November - Studio City


November - Studio City
& the Neighboring Communities of N. Hollywood,
Valley Village
November 2012
Vol. V No.2
Sherman Oaks Friends Of The Library
Used Book Sale. Sherman Oaks
Library, 14245 Moorpark St., 818. 205.
Monday November 12
Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council.
Meets second Monday of each month.
6:30pm. Sherman Oaks Elementary
School Auditorium. 14755 Greenleaf
St. 818-503-2399.
Wednesday November 14
Association. Meeting begins at 7:15
p.m. Social Hour at 6:15 p.m. Notre
Dame High School, 13645 Riverside
Dr., Sherman Oaks. This month,
Carmen Trutanich, current City
Attorney and Assemblymember Mike
By Gerald Silver
Our Story So Far: Once upon a time ...
there was a beautiful tree-lined community
of a dozen single family homes, and several
dozen comfortable apartments nestled
between the 405/101 freeway interchange
and Sepulveda Blvd. These lovely,
affordable residences were located on
Peach St. and La Maida St. in Sherman
Oaks. The streets were lined with mature
elms, pecans, jacarandas, ficus, cypress,
wiIIows, sycamore, and avocado trees. The
residents enjoyed evening walks to Ventura
Blvd., shopping at nearby stores and dining
at the local restaurants. All was well —
until “progress” raised its ugly head.. A
developer bought up the homes and
apartments, bull-dozed the land and looked
to build expensive, high-rise apartments on
the site. When the project was conceived
it was during the age of excess and excess
was tolerated.. He sought City entitlements
to jam 399 apartments, and 55,000 sq. ft.
of commercial into the space previously
occupied by a few dozen residences.
The new development would be given the
idyllic Italian name, “Il Villaggio
Toscano”, or just IVT for short . Gone
would be the affordable residences, front
lawns and tree lined streets — replaced by
a huge eight-story, high-density, crowded
apartment building — all in the name of
this game of “progress!” The days of
excess are gone, and residents of the area
must make intelligent and informed
decision about their quality of life.
Cont. Pg. 18
What’s Inside
Shuman at Large.....................
Dr Abaian..................................
Paul Krekorian........................
Tamar Galatzan.......................
Paul Koretz..............................
Tom LaBonge............................
Bentley’s Beat..........................
Real Estate................................
Gerald Silver............................
Varsity Sports Report.............
Restaurant Review...................
Anna Terra ..............................
Talk DVD...................................
Grigware’s Curtain Call........
I Teen.........................................
White Sofas.................................
Photos courtesy of Gerald Silver
Greater San Fernando Valley Chamber
presents the 29th Annual Clean-up
Day. 8am – 12pm. Meet at Lake
Balboa. 6300 Balboa Blvd. Volunteers
Needed. 818-989-0300 for info.
Progress? Home before
Now: During the August meeting before
the Encino Neighborhood Council (NC),
the Il Villaggio Toscano (IVT) developer
announced that he was planning on taking
the next step in securing the entitlements
for the 399 unit apartment complex at
Sepulveda Blvd. and Camarillo. He plans
on seeking his entitlements in the “next
week or two,” and seeking his first hearing
before the City “within the next three
Over-shadowing this process are the
political considerations, and they play a big
part. Much of the final outcome rests on
the acceptance or denial of the project by
Councilmember Tom LaBonge. The entire
process hinges on the wishes of the affected
Councilmember. Rarely does the City
Council cross the Councilmember who has
The fact remains however, that there is
solid community opposition against this
massive project. The Sherman Oaks
Homeowners Assn., Encino Property
Owners Assn. and the Homeowners of
The stark aftermath
Encino all vigorously and vocally oppose
IVT. The Sherman Oaks NC failed to reach
a consensus in support of the project. The
Encino NC failed to oppose or support the
project, underscoring the community’s
opposition, especially since the Encino NC
went on record on two previous occasions,
both opposing IVT.
With their new Boards both the Sherman
Oaks and Encino NCs should rethink their
position and side with the residents who
Cont. pg 14
The fate of
the entire
IVT project
may rest in
the capable
hands of
Photo courtesy of CD4
Saturday November 10
Community Sustainability Workshops
presented by Tree People include
Rainwater Harvesting, Native Plants
and Turf Reduction, Citizen Forestry
and Outreach leader training. Sign-in
8:45am workshops 9am – 1pm. For
registration contact Linda Eremita 818623-4878.
Where Did All That Lottery Money Go?
By Tamar Galatzan
Since two measures on the November 6
ballot ask voters to approve taxing
themselves to raise money for public
education, the one question people most ask
me is: “What happened to all that the lottery
They ask because Californians hoped the
lottery money would help solve the Golden
State’s public education problems. With
billions of dollars of lottery tickets sold
annually, why does the Los Angeles Unified
School District and the state of California
keep asking for more money for schools?
Where does all that money go? Good
So on October 2, in the Finance, Audit
and Budget Committee which I chair, we
invited Russ Lopez, Deputy Director of
Corporate Communications for the
California Lottery, to come to LAUSD and
explain how the lottery system works and
where the money goes.
Lopez gave a short history of the
California lottery. Founded in 1984, he said,
the lottery had one mandate: to supplement
public education budgets.
While the lottery contributes millions to
education, Lopez said lottery money only
accounts for 1.5% of the state’s overall
education budget. The lottery hands the
money to County Superintendents, who
then inform local educational agencies how
much they will receive. But the lottery does
not track where and how the money is spent.
The Lottery Commission is projecting a
10% increase in sales this year, to a total of
$4.8 billion for next year. That would make
the lottery’s contribution to education the
largest in its history. Lottery funding for the
2012-13 fiscal year is estimated to be $155
per annual ADA.
For Los Angeles Unified, the total
contributions for 2011-12—the most recent
figures available—were $105,777,545.
Since 1985, the California Lottery has
contributed close to $2.5 billion to Los
Angeles public schools.
Some school districts give lottery money
out to individual schools to spend as they
wish. LAUSD uses lottery money to help
schools pay for teachers and instructional
materials. In the past, the district pulled out
the lottery money at individual schools as a
line item in school budgets. Now the money
goes into helping to pay those costs for
The truth is that education budgets have
shrunk so much that the lottery money just
goes into the pot to help pay for what is
needed—as permitted by law. But that was
never its purpose. The lottery was created
to supplement education budgets and give
Cont. Pg. 14
Councilmembers Differ on Digital Billboards Pg 4 and Pg 6.
Implant Specialist Dr. Delaram Hanookai
Dr. Michael Abaian, Top LA Dentist
Answers Questions about Gum Disease & Teeth
Answers Questions about Cosmetic
and gum disease around the teeth with great
By the SO SC ENC News Staff
precision and accuracy.
is because many of the symptoms are not
Dr. Delaram Hanookai,
Dr. Michael Abaian
of Southland Dental
Care in Sherman Oaks
is the leading Valley
cosmetic dentist and
the “Engineer of the
He has done smile
makeovers on the
“Extreme Makeovers.”
engineering graduate Dr. Abaian brings
engineering standards into the comprehensive
planning and design of one’s smile as it is very
personal and befitting to that particular
individual. Tooth color as well as the length and
width of the teeth are all taken into artistic
consideration. “When you are an engineer and
you are building, you want to make sure that the
structure is balanced, and the same principles
go into the mathematical proportions that we find
in a perfectly balanced, aesthetic smile.,” Dr.
Abaian points out.
He provides his patients with high-quality
restorative and cosmetic dentistry and continues
to actively seek the latest in technology,
materials, and techniques that will improve his
patient’s dental care.
He is licensed to administer Oral Conscious
Sedation for a peaceful and painless dental
appointment. Additionally, he also provides all
the conveniences of a CAT 3D x-ray machine
for accurate diagnosis and excellent implant
placement as well as the Sirona Cerec3, a
machine that sculpts a crown, in-house, in one
hour ’s time, all under one roof for the
convenience of his patients.
He recently took time out of his busy schedule
to answer a few questions about Dentistry:
GUMS SO IMPORTANT? Dr. Abaian: There are
several reasons. Devoting small amounts of
attention to your teeth and gums will help you
keep your smile and allow you to eat whatever
you want for your entire life. Daily maintenance
through proper brushing (for at least 2 minutes)
and flossing techniques using a mouth wash will
help dramatically to reduce your risk of gum
disease, which recent studies have shown can
lead to heart disease. Studies continue to link
your oral health to your overall health, making a
visit to dentist is just as important as visiting
your family doctor. Diseases associated with our
mouths like oral cancer and gum disease are
familiar terms to most people, but few people
realize that other health issues can manifest
themselves initially in the mouth as well. Visiting
our practice can help catch potentially larger
problems before they get out of hand—problems
you may not even realize exist.
UNDETECTED? Dr. Abaian: One of the reasons
Valuable Coupon for
Southland Dental Care
painful. Sadly, detecting oral cancer in its later
stages significantly lowers survival rates. If you
experience any of the following symptoms, you
should go to your dentist immediately: a sore
inside your mouth that doesn’t heal within two
weeks, a lump or thickening of your cheek, a
white or red patch on any part of your inner
mouth or throat, chronic difficulty swallowing
or chewing, difficulty moving your tongue or
jaw, numbness inside your mouth, and jaw
swelling. I like to remind all of our patients
that early oral cancer detection saves lives. That
is why we offer oral cancer screening at no
Dr. Abaian: Smile
design has many factors that must be taken into
account including the patient’s age, life-style,
and physical characteristics. Our teeth tend to
get shorter with age. Much like a fine oil painter
working on a canvas, I take artistic inspiration
and experience and transform smiles. In some
cases, procedural and design techniques include
tooth lengthening or shortening. Veneers may
be considered to widen your teeth or broaden a
smile. Crowns can bring subtle, yet totally
different dimensions to a patient’s facial
proportions. Most people are surprised with the
difference even the smallest of adjustments can
make. It’s a fusion of science and art.
dentist periodontist and
her team at Southland
Dental Care in Sherman
Oaks can give you the
smile you have always
wanted. Not only will
they listen to exactly
what you want, but they
will deliver that perfect
smile you’ve always dreamt of having- a smile
that fits perfectly with your face and elevates
your self-esteem.
She is a former Clinical Instructor of
Periodontics at USC and says this about the
experience, “I’m honored to have had the
opportunity to be a clinical instructor at USC
School of Dentistry in the Graduate Periodontics
Department. This opportunity has allowed me
to share my experience and knowledge with
residents and also through publications in peer
Dr. Hanookai has 15 years of professional
experience with grafting bone and gum tissue
and the replacement of missing teeth. She
specializes in patients who were rejected by other
Los Angeles cosmetic dentists and periodontists
as unsuitable candidates for dental implants.
These patients were told by other doctors that
bone or tissue regeneration would be
unsuccessful. She has had over 98% success
with her implants, higher than the national
average. Numerous patient video testimonials
She was kind enough to answer some questions
about gum disease and implants:
Abaian: I do believe nice smiles make a
difference and has a big impact on how others
perceive your personality and your
attractiveness. Cosmetic dental procedures are
absolutely worth the investment in altering or
restoring the ideal proportions for your own
physical characteristics. There’s nothing more
fulfilling for our team than witnessing the often
life-changing transformation that takes place
for many of our patients through smile
Dr. Hanookai: We determine the treatment you
will need based on the progression of your
periodontal disease condition.
1. Consultation: Once your dentist has
recommended you see a periodontist, the first
step is a consultation from this specialist to see
how bad the damage is. Typically, in this first
visit, the periodontist will teach you how to
properly brush, floss, and scrape plaque in order
to avoid gum disease, while also scaling your
ON MY TEETH? Dr. Abaian: Coffee will stain
gums-which is deep cleaning to remove bacteria
your teeth. Sipping coffee with sugar will stain
and plaque buildup, below the gum line.
your teeth and create cavities, drinking coffee
2. Follow Up Scaling Appointments: Based on
with cream and sugar will also stain and give
the advancement of the gum disease the
your cavities. The best way to enjoy coffee is
periodontist may schedule follow-up visits to
to gulp it down quickly for the taste and caffeine
conduct more deep cleaning
and then right afterwards rinse your mouth with
3. Laser Treatment : Laser Dentistry uses a beam
water and you will get hardly any stain.
of light to bring energy into your mouth through
a tiny fiber optic to remove areas of infection
Drs. Michael Abaian D.D.S., Delaram Hanookai D.D.S., M.S.
4312 Woodman #100 Sherman Oaks 91423 “Free Parking”
818.788.8787 310. 553 8875
On the Web @
Valuable Coupon for
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Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
4. Surgery: If none of these initial and
alternative treatments for periodontal disease
work, surgery will be needed to root out the
infection settled in the bone and regenerate lost
Dr. Hanookai: Periodontal disease may be
passed from parents to children and between
couples. Current research seems to indicate that
bacteria causing periodontal disease is passed
though saliva. This means that when a family or
couple comes into contact with infected saliva,
they are at risk for contracting the periodontal
disease of that family member. Based on this
research, the American Academy of Periodontology recognizes that treatment of gum disease
may involve entire families. If one family member has periodontal disease, it is recommended
all family members see a dental professional for
a periodontal disease screening.
Dr. Hanookai: Today’s dental implants are
changing the way people live! With implants,
people are rediscovering the confidence to
smile, eat, speak, laugh and enjoy life in
comfort. Dental implants are designed to
provide a foundation for replacement teeth that
look, feel and function like natural teeth. A
person with dental implants regains the ability
to eat virtually anything and can smile with
confidence, knowing that their teeth appear
natural and that facial contours have been
preserved. Dental implants consist of small
titanium posts which are placed into the
jawbone where teeth are missing or need to be
replaced. The bone in the jaw bonds with
titanium, creating a strong foundation for
artificial teeth. In addition to restoring a natural
appearance in your mouth, dental implants help
preserve facial structure, and prevent bone
deterioration, which typically occurs when
teeth are missing.
Dr .Hanookai: Not at all in our office we do
offer sedation dentistry and our patients don’t
feel anything .
Dr. Hanookai: The material of the implant is
one of the factors. For example at Southland
Dental Care we only use 3i implants, the most
advanced quality implant. The other factor is
by whom this implant gets placed. There are
general dentists that take crash courses during
one weekend and there are specialist that
continue dental implant specialty another 3
Valuable Coupon for
Southland Dental Care
Screening For the
Whole Family
Not applicable with insurance
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
From the Publisher
It seems like only yesterday we were in
the dog days of summer and suddenly it’s
We are sad to lose Wendy Greuel as a
regular contributor for the next five
months. Shannon Murphy, Deputy
Controller, Communications in the office
of the City Controller told us that due to
the upcoming Mayoral election, city ethics
rules prohibit Greuel from writing a
column for our newspaper as City
Controller because she is running for
Mayor and her writing a column for us
would be giving unfair advantage to her
over the other mayoral candidates.
Murphy told us the blackout period starts
in November and continues through the
election, when Greuel looks forward to
reconnecting with our readers. We have
reviewed this confusing ordinance and
don’t believe it should keep Greuel from
reporting to her constituents as City
Controller, but we certainly don’t want her
to run afoul of any city ethics laws. Those
of us who have known her from the days
when she was the Councilmember from
CD2 who was affectionately nicknamed
“The Pothole Queen” look forward to
reconnecting with Greuel after “The
Blackout Period” is over.
The councilmember from CD2 and the
councilmember CD5 have different
opinions about the place of digital
billboards in our city landscape, and we
asked them both to write about this hot
button issue in the light of a recent court
Don’t forget to get out and vote on
Tuesday, November 6.
ADDRESS: 11333 Moorpark Street. #139
Studio City, CA 91602
PHONE: 818.982.5002 (advertising)
Publisher / Editor : M. L. Marks
Associate Publisher: Jim Kaplan
Associate Editor / Graphics / most Photos:
Stephen Phenow
Website Manager: Brandan Scott
Paul Krekorian
Wendy Greuel
Tom LaBonge
Brad Sherman
Paul Koretz
Gerald A. Silver
Tamar Galatzan
Phil Shuman
Don Grigware
Bill Bentley
Anna Terra
Vicki Stern
Michael Mann
Jon Epstein
Zoe Shpiner
Sam Kaplan
Stephen Phenow
The SC SO ENC NEWS is published monthly,
and delivered to 30,000 homes in Sherman Oaks,
Studio City, & Encino areas.
Delivered by Great Western Adv. Dist. INC.
Delivery problems? Call (213) 627-0539
All Contents Copyright 2012 BVP llc All Rights Reserved.
Shuman At Large
The Council
member By Paul
Speaks... Krekorian
By Phil Shuman
Factually Correct, Maybe
Recently, a judge on California’s 2nd
District Court of Appeal signaled the court’s
tentative intention to revoke permits for
about 100 existing digital signs throughout
Los Angeles. That is great news for many
L.A. communities that have been severely
impacted by digital signs. If this ruling is
finalized by the Court, it will be a big step
toward the City’s goal of reducing the
number of billboards citywide. It will not,
however, be the end of the L.A. billboard
In light of this tentative ruling, now is
exactly the time to press forward and adopt
a comprehensive legislative solution to
control and reduce all outdoor advertising.
The motion that Councilmember Ed Reyes
and I introduced in late October begins the
analysis and public dialogue necessary to
achieve three important policy goals that I
believe the City must pursue: A significant
reduction in the number of billboards of all
kinds, revenues to mitigate blight and
otherwise assist communities that have
suffered impacts, and a final resolution,
once and for all, of this seemingly endless
battle over past failures in policymaking and
bad deals. These three goals are the entire
purpose of our motion, and they are
expressly stated in it.
I invite everybody to read the actual
motion, which is available online [ http://]. In it, you can see
that the motion calls for the beginning of a
discussion about the options available to the
Council and that any legislative solutions
must be considered in public by the Budget
and Finance Committee, the Planning and
Land Use Management Committee and the
Neighborhood Councils before the City
Council acts.
The motion will not result in an agreement
to allow billboard companies to “expand
their inventory of digital billboards,” and
in fact it expressly states an intention to do
the opposite.
Finally, I want to let everyone know that
regardless of whatever early input or
suggestions on this subject some
stakeholders may have offered to other
people, I am the person responsible for the
actual motion that was in fact introduced
and passed by the Council. Period.
Implications to the contrary are simply
The status of the ongoing litigation over
digital billboards offers the city a
tremendous opportunity to take control of
this issue and determine our own destiny in
the best interests of all Angelenos. If we
can stop demonizing and start thinking, we
can substantially reduce billboard blight in
all parts of the City. We can determine
whether any digital billboards are
appropriate anywhere, and if so, we can
regulate them and reduce their impact on
communities. We can identify and secure
funding to address the urgent needs of
neighborhoods across Los Angeles.
But we can’t achieve any of this if our city
has so succumbed to extremism that even
discussing ideas becomes a basis for
If you haven’t heard by now, we’re
electing a President on Tuesday. The
amount of money spent on this race is
obscene. There’s no other way to describe
it. More than two billion dollars in total,
most of it on TV commercials and online
postings and consultants and mailers that
do as much to confuse us as to educate us,
which makes the expenditure even more
wasteful and distasteful. We haven’t seen a
lot of these ads on the air here in California,
since we’re firmly a “blue” state in the
Obama camp, so the money’s being spent
elsewhere, but if you follow the campaigns
you can see all of this online.
Let’s take the recent Mitt Romney ad
attacking President Obama in the crucial
swing state of Ohio. The stakes are high
there. 18 electoral votes. One out of every
eight jobs in that state is auto-related. One
of the central campaign themes of the
Obama push is how he “saved” the auto
industry and how Mitt Romney wanted to
“let Detroit go bankrupt.” Well, the
controversial new Romney ad says “Obama
took GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy, and
sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to
build Jeeps in China.”
Apparently this hurt the feelings of the
Obama campaign, which sent supposedly
non partisan fact checkers into overdrive.
One, from the Washington Post, had a gem,
and this could sum up the whole campaign.
The new ad, the Post says, is “factually
defensible” and “technically correct.”
Technically, GM and Chrysler went into
bankruptcy protection while Obama was
President and were rescued with the help
of Government (taxpayer) money. Fiat, the
Italian car company did buy Chrysler but
they were the only ones who stepped up
with a real offer and Chrysler was looking
for a partner. Jeeps will be made in China,
but not ALL Jeeps are being made in China,
which is what the ad implied and what
Romney himself said, incorrectly, in stump
Cont. on Pg. 10
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
Just to make matters more confusing, after
Romney’s ad came out, the Obama
campaign came out with its own
commercial countering Romney’s and
essentially calling Romney a liar. The
Obama campaign pointed out that rather
than “outsourcing” jobs, Jeep production
will be expanded in this country and jobs
will be added. So is it a debate of semantics?
If some jobs are sent overseas isn’t that
“technically” outsourcing and “factually
defensible?” Sure, but do we want to be
forced to make monumentally important
decisions based on technicalities?
So, who to believe? Both candidates are
guilty of shading the truth and interpreting
facts that show them in the best possible
light. That doesn’t really help the five
percent or so of undecided voters nationally,
many in the swing states such as Ohio,
Florida, Nevada, Colorado, Pennsylvania,
and so on, who will undoubtedly determine
which of the two men get the required 270
electoral votes needed to win.
Whether it’s TV commercials, radio ads,
campaign spin, or face to face debates,
we’ve seen example after example of
candidates taking the same set of “facts”
and interpreting them differently. It’s been
difficult to keep track of who is more
truthful, and I deal with this every day at
work at Fox 11 News. How does the voter,
who’s not really paying close attention, sort
it out? Maybe they don’t. Maybe swing
voters finally make up their minds based
on what their parents think, or their barber,
or the way a candidate wears his hair or
what he thinks about abortion or what their
wives look like or what kind of gun or boat
or car or vacation home they have or don’t
have. That sounds bad but is it worse than
making up your mind based on facts in
commercials that may or may not be true?
Notes From CD4
It has only been a few months since
Sherman Oaks became a part of the Fourth
District, but already I can share some positive announcements with you. I think improvements to our city, whether big or
small, can have a powerful impact, and I’m
excited to try to make change with the time
I have been given in office.
First, improvements are coming to Van
Nuys-Sherman Oaks Park, which is a terrific, dynamic center of local recreation.
At my direction, artificial turf soccer fields
are set to be installed at the park. Funding
for this effort will be provided by Quimby
dollars, which is money recouped from local development projects. In other words,
when developers build new projects in an
area, they also pay to ensure that open space
will be improved.
Additionally, an anonymous donor is providing Van Nuys-Sherman Oaks Park with
fitness equipment that will be installed by
the end of the year. This will be a nice
amenity to keep us moving and healthy.
Some improvements in Sherman Oaks
are more immediate. If you pass Cedros
Avenue along Ventura Boulevard, you will
see a newly weeded and cleaned median
in front of La Reina Theatre. This was one
of the many improvements completed by
A Retiree Looks at Prop 30
By Tom
my beautification team,
which I deploy to do spot
work throughout the Fourth
District. Please say hello when you see
them in their brightly colored truck, no
matter whether they are picking up bulky
items, trimming trees, or cleaning up the
neighborhoods we treasure.
There are even more improvements coming to our roads. I am pleased to announce
that the Los Angeles Department of Transportation is adding two part-time positions
to its team dedicated to Sherman Oaks issues, in part to deal with a backlog of
projects that has built up. By Thanksgiving, the Department of Transportation expects to have processed a backlog of about
20 to 30 projects within Sherman Oaks.
I know that there will be many more great
announcements to come, especially when
it comes to caring for and protecting our
Valley neighborhoods. I am excited to work
with my new constituents to make our
dreams for the future move a bit closer to
reality. In the meantime, you can do your
part by enjoying our local parks and walking our local streets.
Councilmember Tom LaBonge represents LA’s CD4
Nothing less than the quality of life in
California is on the ballot this upcoming
election, with the contest of Proposition 30.
The senior community has a big stake in
the success of Prop 30--for ourselves, as
well as our children and grandchildren.
While much has been written about how
Prop 30 would prevent devastating cuts to
schools and public safety, Prop 30 would
also implicitly protect health and human
services that seniors and all Californians
depend on. The proposal is so extensive,
and helpful, that I believe every member of
the retired community should have a vested
interest in seeing Prop 30 pass.
Some background: Over the last few years,
the state of California has cut $15 billion in
funding to essential health and human
service programs to help deal with the state
budget crisis. What this means for the
retired community is that we have been
receiving less access to shrinking programs
including: day health programs, case
management services, Alzheimer’s support,
and in-home support.
While I surround myself with a safety net
of close friends and family, it is equally
important that I know I have the support
and option of key public services, from
Medicaid to in-home support services.
These services are an affirmation of the
state’s commitment to protecting their
citizens in need. This is why it is so difficult
to watch as they are cut into and dissolved
by the very institution we look to for
Though these cuts were harsh, more may
be coming. In January, services will be
facing new round of deep cuts to the tune
of $6 billion. This is why I have chosen to
speak out, and express my support of
Proposition 30. It is high time that we
balance the severe cuts made with revenues,
as opposed to short-minded budget cuts that
only serve to harm the people most in need.
Prop 30 invests in the future of our
families and grandchildren, while also
protecting services used by retirees. It
protects funding for K-12 and community
college and in the process frees up $5.6
billion in our general fund dollars to restore
cuts to critical services like healthcare,
childcare, and other safety net services so
that future generations may benefit from
them as mine has. By protecting funding,
and generating revenue from those who can
afford it, Prop 30 puts California’s budget
priorities back where they should be
protecting safety net programs that help our
families, providing ladders of economic
opportunity, and growing our economy.
These state services work together to
cohesively help our children become
educated and stay healthy, for our families
to live safely and securely, and for seniors
and adults with disabilities to live
independent lives with dignity.
Furthermore, Prop 30 is a way for us to
break the cycle of debt and cuts we have
become accustomed to and try to get our
state budget back on track. This November,
Californians will be faced with very serious
decisions about how they want to proceed
in handling the state budget crisis, and I
Cont. pg. 14
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
The View from CD5
If – like me – you’re a foe of billboard
blight, then October 30th 2012 was a great
day! That’s when California’s 2nd District
Court of Appeal announced a tentative ruling,
proclaiming that permits for 100 digital
displays in the city should be invalidated, and
also that an agreement allowing for more than
700 additional digital signs should be void.
The Court’s final ruling will likely be
delivered within the next three months, and
legal experts expect it to echo October 30th’s
tentative ruling and repudiate an agreement
made in closed session by the City Council,
City Attorney and billboard companies Clear
Channel Outdoor and CBS Outdoor back in
2006, several years before I took office on
the Los Angeles City Council. Even before
October 30th, a Court ruling had already
specified that City could choose to allow or
not allow digital billboards – but that any such
decision had to be made in the open and
through an ordinance, rather than in a closeddoor settlement negotiation. In effect, the
October 30th tentative ruling affirms the
standing of ordinances passed by the City in
2000 and 2002, banning new öff-site” signs
and billboards.
For those of us seeking to end billboard
blight, and we have many tremendous
activists and concerned residents involved in
that cause, a loss by the City at the Court of
Appeals is therefore a win. The
agreement that the Court of Appeals is
invalidating allowed Clear Channel Outdoor
and CBS Outdoor to “modernize” a certain
number of off-site signs, to be replaced with
digital billboards. This led to complaints by
residents about light, noise and safety
Real Estate Corner
Look Before You Flip
I have received a handful of inquires from
readers asking if this is the right time to
get into the “Flip” or “Spec” market of
buying a home, fixing it up and then putting
it back on the market, hopefully for a profit.
The current inventory of homes for sale
is very low and a lot of the homes that are
on the market right now have not been
upgraded. The homes on the market now
that have been updated are selling very fast
and they usually are selling for a premium.
If you have no experience with
construction, do not get into this business.
There are so many contractors and
investors out there who have their own
crews that are looking for the same type of
“fixer upper.” The experts can do the
remodel for a lot less money than an
amateur. Therefore when it comes to selling
the property for a profit, what you pay for
the property and how much you spend to
fix it up are the only two factors that are
involved when it comes to making a profit
or losing money on the project. Remember
when you go to sell the property, the value
of the property has nothing to do with how
much you have spent, the value of the
property is worth what a buyer will pay you
for the property. I have too many times seen
people lose a lot of money because they
cannot sell the property for what they
thought they could sell it for. This is not a
business for part timers.
If you do have experience with
construction, make sure that you don’t
cheapen out when it comes to the quality
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
By Paul Koretz
distractions stemming from those digital
signs, and also led to unfair competition
complaints from competing outdoor
companies, including Summit Media, whose
suit targeting the City helped trigger the
appellate court’s October 30th tentative ruling.
The issue is especially important to many
of my 5th Council District constituents,
because some of our district’s neighborhoods
are particularly beset by invasive digital
billboards. In some cases, the recent fate of
such billboards has been decided on a caseby-case basis – for example, in Westwood,
where we were successful in calling on the
Area Planning Commission to order three
such billboards taken down. Meanwhile, on
October 16 – two weeks before the Court’s
October 30 th ruling, and obviously in
anticipation of an adverse ruling by the
appellate court – the majority of the City
Council requested a staff investigation and
consideration of new billboard regulations,
including both new signs and new revenue
to the City. Councilmembers Tom LaBonge,
Eric Garcetti and I all voted NO: we want to
preserve the prevailing sign rules dating back
to 2000 and 2002 (including the ban on digital
billboards). Eventually, any new staff
deliberations and recommendations will be
presented to the Council’s Planning & Land
Use and Budget Committees. I promise to
do everything I can, working with other antibillboard blight activists, to ensure that the
staff review includes neighborhood concerns
– and that I will vote against and actively seek
to defeat any ordinance that ultimately results
in more digital signs for my 5th Council
by Matt Epstein
of materials and the quality of the
construction. Buyers today are not stupid.
Most buyers will hire a professional home
inspector to go through the entire house
once they have put the home in escrow. If
the home is done on the cheap then it will
be discovered and the buyer will usually
either cancel the escrow or ask for a credit
to fix the problem. Spec houses with the
cheapest materials and appliances sit and
sit on the market.
When you purchase the property consult
with a professional realtor that works in the
area and ask for a detailed comparative
market analysis of what the property will
sell for when you are finished. Do not get
their opinions, get the comps. Have the real
estate professional put their price in
writing. Go out with your realtor and see
what is on the market in the area and check
out the competition. The bottom line is: if
flipping homes is not your business you can
get burned and lose a lot of time and money.
If flipping is your business then do your
homework, provide a great product and you
should be able to turn a nice profit in
today’s market. Happy hunting.
The expert for real estate sales in the South/
East San Fernando Valley, Matt can be contacted at or (818) 7897408.
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
Pizza, Pizza
I have faced many challenges as a working
model/actor by moving to the Valley. The
routines to which I was accustomed were
stripped from existence and a fresh groove
had to be developed. Along the way I have
discovered many uncertainties - in
particular - where is the best pizza here in
the Valley? Pizza is my favorite food.
Perhaps it’s the versatility of this dish that
makes it so lovable; New York pizza,
Chicago pizza, Italian pizza, thick crust,
thin crust, red sauce, white sauce. . . pizza
in all its forms warms my heart.
Nevertheless, I want the best that is
obtainable. So after nearly three years in
the quest for the best, here are the
You must drop in on Chef Tonino at
Vitello’s Italian Restaurant - 4349
Tujunga Ave in Tujunga Village. They
import their wheat flower from Italy,
making their Neapolitan creations exactly
that, authentic Neapolitan creations. The
Pizza alla Salsiccia has a complex crust and
the sausage has just the right bite, with
caramelized onions, peppers, red onion and
pecorino in a perfect melding. The ultrathin crust Al Caprino Pizzeta with
prosciutta di parma, goat cheese and
arugula is light as air.
For New York pizza, I like Rocco’s
Tavern on Ventura Boulevard and
Whitsett, Angelino’s Pizzeria in N.
Hollywood, or Caioti Pizza Café in
Tujunga Village in Studio City.
Rocco’s owners grew up on authentic
New York Pizza and their crust has the
perfect consistency, from the traditional NY
pie with pepperoni, sausage and
mushrooms to the specialty White Pie with
cream sauce, spinach, garlic, mozzarella
and ricotta cheese. They even have a salad
pie for the best of all possible worlds.
Angelino’s New York style Italian style
pies have a thinner crust and are more
delicate than most. The shitake mushroom
pizza with shaved parmesan, parsley and
truffle oil does the job indeed. Angelino’s
Cucina - 4386 Lankershim Blvd.
I first dined at Caioti 4346 Tujunga Ave,
after hearing of them on The Food Network
Channel. Their New York pizza with
Mushroom, Onion, Bell Pepper, Pepperoni,
Tomato, Olives, Sausage is a universe of
delight. Along with their NY pizzas are two
other interpretations; Old World that
embodies a very thin crust and light sauce,
and New World inspired by contemporary
influences offering eclectic combinations
such as lamb sausage and a buffalo pizza
with bison.
Sometimes we crave a really nice
handcrafted Chicago pizza, and then we go
to BJ’s Restaurant and Brewery at 107
South 1st Street in Burbank. I’ll take a
moment to justify our inclusion of a chain,
HOT Recipes with Anna Terra
Cranberry Sauce
Thanksgiving is right around the corner. I
love this simple, easy, delicious cranberry
recipe! Less time in the kitchen, more time
with family!
The tart flavor of cranberries makes a nice
compliment to any holiday feast. It’s
distinctive yummy, tangy taste, pairs
deliciously with your holiday turkey.
Total Time: 30 min
Prep: 10 min
Cook: 20
Yield:4 to 5 cups
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 (16-ounce) bag fresh
1 cup chopped apple
1 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup raisins
1/4 cup Grand Marnier
1/2 orange, juiced
1/2 lemon, juiced
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg, freshly
Combine the sugar and water in a
large saucepan and bring to a boil.
Add the cranberries and return to a
boil, then lower the heat so that the
liquid simmers. Add the apples,
walnuts, raisins, Grand Marnier,
orange and lemon juices,
cinnamon, and nutmeg, and cook
for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the
pan from the heat and let the sauce
Serve in a side bowl with turkey or
any preferred holiday dish.
See more HOT (Firehouse)
Recipes in Anna’s book.
Available at hot.php
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
By Jimmy Brighton
but BJ’s deep dish is the real deal. We
emigrated from the Midwest and have
experienced a vast assortment of Chicago’s
great pizzas. In that regard, BJ’s is no
Gino’s East, but we believe you will be
thoroughly satisfied with their
Or you can shake up your pizza
preconceptions at Pizza Rev 12103
Ventura Blvd in Studio City. Their fast
casual pizza concept encourages everyone
to craft a personalized pizza, down to the
last ingredient – nearly every conceivable
option awaits.
Further west on 12920 1/2 Riverside
Drive in Sherman Oaks is Mazzarino’s
Italian Restaurant, with a traditional
atmosphere. A standout is the Sweet and
Pepperoni pizza. Take some pineapple,
some pepperoni, some basil and bell
pepper, throw it on Mazzarino’s thin crust
and you have yourself a perfect pizza for a
summer day. Don’t fret if you are not a thin
crust person, their trademark is a handtossed crust that you can choose to twist
up with a garlic, herb and olive oil finish.
Jimmy Brighton is originally from
Indiana, where he attended Indiana
University before moving to Los
Angeles. He has lived in Toluca Lake
for three years and enjoys the quest
for the perfect pizza.
“The Best Sandwich In the Biz”
Serving subs, salads, soups, & paninis
* Boar’s Head Meat & Cheese
* Fresh Breads from the bakery
* Local grown Romaine lettuce
4389 Tujunga Ave, Studio City
(across from Aroma Cafe)
Free Parking
Open 11 am-5 pm
Catering Available
Call in for quick pick-up
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
On Saturday October 13, the Eddy James
Salon in Studio City hosted an art
opening for an exhibit of paintings by
Cammeron Alekzandra Batanides. Titled
“A World of the Creative,” the body of
work is based upon music, art and the
creative soul, says Batanides, who knew
she wanted to be an artist at the age of
two. She works predominantly in
watercolors, acrylics and charcoal and
she sold several pieces on opening night.
Each piece is an exclusive original as she
Two Studio City residents, vocalist Denise
Donatelli and guitarist John Pisano were
honored at the L.A. Jazz Society’s 29th
Annual Jazz Tribute Awards & Concert on
Sunday, October 21 at the Universal City
Hilton. Pisano, who received the Lifetime
Achievement Award, has recorded and
played with such jazz legends as Benny
Goodman, but he is best known for his
many years with the Herb Alpert Band,
when he recorded and published some of
his own compositions. Pisano has left an
indelible mark on the history of jazz guitar
and continues to influence the jazz guitar
Batanides’ “ The Scholar”
does not make reproductions or prints.
She is also a published children’s book
author and illustrator. “Meet Panda”,
loosely based on a real story of a rescue
American pit bull named Panda, was
released last June and it is the first in a
series, with “Panda’s First Christmas,” the
second in the series, just out. The author/
artist has been busy attending book
signings as well as art exhibits. A true
Renaissance woman, Batanides is also an
art and music writer with articles printed
in The Beat, The Starving Artist and
ArtSync Magazines. Salon owner Eddy
James obviously has a good eye and he
is also an artist of sorts, creating some of
the most natural looking blondes and
highlights for a very artistic clientele.
Till Next Time.
Donatelli and Pisano
Photo Credit: William Kidston
community with his weekly guitar night
that he hosts with some of the best
guitarists in the world. The virtuoso
currently holds court at Lucy’s 51, which
Batanides (Center) with James (Right)
Bentley’s Beat
Gary Clark Jr. Blak and Blu
(Warner Bros. Records)
There are some musicians who are
invaded by the blues at an early age. It’s a
sound that gets inside their soul and refuses
to let go. It comes upon them at the end of
a lonely afternoon, in the middle of the
night and sometimes the moment they open
their eyes from sleep. It is usually a feeling
that lands without choice, and no matter
whether it’s wanted or not, the blues will
have its way. Gary Clark Jr. got that
visitation when he was young, and quickly
got a guitar to help him find a way through
it. That guitar became his life in his
teenaged bedroom, and before long the
use to be the jazz club The Money Tree, in
Toluca Lake, on Tuesday nights. Donatelli,
known as a “musician’s singer,” received
the Jazz Vocalist Award. Her 2010 release
When Lights are Low, garnered her critical
acclaim as one of the most interesting and
important jazz singers on the scene today
and received a Grammy Nomination for
Best Jazz Vocal Album. Both winners
performed with their trios at the gala event
that also featured Wayne Shorter
performing with the Thelonious Monk
Institute of Jazz Performance Ensemble.
On Thursday October 25th there was a
send off party at Rocco’s Tavern for Joey
Sorice and The Meatballs of Comedy. The
guys are headed to Las Vegas for a six
month engagement at the Royal House
Casino. Thursday night comedy at Rocco’s
may continue with a new host till The
Meatballs come home, we’ll keep you
Joey Sorice (Right)
By Bill Bentley
songs he wrote were his new best friends.
Flash forward a decade or so and Clark’s
discovery by other musicians became a
secret that spread like wildfire among
music lovers of all ages and persuasions.
The man had taken his blues and twisted
them into a new and explosive knot, adding
rock, hip-hop and even shades of doo wop
to an expanding style which knows no
bounds. Gary Clark Jr. had found his
freedom and, thankfully, flies his freak flag
high. On this new album, producers Mike
Elizondo and Rob Cavallo have opened the
door to the music cabinet and encouraged
the musician to have his way with whatever
he found inside. From raving guitar
explosions on “When My Train Pulls In”
to rock-fueled ravers like “Travis County,”
Clark floors it every chance he gets. Even
when he turns inward on “The Life” and
“Blak and Blu,” there is a smoldering
essence which always threatens to break
The only question is how some will try to
describe him. The new Jimi Hendrix?
Nope. The next Stevie Ray Vaughan?
Never. How about the first Gary Clark Jr.?
That is more than enough to be known as,
and if his new album is any indication, the
rainbow in the sky is the limit for this
incredibly talented young Texan. His
approach to music, whether inspired by the
blues of Austin’s alleys or the breathtaking
rolling hills of Hunt, is a wonder to behold.
As Clark steps on the stage of the world,
watch his eyes and hands. He is giving us
gifts that don’t come very often. And
remember this: there is nothing junior about
Gary Clark. He’s all grown up and has
many, many places to go.
Tanita Tikaram Can’t Go Back
(Eagle Rock Entertainment)
The present is a beautiful place. Ask
Tanita Tikaram. When still a teenager she
had a huge hit single, “Twist in My
Sobriety” and a debut album that sold over
five million copies. That was in 1988. The
world beckoned, and the young woman
became a major star. But time went by, the
albums sold less and one day it was hard
to learn what Tikaram was doing. Well,
good for music lovers everywhere she was
continuing to sing and now has made good
on all her early promise.
One key to songs like “All Things to You,”
“Dust on My Shoes” and “If the World
Should Want for Love” is how Tanita
Tikaram has found her center. Working with
producer Paul Bryan and a simpatico room
full of great musicians, this music could
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
almost have been recorded 50 years ago in
the heyday of Los Angeles studio sessions.
There is no pretense or overextension of
ideas, but rather a desire to serve the songs
completely and go immediately to the heart
of the matter. The natural spirit everyone
is shooting for comes across loud and clear.
On two songs Grant Lee Phillips sings
with Tanita Tikaram and it feels like they’ve
been working together forever. Rarely do
duet partners fit so seamlessly, but it’s like
they’re warming up for a full album
together. There is also a bonus CD of songs
from Tikaram’s past done mostly with just
guitar and piano. They are gorgeous and
somewhat haunting, a peek inside how she
must feel about the past 25 years after she
conquered the music charts on her very first
attempt. Remaining a survivor takes
strength and courage no matter what you
do, and to hear someone still continue to
soar is like discovering an inner strength
all over again.
Cont. from pg. 4
I was not elected to do only what was
popular, nor to by swayed by the loudest
screeching voice. I was elected to help steer
our city through a time of great crisis and
challenge and to build a foundation for a
much better future. Developing
straightforward solutions to the billboard
problems that have vexed us for years is a
part of that mission, and I will continue to
work hard to achieve them in the most
inclusive and open manner possible.
Councilmember Paul Krekorian represents L.A.’s CD2 . His
website and you can find him on Facebook
and Twitter (@PaulKrekorian).
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
s Bond a
vana Ter
att Da
errrace Bloc
by Zoe Shpiner
About 150 people turned out for the 12th
annual Davana Terrace Autumn Block
Party in Sherman Oaks on Sunday, October
7. Neighbors shared their favorite food
dishes and local restaurants such as
Bamboo, Poquito Mas and Santino’s
donated food as well. There were games
for all ages including pie-eating, egg and
balloon toss, bicycle decorating, hula hoop,
bingo, an inflatable bouncy, and a DJ. The
road closures and fire engine and police
car displays added to the small town
“The annual gathering is aimed at bringing
neighbors closer together while enjoying
food, beverage, friendly competition and
the pleasure of each other’s company,” said
co-founder/organizer Paul Napier. He gave
kudos to the organizing committee of Steve
Gagnon, Jackie Diamond, Sidonia Lax,
Gem Mimms, Carole Bonds, Mark Cohen,
Evan Greenspan, John Ermer, Tom Grant,
Steve Shrager, Craig Stevens, and Scott
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Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
By Don
Valley Curtain
pay his taxes. “What has the
Playwrights Kaufman and Hart saw the vitality and urgency of comedy within drama
when they penned You Can’t Take It With
You in 1936. It won a Pulitzer for Drama in
1937 and then a Best Picture Oscar for the
film version in 1938. Their other big hit The
Man Who Came to Dinner in 1939 has a similar theme and tone. In both plays it’s wild,
zany over-the-top characters and off-kilter
incidents that blow the lid off the humdrum
existence of the well to do middle class, and
to meaningful avail. In Y.C.T.I.W.Y., the
wealthy Kirbys are about as unlike the crazy
free-living Sycamores as black is to white.
Yet, when meshed together, merriment and
unexpected happiness abound. With a spectacular cast (double) and brightly paced direction from Gigi Birmingham, the Antaeus
Company’s Y.C.T.I.W.Y. is a splendid tonic
for our depressing economic times and simply a whole lot of fun through December 9.
Set during the Depression, Y.C.T.I.W.Y. is
appealing first and foremost to actors and
other artists, for, represented within the eccentric family circle, is a whole mix of creativity with devotion to dancing, playwriting,
painting and the bizarre world of invention.
Papa (Paul Eiding) spends day and night
down in the basement building explosives
with his partner Mr. De Pinna (Jeremy
Guskin), Mama (Eve Gordon), who never
finished her experimental stage with painting has inexplicably switched to writing plays,
married daughter Essie (Kellie Matteson)
wants to be a ballerina despite her ineptness.
Grandpa Martin (Lawrence Pressman) attends commencements, cares for pet snakes
on display in the living room and refuses to
government done for me?” he
wisely declares.
The entire cast are harmoniously in tune and make divine
music throughout under the steady and inventive hand of director Gigi Bermingham
who remains totally loyal to Kaufman and
Hart’s brilliant script. Standouts in the cast
are Pressman, so good-natured and defiantly
self-confident as Grandpa; Gordon, delightfully ditzy as Penny; Maher, beautiful and
bewildered about where her love should lie.
Guskin as De Pinna and Sidney as Kolenkhov
play the foreigners with meticulous panache.
Praise as well to Rhonda Aldrich in a small
role as an inebriated actress and to White who
does double duty as Mrs. Kirby and a deliriously entertaining Russian Grand Duchess.
The ensemble also includes Jeremy Shouldis,
Caleb Chomer and as the G-Man, billed as
guest star, on the night I attended, Philip Proctor. As it is double cast, be sure to check their
website to attend the performance you desire. The intricately cluttered and striking set
design is by Tom Buderwitz and lovely costumes by A. Jeffrey Schoenberg. Kaufman
and Hart set high standards for intelligent
comedy. In spite of the laughs, which are plentiful, the moral is crystal clear. And resplendently vibrant is Antaeus fine production
which allows you to savor every nuance of
every move each character makes. With the
holidays approaching Y.C.T.I.W.Y is heaven
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! See you
in December!
Aging P
ents’ Issues Surf
During the Holidays
Baby boomers visiting aging parents
during the holidays may be in for a
shocking surprise, warns Certified Senior
Advisor and owner of Encino based
Comfort Keepers, Sharon Sherbert.
That pristine house and yard of the past
now look shabby and neglected. Dirty
dishes fill the sink and the kitchen table is
covered in crumbs. Unopened bills are
stacked haphazardly all over the
countertops. Mom seems unfocused and
Dad is having trouble getting around. It’s
clear that help is needed but what should
family members do?
Sherbert encourages clients to take
advantage of the time when everyone is
gathered together to initiate a conversation
with parents and family members about
“what if” scenarios and health and financial
The holidays are a good time for family
members to be alert for signs that elderly
relatives may need help. The most
important thing is to look for signs of
change in mood, health and living
conditions. Checking in with people who
visit the relative frequently can indicate
whether there have been recent changes.
Some signs to look for include: Personal
hygiene problems, the home in disarray or
needing to be clean
Weight loss or weight gain – check for
spoiled food or insufficient food at home
Failure to manage medications or medical
Increased difficulty with mobility (such as
climbing stairs or using a bathtub)
Changes in judgment, mood or overall
behaviorIncreased forgetfulness – check
for unopened mail or unread newspapers
Missed bill payments or other financial
Unusual or extravagant purchases that are
out of character
Decreased social activities or failing to
maintain friendships
This is a good time to talk about concerns
and ask parents what kind of help they
would like. When family or friends aren’t
available, a dependable Comfort Keeper
is always nearby. Comfort Keepers
provides in-home companion care for
individuals needing assistance with
activities of daily living. Services are
tailored to the individual needs of each
senior that allows them to continue living
safely and in the privacy of their own home.
Services include companionship, meal
preparation, light housekeeping, grocery
shopping, transportation, laundry, and
recreational activities as well as personal
care services including bathing/showering,
incontinence care, medication reminders
and so much more! For more information
or to schedule a free in-home visit, call
(818) 776-5060 or visit them on the web at
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
On Ventura Place.
Cont. from pg. 1
Feuer, who is the challenger for the
next City Attorney. For info call 818377-4590.
Thursday November 15
The Burbank African Violet Society
club meeting at 10:00 am. Magnolia
Park United Methodist Church, 2828
West Magnolia Blvd., in Burbank.
Guests are always welcome. For more
information please telephone (818)
Sunday November 18
Encino Neighborhood Council Living
History Day
Los Encinos State Historic Park.
The Park’s Living History Day will
spirit visitors to the 19th Century for a
costumed trek to the days when Valley
girls sported bonnets and children
passed the time with stilts and tug-ofwar instead of video games. Enjoy an
afternoon of traditional children’s
games, music, a blacksmith, docents in
1870s attire and tours of the historic
building. FREE. 16756 Moorpark St.,
Encino. 1-3pm.
strongly oppose the IVT project.
For those interested, here is a brief outline
of the public process by which the IVT
developer will seek entitlements:
1. Final environmental documentation will
be submitted to the Planning Dept. within
2. The Planning Dept. assigns the case to a
Hearing Officer. The officer will hold a
public hearing, likely in the Valley. After
receiving testimony, the officer will prepare
Staff Recommendations. The officer does
not make a decision, but only makes
recommendations. The officer is a City
employee and will attempt to report the facts
and testimony pertaining to the case.
3. Next the project goes before the City
Planning Commission for a hearing and
decision. The public hearing before the
Commission will likely be in the Valley. The
Commission is made up of political
appointees of the Mayor.
4. The project then goes to the City
Council’s Planning and Land Use
Management (PLUM) Committee. The
PLUM Committee is made up of three City
Council members who can accept, reject or
revise the decision of the Planning
Commission. The PLUM hearing will be
downtown, during business hours. Bad
time, bad location! Expect the developer
to bus in “supporters.”
5. The matter then goes before the full City
Council for a vote. They can accept, reject
or modify the project. If the project has
negative impacts that cannot be mitigated,
the City Council can still approve the
project. The City Council simply issues a
“Statement of Overriding Considerations.”
In other words, it does not matter how
environmentally destructive the project is,
it can still go forward because the Council
believes the jobs, and economic benefits
justify its negative impacts.
Last step is challenges and litigation. Once
the administrative process is complete,
residents and community groups can go to
court challenging
the EIR, findings, or
the entitlements. It is
this step that is the
most troublesome to
developers. Time is
the developer’s
worst enemy. Delays
due to appeals,
litigation or repeated
hearings cost the
develop money and
stall a project. This
last step sometimes
forces a project to be
modified. Campaign
contributions, union
influence, and big
money influence this
process. But so does
the peoples’ votes.
The public voice can
carry the day over
big money and
political influence, if
the public acts.
1st Saturday of the Month
Teen Knitting Program.Studio City
Branch Library – Knitting For Others.
Teens are welcome to come together
and knit scarves for those in need.
Last Saturday of the Month
Friends of Studio City Branch Library
book sale featuring paperbacks,
hardcover’s, CD’s, videos, DVD’s etc.
12511 Moorpark St., Studio City.
Tuesdays & Thursdays
LIFE STORY WRITING CLASS Record your special memories and
family history as a precious gift to
yourself and future generations. No
writing experience is necessary and
you’ll learn step-by-step techniques for
remembering, reflecting and writing
about your life clearly and vividly.
Tuesdays, 1:15—4:15 p.m. and
Thursdays 1:15-3:15 at OneGeneration
Senior Center, 18255 Victory Blvd.,
Reseda 91335.
3rd Tuesday of the Month
Saturday November 24
The Sherman Oaks Friends Of The
Library free movie “IDES OF
MARCH” starring George Clooney, in
the Library Meeting Room from
2:00pm-4:00pm, with free popcorn and
water. 14245 Moorpark St. Sherman
Wedesday November 28
Friends of the Encino-Tarzana Library
Annual Meeting with Guest Speaker
John Szabo, LA City Librarian. 1pm.
18231 Ventura Blvd. Tarzana 91356.
Sunday December 2
Ellis in Concert. A mix of folk artist,
dharma teacher and comedienne. At
The Unitarian Universalist Church.
2pm. Suggested donation $15 but no
one will be turned away for lack of
funds. 12355 Moorpark St, Studio City.
For further info call 818-769-2511
Farmers Markets
Every Saturday
North Hollywood Arts District Farmers
Market.Every Saturday from 8am-2pm.
5200 Bakman Ave Between
Lankershim and Tujunga.
Every Sunday
Encino. ONEgeneration Encino
Farmers Market.Every Sunday from
8am – 1pm. 17400 Victory Blvd.
(between White Oak and Balboa) with
plenty of convenient free parking.
Studio City. Every Sunday from 8am
to 1pm the Studio City Farmers Market.
Sierra Club Monthly Meetings. Reseda
Park Rec Hall, 18411 Victory Blvd. at
Reseda. 7pm. If the Rec Hall Parking
lot is full park at the One Generation
lot at 17400 Victory Blvd.
Ongoing Pet Adoptions
Save-A-Life Dog and Cat Adoption
event every 1st and 3rd Sunday.11am4pm at Moorpark Park 12061
Moorpark Avenue Studio City corner
of Laurel Canyon and Moorpark. For
info call the East Valley Animal Shelter
at 213-485-8613
Chihuahuas and Other Dog Adoptions
every Saturday noon to 6pm at Book
Star 12136 Ventura Blvd. Studio City
for info call 818-641-3345
Le’ Pet Adoption Event every 2nd
Sunday 11am-4pm at Van NuysSherman Oaks Recreation Center Park
14201 Huston Street, Sherman Oaks.
For info call 818-341-1000
Studio City Sherman Oaks
Encino News Fans
We’re looking for ONE outside
salesperson to represent the
NEWS to all the merchants in
the east valley. If you love the
NEWS and think getting to
know your local merchants
could be fun, call us.
Make your own hours.. Email
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
Private - Group - Show Team
9am - 3pm
For More Information Call:
Los Angeles Children’s
Riding Center
9211 Del Arroyo Drive, Sun Valley
Cont. from pg. 1
teachers a chance to do something extra.
As a School Board Member, I am grateful
for every cent that goes into public
education. But Lopez reminded us that
while lottery money can help us by helping
to fill in ever-growing gaps, on its own, it
cannot save public education.
And, to be fair, it was never meant to. To
adequately fund public education we must,
as a state and a society, decide that investing
in education is a priority. On November 6,
we have a chance to vote on two
Propositions that will affect the future of
public education in California. Educate
yourself, and cast a vote. In the meantime,
you can keep buying those lottery tickets.
Tamar Galatzan represents more than 100 Valley schools on
the Los Angeles Unified Board of Education.
Prop 30
Cont. From Pg. 5
hope they join me and my fellow retirees in
voting yes on Prop 30 to protect both
ourselves, and the future.
Nan Bresmer is the president of the California Alliance for
Retired Americans
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
White Sofas and Other
Stupid Parenting Mistakes
Years ago, when my son was 5 or 6
and bored with his Legos and GI Joes,
he did what every boy does at that age.
He began begging to get a dog. He had
his sales pitch down pat: He’d do
everything to take care of the dog,
walk it, feed it, brush it, and clean up
after it, the usual empty promises from
a determined 6-year old. I gave the
same speech myself to my parents
when I was that age, only they were
much more hip to the patter and I ended
up with a Chia Cow. Needless to say,
we took our son shopping for a dog.
We now have the sweetest, most
loving, loyal pure-bred golden retriever
my son's college fund could ever have
bought. Nine years later, my son has
yet to contribute anything to the care
of this fine creature. Im not even sure
he remembers we have a dog. When
the dog barks, I see a quizzical look
come over my kid's face like he's
thinking, "Was that Dad barking?"
But the dog absolutely LOVES my
son. Adores him. He actually smiles
when my son enters the room. I walk
the dog, feed him, clean up after him,
give him toys, play tug-of-war with
him, pat him, take him to the dog park,
and every night before we go to bed I
Now Accepting Applications
By Vicki Stern
lay down on the floor with
him, scratch his stomach, and
tell him what a great dog he is. So,
naturally, every night the dog slept right
outside my son's door, guarding HIM.
This unadulterated loyalty goes on all
day long. When my kid leaves for the
day, the dog curls up on his dog bed and
sulks. I leave for the day, the dog
celebrates by rooting through the trash.
I am not even my dog's second favorite
person. Here are the dog's favorite
people, in order of preference: The kid,
anyone walking by our front gate that
has a dog, Cher, the cats, me, my
The dog is teaching my son a bad life
lesson here. You can't ignore others and
expect them to adore you. Not unless
you're a high school cheerleader.
Therefore, I've begun a program to woo
the dog (okay, bribe him) away for the
boy’s own good. So I’ve begun
showering the dog with shœstring
cheese, Steak Ums and let him do laps
in the heated pool. So the dog is now
sleeping on the bed with the kid!
Vicki Stern used to be funny when she was a writer/producer of
sitcoms for TV. Now she’s a Mom and she’s not funny
anymore...just ask her kid.
Letters To the Editor
The Storm. Power outages, flooding,
Dear Editor,
In response to Jerry Trent’s letter about trash
thieves, I am writing about the way I deal
with these thieves.
I do not put my cans and bottles into the blue
container. I store them in bags in my garage.
I have instructed my gardener to put out the
black and blue barrels only when full which
saves having to bring them in so often! But
when the blue one does have to go out, I leave
myself a reminder by my front door, and then
first thing in the morning, I take the bags from
the garage, smash down the papers in the blue
bin, and dump the bags of cans, etc., on top.
Fortunately, my recyclable pickup is usually
early. This is an inconvenience to me, but at
least I think that the city gets the benefit of
my discards.
Jan Kelley
cranes falling, and roads closed are all
some of the difficulties that the east
coast is facing right now. With
hurricane Sandy’s arrival, people have
been forced to evacuate and board up
their homes. A storm like this is very
unpredictable, and can only be seen a
week at most in advance. This makes
it hard to prepare for such a disaster
accordingly. Millions of people
become trapped, without power,
without water, and without food at the
end of this storm. Similar to the
situation that the east coast is
encountering, people of the west coast
are unprepared to face an earthquake
According to the forecasters this is our
future. Like how the people on the east
were unprepared for this storm to hit,
LA is unprepared for an earthquake to
Letters to the Editor
The Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News welcomes your letters. Letters to the Editor should be
no more than 300 words, although the News reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy.
Hand written letters are acceptable only if they
are legible. Letters must contain the writer’s telephone number and address for verification purposes only.The Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino
News reserves the right to accept, reject or edit
letters and other editorial material. The News does
not return letters, photos or other editorial submissions.
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
By Jon Epstein
age 16
hit. Think for a minute…
Do you have fresh water?
Food supply? Batteries?
Radio? Even preparations such as
securing down bookshelves could prove
to be helpful. Unlike our friends on the
east coast, earthquakes give us little to
no time and strike on a moments notice
and that is why we need to be prepared.
Experts say that you should be self
sufficient for at least 72 hours after a
major natural disaster because most
things will not be available. When
looking at this perfect storm, we also see
how valuable life is and how fragile it is
as well. The City of New York has been
brought down to its knees and humbled
by this storm that is closing everything
in NYC. Something like this may happen
in the near future in L.A, but when it
comes, I will be ready for it, and I hope
you listen and will be too.
If you have any questions about how
to prepare yourself, please email me at
Editorial Submissions
The Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News
welcomes articles. Editorial material of 500
words or less may be mailed to Big Valley Publications, 11333 Moorpark St. #139 Studio City
to Deadline is
second week of the month.
Stephen Phenow’s
DVDs of November
Lost Girl Season II
Creator Michelle Lovretta
Executive Producer
Jay Firestone
Anna Silk
Ksenia Solo
Kris Holden-Ried
Richard Howland
K.C. Collins
Zoie Palmer
“Lost Girl” follows the adventures of Bo,
an irresistible beauty, but a renegade against
human society. That is because she is not
human but a succubus. She is a member of
the Fae, an ancient society of supernatural
beings who exist outside the realm of the
mortals yet fuel the human legends and
Their world consists of two sides: The
Light and the Dark. Each member of the
Fae choose who they will serve. But not Bo.
In fact, Bo had no idea who she was or why
every one of her lovers died while in the
throes of passion. She fled one corpse after
another, finally swearing off sex, until she
was forced to kill to save a helpless girl
“Kenzi” which in turn exposed Bo’s
existence to the leadership of the Fae. Now
driven to discover who she really is, Bo
vows to live on her own terms even if it
means existing in the middle between
darkness and light. But the fact that she is
unaligned makes both sides very nervous.
With the help of the seriously bent but
forever loyal Kenzi, Bo uses her powers of
seduction to act in both sides best interests
while trying to unravel the riddle of her
mysterious past.
In the second season Bo is back with her
bestie, human Kenzi, eager to add a human
touch to Bo’s supernatural existence. The
Succubus finds herself navigating a web of
seduction between her old love the
werewolf Dyson, her human love interest
Lauren, and a Dark fae she cannot resist.
But the Light have their own agenda for Bo.
A Fae-devouring beast, The Garuda, with
fiery wings and a hatred for all Fae must be
defeated. And Bo the Succubus, while
juggling the romantic entanglements of a
modern woman, must save the Fae’s world
from fire and defeat . It’s what she does
“Lost Girl” is the creation of Michelle
Lovretta (Mutant X) It is a Canadian TV
production that was aired here in the US on
the Sci-Fi Channel. However since it was
purchased by the channel long after
production was completed the episodes
were aired out of order to the consernation
of critics and viewers alike. With season
two out on DVD, the episodes may finally
be seen in their correct order and allow the
audience to see the story arcs.
“Lost Girl” is one of the third generation
comic book TV series. This is TV’s attempt
to get away from the cop and lawyer genres
that fill the channels right now, alhough
LG does not stray too far from the genres.
Bo is a supernatural detective of sorts.
She tracks down Fae for other Fae. Bo
owes her existence to “Buffy the Vamp
Slayer” or “Slayer” as it is called.
“Slayer” was a second generation comic
TV series. There are many similarities
between “Slayer,” its spin off “Angel”
and LG. Both heroines have super
abilities, both have a female BFF, and
both have a posse of minor characters
(what we writers call the Scoobies “after
the cartoon “Scoobie Doo Where are
you.”) which aid the main characters in
their quests.
The difference is that in this show Anna
Silk as Bo is a thirtysomething mommy
figure to Kenzi (nimbly performed by
Ksenia Solo) so the layer here is not a
young girl confronting adolescence while
dealing with being the chosen one like
Buffy but mothering a young woman
while still kicking ass and stealing life
energy to heal.
Silk has a huge following in Canada,
apparently her witty airline attendant in
nicotine patch TV commercials make her
quite recognizable to her Canadian and
Australian audiences. Here in America,
we don’t know her but she is like Jeri
Ryan’s “Voyager’s” Seven of Nine
character , a curvy classical good looking
woman who seems to “get” her role.
In other words we will see more of Silk
in other shows in the near future.
Solo, ( Tasha in “Life Unexpected”),
who as Kenzi is Bo’s best friend and
sidekick, frequently supplies the comic
relief to the show. Kenzi is a con artist, a
klepto, speaks Russian fluently and
possesses street-smarts. She and Bo are
close, she supplies Bo’s humanity
because Kenzi risked her life to save Bo
during her “trial”, where the unhuman
Fae were indifferent. Bo rewarded her
by becoming her surrogate mother and
room mate while Kenzi contributes
incomprehensible Fae and their various
rivalries and politics. There is no “Lost
Girl” without Kenzi.
Several complaints about the show are
that the show’s character development is
rushed times, but this seems unavoidable
since this show has a massive mythos.
This means the plotting is going to be
total immersion. However, Loveretta has
cleverly used her mythos to supply
numerous possibilities for future plot
lines that are nearly endless. By utilizing
the vast amount of human folk tales with
the possibilities of political intrigue
between the two major factions and
minor struggles for leadership of the Fae,
the show shows great promise.
The other problem is the mythos itself.
Creator Lovretta has ignored the known
stereotypes of the various creatures of
human folklore (succubus, werewolves,
sirens, etc...). This adds a creative twist
on the mythos. The creator did a great
job thinking this up. However, every
human as has their own idea of what these
creatures should be. A good example is
Bo’s succubus. Most followers of
folklore know a succubus as a female
demon used to provide human/demon
hybrids. Bo feeds on life source. She is
actually is a life energy vampire. She can
survive by feeding on Fae. But if she feeds
on humans, she kills them. In order to
attract prey, she can manipulate feelings
and desire. She also is fast, can fight with
edged weapons, and understands martial
arts. She is not a usual succubus. This non
traditional approach has annoyed many
potential fans. I was one of them. When I
first saw the show I thought it missed the
mark. I am a huge fan of Josh Whedon and
his “Slayer” series. While there will never
be another Buffy but this series now makes
great second.
I remind readers that “Supernatural“ didn't
kick into high gear until its third season. If
second season is any indication, then this
series may be finding its voice. If “Lost
Girl” can maintain the high it reached in
this season the new season promises to be
genuinely exciting. Full of fantastic
characters and interesting story lines, “Lost
Girl,” deserves a chance to grow on its
audience. It's worth it. Long may it
Lost Girl Season II
12 episodes.
Additional Features
Uncut - featuring footage not seen on SYFY
60 minutes of extras featuring cast
interviews, Making of Lost Girl featurettes,
and bloopers
Episodes may be watched in English
subtitles for the hearing impaired
Got comments about movies? What don’t you like? Don’t
like? Opinions on TV? Let me know at
All in the Family The Complete Series
Norman Lear
Carroll O’Connor
Jean Stapleton
Rob Reiner
Sally Struthers
All 208 episodes covering the years 19681979 are now available.
Archie Bunker, (O’Connor) was a church
going working-class every man who held
bigoted, conservative views of his world.
His viewpoints clashed with nearly everyone
he came into contact with especially his
liberal son-in-law Mike Stivic (Director Rob
Reiner) who is married to Bunker’s daughter
(Sally Struthers) while Bunker’s wife (the
amazing Jean Stapleton) attempts to cope. He
wasn’t really as bigoted as he let on, rather
he was scared that his place in the world was
changing and he would have to change with
it. His brusque attitude sprang from fear.
Brilliantly realized by O’Conner’s Emmy
award winning performances, the show
changed the comedy landscape, and ushered
in the edgy sitcom types that we see today.
Any connoisseur of TV situation comedies
needs this on their shelf.
Special Features
• New Interview With Norman Lear• Those
Were The Days: The Birth Of “All In The
Family” – Documentary
• The Television Revolution Begins: “All In
The Family” Is On The Air – Documentary
• 704 Hauser Pilot Episode (1994 Spin-Off)
• 40-Page Collectible Book With Essays By
Television Critic Tom Shales And Media
Professor Marty Kaplan
Not to be combined with any other offer
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
4030 Longridge Ave SO $7,500,000
Stunning Sherman Oaks Italian Stone estate inspired by Tuscan
& Country French compounds is surrounded by olive trees,
courtyards, as well as a pool looks & seems like your own
private lake Como. 5Br+8Ba in 8,427 SqFt, 38,330 Lot
3703 Alomar Drive SO $1,400,000
Vacant Land South of the boulevard flat lot with panoramic views.
Attention builders and contractors here’s an incredible opportunity to be south of the boulevard and build your dream home on a
26,570 square foot flat lot w valley views
18120 Valley Vista Blvd TAR $949,000
New custom construction. Open & bright floor plan.Formal living
room, cooks kitchen, family room, master suite w his/hers walk in
closets & spa style bathroom. Landscaped back yard w spa tub.
5Br+4.5Ba in 3,295 SqFt
3512 Longridge Ave SO $749,000
SOB Traditional with Valley and Canyon views. Newer: Roof,
Water Heater, Alarm System, Heating & AC. Large Living room
w FP, Formal dining, Open kitchen with breakfast area &
breakfast bar. 3Br+2Ba in 1,952 SqFt on a 20,000 SqFt lot
3610 Longridge Ave SO $2,200,000
6016 Corbin Ave TAR $1,750,000
Proposed new construction with approved plans for $2,200,000
for land and plans only. Or plans and finished construction on a
4Br+3Ba home in 4,860 SqFt. on a 38,330 SqFt lot for
Gated & set back from the street. Large ½ acre flag lot. 6 Brs
including 3 Master suites. Gourmet kitchen, formal dining room,
formal living room w 20’ceilings, guest unit, pool & spa. 6Br+6Ba
4,512 SqFt 20,000+ SqFt lot
4060 Kraft Ave SC $1,399,000
13395 Contour Drive SO $1,099,500
Colfax Meadows home located at the end of a cul-de-sac and
situated behind gates for privacy. Stunning setting w/ open living
room, formal dining, state of the art kitchen, 3 master suites
including a 1000sqft Master with office and bath. 3Br+3.5Ba in
3,644 SqFt
Gated SOB home w views. Recently redone & features newer ac/
heat, plus newer fixtures & wood flooring throughout. LR w FP
formal dining room, gourmet kit w center island & skylight. 45Br+3.75Ba in 3,597 SqFt.
4024 Woodman Canyon Ave SO $849,000
13206 Morrison St SO $949,000
SOB Modernized Mid Century Modern. Living & family rooms
w/ wood floors, galley kitchen w/ Granite & 6 burnerrange, 2
master suites. 2 level back yard w/ large pool and views.
2Br+2.25 Ba in 1,800 SqFt on 7,296 SqFt Lot
Traditional Mellenthin in this much desired area of S.O. Many
newer features. Master suite w private BA and walk-in closet.
Updated kitchen w island. Large grassy front & back yards.
4Br+2Ba in 2,381 SqFt, 8,100 SqFt lot
14729 Huston St SO $580,000
3254 Oakdell Road SC $12,500/Month
Charming Traditional pool home. Double door entry, wood
floors, fireplace, galley kitchen, formal dining, large master w
bath. Newer ac/heat, driveway, windows & garage door.
3Br+1.75Ba in 1,684 sqft on a 6,752 lot.
Elegant East Coast Tudor on a tree lined street located on one of
Studio City’s most desired streets in Fryman Estates. LR & FR w
high ceilings. Huge Master Suite w bath and 2 walk-ins. Pool &
Spa 6Br+5.5Ba in 6028 SqFt on a 25,315 Lot
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News November 2012
14645 Round Valley Drive SO $1,495,000
Modern, sophisticated & sexy. Live & entertain in style. Stunning
Contemporary w/ incredible views from almost every room! Gourmet kitchen, media room, gym & gorgeous master suite. 4 BR & 5
BA in 4684 sqft.
13481 Cheltenham Drive SO $999,900
Stunning Panoramic Views from almost every room. Living &
Family rooms w/ wood floors. Chef’s Kitchen w/ stainless appliances & Granite counters. Gym/Game room & Indoor spa
room. 4Br+4Ba in 3,974 SqFt on a 10,575 Lot
11250 Canton Dr. SC $749,000
South of the blvd traditional home located in a much desired area
of Studio City in the area of more expensive homes. Fixer on a
large street to street lot & easy Valley & West side access. 4Br+3Ba,
2215 SqFt, 13,177 SqFt Lot
10807 Alta View Dr SC $6500/Month
South of the boulevard traditional at the end of a cul-de-sac w
incredible canyon & valley views from almost every room. Open
& Bright living room. Big Master Suite w walk-in & private Bath.
Pool & Views. 3Br+2.5Ba in 2,641 SqFt on a 11,260 Lot