The Tauber Institute Series for the Study of Modern European Jewry


The Tauber Institute Series for the Study of Modern European Jewry
The Tauber Institute Series for the Study of Modern European Jewry
From Brandeis University Press
Jehuda Reinharz, General Editor; Sylvia Fuks Fried, Associate Editor; Eugene R. Sheppard, Associate Editor
The Tauber Institute Series is dedicated to publishing books with compelling and innovative approaches to the study of modern European Jewish
history, thought, culture, and society. The series features scholarly works related to the Enlightenment, modern Judaism and the struggle for
emancipation, the rise of nationalism and the spread of antisemitism, the Holocaust and its aftermath, as well as the contemporary Jewish experience.
Contact: D
r. Phyllis Deutsch, Editor-in-Chief •
Style and Seduction
The Individual in History
Jewish Patrons, Architecture, and
Design in Fin de Siècle Vienna
Elana Shapira
Explores the central role of Jewish
patrons as shapers of Viennese
Essays in Honor of Jehuda Reinharz
Edited by ChaeRan Y. Freeze,
Sylvia Fuks Fried, and
Eugene R. Sheppard
Essays in honor of the scholarly work
and institutional leadership of Jehuda
Reinharz, focusing on the role of the
individual in history
Paperback, $40.00 • 978-1-61168-921-1
Ebook, $34.99 • 978-1-61168-969-3
June 2016
Sites of European
Antisemitism in the Age of
Mass Politics, 1880–1918
Edited by Robert Nemes
and Daniel Unowsky
Explores local incidents of
antisemitism and antisemitic violence
across Europe in the late nineteenth
and early twentieth centuries
Paperback, $40.00 • 978-1-61168-582-4
Ebook, $39.99 • 978-1-61168-583-1
Rabbi Shneur Zalman
of Liady
The Origins of Chabad Hasidism
Immanuel Etkes
The only biography in English of
the founder of the Chabad movement
in Hasidism
Hardcover, $45.00 • 978-1-61168-677-7
Ebook, $44.99 • 978-1-61168-679-1
Hardcover, $35.00 • 978-1-61168-732-3
Ebook, $34.99 • 978-1-61168-733-0
Everyday Jewish Life
in Imperial Russia
Select Documents, 1772–1914
Edited by ChaeRan Y. Freeze
and Jay M. Harris
An astounding compilation of primary
source documents dealing with all
aspects of Jewish daily life in the
Russian empire
Paperback, $40.00 • 978-1-61168-455-1
Ebook, $39.99 • 978-1-61168-456-8
The Faith of Fallen Jews
Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi and
the Writing of Jewish History
Edited by David N. Myers
and Alexander Kaye
Brings together key writings by one of
the most distinguished and renowned
Jewish historians of our time
Paperback, $40.00 • 978-1-61168-487-2
Ebook, $39.99 • 978-1-61168-413-1
Jewish Philosophical
Politics in Germany,
Sven-Erik Rose
A provocative look at how Jewish
intellectuals thought about Jewish
religion and existence within a
German philosophical tradition
Paperback, $40.00 • 978-1-61168-579-4
Ebook, $37.99 • 978-1-61168-580-0
Holocaust Mothers
and Daughters
Family, History, and Trauma
Federica K. Clementi
An astonishing analysis of Jewish
mother-daughter relations before,
during, and after the Shoah as
described in daughters’ memoirs
Paperback, $40.00 • 978-1-61168-476-6
Ebook, $39.99 • 978-1-61168-477-3
The Tauber Institute Series for the Study of Modern European Jewry
From Brandeis University Press
Religion and Jewish Identity in the Soviet Union, 1941–1964
Mordechai Altshuler
Paperback, $35.00 • 978-1-61168-272-4 / Ebook, $29.99 • 978-1-61168-273-1
Untold Tales of the Hasidim Crisis and Discontent in the History of Hasidism
David Assaf
Hardcover, $55.00 • 978-1-58465-861-0 / Ebook, $34.99 • 978-1-61168-305-9
Photographing the Jewish Nation Pictures from S. An-sky’s Ethnographic Expeditions
Edited by Eugene M. Avrutin Paperback, $35.00 • 978-1-61168-683-8
Modern Middle Eastern Jewish Thought
Writings on Identity, Politics, and Culture, 1893–1958
Breaking the Silence The German Who Exposed the Final Solution.
Walter Laqueur and Richard Breitman Paperback, $35.00 • 978-0-87451-672-2
Jews Welcome Coffee Tradition and Innovation in Early Modern Germany
Robert Liberles Paperback, $35.00 • 978-1-61168-246-5 / Ebook, $34.99 • 978-1-61168-247-2
Jewish Dimensions in Modern Visual Culture Antisemitism, Assimilation, Affirmation
Edited by Rose-Carol Washton Long, Matthew Baigell, and Milly Heyd
Hardcover, $55.00 • 978-1-58465-795-8
The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig
Edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr Paperback, $30.00 • 978-1-58465-249-6
Edited by Moshe Behar and Zvi Ben-Dor Benite
Paperback, $27.95 • 978-1-58465-885-6 / Ebook, $25.99 • 978-1-61168-386-8
A Holocaust Controversy The Treblinka Affair in Postwar France
The Jews of Bialystok During World War II and the Holocaust
Between Jew and Arab The Lost Voice of Simon Rawidowicz
David N. Myers Paperback, $29.95 • 978-1-58465-854-2 / Ebook, $7.99 • 978-1-58465-815-3
Sara Bender Hardcover, $50.00 • 978-1-58465-729-3
Haim Be’er Hardcover, $35.00 • 978-1-58465-371-4 / Ebook, $7.99 • 978-1-61168-483-4
Samuel Moyn Paperback, $24.95 • 978-1-58465-509-1
Israel in the Middle East Documents and Readings on Society, Politics,
and Foreign Relations, Pre-1948 to the Present
The Pure Element of Time
Edited by Itamar Rabinovich and Jehuda Reinharz Paperback, $40.00 • 978-0-87451-962-4
The Architect of Genocide Himmler and the Final Solution
Jews and Diaspora Nationalism
Writings on Jewish Peoplehood in Europe and the United States
Haim Be’er Paperback, $24.95 • 978-1-61168-431-5 / Ebook, $9.99 • 978-1-61168-432-2
Richard Breitman Paperback, $40.00 • 978-0-87451-596-1
Between Mussolini and Hitler The Jews and the Italian Authorities in France and Tunisia
Daniel Carpi Paperback, $35.00 • 978-1-58465-228-1
Cadaverland Inventing a Pathology of Catastrophe for Holocaust Survival
Michael Dorland
Hardcover, $45.00 • 978-1-58465-784-2 / Ebook, $7.99 • 978-1-58465-878-8
Edited by Simon Rabinovitch
Paperback, $29.95 • 978-1-58465-762-0 / Ebook, $25.99 • 978-1-61168-362-2
The Plough Woman Records of the Pioneer Women of Palestine — A Critical Edition
Mark A. Raider Paperback, $29.95 • 978-1-58465-183-3
Chaim Weizmann The Making of a Statesman
Jehuda Reinharz Paperback, $40.00 • 978-1-58465-268-7
The Besht Magician, Mystic, and Leader
Chaim Weizmann The Making of a Zionist Leader
Jehuda Reinharz Paperback, $40.00 • 978-1-58465-267-0
Jewish Marriage and Divorce in Imperial Russia
The Jewish Response to German Culture
From the Enlightenment to the Second World War
Immanuel Etkes
Paperback, $40.00 • 978-1-61168-308-0 / Ebook, $39.99 • 978-1-61168-306-6
ChaeRan Y. Freeze Paperback, $40.00 • 978-1-58465-160-4
Yehuda Amichai The Making of Israel’s National Poet
Jehuda Reinharz Paperback, $35.00 • 978-0-87451-552-7
Nili Scharf Gold
Hardcover, $35.00 • 978-1-58465-733-0 / Ebook, $24.99 • 978-1-58465-812-2
Living with Antisemitism Modern Jewish Responses
Jehuda Reinharz Paperback, $40.00 • 978-0-87451-412-4
Moses Mendelssohn Writings on Judaism, Christianity, and the Bible
Edited by Michah Gottlieb
Paperback, $27.95 • 978-1-58465-685-2 / Ebook, $24.99 • 978-1-61168-214-4
German City, Jewish Memory The Story of Worms
Nils Roemer Paperback, $35.00 • 978-1-58465-922-8 / Ebook, $34.99 • 978-1-58465-947-1
Pious and Rebellious Jewish Women in Medieval Europe
Holocaust Literature A History and Guide
David G. Roskies and Naomi Diamant
Paperback, $35.00 • 978-1-61168-358-5 / Ebook, $34.99 • 978-1-61168-359-2
The Jews of Poland Between Two World Wars
From Text to Context The Turn to History in Modern Judaism
Ismar Schorsch Paperback, $40.00 • 978-1-58465-335-6 / Ebook, $24.99 • 978-1-61168-136-9
Memoirs Hans Jonas
Leo Strauss and the Politics of Exile The Making of a Political Philosopher
Eugene Sheppard
Hardcover, $50.00 • 978-1-58465-600-5 / Ebook, $24.99 • 978-1-61168-769-9
Orientalism and the Jews
Princess or Prisoner? Jewish Women in Jerusalem, 1840-1914
Margalit Shilo Hardcover, $65.00 • 978-1-58465-483-4
The Darker Side of Genius Richard Wagner’s Anti-Semitism
Jacob. Katz Paperback, $22.00 • 978-1-58465-240-3
Community and Conscience The Jews in Apartheid South Africa
Gideon Shimoni Hardcover, $40.00 • 978-1-58465-329-5
A House Divided Orthodoxy and Schism in Nineteenth-Century Central European Jewry
The Zionist Ideology
Jacob Katz Paperback, $35.00 • 978-1-58465-295-3
Gideon Shimoni Paperback, $40.00 • 978-0-87451-833-7 / Ebook, $34.99 • 978-1-61168-141-3
Philosophical Witnessing The Holocaust as Presence
Berel Lang Hardcover, $50.00 • 978-1-58465-741-5 / Ebook, $7.99 • 978-1-58465-826-9
Germany’s Prophet Paul de Lagarde and the Origins of Modern Antisemitism
Ulrich Sieg Hardcover, $45.00 • 978-1-58465-755-2
Best of Times, Worst of Times Memoirs of a Political Education
Walter Laqueur Hardcover, $50.00 • 978-1-58465-798-9 / Ebook, $7.99 • 978-1-58465-880-1
World in the Balance Behind the Scenes of World War II
Gerhard L. Weinberg Paperback, $19.95 • 978-0-87451-217-5
Avraham Grossman
Paperback, $35.00 • 978-1-58465-392-9 / Ebook, $34.99 • 978-1-61168-394-3
Edited by Yisrael Gutman Paperback, $45.00 • 978-0-87451-555-8
Hans Jonas
Edited by Christian Wiese Hardcover, $35.00 • 978-1-58465-639-5
Edited by Ivan Davidson Kalmar and Derek Penslar Paperback, $40.00 • 978-1-58465-411-7

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