No. 43 - Thursday, 28 July 2016 (pages 3005
No. 43 - Thursday, 28 July 2016 (pages 3005
No. 43 3005 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ALL PUBLIC ACTS appearing in this GAZETTE are to be considered official, and obeyed as such ADELAIDE, THURSDAY, 28 JULY 2016 CONTENTS Page Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2004—Notice ................................................... 3016 Appointments, Resignations, Etc. ............................................ 3006 Controlled Substances Act 1984 (SA)—Notice ....................... 3006 Corporations and District Councils—Notices .......................... 3075 Dangerous Substances Act 1979—Notice ............................... 3007 Education Regulations 2012—Notice...................................... 3007 Expiation of Offences Act 1996—Notice ................................ 3008 Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005—Notice .................... 3008 Firearms Regulations 2008—Notice........................................ 3008 Fisheries Management Act 2007—Notices ............................. 3008 Health Care Act 2008—Notices .............................................. 3009 Housing Improvement Act 1940—Notices.............................. 3017 Land Acquisition Act 1969—Notices ...................................... 3010 Marine Parks Act 2007—Notice.............................................. 3008 Mining Act 1971—Notices...................................................... 3010 Motor Vehicles Act 1959—Notice .......................................... 3018 National Electricity Law—Notice ........................................... 3011 Page National Energy Retail Law—Notice ...................................... 3012 National Gas Law—Notice ..................................................... 3012 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972—Notice....................... 3008 Natural Resources Management Act 2004—Notice ................ 3034 Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000— Notices ....................................................................... 3012, 3034 Port Augusta Circuit Court—Notice........................................ 3012 Public Trustee Office—Administration of Estates .................. 3092 REGULATIONS Major Events Act 2013 (No. 186 of 2016)........................... 3067 Firearms Act 1977 (No. 187 of 2016) .................................. 3072 Real Property Act 1886—Notices ........................................... 3037 RULES Magistrates Court (Civil) Rules 2013 (Amendment No. 13) ....................................................... 3038 Magistrate Court Rules 1992 (Amendment No. 57) ....................................................... 3048 Training and Skills Development Act 2008—Notice .............. 3036 Water Mains and Sewers—Mains Laid, Replaced, Etc. .......... 3014 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE NOTICES Notices for publication in the South Australian Government Gazette should be emailed to Content should be sent as Word format attachment(s). Covering emails should include the date the notice is to be published and to whom the notice will be charged. Closing time for lodgement is 4 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the regular Thursday publication. Gazette enquiries to: Phone 8207 1045. The Government Gazette is available online at: 3006 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 28 July 2016 HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the Pharmacy Regulation Authority SA, pursuant to the provisions of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (South Australia) Act 2010: Member: (from 29 July 2016 until 28 July 2019) Stephen Morris Helen Louise Flannery Grant William Kardachi Robyn Jayne Johns Judith Ellen Smith Deputy Member: (from 29 July 2016 until 28 July 2019) Stanley Papastamatis (Deputy to Kardachi) Paul David Simmons (Deputy to Flannery) Samuel James Wilson Laing (Deputy to Johns) By command, IAN KEITH HUNTER, for Premier HEAC-2016-00048 Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 28 July 2016 HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the South Australian Local Government Grants Commission, pursuant to the provisions of the South Australian Local Government Grants Commission Act 1992: Member: (from 1 August 2016 until 31 July 2019) Rory John McEwen By command, IAN KEITH HUNTER, for Premier 16LG07CS Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 28 July 2016 HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the Adelaide Festival Corporation Board, pursuant to the provisions of the Adelaide Festival Corporation Act 1998: Member: (from 28 July 2016 until 27 July 2019) Amanda Eloise Vanstone By command, IAN KEITH HUNTER, for Premier ASACAB005-12 Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 28 July 2016 HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the Health Performance Council, pursuant to the provisions of the Health Care Act 2008: Member: (from 2 August 2016 until 1 August 2020) Jennene Ann Greenhill Brett Gregory Rowse Debra Martin Ainslie Kay Richard Oliver Callaghan Stephen John Duckett Lisa Rae Jackson Pulver David Murray Roder Mary Patetsos Deputy Chairperson: (from 2 August 2016 until 1 August 2020) Mary Patetsos By command, IAN KEITH HUNTER, for Premier HEAC-2016-00047 28 July 2016 Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 28 July 2016 HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the appoint the Honourable Geoffrey Graeme Brock, MP, Minister for Regional Development and Minister for Local Government to be also Acting Treasurer, Acting Minister for Finance, Acting Minister for State Development and Acting Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy for the period from 28 July 2016 to 29 July 2016 inclusive, during the absence of the Honourable Tom Koutsantonis, MP. By command, IAN KEITH HUNTER, for Premier T&F16/062CS Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 28 July 2016 HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the Honourable Kyam Joseph Maher, MLC, Minister for Employment, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation, Minister for Manufacturing and Innovation, Minister for Automotive Transformation and Minister for Science and Information Economy to be also Acting Minister for Investment and Trade, Acting Minister for Small Business, Acting Minister for Defence Industries and Acting Minister for Veterans’ Affairs for the period from 7 August 2016 to 16 August 2016 inclusive, during the absence of the Honourable Martin Leslie James Hamilton-Smith, MP. By command, IAN KEITH HUNTER, for Premier 16MINT/493CS Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 28 July 2016 HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the Honourable Martin Leslie James HamiltonSmith, MP, Minister for Investment and Trade, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Defence Industries and Minister for Veterans’ Affairs to be also Acting Minister for Transport and Infrastructure and Acting Minister for Housing and Urban Development for the period from 22 August 2016 to 4 September 2016 inclusive, during the absence of the Honourable Stephen Campbell Mullighan, MP. By command, IAN KEITH HUNTER, for Premier MTR/16/050 Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 28 July 2016 HIS Excellency the Governor in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint Beverly Ann Smith as a Visiting Inspector for the purposes of the Correctional Services Act 1982, commencing on 28 July 2016, pursuant to Section 20 of the Correctional Services Act 1982. By command, IAN KEITH HUNTER, for Premier MCS16/06CS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT 1984 (SA) Revocation of Prohibition Order TAKE notice that on 28 June 2016, I, Jenny Richter, Deputy Chief Executive, System Performance and Service Delivery, Department for Health and Ageing made an Order under Section 57 (2) of the Controlled Substances Act 1984 (SA). The Order was served on Dr Philip Jeffrey Clarke on 14 July 2016 and took effect on that date. Pursuant to Section 57 (3) of the Controlled Substances Act 1984 (SA), the Order is published as follows: 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE I, Jenny Richter, Deputy Chief Executive, System Performance and Service Delivery, Department for Health and Ageing, exercise the power delegated to me under Section 62A of the Controlled Substances Act 1984 (SA) (‘the Act’) and make the following Order under subsection 57 (2) of the Act: The Prohibition Order made on 22 August 2011 under subsection 57 (1) (c) of the Act in relation to Dr Philip Jeffrey Clarke—date of birth 10 April 1965 is hereby revoked. J. RICHTER, Delegate, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse DANGEROUS SUBSTANCES ACT 1979 Revocation of Appointments I, MARIE BOLAND, Executive Director, SafeWork SA, hereby revoke the appointment of the following persons as Authorised Officers for the purposes of the Dangerous Substances Act 1979, pursuant to Section 7 (4) of that Act: • Christine Ellen Baker • Julia Elizabeth De Musso • Glenn Stephen Farrell • Helen Marie Kelly • Colin Marsh • Shane Darrell Moss • Carl Steven Olson • Jacqui Quarton • Heidi Joy Rickard • Nicole Louise Sawyer • Beverley Joy Scarman • Marissa Jane Vinko • David Laurence Brown • Beverly Ann Hodge • Annette Louise Kappler • Frances Vanessa Lloyd • Julia Clare Mangan • Ekaterina Martch • Justin Luke Ward • Graham Henderson Warren Dated 22 July 2016. M. BOLAND, Executive Director, SafeWork SA EDUCATION REGULATIONS 2012 Notice of Policy by the Minister for Education and Child Development PURSUANT to Regulation 60 (2) (a) of the Education Regulations 2012, I, the Minister for Education and Child Development publish the following Capacity Management Plan for the purposes of the enrolment of a child at the Mawson Lakes School: CAPACITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Mawson Lakes School This Capacity Management Plan sets out the conditions for enrolment at Mawson Lakes School (‘the school’). Capacity of School The school has a current estimated built capacity of 840 students. School Enrolment Limit The number of students entering at Reception in any given year is limited to 96 students. CRITERIA FOR ENROLMENT Year level: Reception Priority consideration will be given to applications for enrolment from parents of prospective Reception students to attend the following school year, if they have been living inside the school zone prior to the end of week 4, term 3 and whose application is received by this time. If more than 96 applications for enrolment are received from parents living in the school zone by the end of week 4, term 3, places will be offered based on whether any, all or a combination of the following applies: • The child has siblings currently enrolled in the school; • The length of time the child has lived in the school zone; 3007 • The child’s family has been relocated to the school zone by the defence force; and/or • The distance of the child’s residence from the school. The school will notify parents of the outcome of this process by the beginning of week 6, term 3. Unsuccessful applicants will be placed on the enrolment register, and referred for enrolment to other neighbouring schools. Families who move into the school zone after the end of week 4, term 3 will only have their applications considered if or when vacancies exist, with priority consideration afforded to those applicants already on the enrolment register. If no vacancies exist the applicants will be placed on the enrolment register and referred for enrolment to other neighbouring schools. Intensive English Language Centre (IELC) students Any Reception student offered enrolment at the school and who is eligible to attend an Intensive English Language Centre (IELC), will be able to attend the IELC during Reception and begin Year 1 at the school the following year. Out of zone applications with siblings currently at the school Applications for enrolment from parents of prospective Reception students, who live outside the school’s zone and have older siblings who currently attend the school, will only be given consideration for enrolment if: • all Reception applications from parents of children living in the school zone have been considered, and • the school is under its student enrolment limit of 96 Reception students as at the end of week 4, term 3. In these cases, places will be offered based on the distance from the school of the child’s residence and other personal needs. Year levels: 1 to 7 Applications for enrolment from parents of prospective students living inside the school zone will be considered if or when vacancies exist, with priority consideration afforded to those applicants already on the enrolment register. In these cases, applications will be considered based on siblings at the school, the length of time the child has lived in the school zone and the distance of the child’s residence from the school. The school will notify parents by the end of week 10, term 3 if a vacancy is available for their child to attend the following school year. If no vacancies exist the applicants will be encouraged to remain at their current primary school, or referred for enrolment to other neighbouring schools, and upon an applicant’s request placed on the school’s enrolment register. Out of zone applications with siblings currently at the school Applications for enrolment from parents of prospective students, who live outside the school’s zone and have siblings who currently attend the school, will not be considered for enrolment. International Education Program No new international students will be offered enrolment at the school. Special Circumstances Enrolment for special consideration for compelling or unusual reasons, including but not limited to students under the guardianship of the Minister may be given by the Principal, in consultation with the Education Director. These will be assessed on a case by case basis. Mawson Lakes School zone A school zone is a geographic area surrounding the school from which the school accepts its core intake of students. Mawson Lakes School operates within the following zone: • Students living in the area bound by Montague Road, Main North Road, Bennett Road, Adeline Street, Cathedral Circuit, Mapleton Circuit to Salisbury Highway turning south towards Port Wakefield Road. A school zone map (guide only) is available at: primary_school_zone_map.pdf Enrolment Register Only applications for enrolment from parents of a child living in the school zone will be placed on the register. 3008 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Parents whose child’s name has been placed on the enrolment register will only be contacted if vacancies become available. The enrolment register will be reviewed and updated annually by the school. Where a child’s name appears on the register is confidential and will only be disclosed as required by law. Enrolment Process All parents are required to complete the school enrolment form and provide the school with a copy of the following: • proof of the child's identity and date of birth; • proof of the child's residential address; and • copies of any family law or other relevant court orders. Upon receipt of the above to the satisfaction of the school, the processing of the parents’ enrolment application may begin. Parents will be invited to attend a pre-enrolment interview or information session with the school once a vacancy is offered. Monitoring and enforcement It is the responsibility of the parents applying for enrolment to be able to verify to the satisfaction of the school that the information provided is true and factual. The Principal is responsible for the implementation of this Capacity Management Plan and all decisions on enrolments. This Capacity Management Plan will be reviewed annually. Dated 20 July 2016. SUSAN CLOSE, Minister for Education and Child Development EXPIATION OF OFFENCES ACT 1996 NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE ACT 1972 MARINE PARKS ACT 2007 Instrument of Authorisation I, IAN KEITH HUNTER, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, being the Minister responsible for the administration of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972, and the Marine Parks Act 2007, do hereby authorise the persons listed below in Schedule 1, to issue expiation notices pursuant to Section 6 (3) (b) (i) of the Expiation Offences Act 1996, for expiable offences under both of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 and the Marine Parks Act 2007. The authorisation is effective from the date set out below and will remain in effect for the period the named persons remain appointed as Wardens pursuant to Section 20 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972, unless earlier varied or revoked. And on the condition that the appointment of any person referred to in Schedule 1 shall be automatically revoked without the necessity for a further notice in the event that they cease employment with DEWNR or its successor. SCHEDULE 1 Ackland, Matthew Roy, Bennett, Darrin Robert, Bullock, Anthony Royden, Cresp, Anthony Mark, Focroul, Simon Christian, Giacopini, Scott James, Gotch, Travis Bruce, Johns, Daniel Jeffrey, Kennedy, Matthew Leon Frederic, Kondylas, Stella, Lance, Sarah Jane, Litherland, Jason Harold, Lores, Brent Jared, McKenzie, Tanya Anthea Joy, Nairn, Michelle Skye, Parker, Amanda Kate, Benz, Sean Peter, Stonnill, Melanie Kate, Telfer, Sophie Louise. Dated 20 June 2016. IAN HUNTER, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation 28 July 2016 FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES ACT 2005 SECTION 68 Establishment of a SACFS Brigade I, GREG NETTLETON, the Chief Officer of the South Australian Country Fire Service, in accordance with Division 5, Section 68 (1) (a) of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005, hereby establish a SACFS Brigade to be known as Para Reserve Brigade. Dated 19 July 2016. G. NETTLETON, Chief Officer, SA Country Fire Service FIREARMS REGULATIONS 2008: REGULATION 9 (2) TAKE notice that pursuant to Regulation 9 (2) of the Firearms Regulations 2008, I, Peter Malinauskas, Minister for Police, declare the exhibition known as Land Forces 2016, to be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide, for the period 6 September 2016 to 8 September 2016, to be a recognised exhibition for the purposes of Regulation 9 of the Firearms Regulations 2008. Dated 20 July 2016. PETER MALINAUSKAS, Minister for Police FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 2007: SECTION 79 TAKE note that the notice made under Section 79 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, dated 18 December 2015, and published in the South Australian Government Gazette on 24 December 2015, on page 5304, being the sixth notice on that page, referring to the West Coast Prawn Fishery, is hereby varied such that it will not be unlawful for a person fishing pursuant to a West Coast Prawn Fishery licence to use prawn trawl nets in the waters specified in Schedule 1, under the conditions specified in Schedule 2, during the period specified in Schedule 3. SCHEDULE 1 The waters of the West Coast Prawn Fishery adjacent to Coffin Bay, Venus Bay and Ceduna. SCHEDULE 2 1. Each licence holder must ensure that a representative sample of the catch (a ‘bucket count’) is taken at least 3 times per night during the fishing activity. 2. Each ‘bucket count’ sample must be accurately weighed to 7 kg where possible and the total number of prawns contained in the bucket must be recorded on the daily catch and effort return. 3. Fishing must cease if one of the following limits is reached: (a) A total of 14 nights of fishing are completed; (b) the average catch per vessel, per night (for all three vessels) drops below 300 kg for two consecutive nights; (c) the average prawn ‘bucket count’ for all three vessels exceeds 240 prawns per bucket on any single fishing night in the Venus Bay area; or (d) the average prawn ‘bucket count’ for all three vessels exceeds 270 prawns per bucket on any single fishing night in the Ceduna area; and (e) the average prawn ‘bucket count’ for all three vessels exceeds 240 prawns per bucket on any single fishing night in the Coffin Bay area. 4. The fleet must nominate a licence holder to provide a daily update by telephone or SMS message to the PIRSA Fisheries Manager, to report the average prawn catch per vessel and the average prawn ‘bucket count’ information. 5. No fishing activity may be undertaken after the expiration of 30 minutes from the prescribed time of sunrise and no fishing activity may be undertaken before the prescribed time of sunset for Adelaide (as published in the South Australian Government Gazette pursuant to the requirements of the Proof of Sunrise and Sunset Act 1923) during the period specified in Schedule 3. SCHEDULE 3 Commence at sunset on 27 July 2016 and end after the expiration of 30 minutes from sunrise on 11 August 2016. Dated 26 July 2016. S. SHANKS, Prawn Fisheries Manager 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 2007: SECTION 90 (2) NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 90 (2) of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, that the following items have been seized by Officers of the Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA, Fisheries and Aquaculture at Boatswains Point on 8 July 2016. • One rock lobster pot. The above items were suspected to have been used, or intended to be used, in contravention of the Fisheries Management Act, 2007, and were taken into possession at Boatswains Point. After the expiration of one month from the date of this notice the items listed above shall, on the order of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, be forfeited to the Crown and shall be either disposed of by sale or destruction. The above items may be viewed at the Kingston office of the Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA, Fisheries and Aquaculture. B. BALMER, Prosecutions Co-ordinator FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 2007: SECTION 115 TAKE notice that pursuant to Section 115 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, Dr Paul Rogers of the South Australian Research Development Institute, Aquatic Sciences, P.O. Box 120, Henley Beach, S.A. 5024 (the ‘exemption holder’), or a person acting as his agent, is exempt from Section 71 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007 and Regulation 23 of the Fisheries Management (General) Regulations 2007, but only insofar as the exemption holder shall not be guilty of an offence when using berley to attract White Shark at the locations specified in Schedule 1, subject to the conditions set out in Schedule 2, from 26 July 2016, until 1 December 2016, inclusive, unless varied or revoked earlier. SCHEDULE 1 Waters contained within 50 km of Boston Island and Sibsey Island. SCHEDULE 2 1. The exempted activity must comply with the protocols for capturing and tagging White Sharks developed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation. 2. Before undertaking the exempted activity, the exemption holder or a person acting as an agent must contact PIRSA Fishwatch on 1800 065 522 and answer a series of questions about the exempted activity. The exemption holder will need to have a copy of the exemption at the time of making the call and be able to provide information about the area and time of the exempted activity, the vehicles and/or boats involved, the number of agents undertaking the exempted activity and other related questions. Exemption number ME9902870. 3. While engaging in the exempted activity, the exemption holder or agent must be in possession of a copy of this notice. Such notice must be produced to a Fisheries Officer immediately upon request. 4. The exemption holder must provide a written report detailing the outcomes of the tagging pursuant to this notice to the Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy, (G.P.O. Box 1625, Adelaide, S.A. 5001) upon completion, giving the following details: • the number of White Sharks tagged and the type of tag used; • the person who tagged each White Shark; and • any other relevant information. 5. The exemption holder must not contravene or fail to comply with the Fisheries Management Act 2007, or any regulations made under that Act, except where specifically exempted by this notice. 6. The exemption holder must not conduct any other fishing activity including recreational fishing whilst undertaking the exempted activity. 3009 This notice does not purport to override the provisions or operation of any other Act including, but not limited to, the Marine Parks Act 2007. The exemption holder and his agents must comply with any relevant regulations, permits, requirements and directions from the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources when undertaking activities within a marine park. Dated 25 July 2016. A. FISTR, Assistant Director, Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy, Delegate of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries HEALTH CARE ACT 2008 NOTICE BY THE MINISTER Declaration of Authorised Quality Improvement Activity and Authorised Person Under Section 64 TAKE notice that I, John James Snelling, Minister for Health, pursuant to Sections 64 (1) (a) (i) and (b) (i) do hereby: Declare the Activities described in the Schedule to this declaration (the Activities) to be authorised quality improvement activities to which Part 7 of the Act applies, and Declare the Person or group of Persons (including a group formed as a committee) described in the Schedule to this declaration (the Persons) to be an authorised entity for the purposes of carrying out the authorised quality improvement activities to which Part 7 of the Act applies, being satisfied that: (a) the performance of the activities within the ambit of the declaration and the functions or activities of the person or group of persons within the ambit of the declaration, would be facilitated by the making of the declaration; and (b) that the making of the declaration is in the public interest. SCHEDULE Declaration of Authorised Quality Improvement Activity and Authorised Person Under Section 64 Activity Person or Group of Persons Birth Defects Register The South Australian Birth Defects Register Dated 21 July 2016. JOHN JAMES SNELLING, Minister for Health HEALTH CARE ACT 2008 NOTICE BY THE MINISTER Declaration of Authorised Research Activity and Authorised Person under Section 64 TAKE notice that I, John James Snelling, Minister for Health, pursuant to Sections 64 (1) (a) (ii) and (b) (ii) do hereby: Declare the Activities described in the Schedule to this declaration (the Activities) to be authorised research activities to which Part 7 of the Act applies, and Declare the Person or group of Persons (including a group formed as a committee) described in the Schedule to this declaration (the Persons) to be an authorised entity for the purposes of carrying out the authorised research activities to which Part 7 of the Act applies, being satisfied that: (a) the performance of the activities within the ambit of the declaration and the functions or activities of the person or group of persons within the ambit of the declaration, would be facilitated by the making of the declaration; and 3010 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (b) that the making of the declaration is in the public interest. SCHEDULE Declaration of Authorised Quality Improvement Activity and Authorised Person Under Section 64 Activity Person or Group of Persons Anaesthetic Mortality Quality Improvement South Australian Anaesthetic Mortality Committee Dated 21 July 2016. JOHN JAMES SNELLING, Minister for Health LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1969 (SECTION 16) Notice of Acquisition THE COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS (the ‘Authority’), 136 North Terrace, Adelaide. S.A. 5000, acquires the following interests in the following land: Comprising an unencumbered estate in fee simple in that piece of land being a portion of Allotment 1 in Filed Plan No. 14085 comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 5487, Folio 950, and being the whole of the land numbered Allotment 560 in unapproved plan D113504 that has been lodged in the Lands Titles Office. This notice is given under Section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act 1969. Compensation A person who has or had an interest in the land that is divested or diminished by the acquisition or the enjoyment of which is adversely affected by the acquisition who does not receive an offer of compensation from the Authority may apply to the Authority for compensation. Inquiries Inquiries should be directed to: Chris Southam, G.P.O. Box 1533, Adelaide, S.A. 5001 Telephone: (08) 7424 7036 Dated 26 July 2016. The Common Seal of the Commissioner of Highways was hereto affixed by authority of the Commissioner in the presence of: M. ELGAZZAR, Manager, Portfolio and Acquisition Services (Authorised Officer), Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure DPTI 2009/03635/01 LAND ACQUISITION ACT 1969 (SECTION 16) Notice of Acquisition THE COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS (the ‘Authority’), 136 North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000, acquires the following interests in the following land: Comprising an unencumbered estate in fee simple in that piece of land being a portion of Allotment 19 in Deposited Plan No. 24232 comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 5383, Folio 538, and being the whole of the land numbered Allotment 530 in plan numbered D113223 that has been lodged in the Lands Titles Office. This notice is given under Section 16 of the Land Acquisition Act 1969. 28 July 2016 Compensation A person who has or had an interest in the land that is divested or diminished by the acquisition or the enjoyment of which is adversely affected by the acquisition who does not receive an offer of compensation from the Authority may apply to the Authority for compensation. Inquiries Inquiries should be directed to: Chris Southam, G.P.O. Box 1533, Adelaide, S.A. 5001 Telephone: (08) 7424 7036 Dated 26 July 2016. The Common Seal of the Commissioner of Highways was hereto affixed by authority of the Commissioner in the presence of: M. ELGAZZAR, Manager, Portfolio and Acquisition Services (Authorised Officer), Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure DPTI 2009/03637/01 MINING ACT 1971 ON 5 December 2013, notice was given in accordance with Section 35A (1) of the Mining Act 1971, that an application for an extractive minerals lease over the undermentioned mineral claim had been received: Applicant: Kara Resources Pty Ltd Claim No.: 4322 Location: Allotments 1 and 5, Deposited Plan 43756 (Approximately 3.3 km north-west of Greenock). Area: 55.65 hectares approximately Purpose: Construction Materials (Dolomite). Reference: T02885 Since that notice was published an amended mining lease proposal/response document has been received in relation to this application. Further notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 35A (1) of the Mining Act 1971 in relation to this application. Details of the proposal and amended mining lease proposal/ response document may be inspected at the Department of State Development, Mineral Resources Division, Level 7, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. A copy of the proposal and amended mining lease proposal/response document has been provided to the Light Regional Council and an electronic copy of the proposal can be found on the Department of State Development website: _mining. Written submissions in relation to this application are invited to be received at the Department of State Development, Mining Regulation, Attention: Business Support Officer, G.P.O. Box 320, Adelaide, S.A. 5001, by no later than 8 September 2016. The Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy is required to have regard to these submissions in determining whether to grant or refuse the application and, if so, the terms and conditions on which they should be granted. When you make a written submission, that submission becomes a public record. Your submission will be provided to the applicant and may be made available for public inspection unless confidentiality is requested. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971 that the delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy intends to grant an Exploration Licence over the area described below: Applicant: Maximus Resources Limited Location: Billa Kalina Area—Approximately 170 km southeast of Coober Pedy. Pastoral Leases: Mount Eba, Millers Creek and Billa Kalina. Term: 2 years Area in km2: 348 Reference No.: 2015/00011 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the Department of State Development website: or by contacting Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. Community information on mineral exploration licence processes and requirements under the Mining Act 1971 is available from: land_access/community_information or hard copy on request to Mineral Tenements. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971 that the delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy intends to grant an Exploration Licence over the area described below: Applicant: Resource Holdings Pty Ltd Location: Paragon Bore Area—Approximately 80 km westnorth-west of Coober Pedy. Pastoral Lease: Mabel Creek Term: 1 year Area in km2: 84 Reference No.: 2015/00152 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the Department of State Development website: or by contacting Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. Community information on mineral exploration licence processes and requirements under the Mining Act 1971 is available from: land_access/community_information or hard copy on request to Mineral Tenements. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971 that the delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy intends to grant an Exploration Licence over the area described below: Applicant: Gawler Resources Pty Ltd Location: Barna Hill Area—Approximately 20 km east-southeast of Kimba. Term: 2 years Area in km2: 56 Reference No.: 2016/00008 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the Department of State Development website: or by contacting Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. Community information on mineral exploration licence processes and requirements under the Mining Act 1971 is available from: land_access/community_information or hard copy on request to Mineral Tenements. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar 3011 MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971 that the delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy intends to grant an Exploration Licence over the area described below: Applicant: Leigh Creek Magnesite Pty Ltd Location: Bend Hut Area—Approximately 70 km north-west of Leigh Creek. Pastoral Lease: Witchelina Term: 2 years Area in km2: 163 Reference No.: 2016/00012 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the Department of State Development website: or by contacting Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. Community information on mineral exploration licence processes and requirements under the Mining Act 1971 is available from: land_access/community_information or hard copy on request to Mineral Tenements. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28(5) of the Mining Act 1971 that the delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy intends to grant an Exploration Licence over the area described below: Applicant: Cauldron Energy Limited, Kores Australia Marree Pty Ltd, Resources Investments (Marree) Pty Ltd, Daewoo International Australia Pty Ltd. Location: Murnpeowie Area—Approximately 100 km eastnorth-east of Marree. Pastoral Lease: Murnpeowie Term: 2 years Area in km2: 633 Reference No.: 2016/00018 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the Department of State Development website: or by contacting Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. Community information on mineral exploration licence processes and requirements under the Mining Act 1971 is available from: land_access/community_information or hard copy on request to Mineral Tenements. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar NATIONAL ELECTRICITY LAW THE Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) gives notice under the National Electricity Law as follows: Under s 107, the time for making the draft determination on the Non-scheduled generation and load in central dispatch (Ref. ERC0203) proposal has been extended to 27 April 2017. Under s 107, the time for making the draft determination on the Improving the accuracy of customer transfers (Ref. ERC0195) proposal has been extended to 27 October 2016. Under s 107, the time for making the draft determination on the Using estimated reads for customer transfers (Ref. ERC0196) proposal has been extended to 27 October 2016. Australian Energy Market Commission Level 6, 201 Elizabeth Street Sydney, N.S.W. 2000 Telephone: (02) 8296 7800 28 July 2016. 3012 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE NATIONAL ENERGY RETAIL LAW THE Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) gives notice under the National Energy Retail Law as follows: Under s 266, the time for making the draft determination on the Improving the accuracy of customer transfers (Ref. RRC0007) proposal has been extended to 27 October 2016. Under s 266, the time for making the draft determination on the Using estimated reads for customer transfers (Ref. RRC0008) proposal has been extended to 27 October 2016. Australian Energy Market Commission Level 6, 201 Elizabeth Street Sydney, N.S.W. 2000 Telephone: (02) 8296 7800 28 July 2016. NATIONAL GAS LAW THE Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) gives notice under the National Gas Law as follows: Under s 317, the time for making the draft determination on the Improving the accuracy of customer transfers (Ref. GRC0037) proposal has been extended to 27 October 2016. Australian Energy Market Commission Level 6, 201 Elizabeth Street Sydney, N.S.W. 2000 Telephone: (02) 8296 7800 28 July 2016. PETROLEUM AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY ACT 2000 Statements of Environmental Objectives—5 Yearly Review PURSUANT to Section 104 (1) of the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000 (the Act) I, Barry Goldstein, Executive Director Energy Resources Division, Department of State Development as delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy, pursuant to delegated powers dated 21 March 2012, do hereby publish the following document as having been approved as a statement of environmental objectives under the Act. Documents: • Epic Energy Pty Ltd, Statement of Environmental Objectives—Pipeline Licence 1 and 12 Moomba to Adelaide Pipeline System and Beverly Lateral Pipeline, June 2016. This document is available for public inspection on the Environmental Register section of DSD’s website ( pliance/environmental_register) or at the Public Office determined pursuant to Section 107 (1) of the Act to be at: Energy Resources Division, Customer Services, Level 7, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Dated 26 July 2016. B. A. GOLDSTEIN, Executive Director, Energy Resources Division, Department of State Development, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy 28 July 2016 THE DISTRICT COURT OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA PORT AUGUSTA CIRCUIT COURT Sheriff’s Office, Adelaide, 2 August 2016 IN pursuance of a precept from the District Court to me directed, I do hereby give notice that the said Court will sit as a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery at the Courthouse at Port Augusta on the day and time undermentioned and all parties bound to prosecute and give evidence and all jurors summoned and all others having business at the said Court are required to attend the sittings thereof and the order of such business will be unless a Judge otherwise orders as follows: Tuesday, 2 August at 10 a.m. on the first day of the sittings the only business taken will be the arraignment of prisoners in gaol and the passing of sentences on prisoners in gaol committed for sentence; the surrender of prisoners on bail committed for sentence; the surrender of persons in response to ex officio informations or of persons on bail and committed for trial who have signified their intentions to plead guilty and the passing of sentences for all matters listed for disposition by the District Court. Juries will be summoned for Monday, 1 August 2016 and persons will be tried on this and subsequent days of the sittings. Prisoners in H.M. Gaol and on bail for sentence and for trial at the sittings of the Port Augusta Courthouse, commencing Tuesday, 2 August 2016. Adams, Rena Aggravated robbery In gaol Ashman, Travis Fail to comply with bail On bail agreement; aggravated threaten life; contravene term of intervention order; damage property (3); aggravated assault; assault Barker, Graham John Trafficking in a controlled In gaol drug Bastian, Daniel Peter Traffic in a controlled drug On bail basic Betterman, Michael Contravene term of In gaol Jamie intervention order; fail to comply with bail; damage property; serious criminal trespass; assault (2) Betts, Cecil Aggravated serious criminal On bail trespass in a place of residence; aggravated threatening to cause harm Brady, Kyle Troy Aggravated serious criminal In gaol trespass; theft Bright, Wayne Possessing a class H firearm On bail without a licence; failing to keep class H firearm secured; failing to store ammunition in locked container B, A J Aggravated assault (2); rape On bail Burgoyne, Aileen Aggravated serious criminal On bail Gertrude trespass in a place of residence; aggravated assault Chapman, Graham Attempt to dissuade a witness; On bail unlawfully on premises Chimney, Bevan Causing harm with intent to On gaol cause harm; rape Cleary, Robert Trafficking in a controlled On bail Trevor, Woods, drug (2) On bail On bail Matthew and Grantham, Natasha Cockburn, Travis Possess a controlled precursor On bail Damian to manufacture controlled drug; traffic in a controlled drug; possess prescribed equipment Coe, Mark Steven Persistent sexual exploitation In gaol of a child; aggravated indecent assault (5); Unlawful sexual intercourse (5); Indecent behaviour Coomber, Jamie Assault (2); threatening life In gaol Albert (2) 28 July 2016 Coulthard, Cecil Cowley, Rebekah Ann and Chynoweth, Renee Ann Crossman, Nigel Colin Evans, Richard William Ferguson, William Field, Kirt Raymond Fisher, Andrew Fox, Clayton Denis Gawell, Krystian Hill, Russell Loader, Carl Frankland Marshall, Joshua Darryl Matthews, Justin Moore, Taryne Shaye and Patterson, Ryan Nowlan, Merle Janice Parsons, Darby James Phillis, Kevin Ronald Pompey, Peter Prince, Brooke Jessica Prosek, Roman Riddle, Allan Riddle, Allan Edwin and Riley, Michelle Roach, Kyle Harley Sarantou, John THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Aggravated serious criminal trespass in a place of residence; damaging property (2); assault causing harm (2) Aggravated serious criminal trespass in a place of residence; theft In gaol On bail On bail Traffic in a controlled drug; In gaol unlawful possession Possess a controlled drug for In gaol sale Aggravated causing death by On bail dangerous driving; drive whilst licence suspended Drive or use motor vehicle In gaol without consent (2); endanger life (3); aggravated serious criminal trespass in a place of residence; aggravated assault against a police officer (2); damage property Assault; aggravated serious On bail criminal trespass in a place of residence; aggravated assault Aggravated threatening to In gaol damage property (3); aggravated damaging property; aggravated assault; aggravated threatening life Trafficking in a controlled On bail drug; possess prescription drug; unlawful possession Have sexual intercourse with a On bail person under 14 years Rape (2); aggravated serious On bail criminal trespass in a place of residence Application for enforcement On bail of a breached bond Traffic in a controlled drug (2) In gaol Aggravated serious criminal On bail trespass in a place of residence; theft On bail Persistent sexual exploitation In gaol of a child (3); common assault; assault occasioning actual bodily harm (2) Aggravated serious criminal in On bail a place of residence; assault; aggravated assault causing harm; aggravated threatening to cause harm Indecent assault On bail Causing a bushfire On bail Drive or use motor vehicle On bail without consent (2); endanger life (3); aggravated recklessly cause harm to another (3) Aggravated indecent assault No status (3) Trafficking in a controlled On bail drug; cultivating controlled plants for sale; possessing prescribed equipment; possessing a firearm without a licence; possessing an unregistered firearm; fail to keep a firearm secured Trafficking in a controlled On bail drug On bail Aggravated assault causing harm; aggravated threatening life Aggravated careless driving; leaving an accident scene after causing death by careless driving; failure to stop, give assistance and present to police where person killed or injured Singer, Roland Matthew On bail On bail Thomson, Bevan Andrew Eric Thomson, Bevan Andrew Eric Treloar, Fabian Kevin W, P Watt, Angas John Webb, Brett William and Watts, Deanna Sue Weetra, Howard Clyde W, R Williams, Jake Tyler Williams, Scott James Willson, Mark Anthony 3013 Aggravated causing death by dangerous driving; aggravated causing harm by dangerous driving; driving a motor vehicle without a licence; giving false answer as to the identity of the driver Aggravated produce child exploitation material; obtain access to child exploitation material; incite indecent act by a child Obtain access to child pornography; produce child pornography; aggravated disseminate child pornography Aggravated assault (2); aggravated possess a firearm without a licence; aggravated threatening life Engage in sexual intercourse without consent (2) Unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under 12 (2) Aggravated possess unregistered firearm; aggravated possess firearm without a licence; fail to keep firearm secured Arson On bail Carnal knowledge of a person under 12 (2); indecent assault (12); unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under 12; aggravated indecent assault (3); gross indecency (3) Aggravated causing death by dangerous driving; drive whilst licence suspended Indecent assault (4) On bail Possess or us a firearm while subject to prohibition order; hinder or resist a police officer; unlawful possession; fail to comply with bail agreement Traffic in a controlled drug In gaol In gaol In gaol In gaol In gaol On bail On bail In gaol In gaol In gaol On bail Woods, Dylan, On bail Grantham, On bail Natasha and On bail Woods, Matthew Young, Wesley Unlawful sexual intercourse On bail James Prisoners on bail must surrender at 10 a.m. of the day appointed for their respective trials. If they do not appear when called upon their recognizances and those of their bail will be estreated and a bench warrant will be issued forthwith. By order of the Court, M. A. STOKES, Sheriff 3014 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 WATER MAINS AND SEWERS NORMANVILLE WATER DISTRICT Office of the South Australian Water Corporation Adelaide, 28 July 2016 DISTRICT COUNCIL OF YANKALILLA Easements in lot 1007 in LTRO DP 112614 (proposed road Dunstall Road in Land Division number 260/D004/93), Ronald Street, Normanville. p7 and 8 WATER MAINS LAID Notice is hereby given that the following main pipes or parts of main pipes have been laid down by the South Australian Water Corporation in or near the undermentioned water districts and are now available for a constant supply of water to adjacent land. ADELAIDE WATER DISTRICT CITY OF CHARLES STURT Third Street, Bowden. p40-42 Fourth Street, Bowden. p40-42 Roads shown as Third Street and Fourth Street in Land Division number 252/G266/11, Bowden. p40-42 TOWN OF GAWLER Jenkins Street, Evanston Gardens. p33 and 34 Robertson Street, Evanston Gardens. p33 and 34 Nottle Lane, Evanston Gardens. p33 and 34 Easements in reserve (lot 1810 in LTRO DP 111339), Hamilton Boulevard, Evanston Gardens. p33 and 34 DISTRICT COUNCIL OF MOUNT BARKER In and across East Parkway, Mount Barker. p9 and 10 Albion Court, Mount Barker. p9 and 10 Greenwood Street, Mount Barker. p9 and 10 CITY OF PORT ADELAIDE ENFIELD Brooklyn Terrace, Kilburn. p2 CITY OF SALISBURY Birch Avenue, Salisbury East. p27 BEETALOO COUNTRY LANDS WATER DISTRICT REGIONAL COUNCIL OF PORT PIRIE Murphy Court, Risdon Park South. p11 and 12 COFFIN BAY WATER DISTRICT DISTRICT COUNCIL OF THE LOWER EYRE PENINSULA Road A, Coffin Bay. p8 Easements in lot 600 in LTRO DP 111519 (proposed road Tea Tree Court in Land Division number 932/D023/10), Coffin Bay. p8 TOWNSHIP OF LOXTON WATER DISTRICT LOXTON WAIKERIE DISTRICT COUNCIL MacFarlane Avenue, Loxton. p28 MANNUM WATER DISTRICT PORT LINCOLN WATER DISTRICT CITY OF PORT LINCOLN Tennant Street, Port Lincoln. p1 PORT PIRIE WATER DISTRICT PORT PIRIE REGIONAL COUNCIL Across Wanderah Road, Port Pirie South. p15 Easement in lot 200 in LTRO DP 96289 (proposed road Porta Place in Land Division number 354/D011/14), Wanderah Road, Port Pirie South. p15 WATER MAINS LAID Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned water mains have been laid down by the South Australian Water Corporation and are not available for a constant supply of water to adjacent land. BARMERA WATERWORKS OUTSIDE BARMERA WATER DISTRICT THE BERRI BARMERA COUNCIL Marks Road, Barmera. p13 and 14 Easements in section 256, Marks Road, and lot 2 in LTRO DP 46755, Nookamka Terrace, county Hamley (Barmera). p13 and 14 SEWERS LAID Notice is hereby given that the following sewers have been laid down by the South Australian Water Corporation in the undermentioned drainage areas and are now available for house connections. ADELAIDE DRAINAGE AREA CITY OF CHARLES STURT Kooyonga Grove, West Lakes. FB 1259 p56 Reserve Parade, Findon. FB 1259 p58 Hill Street, Woodville South. FB 1260 p4 Third Street, Bowden. FB 1258 p22-24 Fourth Street, Bowden. FB 1258 p22-24 Roads shown as Third Street and Fourth Street in Land Division number 252/G266/11, Bowden. FB1258 p22-24 Gilbert Street, Ovingham. FB 1260 p12 TOWN OF GAWLER Nottle Lane, Evanston Gardens. FB 1258 p19-21 Robertson Street, Evanston Gardens. FB 1258 p19-21 Jenkins Street, Evanston Gardens. FB 1258 p19-21 MID MURRAY COUNCIL Spoonbill Court, Mannum. p22 and 23 CITY OF MARION Bray Street, Plympton Park. FB 1259 p57 Birch Crescent, Clovelly Park. FB 1260 p6 Thirza Avenue, Mitchell Park. FB 1260 p11 MANNUM-ADELAIDE COUNTRY LANDS WATER DISTRICT CITY OF MITCHAM Crystal Avenue, St Marys. FB 1260 p2 MID MURRAY COUNCIL Mannum Road, Mannum. p35-37 Barley Road, Mannum. p36-39 CITY OF ONKAPARINGA Fuller Terrace, Christies Beach. FB 1260 p5 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE CITY OF PORT ADELAIDE ENFIELD Brooklyn Terrace, Kilburn. FB 1259 p59 CITY OF SALISBURY Loral Street, Para Hills. FB 1259 p60 ALDINGA DRAINAGE AREA CITY OF ONKAPARINGA Shephard Road, Aldinga Beach. FB 1260 p1 MANNUM COUNTRY DRAINAGE AREA MID MURRAY COUNCIL Easements in reserve (lot 278 in LTRO DP 110558), Spoonbill Court, Mannum. FB 1258 p6, 7 and 9 Spoonbill Court, Mannum. FB 1258 p6-9 Easements in allotment piece 977 in LTRO DP 11286, lots 284 and 285 in LTRO DP 110558, allotment piece 978 and lot 287 in LTRO DP 111286, lots 289 and 290 in LTRO DP 110558, lot 291 in LTRO DP 111286 and lot 292 in LTRO DP 110558, Spoonbill Court, Mannum. FB 1258 p6, 7 and 9 MOUNT GAMBIER COUNTRY DRAINAGE AREA CITY OF MOUNT GAMBIER George Street, Mount Gambier. FB 1260 p3 MURRAY BRIDGE COUNTRY DRAINAGE AREA THE RURAL CITY OF MURRAY BRIDGE Easements in lot 16, Old Swanport Road and lot 15, Hindmarsh Road in LTRO DP 89831 (land division number 415/D077/07), Murray Bridge. FB 1258 p10-18 Easements in lot 14, Hindmarsh Road, and lot 17, Old Swanport Road in LTRO DP 89831 (land division number 415/D077/07), Murray Bridge. FB 1258 p10-18 PORT PIRIE COUNTRY DRAINAGE AREA PORT PIRIE REGIONAL COUNCIL Across Wanderah Road, Port Pirie South. FB 1258 p4 and 5 Easement in lot 200 in LTRO DP 96289 (proposed road Porta Place in Land Division number 354/D011/14), Wanderah Road, Port Pirie South. FB 1258 p4 and 5 OUTSIDE PORT PIRIE COUNTRY DRAINAGE AREA PORT PIRIE REGIONAL COUNCIL Murphy Court, Risdon Park South. FB 1258 p1-3 Easement in lot 8 in LTRO DP 111711, Murphy Court, Risdon Park South. FB 1258 p1-3 Easement in lots 2-4 in LTRO DP 111711, Murphy Court, Risdon Park South. FB 1258 p1-3 A. J. RINGHAM, Chief Executive Officer, South Australian Water Corporation 3015 3016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 AGRICULTURAL AND VETERINARY PRODUCTS (CONTROL OF USE) REGULATIONS 2004 Approval of Quality Assurance Schemes NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to Regulation 7 (2) of the Agricultural and Veterinary Products (Control of Use) Regulations 2004, the quality assurance schemes listed in Column A are approved by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries for the specified crop listed opposite in Column B. A person is an accredited participant of a particular scheme only if he or she satisfies the requirements specified in Column C. Column A Column B Column C A scheme established by the Woolworths Quality Assurance (WQA) Standard Version 08; published by Woolworths Supermarkets. Basil, chervil, chives, continental parsley, coriander, dill, lemon thyme, marjoram, mint, oregano, radish, red garnet, rocket, rosemary, sage, sorrel, spinach, tarragon, Thai basil, thyme and watercress. A current certification of WQA Version 08 for the supply of a crop of a kind for which the scheme is approved, issued in accordance with the relevant Standard. A scheme established by the Recommended International Code of Practice General Principles of Food Hygiene CAC/RCP 1-1969 including Annex on Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System and Guidelines for its Application, as adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in 1997. Basil, chervil, chives, continental parsley, coriander, dill, lemon thyme, marjoram, mint, oregano, radish, red garnet, rocket, rosemary, sage, sorrel, spinach, tarragon, Thai basil, thyme and watercress. A current certification meeting the requirements of Codex Alimentarius Alinorm: 97/13A for the supply of a crop of a kind for which the scheme is approved. A scheme established by the SQF 2000 Code, A HACCP-Based Supplier Assurance Code for the Food Manufacturing and Distributing Industries, 6th edition, published by the Safe Quality Food Institute, Arlington, USA. Basil, chervil, chives, continental parsley, coriander, dill, lemon thyme, marjoram, mint, oregano, radish, red garnet, rocket, rosemary, sage, sorrel, spinach, tarragon, Thai basil, thyme and watercress. A current certification (to Level 1, 2 or 3) of an SQF 2000 system for the supply of a crop of a kind for which the scheme is approved, issued in accordance with the SQF 2000 Code. A scheme established by the Coles Supplier Requirements Food—Supplier Standard— CSR-FV3. Basil, chervil, chives, continental parsley, coriander, dill, lemon thyme, marjoram, mint, oregano, radish, red garnet, rocket, rosemary, sage, sorrel, spinach, tarragon, Thai basil, thyme and watercress. A current certification meeting the requirements of the Coles Supplier Approval Program for the supply of a crop of a kind for which the scheme is approved, issued by Coles Supermarkets. Dated 26 July 2016. G. RAVEN, Chief Inspector (Plant Health Act 2009) for and on behalf of LEON BIGNELL, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3017 HOUSING IMPROVEMENT ACT 1940 Sub-Standard Declaration NOTICE is hereby given that the South Australian Housing Trust Board Delegate in the exercise of the powers conferred by the Housing Improvement Act 1940, does hereby declare the houses described in the table hereunder to be substandard for the purposes of Part 7 of the Housing Improvement Act 1940. No. of House and Street Locality 24 Barton Street, Blair Athol, S.A. 5084 Dated at Adelaide, 28 July 2016. Certificate of Title Volume Folio Allotment, Section, etc. Allotment 118 in Deposited Plan 4335, Hundred of Yatala 5708 279 P. REARDON, Director, Property and Contract Management, Housing SA (Delegate SAHT) HOUSING IMPROVEMENT ACT 1940 Rent Control WHEREAS by notice published in the Government Gazette on the dates mentioned in the following table the South Australian Housing Trust Board Delegate did declare the houses described in the said table to be substandard for the purposes of Part 7 of the Housing Improvement Act 1940, the South Australian Housing Trust Board Delegate in the exercise of the powers conferred by the said Part, does hereby fix as the maximum rental per week which shall be payable subject to Section 55 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1995, in respect of each house described in the following table the amount shown in the said table opposite the description of such house and this notice shall come into force on the date of this publication in the Gazette. Address of House 188 Norton Summit Road, Teringie, S.A. 5072 17 Mulgundawah Road, Murray Bridge, S.A. 5253 11 Berrin Road, Morphett Vale, S.A. 5162 20 Griffiths Drive, Moana, S.A. 5169 5 Arthurton Road, Ardrossan, S.A. 5571 Allotment, Section, etc. Certificate of Title Volume Folio Allotment 59 in Filed Plan 130313, Hundred of Adelaide Allotment 23 in Deposited Plan 4201, Hundred of Mobilong Allotment 515 in Deposited Plan 6691, Hundred of Noarlunga Allotment 195 in Deposited Plan 3752, Hundred of Willunga Allotment 297 in Filed Plan 197668, Hundred of Cunningham Dated at Adelaide, 28 July 2016. Date and page of Government Gazette in which notice declaring house to be substandard published Maximum rental per week payable in respect of each house $ 5891 903 2.6.2016, Page 1930 203.00 2168 5659 5232 101 367 132 2.6.2016, Page 1930 146.00 2.6.2016, Page 1930 202.00 4185 5715 5701 804 639 701 2.6.2016, Page 1930 158.00 19.5.2016, Page 1470 250.00 P. REARDON, Director, Property and Contract Management, Housing SA (Delegate SAHT) HOUSING IMPROVEMENT ACT 1940 Sub-Standard Revocations WHEREAS by notice published in the Government Gazette on the dates mentioned in the following table the South Australian Housing Trust Board Delegate did declare the houses described in the said table to be substandard for the purposes of Part 7 of the Housing Improvement Act 1940, and whereas the South Australian Housing Trust Board Delegate is satisfied that each of the houses described hereunder has ceased to be substandard, notice is hereby given that, in exercise of the powers conferred by the said Part, the South Australian Housing Trust does hereby revoke the said declaration in respect of each house. Address of House Allotment, Section, etc. 5 West Street, Beverley, S.A. 5009 (Also known as 5-7A) Allotment 34 in Filed Plan 122381, Hundred of Yatala 92 Queen Street, Peterborough, S.A. 5422 Allotment 601 in Filed Plan 185493, Hundred of Yongala Dated at Adelaide, 28 July 2016. Certificate of Title Volume Folio 2314 3780 5872 5664 69 118 381 92 Date and page of Government Gazette in which notice declaring house to be substandard published 22.7.1971, Page 225 11.9.2008, Page 4259 P. REARDON, Director, Property and Contract Management, Housing SA (Delegate SAHT) 3018 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 South Australia Motor Vehicles (Approval of Motor Bikes and Motor Trikes) Notice 2016 under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 1—Short title This notice may be cited as the Motor Vehicles (Approval of Motor Bikes and Motor Trikes) Notice 2016. 2—Commencement This notice will come into operation on the date of publication in this Gazette. 3—Approved motor bikes and motor trikes For the purposes of Schedules 2 and 3 of the Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010 and the transitional provisions of the Motor Vehicles Variation Regulations 2005 (No 233 of 2005), the motor bikes and motor trikes specified in Schedule 1 are approved. Schedule 1—Approved motor bikes and motor trikes 1—Motor bikes and motor trikes with an engine capacity not exceeding 260 ml All motor bikes and motor trikes with an engine capacity not exceeding 260 milliliters and a power to weight ratio not exceeding 150 kilowatts per tonne other than the following: Suzuki RGV250 Kawasaki KR250 (KR-1 and KR1s models) Honda NSR250 Yamaha TZR250 Aprilia RS250 The motor bikes and motor trikes listed in the table below: MAKE MODEL VARIANT NAME YEAR CAPACITY AJS MODEL 18 MODEL 18 pre 1963 497 MODEL 20 MODEL 20 1955-61 498 ALDY All models All models Sep-13 under 125 APRILIA Moto 6.5 Moto 6.5 1998-99 649 Mojito Mojito All 50 M35 SR MAX 300 2012 278 PEGASO 650 DUAL SPORTS 1994-01 652 PEGASO 650 OUTBACK 2000-01 652 PEGASO 650 Factory 650 2007-08 660 PEGASO 650 I.E. OUTBACK 2001-02 652 PEGASO 650 I.E. DUAL SPORTS 2001-06 652 28 July 2016 APRILLA (cont.) THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3019 RS125/SBK RS125/SBK 2013 125 SR 50R SR 50R All 50 SR MT 50 SR MT 50 All 49 SR MT 125 SR MT 125 All 124 SCARABEO 200 SCARABEO 200 All 181 SCARABEO 300 VRG 2009 278 SCARABEO 400 SCARABEO 400 2007 399 SCARABEO 500 SCARABEO 500 2007-08 460 SPORTCITY300 SPORTCITY300 2010-12 300 STRADA 650 ROAD 2006-08 659 STRADA 650 TRAIL 2006-08 659 VS (SXV 550) SXV 550 (VSS-VSL) 14.5kW 2006-08 553 VS (SXV 450) SXV 450 (VSR-VSH) 14kW 2006-08 449 VP (RXV 450) VPV-VPT-VPH 18.3kW 2006-10 449 VP (RXV 550) VPZ-VPX-VPL 20kW 2006-10 553 ASIAWING LD450 ODES MCF450 2011-13 449 ATK 605 605 1995 598 BENELLI VELVET DUSK VELVET DUSK 2003-05 383 P25 GT600 RESTRICTED 2014-15 600 P25 BN 600 RESTRICTED 2013-14 600 RR E3 RR350 2011 349 RR E3 RR400 2010-11 398 RR E3 RR450 2010-11 449 RR450 RR450 2008 448 RR450 RR450 2000-07 448 BETA BMW RR E3 RR520 2010-11 498 RR525 RR525 2008 510 RR525 RR525 2000-07 510 FUPA RR E3 RR 2T 300 2012 293 FUPA RR E3 RR350 20 2016 349 FUPA RR E3 RR390 31 2016 386 FUPA RR E3 RR430 32 2016 431 FUPA RR E3 RR480 33 2016 478 FUPA E5 E5 00 2015 293 C650 C600 Sport All 647 C650 C650 GT/Sport All 647 F650 FUNDURO 1995-00 652 F650CS SCARVER 2002-05 652 F650CS SE ROAD 2004-06 652 F650GS DAKAR 2000-08 652 F650GS F650GS 2000-08 652 F650ST F650ST 1998 652 F650 G650 GS 2009-16 652 F650 G650 GS Seratao 2012-16 652 G 450 X G 450 X 2008-10 450 3020 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE G650GS R45 R50 R60 R65 R65LS R69 LM25W BOLWELL All models BOLLINI A50 BSA A65 A7 B40 B44 B50 B50SS GOLDSTAR GOLD STAR LIGHTNING SPITFIRE MKIII THUNDERBOLT Blast Buell SEE KYMCO Bug ALPINA BULTACO FRONTERA SHERPA CALIFORNIA SCOOTER All models under 250cc 360WR CAGIVA 410TE 610TEE 650 ALAZZURA 650 ELFANT CANYON 500 CANYON 600 RIVER 600 W16 600 GP Series CCM GP Series CF 650 CFMOTO CF 650 CF 650 (400NK) CF 650 650 COSSCK All Models DAELIM Boulevard 50 DERBI GP1 250 MULHACEN BMW (cont.) 28 July 2016 Seratao R45 R50 R60 R65 R65LS R69 FIRENZE All models under 250 A50 A65 A7 B40 B44 B50 B50SS GOLDSTAR GOLD STAR LIGHTNING SPITFIRE MKIII THUNDERBOLT STREET FIGHTER All All 1969 1967 1981-88 1982-86 1961 2009 All 1964-70 1966-69 1961 1969 1967-71 1971 1971 1962 1964 1967 1968 2002-07 650 453 499 590 650 650 600 263 250 500 650 500 350 440 495 498 500 654 650 499 491 ALPINA FRONTERA SHERPA All models under 250cc 360WR 410TE 610TEE 650 ALAZZURA 650 ELFANT DUAL SPORTS DUAL SPORTS RIVER 600 W16 600 GP450-1(A1 30kW) GP450-2(A1 30kW) CF650NK-LAM CF650TK-LAM 400NK 650NK-LAM Ural All Models under 250 Boulevard 50 GP1 250 MULHACEN 1974 1974 1974 2014 1998-02 1996 1998 1984-88 1985-88 1999-06 1996-98 1995-98 1995-97 2015-16 2015-16 2012-16 2013 2016 2016 1974 All 350 360 350 249 348 399 576 650 650 498 601 601 601 450 450 649 649 400 649 649 under 250 50 250 659 2008 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3021 DERBI (cont.) RAMBLA RA 300 2010 278 DNEPR K650 K650 1972 650 K650 K650 DNEPR 1967-74 650 MT9 MT9 1974 650 400 MONSTER 400 MONSTER 2002 398 400 SIE 400 S I E monster 400 SS JUNIOR 400 SS 1989-96 398 400SS 400SS 1992-95 398 500SL PANTAH 1984 499 500 DESMO 500 Sport Desmo 1978 497 600 MONSTER 600 MONSTER 1994-01 583 600 MONSTER DARK 1998-01 583 600 S 600 SUPERSPORT 1994-97 583 600M 600M 1994-01 583 600SL PANTAH 1980-84 583 600SS 600SS 1994-98 583 620 MONSTER LITE M620 LITE 2003-07 618 620MULTISTRADALITE MTS620 24.5Kw 2005-07 618 659 Monster Monster 659 All 659 DM 350 350 pre 85 350 DM 450 450 pre 85 448 DM450 DM450 1972 450 DM500 DM500 1981-84 498 F3 350 F3 1986-89 349 F4 400 F4 1986 400 M4 M620ie LITE 2003-04 620 DUCATI 398 M5 Monster 659 2011 659 KA (Scrambler) 00AA Sixty2 2015-16 399 Cino 125 Cino 125 All 125 Elegante 125 Elegante 125 All 125 ELSTAR SHINERAY XY400 WB400 & WB400c 2015-16 397 ENFIELD BULLET CLASSIC 1993-08 499 see also Royal Enfield BULLET DELUXE 1993-08 499 BULLET ELECTRA ROAD 2006-08 499 EAGLE WING BULLET 350 DELUXE 1988-01 346 BULLET 350 SUPERSTAR 1988-95 346 BULLET 350 CLASSIC 1993-01 346 BULLETT 500 500 1995 499 BULLET 65 ROAD 2003-04 499 LIGHTNING ROAD 2000-08 499 MILITARY ROAD 2002-08 499 TAURAS DIESEL 2001 325 TZ EC300 2011-12 300 TZ Gas Gas EC30 2012 300 FONZARELLI 125 125 2014-15 Electric GAS-GAS EC300 SM SUPERMOTARD 2002 299 FANTIC 3022 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE GAS-GAS (cont.) GILERA HARLEY DAVIDSON HONDA EC300 EC400 EC450 EC450 EC450 FS 400 FS 450 FS 500 FSE 400 FSE 450 PAMPERA PAMPERA PAMPERA SM400 SM450 TT300 FUOCO 500 NEXUS 500 SS350 XGS SERIES 600V TRANSALP BROS C70 CB100 CB125e CB175 CB200 CB300 (FA) CB350 CB350F CB360 CB400 CB400F CB400N CB400T CB400 ABS CB450 CB500 FOUR CB500 TWIN CB500F CB500X CB550 CB650F CBR650F CB650 CBR125R ENDURO FSE ENDURO FSE ENDURO FSE SUPERMOTARD FSR ENDURO FS40A FS45 FS50 400 450 320 TRAIL 400 TRAIL 450 SUPERMOTARD SUPERMOTARD EC300 FUOCO 500 NEXUS 500 Sprint Street 500-XG500 16MY 600V BROS DREAM CB100 CB125e CB 175 K1-K6 CB200 CB300FA CB350 CB350F CB360 CB400 CB400F CB400N CB400T CB400 ABS CB450 CB500-FOUR K,K1,K2 CB500T CB500FA/F CB500XA CB550 CB650FA-LTD-16ym CBR650FA-LTD-16ym CB650 CBR125RR 2001-02 2002-03 2003-05 2003-08 2006-08 2006 2006 2006 2002 2003-08 1998-02 2006-08 2007-08 2003-08 2003-08 1998-08 2007-13 2003-08 1969-74 2014-15 1988 1992 pre 1970 All All 1969-74 All 2014-15 1969 1973 1973-74 1981-13 1975-77 1981 1977 2008-13 1967-75 1971-73 1974-78 2012-16 2013-16 1974-78 2015-16 2015-16 All 2004 28 July 2016 299 399 449 449 449 398 443 503 398 398 333 399 443 399 443 295 493 460 350 494 583 399 305 100 125 175 200 286 348 325 360 395 408 395 408 399 450 498 498 471 471 544 649 649 650 124.7 28 July 2016 HONDA (cont.) THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3023 CBR250R CBR250RR 1986-96 249.6 CBR500R CBR500RA 2012-16 471 CBX550 CBX550F 1982-85 572 CX500 CX500 1979 500 CJ360 CJ360 1976 356 CL450 CL450 1965-77 444 CRF150 150R/RB All 149 CRF250 CRF 250 (L/X/F/M/R) versions 2013 249 CRF400R CRF400R 2013 399 CRF450X CRF450X 2005-09 449 CX500 CX500 1977-82 495 DEAUVILLE NT650V 2002-06 647 CBR300R CBR300R 2014-15 286 CBR300R CBR300RA 2014-15 286 Forza 300 NSS300 Forza All 279 FJS400A SW-T400 2009 399 FT500 FT500 1984 498 FTS600D SILVERWING 2006-08 582 GB400 GB400 All 399 GB500 GB507 1987-91 498 GL400 GL400 1985 396 NF02 SH300 2009 279 NSS300 NSS300 2013 279 NT400 NT400 1989-92 400 NT650V DEAUVILLE 2003-06 647 NTV650 REVERE 1989-92 647 644 NX650 DOMINATOR 1988-00 PCX150 PCX150 153 REVERE REVERE 1990 647 SH150i SH150i 2005 152.7 SL350 SL350 1972 348 All 400 OBI RVF400 VFR400 OBI RVF400 Otobai import only Steed steed 2002 398 Today 50 Today All 50 VT400 VT 400 All 398 VT400C SHADOW 2009 399 VT500 VT500 1983-87 491 VT600C VT600C 1993-00 583 VT600C SHADOW VLX 1988-08 583 VTR250 Interceptor 1997-13 249 XBR500 XBR500 1986-89 499 XBR500SH XBR500 1986-89 499 XL350 XL350 1984-87 339 XL500 XL500 1979-84 498 XL600R XL600R 1984-87 589 XL600RMG XL600RMG 1986-88 591 3024 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE HONDA (cont.) HUNTER HUSABERG HUSQVARNA XL600VH XL650V XL650 XL650 XR250 XR350 XR350R XR350R XR400 XR400 MOTARD XR400R XR500R XR600R XR650L XR650R XR650R DD350E-6C DD350E-6C DD350E-2 FE250 FE350 FE400 FE450 FE501E FE501 FE570 FE600E FE650E FE650E FS450E FS450 FS570 FS650C/E FS650E TE300 300WR 310TE 310TE 350TE 400SM 400TE 410TE 410TE 450SM/R/RR 450TC 450TE TRANSALP 1987-89 TRANSALP 2002-08 TRANSALP 2005 XL650 All XR250R All XR350 1983 XR350R 1983-84 XR350R 1985-86 XR400 1996-08 XR400M 1996-08 XR400R 1996-08 XR500R 1983-84 XR600R 1985-00 XR650L/ XR650R 2001-06 XR650R Kss and Mss (only) 2004 XR650R (Australian version only) 1999-2001 DAYTONA 2010-13 SPYDER 2010-13 BOBBER 2011-13 ENDURO All ENDURO All ENDURO All ENDURO 2008-14 ENDURO 1997-12 ENDURO 2012-14 ENDURO 2008-10 ENDURO 1997-00 ENDURO 2004-08 ENDURO 2000-04 ENDURO 2004 SUPERMOTARD 2008-10 SUPERMOTARD 2009-10 SUPERMOTARD 2004-08 SUPERMOTARD 2002-04 TE Series 2010-14 WR300 2008-12 TE310 A3 2009-13 TE310 A2 2008-10 TE350 1995 SUPERMOTARD 2002-04 ENDURO 2000-01 ENDURO 1998-00 ENDURO 1994-97 SUPERMOTARD 2003-08 MOTOCROSS 2001-08 ENDURO 2001-07 28 July 2016 583 647 647 250 339 339 353 397 397 397 498 591 644 649 649 320 320 320 250 350 399 449 501 510 565 595 628 644 449 449 565 628 644 293 298 303 298 349 400 400 400 415 449 449 449 28 July 2016 HUSQVARNA (cont.) THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3025 450TE-IE ENDURO 2007-08 449 450TXC TRAIL 2007-08 449 A6 SMR 449 A600AB 2010-12 450 A6 TE 449 A600AATE449 2010-13 450 A6 SMR 511 A601AB 2010-12 478 A6 TE 511 A601AATE511 2010-13 478 A6 SMR 511 A602AB 2012 478 A8 TR650 TERRA 2013 652 A8 TR650 STRADA 2013 652 510SM SUPERMOTARD 2006-10 501 510TC MOTOCROSS 2004-07 501 510TE ENDURO 1986-08 510 510TE-IE TE510IE 2008 510 570TE 570TE(RP) 2000 577 610SM SUPERMOTARD 2000-08 577 TE610 TE610(RP), dual sports 2000 on 577 AE430 ENDURO 1986-88 430 SMS630 A401AB SMS630 2010-on 600 SMR449 SMR449 2011 449.6 SMR511 SMR511 2012 447.5 FE250 FE Enduro All 511 TE125 TE125 All 125 TE250/ R ENDURO TE250 2010 250 TE TE300 2014 on 298 FE FE350 2014 on 350 FE FE450 2014 on 449 FE FE501 2014 on 501 TE449 Enduro 2014 2013 449.6 TE510 (A2) Enduro 2013 2006-13 477.5 TE630 A401AA TE630 2010-on 600 2013 TR650 TR650 Terra WR125 ENDURO 124.82 652 WR250 ENDURO 249.3 WR260 ENDURO 1990-91 260 WR300 ENDURO 2010-13 293 WR360 ENDURO 1991-03 349 WR400 ENDURO 1984-88 396 WR430 ENDURO 1988 430 GT 250 EFI GT 250EFI All 249 GT250R EFI GT250R EFI All 249 GT650 EFI GT650EFI Lams All 647 GT650R EFI GT650R EFI Learner All 647 GV650C/S Lams model All 647 GV250 Aquila/EFI All 249 INDIAN VELO VELO 1969 500 JAWA 350 350 1974 350 HYOSUNG 3026 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE JAWA (cont.) JONWAY KAWASAKI 634 ROAD 638 ROAD MALIBU BR250E EN400 EN450 EN500 ER-5 ER-6NL ABS ER-650C ER-650C Ninja 250 EX300A (Ninja 300) ER300B EX400 Ninja 650 L model Ninja 650 Ninja 650 GPZ550 GT550 KL600 KL650 KLE500 KLR600 KLR650E KL650E KLX150 KLX250S KLX250SF KLX300R KLX400 KLX450R KLX650 KLX650R KZ400 KZ440 KZ500 KZ550 LE650D LE650D LTD440 LX400 S2 S3 KLE500 KLE650F 634 ROAD 638 ROAD MALIBU 320 Z250SL/Z250SL ABS Vulcan 450LTD Vulcan ER500 ER-6nl ABS learner model ER-6nL ER-6nL ABS 250r EX300B Ninja/ special (A&B) ER300B (Z300 ABS) GPX 400R Ninja 650RL Ninja 650RL ABS Ninja 650L ABS GPZ550 Z550 KLR600 KLR650 DUAL SPORTS KL600 KL650E KLR650 KLX150E/KLX150 L KLX250S KLX250SF KLX300R KLX400 KLX450R KLX650 ENDURO KZ400 KZ440 KZ500 KZ550 Versys 650L ABS Versys 650L ABS LTD440 LX400 Eliminator S2 S3 Versys 650L ABS Versys 650L ABS 1984-85 1985-86 2012 2014-16 1986 1985-87 1990-02 1999-06 2012-16 2009 2009-11 1986-current 2012-16 2015 1987-94 2009 2009-11 2011-16 1981-90 1984-88 1984-87 1987-99 1992-08 1984-87 1987-12 2013-16 All All 2013 1996-04 2003 2007-16 1989-95 1993-04 1974-84 1985 1979 1986 2010 2011-14 1982 1989 1972 1974 2013 2014-16 28 July 2016 343 343 320 249 400 454 500 498 649 649 649 249 296 296 399 649 649 649 553 553 564 651 498 564 651 651 249 249 292 400 449 651 651 398 443 497 547 649 649 443 398 346 400 649 649 28 July 2016 KAWASAKI (cont.) KTM THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3027 EN650B Vulcan S ABS/ABS L 2014-16 649 W400 EJ400AE 2006-09 399 Z400B2 KZ400B2 1979 398 Z400D KZ400D 1975 398 Z500 Z500 1980 498 ZR550 ZEPHYR 1991-99 553 ZZR400 ZZR400 1991 399 ZZR400 ZZR400 1992 399 2T-EXC 300 EXC 2012-16 293 125 Duke 125 exc All 125 200 Duke 200 exc All 193 250 Duke 250 EXC/F All 250 300 exc 300exc All 300 390 Duke 390 Duke All 390 125 EXC 125 EXC All 125 200 EXC 200 EXC All 193 250 EXC/F 250 EXC/F All 249 300EXC ENDURO 1984-11 293 300EXC-E ENDURO 2007-08 293 300GS ENDURO 1990-95 280 350EXC-F ENDURO 2011-on 347 350EXC Special-R ENDURO 2005-06 350 360EXC ENDURO 1996-98 360 380EXC ENDURO 2000 368 RC390 RC390 all 390 4T-EXC RACING 350 EXC-F 2012-16 350 4T-EXC RACING 450 EXC 2012-16 449 4T-EXC RACING 500 EXC 2012-16 510 400EXC ENDURO 2008-11 393 400GS ENDURO 1993-99 400 400SC 400SC 1996-98 400 400TE 400TE 2001 400 450EXC ENDURO 2002-07 448 450EXC ENDURO 2005-11 449 450EXC ENDURO 2011-on 449 500EXC ENDURO 2011-on 510 500GS ENDURO 1984-91 553 510EXC ENDURO 1999-02 510 520EXC ENDURO 2000-02 510 525EXC ENDURO 2002-05 510 525EXC-R ENDURO 2005-07 510 530EXC ENDURO 2008-11 510 600 ENDURO ENDURO 1987-93 553 600 ENDURO INCAS ENDURO 1989-90 553 625SMC 625SMC 2004 609 640 4T -EGS 640 LC4-EMY04 2004-05 625 3028 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE KTM (cont.) KYMCO LAMBRETTA LARO LAVERDA LIFAN LIFENG LONCIN MAGELLI MAICO MATCHLESS MCI MBK MONTESA MOTO GUZZI MOTO MORINI MUZ MV AGUSTA 640 4T -EGS 660 SMC Freeride IS DUKE All model V2 All model DD350E-6C Cruiser250 SPT series V Retro 250 500 All model Regal Raptor LX 250-8 250 R SE 250S Enduro G12 G80 G80 All models FALCONE COTA 330 COTA 335 COTA 348T COTA 350 350 GT Falcone V35 V50 V50 V65 V65 3.5 ROAD 350 SPORT 500 CAMEL 500 SEI 500 STRADA BAGHIRA MASTIFF SKORPION SKORPION SKORPION SKORPION 350 640 LC4-MY05 4T-EGS Freeride (MY12 on) 390 DUKE (C3) All models downtown 350i (V23010-V23000) Lambretta Pro Street 350 cruiser 250 SPT350 retro250 500 All models CRUISER 350 LX 250-8 250 R SE 250S 500E G12 HARRIS G80 All models under 250 YAMAHA XT660R/X TRIAL TRIAL TRIAL TRIAL 350 GT Falcone V35 V50 Monza V65 Lario 3.5 ROAD 350 SPORT TRAIL 500 SEI 500 STRADA ENDURO SUPERMOTARD REPLICA SPORT TRAVELLER TOUR 350 28 July 2016 2004-05 2004 2012 2013 2015-16 pre 2008 2011 2011 1979 2009-10 2011 All All All 1984-88 pre 1966 1988-90 pre 1963 All 2005-08 1985-86 1986-88 1984-87 1984-85 1992 1972 1977-90 1977-79 1980-85 1982-94 1984-89 1984-85 1974-85 1984-86 1984-85 1977-85 1999-02 1999-02 1998-02 1998-02 1998-02 1998-02 1972-76 625 654 350 373 under 300 321 under 660 320 234 320 249 497 under 300 320 250 250 250 488 646 494 497 250 660 328 327 305 349 350 498 346 490 490 643 643 344 344 479 479 479 660 660 660 660 660 660 349 28 July 2016 NORTON THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3029 650SS 650SS 1961-68 650 ES2 ES2 pre 1963 490 MANXMAN b 1961 650 MODEL 50 MODEL 50 1933-63 348 MODEL 88 DOMINATOR pre 1966 497 NAVIGATOR NAVIGATOR 1964 350 OZ TRIKE FUN 500 FUN 500 pre 2008 500 PANTHER MODEL 100 600 pre 1963 598 MODEL 120 650 pre 1966 645 GEOPOLIS AEAA 2007-08 399 SATELIS AEAA 2007-08 399 SATELIS AFAA 2007-08 493 PGO All models All models under 220 All 220 PIAGGIO All Models All models 2010-15 under 350 QJ MOTORCYCLES BJ60 BJ60 All 600 P25 BJ600 All 600 RICKMAN 650 Triumph 1964 649 RIYA RY300T (RY) RY300T 2012-15 288 ROYAL ENFIELD All models under660 All models under 660 till 2014 UMI CONTINENTAL CONTINENTAL GT 2015 535 UMI BULLET U3S 2015-16 346 UMI BULLET BULLET 500 CKE 2015-16 499 PEUGEOT RS HONDA XR400M MOTARD 2005-08 397 RUDGE WHITWORTH 650 Rudge pre 1961 650 SACH All models All models 1980-13 125 SHERCO S4 ENDURO 2005-06 under 125 S4 ENDURO 250 2010 248 S4 ENDURO 450 2007-10 448 S4 ENDURO 510 2007-10 510 S4 ENDURO 300 2010 290 AN400 BURGMAN 2008-14 400 AN650 BURGMAN 2002-15 638 Burgman 650 Burgman 650 All 638 Burgman 400ABS Burgman 400ABS All 400 DR350 All 1991-98 349 DR400 DR400 1999 400 DR500 All 1981-84 498 DR600R DR600R 1985-90 598 SUZUKI DR650 All 1990-08 644 DR650SE DR650SE 1997-14 644 DR-Z250 DR-Z250 All 249 DR-Z400E DR-Z400E All 398 DR-Z400S DR-Z400S 2005-14 398 DR-Z400SM DR-Z400SM 2005-16 398 DL650XAUE V-Strom 650 XT learner approved 2014-15 645 DL650AUE V Strom 2013-14 645 3030 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE SUZUKI (cont.) SWM SYM TGB TM Gladius SV650-3 GN125 GZ/GN250 GN400 GR650 GS400 RMX450Z GS450 GS500 GS500E GS500F GS550 GSR400 GSX400 GSX400 GSX650F GT250 GT380 GT500 GT550 Intruder VL/LC 250 GW250/Z KATANA 550 LS650 LS650 PE400 RE5 SFV650U SP370 SV650S LAMS TU250X T500 TS400 XF650 AI A2 A2 A3 All Models LN All Models 300E 3002T 400E 450E SVF650 U/UA SV650 UA GN125 Marauder GN400 All GS400 RMX450 All GS500 GS500E GS500F All GSR400 F E GSX650 /FU GT250 Hustler GT380 GT500 GT550 Intruder VL/LC 250 Inazuma 250 KATANA 550 Boulevard S40 SAVAGE PE400 ROTARY SFV650U ENDURO SV650SU LAMs gladdius TU250X T500 TS400 FREEWIND 01/AA and 01/AB 01/AA 03/AA and 03/AB 00-01-02 All models under 400 GTS 300i Sport All models under 300 ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO ENDURO 2009-14 2015-16 All All 1980-81 1983-88 1976-82 2014-15 1981-89 2000-13 1976-99 2003-13 1977-82 2006-08 1981-04 1981-84 2008-12 All 1973-78 1976-78 1973-78 All 2013-15 1981-83 2015 1986-89 1980-81 1974 2009-15 1978 2008/13 All 1970-74 1976 1997-01 2015-16 2016 2016 2016 2008-12 2015-16 2012 2000-08 2010 2002-03 2003-08 28 July 2016 645 645 125 250 400 651 400 449 450 487 492 487 549 398 398 398 656 250 380 500 550 249 248 550 652 652 400 500 645 370 645 249 500 400 644 600 300 500 445 400 278 300 294 297 400 449 28 July 2016 TM (cont.) TORINO TRIUMPH URAL THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3031 450MX 450MX 2008 449 4504T ENDURO 2010 450 530E ENDURO 2003-08 528 530MX 530MX 2008 528 5304T ENDURO 2010 528 All Models All models 2013 under 250 21 21 1963 350 DAYTONA 500 DAYTONA 500 1970 490 Street triple LAMs Street Triple 659 L67Ls7 2014 659 T100 TIGER pre-1970 498 T120 BONNEVILLE 1959-74 649 TR5 TROPHY 1969 449 TR6 TROPHY 1961-73 649 TR7 TIGER 1971 649 TRIBSA TRIBSA 1960-70 650 DNIEPNER DNIEPNER 1974 650 K650 K650 1967-74 650 MT9 MT9 1974 650 THRUXTON THRUXTON 1965-67 499 VESPA All Models All models until 1/09/2013 50-300 VOR 400 ENDURO 400 ENDURO 2000 399 450 ENDURO 450 ENDURO 2002 450 500 ENDURO 500 ENDURO 2001 503 530 ENDURO 530 ENDURO 2001 530 VOR ENDURO 400SM 2000-01 399 VOR ENDURO 500SM 2000-01 503 XINGYUE XY400Y XY400Y 2008-09 400 YAMAHA DT400 DT400 1976-77 400 FZR 250 FZR 250 All 249 FZ6R FZ6R All 600 FZ600 FZ600 All 600 IT426 IT426 1987 426 IT465 IT465 1987 465 IT490 IT490 1983 490 MT-03 MT03 2011 on 660 MT 07 MT07 & MT07LAF 2015-16 655 MTN320 MTN320-A All 321 MX400 MX400 1976 400 RD350 RD350 to 1975 350 RD400 RD400 1976 398 RT2 RT2 1970 360 RT350 RT350 1972 347 SR185 SR185 All 185 SR250 SR251 All 249 SR400 SR400 All 400 3032 YAMAHA (cont.) THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE SR500 SRX400 SRX600 SZR660 Tenere T MAX TT250R TT350 TT500 TT600 TT600E TT600R TTR230 TX650 Virago WR250R WR250F WR400F WR426F WR450F WR450F XC125 XJ550 XJ6 XJ6 XJR400 XJR400 XS250 XS400 XSR700 XP500 XP500 XS650 XT250 XT350 XT500 XT550 XT600 XT660R XT660X XT660Z T N R XTZ660 XV400 XV535 XVS400 XVS650A/custom SR500 SRX400 SRX600 SZR660 Tenere Tmax 530 TT250R TT350 TT500 TT600 TT600E TT600R TT-R230 TX650 XV250 WR250R WR250F WR400F Belgarda import ONLY WR450F WR450F (2GC) vity XJ550 XJ6FL/NL (25kW & 35kW) XJ6SL (25kW) ZJR400 4HM XS250 XS400 RM131 XP500 XP500 XS650 XT250 XT350 XT500 XT550 XT600 XT660R XT660X XT660Z XT660Z Tenere XV400 Virago XV535 Virago XVS400 Dragstar XVS650 custom and classic 1978-81 1985-90 1996 1997 All All All 1986-01 1975 All All All All 1976 All All All 1998-00 2001 All All All 1981-82 All All 1999 2003 All All 2015-16 All All 1972-84 All All All All All All All All All 1983 All years 2001-03 All years 28 July 2016 499 400 608 659 660 530 223 346 500 595 595 595 230 653 250 250 250 399 426 450 449 125 528 600 600 400 399 249 391 655 499 530 653 249 346 499 552 590 659 659 660 659 399 535 400 649 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE YAMAHA (cont.) 3033 XZ400 XZ400 1982 399 XZ550 XZ550 1982-83 550 YP400 MAJESTY All 395 YZF-R15 YZF-R15 All 150 YZF R3 YZF R3A All 321 Zero DS Zero DS until 2015 Electric S Zero S until 2015 Electric Zhejiang HT300T Base 2015 275 Zongshen ZS250GS ZS250GS All 250 2—Motor bikes and motor trikes with an engine capacity not less than 261 ml and not exceeding 660 ml Note: The following are approved: • All motorcycles built before December 1960 with an engine capacity not exceeding 660ml • All motorcycles with electric powered engines, with a power output not in excess of 25kw Schedule 2—Revocation The Motor Vehicles (Approval of Motor Bikes and Motor Trikes) Notice 2016 made on 30 June 2016 (Gazette no.39, p.2731) is revoked. 26 July 2016 Tim Harker DEPUTY REGISTRAR OF MOTOR VEHICLES 3034 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACT 2004 Notice of Volume of Water Available for Allocation from the River Murray Consumptive Pool PURSUANT to Section 146 (4) of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 (‘the Act’), I, Ian Hunter, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation for the State of South Australia and Minister to whom the Act is committed, hereby determine the volume of water available from the River Murray Consumptive Pool of the River Murray Prescribed Watercourse for allocation to water access entitlement holders for the period 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017, is set out in Schedule 1 below: SCHEDULE 1 Class of Water Access Entitlement Water Allocation Rate as a % of Nominal Maximum Water Allocation Rate of 1 kL/unit share Volume of Water Available for Allocation Water Allocation Rate (kL) (kL/unit share) (%) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 68 52 52 52 100 25 52 52 100 Class 1 Class 2 Class 3a Class 3b Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 Class 9 8 704 910 34 000 000 286 350 741 7 307 065 2 300 234 5 568 841 32 500 000 19 950 606 11 544 000 42 502 135 This Notice will remain in effect until 30 June 2017, unless earlier varied. Dated 26 July 2016. IAN HUNTER, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation PETROLEUM AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY ACT 2000 Grant of Associated Activities Licence—AAL 238 (Adjunct to Petroleum Production Licence PPL 260) NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Associated Activities Licence has been granted with effect from 22 July 2016, under the provisions of the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000, pursuant to delegated powers dated 21 March 2012. No. of Licence AAL 238 Licensees Beach Energy Limited Great Artesian Oil and Gas Pty Ltd Area km² Locality Reference 4.62 Cooper Basin F2016/000369 Description of Area A map and GIS data for the description of area is available from the Department of State Development website at the following location: or by contacting the Department of State Development, Energy Resources Division on telephone (08) 8463 3204. Dated 22 July 2016. B. A. GOLDSTEIN, Executive Director, Energy Resources Division, Department of State Development, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3035 PETROLEUM AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY ACT 2000 Grant of Associated Activities Licence—AAL 239 (Adjunct to Petroleum Production Licence PPL 261) NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Associated Activities Licence has been granted with effect from 22 July 2016, under the provisions of the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000, pursuant to delegated powers dated 21 March 2012. No. of Licence AAL 239 Licensees Beach Energy Limited Great Artesian Oil and Gas Pty Ltd Area km² Locality Reference 3.16 Cooper Basin F2016/000602 Description of Area A map and GIS data for the description of area is available from the Department of State Development website at the following location: or by contacting the Department of State Development, Energy Resources Division on telephone (08) 8463 3204. Dated 22 July 2016. B. A. GOLDSTEIN, Executive Director, Energy Resources Division, Department of State Development, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy PETROLEUM AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY ACT 2000 Grant of Associated Activities Licence—AAL 240 (Adjunct to Petroleum Production Licence PPL 262) NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Associated Activities Licence has been granted with effect from 22 July 2016, under the provisions of the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000, pursuant to delegated powers dated 21 March 2012. No. of Licence AAL 240 Licensees Beach Energy Limited Great Artesian Oil and Gas Pty Ltd Area km² Locality Reference 0.19 Cooper Basin F2016/000603 Description of Area A map and GIS data for the description of area is available from the Department of State Development website at the following location: or by contacting the Department of State Development, Energy Resources Division on telephone (08) 8463 3204. Dated 22 July 2016. B. A. GOLDSTEIN, Executive Director, Energy Resources Division, Department of State Development, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy PETROLEUM AND GEOTHERMAL ENERGY ACT 2000 Grant of Associated Activities Licence—AAL 241 (Adjunct to Petroleum Exploration Licence PEL 512) NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned Associated Activities Licence has been granted with effect from 21 July 2016, under the provisions of the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000, pursuant to delegated powers dated 21 March 2012. No. of Licence Licensees Area Km² Locality Reference AAL 241 Discovery Energy SA Pty Ltd 44.10 Cooper Basin F2016/000702 Description of Area All that part of the State of South Australia, bounded as follows: Commencing at a point being the intersection of latitude 28°04′22″S GDA94 and longitude 139°09′32″E GDA94, thence east to longitude 139°18′31″E GDA94, south to latitude 28°08′29″S GDA94, east to longitude 139°20′32″E GDA94, south to latitude 28°13′00″S GDA94, west to longitude 139°20′00″E GDA94, north to latitude 28°09′00″S GDA94, west to longitude 139°18′00″E GDA94, north to latitude 28°05′00″S AGD66, west to longitude 139°10′00″E AGD66, south to latitude 28°13′02″S GDA94, west to longitude 139°09′32″E GDA94 and north to the point of commencement. Area: 44.10 km2 approximately. Dated 21 July 2016. B. A. GOLDSTEIN, Executive Director, Energy Resources Division, Department of State Development, Delegate of the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy 3036 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 TRAINING AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT ACT 2008 Part 4—Apprenticeships/Traineeships Pursuant to the provision of the Training and Skills Development Act 2008, the Training and Skills Commission (TaSC) gives notice that determines the following Trades or Declared Vocations in addition to the gazette notices of: 1. 25 September 2008 5. 18 December 2008 9. 12 March 2009 13. 25 June 2009 17. 9 October 2009 21. 4 February 2010 25. 8 April 2010 29. 17 June 2010 33. 23 September 2010 37. 23 December 2010 41. 19 May 2011 45. 10 November 2011 49. 16 December 2011 53. 1 March 2012 57. 7 June 2012 61. 5 July 2012 65. 9 August 2012 69. 18 October 2012 73. 13 December 2012 77. 28 February 2013 81. 28 March 2013 85. 13 June 2013 89. 8 August 2013 93. 12 June 2014 97. 23 October 2014 101. 27 May 2015 105. 30 June 2016 2. 23 October 2008 6. 29 January 2009 10. 26 March 2009 14. 27 August 2009 18. 22 October 2009 22. 11 February 2010 26. 6 May 2010 30. 24 June 2010 34. 4 November 2010 38. 17 March 2011 42. 30 June 2011 46. 24 November 2011 50. 22 December 2011 54. 29 March 2012 58. 14 June 2012 62. 12 July 2012 66. 30 August 2012 70. 25 October 2012 74. 25 January 2013 78. 7 March 2013 82. 26 April 2013 86. 20 June 2013 90. 15 August 2013 94. 28 August 2014 98. 5 February 2015 102. 18 June 2015 106. 28 July 2016 3. 13 November 2008 7. 12 February 2009 11. 30 April 2009 15. 17 September 2009 19. 3 December 2009 23. 18 February 2010 27. 20 May 2010 31. 8 July 2010 35. 25 November 2010 39. 7 April 2011 43. 21 July 2011 47. 1 December 2011 51. 5 January 2012 55. 24 May 2012 59. 21 June 2012 63. 19 July 2012 67. 13 September 2012 71. 8 November 2012 75. 14 February 2013 79. 14 March 2013 83. 23 May 2013 87. 11 July 2013 91. 29 August 2013 95. 4 September 2014 99. 26 March 2015 103. 3 December 2015 4. 4 December 2008 8. 5 March 2009 12. 18 June 2009 16. 24 September 2009 20. 17 December 2009 24. 18 March 2010 28. 3 June 2010 32. 9 September 2010 36. 16 December 2010 40. 21 April 2011 44. 8 September 2011 48. 8 December 2011 52. 19 January 2012 56. 31 May 2012 60. 28 June 2012 64. 2 August 2012 68. 4 October 2012 72. 29 November 2012 76. 21 February 2013 80. 21 March 2013 84. 30 May 2013 88. 1 August 2013 92. 6 February 2014 96. 16 October 2014 100. 16 April 2015 104. 7 April 2016 Trades or Declared Vocations and Required Qualifications and Training Contract Conditions for the Maritime Training Package MAR *Trade/ #Declared Vocation/ Other Occupation Code Title Nominal Term of Training Contract Probationary Period Comments Shore-based Linesperson # MAR20116 Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Linesperson) 12 months 60 days No sea time required for licencing Integrated Rating # MAR30116 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Integrated Rating) 24 months 60 days A mandatory requirement of 36 weeks sea time to be completed for licencing 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3037 Trades or Declared Vocations and Required Qualifications and Training Contract Conditions for the Transport and Logistics Training Package TLI Nominal Term of Training Contract Probationary Period Certificate III in Logistics 18 months 60 days TLI42016 Certificate IV in Logistics 36 months 90 days Road Transport Operator # TLI21716 Certificate II in Road Transport Yard Operations (Freight Handler) 18 months 60 days Road Transport Operator # TLI31216 Certificate III in Driving Operations 24 months 60 days Storeworker # TLI21616 Certificate II in Warehousing Operations 12 months 60 days Storeworker # TLI41816 Certificate IV in Warehousing Operations 36 months 90 days *Trade/ #Declared Vocation/ Other Occupation Code Logistics Administration Officer # TLI32416 Logistics Administration Officer # Title REAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICE WHEREAS the persons named at the foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the land set forth and described before his name at the foot hereof brought under the operation of the Real Property Act: Notice is hereby given that unless caveat be lodged with the Registrar-General by some person having estate or interest in the said lands on or before the expiration of the period herein below for each case specified, the said several pieces of land will be brought under the operation of the said Act as by law directed. Diagrams delineating these parcels of land may be inspected at the Lands Titles Registration Office, Adelaide, and in the offices of the several corporations or district councils in which the lands are situated. THE SCHEDULE No. of Application 32012 Description of Property Portion of Section 1495, Hundred of Noarlunga, in the area named Glenelg North and more particularly defined as Allotment 155 on Filed Plan No. 10792. Name Into the Next Century Pty Ltd Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged Residence 631 Anzac Highway, Glenelg North, S.A. 5045 Dated 22 July 2016, at the Lands Titles Registration Office, Adelaide. 25 September 2016 B. PIKE, Registrar-General REAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICE WHEREAS the persons named at the foot hereof have each respectively for himself made application to have the land set forth and described before his name at the foot hereof brought under the operation of the Real Property Act: Notice is hereby given that unless caveat be lodged with the Registrar-General by some person having estate or interest in the said lands on or before the expiration of the period herein below for each case specified, the said several pieces of land will be brought under the operation of the said Act as by law directed. Diagrams delineating these parcels of land may be inspected at the Lands Titles Registration Office, Adelaide, and in the offices of the several corporations or district councils in which the lands are situated. THE SCHEDULE No. of Application Description of Property Name 32010 Portion of Section 490, Hundred of Yatala, in the area named Klemzig and more particularly defined as Portion of Allotment 102 marked in background data as Pt. Sec. 490 on Filed Plan No. 250595. Assett Property Group Pty Ltd Dated 22 July 2016, at the Lands Titles Registration Office, Adelaide. Date up to and inclusive of which caveat may be lodged Residence 15 Gorge Road, Paradise, S.A. 5045 25 September 2016 B. PIKE, Registrar-General 3038 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 RULES OF COURT Magistrates Court of South Australia Amendment 13 to the Magistrates Court (Civil) Rules 2013 PURSUANT to Section 49 of the Magistrates Court Act 1991, and all other enabling powers, we, the undersigned, do hereby make the following amendments to the Magistrates Court (Civil) Rules 2013 as amended. 1. These Rules may be cited as the ‘Magistrates Court (Civil) Rules 2013 (Amendment 13)’. 2. The Magistrates Court (Civil) Rules 2013 (‘the Rules’) as amended by these amendments apply to and govern all actions commenced in the civil division of the Court on and after the date on which these amendments are gazetted. 3. The note to rule 26 is amended to delete ‘$25 000’ and replace it with ‘$12 000’. 4. In the Third Schedule: Cost Scales—Cost Scale 1: ‘$25 001—100 000’ is deleted and replaced with ‘$12 001—100 000’. Shared costs, 5. In the Third Schedule: Cost Scales—Cost Scale 2: Minor Civil Actions, ‘$1—25 000’ is deleted and replaced with ‘$1—12 000’. 6. Rule 129 is amended to delete ‘application’ and replace it with ‘interlocutory application’. 7. Rule 143 is deleted. 8. Rule 144 is deleted. 9. Form 3A is deleted and replaced with Form 3A. 10. Form 3B is deleted and replaced with Form 3B. 11. Form 3C is deleted and replaced with Form 3C. 12. Form 3D is deleted and replaced with Form 3D. 13. Form 3E is deleted and replaced with Form 3E. 14. Form 3F is deleted and replaced with Form 3F. 15. Form 3G is deleted and replaced with Form 3G. 16. Form 23C is deleted and replaced with Form 23C. 17. Form 55 is deleted. 18. Form 56 is deleted. 19. Form 57 is deleted. 20. Form 58 is deleted. Signed on the 29th day of June 2016. MARY-LOUISE HRIBAL, Chief Magistrate ANDREW JAMES CANNON, Deputy Chief Magistrate IAN WHITE, Magistrate LYNETTE DUNCAN, Magistrate 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3039 Fonn 3A FENCES ACT 1975 APPLI CATION Court Use Date Filed Magistrates Court of South Australia (Civil Divisi on) Date of Posting I Action No T rial Court Address I Street CityITown/Suburb I State Telephone $ Court Fee on Filing $ Service and Other Fee $ Solicitor's Fee $ TOTAL CLAIM ED $ OX I Email Address I Postcode Amount Claimed (if any) I Facsimile Plaintiff/s Full Name Address (Registered Office, if Body Corporate) I Telephone Street CityITown/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I State I Facsimile I ox I Facsimile I ox I Email Address I Postcode I Defenda nt/s Full Name Address (Registered Office, ifBody Corporate) I Telephone Street Cdy/Town/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I State I Poslcode I Email Address I You both must attend at the Trial Court for the Directions Hearing fixed by the Court or this application may be decided without you. If the amount claimed is more than $1 2,000, you may elect at the Directions Hearing to remove this claim from the minor civil jurisdiction and then a higher cost scale applies and you can be represented by a la wyer at the trial. If the amount claimed is $1 2,000 or less, or if you make no election, a lawyer cannot represent you at the trial (subject to some exceptions in s 38(4)(a) of the Magistrates Court Act 1991) and the minor civil cost scale will apply. T his is an applicatio n for a determination of a difference or dispute in relation to a fence/proposed fence between: Plaintif f 's Land (address) Street I City/Town/Subvrb I State I Poslcode I CityITown/Subvrb I Stale I Postcode Defendant 's Land (address) Street .................................................. ....................................................................... Date PLAINTIFF Please attach a copy of any notice of intention to perform fencing work, cros s notice or notice of objection which has been given. 3040 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 Form 3B NE IGHBOURHOO D DISPUT E APPLICATION Court Use Date Filed Magistrates Court of South Australia (Civil Division) Date of Posting I Action No T rial Court Address I Telephone Street Citv!Town/Suburb l l State Posfcode Amount Claimed (if any) $ Court Fee on Filing $ Service a nd Other Fee $ Solicitor's Fee $ TOTAL C LAIM ED $ Facsimile I DX I Facsimile I DX I Facsimile I ox l Email Address Plaintifffs Full Name Address I Telephone Street (Registered Office, if Body Corporate) CityITown/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I State I Postcode I Email Address I Defendant/s Full Name Address I Telephone Street (Registered Office, if Body Corporate) City!Town/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I State I Poslcode I Email Address I You both must attend at the Trial Court for the Directions Hearing fixed by the Court or this application may be decided without you. If the amount claimed is more than $1 2,000, you may elect at the Directions Hearing to remove this claim from the minor civil jurisdiction and then a higher cost scale applies and you can be represented by a lawyer at the trial. If the amount claimed is $1 2,000 or less, or if you make no election, a lawyer cannot represent yo u at the trial (subject to some exceptions in s 38(4)(a) of the Magistrates Court Act 1991) and the minor civil cost scale will apply. Briefly state the facts giving rise to this application: Date PLA INTI FF 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3041 Form 3C RETAI L AND COMM ERCIAL LEASES APPLICATION Court Use Magistrates Court of South Australia (Civil Division) Date Filed: Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995 Sections 12, 15, 68, 76(8) and 77(2) Landlord and Tenant Act 1936 (other than applicati ons to which Sections 12 and 20 of the Date Posted Retail and Commercial Leases Act 1995 apply) I Action No T rial Court Address I Telephone Street I State Cityffown/Suburb I Postcode Amount Claimed (if any) $ Court Fee on Filing $ Serv ice and Other Fee $ Solicitor's Fee $ TOTAL CLAIMED $ Facsimile I DX I Email Address Applicant Full Name Address I Telephone Street (Registered Office, if Body Corporate) I State Cityffown/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I Postcode I Facsimile I Email Address I Other Party Full Name Address I Street (Registered Office, if Body Corporate) I State Cityffown/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I Facsimile I Email Address I T his is an application by the D lessor I D D D D D D I Postcode Telephone D lessee for an order under: s 12 - false or misleading disclosure statement s 15 - recovery of premium paid in connection with the granting of a retail shop lease s 68 - general jurisdiction s 76(8 ) - dispute about abandoned goods s 77(2) - exemption f rom provisions of the Act Landlord and Tenant Act 1936 and reg 14 of the Retail and Commercial Leases Regulations 2010 T he relevant retail shop lease is dated the and address of shopping centre) - day of 20 and is for a shop at (please state the name 3042 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 Briefly state the facts giving rise to this applicat ion and the remedy you want': You both must attend at the Trial Court for the Directions Hearing fixed by the Court or this application may be decided without you. If the amount claimed is more than $12,000, you may elect at the Directions Hearing to remove this claim from the minor civil jurisdiction and then a higher cost scale applies and you can be represented by a lawyer at the trial. If the amount claimed is $12,000 or less, or if you make no election, a lawyer cannot represent you at the trial (subject to some exceptions ins 38(4)(a) of the Magistrates Court Act 1991) and the minor civil cost scale will apply. Date *Relief sought pursuant to s 12(5) Retail and Comm ercial Leases Act 1995 includes: (a) an order avoiding the lease in whole or part; (b) an order varying the lease; (c) an order requiring the lessor to repay money paid by the lessee; (d) an order requiring the lessor to pay compensation to the lessee; (e) an order dealing with incidental or ancillary matters. APPLICANT 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3043 Form 3D REFERRAL BY SMALL BUSINESS COMMISS IONER Magistrates Court of South Australia (Civil Division) Court Use Date Filed Retail an d Commercial Leases Act 1995 Date of Posting Section 20(6) l Trial Court Address Action No I Telephone Street I State CityITown/Suburb I Postcode Facsimile lox I Email Address Referee (Small Business Comm issioner) Address I Telephone Street I State CityITown/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I Postcode Facsimile I OX Facsimile I OX Facsim1e I OX I Email Address I Lessor/Landlord Full Name Address I Telephone Street (Registered Office, if Body Corporate) I State CityITown/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I Postcode I Email Address I Lessee/Tenant Full Name Address I Telephone Street (Register ed Office, if Body Corporate) I CityITown/Suburb Solicitor (if any) State I Postcode I Email Address I You both must attend at the Trial Court for the Directions Hearing fixed by the Court or this application may be decided without you. If the amount claim ed is m ore than $1 2,000, you m ay elect at the Directions Hearing to remove this claim from the minor civil jurisdiction and then a higher cost scale applies and you can be represented by a lawyer at the trial. If the amount claim ed is $1 2,000 or less, or if you m ake no election, a lawyer cannot rep resent you at the trial (subject to some excep tions in s 38(4)(a) of the Magistrates Court Act 1991) and the minor civil cost scale will apply. This is a referral by the Small Business Commissioner of a dis pute over a security bond of$ The relevant retail shop lease is dated the and address of shopping centre) - day of 20 and is fo r a shop at (please state the name Briefly state the facts giving rise to this application: Date (Signed on behalf of the Commissioner) 3044 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 Form 3E Court Use SECOND-HAND V EHICLE DEALERS ACT 1995 APPLICAT ION Date Filed: Date Posted: Magistrates Court of South Australia (Civil Division) Service on the Commissioner for Consumer Affairs : I Action No T rial Court Address I Telephone Street I State CityfTown/Suburb I Postcode Amount Claimed (if any) $ Court Fee on Filing $ Service and Other Fee $ Solicitor's Fee $ TOTAL CLAIM ED $ I DX Facsimile I Email Address Purchaser Full Name Address I Telephone Street (Registered Office, if Body Corporate) I State CityfTown/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I Postcode I Facsimile I Email Address I Dealer Full Name Address I Telephone Street (Registered Office, if Body Corporate) I State CityfTown/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I Poslcode I Facsimile I Email Address I You both must attend at the Trial Court for the Directions Hearing fixed by the Court or this application may be decided without you. If the amount claimed is more than $1 2,000, you m ay elect at the Directions Hearing to remove this claim from the minor civil jurisdiction and then a higher cost scale applies and you can be represented by a lawyer at the trial. If the amount claimed is $1 2,000 or less, or if you make no election, a lawyer cannot represent you at the trial (subject to some exceptions in s 38(4)(a) of the Magistrates Court Act 1991) and the minor civil cost scale will apply. T he vehicle is a purchased from the dealer on the (type/model), registration number day of 20 Has the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs recorded an agreement? D Yes D No D Yes D No D Yes D No If the answer is "yes·: please attach a copy of the agreement to this form Do you want the dealer to repair defects in the vehicle? If the answer is "yes·: please attach a list of those defects. Do you want compensation for the cost of someone else fixing the defects in the vehicle and/or any other loss or damage? If the answer is "yes·: please attach a summary of the amounts claimed together with relevant invoices/quotes . ............................................ .............................................................. Date APPLICANT 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3045 Form 3F BUILDING W ORK CONTRACTO RS ACT 1995 APPLICATION Date Filed: Magistrates Court of South Australia (Civil Division) Date Posted Court Use Sections 36, 37 and 38 I Action No Trial Court Address I Telephone Street City!Town/Suburb I Stale I Poslcode Amount Claimed (if any) $ Court Fee on Filing $ Service and O ther Fee $ Solicitor's Fee $ TOTAL CLAIMED $ Facsirnjfe I OX I Email Address Applicant Full Name Address I Telephone Street (Registered Office. if Body Corporate) City!Town/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I Slate I Poslcode I Facsimile I Email Address I Respondent Full Name Address I Telephone Street (Registered Office. if Body Corporate) City!Town/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I Slate I Poslcode I Facsimile I Email Address I You both must attend at the Trial Court for the Directions Hearing fixed by the Court or this application m ay be decided without you. If the amount claimed is more than $12,000, you m ay elect at the Directio ns Hearing to remove this claim from the minor civil jurisdiction and then a higher cost scale applies and you can be represented by a lawyer at the trial. If the amount claimed is $1 2,000 or less, or if you m ake no election, a lawyer cannot represent you at the trial (subject to some excep tions in s 38(4)(a) of the Magistrates Court Act 1991) and the minor civil cost scale will apply. This is an application for: D s 36(4) - return of money w hen a contract has been cancelled D D s 37(2) - determ ination of a warranty claim s 38(2) - relief from a harsh or unconscionable term or condition in relation to a domestic building contract dated between the building owner: and the builder: day of 20 Briefly state the facts giving rise to this claim and the relief sought: (if necessary, attach further written particulars) ............................................ .............................................................. Date APPLICANT 3046 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 Form3G Court Use FAIR TRADI NG ACT 1987 APPLICATION Date Filed: Date Posted: Magistrates Court of South Australia (Civi l Division) www.courts Service on the Commissioner for Consumer Affairs: Section 8A(7) I Action No Trial Court Address I Telephone Street CityITown/Suburb I State I Pootcode Amount Claimed (if any) $ Court Fee on Filing $ Service and Other Fee $ Solicitor's Fee $ TOTAL CLAIMED $ Facsimile I DX I Email Address Consumer Full Name Address I Telephone Street (Registered Office, if Bu<ly CUI put al e) City!Town/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I State I Postcode I Facsimile I Email Address l Trader Full Name Address I Telephone Street (Registered Office, if Body Corporate) CityITown/Suburb Solicitor (if any) I State I Pootcode I Facsimile I Email Address I Yo u both must attend at the Trial Court for the Directions Hearing fix ed by the Court or this application may be decided without you. If the am ount claimed is m ore than $12,000, you m ay elect at the Dire ctions H earing to remove this claim from the minor civil jurisdiction and then a higher cost scale applies and you can be represented by a lawyer at the trial. If the amount claimed is $1 2,000 or less, or if yo u make no elec tion, a lawyer cannot represent yo u at the trial (subject to some excep tions in s 38(4)(a) of the Magistrates Court Act 1991) and the minor civil cost scale will apply. A written agreement from a conciliation conference with the Commissioner for Consumer Affairs was signed by the Commissioner, and the above named consumer and trader on the day of 20 A copy of the w ritt en agreement must be attached. Briefly state the facts giving rise to this application: .................................................. ....................................................................... Date APPLICANT 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3047 3048 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE RULES OF COURT Magistrates Court of South Australia Amendment 57 to the Magistrates Court Rules 1992 PURSUANT to Section 49 of the Magistrates Court Act 1991 and all other enabling powers, we, the undersigned, do hereby make the following amendments to the Magistrates Court Rules 1992 (‘the Rules’) as amended. 57)’. 1. These Rules may be cited as the ‘Magistrates Court Rules 1992 (Amendment 2. The Rules as amended by the following amendments apply to and govern all actions commenced in the Criminal Division of the Court on and after the date on which these amendments are gazetted. 3. Rule 4 is amended to add the following directly after r 4.14: 4.15 The jurisdiction conferred on the Court by the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 s 167 must vest in the Criminal Division of the Court. 4.16 The jurisdiction conferred on the Court by the South Australian Public Health Act 2011 s 47 must vest in the Criminal Division of the Court. 4. Rule 18 is amended to add the following directly before r 18.01: 18.01A In this rule: ‘private application’ means an application for an Intervention Order that is made by a proposed protected person. ‘police/third party application’ means an application for an Intervention Order that is not a private application. 5. Rules 18.04—18.04A are deleted and replaced as follows: 18.04 Except as provided by r 18.04B, a police/third party application must comply with Form 28. The Form 28 Annexure must accompany the application and contain the following details of the protected person(s): (a) the person’s full name; (b) address; (c) telephone number; (d) email address; and (e) preferred method of notification. 18.04A A private application must comply with Form 28AA. The Form 28AA Annexure must accompany the application and contain the following details of the protected person(s): (a) the person’s full name; (b) address; (c) telephone number; (d) email address; and (e) preferred method of notification. 18.04B A police/third party application may be made on a Form 28AA if it is made on behalf of a proposed protected person under ss 20 (1) (b) or 20 (2) (b) of the Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 by a person who lives at the same address as the proposed protected person. 28 July 2016 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 18.04C The Form 28 Annexure or Form 28AA Annexure must be stored electronically, separately from the hard file and any hardcopy of the document must be subsequently destroyed. 6. Rule 38.03 is amended to delete ‘Section 58’ and replace it with ‘Sections 58 and 103 (1) (b) (i)’. 7. The following is inserted after rule 72: 73.00 Work Health and Safety Act 2012 73.01 An application for a search warrant made pursuant to s 167 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 must comply with Form 130. 73.02 A search warrant under s 167 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 must comply with Form 131. 74.00 South Australian Public Health Act 2011 74.01 An application for a warrant made pursuant to s 47 (3) (a) of the South Australian Public Health Act 2011 must comply with Form 132. 74.02 A warrant under s 47 (3) (a) of the South Australian Public Health Act 2011 must comply with Form 133. 74.03 A warrant will cease to have effect no later than 14 days after it has been executed by the Magistrate. 75.00 Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 75.01 An application for a warrant made pursuant to s 19 of the Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 must comply with Form 134. 75.02 A warrant under s 19 of the Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 must comply with Form 135. 75.03 A warrant issued under s 19 of the Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 will cease to have effect no later than 7 days after it is issued by the Magistrate. 8. Form 6 is deleted and replaced with Form 6. 9. Form 28 is deleted and replaced with Form 28. 10. Form 28AA is inserted. 11. Form 45 is deleted and replaced with Form 45. 12. Form 130 is inserted. 13. Form 131 is inserted. 14. Form 132 is inserted. 15. Form 133 is inserted. 16. Form 134 is inserted. 17. Form 135 is inserted. Signed on the 29th day of June 2016. MARY-LOUISE HRIBAL, Chief Magistrate ANDREW JAMES CANNON, Deputy Chief Magistrate IAN WHITE, Magistrate LYNETTE DUNCAN, Magistrate 3049 3050 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 Form 6 WARRANT OF APPREHENSION • Court Use Magistrates Court of South Aust ralia Date Filed: Summary Procedure Act 1921 - Sections 58 and 103(1)(b)(i) Bail Act 1985 Section 18 Registry Address File No I Tete hone Street CityITown/Suburb I I State I Postcode Facsimile Email Address Originating Document Type: Date substantiated on oath: Complainant/Informant: Defendant Name Address ddlmmlyyyy I Telephone Street CityITown/Suburb DOB I Given name/s Suma me I State I Postcode Ucence Number Email Address Part iculars of Charge Date of offence: Offence location: Offence: Section and Act: Other charges: Reason for issue of warrant: Date warrant issued: To t he Commissioner of Police for t he Stat e of South Australia and each member of the police force for the State You are directed to apprehend the defendant and, subject to any endorsement below, bring the defendant as soon as practicable before the Court to answer these charges and to be further dealt with accordin1g to law . .............................................................. MAGISTRATES COURT Endorsement (Pursuant to section 5(2)(b) of the Bail Act 1985) D D Variable 1 Variable 2 D Variable 3 The defendant may not be released o n bail. At the discretion of a member of the police force who is of, or above, the rank of Sergeant or who is in charge of a police station. t he defendant may be released on bail. Person or class of persons authorised/required to release the defendant on bail following arrest: ................... ......................................... ~ MAGISTRATES COURT 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3051 Form 28 • POLICE/THIRD PARTY APPLICATION Court Use (INTERVENTION ORDER) ~ Date Filed: Magistrates Court of South Australia Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse)Act 2009 Section 20 Applicant (Police applicant state rank and number) Name Address I Given namels Surname I Street City/Town/ Suburb I Slate I Telephone Poslcode I A P Number Facsimile Email Address Defendant (Police may provide details separately) DOB Name Surname Address Given namels dd!mm/yyyy Street I Ctlyfrown! Suburb State Postcode I Stale Postcode Other address at which defendant may be found Address Street City/Town/ Suburb Proposed Protected Person(s) DOB Surname Given namels Surname Given name/s Surname Given namels Surname Given namels ddlmmlyyyy DOB Names ddlmmlyyyy DOB ddlmmlyyyy DOB ddlmmlyyyy The applicant says that the defendant may commit the following act of abuse: D 0 domestic abuse non-domestic abuse The applicant seeks the intervention orders on the attached sheet. The applicant w ill seek a tenancy order: No: Yes O 0 (If yes, please give this information) Address of premises: Term of lease: The present tenant(s): T he proposed tenant: Present rent: How much is the bond : Name of landlord or agent: Phone number: The applicant will seek a problem gambling order: Email: Yes O No D 3052 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 You must provide details of the following: A ny children w ho w ill not be protected persons but who may be affected by the order: Name Age Name Age Name Age Name Age Any relevant Family Law Act order, Children's Protection Act order or agreement or order for the division of prope rty under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), or the Domestic Partners Property Act 1996 (SA) or a corresponding law of another jurisdiction, a ny pending application for such a n order, and any other legal proceedings between a person proposed to be protected by the order and the defendant, of w hich the applicant is aware. Date Applicant 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3053 INTERIM INTERVENTION ORDER TERMS REQUESTED The defendant must not: 4 D D D D 5 D enter or remain w ithin metres of the boundary of the protected person(s) place of residence, place of employment or any other place at w hich the protected person(s) is staying or working. 6 D D damage or interfere with the premises w here the protected person(s) is staying, residing or is employed. 7 8 D enter or be w ithin 9 D enter or be w ithin metres of the boundary of any education or care facility attended by the protected person(s) and at the moment the protected person(s) are attending these facilities at 10 D be in possession of the following weapon(s) or article(s): 11 12 D D D publish on the internet, by E-mail, SMS or other electronic means any material about the protected person(s). cause, allow or encourage another person to do anything forbidden by this order. 2 3 13 assault, threaten, harass or intimidate the protected person(s). follow or keep the protected person(s) under surveillance. be w ithin metres of the protected person(s). contact or communicate with the protected person(s) either d irectly or in any way (including phone. letter. cards, SMS, messages, E-mail, Facsimile etc). damage or take possession of personal property belonging to the protected person(s) and the following specified property: metres of the boundary of the follow ing locations: other: (clause 14 is permission to remove property and is a matter fo r the court) The defendant must: 15 D vacate the premises at forthwith upon service of this order and not return to those premises unless this term is varied or dismissed by the Court. 3054 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE • & FORM 28 ANNEX URE PROTECTED PERSON(S) DETAILS 28 July 2016 Court Use Date Filed: (INTERVENT ION ORDER) Magistrates Court of South Australia Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 Section 20 This annexure should be kept separately from Form 28. It must not be served on the defendant with Form 28. Pursuant to r 18.04C it must be stored electronically, separately from the hard file and any hardcopy of the document must be subsequently destroyed. Protected Person(s) Details Name I Given name/s Surname 1. Address Street CityfTown/Suburb Preferred method of contact: I Sta te D Post Name Address CifyfTown/Suburb I State D Post Name Address Street CitvfTown/Suburb Preferred method of contact: I State D Post Street CifyfTown/Suburb Preferred method of contact: I Sla te D Post CifyfTown/Suburb I Slate D Post Name Address Street CitvfTown/Suburb Preferred method of contact: Postcode D Telephone Email Address D Fax 0 Email Facsimile Postcode D Telephone Email Address D Fax D Email Facsimile Postcode D Telephone Email Address D Fax D Email I Given name/s Surname 6. Facsimile Teleohone Street Preferred method of contact: D Email I Given name/s Surname Address Email Address D Fax Telephone Name 5. Postcode D Telephone I Given name/s Surname Address Facsimile Teleohone Name 4. D Email I Given name/s Surname 3. Email Address D Fax Teleohone Street Preferred method of contact: Postcode D Telephone I Given name/s Surname 2. Facsimile Telep_!!_one Teleohone I Slate D Post Facsimile Postcode D Telephone Email Address D Fax D Email 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3055 Form 2BAA PRIVATE APPLICATION • Court Use (INTERVENTION ORDER) ~ Date Magistrat es Cou rt o f South A ustralia Filed: Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse)Act 2009 Section 20 A pplicant Name Surname Given name/s Surname Given name/s Defendant DOB Name Address dd/mmlyyyy Street Citv!Town/Suburb I Stale Postcode I Stale Postcode Other address at whi ch defendant m ay be fo und Address Street City!Town/Suburb Proposed Protected Person(s) DOB Names Surname Given namels Surname Given name/s Surname Given name/s Surname Given namels dd/mmlyyyy DOB dd/mmlyyyy DOB dd/mmlvwv DOB ddlmm!yyyy The applican t says that t h e defendant m ay commit the followi ng act of abuse: 0 0 domestic abuse non-domestic abuse The applican t s eeks t he in tervention orders on the attached s heet. The applicant w ill seek a tenancy order: Address of premises: Term of lease: The present tenant(s): Present rent: Name of landlord or agent: Phone number: No: 0 (If yes, please give this information) Yes O The applican t will seek a pro blem gam b l in g order : The proposed tenant: How much is the bond: Email: Yes O No: O 3056 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 You must provide details of the following: Any children w ho will not be protected persons but w ho may be affected by the order: Name Age Name Age Name Age Name Age Any relevant Family Law Act order, Children's Protection Act order or agreement or order for the division of property under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), or the Domestic Partners Property Act 1996 (SA) or a corresponding law of another jurisdiction, any pending application for such an order, and any other legal proceedings between a person proposed to be protected by the order and the defendant, of which the applicant is aware. Date Applicant 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3057 INTERIM INTERVENTION ORDER TERMS REQUESTED T he defendant must not: 3 4 D D D D 5 D enter or remain within metres of the boundary of the protected person(s) place of residence, place of employment or any other place at which the protected person(s) is staying or working. 6 damage or interfere with the premises where the protected person(s) is staying, residing or is employed. 7 D D 8 D enter or be within 9 D enter or be within metres of the boundary of any education or care facility attended by the protected person(s) and at the moment the protected person(s) are attending these facilities at 10 D be in possession of the following weapon(s) or article(s ): 11 12 D D D publish on the internet, by E-mail, SMS or other electronic means any material about the protected person(s). cause, allow or encourage another person to do anything forbidden by this order. 1 2 13 assault, threaten, harass or intimidate the protected person(s). follow or keep the protected person(s) under surveillance. be within metres of the protected person(s). contact or communicate with the protected person(s) either directly or in any way (including phone, letter, cards, SMS, messages, E-mail, Facsimile etc). damage or take possession of personal property belonging to the protected person(s) and the following specified property: metres of the boundary of the following locations: other: (clause 14 is permission to remove property and is a matter for the court) T he defendant must: 15 D vacate the premises at forthwith upon service of this order and not return to those premises unless this term is varied or dismissed by the Court. 3058 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE • M FORM 28AA ANNEXURE PROTECTED PERSON (S) DETAILS 28 July 2016 Court Use Date Filed: (INTERVENTION ORDER) Magistrates Co urt of So uth Australia Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse) Act 2009 Section 20 This annexure should be kept separately from Form 28AA. It must not be served on the defendant with Form 28AA. Pursuant to r 18.04C it must be stored electronically, separately from the hard file and any hardcopy of the document can be subsequently destroyed. Applicant/Protected Person Details Name I Given namels Sumame 1. Address Street CityITown/Suburb Preferred method of contact: Facsimile Teleohone I State D Post Postcode D Telephone Email Address D Fax 0 Email: Other Protected Person(s) Details Name I Given name/s Suma me 2. Address Street Citv!Town/Suburb Preferred method of contact: I State D Post Postcode D Name Address Street Citv!Town/Suburb Preferred method of contact: I State D Post Cilv/Town/Suburb I State D Post Citv!Town/Suburb I State D Post Postcode D Telephone Street City/Town/Suburb Preferred method of contact: Email Address D Fax 0 Email: I Given name/s Suma me Address 0 Email: Facsimile Teleohone Name 6. Email Address D Fax I Given namels Street Preferred method of contact: 0 Email: Facsimile Postcode D Telephone Surname Address Email Address D Fax Telephone Name 5. Telephone I Given namels Street Preferred method of contact: 0 Email: Facsimile Postcode D Surname Address Email Address D Fax Telephone Name 4. Telephone I Given name/s Suma me 3. Facsimile Teleohone Facsimile Telephone I State D Post Postcode D Telephone Email Address D Fax 0 Email 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3059 Form 45 AFFIDAVIT I" I~. Court Use (INTERVENTION ORDER) - ' Date Filed: Magistrates Court of South Austral ia Intervention Orders (Prevention of Abuse)Act 2009 Registry I File No I Applicant Name Surname I Given name/s I DOB Suma me I Given name/s I DOB I dcVmmlyyyy Defendant Name Address I dcVmmlvwv Street I State CityITown/Suburb I Postcode Details of Application 2. Name of person swearing affidavit: Relationship of person swearing affidavit to the def endant: 3. A ll protected persons: 1. Name 4. Basis of app lication Sex 008 Relationship to Applicant (tick appropriate box(s)) II is reasonable to suspect that the defendant will commit an act of abuse against the protected person(s) by: D D D D D 5. causing personal injury; causing emotional or psychological harm; denial of financial, social or personal autonomy; causing damage to property; other (specify) Det ails of conduct of def endant 5.1 Brief description of background to relationship between protected person(s) and defendant. 3060 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 5.2 Circumstances and dates of incidents that are the basis of this application, such as assaults and injuries, damage to property, harm to pets, emotional or psychological harm , denial of financial autonomy, threats, intimidation, publishing harmful matters, stalking and other relevant facts, with details of any supporting witnesses, other evidence and any reports to police. 6. Orders already in f orce If there are any relevant restraining or intervention orders between the protected person(s) and the defendant, give details of the date they were granted, who they affect and the court of issue and file number and any other identifying file references. 7. Other court actio ns Give details of any relevant Family Law Act order, Children's Protection Act order or agreement or order for the division of property under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), or the Domestic Partners Property Act 1996 (SA) or a corresponding law of another jurisdiction, any pending application for such an order, and any other legal proceedings between a person proposed to be protected by the order and the defendant, of which the applicant is aware. 8. Other Inf ormation Give details of any weapons in the defendant's possession. Provide any other relevant information. I, knowledge and belief. swear/affirm that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my Sworn/affirmed at: In the State of South Australia this day of Person Swearing Affidavrt Before me:- Justice of the PeaceJ Commissioner for taking affidavits Note to applicant - a copy of this affidavit will be given to the defendant 20 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3061 Form 130 APPL ICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANT II & Date Filed: Work Health and Safety Act 201 2 Section 167 Registry Address Court Use Magistrates Court of South Australia J File No I Telephone Street I Stale Cityfrown/Suburb I Poslcode Facsimile I ox I Email Address Inspector Name I Given name/s Surname Address I Telephone Street I Stale Cityfrown/Suburb I Poslcode I Facsimile I Email Address Details of Place Street Address I Stale Cityfrown/Suburb I Poslcode Hours of the day or night w hen it is sought to enter the place: Person conducting a business or undertaking Name I Given namels Surname Address I Telephone Street I State Cityfrown/Suburb I Postcode I Facsimile I Email Address Th e o ffence for w h ic h t he s earch warran t is sou gh t : The ev idence t hat may be seized under t he se arch warrant: Sworn applicati on I, the abovenamed inspector, make oath and say/affirm: 1. I am an inspector appointed p ursuant to s 156 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (the Act). 2. I make application for a search warrant/s p ursuant to s 167 of the Act , to enter the above mentioned p lace fo r the p urpose of searching for the above mentioned evid ence of the above mentioned offence against the Act. 3. T he grounds for which I seek this w arrant are : a. b. c. SW O RN/A FFIRM ED before m e at on the day of 20 S igna tu re .. . ... .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .... . .. . . . .. .... . .. . . .. . . ... .. .. . ... .... . .. . . {Person authorised to take Affidavits) {e.g. Justice of the Peace) ............................................................. INSPECTOR .................................................. ....................................................................... Date MAG IST RATES COURT 3062 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Form 131 • SEARCH WARRANT Court Use Magistrates Court of South Australia & Date Filed: Work Health and Safety Act 2012 Section 167 I File No Registry Address 28 July 2016 I Telephone Street City/Town/Suburb I Stale I I Facsimile I OX I Email Address I Postcode Authorised Inspector Name I Given name/s Surname Address I Telephone Street City/Town/Suburb I Stale I Postcode I Facsimile I Email Address Details of Place Address Street City!Town/Suburb I Stale I Postcode Terms of t he Warrant I, the undersigned magistrate, D upon the sworn application of the abovementioned inspector (s 167(2)), D upon the application of the abovementioned inspector by telephone, fax or other prescribed means where there are reasonable grounds for issuing the warrant urgently (s 167(6) - see note), namely: am satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is, or may be w ithin the next 72 hours at the place named above, a particular thing or activity that may provide evidence of an offence against this Act. namely: I authorise that the above named inspector, with necessary and reasonable help and force to enter the above place and exercise the inspector's compliance powers, in order to seize the fo llowing thing/s that may be evidence of an offence against this Act, namely: Hours of the day or night when the place may be entered: This search warrant ends on the fo llowing date and t ime: (not later than 7 days after the issue of the warrant) ....................................................... Date and time warrant was signed .............................................................. MAG ISTRATE NOTE If a fo rm of an urgent warrant is completed by an inspector under s 167(6)(c), it must be in the same terms as the warrant signed by the magistrate and the inspector must write the name of the magistrate in the space provided. A form of warrant completed by an inspector under s167(6)(c) has the same force and effect as a warrant issued by a magistrates. A copy of the completed form of warrant must be provided to the issuing magistrate no later than the day after the warrant is executed or comes to an end. 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3063 Fonn 132 APPLICATION FOR WARRANT Magistrates Court of South Australia South Australian Public Health Act 2011 Section 47(3)(a) Registry Address File No I Telephone Street CilyfTown/Suburb I Slate I Postcode I OX Facsimile Email Address Authorised Officer Name Address ID No. I Given name/s Surname I Telephone Street CitvfTown/Suburb I Stal e I Poslcode I Facsimile EmaHAddress Details of Premises or Vehicle Address Street CityITown/Suburb State Vehicle Type/Model Registration Number Postcode Vehicle Purpose for w hich the warrant is required: Grounds on w hich the warrant is sought: An application must be verif ied by affidavit setting out the grounds to suspect that an offence against the South A ustralian Public Health Act 2011 has been, is being, or about to be, committed; or that the warrant is reasonably required in the circumstances. Hearing details Registry Date Address T ime Telephone ·················································· Dale I Facsimile am/pm IEmail Address ....................................................................... MAGISTRAT ES COURT 3064 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 Form 133 WARRANT Magistrates Court of South Australia South Australian Public Health Act 201 1 Section 47(3)(a) Name of Magistrate issuing warrant: File No Registry Address I Telephone CityITown/Suburb I State I Poslcode I DX Facsimile Email Address Authorised Officer Name Address ID No. I Given namels Surname I Telephone Street City/Town/Suburb I Slate I Posfcode I Facsimile Email Address Details of Premises or Vehicle Address Postcode City/Town/Suburb Slate Vehicle Type!Model Registration Number Vehicle Application mad e: D Personally D By telephone, facsimile or other prescribed means: I am satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for issuing this warrant urgently , namely: The authorised offiicer undertakes to forward an affidavit verifying the facts relied on above. Terms of the warrant I, the undersigned Magistrate, am satisfied: D that there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a contravention of this Act has been, is being, or is a bout to be, committed in o r on the premises or vehicle; or D that the warrant is reasonably required in the circumstances. I authorise that the· above authorised officer may, with necessary and reasonable help and force. enter the above premises or vehicle and exercise the powers of the authorised officer as set out in s 47 of the Act. This warrant w ill cease to have effect on (not later than 14 days after the issue of the warrant) .................................................. ....................................................................... Date MAGISTRATE 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3065 Form 134 APPLICATION FOR WARRANT TO ENTER AND SEARCH PREMISES II & Date Filed: Magistrates Court of South Australia ""*'* Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 Section 19 I File No Registry Address Court Use I Telephone Street Cityfrown/Suburb I State I Postcode I DX Facsimile I Email Address Authorised Officer Name Address ID No. I Given namels Surname I Street Cityfrown/Suburb I State I Postcode I Facsimile Telephone I Email Address Detai ls of Residential Premises Address Street I State Cityfrown/Suburb Postcode Purpose for w hich t he warrant is required: Grounds on w hich the warrant is sought: T he grounds of the application must be verified by affidavit pursuant to s 19(3) of the Tattooing Industry Control Act 2015 Hearing details Registry Date Address Time Telephone I Facsimile am/pm I Email Address .......................... .... .... .......... ...... ..... ......... .... .............. ............. .............. ... ......... Date MAGISTRATES COURT 3066 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE South Australia Major Events (Credit Union Christmas Pageant) Regulations 2016 under the Major Events Act 2013 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Short title Commencement Interpretation Major event Event organiser Major event period Major event venue Controlled area Application of certain provisions of Act Advertising controlled airspace Expiry of regulations Schedule 1—Description relating to major event venue Schedule 2—Map of controlled area 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Major Events (Credit Union Christmas Pageant) Regulations 2016. 2—Commencement These regulations come into operation on the day on which they are made. 3—Interpretation In these regulations, unless the contrary intention appears— Act means the Major Events Act 2013; controlled area—see regulation 8; major event—see regulation 4; major event period—see regulation 6; major event venue—see regulation 7. 4—Major event The Credit Union Christmas Pageant to be held on 12 November 2016 in Adelaide is declared to be a major event. 3067 3068 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 5—Event organiser The South Australian Tourism Commission is designated as the event organiser for the major event. 6—Major event period The major event period for which the declaration of the major event is in force is the period commencing on 12 November 2016 and ending on 13 November 2016. 7—Major event venue The major event venue for the purposes of the major event is declared to be— (a) the portion of road comprising the official pageant route for the Credit Union Christmas Pageant described in Schedule 1; and (b) any public place or part of a public place that is within 200 metres of the boundary of that portion of road. 8—Controlled area The controlled area for the major event is declared to be— (a) the portion of road comprising the official pageant route for the Credit Union Christmas Pageant (described in Schedule 1); and (b) the 200 metre buffer zone (comprising any public place or part of a public place that is within 200 metres from the boundary of the road referred to in paragraph (a)), as shown on the map in Schedule 2. 9—Application of certain provisions of Act The following provisions of the Act are declared to apply to the major event— (a) sections 10 to 13 (inclusive); (b) Part 3 Division 4. 10—Advertising controlled airspace For the purposes of section 7(3)(e) of the Act— (a) the airspace that is within unaided sight of the major event venue is declared to be advertising controlled airspace; and (b) the prescribed period for which the advertising controlled airspace is declared is 12 November 2016. 11—Expiry of regulations These regulations will expire on 26 November 2016. 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3069 Schedule 1—Description relating to major event venue The official pageant route for the Credit Union Christmas Pageant comprises the portion of road in Adelaide commencing at the intersection of South Terrace and King William Street, then northerly along King William Street to Victoria Square, then generally north-westerly and northerly along the road through Victoria Square that is the continuation of the western side of King William Street to its intersection with Grote Street, then easterly along Grote Street (through Victoria Square) until it becomes Wakefield Street, then easterly along Wakefield Street to its intersection with Pulteney Street, then northerly along Pulteney Street to its intersection with Grenfell Street, then westerly along Grenfell Street to its intersection with King William Street, then northerly along King William Street to its intersection with North Terrace, then easterly along North Terrace to its intersection with Pulteney Street. 3070 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 Schedule 2—Map of controlled area NORTH Credit Union Christmas Pageant Controlled Area ~ Port1on of road comprising the off1c1al pageant route (described in Schedule 1) 200 metre buffer zone comprising any public place or part of public place that is within 200 metres from the boundary of the road N 0 A 50 100 150 200 250 metres ...... -.....I ©Government of South Australia 2016 ;;c c PLN 10: 5234 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3071 Note— As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations. Made by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 28 July 2016 No 186 of 2016 16MTOUR0010 3072 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 South Australia Firearms Variation Regulations 2016 under the Firearms Act 1977 Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 2 3 Short title Commencement Variation provisions Part 2—Variation of Firearms Regulations 2008 4 Insertion of regulation 9B 9B Exemption for manufacture and possession etc of silencers Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Firearms Variation Regulations 2016. 2—Commencement These regulations come into operation on the day on which they are made. 3—Variation provisions In these regulations, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of specified regulations varies the regulations so specified. Part 2—Variation of Firearms Regulations 2008 4—Insertion of regulation 9B After regulation 9A insert: 9B—Exemption for manufacture and possession etc of silencers (1) Subject to conditions determined by the Registrar, the following persons are exempt from section 27(1) of the Act with respect to the manufacture, or taking part in the manufacture, of a silencer, and section 29A(1) of the Act: (a) Spectre Mincham Pty Ltd and the employees of Spectre Mincham Pty Ltd acting in the course of that employment; (b) Lightforce Australia Pty. Limited and the employees of Lightforce Australia Pty. Limited acting in the course of that employment. 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (2) 3073 The Registrar may, at any time, vary or revoke a condition or impose further conditions on an exemption under subregulation (1). Note— As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations. Made by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 28 July 2016 No 187 of 2016 MPOL16/16CS 3074 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 28 July 2016 SENDING COPY? NOTICES for inclusion in the South Australian Government Gazette should be emailed to: Please include the following information in the covering email: • The date the notice is to be published. • Whether a proof, quote or return email confirmation is required. • Contact details. • To whom the notice is charged if applicable. • A purchase order if required (chargeable notices). • Any other details that may impact on the publication of the notice. Attach: • Notices in Word format. • Maps and diagrams in pdf. • Notices that require sighting an official date and signature before publication in a pdf. If a pdf is not possible then fax the official file(s) to the Government Publishing Fax number listed below. Fax Transmission: (08) 8207 1040 Phone Enquiries: (08) 8207 1045 NOTE: Closing time for lodging new copy is 4 p.m. on Tuesday preceding the regular Thursday Gazette. 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE CAMPBELLTOWN CITY COUNCIL Review of Elector Representation NOTICE is hereby given that the Campbelltown City Council is undertaking a review to determine whether a change of arrangements are required in respect to elector representation so as to ensure that the electors of the area are being adequately and fairly represented. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 (7) of the Local Government Act 1999, notice is hereby given that Council has prepared a Representation Options Paper which examines the advantages and disadvantages of the various options available in regards to the composition and structure of Council, and the division of the Council area into wards. A copy of the Representation Options Paper is available on the Council’s website (, or a copy can be inspected at the Council office, 172 Montacute Road, Rostrevor. Written submissions are invited from interested persons from Thursday, 28 July 2016 and should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer, P.O. Box 1, Campbelltown, S.A. 5074 or emailed to by close of business on Friday, 9 September 2016. Information regarding the elector representation review can be obtained by contacting Irene Zagar, Governance Officer, on telephone 8366 9222 or email P. DI IULIO, Chief Executive Officer CITY OF ONKAPARINGA BY-LAW MADE UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 By-Law No. 1 of 2016—Permits and Penalties A by-law to create a permit system for Council By-laws, to fix maximum and continuing penalties for offences, and for the construction of Council By-laws. PART 1—PRELIMINARY 1. Title This by-law may be cited as the Permits and Penalties By-law 2016 and is By-law No. 1 of the City of Onkaparinga. 2. Authorising Law This by-law is made under Section 246 of the Act. 3. Purpose The objects of this by-law are to provide for the good rule and government of the Council area, and for the convenience, comfort and safety of its inhabitants by: 3.1 creating a permit system for Council by-laws; 3.2 providing for the enforcement of breaches of Council by-laws and fixing penalties; and 3.3 clarifying the construction of Council by-laws. 4. Commencement, Revocation and Expiry 4.1 The following by-laws previously made by the Council are revoked from the day on which this by-law comes into operation1: 4.1.1 By-Law 1—Permits and Penalties 2009.2 4.2 This by-law will expire on 1 January 2024.3 Note: 1 Generally a by-law comes into operation four months after the day on which it is gazetted: Section 249 (5) of the Act. 2 Section 253 of the Act provides that the revocation of a by-law by another by-law that contains substantially the same provisions, does not affect certain resolutions such as those applying a by-law to a part or parts of the Council area. 3 Pursuant to Section 251 of the Act, a by-law will expire on 1 January following the seventh anniversary of the gazettal of the by-law. 5. Application 5.1 This by-law applies throughout the Council’s area. 3075 6. Interpretation In this by-law, unless the contrary intention appears: 6.1 Act means the Local Government Act 1999; 6.2 Council means the City of Onkaparinga; and 6.3 person includes a body corporate. Note: Section 14 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915 provides that an expression used in this by-law has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning as in the Act. 7. Construction of By-laws Generally 7.1 Every by-law of the Council is subject to any Act of Parliament and Regulations made thereunder. 7.2 In any by-law of the Council unless the contrary intention appears, permission means permission of the Council (or such other person as the Council may authorise), granted in writing prior to the act, event or activity to which it relates. PART 2—PERMITS AND PENALTIES 8. Permits 8.1 Where a by-law requires that permission be obtained, any person seeking the grant of permission must submit a written application to the Council in the form (if any) and accompanied by the fee (if any) prescribed by the Council. 8.2 The Council, or such other person authorised by the Council, may attach such conditions as it thinks fit to a grant of permission, and may vary or revoke such conditions or impose new conditions by notice in writing to the person granted permission. 8.3 A person granted permission must comply with every such condition. Failure to do so is an offence (to the extent it gives rise to a contravention of a by-law). 8.4 The Council, or such other person authorised by the Council, may suspend or revoke a grant of permission at any time by notice in writing to the person granted permission. 9. Offences and Penalties 9.1 A person who acts in contravention of any by-law of the Council is guilty of an offence and may be liable to pay: 9.1.1 the maximum penalty, being the maximum penalty referred to in the Act that may be fixed for any breach of a by-law; or 9.1.2 subject to any resolution of the Council to the contrary, the expiation fee fixed by the Act for alleged offences against by-laws, being a fee equivalent to 25 per cent of the maximum penalty fixed for any breach of a by-law. 9.2 A person who commits a breach of a by-law of the Council of a continuing nature is guilty of an offence and, in addition to any other penalty that may be imposed, is liable to a further penalty for every day on which the offence continues, such penalty being the maximum amount referred to in the Act that may be fixed by a by-law for a breach of a by-law of a continuing nature. Note: The maximum penalty for a breach of a by-law is currently $750, and the maximum penalty for every day in which a breach of a continuing nature continues is currently $50—see Section 246 (3) (g) of the Act. Pursuant to Section 246 (5) of the Act expiation fees may be fixed for alleged offences against by-laws either by a by-law or by resolution of the Council. However, an expiation fee fixed by the Council cannot exceed 25 per cent of the maximum penalty for the offence to which it relates. This by-law was duly made and passed at a meeting of the City of Onkaparinga held on the 14 June 2016, by an absolute majority of the members for the time being constituting the Council, there being at least two-thirds of the members present. M. DOWD, Chief Executive Officer 3076 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE CITY OF ONKAPARINGA BY-LAW MADE UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 By-Law No. 2 of 2016—Moveable Signs A by-law to set standards for moveable signs on roads and to provide conditions for the placement of such signs. PART 1—PRELIMINARY 1. Title This by-law may be cited as the Moveable Signs By-Law 2016 and is By-Law No. 2 of the City of Onkaparinga. 2. Authorising Law This by-law is made under Sections 239 and 246 of the Act. 3. Purpose The object of this by-law is to set standards for moveable signs on roads: 3.1 to protect the comfort and safety of road users and members of the public; 3.2 to enhance the amenity of roads and surrounding parts of the Council area; 3.3 to prevent nuisances occurring on roads; 3.4 to prevent unreasonable interference with the use of a road; and 3.5 for the good rule and government of the Council area. 4. Commencement, Revocation and Expiry 4.1 The following by-laws previously made by the Council are revoked from the day on which this by-law comes into operation1: 4.1.1 By-law 2—Moveable Signs 2009.2 4.2 This by-law will expire on 1 January 2024.3 Note: 1 Generally a by-law comes into operation four months after the day on which it is gazetted: Section 249 (5) of the Act. 2 Section 253 of the Act provides that the revocation of a by-law by another by-law that contains substantially the same provisions, does not affect certain resolutions such as those applying a by-law to a part or parts of the Council area. 3 Pursuant to Section 251 of the Act, a by-law will expire on 1 January following the seventh anniversary of the gazettal of the by-law. 5. Application 5.1 This by-law operates subject to the Council’s Permits and Penalties By-law 2016. 5.2 This by-law applies throughout the Council’s area. 6. Interpretation In this by-law, unless the contrary intention appears: 6.1 Act means the Local Government Act 1999; 6.2 business premises means premises from which a business is being conducted; 6.3 Council means the City of Onkaparinga; 6.4 footpath area means: 6.4.1 that part of a road between the property boundary of the road and the edge of the carriageway on the same side as that boundary; 6.4.2 a footway, lane or other place made or constructed for the use of pedestrians and not for the use of vehicles; 6.5 moveable sign has the same meaning as in the Act; 6.6 road has the same meaning as in the Act; 6.7 traffic control device has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act 1961; and 6.8 vehicle has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act 1961. 28 July 2016 Note: Section 14 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915, provides that an expression used in this by-law has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning as in the Acts under which the by-law was made. PART 2—MOVEABLE SIGNS 7. Construction and Design A moveable sign placed on a footpath area must: 7.1 be of kind known as an ‘A’ frame or sandwich board sign, an inverted ‘T’ sign, a flat sign or, with the permission of the Council (which permission may, but is not required to be, in the form of guidelines published by the Council), a sign of some other kind; 7.2 be designed, constructed and maintained in good quality and condition; 7.3 be of strong construction and sufficiently stable or securely fixed when in position so as to keep its position, including in adverse weather conditions; 7.4 have no sharp or jagged edges or corners; 7.5 not, in the opinion of an authorised officer, be unsightly or offensive in appearance or content; 7.6 not contain flashing parts; 7.7 be constructed of timber, metal, plastic or plastic coated cardboard, or a mixture of such materials; 7.8 not exceed 900 mm in height or have a base with any side exceeding 600 mm in length; 7.9 not have a display area exceeding one square metre in total or, if the sign is two-sided, one square metre on each side; 7.10 in the case of an ‘A’ frame or sandwich board sign: 7.10.1 be hinged or joined at the top; and 7.10.2 be of such construction that its sides are securely fixed or locked in position when erected; 7.11 in the case of an inverted ‘T’ sign, not contain struts or members that run between the display area and the base of the sign; and 7.12 in the case of a sign of some other kind, comply with any guidelines published by the Council in relation to that type of sign. 8. Placement A moveable sign must not be: 8.1 placed on any part of a road except on the footpath area; 8.2 in the case of a flat sign, placed on a footpath area unless securely tied or chained to a pole or other structure adjacent to the business premises to which it relates; 8.3 subject to Clause 8.2, tied, fixed or attached to or, placed closer than 2 metres from another structure, fixed object (including another moveable sign), tree, bush or plant; 8.4 placed on the sealed part of a footpath unless the sealed part is wide enough to contain the sign and still leave a clear thoroughfare (of sealed footpath area) of at least 1.2 metres wide; 8.5 placed on a footpath that is less than 2.5 metres wide; 8.6 placed so as to: 8.6.1 obstruct a vehicle door when opened, provided that the vehicle is parked lawfully on the road; or 8.6.2 otherwise interfere with the reasonable movement of persons or vehicles using the footpath or road in the vicinity of where the moveable sign is placed; 8.7 placed closer than 0.4 metres to the kerb (or, if there is no kerb, to the edge of the carriageway of a road or the shoulder of the road, whichever is the greater); 8.8 placed on a landscaped area, other than landscaping that comprises only lawn; 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3077 8.9 placed within 3 metres of an intersection of two or more roads; 8.10 placed on a designated parking area or within 1 metre of an entrance to premises; 8.11 placed in such a position or in such circumstances that the safety of a user of the road is at risk; 8.12 displayed during the hours of darkness unless it is clearly visible; or 8.13 placed on a median strip, traffic island, roundabout or any other traffic control device on a road. 9. Banners A person must not erect or display a banner on a building or structure on a road without the Council’s permission. 10. Restrictions 10.1 The owner or operator of a business must not, without the Council’s permission, cause or allow more than one moveable sign, or any other number of moveable signs otherwise resolved by the Council, for each business premises to be displayed on the footpath area of a road at any time. 10.2 A person must not, without the Council's permission, display a moveable sign on or attached to or adjacent to a vehicle that is parked on Local Government land or a road primarily for the purpose of advertising or offering for sale a product (including the vehicle) or business to which the sign relates. 10.3 A person must not cause or allow a moveable sign to be placed on a footpath area unless: 10.3.1 it only displays material which advertises a business being conducted on premises adjacent to the moveable sign or the goods and services available from that business; and 10.3.2 the business premises to which it relates is open to the public. 10.4 If in the opinion of the Council a footpath area is unsafe for a moveable sign to be displayed, the Council may prohibit or restrict the display of a moveable sign on such conditions as the Council thinks fit. 11. Exemptions 11.1 Subclauses 10.1, and 10.3 of this by-law do not apply to a moveable sign which: 11.1.1 advertises a garage sale taking place from residential premises; or 11.1.2 is a directional sign to an event run by a community organisation or charitable body. 11.2 Subclauses 10.1 and 10.3.1 of this by-law do not apply to a flat sign which only contains a newspaper headline and the name of a newspaper or magazine. 11.3 A requirement of this by-law will not apply where the Council has granted permission for the moveable sign to be displayed contrary to that requirement. PART 3—ENFORCEMENT 12. Removal of Moveable Signs 12.1 A person must immediately comply with the order of an Authorised Person to remove a moveable sign made pursuant to Section 227 (1) of the Act. Note: CITY OF ONKAPARINGA BY-LAW MADE UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 By-Law No. 3 of 2016—Roads A by-law to regulate certain activities on roads in the Council’s area. PART 1—PRELIMINARY 1. Title This by-law may be cited as the Roads By-law 2016 and is By-law No. 3 of the City of Onkaparinga. 2. Authorising Law This by-law is made under Sections 239 and 246 of the Act and Regulation 28A of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013. This by-law does not apply to moveable signs placed and maintained on a road in accordance with Section 226 (3) of the Act, which includes any sign: • placed there pursuant to an authorisation under another Act; • designed to direct people to the open inspection of any land or building that is available for purchase or lease; • related to a State or Commonwealth election and is displayed during the period commencing on the issue of the writ or writs for the election and ending at the close of polls on polling day; • related to an election held under this Act or the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 and is displayed during the period commencing four weeks immediately before the date that has been set (either by or under either Act) for polling day and ending at the close of voting on polling day; or • the sign is of a prescribed class. Note: Pursuant to Section 227 (1) of the Act, an Authorised Person may order the owner of a moveable sign to remove the sign from the road if: • the design, construction or positioning of a Moveable Sign does not comply with a requirement of this by-law; or • any other requirement of this by-law is not complied with; or • the Moveable Sign unreasonably restricts the use of the Road, or endangers the safety of other persons. Section 227 (2) of the Act provides that if the Authorised person cannot find the owner, or the owner fail to comply immediately with the order, the authorised person may remove and dispose of the sign. 12.2 The owner of or other person entitled to recover a moveable sign removed by an Authorised Person pursuant to Section 227 (2) of the Act, may be required to pay to the Council any reasonable costs incurred by the Council in removing, storing, and/or disposing of the moveable sign before being entitled to recover the moveable sign. 12.3 The owner, or other person responsible for a moveable sign must remove or relocate the moveable sign at the request of an authorised person: 12.3.1 if, in the opinion of an authorised person, and not withstanding compliance with this by-law, there is any hazard or obstruction or there is likely to be a hazard or obstruction arising out of the location of the moveable sign; or 12.3.2 for the purpose of special events, parades, roadworks or in any other circumstances which, in the opinion of the authorised person, require relocation or removal of the moveable sign to protect public safety or to protect or enhance the amenity of a particular locality. 13. Liability of Vehicle Owners 13.1 For the purposes of this Clause 13, owner in relation to a vehicle has the same meaning as contained in Section 4 of the Act. 13.2 The owner and the driver of a vehicle driven, parked or standing in contravention of this by-law are each guilty of an offence and liable to the penalty as prescribed for that offence. This by-law was duly made and passed at a meeting of the Council of the City of Onkaparinga held on 14 June 2016, by an absolute majority of the members for the time being constituting the Council, there being at least two-thirds of the members present. M. DOWD, Chief Executive Officer 3078 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3. Purpose The objectives of this by-law are to manage and regulate the prescribed uses of roads in the Council’s area: 3.1 to protect the convenience, comfort and safety of road users and members of the public; 3.2 to prevent damage to buildings and structures on roads; 3.3 to prevent certain nuisances occurring on roads; and 3.4 for the good rule and government of the Council area. 4. Commencement, Revocation and Expiry 4.1 The following by-laws previously made by the Council are revoked from the day on which this by-law comes into operation1: 4.1.1 By-law 3—Roads 2009.2 4.2 This by-law will expire on 1 January 2024.3 Note: 1 Generally a by-law comes into operation four months after the day on which it is gazetted: Section 249 (5) of the Act. 2 Section 253 of the Act provides that the revocation of a by-law by another by-law that contains substantially the same provisions, does not affect certain resolutions such as those applying a by-law to a part or parts of the Council area. 3 Pursuant to Section 251 of the Act, a by-law will expire on 1 January following the seventh anniversary of the gazettal of the by-law. 5. Application 5.1 This by-law operates subject to the Council’s Permits and Penalties by-law 2016. 5.2 Subject to subclauses 5.3 and 5.4, this by-law applies throughout the Council area. 5.3 Clause 7.2.3 of this by-law only applies in such part or parts of the Council area as the Council may by resolution direct in accordance with Section 246 (3) (e) of the Act. 5.4 Clauses 7.3.2 of this by-law applies throughout the Council area except in such part or parts of the Council area as the Council may by resolution direct in accordance with Section 246 (3) (e) of the Act 6. Interpretation In this by-law, unless the contrary intention appears: 6.1 Act means the Local Government Act 1999; 6.2 animal includes birds, insects and poultry but does not include a dog; 6.3 camp includes: 6.3.1 setting up a camp, tent or other structure of calico, canvas, plastic or other similar material on a road; or 6.3.2 subject to the Road Traffic Act 1961, causing a caravan or motor home to remain on a road overnight whilst a person sleeps or stays overnight therein; 6.4 Council means the City of Onkaparinga; 6.5 effective control means a person exercising effective control of an animal either: 6.5.1 by means of a physical restraint; or 6.5.2 by command, the animal being in close proximity to the person, and the person being able to see the animal at all times; 6.6 electoral matter has the same meaning as in the Electoral Act 1995 provided that such electoral matter is not capable of causing physical damage or injury to a person within its immediate vicinity; 6.7 emergency worker has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic (Road Rules—Ancillary and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2014; and 6.8 vehicle has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act 1961. 28 July 2016 Note: Section 14 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915, provides that an expression used in this by-law has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning as in the Acts under which the by-law was made. PART 2—USE OF ROADS 7. Activities Requiring Permission A person must not do any of the following activities on a road without the permission of the Council: 7.1 Amplification Use an amplifier or other device whether mechanical or electrical for the purpose of broadcasting announcements or advertisements. 7.2 Animals 7.2.1 Cause or allow an animal to stray onto, move over, or graze on a road except where the Council has set aside a track or other area for use by or in connection with an animal of that kind, and provided the animal or animals are under effective control. 7.2.2 Lead, herd or exercise an animal in such a manner as to cause a nuisance or endanger the safety of a person. 7.2.3 Lead, herd or exercise any horse, cattle, camel or sheep on any road to which the Council has determined this subclause applies. 7.3 Camping and Tents 7.3.1 Erect a tent or other structure of calico, canvas, plastic or other similar material as a place of habitation. 7.3.2 Camp, sleep or stay overnight unless in an area the Council has, by resolution, designated for that purpose and in accordance with any conditions determined by the Council. 7.4 Donations Ask for or receive or indicate a desire for a donation of money or any other thing. 7.5 Obstructions Erect, install or place or cause to be erected, installed or placed any structure, object or material of any kind so as to obstruct a road, footway, water-channel, or watercourse in a road. 7.6 Preaching Preach, harangue, solicit or canvass for religious or charitable purposes. 7.7 Public Exhibitions and Displays 7.7.1 Sing, busk, play a recording or use a musical instrument, or perform similar activities. 7.7.2 Conduct or hold a concert, festival, show, circus, performance or a similar activity. 7.7.3 Erect a stage or structure for the purpose of conducting or holding a concert, festival, show, circus, performance or a similar activity. 7.7.4 Cause any public exhibitions or displays. 7.8 Vehicles Repair, wash, paint, panel beat or perform other work of a similar nature to a vehicle, except for running repairs in the case of a vehicle breakdown. Note: Moveable signs on roads are regulated by Sections 226 and 227 of the Act and the Council’s Moveable Signs By-law. PART 3—ENFORCEMENT 8. Directions A person who, in the opinion of an authorised person is committing or has committed a breach of this by-law, must immediately comply with a direction of an authorised person to leave that part of the road. 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 9. Orders If a person does not comply with an order of an authorised person made pursuant to Section 262 of the Act in respect of a breach of this by-law, the Council may seek to recover its costs of any action taken under Section 262 (3) of the Act from the person to whom the order was directed. Note: Section 262 (1) of the Act states: (1) If a person (the offender) engages in conduct that is a contravention of this Act or a by-law under this Act, an authorised person may order the offender: (a) if the conduct is still continuing—to stop the conduct; and (b) whether or not the conduct is still continuing—to take specified action to remedy the contravention. Subsections (2) and (3) of Section 262 also provide that it is an offence to fail to comply with an order and that if a person does not comply, the authorised person may take action reasonably required to have the order carried out. For example, an authorised person may order a person to: 3.1 to prevent and mitigate nuisances; 3.2 to prevent damage to Local Government land; 3.3 to protect the convenience, comfort and safety of members of the public; 3.4 to enhance the amenity of the Council area; and 3.5 for the good rule and government of the area. 4. Commencement, Revocation and Expiry 4.1 The following by-laws previously made by the Council are revoked from the day on which this by-law comes into operation1: 4.1.1 By-law 4—Local Government Land 2009.2 4.2 This by-law will expire on 1 January 2024.3 Note: 1 Generally a by-law comes into operation four months after the day on which it is gazetted: Section 249 (5) of the Act. 2 Section 253 of the Act provides that the revocation of a by-law by another by-law that contains substantially the same provisions, does not affect certain resolutions such as those applying a by-law to a part or parts of the Council area. 3 Pursuant to Section 251 of the Act, a by-law will expire on 1 January following the seventh anniversary of the gazettal of the by-law. • cease busking on a road; • remove an object or structure blocking a footpath; • remove bills posted on a structure on a road; • dismantle and remove a tent from a road. 10. Removal of Animals and Objects An authorised person may remove an animal or object that is on a road in breach of a by-law if no person is in charge, or apparently in charge, of the animal or object. PART 4—MISCELLANEOUS 11. Exemptions The restrictions in this by-law do not apply to a Police Officer, Emergency Worker, Council officer or employee acting in the course and within the scope of that person’s normal duties, or to a contractor while performing work for the Council and while acting under the supervision of a Council officer. 12. Liability of Vehicle Owners 12.1 For the purposes of this Clause 12, owner in relation to a vehicle has the same meaning as contained in Section 4 of the Act. 12.2 The owner and the driver of a vehicle driven, parked or standing in contravention of this by-law are each guilty of an offence and liable to the penalty as prescribed for that offence. This by-law was duly made and passed at a meeting of the Council of the City of Onkaparinga held on the 14 June 2016, by an absolute majority of the members for the time being constituting the Council, there being at least two-thirds of the members present. M. DOWD, Chief Executive Officer CITY OF ONKAPARINGA BY-LAW MADE UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 By-Law No. 4 of 2016—Local Government Land A by-law to regulate the access to and use of Local Government land (other than roads), and certain public places. PART 1—PRELIMINARY 1. Title This by-law may be cited as the Local Government Land Bylaw 2016 and is By-law No. 4 of the City of Onkaparinga. 2. Authorising Law This by-law is made under Sections 238 and 246 of the Act and Section 18A of the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993. 3. Purpose The objectives of this by-law are to regulate the access to and use of Local Government land (other than roads), and certain public places: 3079 5. Application 5.1 This by-law operates subject to the Council’s Permits and Penalties by-law 2016. 5.2 Subject to subclauses 5.3 and 5.4, this by-law applies throughout the Council’s area. 5.3 Subclauses 9.2, 9.7.2, 9.21.2, 9.21.4, 9.23.2, 9.32, 10.1.2, 10.4 and 10.11.2 of this by-law apply in such part or parts of the Council area as the Council may by resolution direct in accordance with Section 246 (3) (e) of the Act. 5.4 Subclauses 9.4.1, 9.4.2, 9.7.1, 9.10.2 (b), 9.25 and 9.28.1 of this by-law apply throughout the Council area except in such part or parts of the Council area as the Council may by resolution direct in accordance with Section 246 (3) (e) of the Act. 6. Interpretation In this by-law, unless the contrary intention appears: 6.1 Act means the Local Government Act 1999; 6.2 animal or animals includes birds and insects but does not include a dog; 6.3 authorised person has the same meaning as in the Act; 6.4 boat includes a raft, pontoon or personal watercraft or other similar device; 6.5 camp includes setting up a camp, or causing a tent, caravan or motor home to remain on the land overnight, whether or not any person is in attendance or sleeps on the land; 6.6 Council means the City of Onkaparinga; 6.7 electoral matter has the same meaning as in the Electoral Act 1985 provided that such electoral matter is not capable of causing physical damage or injury to any person within its immediate vicinity; 6.8 effective control means a person exercising effective control of an animal either: 6.8.1 by means of a physical restraint; or 6.8.2 by command, the animal being in close proximity to the person and the person being able to see the animal at all times. 6.9 emergency worker has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic (Road Rules—Ancillary and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2014; 6.10 emergency vehicle has the same meaning as in the Australian Road Rules; 3080 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 6.11 foreshore means land extending from the low water mark on the seashore in the Council’s area to the nearest road or section boundary, or for a distance of 50 metres from the high water mark (whichever is the lesser); 6.12 liquor has the same meaning as in the Liquor Licensing Act 1997; 6.13 Local Government land means all land owned by the Council or under the Council's care, control and management (except roads) and excluding the foreshore; 6.14 low water mark means the lowest meteorological tide; 6.15 offensive includes threatening, abusive, insulting or annoying behaviour and offend has a complementary meaning; 6.16 open container means a container which: 6.16.1 after the contents of the container have been sealed at the time of manufacture: (a) being a bottle, it has had its cap, cork or top removed (whether or not it has since been replaced); (b) being a can, it has been opened or punctured; (c) being a cask, it has had its tap placed in a position to allow it to be used; (d) being any other form of container, it has been opened, broken, punctured or manipulated in such a way as to allow access to its contents; or (e) is a flask, glass, mug or other container able to contain liquid; 6.17 personal watercraft means a device that: 6.17.1 is propelled by a motor; 6.17.2 has a fully enclosed hull; 6.17.3 is designed not to retain water if capsized; and 6.17.4 is designed to be operated by a person who sits astride, stands, or kneels on the device; and includes the device commonly referred to as a jet ski. 6.18 recreation ground means Local Government land commonly used for playing sports or games, or accommodating the spectators at any sport or game, and any area of land contiguous thereto and used in connection with it; 6.19 tobacco product has the same meaning as in the Tobacco Products Regulation Act 1997; 6.20 vehicle has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act 1961; 6.21 waters includes a body of water, including a pond, lake, river, creek or wetlands under the care, control and management of the Council. Note: Section 14 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915 provides that an expression used in a by-law has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning as in the Acts under which the by-law was made. PART 2—ACCESS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAND 7. Access Note: Pursuant to Section 238 (3) of the Act, if a Council makes a by-law about access to or use of a particular piece of Local Government land (under Section 238), the Council should erect a sign in a prominent position on, or in the immediate vicinity of, the land to which the by-law applies. The Council may: 7.1 close, or regulate or restrict access to, any part of Local Government land to the public for specified times and days; and 7.2 fix charges or fees payable for entry onto any part of Local Government land. 28 July 2016 8. Closed Lands A person must not without permission, enter or remain on any Local Government land: 8.1 which has been closed, or in respect of which access by the public is regulated or restricted in accordance with subclause 7.1; 8.2 where entry fees or charges are payable, without paying those fees or charges; or 8.3 where the land has been enclosed by fences and/or walls and gates that have been closed and locked. PART 3—USE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAND 9. Activities Requiring Permission Note: Pursuant to Section 238 (3) of the Act, if a Council makes a by-law about access to or use of a particular piece of Local Government land (under Section 238), the Council should erect a sign in a prominent position on, or in the immediate vicinity of, the land to which the by-law applies. A person must not without the permission of the Council, do any of the following on Local Government land. 9.1 Advertising Subject to subclause 14.2, display, paint or erect or cause to be displayed, painted or erected any sign, poster or hoarding for the purpose of commercial advertising or any other purpose. 9.2 Alcohol Consume, carry or be in possession or in charge of any liquor on Local Government land comprising parks or reserves to which the Council has determined this paragraph applies. Note: Clause 9.2 does not apply to any park or reserve that is a ‘dry area’ as declared by the Minister by notice in the Gazette pursuant to Section 131 of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997. Clause 9.2 applies only to Local Government land where a specific resolution has been passed by Council for this purpose. 9.3 Amplification Use an amplifier or other mechanical or electrical device for the purpose of amplifying sound. 9.4 Animals 9.4.1 cause or allow an animal to stray onto, move over, graze or be left unattended on the land except for Local Government land that the Council has, by resolution, designated for this purpose; or 9.4.2 lead, herd, take, or exercise an animal, except where the Council has set aside a track or other area for use by or in connection with an animal of that kind, and provided that the animal or animals are under effective control. 9.5 Attachments Attach anything or cause anything to be attached to a tree, plant, equipment, fence, post, structure, building or fixture on Local Government land. 9.6 Bees Place a hive of bees on such land, or allow it to remain thereon. 9.7 Boats Subject to the provisions of the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993 and the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law: 9.7.1 launch or retrieve a boat to or from any waters except waters to which the Council has determined that this subclause applies; 9.7.2 propel, float or otherwise use a boat on or in any waters except any waters where the Council has determined this subclause applies; 28 July 2016 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 9.7.3 moor a boat on any waters or to a pontoon attached to Local Government land. Bridge Jumping Jump or dive from a bridge or jetty on Local Government land. Burials and Memorials 9.9.1 Bury, inter or spread the ashes of any human or animal remains. 9.9.2 Erect any memorial. Camping and Tents 9.10.1 Erect a tent or other structure of calico, canvas, plastic or similar material. 9.10.2 Camp or sleep overnight: (a) unless in a caravan park on Local Government land, the proprietor of which has been given permission to operate the caravan park on that land; or (b) other than in an area that the Council has, by resolution, designated for camping and in accordance with such time limits and other conditions determined by resolution of the Council (if any). Canvassing Subject to subclause 14.2, convey any advertising, religious or other message to any bystander, passer-by or other. Defacing Property Deface, damage, paint, spray, write, cut names, letters or make marks on any tree, rock, gate, fence, building, sign, bridge or property of the Council. Depasturing Cause, suffer or allow any horse, cattle, sheep, goat or other animal under his or her control to depasture thereon. Distribution Subject to subclause 14.2 and the Local Nuisance and Litter Control Bill 2015 place on a vehicle (without the consent of the owner of the vehicle), or give out or distribute any book, notice, leaflet, or other printed matter to any bystander, passer-by or other person. Donations Ask for or receive or indicate that he or she desires a donation of money or any other thing. Entertainment and Busking 9.16.1 Sing, busk or play a recording or use a musical instrument for the apparent purpose of either entertaining others or receiving money. 9.16.2 Conduct or hold a concert, festival, show, public gathering, circus, meeting, performance or any other similar activity. Equipment 9.17.1 Use an item of equipment, facilities or property belonging to the Council if that person is of or over the age indicated by a sign or notice as the age limit for using such equipment, facility or property. Fires Subject to the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 light a fire except: 9.18.1 in a place provided by the Council for that purpose; or 9.18.2 in a portable barbeque, as long as the barbeque is used in an area that is clear of flammable material for a distance of at least 4 metres. 3081 9.19 Fireworks Use, ignite or discharge any fireworks or rockets. 9.20 Flora and Fauna Subject to the Native Vegetation Act 1991 and the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972: 9.20.1 damage, pick, disturb, interfere with or remove any plant, flower or other vegetation planted thereon; 9.20.2 cause or allow an animal to stand or walk on any flower bed or garden plot; 9.20.3 deposit, dig, damage, disturb, interfere with or remove any soil, stone, wood, clay, gravel, pebbles, timber, bark or any part of the land; 9.20.4 plant any bushes, shrubs, trees or plants; 9.20.5 take, interfere with, tease, harm or disturb any animal, bird or marine creature or the eggs or young of any animal, bird or marine creature; 9.20.6 pick, collect, take, interfere with or disturb any fruit, nuts, berries or native seeds; 9.20.7 disturb, interfere with or damage any burrow, nest or habitat of any animal or bird; 9.20.8 use, possess or have control of any device for the purpose of killing or capturing any animal, bird or marine creature; or 9.20.9 burn any timber or dead wood. 9.21 Games 9.21.1 Participate in, promote or organise any organised competition or sport, as distinct from organised social play; 9.21.2 Play or practise any game which involves kicking, hitting or throwing a ball or other object on Local Government land to which the Council has resolved this subclause applies; 9.21.3 Play or practise the game of golf on Local Government land unless on a properly constructed golf course or golf practice fairway; 9.21.4 Engage or participate in or conduct any organised group fitness activity or training on Local Government land to which the Council has resolved this subclause applies. 9.22 Marine Life Introduce any marine life to any waters located on Local Government land. 9.23 Model Aircraft, Boats and Cars Subject to the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (Cth): 9.23.1 fly or operate a model or drone aircraft, boat or model or remote control car in a manner which may cause or be likely to cause injury or discomfort to a person being on or in the vicinity of the land or detract from or be likely to detract from another person’s lawful use of and enjoyment of the land; or 9.23.2 fly or operate a model or drone aircraft, boat or model or remote control car on any Local Government land to which the Council has resolved this subclause applies. 9.24 Overhanging Articles or Displaying Personal Items Suspend or hang an article or object from a building, verandah, pergola, post or other structure on Local Government land where it might present a nuisance or danger to a person using the land or be of an unsightly nature. 9.25 Paragliders and Hang-gliders Subject to the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (Cth), operate or use a hang-glider or paraglider except on Local Government land to which the Council has resolved this subclause applies and in accordance with any conditions determined by the Council. 3082 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 9.26 Playing Area Use or occupy a Recreation Ground: 9.26.1 in such a manner as to damage or be likely to damage the surface of the Recreation Ground or infrastructure (above and under ground level); 9.26.2 in a manner contrary to the purpose for which the Recreation Ground was intended to be used or occupied; or 9.26.3 contrary to any directions of the Council made by resolution and indicated on a sign displayed adjacent to the Recreation Ground. 9.27 Preaching Preach, harangue or solicit for religious or charitable purposes. 9.28 Swimming Subject to the provisions of the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993 swim in, bathe or enter any waters except: 9.28.1 in an area which the Council has determined may be used for such purposes; and 9.28.2 in accordance with any conditions that the Council may have determined by resolution apply to such use. 9.29 Trading Sell, buy, offer or display anything for sale or hire. 9.30 Vehicles 9.30.1 Drive or propel a vehicle except on an area or road constructed and set aside by the Council for that purpose. 9.30.2 Promote, organise or take part in a race, test or trial of any kind in which vehicles take part, except on an area properly constructed for that purpose. 9.30.3 Repair, wash, paint, panel beat or carry out other work to a vehicle, except for running repairs in the case of a breakdown. 9.31 Weddings, Functions and Special Events 9.31.1 Hold, conduct or participate in a marriage ceremony, funeral or special event. 9.31.2 Erect a marquee, stage or structure for the purpose of holding or conducting a wedding, funeral or special event. 9.31.3 Hold or conduct any filming where the filming is for a commercial purpose. 9.32 Wheeled Recreational Devices Subject to the Road Traffic Act 1961, ride on a skateboard or use roller skates or blades, or similar devices on Local Government land to which the Council has resolved this paragraph applies. 10. Prohibited Activities A person must not do any of the following on Local Government land. 10.1 Animals 10.1.1 Cause or allow an animal to damage a flowerbed, garden plot, tree, lawn or like thing or place. 10.1.2 Lead, herd drive, ride or exercise any horse, cattle, camel or sheep or permit any horse, cattle, camel or sheep to be led, herded, driven, ridden or exercised on any land to which the Council has determined this subclause applies. 10.2 Annoyance Do anything likely to offend or unreasonably interfere with any other person: 10.2.1 using that land; or 10.2.2 occupying nearby premises, by making a noise or creating a disturbance. 28 July 2016 10.3 Equipment Use any item of equipment, facilities or property belonging to the Council other than in the manner and for the purpose for which it was designed, constructed or intended to be used or in such manner as is likely to damage or destroy it. 10.4 Fishing Fish in any waters to which the Council has determined this subclause applies. 10.5 Glass Wilfully break any glass, china or other brittle material. 10.6 Interference with Land Interfere with, alter or damage the land (including a building, structure or fixture located on the land) including: 10.6.1 altering the construction or arrangement of the land to permit or facilitate access from an adjacent property; 10.6.2 erecting or installing a structure (including pipes, wired, cables, fixtures, fittings and other objects) in, on, across, under or over the land; 10.6.3 changing or interfering with the construction or arrangement of materials on the land; 10.6.4 changing or interfering with or removing a structure (including pipes, wired, cables, fixtures, fittings and other objects) on or associated with the land; 10.6.5 planting a tree or other vegetation on the land, interfering with the vegetation on the land or removing vegetation from the land; or 10.6.6 otherwise use the land in a manner contrary to the purpose for which the land was designed to be used. 10.7 Interference with Permitted Use Interrupt, disrupt or interfere with any other person’s use of Local Government land which is permitted or for which permission has been granted. 10.8 Nuisance Behave in an unreasonable manner that causes discomfort, inconvenience, annoyance or offence to any other person. 10.9 Playing Games Play or practice a game or sport or participate in any form of recreation or amusement: 10.9.1 which is likely to cause damage to the land or anything on it; 10.9.2 which endangers the safety or interferes with the comfort of any person; and 10.9.3 in any area where a sign indicates that the game or sport is prohibited. 10.10 Rubbish and Rubbish Dumps 10.10.1 Interfere with, remove or take away any rubbish that has been discarded at any rubbish dump on Local Government land. 10.10.2 Remove, disperse or interfere with any rubbish (including bottles, newspapers, cans, containers or packaging) that has been discarded in a Council rubbish bin on Local Government land. 10.10.3 Deposit in a receptacle any rubbish emanating from domestic or trade premises, unless designated by a sign or signs. 10.11 Smoking Subject to the Tobacco Products Regulation Act 1997, smoke, hold or otherwise have control over an ignited tobacco product: 10.11.1 in any building; or 10.11.2 on any land to which the Council has determined this subclause applies. 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 10.12 Solicitation Tout or solicit customers for the parking of vehicles or for any other purpose whatsoever. 10.13 Throwing Objects Throw, roll, project or discharge a stone, substance or other missile (including sport and recreational equipment) in a manner that endangers or may cause harm to any person or animal. 10.14 Toilets In any public convenience (including showers, toilets and hand washing facilities): 10.14.1 urinate other than in a urinal or pan or defecate other than in a pan set a part for that purpose; 10.14.2 deposit anything in a pan, urinal or drain that is likely to cause a blockage or damage to the facility or any drain, pipe or property associated with the facility; 10.14.3 use the facilities for a purpose for which it was not designed or constructed; 10.14.4 enter any facilities that are set aside for the use of the opposite gender except: (a) where a child under the age of eight years is accompanied by an adult parent or guardian of that sex; or (b) to provide assistance to a disabled person; or (c) in the case of a genuine emergency. PART 4—ENFORCEMENT 11. Directions 11.1 A person on Local Government land must comply with a reasonable direction from an authorised person relating to: 11.1.1 that person’s use of the land; 11.1.2 that person’s conduct and behaviour on the land; 11.1.3 that person’s safety on the land; or 11.1.4 the safety and enjoyment of other persons on the land. 11.2 A person who, in the opinion of an authorised person, is likely to commit or has committed, a breach of this bylaw must immediately comply with a direction of an authorised person to leave that part of Local Government land. 12. Orders If a person fails to comply with an order of an authorised person made pursuant to Section 262 of the Act in respect of a breach of this by-law, the Council may seek to recover its costs of any action taken under Section 262 (3) of the Act from the person to whom the order was directed. Note: Section 262 (1) of the Act states: (1) If a person (the offender) engages in conduct that is a contravention of this Act or a by-law under this Act, an authorised person may order the offender: (a) if the conduct is still continuing—to stop the conduct; and (b) whether or not the conduct is still continuing—to take specified action to remedy the contravention. Subsections (2) and (3) of Section 262 also provide that it is an offence to fail to comply with an order and that if a person does not comply, the authorised person may take action reasonably required to have the order carried out. For example, an authorised person may order a person to: • cease smoking on Local Government land; • remove an object or structure encroaching on Local Government land; 3083 • dismantle and remove a structure erected on Local Government land without permission. 13. Removal of Animals and Objects An authorised person may remove an animal or object that is on Local Government land in breach of a by-law if no person is in charge of, or apparently in charge of, the animal or object. PART 5—MISCELLANEOUS 14. Exemptions 14.1 The restrictions in this by-law do not apply to a Police Officer, Emergency Worker, Council officer or employee acting in the course and within the scope of that person’s normal duties, or to a contractor or volunteer while performing work for the Council and while acting under the supervision of a Council officer. 14.2 The restrictions in subclauses 9.1, 9.11 and 9.14 of this by-law do not apply to electoral matter authorised by a candidate and which is: 14.2.1 related to a Commonwealth or State election and occurs during the period commencing on the issue of the writ or writs for the election and ending at the close of polls on polling day; or 14.2.2 related to an election under the Act or the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999 and occurs during the period commencing four weeks immediately before the date that has been set (either by or under either Act) for polling day and ending at the close of voting on polling day; or 14.2.3 related to, and occurs during the course of and for the purpose of a referendum. 15. Liability of Vehicle Owners 15.1 For the purposes of this Clause 15, owner in relation to a vehicle has the same meaning as contained in Section 4 of the Act. 15.2 The owner and the driver of a vehicle driven, parked or standing in contravention of this by-law are each guilty of an offence and liable to the penalty as prescribed for that offence. This by-law was duly made and passed at a meeting of the City of Onkaparinga held on the 14 June 2016, by an absolute majority of the members for the time being constituting the Council, there being at least two-thirds of the members present. M. DOWD, Chief Executive Officer CITY OF ONKAPARINGA BY-LAW MADE UNDER THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 By-Law No. 6 of 2016—Foreshore A by-law for the management of the foreshores in the Council’s area. PART 1—PRELIMINARY 1. Title This by-law may be cited as the Foreshore By-law 2016 and is By-law No. 6 of the City of Onkaparinga. 2. Authorising Law This by-law is made under Sections 238 and 246 of the Act and Section 18A of the Harbors and Navigation Act 1993. 3. Purpose The objectives of this by-law are to regulate the access to and use of the foreshore: 3.1 to prevent and mitigate nuisances on the foreshore; 3.2 to prevent damage to and promote conservation of the foreshore; 3.3 to protect the convenience, comfort and safety of members of the public; 3.4 to enhance the amenity of the Council area; and 3.5 for the good rule and government of the area. 3084 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 4. Commencement, Revocation and Expiry 4.1 The following by-laws previously made by the Council are revoked from the day on which this by-law comes into operation1: 4.1.1 By-law 6—Foreshore 2009.2 4.2 This by-law will expire on 1 January 2024.3 Note: 1 Generally a by-law comes into operation four months after the day on which it is gazetted: Section 249 (5) of the Act. 2 Section 253 of the Act provides that the revocation of a by-law by another by-law that contains substantially the same provisions, does not affect certain resolutions such as those applying a by-law to a part or parts of the Council area. 3 Pursuant to Section 251 of the Act, a by-law will expire on 1 January following the seventh anniversary of the gazettal of the by-law. 5. Application 5.1 This by-law operates subject to the Council’s Permits and Penalties By-law 2016. 5.2 Subject to Clauses 5.3 and 5.4, this by-law applies throughout the Council area. 5.3 Clauses 8.2.1 this by-law only applies in such part or parts of the Council area as the Council may, by resolution direct in accordance with Section 246 (3) (e) of the Act. 5.4 Clauses 8.4.2, 8.5.2, 8.11, 9.2 and 9.8.1 of this by-law apply throughout the Council area except in such part or parts of the Council area as the Council may by resolution direct in accordance with Section 246 (3) (e) of the Act. 6. Definitions In this by-law: 6.1 Act means the Local Government Act 1999; 6.2 animal or animals includes birds and insects but does not include a dog; 6.3 authorised person has the same meaning as in the Act; 6.4 boat includes a raft, pontoon or personal watercraft or other similar device; 6.5 camp includes setting up a camp, or causing a tent, caravan or motor home to remain on the land overnight, whether or not any person is in attendance or sleeps on the land; 6.6 Council means the City of Onkaparinga; 6.7 emergency worker has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic (Road Rules—Ancillary and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2014; 6.8 foreshore means land extending from the low water mark on the seashore in the Council’s area to the nearest road or section boundary, or for a distance of 50 metres from the high water mark (whichever is the lesser); 6.9 low water mark means the lowest meteorological tide; 6.10 pebble bank means the pebble banks located on the foreshore at Sellicks Beach and Aldinga Beach; 6.11 personal watercraft means a device that: 6.11.1 is propelled by a motor; 6.11.2 has a fully enclosed hull; 6.11.3 is designed not to retain water if capsized; and 6.11.4 is designed to be operated by a person who sits astride, stands, or kneels on the device; and includes the device commonly referred to as a jet ski. 6.12 Vehicle has the same meaning as in the Road Traffic Act 1961. Note: Section 14 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915, provides that an expression used in a by-law has, unless the contrary intention appears, the same meaning as in the Acts under which the by-law was made. 28 July 2016 PART 2—ACCESS TO THE FORESHORE 7. Access 7.1 The Council may: 7.1.1 close or regulate or restrict access to, any part of the foreshore to the public for specified times and days; and 7.1.2 fix charges or fees payable for entry onto any part of the foreshore. 7.2 A person must not without permission, enter or remain on any foreshore that is Local Government land: 7.2.1 which has been closed, or in respect of which access by the public is regulated or restricted in accordance with Clause 7.1; 7.2.2 where entry fees or charges are payable, without paying those fees or charges; or 7.2.3 where the land has been enclosed by fences and/or walls and gates that have been closed and locked. PART 3—REGULATION OF ACTIVITIES ON THE FORESHORE 8. Activities Requiring Permission No person shall without permission on the foreshore: 8.1 Advertising Subject to Clause 13.2, display, paint or erect any advertisement (including on any building or structure on the foreshore). 8.2 Animals 8.2.1 Allow, ride or take any animal onto or allow it to remain on the foreshore or in any adjacent waters except between the hours of midnight and 9 a.m. and only on any part or parts of the foreshore to which the Council has resolved this clause applies; 8.2.2 Allow any horse or camel to enter or leave the foreshore other than by the access ramps constructed or provided by the Council for that purpose. 8.3 Bathing 8.3.1 Swim or bathe within five metres of any jetty. 8.3.2 Swim or bathe at a time when swimming or bathing in that place has been prohibited by resolution of the Council (for the reasons of public safety) as indicated by a sign or signs displayed on the land. 8.4 Boat Ramps 8.4.1 Use a boat ramp on the foreshore to which the Council has determined this clause applies to launch or retrieve a boat from or onto the foreshore: (a) without having first paid the fee determined by the Council and displayed the receipt of payment on the dashboard of the towing vehicle used to launch or retrieve the boat; and (b) other than in accordance with any conditions determined by resolution of the Council (if any). 8.4.2 Except for on any portion on the foreshore to which the Council has resolved this clause applies, launch or retrieve a boat from or onto the foreshore without using a boat ramp constructed or provided by the Council for that purpose; 8.4.3 Allow a vehicle to remain stationary on a boat ramp for longer than is necessary to launch or retrieve a boat. 8.5 Camping and Tents 8.5.1 Erect a tent or other structure of calico, canvas, plastic or similar material; 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 8.5.2 Camp or sleep overnight other than in an area that the Council has, by resolution, designated for camping and in accordance with such time limits and other conditions determined by resolution of the Council (if any). 8.6 Charge Admission Charge admission or seek payment for entering. 8.7 Entertainment and Busking 8.7.1 Sing, busk or play a recording or use a musical instrument for the apparent purpose of either entertaining others or receiving money; 8.7.2 Conduct or hold any event, concert, festival, show, public gathering, circus, meeting, performance or any other similar activity. 8.8 Fires Subject to the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005, light any fire except: 8.8.1 in a place provided by the Council for that purpose; or 8.8.2 in a portable barbeque as long as the barbeque is used in an area that is clear of flammable material for a distance of four metres. 8.9 Fishing Cast a fishing line or keep a fishing line in adjacent waters from any foreshore while there are other persons in the waters in the vicinity of the fishing line. 8.10 Jetties 8.10.1 Jump or dive from a jetty or other structure onto the foreshore or into any adjacent waters; 8.10.2 Throw or propel any object from any structure or jetty onto the foreshore or into any adjacent waters. 8.11 Sandboarding Use a sandboard or other item except in an area the Council has resolved this clause applies. 8.12 Trading Sell, buy, offer or display for sale or hire any goods or services. 8.13 Weddings, Functions and Special Events 8.13.1 Hold, conduct or participate in a marriage ceremony, funeral or special event; 8.13.2 Erect a marquee, stage or structure for the purpose of holding or conducting a wedding, funeral or special event; 8.13.3 Hold or conduct any filming where the filming is for a commercial purpose. 9. Prohibited Activities No person shall on the Foreshore: 9.1 Annoyances Unless authorised by the Council, conduct himself or herself: 9.1.1 in such a manner that may annoy or endanger others; or 9.1.2 unreasonably interfere with the lawful activities of others that are taking place on the foreshore. 9.2 Clad and Unclad Bathing 9.2.1 If aged 5 years or over and except for on Maslin Beach or any other foreshore to which the Council has resolved this clause applies, remain thereon or in any adjacent waters unless properly clad in a bathing costume or other garment necessary to ensure the observance of public decency; 9.2.2 For the purpose of Clause 9.2.1, Maslin Beach means that portion of the foreshore comprised in Allotment 2 of DP 40554, Hundred of Willunga, restricted to the beach area between the base of the cliff face and the low water mark only. 3085 9.3 Interference with Permitted Use Interrupt or interfere with any other person’s use of the foreshore as permitted by the Council. 9.4 Rubbish 9.4.1 Deposit any rubbish or animal faeces other than in receptacles provided by the Council for that purpose; 9.4.2 Remove, disperse or interfere with any rubbish (including bottles, newspapers, cans, containers or packaging) that has been discarded in a Council rubbish bin on Local Government land. 9.5 Sand Dunes, Pebble Banks, Coastal Slopes and Cliffs 9.5.1 Carry out any activity that may damage or threaten the integrity of sand dunes, pebble banks, coastal slopes or cliff; 9.5.2 Introduce non-indigenous flora or fauna or dump any material in a sand dune or pebble bank; 9.5.3 Destroy, remove or cause interference to any flora or fauna, whether living or dead, on or within a sand dune, coastal slope or coastal cliff; 9.5.4 Remove or clear any sand, seaweed, soil, rocks or other flora and fauna; 9.5.5 Make or excavate any dug-out, cave, cliff or other opening, or camp in or otherwise occupy any dug out, cave or cliff overhang opening. 9.6 Toilets In any public convenience (including showers, toilets and hand washing facilities): 9.6.1 urinate other than in a urinal or pan or defecate other than in a pan set a part for the purpose; 9.6.2 deposit anything in a pan, urinal or drain that is likely to cause a blockage or damage to the facility or any drain, pipe or property associated with the facility; 9.6.3 use the facilities for a purpose for which it was not designed or constructed; 9.6.4 enter any facilities that are set aside for the use of the opposite gender except: (a) where a child under the age of eight years is accompanied by an adult parent or guardian of that sex; or (b) to provide assistance to a disabled person; or (c) in the case of a genuine emergency. 9.7 Use of Equipment, Buildings and Property 9.7.1 Use or occupy any equipment, structure, building or property thereon that belongs to the Council other than for the purpose and in the manner for which it was designed, constructed and intended to be used; 9.7.2 Damage, destroy or remove any building or structure, notice board or sign. 9.8 Vehicles 9.8.1 Drive or propel a vehicle except on any portion of the foreshore to which the Council has resolved this clause applies (as indicated by the erection of flags, signs or other means); 9.8.2 Drive or propel a vehicle onto or from the foreshore other than by a ramp or thoroughfare constructed or provided by the Council for that purpose; 9.8.3 Use any ramp or thoroughfare to which the Council has resolved this clause applies to drive or propel a vehicle onto or from the foreshore without having paid the applicable fee (if any) in the manner determined by the Council; 9.8.4 Drive or propel a vehicle over or on any sand dunes or pebble bank. 3086 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PART 4—ENFORCEMENT 10. Directions 10.1 A person on the foreshore must comply with a reasonable direction from an authorised person relating to: 10.1.1 that person’s use of the foreshore; 10.1.2 that person’s conduct and behaviour on the foreshore; or 10.1.3 the safety and enjoyment of other persons on the foreshore. 10.2 A person who, in the opinion of an authorised person, is likely to commit or has committed, a breach of this bylaw must immediately comply with a direction of an authorised person to leave that part of the foreshore. 11. Orders If a person fails to comply with an order of an authorised person made pursuant to Section 262 of the Act in respect of a breach of this by-law, the Council may seek to recover its costs of any action taken under Section 262 (3) of the Act from the person to whom the order was directed. 12. Removal of Animals and Objects An authorised person may remove an animal or object that is on the foreshore in breach of a by-law if no person is in charge of, or apparently in charge of, the animal or object. PART 5—MISCELLANEOUS 13. Exemptions 13.1 The restrictions in this by-law do not apply to a Police Officer, Emergency Worker, Council officer or employee acting in the course and within the scope of that person’s normal duties, or to a contractor or volunteer while performing work for the Council and while acting under the supervision of a Council officer. 13.2 The restrictions in Clause 8.1 of this by-law do not apply to electoral matter authorised by a candidate and which is: 13.2.1 related to a Commonwealth or State election and occurs during the period commencing on the issue of the writ or writs for the election and ending at the close of polls on polling day; or 13.2.2 related to an election under the Act or the Local Government (Elections) Act 1999, and occurs during the period commencing four weeks immediately before the date that has been set (either by or under either Act) for polling day and ending at the close of voting on polling day; or 13.2.3 related to, and occurs during the course of and for the purpose of a referendum. 14. Liability of Vehicle Owners 14.1 For the purposes of this Clause 14, owner in relation to a vehicle has the same meaning as contained in Section 4 of the Act; 14.2 The owner and the driver of a vehicle driven, parked or standing in contravention of this by-law are each guilty of an offence and liable to the penalty as prescribed for that offence. This foregoing by-law was duly made and passed at a meeting of the City of Onkaparinga held on 14 June 2016, by an absolute majority of the members for the time being constituting the Council, there being at least two-thirds of the members present. M. DOWD, Chief Executive Officer CITY OF PLAYFORD Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Playford at its meeting held on 28 June 2016, resolved as follows: Adoption of Valuations Pursuant to Section 167 of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council adopts for rating purposes for the 2016-2017 financial year the Valuer-General’s capital valuation of land within the Council's area being $11 113 107 880 in relation to the whole area of the Council, of which $10 619 438 076 represents rateable land. 28 July 2016 Declaration of Differential General Rate Pursuant to Sections 152 (1) (c), 153 (1) (b) and 156 (1) (b) of the Act, the Council declares the following differential general rate for the 2016-2017 financial year to apply to all rateable land in the Council area: (a) a component comprising a fixed charge of $909 for the year ending 30 June 2017, as part of the general rate upon each separate piece of rateable land within the Council area; and (b) a further component, comprising the value of the land differentiated according to land use as follows: (i) 0.227992 cents in the dollar on rateable land of Category 1 (residential), Category 7 (primary production), Category 8 (vacant land) and Category 9 (other) land use; and (ii) 1.385470 cents in the dollar on rateable land of Category 2 (commercial—shop), Category 3 (commercial—office), Category 4 (commercial— other), Category 5 (industry—light) and Category 6 (industry—other) land use. Separate Rate (National Resources Management Levy) Pursuant to the provisions of Section 95 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 and Section 154 (1) of the Act, a separate rate on the capital valuation of all rateable land in the Council area be declared of 0.009684 cents in the dollar for the year ending 30 June 2017, so as to reimburse the State Government to pay the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board Levy of $994 500. DR M. HEMMERLING, Chief Executive Officer CITY OF PORT ADELAIDE ENFIELD ERRATUM Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates IN the Government Gazette No. 41 of 2016, dated 14 July 2016, page 2944, paragraph 4, the Notice appearing contained an error which this erratum corrects as follows: The declared separate rate for the NRM levy in respect to the 2016-2017 financial year of ‘$0.0000913 in the dollar on the value of rateable land in the area of the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board’ should, instead, have read ‘0.0000922 in the dollar on the value of rateable land in the area of the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board’. M.WITHERS, Chief Executive Officer CITY OF PROSPECT Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates 2016-2017 NOTICE is hereby given that City of Prospect, at a meeting of Council held on 19 July 2016 for the year ending 30 June 2017 resolved as follows: Adoption of Valuations That the Council of the City of Prospect, pursuant to Section 167 (2) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999, adopts valuations of capital value made by the Valuer-General in relation to the area of the Council on 1 July 2016 and specifies that the total of the values that are to apply within the area for rating purposes for the year ending 30 June 2017 is $5 331 410 600. Declaration of Differential General Rates That the Council of the City of Prospect, pursuant to Sections 152 (1) (a), 153 (1) (b) and 156 (1) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999, hereby declares differential general rates on rateable land within the area, which rates vary by reference to the uses of land designated by Regulation 10 (2) of the Local Government (General) Regulations 1999. (a) Residential: A rate of 0.319577 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land. (b) Commercial—Shop: A rate of 0.654307 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land. 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (c) Commercial—Office: A rate of 0.654307 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land. (d) Commercial—Other: A rate of 0.654307 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land. (e) Industry—Light: A rate of 0.654307 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land. (f) Industry—Other: A rate of 0.654307 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land. (g) Primary Production: A rate of 0.654307 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land. (h) Vacant Land (Residential Planning Zone): A rate of 0.399471 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land. (i) Vacant Land (Non-Residential Planning Zone): A rate of 0.817884 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land. (j) Other: A rate of 0.654307 cents in the dollar on the capital value of such rateable land. Declaration of a Minimum Amount That the Council of the City of Prospect, pursuant to Section 158 (1) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999, hereby fixes, in respect of the year ending 30 June 2017 a minimum amount of $1 118 that shall be payable by way of general rates on rateable land within the Council’s area. Declaration of a Separate Rate (Natural Resources Management Levy) That pursuant to Section 95 of the Natural Water Resources Management Act 2004 and Section 154 of the Local Government Act 1999, Council, in order to reimburse to the Council the amount contributed to the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board Levy of $489 370, declares for the year ending 30 June 2017 a separate rate of 0.009404 cents in the dollar on the capital valuation of all rateable properties within the area of the City of Prospect. Payment of Rates Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 181 of the Local Government Act, 1999, the rates shall be payable in four equal or approximately equal instalments due and payable on 15 September 2016, 1 December 2016, 1 March 2017 and 1 June 2017. C. ATKINSON, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF CLEVE Change of Meeting Date NOTICE is hereby given that the normal August Council Meeting will now be held on Tuesday, 16 August 2016, commencing at 2 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Main Street, Cleve, in lieu of Tuesday, 9 August 2016. P. J. ARNOLD, Chief Executive Officer THE FLINDERS RANGES COUNCIL Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates NOTICE is hereby given at a meeting of the Council held on Tuesday, 19 July 2016 and for the year ending 30 June 2017, it resolved: Adoption of Capital Valuations In accordance with Section 167 (2) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999 (the Act), adopts for rating purposes for the year ending 30 June 2017, the valuations made by the Valuer-General of capital values in relation to all land in the area of the Council, and hereby specifies 17 July 2016 as the day as and from which such valuations shall become and be the valuations of the Council with the total of the valuations being $249 989 640 comprising $240 452 100 in respect of rateable land and $9 537 540 in respect of non-rateable land before alteration. Declaration of Differential General Rates Declares, having taken into account the general principles of rating contained in Section 150 of the Act and the requirements of Section 153 (2) of the Act, that pursuant to Sections 3087 152 (1) (a), 153 (1) (b) and 156 (1) (c) of the Act, and Regulation 10 (2) of the Local Government (General) Regulations 1999 (the Regulations), the following differential general rates based on the assessed capital values of all rateable land within the Council area for the year ending 30 June 2017, the said differential general rates to vary by reference to the predominant land use of the rateable land and the locality of the land. The said differential general rates declared are as follows: Locality of Quorn Township, Quorn Rural Area, Hawker Township, Hawker Rural Area: (1) A differential general rate of 0.6000 cents in the dollar on rateable land in the Council’s area of Category 1 (Residential) land use. (2) A differential general rate of 0.6750 cents in the dollar on rateable land in the Council’s area of Category 2 (Commercial—Shop) land use. (3) A differential general rate of 0.8100 cents in the dollar on rateable land in the Council’s area of Category 3 (Commercial—Office) land use. (4) A differential general rate of 0.8100 cents in the dollar on rateable land in the Council’s area of Category 4 (Commercial—Other) land use. (5) A differential general rate of 0.8100 cents in the dollar on rateable land in the Council’s area of Category 5 (Industry—Light) land use. (6) A differential general rate of 0.9100 cents in the dollar on rateable land in the Council’s area of Category 6 (Industry—Other) land use. (7) A differential general rate of 0.7225 cents in the dollar on rateable land in the Council’s area of Category 7 (Primary Production) land use. (8) A differential general rate of 0.8200 cents in the dollar on rateable land in the Council’s area of Category 8 (Vacant Land) land use. (9) A differential general rate of 0.8300 cents in the dollar on rateable land in the Council’s area of Category 9 (Other) land use. Residential General Rates Cap Pursuant to Section 153 (3) of the Act, that it is determined not to fix a maximum increase in the general rate to be charged on the principal place of residence of a principal ratepayer for the year ending 30 June 2017. Declaration of Minimum Rate Pursuant to Section 158 (1) (a) of the Act, to fix a minimum amount of $713 payable by way of rates for the year ending 30 June 2017. Declaration of Garbage Annual Service Charge Pursuant to and in accordance with Section 155 of the Act, declares an Annual Service Charge for the year ending 30 June 2017 based on the level of usage of the service upon the land to which it provides the prescribed service of the collection and disposal of domestic and commercial waste. The said Annual Service Charge declared are as follows: (1) $150 for ‘household’ waste for occupied properties in Quorn and Hawker Townships. (2) $100 for ‘recycle’ waste for occupied properties in Quorn and Hawker Townships. Declaration of Community Wastewater Management Systems Annual Service Charge Pursuant to and in accordance with Section 155 of the Act, and in accordance with the Community Wastewater Management System Property Unit Code as provided at Regulation 9A of the Regulations declares an Annual Service Charge for the year ending 30 June 2017, based on the nature of the service and varying according to whether the land is vacant or occupied upon the land to which it provides or makes available the prescribed service of a Community Wastewater Management System, of: (a) $400 per unit in respect of each piece of occupied land serviced by the Quorn Community Wastewater Management System; 3088 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (b) $390 per unit in respect of each piece of vacant land serviced by the Quorn Community Wastewater Management System; (c) $400 per unit in respect of each piece of occupied land serviced by the Hawker Community Wastewater Management System; and (d) $390 per unit in respect of each piece of vacant land serviced by the Hawker Community Wastewater Management System. Declaration of Separate Rates (NRM Levy— Collected for the State Government) Pursuant to Section 95 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, and Section 154 of the Act, and in order to reimburse the Council for amounts contributed to the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board, being $41 630, declares a separate rate of 0.01750 cents in the dollar for the year ending 30 June 2017, based on the capital value of all rateable properties in the area of the Council and of the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board. Declaration of Payment of Rates Pursuant to Section 181 (1) and (2) of the Act, declares that all rates for the year ending 30 June 2017 be payable by four equal or approximately equal instalments, with the: first instalment payable on 1 September 2016; second instalment payable on 1 December 2016; third instalment payable on 1 March 2017; and fourth instalment payable on 1 June 2017. C. J. DAVIES, Chief Executive Officer REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GOYDER Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of the Council held on Tuesday, 19 July 2016, the Council resolved as follows: Adoption of Valuations In accordance with Section 167 (2) (a) of the Local Government Act 1999, Council adopted for rating purposes, for the financial year ending 30 June 2017, the most recent valuations of the Valuer-General of the Capital Value of land within the area of the Council, and specifies that the total of the values that are to apply within the area is $1 120 679 920. Annual Service Charge—Community Wastewater Management Systems Pursuant to Section 155 of the Local Government Act 1999, and Regulation 12, of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013, and in accordance with the CWMS Property Units Code, Council adopted an annual service charge based on the level of usage of the service and varying according to whether the land is vacant or occupied on all land to which Council provides or makes available the prescribed service of Community Wastewater Management Systems for the year ending 30 June 2017: In respect of all land in the area serviced by the Burra CWMS, an annual service charge of: (a) $366 per property unit on occupied rateable and nonrateable land; and (b) $275 per property unit on assessments of vacant rateable and non-rateable land. In respect of all land in the area serviced by the Eudunda CWMS an annual service charge of: (a) $544.00 per property unit on occupied rateable and non-rateable land; and (b) $417.00 per property unit on vacant rateable and nonrateable land. 28 July 2016 Annual Service Charge—Waste Collection Pursuant to and in accordance with Section 155 of the Local Government Act 1999, Council adopted an annual service charge on all rateable land in the townships of Terowie, Whyte Yarcowie, Hallett, Mt Bryan, Burra, Robertstown, Point Pass, Eudunda, Farrell Flat and Booborowie to which it provides or makes available the prescribed service of waste collection for the year ending 30 June 2017, of $190 on the basis that the sliding scale provided for in Regulation 13 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013, will be applied to reduce the service charge payable, as prescribed. Natural Resources Management Levy Pursuant to Section 154 of the Local Government Act 1999, and Section 95 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, for the purpose of reimbursing Council amounts contributed to the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board and the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board, Council adopted the following separate rates for the year ending 30 June 2017, based on the capital value of the land for: (1) all rateable land located within the area of Council and of the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board, a rate in the dollar of $0.000259; and (2) all rateable land within the area of Council and of the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board, a rate in the dollar of $0.000173. Fixed Charge Pursuant to Section 152 (1) (c) (ii), and in accordance with Section 152 (2), of the Local Government Act 1999, Council declared a fixed charge of $150 against each separately valued piece of rateable land within the Council area for the year ending 30 June 2017. Differential General Rates Pursuant to Sections 153 (1) (b) and 156 (1) (c) of the Local Government Act 1999, Council determined that the following differential rates for the year ending 30 June 2017, be declared on rateable land within its area, based upon the capital value of the land and varying according to the locality of the land and its use: (a) 0.3201 cents in the dollar for rateable land within the area with a land use of Primary Production; (b) 0.5237 cents in the dollar for all other rateable land in the Council area. Payment of Rates Pursuant to Section 181 (1) and (2) of the Local Government Act 1999, all rates are payable in four equal or approximately equal instalments (unless otherwise agreed with the principal ratepayer) due by 9 September 2016, 9 December 2016, 10 March 2017 and 9 June 2017. J. P. BRAK, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF MALLALA Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates NOTICE is hereby given that the Council at its meeting held on 18 July 2016, in respect of the financial year ending 30 June 2017, resolved as follows: Adoption of Valuations To adopt, for rating purposes, the most recent valuations of the Valuer-General available to the Council of the Capital Value of land within the Council’s area totalling $1 668 678 440 of which $1 644 742 069 is the total Capital Value of rateable land. Declaration of Rates and Service Charges Fixed Charge To declare a fixed charge of $100 on all rateable land within its area. 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE General Rate To declare differential general rates on property within its area based on land use as follows: • 0.451651 cents in the dollar on rateable land of Residential, Vacant Land and Other land uses; • 0.410602 cents in the dollar on rateable land of Primary Production land use; and • 0.587105 cents in the dollar on rateable land of all other land uses. Waste Collection Charge To declare a service charge of $180 for the collection of waste. Annual Service Charge To impose service charges in respect to rateable and nonrateable land as follows: Middle Beach Large tank..................................................................... $405 Small Tank ................................................................... $375 Mallala Township Per Property Connection............................................... $586 Natural Resources Management Levy To declare a separate rate of 0.009945 cents in the dollar on rateable land within its area for the purpose of raising the amount of $162 513 payable to the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board. J. MILLER, Chief Executive Officer MID MURRAY COUNCIL Adoption of Valuation and Declaration of Rates NOTICE is hereby given that on 12 July 2016, the Mid Murray Council, pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1999 and for the year ending 30 June 2017, made the following resolutions. To adopt the most recent valuations of capital value made by the Valuer-General for rating purposes totalling the area aggregate $2 210 420 220.00 of which $2 150 529 735.00 is the valuation of rateable land. To declare differential general rates on the capital value of all rateable land within the area, varying according to the locality and use of the land, as follows: (1) in respect of all rateable land within the Township of Mannum a rate of 0.6360 cents in the dollar; (2) in respect of rateable land within the Townships of Barton, Blanchetown, Cadell, Cambrai, Dutton, Greenways, Keyneton, Morgan, Palmer, Nildottie, Purnong, Sedan, Swan Reach, Truro and Tungkillo and with land use categories (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (h) and (i) a differential rate of 0.6330 cents in the dollar; (3) in respect of rateable land within the Townships of Blanchetown, Cadell, Cambrai, Dutton, Keyneton, Morgan, Palmer, Nildottie, Purnong, Sedan and Tungkillo with land use category (g) a differential rate of 0.6330 cents in the dollar; (4) in respect of rateable land within the Townships of Barton, Greenways, Swan Reach and Truro with land use category (g) a differential rate of 0.4700 cents in the dollar; (5) in respect of rateable land outside of the Townships of Barton, Blanchetown, Cadell, Cambrai, Dutton, Greenways, Keyneton, Mannum, Morgan, Palmer, Nildottie, Purnong, Sedan, Swan Reach, Truro and Tungkillo with the land use category (a) a differential rate of 0.5010 cents in the dollar; (6) in respect of rateable land in Marina Berths with a land use code of 6680 Marina or 6681 Berth/Hardstand a differential rate of 0.5010 cents in the dollar; and (7) in respect of all other rateable land a differential rate of 0.4700 cents in the dollar. 3089 To fix a minimum amount of $635.00 payable by way of general rates. To declare for SA Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board, being $544 000 a separate rate of 0.02565 cents in the dollar, based on all rateable land in the Council’s area. To declare a separate rate on rateable land adjoining Sprinkler Drive, Walker Flat for the purpose of contributing 50% to the cost of sealing Sprinkler Drive a Fixed Charge of $460.00 per property. To declare annual service charges in respect of all land to which the Council provides or makes available the prescribed service of a Community Wastewater Management System in the following areas: $ per unit Big Bend area................................................................ 405.00 Bowhill area .................................................................. 405.00 Greenways Landing area ............................................... 659.00 Kroehn’s Landing area .................................................. 760.00 Seven Mile Shacks area ............................................... 709.00 Scrubby Flat area .......................................................... 709.00 Swan Reach area ........................................................... 507.00 Walker Flat area ............................................................ 355.00 North Punyelroo area .................................................... 253.00 Caloote Landing area .................................................... 304.00 Bolto Reserve area ........................................................ 507.00 Old Teal Flat area.......................................................... 608.00 The Rocks area.............................................................. 760.00 Caurnamont area ........................................................... 253.00 Five Mile Shacks and Kia Marina areas ........................ 608.00 Pellaring Flat area ......................................................... 355.00 Blanchetown area .......................................................... 405.00 Brenda Park/Morphett Flat areas................................... 355.00 Marks Landing area ...................................................... 253.00 Scotts Creek area........................................................... 405.00 Teal Flat area................................................................. 456.00 Pelican Point area ....................................................... 1 343.00 South Punyelroo area .................................................... 304.00 North West Bend/Beaumonts areas ............................... 304.00 Idyll Acres area ............................................................. 557.00 Rob Loxton Road area ............................................... 1 080.00 Rob Loxton Road (capital only) .................................... 725.00 Julanker/Younghusband Holdings areas .................... 2 335.00 Truro area...................................................................... 550.00 Truro area—private pumping chamber ......................... 530.00 Truro area—Aerobic Wastewater Treatment ................ 275.00 To declare an annual service charge in respect of all land to which the Council provides the prescribed service of television transmission known as the Bowhill Multi Access Television Transmission Service of $130.00. To declare an annual service charge in respect of each property to which the Council provides the prescribed service of the treatment or provision of water known as the Bowhill Reticulated Water Supply System: Consumption of up to 120 kilolitres of water .............. $230.00 All water consumed in excess of 120 kilolitres......................................... 75 cents per kilolitre To declare an annual service charge for all residential properties in the Townships of Barton, Blanchetown, Cadell, Cambrai, Dutton, Greenways, Keyneton, Mannum, Morgan, Palmer, Nildottie, Purnong, Sedan, Swan Reach, Truro, Tungkillo and other identified properties known as the kerbside collection of recyclables service of $90.00. R. J. PEATE, Chief Executive Officer MOUNT BARKER DISTRICT COUNCIL Assignment of Road Name NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to Section 219 (1) of the Local Government Act 1999, Council resolved to assign the name ‘Taunton Lane’ to the lane way between Heathfield Street and West Parkway within the Bluestone Land Division—Mount Barker. This road name will come into effect from 21 July 2016. A. STUART, Chief Executive Officer 3090 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE DISTRICT COUNCIL OF MOUNT REMARKABLE Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates 2016-2017 NOTICE is given that the Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 19 July 2016, in respect of the financial year ending 30 June 2017, resolved as follows: Adoption of Valuations To adopt, for rating purposes, the most recent valuations of the Valuer-General available to Council of the Capital Value of land within the Council’s area totalling $644 783 700. General Rates (including Fixed Charge) To declare a general rate of 0.3478 cents in the dollar and a fixed charge of $289.40 in respect of all rateable land in the Council area. Annual Service Charges 1. To declare an annual service charge for the collection treatment and disposal of wastewater in respect of all assessments within the townships of Wilmington, Melrose and Booleroo Centre of $472.50 per unit on each assessment of land. 2. To declare an annual service charge of $221.70 for waste management on: (a) all occupied land in the defined townships of Appila, Booleroo Centre, Hammond, Melrose, Murray Town, Port Germein, Weeroona Island, Willowie, Wilmington and Wirrabara; and (b) all land outside of the townships abutting the defined collection route on which a habitable dwelling exists. 3. To declare an annual service charge of $286.40 and $3.51 per kilolitre in respect of all land within the township of Weeroona Island to which Council makes available the Weeroona Island Water Supply. Separate Rate – Natural Resources Management Levy To declare a separate rate of 0.0253 cents in the dollar on all rateable land within the Council area to recover the amount payable to the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board. W. HART, Chief Executive Officer NARACOORTE LUCINDALE COUNCIL Change of Road Names NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Section 219 of the Local Government Act 1999, the Naracoorte Lucindale Council resolved at its meeting held on 28 June 2016, to assign and change road names as follows: That the public road adjoining Repeater Station Road, Naracoorte, be assigned the name Gare Road in accordance with Council’s Road naming policy. H. MACDONALD, Chief Executive Officer PORT PIRIE REGIONAL COUNCIL Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates 2016-2017 NOTICE is hereby given that the Port Pirie Regional Council, at its meeting held on 13 July 2016, in exercise of the powers contained in Chapter 10 of the Local Government Act 1999 and for the year ending 30 June 2017 resolved as follows: Adoption of Valuations Adopted for rating purposes, the Valuer-General’s valuation of capital value of land within the area of the Council totalling $2 306 064 280. Declaration of Rates Declared differential rates, based on the capital value of the land and by reference to following land uses. • In respect of rateable land which is located within the area of the Council and categorised by Land Use Category (a)— Residential and Category (i)—Other, a differential general rate of 0.3825 cents in the dollar; 28 July 2016 • In respect of rateable land which is located within the area of the Council and categorised by Land Use Category (b)— Commercial Shop, Category (c)—Commercial Office, Category (d)—Commercial Other and Category (e)— Industry Other, differential general rate of 0.7650 cents in the dollar; • In respect of rateable land which is located within the area of Council and categorised by the Land Use Category (f)— Industry Other (Nyrstar), a differential general rate of 4.6400 cents in the dollar; • In respect of rateable land which is located within the area of Council and categorised by Land Use Category (g)— Primary Production, a differential general rate of 0.3060 cents in the dollar; and • In respect of rateable land which is located within the area of the Council and categorised by Land Use Category (h)— Vacant Land, a differential general rate of 0.7650 cents in the dollar. Annual Service Charge—Community Wastewater Management System Imposed a service charge on both rateable and non-rateable land to which it provides or makes available a community wastewater management system and for that service charge to vary on the basis of land being occupied or unoccupied as follows: • Crystal Brook occupied $180 per service; • Crystal Brook unoccupied $135 per service; • Napperby occupied $420 per service; and • Napperby unoccupied $315 per service. Annual Service Charge—Waste Management Imposed a service charge of $212 on all residential properties within the Council area to which it provides the prescribed service of waste collection, and to apply the sliding scale provided for in Regulation 13 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2013 as prescribed. Separate Rate—Natural Resource Management Levy Declared a differential separate rate of 0.00177 cents in the dollar on all rateable properties located within the area of the Council, to recover amounts payable to the Northern & Yorke Natural Resource Management Board. Fixed Charge Imposed a fixed charge of $460 on rateable land within the area of the Council. DR A. JOHNSON, Chief Executive Officer RENMARK PARINGA COUNCIL Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates 2016-2017 NOTICE is hereby given that at its meeting held on Tuesday, 12 July 2016, the Renmark Paringa Council for the financial year ending 30 June 2017, passed the following resolutions: Adoption of Valuation To adopt the most recent valuations of the Valuer-General available to Council of the capital value of land within the Council’s area, totalling $1 332 264 780 for rating purposes. Declaration of General Rates Declared differential general as follows: (a) 0.2203 cents in the dollar on rateable land of Category 1 (Residential) and Category 9 (Other); (b) 0.4671 cents in the dollar on rateable land of Category 2 (Commercial—Shop), Category 3 (Commercial— Office), Category 4 (Commercial—Other), Category 5 (Industry—Light) and Category 6 (Industry—Other); (c) 0.3285 cents in the dollar on rateable land of Category 7 (Primary Production); and (d) 0.7261 cents in the dollar on rateable land of Category 8 (Vacant Land). 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Fixed Charge Imposed a fixed charge of $400 on each separate piece of rateable land within the area of the Council. Separate Rate—Natural Resources Management Levy Declared a separate rate of 0.025385 cents in the dollar, on all rateable land in the Council area in respect of the SA Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Levy. Service Charges (1) Declared an annual service charge of $410 per unit on rateable and non-rateable land where a septic tank effluent disposal connection point is provided by Council. (2) Declared an annual service charge of $135 for residual waste collection within the Township areas (Town Residential). (3) Declared an annual service charge of $135 for residual waste collection within the Rural areas (Rural Residential). (4) Declared an annual service charge of $65 for recycling collection within the Township areas (Town Residential). (5) Declared an annual service charge of $65 for recycling collection within the Rural areas (Rural Residential). (6) Declared an annual service charge of $58 for organics collection within the Township areas (Town Residential). Payment of Rates Resolved that the above rates and charges will fall due on the following days: 6 September 2016; 6 December 2016; 7 March 2017; and 6 June 2017. T. SIVIOUR, Chief Executive Officer DISTRICT COUNCIL OF TUMBY BAY Adoption of Valuations and Declaration of Rates NOTICE is hereby given that at the Special Council Meeting held on 14 July 2016, the Council for the financial year ending 30 June 2017, resolved the following: 1. Adopted for rating purposes the most recent valuations of the Valuer-General of the site value of land within the Council’s area, totalling $667 023 700. 2. Declared differential general rate as follows: (a) 0.39986 cents in the dollar on rateable land within the Townships excluding any land with a land use code of Commercial/Industrial; (b) 0.36537 cents in the dollar on rateable land with a land use code of Commercial/Industrial; (c) 6.847 cents in the dollar on rateable land within the Commercial (Bulk Handling) zone under the Council’s Development Plan; (d) 0.32258 cents in the dollar on all other rateable land within the district. 3. Declared a fixed charge of $612 on all rateable land. 4. Declared a differential separate rate as follows: (a) 0.01393 cents in the dollar on all rateable land within the Port Neill Township; and (b) 0.0088 cents in the dollar on all rateable land outside the Port Neill Township and within the Hundred of Dixson, to maintain the Port Neill Soldiers Memorial Hall. 5. Declared a separate rate based on a fixed charge of $79.95 on all rateable land in the Council area to reimburse to the Council the amount contributed to the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board. 3091 6. Declared an annual service charge: (a) within the townships of Tumby Bay, Port Neill, Lipson and Ungarra for the collection, treatment or disposal of waste in the amount of: (i) $195 for each occupied allotment; (ii) $195 for each additional 140 litre bin requested per property; and (b) for the use of the Tumby Bay Common Effluent Drainage Scheme of $500 per property unit. T. J. SMITH, Chief Executive Officer YORKE PENINSULA COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT ACT 1993 Yorke Peninsula Council Development Plan Edithburgh Town and Surrounds Development Plan Amendment— Draft for Public Consultation THE Yorke Peninsula Council Edithburgh Town and Surrounds Development Plan Amendment (DPA) has been prepared by Council under the provisions of the Development Act 1993 and is now available for comment. The draft DPA reviews the zoning of the township of Edithburgh and the immediately surrounding area. The DPA proposes a number of zoning amendments to land within and immediately adjoining the township and the introduction of policy to address stormwater flooding issues. Key amendments include: • Extending the Residential zone. • Reducing the extent of the Rural Living zone and reducing minimum allotment area requirements in the remaining area. • Introducing a Development Constraints map identifying flood prone areas and associated policy recommending minimum finished floor levels. • Introducing a Mixed Use zone to allow light industrial and commercial development. The draft DPA will be available for public inspection from Thursday, 28 July 2016 until Friday, 29 September 2016 during normal office hours at the Yorke Peninsula Council offices located at Maitland (8 Elizabeth Street); Minlaton (18 Main Street); Yorketown (15 Edithburgh Road) and Warooka (Player Street), as well as being accessible on Council’s website at A copy of the Development Plan Amendment can be downloaded free of cost from Council’s website or a hard copy purchased from the Council office at Minlaton only for $150 (full colour) or for $50 (black-and-white only), or a CD-ROM copy purchased for $5. Written submissions regarding the draft amendment will be accepted by the Council until 5 p.m. on Friday, 29 September 2016. All submissions should be addressed to Director Development Services, Yorke Peninsula Council, P.O. Box 88, Minlaton, S.A. 5575, or lodged via email at The written submission should clearly indicate whether you will wish to speak at the public meeting on your submission. Copies of all written submissions received will be available for inspection by interested persons at the Council offices from Friday, 29 September 2016 until the date of the public meeting. A public meeting will be held on Thursday, 6 October 2016 at 7 p.m. at the Edithburgh Institute, 30 Blanche Street, Edithburgh, at which time interested persons may be heard in relation to the DPA and the submissions. The public hearing will not be held if no submissions are received or if no submission makes a request to be heard. Dated 25 July 2016. A. CAMERON, Chief Executive Officer 3092 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE IN the matter of the estates of the undermentioned deceased persons: Conroy, Jean, late of 160-176 Walkerville Terrace, Walkerville, widow, who died on 13 May 2016. Crowther, Sharon Louise, late of 4 Houston Terrace, Pooraka, retired school services officer, who died on 6 May 2016. Gardiner, Peter John, late of 55D Sturdee Street, Linden Park, retired railway guard, who died on 24 March 2016. George, Robert Carl, late of 69 Devitt Avenue, Payneham South, retired carpenter, who died on 19 September 2015. Karstaedt, Arno Gunther, late of 160 O.G. Road, Felixstow, retired builder, who died on 27 February 2016. Murphy, Lewis Clair, late of 8 Giles Street, Ingle Farm, retired railway clerk, who died on 6 June 2016. Smith, Kym Anthony, late of 46 Strathcona Avenue, Clapham, packer, who died on 8 November 2015. White, Jack McKenzie, late of Ruwoldt Road, Yahl, retired government building inspector, who died on 21 April 2016. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act 1936, the Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1972 and the Family Relationships Act 1975, that all creditors, beneficiaries, and other persons having claims against the said estates are required to send, in writing, to the office of Public Trustee, G.P.O. Box 1338, Adelaide, S.A. 5001, full particulars and proof of such claims, on or before the 26 August 2016, otherwise they will be excluded from the distribution of the said estate; and notice is also hereby given that all persons indebted to the said estates are required to pay the amount of their debts to the Public Trustee or proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof; and all persons having any property belonging to the said estates are forthwith to deliver same to the Public Trustee. Dated 28 July 2016. D. A. CONTALA, Public Trustee 28 July 2016 28 July 2016 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 3093 ATTENTION CUSTOMERS requiring a proof of their notice for inclusion in the Government Gazette, please note that the onus is on you to inform Government Publishing SA of any subsequent corrections. For any corrections to your notice please phone 8207 1045 or Email before 4 p.m. on Wednesday. If we do not receive any communication by 10 a.m. on Thursday (day of publication) we will presume the notice is correct and will print it as it is. Remember—the onus is on you to inform us of any corrections necessary to your notice. NOTE: Closing time for lodging new copy (electronically, fax or hard copy) is 4 p.m. on Tuesday preceding the day of publication. Phone: 8207 1045 Fax: 8207 1040 Email: Printed and published by authority every Thursday by P. McMAHON, Government Printer, South Australia Price: $7.21, plus postage; to subscribers, $361.90 per annum. (The above prices are inclusive of GST)