Jan. 2013 Newsletter
Jan. 2013 Newsletter
2013 Board & Chairwomen Poinsettia Palette President Carol Gnzi 310-2735096 Egg-cetera@earthlink.net Vice President-Programs January 2013 Mona Steffan 805-522-3895 rognmona@sbcglobal.net Susan Miner 818-840-9302 Susan.miner@sbcglobal.net Carla Kincaid See Below/Newsletter Liz Vigliotto 805-791-9706 livgliotto@hotmail.com Vice President-Seminars & Paint-Ins Happy New Year Everyone! We have some special projects, seminars, and programs in the works. As your new president, I am very excited about the Chapter and the coming year. The Sandi Strecker seminar January 25th and 26th is filling up. Please contact me soon if you would like to sign up for one or both days. The Christmas Luncheon was so much fun. I would like to thank Terri and her elves for planning a wonderful day. The gift exchange revealed some wonderful painted and hand made items. And the ornament exchange was delightful. Almost all of the raffle items went to members or someone we know; even my niece won – but since she is a twin and her sister didn’t win, I may have to keep custody for a while… Everyone attending received a hand painted nametag. So we have NO EXCUSE for not wearing nametags at the General Meetings. The holidays are over and it’s time to pick up your brushes and start painting. If you are short of ideas (due to holiday sugar overload), there are lots of free patterns available from the SDP, Artist’s Club, and Paintworks websites to get you started. I look forward to seeing you at the meeting January 14th. Carol Tole Month & Tender Life Hats From the Heart Pins Terrie Busse 805-484-4652 805-910-5637 Mindy Miller 818-706-0277 1 Karen Lewis 818-882-0788 Karen.r.lewis@att.net Carol Ganzi See Above/President Secretary Patti Messi 805-987-2686 patti.2m@veizon.net Treasurer Gail Hamilton 805-241-4065 mycrunkles@hotmail.com Membership Daphne Hetherington 805-320-8384 wsagedesigns@aol.com Hospitality Marcie Orr 805-525-6964 Chapter Photographer Cindy Worthy 805-484-0993 cindra4@aol.com Newsletter Publisher Carla Kincaid 805-659-3208 805-816-7112 carla6161@gmail.com Ways & Means Shirley Rudman 805-486-1124 rudmanclaudine@aol.com Emily De Los Santos 805-647-0250 Sunshine Dalana Stafford 805-525-3183 Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear …….. MONEY MATTERS…….. Financial Report Balance 10/01/2012 Income Ways and Means Paint-Ins Christmas Raffle Membership No Name Tags 4170.46 97.00 100.00 15.00 10.25 Expenses Room Rent 85.00 Balance 10/31/2012 4342.71 Savings Account Joy Downey January 11 Mary Lou Heath January 11 Carol Eastwood January 19 Emily De Los Santos January 23 Marilyn Harvey January 14 Helen Connelly January 30 35.00 2746.33 SPECIAL KUDO’S TO CHAR PLANTE FOR THE SCHARFF BRUSH FUNDRAISER. She, by herself, add to our efforts for over $70. Char, you are such a special kind of Plante Financial Report Balance 11/01/2012 Income Ways and Means Paint-Ins Christmas Raffle Membership Christmas Lunch Expenses Room Rent Programs Paint-Ins Paint-Ins Refunds Chapter Liab. Ins Ways & Means Schraff Brushes (Fund Raiser) Board Expense (Charms) 4342.71 95.00 142.00 465.00 540.00 90.00 SUNSHINE If you hear of any one ill, having surgery or just needs cheering up, please call DANA STAFFORD 805-525-3185 85.00 78.29 222.00 80.00 93.00 153.82 293.64 143.86 Balance 10/31/2012 4668.96 Savings Account 2746.35 NEXT BOARD MEETING 2 Date: January 14, 2013 Time: 5:45 P.M. Place: Orchid Buildings Just before the General Meeting RECIPE BOX Please submit all recipes to Carla Kincaid carla6161@gmail.com CHICKEN TORTILLA SOUP BROCCOLI PUFF 3 chicken breast, cooked, de-boned, cut into bite sizes 1 pkg.frozen white corn 1 (14 oz) can cut up tomatoes 2 tbls. chopped fresh cilantro 1 (7oz) can diced green chiles 1 med. Onion, diced 1/2 tsp cumin 1 tsp chill powder 2 cans chicken broth Salt & Pepper to taste Tortilla chips Cheese for topping. 2 pkgs frozen chopped broccoli 1 can cream of mushroom soup 2 cup mayo 2 eggs, beaten 1 1/2 cups of shredded cheese 2 tbsp onion, chopped Butter-to dot top of casserole 1 cup cheese crackers, crumbled Pepper to taste Not necessary to add salt as combo of soup, cheese,& crackers usually makes the dish salty enough. Cook broccoli. Mix with soup, mayo & eggs. Add the cheese, onion and pepper. Turn into a buttered casserole dish. Top with cheese and cheese cracker crumbs. Dot with butter. Bake 350° for 40 minutes. Makes 6– servings In a Crock-Pot add the cooked chicken and all other Ingredients except tortilla chips & cheese. Enough water to fill Crock-Pot, about 2 cups. Cook on low for 6 hours or high for 3-4 hours. To serve: Crush tortilla chips in bottom of soup bowl, add soup & top with Mexican blend cheese or grated Jack & Colby blend. This recipe is good for using up those holiday leftovers. It tastes great with the addition of turkey or ham. Submitted by: Carla Kincaid Submitted by: Carla Kincaid IOWA CORN CHOWDER 4-5 slices of bacon 1 lbs of boneless skinned chicken breast 1 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped celery 2-3 cans chicken broth 2-3 cans of corn-mixtures of whole kernel-drained and cream style 2-3 cups of diced potatoes Salt to taste 1 cup heavy cream or half & half Parsley for garnish Did you receive the last issue Decorative Painter of 2012, Issue 4? If not, contact SDP. Call 316-269-9300. They will direct you to Shandi, and leave a message. It is helpful if you have your membership number available. Cook bacon until crisp, remove & crumble, set aside. In bacon grease, cook bite size chicken pieces, onion & clelery until tender. Then add corn, potatoes and salt. Cook until all is well done. Just before serving add cream or half & half. Thicken to desired thickness with cornstarch & water mixture. Garnish with crumbled bacon & parsley. Submitted by: Carla Kincaid Apparently a mail station in CA left them outside & they got wet. Many CA addressees did not receive their magazine. 3 MEET THE BOARD FOR 2013 PRESIDENT VP PROGRAMS CAROL GANZI Co Coordinators: MONA STEFFAN SUSAN MINER CARLA KINCAID LIZ VIGLIOTTO CAROL GANZI KAREN LEWIS PATTI MESSI GAIL HAMILTON DAPHNE HETHERINGTON MARCIE ORR CINDY WORTHY CARLA KINCAID SHIRLEY RUDMAN EMILY DE LOS SANTOS DELANA STAFFORD VP SEMINARS VP PAINT-INS SECRETARY TREASURER MEMBERSHIP HOSPITALITY CHAPTER PHOTOGRAPHER NEWSLETTER WAYS & MEANS SUNSHINE 4 It is time to renew your membership for Poinsettia Painters 2013 Membership Application Name_________________________________________________________ SDP Member No. ____________________ Address______________________________________________________________ Birthdate__________________ City/State/Zip___________________________________________________________ Day Phone________________________ Evening Phone____________________ E-mail ____________________________________________________________________ □ New □ Renewal Membership Category: □ Regular □ Associate Dues for NEW MEMBERS to POINSETTIA PAINTERS are $15.00 per year Dues for renewal are $18.00 after December 1 .Please mail this application, a copy of your current SDP membership card or cancelled check showing payment along with your check made payable to POINSETTIA PAINTERS to: Daphne Hetherington , 2044 Spyglass Trail West, Oxnard, CA 93036 805-320-8384 All members must belong to Society of Decorative Painters. http://www.decorativepainters.com 5 JANUARY SEMINAR Sandi Strecker……. Come join the fun of Sandi Strecker! You will learn so much! POINSETTIA PAINTERS CHAPTER INVITES YOU TO PAINT WITH SANDI STRECKER January 25th & 26th 2013 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM NEWBURY PARK LIBRARY – 2331 BORCHARD ROAD – NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 We will paint a charming holiday keepsake each day. On Friday, Sandi will guide us along as we paint her newest design – a Halloween Cake Plate. Saturday, we will paint the Santa Christmas Banner. Surface Information: The cake plate is new and available from Sandi at a cost of cost of $28 (includes the stand & 14 spooky charms). The banner is 30” x 16” and can be painted on a canvas runner or floor cloth, RocLon° fabric (from JoAnn, Etc.), or it can also be adapted to a sign or any other surface of your choice. Start the New Year off with two fun-filled days of painting with friends!!! 6 SEMINAR REGISTRATIN FORM: POINSETTIA PAINTERS SANDI STRECKER REGISTRATION We know this is the beginning of the Holiday Season, but we need to know we have enough registrations to warrant the class, so please register ASAP! Name________________________________________________________________ Phone _______________________________ E-Mail Address________________________________________________________________ Class Fee is enclosed. [ ] $75.00 both days [ ] $55.00 Friday only [ ] $55.00 Saturday only Make checks payable to: POINSETTIA PAINTERS NON MEMBERS PLEASE ADD $10.00 TO ABOVE PRICE [ ] Cake Plate Fee $25.00 enclosed. Make separate check payable to: CAROL GANZI Mail to: Carol Ganzi - 2934 N Beverly Glen Circle - Bel Air, CA 90077 EGG-CETERA@EARTHLINK.NET 310-273-5096 HONORING If you would like a stretcher frame for the Sandi Strecker’s Christmas Banner, Sandi can cut the stretcher board for you, but you must order the stretcher board from Carol Ganzi. The costs is $5.50 each. Sandi will bring it with her the day of the class. TOMMIE COCHRANE FRIEND TO MANY LOVED BY ALL 7 BARBARA’S HAT Hope this finds you well & smiling. PROGRAMS Mona Steffan Our January 14 meeting will have a snowman theme. So bring to the meeting your favorite snowman. Be it an ornament, photo, painted wood piece, ceramic, fabric, stocking, poster or a real one! Bring it for inspiration. We are doing a snowman project. Bring your usual supplies. Plus palette to match this picture ↑, such as white, orange, black, a light green & a medium green & something for the checks. A BIG THANK YOU TO TERRIE BUSSE & JEANNIE LANQUIST FOR A GREAT CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON. WELL DONE LADIES! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS! Coleen Knox– Rosemary West Stool Kristy Rhodes-One Stroke Table Danielle Ganzi-Blue Winter’s Sled Shirley Rudman-Poinsettia Beverage Set Terri Busse-Sandi Strecker Merry Christmas Santa Karen Lewis-Americana Plant Holder Mona Steffan-Shara Reiner Coffee Pot Lamp→ Alice McMahan-Carousel Horse This Fundraiser was very successful. It raised us almost $700. Thanks for supporting ticket sales. 8 ANOTHER SUCCESSUL CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON 9 THE RIGHT FAMILY! Mrs. Right The Right’s Table for their annual Christmas Luncheon OUR HAND PAINTED TOTES FOR TENDER LIFE 10 NOVEMBER MEETING WITH SHOW & TELL THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK! OUT GOING 2012 BOARD 11 Poinsettia Painters Ventura County Chapter of the Society of Decorative Painters Meets the 2nd Monday of the month all year. Next meeting January 14, 2013 7:00 PM Held at: Orchid Bldg. UFCW Local Union Hall 816 Camarillo Springs Rd, Camarillo Parking in front of the building, enter building and proceed to right of stairs, Turn right at hall, last room on left. Directions: From 101 North: Exit Camarillo Springs Rd. At the stop sign, turn left into parking lot, From 101 South: Exit Camarillo Springs Rd. At the stop sign go directly across into parking lot. Carla Kincaid 1837 Montgomery Ave Ventura, CA 93004 805-659-3208 E-Mail: carla6161@gmail.com 12
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