Local bowlers compete at State Open Senior event Hall of Fam 2014


Local bowlers compete at State Open Senior event Hall of Fam 2014
No v em ber 2 0 14
V o l u m e 6 – I ssu e 5
Local bowlers compete at
State Open Senior event
Hall of Fame 2014
There was a record turnout at the New York State Open Senior Championships, an event that
was held in October at Cort Lanes in Cortland.
The 36th annual tournament drew 154 doubles teams and 280 entries for singles. The tourney
concluded Oct. 20.
Central New York bowlers fared well at the state championships for men and women ages 50
and over. Robert Walawender from the Auburn Bowling Association placed first in the 70-74 age
division in the six-game combine with a 1,402 total.
The age divisions were Super Senior (75-and-over), Class A (70-74), Class B (65-69), Class C
(60-64), Class D (55-59) and Class E (50-54).
Russ Mills (Auburn BA) and Chuck Pitts (Seven Valley BA) won the Class C doubles with a
1,416 total. Syracuse hall of famers Gary Cunningham and Buddy Amidon placed third. Dave
Demperio and Chuck Trudell were fifth.
In other highlights:
• Dom Cefalo took third in the Class B six-game combine.
• Cliff Saliba and Sam Ventura placed fifth in Class D doubles.
• Chuck Trudell was second in Class B singles with a 741 total.
Complete unofficial standings can be found at: http://www.
bowlny.com. Standings are unofficial until average verifications.
At least one in five entries will cash in each event and age
division. Prize checks are expected to be mailed no later than
mid-November. Official champions in the Six-Game Combine
will be eligible to compete in the USBC Senior Championships next August in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
continued on page 3 u
Chuck Trudell finished
second in Class B singles
at the 2014 State Open
Senior Championships.
A new look at
AMF Strike N Spare
AMF Strike N Spare, the largest bowling center in Central New York, updated its look by
replacing its old sign with a new red AMF logo sign.
Matty, Rusin selected for Auburn Hall of Fame
Jeff Matty and Steve
Rusin, both of Auburn,
will be inducted into the
Auburn Bowling Association Hall of Fame on
Nov. 8. Matty and Rusin
will be recognized in
the outstanding bowler
resume is filled with
many individual acJeff Matty
his most memorable
bowling moment was
team oriented. In 2012,
the three-man team of
Rick Lambrecht, Keith
Thomas and anchor
Matty combined for an
833 game. Both Matty
and Lambrecht rolled
perfect games.
“I would say that was
Steve Rusin
the most pressure I ever
felt since bowling my
first 300,” Matty said. “It ended up as the 16th
highest series for that season in the country.”
The 50-year-old Matty rolled a career-best
816 series in 2011 and has numerous award
scores including 15 perfect games.
“To be recognized for my bowling achievements is a great feeling, but without my teammates being there when each and every award
was achieved to cheer me on is priceless,” he
said. “I’ve been a lucky guy to be able to bowl
with my fellow teammates locally and when we
travel to tournaments that is what really makes
me happy on the lanes.”
Rusin, 53, has a career-high series of 822.
During his career, he has won in every category
of the Auburn BA championships. His best year
was 2011 when he placed first in the team event,
singles and all-events. Rusin has been a member
of the Auburn BA for 31 years and has bowled
in at least four leagues each of those years. He
has a total of 20 perfect games and five 800 series.
The annual ceremony will take place 6 p.m.
at Sunset Restaurant in Auburn. Tickets are $22
per person. For reservations, call Diane O’Donnell at 252-1939.
The Auburn Women’s Bowling Association
did not have any hall of fame inductions this
In addition to the hall of fame festivities, individual Auburn association awards for the 201314 season will be handed out.
For the men, Christopher Plis won the high
series award with an 855 three-game set. Michael Ryan earned the high average award with
a 232. For the women, Michelle Reynolds had
the high series with an 809. Michelle Feldman
posted the high average with a 229 and Rebecca
O’Donnell rolled the high game with a 300 last
The hall of fame dinner and ceremony is a
coordinated by Diane O’Donnell (reservations,
seating), Ann Fenton (program booklet) and
Joan Ashby.
(Left to right) Rod Collins, Dan Smith, Tina Becciu and Doug Gustin were inducted into the
Syracuse Bowling Halls of Fame by their respective associations Nov. 1 at the Ramada Inn
in Salina. Congratulations! A photo gallery from the event will appear in the next issue of
The CNY Striker.
Spare time with: Gianmarc Manzione,
the author of “Pin Action”
Gianmarc Manzione knows bowling.
As the editor of Bowlers Journal International, Manzione’s fascination with the sport began at a young age and
continues to this day. That’s why it’s no surprise Manzione spent five years researching and writing “Pin Action:
Small-Time Gangsters, High-Stakes Gambling, and the
Teenage Hustler Who Became A Bowling Champion”.
As the title suggests, Manzione’s 256-page hardcover
book, which was released Nov. 4, delves into the colorful
yet seedy world of New York action bowling based on
the life and exploits of the most notorious action bowler
of them all, Ernie Schlegel.
“Ernie is possibly the most fascinating individual I
have ever encountered,” Manzione said. “His story and
his personality struck me as the stuff of good litera
Gianmarc Manzione
Manzione hopes his book appeals to a wide audience,
not just bowlers. He said Schlegel is excited about the book.
“My target audience is essentially the lovers of bowling history, non-bowling baby boomers
who will find in 'Pin Action' a vivid reconstruction of a time in their life they often recall
nostalgically, and young people who love gritty stories of gangsters, gamblers, and American
mavericks like Ernie Schlegel,” he said.
The 35-year-old Manzione, a Brooklyn native who now resides in St. Petersburg, Fla.,
spoke with The CNY Striker about his book and writing about the infamous bowler.
On seeing Schlegel for the first time: I was nailed to my chair watching the live broadcast of the 1995 Touring Players Championship, I think I was 16 years old or so, and I
instantly became enamored of his personality. That I went on to write a book about his
life is a twist of fate I never could have foreseen and never will believe.
On why he wrote the book: “I did not want this history to die with those who made it.
Ernie is 72, and many others I mention in the book are older or have passed away. I did
not want their stories to be forgotten.”
On the hardest part about writing “Pin Action”: I am being honest here, and not facetious at all, when I tell you this: The most difficult thing about writing “Pin Action”
was writing it. I knew that it would require a ton of work. Writing this book has been the
most arduous challenge I have ever set for myself. But seeing it come to this fruition is
also absolutely thrilling.
On the most revealing thing he discovered about Schlegel: “Perhaps the most revealing thing I discovered about Ernie Schlegel is that beneath the tough exterior --an
exterior some find off-putting --truly resides the heart of a caring, genuine, sincere, and
loving soul."
One true story: "Ernie became friends with the parents of a boy around the age of 10
who already had endured multiple heart surgeries. After several surgeries, the boy's
father thought his son would not have to endure another one. When he learned he was
wrong, he called Ernie. I happened to be staying at Ernie's house that day doing some
in-person interviews and other research, and I found him weeping in his living room
after having just heard that news from the boy's father. People know the 'killer' in Ernie;
they know the tough guy and the hustler. They don't know the guy I found weeping in
his living room.”
About the author Gianmarc Manzione: “Pin Action” ($27.95, Pegasus Books) can be
purchased on Amazon.com. This is Maznione’s second book. His first, a poetry collection called “This Brevity”, was published in 2006. His new manuscript of poems called
“The Panic Inside the Stars” was named a finalist for the 2014 New American Poetry
for book review, go to page 4 u
No v e m be r 2014
Here’s a list of award scores submitted by the Syracuse Bowling Association:
(League secretaries are responsible for reporting award scores to the SBA).
300 Games
Oct. 23 Nicole O’Brien Bowl Mor
Here’s a list of award scores from the Auburn Bowling Association:
Jim Melfi / 300 / 9/3/2014 / Bill Stanley Memorial / Rainbow Lanes
Robert Raison / 300 / 10/3/2014 / Earl Schemmerhorn Memorial / Falcon Lanes
Dale Weigand / 290 / 9/25/2014 / Senior Stars / Rainbow Lanes
Greg Spinelli / 300 / 10/8/2014 / Fred York Memorial / Falcon Lanes
Tim Waters / 300 / 10/8/2014 / Fred York Memorial / Falcon Lanes
Tim Waters / 868 / 10/8/2014 / Fred York Memorial / Falcon Lanes
Jonathan Richardson / 300 / 9/7/2014 / Saturday Night Mixed / King Ferry Center
Issue 4 of the CNY Striker listed a breakdown of 300 games and 800 series by bowling center for the 2013-14 season.
The list was based on scores reported to the Syracuse Bowling Association. Hi-Way Bowl in Canastota was not listed.
Hi-Way Bowl had one 300 game last season.
HONOR ROLL Nicole O’Brien: O’Brien, bowling in the Bowl Mor
Thursday Night Men’s League, recorded her first career per
perfect game Oct. 23 on lanes 5-6. Her previous career-high
game was 299.
Earlier this fall, O’Brien rolled a season-best 290 game
before hitting 300 in her first game of the night. She added
games of 203 and 186 for a 689 series
Witnessing her perfect game were O’Brien’s teammates, Andy
Melnyk, Joe Cordone, Peter Moro Jr. and sub Mike Cefalo.
Nicole O’Brien
Matt Hemmingway: Hemmingway rolled his first career 300 game while bowling in the Tom DiRenzo Insurance
Men’s League at the B’ville Sports Bowl. He shot the perfect
game on the way to a 734 series. Hemmingway was pleased
that he recorded his first-ever 300 while bowling on a team
with his dad and brother. He used a Storm IQ Fusion drilled
at the Lakeview Bowling Center in Liverpool.
– Kevin Peirson
Thunderbird King of the Hill: Derek Magno dethroned reigning King of the Hill
TJ Mento, 270-235, in the championship on Oct. 26. Magno averaged 266 in four matches
of the stepladder final. He won $500 for first.
Stepladder results: Match 1: Pat Galway def. Dan Bibbens 203-199
Match 2: Magno def. Galway 299-226
Match 3: Magno def. Don Brush 277-213
Match 4: Magno def. Erik Jeffers 220-187
Championship: Magno def. Mento 270-235
Women’s pro tour to re-launch
1777 Brewerton Road | 315-454-9788
located inside AMF Strike-N-Spare behind lanes 47-48
By Jason Overstreet, USBC Communications
The Professional Women’s Bowling Association (PWBA) Tour will re-launch in 2015
with a three-year funding commitment from the
United States Bowling Congress (USBC) and
Bowling Proprietors’ Association of America
(BPAA). Preliminary plans call for a nine-event
tour running from mid-summer through early
“We have seen women’s bowling experience
fantastic growth in the participation and skill development at the high school and collegiate level
in recent years,” USBC president Andrew Cain
said. “Now the USBC and BPAA are uniting to
provide this talented next generation of women a
Your free copy of The CNY Striker is courtesy of
your local bowling centers and other advertisers
that appear in this edition. We thank them for
their support.
To send story ideas, upcoming events, league
scores or to inquire about advertising, please
email us at thecnystriker@yahoo.com. The
opinions expressed in this paper are those of the
authors and not necessarily those of The CNY
Striker or the local bowling associations.
715 Old Liverpool Road
Liverpool, NY 13088
Email: ..................thecnystriker@yahoo.com
Editor/Writer ............................. Fran Piraino
Design/Layout/Production .. Joyce Rougeau
Advertising coordinator ........John Rougeau
Distribution coordinator ........ Robert Ripka
Contributing writers ..................Bob Piraino
.......................................................Donald Pratt
Bookkeeping/Finance............. Sandy Adiano
...................................................... Sandy Argus
professional tour to continue pursuing their passion for the sport.”
An initial framework approved by both the
USBC and BPAA Boards of Directors calls for
an equal investment by USBC and BPAA to
support operation and guaranteed prize funds
of the PWBA Tour for the 2015, 2016 and 2017
seasons. Events will have a Friday-Sunday format to allow PWBA members to bowl tour stops
and have flexibility for family or job obligations
during the week.
“The new PWBA Tour must fit the lifestyle
balance today’s women need,” BPAA President
Tom Martino said. “Women shouldn’t have to
choose between pursuing their dream as a professional bowler and the stability of traditional
home life. We want the new tour to be an option
for as many women as possible.”
The initial framework for the 2015 PWBA
Tour calls for eight regular-season tour events
culminating in a PWBA Tour Championship as
the ninth event. The regular season will be live
streamed online with a broadcast partner sought
for the PWBA Tour Championship. A search
will be conducted to hire support staff with
USBC and BPAA providing assistance until the
structure is developed.
For local award scores
and bowling information,
please go to
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N o v em ber 2 0 14
Local bowlers compete at
State Open Senior event
continued from page 1
Six-Game Combine:
Super Senior (75-and-over) – Ruth Bailey, New York City USBC, 1,398; Bruce Ottmer, Albany USBC, 1,385; Donald Korn, Greater Buffalo USBC, 1,374.
Class A (70-74) – Robert Walawender, Auburn USBC BA, 1,402; Sandy Tanner,
Greater Buffalo USBC, 1,392; Curtis Williams, Adirondack USBC, 1,367.
Class B (65-69) – Al Vlietstra, Genesee Region USBC, 1,483; Maresse Wager-Walawender, Auburn USBC WBA, 1,464; Dominick Cefalo, Syracuse USBC BA,
Class C (60-64) – Howard Miller, Greater Buffalo USBC, 1,402; Glenn Bridges,
Fulton USBC BA, 1,390; Gary Kinyon, Lockport USBC, 1,384.
Class D (55-59) – Charlene Brandow, Columbia Greene USBC, 1,510; Charles Pitts,
Seven Valley USBC, 1,463; William Pownall, Jamestown Area USBC, 1,405.
Class E (50-54) – Donald Eubanks, New York City USBC, 1,509; Steven Aloi, Seven
Valley USBC, 1,391; Michael Bauer, Adirondack USBC, 1,368.
Super Senior – Paul Tremblay and Thomas Sanford, Sayre Athens Waverly Valley
USBC, 1,356; Robert Weeks and Robert Tyler, Hudson Valley USBC, 1,356; Sandy
Corbelli and David Hearn, Greater Buffalo USBC, 1,349.
Class A – Bruce Szczepanski and Skip Weeks, Rochester USBC BA, 1,361; Bruce
Ottmer and John Tisko, Albany USBC, 1,356; Ed DeSio, Lake Ontario USBC, and
Russell Jacobs, Ithaca USBC, 1,334.
Class B – Donald Korn and Duane Harris, Greater Buffalo USBC, 1,420;
Walawender and Walawender, 1,411; Jeanie Kramer and Robert Williams, Adirondack USBC, 1,390.
Class C – Russ Mills, Auburn USBC, and Charles Pitts, 1,416; Geraldine Gregg and
Charlene Brandow, Columbia Greene USBC, 1,411; Gary Cunningham and Lloyd
Amidon, Syracuse USBC BA, 1,396.
Class D – Charles Pitts and James Pitts, 1,450; Jeff Gordon and Craig Vogel, Rome
USBC, 1,397; Doug Mosher and Tom Scalia, Elmira USBC, 1,378.
Class E – Steve Aloi and William Young, Seven Valley USBC, 1,367; Rick Lambrecht and William Young, Seven Valley USBC, 1,318; Dennis Kimball and David
Brinkerhoff, Fulton USBC BA, 1,295.
Super Senior – Bailey, 711; Ottmer, 702; Tyler, 694.
Class A – Andrew Burger, Hudson Valley USBC, 722; Tanner, 712; Robert
Walawender, 709.
Class B – Maresse Wager-Walawender, 746; Charles Trudell, Syracuse USBC BA,
741; Vlietstra, 729.
Class C – Miller, 727; Fred Martens, 723; Kinyon, 722.
Class D – George Muller, Seven Valley USBC, 772; William Samson, Fulton USBC
BA, 766; Pownall, 745.
Class E – Eubanks, 797; Aloi, 730; Cindy Lee, Southern Tier USBC, 716.
No v e m be r 2014
New book highlights the life of Schlegel
A review by Bob Piraino
Win a copy of “Pin Action”
“Pin Action: Small-Time Gangsters, High-Stakes Gambling, and the Teenage Hustler Who Became A Bowling Champion”, a new book by Gianmarc Manzione, is a
biography that chronicles the life of professional bowler Ernie Schlegel. This is a book
that will interest a generation of bowlers who remember smoke-filled lanes and late
night pot games which were prevalent during the sport’s heyday in the 1960s and 70s.
For me, the book brought back many memories of action bowling at the Eastwood
Sports Center. My cousin, Marty Piraino, told me many stories about how all the best
bowlers in the area would show up to the Sports Center after midnight on Thursdays
to bowl each other head-to-head for money to see who the top action bowler was. For
those who do not recognize the terms used throughout the book, action bowling and
pot games refer to high-stakes unsanctioned private organized matches.
Manzione’s book gives you an inside look into the rough subculture of New York
City action bowling through the life of Ernie Schlegel. For many, Schlegel is best
known as the professional bowler who dressed in gaudy, outlandish outfits but never
won a PBA championship until the 1980 King Louie Open in Kansas City. But
Schlegel’s path to the pro tour, as outlined in great detail by Manzione, was littered
with alcohol, drugs, street fights, seedy bowling centers filled with undesirables and
The book starts out with a chronological account of Schlegel’s youth and experiences as one of the top action bowler in the New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia
area. There was not a bowling center or time of day that Schlegel wasn’t ready to bowl,
but only if the money was right.
For those who are in their late 50s or older, hearing bowlers nicknamed, Psycho
Dave, Mike the Cab Driver, Freddy the Ox and Iggy might stir up memories of a bygone era of bowling. Pot games, action bowlers and hustler are terms that need to be
known in order to fully understand Ernie Schlegel’s checkered beginnings. Schlegel
encountered future stars Johnny Petraglia, Mike Limongelo and Larry Lichstein and
worked the many centers that hosted these late night gambling events. All are featured
in the book.
Schlegel’s life can be viewed as a “rags to riches” story where he was able to overcome hardship to become a professional bowler. But for me, the book is also a tale of
a hustler who did whatever he could to make a dollar.
The life of pro bowler Ernie Schlegel is doc
documented in Gianmarc Manzione’s newly
released book, “Pin Action: Small-Time
Gangsters, High-Stakes Gambling, and the
Teenage Hustler Who Became A Bowling
Manzione’s non-fiction book centers
around Schlegel’s rise through the ques
questionable world of action bowling in New
York City. Schlegel’s tale is filled with
seedy characters, uproarious eccentrici
eccentricities with improbable twists and turns en
Proroute to a successful career on the Pro
fessional Bowlers Tour.
The CNY Striker is giving away a copy
of “Pin Action” to one lucky reader.
To win the book, submit your favorite
Schlegel memory – a story about his
crazy bowling outfits or a story about
watching his antics on TV or perhaps
meeting him in person. The CNY
Striker editor Fran Piraino will pick
the best story as the winner.
Submit your Schlegel story by
email to: thecnystriker@yahoo.
com with a name and contact
number. The deadline to enter is
Dec. 1.
BOWLING MEMORIES: Bowling centers from the past
Syracuse’s rich bowling history includes many bowling
centers that no longer exist today. The most recent is 56-yearold Erie Boulevard Bowling Center which shut its doors for
bowling this year.
But there was a time when there were bowling establishments in every neighborhood of Syracuse. Places like Palace
Lanes, Drumlins, Bowl Mor Lanes on N. Salina St., the Polish Home, James St. Lanes and South Side Recreation Lanes
How many do you remember?
Holiday Bowl, Eastwood Sports Center and the Syracuse
Bowling Center were three of my favorites back in the day,
especially the Sports Center where I joined my first bowling
league with my future husband and my in-laws on the Sunday
What were your favorite places to bowl and why? Email
your answer to: thecnystriker@yahoo.com and we’ll print
your responses in an upcoming issue of The CNY Striker.
– Fran Piraino
Here’s a list of former Syracuse bowling centers to jog your memory.
American Legion 109 S. Clinton St.
American Legion 500 W. Onondaga St.
Assumption Church 800 B1 N. Salina St.
Bagozzi's 470 S. Salina St.
Bellevue Lanes Bellevue Country Club
Bowl Mor 424 N. Salina St.
Brighton Lanes 2610 S. Salina St.
Cappy's (Hiawatha) Hiawatha Blvd. W.
Chamber of Commerce South Warren St.
Church of the Atonement Midland Avenue
City Club 400 South Warren St.
Columbus Park Lanes E. Genesee & Cherry St.
Cool Catz Westvale Plaza
Dewitt E. Genesee & Erie Blvd. E.
Drumlins Drumlins Country Club
Eastwood Sports Center 2912 James Street
Emerald City (Sullivan) 101 Genesee St. Chittenango
Expressway Lanes 5800 Crabtree Lane
Fairmount Bowling Center 4107 West Genesee St.
Furman Church Furman Street
Fremont Lanes 7030 Manlius Center Rd.
Gage's Lanes Cazenovia
Gordon's Alleys South Salina St.
Gray's E. Genesee St. (Collins Block)
Guild Hall at Solvay Process
Hancock Field Lanes at Hancock Air Base
Heid's Liverpool
Holiday Bowl 3033 Erie Blvd. E.
Holy Trinity 501 Park Street
Iron Pier Free St. (Hiawatha & Salina)
Jefferson Alleys E. Jefferson & Cedar St.
Kemper's Main St., Village of Camillus
Klein's Butternut St. & Grant Blvd.
Korzyp's (Zecks) Gertrude St. - (Solvay)
Kuntch & Davis East Washington St.
LaFayette Lanes Rt. 11, LaFayette
Longbranch at Park under dance floor
Lyncourt Bowling Center 2406 Court Street
Marine Bowl Rt. 11, Brewerton
Maurer's (Recreation) East Washington St.
Melody Lanes (James St.) 3535 James St.
Miller's Main St., N. Syracuse
Modern Lanes 2338 James St.
Mount Tabor 1012 Buttemut St.
Neri's 4100 Block S. Salina St.
P.L.A.V. 1139 W. Genesee St.
Palace Lanes 476 South Salina St.
Potter's Club West Fayette St.
Rockaway Beach Lakeland (Now Rt. 690)
Rockwell Employee Assoc. 700 Marcellus St.
Sacred Heart Park Avenue
Sedwick Farms Tennis 400 Block Dewitt St.
Seeland's N. State St. near Laurel
Seneca Turnpike Lanes 438 W. Seneca Tpk.
Smith Corona East Washington St.
South Side Recreation 2103 S. Salina St.
St. Anthony's Church Midland Ave.
St. Francis Parish Marcellus
St. John's Parish Marcellus
Stoddard's Minoa
Syracuse Amusement W. Jefferson St. / Lowel Bldg.
Syracuse Bowling Center W. Genesse St.
Syracuse Industrial Club 226 W. Genesee St.
Syracuse University Comstock Avenue
Thater Park Grant Blvd. & Pond St.
Ukrainian Club Lanes 303 South Wilbur Ave.
Valley Sport Center 117 East Florence Avenue
Syracuse Bowling Center’s interior
N o v em ber 2 0 14
The 3-6-9 Spooktacular Adult/ Youth Tournament
Tammy Huff/Leslie Lewis ...........1415
1st place
Gary/Tanner Rozyczko ..............1389
2nd place
Jason/Cadence Malicek ............. 1352
3rd place
James/Logan Herrmann ............1326
1st place
Matt Neuser/Isaiah Days............1460
2nd place
Eric/Jessica Birdslow ................. 1451
3rd place
Bill/Sean Timmons .................... 1419
Former high school teammates Matt Neuser
and Isaiah Days (left) won the 13-over Division
at the 3-6-9 Spooktacular Tournament on Oct.
26 at Lakeview Bowling Center.
Eric and Jessica Birdslow placed second in
the 13-over Division at the 3-6-9 Spooktacular
Tournament on Oct. 26 at Lakeview Bowling
Bill and Sean Timmons stands together after
finishing third in the 13-over Division at the
3-6-9 Spooktacular Tournament on Oct. 26 at
Lakeview Bowling Center.
Tammy Huff and Leslie Lewis won the
Bumpers Division at the 3-6-9 Spooktacular
Tournament on Oct. 26 at Lakeview Bowling
Gary and Tanner Rozyczko won the
12-under Division at the 3-6-9 Spooktacular
Tournament on Oct. 26 at Lakeview Bowling
Jason and Cadence Malicek teamed up to
take second in the 12-under Division at the
3-6-9 Spooktacular Tournament on Oct. 26
at Lakeview Bowling Center.
By Donald Pratt
The Snowbelt 700 Club won the Eastern Regional 700
Club Jamboree which was held at Lighthouse Lanes in Oswego on Oct. 11. Four 700 Club chapters competed: Rome,
Thousand Island, Glens Falls and host Snowbelt.
The tournament drew 86 bowlers who all bowled a
three-game series. The top four scores from each chapter
determined the standings.
Snowbelt finished first as their
top four bowlers combined for a
score of 2,864. Mark Nice rolled his
first career 300 game en route to a
team-best 757 series. Mike Gentile
(706), Bill Ford (705) and Jeff Gordon (697) also contributed for the
Snowbelt team.
Thousand Islands finished secMark Nice rolled his ond with a team total of 2,811. Ken
first career perfect
Mitchell had a team-high 713 series
game Oct. 11 at the
followed by Russ Carpenter (711),
Eastern Regional
Gordon Steel (700) and Penny Mc700 Club Jamboree Kenna (687).
at Lighthouse Lanes.
Rome placed third with a score of
2,630. Charlie Bellino was high for
Rome with a 669. Glens Falls was fourth (2,474) and Mike
Blair rolled a 720 series with a 299 game.
Division winners based on average were:
200-plus: Mike Blair 720
190-199: Penny McKenna 687
180-189: Karl Broman 515
179-under: Randy Snyder 563
Nice won the Granddaddy Division with a handicap
score of 763. He rolled games of 210, 247 and 300.
The Jamboree tournament will be hosted by the Glens
Falls chapter next fall.
700 Club chapter
wins Jamboree
Logan Herrmann raises his trophy as he and
James Herrmann took third in the 12-under
Division at the 3-6-9 Spooktacular Tournament
on Oct. 26 at Lakeview Bowling Center.
Bowl Mor
Oct. 18
Bumper Buddies: Anthony Messina 57/94, Nicholas Harders 76/132,
Joey Calangelo 100/194, Alana Turbeville 77/144
Juniors: Alexander Wilson 100/288, Daniel Sojewicz 145/369, America
Carhart 154/426, Giana Calangelo 54/129, Trey Borkowski 92/24
Majors: Casey Smith 258/603, Amber Brayen 171/417, Kevin Romer
201/549, TJ Fitzpatrick 121/344, Kyle Patterson 176/409, Dan Marriott
223/588, Ryan MacCombie 257/533
Oct. 25
Bumper Buddies: Alex Locke 85/169, Joey Calangelo 81/162, Alana
Turbeville 75/141, Anthony Messina 46/81, Nicholas Harders 95/171
Juniors: Dan Sojewicz 190/444, Geno Messina 147/350, Trey Borkowski
86/229, Shaun Petrocci 74/171, Preston Petrocci 67/178, Ryan Buffum
147/404, Giana Calangelo 64/132, Cadence Malicek 69/177
Majors: Hunter Borkowski 160/387, Brenden Gibson 189/489, TJ
Fitzpatrick 142/329, Dan Marriott 208/587, Nate Piston 212/556, Casey
Smith 229/592, Alex Flood 134/347, Sean Timmons 178/422
Lakeview Bowling Center
Week of Oct. 18
Bumper Buddies: Collin Edwards 120/219, Tommy O’Connell 94/165,
Dominick Russell 91/162, Jayden Fay 91/157, Gianni Queior 83/153,
Armani Queior 77/143
Juniors: Zackary Ormsby 163/472, Devin Roberson 147/380, Deacon
Roberson 118/327, Brandi Harmon 94/253, Kayla Petrusch 86/248,
Jerimiah Secore 33/96, Cassie Wiggins 91/259, Michael Gill 51/115,
Mackenzie Gill 57/154, Joe Oliver 47/133, Dylan Wiggins 103/296,
Logan Herrmann 129/354, Kyle Herrman 76/209, Peter Herrman 98/256,
Landon Spingler 117/342
Seniors: Makenzie Streeter 147/414, Katherine Garrett 149/420, Jordan
Bartholomew 191/507, Mike Flynn 145/401, Dimitri Queior 108/304,
Tanner Rozyczko 155/379, Alex Caiello 178/456, Jack Boulerice 179/458,
Isaiah Days 225/627, Cameron Wilson 234/586,Andrea Petrusch 122/352,
Megan Natello 122/339, Justin Morris 129/374, Matt O’Neil 181/484,
Brittany Homer 132/370, Mariah Birdslow 131/325, Natalie Taylor
171/490, Jessica Birdslow 191/511, Riley Warren 118/303, Josh Winzens
176/430, Joe Laskowski 125/322, Alex Winzens 162/472, Jake Ciccarelli
139/357, JJ O’Connell 181/500, Zach Emm 169/466, Nick Bough 223/626,
Justin Taylor 149/352, Drew Taylor 113/298, Ryan Taylor 125/335, DJ
Taylor 183/408
Week of Oct. 25
Bumper Buddies: Collin Edwards 94/171, Tommy O’Connell 75/140,
Dominick Russell 96/188, Jayden Fay 84/166, Gianni Queior 87/157,
Armani Queior 55/110
Juniors: Zackary Ormsby 212/498, Devin Roberson 139/351, Deacon
Roberson 144/390, Brandi Harmon 89/233, Kayla Petrusch 131/320,
Addison Pritchard 18/47, Cassie Wiggins 96/249,
Jerimiah Secore 56/136, Michael Gill 78/206,
Mackenzie Gill 78/178, Joe Oliver 48/124, Dylan
Wiggins 85/249, Logan Herrmann 132/329, Kyle
Herrman 61/171, Peter Herrman 119/301, Landon
Spingler 139/409
Seniors: Brooke Flask 139/394, Makenzie Streeter
170/483, Katherine Garrett 163/426, Jordan
Bartholomew 208/568, Mike Flynn 156/432, Dimitri
Queior 200/505, Tanner Rozyczko 147/391, Alex Caiello
213/571, Eric Tangredi 145/419, Jack Boulerice 168/436,
Cameron Wilson 156/406, Megan Natello 152/349,
Andrea Petrusch 130/375, Justin Morris 112/312, Jordan
Smith 144/376, Matt O’Neil 233/601, Brittany Homer
165/, Jimmy Santy 129/361, Mariah Birdslow 151/362,
Natalie Taylor 145/399, Jessica Birdslow 184/476, Riley
Warren 137/374, Josh Winzens 127/334, Alex Winzens
224/583, Joe Laskowski 153/412, Jake Ciccarelli
146/371, JJ O’Connell 213/534, Mike O’Connell Jr.
181/508, Zach Emm 198/535, Nick Bough 169/446,
Justin Taylor 121/327, Drew Taylor 110/301, Ryan Taylor
118/315, DJ Taylor 148/361
Rainbow Lanes
Al Rizzo Juniors
Oct. 18. Terrence O’Donnell 213-565, Jay Whiteside
207-530, Keith Flynn 187-459, Ryan Whiteside
164-417, Dylan Wilder 165-412, Kyle Franceschelli
147-395, Nick Flynn 140-382, Ryan Baldwin 173356, Tony Cole 119-318, Nick Smith 125-307, Ryan
Fedigan 287, Nick Ball 239, Richard Sincerbeaux
234, Nick Lee 181, Alexis Colbert 127-368, Katelyn
Franceschelli 118-325, Sara Workman 123-299,
Olyvia Mead 115-257, Alicia Workman 93-255
Oct. 25. Terrence O’Donnell 203-580, Jay Whiteside
206-545, Keith Flynn 176-477, Nick Flynn 171427, Zack Relfe 162-423, Ryan Whiteside 146-400,
Dylan Wilder 129-381, Christopher Russo 145-361,
Kyle Franceschelli 359, Brandon Relfe 129-351,
Ryan Baldwin 309, Hunter Towers 297, Tony Cole
296, Ryan Fedigan 291- Chris Matty 283, Richard
Sincerbeaux 266, Nick Smith 253, Nick Lee 165,
Katelyn Franceschelli 162-435, Alexis Colbert 168408, Jennifer Hoffman 143-359, Ariel Mead 126292, Sara Workman 104-287, Olyvia Mead 94-240,
Alicia Workman 105-225, Makayla Hastings 66-166
No v e m be r 2014
Notable High Scores
★ ★ ★ ★ ATTENTI O N LEAG UE SECRETA R IE S ! ! ! ★ ★ ★ ★
The CNY Striker wants your league scores and it’s easy to report them.
Here’s what to do: Compile the top 10 scores, with first and last names followed by their series, in paragraph form in a Word Document or in the body of an email. Please include the
name of the league and the date the league competed at the beginning. Then send them to: thecnystriker@yahoo.com.
It’s as simple as that to help your league bowlers get recognized!
AMF Strike N Spare
N. Syracuse, NY
Friday Memorial
Oct. 24. Mike Cross 269-741 Bryan Jones 279-737 Mike
Powers 258-723 Joe Prietti 263-718 Dom Roffo 267-714
John Fiume 268-711 Daryl Pepe 269-709 Roger Squires
250-696 John Kohanski Jr 238-685 Joe Falciatano 267682 Greg Hudson 257-681 Stephen Worthy 235-669 Tom
Canino 246-669 Jason St. Dennis 266-665 Eddie Van
Slyke 268-652
Independent Ladies
Oct. 22. Stacey Lane 223-603, Heather Fischer 222-603,
Minnie Welch 199-568, Lashanna White 213-566, Val
Bruni 200-558, Denise Felder 191-558, Fran Piraino 200552, Veronica Adams 198-534, Kelly Spaulding 193-516
Wallace Westfall Memorial League
Oct. 20. Dan Smyth 246/672, Dave Pringle Jr. 223/641,
Dave Heffron 255/691 David Frigon Jr. 268/653 Kevin
Catlin 224/657 John Kirchoff 258/670 Thomas Griffin
246/703 TJ Haas 279/645 Eugene Snyder 289/670 Harry
Webb 254/675 Matt Berry 300/689 Tommy Fragola
246/644 JJ West 255/693 Jayson Atkins 245/708 Tony
Adorno 259/660 Steve Hoosock 247/707 Willi Waylor
243/652 Joe Vanhorn 279/685 Vaiquamie Archie 287/695
Josh Laveck 243/691 Matt Melcher 245/704 Scott Vanderwedge 224/644 Robert Raison 243/707
Oct. 27. Thomas Mattice 232/637 Jayson Atkins 278/717
Matt Neuser 255/693 Mike Delello 250/675 Bernie Delello
243/674 Dave Pekow 244/633 Jason Decker 244/703 Edward Sagor 235/679 Ed Wood 2/236/673 Shane Randino
226/649 Matt Berry 230/647 Steve Hoosock 254/646
Matt Melcher 247/696 Brian Schalk 236/681 Brad Stone
268/678 John Kirchoff 230/652 Joe Ferrini 233/654 Dan
Smyth 256/709 Kasandra O’Donaghy 246/643 Dave Pringle Jr 233/689 Dave Heffron 235/643 John Inman 247/659
Dave Frigon 223/646 Robert Raison 246/671 Troy Nash
259/689 Ryan Tarby 245/674 John Giocondo 225/657
Chrys Reith 243/646 Donald Beagle 267/711 Kevin Catlin
Florence Donovan League
Oct. 9. Carol Feeney 225/603 Denise Felder 210/552 Pat
Antenucci 209/482 Barbara Almonte 202/567 Tracy Cummings 202/555 Jackie Musengo 199/525 Kelly O’Connor
194/531 Cliretta Gunn 193/509 Leona Pierce 193/491
Karen Johnson 188/537
Oct. 16. Jennifer Stock 225/602 Nancy Chartier 220/613
Carol Feeney 215/585 Rosemarie Speich 209/614 Barbara
Almonte 209/568 Karen Johnson 206/577 Denise Felder
202/519 Robin Scheel 200/520 Liz Bowerman 198/496
Cathy Carbone 194/499
Oct. 23. Tracy Cummings 257/702 Kelly O’Connor
242/583 Gena Rosys 216/560 Barbara Almonte 214/546
Liz Bowerman 212/603 Cliretta Gunn 203/538 Robin
Scheel 203/579 Barbara Ciricillo 188/540 Carol
Feeney187/539 Carolyn Fay 184/505
Bowling Green
N. Syracuse, NY
Scores from the week of Oct. 13
BG Retiree’s: Jerry Hart 267/717 Don LaValley 258/682
Tino Amodei 278/660
Don Parks Memorial: Brian Russell 278/718 Matt Rapp
709 Aaron Strusienski 279/708
BG Tuesday Night Ladies: Karen Wacht 222/587 Kelly
Monette 214/560 Gizelle Cox 554
BG Miles Sabine Memorial: Matt Foley 243/689 Paul
Taylor 245/649 Bill VanDyke 257/628
Miles Sabine Memorial: Chris Taylor 286/732 Joe Savastano 686 Tom Sims 665
Bella Domani/Roma Tile: Rodney Broadwell 726 Karl
Reester 279/723 Nick Moro Sr. 279/719
NS Faculty: Ben Fenner 230/653 Tony Noreault 622 Walt
Mueller 227/620 Maryanne Blaney 223/535 Jan Gilkey
194/530 Margaret Gray 492
Thursday Nights Men’s: Dave McCandless 279/782 Al
Smith 266/762 Dave Kenyon 300/731
BG Friday Seniors: Tom Rougeau 259/695 Karl Reester
278/687 Steve Anderson 267/682 Rose Iozzia 255/697
Carol Romeo 158/453 Bev Kopp 153/413
Blue Ribbon Ladies: Kristin Vicik 241/670 Gizelle Cox
225/621 Robin Smith 583
Saturday Night Mixers: Matt Rapp 705 Pete DeGenaro
677 Jim Batruch 676 Sandy Kitching 666 Renee Hansen
577 Ruth DeGenaro 556
Scores from the week of Oct. 19
BG Retiree’s: Dave Starling 672 Keith Terwilliger
248/666 Mike Moro 256/668
Don Parks Memorial: JP Hayes 714 Bob Tooley 267/699
Jim Chase 696
BG Tuesday Night Ladies: Kelly Monette 225/625 Gizelle
Cox 616 Nicolle Comstock 224/575
BG Miles Sabine Memorial: Eric Reakes 689 Glenn
Weaver 673 Tim Loomis 621
Miles Sabine Memorial: Dave Gonzalski 712 Art Alexander 264/695 Gary Rozyczko 694
Bella Domani/Roma Tile: Nick Moro Sr 268/763 Jeff
Williams 265/727 Les Joss 725
NS Faculty: Walt Mueller 259/684 Mike Burdick 246/673
Ben Fenner 230/618 Connie Coldren 206/528 Jan Gilkey
179/586 Sandy Elmer 189/470
Thursday Nights Men’s: Steve Chapman 289/740 Jeff
Williams 266/726 Tom Crowell 255/725 Steve Spring
BG Friday Seniors: Kevin Scannell 269/742 Ken Bell
257/712 Joe Conti Sr. 709 Bev Kopp 201/544 Rose Iozzia
205/524 Marie Cerio 176 /457
Saturday Night Mixers: Dave Prouty 254/693 Matt Rapp
681 Chris Bohm 257/680
Rose Iozzia 249/596 Samantha Jones 236/571 Marcia
Hanley 215/556
Scores from the week of Oct. 26
BG Retiree’s: Lee Houser 256/661 Jerry Hart 640 Mike
Moro 628
Don Parks Memorial: PJ Kohanski 267/728 Kevin
Roskopf 269/723 Paul Olivdati 718
BG Tuesday Night Ladies: Kim Courtney 209/594
Debbie Conley 576 Kelly Monette 226/566
BG Miles Sabine Memorial: Jay Martin 255/676 Tim
Loomis 248/667 Willie Foley 654
Miles Sabine Memorial: Dave Gonzalski 258/700 Tom
Sims 669 Bill Timmons 258/667
Bella Domani/Roma Tile: Pat Walsh Sr 264/693 Derek
Joss 689 Jeff Williams 267/668
Thursday Nights Men’s: Tom Crowell 269/764 Kevin
Smith 247/709 Ed Batruch 244/697
BG Friday Seniors: Steve Anderson 247/695 Paul Fassett
247/667 Jerry Hart 246/664 Rose Iozzia 279/654 Carol
Romeo 164/477 BevKopp 154/458
Blue Ribbon Ladies: Pat VanDyke 237/652 Kenneta
Windey 211/572 Heather Tarby 587
CJ Kurtz Memorial Every other Saturday: Jay Piraino
246/697 Chris Taylor 238/684 Joe Valentino 244/655 Tina
Fabrizio 248/719 Cathy Burleigh 220/606 Maria Zwiesler
Saturday Night Mixers: Dave Prouty 717 Ed Batruch
693 Pete DeGenaro 682 Sandy Kitching 203/585 Skylar
Corrice 505 Kim Reed 504
Bowl Mor Lanes
E. Syracuse, NY
Alexander and Catalano
Oct. 15. Ed Willis 268-703, Ryan Bertrand 237-697, Joseph Piston 249-682, Mark Talbot 242-677, Brian Darraw
235-668, Tino Amodei 299-654, Ron Foraker 222-642,
Gary Rosteck 226-632, Tom Roberts 256-631, Nicole
Combs 244-595, Beth Piston 229-593
Oct. 22. Kevin Reilley 259-702, Mark Talbot 254-675,
Ron Foraker 257-666, Mark MacBain 238-656, Ryan
Bertrand 237-644, Brian Darraw 245-640, Matt Neuser
233-638, Gary Rosteck 236-637, Michael Piston 228-634,
Gregg Cavanaugh 228-632, Nicole Combs 238-635, Beth
Piston 235-613
Oct. 29. Mark MacBain 290-724, Ron Foraker 235-672,
Rick Leonardo 244-670 Gregg Cavanaugh 236-622,
Ronald Seagfrid 212-612 , Kevin Reilley 224-612 Tim
Hall 215-609, Matt Neuser 229-594, Sean Gavan 222-592
Joseph Piston 234-589 Nicole Combs 212-595
Saturday Fairmount Mixed
Oct. 18. Star of the week: Kelly Monette 242-692. Tania
Sokolowski 202-560, Gizelle Cox 211-626, Kathleen Walrod 194-507, Diane Clukey 187-501, Christine Episcopo
247-642, Linda Nichols 185-524, April Glod 185-527,
Douglas Comstock 236-618, Gregg Draper 237-601,
Norbert Peek 233-668
Oct. 25. Star of the week: Anthony Chase 268-700,
Annette Messina 193-538, Robin Smith 214-546, Denise
DeLucas 180-510, Christine Episcopo 247-632, Linda
Nichols 221-548, Kelly Monette 230-538,Gizelle Cox 214626. Scott Walrod 233-609, Charles Ozimek Jr. 236-617,
Norbert Peek 225-622
Thursday Ladies
Oct. 16. Dayna Piraino 192-532, Donna Nichols 202-517,
Becky Sleeper 194-517
Oct. 23. Barb Walker 237-642, Dayna Piraino 203-557,
Diane Ackerman 176-504, Marsha Mills 181-501, Fran
Piraino 196-500
Tuesday Men
Oct. 21. Nick Moro Sr. 300-720, Kevin Smith 258-718, Jermaine Willis 276- 712, Chris Prestia 266-708, Don Barry
279-694, Ken Collins 246-691, Andy DeFlorio 254-690,
Joey Fedele 258-688, Bob Piraino 237-676
Cavalry Club Ladies
Oct. 21. Fran Piraino 244-627, Judy Rivizzigno 165-430,
Carol Polimino 146-419, Beth Verchota 152-402
Oct. 27. Fran Piraino 190-556, Judy Rivizzigno 178-474,
Suzanne Alberici 179-432, Carol Polimino 172-428, Pudy
Curtis 148-414, Amy Trasher 147-512
Thursday Men
Oct. 16. Chris Prestia 730 Ryan Bertrand 279-710 Ken
Collins 268-708 JJ West 700 Geoff Zimmer 266-681
Steve Lange 675 Pete Moro Jr. 673 Jim Desimone 669
Brian Cregg 655 Ron Lowenstein 655 Tom Muhl 650
Oct. 23. Andy Melnyk 290-793 Ryan Bertrand 267-719
Pete Moro Jr. 278-716 Jason Ruhs 711 JJ West 279 705
Dave Filipski Jr. 300-701 Nicole O’Brien 300-689 Steve
Temple 689 Michael Gonzalski Jr 676 Ron Lowenstein 652
Bowl Mor Ladies Doubles Classic
Sept. 8. Adrienne Turbeville 266/668, Michele Connor
257/642, Kelly Leskoske 238/633, Melissa Pickard 235/614
Sept. 15. Nikki Lafaver 257/674, Michele Connor 277/642,
Roseann DiFlorio 245/628, Michele Edick 223/634, Christine Episcopo 238/652
Sept. 22. Michele Connor 266/617, Christine Episcopo
Sept. 29. Michele Connor 239/679, Roseann DiFlorio
264/659, Michele Edick 238/686, Christine Episcopo
246/663, Nikki Lafaver 243/624, Kelly Leskoske 234/670,
Linda Nichols 235/607, Melissa Pickard 219/606
Oct. 6. Christine Episcopo 246/682, Michele Connor
234/606, Roseann DiFlorio 257/657, Michele Edick
226/635, Beth Piston 258/665, Adrienne Turbeville
Oct. 13. Adrienne Turbeville 268/695, Michele Connor
229/646, Roseann DiFlorio 226/620, Michele Edick
225/633, Christine Episcopo 235/682
B’ville Sports Bowl
Baldwinsville, NY
Tony DiRenzo Insurance League
Oct. 20. Donnie Evans 299-733, Todd Fenchel 728, Matt
Guernsey 726, Nick Brown 702, Tim Lewis 694, Mike
Conroy 694, Rob Levin 691, Dave Sherman 683, Rich
Stonecypher 654, Gary Peterson 635
Warm Morning Insulation Mixers
Oct. 15. Shaun Goodfellow 751, Kris Goodfellow 718, Phil
Iemma 663, Nick Santore 654, Gale McArdell 616, Ryan
Calkins 627, Grace White 495
Oct. 22. Shaun Goodfellow 693, Dave Johnson660, Jim
Bates 658, Brian Warner 647, Donnie evans 631, Phil
Iemma 619, Kris Goodfellow 617, Ryan Calkins 611, Tina
Harkins 524, Mary House 503
Coop’s Mixed Trio
Oct. 16. Ryan Kratz 279-749, Gary Paterson 700, Tina
Fabrizio 686, Steve Kuss 657, Matt Neuser 634, Duffer
McArdell 633, Rachael Thompson 627, Bob Peterson 619,
Mike Williams 606, Jeff Krawiec 580
Oct. 23. Matt Neuser 746, Jason Champion 744, Duffer
McArdell 690, Mike Conroy 688, Chet Bauman 585, Deb
Sidon 563, Tina Fabrizio 666, Gary Peterson 684, Sharon
Sitar 546
Foxfire Thursday Men’s
Oct. 16. Ben Goodfellow 280-725, Mike Tompkins 688,
Nick Goodfellow 682, Nick Brown 659, Shaun Goodfellow 657, Todd Fenchel 648, Ryan Kratz 269-621, Mark
Liadka 647, Kurt Liadka 640, Tom Liadka 643
Oct. 23. Dan Sidon 729, Mike Tompkins 287-695, Todd
Fenchel 689, Mark Liadka 682, John Lell, Tyler Miles 656,
Brian Russell 649, Kurt Liadka 644, Ben Goodfellow 636,
Jim Bates 600
Clear-A-Way/ Upstate Premium Mortgage
Oct. 17. Josh McClusky 722, Craig Rockwell 279-716, Rob
Combs 710, Chris Prestia 279-698, Tina Fabrizio 690,
Dave Prouty 686, Dakota Hyde 679, Dan Sidon 670, Matt
Lawton 671, Teri Gonzalski 613
Oct. 24. Josh McClusky 743, Matt Lawton 279-726, Ryan
Zbikowski 705, Sean Lavalley 687, Chris Prestia 682,
Craig Rockwell 676, Matt Chetney 659, Deb Sidon 652,
Andrea Peterson 641, Christine Episcopo 603
Falcon Lanes
Auburn, NY
Johann Triska Monday Memorial
Oct. 20. Chris Gomez 300-813, Michelle Feldman 269724, Tim Waters 249-723, Brian Brooks 238-699, Bob
DelloStritto 247-698, Dan Pilat 245-681, Brandon Slayton
232-681, Brian Storrs 248-679, Steve Titus 226-659, Ryan
Gabak 226-658
Oct. 27. Chris Gomez 289-734, Brandon Slayton 277-712,
Bob DelloStritto 246-686, Ryan Gabak 244-683, Scott
Thomas 245-679, Steve Titus 257-666, Rick Liccion
255-653, Chris Plis 240-641, Brian Storrs 255-634, Neale
Baran 245-633
Earle Schemerhorn Memorial Mixed
Oct. 17. Brian Storrs 257-719, Bob DelloStritto 256-699,
David Ashby 247-680, Lenny Caputa 257-665, Dave
Sutton 235-662, Anthony McPherson 233-659, Bernie
L. Cecchini 224-633, Jerry Marciniec 225-631, David
Pidlypchak 244-621, Herb Dyson 231-621
Oct. 24. Bernie Cecchini 259-750, Lenny Caputa 255-700,
Brian Storrs 267-698, Robert Raison 239-671, David
Ashby 266-636, Lew Hrycko 229-621, Terri Casbarro
256-616, Herb Dyson 232-613, Linda Baran 221-613,
Mark Morabito 246-610
Green Acres
Central Square, NY
Saturday Nite 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 18. Steve Skinner 280/728, Steve Homer 279/724,
Greg Harders 234/624, Bubba Marsden 236/619, Chris
Davis 246, Mike Mellor 221/598, Josh Marsden 236/595,
Ashley Skinner 227/623, Nicole Palmer 234/593, Brenda
Horne 197/531, Tracy Gardner 199
Oct. 25. Allen Decker 269/689, Steve Skinner 235/661,
Josh Marsden 267/607, Ashley Skinner 257/648, Michele
Edick 248/619, Frank Hallinan 207/577, Heather Robarge
Saturday 5 O’Clock Mixed League
Oct. 11. Steve Skinner 266/649, Mike Mellor 265/603,
Bruce Dwyer 257/723, Bill Noel 235/620, John Lightaul
235/630, Janna Gould 200/488, Nicole Palmer 200/517,
Sharon Robarge 184/446, Teresa Lightaul 181/421, Jenna
Green 177/438
Oct. 18. Earl Becker Jr. 257/728, John Lightaul 247/624,
Bruce Dwyer 246/647, Dale Schauer 243/614, Mitch
Miller 223/583, Nicole Palmer 202/513, Vicki Palmer
201/535, Tammy Hoff 193/457, Jenna Green 192/475,
Janna Gould 180/474
Oct. 25. John Lightaul 290/672, Earl Becker Jr. 265/721,
Steve Homer 248/674, Bruce Dwyer 246/638, Bill Noel
246/707, Raymond Dillabough III 223/578, Nicole Palmer
202/569, Jenna Green 198/518, Vicki Palmer 188/528,
Cathy Noel 187/509, Nancy Bean 182/461
Syracuse, NY
Oct. 27. Tim Bacon 754, RJ Blanchard 727, Norine Faatz
726, Rick Garlic 709, Bob gray 707, Lowell Hill 690, Dave
Polano 685, Nicole Obrien 680, Mike Cotrell 679
Lakeview Bowling Center
Liverpool, NY
Lakeview Monday Night Men
Oct. 13. John Balian 253/633, Tony Pascarella
235/691,Kirk Volles 237/640, Tony Vito 243/673, Bill
Cronk 264/665, Brett Cunningham 247/679, Mario Ponzo
225/655, BJ Dickens 258/663, Fabrizio Spicciati 244/651,
Dominic Belcore 248/641
Oct. 20. Myron Zindle 245/630, Paul Caiello 219/635,
BJ Dickens 253/644, Bill Dickens 227/632, Chris Orlicz
280/642, Tony Pascarella 236/650, Brandon Teachout
266/690, Mike Nolan 235/612, Tony Aquino 267/630,
Dominic Belcore 234/620, Kenny Taylor 246/674, Tony
Vito 222/628, Bill Cronk 234/668, John Balian 264/744,
Bill Houde 264/688
Lakeview Sports Shot Doubles
Oct. 13. Chris Leonard 256/666, TJ Mento 237/681, Derek
Magno 226/636, Brett Cunningham 258/691, Mike Disano
244/702, Jeff Williams 214/605, Lee Burnett 228/617, Tom
Caniono 235/607
Oct. 20. Joe Petrowski 265/757, TJ Mento 278/756, Sam
Ventura 254/685, Butch VanGordon 227/642
Salina Sizzlers
Oct. 13. Al Brisson 203/547, Ron Taylor 199/548, John
McArdell 209/534, Aldo Chemotti 202/558, William
Truax 192/547
Oct. 20. Larry Woods 244/616, Ron Taylor 234/620, Aldo
Chemotti 198/562, Walt McArdell 202/550, Al Brisson
Liverpool Mixed
Oct. 14. Fran Fedrizzi 149/432, Ryan Pickard 213/560,
Mary Elderbroom 173/443, Kristi Kneeskern 165/452,
Holly Moran 154/434, Doris MacClaren 189/414
Oct. 21. Holly Moran 148/420, Jamie Works 167/422,
Kristi Kneeskern 191/465, Fran Fedrizzi 160/410, Mary
Elderbroom 146/403
Upstate Medical
Oct. 21. David Flagg 256/617, Steve Chapman 236/675,
Nicole Burnett 236/651, Kenny Kopp 256/696, Stan
Eldridge 238/691
A-1 Trophy
Oct. 14. Michael Hunter 247/700, Sam Pascarella 224/651,
Mike Beach 230/656, Mark Guarante 257/715, Harry
Webb 248/662, Zach Capria 279/689, Sean Hiller 249/686,
Don Jacobson 248/656
Oct. 21. Kevin Obit 232/639, Harry Webb 246/684, Kenny
Taylor 234/640, Joe DeMario 214/600, Anthony DeMario
290/716, Ralph Dodge 227/614, Richard Kosakowski
224/625, Michael Hunter 246/661, Jayson Adkins 246/675,
Joe Stines 244/657, Mark Guarante 245/693,Terry Knapp
217/602, CJ Ozimek 223/617
Independent Men
Oct. 15. Sam Perry 268/737, Dave Brownlee 278/727,
Ryan Volcko 241/657, Lonnie Rush 268/737, Craig Moore
236/661, Brad Stone 235/547, John Odom 258/657, Tony
vito 258/640
Oct. 22. Tim Bacon 255/692, Daniel Sweet 228/651, Jim
Springer 224/656, Mick Mulcahy 267/664, Trevor Agan
268/722, Joe Naboa 233/651, Stan Williams 227/653,
Dave Starling Sr 247/725, Nedal Ibrahim 237/661, Dave
Brownlee 278/719, Rich Capria 300/718, Warren Wheeler
Santangelo’s Doubles
Oct. 15. Patricia Wright 204/579, Joanne DeStefano
214/560, Michelle Edick 194/565, Diane Tripp 225/619,
Julie Rush 220/574, Marni Vincitore 258/635, Mindy
Santocki 277/685
Oct. 22. Patricia Wright 198/593, Marni Vincitore 227/630,
Mindy Santocki 246/641, Jennette Adams 217/584, Michelle Edick 206/571
Painters and Decorators
Oct. 16. Bill Raphael 215/638, Russel Gregory 236/660,
Stefon Wagers 243/645, Ted Niedgwrecki 270/738, BJ
Dickens 277/687, Matt Melcher 244/655
Oct. 23. Mike Kotary 225/648, Stefon Wagers 245/652,
Sean Hiller 242/678, Todd Moorhead 227/657, Rick
Dannan 238/682, Russel Gregory 254/669, Mike Minet
Lakeview Doubles
Oct. 16. James Jones 235/603, Dwayne Jackson 221/637,
Mindy Santocki 278/717, Jermaine Jones 246/667, Joe
Conti Sr. 254/610, Shaun Jennings 227/628, Marni Vincitore 225/659, Chris Zimmerman 235/638, Doug Banks
Oct. 23. Shaun Jennings 257/689, Nedal Ibrahim 258/743,
Mike Bowen 300/789, Greg Hudson 235/694, Chris
Zimmerman 268/641, Marni Vincitore 246/681, John
Cerniglia 257/660, James Smith 279/762, Jermaine Willis
Oct. 17. Dan Grimes 208/533, Paul Suskin 219/609, Sue
Roy 192/500,Donald Roy 203/542
Oct. 24. Dave Santola 206/556, Sue Roy 196/570, Diana
Berube 210/572, Paul Suskin 244/688, Gary Cunningham
Friday Night Men
Oct. 17. Nick Naylor 236/665, Troy Nash 277/709, Tim
Barry 246/718, Brad Stone 256/693, Jayson Adkins
245/663, John Anderson 245/661, Ryan Ballou 235/650,
Mark Lawton 244/698, Cliff West 245/708Steve
Weiskopff 268/694,Peter DeSalvo 254/657
Oct. 24. Ryan Ballou 279/669, Dave Prevost 256/680,
Brian Schalk 245/698, Dave Pringle Jr 242/661, Brad
Stone 252/657, Dave Pekow 244/678, Frank Garfield
243/709Nick Naylor 236/681, Matt Melcher 266/710, Rich
Bisnett 246/650, Tim Barry 234/684, Chuck Lilly 263/657,
Joe Naboa 275/659, Bob Howard 248/700
Chuck Jackson Trio
Oct. 18. Antwan Johnson 276/697, Dave Starling Sr
258/705,Dave Brownlee 278/734, Sam Perry 252/710,
Tony Green 257/699, Don Brush 289/760, James Smith
259/729, Mike Powers 279/773
EOW Afternoon Delight
Oct. 18. Jim Giannetto 208/590, CJ Ozimek 24/586
Saturday Night Mixers
Oct. 18. Robert Hollenbeck 258/634, Ramona Mattice
254/627, Laurie Dery 257/683, Mike Powers 265/682,
Bill Walker Jr 224/617, Pat Anderson 216/609, Don Foster
279/644, Mike Benz 225/632
Sunday Weekend Wrap-Up
Oct. 5. Linda Orlicz 222/565, Ray Lichorobiec 217/582,
Debbie Kopaczewski 236/611
Lighthouse Lanes
Oswego, NY
Port City Seniors
Oct. 20. Robert Brace 269-710, David Ascenzi 234-674,
Michael Mahaney 255-665, William Kerfien 232-659,
William Torbitt 267-648, Joseph DeSantis 221-620
Oct. 27. Beryl Broadwell 239-692, Michael Mahaney
234-690, David Ascenzi 225-638, James Biancavilla 248632, Robert Salisbury 241-622, Joseph DeSantis 231-611,
Donald Pratt 224-600
Rainbow Lanes
Weedsport, NY
Ira Watkins League
Oct. 17. Greg Davis 255-731, Matt Rooker 266-719, Matt
Neuser 256-706, Dale Weigand 259-704, Kevin Lukins
246-694, Mike Jump 247-667, Rodney Squires 258-664,
Richard Bump 245-653, Matt Grudzien 235-651, Scott
Coomber 242-649, Joe Traver 232-648, Jason Lukins 226638, Joe Neuman 237-628, Ernest Rooker 237-620
Oct. 24. Kevin Mead 269-791, Dale Weigand 300-755,
Ernest Rooker 249-699, Kevin Lukins 231-663, Matt
Rooker 256-658, Richard Bump 245-652, Matt Grudzien
224-640, Mark Williams 221-633, Tim Lytle 225-624,
Mike Jump 214-609, Pat Thurston 223-606, Jason Lukins
Friday Coffee Break League
continued on page 7 u
N o v em ber 2 0 14
continued from page 6
Oct. 17. Mary Williams 217-497, Linda Cuff 171-476,
Katherine Fletcher 165-470, Jeanie Lober 178-461,
Margaret Andrews 151-443, Chris Brown 168-438, Peg
Gilmore 167-418, Barbara Reney 406, Sue Foster 152404, Emily Baier 180-396
Oct. 24. Peg Gilmore 165-461, Mary Brown 169-426,
Sue Foster 148-414, Barbara Reney 150-412, Marjorie
McDonald 412, Joan Petrocci 167-399, Linda Cuff 399,
Margaret Andrews 147-397, Katherine Fletcher 149-392,
Dorothy Hubbard 384
Fellowship League
Oct. 16. Michael Sheehan 257-726, Tim Rathbun 266-713,
Andy DeGray 238-707, Rob Weatherstone 278-657, Kenneth Catino 242-645, Ron Wilson 248-643, Mike Blumer
225-639, Tom Winslow 634, John Jones 232-626, Carl
Mettler 253-618, Chad Blaisdell 612, Shaun Cronin 606
Oct. 23. Brandon Mettler 247-720, Ron Wilson 257-711,
Scott Jewett 249-697, John Jones 259-688, Carl Mettler
247-675, Rob Weatherstone 246-672, Mike Blumer 234670, Tom Winslow 258-666, Michael Sheehan 627, John
Kensinger 252-622
Thursday Morning Pastimes
Oct. 23. Peg Gilmore 160-437, Teresa Goldman 171-436,
Marie Berish 155-428, Lori Hamel 165-426, Mellony
Carner 421, Delores Cronin 183-413, Rose Tortorici
150-406, Margaret Williams 400, Yvonne Snow 151-393,
Midge Hamel 149-385
Bill Stanley Memorial League
Oct. 22. Benny Appleby 257-712, Chris Plis 279-696,
Matt Thomas 254-693, Andrew Dennison 228-680, Mike
Crowley 236-665, Ron Wilson 247-660, Greg Hypes
247-655, Dave Blumer 652, Mikey Walker II 248-651,
Mark Williams, Sr. 243-644, Andrew Short 266-642, Ron
Rizzo 264-631, Rick Liccion 246-628, Lee Burnett 625,
Matt Bard 612, Pat Donahue 234-607, Barry Marginean
Oct. 29. Chris Plis 279-762, Mikey Walker II 268-732,
Jeff Matty 240-711, Ron Rizzo 247-696, Cory Slater
279-688, Matt Thomas 225-675 (triplicate), Gavin Dennis
245-662, Ron Wilson 243-656, Tom Hitchcock, Sr. 225647, Matt Bard 229-641, Mark Williams, Sr. 640, Lee
Burnett 233-629, Scott Thomas 226-626, Rick Liccion
625, Walt Joshanski 233-624, Steve Eastman, Sr. 619,
Benny Appleby 234-618, Dave Blumer 618, Keith Thomas
248-615, Phil Perkins 237-611, Doug Augustine 608, Greg
Hypes 237-608, Mike Crowley 245-607
Senior Stars
Oct. 23. Sharon Mills 191-568, Carol Lewis 189-515,
Linda Weigand 182-504, Teresa Goldman 208-499, Dale
Weigand 279-774, Rick Jordan 220-636, Ed Wasilenko
226-609, Tom D Lloyd 230-597, Paul Cady 225-546.
Bowlers of the week: Carol Lewis +83 and Dale Weigand
Oct. 30. Peg Gilmore 188-528, Sharon Murdick 185-511,
Linda Weigand 173-490, Sandy Loveless 185-489, Dale
Weigand 237-688, V. Jerry Blumer 223-615, Ray Kisor
245-613, Thomas D. Lloyd 227-583. Bowlers of the week:
Peg Gilmore +69 and Ted Shaw +101
Senior Rainbowlers
Oct. 21. Dale Weigand 269-762, Gary Gonyea 244-643,
Ed Wasilenko 258-637, Bob Ball 246-636, Ted Murdick
225-627, Walt Joshanski 208-590, Tom Hitchcock, Sr.
573, Rick Jordan 558, Dick Lees 200-540, Sharon Mills
214-571, Linda Weigand 179-520, Gloria Every 233-500,
Sandy Loveless 197-494, Linda Cuff 486, Barb Reney
185-480, Chris Brown 455, Margaret Andrews 454, Joan
McCarthy 177-437
Oct. 28. Bob Ball 223-609, David Keith 212-585, Dale
Weigand 218-584, Gary Gonyea 226-553, Ted Murdick
199-551, Bruce Lewis 228-548, John Ashby 539, Paul
Cady 537, Ron Cook 532, Gloria Every 187-480, Chris
Brown 214-478, Norma Ferguson 162-466, Sandy Loveless 178-460, Linda Weigand 185-452, Linda Cuff 165435, Joan McCarthy 151-415, Barb Reney 405, Katherine
Fletcher 404
Commercial League
Oct. 20. Dale Weigand 266-706, Greg Walker 268-688,
Dick Bobbett 256-672, Dave Ratliff 239-669, Ted Ball
227-656, Mike Ryan 259-650, Cory Slater 235-645, Ed
Wasilenko 254-626, Nick Kilmer 244-626, Keith DeSio
620, Charlie Guzewicz 234-614, Reamer Fiester 233-604
Oct. 27. Keith DeSio 268-743, Gary Reynolds 257-722,
Wayne Clarke 275-683, Norm Austin 675, Dick Bobbett
248-671, Dale Weigand 248-665, Ed Wasilenko 236-660,
Ted Ball 238-660, Nick Kilmer 247-660, Jay Slater, Jr.
237-658, Brad Jordan, Jr. 241-649, Mike Ryan 236-644,
Reamer Fiester 640, Cory Slater 237-635, Chet Prusinowski 635, Mark Hlywa 632, Ron Rizzo 244-632, Dave
MacDonald 628, Randy Smith 252-621, Steve Eastman,
Sr. 615, Don Paquette 612, Dave Ratliff 612, Brad Jordan,
Sr. 251-603
Weedsport Mixed Doubles
Oct. 19. Andy Dennison 255-762, Matt Rooker 237-657,
Steve Rusin 619, Fuzzy Ponto 606, Jamison Mills 236605, Tom Hitchcock, Sr. 217-591, Jason Wells 234-589,
Kevin Stoneburg 215-587, Chet Hoisington 579, Justin
Horr 237-572, William Flynn 554, Joe Traver 546,
Reamer Fiester 512, Ted Murdick 511, Barb Dennison
247-618, Sharon Mills 175-494, Sharon Murdick 170483, Sabrina Wellington 175-462, Linda Hitchcock 425,
Sarajane Vitale 420, Penny Mills 410, Missy Hoisington
162-401, Melissa Cuykendall 390, Jeanine Nolte 390
Oct. 26. Matt Rooker 276-705, Tom Hitchcock, Sr. 256692, Carl Harvey II 241-683, Jamison Mills 245-640,
Andy Dennison 252-636, Ted Murdick 231-620, Jason
Wells 244-569, Steve Rusin 560, Chet Hoisington 558,
Kevin Stoneburg 553, Carl Harvey 235-541, Jake Moore
540, Fuzzy Ponto 534, George Mills 529, Joe Traver 523,
Justin Horr 507, Barb Dennison 248-661, Lorrie Bradtke
243-650, Roni Ponto 190-530, Sharon Mills 193-523,
Linda Hitchcock 488, Sarajane Vitale 191-483, Sabrina
Wellington 473, Sharon Murdick 455, Penny Mills 422,
Jennifer Roden 421
Oct. 21. Loretta Lees 222-636, Angie Ryan 236-601,
Tammy Williams 211-582, Kira Mettler 203-574, Rebecca
Facey 198-537, Amy Franceschelli 505, Chris Gilman
464, Cyndy Dennis 462, Kay Rizzo 457, Debbie Squires
Oct. 28. Kira Mettler 190-546, Angie Ryan 234-542,
Tammy Williams 202-535, Loretta Lees 206-524, Chris
Gilman 203-522, Debbie Squires 200-518, Cyndy Dennis
190-502, Rebecca Facey 480, Candy Ryan 458, Amy
Franceschelli 453
Saturday 4:30 Mixers
Oct. 18. Greg Spinelli 279-738, Benny Appleby 235-668,
Don Paquette 249-667, Ron Rizzo 234-631, Scott Lees
233-624, Geo Knapp 237-607, Dan Bozeat 215-595, Justin
Horr 246-595, Phil Perkins 217-589, Tom Winslow 235583, Kira Mettler 236-621, Lorretta Lees 226-607, Angie
Ryan 215-591, Patty Wright 192-548, Yvonne Kenyon
211-519, Tammy Williams 190-496, Chelsea Paquette
176-481, Angela White 188-470, Kay Rizzo 183-469,
Cheryl Winslow 456
Solvay Rec
Solvay, NY
Bob’s Tires Senior Men
Oct. 23. Bill Bigelow 576, Nick DeSantis Sr. 536, Pat Lisi
209, Ron Balduzzi 209.
Friday Seniors
Oct. 24. Chet Grzejka 183-497, Ray Harrington 168-474,
Al Tarolli 169-463, Shirley Brandt 168-471, Mary Frenza
Monday Night Ladies
Oct. 27. Carolyn Lafaver 213-511, Colleen Apps 204-505,
Trish DeSantis 202-500.
Tuesday AM Stars
Oct. 28. Mary Ann Osborn 209-535, Carolyn Grund 204505, Doreen Barba 189-502.
Geddes Federal Men
Oct. 28. Len Capucilli 242-633, PetDiGenaro 222-586,
Paul Francher 213-584, Mike Savanovich 227, Vince
Arlukiewicz 215, Ed Rydelek 213, Butch Venuti 212, Chris
McGilvray 212, Mike Pekala 211.
Wednesday High Noon Seniors
Oct. 29. Jean Petro 169-480, Vi Bobbett 177-466, Denise
Gravius 168-454
Thunderbird Lanes
Baldwinsville, NY
CNY Ladies Classic League
Oct. 21. Christine Episcopo 289-742, Kristina Kirby
242-665, Mindy Santocki 236-665, Martha Cameron
236-655, Kim Fox 268-647, Margie Chetney 245-643,
Anne Bethmann 247-629, Michelle Powers 222-622, Allie
O’Donaghy 223-610, Courtney Radick 212-609, Amy
Lamica 222-608, Tina Fabrizio 239-607
Oct. 28. Krystal Ashby 257-711, Nicole O’Brien 232-674,
Lynette Fichera 250-669, Joanna Carter 234-644, Christine Episcopo 246-632, Norine Faatz 233-625, Nikki
Lafaver 233-624, Anne Bethman 210-622, Courtney
Radick 245-619, Roseann DiFlorio 235-616, Margie
Chetney 223-614, Maria D’Imperio 235-614, Martha
Cameron 243-603
Bethmann Russell Financial
Oct. 16. Jim Zimmerman 279/734, Jeff Cooper 254/713,
Chris Cooper 258/712, Bob Flask 267/703, Russ Griffo
255/703, Jim Miner 248/686, R. J. Blanchard 278/677,
Rich Lippke 255/677
Thunderbird PBA
Oct. 14. Dean Distin 236/626, Brett Cunningham 248/622,
Ryan Volcko 205/591, Ken Hoalcraft 204/588, Derek
Magno 245/581, Tim Lawton 209/581, Joe Petrowski
221/573, Jim Bero 201/559, Cliff Saliba 213/554, Joe Conti
Jr. 235/552
Oct. 21. Kris O’Donaghy 275/680, Derek Magno 227/635,
Joe Conti Jr. 221/626, T. J. Mento 232/617, P.J. Kohanski
231/615, Dean Distin 236/614, Dave Gonzalski 224/593,
Buddy Amidon 207/581, Joe Petrowski 238/574, Butch
VanGorden 203/569, Tyler Herrman 191/552
Oct. 28. Joe Petrowski 218/609, Dave Gonzalski 203/595,
Dean Distin 213/592, Kris O’Donaghy II 225/588, Derek
Magno 215/588, Joe Conti Jr. 212/582, Tyler Hermman
232/578, Buddy Amidon 227/565, Cliff Saliba 231/559,
Sean LaValley 202/556
Masters Bowling presents The 3rd Annual Senior Masters (Bowlers must be 50 years of age as of 11/28/2018) Sponsored by: Bethmann, Russell Financial Group
At Bowl Mor Lanes * $500 1st Place based on entries $35 entry fee (Early Bird Squad 11/28 6:00 P.M. only, $30) One re-­‐entry only allowed, based on squad availability. Circle your squad choice. Qualifying squads -­‐ 4 bowlers per pair. Friday 11/28 -­‐ 6:00 P.M. & 8:00 P.M. Saturday 11/29 -­‐ Noon & 2:00 P.M. Saturday 11/29 -­‐ Last chance squad ** ** 4:00 P.M. based on a minimum 6 eligible entries Your squad choice is guaranteed unless otherwise notified. Walk in’s allowed based on squad availability. 40 Bowlers max per squad Based on lane availability -­‐ 3 game qualifier (all games are scratch). Top 16 Bowl down – Single elimination (2 game matches). *********************************************************** 75 entries or more, there will be 24 qualifiers and the top 7 qualifiers plus the Defending Champion (if entered) will receive a one round bye. *********************************************************** Match play finals are on Saturday 12/06 at 3:00 P.M. Roll off for ties for the last qualifying spot if needed, 12/06 at 11:30 A.M. Mail-­‐in Deadline is 11/22/2014 Forward application to: Masters Bowling P.O. Box 8024 • Syracuse, NY 13217-­‐8024 Name_______________________________________Age__________ Street Address_____________________________________________ City___________________________ State______ ZIP_____________ Telephone_____________________ USBC#_____________________ Email____________________________________________________ This is a USBC certified tournament. Bowler’s failure to report for their squad forfeit entry fee. No alternates in match play. Tournament director has final say on all issues. For questions, contact: mastersbowling@aol.com Follow us on Facebook: Masters Bowling _________________________________________________________ Thunderbird Lanes & Balls ’n Grips Pro Shop
Storm Coaching Clinic
November 15
$75 without a ball or
$200 with any ball of your choice
Sign up and get your game analyzed by
Storm staffer and PBA member Ryan Shafer
★ ★ ★ Call now…315-303-5801…to reserve your spot ★ ★ ★
››››››› For the entire month of November ‹‹‹‹‹‹‹
❖ 10% off all gloves & accessories
❖ Free grips & thumb inserts with the purchase of any new ball
❖ 3 free games with the purchase of any new ball
❖ Practice any weekday 11 AM to 3 PM for $1.00 per game
❖ Lanes are always conditioned fresh every day
Check out our in-stock ball & bag specials.
›››› Balls ’n Grips Pro Shop Hours ‹‹‹‹
Monday 10-6 ↔ Tuesday 10-8 ↔ Wednesday 10-6
Thursday 10-6 ↔ Friday 10-6 ↔ Saturday 10-2
Thunderbird Lanes
Balls ’n Grips Pro Shop – Marty Fichera & Jim Bero
7252 State Fair Blvd. | Baldwinsville, NY 13209 | (315)-303-5801