- Hubbard Street Dance Chicago
- Hubbard Street Dance Chicago
STRENGTHENING CHICAGO CONNECTIONS MISSION To inspire, educate, stimulate and entertain people through dance THE MAIN COMPANY, performing classic and cutting-edge contemporary choreography for diverse audiences locally, nationally and internationally VISION HUBBARD STREET 2, training young professional dancers and nurturing emerging choreographers while also enhancing the institution’s visibility in the local community ■ To be America’s leading contemporary dance company ■ To be recognized worldwide for presenting cutting-edge, diverse repertoire ■ To promote appreciation of contemporary dance ■ To contribute to the evolution of the art form Cover: Shannon Alvis and Alejandro Cerrudo in Slipstream by Jim Vincent. Below: Meredith Dincolo in Walking Mad by Johan Inger. Photos by Todd Rosenberg. LOU CONTE DANCE STUDIO, offering superior dance instruction and specialized workshops to people of all ages in a variety of dance disciplines EDUCATION & COMMUNITY PROGRAMS, energizing the educational experience of public school students and providing accredited professional development workshops, exposure to professional dance through residency activities and performances and methods for enhancing curriculum through dance Hubbard Street Dance Chicago has evolved into one of the world’s most important contemporary dance companies, providing artistic leadership through the creation of innovative work by today’s leading choreographers, performed by the best dancers in the field. Hubbard Street is a significant gem in the cultural life of Chicago. During our 32nd season, our top institutional priority was to strengthen and grow our presence at home. No matter how far we travel, we are always eager to return to Chicago. This past year, we took several steps to demonstrate this investment in our home city: ■ For the first time, HSDC performed four distinct series at the Harris Theater for Music and Dance, allowing Chicago audiences to see the main company throughout the year. ■ We built a new partnership with the Art Institute of Chicago, adding to the company’s collaborations with major Chicago cultural institutions, including the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Illinois Institute of Technology College of Architecture. ■ We achieved our goal to bring dance to the community across all ages and abilities with the debut of our Family Workshop Series. We continued to strengthen our local presence by providing performances by Hubbard Street 2; offering our Education & Community Programs in Chicago Public Schools and Oak Park; and attracting our neighbors to open houses and classes at the Lou Conte Dance Studio. Transition in artistic leadership defined the close of our season when Jim Vincent accepted an appointment as Artistic Director of Nederlands Dans Theater. Jim continued moving the company forward artistically, collaboratively and institutionally, while remaining true to Founder Lou Conte’s original vision to present the best in contemporary dance. Among an impressive international roster of candidates, the ideal leader to succeed Jim came from within the company’s current artistic team: Glenn Edgerton. Glenn came to HSDC with significant international experience, then spent a year and a half as our Associate Artistic Director. Glenn’s vision is to have “all roads of dance intersect at Hubbard Street,” with an emphasis on creativity, innovation and collaboration. He strongly wishes to continue presenting cutting-edge choreographic works and cultivating unique partnerships and shares the board’s desire to strengthen our Chicago presence. These artistic and institutional developments occurred within the landscape of a challenging economic environment. Like many arts organizations, we confronted a dramatic drop in revenue as the economic downturn impacted our donors and audience members. The company’s leadership remained committed to advancing innovative choreography and investing in the cultural life of Chicago—even as we aggressively responded to declining revenues by cutting nearly $1 million from our $7.4 million anticipated budget. By collaborating as a team and finding ways to work more efficiently, we maintained $9.5 million in assets, in spite of our operating deficit, while preserving our artistic programs and the company’s mission. On behalf of the board, I’d like to express our excitement as we anticipate working with Glenn, Executive Director Jason Palmquist, the artistic and administrative staff—and our incomparable dancers. We thank our donors and patrons, without whom we would not have achieved such extraordinary success. Especially in these difficult economic times, your contributions are meaningful and appreciated. Chicago is and always will be our “home sweet home.” David G. Mekemson, Board Chair MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR Hubbard Street Dance Chicago gratefully acknowledges the support of corporations, foundations and individuals who made contributions of $25,000 or more during our 2008–09 season. Best Portion Foundation/ Timothy R. Schwertfeger and Gail Waller Meg and Tim Callahan Joyce Chelberg Marge and Lew Collens The Davee Foundation Julius Frankel Foundation Paul and Ellen Gignilliat The Walter E. Heller Foundation John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe Eric and Tammy Steele HSDC is also grateful to these local and national government agencies for their support. Above: David G. Mekemson (L), his wife Irene Petruniak and new Artistic Director Glenn Edgerton. Photo by Robert F. Carl. 3 The Walter E. Heller Foundation Choreography Sponsor DEEPENING OUR CHICAGO PRESENCE FALL SERIES In 2008–09, Chicago audiences received something they have requested for years: more opportunities to see the main company perform in its home city. Our four-series program at the Harris Theater included: Fall Series Sponsor ■ FALL SERIES: Extremely Close by Alejandro Cerrudo, Fold* by Toru Shimazaki, Minus 16 by Ohad Naharin Eric and Tammy Steele ■ WINTER SERIES: Strokes Through The Tail by Marguerite Donlon, One on One* by Jim Vincent, The Set by Lucas Crandall, Walking Mad** by Johan Inger WINTER SERIES ■ SPRING SERIES: Blush* by Andrea Miller (HS2), counter/part by Jim Vincent, Gimme by Lucas Crandall, Off Screen* by Alejandro Cerrudo, SF/LB by Daniel Ezralow ■ SUMMER SERIES: Extremely Close by Alejandro Cerrudo, Slipstream* by Jim Vincent, Gnawa by Nacho Duato HSDC expanded its partnerships with other world-class arts organizations in Chicago to engage patrons of various artistic disciplines in the art of dance. The company participated in its sixth collaboration with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, presenting dancers and musicians sharing the stage, and began a new relationship with the Art Institute of Chicago, showcasing dance in the Modern Wing galleries. Corporate Sponsor, Fold Sponsors, Fold Evening Sponsor John and Caroline Ballantine The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Sidney and Sondra Berman Epstein Randy and Lisa White Sponsors, One on One Meg and Tim Callahan Sponsors, Walking Mad SPRING SERIES * World Premiere ** Company Premiere Contributing Sponsors Marge and Lew Collens The J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe Sponsors, Off Screen The development of Off Screen was supported in part by the Choreographic Fellowship, made possible by a gift from the Davee Foundation. SUMMER SERIES Evening Sponsor Exclusive Corporate Sponsor, HS2 Family Matinee Joel and Katie Cory Paul and Ellen Gignilliat Alfred L. McDougal and Nancy Lauter McDougal Bill and Orli Staley Richard and Ann Tomlinson Sponsors, Slipstream CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA COLLABORATION Kellie Epperheimer and Christian Broomhall in Fold by Toru Shimazaki. Photo by Todd Rosenberg. Paul and Ellen Gignilliat Jim and Kay Mabie Sponsors 4 CULTIVATING ARTISTIC GROWTH Butler Family Foundation NEW CHOREOGRAPHY The Davee Foundation Funder, Hubbard Street 2 ■ HSDC named its first Resident Choreographer: Alejandro Cerrudo. Funder, Choreographic Fellowship ■ Through its annual National Choreographic Competition, Hubbard Street 2 premiered glass skin by main company dancer Terence Marling and Page One by Lesley Telford, both during the fall tour, and Blush by Andrea Miller during the Spring Series. HS2 also performed Diphthong by main company dancer Brian Enos, Float by Julian Barnett and St. John’s Wort by Janice Lancaster. Members of the Choreographer’s Circle: The “Inside/Out” Choreographic Workshop, an annual opportunity for company dancers to create choreography, became a site-specific performance evening in the Hubbard Street Dance Center warehouse. Fay Levin ■ DANCER DEVELOPMENT ■ Hubbard Street 2 performed throughout the Chicago-area and on tour, offering young dancers an early opportunity to experience the rigors and rewards of a professional dance career. ■ HSDC’s Dancer Health and Wellness Program focused on preventative care and physical therapy, with a physical therapist joining the company on every tour. ■ HSDC’s Summer Intensive provided specialized training opportunities to 80 dancers at the Hubbard Street Dance Center and launched a new program at the Colburn School for the Performing Arts in Los Angeles. ■ The Lou Conte Dance Studio’s (LCDS) scholarship program offered financial assistance for professional-level technique classes, master classes and repertoire workshops as well as audition preparation and career training to 24 dancers. Alsdorf Foundation Sidney and Sondra Berman Epstein Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Karla Tessler Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole Sponsors, Terence Marling’s glass skin, performed by HS2 Funder, “Inside/Out” Choreographic Workshop Official Provider of Dancer Health & Wellness Services “Inside/Out” Choreographic Workshop: Christian Broomhall in Terence Marling’s button (not so cute) (L) and Laura Halm in Kevin Shannon’s After Valerie and Egon Embrace. Photos by Todd Rosenberg. Official Athletic Clubs Best Portion Foundation Meg and Tim Callahan Alfred L. McDougal and Nancy Lauter McDougal Funders, Dancer Health and Wellness The Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust Funder, Summer Intensive The Patti Selander Eylar Scholarship Fund The Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust Rudolf Nureyev Dance Foundation Funders, LCDS Scholarship Program 5 SPANNING ALL AGES HSDC recognizes its responsibility to its community, offering opportunities to enhance the lives of dance enthusiasts and students of all ages, skill levels and abilities. With public and in-school performances by Hubbard Street 2 (HS2), in-school residencies and after-school programs, HSDC Education & Community Programs provide year-round arts access for students, teachers and families in primarily low- to moderate-income communities. During the 2008–09 season, these programs reached nearly 20,000 students, teachers and community members: ■ 2,333 students in kindergarten through sixth grade participated in long-term residency programs. ■ 272 educators participated in HSDC professional development workshops. ■ 104 children participated in after-school programs. ■ 6,097 students attended interactive performances by HS2. ■ More than 14,000 people attended HS2’s community performances. Among the year’s new developments in our school programs: ■ Our first-ever panel of principals, held at the annual Education Tea, spoke about the ways dance has changed their schools. ■ Greeley and Pulaski schools piloted “Performance As Curriculum”: HS2 dancers taught the students portions of repertoire, which the students then used as a jumping-off point to create a new work together with the dancers. ■ Teaching artists on tour with both companies presented professional development workshops and after-school programming in Indianapolis and St. Joseph, Minnesota. Top: Students in the MAP program explore over, under, around and through. Bottom: Students at Talcott Elementary explore cause and effect as it relates to dance. 6 COMMUNITY PROGRAMS 2008–09 PARTNER SCHOOLS MAP (Movement As Partnership)—an inquiry-based, long-term partnership model intended to strengthen whole school understanding of partnership and dance education, completing the second year of its initial three-year research phase FSI (Focus Schools Initiative)—a unique learning laboratory through which schools develop schoolwide, year-long dance programs Chicago Public Schools Burley Elementary (3) Cassell Elementary (11) Edwards Elementary (10) Faraday School (9) Healy Elementary (7) Medgar Evers Elementary (12) Mitchell Elementary (6) Near North Special Education Center (4) Spry Elementary (8) Talcott School (5) After-School Programs Clinton Elementary (13) Greeley Elementary (2) National Teachers Academy (14) Greeley Elementary (2) Pulaski Fine Arts Academy (1) Principal Corporate Underwriter Leading Foundation Supporter Bank of America Charles and M.R. Shapiro Foundation The Siragusa Foundation UBS Funders MOVEMENT AS PARTNERSHIP Additional Partners Catalyst-Circle Rock Elementary (17) Chicago Academy High School (16) Sacred Heart (15) Principal Corporate Contributor 15 Oak Park Public Schools Beye School (19) Hatch School (22) Holmes School (18) Irving School (20) Longfellow School (21) Whittier School (23) GENERAL SUPPORT Principal Sponsor, Chicago Public Schools 13 Principal Sponsor, Oak Park School District 3 16 2 22 FOCUS SCHOOLS INITIATIVE 1 18 23 19 17 6 9 5 4 21 Principal Sponsor 7 20 14 8 Exclusive Corporate Sponsor Dr. Scholl Foundation Funders The MetLife Partners in Arts Education Program is funded by MetLife Foundation and administered by the National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts. 10 AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMS Leo S. Guthman Fund 12 Funder 11 7 STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY RELATIONSHIPS In an effort to invest more comprehensively in the Chicagoland community, HSDC added three new programs: ■ The Family Workshop Series welcomed parents and children ages three through eight to participate in dance movement at Chicago-area cultural settings, including the Art Institute of Chicago (downtown), Chicago Botanic Garden (North Shore), Hubbard Street Dance Center (West Loop) and the Center on Halsted (Lakeview). ■ Dance Explorations family movement workshops, a collaboration between HSDC’s Education & Community Programs and the Chicago Park District, reached underserved families in six Chicago neighborhoods. ■ Discover Dance, a one-week summer camp, introduced students to the world of contemporary dance. Hubbard Street 2 continues to be the institution’s primary vehicle for reaching out to underserved communities, performing throughout Chicago for all partner schools and at libraries and park district facilities. To engage with another part of our community, HSDC’s Dance for Parkinson’s, a program to maintain and improve the physical capacity of Parkinson’s patients through dance, continued after a successful launch last year. The Lou Conte Dance Studio (LCDS), founded in 1974 by Lou Conte, is an open-enrollment school offering more than 70 classes weekly, from basic to professional, in ballet, jazz, modern, tap, hip hop, African, Pilates and yoga. ■ ■ LCDS offered Open Houses three times this year to introduce Chicago neighbors to its offerings, featuring free beginner-level classes and discounts on merchandise and performance tickets. Jane Ellen Murray Foundation Principal Contributor, Lou Conte Dance Studio Education and Outreach Partner Parkways Foundation Funder, HSDC’s Education & Community Programs in collaboration with the Chicago Park District LCDS rented its state-of-the-art studios to American Ballet Theatre, Goodman Theatre, Juilliard, touring productions of Billy Elliot, Mary Poppins, Jersey Boys and many more. DANCE FOR PARKINSON’S Top R: Ballet class at LCDS. Photo by Todd Rosenberg. Below: Tap class at LCDS. Photo by Cheryl Mann. COMMUNITY Jill Goode Roslyn Lettvin Michael and Roslyn Lieb Maureen Palladini Rush University Medical Center Kathleen Shannon Yuji Suzuki Sallyan Windt Funders 8 EVENTS CELEBRATING WITH OUR COMMUNITY Official Hotel Sponsor Official Wine Sponsor Sponsor, Artistic Director's Society Dinner Sidney and Sondra Berman Epstein Sponsors, Dinner with Jim Karen and Peter Lennon Underwriters, CSO/HSDC Engagement Pre-Performance Dinner (L–R) Artistic Associate Taryn Kaschock Russell and dancer Christian Broomhall chat with Ray Carney and Jan Burnham (The ROC Group) at the Artistic Director's Society Dinner in April at The Fairmont Chicago. BOLD MOVES FOR BOLD WOMEN Lead Corporate Sponsor Contributing Sponsor Event Partners (L–R) Lourdes McKillup and Paula Krasny (Baker & McKenzie) talk with Chicago fashion designer Maria Pinto at Bold Moves for Bold Women in April at The Fairmont Chicago. Baker & McKenzie was Lead Corporate Sponsor of the event. Dancer Jessica Tong walks the “runway” at “Dance into Spring with Bloomingdale’s and HSDC,” a free cocktail party in March during which a percentage of all purchases benefited HSDC. Photo by Todd Rosenberg. Graphic Design Wine Sponsor CELEBRITY CAST PARTY: LGBT EVENT Lead Corporate Sponsor Community Partner ULTRA LOUNGE & CAFÉ Graphic Design (L–R) Enjoying the Celebrity Cast Party are committee member Marcus Boggs (Merrill Lynch & Company), Williard Dumas (Lambda Legal) and committee member Brian Lighty (Putnam Investments). Photo by Robert F. Carl. Advisory board member Sondra Berman Epstein and Sidney Epstein (R) graciously hosted a donor event for Jim Vincent at their home in November. Vodka Sponsor Media Sponsor With additional support from John Kerney and Tropical Rentals, Inc. 9 EVENTS CELEBRATING WITH OUR COMMUNITY PARTNERS NIGHT: WORKS-IN-PROGRESS GOODSMITH GREGG & UNRUH LLP Lead Sponsor Contributing Sponsor (L–R) Marina Lopez (Spry School), HSDC Teaching Assistant Cheryl Olendzki and Dr. Louanne Smolin (education research consultant) take part in the Education Tea in December. (L–R) Associate Artistic Director Lucas Crandall, dancer and Resident Choreographer Alejandro Cerrudo, Artistic Director’s Society member Ruth Davee and board member Jim Oates at High Voltage, celebrating the opening of the 2008–09 season in October at The Fairmont Chicago. The MacArthur Foundation’s Rental Subsidy Program at the Harris Theater 2009 SPOTLIGHT BALL Official Airline Official Printer Official Advertising Agency Wardrobe Supervisor Rebecca Shouse (C) talks with guests about costuming HSDC’s repertoire during the backstage tour portion of Partners Night: Works-in-Progress in January at the Harris Theater. Photo by Robert F. Carl. Bank of America CB Richard Ellis/Denise L. Stefan Paul and Ellen Gignilliat McDonald’s Corporation Sara Lee Corporation Platinum Benefactors TWILIGHT ON THE ROOFTOP Event Partners (L–R) Board members and Steering Committee members Joni Jacobson (Katten Muchin Rosenman), Alyssa Rapp (Bottlenotes), Aurora Austriaco (Austriaco & Associates, Ltd.) and Sheila Owens (Exelon) celebrate a successful Twilight on the Rooftop event in August at the East Bank Club. Artistic Director’s Society member Lauren Robishaw (L) with Executive Director Jason Palmquist and Advisory Board Chair Sandra Guthman at the Spotlight Ball in June. Photo by Robert F. Carl. The Alsdorf Foundation Event Stars 10 2008–09 TOUR DATES AND LOCATIONS As one of only a few Chicago performing arts companies that tour worldwide, HSDC promotes the city as a world-class destination with an exciting and dynamic cultural scene. And, as another example of its investment in its home city, HSDC now keeps in touch with Chicago fans even while touring the world, via its Facebook fan page and a new blog, Hubbard Street Dance World. April 9–11, 14 With the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Symphony Center Chicago, IL April 16 Sangamon Auditorium University of Illinois Springfield Springfield, IL April 24–25 Vancouver Playhouse Vancouver, British Columbia April 29–30 Royal Theatre Victoria, British Columbia May 21–22 Ludwigshafen, Germany June 4–7 2009 Summer Series Harris Theater for Music and Dance in Millennium Park Chicago, IL June 27 “Inside/Out” Choreographic Workshop Hubbard Street Dance Center Chicago, IL July 11–20 Italy tour: Ravenna, Caserta, Rome, Florence, Bolzano • • HUBBARD STREET 2 HSDC EUROPE 2008–09 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE HS2 2008 September 12 Huntington’s Disease Society of America Gala Renaissance Hotel Chicago, IL HUBBARD STREET DANCE CHICAGO 2008–09 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 2008 September 26 Krannert Center University of Illinois Urbana, IL November 8 Center for the Arts George Mason University Fairfax, VA December 3–7 2008 Winter Series Harris Theater for Music and Dance in Millennium Park Chicago, IL 2009 October 9–12 2008 Fall Series Harris Theater for Music and Dance in Millennium Park Chicago, IL February 4 Amherst Fine Arts Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA October 24 Clowes Memorial Hall Butler University Indianapolis, IN February 6–8 Emerson Majestic Boston Celebrity Series Boston, MA October 28 Michigan State University East Lansing, MI February 10 Flynn Theatre for the Performing Arts Burlington, VT October 31–November 2 Michigan Opera Theatre Detroit, MI February 12 McCarter Theater Princeton, NJ November 6 Eisenhower Auditorium Penn State University University Park, PA February 14 Quick Center for the Arts Fairfield University Fairfield, CT February 18 Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall Sarasota, FL February 19 Philharmonic Center for the Arts Naples, FL February 21 Branscomb Auditorium Florida Southern College Lakeland, FL February 28 Overture Center for the Arts Madison, WI March 6–8 With the St. Louis Symphony Powell Symphony Hall St. Louis, MO September 25 Laguna Dance Festival Artists’ Theatre Laguna, CA December 6 HSDC 2008 Winter Series Family Matinee Harris Theater for Music and Dance in Millennium Park Chicago, IL 2009 January 27 Baldwin Hall Auditorium Truman State University Kirksville, MO January 30 The Shaw Center for Performing Arts Graceland University Lamoni, IA Supporter, touring of Doug Varone’s The Constant Shift of Pulse Funded in part by the National Dance Project of the New England Foundation for the Arts, with lead funding from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and additional funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Ford Foundation and the Community Connections Fund of the MetLife Foundation. February 4 University of Tennessee at Knoxville Bijou Theatre Knoxville, TN February 7 Colorado College Armstrong Theatre Colorado Springs, CO February 10 University of Wisconsin Eau Claire Kjer Theatre Eau Claire, WI February 17–March 15 Tour to Germany April 18 Petters Auditorium in Benedicta Arts Center College of Saint Benedict St. Joseph, MN June 6 HSDC 2009 Summer Series Family Matinee Harris Theater for Music and Dance in Millennium Park Chicago, IL Dancer Robyn Mineko Williams at Powell Symphony Hall in St. Louis. October 21 College of William and Mary Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall Williamsburg, VA October 24 Buehler YMCA Palatine, IL November 6 With the Northwestern Indiana Symphony Orchestra Chesterton High School Chesterton, IN March 27–28 McAninch Performing Arts Center at College of DuPage Glen Ellyn, IL November 7–8 With the New Philharmonic McAninch Performing Arts Center at College of DuPage Glen Ellyn, IL April 1–5 2009 Spring Series Harris Theater for Music and Dance in Millennium Park Chicago, IL November 9 With the Northwestern Indiana Symphony Orchestra Munster High School Munster, IN Jim Vincent with Maestro David Robertson, music director of the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. November 17–December 2 Tour to Germany 11 JIM VINCENT: AN ARTISTIC RETROSPECTIVE The 2008–09 season concluded with the departure of Jim Vincent, who was named artistic director of Nederlands Dans Theater. As only the second artistic director in HSDC’s history, Vincent joined the organization in 2000, creating new work for the company’s repertoire and recruiting impressive talent for the company and the artistic staff. He enhanced the company’s relationships with domestic and international choreographers and introduced new choreographic development initiatives, which have become staples of HSDC’s programming: the “Inside/Out” Choreographic Workshop allows HSDC dancers to create original choreography with their peers, and the Choreographic Fellowship identifies and cultivates emerging choreographic talent. Under Vincent’s tenure, HSDC began collaborative partnerships with several of Chicago’s most significant cultural and community organizations, including the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, presenting new and existing choreography set to orchestral music performed by the symphony; the Art Institute of Chicago, producing dance works within art exhibits and providing free information sessions to the public to explore the vital connection between dance and art; and the Illinois Institute of Technology School of Architecture, reimagining the space in which dance is performed. Choreography created for HSDC by Jim Vincent ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ counter/part, 2002 (top right) Uniformity, 2005 Palladio, 2007 (top left) One on One, 2008 (bottom left) Slipstream, 2009 (bottom right) Repertoire photos by Todd Rosenberg; portrait of Jim Vincent by Jennifer Girard. 12 FINANCIALS Beginning in FY08, HSDC embarked on a strategic plan for growth, making several investments that resulted in gains in earned and, initially, contributed revenues. However, the economic downturn experienced throughout the country has led to decreases in contributions along with substantial unrealized investment losses. Additionally, increases in earned revenue were not enough to reach original income goals given the current economic climate. HSDC responded aggressively by reducing expenses by 13% (nearly $1 million) in FY09 and was able to contain the deficit to $1.34 million. The company had a short-term credit facility available to fund this deficit; therefore, in spite of this difficult time, the company still has significant assets, including our $5 million West Loop facility and $3 million in endowment assets. STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION AS OF AUGUST 31, 2009 AND 2008 Assets Cash and equivalents Pledges and accounts receivable Other current assets Net property and equipment Other assets Total Assets Liabilities and Net Assets Current liabilities Long-term liabilities Net assets, unrestricted Net assets, temporarily restricted Net assets, permanently restricted Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 2009 296,309 655,569 304,838 4,519,340 3,744,953 9,521,009 $ $ $2,190,478 $ $ 1,208,860 2,927,553 3,194,118 9,521,009 $ $ $ 2008 175,180 719,799 357,917 4,639,706 4,082,648 9,975,250 1,293,998 6,189 1,516,308 3,183,982 3,974,773 9,975,250 STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES YEARS ENDED AUGUST 31, 2009 AND 2008 Revenues and Other Support Performance Revenue 2009 $ Contributions Foundation, corporate, individual and government grants Donated services and materials Gala benefit New Movements Campaign Lou Conte Dance Studio revenues and other income Total Revenues and Other Support Expenses Program Services Performances Lou Conte Dance Studio Education programs 1,659,671 2008 $ 2,044,332 142,528 635,528 $ $ 994,903 5,476,962 3,223,342 384,192 244,954 Support Services Development Gala and special events Marketing Finance and administration Facility and IT Total Expenses $ Realized gain/(loss) on marketable securities Unrealized gain/(loss) on marketable securities Change in Net Assets (193,343) (188,582) $ (1,344,532) 583,103 183,503 622,259 835,207 363,009 6,439,569 1,926,114 2,559,422 296,518 586,539 5,000 $ $ 989,067 6,362,660 3,459,295 291,023 276,625 $ 807,824 245,212 736,007 869,267 337,485 7,022,738 $ 5,605 (297,199) (951,672) Jason Hortin in One on One by Jim Vincent. Photo by Todd Rosenberg. 13 EXTRAORDINARY SUPPORT Hubbard Street Dance Chicago gratefully acknowledges the support of the following corporations, foundations, government agencies and individuals who made gifts to our Annual Fund between September 1, 2008 and August 31, 2009. CORPORATE SUPPORT $100,000 and above Kraft Foods $50,000–$99,999 The Boeing Company JPMorgan Chase & Co. Sara Lee Foundation $25,000–$49,999 Bank of America Target $10,000–$24,999 Advantage National Bank Baker & McKenzie Exelon Corporation GoodSmith Gregg & Unruh LLP Harris Bank Illinois Tool Works, Inc. The PrivateBank UBS Financial Services, Inc. USG Corporation $5,000–$9,999 Advertising Resources, Inc. Baxter International, Inc. Callahan Capital Partners Lowry Hill Midwest Generation EME, LLC PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP SomerCor 504, Inc. Tiara - The Exceptional Women’s Coaching Program $2,500–$4,999 Katten Muchin Rosenman, LLP MedLux Rehabilitation & Wellness William Blair & Company $1,000–$2,499 Anonymous Amsted Industries Cape Horn Group Great Lakes Milk Products, Inc. Rush University Medical Center Sahara Enterprises, Inc. FOUNDATION & GOVERNMENT SUPPORT $100,000 and above National Endowment for the Arts $50,000–$99,999 The Chicago Community Trust The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Polk Bros. Foundation The Shubert Foundation $25,000–$49,999 The Brinson Foundation Julius Frankel Foundation Lloyd A. Fry Foundation The Walter E. Heller Foundation Illinois Arts Council Prince Charitable Trusts $10,000–$24,999 The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Crown Family Philanthropies Leo S. Guthman Fund The Irving Harris Foundation James S. Kemper Foundation The MetLife Partners in Arts Education Program The Elizabeth Morse Charitable Trust Rudolf Nureyev Dance Foundation The Rhoades Foundation Sage Foundation Dancer Brian Enos, as DJ for the Celebrity Cast Party in April, gets the dancing started at The Fairmont Chicago. Photo by Robert F. Carl. $5,000–$9,999 Anonymous American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Butler Family Foundation City of Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs The Maurice and Bernice Goldblatt Foundation, Inc. John R. Halligan Charitable Fund Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Fund Parkways Foundation Dr. Scholl Foundation Charles & M. R. Shapiro Foundation The Siragusa Foundation The Farny R. Wurlitzer Foundation $1,000–$4,999 Modestus Bauer Foundation INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT Artistic Director’s Society $100,000 and above The Davee Foundation $50,000–$99,999 Meg and Tim Callahan Paul and Ellen Gignilliat $25,000–$49,999 Anonymous Best Portion Foundation/Timothy R. Schwertfeger and Gail Waller Joyce Chelberg Marge and Lew Collens John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe Eric and Tammy Steele $10,000–$24,999 John and Caroline Ballantine Stephen Cerrone and Mary Cordero Joel and Katie Cory Sidney and Sondra Berman Epstein Judith Grubner and Craig Jobson Jack and Sandra Guthman Humenansky Family Trust Alfred L. McDougal and Nancy Lauter McDougal Byron and Judy Pollock J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation Lauren Robishaw Mary Kay Shaw Bill and Orli Staley Denise L. Stefan Jane and Michael Strauss Richard F. Tomlinson II Randy and Lisa White Sallyan Windt $5,000–$9,999 Joseph and Anne Bohne Janice Y. Burnham and Raymond B. Carney Edie and James Cloonan Dirk Denison Madeline and Richard Halpern Linda Hutson Peter and Karen Lennon Anne Leyden and Mike Meyers Jim and Kay Mabie John E. Miller, Jr. Marc Miller and Chris Horsman Lois and Jon Mills James F. Oates Alyssa Rapp William and Eleanor Revelle Camille and Kevin Rudge Earl and Susan Webb William N. Wood Prince DanceMakers Sustaining DanceMakers $2,500–$4,999 Julia and Larry Antonatos Arthur Ashley Corinne E. Brophy Shawn M. Donnelley Fund Patti Eylar and Charlie Gardner Richard and Mary Gray Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel Andrew and Dietrich Klevorn Rachel Corn Kluge Fay Levin David Mekemson and Irene Petruniak Sally and Ted Miller Dina Norris and Steve Young Ellis and Sally Regenbogen Patrick J. Schieble Deborah and Kelly Stonebraker Karla Tessler Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole Marilee C. Unruh Mark van Gorder, M.D. The Zarcades Family Fund at The San Diego Foundation Premier DanceMakers $1,000–$2,499 Anonymous (2) Sara Albrecht Alsdorf Foundation Aurora and Jerome Austriaco Maria Bechily and Scott Hodes Christine and Paul Branstad Jeanne Brett John and Leslie Henner Burns Elizabeth Christie Carolyn H. Clift Bridget and Jim Coffing Seymour A. Cohen Family Foundation Steven Collens Mary Connelly Linda Corn Jeffrey C. Crouch Beth I. Davis Allan and Ellen Drebin Dr. Kate A. Feinstein Eric and Jen Ferguson Sharon M. Flanagan Scott and Edie Fortman Terri and Stephen Geifman Trish Harper Joni Jacobsen Stephen Kahng John Kerney and Tropical Rentals, Inc. George and Liz Krupp Sheldon L. & Pearl R. Leibowitz Foundation Ron and Fifi Levin Michael and Roslyn Lieb Board members Joe Bohne (L) and Karen Lennon toast dancers Alejandro Cerrudo (second from L) and Kevin Shannon on a successful opening night in Boston in February. Jessica Kaplan Lundevall Todd E. Magazine Ron and Elise Magers Mary Ellen and Jim Marpe Rocco and Roxanne Martino Daniel and Suzanne McCarthy Patty and Mark McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Brian McLaughlin Sandra McNaughton Diane E. Merna Betsy Stelle Morgan Nan Ochs Robert Ollis and Richard Gibbons Jason Palmquist Carol Prins and John H. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Don Michael Randel Richard L. Rodes Janice Rodgers Burton and Sheli Rosenberg Arch W. Shaw Morton and Carol Siegler Kelly Stukey Yuji Suzuki Greg and Anne Taubeneck Kimberly K. Taylor Jack and Niki Tovin Mat Madison Turner Michael S. Wehling Kimberly A. White Claudia Winkler Susan and Bob Wislow James and Margaret Maxwell Zagel DancePartners $500–$999 Anonymous (2) Heather Ahasic Greg Albiero Antoinette Amendolia Bill and Donna Barrows Curt G. Behnke Thomas Berry Andrea Billhardt Rachel Bishop Louis Bouressa Linda Buckley Jessica Coleman John C. and Jane Colman Jack Cooksey and Brenda Russell Jan L. Davis Cindy M. Delmar Kathryn Finn Christopher Fleck Julie L. Gentes Elaine Gethers Karen and Bill Goodyear Antonio and Sabrina Gracias Martin Grochala and Fred Reuland Martijn and Alex Gronberger David Helverson Terry and Todd Holzman Al Hoodwin Stephen O. Jackson Mel and Renee Katten Anne and John Kern Michele King Tom and Kay Kirkpatrick Ricardo and Wanda Knight Koldyke Family Fund Peter and Linda Krivkovich Sylvie Légère Lew and Laurie Leibowitz Richard and Susan Lenny Peggy Madden and Richard Phillips Philip Martin Karen Matusinec Pamela G. Meyer Marie E. O’Connor Jan Paszczykowski Nicki Pecori Christine Poggianti and Lawrence Schulman D. Elizabeth Price Marjorie Reed Andrew and Tehemina Richardson Susan B. Rubnitz Rick and Kathy Saines Lauren and Steve Scheibe Terry Schwartz Alan and Beth Singer Coco Soodek and Roxanne Saylor Nikki Will Stein Gwen Stern Maria Taft Lyndon Taylor and Daphne Roscoe-Taylor Mary Ellen Toll and William Heimann 14 EXTRAORDINARY SUPPORT $250–$499 Anonymous Shaofen Ai Lorraine and Randy Barba Scott Benton Lawrence Berlin Peter Birnbaum Marcus Boggs Nadalie Bosse and Larry Nettles April K. Brazell and Donald J. Santoski Mark Breen Alice and Bob Chrismer Jennifer Christensen Mary Cianfrocca Fraser Clark John Cochrane and Elizabeth Fama Frederick Cohen Curt Conklin Angela J. D’Aversa Juan and Polly DeAngulo Jack Delaney and Scott Stolzman Leslie Delany Melinda Dunker Joan and Warren Eagle Diana Ferguson Rosalyn Ford Arthur L. Frank, M.D. Maxine Frankel Ethel and Bill Gofen Carol and David Golder Jonathan E. Goldman Kenneth and Margaret Gross Christie Hanna Kevin Hitzeman Sid Horton Andrea Hosbein Jeffrey Jackson Matthew J. Keller Margot Lakonishok Dr. John G. Lease Brian Lighty Herbert Lippitz Cheri Lundin Tim and Paula Petrini Lynch Donald L. MacCorquodale Charles Mackie Carlyle Madden Mr. and Mrs. Harry Madorin Walter Mah Susan Manning Thomas McCaffer Marc McClellan Beverly and Richard Moody Charles Moore Len and Shannon Motta Jeff Moyers James Murphy Mary P. Nelson Bennett Neuman and Richard Cohn Peter O’Callaghan and Jocelyne Roy Julie O’Connell Steve Palmquist and Kathryn Nuss Mr. and Mrs. F. Steven Pearl and Family Isabelle Perrault Viktoras Petroliunas Christopher Pett Peter and Eleanor Pollack Andrew and Judy L. Porte Edward Potocek Myron Rogers and Joann Ricci Nik Rokop Jean E. Rolles Gabrielle and David Rousso Nick Sarros Mike Schaeffer and Michelle Maton Molly and Haskell Schiff Dan Schwartz Bevin B. Seifert Thomas Sinkovic Lisbeth Stiffel Patty Sternberg Chris and Eric Strobel Elaine R. Taylor Mary Ann and Ray Tittle Wayne F. Tjaden Claire Tramm/McKinsey & Company, Inc. Phyllis Trammell David and Bonnie Turner Modesto Valle Constance Van der Eb Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wanninger Charles Whitver Darrell Windle Rebecca Woan HSDC appreciates the support of the corporations, foundations and individuals that contribute gifts up to $250 and regrets the inability to list their names due to space limitations. Rachel Corn Kluge Mayer Brown LLP McDermott Will & Emery LLP Alfred L. McDougal and Nancy Lauter McDougal Marc Miller and Chris Horsman Geoffrey and Kay Nixon PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP The PrivateBank ReedSmith Schiff Hardin LLP Seyfarth Shaw Deborah and Kelly Stonebraker Richard F. Tomlinson II USG Corporation Randy and Lisa White Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP Former HSDC dancers (L–R) Karen Frankel-Jones, Julie Kaplan, Claire Bataille and Ginger Farley share some fond memories with HSDC Founder and Former Artistic Director Lou Conte during the LCDS 35th Anniversary weekend in February. In honor of Meg and Tim Callahan Nancy Heydemann Gabrielle and David Rousso Morton and Carol Siegler In honor of Edie and Jim Cloonan Meta S. & Ronald Berger Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Harry Madorin ENDOWMENT FOR DANCER HEALTH AND WELLNESS In the summer of 2007, the Hubbard Street Dance Center made a commitment to creating and implementing a comprehensive plan to promote dancer health and wellness. With an initial gift from Meg and Tim Callahan, HSDC has created an Endowment for Dancer Health and Wellness to provide complete support for the company’s wellness programs. In honor of Marge and Lew Collens Ted Jadwin John Seder Health and Wellness Annual Support Best Portion Foundation Meg and Tim Callahan Alfred L. McDougal and Nancy Lauter McDougal In honor of Kateri O’Shea Marianne Littau To learn more about the Dancer Health and Wellness Program, call Director of Development Martin Grochala at 312-850-9744, ext. 127. HONOR/MEMORIAL GIFTS The following individuals made gifts to celebrate important birthdays, anniversaries or weddings, or to honor the work of one of HSDC’s board members or volunteers. Gifts were also made in memory of a loved one or friend, particularly if that individual inspired a love of dance in the donors. HSDC gratefully acknowledges the following donors for their generous support of the Annual Fund. In honor of Julia Antonatos Stephen Langdon In honor of Dirk Denison Maxine Frankel In honor of Paul and Ellen Gignilliat Annette Dezelan In honor of Marc Miller April K. Brazell and Donald J. Santoski Beth I. Davis In honor of Byron Pollock Alan and Patty Rubin In honor of Raymond Snyder Patricia Snyder In honor of Ruth and George Solomon Hadassah Rosen In honor of Tammy Steele Phoebe Telser In honor of Deborah Stonebraker John and Leslie Henner Burns Lauren and Steve Scheibe Alan and Beth Singer In honor of Jane and Michael Strauss Kathy McRae In honor of Jim Vincent Deborah Rutter In honor of Victor Zapata Richard Dickinson SPOTLIGHT BALL Hubbard Street Dance Chicago gratefully acknowledges the support of the following donors who made gifts to the 2009 Spotlight Ball. $15,000 and above Anonymous Bank of America CB Richard Ellis/Denise L. Stefan Mark Ferguson and Elizabeth Yntema Ferguson Paul and Ellen Gignilliat McDonald’s Corporation Sara Lee Corporation Jane and Michael Strauss $10,000–$14,999 Anonymous Abbott Fund Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois Meg and Tim Callahan Edie and James Cloonan Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP Maureen Mosh Timothy R. Schwertfeger and Gail Waller $2,500–$4,999 Joyce Chelberg DLA Piper LLP James I. Kaplan Marie Lona Byron and Judy Pollock The Rise Group, LLC Lyndon Taylor and Daphne Roscoe-Taylor $1,000–$2,499 Fred and Judy Adler Julia and Larry Antonatos Arthur Ashley Assemblers, Inc. Baker Tilly Virchow, Krause & Company, LLP Jamie Breslin Cohen Family Foundation Joel and Katie Cory Candace P. Davis Susan G. Feibus Patti Eylar and Charlie Gardner John Ginascol Heidi and John Grinney Judith Grubner and Craig Jobson Stephanie J. Hickman James Hitzeman Mark and Julie Hosfield Caryn Jacobs Gerard Kelly Krueck & Sexton Architects Karen Leets Peter and Karen Lennon Marie A. Lona Jim and Kay Mabie Todd E. Magazine Ron and Elise Magers Rocco and Roxanne Martino John McCartney Sandra McNaughton Mesirow Financial John E. Miller, Jr. John and Pam Mjoseth Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP The Northridge Group, Inc. James F. Oates Jason Ott Robert Paszczak Pattishall, McAuliffe, Newbury, Hilliard & Geraldson LLP Lesley Roselle Jack and Dawn Rozran Jeffrey and Susan Rubenstein Camille and Kevin Rudge Roger F. Ruttenberg Schwartz Brothers Insurance David and Beth Shaw Duane Sigelko Mary Stowell Jim Vick David E. Walters Marilyn and Fred Webster $250–$999 Aurora and Jerome Austriaco Meta S. & Ronald Berger Family Foundation Kenneth A. Bigg Brad and Carrie Brasser Corinne E. Brophy Jan Brown Walter C. D. Carlson Bruce and Lisa Cohen Henry and Maren Deaver Scott and Edie Fortman Michael and Susan Frank $7,500–$9,999 Marge and Lew Collens Earl and Susan Webb $5,000–$7,999 Advertising Resources, Inc. AthletiCo Rehabilitation, Fitness and Performance Baxter International, Inc. Rachel Bishop Joseph and Anne Bohne Chilmark Partners Dirk Denison Philip and Marsha Dowd Allan and Ellen Drebin Exelon Corporation Jack and Sandra Guthman Huron Consulting Group Ideal Jenner & Block LLP Jones Day JPMorgan Chase Foundation (L–R) Executive Director Jason Palmquist and HSDC supporters Tammy and Eric Steele join Jim Vincent for a pre-performance toast on opening night of the Winter Series. 15 EXTRAORDINARY SUPPORT Official Printer for the Spotlight Ball Michael Grant and Carol McMahan Steve and Valerie Hartmann Scott Hodes Greg and Terri Hummel Linda Hutson Linda Johnson Erin E. Kelly Carl and Carol Klein Jordan Klein Bradley Lane Lara Levitan Renee Logan Dennis McCrary Courtney and Roger McEniry Dale Nichols Dina Norris and Steve Young Richard F. O’Malley Patty and Ken Pell Patricia Petrowski Christopher and Sara Pfaff Robert Powers Kathleen O. Scallan Patrick J. Schieble Chris and Annissa Slusher Carole D. Stone Taylor Todd Sallyan Windt Kimberly A. White Donald and Nancy Woulfe Liska + Associates Design and Communication HSDC appreciates the support of Spotlight Ball contributors of gifts up to $250 and regrets the inability to list their names due to space limitations. MATCHING GIFTS The following companies support Hubbard Street Dance Chicago through their matching gift programs. Abbott Fund Amsted Industries Aon Foundation Bank of America Baxter International BP Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb GE Foundation Grainger Harris Bank IBM Corporation The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Johnson Controls Foundation JPMorgan Chase & Co. Kraft Foods McDonald’s Corporation Northern Trust Nuveen Investments Peoples Gas PepsiCo Chicago Polk Bros. Foundation The Prince Foundation Sara Lee Foundation UBS SPECIAL SERVICES Chapman and Cutler LLP Bond Counsel Baker Tilly Virchow Krause & Company LLP Auditor American Airlines HSDC’s Official Airline AthletiCo Official Provider of Dancer Health and Wellness to Hubbard Street Dance Chicago Bottlenotes.com Official Wine Sponsor Chicago Athletic Clubs HSDC’s Official Athletic Club Communiqué Graphic Design Graphic Design Cramer-Krasselt Official Advertising Agency for the Spotlight Ball The Fairmont Chicago Official Hotel Gemini Graphics, Inc. Young fans clamor to get autographs of HS2 dancers after the Spring Series Family Matinee. HMS Media Video Service Todd Rosenberg Photography Photography Charles Bush-Joseph, M.D. Simon Lee, M.D. Nik Verma, M.D. Kathleen Weber, M.D. Midwest Orthopaedics WORKNET Inc., Official Website Host of hubbardstreetdance.com CONTRIBUTED MATERIALS AND SERVICES Anonymous About Face Theatre Allan J. Grant and Associates, Architects American Airlines Aria Baxter International, Inc. TheBestDressedList.com Bistro Campagne Bloomingdale’s Bottega del Vino Bottlenotes.com Branca, Inc. Cameron Hughes Wine Cannonball Wine Company The Capital Grille The Carleton of Oak Park Hotel Chicago Chamber Musicians Chicago Children’s Museum Christopher Duquet Fine Jewelry Design LTD Cline Cellars Marge and Lew Collens The Dailey Method Desert Rose Design Kimberly Donaldson Philip Dowd East Bank Club The Elysian Sidney and Sondra Berman Epstein Exhale Spa Ezulwini Game Lodges Fairmont Acapulco Princess Resort Hotel Fairmont Battery Wharf The Fairmont Chicago Flora Confections Four Seasons Hotel Chicago Gemini Graphics, Inc George Jewell Catering Services The Girls in the Vineyard Grant Park Music Festival HARPO Productions Michael Harrigan Harris Theater for Music and Dance House Red Illinois Sports Facilities Authority Italian Village Nancy Johnston Kate & Cassie Shannon Kinsella Tom Kolovos Charles Krug Lake Geneva Cruise Lines/Gage Marine Corporation Peter and Karen Lennon Lincoln Park Athletic Club Lincoln Park Zoo Lookingglass Theatre Company Middle Sister Marc Miller and Chris Horsman minibar Mitchell Channon Design Mity Nice Grille Monogamy Maureen Mosh Neiman Marcus Michigan Avenue New Age Geoff Nixon Notoriety Oak Park Visitor Center Old Town School of Folk Music Parkways Foundation Peerless Rugs Pegasus Players Peggie Robinson Designs Personal Vogue Maria Pinto pro+mis+Q+ous PRP Wine International, Inc. Nancy G. Ross Rotenier Sepia Shattered Globe Shaw’s Crab House Silk Road Theatre Project Sofitel Chicago Water Tower/ Café des Architectes Spencer Roloson Winery Spring Mountain Vineyard Eric H. Steele Steppenwolf Theatre Company Jane and Michael Strauss Taco Fresco Tratorria No. 10 Two Angels Union Park Lounge Jim Vincent Wente Vineyards The Westin Michigan Avenue Chicago Paul Wildermuth Sally Wildman HSDC appreciates the support of in-kind contributors whose donations are valued up to $250 and regrets the inability to list their names due to space limitations. ENDOWMENT FOR ARTISTIC PROGRAMS Hubbard Street Dance Chicago gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the following donors to the Endowment for Artistic Programs, which was established with a generous grant from the Ford Foundation. $100,000–$249,999 Anonymous Pamela Crutchfield and Myron Szold* Jim and Kay Mabie The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Josephine H. Deutsch Trust Alfred L. McDougal and Nancy Lauter McDougal (L–R) Costume designer Branimira, dancer Robyn Mineko Williams and her mother Donna Williams have fun at the “Inside/Out” after-party in June. Timothy R. Schwertfeger and Gail Waller $50,000–$99,999 Sara Albrecht John and Caroline Ballantine Deborah A. Bricker Sidney and Sondra Berman Epstein Exelon, Proud Parent of ComEd Jack and Sandra Guthman The Rhoades Foundation Earl and Sandra Rusnak Randy and Lisa White Eleanor Wood Prince* William N. Wood Prince $25,000–$49,999 Mrs. Harold M. Florsheim* Paul and Ellen Gignilliat Averill and Bernard Leviton James F. Oates Randy A. White $10,000–$24,999 Dean M. Balice Christopher J. and Kate Barber Roger and Julie Baskes Maria C. Bechily and Scott Hodes Janice Y. Burnham and Raymond B. Carney Edie and James Cloonan Marge and Lew Collens Joel and Katie Cory Allan and Ellen Drebin Susan and Bryan Erler Trudene Giesel Mary Louise Gorno Jacqueline A. Hurlbutt and Norman J. Waite Dina Norris and Steve Young Byron and Judy Pollock William and Eleanor Revelle Warren D. Shifferd, Jr. Richard F. Tomlinson II Robert and Nancy Unglaub Earl E. and Susan Webb Sallyan Windt $5,000–$9,999 Julia and Larry Antonatos Thomas F. Barnum* William and Donna Barrows Corinne E. Brophy Meg and Tim Callahan Charlie Gardner and Patti S. Eylar Judith Grubner and Craig Jobson Stephanie J. Hickman Linda Hutson Marc Miller Sally and Ted Miller John B. and Dianne L. Schwartz Deborah and Kelly Stonebraker Jack and Niki Tovin Under $5,000 Kathy Catrambone Tom and Lois Colberg Jocelyn B. Hamlar and Leighton J. Toney Joel Jastromb Todd E. Magazine David Mekemson and Irene Petruniak Donald H. Ratner Dana and Andre Rice Pat Pulido Sanchez and Manuel Sanchez Patrick J. Schieble Dr. Ken Shanoff Steven H. Shapiro Richard Turner and David Jenkins* *deceased 16 HSDC DIRECTORS AND STAFF Jim Vincent Artistic Director Jason D. Palmquist Executive Director Lou Conte Founder BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Committee David G. Mekemson Chair Marc Miller President Ellis Regenbogen Secretary Julia Langdon Antonatos Treasurer Camille Rudge Assistant Treasurer Meg Siegler Callahan Vice President, Development Patrick Schieble VP, Education & Community Programs Denise L. Stefan Assistant VP Development Earl E. Webb VP, Facilities Members-At-Large Marge Collens+ Stephanie J. Hickman Linda Hutson Karen Lennon+ James F. Oates+ Byron Pollock++ Deborah Stonebraker J. Randall White+ Directors Sara Albrecht Aurora Abella Austriaco Joseph W. Bohne Corinne E. Brophy Stephen J. Cerrone Edie Cloonan++ Rachel Corn Kluge Joel Cory Juan DeAngulo Allan Drebin Sharon M. Flanagan Paul Gignilliat Michael A. Gorshe Judith L. Grubner Joni S. Jacobsen Anne Leyden Marie A. Lona Todd E. Magazine Betsy Stelle Morgan Maureen Mosh Dina Norris Shelia Owens Alyssa Rapp Mary Kay Shaw Jane Strauss Lyndon Taylor Richard F. Tomlinson II David Walters Kimberly White Advisory Board Sandra P. Guthman+ John W. Ballantine+ Dirk Denison Philip and Marsha Dowd Sondra Berman Epstein, Past Chair Stanley M. Freehling Charles R. Gardner William L. Gunlicks+ Averill Leviton Larry Long** James Mabie Alfred L. McDougal++ Marie E. O'Connor++ Timothy Schwertfeger++ Jack D. Tovin Richard B. Turner Sallyan Windt William N. Wood Prince+ Pinchas Zukerman +Past Board Chair ++Past Board President **Deceased ARTISTIC STAFF Glenn Edgerton Center Associate Artistic Director Lucas Crandall Company Associate Artistic Director Kristen Brogdon Artistic Administrator Taryn Kaschock Russell Center Artistic Associate Anne Grove Company Manager Juliet Greenblatt Kemper Fellow Allison Kaminsky Marisa Santiago Artistic Administration Interns HSDC DANCERS Shannon Alvis Christian Broomhall Karen Castleman Alejandro Cerrudo Meredith Dincolo Autumn Eckman Brian Enos Kellie Epperheimer Laura Halm Jason Hortin Ana Lopez Terence Marling Jamy Meek Pablo Piantino Alejandro Piris-Niño Penny Saunders Kevin Shannon Jessica Tong Tiffany Vann Benjamin Wardell Robyn Mineko Williams HUBBARD STREET 2 DANCERS Stacey Aung Ethan R. Kirschbaum Ty Gorin Parmenter Nefertiti Thomas Eduardo Zuñiga HSDC Center Apprentices Jacqueline Burnett Hogan McLaughlin HS2 Apprentice Justine Humenansky PRODUCTION STAFF Gregory Etter Production Manager/ Lighting Director Kilroy G. Kundalini Audio Engineer Aprill C. Clements Stage Manager/Properties Master Stephan Panek Carpenter Rebecca M. Shouse Wardrobe Supervisor Emily Predny Lighting Supervisor Erin E. Smith HS2 Production Stage Manager Samantha Granberg Branimira Ivanova Danielle Kurz Carol Miller Sally Murray Kendra Bell Reddington Nathan Rohrer Carmella Simpson Amy Sobotta Wardrobe Staff COMPANY ACCOMPANISTS Ty Boyle Sol Mendelson Elena Tumanova COMPANY TEACHERS Lucas Crandall Glenn Edgerton Terence Marling Taryn Kaschock Russell Maria Simonetti Jim Vincent GUEST ARTISTS Choreographers Julian Barnett Alejandro Cerrudo Lucas Crandall Marguerite Donlon Nacho Duato Brian Enos Daniel Ezralow Johan Inger Janice Lancaster Terence Marling Andrea Miller Toru Shimazaki Christian Spuck Lesley Telford Doug Varone Jim Vincent Shen Wei Choreographer Assistants Urtzi Aranburu Daniel Charon Natalie Desch Gili Navot Designers Christopher Ash Bambi Erik Berglund Branimira Mara Blumenfeld Alejandro Cerrudo Dennis Glynn James F. Ingalls Johan Inger Kilroy G. Kundalini Janice Lancaster Ryan J. O’Gara Nicholas Phillips Janice Pytel Nathan Rohrer Tanja Rühl Rebecca M. Shouse Erin Smith Jim Vincent Birgit Rattenborg Wise Carrie Wood HS2 National Choreographic Competition Winners Maurice Causey Jonathan Fredrickson Gabrielle Lamb ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Tracy Shepherd Director of Finance & Administration, Chief Financial Officer Karine Provost Office Manager Laura White Accounting Manager Molly Beck Accounting Clerk Kara Czaplicki Casey Mang Pilar Matinez Administrative Interns Marketing Joanna Naftali Director of Marketing & Communications Erika Nelson Marketing Manager Janine Mellang Manager of Ticketing & Patron Services Sara Nies Sales & Ticketing Associate Erin Fitzpatrick Amanda Jimenez Meleigshia Page Emily Pittner Jeremiah Subayi Marketing Interns Development Martin J. Grochala Director of Development Sharon Barry Manager of Corporate Development Joi Brooks Manager of Foundation & Government Relations Blair Brown Individual Giving Coordinator Meg Cockrell Manager of Individual Giving Kalena Dickerson Manager of Institutional Grants Katie Eckstein Manager of Corporate Relations Samantha Ford Development Associate & Database Administrator Paula Petrini Lynch Manager of Special Events Dante Brown Pilar Martinez Whitney Voss Kemper Foundation Fellows Jesse Newton Marcel Foster Williams Olivia Sabee Development Interns EDUCATION & COMMUNITY PROGRAMS Kathryn Humphreys Director of Education & Community Programs Sinead Kimbrell Manager of School Programs Sarah McCarty Program & Research Coordinator Alejandra Jara Education & Community Programs Intern Lead Teaching Artists Keesha Beckford Lia Bonfilio Jessica Hudson Cheryl Olendzki Kari Wall Assistant Teaching Artists Summer Breal Lisa DeMaio Jenna Deidle Emily Haines Molly Perez LOU CONTE DANCE STUDIO Lou Conte Director Claire Bataille Director LCDS Faculty Franciso Avina* Birute Barodicaite Claire Bataille* Nicole Betts Lauren Blandin Kym Costa Chris Courtney Lucas Crandall* Kathleen Darley Maliwan Diemer* Jabowen Dixon Ariane Dolan Autumn Eckman* Glenn Edgerton* Patti Eylar Jeffrey Hancock* Winifred Haun Melanie Hortin Shannon Johnson Taryn Kaschock* Rebecca Lemme Dome LoRusso Tammy Mader Michelle Manzanales Eddy Ocampo Olumuyiwa Ojo Labake Oyebanjo Dionna PridGeon Wilfredo Rivera Sarah Schafer Molly Shanahan Jumaane Taylor Trae Turner Laura Wade Jessica Wolfrum * current or former HSDC/HS2 dancer/staff LCDS Accompanists Barry Bennett Evan Bivins Ty Boyle Dan Dorff Sol Mendelson Cynthia Simone Elena Tumanova Vladislav Yevstratov TOURING North American Tour Direction Rena Shagan Associates, Inc. Rena Shagan, President 16A W. 88th St. New York, NY 10024 212-873-9700 info@shaganarts.com European Tour Representation Franziska Grevesmühl-v. Marcard NORDDEUTSCHE KONZERTDIREKTION +49 (0) 471 982 4 982 grevesmuehl.de Luisa Pasqualini Just In Time S.R.L. +39 059 237 935 jitmanagement.it 2008–09 ANNUAL REPORT Jill Chukerman JAC Communications Editor/Writer Peggy Fink Communiqué Graphic Design Designer 17 HSDC Dancers Shannon Alvis Christian Broomhall Pablo Piantino Jason Hortin Ana Lopez Kevin Shannon Penny Saunders Terence Marling Jessica Tong HS2 Dancers Alejandro Piris-Niño Autumn Eckman Meredith Dincolo Alejandro Cerrudo Laura Halm Kellie Epperheimer Brian Enos Jamy Meek Karen Castleman Benjamin Wardell Robyn Mineko Williams Ethan R. Kirschbaum Stacey Aung Ty Gorin Parmaneter HSDC Center Apprentices Tiffany Vann Nefertitii Thomas Eduardo Zuñiga Jacqueline Burnett Hogan McLaughlin Photos by Cheryl Mann. 18
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