IIT 2015_Annual_Report - Islesboro Islands Trust
IIT 2015_Annual_Report - Islesboro Islands Trust
Islesboro Islands Trust 2014/15 Annual Report Letter from Our President Why We Advocate The IIT mission is threefold: to enhance the quality of residents’ lives through the preservation of open space, to educate all about the value of the Island’s ecosystems, and to act as an environmental advocate on behalf of Islesboro and the surrounding Bay region. I would like to focus on our environmental advocacy, which has been an important activity for many years with our Executive Director, Steve Miller, at the center of our efforts. Through this advocacy, IIT helped preserve Sears Island from industrial development by an agreement to preserve at least three fourths of the Island from development, led the successful effort to prevent a liquid natural gas terminal on Sears Island, fought for and obtained a substantial reduction in the lots proposed for Northeast Point here on Islesboro, and, in partnership with others, won a permit denial from the Searsport Planning Board that forced abandonment of a proposal to build a liquid propane gas facility at Mack Point. IIT also worked with the Conservation Law Foundation and the Sierra Club during the 1980’s and early 1990’s to convince federal regulators that construction of a deep draft cargo port at Sears Island was a bad idea. -1- Letter from Our President continued The Latin meaning of advocate is “one called to aid, a pleader.” From my perspective, the “call to aid” is most compelling when we see a real threat to the Bay and where we can make a responsible contribution to its defense. When the LPG terminal was proposed for Searsport, we were able to secure funding to retain Richard Clark, a former National Security Advisor and principal of Good Harbor, to prepare an all hazards assessment of risks associated with the proposed LPG facility at Mack Point. The Good Harbor Report identified numerous risks and urged that permits be denied until major issues were resolved. Following submission of this Report, the permits were denied by the Searsport Planning Board. Most recently, IIT engaged in an effort to prevent a million cubic yard dredging project in the federal channel in Searsport harbor. These spoils were to be deposited just west of Islesboro with potential adverse effect on the lobster industry. In this controversy, IIT was able to obtain funding for an analysis of the project by Dawson and Associates, a consulting firm with many retired Army Corps of Engineers officials on its staff. After study, Dawson identified how the maritime objectives of the Army Corps and the Maine Department of Transportation (the project co-sponsors) could be achieved by maintenance dredging of about 100,000 cubic yards at one tenth the cost of the original plan. While this project has now been put on hold following a spirited opposition from IIT and other interested groups from the area, we are concerned that the Army Corps of Engineers may resurrect the project after completion of a reassessment of the cost and benefit considerations that are required by internal Corps rules. We are confident that the Dawson Alternative will be given careful consideration in this review. But we remain ready to reengage should the project be reactivated. What we hope to accomplish through this advocacy is a Bay that is not despoiled by inappropriate development — development that ignores the effect on our natural surroundings and on the marine and scenic resources that provide livelihoods to so -2- Letter from Our President continued many in this Bay region. Moreover, I am persuaded of the wisdom of Thoreau’s observation in Walden that “Our village life would stagnate if it were not for the unexplored forests and meadows that surround it… We can never have enough of Nature.”1 Admittedly, we no longer find “unexplored forests and meadows” here in Penobscot Bay, but we do find nature that we, as advocates, hope to protect and conserve. In a recent book, “After Nature,” Jedidiah Purdy, a law professor at Duke, argues that nature no longer exists apart from humanity… the world we inhabit is one we have made. Geologists call this epoch the “Anthropocene,” or the age of humans. After exploring the evolution of environmental law and culture, Purdy argues that today “Trying to build a peaceful and humane world means finding a way to live peaceably with nature, not just mining it for our convenience.”2 Finding this way, and seeking to prevent mining nature for convenience, is advocacy for our times and the mission we strive to accomplish. Henry David Thoreau, “Walden,” The Library of America, Collection edited by Robert F. Sayre, Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Iowa 1985, at 575. 2 Jedidiah Purdy, “After Nature, A politics for the Anthropocene,” Harvard University Pres 2015, at page 288. 1 -3- Executive Director’s Report Anthropocene Index: The good, the bad and the catastrophic “An·thro·po·cene - relating to or denoting the geological period during which human activity has been been the dominant influence on climate and the environment.” World’s hottest year on record: 2014 Number of the past 37 years that have been warmer than the 20th century average: 37 Number of the past 12 years that were the hottest ever recorded: 10 Rate of global sea level rise since 1915: Double Average amount of global sea level rise since 1880: Eight inches Portion of earth where sea level is rising fastest: U.S. East Coast Percent increase since 1960 of people who live along the US Atlantic coast: 56 Percentage of Maine year-round residents who live along the coast: 54.2 -4- Executive Director’s Report continued Number of weather-related natural catastrophes worldwide in 2012: 842 Percent increase in precipitation during very heavy precipitation events, defined as the heaviest one percent of storms, on Islesboro since 1965: 67 Amount of state grant to Islesboro for “determining vulnerability of two locations to sea level rise and storm surge”: $40,000 Areas in study: Ferry Terminal and the Narrows. Number of areas on Islesboro likely inundated with 1 meter sea level rise: >7 Increase in global water demand between 1990 and 1995: 6x Portion of earth’s water that is fresh (not saltwater): 2.5% Portion of earth’s fresh water characterized as “easily accessible”: 0.007% Number of gallons of fresh rain water that recharge the Islesboro bedrock aquifer each year: 88 million Portion of Islesboro groundwater test wells in 2005 and 2007 having confirmed coliform bacteria: 42% Number of days that Spring arrives earlier on Islesboro than it used to: 10 Estimated species extinction rate above normal, due primarily to human activities: 1,000 to 10,000x Range of annual ice loss in Greenland between 2002 and 2006: 36 to 60 cubic miles Percent increase since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution of the acidity of surface ocean waters: 30 -5- Executive Director’s Report continued Year when carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere was greater than at any other time over the past 800,000 years: 2015 World population in July 2015: 7.3 billion Anticipated world population in 2025: 8.5 billion Current rate of net increase in world population: 3 per second Ratio of individuals world-wide who do not get enough to eat: One in nine Year-round Islesboro population in 2010: 566 Percent decrease in year-round Islesboro population since 2000: 6.1 Least densely populated state east of the Mississippi River: Maine Maine population density per square mile: 41.3 people Estimated Islesboro year-round population density per square mile: 39.6 people Estimated Islesboro summer population density per square mile: 174.8 people Islesboro’s year-round population place, out of 489 Maine towns: 332nd Islesboro median year-round resident age: 52.1 years Maine median age: 43.0 years U.S. median age: 37.4 years -6- Executive Director’s Report continued Portion of all Islesboro acres owned for exclusively conservation and/or recreation: 4.2% Total Islesboro acres owned by the State of Maine and the Town of Islesboro for conservation and/or recreation: 90 Conservation and/or recreation acres owned by IIT: 258 Percent of all Islesboro acres considered commercial and residential: 62 Portion of Islesboro having prime agricultural soils: 9% Most heavily forested state in the United States: Maine Portion of Maine covered by trees: 90% Estimated portion of Islesboro covered by trees in 1850: 30% Estimated portion of Islesboro covered by trees in 2000: 80% Number of pounds of CO2 per year absorbed by one tree: 48 Amount of carbon dioxide stored in a 40 year old tree: 1 ton -7- Compiled by Steve Miller Schedule of Receipts and Disbursements For the Years Ended June 30, 2014 and June 30, 2015 Receipts Contributions: General Operations Mellencamp Bequest Penobscot Bay Advocacy Lily Guest Trail Total Contributions June 30, 2014 Other Income $ 244,531 0 30,000 0 $274,551 $262,295 113,546 110,000 6,222 $492,061 38,699 0 854 Transfer from LPG to Pen Bay Advocacy Total Receipts June 30, 2015 2,488 $275,405 $494,549 $118,070 10,813 3,993 10,719 1,398 4,487 3,685 7,424 2,403 5,032 21,157 1,325 805 7,011 1,246 $142,134 11,133 2,343 8,414 2,068 2,373 4,372 8,728 1,783 4,465 21,621 1,775 1,012 6,424 951 $ 11,000 7,078 58,176 5,000 3,317 $ 11,000 7,078 108,635 5,000 5,000 Disbursements General Operations Salaries, Health Insurance and Taxes Accounting and Bookkeeping Island Explorations & Expeditions Insurance Legal Expenses Maintenance Miscellaneous Office Preserve Stewardship Printing Property Taxes Subscriptions, Dues and Donations Travel Utilities Vehicle Expenses Total Operating Expenses $199,208 Special Projects and Capital Expenses Hinkle Property Frame Easement Penobscot Bay Advocacy Expenses Cregar Center Reserve Fund Preserve Stewardship Fund Total Expenses – Special and Capital Total Outlays $84,571 $136,713 ($8,374) $138,248 $283,779 Excess of Receipts over Disbursements -8- $219,588 $356,301 Balance Sheet Summary For the Years Ended June 30, 2014 and June 30, 2015 ASSETS June 30, 2014 June 30, 2015 Current Assets Operating Accounts $137,786 $150,035 Conservation Society 0 114,576 Easement Stewardship Fund 16,317 16,326 Preserve Stewardship Fund 9,249 1,454 Penobcsot Bay Advocacy Fund 11,290 14,169 Cregar Center Reserve Fund 5,000 0 Total Current Assets $179,642 Equipment Net of Depreciation Pledges Receivable – General Fund Pledges Receivable – Broad Point 5,179 19,000 134,948 Land, Building & Easements $125,281 Spruce Island Preserve Hutchins Island Preserve 99,508 Big Tree Beach 29,965 Turtle Head Preserve 630,000 Hutchins Marsh Preserve 75,904 Herbert Preserve 180,880 Cregar Center 164,881 Batchelor Preserve 85,455 The Narrows Preserve 90,479 Hinkle Preserve 250,000 Broad Point Preserve 1,005,368 Bluff – Easement 125,017 Speed – Easement 195,107 Frame – Easement 85,000 Total Land, Building & Easements Total Assets $296,559 2,875 0 20,000 $125,281 99,508 29,965 630,000 75,904 180,880 164,881 85,455 90,479 250,000 1,005,368 125,017 195,107 85,000 3,142,845 3,142,845 $3,561,614$3,462,279 LIABILITIES Current Liabilities Accrued Payroll Accounts Payable Hinkle Property Note Frame Property Note Broad Point Bridge Loan $ 3,554 $ 4,053 1,642 1,274 11,00011,100 7,078 7,078 113,000 20,000 Total Current Liabilities $136,274$43,405 Long Term Liabilities Hinkle Property Note 22,00011,000 Frame Property Note 20,648 13,570 Total Long Term Liabilities 42,68424,570 Total Liabilities $178,922$67,975 $3,382,692$3,394,304 Total Equity Total Liabilities and Equity -9- $3,561,614 $3,462,279 Grantors of Conservation Easements 1986 – 2014 Hodding Carter III & Patricia Derian 2011 & 2014 Jeri Hamlen 2013 Taz and Sue Stafford 2012 The Mary and Pyam Williams Family 2012 Dudley H. Ladd Ethan & Haven Ladd 2011 2011 Dr. & Mrs. Robert McNeil The Phyllis Frame Family 2011 2008 Denis Moonan & Pamela MacBrayne Mr. & Mrs. Neil Lamb 2007 2007 Sue Hatch & Tom Tutor Missy Hatch & Vern Spinosa Gary & Greg Yeaton 2007 Lawrence Hoder & Harriett Bering 2007 2007 Members of IIT “The Field” 2006 Turtle Head Cove LLC 2004 Mr. & Mrs. E.T. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pike Rev. & Mrs. Ned Sunderland 2002 2001 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Berg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Burgess 2000 1998 Ginny & Lynn Hall The Hawker Trust 1996 1996 Jack & Sue Gardner Mr. & Mrs. George Post 1995 1993 Mildred Stanley Capt. & Mrs. V.V. Utgoff 1993 1992 Mr. & Mrs. Frank West Caroline (Neenie) Pierce Doyle 1990 1989 Mr. & Mrs. James Rowan 1989 Veronica Pendleton Anne Owsley 1989 1988 Mary Ann & Chuck Verrill Lang & Valerie Smith 1987 1986 -10- Islesboro Islands Trust Membership (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015) Conservation Society Mrs. Eleanor Stayton Gammon Mr. Harry Grassick Mrs. Anne Owsley Mr. Langhorne B. Smith Mr. Charles Verrill American Eagle Philip and Betsy Allen Catherine V. Brigham Hans and Carla Brisham Clarence and Anne Dillon Dunwalke Trust Jonathan Cohen and Julia Pershan The Dunn Family Richard Gilder and Lois Chiles Bayard and Karen Hollins James and Maisie Houghton Gladstone and Amanda Jones, III Robert and Deborah McNeil Langhorne and Marilyn Smith Landon Thomas Massie and Virginia Valentine Maine Osprey Samuel and Rebecca Campbell Roger and Marny Heinen, Jr. Margery Hamlen and Joseph Hammer Thomas and Jody Gill – Palace Head Foundation Charles J. Serns C. Daniel and Robin Smith Walter F. and Susan Stafford, III Penobscot Heron Caulkins Family Foundation Elizabeth Weintz Cerf — The Harbor Lights Foundation William and Helen Elkins Devens and Sandy Hamlen Rudolf Haffenreffer and Mallory Marshall Jockey Hollow Foundation Joseph and Judith Kaminski Edward and Joyce Lawrence Stephen Reynolds and Susan Wolf Charles and Dena Verrill, Jr. Islesboro Eider Bessemer Trust Adam and Kristen Bird Nicholas Brountas and Marlane Melican Maud Cabot -11- Islesboro Islands Trust Membership (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015) Maria Forney G. Peabody & Rose Gardner Charitable Trust Margie Hardwick Reid and Jewell Hausmann Ann Hersey James Houghton and Constance Coburn Nina B. Houghton and Kent George, Jr. John Kauer and Barbara Talamo Paul D. Kazilionis Helen Francis Ladd Family Fund — Sunny Ladd Robert J. Holmgren and Anita Spertus Isabel Jackson Gerald and Lydia Katzoff Abner and Diana Kingman Joseph and Candy Ledbetter Roxanne Leighton Christopher and Caroline O’Donnell George B. Post Stuart and Robin Ray Lars Carver Richardson, MD William and Beverley Rogers William and Elinor Rosenberg Alan and Pam Schreiber Robert and Valerie Slater Cary Slocum and Glenn Montgomery Daniel K. Thorne Linda Williams and Paul Mickey, Jr. Thomas and Janet Willson White Pine Martina Albright and Jon Bernstein Martin and Linda Badoian Hodding Carter and Patricia Derian Jon and Bentley Drezner Nigel and Judy MacEwan Dana and Nancy Mead Stephen and Candace Phillips Elizabeth Redmond John and Carlisle Rex-Waller Russ and Debbie Reynolds, Jr. Robert and Margaret Rothschild David and Betsy Sessions Red Oak Nile and Lee Albright Reynolds and Darcy Burgund Lucy A. Burr John and Terry Castellani Bruce and Karen Claflin Mark and Victoria Collins, Jr. Henry Conklin and Carol Pierson Donald P. Etchison Andrew and Wendy Fentress James M. Hamlen Eric C. Weintz, MD — The Harbor Lights Foundation J. Fred Weintz — The Harbor Lights Foundation -12- Islesboro Islands Trust Membership (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015) Lee and Diane Fentress Elaine W. Fiske and Philip L. Ladd Phillip and Judith George Alexander and Kate Gilbert Caroline A. Gillespie Greer Archibald and Linda Gillies Irene Emery Goodale Devens Hamlen and Samar Post Jamali Pegram and Ann Harrison David and Harriet Hathaway John and Lindsey Higginson Richard and Holly Hoffman Phillip and Priscilla Johnson Mark and Laurie Keating Jack and Linda Knebel Frederick Kraus and Gayle Jackson John Lanier and Jane Garvey Richard and Paula Leighton Constance Logan and Mark Kremen Andrea Lutz Rosita Moore Frederick and Perk Moseley Ann Peipers Roy Pfeil and Juliana Post Martin Phillips and Anmiryam Budner Scott and Beth Reeves J. Andrew and Kelly Roberts Kenneth and Audrey Senior Huntington and Adelaide Sheldon Alix T. Thorne Lisa Train and Clive Pinnington Peter and Andrea Truslow Henry and Alice Warren, Jr. Henry and Abigail Wilder Richard Youngman and Vanessa Gillespie Michael Zara Eric and Margaret Zitzmann Timber Spruce Robert and Lisle Albro, Jr. Madelaine Alexander and Jon Kerr Corinne Axelrod Bruce and Sara Babbidge May Bartlett Wirt and Margaret Beard, Jr. David Beck Gregory and Lisa Beck John and Jan Belmonte Harriet Bering and Larry Hoder Ted and Judy Bidwell Frederick and Linda Bishop William Boardman and Lisa Satchfield Philip and Marina Braswell Johnna Brazier Richard and Laura Brewer David and Elizabeth Brock Clayton and Pauline Brown Roger Burke Paul and Julie Butler Eric and Zita Cambra Douglas and Gail Carmichel Thomas and Caren Carpenter John Chetkowski Page C. Clason Phyllis Coelho Jack and Judy Coffin Helen (Mrs. Bradford) Colcord James and Jane Colihan Cate Cronin Nancy Crooker and George Siscoe Robert Cutler Dark Harbor Boat Yard Corp. Laurance and Sarah Davis Catherine Merry and William Merryman Thomas and Glenda Dexter Elizabeth Elliott Dave Ellis John and Gayle Foster Phyllis Frame Brett and Carmel Fromson Frederick and Judith Gardner Leon and Susan Ghougasian Dorothy B. Gilbert Martin J. Gliserman and Marilyn Rye Thomas Gohagan -13- Islesboro Islands Trust Membership Contribution Year 2014—2015 (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015) James Green Richard Grisaru and Gitta Robinson Harleston and Louise Hall, Jr. Kathryn Hall Randall and Gillian Hannum Susannah Hardaway and Scott Rossi Thomas L. Hinkle Lawrence and Amanda Hobart Neil and Nancy Hoffman Harry and Mariette Hollins, IV Fielding and Lucie Holmes Islesboro Island News Michael and Kathleen Kerr Michael T. Kinnicutt Jay and Jean Kislak Erwin Koeritz Robert Kramer Nancy Krusell and Alison Wood Dudley Ladd James and Jane Lawrence Jennifer Lawson and Larry Ely Sasha Lazard Alice Fromer Leighton Gregg and Mary Looney Christy Love-Sadron Rod Luhn Andrea Matthews Peter Matthews Rolf McClellan William and Candace Meade James and Joyce Meister James Miller and Mollie Noyes Denis Moonan and Pam MacBrayne Tavis Moonan Leo Moran Patrick and Amanda O’Bannon Sandra Oliver Whitney and Tony Oppersdorff Lilias Outerbridge Stanley Pendleton and Diana Roberts Rev Susan Pfeil Diana Post Joel Post Charles and Barbara Purinton Douglas and Joyce Putnam Virginia Reidy and Steve Larmore William and Julianna Reidy Massie and Meredith Ritsch Daniel and Wendy Rowland Palmer and Susan Sargent Kenneth and Denise Sauter Susan Schnur Katherine Schwarzenbach -14- Islesboro Islands Trust Membership Contribution Year 2014 — 2015 (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015) Philip and Donna Seymour Robert and Patricia Slawson David and Nina Speed Gregory and Mary Steele Frederick and Anne Stocking Gladys Thomas Sam Thompson John and Francie Train Ellen Tully Priscilla Tully Sarah Tully Jane Vickery Anne Warren Douglas and Norma Jean Welldon Rev. Joanne Whitehead and Lois Hill Maggy Willcox Larry and Diane Wonson Andrew and Joan Zelonka Mary Zimmerman In-Kind Contributions Linda & Martin Badoian Thanks to all those who made our 30th Anniversary Picnic so memorable! Laine Alexander Kate and Dillon Allen Sara and Betsy Babbidge Helen Barrett Hannah Cohen Jon Cohen and Julia Pershan Andrew Coombs Amy and Melissa Cushman Jennifer Day Dev Devereux Lisa Freeman Bayard Gilbert Jeri Hamlen Sue Hatch Jewel Hausmann Laura Houle (Sporting Club) Betha, Jacob, Zan and Owen Howell Islesboro Central School Hilary Kahrl Jon Kerr and Leaky Boots Band Kristen, Emily and Sophie Lau -15- Wallace Leach Loony Mahan Sharon McCorison Dana Mead Family Jay Miller Maxine Nelson and Sue Bolduc Nakomis Nelson Eva and Olivia Olson Bethany Pendleton Randy Pendleton Virginia Valentine Carlisle RexWaller Diana Roberts Bev Rogers Ann Rothschild Don Shand Taz and Sue Stafford Michael Stevens Marilyn Wenner Islesboro Islands Trust Membership Lily Guest Dev Hamlen Founders Sue Hatch Edward Lawrence Board of Charles O. Verrill, President Langhorne B. Smith, Treasurer Sara Babbidge Carla Brigham Andrew Coombs Darrell Crate Benjamin Dove Mary Beth Blake Maxwell Caulkins Jonathan Z. Cohen Todd Congdon Shey Conover Thomas Gill, Jr. Archibald Gillies Margery Hamlen Pegram Harrison Jewell Hausmann James D. Houghton Laura Houle Liberty Redmond Lydia Rolerson Steve Miller Anne Owsley Trustees Christopher D. Allen, Vice President James Mitchell, Secretary Devens H. Hamlen Sue Hatch Gladstone Jones Heather Knight Julia Pershan Diana Roberts Sue Stafford Thomas L. Tutor Jon Kerr Sandra Kramer Nancy Krusell Edward P. Lawrence Robert Luxembourg Nigel MacEwan Deborah McNeil Stephen Phillips Shar Piper Julie Reidy William Rosenberg Elisabeth Rowan Philip Seymour Landon Thomas Frances Train Daniel Tutor Virginia Valentine Advisory Council Staff and Contractors Kangas & Kangas, Certified Public Accountant Fred Stocking, Legal Counsel (easements) Steve Hinchman, Legal Counsel (advocacy) Madeline Tomlin Associates, Bookkeeping Jairus Miller, IT Specialist and Mowing Stephen Miller, Executive Director Chloe Joule, Stewardship and Environmental Education Specialist Katrina Belle, Island Expeditions Counselor Eliza Boetsch, Island Expeditions Counselor Committees Fundraising and Membership Education, Communications and Special Events Carlisle Rex-Waller, Chair Marry Alderman-Ritsch Sara Babbidge Colleen Dove Margery Hamlen Christopher Allen, Chair Sara Babbidge Archibald Gillies Gladstone Jones, III Julia Pershan Heather Knight Kristen Lau Beverley Rogers Chuck Verrill Melanie Young Land Conservation Devens Hamlen, Chair Christopher Allen Darrell Crate Archibald Gilles Easement Stewardship Sue Stafford, Chair Chris Allen Linda & Martin Badoian Lisa & Gregory Beck David & Elizabeth Brock Mary Caulkins Patty & Jeff Crawford Alice Fay Jody & Tom Gill Linda Graf Harriett & David Hathaway Jewell Hausmann Anita Herrick Beth & Owen Howell Amanda & Glad Jones John Kauer & Barbara Talamo Beverley Rogers William Rosenberg Langhorne Smith Virginia Valentine Laurie & Mark Keating Kathy & Michael Kerr Nancy Krusell & Alison Wood Molly McNamara Jairus Miller Holly Mitchell Kim & Taylor Ongaro Julia Pershan Robin Ray Yvetter Reid Anne Renarde Carlisle & John RexWaller Katie Schwartzenbach Marilyn & Lang Smith Walter Stafford Catherine Wood Lang Smith, Chair Andrew Coombs Edward Lawrence Robert McNeil Charles Verrill Nominating Stephen Miller Trail Maintenance Madelaine Alexander Helen Barrett Karen Betts Benjamin Dove Susan Hatch Isabel Jackson Sharon McCorison Paula Mirk Ben Nelson Carol Pierson & Hank Conklin Gabe Pendleton Shar Piper Diana Roberts Sarah & Jessie Runnion-Bareford Lisa Satchfield Kim & Daniel Tutor Barry Wherren Cregar · Mellencamp Center Steve Miller, Chair Johan V. Brigham -16- Evan Schmidt Charles Verrill Islesboro Nature Trails and Preserves Turtle Head Warren’s Landing This preserve commands dramatic views of east and west Penobscot Bay and Sears Island. Access is from the private Turtle Head Road Loop trail: 1.5 miles Mission Enhance the quality of residents’ lives through the preservation of open space, Educate all residents as to the value of the islands’ natural ecosystems, and Act as an environmental advocate on behalf of Islesboro and the surrounding Penobscot Bay region. Big Tree Beach Popular swimming beach. Access is from Main Road. Limited roadside parking along southbound shoulder. Picnic area and swimming beach. Narrows Preserve A short loop trail provides views of Crow Cove where numerous birds congregate. Loop trail: 0.5 miles Cregar Center Site of the IIT office, donated by Becky Cregar and Wilde Mellencamp. Broad Point Preserve IIT’s newest and largest preserve. Loop trail: 1.5 miles Spruce Island IIT owns the southern half of Spruce Island where a gravel beach is accessible. The West family owns the northern half. Lime Island Hinkle Preserve Fragrant ferns under mature hardwood trees; picnic area and short loop trail. Access from Point Comfort Road. Loop trail: 0.2 miles Hutchins Island and Marsh Elaine’s Trail circles the marsh; the island trail crosses the tidal sandbar and follows the Hutchins Island shoreline. Parking is at the end of Bluff Road. Two trails: 2.5 miles total Herbert Preserve Two connected loop trails overlooking Mill Pond and beyond to Ryder’s Cove. Access is from Ryder’s Cove Road. Two trails: 2 miles total Lily Guest Trail Trail begins at the small parking area on the eastern end of the Tarratine Golf Club Road Loop trail: 1.5 miles IIT owns an undivided 12.5% interest in Lime Island. Gravel beaches on the north and south are accessible for picnics. Photographs and graphic assistance were supplied by several people including Steve Miller, David Brock, Taz Stafford, Dev Devereaux, Sean Williams and Marilyn Smith among others. Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper made with 100% renewable energy. This former commercial steamboat landing was given to the Town of Islesboro by IIT in 1995. Picnic Area · All trails blue-blazed · Maps and rules are posted at trailheads PO Box 182 · 376 West Bay Road · Islesboro, Maine 04848 207-734-6907 (voice) · 207-734-6747 (fax) · iitsmill@gmail.com (email) www.islesboroislandstrust.org
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