Nuclear centering in Spirogyra
Nuclear centering in Spirogyra
Planta (1998) 204: 54±63 Nuclear centering in Spirogyra: force integration by micro®laments along microtubules Franz Grolig Institut fuÈr Allgemeine Botanik und P¯anzenphysiologie, Justus-Liebig-UniversitaÈt, Senckenbergstr. 17, D-35390 Giessen, Germany Received: 9 December 1996 / Accepted: 29 April 1997 Abstract. The contribution of microtubules and micro®laments to the cytomechanics of transverse nuclear centering were investigated in the charophycean green alga Spirogyra crassa (Zygnematales). Cytoplasmic strands of enhanced rigidity and fasciate appearance radiate from the rim of the lenticular nucleus through the vacuole, frequently split once or twice and are attached to the helical chloroplast bands in the peripheral cytoplasm. The nucleus is encased in tubulin and a web of F-actin. Bundles of microtubules, emerging from the nuclear rim, are organized into dividing fascicles within the strands and reach to the inner surface of the chloroplast envelope. Organelles are translocated in both directions along similarly arranged fascicles of micro®lament bundles which extend from the nucleus to the peripheral actin cytoskeleton. Application of microtubule- and/or micro®lament-depolymerizing drugs aected the position of the nucleus only slowly, but in distinct ways. The dierential eects suggest that nuclear centering depends on the tensional integrity of the perinuclear scaold, with micro®laments conveying tension along stabilized microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton integrating the translocation forces generated within the scaold. Key words: Cytomechanics ± Micro®lament ± Microtubule ± Nucleus (positioning) ± Phragmosome ± Spirogyra Abbreviations: CD=cytochalasin D; DAPI = 4¢-6-diamidino-2phenylindole; DIC = dierential interference contrast; MF(s) = micro®lament(s); MT(s) = microtubule(s); PNS = perinuclear scaold (scaold with encased nucleus); RLP = rhodaminelabelled phalloidin Correspondence to: F. Grolig, Biozentrum, Johann Wolfgang Goethe UniversitaÈt, AK Kinematische Zellforschung, MarieCurie-Str. 9, D-60439 Frankfurt am Main; E-mail:; Fax: 49 (69) 79829607 Parts of this work have been presented at the meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuÈr Zellbiologie, Hamburg, March 24±28, 1996, and at the 1st European Phycological Congress, Cologne, August 11±16, 1996 Introduction Nuclear movements represent the structurally most diverse category of plant organelle movements (Williamson 1993; Menzel et al. 1996) and the mechanics of most are not known. Premitotic nuclear positioning is a major determinant of the plane of plant cytokinesis (Gunning 1982; Lloyd 1991). In dierentiated higher plant cells, positioning is brought about by a cytoskeletal scaold called the phragmosome (Sinnot and Bloch 1940), with nuclear translocation to the center of the prospective division plane being functionally distinct from ®nal anchorage (Wick 1991). The phylogenetic origin of the higher plant phragmosome is obscure. Following the new taxonomic system of the Chlorophyta (green algae) proposed by Pickett-Heaps and Marchant (1972), the Charophyceae are now widely accepted as being related to the ancestors of the land plant lineage (Mattox and Stewart 1984; Graham et al. 1991; Surek et al. 1994). One of the organisms of phylogenetic signi®cance in this respect is the zygnematalean alga Spirogyra (Fowke and Pickett-Heaps 1969). In this ®lamentous alga, a phragmoplast-like structure is involved in cytokinesis (McIntosh et al. 1995). Spirogyra crassa, a particularly large and translucent species, has proven useful to investigate actin-based organelle transportation during interphase (Grolig 1990) and the arrangement and functional interrelation of microtubules (MTs) and micro®laments (MFs) during cytokinesis (Sawitzky and Grolig 1995). The premitotic nucleus is tethered in the center of the cell by an extensive perinuclear scaold (PNS) that resembles the higher plant phragmosome (Grolig 1992). Nuclear centering in the cylindrical Spirogyra cell implies positioning in both the longitudinal direction (during postmitotic nuclear migration) and in the transverse direction. This report focuses on the latter aspect, addressing in particular the contribution of MTs and MFs to this cytomechanical task. Structural and functional features of the PNS in vivo and the eects of cytoskeletal inhibitors thereon were analysed by F. Grolig: Cytoskeletal control of nuclear centering in Spirogyra video-enhanced microscopy. The arrangement of MFs and MTs in the scaold was visualized by ¯uorescent tagging either in situ or after gentle rupture of previously ®xed cells. Materials and methods Plant material. Spirogyra crassa was cultured in MXS (NeuschelerWirth 1970) as described by Grolig (1990). Non-dividing cells with a length/width ratio >2 were obtained after three to four weeks without change of culture medium. Cells with a ratio <1.5 were plasmolyzed by 0.4±0.6 mol á l)1 mannitol to obtain rounded 55 protoplasts slightly smaller than the transverse cell diameter. By shaking (50 rpm, >3 h) of such cells, protoplasts are rotated and the protoplasts can be observed through that area of the plasma membrane which usually faces the cross wall. Microscopy. Live cells or ®xed, isolated PNSs were observed by video-enhanced dierential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy (microscope Diaplan, objectives NPL Fluotar 40 ´, NA 0.65 and 100x, NA 1.32; Leica, Bensheim, Germany) as described by Grolig (1990). Filter blocks used for epi¯uorescence microscopy were: Ploemopak N2 for rhodamine, Ploemopak L3 for FITC (¯uorescein-isothiocyanate) and Ploemopak D combined with KIF 590 (Schott, Mainz, Germany) for 4¢-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) ¯uorescence. Cytoskeletal inhibitors. Cytochalasin D (CD) was applied as described previously (Grolig 1990). Oryzalin (Morejohn et al. 1987), prepared as a 1.5 ´ 10)2 mol á l)1 stock in acetone, was applied at concentrations up to 2.5 ´ 10)5 mol á l)1. Phalloidin (Cooper 1987) was applied at 5 ´ 10)6 mol á l)1. Controls were treated with equivalent concentrations of the respective stock solvent. Fig. 1A,B. Transverse and longitudinal positioning of the lenticular nucleus (with central nucleolus) in Spirogyra crassa. The PNS is associated with helical chloroplast bands in the cell periphery. A Scheme of a longitudinal midplane section, showing postcytokinetic daughter nuclei (right side) positioned eccentrically in the longitudinal direction, and (left side) a both transversely and longitudinally wellcentered premitotic nucleus. The distances (a, b, c and d) as measured for calculation of the nuclear center position are indicated. r, cell radius; L, cell length. B Scheme of a half-cell transverse section, showing an eccentrically positioned nucleus (with central nucleolus) with the distances measured as in A and the trigonometric relations used to calculate the nuclear center position. The x-coordinate of the transverse nuclear center position was calculated as a + (c ) a)/2 + (2r ) d)/2; distance b was used instead of a + (c ) a)/2 if the rim of the nucleus could not be discerned clearly (in particular after convergence of chloroplast bands towards the nucleus upon treatment with oryzalin). The y-coordinate was calculated as r á sin a, with a = arccos d/2r Fig. 2. A Longitudinal mid-plane view of the PNS of interphase Spirogyra crassa. The lenticular nucleus (n) is suspended in the center of the cell, surrounded by the vacuole (v). Rigid, branching cytoplasmic strands (arrows) radiate from the nuclear rim to the chloroplast bands in the peripheral cytoplasm (pc). Total cell length is 350 lm. B The ¯uorescent, lens-shaped nucleus as stained by DAPI. C Frontal surface of the nucleus (n) with central nucleolus as viewed in a plasmolysed, rotated protoplast. Mitochondria (arrows) move all over the nuclear surface and in both directions through each radiating strand. A, C Video-enhanced DIC microscopy. ´ 300 (A,B), ´ 1000 (C); bars = 20 lm 56 Morphometrical analysis of nuclear positioning precision. To determine the precision of positioning, the distances a, c (or b), and d (see Fig. 1A) were measured on the video screen (magni®cation 1.130 ´) after adjustment of that longitudinal optical section of the cell which gave the largest diameter (i.e. center) of the nucleus. Compression of cells was avoided by use of coverslips as spacers. Nuclear center positions were calculated (Fig. 1B) and plotted into the half-transverse section of a cell. The nuclear diameter was calculated as (c ) a). Permeabilization and fractionation of ®xed cells. Spirogyra ®laments, ®xed in 1% (v/v) glutaraldehyde, 1.5% (w/v) formaldehyde in 3 ´ 10)3 mol á l)1 EGTA, 1.5 ´ 10)2 mol á l)1 K2HPO4, pH 7.0 (20 min; modi®ed after Galway and Hardham 1991), were gently washed in distilled water and cracked open in liquid nitrogen by means of a strong blunt needle to give access to antibodies (Braun and Sievers 1994; Sawitzky and Grolig 1995). Fixed PNSs were isolated to inspect the F-actin arrangement more closely. Algal ®laments were pre®xed in 10)4 mol á l)1 m-maleimidbenzoyl N-hydroxysuccinimide ester (MBS; Sonobe and Shibaoka 1989) in ®xation buer (10 mM EGTA, 5 mM MgSO4, 100 mM P-KOH, pH 6.9; Traas et al. 1987), which was supplemented after 25 min by 1.5% (w/v) formaldehyde and 0.05% (v/v) glutaraldehyde during incubation (30 min) in a nitrogen celldisruption bomb (Parr Instruments Co., Moline, Ill., USA) at 70 bar (Grolig and Wagner 1987). The released homogenate was centrifuged dierentially (3 min at 450 g, followed by 20 min at 3500 g) in a swing-out rotor to enrich ®xed nuclei with associated scaolds. Fluorescent staining of F-actin and DNA. F-actin was visualized by rhodamine-labelled phalloidin (RLP) in ®xed cells as described previously (Grolig 1990). After isolation, ®xed PNSs and fragments of them were stained with 1.6 ´ 10)7 mol á l)1 RLP in ®xation buer and inspected after 10 min. Nuclear DNA was stained after ®xation [1.5% (w/v) formaldehyde, 0.2% (v/v) glutaraldehyde in ®xation buer; 15 min] with DAPI (1.4 ´ 10)5 mol á l)1, 45 min; Fig. 3A±D. A series of optical sections, reaching from the longitudinal midplane of the centrally positioned nucleus (A) to more-distal regions of its associated PNS (B±D). Video-enhanced DIC microscopy reveals a fasciate appearance of the scaold stalks, with elements of the fascicle splitting into the branches (B vs. C, arrowheads). Numerous small vesicles (arrows) move on the nuclear surface and on the stalks. ´ 1000; bar = 10 lm F. Grolig: Cytoskeletal control of nuclear centering in Spirogyra Katsuta et al. 1990) in ®xation buer and washed under the coverslip (3 ´ 0.1 ml buer, 5 min). Indirect immuno¯uorescence. Shattered cells were incubated with monoclonal anti-a or anti-b tubulin (N.356 and N.357, respectively; Amersham, Braunschweig, Germany; dilution 1/1.000), followed by FITC-labelled secondary antibody (N.1031, Amersham; dilution 1/800) according to Galway and Hardham (1991); in some preparations, detergent [0.1% (w/v) Triton X-100] was omitted. For a control, either another antibody (anti-a-amylase) was used or the primary antibody was omitted. Results Structural features of the PNS. An extensive PNS (Fig. 2A) suspends the interphase nucleus of S. crassa in the center of the large central vacuole. Staining of S. crassa cells with DAPI clearly depicted the compressed shape of the nucleus (Fig. 2B). Rigid cytoplasmic strands (stalks) radiate from the rim of the lenticular nucleus, frequently showing branches of ®rst and second order, and taper o towards attachment sites on the mid-segment of chloroplast bands arranged in lefthanded helices in the peripheral cytoplasm (Fig. 2A, C). The mean number of stalks was 13.81.9 (SD; n = 23), with branching giving rise to some 30 distal attachment sites on 14±16 chloroplast bands in an elongate cell. Most branchings occurred in the distal third of the cell radius. The branches of each stalk were attached either to a single or to two adjacent chloroplasts, usually close to the chloroplast midline and very often close to a pyrenoid. No stalks were attached to the cross-walls, which are devoid of chloroplasts. Viewed from the side (Fig. 2A), the PNS fanned out during longitudinal growth of the cell, which was accompanied by a decreasing pitch of the chloroplast helices. In contrast to the unidirectional long-range translocation in the peripheral cytoplasm, changes in the direction of mitochondrial movement occurred rather frequently within the strands. Plasmolysis had little eect on the F. Grolig: Cytoskeletal control of nuclear centering in Spirogyra relative arrangement of the PNS and the associated chloroplasts. Rotated protoplasts (obtained by shaking) permitted the convex surface of the nucleus to be viewed through the chloroplast-free windows of the protoplast (Fig. 2C). On the nuclear surface, no prominent longrange tracks were observed and mitochondrial net translocation was low. Optical conditions favorable for high-resolution DIC microscopy showed the proximal Fig. 4A±G. Arrangement of F-actin in situ and in the ®xed, isolated nucleus-positioning PNS of Spirogyra crassa as visualized by RLP. A Longitudinal optical section in situ, focussed slightly above the nucleus (n), shows RLP ¯uorescence throughout the stalks of the scaold as well as in the connected peripheral cytoplasm (pc). B Focus set slightly above the chloroplast bands (alignment of plastid long axes indicated by arrowheads) in the peripheral cytoplasm, with subcortical bundles of F-actin and short bundles of micro®laments (small arrows) normal to the chloroplast surface. C,D Front, surface views of nuclei (each with central nucleolus) with associated fragments of the scaold as set free upon fractionation of ®xed cells; video-enhanced DIC microscopy. E,F Distribution of F-actin in isolated scaolds. E The nuclear surface is covered by a dense layer of ®ne, non-bundled F-actin. F F-actin follows the radiating, splitting stalks in the form of discrete micro®lament bundles that protrude from the nuclear surface and merge into the stalks (arrows). G Arrangement of F-actin bundles in a fragment of a split stalk with a clear gap (arrow) between the bundles. ´ 350 (A), ´ 800 (B), ´ 550 (C), ´ 900 (D), ´ 750 (E), ´ 450 (F), ´ 1000 (G); bars = 20 lm (A±F), 10 lm (G) 57 parts of the stalks to be composed of bundles of parallel longitudinal elements, which split upon branching of the stalks (Fig. 3). Arrangement of MFs and MTs within the PNS. Branched stalks of many PNSs appeared less straight and tense after extended ®xation. Gentle disruption of ®xed S. crassa cells by means of a nitrogen bomb yielded many fragments of stalks, but also a reasonably high proportion of structurally more or less intact PNSs (Fig. 4C,D). The diverse fragments could be roughly subfractionated and further concentrated by dierential centrifugation. Labelling of the actin cytoskeleton in situ with RLP showed staining of the PNS stalks (Fig. 4A). In accordance with continuous organelle movements in vivo (Fig. 2A,C), the MFs of the stalks appeared to be in close contact with the extensive system of peripheral MFs (Fig. 4A,B). Surface views of ®xed, isolated nuclei with associated PNSs (Fig. 4C,D) revealed that the lenticular interphase nucleus was encased in a dense cover of F-actin without structural details (Fig. 4E,F). Bundles of MFs emerged at the rim of the lenticular nucleus (Fig. 4F), ran within each stalk and split into the branches (Fig. 4G). Indirect immuno¯uorescence showed that MTs (or MT bundles) extended from the nuclear surface (Fig. 5A) to the attachment sites of the stalks on the 58 F. Grolig: Cytoskeletal control of nuclear centering in Spirogyra Fig. 5A±D. Indirect immuno¯uorescence of MTs in cell fragments of ®xed, frozen and shattered Spirogyra crassa cells. After thawing, cells were treated without (A) or with (B±D) detergent prior to incubation with monoclonal anti-b-tubulin. A, B Nuclei, adhering with their PNSs to large cell fragments. Even staining of the nuclear surface is observed (A,B), but only in PNSs treated with detergent after ®xation (B) is the fasciate construction of the stalks apparent, with bundles of MTs extending in parallel (arrows) over large distances in the proximal parts of the PNS. The distal branches of the stalks end on the inner surface of the same or of neighboring chloroplast bands (arrowheads). C Detailed view of the rim of a nucleus with bundles of MTs merging into the stalks (arrows). D Detailed view of the distal branches (arrows) of a stalk attached to neighboring chloroplast bands (arrowheads). The pyrenoids of the chloroplast bands show a high level of ®xation-derived auto¯uorescence. ´ 250 (A), ´ 450 (B), ´ 600; (C,D) bars = 20 lm (A,B), 10 lm (C,D) inner side of the chloroplast envelope (Fig. 5B). In the thicker, proximal parts of the PNS the stalks comprised a bundle of parallel MTs (or MT bundles) which, however, could be resolved only if the specimen had been detergent-treated (Fig. 5B±D). The bundles split upon distal branching of the stalks (Fig. 5B,D). Tubulin immuno¯uorescence was evenly spread over the convex side of the lens-shaped nucleus. Eects of cytoskeletal inhibitors on the structural integrity of the PNS. Cytochalasin D (2 ´ 10)5 mol á l)1) reversibly inhibited the transportation of small organelles in the cytoplasm of S. crassa. These organelles accumulated in the form of mostly one to three large blebs very close to the nucleus (Fig. 6A). The extensive peripheral MF system (Fig. 4B) disrupted upon application of CD into very short, punctate MF residues (as indicated by RLP ¯uorescence; not shown). The structure of the PNS and the nuclear shape did not change upon CD treatment (Fig. 6A). Phalloidin (5 ´ 10)6 mol á l)1) slowly caused an increased number of transportation tracks in the peripheral cytoplasm (not shown), and membrane tubules began to extend in the form of short loops from the PNS into the surrounding vacuolar space (Fig. 6B). Only extended application of the plant-MT-depolymerizing drug oryzalin (2.5 ´ 10)5 mol á l)1, >2 h) progressively aected the PNS, in particular in elongate cells. Shortening of the stalks led to convergence of the associated chloroplast bands in the mid-segment of the cell towards the nucleus (Fig. 7); the stalks lost their distal, tapering branchings and got slightly thicker. Flexible, ¯accid cytoplasmic threads were drawn out between the peripheral cytoplasm and the chloroplast segments converging towards the nucleus. Prolonged application of oryzalin (>3 h) reduced the extent of actin-based organelle motility in the peripheral cytoplasm. In contrast to application of oryzalin only, the chloroplast bands did not converge towards the nucleus when CD and oryzalin were applied simultaneously. The diameter of the lenticular nucleus (3.21 0.4 ´ 10)5 m; SD) was not signi®cantly aected by these cytoskeletal inhibitors (CD: 3.37 0.55 ´ 10)5 m; oryzalin: 3.16 0.44 ´ 10)5 m; CD/oryzalin: 3.12 0.44 ´ 10)5 m). Precision of nuclear positioning, and eects of cytoskeletal inhibitors. The mean relative transverse center position of the nucleus in S. crassa cells with a length/width ratio of two to three was 0.5 0.034 (SD; n = 146) of the cell diameter (156.4 1.6 ´ 10)6 m; SD). All nuclei were found within a central area enclosed by a radius of about 3 ´ 10)5 m, which was close to the mean nuclear diameter (Fig. 8a). Nuclear displacements upon application of cytoskeletal inhibitors occurred only slowly, but were signi®cant (Fig. 8). Upon application of CD, many nuclei left the central area of the transverse cross-section of the cell in an apparently random fashion (Fig. 8b). Upon application of oryzalin, precision of transverse nuclear centering decreased only slightly (Fig. 8c). As in case of CD, all F. Grolig: Cytoskeletal control of nuclear centering in Spirogyra 59 nuclei were still suspended after 19 h. In contrast to treatment with either CD or oryzalin alone, a considerable number (approx. 30%) of (mostly still lenticular) nuclei were found without a PNS in the peripheral cytoplasm when CD and oryzalin were applied simultaneously over 19 h. Moreover, in the latter case, the decreased precision in the positioning of still-suspended nuclei was larger than that of cells treated with oryzalin only (Fig. 8d). Discussion Fig. 6A,B. Changes in organelle distribution within the PNS of Spirogyra crassa upon treatment with CD or phalloidin. A Application of CD (2 ´ 10)5 mol á l)1, 45 min) caused accumulation of organelles on the PNS, resulting in massive blebs (open arrows) close to the nucleus (n). B Treatment with phalloidin (5 ´ 10)6 mol á l)1, 3 h) caused loops of membrane tubules (arrows) to extend from the scaold around the nucleus (n) into the vacuolar space. Videoenhanced DIC. ´ 300 (A), ´ 350 (B); bars = 20 lm Fig. 7A±C. Advanced state of PNS breakdown after treatment of an elongate Spirogyra crassa cell with oryzalin (2.5 ´ 10)5 mol á l)1, 2.5 h). Focal series (video-enhanced DIC) through the mid-segment of the cell, ranging from the cell periphery (A) to the cell center (B,C). Shortening of the scaold stalks leads to convergence of the attached chloroplast bands (chl ) towards the nucleus (n), which stays roughly in the cell center. Flaccid cytoplasmic strands (arrows) were drawn out between the peripheral cytoplasm (A) and the distal surface of the chloroplast band (B,C) during this process. ´ 500; bar = 20 lm Dierential arrangement and stability of MTs and MFs. The stalks of the PNS contained fascicles of both MT and MF bundles, which followed the splitting of the stalks (Figs. 4G; 5B,D), much like the longitudinal elements visible by DIC microscopy within the stalks (Fig. 3). None of the three structures crossed-over upon divergence of the stalk branches. The fasciate appearance of the stalks (Fig. 3) probably derives from parallel alignment of refractile membrane tubules within the stalks. These tubules exhibit actin-based motility (Fig. 6B) and emerge from the PNS into the peripheral cytoplasm (Grolig 1990). The observation of only shortrange actin-based movements of mitochondria on the nuclear surface (Fig. 1C) is in accordance with a low degree of MF bundling as indicated by non-structured perinuclear RLP labelling (Fig. 4E,F). This arrangement of F-actin is similar to that found in Mougeotia (Grolig et al. 1990) but diers from the MF bundles around higher plant nuclei (e.g. Traas et al. 1987). While CD readily stopped actin-based translocations along the scaold stalks, oryzalin (and nocodazole; not shown) slowly aected the structure of the PNS. The intriguing stability of the PNS is characteristic of interphase cells; its susceptibility to MT depolymerization increases dramatically when the cell enters prophase (Sawitzky and Grolig 1995). The low eciency of the 60 F. Grolig: Cytoskeletal control of nuclear centering in Spirogyra dynamics of cortical interphase MTs as observed in higher plant cells (Hush et al. 1994), no cortical MTs were found after treatment with oryzalin (not shown). In S. crassa, the process of MT bundling probably turns the dynamic, postmitotic PNS into a highly stabilized interphase structure (McNally 1996) of enhanced ¯exural rigidity. The radial arrangement and characteristic splitting suggest that the arrangement of cytoskeletal elements within the PNS is common to all stalks. Bidirectional actin-based movements of mitochondria indicate MF(bundle)s of opposite polarity in each stalk. The disappearance of the distal branches and increased thickness of the distal ends of the stalks upon treatment with oryzalin indicate that the stalks shorten from their distal ends. Since they are probably derived from a persistent telophase spindle (Sawitzky and Grolig 1995) and in analogy to the MT-nucleating capacity of higher plant cell nuclei (Lambert 1993), the MTs of the stalks are probably oriented with their plus (fast growing) ends towards the cell periphery. These distal ends may be stabilized by their attachment to the chloroplast envelope. The PNS-ensheathing tonoplast and the integrated membrane tubules seem to contribute to the bundling of MT(bundle)s within each stalk, as indicated by detergent sensitivity of this complex after aldehyde ®xation (cf. Fig. 5A vs. 5B). Fig. 8a±d. Precision of transverse nuclear centering in Spirogyra crassa. Distributions of nuclear center positions were determined in control cells and cells treated with cytoskeletal inhibitors over 19 h in darkness; nuclear center positions (s) are plotted into the half cross section of a cell. a Control cells (n = 146); b cells treated with 2 ´ 10)5 mol á l)1 CD (n = 145); c cells treated with 2.5 ´ 10)5 mol á l)1 oryzalin (n = 142), d cells treated will both inhibitors simultaneously (n = 205). The inset in (d) comprises those nuclei (71), which were no longer suspended and found (still with a lenticular shape) in the peripheral cytoplasm. The exact positions of these nuclei were not determined MT drugs indicates low dynamics (high stability) of the PNS's interphase MT bundles, constituting the structural stability of the PNS. In accordance with the high Transverse nuclear centering depends on MF-mediated balance/integration of forces conveyed along stabilized MT bundles. The PNS in S. crassa appears to re¯ect a balance of forces. Indirect anchorage of the nucleus via the peripheral chloroplast bands allowed direct monitoring of forces acting within the PNS: cytoskeletal perturbation resulted either in nuclear or in plastid dislocation (cf. Fig. 9). Chloroplasts were drawn towards the nucleus upon application of oryzalin only in the presence of intact MFs. This shows that the necessary tension was conveyed by MFs within the stalks. Since antiparallel MFs occurred in each strand, the actomyosin system within the stalks probably contributes to generation of tension. The tension conveyed by MFs appears to be balanced (for the most part) by the MT bundles of the stalks, which seem to act like the struts of a tent. Comparison of the eect of oryzalin alone with that of simultaneously applied CD suggests that the MTs of the stalks depolymerized more easily when tension exerted longitudinal compression. Stabilization of the MTs by bundling and by attachment at the plus-end may counteract compression-mediated MT depolymerization (Hill 1981) in the untreated cell. A balance of tension and compression has been suggested for the MF and MT cytoskeletons involved in neurite outgrowth (Dennerll et al. 1988). Since in oryzalin-treated S. crassa cells the nucleus stayed roughly in the center of the cell during distal shortening of the stalks, MT depolymerization must have occurred in a coordinate way that roughly maintained the balance of forces responsible for central positioning. Another force contributing (a probably minor part) to counteraction of the tension conveyed along the stalks F. Grolig: Cytoskeletal control of nuclear centering in Spirogyra Fig. 9A±D. Schematic summary of the dierential eects of the cytoskeletal inhibitors cytochalasin D (CD, B) and oryzalin (oryz, C), applied alone or in combination (CD/oryz, D), on the structural integrity of the PNS and on the precision of nuclear centering in Spirogyra crassa. A control. B Application of CD leaves the structure of the PNS intact but causes randomization of transverse nuclear positioning. C In the presence of oryzalin, the nucleus stays in the transverse center of the cell (though less precisely than in untreated cells). Chloroplast bands are drawn most eciently towards the nucleus in the mid-segment of the cell, apparently because here the vectorial component of tension oriented normal to the plane of the chloroplast band is maximal. D When CD is applied in addition to oryzalin, the chloroplasts are no longer drawn towards the nucleus and their arrangement in the peripheral cytoplasm is not disturbed presumably resides in tethering the chloroplast bands to the cell cortex. The strands, drawn out between chloroplast and peripheral cytoplasm upon treatment of cells with oryzalin (Fig. 7), probably correlate to MF structures extending from the cell cortex to the upper chloroplast surface (Fig. 4B; cf. Figs. 8E,F in Grolig 1990). Unfortunately, it has not yet been possible to preserve the labile extended strands during ®xation. Observation of Spirogyra cells during longitudinal centrifugation revealed enhanced fastening of the chloroplast bands in the mid segment of the cell (Kuroda and Kamiya 1991). Increased fastening may balance the tension which draws the mid segments of the chloroplast bands towards the central nucleus. Decreased organelle motility in the peripheral cytoplasm after application of oryzalin for more than 3 h suggests a stabilizing in¯uence of cortical MTs on peripheral MFs in S. crassa. This eect is in accordance with the potentiation by oryzalin of the eect of cytochalasin on cytoplasmic streaming in Nitella (Collings et al. 1996). Such indirect destabilisation of peripheral MFs may have weakened chloroplast fastening in the periphery. Randomization of the transverse nuclear position after disruption of MFs demonstrates that (i) F-actin is indispensible for attaining a central position of the nucleus and that (ii) non-actin-based forces exist which can dislocate the nucleus out of the cell center. Control of central nuclear positioning apparently depends on the integration of all these forces within the PNS. Loss of (MF-mediated) tension conveyed along the PNS stalks may lead to uncontrolled, and with respect to central nuclear positioning, unbalanced tubulin polymerization. Polymerization of tubulin could generate pushing forces (Hill 1981), which would be focused on the lenticular nucleus. Irregular PNS de¯ections, observed more fre- 61 Fig. 10A±C. Hypothetical scheme of the structure and function of the PNS in Spirogyra crassa (quarter transverse section), illustrating in the order of increasing complexity (A±C) the arrangement of MTs (thick lines) and MFs (thin lines) and their functional integration within the PNS. The polarity of MTs (+: plus end) and MFs ( : barbed end) is indicated. While the nuclear diameter is of appropriate size, for the sake of clarity other components are not drawn to scale. A Bundle(s) of MTs with branches of ®rst and second order reach from the central nucleus to the peripheral chloroplasts (dotted ovals). B Bundles of MFs tether the chloroplasts to the cell periphery and connect the peripheral cytoplasm with the nucleus. The directionality (arrows) of particle (ellipsoids) movements implies an antiparallel arrangement of MFs running within the PNS stalks. C Prevailing cytomechanical function of the MFs (generation of tension, biheaded arrow) and of the MTs (compression-bearing strut, bar) within each stalk. The pattern covering the nucleus (surface view) indicates nonbundled MFs and MTs quently after disruption of MFs (Grolig 1990) may derive from forces generated by dierential elongation/ shrinkage of MT bundles in the stalks. The fact that nuclear translocation and randomization of the transverse position occurred rather slowly seems to indicate that the MT-generated forces initially were fairly well balanced when CD disrupted the F-actin. The dierent positioning status of nuclei after prolonged application of both inhibitors (Fig. 8d) may re¯ect stages of progressive PNS breakdown (possibly related to progress in the cell cycle). The various components and functional aspects of the PNS, as discussed above, are summarized in order of increasing complexity in the hypothetical scheme of Fig. 10. In accordance with their dierential ¯exural rigidity and tensile strength (Bereiter-Hahn 1987; Weiss et al. 1987), the combined mechanical properties of MTs and MFs appear to demonstrate the cytoskeletal property of tensional integrity (Ingber 1993). Comparison of the PNS of Spirogyra with the higher plant phragmosome. The phragmosome, attached directly to the cell cortex, contains both MTs and MFs in its radial 62 strands (Lloyd 1991), much like the PNS of S. crassa. Premitotic migration of the nucleus to the prospective division site appears to be mediated by dynamic MTs; disruption of MFs only seems to retard translocation (or centering?). However, when the nucleus has attained its central position, both MT- and MF-depolymerizing drugs (applied over 2±6 h) cause only a small decrease in the percentage of cells with a central nucleus (Katsuta et al. 1990). Taking into account the comparatively short treatment and low spatial resolution in determining the nuclear position, the cytoskeletal situation during phragmosomal nuclear anchoring (not migration) may be similar to that described here for S. crassa, where stabilized MTs allowed deviations of the nucleus from the central position to occur only slowly. Tension in phragmosomal strands has been indicated by laser microsurgery (Goodbody et al. 1991), but without direct experimental discrimination between the contribution of MTs and MFs. The PNS of Spirogyra and the higher plant phragmosome appear to be functional equivalents with respect to premitotic transverse nuclear centering. In contrast to the relatively short-lived (several hours) phragmosome in the higher plant cell, the PNS of Spirogyra persists during interphase, possibly because of the higher cell division frequency. Further comparative studies, addressing the cell-cycle-dependent dierential stability of the MTs in the strands and the regulatory mechanism(s) behind the capability of the PNS to approach a balance of forces, may shed light on the phylogenetic origin of the phragmosome. I thank Dr. Georey O. Wasteneys (Research School of Biological Sciences, Canberra, Australia), Prof. Paul Galland (Botanisches Institut, Marburg, Germany) and Dr. Albert J. Duschl (TheodorBoveri-Institut, WuÈrzburg, Germany) for critical reading of the manuscript, Prof. Diedrik Menzel (Botanisches Institut, Bonn, Germany) for helpful comments during early parts of this work and Andrea Weisert for technical assistance in analysis of nuclear positioning precision. 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