DSP-97029 03, Carrabbas
DSP-97029 03, Carrabbas
City of Bowie 15901 Excalibur Road p O 19 Bowie Rlarpland 20716 MAC MEMORANDUM TO City Council FROM David J Deutsch City Manager Detailed Site Plan Revision DSP97029 03 SUBJECT Carrabba Italian Grill s s Green Governor Bowie Maryland DATE 1 April 11 2013 Background and Proposal The City has received a referral from the MarylandNational Capital Park and Planning M NCPPC regarding the above referenced revised Detailed Site Plan DSP application Park and Planning is reviewing the proposal at the Planning Director level The Carrabba s restaurant is located in the Governor s Green development Parcel D and fronts on Governor Bridge Road Attachment 1 The site contains 1 79 acres and is zoned MTX Mixed Use Transportation Oriented where the existing free standing sitdawn restaurant is a use permitted by right under the County Zoning Ordinance Attachment 2 The parent company Bloomin Brands of the owner of this Carrabba s restaurant Cole CA Portfolio LLC is in the process of modifying all of its Carrabba s Italian Grill restaurants which includes interior and exterior changes County and City permits have already been issued for interior upgrades to the Bowie restaurant The square footage of the building will not change Proposed exterior modifications include 1 Construction of a new entry feature on the northern elevation front elevation facing the main parking lot where the present entrance is located This new arched entry feature will be constructed of an exterior finishing system EIFS proposed to be white beige in color with the interior archway planned to be redibeige in color Attachments 3 and 4 I 2 Existing building mounted signage will be removed New parapets are proposed to be constructed to wrap the corner of the northern and western elevations Attachments 3 4 and 5 The western side elevation faces Governor Bridge Road These parapets will be constructed of the same EIFS material and white beige color used on the new arched entry feature New signage which will be located on each new parapet will be the same in terms of design area message lettering and illumination Each sign will have an area of 26 8 sq ft MAYOR G Fredenek Robunon COUNCIL UINHall Dcnn1 Riu h U 62 M1 010 Hei I G uduci F MAYOR PRO TEM Jame L Nl uvu Diane M Polamnn ic C Tiuuth L TDD 11111 h 011 WEB Todd N 1 Turner ulbomieo1 cn Detailed Site Plan Revision NDSP 97029 03 2 s Italian Grill Carrabba s Green Governor Bowie Maryland will read Carrabba s in green lettering Italian Grill in red lettering and will be designed with LED illuminated channel letters The total area of this signage is 53 6 sq ft say 54 sq ft 3 A new sign on the northern elevation identifying the carry out area is proposed adjacent to the restaurant s main entrance This building mounted five 5 foot vertical sign will be framed in an aluminum cabinet and will read Carside in white letters on a dark green background and Carry Out in white letters on a red background Attachments 4 and 5 The colors in this sign are also found in the signage proposed on the new parapets The total area of this sign is approximately five 5 square feet 4 Three 3 new awnings are proposed on the northern elevation and three 3 on the western elevation Attachments 1 3 and 4 While no wording or signage is proposed the awnings a portion of each awning will contain a multi colored striped design on a red background Under the County Zoning Ordinance since these awnings will not be plain the areas dedicated to striping will be included in the overall signage calculation for the restaurant Total signage area for all the awnings is 37 5 sq ft say 38 sq ft 5 II Total area of new signage and awnings for the restaurant is 97 sq ft which is under the maximum allowable signage area of 200 sq ft Recommendation Since the proposed modifications enhance the aesthetic appearance of the existing Carrabba s Italian Grill restaurant since the area of the restaurant is not changing and because the total area of the proposed buildingmounted signage is within the maximum signage area permitted by the County Zoning Ordinance it is recommended that the City Council recommend APPROVAL of the Revision to Detailed Site Plan DSP 97029 03 It is further recommended that the attached letter be sent to the Prince George s County Planning Director from the City in support of the proposed revisions t doc canrabbasmviseddspmema bcc r rw ms irusruu al ror re an the slrn o NVId aooe try Of Attachment I ONIOVND ONV MIS N33a0 S a0Na3A00 veevaavo s 6 l I y T h I a I I II I a I A IAit r N i r I Y y fir I f1 1 I j I tl IIII m ooAVOh a i j it r r d 0 j H o an rtue rr h n r urn r vq OVOa 300INe S80Na3AO I o Attachment 2 O 0 s M m a a Zp ZZN F aN 0 a13 p W Q Z Z U LL NQphWO Q Z W n aa N S F U z z Zya p N 8e a v Lo aw i 0 lbn ns X a R I I i X C d a G 0 Nb3 a S aj a so kdMHJIH NIV jo e G Z 6 w 6 odoa V W aU Attachment 3 u r n y i a PMIiJ cpl re Wuv wv irro oswn o N33a0 nrrvie nlVO HOOa mum iry a0Na3A00 S SlItl130 9NLLHOII ON tl 3dV0SONVl I vYtivNYv F J 9 i Lid Y OL 3 1 S sb x 3 LLB to 05 3 4 m Jp J v GT U M3 S Y p GI s ox 1v Mm Aaoe iru 0 erne N33NO S SlItl130 ONLLHOII ONtl 3dVOSONVI f I i t s L J n i W nent ktiacm IIIVO OV IVY 31mog HIP M 2 O Eau rM 6 m00i 4 H z loll FoO KVIIVLI City of Bowie 159111 Excalibur Road Mimic I Nland 211716 n April 16 2013 Dr Fern Piret Planning Director The MarylandNational Capital Park and Planning Commission 14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive County Administration Building Upper Marlboro Maryland 20772 RE Revised Detailed Site Plan DSP97029 03 Carrabba Italian Grill s s Green Governor Bowie Maryland Dear Dr Piret At its meeting on April 15 2013 the Bowie City Council reviewed a proposal for the Carrabba s Italian Grill restaurant located in the Governor s Green development Parcel D and fronts on Governor Bridge Road The site contains 1 79 acres and is zoned M TX Mixed Use Transportation Oriented where the existing free standing sitdown restaurant is a use permitted by right under the County Zoning Ordinance The parent company Bloomin Brands of the owner of this Carrabba s restaurant Cole CA Portfolio LLC is in the process of modifying all of its Carrabba s Italian Grill restaurants which includes interior and exterior changes County and City permits have already been issued for interior upgrades to the Bowie restaurant The square footage of the building will not change The plans the City Council reviewed reflected the following exterior modifications 1 Construction of a new entry feature on the northern elevation front elevation facing the main parking lot where the present entrance is located This new arched entry feature will be constructed of an exterior finishing system EIFS proposed to be whitebeige in color with the interior archway planned to be redibeige in color 2 Existing building mounted signage will be removed New parapets are proposed to be constructed to wrap the corner of the northern and western elevations The western side elevation faces Governor Bridge Road These parapets will be constructed of the same EIFS material and white beige color used on the new arched entry feature New signage which will be located on each new parapet will be the same in terms of design area messagelettering and illumination 1 11 tW R I 1 I 1 I l I I V I Pol in L f i Iw Revised Detailed Site Plan DSP 97029 03 2 s Italian Grill Carrabba s Green Governor Bowie Maryland Each sign will have an area of 26 8 sq ft will read Carrabba s in green lettering Italian Grill in red lettering and will be designed with LED illuminated channel letters The total area of this signage is 53 6 sq ft say 54 sq ft 3 A new sign on the northern elevation identifying the carry out area is proposed adjacent to the restaurant s main entrance This building mounted five 5 foot vertical sign will be framed in an aluminum cabinet and will read Carside in white letters on a dark green background and Carry Out in white letters on a red background The colors in this sign are also found in the signage proposed on the new parapets The total area of this sign is approximately five 5 square feet 4 Three 3 new awnings are proposed on the northern elevation and three 3 on the western elevation While no wording or signage is proposed the awnings a portion of each awning will contain a multi colored striped design on a red background Under the County Zoning Ordinance since these awnings will not be plain the areas dedicated to striping will be included in the overall signage calculation for the restaurant Total signage area for all the awnings is 37 5 sq ft say 38 sq ft 5 Total area of new signage and awnings for the restaurant is 97 sq ft which is under the maximum allowable signage area of 200 sq ft Since the proposed modifications enhance the aesthetic appearance of the existing Carrabba s Italian Grill restaurant since the area of the restaurant is not changing and because the total area of the proposed building mounted signage is within the maximum signage area permitted by the County Zoning Ordinance the City Council recommends APPROVAL of the Revision to Detailed Site Plan DSP 03 97029 Thank you for allowing the City to review and comment on this proposal Sincerely David J Deutsch City Manager cc Mr Steve Adams Supervisor Urban Design Section MNCPPC Ms Meika fields Urban Design Section M NCPPC Mr Rick Flather Developing Solutions Inc Mr John Linkins MNCPPC tcmabba doc mvnseddspletterdjd ptret
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