
ISSN 1848-6789
Biennial REPORT
2011 - 2012
Biennial REPORT
2011 - 2012
Ivona Marasović
Editorial board:
Branka Grbec
Olja Vidjak
Ante Žuljević
Ingrid Čatić, Vlado Dadić, Boris Antolić,
Branko Dragičević, Jakov Dulčić,
Živana Ninčević-Gladan, Vanja Čikeš Keč,
Nada Krstulović, Grozdan Kušpilić, Jasna Maršić Lučić,
Mira Morović, Vedran Nikolić, Mladen Šolić,
Ivana Ujević, Melita Peharda Uljević, Gordana Beg Paklar,
Ivona Mladineo, Damir Ivanković, Vesna Milun,
Anita Marušić
Layout and design:
Ante Žuljević
Split, February 2013.
ISSN 1848-6789
Institute of Ocanography and Fisheries 4
80 years of Acta Adriatica 7
Dr. Otmar Karlovac (1902-1980) – 110th Anniversary of birth
Mission and Vision of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries 10
Laboratory for Aquaculture 11
Laboratory for Benthos
Laboratory of Marine Microbiology 19
Laboratory for Ichthyology and Coastal Fisheries
Laboratory of Physical Oceanography 27
Laboratory of Chemical Oceanography and Sedimentology 33
Laboratory of Fisheries Science and Management of Pelagic and Demersal Resources37
Laboratory of Plankton and Shellfish Toxicity 41
Library of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries 45
Computing Center 46
Institute Core Projects 48
Institute Studies 72
Educational Activities of the Institute 75
Over the past two years, despite the significant reduction
of the research activities funding in the Republic of Croatia,
the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries has operated
successfully and achieved very good results in the scientific,
developmental and educational field. This is confirmed by
the three National Science Awards, which were assigned to
the Institute’s scientists in 2011 and 2012 and the City of Split
Award for scientific research, awarded in 2011. Especially
valuable recognition was given to the Institute in March 2012
when it was appointed by the Croatian Government a National
Marine Reference Center of the Croatian Environment Agency.
During this period, the Institute was the organizer of over ten
international conferences, among which the most important
was the international congress of the European Association
of Fish Pathologists, which was attended by more than 200
scientists from all over the world.
The Institute also organized a dozen of international workshops
with the participation of scientists from ten Mediterranean
countries. In 2011 and 2012 the Institute began working on
six new international projects, as well as on a dozen of the
national ones, which secured the majority of funds for the
scientific research. In fact the work on the international, but
also on the national projects, both fundamental and applied,
is the only way to successfully pursue with the scientific work
in the present circumstances. Consequently, the Institute is
increasingly focused on the use of international funds, as due
to the high cost of oceanographic research, the budget funding
for science is insufficient to conduct regular surveys at sea.
In the middle of 2011 the Institute became a member of
the Marine Board of the European Science Foundation,
entering the exclusive club of European scientific and research
institutions, which means that the value of this Institute is
recognized at the international level, too. Very good results
were achieved in the education of young scientists, as in the
previous two-year period, eight research assistants completed
successfully the doctoral studies and earned a PhD degree.
The scientific activity of the Institute in 2011 and 2012 was
undertaken within about thirty national and international
scientific-research projects, and the results of these activities
are manifested through 110 scientific papers published
in journals indexed in Current Contents database, as
well as through a number of other scientific papers that
were presented by the scientists of Institute at about fifty
international conferences and published within the congress
Director of the Institute
Prof. Ivona Marasović, Ph.D.
Institute of Ocanography and Fisheries
Šetalište I. Meštrovića 63, 21000 Split
Telephone: +(385) (21) 408000
Fax: +(385) (21) 358650
Director of the Institute: Prof. Ivona Marasović, Ph. D.
At the Institute there are 100 employees of whom 54 belong to scientific staff,
16 associates, 6 crew members of a research vessel Bios 2, together with 24 members
of the administrative and support staff.
Eight scientific research laboratories
IT Services - Computing Center
Editorial Board of Acta Adriatica
Technical Service & Maintenance
Research vessel Bios 2
Accounting Office
General and Legal Affairs Office
Laboratory of Physical Oceanography
- research done thermohaline properties of sea currents, surface waves, sea level changes, the
emergence tidal waves under the influence of synoptic disturbances (meteo-tsunami) and the optical
properties of the sea. Laboratory staff are working on the development of numerical hydrodynamic
models, and improving measurement systems operational oceanography.
- conducts research chemical oceanography and sedimentology, study of nutrient cycles in the
marine environment, and contamination with heavy metals and organohalogen compounds in marine
organisms and sediment. Laboratory deals with sedimentology studies, including examination of
grain size and redox potential of the sediment and organic matter, organic carbon, total nitrogen and
phosphorus in the sediment.
Laboratory of Marine Microbiology
- explores the role of viruses, bacteria, cyanobacteria and heterotrophic nanoplankton (composition,
abundance, biomass, production and activity) in the pelagic food chain. In the issue of alien organisms,
is conducted study on the indicators of faecal contamination in seawater and biota, and occasionally
some groups of pathogenic microorganisms.
- examines the role of phytoplankton, cyanobacteria, protozoa, and mikrometazoa mesozooplankton
(primary production, abundance, biomass, chlorophyll a) in the pelagic food chain. Within shellfish
toxicity issues, research is focused on composition and effects biotoxins which cause PSP, DSP, YTX, ASP
toxicity, taxonomy and ecology of toxic phytoplankton.
- conducts research in the field of ichthyology and fisheries biology, ecology, fish, coastal fisheries,
management and protection, as well as fishing gear and techniques. This research involves the study
of systematics and zoogeography of fish, biology and ecology of plankton, juvenile and adult stages of
fish, and the status of the Adriatic ichthyofauna assessment of living resources especially commercially
important coastal fish species.
- examines the composition and distribution of benthic flora and fauna and the benthic animal
communities. Of particular importance are studies on invasive species. The lab is developing methods
for monitoring the state of the marine environment using bioindicators. The herbarium collection
of algae is held; lab staff creates a basis of microscopic and underwater photography. Research on
qualitative and quantitative composition of meiofauna in sediment and on vegetation is carried out.
LABORATORY FOR fisheries and management of demersal and pelagic
- engaged in research in the field of applied biology, ichthyology, ecology and population dynamics of
the most economically important pelagic and demersal fish, cephalopods, crustaceans and shellfish.
Special attention is given to the most sensitive areas of research, such as fry carp growing ponds and
hatcheries of economically important species, as well as the deep Adriatic.
- research conducted by the introduction of new species in aquaculture, which includes studies of
the reproductive cycle, feeding and ecophysiology of juvenile and adults, but also zootechnics.
The Laboratory is investigating diseases of marine organisms, and population-genetic studies of
microsatellites in wild and farmed populations. Research also provided farming issues of bluefin tuna.
Research vessels
- research vessel length is 36.60 m. It is designed according to
the specific research needs of the Institute. It can accommodate
up to 18 members of the research team. Six crew members look
after the ship.
- boat length is 10.8 m, type Calafuria. This boat is used for
smaller coastal research and service activities at the operational
oceanographic equipment.
inflatable boat
- 3.80m long inflatable boat, type Mistral. Serves in numerous
studies in the Split area and beyond for mapping the coast,
transporting divers or collecting samples in the shallow areas
of difficult access.
Real time measurement systems
Oceanographic station Punta Jurana
The station is located in front of the
Institute’building. The station sensors
are for air and sea measurements.
They measure the air temperature,
wind direction, speed and gust
(speed is instantaneous, and gust
is the maximum value between
two measurements), humidity,
rainfall and air pressure. Sensors in
the sea measure temperature and
conductivity of the sea (salinity).
System of oceanographic bouys
It consists of two oceanographic buoys,
both designed and manufactured in
Croatia. One is located in central part
of the bay, and the other after the
annual general overhaul is planned to
be deployed in waters close to the island
Vis. They are equipped for standard
meteorological measurements and the
oceanographic sensors measure wave
direction, temperature, salinity, dissolved
oxygen, turbidity and chlorophyll in the
surface layer of the sea and speed and
direction of sea currents throughout the
water column. The total height of the
buoy is 6 m, and weighs 1300 kg.
Microbarographic measurements
To detect high-frequency atmospheric
phenomena that may have significant
impact on the sea, the measurements
frequency should be minute or second.
One such processes, which often occurs
in the Adriatic is called meteorological
tsunami, which was the reason to
place the microbarographs in Vis,
Vrbovska and Vela Luka. The core of
the microbarographs is a Vaisalaa
pressure sensor, which allows 1 second
measurement resolution, and has an
accuracy of 0.01 hPa. The data are
transferred to the database of the
Institute for Oceanography and Fisheries
via internet.
80 years of ACTA ADRIATICA
Prepared by Dr sc Jakov Dulčić
“Acta Adriatica” is the primary scientific publication with an
international review, a long tradition, which the Institute of
Oceanography and Fisheries in Split continuously published since
1932. Political and administrative circumstances have changed
several times over the last eighty years period (swept through
two wars and five states), but the main goal of publishing has
always remained the same - the publication of scientific papers
from different disciplines that help to better understanding of
the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean. Journal has gained a
great reputation, especially in the Mediterranean countries,
because Croatian as well as foreign scientists in the fields that
sea studies the (natural sciences, bio-sciences) show enormous
interest to publish in Acta Adriatica. At the beginning Journal
was an internal newsletter of the Institute, and today it is
respected journal which publishes the research papers by
scientists and experts from almost all over the world. By the
end of 2012 there were a total of 53 volumes with a total of
852 scientific papers written by over 900 authors. Types of work
that may be taken into consideration for the review process by
the Editorial Board of the journal are: a) the original scientific
papers, b) review articles, and c) short communications. The
papers mainly comprise the given issues related to the Adriatic
and the Mediterranean Sea, but we also accept works that may
include other areas or have a contribution of general interest
(description of the new methodology, a description of new
species, etc). The journal is published semi-annually with the
financial support of the Ministry of Science, Education and
Sports of the Republic of Croatia and is distributed through the
exchange to 350 addresses of scientific institutions in Croatia
and around the world.
Topics of the Scientific Papers
Out of the total number of papers published so far about 60% is
covering an area of marine biology (biology and ecology of fishes
in the Adriatic and the Mediterranean, taxonomy and ecology
of plankton, marine microbiology); 16% covers the problems
of physics (physical oceanography) (seasonal and long-term
fluctuations in temperature and salinity, temperature rise,
dynamic conditions, geostrophic flow, «upwelling “Adriatic
ingressions”, optics sea); 12% are dealing with issues of
importance to fishing (fish biomass estimates using direct and
indirect methods, aquaculture, lagoon fisheries and shellfish),
and 11% by chemistry and marine pollution (quantity and
distribution of nutrients, eutrophication, heavy metals in
seawater and sediments, the content of contaminants: oil,
detergents and pesticides, the impact of humans and their
activities on the marine ecosystem). What is necessary to
highlight is the fact that the first papers containing the first
data on the dynamics of primary production in the Adriatic
were published in this journal, which in the sixties of the last
century to ensured exceptional visibility of Acta Adriatica at the
international level.
In our journal were published numerous papers dealing with
the biology and ecology of pelagic and demersal fish species,
both in the Adriatic Sea, as well as those in the waters around
the Mediterranean. In a number of works were presented
the problems of fish diet, as well as problems in the field of
aquaculture, shellfish farming and fishing in the lagoon.
Among the published works can be found papers that deal with
issues of the impact of certain fishing gear on the population
status of fish and other marine organisms, as well as papers that
present the results of the fish biomass estimates of indirect and
direct methods used in fishery biology. There are many articles
on issues in physical oceanography from the area around the
Adriatic Sea and parts of the Mediterranean (Egypt, Greece
and Turkey). Printed papers also include the issue of seasonal
variation of the basic hydrographic properties in certain areas
and the impact of Levantine Intermediate Water (“Adriatic
ingressions”) on hydrographic properties in the Adriatic Sea.
There is a growing presence of multidisciplinary papers covering
issues of long-term trends and fluctuations of abiotic and biotic
parameters in relation to the Adriatic ingressions. A certain
number of papers refer to optics of the sea and issues related to
the dynamics of water masses are represented in more than 25
volumes of the journal. The spatial coverage of the entire area
of ​​the Adriatic and the Gulf of Trieste until the Strait of Otranto
was carried out.
In Acta Adriatica, for the first time, were published the results
of calculation of geostrophic currents in the Adriatic and the
eastern Mediterranean. The paper which shows the impact of the
construction of the Aswan Dam on the fisheries and oceanographic
features of the Mediterranean and the Adriatic has also been
Inclusion of the world’s scientific courses requires the international
visibility and recognition; therefore Editorial invested and continues
to invest great efforts in order to get Acta Adriatica included in
international databases, with published papers which become
available to the general scientific community. The efforts result in
success, and since 2007, the papers in the journal are indexed in a
number of scientific journal databases such as:
Agricola, ASFA (CSA) – Aquatic Science & Fisheries Abstracts
CSA, CAB Abstracts, CNRS - INIST, Dialog, DOAJ, EBSCOhost
Fish & Fisheries Worldwide produced by NICS, South Africa,
Georeference, HRČAK, ISI Web of Knowledge, Oceanic Abstracts,
Pollution Abstracts Referativnij Zhurnal, WoS-Web of Science,
Science Citation Index Expanded, SCOPUS, Water Resources
Abstracts and Zoological Record.
Entry into international databases results with a significant response
of the scientific community, and the number of papers that come
to the editors is constantly increasing. It also allows Editorial
stricter selection and consequently reduces the percentage of
publications. All this leads to an increase in impact factor (Impact
Factor), which first appeared in 2009 and it was 0,459, while for
2011 was 0,500. In addition, by the number of citations of articles
from Acta Adriatica in SCI (Science Citation Index) Journal in the
period (1975-2001) occupied second place (Andreis & Jokić,2008
Today, compared to all the Croatian scientific journals covering
all scientific fields, Acta Adriatica is in fourth place, based on the
criteria proposed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
of the Republic of Croatia (personal communication).
In the time of increased globalization, where scientific standards
become almost equal there is a great interest to be chosen in a
group of selected journals that are in the CC (Current Contents)
database; to raise the quality even more and subsequently the
citation (higher IF) and be able to give even better services for
those who submit their papers to be published in Acta Adriatica.
Yet despite all the changes and future aspirations the main goal
of publishing Acta Adriatica remains unchanged: to publish highquality papers on a multidisciplinary level, which will help to better
understand the Adriatic Sea and the Mediterranean, and thus
become even richer treasure of knowledge for these seas.
*Andreis , M. & M. Jokić. 2008. An impact of Croatian journals
measured by citation analysis from SCI-expanded database in time
span 1975–2001. Scientometrics, 75 (2): 263–288.
Changing of appearance of Acta Adriatica from 1930 to date.
Dr. Otmar Karlovac (1902-1980) – 110th Anniversary of birth
Prepared by Dr sc Jakov Dulčić
Dr. Otmar Karlovac (1902-1980) – 110th Anniversary of birth
Dr. Otmar Karlovac was born February 7, 1902 in Split, where
he attended elementary and high school, and in 1919 he went
to Belgrade and enrolled the group of biological sciences at the
Faculty of Philosophy. After returning to Split, he was hired as
a professor at the Classical High School, while simultaneously
worked in the Biological Oceanography Institute in Split. During
1935, he was perfecting in the microscopic technique at the
Morpho-biological Institute of the Medical Faculty. This was
followed by employment in the City Museum of Natural History,
the Zoo and Marine Aquarium in Split, first as a volunteer and
then as Curator and Director of the institution from 1940 to
1946. Following that duty, Dr. Karlovac goes to work at the
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Split where he spent
his best years. In 1953 he has completed his doctoral studies in
Belgrade with a defense of his Ph.D. thesis entitled: “Ecological
Study of prawns Nephrops norvegicus in the open waters of
the Adriatic Sea”. Shortly after his arrival to the Institute of
Oceanography and Fisheries in Split, Dr. Otmar Karlovac was
appointed as the Head the Laboratory of Ichthyobenthos and
he held that job position until his retirement.
Together with Dr. Tonko Šoljan actively involved in organizing
and preparing Fishery-biological expedition Hvar, and from
1948 to 1949 takes over the whole organization of the field
research activities. He was also the first Head of the public and
the experimental aquarium at the Institute of Oceanography
and Fisheries. Dr. Karlovac was also Chairman of the Group
and to coordinate research at the General Fisheries Council for
the Mediterranean, FAO, and the editor of the first and second
editions of the Maritime Encyclopedia.
He has received from town of Split the Award for Lifetime
Achievement in 1971. In the scientific and professional work
he was thorough, an excellent fisheries biologist, educator and
popularizer of biological sciences. He has published 66 titles, of
which 29 original papers, 28 professional and 9 popular-scientific
works. In addition, he has also published 62 short articles on
issues in fisheries and fisheries biology in two editions of the
Maritime Encyclopedia. His most important research includes:
shrimp Neprohps norvegicus, small mollusks Latreilia elegans,
orange shrimp Stenopus spinosus, red shrimp Aristaeomorpha
foliacea and golden shrimp Plesionika acanthoanatus.
Dr. Karlovac’s prominent researches were: study of three types
of diet family Scorpaenidae (Scorpaena scrofa S. porcus, S.
ustulata) (together with Dr. Tonko Šoljan); investigation of early
and adult stages of various species of fish (Boops boops, Lophius
piscatorius, Trachurus trachurus, Lepidopus caudate - along
with Dr. Jožica Karlovac) and exploring of the Adriatic Sea sharks
from families Squalidae.
Dr. Otmar Karlovac, Head of the Hvar Expedition, lists the
inedible trawl catch.
Mission and Vision of the
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
Mission of THE Institute OF Oceanography and Fisheries is to be a center for
scientific excellence within the area of marine research and marine fisheries, following the
international research standards and respecting the specific interests of the Republic of
Croatia. The mission of the Institute is accomplished through:
Strategic national and international scientific research,
Research motivated by new ideas and curiosity,
Professional activities, technological development and cooperation with economy,
Conducting and maintaining of the oceanographic and fishery services,
Education and transfer of knowledge.
Vision of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries is to be0 a national center
for marine research and fisheries in the Republic of Croatia and to become an inevitable factor
and center of the oceanographic and fishery research activities concerning the Adriatic Sea.
Accomplishment of the Institute’s vision includes creation of the human and infrastructural
capacities necessary for accomplishing the vision of the Institute and realization of the specific
aims, especially the following ones:
Reinforcement of the quantity and quality of the research teams,
Establishment of the new research activities based on multidisciplinary approach,
Encouraging the mobility of the scientists, to and from the Institute,
Strengthening of the professional and management staff, and the administrative support,
Solution of the strategic infrastructural needs.
Laboratory for Aquaculture
Head of the Laboratory
Prof. Ivan Katavić, Ph.D., Senior research scientist (katavic@izor.
hr) - aquaculture, new species in mariculture
Jasna Maršić Lučić, Ph.D., Senior associate, ( aquaculture, population genetics of fish and shellfish
Leon Grubišić, Ph.D., Senior research scientist (grubisic@izor.
hr) - aquaculture, new species in mariculture, cryopreservation
of gametes
Ivona Mladineo, Ph.D., Senior research scientist (mladineo@ - ichtyopathology
Mladen Tudor, Ph.D., Research associate ( modeling of impact of aquaculture on the environment
Tanja Šegvić Bubić, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow (
- aquaculture, new species in mariculture
Ivana Lepen Pleić, B.Sc., research fellow ( - fish
Mladen Jozić, senior technician (
Overview of the laboratory activities
Within the Laboratory of Aquaculture research is focused on the
issue of introducing new species in aquaculture with emphasis
on high-value species: Pink dentex (Dentex gibbosus) and red
scorpionfish (Scorpaena scrofa). A method is determined for
collecting individual brood fish, their adaptability to conditions
of captivity and feeding. Biotechnological research is based on
the experiments concerning the possibility of cryopreservation
of fish milt and production of polyploid, monosex or sterile
culture materials. The farming of tuna (Thunnus thynnus) based
on fishing is also covered by the research.
Taking into account the economic value of the tuna and the
impact they may suffer from a poor diet, in the purchase of
frozen food it is especially important to check its safety based
on the content of volatile amines. By the method of visual
observations the impact of tuna farms is estimated, as well as of
white fish and shellfish farms, on the natural ichtyopopulations
that live in the vicinity. The spatial and temporal distribution
of natural populations is examined, their biodiversity and
biometrics, and it is compared with habitats outside the
impact of the farms. The genetic characterization of wild and
farmed gilthead sea bream populations using microsatellite
loci are in progress. Also, the population-genetic assessment of
commercially important fish species from the eastern coast of
the Adriatic is investigated.
Laboratory conducts research on the diseases of marine
organisms, with emphasis on parasitic diseases of fish and
shellfish in aquaculture, especially those with zoonotic
characteristics (Anisakis spp, Cryptosporidium spp.).
The approach to research is holistic and includes the basic
microscopic identification of parasites (light and transmission
electron microscopy), molecular identification and phylogeny
of the parasites (COX markers, ITS, rDNA), and the detection of
pathological changes induced in the host (the classic histology,
IHC, IF). To complete the picture of the effect of pathogens on
hosts in the system of susceptible breeding in aquaculture,
we have initiated a study of functional genomics of fish, with
emphasis on the expression of genes involved in immune
response (cytokines, Toll-like receptors, lysozyme) as well as
indicators of stress genes (qPCR, microarray).
One of the activities of the Laboratory of Aquaculture is also
the mathematical modeling of the impact of fish farms on the
environment. Two computer programs (TunaMod and AquaKult)
are made and used in making the studies of environmental
impact of tuna, gilthead sea bream and sea bass farms.
Banner for the 15th international conference of the European
Association of Fish Pathologists.
The most important laboratory activities
In September 2011 Laboratory has organized 15th conference
of the European Association of Fish pathologists that gather
more than 200 delegates from countries from almost all around
the world. Conference lasted five days and was preceded by
workshop on the management of diseases in aquaculture,
aiming to Croatian finfish and tuna farmers.
Laureate for the Croatian National Award for Science, field
biomedicine in 2011 was Ivona Mladineo, Ph.D.
Ongoing laboratory projects
Research of zootechnical and environmental conditions for fish
and cephalopods farming
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project Leader: Ivan Katavić
Population-genetic assessment of fish species interested to
sport - recreational fishing and aquaculture long the eastern
Adriatic (greater amberjack, common dentex, sea bass and sea
Financed by: Croatian association for angling at sea
Project Leader: Ivan Katavić
Interaction of wild tuna with purse seine catch
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural
Development, Fisheries Directorate
Project Leader: Ivan Katavić
Monitoring of tuna fishing and farming
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural
Development, Fisheries Directorate
Project Leader: Leon Grubišić
Development of the Atlantic bluefin tuna: (a) embryo formed,
appearance of Kupffer’s vesicle; (b) embryo 3 hours before hatching;
(c) yolk-sac larvae 3 hours after hatching; (d) 1.5 dph yolk-sac larvae; (e)
2.5 dph larvae, mouth developed, first feeding; (f) 4 dph larvae. Scale
bar = 0.5 mm.
Using a stereoscopic camera in assessing farmed tuna
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural
Development, Fisheries Directorate
Project Leader: Leon Grubišić
Dynamic and pathology of parasitofauna in the cage-reared fish
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project Leader: Ivona Mladineo
MikroTuna – new diagnostic tool for monitoring of diseases on
tuna farms
Financed by: Croatian Business and Innovation Center BICRO
Project Leader: Ivona Mladineo
AQUAMED: Future research of aquaculture in the Mediterranean
Financed by: EU FP7
Project Leader: Ivona Mladineo
Parasite: Risk analysis of parasite and tool integration in EU fish
production value chains
Financed by: EU FP7
Project Leader: Ivona Mladineo
Šegvić-Bubić, Tanja; Boban, Josip; Grubišić, Leon; Trumbić,
Željka; Radman, Margita; Perčić, Marin; Čož-Rakovac, Rosalinda.
2012. Effects of propolis enriched diet on growth performance
and plasma biochemical parameters of juvenile European sea
bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) under acute low temperature
stress. Aquaculture Nutrition (In press).
Gračan, Romana; Buršić, Moira; Mladineo, Ivona; Kučinić,
Mladen; Lazar, Bojan; Lacković, Gordana. 2012. Gastrointestinal
helminth community of loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta,
in the Adriatic Sea. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 99: 227-236.
Haenen, Olga; Mladineo, Ivona; Konecny, Robert; Yoshimizu,
M; Groman, David, Munoz, Pilar, Saraiva, Aurelia, Bergmann,
Sven; van Beurden, SJ. 2012. Diseases of eels in an international
perspective: Workshop on Eel Diseases at the 15th International
Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish, Split, Croatia,
2011. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists,
32: 109-115.
Mladineo, Ivona; Petrić, Mirela; Hrabar, Jerko; Bočina, Ivana;
Peharda, Melita. 2012. Reaction of the mussel Mytilus
galloprovincialis (Bivalvia) to Eugymnanthea inquilina (Cnidaria)
and Urastoma cyprinae (Turbellaria) concurrent infestation.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 110: 118-125.
Selected publications
Mladineo, Ivona; Šegvić-Bubić, Tanja; Stanić, Rino; Desdevises,
Yves. 2012. Pathogen transfer between wild and reared
sea bream (Sparus aurata) population: morphological and
phylogenetic consequences. PLOS One, in press.
Mladineo, Ivona; Šimat, Vida; Miletić, Jelena; Beck, Relja, Poljak,
Vedran. 2012. Molecular identification and population dynamic
of Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda: Anisakidae Dujardin, 1845)
isolated from the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L.)
in the Adriatic Sea. International Journal of Food Microbiology,
157: 224-229.
Šimat, Vida; Bogdanović, Tanja; Krželj, Maja; Soldo, Alen; Maršić
Lučić, Jasna. 2012. Differences in chemical, physical and sensory
properties during shelf life assessment of wild and farmed
gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata, L.). Journal of Applied
Ichthyology, 28 1: 95-101.
Petrić, Mirela; Mladineo, Ivona; Krstulović Šifner, Svjetalana.
2011. Insight in the short-finned squid Illex coindetii
(Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) feeding ecology: is there a
link between helminth parasites and food composition? Journal
of Parasitology, 97/1: 55-62.
Mišlov Jelavić, Krstina; Stepanowska, Katarzyna; Grubišić, Leon;
Šegvić Bubić, Tanja; Katavić, Ivan. 2012. Reduced feeding effects
to the blood and muscle chemistry of farmed juvenile bluefin
tuna in the Adriatic Sea. Aquaculture Research, 43/2: 317-320.
Tański, Adam; Korzelecka-Orkisz, Agata; Grubišić, Leon; Tičina,
Vjekoslav; Szulc, Joanna; Formicki, Krzysztof. 2011. Directional
responses of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and sea bream
(Sparus aurata) fry under static magnetic field. Electronic
Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities, 14.
Lepen, Ivana; Puzina, Jasna. 2011. Fish mapping of 18S-5.8S26S rRNA genes and fluorochrome banding in the triploid
viviparous onion Allium x Cornutum clementi ex visiani, 1842.
Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Botanica, 53/1: 1–6.
Bošnjak, Ivana; Šegvić, Tanja, Smital, Tvrko; Franekić Čolić,
Jasna; Mladineo, Ivona. 2011. Sea Urchin Embryotoxicity Test
for Determination of Environmental Contaminants – Potential
Role of the MRP Proteins. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 217:
Mladineo, Ivona; Lovy, Jan. (2011): A new xenoma-forming
microsporidium infecting intestinal tract of Atlantic bluefin tuna
(Thunnus thynnus). Acta Parasitologica, 56: 339-347.
Mladineo, Ivona; Zrnčić, Snježana; Lojkić, Ivona; Oraić, Dražen.
2011. Molecular identification of a new strain of infectious
pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) in Croatian rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) farm. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27:
Mladineo, Ivona; Šegvić, Tanja; Petrić, Mirela. 2011. Do captive
conditions favor shedding of parasites in the reared Atlantic
bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)? Parasitology International,
Šegvić-Bubić, Tanja; Grubišić, Leon; Karaman, Nikola; Tičina,
Vjekoslav; Mišlov Jelavić, Krstina; Katavić, Ivan. 2011. Damages
on mussel farms potentially caused by fish predation - self
service on the ropes? Aquaculture (Amsterdam). 319 3/4; 497504.
Šegvić Bubić, Tanja; Grubišić, Leon; Tičina, Vjekoslav; Katavić,
Ivan. 2011. Temporal and spatial variability of pelagic wild fish
assemblages around tuna fish farms in the Eastern Adriatic.
Journal of Fish Biology. 78/ 1: 78-97.
Šegvić-Bubić, Tanja; Lepen, Ivana; Trumbić, Željka; Ljubković,
Jelena; Sutlović, Davorka; Matić-Skoko, Sanja; Grubišić,
Leon; Glamuzina, Branko; Mladineo, Ivona. 2011. Population
genetic structure of the reared and wild gilthead sea bream
(Sparus aurata) in the Adriatic inferred with microsatellite loci.
Aquaculture (Amsterdam), 318 3/4: 309-315.
Tičina, Vjekoslav; Grubišić, Leon; Šegvić Bubić, Tanja; Katavić,
Ivan. 2011. Biometric characteristics of small Atlantic bluefin
tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Linnaeus, 1758) of Mediterranean Sea
origin. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27/4: 971-976.
Laboratory for Benthos
Head of the Laboratory
Boris Antolić, Ph.D., Senior research associate (
– Phytobenthos, taxonomy, phytocenology
( – Zoobenhtos, taxonomy, biology, ecology
Ante Žuljević, Ph.D., Senior research associate (
– Phytobenthos, invasive species, Natura 2000, education
Marija Despalatović, Ph.D., Senior research associate (mare@ – Zoobenthos, taxonomy, biology, ecology, biocenology
Ivan Cvitković, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow (
– Zoobenthos, taxonomy, biology, ecology, meiofauna
Vedran Nikolić, Ph.D., postdoctoral fellow (
– Macroalgae, seagrasses, taxonomy, ecology
Srđana Rožić, B.Sc., Associate ( – Water Framework
Directive monitoring (seagrasses and macroalgae)
Overview of the Laboratory’s activities
Laboratory for Benthos investigates composition and
distribution of benthic communities (flora and fauna) along the
eastern Adriatic coastmateju. The research is based on field
sampling (SCUBA divers, drag, bottom trawl, grab, corer) and
processing of collected samples in the laboratory (microscopic
analysis, chemical and molecular-genetic analysis). Basic
taxonomic research is finalized with inventory lists of algae and
invertebrates which serves as a baseline for applied research in
benthic ecology.
Photography and videorecording (in situ or in the laboratory) of
benthic organisms and biological processes are one of the basic
methods for research and documentation.
Researchers from the Laboratory are also involved in applied
investigations conducted by the Institute, such as monitoring
and ecological studies with the aim to determine possible
changes in the composition and distribution of benthos resulting
from natural changes or anthropogenic impact.
Important activity of the laboratory concerns the monitoring
of the appearance and spread of invasive benthic species and
research of their biology and ecology in the new environment.
Another subject is qualitative and quantitative research of
meiofauna composition in the sediment and flora, and various
ecological aspects of this faunal component.
Laboratory staff takes part in university teaching and actively
participates in public education about the biology, ecology and
nature protection of the Adriatic Sea.
Top activities
Within the project of implementation of European Water
Framework Directive in Croatia, researchers from the Laboratory
intensively tested bioindicator methods that use phytobenthos
as bioindicator of the coastal water quality in the middle
and south Adriatic Sea. Methods like CARLIT (Cartography of
littoral rocky-shore communities), POMI (Posidonia oceanica
Multivariate Index) and CYMOX (Cymodocea nodosa index) have
been successfully implemented into the national monitoring
and the results will also be used within the implementation of
the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
Collaboration with the majority of laboratories for benthos
from the Mediterranean Sea is established through several
international projects in which our laboratory actively
participates. One of the most important international projects
is the research of biodiversity and ecology of the brown algae
in the eastern Mediterraenan Sea which is funded by the
Foundation Total.
We have started the organisation and digitalization of the
herbarium collection which now has over 4000 categorized
herbarium sheets. The newly organized computer database of
photographs contains over 25000 microscope photos and over
60000 photographs taken during the fieldwork.
The red list of marine macroalgae and seagrasses has been
compiled according to IUCN guidelines, and the inventory list
of echinoderms.
Ongoing laboratory projects
Biodiversity of benthos in the middle Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project leader: Boris Antolić
Brown algal biodiversity and ecology in the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea
Financed by: TOTAL Foundation
Project leader: Prof. Christos Katsaros
Seagrass productivity: From genes to ecosystem management
Financed by: COST (European Cooperation in Science and
Project leader: Prof. Rui Santos
National representatives: Vedran Nikolić and Ante Žuljević
Characterization of the area, drafting of monitoring program
and execution of monitoring of water quality in transitional and
coastal waters in the Adriatic Sea, according to the requirements
of the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC)
Financed by: Croatian Waters
Project leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
SOLEMON (Solea monitoring) project
Financed by: FAO ADRIAMED
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč and Marija Despalatović, national
Fieldwork for the implementation of CYMOX bioindicator method
PERSEUS (Policy-orientated marine Environmental Research for
the Southern European Seas)
Financed by: EU FP7
National coordinator: Ivona Marasović
Initial assessment of the state and pressures on Croatian part
of the Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection
Project leader: Nada Krstulović
Biological Baseline Survey
Financed by: Ministry of maritime affairs, transport and
Project leader: Živana Ninčević Gladan
Analysis of the impact of petroleum product storage and ballast
waters to the marine environment and the living resources of
the Kaštela Bay
Financed by: HANDA (The Croatian Compulsory Oil Stocks
Project leader: Ivona Marasović
Recent publications
Despalatović M, Cvitković I, Žuljević A, Grubelić I, Piccinetti
C.(2012) Distribution and abundance of the knobby swimcrab,
cropipus tuberculatus (Roux, 1830) (Decapoda, Portunidae), in
the northern and middle Adriatic Sea. Crustaceana 85 (7): 835845.
Puizina J, Despalatović M, Vladislavić N, Šamanić I, Cvitković I.
(2012) Characterization of potential marine invasive mollusc
Siphonaria pectinata (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) in the Adriatic
Sea using molecular markers – preliminary results. Vie et milieu
– life and environment 62 (2): 61-68.
Fieldwork for the implementation of CARLIT method.
Sampling in Ploče city harbour for the project Biological Baseline Survey.
Mascaró O, Alcoverro T, Dencheva K, Díez I, Gorostiaga J M,
Krause-Jensen D, Balsby TJS, Marbà N, Muxika I, Neto JM, Nikolić
V, Orfanidis S, Pedersen A, Pérez M, Romero J. (2012) Exploring
the robustness of macrophyte-based classification methods
to assess the ecological status of coastal and transitional
ecosystems under the WFD. Hydrobiologia, DOI 10.1007/
Mascaró O, Bennett S, Marbà N, Nikolić V, Romero J, Duarte CM,
Alcoverro T. (2012) Uncertainty analysis along the ecological
quality status of water bodies: the response of the Posidonia
oceanica multivariate index (POMI) in three Mediterranean
regions. Marine pollution bulletin 64: 926-931
Žuljević A, Thibaut T, Despalatović M, Cottalorda JM, Nikolić V,
Cvitković I, Antolić B. (2011) Invasive alga Caulerpa racemosa
var. cylindracea makes a strong impact on the Mediterranean
sponge Sarcotragus spinosulus. Biological invasions 13 (10):
Cvitković I, Travizi A, Despalatović M, Grubelić I, Bogner D,
Nikolić V, Žuljević A, Antolić B. (2011) Spatio-temporal variability
of meiofauna community structure in abandoned salina of
Velike soline and adjacent area (Mediterranean, Adriatic sea).
Fresenius environmental bulletin 20 (3): 645-655
Antolić B, Špan A, Žuljević A, Nikolić V, Grubelić I, Despalatović M,
Cvitković I. (2011) A checklist of the benthic marine macroalgae
from the eastern Adriatic coast: III. Rhodophyta 1: Ceramiales.
Acta Adriatica. 52 (1); 67-86
Sampling in the Ionian Sea for the project Brown
algal biodiversity and ecology in the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea.
Žuljević A, Antolić B, Nikolić V, Despalatović M, Cvitković I.
(2012) Absence of successful sexual reproduction of Caulerpa
racemosa var. cylindracea in the Adriatic Sea. Phycologia 51 (3):
Doctoral disertations
Nikolić Vedran (2012). Macroalgal communities as bioindicator
of ecological status of coastal waters in the Adriatic Sea.
Doctoral disertation, University of Zagreb: Faculty of Science.
176 pp. (mentor Boris Antolić)
Cvitković Ivan (2011). Influence of invasive alga Caulerpa
taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh on structure and dynamic of meiofauna
in phytal and sediment. Doctoral disertation. University of
Zagreb: Faculty of Science, 145 pp. (mentor: Travizi, Ana).
Selected links
Labaratory of Bentos’s herbarium base, counting over 4000 scanned
herbarium sheets.
Laboratory of Marine Microbiology
Head of the laboratory
Prof. Nada Krstulović, Ph. D., Senior research scientist
( - ecology of marine microorganisms, pelagic
microbial trophic chain, sanitary aspects of marine microbiology
Prof Mladen Šolić, Ph. D., Senior research scientist (solic@ - ecology of marine microorganisms, pelagic microbial
trophic chain, sanitary aspects of marine microbiology
Stefanija Šestanović, Ph. D., Research Associate (
– bacterial biomass and production in
marine sediments, trophic relationships in microbial
communities of marine sediments
Danijela Šantić, Ph. D., Research Associate ( –
trophic and size structure of marine microbial communities
Slaven Jozić, Ph. D. – Associate (
Mate Pavlović, Technician
Overview of the laboratory activities
Work of the Laboratory of Microbiology includes research
of ecology of marine microorganisms (viruses, bacteria,
cyanobacteria, heterotrophic nanoplankton), as well as research
of allochthonous microorganisms which from different sources
enter the marine environment. Field of marine microorganisms
ecology includes research of microbial community structure
(composition, number, biomass, production and activity), and
the role of microbial trophic web in the flow of matter and
energy through the pelagic ecosystem. Given the importance
of bacteria in biogeochemical processes in the sea, research of
numbers and biomass of bacteria have recently been carried
out in the sediment as well. As part of the allochthonous
microorganisms research, the presence of fecal pollution
indicators in sea water and organisms (especially shellfish)
and occasionally, of some groups of patogenic microorganisms
as well, is being monitored. The results of these studies are
essential for assessing the sanitary quality of water and marine
organisms and potential risks to human health. Research of
microorganism survival in the marine environment, and the
rate of their concentration in shellfish in different enviromental
conditions, is also being carried out. Within this issue,
Laboratory of Microbiology organizes national and international
workshops related to the introduction of new methods and
training in their implementation. Laboratory of Microbiology is
the authorized research laboratory for testing and evaluation
of water quality, according to the resolution of the Ministry of
Regional Development, Forestry and Water Economy of the
Republic of Croatia, the Board of Water Management (Class:
UP/Io-034-04/08-01/16; URBROJ: 538-10/1- 4-64-08/6; of 10th
of December 2008.
In the framework of the cooperation with the Croatian Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection we would like to
stress activities of the scientists in the working groups dealing
with the preparation of directives and documents related to
Ongoing laboratory projects
Role of plankton communities in the energy and matter flow
in the Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project Leader: Nada Krstulović
Residence time of bacteria Escherichia coli in seawater and
marine organisms
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project Leader: Mladen Šolić
Fluorescence microscopy (left). Flow cytometry: bacteria with high
(HNA), and low (LNA) DNA content (right).
Initial assessment of the state and pressures on Croatian part
of the Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection
Project leader: Nada Krstulović
Monitoring of the environmental impact of the submarine
outfall Stobreč
Financed by: Water and Sewage Company of Split
Project Leader: Nada Krstulović
Environmental Impact Assessment “Hotel and apartment
complex with mooring Vela Borovica, community Marina”
Financed by: Vela Borovica koncern d.o.o.
Project Leader (Part: Marine Environment): Mladen Šolić
Viral production in the Kaštela Bay.
the Adriatic protection. Some scientists of the Laboratory were
very active as experts at the consultation meetings of the WHO/
UNEP for the finalization and approval of criteria and standards
for bathing waters along with beach profiles. In the framework
of these activities pilot project „Beach Profile for Coastal Bathing Waters in the Mediterranean: Beach profile of five beaches
in the Republic of Croatia” was prepared taking into consideration the WHO guidelines which are in conformity with the new
EC directive and were considered as a step forward in monitoring bathing waters particularly in applying the proposed
methodology for completing the coastal water quality profiles
in Croatia related to the obligation according Directive of the
bathing water quality. In the period 2011-2012 some scientists
of the Laboratory were included in the number of activities on
the implementation of Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
Within the framework of these activities some scientists of laboratory were engaged in the process applying Ecosystems Approach in the Mediterranean Sea within the BC/MAP Project
which is driven by contracting parties.
Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern
EUropean Seas (PERSEUS)
Financed by: EU Seventh Framework Project (FP7-OCEAN-2011)
Project leader: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)
Project leader in IOF: Ivona Marasović
For details, see the Laboratory of plankton and shellfish toxicity
Determination of transitional and coastal shellfish waters under
Directive 2006/11/EC
Financed by: Hrvatske vode
Project leader: Živana Ninčević Gladan
Quality control of the Coastal Adriatic Sea (Pag-Konavle Project)
Financed by: Water Protection Division, Croatian Waters
Project Leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
Systematic Investigation of Transitional and Coastal Waters
Quality during the period 2012-2013
Financed by: Water Protection Division, Croatian Waters
Project Leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
Chapters in books
PhD Theses
Šantić, D. & N. Krstulović. 2011. Identification and
characterisation of microbial populations using flow cytometry
in the Adriatic Sea. In: Flow Cytometry/ Book 1. Schmid Ingrid
(ed) In Tech. ISBN 979-953-307-355-1.
Šantić, D. 2010. Raspodjela i aktivnost prokariotskih
mikroorganizama u području srednjeg i južnog Jadrana.
Doktorska disertacija, Sveučilište u Zagrebu. 165 str. (voditeljica
Nada Krstulović)
Carić, H. 2011. Model vrednovanja onečišćenja u funkciji
upravljanja morskim okolišem – primjer crusing turizma.
Doktorska disertacija, Sveučilište u Splitu. 186 str. (voditelji
Mladen Šolić i Maja Fredotović)
Ordulj, M. 2012. Raspodjela i aktivnost virusa na području
srednjeg i južnog Jadrana. Doktorska disertacija, Sveučilište u
Splitu. 149 str. (voditeljica Nada Krstulović)
Jozić, S. 2012. Vrijeme zadržavanja indikatora fekalnog
onečišćenja u moru i morskim organizmima. Doktorska
disertacija, Sveučilište u Splitu, 118 str. (voditelj Mladen Šolić)
Šolić, M. 2012. Umijeće življenja: Iz kuta jednog ekologa. Izvori,
Zagreb, 330 str.
Šolić, M., N. Krstulović, D. Šantić, S. Šestanović. 2012. Kaštela
Bay and Stončica (Sites 60-61). In: O’Brien, T.D., W.K.W. Li, X.A.G.
Moran (Eds), ICES Phytoplankton and Microbial Plankton Status
Report 2009/2010. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 310.
196 pp: 150-152. SBN 978-87-7482-115-1.
Collos, Y., M. Gasol, M. Šolić, D. Soudant, A. Zingone. 2012.
Phytoplankton and Microbial Plankton of the Mediterranean
Sea. In: O’Brien, T.D., W.K.W. Li, X.A.G. Moran (Eds), ICES
Phytoplankton and Microbial Plankton Status Report 2009/2010.
ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 310. 196 pp: 136-37. SBN
Research papers
Kušpilić, G., I. Marasović, N. Krstulović, M. Šolić, Ž. NinčevićGladan, N. Bojanić, O. Vidjak, S. Matijević. 2010. Restoration
potential of eutrophic waters adjacent to large cities:
lessons from the coastal zone of Croatia // Proceedings of
the International workshop on the Impact of large coastal
Mediterranean cities on marine ecosystems, Alexandria, Egypt
- 10-12 Feb. 2009 / Angelidis, Michael ; Briand, Frederic ;
Cadiou, Jean-Francois ; Kholeif, Suzan ; Oh, Jae ; Rodriguez Y
Baena, Alessia ; Scoullos, Michael (ur.). La Seyne/Mer (France)
: Imprimerie MARIM - 83000 Toulon (France), 2010, 117-120.
Šantić, D., N. Krstulović, M. Šolić, G. Kušpilić. 2011. Distribution
of Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus in the central Adriatic
Sea. Acta Adriatica, 52: 101-113.
Krstulović, N., M. Šolić, D. Šegvić, S. Šestanović, G. Kušpilić.
2011. Praćenje utjecaja podmorskog ispusta Stobreč na okoliš.
Hrvatske vode, 19: 127-132.
Krstulović, N., M. Šolić, D. Šantić, S. Šestanović, G. Kušpilić,
N. Bojanić. 2011. Responses of microbial food web to
eutrophication decreasing. Proceedings of the Tenth Conference
on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 11
Erdal Ozhan (ed.). Rhodes, Mediterranean Coastal Foundation,
2011, 2: 533-543.
Bojanić, N., O. Vidjak, M. Šolić, N. Krstulović, I. Brautović, S.
Matijević, G. Kušpilić, S. Šestanović, Ž. Ninčević Gladan, I.
Marasović. 2012. Community structure and seasonal dynamics
of tintinnid ciliates in Kaštela Bay (middle Adriatic Sea). Journal
of plankton research. 34: 510-530.
Šantić, D., N. Krstulović, M. Šolić, G. Kušpilić. 2012. HNA and LNA
bacteria in relation to the activity of heterotrophic bacteria.
Acta Adriatica, 53: 25-40.
Šantić, D., N. Krstulović, M. Šolić, M. Ordulj and G. Kušpilić.
2012. Dynamics of prokaryotic picoplankton community in the
central and southern Adriatic Sea (Croatia). Helgoland Mar Res.
DOI: 10.1007/s10152-012-0336-x
Šolić, M., N. Krstulović, D. Šantić, S. Šestanović, G. Kušpilić,
N. Bojanić. 2011. Inter-annual variability in the bottom-up
and top-down control of bacteria in the middle Adriatic Sea.
Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on the Mediterranean
Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 11 Erdal, Ozhan (ed.). Rhodes,
Mediterranean Coastal Foundation, 2011, 2: 545-556.
Impact of UVA spectrum of solar radiation on the survival of E. coli.
Jozić, S., Šolić, M. and N. Krstulović. The accumulation of
the indicator bacteria Escherichia coli in mussels (Mytilus
galloprovincialis) and oysters (Ostrea edulis) under experimental
conditions. Acta adriatica. (u tisku).
The ratio of the concentration of E. coli in mussels and seawater.
Laboratory for Ichthyology and Coastal Fisheries
Head of laboratory
Jakov Dulčić, Ph. D., Senior research scientist ( –
fish fry, population dynamics, systematics, biology and ecology
of fishes, Adriatic ichthyofauna biodiversity, invasive species
Miro Kraljević, Ph. D., Senior research scientist (kraljevic@izor.
hr) – fish fry, population dynamics, mariculture, nutrition
Armin Pallaoro, Ph. D., Senior research scientist (pallaoro@izor.
hr) – systematics, biology and ecology of fishes, coastal fisheries
Sanja Matić Skoko, Ph. D., Senior research scientist (sanja@izor.
hr) – fish fry, population dynamics, systematics, coastal fisheries,
biology and ecology of fishes, management and protection of
coastal resources
Pero Tutman, Ph. D., senior research associate (tutman@izor.
hr) – fish fry, population dynamics, systematics, biology and
ecology of fishes,
Dubravka Bojanić Varezić, Ph. D., Postdoctoral fellow (dbojanic@ – zooplankton, ichthyoplankton, fish diet
Branko Dragičević, Ph. D., Postdoctoral fellow (brankod@izor.
hr) – biology and ecology of fishes, coastal fisheries, invasive
Nika Stagličić, Research fellow ( – fish biology,
coastal fisheries, marine protected area
Robert Grgičević, Associate ( – coastal fisheries
Overview of the laboratory activities
Scientists of this laboratory are engaged in research of
ichthyology, fisheries biology, and ecology, coastal fisheries,
management and conservation, fishing gears and fishing
techniques. This research includes the study of systematics
and zoogeography of fishes, biology and ecology of plankton,
juvenile and adult fish stages, status and evaluation of the
Adriatic ichthyofauna, especially the commercially important
species, as well as effectiveness assessment of resources’
protection in marine protected areas. Special attention is given
to population dynamics of the coastal fish species and the
impact of coastal fisheries on fish, crustacean and cephalopod
Regarding fishing gear and techniques, field of research
encompasses methods and purposes of fishing, catchability,
selectivity and harmfulness of certain tools used in coastal
fisheries. In recent years, laboratory is engaged in monitoring
the impact of global climate change on the diversity of fishes
and other marine organisms. Also, in the last three years the
Laboratory was deeply involved in researching the effectiveness
assessment of protected marine areas in terms of coastal
recovery of fish communities, but also the potentials for
establishing new marine reserves.
Activities of the Laboratory are supported by various national
and international projects. It is important to emphasize that the
Institute regularly conduct those studies of coastal ichthyofauna
during past 65 years. Also, there is very proper collaboration
with marine biologists from neighbouring countries, who as
postdoctoral students or within Fulbright scholarships are often
involved in our studies.
The most important activities of the laboratory
Besides a number of published papers resulting from ongoing
projects, the results of research were used as a basis in making
key documents for rational management of living resources of
the Adriatic Sea (Strategy for Fisheries, Marine Fisheries Act
and accompanying regulations). Scientists are actively involved
in the development management plans of active fishing gears.
Laboratory participates in monitoring of coastal fisheries
Figure 2. Cover of the book “History scientific
research of the Adriatic Sea”.
Two books “The new fishes from the Adriatic and Mediterranean
Sea “ (Figure 1) and “History of natural science Research of the
Adriatic Sea “ (Figure 2), whose co-authors are members of the
Laboratory, were promoted. Employees were participating in
the organization and leadership of the international workshop
“AdriaMed Technical Meeting on Small Scale Fisheries in the
Adriatic Sea “, which was held in Split, 13 - 14 November, 2012.
Ongoing laboratory projects
Management of living marine resources and biodiversity in the
Croatian coastal areas
Financed by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of
Republic of Croatia
Project coordinator: Jakov Dulčić
Control of the coastal waters (Project Vir-Konavle)
Financed by: Croatian waters, Department for Water Protection
Project coordinator: Grozdan Kušpilić
Characterization of the area and making of programme proposals
and monitoring water status in transitional and coastal waters
of the Adriatic Sea, according to the requirements of the Water
Framework Directive (2000/60/EC)
Financed by: Croatian Waters
Project coordinator: Grozdan Kušpilić
Figure 1. Cover of the book “New fishes from the Adriatic
Framework for data collection in fisheries of RH - (OPP)
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture of Republic of Croatia
Project coordinator: Jakov Dulčić
and Mediterranean Sea“.
Matić-Skoko, Sanja; Ferri, Josipa; Kraljević, Miro; Pallaoro,
Armin. 2012. Age estimation and specific growth pattern of
boxlip mullet, Oedalechilus labeo (Cuvier, 1829) (Osteichthyes,
Mugilidae) in the eastern Adriatic Sea. Journal of Applied
Ichthyology 28 (2): 182-188.
Matić-Skoko, Sanja; Ferri, Josipa; Tutman, Pero; Skaramuca,
Daria; Đikić, Domagoj; Lisičić, Duje; Franić, Zdenko; Skaramuca,
Boško. 2012. The age, growth and feeding habits of the
European conger eel, Conger conger (L.) in the Adriatic Sea.
Mar. biol. research 8, 1012-1018.
Selected publications
Dulčić, J., Kršinić, F. 2012. Povijest prirodoznanstvenih
istraživanja Jadranskoga mora. HAZU i IOR, pp. 211.
Codinal, E.; Kéver, Loïc; Compère, Philippe; Dragičević,
Branko; Dulčić, Jakov; Parmentier, Eric. 2012. The barbel-like
specialization of the pelvic fins in Ophidion rochei (Ophidiidae),
Journal of morphology 27 (12): 1367-1376.
Dulčić, J.; Tutman, P.; Matić-Skoko, S.; Glamuzina, B.2011. Six
years from first record to population establishment : the case
of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896 (Brachyura,
Portunidae) in the Neretva River delta (South-eastern Adriatic
Sea, Croatia). Crustaceana (Leiden) 84:1211-1220.
Dulčić, Jakov; Tutman, Pero. 2012. Northernmost record of
the shamefaced crab Calappa granulata (Linnaeus, 1767)
(Brachyura: Calappidae) in the Mediterranean area. Crustaceana
(Leiden) 85 (4/5):601-606.
Tzanatos, E., Castro, J., Forcada, A., Matić-Skoko, S., Gaspar,
M., Koutsikopoulos, C., 2012. A Métier-Sustainability-Index
(MSI25) to evaluate fisheries components: assessment of cases
from data-poor fisheries from southern Europe. ICES Journal of
Marine Science; doi.10.1093/icesjms/fss161.
Ferri, Josipa; Stagličić, Nika; Matić-Skoko, Sanja. 2012. The black
scorpionfish, Scorpaena porcus (Scorpaenidae): could it serve
as reliable indicator of Mediterranean coastal communities’
health? Ecol. indicators. 18: 25-30.
Kéver, L.; Boyle, Kelly S.; Dragičević, B.; Dulčić, J.; Casadevall,
M.; Parmentier, E. 2012. Sexual dimorphism of sonic apparatus
and extreme intersexual variation of sounds in Ophidion rochei
(Ophidiidae): first evidence of a tight relationship between
morphology and sound characteristics in Ophidiidae. Front. In
Zool., 9 (34): 1-16.
Matić-Skoko, Sanja; Stagličić, Nika; Pallaoro, Armin; Kraljević,
Miro; Dulčić, Jakov; Tutman, Pero; Dragičević, Branko. 2011.
Effectiveness of conventional management in Mediterranean
type artisanal fisheries. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 91
(2): 314-324.
Matić-Skoko, Sanja; Tutman, Pero; Petrić, Mirela; Skaramuca,
Daria; Đikić, Domagoj; Lisičić, Duje; Skaramuca, Boško
2011. Mediterranean moray eel, Muraena helena (Pisces:
Muraenidae): biological indices for life history. Aquatic biology
13( 3): 275-284.
Stagličić, Nika; Matić-Skoko, Sanja; Pallaoro, Armin; Grgičević,
Robert; Kraljević, Miro; Tutman, Pero; Dragičević, Branko;
Dulčić, Jakov. 2011. Long-term trends in the structure of eastern
Adriatic littoral fish assemblages: Consequences for fisheries
management. Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 94 (3): 263271.
Dulčić, Jakov; Dragičević, Branko. 2011. First record of the
Atlantic tripletail, Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790), in the
Adriatic Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27 (6): 1385-1386.
Matić-Skoko, Sanja; Ferri, Josipa; Škeljo, Frane; Bartulović,
Vlasta; Glavić, Katarina; Glamuzina, Branko. 2011. Age, growth
and validation of otolith morphometrics as predictors of age in
the forkbeard, Phycis phycis (Gadidae). Fisheries research 112
(1/2): 52-58.
Paranthias furcifer - new allochthonous species recorded in the Adriatic
Holacanthus ciliaris – new allochthonous species recorded in the
Adriatic Sea
Dulčić, Jakov; Pallaoro, Armin; Matić-Skoko, Sanja; Dragičević,
Branko; Tutman, Pero; Grgičević, Robert; Stagličić, Nika, Bukvić,
Višnja; Pavličević, Jerko; Glamuzina, Branko; Kraljević, Miro.
2011. Age, growth and mortality of common two-banded
seabream, Diplodus vulgaris (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817), in
the eastern Adriatic Sea (Croatian coast). Journal of Applied
Ichthyology 27(5): 1254-1258.
Bartulović, Vlasta; Dulčić, Jakov; Bogut, Ivan; Pavličević, Jerko;
Hasković Edhem; Glamuzina, Branko. 2011.First record of the
freshwater bream, Abramis brama in the river Mala Neretva,
Adriatic drainage system of Croatia. Cybium 35 (2):165-166.
Kožul, Valter; Glavić, Nikša; Tutman, Pero; Bolotin, Jakša; Onofri,
Vladimir. 2011. The spawning, embryonic and early larval
development of the green wrasse Labrus viridis (Linnaeus,
1758) (Labridae) in controlled conditions. Animal reproduction
science 125( ¼): 196-203.
Lipej, Lovrenc; Furlan, Borut; Antolović, Nenad; Golani, Daniel;
Dulčić, Jakov. 2011. The first record of fangtooth moray
Enchelycore anatina (Lowe, 1839) in the Adriatic Sea. Journal of
Applied Ichthyology 27 ( 6):1385-1386.
Dulčić, Jakov; Dragičević, Branko. 2011. Nove ribe Jadranskog i
Sredozemnog mora.Split : Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo ;
Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, pp. 160.
Bartulović, Vlasta; Dulčić, Jakov; Matić-Skoko, Sanja; Glamuzina,
Branko. 2011. Reproductive cycles of Mugil cephalus, Liza
ramada and Liza aurata (Teleostei: Mugilidae). Journal of Fish
Biology 78 (7): 2067-2073.
Matić-Skoko, S.; Tutman, P.; Dulčić, J.; Prusina, I.; Đođo, Ž.;
Pavličević, J.; Glamuzina, B. 2011. Growth pattern of the endemic
Neretvan roach, Rutilus basak (Heckel, 1843) in the Hutovo
Blato wetland. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 27 (3):813-819.
Dulčić, Jakov; Dragičević, Branko. 2012. (in press) Paranthias
furcifer (Perciformes: Serranidae), a new alien fish in the
Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Fish Biology (in press, December,
Dulčić, J.; Dragičević, B. 2012. (in press). Holacanthus ciliaris
(Linnaeus, 1758) (Teleostei: Pomacanthidae), first record from
the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology (in
press, December, 2012).
Bojanić Varezić, D; Tutman, P; Matić-Skoko, S; Pallaoro, A;
Tičina, V; Dulčić, J. 2012 (in press). First record of leptocephali of
bandtooth conger Ariosoma balearicum (Pisces: Congridae) in
the Adriatic Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology (in press, 2012).
Laboratory of Physical Oceanography
Head of the laboratory
Mira Morović, Ph. D., Senior research associate (morovic@izor.
hr) - marine physics, marine optics, remote sensing, climate,
physics of marine ecosystem.
Vlado Dadić, Ph.D., Senior research scientist (
- oceanographic instrumentation and measurement systems,
data handling, the use of geographic information systems
Branka Grbec, Ph.D., Senior research scientist (
- marine physics, thermohaline properties, air-sea interaction,
Gordana Beg Paklar, Ph.D., Research research associate (beg@ marine physics, hydrodynamical models of the sea, airsea interaction
Ivica Vilibić, Ph.D., Senior research scientist (
- meteo-tsunamis, waves, sea level oscillations
Frano Matić, Ph.D., Associate ( - marine physics,
air-sea interaction, climate regimes,climatology
Jadranka Šepić, B.Sc., Assistant ( - meteotsunamis, waves, sea level oscillations, hydrodynamic modeling
Žarko Kovač, ( Assistant – marine optics, coupled
biological-physical dynamic systems, Monte Carlo simulations,
biological optimisation algoritms
Tomislav Džoić, ( ) Assistant – marine physics,
Dynamcs of coastal seas, hydrodynamic models
Nikola Bubić, ( Associate
Josip Bašić, ( Associate
Ivan Vučić, ( Associate
Mašće Toni, ( Associate
Overview of the laboratory activities
Investigations of physical properties are the basis of
oceanographic research and have been conducted since the
foundation of the Institute. Laboratory of physics explores the
impact of climatic factors to thermohaline properties, circulation
in the sea, influence of synoptic disturbances (meteo-tsunami)
on sea level oscillations, the optical properties of the sea and
the relationship of biotic and abiotic factors. Hydrodynamic
modeling simulates the processes and properties in the sea
providing currents and thermohaline fields in the sea. The
Institute has a long-term data series of temperature and
salinity collected during oceanographic cruises, whose metadata are available to the public through the database MEDAS
Database of the Adriatic Sea) at the web site (http://jadran.izor.
hr/roscop/) while the data can be obtained with authorization.
The Laboratory maintains the buoy Jadranka and coastal station
Jurana, both with meteorological and oceanographic sensors.
Mean surface currents field during the storm blowing from 18th to
20th February 2009 obtained from the ASHELF-2 model with the use
of meteorological fields from prognostic meteorological model ALADIN
(above) and ECMWF (middle) and their difference (bottom) (from
Bencetić Klaic et al., Ocean Science, 2011).
Tide gauge station Jurana operates since 1949, and in 1993 was
equipped with digital tide gauge, whose data are available in
real time. Most of the data collected at these stations and their
products, the graphs, are available to the public via the web,
in real time ( The buoys Višanka and Rovinjka and the
coastal station Veli Rat are in preparation phase. The system
of three microbarographs was set up in Vis, Vrboska and Vela
Luka, with the aim of detecting high-frequency atmospheric
fluctuations that can significantly affect the sea level and
cause the so-called meteorological tsunami. Measurements
data are available on the Web in real time (http://jadran. Agreement between the IOF and the
DHMZ (Meteorological and Hydrological Service) has enabled
collaboration and synergy between research results of both
organizations. This resulted in a shared virtual laboratory
for monitoring the variability of physical parameters in the
atmosphere, boundary layer air-sea and the sea. At the website
of Virtual Laboratory ( web / guest / virtuallab) the results of thermohaline measurements of IOF and
the measurements of surface temperature and atmospheric
reanalysis over the sea for the period of oceanographic
measurements from SMHS are available to users in near-real
time after the oceanographic cruises. Following the initiative
of scientists in the laboratory, and referring to the years of
cooperation with scientists from other fields at the First
Internal Symposium of the Institute (2011) presented was the
cooperation in the frame of an interdisciplinary group with the
scope to monitor and explain the impact of climate change
on marine ecosystem, or to answer how the physics of the
atmosphere is responsible for the variability of biotic properties
of the sea, from the plankton communities to the abundance
and composition of fish population. Existing research results
of these changes on decadal, interannual and climate scale
indicate that changes in the atmosphere at the regional and
even larger spatial scales cause changes in the circulation of the
Adriatic, which has implications for the overall ecosystem. This
initiative resulted in the establishment of the group SECCHI (Sea
Ecosystem Climate Change Interactions) which aims to defining
and monitoring indicators of Adriatic ecosystem variability
under the influence of climate changes and shifts (http://www. In addition to the research activities
the Physics Laboratory participates in series of professional
studies within the Institute in the frame of which carried out
are research of thermohaline properties and currents, optical
properties, suspended matter and other parameters relevant
to ecosystem and the categorizations of water within the
European directives.
Laboratory members were organizers of several local and
international meetings:
Dr. Sc. Vilibić I. was the organizer and the head of the
section NH015. Meteotsunamis and High-Frequency SeaLevel Phenomena Origin of Meteorological held at the
AGU Fall Meeting, 3-7 December 2012, San Francisco, USA.
Dr.Sc. Morović M. organized an international meeting
“Climate and Ecosystem”, IOR, Split, 24-26 November 2011.
Our work was also presented on a series of international
scientific meetings:
of the 21st Century, “ Zagreb, 2 December 2011.
-Congress “Advances in Fluid Mechanics”, Split, June 2012
-Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference, Kochi, 5-11.11.2012
We have participated in the work of a number of international
committees and groups:
-8th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group
for the establishment of warning systems and mitigation of
tsunami in North-East Atlantic, the Mediterranean and the
accompanying seas, Santander, Spain, 22-24. November 2011.
-45th Meeting of the Executive Committee of
-International Meeting “Climate change in the coastal zone”
June 2011, Rabat, Morocco
Visits of foreign scientists
dr. sc. Andrei Ivanov, Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy
of Sciences, Russia (24-30.10. 2011)
dr. sc. Anna Zrobek- Sokolnika, University of Warmia snd Mazury,
Olsztyn, Poland (8–30.09.2012.)
dr. sc. Piotr Dynowski, University of Warmia snd Mazury,
Olsztyn, Poland (8– 30.09.2012.)
Ongoing laboratory projects
Investigation and monitoring systems for the unusual Adriatic
Financed by: MZOŠ
Project leader: Ivica Vilibić
Co-oscillations of atmosphere and the sea
important for the Adriatic ecosystem
Financed by: MZOŠ
Project leader: Mira Morović
Marine referent center
Financed by: Croatian guvernment/Environmental protection
Project leader: Vlado Dadić
Hovmöllerov diagram of mean summer sea temperatures at the SplitGargano transect, for stations Pelegrin (a), Stončica (b) and Palagruža
Lab members participated in the work of the Executive Board
of the Croatian Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics of the
Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU), the Council for
Remote Sensing and Photointerpretation (HAZU), the National
Committee for monitoring the Framework Research Programme
of the European Commission, the Croatian Science Foundation
as well as working through various committees, evaluation
and monitoring the projects of the European Commission.
We have also participated at two international meetings
connected to establishing a Regional Maritime Meteorological
-Workshop on Establishing WIS DCPC / WIGOS Marine
Meteorological Centre as a RA VI Sub-Regional Facility
for Adriatic Sea Area, May 17-18, 2012, Zagreb, Croatia
-The First Meeting of the Expert Team on Establishment of
Marine Meteorological Centre for Adriatic, 18-19.10.2012.,
Split, Croatia.
On the 28th October 2011, the Workshop on “Remote sensing,
GIS and web technologies” was held with the presence of more
participants from governmental and other state institutions.
The workshop was held by Dr. Andrei Ivanov form the Institute
of oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia.
Initial assessment of the state and loads of the marine
environment in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Environmental protection Ministry
Project leader: Nada Krstulović
Monitoring the environmental impact of the submarine outfall
Financed by: Vodovod i kanalizacije d.o.o. Split.
Project leader: Nada Krstulović
Optical radiometer PRR800 (Biospherical Instrument Inc.) can measure
diffuse downward Solar attenuation of light and upward radiance at 14
wavelengths in visible spectrum and is lowered to o 150m.
Changes of atmospheric oscillation, heat flux and sea temperature.
Determining areas of water ideal for life and growth of shellfish
in transitional and coastal waters of the Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Hrvatske vode
Project leader: Živana Ninčević
Water quality controlin the coastal seas (Project Pag-Konavle)
Financed by: Sector for environmental protection, Hrvatske
Project leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
A systematic examination of the quality of transitional and
coastal waters in 2012 and 2013
Financed by: Sector for environmental protection, Hrvatske
Project leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
Determination of transitional and coastal waters for shellfish
according to Directive 2006/113/EC
Financed by: Hrvatske vode
Project leader: Živana Ninčević Gladan
Analysis of the impact of petroleum product storage and ballast
water to the marine environment and the living resources of
the Kaštela Bay
Financed by: HANDA
Project leader: Ivona Marasović
MEDIAS: Monitoring the distribution and abundance of small
pelagic fish in the Adriatic Sea ultrasonic detection (echomonitoring)
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Fisheries
and the EU (DCF)
Project leader: Vjekoslav Tičina
PELMON-MEDIAS: Echo-monitoring of small pelagic fish alignment with OPP
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Department of fisheries
Project leader: Vjekoslav Tičina
Exploring the physical, chemical and biological properties of the
sea near the Smrka bay area (island Brač) (2012).
Financed by: Municipality Nerežišće
Project leader: Vlado Dadić
Towards a meteotsunami warning system along the U.S.
coastline (TMEWS)
Financed by: NOAA / NWS, USA
Duration: 1.11.2011-30.6.2013.
Project leader: Ivica Vilibić
Measuring currents in the bay Dugovača (setlement Draga,
municipality Pakoštane) (2011).
Financed by: Municipality Pakoštane
Project leader: Vlado Dadić
Report on indicators of the marine environment, fisheries and
aquaculture in 2010 and 2011.
Financed by: Environmental Protection Agency
Project leader: Vlado Dadić
Oceanographic buoy and its removal from the sea for maintenance.
Seadatanet-II (Pan-European infrastructure for ocean & marine
data management)
Financed by: EU (FP-7)
Project leader: Vlado Dadić
HAZADR (Strengthening common reaction capacity to fight sea
pollution of oil, toxic and hazardous substances in Adriatic Sea)
Financed by: EU (IPA)
Project leader in IOF: Vlado Dadić
Selected publications
Output from indicators Database for the state of marine environment,
fisheries and aquaculture (
Book chapter
Lončar, Goran; Beg Paklar, Gordana; Andročec, Vladimir (2012):
Numerical analysis of the circulation variability in the Zadar
channel area (east Adriatic). In: Rahman, M. & Brebbia, C.A.
(Eds.), Advances in Fluid Mechanics IX. Southampton, WIT
Press, 521-532 pp.
Doctoral thesis
F. Matić, 20.12.2011. The impact of hemispheric atmospheric
processes on thermohaline characteristics of the Adriatic Sea,
Ph.D., Geology Department, Faculty of Science, University of
Zagreb, Croatia (Head: prof. PhD. Branka Grbec)
Scientific papers
Lončar, G., Beg Paklar, G., Janeković, I., 2012. Numerical
Modelling of Oil Spills in the Area of Kvarner and Rijeka Bay (The
Northern Adriatic Sea). Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012,
doi: 10.1155/2012/497936, 1-20.
View from the database about the bathing water quality
Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern
EUropean Seas (PERSEUS)
Financed by: EU Seventh Framework Project (FP7-OCEAN-2011)
Glavni ugovaratelj projekta: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
Project leader: Evangelos Papanathassiou
Projet leader in IOF: Ivona Marasović
HyMex (HYdrological cycle in the Mediterranean EXperiment)
Financed by: French guvernment
Coordinators: V. Ducrocq, O. Roussot, K. Béranger, I. Braud, A.
Chanzy, G. Delrieu, P. Drobinski, C. Estournel, B. Ivancan-Picek,
S. Josey, K. Lagouvardos, P. Lionello, M.C. Llasat, W. Ludwig, C.
Lutoff, A. Mariotti, A. Montanari, E. Richard, R. Romero, I. Ruin,
S. Somot.
National coordinator: Branka Picek (DHMZ)
Project coordinators in IOF: Branka Grbec and Mira Morović
Carić, M., Jasprica, N., Kršinić, F., Vilibić, I., Batistić, M., 2012.
Hydrography, nutrients, and plankton along the longitudinal
section of the Ombla Estuary (Southeastern Adriatic). Journal
of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 92,
Vilibić, I., Matijević, S., Šepić, J., Kušpilić, G., 2012. Changes in
the Adriatic oceanographic properties induced by the Eastern
Mediterranean Transient. Biogeosciences, 9, 2085-2097.
Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., Jord., G., Marcos, M., 2012. Mediterranean
sea level forced by atmospheric pressure and wind: variability
of the present climate and future projections for several period
bands. Global and Planetary Change, 86-87, 20-30.
Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., Strelec Mahović, N., 2012. Northern Adriatic
meteorological tsunamis: Observations, link to the atmosphere,
and predictability. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117,
C02002, doi:10.1029/2011JC007608.
Supić, N., Kraus, R., Kuzmić, M., Paschini, E., Precali, R., Russo,
A., Vilibić, I., 2012. Predictability of northern Adriatic winter
conditions. Journal of Marine Systems, 90, 42-57.
Mira Morović and Andrei Ivanov, Oil Spill Monitoring in the
Croatian Adriatic Waters: needs and possibilities Acta Adriatica.,
52 (2011), 1; 45 - 56.
Gangai, B., Lučić, D., Morović, M., Brautović, I., & Miloslavić,
M., 2012. Population structure and diel vertical migration of
euphausiid larvae in the open southern Adriatic Sea (July 2003).
International Journal of Crustacean Research (Crustaceana Leiden) 85 (2012) (6): 659-684.
Lučić, D.; Benović, A.; Batistić, M.; Morović, M.; Onofri,
I., Molinero, J.-C.; Gangai, B.; Miloslavić, M. A short-term
investigation of diel vertical migration of the calycophoran
Siphonofora in the open South Adriatic Sea (July 2003). Acta
Adriatica. 52 (2011), 2; 159-172.
Morović,M., Flander Putrle,V., Lučić,D., Grbec,B., Gangai,B.,
Malej,A., and Matić,F. 2012. Signatures of pigments and
processes in the south Adriatic Sea- project MEDUZA, Acta
Adriatica 53(3): 303-322.
B.Grbec, M. Morović i A. Bajić. 2011. Virtualni laboratorij– sustav
za praćenje promjenjivosti fizikalnih parametara u atmosferi,
graničnom sloju atmosfera-more i u moru, 5th Croatian water
conference with international participation, Hrvatske vode
pred izazovom klimatskih promjena, Croatian waters facing the
challenge of climate changes, Opatija, 2011.
Kovač,Ž., Morović,M. and Matić,F, 2012. Space and time structure
of the Adriatic Sea color satellite data, PORSEC2012-31-00056.
Morović,M., Grbec,B., Kovač, Ž. and Matić, F, 2012. Ocean color
variability of the Adriatic Sea, PORSEC2012-31-00023.
Matić, F., Grbec, B., Morović, M. Indications of Climate Regime
shifts in the Middle Adriatic Sea. Acta Adriatica. 52 (2) (2011),
Orlić, M.; Beg Paklar, G.; Dadić, V.; Leder, N.; Mihanović, H.;
Pasarić, M.; Pasarić, Z. 2011. Diurnal upwelling resonantly driven
by sea breezes around an Adriatic island. Journal of Geophysical
Research, 116, C09025-1 C09025-10.
Lončar, G.; Beg Paklar, G.; Andročec, V. (2012): Numerical
analysis of the circulation variability in the Zadar channel area
(east Adriatic). In: Rahman, M. & Brebbia, C.A. (Eds.), Advances
in Fluid Mechanics IX. Southampton, WIT Press, 521-532 pp.
Mihanović, H., Cosoli, S., Vilibić, I., Ivanković, D., Dadić, V., Gačić,
M., 2011. Surface current patterns in the northern Adriatic
extracted from High Frequency radar data using Self-Organizing
Map analysis. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116, C08033,
Selected links of the laboratory
Vilibić, I., Mihanović, H., Šepić, J., Matijević, S., 2011. Using
Self-Organising Maps to investigate long-term changes in deep
Adriatic water patterns. Continental Shelf Research, 31, 695711.
Šepić, J., Vilibić, I., 2011. The development and implementation
of a real-time meteotsunami warning network for the Adriatic
Sea. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11, 83-91.
Bencetić Klaić, Zvjezdana; Pasarić, Zoran; Beg Paklar, Gordana;
Oddo, Paolo 2011. Coastal sea responses to atmospheric
forcings at two different resolutions. Ocean science, 7, 521-532.
Lončar, G., Beg Paklar, G., Janeković, I., 2011. Influence of density
stratification on the effluent plume dynamics. Oceanologia, 53
(2), 565-585.
Diver helps with lowering current meter for measuring currents in the
Drage Bay.
Laboratory of Chemical Oceanography and Sedimentology
Head of the laboratory
Grozdan Kušpilić, Ph.D., Senior research associate (kuspe@izor.
hr) – marine pollution, chemical oceanography, biogeochemical
cycle of nutrients in the water column and sediments,
implementation of the EU Water and Marine Strategy
Framework Directives for areas of transitional, coastal and open
waters within the territorial sea of The Republic of Croatia
Danijela Bogner, Ph.D., Senior research associate (bogner@izor.
hr) – marine geology, granulometric composition, carbonates,
organic matter, heavy metals and foraminifers in marine
Slavica Matijević, Ph.D., Research associate (
– chemical oceanography; biogeochemical
cycles of nutrients in the water column and sediments;
phosphorus speciation in marine sediment
Jelena Lušić, Research fellow ( – heavy metals in
marine sediment and biota
Jelena Mandić, Research fellow ( – polyaromatic
hydrocarbons in marine sediment and biota
Krešimir Markulin, Research fellow (
– biogeochemical processes in marine sediment
Vesna Milun, Ph.D., Associate ( – organic
pollutants in marine sediment and biota
Ivan Pezo, Associate (
Jere Veža, Associate (
Overview of the laboratory activities
Laboratory of Chemical Oceanography and Sedimentology
conducts research pertaining to biogeochemical processes and
cycles of different elements in the water column, sediment
and marine organisms (algae, bivalves and fish species) of the
Adriatic Sea.
Field research work is carried out in the areas of different trophic
status (river mouths, estuaries, bays, open sea waters, fish farms)
with the aim to detect potential changes, anthropogenically or
climatologically induced.
In addition to the basic chemical parameters, concentrations
of inorganic and organic nutrients are measured in sea water
samples, to investigate the flux of matter and energy through
the marine ecosystem and in order to set the national ecological
status class boundaries.
Sediment investigations (granulometric composition, redox
conditions, distribution of inorganic and organic forms of
carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous) are focused on the
processes of sedimentation and remineralisation of organic
matter in sediments including the exchange of organic matter at
the sediment-water interface. The degree of contamination of
the marine environment by heavy metals and persistent organic
pollutants is monitored via their accumulation in sediments and
marine organisms.
In addition to their engagement in scientific research activities,
members of the Laboratory are involved in the development
of the national indicators and implementation of EU Water
and Marine Strategy Framework Directives and are also active
members of the academic staff at the University of Split.
The Laboratory of Chemical Oceanography and Sedimentology
is authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic
of Croatia to conduct sampling and investigations of physicochemical and chemical indicators in transitional, coastal and
open waters within the territorial sea of the Republic of Croatia.
The most significant lab activities
Beside the engagement in the listed projects sponsored by
the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports and the Ministry
of Environmental and Nature Protection of the Republic of
Croatia, UNEP and Croatian Waters, one of the most significant
activities of the Laboratory has been the development of the
program proposal and implementation of the monitoring
of ecological and chemical status of transitional and coastal
waters of the Adriatic Sea, according to the requirements of
the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), as well as
the initial assessment of the state and pollution of the marine
environment in the Croatian part of the Adriatic (with respect to
the state of the physico-chemical parameters) according to the
requirements of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Ongoing laboratory projects
Role of Plankton Communities in the Flow and Cycling of Energy
and Matter in the Adriatic
Financed by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the
Republic of Croatia
Project Leader: Nada Krstulović
Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research in the Southern
European Seas (PERSEUS)
Financed by: EU Seventh Framework Project (FP7- OCEAN-2011)
Principal project contractor: Hellenic Centre for Marine
Research (HCMR)
Project Leader at the Institute of oceanography and fisheries:
Ivona Marasović
Field research for the purpose of monitoring the state of the marine
environment in tuna farms.
Quality control of the Coastal Adriatic Sea (Pag-Konavle Project)
Financed by: Water Protection Division, Croatian Waters
Project Leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
Classification of the Area and Making a Program Proposal and
Implementation of Monitoring of
Transitional and Coastal Waters of the Adriatic Sea, according to
the Requirements of the Water
Framework Directive of EU (2000/60/EC)
Financed by: Croatian Waters
Project Leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
Systematic Investigation of Transitional and Coastal Waters
Quality during the period 2012-2013
Financed by: Sector of Water Protection, Croatian Waters
Project Leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
Ecological Investigation of Toxic Phytoplankton and Bivalve
Financed by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the
Republic of Croatia
Project Leader: Živana Ninčević Gladan
Financed by: UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme)
Project Leader: Živana Ninčević Gladan
Initial Assessment of the State and Pollution of the Marine
Environment in the Croatian Part of the Adriatic
Financed by: Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection
of the Republic of Croatia
Project Leader: Nada Krstulović
Reports on the State of the Marine Environment, Fisheries and
Mariculture Indicators for the years 2010 and 2011
Financed by: Croatian Environment Agency
Monitoring of the Marine Environment in the Tuna Farm Area in
Grška Bay, Brač Island, during the period 2011.-2012
Financed by: Sardina d.o.o.
Project Leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
Report on the Hydrographic and Chemical Characteristics of
the Marine Environment along the Wider Area of Dugovača Bay
(Locality Drage, Municipality Pakoštane)
Financed by: Municipality Pakoštane
Project Leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
Environmental Impact Study for the Hotel-Apartment Resort
and Marina „Vela borovica“, Municipality Marina
Financed by: Vela Borovica koncern d.o.o.
Project Leader: Mladen Šolić
Investigation of Physical, Chemical and Biological Sea Water
Characteristics along the Wider Area of Smrka Bay (Brač Island)
Financed by: Municipality Nerežišće
Project Leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
Selected publications
Bojanić, Natalia; Vidjak, Olja; Šolić, Mladen; Krstulović, Nada;
Brautović, Igor; Matijević, Slavica; Kušpilić, Grozdan; Šestanović,
Stefanija; Ninčević Gladan, Živana; Marasović, Ivona. 2012.
Community structure and seasonal dynamics of tintinnid
ciliates in Kaštela Bay (middle Adriatic Sea). Journal of Plankton
Research. 34(6); 510-530.
Vilibić, Ivica; Matijević, Slavica; Šepić, Jadranka; Kušpilić,
Grozdan. 2012. Changes in the Adriatic oceanographic
properties induced by the Eastern Mediterranean Transient.
Biogeosciences 9: 2085-2097.
Davenport, John; Ezgeta-Balić, Daria; Peharda, Melita; Skejić,
Sanda; Ninčević-Gladan, Živana; Matijević, Slavica. 2011.
Sizedifferential feeding in Pinna nobilis L. (Mollusca: Bivalvia):
exploitation of detritus, phytoplankton and zooplankton.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 92 (2):246-254.
Area of transitional waters of the Cetina River.
Vilibić, Ivica; Mihanović, Hrvoje; Šepić, Jadranka; Matijević,
Slavica. 2011. Using Self-Organising Maps to investigate
longterm changes in deep Adriatic water patterns. Continental
Shelf Research. 31 (6): 695-711.
Matijević, Slavica; Kušpilić, Grozdan; Ninčević, Živana; Krstulović,
Nada; Bojanić, Natalia; Bogner, Danijela. 2011.
The influence of the wastewater outlet on the water column
and sediment at the middle Adriatic area. 5. Croatian water
conference with international participation; Croatian waters
facing the challenge of climate changes: Conference proceedings
/ Biondić, Danko; Holjević, Danko; Tropan, Ljudevit, editor(s).
Zagreb: Croatian waters, 655-663.
Bosak, Sunčica; Šilović, Tina; Ljubešić, Zrinka; Kušpilić, Grozdan;
Pestorić, Branka; Krivokapić, Sladjana; Viličić, Damir. 2012.
Phytoplankton size structure and species composition as an
indicator of trophic status in transitional ecosystems: the case
study of a Mediterranean fjord-like karstic bay. Oceanologia. 54
(2): 2; 255-286.
Krivokapić, Slađana; Pestorić, Branka; Bosak, Sunčica; Kušpilić,
Grozdan; Wexels Riser, Christian. 2011. Trophic state of
Boka Kotorska Bay (south-eastern Adriatic Sea). Fresenius
Environmental Bulletin 20 (8): 1960-1969.
Skejić, Sanda; Marasović, Ivona; Vidjak, Olja; Kušpilić, Grozdan;
Ninčević Gladan, Živana; Šestanović, Stefanija; Bojanić, Natalia.
2011. Effects of cage fish farming on phytoplankton community
structure, biomass and primary production in an aquaculture
area in the middle Adriatic Sea. Aquaculture Research. 42 (9):
Buljac, Maša; Bogner, Danijela; Cerjan-Stefanović, Štefica;
Bolanča, Tomislav; Margeta, Karmen. 2011. Cr and Zn
distribution in sediment from the semi-enclosed Kaštela Bay,
the Adriatic Sea (Croatia). Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 20
(4): 853-860.
Cvitković, Ivan; Travizi, Ana; Despalatović, Marija; Grubelić,
Ivana; Bogner, Danijela; Nikolić, Vedran; Žuljević, Ante;
Antolić, Boris. 2011. Spatio-temporal variability of meiofauna
community structure in abandoned salina of Velike Soline
and adjacent area (Mediterranean, Adriatic Sea). Fresenius
Environmental Bulletin, 20 (3): 645-655.
Matijević, Slavica; Bilić Jadranka; Ribičić Deni; Dunatov Josipa.
2012. Distribution of phosphorus species in below-cage
sediments at the tuna farms in the middle Adriatic Sea (Croatia).
Acta Adriatica, 53 (3): 399-412.
Laboratory of Fisheries Science and Management of Pelagic
and Demersal Resources
Head of Laboratory
Nedo Vrgoč, Ph. D. , Senior research scientist ( –
fisheries biology, population dynamics of demersal resources,
stock assessment
Vjekoslav Tičina , Ph. D., Senior research scientist (ticina@izor.
hr) – fisheries acoustics, fisheries biology & ecology, dynamics
and management of pelagic fish populations, pelagic fishery,
capture based mariculture, pelagic ecosystem
Melita Peharda Uljević , Ph. D., Senior research scientist (melita@ – biology and ecology of bivalves, population dynamics,
sclerochronology, fisheries biology, bivalve aquaculture
Vanja Čikeš Keč, Ph. D., Research associate (
– identification, morphology, biology, ecology, fish population
dynamics, management of pelagic resources, pelagic fisheries
Barbara Zorica, Ph. D., Research associate (
research scientist – identification, morphology, biology, ecology,
fish population dynamics, management of pelagic resources,
pelagic fisheries
Daria Ezgeta Balić, Research fellow ( – biology
and ecology of bivalves, trophic ecology, sclerochronology
Igor Isajlović ( – Associate
Dragi Bašković – Associate
Goran Brzulja – Associate
Ivo Marušić – Associate
Vanja Vlahović – Associate
Overview of the Laboratory’s activities
For a number of years Laboratory of Fisheries Science and
Management of Pelagic and Demersal Resources has been
conducting fisheries biology research of pelagic and demersal
resources including fish, cephalopods, crustaceans and bivalves
with special attention devoted to commercially most important
species in the Adriatic. We systematically follow state of marine
populations through scientific monitoring of communities
and monitoring of commercial fishery. Our activities include
stock assessments and participation in creating proposals
for fisheries regulation and protection measures. In addition
to our research devoted to most important populations and
marine communities, we pay special attention to investigation
of most sensitive areas, such as spawning and nursery areas of
commercially most important species, as well as to investigation
of the deep Adriatic. We continued research of biological and
ecological characteristics of different species of fish, crustaceans,
cephalopods and bivalves what resulted in publications related
to reproduction, feeding ecology and population dynamics.
Laboratory staff members has actively participated in all
important national and international activities related to
fisheries, what includes participation in negotiation with EU
related to Chapter 13 (Fisheries), creation of Management
plans, and representation of state in various scientific and
expert bodies such as SAC GFCM, AdriaMed, STCEF, ICCAT.
Most important activities
- Coordination and participation in significant number of
national and international scientific and applied projects
- Publication of scientific and professional papers
- Publication of monography on state of demersal resources in
the Adriatic Sea
- Collaboration with fisherman and Ministry of Agriculture
- Participation of Maboratory staff members in preparation
of Management plans for certain fishing gear in the marine
fisheries, Republic of Croatia
- Organization and participation in different international
meetings (AdriaMed, GFCM, MEDITS, WKMTCH- ICES)
SOLEMON Evaluation of stock of common sole (Solea solea) in
the northern Adriatic using different fishing gears
Financed by: FAO AdriaMed
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč (National coordinator)
DemMon – Assessment of distribution and abundance of
demersal fish species and other marine organisms in the
Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
OPP DemMon – Data collection framework for demersal
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
Biodiversity and management of pelagic and demersal resources
of the Adriatic (001-0013077-0532)
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
LME-EAF - Strategic partnership for the Mediterranean Large
Marine Ecosystem (Ecosystem approach to fisheries)
Financed by: FAO
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
MEDITS (Mediterranean International Bottom Trawl Survey)
Financed by: EC Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
CREAM: Coordinating research in support to application of
Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) and management advice
in the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
Financed by: EU – FP7
Responsible scientists at IOF: Nedo Vrgoč and Vjekoslav Tičina
ADRIJA- state of demersal resources along the eastern Adriatic
coast and recommendations for the sustainable management
and protection
Financed by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
AdriaMed Deep Sea Survey
Financed by: FAO AdriaMed
Project leader: Igor Isajlović (National coordinator)
MEDIAS: Acoustic survey (echo-monitoring) for the assessment
of spatial distribution and abundance of small pelagic fish
populations in the Adriatic Sea.
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
and EU (DCF)
Project leader: Vjekoslav Tičina
TUNE-CPUE: Analyses of purse seiners fishing activities and their
effectiveness in bluefin tuna fishery in the Adriatic Sea (CPUE)
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Vjekoslav Tičina
UWTV Survey in Central Adriatic Jabuka Pit
Financed by: FAO AdriaMed
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč (National coordinator)
Pelagic trawl used for sampling
during echo-monitoring and
collected sample of fish for
biological analysis.
PELMON-MEDIAS: Acoustic survey on small pelagic fish –
harmonization with DCF requirements
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Vjekoslav Tičina
Monitoring of pelagic commercial fishery (PERIMON)
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Vanja Čikeš Keč
Detection of main spawning grounds of sardine and anchovy in
the Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Barbara Zorica
OPP PERIMON – Data Collection framework for purse seiners
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Vanja Čikeš Keč
Bivalve feeding, competition and predation – what is at play?
Financed by: Unity through Knowledge (, 3A project
Project leader: Melita Peharda Uljević
Selected publications
Čikeš Keč, Vanja; Zorica, Barbara. 2012. The reproductive traits
of Scomber japonicus (Houttuyn, 1782) in the Eastern Adriatic
Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28: 15-21.
Čikeš Keč, Vanja; Zorica, Barbara; Sinovčić, Gorenka. 2012.
Diet of the chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in the eastern
Adriatic Sea. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 53 (1): 89-94.
Davenport, John; Ezgeta-Balić, Daria; Peharda, Melita; Skejić,
Sanda; Ninčević-Gladan, Živana; Matijević, Slavica. 2012. Sizedifferential feeding in Pinna nobilis L. (Mollusca: Bivalvia):
exploitation of detritus, phytoplankton and zooplankton.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 92 (2): 246-25.
Ezgeta-Balić, Daria; Peharda, Melita; Richardson, Chris A.;
Kuzmanić, Marina; Vrgoč, Nedo; Isajlović, Igor. 2011. Age,
growth, and population structure of the smooth clam Callista
chione in the eastern Adriatic Sea. Helgoland Marine Research,
65 (4): 457-465.
Ezgeta-Balić, Daria; Rinaldi, Alessandro; Peharda, Melita; Prusina,
Ivana; Montalto, Valeria; Niceta, Natalia; Sarà, Gianluca. 2011.
An energy budget for the subtidal bivalve Modiolus barbatus
(Mollusca) at different temperatures. Marine Environmental
Research, 71 (1): 79-85.
Ezgeta-Balić, Daria; Najdek, Mirjana; Peharda, Melita; Blažina,
Maria. 2012. Seasonal fatty acid profile analysis to trace origin
of food sources of four commercially important bivalves.
Aquaculture, 334: 89-100.
Krstulović Šifner, Svjetlana; Peharda, Melita; Vrgoč, Nedo;
Isajlović, Igor; Dadić, Vlado; Petrić, Mirela. 2012. Biodiversity
and distribution of cephalopods caught by trawling along the
Northern and Central Adriatic Sea. Cahiers de Biologie Marine,
52 (3): 291-302.
Mladineo, Ivona; Petrić, Mirela; Hrabar, Jerko; Bočina, Ivana;
Peharda, Melita. 2012. Reaction of the mussel Mytilus
galloprovincialis (Bivalvia) to Eugymnanthea inquilina (Cnidaria)
and Urastoma cyprinae (Turbellaria) concurrent infestation.
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 110 (1): 118-125.
Morton, Brian; Peharda, Melita; Petrić, Mirela. 2012. Functional
morphology of Rocellaria dubia (Bivalvia: Gastrochaenidae)
with new interpretations of crypt formation and adventitious
tube construction, and a discussion of evolution within the
family. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 104 (4): 786804.
Piccinetti, Corrado; Vrgoč, Nedo; Marčeta, Bojan; Manfredi,
Chiara. 2012. Recent state of demersal resources in the Adriatic
Sea. Acta Adriatica, Monograph Series no.5, 220 pp.
Peharda, Melita; Ezgeta-Balić, Daria; Davenport, John; Bojanić,
Natalia; Vidjak, Olja; Ninčević-Gladan, Živana. 2012. Differential
ingestion of zooplankton by four species of bivalves (Mollusca)
in Mali Ston Bay, Croatia. Marine Biology, 159 (4): 881-895.
Peharda, Melita; Ezgeta-Balić, Daria; Radman, Margita;
Sinjkević, Nela; Vrgoč, Nedo; Isajlović, Igor. 2012. Age, growth
and population structure of Acanthocardia tuberculata
(Bivalvia: Cardiidae) in the eastern Adriatic Sea. Scientia Marina,
76 (1): 59-66.
Tugores, Maria Pilar; Giannoulaki, Marianna; Iglesias,
Magdalena; Bonanno, Angelo; Tičina, Vjekoslav; Leonori, Iole;
Machias, Athanassios; Tsagarakis, Konstantinos; Díaz, Núria;
Giráldez, Ana; Patti, Bernando; De Felice, Andrea; Basilone,
Gualtiero; Valavanis, Vasilis. 2011. Habitat suitability modelling
for sardine Sardina pilchardus in a highly diverse ecosystem: the
Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 443: 181205.
Zorica, Barbara; Sinovčić, Gorenka; Čikeš Keč, Vanja. 2011.
Reproductive cycle, size at maturity and fecundity of garfish
(Belone belone, L. 1761) in the eastern part of the Adriatic Sea
(Croatia). Helgoland Marine Research, 65 (4): 435-444.
Selected links
Skejić, Sanda; Ninčević Gladan, Živana; Ezgeta-Balić, Daria;
Peharda, Melita. 2012. Differences in phytoplankton
accumulation between Mediterranean mussel Mytilus
galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 and European flat oyster Ostrea
edulis Linneaus, 1758 after natural exposure to toxic Dinophysis
bloom. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 53 (2): 189-195.
Šegvić-Bubić, Tanja; Grubišić, Leon; Karaman, Nikola; Tičina,
Vjekoslav; Mišlov Jelavić, Krstina; Katavić, Ivan. 2011. Damages
on mussel farms potentially caused by fish predation - self
service on the ropes? Aquaculture, 319 (3/4): 497-504.
Šegvić Bubić, Tanja; Grubišić, Leon; Tičina, Vjekoslav; Katavić,
Ivan. 2011. Temporal and spatial variability of pelagic wild fish
assemblages around tuna fish farms in the Eastern Adriatic.
Journal of Fish Biology, 78 (1): 78-97.
Tičina, Vjekoslav; Grubišić, Leon; Šegvić Bubić, Tanja; Katavić,
Ivan. 2011. Biometric characteristics of small Atlantic bluefin
tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Linnaeus, 1758) of Mediterranean Sea
origin. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27 (4): 971-976.
Tičina, Vjekoslav; Grubišić, Leon; Šegvić Bubić, Tanja; Katavić,
Ivan. 2012. Biometric characteristics of small Atlantic bluefin
tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Linnaeus, 1758) of Mediterranean Sea
origin. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 27 (4): 971-976.
Tičina, Vjekoslav; Matić-Skoko, Sanja. 2012. Age, growth and
mortality of scaldfish (Arnoglossus laterna Walbaum, 1792)
from the Adriatic Sea. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 28: 836841.
Laboratory of Plankton and Shellfish Toxicity
Head of the laboratory
Ivona Marasović, Ph. D., Senior research scientist (marasovic@ - Biology and taxonomy of phytoplankton, primary
production, eutrophication and shellfish toxicity
Živana Ninčević Gladan, Ph. D., Senior research scientist
(, Deputy Head of Laboratory – Biology and
taxonomy of phytoplankton, primary production, cyanobacteria,
eutrophication, shellfish toxicity
Frano Kršinić, Academician ( – Ecology and
taxonomy of protozoa and micrometazoans, taxonomy of
planktonic fauna from an anchialine cave
Ivana Ujević, Ph. D., Senior research associate (ujevic@izor.
hr) – Shellfish toxicity, biological and chemical methods of
phycotoxins determination, traces metals in sediment and
marine organisms
Natalia Bojanić, Ph. D., Senior research associate (bojanic@izor.
hr) – Ecology and taxonomy of microzooplankton
Olja Vidjak, Ph. D., ( Research associate – Ecology
and taxonomy of mesozooplankton, sampling tools, taxonomy
of Copepods
Sanda Skejić, Ph. D., Research associate (
– Biology and taxonomy of phytoplankton, primary production,
eutrophication, shellfish feeding
Jasna Arapov, Research fellow ( – Determination
of phycotoxins in shellfish and phytoplankton, ecology of toxic
Mia Bužančić, Research fellow ( – Biology and
taxonomy of phytoplankton, primary production
Nikša Nazlić, ( Associate
Heliodor Prelesnik, ( Associate
Roman Garber, ( Associate
Ana Jelačić, ( Associate
Romana Roje, ( Associate
Overview of the laboratory activities
Activities within the Laboratory encompass the ecological
and taxonomical research of phyto- and zooplankton,
the investigations of the primary production process and
investigation of toxic phytoplankton species, toxin production
and phycotoxins analysis. Taxonomical research is directed
towards microzoo-, mesozoo- and microphytoplankton,
while the ecological research focuses on the investigations
of fluctuations of phytoplankton and zooplankton dynamics
caused by the anthropogenic and natural impact. These
investigations are greatly facilitated by the existence of longterm data sets on phytoplankton and zooplankton population
structure, chlorophyll a concentrations and primary production,
available from the early days of the Institute’s activities,
which today present the special value of the Institute and
this particular Laboratory. The specialized and more recent
activities of the Laboratory are linked to the basic investigations
of toxic phytoplankton species, which gave rise to the applied
investigations through regular monitoring of shellfish toxicity
events along the Adriatic coast. Since, phytoplankton was
considered as the main food source for bivalve, research of
bivalve feeding was conducted.
Fundamental research of toxic phytoplankton species and
secondary metabolites of phytoplankton is one of the most
important activities of the Laboratory. Since, these topics is
closely related to human health, applied investigations as
shellfish toxicity analysis are arose from these fundamental
research. Bivalves are tested on presence of PSP, DSP, YTX and
ASP toxins. Results obtained through these analyses were used
in our effort to get answers on influence of eutrophication
process, antrophogenic activity and climate changes of the
frequency and distribution of toxic shellfish event.
The most significant lab activities
Based on the publications of the Laboratory’s researchers and
their participations in international intercalibrations in the field
of phytoplankton toxicity and toxin analyses,
in 2008 this Laboratory gained the ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation
Certificate in the field of qualitative and quantitative
determination of phytoplankton community structure in
seawater and determination of phycotoxins in shellfish. In 2011
Laboratory was nominated as National Reference Laboratory for
Shellfish Toxicity by Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development
and Fishery.
Laboratory employees are included in international calibration
exercise for phycotoxin analyses conducted by QUASIMEME
and phytoplankton identification and abundance determination
conducted by BEQUALM –IOC.
Ongoing laboratory projects
Role of plankton communities in the energy and matter flow in
the Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Ministry of Science
Project Leader: Nada Krstulović
HPLC-FLD chromatogram of PSP toxins in mixture of standard solution
on the reverse column after oxidation with peroxide solution: dcGTX2,3
- decarbamoylgonyautoxins 2, 3; GTX gonyautoxin 1,4; dcSTX decarbamoil saxitoxin; GTX2,3 - decarbamoylgonyautoxins 2, 3; GTX5 –
gonyuatoxin 5; STX-e - saxitoxin
Ecological studies of toxic phytoplankton and shellfish toxicity
Financed by: Ministry of Science
Project Leader: Živana Ninčević Gladan
sesame Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling
Ecosystem Changes
Financed by: EU FP6
National Coordinator: Ivona Marasović
PERSEUS Policy-orientated marine Environmental Research for
the Southern European Seas
Financed by: EU FP7
National Coordinator: Ivona Marasović
EMBOS – Development and implementation of a pan-European
Marine Biodiversity Observatory System
Financed by: COST (European Cooperation in the field of
Scientific and Technical Research)
National Coordinator: Natalia Bojanić
HPLC-FLD chromatogram of PSP toxins in the shellfish Acanthocardia
tuberculata (Linnaeus, 1758). These cockles accumulated and stored
PSP toxins, particulatly the saxitoxin (STX). PSP toxins have been
retained for a long time (up to 12 months) after toxic phytoplankton
species occurred in the community. PSP toxin profile analyses were
performed in the cocles A. tuberculata collected at estuary of Cetina
River in the period from March, 2009. to February 2010. Measured
concentrations were up to 100 μg STX eq. kg-1, what is significantly
lower than maximum allowed concentration (800 μg STX eq. kg-1 )
according to National and EU Regulation.
Financed by: UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme)
Coordinator for National Report: Živana Ninčević Gladan
Determination of transitional and coastal shellfish waters under
Directive 2006/11/EC
Financed by: Hrvatske vode
Project Leader: Živana Ninčević Gladan
Biological Baseline Survey in Croatian Ports
Financed by: Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and
Project Leader: Živana Ninčević Gladan
Quality control of the Coastal Adriatic Sea (Pag-Konavle Project)
Financed by: Water Protection Division, Hrvatske vode
Project Leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
The oldest and also one of the basic methods of phytoplankton
community investigation used in Laboratory is sedimentation method
by Utermohl. The method allows insight into the community, monitoring
the changes in the community under the influence of climate change
and the various human activities. The method allows monitoring of
introduction of alien and invasive species.
Coastal Cities Water pollution Control Project, APL 7226/HR
Financed by: Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection
Project Leader: Vladimir Andročec
Analysis of the impact of petroleum product storage and ballast
waters to the marine environment and the living resources of
the Kaštela Bay
Financed by: HANDA
Project leader: Ivona Marasović
Arapov,J., Ezgeta-Balić, D., Peharda, M, Ninčević Gladan, Ž.
(2010) Bivalve feeding- How and what they eat? Ribarstvo, 68
(3): 105-116.
Berline, L., Siokou-Frangou,I., Marasović, I., Vidjak, O., Luz
Fernández de Puelles, M., Grazia Mazzocchi, M., Assimakopoulou,
G., Zervoudaki, S., Fonda Umani, S., Conversi, A., Garcia-Comas,
C., Ibanez, F., Gasparini, S., Stemmann, L., Gorsky, G. (2012)
Intercomparison of six Mediterranean zooplankton time series.
Progress in Oceanography, 97-100: 76–91.
Dinoflagellates cysts. The number of cysts producing species is low.
From about of 2000 dinoflagellates about 80 marine and 15 freshwater
species have the ability of creating a cyst. The cysts allow them survival
in adverse conditions environment. Cysts are dormant stage in their life
cycle. Knowing the composition of cysts in the sediment it is possible
to predict the dinoflagellate bloom in a particular area when favorable
condition for its growth appeared.
Bojanić, N., O. Vidjak, M. Šolić, N. Krstulović, I. Brautović, S.
Matijević, G. Kušpilić, S. Šestanović, Ž. Ninčević Gladan and I.
Marasović (2012) Community structure and seasonal dynamics
of tintinnid ciliates in Kaštela Bay (middle Adriatic Sea). J.
Plankton Res., 34(6): 510-530.
Carić, Marina; Jasprica, Nenad; Kršinić, Frano; Vilibić,
Ivica; Batistić, Mirna. (2012) Hydrography, nutrients, and
plankton along the longitudinal section of the Ombla Estuary
(southeastern Adriatic). JMBA UK 92: 1227-1242.
Čustović, S., Orhanović, S., Ninčević-Gladan, Ž., Milandri, A.,
Pavela-Vrančić, M. (2012) The presence of yessotoxins and
gymnodimine in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis from
the southern part of Adriatic Sea (Dubrovnik area, Croatia).
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 21: 3842-3846.
Jasprica, Nenad; Carić, Marina; Kršinić, Frano; Kapetanović,
Tatjana; Batistić, Mirna; Njire, Jakica (2012). Planktonic diatoms
and their environment in the lower Neretva River estuary
(Eastern Adriatic Sea, NE Mediterranean). Nova Hedwigia. 141:
Kršinić, F. (2010) Tintinnids (Tintinnida, Choreotrichia, Ciliata)
in the Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Part II. Ecology. Institute of
Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, (monograph).
Kršinić, F. (2010)Tintinnids (Tintinnida, Choreotrichia, Ciliata) in
the Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean Part I. Taxonomy. Institute of
Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, (monograph).
Kršinić, F. (2012) Description of Stephos boettgerschnackae sp.
nov., a new copepod (Calanoida, Stephidae) from an anchialine
cave in the Adriatic Sea. Crustaceana (Leiden). 85: 1525-1539 .
Ljubešić, Z., Bosak, S., Viličić, D., Kralj Borojević K., Marić, D.,
Godrijan, J., Ujević, I., Peharec, P. and Đakovac, T. (2011) Ecology
and taxonomy of potentially toxic Pseudo-nitzschia species in
Lim Bay (north-eastern Adriatic Sea) Harmful Algae 10: 713-722.
Marić, D., Ljubešić, Z., Godrijan, J., Viličić, D., Ujević, I. and
Precali, R. (2011) The potentially toxic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia
callianta Lundholm, Moestrup & Hasle forms blooms in coastal
waters of the Northern Adriatic Sea (Croatia). Estuarine, Coastal
and Shelf Science. 92: 323-331.
Ninčević Gladan, Ž., I. Ujević, A. Milandri, I. Marasović, A. Ceredi,
S. Pigozzi, J. Arapov,S. Skejić. (2011) Lipophilic toxin profile in
Mytilus galloprovincialis during episodes of diarrhetic shellfish
poisoning (DSP) in the NE Adriatic Sea in 2006. Molecules, 16:
Skejić, S. Ninčević Gladan, Ž., Ezgeta-Balić, D., Peharda, M.
(2012) Differences in phytoplankton accumulation between
Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck,1819
and European flat oyster Ostrea edulis Linneaus,1758 after
natural exposure to toxic Dinophysis bloom. Cahiers de Biologie
Marine, 53,189-195.
Skejić, S., I. Marasović, O. Vidjak, G. Kušpilić, Ž. Ninčević Gladan,
S. Šestanović and N. Bojanić (2011) Effects of cage fish farming
on phytoplankton community structure, biomass and primary
production ina n aquaculture area int he middle Adriatic Sea.
Aquacult. Res., 42: 1393-1405.
Ujević, I., Ninčević-Gladan, Ž., Roje, R., Skejić, S.. Arapov, J.,
Marasović, I. (2010) Domoic acid – a new toxin in the Croatian
Adriatic shellfish toxin profile Molecules, 15:6835-6849.
Ninčević Gladan, Ž., Ujević, I., Milandri, A., Marasović, I., Ceredi,
A., Pigozzi, S., Arapov, J., Skejić, S., Orhanović S. and Isajlović, I.
(2010) Is Yessotoxin the Main Phycotoxin in Croatian Waters?
Marine drugs. 8: 460-470.
Ujević, I., Roje, R., Ninčević-Gladan, Ž., Marasović, I. (2012) First
report of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) in mussels (Mytilus
galloprovincialis) from eastern Adriatic Sea (Croatia). Food
control. 25: 285-291.
Peharda, M., D. Ezgeta-Balić, J. Davenport, N. Bojanić, O.
Vidjak and Ž. Ninčević-Gladan (2012) Differential ingestion of
zooplankton by four species of bivalves (Mollusca) int he Mali
Ston Bay, Croatia. Mar. Biol., 159(4): 881-895.
Vidjak, O., N. Bojanić, S. Matijević, G. Kušpilić, Ž. Ninčević
Gladan, S. Skeić, B. Grbec and I. Brautović (2012) Enviromental
drivers of zooplankton variability in the coastal eastern Adriatic
(Mediterranean Sea). Acta Adriat., 52(2): 159-172.
Library of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
Head of the Library:
Ingrid Čatić, prof. (
Vlatka Kamber, technician (
History of the Library
The specialized Library within the Institute of Oceanography
and Fisheries in Split was founded in 1930. The first scientists
at the Institute personally took care of completing the Library
fund with the most important books on oceanography and
fisheries. Ever since the beginning the Library has been receiving
periodicals and other library material mostly by exchange with
other countries across Europe and all over the world. Since 1932
the Institute has been publishing the journal Acta Adriatica.
Library’s fund and activities
The Library offers scientific and professional literature in
oceanography, fisheries, biology, chemistry, physics and
environmental sciences to the Institute’s scientists, researchers
all over Croatia and students. The very rich Library’s fund
includes also more than 6000 titles of books and journals, as
well as theses, studies of the Institute and a very rich reference
collection (e.g. Encyclopaedia Britannica, and many other
encyclopaedia, specialized lexicons, dictionaries, atlases …)
Within this fund especially valuable are the collections of
the very important maritime expeditions, for example the
Expedition “Hvar“, “Pola“ Expedition, “ Princess Alice“- Monaco
Expedition, Voyage of H.M.S. “ Challenger“ and so on.
Old and rare books take a special place in the Library’s fund,
with more than 200 titles from the period 1750 – 1910, and the
oldest book in the Library of the Institute of Oceanography
and Fisheries is:
Donati V., Sesler L., Della storia naturale marina dell’ Adriatico:
saggio, from 1750.
There are many more interesting titles, such as:
- Olivi G., Zoologia Adriatica: ossia catalogo ragionato degli
animali del Golfo e delle Lagune di Venezia, from 1792.
- Faber, G.L., The Fisheries of the Adriatic and the Fish thereof,
from 1883.
- Lorini, P., Ribanje i ribarske sprave: pri istočnim obalama
Jadranskog mora, from 1903.
The Library holdings and services meet the needs of scientists
and all the parties involved. The activities and services of the
Library include as follows: book loan service, interLibrary loan
and information exchange, as well as photocopying and printing
of materials.
Membership in various relevant organizations
The Library is a part of the Institute, the largest and oldest
Croatian scientific institution for the marine research
involved in the international scientific cooperation, and
consequently it is the Central Croatian Marine Research Library.
As a part of its services to Member States, the Intergovernmental
Oceanographic Commission has agreed to supply one officially
designated IOC Depository Centre in each country with copies
of its publications and main documentation. So, the Library of
the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Split is the IOC /
UNESCO Depository Centre for Croatia.
This Library is also a member of European Association of
Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information Centres - EURASLIC,
which is a network linking European aquatic sciences libraries
and information centres and a regional group of IAMSLIC the International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science
Libraries and Information Centres.
The 14th Biennial Meeting of EURASLIC, Caught in the “fishing
net” of information, was held in Lyon, France, 17‐20 May 2011
and the Head of the Library Ingrid Čatić participated representing
the Library of the Institute by the poster created in co-operation
with Anita Marušić, Technical Editor of Acta Adriatica. Joint
ODINECET (Ocean Data and Information Network for European
Countries in Economic Transition) /ODINBlackSea Workshop
was held in Sevastopol (Ukraine), from 12 to 14 September
2011. Twenty two persons from eight countries participated at
the ODINECET Workshop, one of them being the head of our
Computing Center
Head of the computing center
Damir Ivanković, ( data manager - database
programming, web programming, data visualizations, web
oriented GIS, system administrator
Stipe Muslim, ( system administrator
- local network development and management, real time
automatic measurements systems development and
management, oceanographic instrumentation
Overview of the center main activities
- Maintenance of server computers (3 database servers, 2
numeric modeling servers, 2 web and mail servers, 2 data
storage servers)
- Maintenance of local computer network (120 network ports in
two buildings, 8 network routers)
- Maintenance of personal IT equipment (about 100 PC
- Development and Management of oceanographic databases
with network interface
- Development and maintenance of real-time data collection
applications with automatic verification and database recording
- Application and development of Geographic Information
Systems (GIS)
- Development and maintenance of oceanographic data
measuring systems
Main activities in the last two years
Development of mobile version of “Sea bathing water quality
on beaches in the Republic of Croatia” - web application. This
is first web application developed on the Institute especially for
small screen devices – smart phones and tablets.
For web oriented GIS we choose GeoServer 2.2, because of
its good references, open source and easy implementation.
GeoServer is running under Tomcat 5 application server.
GeoServer can store geospatial data in two basic ways: onto file
system as files and into external database. We use both ways
to produce web interfaces for displaying and management of
GIS layers.
New production database server DELL PowerEdge R720 (32Gb
RAM, 2x Intel Xeon 2.3GHz 6 cores, 8x300Gb SAS HD) is recently
installed. Oracle database 11.2 and Oracle Application server
11.2 are used onto this server (migration from previously used
10.2 version).
Further development of basic Institute multiparameters
database. For web interface new modern techniques are used
(Javascript, CSS, Jquery, AJAX).
Institute Core Projects
ADRIJA- state of demersal resources along the eastern Adriatic
coast and recommendations for the sustainable management
and protection
Financed by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
This research project was implemented in the framework
of a bilateral Croatian-Montenegro cooperation for 2011
and 2012. Project was conducted in collaboration with the
Institute of Marine Biology in Kotor, Montenegro and the
project leader was Dr. Aleksandar Joksimović. Main objective
of this project was to make a review of previous research on
demersal resources in the Adriatic Sea and to create common
database of it. Further on, we wanted to perform evaluation
and standardization of collected data and to asses a recent state
of demersal resources along the eastern Adriatic coast that
occurred as a consequence of longterm intensive exploitation.
Special attention was devoted to analysis of populations of
commercially most important species including the analysis
of biomass trends and demographic population structure. On
the basis of collected data and assessment of resources we
prepared recommendations for future mesaures related to
regulation of and protection with the aim of seting long term
sustainable management.
Benthic research in area of
Blitvenica Island.
Biodiversity of the benthos in the middle Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project leader: Boris Antolić
Composition and distribution of endemic species,
geomorphological and climatic characteristics make the Middle
Adriatic one of 10 biogeographic areas of the Mediterranean.
Middle Adriatic is divided in coastal, island and open areas with
classification of transitional, coastal, channel and open waters
that result in diversity of benthic species and their communities.
Littoralisation of the coast, over fishing and aquaculture are the
main reasons of decreased biological diversity. Changes which
occur in the Adriatic benthos and coastal water quality should
be measured by universal metric methods developed for the
whole Mediterranean (WFD). Particularly important areas and
species should be protected (Natura 2000, CroNEN) and public
needs to be educated in this matter.
Here are the hypotheses of the project: 1) Biodiversity of
Middle Adriatic benthos is increasing from coast towards open
seas; 2) Human impact, non indigenous and invasive species
lead towards measurable changes of benthos in the Middle
Adriatic; 3) Methods of water quality evaluation of coastal
waters developed for Mediterranean Sea (WFD) are applicable
for Middle Adriatic; 4) Education of public and global availability
and application of scientific data help to preserve the benthos
in the Adriatic Sea.
Expected results are the following: creation of algae check list
from taxa Rhodophyta and Phaeophyta in the Middle Adriatic
and creation of check list of Porifera from Croatian part of the
Adriatic; standardization of coastal water quality assesment
methods (WFD); a new contribution to the knowledge of
the marine and brackish seagrasses; analysis of epifauna on
rhizome and leaves of seagrass P. oceanica and composition of
macroalgae in the upper infralittoral on investigated transect
coast-open sea in the Middle Adriatic; taxonomic revision
of some algal taxa; human impact, non indigenous and
invasive species impact on benthic communities and species;
development of control methods for invasive species (genus
Caulerpa); completion of herbarium collection Ercegović/Špan;
preparation of red list and book of the marine flora; education of
public through brochures and internet. Results of this research
will be the base for further fundamental scientific research and
will have important role in education and nature protection (red
book, marine flora database, internet presentations on invasive
species, legislative regulations, etc.).
Biodiversity and management of pelagic and demersal
resources of the Adriatic
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
During 2011 and 2012 we continued research activities on
project Biodiversity and management of pelagic and demersal
resources of the Adriatic that started in year 2008. We
investigated reproductive characteristics, feeding, population
structure, age and growth of several marine species including
fish chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), sardine (Sardina
pilchardus) and garfish (Belone belone). Studied bivalve species
includes mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis), European flat oyster
(Ostrea edulis), horse bearded mussel (Modiolus barbatus),
smooth clam (Callista chione), noble fan shell (Pinna nobilis) and
cockle (Acanthocardia tubercolata). Besides research targeting
certin species, we investigated biodiversity and distribution of
cephalopods in north and middle Adriatic, as well as demersal
community composition in the deep Adriatic. Due to variations
in community composition and distribution of renewable,
commercially important pelagic and demersal species in the
Adriatic, we continued their systematic monitoring. Another
research object was commercially very important large
pelagic fish – Atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus, especially
specimens in cage culture. During two year period Laboratory
staff members published total of 22 papers in journals indexed
in Current Contents database and six papers in journals with
international peer-review. During this period three PhD thesis
were successfully completed as well as seven graduate thesis.
Dynamic and pathology of parasitofauna in the cage-reared
fish system
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project leader: Ivona Mladineo
shellfish toxicity
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project leader: Živana Ninčević Gladan
Parasite population in cage-reared fish and shellfish is shaped
by external (environment) and internal factors of the host
organisms. Assessing the appearance of parasite population
month by month, we gain an insight of the dynamic of
community increase or decrease. Correlating this with the
external and internal factors, we can define those factors that
have the greatest impact in shaping of parasite populations.
The organisms near the cages (wild fish, cage biofouling) are
possible parasite resources for reared fish. Determining their
parasite populations, we could distinguish at which extent
they affect the invasion of reared fish or if the process runs
in opposite direction. The most interesting is the population
of Myxosporidia, which we suspect contains developmental
stages in the polychaetans from cage fouling. The range
of pathological effects on host depend of the host status
(condition, physiological state), although it is conditioned by
environmental factors (salinity, temperature, organic matter).
Thus under the specific conditions parasite invasions could pass
unnoticeable, while under the others could cause disturbance
of the existing equilibrium in the host–parasite relationship and
disease breakout. By correlating the seasonal parasite dynamic
with the onset of fish mortalities on the farm, would indicate
the most sensitive period in the rearing cycle, and conclusively
would aid in the planning of appropriate zoo-prophylactic
Increased frequency of shellfish toxicity in our farms, obligate us
to participate in international investigation with data obtained
through the national research. This project encompasses
biological and chemical research of shellfish toxicity as well as
investigation of life cycle of determined phytoplankton species
and its ecological features. At the same time the examination
of shellfish toxicity level fluctuations in response to various
biotic and abiotic factors were performed through the statistical
analyses of obtained data. The main goal is to determine the
key mechanisms that are responsible for blooming of certain
species, particularly for those species that belong to the same
ecological niche. Better knowledge of environmental strategy
of some toxic species indicates the possibility of the prediction
of these phenomena and to take measures to mitigate adverse
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) CY3 labeled 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA
probe (red signals) on metaphase chromosomes (a, b) and interphase
of the fish nuclei (c-d).
sea living resources. In order to determine the dynamics of
target population in coastal area, the modern methods of
fishery biology will be applied. A significance of the proposed
project lies in research that enable reasonable and sustainable
fishery management of Croatian coastal area and it adequate
protection, as well as in better acquaintance with dynamic
processes within fish populations.
Investigation and monitoring systems for the unusual Adriatic
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project leader: Ivica Vilibić
Management and biodiversity of sea living resources in
Croatian coastal area
Project leader: Jakov Dulčić
Financed by: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of
Republic of Croatia
A coastal fishery on the Croatian part of the Adriatic is of
enormous importance for all fishery activities in the Republic
of Croatia and according to statistical estimates of the catch
quantities takes second place. On the basis of 35 years of research
of composition and abundance of coastal fish communities,
cephalopods and crustaceans, we have established that their
catch has been constantly decreasing with increased fishing
effort since 1960 in the Croatian coastal area, while the catch
quality is also lower and accompanied by different phenomena
related to catch composition. High exploitation of the Adriatic
coastal resources has influenced the state and changes in
many fish populations according to their biology, ecology and
catch sensitiveness. The aim of proposed project is systematic
research of state and changes in coastal areas, through
studies of population dynamics of commercially important
fish, cephalopod and crustacean species. An additional aim
is obtaining the new biological knowledge in order to enable
realiation of reasonable and sustainable fishery management,
together with protection of ichthyo-communities. Target fish
species will be those suggested by Croatian Fishery Strategy,
although other characteristic, important and dominant coastal
species will also be studied. The assumption is that the coastal
communities have significantly declined in number or even
are overfished, thus their efficient protection is needed.
Due to unreasonable exploitation, intra- and interspecies
relationships in habitats are violated and detailed knowledge of
population dynamics is a necessary prerequisite for sustainable
management and effective protection.One of the major
criteria for sustainable exploitation and efficacious protection
is the detailed acquaintance with population dynamics. The
expected project results will be used as necessary scientific
support to reasonable and sustainable management of coastal
The purpose of this project is to broaden the knowledge
about unusual and extraordinary dynamics occurring in the
Adriatic Sea, as well as the development of the monitoring,
communication and alarming systems for the mitigation of
these phenomena which may be of
real danger for the coastal regions, infrastructure and population.
The investigation of particular problems will be conducted in
the project, including: (i) unusual atmospheric phenomena
and their manifestation in the sea, (ii) historical records and
instrumental measurements of the seismic and other tsunamis
in the Adriatic Sea, (iii) extraordinary baroclinic waves (trapped
waves and internal tides), (iv) dense water currents and rapid
changes of deep biogeochemical properties, (v) design and
building of the data acquisition systems in real or near-real
time, including those being useful for the alarming systems for
the destructive dynamic phenomena (e.g. tsunami), and (vi)
development and upgrading of numerical models, including
those being capable for the hindcasting and forecasting in real
or near-real time. The outcome of the research includes new
findings about the unusual and extraordinary Adriatic dynamics,
Characteristic distribution of surface currents (white) and wind at 10
m (black) (as Aladdin’s) of the Bora strong blowing, isolated by using a
method of self-organizing fields.
which may have an impact to the quality of the coastal and ocean
management, to the coastal infrastructure and human activities
in the coastal regions. In addition, technological research and
development will be a significant part of the project, including
the development of monitoring and communication systems in
real time, which is an essential component for the mitigation of
any destructive dynamic process (e.g. tsunami). The usefulness
of these systems became undoubtedly obvious after the Indian
Ocean tsunami in December 2004, when tens of thousands of
human lives could have been saved by such a system, which
was not available at the time. Furthermore, the investigations
of unusual dynamical phenomenon in the Adriatic should be
implemented in any applied study dealing with the sea and
the coast, such as engineering of any hydrotechnical object
in the sea (e.g. oil and water pipelines, piers, bridge towers,
oil platforms) as well as for the investigations of accidental
spreading of a pollutant in the surface (oil spills) and bottom
(sewage discharges) layers.
used in numerical models. Novel statistical methods will be
used to detect fast reorganisation of the ecosystem from one
relatively stable state to another. The ecosystem regime control
will be developed as a basis for timely alert at the beginning of
new climate regime in the atmosphere and sea. The goals of this
project are: (1) Building a robust European standardized system
for handling a large number of various data collected from
oceanographic research vessels and automatic measurement
systems. (2) Connecting the oceanographic data centers in a
unique network via the Internet, thus enabling easy search,
selection and retrieving of the oceanographic data regardless of
the location of the national data center. The system will enable
retrieving of various oceanographic data and the analysis from
all the seas surrounding Europe.
Co-oscillations of atmosphere and the sea important for the
Adriatic ecosystem
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project leader: Mira Morović
The studies and discussions about the climatic changes and their
influence to the ecosystem assume a steady increase of the air
temperature, as a consequence of increasing anthropogenic
contribution to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In addition
to these slow and long-lasting climatic changes, there occur
abrupt changes which do not always have global character. A
new paradigm about abrupt climatic changes assumes different
regional regimes of shorter duration (decades). It is important
to investigate climatic shifts for their influence to climate but
also for influences that they can cause in the marine ecosystem.
The main scope of the project is defining the stable climatic
states and climatic indices with the purpose of prediction of the
future states. Climate indices will be investigated from analysis
of atmospheric fields like pressure, temperature, precipitation,
heat and water fluxes, surface wind stress at spatial scales
larger than the Adriatic that influence circulation, boundary
layer conditions and thermohaline properties. The conditions
in the sea will be monitored with systematic measurements at
stations in the Middle Adriatic. Numerical models will be used
for simulations on the decadal scales, to reveal response of the
Adriatic to climatic variability of the atmospheric forcing. With
results of numerical simulations we’ll try to interpret the causes
of abrupt changes in the ecosystem within the last 50 years,
and to give predictions of the future climate states and their
influence to the ecosystem. Measurements of light attenuation
and incoming radiation will allow better definition of parameters
Vertical distribution of temperature, salinity and density of sea water at
profile Split-Gargano during September, 2011.
Research of zootechnical and environmental conditions for
fish and cephalopods farming
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project Leader: Ivan Katavić
Role of plankton communities in the energy and matter flow
in the Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project Leader: Nada Krstulović
Insufficient involvement of scientific investigation is one of the
major problems in mariculture sector. Consequence of that is
orientation towards culturing of only two fish species, relatively
low technological level of production, lack of automation, high
food conversion factor and in general low competitiveness.
Further on, there is increasing concern for the ecological aspects
of mariculture as consequence of insufficient knowledge about
impacts of culturing on marine communities.
Therefore, proposed project will aim to support sustainable,
profitable and ecologically acceptable development of national
mariculture. Activities on the project will be directed towards
gaining new knowledge and optimization of zootechnology of
mariculture, evaluation and introduction of new species into
mariculture, cultivation based on catch (tuna, octopus), as
well as evaluation of mariculture impacts on natural ichthyopopulations. Investigations will result in new findings that will
enable establishing of brood stocks and adaptation of new
species to conditions in captivity.
Investigation of biological response of new species to changing
environmental conditions will enable justified estimation of their
introduction to mariculture. We will define optimal methods for
species whose cultivation is based on catch as well as for species
that are cultivated during their entire life cycle. Biotechnological
experiments will be directed towards gaining monosex and
sterile juvenile populations that are characterized by better
growth rates and in case of escape from culturing facilities will
not have impact on natural biodiversity. Through monitoring
of reproductive biology of cultured tuna, we will collect data
on gametogensis in cage conditions that will facilitate eventual
induction of spawning and cultivation of different development
stages. Project will also encompass investigations on impacts
of fish cage culturing on natural ichthyopopulations that form
assemblages near culture installations. Investigations and
results will be verified in experimental hatchery on the basis of
collected samples and compared with similar studies published
in journals dealing with aquaculture.
The project investigates the role of plankton communities
in the energy flow and organic matter cycling in the coastal
and open Adriatic Sea, with particular reference to the
spawning areas of small pelagic fish , mariculture areas and
other areas under significant antropogenic influences. Special
attention will be paid to the Palagruža Sill area, since it is of
key importance for the functioning of the Adriatic ecosystem,
where waters originating from the continental shelf encounter
those from deep layers and therefore all the processes are best
observed. Plankton communities, including bacterioplankton,
phytoplankton and zooplankton, represent the fundamental
component of pelagic food webs Therefore the study of the
structure and functioning of each of them, as well as their
interactions, is highly important, especially since such data
provide the basis for establishing the production capacity of
an area. One of the central questions regarding functioning of
marine ecosystems is the fate of primary production, namely
significance of different pathways of carbon, from its fixation
in the photosynthesis to higher trophic levels. Relationship
between primary and secondary production, biomass and
species composition of different plankton components at lower
trophic levels determine the main characteristics of trophic web
at higher levels. These interactions will be studied by analysing
factors regulating the size and dynamics of populations in
plankton communities. The project will investigate the cycling
of nutrients and metals essential for the normal susteinance,
growth and reproduction of plankton populations («bottomup» control) as well as factors affecting their elimination
(mortality, predation, viral activity) («top-down» control). By
studying «bottomup » and «top-down» controls of plankton
communities we will attempt to determine main mechanisms
and control paths of characteristic phytoplankton blooms as
well as likely causes of the unusual occurrences («red tide»,
«mucilage»). Special attention will be given to the analysis of
response of plankton organisms to physical changes, on both,
short and long term time scales that is to the ways in which
these changes are reflected upon the different levels of food
chains and consequently the energy flow and cycling of matter.
Residence time of bacteria Escherichia coli in seawater and
marine organisms
Financed by: Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Project Leader: Mladen Šolić
Fecal origin wastewaters that enter into the sea directly or
through sewage system discharge are one of the main sources
of allochthonous microorganisms in marine environment. Some
of these microorganisms are pathogen, and as such can cause
different infections and diseases in humans and warm-blooded
animals. Allochthonous microorganisms can accumulated in
different marine organisms, especially in those that feed by
filtration of sea water (filter feeders). One of the most important
groups of filter feeders in marine environment is Bivalvia. Since
bivalves can accumulated all types of pollutants present in sea
water including pathogen bacteria, they are, from the aspect
of human health, a high-risk group of organisms. Proposed
investigation is designed to test following two hypothesis: (1)
Residence time of allochthonous microorganisms in marine
environment is a direct function of their survival after they
enter the sea, what is in turn result of synergic impact of
number of environmental factors out of which the most
important are sunlight intensity, temperature and salinity, and
(2) Concentration of allochthonous microorganisms in bivalves
is a result of concentration of these organisms in the sea where
bivalves live, sea water filtration rates, habitat in which they
live, bivalve species, size, and life cycle, as well as synergic
impact of number of environmental factors out of which the
most important is temperature. Main objective of this project
is providing answers to the following questions: (1) How long
is the survival time of bacteria Escherichia coli, as the most
important indicator of faecal pollution, in marine environment
in conditions of different sunlight intensities, temperature and
salinity, (2) Is there a synergic action of investigated factors, (3)
In which way survival time of bacteria E. coli changes with sea
depth, (4) At which rate different bivalve species accumulate
bacteria E. coli, and (5) In which way concentrations of E. coli
in the sea, bivalve size, phase of the life cycle and temperature
impact the above mentioned processes. We expect that results
of this project will be very important for estimating impacts
of sewage discharges and other sources of faecal pollution on
sanitary quality of the sea, and will represent valuable entrance
parameter for calculations related to design of underwater
discharge systems. Moreover, these results may help in
solving professional issues related to legislation. Further on,
determination of factors that influence rate of concentration
of marine microorganisms in bivalves will significantly improve
technology of bivalve aquaculture.
Period of intense top-down and bottom-up control of bacteria.
Changes in microbial community structure in relation to the area
trophic status.
AQUAMED: Future research
Mediterranean region
Financed by: EU FP7
Project leader: Ivona Mladineo
The rapid development of Mediterranean aquaculture is
increasingly confronted with a set of difficulties such as
inadequate production systems and competition with other
users. Aquaculture development in the Mediterranean
countries is characterized by diverse levels of maturity in respect
to research and development structures and capacities. Coastal
zones are of strategic importance to the EU. Many European
citizens live, holiday and work in these areas and they are a
major source of our food and raw materials. Consequently, a
knowledge-based strategy for the sustainable development
of Mediterranean aquaculture has to be implemented using
a flexible and concerted approach. AQUAMED will promote
innovative Mediterranean research and focus on the most
relevant issues needed to sustain aquaculture in the region.
It will strengthen the EU-Mediterranean partnership in
developing common projects, and in planning for the
challenges Mediterranean aquaculture faces, now and into
the future. AQUAMED will develop a cross-functional strategy
for aquaculture research in the Mediterranean region. It will
develop a multi-stakeholder platform to orchestrate research
activities, and it will publish a revolving implementation plan
aimed at the sustainable development of aquaculture. The
AQUAMED project will be based on a four step approach:
a) Database and map relevant policies, research activities and
socio-economic characteristics for each partner country; b)
Identify common situations and constraints between countries;
c) Group countries with similar driving forces, allowing for
their engagement and to formulate scientifically-backed
recommendations; d) Initiate a multi-stakeholder platform
to promote research organization, shared objectives and a
revolving implementation plan.
Reakcija tkiva dagnje
Mytilus galloprovincialis
(Bivalvia) na istovremenu
infekciju hidrozoom
Eugymnanthea inquilina
(Cnidaria) i virnjakom
Urastoma cyprinae
CREAM: Coordinating research in support to application of
Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) and management
advice in the Mediterranean and Black Seas
Financed by: EU – FP7 (KBBE20101.4.08 – Contract no. 265648
– 20112014)
Responsible scientists at IOF: Nedo Vrgoč and Vjekoslav Tičina
The aim of the project is to establish network for future active
collaboration of research organizations in order to organize well
coordinated research and eventually enabling efficient practical
implementation of the Ecosystem Approach in the management
of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries.
PARASITE: Risk analysis of parasite and tool integration in EU
fish production value chains
Financed by: EU FP7
Project leader: Ivona Mladineo
Despite many efforts to ensure that only high-quality and safe
products are put on the market, fish-borne parasites continue to
pose risks to human health, with zoonotic infections and allergic
reactions mainly following consumption of raw, lightly cooked,
or marinated seafood. The PARASITE proposal is presented
by a multidisciplinary consortium of 12 European and 3 Asian
research institutions and 6 European SMEs. It aims to provide
new scientific evidence and technological developments to
detect, monitor, and mitigate impacts of zoonotic parasites,
mainly anisakid nematodes but also trematode metacercariae,
occurring in European and imported fishery products. The
Project will address the research needs identified by EFSA
regarding the risk of seafood-borne parasites. It also will
facilitate close cooperation between scientists and end-users to
produce new technological solutions and management tools for
both European and imported fishery products.
The Work Plan has been organized in 9 work packages, each
covering different stages of a risk assessment framework,
providing new epidemiological data, monitoring tools,
development and implementation of parasite detection devices,
technological tools for their mitigation, and dissemination
of key results to all the stakeholders and the general public.
Risk assessment of zoonotic parasites will ensure significant
progress beyond the state of the art. This will be achieved by
improving molecular hazard identification, antigen/allergen
characterization, parasite exposure, assessment, detection
methods and treatments for industrial and other end-users,
and an integrated quantitative risk analysis based on powerful
statistics and modelling.
The main results will impact by (1) contributing to enhanced
seafood safety, with consequent benefits for public health and
consumer confidence, (2) strengthening the competitiveness of
European seafood, from the net to the plate and (3) improving
EU food safety policies.
Tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins TNFα1 Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus
created by using SWISS MODEL Workspace (Arnold et al., 2006) server for homologous modeling:
a) superposition assumed TNFα1 monomers bluefin tuna (blue) to human TNF injection moldings
(green); (b) monomer TNFα1 bluefin tuna (c) the likely quaternary structure of the trimer TNFα1
Bluefin tuna: chain trimers are shown in different colors, spherical shapes represent disulfide bridges
between chains.
PERSEUS - Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research for
the Southern European Seas
Financed by: EU FP7
National coordinator: Ivona Marasović
The overall scientific objectives of the project PERSEUS are to
identify the interacting patterns of natural and human-derived
pressures on the Mediterranean and Black Seas (SES), assess
their impact on marine ecosystems and, using the objectives
and principles of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
as a vehicle, to design an effective and innovative research
governance framework based on sound scientific knowledge.
Well-coordinated scientific research and socio-economic
analysis will be applied at wide-ranging scale from basin to
coastal. The new knowledge will advance our understanding on
the selection and application of the appropriate descriptors and
indicators of the MSFD. New tools will be developed in order to
evaluate the current environmental status by way of combining
monitoring and modelling capabilities and existing observational
systems will be upgraded and extended. In particular, it should
develop the science-base needed to understand how the natural
land-ocean processes that are characteristic of semi-enclosed
basins (peculiar role of air-sea fluxes and fresh water fluxes,
specific water mass ventilation rates, hydraulic control of flows
across straits) and the anthropogenic processes (effects of large
cities, coastal development, pollution, recreational activities,
fishing and aquaculture activities) interact in these two basins
In view of reaching Good Environmental Status (GES), a scenariobased framework of adaptive policies and management
schemes will be developed. Scenarios of a suitable time frame
and special scope will be used to explore interactions between
projected anthropogenic and nature pressures. A feasible and
realistic adaptation policy framework will be defined and ranked
in relation to vulnerable marine sectors/groups/regions in order
to design management schemes for marine governance. Finally,
the project will promote the principles and objectives outlined
in the MSFD across the SES.
Within the PERSEUS Project IOF will also organize an international
expedition across the Adriatic Sea by the research vessel BIOS
II, in which with the Croatian scientists also the scientists from
Italy, Albania, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina will
During this expedition the IOF and Italian scientists will conduct
the training activities for the other participants, with the aim of
joint implementation of MSFD in Adriatic waters. In addition,
through this project Croatia is included in the Mediterranean
Global Ocean Observing System, since within the PERSEUS
Project there is the network of the oceanographic buoys of Italy,
Spain, France, Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Turkey and Bulgaria.
SeaDataNet-II (Pan-European infrastructure for Ocean &
Marine Data Management)
Financed by: EU (FP-7)
Responsible scientists at IOF: Vlado Dadić
SeaDataNet FP7 project (2011-2015), that continues to FP6
(2006-2011), within which is evolving operational pan-European infrastructure for managing, indexing and access to data
sets and information on the marine environment (e.g. physical,
chemical, geological and biological properties), and their longterm storage and preservation. Data are checked and managed
in distributed data centers that are interconnected via SeaDataNet infrastructure so users access them through an integrated
portal: Data centers are mostly National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs), which are part of
oceanographic research institutes involved in the IOC / Iode
network. Given that the data originate from various sources can
impose large demands on the quality, removal of duplicate data
and the overall coherence of the integrated data set, what has
been achieved within the project SeaDataNet by establishing
and maintaining a unified directory metadata and data access
services, as well as the use the adopted standards.
Towards a meteotsunami warning system along the U.S.
coastline (TMEWS)
Financed by: NOAA/NWS, USA Duration: 1.11.2011-30.6.2013.
Project leader: Ivica Vilibić
SESAME - Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modeling
Ecosystem changes
Financed by: EU FP6
National coordinator: Ivona Marasović
The general scientific objectives of SESAME are to assess and
predict changes in the Mediterranean and Black Sea ecosystems
as well as changes in the ability of these ecosystems to provide
goods and services. The Mediterranean and Black Sea will
be approached as a coupled climatic/ecosystem entity, with
links and feedbacks to the world ocean. The assessment of
ecosystem changes will be based on the identification of the
major regime shifts in ecosystems that occurred during the
last 50 years. Mathematical models, validated and upgraded
using existing and new observations, will be used to predict
ecosystem responses to changes in climate and anthropogenic
forcings during the next five decades. SESAME will also study
the effect of the ecosystem variability on key goods and services
with high societal importance like tourism, fisheries, ecosystem
stability through conservation of biodiversity and mitigation
of climate change through carbon sequestration in water and
sediments. The innovative character of SESAME is reflected in
the close merging of economic and natural sciences to study
the changes in the western and eastern Mediterranean and
the Black Sea within the period from 50 years in the past to
50 years in the future. SESAME will stimulate and strengthen
international cooperation in the Mediterranean and Black Sea
regions through the participation of research organizations
from Member States, Associated States, Associated Candidate
countries, non-EU Mediterranean and NIS countries as well as
international organizations.
The scientific objectives of SESAME are:
- To assess changes in the SES ecosystems over the last 50 years.
- To assess the current status of the SES ecosystems through
analysis of existing and newly collected data at basin scale as
well as through model simulations
- To predict changes in the SES ecosystems, using existing
and new observations at a regional and basin scale in order
to construct scenarios of the ecosystem responses to likely
changes in climate and anthropogenic forcings during the next
five decades.
atmospherically induced ocean waves in the tsunami frequency
band that are found to affect coasts in a destructive way in
a number of places in the World Ocean. The waves are not
related to any seismic activity, volcanic explosions, submarine
landslides or meteorite impacts but to atmospheric forcing,
including atmospheric gravity waves, pressure jumps, frontal
passages, squalls, and tropical cyclones. Meteotsunami waves
has been observed and intermittently studied along the U.S.
coastline, but no comprehensive and interdisciplinary studies
have been performed, especially on the source of meteotsunami
waves. Therefore, the first objective of the TMEWS project is
to improve our understanding of the sources and atmospheric
properties of U.S. meteotsunamis, their interaction with
coastal waters, and their amplification when approaching and
impacting the shoreline. Historical U.S. meteotsunamis, such as
that at Daytona Beach FL in 1992 and Booth Bay MA in 2008,
will be investigated by analyzing all available atmospheric and
oceanic data, and by reproducing the events with atmospheric
and oceanic numerical models. The acquired knowledge will be
used for the assessment of the processes, and for determining
the parameters and variables that can be used in a timely
detection of meteotsunamis. An assessment of the NWS/NOAA
observing facilities will be performed, and the applicability and
necessary modifications will be proposed in order to fulfill the
requirements for the timely detection of meteotsunamis. The
final objective of the TMEWS project is to develop a decisionmaking meteotsunami matrix that will include associated
operational protocols and procedures, and a flowchart of
the meteotsunami warning system from its detection on the
observational network to the issuing of meteotsunami alerts.
As part of the overall objective of the TMEWS project to
build an efficient meteotsunami warning system, the project
will incorporate different groups of users (scientists, coastal
engineers, coastal management authorities, etc.) and raise
public awareness in high-risk meteotsunami areas, resulting in
an increased safety level of coastal population and in decreased
potential damage to property, goods and service along the U.S.
Bivalve feeding, competition and predation – what is at play?
Financed by: Unity through Knowledge (
Project leader: Melita Peharda Uljević
In the first half of 2011, project dealing with feeding ecology
of commercially important bivalves, that lasted for a total of
18 months, was successfully completed. Main objective of
this project was to determine if there is competition for food
sources between different species of bivalves, what is the
extent of these relationships and in which way they impact
bivalve seed collection and aquaculture production. We
analyzed seasonal changes in plankton communities as well as
stomach contents of selected bivalve species (Figure 6). Project
included investigation of four bivalves including mussel (Mytilus
galloprovincialis) and European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) from
commercial aquaculture, and Noah’s ark shell (Arca noae)
and Horse beaded mussel (Modiolus barbatus) from natural
populations and experimental aquaculture.
Scientists from several IOF laboratories participated in
implementation of this project including those from Laboratory
of Fisheries Science and Management of Pelagic and Demersal
Resources, Laboratory of Plankton and Shellfish Toxicity and
Physical Oceanography Laboratory. Further more, scientists
from the Institute Ruđer Bošković in Rovinj and University
College Cork (Ireland) have give a significant contribution
to this project. Project results and recommendations for
sustainable bivalve aquaculture were prepared in written form
and distributed to stakeholders, while scientific results were
published in five papers in journals indexed in Current Contents
data base, one paper published in IOF journal Acta Adriatica, as
well as presented at four international conferences.
The extraction of stomach contents: (a) 70% ethanol injection, (b) measurement of specimens prior to extraction of the stomach, (c)
opening the shell, and (d) extraction of the stomach using Pasteur pipettes.
EMBOS – Development and implementation of a panEuropean Marine Biodiversity Observatory System
Financed by: COST (European Cooperation in the field of
Scientific and Technical Research)
National coordinator: Natalia Bojanić
Marine biodiversity varies over large scales of time and
space, and requires a research strategy beyond the tradition/
capabilities of classic research.
Researches that cover these scales require a permanent
international pan-European network of observation stations
with an optimized and standardized methodology.
In EMBOS the needed large-scale network of research locations
in Europe will be installed to assess long-term changes in marine
biodiversity and their possible causes taking into account
natural as well as anthropogenic gradients. EMBOS will also
extend and optimize this observatory system, including novel
interdisciplinary approaches for research.
Laboratory of plankton is contributing to Project through the
fundamental taxonomical research of microphytoplankton,
ciliates, micrometazoa and mesozooplankton components,
as well as with investigations regarding the impact of trophic
gradient on changes in plankton community dynamics and
structure. Additional efforts will be dedicated to the occurrence
of toxic phytoplankton species and dynamics of tintinnid and
copepod communities.
HyMex (HYdrological cycle in the Mediterranean EXperiment)
Financed by: French guvernment
National coordinator: Branka Picek (DHMZ)
Coordinators at IOF: Branka Grbec and Mira Morović
The Mediterranean basin has quite a unique character that
results both from physiographic conditions and historical and
societal developments. The region features a nearly enclosed
sea surrounded by very urbanized littorals and mountains
from which numerous rivers originate. This results in a lot of
interactions and feedbacks between oceanic-atmospherichydrological processes that play a predominant role on
climate and ecosystems and highly imact the weather as
well. In the Mediterranean area concentrated are high imact
weather events associated to hydrology cycle, including severe
cyclogenesis, extreme events that produce heavy damages up
to human losses; heavy precipitation and flash flooding during
the fall season, severe cyclogeneses associated with strong
winds and large swell or heat waves and droughts accompanied
by forest fires during summer, highly impacting the population
in the area. The capability to predict such dramatic events
remains weak because of the contribution of very fine scale
processes and their non-linear interactions with the larger scale
processes. Water is a critical resource for a large part of the
Mediterranean. Fresh water is scarce and unevenly distributed
in time and space with a few short periods of heavy rainfall and
long periods of drought. Such situation, with increasing demand
for water is worsening with climate changes.
Mediterranean regions have been identified as one of the two
main „hotspots” of the climate changes which means that the
climate of this area is particularly sensitive to global changes.
Expected is a strong drop in average rainfall and increased
rainfall variability during the dry (warm) season, as well as a
large increase in temperature. The evolution of the climate in
the Mediterranean is however still largely uncertain. This region
is characterized by high population growth and urbanization,
putting increasing pressure on water resources. Required is
progress in monitoring and joint Modelling of the Mediterranean
climate system (atmosphere-soil-sea) to quantify the changes,
better predict their future development and gave guidance
for the development of adaptation measures. This social
and scientific issues are motivations for HyMeX program
(Hydrological cycle in the editerranean Experiment, http://www. The goal of HyMeX is a better quantification and
understanding of the water cycle in the Mediterranean, with
an emphasis on intense events. HyMeX proposed monitoring
and associated modeling of air-soil-sea in the Mediterranean,
and monitoring of social vulnerabilities associated with water
resources and extreme events. The variability of the system
from individual events over seasonal to interannual scale will
be monitored as well as characteristics of the system during a
decade (2010-2020) in context of global changes.
Brown algal biodiversity and ecology in the Eastern
Mediterranean Sea
Financed by: TOTAL Foundation
Project leader: Prof. Christos Katsaros
National coorinator: Ante Žuljević and Vedran Nikolić
A 4-year international project “Brown algal biodiversity and
ecology in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea” is funded with
€ 300,000 by TOTAL Foundation. It aims to achieve a more
comprehensive understanding of the Eastern Mediterranean
seaweed biodiversity and its role in the functioning of the
marine ecosystem. The project is a multinational effort – even
though it is centered in Greece, it has major contributions
by scientists from Croatia (IOF-Split), Cyprus, Turkey, Israel,
California, France, Germany, Japan and Scotland.
Key objectives include pioneering studies of the largely
unexplored Eastern Mediterranean’s deep-water flora, with the
aid of submersible and ROVs and molecular-genetic research
with the aim to resolve uncertain taxonomic classification
of some species. This project will be a great opportunity to
focus on the effects of climate change, pollution and invasive
species on the Mediterranean Ecosystem. During the spring
2010 deepwater algal communites in the central Adriatic were
surveyed with the use of R/V BIOS DVA and fully equipped
ROV Pollux II in cooperation with Italian scientists from ISPRA
institute. A very rare deepwater alga Laminaria rodriguezii was
recorded near Palagruža island.
Rare deep alga Laminaria rodriguezii found near Palagruža Island at 95 m depth. Brown algae Dictyota dichotoma collected in the Ionian Sea for
the purpose of herbarium collections as part of the research of brown algae.
HAZADR (Strengthening common reaction capacity to fight sea
pollution of oil, toxic and hazardous substances in Adriatic Sea
Financed by: EU (IPA)
Responsible scientists at IOF: Vlado Dadić
Summary: The main objective of the Project HAZADR Project
(2012 - 2014) is to establish a common system for cross-border
risk prevention and management of emergencies in order to
preserve the environment, and to strengthen the capacity of joint
rapid response in case of an environmental crisis in the Adriatic
Sea. In fact, the Adriatic Sea is under heavy environmental
pressure because of relatively high population density and
concentration of industry and other economic activities, including
maritime traffic. Particularly important is transportation of
large quantities of oil through the Strait of Otranto to the
embarkation ports that are mostly located in the northern part
of the Adriatic. On the other side, the Adriatic Sea is relatively
small and closed, for the most part shallow and goes deep
into the European continent so it is ecologically very sensitive.
Because of its relatively small dimensions occurrence of
ecological problems in one region can easily cause the
immediate and long term effects in the environment of the
whole Adriatic, with profound socio-economic consequences
for all coastal communities.Institute participates in the HAZADR
Project through the acquisition of two high-frequency radars
and their location in the central Dalmatia with objective to
measure surface currents in the Hvar and Vis channel. The
radars will have a operating frequency 13 MHz to enable
measurement of surface currents in the area and up to 3600
km2.After placing the radars on the predicted position the
Institute specialists will manage their operational work, and
will check the measurement data, analyze and store them in
a specially developed data warehouse and shall deliver them
in real time to other participants in the project via network
server: http :/ / www.izor. com / hazadr. It is foreseen that this
system will be used as operational system after completion of
the project.
OPP - Data Collection Framework in Fisheries (DCF)
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
SOLEMON Evaluation of stock of common sole (Solea solea) in
the northern Adriatic using different fishing gears
Financed by: FAO AdriaMed
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč (National coordinator)
In a framework of multi-annual project on data collection in
fisheries of the Republic of Croatia (2012-2013) collection
of biological data for most important métiers in commercial
fishery was initiated in accordance with DCF (EU regulations)
(EC 199/2008, EC 665/2008, EC 949/2008). Sampling
methodology and dynamics were set up taking into account
the above mentioned regulations as well as recommendations
provided by international expert team that was engaged by the
Directorate of Fisheries and that had a task to develop National
plan for data collection in fisheries of the Republic of Croatia.
Having in mind that IOF has a long term record of participation
in monitoring of fisheries, these experiences have also been
used for determining sampling dynamics and modes of data
collection. During year 2012 complete data collection was
initiated in accordance to the above mentioned DCF.
PELMON-MEDIAS: Acoustic survey on small pelagic fish –
harmonization with DCF requirements
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Vjekoslav Tičina
The basic aim of the Project PELMON-MEDIAS is assessment
of overall resources needed for full harmonization of previous
national pelagic monitoring project PELMON (2002-2010)
with future implementation of these research activities fully
harmonized with requirements as defined within EU Data
Collection Framework (DCF). In addition, the aim of the Project
is direct assessment of abundance and spatial distribution
of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina
pilchardus) resources in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea,
independently from the data from commercial fisheries. The
project was carried out during 2011 year.
Field research for the project SOLEMON.
This project was initiated in 2004 and it includes participation
of three neighbouring countries: Italy, Slovenia and Croatia.
Project objective is assessment of population of common sole
(Solea solea) and all other flat fish in the Adriatic Sea. Sampling
is conducted once a year using beam trawl in the area north of
Jabuka pit. In addition, along Italian coast data on commercial
catch of this group of marine organisms are collected. On board
analysis includes qualitative and quantitative catch composition
of the beam trawl (including analysis of macrozoobenthos),
demographic population structure (length, age, sexual maturity)
of all target species (common sole, all flat fish, angler fish), and
genetic population structure of common sole. This project also
provides annual estimate of common sole population in GSA 17
that is presented at GFCM. Project has been suggested to STCEF
to be included in list of compulsory project of the EU DCF.
AdriaMed Deep Sea Survey
Financed by: FAO AdriaMed
Project leader: Igor Isajlović (National coordinator)
This project is organized as a part of FAO AdriaMed (Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) regional project
and it includes investigation of the deepest parts of south Adriatic pit. Its objectives include collecting fisheries biological data,
description of bathyal fauna biodiversity (Figure 1), assessment
of exploitation potential and preparation of measures for protection of deepest parts of the Adriatic Sea. Additional objectives of this project include determination of most appropriate
fishing gear and method for sampling at great depths, and their
In the south Adriatic pit total of four expeditions were organized
in 2008 and 2010, using specially modified bottom trawl net,
pelagic trawl net, surface and bottom long lines and traps for
crustaceans and fish. During 2011 and 2012 we worked on the
analysis of collected samples, statistical analysis and preparation of reports.
Deep-sea organisms were recorded during the study South Adriatic Pit at depths of 1200 within project FAO AdriaMed Deep Sea: A) Dipturus
nidarosiensis B) Notacanthus bonapartei C) Chaliodus sloan, D) Nemichthys scolopaceus E) Ancistroteuthis Lichtenstein, F) Chiroteuthis veranyi.
UWTV Survey in Central Adriatic Jabuka Pit
Financed by: FAO AdriaMed
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč (National coordinator)
Financed by: UNEP (United Nations Environmental Programme)
Project leader: Živana Ninčević Gladan
This project is conducted in the framework of FAO AdriaMed
project with the objective of introducing alternative
methodology for assessment of demersal resources, primarily
Norwegian lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) in the Jabuka Pit
area. Participating institutions are IOF (Split, Croatia) and CNR
(Ancona, Italy). The objective of this project is assessment of
Norwegian lobster biomass in the Jabuka Pit with the use of
underwater camera, and comparison of such data with data
obtained by bottom trawling net (though projects MEDITS, FAO
AdriaMed Trawl survey, GRUND, DCR and DemMon).
For the protection and monitoring of the marine environment
of the Mediterranean Sea,
cooperation between the
Mediterranean countries and the European Union›s have been
established through the Plan of action in the Mediterranean
(MAP - Mediteranean Action Plan), which is part of the United
Nations Convention on the protection of the environment
(United Nations Environmental Program, UNEP). Program
evaluation and control of pollution in the Mediterranean
area started in 1975 as part of the Mediterranean Action Plan
(MAP), which is now in phase III (2006-2013). In line with the
Barcelona Convention (Article 12) all member states are obliged
to implement national monitoring program and determine
the persons responsible for pollution monitoring. Land-Based
Source Protocol (Article 8) provides systematic evaluations of
pollution in the coastal zone with particular emphasis on the
areas affected by various human activities, and evaluate the
effectiveness of the action plan, and measures contained in
the Protocol on reducing the impact of pollution on the marine
environment as the main objectives of the program payment
Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) filmed with underwater towed.
camera in their habitats during the project UWTV
LME-EAF - Strategic partnership for the Mediterranean Large
Marine Ecosystem (Ecosystem approach to fisheries)
Financed by: FAO
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
MEDITS (Mediterranean International Bottom Trawl Survey)
Financed by: EC Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
MEDITS project is systematic and permanent monitoring of state
of demersal communities in the Mediterranean Sea, including
the Adriatic Sea. Project is partially financed by European
Commission and in part by participating countries. Up to now
following countries have been involved in this project: Spain,
France, Italy, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania,
Malta and Cyprus. Croatia joined MEDITS project in 1996. Since
2001, participation in MEDITS project is mandatory for all EU
member countries and methodology of data collection and
their analysis is standardized for all participants. Data collected
through this project make up the basis for assessment of state of
commercially most important species in the Mediterranean and
Adriatic Sea, as well as for creation of national and international
management plans for demersal resources.
Main objective of this project is development of human
potentials related to ecosystem approach in fisheries. Through
workshops, technical support and individual training targeting
staff and scientists involved in fisheries, project creates
presumptions for strategic partnership between stakeholders
in fisheries. Global trends demand approach that includes
simultaneous analysis of all fishing gear, all species, ecosystem
characteristics as well as socioeconomic aspects of fishery to
gain a complete insight into complex fisheries issues.
Marine Reference Centre
Customer: Government of the Republic of Croatia /
Environmental Protection Agency
Project leader: Vlado Dadić
After several years of very good cooperation with the
Institute in reporting on the state of the marine environment,
fisheries and mariculture, and after the invitation to tender
by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Croatian
Government appointed the Institute of Oceanography
and Fisheries in Split the Marine Reference Centre of the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the period from
2012 to 2015 pursuant to the Decision issued at the 15th
Government Session on 15 March 2012 (Official Gazette of the
Republic of Croatia, No. 34/12). The Stated Marine Reference
Centre is determined on the basis of Article 123 of the
Environmental Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of
Croatia No. 110/07) with the purpose of providing professional
and scientific support to the EPA in collecting and analysing
the data on the state of the sea and its environment, fisheries
and aquaculture, development and calculation of parameters
(including the National List of Indicators), development and
use of the marine information system (ISM) as part of the
Environmental Information System (EIS), and for fulfilling the
obligation to report on the state of the marine environment
as per the national and international requirements (special
regulations and international agreements).
According to the Government Decision, the Marine Reference
Centre performs for the EPA the following tasks:
It collects, compiles, analyzes and verifies data on
monitoring the state of the marine environment, fisheries
and mariculture effected by the competent bodies and
institutions as per the special regulations and international
agreements, and participates in suggesting and establishing
a network of monitoring the mentioned state and developing
the plans for conducting the monitoring of the state;
in collaboration with the EPA it maintains and updates
the indicators on the state of the marine environment,
fisheries and mariculture, including the National List
of Indicators, and prepares for them the analysis of
trends and develops and manufactures new features;
it provides technical assistance to the implementation of the
regulations, offering a framework for the implementation of the
Community acquis of the European Union in the field of marine
environmental protection, fisheries and mariculture, and it
participates in the activities of professional bodies and working
groups of the EPA in the preparation and implementation
of conservation projects for the marine environment;
it provides scientific, professional, and technical assistance for
the preparation, development and validation of the reports and
prepared assessments of the state of marine environment for
reporting purposes, in accordance with special regulations and
international agreements;
it provides support in developing and establishing the
Marine Information System, which is an integral part of the
Environmental Information System, including the establishment
of relevant databases and georeferenced browsers, with the
development of technology, and it develops models, analytical
methods and predictions as tools to support the development of
the marine monitoring programs, plans and measures to protect
the marine environment, national and regional strategies;
it participates in the work of professional bodies and working
groups within the European Topic Centre on Sea and Water,
as well as for the European Information and Observation
Network and European Information System for Water.
The annual work programs are made taking into account
the requirements of the Government Decision, the
obligations contained in the annual work plan of the EPA
and the obligations under the relevant national regulations
and international obligations assumed in connection
with monitoring and reporting on the state of the marine
environment under the jurisdiction of the Agency.
This especially applies to reporting to the European Environment
Agency (EEA) within the European Environment Information and
Observation Network (EIONET) and the European Information
System for Water and Sea (WISE) and the mandatory reporting
to the European Commission (EC). Therefore, the EEA guidelines
are also taken into consideration, respectively its Information
and Observation Network EIONET, since EEA established, in
order to ensure the quality of data, reports and other services,
the corresponding European topic centres (ETC-European Topic
Centres) helping in the realisation of the annual work program.
Herewith we should also note the activity of the Reference
Centre for fulfilling the obligations set out in the MSFD and WFD
Directives, like making the proposal of dividing the Adriatic
Sea into 5 areas, development of descriptors, indicators and
parameters as per each type of waters and completing of DIKE
tables by the descriptors on the initial state of the environment,
more data and information concerning that being available on
the website: http:/ / / azo.
Initial assessment of the state and pressures on Croatian part
of the Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection
Project leader: Nada Krstulović
In the framework of the implementation process of Marine
Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EZ) and preparation
of Strategy for marine environment protection, document
„Initial assessment of the state and pressures on Croatian
part of the Adriatic Sea“ is the first step in determination of the
environmental targets in the achieving good environmental
status and preservation of marine environment. Document was
prepared taking account of existing data where available and
comprising the following:
- an analysis of the essential features and characteristics, and
current environmental status of Adriatic waters, based on
the indicative lists of elements set out in Table 1 of Annex III
of MSFD (2008/56/EZ), and covering the physical and chemical
features, the habitat types, the biological features and the
- an analysis of the predominant pressures and impacts,
including human activity, on the Adriatic environmental status.
Quality control of the Coastal Adriatic Sea (Pag-Konavle
Financed by: Department for Water Protection, Croatian Waters
Project leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
The program “Quality Control of the Coastal Sea (Pag-Konavle
Project)” is carried out for the “Water Protection Department of
Croatian Waters” to gain insight into the quality of the Adriatic
coastal sea from the Island Pag to Cavtat. The purpose of the
investigation is to identify possible changes caused by natural
processes or anthropogenic activities through systematic
monitoring of sea water quality. Analyses include investigation
of the most important indicators of sea water quality: physical,
chemical and biological properties of sea water, characteristic
contaminants and climate characteristics of the area as well
as water mass dynamics. Special attention is given to potential
changes in the composition of plankton communities caused by
anthropogenic factors in waters near urbanized areas along the
The Laboratory is involved in investigation of spatial and
temporal distribution of trophic state chemical indicators
(oxygen concentration, inorganic and organic forms of nutrients,
pH values) in coastal waters. Moreover, the Laboratory is also
engaged in investigation of sediment and shellfish to determine
the levels of contamination by hazardous compounds (heavy
metals, chlorinated hydrocarbons) in the coastal area from Pag
to Konavle.
Classification of the Area and Making a Program Proposal and
Implementation of Monitoring of Transitional and Coastal
Waters of the Adriatic Sea, according to the Requirements of
the Water Framework Directive of EU (2000/60/EC)
Financed by: Croatian Waters
Project leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
The aim of the project is to design a proposal of a monitoring
plan and program for transitional and coastal waters according
to the requirements of the Water Framework Directive.
The acceptance of the program proposal is followed by the
implementation of monitoring of transitional and coastal waters
and by the establishment of the national classification system
for “ecological status” assessment.
The project is divided into two phases: (Phase I): Analysis of the
impacts and influences on the status of transitional and coastal
waters, assessment of the risk of failing to achieve a good status,
and development of the monitoring plan and program proposal
adapted to the requirements of WFD are planned based on the
existing and available data and expert evaluation of the status
of transitional and coastal waters.
(Phase II) includes monitoring of chemical and ecological
status of transitional and coastal waters, formation of a
proposal for national “ecological status” classification system,
and development of the initial assessment of ecological and
chemical status of transitional and coastal waters.
Trophic index TRIX at studied stations during 2011.
Systematic Investigation of Transitional and Coastal Waters
Quality during the period 2012.-2013.
Financed by: Department for Water Protection, Croatian Waters
Project leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
The program “Systematic Investigation of Transitional and
Coastal Waters Quality in 2012. and 2013.” is conducted for
the “Water Protection Department of Croatian Waters”, to
determine the ecological quality status of water bodies in the
area of transitional and coastal waters of the Adriatic basin.
Through the surveillance monitoring ecological and biological
quality elements are investigated:
- Phytoplankton (including the related physico-chemical
- Macroalgae,
- Seagrass (Posidonia oceanica in coastal waters and Cymodocea
nodosa in transitional waters),
- Benthic invertebrates,
- Fish (only in transitional waters),
and the assessment of the ecological status of water bodies is
developed. In water bodies of transitional and coastal waters,
where an unsatisfactory ecological status had been previously
determined, by means of this program the level of monitoring
has been elevated from basic (surveillance) to higher level
(operational) which includes a higher monitoring frequency
and a higher number of additional indicators. Beside the
implementation of the surveillance and operational monitoring,
this program serves as a foundation for determination of
ecological potential in waters proposed as candidates for
heavily modified water bodies.
Monitoring stations for biological quality of phytoplankton (including
the related physical-chemical parameters) in the project “Systematic review of the quality of transitional and coastal water in 2012 and 2013”.
Field research for the assessment of ecological status of transitional
waters using CYMOX.
Field research for the assessment of
ecological status of transitional waters
using POMI.
MEDIAS: Acoustic survey (echo-monitoring) for the assessment
of spatial distribution and abundance of small pelagic fish
populations in the Adriatic Sea.
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Vjekoslav Tičina
Assess of ecological status of water bodies of transitional and coastal
waters in 2011.
Project MEDIAS is a scientific research at sea performed with
research vessel „BIOS DVA“ within national framework of
fisheries data collection (OPP), made in accordance with EU
Data Collection Framework (DCF). The aim of the Project is
direct assessment of abundance of commercially important
pelagic fish in the Adriatic Sea, i.e. anchovy (Engraulis
encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus), independently
from the data from commercial fisheries, by means of acoustic
survey. Acoustic sampling covers entire continental shelf
within territorial waters and Protected Ecological-Fishery Zone
(ZERP) of Republic of Croatia, that in the open sea is carried
out along 30 parallel transects perpendicular to the coast line,
in direction of 43°-223°, from the coast up to mid-line of the
Adriatic Sea and randomly positioned transects in the inner sea
(Figure 3.). Acoustic data are collected by calibrated scientific
echo-sounder SIMRAD EK-60 (38 kHz) as echograms (Figure 4).
EDSU (Elementary Distance Sampling Unit) for analysing echo
integrals value, so called NASC (Nautical Acoustic Scattering
Coefficient) in m2/Nm2, is one nautical mile. Additional sampling
with aim to enable identification of echo traces and collect fish
samples for further biological analyses is made with mid-water
OPP DemMon – Data collection framework for demersal
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
Sampling in the benthos for the purpose of Biological Baseline Survey
project in Ploče harbour.
Biological Baseline Survey
Financed by: Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and
Project leader: Živana Ninčević Gladan
In the frame of this project, composition of biological
communities of plankton, nekton and benthic organisms
have been determined according to CRIMP protocol. Besides
biotical, abiotical parameters and sediment composition have
been determined in Harbor Bakar, Harbor Omišalj, Harbor
Raša, Harbor Rijeka, Harbor Split and Harbor Ploče. The main
objective of the project is to develop a baseline list of species in
an area and to provide the basis for possible early detection of
invasive species in the Adriatic ports.
This project started in year 2012 as a continuation of DemMon
project. Samples are taken on board from commercial catches
as well as on landing sites. Targeted species include hake,
red mullet, Norwegian lobster, musky and horned octopus.
Sampling methodology is completely in accordance with EC-DCF.
Collected data serve as scientific base for assessment of state of
demersal resources in Adriatic and preparation of measures for
regulation of fisheries and protection of renewable demersal
resources in the fishing sea of the Republic of Croatia.
Monitoring of pelagic commercial fishery (PERIMON)
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Vanja Čikeš Keč
The fact that Croatian fishing fleet mainly consist of purse
seiners, which are generally used for exploitation of small
pelagic fish species, and that its catches comprised an average
of 85.4 % (2009) of total Croatian catches, indicates that sardine
and anchovy are the most important commercially exploited
fish species in Croatian part of Adriatic Sea.
Therefore necessity for qualitative and quantitative monitoring
of sardine and anchovy catches obtained with purse seiners
occurred. In 2011 monitoring of purse seiners commercial
catches started. Main goals of this monitoring were: (i) describe
qualitative and quantitative catch composition obtained by
purse seines; (ii) describe length and age structure of two
commercially most important pelagic fish, precisely sardine
and anchovy, and provide information concerning their lengthweight relationship ; (iii) describe the purse seine selectivity;
(iv) describe qualitative and quantitative bycatch composition
obtained by purse seines; (v) to critically review existing legal
regulation measures in relation to the state of the pelagic
resource; (vi) describe sardine and anchovy biomass trends and
indexes; (vii) according to all collected and analysed data provide
some recommendation that should provide more responsible
and sustainable exploitation as well as better protection of
these renewable resources.
OPP PERIMON – Data Collection framework for purse seiners
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Vanja Čikeš Keč
Area of echo monitoring with the position of transects along which
were performed hydroacoustic samplings.
Echogram of small pelagic fish school.
From 2012 Croatia started a program DCF (Data Collection
Framework) by which Croatia tend to collect biological data
from purse seine fishery in accordance with EU regulations (EC
199/2008, EC 665/2008 i EC 949/2008).
Furthermore, in accordance with EU regulations as well as the
guidelines set out by an international expert team committed
to help Croatia to develop a National Plan for data collection in
fisheries the scheme was set up by the dynamics and sampling
methodology in order to monitor purse seine fishery that should
be as far as possible in accordance with the regulations of DCF.
Target species for which biological samples will be collected
were determined according to their amount in the total
Croatian fishery catches (annual catch of over 200 tons), as well
as responsibility for the collection of data for individual stock
due to DCF (group G1 according to EC 949/2008). During 2012
throughout this monitoring scheme samples of two pelagic fish
species determined as target ones - sardine (Sardina pilchardus)
and anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) were collected.
Sardine and anchovy samples were collected from commercial
purse seiners on board or at the landing sight. All collected
samples are analysed in the Laboratory. Total length (TL) (±0.1
mm) and total body weight (W) (±0.01 g) of each specimen were
measured. The length-weight relationship for both species was
calculated and allometric growth parameters were determined.
Sex was macroscopically determined. Age was determined by
reading the otoliths. Throughout this monitoring collected data
are: (i) metier-related variables, (ii) stock-related variables, (iii)
transversal variables.
TUNE-CPUE: Analyses of purse seiners fishing activities and
their effectiveness in bluefin tuna fishery in the Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Vjekoslav Tičina
The aim of this Project is to analyze the quantities of fish
captured by individual fishing vessels (CPU) in bluefin tuna
purse seine fishing in the eastern part of Adriatic Sea, taking
into account the fishing effort applied in this fishery (CPUE).
Detection of main spawning grounds of sardine and anchovy
in the Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Barbara Zorica
Despite long-term investigations of the Adriatic Sea in general
and research done on sardine and anchovy as ecologically and
economically important fish species, knowledge concerning
their spawning ecology is still incomplete. This specially
referees to their spawning grounds. Therefore necessity for
intense investigations of this issue occurred in order to upgrade
existing protection measures that should enable sustainable
development as one of the main Croatian strategically goals.
The purpose of this research project is to determine the
spawning grounds of the most commercially important small
pelagic fish species (sardine and anchovy) in Adriatic Sea, so
that fragmented knowledge of their spawning ecology could be
completed. Determination of species reproduction cycle, size at
maturity and sex ratio with its area of spawning should insure
better purse seine fishery regulation concerning the time and
the area of fishing.
DemMon – Assessment of distribution and abundance of
demersal fish species and other marine organisms in the
Adriatic Sea
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Directorate of Fisheries
Project leader: Nedo Vrgoč
Staring from year 2002, members of this Laboratory set up a
permanent monitoring of demersal fisheries with the objective
of describing recent state of this type of fishery and creating
recommendations for establishing a long term sustainable
management. Demersal monitoring includes collection of
fisheries, biological and socioeconomic data on demersal fishery
in the Republic of Croatia. Sampling is conducted on commercial
fishing vessels in the entire fishing sea of the Republic of
Croatia, as well as on main landing sites. Collected data are used
as scientific background for creation of regulation measures for
fisheries and protection of this potentially renewable marine
resource. This projected was conducted through year 2011.
Monitoring of tuna fishing and farming
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Rural Development, Fisheries Directorate
Project Leader: Leon Grubišić
Project Monitoring of tuna farming, which in recent years has
been transformed into a project named Monitoring of tuna
fishing and farming is conducted continuously since 2005.
During the last period, the staff of Institute of Oceanography
and Fisheries in Split collected data of tuna fishing and farming
which were guided by the requests and recommendations
of the International Organization for the Conservation of
Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) and the applicable regulations of the
Croatian government. Therefore, in accordance with the
recommendations of ICCAT (Rec 06-07 and 10-04) and EU
regulations (EC Council Regulation (EC) No. 1559/2007 of 17
December 2007 establishing a multi-annual recovery plan
for bluefin tuna in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean
and amending Regulation (EC) No. 520/2007), and based
on the Regulations of the catch, farming and trade of bluefin
tuna (Thunnus thynnus), swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and
Mediterranean spearfish (Tetrapturus belone) (NN 26/11 and
29/11) it is necessary to proceed further scientifically accurate
monitoring of farming and fishing tuna. The data obtained
from monitoring are systematized and recorded for each farm.
Collected, analyzed and updated information of tuna farming
are verified by Fisheries Management before the ICCAT. In this
way, the data provide insight into the mariculture production
and statistically salves tuna fishing quotas approved by ICCAT,
imports of live tuna and tuna quantities harvested after the
MikroTuna – new diagnostic tool for monitoring of diseases
on tuna farms.
Financed by: Croatian Business and Innovation Center BICRO
Project Leader: Ivona Mladineo
Interaction of wild tuna with purse seine catch
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural
Development, Fisheries Directorate
Project Leader: Ivan Katavić
The task of the project is to monitor tuna behavior and
predation interactions with purse seine catch i.e. small pelagic
fish and to estimate direct and indirect damages of fishing gears
and distracted fishing operations. In period when tuna fishing is
not allowed, using direct method of echo-detection, data about
tuna presence and aggregations during fishing operations
are systematically collected in different areas of the eastern
Adriatic. The information are also collected by conducting
questionnaires among purse seine fishermen investigating
unwanted tuna catches, sizes and direct and indirect damages
preformed during fishing operations on small pelagic fish.
Using a stereoscopic camera in assessing farmed tuna
Financed by: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural
Development, Fisheries Directorate
Project Leader: Leon Grubišić
The aim of the project is to optimize the method of stereoscopic
cameras with accompanying analytical software package for
assessing the number and individual weight of tuna caught by
purse seine and intended for further farming. For the project
purposes, which aims to estimate the size of live tuna using
noninvasive method, stereoscopic cameras AQ1 SYSTEMS
manufacturers will be used. Stereoscopic camera AQ100
that measures and counts fish allows innovative approach to
noninvasive, and however, rapid sampling size of the fish and
other marine organisms.
Losses that emerge in aquaculture caused by diseases and
environmental stress are estimated to reach half a million
of US$ per year, whilst therapy is usually based only on
zootechnical principles. Therapy is rarely efficient when the
disease already manifests itself clinically, which greatly affects
economic moment of the farm production. Since export of
the cage-reared bluefin tuna attributes to 50% of total fish
export in Croatia (~60.000.000 USD), it is necessary to ensure
optimal factors for tuna undisturbed cage rearing, which in
intensive farming conditions can be afflicted by sudden and
economically devastating diseases. The aim of MikroTuna is
development of a sensitive and novel diagnostic tool, capable
of early signalization of fish response to preclinical pathogen
proliferation that would enable prompt farmer’s action in order
to attenuate or completely eradicate the disease source before
fish mortality occurs.
Institute Studies
Report on the Hydrographic and Chemical Characteristics of
the Marine Environment along the Wider Area of Dugovača
Bay (Locality Drage, Municipality Pakoštane)
Financed by: Municipality Pakoštane
Project leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
For the purpose of constructing a public port and a special
purpose port in Locality Drage, Municipality Pakoštane,
an investigation of the state of hydrographic and chemical
characteristics of the marine environment was carried out.
Basic hydrographic properties of sea water (transparency and
termohaline characteristics) as well as chemical parameters
(dissolved oxygen and nutrients) were investigated during two
sampling trips in the summer and winter season. Beside the
investigation of the water column state, analyses of heavy metal
content in surficial sediment layer were carried out.
Monitoring of the Marine Environment in the Tuna Farm Area
in Grška Bay, Island Brač, during the period 2011.-2012.
Financed by: Sardina d.o.o.
Project leader: Grozdan Kušpilić
Monitoring program to assess the impact of the tuna farm
on the marine environment in the area of Grška bay on the
island Brač, started in 2003. During the period from 2011.
to 2012. sediment and sea water samples were taken at two
sampling sites in the area of the tuna farm in the Grška bay and
at the referent site in the Kruščica bay. Monitoring included
investigation of the state of physico-chemical parameters in
water column (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and
nutrients) and sediment (redox-potential, mass fraction of
organic carbon, total nitrogen and phosphorus). Biological
properties of the area were monitored by investigation of the
composition and biomass of phytoplankton community as well
as by investigation of the state of benthic communities.
Population-genetic assessment of fish species interested to
sport - recreational fishing and aquaculture long the eastern
Adriatic (greater amberjack, common dentex, sea bass and sea
Financed by: Croatian association for angling at sea
Project Leader: Ivan Katavić
Over the last decade, catch of economically important fish
species is in significant decline. Amberjack, common dentex,
sea bass and sea bream, recognized as excellent candidates
in mariculture, are important catch for both commercial and
recreational fishing. However, intensive fishing is causing the
decline of natural populations in the environment which directly
affects the genetic diversity of species. Possible outcomes of the
new situation are related to the reduction of inter-population
and intra-population polymorphisms, mutation, hybridization
and increased expression of recessive alleles, which ultimately
affects the reduced ability for species survival.
Therefore, it is necessary to know the genetic structure of
commercially important species in order to preserve local
biodiversity and to provide the basis for monitoring of potential
genetic erosion that can become outcome of intensive
Sampling of benthic organisms for the purposes of tuna farms monitoring.
Measuring of currents in the Dugovača Bay (Draga,
Municipality of Pakoštane) (2011)
Financed by: Municipality of Pakoštane
Project Leader: Vlado Dadić
Summary: According to the plan of Pakoštane Municipality,
in the Dugovača Bay, a village Drage intends to build more
infrastructure facilities including landing ports, moorings for
local residents and rental and regulate beaches in its eastern
part. Therefore it was necessary to investigate dynamic
properties in the wider area of ​​the bay (currents and sea level),
which would serve as a basis for assessing the potential negative
impact of the planned facilities on the marine environment.
Currents were measured during the summer which is from
an ecological point of view the most unfavorable period, and
during the winter time when occurs the strongest influence of
dynamic phenomena on infrastructure facilities in the sea.
Monitoring of the environmental impact of the submarine
outfall Stobreč
Financed by: Water and Sewage Company of Split
Project Leader: Nada Krstulović
The purpose of this research is to gain insight into the state
of sea water quality in the area of the Brač Channel near
the submarine outfall, in order to monitor and assess the
possible influence of the submarine outfall sewage system
Stobreč on the environment. Investigations include the most
important indicators of the water quality: physical properties
of the atmosphere and sea, chemical properties and biological
characteristics of the investigated area, marine sediment and
characteristic pollutants.
Environmental Impact Assessment “Hotel and apartment
complex with mooring Vela Borovica, community Marina”
Financed by: Vela Borovica koncern d.o.o.
Project Leader (Part: Marine Environment): Mladen Šolić
In this EIA Study the physical, chemical and biological
characteristics of the studied area, the review of the potential
impacts on marine environment, and the measures to mitigation
influences were analyzed.
Report on indicators of the marine environment, fisheries
and aquaculture sector in 2010 and 2011
Financed by: Environmental Protection Agency
Project Leader: Vlado Dadić
Summary: During the nine-year collaboration with the Agency
for Environmental Protection our Institute has regularly drafted
annual reports on indicators of the marine environment,
fisheries and aquaculture in the Croatian part of the Adriatic,
and has also provided data on the indicators (EIONET table)
to the European Environment Agency. So in the last two years
the IOF has consecutively developed and submitted to the
Environmental Protection Agency report for the year 2010 and
2011. Final annual report is automatically created from the
input data and the text of the annual report on the state of
each active indicator for the current year. A data warehouse is
constructed in a network environment to facilitate data entry
and preparation of reports from any computer connected to the
Internet, which is very important because in the preparation of
annual reports were involved collaborators from Split, Zagreb,
Rijeka and Rovinj. Synthesis Report for 2010 has been prepared
on the basis of individual reports on the status of 31 indicators,
while the report for the year 2011 was made on the basis of
35 state indicators. In preparing the annual report took part 19
experts from the Institute and 9 colleagues from other Croatian
Field research in the area of the Smrka Bay.
Exploring the physical, chemical and biological properties of
the sea near the Smrka Bay (Brač Island) (2012)
Financed by: Municipality of Nerežišće
Project Leader: Vlado Dadić
Summary: For the Municipality of Nerežišće were examined
physical, chemical and biological properties of the sea near the
Smrka Bay area within the preparation of the Environmental
Impact Study of nautical tourism on the port, which is planned
for construction in this bay. In order to give a response to
the potential impact of the planned facilities on the marine
environment, among other things, it is necessary to know
both the dynamical, chemical and biological characteristics
of the waters of Smrka Bay wider area including the channel
waters between the islands of Hvar and Brač. Given that
previous research in the broad area of Smrka Bay showed
that environmental conditions during the winter season are
favorable for preparation of the EIS substrates, there were
examined physical, chemical and biological properties of the
wider area of Smrka Bay during the summer period that is
environmentally the most unfavorable. Studies have shown
that the current ecological condition of Smrka Bay is good.
Analysis of the impact of petroleum product storage and
ballast waters to the marine environment and the living
resources of the Kaštela Bay
Financed by: HANDA
Project leader: Ivona Marasović
In the framework of this study was carried out an assessment
of potential impact of ballast waters and petroleum products
to the area Vranjic (immediate area coverage) and the area of​​
the Kaštela Bay (wider area coverage). The assessment was
conducted based on an analysis of long-term series of physical,
chemical and biological data, using hydrodynamic flow models
within covered area.
Educational Activities of the Institute
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries is actively
involved in organizing and/or performance of university
academic programs at undergraduate, graduate and
postgraduate levels:
1. Undergraduate university programs:
The program of Marine biology and ecology educates
the professionals for working in the field of biological
oceanography, which includes a wide range of biological
researches from diversity of marine organisms to their
distribution, characteristics, mutual relations and
interactions with the marine environment. Due to the
increasing problem of disposal of a large number of
harmful and hazardous substances into the sea, and
the irrational use of marine resources, special attention
is given to protection of endangered species and
ecologically vulnerable areas. For better understanding
of biological processes in the sea, it is necessary to
become familiar with the functioning of the entire marine
ecosystem. That requires an extremely high degree of
multidisciplinarity, which is achieved through the program
of this study.
Marine biology and ecology program, organised by
Department of Marine Studies of the University of Split is
performed as an undergraduate and graduate study.
Duration of undergraduate study of Marine Biology and
Ecology is three years or 6 semesters, and by it at least
180 ECTS points are acquired.
Upon completion of undergraduate study a title of a
Bachelor/Bachelorette (baccalaureus / baccalaurea) of
Marine Biology and Ecology is acquired.
Organizer of academic programs: Department of Marine
Studies of the University of Split
Performer of academic programs: University of Split,
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
2. Graduate university programs:
Organizer of academic programs: Department of Marine
Studies of the University of Split
Performer of academic programs: University of Split,
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries
3. Postgraduate university programs:
Organizers and performers of academic programs:
University of Split, University of Dubrovnik, Institute of
Oceanography and Fisheries
Joint performers of academic programs: Faculty
of Natural Science of the University of Zagreb,
Institute Ruđer Bošković - Rovinj/Zagreb, Institute of
Oceanography and Fisheries - Split, Institute for Marine
and Coastal Research of the University of Dubrovnik
Undergraduate university program:
Head of Study:
Prof. Sanja Matić Skoko, PhD,
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Šetalište I.
Meštrovića 63.
Phone: 385 21 408 030
Fax: 385 21 358 650
More information on the studies in Oceanology on:
Graduate university program:
Graduate program of Marine Biology and Ecology is
multidisciplinary in its content. During this study, the
basic knowledge of the natural sciences is widened into
more specific knowledge related to issues in biology,
ecology and protection of the sea. Interaction of course
contents with modern scientific knowledge, already
established at the undergraduate level, becomes more
pronounced during graduate study and thus represents
the logical continuation on a higher level of education.
Upon completion of graduate study a title of Master
(Magister) of Marine Biology and Ecology is acquired.
Head of Study:
Prof. Mladen Šolić, PhD,
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Šetalište I.
Meštrovića 63.
Phone: 385 21 408 006
Fax: 385 21 358 650
Undergraduate university program:
For the proper and responsible management and
protection of renewable marine resources and
development and progress of fisheries activities, farming,
conservation, processing and marketing of fish and other
marine organisms, it is important to educate professionals
necessary for successful operation of marine fisheries.
These professionals are educated at the undergraduate
Marine fisheries program, which is the only study in our
country educating highly qualified personnel for working
in the field of marine fisheries.
Marine fisheries, as a theoretical and applied scientific
discipline, includes methods and activities of fishing,
farming, processing and marketing of fish and other
marine organisms, as well as methods, management,
protection and exploitation of living marine resources.
Consequently, the undergraduate Marine fisheries
program, which educates highly qualified professionals
to work in this area, covers issues in marine biology
and fisheries biology, exploitation, management and
conservation of renewable marine resources, use of
fishing gears, fishing vessels and fishing ports, fish
farming and farming of other marine organisms,
processing technology and the prevention of sea products
decay, marketing of fish and other marine organisms
and economics and organization of marine fisheries.
Considering that the professionals who are studying at
this university study are rare not only in Croatia, but in
Europe as well, they will certainly have a prominent role
in all administrative bodies dealing with issues of marine
fisheries, in economic and commercial chambers, in the
services of the fishing activities and in companies
involved in fishery, farming, processing and marketing
of fish and other marine organisms, decay prevention,
management and protection of living marine resources.
The need for such professional staff will be even more
pronounced after organizing the Coast Guard, but also
after our country joins the European Union. Study
of Marine fisheries, organized by the Department of
Marine Studies of the University of Split is performed as
undergraduate and graduate study.
Undergraduate study of Marine Fisheries lasts three years
or 6 semesters, and by it at least 180 ECTS points are
acquired. Upon completion of undergraduate study a title
of a Bachelor/Bachelorette (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) of
Marine Fisheries is acquired.
Head of Study:
Prof. Ivona Mladineo, PhD.,
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Šetalište I.
Meštrovića 63.
Phone: 385 21 408 047
Fax: 385 21 358 650
Information for future students (enrollment criteria and
procedures, etc.)
Graduate university program:
Graduate Study of Marine Fisheries provides expert
and scientific widening of knowledge acquired through
undergraduate studies and thus represents the logical
continuation of education on higher level. The program is
multidisciplinary, in which on the basis of knowledge of
natural and biotechnical sciences, knowledge of specific
areas related to the issues of fisheries, aquaculture, and
management of living marine resources as well as on the
use of fisheries products is acquired. Upon completion of
graduate study a title of a Master (Magister) of Marine
Fisheries is acquired.
Head of Study:
Prof. Ivan Jardas, PhD.
University of Split, Center of Marine Studies, Split,
Livanjska 5/III.
Phone: 385 21 558 253
Fax: 385 21 558 257
Inter-University Postgraduate Studies in Applied Marine
The Adriatic Sea is of the utmost economic importance
for Croatia, but it is also important for its historical,
social and cultural heritage. Connection with the sea
continuously improves the quality of our lives and our
identity. Sea area over which the Republic of Croatia
achieved full sovereignty (territorial sea) and sovereign
rights (exclusive economic zone) is approximately equal to
its land area. A substantial share of material goods comes
from maritime activities and services related to the sea,
however, resources are much larger than the present use.
There are many priorities and possibilities of using the
marine environment, its living and non-living resources,
and especially its unexplored and unused resources, both
renewable and non-renewable.
In order to use the undeniable potential of resources of
the sea and seabed and its living wealth in a reasonable
and long-term sustainable way, it is necessary to become
familiar with the environment, particularly with the
functioning of marine ecosystems. Only science can
initiate the development and provide practical application
of that knowledge in both social sciences and in the
natural and biotechnical marine sciences, in order to use
new and better solutions for economic purposes. For this
purpose, highly educated professionals are needed, who,
in close contact with European and world science, shall
seek the best solutions for research and rational use of
marine resources, providing a reasonable management
of marine resources, directing regional development
through comprehensive planning and coordination
of interests and needs of different users in the area
(tourism, transport, aquaculture, fishing, etc.).
Some of these activities are not in harmony with one
another and can be harmful to one another. Therefore,
the development of a country needs experts who will
exploit the sea in a sustainable manner for the benefit
of its population and marine ecosystems. This task can
be achieved through systematic education with the
following basic objectives: (1) acquiring basic knowledge
of social sciences of the sea so the legislation could
be properly created and applied, (2) becoming able to
predict changes in marine ecosystems in response to
various influences, (3) exploiting marine resources in
controlled and sustainable manner, and (4) developing
biotechnological processes for exploiting the potential of
renewable marine resources.
Postgraduate university studies in Applied Marine
Sciences is markedly multidisciplinary in its content,
because the basic knowledge of the natural sciences,
especially biological, chemical and physical oceanography,
is widened by the specific knowledge necessary for
the design of proper (or sustainable) management and
protection of the Adriatic Sea.
The Study is organized on the basis of the latest scientific
knowledge and skills based on it, in cooperation with
scientific institutions involved in marine research, such
as the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Split
and the Institute for Marine and Coastal Research
of the University of Dubrovnik, which provides great
opportunities of practical training for students. Research
programs of the above mentioned institutions enable
student involvement in the areas of scientific work that is
precisely the basis for the applied marine sciences.
Duration of study: Postgraduate study in Applied Marine
Sciences lasts three years or 6 semesters, and by it at
least 180 ECTS points are acquired.
Academic title: Upon completion of postgraduate study a
title of Doctor of Science (Dr. sc.) in the field of Biology is
Competencies acquired upon completion of the study:
• Experience gained through participation in research
projects in scientific institutions and university
• Knowledge gained from a particular branch of marine
science, depending on student’s interests,
• Interdisciplinary knowledge and skills that allow
critical analysis and creative solutions for the integral
management of the sea and the coastline,
• Development of biotechnological processes of
exploiting potentially renewable marine resources,
• Ability to apply specific knowledge in practice,
• Ability to work in interdisciplinary teams for solving the
specific problems within protection and management of
the sea and the coastline.
Head of Study:
Prof. Nada Krstulović, PhD.,
Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split, Šetalište I.
Meštrovića 63.
Phone: 385 21 408 006
Fax: 385 21 358 650