May 11, 2012 - Cypress College


May 11, 2012 - Cypress College
Core Values:
10-13 • Thursday-Sunday
» People in Motion dance concert, Campus Theater, 8
p.m.; except Sunday, 4 p.m.
14 • Monday
» Triple Threat Week — Choreographers Showcase,
Campus Theater, 7 p.m.
» Cypress College Jazz Band, Fine ARts Recital Hall
(FA-304), 7:30 p.m.
16 • Wednesday
» Dr. Kasler’s retirement reception, Theater Lobby, 2
17 • Thursday
» Triple Threat Week — Musical Theater Revue,
Campus Theater, 7 p.m.
21-30 • Monday-Wednesday
» Final Exams
29 • Tuesday
» 45th Commencement, Gateway Plaza, 6 p.m.
For additional upcoming events, visit the campus calendar.
“If you want to touch the past,
touch a rock. If you want to
touch the present, touch a
flower. If you want to touch the
future, touch a life.”
– Unknown
@Cypress is published each week. If
you would like to have items included,
please contact Marc Posner in the Public
Information Office at ext. 47006 or
Dr. Michael J. Kasler, President
(714) 484-7308
Cy p re s s C o lle g e
May 11, 2012, Newsletter from President Michael J. Kasler
Victoria Castle Earns Orange County Teacher of the Year Honors
The Geology professor was surprised by
a crew — including OC Superintendent of
Schools Habermehl — on Monday morning.
Geology Professor Victoria Castle is Orange County’s community
college Teacher of the Year -- one of five teachers across the county
surprised in front of students on Monday with news of the honor. The
other four teachers are all in K-12 instruction.
Castle learned of the honor as a crew representing the Orange
County Department of Education, the Disneyland Resort, Schools
First Federal Credit Union and The
Orange County Register climbed out of a
school bus and descended on her classroom
just before 10:30 on Monday morning.
“This is a tremendous honor for Vicki
and for the SEM faculty,” Dr. Kasler and
Academic Senate President Pat Ganer said
in a joint statement. “Of course, it is also
a validation of the work all of us do. Vicki
mentioned the importance of her students;
in fact, she credited them as the reason she enjoys getting up and going
to work every day. We are all very proud of Vicki! Great job!!!”
Orange County Superintendent of Schools William Habermehl
made the announcement and then presided as representatives from
sponsors Disneyland, Schools First, and the Register made presentations to Castle in front of her students. Also on hand were a number of
representatives from the college, including NOCCCD Trustee Leonard
Lahtinen, Executive Vice President Bob Simpson, Science, Engineering,
and Mathematics Dean Richard Fee, and Academic Senate President
Pat Ganer (among several others). The group also included a film crew
from PBS to document the surprise notifications.
Castle will be recognized in formal
ceremony at the Disneyland Resort in
October, and will be the recipient of a
$15,000 award for the honor, which is provided by the Dr. James Hines Foundation.
In March, Castle was selected by
a student-organized committee as the
Cypress College Teacher of the Year, placContinued on page 3
Student Trustee Caspellan is 2012’s Outstanding Graduate of the Year
Jennifer Caspellan — a Theater
major and the college’s current Student
Trustee — is Cypress College’s 2012
Outstanding Graduate of the Year.
She will be honored at the Forty-Fifth
Commencement on Tuesday, May
29. The ceremony begins at 6 p.m. in
Gateway Plaza.
She has already been accepted for admis•
9 2 0 0 Va ll ey Vie w St re e t
sion to the University of California,
Los Angeles, University of California,
San Diego and the University of
California at Davis, among other fouryear institutions. She has made the
decision to attend UCLA.
“I am the product of a second
chance,” Caspellan wrote in an essay authored
as part of the selection process. “It took me 27
Cypre s s , CA 90630
(714) 484-70 0 0
years to figure out what I wanted to do with
my life and the road to finding myself was not
easy. Now, I am 29 and it has never been clearer as to where I want to go and what I want
to accomplish. I have learned many important
lessons along the way but one of the most
significant is that it is never too late to better
your education and follow your dreams.”
Continued on page 3
http ://Cyp ressCol l
End-of-the-Year Luau Celebrates Conclusion of Academic
Year, Milestones Reached in Employment
Cypress College’s annual
End-of-the-Year Luau was
held on Thursday, in the
Theater Lobby.
event celebrates the
of another
academic year
and recognizes employees for their
— notably
milestones in
and those reaching retirement.
Five Years: Julie
Angevine, Remedios
Anzurez, Blanca Atkins,
Gloria Badal, Ting-Pi
Joyce Carrigan, Raymond
Collins, David Dang,
Paul De Dios, Robin De
Roo, Michael Faraci, Sally
Frumkin, Miguel Garcia,
Ruth Gutierrez, Michael
Klyde, Michael Land,
Rebeca Laveaga, Marcus
Marquardt, Joseph Melodia,
Fumio Ogoshi, Michelle
Oja, William Pashaie, Jeremy
Peters, Larry Ramos, Linda
Redd, Ramon Sanchez, Jose
Sanchez Duran, Martin
Santos, Bryan Seiling, and
Robyn Sumpter.
Ten Years: Jennifer
Coopman, Ayman Gadalla,
Mary Louise Giska, Willis
Heusser, Behzad Izadi,
John Lambros, Eunju
Lee, Clifford Lester, Zoe
Megginson, Laurie Morvan,
Danny Ortega, Sylvia Paek,
Nancy Pound, Jaime Ramos,
Kathryn Reid, Carlos
Sandoval, Judith Swytak, and
Penn Wu.
Fifteen Years: Peter
Azo, Paul Bottiaux, Lulu
Cayabyab, Keith Cobb,
Robert Diaz, Leslie Doak,
Mary Forman, Kathryn
Godshalk, Jane Jepson,
Sergio Leonardo, John
Linhares, Tien Nguyen,
Antonio Oliveira, Daniel
Pelletier, Stuart Rosenberg,
and Gail Smead.
Twenty Years: Dana
Bedard, Hong Chi, Anna
Herzog, Jihad Kanaan,
Michael Kasler, and Beth
Twenty-Five Years: Fred
Depontee, Bonnie Fast, Troy
McKeown, Fidel Ugarte, and
Dave Wassenaar.
Thirty Years: Shirley
Ashburn, Diane Henry, and
Carole Villasenor.
Thirty-Five Years:
Robert Burson, Helena
and Mary
year’s retirees
are headlined
by Dr. Kasler,
and the fulltime staff
in the college’s Health
Mary Lou
Giska, Nancy Hennessey and
Maureen King.
Faculty who are retiring are: Sheridan Ball, Olga
Moran, Beth Piburn, and
Jane Wood.
The four have been
regognized with “Professor
Emeritus” status by the
Academic Senate.
Staff who are retiring, or
who have already retired during the academic year, are:
Sue Head, Pat Naylor, Celda
Nicastro, Manya Preston,
Soni Schneider, and Fran
Retirement Events Upcoming for Dr. Kasler
Two events are upcoming to celebrate the retirement of Cypress College
President, Dr. Mike Kasler.
The first takes place on
(May 16),
from 2-4
p.m., in
the Theater
reception is
open to the
entire campus
The formal
program will
be held at
2:45 p.m.
In addition, Dr. Kasler will be honored at a community reception to be held on June 7.
Hosted by the Cypress
College Foundation, that
event takes place from
5-7:30 p.m., at the Knott’s
Berry Farm Resort Hotel.
Hors d’oeuvres will be
served. The cost is $50 per
person. RSVP to the Cypress
College President’s Office
by Friday, May 18, 2012 at
(714) 484-7308.
Contributions are also
being accepted to a memorial
scholarship fund established
in honor of
Dr. Kasler’s
parents and
grand parents, whose
to this country bestowed
access to
and freedoms
inconceivable. More
about the
scholarship is available from
the Foundation, at (714)
Dr. Kasler is Man of the Year for Cypress Chamber of Commerce
Dr. Kasler is being honored as the Cypress Chamber
of Commerce’s Man of the
Year, at its annual Business
Awards & Installation
Dinner June 21 at the Old
Ranch Country Club at 6
The event will also
honor Tom Evans and
Jack Hammett, who survived the horrors of World
War II, with the Lifetime
Achievement Award,
Precious Life Shelter
Executive Director Theresa
Murphy as Woman of the
Year, and Bandai America
Incorporated as Business of
the Year.
“Over the years we have
had many people and businesses help build and maintain the City of Cypress and
this year’s honorees epitomize the efforts of many,”
said Cypress Chamber Board
Chairman George O’Hara,
who is also a member of the
Cypress College Foundation
Board of Directors. “This is
an opportunity for not only
our members, but for the
community at large to join
us as we salute these people
and businesses. We are looking forward to a great time
on June 21st.”
Tickets for the business
attire event are $50, with
tables of eight for $400. The
event also features a printed
program where sponsors,
friends and business associates can place ads to honor
the award recipients. Contact
the Chamber for details at
(714) 827-2430.
The Chamber also will
be honoring its 30-year
members in a special “Salute
to 30.”
The awards will be
preceded by the installation of the Cypress Board of
Directors for the 2012-2013
Fiscal Year.
CONTINUED: Castle Named OC Teacher of the Year
CONTINUED: Student Trustee, Theater Major Caspellan is Outstanding Graduate of the Year
Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1
ing her into nomination for
the county-wide award.
She is the fourth
member of
our SEM division to receive
this honor.
Dorothy Stout
from Geology
received it in
1996, and
Cheryl Gibby
and Dave
Petrie from
were honored in
2002 and 2007,
Castle came to Cypress
College after working in the
geology industry for a num-
ber of years — as a result,
she brings to the classroom a
wealth of experience that she
can share with the students.
She left a lucrative posi-
tion in order to bring her
knowledge and experience to
another generation of citizens as a teacher.
“Her passion for her
discipline and her passion
for education are conveyed
by that decision,” Dr. Ganer
said in a letter supporting
Castle’s nomination. “Among
the courses that
Vicki teaches
is one, Earth
Science for
Teachers, which
even further her
to encouraging others to
pass on the significance of her field. Vicki
Castle truly embodies all of
the qualities we look for in
Dr. Kasler Shares Thoughts on Teacher Appreciation Week
In appreciation to our excellent teachers:
At the April board meeting the Trustees passed a resolution declaring May 7-11 as
Teacher Appreciation Week. I won’t share the entire resolution with you; however, there
are several statements that reflect the important role you play in educating our students:
• Faculty make a significant impact on the experience of students attending
these institutions
• It is important that the contributions of faculty members to their students,
their colleges and learning centers, and to the people in the community who
benefit from their endeavors, be acknowledged
• Trustees urge all members of our community to acknowledge the important
work of our teachers
Teachers, you play a very important role in our students lives. Your words
of encouragement and guidance motivate them to succeed and achieve their educational goals Thank you for working with our students.
— Mike Kasler
“It is important that teachers are encouraging because what if the teacher is the student’s
only hope.” (unknown)
She first enrolled in college immediately following her high school graduation,
attending sister campus Fullerton College in
2001. Caspellan said she failed her first class,
dropped out and spent the ensuing seven
years making bad decisions and getting into
“I lost hope that I would ever accomplish anything because I thought of myself
as trash,” she said.
In 2009, Caspellan enrolled in Cypress
College’s Human Services program, thinking
that she perhaps wanted to be a counselor.
“I took an American Ethnic Theater
class with Mark Majarian and the rest is
history,” said Caspellan, who changed her
major, and has since served as the stage
manager for at least one show each semester. “I fell in love with the theater and stage
managing and finally found something that
I want to do with my life.”
During her six semesters at Cypress
College, Caspellan has also been an active
member of the Associated Students, currently serving as the student member of the
North Orange County Community College
District Board of Trustees representing
Cypress College. It is one of several student
government positions she has held.
With a cumulative 3.91 GPA, she has
been on the President’s Honor Roll each
year during her enrollment, and has received
awards and scholarships such as: recognition in “Who’s Who Among Students in
American Universities and Colleges,” the
“Rising Leader Award,” “Outstanding
Woman who goes Above and Beyond,”
“Most Influential Student,” the Juanita
Noble Memorial Scholarship, the Dr. Don
Bedard Leadership Award, the Waltmar
Foundation Scholarship, and the Robert M.
Hardy Memorial Scholarship.
Following graduation and transfer,
Caspellan plans to earn her bachelor’s degree
in theater, and eventually hopes to work
with the Center Theatre Group in Los
Angeles, and eventually on Braodway.
Cypress College President, Dr. Michael
Kasler, had this to say about Caspellan: “I’ve
been particularly impressed with her wit and
determination in working through problems. She listens, does research, and isn’t
shy about expressing her opinion to provide
meaningful input to campus and District
Fall, Summer Schedules Online; Due in Print in Coming Week
The Fall and Summer Class Schedules are now online at the Cypress College website. The print version is expected to be available in the Bookstore by next week.
There’s something significantly different about this class schedule — it’s actually
TWO class schedules. For the first time, Cypress College has combined the Summer
and Fall Class Schedules into a single document. This has been done to reduce cost in
light of the ongoing financial problems in California, and the related impact on public
educational institutions such as Cypress College.
In the big picture, the savings of more than $9,000 is small — though certainly
not insignificant. It is an example, however, of how we at Cypress College are examining every aspect of our business to maintain the service to our students as best we can.
Students also stand to save a small amount of money, too. The $2 cost to purchase
the schedule is unchanged; so, for those who had planned to purchase both the Summer
and Fall Class Schedules, it will be a little lighter on the wallet.
SITE A: 1 Orange Coast (33‐4‐1)
Game #1 ‐ Friday, 11am
1 Orange Coast 3‐0
8 Cypress (24‐14)
Game #4 ‐ Saturday
4 Mt. San Antonio (30‐8)
Winner #4
Loser #4
Game #6 ‐ Sunday
Game #2 ‐ Friday, 3pm
Game #5 ‐ Saturday
5 Glendale (27‐10)
8 Cypress Game #3 ‐ Saturday
Loser #2
CCCAA Website
Cypress College Athletics Website
Winner #5
Winner #3
Game #7 ‐ Sunday
if needed, 30 minutes following
game #6
Advance to State
2 Cypress (38‐4)
Friday, May 11 [Game #1] Winner Game #1
Time: 2pm
7 Glendale (29‐13)
Saturday, May 12 [Game #4] Winner Game #4
Time: TBD
3 Mt. San Antonio (35‐8)
Friday, May 11 [Game #2]
Time: 4pm Winner Game #2
Sunday, May 13 [Game #6]
Time: TBD if necessary
Sunday, May 13
Time: TBD
Time: TBD
6 Bakersfield (29‐13)
Loser Game #4
Loser Game #1
Saturday, May 12 [Game #5]
Time: TBD Winner Game #5
Saturday, May 12 [Game #3]
Time: TBD Winner Game #3
Loser Game #2
CCCAA Website
Cypress College Athletics Website
Advance to State Finals!
Mary Lou Giska’s Retirement Celebration
Mary Lou Giska, Maureen
King and Nancy Hennessey
— the three full-time members of the Health Center
staff — enjoy a moment
with retired Dean Andrea
Hannon during Giska’s
retirement ceremony on
Wednesday, May 9.
Giska received a rousing send
off including a gift basket
with a selection of three
white wines, a nice shopping spree, and a few items
related to her new role as a
first-time grandmother. Contributions for the gifts came from wide and far, including across the campus community,
the district offices, SCE, and FC.
Her husband was also a surprise guest at the event.