SOMERVILLE CAMBRIDGE Route 69 Harvard Square
SOMERVILLE CAMBRIDGE Route 69 Harvard Square
il Ra ter mu om rt C po ury wb Ne Ch ap pie St. St. Ma rtin St. St. ldw in N. St. dS t. t. eS Le nc rra Do t. t. St. Oa kS yS t. Pin ckn e Pa rke rS Ba Au bu rn Me a e ort/ er ch ckp m Mic en Ed t. nS St. Gle tte r Cu t. nS nkli Be ach am St. Alfo rd S t. Cr St. t. Fra Orange Line os sS Min t. E ne so as W ta t isc Av on e. sin Av hig e . an Illin Av ois e. Av Ind e. ian aA ve . Av e. ld rfie Ga sh Ru t. Cro ss S St. Rush . St os s Cr Ro y. Hw Av e. ton ath sin g Mc . Sq Wig gle swo rth We St. sley St. Mc Gra th H wy. St. KENDALL/MIT l Pau t. tS hers Am Dr. ath rial eP mo Bik Me hite yW udle 3rd St. eB r. No rth Po int se wy . Mu nH um W ay Gil Ea mo r st St 3rd St. Sciarap pa St. rie EZ Ch ive rD EZ am SCIENCE PARK/ WEST END mb Ch ar rid g le s eP St . kw y. . Blv d nd EZ St. Way EZ EZRide Shuttle Cambridge–North Station 617-8EZInfo Main St. sR Ca Linskey d Cambrid geside Pl. La 2nd St St. Blv arle St. . St. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center O'B Teddy Ebersol’s Red Sox Fields Longfellow Bridge Bloss om Fruit St. St. Information 617-222-3200 • 1-800-392-6100 CHARLES/MGH (TTY) 617-222-5146 • Community Boating D Way EZ 3rd 5th St. y Galile Galilei o Way Tech Sq. CT2 wa gr. 1st St. 5th St. 6th St. 7th St. 8th St. St. Fulkerso n Rogers CT2 64 68 85 St. Charles Ms N. Grove St. St. bert Ave Spring St. Binney ad t. lan dS Port Osborn St. EZ CT1 t. Bro EZ Middlesex County Courthouse e St. yS COMMUNITY COLLEGE LECHMERE Otis St. EZ t. y. Thorndik Hurley 87 88 69 80 Hw . iros lM ede Card ne St. yS an Alb Gore St 69 CambridgeSide Shuttle Kendall/MIT– CambridgeSide Galleria 617-621-8666 info/services.cfm Bin 85 Red Line Smart St. St. ina eS t. shir Berk uth St. CT2 St . rk son St. Winds or S t. rd ge St. Lam Hunting St. Harding St. Willow St. tol Cla rry S t. Che St. kin rva Cambrid t. low S Wil Unio St. Elm Pine Ke n St. ut Wa ln t. yS an m In St. Walnu t t. tS mle Ha nv ille Gr ee r Ave. Bonne t. ct S t. ia S mb Colu t. or S Winds t. nS t. olk S Norf St. Gr t. dle spe St. St. St. rfolk No St. St. sp ec t Pro bia Colu m Dic Ha mo Bris t. lS o ist Ply Pl. ien r St. r Rail Mugar t. yS Sid ne Pro t. ct S Tre m ont St. ory an S Am Mu rdo ck An Inm trim t. St. ett Fa y St. w an elo Inm Big . St ne kli oo Br Pro Bo t. eS . Av e ple Ma t. St . nS nto t. lS ar . . St St rs te Pe spe lton St. gfield Sprin Oak St . . dA ve lan Hig h Cli . St ine Pe az lin e Elm . St. Av e rd co C Leonar . St. Av e na orth Da Ell sw t. ck S Ha n t. Le eS t. kS co c Ha n . St an t as ag M . St n or Ac oo k Br Bra St. ut Wa ln urc Ch Perry St. Parkdale St. Rose St. Magnus Ave. d St. on Rd. e. Hovey Av Roberts co Da na Ple Ma rsh all St. ol S ho Sc St. am Vin al A ve. t. yS t. hS inc Qu . St Pa rk ge St. Trowbrid St. ery Ell St. St. Gle nS St. St. ton th ou urs Th r tm Da . Sq rd va ar ho H Sc St. Pre sco tt t. lS hoo Sc t. Dan eS Pu tn ure La Lo rin gS t. Gra nite St. Prop erzi Way t. cam lS t. t. Ce St. Park ol S t. ore Ce rd rva Ha ntr al S gS t. Spri n St. ott Sc St. Irving t. eS dg bri Tro w . St t. York Br Porte 93 Commute Phillips St. Garden St. ine tS St. O' Blossom St. az . Grove St. ag St Anderson St. M St. ntr al S ll S t. we St. St. tS t. ng Sp ri Lo Be lmo n ll S t. St. St. igie we Cra ets on Ibb r Rd. Sumne n St. Felto ott St. Presc Banks St. W Pe eeks de str Bridg ian so e nly Sy St. er Po rt Lin St. Quincy St. Quincy St. Ell ery Wo lfe St. t. t. nS mp to Ply Wa re KS JF De At he ns S t. Du nste rS t. Ho lyo ke St. Lin den St. e Lo St. cke r nd nA ve. de Ce Red Line Cro St. err yS t. da rS t. Ch As hla nco Bu rn Ha en Wa ld Br idg on ers An d rz . Ave t rford La the hS Ru lt Rd. As . St Inner Be . ell d. St ain M ss lt R va rd t. Ru Be Ha r S ice 93 92 Serving •Harvard University •Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates •Inman Square •Cambridge Hospital •Spaulding Hospital, Cambridge •Red Line •Green Line er N. Sp SULLIVAN SQUARE Inn s Va sa t. rS Myrtle St. York gr EZ CT2 . . St CT2 Fitchburg Ms t. . South St. sS St od . St. Harvard SquareLechmere Station Av e t. wo St on rS pla Po e Am ie le A ve. Lin . ny a Alb rvil St St Er t. me ford n . sS So t. . EZ EZ ilto . St 1 os gt ute Lowell Comm Med St m . St Cr lin R yS ts Ha St ily eS wn o sd nd La Pa cif ic ay St. ton Washing Jo n or Fall September 3, 2016 - December 30, 2016 109 St. oland Cobble Hill 69 104 CT2 . y. sto . St. State St. 70A 64 University 70 Park t. ke Br Main St. . Tu d ar School St. St Em 47 St . M 68 gton Dr . St. ie . St n Ar 104 105 109 ton St New eld St. 47 Av e lle adw P ng Washi CT2 91 86 th Hw . n pA fts Tu . . ts 80 Mansfi 64 St St et t. McGra . am ho us 87 Ave rn illi ee Bis ch t St. Bro 92 93 95 101 86 89 90 91 St. er S St. bu W St Gr sa Wash in ter 92 105 r Rail er Webst Au ge St All 83 91 Flin Oliv 95 89 101 90 Pea 9-12 minutes rl S t. 88 Merriam ll 64 as ct H Pro Linden St. M Ave. n Ke y 64 64 CT1 70A 47 70 Er Tu f t. . St e rd S wa We bs Charlestown St. 85 e 70 to ad 1 tta Up 91 CENTRAL Co Riv 64 83 83 91 64 t. er S 69 hir ps m 1 St. ve. ill A 7-Eleven Bro rva . CT2 85 Ha . Ha le A ve. Ave. Concord Oak St. ton St Allen St. . t. Union Square 90 t. Ave . 80 er Webst St dS Ne 91 Av e St. n t. 80 spe rvil . St o wt Adrian St. ugh e . me Ho t. ro e Av n re ar W St. St. sS rl S . St. ay 90 Approximate total running time one way 13-17 minutes nS un So . We st sto Ave. on rie Bo M Oti rett Pea St St. air an ey 85 inia ilm G ers er Webst ac 83 Ma . t. o ald W a Ave. St S er Magnoli wA ve. nt A ve. it A ve. Bon Eve Vir g Av e. mm t. Marion St. Av nd vie asa Su eS e. Hig hla nd Ald Bow Lak Be St. St. m St. rd mm Su d. 80 90 Gra 86 Soden St. Rotterda City Hall Somerville High School 4-5 minutes Ple nR dw . Gilman Square 88 t. oa e Av Ave . Br 90 92 93 tic Av e. 101 92 ys St. 89 95 M nd on ale St. e St. t. 70A Dan ntre Western Ave 47 se dis e. St. gton in Wash St. Ce Jay St. St. am Kinnaird ge rid mb Ca ntro St. St. CAMBRIDGE nS Putnam Ave. 64 hd Mo Ma Dane Av . ath 70 Memorial Dr. St. St. Alm Ric 87 y Rd sales locations. Indicates MBTA pass andC fare . ha Fa lk Fare vending machines irm areStalso located at all . ou nt e P subway stations and rinDudley Station. St ridg . c t. B er S Riv 83 86 Ch St. le att m do Se Win . t yS il er S Ave. St ay Howard St. 64 Ra St. sto e Putnam Ave. 70 St. St. nkli nair 70A Avo n Pre Lin adw en Fra Kin ay iW n St. Bro Gre Blackstone . Western Ave . Bridge erville z er o Pr ge St. t. Western Ave ley mm Cambridge Rindge & Latin High School nt S Flagg St. rke 85 Hanso St. . Gra Be Su p . St Farrar Cambrid e Av burn tts Au St. St. Mt. Hingham St. 70A on St . 68 St. se 86 66 ard hu ath St. 1 St. Harv ac uth rop dw s as eP Bik So inth M W ford 83 en t. ter Ox St. ld tt S e hit W ley ud nne mu hla t. Ra il a ay on Ho lD 71 Ave. u Pa Be ert t. nd S Kirkl oa HARVARD Ma ss. Ave . St. St. burn Francis 73 Au St. Mt. Br le att Br 1 68 om Hig . Bryant 69 Ath St Irving t. t. Som mm ute r . nS er an S rris St rde Co Ha ve. ity A t. on S G a Mas rg M t. t. eS ous terh Wa um mm Pitm er rv 78 90 nS n S w t. Av e. . tc hb u Ca . dso to Av e . St St t. nS Folle as Hu ll C St. ow e us Divin 74 88 Su Fi mS rha Go Ch 75 le rris ley t. 72 72/75 rke St. cy aun rvil Ha St. St. St. St. nS dA ve . ut in ay Gr do er St. lk Wa Langdo . Be 1 66 74 68 75 69 77 71 78 72 86 73 96 72/75 rde or me Eustis St. Wendell St. n St. Ga nc So Sacramento St. St. ard Br Crescent St. St. rtin ep Co Oxford St. rlb w Bo . Ave Prentiss St. Ma Sh 87 Garfield St. Cr we ion SOMERVILLE 83 Forest St. . Lo Alb fo ter St. cas on Av Lin St. St. St . ed M Arlington St. Hu St. Hill an e na er St n gto shin Wa n Avo t. sS Bate Mt. Ve Lan m on ac Be evu Bell rnon . Ave lnut Wa nt asa Ple t St. cen Vin ve. eA Rd. St. PORTER Mt. nd m Av e . e. nd St ale Av Upla Su Elm Richd hla rd 77 83 96 Hig fo St. 87 96 ed M sid eA ve ck St. Route 69 Harvard Square - Lechmere Station 83 77 Haverhill Commuter Rail schedule change Revere St. Myrtle St. BEACON HILL Pinckney Mt. Vernon t St. stnu Che St. St. 69 Leave Harvard/ Holyoke Street Inbound Arrive Inman Square Weekday Arrive Lechmere Station 5:25A 5:29A 5:37A 5:55 5:59 6:07 6:20 6:24 6:33 6:45 6:51 7:01 7:05 7:11 7:21 7:20 7:26 7:37 7:35 7:41 7:52 7:50 7:56 8:09 8:00 8:07 8:20 8:10 8:17 8:30 8:20 8:27 8:40 8:30 8:37 8:50 8:40 8:47 9:00 8:50 8:57 9:07 9:10 9:17 9:27 9:30 9:37 9:47 Every 25 Mins. Until 11:3511:42 11:52 12:00N12:07P 12:17P 12:25P12:32 12:42 12:5012:57 1:07 1:15 1:22 1:32 1:40 1:47 1:57 2:01 2:08 2:18 2:17 2:24 2:34 2:34 2:41 2:51 fs 2:34 2:51 3:02 2:51 2:58 3:13 fs 2:47 3:04 3:15 3:08 3:16 3:31 Every 20 Mins. Until 6:08 6:16 6:31 6:28 6:36 6:48 6:48 6:54 7:04 7:20 7:26 7:36 8:00 8:06 8:16 8:40 8:45 8:53 9:20 9:25 9:33 10:0010:05 10:13 10:4010:45 10:53 11:2011:25 11:33 12:00M12:05A 12:13A 12:49A12:52 12:59 Leave Lechmere Station Arrive Inman Square 5:40A 5:46A 6:10 6:16 6:40 6:46 7:00 7:10 7:15 7:25 7:25 7:35 7:35 7:45 7:45 7:55 7:55 8:05 8:10 8:20 8:25 8:35 8:40 8:50 8:55 9:05 9:12 9:22 9:30 9:40 Every 25 Mins. 11:35 11:45 12:00N 12:25P 12:50 1:15 1:40 1:50 2:10 2:20 2:30 2:40 3:00 Every 5:00 5:20 5:40 6:00 6:20 6:40 7:00 7:40 8:20 9:00 9:40 10:20 11:00 11:40 12:20A w 1:02 69 Outbound 12:10P 12:35 1:00 1:25 1:50 2:00 2:20 2:30 2:40 2:50 3:13 20 Mins. 5:13 5:33 5:53 6:13 6:32 6:50 7:10 7:47 8:27 9:07 9:47 10:27 11:05 11:45 12:25A 1:07 Arrive Harvard/ Holyoke Street 5:52A 6:22 6:52 7:17 7:33 7:44 7:54 8:04 8:14 8:29 8:44 8:59 9:12 9:29 9:47 Until 11:53 Leave Harvard/ Holyoke Street Inbound Arrive Inman Square Saturday Arrive Lechmere Station 5:15A 5:17A 5:25A 5:45 5:47 5:55 6:15 6:17 6:25 6:45 6:47 6:55 7:17 7:19 7:27 7:47 7:49 7:57 8:17 8:20 8:30 8:52 8:55 9:05 9:27 9:30 9:41 10:0210:0510:18 10:4210:4510:58 11:0911:1311:26 11:3111:3511:48 11:53 11:57 12:10P Leave Lechmere Station 69 Outbound Arrive Inman Square Arrive Harvard/ Holyoke Street 5:30A 5:34A 5:40A 6:00 6:04 6:10 6:30 6:34 6:40 7:00 7:04 7:10 7:30 7:34 7:40 8:00 8:07 8:14 8:35 8:42 8:49 9:10 9:17 9:24 9:45 9:53 10:01 10:2210:3010:38 10:4710:5611:04 11:0911:1811:26 11:3111:4011:48 11:53 12:02P12:10P Leave Harvard/ Holyoke Street Sunday Inbound Arrive Inman Square Arrive Lechmere Station 6:20A 6:23A 6:31A 7:15 7:18 7:26 8:15 8:19 8:27 9:18 9:22 9:30 9:53 9:57 10:05 10:3010:3410:42 11:1011:1511:24 11:50 11:56 12:05P Outbound Leave Lechmere Station Arrive Inman Square Arrive Harvard/ Holyoke Street 6:05A 6:11A 6:15A 7:00 7:06 7:10 8:00 8:06 8:11 9:00 9:06 9:11 9:35 9:41 9:46 10:1010:1710:23 10:5010:5711:03 11:3011:3711:43 12:30P12:36P12:45P 12:10P12:17P12:23P 1:10 1:16 1:25 12:50 12:59 1:05 1:50 1:56 2:05 1:30 1:38 1:44 2:30 2:36 2:45 2:10 2:18 2:24 3:10 3:16 3:25 2:50 2:58 3:04 3:50 3:56 4:05 3:30 3:38 3:44 4:36 4:44 4:10 4:18 4:24 12:15P12:24P12:32P 4:30 5:10 5:16 5:24 4:50 4:58 5:04 Every 22 Mins. Until 5:50 5:56 6:04 5:30 5:38 5:44 3:55 4:04 4:12 6:30 6:36 6:44 6:10 6:18 6:24 4:17 4:26 4:34 7:08 7:14 7:22 6:50 6:57 7:02 4:39 4:48 4:56 7:45 7:50 7:57 7:28 7:35 7:40 5:01 5:10 5:18 8:15 8:20 8:27 8:00 8:06 8:11 5:23 5:32 5:40 8:50 8:55 9:02 8:35 8:41 8:46 5:45 5:54 6:02 9:25 9:30 9:37 9:10 9:16 9:21 6:07 6:16 6:24 10:0010:0510:12 9:45 9:51 9:56 6:29 6:38 6:46 10:3510:4010:47 10:2010:2610:31 6:51 7:00 7:08 11:1011:1511:22 10:5511:0011:05 7:09 7:16 7:24 11:4511:4911:56 11:3011:3511:40 7:44 7:51 7:59 12:15A12:19A12:26A 12:00M 12:05A 12:10A 8:19 8:25 8:32 12:4512:4912:56 12:30A 12:35 12:40 8:54 9:00 9:07 + 1:00 w 1:04 + 1:09 9:29 9:35 9:42 10:0410:1010:17 Rapid Bus + Rapid Local Bus Bus + Bus Fare 10:4510:5010:56 Transit Transit 11:1511:2011:26 CharlieCard $1.70 $1.70 $2.25 $2.25 11:4511:4911:55 12:15A12:19A12:25A CharlieTicket $2.00 $2.00 $2.75 $4.75 12:4512:4912:55 Cash-on-Board $2.00 $4.00 $2.75 $4.75 w 1:15 1:19 1:25 12:15P12:19P12:32P Every 22 Mins. Until 3:33 3:37 3:51 3:55 3:59 4:13 4:21 4:35 12:18P 4:17 4:43 4:57 12:43 4:39 5:05 5:19 1:08 5:01 5:27 5:40 1:33 5:23 5:48 6:01 1:58 5:45 6:10 6:23 2:08 6:07 6:32 6:45 2:28 6:29 6:51 6:54 7:07 2:38 7:26 7:29 7:42 2:48 8:01 8:04 8:17 2:58 8:36 8:39 8:52 3:22 9:11 9:14 9:25 Until 9:46 9:49 10:00 5:22 10:2110:2410:35 5:42 10:5911:0211:13 11:2911:3211:43 6:02 12:02A12:13A 6:22 11:59 12:39 6:39 12:29A 12:32 1:02 1:09 6:57 12:59 7:17 f -Leaves from Cambridge Street at Felton Street 7:53 s-Does NOT run during school vacation 8:33 w - Waits for last trolley to arrive at Lechmere Station. 9:13 9:53 All buses are accessible to persons with disabilities 10:32 11:09 Route 69 11:49 Harvard/Holyoke Street12:29A 1:11 Lechmere Station Student* Senior/TAP** $0.85 $0.85 $0.85 $0.85 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 $1.10 VALID PASSES: LinkPass ($84.50/mo.); Local Bus ($55/mo.); *Student LinkPass ($30.00/mo.); **Senior/TAP LinkPass ($30/mo.); and express bus, commuter rail, and boat passes. FREE FARES: Children 11 and under ride free when accompanied by an adult; Blind Access CharlieCard holders ride free and if using a guide, the guide rides free. * Requires Student CharlieCard, available to students through participating middle schools and high schools. ** Requires Senior/TAP CharlieCard, available to Medicare cardholders, seniors 65+, and persons with disabilities. Fall 2016 Holidays October 10 & November 11: see Weekday September 5, November 24 & December 26: see Sunday
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