Hematoxylin and eosin staining showing tubulovillous adenoma


Hematoxylin and eosin staining showing tubulovillous adenoma
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ISSN 1300-4948
E-ISSN 2148-5607
Hematoxylin and eosin staining showing
tubulovillous adenoma
Indexed in PubMed/MEDLINE and Science Citation Index Expanded
Editor in Chief
Onur Baser, USA
Ali Canbay, Germany
Marc Giovannini, France
Mouen Kashab, USA
Anne Marie Lennon, USA
Edouard Louis, Belgium
Fuat H. Saner, Germany
Erwin Santo, Israel
Vikesh Singh, USA
Timuçin Taner, USA
Hakan Şentürk
Associate Editors
Mehmet Arhan
Ömer Başar
Billur Canbakan
Şahin Çoban
Ahmet Danalıoğlu
Ahmet Gürakar
Tarkan Karakan
Seyfettin Köklü
Veysel Tahan
Past Editor in Chief
Cihan Yurdaydın
Ulus Salih Akarca
Erdem Akbal
Meral Akdoğan
Hakan Akın
Hikmet Akkız
Akif Altunbaş
Yusuf Bayraktar
Fatih Beşışık
Yavuz Beyazıt
Mehmet Cindoruk
İbrahim Doğan
Enver Dolar
Abdülkadir Dökmeci
Fuat Ekiz
Selim Gürel
Saadettin Hülagu
Ramazan İdilman
Abdurrahman Kadayıfçı
Çetin Karaca
Zeki Karasu
Sabahattin Kaymakoğlu
Erdem Koçak
Aydın Şeref Köksal
Necati Örmeci
Ersan Özarslan
Erkan Parlak
Tuğrul Pürnak
Murat Tuncer
İlker Turan
Ahmet Uygun
Yücel Üstündağ
Cihan Yurdaydın
Osman Yüksel
Owner: On behalf of the Turkish Society of Gastroenterology, Necati Örmeci
Responsible Manager: Hakan Şentürk
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Project Coordinators
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Basım Yeri
ADA Ofset Matbaacılık Tic. Ltd. Şti.,
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Yayın Türü
Yerel Süreli
Basım Tarihi
Aralık 2014
Aims and Scope
The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology is the double-blind peer-reviewed, open access, international publication organ of the
Turkish Gastroenterology Society. The journal is a bimonthly publication, published on January, March, May, July, September, November and its publication language is English.
The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology aims to publish manuscripts at the highest clinical and scientific level on original issues of
gastroenterology and hepatology at the international level. The journal publishes original papers, review articles, case reports and
letters to the editor on clinical gastroenterology and hepatology.
Editorial and publication processes of the journal are shaped in accordance with the guidelines of the international organizations
such as the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), the Council
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The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology is indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded and PubMed/MEDLINE.
The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology financial expenses of the journal are covered by the Turkish Gastroenterology Society.
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Permissions for reproduction of materials published and reprints in the Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology should be requested
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Address: Büyükdere Cad. 105/9 34394 Mecidiyeköy, Şişli, İstanbul, Turkey
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The journal is printed on an acid-free paper.
Instructions to Authors
The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology is the double-blind peerreviewed, international open-access publication organ of the Turkish
Gastroenterology Society. The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology
publishes original papers, review articles, case reports and letters to
the editor on clinical gastroenterology and hepatology. The journal is a
monthly periodical and its publication language is English.
The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology discourages the submission of more than one article dealing with related aspects of the
same study. Review articles on selected clinical and basic topics of
interest will be solicited by the editors. In exceptional cases, noninvited reviews may be considered for publication.
Editorial and publication processes of the journal are shaped in accordance with the guidelines of the international organizations such
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All manuscripts should be accompanied an abstract. A structured
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Original Articles: Acceptance of original papers will be based upon
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Original Articles should be structured with Introduction, Materials
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limited to 4000 words. An original article can be signed by maximum
6 authors unless it is a multi-center study or that it required extensive labour.
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Provide a level of detail such that another investigator could repeat
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The main text of Case Reports should be limited with 1200 words
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Review Articles: Mainly, invited reviews on specific topics are published. In exceptional cases, non-invited reviews may be considered
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Editorials: Invited brief editorial comments on selected articles are
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or brief reports of studies should not be longer than 400 words
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Invited Letters to the Editor: Letters related to articles published in
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of gastroenterology are welcomed and will be considered for publication. A publication fee will not be requested for the letters in this
• Letters to the editors should be sent within 6 months of publication of the commented article. Should not be longer than
400 words excluding references. Commented article should
be cited as a reference. Letters should include no more than
5 references.
• Letters to the editor, containing case reports or brief reports of
studies should not be longer than 400 words excluding references. Letters should include no more than 5 references.
All acronyms and abbreviations used in the manuscript should be
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Statistical analysis should be performed in accordance with guidelines on reporting statistics in medical journals (Altman DG, Gore
SM, Gardner MJ, Pocock SJ. Statistical guidelines for contributors
to medical journals. Br Med J 1983: 7; 1489-93.). Information on the
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All references, tables and figures should be referred to within the
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Limitations, drawbacks and shortcomings of original articles
should be mentioned in the “Discussion” section before the conclusion paragraph.
References should be numbered consecutively in the order they are
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Style and punctuation of each reference in the reference list should
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Standard journal article: Journal titles should be abbreviated in
accordance with journal abbreviations used in Index Medicus (for
journal abbreviations consult List of Journals indexed for MEDLINE
published annually by NLM at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/tsd/serials/
lji.html). When there are six or fewer authors, all authors should be
listed. If there are seven or more authors, first 3 should be listed,
followed by “et al.”. A list of authors should be followed by the full
title of the article, journal title, year, volume and page numbers.
Example: Mittal RK, Holloway RH, Penagini R, et al. Transient lower
esophageal sphincter relaxation. Gastroenterology 1995; 109: 601-10.
Chapter in a book: Sherry S. Detection of thrombi. In: Strauss HE,
Pitt B, James AE, editors. Cardiovascular Medicine. St Louis: Mosby; 1974.p. 273-85.
Personal author(s): Cohn PF. Silent myocardial ischemia and infarction. 3rd ed. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1993.
Editor (s), compiler(s) as author: Norman IJ, Redfern SJ, editors.
Mental health care for elderly people. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1996.
Conference paper: Bengisson S. Sothemin BG. Enforcement of data
protection, privacy and security in medical informatics. In: Lun KC,
Degoulet P, Piemme TE, Rienhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992
Sept 6-10; Geneva, Switzerland. Amsterdam: North-Holland; 1992.
P. 1561-5.
Scientific or technical report: Smith P. Golladay K. Payment for durable medical equipment billed during skilled nursing facility stays.
Final report. Dallas (TX) Dept. of Health and Human Services (US).
Office of Evaluation and Inspections: 1994 Oct. Report No: HHSIGOE
Dissertation: Kaplan SI. Post-hospital home health care: the elderly
access and utilization (dissertation). St. Louis (MO): Washington
Univ. 1995.
Article in electronic format: Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of
infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis (serial online) 1995 Jan-Mar
(cited 1996 June 5): 1(1): (24 screens). Available from: http:/ www.cdc.
Tables should be included in the main document and should be
presented after the reference list. Tables should be numbered consecutively in the order they are referred to within the main text. A descriptive title should be provided for all tables and the titles should
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Instructions for authors are published in the journal pages and could
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The journal is printed on an acid-free paper.
Table of Contents
Original Articles
1 Defecation patterns of the infants mainly breastfed from birth till the 12th month: Prospective cohort study
Aysu Duyan Çamurdan, Ufuk Beyazova, Seçil Özkan, Vildan Taylan Tunç
6 Epidemiological shift of hepatitis A in central Adana, Turkey
Emre Alhan, Banu Kozanoğlu, Gökhan Tümgör, Ümit Çelik, Akgün Yaman, Nafiz Bozdemir
9 Investigation of right lobe hepatic vein variations of donor using 64-detector computed tomography
before living donor liver transplantation
Tuğçe Özlem Kalaycı, Ramazan Kutlu, Şebnem Karasu, Sezai Yılmaz
15 Neutropenia and viral load decline during treatment of hepatitis C virus genotype-4
Aliaa Amer, Fatma Shebl, Moutaz Derbala, 2
20 Evaluation of increased subclinical atherosclerosis risk with carotid intima-media thickness and pulse
wave velocity in inflamatory bowel disease
Erhan Alkan, Mustafa Serkan Karakaş, Bülent Yıldırım
26 Evaluation of immunity status to routine vaccination in pediatric liver transplant candidates
Seyed Mohsen Dehghani, Mohammad Ali Shakiba, Maziyar Ziaeyan, Mohammad Hadi Imanieh, Mahmood Haghighat,
Majid Sedaghat, Abdolvahab Alborzi, Seyed Ali Malek-Hosseini
32 Advanced oxidation protein products, total thiol levels and total oxidant/antioxidant status in patients with nash
Mevlut Başkol, Kıymet Dolbun Seçkin, Gülden Başkol
38 Role of argon plasma coagulation in management of bleeding GI tumors: evaluating outcomes and survival
Nirav Thosani, Bhavana Rao, Yezaz Ghouri, Sachin Batra, Gottumukkala Raju, Mehnaz Shafi, Sushovan Guha
43 Effects of N-acetylcysteine on liver remote injury after skeletal muscle ischemia reperfusion in rats
Ashrafzadeh Takhtfooladi Mohammad, Jahanshahi Gholamreza, Jahanshahi Amirali, Sotoudeh Amir,
Samiee Amlashi Omidreza, Allahverdi Amin
48 Is gastroesophageal reflux contribute to the development chronic cough by triggering pulmonary fibrosis
Oğuzhan Aksu, Necla Songür, Yıldıran Songür, Önder Öztürk, Ali Kudret Adiloğlu, Nilgün Kapucuoğlu, Mete Akın
54 The therapeutic results after laparoscopic hellers’ myotomy and partial fundoplication for achalasia
Kamil Gülpınar, Haydar Celasin, Ulas Sözener, Ahmet Türkcapar
59 QT interval changes and reversibility of QT dispersion in patients with acute pancreatitis
Mehmet Sait Buğdacı, Ali Tüzün, Harun Koca, Turhan Çavusoğlu, Ümit Akyüz, Hakan Şentürk
63 The relationship between insülin resistance, metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in
non-obese non-diabetic Turkish individuals: A pilot study
Gülbanu Erkan, Irmak Sayın, Fatma Betül Polat, Ahmet Çorakçı, Gökçe Kaan Ataç, Halil Değertekin
69 Temporary placement of a paclitaxel or rapamycin-eluting stent is effective to reduce stenting induced
inflammatory reaction and scaring in benign cardia stricture models
Lin Wang, Zhu Yue-Qi, Cheng Ying-Sheng, Cui Wen-Guo, Chen Ni-Wei
75 Comparison of FISH, RFLP and agar dilution methods for testing clarithromycin resistance of
Helicobacter pylori
İhsan Hakkı Çiftci, Meltem Uğraş, Gürsel Acartekin, Gulşah Aşık, Birol Şafak, Fatma Hüsniye Dilek
Table of Contents
81 The role of interleukin-1 gene polymorphisms and Helicobacter pylori in gastroesophageal reflux disease
Gülhan Akçil, İbrahim Doğan, Mustafa Cengiz, Evren Doruk Engin, Mehmet Doğan, Selahattin Ünal,
Meltem Yalınay Çırak, Ayşe Dursun
86 Effect of 3-aminobenzamide on perforation an experimental colitis model
Ebru Menekse, Sezai Aydın, Aylin Sepici Dinçel, Abdullah Eroğlu, Mete Dolapçı, Osman Yıldırım, Ömer Cengiz
92 Carotid intima-media thickness and flow-mediated dilation in obese children with non-alcoholic fatty
liver disease
Emel Torun, Sinem Aydın, Selim Gökçe, İlker Tolga Özgen, Tuğul Dönmez, Yaşar Cesur
99 Comparison of standard and standard plus vitamin E therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradications in children
Gökhan Tümgör, Masallah Baran, Murat Çakır, Hasan Ali Yüksekkaya, Sema Aydoğdu
104 Anatomic variations of the celiac trunk and hepatic arterial system with digital subtraction angiography
Ragıba Zagyapan, Ayla Kürkçüoğlu, Ahmet Bayraktar, Can Pelin, Cüneyt Aytekin
110 Clinical outcomes of nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding in Kosova
Skender Telaku, Bledar Kraja, Gentiana Qirjako, Skerdi Prifti, Hajrullah Fejza
116 Copper excess in liver HepG2 cells interferes with apoptosis and lipid metabolic signaling at the
protein level
Liu Yu, Yang Huarong, Song Zhi, Gu Shaojuan
122 NOD2/CARD15 gene influences disease behaviour but not IBD susceptibility in a Moroccan population
Nadia Serbati , Wafaa Badre, Brehima Diakite, Sellama Nadifi
129 Characterization of de novo colonic stricture due to Crohn’s disease
Metin Başaranoğlu, Abdurrahim Sayılır, Mahmut Yüksel, Hakan Yıldız, Burak Suvak, Nesrin Turhan, Bilge Tunç, Yasemin Özin
133 Evaluation of concentrations of pro/anti-inflammatory cytokines after complication-free ECRP in
Kemal Yıldız, Ali Tüzün İnce, Venkatanarayana Gangarapu, Mehmet Sait Buğdacı, Birol Baysal, Yusuf Kayar,
Ahu Sarbay Kemik, Hakan Şentürk
138 Fatty liver disease might increase the risk of abdominal operation in patients with fatty liver and the
prevalence of cancer in first-degree relatives
Metin Başaranoğlu, Billur Canbakan, Kemal Yıldız, Bahadır Ceylan, Birol Baysal, Ömer Uysal, Hakan Şentürk
142 Relation between serum quantitative HBsAg, ALT and HBV DNA levels in HBeAg negative chronic HBV infection
Özgür Günal, Şener Barut, İlker Etikan, Fazilet Duygu, Umut Tuncel, Mustafa Sünbül
147 Serum peptidome patterns of hepatocellular carcinoma based on magnetic bead separation and mass
spectrometry analysis
Li Ke, He Wei-Hua, Fan Nai-Jun, Gao Chun-Fang, Zhao Guang, Sun Gao-Bin, Zheng Guo-Bao
153 Endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of calcifying fibrous tumors
Qiang Shi, Mei-dong Xu, Tao Chen, Yun-shi Zhong, Ping-hong Zhou, Hai-fu Wu, Li-qing Yao
157 Diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori for peptic ulcer bleeding in clinical practice factors associated with non-diagnosis and non-treatment, and diagnostic yield in various settings
Lee Guan Lim, Khek Yu Ho , Jimmy BY So, Christopher JL Khor, Li Lin Lim, Pui Li Teoh, Khay Guan Yeoh
Table of Contents
162 Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for benign or borderline malignant pancreatic tumors
Jun Chul Chung, Hyung Chul Kım, Ok Pyung Song
167 A comparison of the effects of infliximab, adalimumab, and pentoxifylline on rats with non-alcoholic
Mustafa Yalcin, Mesut Akarsu, Aslı Celik, Ozgul Sagol, Sunay Tunali, Ozge Ertener, Göksel Bengi, Hale Akpinar
173 Diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori for peptic ulcer bleeding in clinical practice - factors
associated with non-diagnosis and non-treatment, and diagnostic yield in various settings
Lee Guan Lim, Khek Yu Ho , Jimmy BY So, Christopher JL Khor, Li Lin Lim, Pui Li Teoh, Khay Guan Yeoh
176 Relationship between HER-, COX-, p53 and clinicopathologic features in gastric adenocarcinoma.
Do these biomarkers have any prognostic significance?
Nesrin Ugraş, Gonca Özgün, Gökhan Ocakoğlu, Ömer Yerci, Ersin Öztürk
182 A retrospective study on endoscopic missing diagnosis of colorectal polyp and its related factors
Lou Guo-chun, Yang Jian-min, Xu Qi-shun, Huang Wei, Shi Shu-qing
Case Reports
187 Complete biliary obstruction without jaundice due to an anatomic variation
Bülent Ödemiş, Aydın Şeref Köksal, Serkan Torun, Mehmet Yurdakul, Ertuğrul Kayaçetin
191 Limited form of wegener’s granulomatosis in a patient with Crohn’s disease. A case report
Raida Ben Salah, Faten Frikha, Mouna Snoussi, Masmoudi Abderrahmen, Yosr Hentati, Zeineb Mnif, Hamida Turki, Zouhir Bahloul
196 An ileal duplication cyst manifested as an ileocolic intussusception in an adult
Hyun-Soo Kim, Ji-Youn Sung, Won Seo Park, Youn Wha Kim
199 An unusual cause of recurrent pancreatitis: A gastric duplication cyst with an accessory pancreatic lobe
Aysel Türkvatan, Ayşe Erden, Mehmet Akif Türkoğlu, Erdal Birol Bostancı, Selçuk Dişibeyaz, Erkan Parlak
203 Retraction of the main papilla toward the biliary system in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis
Erkan Parlak, Aydın Şeref Köksal, Selçuk Dişibeyaz, Bahattin Çiçek, Bülent Ödemiş, Nurgül Şaşmaz, Burhan Şahin
206 A case of entecavir resistance which is developed after complete viral suppression during entecavir
treatment for nucleoside-naive chronic hepatitis B
Ümit Bilge Doğan, Agah Bahadır Öztürk, Mustafa Salih Akın, Serkan Yalaki, Murat Sayan
210 Iliac arteriovenous fistula presenting with ascites
Yunus Keser Yılmaz, Mehmet Çelikbilek, Savaş Sarıkaya, Aylin Okur, Asuman Çelikbilek, Tugay Atalay, Lütfi Akyol,
Nagehan Sözen Gencer, Serkan Çelik, Hasan Ekim
213 A rare cause of gastrointestinal bleeding, “GANT”
Fuat İpekçi, Ömer Engin, Yahya Çapkis, Demet Etit
216 A very rare cause of acute pancreatitis: Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy
Ali İşlek, Ersin Sayar, Aygen Yılmaz, Özgür Duman, Reha Artan
220 Hemosuccus pancreaticus following Parathyroidectomy for Primary parathyroid adenoma
Wu Wenming, Yang Yunsheng, Sun Gang, Cai Fengchun, Yan Bin
Table of Contents
223 Liver abscesses with venous extension - rare complication of a common problem
Hira Lal, Anuj Thakral, Manohar Lal Sharma, Tarun Kumar
Letters to the Editor
229 Gastric cancer with bone marrow invasion presenting as severe thrombocytopenia
Mladen Mimica, Monika Tomić, Emil Babić, Maja Karin, Milenko Bevanda, Darko Alfirević, Đani Godler, Dragana Karan
231 Plaster ingestion for suicidal attempt: A rare cause of gastric bezoar
Hamed Ghoddusi Johari, Shima Eskandari
233 Acute colitis presenting with hematochezia in a patient with
chronic myeloid leukemia during dasatinib therapy
Ahmet Emre Eskazan, İbrahim Hatemi, Seniz Öngören Aydın, Muhlis Cem Ar, Teoman Soysal
234 Pyloric gland type adenoma including intramucosal carcinoma focus of gallbladder
Reşit Doğan Köseoğlu, Namık Özkan, Şener Barut, Fatma Markoç
237 Hepatic portal venous gas associated with hemorrhagic gastroduodenal ulcers
Youn Jung Choi, Won Moon, Seun Ja Park, Moo In Park, Sung Eun Kim
239 Perianal basal cell carcinoma: An uncommon localization
Hakan Buluş, Ömer Akyürek, Erdem Akbal, Alper Yavuz, Altan Aydın, Gülçin Şimşek
241 Percutaneus endoscopic gastrostomy in a patient with hemophilia A
Tomoko Koide, Mizue Iinuma, Eiji Sakai, Eiji Yamada, Takuma Higurashi, Hidenori Ohkubo, Hiroshi Iida, Kunihiro Hosono,
Hiroki Endo, Takashi Nonaka, Koji Fujita, Hirokazu Takahashi, Masato Yoneda, Ayumu Goto, Tomonori Ida,
Akihiko Kusakabe, Atsushi Nakajima, Shin Maeda, Eiji Gotoh, Masahiko Inamori
242 Wide spectrum of neuroendocrine differentiation in identical appearing colon polyps:
A report of 2 mixed endocrine-glandular polyps
Nirav Thosani, Bhavana Rao, Atilla Ertan, Sushovan Guha
244 Synchronous squamous cell carcinoma in the esophagus and stomach: A case report
Lei Shi, Fu-jian Liu, Qiu-hong Jia, Hang Guan, Zhao-jiong Lu
246 A rare case report of A solitary gastric Peutz-Jeghers type polyp
Lei Shi, Fu-jian Liu, Qiu-hong Jia, Hang Guan, Zhao-jiong Lu
249 Aneurysm of the dorsal pancreatic artery associated with celiac artery occlusion
Aysel Türkvatan, Mehmet Akif Türkoğlu, Gökhan Yüce
250 An unusual cause of esophageal ulcer; sertraline hydrochloride
Muhammed Sait Dağ, İrfan Koruk, Musa Aydınlı, Hakan Çam, Zeynel Abidin Öztürk, Abdurrahman Kadayıfçı
252 Selective internal radiotherapy for hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma
Erdal Birol Bostancı, Kerem Karaman, Nesrin Turhan, Tahsin Dalgıç, İlter Özer, Ciğdem Soydal, Özlem Küçük, Rıza Sarper Ökten
254 Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the common bile duct and porta hepatis in an infant: A rare presentation
Nesrin Ugraş, Ulviye Yalçınkaya, Betül Sevinir, Remzi Emiroğlu
256 Synchronous occurance of adenocarcinoma and gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the stomach
Kamil Gülpınar, Erpulat Öziş, Süleyman Özdemir, Atila Korkmaz
Table of Contents
258 Portal hypertension and intrahepatic cholestasis in primary amyloidosis
Erkan Çağlar, Gülşen Özbay, Hakan Kalyon, Abdullah Sonsuz
260 A case of tuberculous colitis mimicking Crohn’s disease
Ümit Bilge Doğan, Mustafa Salih Akın, Serkan Yalaki, Pelin Demirtürk
262 A metastatic melanoma of the small intestine diagnosed by singleballoon enteroscopy
Kaori Suzuki, Keiko Akimoto, Nobutaka Fujisawa, Shigeru Koyama, Akisa Tsunemi, Michio Tanaka, Yusuke Sekino, Hiroshi
Iida, Takashi Nonaka, Atsushi Nakajima, Shin Maeda, Eiji Gotoh, Masahiko Inamori
264 Parsonage-Turner syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease: A possible physiopathological relationship
Julio Plata Bello, Pablo Febles
266 Acute cholecystitis complicated by pylephlebitis
Ferdane Sapmaz, İsmail Hakkı Kalkan, Sefa Güliter, Yasemin Karadeniz Bilgili
268 A rare cause of massive lower gastrointestinal bleeding; jejunal dieulafoy’s lesion
Bülent Çolak, Harun Erdal, Mehmet Arhan, Mehmet İbiş, Selahattin Ünal
270 Rectal bleeding from seeds impaction
Adli Metussin, Muhamad Zulhairi Mohamad, Vui Heng Chong
274 Hepatitis B surface antigen seroconversion in HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B patient during
entecavir treatment
Reskan Altun, Hüseyin Şahintürk, Gürhan Şişman, Bülent Baran
276 Esophageal squamous papilloma in a child
Meltem Uğraş, Ferda Özkan, Ayça Vitrinel, Gülden Yılmaz, Cengiz Pata
278 Clinicopathological dissociation in isolated esophageal eosinophilia
Özlem Yılmaz, Hacer İlbilge Ertoy Karagöl, Erdem Topal, Aysel Ünlüsoy Aksu, Ödül Eğritaş, İpek Işık Gönül, Arzu Bakırtaş
280 Steroid treatment of protracted cholestatic hepatitis A in a child with β-thalassemia
Selim Gökçe, Funda Çenesiz, Ezgi Özalp Akın
282 Esophageal gastrointestinal autonomic nerve tumor
Ali Çelik, Ülkü Yazıcı, Alkın Yazıcıoğlu, Pınar Bıçakçıoglu, Yetkin Ağackıran, Nurettin Karaoglanoglu
284 Neuroendocrine/squamous gastric collision tumor: A rare entity
Burçak Erkol, Metin Tilki, Nil Comunoğlu, Bala Başak Öven Ustaalıoğlu, Fügen Aker, Ali Sürmelioğlu, Ferhat Telli, Cengiz
Gemici, Zeynep Gamze Kılıçoğlu, Atakan Yeşil
287 Osteoblastic metastasis from signet ring cell gastric cancer in a young male
Fatih Ermiş, Melih E Erkan, Fahri H Besir, Murat Oktay, Ali Kutlucan, Yusuf Aydın
289 Malignant duodenocolic fistula diagnosed by endoscopy
Murat Taner Gülşen
291 Ischemic gastritis
Akito Oshima, Kunihiro Hosono, Shinya Ito, Yusuke Sekino, Hiroshi Iida, Takashi Nonaka, Shoji Yamanaka, Atsushi
Nakajima, Shin Maeda, Eiji Gotoh, Masahiko Inamori
293 A juxtapapillary windsock diverticulum connected with the third portion of the duodenum via a natural orifice
Ferdane Sapmaz, İsmail Hakkı Kalkan, Yasemin Karadeniz Bilgili, Sefa Güliter
Table of Contents
295 Different treatment choice for first-line treatment of Helicobacter pylori in an area with a high
antibiotic resistance
Sebahat Başyiğit, Ayşe Kefeli, Abdullah Özgür Yeniova, Metin Uzman, Yaşar Nazlıgül, Bora Aktaş
297 Malignant melanoma of the stomach in an elderly patient
Erdem Çubukçu, Ömer Fatih Ölmez, Kanat Özkan, Murat Pekgöz, Nesrin Uğraş, , Adem Deligönül, Osman Manavoğlu
297 Uncurable duodenal bulb ulcer-may be duodenal bulb cancer
Yi Liu, Zhe Shen, Chaohui Yu, Youming Li
299 An unusual presentation of unresectable gastric cancer in a young woman, treated with palliative
endoscopic treatment with triple metal stents
Dario Raimondo, Emanuele Sinagra, Tiziana Facella, Francesca Rossi, Simona Di Caro, Massimiliano Spada,
Guido Martorana, Vincenzo Mastrella, Ennio La Rocca
302 Submucosal hematoma of the esophagus due to fish bone ingestion
Mehmet Aslan, Yılmaz Çelik, Ahmet Cumhur Dülger, Şehmus Ölmez, Özgür Kemik, Enver Aytemiz, Mehmet Selim Demir,
Mehmet Taşdemir, Alpaslan Yavuz
304 Endoscopic foreign body retrieval using laparoscopic shears after gastrostomy
Kunihiro Shinjo, Koichi Sato, Takashi Tada, Hiroshi Maekawa, Mutsumi Sakurada, Hajime Orita, Tomoaki Ito,
Masayuki Saita, Kiichi Sugimoto
306 Phlebosclerotic colitis with fecal bezoar
Hsieh Ming-Chih, Chan Wing P.
308 Villous adenoma in gallbladder volvulus: A rare coincidence
Ayşe Nur Gönen, Zeynep Özkan, Seyfi Emir, Bekir Sarıcık, Gülçin Cihangiroğlu, Fatih Mehmet Yazar, Burhan Hakan Kanat
310 A subcutaneous hydatid cyst
Güner Çakmak, Fatih Altıntoprak, Yasemin Gündüz, Enis Dikicier, Gökhan Akbulut
311 A rare cause of bile duct obstruction in adolescence: Neuroendocrine tumor
Orçun Yalav, Abdullah Ülkü, Haluk Demiryürek, Figen Doran
313 Late dysphagia due to cervical plate
Serkan Doğan, Mehmet Çelikbilek, Ali Kurtsoy, Ömer Özbakır, Mehmet Yücesoy
314 An uncommon presentation of invasive lobular carcinoma of breast: An incidental finding after
Saduman Adım Balaban, Elif Ülker Akyıldız, Nesrin Uğraş, Remzi Emiroğlu
316 Sclerosing mesenteritis (panniculitis) mimicking peritoneal tuberculosis
Ben Miled, Abderraouf Khiari, Emna Ennaifer, Lotfi Hendaoui
318 Coincidence of celiac disease with sarcina infection
Esra Karakuş, Ceyda Tuna Kırsaçlıoğlu
319 Air cholangiogram is not sufficent to detect common bile duct stones during ERCP
Orhan Sezgin, Engin Altıntaş, Fehmi Ateş, Serkan Yaraş, Bünyamin Sarıtaş, Kasım Aydın
321 Aortoesophageal fistula (AEF): Fatal upper gastrointesinal haemorrhage
Yi-hu Fang, Xue-liang Zhou, Ji-chun Liu
324 Endoscopic removal of fractured basket traction wire
Mustafa Tahtacı, Mehmet İbiş, İrfan Koruk, Erkan Parlak