2013 OCAPLTA MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY Cover photo provided by Kelley Newkirk-Konarik 1 OCAPLTA P.O. BOX 54888 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73154 TABLE OF CONTENTS OFFICERS & DIRECTORS 3 COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS 4 PAST PRESIDENTS 5 CPLTA MEMBERS 6 MEMBER INDEX BY FIRST NAME 8 MEMBER INDEX BY COMPANY 38 This Membership Directory is intended for the individual and business related use by members of the Association, and is not to be employed or reproduced for other purposes unless written permission for each specific use is obtained in advance. 2 2013 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Amy Hopmann, CPLTA Chesapeake Energy Corp. (405) 935-6232 amy.hopmann@chk.com 1ST VICE-PRESIDENT Maggie Savoie Chesapeake Energy Corp. (405) 935-1621 Maggie.savoie@chk.com 2nd VICE-PRESIDENT Liz Bicoy CPLTA Chesapeake Energy Corp. (405) 935-8147 liz.bicoy@chk.com RECORDING SECRETARY Tiffanie Karber Chesapeake Energy Corp.. (405) 935-2637 tiffanie.karber@chk.com CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Kelley Newkirk-Konarik, CPLTA Devon Energy Corp. (405) 228-8662 kelley.konarik@dvn.com TREASURER Cartia Galbreath T.S. Dudley (405) 507-2250 cartia.galbreath@tsdudley.com DIRECTOR Linda Soper Independent (405) 761-5259 Linda.soper@hotmail.com DIRECTOR Sandy Goins Chesapeake Energy Corp. (405) 935-7571 sandy.goins@chk.com DIRECTOR Debra McClellan, CPLTA Mustang Fuel Corp (405) 748-9277 debra.mcclellan@mustangfuel.com BOARD ADVISOR Menecca McHone, CPLTA Continental Resources (405) 234-9611 menecca.mchone@clr.com NALTA LIAISON Mandy Cookson, CPLTA Chesapeake Energy Corp. (405) 935-9408 Mandy.cookson@chk.com OCAPLTA CERTIFICATION LIAISON Lisa Ballard, CPLTA Chesapeake Energy Corp. (405) 935-1484 lisa.ballard@chk.com 3 2013 COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS HOSPITALITY CHAIRPERSON Nicole Darr Sandridge Energy Corp. (405) 429-6113 SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRPERSON Nicole Darr Sandridge Energy Corp. (405) 429-6113 Candace Marestein Devon Energy Co. (405) 228-7793 FUNDRAISING CHAIRPERSON Sandy Goins Chesapeake Energy Corp. (405) 935-4417 AUDIT COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON Tami Caldwell, CPLTA SandRidge Energy Corp. (405) 429-5787 2013 OCAPLTA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4 OCAPLTA PAST PRESIDENTS 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 Amy Hopmann Menecca McHone Menecca McHone Lynn McGuire Lynn McGuire Kelly Robertson Janice Modisette Valarie Hunt Valarie Hunt JoAnn Kerran Linda Soper Arlene Shuman Arlene Shuman Janet Hughes Keith Reese Keith Reese Ethel Long Wayne Barbour Wayne Barbour Terry Bryant Linda Soper Sandra Alvarado Gwen Fisher Sandra Doremus David Nelson D. Kyle Cole Germaine Johnston Connie Robles 5 2013 CPLTA MEMBERS Last Name First Name Barbour Soper Epperson Kerran Peters Beesley Lumen McDonald Long Doty Shedden Cole McKenzie Luttrell Caldwell Hopmann Ballard Dart Jameson Wilson Lee Caldwell Duane Rose McGuire Cook Freeman McClellan Carson Newkirk Konarik Boddy Pettit Watson Bristow DeVries Galbreath Marestein Stavros Stokes Jech Morris McHone J. Wayne Linda S. Judy K. Jo Ann Aida A. Francy Sarah L. Annette E. Ethel L . Kim Stephanie Kyle Carol S. Sharon Sara Amy R. Lisa M. Beverly D. Debra Cheryl Jill Tami Amanda L. Jennifer Pamela Gloria Leslie A. Debra L. Kathleen Kelley Shireen Lori Vickye Terri M. Amber Cartia Marie Candace Donna Linda Shelly Courtney Menecca CPLTA Number 17 47 85 175 177 179 189 194 201 202 241 248 257 258 284 327 328 329 347 362 363 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 384 385 386 396 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 6 Meixner Webb Sampson Bogle Houle Manzo Shead Wolanski Adkins Hughes Dewart Even Kepler Coble Keith Bayless Billingsley Davis Hoch Williams Welch Davis Reese Ramer Lybarger Karber Schneider Betty Kris Beverly Mary Brian Nancy Linda Ivan Jenny Mary Beth Conna Sheila Reece Carolyn Shamara Heather Pam Scott Sally Lauren Brandon Gayl Cheryl Tammy Danielle Tiffanie Lisa 413 414 424 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 471 472 473 478 518 519 520 521 522 523 526 527 528 529 7 MEMBER LISTING BY FIRST NAME Aaron McLean Senior Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-1491 Email: aaron.mclean@chk.com Alwin Tapley Lease Analyst 1 Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102-6406 Work: 405-429-6144 Email: atapley@sandridgeenergy.com Aida Peters CPLTA Lease Records Advisior Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-4619 Email: aida.peters@dvn.com Amanda Carroll Land Technician Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-6846 Email: amanda.carroll@chk.com Alex Kee Land Technician Canaan Resources, LLC 211 N. Robinson, Ste 1000 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-604-9229 Email: alex.kee@canaangas.com Amanda Elam Sr. Lease & Title Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-9354 Email: amanda.elam@chk.com Alicia Carey Sr. Land Tech Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-8428 Email: alicia.carey@chk.com Amanda Proctor Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-943-4379 Email: amanda.proctor@chk.com Allen Knippers Sr. Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4064 Email: allen.knippers@chk.com Amber DeVries CPLTA Lease Records Manager RKI Exploration & Production, LLC 210 Park Avenue, Suite 900 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-996-5742 Email: adevries@rkixp.com Allison Daniel Lease Records Analyst T.S. Dudley Land Company, Inc 5925 N. Robinson Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-507-2252 Email: allisondaniel@tsdudley.com Amber Eichler Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-3613 Email: amber.eichler@dvn.com 8 Amber Thomas Coordinator - payments Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18466 OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-9353 Email: amber.thomas@chk.com Andrea Pernell Land Assistant Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 Western Ave OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-2509 Email: andrea.pernell@chk.com Amy Harris Land Technician Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-3639 Email: amy.harris@chk.com Andrea Slavik Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102-5015 Work: 405-552-3647 Email: andi.slavik@dvn.com Amy Hopmann CPLTA Supervisor - Land Records Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-6232 Email: amy.hopmann@chk.com Angela Bradley Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8276 Email: angela.bradley@dvn.com Amy Murray Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102-8260 Work: 405-301-4633 Email: amy.murray@dvn.com Angela Kyger Lease Analyst I Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3817 NW Expressway OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-3298 Email: angela.kyger@chk.com Amy Rolland Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-1646 Email: amy.rolland@chk.com Angie Yingling Land Analyst Arnold Oil Properties 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 125 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-842-1488 Email: ayingling@arnoldoil.net Amy Whitacre Lease Analyst II Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-6465 Email: awhitacre@sandridgeenergy.com Anne Corbet Land Associate Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-8131 Email: anne.corbet@dvn.com 9 Annie Southard Land Tech 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-6481 Email: annie.southard@chk.com B.V. "Jenny" Adkins CPLTA Lease Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-7842 Email: jennya8@cox.net Armon Radfar Lease Records Associate Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-5014 Email: armon.radfar@dvn.com Barbara Meekins Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102-5015 Work: 405-228-8372 Email: barbara.meekins@dvn.com Ashley Hyde Lease Analyst I Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-1744 Email: ashley.hyde@chk.com Becky Rodgers Lease Analyst III/Training Specialist Chesapeake Energy Corp. 701 N.W. 63rd OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-1701 Email: becky.rodgers@chk.com Ashley Sheffield Lease Technician Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-3412 Email: ashley.sheffield@chk.com Benjamin Scott Lease Records Admin Asst. Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2327 Email: bscott@linnenergy.com Ashton Schoaps Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 701 N.W. 63rd OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-8275 Email: ashton.schoaps@chk.com Beth Connel Lease Records Analyst Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4597 Email: beth.connel@chaparralenergy.com Audrey Kinzie Lease Analyst T. S. Dudley Land Company, Inc. 5925 North Robinson Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-507-2259 Email: audreykinzie@tsdudley.com Betty Meixner CPLTA Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-4746 Email: betty.meixner@dvn.com 10 Beverly Bryson Land Administrator Khody Land & Minerals LLC 210 Park Avenue, Suite 900 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-987-2157 Email: bbryson@rkixp.com Brittany Real Lease Technician Chesapeake Energy Corp. PO BOX 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-3054 Email: brittany.real@chk.com Billy Alven Lease Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-3631 Email: billy.alven@chk.com Bryant Shockley Lease Technician Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3817 NW Expressway OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-1278 Email: bryant.shockley@chk.com Brandon Welch CPLTA Lease Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4281 Email: brandon.welch@chk.com Bryce Biggs Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8410 Email: bryce.biggs@dvn.com Brant Regan Hankins Jr. Land Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-1618 Email: regan.hankins@chk.com Candace Marestein CPLTA Land Tech 2 Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-7793 Email: candace.marestein@dvn.com Brenda Stremble Manager Land Administration Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-760-9851 Email: stremble.brenda@gmail.com Candice Jackson Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3817 N.W. Expressway, #3096 OKC, OK 73116 Work: 405-613-4764 Email: kncjackson@gmail.com Brian Wilson Data Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-6486 Email: bc.wilson@chk.com Carol Watkins Senior Land Technician Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-2748 Email: carol.watkins@chk.com 11 Carolyn Coble CPLTA Sr. Supervisor Land Admin Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-793-8207 Email: coblecarolyn@gmail.com Chelsey James Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-3656 Email: chelsey.james@dvn.com Cartia Galbreath CPLTA Lease Records Manager T.S. Dudley Land Company, Inc 5925 N. Robinson Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-507-2250 Email: cartiagalbreath@tsdudley.com Cheryl Reese CPLTA Lease Analyst Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4085 Email: cheryl.reese@chaparralenergy.com Casey Holder Land Tech III Continental Resources, Inc 20 N Broadway OKC, OK 73124 Work: 405-234-9199 Email: casey.holder@clr.com Cheryl Wilson CPLTA Senior Lease Analyst Range Resources Corp 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 350 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-810-7385 Email: cwilson@rangeresources.com Casey Teachman Data Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 North Western Ave OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-2175 Email: casey.teachman@chk.com Chris Caine Land Tech Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-6346 Email: ccaine@sandridgeenergy.com Cathy Pineda Sr. Land Technician Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8378 Email: cathy.pineda@dvn.com Chris Cobbs Lease Analyst II Continental Resources, Inc 20 N Broadway OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-234-9309 Email: chris.cobbs@clr.com Charlotte Haxel Lease Analyst LandVest Company, Inc 100 Main Street OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-640-5325 Email: cahaxel@yahoo.com Christa Levescy Lease Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-8456 Email: christa.levescy@chk.com 12 Christi Crotsley Data Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-8175 Email: christi.crotsley@chk.com Corey Bolding Supervisor - Land Records Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4785 Email: corey.bolding@chk.com Christian Retter Lease Analyst I Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N Western OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-3023 Email: christian.retter@chk.com Courtney Blood Land Administration Coordinator Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4381 Email: courtney.blood@chk.com Christy Glenn Land Analyst Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2229 Email: cglenn@linnenergy.com Courtney Morris CPLTA Lease Analyst III Range Resources Corp 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 350 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-810-7309 Email: cmorris@rangeresources.com Christy Lee Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-8146 Email: christy.lee@dvn.com Dana Gordon Lease/Title Analyst Reagan Resources, Inc. 2601 NW Expressway, Suite 801W OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-242-2704 Email: dana@reaganresources.com Cindi Michelle Hodges Senior Land Technician Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-4658 Email: cindi.hodges@dvn.com Dana Squires Land Associate Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102-5010 Work: 405-552-7879 Email: dana.squires@dvn.com Connor McKee Lease Analyst I Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 North Western OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-550-0657 Email: connor.mckee@chk.com Danielle Lybarger CPLTA Lease Analyst 2 Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-6347 Email: dlybarger@sandridgeenergy.com 13 Dawn Rockel Sr. Operations Assistant EOG Resources, Inc. 3817 NW Expressway, Ste 500 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-246-3226 Email: dawn_rockel@eogresources.com Dianna Cook Lease Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. 701 NW 63rd OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-6989 Email: dianna.cook@chk.com Deanna Perkins Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8863 Email: deanna.perkins@dvn.com Donna Benge Lease Records Manager Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2208 Email: dbenge@linnenergy.com Deborah Nichols Administrative Assistant III Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2280 Email: dnichols@linnenergy.com Donna Dickerson Sr. Lease Record Analyst Continental Resources, Inc 20 N. Broadway OKC, OK 73126 Work: 405-234-9029 Email: donna.dickerson@clr.com Debra Jameson CPLTA Land Associate Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102-5010 Work: 405-552-4612 Email: debra.jameson@dvn.com Donna Hatchett Land Associate Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-4696 Email: donna.hatchett@dvn.com Debra McClellan CPLTA Senior Lease Analyst Mustang Fuel Corp 9800 North OK Avenue OKC, OK 73114-7406 Work: 405-748-9277 Email: debra.mcclellan@mustangfuel.com Donna Stavros CPLTA Staff Land Analyst HighMount Exp & Prod, LLC 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy #600 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-749-5224 Email: dstavros@highmountep.com Deena Smith Data Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-2416 Email: deena.smith@chk.com Donnette Vandersypen Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-3139 Email: donnette.vandersypen@chk.com 14 Elizabeth Bicoy CPLTA Sr. Data Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-8147 Email: liz.bicoy@chk.com Erin Bowen Administrative Assistant Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102-5010 Work: 405-552-5082 Email: erin.bowen@dvn.com Ellen Harkins Admin Legal Asst Arnold Oil Properties 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 125 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-842-1488 Email: eharkins@arnoldoil.net Erin Clayton Land Technician Gulfport Energy Corporation 14313 North May Avenue Suite, 100 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-242-4466 Email: eclayton@gulfportenergy.com Emily Bateman Land Analyst 2 Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2247 Email: ebateman@linnenergy.com Erin Ellis Land Technician II Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Avenue OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-6414 Email: erin.ellis@chk.com Emily Goodin Lease Records Tech Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-6615 Email: egoodin@sandridgeenergy.com Erin Hall Lease Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-7550 Email: erin.hall@dvn.com Eric Mikel Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-6915 Email: eric.mikel@chk.com Ethel Long CPLTA Sr. Lease Analyst Retired 7901 N McKee Blvd OKC, OK 73132 Work: 405-603-6459 Email: ellong@cox.net Erika Silberg Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-2511 Email: erika.silberg@chk.com Evan Barry Land Tech Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4572 Email: evan.barry@chaparralenergy.com 15 Fran Mears Lease Records Supervisor Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-4699 Email: fran.mears@dvn.com Heather Anderson Manager - Land Records Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73165 Work: 405-935-9237 Email: heather.anderson@chk.com Francy Beesley CPLTA Manager Lease Records Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-794-2745 Email: fabeesley@yahoo.com Heather Bayless CPLTA Senior Land Tech EOG Resources, Inc. 3817 NW Expressway, Ste 500 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-246-3208 Email:heather_bayless@eogresources.com Garry Camp CPLTA, CDOA Senior Lease Records Advisor Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-8094 Email: garry.camp@dvn.com Heather Cotter Landman/Leasing Admin Supervisor Reagan Resources, Inc. 2601 NW Expresswat, Suite 801-W OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-848-2707 Email:heathercotter@reaganresources.com Gayl Davis CPLTA Lease Analyst 1 Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-6872 Email: gayl.davis@chk.com Heather Ferrin Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73131 Work: 405-740-9572 Email: heather.ferrin@dvn.com Geysaly Campos Land Administrator HighMount Exp & Prod, LLC 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy #600 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-748-2735 Email: gcampos@highmountep.com Heather Phelps Senior Lease and Title Analyst Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Land Blvd OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4366 Email:heather.phelps@chaparralenergy.co Gloria Cook CPLTA Land Tech/Division Order Analyst Gulfport Energy Corporation 14313 North May Avenue, Suite 100 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-242-4468 Email: gcook@gulfportenergy.com Heather Preston Sr Lease Associate Marathon Oil Co 7301 N.W. Expressway, Suite 225 OKC, OK 73132 Work: 405-728-5202 Email: hspreston@juno.com 16 Heather Ward Land Admin Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2318 Email: hward@linnenergy.com Jackie Nazim Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8781 Email: jackie.nazim@dvn.com Hilary Dittman Lease Tech Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-1957 Email: hilary.dittman@chk.com Jacob Collinsworth CEO, Owner Pemex, Long Colt Consultants, 1101 North 18th Duncan, OK 73533 Work: 580-736-3800 Email: jacobcollinsworth@icloud.com Hillary Chase Data Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-8447 Email: hilary.chase@chk.com Jacque Qualls Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 777 NW Grand Blvd OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-9268 Email: jacque.qualls@chk.com Ivan Wolanski CPLTA Coordinator - Land Records Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-1520 Email: ivan.wolanski@chk.com James (Jim) Williams Senior Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-8103 Email: jim.williams@chk.com J. Hayde Saenz Lease Technician Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-1171 Email: hayde.saenz@chk.com Jami Canfield CPL Sr Land Technician Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-7524 Email: jami.canfield@dvn.com J. Wayne Barbour CPLTA, CPL President Barbour Energy Corporation P.O. Box 13480 OKC, OK 73113 Work: 405-848-7671 Email: wayne@barbourenergy.org Jamie Britten Land Tech MAP Royalty, Inc. 101 N. Robinson, Ste. 1000 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-536-2609 Email: jbritten@maproyalty.com 17 Jamie Smith Land Tech Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4572 Email: jamie.smith@chaparralenergy.com Jennifer Fann Land Records Administrator Range Resources Corp 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 350 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-767-3807 Email: jfann@rangeresources.com Janell Reisch Land Adm Supervisor HighMount Exp & Prod, LLC 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy #600 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-749-5290 Email: jreisch@highmountep.com Jennifer Harrah Land Assistant The GHK Company 6305 Waterford Blvd, Ste 300 OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-365-7727 Email: jennifer.harrah@ghkco.com Janelle Miller Senior Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73170 Work: 405-228-8421 Email: janelle.miller@dvn.com Jennifer Rose CPLTA, CPL Manager Lease Records & A&D Land Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4507 Email: jennifer.rose@chaparralenergy.com Janet Chappell CLA Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8277 Email: janet.chappell@dvn.com Jennifer Sheline Lease Records Analyst II Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-6698 Email: jsheline@sandridgeenergy.com Jason Hatfield Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8578 Email: jason.hatfield@dvn.com Jennifer Spaniol Lease Records Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8493 Email: jennifer.spaniol@dvn.com Jeanie Potter Manager - Lease Admin & Division Orders Reagan Resources, Inc. 2601 NW Expressway, #801W OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-848-2707 Email: jeaniep@reaganresources.com Jenny Taylor Data Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4383 Email: jenny.taylor@chk.com 18 Jeremy Crook Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-4364 Email: jeremy.crook@dvn.com Jessica Hamburger Land Technician Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-6622 Email: jhamburger@sandridgeenergy.com Jesse Butkus Lease Analyst II RKI Exploration & Production, LLC 210 Park Avenue, Suite 900 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-996-5758 Email: jbutkus@rkixp.com Jill Gagliardi Data Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 North Western Ave OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-1958 Email: jill.gagliardi@chk.com Jessica Berg Lease Records Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-2412 Email: jessica.berg@dvn.com Jill Lee CPLTA Land Technologist Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-7534 Email: jill.lee@dvn.com Jessica Cornett Lease Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 8237 Greer Way OKC, OK 73132 Work: 405-935-7578 Email: jessica.cornett@chk.com Jim Shaw Project Manager LandVest Company, Inc 100 E Main OKC, OK 73104 Work: 405-595-1418 Email: jim.alan.shaw@gmail.com Jessica Davis Lease Analyst Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4362 Email: jessica.davis@chaparralenergy.com Jo Ann Kerran CPLTA Land Associate Devon Energy Corporation 1825 Fairmont Lane Edmond, OK 73013 Work: 405-552-8156 Email: ja.kerran@dvn.com Jessica Davis Lease Technician II Chesapeake Energy Corp. PO BOX 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-3449 Email: jessica.davis@chk.com Joey Marking Lease Analyst 2 Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-8146 Email: joey.marking@dvn.com 19 Jonathan Graves Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-640-7124 Email: jon.graves@dvn.com Julie Tenopir Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102-5015 Work: 405-552-7916 Email: julie.tenopir@dvn.com Joni Shephard Lease Analyst II Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2322 Email: jshephard@linnenergy.com Julie Trottier Land Analyst IV Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2289 Email: jtrottier@linnenergy.com Judith K. Epperson CPLTA Land Specialist Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-4350 Email: judy.epperson@dvn.com Juliet Mitchell Lease Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-4082 Email: juliet.mitchell@chk.com Julianne Barry Lease Records Supervisor Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-4620 Email: julie.barry@dvn.com Juliet Ware Data Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. PO Box 18496 OKC, OK 73159 Work: 405-935-1195 Email: juliet.ware@chk.com Julie Barron-Gibbons Lease Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-8561 Email: julie.barron-gibbons@chk.com Justin Smith Lease Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4733 Email: justin.t.smith@chk.com Julie Graham Lease Tech 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-3787 Email: julie.graham@chk.com Kapin Anthony Sr. Lease Records Analyst Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-808-9366 Email: kapinlovesosu@yahoo.com 20 Kara Crain Data Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3817 N.W. Expressway, #4018 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-935-3979 Email: kara.crain@chk.com Kathy Carson CPLTA Lease Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-7503 Email: kathy.carson@chk.com Kara Epps Asset Analyst MAP Royalty, Inc. 101 N. Robinson, Ste 1000 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-536-2647 Email: kepps@maproyalty.com Kati Miller Lease analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-2588 Email: kati.miller@chk.com Karen Hood Sr. Land Analyst Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2226 Email: khood@linnenergy.com Katie Behara Lease Analyst III Continental Resources, Inc P.O. Box 269091 OKC, OK 73126 Work: 405-213-5822 Email: katie.behara@clr.com Karen Jackson Administrative Asst. III Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2350 Email: kjackson@linnenergy.com Katie Powell Lease Tech Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-2082 Email: katie.powell@chk.com Kathryn Tran Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-4482 Email: kathryn.tran@dvn.com Katie Torres Land Tech 1 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-8598 Email: katie.torres@chk.com Kathy Berryhill Land Tech Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4571 mail:kathy.berryhill@chaparralenergy.com Katy King Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6300 N Western OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-826-7606 Email: katy.king@chk.com 21 Katy Robbins Land Tech Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-8588 Email: katy.robbins@chk.com Kenton Boevers Lease Analyst 1 Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. BOX 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-6993 Email: kenton.boevers@chk.com Keith Senti Land Administration Professional Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-4697 Email: keith.senti@dvn.com Keri McKiddie Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-6649 Email: keri.mckiddie@dvn.com Kelley Newkirk-Konarik CPLTA Land Administration Professional Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8662 Email: kelley.newkirkkonarik@dvn.com Kevin Chavez Data Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. PO Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-3249 Email: kevin.chavez@chk.com Kelly Robertson Land Associate Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8765 Email: kelly.robertson@dvn.com Kim Heyman Senior Staff Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-7889 Email: kim.heyman@dvn.com Kelly West Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-1972 Email: kelly.west@chk.com Kim Scott Land Technician SandRidge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73107 Work: 405-570-1515 Email: kim.scott@dvn.com Kendra Monroe Senior Land Tech Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-4252 Email: kendra.monroe@chk.com Kimari Ranney Land Assistant RKI Exploration & Production, LLC 210 Park Ave, Suite 900 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-987-2173 Email: kranney@rkixp.com 22 Kimberley Best Lease Records Analyst Continental Resources, Inc 20 N. Broadway OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-234-9786 Email: kim.best@clr.com Kristin Heath Land Analyst Canaan Resources, LLC 211 N. Robinson, Ste 1000 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-604-9281 Email: kristin.heath@canaangas.com Kimberly Risner Land Tech EOG Resources, Inc. 3817 NW Expressway, Ste 500 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-246-3194 Email: kim_risner@eogresources.com Lacey Neuman Sr. Land Tech Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-1591 Email: lacey.neuman@chk.com Kirsten Smedley Land Analyst 2 Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2274 Email: ksmedley@linnenergy.com Lacy Cox Land Administration Professional Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-623-8846 Email: lacy.cox@dvn.com Kizzy Crowell Data Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. P O Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4068 Email: kizzy.crowell@chk.com Laura Linn Land Analyst 2 Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2241 Email: llinn@linnenergy.com Kris Webb CPLTA Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 1129 McConnell Dr. Yukon, OK 73099 Work: 405-228-8596 Email: kris.webb@dvn.com Lauren McCorey Lease Technician Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-3510 Email: lauren.mccorey@chk.com Kristi Thiessen Land Admin Associate Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8553 Email: kristi.thiessen@dvn.com Lauren Williams CPLTA Sr. Lease Analyst/Coordinator Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-1460 Email: lauren.williams@chk.com 23 Leigha Harrison Lease Records Analyst II Continental Resources, Inc 20 N Broadway OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-830-6712 Email: leigha.harrison@clr.com Linda Clark Coordinator Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4305 Email: linda.clark@chk.com Lesley Dunnagan Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-5039 Email: lesley.dunnagan@dvn.com Linda Holland Title/Due Diligence-Acq. Asst. MAP Royalty, Inc. 101 N. Robinson, Ste 1000 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-536-2630 Email: lholland@maproyalty.com Lesley Hammer Lease Records Technician Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-3405 Email: lesley.hammer@dvn.com Linda Kraker Land/Lease Manager The Reserve Petroleum Company 6801 Broadway Ext, Ste. 300 OKC, OK 73116-9037 Work: 405-848-7551 Email: linda@reserve-petro.com Leslie Anderson RPL Landman H.Huffman & Co. 301 N.W. 63rd St. #510 OKC, OK 73116 Work: 405-848-3388 Email: landerson@hhuffmanco.com Linda Schwartz Lease Analyst Panhandle Oil & Gas, Inc. 5400 N. Grand Blvd., Ste 300 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-945-6102 Email: lschwartz@panhandleoilandgas.com Leslie Freeman CPLTA Senior Land Tech Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4546 Email:leslie.freeman@chaparralenergy.com Linda Soper CPLTA Landman Self-Employed 2521 Stonehenge Dr. Edmond, OK 73034 Work: 405-761-5259 Email: linda.soper@hotmail.com Leslie Lanier Coordinator Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-5766 Email: llanier@sandridgeenergy.com Linda Stokes CPLTA Senior Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-3649 Email: linda.stokes@dvn.com 24 Linda Wayland Land Associate Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-3337 Email: linda.wayland@dvn.com Lisa Mustain Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-1627 Email: lisa.mustain@chk.com Lindsay Hill Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-3368 Email: lindsay.hill@dvn.com Lisa Schneider CPLTA Lease Analyst Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2276 Email: lschneider@linnenergy.com Lindsey McBride Clerk Range Resources Corp 5600 North May Ave OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-921-1385 Email: lmcbride@rangeresources.com Lisa Williams Data Analyst - Land Administration Chesapeake Energy Corp. P. O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154-0496 Work: 405-935-7561 Email: lisa.williams@chk.com Lisa Ballard CPLTA Supervisor Chesapeake Energy Corp. PO BOX 18496 OKC, OK 73154-0496 Work: 405-935-1484 Email: lisa.ballard@chk.com Lori Pettit CPLTA Lease Records Advisor Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Parkway, Ste. 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2187 Email: lpettit@linnenergy.com Lisa Culpepper Sr Lease Associate Marathon Oil Co 7301 N.W. Expressway, Suite 225 OKC, OK 73132 Work: 405-720-5541 Email: lgculpepper@marathonoil.com Lori Reid Lease Analyst Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4442 Email: lori.reid@chaparralenergy.com Lisa Estill Lease Records Analyst II Continental Resources, Inc 20 N. Broadway OKC, OK 73126 Work: 405-234-9247 Email: lisa.estill@clr.com Lori Stoud Data Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-2415 Email: lori.stroud@chk.com 25 Lorraine Blanchard Senior Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4332 Email: lorraine.blanchard@chk.com Maggie Savoie Land Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3817 NW Expressway, Ste 500 OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-1621 Email: maggie.savoie@chk.com Lorri Seale Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8526 Email: lorri.seale@dvn.com Mandi Ratchford Associate Land Analyst HighMount Exp & Prod, LLC 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy #600 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-749-5212 Email: mratchford@highmountep.com Lucas McGuire Senior Lease and Title Analyst Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4018 Email:lucas.mcguire@chaparralenergy.com Mandy Duane CPLTA Supervisor-Land Admin Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-9408 Email: mandy.duane@chk.com Lydene McNew Analyst Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2259 Email: lmcnew@linnenergy.com Marsha Shipman Lease Tech III Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3817 N.W. Expressway, #4057 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-935-1612 Email: marsha.shipman@chk.com Macy Fisher Lease Records Analyst I Continental Resources, Inc 20 N. Broadway OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-234-9190 Email: macy.fisher@clr.com Martha Biard Lease Analyst Mustang Fuel Corp 9800 OK Ave OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-748-9274 Email: martha.biard@mustangfuel.com Maggie Conell Data Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-1605 Email: maggie.conell@chk.com Mary Bogle CPLTA Independent Contractor LandVest Company, Inc 2016 Minnie lane OKC, OK 73127 Work: 405-971-4314 Email: yodieok@yahoo.com 26 Mary Ruffin Lease Analyst Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4387 Email: mary.ruffin@chaparralenergy.com Melanie Christian Manager Land Administration Range Resources Corp 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 100 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-810-7340 Email: mchristain@rangeresources.com Matt Spriestersbach Lease Analyst 2 Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-4312 Email: matt.spriestersbach@dvn.com Melissa Dempsey-Mullin Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-3071 Email: melissa.dempsey-mullin@dvn.com Matthew Cagigal Sr. Supervisor Land Admin Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-3711 Email: matt.cagigal@chk.com Melissa Freeman Data Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-6432 Email: melissa.freeman@chk.com Matthew Spurrier Lease Analyst 1 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3817 NW Expressway OKC, OK 73116 Work: 405-436-1661 Email: matthew.spurrier@chk.com Melissa Reed Coordinator/Land Admin Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-6616 Email: melissa.reed@chk.com Megan Beard Sr. Land Tech Kirkpatrick Oil Company 1001 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste 202 OKC, OK 73116 Work: 405-767-3617 Email: mbeard@kirkpatrickoil.com Menecca McHone CPLTA Land Specialist Continental Resources, Inc P.O. Box 269091 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-234-9611 Email: menecca.mchone@clr.com Megan Culbertson Lease Records Analyst Continental Resources, Inc P.O. Box 269091 OKC, OK 73126 Work: 405-234-9504 Email: megan.culbertson@clr.com Michael Lumley Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6115 N. Classen OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-7574 Email: michael.lumley@chk.com 27 Michele Samuels Data Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4986 Email: michele.samuels@chk.com Nancy Manzo CPLTA Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8338 Email: nancy.manzo@dvn.com Michelle Jackson Data Analyst I Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-1694 Email: michelle.jackson@chk.com Nancy Thompson Land Technologist Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-4409 Email: nancy.thompson@dvn.com Michelle Walker Associate Land Accountant HighMount Exp & Prod, LLC 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy #600 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-748-2713 Email: mwalker@highmountep.com Nathan Stroble Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102-5015 Work: 405-552-3502 Email: nathan.stroble@dvn.com Mindy Cell Lease Analyst T.S. Dudley Land Company, Inc 5925 N. Robinson Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-848-4649 Email: mindycell@tsdudley.com Neil Harris Land Analyst Continental Resources, Inc 20 N. Broadway OKC, OK 73126 Work: 405-234-9754 Email: neil.harris@clr.com Molly Jones Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-6915 Email: molly.jones@chk.com Nick Lemon Land Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-4697 Morgan Beuchaw Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3817 NW Expressway OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-2107 Email: morgan.beuchaw@chk.com Nicky Howell Senior Land Technician Range Resources Corp 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 350 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-810-7396 Email: nhowell@rangeresources.com 28 Nicole Darr Lease Analyst Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-6113 Email: ndarr@sandridgeenergy.com Pam McGuire CPLTA Lease Analyst Lead Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8272 Email: pam.mcguire@dvn.com Nicole Davis Lease Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-8226 Email: nicole.davis@chk.com Pam Meunier Asset Manager MAP Royalty, Inc. 101 N. Robinson, Ste 1000 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-536-2622 Email: pmeunier@maproyalty.com Nicole Wise Data Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-2151 Email: nicole.wise@chk.com Pam Billingsley CPLTA Lease Analyst Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4044 Email:pam.billingsley@chaparralenergy.co Nikki Ball Lease Records Supervisor Range Resources Corp 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 350 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-810-7342 Email: nball@rangeresources.com Pamela Crowe Land Assistant Supervisor Continental Land Resources, L.L.C. 825 S. Kelly Ave., STE 120 Edmond, OK 73003 Work: 405-513-5530 Email: pam.crowe@continentalland.com Nikki Lemon Sr. Lease Records Analyst Continental Resources, Inc 20 N Broadway OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-216-9126 Email: nikki.lemon@clr.com Pamela Robbins Sr Staff Land Analyst HighMount Exp & Prod, LLC 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy #600 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-749-3417 Email: probbins@highmountep.com Paige Danford Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-2442 Email: paige.danford@chk.com Patricia (Patti) Scott Senior Lease Records Advisor Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102-8260 Work: 405-228-4235 Email: patti.scott@dvn.com 29 Patty Hoecker Data Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-8211 Email: patty.hoecker@chk.com Rebecca Deal Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 North Western Avenue OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-615-5130 Email: rebecca.deal@chk.com Phyliss Morris Senior Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102-5010 Work: 405-228-8585 Email: phyliss.morris@dvn.com Rebecca Roy Lease Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-2443 Email: rebecca.roy@dvn.com R.J. Retzer Senior Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-4595 Email: rj.retzer@chk.com Reece Kepler CPLTA Technology Systems and Development Manager T.S. Dudley Land Company, Inc 5925 N. Robinson Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-570-4312 Email: reece.kepler@gmail.com Rachel Gerlach Lease Records Analyst 2 Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-6358 Email: rgerlach@sandridgeenergy.com Reggie Pratcher Lease Technician II Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Avenue OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-1909 Email: reggie.pratcher@chk.com Rachel Hawkins Land Admin Asst. Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2316 Email: rhawkins@linnenergy.com Renee Baird Lease Records Tech II Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-6519 Email: rbaird@sandridgeenergy.com Reagan Hanks Lease Analyst Lead Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-7505 Email: reagan.hanks@dvn.com Renee Niklas Land Coordinator Range Resources Corp 12816 Oak Hill Dr. Piedmont, OK 73078 Work: 405-810-7347 Email: rniklas@rangeresources.com 30 Rhonda Glasgow Sr. Land Analyst III Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2200 Email: rglasgow@linnenergy.com Sandra Alvarado Lease Analyst Independent Work: 405-202-5864 Email: sandra.alvarado@att.net Robert Gillock Lease Records Tech II Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-6619 Email: rgillock@sandridgeenergy.com Sandra Cleary Land Manager-Eastern District Mustang Fuel Corp 9800 N. OK Avenue OKC, OK 73114-7406 Work: 405-748-9461 Email: sandy.cleary@mustangfuel.com Robin Stinson Lease Records Supervisor Continental Resources, Inc 20 N. Broadway OKC, OK 73126 Work: 405-234-9170 Email: robin.stinson@clr.com Sandra Landgraf Lease Analyst 2/Coordinator Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-1590 Email: sandra.landgraf@chk.com Roshell Mitchell Land Tech Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-3084 Email: roshell.mitchell@chk.com Sandra Ross Land Associate Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8317 Email: sandy.ross@dvn.com Ruby Espiritu lease tech Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3817 NW Expressway OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-2508 Email: ruby.espiritu@chk.com Sandy Goins Data Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-7571 Email: sandy.goins@chk.com Sally Hoch CPLTA Lease Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-7568 Email: sally.hoch@chk.com Sara Christofferson Land Admin Assistant 2 Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2331 Email: schristofferson@linnenergy.com 31 Sarah Lovejoy Data Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 North Western Ave OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-2966 Email: sarah.lovejoy@chk.com Shannon Madole Asset Analyst MAP Royalty, Inc. 101 N. Robinson, Ste 1000 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-536-2656 Email: smadole@maproyalty.com Sarah Lumen CPLTA Supervisor - Lease Records Chesapeake Energy Corp. 833 NW 34th Moore, OK 73160 Work: 405-935-9376 Email: sarah.lumen@chk.com Shannon VanHoesen Data Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-2510 Email: shannon.vanhoesen@chk.com Scott Rountree Lease Analyst II Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-4578 Email: scott.rountree@dvn.com Sheila Even CPLTA Sr. Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4469 Email: sheila.even@chk.com Sergio Rivera Data Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-3606 Email: sergio.rivera@chk.com Shelby Roberts Leasing Project Manager Reagan Resources, Inc. 2601 NW Expressway, Suite 801-W OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-388-8441 Email: shelbydroberts@gmail.com Shala Davis Lease Analyst Range Resources Corp 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 350 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-810-7354 Email: sdavis@rangeresources.com Shelley Burt Sr. Operations Assistant EOG Resources, Inc. 3817 NW Expressway, Ste 500 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-246-3308 Email: shelley_burt@eogresources.com Shamara Keith CPLTA Lease Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4417 Email: shamara.keith@chk.com Shelly Jech CPLTA Sr. Division Order Analyst Continental Resources, Inc P O Box 269091 OKC, OK 73126 Work: 405-234-9099 Email: shelly.jech@clr.com 32 Sherri Reid Senior Staff Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73132 Work: 405-228-7571 Email: sherri.reid@dvn.com Stephanie Boone Lease Analyst 1 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-2167 Email: stephanie.boone@chk.com Sherry Sylvain Land Tech Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-503-4361 Email:sherry.sylvain@chaparralenergy.com Stephanie Curtright Sr. Land Tech. Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-8399 Email: stephanie.curtright@chk.com Sommer Tyrrell Lease Tech Chesapeake Energy Corp. PO Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154-0496 Work: 405-935-1298 Email: sommer.tyrrell@chk.com Stephanie Neal Land Tech Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4057 Email: stephanie.neal@chk.com Sonia Rivas Coordinator - Land Administration Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-4325 Email: sonia.rivas@chk.com Stephanie Shedden CPLTA Sr. Lease & Title Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-9277 Email: stephanie.shedden@chk.com Stacy Ezell Land Technician Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-1718 Email: stacy.ezell@chk.com Steve Albaugh Lease Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-552-8092 Email: steve.albaugh@dvn.com Stefenie Wackerly Lease Analyst I Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-241-2319 Email: swackerly@linnenergy.com Summer Box Coordinator - Land Records Chesapeake Energy Corp. PO Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-7158 Email: summer.box@chk.com 33 Tami Caldwell CPLTA Lease Records Supervisor Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-5787 Email: tcaldwell@sandridgeenergy.com Tammy Ramer CPLTA Lease Records Manager Tahoe Land Services, LLC 4900 Richmond Sq. Ste 108 OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-521-7665 Email: tammyramer@cox.net Tami Wheeler Senior Landman MAP Royalty, Inc. 101 N. Robinson, Ste. 1000 OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-516-1028 Email: twheeler@maproyalty.com Tara Martin Land Tech I Range Resources Corp 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 350 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-810-7322 Email: tmartin@rangeresources.com Tammi Yount Lease Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154-0496 Work: 405-935-7933 Email: tammi.yount@chk.com Tarryn Dumler Lease Analyst 1 Range Resources Corp 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 350 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-810-7373 Email: tdumler@rangeresources.com Tammy Buksh Lease and Title Analyst Bearcat Land, Inc. 11032 Quail Creek Road, Suite 102 OKC, OK 73120 Work: 405-755-9001 Email: tbuksh@bearcatland.com Terri Bristow CPLTA Senior Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-4288 Email: terri.bristow@chk.com Tammy Fields Land Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3817 N.W. Expressway, #4057 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-935-2753 Email: tammy.fields@chk.com Terrye Bell Land Tech Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102-6406 Work: 405-412-2824 Email: tbell@sandridgeenergy.com Tammy Garvin Lease Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3817 N.W. Expressway, #4057 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-935-2186 Email: tammy.garvin@chk.com Thad Merrill Lease Analyst I Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 Western Avenue OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-3025 Email: thad.merrill@chk.com 34 Tiffanie Karber CPLTA Data Analyst 2 Chesapeake Energy Corp. P. O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 Work: 405-935-2637 Email: tiffanie.karber@chk.com Trent Modisette Leases Analyst Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-7214 Email: trent.modisette@dvn.com Tira Vinson Lease Records Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-8485 Email: tira.vinson@dvn.com Trey Whitley Lease Analyst Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4538 Email: trey.whitley@chaparralenergy.com Tommy Klein Lease Analyst Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-429-6059 Email: tklein@sandridgeenergy.com Twila Hines Sr Land Tech Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-9174 Email: twila.hines@chk.com Toyia Wells Senior Data Analyst Chesapeake Energy Corp. 3817 N.W. Expressway, #4092 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-935-8190 Email: toyia.wells@chk.com Valarie Hunt Land Tech Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Work: 405-228-4445 Email: valarie.hunt@dvn.com Tracey Devera Lease Analyst II Chesapeake Energy Corp. 6100 N. Western Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-935-1597 Email: tracey.devera@chk.com Valarie Taber Sr Land Tech EOG Resources, Inc. 3817 NW Expressway, Ste 500 OKC, OK 73112 Work: 405-246-3242 Email: valarie_taber@eogresources.com Tracy Bisbee Lease Records Analyst Kirkpatrick Oil Company 1001 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste 202 OKC, OK 73116 Work: 405-767-3622 Email: tbisbee@kirkpatrickoil.com Varina McManus Lease Analyst T.S. Dudley Land Company, Inc 5925 N. Robinson Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Work: 405-848-4649 Email: rinamcmanus@tsdudley.com 35 Vicki Darling Land Analyst HighMount Exp & Prod, LLC 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy #600 OKC, OK 73134 Work: 405-749-3478 Email: vdarling@highmountep.com Vickye Watson CPLTA Supervisor, Lease Records Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Work: 405-426-4060 Email:vickye.watson@chaparralenergy.com 36 MEMBER INDEX BY COMPANY Arnold Oil Properties 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 125 OKC, OK 73112 Ellen Harkins Angie Yingling 405-842-1488 405-842-1488 Barbour Energy Corporation P.O. Box 13480 OKC, OK 73113 J. Wayne Barbour CPLTA, CPL 405-848-7671 Bearcat Land, Inc. 11032 Quail Creek Road, Suite 102 OKC, OK 73120 Tammy Buksh 405-755-9001 Canaan Resources, LLC 211 N. Robinson, Ste 1000 OKC, OK 73102 Kristin Heath Alex Kee 405-604-9281 405-604-9229 Chaparral Energy, LLC 701 Cedar Lake Blvd. OKC, OK 73114 Evan Barry Kathy Berryhill CPLTA Pam Billingsley Beth Connel Jessica Davis Leslie Freeman Lucas McGuire Heather Phelps Cheryl Reese Lori Reid Jennifer Rose CPLTA, CPL Mary Ruffin Jamie Smith Sherry Sylvain Vickye Watson Trey Whitley 405-426-4572 405-426-4571 405-426-4044 405-426-4597 405-426-4362 405-426-4546 405-426-4018 405-426-4366 405-426-4085 405-426-4442 405-426-4507 405-426-4387 405-426-4572 405-503-4361 405-426-4060 405-426-4538 37 Chesapeake Energy Corp. P.O. Box 18496 OKC, OK 73154 B.V. "Jenny" Adkins CPLTA Billy Alven Heather Anderson Lisa Ballard CPLTA Julie Barron-Gibbons Francy Beesley CPLTA Morgan Beuchaw Elizabeth Bicoy CPLTA Lorraine Blanchard Courtney Blood Kenton Boevers Corey Bolding Stephanie Boone Summer Box Terri Bristow CPLTA Matthew Cagigal CPLTA Alicia Carey CPLTA Amanda Carroll Kathy Carson CPLTA Hillary Chase Kevin Chavez Linda Clark Carolyn Coble CPLTA Maggie Conell Dianna Cook CPLTA Jessica Cornett Kara Crain Christi Crotsley Kizzy Crowell Stephanie Curtright CPLTA Paige Danford Gayl Davis Jessica Davis Nicole Davis Rebecca Deal CPLTA Tracey Devera Hilary Dittman Mandy Duane CPLTA Mandy Duane Amanda Elam CPLTA Erin Ellis Ruby Espiritu Sheila Even Stacy Ezell CPLTA Tammy Fields 405-935-7842 405-935-3631 405-935-9237 405-935-1484 405-935-8561 405-794-2745 405-935-2107 405-935-8147 405-935-4332 405-935-4381 405-935-6993 405-935-4785 405-935-2167 405-935-7158 405-935-4288 405-935-3711 405-935-8428 405-935-6846 405-935-7503 405-935-8447 405-935-3249 405-935-4305 405-793-8207 405-935-1605 405-935-6989 405-935-7578 405-935-3979 405-935-8175 405-935-4068 405-935-8399 405-935-2442 405-935-6872 405-935-3449 405-935-8226 405-615-5130 405-935-1597 405-935-1957 405-935-9408 405-935-9408 405-935-9354 405-935-6414 405-935-2508 405-935-4469 405-935-1718 405-935-2753 38 Chesapeake Energy Corp. (cont.) Melissa Freeman Jill Gagliardi Tammy Garvin Sandy Goins CPLTA Julie Graham Brant Regan Hankins Jr. Amy Harris Twila Hines Sally Hoch Patty Hoecker Amy Hopmann CPLTA Ashley Hyde CPLTA Candice Jackson Michelle Jackson Molly Jones CPLTA Tiffanie Karber Shamara Keith Katy King CPLTA Allen Knippers Angela Kyger Sandra Landgraf Nick Lemon Christa Levescy Sarah Lovejoy Sarah Lumen Michael Lumley Lauren McCorey CPLTA Connor McKee CPLTA Aaron McLean Thad Merrill CPLTA Eric Mikel Kati Miller Juliet Mitchell Roshell Mitchell Kendra Monroe Lisa Mustain Stephanie Neal Lacey Neuman Andrea Pernell Katie Powell Reggie Pratcher Amanda Proctor CPLTA Jacque Qualls Brittany Real Melissa Reed Christian Retter CPLTA R.J. Retzer 405-935-6432 405-935-1958 405-935-2186 405-935-7571 405-935-3787 405-935-1618 405-935-3639 405-935-9174 405-935-7568 405-935-8211 405-935-6232 405-935-1744 405-613-4764 405-935-1694 405-935-6915 405-935-2637 405-935-4417 405-826-7606 405-935-4064 405-935-3298 405-935-1590 405-935-4697 405-935-8456 405-935-2966 405-935-9376 405-935-7574 405-935-3510 405-550-0657 405-935-1491 405-935-3025 405-935-6915 405-935-2588 405-935-4082 405-935-3084 405-935-4252 405-935-1627 405-935-4057 405-935-1591 405-935-2509 405-935-2082 405-935-1909 405-943-4379 405-935-9268 405-935-3054 405-935-6616 405-935-3023 405-935-4595 39 Chesapeake Energy Corp. (cont.) Sonia Rivas CPLTA Sergio Rivera CPLTA Katy Robbins Becky Rodgers Amy Rolland J. Hayde Saenz Michele Samuels Maggie Savoie Ashton Schoaps Stephanie Shedden Ashley Sheffield CPLTA Marsha Shipman Bryant Shockley Erika Silberg Deena Smith Justin Smith Annie Southard Matthew Spurrier Lori Stoud Brenda Stremble Jenny Taylor Casey Teachman CPLTA Amber Thomas Katie Torres Sommer Tyrrell Donnette Vandersypen Shannon VanHoesen Juliet Ware Carol Watkins Brandon Welch Toyia Wells Kelly West James (Jim) Williams Lauren Williams Lisa Williams Brian Wilson Nicole Wise Ivan Wolanski CPLTA Tammi Yount 405-935-4325 405-935-3606 405-935-8588 405-935-1701 405-935-1646 405-935-1171 405-935-4986 405-935-1621 405-935-8275 405-935-9277 405-935-3412 405-935-1612 405-935-1278 405-935-2511 405-935-2416 405-935-4733 405-935-6481 405-436-1661 405-935-2415 405-760-9851 405-935-4383 405-935-2175 405-935-9353 405-935-8598 405-935-1298 405-935-3139 405-935-2510 405-935-1195 405-935-2748 405-935-4281 405-935-8190 405-935-1972 405-935-8103 405-935-1460 405-935-7561 405-935-6486 405-935-2151 405-935-1520 405-935-7933 Continental Land Resources, L.L.C. 825 S. Kelly Ave., STE 120 Edmond, OK 73003 Pamela Crowe 405-513-5530 40 Continental Resources, Inc P.O. Box 269091 OKC, OK 73126 Katie Behara Kimberley Best Chris Cobbs Megan Culbertson Donna Dickerson Lisa Estill Macy Fisher Neil Harris Leigha Harrison Casey Holder Shelly Jech Nikki Lemon CPLTA Menecca McHone Robin Stinson Menecca McHone CPLTA 405-213-5822 405-234-9786 405-234-9309 405-234-9504 405-234-9029 405-234-9247 405-234-9190 405-234-9754 405-830-6712 405-234-9199 405-234-9099 405-216-9126 405-234-9611 405-234-9170 405-234-9611 Devon Energy Corporation 333 W Sheridan Ave OKC, OK 73102 Steve Albaugh CPLTA Julianne Barry Jessica Berg Bryce Biggs Erin Bowen Angela Bradley Garry Camp CPLTA, CDOA Jami Canfield CPL Janet Chappell CLA Anne Corbet Lacy Cox Jeremy Crook Melissa Dempsey-Mullin Lesley Dunnagan Amber Eichler Judith K. Epperson CPLTA Heather Ferrin Jonathan Graves Erin Hall Lesley Hammer Reagan Hanks Donna Hatchett Jason Hatfield Kim Heyman Lindsay Hill Cindi Michelle Hodges Valarie Hunt CPLTA 405-552-8092 405-552-4620 405-228-2412 405-228-8410 405-552-5082 405-228-8276 405-552-8094 405-228-7524 405-228-8277 405-552-8131 405-623-8846 405-228-4364 405-228-3071 405-552-5039 405-552-3613 405-228-4350 405-740-9572 405-640-7124 405-228-7550 405-552-3405 405-228-7505 405-552-4696 405-228-8578 405-552-7889 405-552-3368 405-552-4658 405-228-4445 41 Devon Energy Corporation (cont.) Chelsey James Debra Jameson CPLTA Jo Ann Kerran CPLTA Christy Lee Jill Lee CPLTA Nancy Manzo Candace Marestein CPLTA Joey Marking Pam McGuire CPLTA Keri McKiddie Fran Mears Barbara Meekins Betty Meixner CPLTA Janelle Miller Trent Modisette Phyliss Morris Amy Murray Jackie Nazim Kelley Newkirk-Konarik CPLTA Deanna Perkins Aida Peters CPLTA Cathy Pineda Armon Radfar Sherri Reid Kelly Robertson Sandra Ross Scott Rountree Rebecca Roy Patricia (Patti) Scott Lorri Seale Keith Senti Andrea Slavik Jennifer Spaniol Matt Spriestersbach Dana Squires Linda Stokes CPLTA Nathan Stroble Julie Tenopir Kristi Thiessen Nancy Thompson Kathryn Tran Tira Vinson Linda Wayland Kris Webb CPLTA 405-552-3656 405-552-4612 405-552-8156 405-552-8146 405-228-7534 405-228-8338 405-228-7793 405-552-8146 405-228-8272 405-552-6649 405-552-4699 405-228-8372 405-552-4746 405-228-8421 405-228-7214 405-228-8585 405-301-4633 405-228-8781 405-228-8662 405-228-8863 405-552-4619 405-228-8378 405-552-5014 405-228-7571 405-228-8765 405-228-8317 405-228-4578 405-228-2443 405-228-4235 405-228-8526 405-552-4697 405-552-3647 405-228-8493 405-228-4312 405-552-7879 405-552-3649 405-552-3502 405-552-7916 405-228-8553 405-228-4409 405-228-4482 405-228-8485 405-552-3337 405-228-8596 42 EOG Resources, Inc. 3817 NW Expressway, Ste 500 OKC, OK 73112 Heather Bayless CPLTA Shelley Burt Kimberly Risner Dawn Rockel Valarie Taber 405-246-3208 405-246-3308 405-246-3194 405-246-3226 405-246-3242 Gulfport Energy Corporation 14313 North May Avenue Suite, 100 OKC, OK 73134 Erin Clayton CPLTA Gloria Cook CPLTA 405-242-4466 405-242-4468 H.Huffman & Co. 301 N.W. 63rd St. #510 OKC, OK 73116 Leslie Anderson RPL 405-848-3388 HighMount Exp & Prod, LLC 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy #600 OKC, OK 73134 Geysaly Campos Vicki Darling Mandi Ratchford Janell Reisch Pamela Robbins Donna Stavros CPLTA Michelle Walker Independent Sandra Alvarado Khody Land & Minerals LLC 210 Park Avenue, Suite 900 OKC, OK 73102 Beverly Bryson Kirkpatrick Oil Company 1001 W. Wilshire Blvd., Ste 202 OKC, OK 73116 Megan Beard Tracy Bisbee CPLTA LandVest Company, Inc 2016 Minnie lane OKC, OK 73127 Mary Bogle Charlotte Haxel Jim Shaw 405-748-2735 405-749-3478 405-749-5212 405-749-5290 405-749-3417 405-749-5224 405-748-2713 405-202-5864 405-987-2157 405-767-3617 405-767-3622 405-971-4314 405-640-5325 405-595-1418 43 Linn Energy, Inc. 14000 Quail Springs Pkwy, Ste 5000 OKC, OK 73134 Emily Bateman Donna Benge Sara Christofferson CPLTA Rhonda Glasgow Christy Glenn Rachel Hawkins CPLTA Karen Hood Karen Jackson Laura Linn Lydene McNew Deborah Nichols Lori Pettit CPLTA Lisa Schneider Benjamin Scott Joni Shephard Kirsten Smedley Julie Trottier Stefenie Wackerly CPLTA Heather Ward 405-241-2247 405-241-2208 405-241-2331 405-241-2200 405-241-2229 405-241-2316 405-241-2226 405-241-2350 405-241-2241 405-241-2259 405-241-2280 405-241-2187 405-241-2276 405-241-2327 405-241-2322 405-241-2274 405-241-2289 405-241-2319 405-241-2318 MAP Royalty, Inc. 101 N. Robinson, Ste. 1000 OKC, OK 73102 Jamie Britten Kara Epps Linda Holland Shannon Madole CPLTA Pam Meunier Tami Wheeler 405-536-2609 405-536-2647 405-536-2630 405-536-2656 405-536-2622 405-516-1028 Marathon Oil Co 7301 N.W. Expressway, Suite 225 OKC, OK 73132 Lisa Culpepper Heather Preston 405-720-5541 405-728-5202 Mustang Fuel Corp 9800 North OK Avenue OKC, OK 73114 Martha Biard CPLTA Sandra Cleary Debra McClellan CPLTA 405-748-9274 405-748-9461 405-748-9277 44 Panhandle Oil & Gas, Inc. 5400 N. Grand Blvd., Ste 300 OKC, OK 73112 Linda Schwartz 405-945-6102 Pemex, Long Colt Consultants, Cotten Family Limited Partnership, Cotten Financial 1101 North 18th Duncan, OK 73533 Jacob Collinsworth 580-736-3800 Range Resources Corp 5600 N. May Ave., Suite 350 OKC, OK 73112 Nikki Ball Melanie Christian Shala Davis Tarryn Dumler Jennifer Fann Nicky Howell Tara Martin CPLTA Lindsey McBride CPLTA Courtney Morris CPLTA Renee Niklas Cheryl Wilson CPLTA 405-810-7342 405-810-7340 405-810-7354 405-810-7373 405-767-3807 405-810-7396 405-810-7322 405-921-1385 405-810-7309 405-810-7347 405-810-7385 Reagan Resources, Inc. 2601 NW Expressway, Suite 801-W OKC, OK 73112 Heather Cotter Dana Gordon Jeanie Potter Reagan Resources, Inc. (cont.) Shelby Roberts CPLTA Retired 7901 N McKee Blvd OKC, OK 73132 Ethel Long CPLTA RKI Exploration & Production, LLC 210 Park Avenue, Suite 900 OKC, OK 73102 Jesse Butkus Amber DeVries CPLTA Kimari Ranney CPLTA 405-848-2707 405-242-2704 405-848-2707 405-388-8441 405-603-6459 405-996-5758 405-996-5742 405-987-2173 45 Sandridge Energy, Inc. 123 Robert S. Kerr Ave. OKC, OK 73102 Kapin Anthony Renee Baird Terrye Bell Chris Caine CPLTA Tami Caldwell Nicole Darr Rachel Gerlach Robert Gillock Emily Goodin Jessica Hamburger Tommy Klein CPLTA Leslie Lanier Danielle Lybarger Kim Scott Jennifer Sheline Alwin Tapley Amy Whitacre 405-808-9366 405-429-6519 405-412-2824 405-429-6346 405-429-5787 405-429-6113 405-429-6358 405-429-6619 405-429-6615 405-429-6622 405-429-6059 405-429-5766 405-429-6347 405-570-1515 405-429-6698 405-429-6144 405-429-6465 Self-Employed 2521 Stonehenge Dr. Edmond, OK 73034 Linda Soper CPLTA 405-761-5259 T. S. Dudley Land Company, Inc. 5925 North Robinson Ave. OKC, OK 73118 Audrey Kinzie Mindy Cell Allison Daniel Cartia Galbreath CPLTA Reece Kepler Varina McManus CPLTA 405-507-2259 405-848-4649 405-507-2252 405-507-2250 405-570-4312 405-848-4649 Tahoe Land Services, LLC 4900 Richmond Sq. Ste 108 OKC, OK 73118 Tammy Ramer The GHK Company 6305 Waterford Blvd, Ste 300 OKC, OK 73118 Jennifer Harrah CPLTA The Reserve Petroleum Company 6801 Broadway Ext, Ste. 300 OKC, OK 73116-9037 Linda Kraker 405-521-7665 405-365-7727 405-848-7551 46 2012 NALTA CONFERENCE Baltimore, Maryland 47 48 49 THE OKLAHOMA CITY ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM LEASE AND TITLE ANALYSTS BYLAWS As Amended April 19, 2001 As Amended January 1, 2005 As amended April 30, 2005 As amended October 3, 2006 As amended October 1, 2008 As amended September 1, 2010 ARTICLE I – NAME The name of the Organization shall be “The Oklahoma City Association of Petroleum Lease and Title Analysts”, hereinafter referred to as “OCAPLTA”. OCAPLTA is a non-profit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Oklahoma. ARTICLE II – LOCATION The principal office of the Organization shall be located in the City of Oklahoma City, County of Oklahoma, and State of Oklahoma. ARTICLE III – DEFINITIONS 1. LEASE AND/OR TITLE ANALYST (hereinafter referred to as “Analyst”), shall mean a person whose primary source of income is obtained by performing Lease and/or Title Analyst Work, or work directly related to fields associated with the review and/or maintenance for the retention or divestiture of company assets. 2. LEASE AND/OR TITLE ANALYST WORK (hereinafter referred to as “Analyst Work”), shall mean the actual performance or supervision of the review, or work directly related to fields associated with the review, administration and/or maintenance of oil, gas, mineral or surface estate documents including, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, Oil, Gas and Mineral Leases, Surface Leases, Letter Agreements, Joint Operating Agreements, Assignments, Unitization Documents, Division Orders and other such instruments particular to the energy industry. ARTICLE IV - PURPOSE The purpose of the Organization shall be: 1. To further the education, knowledge and to promote the interests of the Analyst through an exchange of information and experiences in problems that confront them in the industry’s expanded exploration for and the production of energy from its varied resources. 2. To promote more effective public relations and thereby increase communication between industry firms, their Organization personnel and the public with whom the Analysts are involved. 3. To advance Analyst work as a profession and to be recognized within the energy industry as such. 4. To promote fellowship and networking among colleagues. ARTICLE V – ETHICS AND GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE OCAPLTA shall abide by the Code of Ethics as set out in the National Association of Lease and Title Analysts (“NALTA”) By-Laws and shall provide for an Ethics and Grievances Committee to be responsible for upholding the ethical standards of OCAPLTA and NALTA. ARTICLE VI - MEMBERSHIP Eligibility for membership and the acceptance of any new applicant therefore shall be determined by majority vote of the Board of Directors. 50 Membership in the Organization shall be premised on the following: 1. Active Member Active membership shall be open to: (a) Any applicant who has been directly, primarily and regularly engaged as an Analyst or in Analyst work for a minimum of three (3) years and executes the following in the performance of their position: Analyzes leases and/or contracts, to include all clauses, and appropriate title papers constituting the lease and/or contract package, for retention or divestiture of company assets. (b) Computes mineral and leasehold interests. (c)An Active Member shall enjoy all privileges of the Organization . 2. Associate Member Associate membership shall be open to: (a) Any applicant who has been directly, primarily and regularly engaged as an Analyst or involved in Analyst work for a period of less than three years. (b) An Associate Member shall be reviewed for Active Member status by the Membership Committee upon submission of written notice that the requirements for Active membership have been met, by submitting a letter from their employer stating time of service as an Analyst and/or Analyst work. (c) An Associate Member shall enjoy all privileges of the Organization except hold the offices designated for active members under Article VIII. When an Associate Member has earned the right to an Active Membership, it shall be the responsibility of that member to inform the Chairman of the Membership Committee, in writing of such change in status and to provide any and all necessary evidence to support such a change. 3. Industry Related Member Industry Related membership shall be open to: (a) Any applicant involved in Lease/Title work and interested in the Organization, but not directly, primarily and/or regularly engaged as an Analyst. An Industry Related Member is one who is employed by a non-petroleum company. (b) An Industry Related Member shall enjoy all privileges of the Organization, except the right to vote or hold office as a member of the Board of Directors. 4. Honorary Life Member Honorary Life membership shall be conferred upon: (a) Those persons whom the Board of Directors feels have rendered outstanding service to the Organization or made noteworthy contributions toward enhancing its professionalism. (b) An Honorary Life Member shall be entitled to all privileges of the Organization. 5. Retired Life Membership Retired Life Membership shall be open to: (a) Any applicant who is at least 55 years of age, has at least 25 years active experience in Analyst work, is fully retired from Analyst work, and has been an Active member for the five (5) consecutive years immediately preceding the submission of an application for Retired Life Membership status. Retired Life membership may be conferred upon application to and approved by the Board of Directors. (b) Retired Life Members will pay dues equal to one-half of those paid by Active members; shall have the right to vote, hold elected office, and Chair a committee or serve on any committee. Any change in an individual’s membership classification shall be effective upon the approval of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VII – MEETINGS 1. The meetings of the Organization shall be: (a) Regular (b) Special 2. Regular meetings shall be held at such day; time and place as may be designated by the Board of Directors, provided however, that a minimum of ten (10) regular meetings shall be held during each calendar year. Administration of the affairs of the Organization may be conducted at any regular or special meeting that has been duly convened. 51 3. Notice of a regular meeting shall be delivered not less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting with the exception of an agreement by the majority of the Members of the Board of Directors. 4. Special meetings may be held at any time the affairs of the Organization necessitate such a meeting to be held. Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. A notice thereof shall be given by the President, provided that such notice be by mail, email, and fax or by telephone. Such notice shall be given not less than five (5) working days before the meeting with the exception of an agreement by the majority of the Members of the Board of Directors. 5. The voting members in attendance shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the organization. ARTICLE VIII - OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND DUTIES The officers of the Organization shall be: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) President First Vice-President Second Vice-President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Three (3) Directors Board Advisor NALTA Certification Liaison NALTA Liaison of OCAPLTA 1. The President of the Organization shall: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) 2. Be an Active member in good standing. Preside over all regular and special meetings. Serve as spokesperson for OCAPLTA on all matters pertaining to the public. Appoint all committee Chairmen. Be Chairman of the Board of Directors in a non-voting capacity, except in the event of a tie vote amongst the members of the Board of Directors representing a quorum. Be an ex-officio Member of all other committees. Be authorized to sign checks for the payment of expenses of the Organization provided that any payment exceeding $100.00 shall have been first duly authorized by the Board of Directors. Sign all contracts binding OCAPLTA having been first duly authorized by the Board of Directors, unless the board has delegated authority. Appoint at his/her discretion a Parliamentarian. The First Vice-President of the Organization shall: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Be an Active member in good standing. Succeed to all powers and duties during the absence of the President. Be a member of the Board of Directors. Be responsible for providing programs for all regular and special meetings and to suggest to the President the appointment of committees. Be responsible for notifying the Second Vice-President and Corresponding Secretary of programs for regular and special meetings. Be Chairman of Program Committee. 3. The Second Vice-President of the Organization shall: (a) (b) (c) Be an Active/Associate member in good standing. Be responsible for publications and publicity for the Organization. Be a member of the Board of Directors. 52 (d) (e) Succeed to all powers and duties of the President during the absence of the President and First Vice-President. Be Chairman of Publications and Publicity Committee. 4. The Recording Secretary of the Organization shall: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Be an Active/Associate member in good standing. Keep a true and perfect record of minutes of all regular and special meetings and of all meetings of the Board of Directors. Maintain the membership rolls and publish membership directory. Be a member of the Board of Directors. Be Chairman of Membership Committee. 5. The Corresponding Secretary of the Organization shall: (a) (b) (c) (d) Be an Active/Associate member in good standing. Handle the general communications between the Board of Directors and the membership at large. Be a member of the Board of Directors. Be Chairman of Meeting Committee. 6. The Treasurer of the Organization shall: (a) (b) (c) (d) 7. Be an Active member in good standing. Collect all dues and assessments from all members of the Organization and maintain an accurate record thereof. Pay all expenses of the Organization provided that any payment exceeding $100.00 shall have been first duly authorized by the Board of Directors. Checks are to be signed by two (2) of the three (3) authorized Officers, being the President, First Vice-President and Treasurer. Prepare annual financial statements correctly reflecting the financial condition of the Organization or at anytime when directed by the President. Be a member of the Board of Directors. The Directors of the Organization shall: (a) (b) (c) (d) Be an Active/Associate member in good standing. Be three eligible members of the Organization, elected by OCAPLTA. Serve as Chairmen of Committees as deemed necessary. Be members of the Board of Directors. 8. The Board Advisor shall: (a) Be an Active member in good standing. (b) Be appointed by the presiding President, with approval of the Board of Directors. (c) Serve as Board Advisor for the presiding President. (d) Be a member of the Board of Directors. (e) Be offered to the immediate past president, and should he/she be unable or unwilling to serve, and then the President shall appoint a past board member. 9. The NALTA Certification Liaison shall: (a) Be an Active member in good standing. (b) Hold the distinction of CPLTA. (c) Be appointed by the OCAPLTA President and approved by a majority vote of the OCAPLTA Board of Directors. (d) Promote certification of Analysts at the local Chapter through NALTA’s Certified Professional Lease and Title Analyst Program (CPLTA Program). (e) Maintain records and provide annual notices on Re-certification Credits for all local chapter CPLTA's. 53 (f) (g) Schedule and organize CPLTA reviews and tests for the local chapter as directed and approved by the NALTA Certification Director. Be an ex-officio member of the OCAPLTA Board of Directors. This position will not have voting rights. 10. The NALTA Liaison of OCAPLTA shall: (a) Be an Active member in good standing. (b) Be elected by the OCAPLTA membership as a Director on the NALTA Board of Directors. th Nominations will be submitted to the OCAPLTA Board of Directors no later than April 30 and the current NALTA Liaison will officially nominate the candidate at the second official NALTA Board meeting of each year. Any nominee shall provide his/her name to the OCAPLTA Board for consideration or may be nominated by any Active member with the approval of the nominee. Should only one (1) candidate qualify and run for this position, then the OCAPLTA Board of Directors shall have the right and authority to submit the candidate to the current NALTA Liaison to present to the NALTA nominating committee. Should more than one qualified member run for the position of the NALTA Liaison, then an official ballot will be mailed to the OCAPLTA membership who are qualified to vote. (c) Attend meetings of the National Association of Lease and Title Analyst as a representative of the OCAPLTA membership. (d) Handle the general communications between the Local and National Organizations. (e) Be an ex-officio member of the OCAPLTA Board of Directors. This position will not have voting rights on the OCAPLTA Board. 11. The Duties of the Board of Directors shall be: (a) To administer the affairs of OCAPLTA. (b) To have general supervision of the finances of OCAPLTA and approval of expenditures. (c) To suspend or terminate the membership of any member in the Organization, for misconduct, delinquency in payments of assessments, or failure to maintain eligibility requirements. Any member being considered for suspension or termination shall be reviewed by the Ethics Committee prior to any action by the Board but any suspension or termination shall be determined by a majority vote of the entire Board of Directors. Meetings of the Board of Directors: (a) The voting members in attendance shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Organization and shall so be declared by the President. (b) Upon 24-hour notice, a meeting of the Board of Directors may be conducted by means of conference telephone call, email, or similar communications equipment if all members participating in the meeting have the technological capability to communicate with each other. (c) The Board of Directors will be required to hold an in person, telephone conference, or email meeting on a regular basis to have continuity of OCAPLTA business. 12. ARTICLE IX- ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The nominations of Officers and Directors shall be held at a regular scheduled Board meeting during October each year, unless otherwise provided for by the Board of Directors. The Officers and Directors shall be elected by a majority of the members voting by mail/email or by submitting an electronic ballot. Each election method will be addressed by the Board of Directors on an annual basis. Absentee ballots must be received within five (5) working days before the election. The Nominating Committee, appointed by the President, shall in advance of the regular Board meeting prescribed for the election, nominate at least one (1) candidate for each office and at least one (1) candidate for each position as Director. An email calling for all nominations shall be sent to the membership no less than 5 (five) days prior to the mailing/emailing or electronic submission of the ballots. All nominations shall be made with the approval of the nominee. Additional nominations shall be accepted from the floor at the regular meeting held prior to the nominations closing or by email to the President of the Board of Directors, prior to the distribution date of the ballots, in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, unless suspended by the President. Should the ballot contain only one candidate per position, it will be within the authority of the President with the approval of the majority of the active board members, to certify the results of the election. The President shall appoint two (2) Active or Associate members to serve with the Chairman of the Election Committee for the purpose of recording and certifying the results of the election. The certified 54 6. results of the election shall be presented to the Board Advisor, the Board Advisor will then present the results to the Board of Directors for acceptance at a regular or special meeting held as soon as possible. The Board Advisor shall announce the results to the membership at the next regularly scheduled meeting or by email prior to the December meeting. Should a vacancy occur due to the ineligibility, resignation, or permanent absence of any Officer or Director, the President shall appoint a replacement, with the approval of the Board of Directors. Each successor Officer or Director shall be appointed for the unexpired term of his/her predecessor in office and shall serve until his/her successor is either elected or appointed and qualified. Any directorship shall be filled by appointment at the next regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE X - TERM OF OFFICE The term of office for the Officers and Directors of the Organization, shall be for a period of twelve (12) calendar months beginning on the first day of January immediately following the election; provided, however, that no Officer or Director shall be relieved of the duties of his/her office until his/her successor has been duly qualified, elected and installed. ARTICLE XI – REMOVAL FROM OFFICE Any Officer or Director may be removed from office at any time, with just cause, on the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the Board of Directors, whenever, in their judgment, the best interest of OCAPLTA will be served thereby. ARTICLE XII – COMMITTEES 1. Chairmen for the following standing committees, with the exception of the Nomination and Election Committee, shall be appointed by the President at or following the annual installation of officers, and each shall serve for one (1) year or until their successors are appointed: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ethics and Grievances Nomination Election Employment Publication/Publicity Meeting Education (h) Fund Raiser (o) Hospitality (i) Charity (j) Special Events (k) Audit (l) Program (m) Scholarship (n) Membership The Nomination Committee shall consist of all members of the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint the Chairman of the Nomination Committee at least sixty (60) days prior to the election of Officers. The Nomination Committee shall nominate at least one (1) person for each office. Such other committees, which may from time to time be established, shall have such functions and may exercise such power of the Board of Directors as can be lawfully delegated and to the extent provided for in the resolution or resolutions creating such committee or committees. The Board of Directors may, by majority vote, revoke any such appointments and make new appointments. Vacancies on the committees shall be filled by the President at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors. At all meetings of the committees, a simple majority of the committee members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE XIII - DUES AND ASSESSMENTS 1. 2. 3. A change in the annual dues assessed on all members shall be determined by a majority vote of the st Board of Directors, payable on or before March 31 of each calendar year. The cut-off date is to ensure publication in the Membership Directory. Membership applications and dues will be accepted for review during the entire fiscal year. st The fiscal year of the Organization shall begin January 1 . Special assessments may be made and will be effective only upon being passed by a vote of the simple majority of the voting members of the Organization, present and voting at any regular or special meeting, 55 4. provided that notice of any such special assessment proposed shall have been given to all voting members at least fifteen (15) days prior to such meeting. The annual membership drive shall coincide with the NALTA membership drive. The OCAPLTA membership term will be the same as the OCAPLTA fiscal year. A new OCPALTA applicant will be considered a member on the date the applicant is approved by the Board of Directors and will receive st membership until December 31 of the application year. The official membership drive will conclude on st March 31 each year in accordance with the NALTA guidelines. Dues or special assessments shall not be refundable to any member for any purpose. ARTICLE XIV- PARLIAMENTARY RULES Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall control at the regular and special meetings of the Organization unless suspended by the President or presiding officer, with approval by a majority of the members present. ARTICLE XV – AUDITS The President shall appoint a committee comprised of three (3) active or associate members to audit the financial records of the Organization. The audit shall be conducted annually, following the last regular meeting in December. ARTICLE XVI – PRESERVATION OF ORGANIZATIONS PURPOSE No part of the property of the Organization shall ever inure to the benefit of any Officer, Director, Member or employee of the Organization or of any individual having any personal or private interest in its activities, nor shall any Officer, Director, Member, employee or individual receive or be lawfully entitled to receive any benefit from the operations of the Organization except reasonable compensation for services rendered in carrying out any of its purposes or as a proper beneficiary thereof. The Organization shall not engage in, and none of its funds nor properties shall be devoted to, any activities or transactions which would cause the Organization to lose its status as a tax exempt Organization under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code; and the use, directly or indirectly, of any part of the Organization’s funds or properties in any such activities is hereby expressly prohibited. ARTICLE XVII – DISSOLUTION In the event of the dissolution of the Organization by lapse of time or otherwise, any funds or properties of any sort, real, personal or mixed, or rights thereto then owned by the Organization, or to which it may then be entitled, shall not be transferred to private ownership, but shall be charged with a charitable public trust, and thereafter shall be administered and applied to public charitable purposes by a trustee or trustees to be selected by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE XIII - AMENDMENT OF BY-LAWS The By-Laws may be changed or amended by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the eligible responding members of the Organization voting at any regular or special meeting, or by written mailed/emailed or electronic submission of the ballot, provided that mailed/emailed or electronically submitted notice of the proposed changes or amendments are mailed or delivered to all eligible members at least fifteen (15) days prior to such meeting, the voting deadline will be published with the receipt of the ballot. In addition, the By-Laws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the eligible responding members of the Organization, voting by U.S. Mail/email or by electronically submitted ballot, provided the ballots are returned within 15 days from the date received. Any ballot not received by the deadline shall be deemed as a vote in favor of the amendment(s). Proposed amendments shall be presented to the Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors shall issue notice thereof to the eligible voting members of OCAPLTA fifteen (15) days prior to the vote. Said notice shall include the verbatim language of the proposed amendment, the manner in which voting on the proposed amendment shall be performed and the date voting on the proposed amendment shall take place. Amendments to the ByLaws will be considered binding if approved by the majority of the members responding. ARTICLE XIX –NALTA 56 ANNUAL CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE To insure that OCAPLTA is properly represented at the National Association of Lease and Title Analysts Annual Conference, one (1) Board Member from OCAPLTA, will be reimbursed for his/her expenses actually incurred in attending the Annual Conference to the extent as defined below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The expenses to be included in reimbursement shall be: a. Conference registration fee. b. Round trip air fare and/or ground transportation. c. Hotel room for the number of nights needed to attend all of the Conference meetings. The President will have first priority for conference reimbursement, followed by the First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, respectively. In the event the President’s expenses are paid by their employer, then the next ranking officer whose expenses are not paid by their employer may be reimbursed as described above. Should two (2) members of the OCAPLTA Board of Directors be able to attend the NALTA conference by full financial support of their employer, then this offer will be suspended as to all officers other than the President. It is the intent of this organization to have the presiding President represents the OCAPLTA Chapter at the NALTA Annual Conference. The decision to reimburse any officer’s expenses incurred in attending the annual conference will be subject to Board approval each year and will be dependent upon treasury funds available above the funds required for normal operating expenses of OCAPLTA. Receipts for all eligible conference expenses must be submitted to the Treasurer for Board approval for reimbursement. The NALTA Conference registration fees for an eligible board member shall be paid by the Organization at the time of registration. Travel and hotel expenses shall be reimbursed upon submission of the original invoice to the Treasurer and Board approval. This offer will cover only the NALTA Conference days and will not cover the Wednesday Seminar or the Saturday Field Trip. FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE OKLAHOMA CITY ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM LEASE AND TITLE ANALYSTS BY-LAWS EFFECTIVE AS OF APRIL 19, 2001 SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE OKLAHOMA CITY ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM LEASE AND TITLE ANALYSTS BY-LAWS EFFECTIVE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2005 THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE OKLAHOMA CITY ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM LEASE AND TITLE ANALYSTS BY-LAWS EFFECTIVE AS OF APRIL 30, 2005 FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE OKLAHOMA CITY ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM LEASE AND TITLE ANALYSTS BY-LAWS EFFECTIVE AS OF JANUARY 1, 2007 FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE OKLAHOMA CITY ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM LEASE AND TITLE ANALYSTS BY-LAWS EFFECTIVE AS OF NOVEMBER 15, 2008 SIXTH AMENDMENT TO THE OKLAHOMA CITY ASSOCIATION OF PETROLEUM LEASE AND TITLE ANALYST BY-LAWS EFFECTIVE AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2010 57
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