Bullshooter #239 - Pistol New Zealand
Bullshooter #239 - Pistol New Zealand
The OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF PISTOL NEW ZEALAND ISSUE# 239 FEBRUARY 2016 Warkworth Multigun Shootoff Oceania Championships 2015 Norfolk Island Pistol Championships Hawkes Bay Summer Challenge Office Hours 9.00am to 5.00pm, Thursday-Monday Executive Officer/Bullshooter Editor, Online Shop and Targets: Phill Brown P.O.Box 391, Hastings, 4156 Phone: (06) 870 7575 Fax: (06) 870 7574 E-mail: exec@pistolnz.org.nz President: Debbie Wakker Ph – (W) (09) 520 8262 Mobile: (029) 7720191 E-Mail: president@pistolnz.org.nz. ♦ Closing dates for inclusion of copy are the 20th of January, March, May, July, September and November. ♦ Subscription to the magazine within N.Z. is NZ $40 for six issues. Payment and postal address to Pistol NZ, Box 391, Hastings. The International airmail cost is NZ$50 for six issues. ♦ Circulation is to the entire senior financial membership of Pistol N.Z., plus kindred sporting groups in N.Z. and overseas, selected libraries and members of the New Zealand Parliament. ♦ All material published is subject to copyright, it may not be quoted nor reproduced in any manner without the express permission of Pistol N.Z. BULLSHOOTER ADVERTISING CHARGES are: Full page - $390, Colour and Black/White 1/2 page - $280, Colour and Black/White 1/4 page - $180, Colour and Black/White These GST inclusive prices can be discounted for ‘contract’ advertisers Councillors: Jim Anderson Brian Bishop Gary Elmes Steve Welsh Craig Clark (6 issues or more), enquire with the Editor for details. jim.anderson@pistolnz.org.nz brian.bishop@pistolnz.org.nz gary.elmes@pistolnz.org.nz steve.welsh@pistolnz.org.nz craig.clark@pistolnz.org.nz Action: CAS: HMS: IPSC: ISSF: Muzzle Loading: Service: Speed: Three Gun: Junior Dev: Peter Hansen Ron Finlayson Octavian Talpos Wally Cole Peter Werder Hugh Bullmore Aaron Thomason Phill Brown (Temporary) Dean Albiston Phill Brown E-mail: action@pistolnz.org.nz E-mail: cowboy@pistolnz.org.nz E-mail: hms@pistolnz.org.nz E-mail: ipsc@pistolnz.org.nz E-mail: ISSF@pistolnz.org.nz E-mail: muzzle@pistolnz.org.nz E-mail: service@pistolnz.org.nz E-mail: speed@pistolnz.org.nz E-mail: 3gun@pistolnz.org.nz E-mail: exec@pistolnz.org.nz Non Council: Range Committee: Range Committee: Peter Miles Wally Cole E-mail: pmiles@xtra.co.nz E-mail: wcole@xtra.co.nz Holster/Safety Admin: Daryl Sleeman E-mail: xenon@xnet.co.nz (All Holster and Safety Test paperwork to be sent to the Executive Officer) Gun Supplies Ltd- Pistols Texas Star Targets- C Rofe Hawkes Bay Summer Challenge - P Brown IPSC Mini Targets Pistol New Zealand Shop Coaching-E Hoover S & M Arms Ltd GUNSNZ.com Target Products JPB Furley S & W Autos Aoraki Ammunition JPB Furley S & W Revolvers NZ Guns and Hunting Out of Sight Shooting Accessories Pacific Pistol Serious Shooters Gun City Taieri Arms Inside Front Cover Page 8 Page 9 Page 9 Page 11 Page 11 Page 11 Page 13 Page 14 Page 17 Page 18 Page 21 Page 22 Page 22 Page 22 Inside Back Cover Back Cover Back Cover Warkworth ‘Man on Man’ Shoot off Greg De Suza shooting Rifle Photo by Tina De Suza NOTE: Prices in the Bullshooter include GST where applicable. Pistol N.Z. GST No: 48-760-066. Articles are solicited on any subject, but the editor reserves the right to accept or reject material, as seen fit. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Pistol New Zealand. CUT-OFF FOR NEXT ISSUE 20TH MAR 2016 Online Trading Post All financial, Pistol New Zealand members are welcome to advertise to BUY, SELL or SWAP firearms and related firearms goods on the Pistol New Zealand website’s Online Trading Post. THE ONLINE TRADING POST ADVERTISING DETAILS CAN BE FOUND ON THE PNZ WEBSITE Or contact exec@pistolnz.org.nz No commercial advertisements may be placed in the Trading Post column. Page From the President’s Desk Firearms Advisory Forum Update Firearms Advisory Forum Meeting Minutes COLFO Update- P Clark Extracts from the XO Service News- A Thomason In the Black- H Bullmore Speed Shooting News – P Brown Action Update- P Hansen Ramblings- O Talpos Motueka Student Open Day- C&S Budgen Gaddums Hill CAS Shoot- S Benge ISSF Update- P Werder 13th Norfolk Island Champs- M Jefferis Oceania Champs S Nobes & C Longmire Practically Speaking - W Cole Packing Iron- Tuscon 3 Gun & Multi-Gun News- D Albiston Man V Man Warkworth- R Mrkusich Coming Events 4 4 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 14 15 16 16 19 19 20 22 From The Presidents Desk by Pistol New Zealand President Debbie Wakker Welcome to 2016!!! I hope that the year has started well for you with lots of shooting occurring!! My calendar for the next few months is already full of shooting events. New years are supposedly about setting goals, and while I don’t really subscribe to this I have made some for this year. On a personal note it is to increase my shooting skill level and try out more styles. In my role on Council there are two things I wish to accomplish: 1) Ensure that the PNZ videos are completed: this includes a Holster Training video and a video that promotes our sport. It will include all disciplines and highlight what we enjoy about the sport. 2) Firearms Advisory Forum: a group has been formed called the National Multiagency Firearms Working Group (NMFWG). This group will investigate all the issues facing us as shooters and involve intensive consultation with representatives of the firearms groups such as Pistol NZ. So if there is something that impacts on you that you believe could be improved upon then please email me – import permits, B endorsement applications are just a few of the items that have been mentioned. At the end of my article is both the Summary from the Firearms Advisory group meeting in December and also the quarterly update of the NMFWG – the first update. I want to acknowledge and thank Joe Green who retired from the Police in January this year. A number of you will know Joe from his many many years as the Manager of Firearms Licencing and Vetting. Joe was a pleasure to work with on your behalf and I wish him all the best for this next stage of his life. Garth den Hayen has also moved on from his time with the Firearms group. We thank him for his contribution and wish him all the best. More medals for Island and National events After member feedback Council has decided to increase the number of medals given at NI and National events. If a division or grade has three or less entries then a gold medal is awarded, if four or more then Gold, Silver and Bronze are awarded, rather than 5 entries being required. New National Holster Co-ordinator The ‘new’ holster regime is not so new anymore having been in use for over 5 years. Council wishes to thank Jack Sims for all the work that he has done over the years. His selfless attitude and willingness to keep refining the 4 www.pistolnz.org.nz holster document and being readily available to clubs has ensured the success of the new training regime. Now that 5 years have passed Council has reviewed the process and updated the policy to reflect what has been happening. We have also implemented a 2-year appointment policy to the role of National Holster Co-ordinator. For 2016 Jack Sims will work with Peter Nield to share his expertise with Peter taking on the role for his 2 year tenure from the 2016 AGM. As previously mentioned with 5 years under our belt we now begin the process of going around the clubs to update them regarding the Holster Training process and ensuring that the high level of training and consistency remains throughout our member clubs. Jack and Peter will begin this process this year with the clubs in the Northland region. Club Secretaries will be contacted by the PNZ XO regarding possible dates for these training workshops. A member sent me an email upon the passing of a long standing member who did a huge amount for his club: What we should not forget is people may grow old and in some cases die – but so many established and leave a heritage for others to follow and enjoy. I found it quite poignant as none of us are growing any younger. We have established a strong organisation and managed to maintain and add to our sport, in spite of a growing number of negative events involving firearms on the world stage. This is due to the work, commitment and passion of many of our members and it is up to us to now continue with this and ensure that generations to come are able to enjoy firearms in a safe and competitive environment. Thank you to all that you as individuals do for shooting in NZ. Regards and Happy Shooting!! Debbie Firearms Community Advisory Forum Quarterly Update February 2016 Background In August 2015 development of a multistream project was initiated as a result of a number of reviews and subject matter expert advice. (The project is still being developed and issues identified as part of an ongoing business analysis) Analyses of the reviews found that the current management and administration for firearms has numerous opportunities to promote more efficient processes and identified areas for improvement in quality management and assurance. There is further opportunity to improve the use of technology, to promote a high quality service delivery model both internally and for the public. These improvements will enable performance reporting and cost analysis to be performed easily, efficiently and quickly, which is not possible within the current framework. Bullshooter #239 The current decentralised firearms management structure is spread between the Districts and PNHQ and does not provide entirely consistent advice to the public in regard to issues pertaining to firearms. The current processes do not adequately monitor completeness or authenticity under s43A of the Arms Act 1983 (online sales) or the appropriate firearms categorisations around restricted airguns. Workload analysis is not available and as such it is difficult to determine correct numbers of Firearms staff, and while firearms’ training is undertaken, no approved nationally moderated training is in place, and there has been no agreement regarding specific performance measures. Improvements are required to provide measurement and benchmark monitoring for the 176 Firearms vetting staff. Further areas that can be improved and reviewed have arisen in regard to the Arms Act 1983. For example there are three principle problems which are part of a wider issue about whether or not the distinction between MSSAs and other semi-automatic firearms (rifles and shotguns) is sustainable or enforceable. Robust monitoring can help Police understand more about the extent to which the requirement to have a Police issued import permit, is being ignored by individuals, and what checks are available within Customs to identify non-compliant items. Police has identified evidence gaps within data entry, data structure, tariff data, completion of import permits, sporterised MSSAs, online sales, seizure of firearms, recorded stolen firearms (burglary), and succession planning for staff with firearms expertise. (A briefing to the Minister of Police is currently being finalised detailing potential legislative changes through an Arms Amendment Bill 2016 which will impact some of these issues) These will be part of the wider review of management processes. This multi-stream project will deliver one of the largest reviews, development and implementation of policy, standards, training and technology in the firearms arena ever attempted by Police. The deliverables of this work will: • impact police personnel through policies and processes either directly or indirectly, • include the wider community and commercial businesses and traders, • impact our partner agencies (MFAT, Customs, DIA) through the sharing of information and joint initiatives combining resources and expertise, • contribute to reducing officers and police personnel administrative tasks through smart technology, • position New Zealand as a leader within the firearms administration and management functions, and • provide the foundation for greater investigative and intelligence based development. The future The strategic vision of Firearms Management and Administration will align with effective efficient policing and service to the community and partner agencies. To that end each work-stream needs to provide the structure, process, guidance, management, training, support, investigative capability and technology to take Police through 2016 and beyond. Planning will focus on providing Police with access to appropriate tools and information to perform their jobs to the highest standard. Progress - The first step to be completed is the engagement of a Business Analyst (BA) to understand and document the required process, policies and responsibilities within the firearms area. Recruitment of this position is underway in-conjunction with the Police Enterprise Portfolio Management Office (EPMO). National Multi-Agency Firearms Working Group (NMFWG) Work-streams A National Multi-Agency Firearms Working Group (NMFWG) has been formed (since November 2015). The group is made up of representatives from MFAT, DIA, Customs and Police. This group is tasked with informing the strategic direction of the administration and management of firearms and other weapons, promoting a collaborative connected New Zealand Inc. The NMFWG will ensure the purpose of the Arms Act is being achieved, promoting “Safe people and environments” and “Safe firearms and use of firearms and other weapons”. Bullshooter #239 Due the complexity of firearms management and administration, a multi-stream project with five sections has been developed, described below. 1. Alignment- A Strategic Direction Development of clear documented strategic direction, establishing an agreed approach to firearms administration and management, to ensure long term success. Progress - An initial draft of the strategic framework is currently being developed and consulted. An initial meeting of the sub working group was held on the 2151 of December 2015, and one workshop (Cont Page 6) Pistol NZ 5 involving key personnel on the 23rd of December 2015. Further workshops are planned prior to finalising a draft for presentation at the next NMFWG meeting. 2. Systems - changes to ICT and other business systems, changes to technology, platform, infrastructure, methods, and procedures. (These changes will be aligned with BPS utilising existing systems and applications suitable for service delivery i.e. iGovt {Rea/me), LTSA Driver Licensing, query-me). Development of an end to end full online licensing application and processing service i.e.: • Applications (new, dealer, import, visitor), Renewals, Change of address, Logging of personal information (email, contact information), Notification of deceased persons, Notification of proposed revocation, Management of expiration follow-up and processing; • Integration with NIA case management processes, including review of the relationship between alerts for burglary and firearms notation; • Aligned electronic reporting (internal and partner agencies); including a national and district report for stolen firearms as a result of burglary both metropolitan and rural. • Alignment to the national vetting and validation processes (National Communications Centres), with the ability for a service call to NIA for a Firearms Licence Query aligned to the iGovt agreement. Progress - once a BA is established within the overall project their work will inform and direct those processes and systems that will be ultimately automated and potentially self validated. The BA will engage with the Police ICT group, including the correct subject matter experts and wider stakeholders to develop a set of requirements suitable for transition to ICT and training and development documents. 3. People - (changes to capacity, role, terms and conditions, location, organisational structure, skills, knowledge, behaviour) The organisational structure and service delivery model have not been changed for over a decade, resulting in varied supervisory guidance and monitoring across Districts. This workstream will: • Review workload parity and distribution; • Establish agreed, moderated national training for internal staff; • Create national standardised induction training; Create a consistent standard position description(s); • Ensure conditions and remuneration are consistent and appropriate for all functions; • Establish quality, performance and assurance measures. Progress - Basic analysis is underway looking at standardising a position description for each of the key 6 www.pistolnz.org.nz roles. No further change will be undertaken until the introduction of a BA and mapping. 4. Environment - (changes to legislation, regulations, culture, stakeholder perception,organisational reputation, community relationships) The Arms Act 1983 and Arms Regulations 1992 have not ke pace with technology or increased demand for services; a review is required of the current policing environment. In particular review of; • Use of online services, sales and uncorroborated access to firearms; • Incorporation of import and export permit cost recovery (including importation of firearms and firearm parts); • Review of firearms licence endorsement categories in relation to restricted firearms and air-pistols; • Updated costing of a firearms licence application, (new, renewal, expired,visitor, dealer); • Review of prescribed fees vs. levies within the legislation and regulations; • Regulation of forms, online presentation of, and information data capture. Progress - The last significant review of the Arms Act was in 1997. Some work around an Arms Amendment Bill is underway and this contains a significant tidy up of a number of concerns already raised. Further discussion of other key aspects of the project will require consideration as part of this process. 5. Processes - (changes to information, business processes, budgets/revenue, operating model, policies) Current processes and operating models are paper based, duplicating effort and resulting in an inefficient longwinded service delivery. These require change to: • Reflect technology advancements, for example use of web based forms, query-me, iGovt, (Realme) and online solutions for paper based processes currently undertaken throughout the Districts; • Enhance statutory, performance, and assurance reporting; Provide statistics for use in standard OIA response processes; Ensure suitable training, training support and monitoring is available to staff; • Provide financial analysis and monitoring on a monthly automated basis; • Provide strong agreement between Police and online traders around assurance checkpoints and validation of firearms licence details. Progress - One of the key deliverables of the BA will be to determine where a technology solution will operate within the process and where changes to our business and operating model are required. Once this is complete, analysis of the time taken vs. the deliverable will be used to inform the financial modelling process and determine costs and required revenues moving forward. Firearms Management and Administration- NZ Police February 2016 Bullshooter #239 Summary of the Firearms Community Advisory Forum Meeting 3rd December 2015 The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed National multiagency firearms working group (NMFWG): Police, Customs, MFAT and Internal Affairs have established a working group to look at promoting consistent decision making and delivery of connected, cost effective firearms administration and management of services across government. There will be stakeholder engagement. The five workstreams are: people, processes, systems, environment and alignment. Discussion document on firearm issues: the majority of the issues covered in the discussion document tabled were covered in the previous discussion and will be looked at under various workstreams of the nmfwg. The revenue collected from firearms licences and endorsements for the 2012/13 year was $3,103,723 and for 2014/15 was $4,226, 946. Spending distribution is to be analysed as part of the NMFWG. Internet firearms sales: Police has created a simple and effective change by making it a requirement that the signed 43a form that is filled out by the purchaser and countersigned by police is to be sent directly from Police to the seller. Update on Mountain Safety Council review: the msc undertook a comprehensive review of its operations focused on increasing effectiveness and relevance in relation to outdoor safety. MSC confirmed that they are still delivering firearms safety training (as per agreement with police) and their commitment to firearms and hunter safety has not wavered. MSC confirmed that it was committed to resolving the current concerns. Firearms outdoor safety review (Minister Dunne): the terms of reference for the review have been consulted with stakeholder groups. Part of the Police submission was that the review should be concentrated on ‘safe practices with firearms for hunters and illegal hunting with firearms’. Update on firearms legislation: Police will be requesting the Minister’s decision in the new year on how she wants the legislative process to occur, either a cabinet paper or a public discussion document. Firearm prohibition orders are to be progressed through a separate bill. Communications plan: chair reminded everyone of chatham house rules and confirmed that clarification of anything should be directed to police in the first instance. Bullshooter #239 Other Business: any concerns regarding how endorsement applications on the pol67x form are being handled should be directed to the firearms group at Police National Headquarters Wellington. How to get information out on stolen guns was discussed and it was decided that a generic email address be set up with Police through the police website. The process for surrending firearms and knowledge around this process in the event of a death of a firearms licence holder will be looked at by the NMFWG. The wildlife (powers) Amendment bill was introduced on 2 December and police has undertaken to clarify whether there is an issue Of DOC rangers seizing firearms when they do not hold a firearms licence. A further discussion document was tabled and will be discussed at the next meeting. by Paul Clark- Chairman COLFO 2015 was an important year for COLFO. The biggest highlight was the signing of a memorandum of Cooperation and Understanding with SSAA in Lower Hutt over Waitangi weekend. Geoff Jones president of Sporting Shooters of Australia (SSAA) and 3 SSAA executive members flew to Wellington on the Friday afternoon, then came out to Lower Hutt for the weekend. The Colfo executive flew in from around NZ and then we all got together over the weekend to cover off a number of firearm issues common to both countries and formally sign the document. This was a great event, and only reinforced the fact that most of the problems firearm owners face are global and often need to be dealt with in that context. That brings me to another important event that will happen in NZ later in the year. COLFO is currently upgrading its membership of WFSA to full voting membership, not associate, which is the current position. I expect that this will be ratified at the next WFSA meeting which is scheduled for the 3rd of March in Nuremburg. WFSA have strongly indicated that their next international meeting in 2017 will most likely be held here in NZ, most likely this coming September. This meeting will really put NZ on the world stage as a global leader in the personal possession of firearms. We know we currently have one of the best systems in the world, it will be good for other people to see how well it works at first hand. In addition I have meet with MFAT several times in respect of the Arms Trade Treaty, too make sure NZ firearm owners are not disadvantaged by it, and through our status as an NGO at the United Nations that we get to speak at UN meetings in support of the private possession of firearms. COLFO has a very good working relationship with MFAT. (Cont Page 8) Pistol NZ 7 I have also recorded with Radio NZ insight program on firearm matters, and briefly with TV3. Being handy to Wellington has enabled me to meet personally with a number of politicians privately to discuss firearm matters in a positive context. Approximately about a dozen of these discussions took place last year. I also flew down to Queenstown, then on to Wanaka in June, for the 2015 NZ Deerstalkers conference to present on Colfo matters. Another important milestone was the start of a COLFO firearms legal database. We paid a legal researcher to study firearm court cases going back to the early eighties. This has certainly thrown up some interesting cases, that are currently being reviewed by a lawyer prior to putting them on our website so that they are available for all to study and learn from. This could be very valuable if you as a firearms owner end up disputing with police some aspect of your firearms ownership. Remember the police only enforce the law, it is up to the courts to adjudicate on any disputes that may arise. Most importantly please remember that the best way to ensure sensible and effective firearms legislation is for ALL of you to make sure that you personally interact with your local member of Parliament several times a year on firearm issues. Politics is a numbers game, make sure you are both heard and seen. Rachael Dean a member of the COLFO executive attended the The Sustainable Use of Lead Ammunition in Hunting and Sports Shooting: Facts and Emotions. This was sponsored by AFEMS and WFA, and was held in Brussels on 20-21st October 2015. Extracts From the XO by Pistol New Zealand Executive Officer Phill Brown 2016.......New Year, New Challenges! The start of this year has been one of the busiest in recent times! New matches are beginning to fill the once empty January and February shooting months as clubs around the country look to develop their own club events. Council have a number of projects underway involving dedicated volunteers around the country, further developing the sport we all love. Loveridge Cup I have sent to every club, information about our newest Secondary Schools shooting postal match, the Loveridge Cup. The match itself will be held on Saturday the 23rd of April, if you are intested in being part of this new match, check out the PNZ website under ‘Junior Pistol Shooting’ or contact me for details. ISSF Section Director Election The ISSF Section Director election is now underway, details are on the ISSF page of the PNZ website. Phill Hot barrels to you all. Paul Above: The signing of the memorandum of cooperation and understanding with SSAA . Simon Gibson from Rod & Rifle took the photo. Myself and Geoff Jones from SSAA Below: The COLFO and SSAA team after the signing. Texas Star Targets For details and ordering information contact Carl at bullshooter@xtra.co.nz 8 www.pistolnz.org.nz Bullshooter #239 Hawkes Bay IPSC Summer Challenge By Phill Brown A big thank you to Guns NZ for their generous prizes at the prizegiving as well. The Hawkes Bay Pistol Club IPSC team had fun putting on the match and we thank this years shooters and look forward to building the Summer Challenge each year into one of the best IPSC matches on the yearly calendar. SERVICE NEWS Shooters from the North Island travelled Service Match Shooting - by Section Director Aaron Thomason to Hawkes Bay on the 23/24th of January 90 shot Action match testing your accuracy skills for the first IPSC match of the new year! Happy New Year to all the Service Pistol 12 stages requiring 240 rounds greeted 40 shooters Shooters out there. looking to drive out some of the rust gained over the last 2 months and kick start 2016. Stages required weak and stong hand shooting, running backwards (on one stage twice!) as well as the obligatory cooper tunnel (also twice!) The shooters loved the fun stages and the relaxed atmosphere not to mention the freindly locals! In fact the biggest issue all weekend was the heat, which was well into the 30’s both days.....a regular supply of cold chilled water for the shooters was appreciated along with the excellent lunches! The first postal match of the 2016 calendar year is underway, you can shoot this match anytime between the 6th of February and the 5th of March. At $10.00 to enter it’s the cheapest shoot you will ever enter and there are medals up for grabs. Enter and see how you stack up against the rest of New Zealand. For those of you watching the PNZ website you will be aware that the Nationals will this year be held in Rotorua in May on the 14th & 15th. This was in keeping with the wishes of the competitors at last years Nationals and will see a switch to have the Nationals at the end of the good weather instead as of it being the first match after the winter break. New Plymouth Pistol Club will be hosting the North Islands later in the year probably around October-November. In keeping with my theory that you should shoot different disciplines from time to time, I’d like to thank Rob King and the team from Warkworth Pistol Club for running their second Man V Man Multi Gun competition, what a great fun shoot. Great to see it so well attended. I’ll be back next year for sure. Division winners were Aaron Manson-Open, Sam Estall-Production Kevin Maurer- Classic and Graeme JensenStandard. Full match results are on the PNZ website. The Summer Challenge is in its second year and has grown in size from 9 to 12 stages and this year added another 18 shooters to the match. A HUGE thank you must go to the tireless Hawkes Bay Club members who spent many hours putting together this years event, along with the many helpers during the match including two familiar match scorers who had all the results out and ready for prizegiving well within an hour! Bullshooter #239 Well the holidays are over and the new years resolutions have been forgotten so its time to get back into some serious shooting. OK team enough chit chat, time to get to the range and get some practice in and dont forget to check out Facebook page for Service Pistol. Regards Aaron IPSCavailable MINIfrom TARGETS the Auckland Pistol Club For orders and details contact Rob at treasurer@pistolclub.org.nz Pistol NZ 9 In the Black Muzzle Loading News By Section Director Hugh Bullmore Precision shooting, shooting historic firearms We have added 2 matches to our Island and National Muzzle Loading Championships! The PNZ Championships now offer the following events: • Tanzutsu (smooth bore match lock) • Cominazzo (smooth bore flint lock) • Kuchenreuter (percussion single shot) • Mariette (percussion revolver) • Modern percussion revolver • BP Cartridge (13 shot frontier) • BP Cartridge Aggregate • M/L Percussion Revolver Aggregate • 50 Metre Precision • 50 Metre Revolver (mariette) • Donald Malson-Vetterli M/L Rifle (NEW) • Off Hand Round Ball (13 Shots) (NEW) For more details refer to the M/L page on the PNZ website. Coming events.......... The Rotorua Black Powder Club Inc. is holding the NZPBSF National Championships for Rifle and Pistol on Friday 18th Sat 19th Sunday 20th of March, For more information go to “www.nzblackpowder.com” PNZ members are welcome to join these guys for a great weekend of shooting. The Nelson and New Plymouth Pistol Clubs will be applying to host the South Island Champs on August 27th and 28th and the North Island Champs on the 18th and 19th of June, so keep an eye out for entry forms online. As yet the PNZ National Champs have not been applied for. Coming events............ Both the North and South Island Champs will have homes for 2016, keep an eye on the coming events page of the PNZ website for details soon. Does your club want set up speed plates? Clubs have recently been asking me how to go about setting up all 8 Steel Challenge courses of fire but on just ONE range. In short, you only need a total of 13 plates (which my club recently costed at about $900 for high quality bisaloy 400) as well as some way of mounting the plates onto a pole or timber upright and a base. This will allow you to shoot each of the 8 courses of fire on one 35-40 meter range. As your interest grows and you look to hold larger speed events, you can buy extra steel for individual ranges.If you want a breakdown of what you need to set up speed at your club, contact me for more details. ACTION UPDATE NRA Action Shooting - by Section Director Peter Hansen I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and New Years break. Things have been very quiet since the last Bullshooter with just one relaxing wind down shoot put on by Hamilton that attracted 21 shooters at the end of November. Anyone interested in Black Powder shooting please send your email address to hugh.b@vodafone.co.nz as we need to update our rather old contact list! Speed Shooting News “The ultimate display of speed and accuracy” Steel Challenge Shooting - by Interim Section Director Phill Brown 2016 ‘Steel Challenge’ Speed Nationals With the addition of the ‘Steel Master’ award this year, shooters will be able to enter three firearm divisions, all for individual championships as well as the title of NZ Steel Master. PLUS if shooting three firearms and up to 600 rounds is not enough, Speed Shotgun has now returned as well! Make sure you get your entries into what is turning out to be one of the best Speed Nationals in Years! Training with Damien Curtis After requests from the 2015 speed survey, last year’s NZ Nationals Open winner, Damien Curtis, agreed to hold a one day training session one day before this year’s Nationals. 15 Lucky shooters have taken up this offer to fast-track their understanding of speed shooting. 10 www.pistolnz.org.nz Planning for the WAPC is ticking along at Whangarei. A nice new wall and backstop has been put up behind the Plates Range and a little work on the mover range. I have had a few questions regarding the WAPC so will answer just a few here. • Yes any individual can enter the match; you do not need to be part of the official team. • Revolvers compete with semi autos in the appropriate divisions, Production, Metallic and Open. • Trigger weights in production are 3.5lb single action for semi’s and 3.5lb double action for revolvers with double action pull required for every shot with revolvers. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask. By the time this issue goes to print Thames Valley should have run the first WAPC qualifying match for 2016. Whangarei are hosting the next match being the North Islands on 19-20th March. Bullshooter #239 turnout, lots of fun and relatively good weather. RAMBLINGS by Section Director Octavian Talpos Animal Silhouettes shot at distance between 18 and 200 meters Happy New Year to all shooters. With the Holidays now over, we are looking at a brand new year that will bring us the resurrected South Island Championship, being held at the Nelson Pistol Club in the first weekend of February and then the North Island Championship a month later starting on the 4th of March at the Awakeri Shooting Federation range. This year I hope we can replicate it, I encourage you to show up and have a good time. At the Nationals last year I was pleased to see new dedicated shooters all the way from Christchurch and I hope that this year will bring additional new HMS shooters to our sport. I wish you all good luck shooting at the champs and I hope to see some of you soon. Best Regards. Octavian Last year at the South Island Champs we had an excellent *SHIRTS *STICKERS *PINS *CLUB STATIONERY* * PATCHES * COLLECTABLES* ALL YOUR MATCH TARGETS* CHECKOUT OUT THE PNZ WEBSITE shop@pistolnz.org.nz S & M ARMS LIMITED MechTech Pistol Carbine conversions for your Glock or 1911. Now officially APPROVED by NZ Police (Permit to Procure required as classed as B Cat) APPROVED to be used in PNZ Pistol carbine matches IN STOCK NOW $1285.00 inclusive GST more 1911 stock coming! BASE MODEL ONLY (includes M4 stock adapter – as pictured below) www.mechtechsys.com For enquiriers please contact Steve 021404806 or Mike 0294836906 email sandmarmsltd@gmail.com Bullshooter #239 Pistol NZ 11 AROUND THE CLUBS Club and Member Articles was a good selection of various coloured aliens, zombies, spider webs and other patterns on view! They all enjoyed the afternoon and took on board the necessary safety procedures when handling guns. We, the club members, enjoyed it too and felt it was a particularly useful introduction to safe firearm handling in this rural area where firearm ownership is common and encourage other clubs to try this as well. (Photos by S Budgen) Gaddums Hill CAS Shoot By Simon Benge Motueka Pistol Club Student Open Day By Chris and Sheila Budgen The Motueka Pistol club hosted 16 Motueka High school students for an end-of-year activity last December. The local Gun Shop owner Neil had organised a session in the shop in the morning on types of guns and gun safety and then they came up to the range in the afternoon with teachers and helpers. After a welcome from Chris (Budgen) and re-enforcing safety talk, the group were divided into groups of 4. We had four firing points organised, with club range officers and members controlling each station, so they had a chance to fire .22 rifle, .22 pistol, 9mm pistol and shotgun – some also got a shot with a revolver at the end. There were some good shooters amongst the youngsters. They had made their own targets at school for the rifle shooting. Told they were not to draw humans – but there Last December the Gisborne Pistol Club held the Gaddums Hill CAS Shoot which incorporated the North Eastern Regional CAS competition. This annual event continues to go from strength to strength with an increase in the number of competitors each year which may be attributed to the hospitable East Coast welcome, or more likely the excellent grub on offer for Saturday night’s dinner. Wild pork and venison were on offer but unfortunately the crayfish missed the boat this year! The shoot was held over a very hot weekend with some very hot shooting on display as well. The Gisborne club had two new members Hoboy and Silver Gal, completing their first full match with Silver Gal winning in her category. It was also nice to see some new faces at this event who had travelled from far and wide to attend. We know Gisborne is a bit far off the beaten track and that’s why we work so hard to make this an event to remember. The Gisborne Pistol Club would like to thanks its sponsors; HRC Limited Gunsmithing & Repairs, New Zealand Ammo, Steve’s Wholesalers, Belmont Ammo, Sweet House Engineering, Fenns Refrigeration and BOC Gases. The Club would also like to thank the organisers and many helpers who make this two day competition such a well-supported and smoothly run event.We look forward to seeing you all again, next time you’re out East. Footnote: At time of writing we have heard of Goldie’s (Graham Golding) untimely passing. The Club would like to pass our condolences to family and friends. Goldie was a gentleman on and off the range and he will be sadly missed. Shooters at the Gaddums Hill CAS Shoot- Photo S Benge 12 www.pistolnz.org.nz Bullshooter #239 COM GUNSNZ New Zealand’s LARGEST VARIETY of in-stock guns KIMBER Target II 9mm or 38super KIMBER Eclipse 9mm or 38super STI DVC Open 9mm $2095 $2575 $7699 GRAND POWER X-Calibur 9mm $1795 We are now the distributor for; Patriot Ordnance Factory Knights Armament and Troy Defence Rifles S&W M&P9 Pro Series 5” C.O.R.E $1395 All rifles will be available soon!! TROY 5.56 NATO Pump Action $1995 JP-15 APR 223 16” $4195 STAG ARMS 3G 3Gun Competition 5.56 NATO 18” $3999 Phone 021 667 171 Bullshooter #239 MOSSBERG 930 JM PRO 22” $1595 ShoP online www.gunsnz.com email info@gunsnz.com Pistol NZ 13 UPDATE By Peter Werder ISSF Section Director Olympic and Commonwealth Games shooting shot at 10 to 50 meters This is the first UPDATE of the year, so it’s “Happy New Year!” I hope everybody is well. in the one year. As PNZ delegate to the New Zealand Shooting Federation, I missed just one Federation executive meeting out of eighteen. I took over as a stop gap measure to keep things ticking over, so there was no preparation, no briefing, no files or manuals, and no hand over, just one piece of paper explaining what was expected of the role; that was it! I had to learn as I went. Everything was done in “catch-up mode” or responding to PNZ requirements from the ever helpful, ever present and ever patient PNZ Exec Officer Phill Brown. On behalf of the ISSF Section I take this opportunity to extend our commiserations to the family and many friends of John Finch who died in Christchurch in October last year; and my apologies for not covering this in the previous UPDATE. In his many years, John did a huge amount of work for ISSF pistol shooting in Christchurch and nationally. Personally I appreciated his advice as an ISSF judge. John’s irrepressible good cheer will be sorely missed. It has been a lot of fun, I have actually enjoyed it and it’s certainly had its challenges. I do have regrets on two points, first I never had enough time to do the Section justice, to make a real difference, and improve or develop the things we need in the Section; and second because I don’t live where most active ISSF shooters live I was not able to maintain regular and personal contact. It took a while to realise how important this second item is. I’m confident my successor will be better placed in time and space to move the Section forward. Since September 2010 when Council appointed me ISSF Section Director to succeed Phil Murphy, I’ve managed to produce thirty UPDATES, missing just one deadline, for Edition No 219 in October 2012. This UPDATE is No 30; it is also my last. At the ISSF Nationals in March at Bayview I will be stepping down as ISSF Section Director, and you will have opportunity to elect a successor. I will have served five and half years. As Section Director I got to all the Nationals, five of the North Island Championships and two South Islands. Only twice, in 2013 and last year did I managed to attend all three of these key competitions What I hope I have achieved is fostered the ISSF Section’s identity, and fostered pride in being an ISSF shooter, at all levels of our sport. I note in particular two items. One was the determination people showed to develop new Finals formats to adapt the electronic-based format to conventional targets. The second item is the growth, development and rising performances of our juniors. I take this opportunity to thank all those people who contributed to both of these, especially coaches at all levels.In fact, I take the opportunity to thank everybody who has contributed to the ISSF Section in the past five 14 www.pistolnz.org.nz Bullshooter #239 plus years, especially those participating in the “core” activity of shooting ISSF competitions at club level. I include here also PNZ Council who have been actively supportive of our Section, especially President Debbie Wakker and XO Phill Brown. What now? I’m hoping to spend a lot more time on the firing line at my club in Wellington, and a bit more time helping out at ISSF competitions as judge and range officer, so I’ll still be around, keeping in touch. And doing what I can to help my successor help you and the Section moving along. Finally, I wish my successor every success in what is a very interesting directorship. Have a great New Year. Peter 13th Norfolk Island Pistol Shooting Championships By Maria Jefferis Four keen New Zealanders made their way from various parts of the country to Auckland Airport to catch the once a week Sunday flight to Norfolk Island. Barry O’Neale, Hugh Bullmore and Trevor and Maria Jefferis were setting off to take part in the 13th Norfolk Island Pistol Champs. Once we arrived on the Island two of the boys set out to collect our bags. For some reason the gun bags failed to appear with the rest of the bags. What we were met with instead was the local Senior Sergeant who had not only collected our gun bags for us but created our own special check out aisle, signposted and all! She had just come from the range where she had fired the first opening shot for the week. With all the official permits and guff having been dealt with by the club, getting our pistols on to and off the Island was a breeze. We were met at the airport by the club President Kevin and another established member, Cocky. Then it was on to the local buses to be driven to our accommodation. We quickly settled in then grabbed gun bags, rental cars and hit the road as we were all due at the range to shoot our first event, Standard Pistol. ranges altogether. The 25M range has 15 firing positions and turning targets, the 50M range has 10 and the 10M air range has 6. The clubroom area is at the back of the 10M range and a large tent with bar, food and plenty of places to sit and talk was a welcome sight. You left your guns in the clubroom area and they were taken away each evening. I did ask Kevin if he was interested in cleaning them as well as storing them….he thought I was joking? The club was established in 1992, has a total membership of 12 (5 of whom are active shooters) and a level of hospitality that is amazing. We arrived a day later than most of the other visiting shooters from Australia so Jill and her team had delayed the Welcome Fish Fry dinner for the evening of our arrival. On the final day most of us took part in a fun shoot that was made even more challenging because we all had to use Club guns. Lots of laughs and some impressive shooting, especially at the tennis balls. Trevor’s team took out the overall prize though the Kiwi’s did not do too badly overall. That evening we all attending the prize giving dinner held at a local restaurant. All four of us took away little trophies made from the local pine. A social hands-on, “patch your own targets” event, the tournament consists of standard pistol, air pistol, sports pistol (men’s and woman’s), center fire, rapid fire (for the 1st time), 50M pistol and a FUN shoot all held at the club, situated on the cliff top of beautiful Anson Bay. The bulk of the shooters heralded from Australia and included A to D graders from ISSF, Service Pistol, Black Powder and IPSC backgrounds. Yes we had a couple of judges there but their key role was to compete. Gun testing was carried out and once your pistol passed it was presented with a nice green cow sticker. No world records shot and lots of trips taken around the island. So many site seeing activities and night time dinners and shows available. All of a great standard though you can choose to just cruise around yourself. Maria’s only complaint was the shops shut much too early – especially on the weekend! Great people, great weather, plenty of laughs. And here is the promotional blurb “Combine this unique tournament with plenty of time to immerse yourself in the beauty of Norfolk Island’s beaches, stroll or bike through our magnificent rainforests chill out on our pristine beaches or just enjoy a break away from it all. Norfolk Island has all the makings for a wonderful holiday and start to this summer.” This is a trip I will definitely do again. Now Norfolk Island is pretty small and does not have a lot of roads so the Pistol Club, sited towards the top of the Island is not hard to find. Factor in the speed limit of 40kms/hr in town, 50 out of town and the key road rule being to give way to livestock it still did not take long to get to the range. Regarding road protocol – always wave to oncoming drivers, it’s expected! We arrived at a range with a sea view you would pay a fortune for in NZ. Three National flags were flying above the club area – Norfolk, Australia and NZ. There are three Bullshooter #239 Trevor, Maria, Barry & Hugh in front of some of the “fun shoot” targets Pistol NZ 15 Oceania Championships 2015 A Junior Perspective by Stephanie Nobes and Connor Longmire Oceania seems so long ago, last year even. A group of twenty nine went, combination of new shooters, some who have been before and supporters. It’s always fun taking juniors, seven with us this time all turned out nicely in their shooting T shirts. Five from Whangarei, Shanae from Hibiscus and Connor from Hamilton. Dinners were good, as it was the one meal in the day that we could get together, talk about the day gone and what was happening the next day, go over what we learned at training camps, and why it worked and why did we forget. Mind you it wasn’t all business dinners and we did manage a Pizza night by the pool with the Tahitian team. Dress code was essential, Shirt – loud and bright. About the pool, essential as the temperature got up to 40 degrees C, so well used and another meeting place to go over the days events. Mind you it wasn’t until later that I found out the Hotel management had to have a snake removed from the garden surrounding the pool, not sure if I’m peeved or relieved that I didn’t get to see it, but I did get to see a Red Back spider. I then assured the gentleman in the armoury and Lucy, I wouldn’t pick them up. Out of the twenty two shooters we came away with 33 medals maybe for some not the right colour or as many that we would have liked, but on the whole I think everyone tried/worked hard and enjoyed the competition. Stephanie For many of us juniors, this trip was our first international competition so it was an entirely new experience. The junior women’s team shot well in air pistol with Shanae Carter placing second in qualifying and Colleen O’Brien winning a gold medal in the Grand Prix event. Although we secured several spots in the finals, the team just missed out on a podium finish. I placed 3rd in the men’s junior air pistol finals, taking home a bronze medal. A special thanks to all those who helped with coaching and also Pistol New Zealand with their support. Connor (Photos by Gerald Nobes) PRACTICALLY SPEAKING By Wally Cole. IPSC Regional Director The end of January now upon us, with the first match of the year now over. There were 40 competitors at the Hawkes Bay Level 2, held over 2 days and with support we may see a Hawkes Bay Level 2 event at this time each year. Results are on the PNZ web-site if you want to check these out. We have also been advised that we are likely to get as many slots as we want for the Australasian Champs in Indonesia. If you want to attend this event please let us know as planning is underway for travel and accommodation etc. The first selection match for the 2017 World Champs in France starts with the River City Open in Wanganui 27th & 28th February 2016. Construction of props and stages for this event are underway and will be completed well ahead of time. This is a level 3 match with the pre-match being held on Friday 26th February. Range Master for the event is Craig Clark. The call has gone out for Range Officers interested in working the event. If you are interested in being an RO please send in an entry form so that the organisers know you are going to be there, even if you do not want to shoot the pre-match. The dates for the Nationals this year have been finalised and are on the PNZ web-site, entry form to follow. Dates for the SI Champs are being finalised and we are still looking for a club to hold the NI Champs this year. If you are interested give me a call so we can discuss what you will need to provide. 2016 Events • 2016 River City Open, Wanganui PC (L3) main match 27th & 28th February 2016 • 2016 Wanganui Classic. (All Divisions) (L2) 23rd & 24th April 2016 • 2016 Kaimai Winter Warm-up (L2) 20th August 2016 Match organisers please remember that to have a Level 2 event used for grading purposes you need to have the stages approved prior to the event. 16 www.pistolnz.org.nz Bullshooter #239 Bullshooter #239 Pistol NZ 17 Price List February 2016 Item 2123207 2127601 2123215 2317705 2317711 2317536 2317716 2317718 2317707 2317831 2318281 2318555 2317720 2317712 2317722 2317833 2317561 2317562 2123401 2317834 2317815 2317823 2317822 2317837 2317836 2318561 2117584 2314512 2317812 2317808 2317809 2117576 2317804 2317805 2123428 2123436 2123320 2123339 2317464 2318144 2318153 Description .25 ACP (6.35 Browning) 49gr FMJRN .32 S&W Long WC 100gr .32 Auto (7.65 Browning) 73gr FMJ .380 Auto 95gr FMJRN .38 Super Auto 124gr FMJRN .38 Special 146gr WC .38 Special 158gr FMJFN .38 Special 158gr LRN 9mm Luger 115gr JHP 9mm Luger 115gr FMJRN 9mm Luger 124gr FMJRN 9mm Makarov 93gr FMJRN .357 Magnum 158gr FMJFN .40 S&W 180gr FMJFN .44 Mag 240gr TM (SP) .223 Rem 56gr Express .223 Rem 55gr Target VM (FMJ) .223 Rem 63gr Target VM (FMJ) .243 Winchester 105gr TM (SP) .243 Winchester 76gr EXPRESS 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser 156gr TM .270 WSM 140gr TM (SP) .270 Win 140gr TM (SP) .270 Win 150gr PLUS .270 Win 130gr EXPRESS 7x57 165gr TM (SP) .280 Remington 165gr TM (SP) 7mm Rem Mag 165gr TM (SP) 7.62x39 Target 124gr FMJ .300 Win Mag 165gr EXPRESS .300 Win Mag 170gr PLUS .300 Win Mag 170gr TM (SP) .308 Winchester 165gr EXPRESS .308 Winchester 170gr GECO PLUS .308 Winchester 170gr TM (SP) 30-06 Target 170gr 30-06 170gr TM (SP) 8x57 JS (8mm Mauser) 185gr TM (SP) RWS .338 Lapua Magnum Target Elite 250gr 9mm 124gr FMJRN (Projectiles box of 1500) .45 Auto 230gr FMJRN (Projectiles box of 200) Price Pkt $26.99 $31.99 $23.99 $27.99 $33.99 $28.99 $27.99 $23.99 $23.99 $21.99 $21.99 $22.99 $29.99 $33.99 $57.99 $26.99 $32.99 $35.99 $33.99 $42.99 $42.99 $51.99 $37.99 $43.99 $51.99 $89.99 $45.99 $50.99 $49.99 $56.99 $56.99 $45.99 $41.99 $41.99 $36.99 $84.99 $34.99 $35.99 $79.50 $237 $59 (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (50rd) (20rd) (50rd) (50rd) (20rd) (20rd) (20rd) (20rd) (20rd) (20rd) (20rd) (50rd) (20rd) (20rd) (50rd) (20rd) (20rd) (20rd) (20rd) (20rd) (20rd) (50rd) (20rd) (20rd) (10rd) (1500) (200) 308B 223XM 308XM 10A 10B 38SA 40B 44SB 45A .308 WIN 147gr FMJ-BT Bronze Line .223 REM 77gr Sierra XTAC MATCH .308 WIN 168gr Sierra XTAC MATCH 10MM AUTO 200gr FMJ-TC 10MM AUTO 170gr JHP .38 SUPER+P, 130gr FMJ .40 SW 165gr JHP .44 SW SPECIAL 180gr JHP .45 ACP 230gr FMJ $99.99 $29.99 $39.99 $44.99 $26.99 $44.99 $27.99 $26.99 $29.99 (100rd) (20rd) (20rd) (50rd) (25rd) (50rd) (50rd) (25rd) (50rd) Bulk Price $500 (1000rd) $624 (1000rd) $451 (1000rd) $529 (1000rd) $629 (1000rd) $559 (1000rd) $530 (1000rd) $460 (1000rd) $460 (1000rd) $399 (1000rd) $399 (1000rd) $449 (1000rd) $584 (1000rd) $663 (1000rd) $1130 (1000rd) $1349 (1000rd) $649 (1000rd) $699 (1000rd) $162 (100rd) $205 (100rd) $205 (100rd) $247 (100rd) $180 (100rd) $209 (100rd) $247 (100rd) $171 (100rd) $218 (100rd) $242 (100rd) $970 (100rd) $271 (100rd) $271 (100rd) $219 (100rd) $199 (100rd) $199 (100rd) $175 (100rd) $162 (100rd) $166 (100rd) $171 (100rd) $377 (50rd) $899 $139 $193 $799 $449 $788 $480 $450 $530 (1000rd) (100rd) (100rd) (1000rd) (500rd) (1000rd) (1000rd) (500rd) (1000rd) sales@aorakiammo.co.nz Aoraki Ammunition Company Ltd | Lake Tekapo | sales@aorakiammo.co.nz | 03 684 3683 To place an order please email Audrey at sales@aorakiammo.co.nz 18 www.pistolnz.org.nz Bullshooter #239 ‘ ’ CAS Section news by Tuscon I hope all cowboys & cowgirls had a great Xmas and New Year. There is plenty of cowboy action shooting coming up in the next few months. SASS Convention –Las Vegas 2015. A number of rule changes went through at the convention and they are effective immediately. 1/. Buckaroos/Buckarettes – inclusion of sub gauge shotguns approved. 2/. MSV for retrieval of dropped or ejected ammo has been deleted. 3/. Gunfighter category now allows ‘butt forward/ Cavalry twist’ style (BUT no double cross-draw). 4/. Penalty for not holstering pistols during a stage has changed from MSV to Procedural. 5/. Willful failure to comply with a ‘ceasefire’ or ‘stop’ command given by, and while under the control of the RO, shall result in a Match DQ. All RO’s are urged to keep themselves up to date with the new rules. The Duel Down Under. This shoot will be underway as you read this. I hope the Kiwi team do well. The South Island Champs The Galloway Gang from Alexandra have been putting the work in to get everything ship-shape for the South Island CAS Champs to be held on 17th – 20th March. Nightshooter informs me that Long Range Single Shot will be shot at 200m + 400m. Long Range Lever Action (rifle cal) will be shot at 50m + 100m + 150m, and pistol cal will be shot at 25m + 50m + 75m. Entry forms on the PNZ website and the Cowboy Action FB page. Missing trophies We were short of a few perpetual trophies at the CAS Nationals in Palmerston North in November. I was sure these trophies were taken back to the North Island after the Nationals in Ashburton back in 2014. They weren’t awarded in Ashburton as there was nobody shooting in those categories. So I’m asking those who drove to the South Island to shoot the CAS Nationals in Ashburton in 2014 to check their garage cupboards for boxes of trophies. And also those cowboys in Ashburton as well. Maybe there has been a tidy up at the club and those boxes moved elsewhere. We need all hands on deck to try to locate these trophies. Thank you. Bullshooter #239 RIP As most of would have heard, we recently lost an old cowboy mate in tragic circumstances. Goldie is no longer with us. His efforts at long range, his help in the kitchen at shoots throughout the country, and his quest for another silver or gold buffalo, will be missed. Pistol, Rifle,Shotgun Matches shot to IPSC and Multigun Rules by Dean Albiston- Section Director HI all......... Well one month down of 2016 and we have had a great time shooting at the Warkworth Man V Man match for the second year in a row. 44 Shooters, shooting 76 matches with 2 winners. Rob King taking out standard and Christen Naubauar taking out Open with a Standard pistol. There were also three side line matches for shotgun and rifle stages. Thanks to Rob and all the crew for running this again we will be back for next year. (Check out the article in this issue) Nationals date for 3 gun has now been set for the 28/29/30 April 2016 in Carterton. Phil Dunlop has been working hard getting this set up. 18 Stages 6 of each over the 3 days. Hokitika have put their hand up to run the South Islands and are looking at a date mid-July. The Calendar is clear for this and so we are looking at locking that in soon. Multigun rules are nearly done and I will get that out ASAP. It has been a hard slog with this so thanks for waiting. Some shooters have asked if it is possible to go to the Worlds IPSC rifle match in Russia 2017. If you are interest in this then please email me your details. If there are enough people wanting to go then we could get a team together. If there are more than enough we will have to run some selection matches to sort out who can go. Please Contact me ASAP so we can get this underway. This is the IPSC link http://www.ipsc.org/results/ matchDetails.php?ref=D73481659. We are also still looking for a venue to host the North Islands 3 gun so if you are keen then please email me. We will help you with this so please don’t think you will be on your own with it. If it is your first time running things we will come down and build and do stages for you. Keep the barrels hot......Dean Pistol NZ 19 Multigun Man vs Man - Warkworth By Robert Mrkusich Sunday the 24th January saw Warkworth Pistol Club hold their second Man vs Man Shootoff competition. Even with the event competitor numbers expanded, spots were still snapped up faster than free brass, with close to 50 competitors attending to try their chances at surviving the sudden elimination format and claim one of the coveted top spots! The sun came to play as well, heating things up early in the morning, and testing competitor’s endurance and concentration levels as they battled for almost 7 hours, over the 76 individual matches in the main tournament. The clubs new purpose built rifle plate racks held up to the abuse, as thousands of rounds rained down upon them, with Rob King steamrolling his way to win the Standard division (assisted by his trusty spectacles) and Christian Neubauer edging out the ever-plump Richard Mrkusich in the Open finals. For those that were eliminated early, many gained some redemption on the 50m rifle/pistol grudge match range, and the mountain of empty shotgun cases on the third range was testament to the entertainment and skill factor of the brand new Death Star and Polish Plate Rack challenges! In between shooting, people perused the Guns NZ table, enjoyed the complimentary BBQ, or found a cool spot under one of the marquees to spectate the unfolding tournament. Big thanks to the people involved with setting it up, and also the competitors who helped make the tournament another great success. As well as a special shout out to Guns NZ, and Serious Shooters for reaching into their pockets and providing prizes at the end of the day! Guns NZ had a sleuth of spot prizes, and Serious put up 2 great prize packs for the respective winners of the shotgun challenges! Watch this space, as you can bet this will become a regular event, which will only expand and improve as the sport grows! Robert Mrkusich (All photos by Greg and Tina De Suza) 20 www.pistolnz.org.nz Bullshooter #239 Bullshooter #239 Pistol NZ 21 Coming Events 2016 For listings contact: exec@pistolnz.org.nz More events and details are on the PNZ website 3rd-6th March PNZ 44th ISSF National Championships- Hawkes Bay (Contact Julian at juliantopgun@yahoo.com) 4th-6th March PNZ North Island HMS Championships- Awakeri (Contact Dave at tefox@xtra.co.nz) 5th-6th March Far North Action Interclub- Far North (Contact Bob at robertbanks@clear.net.nz) 11th-13th March CAS Buckskin Bullets and Beans- RRGC (Contact Calamity Carrie at Carolyn.fulton@xtra.co.nz) 17th-20th March PNZ CAS South Island Championships- Central Otago (Contact John at john.holley@kinect.co.nz) 18th-20th March CAS Trails End- Wairarapa (Contact Wild Bill at wildbenhickok@gmail.com) 19th-20th March PNZ Action North Island Championships- Whangarei (Contact Wayne at wayneandlorraine@xtra.co.nz) 19th March 2016 Egmont Masters Games- Egmont (Contact Brian at frances@xtra.co.nz) 2nd-3rd April CAS Western Renegades Pony Express- Wanganui (Contact Judge at jorgey@xtra.co.nz) 16th-17th April 2016 CAS Brothel Inspectors Shoot- Kaimai (Contact Ray or Pauline at randptaylor@vodafone.co.nz) 16th-17th April PNZ 29th Speed Nationals- Rotorua (Contact Don at secreatry@rotoruapistolclub.org.nz) 17th April 2016 Action Kiwi Cup- Hamilton (Contact Peter at action@pistolnz.org.nz) Issue #153 March/April 2016 Web: www.nzgunsandhunting.co.nz On Sale 23 Feb Belmont .300BLK ammo Rangetime with GUNSNZ Strasser RS 05 rifles Forbes 20B .243 Blaser BD 14 3-barrel Doping the wind Summer sika Girls N guns Valley of 1000 waterfalls Check out: www.nzgunsandhunting.co.nz Plus all our regular columns, including free listings of guns wanted & for sale NZ Guns & Hunting Magazine, RD 2 Waihi 3682 Ph: 07 863 6909. Email: nzguns@clear.net.nz NEW ZEALAND’S BEST GUN COVERS SINC 22 www.pistolnz.org.nz E 1985 Bullshooter #239 SSL Pla Plated ated Projectiles RN 32 Cal. 71gr RN x1000 $229.99 123407 12 23407 lated Projectiles SSL P Plated 125g gr FN 38 Cal. 125gr 000 x1000 x1 $219.99 19.99 $2 21338 380 Cal. 95gr 95g gr HP x1000 $239.99 123408 38 8 Cal. 148gr HBWC HBWC 1000 x1000 x1 $2 239.99 $239.99 21328 9mm 124grr RN x1000 $199.99 115379 9mm 124grr HP x1000 $199.99 20718 SSL Pla Plated ated Projectiles 45 5ACP 230gr RN 45ACP x1 1000 x1000 $3 309.99 $309.99 20048 20 0048 SSL Pla Plated ated Projectiles SSL Plat Plated ted Projectiles 40 Cal. 180gr TC 4 x1000 x $ $279.99 21222 212 222 SECOND HAND PISTOLS IN STOCK NOW: SPRINGFIELD 1911 4 Mags $1495 NOW $1299 Para GI Expert 45ACP $1099 NOW $999 ASTRA CADIX 32 $449 NOW $299 GLOCK 21 4 Mags $899 NOW $699 SIG 220 45ACP 2 Mags $1599 NOW $1199 WALTHER P22 2 Mags $449 NOW $399 PARA P14/45 1 Mag $1199 NOW $999 GLOCK 23 40 4 Mags $799 NOW $699 PARA P14-45 S/S 4 Mags $1399 NOW $1199 F Fully copper-plated and featuring a swaged lead core, each bullet is carefully reformed at the end of the e process. Experience an ultra-precise shot—bullet after p b bullet. SSL Pla Plated ated Projectiles SSL Pla Plated ated Projectiles SSL P Plated lated Projectiles Made in Canada, CAMPRO bullets o er one of the highest quality and value on the market. You now have tthe opportunity to use the same quality during ccompetitions and while you practice. 45ACP ACP 200grr TC 45A x1000 x10 000 $279.99 79.99 $27 105763 10 05763 4 Cal. 165grr TC 40 x x1000 $ $269.99 105761 10 05761 UT O SOLD 22 223 23 55gr FMJ-BT FMJ J-BT x1000 x1000 $2 239.99 $239.99 21292 21 1292 44 4 4 Cal 240grr TC x1000 1000 x $299.00 $ 299.00 106734 4 Cal. 155gr TC 40 x x1000 $ $259.99 SSL P Plated lated Projectiles Jac Jacketed cketed Projectiles SSL Pla Plated ated Projectiles SSL Plat Plated ted Projectiles lated Projectiles SSL P Plated 9mm 121grr RN x1000 $199.99 123409 40 Cal. 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