The highest-quality native, local genotype plants and seed Species
The highest-quality native, local genotype plants and seed Species
The highest-quality native, local genotype plants and seed Species List The highest-quality native, local genotype plants and seed With almost three decades of experience in growing native plants, Taylor Creek Restoration Nurseries (TCRN) is a leader in native plant propagation. With production facilities in southern Wisconsin and eastern Kansas, TCRN supplies the entire Midwest and beyond. Our staff has degrees in horticulture, conservation and land-use planning, and reclamation. Just as important as the diplomas, our people are passionately dedicated to the promotion and use of native species. CONTENTS Our Philosophy, Local Genotype 1-2 Species List 3-20 Plant Alias List 21-24 Contact Us 25 Order Form 26 Restoration Nurseries: Local Genotype TCRN produces and provides the highest-quality native, local-genotype plants. Native merely means the species was natural to the area, before European settlement. Local-genotype means the strain is correct for the area. This is a very important detail. Just because Panicum virgatum (Switch grass) is native to your area doesn’t mean the genotype is the correct one. We can probably agree that a genotype from Texas isn’t the same as one from Minnesota, and you probably don’t want to plant it in your savanna there. Aside from being incorrect, it’s also not going to do well in the kinds of temperatures and rainfall typical of the Upper Midwest … if it survives at all. Our Philosophy: Work with nature, not against it So, why are we so enthusiastic about native plants? Natives are naturally adapted to local soils and climates. They’re vigorous, deep-rooted plants that produce a beautiful progression of blooms and textures throughout the year; attract a variety of wildlife, birds and butterflies; control, infiltrate and filter rainwater and runoff better than any other species or man-made systems; and are very easy to maintain. Established native plantings will thrive and bloom without fertilizers, pesticides or watering, even in dry seasons when conventional turf lawns turn brown. Mowing is virtually eliminated, and you save money through the reduced use of lawn-care equipment (and the fuel it requires), fertilizers and chemicals. Our Mission: Spreading seed and the word We want to convert others to native planting by offering high quality, genetically appropriate native flora as well as the expertise to use and care for them. Education is a big part of our mission, and our restoration nurseries will educate and support our customers and the public at large in their land-use decisions. Our parent company, Applied Ecological Services, is an ecological consulting and contracting company. Through them, we have direct access to the latest scientific research and practical application techniques relating to the use, propagation and management of native plants in ecological restoration and native landscaping. We encourage our customers to ask questions and learn more about the best ways to use native species in your projects. Our commitment to customer service, quality products and ecological science has helped us become one of the premier native nurseries in every area in which we work. We’re dedicated to offering the best plants and growing advice available. 1 Prairie Meadows and Taylor Creek We are pleased to announce our partnership with Prairie Meadows. Our partnership will allow us to share resources and better serve our clients. Taylor Creek and Prairie Meadows are kindred spirits. We both grow and sell ONLY native Midwestern grass and forb species and we are committed to local genetics. Growing seed - Growing Service: A Natural Match When you order native species seed from Prairie Meadows, your order will be processed though Taylor Creek’s client services, but you will still get the local Minnesota genomes you’ve come to know and trust. But you’ll also have access to additional local Midwestern species Taylor Creek grows – over 500 species! In addition, our combined resources allow us to now provide you with live plant products, in addition to seed. 2 Species List Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Sweet flag $12.00 $12.50 $1.35 $1.21 $1.05 Agalinis purpurea Purple false foxglove $100.00 $100.00 Agalinis tenuifolia Slenderleaf false foxglove $60.94 $60.94 Agastache nepetoides Yellow giant hyssop $21.88 $23.13 Agastache scrophulariifolia Purple giant hyssop $12.19 $15.63 Ageratina altissima White snakeroot $36.25 $40.63 Alisma subcordatum American water plantain $5.94 $9.38 Alisma triviale Large-flowered water plantain $75.00 Allium burdickii Wild leek $48.44 $45.00 Allium canadense Wild garlic $8.00 $8.00 Allium cernuum Nodding wild onion $11.56 $15.00 Allium stellatum Prairie onion $21.88 $26.56 Amorpha canescens Leadplant $40.63 $53.13 Amorpha fruticosa False Indigo bush $29.69 $40.63 Amsonia illustris Shining blue star Andropogon gerardii Big bluestem $0.50 Anemone canadensis Meadow/Canada anemone Anemone cylindrica Thimbleweed Anemone quinquefolia* Wood anemone Anemone virginiana Tall anemone $28.13 Anemonella thalictroides Rue anemone Angelica atropurpurea Great angelica Antennaria plantaginifolia Botanical Name Common Name Acorus calamus $1.16 $1.70 $1.42 $1.16 $1.35 $1.05 $0.95 $1.58 $1.70 $1.42 $1.45 $1.31 $0.56 $1.35 $1.05 $34.38 $43.75 $2.00 $1.47 $21.88 $28.44 $1.25 $1.05 $4.50 $3.15 $40.63 $1.40 $1.05 $75.00 $93.75 $4.50 $3.15 $8.75 $10.00 $2.00 $1.47 Pussy toes $237.50 $281.25 Aquilegia canadensis Wild columbine $40.63 $46.88 $1.70 $1.16 Aralia nudicaulis Wild sarsaparilla $87.50 $100.00 Aralia racemosa American spikenard $162.50 $200.00 $0.95 $0.95 $0.95 $0.95 $0.95 3 Species List Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Silverweed cinquefoil $37.50 $45.00 Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-pulpit $32.81 $50.00 $4.50 $3.15 Arnoglossum atriplicifolium Pale Indian plantain $14.06 $18.44 $2.00 $1.79 Arnoglossum plantagineum Prairie Indian plantain $75.00 $93.75 Artemisia ludovinciana White sage $40.63 Asarum canadense Wild ginger $100.00 $4.50 $3.15 Asclepias incarnata Swamp milkweed $15.63 $28.13 $1.25 $1.05 Asclepias purpurascens Purple milkweed $81.25 $93.75 Asclepias sullivanti Prairie milkweed $59.38 $68.75 Asclepias syriaca Common milkweed $6.88 $11.25 $1.70 $1.16 Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly weed $30.31 $40.63 $1.50 $1.26 Asclepias verticellata Whorled milkweed $75.00 $87.50 $1.70 $1.26 Asclepias viridiflora Short green milkweed $93.75 $112.50 $2.10 $2.10 Astragalus canadensis Canadian milk vetch $5.00 Athyrium filix-femina Lady fern $5.00 $4.20 Avena sativa (cover crop) Seed oats $0.81 $0.81 Baptisia alba White wild indigo $17.81 $28.13 $1.70 $1.31 $0.95 Baptisia australis Blue indigo Baptisia bracteata var. leucophaea Cream wild indigo $93.75 $81.25 $1.70 $1.42 $0.95 Bidens cernua Nodding bur marigold $25.00 $28.13 Bidens frondosa Common beggar's ticks $17.19 $23.44 Blephilia ciliata Ohio horsemint $93.75 $112.50 Blephilia hirusta Hairy pagoda plant $25.00 $30.00 Boltonia asteroides False aster $9.06 $9.69 $1.35 $1.16 Bouteloua curtipendula Side Oats Grama $1.63 $1.75 $1.40 $1.05 Bouteloua dactyloides Buffalograss $1.56 $1.88 $1.35 $1.16 Botanical Name Common Name Argentina anserina $0.95 $2.10 $0.95 $1.60 $0.95 4 Species List Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Botanical Name Common Name Bouteloua gracilis Blue grama grass Bouteloua hirsuta Hairy grama $8.75 $10.31 Brickellia eupatorioides False boneset $14.06 $20.31 Bromus ciliatus Fringed brome $3.75 $12.19 $1.16 Bromus kalmii Arctic brome $2.19 $6.88 $1.26 Bromus pubescens Woodland brome $7.50 $9.06 $1.26 Calamagrostis canadensis Blue joint grass $40.31 $42.19 Callirhoe involucrata Purple poppy mallow Caltha palustris Marsh marigold $62.50 Camassia scilloides Wild hyacinth Campanulastrum americanum Tall bellflower Cardamine bulbosa Bulbous bittercress Cardamine concatenata Toothwort Cardamine concatenata Toothwort Carex annectens Yellow-fruited sedge Carex aquatilis var. aquatilis Long-bracted tussock sedge Carex atherodes Wheat sedge Carex bebbii Bebb's sedge $12.19 $15.31 $1.35 $1.05 $0.95 Carex bicknellii Bicknell's sedge $13.13 $20.00 $1.25 $1.05 $0.95 Carex blanda Eastern woodland sedge Carex brevior Short beak sedge $13.13 $15.63 Carex buxbaumii Buxbaum's sedge $20.00 $20.31 Carex cephalophora Rough clustered sedge Carex comosa Longhair sedge $10.94 $20.63 $1.40 $1.16 Carex crinita Fringed sedge $13.13 $14.38 $1.50 $1.31 Carex cristatella Crested sedge $32.50 $34.38 $1.40 $1.16 $1.35 $1.16 $1.40 $1.16 $1.35 $1.05 $1.45 $1.35 $75.00 $3.00 $2.10 $68.75 $75.00 $3.00 $2.10 $30.00 $42.19 $2.50 $1.85 $3.00 $2.63 $4.50 $3.68 $1.25 $1.05 $1.60 $1.37 $75.00 $14.06 $0.95 $1.10 $93.75 $20.31 $0.95 $2.10 $1.47 $1.25 $1.05 $1.47 $1.47 $0.95 $0.95 5 Species List Botanical Name Common Name Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Carex davisii Awned graceful sedge $75.00 Carex eburnea Cedar Sedge $1.65 $1.37 Carex emoryi Riverbank sedge $1.75 $1.47 Carex festucacea Fescue sedge $1.50 $1.31 Carex frankii Franks sedge $1.45 $1.35 Carex gracillima Purple-sheathed graceful sedge $19.00 $19.00 Carex granularis Pale sedge $48.00 $53.00 $1.75 $1.47 Carex gravida Long-awned bracted sedge $10.94 $15.63 $1.75 $1.47 Carex grayi Common bur sedge $28.13 $40.63 $1.70 $1.47 Carex hirsutella Hairy green sedge $45.00 Carex hyalinolepis Common lake sedge $59.38 $75.00 $2.00 $1.47 Carex hystericina Bottlebrush sedge $10.94 $11.56 $1.25 $1.05 Carex interior Inland sedge $32.81 Carex lacustris Hairy sedge $106.25 Carex lasiocarpa Woolyfruit sedge $84.38 Carex lupulina Common hop sedge $20.31 $1.70 $1.47 Carex lurida Shallow sedge $1.60 $1.47 Carex meadii (tetanica) Mead's stiff sedge $46.88 $1.70 $1.63 Carex molesta Field oval sedge $12.19 $13.44 Carex muehlenbergii Sand bracted sedge $37.19 $43.13 $1.70 $1.47 Carex muskingumensis Swamp oval sedge $19.06 $20.31 $1.50 $1.26 Carex normalis Spreading oval sedge $10.94 $17.19 $1.50 $1.26 Carex oligocarpa Sparse-fruited sedge Carex pellita Broad-leaved woolly sedge $75.00 $1.80 $1.58 Carex pensylvanica Common oak sedge $156.25 $2.00 $1.58 Carex praegracilis Tollway sedge $1.47 $1.47 $0.95 $118.75 $20.31 $3.15 $1.25 $1.80 6 Species List Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* $75.00 $93.75 Botanical Name Common Name Carex prairea Fen panicled sedge Carex radiata Curly wood sedge Carex restrorsa Retrorsa sedge $156.25 $181.25 Carex rosea Curly-styled wood sedge $187.50 $231.25 Carex sartwelli Sartwell’s sedge $81.25 Carex scoparia Broom sedge $12.19 $14.06 $1.25 Carex sparganioides Loose-headed bracted sedge $37.50 $45.00 $1.70 $1.47 Carex sprengelii Long-beaked sedge $23.44 $26.56 $1.70 $1.47 Carex stipata Owl-fruited sedge $10.31 $15.31 $1.25 $1.05 $0.95 Carex stricta Common tussock sedge $65.63 $143.75 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 Carex tenera Narrow-leaved oval sedge $43.75 $52.50 Carex tribuloides Blunt broom sedge $34.38 $40.63 $1.65 Carex trichocarpa (BR only) Hairyfruit sedge $1.58 $2.00 $1.58 $2.00 $1.79 $0.95 $1.68 $1.25 $1.05 Carex typhina Cattail sedge $24.69 $29.69 $2.00 $1.47 Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge, Brown fox sedge $13.13 $14.38 $1.25 $1.05 Carya cordiformis Bitternut hickory $5.00 $5.00 Carya ovata*** Shagbark hickory $5.00 $5.00 Caulophyllum thalictroides Blue cohosh $16.25 $19.69 Ceanothus americanus New Jersey tea $90.00 $100.00 $1.80 $1.47 Ceratophyllum demersum (BR only) Coon's tail Chamaecrista fasciculata Partridge pea Chamerion angustifolium Fireweed Chasmanthium (Uniola) latifolium River oats Chelone glabra Turtlehead Chelone obliqua Rose turtlehead Cicuta maculata Water hemlock $0.95 $0.80 $1.56 $2.81 $168.75 $187.50 $68.75 $23.75 $81.25 $26.56 $1.70 $1.37 $1.45 $1.42 $1.70 $1.47 $1.80 $1.68 $2.00 $1.79 $0.95 7 Species List Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Common wood reed $26.56 $31.88 Cirsium discolor Pasture thistle $14.06 $16.88 $2.00 $1.79 Claytonia virginica* Spring beauty $81.25 $90.63 $3.50 $3.15 Clematis virginiana Virgin’s bower $18.75 $23.44 $2.00 $1.47 Coreopsis lanceolata Sand coreopsis $7.50 $10.94 $1.25 $1.05 $0.95 Coreopsis palmata Prairie coreopsis $15.00 $20.31 $1.53 $1.16 $0.95 Coreopsis tripteris Tall coreopsis $15.63 $17.19 $1.25 $1.05 $0.95 Dalea candida White prairie clover $7.19 $17.19 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 Dalea purpurea Purple prairie clover $3.75 $10.75 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 Danthonia spicata Poverty oat grass $12.50 $15.00 Decodon verticullatus Swamp loosestrife $2.00 $1.79 Delphinium carolinianum Prairie larkspur $12.50 Desmanthus illinoensis Illinois sensitive plant $5.31 $8.75 $1.50 $1.26 Desmodium canadense Showy tick trefoil $17.19 $19.06 $1.50 $1.16 Desmodium cuspidatum Largebracted tick trefoil $49.69 $58.75 Desmodium illinoense Illinois tick trefoil $13.13 $17.81 $1.50 $1.26 Diarrhena americana American beak grass $4.69 $5.63 Diarrhena obovata Obovate beakgrain $1.65 $1.52 Dicentra cucullaria Dutchman’s britches $75.00 $93.75 $4.50 $3.94 Dichanthelium leibergii Prairie panic-grass $168.75 $200.00 Dodecatheon meadia* Shooting star $118.75 $143.75 $2.25 $1.84 Doellingeria umbellata Flat-topped aster $29.69 $45.00 $1.40 $1.16 Echinacea pallida Pale purple coneflower $17.19 $20.31 $1.25 $1.05 Echinacea paradoxa Yellow coneflower $1.65 $1.52 Echinacea purpurea Broad-leaved purple coneflower $7.50 $10.94 $1.25 $1.05 Echinocystis lobata Wild cucumber $42.19 $45.00 Botanical Name Common Name Cinna arundinacea $1.47 $1.79 $0.95 $0.95 8 Species List Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Needle spike rush $56.25 $68.75 Eleocharis compressa Flat-stemmed spike rush $56.25 $68.75 Eleocharis elliptica Golden-seed spike rush $81.25 Eleocharis erythropoda Red-rooted spike rush $56.25 $81.25 $1.53 $1.42 Eleocharis obtusa Blunt spike rush $56.25 $81.25 $1.50 $1.42 Eleocharis palustris Common spike rush $56.25 $81.25 $1.70 $1.42 Eleocharis palustris Marsh spike rush $56.25 $81.25 Elodea canadensis (BR only) Canadian waterweed Elymus canadensis Canada wild rye $1.75 $2.25 $1.40 $1.05 Elymus hystrix Bottlebrush grass $13.13 $20.31 $1.40 $1.16 Elymus riparius River bank rye $9.06 $10.00 Elymus villosus Silky wild rye $7.50 $10.63 $1.40 $1.16 Elymus virginicus Virginia wild rye $0.75 $0.88 $1.40 $1.05 Enemion biternatum* False rue anemone $212.50 $243.75 Epilobium coloratum Cinnamon willow herb $68.75 $95.00 Equisetum fluviatile Botanical Name Common Name Eleocharis acicularis $1.05 $0.75 $0.95 $1.47 $0.95 $5.25 $1.70 $1.37 Pipes $1.10 $1.00 Equisetum hyemale Horse tail $1.10 $1.00 Eragrostis spectabilis Purple love grass $21.88 $46.88 Erigeron annuus Annual fleabane $5.31 $6.88 Eryngium yuccifolium Rattlesnake master $10.94 $14.06 Erythronium albidum* Trout lily $137.50 $156.25 Eupatorium altissimum Tall boneset $17.19 $18.44 $1.35 $1.26 Eupatorium perfoliatum Common boneset $28.13 $35.00 $1.25 $1.16 $0.95 Eupatorium purpureum Purple joe pye weed $20.31 $23.44 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 Eupatorium serotinum Late boneset $23.44 $28.13 $1.35 $1.16 Euphorbia corollata Flowering spurge $53.13 $75.00 $1.47 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 $4.20 $1.47 9 Species List Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Big-leaved aster $62.50 $81.25 $1.70 $1.47 Euthamia graminifolia Common grass-leaved goldenrod $46.88 $78.13 $1.25 $1.26 $0.95 Eutrochium maculatus Spotted Joe Pye weed $23.75 $24.69 $1.25 $1.16 $0.95 Festuca subverticillata Nodding fescue Filipendula rubra Queen of the prairie $68.75 Fragaria virginiana Wild strawberry $337.50 Galium boreale Northern bedstraw $31.25 Galium obtusum Wild madder Gaura biennis Biennial gaure $12.19 $23.44 Gentiana alba* Yellowish gentian $25.00 $54.69 $3.00 $2.73 Gentiana andrewsii* Bottle gentian $48.44 $75.00 $3.00 $2.73 Gentiana puberulenta* Downy gentian $138.75 $156.25 Gentianella quinquefolia* Stiff gentian $93.75 $2.73 Gentianopsis crinita* Fringed gentian $93.75 $2.73 Geranium maculatum Wild geranium $118.75 $150.00 Geum aleppicum strictum Yellow avens $9.06 $10.94 Geum triflorum Prairie smoke $75.00 $106.25 Glyceria canadensis Rattlesnake manna grass $17.19 $28.13 $1.26 Glyceria grandis Reed manna grass $17.19 $28.13 $1.26 Glyceria septentrionalis Floating manna grass $17.19 $28.13 $1.26 Glyceria striata Fowl manna grass $23.44 $28.13 $1.40 $1.26 Hasteola suaveolens Sweet Indian plantain $21.88 $25.63 $1.70 $1.52 Helenium autumnale Sneezeweed $13.75 $17.19 $1.25 $1.16 $0.95 Helianthus divaricatus Woodland sunflower $53.13 $60.94 $1.40 $1.26 $1.05 Helianthus grosseserratus Sawtooth sunflower $32.81 $33.75 $1.25 $1.16 $0.95 Helianthus occidentalis Western sunflower $18.75 $32.81 $1.35 $1.21 $1.05 Botanical Name Common Name Eurybia macrophylla Call $2.10 $150.00 $1.53 $1.31 $1.70 $1.47 Call $2.10 $2.73 $2.25 $1.89 $1.70 $1.47 $0.95 $0.95 10 Species List Botanical Name Common Name Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Helianthus pauciflorus Prairie sunflower $33.13 $35.94 Helianthus salicifolius Willow leaved sunflower Helianthus strumosus Pale-leaved sunflower $28.13 $35.94 Heliopsis helianthoides False sunflower $4.06 $5.31 Hepatica nobilis* Sharp-lobed hepatica Heracleum maximum Cow parsnip $7.50 $7.50 Hesperostipa spartea* Porcupine grass $20.00 $31.25 Heteranthera dubia Water star grass Heuchera richardsonii Prairie alum root Hibiscus laevis $1.40 $1.21 $1.65 Call $1.25 $1.05 $4.50 $3.94 $3.00 $2.36 $0.95 Call $37.50 $81.25 $1.25 $1.05 Swamp mallow $3.00 $2.73 Hibiscus lasiocarpos Rose mallow $1.80 Call Hibiscus moscheutos Swamp rose mallow $37.50 Hierochloe odorata Vanilla grass $75.00 $81.25 $2.00 $1.47 Hydrophyllum virginianum* Virginia waterleaf $75.00 $75.00 $4.50 $3.94 Hypericum ascyron Great St. Johns wort $10.63 $12.19 $1.25 $1.16 Hypericum prolificum Shrubby St. Johns wort $12.19 $15.63 Hypoxis hirsuta* Yellow star grass $175.00 Impatiens capensis Orange jewelweed $75.00 Ionactis linariifolius Flax-leaved aster $48.44 $51.56 Iris veriscolor Blue flag iris $22.50 $32.81 $1.50 $1.31 $1.05 Iris virginica Blue flag iris $20.31 $26.56 $.70 $1.47 $1.05 Jeffersonia diphylla Twinleaf Juncus acuminatus Tapertip rush $12.19 $20.31 $1.50 $1.26 Juncus canadensis Canada rush $30.00 $35.94 $1.50 $1.26 Juncus dudleyi Dudley's rush $35.00 $40.63 $1.25 $1.16 $0.95 Juncus effusus Common rush $29.69 $31.25 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 $0.95 Call $0.95 $2.63 $3.25 11 Species List Botanical Name Common Name Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Juncus interior Inland rush $23.44 $41.25 Juncus marginatus Grass-leaved rush $40.31 $41.25 Juncus nodosus Joint rush Juncus tenuis Path rush $21.88 $24.69 $1.35 $1.16 Juncus torreyi Torrey's rush $34.38 $40.63 $1.53 $1.26 Justicia americana American water-willow $2.00 Call Koeleria macrantha June grass $1.35 $1.16 Krigia biflora False dandelion Lathyrus palustris Marsh vetchling $34.38 $37.50 Leersia oryzoides Rice cut grass $25.00 $29.38 $1.70 $1.47 Lespedeza capitata Round-headed bush clove $20.94 $26.56 $1.40 $1.47 Liatris aspera Rough blazing star $43.44 $48.13 $1.35 $1.21 Liatris cylindracea Cylindrical blazing star $42.19 $48.44 $1.40 $1.21 Liatris ligulistylis Meadow blazing star $32.81 $51.56 Liatris punctata Dotted blazing star $28.13 Liatris pycnostachya Prairie blazing star $21.88 Liatris spicata Marsh blazing star Lilium michiganense* Call Call $19.69 $21.25 $0.95 $2.10 Call $0.95 Call $1.65 Call $24.69 $1.25 $1.16 $0.95 $15.00 $16.88 $1.25 $1.16 $0.95 Turk's cap lily $137.50 $281.25 $5.00 $4.20 Lilium philadephicum* Prairie lily $200.00 $337.50 $7.00 $6.30 Lithospermum caroliniense Hairy puccoon $168.75 Lithospermum incisum Fringed puccoon $168.75 Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal flower $55.00 $100.00 $1.25 $1.05 Lobelia inflata Indian tobacco $93.75 Lobelia siphilitica Great blue lobelia $37.50 Lobelia spicata Pale spiked lobelia $143.75 Low Maintenance Lawn Blend Fescue blend $0.20 $0.95 $1.47 $50.00 $1.25 $1.05 $1.40 $1.16 $0.95 $0.20 12 Species List Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Seedbox $28.13 $33.75 Ludwigia palustris Marsh seedbox $43.13 $51.56 Ludwigia polycarpa Manyfruit primrose-willow $45.31 $53.13 Lupinus perennis Wild lupine $21.88 $39.38 $1.25 $1.05 $0.95 Luzula multiflora Common wood rush $75.00 $87.50 $1.40 $1.16 $0.95 Lycopus americanus American water horehound $20.31 $23.44 $1.40 $1.21 $0.95 Lycopus uniflorus Northern bugleweed $32.81 Lysimachia ciliata Fringed loosestrife $68.75 $81.25 Lysimachia quadriflora Fourflower yellow loosestrife $112.50 $137.50 Lythrum alatum Winged loosestrife $112.50 $134.38 Maianthemum racemosum* Feathery false solomon's seal $26.56 $28.13 Mentha arvensis Wild mint $68.75 $78.13 Mertensia virginica Virginia bluebells Mimulus ringens Monkey flower $40.63 $43.44 Minuartia michauxii Stiff sandwort $200.00 $243.75 Mitella diphylla Bishop's cap $281.25 Monarda fistulosa Wild bergamot $14.38 Monarda punctata Horse mint $17.19 Muhlenbergia glomerata Marsh wild timothy $45.00 Muhlenbergia mexicana Leafy satin grass $15.00 Napaea dioica Glademallow $7.50 Nelumbo lutea Botanical Name Common Name Ludwigia alternifolia Call $1.35 $5.25 $1.35 $1.21 $3.00 $2.63 $1.25 $1.05 $0.95 $17.50 $1.25 $1.05 $0.95 $21.88 $1.35 $1.16 Call $1.40 $1.21 American lotus $7.00 $5.78 Nuphar lutea Yellow waterlily $6.00 $5.25 Nymphaea odorata American white waterlily $6.00 $5.25 Nymphaea odorata White waterlily $6.00 $5.25 Oenothera biennis Common evening primrose $2.81 $0.95 $10.94 $3.44 13 Species List Botanical Name Common Name Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Oenothera pilosella Prairie sundrops Oligoneuron album Stiff aster (goldenrod) $25.31 Oligoneuron ohioense Ohio goldenrod $21.88 Oligoneuron riddellii Riddell's goldenrod $21.88 Oligoneuron rigidum Stiff goldenrod $11.25 Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive fern Onosmodium bejariense Marbleseed $150.00 Opuntia humifusa Prickly pear cactus $31.25 $37.50 Osmorhiza claytonii Hairy sweet cicely $26.25 $32.81 Osmunda claytoniana Interrupted fern $5.25 Oxalis violacea* Violet wood-sorrel $5.25 Oxypolis rigidior Cowbane Packera aurea Golden ragwort Packera obovata Squaw weed Packera paupercula Balsam ragwort $81.25 Panicum virgatum Switch grass Parthenium integrifolium $59.94 $1.45 $1.37 $1.35 $1.21 $1.70 $1.47 $28.13 $1.25 $1.05 $0.95 $14.06 $1.25 $1.05 $0.95 $5.00 $4.20 $5.00 $4.20 $28.13 $0.95 $71.88 $2.10 $2.00 Call $87.50 $1.35 $1.21 $1.75 $2.00 $1.25 $1.05 $0.95 Wild quinine $7.81 $8.44 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 Pascopyrum smithii Western wheatgrass $0.94 $14.69 Pedicularis canadensis* Wood betony $93.75 $131.25 $2.10 Pedicularis lanceolata* Swamp lousewort $14.06 $53.13 $2.10 Peltandra virginica Green arrow arum Penstemon calycosus Small beardtongue Penstemon cobaea Large flowered penstemon Penstemon digitalis Beardtongue $8.75 Penstemon grandiflorus Large-flowered beard tongue Penstemon hirsutus Hairy beardtongue $2.00 $1.47 $1.35 $1.16 $1.65 Call $1.25 Call $23.44 $2.00 $1.79 $15.63 $1.70 $1.47 $9.06 $10.94 $13.75 $0.95 $0.95 14 Species List Botanical Name Common Name Penthorum sedoides Ditch stonecrop Phlox divaricata Blue/Woodland phlox Phlox glaberrima Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* $8.44 $26.25 $1.65 $1.37 $106.25 $1.53 $1.31 Marsh phlox $137.50 $1.53 $1.31 Phlox maculata Wild sweetwilliam $40.63 Phlox paniculata Garden phlox $1.80 Call Phlox pilosa Sand prairie phlox $106.25 $150.00 $1.53 $1.31 Phryma leptostachya Lopseed $40.00 $46.25 Physostegia virginiana Prairie obedient plant $35.94 $43.75 $1.35 $1.21 Poa palustris Fowl bluegrass $1.56 Podophyllum peltatum* May apple $168.75 Polemonium reptans Jacob's ladder $106.25 Polygonatum biflorum Smooth Solomon's seal Polygonum amphibium stipulaceum $1.47 $5.00 $4.46 $112.50 $3.00 $2.10 $15.00 $15.94 $4.00 $3.41 Water smartweed $21.88 $26.56 Polygonum hydropiperoides Mild water pepper $7.50 $9.38 Polygonum lapathifolium Curly-topped knotweed $8.75 Polygonum pensylvanicum Pinkweed $5.94 Polygonum sagittatum Lady's tearthumb $46.88 Polygonum virginianum Woodland knotweed $26.56 Pontederia cordata Pickerel weed $39.06 Potamogeton natans Floating pondweed Potentilla arguta Prairie cinquefoil Prenanthes alba Lion's foot Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium Rabbit tobacco Pulsatilla patens Pasque flower $39.06 Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Slender mountain mint $42.19 Pycnanthemum virginianum Virginia mountain mint $48.44 $0.95 $7.50 $40.63 Call $11.25 $25.00 $1.21 $0.95 $281.25 Call $53.13 $52.50 $2.50 $2.10 $1.45 $1.31 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 15 Species List Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Bur oak $5.00 $5.00 Ratibida pinnata Yellow coneflower $3.00 $7.81 Rosa arkansana Prairie rose $18.75 Rosa blanda Early wild rose $17.19 $21.88 Rosa carolina Carolina rose $31.25 Rosa palustris Swamp rose Rosa setigera Savanna rose Rudbeckia fulgida Showy black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta Black-eyed Susan $3.44 Rudbeckia laciniata Wild golden glow Rudbeckia subtomentosa Botanical Name Common Name Quercus macrocarpa $1.25 $1.16 $39.06 $3.00 $2.63 $31.25 $42.19 $4.50 $3.75 $21.88 $23.44 $4.50 $3.75 $1.35 Call $5.31 $1.53 $1.31 $15.63 $23.44 $1.35 $1.21 Sweet black-eyed Susan $7.50 $9.06 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 Rudbeckia triloba Brown-eyed Susan $7.81 $9.38 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 Ruellia humilis* Wild petunia $59.38 $2.50 $2.10 Rumex altissimus Pale dock $15.63 $21.56 Rumex orbiculatus Great water dock $9.38 $10.94 $1.70 $1.47 $1.05 Rumex verticillatus Swamp dock $9.38 $10.94 $1.70 $1.47 $1.05 Sagittaria graminea Grass leaved-duck potato Sagittaria latifolia Broad-leaved duck potato Sagittaria rigida Stiff arrowhead Salvia azurea Blue sage Sanguinaria canadensis Bloodroot $75.00 Sanicula marilandica Snakeroot $53.13 Saururus cernuus Lizard's tail Saxifraga pensylvanica Eastern swamp saxifrage $81.25 Schizachyrium scoparium Little bluestem $1.56 $1.94 $1.25 $1.16 Schoenoplectus acutus Hard-stemmed bulrush $25.00 $35.94 $1.35 $1.21 $0.95 $0.95 Call $30.63 $68.75 $1.53 $1.31 Call $1.65 $1.56 $6.50 $5.78 $87.50 $4.20 $0.95 16 Species List Botanical Name Common Name Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Schoenoplectus fluviatilis River bulrush $14.06 $15.63 $1.35 $1.21 Schoenoplectus pungens Chairmaker's rush $32.81 $40.63 $1.50 $1.21 Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Soft-stem bulrush $14.06 $16.56 $1.35 $1.21 $1.05 Scirpus atrovirens Green bulrush $3.75 $5.31 $1.25 $1.16 $0.95 Scirpus cyperinus Wool grass $7.81 $9.06 $1.25 $1.16 $0.95 Scirpus pendulus Red bulrush $40.63 $46.88 $1.35 $1.21 Scrophularia lanceolata Early figwort $37.19 $44.69 $2.10 Scrophularia marilandica Late figwort $21.88 $24.06 $2.10 Scutellaria galericulata Marsh skullcap $75.00 $93.75 Call Scutellaria lateriflora Mad dog skullcap $42.19 $43.75 $3.00 $2.10 Senna hebecarpa Wild senna $6.88 $9.38 $1.50 $1.31 $0.95 Silene stellata Starry campion $87.50 $100.00 Silphium integrifolium Rosin weed $14.06 $24.69 $1.50 $1.31 $0.95 Silphium laciniatum Compass plant $14.69 $24.69 $1.35 $1.21 $0.95 Silphium perfoliatum Cup plant $9.38 $16.25 $1.35 $1.21 $0.95 Silphium terebinthinaceum Prairie dock $23.44 $24.69 $1.35 $1.21 $0.95 Sisyrinchium albidum* Common blue-eyed grass $81.25 $118.75 $2.00 $1.79 Sisyrinchium angustifolium* Narrow-leaved blue-eyed grass Sisyrinchium campestre Prairie blue-eyed grass $168.75 $137.50 Sium suave* Hemlock waterparsnip $46.88 $49.06 Smilax herbacea Carrion flower $23.44 Solidago canadensis Canada goldenrod $28.13 $33.75 Solidago flexicaulis Broad-leaved goldenrod $118.75 $150.00 $1.53 $1.31 Solidago gigantea Late goldenrod $87.50 Solidago juncea Early goldenrod $56.25 Solidago nemoralis Old-field goldenrod $18.44 $26.56 $1.35 $1.16 Call $2.00 $1.79 Call 17 Species List Botanical Name Common Name Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Solidago rugosa Wrinkle leaf goldenrod Solidago speciosa Showy goldenrod $18.44 Solidago ulmifolia Elm-leaved goldenrod Sorghastrum nutans Indian grass Sparganium americanum American bur reed Sparganium eurycarpum Common bur reed $18.75 $25.00 $1.65 $1.42 Spartina pectinata Prairie cord grass $17.19 $21.88 $1.25 $1.05 Sphenopholis intermedia Slender wedge grass $32.19 $33.75 $1.70 $1.47 Sphenopholis obtusata Prairie wedge grass $28.13 Spiraea alba Meadow sweet $56.25 Spiranthes cernua Nodding ladies tresses $281.25 Spiranthes magnicamporum Great Plains ladies tresses Sporobolus compositus Sand dropseed $2.19 Sporobolus heterolepis Prairie dropseed $13.13 Stachys aspera Rough hedge nettle $2.10 Stachys pilosa Marsh hedge nettle $2.10 Stuckenia pectinata Sago pondweed Symphyotrichum cordifolium Arrow-leaved aster $56.25 $75.00 Symphyotrichum drummondii Drummond's aster $20.31 $29.69 Symphyotrichum dumosum Rice-button aster Symphyotrichum ericoides Heath aster $75.00 $86.25 $1.70 $1.47 Symphyotrichum laeve Smooth blue aster $20.00 $27.50 $1.35 $1.16 Symphyotrichum lanceolatum Panicled aster $30.94 $34.38 $1.35 $1.21 Symphyotrichum lateriflorum Side-flowering aster $37.19 $40.63 $1.35 $1.21 Symphyotrichum novae-angliae New England aster $25.00 $26.56 $1.25 $1.16 Symphyotrichum oblongifolium Aromatic aster $20.00 $40.63 $1.35 $1.21 $1.65 Call $26.25 $1.35 $1.16 $87.50 $100.00 $1.53 $1.31 $0.95 $1.75 $1.25 $1.05 $0.95 $0.95 $3.41 $1.05 $1.47 $62.50 $3.00 $2.63 Call Call $23.44 $1.25 $1.05 $0.95 Call $1.70 $1.47 $1.47 Call $0.95 $0.95 18 Species List Botanical Name Common Name Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Symphyotrichum oolentangiense Sky-blue aster $18.44 $40.63 $1.35 $1.16 Symphyotrichum pilosum Hairy aster $7.50 $10.94 $1.25 $1.05 Symphyotrichum praealtum Willow aster $87.50 Symphyotrichum prenanthoides Crooked-stemmed aster $46.88 Symphyotrichum puniceum Marsh aster $20.31 $26.56 $1.35 $1.21 Symphyotrichum sericeum Silky aster $40.63 $53.13 $1.53 $1.37 Symphyotrichum shortii Short's aster $53.13 $68.75 $1.70 $1.47 Symphyotrichum urophyllum Arrow-leaved aster $26.56 $32.81 Taenidia integerrima Yellow pimpernel $75.00 $87.50 Teucrium canadense Wood germander $20.63 $34.38 $1.35 $1.31 Thalictrum dasycarpum Purple meadow rue $21.88 $21.88 $1.70 $1.52 Thalictrum dioicum Early meadow rue $75.00 $77.00 $2.75 $1.95 Thalictrum revolutum Waxy meadow rue $75.00 Thaspium trifoliatum Cup plant $40.63 Thelypteris palustris Marsh fern Tiarella cordifolia Heartleaf foamflower Tradescantia bracteata Long-bracted spiderwort $1.65 $1.52 Tradescantia occidentalis Prairie Spiderwort $1.65 $1.52 Tradescantia ohiensis Spiderwort $18.75 $28.13 $1.35 $1.21 Triodanis perfoliata Venus' looking glass $37.50 $49.69 Triosteum perfoliatum Late horse gentian $28.13 Tripsacum dactyloides Eastern gamma grass $2.50 Utricularia macrorhiza Common bladderwort Uvularia perfoliata Bellwort Vallisneria americana American eelgrass Verbena hastata Blue vervain $0.95 Call $0.95 Call Call $5.00 $4.20 Call $1.05 Call $75.00 $93.75 $5.25 $2.10 $9.69 $10.00 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 19 Species List Botanical Name Common Name Wholesale Wholesale Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 32/38 Wholesale 50 Unspecified / oz Specified / oz Cell Plug Price Cell Contract Grow Cell Plug Price* Verbena stricta Hoary vervain $8.75 $9.06 $1.35 $1.16 Verbena urtificolia White vervain $14.06 $17.19 Verbesina alternifolia Wingstem $7.50 Vernonia fasciculata Common ironweed Veronicastrum virginicum $0.95 $8.75 $1.70 $1.16 $14.06 $17.19 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 Culver's root $53.13 $75.00 $1.35 $1.16 $0.95 Viola pedata* Bird’s foot violet $218.75 $262.50 $4.50 $3.94 Viola pedatifida* Prairie violet $115.63 $131.25 $2.50 $2.36 Viola pubescens Yellow violet $137.50 Zizania aquatica* Wild rice Zizia aptera Meadow zizia $15.63 $21.88 $1.53 $1.31 Zizia aurea Golden alexanders $7.50 $11.56 $1.53 $1.31 $2.63 Pricing and Product Information Prices are for in-stock items only; we are pleased to broker items for your convenience. Please contact us for broker service. Quantity Discounts are offered, please call for pricing. Contract Grow Qualifications Orders of at least 750 pieces per species. Required lead time varies per species, but is typically 120-150 days. Slow maturing species may require many months. * Indicates species which require many months to reach maturity, plan ahead for contract grow. Early Order Discounts Any orders over 1,000 pieces placed by May 1, 2014, for Fall shipment receive a 4% discount. Delivery must be taken by Dec. 31, 2014. All contract grows and early orders require a 15% down payment 20 Plant Alias List Other Botanical Names (alias) Current Botanical Name Actinomeris alternifolia Verbesina alternifolia Agropyron smithii Pascopyrum smithii Western wheatgrass Alisma plantago-aquatica L. var. parviflorum Alisma subcordatum American water plantain Allium tricoccum Allium burdickii Andropogon scoparius Schizachyrium scoparium Little bluestem Anemone patens wolfgangiana Pulsatilla patens Pasque flower Arenaria stricta Minuartia michauxii Stiff sandwort Arisaema atrorubens Arisaema triphyllum Jack-in-the-pulpit Aster azureus Symphyotrichum oolentangiense Aster cordifolius Symphyotrichum cordifolium Arrow-leaved aster Aster drummondii Symphyotrichum drummondii Drummond's aster Aster dumosus Symphyotrichum dumosum Rice-button aster Aster ericoides Symphyotrichum ericoides Heath aster Aster laevis Symphyotrichum laeve Aster lateriflorus Symphyotrichum lateriflorum Aster linariifolius Ionactis linariifolius Flax-leaved aster Aster macrophyllus Eurybia macrophylla Big-leaved aster Aster novae-angliae Symphyotrichum novae-angliae New England aster Aster oblongifolius Symphyotrichum oblongifolium Aromatic aster Aster pilosus Symphyotrichum pilosum Hairy aster Aster praealtus Symphyotrichum praealtum Willow aster Aster prenanthoides Symphyotrichum prenanthoides Aster ptarmicoides Oligoneuron album Aster puniceus Symphyotrichum puniceum Marsh aster Aster sagittifolius Symphyotrichum urophyllum Arrow-leaved aster Aster sagittifolius Symphyotrichum cordifolium Arrow-leaved aster Common Name Wingstem Wild leek Sky-blue aster Smooth blue aster Side-flowering aster Crooked-stemmed aster Stiff aster (goldenrod) 21 Plant Alias List Other Botanical Names (alias) Current Botanical Name Aster sericeus Symphyotrichum sericeum Aster shortii Symphyotrichum shortii Aster simplex Symphyotrichum lanceolatum Aster umbellatus Doellingeria umbellata Flat-topped aster Baptisia leucantha Baptisia alba White wild indigo Baptisia leucophaea Baptisia bracteata var. leucophaea Cream wild indigo Bidens polyepis Bidens aristosa Boltonia latisquama recognita Boltonia asteroides False aster Bromus purgans Bromus pubescens Woodland brome Buchloe dactlyoides Bouteloua dactyloides Cacalia atriplicifolia Arnoglossum atriplicifolium Pale Indian plantain Cacalia plantaginea Arnoglossum plantagineum Prairie Indian plantain Cacalia suaveolens Hasteola suaveolens Sweet Indian plantain Cacalia tuberosa Arnoglossum plantagineum Prairie Indian plantain Campanula americana Campanulastrum americanum Carex aquatilis altior Carex aquatilis aquatilis Carex complanata var. hirsuta Carex hirsutella Carex lacustris var. laxiflora Carex hyalinolepis Carex tetanica Carex meadii Cassia fasciculata Chamaecrista fasciculata Cassis hebecarpa Senna hebecarpa Delphinium virescens Delphinium carolinianum Prairie larkspur Dentaria lacinata Cardamine concatenata Toothwort Dentaria laciniata Cardamine concatenata Toothwort Dryopteris thelypteris pubescens Thelypteris palustris Marsh sheild fern Eleocharis ovata Eleocharis obtusa Blunt spike rush Eleocharis smallii Eleocharis palustris Marsh spike rush Common Name Silky aster Short's aster Panicled aster Bearded beggar's ticks Buffalograss Tall bellflower Long-brackted tussock sedge Hairy green sedge Common lake sedge Mead's stiff sedge Partridge pea Wild senna 22 Plant Alias List Other Botanical Names (alias) Current Botanical Name Epilobium angustifolium Chamerion angustifolium Eupatoriadelphus maculatus Eutrochium maculatus Spotted Joe Pye weed Eupatorium maculatum Eutrochium maculatus Spotted Joe Pye weed Eupatorium rugosum Ageratina altissima White snakeroot Festuca obtusa Festuca subverticillata Nodding fescue Gentiana crinita Gentianopsis crinita Fringed gentian Gentiana flavida Gentiana alba Gentiana quinquefolia Gentianella quinquefolia Gnaphalium obtusifolium Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium Helianthus laetiflorus Helianthus pauciflorus Prairie sunflower Helianthus rigidus Helianthus pauciflorus Prairie sunflower Hepatica acutiloba Hepatica nobilis Sharp-lobed hepatica Hibiscus palustris Hibiscus moscheutos Swamp rose mallow Hypericum pyramidatum Hypericum ascyron Great St. Johns wort Hypericum spathulatum Hypericum prolificum Hypoxis decumbens Hypoxis hirsuta Isopyrum biternatum Enemion biternatum False rue anemone Koeleria cristatella Koeleria macrantha June grass Kuhnia eupatorioides Brickellia eupatorioides False boneset Lithospermum croceum Lithospermum caroliniense Hairy puccoon Nuphar advena Nuphar lutea Yellow waterlily Nymphaea tuberosa Nymphaea odorata White waterlily Panicum implicatum Dichanthelium acuminatum Panicum leibergii Dichanthelium leibergii Prairie panic-grass Petalostemum candidum Dalea candida White prairie clover Petalostemum purpureum Dalea purpurea Purple prairie clover Polygonatum canaliculatum Polygonatum biflorum Common Name Fireweed Yellowish gentian Stiff gentian Rabbit tobacco Shrubby St. Johns wort Yellow star grass Old-field panic grass Smooth Solomon's seal 23 Plant Alias List Other Botanical Names (alias) Current Botanical Name Polygonum coccineum Polygonum amphibium Potamogeton pectinatus Stuckenia pectinata Sago pondweed Potentilla anserina Argentina anserina Silverweed cinquefoil Rudbeckia speciosa Rudbeckia fulgida Showy black-eyed susan Scirpus acutus Schoenoplectus acutus Scirpus americanus Schoenoplectus pungens pungens Scirpus fluviatilis Schoenoplectus fluviatilis Scirpus pungens Schoenoplectus pungens pungens Chairmaker's rush Scirpus validus creber Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Soft-stem bulrush Scutellaria epilobiifolia Scutellaria galericulata Marsh skullcap Senecio aurea Packera aurea Golden ragwort Senecio obovatus Packera obovata Senecio pauperculus Packera paupercula Smilacina racemosa Maianthemum racemosum Solidago graminifolia Euthamia graminifolia Common grass-leaved goldenrod Solidago ohioensis Oligoneuron ohioense Ohio goldenrod Solidago ptarmicoides Oligoneuron album Stiff aster (goldenrod) Solidago riddellii Oligoneuron riddellii Riddell's goldenrod Solidago rigida Oligoneuron rigidum Stiff goldenrod Specularia perfoliata Triodanis perfoliata Venus's looking glass Sporobolus asper Sporobolus compositus Stachys hyssopifolia ambigua Stachys aspera Rough hedge nettle Stachys palustris homotricha Stachys pilosa Marsh hedge nettle Stipa spartea Hesperostipa spartea Tovara virginiana Polygonum virginianum Woodland knotweed Utricularia vulgaris Utricularia macrorhiza Common bladderwort Viola palmata Viola pedatifida Common Name Longroot smartweed Hard-stemmed bulrush Chairmaker's rush River bulrush Squaw weed Balsam ragwort Feathery false solomon's seal Sand dropseed Porcupine grass Prairie violet 24 Contact Us Wisconsin • Kansas Lower Midwest Production Facility Upper Midwest (HQ) Production Facility 17921 W Smith Rd Brodhead, WI 53520 P 608-897-8641 F 608-897-2044 E 1269 N 222nd Rd Baldwin City, KS 66006 P 785-594-2245 F 785-594-2250 E How to Order Request a Quote Our sales representatives are happy to provide quote requests or help with your plant lists, planting plans or other questions. We will return quotes promptly, and do everything within our power to make your native landscaping project a success. Kansas, W. Missouri Michigan, Canada Tennessee, Kentucky Indiana Bill Malouche P 913-362-0503 F 913-362-2569 M 913-269-7919 Dennis Wentworth P 269-695-2386 F 269-695-1223 M 574-850-4816 Scott Ingram P 502-243-8778 F 502-243-8782 M 502-523-0233 LuAnn Houle P 317-652-5927 F 888-435-0419 M 317-652-5927 E. Missouri, C. Illinois, S. Illinois N. Illinois, Chicago, Wisconsin Iowa, Nebraska , Minnesota, Dakotas Ohio, W. Pennsylvania, W. New York Bill Ruppert P 314-966-0253 F 314-966-1830 M 314-504-4335 Earl West P 815-784-9100 F 815-784-4152 M 847-778-3683 Jayne Roberts P 612-822-4040 F 612-822-4310 M 612-822-4040 Nancy Williams P 440-279-4718 F 440-279-4716 M 440-479-2038 Native Plant Consultation In-House Sales Upper Midwest Nursery Service Coordinator P 608-897-8641 F 608-897-2044 Lower Midwest Nursery Manager P 785-594-2245 F 785-594-2250 25 Order Form Name: Address: City: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: Scientific Name Common Name Quantity Total Price Unit Price Subtotal *Residents of Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Kansas and Missouri, please add sales tax plus any additional required county tax. “I would like my order by ______________ (date)” WI=5.5% IL=6.25% MN=6.5% KS=7.85% MO=4.225% If out of stock, would you prefer: Shipping Credit toward another order Shipping and Handling: $5 minimum Substitution of similar material Add 10% of subtotal for shipping and handling cost of seed. Refund Tax* Total Shipping of plant material is generally 20% of total plant cost. Add 5% of subtotal for orders over $2,000. To save on shipping costs, you can pick up your order; please write “pickup” in the shipping cost blank. We recommend picking up plant materials We accept Mastercard and Visa: Mastercard Card#: Exp. date: Signature: Subtotal Include shipping costs Note: We recommend potted plants be picked up unless arrangements for special delivery are made in advance Visa Please fax order to (608) 897-2044 or mail to 17921 Smith Rd., PO Box 256, Brodhead, WI 53520 US POSTAGE PAID BRODHEAD, WI 17921 W Smith Road Brodhead, WI 53520 Phone: 608-897-8641 Fax: 608-897-2044 E-mail: The highest-quality native, local genotype plants Visit our website at
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