INVESTMENT INCENTIVES IN GREECE. U.K. FRANCE. SPAIN DESIGN BY SPYRIDCN . V . DALAKOS LECTURE: ANNA PYRALEMIDOU FXtR AT.T. My FRTTODK IN EUROPE CONTENTS INTRCCUCTICN GREECE ......... UNITED KENGDCM EI«3AND .. ... SCOTLAND WALES .. .... FRANCE ......... SPAIN .......... CONCLUSION TABLES ..... ......... USEFUL AEDRESSES INTRODDCTION The m a i n p u r poses offers,are ta l w h i c h There an d th e All of t h e i n v e s t m e n t p r o g r a m m e s to att r a c t potential is t h e b a s i s is a d i r e c t which every country course c a pi t al.Capi increase i n c e n t i v e s w h i c h a re a v a i l a b l e of t h e country. o f t h e G P D of a c o u n t r y to potential investors. i n v e s t o r s , d o m e s t i c or f o r e i g n , t r y t o f i n d t h e b e s t c o u n t r i e s find the right ways which is a n e c o n o m i c w a r a m o n g g o v e r n m e n t s to o f f e r t h e th e p o t e n t i a l right offer a w i d e range of incentives i n v e s tment.All the memb e r states T h e E.C. the same in the t h e G a p a m o n g t he in an attempt to find investment.Governments international competition are t r y i n g to outside investment is t r y i n g , w i t h d i r e c t i v e s reduce for the of E.C. programmes which will allow investors as a w h o l e w h i c h o f f e r s to i n v e s t m e n t p r o g r a m m e s .P r o g r a m investors wil l a n alyse the r i g h t on e w h i c h w i l l be t he b a s i s EIB,to an d of for the e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t li n k b e t w e e n t h e to i n v e s t t h e i r m o n e y . T h e r e mes investors for form common of E u rope to face Eu r o p e incentives. a n d p r o g r a m m e s ,w i t h t h e h e l p of investment programmes of t h e m e m b e r states. The research,for m e n t p r o g r a m m e s ,w a s t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n of for a p e riod of my m a i n p r o b l e m w a s w i t h p u b l i c Sometimes sent me alternative ways Th e first which my to the co u n t r i e s and 4 months literature and therefore to p o t e n t i a l i n v e s t o r s . T h e r e d a r e u n d e r th e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of t h e m i n i s t r y of The second c h apter analyses the investment I h ad to find s t a r t w r i t i n g t h e bo o k . c h a p t e r w h i c h is a b o u t G r e e c e d e s c r i d e s country offers invest problems, organisations. rather on i n t e r e s t i n g and select the the I f a c e d a l o t of the incentives 4 incentives incentives i n t h e O.K. The c o u n t r i e s w h i c h a r e p a r t of t h e U . K . ,E n g l a n d , S c o t l a n d , W a l e s in d i f f e r e n t c h a p t e r s d i s c r i b e o t h e r i n c e n t i v e s . T h e r e government investment programme w hich is available offe national economy. are is a c e n t r a l in E n g l a n d , S c o t l a n d , -2Wales.Local governments and ves. Th e m a i n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c incentives and it w o u l d sation to know all The the impossible incentives the state investment e v e n the c e n t r a l g o v e r n m e n t incentives that in London. the Fre n c h g o v e r n m e n t i n v e s tors.The m a i n point in r e l ation to incentives a s s i s t a n c e to i n v e s t o r s In S p a i n i n v e s t m e n t nce w i t h range of for a n y one p erson or o r g a n i l o c a l a u t h o r i t i e s ,r e g i o n s ,c o u n t i e s f e r e n t k i n ^ s of offer different incenti is t h a t t h e r e is a w i d e seems third chapter analyses offers to pot e n t i a l is the local a uthorities incentives incentives are ,t o w n s and villages,offer d i f t o a t t r a c t t h e m i n t h e i r ar e a . almost and inc e n t i v e s the s a m e as t h e U .K. from the and F r a different autonomous regions. Finishing the S l i g o R.T . C . introduction I would and m y Pyralemidou who was like to t h a n k al l for Of c o u r s e I w a n t t o in Greece for m y success their assistance Papadodyma all m y friends in of K a v a l a .E s p e c i a l l y M r s A n n a p ublic and private thank mrs and like to t h a n k all m y lectures in T . E . I . the basis the S p a i n a n d the U.K. economy lectures in Ireland.I would also institutions and in G r e e c e , F r a n c e , i n t e r e s t in m y res e a r c h . f r o m t h e m i n i s t r y of n a t i o n a l from Spain,Germany,France and Greece. And fina l l y m y e m p l o y e r in the L i f f e y T r u s t m r his K i n d n e s s b e f o r e th e in a l l o w i n g m e p u b l i c a t i o n of to u s e p a r t of m y w o r k Seamus Mc'Der m o t t in the t he b o o k i n e a r l y o c t o m b e r . for final p r o j e c t INVESTMENT GRANT BASIC DETAII5 The investment law has divine the cxxntry into 5 regicns: A,B,C,D,raRACE, in 2 main sectors a) manufacturing,cxaft industry, agriculture and stock-breeding, mining enterprises etc. b) Hotels,canp sites,enterprises operating mineral springs or winter tourism centres. In every region and every different kind of sector the investment get different grant.Also there are exceptions like the special zcnes,the special investments and tte NA.VI.PE.,v^iich get more grants that the other types of investment. AEMENISTRATI»! The administrative body is the Ministry of National Eccnccny.The Ministry of Naticnal Eccnany decide for investnent project over £ 1.3 millicns.Application involving investments of less than £ 350.000 shall be submitted to the Hellenic organisation of small and medium sized business (BCmEX).For the Agriculture investments of up to £ 800.000,applications shall be submitted to the Agriculture Bank of Greece (A.T.E.). The application form, must be submitted together with other documents such as enployment, environment protection, business plan etc. The cost of the application form depend from the total project cost (between Drs. 10.000 and Drs 200.000). The application form shall be submitted, during the first two n m t h s of the first or second half of the year. If the project is begun before the publication of the decision making is m the sole responsibility of tie investor and the administration body is under no c±)ligation to give grant to the project.Soil worfis (earthncving,fencing),the opening of credit and ordering of machinery shall not constitute"ccmmencement of investment" and may be undertaken prior to submission of the relevant application. OOVIiyiGE The capital assistance-grant- is available for investments up to Drs. 2.5 billions (£7,400.000).In calculating the amount £7,500.000, the total amount of the investment programme must be taken into account.More specify, the total amount of the investment prograime is calculatirp as the sum of all investments programmes relating to the same production parocess within 5 years from the octipletion of the first investment. The grant start to be paid vA>en the 50% of the investor's minimum cwn participjation-depend of the cost- and 25% of the financing bank p>articipation if any, has been deposited and spent on the investment project.The grant shall be disbursed in instalments in such way that the balance of the investor's own participation and of the loan are spent simultaneously, with the last instalment being paid upon confirmation of the corpleticxi of the investment. The atncunt limit for the investments are: a) Drs 30.000.000. (£88,(XX)) for investments involving production of energy, stock-breeding and fish products,packing,preservation and investment involving estblishment or expansion by agricultural, forest and fishing conpanies. b) Drs 60.000.000 millions (£176,500) for development or expansion of manufacturing ccnpanies. c) Drs 45.000.000. millions (£132,500) for the craft industry d) e) Drs 5.000.000. millions (£14,000) for investments involving establishment or expansion by oorpanies providing new technology, e.g. software-mining research. Drs 2.000.000. millicns (£5,900) for modernisation investments of the previous oorpanies in case d. f) Drs 10.OCX).000. millions (£29,5(X)) for modemisaticn of the ocrpanies except the oorpanies in category d. FOR 1ΉΕ INDUSTRIAL SECTOR THE GRANTS ARE: SP. INVESTMENT FOR THE TOURISM SECTOR THE GRANTS ARE: SP. INVESTMENT INCREASED DEPRECIATION RATES The increased rates of depreciation are given to the investments that vd.ll be effected up to 31/12/1994.The normal depreciation rates, depending on the location of the unit and the number of shifts worked,are increased as follows: MANUFACTURINS-CRAFT INDUSTRY TOURISM Mining and quarrying cctipanies are eligible for provision applicable to area C except the mining conpanies in area A and D.For hotel and tourist units the increased depreciaticxi rates,are those of the 1 shift. Eligible for provision are conpanies in agriculture factor involving m o d e m technology,manufacturing conpanies,construction activities bylocal authorities or co-operatives and construction firms which vrant to modernise or replace the equipment. The depreciation rates are applicable only: a) If the average annual number of workers on the second shift are at least 50% of the first shift.If the conpany works a third shift,the average number of enployees enplcyed on the 2nd and 3rd shif-ts must be at least four fifth's -80%- of the number enployed on the 1st shift. b) If the average annual energy of -the 2nd shift is equal with the 50% of the annual energy that -the 1st shift spent.If there is 3rd shift the average annual energy of the 2nd and 3rd shift to be at least 80% of the annual energy rhat the 1st shift spent. For the purpose of calculating normal and additicxial depreciation allowances,the free grants which the enterprise has received from the Sta-te shale be deducted from the acquisition value of it's fixed assets. The additional deprecia-ticn rates granted in -the case where the investment has been including in the system of tax allowances and also in the system of investment grants. INTEREST RATE SUBSIDY The investnents vrfiich have qualified for grants also avrarded a percentage subsidy on the interest,paid on bank loans or loans frcm other financing instituticns. The percentage of interest rate subsidy shall be equal to the percentage of investment grant and shall b e given for the first three years service of the loans. If the project is a d e e m e d with the protecticn of envirerment then the interest subsidy is available for 6 years.In area D the dmterest subsidy can be for 6 years if the project is located in a special areas. For the investnents in the area of THRACE, the interest rate subsidy is available for the whole period of the loan repaynent for a maximum period of 10 years. The Interest rate subsidy is rot granted in cases where the investment has been made subject to the system of tax allowances. 1 Daily press Special Investment Mining & Quarrying Construction AgricultureForest-Fishing firms enploying nodem techrology. SPECIAL ZCMS 25% 25% 25% 35% 45% 40% 40% 40% 45% 55% - 25% 25% 35% 45% 15% 15% 15% 15% 15% - 35% 35% 35% 45% 15% 25% 25% 35% 45% TAX ALLOWANCES ΟΟΝΙΈΚΓ OF INCENTIVE Tax allcwances are granted on the net profits of the enterprises for fixed time,vrfiich are located in,moving to or are being set up in areas B,C,D,l«RACE, provided they effect new productive investments prior to 31/12/2004. The tax allowances rates for all the coipanies in except the tourist and hotel enterprises and oorpanies cperating mineral springs are as follow: TPK AUCWRNCES % OF THE PROFITS For the tourism and hotel enterprises and ccnpanies operating mineral springs are: TAX ALLOWANCES INVESTMENT h OF THE PROFITS % OF THE INVESTMENT % OF THE PROFITS In seme instances investments are entitled to the tax allcwances in other areas that those set out belcw: a) Invests in the ETBA Industrial Estate of Thessalcniki and invests by construction cctipanies irrespective of the area in which are located, entitled to tax allcwances in area B. b) Mining and quarrying ooipanies in area B, projects vhich involve special investment in area A and B, enterprises operation spas-winter tourism oentres-marinas-golf centresexcept the area A,firms engaged in the priding and publicity of daily press in area A,B, are entitled to tax allowanoes in area C of the Industrial sector. c) Conpanies which are involve in special investments for mining and energy research in area C, hotel enterprises vhich are undertake investment for establishment or expansion and sport or winter tourism enterprises in area B and C, are entitled to tax allcwances in area D. PREREQUISITES FOR TAX ALLOWANCES There are seme conditions that the oenpanies must have If they want to get the benefits of the tax allowances: a) The coipany must keep account books of category C of the code of Taxaticn Documents, b) Entered as tax free reserves in separate accounts, c) Deducted frem the profits of the financial year in vhich the investment took place, d) Calculated by reference to the next profits deducting appropriations to legal reserves and distributicn of profits. TAXATION OF ALLCXffiNCES The tax allowanoes,added to the profits of the enterprise and taxed in the financial year during which: a) Corpany wound up to the death of the entrepreneur or of a member of a cenpany b) Fixed assets sold before the lapse of five years since they were acquired and for the amount of the tax allcwances viiich corresponds to the value of the said fixed assets,except if the cenpany replace the fixed assets in a peried of 6 months from the end of the accounting period that the sale was made. BANKING SYSTSyi In Greece there are many banks viiich provide the ootipanies with financial and consultant assistance. The head of the banking system is the Bank of Greece vrfiich give the main line. The ccmmercial banks vrfTich attract most of the private investments and srpply the conpanies with sort term credit and long term funding of private investments.The third sector of the banking system is the Investment Banks. The Investment Banks in Greece are: a) ETBa( THE HELLENIC INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK). It's main cbject is to assist industrial, tourism and shipping ccnpanies. Also is engaged in attracting foreign capital for investments. b) ETEBA( NATIOCiL INVESTMENT BANK FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT). The main purpose is the proioticn of industrial and related c^jeraticns as well as the development of the country capital market. c) INVESTMENT BANK S.A. It,s main objective are the granting of long-term loans for investments,participation in the equity of existing ccnpanies and the underwriting of new issues. The forth sector are seme Special Credit Organisation like the ATE (AGRICULTURE BANK OF GREECE),which supplies farmers with sort and Icng-terms loans and finances agricultural industries. Also the NATIOIAL MORTGAGE BANK OF GREECE, which provide Iceg-term housing loans and also grants loans for hotel facilities. The sectors of which finance assistance are providing from the ocmmercial banks and the other credit organisaticxis are INDUSTRY, CRAFT INDUSTRY AND TOURISM.For every one sector the loans are as follow; INDUSTRY CAPITAL EXPENDITURE NEEDS CAPITAL REQUIRIMENTS OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS PREPARATION INSTALMENTS INSTALMENTS INSTAIMENTS INSTAIMENTS 6 MONTHS ** LONG-TERM LOAN BUILDING-EXPANSICN INTEREST RATE FIXED FREELY FIXED FREELY DISBURSEMENT INSTAmENTS INSTALMENTS 6 MCKIHLY INSTALMENTS *■> REPAYMENT CRAFT INDUSTRY PURCHASE CR INSTALLATI04 OF MACHINERY INTEREST RATE DISBURSEMENT INSTALMENTS 1 YEAR INSTALMENTS Figure 13. Designated Areas in the United Kingdom. E N G L A N D J δ m ο E N G L A N D INTRODUCTION POPULATION: 48.000.000. MILLION AREA:29.772 sq miles POLITICAL SYSTEM: DEMOCRACY NATIONAL LANGUAGE: ENGLISH OTHER LANGUAGE: FRENCH, GERMAN CURRENCY: STERLING EXCHANGE RATE: 1 STERLING= 0,98 PUNT England is a lowland country and the capital is Irrdon. The main cities are Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool and Bristol. There are 8 regions in England and each regicn in England has a different kind of beauty. The capital of England, London, is the centre of the ecoronic life of the world and all the eocncmic activities are effecting by the biggest stock market in the world . The investing incentives to the ccnpanies vhich want to invest in England are: -Central Government Assistance -Local Assistance CET^KAL OOVEI^I^Eyr ASSISTANCE A) REGIOiAL SE3JCTIVE ASSISTANCE Basic Details This grant is available for investment viiich take place in the Assistance Areas. There are two main broad categories of the qualified projects. a) Projects which create enployment b) Projects viiich safeguard the existing enployment without to create new jobs Coverage The grant is related to fixed and working capital cost of the project and numbers of jc±>s involving. The grant is paid in three annual instalments, with the first instalment paid viven one third of the jobs have been created. For small projects v M c h are ooipleted quickly, the grant may be paid in one or two instalments. Conditions All the applicants from the private sector of industry and ccmmerce are eligible to receive grants,the level of virLch is negotiable. The service sector projects which serve only a local market do not generally qualify for this type of assistance. B) REGIONAL EOTERPRISE GRANTS 1) INVESTMEOT O^ANT Firms in the Development Areas with less than 25 enployees can apply for Investment Grant vrfiich cover 15% of fixed assets ( maohinery, buildirgs land and site preparation) up to a maximum £15,000. Conpanies in manufacturing and service sector are eligible to c the Investment Grant. 2) INNOVATIOI GRANT Conpanies in Development Areas with less than 25 enployees can ^ p l y for an Innovation Grant of up to 50% of the piroject o»st. The manufacturirg and service caipanies are eligible to receive the Grant The cxnpanies cannot receive the REGIONAL SELECTIVE ASSISTANCE and the REGIONAL ENTERPRISE GRANT for the same project. C) COMSULTRNCY INITIATIVE Basic details Under this Grant, the anall and Medium sized enterprises viith less than 500 enployees can receive money for consultancy.The consultancy can cover a vhole range of activities -marketing, design, quality, financial and management information systems etc.-. Coverage The amount that cover of the grant is 50% of the cost of the consultancy projects.In the Assistance Areas two thirds of the costs will be paid. D) SCHEME TO SUPPORT INNOVATION IN SMALL COMPANIES I) SUPPORT FOR PRCCUCTS UNDER RESEARCH (SPUR) Basic Details SPUR is a scheme which help the small firms to develop new products and process vrfiich involve a significant technological advance. Corpanies vhich enploying fewer than 500 enployees are eligible to receive the grant. Coverage The cost of the project must be at least £50,000 on research and development and 30% grant is payable up to a maximum grant of £150,000. 2) SMALL FIRMS MERIT AWARD FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY (SMART) Basic Details SMART is a ccnpetiticn award and give finance assistance viable ideas from small enterprises with less than 50 enployees or Individuals ,vhen the idea is still in the first steps. Every award cover 75% of the cost for the first year up to £45,000. The winners can win again grant of 50% of the seocnd year up to a maximum £60,000. Ideas can cover a v*iole range as informaticn technology, advanced materials technology,biotechnology etc . All the applications and the proposals for the award must be applied at the beginning of ipril. Basic Details The main pjurpose of the city grant is to enccurage private sector capital projects within 57 local authorities in England, including areas of the Urban Developnent Corporaticns. The benefits of the city grant help the investor to reduce the differences between the cost and the value of the project, helping the investor to get a reasonable return of his investment. Coverage The investor of the private sector get direct the City Grant and is available for investments vhich cn conpleticn will be worth over £500,000 and vhich provide new jobs, private housing or industrial space. Administration The department of environment is the organisation vhich give all the informaticn to the investors for the City Grant. BUSINESS E X P A N S I W SCHEME The Business Expansion Scheme helps small firms by making shares in small ccmpanies more attractive to outside investors through tax relief. Coverage An investor who buys shares in certain unquote cotpanies can obtain tax relief cxi investments up to £40,000 a year. A small trading ccnpany can raise up to £750,000 a year through the scheme. Administration Local tax inspectors and accountants can provide informaticn for the Business Expansion Scheme. LOAN GUARANTEE SCHEME Basic Details This scheme run by DTI ard provide a government guarantee for loans by banks and other financial instituticns. The government guarantees 70% of loans over 2 to 7 years in return of a premium of 25% on the guarantee porticn of the loan. The interest rate is likely to be the same as that charged to small firms generally. COLLABORATIVE RESERRCH fiSSISTANCE Under these program mes projects can qualify for financial suj^ort from the DTI. Assistance is available under the programmes. Basic Details The main <±ijective of Eureka is the increase of Eurc^je's productivity cn the world market in any field advanced technology. Coverage Project participants are expected to arrange the necessary funding themselves for their Eureka projects. DTI can help with the higher costs involved with the Eurc^jean Collaboration through non repayable grants to U.K. organisation. Basic Details Under this programme ccnpanies work together with science based and other research institutions. Up to 50% assistance is available under this programme. DFRET.Trr LAND GRANT Basic Details The central government grants are available in England for the repair of derelict land to bring it back to use or improve it's appearance. Priority is given in the cases which the larxi is not in good axiditioi and is dangerous to the public health and the safety of the natural environment. Coverage Normally the rate is 50% but local authorities can receive 75% grant in the Naticxial Parits and Areas of natural beauty. In the Assistance Areas local authorities can claim a grant of 100% while for other cases the grant is 80%. Administration The regicnal office of the department of the Envirctment or the Director of Planning Services are the official bodies virich give further information for the grant. EMPLOVMENT AND TRAINING g^ANT Basic Details Many parts of England offer training or eiiployment grants for business, independent organisations and nationalised industries. Coverage The conditions and benefits of the programmes vary from area to area, but generally 40%-60% approximately of cross wages for a period of up to 6 months. The jobs must be permanent, under 18 months, have basic hours of between 21-45 hours per week and the minimum wage of £3 per hour is paid ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMMES Basic Details The aim of this programme is to encourage pre-oorpetitive collaborative research in new technologies. Project proposals are invited under a wide range of current prograimes. At least two independent oonpanies must participate, one of vAiich should be capable of exploiting the results. Coverage Up to 50% assistance is available. INDUSTRIAL AND Ca>MERCIAL PREMISES Basic Details There are 4 free zones in England, located in Birmingham, liverpool. Tilbury and Southanptcn. At these, inported goods may by held vd-thcxit payment of customs duty or import VAT. Most normal import controls and the payment of duty tax are required only when free zone goods are removed to the U.K. market, used, or censured within the zones. Conditions A wide range of activities are eligible to occupy a place in a free zone including: - Loading - unloading and transhipment; - Storage; - Destruction of unsaleable or surplus goods; - Prooessirp of most third country goods for export outside the EC and processing of ocmmunity goods; - Handling operations carried out with a view to ensuring preservation or inproving the market table quality of free zone goods or preparing them for distribution or The free zones in England offer non-tariff advantages which are: - Siitplified customs j - Security; - Potential for inproved marioeting and presentation; - Greater flexibility in determining final destinations for goods subject to quota restrictions; - Cash flow benefit resulting from exenption of duty unless and until goods are exported or released into free circulation. LOCAL msismtKZ URBAN DEVEXOPMEOT (XRPORftTICMS Basic Details There are 11 U.D.C. in England and the main purpose is to transforming their areas, making major ijTprovements to the envirorment and infrastructure so as to open up development opportunities. U.D.C.'s have powers to assemble reclaim and dispose of land suitable for development and certain pcwers to assist industry similar to the powers of local authorities. Also the English Urban Development Corporation have development control powers. URBAN PROGRAt-ME Basic Details A wide variety of projects apply for grant through 57 local authorities under the Urban programme. Each local authority create it's strategy and try to give more grants in the areas where the needs for investments are greatest. Coverage Approved Urban programme investments receive 75% grant and 25% borrowing afproval for capital projects and 75% for revenue projects. Administration A total of 57 local authorities are able to help the investors with all the information for the Urban Programme. THE INNER URBAN AREAS (ACT 1978) Basic Details Under this scheme the 57 local authorities provide help to the Inner Urban Areas. Coverage The Urban Prograiitne provide grants and loans for the establishment of small industrial units and enterprise workshcp)S. In addition cover the development and expansion costs of new existing small business. .SSISTED AREAS IN SCOTLAND ^ ' iSi* @ developm ent AREAS 0 INTERMEDIATE AREAS g NON-ASSISTED AREAS ENTERPRISE ZONES A TAYSIDEDUNDEE AND ARBROATH B INVERGORDON C INVERCLYDE D LANARKSHIRE S C O T L A N D INTRODUCTION POPULATICX<:5 MILLION ftREA:29.772 sq. miles POLITIC3U:, SYSTEM:DEMOCRACY N A T I C m L LANGUAGE tGAElIC-ENGLISH CITHER LANGUAGES:FRENCH,GERMAN CURRENCY:STERLING EXCHANGE RATE:1 STERLING = 1 FUNT ScxDtland which occupy the north part of the G.B. has 9 regicxis areas and 655 of the total population live in a oentral belt covering the two main cities of Glasgow and Ehdiburgh which is the capital of Scotland. The north part of Scotland has some of the highest mountains of G.B. and the middle and south are certain the most of Scotland's Industry and agrioultural activities. The assistance that offering to the investors can take a variety of forms as follow: a) State Grants b) Regional Grants STATE CKAffTS RET.TCHAT. SKTJTTTVE ASSTSTANCT Basic Details Regional Selective Assistance is a discreticnary grant. Is available throughout the Assistance Areas for investment projects creating or safeguarding jobs. The amount of assistance could be between 10%-30% of the fixed project costs. Higher levels of grant are available for the private sector of manufacturing industry and service conpanies which serve wider are qualified for this grant. Regional Selective assistance is an extremely flexible form of assistance. Also the ccnpany can receive grant towards projects using secondhand as well as new plant and buildings. RE G I C m L t^TTERPRISE GRANTS Basic Details There are 2 types of assistance available under the Regional Enterprise Grant: - Investment Grant - Innovation Grant A) INVESTMENT GRANT Basic Details This grant is available for investments in Development Areas and in the Fife Renaval Area by enterprises with fewer than enplqyees. Coverage Manufacturing and some services sector are eligible to get the Investment Grant. The amount of the assistance is 15% of the costs of tte fixed assets up to a maximum £15,000. Also the grant is discretiaiary and is available only once to each applicant. Β) ΙΝΝΟνΛΤΙΟί GRANT Coverage This grant is available for Innovaticri Developnent and Research projects. A grant 50% of the costs up to a maximum of £25,000 offered to sole-traders, partnerships ocnpanies with fewer than 50 enployees, provided services in Assistance Area or in an Urban Area in Scotland. OOiSULTANCY SCHEME Basic Details Small and Medium firms with less than 500 enployees can receive grant for cmsultancy. Normally the scheme cover 50% of the costs for consultancyin the areas of design, marketing, quality, MIS, manufacturing and service systems. GRANT ASSISTANCE FOR EXCEPTIORAL PROJECTS (AEPl Basic Details The assistance for industrial investment normally is primarily for the Assis-ted Areas but exceptionally, assistance required to secure a project in another location except the Assistant Areas, if the investment involve at least £0,5 million then the . grant is available. Ccnpanies in most sectors of services, manufacturing industry can receive the grant vhen the project involve fixed capital expenditure. Coverage The principal eligible oos-ts are new fixed capital investments in plant, machinery, buildings, working capital training costs. The amount of the grant is negotia-ted and is subject to a maximum of 25% of the project costs. D) SCHEME TO SUPPORT INNOVATICTJ TM .9ΜΒΤ.Τ. (XMPANIES 1) SUPPCKT F m PR3DUCTS UNDER RESEARCH (SPUR) Basic Details SHJR is a schaie which help the small firms to develop new procSucts and process viiich involve a significant technological advance. Coipanies which enplcying fewer than 500 erployees are eligible to receive the grant. Coverage The cost of the project must be at least £50,000 cn research and develc^jnent and 30% grant is payable up to a maximum grant of £150,000. 2) SMALL FIRMS MERIT AWARD PCe RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY (SMART) Basic Details SMART is a ccnpetiticn award and give finance assistance viable ideas fncm small enterprises with less than 50 enployees or individuals ,viien the idea is still in the first steps. Coverage Every award cover 75% of the cost for the first year νφ to £45,000. The winners can win again grant of 50% of the second year up to a maximum £60,000. Ideas can cover a whole range as information technology, advanced materials technology,biotechnology etc . All the applications and the proposals for the award must be applied at the beginning of April. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING GRANT Basic Details Many parts of Scotland offer training or enployment grants for business, independent organisaticns and nationalised industries. The ocrditions ard benefits of the programmes vary fran area to area but generally pay 40%-60% approximately of cross wages for a period of up to 6 norths. The jobs must be permanent under 18 months, have basic hours of between 21-45 hours per week and the minimum wage of £3 per hour is paid. GROUP MARKETING GRANT Basic Etetails The Group Marketing Grant was introduced in ;^3ril 92 to enccurage the formation and development of ccrmerciallymanaged marketing groups for agriculture and horticulture produce of ooc^seratives,public or private LTD ootpanies and joint ventures. Coverage The assistame of the grant cover 50% of the managenent costs and the maximum amount of grant is $107,000. The main certain management costs are: - Feasibility study(expenses-custcmers) £10,000 - Member recruitment(prcmotioTal expenses) £3,000 - Establishrent costs(lawyers-acoountant's expenses) - Salary of k ^ staff(general manager-export manager) £3,000 £30,000 - Training(of managers and directors to strengthen their business planning and skills) £2,000 each individual up to £10,000 for all the group Administration The responsible body is the SOAFD and priority will be given to the develc^inent of existing groups or new groups in regions viere there is little collaborative structure. LOAN GUARANTEE SCHEME DOAN PCK SMALL BUSINESS Basic Details Small business with fewer than 200 enplcyees in manufacturing construction retail etc. , qualify for the loan Guarantee Scheme. The recreaticn services, travel agents, medical services and seme other activities are exclude from the Schane. The government issues the lenders with guarantees for 70% of the total loan. Loans can be for 2-7 years and the 3 cover an amount up to £100,000. GRANT FOR PROCESSING fiND MRRKETING OF figUCULTORE Basic Details The aijTis of this grant are providing fran the European Agriculture Guidance And Guarantee Fund. The main objective is to inprove and raticnalise the processing and marketing of agricultural produce. The schene is coipetitive and there is no guarantee that all eligible projects will get the grant. The normal grant is 25% of the costs up to a maximum of £900,000. The total cost may not be less than £70,000 ard not more than £6,000,000. Eligible projects are those vrfiich: - improve marketing chanrel; - improve product quality; - rationalise or develop the preparation and processing of agricultural products or re-cycling of waste and by products; -ajply new processing techniques(including new and by-products, or to open up of new markets and innovative i Projects which are involve in the next areas are not eligible for grant aid: -working capital; -second hand equipment; -harvesting equipment; -vehicles for external transportaticn The inclusion of these items into the application form for grant would not normally render all the project ineligible but their costs would be deducted from the total cost of the project. It may be also be noted that the value of these items may not ocxistitute more than 40% of the cost. If the value of these items is more than 40% then the project will be ineligible. FISH FRRMING SCHEME Basic Details The 1987 Schemes prcvic3es financial su^xirt- back-up grants of up to 10% for projects afproved by the E. community. The anount of the grant vri.ll be not more than 10% of the expenditure approved for Comiunity assistance. It is a condition of the Scheme, that grant vriJ.1 be paid only if an aEplication for Community assistance is successful. Administration The Scottish office Agriculture and Fisheries department will provide all the information for this grant. GRAhTT UNDER THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT-ACT 1982- Basic Details The fish farmers, vho are understanding capital projects which will create or secure long-term unaiployment can get money from the Regicxial Selective Assistance Grant. The grant, vhich is negotiable to the level, is usually around 15%-20% of fixed capital costs. The Regional Selective Assistance will not be given to projects being assisted by the Highlands and Islands Enterprise. ICCRTE IN SCPTLAND (LIS) Basic Details Locate in Scotland is the main organisation for a ttracting foreign investments. Locate in Scotland provides a range of services to financial assistance and advise in all the questions relations to start up or expansion of business. Many finanoe pacicages from the LIS, involving gove m n e n t grant and E.C. loans. Also loans and equity finance is available. Locate in Scotland can provide a wide range of premises and sites available for immediate occupation or tailormade to the conpanies. NEW TOWNS AND LOCAL ADITORITIES ipart the gove mnent assistance in Scotland, the local authorities can provide many kind of assistance to the conpanies, vArLch want to invest in the area of Scotland. Normally the offerings are in the forms of rental ocrcessions. Conpanies in manufacturing and service industries are eligible to receive assistance for rental cmcessions and public authority factories. Also the investors can benefit from Begicnal Assistance Grant and other kind of government grants. ENTERPRISE ZONES Basic details Enterprise zones, are areas in Scotland for encouraging private secrtxr activity, viiich have renove the tax borders. There 4 Enterprise zones in Clydebank, Invergordon, Inverrclyde and Tayside. For a 10 year period the enterprise zones provide, for both new and existing industrial and cccmiercial business: -Sinplificaticxi of planning procedures; -Rate free periods; -100% capital allowances for new commercial and industrial buildings for corporations and income tax: -certain customs facilities Conpanies in any sector of econcny, except the hazardous activities, usually are qualified to cxocupy the Enterprise zones. SCOTTISH TOURISM BOARD Basic Details The Scottish Tcurism Board set up progranmes of financial assistance for capital investment by ccnpanies which are involved in tourism. The projects must: involve capital expenditure, must be open to the public and not be restricted to any particular section of the canmunity, to provide facilities mainly for visitors, the a£plicants must cwn the land or the building or hold it cn a lease at least 7 years if the projects is small and not less than 15 for the other cases. The assistance take the forms of participation revenue interest rate. a capital grant, loan, equity The normally amount is 25% or less but in seme cases assistance can be up to 50% of the eligible capital costs. HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS ENTERPRI.SE ( HTE ^ Basic Details The assistance for fish farming develcpment may be available it the areas of Shetland, Orteney, Western Isles, Highlard region, Argull and Bute district of Strathclyde, the isle of Arran in CXmninghannB District of Cumbrae. The Highland and Island Enterprise give financial assistance for: - inprovements, expansion or re-stocking of existing farms; - the establishment of new fish and shellfish farms for the cultivation of fishes and other species. The assistance of the HIE take the forms of grant and loan. The grant is available to projects vAiich are of special develcpment value. The amount of grant will not normally exceed 30% of the cost of the project. Also interest relief grant is available which in effect reduce the cost of borrowing. Loans are given for the new buildings, the expansion of existing buildings, the purchase of plant and the equipment and the provisicn of working capital. The loan can be cover a period of up to 20 years at a favourable interest rate. URBftN ΡΕνΕυΟΡΜΕΙΓΓ CORPORATICN f U.D.C. ) Basic Details The U.D.C. are transforming their areas, making major iirprovements and infrastructure so as to c^jen up development opportunities. U.D.C. in Scotland has the powers to assemble, reclaim and dispose of land suitable for development and can provicte help similar of local authorities > / Wal es / / CAR£>^^_ Λ W A L E S INTRODUCTION POFULRTIWiS MILLICK AREA:8.000 Sq miles POLITIC3VL SYSTEM :Dn>10CRaCV NaTIOIRL LANGUAGE:HELSH-ENGLISH OTHEK IANGURGES:GEEMRN,E^EMCH OJRRENCY: STEKLING EXCHANGE RATE:1 STERLING = 0,98 PUNT Wales which occupy the west part of the has 8 counties ard the two third of the live in the southeast.The north part is with many rivers and lakes. The capital and other arportant cities are Newport, Wrexham and Aberystwyth. G.B. pcpulaticn npuntainous is Cardiff Swansea, The assistance to the ocnpanies vhich want to invest in Wales is carrying out of the Public sector and tate different kind of forms PUBLIC SECTOR FINANCE There are many grants vrfiich are under the public sector. The most ijiportant are grants frcm the Vtelsh Office Grants, local Authorities, Welsh Development Agency,Develc^ment Board of Rural Areas,Wales Tcurism Board. MELSi OFFICE GRANTS A) REGICTffiL SFT.FrTTVK ASSISTANCE Basic Details I M s grant is available for investment vArich take place in the Assistance Areas. There are two main broad categories of the qualified projects. a) Projects create enployment b) Projects which safeguard the existing enplqyment without to create new jobs The grant is related to fixed and working capital cost of the project and numbers of jobs involving. The grant is paid in three annual instalments, with the first instalment paid when one third of the jobs have been created. For small projects which are ccrpleted quickly, the grant may be paid in one or two instalments. Conditions All the applicants frcm tie private sector of industry and ocmtnerce are eligible to receive grants, the level of which is negotiable. The service sector projects which serve only a local market do not generally qualify for this type of assistance. B) REGIONAL ENTERPRISE GRANTS 1) INVESTMENT GRANT Coverage Firms in the Develcpment Areas with less than 25 enployees can apply for Investment Grant vhich cover 15% of fixed assets( machinery, buildings land and site preparation) up to a maximum £15,000. Ccrtpanies in manufacturing and service sector are eligible to get the Investment Grant. 2) INNOVATION CTiAOT Coverage Conpanies in Develcpment Areas with less than 25 employees can apply for an Innovation Grant of up to 50% of the project ccst. The manu facturing and service cctipanies are eligible to receive the Grant The conpanies cannot receive the REGIONAL SELECTIVE ASSISTANCE and the REGIONAL ENTERPRISE GRANT for the same project. C) CONSULTANCY INITIATIVE Basic details thder this Grant, the Small and Medium sized enterprises with less than 500 enployees can receive money for consultancy. The consultancy can cover a whole range of activities -marketing, design, quality, financial and management information systems etc.-. Coverage The amount that cover of the grant is 50% of the cost of the consultancy projects.In the Assistance Areas two thirds of the costs wdLll be paid. D) SCHEME TO SUPPORT INNOVATION TN SMAT.T. COMPANIES 1) SUPPORT FOR PRODUCTS UNDER RESEARCH (SPUR) Basic Details SPUR is a scheme which help the small firms to c3evelcp new prcxducts and process vhich involve a significant technolcgical advance. Corpanies which eiplcying fewer than 500 eirplcyees are eligible to receive the grant. Coverage The cost of the project must be at least £50,000 co research and development and 30% grant is payable up to a maximum grant of £150,000. 2) SMALL FIRMS MERIT AWARD FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY (SMART) Basic Details SMART is a cxmpetition award and give finance assistarce viable ideas from small enterprises with less than 50 employees or individuals ,vhen the idea is still in the first steps. Coverage Every award cxjver 75% of the cost for the first year up to £45,000. The winners can win again grant of 50% of the seccnd year up to a maxijTium £60,000. Ideas can cover a vAiole range as information technology, advanced materials technology,biotechnology etc . All the aEplications and the proposals for the award must be applied at the beginning of April. WAT.Fy; DT^VELOPMEm' AGENCY A) ΕΟυΐΊΥ FUNDS Basic Details Unc3er this scheme the WDA can subscribe shares in the capital of limited corpanies. The size of the investment vdJ.1 be between £20,000 and £10,0000. B) SUBSIDISED RURAL LOANS Coverage Small business with less than 20 skilled aiployees are eligible to get loan up to a maximum £75,000. The interest rate is fixed and at least 5% below the ccmmercial rates. The size of the loan is limited to the number of jobs created. Ccnditicns All the manufacture and ccmmercial corpanies are eligible to get loan except the agriculture, horticulture and retail abrades vhich do not qualify. C) SMAT.T. BUSINESS INTEREST LOANS Coverage Corpanies which are located in rural Wales and want to create jcbs can get loan up to a maximum £10,000. The loan is available to assist with the purchase of buildings, plant and equipment. The interest rate is fixed and normally is at least 5% below the oonmercial rate. D) RURAL CONVERSION GRflNT Basic Details This grant provides finance assistance for converting redundant buildings that are part of projects leading to jct> creation. The light Industry corpanies ,craft and services,tourism develc^xnent firms, leisure ard recreatiai enterprises are eligible to get the grant. Coverage The grant cover up to 35% of eligible capital costs of ccnversion work including professional fees and VAT. The minimum amount is £1,000 and the maximum eligible expenditure is £50,000. Ε) DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL INITIATIVE AND EWTERPRISE ( DRIVE Basic Details DRIVE is a ccnpetitive grant for the private ocnpanies which are not eligible for grants from other grant schemes. The investment can be considered for this grant are: - Services - Tourism related projects - Leisure and recreation - Craft industry with less than 10 enployees - Property development and inprovement The agriculture, fishing and forestry investments are not eligible to get the grant. F) MFTCT TFCHNOLOGY GRgTTH FUND Basic Details Ccrpanies which are involve on new technology projects, coipanies with an existing research development opportunity which it cannot finance or joint venture projects to introduce new technology into Wales are eligible to receive the help. Coverage The fund can provide loans up to £150,CXX3 per project. Finance from private sector must raise at least the half of the total project cost. T/emixytm bcard for rural kales Basic Details The development board is responsible for the economic and social development of Mid Wales. The grants which are available from the DEVELOPMENT BOARD FOR RURAL WALES are Mid Wales Development Grant, Loan Finance, Rural Buildings Conversion Grant, Development of rural initiative aid enterprise. Exhibition Support Scheme, "Made In Mid Wales" Literature Support Scheme. Ε) EXHXBmCW SUPPORT SCHEME Basic Details Under the scheme, manufacturing ccnpanies in Mid Wales and service business in Mid Wales-vho provide service outside the area-can receive finance assistance to attend trade promoticx»s and exhihitions as part of their marketing and business plan. Coverage The scheme cover: - Stand space. Shell scheme - Hire of fitments - Graphics - Charges for electrical and water supplies Hotel acccnmodation, meals, transportaticn, shipping costs, entertainment are not covering fron the scheme. The maximum amount of assistance is payable on the followirg scale: - First time attendance at exhibition 60% - Second time attendance at exhibiticn 40% - Third time attendance at exhibition 20% The grant vhich is available for assistance depend on the size of the ccnpany: SIZE( No of Persons) 1-2 £250 3-5 £500 6-10 £750 11-15 £1,000 16-20 21 + £1,500 after ocnsultaticn FRANCE INTRODUCTION POPUIATIOi : 56.5 Million AREA : 551,602 square kilcretres GOVERTMENT : Democracy NATIOiAL LANGUAGE : French OTHER LANGUAGES WIDELY SPOKEN : English, german and Spanish CURRENCY : French franc EXCHANGE RATE (19/06/93) FF 8.2 = FF 6.6 = GENERAL INPORMATICN : France is divided in 22 regions and 96 departments. It has six major cities: Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lille and Toulouse. Paris and its surrounding area is the most densely populated part of the country, with over 10 Million people. Deep imbalances have arisen between the urban areas and the rural zcres. In these rural zones, the depc^xilation and the slow down of the econonic activity have caused major social prt±ilems. The government has taken steps to redress the imbalances by redistributing power from the central government to the regicsTal oouncils who will be better able to ccpe with rural issues. CXJVERNMEOT INCENTIVES The french government encourages the setting up of small business, by providing incentives for its developnent, through public institutions spread all over the country. REEIONAL DEVEXOFWENT GRANT (prime a 1' amenagement du territoire): This is a discretionary project-related grant vAiich is available manufacturing and service industries, and research activities. to It takes into account the setting up projects, the take-over of firms in difficulty, the extension projects and the internal oorversicn. Eligibility The following activities are eligible under this schene : - manufacturing - research and service ccnpanies (exclusively in some designated zones) - agriculture and fishing involving food processing For setting-up or taking-over projects, at least 20 j<±is have to be created within the first three years (30 in the service sector); for the extension projects, the j<±> target is to increase the existing workforce by at least 50% The investment project must be worth over FF 20 Million or else it must be undertaken by firms with an annual turnover of over FF 30 Million. - FF 50,000 in maximum rate zones In the case of manufacturing projects, the award ceilings are set as a percentage of eligible investment undertaken : - there is a maximum award of up to 17% of the eligible investment in standard award zones. - there is a maximum atvard of up to 25% of the eligible investment in the maximum rate zones. Expenditure on lard, site infrastructure, buildings, plant/machtnery, vehicles ard working capital undertaken during the first three years in operation is deemed to be eligible investment in the case of manufacturing projects. The grant is paid in instalments; the first instalment equivalent to one third of the total grant is paid v*en the investment programme ootmiences; the remainder of the grant is paid in several instalments as the project progresses towards oorpletion. The last instalment is generally paid within 3 years of ocmmenoement of the project. To apply for t±>e regicnal develcpment grant : There is no official form to ocnplete in order to apply for this grant; however, aEplicants must disclose certain information : - information relating to the ocnpany - information oonceming the proposed project ie its goal, the nature of the operation, planned investment, training requirements. - the anticipated results - financial plans The body responsible for administrating this scheme is the D.A.T.A.R, a government agency vAiich redistributes funds granted b y the ministry for finance. ΊΗΕ RERblDABLE ΙΛΑΝ FOR INNOVATIOI GRAOTED BY ΊΗΕ A.N.V.A.R (NATIONAL AGQJCY FOR THE PROMOTICN OF RESEARCH) The A.N.V.A.R promotes innovation and technical development. It financial help for expenditure necessary to develop a new product or a new process vdoich involves technological advancement. The grant takes the form of a loan if the cperaticn is successful or it remains a grant if the c^Deraticn fails. The funds can be used to finance all stages of the product or process development that are new or innovative; ocncepticn, testing and experimentation, maJdng and fine-tuning models; establishing patents; market researches; design; and standardization. Tte A.N.V.A.R will financially aid the innovation projects of all ccnpanies that are less than three years in existence, vhatever their sector of activity. The grant : The grant may cover up to a maximum of 50% of total expenditure or legal requiranents, marketing and technical consultancy, financial advice or any personnel charges. To apply for the refundable for innovation : An applicatiori must be made directly to the A.N.V.A.R EMPLOYMENT INCENTIVES Exatption on social charges for the first employee taken on This schene is available to any self enployed person wishing to take on an enployee. Eligibility : The enployer must not have enployed anycee for the last 12 months. However it is permissible for the enployer to have used the help of his/her spouse; or a person fiscally at his/her charge; or the caretaker of a premises; and still be eligible under this schene. In the case of a farmer, the use of family or personal assistance will not him/her ineligible for this exenption. The exenpticn : A 100% exetipticn from the erployer's contribution to social security lasting for two years fron the date on which the first enployee was taken on. To apply for this exenption : Two applications must be made within 15 days of ocnmencement of employment of the first enployee : - one must be sent to the local authority for employment and training - the other must be sent to the U.R.S.S.A.F Exemption from social security oontributicns for second and third employee This scheme is designed specifically for rural areas facing difficult economic conditions. It should encourage entrepreneurs involved in small craft industries to take on second and third enployees. Eligibility At the date of the commencement of eiiployment, the enplqyer must have been operating for the past 12 months with at the nost one or two wage-earners. He can therefore benefit successively from the exenpticns relating to the taking on of a first, a seccrd and a third enployee. The enployment must last for an unspecified period of time. The enployer must declare the taking on of those new enployees within 30 days. The exenption : A total exenption from employer's oontributions to social security lasting for 12 months from the date of enployment. To apply for this exenption : An application must be made to the local authority for enployment and training or to the U.R.S.S.A.F RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT GRANT FOR FOREIGN INVESTORS The government has established a specific programme providing grants to assist foreign investors to set up their research and develcpment centres in franee. Eligibility The reseaooh and develcpment investment must deal with engineering, management or software operations and must be located in centres outside the Paris area. The investnent must result in the creation of a minimum of 30 jobs over a three year period. To qualify, Million. the investor has to have a worldwic3e turnover of over FF300 The grant available ; For each job created, a grant of FF35,000 is given (FF50,000 in urban areas). JVOCXXIOTING CEIirKES (Centres de gestion agrees) The accounting centres provide sufpDrt and assistance to businesses. Accounting assistance With regard to a ocnpany's accounts, the accounting centre vdJJ. assess and comient on the ccmpany's eccroruLc and financial situaticn. It vd.ll also fron the second year onward, oonpare and analyze a conpany's annual balance-sheets and income statements. The accounting centre can also assist and advise a conpany on coipletion of its annual tax return. For further information regarding the accounting centres contact the french ministry for finance. ASSISTANCE TO REGISTERED JOB SEEKERS AND TO YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS - Incentives for the unetiployed : tax relief and grants The government vdLshes to encourage unenployed persons setting up in business or taking over cotpanies. Eligibility The unenployed person must be receiving unenploynient benefits at the time of the creation or take orver of a oonpany. The oonpany involved must be in the industrial, agricultural, commercial or craft businesses. The unenployed person must have control of the oonpany (ie if it is a corporation, they must own at least 50% of the share capital). The grant ; The unenployed person creating a business gets : - an exemption on social security ccntributicns for the first six months - a grant the value of vhich varies between FF 16,168 and FF 43,000, depending on the length of time the unenployed person has been receiving unemployment assistance. The grant can be increased by between FF 8,084 and FF 21,500 if there are jc±is Created vd-thin the first six months of the firm's To apply fear the grant The application must he made to the local authority responsible for employment and training before the project starts. - Depaurtmental initiative grants for young people (F.D.I.J) This scheme offers the young or long-term unenployed finance and funding for any initiative that may lead to setting up or taking over a ocnpany. Eligibility : The categories of persons eligible : - the young, unenployed, from 18 to 25 (included) - the long-term unenploied - women over 25 years old, unenployed and in difficult circumstances. The project can give rise to either the setting up or take over of a ccnpany but it must result in a viable business. The applicant must own at least 50% of the share capital in the business. The grant The grant will cover feasibility studies, the purchase of equipment, working capital,etc all the expenditure that is necessary to start a business. The value of the grant varies between FF 10,000 and FF 100,000. The state grant is limited to 50% of the total cost of the project. To apply for the grant : An applicaticn must be made to the local authority responsible for enployment and training or to the prefecture, before the project ccmmences. - Advice cheques : Advice cheques may be offered to job seekers creating their own business or to beneficiaries of the F.D.I.J schene. It is an incentive for those starting up in business to make use of third party advices (legal, marketing or financial ccnsultancy) during their first year in operation. The cheques are organizations. used for consultancy given by officially recognized The grant : The applicant is given a cheque book ocnsisting of 15 cheques of FF 300 each. The cost of cne hour of consultancy is fixed at FF 400; therefore, the beneficiary will have to finance one quarter of the cost of the ocnsultancy. The cteque book must be used within 18 months. To apply for the grant : An application must be made to the local authority for employment training. and A GUARANTEE FUND FOR WOMEN A guarantee fund is available for wcmen to allow them secure loans more easily. This guarantee fund covers loans to wcmen for the purpose of creating, taking over, or expandirg business. The guarantee covers loans used to finance investment projects or to provide working capital. The guarantee The guarantee issued may not cover the entire loan. In the case of loans for working capital (up to FF 50,CXX)) : the state covers 65% of the loan. In the case of loans for investment (up to FF 50,OCXD) : the state covers 50% To afply for the guarantee An application must be made to the division for women's rights in the prefecture of the particular region in viiich the applicant resides. INCENTIVES FOR CRAFT ACTIVITIES - SUBSIDIZED-LOAN FOR CRAFT BUSINESSES Eligibility This loan is available for people setting up a craft business or for existing craft businesses seeking finance for investment. The loan must be used for : - the purchase or building of premises - the fitting and adaptation of premises - the purchase of professional equipment - the purchase of professicnal vehicles - the purchase of stocks and possibly to cover working capital requirements. The loan The loan covers 80% to 1(X)% of total investment. Its duration from 2 to 15 years is dependent cn the depreciation period of the goods financed. There is no maximum ceiling set for investment The average rate is 10.50% (it varies between 10.40% and 10.60%) An applicaticn for the loan can be made at any bank - OTHER LOANS AVAILABLE FOR CRAFT ACTIVITIES Loans are available for craftsmen who wish to create their own business or to existing craft oonpanies setting out to develop and create new jobs. Eligibility The new entrepreneurs must have either : - passed the C.A.P (ie certificate of vocaticnal education) and worked for two years, or - worked for 6 years in their craft activity. This programme is directed to craftsnEn/watien under 35 years of age. The loan is available for: - the purchase or building of premises - the installaticn and fitting of premises - the purchase of professional equipment and vehicles - the purchase of stocks and possibly for covering working capital requirements. The loan : The loan covers 80% of total investment. Its duration is from 2 to 15 years depending m goods purchased. the depreciation period of the It has a maximum ceiling of : - FF 200,000 for the creation of the ocnpariy - FF 100,000 for job creaticn (up to FF 500,000) The average interest rate paid on this loan is 9.25% (it varies between 9.15% and 9.35%). The application for the loan can be made at any bank. TRAINING OCKTRACTS FOR OiAFT PEOPLE The aim of this scheme is to give people setting up craft businesses an opportunity to gain qualifications. Eligibility : Young people between the ages of 18 and 25 as well as the unarployed people receiving unenployment benefits are eligible for this schane provided they have minimum qualificaticis in the craft field. The training must not exceed 1000 hours; it must include training as a director of a craft corpany aooounting for 200 hours, a ccnplementary education and technical training. The trainee must commit himself/herself to setting up or taking on a craft business within 6 months of cctipletion of the training. The grant : The state will pay the wages and the social security contributions of the trainees as well as the cost of the ccnplementary education. It) apply for inclusion in this scheme, contact the prefecture, the local authority for etiployment and training, the (chamber of (commerce or the national agency for enployment (A.N.P.E). TOE FRElOi TRADE BOARD (CH^TRE FRANCAIS DU COMMERCE EXTERIEUR : C.F.C.E) C-F.C.E is a public body which deals with ccmnnercial and industrial activities that are export orientated. The objective of the french trade board is to support, advise and inforni exporting companies. The board provides an entrepreneur willing to enter an export market with : 1/ infonnation - statistical, economic and caimercial information relating to the export markets - information on trade regulations in france and elsewhere - the legal and oommercial information necessary to set up a cotipany abroad - informatics on overseas business opportunities. 2/ advices and hpTp for prospecting - individual assistance : it finds out vhat markets represent the best opportunities for each busiress, it researches the available information, it cietermines the necessary marketing steps. - the C.F.C.E cerries out feasibility studies for businesses and enterprises - it advises corpanies can methods of financing projects and cn the technic of camercializaticn. 3/ promoticns - The C.F.C.E prepares canvassing missions overseas. - It organizes exhibitions and trade-fairs abroad - It pronotes french trade shcxvs TOE FRENCH INSURANCE OCMPANY FOR FOREIGN TRADE commerce exterieur : COFACE) : (Compagnie francaise du This is a state corpany vhose aim is insure foreign trade cperaticans. Firstly, OOFACE acrts like a regular insurarxe conpany insuring transactions of exporters of cxnsumers gcxxds or industrial produots. the It also grants insurance against specific risks : - refundable advances for prospecrting They guarantee the exporter against the failure promotions carried out abroad. (relative or total) of - insurance against the cxnmercial risk of non-payment - insurance against the political risks (war, revolution, turmoil) - insurance for the manufacturing period RBGIOCU. INCOTTIVES ΊΗΕ R E GIO®L EMPLOYMENT GRAOT Itiis is a grant given to snail ocnpanies with respect to the first 30 jobs they create. The jobs must be permanent and maintained for at least two years. Elligibility This grant is available to ccmpanies involved in industry, industry, agriculture, scientific and technical research. services to The grant is available for : - creating a ocnpany - expanding an existing cctipany The grant The value of the grant varies between FF10,000 and FF40,000 per job created. To apply for the grant An application must be made to the regional council. THE REX3I0NAL GRANT FOR THE CREATION OF INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES Entrepreneurs who set up new busiresses are entitled to receive a grant between FF 50,000 (if they create at least three jobs within three years) and FF 200,000 (if t h ^ take on at least ten enployees within three years). The conditions to fulfil in order to benefit from this grant are decided by each regional council. THE REGIOfflL GRANT FOR CONSULTANCY ASSISTANCE : This scheme is financed by both the regions and the central govemnent. Its aim is to encourage the local small and medium-sized ccmpanies to use the services of third party consultants for developnent purpose. Tte grant is available for provisicns of services that will help modernise a business and inprove its ccnpetitiveness in the follcwing fields : - marketing - quality control - product design - production - business strategy : plans for development, merging, etc Eligibility Id be eligible, coipanies must be involved in one of the following activities : industry, services to industry, the building trade, craft activities, transport or tourism. They must have a sound financial basis and they must enplcy less than 500 pecple. The grants Grants can be offered for two kinds of studies : - a short-term study (estimated to cost below FF 30,000 after tax); this is subsidised by between 50% and 80%, deperding on the region; the m a x i m m amount attainable varies between FF 15,000 and FF 25,000. - long-term studies (estimated to cost more than FF 30,000) get a 50% subsidy, up to a maximum amount of FF 2CX),000 (FF 50,000 for craft activities and tourism). To apply for this grant An aEplication must be made to the regicaial council j ooftpany is operating. the area vhere the PROFESSIOffiL TRAINING GRANTS The state and/or the regions sign training agreements with ccnpanies for developing vocaticrial training programmes. The aim is to provide firms with public assistance for professional training. Eligibility The cxitpany applying fir this grant must enploy more than 10 people. Grants are available for : - voc;ational training related to the development of the firm's activity - ccnpanies that increase significantly their training expenditure above the legal minimum - training projects that meet the priorities fixed by the state and the region ( technological or organisational changes, export, inprovement of enplcyees' qualifio:ation levels) The grant The state will (cover 10% to 70% of the training expenditure (possibly including transport and acoonmodaticn (costs) depending on the priorities met by the training project. 30% to 50% of the amount granted is given when the training agreement is signed. The individual region o^n share the (cost of the training agreement with the state. The amount of the grant can vary again 30% to 50% of the total grant is paid vhen the training (ccntracct is signed. TAX ALLOWANCES FISCAL MEASURES FAVOURING NEW COMPANIES : 1- EXEMPTICN ETiOM TAX CN ANNUAL PROFIT Cotipanies can get an exaiption fron tax cn their annual profit if their txisiness has been created since Octcber 1988; the exenpticn covers the first five years of the business activity. Eligibility Certain conditions must be met in order to secure that tax relief : - the oaipany must be involved in industrial, camer c i a l or craft-based industries - the corpany's activity must be newly created; enterprises created merely through restructuring or expansion are excluded from this schaie. - if it is a corporation, 50% or more of the share capital must be owned by the ccnpany The exemption Total exoneration fron inoone tax or corporate tax for the first 23 months of the oarpany's existence. For the next three years 75%, 50% and 25% of profits respectively are exenpted from tax. To apply for this exenption : An application must be made to the local taxation centre. 2- LOCAL BUSINESS TAX CONCESSION Ccnpanies may take advantage of a local business tax concession for the first three years of their existence. To obtain this relief : - the local administrative units must have decided to offer this ooncessicn to the business before the 1st of July in the year in which the ccnpany was created - the ccnpany must be eligible for tax relief on its annual profits. In the first year the (ccnpany is exenpt from the local business tax unless it has taken over another cxnpany and it is using the same method of prcducrticn as its predecessor. For the next two years the (ccnpany will be taxable (cn a basis equal to the sum of : - the rental value of the fixed assets it had cn the 31st of December of the first year of activity, - the taxable part of the wages or returns cn the same date (31/12/year 1). For the second year of operation, the taxable basis is reduced by 50% cnrBdits are given to firms who perform research activities in France either directly or through government-approved entities. The cpjalifying expenditures are : - the depreciation of assets used for research activities - wages and charges related for the staff enplqyed for use in research - other expenses (vhich together do not exceed 75% of staff wages and related The only expenditures eligible are those made exclusively for the purpose of scientific and technical researches in franoe. The tax credit: This tax credit cannot however exceed FF 5 Millicxi per year (FF 10 Million if the firm uses external institutions or experts to carry out the research). In the following years, the 50% credit will not apply to the vhole amount of the research expenditures. For the year N, the credit will only be calculated against the surplus in relation to the average amount of the two pccevious years : N-1, N-2 The applicant must apply for the tax credit within the year of the firm's existence or the first year of the research project. 4- R EDUCnCN IN PROPERTY/LftND TftX It is possible to obtain a reduction in the amount of prcperty/land tax payable; this affects the amount of duties that must be paid when the lard changes hands. The value of the reduction obtained varies in the different regions. 5- TRX INCENTIViS SPECIFIC TO ENTERPRISE Z i M S Three enterprise zores exist in france, in DUNKERQUE, T0UIO4-LA SEYNE and AUBAl3iE-IA CIOTAT. If a firm is operating in one of these regions it is eligible for an exemption from corporate tax for the first ten years of existence. Firms must be employing at least 10 persons after 2 years in order to qualify for this exemption. Companies producing certain products such as steel, synthetic fibres, ships or carrying out activities such as distribution, banking or insurance, are ineligible for this exemption. This tax ooncessicn can be combined with a local business tax ocooession and a reduction in property transfer/land tax. 6- TAX CREDITS FOR PROFESSICNAL EDUCATI(»i Fncm 1991 to 1993, cxarpanies increasing their professional education expenses can get a tax credit for 25% of these additional expenses incurred over the preceding year. This tax credit is limited to FFl Milliai. The tax credit vd.ll rise to 40% if expenses on professional education benefit - enployees over the age of 45 - enployees in a ocnpany eirploying less than 50 people - less skilled vrorkers. In those cases, the tax credit ceiling is raised to FF 5 Million. REGIONAL MAP OF SPAIN - SFRIH INTRCOJCriCN: Population: 39 millions. Demography Density: 77 hab./Km2 Area: 505,958 Km2 Govenment: Parliamentary Monarc±iy National language: Spanish CXtcrency: Exchange Rate: Principal Towns: Madrid Barcelcna Valencia Sevilla Zaragoza Malaga Bilbao (3 (1,7 (0,8 (0,7 millicxi millicn million millicxi {0,6 million (0,5 million (0,4 million hab.) The Capital hab.) hab.) hab.) hab.) hab.) hab.) For administrative purpose, Spain is divided into 17 Autoncnous Communities, each of virLch contains one or more provinces; the total number of provinces is 50. The investment incentives can be classified in the following categories: - A.\ General state incentives - B.\ State incentives for specific industries - C.\ Regional incentives - D.\ BC incentives GENERZiL STATE INCENTIVES Training incentives EinDlovnient incentives: - Teinporaxy contracts. Practice contracts. Training contracts. Contracts for persons over age 45. Contracts for persons under age 26. - The reduction or ooiplete exenption of social security costs for newly hired enplqyees and for retirements. - Subsidies, payment of training expenses , of certain percentages of salaries, of certain amounts per hour or day, etc. - Assistance to and training of enployees Administration: - The National Eiiployment Institute (INEM). STATE ΙΝΟΕΪΠΤνΕΕ FOR SPECIFIC INDUSTRIES Agriculture and araftwc»ri<: Aids are provided for technical assistance and managenient plans. These aids consist basically of financial support (subsidies up to 30% of the cost of the investtnent and official credit up to 70% of the cost of the investment. These incentives are to inprove the structures of prcducticn, transfonnaticn end conmercialization of their products. Sipport for hydroelectric pcwer generaticn, alternative energy sources and energy conservation. for investment in Incentives: - Subsidies for up to 40% of the cost of the project, preferential access to official credit, no-charge advice and reduction /exenption in certain taxes. Research and develocment: The aids in this field are intended to encourage modernization and technological innovaticn programs, basic and applied research and industrial design, enployee R+D training, contacting of services rendered R+D centres and institutes, and projects involving technological risk. Incentives: - Subsidies for up to 70% of the cost of the projects. - Low-interest or interest-free loans. J access to preferential There are measures to promote design and fashion , ccmnnercial distribution, support for small business, aids to multination^ promotion, environmental ijTprovements, etc. All the inoentives mentioned in this section are usually provided by the different Ministries and by the official banks. REGICNAL INCENTIVES Fcxir classes of area have been defined: - Class I areac;, vAiere the maxijTium rate of award can be up to 75%. - Class II areac; with a 40% limit. - Class III area.q with a 30% limit. - Class IV area·:! with a 20% limit. Three types of pronotable zones have been defined accordirg to their specific circumstances: - ZPE, Boonanic Prcmoticn Areas. ZPEs could only be established in types 1,11 and III. “ ZIP. Industrial Areas in Declir^. Special Areas. ZEs could only be established in a-npa iv. ZIP Asturias Cantabria Extremadura ZPE Andalucia Aragon Asturias Canary Island Cantabria Castilla-La Mancha Castilla-Peon Ceuta Extremadura Galicia Melilla Murcia Valencia 1.-Types of projects Qualifying for promotion: - Opening of new establishnents, vhich must create new jobs. - Extension of existing activities or start-up of new activities. New jobs must be created, with a significant increase in prodixrtion capacity. -Modernization of the business. 2. -Project requisites: - The project has to be related to an eligible activity and be located in one of the designated areas. - Setting-up and extension projects must involve investment in fixed assets exceeding 15 million pts. (140,000 U.S.dollars) and job creation. Modernisation projects require investment exceeding 45 million pts.(450,000 U.S.dollars). - At least 30% of fixed investment should be finance from the own funds of the f i m but in areas with ceilings of rate award of 75%, such as Ferrol and South of Extremadura, this is lowered to 25%. 3. -Investments qualifying for promotion - Acquisition of the land necessary to implement the project. - Installation of services (gas, electricity,etc.) - Pevelcpment and external work relating to the needs of the project. - Civil engineering vrark for offices, laboratories, warehouses, etc. - cap-ital equipment and other fixed assets. - Planning and engineering of the project. - R+P and training expenses for up to 20%(ZPEs) or 30%(ZIPs) of the total approved investment. 4.-Scales to determine the amount to be subsidized The percentage of subsicSy to be granted is set by the Administration applying the following valuation criteria: -Location -Total amount of the accepted -Number of new jobs created -Type of project -Use of production factors in the area -Value added where the project is a start-up or increase in productivity for other types of projects. -Use of advanced technology. -Degree of development added to the area's econaiy. The effective percentages of subsidy range mostly between 15-25%. Administration: The "Ministerio de B c o n n i a y Hacienda" (Ministry of Econcny and Finance). AIDS GRANTED BY AUTOgCMDUS 0CM4UNITIES, MUNICIPALITIES AND CITY COUNCILS All the Spanish Autonomous Communities provide similar incentives, on a smaller soale, for investments made in their regions. Many of these are oaipatible with the EE and State incentives, but some others are not. 1.-Types of projects Opening of new establishments, expansion of activities, modernization and technological innovation. The creation of new jobs is normally required. 2.-Types of incentives -Nonrepayable subsidies. -Special conditions for loans and credits -Technical advice and training courses 3.-Investments qualifying for promotion -R+D and training expenses -Capital equipment and other fixed assets -Plannirg and engineering projects -Acquisition of real estate necessary to inplement the pjroject. B/European Coal and Steel Ccnriunitv Projects qualifying for BCSC loans are: a/Industrial Loans: Protected investments in coal or steel enterprises for the purpose of rationalizing proluction and tailoring it to demand. Projects contributing to production improvements or reducing production costs, or to facilitating the marketing of ooal ard steel. b/For reconversion loans: C3ualifying investments are those that give rise to realistic expectations of enplciyment in areas affected the crisis in coal and steel activities for workers in this industry. c/For social loans Qualifying projects are those that aim to improve the housing conditions of workers in the industry. The terms on vrfiich the loans are provided are in principle the sane as the general terms described earlier, with the following differenoes: - For industrial and reocnversicn loans; +interest rate relief of 2% or 3% points is granted in some cases, and grace periods of up to 8 years are provided. - For social loans: +Interest rate 2% +Term 20 to 25 years. ftdministration: - ECSC if tie investment is over ECUS 15,000,000. - Industrial Credit Bank (intermediary), is under that amount. C/Eurooean Social Fund There is preferential access to financing for projects favouring persons under age 25 and for those over 25 who are long-term unenplcyed, disabled workers and emigrants, and for projects in high-priority areas. High-priority areas in Spain are: Andalucia, the Canary Island, Castilla-Ieon, Castilla la Mancha, Ceuta, Extremadura, Galicia, Melilla, Murcia, Asturias and Valencia. Incentives: Administration: The maximum limit of the aids is 75% of the project cost, the effective aids are normally for up to 30%. Autononous Ccmmunities Provincial Office of the Ministry of labour. D/Research and Develocment Basic Details: - The involvement of at least two participants from diferent Member States. - The participation of a small or medium sized enterprise. - One of the participants must be an industrial enterprise. - The project must be of scientific interest. Incentives: 50% of the project cost. This amount may vary depending on the features of each particular case. Adninistration: Commission of the European Ccmmunities (Directorate Science, Research and Develcpment). for E/Euiopean Ajricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund For inprovii^ products. The Fund also and marketing conditions of farm and fishery indirect actions though BC Member States. Incentives: -Subsidies are provided for the cost of equipment to be used to rationalize storage and processing of farm prxDducts, to irrprove marketing channels, to save energy, etc. -Subsidies range from 25% to 75% of the cost of equipment. -Castilla- la Mancha, Castilla-Lecn, The Canary Island, Galicia, Asturias, Andalucia, Murcia, Valencia, Ceuta, Nfelilla ard Extremadura have been identified for aids of up to 75% (37.5% from EC and 37.5% from the Spanish State) and Madrid, Barcelona and Vizcaya for aid of up to 50%. Administration: Autonomous Community. The ERDF promotes regional acticars that contribute to the develc^iTient of the industrial infrastructure of the EEC. Incentives: a.- Subsidies normally for between 15% and 30% of the amount of the investment(The maximum limit is 75%) b. - Preferential aooess to official credit. c. - Tax benefits. MEZ)SURES IN THE LABOUR MARKET Temporary Contracts The entrepreneur will receive a grant of 250,000 Pts, temporary contracts to permanent contracts. if he changes the Economic Iiacentives for Permanent Contracts: 1. - 400,000 Pts grant if the firm contracts a person under 25 years and this person has been registered in the INEM (Social Wealthfare Office), at least one Year. 2. - 500,000 Pts grant, and 50% of tax reduce in the social wealthfare during all the life of the contract. If the firm contracts a perscxi over 45 years registered as unenployment at least one year. 3. - 500,000 Pts of grant if the firm contracts women in professions vhere the women are not very integrated. 4. -550,000 Pts of grant, if the employer changes the trainee-contract to permanent oontract. CONCLDSION In the previou s p a g e s an a t t e m p t h a s b e e n m a d e vestment incentives,that Greece,the U.K.,France to descr i b e the i n a n d S p a i n o f f e r to t h e p o t e n t i a l i n v e s t o r s . l t c a n be s e e n f r o m t he a n a l y s e , t h a t t h e r e v a r i e t y of simila r a n d m a n y d i f f e r e n t i n c e n t i v e s ,a m o n g t h e a wide countries of E.C. H a v i n g c o m pare d a p o o r c o u n t r y s u c h as G r e e c e w i t h a r i c h c o u n t r y s u c h as Fr a n c e and S p a i n , s o m e i n t e r e s t i n g p o i n t s F i r s t of a l l,t h e d i f f e r e n t w a y t h a t G r e e c e tial investors through a central c a m e out. tries system without the to a t tract p o t e n local communities h a v i n g a n y say in it. S e c o n d in the U.K. a n d S p a i n t h e o n l y i n c e n t i v e is i n t h e f o r m of a c a p i t a l grant. In F r a n c e and G r e e c e ta^ relief is a l s o a v a i l a b l e h o w e v e r G r e e c e has a u n i q u e i n c e n t i v e in. r e l a t i o n t o the IRS a n d in France there is a n i n c e n t i v e in r e l a t i o n to the LRS. In th e U . K . ,i n v e s t m e n t m u s t c r e a t e new jobs o r safeguard existing ones. In G r e e c e the p r o j e c t s m u s t i n v o l v e n e w i n v e s t m e n t , t h e establish m e n t or m o d e r n i s a t i o n of e x i s t i n g c o m p a n i e s . In F r a n c e a m i n i m u m l imit of 20 Finally jobs m u s t b e new b u s i n e s s e s in S p a i n , w h i c h c r e a t e created. new jobs s a t i o n or r e l o c a t i o n of e x i s t i n g b u s i n e s s e s a re e l i g i b l e and m o d e r n i to r e c e i v e the i n c entives. In t h e future a u n i f i e d E u r o p e w i t h a l l t he c o u n t r i e s lev e l is the best w a y f or E u r o p e t o a t t r a c t m o r e c o m p e t i t i v e agai n s t J a p a n and USA. on the investors same and to be Activity Coverage EUGIBLE SECTORS AFF EXT MAN CON UT COUNTRY INCENTIVE GREECF. IG.IRS, IDA. TA X(9) RSA X(20) X(20) V REG X X V ->"'X X P.AT X (l) X(4) i/(5) X LBTC X X \'(5) -X(3) X RIG ΧΠ) \' V UNTIED KINGDOM (a) GREAT BRITAIN FRANCE SP.Al.N X i/OO) ΧΠ1) Vtl2) XC20) X(20) X(6) X .ΧΠ6) EUGIBLE SERVICES Tourism and ' certain tourism .support services plus c e n B « 'of technical assistance to manufacNo SIC Orders are explicitly excluded. However, purely local, consumer-type services would not be eligible. Service seaor prqecti which serve only a local market are not : normally eligible for an invest ment grant, though they m ay quadify for an innovation grant Research companies and certain te r ti^ sea o r activides are eligible;'iri certain designated zones Hncluding service, administra tion, management, engineering, design, survey and data process ing aaivities). Services are eligible which are not dependent on local markets. Tourism, indastrial serxices and services which improve the commercial structure' are eligi ble. Aote'. (11 Certain agriculfjral aaivities with industrial charaaeristics are eligible (see individual countrv' surveys for (3> Tile manufacturing of pre-fabricated units for the construaion industry Ls eligihle. (4) Extractive industries may be eligible if the regional importance of the projea i-: 'undeniable', but in prac tice very unlikely to receive aid. (0) Certain manufacairing aaivities are not eligihle; France - nationalised and seini-puhlic firms not operating under conditions of competition; Italy - those excluded by the CIPl; Portug;i! - pnijects considered as undergoing restracairing. i6: Finns constniaing buildings for business use are eligible as long χ< the licnefiL' of the PAT schemes are p;issed on to tile user of die building. !91 Mcxlem-technologx' famiing. stock-breeding and fishing concerns are eligible. Ni too. are industrial fann ing co-operatives investing in mechanical equipment. 'll! .A- well as .standard manufacturing aaivities, food proce.ssing. the publishing of daily newspapers and wa,ste-processing actii ities are eligible. ' ; 1 Con.staiaion aa;\ ities by local authorities and co-operati\es oti industrial buildings in indirstrial or liandicr.ift zones: are eligible, as are coastnaction Finns niixiemising or replacing equi]5nient. ' ! 2 ' pnxlucing energi' in the form of gas, hot water or steam are eligible as are enterprises invoh ed in energy-.saving im e.stment, renewable enei®· sources and in die ret-\ cling of w-xste produas. ' ;6) .Not ineligible in theory, but rarely aided in practice, since utilities are· provided by public audiorities. (20) Although no SIC Orders are explicidy excluded, awards are concentrated on the manufacturing secto ci Distribution of Regional Incentives by Country and Incentive Type INCENTIVE TYPE(1) ^HJNTRY INCENTIVE CG JREECE investment grant interest rate subsidy increased depreciation allowance tax allowance V :a) GREAT BRITAIN regional selective assistance regional enterprise grants(12) V (ii) >/ [TIANCE regional policy grant (PAT) local business tax concession V(3) IRS TC DA LRS V V X V(6) iNTTED KINGDOM V(3) ■ .V regional investment grant SPAIN (1) Incentive-type abbreviations: CG - capital grant; IRS = interest-related subsidy: TC - tax cor.;® Sion; DA - depreciation allowance; LRS = labour-related subsidy. ' (3) For manufacturing projects the PAT is generally an amount per job created up to a expressed as a percentage of eligible investment. Given its investment-related ceiling, this c c ^ nent of the PAT scheme has been allocated to the ‘CG’ column in the table. For eligible non-rn faauring projects (basically research and tertiar>' activities), the PAT is calculated as an a mount S job created. This component of the PAT scheme has been allocated to the LR.S' column. The AIIZR for small projects in rural areas takes the form of a capital grant. (6) This is in terms ol a fixed percentage o f investment costs up to a maximum percentage of taxali profits in any given year. As a result o f Law 1892/1990, the fiscal component of the Greek paclc^ has increa.sed in importance. ' ^ (ID Regional .selective exchange risk ολ ·ι i.stance normally takes the form of a capital grant but i ir European loans. Degree of AdniLoistrative Discretion by Country and Incentive Type INCENTIVE T YPE ( 1 ) (2 ) COUNTRY INCENTIVE GREECE ■ investment grant interest rate subsidy increased depreciation allowance tax allowance CG IRS TC DA LRS ΑΛΧ5) A/IX5) A A , UNITED KINGDOM (a) GREAT BRITAIN regional .seleaive assistance regional enterprise grants D A FRANCE regional pxjlicy grant (PAT) local business tax concession D ■ regional investment grant 1X9) SPAIN ni , d ; A uu ■ ■ r r > ranital erant- IRS - interest-related subsidy; TC - tax concesIncentive-rs'pe abbreviations: CO ” capital giaiu., , T d a - Lpreciation allowance; LRS = labour-related subsidy, ο Γ administrative discretion in award, rates s^ (2) A = linle or no of discretion for large projecLs andbr cases o f speAD - basically automatic, but witn an eieiiiciu u. dal regional importance. (5) Although rates of award are now fixed, there remains discretion in the decision whether or n ortimake an award (9) Although basically oIm ically by empluymeni a proportion of the award b deiermined automat- Projcct-iypc Coverage OXINTKY INCENTIVE PROJECT-TYPE COVERAGE SU/EX RR/M SR T GREECE IG, IRS, TA V VdO) V d i) X Projects must involve new pro ductive investment for the p>urpose o f establishing, extending, modernising or»relqpating uriits. RSA V V(23) V(4) X(24) REG V(25) X (25) V(25) X(25) (a) Basic distinction is between Category A (job creating) Snd Category B (job maintaining) prefects. Eligible projea types are γκχ specifically identified. PAT V X(5) ^(4X6) V(7) LBTC V X(5) V(4X6) V(7) RIG V V(22) < COMMENTS UNITED KINGDOM (a) GREAT BRITAIN FRANCE SPAIN X At least 20 jobs (30 jobs for tertiary/research projects) must normally be created. A complex matrix of job and investment conditions must be SU/X should create new jote. Modernisation and spatial relo cation should maintain current employment levels. Prvj..<:-TiJK· .Sbcm-Wlioiu^: SU-sclling up: EX-unlcnsion; RR-iationalisalion j.ul rcurgu.-ilciiion . M-modcmtsaiion: SR-spaiial rclcxation; T-ukco\cr (4) Only projects moving into the designated region are eligible. (5) ‘Internal conversion' is eligible. This involves a significant change of product (or products) requir ing a major investment. (6) In practice, spatial relocation is restricted to moves away from the Paris region. Such moves may be eligible for additional .suppon (e.g. A ide a la Decentralisation). (7) The establishment being taken over must be independent of the firm effeaing the takeover nificant' number of jobs must be maintained and the takeover plan must be agreed to ’ (10) RR are eligible only to the extent that they are related to the application o f modem technology (11) Enterprises moving to a worse-off region (or to a designated industrial estate) receive ^ rel^ aH ai supplement under the IG/IRS schemes. (22) Rationalisation and reorganisation are not eligible. „ (2=)) Oteeorv' B projects must (a) safeguard a ‘substantial number of jobs; (b) involve some acuon » ^ orevent job loss (c) bring alxsut a fundamental rationalisation or modernisation outside the norm^ -•n of capital expenditure which, moreover, achieves a significant and identifiable improvement ifl (2^) EUgfble if qualifying as a Category B project or, exceptionally, a rescue case. , (25) l l L u g h eligible project types are not si^cifically identified proposed p p e c ts are expected to be ^ viable L d to have a positive effect on sales, profits and employment levels. MINISTRY OF NATIOIAL EX33NOMY F0REIC3N C3iPITAL & ATTRACTING INVESlMEIiT DIVISION SYNTAGMA SQ. 10180 ATHENS MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, ENERGY £ TECHNOLOGY MIHALAKOPOULOU 80 11528 ATHENS AGRICULTURAL BANK OF GREECE EL. VENIZELOU 23 10221 ATHENS ETBA ( HELLENIC INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK ) 87 SYNGROU AVE. 11745 ATHENS EOT ( HELLENIC TOURISM ORGANISATION ) AMERIKIS 2B 10564 ATHENS EOMMEK { HELLENIC SMALL-TO-MEDIUM MANUFACTURERS & HANDICRAFT ORGANISATION ) XENIAS 15 11528 ATHENS OAED ( MANPa’E R EMPLOYMENT ORGANISATION ) THRAKIS 8 17342 ATHENS DEPARIMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY KINGSGATE HOUSE 66-74 VICTORIA STREET L O ® O N SWIE 65W BRITISH OVERSEAS TRADE BOARD 1-19 VICTORIA STREET LC»JDW SWIH OET BARCLAYS BANK BUSINESS SECTOR MARKETING DEPARTMENT PO BOX 120 LCMJWOOD CLOSE WESTWOOD HBINESS PARK COVENTRY CV4 SON SCOTTISH OFFICE 59 WATERLOO STREET GLASGOW G2 7BT LOCATE IN SCOTLAND 120 BOTHWELL STREET GLASGOW G2 7JP SCOTTISH Em?ERPRISE 120 BOTHWELL STREET GLASGOW G2 7JP HIGHLANDS & ISLANDS ENTERPRISE BRIDGE HOUSE 20 BRIDGE STREET INVERNESS IVl IQR SCOTTISH TOURISM BOARD FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE UNIT 23 RAVELSTON TERRACE EDINBURGH EH4 3EU WELSH DEVELOK-EWT AGENCY PEARL HOUSE, GREYFRIARS ROAD CARDIFF SOUIH GLAMORGAN CFl 3XX WELSH OFFICE INDUSTRY DEPARTMENT GROl^JN BUILDING CA1HAYS PARK CARDIFF CFl 3NG DEVELOPMENT BOARD FOR RURAL WALES 25 MAEGWYN STREET MACHYLLETH POWYS SY20 8EB NORIH WALES TOURISM LTD. 77 COIWY ROAD COLWYN BAY CLVIW URBAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION CARDIFF BAY BALTIC HOUSE MOUNT STUART SQUARE CARDIFF CFl 6DH TARGED NORTH WALES TRAINING & ENTERPRISE COUNCIL LTD LTYS BRITANNIA PARC MENAI BANGOR GWYNEDD LL57 4BN D .R .T .A .R 1, AVENUE CHARLES EXOQUET 75007 PARIS A.N.V.A.R 43, RUE CALMARTIN 75436 PARIS CEDEX 09 MINISTERE DU TRAVAIL ET DE L'EMPLOI (MINISTRY FOR EMPLOYMENT) 1, PLACE FCNTENOY 75007 PARIS C .F .C .E 10, AVENUE D'lENA 75783 PARIS CEDEX 16 C.O.F.A.C.E 12, OOURS MICHELET CEDEX 51 92065 PARIS-LA-DEFENSE DIRECTIC»! GENERALE DES IMPOTS DIRECTION DU TRESOR 139, RUE DE BERCY 75572 PARIS CEDEX 12 SPANISH INSTITUTE FOR FOREIC3N TRADE PASEO DE LA CASTELLANA 14 28046 MADRID DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT PASEO DE LA CASTELLANA 162 28046 MADRID DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF REGIONAL EOOJOMIC INVESIMENTS PASEO DE LA CASTELLANA 146 28046 MADRID SPANISH EMBASSY IN DUBLIN 17A MERLYN PARK 4 DUBLIN 4