Graduation Ceremonies - University of South Australia
Graduation Ceremonies - University of South Australia
2012 Graduation Ceremonies 2012 This publication was produced by Document Services using environmentally sustainable consumables and technology. Natasha Natale Stumps Blown and Cut glass Juraj Cuchor J.G.V. Mixed media This booklet exhibits the outstanding work of graduates of the University of South Australia’s School of Art, Architecture and Design Today is a time for celebration, as you mark It is with excitement and pride that I share both the end and the beginning of exciting this most significant occasion with you. parts of your lives. It is also an occasion on which to look forward to the opportunities Graduating from university represents a major available to you as a graduate of the personal achievement. It requires great effort, University of South Australia. I am honoured discipline, focus and personal motivation, to be able to share this special event with particularly for those people studying remotely you, and your family and friends. or combining their studies with work and family commitments, as so many of our During your time at the University of students do. South Australia you have developed a set of distinctive qualities which describe the I offer you my heartfelt congratulations on knowledge, skills and personal abilities that your success. It is also important to you will need as you move into a constantly acknowledge those who have provided changing global economy. You have acquired support and encouragement throughout your an international outlook; a capacity for critical academic journey, particularly your family, thought and lifelong learning; an ability to friends and mentors. On behalf of the communicate effectively, and work University of South Australia, I wish you every autonomously and cooperatively; and a sense success and much prosperity for the years of social responsibility. You are well equipped ahead. While today marks the realisation of to succeed, confident in the knowledge and a goal, I look forward to you maintaining a skills you possess. relationship with the University into the future, perhaps through further study or by Congratulations and all the very best as you becoming involved with our alumni network. start the next big adventure in your lives. I hope that the University of South Australia has served you well, and provided you with the skills, confidence and experience to help Dr Ian Gould AM you achieve your dreams, as well as the Chancellor strong self-belief that you can. Professor Peter Høj Vice Chancellor and President Introducing the University of South Australia The University of South Australia is a opportunities offered by our innovative, globally-focused, locally-engaged institution work-focused programs are available to a established on the dual principles of equity diverse range of students, including those and excellence. from disadvantaged backgrounds. We recently established UniSA College to Through our commitment to world-class provide a pathway for people who have not teaching, learning and research, we are traditionally accessed university study, and equipping and inspiring individuals to fulfil are investing more than $1 billion over the their potential, and working closely with next decade in new physical and virtual communities to tackle the challenges of infrastructure across our campuses to today and the future. provide students and staff with the most upto-date facilities. With more than 36,000 students, the University is South Australia’s largest and Our commitment to excellence is also was ranked 11th in Australia – and in the reflected in the calibre of our academics and top three per cent of more than 10,000 researchers. We are ranked number seven in universities worldwide – in the 2011 QS Australia (and number one in South World University Rankings. It offers more Australia) for the proportion of staff holding than 300 degree programs across a wide doctorate qualifications. In addition, the most range of subjects including business, law, recent national Excellence in Research for education, arts and social sciences, health Australia evaluation reported that 70 per sciences, information technology, engineering cent of our assessed research was rated and the environment. world-class or above. These are designed in close collaboration As well as making a significant contribution with industry to ensure our graduates are to our economy and society at state and equipped to the highest possible level in national level, UniSA is an integral partner in order to succeed in their chosen profession, a range of community events, including as a and which offer unrivalled opportunities for long-term supporter of the Santos Tour integrating work experience into study. Down Under UCI WorldTour cycling race, and the Adelaide Festival of Arts. We believe the reputation of a university is determined largely by the quality of its As it celebrates its 21st birthday in 2012, the graduates, and we are proud that more than University of South Australia is building on 90 per cent of our graduates now in full-time its proud past to secure an exciting future. work are employed in professional occupations, which is well above the To read more about our strategy for the next national average. decade, see Horizon 2020 The University of South Australia remains lt.asp). ( strongly committed to ensuring the Over 150 years of experience While formally celebrating its 21st birthday in In 2012, the University of South Australia has 2012, the University of South Australia’s established itself as a significant and reputation for teaching, learning and research respected element of Australia's higher excellence stretches back more than 150 years. education sector. Its historical strengths in the arts and sciences, business, technology and Our innovative, world-class university was humanities have formed the basis of its established in 1991, bringing together a innovative joint degrees, and its collaborative, number of pioneering antecedent institutions multi-disciplinary outlook. including Australia’s first public art school (the South Australian School of Art, founded From this blend of youth and tradition, the in 1856) which counts many celebrated University of South Australia has emerged as Australian artists among its graduates. They a mature and outward-looking university – include Jeffrey Smart, who in 2011 received modern, flexible, accessible, and in touch with the honorary degree of Doctor of the the needs of the community. University. Our history also incorporates the colony’s first Teachers’ Training College, established in 1876, and which quickly earned high regard for the quality of teachers it trained. Then, in 1889, the landmark South Australian School of Mines and Industries was founded on twin ideals - to strengthen the colony’s economic base by increasing its number of educated professionals, and to provide more equitable access to education for a broader range of people. These principles, as well as the disciplines upon which these enterprises were founded – arts, teaching, engineering and the sciences – remain cornerstones of the University of South Australia’s vision to equip and inspire individuals, and to work closely and collaboratively with communities. The University of South Australia Act established a university with a mission to create and disseminate knowledge through high-quality teaching, research, scholarship and consultancy, to ensure the inquiring minds of today receive the opportunities and the tools to realise their goals, and to help our local and global communities address the foremost challenges of our time. Academic dress Doctor of Science higher doctorate Professional doctorates Oxford-style red gown with blue facing and Oxford-style black gown faced with discipline gold ribbon trim on front of gown and around colour (as shown below) on front of gown sleeve cuffs. Black Tudor velvet bonnet with and around sleeve cuffs. Black Tudor velvet red cord and tassel. Red hood lined with blue bonnet with black tassel. Black hood lined and edged with gold ribbon with two gold with discipline colour with gold edging. chevrons on either side. Masters degrees Doctor of Letters higher doctorate Oxford-style black gown. Black mortarboard Oxford-style red gown with gold facing and with black tassel. Black hood lined with blue blue ribbon trim on front of gown and around with gold edging. sleeve cuffs. Black Tudor velvet bonnet with red cord and tassel. Red hood lined with gold Graduate diplomas and Graduate and edged with blue ribbon with two blue certificates chevrons on either side. Cambridge-style black gown with stoles as shown below. Doctor of Philosophy degrees Oxford-style black gown with red facing on Undergraduate degrees front of gown and around sleeve cuffs. Black Cambridge-style black gown. Black Tudor velvet bonnet with black tassel. Black mortarboard with black tassel. Black hood hood lined with red with gold edging. lined with discipline colour as shown below. Associate degrees Cambridge-style black gown with stole as shown below. All University of South Australia hoods are of the Oxford burgon style. Associate Degree Architecture and Building Business and Management Graduate Certificate Creative Arts Graduate Diploma Education Engineering Oxford burgon style hood Environmental Sciences Health Sciences Humanities Social Sciences and Law Information Technology Science Mortarboard tassels for Indigenous Australian graduates The University of South Australia is proud of its commitment to Australian reconciliation. To enable Indigenous Australians to have their ancestry recognised, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander graduates have the option of wearing a mortarboard with a tassel incorporating the colours of the respective flags (red, black and gold for Aboriginal graduates and blue, green and white for Torres Strait Islander graduates). History of academic dress Over the centuries, gowns have evolved in Academic dress has a long history, almost various forms from the original outer garment as long as that of universities themselves. or robe commonly worn by the laity and It began with the foundation of the members of the clergy, to the many modern European universities in the 12th and 13th versions for the various levels of academic centuries. Until that time, education was awards. Hoods have developed from the carried out within the monasteries, such as head coverings worn by students in the early one at Oxford where divinity, philosophy and ages. They were especially useful in inclement arts were studied as early as the 8th century. weather and in the draughty cloisters of monasteries. It was not until the 12th century that groups of teachers and students gathered together At Canterbury, in the 13th century, the monks’ for classes outside monastery walls in a move hoods were lined with fur because of the cold. that was recognisable as the beginnings of Windows in those days were not glazed. universities. Two of the outstanding schools at that time were in Bologna and Paris. It would seem that no matter how young During the 13th century the Roman legal a university is, one of the first priorities is word universitas became a common name to adopt a style of academic dress which for study groups. The third great university is distinctive. of the Middle Ages, Oxford, emerged at that time. Much of the symbolism of academic The University of South Australia is no dress is bound up with the history of those exception. In 1991, UniSA acknowledged the early universities which have influenced the academic dress of its predecessor institutions creation and maintenance of a distinctive and then in February 1992, the University’s form of dress. academic dress was determined by the Council and the first graduation ceremonies In the earliest times, university statutes wearing the new UniSA academic dress concerning academic costume were occurred during April 1992. It is interesting somewhat vague, and it was not until the to note that the hood chosen is of Oxford late 14th and early 15th centuries, as lay Burgon style while the gown is of the fashions began to change, that universities Cambridge style, an interesting link with began to adopt the policy of setting down two of the greatest European universities particular requirements for the shape and of the Middle Ages. cut of academic dress. Caitlin Wiechula Destroyed 2011 Acrylic on canvas The Occasional Address Order of Ceremony Professor Mary O’Kane BSc, PhD Processional music will be played on the Silver Jubilee Organ. Professor Mary O’Kane is the New South Wales Chief Scientist and Scientific Engineer, and also executive chairman of Mary O’Kane & Associates Pty Ltd, a Sydney-based company that provides strategic advice to governments, universities and the private sector. The audience is requested to stand for the entrance of the Academic Procession, Council and Official Party. She is also chair of the Australian Centre for Renewable Energy, chair of the Development Gateway and the Development Gateway International, chair of the Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Spatial Information, and a director of PSMA Ltd and Business Events Sydney. Professor O’Kane was Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Adelaide from 1996-2001, and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) from 1994-96. Before that, she was Dean of the Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering at the University of Canberra. She is a former member of the Australian Research Council, the Cooperative Research Centres Committee, the board of FH Faulding & Co Ltd and the board of the CSIRO. She holds an honorary doctorate from Central Queensland University, Macquarie University and University of Canberra. She is also a fellow and vice-president of the Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, and an honorary fellow of Engineers Australia. The National Anthem. The Chancellor, Dr Ian Gould AM, BSc(Hons), PhD, FAusIMM, FTSE will open the ceremony. The Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Høj MSc, PhD, DUniv (honoris causa), FTSE, will address the ceremony. Professor Andrew Parfitt BE, PhD, FIEAust, Pro Vice Chancellor and Vice President: Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment, will present the title of Emeritus Professor to Professor Roger Smart BSc(Hons), PhD, FRACI. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Professor Mary O’Kane, New South Wales Chief Scientist and Scientific Engineer. The Chancellor, on behalf of the University, will confer awards on the candidates. The assembly is invited to applaud individual doctoral graduates. For all other graduates, the Presenter will invite applause for each group at the conclusion of its presentation. The Chancellor will close the ceremony. The audience is requested to stand as the Official Party, Council and Academic Procession retire. Gaudeamus Igitur / Anonymous, German early 18th C [CPDL #10745] Advance Australia Fair / Peter Dodds McCormick, arranged by Christopher Gordon Prelude to a Te Deum / Marc-Antoine Charpentier 26 March 3.00pm Adelaide Festival Theatre Monday 26 March at 3.00pm The Presentation Professor Andrew Parfitt BE, PhD, FIEAust, Pro Vice Chancellor and Vice President : Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment, will present: for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Hamideh Anjomshoa, by thesis entitled: Optimal placement of passing bays in underground mines (conferred: 20 October 2011) Girish Choppala, by thesis entitled: Reduction and bioavailability of chromium in soils (conferred: 15 December 2011) Andrew Cunningham, by thesis entitled: Large graph visualization and interaction for collocated collaboration (conferred: 15 March 2012) Cathryn May Hamilton, by thesis entitled: The role of local government to support community carbon reduction: an analysis of capacity to act and climate change governance (conferred: 15 December 2011) Gareth Lewis, by thesis entitled: Fate and dynamics of fluoroquinolone antibiotics as pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in the soil environment (conferred: 20 October 2011) Behzad Motevallian, by thesis entitled: Products disassembly: design, modelling and optimisation (conferred: 15 December 2011) Grant Samuel Osborne, by thesis entitled: The explore, investigate and correlate (EIC) process for digital forensics information visualisation (conferred: 15 March 2012) Germain Paz, by thesis entitled: Better ways for small to medium enterprises (SMEs) to do business with the Department of Defence (conferred: 20 October 2011) Ricardo Pereira Peculis, by thesis entitled: A framework for steering software-intensive acquisitions to success (conferred: 15 March 2012) Christopher Mark Raymond, by thesis entitled: The influence of human values, place attachment, beliefs and norms on the planting of native vegetation in rural South Australia (conferred: 15 March 2012) Gavin Sydney Smith, by thesis entitled: Pedestrian route prediction from GPS logs (conferred: 15 March 2012) Gertrude Szili, by thesis entitled: Entrepreneurial governance and the green imperative: a critique of the environmental (re)scripting of Port Adelaide and Mawson Lakes, South Australia (conferred: 15 March 2012) Teng Ming Foey, by thesis entitled: Fabrication of nanotube-based pressure microsensors for applications in manometric catheter diagnostics (conferred: 15 March 2012) Rajesh Kanna Thiagarajan, by thesis entitled: Constraint-based automated service discovery and composition (conferred: 20 October 2011) Alexander Charles Townsend, by thesis entitled: Electricity ecology with particular reference to Australia (conferred: 15 March 2012) Minh Dao-Johnson Tran, by thesis entitled: Automated detection and discrimination of buried explosive threats using feature extraction and cost based probability updating (conferred: 15 December 2011) Liang Wang, by thesis entitled: Novel techniques for pattern recognition, processing and anlyzing data for contaminant and nutrient monitoring using an ion-selective electrode array (electronic tongue systems) (conferred: 15 December 2011) Kevin White, by thesis entitled: Ground holding optimisation and air schedule recovery (conferred: 15 March 2012) Kai Ying Yeap, by thesis entitled: Stimulus responsive flocs formation, interfacial chemistry and water minimization in dewatering of talc suspensions (conferred: 20 October 2011) Wei Zhang, by thesis entitled: Developing visible-light sensitive titania/ adsorbent composite and its application in wastewater treatment (conferred: 15 March 2012) * indicates a conferral of award date prior to this ceremony DIVISION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND THE ENVIRONMENT for the degree of Master of Engineering (Civil) Behnoosh Bazrafkan *(15/03/12) for the Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice (Electrical Power Engineering) Muhammad Tahir Khan Abdur Rauf for the Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice (Telecommunications) Ramesh Sundara Rajan Chee Weng Chye *(20/10/11) Choo Jiann Ren Anthony *(20/10/11) Duraikkannu Balasubramanian *(15/03/12) Ethiraj Thirumalai *(20/10/11) Foo Siong Fatt *(20/10/11) Gan Ek Meng *(20/10/11) Ashik Girish *(15/03/12) Goh Kim Seah *(15/03/12) Ho Lien Chun Wilson *(15/03/12) Kanniyappan Velu *(20/10/11) Rajesh Khanna *(20/10/11) N Rajesh Kumar *(15/03/12) Kyaw Moe Min *(20/10/11) Lam Keng Fei *(20/10/11) Lau Hui Huat *(20/10/11) Li Shuai *(20/10/11) Lim Cheng Chung *(15/03/12) Lim Hui Boon *(15/03/12) Loh Wei Keat *(15/03/12) Looi Chee Ming *(20/10/11) Lu Ee Lae *(15/03/12) Nai Puay Guan *(15/03/12) Sist Naung *(15/03/12) Ngamchalee Parichatra *(15/03/12) Ow Sook Yee *(15/03/12) Paranthaman Kamalnath *(15/03/12) Selvaraj Aanandha Saravana *(15/03/12) Sam Joseph Suresh *(15/03/12) Tay Sin Yue *(20/10/11) Yalin Tay *(15/03/12) Wang Wenwei *(20/10/11) Yong Chin Loung *(15/03/12) for the degree of Master of Engineering (Energy and Sustainable Systems) Shahuzan Hassan for the degree of Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Adolphus Mak *(15/03/12) Leonardo Ansok Cahigas *(15/03/12) Chan Joo Foong *(15/03/12) Chong Weiping Mark *(15/03/12) Chua Bee Bee *(15/03/12) Chua Yong Heng *(15/03/12) Milkha Singh Dhaliwal *(15/03/12) Jiang Shan *(15/03/12) Aditi Kalha Felix Nachiyunde Ng Yen Yek *(15/03/12) Pua Joo Hai Benjamin *(15/03/12) Quek Beng Chin *(15/12/11) Valluvan Sundaram *(15/03/12) Tan Woo Ching *(15/03/12) Teo Chee Meng Ivan *(15/03/12) Teoh Hui Wen *(15/03/12) Wong Wai Fong *(15/12/11) Yeo Wee Hwa *(15/03/12) Xiaofei Zhang *(15/03/12) for the degree of Master of Engineering (Engineering and Technology Management) Chandhavarkar Naveen Rathnakara *(15/03/12) for the Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing Technology) Varuthappagounder Kandasamy Gowerisanker for the Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice (Transport Systems Engineering) Nagaveeravenkata Satya Sumanth Kommineni THE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING for the degree of Master of Engineering (Advanced Manufacturing Technology) Nathem Thamer Sadoon Al Shemare Mashfiat Noor Alex Sovi 26 March 3.00pm Roslinazairimah Zakaria, by thesis entitled: Mathematical modelling of rainfall in the Murray-Darling Basin (conferred: 15 December 2011) for the Graduate Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Qian Zhao for the Graduate Certificate in Engineering (Technology Management) Heng Chern Yeow *(15/03/12) for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) with Honours Karthik Balasubramanian *(15/03/12) Tom Bellinger Ding Ting *(15/03/12) Rhys Dane Docking Goh Gim Choon *(15/12/11) Ho Boon Huat Eric *(15/03/12) Stephen Raj Joseph *(15/12/11) Ker Wee Chiang Andrew *(15/03/12) Kolakaleti Venkateswara Rao *(15/03/12) Kong Kok Leong *(15/03/12) Kottaimari Karthick *(20/10/11) Moet Moet Kyaw Win *(15/12/11) Leong Chan Kit *(15/03/12) Liang Yingwei *(15/03/12) Lim Kian Guan *(15/03/12) Mervyn Lim Meng Yuan *(15/12/11) Nibin Mathew *(20/10/11) Muhathir Bin Mohamad *(15/03/12) Myo Min Oo *(15/03/12) Ng Tze Wee *(15/03/12) Lucy Sarah Nicolson Ong Chin Sheng Simon *(15/03/12) Christian Petersen Terry Owen Pitt Purkayastha Rupak *(15/03/12) Srirangan Nandakumar *(15/12/11) Tan Ban Kwee *(15/12/11) Tang Chin Soon *(20/10/11) Teo Zhiqiang David *(15/03/12) Thanappan Aridoss *(20/10/11) Shibin Thomas *(20/10/11) Benjamin David Wright Yeo Teck Cher *(15/03/12) Roy Yong Ken Kok *(20/10/11) for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical and Mechatronic) with Honours Dylan James Hand Saumya Dhirenbhai Sheth Brendan Scott Smith for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical and Sustainable Systems) with Honours Bashir Behinaein Matthew Carl Fechner Nathan Fraser Woods for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Ang Eng Chuan *(20/10/11) Rohaizad Bin Rohmat *(15/12/11) Chiew Ming Sheng *(15/03/12) Matthew James Eaton Eng Wei Chow *(20/10/11) He Ning *(15/12/11) Ho Suet May *(20/10/11) K R Deebika *(15/12/11) Kannan Devadoss *(20/10/11) Loh Nyen Foong *(20/10/11) Maung Wun Aung *(15/03/12) Muhammad Hazman Bin Mohamed Noor *(20/10/11) Ong Sin Tat *(20/10/11) Aaron Sng Wee Hiong *(20/10/11) Daniel Christopher Sorokin Tan Wee Thye Jacky *(15/12/11) Wang Shan Shan *(15/12/11) Wong Tze Yang *(20/10/11) for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical and Advanced Manufacturing) Tali Gustave Niumeitolu Sandip Singh Samuel Kwang Ming Tok Timothy Phillip Winter for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical and Mechatronic) Shasith Janarthan Anthony Robert Viviani Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical and Sustainable Systems) Jon Emanuel Falzon for the degree of Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering) Chang Wei Peng Ivan *(20/10/11) Alex Cheng Wing Him *(20/10/11) David James De Maria Christopher Michael O’Malley Katharina Reimann Meralyn Anne Stevens Kirsty Marie Wilson for the degree of Bachelor of Technology (Product Design and Innovation) Chan Lian Suan *(15/03/12) Chin Soong Lee *(15/03/12) Chong Chen Woon *(15/03/12) Cui Yi Fei *(15/03/12) Duraisamy Kannan *(15/03/12) Fan Ay Deng *(15/03/12) Gao Chee Siong Ivan *(15/03/12) Hu Leong Yeow *(15/03/12) Nawabjan Ibrahim Sab Attar *(15/03/12) Lingagounder Palani *(15/03/12) Ma Li *(15/03/12) Munisamy Nagendiran *(15/03/12) Muhammad Hairuz Bin Mohd Nasir *(15/03/12) Pah Wen Xiang *(15/03/12) Sun Hao *(15/03/12) Teng Wee Seng *(15/03/12) Teo Kok Wah *(15/03/12) Siva Sundaram Thangavelu *(15/03/12) Vatakke Puthumangalath Nikhil *(20/10/11) Wan Ming Cong *(15/03/12) Wong Poh Loong *(15/03/12) Yang Han Qing *(15/03/12) for the degree of Master of Science (Computer and Information Science) Peng Chen Alireza Heravi *(19/12/11) THE SCHOOL OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE for the degree of Master of Business Information Systems Benjamin James Colley Bao Hoa Guong Samuel Ross Hannigan Hugh Lawrence Devin Mancuso Carlo Mario Mignone for the degree of Master of Information and Communications Technology Management Mir Md Mahmud Morshed Remigi Robin Rageth Zhang Jinyu for the degree of Master of Information Technology Sushant Tryambak Chaudhari for the degree of Master of Library and Information Management Sarah Ainsley Irene Bennett Matthew Kelly for the Graduate Diploma in Business Information Management Eilan Donnelly Benjamin Wayne Harrison Eduardo Alejandro Vilches for the Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Leanne Magrath for the Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Management Anthony Angelo Abela Karen Deanne Beasley Samantha Beatton Sarah Elizabeth Buckett-Davies Rebecca Dale Michelle Sue Dewar Kelly Jane Dyer Sharon Janine Frost Lauren Jessica Gobbett Zoe Gray Jonathon Robert Guppy Mykal P Gurnick Ben Peter Heaslip Michelle Christian Holton Clare Frances Kelton Katrine McKay Natalie Anna-May Mudd Susan Elizabeth Nash-Skinner Timothy Barrie Ormsby Seth Jacob Paddle Rachel Alexandra Perry Simone Kylie Petherick Martine Therese Sherman Michelle Joy Snooks Gudrun Ingrid von Furt Ling Yin Julia Claire Zollo for the Graduate Diploma in Professional Computing Maqsood Gul for the Graduate Diploma in Science (Information Assurance) Brenton John Borgman Andrew Gary Butler Peter Florentin Moring Syd Villaverde Pleno Darren Paul Quick 26 March 3.00pm Robby Demas Kosasih Kuppan Selvarasan *(15/03/12) Nidhin Raphael Mannukadan Gaurav Chetankumar Rana for the Graduate Certificate in Library and Information Management Penelope Jane Bergmark Kaye Lynette Dimmack Debra Laurayne Edey Karen Joy Rubarth Claire Michelle Telfer Caroline Louise Wilson Leonie Karen Woolcock for the Graduate Certificate in Science (Forensic Computing) Daniel John Walton for the degree of Bachelor of Information Technology Nathan Victor Barnes Mathias Willem Boer-Mah Anthony Lopresti Heath Andrew Nicholson Lesley Joy Rutherford Bhupinder Singh Christopher Ryan Teague Martin Manuel Tjiong James Turner for the Graduate Certificate in Science (Information Assurance) Roger Arthur Hayward Cameron Ross Sands for the degree of Bachelor of Information Technology (Business Systems) Eleftheria Apostolidis Tasnim Hafiz John Wachira Ngima Mathew Rochford for the degree of Bachelor of Information Technology with Honours Tsz Hong Chan for the degree of Bachelor of Information Technology (Games and Entertainment Design) Phillip Gwizdak for the degree of Bachelor of Software Engineering with Honours Trent Michael George Stollery for the degree of Bachelor of Information Technology (Networking and Security) Brenton Matthew Darvill Zechariah Lem Ke Liu *(19/12/11) Stevan Milosavljevic Rohan Parasram Michael Passalacqua Stefan Alexander Ricciardi Jason Patrick Rodda Kate Laura Tidswell Jordan Anthony Trasente for the degrees of Bachelor of Computer and Information Science and Bachelor of Media Arts Rachel Bee Nikki Anne Pallaras Travis John Ranson for the degrees of Bachelor of Information Technology and Bachelor of Management Courtenay Florence Hanson-Molam *(26/08/11) Alister Thornton McVeigh for the degree of Bachelor of Business (Management of Information Technology) James William Baker Amanda Jane Busbridge Matthew Steven Whybrow for the degree of Bachelor of Computing (Multimedia) Grant John Cannan Thomas Morrison Chataway Michael David Csongei Tri Minh Ngo Nhat Quang Nguyen *(19/12/11) Helen Nikitenko for the degree of Bachelor of Information Technology (Software Development) Joel Garry Beamish Satish Sureshrao Deshmukh Joshua Stephen Miller for the degree of Bachelor of Software Engineering Mohammed Mehdi Al Kilabi Steffan Peter Colin Ennis Aaron Alf Pellegrini Christopher Enoch Tong for the Associate Degree in Computer and Information Science Lim Xing Loong *(20/10/11) for the Associate Degree in Information Technology Anupam Roy *(19/12/11) Siripat Sahamethapat David Trzesinski for the degree of Master of Engineering Jian Nie for the degree of Master of Engineering (Electrical Power Engineering) Aamir Aamir Mohammed Ramzi Karim Mir Mohammad Badruddoza Masum Sethuraman Muralidharan Shivakumar Raman Praveen Sivakumar for the Graduate Diploma in Aviation Mitchell Thomas Allmond Samantha Rose Booth Dale Edward Bubnow Benjamin Gordon Thomas Cooper Ryan Hazelwood Mark Kym Mozol Nicholas John Skewes Nicholas Simon Stedman Valeria Veresbaranji for the Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Computer Systems Engineering) Deepak Ram Ramachandran for the Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Systems Engineering) Christopher Fleck Vaughn Hew for the Graduate Certificate in Engineering (Military Systems Integration) Alexander Lindsay Graff for the Graduate Certificate in Professional Engineering Practice Phu Minh Huynh Alberts Karlis Luks for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) with Honours Joseph Robert East Stefanos Kiparoglou for the degrees of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) with Honours and Bachelor of Management Simon James Kupke for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Mechatronic) with Honours Sophie Alexandra Ball Ryan John Burge Khoi David Doan Benjamin Derek Holton James Andrew Kent Nigel Koop James Ian Kroschel Alexander Joseph Morris David Matthew Scholten Teck Huat Tan Sean Thomas Wardrop Andrzej Wolf for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) with Honours Chiang Sheu Jing *(15/12/11) Rahmathullah Khaleelullah *(15/03/12) Pan Zhongsheng Jason *(15/03/12) Seet Hoe Aik *(15/12/11) Tang Chun Hau *(15/12/11) Tong Shuna *(15/03/12) for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic Engineering) with Honours Gan Guang De *(15/03/12) Pan Wenbo *(15/12/11) Tan Tze Chung *(15/12/11) for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and Communications) with Honours Matthew James Dyson for the degrees of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) and Bachelor of Management (Marketing) Bradley Kim Cooper for the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science (Civil Aviation) Mitchell Thomas Allmond Benjamin Gordon Thomas Cooper Mark Shannon Gerritsen Yolanta Hentosz Stuart Robert Jeffs Quinten Jordaan Ourveshsingh Juddoo *(19/12/11) Grace Kendall Simon Klaassen-Smith Shannon David Langberg Nelson Peter Mirus Vy Nha Nguyen Dillon Michael Olliver Avishkar Saini Brin Douglas Spangenberg Nicholas Simon Stedman 26 March 3.00pm THE SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING Andrew Michael Thomas Szumylo Nigel Tam Edward James Tonkin Bradley Martin Wauer Andrew Mark West for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Systems) Thanh Quan Ho Phu Minh Huynh for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Mechatronic) Michael Scott Baylis Ipshita Ghosh Rakeshkumar Vishnuparasad Patel Michael Spigiel Chad Patrick Stone Dileesh Chamara Wellala Wu Wen Zhe for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering) Rakesh Shivaiah *(15/12/11) Chen Jianzhong *(15/03/12) Ji Shaopeng *(15/12/11) Win Thu Maung *(15/03/12) Nambi Mani Balaji *(15/03/12) Ong Chuan Leong *(15/12/11) for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic Engineering) Ratheesh Babu *(15/03/12) Sundararajan Pavul Ponnusamy *(15/12/11) Edwin Chan Cheng Lee *(20/10/11) Chandrasekharan Nair Pradeep *(15/03/12) Chen Yao Te *(15/12/11) Fong Kheng Hua Benjamin *(15/03/12) Goh Wee Han *(15/03/12) Gou Xin Yang *(15/03/12) Ajith Inchappillil Sasidharan *(15/03/12) Jithin James *(15/03/12) Lee Meng Hui *(15/03/12) Lee Qiu Jin *(20/10/11) Kyaw Swa Maung *(15/03/12) Rijo John *(15/03/12) Tan Lee Yan Cindy *(15/12/11) Tay Zhi Wei *(15/03/12) Thullichery Nishanth *(15/03/12) May Hnin Thwe Tha Tun *(20/10/11) for the Associate Degree in Engineering Timothy Michael Boehm Simone Skye Brooks Jamie Lee Kellogg Myles Patrick Moriarty Blair Martin Owens Bradley William Tunbridge Professor Jill Slay AM, PhD, FACS, CP, MIEEE, CISSP, Fellow (ISC)2, Dean of Research: Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment, will present: THE SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS for the degree of Master of Quantitative Finance Nalaka Sudharman Amarasinghe Madamperuma Arachchillage for the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) (Industrial and Applied Mathematics) Dermot William Blumson Joshua Paul Chopin Lisa Joanne Schultz for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) Pratik Jayeshbhai Gajjar Rokhsana Yasmin for the degree of Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Nano- and Biomaterials) Namsoon Eom Yin Ka Catherine Fung *(19/12/11) for the degree of Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Optimisation) Pouya Baniasadi for the degree of Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Statistics) Marcela Ines Cespedes for the degree of Bachelor of Science Luke George Agalidis Graeme Peter Bautz Nikki Jade Crispin Cheng Yew Gene Jeshua Kerry Graham Minh Quang Ly Andrew Mamo Shari Eve Rankin Jason Graham Starkey THE SCHOOL OF NATURAL AND BUILT ENVIRONMENTS for the degree of Master of Engineering (Transport Systems Engineering) Julian Diendorfer Nicola Mosca *(15/03/12) for the degree of Master of Environmental Management and Sustainability (Geospatial Science) Trias Rahardianto for the degree of Master of Environmental Management and Sustainability (Natural Resource Management) Julian Hayward Bond John Richard Devlin Mohammed Riad Hashmi William Kung-Yu Lin Tania Lee MacDonald for the degree of Master of Environmental Management and Sustainability (Urban Ecology) Sarah Louise Lindsay for the degree of Master of Environmental Management and Sustainability (Water Management) Jonathan Cohen Hani Pal Kaur Romana *(19/12/11) Paul Edward Thompson for the degree of Master of Project Management John Paul Biddiss Dean Joseph Borg Olivia Eleanor Frinsdorf for the degree of Master of Surveying Rowan Samuel Waye Adam Michael Wiggins for the degree of Master of Urban and Regional Planning Emma Suzanne Adcock Leanne Maree Atkinson-Barrett James Alexander Francis Booker Eilhard Abascal Carrillo Correa Holly Playford Gibbons Tung Minh Pham Alice Jessie Ralph for the Graduate Diploma in Engineering (Transport Systems Engineering) Samuel James Adams for the Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management and Sustainability (Geospatial Science) Sarah Elizabeth Kingdon for the Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management and Sustainability (Natural Resource Management) Inna Stepchyna for the Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management and Sustainability (Urban Ecology) Charles Arthur John Carroll Lidia Lambrusco for the Graduate Diploma in Professional Practice (Urban and Regional Planning) Eilhard Abascal Carrillo Correa for the Graduate Diploma in Project Management Manzoor Ahmed Maik Andres George Artemiou Adam Matthew Bolton Jessica Claire Caston Justin Cucchiarelli Jason Dolan Paul Daniel Harris David Leslie Katy Mason Stuart Mills Adam Schirmer Joshua William Semmler Indran Sundarkumar Odelio Tomaque Spence Thorneycroft Woert 26 March 3.00pm for the degree of Bachelor of Quantitative Finance Karina Jane Mignone for the Graduate Diploma in Surveying Scott Paul Anders Nathan James Stockley for the Graduate Diploma in Urban and Regional Planning Taryn Alyssa Brown Martin Dikkenberg Heidi Evelyn Hirtler Kate Alexandra Meathrel Andrew Reivytis Denni Joy Russell Fiona Anne Selleck Julia Lesley Smethurst for the Graduate Diploma in Water Resources Management Segun Michael Adegboyega Adelana John Frdelja for the Graduate Certificate in Building and Planning Damian Paul Bourke Jessica Pauline Edge Jamie John Fry Tony Phillip Hooiveld Sharee Lesley Klein Leon Marcus Newland for the Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management and Sustainability Anand Parbhas Chandra Jennifer Mary Dawes Sean James Howie Paul Gino Zanelli for the Graduate Certificate in Project Management Desiree Beekharry Luke Bower Corey David Cahill Sanjesh Cartharn Amber Devine Pauline Ellis Mohamed Sherif Ghatwari Timothy Taewoo Hahm Pirouz Haj Rasouliha Kylie Hansen Glen Matthew Hornby Luke Horsfield Haydn Geoffrey Leo Wesley North Justin Paul Parker Meenu Rita Sandall Adam Schultz Paul Joseph Shannahan Henri Susanto Peter Tennent Alex Von-Limont Brian Andrew Wells Stuart Wilson Ka Fai Yuen for the degree of Bachelor of Construction Management and Economics with Honours Diako Abraham Sam Benjamin Andary Giuseppe Blefari Raffaele Blefari Joshua Kirk Brooksby Susan Ann Cobb Carmine Cristarella Pasquale Cristarella Thomas Clement DeGaris William Keith Ey Peter Robert Harrison Andrew James Hay Reece Hofmeyer Constantinos Paul Koutsouliotas Aaron Mervyn Lock William McLeay Tshepo Isaac Molatedi *(26/08/11) Kym Leonard Newton Kirk Tyson Pascoe Michael David Pietrafesa Paul John Rogan Damien Christopher Roland Stuart Eric James Stanhope Michael Grant Stevens Benjamin Robert Taylor Scott William Taylor Mopati Hagi Toteng Matthew James Whitaker for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) with Honours Karzan Aryan Jashwin Bhalla *(19/12/11) Sarah Hollis Ghulam Ali Hussaini Sung Roung Kim Wanchai Leamprecha Nathan Scott Vogelsang Hongqi Wang for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Environmental Management) with Honours Eugene Thomas Moore for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Project Management) with Honours Samer Abou-Mosleh Lily Marie Culbertson Mayen Jacob Geu Raymond Peter Goldring Timothy James Hensel for the degree of Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (Social and Community Planning) with Honours Samuel Alexander Miles Nakry Sim Sean Turtur Cameron William Holoubek James Patrick Kelly Ali Mohammadi Elizabeth Kate Moyses Pyrros Radimissis Carmen Rene Tkalec Stewart Steele Tremain Alex Robert Willshire Pan Xu for the degrees of Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering) with Honours and Bachelor of Management Mark Christopher Saldanha for the degree of Bachelor of Sustainable Environments (Honours) Ryan Bannister Kerrie Jane Bell Cara Lynette Bourne Cathy Elaine Giblin for the degree of Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning with Honours Amelia Jennifer Cockington Natasha Lee Cox Bojan Despinic Matthew James Dineen Jonathon Edward Fisher Jessica Grima Benjamin Hibbert Daniel Russell Hillier Fiona Kaye Kinner Jessica Alice Micklethwait Timothy James Nottle Paul Gerard Silvestri Simon Cristian Sofia Megan Kate Stewart Kyle McCallum Tapscott Michael Nicholas Terizakis Sally Caroline Turner Mark Phillip Walker Eliza Patience Wheal Clare Louise Woosnam for the degrees of Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Water Engineering) and Bachelor of Management Peter George Kwitko for the degree of Bachelor of Built Environment Jok Matiok Alor Michael Barbier Craig Thomas Bentley Franco S De Pinto Matthew John Evans Andrew Evan Gikas Wade Harrison Mario Hlavati Alexander Lawrence Jack Christopher James Kelly John Latassa Andrew David Liersch Scott Andrew Mazzone Nicole Katherine Napoli Samuel Joel Newman Miranda Sue Nugent Nicholas Jake Peacock Matthew James Sandery Milan Stancevic Nebojsa Trivic James John Velcu Jeremy Hall Wheeler for the degree of Bachelor of Construction Management and Economics Jack Daniel Arnold Nicholas Geoffrey Bone Daniel Paul Brown Dickson Taksang Chan Louis C Condo Tristan David Curnow George Demourtzidis Daniel Gniady Goburdhun Deepaksing Paul Bruce Griffin Michael Wayne Hensel Joshua James Samuel Peter Jeffries 26 March 3.00pm for the degree of Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (Environmental Planning) with Honours Tessa Skye Coleman-Reynolds Damon James Kiely Lawrence Labrosciano Paul Marino Alana Marks Adrian James Moretti Benjamin John Murch Andrew David Readman Adam Colin Robinson Craig Andrew Sampson Paul Skoumbros Jackson Thomas Taylor David Tieppo Benjamin James Wilson Clifford Lik Song Yong for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Con-Ross Gatis Kapil Jagdishkumar Joshi Artemus Tadiar Lachlan Rhys Warner for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Civil and Project Management) Leigh Patrick Costello Adam Wong Si Koon *(19/12/11) Matt Daniel Lance Patrick Edward Armia Yanni Magar Jesse Ryan Sletvold Bennett John Stanes Dale Robert Stirling for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Mining Engineering) Craig John Mackenzie for the degree of Bachelor of Environmental Science Martin Robert Dieckmann Clare Gemma Hamilton Leticia Marlene Johnson Samantha Erin Jones Morgan Faith Schebella Rick Paul Wood for the degree of Bachelor of Geographic Information Systems Nathan William Michael for the degree of Bachelor of Geoinformatics and Surveying Dale Nicholas Manuel for the degree of Bachelor of Sustainable Environments (Biodiversity and Park Management) Emily Jane Griffiths David Joseph Harding Elinor Joy Shirley Hetzel-Bone Richard Alexander Markevicius Daniel Luke Petersen John William Sellwood Tina Louise Traeger Aidan Tuckwell Lewis Alexander Tuckwell David James Ward Samantha Jayne Wilcock for the degree of Bachelor of Sustainable Environments (Environmental Protection and Management) Amanda Bice Daniela Denisa Doroga Benjamin Paul Kleinig for the degree of Bachelor of Sustainable Environments (Geospatial Information Systems) Thomas Wade Aram Lucas Howard Brenen Michael Benjamin Collins Travis Luke Moon Liam Balfour Nicholls Trenton John Yates for the degree of Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning Enrico Alessi Gorica Burmazovic Matthew Robert Hutson Kristian Mark Wohlstadt for the degree of Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning (Social and Community Planning) Carlisle Matthew Jones Matthew Derek Noble Ashley Sleiman for the Associate Degree in Built Environment Josephine Louisa Barduca Iain Grant Alan Birss Benjamin John Bloomfield Joseph Paul Desanctis Ashley Allan MacDonald Samuel Joel Newman Paul Joseph Shannahan Dane Vascotti The Occasional Address Order of Ceremony Mr Mark Bielecki LLB (Hons), GDLP, FAICD Processional music will be played on the Silver Jubilee Organ. Mark Bielecki has extensive experience in regulation, and has three roles in the Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC). He is the South Australian Regional Commissioner, senior executive leader of Deterrence in South Australia, and a special counsel in the Chief Legal Office of ASIC. Among other roles he has held in private practice, Mr Bielecki was previously managing partner of law firms Finlaysons, and of the Sydney office of Thomsons (then Thomson Playford). Also while working in Sydney, Mr Bielecki led PricewaterhouseCoopers Legal’s National Dispute Resolution and Litigation Business Unit. Throughout his career, Mr Bielecki has specialised in complex commercial, competition, corporate and regulatory disputes. He has extensive experience in practice in South Australia and New South Wales, and has practised, or represented clients, in every state and territory of Australia, in New Zealand, and the United States. Most recently, he ran for ASIC the highly-publicised Centro director duties proceedings in the Victorian Registry of the Federal Court. The audience is requested to stand for the entrance of the Academic Procession, Council and Official Party. The National Anthem. The Pro Chancellor, Mr Terry Evans LLM will open the ceremony. The Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Høj MSc, PhD, DUniv (honoris causa), FTSE, will address the ceremony. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Mr Mark Bielecki, Regional Commissioner (South Australia) Australian Securities and Investments Commission, Senior Executive Leader Deterrence (SA), and Special Counsel in ASIC Chief Legal Office. The Pro Chancellor, on behalf of the University, will confer awards on the candidates. The assembly is invited to applaud individual doctoral graduates. For all other graduates, the Presenter will invite applause for each group at the conclusion of its presentation. The Pro Chancellor will close the ceremony. The audience is requested to stand as the Official Party, Council and Academic Procession retire. Gaudeamus Igitur / Anonymous, German early 18th C [CPDL #10745] Advance Australia Fair / Peter Dodds McCormick, arranged by Christopher Gordon Prelude to a Te Deum / Marc-Antoine Charpentier 27 March 10.30am Adelaide Festival Theatre Tuesday 27 March at 10.30am The Presentation Professor Rick Sarre LLB, MA, SJD, Acting Head: School of Commerce, Chair: Academic Board, will present: for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Virginie Mireille Gillet, by thesis entitled: The paradox of social sustainability in water allocation: multiple social values but no social objectives - an institutional change analysis of a South Australian water allocation plan (conferred: 20 October 2011) John Francis Medlin, by thesis entitled: From accounting student to practitioner: profiling personality and skills for the 21st century accounting profession (conferred: 20 October 2011) * indicates a conferral of award date prior to this ceremony DIVISION OF BUSINESS for the degrees of Master of Business (Accountancy) and Master of Marketing Jay Chabria for the degrees of Master of Business Administration and Master of International Studies Simon Troy Watson for the degrees of Master of Business Administration and Master of Management (Integrated Supply Chain Management) Lisa Ann-Marie Roberts for the degrees of Master of Human Resource Management and Master of International Business Evriant Sigit Surya Putra for the degrees of Master of Management and Master of Management (Integrated Supply Chain Management) Peter David Birchall-Hunt for the degrees of Master of Marketing and Master of Management (Event Management) Chen Lili for the degree of Master of Business Dale Stewart Blackmore *(15/03/12) for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (Commercial Law) and Bachelor of Business (International Business) Jacqueline Poumako for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (Commercial Law) and Bachelor of Management Belinda Madeline Dodd Kyle Vaughan Williams *(25/08/11) for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (International Business, Finance and Trade) and Bachelor of Business (Property) Branka Dzalto for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (International Business, Finance and Trade) and Bachelor of Commerce Melanie Kate McColm for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (International Business, Finance and Trade) and Bachelor of Management (Marketing) Nina Grace Canala James Robert Gordan Tuffery Courtenay Jane Whittaker for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (Management of Information Technology) and Bachelor of Management (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) Emma-Jocelyn Brigitte Moody for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (Property) and Bachelor of Management Jessica Elle Madonna Smythe for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (Property) and Bachelor of Management (Marketing) Vasille William Dionysopoulos for the degrees of Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Management Vicki Louise Folland Siok Oon Kheng Jessica Anne Macintosh for the degrees of Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Management (Marketing) Timothy James Routley 27 March 10.30am for the degrees of Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Sport and Recreation Management Konstantinos Dimopoulos for the degrees of Bachelor of Management and Bachelor of Management (Marketing) Kelly Louise Graham-Sutton for the degrees of Bachelor of Management (Human Resource Management) and Bachelor of Management (Marketing) Samantha Giorgatzis Kellie Newstead Amelia Jennifer Payne Kate Eliza Sowden Monica Raffaela Tallarida for the degrees of Bachelor of Management (Marketing) and Bachelor of Sport and Recreation Management Claire Rose Moriarty for the degrees of Bachelor of Sport and Recreation Management and Bachelor of Tourism and Event Management Kyle Murray George Lloyd Danielle Elizabeth Stanton for the degree of Bachelor of Business (International Business, Finance and Trade) Sam Thornton MacKerras Trent Jonathon Moore THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE for the degree of Master of Business Accounting Wong Bing Tan for the degree of Master of Business (Professional Accounting) Auruba Ameen *(25/08/11) Rachmat Asiandi Ke Chen Veronica Chow Kathryn Jean Clark Cheong Hon Fong Gai Xiang Yun Sha Guo Josephine Shepherd Hanisch Akshat Jain Tristan Graham Kaye Li Tongchao Yadong Li Stacey Pei Chin Lo Kshitij Mahajan Mei Han Su Fei Tran Phuong Nguyen Ekaterina Urusova Jue Wang Wen Yifeng Lin Yan Zhang Yang Zhu Lijun for the degree of Master of Business (Professional Accounting and Finance) Sohail Rajab Ali Chet Oudom Chav Prama Dixit Caroline Rose Ely Fang Xiaojie Bimsara Sanjeewa Jothirathne Hitihamy Mudiyanselage Hou Lu Huang Shao Wen Wei Huang Lin Li *(19/12/11) Luo Xi Asad Ejaz Malik Junaid Masroor Hongman Mu Peng Jiachen Abdul Sami Monem Sarfraz Maziah Shabudin *(19/12/11) Faheem Shams Zhengdan Tao *(19/12/11) Di Yang Xiao Yu for the degree of Master of Business (Professional Accounting and Specialisation) Wei Ran Fang for the degree of Master of Business (Property) Joshua James Broderick Mark Leon Daniels Wei Jin Georgina Anne Merchant Thomas Samuel Perkin Andries Johan Smit Andrew Paul Stuyt for the Graduate Diploma in Property Kathleen Ann Armstrong Kirby Elizabeth Barry Michael Scott Basso Peter Vivian Davies Timothy Joseph Dean Esau Benjamin Boothby Melisa Ann Freestone Lee Gordon Goldstein Daniel Louey Amanda Margaret Moore Ashley Jane Rice Basil Simitci Suzie Patricia Williams Wong Chon Lap for the Graduate Certificate in Business (Professional Accounting) Ann Margaret Raets for the Graduate Certificate in Property James Marshall Cameron John Sanderson-Brewster Khurram M Siddiqui for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (International Business) and Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) Asma Babakarkhil Abebe Habteselassie Habtemariam Ashley Kate Rankin Amélie Anna Theres Schormann for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (International Business, Finance and Trade) and Bachelor of International Relations Michelle Alexandra Langer for the degrees of Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Applied Finance Michael Altamura *(25/08/11) Emma Nicole Bartrop Raquel Lisa Cirillo Stephen Donald Denton Lea Krystal Gale Jennifer Claire Dionisio Honorica Joshua James Hubbard Edward Anthony Ibrahim Perry Yarso Pewee Michael James Shinnick Brooke Fay Simons Lauren Grace Simons Faezeh Taghvaee Thomas James Thustain Amara Toure Matthew Daryl Trigg Hui Wang for the degrees of Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Business (Commercial Law) Alyssa Batoon James Luke Canale Sarah Alexandra Henson Julianna Bonnie Ide Natalie Ann Ksiazkiewicz Nicole Victoria Murphy Alyssa Panagopoulos Song Shanshan for the degree of Bachelor of Accountancy Chan Hiu Yan *(20/10/11) Chan Hoi Ling *(20/10/11) Chan Ling Chi *(15/03/12) Chan Lok Ning *(15/03/12) Chan Na *(20/10/11) Chan Oi Ki *(20/10/11) Chan Wai Fung *(20/10/11) Wai In Chan *(15/03/12) Chan Wai Yin *(20/10/11) Chan Yu Kwong *(15/03/12) Cheng Nai Kit *(15/03/12) Cheng Pik Man *(15/03/12) Cheng Sau King *(15/03/12) Cheung Chin Pang *(20/10/11) Cheung Kam Man *(15/03/12) Cheung Kin Ming *(20/10/11) Cheung Kit Ying *(20/10/11) Cheung Leung Yuen *(15/03/12) Cheung Mei Fung *(20/10/11) Cheung Siu Ping *(15/03/12) Hoi Yung Chiu *(15/03/12) Mok Wai Ching Amy *(15/03/12) Ng Chi Wai *(20/10/11) Ng Chik Yiu *(20/10/11) Ng Chun *(20/10/11) Ng Suet Kam *(20/10/11) Ng Suet Ying *(20/10/11) Ng Tsz Wai *(15/03/12) Ngai Man Ho *(20/10/11) Or Wai Yee *(15/03/12) Poon Ching Han *(15/03/12) Poon Tsz Leung *(20/10/11) Suen Lai Yee *(20/10/11) Tang Wing Man *(20/10/11) To Man Wing *(15/03/12) Tong Hon Lun *(20/10/11) Tong Ming Yeung *(15/03/12) Pui Kwan Tsang *(20/10/11) Tsang Tsz Nga *(20/10/11) Tse Nga Sze *(20/10/11) Tse Sian Man Cynthia *(20/10/11) Tsui Sui Yee *(20/10/11) Wong Chun Fung *(15/03/12) Wong Hei Ching *(15/03/12) Wong Kin Fan *(15/03/12) Wong Lai Ming *(15/03/12) Wong On Yi *(15/03/12) Wong Suet Yee Shirley *(15/03/12) Wong Tong For *(20/10/11) Wong Wai Yan *(20/10/11) Wong Wai Yee Maria *(15/03/12) Wong Wai Yin *(15/03/12) Wong Wing Kam *(20/10/11) Yau Nga Shuen *(20/10/11) Yeung Wing Ki *(15/03/12) Hiu Ling Yiu *(15/03/12) Yu Lai Sze *(15/03/12) Yu To Sang *(20/10/11) Yu Wai Hung *(15/03/12) Yue Bo Chu *(20/10/11) for the degree of Bachelor of Accounting Kellie Jane Acosta Nicholas Anderson David Raymond Anthony Olga Juliana Ardila Ospina Jann Caroline Ashley Ufuk Kerem Ates Mark Been Bruno Bernardes De Oliveira Jason Blackman Federico Egidio Bornatici William Henry Botha Alexis Vivienne Bowering Denise Breen Matthew Joel Briggs James Gregory Brown Jodie Ann Carpenter Oren Carswell Andrea Karen Carter Hai Rong Chen Alison Ivy Chesterton 27 March 10.30am Chiu Yuen King *(15/03/12) Choi Shui Fong *(15/03/12) Chow Ho Ying Maggie *(15/03/12) Chow Lai Ha *(20/10/11) Chow Shing Fai *(20/10/11) Chow Siu Wai *(15/03/12) Chow Yuet Mui *(15/03/12) Chu Kwan Ching *(20/10/11) Chu Lei Heung *(15/03/12) Hiu Man Chung *(20/10/11) Chung Kai Wai *(15/03/12) Chung Mei Kuen *(20/10/11) Chung Wai Yee *(15/03/12) Chung Wing San *(20/10/11) Fu Pik Kwan *(15/03/12) Fung Mei Lee *(15/03/12) Fung Yuen Mei *(15/03/12) Ho Hiu Ching *(15/03/12) Ho Kit Yee *(20/10/11) Ho Kwai Sze *(20/10/11) Ho Wai Man *(15/03/12) Hui Ka Man *(20/10/11) Hui Wong Fai *(20/10/11) Keung Ho Wan *(20/10/11) Kwan Yue Lon *(20/10/11) Kwok Sau Chun *(20/10/11) Kwok Yuk Ming *(15/03/12) Lai Sui Chun *(15/03/12) Lai Wai Yee *(15/03/12) Lai Yuen Wai *(15/03/12) Lam Shun Kei *(20/10/11) Lam Sin Man *(15/03/12) Bo Yiu Lau *(15/03/12) Lau Chau Ha *(20/10/11) Lau Kat Wa *(15/03/12) Lau Mei Kum *(15/03/12) Lau On Ki *(20/10/11) Lau On Sin *(15/12/11) Lau Pik Kei *(20/10/11) Lau Siu Lun *(20/10/11) Lau Yuen Fong *(15/03/12) Lee Chi Yan *(15/03/12) Lee Man Ming *(15/03/12) Lee Ming Fat *(20/10/11) Leung Chi Kin Kenneth *(15/03/12) Leung Chin Ho *(20/10/11) Leung Fung Yi *(20/10/11) Leung Kim Ying *(15/03/12) Li Po Cheung *(15/03/12) Lie Wai Yeung *(15/03/12) Lim Hoi Ying *(20/10/11) Lin Wing Yee *(20/10/11) Liu Tsz Chun *(20/10/11) Lo Kit Man *(20/10/11) Lo Lok Ting Karen *(15/03/12) Lo Pik Po *(20/10/11) Lo Siu Ling *(15/03/12) Lok Man Chun *(15/03/12) Lui Chun Cheong *(15/03/12) Ma Man Ting *(20/10/11) Man Ho Yeung *(20/10/11) Mei Kwok Chi *(15/03/12) Jo-Ann Maree Chung Patrick Joseph Connolly Sarah Courtney Jonathan Crosby Elizabeth Joan Cura Luke Dayball Sharon Patricia de-Hayr Chau Thi Minh Doan Matthew Jonathan Doppler David Doyle Marie Elizabeth Duff Mohammed Shahidul Farid *(25/08/11) Deborah Anne Ferguson Michael Stephen Fitzsimmons Julie Ann Gooding Timothy John Goss Simon Grant Jennifer Marguerite Greenhill Antony George Greenwood Corey Hall Christine Hanneford Jordan Paul Harris Katherine Hodges Amanda Louise Holden Andrew Howe Jian Huang Jane Hughes Karen Hynes Bradley Jenkinson Mark Terence Jones Tracey Elizabeth Jones Minjung Kang Muhammad Umar Khalil Jessica Knight Gyanendra Kumar Georgina Lack Juliana Lan Sarah Maree Langford Michelle Anne Langusch Kayla Mansfield Kimberley Anne Marchant Daniel Martin Luca Martoccia Benjamin John McCusker Rosemary Hilda McMaugh Vanessa Jane Mendes Lincoln Ross Mersh Amy Therese Mitchell Alexander Mullen Patricia Margaret-Mary Murphy Irene Nimmo Ritha Nugent Peta O’Meara Rhonda Denise Olsen Anna Sara Pescatore Aleksandar Popic Crystal Poulter Daniel Price Adam Rees Michelle Ann Roby Mary Grace Bernalte Tambis Ross Natalie Catherine Rugari Hongmei Sandy Song Sonia Miriam Stelmach Anne Catherine Stubbings Niranjan Sundaranathan Rebecca Swan Julia Bozena Sztaba Mapatunage Ruchini Manthani Thenabadu Kristian Walter Thornton Michie Timalsina Bianca Tsimnadis Megan Turner Celia Christian van Berkel Melissa Vella Rohan Viceban Robert Scott Waldon Alexandra Elizabeth Wallace Katrina Ruth Wheatstone Nils Wieboldt Kirrily Joy Willan Carmel Ellen Willemsen Jana Lee Wright Kylie Zapf for the degree of Bachelor of Applied Finance Wadi Abareh Abdul Karim Muhammad Tajuddin *(15/03/12) Azran Bin Abul Khair *(15/03/12) Bao Rong Ashley David Bowker Kai Chian Ch’ng Patricia Chai Hui Ching *(15/03/12) Chan Sau Ling *(15/03/12) Chau Yiu Wai *(20/10/11) Cheah Weng Chi *(15/03/12) Cheung Wing Yuen *(15/03/12) Chew Su Jun *(15/03/12) Vivienne Ee Kwan Chin *(15/03/12) Chin Wynn *(15/03/12) Chiu Sze Chung *(20/10/11) Eun Hye Choi Chong Kai Shen Brian *(15/03/12) Chong Wan Youn *(20/10/11) Choong Tze Wei Daniel *(15/03/12) Chua Pooi Nee *(15/03/12) for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration Adeline Chee Fui Lan *(20/10/11) Xiaqing Chen *(19/12/11) Melissa-Marie Delene Grant Li Chen Lim Zhen Yin *(15/03/12) Jason David Mifsud Tan Hsien Hui *(15/12/11) Tan Ke Ying Serene *(15/03/12) Wang Chin Kiat Erick *(15/03/12) for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (Administrative Management) Penny Michelle Brereton Jake David Evans Bethany Sara Nankivell for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (Applied Finance) To Billy Hung *(19/12/11) for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (Commerce) Noel Bradley Cope Russell John Louis McBride for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business) Joshua Kaplan Liam Carl Moller for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (Management) Muhammad Imad Khan for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing) Jenny Lam *(25/08/11) for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (Tourism and Event Management) Nhi Tuyet Pham for the degree of Bachelor of Business (Commercial Law) Arash Atighi Shaun Andrew Edsall Melissa Palmer Susan Anne Robinson Matthew Frederick Teager Gerard Wong 27 March 10.30am Shane Patrick Daly Cheryl Lee Drury Chao Yi Han How Siok Ying *(15/03/12) Haikal Bin Idris *(15/03/12) Kew Lan Tang *(15/12/11) Khoh Mun Yee *(15/03/12) Kim Sung Mok *(15/03/12) Chin Keat Kok *(19/12/11) Law Ee Xing *(15/03/12) Lee Loong Yeh *(15/03/12) Sangsu Lee Alana Danielle Lesan Leung Pui Man *(15/03/12) Leung Siu Man *(20/10/11) Dan Li *(19/12/11) Lim Mei Xin *(15/03/12) Lim Shao Xian *(15/03/12) Victor Lim Jia Jun *(15/03/12) Lim Xin Yee *(15/03/12) Lim Yee Von *(15/03/12) Lo Wing Yan Rachel *(20/10/11) Low Quan Yi *(15/03/12) Benjamin Michael *(15/03/12) Benjamin James Moore Ng Kui San *(15/03/12) Ng Sheue Yi *(15/03/12) Nguyen Viet Hoang Son *(15/03/12) Ong Sit Jeat *(15/03/12) Ong Wai Wai *(15/12/11) Ooi Xiu Bao *(15/03/12) Pham Khanh Tung Quek Ashley Ren Fay *(19/12/11) Kazi Zareef Rahman Sandhu Nashvinder Kaur *(20/10/11) Shing So Kuen *(15/03/12) Shu Xian Siah *(15/03/12) So Kwok Kan *(20/10/11) Siti Susanti *(15/03/12) Tan Chiow Li *(15/03/12) Jamie Tan *(19/12/11) Tan Khee Kian *(15/03/12) Tan She Wei Tan Sheue Ing *(15/03/12) Tan Tze Yang *(15/03/12) Edwin Tander *(15/03/12) Teh Leon *(15/03/12) Teh Teong Jin Arthur *(15/03/12) Jacson Teoh *(15/03/12) Tham Shui Yan *(15/03/12) Tse Kin Chi *(15/03/12) Veronica Tarjadinata *(15/03/12) Kang Wang *(19/12/11) Wong Kai Seng *(15/03/12) Wong Wai Hing *(15/03/12) Yik Man Wong Woo Hon Yam *(15/03/12) Qin Yang *(19/12/11) Yiu Yuen Chi *(20/10/11) Nicholas Yong Jheng *(15/03/12) Zhang Luyi *(19/12/11) Zheng Hao Melissa Kate Roach Yulia Romanowski Matthew James Alfred Ruiz Timothy John Sanders Lauren Ashleigh Sharp Urszula Stanko Marie Grace Sutrin Nicholas Taarnby Andrew George Treloar Angus Mark Tuck Emily Maree Villani Matthew William Grant Warman Edward Robert Wright for the degree of Bachelor of Business (International Business) Judith Altenburg Gillean Marcial Apacible Richard Michael Beerworth Ho Hin Chan *(19/12/11) Chen Yuchao Ryan Bradley Hensel Timothy David Krieg Ralph Andreas Ledergerber Xiao Li Choi Kei Ma Salah Mashtoub Elliot Charles Prestwood Jane Evgeniya Shelyakh Ka Lok Yuen *(19/12/11) Weijing Zhou for the degree of Bachelor of Business (International Business, Finance and Trade) Jiang Pan Pan Qin Chao Michael James Shaw Marko Vuksanovic Ying Xu for the degree of Bachelor of Business (Property) Dimmity Rose Barker James Roy Bryant Du Huu Cao Hamish James Crouch John Paul Delorenzo Eng Yong Voon Alfredo Ettorre Michelle Fares Sandy Helen Fielding Jack Joseph Gibson Vickie Giffen Scott David Gilbert Emily Kitto Franz Victor Oecker Stacey Louise Peckover Sharon Olivia Peterson Frank John Riccio Professor Roman Tomasic MA, LLB, PhD, SJD, Dean of Law, will present: for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce Christopher Adam Wanzhu Ai Adzlin Binti Ayob *(15/03/12) Wenrui Bai Amanda Jane Porteous Bian Shao Chen *(19/12/11) Boon Hao Sian Patricia Karen Borlase Ran Boss Madeline Bowles Matthew James Broniecki Nicole Leslie Bungay Silvana Maria Cammarano Dion Joseph Carbone Andrew George Cavuoto Megan Kate Challen Emmanuel Rong En Chan Kwan Cheuk Chan Weijia Cheng Chi Kwan Casaria Cheung *(19/12/11) Chew Eu Ween *(20/10/11) Chia Yee Shim *(15/03/12) Nyaradzai Chikanda Tom Hastings Chikuse Chin Shu Xian *(15/03/12) Chong Pei Wah *(15/03/12) Sally Chong *(19/12/11) Ivy Chung Natalie Carmel Cirocco Emily Ann Cowie Alan Charles Cox David James Craig Michelle Judith Cummins Michael Christopher Curnow Marie Danielle D’Angelica Dang Hai Dang Mohd Adzani Daud *(20/10/11) Helen Dimas Ying Dong Thanh Thi Bao Duong Michelle Jane Lodge Loh Hui Ling *(15/03/12) Loh Yie Him *(15/03/12) Brendan Lopez Michael *(20/10/11) Nicholas James Louros Lu Jen Shen *(15/03/12) Melissa Lu Sarah Kathleen Lucas Maryke Louise Mac Timothy Lucas Maiolo Mak Wai Yin *(15/03/12) Ashok Devji Mandani *(19/12/11) Lauren Kate Marschall Helen Kathleen Matthews Alexander John McAskill Sara Joy Meneghetti Chunni Michels Muhammad Shariati Bin Mohd Kamil *(15/03/12) Mok Zuang Mei *(15/03/12) Vanessa Monterosso Daniel Lee Moon Anthony Morgante Katelyn Louise Mudge Alex Michael Mumford Janet Alison Nagy Teagan Neill Tze Haur Ng Yuen Shan Susanna Ng *(19/12/11) Thi Han Ngoc Nguyen Andrew Leon Nitschke Natasia Adele Noto Susan O’Donnell Jack Alan Oatway Ong Shi Hui *(15/03/12) Ooi Sin Siang *(15/03/12) Carla Ada Panella Ester Pang Da Xin *(15/03/12) Pang Ja Ye *(15/03/12) Calum Rory Park Alan James Gordon Pavy Wieslaw Pawlus Kylie Anne Peppas Phan Hang Kim Phon Yuen Han *(19/12/11) Ivon Judith Pial Jarrosay Dominika Magdalena Piotrowska Poh Li Jhuin *(15/03/12) Morgan Jessica Potter Qin Tian Neville Wayne Rankine Sarah Jane Reed Bin Ren Kimberley Skye Richards Damien Zak Rodriguez Joshua Thomas Romeo Lukas John Salvati Michael Samorukoff Joel Brandon Seekamp Purani A\P Selvaratnam *(15/03/12) Mohamed Mamdhooh Shareef Ashwin Sinha 27 March 10.30am Duong Thi Thanh Gregory Edwards Nicholas Sean Evans Xuelei Fang Kendall Jane Field Letitia Anne Fitzpatrick Jason Hendry Fortescue *(15/03/12) Ching Yi Fung Hong Lik Fung Stephanie Gina Gaidauskas Lisa Gallasch Marek Gamrat Gan Kah Way *(15/03/12) Gao Huai Yu *(19/12/11) Wen Gu *(19/12/11) Eugene Mauloh Gunting *(15/03/12) Rong Guo Maryam ‘Afifah Halid *(25/08/11) Sharon Hallal William Douglas Hardie Rachael Elizabeth Harding Hayley-Lee Harnath Johanna Kate Harvey He Shan Matthew James Heading Damien Mark Hern Hew Zhen Sim *(15/03/12) Aishath Ibrahim *(19/12/11) It Lee Yun *(15/03/12) Steven Eric Jackway Shivanya Jayabalan *(15/03/12) Jack Daniel Jennings Jiang Yanfen Jin Chunlan *(19/12/11) Kate Ann Jones Nurbaiduri Haniza Binti Kamaruzaman *(15/03/12) Stephanie Kaminski Gurjit Kaur Kee Benjamin Wheng Tuck *(15/03/12) Cheang Kee Seng *(15/03/12) Matthew Scott Kirkland Martin Peter Kolodziej David Koufalakis Ku Pui Leng *(15/03/12) Kin Cheong Kwok Wing Sze Lam Hoang Thai Le Hai Yen Le Kes Sam Lee Pearly Lee Ming Zhu *(15/03/12) Yi Wen Lee Christopher Peter Leggett Mihai Leucuta Lim Kok Hooi *(15/03/12) Lim Sher Li *(15/03/12) Lim Sze Yun Lim Wei Shen *(15/03/12) Lim Yang Shiuan *(15/03/12) Lim Yar Nie *(20/10/11) Liu Da Yueting Liu Helen Sklavos Gayle Eileen Margaret Smith Amily Soh Li Theng *(15/03/12) Lorraine Steele Megan Jane Stint Billy Stojanov Jiachen Sun Sandhiya Pillai Suthakaran *(15/03/12) Tai Chia Jie *(15/03/12) Melissa Jane Talbot Tan Chai Hong *(15/03/12) Tan Mei San *(15/03/12) Tan Wei Jin *(15/03/12) Tan Weiyi *(15/03/12) Peggy Teo Pin Yee *(15/03/12) Sarah Elizabeth Thorburn Tian Wanding Sokhouen Tim Ting Siew Yen *(15/03/12) Tiu Chui En Megan Louise Todd Sarah Jayne Tropeano Dorothy Tsatsos Fei Wang Wang Yining *(19/12/11) Wong Ching Yee *(15/03/12) Wong Siew Fen *(15/03/12) Wong Tze Hsiung *(15/03/12) Xu Yifan Yao Meng Yap Hui Ping *(15/03/12) Yap Jenn Shyang *(15/03/12) Yau Yin Wey *(15/03/12) Jamie Paul Young Daniel Yout Ajang Yout Zhe Zhang Zhu LiDan Yan Hong Zhu THE SCHOOL OF LAW for the degree of Bachelor of Laws with Honours Andrew William Adams David Shane Arnold Melissa Kate Baxter Hugh Patrick Burton Rhiannon Christine Davies Ryan Andrew Dow Sara Jaric Jenny Josephine Komsic James William Nelson Eftihia Neocleous Emma Louise Perkins Tim Peters Mary Elisabeth Scrafton Shivani Tyler John Stewart Wolff Jake Iain Stone for the degrees of Bachelor of Laws with Honours and Bachelor of Journalism Laura Kate Helena Stark for the degrees of Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Commerce Heidi Salvemini for the degrees of Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Management Daniel Ryan Guerin for the degrees of Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Management (Human Resource Management) Danae Morgan Keen for the degrees of Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Psychological Science Jason Karl Fernandis for the degree of Bachelor of Laws Cassandra Marie Baines Olaf Jan Borutz James David Caldicott Samantha Louise Carter Anger Damas Deng Myles Alexander Gillard Daniel Luke Hillary Stuart Craig Hinchliffe Caitlin Skye Keage Abbey Kendall Marina Violet Khoury Elizabeth Joy Macey Carly Renee Manuel Jade Minicozzi Chantelle Cherie Moore Gemma Nichole Cecere Palazzo Glen Alex Pearce Alinta Sriani Ratnaike Kathryn June Rees Lucinda Jane Reu Monica Sanders Jasmine Schwarz-Hoog Nicole Angela Spagnoli Anthea Haylee Toma Eleanor Mary Hannah Whish-Wilson Llewellyn Wood Alexandra Alicia Wright Brenton Dean Zubrinich Adelaide Festival Theatre Tuesday 27 March at 3.00pm The Occasional Address Order of Ceremony Ms Jane Kittel BMgmt(EmRel), BT(VocEd), MAICD Processional music will be played on the Silver Jubilee Organ. Ms Kittel then went on to fill a number of leadership roles within Westpac including sourcing, risk management, learning and development, human resources and head of corporate services. In 2006, she was appointed general manager of Westpac’s Pacific Banking operation, with responsibilities for seven countries – Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu, Cook Islands, Tonga, Solomon Islands and Samoa. In October 2010, Ms Kittel was appointed Managing Director of BankSA, and in that role she oversees South Australia’s largest financial institution with 118 branches in South Australia, and four in the Northern Territory. She also serves as a board member of BusinessSA and Catherine House, is chair of the University of South Australia’s MBA advisory board, and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. The audience is requested to stand for the entrance of the Academic Procession, Council and Official Party. The National Anthem. The Chancellor, Dr Ian Gould AM, BSc(Hons), PhD, FAusIMM, FTSE will open the ceremony. The Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Høj MSc, PhD, DUniv (honoris causa), FTSE, will address the ceremony. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Ms Jane Kittel, Managing Director, BankSA. The Chancellor, on behalf of the University, will confer awards on the candidates. The assembly is invited to applaud individual doctoral graduates. For all other graduates, the Presenter will invite applause for each group at the conclusion of its presentation. The Chancellor will close the ceremony. The audience is requested to stand as the Official Party, Council and Academic Procession retire. Gaudeamus Igitur / Anonymous, German early 18th C [CPDL #10745] Advance Australia Fair / Peter Dodds McCormick, arranged by Christopher Gordon Prelude to a Te Deum / Marc-Antoine Charpentier 27 March 3.00pm Jane Kittel was born and raised in Port Augusta, and educated at Caritas College. Upon leaving school, she worked in a variety of roles for AMP in Adelaide, and completed a Bachelor of Management (Employee Relations) with the University of South Australia. She also gained a Bachelor of Teaching (Vocational Education) with distinction from the University of Technology, Sydney and, in 1995, she joined Westpac to begin a career in banking. The Presentation Professor Larry Lockshin BA, MSc, PhD, Head of School: Marketing, will present: for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Sandra Kay Barker, by thesis entitled: Managing end-user computing activities in organisations: a multi case study investigation (conferred: 15 March 2012) Tian Gao, by thesis entitled: The impact of the balanced scorecard in Chinese hospitals (conferred: 15 March 2012) Barbara Holzer, by thesis entitled: Expatriation and the role of international human resource management: a case study of a German multinational company in the automotive sector (conferred: 15 December 2011) Kay Ren Tse, by thesis entitled: The emotional energy availability model of goal commitment (conferred: 15 December 2011) Krzysztof Krolikowski, by thesis entitled: Capturing the ‘Liquid City’ : a theoretical and empirical inquiry into new urban tourism precincts (conferred: 15 December 2011) Loh Wee Seng, by thesis entitled: A conceptual framework to determine the relationship between motives, suppliercustomer relations and customer perceived value in service outsourcing (conferred: 15 December 2011) Richard Michael McGrath, by thesis entitled: Managing ambiguity: a grounded theory study exploring Australian local government provision of community recreation opportunities for people with impairments (conferred: 15 March 2012) Joseph Roderick O’Brien, by thesis entitled: The evolution of lawyers’ ethics in the People’s Republic of China (conferred: 15 March 2012) Ong Chee Ming, by thesis entitled: Towards sustainable ISO 9000 quality management system maintenance: understanding the effects of human factors (conferred: 15 December 2011) Vipul Pare, by thesis entitled: An examination of buyer behaviour and market structures in a seafood auction context (conferred: 15 March 2012) Tan Chee Beng Richard, by thesis entitled: Consumer risk framing of financial investments: a study on the roles of emotion, self-efficacy, servicescape and trust (conferred: 20 October 2011) Tang Luk Wing, by thesis entitled: The viewpoint/safety first (V/SF) theory as a rival theory to myopic loss aversion to explain the equity premium puzzle (conferred: 15 December 2011) Tang Wai Sang, by thesis entitled: Nonprofit organizations’ survival through love, resources and capabilities activation: the integrated effects of organizational love climate, marketing culture & marketing strategy making on marketing effectiveness (conferred: 15 December 2011) Teng Siow Song, by thesis entitled: Government policy & critical success factors of small and medium-sized enterprises: an exploratory prediction model for Singapore (conferred: 15 December 2011) Yuliansyah, by thesis entitled: The effect of the reliance on integrative strategic performance measurement (RISPM) on strategic outcomes (conferred: 15 March 2012) Jacqueline Terese Feeney, by thesis entitled: The influence of an administrative recruitment process on job choice: an Australian public service case study (conferred: 15 March 2012) Uthaitip Hansen, by thesis entitled: Factors impacting the degree of customer orientation of Thailand’s frontline hotel employees (conferred: 15 December 2011) Abdullah Sabah, by thesis entitled: A study of perceived risk of terrorist attacks/ terrorism and its influence on tourist travelling to a destination and their intended duration of stay: with special reference to Maldives (conferred: 15 December 2011) Khor Chai Tian, by thesis entitled: Transfer of the best practices knowledge: theoretical adaptation and practical implication for benchmarking (conferred: 15 December 2011) Michael Alan Myers, by thesis entitled: The motivational drivers of children’s career decision choices (conferred: 15 March 2012) Kwan Ling Ng, by thesis entitled: Workforce perception on organizational identity as antecedent for job satisfaction and behavioural reactions: the Chinese context of Hong Kong (conferred: 20 October 2011) Saiful Akbar Spenser Omar, by thesis entitled: Islamic bankers’ perception of Al-Ijarah Thumma Al’Bay (AITAB) Islamic hire purchase facility in Malaysia (conferred: 15 March 2012) Visarut Phadermchit, by thesis entitled: Contractual risk factors leading to bond forfeiture and associated risk management practices (conferred: 20 October 2011) Poon Wai Kuen, by thesis entitled: Major factors influencing performance of local Chinese private 3rd party logistics service providers (3PLS) in Southern China (conferred: 15 March 2012) Pornchai Samuang, by thesis entitled: Efficient export channels: an investigation of Thai electrical SME exporters (conferred: 20 October 2011) Tng Siok Ping, by thesis entitled: Organizational ambidexterity: the influence of market-sensing capabilities on the degree of exploratory and exploitative innovations for high-tech industry (conferred: 15 March 2012) Tong Wai Lan Viny, by thesis entitled: Trust factors on internet-based interorganizational systems (conferred: 15 June 2011) Wong Shun Mun Helen, by thesis entitled: Building relationship between education institutions and students: an empirical study on student loyalty in self-financed tertiary education in Hong Kong (conferred: 15 December 2011) Kenneth Zhijian Wu, by thesis entitled: Stock market reactions to hosting and sponsoring Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (conferred: 11 August 2011) * indicates a conferral of award date prior to this ceremony DIVISION OF BUSINESS for the degree of Master of Business Katherine Claire Anderson *(15/03/12) Natasha Kapulski *(15/03/12) Cathy Nguyen *(15/03/12) for the degree of Bachelor of Business (Honours) Zachary William Anesbury Benjamin Scott Seidel Therese Anna Katrin Sjostrom Stacey Marie Truran for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Anirban Chatterjee Katherine Leanne Christ Tarah Dee-Anne Heinrich for the degree of Bachelor of Management (Honours) Skye Marie Akbar John Matthew Heaslip Sumi Kim Ingerson Oanh Hoang Truong 27 March 3.00pm for the degree of Doctor of Business Administration for the degree of Master of Management Ann Clare Mitchell Arif Tashkent Chong Wang Zhang Xuelei for the degree of Master of Management (Administrative Management) Lo Chi Kin Chris Chun Zhang for the degrees of Bachelor of Business (International Business, Finance and Trade) and Bachelor of Management (Marketing) Jarrad Steven Bramberger for the degrees of Bachelor of Management (Administrative Management) and Bachelor of Management (Human Resource Management) Trang Diem Nguyen THE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT for the degree of Le Cordon Bleu Master of International Hospitality Management Xiaoyue Gao Kanchan Gupta *(19/12/11) Wing Yan Iu *(19/12/11) for the degree of Master of Human Resource Management Vicki Sue Beard Vanessa Renee Catalano Gu Yisa Ryan James Hatcher Leeanne Marie Hislop Elizabeth Kieboom Kai Zhi Lee Li Younian Katherine Sarah Myers Ndhlovu Innocent Justin Troy Noble for the degree of Master of Human Resource Management (Extension) Mark Magdi Lutfi Ibrahim Harnie Kumaraguru for the degree of Master of Management (Arts and Cultural Management) Boase Jayne Leslie Aisha D Jasper Karin Koch for the degree of Master of Management (Event Management) Cheng Mengna Lihan He for the degree of Master of Management (Tourism) Sandra Tertsch for the Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management Stevan James Dixon Tess Kelly Hayley Klose Lee Donald Lawrie Hayley Pearce Emily Terrington Temara Willis Lovina Xavier for the Graduate Diploma in Management Ann Clare Mitchell Diana Nikolic Shaikh Nazmina Yasmin James David Wade for the Graduate Diploma in Management (Arts and Cultural Management) Tania Louise Alland Julie Marie Brechman Toussaint Cathryn Burgess Prentiss Clarke-Jones Chelsi Rebecca Foskett Jennifer Yvonne Hay Zinta Kate Martirovs Kerry McManus Olivia Power for the Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management Walter Bojczuk Melinda Burr Emma-Kate Thorpe Eva Marie Wodecki for the Graduate Certificate in Management Gemma Kay Butler David Anthony Eyre Elizabeth Mary Kiely Glynn Dale Stringer for the Graduate Certificate in Management (Administrative Management) Seet Huang Chong for the Graduate Certificate in Management (Event Management) Barbara Dale Moore for the Graduate Certificate in Management (Innovation and Entrepreneurship) Craig Stewart Martin for the Graduate Certificate in Management (Integrated Supply Chain Management) Pauline Cheryl Moir for the Graduate Certificate in Research Commercialisation Rami Mohamad Ameer Al-Dirini Simon Belcher Timothy James Causon Thi Hai Ha Hoang Karen Joy Plane Sharon Zivkovic for the degrees of Bachelor of Management and Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) Ha Thuy Hua Heather Jane McAllister Tara Simone McInerney Robert James Poulter Katarina Turkalj for the degree of Bachelor of Business (Administrative Management) Chan Ka Ling *(20/10/11) Chan Yuen Yi *(15/03/12) Cheng Kam Fung *(20/10/11) Cheung Cheuk Lee Rositer *(20/10/11) Cheung Chin Wai Kevin *(20/10/11) Choy Wing Yin Amanda *(20/10/11) Heung Po Yi *(20/10/11) Ho Wai Han *(15/03/12) Ip Nga Sin *(15/03/12) Kong Shuk Yi Teresa *(20/10/11) Kwan Wing Yee Peggy *(20/10/11) Lai Pui Lan *(20/10/11) Lam Suet Ngor *(20/10/11) Leung Shek Yin *(15/03/12) Leung Yan Pui *(15/03/12) Lo Mei Lee Edwin *(20/10/11) Luk Kin Hang *(15/03/12) Mak Ka Yan Eunice *(15/03/12) Pang Kwan Chu *(20/10/11) Poh Suet Man *(15/03/12) Shum Ka Leong *(20/10/11) Tang Sze Man *(20/10/11) Tse Siu Hang *(20/10/11) Tsoi Sze Wa Eva *(15/03/12) Wan Wai Sze *(20/10/11) Wong Kong Sum *(20/10/11) Wong Mei Ying Debby *(20/10/11) Wong Suet Yan *(20/10/11) Yau Kit Han June *(20/10/11) Yeung Sau Wan *(15/03/12) Yip Ka Pik *(15/03/12) Yu Bik Kei Pecky *(20/10/11) Yu To Chee Beonca *(20/10/11) for the degree of Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management) Chan Ngar Yee *(20/10/11) Chan Sau Ching *(20/10/11) Chow King Ting *(20/10/11) Chu Shuk Lan Grace *(15/03/12) Ho Jennie *(20/10/11) Lam Choi Yee *(20/10/11) Lam Hiu Kwan *(15/03/12) Lam Pui Wai *(15/03/12) Lei Wing Yee *(15/03/12) Leung Kin Chi *(15/03/12) Leung See Wai Sylvia *(20/10/11) Leung Wah Hin *(15/03/12) Leung Wai Shan *(20/10/11) Li Pui Sze *(20/10/11) Li Sin Ying Iris *(15/03/12) Lui Shuk Fong *(20/10/11) Ma Man Kei Kelly *(20/10/11) Man Chui Ying Phyllis *(15/03/12) Ng Wing Yee *(20/10/11) Ng Yuen Yee *(20/10/11) Poon Wing Kwan *(15/03/12) See Lai King Joan *(20/10/11) Sit Yu Kit *(20/10/11) Ting Chi Yin Michelle *(15/03/12) Wong Yee Fan Sherriff *(20/10/11) Wu Lo Ling *(20/10/11) Yeung Wan Ting *(20/10/11) Yeung Yuet Yee *(15/03/12) 27 March 3.00pm Aviva Liora Rosman Dale Geoffrey Truscott Debra May Wilks for the degree of Bachelor of Management Soon Yew Ang *(19/12/11) Christian Paul Barnes Troy John Bryant John George Doran Jenelle Kay Dziano Lynne Elvin Ramiza Gaco Darren John Gardner Zaid Kaiksow Jessica Louise Kirk Andrew Lee Lambourne Dylan Andrew Lewis Zoey Lim Deana Lucano Benjamin James Luey Ana Nevjestic Antonella Rita Nucera Hong Phiew Ong Matteo Pesce Kye Pickard Adam Jacob Poetsch Melanie Kate Power Komal Bhanubhai Prajapati Danielle Richardson Tania Schier Heather Scott Hayley Stoeckel-Mott Rachel Ann Stone Kate Clementine Tymons Daniel Eddy Vidoni Aurelius Edward Wieczorek Sally Kaye Wilson for the degree of Bachelor of Management (Human Resource Management) Belal Abiad Saif Mohammed S A Al Mohannadi Idrees Khan Afridi Brett John Ancell Arvin Bisbal Rose Muriel Climaco Travis Clinton Lydia Diane Colgate-McCarron Lisa Joy Collett Amber Elise Coppins Lisa Marie Cullen-Sharbel Tania Sofia Magalhaes Da Silva Callum Davies Athena Natasha Demourtzidis Neven Dragas Alison Jean Hester Kristian Joel Holling Anne Huckel Hakimeh Kazemi Corinne Elizabeth Kelly Jonathon Jasenko Kilvert-Muftic Hannah MacAuley Kate Elizabeth MacKinnon Alice St Clair McMillan Salam Ur Rehman Mian Nguyen Duong Thuy *(19/12/11) Daniel Nikoloski Daniella Pierina Reppucci Daliana Carolina Ruiz Egea Stephan Tan Biljana Urosevic Lucinda Warren Samuel Whittleston *(25/08/11) Yuan Zhou for the degree of Bachelor of Management (Logistics and Supply Chain Management) Chun Hei Chan *(19/12/11) Gregor Jamie Currie Bjon Yeoh Er Searn *(19/12/11) Li Yanyue Yang Liu Carolyn Anne Measday Christopher Molitor Ng Kah Yip *(20/10/11) Ng Kok Boon *(15/03/12) Ming Ki Ng *(19/12/11) Kristen Deanne Poulain William Penfold Simpson Sui Menglan Tan Liang Nguan *(15/12/11) Stasia Hannah Patricia Willoughby for the degree of Bachelor of Management (Policing) Amanda Jane Woods for the degree of Bachelor of Sport and Recreation Management Daniel Mark Bartlett-Chatzigiann Jack Alexander Campion Ben Dionisios Demertzis Scott David Hockenhull Alexandra Sarah Johnson Kimberly Ly Christopher Aaron Maiolo Adam Daniel Arthur Norton Tristan Ashley Owen Lauren Millie Potter Victoria Jane Shannon Matthew Paul Tylor Daniel Kane Wiechula for the degree of Bachelor of Tourism and Event Management Kimberley Allen Vincent Winghoo Au Kelly Laura Bevan Debra Joy Bhola Rochelle Kirby Boag for the degree of Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management Chan Hiu Chung *(15/12/11) Chan Shuk Han *(20/10/11) Chan Wai Sum *(20/10/11) Cheng Ting Hin *(20/10/11) Choi Ying Ying *(20/10/11) Chong Tsz Wing *(20/10/11) Chung Wang Lok *(20/10/11) Dao Kwok Kit Gregory *(20/10/11) Ho Nok Hei Enoch *(20/10/11) Hon Fong *(20/10/11) Kar Pui Kay *(20/10/11) Kwok Wing Yan *(20/10/11) Lam Hau Yan *(20/10/11) Lam Hiu Lam Renee *(15/12/11) Law Chung Ting *(20/10/11) Li Kai Yeung *(20/10/11) Li Sze Yan *(20/10/11) Li Tan Hung *(20/10/11) Li Yuen Chau *(15/12/11) Lui Yuk Ling *(20/10/11) Ng Hung Yan Stephen *(20/10/11) Siu Wai Chi *(20/10/11) Tam Tsz Fung *(20/10/11) Tang Chun Wai Benjamin *(20/10/11) Tang Man Lai *(20/10/11) Tsang Hing Yu Penny *(15/12/11) Tsui Wing Ki *(20/10/11) Tung Yung Kaap *(20/10/11) Wong Ka Yan *(20/10/11) Wong Sin Ying *(15/12/11) Yeung Ka Wing *(20/10/11) for the Associate Degree in Business Ventures Rebecca Bernard Professor Milé Terziovski PhD, MBA, ME(Hons), BE(Hons), GradDipMgmt, FAIM, MAICD, Head: International Graduate School of Business, will present: THE SCHOOL OF MARKETING for the degree of Master of Marketing Naman Ahmad Nicolaos Demourtzidis Daniel James Edwards Nicole Kaye Feetham Stuart Kearney Cameron Joseph McQuade Sarah Rann Overton Dennis Philipp Chelsea Louise Pietsch Clayton Wade Prater Shaikh Nazmina Yasmin for the Graduate Diploma in Marketing Marissa Peta Barris Joshua Maciej Kapelko 27 March 3.00pm Daniella Caravaggio Ha Peng Chan *(19/12/11) Carly Renee Chandler Chen Jing Jessica Marie Cooke Emily Kate Davy Megan Nicole Duffield Sara Jayne Higgins Georgina Louise Honner Kateena Lee Humphrys Emma Louise Kaye Emily Alice King Dana Ruth Kiploks Xin Nu Lai Penelope Ruth Long Sarah Rebecca McCarthy Lisa Miravitchi Dercia Cesia Maxaila Nhamussua Sarah Nicole Parrington Tim Stephen Phillips Olivia Kate Rabone Jade Bianca Rokvic Emily Louise Ryan Nada Savatdy Christabel Zhiying Tan Alison Trahar Kelly Ann Tyndall Rebecca Van Schuilenburg Matthew Dean Walkington Kerri Anne Watton Wei Tianyi Jacob Clarke Wight Dana Williams Sijia Zhao Zhu Deyi for the Graduate Certificate in Marketing Matthew Scott Emmerson Peter King Maura Patricia Neeson Sarah Veronica Porcaro David Anthony Slater Ben Stimson Alan Clarke Waugh Benjamin Andrew Williams for the degrees of Bachelor of Management (Marketing) and Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) Mary Chrizelle Alansalon Georgina Argiridis Maria Dalas Emily Louise Fraser Yiannoula Mavromatis for the degree of Bachelor of Business (Marketing) Chan Chi Wing *(20/10/11) Chan Ka Ching Adam *(20/10/11) Chan Pui Sze *(15/12/11) Cheng Ka-Wai Carrie *(20/10/11) Cheng Lai Yee *(20/10/11) Cheng Nga Chi *(15/03/12) Ho Lai Yin *(20/10/11) Hui Kwan Wai *(15/03/12) Hui Yim Fong *(15/12/11) Keung Ka Ho *(15/03/12) Kwok Kai Yam *(15/03/12) Lai Chung Yan *(20/10/11) Lee Sze Ki *(15/03/12) Liu Fung Chun *(20/10/11) Ma Wing Yuk *(20/10/11) Ng Kiu Wai *(20/10/11) Ng Wai In *(15/03/12) Poon Po Kum *(15/03/12) She Man Chi *(20/10/11) Sin Lok Hang *(15/03/12) Tai Shuk Yin *(15/03/12) Tang Kit Ying *(20/10/11) Tsang Chung Chi *(15/03/12) Tsang Lai Kuen *(20/10/11) Wan Hing Fai *(20/10/11) Wong Hang Yin *(20/10/11) Wong Long Hei Haio *(15/03/12) Wong Ming Hin *(20/10/11) Wong Yik Fai *(15/03/12) Yin Fong Yam *(15/03/12) Yik Chi Yat *(20/10/11) Yip Hung Pun *(15/03/12) Yuen Ka Yan *(20/10/11) for the degree of Bachelor of Management (Marketing) Norzayani Abd Rahman *(15/03/12) Christopher Mark Amor Cienna Patrice Anderson Ang Wee Chun *(20/10/11) Au-Yong Huey Yin *(15/03/12) Edzat Edzmir Bahari *(19/12/11) Peter Nicolas Balales Kylie Ann Bauer Nguyen Sue Biszak Jovanna Bozanic Chan Kai Rho *(15/03/12) Chin Huey Shyan *(15/03/12) Loi Ngee Chin Chong J-Tsen *(19/12/11) Chong Wei Li *(15/03/12) Edmund Chong Yen Hei *(15/03/12) Amanda Michelle Coombe Dina Daradan Karina Jade Deboar Zuoliang Deng Alexander Maxwell Dorman Hana Victoria Ehrlich Zhi Xiang Fan *(19/12/11) Natasha Marie Fighera Foo Jo Ee *(15/03/12) Vernon Foo Wui Cheon Gan Mei Lei *(15/03/12) Angela Gioia Rebecca Kate Girardi Jessica Anne Herraman Kylie Hoang Debora Hutama Xinwei Jiang *(19/12/11) Harry Kalogerinis Nazrid Khairuddin Fernando *(15/03/12) Khan Zarmeena *(20/10/11) Koh Hui Shang *(15/03/12) Kok Shin Thong *(15/03/12) Kok Yim Free *(20/10/11) Sophia Kotsiou *(25/08/11) Benjamin Kutcher for the degree of Bachelor of Marketing and Communication Tsega Assefa Dominique Basile Danielle Nicole D’Antonio Kim Dang Sherman Storm Dickinson Tara Jean Ferris Olga Grudinina Leah Deanne Gundlach Terri Ellen Harding Samantha May Hogan Kiersten Humphrey Joanna Kate Jeffries Rhiannon Jane Johns Amanda Naomi Kevric Alicia Fay Lepka Michaela Lloyd-Jones Julian Craig Major Victoria Anne Marucci Nicholas David McInerney Gemma Marie Myhill Isaac O’Leary Olivia Marie Peressin Natasha Eve Petito Sarah Margaret Quinlan Penelope Anne Roberts Marina Alexandra Rodato Fleur Runge Anthony George Savas Chloe Jane Simpson Samuel Paul Terminelli Ashleigh Louise Urmersbach Karina Amii Whiteford Kayla Marie Wilks Hana Corina Yagi Yee Xiang Yap Shivawn Patricia Young THE INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS for the degree of Master of Advanced Business Practice Noraini Aminudin *(20/10/11) Cheng Yeong-Fu *(15/03/12) Anders Fleischer *(20/10/11) Fok Samuel Ching Fung *(15/12/11) Lau Tin Sang David *(20/10/11) Lee Chong Ming *(15/12/11) Choon Hong Lee *(20/10/11) Norlizah Mohd Nor *(15/03/12) Duangjai Ow-Jariyapithak Peng Yi-Ting *(15/03/12) Bancha Skuldee Tham Koy Siong *(15/03/12) Wallace Ignacio Torres *(15/12/11) 27 March 3.00pm Lee Hin Giap Lee Karyn Zhee Yan *(15/03/12) Lee Shan Lung *(15/03/12) Lee Waylip *(15/03/12) Lee Yeong Fuei *(15/03/12) Li Hong Dianne Liaw Jing May *(15/03/12) Ruth Liew En Tze *(15/03/12) Joshua Thomas Lightowler Nigel Lim Kah Leong *(15/03/12) Geordie Ryan Little Yi Liu Kevin Lo Kin Bong *(15/03/12) Loc Lan Huong *(15/03/12) Low Lee Jen *(15/03/12) Mandeep Singh Mangat *(15/03/12) Scott Richard Mather Kirby Elizabeth Rose McDonald Brydie Sian Merrett Jessica Danielle Moriarty Melissa Ann Morphett Mohamed Mikhail Arieffin Bin Nazrin *(15/03/12) Ng Li Yuin *(15/03/12) Ng Rui Siong *(15/03/12) Ngai Mun Synn *(15/03/12) Annaliese Jayne Norsworthy Choon Keat Ooi *(15/03/12) Pang Chai Yee Jessica Ann-Marie Peake Vanessa Lainey Preiss Paul Michael Rapuano Lauren Erica Roelink Shaylee Margaret Carmel Rogers-Kelly Emily Hannah Rowe Sha Kah Hong *(15/03/12) Katty Lisa Sinaga Kate Amelia Size Kayla Jaclyn Smith David Tam Hui Yee Tan *(19/12/11) Tan Joon Lam *(15/03/12) Tan Li Qing *(15/03/12) Wilson Tan Kean How *(15/03/12) Teh Jun Ne *(15/03/12) Thia Rhen Xiang *(15/03/12) Bunny Thong Tia Aik Teong *(15/03/12) Linh Tam Tran Lam Ngoc Truong Slobodanka Vukmanovic Wai Hoi Yiu *(19/12/11) Wan Kah Mun *(15/03/12) Karen J Williams Joon Jun Wong *(19/12/11) Wong Man Yee *(15/03/12) Wong Sai Beng *(15/03/12) Yong Lye Kuan *(15/03/12) Hao Zhou Li Ye Zhu for the degree of Master of Business Administration Hayden Brian Bachmann Alison Catherine Back Simon Natan Baruch Jurado Nigel Waleed Basheer Shashank Bindal *(15/03/12) Harshini Carey Neil Carr David Caulfield Chan Wing Yee Hinris *(15/12/11) Cheng Kin Wing *(15/12/11) Chia Sui Fong *(15/03/12) Chow Loong Fai *(15/12/11) Chow Suk Man *(15/03/12) Chu Lai Kei Judy *(15/12/11) Chung Ka Chun *(15/03/12) Joanne Colloff Samuel Thomas Craig Randall William Leith Cummins Alison Dodd Anthony Doogan Jennifer Duncan Nicholas Eakin D’Arcy Evans Daniel John Everitt Wayne Paul Fabbro Corrine Frances Fiebiger Fok Sau Man Shirley Monet *(15/12/11) Marcus Mike Gehrig Jillian Alene Gould Aaron Kumar Gupta Vinod Kumar Gupta De-Ahne Lee Hamer Matthew Shayne Denyer Hilton Kai Chun Ho *(15/12/11) Ho Kam Wai Raymond *(15/03/12) Ho Wai Chu *(15/12/11) Hu Xiaoli Samantha Ireland Danilo Antonio Joachin Kan Man Chun *(15/03/12) Ko Kwok Yau *(15/12/11) Andrew Kuszczakowski Kwok Yee Lui *(15/03/12) Lam Shun Sum Andrew *(15/03/12) Lam Wing Yan *(15/03/12) Yung Fung Wien Lam *(15/12/11) Steven James Lapidge Lau Chi Ho *(15/12/11) Lau King Lok *(15/12/11) Lau Wing *(15/03/12) Kathryn Anne Lee Leung Fung Ping *(15/03/12) Leung Po Lung *(15/12/11) Lim Chong Han Heidi Limareff Jimmy Liu Lo Chi-Ming *(15/12/11) Lawrence Lui *(15/03/12) Luk Ngai Wan *(15/03/12) Sohbat Lutfi Stuart Scott McKay Nicholas McNaughton Meagan Diane Mercurio Louise Jane Miller Frost Catherine Stefani Mooney Kris Moyse Alexander Charles Nesbitt Ng Wai Lun *(15/03/12) Susumu Noguchi Sharyn Osborn Roger Palubinski Sean Parsonage Lorna Yvonne Richardson Paul Lorin Santinon Craig Sellick Grant Anthony Semmler Shek Fung Shan *(15/03/12) Kylie Sara Spalding Piero Sparapani Arunkumar Srinivasulu Victor Wee Tat Tan Ryan John Thomas James Andrew Tilly Tse Man Fai Kenneth *(15/12/11) Martyna Urban Matthew Thomas Voon Wang Wei *(15/12/11) Gemma Ashe West Simon John White Andrew Peter Windebank *(15/03/12) Wong On Mei *(15/03/12) Wong Po Kwong *(15/03/12) Wong Sin Yi Reginia *(15/12/11) Wong Wah Wing Christopher *(15/12/11) Woo Moon Yuen *(15/12/11) Woo So Man *(15/12/11) Yau Wai Ching *(15/03/12) Yau Yuk Kei *(15/12/11) Yeung Chi Kong *(15/12/11) Yim To Hang Dylan *(15/12/11) Yin Chi Chung *(15/03/12) for the degree of Master of Business Administration (Sustainable Business) John Patrick Casey Grantley John Gibson Misheck Chomba Kapambwe Felicia Mellors for the degree of Master of International Business Panagiotis Dimitriou Tolga Kutuk Robyn Louise Larkin Leon Austin Marro Peter James Start Su Chong Su Xiaoyan Yuan Yuan for the Graduate Diploma in Business Administration George Fotoulis Bruce Gall Gall Deanna Jillian Lush Pankaj Roy Michael Ivan Steer Shane John Zimmer for the Graduate Diploma in International Business Karen Marie Stanton for the Graduate Certificate in Business Administration Fareed Ahmad Bajwa Cassandra Barendregt Christine Anne Baulderstone Tirzah Bokelund Eva Caprile Adrian Michael Cerchez Chan Wing Tat *(15/03/12) Chau Duen Yin Ellis *(15/03/12) Cheng Kam Hung *(15/12/11) Cheng Yi Nor Carly *(15/12/11) Chiu Shing Kee *(15/03/12) Choi Tin Hung Joel *(15/03/12) Chou Ting Fung *(15/12/11) Geoffrey Mark Cronin Pauline Joy de Vries Scott Aaron Denny Michael Ron Dilettoso Basil Plato Fermantzis Michael John Fisher Gregory Lee Forrest Patria Gough Denise Kaye Gray Przemyslaw Grobelski Kym David Hand Rebecca Jane Hardy Stephanie Kristine Johnson Michelle Mary Kappler Kwan Mee Yuk *(20/10/11) Kwok Siu Mee Mee *(20/10/11) Lam Matthew *(15/03/12) Lam Wing Yan *(15/03/12) Lau Chung Wing *(20/10/11) Lau Pauline Pui Ling *(15/03/12) Lee Wan Yin *(20/10/11) Young Geun Lee Liang Shan *(15/03/12) Lo Mei Kuen *(15/12/11) Shane Paul Mitchell William Moore Robert Murrie Matthew James Nairn Ng Fung Shan *(15/12/11) Ng Mun Wei *(15/03/12) Willem Wayne Overmeyer John Owens Michael Douglas Peake Eduardo Eugenio Pinero Anthony Paul Ransom Paul William Roberts Gregory Keith Saunder Kylie Louise Joy Schmidt Laura Ann Schonfeldt Shun Kam Leung *(15/03/12) Siu So Han Rossana *(15/03/12) Sze Yuk Fan *(15/03/12) Tai Chui Ying *(15/03/12) Tang Wai Kiu Phybe *(15/03/12) Stephen John Taylor Andrew David Thiele Mark Gordon Trenwith Ethne Ann Vigliante Craig Stephen Wall Kylie Louise Walsh Wong Mei Chi *(15/03/12) Wong Tsz Kwan Gi Gi *(15/12/11) Paul Anthony Yeomans Yeung Bun *(15/03/12) Yeung Wah Cheong Aman *(15/03/12) Yip Carmen *(15/03/12) Yip Kan Cheung *(20/10/11) Yu Tung Kiu *(15/03/12) for the Graduate Certificate in International Business Sarah Jane Bamford Jude Lamb Kelvin Yeoh Chern Hong 27 March 3.00pm for the degree of Master of Business Administration (Marketing) Mark Damian Heald for the Graduate Certificate in Management James Ralph Higginson for the Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Business Jessica Alexandra Beaton Rebecca Brown Darren Mark Cutler Michael Lee Goodman Adelaide Festival Theatre Wednesday 28 March at 10.30am The Occasional Address Order of Ceremony Mr Douglas Gautier BA(Hons) Processional music will be played on the Silver Jubilee Organ. Mr Gautier came to the Festival Centre after leading Hong Kong’s pre-eminent arts festival, and with international experience in media, tourism and the corporate sector. A resident of Asia for 25 years, he remains closely connected to – and seeks to further foster South Australia’s cultural connections with – the region. Mr Gautier has served on a number of arts, media and tourism boards in Hong Kong, throughout Asia and in Australia. He was founding vice-chairman of the Asian Arts Festival Association, and was a board member of the Asian Cultural Council (Rockefeller Foundation). He currently chairs Asialink’s Performing Arts Advisory Committee, and serves on the board of the Association of Asia Pacific Performing Arts Centres. He is an executive committee member of Live Performance Australia, and continues to be an advisor to the Hong Kong Arts Festival. The audience is requested to stand for the entrance of the Academic Procession, Council and Official Party. The National Anthem. The Deputy Chancellor, Dr Wendy Craik AM, BSc(Hons), PhD, GradDipMgmt, FTSE will open the ceremony. The Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Høj MSc, PhD, DUniv (honoris causa), FTSE, will address the ceremony. Mr Nigel Relph BA(Hons), MA, MCIPR, Pro Vice Chancellor and Vice President: International and Development, will present Ms Fiona Hall in absentia, for the honorary degree of Doctor of the University. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Mr Douglas Gautier, Chief Executive Officer and Artistic Director, Adelaide Festival Centre. The Deputy Chancellor, on behalf of the University, will confer awards on the candidates. The assembly is invited to applaud individual doctoral graduates. For all other graduates, the Presenter will invite applause for each group at the conclusion of its presentation. The Deputy Chancellor will close the ceremony. The audience is requested to stand as the Official Party, Council and Academic Procession retire. Gaudeamus Igitur / Anonymous, German early 18th C [CPDL #10745] Advance Australia Fair / Peter Dodds McCormick, arranged by Christopher Gordon Prelude to a Te Deum / Marc-Antoine Charpentier 28 March 10.30am Douglas Gautier was appointed to his role at the Adelaide Festival Centre in 2006, and since then he has helped revitalise the Festival Centre with a ‘program-led’ approach to increasing audiences. This has included the introduction of two new events – the Adelaide International Guitar Festival, and the OzAsia Festival that showcases cultural and artistic links between Australia and the Asian region. The Presentation Professor Mads Gaardboe BArch, MArch, MscArch & UD, FRSA , Head: School of Art, Architecture and Design, will present: for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Margit Bruenner, by thesis entitled: Becoming joy: experimental construction of atmospheres (conferred: 15 March 2012) Julie Kaye Henderson, by thesis entitled: Archival drift: attention, performance and affective ecologies in spatial art practice (conferred: 15 December 2011) Iris Iwanicki, by thesis entitled: The role of cultural heritage in the sustainability of remote planned communities, with a case study of Woomera, Australia (conferred: 15 December 2011) Naghmeh Nouri Esfahani, by thesis entitled: ‘Dresses are annoying. I like to design them myself’: A post-phenomenological exploration of everyday artefacts (conferred: 15 March 2012) Angela Louise Valamanesh, by thesis entitled: Under the microscope: making art from science (conferred: 15 March 2012) * indicates a conferral of award date prior to this ceremony DIVISION OF EDUCATION, ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES for the degree of Master of Visual Arts James Leonard Marshall *(15/12/11) Mary-Jean Richardson *(20/10/11) THE SCHOOL OF ART, ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN for the degree of Master of Architecture Zeek William Badman Jai Wesley Battams Jack Alexander Beaton Nathan Bronca Joshua James Budarick Ella Jordan Camporeale Gavin Peter Crump Benjamin Wayne Edwards Jane Ann Eisemann Alexander James Fergusson James Stewart Bell Gardner Paul Geracitano Amila Hibeljic Linda Gertrude Holmwood Chong Tat Ieong Branko Jaric William Thomas Jones Linda Lanfranchi Jordan Blake Lund René Majewski Olivier Joseph Julien Martin De’Arne Narelle Matthews Joshua Stewart McCallum Thomas Daniel Michele James Scott Morman Thach Nguyen Hoang *(19/12/11) Ruth Marie Nordstrom Natalia Nowinski Anthony John Orlando Bradley John Pennington Damian James Pestrin Irina Petkov Stephen Daniel Piotto Tess Helen Pritchard Rie Richter Sonoda Leah Marie Rodighiero Alex John Schultz Kristina Ann Soggee Anthony Eugene Sykala Dustin Ynyr Tuazon Andrew John Vegter James Philip Vine Rockney Benjamin Wates Benjamin Jack Weekley Sophie Wilksch Mack Benjie Wilson Elaine Wong Yoke Hsien *(19/12/11) Simon Lee Xotta-Dickson for the degree of Master of Sustainable Design Johnathon Francis Kirby Eloise Clare Penna for the degree of Master of Visual Art and Design (Drawing) Jana Wallace Braddock for the degree of Master of Visual Art and Design (Painting) Daniel Connell Lilianna Pasternak Nina Rupena for the degree of Master of Visual Art and Design (Sculpture) Sophia Corso for the degree of Master of Visual Art and Design (Textiles) Holly Marie Kuhl for the Graduate Diploma in Visual Art and Design (Glass) Simon Charles Ormonde Butler for the Graduate Diploma in Visual Art and Design (Graphic Design) Philippa Liselotte Kruger Cameron John McLachlan Candice Olivia Papagiannis for the Graduate Diploma in Visual Art and Design (Illustration) Davide Alessandro Cavuoto Gabriella Player for the Graduate Diploma in Visual Art and Design (Jewellery and Metal) Kate Sutherland for the Graduate Diploma in Visual Art and Design (Painting) Kveta Janet Deans David Scott Gloede Tiffney Patricia Hampton Janice Dorothy Lane Donald Le Roi Matters Rebecca Jane Paech Simon Christopher Smith Zhao Yu Tong for the Graduate Diploma in Visual Art and Design (Photography) Fiona Meredith Borthwick for the Graduate Diploma in Visual Art and Design (Sculpture) Edie Marie Eicas for the degree of Bachelor of Industrial Design with Honours Ashly Victoria Lock Vanessa Anne Quirke for the degree of Bachelor of Interior Architecture with Honours Corina Cannell Margrethe Johannsen Olivia Jane Rogers Ashleigh Renee Rosenzweig Lia van Dalen for the degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts (Honours) Celeste Juliet Aldahn Jennifer Louise Allnutt Sally Anne Baker Courtney Frances Bignell Alexander Thomas Burchmore Kirtida Sundari Carmody Hayley Anne Carpenter Emily Louise Catt Laura Jean Crowther Michael David Drew Stephanie Elvira English Nathan David Farrant Arlon Wesley Hall Chloe Mariah Langford Briony Ann Milverton Bridgette Louise Minuzzo Nadia Mitanov Natasha Gabriela Natale Rose Emily Paton Patrick James Rees Craig Taylor Laura Wills Zoe Woods Kerri Ann Wright for the degree of Bachelor of Architectural Studies Brett Edward Abroe Fereshthe Agahi Pizarro Jeremy Nicholas Allen Dinko Arar Brychan Julian Asaris Hamish Francis Austin James Roderick Badgery Luke Basic Jonathan Richard Behrend John Nicholas Berryman Scott Bollmeyer 28 March 10.30am for the degree of Master of Design (Industrial Design) Drew David John Adams James William French Sarah Marie Neilson Edward Charles Stuart Bourchier Lucinda Castillo Douglas Matthew Cobb Christopher John Culshaw Aaron Harris Davis Sean Robert Dixon Robert Andrew Dodd Lachlan Glenn Dyer Gianni Francisco Betina Galaret Lauren Mary Gilbert Timothy Ross Graham Winston Bartholemu Grant-Preece Stephen Robert Hahn Lok Chung Ho Samuel Rawson Penfold Jolly Lau Kim Lim *(19/12/11) Nicole Anne Leake Kyle Travis Machin Rumbidzai Rachael Mapfumo Jonasz Dariusz Marek Elizabeth Kate Meldrum Sebastien Nicholas Mignot Brianne Lani Mills Jet Rene O’Rourke John Pampoukidis Ella Marie Parish Travis Heath Parry Lauren Qvistgaard Amanda Ann-Marie Rosairo Tomas Rushforth Jack Alfred Saunders Gruia Secara Pierre Ivan Sobarzo Nicole Tara Stone Benjamin Alexander Sykes Chee Heng Tang *(19/12/11) Dennis Andrew Tapp Angus Thomas Vi Truong Nikitas Eugene Tsounis Kirrakee Teea Watson Adelaide Louise Willcox Michael Luther Wong Amber Jane Wynn Sarah Zahradnik Ziad Georges Zahran Nurzadatil Ashmal Zainal Azim *(19/12/11) Besa Zenuni for the degree of Bachelor of Design (Product Innovation) Nicholas Christopher Briggs Jack Blair Ferguson Edward James Hayter Max James Hunt Arthur Torpal Kaluwin Lauren Janet McAleer Phillip George Nicholas Portellos Madeleine Emma Robson Thomas Peter Schneider Paul Stawiarz William Gregory Terrell Daniel Weiss Robert William White for the degree of Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) Ashleigh Brooke Adamson Serrin Meg Ainslie Lucinda Kendall Aitchison Kimberly Anne Aldersey Maria Vasiliki Apostolou Holly Frances Barnes Tessa Marie Bartholomew Elaine Kristen Bekas Lauren Maria May Bezzina Lydia Borrillo Ashlyn Elise Campbell Giselle Capozza Helena Lee Carapetis Jessica Caroscio Sarah Jayne Cartledge Rebecca Suzannah Chambers Chansopha Chao Maria Charova Stephanie Anne Crowley Lucas Cunningham Lewis Maguire Dalby Justine Louise Dankiw Nathan Lyall Elmer Ryan Christopher Engelhardt Leilani Pelepa Baker Every Gregory Michael Faller Jessica Anne Forrest Miriam Elice Foulkes Josiah Edward Fyfe Cherie Renae Gartner Melinda Gaughwin for the degree of Bachelor of Industrial Design Marta Cherednik Ron Keith Langman Randall Charles Lloyd Mark Reina Paul Michael Townsin for the degree of Bachelor of Interior Architecture Simone Alexandra Abbs Giovanni Angelino Vanessa Antonia Avolio Erin May Barnard Leigh Amy Barnett Ashleigh Brooke Barry Lindsay Cate Bartholomew Ethne Dagmar Catherine Bate Alison Bralic Jasmine Kate Brooksby Michelle Emma Burchell Gemma Caon Maria Clemente Jonathan Hartley Adele Iannucci Bradley Thomas Joseph Jasmine Marie Kiss Bethany Jane Koerner Sopheak Kong Phoebe Elise Kretschmer Katie Yat Yee Kung Laura Amy Lomman Lucinda May Martin Ashleigh Kate McCaskill Bronwyn Eliza McKenzie Christopher Michael Morrison Ellie Nicola Maria Nucera Ashleigh Lauren Plueckhahn Monica Alenka Prichard Liana Jai Ross Daimon Nicholas Spadavecchia Laura Kate Tisato Zachary Jake Walsh Brianna Jane Williams for the degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts (Ceramics) James Anthony De Gregorio Nina Cecilia Frigault Anh-Thu Vu Pham for the degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts (Drawing) Joshuah Robert Dametto Natasha Jade Filippi Jennifer Garland Sarah Luise Graham Alec Stephen Hall Jessica Joy Queenie Lang Lisien Marie Lenares 28 March 10.30am Danielle Karlie Giblin Sarah Jade Glover Marieka Suzanne Hambledon Kaitlin Elisabeth Hatcher Nicky John Irvine Fiona Joy Jarzabek Eduard Johnston-Cielens Benjamin John Keynes Katherine Kordek Kerrie Eleni Lambrakis Danielle Larosa Tahlia Denae Leikas Tze Ben Lim Kirby Manning Amber Matson Jessica Alana Matthews Jeremy Hadyn Maumill Benjamin James McPherson Lukas Alexander Meinhold-Musiela Aaron Georges Michaliadis Vincent James Mills Megan Elise Monks Eduardo Antonio Mujica Lindsey Jane Naspinski Alexandra Neailey Deborah Kylie Ann Newman Logan Zane Niblock Avan Emma Omar Kyo Pickard Harrison Fraser Plane Alice Elizabeth Potter Hannah Jacquelyn Potter Daniel John Purvis Amelia Radman Clara Grace Rapagna Litsa Mary Emilia Razzano Nicholas Thomas Rees Jessica Jean Relph Bryan James Richardson Sarah Jane Roberts Stefani Josee Sagucio Benjamin Douglas Salsbury Michael James Albert Sander Nicole Louise Shattock Bridget Annie Slaven Kaitlin Ann Smith Callum Jared Starr Benjamin William Philip Stevens Laura Syme Anthony Joseph Tatyrzo Caitlin Brianna Taylor Lisa Kay Tekell Brad Alexander Thomas Stewart David Thomas Eden Kimberly Todd Amelia Brooke Toovey Lauren May Verner Lisa Vertudaches Brett James Williams Shawnee Mead Willis Piyarat Mukura *(19/12/11) Sylvia Patricia Urbanski Alexandra Van Essen for the degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts (Glass) Jennifer Kaye Ahrens Llewelyn Ash Alexander Christian Valero for the degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts (History and Theory) Andrea Mary Brunt Jessica Stephanie Erceg Fruzsina Fanni Kenez Laura Elizabeth Masters Lauren Michele Mustillo Adele Sliuzas for the degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts (Jewellery and Metal) Xuan Vivian Danh Jessica Janice James Kelly Alana Jonasson Nadja Louise Maher Anna Elizabeth McGovern Beibing Ruan *(19/12/11) Ramona Salehi Katherine Tenikoff Joanne Robyn Wilmot for the degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts (Painting) Sophie Elizabeth Aitken Elyas Alavi Dylan Jake Berrett Vanessa Kate Binks Elise Kristina Bonato Michael John Carney Juraj Cuchor Erin Rose Dixon James William Elliott Jasmine Crystal Esots Alex Louise Flynn Claire Sheryn Foord Joseph Jai Hyde Christopher Rhys Jones Panchol Kwai Jook Pheobe Kadi Ellen Lekakis Jordan Murdoch Dylan James Pimm Laura Elise Sourdin Michelle Way Caitlin Marie Wiechula Rose-Marie Alyce Wilkinson for the degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts (Photography) Emma Louise Arnold Rosheen Brown Jade Maree Ferguson Sarah Jane Heatley Amy Danielle Herrmann Wei-Jung Hsu Kimberley Joanne Ingerson Antonina Megan Lato Jessica Rose Amelia Lemon Alexander Lofting Kym Ashley Martin Alexandra Mowbray Shannon Napier Matthew James O’Mahoney Hannah Grace Restall Kate Louise Teasdale James Peter Tylor Sharna Laima Vitols for the degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts (Printmaking) Rebekah Alexandria Lokteff Natalie Anne-Marie Luesby for the degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts (Sculpture) Jolyon Bruno Auri Theresa Bassett Madison Kate Bycroft Danielle Mary Hoban Holly Marie Kraehe Benjamin Luke Leslie Ella Rachel Dulcie Radke Shay Valen Taylor Georgia Tselekidis for the degree of Bachelor of Visual Arts (Textiles) Rachael Sian Baker Maureen Ann Hodgkison Adelaide Festival Theatre Wednesday 28 March at 3.00pm The Occasional Address Order of Ceremony Dr Lynn Arnold AO BA, BEd, DipADE, PhD, JP Processional music will be played on the Silver Jubilee Organ. Before joining World Vision, Dr Arnold served as an executive consultant with a large Spanish media company, and from 1979-1994 he was a member of the South Australian Parliament. That included 11 years in cabinet, during which he held a range of senior ministries (including education, state development and agriculture), and he served as Premier of South Australia in 1992–1993. He holds a PhD, as well as a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education from the University of Adelaide. He also holds a diploma in Senior Company Administration from the Escuela Superior de la Alta Dirección de Empresas (ESADE) in Barcelona, Spain. In 2004, he was awarded the Order of Australia for his services to Australia through the South Australian Parliament, and internationally through development and humanitarian aid assistance. In 2001, he received the Centenary Medal for his services to the Australian community. Dr Arnold is also currently national co-chair for Anti-Poverty Week, a member of the Anglicare Australia Council, chair of trustees of the Don Dunstan Foundation, and one of three South Australian Reconciliation Ambassadors. The audience is requested to stand for the entrance of the Academic Procession, Council and Official Party. The National Anthem. The Chancellor, Dr Ian Gould AM, BSc(Hons), PhD, FAusIMM, FTSE will open the ceremony. The Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Høj MSc, PhD, DUniv (honoris causa), FTSE, will address the ceremony. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Dr Lynn Arnold AO, Chief Executive Officer, Anglicare SA. The Chancellor, on behalf of the University, will confer awards on the candidates. The assembly is invited to applaud individual doctoral graduates. For all other graduates, the Presenter will invite applause for each group at the conclusion of its presentation. The Chancellor will close the ceremony. The audience is requested to stand as the Official Party, Council and Academic Procession retire. Gaudeamus Igitur / Anonymous, German early 18th C [CPDL #10745] Advance Australia Fair / Peter Dodds McCormick, arranged by Christopher Gordon Prelude to a Te Deum / Marc-Antoine Charpentier 28 March 3.00pm Dr Lynn Arnold AO commenced in the role of chief executive of Anglicare SA in March 2008, after 11 years with World Vision International where he held roles including senior director (Board Development and Peer Review), regional vice president for Asia and Pacific, and chief executive officer for World Vision Australia. During that time he also served on a number of professional boards, including the Australian Foreign Minister’s Aid Advisory Council, and the Australian Council for Overseas Aid (now ACFID). The Presentation Professor Geraldine Casteleton Cert T, BEd, Grad Dip T, MEd(Hons), PhD, Dean and Head: School of Education will present: for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Brenton Dean Fopp, by thesis entitled: Given up: reflections of adult adoptees in the context of South Australian child care since 1836 (conferred: 20 October 2011) Kirsty Hammet, by thesis entitled: Giving a good account: people living with HIV/AIDS as policy actors in advanced liberal times (conferred: 15 March 2012) Glenna Catherine Lear, by thesis entitled: There’s got to be more! the third age life of rural women of action (conferred: 20 October 2011) Trevor William Lovett, by thesis entitled: The tyranny of difference: an investigation into the construction and influences of working-class identities on the formal learning of white, baby-boomer males (conferred: 20 October 2011) Kerrie Anne Mackey-Smith, by thesis entitled: Dialogic possibilities in scripted classrooms: a single school ethnography (conferred: 15 March 2012) Alison Mary Wrench, by thesis entitled: Practicalities, fictions and possibilities: becoming socially critical teachers of PE (conferred: 15 March 2012) Rosalina Mu Lan Yuen, by thesis entitled: Schooling and the regulation of female subjectivity: choosing the right” path through senior years” (conferred: 15 December 2011) Tawatchai Chaisiri, by thesis entitled: Teaching writing in a Thai university context: considerations for introducing a genre-based approach (conferred: 20 October 2011) Trevor Murray Short, by thesis entitled: Teachers and students in alternative schools: narratives from the margins of public education (conferred: 15 March 2012) Ruth Trenerry, by thesis entitled: Career-work: an institutional ethnography exploring women’s ‘career’ activity in the paid workplace (conferred: 15 December 2011) * indicates a conferral of award date prior to this ceremony DIVISION OF EDUCATION, ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES for the degree of Master of Education Julia Helen Metcalfe *(15/03/12) THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION for the degree of Doctor of Education Roma Aloisi, by thesis entitled: Speaking the unspeakable. Interrogating leadership: gender-race-ethnicity in Australian Catholic education (conferred: 20 October 2011) for the degree of Master of Catholic Education John William Ascione Shana Louise Boeyen Angela Mary Coon Mitchell John Grace Ruth Kelly Taylor Cynthia Mary Thompson for the degree of Master of Education (Early Childhood Education) Anya Rosemary Bishop Neslihan Zehra Kutuk Karen Jennifer Winderlich for the degree of Master of Education (Educational Computing) Maria Taylor for the degree of Master of Education (Languages Education) Angela Jane Benedetti Catherine Ann Moore Tanya Louise Smith for the degree of Master of Education (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Lynette Marie Bellwood Belinda Naomi Britton Baart John Groot for the degree of Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) Holly Clare Baulderstone Melissa Day Baulderstone Kimberley Bitter Carolyn Ruth Bury Alicia Mary Carr Samantha Jayne Chirgwin Sarah Louise Gertrude Croston-Melling Olivia Danielle Derose Roslyn Jayne Elms Cassandra Jo Grimaldi Donia Haidar Marian Phyllis Harper Hua Yun Catherine Marie Jacobs Rebecca Kelly Natalie Michelle Moncrieff Laura Rachel Reiters Nina Teresa Richards Kristy Michele Simons Tracey Ann Louise Upton Zhang Shu Man for the degree of Master of Teaching (Junior Primary and Primary) Natalie Marie Agostino Aleisha Eve Barnard Alison Gai Barrass Jasmine Kashmira Ben Catherine Ann Brown Timothy Stuart Buckley Rachel Katherine Cornell Amy Louise Craig Krystal Joy Deboer Sarah Nicole DiMauro Alison Claire Dinham Fiona Jane Ey Rebecca Sue Gilbert Bernadette Haggerty Emily Jane Harrison Samantha Bridget Homan Julia Evelyn Mander Frances Jane Marshman Louise Margaret McAdam Jenna Lauren McClaren Dylan McCrossin Megan Susanne Moriarty Aimee Parisa Naderi Sarah Therese O’Driscoll Vasiliki Parissos Angela Mary Perkins Tristan Allan Rawson Martin Geoffrey Richards Michael Peter Rostig Hamish Michael Rowsell Emma Stacey Emma Louise Stapley Vanessa Michelle Stewart Trevor Andrew Swain Darren Kenneth Townsend Emily Su-Yen Wong Jenna Kate Woodward for the degree of Master of Teaching (Middle and Secondary) Rachael Dawn Ashdowne Amanda Christina Chapman Valeria Ledda *(11/08/10) Angela McMillan Nicholas Luke Skewes for the degree of Master of Teaching (Primary and Middle) Christopher Paul Asikas Samuel Carroll Holmes Belinda Jane Kunze for the Graduate Diploma in Education (Adult, Vocational and Workplace Learning) Ceris Jane Crosby Helen Kaye Henly Gail Jean Rossini Lisa-Marie Seyfang 28 March 3.00pm for the degree of Master of Education Joanne Maree Black Rebecca Jane Crapp Adrian Peter Dilger Brennan Joel Dimmell Dominica May Thomson for the Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) Andrew John Beekman Victoria Marie Calleja Stuart Brian Crisp Brooke Lacey Curtin Stephanie Marie Dumas Hans Peter Hanke Melissa Kim Hewett Susan Hopping Richard Alan Keating Garrett Alphonsus McDonagh Lin Nie Kathrine Joan Rosenberg Shayne Michael Tarling James Phillip Trenorden Zhu Mo *(19/12/11) for the Graduate Certificate in Applied Ethics Stephen William Wotton for the Graduate Certificate in Education (Academic Practice) Lisa Hodge Evangeline Mantzioris Sally Elisabeth Plush for the Graduate Certificate in Education (Adult and Vocational Learning) Linda Rankine for the Graduate Certificate in Education (Catholic Education) Andrea Assioti Alessia Marie Basso Amelia Boland Luke Joseph Borda David Anthony Carey Benjamin Paul Catalano Kerrie Clarke Terese Sarah Marie Cooper Frances Delfin Anne Therese Doherty Lee-Anne Francese Michael James Francis Sharon Lee Greenfield Susan Helen Griffith Rosetta Ann Hamood Rory Nevitt Harris Jessica Kate Lowe Patricia Maureen Kerkenaar-Richards Lenny Vinitha Geraldine Lobo Robert Maio Sean Patrick Mangan Jessica Iolanda McCarthy Steven Aaron McCulloch Miriam Frances McGregor Lorna McLean Michelle Milic Michelle Marie Moyle Karen Mutton Courtney Jayne Mylrea Alexander Ngeno Melissa Jane Niejalke Shey Rhiannon Odgers Juliet Ann Paine Amy Louise Perone Anne-Marie Elizabeth Platten Karen Dianne Putnik Commodore John Setlhong Liza Melanie Siviour Damian Thornton Smith Elizabeth Jane Stewart Katrina Summers Kylie Michelle Scott Thompson Georga Kate Tyson Catherine Mary Wajwoda Nicole Louise Watson Emma Louise Westwood for the Graduate Certificate in Education (Educational Leadership and Management) Sonia Anna Kilmister for the Graduate Certificate in Education (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) Jaqueline Kate Allen Susan Jane Allen Jane Meredith Bode Roslyn Margaret Bradshaw Isabelle Nathalie Calmettes Suzanne Donovan Jacqueline Kristy Francis for the Graduate Certificate in Educational Computing Janice Lynn Lawrenz for the degree of Bachelor of Early Childhood Education with Honours Toni Lee Deer Sherrida Marie Powell Eleanor Magdalen Scrafton Sally Claire Stringer Rebecca Jayne Werner for the degree of Bachelor of Education (Design and Technology Education) with Honours Caitlin Ashlee Hinds for the degree of Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary and Primary) with Honours Kimberley Bishop Nils James Bodin Tiffany Elouise Cazzolato Justine Amy Cheal Kimberley Sue Henderson Brianna Elizabeth Laxton India Estelle Maxwell Amy Jane Reid for the degree of Bachelor of Education (Primary and Middle) with Honours Monique Renae Carcuro Amanda Kate Denholm Louise Nicole Minney Jenny Tsimiklis for the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education Daniel Sebastian Emes Lewis William Gill Dylan Milton Rachel Katherine Moore Katrin Ruth Moser Samantha Jade Rusanoff Kim Athalie Thomas Bradley James Werner for the degree of Bachelor of Adult and Vocational Education Leanne Michelle Boyd Julianne Brown Letitia Margaret Dornan Roden David McMiles Christopher Brian Saunders Yvonne Rita Young for the degree of Bachelor of Early Childhood Education Stephanie Christina Abbott Marika Maria Almassy Kylie Michelle Annells Rebecca Louise Arnold Jennifer Inga Aukett Catherine Claire Ayles Sarah Anne Bailey Cassandra Bain Andrea Ella Ball Rachel Brooke Bament Renae Judith Beaumont Tayla Lauren Beven Rebecca Jayne Bliss Katrice Michelle Byrne Jessamy Laura Cane Hannah Ariane Caon Tegan Lea Caruso Isabella Nicole Ciezkowski Lana Marie Coleman Brittny Dianne Colliver Lauren Peta Copeland Nicole Dal Piva Serena Marie Davis Louisa Debora Dinca Sally-Ann Doman Pauline Ruth Eglinton Jason Robert Fishers Bianca Lee Fox Vicki Marie Georgiou Megan Ann Gibson Stephanie Grace Grainger Shana Rose Greenwood Ainsley Helen Haddow Rebecca Claire Harris Nyree Venita Heading Rebecca Jane Hegarty Phaedra Anne Hellier Amanda Marjorie Hickey Maryann Kaye Hogg Grace Kennah James Julia Renee Johns Amy Lee Jones Katrina Kontos Pearl Lawless-Kinnear Emma Lombardi Brianna Tiffany Katharine Long Tuyet Nghi Luu Prudence Christine Mainprize 28 March 3.00pm Susan Frances Fraser Christine Joy Hanna Wes Dalton Jeffries Stephanie Tania Johnson Merilyn Joy Klem Shuting Liang Claire Stephanie Marie Morichaud Sheila Pradhan Caristia Marion Sanders Michele Jane Sutcliffe Sarah Vincent Megan Webster Melanie Jayne Will Kate Rachel Williams Virginia Wing Kwan Wong Michelle Catherine Zanker Emily Jade Zerella Amy Nicola Ziliotto Associate Professor Margaret Peters PhD, BEd, GradDipAdminMgmt, BEd/ BA(AppLangStud), Dip T, Dean: Research & Research Education, will present: Holly Jane Makin Rachel Anne Markey Emelia Elizabeth Marra Kimberley Michelle Matters Julie-Anne McInnis Lisa Louise Mellon Louise Jane Montesi Maria Silvina Muino Tamara Jade Mustac Kathryn Anne Newton Ngoc Anh Nguyen Tamara Joanne Nicholls Rikilee Nies Cassie Louisa Norton Holly Serena Paech Emma Charlotte Parkinson Simone Leanne Parsons Andrea June Pelton Kimberly Jayne Phillips Angela Marie Pike Larissa Simone Pilgrim Lisa Katrina Purdy Kelly Brooke Reichelt Stephanie Maria Ricci Claire Louise Ricketts Kiah Robertson-Wood Patrizia Silvestrino Renae Debra Simmons Sandra Smith Rebecca J Squires Ashton Jade Stepney Anita Beth Stoll Ariella Rose Tairea Nicole Susan Taylor Meagan Cheree Thompson Tahnee Lee Treloar Elizabeth Trumble Lorraine Eugenia Verma Georgina Isobel Vescovo for the degree of Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (InService) Julianne Armour Catherine Margaret Burkert Catherine Bury Christine Ann Chapman Sharon Elizabeth Creagh Jennifer Anne Duniam Jacqueline Connis Fenlon Sandra Jane Keith Marie Kelakios Julie Barbara MacKenzie Melissa Leigh Mar Keryn Anne Moyle Tracey Lynne Noble Belinda Jane Petherick Trudi-Anne Thorpe Deborah Elise Waters Anne Marie Willis for the degree of Bachelor of Education (Adult, Vocational and Workplace Learning) Trina Louise Bianchini Edel Therese Perth Julie Ann Pisano for the degree of Bachelor of Education (Design and Technology Education) Callie Plew Ashby Jamie Dean Astall Danielle Susan Brown Michael Coggins Ryan Lawrence Elliott Geoffrey Craig Evans Marissa Luisa Giacomelli Laura Anne Hoffmann Kieran Anthony Jaensch Alicia Marie King Elise Nicole Klassen Jessica Kate Kuerschner for the degree of Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) Boo Wen Yan Joanne *(20/10/11) Lee Limin Iris *(15/12/11) Jojo Yeo Liona *(15/12/11) for the degree of Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary and Primary) Kara Maree Auricht Julia Rose Baker Monica Bakowski Anita Baldino Stacey Elizabeth Baldock Jessica Amanda Brown Emma Lynne Burge Natalie Ann Burzacott Paul Michael Canala Kelly Monique Casement Vincenzo Condina Danielle Rebecca Copini Elinor Elizabeth Cozens Christopher Crabb Melissa Kate Cresswell Ellen Mavis Currin Kerryl Lavinia Dale Kate Michelle Dempster Kelly Marie Donnellan Jeharnie Dunbar Belinda May Finnie Amy Jayne French Haylee Michelle Garner Danny Robert Gauthier Kate George Jasmin Nicole Gerace Kate Gladstone Dominic Graham Laura Alice Gray Charlotte Nicole Handstock Taran Lee Harradine Natasha Carmel Haskett Tanya Faye Henry Kate Alyce Hetherington Rebecca Lee Heynen Rebecca Anne Hollis Katie Alicia Hoppo Sally Jean Keane Cassandra Kotsoglous Dina Maria Eleni Kourkoulis Sophie Kate Lambert Melissa Erin Leach Caroline Li Sarah Jane Linn Van Thai Loc Matthew William Bruce Lokan Lana Matarazzo Anthony John McCann Cheryl Lee McIntyre Sophie Kate McIntyre Kelly Anne McLean *(24/08/11) Katherine Rose Miller Molly Eliza Moore Lee Murray Yioanna Despina Nimpis Christina Noli Teegan Ellice Orlowski Angelique Christina Panigiris Belinda Jayne Pennington Jason Michael Puttnins Olivia Helen Roberts Victoria Louise Romeo Karlie Ann Rossiter Katrina Louise Sammut Megan Sampson Cathryn Meri Saxby Michelle Kate Schultz Alexandra Nicole Scollin Emma Jane Margaret Sheard Rachael Lynn Sheridan Melanie Jane Sims Emily Rose Stacey Hayley Renee Stockdale Lauren Kate Switala Laura Touloumdjian Lee James Blair Tremaine Marie Tsaousoglou Madeline Grace Walkom Stephanie Louise Wood for the degree of Bachelor of Education (Primary and Middle) Jacinta Louise Ahrens Nibal Talaat Al Bayati Cerys Constance Alchin Chad Allen Alexandra Elizabeth Argenio Nicole Deborah Banfield Amanda Kate Batten Deanna Belperio Leonie Margaret Boulden Tracy Lee Bryant Matthew Charles Bull Katherine Marie Burton Hannah Rebekah Butler Esther Elizabeth Callaway Nicole Veronica Carmody Kristynn Chung Tom David Cocks Lauren Ann Cole 28 March 3.00pm Patrick Thomas Mackay Carly Joy Manners Louise Mary O’Halloran Rosemary Louise Oborn Ryan Porter Martin James Reeve Amy Maree Widdicombe Gemma Annie Wiencke Michelle Louise Wild Victoria Anne Condo Bethany Kathleen Crossman Stefanie Joy Cubelic Deana Louise Cuconits Jessica D’Angelo Simon John Davis Amalie Jean Dawes Anella Patricia Di Biase Jordan Kate Dickie Maria Elizabeth Rose Dimitriou Rozanna Elmassih Thomas Joel Evans Kristan Marie Every Amy Nora Fraser Talia Karen Gaertner-Jones Jessica Kate Gagliardi Jamie Lee Gartner Benjamin Phillip Green Nicholas Lou Guidolin Kara Jade Heffernan Krystale Anne Hegedus Lauren Kaye Jolly Allana Kenny Paul Warren Kluge Stacey Konidaris Casey Jean Krawczyk Krystal May Lawrie Kirby Renee Liddicoat Tamara Frances Lowe Kirsten Anne March Bonnie Evelyn Marsland Danielle Catherine Martin Hannah Jean Mattinson Bethany Rose McKenzie Sheena Alice McMullen Vanessa Mercurio Geoffrey Craig Mills Candice Elizabeth Moir Stewart Robert Nancarrow Ky-Tran Thi Nguyen Cherie Elise Nillissen Melissa Nocera Eleanor Lauren O’Dea Jason Scott Page Alana Jane Papahristos Stefan Ascanio Parente Emily Parham Sarah Alyce Parsons Cristina Marie Pisanelli Kate Elizabeth Preece Katherine Zita Preece Steven Wayne Prior Adam Gordon Pritchard Marijana Rajcic Kasey Louise Rogan Nicholas Kevin Ryan Jarrad Schar Christina Eleni Sianis Kimberly Angela Simpson Laura Antonia Spagnuolo Jason Mark Spence Ashleigh Joy Stanley Amanda Jane Tatarelli Kimberley Ann Louise Tauchnitz Kita Sheree Thewlis Lauren Jane Thomas Catherine Jean Toach Jemma Lorraine Tolhurst *(19/12/11) Kristina Amy Toole Stephanie Louise Turner Danielle Lena Tyas Amelia Susannah Umlauf Alex Joanne Umpherston Justine Cecilia Veitch Amie Louise Verrall Andrew Mark Ward Vicki Leigh Warrick Kane Michael Watkins Troy Welfare Cherie Marlene Williams Frances Clare Anne Wren Daina Elizabeth Zed Adelaide Festival Theatre Thursday 29 March at 10.30am The Occasional Address Order of Ceremony Professor Kerry Arabena BSocWk, PhD Processional music will be played on the Silver Jubilee Organ. A former social worker with a doctorate in human ecology, Professor Arabena has an extensive background in public health, administration, community development and research, working in senior roles in indigenous policy and sexual health. Her work has made significant contributions across many states and territories, in areas such as gender issues, social justice, human rights, access and equity, service provision, harm minimisation, and citizenship rights and responsibilities. She has also represented Australia in international forums on HIV/AIDS, and climate change. Professor Arabena’s professional experience has seen her recognised as an Australian of the Year Finalist in 2010, recipient of the prestigious JG Crawford Prize for Academic Excellence at Australian National University in 2011, and a nomination in The Bulletin magazine’s ‘Smart 100 Australians’ - Health and Medical Research Category, in 2004. The audience is requested to stand for the entrance of the Academic Procession, Council and Official Party. The National Anthem. The Pro Chancellor, Mr Terry Evans LLM will open the ceremony. The Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Høj MSc, PhD, DUniv (honoris causa), FTSE, will address the ceremony. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Professor Kerry Arabena, Director of Research, Harvest Alliance School of Indigenous Health, Monash University. The Pro Chancellor, on behalf of the University, will confer awards on the candidates. The assembly is invited to applaud individual doctoral graduates. For all other graduates, the Presenter will invite applause for each group at the conclusion of its presentation. The Pro Chancellor will close the ceremony. The audience is requested to stand as the Official Party, Council and Academic Procession retire. Gaudeamus Igitur / Anonymous, German early 18th C [CPDL #10745] Advance Australia Fair / Peter Dodds McCormick, arranged by Christopher Gordon Prelude to a Te Deum / Marc-Antoine Charpentier 29 March 10.30am A descendant of the Meriam people of the Torres Strait, Professor Kerry Arabena’s years of work have brought her to the forefront of indigenous affairs in Australia. She was the inaugural chair of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, a national indigenous representative body established in 2010. The Presentation Professor Clayton MacKenzie BA(Hons), GradCE, CPE, TQual, DipEd, LLM, MEd, PhD, Head: School of Communication, International Studies and Languages, will present: for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Snjezana Bilic, by thesis entitled: Women’s rights and cultural rights of Liberian and Afghani women in multicultural Australia (conferred: 20 October 2011) Cameron Stuart Fuller, by thesis entitled: Engaging language: the productive interactions between lyricism and experimentation in a post-language poetry context (conferred: 15 December 2011) Maidy Lee Giber, by thesis entitled: The influence of prior language learning experiences on English as a second language (ESL) and French as a foreign language (FLE) teachers’ cultural identities (conferred: 15 December 2011) Sinead Golley, by thesis entitled: Individual differences and valence of behaviour as factors in out-group attributions and prejudice (conferred: 20 October 2011) Irene Maria Anastasia Limberis, by thesis entitled: Tertius Gaudens: diplomacy and news media: the case of Australia, Malaysia and the news media from 1985 - 1993 (conferred: 15 March 2012) Stephen Matthew Parker, by thesis entitled: Theorising human rights: foundations and their influence (conferred: 20 October 2011) Elizabeth Mary Trickett, by thesis entitled: Community attitudes to homelessness experienced by women in a rural region of South Australia (conferred: 20 October 2011) for the degree of Doctor of Communication Philip John Marriott, by thesis entitled: The evolution of eLearning and community engagement, 1992-2010: the emerging role of the online developer, designer and researcher (conferred: 15 December 2011) * indicates a conferral of award date prior to this ceremony THE SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION, INTERNATIONAL STUDIES AND LANGUAGES for the degree of Master of Arts (Communication Management) Amy Cooper Lisa Jane Gellie Vanessa Anne Grave Tania May Mannering Jane Frances Russell for the degree of Master of Arts (Journalism) Anna Frances Kenneally Peter Mou Run for the degree of Master of International Studies Leigh Jeffery Nielsen Cade Adam Share Garry Barton Simmons Jelena Vukovic for the Graduate Diploma in Communication (Public Relations) Rachael Carissa Andrews Lilia Anna Bednarek Kate Mary Fantinel Simone Celeste La Posta Rebecca Anne Leitch Luise Tamara Michael Kiran Sophia Shettigara Liam David John Thorpe for the Graduate Diploma in International Studies Ljubomir Radenovic for the Graduate Diploma in Language and Culture Studies Jane Louise Mahar Belal Moraby David Newcombe for the Graduate Certificate in Journalism Robert John Bolton for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Denise Kristen Allen Annita Becirevic Collette Amanda Brown Treena Anne Clark Elyse Jacalyn Ellgar Amy Louise Maynard Cameron Bruce McTernan Pablo Muslera Fiona O’Neill Suzanne Louise Platt Belinda Rina Marie Spagnoletti Philip Rene van Hout Michelle Miko Sicat Villamin Chun Sze Wong for the degrees of Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) Jordan Mark McKinnon Archer Kate Hilda Barker Jenna Kaye Bishop Megan Jade Dempsey Thomas Fedorowytsch Sarah Tess Guderian Adele Sarah Hensley Adam Holmes Danielle Allison Jackson Katie Michelle Littlejohns Liam Andrew Mannix Jamie-Lee Kirsty Oldfield Thuy-Vi Hoang Ong Rebecca Sheree Opie Alexander Angus Randall Lauren Rose Stephanie Prue Simon Ryan Philip Smith Bethany Mai Van Huynh Carmen Marie Winch Thomas Geoffrey Woods-Kerruish for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Media Management) Juliana Binte Abdul Jaffar *(15/03/12) Nursafarena Bte Abdul Rahim *(15/03/12) Herliyana Abdul Rashid *(15/03/12) Alma Abdul Rashyd *(15/12/11) Azima Binti Ahmad Zahdi *(19/12/11) Jessica Emily Aitken Asyrani Syazana Binti Aminar Rashid *(19/12/11) Muslimah Amir Hamzah *(20/10/11) Maslin Binte Amir-Roslan *(15/12/11) Helena Anderson Ang Ke Xin *(15/03/12) Ang Li Tin *(15/03/12) Arriola Marcus Alexander *(15/03/12) Jacqualine Mary Bee Sophie Eliza Beven Paul Robert Bidmeade Eileen Chan *(20/10/11) Chan Ka Yan *(15/03/12) Chan Ling Ling *(15/03/12) Chan Pui Pui *(15/03/12) Christie Chandra *(15/03/12) Chaw Jee Wai Kenneth *(15/12/11) Cheah May-Belle *(15/12/11) 29 March 10.30am for the Graduate Diploma in Journalism Eve Alexandra Carter Emily Sue Griffiths Stamatina Nicole Hasiotis Emma-Jane Hoolihan Rebecca Eva Lawson Kerris Maree McLiver Holly Petersen Caitlin Cameron Petrou Thomas Alexander Stewart Tristan Taormina Simone Elizabeth Tyson Niina Birgitta Wilkki Madeline Laura Zammit Cheang Leonard *(15/03/12) Chen Fo Po *(15/03/12) Chen Zhihao Samuel *(20/10/11) Cheng Yuen Ki *(15/03/12) Adrian Cheong Tun Keat *(15/12/11) Chew Yen Yen Jessica *(20/10/11) Chia Chee Wui *(15/03/12) Chia Jinn Wooi *(15/12/11) Chin Mien Sy *(15/03/12) Chin Pak Wai *(15/03/12) Chong Sim Tien Chong Soo Hui *(15/12/11) Choo Wei Jian Paul *(15/03/12) Choong Siew Min *(15/12/11) Chu Le Yi *(15/03/12) Chu Yung Fong *(15/03/12) Chuah Yee Meen *(15/12/11) Nur Farah Damri *(15/12/11) Kristen Li Yen De Silva Chantelle Dean Dewi *(15/12/11) Sivasankaran Durai Muruga Dass *(15/12/11) Fernandez Cheryl Anne *(15/03/12) Carolyn Foo Pei Ling *(15/12/11) Kathlyn Foo Ling Shi *(15/12/11) Foo Sze Liat *(15/03/12) Fu Hau Lam *(15/03/12) Elizabeth Ann Glenn Patrick James Glover Vanessa Goh Su Ann *(15/12/11) Stella Griensiria *(15/12/11) Catherine Anne Harding Mayley Elaine Harris Lucy Jane Honan Haskard James Lyon Head *(15/03/12) Deeya Goswami D/O Hem Raj *(15/03/12) Heng Kah Wei *(15/12/11) Nina Hidayat *(15/12/11) Neha Naresh Hiranand *(15/12/11) Ho Pei Lin *(20/10/11) Aurora Rachel Tamaria Hutabarat *(15/12/11) Feisal Bin Ibrahim Altway *(20/10/11) Sudhan Jayamohan *(15/12/11) David Harvey Jordan Esmee Elissa Joseph *(15/12/11) Christin Natalia Kang *(15/12/11) Manpreet Kaur Rai *(15/12/11) Justin Kon Keon *(15/12/11) Kong Pui Fan *(15/03/12) Koo Ying Ying *(15/12/11) Kor Huey Miin *(20/10/11) Jennifer Kunasekaran *(20/10/11) Kwok Ching Hay *(15/03/12) Kwong Wai Ting, Tiffany *(15/03/12) Lai Hoi Yan *(15/03/12) Lam Sze Wai *(15/03/12) Lam Wing Kei *(15/03/12) Lau Jie Ying Fiona *(15/03/12) Lau Wai Yuk *(15/03/12) Lau Yu Ki *(20/10/11) Leonard Leao Xi Long *(15/12/11) Michael Lee Chee Wah *(15/03/12) Lee Min Qi *(15/03/12) Rosanna Lee Soei Ling *(15/03/12) Lee Sun Qiang *(15/12/11) Lee Yee Ling *(15/03/12) Leung Chui Mei *(15/03/12) Leung Pui Yi *(15/03/12) Lew Mei Yen *(15/12/11) Jessica Maria Liew Fei Ling *(15/12/11) Lim Boon Seong *(15/12/11) Lim Qing Kang Shawn *(15/12/11) Lo Kin Kai *(15/03/12) Vandiappan Thevar s/o Logorajoo *(15/03/12) Loke Yuen Mun *(20/10/11) Loo Di Lian *(15/12/11) Low Siew Xian *(15/12/11) Low Weng Shen *(15/12/11) Lye Victor *(15/03/12) Leroy Mah Kwong Hung *(15/12/11) Mak Yuen Man Evania *(15/03/12) Daniela Kate Marsiglia Amy Brooke McNamee Izrai Aizzat Bin Md Rumijan *(15/12/11) Nurul Yazmi Binti Mohamad *(19/12/11) Mohamed Iqbal Bin Mohamed *(15/03/12) Farahyn Banu Binte Mohd Hasrat *(15/03/12) Marlina Binte Mohd Kasbi *(15/03/12) Mok Hoi Man *(15/03/12) Mok Shuang Wei Jeanette *(15/03/12) Moo Thian Mun *(15/12/11) Grace Eun Moon Elaine Neo Yen Ting *(15/12/11) Celeste Newbery Ng Chin Yew, Terence *(15/12/11) Ng Joee *(19/12/11) Ng Ju Leen *(20/10/11) Naree Golda Wiltshire Wong Siew Ling Arina *(15/03/12) Wong Weihao Ashley *(15/03/12) Wong Boon Ken *(15/12/11) Wong Chi Han *(15/03/12) Wong Chun Ha *(15/03/12) Wong Lut Ka Kilva *(15/03/12) Wong Shen Reen *(15/12/11) Wong Suet Man *(15/03/12) Wong Sum Foon *(15/03/12) Wong Yi Shan *(15/03/12) Woo Jia Yin *(15/03/12) Woo Pei Min *(24/08/11) Wu Chengyao Paul *(15/03/12) Xu Xiao Hui *(15/12/11) Muhammad Sufiyan Bin Yahya *(20/10/11) Dionne Yeo Qin Ru *(15/12/11) Yiu Siu Man *(15/03/12) Yong Siong Foong John *(15/12/11) Yu Hang Tsz *(15/03/12) Yuen Tsui Ting *(15/03/12) Akil Bin Yunus *(15/12/11) for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Information Studies) Gail Smith for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) Kuol Kuei Chuang Max James Haddow Christopher Stephen Hills Daniel Lee Hookins Luke Liddiard Rimo Martini Malice Furaha Mboneye Kiet Quoc Nguyen Halia Rohany-Azizi Abraham Bannie Selebay Neelam Mona Sidhu Ricci Alexander Vaselli for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Languages and Intercultural Communication) Tun Haneen Shah Abdul Rahim Suzanne Maria Al Qahtani Chantel Josephine Bongiovanni Luke David Eastman Jessica Harper Lyndall Rhianen Harvy Kerrilee Patricia Lockyer Anjuli Lauren Mangnall Thuy To Nhi Denise Nguyen Christopher Paul Nynycz Tamara Ann Robertson Phoutharak Vichith Xujun Zhan 29 March 10.30am Natalia Inani Binti Norsalehe *(20/10/11) Ong Ling Ling *(20/10/11) Ong Pei Yee Diana *(20/10/11) Ooi Chi Khan *(19/12/11) Gayathri Satheesh Panicker *(15/03/12) Samuel Phua Yu Jie *(15/12/11) Png Yu Fung *(20/10/11) Poh Yang Zheng *(15/12/11) Emily Jane Prust Quek Hui Leng *(20/10/11) Quek Kelly *(20/10/11) Ankee Rahmaeni *(15/12/11) Christina Rose Richardson Jessica Lee Sanderson Katherine Ruth Schell Shelby Sekar *(15/03/12) Vasenta A/P Selvanayagam *(15/12/11) Selvarajan Ragunath *(15/03/12) Norain Binte Shariff Khan *(15/03/12) Shrawani Shekhar Jeremy Sho Chip Huat *(20/10/11) Siau Lu Vun *(15/12/11) Sie Su Min *(19/12/11) Sim Cai Gui Prinsten *(15/03/12) Nadila Gefika Sinulingga *(15/12/11) Anne Margaret Smith Soh Jian Yang *(15/12/11) Michelle Soh Wei Lin *(15/12/11) Willy Soo Wei Keong *(20/10/11) Alia Namira Sudarman *(15/12/11) Priyatharisini D/O Sukumaran Nair *(20/10/11) Subashini D/O Sukumaran Nair *(20/10/11) Daniel Steven Surace Alice Suryadi *(15/12/11) Michelle Tam Li Peng *(15/12/11) Carol Tan U-Jane *(15/12/11) Tan Chuen Peng Gary *(20/10/11) John Tan Hau Chuen *(20/10/11) Tan Poh Choo *(15/03/12) Tan Qian Jing *(15/12/11) Ruby Tan *(20/10/11) Tan Shi Ling Sherlyn *(20/10/11) Tan Swan Heng Nigel *(15/03/12) Chee Keong Tay Felim Taylor Teh Ai Khim *(15/12/11) Teh Leh Bin *(15/12/11) Tien Yu Hui *(15/03/12) Tong Shu Ling Adeline *(20/10/11) Ho Ling Tsang Florence *(15/03/12) Pradeep Kumar s/o Vijanarayan *(15/03/12) Sabesha Visuvanathan *(15/12/11) Emily Voong Hon Ching *(15/12/11) Dinusha W Surendre *(15/12/11) Miao Wang Michelle Wee Sze Ling *(20/10/11) Vinny Wijaya *(15/12/11) Lucy Jayne Williams Professor Alan Mayne BA(Hons), PhD, Head: David Unaipon College of Indigenous Education and Research, SA Chair in History, will present: for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Writing and Creative Communication) Megan Elizabeth Alm Leah Jayde Boyce Gemma Lea Broomfield Landen Alexander Brown Sarah Leilani Burney Alexia Rae Bushby Thomas Byrnes Carolyn Julie Carter Rosena-Suzette Chiquillo Feltus Terri Giuretis Amy Claire Gordon Adam Bickford Jarvis Benn Thomas Joiner Jaimi Marie Kelly David Francis Pierce Naomi Joy Prince Zoe Elizabeth Reid Karen Nicole Sharma Alfred William Robert Simpson Cara Leanne Solly Natalie Dianne Texler Bree Ivy Tinsley Gwynfryn Rhys Williams Tara Bridget Wyllie Zhia Halizah Zariko for the degree of Bachelor of Communication (Media and Culture) Yamila Cinthia Alonso Nikki Lian Baumann Matthew James Bennett Stephen Michael Disisto Joshua Luke Dunn Benjamin Carl Eckermann Nannan Feng Kate Elizabeth Foreman Alana Jane Foster Madeleine Lucy Ireland-larritt Eden Patti Jones Shenay Rachel Kentish May Tan Mei Ling Joy Judith Lothian Aaron Lee Mills Ian Robert Mills Lisa Marie Mobbs Gabrielle Mary Louise O’Brien Jerri Phillips Jamie Revell Jane Broughton Sawrey Thomas Philip Saywaker Marc Anthony Severino Tess Alexandra Sharp Chloe Christiana Truehl Amanda Kate Williams for the degree of Bachelor of Journalism Antonietta Antonino Nur Affizza Binti Azmi *(15/03/12) Connie Lauren Bates Lauren Cheryl Bobrige Chloe Renee Bouras Amelia Claire Broadstock Leah Dominique Chiera Chun Michelle Ern-Wei *(15/03/12) Annika Helen Dean Angus Mitchell Dearlove Teegan Elizabeth Dolling Natalie Marie Evreniadis Anne Amelia Fedorowytsch Edward Terence Godfrey Nurul Ain Binti Jamaluddin *(15/03/12) Heidi Jade Jenkins Joyce Ling Hea Lang *(15/03/12) Sarah Mancini for the degree of Bachelor of Media Arts Giacomo Barchiesi Alexandra Joy Bingham Jessica Alice Grace Blokland Ashley Alexander Ary Botelho Matthew Allan Bridges Karina Sinikka Bryce Emily Elizabeth Button Sarah Joyce Crowder Tom Klaus Drechsler-Savage Ruth Irene England Amber Forbes Ella Susan Germein Julian Hatch Alexander Charles Hutchinson Thomas Edmund Irvine Taylee Alexandra Jones James Michael King Adam Troy Kwiatkowski Victoria Kyriakopoulos Leon Josef La Posta Benjamin Kent Margitich Emma Jane Marshall Nicholas Peter Martin Tahlia Jade McLeod Mower Nicholas James Cherie Rebecca Murdoch Ng Man Chun *(19/12/11) Stephen Phillip Packer Aimee Louise Peel Ashleigh Jean Redding Raphael Sebastian Rivera-Brown Steven Sadauskas Matthew David Santostefano Dominic Patrick Sargent Anthony George Savas Nathaniel Richard Schmidt Megan Jane Scott Pamela Kristen Sicari Liam Declan Somerville Timothy Leigh Stent Thomas Brenton Symes Prudence Laura Thring Casey Daphne Tyler Alexander Robert Urban Joel Grant Usher Froniga Van Mook James Wilson Erin Kate Wimshurst for the degree of Bachelor of Public Relations Georgia Anne Rose Aish Clare Margaret Anderson Bridget Ann Ash Teegan Coutouvidis Amelia Judith Davey Crystal Kelli Doyle Skye Angela Findlay Elena Maria Franco Rachael Jayne Gardner Kaitlyn Allyssa Hudson Emily Ann Jacob Alisa Joan James Lauren Rose Kelly Danica Lane Kelsey Briony Emma Kent Lee Chiu Yin Nicole Marie Matonia Amy Jane McLean Jessica Louise Moyle Sarah Ainsley Parker Adriana Pizzino Katrina Lee Ranford Matthew Scott Roberts Ashlee Kate Ryan Jessica Kate Sammut Belinda Jane Scott Zinta Anita Smits Amanda Kate Stirling Jessica Anna Terminello Erin Tanda Tilley Sarah Jane Trevena Kimberley Jane Turner Kimberley Jade Vanstone Melanie Amy Wellington 29 March 10.30am Dina Melda Matius *(15/03/12) Ian Edmond Mazure-Johnstone Samuel James Francis McInerney Alia Binti Md Ali *(15/03/12) Narissa Janelle Moeller Mizna Mohamed *(15/03/12) Melissa Jane Norris Emma Louise Offler Marie Erin Pereira *(15/03/12) Thomas Roy Ridgway Stacey Lina Roberts Andrew William Ruzgar Florence Song Oon Hui *(15/03/12) Ellayna Jessamin Steele Jennifer Rose Strand Amelia Rose Vogelsang Callie Michelle Watson Zoe Elizabeth Watson Genevieve Jane Whaites Gemma Patrice Wilson For the Associate Degree in Languages and Culture Studies Georgina Louise Honner Felicity Jane Williams Amy Nicole Nairn THE DAVID UNAIPON COLLEGE OF INDIGENOUS EDUCATION AND RESEARCH for the Graduate Certificate in Aboriginal Studies Michele Marie Cochrane for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Aboriginal Studies) Ann Helen Guy Bianca Marie Passmore Steven Smith for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Australian Studies) Marie-Antoniett Disciscio Julie Lynne Freudenberg Michelina Thomasina Kondoprias Jason Ching Lau Stacey Alana Mack Paula Marie Marschall Kassandra Lidia Tyas Ira Zettler for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Indigenous Studies) Peter Reginald Taylor Daniel Tout Adelaide Festival Theatre Thursday 29 March at 3.00pm The Occasional Address Order of Ceremony Emeritus Professor Dorothy Scott OAM, BA(Hons), GradDipSocialStudies, MSW, PhD Processional music will be played on the Silver Jubilee Organ. Born in Wales, she came to Australia with her family when aged four and completed her education in Victorian public schools. As a teenager, she volunteered to assist children in state institutional care and, deeply moved by their suffering, committed herself to the cause of preventing child abuse and neglect. As a young social worker in the 1970s, Professor Scott founded Victoria’s first sexual assault counselling service for women and children, and pioneered group therapy for women suffering from post-partum psychiatric disorders. She has conducted several child protection inquiries, including the 2011 Protecting Victoria’s Vulnerable Children inquiry. Professor Scott continues to advise national and state governments on child protection, and in 2011 was appointed by the Prime Minister to the Australian National Council on Drugs. In 1999 she was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia for her services to education and research in child welfare, and in 2001 she received a Centenary Medal for service to the community. The National Anthem. The Pro Chancellor, Mr Terry Evans LLM will open the ceremony. The Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Høj MSc, PhD, DUniv (honoris causa), FTSE, will address the ceremony. Professor Allan Evans BPharm, PhD, Pro Vice Chancellor and Vice President: Division of Health Sciences, will present the title of Emeritus Professor to Professor Andrew Gilbert BPharm, DipAppPsych, PhD. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Emeritus Professor Dorothy Scott OAM, Acting Director, Australian Centre for Child Protection. The Pro Chancellor, on behalf of the University, will confer awards on the candidates. The assembly is invited to applaud individual doctoral graduates. For all other graduates, the Presenter will invite applause for each group at the conclusion of its presentation. The Pro Chancellor will close the ceremony. The audience is requested to stand as the Official Party, Council and Academic Procession retire. Gaudeamus Igitur / Anonymous, German early 18th C [CPDL #10745] Advance Australia Fair / Peter Dodds McCormick, arranged by Christopher Gordon Prelude to a Te Deum / Marc-Antoine Charpentier 29 March 3.00pm Emeritus Professor Dorothy Scott established the Australian Centre for Child Protection at the University of South Australia in 2005, was its foundation chair and is currently serving as acting director. Prior to this, she was head of the school of Social Work at the University of Melbourne, and chief executive officer of The Ian Potter Foundation, one of Australia’s leading philanthropic trusts. The audience is requested to stand for the entrance of the Academic Procession, Council and Official Party. The Presentation Professor Kurt Lushington PhD, MPsych (Clinical), Head: School of Psychology, Social Work and Social Policy, will present: for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Sylvie Callegari, by thesis entitled: Elucidating the biochemical and genetic basis of statin toxicity using yeast as a model (conferred: 20 October 2011) Sarven Savia McLinton, by thesis entitled: Interpersonal anger: the theory and measurement of a new psychological construct (conferred: 15 March 2012) Silvia Pignata, by thesis entitled: Stress interventions: their impact on psychological well-being and work attitudes in Australian university staff (conferred: 15 December 2011) for the degree of Doctor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) Shasha Rao, by thesis entitled: Development of novel micro-reservoir based buccal mucosal drug delivery systems (conferred: 15 March 2012) Piet Andrew Crosby, by thesis entitled: Cognitive behaviour therapy and Asperger’s disorder (conferred: 20 October 2011) Stephanie Elizabeth Reuter Lange, by thesis entitled: The clinical impact of an altered endogenous carnitine profile (conferred: 15 December 2011) Margaret Ruth Rowntree, by thesis entitled: Trimillennium feminine sexualities: representations, lives and daydreams (conferred: 15 March 2012) Melanie Jane Schneemilch, by thesis entitled: The reproductive biology of six species of Acrotriche in South Australia (conferred: 20 October 2011) Tan Shir Ley, by thesis entitled: DNA adducts and colorectal cancer (conferred: 17 February 2011) Rebecca Brooke Tremaine, by thesis entitled: Metacognition of sleep and sleepiness in children, adolescents and young adults (conferred: 15 December 2011) Xuan Zhou, by thesis entitled: Sleep, wake and phase dependent changes in waking neurobehavioural function (conferred: 15 March 2012) * indicates a conferral of award date prior to this ceremony DIVISION OF EDUCATION, ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES for the degree of Master of Psychology (Work and Organisational) Rebecca Brooke Tremaine THE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL POLICY for the degree of Master of Human Factors and Safety Management Systems Leith Sherwin John James Whale for the degree of Master of Occupational Health and Safety Jitender Kumar Passan for the degree of Master of Psychology (Clinical) Alexandra Ellermann Sarah Dawn Harris Lisa Jayne Hyde Cara Suzanne Newman Lisa Shetler Samantha Lee Vincent for the degree of Master of Psychology (Forensic) Danielle Alexandra Forward Kimberley Jade Gilson Natalie Migliaccio Luke Randolph Williams for the degree of Master of Psychology (Work and Organisational) Amy Jane Zadow for the degree of Master of Social Work Ana Maria Diaz Gonzalez Bridget Anne Doyle Lisa Marie Doyle Annette Joy Eske Meredith Katherine Giles Tegan Granfield Joanne Skye Hatchard Sze Mei Hung Daniel Kuzmanovski Natalie Ruth Morris Penny Lee Parker Paul Kevin Parsons Sonia Summerfield Melissah Sue Williamson Russell John Willsmore Graduate Diploma in Human Factors and Safety Management Systems Edward Robert Bradley Kamran Sobhanian for the Graduate Diploma in Mediation and Conflict Resolution Karen Louise Brewster Debra Carlyon Shannon Leith Cloy Richard David Girvin Alexandra Laura Koultras Jillian Anne Wong for the Graduate Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety Management Robert Lee Brown Lien Thi Bich Nguyen for the Graduate Diploma in Rehabilitation Counselling Natalie Jayne Bialowas Natalie Jean Bottroff Jane Melanie Faulkner Alexandra Elizabeth Gava Scott Leighton Goldie Richard Powell Glenda Joan Roberts April Dawn Sounes for the Graduate Certificate in Human Factors and Safety Management Systems Natalie Chantal Casey Simon Anthony Clack Julie Frances Lee Christine Sarah Ryan for the Graduate Certificate in Mediation (Family) Anthea Nicole Bament Amanda Leslie O’Sullivan for the Graduate Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety Management Michael Francis Attoh Stephen John Barton Andrew Stanley Briggs Sean Robert Chipman Rochelle Marie Harris Bianca Victoria Pasut George Andreas Plagakis Ashley Craig Rippon Catherine Anne Wehr for the Graduate Certificate in Rehabilitation Counselling Erin Clare Riley for the degree of Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) Christopher Graham Bean Harry Edward Becher Tiffany Alexandra Brooks 29 March 3.00pm for the degree of Master of Mediation and Conflict Resolution Sian Ceridwen Bruce Brenda Lygia Johnson Emily Ken Nyeang Lim Margaret Mary Speechley Ingrid Natasha Toth Maria Van Der Heiden Sonya Francesca Vandergoot Fabiana Luciana Vielle Jasmine Jade Bugg Stephanie Angela Centofanti David Duong Hayley Carlin Etherton Lauren Ellen Holloway Anastasi Kosmadopoulos Jingyun Liu Fiona Martindale Emma Louise Mattey Stacey McCallum Wesley Patrick McTernan Dana Jaclyn Michalski Samantha Ann Parkinson Ryan Ripley Justine May Rodda Paul Simon Rowley Rachel Anne Samson Sharni Nicole Searle Samantha Jane Seymour Alexander John Stretton Justin Kane Swalling Emmelin Hsien-Leen Teng Sally Jane Turra Jodie Lee Williams for the degree of Bachelor of Social Work with Honours Peta Louise Duncan Lana Jane Elliott Caitlin Elizabeth Emslie Jessica Anne Hales Tara Ann Matson Michelle Julie Morris Elizabeth Colleen Rodda Rebecca Netea Shea Anthony Daniel Simons Inara Ulbekova for the degrees of Bachelor of Arts (Aboriginal Studies) and Bachelor of Social Work Kirsty-Ann Fullerton Stevie Lauren McLay for the degrees of Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services) and Bachelor of Psychological Science Lani Tenille Brown Melissa Kim Brundell Kim Patricia Cuthbertson Marie Quiness Dow Kathryn Joan Halls Olga Haralampidis Laura Faye Kitschke Jemma Bree Mcconnell Pamela Susan Murray Melissa Lee-Eve Smith Jessica Claire Spehr Tamara Jayne Wheaton for the degrees of Bachelor of Social Work and Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) Nellie Luxmi Anderson Peter Derek Dyer Anne-Marie Grace Kilgariff Antony Craig McCulloch for the degree of Bachelor of Psychological Science Lisa Kay Ackroyd Heran Bahaddin Abdullah Stephanie Anne Athea Michelle Lee Bartolo Tessa Claire Benveniste Robyn Jeanne Bizilis Joanne Marie Blackman Andrea Bray Paul Cafcakis Caterina Carbone Adriana Jane Ceravolo Teryn Cook Vasiliki Correani Tanya Louise Davey Diana Davidovic Cigdem Demir Michele Rose Derham Annalisa Cheryl Dimonte Natalija Duric Bradley James English Alex Benjamin Forndran Daniel Seth Gardner Wenxin Gay *(19/12/11) Linda Louise Gepp Jennifer Frances Gilbert Lyndi Emma Harrip Tiera Lee Barbara Haugen Emma Kate Hopkins Kelsey Elizabeth Howson Rachael May Ingham Ashley James Janssen Jwan Khattat Vanessa Lee Kidd Alexandra Grace King-Jones Emma Nicole Klose Sarah Kate Koronis Lucy Ana Kumic Yvette Nicole Kunhegyesy Holly Rose Kutyna Hayley Louise Langman Kwok Wa Lo *(19/12/11) Catherine Mancini Belinda Manning Teagan Jane McCarthy Kelly Jane Miller Rhiannon Sarah Miller Georgia Lee Murdock Anita Nardelotto Katrina Ju Ling Ng *(19/12/11) Jessica Quynh Trang Nguyen Professor Jason White BSc, PhD, Head: School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, will present: for the degree of Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services) Jessica Ilise Anderson Margaret Noelene Atkins Kelei Deng Biar Jonathan Paul Borg Nina Luisa Bozanic Rebecca Louise Chapman Quentie Beth Cornwell Miel Louise Cowell George Gatjang Dar Mechoul Julie Anne Fielke Jemma Louise Godfrey Anthony James Gubbin Bianca Hemingway Emma Kate Johnston Hailey Julia Lawrence Paula Elizabeth May Debra Anne Michael Karen Mohring Paul Graham Roberts Bahiyeh Samimi Natalie Joy Such Hayley Joanne Torabi Rachel Wallis Adele Mary Winter for the degree of Bachelor of Social Work Mohsen Abdel-Meseh Kasey Adler Karen Aquino Caitlin Jenni Barrett Kay Winifred Baylis Anastasios James Boutsis Karina Bower Kalila Elisha Brown Emma Louise Caruso Priscilla Yuen Nga Chan Yolanda Mireyda Chavarria Pineda Phea Chhim Gatluit Wiw Chuol Rebecca Jane Coe Julianne Sarah Collings Lucy May Waters Cooper David Mark De Bruin Andrew Atak De Yel Melanie Jane Dekorte Loredana Estera Dinca Ann Louise Dolby Kym Bronwyn Drury Melissa Kate Duncan Jenifer Mary Elliot Carly Michelle Randall Evans Silvana Paola Figueroa Emma Jayne Gasparovic Winifred Afolabi George Elise Bronwyn Gurney Lucia Harris-Spence Nicol Hatzis Nicholas James Hoogland Sussan Claire Hughes Corinne Catherine Kelly Lauren Frances Kerr Elizabeth Ann Lillecrapp Roberta Lee Lobban Nicole Louise Longmire 29 March 3.00pm Tran Thuy Nguyen Cathryn Joy Obst Jenna Lee Paget Katrina Papazaharoudakis Damir Plivac Cassandra Margaret Pointer Mark Thomas Pollock James Brian Price Price Jo-Anne Kerry Diana Shirley Roach Alexander Frank Sabato Tessa Saccardo Bonnie Francesca Sandercock Hayley Erna Scrutton Clara Silvi Jakleen Adil Shonoodh Rebecca Emily Terminello Sarah Nicole Terminello Wilma My Tran Jessica Valerio Anisa Varasteh Ardekan Nicola Vozzo Jessica Amy Wilcock Sarah Margaret Wilkinson Christopher Michael Windle Jordan James Wright Kaii Louise Zecchin Sarah Rhiannon Matthews Linda Marie McInerney Keith Philip Meaney Tania Marie Monaghan Amy Nicole Nairn Ghani Nasery Hilary Elaine O’Moore Elmien Stefanie Oberholzer Mark Rodney Parker Catherine Estelle Perry Emma Louise Press Nicole Louise Rawson Freiya Isobel Reef MacNicol Maria Lucermis Restrepo Riziki Saidi Mark Daniel Schofield Sandra Ann Shillaker Rosalie Joy Taylor Matthew Guy Thomas Kimberley Jade Tonkin Gwenda Trafford Leon Ross Tymko Nikki Lee Venter Chloe Hamilton Warren Siobhan Jane Willett Leigh Janet Williamson Chun Kwan Wong *(19/12/11) Wai Ting Wong Michel Ann Wyman Sarah Jade Zbierski Skye Amy Zimmermann Sarah Jayne Zisos DIVISION OF HEALTH SCIENCES THE SCHOOL OF PHARMACY AND MEDICAL SCIENCES for the degree of Master of Clinical Pharmacy Ghaleb Saud L Alharbi Shunichi Koizumi *(19/12/11) for the Graduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy Winnie Chau *(31/03/11) for the Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice Xingzhuo Li Nicole Minge Ayesha Christina Platis Tara Celeste Wenzel Melanie Yee Yien Wong for the Graduate Certificate in Surgical Pathology Preparation Zhao Cai Richard Peter Farquharson Vanessa Mansford Vishaal Dominic Singh Aaron Vojislav Spasich Trenna Jean Stewart for the degree of Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine with Honours Alan Jiri Dohnalek Erin Victoria McGillick Natalie Emilia Stevens Marnie Alyce Winter for the degree of Bachelor of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Honours) Matthew Bendikov Achal Bharatkumar Bhatt Luo Xianling Jackson William Ryan Rhiannon Lee Schroeder Manjula Senthilkumaran Hamed Shahnam Carla Rose Toop for the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy with Honours Emma Louise Brown Rosina Gergis Jenna Dawn Koch Allen Chik Tah Lau Matthew John Schnabl Adel Shahnam Sophia Chau Tran Yehuan Zhou Corey Nathan Grove Michelle Louise Headland Lauren Naomi Jones Vivien Luu Taegen Phebe Magann Jessica Catherine Murphy Huy Dinh Ngo Jeremy Paul Page Paul Potter Natasha Jade Ramsay for the degree of Bachelor of Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Holly Louise Crawford Peta Faulkner Diana Claire Tran for the degree of Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Sciences Nada Joy Abil-Mouna Daina Aija Alford Sarah Louise Baker Rebecca Anneliese Brook Simone Chambers Leah Ann Christopoulos Bonnie Kylie Edgcumbe-Morrell Crystal Leigh Grant for the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy Domenico Amadio Olga Badiei James Cong Banh Milena Banic Rebecca Jane Barrett Kristie Louise Brown Michelle Pei San Chen Qing Chen Hyeon Wook Cho Shing Ka Chong *(19/12/11) Stephanie Lina Costanzo Huy Duc Dao Chloe Michelle Destro Annabelle Megan Ditty Sara Fahim Robert Michael Farrier Sayena Farrokhpay Anna Rose Fletcher Louise Emily Gillard Rochelle Irene Green Francisco Gubatina David Hanin Daniel Toufic Jaber Thandekile Jila Rosemary Thanh Hong Jones Marc Keegan Kim Joo Hyoung *(19/12/11) Phuong Hoang Truc Le Edward Lee Michelle Lai Wan Leong *(19/12/11) Jackson Colin Luker My Nga Luu My-Quynh Luu 29 March 3.00pm for the degree of Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine Soojin Bae *(19/12/11) Timothy John Benson Matthew Bondarenko Alicia Brigitte Byrne Bing Cai Leo Corpuz Penelope Jane Cowley Nadine Maree de Groot Bianca Susan De Young Kushani Sanija Dharmabandu George Gilada Steven Michael Goldsmith Kimberley Sarah Harris Joseph Xavier Martinez Anna Kirsty Melville Walter Undzi Monoja Ni Thi Nguyen Helen Marie Palethorpe Rebecca Margaret Salmon Adelaide Caroline Stephens Matthew Edward Timonin Louise Ellen Webb Jacob Andrew Womack for the degree of Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Kym Bui Patrick Kai Chei Chang Natasa Damjanic Belinda Hua Patthamaporn Khansawai Le Bich Thuy *(19/12/11) Peter L Lodiong Verity Pearson-Dennett Van Tam Thai Binh Truong Diana Truong Karolina Elizabeth Wicik Beshoie Makar *(19/12/11) Rhys Scott Murray Wilson Ngai Ha Anh Vu Nguyen Hien-Phuoc Thi Nguyen Quoc Nam Nguyen TramAnh Nguyen Sam William Odgers Sophie Claire Page Seong Eun Park *(19/12/11) Chau-Anne Pham Arkadiy Arik Pinhasov Stacey Jayne Putland Kevin Quan David Quang Carmela Scaffidi-muta James Brian Staples Dimitrios Jim Tantalos Nicole Ashleigh Tittoto Daniella Tocchetti Adrian Toh Shu Khing Lyn Tram Dieu Hoa Tran Julie Thu Thao Tran Ngoc Lan Tran Jenny Trieu William Trieu Dao Thuy Truong Ngoc Thuy Truong Gabriel Tuske Sarah Jane Twyford Diane Mary Watson Albert Yeap Phak Sum *(19/12/11) Adelaide Festival Theatre Friday 30 March at 10.30am The Occasional Address Order of Ceremony Laureate Professor John Ralston AO, BSc(Hons), MSc, DipEd, DIC, PhD, Dr h c Abo Akademi Finland, FAA, FTSE Processional music will be played on the Silver Jubilee Organ. Throughout his career, he has held invited professorships in Cape Town (South Africa), Lulea (Sweden), Bristol (UK), Utah and Florida (USA), and he holds an honorary doctorate from the Abo Akademi in Finland, as well as honorary professorships in materials science and engineering at Tianjin University in China, and the Graduate School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo. In 2005, he was named the University of South Australia’s first Laureate Professor in recognition of his distinguished career achievements locally and internationally. Laureate Professor Ralston was also the principal researcher who led the initiative to establish the Australian Mineral Science Research Institute in 2006, a world-leading virtual institute in particle science and engineering based at the Wark Institute. In 2008, he was made an Officer of the Order of Australia, and the previous year he was honoured as South Australian of the Year and also South Australian Scientist of the Year. In 2009, he received the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering Council’s prestigious Clunies Ross Lifetime Achievement Award. He is also a Fellow of both the Australian Academy of Science, and the Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering. The National Anthem. The Chancellor, Dr Ian Gould AM, BSc(Hons), PhD, FAusIMM, FTSE will open the ceremony. The Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Høj MSc, PhD, DUniv (honoris causa), FTSE, will address the ceremony. Professor Andrew Parfitt BE, PhD, FIEAust, Pro Vice Chancellor and Vice President: Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment, will present the title of Emeritus Laureate Professor to Laureate Professor John Ralston AO. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Emeritus Laureate Professor John Ralston AO, Director, Ian Wark Research Institute 1994-2012. The Chancellor, on behalf of the University, will confer awards on the candidates. The assembly is invited to applaud individual doctoral graduates. For all other graduates, the Presenter will invite applause for each group at the conclusion of its presentation. The Chancellor will close the ceremony. The audience is requested to stand as the Official Party, Council and Academic Procession retire. Gaudeamus Igitur / Anonymous, German early 18th C [CPDL #10745] Advance Australia Fair / Peter Dodds McCormick, arranged by Christopher Gordon Prelude to a Te Deum / Marc-Antoine Charpentier 30 March 10.30am Laureate Professor John Ralston AO is a physical and colloid chemist with complementary training in metallurgy, whose research interests embrace various aspects of interfacial science and engineering. He is the founding director of the renowned Ian Wark Research Institute at the University of South Australia, and a Professor of Physical Chemistry and Minerals Processing. The audience is requested to stand for the entrance of the Academic Procession, Council and Official Party. The Presentation DIVISION OF HEALTH SCIENCES Professor Roger Eston DPE, MEd, BEd(Hons), Head: School of Health Sciences, will present: THE SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Lyndell Margery Bruce, by thesis entitled: Expertise in sport: factors contributing to the development of decision making expertise (conferred: 11 August 2011) Lauren Raena Civetta, by thesis entitled: Developmental coordination disorder: identification methods and investigation of selected aspects of motor control (conferred: 15 March 2012) Nathan David Daniell, by thesis entitled: Three-dimensional scanning in anthropometry - bringing new techniques and applications to an old science (conferred: 15 December 2011) Deanna Patricia Gibbs, by thesis entitled: Occupational adaptation of parents of preterm infants in the neonatal intensive care unit: an interpretive descriptive study (conferred: 15 December 2011) Maureen Patricia McEvoy, by thesis entitled: Evidence-based practice in allied health professions (conferred: 20 October 2011) Catherine Margaret Milte, by thesis entitled: Cognitive and behavioural benefits of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids across the lifespan (conferred: 15 December 2011) Rebecca Lee Taylor, by thesis entitled: Measuring the activity and participation of children with and without disabilities in everyday tasks (conferred: 15 December 2011) * indicates a conferral of award date prior to this ceremony for the degree of Master of Health Science Julia Catherine Firth *(25/08/2011) Choi Nga Yee Melinda for the degree of Master of Health Science (Health Service Management) Lisa Robyn Castelluzzo Ruth Marie Taylor for the degree of Master of Health Science (Occupational Therapy) Vicki Lee Hume for the degree of Master of Health Science (Podiatry) Melanie Louise Cricco Matthew James Evans Rebecca Kate Gilroy Kristen Margaret Kelly Deborah Susan Marks Tracey Ann Meyer Emma Jean Poynton for the degree of Master of Medical Sonography Nirmela Alumal Bulchand Dianne Bateman Virginia Pat Blake Warren Melvyn Forgus Donna Goulsbra Shanna Victoria Hawton Karen Ka-Yan Lee Mark Matheson Elizabeth Frances Ryan Saba Salman Riquita Anne Skinner Nicole Elizabeth White for the degree of Master of Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapy Matthew James Belton Mark Chan Ci En Daniel Harvie Toby John Moen Joseph Frank Orlando Harry John Roesch Matthew James Sutton Tian Li Feng Harry Truong for the degree of Master of Physiotherapy (Graduate Entry) Angus James Lally James Raimondo for the Graduate Diploma in Medical Sonography Tamara Elizabeth Allcorn Caroline Elizabeth Austin Gulshan Babbar Carolyn Kate Brown Lia Bruno Alana Maree Butler Emma Ann Davison Lisa Nicole Davy Hai Dinh Nikki Etheridge Jasmin Amber Fragias Sarah Michelle Hanfling Kassia Hardie Sandra Howells Leah Marie Ieraci Asya Klistorner Justin William Langford Matthew Le Helen Louise Li Jimmy Lu Rhennae Michele McGregor Adrian John Merchent Asif Miah Heidi Fay Mizzi Sharyn Maree Moodie Meleah Alexandra Neville Janet Lorraine Purcell Andrew John Radnor Gerardine Anusia Reddy Aleta Melanie Robb Alicia Jade Roomberg Clare Mary Sermanni Marene Steenkamp Lincoln Bennett Stow Rachel Sweeny Alyce Rachel Varian Thao Phuong Vo Qingxia Xu for the Graduate Certificate in Breast Imaging Nicole Mae Atkins Christine Ann Daniel Diane Marie Fiore Doreen Shane Judd Parvesh Lata Nand Caroline Ann O’Sullivan for the Graduate Certificate in Health Science Laura Michele Kambuts for the Graduate Certificate in Health Science (Podiatry) Alison Rae Dumesny Claire Louise Huxtable David Scott Campbell Morgan Merilee Anne Symons Soheyla Vatandoust for the Graduate Certificate in Health Science (Research Methodologies) Esther Nomvula Hurst *(30/03/11) for the Graduate Certificate in Medical Radiation Diana Pilkington for the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) with Honours Lorraine Suet Yee Ng Mieka Louise van Rijn Shoshannah Kate Williams 30 March 10.30am for the degree of Master of Occupational Therapy (Graduate Entry) Kimberly Rebecca Bates Erin Margaret Bollmeyer Georgia Emily Lindon Bradtke Kirby Anne Chapman Leah Ciccozzi Zarne Elizabeth Cleary Stephanie Davidson Emma Louise Garonne Samantha Kelsh Erin Christine Law Calista McCurdy Johnathon Melino Bianca Nadine Moeller Emily Claire Peak Michelle Karin Rijken Melina Naomi Scholz Julia Maria Tamlin for the degree of Bachelor of Health Science (Honours) Caitlin McMillen Dowell Ashley Sarah Fulton Laura Gallagher Bradley Scott Keller Helen Mills Maximillian James Nelson Amanda Jayne Richardson Rebecca Jean Sharp Melinda Jane Speechley Sean Matthew Taylor Jarryd Luke Wallace Carl Thomas Woods for the degree of Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging) with Honours Nikoo Aghtaei Sarah Jane Alford Rebecca Louise Butcher Kosta Hellmanns Bonnie Frances McGregor for the degree of Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine) with Honours Saima Ahmad Emma Jessica Brook Carly Anne Cilento Kimberly Lynh Nguyen for the degree of Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Radiation Therapy) with Honours Lauren Jade Chamberlain for the degree of Bachelor of Physiotherapy with Honours Hazel Louise Anderson Katherine Jane Bowering Joel Thomas Fuller Yan Gerlach Gurpreet Kaur Amanda Jane Kenyon Chong’en Lee Sareen McLinton Thomas Paul Orschulok Richard Lawrence Pember Kimberley Han Li Teo Zara Jade Wachtel Victoria Kate Wright for the degree of Bachelor of Podiatry with Honours Kerwin Ashleigh Talbot for the degrees of Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement and Health Studies) and Bachelor of Education (Middle and Secondary) Alison Louise Addle James Robert Allan Justin Paul Bartlett Melissa Lauren Burnell Fletcher Cody Clarke Zoe Marie Duffy Belinda Maree Evans Katherine Mary Fenoughty Cara Joy Fiebig Matthew John Gibson Jessamae Kate Goodfellow Alice Helena Gorman Matt Colin Griffiths Jack Alexander Harford Daniel Paul Havelberg Jessica Kim Hazel Joshua Andrew Hein Mitchell Leigh Hume Josephine Anna Imbrogno Chloe Amanda Jaensch Tessa Ashleigh Jarmyn Patrick James Keane Jessica Malgorzata Knycz Samantha Kondraciuk Sean James Lang Melanie Jane Lehmann Sarah Johanne Lehmann Hannah Elizabeth Long Darren John Marner Matthew Graham Moss Jovana Petrov Stefana Petrov for the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science (Human Movement and Health Studies) Lucy Jane Affolter Demi Lauren Alcorn Stephen Glen Alderton Amy Louise Allen Alexander John Barricelli Scott Cameron Bell Clint Ronald Bellenger Alyce Louise Berry Desiri Beytell Jake Robert Blunt Jace Lucas Bode Vanessa Carolyn Brooks Matthew John Buck Alana Burdett Kate Burkevics Thomas Michael Butler Freya Paton Byrne Christopher John Casiero Tyson Gerard Colmer *(25/08/11) Christopher William Congdon Laura Meghan Davies Kirby James Dickinson Kent John Dredge Ross Iain Drummond Patrick Luke Faulkner Peter Michael Flynn Kate Louise Freeth Liam Brian Frost Elliot Joseph Galvin Maria Giannitsas Megan Kate Gobbett Daniel John Gogoll Lisa Claire Golder Louanna Lee Hacket Nicole Hall Naomi-Fae Hopper Ross Hrisafinas Kumara Hurworth Anthony Iasiello Daniel Jordan Rosie Lorna Kelly Darren Martin Kreymborg Nadia Louise Lesan Ashley David Lindner Lalita Vijayar Lopez *(19/12/11) Brooke Lukacejda Jordan Madigan Carly Anne Malcolm Jenna Nicole Matters Max McColl Warrick Adam McGinty Michael James Menadue Aaron Campbell Miatke Christopher Morfidis Oliver John Morgan Peter William Nelson Pipath Nourath Scott Mathew Patching Nicolle Pattichis Daniel Karl Peacock Oliver Robert Peake Chantal Renee Pellizzer Emily Catherine Peut Gabriel Robert Phillips Tasha Marie Phillips Joseph Polisena Johanna Lesley Pontt Thomas John Pope Jessica Rose Power Lisa Kate Sachse Chelcey Coco Salinger Emily Dawn Sando Tara-Marie Saracino Michael Kane Sawyer Thomas Phillip Schlicker Michael Allan Secomb Christie Lorraine Shanahan Kate Joanne Smith Timothy Michael Smyth Jennifer Christine Steer Samuel Mark Sverdloff Lisa Michelle Turnbull Reece Turner Joshua Kim Vater Simone Attelia Versace Anri Visser Thomas Ian Watson Elliot Ryan Watts Kelsey Laura Weckert David William West Kristian Luke Whitaker Jane Carole Wilksch Barry Christopher Williams Andy Man Cheun Wong Jessica Woodward Jordan Conor Young 30 March 10.30am Nicholas Craig Smith Michael Spudic Melissa Louise Thomas David John Walker Phillip Mark Ward Kate Elizabeth Williams David Edward York Professor Kerry Thoirs AssDip(RadTech), DMU, MMed(Rad), PhD, Associate Head: School of Health Sciences, will present: for the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science (Occupational Therapy) Jessica Grace Allison Sophie Claire Anderson Rachelle Rona Bassi Ella Mary Briggs Holly Amber Chance Eleanor Ruth Chesser Lucy Frith Cooper Emma Danielle Cormie Ann Elizabeth Davies Louise Marie Davies Ashleigh Renee Drumm Nicholas Peter Easton Vanessa Gianna Girasoli Hannah Stephanie Halstead Eloise Janet Hoile Elizabeth Jayne Humphris Ashley Marie Hunt Eliza Jane Huppatz Holly Elizabeth Jasper Erin Kate Keller Tyson Klaassen-Smith Ashleigh Jane Koch Rachel Simonne Levett Delia Amy Luccon Shanagh Mary Marron Kendall Alyce Mattschoss Sarah Elizabeth Milazzo Tahlia Renae Mullen Jodi Simone Newell Azusa Okada *(19/12/11) Lisa Jane Porter Hannah Eileen Priede Hayley Nicole Rogerson Vernice Salveron Bettina Joy Sattler Meagan Jane Saville Joanna Mary Schinckel Stephanie Margaret Searle Jasmine Laura Smith Kerin Louise Smith Kimberley Anne Smith Rachel Claire Songailo Jasmin Tait van Leuven Kelly Suzanne Tellam Emily Jane Toma Lloyd Robert Townsend Carmelina Ventra Jayne Maree West Bradley Williams for the degree of Bachelor of Health Science Kate Mary Rose Fetherstonhaugh Elise Caroline Finos Aaron Paul Griffiths Sarah Hockey Sarah Louise Johnson Karolina Louisa Suzanna Kerkemeyer Matthew Phillip Kris Kelly Ann McMahon Chloe Eve Oosterbroek Jordan Louise Polkinghorne Elyse Jade Preston for the degree of Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Medical Imaging) Laura Adele Archer Janessa Louise Baddeley Rachael Kate Battersby Lennard Kyle Bernardo Sarah Frances Booth April Jade Both Penelope Hewett Coulls Ashlee Marie Faggionato Abbey Louise Franklin Tran Ngoc Ha Alexandra Rose Hall Chad Wayne Hill John Ian Hindmarsh Thuy-Hang Huynh Sibusisiwe Jila David John Katic Danielle Kaye Kirchner Ashtyn Emma Lee Chloe Jade Lipp Nadia Loghmani Jessi Lee Mackay Joshua Heath Mackenzie Alisa Mohamad Yee Jia Ng Trang Hong Nguyen Chloe Anne O’Donnell for the degree of Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Nuclear Medicine) Caitlin Grace Caballero Kym Elizabeth Carter Marko Krnic Edward Michael Weniton for the degree of Bachelor of Medical Radiation Science (Radiation Therapy) Olivia Kate Allinson-Martin Lily Chung Jessica Midson Julia Elizabeth Pfeiffer Jeremy Plawecki Phuong Nam Tran Simon Van Niekerk for the degree of Bachelor of Physiotherapy Michelle Lea Anderson Genevieve Clare Angley Julia Marie Bennett Sarah Elyse Bussenschutt Lisa Anne Button Sophie Ellen Chapman Lauren Kate Charlton *(25/08/11) Sara May Yee Cheh Injeong Choi *(19/12/11) 30 March 10.30am Natalie Pisaniello Lukas Pribramsky Sophie Catherine Radley Lauren Patricia Ruiz Matthew Frank Schneider Amy Jayne Shannon Ashlea Clare Vordermaier Thanh Phuong Vu Xiaohui Wang *(19/12/11) Caitlin Jane Young Kristen Louise Zanker Nikki Kate Church Caitlin Ann Collenette Nicholas Paul Connelly Amanda Louise D’Alessandro Jessica Lauren Di Giorgio Elyse Jemma Dolman Zoe Lee Douglass Luke Francis Duffy Marc Robert Elliott Haydn Peter Farr Cara Eleanor Gleeson Gregory Goh Karla Gail Graham Anthony Guiducci Luke Kemial Hamood Alana Jayne Hassell Jase Michael Heinrich Brett Anthony Herrmann Amanda Susan Hodgson Kelly Marie Homann Alice Bernadette Keating Alice Isobel Rosemary Kelsh Alina Kondratenko Kien Duc Thomas Lam Chloe Frances Limbert Ly Erin Mary Matthew Lynagh Bridie Colleen Manning Jordan Leigh Nelson Andrei Niculescu Tim Perkins Matthew Vance Politarhis Chloe Catherine Press Nick Ryan Rendell Sophie Alice Ricketts Michael Paul Rigoni Lachlan Duncan Robinson Jasmyne Ruth Roe Matthew James Rossi Kiera April Sayers Lucy Kate Schipanski Maddalena Sepe Geok Khee Teo *(19/12/11) Jenna Shae Thomas Stuart Andrew Thomson Eileen Cheng Hee Ting Samuel William Townsley Lien Ngoc Tran William Trinh Mirella Violetta Vagnarelli Chloe Rebecca Vanderhout Katarina Vavrek Jordyn Lee Whitford Sarah Kate Wilson Rhianon Wood for the degree of Bachelor of Podiatry Carlie Rebecca Altmann Carly Ann Bertram Alex Lynne Bury Patricia Louise Kassebaum Thi Ngoc Chan Lam Kara Nina Lees Yen Yong Leow Winston Luu Nicole Joyce Marshall Megan Chantel McAuley Damir Metljak Rikki Marie Peters Caitlin Pratten Stuart William Roeszler Jared William Vause Daina Veronika Walton Kate Hannah Young Adelaide Festival Theatre Friday 30 March at 3.00pm The Occasional Address Order of Ceremony Mr Christopher Cliffe RN, DipN, MPH, FRCNA, FCRANA Processional music will be played on the Silver Jubilee Organ. Christopher Cliffe is an experienced leader in the field of remote health care, having worked as a remote area nurse in a variety of remote and rural communities in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Born and raised in country South Australia, he has gained extensive international experience during his work for the Red Cross in war and disaster zones in southern Sudan, Abkhazia, Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, and in the wake of large-scale tragedies including the 2002 Bali bombings, the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami, and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The audience is requested to stand for the entrance of the Academic Procession, Council and Official Party. Mr Cliffe currently lives in Cairns, and is manager of primary health care for the Royal Flying Doctor Service in Queensland. He is also a board director, and serving president, of CRANAplus, the professional body for remote health. The Chancellor, Dr Ian Gould AM, BSc(Hons), PhD, FAusIMM, FTSE will open the ceremony. The Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Høj MSc, PhD, DUniv (honoris causa), FTSE, will address the ceremony. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Mr Christopher Cliffe, Manager Primary Health Care, Royal Flying Doctor Service Queensland and President CRANAplus. The Chancellor, on behalf of the University, will confer awards on the candidates. The assembly is invited to applaud individual doctoral graduates. For all other graduates, the Presenter will invite applause for each group at the conclusion of its presentation. The Chancellor will close the ceremony. The audience is requested to stand as the Official Party, Council and Academic Procession retire. Gaudeamus Igitur / Anonymous, German early 18th C [CPDL #10745] Advance Australia Fair / Peter Dodds McCormick, arranged by Christopher Gordon Prelude to a Te Deum / Marc-Antoine Charpentier 30 March 3.00pm Mr Cliffe has led a variety of health care organisations, including as nursing director for remote health in the Northern Territory, and as director of nursing at the Leigh Creek, Lorne and Colac hospitals. Recently, he served as the inaugural chief executive officer of the National Centre for Quality Improvement in Indigenous Primary Health Care. In addition to undergraduate nursing qualifications obtained at the University of South Australia, he holds a masters degree in public health, and is a Justice of the Peace. The National Anthem. The Presentation Professor Allan Evans BPharm, PhD, Pro Vice Chancellor and Vice President: Division of Health Sciences, will present: for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Sandra Ullrich, by thesis entitled: Using action research to improve nursing practice in nutritional care (conferred: 12 May 2011) * indicates a conferral of award date prior to this ceremony DIVISION OF HEALTH SCIENCES THE SCHOOL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY for the Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Jennifer Kay Beven Emma Madalyn Candido Jessica Patrece Stewart for the Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing Adewale Peter Animasahun Cindy Rachel Galinato Kerry John Geyer Jemima Kate Gustafsson Judy Mary Hutchison Rhiannon Marie Lloyd Rhiannon Kelly McLay Arthur Moutakis Rigney Edith Rose Nicole Louise Rowlands Leanne Gaye Simeone Caroline Stacey Tammie Lynette Syed Raymond Tini Pamela Anne Walker Christine Helen Williamson for the degree of Master of Mental Health Nursing Shamiso Christine V Gushure Matthew John Malone Karen Elizabeth Monaghan for the Graduate Diploma in Nursing Maryla Krenc Killiana Mafara Louise Merrigan Tam Lai Ping Virginia for the degree of Master of Nursing Louise Joan de Prinse Vheremu Victor Mukatsa Dongxing Shi Amy Wilson for the Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Cardiovascular Nursing) Kellie Louise Dedini Hayley Louise Florance Roslyn Janette Gore for the degree of Master of Nursing (Health and Ageing) Margot Janeece Combes for the degree of Master of Nursing (Immunisation) Tabitha-Ann Gooley for the degree of Master of Nursing (Leadership and Management) Aisha Banihammad Lauren Hayley Goudas for the degree of Master of Nursing (Nurse Education) Laura Kaye Gaskin Salimatu Koroma for the Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Critical Care Nursing) Irene Joy Andrews Rebecca Jane Obst Nathan John Roccisano for the Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Health and Ageing) Habiba Isah Dan Azimi Louise Ellen Masters Andrea Richards Stefanie Verschoor for the Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Leadership and Management) Kimberly Mae Ashby Caroline Dawn McDade Heather Kathleen Osborn for the Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Nurse Education) Karen Maree Collins Shafina Azlin Binti Shahidan *(15/12/11) Yoke Yap Tang *(15/12/11) for the Graduate Certificate in Nursing Angela Aileen Cuskelly for the Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Research Methodologies) Christopher John Clarke Deborah Anne McDonough for the Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Cardiovascular Nursing) Naomi Hannah Heinrich Bridgette Linda McKenzie Lynda Jean Pryce Natalie Susan Reiken Marie Claire Sanchez Kate Louise Tardiani Lauren Anne Taylor Fa Wang Deborah Jean Willoughby for the Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Critical Care Nursing) Eileen Pania Jaensch for the Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Health and Ageing) Helen Anne Harvey Vanessa Christine Martin Susan Lorraine Smith Naomi Jane Wilson Emma Frances Ytsma for the Graduate Certificate in Nursing (Leadership and Management) Rebecca Louise Schmidt Mandisa Zozo for the degree of Bachelor of Midwifery Emma Karen Archer Jane Bethan Armitage Kathleen Rose Bates Renae Katherine Bieg Alena Fay Boxall Chelsea May Brimble Nina Cadman Diana Cao Caley Joanne Champness Samantha Jane Charlick Tennessee Tallisker Chrapla Heather Early Crawford Svenia Deichfuss Chanel Dzivinski Cara Alice Flynn Brigitte Ebony Ford Simone Michelle Heeps Emma Kathleen Howison Shelley Marie Jacobs Sarah Jane Jungfer Emma Skye Klingberg Peter Thiam Shoon Lee Jing Li Kelly Renae Martin Terri Elise McGuire Bobbi Michelle McMinn Ella Adel Mickan Jennifer Van Thanh Nguyen Vicki Lee Norman Melissa Jane Papalia Konnie Rapassanis Kylie Ann Redway Danie Louise Smallwood Amanda Jane Takos Natasha Anne Vanehouse Alison Walker Kirsty Lee Willmott Kellie Malain Wilton for the degree of Bachelor of Nursing Natasha Jenifer Abbott Doina Abdallah Kirsty Fiona Adamek Tracy Lorraine Adams Sarah Nwamaka Oluremilekun Adelana Melissa Joy Ainslie 30 March 3.00pm for the Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Nurse Education) Giselle Margaret Mitchell Amanda Jane Nguyen Adrian Gareth Saunders Ajao Olushola Adenike Kamalakumar Amirthalingam John Anaipakos Karen Jeanette Anderson Jean Anesco Jenna Lois Audoss Osman Babic Sarika Bajpai Navneet Kaur Bajwa Karen Denise Baker Laura Ray Balales Janine Mhariz Baquir Linda Evelyn Barlow Samuel James Barnes Abubakarr Barrie Robert Barrie Alysha May Bartlett Renee Astrid Bauer Elyce Alexandra Baxter Melissa Jane Bearder Catherine Suzanne Beaton Kate Beinke Pamela Joy Belbin Elise Jayne Bennie Stephanie Margaret Benson Vishal Bhalla Asha Bhandari Jordanne Lee Blackwell-King Zoe Clare Boneham Leah Fedi Booy Jo-ann Lynette Boxall Carla Maree Boyd Sjaan Adriana Bray Lani Michelle Brazier Sophia Louise Breust Lisa Marie Brook Carol Ann Brown Jodie Adele Bruce Sri Romtini Udjiati Bubner Sarah Burgess Shamron Mandy Burgh Eduard Burgos Kristina Margaret Burnell Sandra Dorothy Byerley Margaret Paton Byrne Hayley Alice Cameron Melissa Anne Cameron Sandra Isabella Canavan Nan Cao Rebecca Luanne Carmichael Samantha Jane Carruthers Caitlin Florence Carter Carina Anne Casey Janean Robyn Cater Bianca Cauchi Louise Chamberlain Suk Yee Chan Thi Thai Phuc Chau Suman Kumari Chaudhary Jagpreet Singh Chhina Batanai Chiroro Demi Michele Christelle Gaye Clark Katie Jean Clark Rebekah Christine Clezy Ashlea Maree Clifford Ebony Jayne Clouston Agnes Jane Coid Hannah Collier Joel Lincoln Collins Jennifer Margaret Cook Paul Jeffrey Douglas Cooper Amanda Jane Cornes Tara Lee Cowles Marianne Jane Gresch Bonita Kay Grotegoed Sarah Joan Guerin Nese Gul Thomas Satimon Lomatayo Towongo Guya Joyleen Kaye Haigh Tsz-Tim Hall Lara Kay Harrison Emily Nancy Hay Ning He Bronwyn Yvonne Hegarty Maree Ann Henderson Catherine Anne Henschke Sarah Jane Hicks Sheree Kaye Hill Gecille Flora Hindson Amy Lauren Hirst Cassandra May Holland Katrina Ann Hope Catherine May Hoppo-Luckett Sarah Narelle Horne Casey Lee Hoskins Yue Hou Natalie Grace Howe Elaine Hu Hu Wenhui *(19/12/11) Claire Huggett Judith Mary-Rose Hurrell Amy Hannah Hutchens Cassandra May Hutchison Ana Irimie Sarsha Nichole Itzkovich Kathryn Pamela Jaensch Kayla Marie Jaensch April Jankiewicz Ihalavellalage Kalhari Sandarekha Wijewickrama Jayasiriwardena *(19/12/11) Anne-Marie Patricia Jeanes Patricia Jenkins Jiang Yu 30 March 3.00pm Deborah Grace Craig Alice Sarah Crawford Kimberley Jane Croft Kerri Anne Cropley Paige Rosemary Crosnier Natalie Patricia Crowe Cherylea Anne Dale Tina Litza Darrell Davies Christiana Todd Christopher Davis Jessica Isabel Dawes Natasha Leanne Decorso Michelle Amanda Devlin Ramandeep Singh Dhaliwal Sawaddi Thi Dien Dragana Dimanic Arna Page Dinham Alexandra Dodd Michelle Donnelly Barbara Joan Eatts Constantina Economopoulos Leanne Louise Edge Kristy Lee Edwards Kelly Jane Eichner Hilda El Osmani Carol Anne Elliott Donna Lee Ellis Diana Rose Elwood Stefanie Kate Erxleben Maria Marjorie Fargas Raelene Farrugia Tracey Lee Ferguson Lisa Marie Fiorita Gabrielle Anne Fisher Kirsty Fleming Eugenie Folkman Nicol Angelique Forbes Eileen May Foster Peter James Foster Dodonna Natalie Fox Laura Frahn Angela Furno Kate Prudence Gallagher Rebecca Garcia Tina Catrin Garrard Rosalind Gates Sarah Kate Gates Courtney Marie Gauci Chelsea Robyn George Kym Beth Gilkes Amy Jane Gillan Hilary Catherine Gillett Jenny Anne Gillies Nicola Raye Gooden Elena Gooding Galina Gordeev Rebecca Joan Gorman Dionisios Dennis Gouskos Pauline Janette Gray Associate Professor Carol Grech RN, DipApSc(Nsg), BN(Ed), GradDip(CritCare), MN, PhD, Acting Head: School of Nursing and Midwifery, will present: for the degree of Bachelor of Nursing Cheryl Ann Johnson Jacquelyn Laura Gladys Johnson Laura Emily Johnson Julia Ann Johnston Kerryn Sue Jongewaard Suzanne Wendy Jordan Serge Kabamba Kabongo Silvie Chiswaka Kabongo Malith Ishan Premathilaka Kadirappulli Hewage *(19/12/11) Jade Linda Kalic Annette Marie Kanizay Mary Muthoni Kariuki Jaswinder Kaur Navdeep Kaur Elise Kathryn Keenan Melissa Jayne Kelly Tamara Leigh Kemp Lori Anne Keynes Mansoor Sayed Khelwaty Cassandra Khoo Jihyun Kim Sarah Josephine King Ashleigh Michelle Klemm Jessica Koolmatrie Deborah Helen Krinas Anil Kumar Keera Lee Laccos-Barrett Amy Brooke Lamb Toni Nicole Lapworth Sladana Lawless Duc Tri Le *(19/12/11) Linda Le Phuong Le Emmanuel Lee How Song *(19/12/11) Wooae Lee Saskia Ingrid Lemerande Elizabeth Maie Leslie Li Jing Edwina Isabel Mee Chye Liew Jenny Siew Ping Ling Sheik Lieng Ling Jun Liu Duleeka Asanthi Liyanage *(19/12/11) Morgan Holly Lloyde Janelle Louise Logan Ann Marie Long Bree Amber Lowe Aiko Lucivero Megan Kerry Lynn Lida Maghsoudi Margaret Mwihaki Maina Chelsea May Manley Fadzai Veronica Mapfumo Sheila Nicole Marine Heidi Lee Mason Thelma Nyasha Matanga Annie Mathew Chanae Matthews Peta Matthews Shirley Patricia May Agnes Mulundu Mbewe Jamie Grace McCormick Kirsty Lee McCulloch Jaimi Elise McElroy Kasey Lauren McQuade Helen Meak Rashmi Mehta Michael Miceli Conchita Carmel-Isabel Migliore Sarah Imogen Mikowski Stacy Ann Mill Olga Molceanova Kyong Hee Moon Kelly Jane Mooney Alkisty Moraitis Juliet Marie Morgan Anne Therese Moriarty Vanessa Lee Morris Amanda Narelle Morrow Natascha Jean Moser Sylvia Rose Mosey Lois Hazel Moyle Emma Rose Mrvelj Monica Mugadza Daniel Ngotho Mugumo Winfred Njeri Muiruri Clara Gane Murphy Eva Musoke Elleen Jade Muster Kerry Lee Muth Bashira Rahma Muwabe Caroline Joanne Nagel Ashley Scott Nankivell Nongluck Nehme Alanna Kate Nelson Adrian James Nesci Angel Ngang Ngan Kim Thi Nguyen Truong Duy Vincent Nguyen Jesse Renee Nichols Lisa Ann Nixon Esther Waithira Njoroge Sharon Michele Noack Tracy Evelyn Noonan Joseline Genova North Natalie Sue O’Daniel Elissa Jane O’Donnell Monica Elizabeth O’Neil Kelly O’Neill Sangpien Odorcic Elizabeth Christine Paige 30 March 3.00pm Wilhelmina Paje John Anthony Pallasigue Leerang Park Salthel Park *(19/12/11) Hardikkumar Khodidas Patel *(19/12/11) Patricia Maria Perkins Jessica Rosemary Peterson Bimala Phuyal *(19/12/11) Kathleen Mary Pink Mary Christine Podesta Shama Prabhusankar Hannah Jane Iren Psarros-Hoskins Vicki Pumphrey Leanne Margaret Quirino Felicity Kate Rackham Bruce Leonard Rainbow Belinda Faye Reddaway Kiara Quiniones Redden Alison Margaret Reeve Leonie Lee Reid Jade Rich Jasmine Patricia Richardson Patrick Davis Roberts Elisabeth Robinson (dec.) Jessica Lee Robinson Sarah Louise Robinson Hannah Rohrlach Naomi Helen Rosser Sonya Jean Russ Skye Jessica Melanie Sachse Min Sagong Rabia Sakmar Isik Tigy Samkutty Toni Liane Sarantidis Lisa Gaye Sarris Laura Margaret Schimanski Emma Justine Schmaal Julia Schneider Rebecca Anna Schultz Jessica Emma Schutz Tracey Anne Scott Jade Hazel Scown Anna Seidler Lynette Joan Selway Shivangi Shah Amanda Anne-Marie Sharp Lennette Ann Sheridan Tracey Shire Elise Monique Simons Jessica Ann Simpson Perminderjit Singh Satnam Singh Rebecca Anne Smith Vera Smudic Nina Louise Sporer Sharon Maree Spreckley Joshua Alexander Stanley Kristy Stapleton Rachel Ann Steinert Kathleen Ann Stewart Kirsty Nicole Stone Zoe Bree Stone Carolyn Marie Straatman Vikki Cheryl Sturges Jennifer Sudell Catherine Elizabeth Sullivan Lili Sumiaty Mary Sunuwar *(19/12/11) Milica Svraka Kerin Louise Swalling Maria Anne Sweet Victoria Jane Symonds Daniel Patrick Symons Rama Tandukar Leah Monique Tatarelli Kellie Noel Taylor Louise Anne Teirney Angelina Ellen Telfer Carol Ann Thomas Eslyn Vanessa Thorne Adela Tolic Cindy Tran Michelle Tran Thuy Bich Tran Trinh Thi Tu Tran Pauline Jean Trigger Jodie Kate Trott Kate Vanessa Tweddell Sirena Liza Valderemao Nicole Louise Vecchio Jessica Pauline Vella Ashleigh Marie Venning Tracy Jennifer Vicente Leisa Therese Victor Mariana Voinov Nancy Wangari Waithaka Danni Lee Wakeman Hua Wang Wang Xinmeng Yaqin Wang Joseph Kibe Wangari Kiti Kautani V Waqa Jamie Skye Ward Michaela Jayne Ward Steven Paul Ward Lisa Marie Watson Elizabeth Jean Weatherstone Robyn Weaver Maria Michelle Weerawardana Edward Charles Weir Erich Weiss Bianca Therese Welbing Maryjo Werner Annette Erica White Sandra White Sarah Jane White Sharyn Lee White Kristy Lee Willcox Belinda Willmore Heather Joy Wills Kirsty Michelle Wills Tarnee Laree Willsher Jennifer Gaye Wilson Jennifer Ann Wiltshire King Huong Wong Mia Jayne Wood Hannah Lee Woolford Craig Ross Workman Elizabeth Amy Wright Megan Janelle Wright Paul James Wynne Shuanghan Xia Luxian Xie Xu Shuo Ying Xue Li Chan *(19/12/11) Yisi Lin *(19/12/11) Belinda Ruth Yon Middleback Theatre, Whyalla Friday 13 April at 3.00pm The Occasional Address Order of Ceremony Mr Lewis Owens BE(Hons), MSc, BA Processional music will be played. His subsequent career covered many roles in the public service (including state planning, economic development, mines and energy, WorkCover, superannuation investment and economic regulation), and in the private sector where he worked for the South Australian Gas Company and ETSA Utilities. He is currently chairman of the South Australian Water Corporation and the South Australian Country Arts Trust, as well as a director of the geothermal exploration company, Petratherm, and the national arts body, Regional Arts Australia. He is a member of the City of Marion audit committee. Mr Owens is also a Reconciliation Ambassador for South Australia, chair of the Energy and Water Industry Cluster for Aboriginal Employment, a member of the Resources and Energy Sector Infrastructure Council, chair of the University of Adelaide Business School advisory board, and member of the Engineering School advisory board. The National Anthem. The Chancellor, Dr Ian Gould AM, BSc(Hons), PhD, FAusIMM, FTSE will open the ceremony. The Vice Chancellor and President, Professor Peter Høj MSc, PhD, DUniv (honoris causa), FTSE, will address the ceremony. The Occasional Address will be delivered by Mr Lewis Owens, Chairman, South Australian Water Corporation. The Chancellor, on behalf of the University, will confer awards on the candidates. The Chancellor will close the ceremony. The audience is requested to stand as the Official Party, Council and Academic Procession retire. Aida / Triumphant March and Ballet Music Verdi / Performed by the CSR Symphony Orchestra, Bratislava Advance Australia Fair / Peter Dodds McCormick, arranged by Christopher Gordon 13 April 3.00pm Lewis Owens was born and educated in Broken Hill, and began his working life in the mines before moving to Adelaide to study chemical engineering. On graduating, he worked at the Adelaide Oil Refinery before studying overseas and completing an arts degree on his return. The audience is requested to stand for the entrance of the Academic Procession, Council and Official Party. The Presentation Professor Guy Robinson BSc, DPhil, Director: Centre for Regional Engagement, will present: for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Christopher Mark Raymond, by thesis entitled: The influence of human values, place attachment, beliefs and norms on the planting of native vegetation in rural South Australia (conferred: 15 March 2012) * indicates a conferral of award date prior to this ceremony DIVISION OF BUSINESS THE SCHOOL OF COMMERCE for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce Ashten Kay Hunter Andrew Robert MacDonald Storr THE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT for the degree of Bachelor of Business Allan Len Ringland for the degree of Bachelor of Business and Enterprise Stacey Angela Butterworth David M Hill for the Associate Degree in Accounting Gary Philip Button Joseph Jackson Colbert DIVISION OF EDUCATION, ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES THE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY, SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL POLICY for the degree of Bachelor of Social Work with Honours Michelle Casey Keryl Grant Jamieson Daniel Shane Earl Tumminello for the degree of Bachelor of Social Work Lee Carol Anderson Leanne Jean Cooper Matthew John Harfull Linda Michelle Hulsman Julia Leigh McKersie Tegan Ashlie McLean Angela Kay Mudge Michele Dianne Osmond Jacquellyne Simonne Reneta Phelps Susan Jane Smith Anne Geraldine Williams Aldona Willis DIVISION OF HEALTH SCIENCES THE SCHOOL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY for the degree of Bachelor of Nursing Sarah Ellyn Atkinson Kimberley Jean Bancroft Jennifer Anne Batten Katherine Louise Cope Travis John Harvey Ellen Hood Shahina Hussain Kira Joy Jasper Carly Fay Johnson Mick Jong Kate Louise McCormack Samantha Murdock Tania Louise Nobbs Alicia Tyna Marie Pasche Louise Quirke Meghan Alexandra Tilley Pamela Gwendolyn Walker Samara Rose Louise Wallace Sonia Mary Wilmot 2011 Prize List IAN DAVEY RESEARCH THESIS PRIZE Awarded for the Doctor of Philosophy thesis of excellence based on the quality of the examiners report, publication record and community impact: Katina D’Onise UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA HONOURS MEDALS Awarded annually to graduands in each Division for outstanding academic merit throughout all years of an honours degree program: Division of Business Benjamin Scott Seidel Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences Tun Haneen Shah Abdul Rahim Lyndall Rhianen Harvy Benjamin Luke Leslie Nicholas Peter Martin Pablo Muslera Rychelle-Leigh Morris Jet Rene O’Rourke Paul Michael Townsin Division of Health Sciences Clint Ronald Bellenger Nina Cadman Amanda Louise D’Alessandro Nicholas Peter Easton Cara Eleanor Gleeson Kerin Louise Swalling Simone Attelia Versace Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences Pablo Muslera Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment Michelle Kate Juers Morgan Faith Schebella Division of Health Sciences Jenna Dawn Koch Centre for Regional Engagement Matthew John Harfull Division of Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment Jan-Felix Schmakeit UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA PRIZES The University of South Australia manages over 400 prizes and awards, a majority of which are generously funded by individuals or organisations. The University would like to thank the following corporate and private donors who partner with us to reward and acknowledge outstanding student achievement: Centre for Regional Engagement Michelle Casey UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA MEDALS Awarded annually to graduands in each Division for outstanding academic merit throughout all years of an undergraduate degree program: Division of Business Judith Altenburg Emma Nicole Bartrop Chin Wynn Chong Kai Shen Brian Manoj Shanaka Augustine Goonesekera Lee Karyn Zhee Yan Lucinda Scarman Alexandra Marie Sowden Wei Jenn Ung Yong Lye Kuan DIVISION OF BUSINESS Adelaide Bank Prize for Managerial Economics Adelaide CAUTHE Prize Administrative Management International Program (Hong Kong) Prize Adventure Tours Australia Group Prize Anderson’s Solicitors Prize for Torts Aroma Cafe SA Prize Asia Pacific Management Institute Prize for Sustainable Corporate Strategy Australian Human Resources Institute (SA Division) Prize Australian Institute of Management Prize Australian Market and Social Research Society Award Australian Marketing Institute Award Global Experience Australian Taxation Office Award Goodman Fielder Ltd Award Award of Merit - Bachelor of Applied Finance - Taylor’s University College Graduate Management Association of Australia Course Prize for Managerial Finance Award of Merit - Bachelor of Commerce Taylor’s University College BankSA Prize for Business Finance BankSA Prize for Finance Investment Banrock Station Wines Prize Business SA Prize Capgemini Prize Cathay Pacific Prize for International Business Cengage Prize Coca-Cola Amatil Prize Colliers International Second Year Property Prize Cornes Toyota Prize CPA Australia - Jack Harrison Memorial Award CPA Australia Hong Kong China Division Excellence Award (Financial Accounting) CPA Australia Hong Kong Division Excellence Award (Management Accounting) Graduate Management Association of Australia Prize for Management Research and Consulting Halls Cranes Prize Hays Recruiting Prize Health Partners Award Hudson Prize for Leading and Managing People IBM Australia Prize for Contemporary Management Skills Industrial Relations Society of South Australia Prizes Inghams Enterprises Postgraduate HRM Prize Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia Prize for Accounting Decision Making Institute of Training and Development Prize for Leadership Dynamics Jarvis Group Prize John Wiley & Sons Australia Book Prize John Wiley & Sons Prize CPA Australia Postgraduate Prize Jones Lang LaSalle Award CPA Australia Prize for Global Issues for Accounting and Issues in Accounting Theory Kraft Foods Limited Award CPA Australia Prize for Taxation Law 1 CPA Australia Young Professionals Award CRMA Award Cusoff Cudmore Knox Prize for Corporate Law: General Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Prize Department of Environment and Natural Resources Award Drake Foodmarkets Prize DVE Business Solutions Prize Edwards Marshall Prize for Taxation Law Elders Limited Award KWP! Advertising Award Learning and Productivity Prize Lewis Barrett Prize LexisNexis Prize for Companies and Partnership Law LexisNexis Prize for Property Law Logistics Association of Australia - Student Highest Achiever Award Mars Australia Award MBA Chancellor’s List McGraw-Hill Australia Prize McGraw-Hill Prize MIB Best Overall Student Prize Engineering Employers Association, South Australia, Industrial Relations Award MIB Course Prize: Doing Business in Asia Ernst & Young Prize MIB Course Prize: Global Business Environment Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA) Award Fonterra Brands Australia Award Gary Lindblom Memorial Prize MIB Course Prize: International Business Management MIB Course Prize: International Business Strategy SA Freight Council Award for Logistics School of Marketing Award for Excellence in Marketing Studies Schulz Law Honours Prize SeaLink Travel Group Prize Shirley Chappel Tourism Prize South Australian Auditor-General’s Department Prize for Auditing Theory and Practice South Australian Auditor-General’s Department Prize for Government and not for Profit Accounting South Australian Tourism Commission Prize for Marketing The Academy of Enhanced Performance Prize The ACHPER (SA) Prize The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants Prize The Economic Society of Australia (SA Branch) Prize for Microeconomics MIB Course Prize: International Human Resource Management The Economics Society of Australia (SA Branch) Prize for Macroconomics MIB Course Prize: Issues in International Trade The Mangan, Ey and Associates Prize for Criminal Procedure and Sentencing MIB Course Prize: Managing Across Cultures The Nielsen Company Award MIB Course Prize: Marketing Across Borders The Piper Alderman Prize for Corporate Law:Finance and Governance MIB Course Prize: Principles of Finance National Pharmacies Award Network Ten Pty Ltd Award Norman Waterhouse Lawyers Prize for Competitive Strategy Pearson Australia Book Prize Pearson Australia Prize Pearson Education Australia Prize People’s Choice Credit Union Award People’s Choice Credit Union Prize Tintara Wines Prize Undergraduate Business SA - South Australian Young Entrepreneur Scheme Award UniSA International Program (HK) UniSA International Program (HK) - Bachelor of Accountancy Prize UniSA International Program (HK) - Master of Professional Accounting Prize UniSA International Program (HK) Bachelor of Applied Finance Prize Phil Hoffmann Business Travel Prize Pitcher Partners Prize Playford Capital Prize for Entrepreneurship DIVISION OF EDUCATION, ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Port Adelaide Football Club Prize Property Council of Australia Prize Public Service Association of SA PwC Prize Real Estate Institute of South Australia Prize Renu Mysore (Rajagopalan) Memorial Prize RP Data Prize AASW-BSW Final Year Outstanding Practice Award Adelaide Advertising and Design Club Award Armstrong Award in Architecture Armstrong Award in Interior Architecture Artichoke Magazine Prize in Interior Architecture Australian Centre for Child Protection Student Journalism Prize - Postgraduate Australian Centre for Child Protection Student Journalism Prize - Undergraduate Australian College of Education (SA Chapter) Prize - The Tappa Tangka Manninendi Medal Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Society, Adelaide Inc, Award Australian Graphic Design Association Award Australian Literacy Educators’ Association University Prize Australian Psychological Society Prize Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors (South Australia) Prize Cecil Teesdale-Smith (Literary) Award Consultants Prize in Industrial Design Harry P Gill Memorial Medal IMAGINiT Technologies Prize for Presentation in Architecture IMAGINiT Technologies Prize for Presentation in Interior Architecture ISIS Projects Prize in Interior Architecture John Christie Wright Memorial Prize Lysaght Award for Outstanding Achievement Manufacturers Prize in Industrial Design Nicholas Opie Award in Design and Construction Photography Awards for Excellence: Atkins Prize Photography Awards for Excellence: Deborah Paauwe Award David Pank Education Encouragement Prize Photography Awards for Excellence: Photographic Wholesalers Prize David Pank Northern Areas Education Placement Encouragement Prize Primary English Teaching Association University Prize de Lissa Early Childhood Prize Royal Australian Institute of Architects Prize Department for Correctional Services Award SASTA Prize for Outstanding Pre-service Science Educator Design Institute of Australia Modelmaking Prize in Interior Architecture SATISFAC Merit Award Design Institute of Australia Professional Encouragement Award - Ceramics Satisfac Sessional Preschool Practicum Award Design Institute of Australia Professional Encouragement Award - Glass Schiavello (SA) Prize in Interior Architecture Design Institute of Australia Professional Encouragement Award - Industrial Design Design Institute of Australia Professional Encouragement Award - Interior Architecture Design Institute of Australia Professional Encouragement Award - Jewellery Design Design Institute of Australia Professional Encouragement Award - Visual Communication Early Childhood Australia (SA Branch) Prize Ethel Barringer Memorial Prize Fisher Jeffries Christmas Card Commission Friends of the South Australian School of Art Inc Prize GraphiSoft Modelling Prize in Architecture GraphiSoft Modelling Prize in Interior Architecture GWA Bathroom and Kitchens Prize in Interior Architecture Hames Sharley Prize in Architecture Hames Sharley Prize in Interior Architecture School of Art, Architecture and Design Graduate Exhibition Prize Schulz Communication Prize Sheila Bailey Early Childhood Education Prize South Australian Media Award - Journalism Student (Postgraduate) DIVISION OF HEALTH SCIENCE The Adelaide West End Association/Torrens Health Prize in Interior Architecture Accredited Occupational Therapy Program (AccOT) Prize The Architectural Practice Board of South Australia Travelling Prize in Architecture Andrea Warden-Flood Prize Audrey Simpson Prize The Brain Injury Network (BINSA) Creative and Feature Writing Award Audrey Simpson Research Prize The Concrete Institute of Australia Prize Australasian Society for Immunology (ASI) Prize The Constance Gordon-Johnson Sculpture Prize The Dean W Berry Prize in Architecture The Jane Harper Honours Research Prize The Laminex Group Prize in Interior Architecture The Lydia Longmore Memorial Award The National Nine News Student Journalism Award The University of South Australia Award of Excellence in Psychology Book Prize The University of South Australia Graduate Prize in Architecture Sponsored by Hodgkison Architects Theory Prize in Interior Architecture Tony Winefield PhD Thesis Prize in Psychology Unibooks Prize UniSA Communication and Journalism Merit Award Wilmar Library Prize Worldsend Prize for Interior Architecture Research Zenith Prize in Interior Architecture Zero Waste SA Research Centre for Sustainable Design and Behaviour (sd+b) Student Prize Australian & New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine (ANZSNM) Prize Australian Association of Occupational Therapists (SA Inc) Communication and Management Award Australian College of Children and Young People’s Nurses (SA) Undergraduate Prize Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (SA Branch) Award for Clinical Excellence Australian College of Midwives Incorporated Award Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology Prize Australian Institute of Radiography (SA Branch) Award in Medical Imaging Australian Institute of Radiography (SA Branch) Award in Radiation Therapy Australian Pharmaceutical Industry (API) Award Australian Physiotherapy Association (SA Branch) Student Group Perpetual Trophy Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Prize Australian Sonographers Association (ASA) Student Award Brooks Running Prize Cecilie Bearup Prize in Occupational Therapy Chemplus Pharmacotherapeutics Practice Prize Chemplus Pharmacotherapeutics Theory Prize Chemplus Prize CPR Pharma Services Prize CSL Bioplasma Immunohaematology Prize Elma Casely Prize Elma Casely Prize for Masters of Physiotherapy (Graduate Entry) Elsevier Nursing Prize Elsevier Science Undergraduate Prize Margaret Grace McNair AM Foundation Prizes Marie Hammond Postgraduate Award Marjorie Black Prize Martin Hansen Award Mayne Pharma Prize - Best 2nd Year Student Mayne Pharma Prize - Best 3rd Year Student Mayne Pharma Prize for Excellence in the Drug Discovery/Drug Development Stream Mayne Pharma Prize for Excellence in the Pharmaceutical Industry Experience course Mayne Pharma Prize for the Highest Overall GPA in the Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Medical Science First Year Prize Nancy Whittingham Award National Pharmacies Prize Food and Beverage Development Fund Excellence Award Food and Beverage Development Fund Graduate Award Food and Beverage Development Fund Product Development Award Geoffrey Maitland Prize Helen S Blair Prize in Paediatrics J R Pickering Prize in Appliances Jeanne-Marie Ganne Prize in Electrotherapy (sponsored by Implox Pty Ltd) Jeanne-Marie Ganne Prize in Women’s Health (sponsored by the Australian Physiotherapy Association, SA Branch, Continence & Women’s Health Group) Norm Clarke Fellowship in Physical Activity Award Occupational Science Prize Occupational Therapists Registration Board of South Australia - Ethical and Clinical Practice Prize (Graduate Entry) Occupational Therapists Registration Board of South Australia - Ethical and Clinical Practice Prize (Undergraduate) OT AUSTRALIA SA - Undergraduate Research and Evidence Based Practice Prize Outdoor Educators’ Association Tertiary Outdoor Education Prize Oxoid ThermoFisher Scientific Food Microbiology Award Patricia Trott Prize John Alexander Voules Brown Prize Pfizer Prize Kate Gilmore Reid Prize - sponsored by the Australian Physiotherapy Association SA Branch Pharmaceutical Defence Limited Fourth Year Prize Kelly Scientific Resources Award Pharmaceutical Defence Ltd First and Second Year Prize Konekt Prize Pharmaceutical Science First Year Prize Lateral Grinfols Pharmaceutical Society Gold Medal Lions Club of Unley Nursing Award Pharmaceutical Society Prize Margaret E Pank First Year Nursing Encouragement Prize Physiotherapy Research Foundation Prize Margaret E Pank Nursing Encouragement Prize Margaret Grace McNair AM Award for Midwifery Port Adelaide Football Club Award Royal Australian Chemical Institute (SA Branch) - Roy Marlow Chemistry Prize Royal College of Nursing (Australia) - High Achiever Award (City East) Ruth Grant Prize Ruth Grant Prize for Academic Excellence SA Pharmacists Corporation Ltd - Burden Pty Ltd Prize Sansom Medal Sansom Pharmacy Fund Travel Award (International) Sansom Pharmacy Fund Travel Award (National) Sansom Publication Awards Sheila Bailey Midwifery Prize DIVISION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND THE ENVIRONMENT A Cuthbert Wells Prize - Outstanding First Year Academic Excellence Award University of South Australia - Graduate Diploma in Engineering (coursework) Academic Excellence Award University of South Australia - Master of Engineering (coursework) Sheila Bailey Physiotherapy Prize Adelaide Dot Net Users Group (ADNUG) and Microsoft Prize Sigma Prize Alan J Marriage Microengineering Prize Sir Eric Scott Prize AME Master of Engineering Award Staff Award for Podiatric Clinical Practice AME Mechanical Design Award Symbion Pharmacy Services Prize AME Mechanics Award T G Mitchell Prize ASC Prize Terumo Prize for Excellence in Laboratory Medicine Aurecon Prize Terumo Prize for Excellence in Laboratory Medicine with Honours The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Postgraduate Student Award for Excellence The Chemmart Prize The ‘Tommy Lyon’ Award for Aged Care Therapeutic Guidelines Prize W R Odell Memorial Prize Australian Computer Society (SA Branch) Prize Australian Federation of Air Pilots Prize Australian Institute of Building South Australian Chapter - Chapter Management Award Australian Institute of Building Surveyors, SA Chapter Student Award Australian Institute of Building, South Australian Chapter - Associate Degree in Built Environment (Building) Award (Graduand) Australian Institute of Building, South Australian Chapter - Associate Degree in Built Environment (Building) Award (First Year Student) Australian Institute of Building, South Australian Chapter - Chapter Medal Australian Institute of Building, South Australian Chapter - H F Sarah Award Australian Institute of Building, South Australian Chapter - R A O’Neill Award Australian Institute of Building, South Australian Chapter - Smorgon ARC Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors Prize Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) Prize - Graduate Diploma in Library Information Management Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) Prize - Master of Library and Information Management Australian Meteorological Association Prize Australian Society for Operations Research Prize Australian Steel Institute Prize B P Opie Memorial Prize BAE SYSTEMS - Computer Systems Design Award BAE SYSTEMS - Computer Systems Engineering Award BAE SYSTEMS - David W Cox Award BAE Systems - George H B Haskard Prize BAE Systems Achievement Prize in Systems Engineering BAE Systems Prize in Digital Signal Processing BAE Systems Project Award Bank of South Australia Prizes - Most Outstanding Student, First Year Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Team Player Award BlueScope Steel - Materials Australia Award Bob Mierisch Memorial Prize in Civil and Structural Engineering Bragg Silver Medal Caroma Design Competition Prize CIPSA: Master of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Prize DSTO Electromagnetic Compatibility Prize DSTO Surveillance Systems Undergraduate Prize Dynek Pty Ltd Prize eLabtronics Linear Electronic Prize Engineers Australia - University of South Australia - Keith Johinke Medal Engineers Australia (SA) Mechanical Prize ETSA Utilities Postgraduate ERP Prize CISCO CCNP Prize ETSA Utilities Prizes - Final Year CISCO Network Fundamentals Prize ETSA Utilities Prizes - Most Outstanding Student Claire Corani Memorial Prize in Physics Clipsal Australia Award ETSA Utilities Undergraduate ERP Prize Clipsal Integrated Systems Prize F A Haas and Sir William Goodman Prize for Civil Engineering Codan Achievement Prize in Telecommunications Fujitsu Australia Prize Codan High Achiever Engineering Prize Codan Project Award for Radio Frequency Engineering Concrete Pipe Association of Australasia Prize D G Moye Memorial Prize (Civil Engineering) DG Moye Memorial Prize (Environmental Science) DSTO Award for Excellence in Information Science FutureNet High Achiever Prize G V Allen Medal (formerly Local Government Engineers Prize) INFOR Pty Ltd Australia Prize Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Manufacturing Prize - University of South Australia Institution of Mechanical Engineers Frederick Barnes Waldron Award Institution of Mechanical Engineers Project Award John Dalby Prize The Applied Physics Encouragement Award Kam Wing Li Prize (previously called the Bachelor of Computing (e-Commerce) Prize (Hong Kong)) The Arthur J Smith Prize Lockheed Martin High Achiever Engineering Prize Lysaght Award for Outstanding Achievement in Structural Engineering Master Builders Association Prize Master of Project Management Prize (Hong Kong) The Electric Energy Society of Australia Prize The Electric Energy Society of Australia Prize - Final Year Project The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) (South Australian Section) Award The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Prize Most Outstanding Female Student University of South Australia - Master of Engineering (coursework) The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) SA and NT Branch, Outstanding Female Student Prize, University of South Australia Motorola Mobile Enterprise Prize The Intercad Prize Motorola Prize in Computer and Network Security The International Test and Evaluation Association Prize for Excellence in T & E National Environmental Law Association Prize (Postgraduate) The Prize for Achievement in Applied Physics National Environmental Law Association Prize (Undergraduate) Planning Institute of Australia Prize Postgraduate Student Planning Institute of Australia Prize Undergraduate Student Planning Institute of Australia Undergradaute Project Prize PW Stephens Engineering Prize R W Parsons Memorial Prize RS Components Prize School of Electrical and Information Engineering - Computer Communication and Networks Prize School of Electrical and Information Engineering - Minor Thesis Prize School of Mathematics and Statistics Prize Skilled Group Prize Spence Nealy Award (Electrical Engineering) SRIA Prize for Reinforced Concrete Design State Records of South Australia Graduate Diploma in Business Information Management Prize State Records of South Australia - Master of Business Information Management Prize Sun Microsystems Honours Degree Prize Technology Industry Association (TIA) Achievement Award in Electronic System Design The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) - Prize The Sir William Goodman Electrical Engineering Prize The Sir William Goodman Mechanical Engineering Prize University of South - Australia - APMI Kaplan Final Year (Electronic Engineering) Prize Singapore University of South Australia - APMI Kaplan (Electrical Engineering) Prize Singapore University of South Australia - APMI Kaplan (Electronic Engineering) Prize - Singapore University of South Australia - APMI Kaplan Final Year (Electrical Engineering) Prize Singapore University of South Australia - Kaplan Prize – Singapore CENTRE FOR REGIONAL ENGAGEMENT CPA Australia Prize The Centacare Prize The Rod Gill Prize The Whyalla Economic Development Board Prize INTERNATIONAL AND DEVELOPMENT David Pank Northern Areas High Achiever Encouragement Prize David Pank Undergraduate Encouragement Prize David Pank UniSA College Encouragement Prize RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Ian Wark Research Institute Medal Michael Miller Medal Norton Jackson Material Science and Engineering Medal Anh Thu Pham The World Is My Oyster Stoneware and terra sigillata Ursula Halpin Presence in Absence Glass Kym Martin Untitled Giclée print on canson rag Doctor of the University 1993 Dr John McDonald AM (dec.) Dr Jean Blackburn AO (dec.) Professor Lowitja O’Donoghue AC, CBE, DSJ Dr Alison Crook AO Dr James May 2001 Honorable Justice Michael Kirby AC, CMG 1994 Dr Anne Deveson AO Dr Gavin Walkley AM (dec.) Dr John Uhrig AC Honorable Dame Roma Mitchell AC, DBE (dec.) 2003 Professor Zhang Xiaowei Dr Maurice de Rohan AO OBE (dec.) Dr Yuan Tseh Lee Dr Alfred Huang AM 1995 Dr Doreen Kartinyeri (dec.) Dr David Pank AM (dec.) Dr Christobel Mattingley AM Dr James CY Soong 1996 Dr Archie Barton AM (dec.) Dr Betty Davis AM Honorable Justice John von Doussa QC Dr Wendy McCarthy AO Honorable Dr John Dawkins AO Sir Eric Neal AC, CVO 1997 Dr Daniel Thomas AM Dr Sue Vardon AO Dr John Moriarty AM Honorable Justice Samuel Jacobs AO (dec.) Dr S (Max) Richards 1998 Dr Nelson Mandela Honorable RJL Hawke AC Dr Bruce Webb (dec.) Dr Julian Clark Dr Ruth Tuck AO (dec.) Dr Don Williams AO (dec.) Dr Alice Rigney 1999 Professor Lyndall Ryan Dr Colin Thiele AC (dec.) Honorable Dr Basil Hetzel AC 2000 Dr Patricia Crook AO Dr Lyndsay Connors Dr Malcolm Kinnaird AC Dr Rick Allert AO Dr Kym Bonython AC (dec.) 2002 Dr Dagmar Egen AM Professor Eleanor Ramsay 2004 Dr Phillip Adams AO Dr Stephen Page AM 2005 Professor Andrew Ehrenberg (dec.) Dr Frank Bass (dec.) Dr Julian Burnside QC Dr Leon Davis AO Professor R Natarajan Dr Gregor Ramsey AM Dr Simon Wong 2006 Dr Norton Jackson AM Dr Mike Rann Dr Susan Ryan AO 2007 Emeritus Professor Denise Bradley AC Professor Don Bursill AM Dr Ron Radford AM Professor Leanna Read 2008 Dr Pamela Ryan Dr Milton Moon AM 2009 Professor Jarl Rosenholm Dr David Klingberg AO Dr Martin Albrecht AC 2010 Professor Brian Vincent Adjunct Professor Neil Bryans 2011 Dr Alice McCleary Professor Ashis Nandy Emeritus Professor Maxwell Brennan AO Dr Jeffrey Smart AO Emeritus Professor University Fellow 1992 Emeritus Professor Alan Mead OBE (dec.) 1999 Mr Norton Jackson AM Mr Frank Lampard OAM Mr John Heard AM Mr Earle Scott OAM (dec.) Mr Malcolm Colegate Mr Richard (Dick) Fidock AO 1997 Emeritus Professor Robert Northcote (dec.) 1998 Emeritus Professor Kenneth J Atkins (dec.) Emeritus Professor Colin Bourke Emeritus Professor David H Lee Emeritus Professor David Robinson Emeritus Professor Robert Smyth 1999 Emeritus Professor Henry d’Assumpcao 2000 Emeritus Professor Michael Miller AO Emeritus Professor Lloyd Sansom AO 2002 Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs AO Emeritus Professor Ruth Grant AM 2003 Emeritus Professor Kym Adey AM 2004 Emeritus Professor Kevin O’Brien 2006 Emeritus Professor Ian Davey Emeritus Professor Alison Mackinnon AM Emeritus Professor Robert Crotty 2007 Emeritus Professor Denise Bradley AC Emeritus Professor Robin King Emeritus Professor Bruce King 2008 Emeritus Professor Michael Rowan Emeritus Professor Paul Hughes AM, FACE 2009 Emeritus Professor Marjory Ebbeck Emeritus Professor Alan Reid AM 2010 Emeritus Professor Stephen Hamnett Emeritus Professor Philip Howlett Emeritus Professor Dorothy Scott 2011 Emeritus Professor Hilary Winchester Emeritus Professor Mary Barton 2002 Mr Wallace Cameron 2004 Mrs Elizabeth (Liz) Watson (dec.) Mr Eric Granger Mr Lewis O’Brien Dr Geoff Wood 2005 Mr Ian Hardy AM Mr Gordon Ingkatji Professor Jong Taik Lee 2006 Mr Andrew Chen Mr Yeong Chee Meng 2007 Mr Stephen Hains Mrs Li Yian Lin 2008 Mr Kelvin Trimper 2009 Dr Kia Ngee Chew 2010 Mr Peter Smith Ms Jan Lowe 2012 Graduation Ceremonies Monday 26 March 2012 at 3.00pm Friday 30 March 2012 at 3.00pm Adelaide Festival Theatre Adelaide Festival Theatre Institute for Telecommunications Research School of Nursing and Midwifery Ian Wark Research Institute School of Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering School of Computer and Information Science Friday 13 April 2012 at 3.00pm Middleback Theatre, Whyalla Centre for Regional Engagement School of Electrical and Information Engineering Tuesday 7 August 2012 School of Mathematics and Statistics Wednesday 8 August 2012 School of Natural and Built Environments Adelaide Festival Theatre Tuesday 27 March 2012 at 10.30am Thursday 20 December 2012 Adelaide Festival Theatre Adelaide Convention Centre School of Commerce Onshore International students only School of Law Tuesday 27 March 2012 at 3.00pm Adelaide Festival Theatre International Graduate School of Business School of Management School of Marketing Wednesday 28 March 2012 at 10.30am Adelaide Festival Theatre School of Art, Architecture and Design Wednesday 28 March 2012 at 3.00pm Adelaide Festival Theatre School of Education Thursday 29 March 2012 at 10.30am Adelaide Festival Theatre School of Communication, International Studies and Languages The David Unaipon College of Indigenous Education and Research Thursday 29 March 2012 at 3.00pm Adelaide Festival Theatre School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences School of Psychology, Social Work and Social Policy Friday 30 March 2012 at 10.30am Adelaide Festival Theatre School of Health Sciences 2012 Presentation of Awards Ceremonies Sunday 1 July 2012 Saturday 7 July 2012 InterContinental, Kuala Lumpur Academic Community Hall, Hong Kong Baptist University Wednesday 4 July 2012 Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore Sunday 8 July 2012 Kowloon Shangri-La, Hong Kong Zoe Woods Microcosm 1 Glass Patrick Rees Colony Acrylic, sealant, putty Alumni Network As a graduate from UniSA, you automatically become a member of the Alumni Network and join more than 155,000 other alumni University of South Australia working all over the world. That’s a valuable Alumni Association of Hong Kong professional network and UniSA supports and encourages interaction and exchange The Hong Kong chapter was established to between alumni. UniSA Alumni has global promote the public image of the Association reach with chapters and clubs operating in and UniSA; aid alumni to increase their own over nine countries. Specialised networks also business and social networks; facilitate alumni exist within South Australia and alumni are business and personal development; encouraged to visit the website to see encourage the exchange of experiences upcoming events amongst alumni; and gather alumni and students of UniSA in Hong Kong to form a recognised community through many projects Alumni Network Benefits and functions. Alumni have access to a growing package of Contact: Dr Edward Lam, President rewards, and opportunities, such as the Email: UniSA Alumni Business Directory, UniSA General enquiries: Library membership, UniSA Magazine, Website: discounted tickets at the Adelaide Festival Centre and Alumni career planning. However, to take full advantage of all benefits you may University of South Australia need a membership card. To apply for a FREE Alumni Association of Malaysia membership card visit The Malaysian chapter was set up to allow alumni in Malaysia to interact with each other Please remember to keep your contact details and with UniSA. Numerous activities have up to date so that the University can keep been organized for alumni including mountain you informed of benefits and opportunities. climbing up Mt Kinabalu, go-karting, bowling, This can be done online at jungle trekking, networking sessions and the Annual Dinner. The fee for lifetime membership is RM50. International Alumni Chapters Contact: Cheng Wai Kok, President and Groups Email: Website: There are five international UniSA Alumni chapters in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and the UK. There are also smaller groups active in Indonesia and China. These networks offer alumni a variety of professional and social functions and the opportunity to meet other UniSA graduates. University of South Australia South Australian Universities Alumni Alumni Chapter of Singapore Chapter of the United Kingdom The Singapore chapter serves as a platform The UK chapter promotes interaction between for the local UniSA Alumni to network and all alumni residing temporarily or permanently create opportunities for business and social in the UK. A variety of social, networking, development. academic and promotional events are held throughout the year intended to provide at Contact: Dr Mike Teng, President least one occasion for every taste. Email: Website: Contact: Dennis Muirhead, Chair Email: Website: University of South Australia Alumni Association of Taiwan OzMate Indonesian Alumni Group The Taiwan chapter promotes the exchange of UniSA Alumni living in Indonesia are education, culture, academics, economy, trade encouraged to join the UniSA Alumni and tourism between Alumni and UniSA. The Network and OzMate. once-only application fee for membership is OzMate is an interactive online networking 1,000 New Taiwanese dollars. community exclusive to Indonesians who have studied or are still studying in Australia. Contact: Sheila Bailey Find old friends, network and communicate, Email: engage in online forum discussions and Website: receive information about upcoming events and job opportunities. Membership is free an.asp and you can register online. Contact: Sheila Bailey Email: Website: Australia China Alumni Association working in China; provide a social networking (ACAA) opportunity for alumni in China; host a range of professionally orientated events/forums The ACAA welcomes alumni of UniSA who to provide personal development and are returning to, or based in China, to join professional networking opportunities; and its growing network of Australian University raise the profile of Australian education and Alumni. The aims of the ACAA are to: Australian universities in China, through Develop and maintain close, ongoing links local media and alumni profiling. Membership with alumni in China; develop a powerful costs 100RMB per year and you can register network of alumni contacts across China; online. provide ongoing career advice and support for Chinese alumni upon their return to Contact: Sheila Bailey China, and for International alumni of Email: Australian universities who are living and Website: Jessica James Tracing Spores Sterling silver 925 VISION UNISA WILL BE A LEADING CONTRIBUTOR TO AUSTRALIA HAVING THE BEST HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM IN THE WORLD, SUPPORTING THE WORLD’S BEST EDUCATED AND MOST INNOVATIVE, COHESIVE AND SUSTAINABLE SOCIETY. MISSION UNISA EDUCATES PROFESSIONALS AND CITIZENS TO THE HIGHEST STANDARDS; CREATES AND DISSEMINATES KNOWLEDGE; AND ENGAGES WITH OUR COMMUNITIES TO ADDRESS THE MAJOR ISSUES OF OUR TIME. VALUES SCHOLARSHIP UNISA PROMOTES AND SUSTAINS OPEN INTELLECTUAL ENQUIRY CHARACTERISED BY HIGH STANDARDS OF ETHICS AND INTEGRITY. ACADEMIC RIGOUR, EXCELLENCE AND RELEVANCE UNDERPIN OUR ACTIONS IN RESEARCH AND ITS APPLICATION, IN TEACHING AND LEARNING AND IN ENGAGEMENT WITH OUR COMMUNITIES. ENGAGEMENT UNISA’S TEACHING AND RESEARCH CONNECT STRONGLY WITH THE ISSUES OF OUR LOCAL, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL STAKEHOLDERS - STUDENTS, ALUMNI, STAFF, PARTNERS, PROFESSIONS, GOVERNMENT, INDUSTRY, ACADEMIC PEERS AND COMMUNITY GROUPS. SOCIAL JUSTICE UNISA GIVES EFFECT TO RECONCILIATION WITH INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS AND BUILDS SOCIAL COHESION BY ACHIEVING EQUITABLE EDUCATIONAL ACCESS AND OUTCOMES ACROSS OUR DIVERSE STUDENT COMMUNITY, THROUGH RESEARCH THAT AIMS TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE AND BY ACTING RESPONSIBLY AS A CORPORATE CITIZEN. SUSTAINABILITY UNISA CONTRIBUTES TO ENVIRONMENTALLY, ECONOMICALLY, SOCIALLY AND CULTURALLY SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, AND UNISA AIMS TO REDUCE ITS OWN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT. INNOVATION UNISA ANTICIPATES CHANGE AND ACTS QUICKLY TO SEIZE OPPORTUNITIES AND SOLVE PROBLEMS. OPENNESS UNISA IS OUTWARD LOOKING, WELCOMING DIVERSITY AND THE WIDE RANGE OF PERSPECTIVES IT BRINGS, INTERNATIONAL IN OUTLOOK, COLLABORATIVE, CREATIVE, AGILE AND ENTERPRISING. Educating Professionals Creating and Applying Knowledge Engaging our Communities
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