29.08.2012 - Torunlar REIC
29.08.2012 - Torunlar REIC
INVESTOR PRESENTATION 29 August 2012 Financial Review Project Pipeline Future Outlook 3 3 17 20 Appendix ● Turkey Real Estate Economic Highlights 24 ● Turkey Real Estate Market Review 30 ● Financial Statements 42 ● Listed REIC's 50 ● Portfolio Review 54 FINANCIAL REVIEW TORUNLAR GROUP OF COMPANIES 1.3 billion TRY combined net sales revenues in 2011 3 100 % 1986 Construction management company 100 % 100 % 1983 The largest 95th industrial company in ISO (Istanbul Chamber of Industry) 500 with 825 million TRY sales revenue and 1 billion TRY asset size in 2011 . Owns 50% of Adana Pakyag and 38.66% of Kutahya Sugar Refinery 1994 Imports and exports paper products Wholesells and distributes food commodities 100 % 100 % 1994 100 % 2004 2003 Processes tea Provides mall management and administrative services 79 % 2008 The second largest public REIC with its unique diversified portfolio and 425 million TRY net sales in 2011 FINANCIAL REVIEW Shareholding Structure* Mehmet TORUN 83.717.869 37,37% Other 140.862 0,06% Free Float 56,352,942 25% Aziz TORUN 83.788.309 37,41% Torunlar Food 16.169.736 7,22% Aziz TORUN 4.344.856 1,94% Mehmet TORUN 4.417.695 1,97% Effective Free Float 31.147.378 13,91% Treasury Shares 273.295 0,12% *As of Jul 2, 2012 4 FINANCIAL REVIEW Key Achievements since IPO Capex (mn TRY) GLA (sqm) NAV (mnTRY) Dividend Projects IPO targets 1,000 500,000 4,000 50% NishIstanbul Torium Shopping Mall Bulvar Samsun Mall Korupark Terrace Residences Mall Of Istanbul Acquisitions Torun Tower ASY Ex-Stadium Deepo Outlet Extension Kemankeş Hotel IPO to date 573 230,815 2,607 100% Completed (Nov 2010) Opened (Oct 2010) Opened (Jul 2012) 4Q 2012 (%33 presold) 4Q 2013 (%55 presold) 4Q 2013 4Q 2014 Pending Pending Paşabahçe Land Maltepe Land 5 FINANCIAL REVIEW REIT Benchmarks 1H 2012 TORUNLAR GYO Net Profit Margin (%) Outperforming profitability and stock performance against peers EBIT Margin (%) YTD Stock Performance * (%) Net Profit / MCap (%) 126.3 73.5 47.1 7.8 VASTNED (NL) 47.0 87.0 (3.3) 5.4 CORIO (NL) 56.9 81.7 15.3 4.0 KLEPIERRE (F) 22.2 56.1 26.9 2.1 WESTFIELD (AU) 52.6 75.2 18.7 9.1 UNIBAIL-RODAMCO (F) 99.7 81.5 18.4 5.7 EMLAK KONUT 30.6 21.8 25.0 1.8 IS GYO 52.8 48.8 22.0 4.8 (221.4) (219.0) (38.3) NM 75.6 70.5 20.8 3.7 SAF GYO AKMERKEZ GYO *As of 31.07.2012 Source : EPRA 6 FINANCIAL REVIEW 1H 2012 Financial Performance ( million TL ) Portfolio Value 3,751.8 ( 3,335.8 ) 12% 151.1 (214.2) 30% 74.3 ( 131.1 ) 43% 56.7 ( 44.6 ) 27% 136.7 ( 58.2 ) 135% FINAL+PRESALES PRESALES EBITDA CAPEX EBITDA MARGIN 73.8 % ( 53.6 % ) *Numbers in paranthesis denote 1H 2011 figures. 20pp 7 FINANCIAL REVIEW Financial Highlights TRY (000) 1H 2012 1H 2011 Variance % 76,795 83,142 -7.6 8,233 24,290 -66.1 Mall Rental 51,204 43,549 17.6 Other 17,358 15,303 13.4 Gross Profit 50,982 48,629 4.8 66.4% 58.5% 7.9 p 56,656 44,595 27.0 73.8% 53.6% 20.1 p 0 0 0.0 7,671 -970 890.8 Forex Gain / Loss 38,661 -49,292 178.4 Net Profit 96,977 -6,563 1577.6 Total Assets 4,019,697 3,943,551 1.9 Total Equity 2,607,124 2,532,906 2.9 Financial Debt 1,023,879 1,100,516 -7.0 434,823 444,931 -2.3 Sales Residence Gross Margin EBITDA EBITDA Margin Net gain/(loss) from from fair value adjustments on investment property Net Financial Interest Income Net Debt 8 FINANCIAL REVIEW Financial Highlights (million TRY) PORTFOLIO VALUE ________________________________________ 3.900,0 3.751,8 3.700,0 3.300,0 3.100,0 2.900,0 3.335,8 3.500,0 Torium Residence 8,0 NishIstanbul 40,3 Korupark I-II 35,6 Torium Mall 567,3 1H 2012 Korupark III 74,7 MOI 810,2 AnkaMall 181,0 Netsel Marina 37,7 Korupark Mall 600,2 Cash 589,1 2.700,0 1H 2012 Bulvar Samsun 41,4 Deepo Antalya 232,4 2.500,0 1H 2011 Torun Tower 253,3 Zafer Plaza 176,8 Landbank 70,0 Other 33,8 CAPEX___________________________________________________ 160,0 1H 2012 140,0 136,7 120,0 100,0 80,0 MOI 82,4 58,2 60,0 40,0 Korupark Residence 24,9 ASY Project 4,8 Boulevard Samsun 6,0 AVM Renewal 1,1 Other 2,7 20,0 0,0 1H 2011 Torun Tower 14,9 1H 2012 9 FINANCIAL REVIEW Financial Highlights (million TRY) SALES___________________________________________________ 90,0 1H 2012 70,0 76,8 83,1 80,0 60,0 Other 17,4 50,0 Residence 8,2 40,0 30,0 Mall Rental 51,2 20,0 10,0 0,0 1H 2011 1H 2012 PRESALES_______________________________________________ 1H 2012 300,0 262,3 250,0 200,0 MOI Offices (36 units) 23,4 Korupark III (42 units) 12,7 150,0 MOI Residences (89 units) 38,2 0,0 2009 2010 74,3 0,7 50,0 43,5 100,0 2011 1H 2012 10 FINANCIAL REVIEW Financial Highlights (million TRY) MALL REVENUES__________________________________________ 80,0 1H 2012 68,1 70,0 50,0 Torium 24,6 58,8 60,0 Zafer Plaza 6,5 Korupark AVM 29,4 40,0 Deepo Antalya 7,7 30,0 20,0 1H 2011 1H 2012 MALL SALES TURNOVER & FOOTFALL_______________________ 350,0 300,0 445,1 400,0 400,5 450,0 250,0 200,0 150,0 1H 2011 1H 2012 21,0 19,0 17,0 15,0 13,0 11,0 9,0 7,0 5,0 1H 2011 19,3 500,0 18,4 Footfall 'million Mall Sales Turnover 'million TRY 1H 2012 11 FINANCIAL REVIEW Financial Highlights (million TRY) EBITDA__________________________________________________ 60,0 44,6 45,0 40,0 35,0 30,0 25,0 20,0 1H 2011 1H 2012 80,0% 70,0% 60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0% 53,6% 56,7 50,0 73,8% EBITDA Margin 55,0 1H 2011 1H 2012 NET PROFIT______________________________________________ 120,0 Net Profit Margin 80,0 120% 126% 97,0 160% 80% 40,0 40% 0,0 -40,0 1H 2011 1H 2012 -40% -8% -6,6 0% 1H 2011 1H 2012 12 FINANCIAL REVIEW Project Monthly Pre-Sales (in Units) 600 540 500 400 379 300 218 200 149 101 100 60 14 38 31 8 40 18 29 51 41 17 13 19 0 2Q 2011 * As of 30.06.2012 3Q 2011 4Q 2011 Korupark Terrace Residence Phase III 2011 MOI (Residence) 1Q 2012 MOl (Office) 2Q 2012 13 FINANCIAL REVIEW Client centric account management pays off June 2012 Bursa Zafer Plaza Bursa Korupark Antalya Deepo Outlet Istanbul Torium Total GLA ( m2 ) 23,448 71,267 18,069 95,280 208,064 Revenues (TRY) 6,450,000 29,355,000 7,679,000 24,569,000 68,053,000 LfL Revenues (% revenues) 53.57% 20.35% 10.97% 5.46% 15.72% % LfL Footfall growth 3.2 6.8 0.4 6.6 4.7 Number of stores 115 187 93 215 610 Occupancy 100% 99% 99% 98% 99% Fixed Rent (sqm/month) 32.99 $ 21.10 € 21.55 € 15.81 $ 17.93 € Turnover rent (as % of fixed rent) 2.99 3.20 16.14 10.51 6.82 66% $ 12% $ 20% $ 73% $ 41% $ 34% € 88% € 78% € 27% € 58% € % of GLA 19% 27% 20% 28% 26% % of Rental Revenue 24% 33% 22% 28% 29% % of Retail Turnover 22% 33% 23% 43% 33% Share of International Tenants Breakdown of rental revenues 14 FINANCIAL REVIEW 120 TRY USD EUR 82 80 85 104 100 101 Million Maturity of Financial Loans Financial loans: TRY 1.023 mn 68.1%USD, 27.9%€, 4%TRY 2012 2013 33 33 24 23 21 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 1 0 1 0 1 0 7 0 0 0 17 19 2014 0 0 0 16 0 14 20 22 33 40 38 52 60 2021 *The graph excludes TRY 590 mn of cash and cash deposits 15 Financial Review Project Pipeline Future Outlook Appendix ● Turkey Real Estate Economic Highlights ● Turkey Real Estate Market Review ● Financial Statements ● Listed REIC's ● Portfolio Review 3 PROJECT PIPELINE Evolution of the Projects (m2) GLA+GSA (m2) Retail Residence Office Hotel Marina Other Total Land 2011 224,004 26,331 2,150 2,907 3,431 4,140 262,963 158,026 2011 * excl. Paşabahçe Ex-Tekel Factory Land 2013 411,429 250,782 68,764 2,907 3,431 7,285 744,598 230,323 1 billion TRY Capex* Residence 26.331 10% Retail 224.004 85% 2012 230,815 118,841 2,531 2,907 3,431 4,870 363,395 230,323 Office 2.150 1% Hotel 2.907 1% 2014 411,429 288,157 107,764 2,907 3,431 13,964 827,651 230,323 2014 Residence 288.157 35% Retail 411.429 50% Marina 3.431 1% Other 4.140 2% Other 13.964 2% Marina 3.431 0% Hotel 2.907 0% Office 107.764 13% 17 PROJECT PIPELINE GLA+GSA Breakdown by City 2011 2014 Istanbul 544.786 66% Istanbul 113.237 44% Antalya 18.069 7% Bursa 109.379 42% Samsun 0 0% 260,135 sqm Mugla 3.431 1% Ankara 16.019 6% Bursa 208.676 25% CAGR : 47% Samsun 7.191 1% Mugla 3.431 1% Ankara 18.847 2% Antalya 44.720 5% 827,651 sqm 18 Business Review Project Pipeline Future Outlook Appendix ● Turkey Real Estate Economic Highlights ● Turkey Real Estate Market Review ● Financial Statement ● Listed REIC's ● Portfolio Review 3 FUTURE OUTLOOK 1H 2012 Highlights Cooling off in the economy and contraction in demand Strong operational activity leading to resilient cash flow stream High tenant retention, high footfall and solid consumer spending Strengthening in liquidity against conservative financing Focus on quality in portfolio (ASY and Paşabahçe to be included in 3Q 2012) On track to achieve full year 2012 targets Total sales revenues at TRY 76.8 m Like-for-like net retail rental income up 17.6 % at TRY 51.2 m EBITDA up 27% at TRY 56.6 m Net profit TRY 0,43 per share (2011: TRY 0,79 per share) NAV TRY 11,64 per share (Year end 2011: TRY 11,30 per share) Leverage 25.5% 20 FUTURE OUTLOOK 2010 2011 2012 F Sales 500.000 2013 F Residence - Office 90% 80% 24% 55.377 70% 77% 60% 301.841 50% 47.626 285.209 336.657 2016 F Other 77% 300.000 100.000 Rental 2015 F 400.072 400.000 200.000 2014 F 3.822 0 45.363 7.421 267.159 319.942 42.857 254.139 42.153 32.240 105.952 110.787 248.979 33.182 91.969 37.758 162.909 17.965 53.899 300.000 161.064 600.000 232.928 900.000 156.632 855.314 1.200.000 656.530 1.500.000 837.298 1.134.295 Sales & EBITDA Forecast (TRY ‘000) 245.377 54% 260.500 50% 40% 134.932 35% 30% 35% 82.218 20% 10% 0% 0 2010 2011 2012 F 2013 F EBITDA EBITDA Margin (%) 2014 F 2015 F 2016 F 21 FUTURE OUTLOOK Cash Flow Statement Forecast (TRY) Cash Flow Statement (Forecast) CASH FLOW FROM OPERATIONS From Mall rentals From Office rentals From Residence Pre-Sales and Sales Change in Trade Receiveables Operational Expenses (-) Net Cash Flow from Operations 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 96,402,698 0 235,086,582 82,516,184 14,601,636 399,403,828 140,868,958 0 480,482,025 118,884,124 12,941,095 727,294,012 202,746,952 29,567,348 149,556,244 143,954,543 14,235,204 511,589,883 211,444,104 31,971,569 846,339 142,081,115 15,658,725 370,684,403 225,091,604 33,970,634 0 75,870,590 17,224,597 317,708,231 CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Construction Costs Shopping Mall Renewal Costs Net Cash Flow from Investing Activities 438,116,624 1,840,024 -439,956,648 498,539,396 1,844,000 -500,383,396 102,561,491 1,896,000 -104,457,491 2,532,603 2,179,000 -4,711,603 0 2,331,000 -2,331,000 CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Cash receipt from Deposits Dividends Loans 456,536,746 66,657,546 11,000,000 378,879,200 146,468,662 28,568,662 12,100,000 105,800,000 31,715,704 18,405,704 13,310,000 0 56,036,877 41,395,877 14,641,000 0 68,764,828 52,659,728 16,105,100 0 Cash paid for Repurchase of stock Repayment of loans for investment Paşabahçe Land Dividends Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities 292,821,818 1,156,000 198,265,818 71,000,000 22,400,000 163,714,928 402,462,056 0 224,331,957 96,560,000 81,570,099 -255,993,394 502,341,478 0 277,026,783 90,170,000 135,144,695 -470,625,774 481,165,797 0 234,557,721 83,780,000 162,828,077 -425,128,920 419,615,429 0 230,562,396 77,390,000 111,663,033 -350,850,601 Net Increase / Decrease in Cash Cash at the beginning of the term Cash at the end of the term 123,162,109 655,585,000 778,747,109 -29,082,778 778,747,109 749,664,331 -63,493,383 749,664,331 686,170,948 -59,156,120 686,170,948 627,014,828 -35,473,370 627,014,828 591,541,458 22 Business Review Project Pipeline 3 Future Outlook Appendix ● Turkey Real Estate Economic Highlights ● Turkey Real Estate Market Review ● Financial Statements ● Listed REIC's ● Portfolio Review 23 TURKEY REAL ESTATE ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS Turkey Economic Highlights 2010a 2011a 2012b 2013b 2014b 2015b 2016b 730.6 772.5 780.7 889.9 1012.2 1120.7 1236.3 Growth (GDP, %) 9.3 8.6 3.2 4.1 5.2 5.1 5.2 Private Consumption (%) 6.7 7.7 1.6 2.9 3.6 3.5 3.7 Inflation (CPI, average, %) 8.6 6.5 8.9 7.5 6.9 5.4 4.1 TL/USD (year-end) 1.54 1.89 1.84 1.84 1.84 1.83 1.83 TL/USD (average) 1.50 1.67 1.82 1.84 1.84 1.83 1.83 TL/EUR (average) 1.99 2.33 2.32 2.32 2.30 2.27 2.31 Exports 120.9 143.4 152.4 159.0 169.5 180.7 196.3 Imports -177.3 -232.9 -230.4 -236.2 -250.4 -268.2 -295.6 C/A Balance (Ratio to GDP, %) -6.4 -10.0 -8.2 -7.4 -7.0 -6.9 -7.4 Budget Balance (Ratio to GDP, %) -3.7 -1.3 -2.0 -1.8 -2.1 -1.8 -1.8 USD billion GDP a Actual b Economist Intelligence Unit estimates. Source; Economist Intelligence Unit 24 TURKEY REAL ESTATE ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS Company Economic Forecast 2012 2011 Base Case Best Case Worst Case 8.50 4.00 6.00 2.00 Inflation (CPI, %) 10.45 7.00 4.50 8.50 Inflation (PPI, %) 11.09 6.00 4.80 7.30 TL/USD (year-end) 1.92 1.80 1.60 2.00 TL/EUR (year-end) 2.47 2.25 2.16 2.70 USD / EUR (year-end) 1.29 1.25 1.35 1.35 CBT weekly repo rate ( % ) 5.75 5.75 6.00 12.50 10.00 12.50 1.20 1.00 Mortgage loan growth ( % ) 21.40 15.00 Construction sector growth rate ( % ) 11.20 5.00 6.00 -30.00 5.00 10.00 at par with inflation at par with inflation 10.00 8.00 Real Growth (GDP, %) CBT overnight repo rate ( % ) Mortgage loan average monthly interest rate (year-end, % ) Residential construction permits (growth, % ) Residential prices and rents growth (%) Commercial real estate investment growth ( % ) 10.00 25 TURKEY REAL ESTATE ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS Turkey GDP vs. Construction Sector 20,0% 18,5% 13,9% 15,0% 10,0% 6,8%4,9% 6,2% 5,0% 14,1% 7,8%9,4% 5,3% 9,3% 8,4% 17,1% 15,3% 6,9% ,0% -5,0% 5,7% 4,7% 9,2% 11,9% 11,2% 8,5% 2,8% 3,2% -3,1% -3,4% -5,7% -10,0% -15,0% GDP -0.7% -8,1%-4,8% -17,4% -20,0% 1999 2000 2001 2002 Source: Turkish Statistical Institute -16,1% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 GDP 2008 2009 2010 2011 1Q 2011 2012 1Q Construction 26 TURKEY REAL ESTATE ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS Turkey Real Estate Economic Highlights 180 171,35 162,09 47,00% 46,00% 45,00% 42,92% 72,52 44,00% 69,56 43,43% 68,20 44,22% 57,26 113,64 52,05 49,22 96,72 45,46 90,58 42,55 85,49 39,70 83,36 38,54 80,80 37,35 81,04 37,45 37,95 40 36,34 60 77,31 80 82,63 100 105,63 120 124,94 45,83% 45,43% 150,86 45,80% 66,71 46,60% 136,23 140 46,20% 46,23% 46,23% 61,89 45,93% 46,44% 157,04 46,98% 47,01% 160 70,40 47,01% 165,74 48,00% 43,00% 42,32% 42,48% 42,00% 41,00% 20 40,00% 0 39,00% 2008Q2 2008Q3 2008Q4 2009Q1 2009Q2 2009Q3 2009Q4 2010Q1 2010Q2 2010Q3 2010Q4 2011Q1 2011Q2 2011Q3 2011Q4 2012Q1 2012Q2 Source: Central Bank of Turkey Consumer Loans Mortgage Loans Mortgage / Consumer Loans (%) 27 TURKEY REAL ESTATE ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS Turkey Real Estate Economic Highlights 25,00% 6,00 17,47% 11,68% 13,16% 12,48% 12,52% 2,117 9,86% 10,00% 0,839 1,365 10,47% 1,165 1,186 15,00% 5,00% -0,093 0,00 14,40% 9,53% -0,507 1,00 11,49% 11,05% 1,610 2,00 2,354 12,06% 2,909 12,93% 2,851 3,00 3,761 16,19% 1,487 4,00 20,00% 4,822 4,633 18,61% 2,822 18,17% 5,210 20,67% 5,00 0,00% -1,00 2008Q2 2008Q3 2008Q4 2009Q1 2009Q2 2009Q3 2009Q4 2010Q1 2010Q2 2010Q3 2010Q4 2011Q1 2011Q2 2011Q3 2011Q4 2012Q1 2012Q2 Source: Central Bank of Turkey Mortgage Loans Interest Rate on Mortgages (%) 28 Business Review Project Pipeline Future Outlook Appendix ● Turkey Real Estate Economic Highlights ● Turkey Real Estate Market Review ● Financial Statements ● Listed REIC's ● Portfolio Review 29 TURKEY REAL ESTATE MARKET REVİEW Turkey Residential Sales ( in units ) 194.743 200.000 150.000 113.088 112.168 109.333 100.000 111.913 108.861 118.867 116.229 92.516 97.517 83.697 91.071 106.035 96.092 23.040 15.976 20.778 14.306 24.249 18.756 18.494 16.720 22.343 18.026 18.768 15.705 20.922 15.977 16.320 13.867 21.485 15.814 18.994 16.348 25.254 22.767 22.896 22.434 34.042 26.091 22.003 21.386 17.857 24.360 21.690 28.346 23.783 50.000 29.411 23.757 56.909 85.857 90.270 107.308 101.754 0 Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 Q4 2008 Q1 2009 Q2 2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2009 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 2011 Q1 2012 Q2 2012 Source: Turkish Statistical Institute TURKEY ISTANBUL ANKARA 30 TURKEY REAL ESTATE MARKET REVİEW Turkey Residential Permits (in units) 449.120 450.000 400.000 350.000 116.684 109.488 175.053 148.951 143.194 118.754 111.150 106.487 144.948 165.743 101.900 173.122 89.925 128.519 92.818 160.135 120.846 108.967 89.948 113.802 128.172 135.571 131.015 113.994 91.639 119.822 86.564 100.000 87.620 150.000 121.403 91.463 200.000 148.346 250.000 216.258 175.728 300.000 50.000 0 Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 Q4 2008 Q1 2009 Q2 2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2009 Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 Q4 2011 Q1 2012 Source: Turkish Statistical Institute Construction Permit Building Occupancy Permit 31 TURKEY REAL ESTATE MARKET REVİEW Residential Purchase Confidence Index 100,0 15,0 98,0 14,0 96,0 13,0 94,0 12,0 92,0 11,0 10,4 90,0 9,6 88,0 9,0 86,0 7,9 84,0 8,2 9,3 10,1 9,8 9,5 8,6 9,9 9,8 10,3 10,6 10,5 10,6 10,6 10,3 9,6 8,9 8,9 10,0 9,8 9,7 9,2 9,0 8,0 7,5 7,0 82,0 6,0 80,0 5,0 TURKSTAT Consumer Confidence Index CBT Consumer Residential Buying Behavior Index 32 TURKEY REAL ESTATE MARKET REVİEW Turkey New Residential Price Index 123,8 125,0 121,1 122,2 120,0 116,9 117,9 115,0 115,3 112,1 112,7 110,0 110,5 107,4 105,8 105,0 103,4 103,8 106,6 103,6 101,6 100,0 99,5 97,8 95,0 90,0 Q1 2010 Jan 2010 = 100 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 CBRT Turkey House Price Index Q1 2011 Q2 2011 Q3 2011 TURKSTAT Construction Cost Index Q4 2011 Q1 2012 33 TURKEY REAL ESTATE MARKET REVİEW Turkey Retail Market Retail Sales (TRY mn) 900.000 800.000 2013 2014 2015 377.019 412.638 406.889 350.771 2012 377.698 326.196 315.491 303.457 263.274 281.192 100.000 229.244 200.000 234.150 300.000 255.412 400.000 205.214 500.000 288.910 600.000 344.631 700.000 0 2010 Source: Planet Retail 2011 Grocery Retail Sales (TRY mn) Non-Grocery Retail Sales (TRY mn) 2016 2017 34 TURKEY REAL ESTATE MARKET REVİEW Turkey Retail Market Retail centre supply (supply breakdown by city) Household Expenditure (by type, 2011) Education 2,0% Health 1,9% Miscellaneous Goods and Services 4,3% Food, beverage and tobacco 24,9% Housing 25,8% Other 16% Trabzon 2% Konya 2% Mersin 2% Istanbul 40% Gaziantep 2% Denizli 2% Transportation and communication 21,3% Restaurant and hotels 5,7% Clothing and footwear Recreation and 5,2% culture 2,7% Adana 3% Antalya 3% Izmir 5% Bursa 6% Ankara 15% 35 Source: DTZ Pamir & Soyuer Source: TURKSTAT Furnishing, household equipment 6,4% Kocaeli 2% TURKEY REAL ESTATE MARKET REVİEW İstanbul Shopping Mall Development Unit Rest of Turkey GLA (sq m) Unit GLA (sq m) End 2011 1H 2012 Construction* End 2013 92 104 107 28 135 2.65 M 3.08 M 3.18 M 1.00 M 4.18 M 171 198 208 25 233 3.87 M 4.55 M 4.82 M 0.90 M 5.72 M 263 302 315 53 368 6.52 M 7.63 M 8.00 M 1.90 M 9.90 M Turkey Unit Under End 2010 GLA (sq m) Source: Jones Lang LaSalle 36 TURKEY REAL ESTATE MARKET REVİEW Retail Density-GLA per 1,000 Capita, Turkey City End 2010 End 2011 1H 2012 End 2013 İstanbul 210 m2 226 m2 233 m2 308 m2 Ankara 207 m2 230 m2 230 m2 264 m2 Karabük 65 m2 186 m2 186 m2 181 m2 Bolu 25 m2 145 m2 145 m2 141 m2 Trabzon 142 m2 145 m2 145 m2 141 m2 Bursa 134 m2 140 m2 140 m2 145 m2 Denizli 119 m2 134 m2 128 m2 140 m2 Turkey 90 m2 102 m2 104 m2 129 m2 Source: Jones Lang LaSalle 37 TURKEY REAL ESTATE MARKET REVİEW Turkey’s Mall League Mall Opening Date GLA Location 1 Forum Istanbul 2009 178,834 Istanbul Multi Turkmall 2 Marmara Forum 2011 137,500 Istanbul Multi Turkmall 3 Cevahir 2005 110,000 Istanbul Kuwait Investment Authority 4 Ankamall 1999 107,804 Ankara Migros 5 Torium 2010 95,280 Istanbul Torunlar REIC 6 Istinyepark 2007 88,490 Istanbul Dogus, Orjin 7 Anatolium 2010 84,165 Bursa Corio 8 Antares 2007 84,000 Ankara Dolunay 9 Panora 2007 82,591 Ankara Polat Holding 10 Forum Ankara 2008 80,000 Ankara Multi Development TR 11 Kent Park 2008 79,478 Ankara Mega Turk Construction 12 M1 Merkez Adana 2000 76,500 Adana Metro 13 Korupark 2007 74,580 Bursa Torunlar REIC 14 Cepa 2007 73,242 Ankara Carrefour 15 Forum Mersin 2007 71,125 Mersin Multi Turkmall 16 Anatolium Ankara 2011 70,000 Istanbul Corio 17 M1 Meydan Umraniye 2007 70,000 Istanbul Metro 18 Optimum Outlet 2011 69,000 Adana 19 212 Istanbul Power Outlet 2009 68,000 Istanbul Edip International Real Estate 20 Via/Port Outlet Shopping 2008 66,000 Istanbul Bayraktar Grup *Source: Akademetre Research and Eva Real Estate Developer Ronesans REIC 38 TURKEY REAL ESTATE MARKET REVİEW Turkey SHOPPING MALL Sales Turnover and Footfall 150 25,00 Sales Turnover Index (General)* Footfall Index (General)* 143 Interest Rate on Cash Loans (%) 140 140 20,12 136 20,00 132 130 121 119 120 130 129 17,31 123 17,94 123 15,00 115 112 110 112 12,93 108 108 106 103 100 99 100 97 95 97 110 100 97 102 101 104 106 10,00 102 98 95 95 96 96 98 5,00 90 0,00 80 Jan.11 Feb.11 Mar.11 Apr.11 May.11 Jun.11 Source: Council of Shopping Centers - Turkey Central Bank of TURKEY Jul.11 Aug.11 Sep.11 Oct.11 Nov.11 Dec.11 Jan.12 Feb.12 Mar.12 Apr.12 May.12 Jun.12 * January 2010 = The beginning of index 39 TURKEY REAL ESTATE MARKET REVİEW Istanbul Office Market Overview Grade A Office Stock Existing Projects GLA (sq m) Pipeline Projects GLA (sq m) ** 1,170,000 281,000 810,000 253,000 Asia 960,000 276,000 Total 2,940,000 810,000 1H 2012 Europe Sub Market CBD Non CBD **For completion by end 2013 Source: Jones Lang LaSalle 40 Business Review Project Pipeline Future Outlook Appendix ● Turkey Real Estate Economic Highlights ● Turkey Real Estate Market Review ● Financial Statements ● Listed REIC's ● Portfolio Review 3 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Income Statement mn TL Satışlar/Sales Konut/Residence 2Q 2012 2Q 2011 YoY 1Q 2012 QnQ 37,093 41,104 -9.8% 39,702 -6.6% 1,795 11,372 -84.2% 6,438 -72.1% 26,558 22,273 19.2% 24,646 7.8% Diğer/Other 8,740 7,459 17.2% 8,618 1.4% SMM/Cost of sales 11,579 17,942 -35.5% 14,234 -18.7% Konut/Residence 1,047 7,385 -85.8% 3,457 -69.7% AVM kira/ Mall rental 1,904 1,389 37.1% 1,892 0.6% Diğer/Other 8,628 9,168 -5.9% 8,885 -2.9% AVM kira/ Mall rental Brüt kar/Gross profit 25,514 23,162 10.2% 25,468 0.2% Brüt marj/Gross margin 68.8% 56.3% 12.43 pp 64.1% 4.64 pp Faaliyet giderleri/Opex -4,231 -7,817 -45.9% -2,974 42.3% -3,339 -4,070 -18.0% -1,888 76.9% Paz satış giderleri/Mrkt and selling exp -892 -3,747 -76.2% -1,086 -17.9% Diğer gelir(gider)/Other income(expenses) -142 886 -116.0% -1 14100.0% 0 0 0.0% 0 0.0% Faaliyet karı /Operating profit 21,141 16,231 30.3% 22,493 -6.0% Gayrimenkul deger artisi haric faaliyet kari / Operating profit excluding fair value adjustment 21,141 16,231 30.3% 22,493 -6.0% 171.7% Genel yönetim giderler/General&admin exp Yatirim amacli gayrimenkuller deger artislari (azalislari)/ Net gain (loss) fair value adjustments on investment property İştiraklerden alınan temettü/Share of profit of associates (recurring) 9,381 4,189 123.9% 3,453 VFOK/EBIT * 30,522 20,420 49.5% 25,946 17.6% VFOK marjı /EBIT margin (%) 82.3% 49.7% 32.61 pp 65.4% 16.93 pp 112 44 154.5% 76 47.4% Amortisman/Depreciation VAFOK/EBITDA * 30,634 20,464 49.7% 26,022 17.7% VAFOK marjı/EBITDA margin (%) 82.6% 49.8% 32.80 pp 65.5% 17.04 pp İştiraklerden gelir (gider)/share of profits (non-recurring) -5,943 -3,123 90.3% -343 1632.7% 1,467 982 49.4% 6,204 -76.4% 284 1,019 -72.1% 1,267 -77.6% 4,967 -34,207 -114.5% 33,694 -85.3% 31,297 -14,909 -309.9% 66,768 -53.1% -556 -425 30.82% -532 4.51% Net kar/net profit 30,741 -15,334 -300.48% 66,236 -53.59% Net kar marjı/Net profit margin (%) 82.9% -37.3% 120.18 pp 166.8% -83.96 pp Net faiz geliri(gideri)/Net financial interest income(expense) Net diğer finansal gelir (gider)/Other net financial income (expense) Kur farkı geliri (gideri)/Forex gain (loss) Vergi öncesi kar/Profit before tax Vergi gideri/Corporate tax 42 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Income Statement mn TL Satışlar/Sales Konut/Residence 1H 2012 1H 2011 YoY 76,795 83,142 -7.6% 8,233 24,290 -66.1% AVM kira/ Mall rental 51,204 43,549 17.6% Diğer/Other 17,358 15,303 13.4% SMM/Cost of sales 25,813 34,513 -25.2% Konut/Residence 4,504 14,028 -67.9% AVM kira/ Mall rental 3,796 2,628 44.4% 17,513 17,857 -1.9% 50,982 48,629 4.8% Brüt marj/Gross margin 66.4% 58.5% 7.90 pp Faaliyet giderleri/Opex Diğer/Other Brüt kar/Gross profit -7,205 -11,879 -39.3% Genel yönetim giderler/General&admin exp -5,227 -7,419 -29.5% Paz satış giderleri/Mrkt and selling exp -1,978 -4,460 -55.7% Diğer gelir(gider)/Other income(expenses) -143 1,223 -111.7% 0 0 0.0% Faaliyet karı /Operating profit 43,634 37,973 14.9% Gayrimenkul deger artisi haric faaliyet kari / Operating profit excluding fair value adjustment 43,634 37,973 14.9% İştiraklerden alınan temettü/Share of profit of associates (recurring) 12,834 6,497 97.5% VFOK/EBIT * 56,468 44,470 27.0% VFOK marjı /EBIT margin (%) 73.5% 53.5% 20.04 pp 50.4% Yatirim amacli gayrimenkuller deger artislari (azalislari)/ Net gain (loss) fair value adjustments on investment property Amortisman/Depreciation 188 125 56,656 44,595 27.0% VAFOK marjı/EBITDA margin (%) 73.8% 53.6% 20.14 pp İştiraklerden gelir (gider)/share of profits (non-recurring) -6,286 -2,249 179.5% 7,671 -970 -890.8% VAFOK/EBITDA * Net faiz geliri(gideri)/Net financial interest income(expense) Net diğer finansal gelir (gider)/Other net financial income (expense) 1,551 2,348 -33.9% Kur farkı geliri (gideri)/Forex gain (loss) 38,661 -49,292 -178.4% Vergi öncesi kar/Profit before tax 98,065 -5,693 -1822.6% Vergi gideri/Corporate tax -1,088 -870 25.06% Net kar/net profit 96,977 -6,563 -1577.63% 126.3% -7.9% 134.17 pp Net kar marjı/Net profit margin (%) 43 FINANCIAL REVIEW Income Statement ‘000 TL Sales Residence Mall rental Other Cost of sales Residence Mall rental Other Gross profit 2011 162,909 37,758 91,969 33,182 62,754 20,231 41,350 1,173 100,155 61.5% -24,515 -13,777 -10,738 -5,586 2010 232,928 161,064 53,899 17,965 152,910 122,099 19,496 11,315 80,018 34.4% -29,040 -23,498 -5,542 -529 YoY -30.1% -76.6% 70.0% 84.7% -59.0% -83.4% 112.1% -89.6% 25.2% 27.13 pp -15.6% -41.4% 93.8% 956.0% Net gain (loss) fair value adjustments on investment property 182,534 166,660 9.5% Operating profit Operating profit excluding fair value adjustment 252,588 70,054 217,109 50,449 16.3% 38.9% 6,496 4,745 36.9% 81,927 50.3% 291 82,218 50.5% 38,731 1,334 2,378 -122,414 179,113 -1,801 177,312 108.8% 55,194 23.7% 184 55,378 23.8% 9,980 -20,975 1,098 3,562 215,519 -1,274 214,245 92.0% 48.4% 26.59 pp 58.2% 48.5% 26.69 pp 288.1% -106.4% 116.6% -3536.7% -16.9% 41.37% -17.24% 16.86 pp Gross margin Opex General&admin exp Mrkt and selling exp Other income(expenses) Share of profit of associates (recurring) EBIT * EBIT margin (%) Depreciation EBITDA * EBITDA margin (%) Share of profits (non-recurring) Net financial interest income(expense) Other net financial income (expense) Forex gain (loss) Profit before tax Corporate tax Net profit Net profit margin (%) * 2011 yılı stok değer düşüş karşılığı 5.377 faaliyet dışı gider olduğundan VFÖK (EBIT) ve VAFÖK (EBITDA) rakamlarına eklenmiştir. 44 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Balance Sheet (000 TRY) Cash and Cash Equivalents Financial Investments Trade Receivables Inventory Advances Given Other Current Assets CURRENT ASSETS Financial Investments Trade Receivables Invest.In Associates Investment Property Tangible Fixed Property Intangible Fixed Assets Inventory Advances Given Other Non-current Assets NON-CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS Financial Liabilities Finance Lease Liabilities Other Financial Liabilities Trade Payables Tax Payables Advances Received Other Current Liabilities CURRENT LIABILITIES Financial Liabilities Provision For Employment Termination Benefits Advances Received NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Share Capital Share Premium Legal Reserves Treasury Shares Retained Earnings Net Profit TOTAL EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 2012/06 436,494 152,562 69,120 125,238 20,238 2,766 806,418 0 52,409 157,903 2,518,866 1,416 154 312,979 108,063 61,489 3,213,279 4,019,697 258,267 0 0 39,736 555 66,591 9,141 374,290 765,612 117 272,554 1,038,283 224,000 301,770 5,240 -1,195 1,980,332 96,977 2,607,124 4,019,697 2011/12 597,388 58,197 71,081 100,805 9,742 4,058 841,271 0 60,079 164,189 2,457,490 874 86 262,406 108,063 49,093 3,102,280 3,943,551 289,143 0 1,313 38,864 409 52,383 6,282 388,394 811,373 93 210,785 1,022,251 224,000 301,770 3,947 -836 1,826,713 177,312 2,532,906 3,943,551 Variance % -26.9 162.1 -2.8 24.2 107.7 -31.8 -4.1 0.0 -12.8 -3.8 2.5 62.0 79.1 19.3 0.0 25.3 3.6 1.9 -10.7 0.0 -100.0 2.2 27.1 45.5 -3.6 -5.6 25.8 29.3 1.6 0.0 0.0 32.8 42.9 8.4 -45.3 2.9 1.9 45 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Cash Flow Statement (000 TRY) 1H 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 597,388 438,664 72,639 80,168 137,441 Exchange losses on cash and blocked deposits -1,819 3,187 320 -211 4,154 0 0 -121,447 0 0 22,574 121,271 32,380 63,287 -30,371 -15,889 -101,257 -122,002 -58,490 -70,920 Net cash generated (used in) from financing activities -165,760 135,523 455,327 -12,115 39,864 Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents -159,075 155,537 365,705 -7,318 -61,427 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 436,494 597,388 317,217 72,639 80,168 Blocked deposits Net cash generated (used) in operating activities Net cash used in investing activities 46 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Net Foreign Currency Position TL Equivalent (000) € $ Current assets 10,715 70,856 152,369 223,130 -31.7 0 0 0 0 0.0 10,590 69,463 149,568 210,456 -28.9 125 1,393 2,801 12,674 -77.9 10,715 70,856 152,369 223,130 -31.7 -23,597 -92,085 -220,026 -256,557 14.2 -424 -503 -1,875 -5,438 65.5 -22,861 -91,542 -217,364 -251,112 13.4 -312 -40 -787 -7 -11142.9 -102,926 -295,321 -767,576 -826,481 7.1 0 -85 -153 0 0.0 -102,926 -294,236 -765,615 -811,370 5.6 0 -1,000 -1,808 -15,111 88.0 Total liabilities -126,523 -387,406 -987,602 -1,083,038 8.8 Net foreign currency asset (liability) -115,808 -316,550 -835,233 -859,908 2.9 Trade receivables Monetary financial assets Other Total assets Current liabilities Trade payables Financial liabilities Other current liabilities Non-current liabilities Trade payables Financial liabilities Derivative Liabilities (net) 31.06.2012 30.12.2011 Variance % 47 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Funding Summary 2012/06 2011/12 Variance -434,823 -444,931 -2.27% 5 5 Average overall interest rate* 4.84% 5.07% -0.23 pp Leverage (financial loans as % of total assets) 25.5% 27.9% -2.44 pp Net debt to equity ratio -16.7% -17.6% 0.89 pp Net debt/Assets (%) -10.8% -11.3% 0.47 pp Equity to assets ratio 64.9% 64.2% 0.63 pp -14.0% -14.9% 0.95 pp 7.4 61.6 NM 3.84 5.4 NM Total net debt (000 TRY) Average loan term (years) Loan to property value ratio (LTV) Interest coverage ratio (times) Net debt/EBITDA (times) * Excl. TRY Loans 48 Business Review Project Pipeline Future Outlook Appendix ● Turkey Real Estate Economic Highlights ● Turkey Real Estate Market Review ● Financial Statements ● Listed REIC's ● Portfolio Review 3 LISTED REIC’s REICs on the ISE (as of Aug 24, 2012) Free Float 3M avg. daily trading volume Current M.Cap (TRY mn) Dividend Yield (2010) Dividend Yield (2011) Dividend Yield (2012) 1 EMLAK KONUT GMYO 25% 57.293 6,225 - 2.6% 2.0% 2 TORUNLAR GMYO 14% 2.009 1,310 - 0.9% 1.9% 3 İŞ GMYO 48% 2.180 738 3.0% 2.8% 4.0% Listed REITs 4 SİNPAŞ GMYO 37% 6.444 768 - 3.1% 4.3% 5 AKMERKEZ GMYO 2% 0.323 714 4.6% - 4.7% 6 SAF GMYO 35% 1.808 718 - - 16.5% 7 ÖZAK GMYO 3% 0.503 364 8 VAKIF GMYO 15% 1.225 361 - - - - 9 AKFEN GMYO 29% 0.972 311 - - - 10 NUROL GMYO 20% 4.870 250 - - - 11 KİLER GMYO 35% 1.173 231 - - - 12 YEŞİL GMYO 24% 2.417 176 - - - 13 ALARKO GMYO 34% 0.984 175 - 0.7% 1.7% 14 REYSAŞ GMYO 31% 0.207 144 - 0.6% - 15 DOĞUŞ GMYO 7% 0.137 130 - - - 16 TSKB GMYO 29% 0.592 117 - - - 17 ATAKULE GMYO 16% 0.211 97 2.2% 2.1% - 18 ÖZDERİCİ GMYO 33% 0.101 79 - - - 19 MARTI GMYO 48% 0.590 63 - 5.4% 0.9% 20 YAPI KREDİ KORAY GMYO 44% 0.683 54 - - - 21 PERA GMYO 51% 0.240 51 - - - 22 AVRASYA GMYO 72% 2.771 47 - - - 23 İDEALİST GMYO 25% 0.273 29 - - - 24 EGS GMYO 66% 0.011 12 - - - TOTAL 25% 88.016 13,163 exc. EKGYO 25% 30.723 6,938 - - - Source: Istanbul Stock Exchange 50 LISTED REIC’s TORUNLAR REIC PERFORMANCE 140 133,70 130 120 108,93 110 101,26 99,89 100 98,30 90 105,25 88,61 112,18 101,13 94,65 93,19 88,78 91,80 83,48 79,69 86,66 80 115,03 70 72,77 60 56,05 75,95 50 IPO Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug date 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 MSCI WORLD / REIT's Index XU100 (ISE100 NATIONAL INDEX) XGMYO (ISE REIC INDEX) TRGYO (TORUNLAR REIC) 51 LISTED REIC’s TORUNLAR REIC PERFORMANCE 190 170,90 170 157,62 148,26 150 127,65 130 132,16 129,07 133,70 125,90 110 101,77 101,26 98,93 93,43 98,67 90 85,31 70 50 105,25 96,46 93,05 86,66 80,56 101,13 111,08 77,75 73,35 56,05 90,95 73,99 75,95 94,65 87,13 79,69 71,05 98,59 83,48 72,77 54,26 IPO Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug date 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 ISGYO EKGYO XGMYO (ISE REIC INDEX) TRGYO (TORUNLAR REIC) SNGYO 52 Business Review Project Pipeline Future Outlook Appendix ● Turkey Real Estate Economic Highlights ● Turkey Real Estate Market Review ● Financial Statements ● Listed REIC's ● Portfolio Review 3 APPENDIX Project Locations • • • • • ISTANBUL Torium Shopping Mall Paşabahçe Ex-TEKEL Land NishIstanbul Mixed-Use Project Maltepe Land Mall of Istanbul Kemankeş Land Torun Tower Kayabaşı Land Mecidiyeköy Ex-Stadium Mixed-Use Project • • • • BURSA Zafer Plaza Shopping Mall Korupark Shopping Mall Korupark Residences Phase I-II Korupark Residences Phase III SAMSUN • Boulevard Samsun Shopping Mall MUĞLA • Netsel Marina ANKARA • Ankamall Shopping Mall • Crowne Plaza Hotel 3 ANTALYA • Deepo Outlet Mall • Deepo Outlet Extension Project APPENDIX Project Locations 3 APPENDIX Zafer Plaza Shopping Mall Ownership Operational Date Leasable area (m2) Occupancy (%) as of date Number of stores Torunlar REIC (72.26%) 1999 23,449 (REIC share 16,944) 99% (as of Dec 2011) 127 8% anchors and Dpt. Stores (23% of GLA): Migros, M&S, YKM, Teknosa and Boyner Anchor tenants Appraisal value (Dec. 2011) TRY 176.8mm (US$ 93mm) Average lease term as of Dec-2011 1.8 years Average LTM NOI (per TL/m2/month) TRY 50.9 Leasehold/Freehold status Freehold Rental income (Dec 2011). Last 12 months TRY 12.7mm •The Property is located at the most central part of the city •Close to the metro station, on major public transportation routes and at the junction of intercity roads •The property includes a movie theater with six screens and an amusement park for children and teenagers •In 2000, Zafer Plaza was selected "The Best Shopping Centre" by the AMPD, Trade Council of Shopping Centres and Retailers •Majority of rents (62%) are USD denominated Tenants - Breakdown of GLA Technology 12% Culture/ Art/ Entertainment 2% Personel Care/ Accessories 4% Leisure/ Gift/ Special Service 2% 4% Food & Drink 8% Anchor 7% Tenants - Breakdown of Income Home 4% Ready Wear 40% Department Store 16% Technology 11% Food & Drink 12% Culture/ Art/ Entertainment Personel Care/ 1% Accessories 8% Leisure/ Gift/ Special 3% Service 4% Anchor 2% Home 5% Ready Wear 49% Department Store 7% 56 APPENDIX Korupark Shopping Mall Ownership Operational Date Leasable area (m2) Occupancy (%) as of date Number of stores Torunlar REIC (100%) H2 2007 71,267 98% (as of Dec 2011) 182 (34% of GLA): Tesco, Koçtaş, Beymen, C&A, Boyner and Electro World Anchor tenants Appraisal value (Dec 2011) TRY 600.2mm (US$ 315.9mm) Average lease term as of Dec-2011 1.8 years Average LTM NOI (per TL/m2/month) TRY 44.1 Freehold Leasehold/Freehold status Rental income (Dec 2011). Last 12 months TRY 38.6mm •Korupark is the largest shopping mall in Bursa and is located on the Mudanya Highway in the Nilüfer neighbourhood •The property has three retail floors and two carpark floors with a capacity for 2,500 cars underground and 500 above ground •The property includes a hypermarket (12,000m²), a do-it-yourself store (5,127m²), cinema complex (nine screens) and entertainment area (amusement park, children play centre) totalling 5,317m² •Most of the rents (87%) at the shopping mall are Euro denominated Technology Tenants - Breakdown of GLA 1% Food & Drink Culture/ Art/ 6% Entertainment 9% Personel Care/ Accessories 3% Leisure/ Gift/ Special Department 2% Service Store 2% 5% Ready Wear 41% Tenants - Breakdown of Income Anchor 28% Home 3% Culture/ Art/ Entertainment 3% Personel Care/ Accessories 7% Leisure/ Gift/ Service Special 2% Department 4% Store 2% Technology 3% Food & Drink 11% Anchor 15% Home 5% Ready Wear 48% 57 APPENDIX Deepo Outlet Mall–Antalya Ownership Operational Date Leasable area (m2) Occupancy (%) as of date Number of stores Torunlar REIC (100%) October 24, 2004 18,069 100% (as of Dec 2011) 81 LCW, Ayakkabı Dünyası, Mudo City, Collezione, Sarar, Aydınlı Group Anchor tenants Appraisal value (Dec 2011) TRY 191.5mm (US$ 100.8mm) Average lease term as of Dec-2011 2 years Average LTM NOI (per TL/m2/month) TRY 51.1 Leasehold/Freehold status Freehold Rental income (Dec 2011). Last 12 months TRY 12.8mm •Antalya Deepo is the biggest outlet in the Mediterranean region. •The property is located close to the Antalya Airport •The mall attracts annual foot traffic of c.5 mm •For Antalya Deepo, majority of rents (80%) are denominated in EURO •Zoning of this region is expected to be approved in 2012. •Deepo Antalya is not directly held by Torunlar REIC, but is instead held by a subsidiary which is 100% owned by Torunlar REIC Tenants - Breakdown of GLA Antalya Deepo Extension Project Ownership Torunlar REIC + Hastalya Estimated start of construction 3Q 2012 Estimated date of completion 1Q 2013 Estimated operational date 1Q 2013 Leasable area (m2) 26,651 Estimated investment TRY 37mm (US$19.5mm) Partially freehold, partially Leasehold / Freehold status leasehold from Hastalya Current status Under zoning process Food & Culture/ Art/ Technology Drink 8% Entertainm 2% ent 7% Personel Care/ Accessories 5% Leisure/ Gift/ Special 1% Service 0% Departmen t Store 0% Anchor 0% Tenants - Breakdown of Income Home 1% Cul ture/ Art/ Entertainme nt 6% Technology 2% Ready Wear 78% Service 0% Anchor 0% Home 1% Pers onel Ca re/ Acces sories 6% Lei sure/ Gi ft/ Special 1% Food & Drink 10% Departmen t Store 0% Ready Wear 73% 58 APPENDIX Torium Shopping Mall–Istanbul Ownership Operational Date Investment cost Occupancy (%) as of Dec 2011 Number of stores Torunlar REIC (100%) October 30th, 2010 TL221mm 99% 180 Migros, Elektroworld, C&A, H&M, M&S, Teknosa, Tekzen, YKM, Zara Anchor tenants Appraisal value (Dec 2011) TL567.3mm (US$298.6mm) Average lease term as of Dec-2011 4 years 95,280 m2 GLA retail 5,723 m2 GSA residential Freehold TRY 31.5mm GLA / GSA Leasehold/Freehold status Rental income 2011 •Torium is a mixed-use project of retail and residential use and the 5th largest mall of Turkey •It is located at the centre of high density residential settlements along one of the two major highways of Istanbul •The shopping mall provides a broad range of leisure and entertainment facilities •Majority of rents (70%) at the shopping mall are denominated in USD •12 out of 53 residetial units were sold for 1.710 TL/sqm starting from December 2011 until 30.06.2012 Tenants - Breakdown of GLA Technology 4% Culture/ Art/ Entertainment Personel Care/ 13% Accessories 3% Leisure/ Gift/ Service Special Department Store 2% 2% 5% Food & Drink 7% Tenants - Breakdown of Income Anchor 21% Home 2% Ready Wear 42% Technology 7% Culture/ Art/ Entertainment 4% Personel Care/ Accessories 7% Leisure/ Gift/ Special Service Department Store 3% 2% 3% Food & Drink 14% Anchor 12% Home 3% Ready Wear 45% 59 APPENDIX Ankamall Shopping Mall + Crowne Plaza Hotel–Ankara Yeni Gimat in which Torunlar REIC holds (14.83%) 1999 88,421 (REIC’s share 13,112) 100% (as of December 2010) 315 280 Migros, Koçtaş, Tepe Home, Electro World, Boyner, Mudo City, Ownership Operational Date Leasable area (m2) Occupancy (%) as of date Number of stores Number of rooms Anchor tenants Appraisal value (REIC share) (Dec 2011) TRY 181mm (US$95.3mm) NOI TRY 62mm Leasehold/Freehold status Rental income Freehold TRY 90.6mm •Ankamall is located in Yenimahalle, in the centre of Ankara. The shopping mall is considered to be the largest in Ankara and fourth largest in Turkey 10 •Ankamall is owned by Yeni Gimat which was formed as a cooperative with over 1000 investors, and in which Torunlar REIC currently has 14.83% stake, making it the largest shareholder as of Dec 31, 2011 •The property includes the Crowne Plaza Hotel which is a 21–storey building with 280 rooms •For Ankamall, the rents in Phase 1 are denominated in Turkish Lira, while the rents in Phase 2 are denominated in USD •ECE European Prime Shopping Centre Funds offered USD 525 million to buy 100% of Torunlar REIC’s 14.83% owned Ankamall and Crowne Plaza Hotel on July 15 and the deal is expected to be closed in early 3Q 2012. Dividends - Torunlar REIC share (TRY mm) 9 9.3 8 7 6 5 4 4.2 3 2 1 1.9 2.1 2007 2008 2.4 2.7 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 60 APPENDIX Boulevard Samsun Shopping Mall Ownership Torunlar REIC (40%) Operational Date 24.07.2012 Leasable area (m2) 14.943 m2 (13.991m2 retail 952 m2 office) Occupancy (%) as of date 92% Number of stores 38 Anchor tenants %43.2 of GLA ; Teknosa, Boyner, Koton, Deichmann Appraisal value (Dec 2011) TRY 41.4mm (US$ 23.1mm) Average lease term (as of July 2012) 5 years •The project is a mixed-use project developed in conjunction with the shopping mall developer Turkmall. Average LTM NOI (per TL/m2/month) TRY28 (€12) (Forecast) •Retail units will be leased for 21€/sq.m/month and office units for 12€/sq.m/month. Leasehold/Freehold status Leasehold Rental income (Annual Forecast) TRY 8.6mm (€3.7mm) •The property is located on the site of an ex-tobacco factory building at the city center of Samsun on the Black Sea region in Northern Turkey •The land is leased for 30 years from Samsun Metropolitan Municipality. •92% of the retail area has already been leased as of March 2012. 61 APPENDIX Korupark Residences Phase I & II •Located on the western side of Bursa (adjacent to Korupark Shopping Mall), the property is a residential settlement of luxurious units with sports and recreation facilities •The project is the first gated community in Bursa Ownership Torunlar REIC (100%) Leasehold/Freehold status Freehold Start of construction May, 2006 Date of completion Phase 1: January 2008/ Phase 2: December 2008 Operational date February 2008 Total investment TRY 123.3mm (US$85mm) Units sold (%) 92% (as of Dec 2011) Appraisal value (remaining units) TL35.6mm (US$18.7mm) (Dec 2011) •Phase I&II: 746 units (123.840 sq.m), thirteen blocks Inventory as of June 30th, 2012: 55 units (11.232 sqm) •For Korupark residences I/II, sales are Turkish Lira denominated and currently 2.000 TL/ sq.m 62 APPENDIX Korupark Residences Phase III Ownership Torunlar REIC (100%) Estimated start of construction May 2011 Estimated operational date 4Q 2012 Estimated investment TRY 90mm (US$47.8mm) Appraisal value TRY 74.7mm (US$39.3mm) (Dec 2011) Leasehold / Freehold status Freehold Number of residential units/GSA 680 units / 102.260 m2 residence Current status •The property, adjacent parcel to Korupark phase I & II, is a luxurious housing settlement. •For Korupark Residences Phase III, sales are denominated in Turkish Lira and 2.100TL/sq.m •Total 678 units (102,213sqm), 268 units (34.069 sqm) were presold as of June 30th 2012. Under construction MAP OF KORUPARK Korupark Residences Phase I & II Korupark Residences Phase III Korupark Shopping Mall •Note: Exchange rate US$/TL=1.5460 as of December 31, 2010 ¹ Prime appraisal report (based on the CMB standards as of December 31, 2010) 63 APPENDIX Mall of Istanbul–Istanbul •Mall of Istanbul is a mixed-use project with a large shopping mall development along with residential, office units •It is expected to be one of the largest mixed-use projects in Turkey •Planned to be built with 153.963 m² GLA enriched with 11.558 m² kids entertainment, 11.690 m² snowpark, cinema complex and conference / performance hall¹ •Mall of Istanbul is well connected to the city centre through the D100 and TEM highway. In addition, the site is located within 5km of the •For the Mall of İstanbul,retail units will be rented for 28$/m2 and residential and office units will be sold for 3500TL/m2 on the average. •Presales commenced on 23.04.2011 and 632 units were presold for 3.339 TL/m2 out of 1.114 and 76 office units out of 116 for 4.729 TL/m2 until 30.06.2012 •On 31.05.2011, the company signed USD 250 million loan agreement with Is Bank of Turkey for a term of 10 years with 3 years grace period. Ownership Start of construction Estimated date of completion Estimated operational date Estimated investment Torunlar REIC (100%) March 2011 H2 2013 Q4 2013 c.TRY695mm (US$370mm) Number of residences / GSA-GLA 153.963 m2 GLA mall, 122.000 m2 GSA residence, 24.914 m2 GSA office Appraisal value TRY 810.2mm (US$426.4mm) (Dec 2011) Leasehold/Freehold status Freehold Current status Under construction Breakdown - Area (GLA/GSA) Office 8% Retail 51% Residential 41% 64 APPENDIX Torun Tower–Istanbul •The property is located at the city centre in one of the most expensive commercial districts of Istanbul with a subway connection. •40 floor high-rise tower is planned Ownership Torunlar REIC (100%) Estimated start of construction December 2011 Estimated date of completion Q4 2013 Estimated operational date Q4 2013 Estimated investment c.TRY 157.9mm (US$84mm) Appraisal value TRY 253.3mm (US$133.3mm) (Dec 2011) Leasehold/Freehold status Freehold Current status Under construction Breakdown - Area (GLA) Other 2,415 m2 5% •The building is planned to be a landmark for the city with very modern architecture and construction technology •The Property is planned as a mixed-use project with office and retail units and will be leased. •Construction started in December 2011. •For Torun Tower, office units will be leased for 35$/sqm/month, retail units for 47$/sqm/month. Office 44,760 m2 95% 65 APPENDIX Mecidiyeköy (Ex-Ali Sami Yen Stadium) Mixed-use Project–Istanbul •Mecidiyeköy is a mixed-use project with unit residential complex, along with office and retail units. Ownership Torunlar REIC (65%), Torun Construction (30%), Kapicioglu (5%) Leasehold/Freehold status Revenue Share Estimated start of construction Q4 2012 Estimated date of completion Q4 2014 Estimated operational date Q4 2014 Estimated investment c.TRY 355mm (US$189.1mm) / TRY 231mm (US$123mm)* Land acquired Revenue Share (45%) Land area (m2) 34,640 Sellable area (m2) 57.500 sqm (37.375 sqm)*residence, 60.000 sqm (39.000 sqm)*office, 10.275 sqm (6.679 sqm)* retail Number of residences 593 •Its location is in the city center, on the land where the ex-stadium of Galatasaray is located. •The project is planned on three high-rise blocks of 40 storey's each. Two of the blocks will be used as residential, one block will be developed as AAppraisal value Class Office Tower. All of them will be sold •For the Mecidiyeköy Project sales will be denominated in Turkish Lira. Current status TRY 300mm (US$195mm) / TRY 195mm (US$125mm)* (Dec 2010) Under project development * Torunlar REIC’s share 66 APPENDIX Netsel Marina-Marmaris Ownership Torunlar REIC (44.6%) Operational Date Land Capacity Leasable area (m2) Mall Occupancy (%) as of date Number of stores 1989 37,478 sqm 700 yachts 7,692 (REIC’s share 3,431) 82% (as of December 2011) 75 Migros, Lacoste, Sisley, Tommy Hilfiger, Paul&Shark, Stefanel, Mudo Anchor tenants Appraisal value (REIC share) TRY 37.7mm (US$19.8mm) Mall rental revenue Total rental revenue Leasehold/Freehold status TRY 2mm TRY 15.9mm Freehold Dividends - Torunlar REIC share (TRY mm) •Netsel is one of the largest marinas in Turkey by capacity •It is located in Marmaris on the Aegean coast. •Torunlar purchased its stake for TL 14.9 mn in 2005. •The marina is operated by Setur, a subsidiary of Koc Holding. 4 3.5 3 2 •66 cruisers with 166.000 guests visited the marina in 2010 1 1.5 1.5 2007 2008 2.2 2.1 2009 2010 2.3 •2500-3000 people are estimated to visit the mall on a daily basis. 0 2011 2012 67 APPENDIX NishIstanbul Mixed-use Project–Istanbul •Located on the west-side of Istanbul in Yenibosna, 1.5 km away from Istanbul Atatürk Airport •Three residential blocks, one office block and retail units •The project partnership was terminated in June 2011. •As of June 2012, 3 residential units (291 m2) will be kept, 8 office (2150 m2) units will be sold for 5.500 TRY/m2. 20 stores (3.773 m2) will be sold for 6.000-8.000 TRY/m2. Ownership Torunlar REIC (60%) Leasehold/Freehold status Freehold Start of construction H2 2008 Operational date November 2010 Number of residences / Sellable area (m2) 585 /53,204 Number of offices / Sellable area (m2) 63/ 16,925 Number of retail units / Leasable area (m2) 52 / 10,937 Appraisal value (Dec 2011) TRY 40.3mm (US$21.2mm) 68 Contacts Ismail KAZANC CFO ismailkazanc@torunlargyo.com.tr Haluk YUKLER Investor Relations Director halukyukler@torunlargyo.com.tr TORUNLAR REIC (Real Estate Investment Company) Ruzgarlibahce Mah. Selvi Cikmazi No.4 Kavacik 34805 Istanbul TURKEY Phone: +90-216-425 20 07 Fax: +90-216-425 03 12 69 Disclaimer This presentation does contain forward-looking statements that reflect the Company management’s current views with respect to certain future events based on the base-case assumptions. Although it is believed that the expectations reflected in these statements are reasonable, they may be affected by a variety of variables and changes in underlying assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially. Neither Torunlar REIC nor any of its directors, managers or employees nor any other person shall have any liability whatsoever for any loss arising from the use of this presentation. 70
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