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SACI FALABELLA CORPORATE PRESENTATION MARCH 2016 CONTENTS • The Company • Key Investment Highlights • Consolidated Statements • Corporate Structure • Overview per Business Unit FIVE BUSINESS UNITS – 126 YEARS OF HISTORY DEPARTMENT STORES HOME IMPROVEMENT SUPERMARKETS FINANCIAL SERVICES REAL ESTATE US$ 3,781 m Revenues US$ 5,308m Revenues US$ 1,854 m Revenues US$ 5,849 m Loan Book 2.0 million m2 GLA1 103 stores 247 stores 109 stores 4.9 million CMR accounts 1 million m2 of additional GLA in free standing stores in the region. 20 / 20 Malls / Power & Shopping Centers Note: Revenues as of December 2015 LTM. Number of stores/malls as of December 31 th 2015. Number of CMR accounts as of December 2015. FX rates as of January 4 th, 2015 (710.16 CLP/US$). Data includes Sodimac Colombia and Aventura Plaza, which do not consolidate. Does not include Uruguay revenue. 1. The Falabella Group owns 1,023,000 m2 of additional GLA in free standing stores across the region. 3 PRESENCE IN 6 COUNTRIES IN LATIN AMERICA DEPARTMENT STORES HOME IMPROVEMENT SUPERMARKETS FINANCIAL SERVICES 45 stores 310,000 m2 86 stores 713,000 m2 57 stores 196,000 m2 2,427,000 active CMR cards 25 malls 1,431,000 m2 GLA 27 stores 164,000 m2 57 stores 373,000 m2 52 stores 189,000 m2 1,057,000 active CMR cards 14 malls 546,000 m2 GLA 20 stores 128,000 m2 36 stores 344,000 m2 872,000 active CMR cards 1 mall 26,000 m2 GLA 11 stores 58,000 m2 8 stores 84,000 m2 519,000 active CMR cards REAL ESTATE 58 stores 143,000 m2 2 store 19,000 m2 Note: Number of stores and sales area as of December 31th 2015. Number of CMR accounts with balance. Includes Sodimac Colombia and Aventura Plaza in Peru, which the Company does not consolidate. 4 KEY FIGURES Main Figures 40 459 Total Revenues Loan Book CMR Accounts stores malls 11,803 M US$ 5,849 M US$ +4,876,000 2,722,000 m2 2,003,000 m2 Mix by Country (LTM) sales area GLA Total Employees Total: 105,600 8% 2% <1% 4% +15,000 4% +3,400 6% +29,800 21% EBITDA Revenues 25% +51,200 58% 72% Note: Revenues and EBIDA does not consider Sodimac Colombia and Aventura Plaza in Peru, which do not consolidate. Number of CMR accounts with balance and employees as of December 2015 Total number of employees includes roughly 140 employees in Asia. +400 +5,600 5 CONTENTS • The Company • Key Investment Highlights • Consolidated Statements • Corporate Structure • Overview per Business Unit KEY INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS 1. Leadership in Latam across formats 3. 2. Responsible growth strategy 5. Differentiating brands 6. Experienced management team 4. Sustainable business development Customer centric strategy 7. Corporate governance practices 7 1. LEADERSHIP IN LATAM ACROSS FORMATS Market Position1 Department Stores Revenues Market position Home Improvement Revenues Market position Supermarkets Revenues Financial Services Market position CMR Accounts Market position 1,908 M US$ #1 2,779 M US$ #1 940 M US$ #4 2,427,000 #1 832 M US$ #1 902 M US$ #1 914 M US$ #3 1,057,000 #1 482 M US$ #1 1,096 M US$ #1 872,000 #5 299 M US$ #2 232 M US$ #4 559 M US$ Real Estate Market position 25 Shopping Malls GLA 1.4 M m² #1 14 Shopping Malls GLA 0.5 M m² #1 1 Shopping Mall 519,000 Only relevant player Sales / m2 (US$)2 Department Stores in Chile Home Improvement in Chile Supermarkets in Peru 1. Revenues as of December 2015 LTM. Number of CMR accounts, malls and GLA as of December 2015. FX rates as of January 4th, 2015 (710.16 CLP/US$). 2. Sales per square meter as of September 2015. FX rates as of October 1st, 2015 (698,72 CLP/US$). Tottus’ sales area excludes check out area, in order to compare with peer’s reported sales per square meter. 8 2. RESPONSIBLE GROWTH STRATEGY Organic Initiatives Falabella launches CMR Entry to Argentina and Colombia Falabella develops its first shopping center Mall Plaza Sodimac opens first Homecenter stores in Brazil and Uruguay launched in Chile Banco Falabella launched in Chile 1980 1990 1993-5 1998 Falabella & CMR enter Colombia launched in Chile 1999 Mergers & Acquisitions Falabella acquires Saga First Tottus opened in Peru 2001 Launch of Homy launched in Argentina 2002 2003 2004 2005 Falabella & Sodimac merge Falabella acquires San Francisco in Chile Launch of Móvil Falabella launched in Colombia launched in Colombia launched in Chile launched in Peru 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010-11 2013 Sodimac acquires Imperial in Chile Falabella acquires Casa Estrella in Colombia launched in Peru 2014 Sodimac acquires Dicico in Brazil 2015 Sodimac acquires Maestro in Peru Mall Plaza acquires Mall Las Americas in Chile 9 INVESTMENT PLAN 2016 - 2019 Investment Plan 2016 – 2019 US$ 4.0 bn 131 stores investment for the next 4 years 10 malls Investment (US$ m) Store and Mall Openings Note: Figures include 100% of the investment in fixed assets, including Sodimac Colombia and Aventura Plaza, which the Falabella Group does not consolidate in the Financial Statements. 10 3. DIFFERENTIATING BRANDS Private Labels Exclusive Brands 11 4. CUSTOMER CENTRIC STRATEGY Our Customers1 +320 +4.9 million million CMR accounts with a balance transactions in our retail businesses 380 million +1.6 visits to our shopping centers in the region bank accounts with Banco Falabella million 465,000 Passengers travelled using Viajes Falabella Customer knowledge through consistent interaction Commercial Platform What does she like → When does she purchase How much does she spend → → What does she buy → → Where does she purchase → Means of payment Self Service Stations Websites Mobile Apps ATM Contact Center Social Networks Points of Sale 1. Number as of December 2015. 12 5. EXPERIENCED MANAGEMENT TEAM Top Executives 15 years Average number of years that these executives have worked at the Falabella Group CEO - 21 years - CFO - 9 years - Chief Planning and Development Officer - 6 years - Peru Country Manager - 27 years - Colombia Country Manager - 21 years - Argentina Country Manager - 17 years - Brazil Country Manager - 6 years - CIO - 24 years - Department Stores GM - 16 years - Home Improvement GM - 14 years - Supermarkets GM - 14 years - Financial Services GM - 7 years - Mall Plaza GM - 26 years - Open Plaza GM - 21 years - General Counsel - 0 years - Employees +105,600 51% +74,000 +3.9 28% employees women employees evaluated million hours of training of employees belong to a union. 55% in Chile. Note: Numbers as of December 2015. 13 6. SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Community 95 Haciendo Escuela schools +82,000 students benefited Programa Buen Vecino Financial Education Program Healthy Eating Program 77 projects with +14,000 people benefited “Juntos Juguemos” 4,200 students from 47 schools from Haciendo Escuela Implemented in lowincome schools 3,600 students from 16 schools +11,700 8,100 low income neighbors benefited Environment Suppliers +25,700 Fundación Junto al Barrio Retail suppliers 17 certified stores and 2 shopping center with LEED pre-certification Total SMEs Partnership with Falabella 44 stores and 24 eco-friendly shopping centers Sodimac Note: Information as of December 2015. 14 7. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE PRACTICES Board of Directors Board Committee Chairman Carlo Solari Donaggio 2014 Vice-Chairman Juan Carlos Cortés Solari 2014 Directors José Luis del Rio Goudie Sergio Cardone Solari Carolina del Rio Goudie María Cecilia Karlezi Solari Paola Cuneo Queirolo Carlos Alberto Heller Solari 2003 1986 2011 2003 2014 2002 Independent Director Hernán Büchi Buc 1996 Audit Committee Compensation and Talent Committee Strategy Committee Free Float 20% Presence of an independent director at holding level and in relevant subsidiaries Controlling Group consisting of 7 families Controlling Group 80% Note: Information as of 31st December 2015. 15 CONTENTS • The Company • Key Investment Highlights • Consolidated Statements • Corporate Structure • Overview per Business Unit CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS Income Statement 12M14 12M15 Var % 4Q14 4Q15 Var % Total Rev enues 3,179 3,390 6.6% 10,690 11,803 10.4% Gross Profit 1,168 1,255 7.5% 3,799 4,245 11.7% 36.7% 37.0% 35.5% 36.0% (744) (826) (2,658) (3,013) SG&A / Rev enues (23.4%) (24.4%) (24.9%) (25.5%) Operational Income 424 430 1,141 1,232 13.3% 12.7% 10.7% 10.4% 79 90 288 336 503 520 1,429 1,568 15.8% 15.3% 13.4% 13.3% 10 53 12 47 (67) (72) Profit / (Loss) in Associates 12 12 37 36 Exchange Rate Differences (25) (2) (57) (26) Non-Operating Profit (69) (10) (86.0%) (234) (186) Profit Before Tax Expenses 355 420 18.3% 907 Income Tax (64) (100) (179) (237) Minority Interest (31) (32) (74) (76) 260 287 654 732 8.2% 8.5% 6.1% 6.2% (USD Million) Gross Margin SG&A Expenses Operational Margin Depreciation + Amortization EBITDA EBITDA Margin Other Income / (Expenses) Net Financial Income / (Cost) Net Profit / (Loss) Net Margin Note: Financial information at FX rates as of January 4th, 2015 (710.16 CLP/US$). 11.0% 1.3% 3.4% (226) 10.4% 13.4% 8.0% 9.8% (244) 1,046 (20.2%) 15.2% 11.9% 17 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS Balance Sheet (USD Million) Dec 14 Cash & cash equiv alents Dic 15 Dec 14 Sept 15 Other current financial liabilities 1,037 1,040 1,360 1,437 403 451 Total Non-Banking Current Liabilities 2,800 2,928 3,262 3,803 618 626 Total Non-Banking Non-Current Liab. 3,880 4,429 Total Non-Banking Oper. Liabilities 6,680 7,358 Total Banking Oper. Liabilities 3,470 4,138 10,151 11,496 5,827 6,257 15,978 17,752 (USD Million) 297 292 Current trade & other receiv ables 2,070 2,368 Current trade & other payables Inv entories 1,435 1,653 Others 237 246 4,039 4,559 Non-Current trade & other receiv ables 290 287 Other non-current financial liabilities Goodwill 656 650 Others 5,970 6,288 802 1,020 Total Non-Banking Non-Current Assets 7,718 8,245 Total Non-Banking Operations Assets 11,757 12,804 Loans & accounts receiv able from clients 3,070 3,480 Others 1,150 1,468 Total Banking Operations Assets 4,221 4,948 15,978 17,752 Others Total Non-Banking Current Assets PP&E & Inv estment properties Others TOTAL ASSETS TOTAL LIABILITIES Shareholders' Equity TOTAL EQUITY & LIABILITIES Note: Financial information at FX rate as of January 4th, 2015 (710.16 CLP/US$). 18 FINANCIAL SITUATION Net Financial Debt / EBITDA w/o Banking Operations (times) Leverage Debt Profile w/o Banking Operations 4,764 M US$ w/o Banking Operations (times) Financial Debt1 w/o Banks 49% 51% Financial institutions Public Bonds 5.01 years duration Note: Financial information at FX rate as of January 4th, 2015 (710.16 CLP/US$). 1. Does not include accrued interests 19 CONTENTS • The Company • Key Investment Highlights • Consolidated Statements • Corporate Structure • Overview per Business Unit CORPORATE STRUCTURE SACI Falabella 94.2% Chile Peru1 Argentina Colombia Falabella 100% Saga Falab. 95.7% Falabella 100% Falabella 65% Sodimac 100% Sodimac 100% Sodimac 100% Sodimac 49%2 Imperial 60% Maestro 100% Tottus 88% Tottus 100% CMR 100% Banco Falab.100% Brazil Sodimac Uruguay 100% Sodimac 100% Construdecor 50.1% CMR 100% Banco Falab. 65% Banco Falab.100% Open Plaza 100% Mall Plaza 59.3% N Desarrollos 77.5% Open Plaza 100% Avent. Plaza 40%2 Mall Plaza 100% 20% 1 Through Falabella Perú S.A.A.. 2 Does not consolidate. 21 CONTENTS • The Company • Key Investment Highlights • Consolidated Statements • Corporate Structure • Overview per Business Unit DEPARTMENT STORES Business Overview • 103 stores in Chile, Peru, Colombia and Argentina • Main categories: apparel, home electronics and home decor • Diverse portfolio of private brands, second generation Local market customization Differentiation and exclusive brands, in addition to international brands • Leading online retailer, with click & collect implemented in all four countries • Operates specialty stores for exclusive and second generation apparel and footwear brands Regional Footprint Revenues (US$ m, December 2015 LTM) Chile 45 Stores Peru 27 Stores Colombia 20 Stores Argentina 11 Stores Private brands Profitability Sales / m2 1 (US$, December 2015 LTM) Total: 3,781 US$ m Note: Figures in US$ converted using the January 4th, 2015 exchange rate (710.16 CLP/US$). Number of stores as of December 2015. 1. Sales LTM divided by average m2 23 HOME IMPROVEMENT Business Overview • 247 stores in Chile, Peru, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay • Main categories: construction materials and home improvement products , carpentry, design furniture and home terminations Construction companies Contractors & specialists • Six formats: Homecenter, Sodimac Constructor, Imperial, Homy, Dicico and Maestro DIY • Expertise in selling directly to construction sector players and large companies • Strong online sales strategy, rolling out click & collect Regional Footprint Revenues (US$ m, December 2015 LTM) Chile 86 Stores Peru 57 Stores Colombia 36 Stores Argentina 8 Stores Brazil 58 Stores Uruguay 2 Stores Sales / m2 1 (US$, December 2015 LTM) Total 2 : 5,308 US$ m Note: Figures in US$ converted using the January 4th, 2015 exchange rate (710.16 CLP/US$). Number of stores as of December 2015. 1. Sales LTM divided by average m2 2, Does not include revenue from Uruguay. Families 24 SUPERMARKETS Business Overview • Operates 109 stores in Chile and Peru, with three formats: hypermarkets, supermarkets and Hiperbodega Precio Uno • Started operations in 2002 in Peru under Tottus brand and entered Supermarkets Hypermarkets Bodegas Private label products Chilean market in 2004 with the acquisition of San Francisco • Increased penetration of private labels (Tottus and Precio Uno) Price positioning • E-commerce platform Weekly deals Regional Footprint Revenues (US$ m, December 2015 LTM) Chile 57 Stores Peru 52 Stores Sales / m2 1 (US$, December 2015 LTM) Total: 1,854 US$ m Note: Figures in US$ converted using the January 4th, 2015 exchange rate (710.16 CLP/US$). Number of stores as of December 2015. 1. Sales LTM divided by average m2 Sales area considered for Tottus does not include the cash area in order to be comparable with peer’s sales area. 25 FINANCIAL SERVICES Business Overview • Falabella Financiero offers a mix of integrated financial products and services. • Provides customers access to credit, combining the traditional financial business with the proximity to customers through retail formats. • Five business units: CMR Falabella (credit card), Banco Falabella (bank), Seguros Falabella (insurance broker), Viajes Falabella (travel agency) and Móvil Falabella (mobile virtual operator) • Operates in Chile, Peru, Colombia and Argentina Regional Footprint Loyalty Frequency Immediate needs Gross Loan Portfolio (US$ m, December 2015) Chile 2.4 m CMR accounts 97 bank branches Peru 1.0 m CMR accounts 93 bank branches Colombia 0.9 m CMR accounts 57 bank branches Argentina 0.5 m CMR accounts 18 CMR offices Transparency Convenience Simplicity Integrated offering Loan Loss Provision1 (%, December 2015) Total: 5,849 US$ m 1. Per local regulation (not comparable across the countries) Note: Figures in US$ converted using the January 4th, 2015 exchange rate (710.16 CLP/US$). 26 REAL ESTATE Business Overview • Largest operator in Chile and Peru, and one of the leaders in Latin America: • Mall Plaza: Operates large shopping malls in Chile, Entertainment Shopping Culture Sustainable construction Peru (through Aventura Plaza) and Colombia. Meeting places • Open Plaza: Operates small shopping centers with 2 or 3 anchor stores, as well as other third-party Urban centers minor stores. Regional Footprint Integrated Offering2 # Shopping Malls Dec-14 Dec-15 '000 GLA Dec-14 Dec-15 Mall Plaza Open Plaza CHILE 15 10 25 15 10 25 1,177 234 1,411 1,199 232 1,431 Aventura Plaza Open Plaza PERU 4 8 12 4 10 14 274 234 508 275 271 546 Mall Plaza COLOMBIA 1 1 1 1 26 26 26 26 TOTAL 38 40 1,945 2,003 920 1,023 Free Standing Stores1 1. Owned by the company throughout the region. 2. Information for Mall Plaza shopping centers as of December 2015 +2,260 specialty stores +438 restaurants 115 cinema screens 20 medical centers 9 public libraries 16 gyms 40 game areas 12 educational institutions 3 exhibition rooms 27 CONTACT INFORMATION Phone: +56 2 2487 3910 Jordi Gaju Alejandro González Chief Development Officer Chief Financial Officer Isabel Darrigrandi María Paz Fernández Head of IR IR Analyst DISCLAIMER This presentation contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company and its management. Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantee of future performance and involve a number of risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, the risks detailed in the Company’s financial statements, and the fact that actual results could differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements.
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Diverse portfolio of own brands, second
generation and exclusive brands in
addition to international brands
Leading online retailer