media pack inserts
media pack inserts
INTRODUCTION The Irish Examiner is a significant national broadsheet newspaper challenging conventional choices. It offers a vital, refreshingly objective approach to national and international news and current affairs with journalists who are recognised experts in business, finance, politics, law, technology, property, sport, culture, health and topics of general interest. Our unrivalled strength in sport, our six-day range of supplements and our strong Munster coverage all contribute to the Irish Examiner’s unique profile. IT BRINGS SOMETHING EXTRA TO LIFE EACH DAY A DIFFERENT VIEW since 1841 For a different view SPECIAL SUPPLEMENTS T H E P E R F E C T F O R U M F O R AT T R A C T I N G N E W C U S TO M E R S The Irish Examiner, on a regular basis, publishes specific advertising supplements which, due to their focused content, act as an ideal conduit for potential advertisers to reach their target market. These supplements could be as diverse as: RUGBY WORLD CUP | GIFTS | WINE | MORTGAGES PARENTHOOD | GARDENING | DRAGON EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS In addition to these event/creative type supplements we also co-ordinate and publish client focused publications.These supplements provide the ideal vehicle for clients to project a very progressive image by providing a detailed and deep insight into their companies. Advertising Contact: Aidan Forde Head of Advertising Tel. 021-4802118 Mobile 086 2782457 e-mail: Advertising Contact: Colin Horgan Features & Supplements Manager Tel. 021-4802234 Mobile 086 8504863 e-mail: For a different view A DIFFERENT VIEW since 1841 204,000 pEoplE REAd ThE IRISh ExAMINER EvERy dAy, dElIvERINg kEy AudIENCES ACRoSS A BRoAd RANgE of BoTh AgE ANd SoCIAl ClASS. Age Profile: Even readership spread across the different age categories. 7 out of 10 readers read the Irish Examiner exclusively. 59,000 more readers in Munster than the Irish Independent. 127,000 more readers in Munster than the Irish Times. Age 45-54 97,000 ABC1 readers. This is 48% of our total readership. 23% 53% of Irish Examiner readers are male. 47% of Irish Examiner readers are female. Source: JNRS 2009/2010 Age 55-64 18% Age 65+ 18% Age 35-44 14% Age 25-34 17% A DIFFERENT VIEW sINcE 1841 Age 15-24 10% Farming YO U R 1 6 - PAG E G U I D E TO C O U N T RY L I F E EVERY THURSDAY 8£ 6£ Looking for pastures new 2*+4 Agri-business earns about one third of Ireland's net export earnings, and 22+/ 1- 15(5 the Irish Examiner's Farming section serves that business with wide ranging, authoritative and interesting coverage. Farming is unique among agri-publications for its up-to-date reflection of major modern rural trends such as part time farming and non-agricultural rural development. We carry the full range of agri-news and technical farming advice, but also cater for a wider audience in all rural affairs. qɯ ɛ ɛǷ ǂƬ ȃǷ Ðƻ Ɇȃ ʇ )'*/+ *'$ / ))$ '* % !$*! *!2#/2 " *# + '3 + /,*,""\1ÃiÀ\ÃÌi« iV>`}>>Ìi\Ó{ÉänÉÓä£ä/i\£Ç\ÎÈ\ÓÈ`Ì\ÓÈÉänÉÓä£ä>À}8ÓÈän*>}i\Î <i\8£ Î 8£ 6£ ÕÞiÀà vÀVi` Ì ÀiÞ Ài ÃiVÕÀ} Àà }À> /,*,""\1ÃiÀ\ÃÌi« iV>`}>>Ìi\Ó{ÉänÉÓä£ä/i\£Ç\Î{\ÎÓ`Ì\ÓÈÉänÉÓä£ä>À}8ÓÈän*>}i\£Î <i\8£ { (5 (5 (( (1 (1 ( >i ÀÌà v>À à >VÀi Ü i>Ì ä x i > à `ÕLÌà - , & iÝVÕÃÛi v 6/® >ÃÌ Üii] >à իÀiVi`iÌi` }L> }À> ,,- Ài«ÀÌi` }iÌÌ} >ÀiÌ ÕViÀÌ>ÌÞ vÀVi` Ì i Õ« Ì F£xx «iÀ Ìi vÀ vii` `ÕÃÌÀÞ Ì LÕÞ V>Þ Ã«À} L>ÀiÞ >Ì Óä¯ ÃÌÕÀi vÀ Ì iÀ ÃÌÀ>Ìi}V ii`ð Ã>` Õ« Ì F£È{ Ü>à «>` vÀ }Àii Ü i>Ì° "Ì iÀ Ì > VÛiÀ} Ì iÀ «ÀÀÌÞ }À> ii`Ã] ÃÌ LÕÞiÀà >Ài Ü>Ì} vÀ vÕÌÕÀià >ÀiÌÃ Ì V>«Ãi] >` vÀ V>ÀÀÞ} VÃÌà v }À> Ì v> Ì Ài>ÃÌV iÛiÃ] LivÀi V ÌÌ} Ì «ÀÌÃ] Ü V >ÃÌ $) 2 8£ 6£ ( 1 Þi>À i>Ài` i "* . 1 1!"-; #9E&9= 5. ) .4 #9E%9 1)* 2H9E%= 2A9%H 2&9E= @:* Ìià v Ü i>Ì] L>ÀiÞ] )* $1) " E-" 2 . 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Get the inside track on what's coming up for sale, and find out what's coming down that track. Find out what impacts on the business end of property and on the property end of business. Pubs, hotels, offices, investments, shops, businesses, industrial bases and factories all need a home - and CommercialProperty provides the key. o Sitewatch - where it’s all happening on the ground o Pubwatch - the old, the new, the born again o Inside view of key commercial properties o Under the hammer - latest from the auctions Property Editor: Tommy Barker Tel. 021-4802221 e-mail: Advertising Contact: M arguerite Stafford Tel. 021-4802100 e-mail: A DIFFERENT VIEW SINCE 1841 Feelgood YO U R 1 6 - PA G E G U I D E TO A H E A LT H Y L I F E S T Y L E EVERY FRIDAY Feelgood is an established and award-winning health and lifestyle publication with the Irish Examiner every Friday, targeting the female market, aged 25-45. It features stories about who and what shapes our healthcare and wellbeing. Feelgood puts people first. Dealing with issues such as getting in shape, giving up cigarettes, losing weight and finding a partner. From rearing children to dealing with stress - life throws up a lot of questions; Feelgood helps you find the answers. o Megan Sheppard - Natural Health expert o Dr. Niamh Houston - GP covering children’s health o Dr. Tony Humphreys - best selling author and clinical psychologist o R oz Crowley - on food o Helen O’Callaghan - SKB Feature HealthWriter of theYear,on social issues o Emily O’Sullivan - top Irish beauty writer Feelgood Editor: Irene Feighan Tel. 021-4802292 e-mail: Advertising Contact: Lori Fraser Tel. 021-4802265 e-mail: A DIFFERENT VIEW SINCE 1841 Money&Jobs YO U R G U I D E TO F I N A N C E , C A R E E R S A N D B U S I N E S S C U LT U R E EVERY FRIDAY The key to what’s going on Our team of award winning, highly experienced journalists will keep you fully briefed on the key business events as they happen, supported by economic and industry experts who provide comment on the broader aspects of the domestic, international business and economic scene. o Where the best people look for the best jobs o Delves into the consumer issues that matter-from bank charges to pensions o Offers clear insights into complex issues, giving you information to make informed business and career decisions. o Casts a critical eye every week over key money and job issues o Offers job profiles that take you behind the employment scene o Gives you the bigger business picture, helping to put everything else into context It's all about Money&Jobs Business Editor: Conor Keane Tel. 021-4802259 e-mail: Dublin Office Advertising contact: Anne Bero t Tel. 01 6056314 e-mail: Cork Office Advertising Contact: Gladys Hourigan Tel. 021-4802177 e-mail: Cork Office Advertising Contact: Sandra Care y Tel. 021-4802176 e-mail: A DIFFERENT VIEW SINCE 1841 Weekend YOUR 40-PAGE GUIDE TO FASHION, FOOD & LEISURE EVERY SATURDAY The life and soul of Saturday Whether you plan to spend your free time at home or on the town, the Irish Examiner Weekend is your complete companion. If you're interested in fashion, food, movies, television, books or a good night out, then you'll find the most relevant information on what's available to buy, taste or view in Weekend. Weekend is also packed with lively interviews with the stars of the latest movies and TV shows, as well as pop and rock bands on tour in Ireland. o 40-page magazine - life and soul of the weekend o Weekend guide to TV, Radio,Video, Cinema o Fashion, entertainment, travel o Hot topics, incisive reviews, international interviews o Darina Allen’s foodfile o Blake Creedon on the Grapevine Features Editor: Vickie Maye Tel. 021-4802297 e-mail: Dublin OfficeAdvertising contact: Anne Bero t Tel. 01 6056314 e-mail: Cork Office Advertising Contact: Ger Duggan Tel. 021-4802192 e-mail: A DIFFERENT VIEW SINCE 1841 Property IRELAND’S BEST GUIDE F O R P E O P L E O N T H E M OV E EVERY SATURDAY From breaking news to breaking into the room next door, Property with the Irish Examiner is Ireland’s best guide for people on the move, investing or just browsing. Each Saturday, we show our readers the extensive range of residential properties currently available on the market for all budgets. These range from starter homes and family homes to the latest in new developments, holiday retreats and overseas properties. We also go through the keyhole of Ireland’s most unique and attractive properties and offer expert advice on topics ranging from gardening to antiques and interiors. For our advertisers, Property offers the opportunity to showcase your portfolio of properties and developments to 267,000 adults, 199,000 of whom do not read any other newspaper. And with more readers in Munster than both the Irish Independent and the Irish Times combined, you will reach an audience that you cannot target through any other newspaper either local or national. A competitive investment in a Property advertising campaign with the Irish Examiner will deliver a unique audience and better value than any other newspaper in the Munster region. o Interiors - wall-to-wall coverage of what’s happening in design o Lodge to loft - full range of residential properties for all budgets o What’s affordable and where o Antiques, crafts, collectibles o Finance, insurance, investment advice o Home & Garden with the expertise of Charlie Wilkins Property Editor: Tommy Barker Tel. 021-4802221 e-mail: Advertising Contact: M arguerite Dooley Tel. 021-4802100 e-mail: A DIFFERENT VIEW SINCE 1841 KEY PERSONNEL CONTACTS TELEPHONE E-MAIL EDITOR: Tim Vaughan 021-4802218 021-4802152 021-4802110 021-4802259 021-4802313 021-4802365 021-4802118 021-4802146 021-4802138 021-4802186 SPORTS EDITOR: Tony Leen NEWS EDITOR: Dolan O'Hagan FINANCE EDITOR: Conor Keane FEATURES EDITOR: Fionnuala Quinlan FARMING EDITOR: Stephen Cadogan HEAD OF ADVERTISING: Aidan Forde MARKETING MANAGER: Mairead Maher CIRCULATION SALES MANAGER: Sean Murphy CHIEF EXECUTIVE: Tom Murphy w w w. i r i s h e x a m i n e r. c o m For a different A DIFFERENTview VIEW since 1841 OUR SALES TEAM KEY CONTACTS ADVERTISING MANAGER: Aidan Forde NATIONAL AGENCY / ACCOUNT SALES MANAGER-TCH GROUP: Oliver Hayes Tel: 021-4802118 e-mail: Tel. 01 6056310 e-mail: NATIONAL AGENCY ADVERTISING: Anne Berot Tel. 01 6056314 e-mail: OTHER CONTACTS DISPLAY ADVERTISING MANAGER: Ger Duggan RECRUITMENT: Sandra Carey Tel: 021-4802192 e-mail: Tel: 021-4802176 e-mail: FRONT OFFICE MANAGER: Mary Terry Tel: 021-4802394 e-mail: PROPERTY ADVERTISING MANAGER: Marguerite Dooley Tel: 021-4802100 e-mail: FARMING ADVERTISING MANAGER: William Wills Tel: 021-4802195 e-mail: TELE SALES MANAGER: Lynda O’Mahony Tel: 021-4802190 e-mail: FEATURES & SUPPLEMENTS MANAGER: Colin Horgan Tel: 021-4802234 e-mail: For a different A DIFFERENTview VIEW since 1841 Gladys Hourigan Tel: 021-4802177 e-mail: MOTORS:Kate Higgins Tel: 021-4802179 e-mail: Anne Marie Power Tel: 021-4802178 e-mail: SOCIAL & PERSONAL: Nichola Casey Tel: 021-4802183 e-mail: Sinead Healy Tel: 021-4802182 e-mail: DIRECT SALES REPRESENTATIVES Alice De La Cour Tel: 021-4802108 / 086 8504862 Kevin Cronin Tel: 021-4802258 / 087 1217034 what our advertisers say... This is Irish Examiner over many years. With the number one Lager Brand in the marketplace, we are very conscious of the type of media we use to ensure we have an effective and efficient means of reaching our many customers. The Irish Examiner helps us to achieve this and plays a prominent part in our media campaigns. Declan Farmer Corporate Affairs Manager, Heineken As a major spender in Print Advertising, we must achieve best cost-per-thousand rates for our clients. The Newspaper environment must also facilitate our Creative Design work to achieve the desired impact and colour reproduction. The Irish Examiner consistently satisfies all our requirements, which is why we are one of their top advertisers since our establishment in 1955. Pat Lemasney, Director, Southern Advertising Agency. VHI has advertised with the Irish Examiner for many years. We have always found it to be an excellent means of communication with our target audiences. The Irish Examiner has gone from strength to strength in recent years. Gearoid Gilley, VHI Healthcare With stores in Cork, Bunratty, Dublin, Galway and Killarney we find the Irish Examiner one of the most effective media, as it successfully delivers our message to our target audience in these areas. Katie Condon, Marketing Executive Meadows and byrne For a different A DIFFERENT view VIEW since 1841 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Heineken Ireland has developed a very successful relationship with the