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Ground for a new site on the edge of the city was purchased in 1894 and in 1900 construction was begun on the first five buildings of a plan based upon the medieval courtyards of Oxford and Cambridge Colleges. These first ivy covered Gothic buildings with their red granite walls, arches and gargoyles formed the quadrangle. Upon completion, these original buildings were leased to the 1904 World's Fair. The lease money made it possible to begin construction of additional buildings and all were used for the Fair before the University moved in. The athletic stadium, Francis Field, was built to accommodate the 1904 Olympic games, presented in conjunction with the Fair. Over the years, the original "Academic Gothic" architecture has been succeeded by a variety of eclectic styles, but certain key principles of the original plan were retained. Plazas and courtyards still reflect the original theme. ii CoNTENTs TABLE OF TitlePage . .. .. .. . ....... .. . . . .. ... . ...... . Washington University . . . ............ ... .. . . The School of Art . ..... . . .. .. .... . . . . . . .. .. . 35 Bachelor of Fine Arts Master of Fine Arts ii Table of Contents ... .. . . .... . .... . ... .. . .. . iii Commencement Ceremony .. . ... . ...... . . ... . iv Academic Dress and University Banners ........ . iv The School of Social Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Master of Social Work The School of Law ....... . ...... . ........ . .. 38 Doctor of Law Master of Laws Order of Exercises 1 Order of Procession 2 Ceremonial, Commencement and Student Marshals . 3 Emeritus Appointments .... ............ . .... . 5 The School of Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy Master of Health Administration Master of Science in Occupational Therapy Master of Science in Physical Therapy Doctor of Medicine Honorary Grand Marshal ....... .... ......... . 6 Prizes, Awards and Honors ............. .. .. ... 43 Honorary Degrees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Commissions in the Department of Defense Class of 1947 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . 54 Senior Class Officers ...... . ... .. . . .... . ... . .. 55 Order of Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Commencement Receptions The College of Arts and Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Music . .... .... .... .. .. . . 56 Commencement Seating Chart . .. . . . . . . . . ...... . 57 Washington University Campus Map .. ........ . .. 58 University College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Bachelor of Science Master of Health Science The Alma Mater The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences . . . . . . . . 21 Master of Arts Master of Arts in Education Master of Fine Arts in Writing Master of Liberal Arts Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Science in Speech and Hearing Master of Music Doctor of Philosophy The School of Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Technology The Henry Edwin Sever Institute of Technology . . . 28 Master of Science Doctor of Science The School of Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Bachelor of Technology in Architecture Master of Architecture Master of Architecture and Urban Design The School of Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Master of Business Administration Master of Science in Business Administration iii . .. . . . . . .. ...... . ..... .. .... 59 THE COMMENCEMENT White-Arts, Letters, Humanities; Silver Beige-Business; Light Blue-Education; Brown-Art; Dark Blue-Philosophy; Citron-Social Work; Golden Yellow-Science; Purple-Law; Orange-Engineering; Green-Medicine; Blue Violet-Architecture. ashington University and other American universities , W public and private, follow the pattern of degree granting developed at the University of Paris, which was founded about 1100. In the early days of the University of Paris the discipline of the students, and indeed their entire education fell under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Paris who was responsible for local educational matters. In an attempt to perform his office, the Bishop claimed supervision of curriculum and degree-granting. Here he ran into trouble from the teachers who felt they were the proper judges of the qualifications of their students. They demanded the right to grant the degree. The modern commencement ceremony represents a compromise between the Bishop and the teaching masters. By 1200 the masters were judging the merits of the student and then recommending him to the Bishop who conferred the degree. The ceremony you will witness this morning is the successor to this medieval compromise. The Faculty sits on the platform in its role as teacher and examiner. Its leaders, the Deans, present the qualified candidates to the Chancellor. Acting upon the recommendation of the Faculty, the Chancellor, as executive officer of the Board of Trustees, formally confers the appropriate degree . AcADEMIC CEREMONY BANNERS n addition to the coloring present in the academic dress, the division is also represented on the University's ComImencement banners. These banners are carried by a student marshal at the head of the procession for their division. You will note that the side sections of the banners are red and green, the University's colors, and that the center section, which bears the seal of the University, is the color of the academic division. THE QUADRANGLE he site of the University Commencement Ceremony each spring, the Quadrangle is surrounded by the University's four oldest buildings: Brookings Hall to the east, Ridgley Hall to the west, Cupples Hall I to the north and Busch Hall to the south. All four buildings were used by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company during the 1904 World's Fair. The outdoor stage was added in 1965 and named after Louis D. Beaumont, founder of the May Department Store Company. The Quadrangle contains a number of commemorative plaques and inscriptions. As you walk up the main steps leading to the archway separating North and South Brookings Hall, two inscriptions on the east facade recognize the University's original founding in 1853 as Eliot Seminary and its re-christening as Washington University in 1857. The Latin inscription above the archway reads: DiscereSi Cupias Intra: Salvere Lubemus ("If you desire to learn, enter: We bid you welcome"). The plaque embedded in the ground beneath the Brookings Hall archway honors Washington University's founder and first Chancellor William Greenleaf Eliot. The plaque was given to the University during the centennial celebrations in 1953 by the First Unitarian Church of St. Louis. Finally, on the west facade of Brookings Hall above the clock the Latin inscription reads: Cedunt Horae, Opera Manent ("The hours go by, but the works remain"). T DREss ~e academic dress worn by Faculty and candidates have their origins in the clerical robes worn by the students and teachers at the earliest medieval universities. American colleges and universities adopted a code of academic dress in 1895 that included regulating the cut and style of the gowns and prescribing colors to represent the different fields of learning. The code, which has since been updated and revised, is recommended for use by U.S. colleges and universities. The design of caps and gowns is determined by the following: Level of degree earned (bachelor's, master's or doctor's): This is reflected in the design of the basic black gown-how full it is, whether or not it has trim on the sleeves , and the design of the sleeves, either pointed or rounded. The gown for the bachelor's degree, which is designed to be worn open or closed, has pointed sleeves. The gown for the master's degree, which can be worn open or closed, has an oblong sleeve. The doctor's degree gown can be worn open or closed and has bell-shaped sleeves. Bachelor's and master's degree gowns are untrimmed. The gown for the doctor's degree is faced down the front with black velvet and three bars of velvet across the sleeves. The color of the facings and crossbars may reflect the distinctive color of the discipline to which the degree pertains. Institution granting the degree: Some institutions use their school colors-rather than basic black-for the gowns. The institution also is reflected in the hoods. The backs of the hoods are lined with silk showing the colors of the institution granting the degree , or the institution with which the wearer is connected. Washington University's hood is lined with red and green, the school's official colors. The color of the tassle on the cap and of the velvet edging of the hood, carried forward around the throat, indicates the division of the university. Title of degree: This is reflected by the color of the trim on the front of the hood. Examples would be: 1 UNIVERSITY T SEAL he University seal (on the cover) was developed by Holmes Smith, Professor of Drawing and History of Art, 1896, using elements from the coat of arms of George Washington (after whom the University was named) and fleur de lis, the symbol of King Louis IX (patron and namesake of St. Louis). The seal was officially adopted by the Board of Trustees in March 1897. The University's motto, which appears inside an open book in the middle of the University seal, is Per Veritatem Vis, "Strength through Truth. " The motto was adopted in 1915. The current version of the University seal was created in the mid-1980s when the University's logotype was developed, incorporating many of the same elements. iv ORDER OF EXERCISES Academic Procession Tbe Mighty Mississippi Concert Band of St. Louis Directed by Dan Presgrave Director of Instrumental Ensembles at Washington University "America the Beautiful" Stacia Marie Thiel Remarks William H. Danforth Chairman of the Board of Trustees Commencement Address Rt. Han. Sir Geoffrey Palmer Partner, Chen & Palmer, Barristers and Solicitors, Wellington, New Zealand "The Future , the University and Education" Conferral of Honorary Degrees Mark S. Wrighton Chancellor of the University Assisted by members of the Board of Trustees Remarks jaime Erin Sherman Senior Class President Conferral of Academic Degrees Chancellor Wrighton Assisted by the Executive Vice Chancellor, EdwardS. Macias The Chancellor's Message to the 1997 Graduates "Alma Mater" Kareah Michelle Garrison The text of the "Alma Mater" is located in the back of the book. Recession 1 ORDER OF PROCESSION Grand Marshal Edward N. Wilson Honorary Grand Marshal Ralph E. Morrow Chancellor MarkS . Wrighton Chairman of the Board of Trustees William H. Danforth Chairman of the Faculty Senate Council Gustav Schonfeld University Administration and Guests Associate Grand Marshal Stuart D. Yoak Honorary Degree Recipients Commencement Speaker Rt. Hon. Sir Geoffrey Palmer Student Speaker Jaime Erin Sherman II Members of the Board of Trustees Marshal Harriet K. Switzer III Officers of the University Administration IV Deans and Members of the Faculty Marshal EdwardS. Macias V Class of 1947 Marshals Elizabeth B. Robey, Alisa A. Schneider 2 CEREMONIAL, CoMMENCEMENT AND STIJDENT MARsHALs Ceremonial Marshals are charged with the responsibility of hooding Student Marshals during the commencement exercises when degrees are conferred to each division. Commencement Marshals lead each division during the opening commencement procession. Student Marshals are selected by the deans of each division to represent the student body of their division. The student marshals carry the divisional banners and signs during the procession. Ceremonial Marshals Barbara A. Schaal and Stuart D. Yoak The School of Medicine School Color: Green Commencement Marshal Doctor of Medicine Student Marshal Master of Health Administration Master of Science in Physical Therapy Master of Science in Occupational Therapy Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy Student Marshals S. Bruce Dowton Charles Todd Vedder Zachary R Chandler, Stacy Lynn Dirnberg, Erica Lynn Hall The George Warren Brown School of Social Work School Color: Citron Commencement Marshal David L. Cronin Master of Social Work Student Marshals Treena Marzella Bell, Sean P Cronin, Jessica Myers Forsyth The School of Art School Color: Brown Commencement Marshal Master of Fine Arts Student Marshal Bachelor of Fine Arts Student Marshals Jeffrey Pike Jill Marie Matheson Laura Jean Alport, Claire Marie Cowie The John M. Olin School of Business School Color: Silver-Beige Commencement Marshal Master of Business Administration Master of Science in Business Administration Student Marshals Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Student Marshal Gary Mitchell Hochberg Stewart Charles Bradley, Lynne Marie Sanick Timothy Mark Probst The School of Engineering and Applied Science and The Henry Edwin Sever Institute of Technology School Color: Orange Commencement Marshal John K. Russell Doctor of Science Andrew Forsman Hall Student Marshal Master of Science Mitchell Edwin Sava Student Marshal Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Technology Student Marshals Melissa Ellen Clark, Prateek Dinesh Patel, Dale James Sanko, Amit Arvind Shah 3 The School of Law School Color: Purple Commencement Marshal Master of Laws Doctor of Law Student Marshals Mark W. Smith Matthew Carlton Hammond, Michael W Kazan, Richard C Witzel, Jr. The School of Architecture School Color: Blue- Violet Commencement Marshal Master of Architecture and Urban Design Master of Architecture Student Marshals Bachelor of Technology in Architecture Student Marshal James Harris John William Doherty, Jessica Guertin Marvin Harris The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences School Color for Doctors: Dark Blue Commencement Marshal Doctor of Philosophy Student Marshals Elaine Berland Larry Roger Nittler, Myriam Therese Madeleine Roy, Rhonda Michele Stroud School Color for Masters: White Commencement Marshal Master of Arts Master of Arts in Education Master of Fine Arts in Writing Master of Liberal Arts Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Science in Speech and Hearing Master of Music Student Marshal Joyce A. Edwards Benjamin Alan Binder University College School Color: Golden Yellow Commencement Marshal Master of Health Science Student Marshal Bachelor of Science Student Marshals Mark Rollins Sarabeth Sievers Janet M Goddard, Maria Adams Hunter The College of Arts and Sciences School Color: V'/hite Commencement Marshal Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Music Student Marshals Sharon M. Stahl Christopher James Brummer, Akash Nanda, Maria Byrne Schlafly 4 EMERITUS APPOINTMENTS Each year some members of the Washington University faculty reach the rank of emeritus. Through teaching, scholarship and service, they have enriched the University and the lives of their students and colleagues. In appreciation for what they have done , we record here the names of those who attain emeritus rank by the end of the academic year 1996-1997. Neva P. Arribas Associate Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences At Washington University since 1965 Carter C. Revard Professor of English At Washington University since 1961 Merton C. Bernstein Professor of Law At Washington University since 1975 Llewellyn Sale, Jr. Professor of Clinical Medicine At Washington University since 1944 William H. Butterfield Associate Professor of Social Work At Washington University since 1973 Robert H. Salisbury Sidney W. Souers, Professor of Government At Washington University since 1955 William S. Coxe Professor of Neurological Surgery At Washington University since 1957 Mickey L. Salmon Instructor in Clinical Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences At Washington University since 1966 Seymour M. Freiman Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology At Washington University since 1959 James C. Sisk Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine (Dermatology) At Washington University since 1952 John M. Grant (Deceased) Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine At Washington University since 1959 Richard Stang Professor of English At Washington University since 1961 Gerald A. Gutenschwager Professor of Architecture At Washington University since 1968 Noah Susman Professor of Clinical Radiology At Washington University since 1954 Bryce B. Hudgins Professor of Education At Washington University since 1956 Eugene D. Taylor Associate Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology At Washington University since 1959 Maurice J . Lonsway, Jr. Professor of Clinical Pediatrics At Washington University since 1951 Lewis]. Thomas, Jr. Professor of Biomedical Computing in the Institute for Biomedical Computing (Also Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Director of the Biomedical Computer Laboratory, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Associate Professor of Physiology) At Washington University since 1958 David F. Mendelson Assistant Professor of Clinical Neurology At Washington University since 1983 Blake W. Moore Professor of Biochemistry in Psychiatry (Also Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics through 1993) At Washington University since 1957 5 HoNORARY GRAND MARsHAL RALPH E. MORROW There are two senses in which Ralph E. Morrow is a towering figure in the history of Washington University. As a distinguished faculty member and administrator of the University for over three decades, he played a vital role in its post World War II development and in the shaping of its present character. As the University's official historian for the past ten years and author of a recently published book entitled Washington University in St. Louis: A History, he has not only chronicled the University's past in delightful and definitive fashion, but given the University community a clear sense of its historical roots and an enhanced understanding of its ongoing mission. Ralph Morrow, like Washington University, was born in the Midwest and endowed by progenitors with a rock solid character forged out of the Midwestern values of integrity and service. Following receipt of his Bachelor's degree from Manchester College in 1943, he served for the period 1943-46 as radar officer on the USS Grayson in the Pacific Fleet. Like the University, he emerged from the trauma of war with a determination to reach new heights in scholarly excellence and to apply the fruits of scholarship to better education for the world's citizens. After receiving the A.M. and Ph.D. degrees in history from Indiana University, Dr. Morrow joined the Washington University faculty in 1955 as an Assistant Professor of History. His scholarly career is marked by rapid advancement through the faculty ranks to Full Professor in 1963, numerous publications in the field of Southern U.S. History, receipt of the 1954 Baruch Award in Southern History, and 1959 designation as a Guggenheim Fellow. However, the University had quickly learned that his scholarly accomplishments derived from the rare mixture of every-day common sense, capacity for meticulous detail, and dear-headed vision vital to successful University administration. His administrative service began in 1958 with an appointment as Acting Chair of the History Department, continued with appointments as Department Chair for the periods 1960-65 and 1967-68, and accelerated with his appointment in 1967 as Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. For the next 20 years, he played a dominant role in University administration through successive service as Graduate School Dean, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and University Provost. His long-harbored desire to return to the life of an historian commenced in 1986 with retirement from the University faculty/ administrative ranks and assumption of the title of University Historian. In this capacity, he assiduously applied the craft of historical research to the uncovering of numerous documents crucial to an understanding of the University's past and culminated his efforts a year ago with publication of the afore-mentioned book. For countless numbers of alumni, faculty, and friends of Washington University, Dr. Morrow is remembered with admiration and fondness for his compassion, occasionally raucous good humor, willingness to make hard decisions, and unswerving ethical disposition. Those not privileged to interact with him in person can develop appreciation of these qualities by reading his acclaimed history of the University. 6 HoNORARY DEGREES research, he established how tumors that secrete abnormally high levels of insulin-like growth factor-II can cause profound low blood sugar. His laboratory also was one of the first to introduce radioimmunassay of pituitary growth hormone and prolactin, and he published numerous papers describing the secretion of these hormones in health and in human diseases, especially acromegaly and dwarfism. He is the author of more than 300 scientific articles, and his work has earned him many honors, including the Fred Conrad Koch Medal of the Endocrine Society, the Joslin Medal of the Massachusetts Affiliate of the American Diabetes Association and the Rolf Luft Medal, given at the 15th International Diabetes Federation Congress. He has lectured in Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan , Sweden and throughout the United States. In 1993, he received the Distinguished Service Award from Washington University's School of Medicine Alumni Association and the medical school's 2nd Century Award. Dr. Daughaday is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and an honorary member of the Japan Endocrine Society. He is past president of the Central Society for Clinical Research and the Endocrine Society and current president of the Pituitary Society. After retiring from Washington University, he joined the faculty at the University of California, Irvine , as a clinical professor of medicine. He has two children by his first wife, the late Hazel Judkins. He now is married to Nancy Ebsen and they live on Balboa Island, Calif. WILLIAM HAMILTON DAUGHADAY DOCTOR OF SCIENCE William H. Daughaday, M.D ., spent his entire academic career at Washington University School of Medicine. He arrived in 1947 as an assistant resident in medicine at Barnes Hospital and retired in 1994. After graduating from Harvard College and Harvard Medical School, Dr. Daughaday did an internship in medicine at Boston City Hospital. He entered the Army Medical Corps in 1944 and served in Italy. In 1946, he began his endocrine research as a fellow with Robert H. Williams of the Thorndike Laboratory at Boston City Hospital. He then came to St. Louis, where he did a fellowship in endocrinology in 1948. From 1949 to 1950, he was a fellow in biological chemistry under Nobel laureate Carl F. Cori, M.D., conducting research on growth hormone in Dr. Cori's lab. Dr. Daughaday became an instructor in the Department of Medicine in 1950 and the first full-time director of the metabolism division of the Department of Medicine in 1951. At that time , Dr. Daughaday was the only staff member, and his facilities consisted of a single biochemistry laboratory and a small office. Under his leadership, there was remarkable growth in faculty and facilities. The division attracted many outstanding faculty and fellows. Many went on to leadership roles at Washington University, including William A. Peck, M.D. , executive vice chancellor for medical affairs and dean of the School of Medicine; David M. Kipnis, M.D ., Distinguished University Professor of Medicine and former head of the Department of Medicine; Gustav Schonfeld, M.D. , William B. Kountz Professor of Medicine and current department head; and Philip E. Cryer, M.D., Irene and Michael Karl Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism and current director of the Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. From 1975 to 1987, Dr. Daughaday directed the NIH-supported Diabetes and Endocrinology Training Center, later called the Diabetes Research and Training Center. It provided key research tools for diabetes investigators throughout the medical center, supported new diabetes research initiatives and played an active role in diabetes education. Dr. Daughaday contributed to many areas of basic and clinical endocrine research. In 1957, he reported on the mechanism of growth hormone action on cartilage from rats with abnormal pituitary function. It was known that in rats, growth hormone acts rapidly to stimulate cartilage growth and thereby regulate skeletal growth. With research fellow William Salmon, Dr. Daughaday found that growth hormone itself did not stimulate cartilage cells. They showed that normal rat serum contains a growth hormone-dependent factor and proposed what is now known as the somatomedin hypothesis: growth hormone acts on the liver to stimulate the release of a somatomedin, which now is called insulin-like growth factor-!. That factor acts directly on cartilage and other tissues to stimulate growth. Much of Dr. Daughaday's subsequent research explored the implications of this seminal finding . In his most recent GEORGE EBERLE, JR DOCTOR OF HUMANITIES For more than 40 years, Washington University alumnus George Eberle, Jr. , has sought innovative solutions to the wrenching poverty gripping residents of battered inner-city St. Louis neighborhoods as well as areas in St. Louis and St. Charles counties. When Mr. Eberle came to St. Louis in the early 1950s to study for the ministry, his job at the Grace Hill Settlement House's main office on the d.ty's near North Side was a way to earn money for his education. He received a bachelor of arts degree from Concordia Seminary and, although he never became an ordained minister, he did find his calling at Grace Hill. The job sparked his interest in social work and led him to earn a master's degree from Washington University's George Warren Brown School of Social Work, graduating in 1958 with honors in research. He remained at Grace Hill and has spent the last four decades helping transform the small neighborhood settlement house into a comprehensive, full-service agency serving neighbors in 11 communities. Under his leadership, Grace Hill grew into a nonprofit powerhouse with an annual budget of nearly $16 million and a staff of 400. Mr. Eberle stepped down as president and chief executive officer of Grace Hill in April 1997, but he plans to remain active in social issues. Mr. Eberle's work 7 at Grace Hill has caught the attention of foundations research organizations, and public officials across th~ country, many of whom view Grace Hill as a national model of how communities might grapple with the welfare reform-mandated challenge of moving people from dependency to jobs. Grace Hill now includes 375 units of low-income housing, five primary health care centers with a comprehensive community health program, two day care centers, and an extensive system of community organization called the Member Organized Resource Exchange (M.O.R.E.) -an innovative and successful program based on neighborhood leadership. M.O.R.E. provides leadership training and information for neighbors through a neighborhood college that hires experienced neighbors as the resident trainers. Neighbors serve as linkages within their neighborhoods, assisting the less advantaged in acquiring the resources to help themselves and their neighbors. Specific programs within M.O.R.E. include employment and economic development, wellness, transition services for homeless mothers and their children, substance abuse treatment for pregnant or post-partum women, child abuse and neglect prevention, family support services, emergency assistance, neighborhood-based support systems for the elderly, and urban revitalization self-help programs. The M.O.R.E. Time Dollar Exchange encourages neighbors to exchange services for which they earn time dollars. Time dollars can be used to "purchase" services from other neighbors or donated goods such as food. or other h~:msehold items. A pioneer in introducing low-mcome res1dents to the benefits of computer technology, Grace Hill has developed a sophisticated technological network of computer work stations that are staffed by volunteer neighbors who help other neighbors access resources through the computer. Mr. Eberle has a long and distinguished record of volunteer leadership, including work with the Missouri Training and Employment Council; the Missouri Welfare Reform Coordinating Committee; and as a board member of Earthways, Trailnet and the Ethiopian Benevolent Association Advisory Committee. He has served the George Warren Brown School of Social Work as a member of the Dean's Professional Advisory Committee as a longtime mentor and field supervisor for social ' work students conducting practicum projects at Grace Hill, and as an instructor of a graduate course in neighborhood-based social work - contributions that earned him the school's Outstanding Alumni Award in 1988 and the University's Distinguished Alumni Award in 1994. Other honors include the Jane Addams Medal from the National Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers; Good Guys Award from the St. Louis Chapter of the ~ational Women's Political Caucus; the outstanding serv1ce award from the Missouri Association for Social Welfare; and the Micah Award from the American Jewish Committee-St. Louis Chapter. The father of four, Mr. Eberle is married to Helen Graber, Ph.D ., who held a number of administrative positions at the social work school in the 1970s and '80s, including assistant dean. GEOFFREY WINSTON RUSSELL PALMER DOCTOR OF LAWS The Right Honorable Sir Geoffrey Winston Russell Palmer, a former Prime Minister of New Zealand has achieved distinction for both his decade of servi~e in the New Zealand Parliament and for his legal scholarship in New Zealand, the British Commonwealth and the United States. Sir Geoffrey was instrumental in crafting New ~~al~nd' s plan for no-fault compensation for personal InJUnes, replacing the tort system that was considered ~ostly, ineffective and inequitable. He also is recognized m the South Pacific for his leadership on global environmental issues and his efforts to develop a sustained environment while creating a dynamic economy in New Zealand. The sustained environment concept calls for lon-?-term economic growth without compromising environmental resources. Sir Geoffrey believes that through improved technology and societal choices countries can make way for future economic gro~h whi~e imple~enting environmentally sound practices. To ach1eve environmentally responsible actions worldwide ?ir Geo~frey has called for the creation of binding ' mter?at10nal ~les, an institutionalized authority to momtor compliance, and a system of adjudication. Sir Geoffrey was a delegate to the United Nations Conference on "Environment and Development at Rio, " also known as the "Earth Summit, " held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. At the summit, he strongly advocated international environmental regulations. In 1989, he was one of 24 heads of state who signed the Declaration of the Hague to curtail global warming. Sir Geoffrey initially entered the New Zealand Parliament in 1979 as a member of the opposition and rapidly rose to leadership in the Labor Party. He served as Deputy Leader of the Opposition from 1983-84. When the Labor Party came to power, he held a variety of positions, including Attorney General and Minister of Justice 0984-89), Minister for the Environment 0987-1990) , Leader of the House of Representatives (1984-87), Deputy Prime Minister (19841989), and then Prime Minister (1989-90). He also was a principal backer of the common market pact between Australia and New Zealand that boosted both countries' economies by eliminating trade tariffs . Before his election to Parliament, he served as a consultant to the Australian government on the implementation of a National Compensation Scheme and as Principal Assist~nt to the National Committee of Inquiry on Compensation and Rehabilitation. Sir Geoffrey also served as an adv~ser to the governments of Sri Lanka and Cyprus on Acc~dent Compensation. Additionally, Sir Geoffrey was retamed by the New Zealand government to draft the official commentary on Supreme Court Justice Sir Owen Woodhouse's report proposing state compensation for all accident victims regardless of fault. A barrister of the High Court of New Zealand, Sir Geoffrey was named Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, a member of Her Majesty's Privy Council, and Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia. He also was a laureate to the United Nations Environment Programme's "Global 500 Roll of Honour. " Sir Geoffrey is a founding partner of the 8 centers, research laboratories, arenas, stadiums, industrial plants, schools and universities. The Gateway Arch, for which he upgraded the air conditioning and engineered the Westward Expansion Museum, is among the many major developments in St. Louis that have benefited from Mr. Tao's expertise. Officially retired, though very active in many civic, educational and community organizations, he transferred the firm to his employees in 1989. From 1950-56, he was a full-time engineering instructor at Washington University. He has maintained his teaching affiliation here for more than 30 years as an adjunct professor teaching engineering and architecture. He is the principal author of a recently published book by Prentice Hall titled: Mechanical and Electrical Systems in Buildings, a textbook that he will use to teach in both the schools of Engineering and Architecture at Washington University. Mr. Tao pioneered a new form of financial aid at Washington University in 1974 when he established an endowment-free named scholarship fund for an engineering student. Realizing he didn't have enough money to establish a continuing endowment, he named the first endowment-free scholarship after his father, and thereafter established three others in his own name, the name of his company, and his wife. His idea caught on at Washington University, and now every school has scholarship funds patterned after the William Tao model. His kindness to students and his university extends beyond the named scholarships. He and Anne issued the $100,000 Tao Challenge Grant for the School of Engineering in 1989. Reflecting his athletic interests, he contributed funds to refurbish the tennis courts on campus, which collectively are now called the Tao Tennis Center. His ties to the East go back a quarter century, when at the request of the Taiwan government, he agreed to help design a high-rise building. This led to a number of engineering projects in Taiwan, including the $130 million Taipei World Trade Center, completed in 1985. He often serves as unofficial ambassador to the University's alumni in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China during his business trips there. A generous supporter of the University, he and Anne are Life Members of the Eliot Society. He is a trustee emeritus of Washington University, and chair of the National Council for the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Among his many honors from Washington University, Mr. Tao has received a Distinguished Alumni Award in 1971 , an Engineering Alumni Achievement Award in 1982, the William Greenleaf Eliot Society Annual Search Award in 1990, and the School of Engineering's Dean's Award in 1994. A resident of St. Louis for 50 years, he and Anne have three sons and seven grandchildren. Wellington, New Zealand, law firm Chen & Palmer, where he specializes in public law. He received his bachelor's degree in 1964 and bachelor of laws in 1965 from Victoria University in Wellington and his juris doctorate (cum laude) from the University of Chicago in 1967. Sir Geoffrey has served as a professor of law at Victoria University, the University of Virginia and the University of Iowa. He twice has lectured at Washington University's School of Law. In 1991 , he spoke on "An International Regime for Environmental Protection," which was published in the school's journal of Urban and Contemporary Law. In 1992, he discussed "The Earth Summit: What Went Wrong at Rio?" which was published in the Washington University Law Quarterly. In addition to his many articles in legal periodicals, he is the author of five books, including Unbridled PowerAn Interpretation of New Zealand's Contribution in Government and Compensation for Incapacity- A Study of Law and Social Change in New Zealand and Australia. Sir Geoffrey also has written a casebook on torts and articles in the areas of comparative constitutional law and environmental law. He is married to Margaret Eleanor Hinchcliff Palmer, a clinical psychologist. They have two children. WILLIAM KWANG-YEH TAO DOCTOR OF SCIENCE In the 47 years since receiving his master's degree in mechanical engineering from Washington University, William K.Y. Tao has established himself internationally as a diligent and innovative engineer, businessman, educator and benefactor. His success in the United States came on the heels of hardship in his native China, where he was born in 1917. He studied engineering at Chekiang University in the late 1930s while war with Japan raged. During the long war, his education was constantly interrupted and the site of the university relocated to makeshift buildings to keep ahead of the front line. Mr. Tao first met his wife, Anne, while in high school where he was a star athlete, setting a national record in the triple jump. He became separated from his family as the war heated up. He was reunited with Anne in southwestern China, and they married. After the war in 1945, Mr. Tao returned to his hometown, Tientsin, where he had neither heard from nor seen some family members for 10 years. He came to Washington University in 1947 as a graduate student, and was joined one year later by his wife and newborn son who had taken one of the last flights out of Shanghai when the government moved to Taiwan. He founded William Tao & Associates (WTA) Consulting Engineers in 1957, developing a company that soon became internationally recognized as a leader in innovative engineering and building systems design. Through his vision and vigilance, WTA has designed the mechanical, electrical, illumination, plumbing and fire protection systems for more than 45 million square feet of buildings worldwide with an aggregated construction value in excess of five billion dollars. Projects include high-rise office towers, corporate headquarters, hotels, hospitals, computer MILDRED MARIE WINTER DOCTOR OF HUMANITIES An educational innovator for more than a half-century, Mildred M. Winter has long been devoted to the adage that "children are our future. " First as a teacher and then as the driving force behind the now-international Parents as Teachers program, Ms. Winter has had a 9 positive jump-start effect on millions of young lives. Recognizing the need to support parents in their role as their children's first and most influential teachers, Ms. Winter served as the first Director of Early Childhood Education for the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education from 1972 to 1984. In that capacity, she initiated the Parents as Teachers (PAT) model project in 1981 and served as its state director. PAT quickly became a vanguard program, capturing the worldwide attention of educators, health and social service professionals, business leaders, policy makers, and- most importantly- parents. A home-schoolcommunity partnership designed for families with children from birth to age five, PAT assists parents in acquiring the skills to make the most of the crucial early learning years and lay the foundation for school and life success. Specifically, PAT offers families (1) regularly scheduled personal visits by certified parent educators who provide timely information on the child's development and ways to encourage learning; (2) group meetings with other parents to share experiences and gain new insights; (3) periodic screening of children's development for early detection of problems; and ( 4) linkage with providers of needed services that are beyond the scope of the program. In 1984, Ms. Winter became a key player in building the coalition needed to bring about passage of Missouri's landmark Early Childhood Development Act. That legislation led to the appropriation of state funds to implement PAT in every school district beginning in 1985, at which time she was given the responsibility of organizing a statewide training program for parent educators. Funding has increased each year since, with the goal of enabling all families to participate by the year 2000. The program went national in 1987 with the establishment of the Parents as Teachers National Center, of which Ms. Winter is now executive director. More than half a million families now participate in PAT in 47 states, the District of Columbia, and in five other countries. PAT has received numerous accolades and recognition since its inception. In 1987, the program was bestowed with the Innovations in State and Local Government Award, sponsored by the Ford Foundation and Harvard University's JFK School of Government. This was followed by the 1989 Innovations Award from the Council of State Governments. In addition, PAT has been recognized by the U.S. Congress as an effective program for young families in the Goals 2000: Educate America Act and in the Family Preservation and Support Services Act. Likewise, Ms. Winter has received several personal honors for her distinguished career in education. Among them are the 1997 Community Advocate of the Year Award from the St. Louis Children's Hospital, the 1995 Charles A. Dana Award for Pioneering Achievement in Education, and the 1995 Pioneering Leadership in Education Resolution from the Missouri Senate . She and the program also have received citations from Presidents Reagan and Bush, from state governors and from numerous educational associations. She is often called upon by the national departments of Education and Health and Human Services for counsel, and frequently speaks at colleges and universities and at national and international conferences. A native St. Louisan, Ms. Winter graduated summa cum laude from Harris Teachers College in 1942 with a bachelor of arts degree in education and received a master's of education degree from the University of Missouri in Columbia in 1968. She also has undertaken additional graduate study at Harvard University and the University of Cincinnati. Upon graduation from Harris Teachers College, Ms. Winter began her career as a classroom teacher. After taking time off to raise her children, she resumed her career in 1962. In 1969, she developed and directed the Ferguson-Florissant Parent-Child Early Education Program, which was Missouri's first public school early education program to integrate handicapped children. She is married to Willard Winter, and they have two sons, one daughter and six grandchildren. 10 Linda Elizabeth Aab RoyLAach Harry S Ackerman Mary LAdams Nancy L Adams Janice Gordon Adams Dwight R Aitken Charles R Allen Ruth Reddish Allen PaulA Alter Donald H Altman Norman J Ameling Aksel R Andersen Dorothy Knudsen Anderson Harold R Anderson Charles W Armstrong Simon J Arnold, Jr. Robert A Asbille Nancy Schwarz Ashby Shirley Bierman Asner Shirley Finninger Bacon Hughes A Bagley Marilyn Lehman Baker Patricia Colliton Baldeck Eleanor Earle Baldwin Donald M Baldwin Doris Paar Baltzer William Bangert Mary Graf Bard Irl B Baris John L Barnard, Jr. Mary Johnson Barnes Elizabeth Golden Barnett Marian C Barnholtz John S Barrett Nancy Nicholas Baumann Joye Siroky Baumann Dorothy Starnes Beatty Floyd 0 Becherer Evelyn Surles Bechtold Bruce Becker Wilfred R Bekebrede Arthur R Bell Virginia Wassail Benade Geraldine Saltzman Berg Jerome Berger Marvin H Berkeley Maurice H Bernstein Meryl Moehlmann Berry Elizabeth Smith Biggins Albert W Biggs Mary Aschinger Biggs Gilbert S Blake Amy Dudley Blanchard Marshall R Bland Edward B Bleich Marvin Blum Charlotte Levin Bock Charles E Bodenstedt, Jr. Nancy Neuer Bogre Virginia Wise Bond Thelma P Bonds David Bornstein Rita Halle Borus Virginia Handlan Bott Editha Bowen Sara Haskins Boyer Robert M Bretch Kathryn Willbrand Brett Gloria Moncur Broaddus Jacqueline Brightfield Brown John I Brown, Jr. Edwin S Brownstein Kenneth H Brune John Bishop Buckman Leo L Bulthaup Frances Benert Burkhardt George E Burton Mary Lindstrom Bush Elwyn L Cady, Jr. Lee D Cady, Jr. Ruth Sartorius Cady Gloria F Calovini Marilyn Caplan Larry Carp Rexford H Caruthers Marilyn Mesloh Carver Charles L Charlton Harry V Cheshire, Jr. Robert C M Chin Ivan Chorlins Pierre P Chouteau Eugene R Christmann Rosemary Voegeli Clarke Carolyn L Clifton William Davis Cobourn Shirley A Cochran Charles D Cohen Lester Cohen Richard D Cohen Rose A Cohen Elaine Shaftal Cohen EdwinM Cohn Fred M Cornell John W Courter, Jr. Michael W Cramer Mildred Holliday Creasy John W Cruickshank, Jr. Betty Clay Cunningham SJ Darby Carl E Darigo Robert W Datesman Mary Rieser Davidson SJ Davies Vera Klinger Davis Evelyn White Dawson Therese F Dawson George Dertke Margie Fagenbaum Deutsch Richard W Devine Glen E Dilley Myron Dmytryszyn 11 Nedra Peck Doder Robert A Doisy Robert J Donnell Kerry N Dowling Leigh A Doxsee Marcella Pepper Doyne Harry R Dreiling John G Duba Charles H Dubois Thelma Dunnebacke-Dixon Miriam Cain Dusenbery John E Dustin Dean W Duston Benelle Newberry Dye Wilbur H Eckstein Bernard B Eder Dermot W Edmundson Mary Bennett Edwards Richard J Effmger Maurice S Eichler Shirley Schumacher Eichler Daniel A Eilen G Thomas Eisele John W Eisenbeis Norman Elfanbaum William S Erwin Calvin F Esselbruegge Alexander Evanoff Donald E Fawcett Samuel Feldman Natalie Moehlmann Felumb Nadine Ferguson Otto D Fink, Jr. Catherine J Z Fischer George B Fisher, Jr. Harriet Schram Fisher Marvin J Fisher Dona Wicker Fleming Frederick A Fleming Anita Heinrichsmeyer Flori Eugene A Foster Donald P Frank Herb Frankel Jane Marx Franklin Milton Freedman Winifred Tober Frelich Walter H Prenger, Jr. Audrey Glick Friedman Donald E Friedman Richard H Friedman Roger C Fuqua Allen L Furfme Martha Dunbar Gaddy Ralph C Gardner, Jr. Walter R Gaylor Eleanor Pattiz Gellman Lois Selkirk Geninatti Charles D Georgi Walter A German, Jr. Robert A Gessert Jean Wenom Gibbons George W Gibson, Jr. James W Gillespie Harold Gissen Stanley A Gitt John L Giulvezan Warner E Glascock Helen Hofsommer Glaser Leonard A Gold Tamadean Altman Goldenhersh Betty Sindelar Goldwasser Edward D Golterman Thomas B Gonterman John M Good Charles Gould William M Graves III James L Griffith Mary Jane Grimes William F Grisham Leslie H Grodsky Sidney H Guller Patricia Hobart Guze Joy Campbell Guze Douglas Hale Elizabeth Thomas Harding James E Harrison George N Hartje James W D Hartman George R Hauser Herbert W Havelka Lois Livingston Hawthorne ] ohn S Hazelton Edith Kirby Heard Lois Balson Hellwege Irene Taylor Henderson Marjorie Gould Hendricks George] Hendry Richard T Henmi Mally Wilson Hennig William C Herbert William D Hermann Harold E Heye Donna Elliott Higginbotham Elizabeth Chapin Hinton Marjory Wrigley Holcomb Rose Glaser Holtzman Theodore] Honig Anne Dodge Hooper Roy H Hopkins Muriel Simon Horowit Elizabeth Sandeberg Horton Jerome Hudis Sherwood G Huff Martha Hartwein Hughes Elsa Muench Hunstein Ann Hunt Merl M Huntsinger Ruth Young Hyman Mary A Hynes Herbert W Illingworth, Jr. Ruth Scarr Inglis William B Ittner III Carleton F Izard Maxine Schneider Jacks Morton] agust Charles] ] annings III Madison M Jennings Virginia Kurth] ensen Leon A]ick Lois Schrieber Johnson Barbara August]ohnson Edward R]ones Jean Clarke Jones Marguerite Barlow Jones Walter P ]ost, ]r. Shirlee Fink Kahn Clara Klayman Kallner Roland C Kappesser Martha Peppes Karides David H Karsh Thelma Green Kase Druscilla Tulper Katz S Sidney Kaufman Donald H Kausler A L Kelly Joseph T Kelly, Jr. Daniel R Kenshalo, Jr. ]ohnKKern Virginia Wagner Kinnaman Carol Jean Kirby Betty St. Denis Kirchhoff Houston Kirk Dorothea Jean Kirkhuff Eva Miller Kirkpatrick Lois Wiseman Kirstein Wallace G Klein Walter P Klein Alice Saunders Kleyboecker Alice Marty Kline Bernhardt W Klippel, Jr. Hugh A Kneedler Lyle Reed Koca Hugo K Koch ] ames D Koerner George W Koertel, Jr. Adeline Wagman Kohn Melvin Kolker Ruben Koltun Arthur M Komm John C Krato Marion Becker Krentz Edward George Kreyling, ]r. Betty Klingelhoefer Krupp Joan Dorenkamper Kubik Ruth Hake Kuehler Henry W Kunce Fred W Kurre, Jr. Rose Wolff Kwiatek Loretta Urban Lakinger Malon C Lauer, Jr. Marilyn Aronberg Lavin Thelma Ganz Lawton Harold Lazaroff Jane Jones Leaver Frank M Lebman Warren E Leigh Eugene L Lentzner Wing Leong 12 Gloria Kling Levin Marvin E Levin Harlan Y Levitt Donald] Levy Marvin B Levy Alice Plattner Levy Geogie Williams Lewis ] eanne Hirsch Liberman Sidney Librach Doris Illingworth Littlefield John D Lively John P Locke John T Loire Mary Patriquin Lowe Helaine Katzif Lowell George W Lubke Francis S Macnutt Robert] Major Max Marcus Earl F Maschmeier Lawrence T Mast Julian B Mathes Mona Shuttleworth Mattingly C]ackson Maurer Inez Leahy Mavis Robert M Mayer Robert E McAliney Wilma Smith McArthy Robert S McCully Lillian Foster McDonald Patricia Moore McGrath Walter W McKeague Juanita Seibert McKee N Jean Mcdaniel McLeod Virginia McNabb Michael McNalley Robert H McRoberts, ]r. Stanis ] Mederer Gerald W Mefferd Virginia Krautheim Mellis Ralph W Menees William E Mengel Julia Winsby Merrill Betty Hoffman Meyer John I Meyer Nancy Hawkins Meyer Mary Wiederholdt Meyersieck William C Milks, ]r. Donald C Miller Joseph] Moder, Jr. Eleanor Elrod Moehle Robert] Monnig Joseph M Montague Dennison H Morey, ]r. Dan D Morgan Gladys P Morgan Hazel Patterson Morgan Kennard H Morganstern John A Moritz Mary A Morrissey Sam Moskowitz John F Mueller Georgia Deicke Munro Richard R Murphey, Jr. Edward E Murphy, Jr. Margaret Berger Murphy John E Murphy Jean Vogel Murray Ruth Chaveriat Mustain Kenneth H Myer Janice Wimer Myers Robert F Nagel Gloria Peck Neils Donald F N elling Sol L Nemzoff James H Neuwoehner Joan Freund Newman Roy G Niehoff Sally Bowman Nuetzel William T Nye Anne Travis O'Connell Gloria Dunham O 'Donnell Charles B O 'Neil, Jr. Marian King O 'Reilly William F Obear, Jr. Marvin P Oleon Leon S Ostrodka Chris L Palcheff George L Palcheff Amy Schloss Pasternak Gilbert C Pauls Meredith Jorstad Payne William C Payne, Jr. John 0 Perkins Louise Rees Perkins Eugene J Petersen, Jr. Joseph T Peterson James P Phelan Adah Godbold Phelps Stuart L Pierson Oscar T Pinsker Norman B Pitcairn, Jr. H Newton Pollock Irma Amoratis Popovsky Harold E Poth Harold L Potter Harold G Prehn Albert Price Elaine McFarson Provinse Verne E Purvines Ralph W Queal, Jr. Robert J Quigley Charlotte Thuenen Raith Lorraine Heuerman Reed Robert V Reed Harold T Reinke Mary Murphy Renfroe Marvin Rennard Glenn K Robbins Milton D Robinson Arnold H Rohlfing, Jr. Haberta Ramel Rose Evelyn Pepper Rosenberg Juliette Stein Rosenblatt Reid Ross Alloyce Schwartz Ross Lawrence P Roth Odette Mesinger Ruben Theodore C Rueckert Ruby Howell Sailor Francis J Sauer Mortimer Schaffer Edward D Schapiro Jacqueline Bickel Schapp Bernard A Schermer William C Schiller Stanley P Schlesinger Chester G Schmidt Marian Herz Schmied Ellen Jacobson Schneiderman Miriam Grafe Schokmiller William P Schorr Clifford H Schrader Marvin Schram William F Schregardus, Jr. Donald F Schuerman Frederick W Schulte, Jr. Gunther W Schultz Betty Freund Schwarz Roy G Schwerdtmann Laura Cutter Scissors John D Segel George J Seith Earl C Seltzer Deborah J Sheahan Maxine Bernard Shear Donald J Sher Sanford Paul Sher Robert L Shifrin Kenneth M Shiigi Edward E Siebert, Jr. William A Sippy James J Skelly Martha I Skinker Joseph G Sloofman A Howard Smith Clark S Smith Elizabeth Skinner Smith Dorothy Hewitt Smith Joseph Smith Gloria Shatz Smith Julia Liebreich Solomon Shirley Dawidoff Sparks Alfred J Spiry Clementine Duerr Stack Clarence M Stapp Ruth Bussen Steele William S Stein Harlan S Steinback Benjamin J Steinberg Margaret Stead Stewart Nolan L Stinson, Jr. Claire Lenney Stone John H Stradal Samuel W Strother John R Stroupe, Jr. Taylor E Strubinger Frederick J Sudekum, Jr. Raymond L Suggs Robert Sunderland Betty Mastorakos Sutter Robert D Swift 13 Nathan Tabachnick Marilyn Broman Tallman Paul Tandler James W Taylor Sallie Rogers Taylor Marian Smith Tennant James H Terry Beverly Ralph Tiemann John E Tillotson Marvin C Tobin Malachie C Topping Beverly J Steele Towne Joan L Traylor George L Trigg Lambert C Trovillion Robert Van Houten Dorothy Scott Van Luik Frances Lingeman Vatterott Harvey W Veit Mary Young Vickroy Barbara Feldmann Vincent Charles D Visos Richard W Vogler Edward Votoupal Roy S Waggoner Eileen O 'Brien Wagner Jean Whitehouse Waldemer Theodore Waldman Evelyn Wall Eugene E Wallace Robert A Ward Stanford Warshasky William J Wasserman Nancy Hobbs Watts Michael M Weigert Don L Weihe Beverly Lueders Weihe Sanford R Weinberger Robert G Wellman Thomas E Whitson Dorothy Allen Wiegelman Warren Wiehe Paul J Wiesler, Jr. Dale P Williams James E Withrow Elmer H Wohlschlaeger Karl PWWolf Thiemo Wolf, Jr. Eugene L Wolff Rosalie Funk Wolff Joseph R Woodside Fred G Wooster Kate Freeland Wright James D Wright Travis J Wright Jerome J Yoffie Marilyn Field Young Patricia Lucy Youngdahl Norbert C Zabel Gloria Zakarian Franklin R Zatlin Bernard I Zeid Maurice J Zemlick Lydia L Zillgitt Ann Callahan Zimmerman ORDER OF PRESENTATION Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Music Bachelor of Science Master of Health Science Master of Arts Master of Arts in Education Master of Fine Arts in Writing Master of Liberal Arts Master of Arts in Teaching Master of Science in Speech and Hearing Master of Music Doctor of Philosophy Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Technology Master of Science Doctor of Science Bachelor of Technology in Architecture Master of Architecture Master of Architecture and Urban Design Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Master of Business Administration Master of Science in Business Administration Bachelor of Fine Arts Master of Fine Arts Master of Social W ark Doctor of Law Master of Laws Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy Master of Health Administration Master of Science in Occupational Therapy Master of Science in Physical Therapy Doctor of Medicine 14 THE COLLEGE OF ARTs AND Candidates Presented by James E. McLeod, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS May 1~ 1997 Summa Cum Laude Jennifer Lynn Akin Karen Anne Autio Frederic Marcus Bloom Lisa Diane Bourne Darren Michael Brenner Christopher James Brummer Erica Lynn Burns Maegan Lee Conklin Courtney Suzanne Dodson Nathan Andrew Elliott Juan Manuel Estrada Miranda Lee Fraley Jennifer Nicole Fues Martha Hernandez Hilary Anne Highfield William Bruce Johnson Victoria Katsov Charles Kore Kaufman Hardave Singh Kharbanda Maxwell Masters Krem Lyn Wan Kuo Patricia Marie Legler Stacy Elizabeth Liechti Lilie Leming Lin *Jennifer Rebecca Levison Erin Elizabeth Mashburn Naomi Beth Mendelsohn Jason Harold Mendler David Alan Moeller Cynthia Danelle Myers Akash Nanda Christine Jeanne O 'Brien Carol Elaine O 'Hear Erin A Orzel Breck Stuart Polley Amy K Ripperger Lawrence Pierce Roberts Maria Byrne Schlafly Kristin Ann Shepard Adam Matthew Simon Scott Howard Sternberg *Jade Patrick Vinson tindicates college honors *Indicates combined degree SCIENCES Wai Chung Jonathan Wong Robin Lori Zimbler Magna Cum Laude *Craig Edward Bauer James Andrew Break Diana Mertz Brickell Adam Howard Brodsky Susan Michelle Brown Yoon Hee Chai Jang-Jyh Chen Alina Olsen Chertkoff Amy Katherine Chi Kai-Zu Chi Christopher Pei-Chia Chung Sarah Covington Christopher E Crabtree Thanh Xuan Dang Minna Grace Dietz Erica Beth Edelman Erika Dawn Eggers Michael Barry Elkin Daniel Andrew Emmert John Paul Evans Jonathan David Forman Daniel Barry Gisslen Debra Brooke Goldberg Amy Gabrielle Goodman John Travis Gossey Elizabeth Amy Hinrichs Timothy John Hadler Kari Ruth Holmgren Sandra Pei-San Hsieh Elisa Marie Kelly Jason David Keune Stephanie Ann Klees Stacy Leigh Kraft Debra Melissa Kraushaar Jonathan Howard Krivitzky Nathan Todd Lepp Chad Austin Lewis Rona Livnat Alexis Antonia Lury Chuni Ginny Ma Paul Nicholas Meyer Christina Benita Morado Kristine Amy Morong Junko Nakagawa Tanuj Nakra Lisa Beth Perlstein Sara Jane Piccicuto Wanda Plungkhen Jennifer Lynn Robbins Tracy Elizabeth Roberts 15 Benjamin Allen Scholle Lisa Nicole Shusterman Jennifer Irene Singer Allison Mara Stern Kenneth Bor-Kang Tai Benedict John Tranel Jennifer Patricia Weber Nicholas Wu Kathryn Kristine Wycoff Cum Laude Sarah Elizabeth Abella Andrea Dawn Asbury Richard Matthias Ayres Kelly Lynn Best Chad Marshall Billings Julie An-hsing Cheh Joshua Travis Eck John Benjamin Geers David Samuel Harris Melanie Lisa Hersh Daniel Aaron Hirselj Timmy Lee Catherine Marn David Jeffrey McDow Subho Mullick Katherine Elizabeth Neustadt Nilesh Jay Patel Supriya Lakshmy Pillai Elizabeth Wylly Powell Kimberly Lynn Reinhard Brock Evan Schroeder Danielle Robbie Shane Thomas John Silverman Heidi Elizabeth Spear Charles A Walls Perry Levine Whitecage Alicia Carmelita Woodard May 1~ 1997 tDeborah Beth Abeles Jordana Fay Adelman Jasmine Ahmadi Kevin Alvares Julie Lynn Anderson Laura Christine Anderson tRisa Eve Appel Mark Joseph Arnecilla *tPrabhu Manivel Arumugam tCasey Andrew Ash Lily Seyed Ashraf tGrandy Kar-Hunt Au tMolly Deane Austin Harlina Bachok Calvin Milton Bailey tNadine Elizabeth Bailey Paul Marc Bailin Alexi Louise Balmuth Peter Jeremy Barna Gail Lynnette Barron tCheryl Lynn Becker tBrandy Rochelle Beger Patricia Beirne Carmen Raynita Bell Jennifer Frances Bender Matthew Berliant tJeremy David Berman Rebecca Michelle Black tRyan Daniel Blake tRobert Morris Blanton, Jr. t Amy Genevieve Block Louis James Blum Gideon Michael Blumenthal tTodd Michael Bonacki Julee Borland tEvan Royce Bowers Catherine Herron Bowes J askanwal Singh Braich tKari Lynn Braun Bethany Brett Bresnick Kenneth Marshall Bricker Ginger M Briggs Jeffrey Harry Brodsky tTracy Danielle Bronik Rhonda J enise Broussard Christopher Francesco Brown Gabriel Dean Brown Raghu T Bukkapatnam tLaura Lynn Bultman Scott Andrew Bumb Jennifer Lynette Burris Alison Renee Canty Shelley Amanda Carmichael Kimberly Hope Carnot tMichelle Renee Carr Perian Carson tCarla J o Cartwright tRebecca Marie Castelloe tKevin Lloyd Center Russell Jonathan Chambliss Ka-Ling Chan tRitik Satish Chandra Nicholas Yong Chang tDyanna Lesley Galadriel Charles Lauren Nicole Charlip tMelissa Ruth Chernofsky Luke Seungho Choi Lisa Alice Cholak Christopher David Chua tPei-Chi Chung Jennifer Ann Clough Amy Jo Clugh James Richard Cohen Liza Bea Cohen Claire Michelle Colbert Kathleen McDonald Colbert t]oy Lynn Coleman tDouglas Woodruff Colt tMichelle Beth Cororve Benjamin Thomas Crabtree *Daniel Ross Craven Meredith Cronin Wendy Elissa Crystal Matthew Martin H Cuaycong tindicates college honors *Indicates combined degree tKenneth Clark Cummings III Matthew Christian Dallman Rachel Morgan Dansky Caroline Miriam Daskal Rhys Evans Navarro Daunic Drew Anna Davis Keisha Davis Sara Rosemary Davis Brian Edwin Davy Shannon Kate Dawson Jarvis Quincy DeBerry tDaniel Paul Debikey Tricia Lee DeGraff tJ odi Beth Dektor Bradley Reed Densen Cedric Lionel de Renoncourt Ami Desai Mary Ann DeSmet Joseph Aaron DeStefano t Aaron Kenneth Dickey tCarrie Lynn Dickinson tAndrew Koegel Dillhunt Lauren Brett Dingee Aaron Anthony DiStefano Sunil Divakaruni Richard Douglas Divine Julianna Doherty Carmelita Dantes Dominguez Adam David Doyle Daniel James Drennan Laurel Leigh Duncan Patrick Jason Dungan Maggie Duncan Dunsmuir James W East III JuJuane Michelle Easter Douglas Hayes Eckstein tKaren Elizabeth Edwards Jessica Anne Eisenberg tRon Charles Eisenstein Jonathan Duane Eke dahl Meghan Elyse Elkourie Joel Kenneth Emery Tara Felice Emmer tJennifer Anne Engbrecht tScott Holden Engroff, Jr. Matthew Joseph Enna Christof Phillipe Erickson Jennifer Rebecca Etkin Christopher Adam Everist Elizabeth Ruth Faltischek Christine Frances Farley tJosh Richard Feay Caryn Sue Feirstein Andrew Douglas Fenzel Ken Ferrigni Brian Benjamin Fiedler Shannon Joseph Fields *tDanyel Aharon Fisher Asa Karl Flanigan Elizabeth Courtney Frank tKira Noelle Frank Jeffrey David Frederick 16 Sarah Jane Frey tJessica Lynn Friedberg tShani Friedman Heather Lynn Friend Jennifer Lee Furman tDiane Janine Gannon tKatherine Eve Gardos t Beth Ann Garrett Kareah Michelle Garrison Joshua Rich Gassman Randy Yoshio Gedarro Eleni Marie Gekas t Betsy Allison Gerber *Paul Brian Giles tRobyn Lynn Ginsberg Gavin John Glakas tDana R Glauner tErin Therese Gleason Howard Ian Goldstein Lauren Michelle Golus Michael Roy Gonzales tMatthew Devin Goodman tJ oel Matthew Gordon Keigo Goto t Alison Ann Gould tMargaret Rosanna Gray-Swain Carra Elizabeth Greenberg tJ oshua Daniel Greenberg Elisa Suzanne Greene Christopher Matthew Greiner Laura Beth Grinnell Jennifer Lea Gronewold Daniel Brian Gross David Sanders Guistolise tManjali Gupta Mery Marti Gupta Ivonne Ivette Gutierrez tMichelle Sharon Haas tStephanie Elise Habif Brent Meredith Hachfeld tKate Emily Haimsohn John Christopher Hake tMelody Nicole Hallman Ruby Hanna tElizabeth Ann Hanslik tThomas Charles Hardy Jennifer Denise Haro Autumn Lynn Harris Amanda Suzanne Harrod tElizabeth Wright Haydon Jennifer Lee Hebert tHeather Ann Hedstrom Samuel J Heer, Jr. Jennifer Dawn Herber tLauren Alison Hersh t Brooke Lerew Heymach Andrew Robert Hieb Carl Aaron Hirsch Matthew David Hixenbaugh Sarah Kyle Hoadley Joshua Ross Hochberg Brian Evan Hoffman Ellen Rachel Hoffman Julie Ann Holmes Ashley Nicole Holton tRichard Gifford Howland Luke Hruska Chao Chi Hsia t Alice Lynn Hsu Nancy Hsu Candice Szu-Ying Huang Charles Chiao-Lin Huang Jason Brandon Hudnall Naseem Hussain tRicia Katherine Hyde Derek Anthony Ibsch Lyndsey Sheri Igiel Lucas Brian Jackson Jessica Lynn Jamron Michael Lee Jennings Phillip Bradley Jennings Erin Maria Johnson t Amy Kathleen Jones Patrick Terrence Joy Young-Bin Jung tSoma Chung Jyonouchi tJ oseph Marion Kahn Anupama Kalyanam tHeather Cecille Kaplan Shira Devora Kaplan Shahriar Karim-Ghovanloo Jennifer Allison Kassin John Richard Kastl David John Katz Randall Burton Katz Julie Elizabeth Katzman Christopher Anthony Keenan Sharon Elizabeth Keith Matthew Ian Kepniss Kimberly Ann Ketive Jane Cho Kim Marianna Kimiatek tMichelle Susan Kinman tMargaret Rebecca Kissel Danya Rachelle Klein Robert Michael Kline Russell Hayden Knutsen tSophie Joanne Kahn *tMichelle Faith Komie Jesse Bassuk Koren Ira Augustine Kotjo tJill Linderman Kreisberg tSarah Jennifer Krumm Amy Jill Kurns t Aimee Susanne Lagos Ashley Marie Lantz tBrian Geoffrey Lapidus Carol Ann Larson Sarah Ann Larson Jonathan David Lavietes tBrian Lee Edward Lee tindicates college honors *Indicates combined degree Ivan Liaw Lee tShuya Lee tDavid Benjamin Lefkowitz Emily Slaff Lefkowitz William En Lei Jared Sasha Leon Deborah Lynn Lerner Joshua David Leshan Sarahlynn Peyton Lester Mindy Gail Levin Joshua Matthew Levine tRebekah Speakman Levine t Rena Sandra Levine Elisabeth Amy Levy tTodd Jared Levy Karen Shengzu Li Patrick Andrew Liles Deanna L W C Lin George Chih-Chao Lin *Gregory Betlack Lindsley Scott Ezra Lipman tKeith Robert Lit Sharon Jill Litwin Christopher C Liu David Liu tMing Chang Lo tSarita Ann Lobo Marfa Cristina Loinaz Rivera Matthew Douglas Loiseau Jeffrey Carrol Long Abner Louissaint, Jr. tAmy B Lowen tElizabeth Regan Loyd Brian Arthur Luketin Barbara Mae Maceren Thomas Edward Macrini Diane Elizabeth Magid Reshma Rani Mahendra Josh Abraham Mait Junsuke Maki tDavid Lewis Malmud Joshua Nathaniel Mandell Aarrun James Marcus Jodi Elyse Marcus Eric Charles Martens tMarjan Mashhadi tKimberly M Masius Maggie Rose McCarthy Georgina Amy McCaughan Beth Ann McCullough Emily Rachel McCutcheon Kristy Louise McDowell Andrew Dalton McFarland Michael Patrick McGinley tJoseph Thomas McGuire Jennifer Ann Meier tSheri Laura Meister Howard Leo Meloch tEric Menell Kira Marie Merdiushev Peter Mark Meren Vicki Renee Milens 17 *Ariel Marissa Miller tBryan Kristopher Miller tRachel Roth Miller t Kay Ann Mills Barnaby Lee Min Lisa Beth Mirel Allison Ilene Mirsky tTonya Lynn Mitchell tPriti Naresh Mody Nidhi Monga tAndrea Marie Montavon-McKillip Adam Ross Moore tAli Mor tEsther Allison Moran tSteven Robert Mullen Catherine Logan Muller Brian Jay Murray tKrystina Louise Musch tMarnie Lynn Muscoplat Diane Jane Myer Akita Robert Nakahara Naomi Silver-Moon Natale tDaniel Ryan Neff Joshua Carey Nickols William John Nickrent Marcin Andrew Niewiara Y6shitsugu Noguchi Tara Joy Nutik tSophia Joo ·oh Kathryn Ann Olson Jennifer Christine Orr tAndrea Lynne Osborn Poorni G Otilingam Wade Hampton Owens tGreer London Pagano Michael Thomas Pagedas tStephanie Ellen Painter Jaime Pan off Stavros Dimitri Papadopoulos Jacob Michael Parent tMin Sik Park Henry Parkhurst Laura Mary Pautler Matthew Joel Perkins Adam .Matthew Peters Jennifer Hope Petersohn *tSara Jean Peterson Blair Winthrop Pettigrew Stephanie Renee Pevenstein tRebecca Beth Pikofsky Andrew Howard Pillersdorf Sarah Pitluck Adam David Pogach Beatriz Marie Polhamus Lopez Kalpana Polineni Christine Marie Polk Nida Poosuthasee tJason Paras Mykki Erin Powell Dana Jacqueline Pownall Catlin R Preston Rebecca Lynn Pries *tJeffrey William Prochnow Valerie Jean Rader McKinley Rainey tRyan Edward Raleigh Alex Ramos tAmy Elizabeth Rauscher Emily Caroline Reed Justin Matthew Reed La Tanya Lynn Reese tRyan Christopher Repice David James Revelle Se Hyun Rhee tDavid Karmi Rhine Megan Marie Rich Katherine Sarah Richards Sara Elizabeth Roberts Laticco Ramon Robinson Mario Roitman Ian Anthony Roll Wei Yin Rang Amy J o Rosenthal Jennifer Ilene Rosenthal Michael Reuben Roth tShila Shamim Roy tDan Joseph Rozenblatt tAlyson Leigh Rubin Benjamin Lee Rubin tMeredith Gayle Rubin Deanna Christina Saale tNicholas Jude Saglimbeni David Byron Salisbury tJonathan Todd Salomon Krista Renee Salvo tCynthia Allison Samuel Vivek R Sansguiri Carlos A Santos tVishal Shankar Sanwalani Laura Adele Satkamp Craig Steven Sauter tBrian James Saville tSusan Michelle Scharf Jeremy Sheppard Scharlack tElissa Lianne Schauman Brian Douglas Schiff Matthew Hamilton Schipfer t Andrew Thomas Schlosser Maryssa Glass Schneider Alicia Mei-Lin Schnell tDeborah Nancy Schnitzer tJodie Ellen Schoenfeld Luella D Scholtes tElizabeth Anne Schumacher tSean Timothy Scott Jennifer Lee See tKaren Michelle Seelig Jodi Ann Seewald Spencer Michael Seher Aalok Kirit Shah t Ash ish Shah Ketki Girish Shah tindicates college honors *Indicates combined degree Mayur Ramesh Shah Sana Shah Deborah Paige Shansky Samantha Meinetz Shapiro Steven Michael Shapiro Jeremiah Brian Shepard Danice Johanna Sher Ranjith Shetty Erica Anne Shifflett Erin Joy Silver Nicholas Ray Simmons tJ a son Ryan Singer tVirginia Waikun Siu Pamela Rachel Sloane Adam Jon Slutske Zachary Benjamin Tryon Smilack t Adrienne Maris a Smith Joshua Edward Smith tNoel Lee Smith, Jr. Frederick W Solberg Mindy Joy Sorkin tAmanda Mallory Spencer Elizabeth Anne Sprowl Katherine Christine Spurr Jyothsna Sridharan tKate Elizabeth Stanitski t Allison Beth Stein tMark Daniel Stenglein Aliza Stern Kira Adrienne Stern Scott Fabrikant Strasser tChristina Kathleen Stratinsky Matthew Robert Suchomski tPaulette Rae Suhr tDaniel Francis Sullivan David Benjamin Sunshine tJill Erin Swartz Samuel Chaim Sweet Jacob Laurence Swindler Natsuko Takagi Noa Bat-Zion Tal Lisa Sianglie Tan tLucy Marie Tian Hwie Tan Marc Evan Tanenbaum Marc Brian Taub Katherine M Teague Shyam J Thakkar Meg Louise Thornton Daniel Alan Timins *Kong Eu Toh David Charles Truby, Jr. Sarah Ellen Tufts Joshua Benjamin Turchin Tazneem Elizabeth Twells Brian Patrick Tyler tJ acqueline Pearl Ulin tElizabeth Anne Ulman Daniel Ray Utain Avinash Vallurupalli Caroline Van Eerdewegh Jeffrey J Van Hooreweghe tKarin E Vander Ploeg 18 tGiacomo Francesco Veltri Jennifer Hale Brown Vermillion Peter Bartlett Vogel Jeremy Michael Voligny tMichael Shiao-Hua Wang Wendy Chia Wen Wang Chad Jacob Warren tRyan Ridgway Watson Aaron Lon Weaver tAmanda Megan Weeks tTara Dawn Wehrly t Anne Catherine Weller tJudith Alana Wendkos Deanna Marlyn Wendler Jonathan Patrick Irvin Wendt Allison Lori W etterhahn Joshua Frederick White Kevin Patrick White Kyle Charles Whitehead Caroline Wiley Nicole Deanna Williams Abigail Chaya Wilner Jesse Alan Wilson Todd Landolt Wilson tRachel Elizabeth Wing tChristina Sing-Ying Wu tHarvey Wu tMitchell Kane Wunsh Minna Sora Yoon S Jere my Yoskowitz Young M Yun Aimee Jill Zaiger Rozaitul Azlin Zainul Azmi t Brian Zaleski tJohn Jason Zuzak December 20) 1996 Summa Cum Laude Rachel Susan Brass Daniel Todd Cohen Albert Mendelson Kimberly Jean Riehle December 20 1996 tSharonda J aneya Alston Aaron Cameron Baldwin Kathleen Ann Barry tMichele Helene Berger Marina Bery Pamela L Blue t]ames Peregrin Brink Omega Sunshine Burckhardt Jonathan David Burnett Christina Butterfield Jared Jason Caughron Ernest Yik-Wei Chan Samuel Chung-Yan Chan tEdwin Yiwin Chang tCarla Ruth Epstein Susan Catharine Fox Napier Sandford Fuller tErin Michelle Goldsbury Jason Everett Gray 1 t Alan Ridgley Griswold II Douglas Benjamin Heyman Scott Thomas Hurley tGregory H Jacobson Andrea Louise Johnson tMary D Joseph tNicole Christine Kleman Kara Kay Kosten Jenny Michele Krimshtein tJeanne Lynn Liberton tBenny Liu Timothy C Maloney Peter J McCormick Jennifer D McKenna Janelle Lynette McRae tUzma Sultana Mohsin Isaac Christopher Mosley tTamara Ann Neuer tJ essica Michelle Pearlstein Pun Punyaratabandhu Micah Rose Erin Lee Rynes George Sato Annika Lissa Smith Woo-Young Sonn Carrie Suzanne Soriano Chia-Jung Cindy Tu Elizabeth M Weisman Sara G Wilkinson Ariana Marie Williams Toby Phillips Wittenberg Jayce Christine Love Christopher Jon Ludbrook tTina Renae Marek-Shealy Byron Harold McDonald, Jr. Daniel Adam Messeloff tSeth Mirza Michael D Mowles Madhawa M Nihalsingha Kamakshi Radha Reddy tTimothy Michael Sanders Michael Naoki Satake tJoohi Shahed Jennifer Teresina Sherlock Martin David Simpson Jennifer Rebecca Stammel Anne E Striebeck Jose Diogo Theriaga tKevin Hsiang Yun Tseng Jonathan Ullman Peter J Vevang tNiambi Suzanne Walker Sophie-Agnes de Poorter Worrall Philip Xin Wu BACHELOR OF MUSIC May 16, 1997 Cum Laude David Joseph Bigham II August 16, 1996 Magna Cum Laude Frank John Corrigan Cum Laude Gina Marie Palazzari August 16, 1996 Deborah Ann Becker Michelle S Carbonara Jetapon Chiranand Kimberly Jean Ciesla Scott Bruce Dennen Christopher Michael Donaldson Rebecca Anne Dunlap Christopher Daniel Eller tChristopher Robert Fichter tJodi Lynn Friesner Salil Atul Gandhi Thomas Benjamin Gill Charles Gorham Mead Schaeffer Gruver, Jr. David Edward Hamilton tJeffrey Michael Kaban William Elliott Kappenhagen Michael Kwarne Kennedy Jill Karen Korach Todd Andrew Kunkler Anita Leyes tindicates college honors 19 UNIVERSITY CoLLEGE Candidates Presented by Robert E. Wiltenburg, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 16, 1997 John D Aton Lucy E Bailey ] aniece E Browne ] ohn N Cibulka Mark Nicholas Detrich Catherine ] ean Ehsani Elizabeth Anne Finkelstein Pamela Carol Fosterling ] a net M Goddard Mark Alan Greentree ] ames ] Hederman Eva Jean Holley James Ward Hudson Maria Adams Hunter Theodore A Kayser Sean B Kelly John] Lee Peggy Elizabeth Mirka 0 Barry Dean Pennington Karen Schrage David Timothy Stephens Edgardo A Tangonan Jennifer A Thompson David Thomas Wachter Barbara R Wilcox MASTER OF HEALTH SCIENCE May 16, 1997 Dawn W DuBois Michael Thomas Hentrich Jennifer Louise Hrebec Kevin ] ] ohnson Gladys Ann Smith December 20} 1996 Theresa Marie Braford Mary Clare Caesar Patricia A Deloney Kamil Dostalik Rhonda] Perrett Betsy D Foy Michael ] ohn Gallagher Monica Lynn Hawkins John Frederick King Sarabeth Sievers August 16, 1996 ] oyce Hardie Smith December 20 1996 1 Lucinda R Barth Jennifer Nicole Bocklage Wendy McPherson Clark Sarah B Cohen Annette M Dalessandro Mildred E Fortune Douglas Gerard Gildehaus Cynthia Marie Gregory Seline Haines Shirl Bernice] ohnson Jean A Kersting Thomas Walter Kirk, Jr. Melissa Mandel Doris G Purl Kimberly Yvonne Smith Patricia Ann Topolski August 16, 1996 Traci M Cardenas OOegree awarded posthumously 20 THE GRADuATE ScHooL oF ARTs AND In International Affairs SciENCES ~~ Candidates Presented by Robert E. Thach, Dean In Drama Mark Andrew Ferguson Freya Paschen In East Asian Studies MASTER OF ARTS May 16, 1997 In American Culture Studies Craig L Fosterling In Anthropology Kimberley Anne Biela Darla Darlene Dale J enna Marie Hamlin Sam Joseph Senturia In Art History and Archaeology Melissa Catherine Brookhart In Biology Ricky Dean Cox Gregory Glen Gaehle Sue-Young Hong Deborah L Knoerzer Namita Atal Paranjothi Mark Raskin Ryan Kevin Rich Lynne Marie Wagner Carla J Weinheimer In Biology and Biomedical Sciences Wen Chen *Karen Marie Dahl *Adam Christopher Eaton Derek Graham Lane *Griffith Liang *Maurice Makram *Peter Frosio Nichol *Vikas Vanarsi Patel Trina Renee Sarafi Kirsten Ann Unger In Chemistry Jonathon Kevin Gooden Jennifer Hollingsworth In Chinese Lori Sue Tilkin In Classics John Wilson Verbsky In Communication Sciences Nichole M Czarnecki In Comparative Literature Cheryl Ann Berry Rebecca R Meyer Jessica Marie Engman *Mary Celess Graves Mary Margaret Huebener Haoyu Chen Brett Michael Hill Prangtip Kongridhisuksakorn *Joel Meyers *George F Parker *Eric Jordan Riutort Charles Wegener Sanderson *Ellen L Szymanski In Economics Marco A Castaneda Alexis Margaret Foster Bethney Noelle Gundersen Erik John O 'Donoghue In English and American Literature Jennifer Jean Cays Timothy B Curdt Randall Fuller Walker Laird Gaffney Joseph Monroe Kreutziger Stephen M Pentecost George Arthur Rietz Noel J Sloboda Gavin James Wittje In European Studies Sven Schroder David Schwake In French Jean Laborde Christine Zumello In Germanic Languages and Literatures Kevin Lawrence Blahut Carsten Konneker Alyssa Ann Lonner Susan Mintz David O'Dell Neville Susanne Rinner Timothy Joseph Thomas In History Edward E Curtis IV *Jennifer Rebecca Levison In Human Resources Management Jennifer Diane Ahmad Michael Anthony Amantea Buron F Buffkin, Jr. Mary Rose Beuttenmuller Cisiewski Karen S Croneis *Indicates combined degree 21 Kwaku Amoo-Asante Sarah Beth Hartmann Burkemper Barbara Dilthey Jason S Giaimo Hetal Ramniklal Gohel Chang-Soo Han Jose Antonio Molina Sanchez Jeffrey Alan Stump Kevin N Weishaar In Islamic and Near Eastern Studies *Karen Annette Bairn In Jewish Studies Michael Robert Isaacs In Mathematics Marcin Bownik Wojciech Czaja Leslie Danielle Hayes Ningping Liu Ziemowit Rzeszotnik Dustin Lee Stwalley *Jade Patrick Vinson In Philosophy Dennis Knepp Katharine Parsons In Physics Russell James Fedewa LakshmiNarayan Krishnamurthy Susan Elizabeth Mahan Kimberly Robin Slavis In Political Science Elizabeth N Halford Ronald Gene Kruse *Ariel Marissa Miller In Psychology Leifann Bachman Jones Elizabeth Paige Sparrow In Religious Studies Cary Dale Hawkins Steven Dale Stopke In Statistics *Craig Edward Bauer December 20, 1996 In Biology Indraneel S Bhattacharya Rabia Khawar Butt Deborah Mary Dugo Angela Padgett Mark Andrew Sturmoski Yuling Sun Nancy Ann Vander Heyden In Biology and Biomedical Sciences Megan F Fedders Hue Kha Meira Rina Meltzer Laura A Milner John Bing Sunwoo Zhen Wang Ruiqin Zhong In Comparative Literature Daisy Blackwell Bradford In Earth and Planetary Sciences Jennifer Ann Eakins Elisa Julia Israel In East Asian Studies Susan Elaine Jones *Jiri Milan Mestecky Claire Diana Patrick Bert Mittchell Scruggs Caroline Sheerin In Economics Dina Dominic Falaschetti Patricia Marie Little Abraham Ives Zeigler In English and American Literature Paul Joseph Abeln Mona Yahya Al-Zaid Susan I Brown Clare Carmen McDermott In French Christelle Redden In History Robert John Moore, Jr. In Mathematics *Navin Khaneja In Philosophy Adam Massie In Physics Stephanie Helen Sposato In Psychology Catherine Marie Bickle Stephanie M Cronen Bonnie Marie Lawrence Yingye Zheng In Spanish Beatriz Celaya Lydia Esther Gonzalez David R Thompson Jennifer Margit Valko August I~ I996 In Biology Sheela Lynn Mahendra Stacy Lynn Stouder In Biology and Biomedical Sciences Kimberley J o Dilley Stephen Michael Dodge Flaviano Giorgini Jean Elizabeth Lawrence S Michelle Morton Angela Lyn Pautz Roland Alexander Richter Xiao-Tian Wang Huacheng Catherine Ying In Chemistry Laura Matson Beal Changfu Cheng Andrew Todd Daniher Sean Douglas Dingman Tim Quyen Duong Markus Manfred Hoffmann Olga Nemirovskaya Jill Christine Simpson In Comparative Literature Niehai Li In English and American Literature Lise Dixon Caldwell Amy Elizabeth Gibson Sonja Huang Paul William Kniep Christine Dorothy Simpson John Nathan Tolva In European Studies Holger Moroff Maike U Paduch In Human Resources Managment Judy Sue Dethloff Shana Nicole Howenstein In Mathematics Gustavo Garrig6s In Philosophy John William Feaster In Physics MASTER OF FINE ARTS IN WRITING May I~ I997 Anne Judith Barthel Jeremy DuBois Countryman Neal A Durando Melissa Jane Levine Ross E Martin Robert Brian Rebein Joseph David Rossi Douglas D Sanders Gregory Thomas Vargo Sharon Wahl MASTER OF LIBERAL ARTS May I~ I997 Bert B Brad Joanne Marie Galanis Julia M Gram Chantelle Teresa Harvey Sarah Jane Roth Robert Morris Senior Thomas Richard Sothers Julia A Steininger December 20, I996 Mary L Parker August I~ I996 Arthur Monsey Mary Jane Kernan In Political Science Chen Zhang In Psychology Gregg Anthony Belle Bernadette Rimando Davantes Amy Lynn Doggette Lisa Adrienne Gottlieb Saera Khan Clara Maria Lajonchere Marsha Jan Nortz Cynthia Frances Salorio MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION May I~ I997 Allison Lynn Cassens *Arlene Janis Carey Elizabeth Rich Dawn Elizabeth Rigby Anne Elizabeth Striebeck December 201 I996 Daniel Wexler August I~ I996 Patricia Jane Bubash Tobin Thomas Clark *Indicates combined degree 22 MASTER OF ARTS IN TEACHING May I~ I997 Milena Katherine Garganigo Laura Lee Griffith Jean Elizabeth Lawrence August I~ I996 Adam Marc Dunsker Stephen Elliot Fineman Kristine Carlson Helbling Kristin Dawn Moore Trevor Payne Ryan M Pitcock Debra Carol Reckase Angela Kristin Schum MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SPEECH AND HEARING May I~ I997 Carrie Susan Bauza Brenda Gail Diebold Camilla Ann Hampton Lisa Sue Hegg Michelle Marie Hunt Lara Denise Jenkins Maureen Ann Lee John Mcintyre Scott Allen Miller Jyothi Murthy Barbara Bond Richman Elizabeth Ann Ritter Sallie Anne Schiel V Suzanne Smith Angela Chou Wang MASTER OF MUSIC May 16, 1997 Benjamin Alan Binder *Bruce Jonathan Darrow Caroline Darne Scatena In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Genetics) *Anita Elizabeth Beck *Bruce Alan Hug *Stephen Luming Lee Stacia Peiffer-Schneider In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences) DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY *David Carl Chiara *Howard Colman Lisa L Evans *Randall Roy Johnson *Paul Thomas Kotzbauer *Peter Frosio Nichol William James Ray Alexander H Swirnoff May 16, 1997 In Business Administration DOCTOR OF ARTS AND SCIENCES May 16, 1997 InoHistory Elizabeth Joy Gubser Blakeley In Anthropology Ian Charles Colquhoun Fusun Z Ertug-Yaras John Michael Fay Gary T Schwartz In Art History and Archaeology Joyce K Schiller In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Biochemistry) Sydney Denise Hoeltzli In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Bioorganic Chemistry) Ernesto V Abel Santos In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Developmental Biology) *Michelle L Hermiston *Justina Eng Hui Wu In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Evolutionary and Population Biology) Delbert Wade Hutchison Paul David Olson Neil Wilton Snow In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Immunology) *Scott Simon Tykodi In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Biophysics) *Martin Joseph Gallagher Murad Nayal *Andrew William Norris In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology) Muhua Li In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology and Biochemistry) *John David Alvarez *Iris Tanchi Chan *Gerald Chen Chu Ning Gong In Physics Georgia Adair de Nolfo Mary Jane Wurth Kernan Craig William Looney In Psychology Jeffrey Carl Schatz Judith E Trussell In Social Work Ching-Ying Shen December 20, 1996 In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Biochemistry) Amy Elisabeth Rudolph In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Evolutionary and Population Biology) Bradley L Boyle Duncan James Irschick Paul B Wilson In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Immunology) In Chemistry Cheng-Wei Tom Chang James Francis Dempsey Sandra Jean Drabik Donald Ralph Stewart Mark T Heise Jessica Lynn Pollock In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Biophysics) Keith Patrick Bjornson In Classics Ann Haigler Rittenbaum In Comparative Literature Amy Carol Suelzer In Economics Andrew Paul Meyer William Richard Meyer, Jr. In English and American Literature Charles H Gold In French Language and Literature Philippe Joel Moisan Myriam Therese Madeleine Roy In Germanic Languages and Literatures Laurie Ruth Johnson Jane Elizabeth Sokolosky Francis Frederick Wagner In Hispanic Languages and Literatures Laura Beatriz Demaria In History Daniel Lee Crosby Rosemary Ann Feurer Catherine Mary Forslund Jacqueline Megan Greene James Nicholas McElveen In Mathematics Luis Fernandez Bao True Luong Tristan Nguyen Suzanne Elise Tourville David Weiland In Philosophy In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology) Thomas Scott Griffith In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology and Biochemistry) Jay Lloyd Grisolano In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Genetics) Paul James Cullen Daguang Wang In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis) David John Davida Tod Anthony Flak Susan E Francis Hal Stover Padgett In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences) Andrea C Missias In Business Administration Ronald Thomas Wilcox Gregory A Willard In Chemistry Jaeman Byun Yvette Marlene Patmore Fabian Matthew Edward Merritt Gang Tong Jian Zhang In Earth and Planetary Sciences Raul Valenzuela Wong Jennifer Kaye Mundale Robert S Stufflebeam *Indicates combined degree 0 Degree awarded posthumously 23 In Economics Timothy Iijima Jeanine Ruth Koenig Mark Allen Schnitzler In English and American Literature Ellen Anne Ferguson Burton Zhen-Wei Pu In French Language and Literature David Sacket King In History Padraic Cummins Kennedy In Mathematics Cristobal Miguel Gonzalez Enriquez In Philosophy Jennifer Ann McCrickerd In Physics Gregory Edward Daues Christopher Stephen Hall David Jeffery Lawrence Larry Roger Nittler In Political Science Jon Michael Hagler Steven Wayne Lewis David Christopher Nixon In Psychology Jonathan Mark Miller Barbara Jean Herchert Norton August 16, 1996 In Anthropology David John Bergeson Miyako Inoue In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Bioorganic Chemistry) Keshi Wang Litao Zhang In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Immunology) Sheila Sturgill-Koszycki Cynthia Ann Wenner In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Cell Biology and Biochemistry) Yiling Lu In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Genetics) In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Plant Biology) J edediah Hans Doelling In Chemistry Lisa Anne Jenkins Autry Gregory Russell Bradburn Jin Xie In Economics Michael Joachim Bischof Milka Slavtchova Kirova Meenakshi Pasupathy In English and American Literature Kylie Jill Hansen In History Chuxiong Wei Liangwu Yin In Mathematics Xinwei Li Peng Lin Anita Katherine Woodley In Music Douglas Edwin Weeks In Philosophy Patrick Dwayne Hopkins In Physics Erbil Akbudak J ost Hermann Wilhelm Diederichs Liliana Elsa Simone Rhonda Michele Stroud In Psychology Gayle Brosnan-Watters Miriam D Goldstein Tamara Gayle Hershey Estelle-Marie Ebele Montgomery James William Pratt Lin Wang Sara Jeanne Wilcox In Social Work Yu-Wen Chen Mary Ellen Rogge Doris McGartland Rubio Mari Aker Gregory Paul Copenhaver Howard Alan Granok In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Molecular Microbiology and Microbial Pathogenesis) Janet West Batanghari Janice M Dobrowolski Lisa Strelow In Biology and Biomedical Sciences (Neurosciences) Rachel Elizabeth Locke 24 THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE ~~ Candidates Presented by Christopher I. Byrnes, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOLOGICAL AND ENGINEERING SCIENCES May 1~ 1997 Magna Cum Laude Aditya Swaroop Pandey May 1~ 1997 Jason Omar Holcomb Andrew David Lambert Todd Aaron Seyfert Kenneth Shaw Masaru K Shiratori Katsuhiko Tamura December 20, 1996 Regina Ilse Liesbeth Paetel Jason Edward Purcell Jennifer Mae Schwartz BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING May 1~ 1997 Summa Cum Laude Prateek Dinesh Patel Dale James Sanko May 1~ 1997 Arash Aminian Sarah Marie Braeckel Clayton James Campbell Helen Yeeling Chiu Troy Davis Theodore Judson Duncan IV Kevin Riebs Enders Rachel Patricia Favre *Lance Martin Finney Theodore Daniel Fischer Rebecca Lynn Fishman Cam Erin Friend James Foster Gilchrist DavidJoseph Goodwin Sean Anthony Grahan Dinesh Arjan Gursahaney Timothy John Houghton Monica Heeyoung Koo Stacey Marie Krisher Brian Kenneth Kurowski *Indicates combined degree Henry Mark Kwong, Jr. Daniel Yu-Hsien Lin Steven Joseph Lubak Darrin Dean Moore Dung Thanh Nguyen Brett Cameron O'Brien Hetul Navin Patel Ryan Paul Ray Kathleen Ausley Roberts Syamsiah Salleh *Andrew Jay Srenco Johan Sridjaja *Kong Eu Toh Miriam Cohen White Chi a-Wei Young December 20, 1996 Aniebiet Edem Ekpo Miriam Ziviah Press August 1~ 1996 Sheikh Faisal Sheikh Mansor BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING May 1~ 1997 Magna Cum Laude William Roy Taylor Mark Clinton Waggoner Cum Laude Stewart Mason Verhulst May 1~ 1997 Jason Allen Balogh Erich A Baumgartner Jeremy B Bellinghausen Matthew Simon Bieschke Mermel Virtudazo Blanco Karin Elizabeth Boyse Briggs Andre Briner Michelle Renee Brown James Oliver Callaway Ashley Atherton Cowan Matthew Joseph Evans Daniel Steven Panter Anne Marie Gerrietts James Edward Glynn Timothy Scott Isoniemi Bethany Jane Klein Justyn Jay Kozikowski Martin Lund Jessica Mancuso Timothy Edward Masa Dolan Glen McMillan 25 Kevin Phillips Bryan Dale Prins Jennifer Lea Rouse Beth Margaret Rudnik Susan Elizabeth Thysell Caroline Mary Torba Daniel Byron VanPelt Allen Barker Whittle Joshua Richard Wyrick December 20, 1996 Edith Ann Barrett BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING MAY 16, 1997 Cum Laude *Steven Edward Vlcan May 1~ 1997 *Laura Drummy Andresen *Nathaniel David Brazy Qing Ning Ding *Richard Laurence Henry *Binh True Luong *Jason Lee Price *Boris Wexler Jason Cole Wycoff December 20, 1996 *Zoltan Bekker, Jr. *Paul Lance Chang *Sharon Elizabeth Doyle Daniel Hale Hewins Daniel Thomas Ledger BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE May 1~ 1997 Magna Cum Laude Michael Alan Juster Cum Laude Scott Thomas Haug *Rick Raymond Myers *Steven Edward Vlcan May 1~ 1997 David Bryan Ashman *Nicholas Kurt Blawat *Nathaniel David Brazy *Chad Eric Carter *Daniel Ross Craven Daniel Patrick Egleston *Danyel Aharon Fisher *Paul Brian Giles Mastura Hanafiah *Richard Laurence Henry Robert David Klapper John Jude McGuinness Eduardo Perez-Prada *Jason Lee Price *Joshua Connor Roberts Rabindar Subbian *Boris Wexler Woodrow W Zenfell III December 20, 1996 Lynn Keith Carmichael August 16, 1996 Jose Luis Aguilar BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION AND MANAGEMENT December 20, 1996 August 16, 1996 Cum Laude Rachel Ann Clark BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INFORMATION MANAGEMENT May 16, 1997 Cum Laude May 16, 1997 Joseph Kostakis *Rick Raymond Myers May 16, 1997 *Laura Drummy Andresen Munibe Muge Bakircioglu *Nicholas Kurt Blawat Michael Joseph Cabral Chun-Yuan Chen Ken Cheng Roderick D Ellicott, Jr. Daniel Bryan Ellis James Earl Hasler Kavitha Kanaparthi Daniel Thomas Ledger *Gregory Betlack Lindsley *Binh True Luong Lawrence Edward Mason, Jr. Mohammad Fahmun Nabi Lisa Ann O'Bryan Ernst Albert Oswald Warwick Michael Ownhouse Christopher Albert Pawlak Matthew Thomas Peckham Daniel Eric Pilcher *Joshua Connor Roberts Michael Scott Wiessner Benjamin Lee Wirz December 20, 1996 *Zoltan Bekker, Jr. *Paul Lance Chang Hsin-An Chi *Sharon Elizabeth Doyle Douglas Maurice Faison III Jawad Qamar Shaikh August 16, 1996 Firdaus Fuad Edward W Spitznagel Donald A White, Jr. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC POLICY May 16, 1997 Michael Peter Stein Sheila S Altenbernd Yang-Ja Bae Christopher E Gillham Warren Koch Timothy Patrick Quigley Debora Lynn Salisbury Brett A Sapp David Michael Whiteside December 20, 1996 Joseph Anthony DeMaro Joann Towner Everett Mark A Franz Kenneth A Hizer Jacalyn Lee Huddleston Marie A Ryan August 16, 1996 Magna Cum Laude Richard James Wiederien Deanna Kay Evans Aaron Tyler Nelson December 20, 1996 Arnd Konrad Juethner Andrew Lenzen Dhruva Bollam Reddy Jason Jon Wenzlaff Thomas Clyde Willoughby II Sarah Elizabeth Zeller August 16, 1996 Iren Marhaug BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS May 16, 1997 Magna Cum Laude *Stephen Adam Solovitz December 20, 1996 Luis Antonio Baez Zerpa *Jong Hur Mark E Ehrmann BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING May 16, 1997 Summa Cum Laude Melissa Ellen Clark Magn a Cum Laude Kevin Eugene Cook *Stephen Adam Solovitz Cum Laude *Stewart Charles Bradley *Ryan Scott Gish *Sara Jean Peterson May 16, 1997 Loren Adrian Ahaus Elizabeth Marie Antognoli Serhan Babaoglu Todd Howell Cornwell Robert Charles Dunakin Nathania! Paul Ekberg Sean Patrick Fitzgerald Jeffrey E Huffman Casey Stuart Levin David Joseph Lower Bryan Eliot Rolfs Bryan Dean Rosselli Anthony Lynn Schroeder Asha Ajit Shah Stuti Shekher Brian Gene Shiers Craig Martin Wuennenberg *In dicates combined degree 26 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN SYSTEMS AND DATA PROCESSING May 16, 1997 Paul G Haupt MayaN Lerch Susan Carole Mays December 20, 1996 Ellen Kaye Angelbeck Christopher G Fernandez William Joseph Griffin BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING May 16, 1997 Camilla Beth Claassen *Lance Martin Finney Christian Kimball Hoge Amy Elizabeth Lewin Ryan James Smith Richard Templeton Woodworth December 20, 1996 Cum Laude Holly Nakatani December 20, 1996 Maurine Dempsey Cammie J Humke *Jong Hur August 16, 1996 Jia Yuan Li 'i I BACHELOR OF SCIENCE May 1~ 1997 Summa Cum Laude Amit Arvind Shah May 1~ 1997 Casey Harper Connor Francis Louis Fabrizio Nafis R Khuddus Gretchen Loeffler Parag Kumar Mallick Alexandre Pallini Theodore Loren Perlstein Yoo-Hee Shin Wen-Jier Wang Stephanie Patrice Wilson BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN ELECTRICAL TECHNOLOGY May 1~ 1997 Scott Joseph Cammarata Stanley Jason Crone Daniel Joseph Motherway December 20, 1996 John R Tubbesing John Henry Weygandt BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN TECHNICAL COMPUTING August 1~ 1996 Donald Leslie Schafer 27 THE HENRY EDWIN SEVER INSTITIJTE OF TECHNOLOGY ~~ Candidates Presented by Christopher I. Byrnes, Dean MASTER OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING May 1~ 1997 Abdulla Humaid Dalmooch MASTER OF CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT May 1~ 1997 Eric Robert Farster Ming-Lin Li December 20, 1996 Abdulla Humaid Dalmooch Vanessa de Mari Monserrate August 1~ 1996 ] ohn Lewis Grande Sangwuk Ku Chi-Hsuan Li Susan Monica McNabb Robert Horton Wolfe MASTER OF CONTROL ENGINEERING December 20, 1996 Leonard Michael Gutnikov MASTER OF ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT May 1~ 1997 Daniel V Baerthel Lawrence 0 Brase, Jr. Shelly M Brown David M Evans Douglas Edward ] aspering Matthew Allen Meyer Thomas Russell Zalewski, Jr. December 20, 1996 Ewin Daniel Alvarez ] ames A Antonacci Michael ] ohn Becherer Michael Paul Carter Scott Jeffrey Hammann Larry G Linder August 1~ 1996 Walter Y Woodford MASTER OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT May 1~ 1997 John F Boehm *Martin ] Banick Glenn McDonald Deles Gary S Derikito ] oseph Anthony Eimer Charles P Elledge Barry Michael Fishman Patricia ] Hays Thomas William Hellmuth Wendell Hernandez Dennis C Kleine Peggy] ane Ochs David Henry Parker, Jr. Gerald Wayne Pashia Richard John Quagliata Mark Harmel Rowe Karen S Seawel ] ohn I Singer Sharon L Smith *Shad Michael Syfert December 20, 1996 Andrew Piers Crispin Chapple Louis Peter Hubert III Mark Steven ] ensen ] ohn M Miller Stephen Paul Scott David G Vogler Thomas Martin Wolf August 1~ 1996 Onno Baardman Robert F H ] Boots Eduard de Bruin ] ohannes G A Dekker Jimmie Ray Erwin Wijnand W Fassotte ] an H Gaaikema Arthur Johannes Giesberts Hendrik Houtzager Philip Jan Koenders ]olanta Kulicki-Winiarek Arie Linsen Janalla N Lyman ] ohannes L M Peeters ] a cobus C Politiek *Indicates combined degree 28 Robert P Vandenboom ] an B T M Willemse ] ohannes N M Van Woezik MASTER OF MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING May 1~ 1997 Michael Belgeri December 20, 1996 Laura Jane Wuest Haydon August 1~ 1996 ] ack C Cotner MASTER OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING May I~ 1997 Jason Yu-Hsuan Hsueh December 20, 1996 Wilhelm Leonard Rao Akira Usami August 1~ 1996 Ruben Alejandro Aya MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING December 20, 1996 Rakiyah Yoniedrea Mason MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING May 1~ 1997 Chung-Yin Chen Pamela Letitia Williams Zhen Xu December 20, 1996 Rakesh Chilakapati Puneet Gupta Nilesh Pralhad Ron Shantanu· Roy Srikanth Voorakaranam Yu-Chao Wang August 1~ 1996 Tariq Asrar Srikanth Kommu Luis Demetrio Moreno Qingqi Wang MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING May 1~ 1997 Kamran ] am ali James A Taylor Pamela Wiegand August 1~ 1996 Li-Ling Christine Wu MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE May 16, 1997 Yuhua Chen Robert Engel Timothy H Harrison James Alan Hulsey Li-J en Jason Lin Xiaoyong Liu Goran Loncaric Shen Lu Hongzhou Ma Amy Lynn Murphy Masaaki Oya Brian B Rodenborn Srihari P Sampathkumar Tina Inez Seawell Douglas Wilson Van Horn Ronald Keith Walkup Nanbor Wang December 20} 1996 Waleed A Al-Eisa Vital Aza *Lorrie Faith Cranor Aravind Gopalan Jizun Liu Theresa Ellen Manzara James Brandon Schelker Charles Edward Turco August 16, 1996 Adam Michael Costello Arun Venugopalan Eledath Mahesh J ayaram Sethuraman Ramachandran MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING May 16, 1997 Supunpak Boonsunanondha William A Castellano Alan Joseph Esker Chih-Tung Fan Sang Hyun Kim Bonnie Sue Leong Michael R Mlynarczyk Victor E Ratkowski, Jr. Yunxi Shi Wen-Jing Tang Nick Meng-Hsiu Wu Jahei Zhu Decmeber 20} 1996 Dennis L Angelisanti *Navin Khaneja Adeline Ling-Chun Kuo *Pratthana Leelapanang Phithakkit Phasuk Kittaya Poovasathien Mihir Raviprakash Sathe Samir Maq bool Shariff Jen-An Shie Abeyakaran J Suppiah Qinrong Yu August 16; 1996 Ayananshu Banerjee Eric Lamont Banks Shivroop Basu Lawrence Yuan-Min Chang Kazuo Inaba Heon-Joo Jee Prithvi Prabhu Robert Matthew Schmich MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING AND POLICY Decmeber 20} 1996 James Cranford Hodges John Rice Mular Laura Ann Rabb Paul G Segura August 16; 1996 Douglas Ervin Reed MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING May 16; 1997 Edward Barocela Julia Ann Bettlach Mark John Bitzes Eric Guy Boulogne Aaron Ross Cowin Edward Harry Gerding Jeffrey Paul Mahn Gordon Chester Prather Richard J Spitznagle Li Wu Qianfan Xin December 20} 1996 Marc William Arnold Lawrence Lundy Greene Jorge Alberto Morillo August 16; 1996 Woo-Nyoung Choi WookJin Charles Robert Lottes Brendan Frank Schlosser MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING SYSTEMS SCIENCE May 16; 1997 AND MATHEMATICS Natalia Patricia Dunaeff May 16; 1997 December 201 1996 James Dimos Dimarogonas Stephen Kent Capps Pilar Herrero Adil Masud Imdad Sicong Li Joshua William Kathrinus Joseph Thomas Napoli Kanchana Kumar Dan Zhou Christopher Michael Lewis December 20} 1996 Angela Yvonne Pierce *Pratthana Leelapanang *Christine I Robertson August 16; 1996 Diane Ursula Saftic Gyorgy Kiralyfalvi August 16; 1996 Mingqi Kong Frances E Martin MASTER OF SCIENCE IN TECHNOLOGY MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AND HUMAN AFFAIRS MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY May 16; 1997 May 16; 1997 William C Beavin Juan Carlos Consuegra *Jodi Alison Hirschfield Kenneth E Trammel William Edward Krechel December 20, 1996 Mitchell Edwin Sava Anthony Lawrence Van de Riet December 20, 1996 Juan Carlos Consuegra MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING May 16; 1997 Ann Leslie Corbett December 20, 1996 Mary Kathryn Byrne Nilesh Vijaykumar Gunda *Indicates combined degree 29 MASTER OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT May 16; 1997 Brian J Bentler Dianne Marie Lee Thomas J Macarthy Paul B O 'Leary Mohsen Michael Shadmani John Kaiking Yu December 20, 1996 Jeffrey Craig Bjerke Richard Louis King Hugh Robert McWilliams Patricia Ann Sasai Terry C Trucks Vincent Paul Zagarri In Materials Science and Engineering Mohammad M Ranjbaran In Mechanical Engineering Andre Tamagnini Noel August 16, 1996 George Rene Elizondo John E Malott Julie Wehling DOCTOR OF SCIENCE May 16, 1997 In Biomedical Engineering Andrew Forsman Hall In Computer Science Gopalakrishna Raman In Electrical Engineering Timothy Scott Barry Steven Paul Jacobs Kevin Edward Mark Anurag Singh Maunder In Mechanical Engineering Vinayak Kini Sihao Li In Systems Science and Mathematics Shiaw-Pyng Yang December 20, 1996 In Chemical Engineering Milind S Kularni In Computer Science Terrance Paul McCartney In Electrical Engineering Horng-Shiong Shawn Chen Donald Gene Porter In Engineering And Policy *Lorrie Faith Cranor Nirmala Kannanku tty Erik Theodore Ratto In Materials Science And Engineering Chiun-Chieh Yang In Mechanical Engineering Evangelos Tozakoglou In Systems Science And Mathematics Gregg Allan Shoults August 16, 1996 In Chemical Engineering Sunun Limtrakul In Electrical Engineering Marcelo Handro Cordaro Quinn Li Anuj Srivastava *Indicates combined degree 30 THE ScHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Candidates Presented by Cynthia Weese, Dean BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY IN ARCHITECTURE May 1~ 1997 Marvin Harris Frederick William Ludwig Timothy Edward Palermo Darryl William Slater December 20} 1996 Rick W Keisker August 1~ 1996 Ralph Arnold Branson MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE May 1~ 1997 John Peter Ales H Christopher L Baumbach David Keith Benfield JoAnn Kathryn Brookes Ian Scott Roberts Caine Christopher Michael Carfora Steven Y Chang Che-Min Chou Scott Andrew Clinch Cornelia Thompson Cook John William Doherty Patrick M Donaldson Tamara Lynn Fuchs Gregory Scott Galbreath Jessica Guertin Peter P Heinbecker Geoffry M Hurst Marina Kosmopoulos Jonathan Matthew Kuhn Helenia Maria Madrigal Sajja Mayalarp Daniel Jacob Menitoff Taro Narahara Mark Donald Pankoff *Michelle Denise Roberson Shannon Joseph Russell Huihui Shen *Jonathan Barry Stern Byung-Joon Sung Benjamin Brewster Tucker Ellen Wilderom Simon Minyeul Yu December 20} 1996 Diane Berman Joshua Abraham Bridie MaxJ Chiou Emily Ilene Howard Cathryn A Iannotta Soledad Lugones Daniel Gerard Shaughnessy Maurice Andrew Sheldon Scott J Van Der Jagt MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN DESIGN May 16, 1997 Archana Kumar *Indicates combined degree 31 THE ]OHN ScHOOL M. OLIN oF BusiNEss ~~ Candidates Presented by Stuart I. Greenbaum, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May I~ I997 Summa Cum Laude Christopher David Bloise Amy Irene Blumhof James John Kragenbring Christopher Scott Kuefler Robert Persaud Timothy Mark Probst Boris Gregory Shurslep Kerry Lynn Soffar Evangeline Wu Magna Cum Laude *Prabhu Manivel Arumugam Gennye Hanover Feldman Kris Lynne Gallina Zhanna Gisin Robert Isaac Gorovitz Vicky Sze-Kei Koo Francoise Ly Adam Jeffrey Pressman Carlos Luis Sanchez Jennifer Ingrid Schmidt Nathan John Schulte Edward Adam Schwartz Hidenori Suzuki Jacqueline Sue Vernick Jeffrey Franklin Winnick Mark Richard Witkowski Tracy Lee Wong May I~ I997 Razman Abdullah Mohammed Ahmed Mark Coleman Alhadeff Norhidayah Ali Arnold Miller Alpert Azatul Sheela Mohd Azman Anne Renee Baecker Peter Beatty Baughman Aaron Brett Baumgarten Sandra Marie Bayne Jocelyn Raquel Bean Pamela Sue Billiet Charles Michael Binggeli Nirav Bisarya Aaron Louis Boehm Kevin Charles Bolash Katherine Jean Bollinger Sofia Astuty Budiman Benjamin Nathan Bush Matthew Todd Bush Sung-Yoon Byun Ian Edward Calame Amy Michele Capstack Virgil Yik-Bun Chan Richard Roy Chappelear David Andrew Chatoff Andre Chen-Yi Chen Phyllis Chi-Yi Chen Brian Edward Chin Alison Beth Cohen Daniel Seth Demba Brandon Michael DiMassa Annitre LaVerne Edison Christopher Michael Faems Alan Barry Feit Christina Yvonne Fisher Michelle K Frailey Tara Lee Fromkin Sejal Mahendra Gandhi Carl Douglass Garrett Azmin G hazali Allon Harris Gladstone Darren Stuart Goldman Andrew Michael Goldstone Jonathan Richard Goodman Ellen Carr Greene Christopher Kai Hackney Tyson Aaron Haller Dawn Michelle Hartman David Benjamin Hayden Daniel Barry Hoffman Chad Allen Jackson He tal Yogeshkumar Joshi Brad Raymond Jurgens Lauren Faith Kahn Eric Dae-Eung Kang Jung-Ho Kim Paul Stanley Kim Lawrence Charles Klein Janice Yui Chit Ko Sharad Kumar Randy David Kurtz John Hyun-Joon Lee Brian Gregory Lerner Deena Rose Lewis *Indicates combined degree 32 Robert Joseph Liddy Ronald Liem Rebeccah Dawn Lymn Theodore David Maidenberg Lloyd Aaron Mallah Karima Geraldine Maloney James Kelly McCall Benjamin Adam Meth Jason Eric Moskovitz Christopher M Nalley Matthew Hirsch Narens Alyce Hardesty Nelson Christopher Leigh Nelson *Joseph Hsiao Ngo Elizabeth Rose Nguyen Theodore Loveland Nims Elba Maria Nino-Suarez Rebecca Susan Novak Shawn Christopher O 'Neil Janee Pashan Olverson Matthew Peter Paliulis Trevor Stuart Palmer Jung Hwan Park Paul Jonathan Parsons Imelda V Philip Jacob Charles Pond Danielle Noel Primm *Jeffrey William Prochnow Jerome Alexander Rieke Steven Mark Rininger Marta L Rivera-Ruiz Laurence David Rukin Tracy Robyn Sandell Sara Catherine Scheffler Daniel Elliot Scheinkman Mauricio Schwarz Douglas Alan Scotti Lorne Richard Silkes Daniel Adam Sirk Emmy Maria Sjogren Amy Michelle Skinner Eric Allen Sledgister Jan Michelle Stacey Ryan Josef Steglich Mark Fletcher Stoddard Fredy Purnama Surya Panithi Suwannet Yoko Takeuchi Brian Christopher Tatro Laura Agnes Trame Yessa Matindas Tuegeh Jay Dominic Villarreal Scott David Vogel Christopher P Watters Timothy J Wei Mark William Wisinski Jennifer A Wright Nadezhda Dmitrievna Yablonskaya Jennifer Yuan Jennifer Yuenger Chad Michael Yussman Brian Harris Zack Brian Joshua Zeiger December 20} I996 Maisarah Ahmad Allison Marie Brooks Harlan Hong Tommy Yuen Huey Ailende lsi Iboaya David Seth Lang Erin I Lin Lo Anis Yuzreen Mat Lazim Bryan Paul McVey Scott William Pashman Raja Mimi Azlina Raja Ahmad Ngoi-Ting Tse Hidehiko Uno Shalini Veronica Upadhyaya August I~ I996 Magna Cum Laude Fazelina Sahul Hamid August I~ I996 Adam Dean Adams Thomas John Anderson Wing-Yee Wayne Lu Ezme Mdradzi Angel Luis Milano Alan Scott Pinstein Hannah Kate Sullivan MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May I~ I997 Matthew Adams Yelena A Ageyeva Ersin Albayrak *W Christopher Appler Shy Aviram Changyoon Baek Jessica Bailey Jennifer Sung Bang Steven Charles Beckwith Kevin Lee Benner Theodore Berg Richard Allen Blankenship Joseph Blechl Karen Blum Randall Douglas Booker Santiago Botaya Paul Thomas Bradford *Stewart Charles Bradley Michael Todd Bromfman William Thomas Brooker Bradley William Brown Bart Joseph Brunk David Francis Buergler Mark Fredrick Burfield Ronald Stephen Burkhardt Todd Michael Burski *Indicates combined degree *Jeffrey Scott Buschmann LeAnne Marie Cabalka Tourtellotte Joseph Timothy Cahill Ping Cai *Chad Eric Carter Duane Suchest Chadaratana Christopher Alan Chaney Chung-Yen Chen Shu-Lin Chen James Robert Chevalier Yisui Chiang Hyung-Jin Cho Youngkook Chun *Kenneth W B Clarke Randall Allen Clary Robin Kay Coffman Paul Daniel Cohen Valerie A Cummings John Michael Dailey Aron Dalnoki Scott Anthony Dalton Todd Clark Deibel Deanna Elise Dixon Elvis Roger Doll II Geoffrey Earl Ellis Anthony Faustino Michael A Ferguson Holly Maria Fesler Scott David Fesler Alissa Fields Larry Eugene Fields Timothy Kent Fischer Gary Alan Fitzmire John Joseph Fletcher Patrick Edward Flynn *Michael Anthony Franchak J ana Kaye Friend Mark Edwin Frisse Ya-Lin Fu Kenichiro Fujii Takayuki Fujiyoshi Shinji Fukami Ronald Hardy Gabbard Jon Robert Getzinger *Ryan Scott Gish Gregory Michael Good Scott Arthur Graves Ronald Stuart Gray Steve Edward Hankey Christopher Michael Helmers Dale Edward Hinson Osamu Hirose Nai-Hsin Ho Deborah Marie Hogan James Louis Holbrook, Jr. Lillian Hsu Yu-Chun Kevin Hsu *Thomas Gabor Huszar Quenton Victor Jackson Guy Kelsey Jacobs Russell Alex Janssen Nusheen R Javadizadeh 33 Johnny Alan Jennings BoJi Craig Mitchell Johnson Judith M Johnson Marc Alan Johnson Cory Lockwood Johnston Yeonwook Jung Masumi Kanai Shari K Kern Timothy John Kirley Michael Anthony Kokinos Theeranuch Kongnakorn Todd Jay Korte Dawn L Kotva *Jason Robert Kovan Mark Don Kubik Kansuke Kuwaki Michelle Anne LaForge Raul Jose Larrea Steven William Lawler Daihyun Lee Richard Lee Seo-Yong Lee Jane Fleming Leitschuh Jacob Licht Sang-Jong Lim Borching Lin Chihchien Lin Brian Anthony Loftus, Jr. James Franklin Loomis, Jr. Sarah Elizabeth Loveall Martin Joseph Lyons , Jr. Donald Alexander MacLeod, Jr. Stephanie J Mankus Barry Jon Martin Elizabeth Clare Martin R Todd Matheis Taro Matsumura David Michael Mattingly Louis Thomas Maull V Ramsey Fording Maune Christopher Hilary Maurillo John Gilford Mayfield Gretchen Gayle Mcintyre Michael Dennis McMaster Peter Louis Medler Kurt Anthony Meister Steven Charles Mentzer Jennifer Lynn Merluzzi Robert Dean Metzger Scott Lee Meyer Jennifer Lucreta Middleton Stephen John Miles Christopher Michael Miller Maria Ludovina Miller *Johanna Maria Mills John David Moellinger Wendy L Monso James Bryan Morgan Joseph Scott Morris *Arghavan Gabriela Mostafavi Mary Ellen Movie Michael Patrick Mulcahy Matthew Jeremy Mullen Rashmi S Nair Daniel O 'Connor Lauren Elizabeth Ottsen Igor Palgov Jeffery Wayne Parker Steve Alan Peters James Joseph Pfeiffer John E Pingel Edward Scott Plax Mary Mihae Price Elizabeth Thien Rall John Patrick Raymond Sandra J Reznichek Anna L Richards *Eric Jordan Riutort *Michelle Denise Roberson Karen Denise Roberts-McNeal John Michael Rohfritch John Thomas Sadlo Lynne Marie Sanick Renae Diane Schocke Mark Christian Schroeder Sheila A Schuette Christopher Joseph Sciortino Sandhya Baliga Shenai Mark Lawrence Silen Monique Elizabeth Sian Irl Andrew Solomon John Andrew Spanos Sandra Woelfel Spitler *Andrew Jay Srenco Charles David Steele *J anathan Barry Stern *Ralph Theodor Stricker Sadhvi Khullar Subramanian Akihiko Sugata Kevin Dennis Sullivan Christine Marie Sur Thomas Bernard Swaykus Daitaro Tanabe Moh-An Teo Stephen Graham Thomas Traci Camille Thomas Craig Alan Thompson Edward Dean Thompson II Robert Paul Thompson Douglas Wayne Thornsberry Angela L Tidwell Uyen Vu Phuong Tran Makoto Umeda Shiori Umemura Mark Joseph Walczyk Bryant Keith Wales Deborah Joan Walters Xiaoguang Wang Dennis D Weaver Bradford Kready Werner Joel Scott Weston Bruce Scripps Wilkinson Brandt Gregory Wilson William Joseph Wirz Julie Michelle Womack Poh Lee Wong Larry Wood Li-Jen Wu Lin Xie Qian Xu Tod Andrew Yazdi Dohyun You Man Yuan Judith R Zerbe Dongmei Zhang December 20) 1996 John Keith Baldessari Frank Bekaert Richard Ellis Boalbey Alfred John Buescher Karen Lynn Chow Lorenzo Anthony Curcuru *Steven Weiss Fisher Lucien Riddle Fouke III Darin Alan Franklin Timothy J Gallagher Neeraj Goenka Michael John Grzesiowski *Erica Lynn Hall Timothy Wayne Hassler Rebecca Greiner Hill Jeffrey Francis Horton Hollis A Huels Gary Moyer Hueser Carla Lynn Jackson Samantha Elizabeth Jackson Denise Renee Johnson Boyd Robert Jones John Paul Jones Frank Steven Jurenka Christopher Young Kauffman Emily Deann Lightfoot Chang-Ching Liu Gregory Donald Maday Samuel Lyle Miller Julie Cheryl Nelson Shannon Lee Nome Douglas Norman Owens Jeffrey Scott Piccinelli Homaune Azghadi Razavi Jed Rice Richardson Nicholas Bernard Segobiano Deborah Jo Singleton Rohini Suri Forrest Todd Thomas Lincoln Paul VerMeer Kenyon Walter Wenberg III Wen-shih Weng Sheryl Lyn Wilhite Laurie Beth Winterscheidt Hiler Ming-Chen Yang Ching-Ping Yeh *Indicates combined degree 34 August 16, 1996 Robert Lee Busken Andrew Piers Crispin Chapple Thomas Andrew Coogan James Kevin Cross Steven N DeFrancesco Julia Marie Eckstein Kelly Renee Fleming Andrew Vincent Gillow Chang-Sao Han Joseph V Jimenez Kathy Ann Kristof Michael Thomas Lewis Brian Paul Luckerman Roger Lee Mohr Mia Rochelle Wise MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION May 16, 1997 Yuxin Chen December 20) 1996 Feng Gu August 16, 1996 Ramesh N Chari Byung Chul Kim Tiejun Tang J anese M Willis THE ScHOOL OF ART Candidates Presented by Joseph M. Deal, Dean BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS May 1~ 1997 Laura Jean Alport Nicole Tate Angel Teresa Renee Basco Heather Saville Benton Stephanie Lynne Berman Tyler Jennings Bertram Jarrett Evan Brilliant Jonathan Adams Bryant Sara Anne Butorac Dana Michelle Carter Heidy Sumei Chuang Christopher Steven Colville Claire Marie Cowie Kathryn Alden Crews Samuel Mills Farnsworth Elizabeth Lindhart Fleming Brandt Tsuruo Fuse Thomas Edward Gale Angelique lone Gray Myra B Greene Scott Jeffrey Grusby Dara Johanna Hamilton Amy Beth Hurwitz Jacob Price Hutchings Danielle Marie John Jerylin Cashion Jordan Brian Marc Kaas Stacey Alison Katzen Jina Kim Amanda Leigh Kingloff *Michelle Faith Komie Stephanie Krokidas Jin Yu Kwon Larissa Ann Leclair Regina Rebecca Lewis Casandra Diane Mack Harrison Reinhard Marshall Roger Bradley McCombs Heather Elizabeth McEvilly Tim Morrison Janice Anne Natchek Hollis Jefferson Nesmith III Catherine Elizabeth Payne Wing Yan Poon Judith Sharon Reichman *Indicates combined degree Nicole Patrice Roberson Christine Marie Roettger Alan Scott Roll Carlyn Jacqueline Ross Dennis Bryan Rowles Emily Sarah Scholnick Michael Harlan Schwarz George C Schwenk Elizabeth Melissa Seff Adina Beth Segal Brett Peter Seher Nicole Louise Selmer Jaime Erin Sherman Eve Rachel Shpak Rebecca Anne Siemering Stefanie Robyn Silver Carina Michelle Simon Beatriz Marti Soler Matthew Howard Stein Aun Sukanich Anne Marie Wagner Lauren Rebecca Weinstein Jeanie Yong Welker Holly Corinne Wolf Stephanie Melissa Wolfus December 20, 1996 Junko Hashimoto Eccles Joseph Samuel Silvestro August 16, 1996 Michael Cunningham Coral Ming Wilson MASTER OF FINE ARTS May 16, 1997 Lisa Allen Christine Nicole Amick Priscilla B Block Melissa Lynn Brown Erica Lynn Downer Michael James Farrell Stephen Salvator Fasciana Thomas L Galambos Jonathan Han Eliza Lin Jill Marie Matheson Michael Aaron McAllister Jennifer L Novak Leela A Pastala John Matthew Sarra Gregory C Van De Rostyne Susan Kathleen Watt Joanne Elizabeth Wiggins 35 December 20, 1996 Nicholas Robert Riggio Keith Alan Seybert Rina Yoon August 16, 1996 Roderick Dean Lorenzen Robert Anthony Schulte, Jr. THE GEORGE wARREN BROWN ScHOOL OF SociAL WoRK Candidates Presented by Shanti Kumar Khinduka, Dean MASTER OF SOCIAL WORK May 1~ 1997 Jennifer Anne Abeloff Jessica Pegeen Allen Sarah Rene Archambeault *Merrily S Archer Deborah Aziz Alfreda Cash Bady Anita Balgopal Deanna Marie Bartee Sabina Basovsky Treena Marzella Bell Marianne M Berendzen Tara Lynn Bernhard Diana Lee Blackwell *Jennifer Lynn Blair Larry Isadore Bohnert Kathleen A Boland Linda Kathleen Brown Erin Aylene Brubaker Vickie Rae Bruckerhoff April Bucell Michelle Renee Buckman Deborah Elaine Busler Laura Hankins Carringtom Brenda Lee Casey Kiarma Kushatta Cheatom Sang-Hee Cho Sean P Cronin Jami C Curley Matthew Thomas Daues Carol Martha Davis Heather Bixler Dawson Jennifer Lynn Dawson Jodi de la Pefia Rochelle Yvette DeClue Stavroula Demas Nicole Ann Devine Jeanne Hansen Dougherty Melinda Gail Dunbar Mark David Edwards *Muna Salah El-Shakhs *Sherri Ann Burnett Elder Laura Kathleen Ellison Danielle Katherine Ernzen Rebecca Sophie Essak Karin Michele Eyrich Amy Elizabeth Ficken Jessica Myers Forsyth Douglas Andrew Foster Andrhea Alicia Fox Megan Jane Friedman Jennifer Suzanne Gadsky Jennifer Kathleen Gauvain *Geoffrey G Gerber Angela Marie Giarraffa Amy Susanne Gifford Dawn Elizabeth Girardi Rosio Guadalupe Gonzalez Daniel David Grabel *Kristin Elizabeth Hajny Clara Amanda Hardy Katherine Karchner Harris Vicki Jean Harrison Emily Anne Heller James Edward Hinterlong Elizabeth Hisle-Gorman James A Holland Margaret Corey Hufford Lauren Kimberly Jacobs *Arlene Janis Jose R Jasso, Jr. Angela Lyn Johnson Callie Ann Johnson Julie Alison Jones Susan Kinnevy Lynn Ann Kirn Margaret Ellen Kubek *Jacqueline Marie Kutnik Melissa Kay LaBarte Kathryn Marie Lane Diane Marie Langer Jessica Ann Langford Maritza Ivette Leonhard Lauren Sue Limbaugh *Theresa Ann Malone Susan Mary Mardini Nina Anne Markowicz Heather Ann McClure A'sia Malinda McNeal Lisa Mecham Donald Edward Meissner Dana Marie Mikolay Ronald Molosiwa Traci Diane Mullen Nicole D Nuss Kevin Patrick O 'Connell Jennifer Dineen Oc6n Aya Okumura Wade Stanton Outlaw *Indicates combined degree 36 Marci Lynn Oxman Tebatso Paul Jane K Petrie Marjorie Ellen Phillips Jeffrey Davis Piper Laurie Portell Wendy Cubbage Post Donna J Presley Stephanie Joyce Reed Michael Gene Regier Okpara Rice Donna J Schaeffer Patricia Ann Serrault Dawn Marie Sharkany Kelly Sherman Martha Ann Dubas Sims Anita Marie Sirevaag Jennifer Anne Sledge Amy Vanessa Smith Rae Ann Steinly Christina Sullivan Aisha Rosita Thompson Nathan H Thompson Lisa Michelle Thompson-Caruthers R Leon Threat Leslie Catherine Tobias Sharon R Tobin Virginia Dukes Tolany Amy Elaine Treece *Shira D Truitt Ka-Yin Connie Tse Eliza S Vanderstar Barbara Waite-Wright Bonita Lynne Waldner Amy Elizabeth Warrick Kara Michele Wasserman Virginia Leigh Weil A Lynn Curless Weis *Carolyn Peri Weiss Patricia Ann Willeke Oi Kau Wong Fang-Chien Wu Deborah Ann Yamnitz Traci Lynn Yarbrough *Cheryl Anne Zopp December 20, 1996 Mohammed Saad Al-Quraini Denise Belue Margo K Boesch Becky Lee Brandsberg Kimberly Ann Brothers Kelly Anne Charleton Li-Ju Chen Seema L Chouhan Joey Samuel Cothren Patricia Mae Craven Mamata Datta Linda Demorest-Schirmer Milford Wood Eaves Carolyn Sue Endicott Monica Coffey Faison George Anthony Ferguson Kevin Ferris Emily Jane Gallop Nadia Rosalia Gemmellaro Maureen Elizabeth Gielow Wyatt Page Gregory III Sarah Christine Hansen Kim Renee Harris Denise Ella Henry Therese Marie Hetzel Marilyn Kathleen Holt Catherine E Hooley Violet E Horvath Sharon Marie Jackson Cynthia Kay Jank Mary Elizabeth Johnson Christina C Jordan Jessica Eden Kazdan Patricia Ann Kehoe Shinyeol Kim Gwendolyn Marie Lauer Arunee Limmanee J eanna Lloyd Melanie Alene Mayes Ingrid McCarty Bonnie Anne Mixon Pamela D Moses Deborah Rose Mueller Jeong-Yaung Oh Laurel J Pierce William Charles Rainford III Wendy Ralston Angela Roccograndi Cynthia D Russell Margaret Ann Schneider April Elizabeth Shaw Amy Michelle Stringer Kazuya Takano Rachel Lynn Tedeschi Karen L Tritz Janelle Leah Trottier Lori Ann Weiler Priscilla W elikala Kimberly Ross Wier Catherine Ann Winn Lia M Nower Kristen Joan Rakowski Linda Louise Roberts Aida Rodriguez-Parnas James P Rudden Michelle Marie Sakaguchi Lisa Marie Signorelli Joshua David Sparks Cassie Allyson Temple Sandra Anne Tingle Catherine Currie Tucher Melinda L Wells Erika Yvonne Wilson Joyce Yuen August 16, 1996 Joel Franklin Achtenberg Kendra Eve Bair Dina Elizabeth Baldwin Julie Lynn Bergsma Sulki Sophia Chung Grant Matthew Colvin Rabelani Michael Davhana Rebecca Dombcik Sara Gayle Feldman Elizabeth M George Suzanne Landis Pamela Rebecca Lawless Suzanne LeLaurin Kit-Shan Leung Davies Sibangani Mpofu *Indicates combined degree 37 THE ScHOOL OF Candidates Presented by Dorsey D. Ellis, Jr., Dean DOCTOR OF LAW May 16, 1997 Eric Robert Adler Robert Kent Ainley Seth Andrew Albin Cathleen D Allen Nicole Denise Allen Eric Charles Andrews *W Christopher Appler *Merrily S Archer *Karen Annette Bairn Tiffany Lynn Baldwin Andrea Gail House Baran Karl Richard Barnickol IV Robert P Berry *Jennifer Lynn Blair Tiffany Ann Boye Anne Bozesky Cardelle Bratton James Erik Breitenbucher Krista Erin Brown Mark L Brown Kathie Anne Bullerdick *Jeffrey Scott Buschmann David Camp Christopher Wade Cardwell Danelle Carter-Duffy Eric Chojnicki Gary R Clark Hope Kathleen Cohn John Edward Cole Tanisha Marie Cole Kevin L Cooney Gilbert Alexander Crosby Jacqueline K Cuncannan Matthew L Cutler Jeffrey Alan Daxe Grant C DeProw Dorothy B Detherow David N Diamond William Frederick Dietz Robert J Droney Jay Patrick Dryden *Noelle Christine Dye Deryl Lee Earsom Bruce M Easley Lance Eberhart LAw Rouman Ebrahim Derek Samuel Eckelman *Muna Salah El-Shakhs *Sherri Ann Burnett Elder Michael Adam Ellenhorn Gwendolyn Lee Fanger Heidi P Forster *Michael Anthony Franchak Aimee F Freidin Jeffrey Lawrence Gansberg Jonathan Hunt Garside *Geoffrey G Gerber Scott M Gerhardt Jonathan David Ginzel Deborah L Goleman Lisa Michele Golzar Malcolm Stewart Gould Michael Jay Greenberg *Kristin Elizabeth Hajny Eugene Ham Matthew Carlton Hammond Caz Hashemi Edward I Herman Christopher G Hill *Jodi Alison Hirschfield Nkrumah Lumumba Hopkins Michael George Horstman, Jr. Brian David Hughes Preston Humphrey, Jr. Robert Scott Hunt *Thomas Gabor Huszar Megan A Irvin Elizabeth E Irvine Shawna Marie Jahn David B Jinkins Crista Renee Johnson Richard Kenneth Johnson David Shane Jones Fiona Andrea Joseph Michael W Kazan John Louis Kellogg Jessica W Kennedy Robert James Kestelik Michael Carroll King Douglas J Klein Courtney Elizabeth Knight Andrea Ann Kochan *Jason Robert Kavan Amy Marie Kramer Eric Bailey Krauss John P Krimmel *Indicates combined degree 38 Sarah Ann Kuebrich *Jacqueline Marie Kutnik Ho K Kwok Ronald Allan Amio Lapid Matthew J Lawson *Gregory Alan LePeter John Joseph Lee Minjoo Lee Bonnie Jean Lepold Danielle Suzanne Lett Mark Scott Levine Yabo Lin Wendy J Lindsey Sara Suzanne Lippold Nancy Nianqing Liu Steven M Lubar *Robert Gregory Malkin *Theresa Ann Malone Finley P Maxson John Patrick McCormick Kevin Michael McDonald Matthew James McDonald Roy Kyo McDonald Heather Eileen Mcintyre Matthew J Meyer *Joel Meyers *Johanna Maria Mills Carolyn Michelle Mitchell *Arghavan Gabriela Mostafavi Patrick Hurley Myers Damon Andrew Neagle Michael J O'Brien *George F Parker John Abb Payne Tammie JoAnn Philbrick Patrick A Piscatelli Philip J Piscopo Scott Frederick Pomerantz Xiao-Ping Qiu Emily A Ramsey Madhavi Ravi Steven G Rawlings Theresa M Regan Michael H Ripp, Jr. Craig L Rosenthal PaulK Rourke David N Royster Jennifer Kelly Ruane Jessica Nan Rutberg Jennifer L Ruyle : Joseph James .Sarrta:rias Joel Be.n jamin Sa111$on Sheila Brigid Scheuerman Carrie Lynn Schierer Matthew Franklin Schwartz Louis Jason Schwartzberg David Seidman Philip Adam Senturia John Si11l.IDons Kimberley Joy Smith Evan Reno Sotiriou Aaron Michael Staebell Erica L Sternin Christine Mary Stevens Rachel Josephine Storch *Ralph Theodor Stricker Timothy G Stueve Chad Sullivan *Ellen L Szymanski Cary Lawrence Talbot Joseph M Taylor *Shira D Truitt Amy Thym Tucker Corge D Umlauf Lena Tsoulfanidis Van Asdale Shawn M Van Asdale Bradley Paul VanZee David Varalli Shusheng Wang Jennifer L Weaver *Carolyn Peri Weiss Amanda E White Beau J White Richard Walter White Michele Lynne Whiting Bryan James Wick Jonathan J Williams Richard C Witzel, Jr. Steve J Wolf Lucy Alexandria Yang Joseph Fredric Yeckel Jennifer D Yoder *Cheryl Anne Zopp December 20 1996 Marla Kamil Blair Paul Daniel Cohen Donald Lee Doggett Rachel Leigh Holmes *Jiri Milan Mestecky Bernard Freduah Ofori-Atta *Christine I Robertson Reggie Bernard Starks Jigeng Tian Timothy J Willoughby August 1~ 1996 David Stewart Glasgow K Tonya Hutchison-Stultz june 7 1996 Claire Kathryn Drake Daniel Seth Holliday Christie M LeFevre Andrew Seth Regenbaum David L Staver Lawrence Philip Beilenson Hui-Min Helen Chao Eugene William Chianelli, Jr. Werner Dillmann William A Drennan Barbara Ann Enneking Fernando Luis Gonzalo Sonja Vonnia Hayes Preeyanut Kongridhisuksakorn Heidi Marie Ottsen Peter C Palumbo III Junu Park Kristina D Potocki Melinda Rider Rochelle Deborah R Scott Brian L Stocker Bandula Manjusri Welikala Koji Yamaki December 20 1996 Vivian E Manasse Teixeira Leite june 7 1996 Sittiporn Patckawn 1 1 1 1 MASTER OF LAWS May 1~ 1997 Rodrigo Achirica Ortega Thomas Edmund Barrett *Indicates combined degree 39 THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE ~~ Candidates Presented by William A. Peck, M.D., Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY May 16, 1997 *Shad Mi_chael Syfert William 0 Wagnon III Kevin Furst Womack December 20, 1996 *Steven Weiss Fisher *Erica Lynn Hall Lisa W Perlmutter December 20, 1996 Carol Grapperhaus Matthew Elvyn Green Heidi Sue Held Amalie i~....Ilne Herman Laura Ellen Jack Steven Kish, Jr. Nina Matuszewski Gabriele Luck Melville Angela Laureen Onermaa Bradley R Pfitzner Angela R Robinson Jennifer Sari Amy Marie Urquhart MASTER OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION May 16, 1997 Tracey Medus Aegerter *Martin J Bonick Leslie Karynne Brunner Zachary R Chandler *Kenneth W B Clarke William L Cook III Kimberly Anne Doran *Noelle Christine Dye Caretta Ann Elliott *Mary Celess Graves Timothy D Jenkins Yas min Kazzaz Hea Jin Kim *Gregory Alan LePeter Sara Beth Levey Darin Elery Libby Todd Ray Little Steven Patrick Maiworm *Robert Gregory Malkin Jeanne McDonnell Michelle McKnight Deborah Lynn Patterson Michelle Raynor Michael R Ricks *Indicates combined degree MASTER OF SCIENCE December 20, 1996 Patricia A Schneider MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY May 16, 1997 Dana Elizabeth Hansen Lisa McLaurin Pollard Ronda Brooke Uhles December 20, 1996 Tina Christine Baucher Leslie Renee Berg Christina Alexandra Bianchi Tracey Anne Biermann Barbara Ann Blanke Sallie Andrea Bledig Karen Marie Bosley Constance M Brashear Beverly Gwen Brown Carrie Christofersen Laura Christon Eden Alicia Dagit Elizabeth Christine Daniels Stacy Lynn Dirnberger Brittany Douglas Mauri Downum Dana Elizabeth Druhe Emily Nicole Durbin Kathryn Alice DuVarney Lucy Eisenbeiser Laurel Elaine Elliott Marcia Lynn Gerlach Lisa Gold Angela Denise Gosney Dana Marie Graiff Elisa Jean Guerrero Irene Gunin Joann A Haase Cherin Mary Hall Amy Christine Hancock LaurieR Hanwell Rosanna Grace Harmon Jackie Houtz 40 Stacy Nichole Johnson Kristy Marie Jones Sherri Marie Klepzig Sarah Katherine Kluender Pamela Sue Knapp Thomas J Koesterer Julie Ann Krills Nicole Ellen Kumle Sarah Lynn Lechtenberg Lidiya Andrea Lisin Shannon Lynn Looney Pamela Martha McCrate Kelly Ann McCready Heather Faye Meyer Melinda Raquel Mickelsen Wendy Lee Mierop Michele Renee Palesh Lori Pelton Christine Andrea Peters Rachel Ann Poelking Kimberly Reutzel Trisha Lynn Reynolds Kerry Lynne Romero Sandra Buesking Rudel Marina Danielle Rysin Ann Marie Scheid Timothy James Seals Angela Suarez Serig Marlo Ann Stuart Sydnee Sturdy Katherine Sullivan Marcia Terbeest Veronica Carol Thessing Ellen Marie Venturella Stacy Elise Wehking Angela Marie Wilson Questa Marina Wylie MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICAL THERAPY May 16, 1997 Elizabeth Tucker Echlin December 7, 1996 Darin Rex Atkinson Connie Lynn Back Julie K Barnhart David Franklin Berry Amy Grace Bigler Jennifer Donna Blinn Traci D Bowler Brian Lee Brunken Dane Nolan Burke Stacey Augusta Burkhardt Sarah Jane Coatney Jeffery Allen Collins Laura Anne Couchenour Colin Gregory Crawford Melissa Sue Cubitt Brandy Lynn David DeAnn Jo Eley Jennifer M Pancner Ennis Deborah L Evans Shannon Michele Evans Jennifer Ann Fegley Joel D Glasgow Teresa Michelle Goss Jason Todd Grandone Martha Boyd Green Scott Richard Gregg Jeanne A Hartsell Curtis M Hoagland Sharon Kay Howard Elisabeth Marie Irving Jennifer Liisa Johnson Aim!ee M Kappler Keith Raymond LaChance Wendy Marlene Walker Landry David J LaValley Sun Kyang Lee Janell R LeVan Cara Lee Lewis Elizabeth Mary Linden Jane Alison Lukes Travis Roy Lytle Jeffrey D Mallory Angela J o Mansfield Gwen Maurer Dwayne E Maxam M Nelson McGeary Taylor Meding Deborah Marie Michael David Michael Montgomery Lisa Namath Thomas R Nuzum Sara Beth Nyhuis Jeffrey Nathan Ohlwiler Sharon Marie Purcell Amelia Anne Quigley Krista Lynne Rainforth Rekha Ramanathan Theresa Lynn Rehm Jennifer Sue Reichmuth Mary Jo Salerno Daniel J Schnebelen Brooke Dianne Schroeder Kathryn Lynn Sebenik Tracie Lynn Selner Barbara L Shiplett Leah R Siela Kristy L Smith Roger Alan Smith Thomas Andrew Squires Travis Logan Stiegman Michael C Ventura Thomas Arthur Wall Kirstin J Walter Kris Anne Warren Leslie Gaye Wayne Claudia M Wiser Anthony J Wolff Kimberly Ilene Worth Barbara Yusen DOCTOR OF MEDICINE May 1~ 1997 Amit Omprakash Agarwala Thomas J Allen *John David Alvarez Kirsten Lynn Anderson Greg Richard Angstreich Noah Bennett Appel Bernadette Aulivola Kathy Lynn Baglan Alison M Barnes *Anita Elizabeth Beck Oren Gil Blam Aimee Radhia Brecht-Doscher Amy Margaret Brown Kathryn Corinne Brown Matthew Martin Bruckel Ari S Brunschwig Jason Carns *Iris Tanchi Chan Belinda Chen *David Carl Chiara *Gerald Chen Chu Ben Tsu-Ping Chung Susan Forman Cohan Valeria Cornell Cohran *Howard Colman Marleen Annette Maria Cousins Elias Dagnew *Karen Marie Dahl *Bruce Jonathan Darrow Jennifer Lynn DeLamielleure Jennifer Ann DeLaney Karl Coe Desch Damla Karsan Dryden *Adam Christopher Eaton Jason Lynn Evans Cristina Ferrone Rachel Anne Frank Julie Robin Fuchs *Martin Joseph Gallagher Fiona Elizabeth Gallahue Gregory Harron Gorman Valerie J Halpin Travis Wade Hanson Adrienne Kathryn Harper Kimberly Louise Harper Karen Manheimer Hart *Michelle L Hermiston *Bruce Alan Hug Catherine Kei Ifune Devin Brooke Johnson Lloyd Johnson III *Randall Roy Johnson Michele Lili Jones Vineet Kapur Dawn Olson Kleindorfer Laura Kogelman *Paul Thomas Kotzbauer Louis Kuchnir Dana Ann Kumar *Indicates combined degree 41 Brian Kwon Paul Matthew Lamberti Steven Jason Lawrence Francoise Giao-Phuong Le Natasha Nicolette Leacock Charles Kyung Chul Lee *Stephen Luming Lee *Griffith Liang Pamela Barrera Liang David Scott Lotsoff Robert John Mahoney Julie Ann Mai *Maurice Makram Tracie Ann Martin David Kenji McGregor Sharon Gail Meltzer J ondavid Menteer Seetha Ursula Monrad Kathleen Marie Mooney Blaise A Nemeth *Peter Frosio Nichol *Andrew William Norris Charles Jayhyuk Oh Lisa Marie Oldham Meral Omurtag Daniel Lombard Overdeck *Vikas Vanarsi Patel Jennifer Lanier Payne Gregory Ashley Perron Rebecca Gail Piltch Eric Anthony Poulin Robert Puchalski Rekha Chinnakotla Rao Nevada Waugh Reed James Mac Sams III Nicola Catherine Sater Daniel Mark Schwartz Claire D Sheinker Shandra Annette Sheppard Susan Shuyan Sheu Aaron John Shiels Samuel Hans Slishman Joshua Avram Socolow Thomas S Sommers, Jr. SteveS Song Susan Jane Stevens John Thomas Stoffel Laura Stewart Stone Gordon Strauss Jennifer Sue Temel Apurva Arvind Thekdi Jennifer Elise Thomure *Scott Simon Tykodi Feodor Ung Anjala Vaishampayan Charles Todd Vedder Amy Lauren Weed Jeffrey LeMoine Williams Theodore Martin Willmore Lisa Marie Wiltrout *Justina Eng Hui Wu Howard Chaochong Yang Susan Helen Yang Janet Li Yu David Tsun Tat Yung Michael ]ames Zerega December 20 1996 Scott Edwin Shannon 1 42 PRIZES, AwARDs AND HoNoRs Jennifer Nicole Fues Ethan A. H. Shepley Award Achievement in German Prize Senior Physics Prize for Outstanding Performance In recognition of leadership, scholarship, and service to the University Community. Lisa Diane Bourne Jarvis Quincy DeBerry Christina Yvonne Fisher Deborah Lynn Lerner Robert Persaud Elizabeth Melissa Seff Jacqueline Pearl Ulin Deanna Marlyn Wendler Laura Beth Grinnell John G. Jutkowitz Memorial Fund Prize in Performing Arts Alan Ridgley Griswold II Leota Diesel Ashton Prize in Playwriting Camilla Ann Hampton Antoinette Frances Dames Award Delbert Wade Hutchison Graduate Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence W. Alfred Hayes Award Duncan James lrschick In recognition of student-athletes who by personal example have provided constructive leadership at Washington University. Russell Jonathan Chambliss Stephanie Elise Habif Timothy Mark Probst Sara Catherine Scheffler Matthew Hamilton Schipfer Graduate Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence Laurie Ruth Johnson Graduate Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence William Bruce Johnson Liselotte Dieckmann Prize for Excellence in Comparative Literature Saera Khan Graduate Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence A. Gwendolyn Drew Award Michelle Susan Kinman In recognition of students with superior academic standing who have contributed positively to varsity athletics. Chad Allen J ack:s~p. Christine Jeanne Q'Brien Prize for Excellence in Russian Maxwell Masters Krem John C. Sowden Prize in Chemistry Aimee Susanne Lagos Margaret Ewing Prize for Acting Maureen Ann Lee THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL ·OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Antoinette Frances Dames Award David Benjamin Lefkowitz Paul Joseph Abeln Helen Stenner Memorial Essay Prize Graduate Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence Andrea Dawn Asbury Nathan Todd Lepp Outstanding Senior Italian Prize Marian Smith Spector Prize in Biology Laura Matson Beal Erin Elizabeth Mashburn Graduate Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence Prize for Excellence in Russian Diane Mertz Bricke.ll Adam Massie Nishi Luthra P,ri~e in Philosophy Graduate Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence James Peregrin B.rink Naomi Beth Mendelssohn Herbert £·. Metz Prize. in Dramatic Literature Honorable Mention: Goff Prize in English Christopher James Brummer Kristine Amy Morong David Bronsen Prize in Overall Undergraduate Excellence Percy Tucker Fellow in Economics Lisa Alice Cholak Tanuj Nakra Goff Prize in English Marian Smith Spector Prize in Biology Douglas Woodruff Col.t Larry Roger Nittler Todd Lewis Friedman Prize in Political Science Graduate Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence Maeghen Lee Conklin Christine Jeanne O'Brien Prize for ·E xcellence in Russian Arnold]. Lien Prize in Political Science Sarah Covington Erin A Orzel D.W. Cramer Prize in Dane Tavenner Prize in Classics Courtney Suzanne Dodson Sara Jane Piccicuto Roger Conant Hatch Prize in English Prize for Excellence in Russian Juan Manuel Estrada Elizabeth Wylly Powell Antoinette Frances Dames Award Best Honors Thesis in Political Science Stephen H. Duncan Prize in Technical Theatre Amy K Ripperger Miranda Lee Fraley Marian Smith Spector Prize in Biology ]. Walter Goldstein Prize in History 43 Lawrence Pierce Roberts Jason Allen Balogh Pi Mu Epsilon and Ross Middlemiss Prize in Mathematics The Ernst Henry Spellmeyer Memorial Scholarship Kristen Ann Shepard Erich A Baumgartner David Bronsen Prize in Overall Undergraduate Excellence The Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W Lohman Scholarship The Golden Key National Honor Society - National Honor Society for Scholastic Achievement and Excellence for Juniors and Seniors Adam Matthew Simon Stephen H. Duncan Prize in Technical Theatre Heidi Elizabeth Spear Zoltan Bekker, Jr. Herbert E. Metz Prize in Dramatic Literature The William H. Matheson Prize for Excellence in Comparative Literature The King T and Adele M Coffey Memorial Scholarship Scott Howard Sternberg The Norman J Stupp Memorial Scholarship Jeremy B Bellinghausen John M. Olin Prize of Excellence in Economics Matthew Simon Bieschke Amy Carol Suelzer The John and Charlotte Berra Scholarship Graduate Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence Mermel Virtudazo Blanco Lucy Marie Tian Hwie Tan The Civil Engineering Departmental Senior Class Award for Academic Excellence The Civil Engineering Departmental Junior Class Award for Academic Excellence Harrison Dailey Stalker Prize in Biology Jade Patrick Vinson Putnam Examination Prize in Mathematics Nicholas Kurt Blawat Jennifer Patricia Weber The Chandeysson Electric Company Scholarship D.W. Cramer Prize for Dance Karin Elizabeth Boyse Amanda Megan Weeks The Robert W Otto Scholarship THURTENE - Leadership Honorary for Juniors Antoinette Frances Dames Award Robin Lori Zimbler Stewart Charles Bradley Sherman Eoff Prize for Excellence in Spanish The Ralph L Gray Memorial Scholarship The Harold and Millie Guller Scholarship UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Janiece E Browne Sarah Marie Braeckel The Ralph L Cook Scholarship Dean's Award for Academic Excellence Briggs Andre Briner Final Honors LOCK AND CHAIN - Leadership Honorary for Sophomores THURTENE- Leadership Honorary for Juniors John D Aton Lucy E Bailey J aniece E Browne John N Cibulka Catherine Jean Ehsani Pamela Carol Fosterling Janet M Goddard Maria Adams Hunter Karen Schrage David Timothy Stephens Michelle Renee Brown The Frank E Dolson Memorial Scholarship Michael Joseph Cabral The Daniel and Helene Rode Scholarship James Oliver Callaway The Adeline and Erwin Branahl Scholarship Clayton James Campbell The Engineering and Policy Departmental Award of Merit for Technical Communication Lynn Keith Carmichael SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCE HONORS AND AWARDS Loren Adrian Ahaus The William Henry Abbott Memorial Scholarship Chad Eric Carter The St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Scholarship The John Wand Rosa May Kourik Scholarship The Richard E Young Memorial Scholarship Arash Aminian The Golden Key National Honor Society- National Honor Society for Scholastic Achievement and Excellence for Juniors and Seniors Ken Cheng The Chemical Engineering Departmental Procter and Gamble Senior Scholar Award The August and Ruth Homeyer Scholarship for Graduate Study The Golden Key National Honor Society - National Honor Society for Scholastic Achievement and Excellence for Juniors and Seniors Camilla Beth Claassen The Systems Science and Mathematics Departmental Award for Outstanding Junior The Calvin M Woodward Fellowship Melissa Ellen Clark The School of Engineering and Applied Science Dean's Award for Exceptional Academic Achievement The Mechanical Engineering Departmental Outstanding Academic Achievement Award The Alexander S Langsdorf Fellowship The Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship Laura Crummy Andresen The Anne Tao Scholarship Elizabeth Marie Antognoli The Harold Arthur Spellmeyer Memorial Scholarship MORTAR BOARD- National Honor Society for Seniors 44 PHI BETA KAPPA - Honor Society for Students in the Liberal Arts The Mechanical Engineering Departmental ] oseph Razek Prize Kevin Eugene Cook Rebecca Lynn Fishman The Dual Degree Engineering Award for Outstanding Senior The Mechanical Engineering Departmental Outstanding Senior Award The Raymond R Tucker Memorial Scholarship The Norvell C Brasch Memorial Scholarship The Golden Key National Honor Society- National Honor Society for Scholastic Achievement and Excellence for Juniors and Seniors Todd Howell Cornwell The Class of 1988 Scholarship The McKee Family Scholarship Sean Patrick Fitzgerald The Alexander S Langsdorf Fellowship Ashley Atherton Cowan Cam Erin Friend The Herman T and Phenie R Pott Scholarship The Lowy Enterprises Engineering Scholarship Troy Davis Anne Marie Gerrietts The James M McKelvey Fellowship The Subsurface Constructors, Inc. Scholarship Sharon Elizabeth Doyle Paul Brian Giles The Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W Lohman Scholarship The Calvin M Woodward Fellowship Robert Charles Dunakin Ryan Scott Gish The Daniel Broida Memorial Scholarship The Steinhauer/ Bryan Study Abroad Scholarship The Millie and Harold Guller Scholarship The Alexander S Langsdorf Fellowship Nathaniel Paul Ekberg James Edward Glynn The Spartan Aluminum Products Incorporated Scholarship The Mary Jane and Joseph Ondr Scholarship The Ellen Lee Scholarship Anniebiet Edem Ekpo The Rodolphe and Coreen Motard Scholarship David Joseph Goodwin The Standard Machine and Manufacturing Company Scholarship Sean Anthony Grahan The Chemical Engineering Departmental Norbert Rilleux Prize The McKee Family Scholarship The Procter and Gamble Scholarship The Ralph Bunche Award for Academic Achievement Daniel Bryan Ellis The Laura and William ]ens Memorial Scholarship Kevin Riebs Enders The Lowy Enterprises Engineering Scholarship James Earl Hasler Deanna Kay Evans The Engineering and Policy Departmental Award of Merit for Technical Communication The Fred H Pillsbury Scholarship The Electrical Engineering Departmental Award for Design Excellence Matthew Joseph Evans The Computer Science Departmental Award for Professional Excellence The Computer Science Departmental Digital Equipment Corporation Outstanding Junior Award The Computer Science Departmental Stewardship Award for a Promising Young Computer Scientist Scott Thomas Haug The Lewis T Hardy Scholarship Francis Louis Fabrizio OMICRON DELTA KAPPA- National Leadership Honor Society for Seniors The Robert Morris Scholarship Richard Laurence Henry Daniel Steven Fanter The Stanley F Jackes Endowed Scholarship The Henry B E Huddle Memorial Scholarship Christian Kimball Hoge Douglas Maurice Faison Ill The Laura and William]ens Memorial Scholarship The Florence W Moe Memorial Scholarship Jason Omar Holcomb Rachel Patricia Favre The] oseph Puleo Memorial Scholarship Lance Martin Finney The Robert C Kane Scholarship Jeffrey E Huffman The Chemical Engineering Departmental Procter and Gamble Senior Scholar Award The Systems Science and Mathematics Departmental SIAM Prize and the Outstanding Designation in the 1997 International Mathematical Contest in Modeling The Systems Science and Mathematics Departmental Professional Achievement Award for the academic years 1996 and 1997 The Alexander S Langsdorf Fellowship The Systems Science and Mathematics Departmental Award for Outstanding Junior The Robert L and Lynda C Cox Scholarship Danyel Aharon Fisher The Lowy Enterprises Engineering Scholarship Cammie J Humke The Dual Degree Engineering Award for Outstanding Senior The Systems Science and Mathematics Departmental Professional Achievement Award Michael Alan Juster The Computer Science Departmental Award for Academic Excellence Kavitha Kanaparthi The William M Graves Scholarship Monica Heeyoung Koo The Computer Science Departmental STS Technologies Award 45 Joseph Kostakis Lisa Ann O'Bryan The Golden Key National Honor Society - National Honor Society for Scholastic Achievement and Excellence for Juniors and Seniors The Allen Barco Memorial Scholarship Ernst Albert Oswald The Meyer and Yetta Klayman Scholarship Stacey Marie Krisher Warwick Michael Ownhouse The William R Benson Memorial Scholarship The John P Wilson and Kathleen Wilson Scholarship Andrew David Lambert The Daniel Broida Memorial Scholarship Amy Elizabeth Lewin The Engineering and Policy Departmental Award of Merit for Technical Communication Gretchen Loeffler The John and Susan Tomich Scholarship David Joseph Lower The Standard Machine and Manufacturing Company Scholarship Steven Joseph Lubak The Elmer W Lueckerath Scholarship Martin Lund The Ralph Liebelt Scholarship The Fred Weber Sr. Memorial Scholarship Binh True Luong The Francis F Ahmann Memorial Scholarship Parag Kumar Mallick The Class of 1983 Scholarship The Golden Key National Honor Society- National Honor Society for Scholastic Achievement and Excellence for Juniors and Seniors Timothy Edward Masa The Jordan Family Scholarship John Jude McGuinness The Class of 1993 Scholarship Dolan Glen McMillan The Elmer W Lueckerath Scholarship Darrin Dean Moore The Chemical Engineering Departmental Stanley I Proctor Award for Service to the Department and the University The Laura and William Jens Memorial Scholarship Rick Raymond Myers The Computer Science Departmental Chairman's Award The Electrical Engineering Departmental David Levy Outstanding Senior Award The Electrical Engineering Departmental Russell R. Pfeiffer Outstanding Junior Award The Computer Science Departmental Ascom Nexion Outstanding Junior Award The Allen Barco Memorial Scholarship Alexandre Pallini The Golden Key National Honor Society- National Honor Society for Scholastic Achievement and Excellence for Juniors and Seniors Aditya Swaroop Pandey The Biological and Engineering Science Program Outstanding Senior Award The Antoinette Francis Dames Award for Productive Scholarship The SEMCOR Endowed Scholarship Hetul Navin Patel The Lowy Enterprises Engineering Scholarship Prateek Dinesh Patel The School of Engineering and Applied Science Dean's Award for Exceptional Academic Achievement The Saint Louis Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Award for Academic Excellence The American Institute of Chemical Engineers Outstanding Sophomore Award The Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship Christopher Albert Pawlak The Lucille N Bodine Memorial Scholarship Sara Jean Peterson DELTA PHI ALPHA- National Honor Society for German PHI BETA KAPPA- Honor Society for Students in the Liberal Arts Kevin Phillips The Stanley and Carol Proctor Scholarship The John J Summersby Memorial Scholarship Jason Lee Price The Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W Lohman Scholarship Bryan Dale Prins The Terry and Evelyn Fuldner Scholarship Jason Edward Purcell The Alexander S Langsdorf Fellowship Ryan Paul Ray The Chemical Engineering Departmental Dual Degree Award The Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W Lohman Scholarship Joshua Connor Roberts Holly Nakatani The Robert J and Arleen L Gibbs Scholarship The Systems Science and Mathematics Departmental Outstanding Senior Award The Harold P Brown Fellowship The Adeline and Erwin Branahl Scholarship Jennifer Lea Rouse Beth Margaret Rudnick The Civil Engineering Departmental Concrete Council Scholarship Aaron Tyler Nelson The Dual Degree Engineering Program Award for Outstanding Senior The Warren M Jolley Scholarship Dale James Sanko The School of Engineering and Applied Science Dean's Award for Exceptional Academic Achievement The American Institute of Chemists Foundation Award The Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship Brett Cameron O'Brien The Class of 1992 Scholarship The Lucy and Stanley Lopata Scholarship The Golden Key National Honor Society- National Honor Society for Scholastic Achievement and Excellence for Juniors and Seniors Anthony Lynn Schroeder The Herman, T and Phenie R Potts Scholarship 46 Jennifer Mae Schwartz Mark Clinton Waggoner The Samuel C and Rose C Brasch Memorial Scholarship The American Institute of Steel Construction/ Fred R. Havens Scholarship The Civil Engineering Departmental Senior Class Award for Academic Excellence The Civil Engineering Departmental Junior Award for Academic Excellence The Civil Engineering Departmental Sophomore Award for Academic Excellence Todd Aaron Seyfert The William R Ryan Scholarship The Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W Lohman Scholarship Am it Arvind Shah The School of Engineering and Applied Science Dean's Award for Exceptional Academic Achievement The Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship William Mayer Shapiro The Computer Science Departmental Sun Microsystems Award Stuti Shekher The McDonnell Douglas Scholarship Brian Gene Shiers The CSC Consulting Scholarship Masaru K Shiratori The Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W Lohman Scholarship Ryan James Smith The Herman T and Phenie R Potts Scholarship Stephen Adam Solovitz The Mechanical Engineering Departmental Erwin C Hoelscher Memorial, ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Outstanding Senior Award The Lischer Fund Scholarship Andrew Jay Srenco The Saint Louis Section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers Award for Academic Excellence The Calvin M Woodward Fellowship Michael Peter Stein The Engineering and Policy Departmental Award for Academic and Professional Achievement The Robert W Otto Scholarship The Palmer Still Memorial Scholarship Miriam Cohen White The Chemical Engineering Departmental Procter and Gamble Senior Scholar Award The Calvin M Woodward Fellowship Richard James Wiederien The McDonnell Douglas Scholarship Michael Scott Wiessner The Electrical Engineering Departmental Distinguished Service Award The Wayne M Parks Scholarship Thomas Clyde Willoughby II The Saint Louis Section of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers Scholarship Benjamin Lee Wirz The Electrical Engineering Departmental Award for Design Excellence The Samuel C and Rose C Brasch Memorial Scholarship Richard Templeton Woodworth The Joe and Betty Serenco Memorial Scholarship Joshua Richard Wyrick The Laura and William Jens Memorial Scholarship The Terry and Jean Franke Scholarship Chia-Wei Young The Lowy Enterprises Engineering Scholarship Woodrow W Zenfelllll The Computer Science Departmental Digital Equipment Corporation Outstanding Junior Award The Antoinette Frances Dames Award for Productive Scholarship The George W F and Martha Russell Myers Scholarship Katsuhiko Tamura The Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W Lohman Scholarship William Roy Taylor The Civil Engineering Departmental Senior Class Award for Academic Excellence The Golden Key National Honor Society- National Honor Society for Scholastic Achievement and Excellence for Juniors and Seniors Susan Elizabeth Thysell The Caldwell Brothers Scholarship Caroline Mary Torba The ESF Scholarship Daniel Byron VanPelt The Walter Land Egan A Siegerist Endowed Scholarship Stewart Mason Verhulst The Civil Engineering Departmental Senior Class Award for Academic Excellence The Saint Louis Section, ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Outstanding Student Award The Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W Lohman Scholarship Steven Edward Vlcan The Computer Science Departmental Ultradata Systems Award The Harrison Eiteljorg Scholarship Awards and Prizes For Academic Year 1996-1997 Final Honors for the Division of Continuing Education Sheila S Altenbernd Yang-Ja Bae Rachel Ann Clark Joseph Anthony DeMaro Mark A Franz Warren Koch MayaN Lerch Susan Carole Mays Marie A Ryan Donald Leslie Schafer Debora Lynn Salisbury John Henry Weygandt Alpha Sigma Lambda (Honor Society for the Division of Continuing Education) Sheila S Altenbernd Yang-Ja Bae Rachel Ann Clark Mark E Ehrmann Joann Towner Everett Mark A Franz 47 Mark Donald Pankoff Christopher E Gillham Kenneth A Hizer MayaN Lerch Susan Carole Mays Marie A Ryan Brett A Sapp Donald Leslie Schafer John Henry Weygandt AIA/Ranft Scholarship Daniel Gerard Shaughnessy American Institute of Architects Certificate of Merit Benjamin Brewster Tucker Gyo Obata Scholarship Benedict John Tranel The Betty Lou Custer Award Yang-Ja Bae Master of Architecture with Honor The Continuing Education Departmental Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement H Christopher L Baumbach Ian Scott Roberts Caine John William Doherty Jessica Guertin Geoffry M Hurst Soledad Lugones Helenia Maria Madrigal Sajja Mayalarp Daniel Jacob Menitoff Mark Donald Pankoff Shannon Joseph Russell Daniel Gerard Shaughnessy Benjamin Brewster Tucker Mark A Franz The Continuing Education Departmental Award for Outstanding Professional Development THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE H Christopher L Baumbach Alpha Rho Chi Medal Diane Berman Hellmouth, Obata and Kassabaum Scholarship Chad Marshall Billings Fitzgibbon Sketch Competition Second Prize Winner lan Scott Roberts Caine THE JOHN M. OLIN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS American Institute of Architects Medal Jeffrey P. Rodman Memorial Scholarship Yelena A Ageyeva International Business Student Award John William Doherty Frederick Widmann Prize in Architecture Constantine E. Michaelsides Scholarship Jessica Bailey Patrick M Donaldson Amy Irene Blumhof Dean's Special Service Award Japan Weekend Sketch Problem Third Place Winner Joseph W. Towle Prize Nathan Andrew Elliott Aaron Louis Boehm Honorable Mention-Outstanding Student Athlete Award Fitzgibbon Scholarship Geoffrey Earl Ellis Tamara Lynn Fuchs Hubert C. "Hub" Moog Prize Loren Sage Memorial Scholarship Gregory Michael Good Daniel Barry Gisslen Fitzgibbon Sketch Competition First Prize Winner Robert L. Johnston Scholarship Milford Bohm Prize in Marketing Jessica Guertin Powell Niland Prize Steve Edward Hankey Edward Hubbard Pelton Scholarship David Benjamin Hayden Peter P Heinbecker Powell Niland Prize The William A. Bernoudy Scholarship Hollis A Huels Emily Ilene Howard David L. Tandy Award in Business Ethics Edward Hubbard Pelton Scholarship Chad Allen Jackson Geoffry M Hurst Outstanding Student Athlete Award Joseph R. Passonneau Scholarship Judith M Johnson Rick W Keisker Joseph W. Towles Prize AlA Scholarship James John Kragenbring Soledad Lugones Financial Executives Institute Award AIA/Ranft Scholarship Sarah Elizabeth Loveall Helenia Maria Madrigal Hiram and Mary Neuwoehner Prize William Rumsey Barnes Scholarship Christopher M Nalley Daniel Jacob Menitoff Honorable Mention-Outstanding Student Athlete Award American Institute of Architects Certificate of Merit William B.K. and Helen Watkins Memorial Scholarship Adam Jeffrey Pressman Junko Nakagawa Timothy Mark Probst Faculty Award Arthur M. Seltzer Accounting Award Undergraduate Marketing Award Delta Sigma Pi Scholarship Key Kay Roh Memorial Award Timothy Edward Palermo AlA Scholarship 48 = Carlos Luis Sanchez Andrew Piers Crispin Chapple Thomas Andrew Coogan Scott Anthony Dalton Elvis Roger Doll II Gary Alan Fitzmire Ronald Hardy Gabbard Timothy J Gallagher Michael John Grzesiowski Steve Edward Hankey Lillian Hsu Hollis A Huels Johnny Alan Jennings Marc Alan Johnson Christopher Young Kauffman Shari K Kern Dawn L Kotva Raul Jose Larrea Daihyun Lee Gregory Donald Maday Stephanie J Mankus Elizabeth Clare Martin David Michael Mattingly Steven Charles Mentzer Maria Ludovina Miller Michael Patrick Mulcahy Shannon Lee Nome James Joseph Pfeiffer Eric Jordan Riutort Lynne Marie Sanick Mark Lawrence Silen Irl Andrew Solomon Bryant Keith Wales Joel Scott Weston Sheryl Lyn Wilhite Brandt Gregory Wilson Man Yuan Dean's Special Service Award Loeb Prize in Leadership Sara Catherine Scheffler Honorable Mention-Outstanding Student Athlete Award Jennifer Ingrid Schmidt International Business Student Award Boris Gregory Shurslep Wall Street Journal Award Emmy Maria Sjogren Outstanding Student Athlete Award Christine Marie Sur Kay Roh Memorial Award Man Yuan John Wayne Latchum Memorial Award Honors in Management Prabhu Manivel Arumugam Christopher David Bloise Amy Irene Blumhof Gennye Hanover Feldman Christine Yvonne Fisher James John Kragenbring Christopher Scott Kuefler Francoise Ly Theodore David Maidenberg Karima Geraldine Maloney Adam Jeffrey Pressman Danielle Noel Primm Timothy Mark Probst Carlos Luis Sanchez Nathan John Schulte Edward Adam Schwartz Kerry Lynn Soffar Jacqueline Sue Vernick Evangeline Wu Beta Gamma Sigma Initiates (BSBA) Christopher David Blaise* Amy Irene Blumhof* Gennye Hanover Feldman* Robert Issac Gorovitz Vickey Sze-Kei Koo James John Kragenbring* Christopher Scott Kuefler* Robert Persaud* Adam Jeffrey Pressman* Timothy Mark Probst* Fazelina Sahul Hamid* Carlos Luis Sanchez Edward Adam Schwartz Boris Gregory Shurslep* Kerry Lynn Soffar* Hidenori Suzuki Jeffrey Franklin Winnick Evangeline Wu* *initiated as juniors (MBA) Ersin Albayrak Joseph Blechl Richard Ellis Boalbey William Thomas Brooker Todd Michael Burski THE SCHOOL OF ART Laura Jean AI port Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Aw:::~rd in Core Morris M. Horwitz Photography Prize Sara Anne Butorac Chas Harmon Memorial Prize Dana Michelle Carter Edmund Henry Wuerpel Award in Printmaking Claire Marie Cowie Edmund Henry Wuerpel Award in Printmaking Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Award in Core Elizabeth Lindhart Fleming Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Award in Core Brandt Tsuruo Fuse Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Award in Illustration Angelique lone Gray Kellwood Foundation Award in Fashion Design Myra B Greene Morris M. Horwitz Photography Prize Amy Beth Hurwitz Tanasko Milovich Award in Painting Michelle Faith Komie Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Award in Core 49 Harrison Reinhard Marshall Jami C Curley Eda L. and Clarence C. Cushing Memorial Prize in Painting Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Award in Core Hubert H. Humphrey Scholarship Roger Bradley McCombs Bertha Reynolds Scholarship Carol Martha Davis Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Award in Sculpture Jodi de Ia Pena Heather Elizabeth McEvilly Jane Addams Scholarship Anne Fuller Dillon Prize in Graphic Communications Rochelle Yvette DeClue Janice Anne Natchek Bettie Schroth Johnson Scholarship in Social Service Management Jayne Ball Rousseau Memorial Prize Christine Marie Roettger Melinda Gail Dunbar Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Award in Core Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet Scholarship Michael Harlan Schwarz Muna Salah EI-Shakhs Kellwood Foundation Award in Fashion Design Ralph and Muriel Pumphrey Fellowship Adina Beth Segal Sherri Ann Burnett Elder Herb Weitman Prize in Photography Bertha Reynolds Scholarship Nicole Louise Selmar Jessica Myers Forsyth Marsha Hertzman Blasingame Award in Printmaking Bettie Schroth Johnson Scholarship in Social Service Management Jaime Erin Sherman Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Award in Advertising Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Award in Core Union Electric Scholarship Rebecca Anne Siemering Mary Schulte Scholarship Helen Faibish Memorial Award in Sculpture Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Award in Core Nelson Mandela Scholarship Douglas Andrew Foster Nadia Rosalia Gemmellaro Rosio Guadalupe Gonzalez Stefanie Robyn Silver Kristin Elizabeth Hajny Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Award in Advertising George Wiley Scholarship James Edward Hinterlong Lauren Rebecca Weinstein Harry Hopkins Scholarship Hazel H. Huntsinger Memorial Prize in Painting Elizabeth Hisle-Garman Holly Corinne Wolf Lillian Wald Scholarship Julia Mary and Charlotte Elizabeth Secor Award in Core Siroky Prize in Ceramics James A Holland Stephanie Melissa Wolfus Arlene Janis Booker T. Washington Scholarship Jose R Jasso, Jr. Hubert H. Humphrey Scholarship The Southern Prize-Core Division GEORGE WARREN BROWN SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Jennifer Anne Abeloff AmyL. VanHoozer Scholarship Julie Alison Jones Bettie Schroth Johnson Scholarship in Social Service Management Frederick Douglass Scholarship Merrily S Archer Margaret Ellen Kubek Roger Baldwin Scholarship Saul Alinsky Scholarship Alfreda Cash Bady Melissa Kay LaBarte Sojourner Truth Scholarship Society for Social Work Administrators in Health Care Scholarship Kendra Eve Bair Myrtle Blanck Larson Memorial Scholarship in Health Care Suzanne Landis Anita Balgopal JCCA Scholarship Paul Underwood Kellogg Scholarship Kathryn Marie Lane Treena Marzella Bell The Stanley and Janet Harris Community Enrichment Foundation Scholarship Harriet Tubman Scholarship Pamela Rebecca Lawless Julie Lynn Bergsma A. Phillip Randolph Scholarship Becky Lee Brandsberg Union Electric Scholarship Lester B. Granger Scholarship Sun Yat Sen Scholarship Deborah Elaine Busler Theresa Ann Malone Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Ralph and Muriel Pumphrey Scholarship Kit-Shan Leung Kiarma Kushatta Cheatom Ingrid McCarty Whitney M. Young, Jr. Scholarship Lillian Wald Scholarship Sean P Cronin A'sia Malinda McNeal W.E.B. DuBois Scholarship Delmar and Helen Templeton Scholarship 50 Shirlee Fink Kahn Award for Volunteer Service to the St. Louis Community Lisa Mecham Aya Okumura Union Electric Scholarship Dr. Clara Louis Meyers Outstanding Practicum Awards Lia M Newer Deanna Marie Bartee Denise Belue Brenda Lee Casey Deborah Rose Mueller Rae Ann Steinly R Leon Threat Citizen's Advisory Committee Scholarship Kevin Patrick O'Connell Wayne Vasey Scholarship Wade Stanton Outlaw Myrtle Blanck Larson Memorial Scholarship in Health Care Jane K Petrie Mary Richmond Scholarship THE SCHOOL OF LAW Seth Andrew Albin Wendy Cubbage Post Union Electric Scholarship Donna J Presley Jack Garden Humanitarian Award Merrily S Archer Michael Harrington Scholarship The Order of the Barristers Stephanie Joyce Reed Karl Richard Barnickel IV JCCA Trustees Scholarship The Order of the Coif Okpara Rice Robert P Berry E. Franklin Frazier Scholarship The Order of the Coif Angela Roccograndi Cardelle Bratton Dean's Scholarship National Association of Women Lawyers Outstanding Law Graduate Award Lisa Marie Signorelli Faculty Scholarship James Erik Breitenbucher Anita Marie Sirevaag The Order of the Coif Union Electric Scholarship Danelle Carter-Duffy Jennifer Anne Sledge The Order of the Barristers Morris Wortman Scholarship Kevin L Cooney Rae Ann Steinly Scribes Union Electric Scholarship Jacqueline K Cuncannan Christina Sullivan The Order of the Coif Judge Amandus Brackman Moot Court Prize Helen Keller Fellowship Cassie Allyson Temple William Frederick Dietz Kathryn M. Buder Scholarship The Order of the Coif American Bar Association Section of Urban, State, and Local Government Law Prize, State and Local Government R Leon Threat Nelson Mandela Scholarship Sandra Anne Tingle Julia A. Lathrop Scholarship William A Drennan Gary I. Boren Memorial Award Leslie Catherine Tobias Dorothea Dix Scholarship Virginia Dukes Tolany Deryl Lee Earsom Mary E. Switzer Scholarship The Order of the Coif Eliza S Vanderstar Rouman Ebrahim Helen Keller Fellowship Pro Bono Law Association Public Service Award-Bronze Medalist Barbara Waite-Wright Union Electric Scholarship Michael Adam Ellenhorn Carolyn Peri Weiss Milton F. Napier Trial Award William M. Pomerantz Trial Prize Mr. and Mrs. Spencer T. Olin Fellowship Lisa Michele Golzar Erika Yvonne Wilson Bettie Schroth Johnson Scholarship for Women in Management Judge Amandus Brackman Moot Court Prize Oi Kau Wong The Order of the Coif Marion W. Weir Scholarship CazHashemi Traci Lynn Yarbrough International Academy of Trial Lawyers Award Matthew Carlton Hammond Mary Richmond Scholarship Edward I Herman Melody Wen Zhang Milton F. Napier Trial Award William M. Pomerantz Trial Prize W.E.B. DuBois Scholarship Robert Scott Hunt Cheryl Anne Zopp American Bar Association Section of Urban, State and Local Government Law Prize, Land Use Law Julia Lathrop Scholarship 51 Shawna Marie Jahn Carolyn Peri Weiss The Order of the Coif International Academy of Trial Lawyers Award The Order of the Coif Breckenridge Scholarship Prize, First Prize The Order of the Barristers Richard Kenneth Johnson The Order of the Barristers Richard C Witzel David Shane Jones Alumni Association Prize The Order of the Coif Breckenridge Scholarship Prize, Second Prize Charles Wendell Carnahan Award The Order of the Coif Fiona Andrea Joseph The Order of the Barristers Lucy Alexandria Yang Michael W Kazan The Order of the Barristers The Order of the Coif Amy Marie Kramer HEALTH ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM Philip Gallop Award John P Krimmel HIGH HONORS The Order of the Coif Erica Lynn Hall Jacqueline Marie Kutnik HONORS Pro Bono Law Association Public Service AwardSilver Medalist William M. Pomerantz Trial Prize Leslie Karynne Brunner Zachary R Chandler Robert Gregory Malkin Deborah Lynn Patterson Ronald Allan Amio Lapid Judge Myron D. Mills Administrative Law Award Minjoo Lee Judge Samuel M. Breckrenridge Practice Court Prize THE PROGRAM IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Steven M Lubar HIGH HONORS Dan Carter-Earl Tedrow Memorial Award Stacy Lynn Dirnberger Thomas J Koesterer Rachel Ann Poelking Kimberly Reutzel Sandra Buesking Rudel Heather Eileen Mcintyre The Order of the Coif Charles Trobman Memorial Award Family Law Award Patrick Hurley Myers HONORS The Order of the Coif Tracey Anne Biermann Dana Elizabeth Druhe Emily Nicole Durbin Rosanna Grace Harmon Damon Andrew Neagle The Order of the Barristers George F Parker Mary Collier Hitchcock Prize Steven G Rawlings Judge John W. Calhoun Trial Practice Award David N Royster Jackie Houtz Pamela Sue Knapp Angela Suarez Serig Veronica Carol Thessing The Order of the Coif Charles Wendell Carnahan Award F. Hodge O 'Neal Corporate Law Prize THE PROGRAM IN PHYSICAL THERAPY Joel Benjamin Samson Director's Award for Overall Achievement Stacey Augusta Burkhardt The Order of the Coif Rekha Ramanathan Sheila Brigid Scheuerman Beatrice Schulz Award for Clinical Experience The Order of the Coif Barbara L Shiplett Philip Adam Senturia Steven J. Rose Research Award Christophine G. Mutharika International Law Prize John Simmons THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE The Order of the Barristers Ari S Brunschwig Timothy G Stueve Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate The Order of the Coif Iris Tanchi Chan Ellen L Szymanski Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate The Order of the Barristers Susan F Cohan Shawn M Van Asdale Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate The Order of the Coif Howard Colman Bradley Paul Van Zee Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate Irwin Levy Prize in Neurology and Neurological Surgery Merck Manual Award Pro Bono Law Association Public Service Award-Gold Medalist 52 Steven Jason Lawrence Marleen Annette Maria Cousins Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate Endocrine Society Medical Student Achievement Award Karen Marie Dahl Charles Kyung Chul Lee Academic Women's Network Leadership Award The Alexander Berg Prize Jacques J . Bronfenbrenner Award Wynder Prize in Preventive Medicine Louis and Dorothy Kovitz Award in Surgery Griffith Liang Robert Carter Medical School Prize Julie Ann Mai Bruce Jonathan Darrow Samuel D. Soule Award in Obstetrics and Gynecology Washington University Internal Medicine Club Research Award Tracie Ann Martin Family Health Foundation of Missouri Award Jennifer Lynn Delamielleure Sharon Gail Meltzer Elisabeth L. Demonchaux Prize in Pediatrics Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate American Medical Women's Association Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Achievement Citation Samson F. Wennerman Prize in Surgery Kathleen Marie Mooney Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate Jennifer Ann Delaney Peter Frosio Nichol The Alexander Berg Prize Jacques J. Bronfenbrenner Award Wynder Prize in Preventive Medicine The Needleman Award Adam Christopher Eaton Jennifer Lanier Payne Meral Omurtag Alfred Goldman Book Prize in Diseases of the Chest Robert Carter Medical School Prize Dr. RichardS. Brookings Medical School Prize Cristina Ferrone Jessie L. Ternberg Prize Rachel Anne Frank Joshua Avram Socolow Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate American Medical Women's Association Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Award Dr. John Esben Kirk Award Medical Fund Society Prize in Medicine Edward Massie Prize for Excellence in Cardiology Jennifer Sue Temel Julie Robin Fuchs Dr. Harvey Butcher Prize in Surgery Fiona Elizabeth Gallahue Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Excellence in Emergency Medicine Award Jennifer Elise Thomure Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate American Medical Women's Association Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Achievement Citation Merck Manual Award Hugh M. Wilson Award in Radiology Gregory Harron Gorman St. Louis Pediatric Society Prize Travis Wade Hanson Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate Lange Medical Publication Book Award Anjala Vaishampayan Adrienne Kathryn Harper Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate American College of Physicians Kenneth M. Ludmerer Book Award Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate Dr. Philip Rosenblatt Award Karen Manheimer Hart Charles Todd Vedder Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate American Medical Women's Association Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Achievement Citation Missouri State Medical Association Award Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate Alpha Omega Alpha Book Prize Amy Lauren Weed Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate American Medical Women's Association Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Achievement Citation George F. Gill Prize in Pediatrics Missouri State Medical Association Award Michelle L Hermiston Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate American Medical Women's Association Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Achievement Citation Missouri State Medical Association Award Theodore Martin Willmore R. R. Hannas Award for Excellence in Emergency Medicine Susan Helen Yang Michele Lili Jones Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate American Medical Women's Association Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Achievement Citation Merck Manual Award Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate American Medical Women's Association Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Achievement Citation Dr. William Ellis Award Max and Evelyn Grand Prize Louis Kuchnir James Henry Yalem Prize in Dermatology Dana Ann Kumar I. Wallace Leibner Award Paul Matthew Lamberti Alpha Omega Alpha Initiate Medical Fund Society Prize in Surgery 53 COMMISSIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Tbefollowing candidates will be commissioned by Lieutenant Colonel Harold]. Burns,]r., United States Army, Chair, MilitaryScienceDepartment/Battalion Commander. Issued by the Secretary of the Army Second Lieutenant, United States Army Aaron Anthony DiStefano Matthew Thomas Peckham McKinley Rainey Stephanie Patrice Wilson Jennifer Yuenger Tbe following candidates will be commissioned by Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Boot, United States Air Force, AFROTC Detachment207Commander. United States Air Force Issued by the Secretary of the Air Force Second Lieutenant, Air Force Reserve Ming Chang Lo 54 SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Jaime Erin Sherman - President School of Art Atlanta, Georgia Majoring in Advertising Design with a Minor in Business Speaker of the Student Union Senate and Co-Chair of the Fine Arts Council Brian Gregory Lerner - Internal Vice President John M. Olin School of Business San Bernardino, California Majoring in Marketing Resident Advisor and Student Union Senator Daniel Aaron Hirselj- External Vice President College of Arts and Sciences Centerville, Ohio Majoring in Biology and Psychology with a Minor in Economics Member of Men's Soccer Team and Public Relations Co-Chair for Thurtene Honorary 1996 Adam Jeffrey Pressman - Treasurer John M. Olin School of Business Franklin, Tennessee Majoring in Finance and Marketing Member of Men's Soccer Team and Treasurer for Thurtene Honorary 1996 Anne Renee Baecker - Secretary John M. Olin School of Business Momoe City, Missouri Majoring in Management and Marketing with a Minor in Spanish Membership Chair of Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority and a Member of Chimes Junior Honorary 55 CoMMENCEMENT RECEPTIONS The Following Programs Begin Immediately Following The Commencement Exercises The College ofArts and Sciences Diploma Distribution and Reception Sally E. Strain Courtyard Rain Location-Olin Women's Building Dance Studio University College Diploma Distribution and Reception Olin Women's Building Lounge The Graduate School ofArts and Sciences Hooding and Recognition Ceremony-Edison Theatre Reception Immediately FollowingGallery and Gargoyle in Mallinckrodt, Lower Level TheSchoolofEngineeringandAppliedScience Diploma Distribution-Lopata Hall Room 324 Reception-Lopata Gallery and Lopata Plaza Between Jolley Hall and Cupples II The School ofArchitecture Diploma Ceremony-Front Lawn, Givens Hall Rain Location-Steinberg Hall Auditorium Reception Immediately Following-Givens Hall ThejohnM. OlinSchoolofBusiness Diploma Ceremony-Field House, Athletic Complex Reception Immediately Following] ohn E. Simon Hall The School ofArt Diploma Distribution and Reception Steinberg Hall Terrace Rain Location-Steinberg Gallery of Art The George WarrenBrownSchoolofSocialWork Diploma Ceremony-Graham Chapel Reception Immediately FollowingEast Lawn of Brown Hall Rain Location-Brown Lounge The Program in Occupational Therapy Reception-Holmes Lounge Diploma Ceremony Immediately FollowingGraham Chapel TheFoUowingProgramsBeginAtNoon The Health Administration Program Diploma Ceremony-Carl V. Moore Auditorium Reception Immediately FollowingM. Kenton King Faculty Center, The Bernard Becker Medical Library The Following Programs Begin at 12:15 p.m. The School of Law Diploma Ceremony-Brookings Quadrangle Rain Location-Field House, Athletic Complex Reception Immediately FollowingAnheuser-Busch Hall The Following Programs Begin at 3:00p.m. The School of Medicine The Senior Program will be held in the lecture hall of the America's Center, St. Louis 56 ,- COMMENCEMENT SEATING CHART N + Cupples I Faculty Beaumont Pavilion Banners Banners ...... • • • • • • Orchestra Guest Seating ~ ~ t ~ ~t ~ Q) bn '1::) ~ t Student Marshals Medicine Medicine Social Work Social Work Art Art. Business Business Business Business Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering Engineering t t t t tt Student Marshals Law Law Law Architecture Grad. Arts & Sciences Grad. Arts & Sciences Grad. Arts & Sciences University College Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences t Guest Seating t t~ ~ t ~ t Guest Seating ~ Guest Seating Guest Seating Guest Seating Line of Procession _. _. Busch 57 A B c D G E H J K L M Hilltop Campus Buildings 2 1. AC11dcmy Building (14) 2. Alphll Epsilon Pi, fuuernity (F-2) 3. Alumni !louse (D6) 4. Anheusci'-Busch lhU (G-3) S. . Athletic Complex (1).2) 6 . Bacr Memorial <F·l) 7. Beitumont Residence Hall (B·S) 8. Beaumont PaviHon CJ· 7) 9- Bixby Hall (K-10) 10. BlcwcnH2U(}H)) II . Brookings Hall 0 -7) 12. Brown H2U (HI) 13. Bryan Hall (I-5) 14. Busch H2U (I-7) 15. Busch Laboratory (G-6) !6. Campus Police Headquarters (F-1) 17. campus Post Office (I-4) 18. carpenter Shop (B-4) 19. catholic Studenr Center (H-8) 20. Compton Hall (J-6) 21 . Crow Hall 0-6) 22. Cupples I Hall 0-6) 23. Cupples ll Ha ll (l·S) 24. Cyclotron (1·5) 2S. Dauten Residence Hall (8-5) 26. Duncker Ha\1 (1-6) 27. Eads H2U (1-6) 28. Eliot Hall (G-3) 29. Eliot Residence Hall (8-4) 30. Francis Gymnasium (D-2) 31. Gaylord Music Ubrary (}H)) 32. Givens Hall (J-9) 33 . Alvin Goldfarb lhU (1·8) [Under Construction] 34 . Jeanerte Gokl1iorb Plant Growth Fadllty(G-6) 35 . GrAham Chllpcl (G·S) 36. Hlllcl Center(J-9) 37. Herbert E Hltzeman,Jr. Residence Hali"(C7) 38. Housing Office (C-6) 39. Frank E. Hurd Residence HaU (8-7) 40. January Hall (1-7) 41. H2rold D.Jollcy Hall 0 -5) 42. Kltppa Sigma, Frnteinlty (E·2) 43. Koenig Residence Hall (D-7) 44. Lee Residence Hall (8-5) 45. llfe Sciences Building (G-6) 46. Liggett Residence Hall (D-6) 47. Lnpata Hall (J-6) 48. Louder= Hall (1-5) 49. lutheran campus Center (G-2) SO. Mallinckrodt Student Center ond Edison Theatre and Compus Bookstore (G-6) 5 I . McCarthy House (E,6) 52. James S. McDonnell Hall (H-7) 53. McMillan Hall (H-4) 54. McMillen Labomtory (1-S) SS. Chester Myers Residence Hall (8-7) 56. Millbrook Bullding (H-3) 57. Monsanto Laboratory (H-6) 58. Mudd Law Building (G-3) 59. Music Classrooms (E-5) 60. Nursery School (G-2) 61 . Olin Ubrary (B·S) 62. Hclen Ette Park House (A-6) 63. Parking Fadlity, Millbrook (B-3) 64. Parking Facility. South 40 (C-7) 6S. Phi Dele. Thee., Fmternlty (8-2) 66. Physical Facilities Ofllce/Power Plont (J-S) 67. Prince Hall (F·5) 68., Psychology Building (tl-7) 69. jladiochemistry Building (1-5) 70. Rebstock Hall (H-<i) 71. Ridgley Hall and Hoboes Lounge (1·7) 72. Rubelmann Residence !loll (C6) 73. Rutledge Residence Hall (8-S) 7 4. Sever Institute ofTeclu>ology (1-6) 75. Shanedling Residence Hall (8-5) 76. Shcpky Residence Hall (C5) 77. Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Fraternlty (E-2) 78. Sigma Alpha Mu, Fraternity (F-3) 79. Sigma Chi. Fraternity (F-2) 80. Sigma Nu, Fraternity (F-2) 81 . Sigma Phi Epsilon. Fraternlty (F-2) 82 . Simon Hall (F-4) 83 . Steinberg lhU and Gallery of Art (J-9) 84. Stix International House (F-6) 85. Theta XI, Fraternity (F-2) 86. Tletjens HaU CE·S) 87. Umrath Residence Hall (G-6) 88. Umrath Hall (G-5) 89. University House (G-7) 90. Urbauer Hall (J-6) 91 . Whittemore House (F-7) 92. Wlisoc Hall (B-7) 93. Wohl Student Center (C-6) 94. An n WOlin Women's Building (H·S) 95 . Wydown East Residence Hall (B·7) 200.Le<yis Center (725 Kingsland, University Cty) (1-2) ~ ~ _300 . Washington Hall (A-8) ~400 . WcstCampus(A· I) ~ :0 r-0 3 0 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 2 Washington University Hilltop Campus A B c D E F G H J L M ALMA MATER Dear Alma Mater, Thy name is sweet to me. Our hearts are all for thee Fair Washington. Thy halls shall honored be Throughout this great country For all eternity, Our Washington. Those days of youth which All of us spent with thee Form a dear history, Fair Washington. Could they renewed be, We'd live our days with thee For all eternity, Our Washington. 59 MEMORIES 60 bing!Q ~\V z: ~was~~n WASHI1\1GTON ·UNIVERSITY ·IN· Sf ·lDUIS
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