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mailing.25 English
Gruner Ltd
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Gruner Group Customer Magazine
Water, Environment
Dr. Stefan Mützenberg
CEO Stucky SA,
Executive Board Member
Gruner Group
Editorial_Water, Environment
Hydropower and Flood Control
4 First flood test passed – Rüchlig power station refurbishment, Aarau
6 Stucky experts in the Himalayas – Ratle hydropower plant
8 Salanfe dam refurbishment – Relief cuts as unusual remedy
10 Flood control amid high-rise, industrial and farm buildings – River Wigger improvements
12 Groundwater use – Schachen groundwater pumping station
in Weinfelden
16 Environmental protection experts_25 years of environmental impact assessments
18 Eco-friendly electricity production_Use of waste heat at cement plant
20 Last minute
22 Authors of this edition
23 Addresses
Production credits
mailing. of the Gruner Group
Issue 25, 02/13
appears twice yearly
Gellertstrasse 55
CH-4020 Basel
Gruner Group
Dear Readers
The rapid pace of economic development and
resulting urbanization impose a heavy environmental burden in many regions of the world. Yet, as long
as we persist in measuring a country's success by
its economic growth instead of its ecological commitment, this overexploitation of our vital natural
resources will continue. Even today, a large section
of the global population suffers from water shortages or is without access to clean water. And we
are told with increasing frequency that water will
soon become one of the most expensive raw materials, not only in arid regions, but worldwide.
Apart from being the source of life on Earth and a
key resource, however, water is simultaneously one
of the most destructive elements on the planet and
the cause of devastating natural disasters. This
dichotomy necessitates rigorous analysis and the
development of tailored solutions to meet specific
needs – both in technical and scientific terms and
with regard to social, ecological and economic factors.
Not surprisingly, water and the environment have
now gained high priority in the political debate and
become a major focus of engineering and scientific
endeavor. This is because broad-based, interdisciplinary expertise is essential to gaining an understanding of natural systems and their high level of
complexity. We need to develop new processes,
modeled on natural cycles, which reconcile our
need for growth and prosperity with the demands
of ecology and an environment conducive to leisure
and recreation. Economic growth and environmental protection must no longer conflict with each
Stephanie Schorn, M. A.
Marketing and Communications
Gruner AG
In this mailing.25, we hope to give you an impression of the highly varied hydraulic and environmental
engineering projects in which the Gruner Group is
involved. Day in day out, our engineers and environmental experts – with backgrounds in over 50 different professional disciplines – collaborate in the
development of reliable, environmentally compatible
The featured projects illustrate how the natural
resource water provides a sustainable means of
electricity generation or is extracted for everyday
use as drinking water. We also present various solutions designed to control the risks posed by water
while at the same time preserving the ecological
After 25 years' work in the field of environmental
impact assessment (EIA), we take stock of the
many years of interdisciplinary experience and
numerous projects that have enabled our teams to
hone their skills. The challenge facing us today is not
just to manage, but also to reuse waste and harmful
substances, since this is key to achieving a balanced
environmental profile that also makes economic
sense. We have come a long way and are well
equipped to face the new challenges ahead.
Let me wish you an enjoyable read!
Stefan Mützenberg
Title: Olivier Vallotton, Renens;
Ralph Bensberg, Zurich; Tobias Hoch, Basel;
Manfred Richter, Reinach
Flood test passed_Rüchlig power station refurbishment, Aarau. Heavy rainfall and high water occurred even while refurbishment of the Rüchlig hydropower plant was in progress in late May 2013. This natural event vindicated the client's decision to move ahead with the design of new flood control measures.
From January 2015 onwards, the plant will make a key contribution to flood
defense in the region.
Aerial photo of Rüchlig hydropower plant site
Axpo Power AG received a building permit for refurbishment of the
existing Rüchlig hydropower plant in August 2011. Scheduled to
resume operation in early 2015, the modernized plant will supply
power to some 14,000 households. The upgrade will lift annual production from the present 55 to 64 GWh and the installed capacity
from 9 to 11 MW. Axpo is also investing in a wide range of accompanying environmental measures and various flood control improvements.
Gruner AG has advised Axpo Power AG since the preliminary design
phase and is currently handling the detailed design for the heavy
structures and associated excavations.
Investment in flood control
Refurbishment of the hydropower plant will push up the maximum
discharge rate from 1,180 to 1,700 cubic meters per second. More
efficient use of the flow capacity in the canal will allow the better
regulation of flood levels.
Two new weir bays in the right-hand half of the canal next to the
main powerhouse will allow additional water to pass through the
canal in the event of high water. This spillway is crossed by the weir
bridge and service walkway.
The clear width of 14 m per weir bay reduces the risk of the outlets
being clogged by floating debris.
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Tailrace pipe formwork for residual-flow powerhouse
1.5 m thick center wall of spillway
Refurbished hydropower site
The overall hydropower plant refurbishment includes the modernization of the structural fabric and electromechanical systems for the
three existing pipe turbines plus the construction of a fourth, new
machine assembly. The two-bay spillway for controlling the water
flow in the River Aare is being erected immediately adjacent to the
main powerhouse. An additional residual-flow powerhouse on the
original river course will generate extra electricity. Further components include a new-build control center, a boat transfer system and a
new weir bridge for access. Unique among Swiss hydropower plants
is the fish pass by the main powerhouse, which includes an innovative fish-attraction flow pump.
ing sheet piling, cofferdams, contiguous bored pile walls and parts of
the remaining structural fabric was adopted to accommodate the incident loads and projected highwater levels.
Key figures and technical data
Constr. costs excavation/shell: Approx. CHF 20 m
New-build concrete volume:
Approx. 15,000 m3
Steel tonnage:
Approx. 1,200 t
Economical use of steel reinforcement
Overall, the new-build project incorporates some 15,000 m3 of reinforced concrete. Despite the stringent waterproofing requirements
and element thicknesses of up to 5 m, the application of a contemporary structural design concept ensured the sparing use of steel reinforcement. Through close collaboration with the project team members, it was possible to overcome the various challenges posed by the
phasing of works and reinforcement layout.
Project milestones
July 2, 2012: Main powerhouse decommissioned
From September 2012: Pit excavation, construction of new
main and residual-flow powerhouses
November 2014:
Residual-flow powerhouse commissioned
January 2015:
Phased commissioning of main
powerhouse completed
Summer 2015:
Construction and external works
Large and complex excavations in flowing water
Dismantling of the existing powerhouse and the new-build hydropower facilities necessitated the construction of a practically watertight
basement-retaining structure. The main complicating factor was the
location of the site in the middle of a watercourse. A solution combin-
Sound control on a grand scale
To minimize structure-borne sound emission, the entire new-build
hydropower facility was meticulously designed to attenuate sound
transmission to the adjoining rock. The necessary measures included
acoustic separation between the main powerhouse and spillway.
Here, Gruner AG assisted the client by preparing various expert
reports, by developing the structure-borne sound isolation concept
and by supervising its implementation in the heavy building elements.
Tobias Hoch
Civil Engineer (UAS)
Senior Engineer
Gruner Ltd, Basel
Stucky experts in the Himalayas_Ratle hydropower plant. For the Ratle
hydropower project in India, Stucky is working with a partner company on the
design of all underground plant installations, including the intake structures,
pressure shafts, powerhouse cavern, transformer cavern, surge and gate cavern, and tailrace tunnels. Stucky has also been commissioned to inspect and
optimize the tender documents, carry out the detailed design, assist in supplementary geotechnical investigations and take charge of on-site supervision.
The Ratle hydropower plant is being built for GVK Ratle Hydro Electric
Project Private Limited. It is located in Kishtwar District in the Indian
state of Jammu and Kashmir. The facility comprises a 133 m high
concrete gravity dam across the Chenab River, headrace and tailrace
tunnels plus an underground powerhouse. With a total installed
capacity of 850 MW, the hydropower plant is designed to cover peak
loads while guaranteeing an average annual electricity production of
3,100 GWh. The design flow rate runs to 960 m3/s, with a net head of
97 m. The total investment costs amount to USD 730 million. L&T
Larsen and Toubro Ltd, one of India's biggest construction firms, won
the design-and-build contract to implement the project under an EPC
(engineering, procurement and construction) arrangement.
The works are scheduled for completion in July 2017, after a projected 54-month construction period.
river via four 360 m long, concrete-lined tailrace tunnels with an
internal diameter of 8.6 m. To dampen pressure surges, the four tailrace tunnels are linked to a surge and gate cavern, measuring 114 m
x 22 m x 45.4 m (l x w x h). The residual flow system comprises a
catchment next to the intake structure, a steel-lined pressure tunnel
(3 m in diameter) and a concrete-lined headrace tunnel (4.7 m in
diameter). The outdoor switchgear is sited on the right-hand bank of
the Chenab River, between the dam and the outlet structure.
Comprehensive preliminary studies and tests
Accompanying geological investigations are currently being performed to gain a clearer picture of the geotechnical characteristics of
the rock massif and the contact surface between the two prevailing
rock formations (gneiss and slate). Exploratory borings and hydraulic
fracturing tests are also being carried out in the existing access tunnel to the powerhouse. These additional findings will be used to optimize the cavern orientation and specify the geotechnical parameters
for the tunnel support system. The design work for the powerhouse
has already commenced, as have the consultations with the E & M
supplier (Alstom India). To optimize the design of the surge and gate
cavern, additional transient numerical computations are currently
being performed. A 1:20-scale hydraulic model of the intake structure
is also being tested at the Irrigation Research Institute in Roorkee.
The investigations are above all designed to examine the risk of vortex formation and to confirm the proposed level of the water intake.
One particular problem is the high annual sediment load of the Chenab River. Sediment management is usually essential for the long-term
economic viability of hydropower plants built on rivers in the Himalayas. For this reason, a 1:55-scale hydraulic model is being used to
conduct a series of sediment studies. The purpose of the tests is to
evaluate the efficiency of water flow via the diversion tunnel system
near the intake for the headrace tunnels. The local design team is
being assisted in its investigations by Stucky experts, who travel to
Delhi for regular meetings with the customer. At present, further optimizations are being developed for the individual system components
and cost-saving solutions proposed – a vital exercise given the financial constraints imposed by the customer's EPC contract.
Location drawing of Ratle project with 133 m high gravity dam
3-D view of underground hydropower plant
Crossing the Chenab River
Ratle hydropower project on Chenab River
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Hydropower plant design
The powerhouse cavern is 168 m long, 48 m high and 24.5 m wide. It
contains four Francis turbines, each with an installed capacity of 205
MW, as well as a 30 MW residual-flow turbine that generates energy
from so-called "dedicated environmental releases", i.e. water
released solely for the purpose of satisfying environmental needs.
Running parallel to the powerhouse cavern is the 127 m long, 22 m
high and 14.3 m wide transformer cavern, which is equipped with
gas-insulated switchgear. The headwater intake structure is located
on the right-hand riverbank. From here, four steel-lined pressure
shafts, 200 m in length with an internal diameter of 6.6 m, carry the
water to the powerhouse. The turbined water is then returned to the
Key facts and figures at a glance
GVK Ratle Hydro Electric Project
Private Limited
EPC contractor (customer):
L & T Larsen and Toubro Ltd
Construction costs:
USD 730 m
Construction period:
54 months (Jan. 2013 to July 2017)
Principal underground
Underground powerhouse,
transformer cavern, surge and gate
cavern, 4 pressure shafts, 4 tailrace
tunnels, auxiliary turbine
Stucky services:
–Inspection of bidding documents,
test concept, supplementary
–Detailed design
–Support during construction and
commissioning phase
Luciano Canale
Civil Engineer (M.Sc.)
Project Manager for Dams and Hydropower Plants,
Stucky Ltd, Renens
Salanfe dam rehabilitation_Relief cuts as unusual remedy. Built in the early
1950s, the Salanfe dam lies 1,925 m above sea level at the foot of the Dents du
Midi mountains in the Swiss Canton of Valais. Forming the main reservoir for
Salanfe SA’s power station in the Rhone Valley, this dam is currently under rehabilitation with the help of hydraulics experts from Stucky SA, Renens.
Drive unit for cutting wire
Guide rails for drive unit
Cutting axis
Horizontal pulleys
Vertical pulley
Vertical pulley
Rotation direction of cutting
Installations on dam crest
graphique pour mailing25_korr101017.pdf
Aerial photo of site
Salanfe dam and Salanfe reservoir with Tour Sallière massif in background
Excerpt from results of numerical 3-D dam model
The evolution of the upstream-downstream deformations of the dam
crest has been monitored since the reservoir was first filled in 1953,
and has been showing evidence of alkali-aggregate reactions for
some 30 years now, with no signs of a decrease in recent years.
The linear expansion of the straight dam sections causes asymmetrical forces to act on the turns in the wall, leading to rotational movement towards upstream, leading to increased concrete damage in
these zones.
Professional dam monitoring
Wide-ranging concrete tests, together with improvements in the
monitoring system, are leading to a better understanding of the reaction’s development status and its development potential at various
points of the dam.
The collected data have been used to calibrate the parameters of a
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The gaps in the concrete are cut out using a diamond wire saw. The
diamond wire is guided by pulleys fixed to the crest and on both faces
of the dam and is rapidly moved by a drive unit, which permanently
monitors the tension in the wire. Water is used to lubricate the wire.
The cutting sludge is collected and discharged to a special treatment
system, the reclaimed water being subsequently reintroduced into the
22 relief cuts in dam
22 cuts were sawn in the dam wall between April and June 2013.
Their initial thickness (immediately after sawing) was between 11
and 15 mm. The longest cuts reach a height of 24 m and were sawn
without stop. The total area of the cuts amounts to 3,700 m². The
Yearly range
Dam rehabilitation works
The rehabilitation project consists of works aimed at slowing down
the progress of the concrete damage. These involve cutting out thin
vertical slices of concrete in the upper part of the dam, where the
concrete swelling is currently most pronounced. These cuts run
through the entire thickness of the dam. The resulting gaps provide
space for decompression of the swollen concrete. Although these
measures will not halt the reaction, the gaps will safely accommodate the further expansion of the wall.
Changes in dam
An internal chemical reaction between the cement and aggregate is
causing the 230,000 cubic meters of concrete in the dam wall to
swell. The scope and intensity of this so-called alkali-aggregate reaction depend on numerous parameters, such as the chemical composition of the cement and aggregate, aggregate size, ambient temperature and moisture, and state of stress.
numerical model through application of the finite element method.
The parameters take into account concrete creep as a function of the
long-term structural loads, the hydrothermal environment and the
stresses acting on the concrete. This model has facilitated an assessment of the reaction's progress as well as the development of suitable measures to address the problem and handle the resulting
The gravity dam is only accessible via an underground funicular or on
foot, after over an hour's walk. It has a maximum height of 52 m and
is 38 m thick at its base. In plan view, the structure is divided into four
straight sections, which together make up a total crest length of 600
Displacement twd upstream [mm]
Upstream/downstream displacement of dam crest since commissioning
Plan view of dam and layout of 22 saw cuts
wire was first carried through a predrilled hole at the base of the gap
to be sawn. The drive unit was then positioned on the dam crest and,
through its backward movement along the guide rails, provided the
necessary tension in the wire. The cuts were sawn from the bottom
upwards. To maintain normal operation of the reservoir, the resulting
gaps were then sealed on the upstream side. The dam remained in
service throughout these unusual rehabilitation works. The monitoring and safety of the facility were guaranteed at all times.
Olivier Vallotton
Civil Engineer (EPFL)
Project Manager and Expert for Dams,
Stucky Ltd, Renens
geschützte Hecke
+ 85cm
+ 120cm
+ 60cm
+424.78 HQ100
best. Parkplatz
Abbruch Weg
Vorschüttung Kies aus
Aushub linkes Ufer
best. Kanal verlegen
bestehenden Uferschutz unterfangen,
Steine frostsicher, 1.5-2t, 120-150cm
Winkelplatte mit
best. Kanal SBR 1000
Linkes Ufer
Linkes Ufer
Linkes Ufer
best. Wasser GG 100
best. Gas GD 200
best. Elektro
best. Elektro
Current plot boundary
Current plot boundary
+ 120cm
+435.84 EF
Projected path
Demolition Eisengrubenweg
+435.08 F100
Av. channel bed
bank revetment
Underpin existing
bank protection, frost-proofed ,
stones, 1.5-2t, 120-150cm
ble gr
elec. main
Projected water
main GD 250
Move current water
main GD 250
+431.66 EF
+430.88 F100
Riverine area
clec. main
Commune of Brittnau
+ 60cm
Commune of Strengelbach
Current. plot boundary
Highway A2 noise barrier
Rechtes Ufer
Querprofil km 5.199
best. Parzellengrenze
best. Parzellengrenze
Gemeinde Zofingen
Gemeinde Strengelbach
Autobahn A2 Lärmschutzwand
best. Parzellengrenze
Rechtes Ufer
Left bank
Querprofil km 5.702
Cross section km 6.504
Widening of River Wigger (dashed line: current profile)
High-rise, industrial and farm buildings directly adjoining the River Wigger
Channeled course of River Wigger
Dilapidated Aeschwuhr weir
Second improvement project within 50 years
In the 1970s, improvements to the Wigger carried out as part of the
construction of the new A2 Basel-Lucerne highway increased its
capacity to 150 m3/s. Yet the 2005 and 2007 floods clearly demonstrated that this is no longer sufficient to meet present demands.
Despite the spatial constraints, the scale of the damage that would
be caused by a flood now makes further measures – in line with the
enhanced requirements under the new Swiss Waters Protection Ordinance – absolutely vital. The Gruner Group was commissioned by the
Canton of Aargau's Landscape and Waters Department to tackle the
approx. CHF 11 million project in collaboration with landscape architect Seippel Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH from Wettingen.
River channel widening
As part of the 1970s improvements to the Wigger, the river had been
confined within a tight trapezoidal profile with a uniformly flat bed.
The barrier created by the now densely wooded banks prevents any
access to or enjoyment of the river from the adjacent footpath.
Apart from creating additional space for improved flood control, the
plans to widen certain sections of the Wigger will also boost the ecological quality of the watercourse. As certain stretches are also being
made accessible to the public, the widening project will additionally
enhance the recreational value offered by the river.
Interdisciplinary team
The involvement of Gruner Group experts from a wide range of fields
guarantees maximum design quality. Specialists in hydraulic structure
design (weirs), urban drainage, hydraulics, near-natural hydraulic
engineering, soil conservation, freshwater ecology, ground contamination and maintenance are collaborating in an interdisciplinary
team. This concerted effort will enable us, in partnership with the
landscape architect, to make appreciable improvements to the human
and natural environment, despite the project constraints.
New weir and channel bed lowering
The only option for improving flood protection along the lower river
section, which is adjoined by the industrial zone and a farm, is to
lower the channel bed by approx. 1 m. At the same time, the existing,
dilapidated Aeschwuhr weir will be rebuilt. The project also involves
widening two stretches of the river – a measure which, alone, would
not have sufficed to guarantee flood safety.
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Low riverbank walls
The lack of free space along the central river section, which is flanked
by high-rise buildings and the highway, necessitated a solution with
low flood-control walls that are designed to blend harmoniously with
the landscape. The walls run partly in front of and partly behind the
riverside footpath, and are interrupted at various points by embankments and ramps that provide a crossing point for small animals. The
access routes (footpaths) are designed with a maximum gradient
of 6%.
Rechtes Ufer
Querprofil km 4.405
best. Elektro
best. Wasser GD 200
Abbruch Weg
mittlere Sohle
Weg projektiert
+429.18 EHQ
+428.56 HQ100
Weg projektiert
+425.48 EHQ
Autobahn A2
Flood control amid high-rise, industrial and farm buildings_River Wigger
improvements. Measures to protect the residential and industrial zones of
Zofingen and Strengelbach against overbank flooding from the River Wigger are
scheduled for completion by 2017. Under the new Swiss Waters Protection
Ordinance, this requires the provision of adequate space for the watercourse.
How is that feasible in a densely populated area?
Fahrspur für Unterhalt /
Michael Aggeler
Rural Engineer (ETH)
Department Head, Water, Dep. CEO,
Böhringer AG, Oberwil
Patrick Saladin
Rural Engineer (ETH)
Dep. Department Head, Water,
Böhringer AG, Oberwil
| 11
Groundwater use_Schachen groundwater pumping station in Weinfelden.
Gruner + Wepf Ingenieure AG, St. Gallen – supported by engineers from Gruner
Ingenieure AG, Olten – assumed the lead management role in an innovative
project: the Schachen groundwater pumping station with horizontal screened
well. The design of the groundwater collection system made special allowance
for the flood-prone Thur valley site.
Built between 2010-2012, the horizontal screened well ranks as one
of the most modern well installations in Switzerland, perhaps even in
Europe. The Schachen groundwater pumping station will ensure the
water supply for the Weinfelden region of the Canton of Thurgau in
the coming decades. Following an assessment of the site in Weinfelden and the strong groundwater currents in the Thur valley, preference was given to a large horizontal screened well solution as
opposed to a series of vertical screened wells. Apart from their lower
sinking depths, horizontal screened wells also allow the collection of
much larger water quantities at a single location.
In assessing the options for the well shaft construction, the pros and
cons of in-situ concrete solutions (4 m internal diameter) and precast
assemblies (2.8 m internal diameter) were examined. Key advantages
of the precast-concrete shaft included the shorter construction time
and substantially lower cost. The well screens were laid in four horizons, with the top horizon, at a depth of 17 m, designed as a protective horizon with selective extraction. Some of the screens, which
incorporated slotted pipes with an internal diameter of 300 mm, were
rammed up to 40 m into the ground.
Innovative desanding process
Given the high proportion of sand and heterogeneity of the aquifer at
the Schachen site in Weinfelden, a symmetrical double-packer chamber system with impulse generator (high-performance desanding,
SDKK) was used for the first time in Switzerland to desand the individual well screens. Thanks to the dedication of the entire project
team, the innovative procedure achieved outstanding results with
extremely low residual sand contents.
Well shaft with three riser pipes, platforms and ladder
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Groundwater use_Schachen groundwater pumping station in Weinfelden.
Pipe installation in basement
Stainless-steel wellhead with cover and vision panel
Pipe ramming, insertion of screen pipe
Safety from flooding and impact on outfall
The wellhead lies with an 80 cm freeboard above the highest flood
level of 421.20 m above sea level. Gruner engineers designed the
overall structure as a watertight trough with adequate resistance to
uplift. The nearby Ölibach stream, which previously served as an outfall for the local sewage treatment works, was closely monitored during the interim and acceptance tests. There was no evidence of any
impact on the stream throughout the pumping tests, which indicated
a theoretical well capacity of around 30,000 ltr/min. Various parameters are being monitored by the Canton of Thurgau Office for the Environment for a two-year period after commissioning, which took place
in April 2012. It will be possible to seal off the relevant stream section should any changes unexpectedly occur.
Site assessment / 00: Establishment of
protection zone / 01: Land acquisition
2005–2008 Detailed investigations at well location
2008–2009 Design, building application for GWPS, building
permit, bidding
Aug.–Sep. 2009 Construction of well shaft
Oct. 09–Sep. 10 Construction of horizontal well screens
Mar. 10–Mar. 11 Interim pumping test, desanding of well screens, acceptance pumping test
Apr. 11–Mar. 12 Construction of well building, incl. outfitting and
well equipment
Apr. 2012 Commissioning, establishment of protection zone,
inauguration with open day
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Technical data
Extraction rate:
Design rate for low water 15,000 ltr/
min / peak extraction 18,000 ltr/min
(3 redundant submersible pumps,
each with 6,000 ltr/min capacity)
Well shaft: ID 2.80 m, ED 3.40 m, depth 30 m
15 units on 4 horizons at depths of
Horizontal well screens:
17, 21, 25 and 29 m, total length
414 m (stainless-steel screen pipes
with slot perforation, DN 300 mm
with 0.8-2.5 mm slot widths)
In-situ concrete building
19 x 15 x 6 m, incl. transformer
Well shaft with underwater lighting
Key facts and figures at a glance
Technische Betriebe Weinfelden AG
Location: Schachen, Thurtal, Weinfelden,
Canton of Thurgau
Total costs: Approx. CHF 6 m
Construction period:
Aug. 2009–Apr. 2012
Project period: René Buri
Cultural/Env. Engineer (ETH)/SIA
Executive Board Member
Branch Head, Gruner Ingenieure AG, Olten
Matthias Ensinger
Civil Engineer (TU)/SIA
Executive Board Member
Branch Head, Gruner + Wepf Ingenieure AG,
St. Gallen, Buchs
| 15
Environmental protection experts_25 years of environmental impact
assessments. The Swiss Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ordinance
was enacted 25 years ago, on October 19, 1988. Yet Gruner Ltd had prepared its
first environmental impact report (EIR) before that, in 1986. Designed to protect
both the population and the environment, EIAs are now an integral part of construction practice. Preparing EIRs has been one of Gruner Ltd's core competencies for 25 years.
Walenbrunnen stream in Erstfeld
AlpTransit (Gotthard base tunnel) site at Erstfeld
Designed by Herzog & de Meuron, the Roche Building 1 high-rise in Basel is set to become Switzerland's tallest office building at 175 m (source: Herzog & de Meuron)
Nature conservation measures for Gotthard base tunnel north project: renaturalized Walenbrunnen stream at Erstfeld, drystone wall at Amsteg
Environmental impact reports (EIRs) are used by statutory authorities
during the building permit process to assess a project's environmental compatibility. In Switzerland, the assessment is normally performed by cantonal environment agencies or, at national level (e.g. for
large infrastructure projects), by the Federal Office for the Environment in Berne.
Profound expertise and many years of project experience
Preparing an EIR is a challenging task that requires both a detailed
knowledge of individual environmental disciplines and the generalist's eye for the big picture. Thanks to its close ties and regular collaboration with the Gruner Group's other specialist units, the Environment, Safety business area enjoys permanent access to outstanding
expertise. The EIR team consists of experts with many years' professional experience, who are supported by highly qualified junior
employees. Further training is a number-one priority in view of the
new challenges that constantly arise, particularly in the environmental protection sector. With its approximately 60-strong staff, the Environment, Safety business area at Gruner Ltd has adequate resources
to offer expert, single-source, yet still affordable services for both
public and private clients.
The environmental impact report guarantees:
––Compilation of all facts relevant to environmental law
––Check on applicable environmental law
––Assessment of environmental effects "individually, collectively and
according to their actions in combination"
––Balancing the interests of all stakeholders
Environmental impact reports for major projects
Projects for which an EIA is mandatory are defined in the Annex to
the EIA Ordinance. The list includes transport, energy, hydraulic engineering, waste disposal, military, tourist and industrial facilities. The
obligation to perform an EIA is normally subject to a limit value, e.g.
parking lots with over 500 spaces or retail complexes with a sales
area exceeding 7,500 m2.
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Over the past 25 years, Gruner Ltd has prepared EIRs for many intriguing projects from all sectors and in all regions of Switzerland.
These include flagship developments such as the IKEA store in Spreitenbach, the futuro building in Liestal, the Roche high-rise Building 1
in Basel, the aquabasilea waterworld and Planzer Transport AG’s distribution center in Pratteln, infrastructure facilities such as Basel's
northern bypass and two Gotthard base tunnel sections, as well as
waste disposal facilities such as Basel's refuse incineration center
and a waste tire and sewage sludge incinerator at a cement plant in
In the hydropower sector too, Gruner Ltd has helped to minimize the
environmental impact of both a variety of small hydropower stations
and the large plants on the High Rhine at Birsfelden and near Albbruck. In the field of hydraulic engineering, we partnered Gruner
Group company Böhringer AG in preparing the EIR for improvements
to the River Thur in the Canton of Thurgau and an environmental
impact notice for a flood control project along the River Wigger in the
Canton of Aargau. For the Canton of Baselland, we are currently
drafting the EIR for the River Birs flood-protection scheme at Laufen,
the first EIR in this canton for a project of this kind.
Kai Hitzfeld
Geographer, Civil Engineer
Dep. Department Head, Environment,
Gruner Ltd, Basel
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Eco-friendly electricity production_Use of waste heat at cement plant.
From the end of 2013, Jura Cement Fabriken AG at Wildegg will use the waste
heat from its cement production to generate electricity. The ORC system
integrated into the plant by Gruner's engineers will tap into a plentiful source
of energy.
General view during assembly
Steel frame with turbine and heat exchanger
Steel platforms with hot-gas ducts
Steelwork erection through roof opening
Node detail
Functional schematic
ORC process
Possible sources of waste heat
Electricity feed-in
Hot water circuit
120 – 150 °C
Heat exchanger
Feed pump
Heat exchanger
ORC technology in cogeneration systems: electricity generation using waste heat from various sources.
Schematic of power generation from waste heat using ORC
18 | mailing.25
some 14,400 MWh of electricity – equivalent to the power demand of
3,600 households – each year for use in its own manufacturing operations.
The Swiss Federal Office of Energy is supporting the project as part of
its "Energy Strategy 2050" for cutting energy use and promoting
the existing preheater tower (incl. concrete anchorages), a steel
assembly for each of the cooling towers on the roof of the granulation
building and the supporting structure for a hot-gas duct on an existing
precast prestressed concrete roof. These were used by the steel contractor to produce the detailed drawings, which were subsequently
checked by Gruner Ltd, International for compliance with the calculations.
ORC technology for electricity generation
The industry has now developed a system that exploits this waste
heat for power generation. The solution is based on organic Rankine
cycle (ORC) technology, which is able to transform waste heat of
200°C or more into eco-friendly electrical energy. For this thermodynamic process, heat is extracted at the highest point of the existing
preheater tower. The hot gas is carried via ducts to the heat exchanger, where the thermal energy is extracted and fed into the ORC
process. The actual conversion from thermal to electrical energy
takes place in the fluid circuit. An intermediate pipe circuit links the
two areas (heat recovery and ORC). Designing and incorporating the
heat exchanger represents a particular challenge because the process
air is heavily contaminated with raw meal.
Integration in ongoing production
Working in tandem with its project partners, Gruner Ltd, International
developed a concept for cost-effective integration of the power generator and associated process systems into the fabric of the existing
cement plant.
The main challenges posed by this complex contract were, first, the
integration of the innovative power generator system into a cement
plant with no space reserves and, second, performance of the construction and installation works without disrupting routine operations
at the cement plant.
The timeframe and operational constraints required particular attention. The large hot-gas ducts needed for heat extraction had to be
installed during the short annual maintenance period in January
2013. All other construction and installation works had to be performed during routine operation of the plant, without any disruption
to the manufacturing processes. The entire design, fabrication, site
logistics and installation program had to be organized accordingly.
Electricity production is scheduled to start upon completion of all
installation works, at the end of 2013.
Smooth integration of this type of power generator into the cement
production process thus requires highly specialized technical expertise.
The commission awarded to Gruner Ltd, International also covered
the concrete construction, incl. demolition and alteration works, along
with the associated structural calculations, formwork and reinforcement drawings, and rebar schedules.
ORC circuit
Solar energy
Cement manufacture is an extremely energy-intensive process: with
clinker kilns operating at a temperature of nearly 1,500°C, large quantities of waste heat are generated during production. To date, the lack
of suitable technology meant that the only available option – however inefficient – was to cool down the hot gas from the kiln and
release most of the waste heat into the environment via flues. A
huge waste of a prime energy source.
Clean energy through the use of waste heat
Both ecological and financial considerations prompted Jura Cement
Fabriken AG to install this waste heat power generation system,
based on an energy contracting arrangement with EKZ GETEC AG and
a certified system supplier. This will enable Jura Cement to produce
Gruner Ltd, International supplied the structural calculations, including outline steel drawings, for the galvanized steel structure – a steel
frame for the ORC system, various steel platforms for attachment to
Uli Jordan
Civil Engineer)
Member of Executive Committee
Gruner Ltd, International, Basel
| 19
Last minute
Gruner launches its first building climate control app
er 3G
Betreiber 3G
Gruner submits winning tender for Gotthard road tunnel
hoher Glasanteil
niedriger Glasanteil
etwas warm
K o m fo
te m p
e R atu
© AlpTransit
Basel, Bellinzona. – The Swiss Federal Roads Office (FEDRO)
has awarded the planning and design contract for the "FEDRO
General and Detailed Design" phases of the second Gotthard
road tunnel tube project to engineering consortium Ingenieurgemeinschaft Gottardo Due (IG G2).
Gruner AG is playing a leading role in this consortium along
with Gähler und Partner AG, Rothpletz, Lienhard + Cie AG, CES
Bauingenieur AG and Sciarini SA. Reuniting nearly all team
members from the Gotthard base rail tunnel project, IG G2 will
soon set about tackling this new and complex engineering
For the Gruner Group, this high-profile contract continues a
long tradition: as early as 1947, engineer Eduard Gruner
developed the initial idea for a transalpine base tunnel
between Amsteg and Bodio.
20 | mailing.25
The new project to design the second road tunnel tube will
draw on the experience gained during the building of the
Gotthard base rail tunnel shell, now practically complete.
Gruner's engineering remit on the rail tunnel project included
design development, site supervision and environmental
Gruner's new free app will compute thermal room conditions
for you. The app determines the thermal comfort for various
user requirements according to the chosen architecture, building physics and services installations.
The comfort calculations to ISO 7730 are based on over 2,500
computed simulations and can assist you in the building
design process. Simply by touching the screen, you can change
the architecture, building physics, services installations and
occupancy, and immediately see the impact on comfort.
The Gruner building services and building simulation specialists will be glad to assist you with project-specific calculations
and simulations.
Please contact us without obligation at
Gruner building climate control app – now available free of
charge from the AppStore and at
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Authors of this edition
Gruner Group_Your local point of contact
_in Europe and worldwide
_in Switzerland
Tobias Hoch, 1974
Civil Engineer (UAS)
Michael Aggeler, 1969
Rural Engineer (ETH)
Kai Hitzfeld, 1963
Geographer, Civil Engineer
Fascinating aspects of job
Some of the projects are so engrossing that you often find yourself
working on them after hours.
Position in the Gruner Group
Senior Engineer,
Gruner Ltd, Basel
After-work activities, family, badminton
Fascinating aspects of job
Working in a team, surface water design and hydraulic modeling.
Position in the Gruner Group
Department Head, Water, Dep. CEO,
Böhringer AG, Oberwil
Badminton, exploring streams
Fascinating aspects of job
You never stop learning.
Position in the Gruner Group
Dep. Department Head Environment, Gruner Ltd, Basel
Travel, nature, reading, hiking, skiing
Luciano Canale, 1975
Civil Engineer (M.Sc.)
Uli Jordan, 1957
Civil Engineer
Fascinating aspects of job
The wide variety of disciplines and the fresh challenges thrown up
by each individual project. Each dam project and each hydropower
plant is unique. That's what makes the projects so special and
Position in the Gruner Group
Project Manager for Dams and Hydropower Plants,
Stucky Ltd, Renens
Football, snowboarding, travel, music
Fascinating aspects of job
Solving complex problems in an interdisciplinary team while meeting people from diverse cultures.
Position in the Gruner Group
Member of Executive Committee, Gruner Ltd, International, Basel
Skiing, cycling
René Buri, 1972
Cultural/Environmental Engineer (ETH)/SIA
Olivier Vallotton, 1965
Civil Engineer (EPFL degree)
Fascinating aspects of job
Multifaceted activities, independence, working with mountains and
Position within Gruner Group
Project Manager and Expert for Dams,
Stucky Ltd, Renens
Mountains (hiking, skiing, mountain running), handicraft
Fascinating aspects of job
The variety of challenges and interdisciplinary teamwork, from initial
vision through design to construction. Ultimately, it is always the
quality of the collaboration between people from different regions
and social backgrounds that determines the success of a project.
Position in the Gruner Group
Executive Board Member, Branch Head,
Gruner Ingenieure AG, Olten
Field hockey, skiing, hiking, family
Matthias Ensinger, 1962
Civil Engineer (TU)/SIA
Fascinating aspects of job
The variety of projects, developing technical solutions.
Position in the Gruner Group
Executive Board Member, Branch Head,
Gruner + Wepf Ingenieure AG, St. Gallen, Buchs
Hiking, skiing
Böhringer AG
Mühlegasse 10
CH-4104 Oberwil
Tel. +41 61 406 13 13
Fax +41 61 406 13 14
Leimenstrasse 2
CH-4118 Rodersdorf
Tel. +41 61 406 13 13
Patrick Saladin, 1971
Rural Engineer (ETH)
Fascinating aspects of job
Discovering new ways of handling a dynamic medium and helping to
design our habitat.
Position in the Gruner Group
Dep. Department Head, Water,
Böhringer AG, Oberwil
Hiking, climbing, snowboard touring
Berchtold + Eicher
Bauingenieure AG
Chamerstrasse 170
CH-6300 Zug
Tel. +41 41 748 20 80
Fax +41 41 748 20 81
Gruneko Schweiz AG
St. Jakobs-Strasse 199
CH-4020 Basel
Tel. +41 61 367 95 95
Fax +41 61 367 95 85
Rue du Lac 33
CH-1020 Renens
Gruner Ltd
Gellertstrasse 55
CH-4020 Basel
Tel. +41 61 317 61 61
Fax +41 61 312 40 09
Sägestrasse 73
CH-3098 Köniz
Tel. +41 31 917 20 83
Fax +41 31 917 20 21
Mühlegasse 10
CH-4104 Oberwil
Tel. +41 61 406 13 13
Fax +41 61 406 13 14
Gruner Ltd, International
St. Jakobs-Strasse 199
P.O. Box
CH-4020 Basel
Tel. +41 61 317 69 00
Fax +41 61 317 69 90
Gruner Ingenieure AG
Altenburgerstrasse 49
CH-5200 Brugg
Tel. +41 56 460 69 69
Fax +41 56 441 15 75
Hohlgasse 45
CH-5000 Aarau
Tel. +41 62 837 52 00
Fax +41 62 837 52 09
Grundstrasse 33
CH-4600 Olten
Tel. +41 62 212 10 58
Fax +41 62 212 34 08
Gruner + Wepf Ingenieure AG,
St. Gallen
Oberstrasse 153
CH-9000 St. Gallen
Tel. +41 71 272 25 35
Fax +41 71 272 25 45
Blattenrain 7
CH-9050 Appenzell
Tel. +41 71 787 10 10
Fax +41 71 335 09 20
Drosselweg 1
CH-9320 Arbon
Tel. +41 71 446 21 21
Fax +41 71 272 25 45
Rue du Lac 33
CH-1020 Renens
Industriestrasse 8
CH-9471 Buchs
Tel. +41 81 750 18 18
Fax +41 81 750 18 19
Langackerstrasse 12
CH-4332 Stein
Tel. +41 62 873 34 63
Fax +41 62 873 13 31
Taastrasse 1
CH-9113 Degersheim
Tel. +41 71 372 50 10
Fax +41 71 372 50 19
Thurgauerstrasse 56
CH-8050 Zurich
Tel. +41 43 299 70 30
Fax +41 43 299 70 40
Ulmenweg 14
CH-9472 Grabs
Tel. +41 81 771 37 33
Fax +41 81 750 18 19
Speicherstrasse 8
CH-9053 Teufen
Tel. +41 71 335 09 22
Fax +41 71 335 09 20
22 | mailing.25
Gruner + Wepf Ingenieure AG,
Thurgauerstrasse 56
CH-8050 Zurich
Tel. +41 43 299 70 30
Fax +41 43 299 70 40
Wilerstrasse 1
CH-9230 Flawil
Tel. +41 71 393 20 10
Fax +41 71 393 51 67
Oberdorfstrasse 3
CH-9532 Rickenbach bei Wil
Tel. +41 71 923 39 52
Fax +41 71 393 51 67
Grubensteig 11
CH-9500 Wil
Tel. +41 71 393 20 10
Fax +41 71 393 51 67
Kiwi Systemingenieure und
Berater AG
Im Schörli 5
CH-8600 Dübendorf
Tel. +41 44 802 11 77
Fax +41 44 802 11 88
St. Jakobs-Strasse 199
P.O. Box
CH-4020 Basel
Tel. +41 61 511 09 30
Fax +41 61 511 09 49
Lüem AG
St. Jakobs-Strasse 199
CH-4020 Basel
Tel. +41 61 205 00 70
Fax +41 61 271 56 41
Roschi + Partner AG
Sägestrasse 73
CH-3098 Köniz
Tel. +41 31 917 20 20
Fax +41 31 917 20 21
Unt. Steingrubenstrasse 19
CH-4500 Solothurn
Tel. +41 32 622 34 51
Fax +41 32 623 72 94
Stucky Ltd
Rue du Lac 33
CH-1020 Renens
Tel. +41 21 637 15 13
Fax +41 21 637 15 08
Gruner GmbH
Otto-Bauer-Gasse 6/10
A-1060 Vienna
Tel. +43 1 595 22 75
Fax +43 1 595 22 75 11
Gruner GmbH, Stuttgart
Zettachring 8
D-70567 Stuttgart
Tel. +49 711 7207119 -0
Fax +49 711 7207119-15
Gruner + Partner GmbH
Dufourstrasse 28
D-04107 Leipzig
Tel. +49 341 21 72 660
Fax +49 341 21 72 689
Gruner Peru S.A.C.
Av. Camino Real 390
Torre Central, Oficina 801
Centro Camino Real
PE-San Isidro, Lima 27
Tel. +51 1 222 52 52
Fax +51 1 421 48 16
Kiwi Investment &
Consulting s.r.o.
Jeremenkova 9
CZ-14700 Prague
Tel. +420 241 431 674
Fax +420 241 430 571
Stucky Atlântico
Avenida da Boavista, 772
1º andar, Sala 1.2
PT-4100-111 Porto
Tel. +351 22 609 41 92
Fax +351 22 609 85 43
Stucky Balkans d.o.o.
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10b/II
RS-11000 Belgrade
Tel. +381 11 311 05 11
Fax +381 11 311 05 15
Stucky Teknik Ltd
1408 Sokak No2 Balgat
Tel. +90 312 287 12 01
Fax 90 312 287 60 23
Stucky Caucasus Ltd
11, Apakidze Str., 7th Floor
GE-Tbilisi, 0160
Tel./Fax +41 +995 322 25 0601
Tel./Fax +41 +995 322 25 0651
Rue du Léman 12
CH-1920 Martigny
Tel. +41 21 637 15 13
Fax +21 637 15 08
As at October 2013
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