october 2012 Meet Our Yankee Lady!


october 2012 Meet Our Yankee Lady!
Telling the willow Run Story of American greatness
october 2012
Meet Our Yankee Lady!
I am Jacqui Hancock and I am the Yankee Air
Museum’s Yankee Lady!
My role as the Museum’s Yankee Lady is very
important and special to me for many reasons.
Namely, I get to be a part of an experience that
the Museum provides its patrons by being a living
example of a woman from the 1940s era. It creates a whole new dimension that is beyond a
photograph. Women during the war were a
symbol of hope and joy beyond the horrors of
war and I hope to represent a small piece of that
in a living, breathing form.
Being the Yankee Lady also has a deeply rooted
personal connection for me. My Grandfather was
a waist gunner during WWII and flew on a B-17.
I unfortunately never got the opportunity to meet
him as he sadly passed away before I was born.
Not having the chance to grow up knowing him,
ask him questions and have him as a part of my
life, this role gives me an opportunity to have a
connection with him. To be a representative of
the Yankee Lady B-17 is something that means
so much to me, it’s almost beyond description. It
is a form of pride I carry for my family and my
country, and my own personal tribute to the generation that saved the world.
Outside of my role as the Yankee Lady, I am a
happily married wife and historical enthusiast.
My husband and I both enjoy a variety of hobbies
Jim Race
that include historical re-enacting (any era from
the 1850s-1960s), hiking, collecting arms and
many more. My dream is to one day fly in the Museum’s B-17 to have the chance to actually experience my
Grandfather’s perspective as he flew off into battle.
I hope to continue to meet all the wonderful Members of the Yankee Air Museum and I must express my
gratitude to all of the Members for keeping Michigan’s piece of aviation history alive. Thank You!
Please come visit me at the Membership booth during future events!
-Jacqueline Hancock
The YAF is organized exclusively to obtain, restore, preserve
and operate historic and vintage aircraft, related components
for historical research and public educational purposes, and to
establish a museum to facilitate the public display and
exhibition of such items.
Yankee Air Force, Inc.
d/b/a Yankee Air Museum
A Non-Profit Organization
47884 D Street (48111)
Willow Run Airport
PO Box 590
Belleville, Michigan USA 48112-0590
1 Oct 1939
Hangar Happenings is the monthly newsletter
1 Oct 1942
of the Yankee Air Museum.
Founding Editor:
Bill Abbott
1919 - 2000
Dave “Drano” Steiner
Pete Petersen
Jeff Hudson
Dwight Koslowski
Al Hudson
Linda Terentiak
Rand Bitter
Past Dates of Interest
1 Oct 1958
3 Oct 1942
4 Oct 1957
7 Oct 2001
Officers of the Yankee Air Force:
Ray Hunter
Tom Matz
Speed Gant
Randy Hotton
Bill Hanney
Brian Higgins
William Rands III
Dick Stewart
Dave Steiner
Jack Roush
Dan Hale
Rob Bovitz
Executive Director
Ex Officio:
Kevin Walsh
Dennis Norton
9 Oct 2004
10 Oct 2010
9 Oct 1942
12 Oct 1942
Meeting Schedule
13 Oct 1968
General Membership
1st Wednesday of Month - 7:30 PM
Members FREE, non-members $5
14 Oct 1947
Board Meeting
4th Wednesday of Month - 7:00 PM
16 Oct 1939
YAM Dispatch Riders Meeting
3rd Saturday of Month—10:00 AM
Staff Meeting
4th Saturday of Month - 10:00 AM
All Department Chairs and Managers
21 Oct 1942
22-27 Oct
25 Oct 1943
Phone: (734) 483 - 4030
29 Oct 1942
Chance Vought Corsair first US fighter to
exceed 400 mph
First flight of the Bell Aircomet P-59A which
was the first US jet
NASA founded
First successful V-2 rocket launch begins new
era in air warfare
Sputnik I launch begins Space Age
Air campaign begins against al Qaeda and
Taliban camps and bases in Afghanistan. Includes
strikes from carriers in Arabian Sea and B-2 bombers based at Whiteman AFB, MO. Crews from
509th Bomb Wing fly 44 consecutive hours — the
longest mission in U.S. military aviation history
Yankee Air Museum Hangar burns to
ground in spectacular fire , flyable aircraft are
saved by heroic efforts of a few Yankee voluteers
Yankee Air Museum Collections & Exhibits
Bldg reopens to public, six years after fire. YAM
is back.
First B-24 bombing mission from England
(93rd BG). Target was Lille, France
First U-Boat sunk by Liberator. U-597 sunk
off Iceland by RAF Lib I, AM 929
First live TV broadcast from manned US
spacecraft Apollo 7
First supersonic flight: Air-launched from the bomb
bay of a B-29, the Bell X-1 Glamorous Glennis was
flown by Capt. Chuck Yeager at Mach 1.06
First air attack on British territory: German aircraft
damaged ships in Scotland’s Firth of Forth
B-24s strike Lin-hsi coal mines, China
US Navy crushes Japanese fleet in the Battle
of Leyte Gulf, Philippines
Solomon Is. Allies destroy Japanese air force
at Rabaul, New Britain
Alaskan Highway (1,520 miles) opens
FAX: (734) 483 - 5076
Copyright © 2012 Yankee Air Force, Inc.
No 50/50 at September meeting
Opinions expressed by our columnists are rightfully their own
and do not necessarily reflect the outlook of our entire organization.
To contact Hangar Happening’s
E-mail: hangarhapps@yankeeairmuseum.org
Phone: (734) 483-4030 ext 247
november 2012 issue deadline is october 12th
But best to have items in by october 1st
Hangar happenings - newsletter of the yankee air museum
Executive Director - Kevin Walsh
Our 3rd Annual GALA is right around the corner and it promises to be
an amazing evening! Heading-lining this distinguished event will be
none other than legendary University of Michigan Football Coach,
Lloyd Carr.
We are honored and humbled to have Coach Carr as our keynote
speaker and look forward to a spectacular event. The evening will pay
tribute to some incredible honorees and wartime heroes. The GALA
will be an opportunity to hear their stories and understand their contributions to our country and to our freedoms.
I would strongly encourage each member of the Yankee Air Museum to consider attending this fantastic
event. I would also like to take the opportunity, for those able, to consider contributing to the event through
sponsorship or donating high-yield items for the silent auction.
It is critical to develop continuing and profitable major events as additional streams of revenue for the Yankee Air Museum. Diversity is the key to any business and the GALA helps us achieve that fundraising goal of
different sources of income.
To learn more about the Yankee Air Museum’s 3rd Annual GALA and support this worthwhile and important
cause, please go to www.yankeeairmuseum.org
Air Park AC on the Move
The F-101, F-4 and RF-84 are on the move!
Phase 1 (moving the aircraft to the south fence line of the air park) was completed after 10 hours of prep and
The aircraft were moved very carefully and every effort was made to ensure they did not get damaged or
stuck in the ground. I am glad to report it was all around very successful!
Phase II will involve dropping the fence and moving the aircraft to the dirt road that leads into E-28.
Phase III will involve the aircraft being moved to the Collections and Exhibits Building parking lot (Phase II
and Phase III will most likely occur at the same time however I want to allow us to work in manageable stages).
Phase IV will be the re-arrangement of the inside of the high bay and the F-4 being moved inside permanently.
All this is for informational purposes but I think it is important to share these types of exciting progressions!
Kevin Walsh - Executive Director
Of 2000+ Yankee members only 60 are signed up for the
Kroger Community Rewards Program. If you shop at Kroger (and
want your rewards to go to YAM) then you need to double check
that they actually are. Kroger will no longer report names of those
designating their “donation” to YAM, so it cannot be checked. If
you think you were signed up in the last quarter and want to check
contact Dave Steiner dsteiner@blackmorecocom. See more on pg 6
Hangar happenings - newsletter of the yankee air museum
General Membership Meeting News
On August 1st, we had a great presentation on Captain Colin Kelley Jr., a B-17 pilot who was KIA while flying out of
the Philippines, and became one the first heroes of WWII. It was a fact filled informational presentation as a result
of years of research by Life Member Maynard Harris. Ray Hunter made a great presentation about SAR in SE Asia
at the September meeting.
October 3rd - Life member Paul Schwimmer will make a presentation on his team’s (History Flight) efforts in MIA/
POW research in Europe and the South Pacific island of Tarawa. They have been on 7 missions now to recover a
November 7th - the story of sailing the United States Coast Guard’s “Tall Sailing Ship” the Eagle.
December 5th - “My Phantom Father” a documentary film done by Der Spiegel about a woman’s search for the
P-38 crash site and recovery of the remains of the father she never knew. The site was behind the Iron Curtain
and thus off limits to JPAC until Germany was reunited and the woman, Dr. Sharon Taylor found it with the help of
her father’s squadron buddies and amateur German aviation historians.
January 2nd - Laura Edge talking about her book “On the Wings of Dawn“. This is the result of almost 10 years of
research. The book is about her father, his crewmates, fellow POWs, and their forced march companions at the
end of WWII in Germany.
As I have said many times in the past if you are not attending the General Membership meeting you are missing
some very interesting presentations.
If you know of anyone you think we could use as a speaker, please let me know and we will see if we can schedule
them as a speaker.
Super Grunt, 82 year old Dave Mente left with Super Pilot,
Art Nalls who flew the Harrier Jump Jet at Thunder 2012
Randy Hotton will be in the
cockpit of the Lockheed P-3 Orion submarine hunter, the type he
flew as a Naval Aviator, at the
Selfridge Airpark Museum. The
former squadron members of VP
93, now disestablished, help
maintain and staff the plane for tours. VP 93
home page is http://home.neo.rr.com/vp93/ or link
to it and get more information about the Selfridge
Museum from www.selfridgeairmuseum.org
Security requires driver’s license, registration
and proof of insurance for your vehicle to get
on the base.
Modest admission is charged for the museum/
airpark. Get a personal tour from Randy on these
Sunday afternoon dates. Open 1200-1630 hrs
 October 14 & 28
Grunt smorgasbord on Sunday night - and they didn’t
have to go dumpster diving to get it. Grunts even enjoyed ice cream sandwiches! Photo Amy Horvath
Photos Al Hudson
Rooms for Rent - Revenue Needed for
Yankee Air Museum
Yankee’s Collections &
Exhibits Building is a
unique venue for meetings of all sorts and sizes.
There is a link on the
web site with all the
rental information.
Your veterinarian is the best source for up-todate pet health care information. Call or check
our web site:
Send it to anyone or organization you know of that is
looking for meeting space. There are brochures too,
pick some up at HQ to pass or mail out. The Yankee
Education Center is also available for rental to smaller
groups of 50 or less.
Ask us about discounts on professional services for active duty military personnel.
Colonial Veterinary Clinic is again running an
ad in every month of 2012 HH. Make sure you
call them for the very best in veterinary care for
your pet.
Our check for the last quarter was
A quick check with the editor’ s family
members showed that some of them were
not getting credit although they though
they were enrolled. So check with Kroger
to make sure you are getting credit!
Enroll at www.krogercommunityrewards.com.
Have your Kroger Plus Card number ready (the
twelve numbers below the barcode). You will also
need an email address and you must enter a
password of your choice. If you don’t have a
Kroger Plus Card you can get one immediately at
your local Kroger service desk. The Yankee Air
Museum registered number is 83614, but Yankee
will be on a pull-down list on the registration site.
Program is for Kroger shoppers in Michigan only.
Any friend of Yankee can register. You need
not be a member. Get your friends and relatives to support YAM at no cost to them!
Yankee Air Museum offers three 20’x40’ Multi-Purpose
rooms. Room partitions are easily removed to offer a total of 2,400 square feet of event space. Each room offers
state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment that is able to
meet any and all of your needs. The High Bay can seat
300+. Competitive rates and plenty of FREE parking.
Contact Steve Hopper (734) 483-4030 ext 231 or
retail@yankeeairmuseum.org for more information
Shopping at
Makes money for
Yankee !
Yankee Dog Tag
Team Report
Dog Tag makers extraordinaire
Ron Altwies, Dennis Kenward and
Todd Hackbarth with some help
from the B-17 pilots had a record
weekend in Cleveland over the Labor Day holiday bringing in
$2720.25, more than doubling the YTD “air show” sales of
$2240.50. WELL DONE GUYS! Total YTD for all Dog Tag
sales is now $7918.60
Air show Dog Tagging is done for this year but if you’d like
to be considered for the Dog Tag Team next year make sure
you get some training early next spring. Contact Steve Hopper
at retail@yankeeairmuseum.org.
Hangar happenings - newsletter of the yankee air museum
Booklet of Poems from Willow Run
This booklet of poems was given to A-Team Captain Mel Pomerantz
by a neighbor and Mel donated it to the Museum. We’ll feature a few
of them in HH from time to time. If you know more about the poet
and publisher, Ward Riley Brown, please contact HH at
hangarhapps@yankeeairmuseum.org The fact that the book was
self-published is an indication of the patriotism of the times.
August 28th program dedicates the Clark Collection to Yankee Air Museum
A ceremony at the Yankee Air Museum David and Andrea Robertson Education Center included the unveiling of the uniforms of John Alden Clark (B-17 pilot 100th BG) and Marie Mountain Clark (WASP) and
the announcement and funding of a scholarship in their names. Yankee Air Museum is honored and privileged to have these items from two such distinguished people as part of its collection.
Tax Planning and
Planned Giving
to Yankee Air Museum
If you are interested in planned or estate/trust/IRA giving to Yankee Air Museum, it is now possible to do
this through Morgan Stanley.
Contact Velda Fayz at (734) 483-4030 ext 233 and
leave a message or via email at
Automatic electronic transfer can be set up for continuous giving as well.
Make Yankee Air Museum part of your legacy
Hangar happenings - newsletter of the yankee air museum
To Bobbie Farkas - C-47 Excursion Director
Attached are some photos of our C-47 trip Aug 24th to Dayton. (What a fantastic experience!) Of importance is the very last photo
– a group photo of the crew and passengers.
Thanks for all your behind-the-scenes efforts to get us off the ground. We had a great time. And we could not have asked for a
better crew than Randy Hotton, Howard Rundell and Dan Dougherty – they were professional, accommodating and most of all
extremely friendly. What wonderful ambassadors they are in representing the Yankee Air Museum.
Thanks again,
Dave Farquharson
Be sure to check this photo out in color online, great sunrise shot
Top: Sunrise over
The Doug on YIP
west ramp
Above: The Restoration Crew
Left: Standing, Howard left and Randy
The Michigan Aviation Historical Society (MAHS) will be holding its October meeting in
the YAM meeting room. These meetings consist entirely of an aviation related program such
as digital slides or video of various aircraft, air museums or air shows. Guest presenters in the
past have included former astronaut Jack Lousma, Tuskegee Airmen P-51 pilot Alexander Jefferson and YAF member John A. Clark who flew 32 combat missions as a B-17 copilot during
Everyone is sincerely invited to attend. Membership in MAHS or YAM is not required. Admission is absolutely free and no reservations are needed. All programs start shortly after
7:00pm and generally run until approximately 10:00pm. Feel free to arrive and depart at any
time. Dress is very casual. Blue jeans are most acceptable.
Meeting Date
Saturday, October 20th 7:00pm
Yankee Air Museum Meeting Room # 124
subject to be determined
presented by Harley Copic (aviation artist)
Important News from The Membership Department!
The Membership Department maintains an active database of thousands of current Members and former
Members of the Yankee Air Museum. We have almost completed a year long process of converting our
Membership information, letters, reports, etc. from Library Master to DonorPerfect. Once completed, this
will allow us to better serve our Members and be more active in helping to grow our Museum. For those of
you who have been involved in conversions of this type, you know that there can be glitches. Please alert us
if there are any problems with your Membership information, your Membership renewals or your receipt of
Hangar Happenings. Contact us at membership@yankeeairmuseum.org. Thanks for your patience and your
continued support.
Yankee Photo Gallery
Here’s the link to the Yankee Photo Gallery maintained by Dwight Koslowski. The latest HH
images in COLOR are there along with thousands
of other Yankee and Yankee related photos.
Check it out and
bookmark or save
as a favorite
Hangar happenings - newsletter of the yankee air museum
On the Horizon
at Yankee air museuM
East side of Willow Run Airport
at Beck and Ecorse Roads
47884 D Street , Willow Run Airport
Wednesday 3rd
Saturday 20th
Tuesday 6th
Saturday 10th
Wednesday 5th
History Flight’s efforts on MIA/POW research in Europe and Tarawa
MAHS meeting - Michigan Aviation Historical Society 7pm YAM C & E Bldg
Room 124. See details opposite page
ELECTION DAY - Don’t forget to vote to honor those who have fought for
your right to do so
Sailing on the Coast Guard Tall Ship Eagle
General Membership meeting special presentation
My Phantom Father, a documentary about a woman’s search for the father
she never knew, MIA in eastern Germany at the end of the war. See pg 5
Bookmark www.yankeeairmuseum.org on your browser
Click on Yankee Photo Gallery for COLOR pics from this issue of HH and MUCH MORE!
PHONE FOR DETAILS (734) 483-4030 ext 237 WATCH FOR UPDATES AT www.yankeeairmuseum.org
P O BOX 590
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 56
Belleville, Michigan
October General
Membership Meeting
October 3rd program features
Yankee Life Member
Paul Schwimmer speaking about
MIA/POW research in
ETO & Tarawa
Meeting is at 7:30pm at the
NEW Yankee Air Museum
Collections & Exhibits
Building east side of
Willow Run Airport.
Yankee Air Museum is part of the
USAF Heavy Metal on YIP East Ramp for Air Force Academy vs U of M Football Sept 8th
There were four KC-135’s and a C-17 on the ramp that had brought in the team, brass etc for the game.