lror"**rW - Neighborhood House Association
lror"**rW - Neighborhood House Association
al a -"o-o . ooi , a 4d# Mission Statemeat The Neighborhood House Adult Day Health Care Center s e e k st o a s s i s t individuals achieve maximum fgnctional iadependence while providing supportive services to caregivers a a a a o a lror"**rW tilt 851 South35th Street,SanDiego,CA 92113 (619)233-6691 There'splentyof Fallhappeningsthis month. Daylight Savings Timeends November4th SO remember to moveyourclock backonehour.Wewillstay OPENto saluteVeteranson November 12. TheCenterwill cfoseThanksgivingHoliday on November24 & 25. Tickeawillsoonbe in the mailto our supportersfor the annual$l drawingfundraiser.The proceeds to to our program enrichment fund . Prizesincluderestaurant gift cards, SeaWorld tickets and other items. The Drawingwill be heldat the AnniversaryParty. goth ADHCAnniversary rL Party Slated for Decer"ffiffi ln 1982, the Genter opened itts door as the Neighborhood House Adult Day Health Gare Program . This year is our 3oth Annivensaryl Mark your Galendar for December 7 as we will celebrate with a fun parQl, special guests, food and entertainment. Staff, participants, famlly and frlends are all welcome. bench is drawing participants out to the garden. Heartfeltthanks to the family of foanne Dorsey who sponsoredthe benchin her memory. Mrs.Dorseyattendedthe programfor manyyears. A planning commit{ee has formed . The event will run from 6 to 8 pm. The center wlll be providing the turtey, ham and all the trimmings. Our families are invited to bring a dish or dessert to share. That day, participants will return home an hour early to prepare. No transpottatlon will be provided for this evening event. See you all there! Novemher ffi SIOL By JessicaMunoz ;1& V tE BSWIntern ft Duranteel mes de Noviembre,el primer domingo despuesde pentecostes se festeja el Dia de Todos los Santos. En este dia se hacen ofrendasen las tumbas para dar a los fallecidos generalmentecomida, bebidas,floresy cosas que les gusten y se quitan el dia 2 por la noche, permitiendode esa manera,que los fallecidosdisfruten la noche del ptimero de Noviembrede sus ofrendas.Este dia es un dia en el que toda la familia ss neunena recordary a convivir juntos. Luneh rlt -: Dntfee I l/l ChickenParikash 11/2SalmonFishTaco llll9 BBQ Chicken Ill20 Turkey & Pasta 11/21BeefPicadillo I 1/5 Turkey Cassoulette lll22 CenterClosed 11/6ChickenFajitas 1ll23 Closed 11/7Turkey& Gravy l1/8 BakedChicken 1ll9 BraisedBeef lln6 Spaghetti llll2 Beef& BeefTaco lll27 TeriyakiChicken 11/13Rotini& Beef lll28 BBQ Burger llll4 CheesyJackPenne lll29 BraisedBeef 11/15CheddarBake 1l/30 HerbedPanko ll/16 SpinachSalad& Cod Turkey Brufus, our service dogpaid a visit on Halloweendressedasan Alligator. It wasahoot to seehim lying low as an alligator would! YounsrurFBolrsc*ils f,orrTopRorEcT it is important lntoday's to keepupwiththe economy, if the latestscams. According to ConsumerReporfs, dealsoundstoogoodto betruethenit probably include never accepting isn't.Tipsrecommended "FreeDeals" services orsolicifromunknown financial suchastheNators,tonotpayanyfeesforwinnings misBureau, andthemostcommon tionalSvrreepstakes can conception ofallis believing thatthegovemment giveyoua freescooter.Remember tonevergiveany personal numinformation suchasyoursocialsecurity number tostrangers. Check berandyourMedicare yourMedicare regularly toseeif thereisany summary andleamotherways unauthorized activity.Bevigilant yourseff fromscams. toprotect ADHCStaff LIST JenniferHurlow-Poonesso, LCSW,Director E Betty - Tuyoy,MSW Edwords, RN Sus'on BSW,Act. Coord. Ano Porromore, JenniferOrlego,COTA,Act. Coord. LVN Groc6Willioms, PotJohnson, CNA AnnieColemon, CNA MorilynFullenPTA LorryLove,Fotilities,ProgromAide PROGRAT,IAIDES Ayolo PolricioFinner,Em.ilio DerrickHenderson DerrickSmilh STAFF CONTRACT PT,CorolYounl, ST Phyllis Doniell, Phorm. Jonel[ocey, OT,ArnoldLipschitz, DT, JoonneRobertsori, BulchAmorol,PH.d Dr. MerrittMotthews-MedicolDireclor ECCINSTRU€TORs JeonScott,SuziBeoch INTERNS JessicoMunoz,ChorlotleBeigner, NOvEMBER 2OI2 Neighborhood HouseAduhDayHceh*rCare I All SaintsDay PT:MTH PTA:MTWF OT:$TH COTA:M-F RN: M.F LVN:M-F lam Exercise: -ll:45 Lunch:12-l + ST:M,TH RD: 14th MD: 14th National Alzheimer's Month The Melody I Firress Makers Club Group Exercises Sing-A-Long w/ Jean BINGO I t3 veteran's lt' ,^ao r\/z \ll'zl trirria I l4 World NameThat KindnessDay Tunel KINDNESS Fall Creations ]ar\E^Jfr\a t,nD,aEE -I-IE)r w/ Jean -,II,IIGI I'It{I!TII l8 20 l9 rii g9!91199v,t"1?av N O V E M B E R1 5 Party w/ GusMeza! BINGO Native American Heritage Month 2l Meetings: Strengthening Thanlcsgiving World Hello INAonthe 14th Exercises Luncheon Day-Greet10 @er* people for PEACE! BINGO 26 28 27 SocialStudies Current Events wl Jean Brain Busters llaPPYanksgivlng Video of the We€k Music & Memories w/ Jean 30 Ageless Fitress Sign: Scorpio --" v^ n - 7 , More Fall Fun w/ Jean Iffi -l' & Suzi Birthstone: Citrine ADllGHcppen*rr* By Ano Pqrffiior€'BSW fJ + ADHCParticipant,q SeeSpots! '@$ October fun ot the Centerbegon with our qnnuolOkfoberfest& Polka Dot Contest.ldonyporficipontswone dots rangingfrom very smollto supersized! Certificsteswereoworded to llllorieHenderson,Juono Aguilo, HenriettoFulmore, Wong& JoniceClark,Peony PaulineMortin. Loter,buttery popcorn ondicecoldrcotbeerwos enjoyedbyoll! ?ffihhDoilfr ManuelArias Our PafticipantSpottight for the month of Octoberis Manuelfuias. Mr. Arias was bom where in the Phitippines he was a cook in the Navy for 2l years. After he retired from the Nayf, Mr. Arias worked for the Navy ExchangeProgram.White here at the center, Mr. Arias says he enjoys doing everything.His favorite activity is doing word search puzzles. Mr. Arias sa16 he is thankfirl for 'being happy and enjoying tifef ly ChodomcBcignea Ocro Intcm It's Thanksgivingtime, a specialtime to reflect and give thanksfor all of our blessings.Hereis what someof our participantsarethankfulfor... JaniceClarksays,"l'm thankfulfor beingableto cometo the center!" PaulineMartinis "thankfulfor 95 yearsof life!' MurielFlattssays,"l'm thankfulfor my familyand all of the support I receivefrom the Center!" WalidFarhais "thankfulfor beingat the centerand all the friendsI havemadehere!" It's FunGettingFit ATADHC! We are excitedto offer laughter Yoga& Zumba Classesat the Center for a limitedtime! Specialthanks to RobinRegele,hograms Coordinator from laughter Mattersfor her oucanding fundnisingefforts. In two weekstime shewasableto raiseenoughfundsto have LaughterYogaoffered at ADHC twice a monthfor 6 months! Zumbachsseswill be conductedby volunteer, JoanieVezaeveryThursday at I lam. Jointhe Zumba crazeand rock out to Latin beatsandget ft asyou laugh your heartout duringlaughter Yoga! Motiv'ation fuen thoughthese classesare designedto be fun it canstill be hardfor someof usto tet motivatedto ocercise. Reapthe benefitsof o<ercisingsuchas: qualityof life.a"il l. Enhances 2. fmprovesmood. I ; ^ t3. Boostsenerty t : 4. Promces better tl""p ".-pf 5. Reverses the effectsofstress 6. Buildsself-esteem 7. Keepsthe brain fit BountifulBirthdcyWishes To: Participonts: PeterBerdzor nlto Staff: n ll/23 DerrickHenderso ll/27 JoonneRobertson