FILLY (IRE) April 15th, 2013 Elaborate (GB) (1998) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam ELABORATE (GB): placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to FOYER (GB); dam of 3 runners and 7 foals; My Mood (IRE) (2007 f. by King's Best (USA)): placed 4 times at 2 years, broodmare. Winter Storm (IRE) (2009 c. by Dylan Thomas (IRE)): placed once at 3 years in Italy. She also has a yearling colt by Clodovil (IRE). 2nd dam ELA ROMARA: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £80,603 inc. Lowther S., York, Gr.2 and Vodafone Nassau S., Goodwood, Gr.2, placed 3 times inc. 3rd Tattersalls Cheveley Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1 and 4th Nell Gwyn S., Newmarket, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 12 foals inc.: EARLENE (IRE) (f. by In The Wings): 5 wins at 2 and 4 years at home and in France and £86,331 inc. Prix d'Harcourt, Longchamp, Gr.2 and Prix Exbury, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of a winner. FOYER (GB) (c. by Sadler's Wells (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years and £76,372 inc. King Edward VII S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2, placed once; sire. MOSAIC (GB) (c. by Singspiel (IRE)): 3 wins at 3 years in France and £44,847 inc. Prix Scaramouche, Chantilly, L. Mountain Holly (GB): placed once at 3 years; dam of 4 winners inc.: William Hogarth (GB): 4 wins, £44,445: winner at 3 years and placed 6 times; also 3 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years and £34,421, placed 2nd Sandown H. Hurdle, Sandown Park, L. Solaz (IRE): placed 3 times in France; dam of Camelia Rose (FR): 2 wins in France, 2nd Grand Prix de Clairefontaine, Clairefontaine, L. 3rd dam Romara: 2 wins at 3 years and £13,110 4th Goffs Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of 10 winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: MOULTON BOY: 3 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in Hong Kong and £25,791 inc. Queen Mother's Cup, Sha Tin, L. SO ROMANTIC (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy and £32,424 inc. Premio Verziere, Milan, L.; dam of 3 winners. Roman Gunner: 7 wins, £15,016: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £15,016; also 2 wins at 5 and 6 years in Australia 3rd Grand Prix de Bruxelles, Groenendael, L.; also 3 wins over jumps in Australia. Bustara: winner at 2 years; also 4th Premio Regina Elena (1000 Guineas), Rome, Gr.1; dam of 3 winners inc.: YOUNG BUSTER (IRE): won September S., Kempton, Gr.3, 2nd Prince of Wales's S., Ascot, Gr.2, Princess of Wales's S., Newmarket, Gr.2. Temora (IRE): 2 wins, £20,159: winner at 3 years; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £15,258; dam of 3 winners inc.: NEW SOUTH WALES (GB): 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years and £66,778 inc. Killavullan S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, 3rd Henry II S., Sandown, Gr.2. 215 LOT 216 FROM DERRYCONNOR STUD STABLE 129 BAY COLT (IRE) April 28th, 2013 Danehill Mira Adonde Zafonic Sheezalady Canadian Mill Irish River Brief Truce Falafel Images of Flames L'Emigrant Rare Mint B.C. Nominated. Danehill Dancer Fast Company (IRE) Image of Truce (IRE) (1995) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam IMAGE OF TRUCE (IRE): winner at 3 years in Italy and £16,433 and placed 8 times; dam of 4 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals; Benwilt Breeze (IRE) (2002 g. by Mujadil (USA)): 6 wins at 2 to 5 years and £91,401 and placed 9 times inc. 3rd Waterford Testimonial S., Curragh, L. and Abergwaun S., Tipperary, L. Benwilt Barney (IRE) (2007 c. by Trans Island (GB)): 3 wins, £112,441: winner at 2 years and £41,210 and placed once; also 2 wins at 5 years in Hong Kong and £71,231 and placed twice. Benwilt Gold (IRE) (2001 f. by Goldmark (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £29,141 and placed 7 times. Titus Image (IRE) (2000 f. by Titus Livius (FR)): winner at 2 years in Belgium, broodmare. 2nd dam IMAGES OF FLAMES (USA): unraced; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc.: Images of Honor (IRE): 13 wins at 2 to 7 years in Italy and £59,342. 3rd dam RARE MINT (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of 7 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: ROBIN DES PINS (USA): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in France and in West Germany and £234,772 inc. Goldene Peitsche, Baden-Baden, Gr.2; sire. MYSTERY RAYS (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France inc. Prix Minerve, Evry, Gr.3 and Prix Fille de l'Air, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, 3rd Prix Eugene Adam, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2; dam of 6 winners inc.: KING OF HAPPINESS (USA): won Macau Jockey Club Craven S., Newmarket, Gr.3, Inglewood H., Hollywood Park, Gr.3 and 2nd Shoemaker Breeders' Cup Mile S., Hollywood Park, Gr.1. ANANI (USA): won Grand Prix du Lion d'Angers, Le Lion D'Angers, L. Metaphor (USA): winner in France, 2nd Prix de Bagatelle, Deauville, L.; dam of Celestial Lagoon (JPN): winner in France, 3rd Prix Herod, M’-Laffitte, L.; grandam of MARIA GABRIELLA (IRE): 3 wins in France inc. Prix des Lilas, Saint-Cloud, L., INTROVERT (IRE): 2 wins at home and in U.A.E. inc. Meydan Classic, Meydan, L., Night of Light (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014 in France, 2nd Prix d'Aumale, Chantilly, Gr.3, Roatan (GB): 17 wins in France 2nd Prix Scaramouche, Saint-Cloud, L.; third dam of CHAMEUR (FR): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 in France inc. Prix de Pontarme, Saint-Cloud, L. Imia (USA): placed in France, 2nd Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L. AHKAAM (USA): 2 wins at 2 years inc. Beresford S., Curragh, Gr.3. JUBAL DOLLAR (USA): 5 wins in France inc. Prix Isonomy, Evry, L. ROBIN DES BOIS (USA): winner at 2 years in France, Criterium d'Evry, Evry, L., 3rd Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte, M'-Laffitte, Gr.2; sire. Crown Ambassador (USA): 2 wins at 2 years in U.S.A. and £58,262 2nd Surfside S., Hialeah, 3rd Danka Hutcheson S., Gulfstream, Gr.2; sire. 216 LOT 217 FROM DUNSANY STABLES STABLE 148 BAY COLT (IRE) April 5th, 2013 (Second Produce) Royal Applause Lovelace (GB) Loveleaves Key of Luck Carracove (IRE) (2005) Tammany Hall E.B.F. Nominated. Waajib Flying Melody Polar Falcon Rash Chief's Crown Balbonella Petorius Woodland Orchid View at 1st dam CARRACOVE (IRE): placed once at 3 years; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 3 foals: It's In Our Blood (IRE) (2010 f. by Aussie Rules (USA)): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 in Italy and £21,680 and placed 15 times. She also has a yearling filly by Vale of York (IRE). 2nd dam TAMMANY HALL (IRE): ran at 2 and 3; dam of a winner, 5 runners and 7 foals: I Key (IRE): winner at 2 years and £11,796. 3rd dam WOODLAND ORCHID (IRE): ran a few times at 3 years; dam of 6 winners from 11 runners and 12 foals inc.: CD EUROPE (IRE): 6 wins at 2, 5 and 8 years and £129,656 inc. Coventry S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3, 2nd Champagne S., Doncaster, Gr.2. Cedar Sea (IRE): winner at 3 years in France and £23,072, 2nd Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L.; dam of winners inc.: CORSICA (IRE): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £141,601 inc. Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, Gr.3, 3rd St Leger S., Doncaster, Gr.1. TENOR (IRE): 7 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 and £114,441 inc. Nigel & Carolyn Elwes Fortune S., Sandown Park, L. Woodland Chant (USA): unraced; dam of a winner: Iveagh Gardens (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2014; also 2nd G. P. der Deutschen Bank Neue Bult Cup, Hannover, L. 4th dam Rose de Thai (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £32,654, 2nd Prix d'Automne, Longchamp, L. and 3rd Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of 3 winners from 4 runners and 4 foals: D'ANJOU (GB): 7 wins at 3 to 7 years at home and in U.A.E. and £217,450 inc. BBC World Al Fahidi Fort S., Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3. TRUTH OR DARE (GB): 6 wins at 3 to 6 years at home and in France and £58,893 inc. Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial S., Leopardstown, Gr.3. SANDSTONE (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Turkey inc. Newmarket S., Newmarket, L., 2nd Gran Premio Citta' di Napoli, Gr.3. The next dam Reve de Reine (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France, 2nd Prix Vanteaux, Longchamp, Gr.3; dam of 9 winners, 11 runners and 14 foals inc.: ROI DE ROME (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France inc. Prix de Guiche, Longchamp, Gr.3; sire. Resquilleuse (USA): winner at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: FLASH DANCE (IRE): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in Germany and £100,322 inc. Tiger Hill-Cup, Hannover, L. Cas Royaux (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Too Marvelous (FR): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in France; dam of Earth Amber (GB): 2nd Sagaro S., Ascot, Gr.3; also winner in France. 217 LOT 218 FROM ROCKVIEW STUD (CO. MEATH) STABLE 188 BAY COLT (IRE) February 28th, 2013 Green Desert Hope Sadler's Wells Wyola Rubies From Burma Kris S Brocco Anytime Ms Val de L'Orne Sugar Hollow Sporty Bird B.C. Nominated. Oasis Dream Approve (IRE) Sugars for Nanny (USA) (1996) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SUGARS FOR NANNY (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £72,777 and placed 5 times; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals: Striving Storm (USA) (2004 g. by Stormin Fever (USA)): winner at 2 years and £20,772 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Classic Trial, Sandown Park, Gr.3 and 3rd Horris Hill S., Newbury, Gr.3; also placed once at 2 years in France, 2nd Prix Francois Boutin, Deauville, L., died at 5. Brocket Man (USA) (2007 g. by Yankee Gentleman (USA)): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £30,084 and placed 4 times. Pat's Legacy (USA) (2006 g. by Yankee Gentleman (USA)): 7 wins, £45,219: 4 wins at 5 and 7 years, 2013 and £18,344 and placed 10 times; also 3 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £26,875. Refined (USA) (2005 f. by Forest Camp (USA)): 3 wins in U.S.A. and £14,577 and placed twice. Arrow Storm (USA) (2008 g. by Sunday Break (JPN)): winner at 3 years and placed once. Elusive Sugar (USA) (2003 f. by Elusive Quality (USA)): winner at 2 years in Canada and £15,843; dam of 2 winners inc.: Rocking Out (USA) (c. by Include (USA)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and £62,066, placed 3rd Ziggy's Boy S., Belmont Park. Sherry For Nanny (IRE) (2011 f. by Amadeus Wolf (GB)): placed 4 times at 2 years, 2013. 2nd dam SUGAR HOLLOW (USA): unraced; dam of 5 winners, 11 runners, 12 foals inc.: Cruachan (USA) (c. by Lear Fan (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years and £112,978, 2nd Dubai Champion S., Newmarket, Gr.1; sire. Banbury (USA) (g. by Silver Hawk (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 5 years and £36,675, 2nd Foster's Silver Cup Rated S., York, L. Couverture (USA): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: BACIALE (IRE): 6 wins in Italy inc. Premio Campobello, Milan, L., Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Milan, L., 3rd P. Guido Berardelli, Rome, Gr.2. IL FORTINO (IRE): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £52,924 inc. Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Milan, L. 3rd dam SPORTY BIRD: 2 wins at 3 in U.S.A.; dam of 5 winners, 5 runners, 9 foals inc.: LITTLE BIG CHIEF (USA): 6 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. inc. Kindergarten S., Liberty Bell, Gr.3, 2nd Sapling S., Monmouth, Gr.1; sire. Sporting Flight (USA): 17 wins in U.S.A., 2nd California Jockey Club H., Bay Meadows and 3rd Hillsborough H., Bay Meadows; grandam of WILD WILLOW (USA): won Juan Gonzalez Memorial S., Pleasanton; third dam of WILLOWY (ARG): won Clasico Omega, San Isidro, Gr.3 (twice) and Clasico Eudoro J Balsa, San Isidro, Gr.3, 2nd Clasico Carlos Tomkinson, Palermo, Gr.2, Clasico Polla de Potrancas, La Plata, Gr.2. 218 LOT 219 FROM MANTON STABLES STABLE 222 BAY OR BROWN FILLY (GB) March 30th, 2013 Roderic O'Connor (IRE) Precautionary (GB) (2003) Galileo Secret Garden Green Desert Well Warned E.B.F. Nominated. Sadler's Wells Urban Sea Danehill Chalamont Danzig Foreign Courier Warning Well Beyond View at 1st dam PRECAUTIONARY (GB): placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 6 foals: Best Be Careful (IRE) (2008 f. by Exceed And Excel (AUS)): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years and £20,934 and placed 12 times. Summer Stroll (IRE) (2012 f. by Hurricane Run (IRE)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed 5 times. 2nd dam Well Warned (GB): winner at 2 years and £14,578 and placed 6 times inc. 3rd Cherry Hinton S., Newmarket, Gr.2, Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr.3; Own sister to OUT OF REACH (GB); dam of 3 winners, 8 runners and 15 foals: PROHIBIT (GB) (g. by Oasis Dream (GB)): 9 wins at home, in France and in U.A.E. and £507,727 inc. King's Stand S., Ascot, Gr.1, Qatar Prix du Petit Couvert, Longchamp, Gr.3 and Scarbrough S., Doncaster, L., placed 2nd Prix du Gros-Chene, Chantilly, Gr.2, Bullet Sprint S., Beverley, L., 3rd Nunthorpe S., York, Gr.1, Temple S., Haydock Park, Gr.2, Dubai Airport World Trophy, Newbury, Gr.3, Pavilion S., Ascot, L. PRIOR WARNING (GB) (c. by Barathea (IRE)): 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in France and in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £82,111 inc. Prix Montenica, Deauville, L. and Prix Sigy, Chantilly, L., placed 2nd Prix Djebel, Maisons-Laffitte, L., 3rd Criterium du Languedoc, Toulouse, L. EMERGENCY (GB) (f. by Dr Fong (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £77,649 inc. Prix Amandine, Deauville, L., 2nd Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, Gr.3 and 3rd Prix du Pin, Longchamp, Gr.3; dam of a winner: Immediate (GB): winner at 2 years, 2014 in France and £10,417. Hazardous (GB): placed once at 3 years in France; dam of winners: Ivestar (IRE): 4 wins at 5, 7 and 8 years, 2013 and £15,791. Hazard Warning (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years, 2013 and placed 7 times. Heat (GB): unraced; dam of a winner: Cardinal Palace (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years, 2013 and £18,293. 3rd dam WELL BEYOND (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £18,414 inc. October S., Ascot, L.; dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals inc.: OUT OF REACH (GB): 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £85,341 inc. Brown Bess H., Golden Gate, Gr.3 and Ford Atalanta S., Sandown Park, L., placed 3rd Trusted Partner Matron S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Wilshire H., Hollywood Park, Gr.3; dam of winners. Tarot Card (GB): winner at 2 years and £15,238; dam of winners inc.: My Reward (GB): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £13,440 and placed once, 3rd Tote EBF Stallions Silver Tankard S., Pontefract, L. Over Rating (GB): placed 5 times at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Abbakova (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2013 and £19,766, 2nd Tipperary S., Tipperary, L. and 3rd Cold Move EBF Marble Hill S., Curragh, L. 219 LOT 220 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 22 BAY FILLY (IRE) January 16th, 2013 Danehill Allegheny River Fairy King Lindfield Belle Tecmessa Bluebird Blues Traveller Natuschka Cyrano de Bergerac Daffodil Dale Supreme Crown B.C. Nominated. Danetime Baltic King (GB) Bacchanalia (IRE) (1999) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam BACCHANALIA (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 8 foals inc.: Granny Peel (IRE) (2004 f. by Redback (GB)): 4 wins at 2 years and £17,643 and placed 6 times, broodmare. Bachotheque (IRE) (2010 g. by Chineur (FR)): 4 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2014 and £26,631 and placed 6 times. She also has a yearling colt by Kodiac (GB). 2nd dam DAFFODIL DALE (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed 7 times; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 6 foals inc.: Midnight Special (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of a winner. 3rd dam SUPREME CROWN (USA): unraced; dam of 5 winners, 8 runners, 9 foals inc.: Tough Guy (IRE): 8 wins, £85,035: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £17,300; also 5 wins in Norway and in Sweden, £67,735, 2nd Swedish Open Mile, Taby, L., Polar Million Cup, Ovrevoll, L., 3rd Polar Mile Cup, Ovrevoll, L., Pramms Memorial, Jagersro, L. and Swedish Open Mile, Taby, L. 4th dam SHARE THE FANTASY (USA): 3 wins at 2 years in U.S.A. and £60,202 inc. Spinaway S., Saratoga, Gr.1, 2nd Matron S., Belmont, Gr.1, Schuylerville S., Saratoga, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: Wesaam (USA): 4 wins, £116,286: 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2nd Sirenia S., Kempton Park, L.; also 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.S.A., 2nd Laurel Turf Cup H., Gr.3, 3rd Louisiana Downs H., Louisiana Dns, Gr.3; sire. Ruby Wedding (USA): winner at 2 years in U.S.A. and £19,415 and placed once, 3rd Maker's Mark S., Hollywood Park, L.; dam of winners. Share the Fun (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: Cape Good Hope (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Dover S., Delaware Park, L., Sophomore Sprint Championship S., Mountaineer Park, L. and NATC Futurity, Delaware Park, L. Varus (USA): unraced; dam of Scotland (USA): 2 wins, 2014 in U.S.A., 3rd Jerome S., Aqueduct, Gr.2 and Withers S., Aqueduct, Gr.3. Erimo Fantasy (USA): placed twice at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc.: ERIMO EXCEL (JPN): won Yushun Himba (Oaks), L., Fuchu Himba S., Tokyo, L., Toyota Sho Chukyo Kinen, L., Mermaid S., Hanshin, L. Erimo Passion (JPN): placed once in Japan; dam of ERIMO BRIAN (JPN): won Sportsnippon Sho Stayer's S., Nakayama, L., 3rd Hanshin Daishoten, Gr.2, Erimo Charmant (JPN): 4 wins in Japan, 2nd Sportsnippon Sho Stayer's S., Nakayama, L., Manyo S., Kyoto, L. Lismore Lady (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: LISMORE KNIGHT (USA): won Summer S., Woodbine, Gr.2, Arlington Classic S., Arlington, Gr.2, 3rd Secretariat S., Arlington Gr.1. 220 LOT 221 FROM OGHILL HOUSE STUD (AGENT) STABLE 147 BAY FILLY (IRE) January 28th, 2013 Bushranger (IRE) Creekhaven (IRE) (2002) E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Allegheny River Efisio Danz Danz Darcey Bussell Indian Ridge Definite Article Summer Fashion Common Grounds Coolrain Lady Moneycashen B.C. Nominated. Danetime View at 1st dam CREEKHAVEN (IRE): placed 6 times at 4 years; Own sister to LA VITA E BELLA (IRE); dam of 2 winners from 4 runners and 6 foals: Lechevalier Choisi (IRE) (2008 c. by Choisir (AUS)): 2 wins, £59,912: winner at 3 years and £16,902 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd City of York S., York, L.; also winner at 5 years, 2013 in Hong Kong and £43,010. Robin's Choice (IRE) (2011 f. by Bushranger (IRE)): winner at 4 years, 2015 and placed 3 times. She also has a yearling colt by Approve (IRE). 2nd dam COOLRAIN LADY (IRE): placed 12 times at 3 and 4 years; dam of 5 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: BELLA TUSA (IRE) (f. by Sri Pekan (USA)): 3 wins at 2 years and £53,530 inc. Harry Rosebery S., Ayr, L. and Dragon S., Sandown Park, L., 3rd Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte, M’-Laffitte, Gr.2; dam of winners. LA VITA E BELLA (IRE) (f. by Definite Article (GB)): 2 wins at 2 years and £60,568 inc. EBF Montrose S., Newmarket, L., 2nd Prix Saint-Roman, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: Wittgenstein (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in U.S.A., 2nd Torrey Pines S., Del Mar, L. and 3rd Blue Norther S., Santa Anita, L. Endless Love (IRE): unraced; dam of DUTCH CONNECTION (GB): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £83,115 inc. Tattersalls Acomb S., York, Gr.3, 3rd Goffs Vincent O'Brien National S., Curragh, Gr.1, Dutch Romance (GB): winner at 2 years, 2013, 3rd Radley S., Newbury, L. Princess Petardia (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: Ideechic (FR): 3 wins at 2 years in France and £60,874, 2nd Prix des Jouvenceaux et des Jouvencelles, Vichy, L. Sharplaw Destiny (IRE): ran at 2 and 3 years; dam of 4 winners inc.: Scappa Michelino (IRE): 5 wins: 3 wins at 2 years in Italy; also 2 wins over jumps in Italy, 2nd Premio Ettore Tagliabue Hurdle, Merano, L. Light The Rocket (IRE): 2 wins and placed 6 times. 3rd dam MONEYCASHEN: 4 wins: winner at 3 years; also 3 wins over hurdles at 3 years; dam of 4 winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.: Crown: 5 wins, £44,120: 3 wins at 3 years, 3rd Britannia S. H., Royal Ascot, L.; also 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in France and in U.S.A. Ring Moylan: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners inc.: Much Pleasure (SAF): winner in South Africa, 2nd Natal Guineas, Greyville, L. and 3rd Summerveld S., Greyville, Gr.3. Gallic Ring (SAF): winner in South Africa, 2nd Ladies Mile, Scottsville, L. and 3rd Gosforth Park Fillies & Mares H., Gosforth Park, Gr.3. Secret Ring (SAF): winner, 2nd Topsp. Bloodline Million, Turffontein, L. Honeyfields: placed once in Brazil; dam of winners inc.: NEYFIELDS (BRZ): won Grande Premio Governador do Estado, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3, G. P. Vinte e Nove de Outubro, Cidade Jardim, Gr.3. 221 LOT 222 FROM PAUL FLYNN RACING THE PROPERTY OF MR. PATRICK MONAHAN STABLE 230 Green Desert Rafha Cozzene Cozy Maria Mariamme Sadler's Wells King's Theatre Regal Beauty Alzao Solar Crystal Crystal Spray B.C. Nominated. Invincible Spirit Zebedee (GB) BAY FILLY (IRE) April 1st, 2013 Crystal Theatre (IRE) (2000) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam CRYSTAL THEATRE (IRE): placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals: Hot Wing (IRE) (2007 c. by Hawk Wing (USA)): 8 wins at 2 to 6 years, 2013 in Denmark and in Norway and £67,552 and placed 24 times. Tongariki (IRE) (2009 c. by Peintre Celebre (USA)): 2 wins at 3 years in France and £18,486 and placed twice. Bid Art (IRE) (2005 g. by Hawk Wing (USA)): placed twice at 2 years; also winner over fences at 5 years and placed 10 times. Breenainthemycra (IRE) (2011 c. by Jeremy (USA)): placed twice at 3, 2014. Erin's Grace (IRE) (2010 f. by Tagula (IRE)): placed once at 4 years, 2014 in Sweden. 2nd dam SOLAR CRYSTAL (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £53,595 inc. May Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.3, 3rd P.Marcel Boussac-Criterium des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of 5 winners from 11 runners and 13 foals inc.: Feared In Flight (IRE) (g. by Hawk Wing (USA)): winner at 2 years and £45,761, 3rd Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1. Solar Power (FR): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in France and £24,439. Mango Groove (IRE): ran a few times; dam of a winner: Cristal Fashion (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2013 and £17,454, 2nd Irish Stallion Farms EBF Salsabil S., Navan, L. 3rd dam CRYSTAL SPRAY: winner at 4; dam of 7 winners, 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: CRYSTAL MUSIC (USA): 3 wins at 2 years and £235,571 inc. Meon Valley Stud Fillies' Mile S., Ascot, Gr.1, 2nd Coronation S., Royal Ascot, Gr.1 and Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1; dam of winners: Crystal Maze (GB): unraced; dam of OCOVANGO (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 in France and £172,206 inc. Prix Greffulhe, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, 3rd Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1. DUBAI SUCCESS (GB): 3 wins at 3 to 5 years and £128,817 inc. Dubai Irish Village John Porter S., Newbury, Gr.3, 2nd Geoffrey Freer S., Newbury, Gr.2 and 3rd Princess of Wales's S., Newmarket, Gr.2. STATE CRYSTAL (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £76,856 inc. Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr.3, 3rd Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr.1 and Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: Time Crystal (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of SPARKLING PORTRAIT (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years inc. Glasgow S., Hamilton Park, L. Top Crystal (IRE): ran once; dam of THREE ROCKS (IRE): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and £129,215 inc. Minstrel S., Curragh, Gr.3. Tchaikovsky (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £83,127, 2nd Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, 3rd Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1. Crystal Melody (GB): unraced; dam of winners inc.: GRANDE MELODY (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years in France and in U.S.A. and £93,342 inc. Dahlia H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2. 222 LOT 223 FROM HARRISTOWN MANOR STABLES STABLE 185 CHESNUT COLT (IRE) April 20th, 2013 Oasis Dream Frozen Power (IRE) Musical Treat Mujadil Pardoned (IRE) (1997) Licentious E.B.F. Nominated. Green Desert Hope Royal Academy Mountain Ash Storm Bird Vallee Secrete Reprimand Gunner's Belle View at 1st dam PARDONED (IRE): placed 3 times at 2 years; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 9 foals: Proper (IRE) (2004 g. by Rossini (USA)): 7 wins, £27,684: 5 wins at 2 to 4 years and £20,568 and placed 8 times; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and placed once. River Captain (IRE) (2006 c. by Captain Rio (GB)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £48,534 and placed twice. Super Wind (IRE) (2009 c. by Desert Style (IRE)): winner at 4 years, 2013 in Italy and placed twice. Captains Hero (IRE) (2012 f. by Captain Rio (GB)): unraced to date. 2nd dam LICENTIOUS (GB): ran twice at 2; dam of 3 winners, 6 runners and 8 foals inc.: Perestroika (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years and placed 5 times. 3rd dam GUNNER'S BELLE: 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 6 times; dam of 6 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: HOH MAGIC (GB): Champion 2yr old filly in Europe in 1994, 4 wins at 2 years at home and in France and £170,272 inc. Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1, Molecomb S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and Dragon Trophy, Sandown Park, L., 3rd July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Queen Mary S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3. Magic Sister (GB): placed once at 3 years; dam of a winner: RAJEEM (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £140,152 inc. Falmouth S., Newmarket, Gr.1 and EBF Montrose S., Newmarket, L. Sister Golightly (GB): unraced; dam of Jeanne Girl (IRE): winner at 2 years, 2014 and £22,280, placed 2nd Grangecon Stud Balanchine S., Curragh, Gr.3, Jack Boy (IRE): 9 wins at 2 to 6 years, 2015 in France and in Italy, £71,257, placed 3rd Premio UNIRE, Rome, L. Poldhu (GB): unraced; dam of Maid A Million (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 and £26,116, 3rd EBF Stallions October S., Ascot, L. 4th dam CRIMSON BELLE: 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed once; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: CRIMSON BEAU: 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in France and £96,652 inc. Prince of Wales's S., Royal Ascot, Gr.2, Prix de la Cote Normande, Deauville, Gr.3 and Extel H., Goodwood, L., 2nd Benson & Hedges Gold Cup, York, Gr.1, Coral Eclipse S., Sandown, Gr.1; sire. CRIMSON PIRATE: 18 wins at home and in Belgium inc. Prix Albert de Liedekerke, Boitsfort, L. and Prix Fernand du Roy de Blicquy, Sterrebeek, L. (twice), placed 2nd Prix Baron Vaxelaire, Ostend, L.; sire. High Spring: 3 wins in Belgium, placed 3rd Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Groenendael, L. 223 LOT 224 FROM GLOCCA MORRA BLOODSTOCK STABLE 235 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 17th, 2013 (Fourth Produce) Sadler's Wells Floripedes Darshaan Gwynn Victoress Green Desert Kheleyf Society Lady Forty Niner Yukon Hope Sahara Forest B.C. Nominated. Montjeu Pour Moi (IRE) Poetry Aloud (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam POETRY ALOUD (IRE): unraced; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 4 foals: BIG VIOLETT (IRE) (2012 f. by Haatef (USA)): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 in Italy, £25,522 inc. Criterium dell'Immacolata, Siracusa, L., placed 3 times. Cousin Melchior (IRE) (2010 c. by Kodiac (GB)): placed once at 2 years, died at 2. 2nd dam YUKON HOPE (USA): placed 5 times at 3 years; dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 11 foals: INDEPENDENCE (GB) (f. by Selkirk (USA)): 4 wins at 3 years and £94,512 inc. Peugeot Sun Chariot S., Newmarket, Gr.2, Trusted Partner Matron S., Curragh, Gr.3 and London Clubs Fern Hill Rated S., Ascot, L., placed 4 times inc. 3rd Oak Tree S., Goodwood, L.; dam of winners inc.: MOUNT NELSON (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years at home and in France and £459,136 inc. Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1 and Criterium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, placed 3rd Arlington Million S., Gr.1 and Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3; sire. MONITOR CLOSELY (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £272,721 inc. Great Voltigeur S., York, Gr.2, 3rd St Leger S., Doncaster, Gr.1, Cumberland Lodge S., Ascot, Gr.3, Hampton Court S., Ascot, L.; sire. Teslin (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £76,677 and placed 4 times; also placed 4 times at 4, 8 and 9 years, 2013 in U.A.E. and £20,955. Party Feet (IRE): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Love And Cherish (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2013 and £21,183 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Trigo S., Leopardstown, L. Refuse To Give Up (IRE): ran once; dam of a winner: Snap Shots (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £18,352 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Dragon S., Sandown Park, L. 3rd dam SAHARA FOREST (GB): unraced; dam of 3 runners and 6 foals: Fishy (GB): unraced; dam of winners inc.: Pensiero Migliore (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £22,661. 4th dam HOME ON THE RANGE: 5 wins at 3 years inc. Sun Chariot S., Newmarket, Gr.2, 4th Yorkshire Oaks, Gr.1; dam of 3 winners, 3 runners, 5 foals inc.: REFERENCE POINT: Champion 2yr old in Europe in 1986, Champion 3yr old in Europe in 1987, 7 wins at 2 and 3 years and £774,368 inc. Ever Ready Derby S., Epsom, Gr.1, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S., Ascot, Gr.1, Holsten Pils St Leger S., Doncaster, Gr.1, William Hill Futurity S., Doncaster, Gr.1, Mecca-Dante S., York, Gr.2 and Great Voltigeur S., York, Gr.2, 2nd Coral Eclipse S., Sandown Park, Gr.1; sire. Known Ranger: 19 wins, £235,553: 4 wins at 3 years; also 15 wins in U.S.A., 2nd Kelso H., Belmont Park, Gr.3, Fort Harrod S., Keeneland, L. 224 LOT 225 FROM PARK HILL STUD STABLE 209 Mozart Dandy Man (IRE) BAY FILLY (IRE) March 31st, 2013 Lady Alexander Goldenfort Queen (IRE) (1998) Distinctly North Sphinx E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Victoria Cross Night Shift Sandhurst Goddess Minshaanshu Amad Distinctiveness Alpenkonig Senitza View at 1st dam GOLDENFORT QUEEN (IRE): unraced; dam of 2 winners from 5 runners and 9 foals; Twin Peaks (IRE) (2002 g. by Monashee Mountain (USA)): 7 wins, £18,749: winner; also 6 wins at 4 to 6 years in Belgium, placed 7 times. Mountain Bike (IRE) (2003 c. by Monashee Mountain (USA)): winner at 3 years in Greece and placed 4 times. 2nd dam SPHINX (GER): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in West Germany and 40,800 D.M.; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.: RADAMES (IRE) (c. by Law Society (USA)): 8 wins at 3, 4 and 7 years in Italy and £136,814 inc. Corsa dell'Arno Limited H., Firenze, L. SUPLIZI (IRE) (c. by Alzao (USA)): 5 wins, £59,036: 3 wins at home and in Italy inc. Premio Lazio, Rome, L., 2nd Gordon S., Goodwood, Gr.3 and 3rd Craven S., Newmarket, Gr.3; also 2 wins over hurdles. Hieroglyphic (IRE) (c. by Darshaan): 4 wins 3rd Doncaster Cup, Gr.3; also 2nd P. UNIRE Consiglio Europeo Roma Vecchia, Rome, Gr.3. Cairo Prince (IRE) (c. by Darshaan): winner 2nd Sagaro S., Ascot, Gr.3. 3rd dam SENITZA: 2 wins in Germany; dam of 5 winners from 7 runners, 7 foals inc.: Salesiana (GER): 3 wins in West Germany; dam of 7 winners inc.: SONNENKRANICH (GER): won Rudolf Oetker-Rennen, Krefeld, L. and 3rd Moet & Chandon Zukunfts-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.2. Salonrolle (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years in Germany and £17,560 3rd ARAG Preis (1000 Guineas), Dusseldorf, Gr.2; dam of PEPPERTREE LANE (IRE): 10 wins, £260,827: 9 wins inc. Curragh Cup, Gr.3, SALONHONOR (GER): won Grosser Radeberger Pilsner Preis, Dresden, L., 2nd Volkswagen Preis der Deutschen Einheit, Hoppegarten, Gr.3, SALONBLUE (IRE): won Baden-Baden Cup, Baden-Baden, L., 2nd Lotto Hessen Pokal, Frankfurt, Gr.3; grandam of SAPHIR (GER): won Bavarian Classic, Munich, Gr.3, MONBLUE (GB): won Premio Tadolina Memorial Patrizio Galli, Rome, L., SALON SOLDIER (GER): won Melbourne Cup Day Plate, Flemington, L., 3rd Bavarian Classic, Munich, Gr.3, SAINT PELLERIN (GER): won Criterium du Fonds Europeen de L'Elevage, Deauville, L. Saite (GER): winner in West Germany; dam of SALDE (GER): 3 wins in Germany inc. Dortmunder Stutenpreis, Dortmund, L.; grandam of SWEET WAKE (GER): won Grosser Mercedes-Benz Preis, BadenBaden, Gr.2, SALDENSCHWINGE (GER): won Deutscher Stutenpreis, Hannover, Gr.3, SALDENTIGERIN (GER): Champion 3yr old filly in Germany in 2004, won Baden-Wurttemberg-Trophy, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, 2nd Preis von Europa, Cologne, Gr.1; third dam of SALOMINA (GER): Champion 3yr old filly in Germany in 2012, won Henkel Preis der Diana, Dusseldorf, Gr.1, SERIENHOEHE (IRE): won Maurice Lacroix-Trophy, Baden-Baden, Gr.3. 225 LOT 226 FROM CARRICK O'BRIEN STABLES STABLE 225 BAY FILLY (IRE) February 13th, 2013 Danehill Mira Adonde Arazi Glint In Her Eye Wind In Her Hair Nureyev Soviet Star Veruschka Riva Ridge Ridge The Times Oath of Allegiance B.C. Nominated. Danehill Dancer Jeremy (USA) Soviet Times (IRE) (2001) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SOVIET TIMES (IRE): ran once at 4 years; dam of 2 runners and 5 foals; Jahanshah (IRE) (2010 c. by Jeremy (USA)): placed 5 times at 3 years in France. 2nd dam RIDGE THE TIMES (USA): winner at 2 years; dam of 9 winners from 12 runners and 12 foals inc.: PHARAOH'S DELIGHT (f. by Fairy King (USA)): 3 wins at 2 years and £215,072 inc. Heinz 57 Phoenix S., Phoenix Park, Gr.1, 2nd Moyglare Stud S., Curragh, Gr.1, 3rd Keeneland Nunthorpe S., York, Gr.1, Ladbroke Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr.1 and Ciga Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of 7 winners inc.: PHARMACIST (IRE): winner at 2 years, Rochestown S., Leopardstown, L.; dam of RED ROCKS (IRE): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £1,623,004 inc. Man O'War S., Belmont Park, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Turf, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, 2nd Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd St Leger S., York, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Turf, Monmouth Park, Gr.1; sire, BLUE CORAL (IRE): 9 wins at home, in Austria, in Czech Republic, in Italy and in Slovakia inc. Premio Giubileo, Milan, L., MEDICINAL (IRE): 7 wins, £126,990: 3 wins at home and in France inc. Silver S., Leopardstown, L., 3rd Royal Whip S., Curragh, Gr.2; also 3 wins over fences, 2nd Buck House Novice Chase, Punchestown, L. and winner over jumps at 5 years in France, GALVAUN (IRE): 3 wins at 3 years in France inc. Prix Solitude, Saint-Cloud, L., 3rd Prix de Royallieu, Longchamp, Gr.2. Phariseek (IRE): winner at 2 years 2nd Celebration S., Curragh, L.; dam of HISAABAAT (IRE): 4 wins, £144,339: 2 wins at 3 and 6 years, 2014; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years, AES Champion 4yo Hurdle, Punchestown, L., Spring Juvenile Hurdle, Leopardstown, L. Pyramid Painter (IRE): unraced; dam of GREEN ROCK (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in France and £76,721 inc. The Baileys Criterium de l'Ouest, Craon, L., 3rd Prix Greffulhe, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2. Dookus (IRE): ran on the flat in France; dam of US LAW (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years in France and £86,902 inc. Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr.3, 3rd Criterium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1. KATEB (IRE) (c. by Pennine Walk): 12 wins at 3 to 5 years at home, in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £102,474 inc. Pokallob, Klampenborg, L. (twice), Dansk Eclipse S., Klampenborg, L. (twice); sire. Tobaranama (IRE) (f. by Sadler's Wells (USA)): winner at 3 years 3rd Mitsubishi Diamond Vision EBF S., Curragh, L.; dam of 3 winners. El Opera (IRE): 2 wins at 3 years; grandam of Rutland Boy (GB): 4 wins, £46,183: winner at 2 years; also 3 wins at 4 years in U.A.E. and £43,344 3rd Longines Al Maktoum Challenge Round 1, Meydan, Gr.2. Kingsridge (IRE): winner at 3 years; dam of 5 winners inc.: Silvertrees (IRE): 4 wins, £241,858: winner at 2 years, 2nd Acomb S., York, Gr.3; also 3 wins at 4 to 6 years, 2014 in Hong Kong. 226 LOT 227 FROM CORRIG VIEW STABLES STABLE 217 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 26th, 2013 (First Produce) Mozart Dandy Man (IRE) Lady Alexander Bloomsday Babe (USA) (2006) Cherokee Run County Fair E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Victoria Cross Night Shift Sandhurst Goddess Runaway Groom Cherokee Dame Mr Prospector Ten Cents A Kiss View at 1st dam BLOOMSDAY BABE (USA): ran; She also has a yearling colt by Roderic O'Connor (IRE). 2nd dam COUNTY FAIR (USA): ran on the flat in U.S.A. at 3 years; dam of 5 winners from 12 runners and 15 foals inc.: STEAMING HOME (USA) (f. by Salt Lake (USA)): 2 wins at 2 years and £51,289 inc. Round Tower S., Curragh, L.; dam of 6 winners inc.: STEAMING KITTEN (USA): 3 wins at 3 years, 2014 in Italy and £105,278 inc. Premio Del Giubileo, Milan, Gr.3. BACKSEAT MEMORIES (USA): won Mambo Meister S., Calder and Showing Up S., Gulfstream Park. 3rd dam TEN CENTS A KISS (USA): 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £12,637; dam of 10 winners from 15 runners and 15 foals inc.: CORPORATE REPORT (USA): 3 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £553,320 inc. Travers S., Saratoga, Gr.1, 2nd Haskell Invitational H., Monmouth Park, Gr.1 and Preakness S., Pimlico, Gr.1; sire. DRACHMA (USA): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £160,203 inc. Gallant Man S., Saratoga, Gr.3, 3rd Remsen S., Aqueduct, Gr.1. Swiss Affair (USA): winner at 2 years 3rd Gimcrack S., York, Gr.2. Dance Hall Miss (USA): 3 wins in U.S.A.; dam of 8 winners inc.: D'S DANCING SOPHIE (USA): won Minnesota Distaff Classic Championship, Canterbury Down, MTA Stallion Auction S. (fillies), Canterbury Down, Minnesota Oaks, Canterbury Down. DANCING PRIZE (USA): won Minnesota Oaks, Canterbury Down; grandam of BERT'SLITTLESISTER (USA): won Minnesota Oaks, Arlington International, Rustic Road (USA): 2nd Northern Lights Futurity, Canterbury Park. Dance Hall Prize (USA): winner in U.S.A., 2nd Northern Lights Futurity, Canterbury Park, 3rd Minnesota Derby, Canterbury Park, L. Prior Lake Lady (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Northern Lights Debutante S., Canterbury Park. Annual Report (USA): 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 5 winners inc.: Short Note (USA): winner in U.S.A., 2nd Comely S., Aqueduct, Gr.3. Button Raise (USA): winner in U.S.A., 3rd Whirlaway S., Aqueduct, L. Veil Dance (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 8 winners inc.: MAJOR SUCCESS (USA): won Palos Verdes H., Santa Anita, Gr.2. Maybe A Kiss (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of 3 winners inc.: Centurn (USA): winner in U.S.A.; dam of CIENTO (USA): won Viva El Paso H., Sunland Park, L., Dine's Derby, Sunray Park, L. Kiss It Better (AUS): placed once in Australia; grandam of MOOZOON (NZ): won Tiger Prawn Desert Gold S., Trentham, Gr.3. Cranberry Island (USA): placed once in U.S.A.; grandam of GOLD ACCENT (USA): won Duchess of York S., Stampede Park. 227 LOT 228 FROM PONDEROSA STUD STABLE 186 BAY COLT (IRE) March 11th, 2013 (First Produce) Excellent Art (GB) Evelyn May (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. Polar Falcon Fearless Revival Seeking The Gold Obsessive Secret Obsession Royal Applause Acclamation Princess Athena Lady Royal Abjar Eberspacher Samriah B.C. Nominated. Pivotal View at 1st dam EVELYN MAY (IRE): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years and £18,850 and placed 10 times. She also has a yearling colt by Excelebration (IRE). 2nd dam LADY EBERSPACHER (IRE): placed 4 times at 2 years; dam of 2 winners from 7 runners and 9 foals: Evelyn May (IRE): see above. Indian Lady (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed 6 times. 3rd dam SAMRIAH (IRE): unraced; dam of 5 winners from 9 runners and 9 foals; Voile (IRE): winner at 2 years and £30,110 and placed 6 times inc. 2nd Empress S., Newmarket, L., 3rd Princess Margaret S., Ascot, Gr.3 and Totepool Chartwell S., Lingfield Park, Gr.3; dam of winners inc.: Jubilee Brig (GB): 4 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2014 and £21,235 and placed 11 times; also winner at 4 years, 2014 in France. Tower Power (GB): 2 wins at 3 years, 2014 and placed twice. Baby Grand (IRE): 5 wins at 2 years and £19,387; dam of winners inc.: RUNNING FREE (USA): won Harry F Brubaker H., Del Mar, L., TVG Khaled S., Hollywood Park, L., Quicken Tree S., Hollywood Park, L., 2nd TVG Khaled S., Hollywood Park, L., California Cup Mile H., Santa Anita, L., 3rd California Cup Mile H., Santa Anita, L., Crystal Water H., Santa Anita, L. and Quicken Tree S., Hollywood Park, L. One Step Ahead (IRE): 4 wins at 3, 5 and 7 years in Hong Kong, £391,046. Cedar Master (IRE): 3 wins, £40,814: 2 wins at 2 and 5; winner over hurdles. Bishop's Wood (IRE): winner at 2 years and placed once. 4th dam Top Treat (USA): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £12,833, placed 3rd Venus Fillies S., Kempton Park, L. and 4th Federation Brewery Beeswing S., Newcastle, Gr.3; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: Ela Man Howa (GB): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £14,790. Rehaab (GB): 3 wins at 3 to 5 years and £15,655; dam of winners. The next dam DOWRY (USA): unraced; dam of 6 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: ESTATE (USA): 14 wins at 2 to 8 years in U.S.A. and £272,228 inc. San Simeon H., Santa Anita, Gr.3 and Independence H., Louisiana Downs, placed 23 times inc. 2nd C B Afflerbaugh S., Fairplex Park, L., 3rd Alliance S., Louisiana Downs, Haggin S., Hollywood Park, Jim Foti Memorial S., Louisiana Downs, Tenacious H., Fair Grounds, Eillo S., Santa Anita, L. and 4th Los Angeles H., Hollywood Park, Gr.3; sire. Bottom Drawer (USA): placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: WINDSIDER (USA): won Derby du Languedoc, Toulouse, L., Prix du Docteur Branere, Dax, L., 2nd Derby de l'Ouest, Nantes, L., 3rd Grand Prix de Bordeaux, L. and Grand Prix de Nantes, Nantes, L. 228 LOT 229 FROM CROHANE HOUSE STABLE 211 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 25th, 2013 (Third Produce) Gone West Silken Cat Theatrical Green Room Chain Fern Lyphard Alzao Lady Rebecca Diesis Air of Approval High Competence B.C. Nominated. Speightstown Lord Shanakill (USA) Happy To Chat (IRE) (2002) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam HAPPY TO CHAT (IRE): winner at 3 years and £20,844 and placed 6 times; dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 3 foals; Rio Command (IRE) (2007 g. by Captain Rio (GB)): placed 3 times at 2 years; also 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Hong Kong, £127,031 and placed twice. Neighbourly (IRE) (2008 f. by Iffraaj (GB)): placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years; also winner over hurdles at 4 years and placed twice. 2nd dam AIR OF APPROVAL (USA): winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of 2 winners from 2 runners and 3 foals inc.: Scattered Sunshine (IRE): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in Morocco. 3rd dam HIGH COMPETENCE (USA): 2 wins at 3 years at home and in Italy and £17,465 inc. Premio Legnano, Milan, Gr.2; Own sister to VERS LA CAISSE (USA); dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 8 foals inc.: Legal Pressure (USA): winner at 2 years and placed once, 2nd Reference Point EBF Tyros S., Curragh, L. Hint of Humour (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of 4 winners inc.: HIDDEN UNIVERSE (IRE): 7 wins, £149,048: 3 wins at 5 and 8 years, 2014 and £60,494 and placed twice; also 3 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years and £66,055 inc. Paddy Power Champion INH Flat Race, Punchestown, L.; also winner over hurdles at 4 years and £22,499 and placed twice inc. 2nd Champion Novice Hurdle, Punchestown, L. Jazz Beat (IRE): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £20,576 and placed twice; also placed 4 times at 3 and 5 years in Hong Kong and in U.S.A. and £113,641 inc. 2nd Secretariat S., Arlington Int., Gr.1 and American Derby, Arlington Int., Gr.2. Elegant Tune (USA): placed once at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: QUEEN'S RANSOM (IND): won South India Derby, Chennai, L., South India 1000 Guineas, Chennai, L., South India Oaks, Chennai, L. 4th dam STARUSHKA (USA): unraced; dam of 7 winners, 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: VERS LA CAISSE (USA): 9 wins at 2 to 4 years at home, in Italy and in U.S.A. and £209,344 inc. Premio Legnano, Milan, Gr.2, Violet H., Meadowlands, Gr.3, Ballylinch and Norelands Stud S., Gowran Park, L., Philadelphia H., Garden State, 2nd Flower Bowl H., Belmont Park, Gr.1. Super Image (USA): 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in U.S.A. and £69,923, placed 20 times inc. 2nd Portland Meadows Mile H., Portland Meadow. Prime Investor (USA): winner at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: MISS MOSES (USA): won Prairie Meadows Oaks, Prairie Meadows, L. LEMONLIME (USA): won Minnesota HBPA Mile S., Canterbury Park. Sudden Stir (USA): ran once; grandam of Ancient King (IRE): 5 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2014 in Australia and in Italy, £165,215, placed 2nd Premio Botticelli, Rome, L., 3rd Derby Italiano, Rome, Gr.2. 229 LOT 230 FROM TALLY-HO STUD STABLE 23 Bushranger (IRE) BAY FILLY (IRE) April 26th, 2013 Solo Symphony (IRE) (1993) E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Allegheny River Efisio Danz Danz Darcey Bussell Song Fayruz Friendly Jester Sharpo Keen Note Bohemian Rhapsody B.C. Nominated. Danetime View at 1st dam SOLO SYMPHONY (IRE): placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years inc. 3rd Last Laugh Stakes, Warwick; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 12 foals: Correct Time (IRE) (2003 c. by Danetime (IRE)): 6 wins, £47,257: winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; also 5 wins at 4, 6 and 7 years in Malaysia and in Singapore and £44,011 and placed 10 times. Darzuela (IRE) (2002 f. by Brave Act (GB)): 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £18,522 and placed 18 times, broodmare. Seven of Clubs (IRE) (2010 c. by Red Clubs (IRE)): 2 wins, £19,344: winner at 2 years and placed 8 times; also winner at 4 years, 2014 in Qatar and £11,475 and placed 3 times. Littleton Tzar (IRE) (1999 g. by Inzar (USA)): placed 3 times at 2 years; also winner at 4 years in U.A.E. and placed twice. Abzolutely (IRE) (2008 f. by Chineur (FR)): winner at 2 years, placed 3 times. Streaky (IRE) (2000 f. by Danetime (IRE)): winner at 2 years, Goodwood Flying School Maiden Stakes, Goodwood, placed once, 2nd Manny Bernstein Credit Betting Maiden S., Redcar, broodmare. Red Springer (IRE) (2012 g. by Zebedee (GB)): ran twice. 2nd dam KEEN NOTE: placed twice at 2 years; also 2 wins at 4 years in Belgium; dam of 4 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals: Chesnut Bullet (IRE): 4 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in Italy and £11,678. Il Golpe (IRE): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy. Top Floor (IRE): winner at 3 years and placed 3 times. Bod Ken Ridge (IRE): winner at 2 years in Italy and placed once. 3rd dam BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY: 3 wins at 2 years and placed 5 times; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: WHITTINGHAM (IRE): 7 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy and £119,584 inc. Premio della Speranza, Rome, L., Premio dell'Avvenire, Milan, L. and Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L., placed 2nd Premio Certosa, Milan, Gr.3, Premio Bimbi, Milan, L., Premio Eupili, Milan, L. and 3rd Criterium di Roma, Rome, Gr.3; sire. T O O Mamma's (IRE): 6 wins, £18,782: 3 wins at 3 years; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 years; dam of winners. Restless Rhapsody: 3 wins at 2 to 4 years and £12,242, placed 17 times. Libertas: 3 wins at 3, 4 and 7 years in Hong Kong and £33,694. 4th dam SCHULL: unraced; dam of 9 winners from 13 runners and 13 foals inc.: Step Ahead: 10 wins at 2 to 5 years, 3rd Jersey S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3. Schoon: 16 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £87,553, Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L. and Premio Madonnina, Milan, L.; dam of winners. Step You Gaily: placed once at 2 years; dam of winners inc.: Vague Dancer: 8 wins and £43,090, 3rd Sandy Lane S., Haydock, L. 230 LOT 231 FROM BRICKFIELD STUD STABLE 234 Green Desert Hope Sadler's Wells Wyola Rubies From Burma Sadler's Wells Barathea Brocade Kris Jural Just Cause B.C. Nominated. Oasis Dream Approve (IRE) BAY FILLY (IRE) April 28th, 2013 Silk Law (IRE) (1998) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam SILK LAW (IRE): 2 wins at 2 years and £16,031 and placed 6 times; dam of 6 winners from 8 runners and 9 foals: Albonny (IRE) (2009 g. by Aussie Rules (USA)): 4 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2014 and £11,500 and placed 3 times. Lady Sorcerer (GB) (2005 f. by Diktat (GB)): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,283 and placed 8 times. Like A Diamond (IRE) (2010 g. by Antonius Pius (USA)): 2 wins at 4 years, 2014 and £11,637 and placed 5 times. Lan Brave (IRE) (2011 c. by Kodiac (GB)): 2 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2015 in Italy and placed 3 times. Ms Rainbow Runner (GB) (2003 f. by Josr Algarhoud (IRE)): winner at 2 years and placed 5 times, broodmare. Court Gown (IRE) (2007 f. by Zafeen (FR)): winner at 2 years and placed once. 2nd dam JURAL (GB): 3 wins at 2 years and £115,582 inc. Futurity S., Curragh, Gr.3 and Owens Orchid Sweet Solera S., Newmarket, L., placed 2nd Fillies' Mile S., Ascot, Gr.1, Furstenberg-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3 and Gala S., Kempton Park, L.; dam of 3 winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc.: Janetta (GB) (c. by Dubai Destination (USA)): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £51,570, placed 2nd Premio Conte Felice Scheibler, Rome, L. Gatta (IRE): winner at 2 years in Italy and £16,406; dam of a winner: Galactic Sound (ITY): winner at 3 years, 2013 in Italy and placed twice. Juristicia (IRE): placed twice at 3 years; dam of a winner: Jackobo (IRE): 7 wins at 4 to 6 years, 2014 in Germany and £46,808. Just A Promise (FR): ran once; dam of winners inc.: Il Nero (TUR): winner, 2013 in Turkey, 2nd Presidency Cup, Ankara, L. King To King (TUR): winner in Turkey, 2nd Mehmet Akif Ersoy, Ankara, L. 3rd dam JUST CAUSE: unraced; dam of 7 winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc.: WITH REASON (USA): 5 wins at 5 and 6 years and £143,305 inc. Hungerford S., Newbury, Gr.3, Supreme S., Goodwood, Gr.3, Betfair John of Gaunt S., Haydock Park, L. and Superior Mile, Haydock Park, L., placed 2nd Great North Eastern Railway Park S., Doncaster, Gr.3. Mountain Law (USA): unraced; dam of winners inc.: LAW OF THE RANGE (GB): 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and £91,293 inc. Weatherbys Insurance Pipalong S., Pontefract, L., 2nd Snowdrop S., Kempton Park, L. and 3rd Oak Tree S., Goodwood, Gr.3. High Court Drama (IRE): 3 wins, £84,352: 2 wins at 3 years and £34,446; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £49,906, 2nd San Marcos S., Santa Anita, Gr.2, Native Diver H., Hollywood Park, Gr.3. 231 LOT 232 FROM MARCIO AGUIAR STABLE 218 Bushranger (IRE) BAY FILLY (IRE) April 20th, 2013 Siphon Melody (USA) (2002) E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Allegheny River Efisio Danz Danz Darcey Bussell Itajara Siphon Ebrea Known Fact Logiciel Femina B.C. Nominated. Danetime View at 1st dam SIPHON MELODY (USA): 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £30,229 and placed once; dam of 3 winners from 5 runners and 7 foals; Guinnes Will (IRE) (2010 c. by Refuse To Bend (IRE)): 6 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2014 in Italy and £40,111 and placed 14 times. Shamdarley (IRE) (2008 g. by Shamardal (USA)): 4 wins at 3 and 5 years and £30,035 and placed 8 times. Valmelody (IRE) (2012 f. by Vale of York (IRE)): winner at 2 years, 2014 in Italy and placed twice. Betty The Thief (IRE) (2011 f. by Teofilo (IRE)): placed once at 3 years, 2014. She also has a yearling colt by Casamento (IRE). 2nd dam Logiciel: 4 wins at 3 years in France 3rd Prix de Pontchartrain, Longchamp, L.; dam of 11 winners from 15 runners and 17 foals inc.: TALLOIRES (USA) (c. by Trempolino (USA)): 5 wins in France and in U.S.A., £863,392 inc. Caesars Palace Turf Championship H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2, 2nd Hollywood Turf H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1, Grande Premio Brasil, Gavea, Gr.1, 3rd Hollywood Turf H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1; sire. R D Fille (USA): winner at 4 years in U.S.A.; dam of 4 winners inc.: CHESTORIA (USA): won Miss Grillo S., Belmont Park, L., Mariensky S., Belmont Park, L., 2nd Eatontown H., Monmouth Park, Gr.3. Charmant Coeur (USA): winner in Japan; third dam of SECOND TABLE (JPN): won Keio Hai Nisai S., Tokyo, Gr.2. Concerto Del Cello (USA): ran in Brazil; grandam of Festa E Festa (BRZ): winner 3rd GP. Joao Adhemar,Nelson de Almeida Prado, Gavea, Gr.3. 3rd dam FEMINA (FR): placed twice at 2 and 3 years in France; dam of 8 winners from 11 runners and 11 foals inc.: FRENETIQUE (FR): 4 wins in France inc. Grand H. de Deauville, Deauville, L., Prix de la Pepiniere, Longchamp, L.; dam of 8 winners inc.: WILL DANCER (FR): Champion 2yr old colt in Italy in 1984, won Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1, 2nd Premio Parioli (2000 Gns), Gr.1; sire. DANCING EAGLE (FR): won Premio Umbria, Rome, Gr.2; sire. WIND SYMBOL (GB): won Sport City S., Louisiana Downs, L.; sire. Boubskaia: winner in France, 3rd Prix Occitanie, Toulouse, L.; dam of DANESKAYA (GB): 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in France inc. Prix d'Astarte, Deauville, Gr.2, SILVERSKAYA (USA): 5 wins at 3 years in France inc. Prix Minerve, Deauville, Gr.3; grandam of SEVILLE (GER): 2 wins at 2 and 5 years at home and in Australia inc. The Metropolitan H., Randwick, Gr.1, 2nd Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1. Madonna Sprite: winner in France, 2nd Criterium de Lyon, Lyon, L.; grandam of GWENSEB (FR): won Prix du Bois, Chantilly, Gr.3. FACE NORD (FR): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France inc. Grand Prix de Marseille, Marseille, L., 2nd Prix Greffulhe, Longchamp, Gr.2. EXEGESE (USA): 2 wins at 3 years in France inc. Prix Joubert, Evry, L. 232 LOT 233 THE PROPERTY OF MR. STAN MURPHY STABLE 229 GREY FILLY (IRE) April 25th, 2013 (Third Produce) Green Desert Rafha Cozzene Cozy Maria Mariamme Lead On Time Fraam Majestic Kahala Welsh Pageant Megan's Flight Escape Me Never B.C. Nominated. Invincible Spirit Zebedee (GB) Rafelite (GB) (2002) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam RAFELITE (GB): placed once at 4 years, 2nd Vic & Jan Johnson 14th Anniv. Fillies Hp, Bath; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 3 foals; Wolfofwallstreet (IRE) (2012 c. by Bushranger (IRE)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed 3 times. 2nd dam MEGAN'S FLIGHT: 4 wins, £16,232: 3 wins at 4 and 5 years; also winner over hurdles at 6 years; dam of 5 winners from 6 runners and 6 foals inc.; TARTOUCHE (GB) (f. by Pursuit of Love (GB)): 7 wins and £144,199 inc. Lillie Langtry Fillies' S., Goodwood, Gr.3 (twice); dam of 3 winners inc.: Germanico (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £41,136. Lady Layla (GB): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £16,329. 3rd dam ESCAPE ME NEVER: winner; dam of 5 winners from 8 runners, 9 foals inc.; Escape Me Now: 13 wins at 3 to 6 years in Italy and £23,918. Galesa: winner at 3 years; grandam of NIGRASINE (GB): 10 wins at 2 to 8 years and £131,826 inc. John of Gaunt S., Haydock Park, L. 4th dam PAROLEE: winner; dam of 9 winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.: TRUSTED: 5 wins inc. Queen Elizabeth II S., Ascot, Gr.2; sire. Promised Isle: 2 wins and £34,934 4th Select S., Goodwood, Gr.3. Detention: winner at 2 years; dam of 5 winners inc.: Tanaquil (FR): winner, 4th Premio Comunidad de Madrid, Gr.3. Gay Tamaara (FR): placed in France; third dam of Gay Luly (ARG): 3 wins in Uruguay 3rd Clasico Produccion Nacional, Hipo Maronas, L. The next dam PENITENCE: 3 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of 6 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals inc.: DELMORA (USA): 4 wins in France inc. Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr.1 and Prix du Moulin, Longchamp, Gr.1, 2nd Cheveley Park S., Gr.1 and 3rd Prix Jacques Le Marois, Gr.1; dam of 3 winners inc.: CORVARO (USA): won Prix Eugene Adam, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2 and 4th Joe McGrath Memorial S., Leopardstown, Gr.1; sire. CONTRITE (USA): winner at 3 years, Madrid Free H., Curragh, L., 2nd Gallinule S., Curragh, Gr.2; sire. Weeping Well (FR): winner in France; dam of 4 winners inc.: Cri de Coeur (USA): winner; dam of FRENDLY PERSUASION: 5 wins at 3 to 5 years inc. Baileys Irish Cream EBF Trigo S., Leopardstown, L. Penny Habit: unraced; dam of 6 winners inc.: FIRE DOME (IRE): 15 wins and £156,740 inc. Cammidge Trophy S., Doncaster, L. and Porcelanosa Sprint S., Sandown Park, L. DONEGAL: won P Bundesministeriums & Forstwirtschaft, Vienna, L. Kopeck (IRE): winner in New Zealand; dam of DON RAIDER (AUS): 6 wins in Australia inc. Shaw Gold Sovereign S., Mowbray, L. 233 LOT 234 FROM PARK HILL STUD STABLE 228 BAY FILLY (IRE) March 15th, 2013 (Second Produce) Gone West Silken Cat Theatrical Green Room Chain Fern Danehill Danehill Dancer Mira Adonde Doyoun Daniysha Danishara B.C. Nominated. Speightstown Lord Shanakill (USA) Deryshicca (IRE) (2006) E.B.F. Nominated. View at 1st dam DERYSHICCA (IRE): unraced; dam of a winner from 1 runner and 3 foals; Hatchet Harry (IRE) (2012 c. by Footstepsinthesand (GB)): winner at 2 years, 2014 and placed 3 times. She also has a yearling colt by Dragon Pulse (IRE). 2nd dam DANIYSHA (IRE): winner; dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 10 foals; DANAK (IRE) (c. by Pivotal (GB)): 6 wins at 3, 4 and 7 years at home and in U.S.A. and £133,911 inc. Amethyst S., Leopardstown, Gr.3, Platinum Stakes, Cork, L., Heritage Stakes, Leopardstown, L. Dantari (IRE) (c. by Alhaarth (IRE)): placed twice; also 4 wins over hurdles, 2013 and £41,983, 2nd Totesport Silver Trophy H. Hurdle, Chepstow, L., 3rd Tote Scoop6 Heroes Sandown H. Hurdle, Sandown, L. Jersey Brown (IRE): winner at 3 years, 2014, also placed 9 times at 2 and 3 years, 2014. Danikhali (IRE): placed once at 7 years; also winner over hurdles at 5 years. 3rd dam DANISHARA (IRE): unraced; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 4 foals inc.: Daniysha (IRE): see above. 4th dam DANISHKADA: 2 wins at 2 years in France and £67,740 inc. Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of 4 winners from 7 runners and 11 foals inc.: Danakal (USA): winner at 3 years in France and £57,874, 2nd Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.2, 3rd Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr.3 and Prix de Ris-Orangis, Evry, Gr.3. Kayzarana (IRE): unraced; dam of 4 winners inc.: Generous Beau (AUS): winner in Australia, 2nd Holdfast Insurance Birthday Cup, L. and Schweppes C S Hayes Memorial Cup, L. The next dam DEMO (FR): winner at 3 years in France; dam of 8 winners from 9 runners and 12 foals inc.: DEMIRBASH (IRE): 14 wins at 4 to 8 years in Belgium and in France and £91,343 inc. Prix Prosper Decloedt, Ostend, L. DAYNAWAR (IRE): 2 wins over jumps at 3 years in France and £22,883 inc. Prix Finot Hurdle (c&g), Auteuil, L. Delpour: 6 wins in France and 2nd Prix de Lutece, Longchamp, Gr.3. Dawasiyr (IRE): 3 wins at 3 and 5 years in France and in West Germany and £15,577, 2nd Prix Berteux, Longchamp, Gr.3. Dedra (FR): winner in France; dam of 4 winners inc.: DELIORMAN: 13 wins inc. Prix Jacques Laffitte, M'-Laffitte, L. Derena (FR): unraced; dam of DIRCA (IRE): 4 wins in France and in U.S.A. and £111,088 inc. Prix Coronation, M'-Laffitte, L., 2nd Dahlia H., Hollywood Park, Gr.2; grandam of STIMULATION (IRE): 3 wins and £230,695 inc. Challenge S., Newmarket, Gr.2; sire. 234 LOT 235 FROM KILLAMINOGE STABLES STABLE 219 BAY FILLY (IRE) April 4th, 2013 (Third Produce) Elusive Pimpernel (USA) Elusive Quality Cara Fantasy Halling Muffin (UAE) (2006) Gretel E.B.F. Nominated. Gone West Touch of Greatness Sadler's Wells Gay Fantasy Diesis Dance Machine Hansel Russian Royal View at 1st dam MUFFIN (UAE): unraced; dam of a winner from 2 runners and 3 foals; Muffin Princess (IRE) (2011 f. by Strategic Prince (GB)): winner at 2 years abroad and placed 9 times. Ginger Muffin (IRE) (2012 f. by Strategic Prince (GB)): ran 3 times at 2 years, 2014. 2nd dam Gretel (GB): winner at 2 years and placed twice inc. 3rd May Hill S., Doncaster, Gr.3; dam of 8 winners from 10 runners and 13 foals inc.: Frosted Ice (USA): 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Japan and £15,070 and placed twice; dam of a winner. Farnborough (USA): 2 wins at 4 years and £10,131 and placed 11 times. Folk Festival (GB): 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A., £20,982 and placed once. Wise Little Girl (GB): 2 wins at 3 years and placed once, broodmare. 3rd dam Russian Royal (USA): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £38,925, 2nd Federation Brewery Beeswing S., Newcastle, Gr.3, Fred Darling S., Newbury, Gr.3 and Jersey S., Royal Ascot, Gr.3; dam of 6 winners, 6 runners and 9 foals inc.: QUEEN CATHERINE (GB): 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £35,689 inc. Prix de Bagatelle, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of a winner: LADY CATHERINE (GB): 3 wins at 2 years in France and Italy, £133,640 inc. Premio Dormello, Milan, Gr.3, 2nd Oaks d'Italia, Milan, Gr.1. Princess Sofia (UAE): 5 wins in France; dam of 3 winners inc.: PRINCE GIBRALTAR (FR): 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2014 in France and £482,746 inc. Criterium de Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, 2nd Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1, 3rd Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1. Rossiya (FR): winner at 3 years; dam of winners inc.: GIRL IN FLIGHT (AUS): won Schweppervescence Auraria S., Morphettville, Gr.3 and 2nd Matriach S., Flemington, Gr.2. Vyatka (GB): unraced; dam of 2 winners inc.: BOBS PRIDE (IRE): 9 wins, £172,157: 5 wins at 3, 6 and 7 years and £92,007 inc. Ballysax S., Leopardstown, Gr.3; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and £57,384 2nd Winning Fair Juvenile Hurdle, Fairyhouse, L. and winner over fences at 7 years, £22,766 3rd Bord na Mona with Nature Novice Chase, Leopardstown, L. 4th dam PRINCESS KARENDA (USA): 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and £251,539 inc. Hollywood Oaks, Hollywood Park, Gr.1 and Santa Margarita Invitational H., Santa Anita, Gr.1, 2nd Vanity H., Hollywood Park, Gr.1; Own sister to Wicklow (USA); dam of 9 winners from 11 runners and 12 foals inc.: Incinderator (USA): winner at 3 years, 2nd Feilden S., Newmarket, L.; sire. Worth's Girl (USA): 3 wins at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc.: WORTHILY (USA): won Zetland S., Newmarket, L., Tote Silver Tankard S., Pontefract, L. and 3rd Prix Noailles, Longchamp, Gr.2. 235 LOT 236 FROM THE COPSE STABLES STABLE 236 Bushranger (IRE) BAY COLT (IRE) April 17th, 2013 Jinskys Gift (IRE) (2001) E.B.F. Nominated. Danehill Allegheny River Efisio Danz Danz Darcey Bussell Cadeaux Young Generation Genereux Smarten Up Marignan Majinskaya Makarova B.C. Nominated. Danetime View at 1st dam JINSKYS GIFT (IRE): unraced; dam of 2 winners from 3 runners and 6 foals: Sharp Relief (IRE) (2008 f. by Galileo (IRE)): 2 wins at 3 years, broodmare. Concoct (IRE) (2011 f. by Aqlaam (GB)): winner at 3 years, 2014 in Hungary and placed twice. Fernhill Dancer (IRE) (2009 f. by Dylan Thomas (IRE)): placed twice at 4 years, 2013 in Kazakhstan and in Russia. Ashoka (IRE) (2012 c. by Azamour (IRE)): unraced to date. 2nd dam MAJINSKAYA (FR): 3 wins at 3 years in France and £46,016 inc. Prix des Tuileries, Deauville, L., 2nd Prix de Psyche, Deauville, Gr.3; dam of 8 winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.: MODEEROCH (IRE) (f. by Mozart (IRE)): 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £166,614 inc. Tyros S., Leopardstown, L., Knockaire S., Leopardstown, L. and IrishStall.Farms EBF Fairy Bridge S., Tipperary, L., 2nd Robert H Griffin Debutante S., Curragh, Gr.2; dam of a winner. Danaskaya (IRE) (f. by Danehill (USA)): Champion 2yr old filly in Ireland in 2002, winner at 2 years and £55,868 2nd Peugeot Lowther S., York, Gr.2 and 3rd Cheveley Park S., Newmarket, Gr.1; dam of winners inc.: BELARDO (IRE): Champion 2yo colt in Europe in 2014, 3 wins at 2 years, 2014 and £281,766 inc. Dubai Dewhurst S., Newmarket, Gr.1. BERLING (IRE): 6 wins at home, in Norway and in Sweden and £230,431 inc. Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Ovrevoll, Gr.3. Diamond Sky (IRE): 3rd Keeneland Debutante S., Curragh, Gr.2. Chinese Whisper (IRE) (c. by Montjeu (IRE)): winner at 2 years and £16,736, 2nd El Gran Senor S., Tipperary, L.; also 2nd Prix La Force, Longchamp, Gr.3 and 3rd Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1. Maskaya (IRE): winner at 2 years and £15,024; dam of winners inc.: Drumbeat (IRE): 4 wins, £252,738: winner at 2 years, 2nd Tuddenham Mill Feilden S., Newmarket, L. and 3rd Dee S., Chester, Gr.3; also 3 wins in Singapore, 2nd Criterium de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1. 3rd dam Makarova (USA): 3 wins at 3 in France, 2nd Prix des Tuileries, Longchamp, L., 4th Prix de Minerve, Evry, Gr.3; dam of 7 winners, 8 runners, 10 foals inc.: La Neva (FR): winner at 3 years in France; dam of winners: Sopran Newar (GB): placed once in Italy; dam of Casiluca (ITY): 5 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy, 2nd Premio Gino e Luciano Mantovani, Milan, L. Mabrova: winner at 2 years in France; dam of winners inc.: KISTENA (FR): won Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr.1; dam of TOMPEST (USA): won Chenery S., Colonial Downs. Sallivera (IRE): winner in France, 3rd Prix La Camargo, Saint-Cloud, L. Welimina (IRE): winner at 2 in France, 3rd Prix Melisande, Chantilly, L. Snowy Day In La (IRE): ran on the flat in France; dam of Snowflake Dancer (IRE): winner at 2 years and £23,746, 2nd Alfred Nobel Rochestown S., Naas, L. and 3rd Golden Fleece S., Leopardstown, L. 236 INDEX TO VENDORS Aguiar, Marcio, from...................... 232 Albany Stud, from ..................165, 215 Ardghallan Stables, from ................... 1 Ardglas Stables, from .......................... .............................. 115, 143, 177, 212 Greenhills Farm, from ..................... 29 Grove Stud, from ................. 16, 48, 92 Harefield Stud (Agent), from ................ ........................................... 36, 69, 89 Harristown Manor Stables, from .....223 Hayes, Mr. Tony ................................ 2 Horse Park Stud, from......................... ...................... 23, 47, 74, 98, 124, 148 Hyde Park Stud, from .......................... ............................. 104, 142, 171, 196 Ballinahulla Stables, from .. 18, 55, 102 Ballinvana House Stud, from ............... ............................................15, 45, 76 Ballycullen Stables, from ........166, 202 Ballydaly Stables, from .................. 129 Ballyhane, from ................................... ... 67, 87, 107, 127, 147, 167, 187, 207 Ballyvaden Stables, from ................... 7 Bansha House Stables, from ................ ...................... 33, 53, 73, 93, 113, 133 Boston Stables, from ......................... 9 Brackile House Stables, from ......... 186 Bramblestown, from ...............169, 205 Brickfield Stud, from ..............198, 231 Brown Island Stables, from.................. .................... 11, 41, 71, 101, 131, 151 Killaminoge Stables, from ...............235 Kilminfoyle House Stud (Agent), from... ....................................... 82, 106, 137 Knockanglass Stables, from.. 54, 66, 78 ........ 95, 109, 123, 135, 149, 161, 173 Knockgraffon, from 118, 138, 155, 195 Laurel Park, from ................... 181, 192 Longways Stables, from .......... 164, 204 Manton, from ................. 157, 189, 219 Mayfield Stables, from ......................... ........ 19, 39, 59, 79, 99, 119, 139, 159 Meadowview Stables, from................... ................................... 17, 49, 97, 128 Mocklershill, from .... 22, 34, 46, 58, 72 . 84, 96, 108, 122, 134, 146, 158, 172 Moss Lodge Stud, from ........................ ............................. 114, 144, 174, 211 Mt Leinster Stables, from ...............213 Murphy, Mr. Stan ..........................233 Cappakeel Stables, from ................ 183 Carrick O'Brien Stables, from .............. ..............................................209, 226 Church View Stables, from ...14, 43, 75 Clenagh Castle Stud, from ............... 27 Corrig View Stables, from .............. 227 Crohane House, from .............199, 229 Culrua Stables, from ..................... 206 Derryconnor Stud, from....................... .............................. 116, 152, 176, 216 Derrymore House, from ................. 214 Dolmen Bloodstock, from .................... .................................... 32, 65, 94, 125 Duhallow Bloodstock, from ................ 3 Dunsany Stables, from ...........162, 217 Nicholastown Stud, from ........ 179, 201 Oak Tree Farm, from ................ 56, 103 Oghill House Stud (Agent), from .....221 Park Hill Stud, from ............... 225, 234 Paul Flynn Racing, from .................222 Pond View Stables, from .................. 26 Ponderosa Stud, from.....................228 Powerstown Stud, from ....................... ........................... 35, 62, 86, 112, 136 Egmont Stud, from .............................. ... 21, 31, 51, 61, 81, 91, 111, 121, 141 Fairgreen Stables, from ................. 184 Feigh Stables (Agent), from .............. 57 Feigh Stables, from .............. 12, 37, 77 Raheen Stud, from ............................ 8 Rathmuck Stables, from .................... 5 Rockview Stables, from .. 24, 44, 64, 88 Gaybrook Lodge Stud, from ................. .......................... 13, 25, 38, 52, 68, 83 Glocca Morra Bloodstock, from ...... 224 Grange Clare Stables, from .................. ...................................... 126, 154, 194 Rockview Stud (Co. Meath), from ......... ............................................. 178, 218 237 Index to Vendors - Continued Shanaville Stables, from ................ 191 Sherbourne Lodge, from ...................... ............................ 42, 63, 85, 105, 132 Silverdale Stud, from ..................... 185 Skryne Stables, from ..................... 188 Sonna Demense Stud, from ....156, 203 The Bloodstock Connection, from ........ ..................................... 117, 153, 193 The Copse Stables, from .................236 Tinvaun Stables, from ............ 163, 208 Tally-Ho Stud, from ................... 10, 20 ..... 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 ...... 120, 130, 140, 145, 150, 160, 170 ...... 175, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230 Watergrange Farm, from ................... 4 Windmill Stables, from ........... 168, 197 Ullardbeg Stables, from ..................... 6 Yeomanstown Stud, from ................ 28 238 INDEX TO SIRES AND DAMS OF 2YO’S By Acclamation (GB) F. (2013) Laureldean Express (GB) .. 46 C. (2013) Peach Pearl (GB) .............. 59 C. F. F. C. C. By Alfred Nobel (IRE) C. (2013) Cealtra Star (IRE) ............. 85 (2013) (2013) (2013) (2013) (2013) Clever Millie (USA) ........... 23 Desert Alchemy (IRE) ......153 Flame Keeper (IRE)..........202 Mastoora (IRE) ................. 29 Sense of Greeting (IRE)..... 27 By Big Brown (USA) F. (2013) Pavlova (USA)................... 82 By American Post (GB) C. (2013) Miss Vic (USA)................ 143 By Birdstone (USA) C. (2013) Royal Flush (USA) ............ 41 By Approve (IRE) C. (2013) Lady Coquette (SWE) .......... 7 F. (2013) Loch Fyne (GB) ................ 42 C. (2013) Million All Day (IRE) ....... 173 C. (2013) Ms Sasha Malia (IRE) ....... 13 F. (2013) Silk Law (IRE) ................ 231 C. (2013) Sugars for Nanny (USA) .. 218 By Bushranger (IRE) C. (2013) Alessia (GER) ................... 43 F. (2013) Creekhaven (IRE) ............221 F. (2013) Esedra (IRE) ...................210 C. (2013) Fatwa (IRE) .....................185 C. (2013) Flashing Blade (GB) ........165 C. (2013) High Society Girl (IRE).....175 C. (2013) Jinskys Gift (IRE) ............236 C. (2013) Nice One Clare (IRE)........130 F. (2013) Radiant Energy (IRE).......180 F. (2013) Siphon Melody (USA).......232 F. (2013) Solo Symphony (IRE).......230 By Arakan (USA) F. (2013) Cotocachi (IRE) .............. 183 By Arcano (IRE) C. (2013) Cafe Creme (IRE) ............ 132 C. (2013) Mystic Smile (IRE) ............ 91 F. (2013) Sweet Irish (GB) ............. 194 By Cacique (IRE) C. (2013) Witness (GB) .................... 73 By Archipenko (USA) F. (2013) Barnezet (GR) ................. 104 C. (2013) Highly Spiced (GB) ......... 158 By Camacho (GB) C. (2013) Modura (IRE) ................... 19 By Art Connoisseur (IRE) F. (2013) I Tilda (IRE) .................... 209 By Candy Ride (ARG) F. (2013) Smara (USA) .................... 16 By Aussie Rules (USA) C. (2013) Beautiful Lady (IRE) ......... 22 C. (2013) Champagne Fizz (IRE) .... 201 By Canford Cliffs (IRE) C. (2013) Aljumar (IRE) ..................148 F. (2013) Gali Gal (IRE) ................... 88 F. (2013) Unlock (IRE) ...................164 By Bahamian Bounty (GB) C. (2013) Authoritative (GB) ............ 33 By Cape Blanco (IRE) C. (2013) Alphe (USA) ..................... 39 By Baltic King (GB) F. (2013) Bacchanalia (IRE) ........... 220 C. (2013) Belleinga (IRE) ............... 110 F. (2013) Finty (IRE) ..................... 100 C. (2013) Goose Island (IRE) .......... 190 C. (2013) Pepys Tillergirl (IRE) ....... 160 By Captain Gerrard (IRE) C. (2013) Lady Roxanne (GB) .......... 93 C. (2013) Shalad'or (GB) ................... 1 By Captain Rio (GB) C. (2013) Bambola (ITY) .................123 C. (2013) Black Meyeden (FR).........138 C. (2013) Glencoagh Order (IRE) ....... 9 C. (2013) Ivy Batty (IRE).................174 F. (2013) Kenema (IRE) ..................170 By Big Bad Bob (IRE) F. (2013) Breakmeheart (IRE) ........ 163 C. (2013) Broadways Millie (IRE).... 117 F. (2013) Caona (USA)................... 196 C. (2013) Casina Valadier (IRE) ..... 197 239 Index to Sires and Dams of 2yo’s - Continued By Clodovil (IRE) F. (2013) Marju Guest (IRE) .......... 119 F. (2013) Serious Delight (GB) ......... 86 F. (2013) Stoneware (GB) .............. 169 By Elusive Pimpernel (USA) F. (2013) Holly Hawk (IRE) .............205 F. (2013) Muffin (UAE) ...................235 By Elusive Quality (USA) F. (2013) Perfect Eye (IRE) .............. 72 By Compton Place (GB) C. (2013) Khyber Knight (IRE) ....... 134 By Equiano (FR) F. (2013) China Cherub (GB) .........108 F. (2013) Dream of Wunders (GB) ..127 By Creachadoir (IRE) C. (2013) Tevara (GB) ...................... 28 By Dandy Man (IRE) F. (2013) Bloomsday Babe (USA) ... 227 C. (2013) Castanetta (IRE) ............... 15 F. (2013) Golden Chica (IRE) ........... 67 F. (2013) Goldenfort Queen (IRE)... 225 F. (2013) Mar Sin De (IRE) ............ 147 F. (2013) Model Looks (IRE) .......... 167 F. (2013) My Funny Valentine (IRE) 198 C. (2013) Queen of Fibres (IRE) ....... 75 C. (2013) Tagula Bay (IRE) .............. 81 By Excellent Art (GB) C. (2013) Colourways (IRE) ............. 12 C. (2013) Evelyn May (IRE) .............228 C. (2013) Sadinga (IRE) ................... 57 F. (2013) Scrumptious (GB) ...........155 By Fast Company (IRE) C. (2013) Image of Truce (IRE) ........216 F. (2013) Maimana (IRE) ................146 By Footstepsinthesand (GB) C. (2013) Boragh Jamal (IRE) .......... 48 By Danehill Dancer (IRE) C. (2013) Foofaraw (USA) ................ 50 By Frozen Power (IRE) F. (2013) Answer Do (GB) ..............189 C. (2013) Chia Laguna (IRE) ............ 14 C. (2013) Cross Key (IRE) ...............161 C. (2013) Just One Look (GB) .........162 F. (2013) Maigh Nuad (IRE) ............. 51 F. (2013) Omanah (USA) ................. 11 C. (2013) Pardoned (IRE) ................223 C. (2013) Pedra Ona (IRE) ............... 37 C. (2013) Queenfisher (GB) ............. 87 C. (2013) Radha (GB) .....................156 F. (2013) Theatrale (USA) ...............131 By Dark Angel (IRE) C. (2013) Gemini Diamond (IRE) ...... 47 By Desert Style (IRE) F. (2013) Anadiya (FR) .................. 116 By Dick Turpin (IRE) C. (2013) Glen Molly (IRE) ............. 200 By Diktat (GB) C. (2013) Nova Lady (USA)............. 115 By Dream Ahead (USA) F. (2013) Intricate Dance (USA) ..... 208 By Haatef (USA) C. (2013) Hearthstead Dancer (USA) 54 C. (2013) Summer Sunrise (GB) ........ 6 By Drosselmeyer (USA) C. (2013) Cateress (USA) ................. 90 By Haynesfield (USA) C. (2013) Victorious Vice (USA) ......109 By Duke of Marmalade (IRE) F. (2013) Lady Causeway (USA) ..... 151 By Heliostatic (IRE) C. (2013) Vivement Dimanche (GB) .133 By Dutch Art (GB) C. (2013) Plucky (GB) .................... 101 By Hellvelyn (GB) C. (2013) Hasten (USA) ..................113 C. (2013) Surprise Statement (GB) .159 By Dylan Thomas (IRE) C. (2013) Coachhouse Lady (USA).. 149 C. (2013) Ridiforza (FR) ................... 49 By Holy Roman Emperor (IRE) F. (2013) Alarme Belle (GB) ............199 240 Index to Sires and Dams of 2yo’s - Continued Bright Birdie (IRE) ............ 21 Diksie Dancer (GB) ........... 74 Eastern Blue (IRE)............ 84 Fashion Guide (IRE) ....... 118 Humilis (IRE) ................. 214 Little Match Girl (IRE)..... 105 Magical Bupers (IRE) ...... 186 Maseera (USA).................... 2 Principessa Rose (IRE) ...... 36 Scripture (IRE) ............... 122 By Lilbourne Lad (IRE) F. (2013) A Fortunate Life (IRE)....... 58 C. (2013) Defensive Boast (USA) .....193 F. (2013) Mokama (GB) ..................125 C. (2013) Perils of Joy (IRE) ............. 96 C. (2013) Saricana (IRE) .................184 F. (2013) Venus Rising (GB) ...........177 By Iffraaj (GB) C. (2013) Annee Lumiere (IRE)......... 83 F. (2013) Mozie Cat (IRE) ................ 35 F. (2013) Queenie Keen (IRE) .......... 92 By Lope de Vega (IRE) F. (2013) Awani (GB) ...................... 94 F. (2013) Bawaakeer (USA) ............. 52 C. (2013) Burning Heights (GER) ..... 60 C. (2013) Hazarayna (GB)...............144 F. (2013) Phantasy Rock (IRE)........... 8 F. C. C. F. F. F. C. F. C. F. (2013) (2013) (2013) (2013) (2013) (2013) (2013) (2013) (2013) (2013) By Lonhro (AUS) C. (2013) Nasaieb (IRE) ................... 40 By Intense Focus (USA) C. (2013) Shamsalmaidan (IRE) ..... 195 C. (2013) Unquenchable (USA) ...... 172 By Lord Shanakill (USA) F. (2013) Deryshicca (IRE) .............234 F. (2013) Happy To Chat (IRE) .......229 F. (2013) Lady Caprice (GB) ............ 34 F. (2013) Porky Pie (IRE) ................212 C. (2013) Sagina (GB) ..................... 99 C. (2013) Silicon Star (FR) ..............126 By Intikhab (USA) C. (2013) Mannsara (IRE) .............. 176 By Jeremy (USA) F. (2013) Elaborate (GB) ............... 215 F. (2013) Luggala (IRE) ................... 98 C. (2013) Madam Gaffer (GB)............. 5 F. (2013) Soviet Times (IRE) .......... 226 By Lovelace (GB) C. (2013) Carracove (IRE) ...............217 By Kheleyf (USA) C. (2013) Aalya (IRE) ..................... 135 C. (2013) The Lady Mandarin (GB)... 89 By Majestic Missile (IRE) C. (2013) Bold Bunny (GB) .............. 76 C. (2013) Input (GB) ......................213 C. (2013) Mysticism (GB) ................ 44 By Kingsalsa (USA) C. (2013) Aloisi (GB) ...................... 166 By Medecis (GB) C. (2013) La Boisserie (FR) .............204 By Kodiac (GB) C. (2013) Jumbo Romance (IRE) ...... 20 C. (2013) Louvolite (IRE).................. 10 F. (2013) See Nuala (IRE) ................ 30 F. (2013) Serious Contender (IRE) . 181 C. (2013) Shimla (IRE)................... 114 F. (2013) Wait Watcher (IRE) ......... 150 By Medicean (GB) C. (2013) Thicket (GB)..................... 18 By Monsieur Bond (IRE) F. (2013) Assuage (GB) ..................203 F. (2013) Wong Again (GB) .............192 By Le Cadre Noir (IRE) F. (2013) Grey Galava (GB)............ 157 By Mount Nelson (GB) C. (2013) Local Abbey (IRE) ............. 77 By Le Havre (IRE) F. (2013) La Bugatty (IRE) ............... 70 By Muhtathir (GB) C. (2013) Karlinha (IRE) .................141 By Lemon Drop Kid (USA) F. (2013) Miss Fanny (USA) ........... 136 By New Approach (IRE) F. (2013) Mujdeya (GB) ................... 26 241 Index to Sires and Dams of 2yo’s - Continued By Observatory (USA) C. (2013) Pooka's Daughter (IRE) ..... 68 By Showcasing (GB) C. (2013) Gaelic Princess (GB) ......... 71 F. (2013) Nelly's Glen (GB) .............. 78 C. (2013) Play Around (IRE) ...........140 By Paco Boy (IRE) C. (2013) Goldrenched (IRE) ............ 45 F. (2013) Ishiadancer (GB) ............ 107 C. (2013) Maigold Lass (GB) .......... 137 By Sir Percy (GB) C. (2013) Bermondsey Girl (GB) .....103 C. (2013) Cartoon (GB).................... 32 By Pastoral Pursuits (GB) C. (2013) Enthralled (GB) .............. 171 By Strategic Prince (GB) F. (2013) Thumpers Dream (GB) ..... 17 By Peintre Celebre (USA) F. (2013) Barconey (IRE) ................. 97 C. (2013) Penlova (IRE).................. 168 By Tagula (IRE) F. (2013) Ohwhatalady (IRE) ........... 25 By Poet's Voice (GB) F. (2013) Ra Hydee (USA) ................ 31 F. (2013) Rhodesian Moon (IRE) .... 106 By Tamayuz (GB) F. (2013) Neve Lieve (IRE) ..............191 F. (2013) Terri's Charmer (USA) ...... 61 C. (2013) Wicked Maria (IRE) .........139 By Pour Moi (IRE) F. (2013) Poetry Aloud (IRE) .......... 224 C. (2013) Village Singer (USA).......... 62 By Teofilo (IRE) F. (2013) Rex Regina (IRE) .............. 38 F. (2013) Zavaala (IRE) ................... 63 By Raven's Pass (USA) F. (2013) Ask Annie (IRE) .............. 178 By Thewayyouare (USA) F. (2013) Gouache (IRE).................206 C. (2013) Matadora (IRE)................129 F. (2013) Rockfleet Castle (GB)........ 66 By Rip Van Winkle (IRE) F. (2013) Visite Royale (USA) ......... 121 By Thousand Words (GB) C. (2013) Cooke's Bar (IRE) ............... 4 By Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) F. (2013) Zalama (FR) ..................... 24 By Vale of York (IRE) C. (2013) Starsazi (GB)...................179 By Roderic O'Connor (IRE) F. (2013) Alexander Family (IRE) ... 111 F. (2013) Jeunesse Doree (IRE) ..... 207 C. (2013) Lucayan Beauty (IRE) ..... 152 C. (2013) Nebraska Lady (IRE) ......... 79 F. (2013) Precautionary (GB) ......... 219 By Vocalised (USA) C. (2013) Faoileoir (USA) ................. 65 C. (2013) Queen Andromache (USA) 102 By Whipper (USA) F. (2013) Galipea (IRE)...................112 By Royal Applause (GB) F. (2013) China Pink (GB) ............. 211 F. (2013) Cool Catena (GB).............. 55 F. (2013) Critical Path (IRE) .......... 187 C. (2013) Neila (GER) ...................... 53 F. (2013) Squander (GB) ............... 154 By Zebedee (GB) C. (2013) Amended (GB).................. 95 C. (2013) Annaofcompton (IRE) ....... 56 F. (2013) Baraloti (IRE) ................... 80 C. (2013) Brosna Time (IRE) ...........188 F. (2013) Crystal Theatre (IRE) .......222 F. (2013) Fantastic Cee (IRE) .........120 F. (2013) Lear's Crown (USA) .........145 F. (2013) Rafelite (GB) ...................233 By Sakhee's Secret (GB) F. (2013) Confidentiality (IRE) ....... 124 C. (2013) Elise (GB) ........................... 3 C. (2013) Forrest Star (GB) ............ 142 C. (2013) Kameruka (GB) ................ 69 C. (2013) Society (IRE) .................. 128 By Zoffany (IRE) C. (2013) Lioness (GB) .................... 64 242 INDEX TO DAMS OF 2YO’S A Fortunate Life (IRE) ...................... 58 Aalya (IRE) .................................... 135 Alarme Belle (GB) .......................... 199 Alessia (GER) .................................. 43 Alexander Family (IRE) .................. 111 Aljumar (IRE) ................................ 148 Aloisi (GB) ..................................... 166 Alphe (USA) ..................................... 39 Amended (GB) ................................. 95 Anadiya (FR) ................................. 116 Annaofcompton (IRE)....................... 56 Annee Lumiere (IRE)........................ 83 Answer Do (GB) ............................. 189 Ask Annie (IRE) ............................. 178 Assuage (GB)................................. 203 Authoritative (GB) ........................... 33 Awani (GB) ...................................... 94 Confidentiality (IRE) .......................124 Cooke's Bar (IRE) .............................. 4 Cool Catena (GB) ............................ 55 Cotocachi (IRE) ..............................183 Creekhaven (IRE) ...........................221 Critical Path (IRE) ..........................187 Cross Key (IRE) ..............................161 Crystal Theatre (IRE) ......................222 Defensive Boast (USA) ....................193 Deryshicca (IRE) ............................234 Desert Alchemy (IRE) .....................153 Diksie Dancer (GB).......................... 74 Dream of Wunders (GB) .................127 Eastern Blue (IRE) .......................... 84 Elaborate (GB) ...............................215 Elise (GB).......................................... 3 Enthralled (GB) ..............................171 Esedra (IRE)...................................210 Evelyn May (IRE) ............................228 Bacchanalia (IRE) .......................... 220 Bambola (ITY)................................ 123 Baraloti (IRE) .................................. 80 Barconey (IRE) ................................ 97 Barnezet (GR) ................................ 104 Bawaakeer (USA) ............................. 52 Beautiful Lady (IRE) ........................ 22 Belleinga (IRE)............................... 110 Bermondsey Girl (GB) .................... 103 Black Meyeden (FR) ....................... 138 Bloomsday Babe (USA) .................. 227 Bold Bunny (GB) ............................. 76 Boragh Jamal (IRE) ......................... 48 Breakmeheart (IRE) ....................... 163 Bright Birdie (IRE) ........................... 21 Broadways Millie (IRE) ................... 117 Brosna Time (IRE) ......................... 188 Burning Heights (GER) .................... 60 Fantastic Cee (IRE).........................120 Faoileoir (USA) ................................ 65 Fashion Guide (IRE) .......................118 Fatwa (IRE) ....................................185 Finty (IRE) .....................................100 Flame Keeper (IRE).........................202 Flashing Blade (GB) .......................165 Foofaraw (USA) ............................... 50 Forrest Star (GB) ............................142 Gaelic Princess (GB) ........................ 71 Gali Gal (IRE) .................................. 88 Galipea (IRE) ..................................112 Gemini Diamond (IRE) .................... 47 Glen Molly (IRE) .............................200 Glencoagh Order (IRE)....................... 9 Golden Chica (IRE) .......................... 67 Goldenfort Queen (IRE) ..................225 Goldrenched (IRE) ........................... 45 Goose Island (IRE)..........................190 Gouache (IRE) ................................206 Grey Galava (GB) ...........................157 Cafe Creme (IRE) ........................... 132 Caona (USA).................................. 196 Carracove (IRE) ............................. 217 Cartoon (GB) ................................... 32 Casina Valadier (IRE) .................... 197 Castanetta (IRE) .............................. 15 Cateress (USA) ................................ 90 Cealtra Star (IRE) ............................ 85 Champagne Fizz (IRE) ................... 201 Chia Laguna (IRE) ........................... 14 China Cherub (GB) ........................ 108 China Pink (GB) ............................ 211 Clever Millie (USA) ........................... 23 Coachhouse Lady (USA)................. 149 Colourways (IRE) ............................. 12 Happy To Chat (IRE) ......................229 Hasten (USA) .................................113 Hazarayna (GB)..............................144 Hearthstead Dancer (USA) ............... 54 High Society Girl (IRE)....................175 Highly Spiced (GB) .........................158 Holly Hawk (IRE) ............................205 243 Index to Dams of 2yo’s - Continued Humilis (IRE) ................................ 214 Ms Sasha Malia (IRE) ...................... 13 Muffin (UAE) ..................................235 Mujdeya (GB) .................................. 26 My Funny Valentine (IRE)...............198 Mystic Smile (IRE) ........................... 91 Mysticism (GB)................................ 44 I Tilda (IRE) ................................... 209 Image of Truce (IRE) ...................... 216 Input (GB) ..................................... 213 Intricate Dance (USA) .................... 208 Ishiadancer (GB) ........................... 107 Ivy Batty (IRE) ............................... 174 Nasaieb (IRE) .................................. 40 Nebraska Lady (IRE)........................ 79 Neila (GER) ..................................... 53 Nelly's Glen (GB) ............................. 78 Neve Lieve (IRE) .............................191 Nice One Clare (IRE).......................130 Nova Lady (USA) ............................115 Jeunesse Doree (IRE)..................... 207 Jinskys Gift (IRE) .......................... 236 Jumbo Romance (IRE) ..................... 20 Just One Look (GB) ....................... 162 Kameruka (GB) ............................... 69 Karlinha (IRE) ............................... 141 Kenema (IRE) ................................ 170 Khyber Knight (IRE) ...................... 134 Ohwhatalady (IRE) .......................... 25 Omanah (USA) ................................ 11 Pardoned (IRE) ...............................223 Pavlova (USA) .................................. 82 Peach Pearl (GB) ............................. 59 Pedra Ona (IRE) .............................. 37 Penlova (IRE) .................................168 Pepys Tillergirl (IRE) .......................160 Perfect Eye (IRE) ............................. 72 Perils of Joy (IRE) ............................ 96 Phantasy Rock (IRE).......................... 8 Play Around (IRE)...........................140 Plucky (GB) ....................................101 Poetry Aloud (IRE) ..........................224 Pooka's Daughter (IRE).................... 68 Porky Pie (IRE) ...............................212 Precautionary (GB) .........................219 Principessa Rose (IRE) ..................... 36 La Boisserie (FR) ........................... 204 La Bugatty (IRE) .............................. 70 Lady Caprice (GB) ........................... 34 Lady Causeway (USA) .................... 151 Lady Coquette (SWE) ......................... 7 Lady Roxanne (GB) .......................... 93 Laureldean Express (GB) ................. 46 Lear's Crown (USA)........................ 145 Lioness (GB) .................................... 64 Little Match Girl (IRE).................... 105 Local Abbey (IRE) ............................ 77 Loch Fyne (GB)................................ 42 Louvolite (IRE) ................................. 10 Lucayan Beauty (IRE) .................... 152 Luggala (IRE)................................... 98 Madam Gaffer (GB)............................ 5 Magical Bupers (IRE) ..................... 186 Maigh Nuad (IRE) ............................ 51 Maigold Lass (GB) ......................... 137 Maimana (IRE) .............................. 146 Mannsara (IRE) ............................. 176 Mar Sin De (IRE) ........................... 147 Marju Guest (IRE) ......................... 119 Maseera (USA) ................................... 2 Mastoora (IRE) ................................ 29 Matadora (IRE) .............................. 129 Million All Day (IRE) ...................... 173 Miss Fanny (USA) .......................... 136 Miss Vic (USA)............................... 143 Model Looks (IRE).......................... 167 Modura (IRE)................................... 19 Mokama (GB) ................................ 125 Mozie Cat (IRE)................................ 35 Queen Andromache (USA) ..............102 Queen of Fibres (IRE) ...................... 75 Queenfisher (GB) ............................ 87 Queenie Keen (IRE) ......................... 92 Ra Hydee (USA) ............................... 31 Radha (GB) ....................................156 Radiant Energy (IRE) ......................180 Rafelite (GB)...................................233 Rex Regina (IRE) ............................. 38 Rhodesian Moon (IRE) ....................106 Ridiforza (FR) .................................. 49 Rockfleet Castle (GB) ....................... 66 Royal Flush (USA) ........................... 41 Sadinga (IRE) .................................. 57 Sagina (GB)..................................... 99 Saricana (IRE) ................................184 244 Index to Dams of 2yo’s - Continued Scripture (IRE) .............................. 122 Scrumptious (GB).......................... 155 See Nuala (IRE) ............................... 30 Sense of Greeting (IRE) .................... 27 Serious Contender (IRE) ................ 181 Serious Delight (GB) ........................ 86 Shalad'or (GB) ................................... 1 Shamsalmaidan (IRE) .................... 195 Shimla (IRE) .................................. 114 Silicon Star (FR) ............................ 126 Silk Law (IRE) ............................... 231 Siphon Melody (USA) ..................... 232 Smara (USA) ................................... 16 Society (IRE).................................. 128 Solo Symphony (IRE) ..................... 230 Soviet Times (IRE) ......................... 226 Squander (GB) .............................. 154 Starsazi (GB) ................................. 179 Stoneware (GB) ............................. 169 Sugars for Nanny (USA) ................. 218 Summer Sunrise (GB)........................ 6 Surprise Statement (GB) ................ 159 Sweet Irish (GB) ............................ 194 Tagula Bay (IRE) ............................. 81 Terri's Charmer (USA) ..................... 61 Tevara (GB) ..................................... 28 The Lady Mandarin (GB) ................. 89 Theatrale (USA) ..............................131 Thicket (GB).................................... 18 Thumpers Dream (GB) .................... 17 Unlock (IRE) ..................................164 Unquenchable (USA) ......................172 Venus Rising (GB) ..........................177 Victorious Vice (USA) .....................109 Village Singer (USA) ........................ 62 Visite Royale (USA) .........................121 Vivement Dimanche (GB) ...............133 Wait Watcher (IRE) .........................150 Wicked Maria (IRE) ........................139 Witness (GB) ................................... 73 Wong Again (GB) ............................192 Zalama (FR) .................................... 24 Zavaala (IRE) .................................. 63 245 INDEX TO NAMED HORSES Armadillo (FR) ............................... 133 Pegasus Moon (GB) ........................106 Pythius (IRE) ..................................126 Gianetta (SWI) ............................... 112 Regent's Heir (USA) ........................109 La Brivida (FR) ................................ 70 Wharane (FR) .................................115 246 REFERENCE TO SIRES ACCLAMATION (GB) Bay horse, 1999, by Royal Applause (GB) out of Princess Athena by Ahonoora. Won 6 races, value £361,754, at 2 to 4, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Diadem Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Starlit Stakes, Goodwood, L, also placed second in King's Stand Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, ABN Amro Futures Ltd Dragon Stakes, Sandown Park, L, and third in Victor Chandler Nunthorpe Stakes, York, Gr.1, Diadem Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Tripleprint Temple Stakes, Sandown Park, Gr.2, Bentinck Stakes, Newmarket, L. Retired to Stud in 2004, and sire of winners under both rules inc. EQUIANO (FR), DARK ANGEL (IRE), LIDARI (FR), SAAYERR (GB), HARBOUR WATCH (IRE), LILBOURNE LAD (IRE), HITCHENS (IRE), ALSINDI (IRE), ANGELS WILL FALL (IRE), PONTY ACCLAIM (IRE), TALWAR (IRE), ABSOLUTELY SO (IRE), AN SAIGHDIUR (IRE), ATHENIAN (IRE), JUSTICE DAY (IRE), ROCKY GROUND (IRE), ROERO (FR), WENTWORTH (IRE), LIGHT OF SUCCESS (IND), VALBCHEK (IRE), ON CALL NOW (GB), PARLIAMENT SQUARE (IRE), VANILOQUIO (IRE), LO ZOCCOLO DURO (IRE), MONTECCHIO (IRE), PIETRA SANTA (FR), CAKE (IRE), PENCIL HILL (IRE), SWEEPSTAKE (IRE), HEUSTON (IRE), Johnny Barnes (IRE), Queen Catrine (IRE), Anglezarke (IRE), Shyrl (GB), Crown Dependency (IRE), Berbice (IRE) ALFRED NOBEL (IRE) Bay or Brown horse, 2007, by Danehill Dancer (IRE) out of Glinting Desert (IRE) by Desert Prince (IRE). Won 3 races, value £244,633, at 2, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Camas Park/Ashtown House Phoenix Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Netjets Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, also placed third in Weatherbys Ireland Greenlands Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. Showy Chloe (AUS), Explosive Lady (IRE), Dickey (AUS), BIRKDALE BOY (IRE), LITTLE BIT FASTER (IRE), SAN MARCOS (IRE), AIMEE (IRE), ARTHUR MARTINLEAKE (IRE), CHETAN (GB), HONEYSUCKLE LIL (IRE), RUN THE RED LIGHT (IRE), VEGAS REBEL (IRE) AMERICAN POST (GB) Brown horse, 2001, by Bering out of Wells Fargo (GB) by Sadler's Wells (USA). Won 6 races, value £495,760, at 2 and 3, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile, Gainsborough Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr.1, Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1, Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr.3, Prix Omnium II, Saint-Cloud, L. Retired to Stud in 2005, and sire of winners under both rules inc. AMEENAH (FR), AMERICAN DEVIL (FR), MA PREFERENCE (FR), KOURKAM (FR), QUEEN'S DAUGHTER (FR), JETFIRE (GB), BASSAMBA (FR), LILY AMERICA (FR), MENEAS (FR), CHICA LOCA (FR), LADY MEYDAN (FR), LILISIDE (FR), LILY AGAIN (GB), PRIVATE EYE (FR), ANA AMERICANA (FR), VALIDOR (FR), NOVITA (FR), QUEEN AMERICA (FR), LAMIGO (FR), Hasna (FR), Lustre (FR), American Nizzy (FR), Semos (FR), Prima Porta (GB), Mogadishio (FR), Il Cannone (FR), Escalada (FR), American Bowl (FR), AMICALE (FR), AMERICAN PICK (FR), HOLLYSTER (FR), AMERICAN LIFE (FR), SHOOTING POST (FR), AMERICAN ANGEL (FR), AMERICAN DEAL (FR), ANGELIC NEWS (FR), ANTE PORTAS (GER), EDREA (FR), FRANCINE (FR), HAYA KAN (FR), KOAME (FR), MARALINKA (FR), MISS POST OFFICE (FR), ORO JET (FR), PAN AMERICAN (GB), TIANSHAN CITY (GB), TY BOLIDE (FR), VAHINEY (FR), VIMY RIDGE (GB), SUPER POST (FR) APPROVE (IRE) Bay horse, 2008, by Oasis Dream (GB) out of Wyola (USA) by Sadler's Wells (USA). Won 3 races, value £209,826, at 2, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2, Norfolk Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, also placed second in Neptune Investment Champagne Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, and third in Shadwell Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix Robert Papin, MaisonsLaffitte, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. ACCEPTED (IRE), Disprove (IRE), AUTUMN TONIC (IRE), EVO CAMPO (IRE), GULL (IRE), LONDON LIFE (IRE), NATACONLEALI (IRE), RED PERDITA (IRE), WITH APPROVAL (IRE), APPLEBERRY (IRE), BALBEC (FR), BINKY BLUE (IRE), CIARAS COOKIE (IRE), CUORE ROSSO (IRE), DESIGNATE (IRE), DREAM APPROVAL (IRE), FREE ENTRY (IRE), GABRIAL THE VIKING (IRE), GENTILLY (IRE), GERRY THE GLOVER (IRE), HARD N SHARP (IRE), JOHNNY B GOODE (IRE), LAZY DAYS IN LOULE (IRE), MR BRIGHT EYES (FR), MUHAARIB AL EMARAT (IRE), PIPING DREAM (IRE), SHARAASA (IRE), SHOW APPROVAL (IRE), STATE OF THE UNION (IRE) 247 ARAKAN (USA) Brown horse, 2000, by Nureyev (USA) out of Far Across (GB) by Common Grounds. Won 6 races, value £243,279, at 3 to 5, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile, Bango Criterion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Merbury Catering Supreme Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, NGK Spark Plugs Abernant Stakes, Newmarket, L, VC Bet City of York Stakes, York, L, also placed second in Lennox Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, Emirates Airline Minstrel Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Jersey Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Weatherbys Ireland Greenlands Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Hesmonds Stud Paradise Stakes, Lingfield Park, L, and third in Duke of York Hearthstead Homes Stakes, York, Gr.2, VC Bet Challenge Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2 (twice). Retired to Stud in 2006, and sire of winners under both rules inc. TOORMORE (IRE), DICK TURPIN (IRE), TRUMPET MAJOR (IRE), SRUTHAN (IRE), BROG DEAS (IRE), Bridgets Pet (IRE), VOSNE ROMANEE (GB), FORMIDABLEOPPONENT (IRE), SWALEDALE LAD (IRE), ADESPOTI (IRE), CALAMARGO (IRE), COMISO SOUL (IRE), DERULO (IRE), ERAGONS DREAM (IRE), FANTASY JUSTIFIER (IRE), INVINCIBLE DIAMOND (IRE), RAKHINE (IRE), SEAWIND (TUR), SERENA GRAE (GB), UNCLE DERMOT (IRE), VENTO DEL SAHARA (IRE), VITTORIA DAY (IRE), YES I AM (IRE), BULLET STREET (IRE), CAPPACURRY ZAK (IRE), RAKANE ROUGE (FR), ARAKAN ASPIRED (IRE) ARCANO (IRE) Bay horse, 2007, by Oasis Dream (GB) out of Tariysha (IRE) by Daylami (IRE). Jt 4th top rated 2yr old in Europe in 2009. Won 3 races, value £252,054, at 2, over 6 furlongs, Darley Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1, TNT July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, also placed third in Bathwick Tyres Greenham Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. MISTERIOUS BOY (IRE), Tamadhor (IRE), BEAUTY PRINCE (GB), CRYSTALIN (IRE), HOUTEVILLE (GB), KICK DOWN (IRE), ORA DEI DESIDERI (IRE), SECRETS SAFE (IRE), SHASAG (IRE), TORUK (FR), ABBEY ANGEL (IRE), ARCANO GOLD (IRE), ARCHANGE (FR), BEAU EILE (IRE), EOS QUERCUS (IRE), FOLK LAW (IRE), FUWAIRT (IRE), KASB (IRE), KATHY DREAM (IRE), LIFFEY VIEW (IRE), MARCANO (IRE), MIKANDY (IRE), MUSTADEEM (IRE), SUNSET SAIL (IRE) ARCHIPENKO (USA) Bay horse, 2004, by Kingmambo (USA) out of Bound (USA) by Nijinsky (CAN). Won 6 races, value £1,254,781, at 2 to 5, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile 2 furlongs, Audemars Piguet Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.2, Dubai Commercial Bank Al Fahidi Fort, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.2, Plymouth Gin Summer Mile Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Meydan Racecourse Zabeel Mile, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3, also placed second in Arlington Million Stakes, Arlington International, Gr.1, and third in Likely Fields Dubai Duty Free Stakes, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2010, and sire of winners inc. MADAME CHIANG (GB), KINGSTON MINES (GB), LADY PENKO (FR), RUSSIAN PUNCH (GB), Clonard Street (GB), Marabea (GB), Medrano (GB), Groor (GB), Lady Penko (ITY), ALCHIBA (TUR), ANARCHISTE (GB), APPARATCHIKA (GB), ARCHIPELIGO (GB), BARYE (GB), LIVE GRACE (IRE), NOUVELLE ERE (GB), ONE PENNY PIECE (GB), ALGONQUIN (GB), ANTIGUA (SWE), ARCHDUCHESS (GB), ARCHI PINK (GB), ARCHIE'S ADVICE (GB), CAMAGUEYANA (GB), CROWN OF ARAGON (GB), DARRINGTON (GB), DUBAI JIN (GER), FARQUHAR (IRE), HONZIK CHIPERA (GB), MENDELITA (GB), PARATICO (GB), PITON (GB), PUSH PLAY (GB), SPARKLINGSOVEREIGN (GB), WORGAIT (GB), ISABELLA BEETON (GB) ART CONNOISSEUR (IRE) Bay horse, 2006, by Lucky Story (USA) out of Withorwithoutyou (IRE) by Danehill (USA). Top rated 3yr old sprinter in England in 2009. Won 4 races, value £385,999, at 2 and 3, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Golden Jubilee Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Coventry Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, also placed second in Ind. Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2010, and sire of winners under both rules inc. SUZI'S CONNOISSEUR (GB), ART WAVE (IRE), BEAUTY OF ART (IRE), COLOMBIA (IRE), AGENT (IRE), ANGEL FLORES (IRE), PRINCE CONNOISSEUR (IRE), RED HOT CALYPSO (IRE), ROYAL CONNOISSEUR (IRE), THE ARTISTA (FR), COMPOUND (IRE), DEBT SETTLER (IRE), DER BLAUE REITER (IRE), RACING MATE (IRE), STAYSOUND (IRE) 248 AUSSIE RULES (USA) Grey or Roan horse, 2003, by Danehill (USA) out of Last Second (IRE) by Alzao (USA). Won 4 races, value £488,535, at 2 and 3, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile, Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, Shadwell Turf Mile Stakes, Keeneland, Gr.1, Somerville Tattersall Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, also placed second in Go And Go Round Tower Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2007, and sire of winners under both rules inc. FIESOLANA (IRE), HARD BALL GET (AUS), DJUMAMA (IRE), DUCK FEET (IRE), AUSSI CELEBRE (IRE), BERTINORO (IRE), DINKUM DIAMOND (IRE), KRAMULKIE (IRE), AUSSIE REIGNS (IRE), BOOMERANG BOB (IRE), KONKAN (IRE), GRAND TREASURE (IRE), CAZALS (IRE), STAROS (IRE), CHINESE WALL (IRE), PRIVATE JET (FR), IRISH CAVALIER (IRE), INDOVINO (IRE), SALAR FIRCROFT (IRE), Wish Come True (IRE), Lily Rules (IRE), Caitania (IRE), Kyoei Basara (GB), Laguna Drive (IRE), Noblesse Anime (IRE), Muck 'n' Brass (IRE), Vijaykeerti (IND), Sikara (IRE), Kabiddi (AUS), Belle Rive (GB), Light In Paris (IRE), Denusa (IRE), Hesione (IRE), Deire Na Sli (IRE), Eternal Ruler (IRE), Doquet (IRE) BAHAMIAN BOUNTY (GB) Chesnut horse, 1994, by Cadeaux Genereux out of Clarentia by Ballad Rock. Jt 3rd top rated 2yr old in Europe in 1996. 3rd top rated 2yr old in England in 1996. Won 3 races, value £204,982, at 2, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix Morny Piaget, Deauville, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 1998, and sire of winners under both rules inc. GOODRICKE (GB), PASTORAL PURSUITS (GB), BRETON ROCK (IRE), ANJAAL (GB), SENDMYLOVETOROSE (GB), MR NAPPER TANDY (GB), NEW PROVIDENCE (GB), CORAL MIST (GB), CAY VERDE (GB), TOPATOO (GB), LIFE'S A BOUNTY (AUS), NAAHY (GB), CODE RED (GB), DONNERSCHLAG (GB), MICK'S YER MAN (GB), TAKE TEN (GB), FIG ROLL (GB), AMAZING BEAUTY (GER), BAILEYS JUBILEE (GB), BOGART (GB), BOUNTY BOX (GB), FAREER (GB), TROPICAL TREAT (GB), QUEEN'S GRACE (GB), BAHAMIAN BABE (GB), PARADISE ISLE (GB), COCONUT SQUEAK (GB), BABODANA (GB), DUBAIAN GIFT (GB), LADY LINKS (GB), BERK THE JERK (IRE), Gallagher (GB) BALTIC KING (GB) Bay horse, 2000, by Danetime (IRE) out of Lindfield Belle (IRE) by Fairy King (USA). Won 8 races, value £269,511, at 2 to 6, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Totepool Beverley Bullet Sprint Stakes, Beverley, L, Wolseley plc Leisure Stakes, Windsor, L, also placed second in John Guest Diadem Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Igloos Bentinck Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Queensferry Stakes, Chester, L, Beverley Bullet Sprint, Beverley, L, and third in Independentage Assurance Leisure Stakes, Windsor, L, Rolls Royce Cars London Rous Stakes, Newmarket, L, Totepool Beverley Bullet Sprint Stakes, Beverley, L. Retired to Stud in 2008, and sire of winners under both rules inc. BALTIC KNIGHT (IRE), Tacma (IRE), City Zen (IRE), Factory Time (IRE), RATHEALY (IRE), ABI SCARLET (IRE), ALISON WADE (IRE), BALTIC PRINCE (IRE), LA ROCCACCIA (IRE), PAY FREEZE (IRE), ANONYMOUS JOHN (IRE), ARMERO (IRE), BALTIC BRAVE (IRE), BALTIC TIME (IRE), BLACK PUDDING (IRE), HELMSLEY FLYER (IRE), KANTARA CASTLE (IRE), LOGANS LAD (IRE), MAGIC EMPRESS (IRE), MYWAYALWAYS (IRE), PRINCE OF ARABIA (IRE), TICKING KATIE (IRE), VODKA CHASER (IRE), XINBAMA (IRE) BIG BAD BOB (IRE) Brown horse, 2000, by Bob Back (USA) out of Fantasy Girl (IRE) by Marju (IRE). Won 8 races, value £122,851, at 2 to 4, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile 2½ furlongs, Furstenberg-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.3, Prix Ridgway, Deauville, L, Tom McGee Autumn Stakes, Ascot, L, also placed second in Dee Stakes, Chester, Gr.3, and third in Peters Fairline Festival Stakes, Goodwood, L. Retired to Stud in 2006, and sire of winners under both rules inc. BRENDAN BRACKAN (IRE), BIBLE BELT (IRE), BERG BAHN (IRE), CHERIE GOOD (IRE), BACKBENCH BLUES (IRE), BOB LE BEAU (IRE), BIBLE BLACK (IRE), Moment of Weakness (IRE), Blaze Brightly (IRE), Bobbi Grace (IRE), Banksters Bonus (IRE), BEAT THE BALLOT (IRE), INJAKA (IRE), MAXWELL (IRE), ARRIANA (IRE), AUGURA (FR), BACK BURNER (IRE), BELLE ET BETE (IRE), BELLINI BLISS (IRE), BERTIE LE BELGE (IRE), BIG BAD LILY (IRE), BILDERBERG (IRE), BOBSKIER (IRE), BOCCA BACIATA (IRE), BODY BEAUTIFUL (IRE), BRIBE THE BOUNCER (IRE), BUENOS Y BOBOS (IRE), BURN THE BOATS (IRE), EMPEROR BOB (IRE), MCCREERY (GB), MONTALCINO (IRE), PRINCESS ALOOF (IRE), TASSA PATRIMONIALE (IRE), HONEY POUND (IRE), BUCCANEER BOB (IRE), BADA BLING (IRE), BOOM TO BUST (IRE), PECCATORUM (IRE), BELLEAU (IRE) 249 BIG BROWN (USA) Bay horse, 2005, by Boundary (USA) out of Mien (USA) by Nureyev (USA). Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 2008. Won 7 races, value £1,816,621, at 2 and 3, from 1 mile to 1 mile 2 furlongs, Florida Derby, Gulfstream Park, Gr.1, Haskell Invitational Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Preakness Stakes, Pimlico, Gr.1, Yum Brands Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, Monmouth Stakes, Monmouth Park, L. Retired to Stud in 2009, and sire of winners inc. DORTMUND (USA), BIG WILDCAT (USA), DARWIN (USA), NEVERLAND (AUS), EMINENCIA (USA), GROUND TRANSPORT (USA), KISS TO REMEMBER (USA), MIGHTY BROWN (USA), NICKY'S BROWN MISS (USA), RED SASHAY (USA), RENO REBEL (USA), BELLA CASTANI (USA), SHADES OF SUGAR (USA), BROWN ALMIGHTY (USA), Apollo Sonic (USA), Light Up The Sky (AUS), Wroclaw (AUS), Miss Emelina (USA), Maracuya (USA), Tiger Bourbon (USA), Alpaca Fina (CAN), Muscovado (AUS), Cool Comfort (USA), Brown Rice (USA), Always Curious (USA), Sassy Brunette (USA) BIRDSTONE (USA) Bay horse, 2001, by Grindstone (USA) out of Dear Birdie (USA) by Storm Bird (CAN). Won 5 races, value £902,378, at 2 and 3, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile 4 furlongs, Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2005, and sire of winners under both rules inc. MINE THAT BIRD (USA), SUMMER BIRD (USA), BIRDRUN (USA), FLORIDA WON (USA), THANK YOU MARYLOU (USA), S S STONE (USA), LIVIN LOVIN (USA), CONQUEST TITAN (USA), BIRD EXPRESS (USA), MOT MOT (USA), BLUE TONE (USA), BEST OF BIRDSTONE (USA), BET YOUR BOOTS (USA), TEXAS BIRDSTONE (USA), Stone Legacy (USA), Stoneware (USA), Birdstone Girl (USA), Tech Fall (USA), Southern Accents (USA), Blesk (USA), Fair Whit (USA), Bold Birdie (CAN), Luna Santa (USA), Little Bird (USA), Ricks F Sixteen (USA), BUZZBIRD (USA), GO GO BIRDIE (USA), ALZAMMAAR (USA), ADDISON TRAIL (USA), AERIN SHE LOVELY (USA), AFLUTTER (USA), ALASKAN BIRD (USA), AMERICAS GUEST (USA), BIG GUY IAN (USA), BIRD COUNTY (USA), BIRD TALE (USA), BIRD OF HONOR (USA), BIRD OF PRAISE (USA), BIRDSEYE (USA), BIRDSONE (USA), BIRDSTONE GULCH (USA) BUSHRANGER (IRE) Bay horse, 2006, by Danetime (IRE) out of Danz Danz (GB) by Efisio. Champion 2yr old in England and France in 2008. 2nd top rated 2yr old in Europe in 2008. Won 4 races, value £339,738, at 2, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1, Shadwell Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Anglesey Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, also placed second in Windsor Castle Stakes, Ascot, L, and third in Ind. Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2010, and sire of winners under both rules inc. INFERNO (TUR), Fox Trotter (IRE), Faithful Creek (IRE), Siir Gibi (TUR), Langavat (IRE), Riverboat Springs (IRE), Direhorse (IRE), Majestic Alexander (IRE), BUSH BEAUTY (IRE), GALAGO (IRE), MISTER RANGER (IRE), ROBIN'S CHOICE (IRE), SINGAPORE SECRET (IRE), SMUGGLERS LANE (IRE), TELEGRAPH (IRE), WAYLAY (IRE), BEATABOUT THE BUSH (IRE), BEN HALL (IRE), BOLD JACK DONAHUE (IRE), BUSH BROTHER (IRE), BUSH PILOT (IRE), BUSHFIGHTER (IRE), CAHAL (IRE), CAPTAIN MOONLITE (IRE), DESERT RANGER (IRE), DIONISIO (DEN), DIVINITEBUSH (IRE), DOUBLE CZECH (IRE), DREAMS OF REALITY (GB), FEELING EASY (IRE), GREEN ZONE (IRE), HANDS UP (IRE), IFTAAR (IRE), KINGS RYKER (IRE), LADY CLITICO (IRE), LADY RANGER (IRE), LE BLUE ET NOIR (IRE) CACIQUE (IRE) Bay or Brown horse, 2001, by Danehill (USA) out of Hasili (IRE) by Kahyasi. Won 7 races, value £846,748, at 3 to 5, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile 3 furlongs, Man O'War Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Manhattan Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Prix Daniel Wildenstein Casino Barrierre, Longchamp, Gr.2, Prix Daphnis, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3, also placed second in Arlington Million Stakes, Arlington International, Gr.1, Juddmonte Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1, United Nations Stakes, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Woodford Reserve Turf Classic Stakes, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, and third in Prix d'Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2007, and sire of winners under both rules inc. DOMINANT (IRE), MUTUAL TRUST (GB), CANTICUM (GB), CENSUS (IRE), SLUMBER (GB), Readings (AUS), Katerini (FR), Sorbon (GB), Stabilized (FR), Dark And Dangerous (IRE), WHIPS OF MONEY (AUS), BUNRAKU (GB), DIVINE RULE (IRE), CACIQUINI (GB), GRANDSTANDING (GB), MAIGH DARA (IRE), MALACCA STRAITS (GB), CRASSULA (GB), MUSICAL CLUE (GB), GWENHWYFAR (IRE) 250 CAMACHO (GB) Bay horse, 2002, by Danehill (USA) out of Arabesque (GB) by Zafonic (USA). Won 2 races, value £36,617, at 2 and 3, over 6 furlongs, Sandy Lane Stakes, Haydock Park, L, also placed second in Jersey Stakes, York, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2006, and sire of winners under both rules inc. GREEN DOOR (IRE), MY CATCH (IRE), PUFF (IRE), HAY CHEWED (IRE), AMBIANCE (IRE), BELDALE MEMORY (IRE), HURRYUPHARRIET (IRE), WINNING EXPRESS (IRE), HUMIDOR (IRE), ARCTIC FEELING (IRE), STAR ROVER (IRE), Miss Mousey (IRE), Jamesway (IRE), Train Deal (IRE), ANTIDOTO (IRE), CALMIR (IRE), COISTE BODHAR (IRE), HOON (IRE), LANAI (IRE), MEGAMUNCH (IRE), MOCACHA (IRE), NO FEAR (IRE), SAVED MY BACON (IRE), SILVER STREET (IRE), CAMACHOICE (IRE), EL BEAU (IRE), BOXING SHADOWS (GB), CALCATERRE (IRE), CAMAKASI (IRE), CAMANCHE GREY (IRE), CHOC'A'MOCA (IRE), COMANCHERO (IRE), FLAMBARD HOUSE (IRE), FOXY CLARETS (IRE), INCITING INCIDENT (IRE) CANDY RIDE (ARG) Bay horse, 1999, by Ride The Rails (USA) out of Candy Girl (ARG) by Candy Stripes (USA). Champion miler in Argentina in 2003. Won 6 races, value £512,399, at 3 and 4, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile 2 furlongs, GP. Joaquin S de Anchorena-Internacional, San Isidro, Gr.1, Gran Premio San Isidro, San Isidro, Gr.1, Pacific Classic Stakes, Del Mar, Gr.1, American Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2005, and sire of winners under both rules inc. SHARED BELIEF (USA), HOME SWEET ASPEN (USA), EL BRUJO (CAN), MISREMEMBERED (USA), SIDNEY'S CANDY (USA), TWIRLING CANDY (USA), CAPT CANDYMAN CAN (USA), EVITA ARGENTINA (USA), CHOCOLATE RIDE (USA), CANDY BOY (USA), CLUBHOUSE RIDE (USA), LOLO FOREVER (USA), KETTLE CORN (USA), DUBAI SKY (USA), CANDYMAN E (USA), GRAND TITO (USA), SUGAR SHOCK (USA), SWEET SWAP (USA), LOOKING COOL (USA), CHOCOLATE CANDY (USA), SLOANE AVENUE (USA), MR JAWBREAKER (CAN), NORTHERN CANDYRIDE (USA), OKIE RIDE (USA), WALKWITHAPURPOSE (USA), CANDY'S DAUGHTER (USA), SUGARINTHEMORNING (USA), SWEET LUCA (USA), STACHYS (USA), WYNNING RIDE (CAN), JACK SPRATT (USA) CANFORD CLIFFS (IRE) Bay horse, 2007, by Tagula (IRE) out of Mrs Marsh (GB) by Marju (IRE). Champion older miler in Europe in 2011. Top rated 3yr old miler in England & Ireland in 2010. Won 7 races, value £951,724, at 2 to 4, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile, Abu Dhabi Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, JLT Lockinge Stakes, Newbury, Gr.1, Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, Coventry Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, also placed second in Qipco Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, Greenham Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, and third in Darley Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. CAPE BLANCO (IRE) Chesnut horse, 2007, by Galileo (IRE) out of Laurel Delight (GB) by Presidium. Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2010 (9.5-10.5f.). Champion 3yr old colt in Ireland in 2010. Won 9 races, value £2,577,529, at 2 to 4, from 7 furlongs to 1½ miles, Arlington Million Stakes, Arlington, Gr.1, Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1, Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Inv. Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Man O'War Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Galileo EBF Futurity, Fairyhouse, Gr.2, Dante Stakes, York, Gr.2, Tyros Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, also placed second in King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. CAPTAIN GERRARD (IRE) Bay horse, 2005, by Oasis Dream (GB) out of Delphinus (GB) by Soviet Star (USA). Won 6 races, value £145,409, at 2 and 3, over 5 furlongs, Palace House Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Cornwallis Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Harry Rosebery Stakes, Ayr, L, Roses Stakes, York, L, also placed second in City Wall Stakes, Chester, L, and third in Molecomb Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2010, and sire of winners inc. Gea And Tea (GB), Wee Jean (GB), ACROLEINA (IRE), CAPTAIN FUTURE (GB), COME UPPENCE (GB), GERRARD'S SLIP (GB), MARILYN MARQUESSA (GB), SCORELINE (GB), SHINYHAPPYJOHN (GB), BAYTOWN KESTREL (GB), CAPTAIN MO (GB), CAPTAIN RYAN (GB), CAPTAIN SECRET (GB), FRANKTHETANK (IRE), KING CRIMSON (GB), LEXINGTON ROSE (GB), MAJOR ROWAN (GB), MEADWAY (GB), MONARCH MAID (GB), NAIVASHA (GB), NONNA PRIMAVERA (IRE), ONE BOY (IRE), REX KALEJS (GB), SUNI DANCER (GB), YOU'RE MY CRACKER (GB), CAPITAN CORALLO (GB) 251 CAPTAIN RIO (GB) Chesnut horse, 1999, by Pivotal (GB) out of Beloved Visitor (USA) by Miswaki (USA). Jt Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 2002. Top rated 3yr old sprinter in England & Ireland in 2002. Won 4 races, value £255,917, at 2 and 3, over 6 furlongs, Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2, Bank of Ire.Waterford Testimonial Stakes, Curragh, L, also placed second in Prix de Seine-et-Oise, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.3, Greenlands Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, and third in Harry Rosebery Stakes, Ayr, L. Retired to Stud in 2004, and sire of winners under both rules inc. TERRAVISTA (AUS), BRAZILIAN PULSE (NZ), IL QUELLO VELOCE (NZ), LADY ROYALE (NZ), RIOMORAL (NZ), ART BEAT (NZ), RED BADGE (IRE), CAPT CHAOS (IRE), PHILARIO (IRE), WHOSYOURMASTER (NZ), AINIPPE (IRE), AMBERIO (NZ), BODY AND SOUL (IRE), CAPTAIN TODD (NZ), DONNA CATTIVA (NZ), SHE GOES TO RIO (NZ), AGONY AND ECSTASY (GB), BURNING THREAD (IRE), CORCOVADA (IRE), RIO FORTUNE (AUS), ALEGRIO (NZ), WORLDPOINT (IRE), HOPES AND FEARS (IRE), CAPTAIN ARCEUS (IRE), JUMBO RIO (IRE), HOLLO LADIES (IRE), Jane's Memory (IRE), Captain Dunne (IRE), Golden Destiny (IRE), Querer (NZ), Pivotal Rio (IRE), Andhesontherun (IRE), Cape To Rio (IRE), Cruiser (NZ), Kaptain Kirkup (IRE), Fledgling (NZ), Golden Ramon (IRE), Heaven's Heart (IRE), Hasty Orphan (TUR), Golden Stamp (IRE), Kalpyrnia (IRE), Riotista (IRE), Rioka (IRE) CLODOVIL (IRE) Grey horse, 2000, by Danehill (USA) out of Clodora (FR) by Linamix (FR). Won 5 races, value £186,220, at 2 and 3, from 4½ furlongs to 1 mile, Gainsborough Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2004, and sire of winners under both rules inc. MORIARTY (IRE), NAHOODH (IRE), ES QUE LOVE (IRE), GREGORIAN (IRE), LAUGH OUT LOUD (GB), BEACON LODGE (IRE), BERKARAR (IRE), KANES PASS (IRE), SAVURLU (IRE), TIGRILLA (IRE), MISS LAHAR (GB), SHINING EMERALD (GB), BOASTFUL (IRE), SORELLA BELLA (IRE), TUTTIPAESI (IRE), COUPE DE VILLE (IRE), ROCK MY SOUL (IRE), CIRO VINCENTI (IRE), ANY GIVEN DAY (IRE), San Marino Grey (FR), Secret Asset (IRE), Naseem Alyasmeen (IRE), Dovil Boy (IRE), Alben Star (IRE), Kickboxer (IRE), Something Lucky (IRE), Amazing Storm (IRE), Sognando La Cometa (IRE), Cloud (IRE), Murra Niedda (IRE), Brazos (IRE), Alice's Dancer (IRE) COMPTON PLACE (GB) Chesnut horse, 1994, by Indian Ridge out of Nosey by Nebbiolo. Jt Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 1997. Won 3 races, value £141,622, at 2 and 3, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Darley July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, also placed second in Polypipe PLC Flying Childers Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, Scottish Equitable Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2, Holsten Pils Achilles Stakes, Kempton Park, L, Sino Group Dragon Trophy, Sandown Park, L. Retired to Stud in 1999, and sire of winners under both rules inc. BORDERLESCOTT (GB), DEACON BLUES (GB), PROLIFIC (IRE), PASSIFIED (GB), GODFREY STREET (GB), MINAL (GB), INTREPID JACK (GB), CHAMPION PLACE (GB), HUNTER STREET (GB), SHIFTING PLACE (GB), PLEASURE PLACE (IRE), PEARL SECRET (GB), SHIFTING POWER (GB), PLACE IN MY HEART (GB), MASTER OF WAR (GB), ARNEB (GB), JUDD STREET (GB), PARADISE RAIN (GB), ANGUS NEWZ (GB), WARDEN COMPLEX (GB), BOOGIE STREET (GB), IF PARADISE (GB), PLACE COWBOY (IRE), MONSIEUR BOULANGER (GB), Pacific Pride (GB), Stirring Ballad (GB), Major Art (GB), Princess Ellis (GB), Powerful Speed (GB), Bigalos Bandit (GB), Sir Reginald (GB), Lady Gorgeous (GB), Compton (GB), Anonimo Veneziano (GB), The Old Fella (GB) CREACHADOIR (IRE) Bay horse, 2004, by King's Best (USA) out of Sadima (IRE) by Sadler's Wells (USA). Won 4 races, value £587,998, at 3 and 4, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile viz., Juddmonte Lockinge Stakes, Newbury, Gr.1, Aussie Rules EBF Tetrarch Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Countrywide Steel & Tubes Joel Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, also placed second in Boylesports Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Cathay Pacific Hong Kong Mile, Sha Tin, Gr.1, Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2010, and sire of winners under both rules inc. CASSILERO (GER), SHAYANDI (FR), BAL D'OR (FR), CRAIC (FR), DIBADU (FR), GAELIC WAY (FR), LE POGGE (FR), MAQUISARD (FR), MARGOT MACHANCE (GB), PRINCESSE POLIA (FR), TAKE THE CROWN (FR), TARTINETTE (FR), WHAT ABOUT CARLO (FR), ONE PEACE (FR), SIDDHARTHA (FR) 252 DANDY MAN (IRE) Bay horse, 2003, by Mozart (IRE) out of Lady Alexander (IRE) by Night Shift (USA). Top rated 3yr old sprinter in Ireland in 2006. Won 6 races, value £285,835, at 2 to 6, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Palace House Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Danehill Dancer Tipperary Stakes, Tipperary, L, King of Beer Stakes, Curragh, L, Woodlands Stakes, Naas, L, also placed second in King's Stand Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Flying Five, Curragh, Gr.3, Naas Sprint Stakes, Naas, L, Woodlands Stakes, Naas, L, and third in Nunthorpe Stakes, York, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2010, and sire of winners under both rules inc. PENIAPHOBIA (IRE), EXTORTIONIST (IRE), Parbold (IRE), Abbakova (IRE), Squats (IRE), CHATEZ (IRE), BINT DANDY (IRE), BOB MASNICKEN (GB), MANDY DANDY (IRE), RISK 'N' REWARD (IRE), SCARBOROUGH (IRE), THE DANDY YANK (IRE), THE DAPPER TAPPER (IRE), WHAT A DANDY (IRE), ANDY DANDY (IRE), ANDROID (IRE), BENTLEY MAN (ITY), CHANCES ARE (IRE), CHICLET (IRE), DAISY BELL (IRE), DANDYLEEKIE (IRE), DANDYS PERIER (IRE), DREESE (IRE), FIRGROVE BRIDGE (IRE), GAUDY (IRE), KAJLA (IRE), LADY ULTRA (IRE), MR DANDY MAN (IRE) DANEHILL DANCER (IRE) Bay horse, 1993, by Danehill (USA) out of Mira Adonde (USA) by Sharpen Up. Champion 2yr old in Ireland in 1995. Won 4 races, value £212,758, at 2 and 3, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Heinz 57 Phoenix Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Tripleprint Greenham Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, also placed second in Generous Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, and third in Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 1997, and sire of winners under both rules inc. ESOTERIQUE (IRE), HILLSTAR (GB), STEPS IN TIME (AUS), ATOMIC FORCE (AUS), DANCING RAIN (IRE), PLANTEUR (IRE), AVE (GB), LILLIE LANGTRY (IRE), AGAIN (IRE), ALFRED NOBEL (IRE), MASTERCRAFTSMAN (IRE), LIGHT FANTASTIC (AUS), ALEXANDER TANGO (IRE), ARAPAHO MISS (AUS), MISS BEATRIX (IRE), SPECIOSA (IRE), PRIVATE STEER (AUS), CHOISIR (AUS), WHERE OR WHEN (IRE), HERE COMES WHEN (IRE), DUNTLE (IRE), ENDOWING (IRE), LOST IN THE MOMENT (IRE), PROBABLY (IRE), CONTREDANSE (IRE), MEMORY (IRE), ONE WORLD (AUS), INDIAN OCEAN (AUS), TAMAZIRTE (IRE), WAJIR (FR), ANNA PAVLOVA (GB), CALLWOOD DANCER (IRE), WESTPHALIA (IRE), DOWNHILL RACER (AUS), JEREMY (USA), JUST MAMBO (AUS), LIZARD ISLAND (USA), NORDTANZERIN (GER), LIEUTENANT (AUS), SILENT TIMES (IRE), MONSIEUR BOND (IRE) DARK ANGEL (IRE) Grey horse, 2005, by Acclamation (GB) out of Midnight Angel (GB) by Machiavellian (USA). Won 4 races, value £341,306, at 2, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Mill Reef Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2008, and sire of winners under both rules inc. LETHAL FORCE (IRE), ESTIDHKAAR (IRE), ALHEBAYEB (IRE), MECCA'S ANGEL (IRE), EXOGENESIS (IRE), HEERAAT (IRE), LILY'S ANGEL (IRE), SOVEREIGN DEBT (IRE), BOOMSHACKERLACKER (IRE), BRONZE MAQUETTE (IRE), DARK RAY (IRE), GABRIAL (IRE), PRIDE AND JOY (IRE), GUITAR PETE (IRE), Dark Emerald (IRE), Tough As Nails (IRE), Markaz (IRE), Midnite Angel (IRE), B Fifty Two (IRE), Angelic Lord (IRE), Realtra (IRE), Runner Runner (IRE), Captain Joy (IRE), Dark Dream (IRE), Dont Bother Me (IRE), Sahawar (FR), Coolnagree (IRE), Aces (IRE), Fanciful Angel (IRE), Bronze Angel (IRE), Stormfly (IRE) DESERT STYLE (IRE) Bay horse, 1992, by Green Desert (USA) out of Organza by High Top. Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe. Won 5 races, value £188,904, at 2 and 3, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Ballycorus Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, Tetrarch Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Phoenix Sprint Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, also placed second in Hong Kong International Bowl, Sha Tin, Gr.2, Leopardstown Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, Greenlands Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, and third in Heinz 57 Phoenix Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 1996, and sire of winners under both rules inc. DESERT BLANC (GB), PACO BOY (IRE), CARADAK (IRE), MANDESHA (FR), NEXT DESERT (IRE), BACHIR (IRE), COOL CREEK (IRE), CAPTAIN HURRICANE (GB), ZIYARID (IRE), SOUTER'S SISTER (IRE), JESSICA'S DREAM (IRE), ARES D'EMRA (FR), FADELA STYLE (FR), MISTER MANANNAN (IRE), ASCOT FAMILY (IRE), IRON FIST (IRE), RALLY (AUS), TRES SHEIK (AUS), CAPE TOWN (IRE), STORMY SUMMERS (AUS), SHERMEEN (IRE), ALBUHERA (IRE), SHELBOURNE (IRE), Stoxx (IRE), Didal (IRE), Street Band (IRE), Desert Nice (IRE), Next Style (IRE), Notturno di Chopin (IRE), Destinate (IRE), Dangle (IRE), Desert Trail (IRE), Sand Partridge (IRE), Fu Manchu (GB), Palace Star (IRE), Don't Explain (GB) 253 DICK TURPIN (IRE) Bay horse, 2007, by Arakan (USA) out of Merrily (GB) by Sharrood (USA). Champion older horse in Italy in 2011. Won 9 races, value £977,579, at 2 to 4, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile, Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1, Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1, Bet365 Mile, Sandown Park, Gr.2, Richmond Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, Summer Mile Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Bathwick Tyres Greenham Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, also placed second in Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, and third in Qatar Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. DIKTAT (GB) Brown horse, 1995, by Warning out of Arvola (GB) by Sadler's Wells (USA). Champion older sprinter in Europe in 1999. Won 7 races, value £537,665, at 3 and 4, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1, Stanley Leisure Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr.1, Jersey Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr.3, Criterion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, also placed second in Beeswing Stakes, Newcastle, Gr.3, Yasuda Kinen, Tokyo (Fuchu), L, and third in Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2001, and sire of winners under both rules inc. DREAM AHEAD (USA), RAJEEM (GB), FIRST CITY (GB), DEFINIGHTLY (GB), SKINS GAME (GB), ADAMANTINA (GB), CONTAT (GER), ADDICTED (GER), FORMAL DECREE (GER), LADY GLORIA (GB), DIXIE BELLE (GB), SHORT SKIRT (GB), DIKTATORIAL (GB), DIKTA DEL MAR (SPA), KLIPSPRINGER (IND), CHILWORTH LAD (GB), TOOLAIN (IRE), MUNDYBASH (GB), DASH TO THE FRONT (GB), MAMBO KING (DEN), PRIANCA (GER), FEMALES FUN (GB), LAW LORD (GB), NORWEGIAN PRIDE (FR), VISTA BELLA (GB), Wadaat (GB), Zaya (GER), Red Alert Day (GB), Cape Columbine (GB), Quevedo (SPA), Spinatrix (GB), Totxo (IRE), Elshabakiya (IRE), Relative Order (GB), Arthur's Edge (GB), Romanae Memento (ITY), Irisijana (GER), Cliche (IRE), May Meeting (GB), Shorthand (GB), Aeroprince (ITY), Never Lose (GB), Al Muheer (IRE), Doric Charm (GB), Nice Tune (GB), Tiana (GB) DREAM AHEAD (USA) Bay or Brown horse, 2008, by Diktat (GB) out of Land of Dreams (GB) by Cadeaux Genereux. Jt Champion 2yr old in Europe in 2010. Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 2011. Won 6 races, value £810,186, at 2 and 3, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Betfred Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr.1, Darley July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Darley Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1, Qatar Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr.1, Shadwell Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. DROSSELMEYER (USA) Chesnut horse, 2007, by Distorted Humor (USA) out of Golden Ballet (USA) by Moscow Ballet (USA). Won 5 races, value £2,374,841, at 2 to 4, from 1 mile to 1 mile 4 furlongs, Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Breeders' Cup Classic, Churchill Downs, Gr.1, One Count Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, also placed second in Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Brooklyn Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Dwyer Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2, and third in Louisiana Derby, Fair Grounds, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. DUKE OF MARMALADE (IRE) Bay horse, 2004, by Danehill (USA) out of Love Me True (USA) by Kingmambo (USA). Champion older horse in Europe in 2008. Won 6 races, value £1,388,454, at 2 to 4, from 7 furlongs to 1½ miles, Juddmonte International Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Prix Ganay, Longchamp, Gr.1, Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1, placed second in St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Veuve Clicquot Vintage Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, third in Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2009, and sire of winners under both rules inc. BIG MEMORY (FR), MOOFEED (AUS), HALL OF MIRRORS (IRE), LADY CUMQUAT (AUS), MING ZHI COSMOS (FR), QUADUNA (GB), SO MANY SHOTS (IRE), VENUS DE MILO (IRE), WANNABE BETTER (IRE), BIG ORANGE (GB), COLLATERAL RISK (IRE), DUKE DERBY (IRE), ALIVE ALIVE OH (GB), CHILDA (IRE), COUNT OF LIMONADE (IRE), DUCHESS LEMONADE (GB), GUINNEVRE (IRE), MORNING FROST (IRE), Annaboda (IRE), Felcine (IRE), Modernstone (GB), Witches Brew (IRE), Lady Tatia (AUS), Starbright (IRE), King Christophe (IRE), Orange Sun (GB), Jammy Guest (IRE), Testudo (IRE), Can'thelpbelieving (IRE), Horizon Sky (IRE) 254 DUTCH ART (GB) Chesnut horse, 2004, by Medicean (GB) out of Halland Park Lass (IRE) by Spectrum (IRE). 3rd top rated 2yr old in Europe in 2006. Won 4 races, value £461,889, at 2, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Darley Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1, Shadwell Stud Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Norfolk Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, also placed second in Darley July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1, Lane's End Greenham Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, and third in Stan James 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2008, and sire of winners under both rules inc. GARSWOOD (GB), SLADE POWER (IRE), CASPAR NETSCHER (GB), PRODUCER (GB), DUTCH CONNECTION (GB), DUTCH MASTERPIECE (GB), LADYS FIRST (GB), AHERN (GB), TERRE BRUNE (GB), LADY DUTCH (GB), OPSTINATE (TUR), VAN DER NEER (GB), ARABIAN FALCON (GB), MORE THAN SOTKA (FR), MISS WORK OF ART (GB), Lightning Thunder (GB), Agent Allison (GB), Dutch Rose (IRE), Prinsessen (GB), Robert Le Diable (FR), Art of Dreams (FR), March (GB), Momalorka (GB), Sotka (GB), Salateen (GB), Arte Volante (GB), Byzantium (GB), Mostaneer (IRE), Passion Blanche (GB), Dutch Romance (GB), Dutchessa (GB), Salar Art (GB), Graphic Guest (GB) DYLAN THOMAS (IRE) Bay horse, 2003, by Danehill (USA) out of Lagrion (USA) by Diesis. Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2006 (9.5-10.5f.). Champion older horse in Europe in 2007 (11-13f.). Won 10 races, value £3,357,511, at 2 to 4, from 7 furlongs to 1½ miles, Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr.1, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, l'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix Ganay, Longchamp, Gr.1, Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.2, also placed second in Juddmonte International Stakes, York, Gr.1, Prince of Wales's Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Tattersalls Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr.1, and third in Vodafone Derby, Epsom, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2008, and sire of winners under both rules inc. DYLAN MOUTH (IRE), FINAL SCORE (IRE), NYMPHEA (IRE), TANNERY (IRE), BLAZING SPEED (GB), DYLAN'S PROMISE (AUS), PETHER'S MOON (IRE), PORSENNA (IRE), CAPTAIN CAT (IRE), NOT LISTENIN'TOME (AUS), FURNER'S GREEN (IRE), DYLANSON (AUS), LLAREGYB (IRE), RALSTON ROAD (IRE), GLOWING CLOUD (GB), VALLY JEM (FR), CHUTNEY FLIGHT (FR), GOLDONI (IRE), DANEKING (GB), Kidwelly (AUS), Tower Rock (IRE), Athens (IRE), Devotion (IRE), Firestorm (GER), Metaphorical (AUS), Red Amber (AUS), First Bloom (AUS), Goldbya (AUS), Holly Polly (GER), Zahee (NZ), Lucky Bridle (IRE), Battle of Saratoga (IRE), Snowflake Dancer (IRE), Dokker (IRE), End of Season (IRE), For The Count (AUS), An Saincheann (IRE) ELUSIVE PIMPERNEL (USA) Bay or Brown horse, 2007, by Elusive Quality (USA) out of Cara Fantasy (IRE) by Sadler's Wells (USA). Won 3 races, value £151,356, at 2 and 3, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile, Racing Post Craven Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Watch Races on Racing UK Acomb Stakes, York, Gr.3, also placed second in Racing Post Trophy, Doncaster, Gr.1, Rose of Lancaster Stakes, Haydock Park, Gr.3, and third in Weatherbys Earl of Sefton Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Toteexacta August Stakes, Windsor, L. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. ELUSIVE QUALITY (USA) Bay horse, 1993, by Gone West (USA) out of Touch of Greatness (USA) by Hero's Honor (USA). Won 9 races, value £255,793, at 3 to 5, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile ½ furlong, Jaipur Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, Poker Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.3, also placed second in King's Bishop Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, and third in Tom Fool Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 1999, and sire of winners under both rules inc. BIRKIN BAG (BRZ), BONAPARTE (BRZ), LAST KISS (BRZ), AVENGER OF LIGHT (BRZ), ELUSIVE KATE (USA), CERTIFY (USA), SEPOY (AUS), QUALITY ROAD (USA), RAVEN'S PASS (USA), CAMARILLA (AUS), MARYFIELD (CAN), SMARTY JONES (USA), ELUSIVE CITY (USA), AINDA MELHOR (BRZ), SEDUIRE (CAN), DESEJADO MAGEE (BRZ), DESERT DREAM (BRZ), SAI DE BAIXO (BRZ), SHURUQ (USA), ANA LUISA (BRZ), MERHEE (AUS), ROYALE MICHELE (USA), TRUE QUALITY (USA), GIRL WARRIOR (USA), BEAUTY PARLOR (USA), EH CUMPARI (USA), ANGER (BRZ), CHRONNOS (BRZ), ENTERPRISING (USA), GREAT WHITE EAGLE (USA), QUESTIONING (IRE), BULLBARS (AUS), REAL STOLLE (AUS), STAGE PRESENCE (AUS), TIME PRISONER (USA), ELUSIVE PIMPERNEL (USA), ELUSIVE TOUCH (AUS), ELUSIVE BLUFF (USA), ELUSIVE WARNING (USA), EVASIVE (GB), ELUSIVE DIVA (USA), ELUSIVE JAZZ (USA), OMEGA CODE (USA), CHIMICHURRI (USA) 255 EQUIANO (FR) Bay horse, 2005, by Acclamation (GB) out of Entente Cordiale (IRE) by Ela-Mana-Mou. Won 7 races, value £571,949, at 2 to 5, from 5 furlongs to 6½ furlongs, King's Stand Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1 (twice), Palace House Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, Abernant Stakes, Newmarket, L, also placed second in July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Prix du Gros-Chene, Chantilly, Gr.2, Temple Stakes, Haydock Park, Gr.2, Abernant Stakes, Newmarket, L, and third in Criterium de MaisonsLaffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. DARK RECKONING (GB), Strath Burn (GB), Lola Beaux (GB), WESTHOUGHTON (GB), DESERT FORCE (GB), EQUALLY FAST (GB), ESSAKA (IRE), GHOST CAT (GB), JIMMY'S GIRL (IRE), LACING (GB), LIGHTNING STRIDE (GB), LUNA MOON (GB), MIDDLE EAST PEARL (GB), MOVING MELODY (GB), SOLAR FLAIR (GB), SOMEDAYSRDIAMONDS (GB), SON OF AFRICA (GB), VENTURA SHADOW (GB) EXCELLENT ART (GB) Bay or Brown horse, 2004, by Pivotal (GB) out of Obsessive (USA) by Seeking The Gold (USA). Top rated 3yr old miler in England and Ireland in 2007. Jt Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2007. Won 4 races, value £630,196, at 2 and 3, from 5 furlongs to 1 mile, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Dubai Duty Free Mill Reef Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, National Stakes, Sandown Park, L, also placed second in BGC Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, NetJets Breeders' Cup Mile, Monmouth Park, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, and third in Darley Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2008, and sire of winners under both rules inc. LADY LARA (IRE), GRAPHIC (IRE), HAZEL LAVERY (IRE), EXPERIENCE (IRE), ARTWORK GENIE (IRE), UNDER THE LOUVRE (AUS), ABSOLUT EXCELENCIA (AUS), ARTISTIC JEWEL (IRE), LEHAAF (ARG), TROPAIOS (GB), SPARKLING PORTRAIT (GB), NIMOHE (FR), RUNSWICK ROYAL (IRE), Universo Star (IRE), French Quebec (IRE), Singing Bird (IRE), Copleys Walk (IRE), Kindly Dismiss (FR), Modern Family (FR), Pop Art (IRE), Gold Coast (AUS), Nisharora (IRE), Art of Enchantment (IND), Boris Grigoriev (IRE), Ptolemaic (GB), Gray Pearl (GB), Chapter Seven (GB), Miss Carmie (FR), Love And Cherish (IRE), Family Portrait (AUS), Nisos (AUS), Lady Ascot (IRE) FAST COMPANY (IRE) Bay horse, 2005, by Danehill Dancer (IRE) out of Sheezalady (GB) by Zafonic (USA). 2nd top rated 2yr old in Europe in 2007. Won 2 races, value £84,278, at 2, over 7 furlongs, Acomb Stakes, York, Gr.3, also placed second in Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. BAITHA ALGA (IRE), Fast Act (IRE), SELF CONTROL (IRE), STARTING GRID (IRE), ARCHIE (IRE), BLUE KILKENNY (IRE), CAFE CORTADO (IRE), CHARLIE CROKER (IRE), COTO (IRE), DANCEWITHASTRANGER (IRE), DAYSY DO (IRE), DEVONSHIRE (IRE), DIMINUTIVE (IRE), FINGAL'S CAVE (IRE), FUGLEMAN (IRE), GUILTY (IRE), JET MATE (IRE), JUMEIRAH GLORY (IRE), LARGO AUGUSTO (IRE), LOW CUT AFFAIR (IRE), MUTARAKEZ (IRE), PADDYS MOTORBIKE (IRE), PARIS MILONGA (IRE), PRES RAPIDE (IRE) FOOTSTEPSINTHESAND (GB) Bay horse, 2002, by Giant's Causeway (USA) out of Glatisant (GB) by Rainbow Quest (USA). Won 3 races, value £226,451, at 2 and 3, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, Killavullan Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in AUS in 2005 and IRE in 2006, and sire of winners under both rules inc. SAND BIJOU (ARG), STEINBECK (IRE), INFILTRADA (ARG), SHAMALGAN (FR), CHACHAMAIDEE (IRE), SAND PUCE (ARG), KING KON (ARG), LIVING THE LIFE (IRE), GIANT SANDMAN (IRE), MINAKSHI (FR), BAREFOOT LADY (IRE), SAGITARIANA (ARG), FORMOSINA (IRE), SANDIVA (IRE), FOOT BAND (ARG), GOOD LUCK KENY (ARG), J WONDER (USA), ARNOLD LANE (IRE), SANDY'S CHARM (FR), SENT FROM HEAVEN (IRE), ARASIN (IRE), BABY FOOT (IRE), CELESTIAL PATH (IRE), DE TRENTO (ARG), IMPERIATOR (GB), KASPERSKY (IRE), MAISHA (IND), AKEMI (IRE), BLACK ELEGANCE (IRE), FUNINTHESAND (IRE), GOLD SAND (AUS), PREMIER STEPS (IRE), UNDER THE RADAR (FR), SUNDAY NECTAR (IRE), THE REAPER (IRE), STEP UP (ITY), THE CONFESSOR (ITY), SONG OF MY HEART (IRE) FROZEN POWER (IRE) Bay horse, 2007, by Oasis Dream (GB) out of Musical Treat (IRE) by Royal Academy (USA). Won 5 races, value £263,978, at 2 and 3, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile, Mehl-Mulhens Rennen (2000 Guineas), Cologne, Gr.2, Prix Haras de la Huderie, Deauville, L, also placed second in UAE 2000 Guineas, Meydan, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. 256 HAATEF (USA) Bay horse, 2004, by Danzig (USA) out of Sayedat Alhadh (USA) by Mr Prospector (USA). Won 4 races, value £110,573, at 2 and 3, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, John Guest Diadem Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Belgrave Stakes, Fairyhouse, L, also placed third in Desmond Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2009, and sire of winners under both rules inc. TREATY OF PARIS (IRE), BIG VIOLETT (IRE), SACRED ASPECT (IRE), Hasopop (IRE), Achnaha (IRE), CAGED LIGHTNING (IRE), ESTIBDAAD (IRE), HAATEFINA (GB), ACE ANGELFIRE (IND), ALMANACK (GB), AULD FYFFEE (IRE), BAPAK PESTA (IRE), BIDIBODIBOO (ITY), FALCO NERO (IND), FEAR OR FAVOUR (IRE), HAGREE (IRE), HATTI (IRE), KHAWAATER (GB), LAY (FR), LES DARCY (GB), MISS ALICIA (IRE), POPESWOOD (IRE), RED ALL STAR (IRE), RIYAD (IRE), ROSE GLORIA (IRE), SEFAAT (GB), SHAHDAROBA (IRE), SYNONYM (ITY), WEE MONSTER (IRE), ARABAGIAN (IRE) HAYNESFIELD (USA) Chesnut horse, 2006, by Speightstown (USA) out of Nothing Special (CAN) by Tejabo (CAN). Won 10 races, value £834,322, at 2 to 5, from 6½ furlongs to 1 mile 2 furlongs, Jockey Club Gold Cup Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Discovery Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.3, Damon Runyon Stakes, Aqueduct, L, Empire Classic Stakes, Belmont Park, L, McMahon Adena Empire Classic Stakes, Belmont Park, L, Whirlaway Stakes, Aqueduct, L, Count Fleet Stakes, Aqueduct, L, also placed second in Hill 'n' Dale Cigar Mile Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr.1, Sir Keys Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. HELIOSTATIC (IRE) Chesnut horse, 2003, by Galileo (IRE) out of Affianced (IRE) by Erins Isle. Won 3 races, value £94,521, at 2 and 3, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile 2 furlongs, Meld Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, P. Keatley Groundcare Silver Stakes, Curragh, L, also placed second in Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, Heritage Stakes, Leopardstown, L, and third in Ascon Rohcon Alleged Stakes, Curragh, L. Retired to Stud in 2008, and sire of winners under both rules inc. CRIUS (IRE), LE ROUGE ALEX (IRE), MR GALLIVANTER (IRE), MARCATOBIANCA (TUR), WEE FRANKIE (IRE), RECKLESS ROMEO (IRE), AICHA STAR (IRE), GOLDEN HELIOSTATIC (IRE), SPONGY BOB (IRE), TIGERTOO (IRE), ASTEROID BELT (IRE), COSTA DEL FORTUNE (IRE), KATEVAN (IRE) HELLVELYN (GB) Grey or Roan horse, 2004, by Ishiguru (USA) out of Cumbrian Melody by Petong. Won 5 races, value £149,313, at 2 to 5, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Coventry Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Totepool Beverley Bullet Sprint Stakes, Beverley, L, also placed second in Ind. Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, and third in Quick Call Stakes, Saratoga, L. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. Bonnie Grey (GB), GROSMONT (GB), CHARLIE'S STAR (GB), CUMBRIANNA (GB), DOC CHARM (GB), QUEEN OF AGEAN (TUR), WHITE VIN JAN (GB), YTHAN WATERS (GB) HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR (IRE) Bay horse, 2004, by Danehill (USA) out of L'On Vite (USA) by Secretariat (USA). 2nd top rated 2yr old in Europe in 2006. Champion 2yr old colt in France in 2006. Won 4 races, value £414,496, at 2, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Ind. Waterford Wedgwood Phoenix Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Prix JeanLuc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr.1, Anheuser Busch Parks Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, also placed second in Darley Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2007, and sire of winners under both rules inc. DESIGNS ON ROME (IRE), MONGOLIAN KHAN (AUS), RICH TAPESTRY (IRE), HOMECOMING QUEEN (IRE), MORANDI (FR), ROLLOUT THE CARPET (AUS), ANGELIC LIGHT (AUS), MANGO DIVA (GB), CHARLES THE GREAT (IRE), BANIMPIRE (IRE), AMARILLO (IRE), BASS STRAIT (NZ), PINTURICCHIO (IRE), GENTLEMAN ONLY (IRE), HONORIUS (AUS), LEITIR MOR (IRE), MAUREEN (IRE), OCTAVIA (AUS), PRINCESS NOOR (IRE), VICTORY LAUREL (IRE), WILSHIRE BOULEVARD (IRE), ISHVANA (IRE), SUNDAY TIMES (GB), SANDSLASH (IRE), AUTHORITARIAN (IND), BE SAFE (IND), EMPEROR'S BANQUET (AUS), SETINUM (AUS), DIVINE TEN (AUS), EMPEROR MAX (AUS), FREEDOM HOLDER (IRE), HOKU (IRE), ROMAN LEGEND (IRE), SPICY JAM (GB), TIME TO PLUNDER (AUS), CANNON HILL (IRE), HOLY WARRIOR (IRE), MY PROPELLER (IRE), SMARTYS EMPERORESS (USA), DEAUVILLE PRINCE (FR), PETRA (FR), ROMAN DREAM (IRE), AN GHALANTA (IRE), CRYING LIGHTENING (IRE), HOLY MOLY (NZ), IMPERIAL ROME (IRE), HIGH AWARD (IRE) 257 IFFRAAJ (GB) Bay horse, 2001, by Zafonic (USA) out of Pastorale (GB) by Nureyev (USA). Won 7 races, value £375,547, at 2 to 5, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Betfair Cup Lennox Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, Great North Eastern Railway Park Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2 (twice), also placed second in Darley July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2007, and sire of winners under both rules inc. BENVENUE (IRE), RIZEENA (IRE), TURN ME LOOSE (NZ), CHRISELLIAM (IRE), WOOTTON BASSETT (GB), SERENA MISS (NZ), HOT STREAK (IRE), FIX (NZ), FORJATT (IRE), MAGIC ARTIST (IRE), DIBAJJ (FR), SO WOTIF (NZ), STAY ALIVE (IRE), ESPIRITA (FR), BELLE MIRAAJ (NZ), IFFWEDANCE (NZ), BIRAAJ (IRE), KISSES (NZ), PEACE SOCIETY (USA), PRINCE OF ALL (GB), RAFEEJ (GB), RIDING SHOTGUN (NZ), DOGMA NOIR (IRE), IF I CAN I CAN (NZ), PLENIPOTENT (IND), TWILIGHT GRANITA (NZ), VIRGIN QUEEN (IRE), INTROVERT (IRE), CHARBEL (IRE), Sardaaj (NZ), Franzac (NZ), Jungle Cat (IRE), Solar Eclipse (NZ), Musharakaat (IRE) INTENSE FOCUS (USA) Bay horse, 2006, by Giant's Causeway (USA) out of Daneleta (IRE) by Danehill (USA). Jt 4th top rated 2yr old in Europe in 2008. Won 2 races, value £353,136, at 2, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Darley Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, also placed second in Coventry Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2, Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, and third in Prix Jean-Luc Lagardere-Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr.1, One 51 Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2010, and sire of winners under both rules inc. ASTAIRE (IRE), FISCAL FOCUS (IRE), Heart Focus (IRE), Home School (IRE), Focus On Venice (IRE), Solar Focus (IRE), Fields of May (IRE), Intensical (IRE), Rydan (IRE), BIONDO D'IRLANDA (IRE), FABULA BIANCA (IRE), FULL RECOVERY (IRE), HICKSTER (IRE), INTENSE GOLD (IRE), INVISIBLE GUN (IRE), JOLLY RED JEANZ (IRE), MAYA DESNUDA (IRE), TRUANCY (IRE), DEEP RESOLVE (IRE), ANNAELIA (IRE), CAJOLING (IRE), CANYAKAR (IRE), CHOCOLATE DIAMOND (IRE), CLEAR FOCUS (IRE), ELEGANT PEACE (IRE), FEACH AR AGAIDH (IRE), FOCUSSED (IRE), G MAN (IRE), GLENEELY GIRL (IRE), GOLD FOCUS (IRE) INTIKHAB (USA) Bay horse, 1994, by Red Ransom (USA) out of Crafty Example (USA) by Crafty Prospector (USA). Champion older horse in Europe in 1998. Won 8 races, value £233,395, at 2 to 4, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile 1 furlong, Queen Anne Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr.2, Diomed Stakes, Epsom, Gr.3, Joel Stakes, Newmarket, L, Fortune Stakes, Epsom, L, also placed second in Dubai Duty Free, Nad Al Sheba, L. Retired to Stud in 2000, and sire of winners under both rules inc. SNOW FAIRY (IRE), RED EVIE (IRE), PAITA (GB), GLEN'S DIAMOND (GB), TELL DAD (GB), ASCERTAIN (IRE), HOH MIKE (IRE), MOON UNIT (IRE), TOUPIE (GB), CLOCKWINDER (IRE), TINTINNABULATION (IND), AUTRE QUALITE (IRE), PARIS TO PEKING (ITY), FAT CHOY ICHIBAN (IRE), KIDNAPPING (IRE), KURT (IRE), LES FAZZANI (IRE), INDIANA GAL (IRE), SHAMAKIYA (IRE), WITHOUT A PRAYER (IRE), ANOUSA (IRE), LOVE MONEY (IRE), MOONE'S MY NAME (GB), KEMPES (IRE), SILK DRUM (IRE), Bonnie Charlie (GB), Kunda (IRE), Zucchero (IND), Expense Claim (IRE), Star Marquess (IND), Bahati (IRE), Hafawa (IRE), In Safe Hands (IRE), Prince Monalulu (IRE), Halabaloo (IRE), Mudawin (IRE), Crafty Fancy (IRE), Swift Campaign (IRE), Super Say (IRE), Intapeace (IRE), Tenson (IRE), Three Way Stretch (IRE), Tropical Strait (IRE) JEREMY (USA) Bay or Brown horse, 2003, by Danehill Dancer (IRE) out of Glint In Her Eye (USA) by Arazi (USA). Won 4 races, value £237,144, at 2 to 4, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile, Betfred Mile, Sandown Park, Gr.2, Jersey Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, King Charles II Stakes, Newmarket, L, also placed second in Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Hungerford Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, Doncaster Stakes, Doncaster, L, European Free Hcp, Newmarket, L, and third in Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2008, and sire of winners under both rules inc. KOOL KOMPANY (IRE), YELLOW ROSEBUD (IRE), BAINO HOPE (FR), PEARL OF AFRICA (IRE), JEREMIAH (IND), STOCKTONS WING (IRE), OUR CONOR (IRE), Cristal Fashion (IRE), Vijay Viraaj (IND), Princess Sinead (IRE), Freedom Reigns (IRE), Henry Higgins (IRE), Mr Fiftyone (IRE), Roja Dove (IRE), Prussian Eagle (IRE), Fisher (GB), ALTO GRADO (IRE), BRICKFIELDER (IRE), DUTCH OLD MASTER (GB), FIVE CLAW (IRE), JENNIINGS (IRE), PHANTOM PRINCE (IRE), GOODWOOD MIRAGE (IRE), HARETH (IRE), INTENT (IRE), NEVER NEVER (IRE), SAINT JEROME (IRE), THE RING IS KING (IRE), ABBY CADABBY (IRE), AUTUMN TIDE (IRE), BYSKOVIC (IRE), FAIRWAY TO HEAVEN (IRE), GABRIAL'S KAKA (IRE) 258 KHELEYF (USA) Bay or Brown horse, 2001, by Green Desert (USA) out of Society Lady (USA) by Mr Prospector (USA). Won 3 races, value £77,648, at 2 and 3, from 5 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Jersey Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, also placed second in Norfolk Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, and third in Betfair Cup Lennox Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2005, and sire of winners under both rules inc. PENNY'S PICNIC (IRE), SAYIF (IRE), MAJESTIC QUEEN (IRE), CHARLIE EM (GB), PERCOLATOR (GB), VIRTUAL GAME (IRE), ARCADIA ROSE (AUS), MAREMMADIAVOLA (IRE), GO ANGELLICA (IRE), NEED YOU NOW (IRE), INCOGNITO (IND), MALDON PROM (IRE), VLADIMIR (IRE), MERACUS (IRE), MOONLIGHT RED (IRE), CAPTAIN RAMIUS (IRE), PLAYFELLOW (IRE), MCKINLEY (GB), KHELEYF LOVER (IRE), Big Time (IRE), Blockade (IRE), Ascot Glory (IRE), Reignier (GB), Mass Rally (IRE), Caprella (GB), Deposer (IRE), Waffle (IRE), Bullseye (IND), Indian Touch (IND), Key To Peace (IRE), Only For Fun (IRE), Tennessee Wildcat (IRE), Addictive Dream (IRE), Call Kheley (IRE), Stonefield Flyer (GB), Misano Lasen (IRE), The Hermitage (IRE), Perfect Blessings (IRE), Line of Reason (IRE), Trust You (GB), Game Mascot (GB), Est Ici (IRE), On The Dark Side (IRE), Leleyf (IRE), Touching (IRE) KINGSALSA (USA) Bay horse, 1996, by Kingmambo (USA) out of Caretta by Caro. Won 4 races, value £297,813, at 3 to 5, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile, Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3, also placed second in Emirates Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr.1, P.du Rond-Point Casino Barriere Rochelle, Longchamp, Gr.2, Prix du Muguet, SaintCloud, Gr.2, and third in Dubai Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, P. Fresnay le Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1, Dubai Duty Free, Nad Al Sheba, Gr.3, Prix Messidor, Deauville, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2002, and sire of winners under both rules inc. KING AIR (FR), OCEAN AND BEYOND (IND), ARIETE ARROLLADOR (GB), PUMP PUMP BOY (FR), EARLSALSA (GER), TOO NICE NAME (FR), PORTO SANTO (FR), SALSALAVA (FR), SAMSTOWN (GB), SOLEIL DE VATI (FR), CAPTAIN CONAN (FR), SALSA MELODY (FR), KINGLASKA (FR), LINE SALSA (FR), Queensalsa (FR), Pont des Arts (FR), Le Plaix (FR), Pasalsa (FR), Chalsa (FR), Calina Salsa (FR), Soir de Lune (FR), Vikaviskis (FR), Bling (FR), Certainement (FR), Spirit of The King (FR), BEST LOVE ROYAL (FR), DIAMANT DE VATI (FR), EYES ON ME (GER), OCTOKING (FR), PEACE SALSA (FR), PERICA (GB), GHOST RIDE (FR), GOOD DEAL (FR), JAZZ ET SALSA (FR), MAMBO WAY (FR), MET (FR), SALSADOR (FR), L'ORIGAN DE SALSA (FR), MISTER SALSA (FR), BILBO (FR), LARACHE (FR), BELSALSA (FR), AURAKING (FR), DAWN OF LA GARENNE (FR), DORES ET DEJA (FR), INACCESSIBLE (FR) KODIAC (GB) Bay horse, 2001, by Danehill (USA) out of Rafha by Kris. Won 4 races, value £101,721, at 3 to 5, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, placed second in Stan James Hackwood Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2007, and sire of winners under both rules inc. TIGGY WIGGY (IRE), COULSTY (IRE), JAMESIE (IRE), KODI BEAR (IRE), PATIENCE ALEXANDER (IRE), TERROR (IRE), RISKIT FORA BISKIT (IRE), WASHAAR (IRE), KOHALA (IRE), STAR KODIAK (IRE), BATHWICK BEAR (IRE), ILENY PRINCESS (IRE), SWEET CECILY (IRE), INDIGO RIVER (IRE), Elleval (IRE), Stone of Folca (GB), No Leaf Clover (IRE), Bear Behind (IRE), Koko Loca (IRE), Haikbidiac (IRE), Eastern Sun (IRE), Boom The Groom (IRE), Adaay (IRE), Kodiva (IRE), Roudee (GB), Snap Shots (IRE), Vonadiak (IRE), Spirit of Xian (IRE), URBAN KODE (IRE), APPLECREAM (ITY), FLYING BEAR (IRE), LANDING NIGHT (IRE), SINGLE LENSE (IRE), RELENTLESS PURSUIT (IRE), ROSEBAY CORAL (IRE), VOLCANIC JACK (IRE) LE CADRE NOIR (IRE) Bay horse, 2004, by Danetime (IRE) out of Rinass (IRE) by Indian Ridge. Won 8 races, value £166,390, at 3 and 4, from 5 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr.3, Gran Premio Citta' di Napoli, Naples, L, Premio Bersaglio, Milan, L, Waterford Testimonial Stakes, Curragh, L, also placed second in Premio Carlo e Francesco Aloisi, Rome, Gr.3, Prix de Meautry- Lucien Barriere, Deauville, Gr.3, and third in Navan Sprint Stakes, Navan, L, Woodlands Stakes, Naas, L. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. Change of Moon (IRE), BIRCH NOIR (IRE), LIFE DANCE (IRE), ANONYMOUS LADY (IRE), STRANISSIMA (IRE) 259 LE HAVRE (IRE) Bay horse, 2006, by Noverre (USA) out of Marie Rheinberg (GER) by Surako (GER). Won 4 races, value £968,200, at 2 and 3, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile 2½ furlongs, Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix Djebel, MaisonsLaffitte, L, also placed second in Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2010, and sire of winners under both rules inc. AVENIR CERTAIN (FR), AUVRAY (FR), QUEEN BEE (FR), SAINTE AMARANTE (FR), LA HOGUETTE (FR), ORBEC (FR), SUMMER SURPRICE (FR), Crisolles (FR), Saane (FR), Suedois (FR), La Gohanniere (FR), LA HOUSSAY (FR), LANDIGOU (FR), SEA FRONT (FR), SWEET DORAQ (FR), VENTARON (FR), LIVE YOUR LIFE (FR), AMFREVILLE (FR), ATYS (FR), CHIARA BLU (ITY), DIEGO VALOR (FR), HABBY BLUE (FR), KARIVRE (FR), LA HAVRESE (FR), LA PYLE (FR), MARY JANE READ (FR), MONTVIRON (FR), PRETTY DARLING (IRE), SPRINGBOK FLYER (GB) LEMON DROP KID (USA) Bay horse, 1996, by Kingmambo (USA) out of Charming Lassie (USA) by Seattle Slew (USA). Champion older horse in U.S.A. in 2000. Won 10 races, value £1,968,969, at 2 to 4, from 6 furlongs to 1½ miles, Belmont Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Futurity Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Travers Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.1, Whitney Handicap, Saratoga, Gr.1, Woodward Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Brooklyn Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, Suburban Handicap, Belmont Park, Gr.2, also placed second in Champagne Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.1, Jim Dandy Stakes, Saratoga, Gr.2, and third in Pimlico Special Handicap, Pimlico, Gr.1, Peter Pan Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2001, and sire of winners under both rules inc. SOMALI LEMONADE (USA), RICHARD'S KID (USA), SANTA TERESITA (USA), CHRISTMAS KID (USA), CITRONNADE (USA), LEMONS FOREVER (USA), ITSAKNOCKOUT (USA), HANGOVER KID (USA), SPARKLING REVIEW (USA), BALANCE THE BOOKS (USA), WILKINSON (USA), DREAMY KID (USA), JUNIPER PASS (USA), PISCO SOUR (USA), BRONZE CANNON (USA), CHARITABLE MAN (USA), BEAR'S KID (USA), DON'T LEAVE ME (USA), AURELIA'S BELLE (USA), CANNOCK CHASE (USA), KID CRUZ (USA), LEMON DROP DREAM (USA), RUSTY SLIPPER (USA), CODE WEST (USA), CUSTOMER BASE (USA), KID DREAMS (CAN), VALIANT GIRL (GB), LAKE DROP (USA), KHANCORD KID (USA), COSMONAUT (USA), KISS THE KID (USA), BREAK WATER EDISON (USA), SWEET HOPE (USA), ALPINE GARDEN (USA) LILBOURNE LAD (IRE) Bay horse, 2009, by Acclamation (GB) out of Sogno Verde (IRE) by Green Desert (USA). Won 3 races, value £162,834, at 2, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Dubai Duty Free Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.2, Alfred Nobel Rochestown Stakes, Naas, L, also placed second in Emaar Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Irish TB Marketing Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. LONHRO (AUS) Brown horse, 1998, by Octagonal (NZ) out of Shadea (NZ) by Straight Strike (USA). Champion miler in Australia in 2003-04. Won 26 races, value $5,790,510, at 2 to 5, from 5½ furlongs to 1 mile 2 furlongs, Australian Cup, Flemington, Gr.1, C F Orr Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.1, Caulfield Guineas, Caulfield, Gr.1, Chipping Norton Stakes, Warwick Farm, Gr.1, George Main Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1, George Ryder Stakes, Rosehill, Gr.1, Mackinnon Stakes, Flemington, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth Stakes, Randwick, Gr.1, Yalumba Caulfield Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.1, Apollo Stakes, Randwick, Gr.2, Chelmsford Stakes, Randwick, Gr.2, Expressway Stakes, Randwick, Gr.2, Hobartville Stakes, Randwick, Gr.2, St George Stakes, Caulfield, Gr.2, Stan Fox Stakes, Randwick, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2004, and sire of winners inc. BOUNDING (AUS), PIERRO (AUS), MENTAL (AUS), BEADED (AUS), BENFICA (AUS), DENMAN (AUS), EXOSPHERE (AUS), WAWAIL (AUS), MESSENE (AUS), LONHSPRESSO (AUS), SESSIONS (AUS), ACADEMUS (AUS), PINWHEEL (AUS), OBSEQUIOUS (AUS), PARABLES (AUS), RENAISSANCE (AUS), O'LONHRO (AUS), THE CONGLOMERATE (AUS), MECIR (AUS), SWEYNESSE (AUS), SKYTRAIN (AUS), CELTS (AUS), RASPBERRIES (AUS), EIGHT TILL LATE (AUS), SCREEN (AUS), TRIM (AUS), DEER VALLEY (AUS), DEMERIT (AUS), BUCKINGHAMPSHIRE (AUS), CALAVERITE (AUS), TOWER OF LONHRO (AUS), GENERALIFE (AUS), COURT CONNECTION (AUS), LAUNAY (AUS), MUSKET FIRE (AUS), TROMSO (AUS), QUIDNUNC (AUS), SCARF (AUS), DELANO (AUS), DYSPHONIA (AUS), EURYALE (AUS), JEREZANA (AUS), TAMPIKO (AUS), DISSOLVED (AUS), SAINTHOOD (AUS), SERENISSIMA (AUS), TERRITORY (AUS), CUSTARD (AUS), SECESSION (AUS), BLACK MINX (NZ), MINNESOTA SHARK (AUS) 260 LOPE DE VEGA (IRE) Chesnut horse, 2007, by Shamardal (USA) out of Lady Vettori (GB) by Vettori (IRE). Top rated 3yr old in France in 2010 (9.5-10.5f.). Won 4 races, value £1,055,611, at 2 and 3, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile 2½ furlongs, Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, also placed third in Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. BELARDO (IRE), HERO LOOK (IRE), BURNT SUGAR (IRE), ROYAL RAZALMA (IRE), Baltic Comtesse (FR), Wychwood Warrior (IRE), BARBAROUS (IRE), BEACH SAMBA (IRE), DISTANT DESTINY (FR), HIGH EXPLOSIVE (IRE), LUPIE (IRE), THE RIGHT MAN (GB), ATLANTIC STORM (FR), BACK TO BASE (IRE), BAHAMA MOON (IRE), BURMA SEA (FR), CAILIN MOR (IRE), CONSORT (IRE), ENDLESS DRAMA (IRE), EXCEEDINGLY RARE (IRE), FLAMING SPEAR (IRE), KOLOVRAT (IRE), METEORIC (IRE), MOJO RISIN (IRE), RIDE LIKE THE WIND (IRE), SPANISH SQUEEZE (IRE), VERY SPECIAL (IRE), VIA VIA (IRE) LORD SHANAKILL (USA) Bay or Brown horse, 2006, by Speightstown (USA) out of Green Room (USA) by Theatrical. Won 5 races, value £567,503, at 2 to 4, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile, Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1, Betfair Cup Lennox Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, Dubai Duty Free Mill Reef Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, Totepool City Plate, Chester, L, also placed second in Darley Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Veuve Clicquot Vintage Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, and third in Darley Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Lockinge Stakes, Newbury, Gr.1, Coventry Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. Giacas (IRE), BONITA DE MAS (IRE), LIMERICK LORD (IRE), ALL BLUES (FR), ALL MY LOVE (IRE), DARK KINGDOM (IRE), ELIS ELIZ (IRE), GRAND SPIRIT (IRE), GREAT DANCER (IRE), HAVANNAS DREAM (IRE), LITTLE LADY KATIE (IRE), LOSTOCK HALL (IRE), PROPERUS (IRE), SHANAKILLA (FR), STEAL THE SCENE (IRE), THAT'S CRAZY (IRE), TINKERBELL (FR) LOVELACE (GB) Bay horse, 2004, by Royal Applause (GB) out of Loveleaves (GB) by Polar Falcon (USA). Won 9 races, value £259,746, at 2 to 6, from 5 furlongs to 1 mile, Darley Oettingen-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr.2, Charlton Supreme Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, Totescoop6 Spring Trophy Stakes, Haydock Park, L, also placed third in Prix de la Porte Maillot, Longchamp, Gr.3, Lady Wulfruna Stakes, Wolverhampton, L (twice). Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. MAJESTIC MISSILE (IRE) Bay horse, 2001, by Royal Applause (GB) out of Tshusick (GB) by Dancing Brave (USA). Won 6 races, value £169,225, at 2 to 5, over 5 furlongs, Betfair Molecomb Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, P. Petit Couvert, Longchamp, Gr.3, Cornwallis Stakes, Ascot, Gr.3, Scarbrough Stakes, Doncaster, L, also placed second in Dubai International Airport World Trophy, Newbury, Gr.3, City Wall Stakes, Chester, L, and third in Nunthorpe Stakes, York, Gr.1, King of Beer Stakes, Curragh, L. Retired to Stud in 2007, and sire of winners under both rules inc. BALLISTA (IRE), KATLA (IRE), MAJESTIC MYLES (IRE), NEW PLANET (IRE), Abstraction (IRE), Mikesh (IRE), ARTEMAKOS (IRE), MAJESTIC BREEZE (IRE), MAJESTIC TIMELINE (IRE), MYSTICAL PAST (IRE), ABSOLUTE BEARING (IRE), BRIDGE ARTEMIDE (IRE), DON SIGFREDO (IRE), ELYSIAN FLYER (IRE), EVA CLARE (IRE), FOR SHIA AND LULA (IRE), MAJESTIC HERO (IRE), MAJESTIC JESS (IRE), MAJESTIC MANANNAN (IRE), MAJESTIC MOON (IRE), ORO DI SAN ROSSORE (IRE), PLANARAMA (IRE), REENATA (IRE), STORIA ROMANA (IRE) MEDECIS (GB) Chesnut horse, 1999, by Machiavellian (USA) out of Renashaan (FR) by Darshaan. Won 4 races, value £170,928, at 2 and 3, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile, Prix de la Jonchere, Chantilly, Gr.3, Prix Herod, Maisons-Laffitte, L, Prix Omnium II, Saint-Cloud, L, also placed second in Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr.1, Morvich Handicap, Santa Anita, Gr.3, Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2004, and sire of winners under both rules inc. DECEMBER DRAW (IRE), PALLODIO (IRE), DUCHESS OF FOXLAND (IRE), ONE LICKETY SPLIT (AUS), Filly Medi (FR), Farmleigh House (IRE), Chef Oui Chef (FR), Rassima (IRE), Meissen (FR), Green Medi (FR), BECQUARIUS (FR), LUCKY JO (GER), PONT NEUILLY (FR), SAON SECRET (FR), A BOY NAMED SUZI (GB), SAPHIR NONANTAIS (FR), ARTESA (GB), CALM BAY (IRE), CLARE HARRIER (IRE), DESARMADOR (IRE), GOLDEN CRISS (IRE), GREY PERLE (FR), JEAN DE MEDICIS (FR), LA DAME DE GRACE (FR), MEDECIS MOUNTAIN (GB), PUNTERO TRISTE (IRE), AL BUSTAN (IRE) 261 MEDICEAN (GB) Chesnut horse, 1997, by Machiavellian (USA) out of Mystic Goddess (USA) by Storm Bird (CAN). Won 6 races, value £547,055, at 3 and 4, from 1 mile to 1 mile 2 furlongs, Eclipse Stakes, Sandown Park, Gr.1, Juddmonte Lockinge Stakes, Newbury, Gr.1, Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2, Queen Anne Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr.2, also placed third in Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, Juddmonte International Stakes, York, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2002, and sire of winners under both rules inc. NEATICO (GER), BAYRIR (FR), CAPPONI (IRE), SIYOUMA (IRE), AL SHEMALI (GB), ALMERITA (GER), DUTCH ART (GB), NANNINA (GB), DIMENSION (GB), SAPPHIRE (IRE), MANIEREE (IRE), BANKABLE (IRE), MEDICI CODE (GB), NORDICO (GER), CASACA (GB), MINCE (GB), REGAL REALM (GB), VIA MEDICI (IRE), ETOILE NOCTURNE (FR), LOVE ACADEMY (GER), REGIONAL COUNSEL (GB), ABIGAIL PETT (GB), MEDLEY CHIC (IRE), MEDICEAN MAN (GB), ZANETTO (GB), BLUE MAIDEN (GB), ENJOY THE LIFE (GB), GLORY POWER (IRE), CERVEZA (GB), ST MORITZ (IRE), BRUSHING (GB), DEVER DREAM (GB), JANOOD (IRE), MARIE DE MEDICI (USA), MR MEDICI (IRE), VIRGINIA HALL (GB), JIRA (GB), CARTIMANDUA (GB), CASINO CLIQUE (IRE) MONSIEUR BOND (IRE) Chesnut horse, 2000, by Danehill Dancer (IRE) out of Musical Essence by Song. Won 6 races, value £219,396, at 2 to 4, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Duke of York Stakes, York, Gr.2, Gladness Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Vaillant Fortune Stakes, Epsom Downs, L, also placed second in Mill Reef Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, Supreme Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2005, and sire of winners under both rules inc. MOVE IN TIME (GB), GILT EDGE GIRL (GB), LADIES ARE FOREVER (GB), MY NAME IS BOND (FR), CHOOKIE ROYALE (GB), Sneak Preview (GB), Bond's Girl (GB), Lady Royale (GB), Orthodox Lad (GB), Hoof It (GB), Montalbano (GB), Expensive Date (GB), BOND FASTRAC (GB), CROSSE FIRE (GB), LAYER CAKE (GB), REGGIE BOND (GB), REGINALD CLAUDE (GB), WARDEN BOND (GB), AL BANDAR (IRE), ALFRED HUTCHINSON (GB), ANYA (GB), BLUE MAISEY (GB), BOWSON FRED (GB), COMRADE BOND (GB), DEXIPPOS (GB), DUNGANNON (GB), FELIX LEITER (GB), MO HENRY (GB) MOUNT NELSON (GB) Bay horse, 2004, by Rock of Gibraltar (IRE) out of Independence (GB) by Selkirk (USA). Jt 4th top rated 2yr old in Europe in 2006. Won 3 races, value £459,136, at 2 to 4, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile 2 furlongs, Coral Eclipse Stakes, Sandown Park, Gr.1, Criterium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, also placed third in Arlington Million Stakes, Arlington International, Gr.1, Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2009, and sire of winners under both rules inc. BERKSHIRE (IRE), EMERALD STAR (GB), PURR ALONG (GB), SPECIAL MEANING (GB), VOLUME (GB), MOHAVE PRINCESS (AUS), NINJAGO (GB), Weltmacht (GB), Hors de Combat (GB), Romantic Settings (GB), Jadel (GB), Give Way Nelson (IRE), Room Key (GB), Orsello (GER), Stroll Patrol (GB), Slippers Best (GB), LIBRISA BREEZE (GB), LITTLE LORD NELSON (GB), MAJEED (GB), MAYBELATER (GB), ALFAJER (GB), ANTONIA BELLA (FR), BAZ (FR), BISHOP OF RUSCOMBE (GB), BOLD RUNNER (GB), CAPE HIDEAWAY (GB), CAPE ICON (GB), CYNORTAS (IRE), DUTCH CAPE (GB) MUHTATHIR (GB) Chesnut horse, 1995, by Elmaamul (USA) out of Majmu (USA) by Al Nasr (FR). Jt Champion older miler in Europe in 2000. Champion older horse in Italy in 2000. Won 8 races, value £442,697, at 2 to 5, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile, P. Fresnay le Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1, Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr.1, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan, Gr.2, Tripleprint Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2, Hungerford Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, also placed second in Dubai Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix des Chenes, Longchamp, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2001, and sire of winners under both rules inc. INDONESIENNE (IRE), DOCTOR DINO (FR), MAURALAKANA (FR), SATWA QUEEN (FR), GRACE LADY (FR), HIPPY (FR), SILAS MARNER (FR), HEADACHE (FR), EYEFUL (GB), ZACK HALL (FR), LA PEINTURE (FR), LONE RANGER (FR), QUARTZ (FR), VILLA MOLITOR (FR), MONSIEUR PLAYBOY (GER), LET IT SONG (FR), SINGAPORE SLING (FR), TWINLIGHT (FR), PACHA DU POLDER (FR), YANKEE HILL (FR), VIVACISSIMO (IRE), SANOUVA (FR), SALDER ROQUE (FR), SILVER JARO (FR), KRUGUYROVA (FR), WORLDBEST (FR), Rjwa (IRE), Kite Hunter (IRE), La Banderilla (FR), Sunny (FR), Metal Rocket (FR), Yarubo (FR), Maroon Machine (IRE), Masquenada (FR), Chasse Maree (FR), Double Diamond (FR), Drifting Mist (GB), Vermont (IRE), Zamaam (GB), Kapirovska (FR), Naadrah (GB) 262 NEW APPROACH (IRE) Chesnut horse, 2005, by Galileo (IRE) out of Park Express by Ahonoora. Champion 2yr old in Europe in 2007. Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2008. Won 8 races, value £1,992,070, at 2 and 3, from 7 furlongs to 1½ miles, National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Champion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1, Vodafone Derby, Epsom Downs, Gr.1, Galileo EBF Futurity, Curragh, Gr.2, Tyros Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, placed second in Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, third in Juddmonte International Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2009, and sire of winners under both rules inc. MAY'S DREAM (AUS), SULTANINA (GB), DAWN APPROACH (IRE), TALENT (GB), LIBERTARIAN (GB), GAMBLIN' GURU (AUS), CAP O'RUSHES (GB), ELLIPTIQUE (IRE), MONTSEGUR (AUS), NEWFANGLED (USA), MAJESTIC JASMINE (IRE), PARISH BOY (GB), BE READY (IRE), BUNAIRGEAD (IRE), THA'IR (IRE), Scighera (GB), Future Empire (GB), Speedy Approach (GB), Betimes (GB), Bold Sniper (GB), Pretzel (IRE), Saraaba (IRE), Sudden Wonder (IRE), Ceisteach (IRE), Centurius (GB), Rangi (GB), Winters Moon (IRE), Rasmeyaa (IRE), Bright Approach (IRE), Broadway Duchess (IRE), Vanity Rules (GB) OBSERVATORY (USA) Chesnut horse, 1997, by Distant View (USA) out of Stellaria (USA) by Roberto (USA). Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2000. JT 3rd top rated 3yr old in Europe in 2000. Won 6 races, value £369,145, at 2 to 4, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile 1 furlong, Prix d'Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Jersey Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr.3, Theo Fennell Lennox Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, also placed second in Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2, Milcars King Charles II Stakes, Newmarket, L. Retired to Stud in 2002, and sire of winners under both rules inc. TWICE OVER (GB), AFRICAN ROSE (GB), HELLEBORINE (GB), VIOLETTE (GB), WIRE TO WIRE (FR), SOTTONE (GB), CHASING STARS (GB), PIPERITA (GB), STAR CLUSTER (GB), NIDHAAL (IRE), Sebastian Flyte (GB), Waldjagd (GB), Gulapa (GB), Davie's Story (GB), Sam Lord (GB), Armand (GB), Mpumalanga (GB), Argumentative (GB), Nosedive (GB), Dibella (IRE), FAST PACE (GB), POMME (GB), TELESCOPE (USA), UNNOTICED (GB), VIAGGIO IN ORIENTE (GB), ORMEL (GB), WILY FOX (GB), AKERON ONE (GB), ALIGARH (GB), CIMA MINERVE (GB), DREAMS CAPE (FR), EASTERN MAGIC (GB), GOLD OPTION (GB), HANDHELD (GB), JELLY FISH (GB), MAKE WAY (GB), PARIPE (GB) PACO BOY (IRE) Bay horse, 2005, by Desert Style (IRE) out of Tappen Zee by Sandhurst Prince. Won 11 races, value £1,078,287, at 2 to 5, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile, Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr.1, Lockinge Stakes, Newbury, Gr.1, Bet365 Mile, Sandown Park, Gr.2 (twice), Betfair Cup Lennox Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, Hungerford Stakes, Newbury, Gr.2, Greenham Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Spring Cup, Lingfield Park, L, also placed second in BGC Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, Qatar Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr.1, Queen Anne Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, and third in P. Fresnay le Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. BEACON (GB), SMAIH (GER), LEXINGTON TIMES (IRE), Astrophysics (GB), Pack Together (GB), Cherek (FR), Peacock (GB), BACALL (GB), SOURDEVAL (GB), AR COLLEEN AINE (GB), AZRAFF (IRE), DAHAAB (FR), ELLE DORADO (GB), FLICKA'S BOY (GB), ILLOGICAL (GB), IT'S A BOY (FR), LITTLE (GB), MAKING TROUBLE (GER), MALJAA (GB), MARIGOT BAY (GB), MRS BIGGS (GB), PACIFY (GB), PACO ROYALE (GB), PUCK FAIR (IRE), SARSTED (GB), SILVERY BLUE (GB) PASTORAL PURSUITS (GB) Bay horse, 2001, by Bahamian Bounty (GB) out of Star (GB) by Most Welcome. Jt Champion older sprinter in Europe in 2005. Top rated older sprinter in England in 2005. Won 6 races, value £264,496, at 2 to 4, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Darley July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Park Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, Coral Sirenia Stakes, Kempton Park, Gr.3, Hackwood Stakes, Newbury, L, also placed second in Surrey Stakes, Sandown Park, L. Retired to Stud in 2006, and sire of winners under both rules inc. PASTORAL PLAYER (GB), ROSE BLOSSOM (GB), VENTURA MIST (GB), ANGEL'S PURSUIT (IRE), MARINE COMMANDO (GB), TERRA DI TUFFI (GB), Louie de Palma (GB), Pastoral Girl (GB), Veiled Intrigue (GB), Al Muthana (FR), Sagramor (GB), Kakatosi (GB), Kibaar (GB), Auld Burns (GB), Timothy T (GB), End of Line (GB), Major Crispies (GB), Nearly Not Mine (GB), Lilbourne Lass (GB), Weisses Rossl (GB), Pastoral Causeway (GB), BAPAK BANGSAWAN (GB), ELECTRIC QATAR (GB), HUNGERFORD (GB), MEFITE (GB), PERFECT PASTURE (GB), PRAYER TIME (GB) 263 PEINTRE CELEBRE (USA) Chesnut horse, 1994, by Nureyev (USA) out of Peinture Bleue (USA) by Alydar (USA). Champion 3yr old in Europe in 1997. Won 5 races, value £927,340, at 2 and 3, from 1 mile to 1½ miles, Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr.1, Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix Greffulhe, Longchamp, Gr.2, also placed second in Prix Niel, Longchamp, Gr.2, and third in Prix des Chenes, Longchamp, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 1998, and sire of winners under both rules inc. BYWORD (GB), BELLE ET CELEBRE (FR), BENTLEY BISCUIT (AUS), SUDAN (IRE), PRIDE (FR), CASTLEDALE (IRE), JAM ALLEY (AUS), MR CELEBRITY (NZ), MR SANDGROPER (AUS), DAI JIN (GB), PEARL OF LOVE (IRE), VALLEE ENCHANTEE (IRE), LA POMME D'AMOUR (GB), PRAIRIE STAR (FR), CELTIC CELEB (IRE), NIGHT OF MAGIC (IRE), SALVE GERMANIA (IRE), TRINCOT (FR), KATIYRA (IRE), BEAUTIFUL GEM (AUS), BALLYBLEUE (AUS), FANTASTIC LOVE (USA), MISTER MONET (IRE), SUPER CELEBRE (FR), EDELMIRA (IRE), SPLENDID CELEBRE (ARG), XANADOU (IRE), FARSANTE CELEBRE (ARG), HUASO CELEBRE (CHI), MEGA BOSS (AUS), RUM DUM (AUS), PEPPERTREE LANE (IRE), AIRMAIL SPECIAL (IRE), HEARTHSTEAD MAISON (IRE), ART DECO (IRE), CHAIBIA (IRE) POET'S VOICE (GB) Bay horse, 2007, by Dubawi (IRE) out of Bright Tiara (USA) by Chief's Crown (USA). Won 4 races, value £358,279, at 2 and 3, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile, Sony Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, DFS Champagne Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2, also placed second in Emirates Airline Jebel Hatta, Meydan, Gr.2, Sovereign Stakes, Salisbury, Gr.3, and third in Nayef Joel Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Acomb Stakes, York, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. POUR MOI (IRE) Bay horse, 2008, by Montjeu (IRE) out of Gwynn (IRE) by Darshaan. Won 3 races, value £798,893, at 2 and 3, from 1 mile 1 furlong to 1½ miles, Investec Derby Stakes, Epsom Downs, Gr.1, Prix Greffulhe, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2, also placed third in Prix La Force, Longchamp, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. RAVEN'S PASS (USA) Chesnut horse, 2005, by Elusive Quality (USA) out of Ascutney (USA) by Lord At War (ARG). Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2008. 2nd top rated 3yr old in Europe in 2008. Won 6 races, value £1,847,661, at 2 and 3, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile 2 furlongs, Breeders' Cup Classic, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr.2, Iveco Daily Solario Stakes, Sandown Park, Gr.3, also placed second in Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1, BGC Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Craven Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, and third in Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2009, and sire of winners under both rules inc. STEELER (IRE), MALABAR (GB), SECRET NUMBER (GB), ALONSOA (IRE), REDBROOK (IRE), RICHARD PANKHURST (GB), ALTA STIMA (IRE), LOVELY PASS (IRE), Snowboarder (USA), Interesting (IRE), Belonging (GB), Swooning (IRE), Mutashaded (USA), Woodfield Springs (USA), Glean (GB), Interception (IRE), Aqalim (GB), RELCO NORDIC (GB), GREATEST JOURNEY (GB), GREG PASS (IRE), HISTORY BOOK (IRE), NEW YEAR'S NIGHT (IRE), WAJEEH (IRE), WIN COIFF (FR), ALPINE STORM (IRE), ARABIAN BRIDE (IRE), BIZZARIO (GB), BLUE WAVE (IRE), BOWL IMPERIOR (GB), CILENTO (IRE), CONVERSING (USA), DANOYA (FR) RIP VAN WINKLE (IRE) Bay horse, 2006, by Galileo (IRE) out of Looking Back (IRE) by Stravinsky (USA). Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 2009. Champion older horse in Europe in 2010 (9.5-10.5f.). Won 5 races, value £1,201,333, at 2 to 4, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile 2 furlongs, Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, Juddmonte International Stakes, York, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Tyros Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, also placed second in Coral Eclipse Stakes, Sandown Park, Gr.1, Queen Elizabeth II Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, Irish Champion Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. DICK WHITTINGTON (IRE), MAGIC DANCER (NZ), I AM BEAUTIFUL (IRE), PRINCESS CHARM (IRE), Jeanne Girl (IRE), ALMOROX (GB), MIAMI BEACH (ITY), VAN WILDER (IRE), WINKLEMANN (IRE), ARETHUSA (GB), BRAVO ZOLO (IRE), COLOUR RHAPSODY (IRE), DEEP BLUE SEA (GB), HOME CUMMINS (IRE), KOPTOON (GB), RIPINTO (IRE), SLEEPY DUST (IRE), STAND UP IN PARIS (FR), STRAVAGANTE (IRE), YEENAAN (FR) 264 ROCK OF GIBRALTAR (IRE) Bay horse, 1999, by Danehill (USA) out of Offshore Boom by Be My Guest (USA). Champion 3yr old in Europe in 2002. Won 10 races, value £1,269,970, at 2 and 3, from 5 furlongs to 1 mile, Darley Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr.1, Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr.1, Sagitta 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr.1, Sussex Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.1, Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2, Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, also placed second in Breeders' Cup Mile, Arlington, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2003, and sire of winners under both rules inc. ALBORAN SEA (AUS), PRINCE GIBRALTAR (FR), EUROPA POINT (IRE), SAMITAR (GB), SOCIETY ROCK (IRE), DIAMONDRELLA (GB), ROCK KINGDOM (AUS), VARENAR (FR), EAGLE MOUNTAIN (GB), MOUNT NELSON (GB), SEVENTH ROCK (AUS), AJAXANA (GER), ARCETRI PINK (AUS), RAYDARA (IRE), BELLE DE CRECY (IRE), EBIYZA (IRE), PAMPELONNE (AUS), EISHIN OSMAN (JPN), SEA OF HEARTBREAK (IRE), GIBRALTAR BLUE (IRE), LA ROCKET (AUS), PERANA (AUS), ROCK ME BABY (AUS), BOOK OF KELLS (AUS), LOVETRISTA (AUS), KITTY MATCHAM (IRE), RICH GIRL (AUS), ROCK OF ROMANCE (IRE), SAVANNE (IRE), SPOIL THE FUN (FR), CELTIC ROCK (GB), ROMANTIC WAVE (IRE), ATYEB (AUS), AYAAR (IRE), CHERRY DANON (IRE), CORAL WAVE (IRE), GOLDEN ARCHER (AUS), ROCKINANTE (FR), SOFAST (FR), TRES ROCK DANON (FR), ASLANA (IRE), BLESSED LUCK (IRE), GAMBLE ME (AUS), PROART (AUS), SOLID BILLING (AUS), STARLISH (IRE), THREE ROCKS (IRE), GENUINE DEVOTION (IRE), HIGH ROCK (IRE), MUSIDORA (AUS), ROCK OF ROCHELLE (USA), SWEETER STILL (IRE), THEANN (GB), UNILATERAL (IRE), UTRECHT (GB), YELLOWSTONE (IRE) RODERIC O'CONNOR (IRE) Bay horse, 2008, by Galileo (IRE) out of Secret Garden (IRE) by Danehill (USA). Won 3 races, value £393,444, at 2 and 3, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile, Abu Dhabi Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr.1, Criterium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, also placed second in Dubai Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. ROYAL APPLAUSE (GB) Bay horse, 1993, by Waajib out of Flying Melody by Auction Ring (USA). Champion older sprinter in Europe in 1997. Won 9 races, value £374,437, at 2 to 4, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr.1, Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2, Cork and Orrery Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr.3, Coventry Stakes, Royal Ascot, Gr.3, Duke of York Stakes, York, Gr.3, Cammidge Trophy Stakes, Doncaster, L, placed second in July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, and third in Prix de l'Abbaye de Longchamp, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 1998, and sire of winners under both rules inc. TICKER TAPE (GB), BATTLE OF HASTINGS (GB), FINJAAN (GB), LOVELACE (GB), PLEASE SING (GB), WHATSTHESCRIPT (IRE), ACCLAMATION (GB), NEVISIAN LAD (GB), MISTER COSMI (GB), SIR MAXIMILIAN (IRE), PRINCE SIEGFRIED (FR), HABAAYIB (GB), CRIME SCENE (IRE), TAKE A BOW (GB), MAJESTIC MISSILE (IRE), MOTH BALL (GB), TREMAR (GB), PEAK TO CREEK (GB), FRESLES (IRE), MUSICAL COMEDY (GB), SWEET BABY JANE (IRE), HOYAM (GB), SAIGON (GB), ROYAL EXCHANGE (GB), APPLE CHARLOTTE (GB), CORPORAL MADDOX (GB), EMIRATES GOLD (IRE), ROYAL CONFIDENCE (GB), SALPADO (FR), THIRD SET (IRE), EXPENSIVE (GB), LUNA ROYALE (IRE), NICE APPLAUSE (IRE), ROYAL INTRIGUE (IRE), PRINCE CHARMING (GB), ROYAL STORM (IRE), AUDITORIUM (GB), COLONEL COTTON (IRE), THE BONUS KING (GB), MARIINSKY (GB), ROSA DELLE ALPI (USA), SIR ALBERT (GB), KULACHI (IRE) SAKHEE'S SECRET (GB) Chesnut horse, 2004, by Sakhee (USA) out of Palace Street (USA) by Secreto (USA). Champion 3yr old sprinter in Europe in 2007. Won 5 races, value £282,180, at 2 and 3, over 6 furlongs, Darley July Cup, Newmarket, Gr.1, Cathedral Stakes, Salisbury, L, Carnarvon Stakes, Newbury, L, also placed second in Palace House Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2009, and sire of winners under both rules inc. SAKHEE'S SOLDIER (NZ), SALFORD SECRET (IRE), CRYPTIC (NZ), THUNDER STRIKE (GB), Secret Agent (NZ), Leka Secret (NZ), ARTHURS SECRET (GB), FRANCO'S SECRET (GB), GOLD ALLURE (NZ), HO YAM LAY (GB), PLAYTOTHEWHISTLE (GB), SAKHEE'S ROSE (GB), SHARE A SECRET (GB), STELLARTA (GB), STIFF UPPER LIP (IRE), ABBOTSFIELD (IRE), AIR OF MYSTERY (GB), BACKSTAGE GOSSIP (GB), BUCKLEBERRY (GB), CABBIES LOU (GB), CAFFEINE (GB), COMPOSED (GB), DAD'S GIRL (GB), DEEPEST BLUE (GB), GO SAKHEE (GB), HIDDEN ASSET (GB), IN SALUTEM (GB) 265 SHOWCASING (GB) Bay horse, 2007, by Oasis Dream (GB) out of Arabesque (GB) by Zafonic (USA). Won 2 races, value £129,563, at 2, over 6 furlongs, Irish TB Marketing Gimcrack Stakes, York, Gr.2, also placed second in Duke of York Blue Square Stakes, York, Gr.2, and third in Shadwell Middle Park Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. SHOWBOY (NZ), TOOCOOLFORSCHOOL (IRE), CAPPELLA SANSEVERO (GB), HARDLINE (NZ), ACCIPITER (GB), Projected (GB), Lady Ro (GB), Platinum Express (NZ), Prize Exhibit (GB), Avenue Montaigne (IRE), Rosie's Premiere (IRE), ERNEST (GB), FRENCH ENCORE (GB), GORLITZ (GB), LITTLE PALAVER (GB), MULAASEQ (GB), MUNFARRID (GB), SHOWCARD (GB), ABSCENT FRIENDS (GB), CASE STATEMENT (GB), CLOUDS REST (GB), CLUTCHINGATSTRAWS (GB), CONJURING (IRE), FLASHY DIVA (GB), FROZEN PRINCESS (GB), GUN CASE (GB), HANDSOME DUDE (GB), KAUFMANN (GB), LA CUESTA (IRE), SALLABEH (GB), SHOWING CHARACTER (GB), SHOWSTOPPA (GB), TACHOPHOBIA (GB) SIR PERCY (GB) Bay horse, 2003, by Mark of Esteem (IRE) out of Percy's Lass by Blakeney. Top rated 3yr old in England in 2006 (11-13f.). Champion 2yr old colt in England in 2005. Won 5 races, value £1,149,695, at 2 and 3, from 6 furlongs to 1½ miles, Darley Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Vodafone Derby Stakes, Epsom Downs, Gr.1, Veuve Clicquot Vintage Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, also placed second in Stan James 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2008, and sire of winners under both rules inc. SIR ANDREW (NZ), LADY PIMPERNEL (GB), WAKE FOREST (GER), ALLA SPERANZA (GB), INDIGO LADY (GB), LADY TIANA (GB), NAFAQA (IRE), SOUND HEARTS (USA), BOMAR (IRE), COQUET (GB), SIR TALI (ITY), Prima (NZ), Mirsaale (GB), Principiante (GB), Kune Kune (GB), Perkins (NZ), Hyder (FR), Percy Jackson (GB), Newsletter (IRE), The Fire Inside (NZ), Sir Jack Layden (GB), Cavaleiro (IRE), Caesars Star (IND), Madrilena (SPA), Svatantra (GB), BEAU KNIGHT (GB), BORN TO REIGN (GB), CHAUVELIN (GB), DESTINY HIGHWAY (FR), LORAINE (GB), MUSCAT HILLS (NZ), SALFORD ART (IRE), SBRAASE (GB), SILVER MOUNTAIN (GB), SIR JOHN HAWKWOOD (IRE), SIR KEATING (GB), WALK LIKE A GIANT (GB), ALL PERCY (GB), AZRUR (IRE) STRATEGIC PRINCE (GB) Bay horse, 2004, by Dansili (GB) out of Ausherra (USA) by Diesis. Won 3 races, value £113,158, at 2, from 5 furlongs to 7 furlongs, TNT July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.2, Veuve Clicquot Vintage Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.2, also placed third in Darley Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2008, and sire of winners under both rules inc. LA COLLINA (IRE), VOLATILE (SWE), TONES (IRE), Redact (IRE), Purple 'n Gold (IRE), Primo Uomo (IRE), Nuage d'Argent (IRE), ADAMS (IRE), FINE PRINCE (IRE), FULL SHOW (IRE), PALAZZO PITTI (IRE), RASOTERRA (IRE), SPORTLOBSTER (IRE), STRADE KIRK (IRE), SUN SON (IRE), VITTORIA APUANA (IRE), EQUITY SWAP (IRE), ALTA DIMENSIONE (IRE), ARDMAY (IRE), ATALANTA BAY (IRE), BORODINO (IRE), BRIDGE ANIAF (IRE), CABANELLO (IRE), CAPTAIN CULLEN (IRE), CHARLTON HEIGHTS (IRE), CLARE ISLAND BOY (IRE), ELIZABETH FLYNN (IRE), FLIGHT PLAN (IRE), GUN SHOOT (IRE), INTOMIST (IRE), JELLY MONGER (IRE), LADY MANDEVILLE (IRE), MUFFIN PRINCESS (IRE), PRINCESS OF ANNAM (IRE) TAGULA (IRE) Bay horse, 1993, by Taufan (USA) out of Twin Island (IRE) by Standaan (FR). Won 4 races, value £216,831, at 2 and 3, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Prix Morny Piaget, Deauville, Gr.1, Charlton Hunt Supreme Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, SBJ Group July Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, also placed third in Dubai Poule d'Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr.1, Generous Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Tripleprint Greenham Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 1997, and sire of winners under both rules inc. CANFORD CLIFFS (IRE), TAX FREE (IRE), ATLANTIS PRINCE (GB), TAGSHIRA (IRE), LIMATO (IRE), PURE POETRY (IRE), DRAWNFROMTHEPAST (IRE), KING ORCHISIOS (IRE), DOUBLE VIE (IRE), BAKEWELL TART (IRE), MACAROON (IRE), RED MILLENNIUM (IRE), WAN (FR), PRINCETON PLAINS (IRE), PARIGNY (FR), TAGULA BLUE (IRE), Dragon Flyer (IRE), Invasion (IRE), Duchess Dora (IRE), Fine Island (IRE), Raggle Taggle (IRE), Tagula Sunrise (IRE), Pentecost (GB), Beaver Patrol (IRE), Classy Lassy (IRE), Sunderland Echo (IRE), Bond Becks (IRE), Partytime (IRE), Tilak (GB), Triple Play (IRE) 266 TAMAYUZ (GB) Chesnut horse, 2005, by Nayef (USA) out of Al Ishq (FR) by Nureyev (USA). Won 5 races, value £482,505, at 2 and 3, over 1 mile, Abu Dhabi Sorouh Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1, P. Fresnay le Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1, Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2009, and sire of winners under both rules inc. G FORCE (IRE), SIR PRANCEALOT (IRE), THAWAANY (IRE), BROWN SUGAR (IRE), MEINER ETERNEL (IRE), ROYAL SPRING (FR), BEST REGARDS (IRE), IGHRAA (IRE), Fadhayyil (IRE), Tupi (IRE), Reyaadah (GB), Snap Call (GB), Tamayuz Star (IRE), Taayel (IRE), Quinta Verde (IRE), Jally (IRE), Five Avenue (IRE), GOLD COAST (FR), MUKAYNIS (IRE), MUNDAHESH (IRE), MYSTERIEUX (FR), RED TIDE (IRE), WARBROOK (IRE), ATLANTIC ISLE (GER), AWARD (IRE), BANAADEER (IRE), BEST TAMAYUZ (GB) TEOFILO (IRE) Bay horse, 2004, by Galileo (IRE) out of Speirbhean (IRE) by Danehill (USA). Champion 2yr old in Europe in 2006. Won 5 races, value £349,515, at 2, over 7 furlongs, Darley Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.1, Laing O'Rourke National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Galileo EBF Futurity, Curragh, Gr.2, Tyros Stakes, Leopardstown, L. Retired to Stud in 2008, and sire of winners under both rules inc. SONNTAG (AUS), HAVANA GOLD (IRE), TRADING LEATHER (IRE), VOLEUSE DE COEURS (IRE), LOCH GARMAN (IRE), PARISH HALL (IRE), TARFASHA (IRE), AMIRA'S PRINCE (IRE), LIGHT HEAVY (IRE), AMRALAH (IRE), FATE (FR), KERMADEC (NZ), TOBANN (IRE), ROYAL EMPIRE (IRE), SAMBA BRAZIL (GER), REMEMBER ALEXANDER (GB), BOCAIUVA (IRE), CHANCE TO DANCE (IRE), CRYSTAL DIAMOND (GB), HAVANA BEAT (IRE), INYORDREAMS (GB), LIVIA'S DREAM (IRE), MALICE (AUS), PYRROLIC (AUS), RIO TIGRE (IRE), SIMBA (GB), LEOFILO (GB), MIBLISH (GB), PAENE MAGNUS (IRE), TEOPHILIP (IRE), BLACK ARROW (IRE), ROZ (GB), TEOLANE (IRE) THEWAYYOUARE (USA) Bay horse, 2005, by Kingmambo (USA) out of Maryinsky (IRE) by Sadler's Wells (USA). Won 4 races, value £167,511, at 2, from 7½ furlongs to 1 mile, Criterium International, Saint-Cloud, Gr.1, Prix Thomas Bryon, SaintCloud, Gr.3, Criterium de Lyon, Lyon-Parilly, L. Retired to Stud in USA and NZ in 2010 and IRE in 2011, and sire of winners inc. TOAST OF NEW YORK (USA), EL JADER (USA), PRINCE MAMBO (NZ), TWYA (NZ), Hug And A Kiss (USA), Selfie (NZ), Way In (NZ), Jimmy Rea (NZ), Acquisto (NZ), Secret Admirer (USA), Don't Change (NZ), BOMBELLI (USA), DOWNTOWN CHICAGO (NZ), KOLEKCJONER (IRE), LAMBRUSCO (ITY), LOGORRHEIC (GB), NIK SADOW (IRE), THANKSGIVING DAY (IRE), THAT MAN OF MINE (IRE), THEWAYTHEWINDBLOWS (IRE), TOMMY DOCC (IRE), TOTAL DEMOLITION (IRE), WAYWAY (IRE), ANOTHER VIEW (USA), ANOTHER WAY (IRE), BARBIE LOCA (USA), CACICA DULIMA (USA), DUBLIN DANCER (USA), DUNAWAY (IRE), E COSI SIA (IRE), GATOR JACK (USA) THOUSAND WORDS (GB) Bay horse, 2004, by Dansili (GB) out of Verbose (USA) by Storm Bird (CAN). Won 4 races, value £111,101, at 2 to 4, from 6 furlongs to 1 mile, Somerville Tattersall Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3, also placed third in Craven Stakes, Newmarket, Gr.3. Retired to Stud in 2009, and sire of winners under both rules inc. TOP NOTCH TONTO (IRE), One Word More (IRE), CARO DJAN (IRE), LYRIC ACE (IRE), NONPAREIL (IRE), ATLANTIS AND KO (IRE), BETTY BOO (IRE), CASTLE WORLD (IRE), CONVERSATIONAL (IRE), KILWORD (IRE), LOVING WORDS (IRE), NAMURIAN SUNSET (IRE), PERFECT WORDS (IRE), SWEET WORDS (IRE), QUINLANDIO (IRE), DANEGLOW (IRE), GRAND DENIAL (IRE), HARBINGER LASS (GB), KISS THE STARS (IRE), LUCY PARSONS (IRE), STUPENDA GIORNATA (IRE), SYDNEY JAMES (IRE), TALKSALOT (IRE), WORDSAPLENTY (IRE) VALE OF YORK (IRE) Bay horse, 2007, by Invincible Spirit (IRE) out of Red Vale (IRE) by Halling (USA). Jt 4th top rated 2yr old in Europe in 2009. Won 3 races, value £842,212, at 2, from 7 furlongs to 1 mile ½ furlongs, Breeders' Cup Juvenile, Santa Anita, Gr.1, Stardom Stakes, Goodwood, L, also placed second in Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr.1, third in Royal Lodge Stakes, Ascot, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. FONTANELICE (IRE), AIR OF YORK (IRE), AKAVIT (IRE), INVINCIBLE WISH (IRE), JACKVILLE GO (IRE), RICHARD PARKER (IRE), ESCRICK (IRE), GREAT PARK (IRE), HAROLD PETO (IRE), HAXBY (IRE), LITTLE ROOSTER (IRE), MILLAR ROSE (IRE), OLIVIA FALLOW (IRE), RUBY ROSE (IRE), SPAGONE (IRE), SPORTAGE (IRE), SUNNY YORK (IRE), THECORNISHASSASSIN (GB), TIP TOE TAYLOR (IRE), VALMELODY (IRE), WHIP UP A FRENZY (IRE) 267 VOCALISED (USA) Bay or Brown horse, 2006, by Vindication (USA) out of Serena's Tune (USA) by Mr Prospector (USA). Won 4 races, value £130,224, at 2 and 3, over 7 furlongs, Bathwick Tyres Greenham Stakes, Newbury, Gr.3, Dylan Thomas EBF Tetrarch Stakes, Curragh, Gr.3, Newbridge Credit Union Loughbrown Stakes, Curragh, L. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. STEIP AMACH (IRE), VOCAL NATION (IRE), VOCALISER (IRE) WHIPPER (USA) Bay horse, 2001, by Miesque's Son (USA) out of Myth To Reality (FR) by Sadler's Wells (USA). Top rated 3yr old miler in France in 2004. Top rated older sprinter in France in 2005. Won 6 races, value £676,264, at 2 to 4, from 5½ furlongs to 1 mile, P. Fresnay le Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1, Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1, Prix Morny Casinos Barriere, Deauville, Gr.1, Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr.2, Prix Djebel, Maisons-Laffitte, L, also placed second in P. Fresnay le Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr.1, Prix Maurice de Gheest, Deauville, Gr.1, and third in Prix du Muguet, Saint-Cloud, Gr.2. Retired to Stud in 2006, and sire of winners under both rules inc. WIZZ KID (IRE), POLLYANA (IRE), ROYAL BENCH (IRE), MALAGENIA (IRE), TOPEKA (IRE), DOLLED UP (IRE), EINSTEINS FOLLY (IRE), KALSA (IRE), MAYHEM (IRE), SUN ON THE RUN (IRE), VERY NICE NAME (FR), WAZN (IRE), WILLIE THE WHIPPER (GB), MURANO (IRE), COURCHEVEL (IRE), WHIP AND WIN (FR), YAA WAYL (IRE), Atasari (IRE), Peut Etre (IRE), Anticipated (IRE), Switcher (IRE), Beyond Thankful (IRE), Miss Fifty (IRE), Waikika (FR), Lana Jolie (GER), Cracking Lass (IRE), Whip Rule (IRE), Dark Spirit (IRE), Bondage (IRE), Kian's Delight (GB), Whipless (IRE), Tres Forte (FR), Whifell (GB) ZEBEDEE (GB) Grey horse, 2008, by Invincible Spirit (IRE) out of Cozy Maria (USA) by Cozzene (USA). Won 6 races, value £162,819, at 2, from 5 furlongs to 6 furlongs, Polypipe Flying Childers Stakes, Doncaster, Gr.2, Betfair Molecomb Stakes, Goodwood, Gr.3, Dragon Stakes, Sandown Park, L. Retired to Stud in 2011, and sire of winners inc. IVAWOOD (IRE), Parsley (IRE), North Ireland (IRE), AREION (IRE), BOB ROCK (IRE), DARK WAVE (GB), JUSTICE FIRST (GB), MAGICAL ROUNDABOUT (IRE), VELOCITER (IRE), ZEBED (IRE), ZEBS LAD (IRE), BAZZANA (GB), BRAZEN SPIRIT (GB), DANOT (IRE), DOMINIC CORK (GB), DOUGAL (IRE), GEORGE DRYDEN (IRE), GREY Z (IRE), KAYO KOKO (IRE), MAGIC FLORENCE (IRE), MAGICAL MEMORY (IRE), MIAMI CAROUSEL (IRE), MURADIF (IRE), ONLY FOR REVENGE (IRE), PEARL'S AZINGER (IRE), POWER PLAY (IRE), PRETTY PICTURE (GB), QATAR DANCE (IRE), RISE UP LOTUS (IRE), ROCKING THE BOAT (IRE), SPIRIT OF ZEB (IRE), SPRING LOADED (IRE), TIMIZMIZ (FR) ZOFFANY (IRE) Bay horse, 2008, by Dansili (GB) out of Tyranny (GB) by Machiavellian (USA). Jt top rated 3yr old miler in Ireland in 2011. Won 5 races, value £337,075, at 2, from 6 furlongs to 7 furlongs, Keeneland Phoenix Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1, Korean Racing Authority Tyros Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, Golden Fleece Stakes, Leopardstown, L, also placed second in Prix Jean Prat, Chantilly, Gr.1, St James's Palace Stakes, Ascot, Gr.1, Ballycorus Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr.3, and third in Vincent O'Brien National Stakes, Curragh, Gr.1. Retired to Stud in 2012, first crop now 2 year olds. 268 Goresbridge 2015 Sales Dates (May be subject to change) HORSE SALES IRELAND SPORT HORSE PERFORMANCE SALES of Showjumpers, Hunters, Riding Horses, Potential Eventers, Potential Showjumpers, Potential Dressage Horses, Potential Show Horses, Broken and Unbroken 4-Year-Olds, 3-Year-Olds and Jumping Ponies • July 14th, 15th & 16th • October 20th, 21st, 22nd & 23rd Entries close June 5th Entries close September 11th • September 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th*, 14th, 15th, 16th & 17th • December 4th Entries close November 6th Entries close July 10th * To include Ridden Irish Draught Section SUPREME SALE OF SHOWJUMPERS • September 3rd & 4th MONTHLY HORSE AND PONY SALES of Ponies, Cobs, Hunters, Riding Horses, Broken and Unbroken Young Stock, Broodmares, Yearlings and Foals • June 6th • September 5th Entries close May 29th • December 5th Entries close Aug. 28th • July 4th Entries close Nov. 20th • October 3rd Entries close June 26th • August 1st Entries close Sept. 25th • November 7th Entries close July 24th Entries close Oct. 23rd BROODMARES, FOAL AND YEARLING SALE • October 7th, 8th, 9th & 10th Entries close September 4th THOROUGHBRED SALES of Point-To-Pointers, National Hunt and Flat Horses in and out of Training, Broken and Unbroken 4-Year-Olds, 3-Year-Olds, 2-Year-Olds, Potential Eventers, Broodmares, Foals & Yearlings • July 24th • October 31st Entries close June 19th Entries close September 25th REGISTERED CONNEMARA & IRISH DRAUGHT SALES of Riding Ponies, Riding Horses, Broken and Unbroken Young Stock, Broodmares, Foals & Yearlings • December 3rd Entries close November 13th • Ridden Irish Draught Section – September 12th – Entries close July 10th GORESBRIDGE GO FOR GOLD SALE For 3, 4, 5 and 6-Year-Old Event Horses • November DUTCH MASTERPIECE Champion 3YO Sprinter in Ireland 2013 Winner of Gr.3 Flying Five Stakes at the Curragh Consigned by Powerstown Stud, purchased by Gary Moore Racing for €67,000 HITCHENS Multiple Group winner inc. Gr.3 Greenlands Stakes Consigned by Low Gallop Stables, purchased by Gary Moore Racing for €60,000 FIESOLANA Five-time Group winner including Gr.1 Matron Stakes in 2014 Consigned by Ardmayle House Stud, purchased by Frederico Barberini for €35,000 A proven source of Group winners MUSIC SHOW Winner of Gr.1 Falmouth Stakes, also Gr.2 and Gr.3 winner Joint Top Rated 3yo filly Consigned by Horse Park Stud, purchased by Gill Richardson for €16,000 WILLIE THE WHIPPER 2yo Stakes winner Gr.1 second Consigned by Mayfield Stables, purchased by Ann Duffield for €21,000 BAREFOOT LADY Winner of Gr.2 Canadian Stakes Also Gr.3 winner and Gr.1 placed Consigned by Grove Stud, purchased by Gill Richardson for €30,000