Vermont Health Partnership Directory of Primary Care
Vermont Health Partnership Directory of Primary Care
Vermont Health Partnership Network Winter 2012 Directory of Primary Care Physicians What is a Primary Care Physician? The Vermont Health Partnership (VHP) and Accountable Blue are managed care programs. When you join, you must select a primary care physician for each of your family members. If you have Accountable Blue, you should find a primary care physican on your Accountable Blue Team to get the most out of your benefits. Your entire family may use the same physician or each family member may choose his or her own. It is important that you are comfortable with your selection, since your primary care physician manages your care. Think of the relationship as a partnership between you and your physician. Also know that when our members use primary care physicians for most of their health care, we can keep costs down for everyone. Choosing Your Primary Care Physician This booklet gives a list of providers who have contracted with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont to be primary care physicians. Physicians are listed by the county in which they practice. Many medical practices have nurse practitioners and physician assistants as part of their health care teams. One of these licensed health care professionals may provide services to you when you select a primary care physician with whom he or she practices. You must select a primary care physician even if you prefer to see the nurse practitioner or physician assistant affiliated with that physician most often. When you fill out your application, select a physician from these pages and put his or her name and provider number on the form. Please note that you must select a primary care physician for each of your family members. Otherwise, your health care benefits may be seriously restricted. If you would like help in choosing a provider, please call our customer service department at (800) 2472583. We can print you an up-to-date provider listing. We can help you find providers who provide covered care when you need it. We can help you find a provider who is taking new patients. We can even help you make an appointment if you like. Definitely call us if you are unable to locate a provider using this booklet or our online directory. If you would like help from a clinical staff member (doctor or nurse), we can connect you with one. We can help you find a provider who: Always Call Your Primary Care Physician Before Seeking Care Always call or see your primary care physician when you or your family members need medical care. In the case of an emergency, seek care immediately and call your primary care physician as soon as possible after the emergency. Calling your primary care physician allows him or her to coordinate and manage your care properly. Remember to use a provider in the Vermont Health Partnership’s network of providers when you need specialty care. If you have Accountable Blue, try to use providers on your Accountable Blue Team whenever possible. While you don’t need a referral for in-network care, we encourage you to work in partnership with your primary care physician to manage your health care. You may someday need to change primary care physician. It’s easy to do so. To change your primary care physician: • Visit our Find a Doctor site or our Member Resource Center (available at and select a provider online, OR • Select a new primary care physician who is in your area (Again, each family member may select his or her own physician.) Then, call customer service at (800) 247 - 2583 and request the change, OR • Notify our enrollment services department of the change by mailing an application form indicating your change of physician to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont Enrollment Services P.O. Box 186 Montpelier, VT 05601-0186 No matter how you notify us of your change, it becomes effective the first of the month following our receipt of your request. Your new primary care physician may wish to review your ongoing care, so contact him or her and introduce yourself as a new patient. Getting Approval for Your Care While you do not need referrals from your primary care physician before seeking care from a specialist, you do need certain approvals from us for certain services and supplies. For example, you must get prior approval from us before getting care outside of the Vermont Health Partnership network. You must also get prior approval for all mental health and substance abuse providers. We encourage you to use our network of mental health and substance abuse providers. (any provider of mental health or substance abuse services not currently under contract with us that is willing to meet the terms and conditions for participation may apply to be in our network.) 1 Your subscriber contract, which you receive after you enroll, will list services that require prior approval and explain how to seek approval to go outside the network if you can’t find the care you need from Vermont Health Partnership providers. It will tell you what penalties you pay for failing to get authorization. It will also tell you how to initiate a grievance or appeal if we deny, reduce, modify or terminate your coverage. If you would like to read a certificate before you enroll, you may find one on our website at About Our Blue HealthSolutions Programs Blue HealthSolutions offers a suite of customized health and wellness programs and solutions to help members achieve and maintain their best health. Blue HealthSolutions programs help a wide variety of people—from those who are very healthy to those facing catastropic illnesses or injuries. Programs range from health assessments to health promotion programs to disease management to our popular prenatal program Better Beginnings. All members are eligible to participate in Blue HealthSolutions programs. Not all programs are appropriate for all members. If you would like to find out what Blue HealthSolutions services and resources might meet your specific needs, call (800) 922-8778 and select option 1. Our nurses may call you to touch base with you about your care. Blue HealthSolutions will help ensure that you’re getting the best care and screening available and help you comply with your doctor’s treatment plan. Please know that our nurses’ conversations with members are strictly confidential. Blue HealthSolutions programs are voluntary and available at no additional cost to our members. 2 The Symbols in this Booklet To give you as much information as possible about the providers listed in this booklet, we include symbols next to certan providers’ names. Please use the following key to interpret the symbols: ; Board Certified. : Practice limited to current patients only. Physician has achieved NCQA Certification. To learn which specific certification, use the “Find a Doctor” search tool on our website and search for the provider by name, or call our customer service department at (800) 247-2583. Important Notes: • All physicians listed are independent contractors with, and are not employees of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont. We cannot guarantee a doctor’s availability or take responsibility for his or her practices. • Although we try to keep this booklet as up-to-date as possible, your provider’s participation status may have changed since the printing of this text. Please check with your provider to see if he or she participates with the Vermont Health Partnership. Or, for the most up-to-date listing, use our “Find a Doctor” serach tool at, BENNINGTON ADDISON Bristol FAMILY PRACTICE Mountain Health Center, Inc. 30 Mountain St 802-453-5028 Marian R. Bouchard, MD Porter Hospital, Inc. 104 Porter Dr 802-388-8808 Alison M. Wurst, FNP NPI #: 1346443736 Porter Hospital, Inc. 110 Porter Dr 802-247-3755 William D. Barrett, MD NPI #: 1891832457 Provider speaks French C Edward Clark, MD NPI #: 1598754988 Mark R. Hoffman, MD NPI #: 1770572943 Carrie C. Wulfman, MD NPI #: 1609912427 Suzanne C. Germain, NP NPI #: 1871582320 Jeffrey S. Wulfman, MD NPI #: 1194765396 Laura E. Weylman, MD NPI #: 1063401537 Porter Hospital, Inc. 116 Porter Dr 802-388-8804 Laura L. Wilkinson, FNP NPI #: 1932294295 INTERNAL MEDICINE Mountain Health Center, Inc. 30 Mountain St 802-453-5028 Wendie M. Puls, MD NPI #: 1114063948 Porter Hospital, Inc. 6 Park Pl 802-453-7422 Gretchen M. Gaida Michaels, MD NPI #: 1457326142 Patricia A. Lewis, APRN NPI #: 1780623975 Middlebury FAMILY PRACTICE Middlebury Family Health, Inc. 44 Collins Dr Ste 201 802-388-1500 Jean K. AnderssonSwayze, MD NPI #: 1144354853 Eileen M. Doherty-Fuller, MD NPI #: 1679551071 Dayle G. Klitzner, MD NPI #: 1841267721 Linn M. Larson, MD NPI #: 1609864768 NPI #: 1093720716 Porter Hospital, Inc. 82 Catamount Park 802-388-7185 William D. Barrett, MD NPI #: 1598754988 Thomas E. Beauregard, PA NPI #: 1861566135 Michael S. Graham, MD NPI #: 1598985657 Mark R. Hoffman, MD NPI #: 1770572943 Alison Parker, APRN NPI #: 1790769636 Jessica A. Rouse, MD NPI #: 1063546752 Scott D. Smith, MD NPI #: 1760471460 Carrie C. Wulfman, MD NPI #: 1871582320 Maja Zimmermann, MD NPI #: 1760471155 Porter Hospital, Inc. 82 Catamount Prk 802-388-7185 Jeffrey S. Wulfman, MD NPI #: 1063401537 Alison M. Wurst, FNP NPI #: 1346443736 INTERNAL MEDICINE Porter Hospital, Inc. 116 Porter Dr 802-388-8804 Bradford W. Armstrong, MD NPI #: 1841289394 Accepts patients ages 18 and up. Naomi M. Hodde, MD Salisbury NATUROPATH Salisbury Natural Family Health, PC 8 Shard Villa Rd 802-352-9078 Katina L. Martin, ND NPI #: 1346373719 Vergennes NPI #: 1942270780 NATUROPATH Integrated Medicine Naturopathic PR 1641 Rte 7 S 802-458-0488 Emily M. Cannon, ND NPI #: 1063540623 Amy V. Littlefield, ND NPI #: 1578596862 PEDIATRICS Porter Hospital, Inc. 1330 Exchange St Ste 201 802-388-7959 Morris Earle Jr, MD NPI #: 1750370201 Provider speaks Spanish and French Dedra M. Flynn, MD NPI #: 1598754012 Lynn M. Luginbuhl, MD NPI #: 1962491415 Porter Hospital, Inc. 1330 Exchange St Ste 201 802-388-7959 Pauline K. Mills, MD NPI #: 1164757738 Michael D. Seaton, MD NPI #: 1528191202 Rainbow Pediatrics 44 Collins Dr Ste 202 802-388-1338 Tawnya B. Kiernan, MD NPI #: 1235195520 Jack L. Mayer, MD NPI #: 1639136559 Provider speaks German Kate H. McIntosh, MD NPI #: 1366409138 Lauren E. Young, FNP NPI #: 1831417047 FAMILY PRACTICE Porter Hospital, Inc. 10 North St 802-877-3466 Rebecca H. Adams, MD NPI #: 1689610842 Donald S. Bicknell, MD NPI #: 1851380240 Timothy D. Bicknell, MD NPI #: 1801885298 Christin E. Bland, APRN NPI #: 1174817852 Maria L. Collette, PA NPI #: 1215941687 Mattie E. Towle, MD NPI #: 1164643664 NATUROPATH Salisbury Natural Family Health, PC 229 Main St Ste C 802-877-3100 Katina L. Martin, ND NPI #: 1346373719 BENNINGTON Arlington FAMILY PRACTICE Michael J. Welther, MD 9 Church St 802-375-6566 Alice C. Goodman, ARNP NPI #: 1053307918 Michael J. Welther, MD NPI #: 1164596367 3 BENNINGTON Bennington ADOLESCENT MEDICINE Donna M. Miller, MD, PC 160 Benmont Ave Ste 22 802-442-8649 Donna M. Miller, MD NPI #: 1457431843 Accepts patients ages 0 to 18. FAMILY PRACTICE Angela L. Wingate, MD 209 Washington Ave 802-442-0158 Melissa J. Prouty, FNP NPI #: 1568772747 Angela L. Wingate, MD NPI #: 1811997273 Bennington Famly Practice Associates, LLC 339 Dewey St 802-447-1191 Paul Graether, PA NPI #: 1417906082 Edd G. Lyon, MD NPI #: 1184673113 Barbara Raskin, MD NPI #: 1518916410 Primary Care Health Partners Vermont, LLP 655 Main St 802-447-2343 Therese E. Dranginis, MD NPI #: 1053375824 Gregory King, MD NPI #: 1548225857 Melissa J. Rowe, APRN NPI #: 1003047788 Southwestern Vermont Medical Center 140 Hospital Dr 802-442-6361 Aimee J. Bullett-Smith, FNP NPI #: 1093783821 Southwestern Vermont Medical Center 140 Hospital Dr Ste 216 802-442-8164 Carol M. Comar-Frost, FNP NPI #: 1518101005 4 GENERAL PRACTICE Integrative Medical Association of Vermont 530 Main St 802-445-3152 Ronald Stram, MD NPI #: 1659399475 INTERNAL MEDICINE Eric S. Seyferth, MD 140 Hospital Dr Ste 310 802-442-7855 Eric S. Seyferth, MD NPI #: 1205836863 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Marisa Friscia, MD 194 North St 802-442-0236 Marisa Friscia, MD NPI #: 1568657328 Provider speaks Spanish Southwestern Vermont Medical Center 140 Hospital Dr Ste 300 802-442-6361 David M. Sischy, MD NPI #: 1326074691 Peter H. Witham, MD NPI #: 1417043639 Southwestern Vermont Medical Center 140 Hospital Dr Ste 108 802-447-7519 Kim M. Fodor, MD NPI #: 1811924533 Southwestern Vermont Medical Center 140 Hospital Dr Ste 216 802-442-8164 Richard T. Burtis, MD NPI #: 1851323554 G Richard Dundas, MD NPI #: 1356385017 Kim M. Fodor, MD NPI #: 1811924533 NATUROPATH Integrative Medical Association of Vermont 530 Main St 802-445-3152 Agostino K. Diroma, ND NPI #: 1932434735 PEDIATRICS Brookside Pediatrics & Adollescent Medicine, PLLC 194 North St 802-442-2264 Theodore L. Johnson, MD NPI #: 1831172485 Gina M. Nickels, ARN NPI #: 1376526921 Susan Sykas, APRN NPI #: 1457410755 Donna M. Miller, MD, PC 160 Benmont Ave Ste 22 802-442-8649 Donna M. Miller, MD NPI #: 1457431843 Emily A. Rice, PAC NPI #: 1225246713 Green Mountain Pediatrics, PC 901 Main St 802-442-6057 Judy K. Orton, MD NPI #: 1346309473 Southwestern Vermont Medical Center 140 Hospital Dr Ste 210 802-447-3930 Martin R. Luloff, MD NPI #: 1093749756 Lynn L. Mann, DO NPI #: 1841255148 Jeroy S. Motsiff, PNP NPI #: 1467431866 Michael W. Thwing, MD NPI #: 1144332180 Manchester NATUROPATH Richard Malik 34 Ways Ln 860-435-3009 Richard Malik, ND NPI #: 1548486137 Manchester Ctr FAMILY PRACTICE Southwestern Vermont Medical Center 5957 Main St 802-362-4440 Allen C. Hutcheson, MD NPI #: 1336224443 Natacha I. Jager, MD NPI #: 1053344655 Joshua C. Samuelson, DO NPI #: 1245365790 Robert M. Schwartz, MD NPI #: 1851316277 INTERNAL MEDICINE Keith W. Michl, MD, PC 7252 Main St 802-362-9031 Keith W. Michl, MD NPI #: 1700850831 N Bennington FAMILY PRACTICE Avery Wood, MD, LLC 10 Bank St 888-421-6801 Avery S. Wood, MD NPI #: 1740230614 Shaftsbury FAMILY PRACTICE Shaftsbury Medical Associates, Inc. 677 Vt Rte 7a 802-442-8531 Drinnon A. Hand, MD NPI #: 1598720252 Provider speaks Spanish David E. King, MD NPI #: 1245295906 Allison P. Niemi, MD NPI #: 1831154616 Renee S. Speir, PA NPI #: 1740226620 CALEDONIA Danville FAMILY PRACTICE Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 26 Cedar Ln 802-684-2275 Jeniane L. Daniels, PAC NPI #: 1013973858 Sharon D. Fine, MD NPI #: 1316900145 Holly B. Hall, PAC NPI #: 1336448414 CHITTENDEN Mariel K. Hess, FNP NPI #: 1225094113 INTERNAL MEDICINE Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 26 Cedar Ln 802-684-2275 Mariel K. Hess, FNP NPI #: 1225094113 Timothy H. Tanner, MD NPI #: 1144284498 PEDIATRICS Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 26 Cedar Ln 802-684-2275 Mariel K. Hess, FNP NPI #: 1225094113 Timothy H. Tanner, MD NPI #: 1144284498 Hardwick FAMILY PRACTICE Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 4 Slapp Hill 802-472-3300 Holly B. Hall, PAC NPI #: 1336448414 Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 4 Slapp Hill Rd 802-472-3300 Maria Calderwood, FNP NPI #: 1497711220 Mark D. Lichtenstein, MD NPI #: 1114982758 Sarah E. Morgan, MD NPI #: 1013972678 Peter M. Sher, MD NPI #: 1053304717 INTERNAL MEDICINE Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 4 Slapp Hill Rd 802-472-3300 Brendan Buckley, MD NPI #: 1184689747 Maria Calderwood, FNP NPI #: 1497711220 Lyndon FAMILY PRACTICE Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital 195 Industrial Pkwy 802-748-9501 Thomas F. Broderick, DO NPI #: 1083646681 Provider speaks Spanish Joyce M. Dobbertin, MD NPI #: 1649216292 Susan Gresser, MD NPI #: 1902902083 Lori L. Koshowski, APRN NPI #: 1811142144 John G. Scott, MD NPI #: 1992884456 Miriam Simon, PA NPI #: 1881621753 INTERNAL MEDICINE Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital 195 Industrial Pkwy 802-748-9501 Susan P. Erisman, MD NPI #: 1669408456 St Johnsbury FAMILY PRACTICE Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital 1315 Hospital Dr 802-748-8141 Joseph W. Prescott, PA NPI #: 1497766711 Keith D. Ruede, PA NPI #: 1316958622 Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 185 Sherman Dr Ste 1 802-748-5174 John M. Ajamie, MD NPI #: 1689637399 Cathleen W. Besch, FNP NPI #: 1497710883 Carey J. Brodzinski, FNP NPI #: 1225093636 Holly B. Hall, PAC NPI #: 1336448414 Dana C. Kraus, MD NPI #: 1669436978 Diane D. Matthews, APRN NPI #: 1255529962 Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 185 Sherman Dr Ste 2 802-748-5174 Alicia T. Guilford, MD NPI #: 1275667099 Holly B. Hall, PAC NPI #: 1336448414 INTERNAL MEDICINE David S. Brody, MD 1290 Hospital Dr 802-748-2123 David S. Brody, MD NPI #: 1376529115 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 185 Sherman Dr Ste 2 802-748-5174 Jessica L. Macleod, ANP NPI #: 1336469337 Frank J. Meierdiercks, MD NPI #: 1396708178 Thomas F. Ziobrowski, MD NPI #: 1356304133 PEDIATRICS David Toll, MD 1394 Main St 802-748-2348 David Toll, MD NPI #: 1134127467 Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital 97 Sherman Dr 802-748-5131 Debra J. Bixby, ARN NPI #: 1811943954 Joshua D. Kantrowitz, MD NPI #: 1720152655 Kathleen Manns, ARN NPI #: 1760421093 Karyn M. Patno, MD NPI #: 1710914809 Mark J. Price, MD NPI #: 1588605307 Elaine V. Stasny, MD NPI #: 1639116007 CHITTENDEN Burlington FAMILY PRACTICE At Home Physicians, PLLC 38 Cliff St 802-999-2867 Karen E. Sokol, MD NPI #: 1467666180 Community Health Centers Of Burlington 617 Riverside Ave Ste 200 802-864-6309 David S. Adams, MD NPI #: 1992986897 John Brooklyn, MD NPI #: 1588640635 Patricia L. Fisher, MD NPI #: 1053397570 Kerry A. Goulette, PA NPI #: 1487691614 Annika Hawkins-Hilke, APRN NPI #: 1538398474 Rachel Inker, MD NPI #: 1558347096 Sherry Larose, PAC NPI #: 1114240009 Lianna R. Percy, PA NPI #: 1104947308 Margaret C. Russell, PA NPI #: 1609963537 Andrew D. Saal, MD NPI #: 1326013913 Andrea L. Solomon, PAC NPI #: 1730316639 Heather D. Stein, MD NPI #: 1073786778 Wayne L. Warnken, MD NPI #: 1326024878 Provider speaks Spanish Audrey C. Wen, MD NPI #: 1366640351 Jennifer Willingham, MD NPI #: 1972589976 Primary Care Health Partners Vermont, LLP 789 Pine St Ste 6 802-864-0693 Stephanie C. Bellomo, MD NPI #: 1295709350 5 CHITTENDEN Cynthia A. Haselton, MD NPI #: 1902870975 Heather A. Larose, PA NPI #: 1154321842 Robert Penney, MD NPI #: 1154395945 Jeri Wohlberg, APRN NPI #: 1316996127 INTERNAL MEDICINE Amy B. Siegel, MD 1205 North Ave 802-863-1313 Amy B. Siegel, MD NPI #: 1558394759 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Christopher J. Hebert, PC 28 S Williams St 802-864-0677 Christopher J. Hebert, MD NPI #: 1801850227 Accepts patients ages 18 and up. Carrie R. McCoy, ANP NPI #: 1073826483 Community Health Centers Of Burlington 617 Riverside Ave Ste 200 802-864-6309 Tara M. Chasnoff, APRN NPI #: 1730237074 Provider speaks Spanish Beach Conger, MD NPI #: 1023006921 Abigail Torbert, PA NPI #: 1013938992 Fletcher Allen Health Care 1 S Prospect St 802-847-4531 Claudia A. Berger, MD NPI #: 1578677316 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Jaina Clough, MD NPI #: 1558406298 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Kimberly P. Dauerman, MD NPI #: 1619991627 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Mia Hockett, MD NPI #: 1518181569 6 Benjamin E. Littenberg, MD NPI #: 1639197908 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Scott Luria, MD NPI #: 1568564565 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Gabrielle Mikula, APRN NPI #: 1649274903 John H. Miller, MD NPI #: 1841387255 Tracey A. Niquette, RN NPI #: 1831299577 Mark E. Pasanen, MD NPI #: 1689680647 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Richard G. Pinckney, MD Landry & Brandes MDs, PLC 1205 North Ave 802-860-3934 Melissa K. Brandes, MD NPI #: 1265468318 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Francis J. Landry, MD NPI #: 1871523126 John M. Wright, MD NPI #: 1689605073 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Primary Care Health Partners Vermont, LLP 789 Pine St Ste 6 802-864-0693 Jeri Wohlberg, APRN NPI #: 1316996127 NPI #: 1225050123 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Halle Sobel, MD NPI #: 1316045198 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Fletcher Allen Health Care 111 Colchester Ave 802-847-2262 Patricia J. O'Brien, MD NATUROPATH Joshua D. Green 65 Pearl St 802-238-8603 Joshua D. Green, ND NPI #: 1962703447 Salisbury Natural Family Health, PC 65 Pearl St 802-352-9078 Katina L. Martin, ND NPI #: 1346373719 NPI #: 1831275650 Gene Moore, MD, PLLC 28 S Williams St 802-864-7080 Carrie R. McCoy, ANP NPI #: 1073826483 Eugene F. Moore, MD NPI #: 1083677934 Jeffrey W. Rubman, MD 1205 North Ave 802-863-1313 Jeffrey W. Rubman, MD PEDIATRICS Fletcher Allen Health Care 1 S Prospect St 802-847-4696 Susan A. Barry, APRN NPI #: 1952550691 Lewis R. First, MD NPI #: 1316968142 Barbara L. Frankowski, MD NPI #: 1720004906 Jerry G. Larrabee, MD NPI #: 1205843927 Karyn M. Patno, MD NPI #: 1710914809 Lori B. Racha, MD NPI #: 1447272869 William V. Raszka, MD NPI #: 1972536183 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Landry & Brandes MDs, PLC 1205 N Ave 802-860-3934 Rosemary L. Dale, APRN NPI #: 1841220191 NPI #: 1003837261 Marianne E. Rideout, MD NPI #: 1578580312 Mary L. Ritter, RN NPI #: 1851317242 Catherine S. Rude, MD NPI #: 1740203215 Daniel E. Shumer, MD NPI #: 1780856195 Jillian S. Sullivan, MD NPI #: 1265560809 Stanley J. Weinberger, MD NPI #: 1982808697 Nilgun T. Zimakas, MD NPI #: 1033130232 Provider speaks French Fletcher Allen Health Care 111 Colchester Ave 802-847-2700 Christa Zehle, MD NPI #: 1770592859 Hagan & Rinehart Pediatricians, PLLC 128 Lakeside Ave Ste 115 802-860-1928 Gregory J. Connolly, MD NPI #: 1366641086 Joseph F. Hagan Jr, MD NPI #: 1033159025 Maryann Lisak, RN NPI #: 1790732899 Jill S. Rinehart, MD NPI #: 1477500593 Tonya Wilkinson, APRN NPI #: 1902815376 Primary Care Health Partners Vermont, LLP 1127 North Ave Ste 41 802-846-8100 Denise B. Aronzon, MD NPI #: 1841412954 Monica C. Fiorenza, MD NPI #: 1235194333 Leah M. Flore, APRN NPI #: 1013972116 Candace K. Hines, APRN NPI #: 1649214347 Barbara Kennedy, MD NPI #: 1063478501 Katharine B. Margulius, PAC NPI #: 1982871216 CHITTENDEN Alice Mills, APRN NPI #: 1558640144 Rebecca A. Nagle, APRN Anya Koutras, MD NPI #: 1942228861 Thomas C. Peterson, MD NPI #: 1346433851 Michelle L. Perron, MD NPI #: 1427072206 Marga S. Sproul, MD NPI #: 1881612711 Deborah J. Thompson, PA NPI #: 1902828072 Richard D. Morrison, MD 28 Vermont Ave 802-655-1122 Richard D. Morrison, MD NPI #: 1528099363 NPI #: 1992761837 Sara A. Quayle, MD NPI #: 1639134596 Alicia J. Veit, MD NPI #: 1780717124 Charlotte FAMILY PRACTICE Charlotte Family Health Center, Inc. 527 Ferry Rd 802-425-2781 Richard Bernstein, MD NPI #: 1538108212 Andrea V. Regan, MD NPI #: 1669593125 Lee F. Weisman, MD NPI #: 1861436826 Colchester FAMILY PRACTICE Carol J Gardner Do Pc 905 Roosevelt Hwy Ste 210 802-879-6544 Carol J. Gardner, DO NPI #: 1346356060 Accepts patients ages 18 and up. Fletcher Allen Health Care 883 Blakely Rd 802-847-2055 Candace L. Fraser, MD NPI #: 1750303715 Jaclyn P. Houghton, PA NPI #: 1558693564 Joanne E. Hunt, FNP NPI #: 1902824196 Alicia A. Jacobs, MD NPI #: 1154355386 Clea James, MD NPI #: 1588756241 Stephanie S. Kehoe, MD NPI #: 1194859421 Gretchen A. Klein, DO NPI #: 1881856268 PEDIATRICS Rebecca J. Coilman, MD 164 Main St Ste 202 802-878-7844 Rebecca J. Collman, MD NPI #: 1265533293 Essex Jct FAMILY PRACTICE Alder Brook Family Health 8 Essex Way Ste 201 802-872-7100 Elizabeth Newman, MD NPI #: 1962437418 Diane Rippa, MD NPI #: 1285669747 Lucy S. Vanhollebeke, FNP NPI #: 1437176393 INTERNAL MEDICINE Fletcher Allen Health Care 87 Main St 802-847-8354 Nathan R. Ayer, MD NPI #: 1457361172 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Tania F. Bertsch, MD NPI #: 1124045208 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Sarah H. Bushweller, PAC NPI #: 1962511048 Kimberly P. Dauerman, MD NPI #: 1619991627 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Diane C. Haddock, MD NPI #: 1013991553 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Patricia A. King, MD NPI #: 1497869226 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Mark A. Levine, MD NPI #: 1790793214 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Charles D. Maclean, MD NPI #: 1619995792 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Roberta O'Brien, MD NPI #: 1902976533 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Zail S. Berry, MD MPH, PLLC 3 Hagan Dr 802-879-6661 Zail S. Berry, MD NPI #: 1427158989 PEDIATRICS Essex Pediatrics, PC 89 Main St 802-879-6556 Jean S. Coffey, ARNP NPI #: 1649268079 Paul M. Costello, MD NPI #: 1184612509 Rachel A. Destito, APRN Georgia PEDIATRICS Joseph D. Nasca, MD, PC 927 Ethan Allen Hwy Ste 1 802-527-2237 Joseph D. Nasca, MD NPI #: 1316993603 Leah M. Porter, APRN NPI #: 1124357215 Hinesburg FAMILY PRACTICE Fletcher Allen Health Care 22 Commerce Ave Ste 10 802-482-3200 Michael R. Sirois, MD NPI #: 1134160419 James R. Ulager, MD NPI #: 1033233507 Holly T. Whitcomb, APRN NPI #: 1750471561 Fletcher Allen Health Care 22 Commerce St Ste 10 802-482-3200 Rachel A. Humphrey, MD NPI #: 1467624429 Roger J. Giroux, MD 206 Commerce St 802-482-3900 Roger J. Giroux, MD NPI #: 1942473566 Milton NPI #: 1699944389 Jerry S. Hale, MD NPI #: 1487642807 Elizabeth H. Jillson, MD FAMILY PRACTICE Fletcher Allen Health Care 28 Centre Dr 802-847-4322 Karen H. Burke, MD NPI #: 1376568576 John C. Ferguson, MD NPI #: 1447249263 Sandra K. Kapsalis, MD NPI #: 1265455984 Melisa G. Gibson, MD NPI #: 1497743827 David E. Stifler, MD NPI #: 1326036724 NPI #: 1659585800 Kimberly A. Hageman, MD NPI #: 1720002504 Lewis B. Holmes, MD NPI #: 1649269184 7 CHITTENDEN John G. King, MD NPI #: 1811910540 Timothy S. Lishnak, MD NPI #: 1174725303 David N. Little, MD NPI #: 1487672788 Kevin A. Rodgers, MD NPI #: 1720014434 Provider speaks Spanish Elizabeth Schneider, MD NPI #: 1598810038 Provider speaks Spanish Joanna S. Weinstock, MD NPI #: 1497722862 Provider speaks Spanish Nellie M. Wirsing, MD NPI #: 1932129483 PEDIATRICS Mousetrap Pediatrics, PC 349 Rte 7 S Ste 101 802-527-8189 John M. Dimichele, MD NPI #: 1871621680 Richmond FAMILY PRACTICE Richmond Family Medicine Pllc 30 W Main 802-434-4123 Christine Mahoney, DO NPI #: 1851551097 Richmond Family Medicine Pllc 30 West Main St 802-434-4123 Daniel M. Goodyear Jr, MD NPI #: 1659491660 Susan H. Rabin, MD NPI #: 1285644450 Louise M. Rosales, FNP NPI #: 1487636288 Joseph G. Theriault, MD NPI #: 1528078896 8 NATUROPATH Gabriel T. Archdeacon, ND 1151 W Main St 802-505-0597 Gabriel T. Archdeacon, ND NPI #: 1821261587 Tristin Adie, APRN NPI #: 1124347620 Jennifer M. Ayer, MD PEDIATRICS Richmond Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine 12 Burnett Ct 802-434-5090 Alyssa K. Parker, MD NPI #: 1427220730 Paul J. Parker, MD NPI #: 1811994593 NPI #: 1427074699 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Diane G. Bell, ANP NPI #: 1518022110 Alicia Cunningham, MD S Burlington FAMILY PRACTICE Fletcher Allen Health Care 3 Timber Ln 802-847-8500 Allyson M. Bolduc, MD NPI #: 1942226121 Whitney R. Calkins, MD NPI #: 1780636316 Clara Keegan, MD NPI #: 1770542631 Wendy Libby, MD NPI #: 1417196494 David K. Lisle, MD NPI #: 1083757439 Robert A. Luebbers, MD NPI #: 1124042627 Laura McCray, MD NPI #: 1821024209 Anne M. Pelkey, PAC NPI #: 1578573341 Caroline L. Slimovitch, MD NPI #: 1689751539 Norman S. Ward, MD NPI #: 1235157629 INTERNAL MEDICINE Fletcher Allen Health Care 1 Timber Ln 802-847-4714 Tara Abele, NP NPI #: 1336163971 NPI #: 1801950118 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Dennis R. Beatty, MD NPI #: 1730197153 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Jennifer P. Gilwee, MD NPI #: 1174541056 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Jason T. Gramling, MD NPI #: 1841208311 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Carol Green, APRN NPI #: 1477561298 Provider speaks French Jonathan B. Hayden, MD NPI #: 1790792422 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Marie B. Sandoval, MD NPI #: 1982612313 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. David S. Ziegelman, MD NPI #: 1194819698 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Good Health, PC 368 Dorset St Ste 1 802-860-1441 Stephen C. Baad, MD NPI #: 1629027271 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Clodagh A. Coghlan, ANP NPI #: 1417908286 Peter G. Gunther, MD NPI #: 1851341671 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Tamara J. Irving, FNP NPI #: 1942259155 Mark A. Pitcher, MD NPI #: 1285682666 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Richard P. Tonino, MD NPI #: 1598714735 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. NATUROPATH Jessica L. Stadtmauer 185 Tilley Dr 802-860-3366 Jessica L. Stadtmauer, ND NPI #: 1467673756 Lorilee Schoenbeck, ND, PC 185 Tilley Dr Ste 51 802-860-3366 Lorilee Schoenbeck, ND NPI #: 1467585612 Accepts patients ages 12 and up. Jessica L. Stadtmauer, ND NPI #: 1467673756 Vermont Naturopathic Clinic, PLC 41 Idx Dr Ste 220 802-865-2800 Amy V. Littlefield, ND NPI #: 1578596862 Sam B. Russo, ND NPI #: 1891828398 Michael E. Stadtmauer, ND NPI #: 1144424664 PEDIATRICS Pediatric Medicine, PLC 52 Timber Ln 802-658-2320 Jennifer E. Carlson, MD NPI #: 1710939814 Bradley T. Friesen, MD NPI #: 1952315996 William T. Gerson, MD NPI #: 1528072212 CHITTENDEN Debra Hartswick, MD NPI #: 1205840261 Marshall L. Land Jr, MD NPI #: 1760496541 John G. Long, MD NPI #: 1194739805 Delight Wing, MD NPI #: 1720092794 Primary Care Health Partners Vermont, LLP 51 Timber Ln 802-864-0521 Monica C. Fiorenza, MD NPI #: 1235194333 Leah M. Flore, APRN NPI #: 1013972116 Candace K. Hines, APRN NPI #: 1649214347 Elizabeth A. Hunt, MD NPI #: 1366575771 Barbara Kennedy, MD NPI #: 1063478501 Katharine B. Margulius, PAC NPI #: 1982871216 Alice Mills, APRN NPI #: 1558640144 Rebecca A. Nagle, APRN NPI #: 1346433851 Michelle L. Perron, MD NPI #: 1992761837 Sara A. Quayle, MD NPI #: 1639134596 Alicia J. Veit, MD NPI #: 1780717124 Judith E. Steinberg, MD 5138 Shelburne Rd 802-985-2585 Judith E. Steinberg, MD NPI #: 1447279906 Accepts patients ages 18 and up. Susan Shull, MD 5138 Shelburne Rd 802-985-2585 Susan Shull, MD NPI #: 1760401673 Accepts patients ages 18 and up. Theodore J. Fink, MD 5138 Shelburne Rd Ste 1 2 802-985-2585 Theodore J. Fink, MD NPI #: 1508898842 Accepts patients ages 18 and up. NATUROPATH Champlain Center for Natural Medicine 3804 Shelburne Rd 802-985-8250 William E. Warnock, ND NPI #: 1982737227 PEDIATRICS Shelburne Pediatrics, Inc. 10 Marsett Rd Ste 2 802-985-5099 Jeanne R. Kellner, MD NPI #: 1760559108 Shelburne INTERNAL MEDICINE Christine D. Northrup, MD 5138 Shelburne Rd Ste 1-2 802-985-2585 Christine D. Northrup, MD NPI #: 1821161183 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Williston FAMILY PRACTICE Evergreen Family Health 28 Park Ave 802-878-1008 Patrick C. Kearney, PAC NPI #: 1801868005 Provider speaks French and IRISH Evergreen Family Health 28 Park Ave Ste 220 802-878-1008 Molly Backup, PAC NPI #: 1700972486 James F. Dougherty, MD NPI #: 1629188750 Jan S. Ferris, DO NPI #: 1588774608 Michael C. Johnson, MD NPI #: 1336158252 Provider speaks German Paul J. Reiss, MD NPI #: 1275628158 Nancy I. Resi, APRN NPI #: 1134144124 Thomas Chittenden Health Center, PLC 586 Oak Hill Rd 802-878-8131 Pamela J. Dawson, MD NPI #: 1174631915 Mary M. Dill, MD NPI #: 1700971728 Harley D. Donnelly, MD NPI #: 1417967787 Richard H. Dooley, PAC NPI #: 1750394979 Joseph H. Haddock, MD NPI #: 1831206564 Jena K. Medina, APRN NPI #: 1215254289 Patricia A. Towle, ANP NPI #: 1669452835 Patricia G. Whitney, MD NPI #: 1316055676 Thomas Chittenden Health Center, PLC 586 Oakhill Rd 802-878-8131 Jeffrey E. Haddock, MD NPI #: 1861418782 Tina M. D'Amato, PC 71 Knight Ln Ste 10/20 802-872-7001 Tina M. D'Amato, DO NPI #: 1902957020 Accepts patients ages 12 and up. INTERNAL MEDICINE Fletcher Allen Health Care 353 Blair Park Rd 802-847-1470 Marvin F. Klikunas, MD NPI #: 1427066927 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Lucy H. Miller, MD NPI #: 1013072347 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Dennis A. Plante, MD NPI #: 1093720765 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Darla E. Witmer, RN NPI #: 1467470971 Thomas Chittenden Health Center, PLC 586 Oak Hill Rd 802-878-8131 Richard H. Dooley, PAC NPI #: 1750394979 Sarah K. Dudley, APRN NPI #: 1265545602 Provider speaks Spanish Joseph H. Haddock, MD NPI #: 1831206564 PEDIATRICS Fletcher Allen Health Care 353 Blair Park Rd 802-847-1440 Pamela Jackson, MD NPI #: 1619905072 Eliot E. Nelson, MD NPI #: 1306865183 Marianne E. Rideout, MD NPI #: 1578580312 Ann S. Wittpenn, MD NPI #: 1215952890 Fletcher Allen Health Care 353 Blair Pk 802-847-1440 Stanley J. Weinberger, MD NPI #: 1982808697 9 CHITTENDEN Winooski FAMILY PRACTICE Ann Goering, PC 32 B Malletts Bay Ave 802-655-4422 Ann Goering, MD NPI #: 1790810489 Anne M. Knott, MD NPI #: 1164596730 Provider speaks French Christine M. Staats, MD NPI #: 1376596478 Ann Goering, PC 32b Malletts Bay Ave 802-655-4422 Peter R. Nobes, PA NPI #: 1003976630 Ann Goering, PC 32-b Malletts Bay Ave 802-655-4422 Ellen C. Watson, APRN NPI #: 1851331508 ESSEX Concord FAMILY PRACTICE Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 201 E Main St 802-695-2512 Sarah M. Berrian, MD NPI #: 1467416495 Jeniane L. Daniels, PAC NPI #: 1013973858 Holly B. Hall, PAC NPI #: 1336448414 Mary O. Ready, MD NPI #: 1922062959 Jill M. Stevenson, PAC NPI #: 1508054354 Susan G. Taney, APRN NPI #: 1174589097 INTERNAL MEDICINE Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 201 E Main St 802-695-2512 Susan G. Taney, APRN NPI #: 1174589097 PEDIATRICS Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 201 E Main St 802-695-2512 Susan G. Taney, APRN NPI #: 1174589097 Island Pond FAMILY PRACTICE Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 82 Maple St 802-723-4300 Jeniane L. Daniels, PAC Richford Health Center, Inc. 44 Center St 802-933-5831 Autumn M. Bondesen, PAC NPI #: 1063749414 Delores BurroughsBiron, MD NPI #: 1770565863 Provider speaks Spanish James D. Fowler, PA NPI #: 1194726596 Erick J. Lavallee, MD NPI #: 1336136761 Jenna E. Purdell, APRN NPI #: 1013973858 Holly B. Hall, PAC NPI #: 1336448414 Mariel K. Hess, FNP NPI #: 1225094113 NPI #: 1184902967 Karen E. Towle, APRN NPI #: 1407857808 Martha J. Walker, PAC NPI #: 1780726232 INTERNAL MEDICINE Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 82 Maple St 802-723-4300 Robert E. Primeau, MD NPI #: 1992769863 INTERNAL MEDICINE Richford Health Center, Inc. 44 Center St 802-933-5831 Autumn M. Bondesen, PAC NPI #: 1063749414 James D. Fowler, PA NPI #: 1194726596 Karen E. Towle, APRN NPI #: 1407857808 Martha J. Walker, PAC NPI #: 1780726232 Robert M. Zelazo, MD PEDIATRICS Northern Counties Health Care, Inc. 82 Maple St 802-723-4300 Robert E. Primeau, MD NPI #: 1992769863 FRANKLIN Enosburg Falls FAMILY PRACTICE Cold Hollow Family Practice, PC 84 Water Tower Rd Ste 1 802-933-6664 Lorne M. Babb, MD NPI #: 1134115090 Lynn B. McMorrow, APRN NPI #: 1245424852 Fairfax FAMILY PRACTICE Northwestern Medical Center 4178 Highbridge Rd 802-524-9595 Susan L. Saferstein, MD NPI #: 1861441578 David A. Spence, PA NPI #: 1598714230 Anne T. Standish, FNP NPI #: 1801061973 Miriam S. Sturgis, MD NPI #: 1235188418 Carol L. Thayer, MD NPI #: 1255380432 INTERNAL MEDICINE Audrey Von Lepel, MD 1199 Main St 802-849-2844 Audrey Von Lepel, MD NPI #: 1457310740 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Teig Marco, MD 1199 Main St 802-849-2844 Teig Marco, MD NPI #: 1114996972 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Provider speaks German Richford NPI #: 1346241734 Accepts patients ages 13 and up. PEDIATRICS Mousetrap Pediatrics, PC 44 Center St Ste 2 802-527-8189 Deanne M. Haag, MD NPI #: 1215065032 Daniel W. Larrow, MD NPI #: 1730217548 Meredith D. Monahan, MD NPI #: 1619933033 FAMILY PRACTICE Richford Health Center, Inc. 44 Main St Ste 200 802-255-5500 Rosaire Bisson, PA NPI #: 1083602874 Autumn M. Bondesen, PAC NPI #: 1063749414 Delores BurroughsBiron, MD NPI #: 1770565863 Provider speaks Spanish Erick J. Lavallee, MD NPI #: 1336136761 Jenna E. Purdell, APRN NPI #: 1184902967 10 FRANKLIN Karen E. Towle, APRN NPI #: 1407857808 Martha J. Walker, PAC NPI #: 1780726232 INTERNAL MEDICINE Richford Health Center, Inc. 44 Main St Ste 200 802-255-5500 Rosaire Bisson, PA NPI #: 1083602874 Autumn M. Bondesen, PAC NPI #: 1063749414 Karen E. Towle, APRN NPI #: 1407857808 Martha J. Walker, PAC NPI #: 1780726232 Robert M. Zelazo, MD NPI #: 1346241734 Accepts patients ages 13 and up. St Albans FAMILY PRACTICE Mara Vijups, MD, PC 10 Crest Rd 802-524-6333 Mara V. Vijups, MD NPI #: 1437148475 Mylan Technologies Family Health, Inc. 110 Lake St 802-524-8505 Lavi Rohatgi, MD NPI #: 1700862935 Provider speaks HINDI Northwestern Medical Center 260 Crest Rd Ste 1 802-524-8805 Max M. Bayard III, MD NPI #: 1588653521 Doreen R. Benoit, FNP NPI #: 1649474461 Northwestern Medical Center 260 Crest Rd Ste 101 802-524-8805 Molly E. Somaini, PAC NPI #: 1396977179 Primary Care Health Partners Vermont, LLP 9 Crest Rd 802-527-0753 Jeffrey B. Fine, PA NPI #: 1609890896 Provider speaks Slovenian and French Stewart Manchester, MD NPI #: 1497710826 Terri T. Nielsen, MD NPI #: 1700841699 Toby R. Sadkin, MD NPI #: 1750346839 Kimberly A. Sorber, PAC NPI #: 1043592751 Richford Health Center, Inc. 48 Lower Newton St Ste 802-524-4554 Rosaire Bisson, PA NPI #: 1083602874 Autumn M. Bondesen, PAC NPI #: 1063749414 James D. Fowler, PA NPI #: 1194726596 Erick J. Lavallee, MD NPI #: 1336136761 Karen E. Towle, APRN NPI #: 1407857808 Martha J. Walker, PAC NPI #: 1780726232 Richford Health Center, Inc. 48 Lower Newton St Ste 2 802-524-4554 Delores BurroughsBiron, MD NPI #: 1770565863 Provider speaks Spanish Jenna E. Purdell, APRN NPI #: 1184902967 INTERNAL MEDICINE Amy B. Roberts, MD 12 Crest Rd 802-527-1064 Amy B. Roberts, MD NPI #: 1326007386 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Midnorth Medical Group, Inc. 156 N Main St Ste 1 802-524-2106 Frank J. Zsoldos, MD NPI #: 1265541023 Accepts patients ages 18 and up. Mylan Technologies Family Health, Inc. 110 Lake St 802-524-8505 Linda A. Collins, MD NPI #: 1497837439 Northwestern Medical Center 260 Crest Rd Ste 101 802-524-8805 Jun Fu, MD NPI #: 1538461066 Juan Carlos Nunez Medina, MD NPI #: 1265750970 Richford Health Center, Inc. 48 Lower Newton St Ste 802-524-4554 Rosaire Bisson, PA NPI #: 1083602874 Autumn M. Bondesen, PAC NPI #: 1063749414 James D. Fowler, PA NPI #: 1194726596 Pamela C. Pedersen, MD PEDIATRICS Franklin County Pediatrics, LLC 10 Crest Rd 802-524-6410 Laura A. Bellstrom, MD NPI #: 1194908004 Accepts patients ages 13 and up. Provider speaks ENGLISH and Spanish Martha J. Walker, PAC NPI #: 1780726232 Robert M. Zelazo, MD FAMILY PRACTICE Michael Corrigan, MD 12 Church St 802-868-3175 Michael Corrigan, MD NPI #: 1518936806 Mousetrap Pediatrics, PC 11 Crest Rd 802-527-8189 Emanuele Q. Chiappinelli, MD NPI #: 1689702417 Deanne M. Haag, MD NPI #: 1215065032 Frederick C. Holmes, MD NPI #: 1083759708 Roya Mansoorani, MD NPI #: 1073641890 Meredith D. Monahan, MD NPI #: 1619933033 Heidi Zvolensky, MD NPI #: 1275661092 Taylor H. Yates Jr., MD 91 S Main St 802-524-6746 H Taylor Yates, Jr., MD NPI #: 1053369017 Swanton NPI #: 1346241734 Accepts patients ages 13 and up. NATUROPATH Jennifer R. Edlund, ND, PLLC 319 S Main St Ste 2 802-752-4141 Jennifer R. Edlund, ND NPI #: 1275773103 NPI #: 1194793703 Travis Robillard, PA NPI #: 1265742464 Richford Health Center, Inc. 45 Church St 802-868-2454 Autumn M. Bondesen, PAC NPI #: 1063749414 Delores BurroughsBiron, MD NPI #: 1770565863 Provider speaks Spanish Jenna E. Purdell, APRN NPI #: 1184902967 11 FRANKLIN Karen E. Towle, APRN NPI #: 1407857808 Martha J. Walker, PAC NPI #: 1780726232 Roy F. Wells, Jr., PAC NPI #: 1215939079 INTERNAL MEDICINE Richford Health Center, Inc. 45 Church St 802-868-2454 Autumn M. Bondesen, PAC NPI #: 1063749414 Diane J. Hakey, MD NPI #: 1588797559 Karen E. Towle, APRN NPI #: 1407857808 Martha J. Walker, PAC NPI #: 1780726232 Roy F. Wells, Jr., PAC NPI #: 1215939079 Robert M. Zelazo, MD NPI #: 1346241734 Accepts patients ages 13 and up. GRAND ISLE Alburg FAMILY PRACTICE Richford Health Center, Inc. 8 Industrial Park Rd 802-796-4414 Autumn M. Bondesen, PAC NPI #: 1063749414 Delores BurroughsBiron, MD NPI #: 1770565863 Provider speaks Spanish Erick J. Lavallee, MD NPI #: 1336136761 Provider speaks Spanish Jenna E. Purdell, APRN NPI #: 1184902967 Karen E. Towle, APRN NPI #: 1407857808 Martha J. Walker, PAC NPI #: 1780726232 12 INTERNAL MEDICINE Richford Health Center, Inc. 8 Industrial Park Rd 802-796-4414 Autumn M. Bondesen, PAC NPI #: 1063749414 Karen E. Towle, APRN NPI #: 1407857808 Martha J. Walker, PAC NPI #: 1780726232 Robert M. Zelazo, MD NPI #: 1346241734 Accepts patients ages 13 and up. S Hero FAMILY PRACTICE David W. Hobbs, MD 564 Rte 2 Unit 1 802-372-4687 Peggy A. Carey, MD NPI #: 1073537858 Linda J. Forrer, APRN NPI #: 1851433171 Provider speaks French David W. Hobbs, MD NPI #: 1063589851 Susan D. Jacques, APRN NPI #: 1659353894 LAMOILLE Cambridge FAMILY PRACTICE Family Practice Associates, Inc. 272 Main St Ste 101 802-644-5114 Paul Bertocci, MD NPI #: 1841239514 Jennifer S. Laurent, FNP NPI #: 1598735128 Donald B. Miller Jr, MD NPI #: 1316925274 Laura Norris, MD NPI #: 1174502082 Rachel A. Putnam, NP NPI #: 1922332071 Family Practice Associates, Inc. 272 N Main St Ste 101 802-644-5114 Susan L. Jaynes, APRN NPI #: 1144525619 INTERNAL MEDICINE Family Practice Associates, Inc. 272 Main St Ste 101 802-644-5114 John Dunn, MD NPI #: 1427087543 Richard J. Norman, MD NPI #: 1629048103 Johnson FAMILY PRACTICE Paul Rogers, MD 224 Railroad St 802-635-7325 Paul Rogers, MD NPI #: 1851335269 Vermont State Colleges Student Health Center 337 College Hill 802-635-1265 Jean S. Cass, APRN NPI #: 1215029970 Provider speaks French Patrick N. Keith, MD NPI #: 1306938923 GENERAL PRACTICE Paul Rogers, MD 224 Railroad St 802-635-7325 Paul Rogers, MD NPI #: 1851335269 INTERNAL MEDICINE Dorothy Malone-Rising, NP, PC 384 Lower Main W 802-635-6689 Dorothy Malone-Rising, ANP NPI #: 1437132362 Amy B. Roberts, MD NPI #: 1326007386 Accepts patients ages 16 and up. Morrisville FAMILY PRACTICE Copley Professional Services Group, Inc. 607 Washington Hwy 802-888-5639 Kimberly M. Bruno, MD NPI #: 1992752836 David M. Coddaire, MD NPI #: 1376500058 Cheryl J. Holton, FNP NPI #: 1609897743 Philip G. Kiely, MD NPI #: 1578542353 David L. Roy, MD NPI #: 1386685816 Gary L. Waring, MD Health Center Bldg 530 Washington Hwy Ste 1 802-888-3096 Gary L. Waring, MD NPI #: 1538146469 INTERNAL MEDICINE Henry Southall, MD, LLC 439 Washington Hwy 802-888-5000 Henry Southall, MD NPI #: 1770674137 Accepts patients ages 18 and up. Joel W. Silverstein, MD Health Center Bldg 530 Washington Hwy Ste 5 802-888-3111 Joel W. Silverstein, MD NPI #: 1568408151 PEDIATRICS Sarayu Balu, MD 1126 Laporte Rd 802-888-2448 Sarayu Balu, MD NPI #: 1386867182 Stowe FAMILY PRACTICE Copley Professional Services Group, Inc. 1878 Mountain Rd 802-253-4853 Sepinoud Bazel, MD NPI #: 1043419930 ORANGE David M. Bisbee, MD NPI #: 1871598722 Patrick N. Keith, MD NPI #: 1306938923 Jed W. Lowy, FNP NPI #: 1972543247 Katherine G. Marvin, MD NPI #: 1093937997 Melissa Volansky, MD NPI #: 1679665335 Angela M. Winchell, ARNP NPI #: 1760574420 Provider speaks Spanish NATUROPATH Stowe Natural Family Wellness, PLLC 645 S Main St Unit #2 802-253-2340 Angela J. Robens, ND NPI #: 1740428143 ORANGE Bradford FAMILY PRACTICE Little Rivers Health Care, Inc. 23 Upper Plain 802-222-5201 Angela J. Welch, PAC NPI #: 1679564801 Little Rivers Health Care, Inc. 437 S Main St 802-222-5562 Maureen B. Boardman, NP NPI #: 1861433500 Caroline C. Evans, APRN NPI #: 1790996874 Jessie Reynolds, MD NPI #: 1649353731 Upper Valley Pediatrics 331 Upper Plain 802-222-4722 Nancy R. Foote, RNP NPI #: 1134209083 Lisa K. Jensen, ARNP NPI #: 1912087867 INTERNAL MEDICINE Little Rivers Health Care, Inc. 437 S Main St 802-222-5562 Kevin J. Connolly, MD NPI #: 1124061650 PEDIATRICS Upper Valley Pediatrics 331 Upper Plain 802-222-4722 Ellen M. Bando, PA NPI #: 1699765057 Claire E. Bolon, MD NPI #: 1053360032 Susan A. Farrell, RN NPI #: 1164502043 Nancy R. Foote, RNP NPI #: 1134209083 Mark S. Harris, MD NPI #: 1386718500 Rebecca L. Yukica, DO NPI #: 1558560490 Chelsea FAMILY PRACTICE Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 356 Vt Rte 110 802-685-4400 Robert C. Kiess, MD NPI #: 1164538591 Brian E. Sargent, DO NPI #: 1114071123 Starr M. Strong, PA NPI #: 1134234768 INTERNAL MEDICINE Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 356 Vt Rte 110 802-685-4400 Starr M. Strong, PA NPI #: 1134234768 PEDIATRICS Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 356 Vt Rte 110 802-685-4400 Starr M. Strong, PA NPI #: 1134234768 E Corinth FAMILY PRACTICE Little Rivers Health Care, Inc. 720 Village Rd 802-439-5321 Ellen M. Bando, PA NPI #: 1699765057 Caroline C. Evans, APRN NPI #: 1790996874 Newbury FAMILY PRACTICE Newbury Health Clinic, PLLC 4628 Main St 802-866-3000 Melanie C. Lawrence, MD NPI #: 1679515613 Randolph FAMILY PRACTICE Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 44 S Main St 802-728-2445 Kenneth G. Borie, DO NPI #: 1144233206 Sheri A. Brown, APRN NPI #: 1982807525 Marcus H. Coxon, MD NPI #: 1245243302 Jonna C. Goulding, MD NPI #: 1962415042 Kim A. Ladue, ARNP NPI #: 1912010505 Megan L. O'Brien, APRN NPI #: 1609020916 Starr M. Strong, PA NPI #: 1134234768 INTERNAL MEDICINE Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 44 S Main St 802-728-2445 Sheri A. Brown, APRN NPI #: 1982807525 James B. Currie, MD NPI #: 1730168881 Milton G. Fowler, MD NPI #: 1679585137 Provider speaks German Mary C. Labrecque, ANP NPI #: 1154425676 Cristine J. Maloney, MD NPI #: 1972787273 David G. Pattison, MD NPI #: 1720198351 Starr M. Strong, PA NPI #: 1134234768 NATUROPATH Resonant Medicine, Inc. 43 S Main St Ste 2 802-728-9600 Christopher E. Hollis, ND NPI #: 1114110137 Erica Koch, ND NPI #: 1265731798 PEDIATRICS Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 44 S Main St 802-728-2445 Louis A. Dinicola, MD NPI #: 1225040629 Elizabeth H. Jewett, MD NPI #: 1316121163 David G. Pattison, MD NPI #: 1720198351 Joseph C. Pelletier, MD NPI #: 1003828419 Starr M. Strong, PA NPI #: 1134234768 Pamela S. Udomprasert, MD NPI #: 1346437340 Wells River FAMILY PRACTICE Little Rivers Health Care, Inc. 65 Main St 802-757-2325 Marlene M. Bristol, FNP NPI #: 1982659132 Stephen H. Genereaux, MD NPI #: 1679528723 Fay F. Homan, MD NPI #: 1588619647 Alison J. O'Connor, APRN NPI #: 1194770263 Angela J. Welch, PAC NPI #: 1679564801 13 ORLEANS ORLEANS Barton FAMILY PRACTICE North Country Hospital 488 Elm St 802-525-3539 David Bourgeois, MD NPI #: 1972606911 Megan C. Garrigan, PAC NPI #: 1720182900 Patrick J. Heaney, PA NPI #: 1174626089 Rachael R. Pelletier, APRN NPI #: 1285711093 Derby ADOLESCENT MEDICINE Border Health Center 159 Main St 802-873-3009 Janet D. Wilson, APRN NPI #: 1912029224 INTERNAL MEDICINE Robert W. Wood, MD 2338 Us Rte 5 802-766-4794 Robert W. Wood, MD NPI #: 1871576645 Provider speaks French PEDIATRICS Border Health Center 159 Main St 802-873-3009 Janet D. Wilson, APRN NPI #: 1912029224 Derby Line INTERNAL MEDICINE Border Health Center 159 Main St 802-873-3009 Elizabeth Hartman, APRN NPI #: 1871604702 Brent W. Tatum, MD NPI #: 1225137656 14 PEDIATRICS Border Health Center 159 Main S 802-873-3009 Elizabeth Hartman, APRN NPI #: 1871604702 Border Health Center 159 Main St 802-873-3009 Miriam B. Tatum, MD NPI #: 1770682106 Provider speaks French Newport FAMILY PRACTICE Denise A. Niemira, MD, PC 5452 Us Rte 5 Ste D 802-334-6140 Denise A. Niemira, MD NPI #: 1871688499 North Country Hospital 186 Medical Village Dr Ste 1 802-334-4120 Linda M. Chasse, FNP NPI #: 1164533006 Rachel B. Disanto, MD NPI #: 1518081520 James N. Holcomb, MD NPI #: 1518077858 John A. Lippmann, MD NPI #: 1184734618 Elaine L. Robinson, FNP NPI #: 1184689630 North Country Hospital 186 Medical Vlg Dr 802-334-4120 William J. Arban, MD NPI #: 1174565188 North Country Hospital 186 Medical Vlg Dr Ste 1 802-334-4121 William J. Arban, MD NPI #: 1174565188 North Country Hospital 186 Medical Vlg Dr Ste 2 802-334-4120 William J. Arban, MD NPI #: 1174565188 GENERAL PRACTICE Denise A. Niemira, MD, PC 5452 Us Rte 5 Ste D 802-334-6140 Denise A. Niemira, MD Cynthia L. Fort, FNP NPI #: 1861494064 Thomas A E Moseley, MD NPI #: 1003813346 Provider speaks Spanish Orleans NPI #: 1871688499 INTERNAL MEDICINE North Country Hospital 186 Medical Village Dr Ste 2 802-334-3522 Megan H. Batchelder, MD NPI #: 1346414737 Vivian Calobrisi, PA NPI #: 1801973334 Rory O. Carr, FNP NPI #: 1851410831 Peter B. Harris, MD NPI #: 1184734360 Elizabeth Hartman, APRN NPI #: 1871604702 Aydin A. Lathari, MD NPI #: 1073757654 Frank L. Provato, MD NPI #: 1740467356 Christopher E. Rickman, MD NPI #: 1952411225 Robert A. Trembley, MD NPI #: 1407966682 North Country Hospital 189 Prouty Dr 802-334-4111 Megan H. Batchelder, MD NPI #: 1346414737 Nelson S. Haas, MD NPI #: 1932294774 PEDIATRICS North Country Hospital 186 Medical Village Dr Ste 2 802-334-3524 Peter B. Harris, MD NPI #: 1184734360 Thomas A.E. Moseley III, MD 121 Medical Village Dr 802-334-5929 Alexandra Bannach, MD NPI #: 1518953942 Provider speaks German and French FAMILY PRACTICE North Country Hospital 30 East St 802-754-2220 Christie J. Aldrich, APRN NPI #: 1902909922 David Bourgeois, MD NPI #: 1972606911 Susan G. Dennis, APRN NPI #: 1871696781 Megan C. Garrigan, PAC NPI #: 1720182900 Patrick J. Heaney, PA NPI #: 1174626089 RUTLAND Bomoseen FAMILY PRACTICE Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region 275 Rte 30 N 802-468-5641 Bradley A. Berryhill, MD NPI #: 1699792614 Kenneth L. Dabbs, APRN NPI #: 1477882074 Michael J. Dashnaw, PA NPI #: 1245252030 H Peter Diercksen, MD NPI #: 1518984541 Judith L. Ellwood, APRN NPI #: 1699728436 Julie A. Foster, MD NPI #: 1215957295 J Andrew Gorton, PA NPI #: 1548280522 Stephen S. Kornbluth, MD NPI #: 1811948847 RUTLAND Colleen C. Mitchell, APRN NPI #: 1821255860 Jean P. Morgan, FNP NPI #: 1235390113 Mark A. Mueller, MD NPI #: 1295755288 Stephen M. Rosmus, MD NPI #: 1164442174 GENERAL PRACTICE Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region 275 Rte 30 N 802-468-5641 Amber F. Wiesenfeld, PAC NPI #: 1336446756 INTERNAL MEDICINE Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region 275 Rte 30 N 802-468-5641 Jeffrey R. Stall, MD NPI #: 1427042662 PEDIATRICS Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region 275 Rte 30 N 802-468-5641 Luis A. Bauzo, MD NPI #: 1598930844 Provider speaks Spanish Jill V. Read, PNP NPI #: 1093735094 Brandon FAMILY PRACTICE Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region 420 Grove St 802-247-6305 Kenneth L. Dabbs, APRN NPI #: 1477882074 George C. Fjeld, MD NPI #: 1720074743 INTERNAL MEDICINE Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region 420 Grove St 802-247-6305 John F. Dick, MD NPI #: 1073533048 Judith L. Ellwood, APRN NPI #: 1699728436 Robin L. Myers, ARNP NPI #: 1609896604 Poultney Chris R. Cornelius, MD, PC 19 Spellman Terr 802-775-1800 Chris R. Cornelius, MD NPI #: 1790858637 Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region 215 Stratton Rd 802-747-3295 Richard C. Baker, MD NPI #: 1063477099 Linda J. Hill, DO NPI #: 1902894090 Timothy J. Lensing, PAC Sanctuary Integravtive Medicine 90 Mahoney Ave 802-775-7848 Mark E. Logan, MD NPI #: 1184679227 Timothy G. Cook 25 N Main St 802-775-8032 Sheri A. Brown, APRN NPI #: 1982807525 Timothy G. Cook, MD NPI #: 1720071095 Rebecca K. Heflin, FNP NPI #: 1306802194 Chris Masillo, PA NPI #: 1063478865 Mark N. Messier, MD NPI #: 1104933035 Matthew E. Stevens, PAC INTERNAL MEDICINE Michael E. Scovner, MD 236 Main St 802-287-2269 Michael E. Scovner, MD NPI #: 1376615534 Provider speaks French PEDIATRICS Michael E. Scovner, MD 236 Main St 802-287-2269 Michael E. Scovner, MD NPI #: 1376615534 Provider speaks French NPI #: 1962578328 Patty A. Thornton, PA NPI #: 1558388512 Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region 4 Commons St 802-773-1321 Matthew B. Kingsbauer, DO NPI #: 1720039704 Drs. Peter and Lisa Hogenkamp 10 Commons St 802-747-3359 Kathleen Derham, PA NPI #: 1801843586 Lisa M. Hogenkamp, MD Rutland FAMILY PRACTICE Beverly J. Roseberry, MD, PC 11 Commons St 802-779-0114 Sonyea M. Oliver, APRN NPI #: 1407148836 Beverly J. Roseberry, MD NPI #: 1780857698 Bruce D. Bullock, MD 8 Commons St 802-770-1805 Bruce D. Bullock, MD NPI #: 1649250358 Carolyn E. Goodwin, APRN NPI #: 1881725208 Suzanne S. Jones, PA NPI #: 1457482101 Patty A. Thornton, PA NPI #: 1558388512 NPI #: 1225073737 Peter K. Hogenkamp, MD NPI #: 1922036490 Kathleen Weideman, NP NPI #: 1639359847 Mark E. Logan, MD, PC 199 Stratton Rd 802-775-7798 Kimberly A. Eugair, FNP NPI #: 1497981393 Paula S. Sorrentino, PA NPI #: 1053409920 Vermont Physicians Clinic 92 Allen St 802-773-4256 Mark N. Messier, MD NPI #: 1104933035 Wende S. Morgan, FNP NPI #: 1962510594 Meryl L. Stark, FNP NPI #: 1659309052 GENERAL PRACTICE Mark E. Logan, MD, PC 199 Stratton Rd 802-775-7798 Susan F. Dumas, APRN NPI #: 1477514362 Mark E. Logan, MD NPI #: 1184679227 Mark E. Logan, MD, PC 90 Mahoney Ave 802-775-7848 Mark E. Logan, MD NPI #: 1184679227 INTERNAL MEDICINE Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region 215 Stratton Rd 802-773-3386 T Ray Lovko, MD NPI #: 1114982295 NPI #: 1588615991 Linda K. Menzel, APRN NPI #: 1922095074 15 RUTLAND Mark C. Stickney, MD 3 Commons St 802-773-7155 Mark C. Stickney, MD NPI #: 1184633844 Accepts patients ages 15 and up. Peter Stickney, PC, MD 69 Allen St Ste 5 802-773-2626 Peter Stickney Pc, MD NPI #: 1932296944 Rutland Regional Medical Center 254 Stratton Rd 802-775-5531 Howard A. Weaver, MD PEDIATRICS Community Health Centers of The Rutland Regionland Region Inc 1 General Wing Rd 802-773-9131 Allison B. Adams, MD NPI #: 1801096771 Indra R. Lovko, MD NPI #: 1912024076 Judy Nelson, MD NPI #: 1124152251 David I. Schneider, DO NPI #: 1518082254 Stephen J. Wood, MD NPI #: 1588781660 W Pawlet NPI #: 1790741130 Seth G. Coombs, MD 12 Commons St Ste 1 802-770-1805 Carolyn E. Goodwin, APRN NPI #: 1881725208 Suzanne S. Jones, PA NPI #: 1457482101 Patty A. Thornton, PA NPI #: 1558388512 Seth G. Coombs, MD 8 Commons St 802-770-1805 Seth G. Coombs, MD NPI #: 1619955069 Thomas E. McCormick, MD, PC 57 Chestnut Ave 802-775-4000 Thomas E. McCormick, MD NPI #: 1386675189 Vermont Physicians Clinic 92 Allen St 802-773-4256 T Ray Lovko, MD NPI #: 1114982295 NATUROPATH Sanctuary Integravtive Medicine 90 Mahoney Ave 802-775-7848 Gregory J. Burkland, ND NPI #: 1457489510 16 FAMILY PRACTICE Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region 278 Vt Rte 149 802-645-0580 Jacqueline M. Becker, FNP NPI #: 1346261054 Carl E. Beckler, MD NPI #: 1598785628 Michael J. Dashnaw, PA NPI #: 1245252030 Jean P. Morgan, FNP NPI #: 1235390113 INTERNAL MEDICINE Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region 278 Vt Rte 149 802-645-0580 Brian N. Kilpatrick, MD WASHINGTON Barre FAMILY PRACTICE Central Vermont Medical Center 225 S Main St 802-479-3302 Katie L. John, FNP NPI #: 1013236827 Christine E. Payne, MD NPI #: 1558388363 Central Vermont Medical Center 82 East View Ln Ste 3 802-371-4844 Thomas J. Curchin, MD NPI #: 1255352019 Patricia A. Driscoll, PAC NPI #: 1184714644 Justine Gadd, PA NPI #: 1669499430 Lucy Patti, MD NPI #: 1386667897 Bram S. Starr, MD NPI #: 1720005556 Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 378 Prospect St 802-476-4166 Kim A. Ladue, ARNP NPI #: 1912010505 INTERNAL MEDICINE Central Vermont Medical Center 225 S Main St 802-479-3302 Priscilla W. Carr, MD PEDIATRICS Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region 278 Vt Rte 149 802-645-0580 Brian N. Kilpatrick, MD NPI #: 1326068313 NPI #: 1326068313 NPI #: 1508887357 Joni L. Chenoweth, PAC NPI #: 1891952529 Laura A. Felsted, DO NPI #: 1003857178 Cynthia S. Smith, MD NPI #: 1114076965 Granite City Medical Associates 30 Keith Ave 802-479-2546 Madelyn J. Hamilton, APRN NPI #: 1780638387 Allegra L. Shumway, MD NPI #: 1790885838 Mark Yorra, MD NPI #: 1942365713 Provider speaks Spanish PEDIATRICS Central Vermont Medical Center 225 S Main St 802-476-9242 Terrie L. Higley, PAC NPI #: 1245271279 Harriott M. Shea, MD NPI #: 1861413403 Emily C. Urquhart-Scott, MD NPI #: 1861584369 Berlin FAMILY PRACTICE Central Vermont Medical Center 130 Fisher Rd Moba Ste 2 2 802-229-2663 Christine M. Malcolm, APRN NPI #: 1790956738 Provider speaks Spanish Central Vermont Medical Center 246 Granger Rd Ste 2 802-225-5810 Lindsey L. Bilger, PAC NPI #: 1902139397 Joseph L. Brock, MD NPI #: 1043286594 Justin B. Karlitz-Grodin, MD NPI #: 1275651549 Pascale C. Stephani, FNP NPI #: 1811935430 Provider speaks French WASHINGTON Fletcher Allen Health Care 130 Fisher Rd Ste 3-1 802-225-7000 Timothy E. Burdick, MD Central Vermont Medical Center 246 Granger Rd Ste 2 802-225-5810 Anthony V. Williams, MD NPI #: 1245257195 Robert R. Davidson, PA NPI #: 1356348007 Roger B. Kellogg, MD 286 Hospital Loop Rd Ste 5 802-229-0010 Roger B. Kellogg, MD NPI #: 1083623912 Diana C. Jennings, APRN NPI #: 1790075869 Kristopher L. Jensen, MD NPI #: 1144239054 Provider speaks ITALIAN Lise S. Kowalski, MD NPI #: 1346264124 Maria R. Puglisi, FNP NPI #: 1528082302 Dale Stafford, MD NPI #: 1619991494 Stuart E. Williams, MD NPI #: 1285658062 Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 82 E View Ln 802-229-2325 Kim A. Ladue, ARNP NPI #: 1912010505 Richard Katzman, MD, PC 286 Hospital Loop 802-223-1527 Richard Katzman, MD NPI #: 1669416202 INTERNAL MEDICINE Central Vermont Medical Center 195 Hospital Loop Ste 3 802-225-5400 Nicole J. Belanger, MD NPI #: 1306828918 Peter A. Dale, MD NPI #: 1649266966 Marilyn J. Hart, MD NPI #: 1962498287 Central Vermont Medical Center 246 Granger Rd Berlin Ste 2 802-225-5810 Robert D. Robinson III, MD NPI #: 1366507154 NPI #: 1881648418 Provider speaks French and German PEDIATRICS Central Vermont Medical Center 246 Granger Rd Berlin 802-371-5950 Kathleen A. Bryant, APRN NPI #: 1801869748 Linda Burger, APRN NPI #: 1770504516 Deborah E. Jerard, MD NPI #: 1649291360 Margaret V. Lindsay, MD NPI #: 1841215191 Carolyn S. LorenzGreenberg, MD NPI #: 1770704744 Central Vermont Medical Center 246 Granger Rd Ste 1 802-371-5950 Gwendolyn S. Lattimore, MD NPI #: 1285649749 Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 82 E View Ln 802-229-2325 William G. Gaidys, MD NPI #: 1376564187 Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 82 East View Ln 802-229-2325 Louis A. Dinicola, MD NPI #: 1225040629 Montpelier FAMILY PRACTICE Central Vermont Medical Center 156 Main St 802-223-4738 Rima B. Carlson, MD NPI #: 1245240753 Jeremiah M. Eckhaus, MD NPI #: 1497718928 Paul D. Laffal, MD NPI #: 1487728655 Elisa B. Vandervort, FNP NPI #: 1598741019 Provider speaks French and Spanish INTERNAL MEDICINE Carol A. Vassar, MD 150 Main St 802-223-1766 Carol A. Vassar, MD NPI #: 1083627426 Central Vermont Medical Center 156 Main St 802-223-4738 Emily Byrne, APRN NPI #: 1003013608 Kathleen A. Jackman, FNP NPI #: 1902844004 Monique J. Karthaus, PAC NPI #: 1326021684 NATUROPATH Gabriel T. Archdeacon, ND 174 River St Ste 102 802-505-0597 Gabriel T. Archdeacon, ND NPI #: 1821261587 Green Mountain Wellness Solutions, Inc. 174 Elm St 802-229-2038 Bernard B. Noe, ND NPI #: 1285703967 Michael E. Stadtmauer, ND NPI #: 1144424664 Vermont Integrative Medicine, PLC 172 Berlin St 802-229-2635 Sandra G. Colvard, ND NPI #: 1316148489 Vermont Natural Health Pllc 174 River St Ste 102 802-595-0591 Casey L. Ellison, ND NPI #: 1881920965 Well-Natured, PLLC 338 River St Ste 8 802-522-4597 Melanie B. Meyer, ND NPI #: 1992951040 Northfield FAMILY PRACTICE Central Vermont Medical Center 63 Crescent Ave 802-485-4161 Kevin D. Crowley, MD NPI #: 1629054143 Sarah L. Davies, MD NPI #: 1770601544 Debra Maloney-Evans, FNP NPI #: 1770596991 Craig Sullivan, MD NPI #: 1194701615 Provider speaks Spanish Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 135 S Main St 802-485-8163 Kim A. Ladue, ARNP NPI #: 1912010505 Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 71 Richardson Ave 802-485-3161 Kim A. Ladue, ARNP NPI #: 1912010505 Plainfield FAMILY PRACTICE The Health Center 157 Towne Ave 802-454-8336 Linda C. Bisson, MD NPI #: 1992790067 17 WASHINGTON William A. Craig, MD NPI #: 1811946049 Provider speaks Indonesian Ruth A. Crose, MD NPI #: 1659329019 Diane Tabachnick, PAC NPI #: 1497875132 INTERNAL MEDICINE The Health Center 157 Towne Ave 802-454-8336 John Matthew, MD NPI #: 1598713042 Provider speaks Spanish Waitsfield FAMILY PRACTICE Central Vermont Medical Center 859 Old County Rd 802-496-3838 Francis W. Cook, MD NPI #: 1700820115 Christine M. Malcolm, APRN NPI #: 1790956738 Provider speaks Spanish Deborah E. Van Dyke, APRN NPI #: 1326156092 Central Vermont Medical Center 859 Old County Way 802-496-3838 Nanette W. Kissenberth, DO NPI #: 1619133683 NATUROPATH Jeneve M. Girard-Dicarlo 3 Joslin Hill Rd 802-496-5455 Jeneve M. GirardDiCarlo, ND NPI #: 1215247374 Waterbury FAMILY PRACTICE Central Vermont Medical Center 130 S Main St 802-244-7874 Richard A. Burgoyne, MD NPI #: 1093745580 William J. Cove, DO NPI #: 1396766150 Jennifer B. Gelbstein, MD NPI #: 1427075290 Alison B. Hobart, FNP NPI #: 1063450906 Provider speaks French and Spanish Christine E. Payne, MD NPI #: 1558388363 INTERNAL MEDICINE Central Vermont Medical Center 130 S Main St 802-244-7874 William J. Cove, DO NPI #: 1396766150 WINDHAM INTERNAL MEDICINE Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. One Hospital Ct 802-463-9000 John A. Leppman, MD NPI #: 1306952270 Provider speaks Spanish PEDIATRICS Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 22 Bridge St 802-463-2020 Valerie A. Rooney, MD NPI #: 1568572501 Susan S. Slowinski, MD NPI #: 1265542211 Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. One Hospital Ct 802-463-9000 Eliot R. Hall, MD NPI #: 1215956867 Brattleboro Bellows Falls FAMILY PRACTICE Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. One Hospital Court 802-463-9000 Amelia G. Shillingford, APRN NPI #: 1164711834 Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. One Hospital Ct 802-463-9000 Gary A. Clay, MD NPI #: 1013980325 Jody P. Houghton, PAC NPI #: 1730151556 Linda Thomson, FNP NPI #: 1265407613 Cecilia Vicuna-Keady, APRN NPI #: 1558334656 18 Walter J. Griffiths, MD 81 Westminster Ter 802-463-4584 Walter J. Griffiths, MD NPI #: 1962432880 FAMILY PRACTICE Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 19 Belmont Ave Ste 2 802-257-7792 Thomas O. Evans, MD NPI #: 1801893797 Provider speaks German Janine L. Foote, DO NPI #: 1326053422 Peter J. Foote, DO NPI #: 1669404422 Craig E. Goldberg, DO 1027 Western Ave 802-254-4545 Craig E. Goldberg, DO NPI #: 1205862372 Anika R. Opp-harris, PAC NPI #: 1134138563 Emily M. Talley, PAC NPI #: 1083793384 Dean H. Bresnahan, MD 53 Fairview St 802-257-1331 H Dean Bresnahan, MD NPI #: 1396705273 Life Circle Family Practice, PC 63 Belmont Ave Ste 1 802-254-8300 Kathleen R. Burgess, MD NPI #: 1265402382 Maplewood Family Practice, PC 120 Maple St 802-254-1311 Tony Blofson, MD NPI #: 1306807623 Denise E. Paasche, MD NPI #: 1316908650 Martina SczesnyAleshnick, MD 63 Belmont Ave Ste 1 802-258-4922 Martina SczesnyAleshnick, MD NPI #: 1467557918 Provider speaks German Primary Care Health Partners Vermont, LLP 21 Belmont Ave 802-258-3905 Lewis E. Mehl-madrona, MD NPI #: 1225127905 Brianna L. Seaver, APRN NPI #: 1902074677 Robert E. Tortolani, MD 63 Belmont Ave Ste 1 802-254-1113 Robert E. Tortolani, MD NPI #: 1245285667 Wellness Family Medicine, PLLC 191 Clark Ave Ste 1 802-257-9922 Lauren D. McClure, MD NPI #: 1962519108 WINDHAM GERIATRICS Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 17 Belmont Ave 802-257-0341 Andrea J. Galasso, DO NPI #: 1942462007 INTERNAL MEDICINE Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 19 Belmont Ave Ste I-201 802-257-3641 Richard T. Burtis, MD NPI #: 1851323554 Roxanne S. Karter, ANP NPI #: 1235234006 Suanne Petroff, FNP NPI #: 1306823844 Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 19 Belmont Ave Ste I-202 802-257-3641 Richard M. Orlan, MD NPI #: 1700854379 Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 21 Belmont Ave Ste 1 802-257-2611 Andrea J. Galasso, DO NPI #: 1942462007 Laura S. Metsch, MD NPI #: 1205800695 Primary Care Health Partners Vermont, LLP 21 Belmont Ave 802-258-3905 Hilke T. Breder, MD NPI #: 1023005857 Provider speaks German Jeffrey G. Meckling, PAC NPI #: 1275509853 Thomas W. Lewis, MD 19 Belmont Ave 802-257-1770 Thomas W. Lewis, MD NPI #: 1679589550 NATUROPATH Anna R. Abele, ND 1037 Western Ave 802-275-5223 Anna R. Abele, ND NPI #: 1922129139 Biologic Integrative Healthcare, LLC 205 Main St Ste 4 802-275-4732 Samantha K. Eagle, ND NPI #: 1013198555 Cheryl D. Proctor, ND NPI #: 1144554122 BNC, Inc. 1063 Marlboro Rd 802-254-9332 Mary L. Bove, ND NPI #: 1851412027 Emily C. Maiella, ND 1063 Marlboro Rd 802-254-9332 Emily C. Maiella, ND NPI #: 1700040052 Glenn R. Finley, ND 1063 Marlboro Rd 802-254-9332 Glenn R. Finley, ND NPI #: 1144558925 Provider speaks Spanish Jus Crea A. Giammarino, ND 1063 Marlboro Rd 802-254-9332 Jus Crea A. Giammarino, ND NPI #: 1164649174 Rebecca S. Shwartz 1037 Western Ave 802-490-2080 Rebecca S. Shwartz, ND NPI #: 1437461738 PEDIATRICS Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 16 Belmont Ave 802-254-2253 Jane K. Field, MD NPI #: 1043301724 Ekaterina N. Petrova, MD NPI #: 1265750129 Provider speaks RUSSIAN Primary Care Health Partners Vermont, LLP 21 Belmont Ave 802-258-3905 Christiana J. Blomfield, APRN NPI #: 1376825919 Carol A. Boyes, PAC NPI #: 1326001025 Robert L. Felix, MD NPI #: 1740281286 Anne H. Haydock, MD NPI #: 1679544332 Lynn Herzog, MD NPI #: 1235100983 Provider speaks French Elizabeth M. Richards, MD NPI #: 1912092149 Southern Vermont Health Services 16 Belmont Ave 802-254-2253 Jan Mcgonagle, MD NPI #: 1265450936 Provider speaks Spanish Richard A. Fletcher, FNP NPI #: 1487680484 Margaret S. Lake, APRN Londonderry Saxtons River NPI #: 1255368999 NATUROPATH Heartsong Health in Community, Inc. 36 Old Town Rd 802-387-2345 Ani K. Hawkinson, ND NPI #: 1639342264 Provider speaks French and SWAHILI FAMILY PRACTICE Green Mountain Community Medical & Social Services 5700 Vt Rte 100 Mountain Market Place St 802-824-4343 Delores A. Barbeau, MD NATUROPATH Laura B. Senes, ND 10 Main St 802-869-1222 Laura B. Senes, ND NPI #: 1386839298 NPI #: 1417920422 Mountain Valley Medical Clinic 38 Rte 11 802-824-6901 Ronald D. Vallario, MD FAMILY PRACTICE Carlos G. Otis Health Care Center 185 Grafton Rd 802-365-4331 Robert W. Backus, MD NPI #: 1659393064 NPI #: 1629068184 Judith L. Carpenter, PAC INTERNAL MEDICINE Mountain Valley Medical Clinic 38 Rte 11 802-824-6901 Roger C. Fox, MD NPI #: 1952374001 Provider speaks French Nancy Sharkey-Fox, APRN NPI #: 1255340154 Provider speaks French Putney FAMILY PRACTICE Brattleboro Memorial Hospital 126 Main St 802-387-5581 Kari L. Dickey, DO NPI #: 1457579500 Townshend NPI #: 1235268301 Maurice A. Geurts, MD NPI #: 1598755068 Provider speaks DUTCH/ FLEMISH Gianina F. Kennedy, APRN NPI #: 1467687681 Susan L. Lemei, MD NPI #: 1568492510 Moss J. Linder, MD NPI #: 1134119514 Maureen M. Mahoney, PAC NPI #: 1710175385 Louise McDevitt, FNP NPI #: 1548251598 Daniel P. Philips, PAC NPI #: 1295926681 19 WINDHAM Timothy P. Shafer, MD NPI #: 1053301721 Provider speaks French Edward T. Mulhern, MD 152 Grafton Rd 802-365-4318 Edward T. Mulhern, MD INTERNAL MEDICINE Southwestern Vermont Medical Center 30 Rte 100 S 802-464-5311 Barbara M. Masley, MD NPI #: 1932165818 NPI #: 1659454080 PEDIATRICS Carlos G. Otis Health Care Center 185 Grafton Rd 802-365-4331 Elizabeth K. Linder, MD NPI #: 1003806480 Westminster FAMILY PRACTICE Sojourns Community Clinic 4923 Us Rte 5 802-722-4023 April L. Brumson, APRN NPI #: 1528078557 Gary A. Clay, MD NPI #: 1013980325 NATUROPATH Sojourns Community Clinic 4923 Us Rte 5 802-722-4023 Alexis M. Chesney, ND NPI #: 1861722324 Aimee C. Knauff, ND NPI #: 1275835126 Clif M. Steinberg, ND NPI #: 1235428822 Wilmington FAMILY PRACTICE Southwestern Vermont Medical Center 30 Rte 100 S 802-464-5311 Kim E. Kurak, DO NPI #: 1023041431 Robert H. Tarnas, MD NPI #: 1770516189 Ascutney NATUROPATH Rebecca Chollet, ND, PLC 2 Quechee Rd 802-436-3800 Rebecca B. Chollet, ND NPI #: 1598881989 FAMILY PRACTICE Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 1823 Vt Rte 107 802-234-9913 Terry W. Cantlin, DO NPI #: 1447364971 Mark G. Seymour, DO NPI #: 1235142050 INTERNAL MEDICINE Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 1823 Vt Rte 107 802-234-9913 Sheri A. Brown, APRN NPI #: 1982807525 Chester FAMILY PRACTICE Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 55 Vt Rte 11 W 802-875-2546 Patricia L. Brown, APRN NPI #: 1447223847 Susan L. Lemei, MD NPI #: 1568492510 Justin H. Sacripante, PAC NPI #: 1982793998 20 NPI #: 1962424341 Susan L. Lemei, MD, PC 23 School St 802-875-5660 Susan L. Lemei, MD NPI #: 1568492510 Hartland Bethel Rochester WINDSOR INTERNAL MEDICINE Riverside Internal Medicine, PLC 14 Ascutney Place Unit B2 802-674-6744 Sheila Kendrick, MD NPI #: 1598722035 Robert J. Schwartz, MD FAMILY PRACTICE Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 235 S Main St 802-767-8000 Sheri A. Brown, APRN NPI #: 1982807525 INTERNAL MEDICINE Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 235 S Main St 802-767-3704 Mark D. Jewett, MD NPI #: 1518072040 Ludlow S Royalton FAMILY PRACTICE Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 1 Elm St 802-228-8867 Cecil C. Beehler II, MD NPI #: 1558332916 Patricia L. Brown, APRN PEDIATRICS Rebecca A. Foulk, MD, PC 79 S Windsor St 802-763-7575 Clare N. Drebitko, MD NPI #: 1780772160 Rebecca A. Foulk, MD NPI #: 1154353274 Frank Lamson, PNP NPI #: 1962433060 NPI #: 1447223847 Barbara J. Dalton, MD NPI #: 1992740864 Justin H. Sacripante, PAC NPI #: 1982793998 Forrest E. Williams, PA NPI #: 1740251180 Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 8 Main St 802-228-8867 Cecil C. Beehler II, MD NPI #: 1558332916 Patricia L. Brown, APRN NPI #: 1447223847 Justin H. Sacripante, PAC NPI #: 1982793998 Forrest E. Williams, PA NPI #: 1740251180 Sharon FAMILY PRACTICE Gifford Medical Center, Inc. 12 Shippee Ln 802-763-8000 Peter M. Loescher, MD NPI #: 1528063401 Springfield FAMILY PRACTICE Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 100 River St 802-885-5100 Gordon C. Black, ARNP NPI #: 1215161526 Ellen R. Brown, MD NPI #: 1154368447 Barbara J. Dalton, MD NPI #: 1992740864 Bridget K. Fillo, FNP NPI #: 1760404263 WINDSOR Joni J. Foster, FNP NPI #: 1932121449 Yolanda G. Lawrence, MD NPI #: 1417979535 Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 156 Wall St 802-885-1166 Patricia L. Brown, APRN NPI #: 1447223847 Barbara J. Dalton, MD NPI #: 1992740864 Bridget K. Fillo, FNP NPI #: 1760404263 Joni J. Foster, FNP NPI #: 1932121449 Yolanda G. Lawrence, MD NPI #: 1417979535 Heather E. Marancenbaum, MD NPI #: 1528073384 Jackie M. Roy, NP NPI #: 1679595797 Justin H. Sacripante, PAC NPI #: 1982793998 Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 25 Ridgewood Rd 802-885-2151 Daniel Caloras, MD NPI #: 1548234040 Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 368 River St 802-886-2526 Gordon C. Black, ARNP NPI #: 1215161526 Ellen R. Brown, MD NPI #: 1154368447 INTERNAL MEDICINE Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 100 River St 802-885-5100 Ruth F. Cody, PA NPI #: 1073544409 Mark C. Hamilton, MD NPI #: 1023046224 Anthony P. Petrillo, PA NPI #: 1306872312 Ellen R. Pinter, PA NPI #: 1497790950 Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 29 Ridgewood Rd 802-885-5733 John D. Hughes, MD NPI #: 1629041025 Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 368 River St 802-886-2526 Ruth F. Cody, PA NPI #: 1073544409 Mark C. Hamilton, MD NPI #: 1023046224 John D. Hughes, MD NPI #: 1629041025 Anthony P. Petrillo, PA NPI #: 1306872312 Ellen R. Pinter, PA NPI #: 1497790950 Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. Ridgewood Professional Bl 29 Ridgewood Rd 802-885-5733 Ruth F. Cody, PA NPI #: 1073544409 Anthony P. Petrillo, PA NPI #: 1306872312 PEDIATRICS Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 100 River St 802-885-5100 Amy E. Ferguson, MD NPI #: 1659395390 Kelly E. Gullotta, MD NPI #: 1053584086 Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 29 Ridgewood Rd Ste 30 802-885-5716 Amy E. Ferguson, MD NPI #: 1659395390 Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 29 Ridgewood Rd Ste 300 802-885-5716 Kelly E. Gullotta, MD NPI #: 1053584086 White River Jct FAMILY PRACTICE White River Family Practice, PC 331 Olcott Dr Ste U3 802-295-6132 Lynne C. Chow, FNP NPI #: 1477633345 Julie S. Davis, MD NPI #: 1841295821 Accepts patients ages 0 to 18. Provider speaks Spanish Krista I. Gould, FNP NPI #: 1548436876 Joanne B. Hayes, FNP NPI #: 1033114921 Michael L. Lyons, MD NPI #: 1326043308 Accepts patients ages 0 to 18. Mark Nunlist, MD NPI #: 1801891882 David J. Park, MD NPI #: 1790780211 Accepts patients ages 0 to 18. Kristin H. Pekala, PAC NPI #: 1992700884 Angela M. Toms, MD NPI #: 1457356339 Accepts patients ages 0 to 18. Sean Uiterwyk, MD NPI #: 1992791172 Accepts patients ages 0 to 18. Windsor FAMILY PRACTICE Windsor Hospital Corporation 289 County Rd 802-674-7300 Mary K. Joyce, MD NPI #: 1760448450 Maurice G. Paquette, PAC NPI #: 1649457730 Paula S. Sorrentino, PA INTERNAL MEDICINE Windsor Hospital Corporation 289 County Rd 802-674-7300 Beach Conger, MD NPI #: 1023006921 Katherine Devine, MD NPI #: 1386629202 Sari K. Galanes, MD NPI #: 1962439596 Marlene Sachs, MD NPI #: 1770579344 Deborah J. Scott, MD NPI #: 1497741631 Lorissa C. Segal, MD NPI #: 1679769046 H Todd Spencer, MD NPI #: 1013956648 Laura A. Vahey, PAC NPI #: 1962484154 Leesa L. Williams, APRN NPI #: 1881680296 PEDIATRICS Windsor Hospital Corporation 289 County Rd 802-674-7300 Mary P. Bender, MD NPI #: 1134322910 Virginia C. Brack, MD NPI #: 1205821220 Anne S. Colwell, MD NPI #: 1417942053 Kathleen Geagan, MD NPI #: 1598750168 Woodstock INTERNAL MEDICINE Windsor Hospital Corporation 32 Pleasant St 802-457-3030 Sari K. Galanes, MD NPI #: 1962439596 Steven B. Smith, MD NPI #: 1265457253 Laura A. Vahey, PAC NPI #: 1962484154 NPI #: 1053409920 Richard B. White, MD NPI #: 1467448621 Linda J. Wilson, FNP NPI #: 1487640991 21 WINDSOR PEDIATRICS Windsor Hospital Corporation 32 Pleasant St 802-457-3030 Michael J. Kilcullen, MD NPI #: 1972514081 22 OTHER STATES MASSACHUSETTS N Adams PEDIATRICS Northern Berkshire Pediatrics, LLP 77 Hospital Ave Ste 10 413-663-8368 Jennifer S. Degrenier, DO Provider #: 1588672257 Michael L. Gerrity, MD Provider #: 1619022340 Amy B. Griffin, MD Provider #: 1033223920 Marc S. McDermott, MD Provider #: 1164452637 Northern Berkshire Pediatrics, LLP 77 Hospital Ave Ste 102 413-663-8365 Childs R. Art, MD Provider #: 1275521197 Beth L. Ellingwood, MD Provider #: 1326000738 Thomas P. Hyde, MD Provider #: 1972592509 Kathryn B. Wiseman, MD Provider #: 1649256660 NEW HAMPSHIRE Charlestown FAMILY PRACTICE Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. 125 Main St 603-826-5711 Daniel Caloras, MD Provider #: 1548234040 Brooke E. Pringle, PAC Provider #: 1215264254 Frances Uptegrove, PA Provider #: 1073586517 Cecilia Vicuna-Keady, APRN Provider #: 1558334656 Valley Family Physicians 33 Arbor Way 603-826-7722 Charles J. Brenton Jr, MD Provider #: 1083799811 Bernard A. Rosen, MD Provider #: 1306921135 Claremont FAMILY PRACTICE Montague Family Medicine Pllc 5 Dunning St 603-542-2571 Laurie A. Montague, MD Provider #: 1326030099 Valley Family Physicians 55 Tyler St 603-543-1251 Roy M. Barnes, MD Provider #: 1558447383 Charles J. Brenton Jr, MD Provider #: 1083799811 Robin F. Geschwindner, APRN Provider #: 1093700668 Paul D. Matzkin, MD Provider #: 1427053362 Bernard A. Rosen, MD Provider #: 1306921135 Valley Regional Hospital 241 Elm St 603-543-6900 John L. West, MD Provider #: 1982609079 Valley Regional Hospital 243 Elm St 603-542-7771 Randolph R. Knight, MD Provider #: 1942320106 Valley Regional Hospital 9 Dunning St 603-542-1350 Randolph R. Knight, MD Provider #: 1942320106 INTERNAL MEDICINE Valley Regional Hospital 241 Elm St 603-543-6900 Oliver P. Herfort, MD Provider #: 1497774848 Provider speaks GERMAN and French Richard K. Hutchins, MD Provider #: 1518954692 Elaine M. Johnson, APRN Provider #: 1194796730 Nancy Quintero, DO Provider #: 1528141835 Elaine M. Silverman, MD Provider #: 1922035666 Robin I. Tejeda Soto, MD Provider #: 1043538200 Provider speaks SPANISH/ CASTILIAN Valley Regional Hospital 243 Elm St 603-542-7771 Clyde W. Smith, MD Provider #: 1164530416 Robin I. Tejeda Soto, MD Provider #: 1043538200 Provider speaks SPANISH/ CASTILIAN Valley Regional Hospital 9 Dunning St 603-542-1350 Elaine M. Johnson, APRN Provider #: 1194796730 PEDIATRICS Valley Regional Hospital 243 Elm St 603-542-7771 Michael A. Fischer, MD Provider #: 1639289713 Valley Regional Hospital 9 Dunning St 603-542-6700 Michael A. Fischer, MD Provider #: 1639289713 Shirley N. Tan, MD Provider #: 1851356448 Provider speaks CHINESE and Tagalog Colebrook FAMILY PRACTICE Bruce D. Latham, DO, PA 29 Monadnock St 603-237-9800 Bruce Latham, DO Provider #: 1356302491 Provider speaks SPANISH/ CASTILIAN and French Indian Stream Health Center, Inc. 141 Corliss Ln 603-237-8336 Mary E. Judd, PA Provider #: 1114975661 Colleen M. Krug, PA Provider #: 1578895652 Peter C. Moran, MD Provider #: 1538127865 INTERNAL MEDICINE Indian Stream Health Center, Inc. 141 Corliss Ln 603-237-8336 John Fothergill, MD Provider #: 1336198175 Franconia FAMILY PRACTICE Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc. 155 Main St 603-823-7078 Danielle M. Beaulieu, PA Provider #: 1790921633 Barbara M. Ford, ARN Provider #: 1700859782 Caitlin C. O'Donell, MD Provider #: 1477514610 Charles J. Wolcott, MD Provider #: 1982678298 Provider speaks SPANISH/ CASTILIAN and French Groveton FAMILY PRACTICE Weeks Medical Center 47 Church St 603-636-1101 Glenn B. Adams, DO Provider #: 1952387714 23 OTHER STATES Sonya R. Gilbert, PA Provider #: 1780867994 Mary E. Kenison, ARNP Provider #: 1629055876 INTERNAL MEDICINE Weeks Medical Center 47 Church St 603-636-1101 Pancras H. Vanderlaan, MD Provider #: 1912985334 Hanover FAMILY PRACTICE Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic 1 Buck Rd 603-650-4000 James G. Johnston, MD Provider #: 1811963283 Thomas A. Leeson, DO Provider #: 1558410191 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic Buck Rd 603-650-4000 Francis M. Adams, MD Provider #: 1578581898 Ethan M. Berke, MD Provider #: 1902858855 Brigette A. Cameron, ARNP Provider #: 1336392588 Patricia T. Glowa, MD Provider #: 1790707230 Kristine A. Karlson, MD Provider #: 1154340073 Louis A. Kazal Jr, MD Provider #: 1467477208 Joel S. Lazar, MD Provider #: 1639199763 Tanya M. Luttinger, MD Provider #: 1831112200 Nancy E. Morden, MD Provider #: 1740231372 Cathleen E. Morrow, MD Provider #: 1972579092 Eileen P. Murphy, FNP Provider #: 1700990249 24 Catherine F. Pipas, MD Hinsdale Provider #: 1629098686 Alicia M. Przydzielski, ARNP Provider #: 1124208665 Kevin C. Shannon, MD Provider #: 1356470314 Adam J. Sorscher, MD Provider #: 1942241542 Robert J. Zahn, MD Provider #: 1619944816 FAMILY PRACTICE George A. Idelkope, MD 68 Brattleboro Rd 603-336-5948 George A. Idelkope, MD INTERNAL MEDICINE Christine R. Medora 45 Lyme Rd Ste 104 603-643-3320 Christine R. Medora, MD Provider #: 1093827446 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic Buck Rd 603-650-4000 Linda B. Dacey, MD Provider #: 1760428007 Hanover Continuity Clinic, LLC 45 Lyme Rd Ste 104 603-643-3320 Adam J. Schwarz, MD Provider #: 1477594752 FAMILY PRACTICE Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic Keene 580 Court St 603-354-5454 Rachel E. Croteau, DO PEDIATRICS Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic 7 Rope Ferry Rd 603-646-9400 Claudia C. Zegans, MD Provider #: 1639284045 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic Buck Rd 603-650-4000 Claudia C. Zegans, MD Provider #: 1639284045 Montshire Pediatrics, PLLC 45 Lyme Rd 603-643-6700 Nancy M. Turkington, MD Provider #: 1316033715 Provider #: 1003838210 Keene Provider #: 1477661122 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic Keene 590 Court St 603-354-6762 Susan A. Beringer, ARNP Provider #: 1821243007 Judith Boule, MD Provider #: 1912939240 Don Caruso, MD Provider #: 1477571545 Sharon E. Ferguson, DO Provider #: 1124357165 Martha W. Gilroy, ARNP Provider #: 1740218304 Leslie Goldman, ARNP Provider #: 1598738890 Candace Guberman, ARN Provider #: 1710066196 Padmini D. Herath, MD Provider #: 1083866081 Sharman H. Howe, APRN Provider #: 1407973316 Michael Kasschau, MD Provider #: 1346308335 Douglas Keene, MD Provider #: 1407874415 Gerard N. Kiernan, MD Provider #: 1295752038 Provider speaks GERMAN and Spanish Susan Lewis, PA Provider #: 1659385169 Carrie A. LundeenYoung, MD Provider #: 1902966401 Susan Maydwell, PA Provider #: 1174605802 Donald Mazanowski, MD Provider #: 1609961069 Suzanne F. NabiTremblay, MD Provider #: 1972536589 Marika Ostroski, MD Provider #: 1477558385 Maria A. Pattavina, ANP Provider #: 1922024561 Provider speaks SPANISH/ CASTILIAN and ITALIAN Leslie T. Pitts, MD Provider #: 1003841594 Provider speaks FRENCH Lisa A. Profetto, ARN Provider #: 1396767877 Brian J. Reilly, MD Provider #: 1386677433 Gabrielle Schuerman, APRN Provider #: 1437227469 David Segal, PAC Provider #: 1891719068 Heather Shafer, MD Provider #: 1972581635 Gary Shapiro, MD Provider #: 1558412965 William B. Toms, MD Provider #: 1902813942 Andrew Tremblay, MD Provider #: 1417971698 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic Keene 69c Island St 603-354-6700 Judith Boule, MD Provider #: 1912939240 Robert B. Cochran, MD Provider #: 1205857711 Remeline C. Damasco, MD Provider #: 1275520009 Stephen Hathcock, MD Provider #: 1821047093 Helen E. Heneghan, MD Provider #: 1427120476 David Segal, PAC Provider #: 1891719068 OTHER STATES GERIATRICS Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic Keene 590 Court St 603-354-5454 Lisa A. Leinau, MD Provider #: 1912101171 Marian K. Miller, MD Provider #: 1932317757 INTERNAL MEDICINE Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic Keene 590 Court St 603-354-5454 Frederick Bruch Jr, MD Provider #: 1427074194 Theresa J. Desilets, ARN Provider #: 1689754160 David Hall, MD Provider #: 1598785222 Mary Hofreiter, MD Provider #: 1912937160 Alan D. Lein, MD Provider #: 1851473615 M Katherine Sheffield, MD Provider #: 1437173465 Linda Singer, MD Provider #: 1750497491 PEDIATRICS Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic Keene 590 Court St 603-354-6666 Patricia I. Campbell, DO Provider #: 1114947934 Kathleen M. Fisher, MD Provider #: 1730287459 Eric M. Goodman, ANP Provider #: 1710028360 Deborah R. Hansen, MD Provider #: 1659397370 Jessica Payton, MD Provider #: 1134200348 Lisa A. Profetto, ARN Provider #: 1396767877 Geraldine Rubin, MD Provider #: 1982629325 Malinda Scherpa, MD Provider #: 1831319318 Marni A. Silverstein, MD Lebanon Provider #: 1043326028 Lancaster FAMILY PRACTICE Weeks Medical Center 170 Middle St 603-788-2521 Glenn B. Adams, DO Provider #: 1952387714 Gina L. Bedell, APRN Provider #: 1700164068 Sonya R. Gilbert, PA Provider #: 1780867994 Dianne M. Ryan, FNP Provider #: 1518984038 Weeks Medical Center 173 Middle St 603-788-4911 Sonya R. Gilbert, PA Provider #: 1780867994 Christopher Laurent, ARNP Provider #: 1306839204 Dianne M. Ryan, FNP Provider #: 1518984038 FAMILY PRACTICE (OBSTETRICS ONLY) Weeks Medical Center 173 Middle St 603-788-4911 Glenn B. Adams, DO Provider #: 1952387714 INTERNAL MEDICINE Weeks Medical Center 170 Middle St 603-788-2521 Wendy G. Muello, MD Provider #: 1326025420 Accepts patients ages 12 and up. Stephen J. Regan, MD Provider #: 1336127000 Pancras H. Vanderlaan, MD Provider #: 1912985334 Accepts patients ages 12 and up. PEDIATRICS Weeks Medical Center 170 Middle St 603-788-2521 Brenda D. Stewart, CPNP Provider #: 1306824958 FAMILY PRACTICE Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic One Medical Center Dr 603-650-5000 Amber R. Castell, APRN Provider #: 1073769642 Deborah A. Glazer, MD 127 Mascoma St 603-448-5886 Deborah A. Glazer, MD Provider #: 1053300095 Family Health Center 252 Mechanic St 603-448-1941 Ernst M. Oidtmann, MD Provider #: 1538201009 Provider speaks DUTCH/ FLEMISH and French Physician Practice at Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital 125 Mascoma St Bldg 5 603-448-3122 Sheilla B. Bachelder, MD Provider #: 1528192986 Eric L. Bronstein, MD Provider #: 1760478770 Larry A. Lancaster, ARNP Provider #: 1770579781 Peter A. Mason, MD Provider #: 1932174620 Nina M. McCampbell, MD Provider #: 1972711679 Provider speaks SPANISH/ CASTILIAN and French Shagun Saggar, MD Provider #: 1235105750 Provider speaks HINDI Margaret Stephens, MD Provider #: 1366438376 Carol Williams-Suich, FNP Provider #: 1003802018 INTERNAL MEDICINE Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic One Medical Center Dr 603-650-5000 Sohaib Aleem, MD Provider #: 1588894026 John A. Batsis, MD Provider #: 1124092812 Accepts patients ages 65 and up. Cathleen R. Beaver, MD Provider #: 1699728311 Carole Bibeau, MD Provider #: 1932156585 Charles Brackett, MD Provider #: 1720014467 Elizabeth P. Bradley, MD Provider #: 1083641245 Frances C. Brokaw, MD Provider #: 1447291604 W Blair Brooks, MD Provider #: 1124058797 Mary Ellen F. Copening, PA Provider #: 1215967914 Linda B. Dacey, MD Provider #: 1760428007 Kenneth M. Dolkart, MD Provider #: 1295832616 Accepts patients ages 65 and up. Ellen H. Eisenberg, MD Provider #: 1598793606 Courtney R. Farrell, MD Provider #: 1770788044 Elaine L. Fleming, MD Provider #: 1073549580 James R. Gosselin, PAC Provider #: 1780617522 Dawn L. Harland, MD Provider #: 1487742797 Brooke Herndon, MD Provider #: 1982633608 Karen B. Hewitt, APRN Provider #: 1255377784 Shoshana J. Hort, MD Provider #: 1093820821 Kelly A. Kieffer, MD Provider #: 1740224443 Margo J. Krasnoff, MD Provider #: 1114961745 Accepts patients ages 65 and up. Michelle M. L'Heureux, MD Provider #: 1194789586 Jon D. Lurie, MD Provider #: 1912093121 Patricia L. Min, MD Provider #: 1104857887 25 OTHER STATES Daniel S. Moran, ARNP Kimberly A. Gifford, MD Provider #: 1033158571 Diane M. Palac, MD Provider #: 1629006069 Accepts patients ages 65 and up. Lisa C. Pastel, MD Provider #: 1477669422 Roshini Pinto Powell, MD Provider #: 1699889378 Tricia L. Groff, MD Provider #: 1063598928 Diane Kittredge, MD Provider #: 1922113000 Keith J. Loud, MD Provider #: 1144317140 Auden C. McClure, MD Provider #: 1336166172 Laura B. Reed, APRN Provider #: 1477737922 Lynn S. Schwartz, MD Provider #: 1609803105 Bethany R. Shanku, PAC Provider #: 1851581573 Daniel S. Stadler, MD Provider #: 1467479022 Lesley A. Watts, FNP Provider #: 1962439901 Elizabeth K. Wolfe, MD Provider #: 1396830659 Physician Practice at Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital 125 Mascoma St Bldg 5 603-448-3122 Yolanda D. Poradowski, MD Provider #: 1790892172 NATUROPATH Rebecca Chollet, ND, PLC 123 Mascoma St 802-436-3800 Rebecca B. Chollet, ND Provider #: 1598881989 PEDIATRICS Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic One Medical Center Dr 603-650-5541 William E. Boyle, MD Provider #: 1780786954 Ann C. Bracken, MD Provider #: 1851483986 Accepts patients ages 14 and up. Steven H. Chapman, MD Provider #: 1275585226 Susan Edwards, MD Provider #: 1346252996 26 Lincoln Provider #: 1780793844 Ardis Olson, MD Provider #: 1649383548 Todd M. Poret, MD Provider #: 1700802543 Deborah Pullin, PNP Provider #: 1992810055 Heather R. Robertson, MD Provider #: 1629232707 Patricia Ryan, PNP Provider #: 1043222599 James D. Sargent, MD Provider #: 1528170057 L Jocelyn Schreiber, ARN Provider #: 1902915002 Scott A. Shipman, MD Provider #: 1023121621 Catherine D. Shubkin, MD Provider #: 1225089584 Susanne E. Tanski, MD Provider #: 1730191024 Jodi K. Wenger, MD Provider #: 1942212212 Claudia C. Zegans, MD Provider #: 1639284045 Physician Practice at Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital 125 Mascoma St Bldg 5 603-448-3122 Sheila L. Feyrer, MD Provider #: 1013904572 Laura M. Greer, MD Provider #: 1255490595 Douglas E. Williamson, MD Provider #: 1265428221 FAMILY PRACTICE Rodney A. Felgate, MD 115 Main St 603-745-8136 Rodney A. Felgate, MD Provider #: 1801980453 Provider speaks FRENCH Littleton FAMILY PRACTICE Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc. 25 Mt Eustis Rd 603-444-2464 Nicole V. Fischler, APRN Provider #: 1356490312 Elizabeth F. Harman, PA Provider #: 1114108396 Philip H. Lawson, MD Provider #: 1548235401 David L. Nelson, MD Provider #: 1457320178 Caitlin C. O'Donell, MD Provider #: 1477514610 Michael L. Scanlon, APRN Provider #: 1407821036 Jessica A. Thibodeau, ANP Provider #: 1417929910 Littleton Regional Hospital 220 Cottage St 603-444-7070 Virginia L. Alvord, MD Provider #: 1225012420 Kathleen J. Smith, MD Provider #: 1982688123 Littleton Regional Hospital 580 St Johnsbury Rd 603-444-7070 Virginia L. Alvord, MD Provider #: 1225012420 Patricia E. Kellogg, PA Provider #: 1598919847 Kathleen J. Smith, MD Provider #: 1982688123 White Mountain Family Healthcare 580 St Johnsbury Rd Ste K 603-444-2010 Angela M. Hawkins, PA Provider #: 1538141007 Marvin R. Kendall, MD Provider #: 1598751232 John H. Spicer, MD Provider #: 1285641134 GERIATRICS Littleton Regional Hospital 220 Cottage St 603-444-9271 Kathleen J. Smith, MD Provider #: 1982688123 INTERNAL MEDICINE Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc. 25 Mt Eustis Rd 603-444-2464 Ibrahim Mourad, MD Provider #: 1164497525 Provider speaks ARABIC Littleton Internal Medicine, PC 580 St Johnsbury Rd Ste F 603-444-2002 Rebekah L. Reeves, MD Provider #: 1235183344 Kevin A. Silva, MD Provider #: 1265486369 Littleton Regional Hospital 580 St Johnsbury Rd 603-444-0116 David Ferris, DO Provider #: 1053389817 Malgorzata M. Taras, MD Provider #: 1962478909 Provider speaks POLISH and RUSSIAN PEDIATRICS Littleton Hospital Association 580 St Johnsbury Rd 603-444-9524 Cristina M. Culcea, MD Provider #: 1780698860 Provider speaks ROMANIAN OTHER STATES William E. Lakey, MD Provider #: 1699742502 Lyme INTERNAL MEDICINE Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic 204 Dartmouth College Hwy 603-650-1070 Elizabeth P. Bradley, MD N Stratford FAMILY PRACTICE Clinic Sans Frontiers, PLLC 43 Main St 603-922-5039 John C. Avery, DO Provider #: 1588613707 Provider speaks SPANISH/ CASTILIAN Provider #: 1083641245 W Blair Brooks, MD Provider #: 1124058797 Julia Chen, MD Provider #: 1790959492 Mary Ellen F. Copening, PA Provider #: 1215967914 Delia C. Hendrick, MD Provider #: 1679508857 Cheri C. Mather, MD Provider #: 1225028574 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic 204 Dartmouth College Pkw 603-650-1070 Kenton E. Powell, MD Provider #: 1790808517 Monroe Newport FAMILY PRACTICE Valley Regional Hospital 167 Summer St 603-543-6960 Roberta M. Thomas, ARN Provider #: 1447353347 John L. West, MD Provider #: 1982609079 Valley Regional Hospital 17 Main St 603-863-6400 Elaine M. Johnson, APRN Provider #: 1194796730 Roberta M. Thomas, ARN Georgette Misiewicz, ARNP Provider #: 1376595843 Eric Shamansky, MD Provider #: 1962442269 Twin Mountain FAMILY PRACTICE Robin A. Hallquist 529 Rte 3 S Ste 10 / 11 603-846-2250 Robin A. Hallquist, MD Provider #: 1386621134 Walpole FAMILY PRACTICE Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic Keene 11 Westminster St 603-756-3960 Robert B. Cochran, MD Provider #: 1205857711 Michael Daley, ARNP Provider #: 1265404099 Christopher Larocca, MD Provider #: 1336164193 Provider #: 1447353347 John L. West, MD Provider #: 1982609079 FAMILY PRACTICE Cottage Hospital Health Services 152 Woodsville Rd 603-638-2372 Lili O. Cargill, ARNP Provider #: 1417906496 INTERNAL MEDICINE Valley Regional Hospital 17 Main St 603-863-6400 Robin I. Tejeda Soto, MD Provider #: 1043538200 INTERNAL MEDICINE Cottage Hospital Health Services 152 Woodsville Rd 603-638-2372 Marlene S. Sarkis, MD Provider #: 1720014350 Plymouth PEDIATRICS Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic 71 Highland St 603-536-3700 David J. Cunis, MD Provider #: 1013961606 Viking A. Hedberg, MD Provider #: 1235196940 Wilma A. Hyde, PNP Provider #: 1033169115 Carol E. Lurie, ARNP Provider #: 1518078104 Warren FAMILY PRACTICE Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc. 333 Nh Rte 25 603-764-5704 Michael L. Scanlon, APRN Provider #: 1407821036 Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc. Mtn Mooselaukee Hlth Ctr 333 Nh Rte 25 603-764-5704 David L. Nelson, MD Provider #: 1457320178 Caitlin C. O'Donell, MD Provider #: 1477514610 Jessica A. Thibodeau, ANP Provider #: 1417929910 Whitefield FAMILY PRACTICE Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc. 14 Kings Sq 603-837-2333 Jill I. Blumberg, MD Provider #: 1811961576 Evelyn D. Hagan, ARNP Provider #: 1932171493 David L. Nelson, MD Provider #: 1457320178 Caitlin C. O'Donell, MD Provider #: 1477514610 Weeks Medical Center 8 Clover Ln Ste 1 603-837-9005 Sonya R. Gilbert, PA Provider #: 1780867994 Christopher Laurent, ARNP Provider #: 1306839204 FAMILY PRACTICE (OBSTETRICS ONLY) Weeks Medical Center 8 Clover Ln Ste 1 603-837-9005 John E. Ford Jr, MD Provider #: 1144207978 INTERNAL MEDICINE Weeks Medical Center 8 Clover Ln Ste 1 603-837-9005 Stephen J. Regan, MD Provider #: 1336127000 Pancras H. Vanderlaan, MD Provider #: 1912985334 PEDIATRICS Weeks Medical Center 8 Clover Ln Ste 1 603-837-9005 Brenda D. Stewart, CPNP Provider #: 1306824958 Traci L. Wagner, MD Provider #: 1932187465 27 OTHER STATES Winchester FAMILY PRACTICE Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic Keene 20 Warwick Rd 603-239-7325 John Walter, MD Provider #: 1598779662 PEDIATRICS Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc. 79 Swiftwater Rd 603-747-3740 Loren L. Solnit, MD Provider #: 1316996432 NEW YORK Woodsville FAMILY PRACTICE Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc. 79 Swiftwater Rd 603-747-3740 Alexandria L. Noble, ARNP Provider #: 1467610378 Caitlin C. O'Donell, MD Provider #: 1477514610 Michael L. Scanlon, APRN Provider #: 1407821036 Aaron D. Solnit, MD Provider #: 1992754964 Provider speaks FRENCH Sarah P. Young-Xu, MD Provider #: 1700835824 INTERNAL MEDICINE Cottage Hospital 79 Swiftwater Rd 603-747-2900 Cynthia L. Holloran, ARNP Provider #: 1114954864 Marlene S. Sarkis, MD Provider #: 1720014350 Provider speaks ARABIC and French Cottage Hospital 79 Swiftwater Rd Ste 2 603-747-2900 Paul P. Chu, MD Provider #: 1780849984 Provider speaks CHINESE Patricia M. Pratt, MD Internal Medicine 79 Swiftwater Rd Ste 1 603-747-2743 Patricia M. Pratt, MD Provider #: 1730276379 Provider speaks GERMAN 28 Cambridge FAMILY PRACTICE Glens Falls Hospital 35 Gilbert St 518-677-3961 Peter J. Peff, MD Provider #: 1992781207 Stefan J. Stefanovich Jr, PA Provider #: 1326039769 INTERNAL MEDICINE Glens Falls Hospital 35 Gilbert St 518-677-3961 Jack P. Parillo, MD Provider #: 1144438128 Matthew Pender, MD Provider #: 1245229905 Barney Rubenstein, MD Provider #: 1356339469 PEDIATRICS Main Street Pediatrics 33 Gilbert St Ste 3 518-677-8575 Seema B. Chaudhari, MD Provider #: 1518946417 Accepts patients ages 0 to 21. Provider speaks SPANISH/ CASTILIAN George E. Ruta, MD Provider #: 1609855451 Provider speaks FRENCH Elizabethtown PEDIATRICS Primary Care Health Partners NY-LLP 107 Hand Ave 518-562-0151 David P. Beguin, MD Provider #: 1275598559 Anthony L. Ching, MD Provider #: 1841255361 Melissa L. Meyer, MD Provider #: 1407811482 Roger E. Patnode, MD Provider #: 1073579967 Fort Edward INTERNAL MEDICINE Glens Falls Hospital 327 Broadway 518-747-1041 Ruth E. Fish, NP Provider #: 1942291380 Philip J. Gara Jr, MD Provider #: 1740278837 Charlene B. Harrington, PA Provider #: 1356322564 Granville FAMILY PRACTICE Glens Falls Hospital 79 North St 518-642-0612 Max L. Crossman, MD Provider #: 1346238433 Kerin M. Devlin, FNP Provider #: 1306837745 Kevin A. Gallagher, MD Provider #: 1194778464 Ann M. Gregory, NP Provider #: 1487645826 Sean L. Kimball, DO Provider #: 1124169453 Gordon M. Thomas, DO Provider #: 1083665582 Julie Valenza, PA Provider #: 1033100474 INTERNAL MEDICINE Glens Falls Hospital 79 North St 518-642-0612 Ann M. Gregory, NP Provider #: 1487645826 PEDIATRICS Glens Falls Hospital 79 North St 518-642-0612 Ann M. Gregory, NP Provider #: 1487645826 Gregory W. Runkel, MD Provider #: 1972517837 Greenwich FAMILY PRACTICE Glens Falls Hospital 1134 State Rte 29 518-692-9861 Arunas A. Budnikas, MD Provider #: 1144218249 Doreen L. Potter, PA Provider #: 1740266113 Colleen M. Quinn, MD Provider #: 1861480956 Rick D. Teetz, MD Provider #: 1396733408 Austin Tsai, MD Provider #: 1235225756 INTERNAL MEDICINE Glens Falls Hospital 1134 State Rte 29 518-692-9861 Edit K. Masaba, MD Provider #: 1407844590 Hoosick Falls FAMILY PRACTICE Glens Falls Hospital 16 Danforth St 518-686-5002 Jennifer BakerPorazinski, MD Provider #: 1538157623 Katie L. Driscoll, PA Provider #: 1740592617 Charles A. Maggio, MD Provider #: 1508854514 Krista Southworth, PA Provider #: 1457581118 Marcus E. Martinez, MD, PLLC 21 12 Parsons Ave 518-686-5300 Marcus E. Martinez, MD Provider #: 1831248095 OTHER STATES Primary Care Health Partners NY-LLP 140 Main St 518-686-4337 James E. Carroll, MD Provider #: 1598721078 Sherri L. Dehaas, MD Provider #: 1013900406 Michael D. Romac, MD Provider #: 1427014869 INTERNAL MEDICINE Glens Falls Hospital 16 Danforth St 518-686-5002 Matthew Pender, MD Provider #: 1245229905 Hudson Falls INTERNAL MEDICINE Glens Falls Hospital 325 Main St 518-747-3376 Sean R. Bain, MD Provider #: 1316936073 Amy E. Hogan-Moulton, MD Provider #: 1730177825 Abhinetri Pandula, MD Provider #: 1730343484 Elaine M. Williams, ANP Provider #: 1912988130 Plattsburgh PEDIATRICS Primary Care Health Partners NY-LLP 159 Margaret St Ste 10 518-562-0151 David P. Beguin, MD Provider #: 1275598559 Anthony L. Ching, MD Provider #: 1841255361 Melissa L. Meyer, MD Provider #: 1407811482 Roger E. Patnode, MD Provider #: 1073579967 Salem FAMILY PRACTICE Glens Falls Hospital 213 Main St 518-854-3821 Daniel P. Garfinkel, MD Provider #: 1871581942 Whitehall FAMILY PRACTICE Glens Falls Hospital 65 Poultney St 518-499-2444 Terence V. Connors, PA Provider #: 1144201351 Max L. Crossman, MD Provider #: 1346238433 Kerin M. Devlin, FNP Provider #: 1306837745 Madeleine R. Doane, PA Provider #: 1407847841 Ann M. Gregory, NP Provider #: 1487645826 Kelly M. Smith, PA Provider #: 1194818658 INTERNAL MEDICINE Glens Falls Hospital 65 Poultney St 518-499-2444 Ann M. Gregory, NP Provider #: 1487645826 PEDIATRICS Glens Falls Hospital 65 Poultney St 518-499-2444 Ann M. Gregory, NP Provider #: 1487645826 Eugene J. Mctiernan, MD Provider #: 1912911835 29 INDEX A Abele, Anna R. ..................................... 19 Abele, Tara ...............................................8 Adams, Allison B. ................................ 16 Adams, David S. .....................................5 Adams, Francis M. .............................. 24 Adams, Glenn B. ........................... 23, 25 Adams, Rebecca H. ...............................3 Adie, Tristin ..............................................8 Ajamie, John M. .....................................5 Alder Brook Family Health ..................7 Aldrich, Christie J. ............................... 14 Aleem, Sohaib ..................................... 25 Alvord, Virginia L. ............................... 26 Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Inc........ 23, 26, 27, 28 Amy B. Roberts, MD ............................ 11 Amy B. Siegel, MD ..................................6 Andersson-Swayze, Jean K. ...............3 Angela L. Wingate, MD .........................4 Ann Goering, PC .................................. 10 Anna R. Abele, ND ............................... 19 Arban, William J. ................................. 14 Archdeacon, Gabriel T. .................8, 17 Armstrong, Bradford W. ......................3 Aronzon, Denise B. ................................6 Art, Childs R. ......................................... 23 At Home Physicians, PLLC ...................5 Audrey Von Lepel, MD ...................... 10 Avery Wood, MD, LLC ...........................4 Avery, John C. ...................................... 27 Ayer, Jennifer M. ....................................8 Ayer, Nathan R. .......................................7 B Baad, Stephen C. ...................................8 Babb, Lorne M. .................................... 10 Bachelder, Sheilla B. .......................... 25 Backup, Molly .........................................9 Backus, Robert W. ............................... 19 Bain, Sean R. ......................................... 29 Baker, Richard C. ................................. 15 Baker-porazinski, Jennifer ............... 28 Balu, Sarayu .......................................... 12 Bando, Ellen M. .................................... 13 Bannach, Alexandra .......................... 14 Barbeau, Delores A. ........................... 19 Barnes, Roy M. ..................................... 23 Barrett, William D. .................................3 Barry, Susan A. ........................................6 Batchelder, Megan H. ....................... 14 Batsis, John A. ...................................... 25 Bauzo, Luis A. ....................................... 15 Bayard III, Max M. ................................ 11 Bazel, Sepinoud .................................. 12 Beatty, Dennis R. ....................................8 Beaulieu, Danielle M. ........................ 23 Beauregard, Thomas E. .......................3 Beaver, Cathleen R. ............................ 25 Becker, Jacqueline M. ....................... 16 Beckler, Carl E. ..................................... 16 30 Bedell, Gina L. ...................................... 25 Beehler II, Cecil C. ............................... 20 Beguin, David P. ........................... 28, 29 Belanger, Nicole J. .............................. 17 Bell, Diane G. ...........................................8 Bellomo, Stephanie C. ..........................5 Bellstrom, Laura A. ............................. 11 Bender, Mary P. ................................... 21 Bennington Famly Practice Associates, LLC ........................................4 Benoit, Doreen R. ................................ 11 Berger, Claudia A. ..................................6 Beringer, Susan A. .............................. 24 Berke, Ethan M. .................................... 24 Bernstein, Richard .................................7 Berrian, Sarah M. ................................. 10 Berry, Zail S. .............................................7 Berryhill, Bradley A. ............................ 14 Bertocci, Paul ....................................... 12 Bertsch, Tania F. .....................................7 Besch, Cathleen W. ...............................5 Beverly J. Roseberry, MD, PC .............................................................. 15 Bibeau, Carole ...................................... 25 Bicknell, Donald S. .................................3 Bilger, Lindsey L. ................................. 16 Biologic Integrative Healthcare, LLC .................................... 19 Bisbee, David M. .................................. 13 Bisson, Linda C. .................................... 17 Bisson, Rosaire .............................. 10, 11 Bixby, Debra J. ........................................5 Black, Gordon C. ........................... 20, 21 Bland, Christin E. ....................................3 Blofson, Tony ....................................... 18 Blomfield, Christiana J. ..................... 19 Blumberg, Jill I. .................................... 27 BNC, Inc. .................................................. 19 Boardman, Maureen B. ..................... 13 Bolduc, Allyson M. .................................8 Bolon, Claire E. ..................................... 13 Bondesen, Autumn M. ........ 10, 11, 12 Border Health Center ......................... 14 Borie, Kenneth G. ................................ 13 Bouchard, Marian R. .............................3 Boule, Judith ........................................ 24 Bourgeois, David ................................ 14 Bove, Mary L. ........................................ 19 Boyes, Carol A. ..................................... 19 Boyle, William E. .................................. 26 Brack, Virginia C. ................................. 21 Bracken, Ann C. ...................................26 Brackett, Charles ................................. 25 Bradley, Elizabeth P. ................... 25, 27 Brandes, Melissa K. ................................6 Brattleboro Memorial Hospital ............................................ 18, 19 Breder, Hilke T. ..................................... 19 Brenton Jr, Charles J. ......................... 23 Bresnahan, H Dean ............................ 18 Bristol, Marlene M. ............................. 13 Brock, Joseph L. ................................... 16 Broderick, Thomas F. ........................... 5 Brody, David S. ....................................... 5 Brodzinski, Carey J. ............................... 5 Brokaw, Frances C. .............................25 Bronstein, Eric L. ..................................25 Brooklyn, John ....................................... 5 Brooks, W Blair ..............................25, 27 Brookside Pediatrics & Adollescent Medicine, PLLC ............... 4 Brown, Ellen R. ..............................20, 21 Brown, Patricia L. .........................20, 21 Brown, Sheri A. ......................13, 15, 20 Bruce D. Bullock, MD ..........................15 Bruce D. Latham, DO, PA ...................23 Bruch Jr, Frederick ..............................25 Brumson, April L. .................................20 Bruno, Kimberly M. .............................12 Bryant, Kathleen A. .............................17 Buckley, Brendan .................................. 5 Budnikas, Arunas A. ...........................28 Bullett-Smith, Aimee J. ....................... 4 Bullock, Bruce D. .................................15 Burdick, Timothy E. ............................17 Burger, Linda ........................................17 Burgess, Kathleen R. ..........................18 Burgoyne, Richard A. .........................18 Burke, Karen H. ...................................... 7 Burkland, Gregory J. ...........................16 Burroughs-Biron, Delores ..10, 11, 12 Burtis, Richard T. ............................. 4, 19 Bushweller, Sarah H. ............................ 7 Byrne, Emily ..........................................17 C Calderwood, Maria ............................... 5 Calkins, Whitney R. ............................... 8 Calobrisi, Vivian ...................................14 Caloras, Daniel ..............................21, 23 Cameron, Brigette A. .........................24 Campbell, Patricia I. ...........................25 Cannon, Emily M. .................................. 3 Cantlin, Terry W. ..................................20 Carey, Peggy A. ....................................12 Cargill, Lili O. .........................................27 Carlos G. Otis Health Care Center ...............................................19, 20 Carlson, Jennifer E. ............................... 8 Carlson, Rima B. ...................................17 Carol A. Vassar, MD .............................17 Carol J Gardner Do Pc .......................... 7 Carpenter, Judith L. ............................19 Carr, Priscilla W. ...................................16 Carr, Rory O. ..........................................14 Carroll, James E. ...................................29 Caruso, Don ..........................................24 Cass, Jean S. ..........................................12 Castell, Amber R. .................................25 Central Vermont Medical Center ........................................16, 17, 18 Champlain Center for Natural Medicine ................................... 9 31 INDEX INDEX Chapman, Steven H. .......................... 26 Charlotte Family Health Center, Inc. ................................................7 Chasnoff, Tara M. ...................................6 Chasse, Linda M. ................................. 14 Chaudhari, Seema B. ......................... 28 Chen, Julia ............................................. 27 Chenoweth, Joni L. ............................ 16 Chesney, Alexis M. ............................. 20 Chiappinelli, Emanuele Q. ............... 11 Ching, Anthony L. ....................... 28, 29 Chollet, Rebecca B. ..................... 20, 26 Chow, Lynne C. ................................... 21 Chris R. Cornelius, MD, PC ................ 15 Christine D. Northrup, MD ..................9 Christine R. Medora ............................ 24 Christopher J. Hebert, PC ....................6 Chu, Paul P. ........................................... 28 Clark, C Edward ......................................3 Clay, Gary A. .................................. 18, 20 Clinic Sans Frontiers, PLLC ............... 27 Clough, Jaina ..........................................6 Cochran, Robert B. ...................... 24, 27 Coddaire, David M. ............................ 12 Cody, Ruth F. ........................................ 21 Coffey, Jean S. .........................................7 Coghlan, Clodagh A. ............................8 Cold Hollow Family Practice, PC ............................................ 10 Collette, Maria L. ....................................3 Collins, Linda A. ................................... 11 Collman, Rebecca J. ..............................7 Colvard, Sandra G. .............................. 17 Colwell, Anne S. .................................. 21 Comar-Frost, Carol M. ..........................4 Community Health Centers Of Burlington ...................................... 5, 6 Community Health Centers of The Rutland Region ......... 14, 15, 16 Community Health Centers of The Rutland Regionland Region Inc .............................................. 16 Conger, Beach .................................6, 21 Connolly, Gregory J. .............................6 Connolly, Kevin J. ............................... 13 Connors, Terence V. .......................... 29 Cook, Francis W. .................................. 18 Cook, Timothy G. ................................ 15 Coombs, Seth G. ................................. 16 Copening, Mary Ellen F. ............ 25, 27 Copley Professional Services Group, Inc. ............................ 12 Cornelius, Chris R. ............................... 15 Corrigan, Michael ............................... 11 Costello, Paul M. ....................................7 Cottage Hospital ................................. 28 Cottage Hospital Health Services ................................................... 27 Cove, William J. ................................... 18 Coxon, Marcus H. ............................... 13 Craig E. Goldberg, DO ........................ 18 Craig, William A. .................................. 18 32 Crose, Ruth A. ....................................... 18 Crossman, Max L. ......................... 28, 29 Croteau, Rachel E. ............................... 24 Crowley, Kevin D. ................................ 17 Culcea, Cristina M. .............................. 26 Cunis, David J. ...................................... 27 Cunningham, Alicia ..............................8 Curchin, Thomas J. ............................. 16 Currie, James B. ................................... 13 D Dabbs, Kenneth L. ....................... 14, 15 Dacey, Linda B. ............................. 24, 25 Dale, Peter A. ........................................ 17 Dale, Rosemary L. ..................................6 Daley, Michael ..................................... 27 Dalton, Barbara J. ........................ 20, 21 Damasco, Remeline C. ...................... 24 D'Amato, Tina M. ...................................9 Daniels, Jeniane L. ..........................4, 10 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic ................................... 24, 25, 26, 27 Dartmouth-Hitchcock Clinic Keene ...................... 24, 25, 27, 28 Dashnaw, Michael J. ................... 14, 16 Dauerman, Kimberly P. ................... 6, 7 David S. Brody, MD ................................5 David Toll, MD .........................................5 David W. Hobbs, MD .......................... 12 Davidson, Robert R. ........................... 17 Davies, Sarah L. ................................... 17 Davis, Julie S. ........................................ 21 Dawson, Pamela J. ................................9 Dean H. Bresnahan, MD .................... 18 Deborah A. Glazer, MD ...................... 25 Degrenier, Jennifer S. ........................ 23 Dehaas, Sherri L. ................................. 29 Denise A. Niemira, MD, PC ............... 14 Dennis, Susan G. ................................. 14 Derham, Kathleen .............................. 15 Desilets, Theresa J. ............................. 25 Destito, Rachel A. ...................................7 Devine, Katherine ............................... 21 Devlin, Kerin M. ............................ 28, 29 Dick, John F. ......................................... 15 Dickey, Kari L. ....................................... 19 Diercksen, H Peter .............................. 14 Dill, Mary M. .............................................9 Dimichele, John M. ...............................8 Dinicola, Louis A. ......................... 13, 17 Diroma, Agostino K. ..............................4 Disanto, Rachel B. ............................... 14 Doane, Madeleine R. ......................... 29 Dobbertin, Joyce M. .............................5 Doherty-Fuller, Eileen M. ....................3 Dolkart, Kenneth M. ........................... 25 Donna M. Miller, MD, PC ......................4 Donnelly, Harley D. ...............................9 Dooley, Richard H. .................................9 Dorothy Malone-Rising, NP, PC .............................................................. 12 Dougherty, James F. ............................ 9 Dranginis, Therese E. ........................... 4 Drebitko, Clare N. ................................20 Driscoll, Katie L. ...................................28 Driscoll, Patricia A. ..............................16 Drs. Peter and Lisa Hogenkamp ...........................................15 Dudley, Sarah K. .................................... 9 Dumas, Susan F. ..................................15 Dundas, G Richard ................................ 4 Dunn, John ............................................12 E Eagle, Samantha K. .............................19 Earle Jr, Morris ........................................ 3 Eckhaus, Jeremiah M. ........................17 Edlund, Jennifer R. ..............................11 Edward T. Mulhern, MD .....................20 Edwards, Susan ...................................26 Eisenberg, Ellen H. ..............................25 Ellingwood, Beth L. ............................23 Ellison, Casey L. ....................................17 Ellwood, Judith L. .........................14, 15 Emily C. Maiella, ND ............................19 Eric S. Seyferth, MD ............................... 4 Erisman, Susan P. .................................. 5 Essex Pediatrics, PC ............................... 7 Eugair, Kimberly A. .............................15 Evans, Caroline C. ...............................13 Evans, Thomas O. ................................18 Evergreen Family Health ..................... 9 F Family Health Center ..........................25 Family Practice Associates, Inc. .............................................................12 Farrell, Courtney R. .............................25 Farrell, Susan A. ...................................13 Felgate, Rodney A. .............................26 Felix, Robert L. .....................................19 Felsted, Laura A. ..................................16 Ferguson, Amy E. ................................21 Ferguson, John C. ................................. 7 Ferguson, Sharon E. ...........................24 Ferris, David ..........................................26 Ferris, Jan S. ............................................ 9 Feyrer, Sheila L. ....................................26 Field, Jane K. .........................................19 Fillo, Bridget K. ..............................20, 21 Fine, Jeffrey B. ......................................11 Fine, Sharon D. ....................................... 4 Fink, Theodore J. ................................... 9 Finley, Glenn R. ....................................19 Fiorenza, Monica C. ..........................6, 9 First, Lewis R. .......................................... 6 Fischer, Michael A. ..............................23 Fischler, Nicole V. ................................26 Fish, Ruth E. ...........................................28 Fisher, Kathleen M. .............................25 Fisher, Patricia L. ................................... 5 Fjeld, George C. ...................................15 31 INDEX INDEX Fleming, Elaine L. ............................... 25 Fletcher Allen Health Care ... 6, 7, 8, 9, 17 Fletcher, Richard A. ............................ 19 Flore, Leah M. .................................... 6, 9 Flynn, Dedra M. ......................................3 Fodor, Kim M. ..........................................4 Foote, Janine L. ................................... 18 Foote, Nancy R. ................................... 13 Ford Jr, John E. .................................... 27 Ford, Barbara M. ................................. 23 Forrer, Linda J. ..................................... 12 Fort, Cynthia L. .................................... 14 Foster, Joni J. ........................................ 21 Foster, Julie A. ...................................... 14 Fothergill, John ................................... 23 Foulk, Rebecca A. ............................... 20 Fowler, James D. .......................... 10, 11 Fowler, Milton G. ................................ 13 Fox, Roger C. ........................................ 19 Franklin County Pediatrics, LLC ............................................................ 11 Frankowski, Barbara L. .........................6 Fraser, Candace L. .................................7 Friesen, Bradley T. .................................8 Friscia, Marisa .........................................4 Fu, Jun .................................................... 11 G Gabriel T. Archdeacon, ND ...........8, 17 Gadd, Justine ....................................... 16 Gaida Michaels, Gretchen M. ................................................................3 Gaidys, William G. ............................... 17 Galanes, Sari K. .................................... 21 Galasso, Andrea J. .............................. 19 Gallagher, Kevin A. ............................. 28 Gara Jr, Philip J. ................................... 28 Gardner, Carol J. ....................................7 Garfinkel, Daniel P. ............................. 29 Garrigan, Megan C. ............................ 14 Gary L. Waring, MD ............................. 12 Geagan, Kathleen ............................... 21 Gelbstein, Jennifer B. ........................ 18 Gene Moore, MD, PLLC ........................6 Genereaux, Stephen H. .................... 13 George A. Idelkope, MD .................... 24 Germain, Suzanne C. ............................3 Gerrity, Michael L. .............................. 23 Gerson, William T. .................................8 Geschwindner, Robin F. ................... 23 Geurts, Maurice A. .............................. 19 Giammarino, Jus Crea A. .................. 19 Gibson, Melisa G. ...................................7 Gifford Medical Center, Inc. ..... 13, 16, 17, 20 Gifford, Kimberly A. ........................... 26 Gilbert, Sonya R. .................... 24, 25, 27 Gilroy, Martha W. ................................ 24 Gilwee, Jennifer P. .................................8 Girard-DiCarlo, Jeneve M. ............... 18 32 Giroux, Roger J. ......................................7 Glazer, Deborah A. ............................. 25 Glenn R. Finley, ND ............................. 19 Glens Falls Hospital ...................... 28, 29 Glowa, Patricia T. ................................ 24 Goering, Ann ........................................ 10 Goldberg, Craig E. .............................. 18 Goldman, Leslie .................................. 24 Good Health, PC ......................................8 Goodman, Alice C. .................................3 Goodman, Eric M. ............................... 25 Goodwin, Carolyn E. ................... 15, 16 Goodyear Jr, Daniel M. ........................8 Gorton, J Andrew ............................... 14 Gosselin, James R. .............................. 25 Gould, Krista I. ...................................... 21 Goulding, Jonna C. ............................. 13 Goulette, Kerry A. ..................................5 Graether, Paul .........................................4 Graham, Michael S. ...............................3 Gramling, Jason T. .................................8 Granite City Medical Associates .............................................. 16 Green Mountain Community Medical & Social Services ...................................... 19 Green Mountain Pediatrics, PC .................................................................4 Green Mountain Wellness Solutions, Inc. ........................................ 17 Green, Carol .............................................8 Green, Joshua D. ....................................6 Greer, Laura M. .................................... 26 Gregory, Ann M. ........................... 28, 29 Gresser, Susan .........................................5 Griffin, Amy B. ...................................... 23 Griffiths, Walter J. ............................... 18 Groff, Tricia L. ....................................... 26 Guberman, Candace ......................... 24 Guilford, Alicia T. ....................................5 Gullotta, Kelly E. .................................. 21 Gunther, Peter G. ...................................8 H Haag, Deanne M. ......................... 10, 11 Haas, Nelson S. .................................... 14 Haddock, Diane C. .................................7 Haddock, Jeffrey E. ................................9 Haddock, Joseph H. ..............................9 Hagan & Rinehart Pediatricians, PLLC .................................6 Hagan Jr, Joseph F. ...............................6 Hagan, Evelyn D. .................................27 Hageman, Kimberly A. .........................7 Hakey, Diane J. .................................... 12 Hale, Jerry S. ............................................7 Hall, David ............................................. 25 Hall, Eliot R. ........................................... 18 Hall, Holly B. ................................. 4, 5, 10 Hallquist, Robin A. .............................. 27 Hamilton, Madelyn J. ........................ 16 Hamilton, Mark C. ...............................21 Hand, Drinnon A. .................................. 4 Hanover Continuity Clinic, LLC ............................................................24 Hansen, Deborah R. ...........................25 Harland, Dawn L. .................................25 Harman, Elizabeth F. ..........................26 Harrington, Charlene B. ....................28 Harris, Mark S. ......................................13 Harris, Peter B. ......................................14 Hart, Marilyn J. .....................................17 Hartman, Elizabeth ............................14 Hartswick, Debra ................................... 9 Haselton, Cynthia A. ............................ 6 Hathcock, Stephen .............................24 Hawkins, Angela M. ...........................26 Hawkins-Hilke, Annika ........................ 5 Hawkinson, Ani K. ...............................19 Hayden, Jonathan B. ............................ 8 Haydock, Anne H. ...............................19 Hayes, Joanne B. .................................21 Heaney, Patrick J. ................................14 Heartsong Health in Community, Inc. ...................................19 Hebert, Christopher J. ......................... 6 Hedberg, Viking A. .............................27 Heflin, Rebecca K. ...............................15 Hendrick, Delia C. ...............................27 Heneghan, Helen E. ...........................24 Henry Southall, MD, LLC ...................12 Herath, Padmini D. .............................24 Herfort, Oliver P. ..................................23 Herndon, Brooke .................................25 Herzog, Lynn ........................................19 Hess, Mariel K. ................................. 5, 10 Hewitt, Karen B. ...................................25 Higley, Terrie L. ....................................16 Hill, Linda J. ...........................................15 Hines, Candace K. .............................6, 9 Hobart, Alison B. .................................18 Hobbs, David W. ..................................12 Hockett, Mia ........................................... 6 Hodde, Naomi M. .................................. 3 Hoffman, Mark R. .................................. 3 Hofreiter, Mary .....................................25 Hogan-moulton, Amy E. ...................29 Hogenkamp, Lisa M. ..........................15 Holcomb, James N. ............................14 Hollis, Christopher E. .........................13 Holloran, Cynthia L. ............................28 Holmes, Frederick C. ..........................11 Holmes, Lewis B. ................................... 7 Holton, Cheryl J. ..................................12 Homan, Fay F. ......................................13 Hort, Shoshana J. ................................25 Houghton, Jaclyn P. ............................. 7 Houghton, Jody P. ..............................18 Howe, Sharman H. ..............................24 Hughes, John D. ..................................21 Humphrey, Rachel A. ........................... 7 Hunt, Elizabeth A. ................................. 9 Hunt, Joanne E. ...................................... 7 33 INDEX INDEX Hutcheson, Allen C. ..............................4 Hutchins, Richard K. .......................... 23 Hyde, Thomas P. ................................. 23 Hyde, Wilma A. .................................... 27 I Idelkope, George A. ........................... 24 Indian Stream Health Center, Inc. ............................................. 23 Inker, Rachel ............................................5 Integrated Medicine Naturopathic PR .....................................3 Integrative Medical Association of Vermont .......................4 Irving, Tamara J. .....................................8 J Jackman, Kathleen A. ........................ 17 Jackson, Pamela .....................................9 Jacobs, Alicia A. ......................................7 Jacques, Susan D. ............................... 12 Jager, Natacha I. .....................................4 James, Clea ..............................................7 Jaynes, Susan L. ................................... 12 Jeffrey W. Rubman, MD ........................6 Jeneve M. Girard-Dicarlo .................. 18 Jennifer R. Edlund, ND, PLLC ......................................................... 11 Jennings, Diana C. .............................. 17 Jensen, Kristopher L. ......................... 17 Jensen, Lisa K. ...................................... 13 Jerard, Deborah E. .............................. 17 Jessica L. Stadtmauer ............................8 Jewett, Elizabeth H. ........................... 13 Jewett, Mark D. .................................... 20 Jillson, Elizabeth H. ...............................7 Joel W. Silverstein, MD ...................... 12 John, Katie L. ........................................ 16 Johnson, Elaine M. ...................... 23, 27 Johnson, Michael C. ..............................9 Johnson, Theodore L. ..........................4 Johnston, James G. ............................ 24 Jones, Suzanne S. ........................ 15, 16 Joseph D. Nasca, MD, PC .....................7 Joshua D. Green ......................................6 Joyce, Mary K. ...................................... 21 Judd, Mary E. ........................................ 23 Judith E. Steinberg, MD .......................9 Jus Crea A. Giammarino, ND ............ 19 K Kantrowitz, Joshua D. ..........................5 Kapsalis, Sandra K. ................................7 Karlitz-Grodin, Justin B. .................... 16 Karlson, Kristine A. ............................. 24 Karter, Roxanne S. .............................. 19 Karthaus, Monique J. ......................... 17 Kasschau, Michael .............................. 24 Katzman, Richard ............................... 17 Kazal Jr, Louis A. .................................. 24 Kearney, Patrick C. ................................9 34 Keegan, Clara ..........................................8 Keene, Douglas ................................... 24 Kehoe, Stephanie S. ..............................7 Keith W. Michl, MD, PC .........................4 Keith, Patrick N. ............................ 12, 13 Kellner, Jeanne R. ..................................9 Kellogg, Patricia E. .............................. 26 Kellogg, Roger B. ................................ 17 Kendall, Marvin R. ............................... 26 Kendrick, Sheila ................................... 20 Kenison, Mary E. .................................. 24 Kennedy, Barbara ............................. 6, 9 Kennedy, Gianina F. ........................... 19 Kieffer, Kelly A. ..................................... 25 Kiely, Philip G. ...................................... 12 Kiernan, Gerard N. .............................. 24 Kiernan, Tawnya B. ................................3 Kiess, Robert C. .................................... 13 Kilcullen, Michael J. ............................ 22 Kilpatrick, Brian N. .............................. 16 Kimball, Sean L. ................................... 28 King, David E. ..........................................4 King, Gregory ..........................................4 King, John G. ...........................................8 King, Patricia A. ......................................7 Kingsbauer, Matthew B. ................... 15 Kissenberth, Nanette W. .................. 18 Kittredge, Diane ..................................26 Klein, Gretchen A. ..................................7 Klikunas, Marvin F. ................................9 Klitzner, Dayle G. ....................................3 Knauff, Aimee C. .................................. 20 Knight, Randolph R. ........................... 23 Knott, Anne M. ..................................... 10 Koch, Erica ............................................. 13 Kornbluth, Stephen S. ....................... 14 Koshowski, Lori L. ..................................5 Koutras, Anya ..........................................7 Kowalski, Lise S. ................................... 17 Krasnoff, Margo J. ............................... 25 Kraus, Dana C. .........................................5 Krug, Colleen M. .................................. 23 Kurak, Kim E. ......................................... 20 L Labrecque, Mary C. ............................ 13 Ladue, Kim A. ......................... 13, 16, 17 Laffal, Paul D. ........................................ 17 Lake, Margaret S. ................................ 19 Lakey, William E. ................................. 27 Lamson, Frank ..................................... 20 Lancaster, Larry A. .............................. 25 Land Jr, Marshall L. ................................9 Landry & Brandes MDs, PLC ................6 Landry, Francis J. ....................................6 Larocca, Christopher ......................... 27 Larose, Heather A. .................................6 Larose, Sherry .........................................5 Larrabee, Jerry G. ...................................6 Larrow, Daniel W. ............................... 10 Larson, Linn M. .......................................3 Latham, Bruce ......................................23 Lathari, Aydin A. ..................................14 Lattimore, Gwendolyn S. .................17 Laura B. Senes, ND ...............................19 Laurent, Christopher ..................25, 27 Laurent, Jennifer S. .............................12 Lavallee, Erick J. .....................10, 11, 12 Lawrence, Melanie C. ........................13 Lawrence, Yolanda G. ........................21 Lawson, Philip H. .................................26 Lazar, Joel S. ..........................................24 Leeson, Thomas A. .............................24 Lein, Alan D. ..........................................25 Leinau, Lisa A. .......................................25 Lemei, Susan L. .............................19, 20 Lensing, Timothy J. ............................15 Leppman, John A. ...............................18 Levine, Mark A. ...................................... 7 Lewis, Patricia A. .................................... 3 Lewis, Susan .........................................24 Lewis, Thomas W. ...............................19 L'heureux, Michelle M. ......................25 Libby, Wendy ......................................... 8 Lichtenstein, Mark D. ........................... 5 Life Circle Family Practice, PC ..............................................................18 Linder, Elizabeth K. .............................20 Linder, Moss J. ......................................19 Lindsay, Margaret V. ..........................17 Lippmann, John A. .............................14 Lisak, Maryann ....................................... 6 Lishnak, Timothy S. .............................. 8 Lisle, David K. ......................................... 8 Littenberg, Benjamin E. ...................... 6 Little Rivers Health Care, Inc. .............................................................13 Little, David N. ........................................ 8 Littlefield, Amy V. ..............................3, 8 Littleton Hospital Association .............................................26 Littleton Internal Medicine, PC ..............................................................26 Littleton Regional Hospital ..............26 Loescher, Peter M. ..............................20 Logan, Mark E. ......................................15 Long, John G. ......................................... 9 Lorenz-Greenberg, Carolyn S. ...............................................................17 Lorilee Schoenbeck, ND, PC ............... 8 Loud, Keith J. ........................................26 Lovko, Indra R. .....................................16 Lovko, T Ray ...................................15, 16 Lowy, Jed W. .........................................13 Luebbers, Robert A. ............................. 8 Luginbuhl, Lynn M. .............................. 3 Luloff, Martin R. ..................................... 4 Lundeen-young, Carrie A. ...............24 Luria, Scott .............................................. 6 Lurie, Carol E. ........................................27 Lurie, Jon D. ..........................................25 Luttinger, Tanya M. ............................24 Lyon, Edd G. ............................................ 4 33 INDEX INDEX Lyons, Michael L. ................................ 21 M Maclean, Charles D. ..............................7 Macleod, Jessica L. ................................5 Maggio, Charles A. ............................. 28 Mahoney, Christine ..............................8 Mahoney, Maureen M. ..................... 19 Maiella, Emily C. .................................. 19 Main Street Pediatrics ........................ 28 Malcolm, Christine M. ................ 16, 18 Malik, Richard .........................................4 Malone-Rising, Dorothy ................... 12 Maloney, Cristine J. ............................ 13 Maloney-Evans, Debra ..................... 17 Manchester, Stewart ......................... 11 Mann, Lynn L. .........................................4 Manns, Kathleen ....................................5 Mansoorani, Roya ............................... 11 Maplewood Family Practice, PC ............................................ 18 Mara Vijups, MD, PC ........................... 11 Marancenbaum, Heather E. ............ 21 Marco, Teig ........................................... 10 Marcus E. Martinez, MD, PLLC ......................................................... 28 Margulius, Katharine B. .................. 6, 9 Marisa Friscia, MD ..................................4 Mark C. Stickney, MD ......................... 16 Mark E. Logan, MD, PC ....................... 15 Martin, Katina L. ................................ 3, 6 Martina Sczesny-Aleshnick, MD ............................................................ 18 Martinez, Marcus E. ............................ 28 Marvin, Katherine G. .......................... 13 Masaba, Edit K. .................................... 28 Masillo, Chris ........................................ 15 Masley, Barbara M. ............................. 20 Mason, Peter A. ................................... 25 Mather, Cheri C. .................................. 27 Matthew, John .................................... 18 Matthews, Diane D. ..............................5 Matzkin, Paul D. .................................. 23 Maydwell, Susan ................................. 24 Mayer, Jack L. ..........................................3 Mazanowski, Donald ......................... 24 Mccampbell, Nina M. ........................ 25 Mcclure, Auden C. .............................. 26 McClure, Lauren D. ............................ 18 McCormick, Thomas E. ..................... 16 McCoy, Carrie R. .....................................6 McCray, Laura .........................................8 Mcdermott, Marc S. ........................... 23 McDevitt, Louise ................................. 19 Mcgonagle, Jan ................................... 19 McIntosh, Kate H. ..................................3 McMorrow, Lynn B. ............................ 10 Mctiernan, Eugene J. ......................... 29 Meckling, Jeffrey G. ........................... 19 Medina, Jena K. ......................................9 Medora, Christine R. .......................... 24 34 Mehl-madrona, Lewis E. ................... 18 Meierdiercks, Frank J. ...........................5 Menzel, Linda K. .................................. 15 Messier, Mark N. .................................. 15 Metsch, Laura S. .................................. 19 Meyer, Melanie B. ............................... 17 Meyer, Melissa L. .......................... 28, 29 Michael Corrigan, MD ........................ 11 Michael E. Scovner, MD ..................... 15 Michael J. Welther, MD .........................3 Michl, Keith W. ........................................4 Middlebury Family Health, Inc. ...............................................................3 Midnorth Medical Group, Inc. ............................................................ 11 Mikula, Gabrielle ....................................6 Miller Jr, Donald B. ............................. 12 Miller, Donna M. .....................................4 Miller, John H. .........................................6 Miller, Lucy H. ..........................................9 Miller, Marian K. ................................... 25 Mills, Alice ........................................... 7, 9 Mills, Pauline K. .......................................3 Min, Patricia L. ...................................... 25 Misiewicz, Georgette ......................... 27 Mitchell, Colleen C. ............................ 15 Monahan, Meredith D. ............... 10, 11 Montague Family Medicine Pllc ............................................................ 23 Montague, Laurie A. .......................... 23 Montshire Pediatrics, PLLC ..............24 Moore, Eugene F. ...................................6 Moran, Daniel S. .................................. 26 Moran, Peter C. .................................... 23 Morden, Nancy E. ............................... 24 Morgan, Jean P. ............................ 15, 16 Morgan, Sarah E. ....................................5 Morgan, Wende S. .............................. 15 Morrison, Richard D. .............................7 Morrow, Cathleen E. .......................... 24 Moseley, Thomas A E ........................ 14 Motsiff, Jeroy S. ......................................4 Mountain Health Center, Inc. ...............................................................3 Mountain Valley Medical Clinic ........................................................ 19 Mourad, Ibrahim ................................. 26 Mousetrap Pediatrics, PC .......8, 10, 11 Mueller, Mark A. .................................. 15 Muello, Wendy G. ............................... 25 Mulhern, Edward T. ............................ 20 Murphy, Eileen P. ................................ 24 Myers, Robin L. .................................... 15 Mylan Technologies Family Health, Inc. ............................................. 11 N Nabi-tremblay, Suzanne F. .............. 24 Nagle, Rebecca A. ............................. 7, 9 Nasca, Joseph D. ....................................7 Nelson, David L. ........................... 26, 27 Nelson, Eliot E. ....................................... 9 Nelson, Judy .........................................16 Newbury Health Clinic, PLLC ..........................................................13 Newman, Elizabeth .............................. 7 Nickels, Gina M. ..................................... 4 Nielsen, Terri T. ....................................11 Niemi, Allison P. ..................................... 4 Niemira, Denise A. ..............................14 Niquette, Tracey A. ............................... 6 Nobes, Peter R. .....................................10 Noble, Alexandria L. ...........................28 Noe, Bernard B. ....................................17 Norman, Richard J. .............................12 Norris, Laura .........................................12 North Country Hospital .....................14 Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital .................................. 5 Northern Berkshire Pediatrics, LLP .......................................23 Northern Counties Health Care, Inc..........................................4, 5, 10 Northrup, Christine D. ......................... 9 Northwestern Medical Center ...............................................10, 11 Nunez Medina, Juan Carlos .............11 Nunlist, Mark ........................................21 O O'Brien, Megan L. ................................13 O'Brien, Patricia J. ................................. 6 O'Brien, Roberta .................................... 7 O'Connor, Alison J. .............................13 O'donnell, Caitlin C. ......23, 26, 27, 28 Oidtmann, Ernst M. ............................25 Oliver, Sonyea M. ................................15 Olson, Ardis ...........................................26 Opp-harris, Anika R. ...........................18 Orlan, Richard M. ................................19 Orton, Judy K. ......................................... 4 Ostroski, Marika ...................................24 P Paasche, Denise E. ..............................18 Palac, Diane M. ....................................26 Pandula, Abhinetri .............................29 Paquette, Maurice G. .........................21 Parillo, Jack P. .......................................28 Park, David J. ........................................21 Parker, Alison ......................................... 3 Parker, Alyssa K. ..................................... 8 Pasanen, Mark E. ................................... 6 Pastel, Lisa C. ........................................26 Patno, Karyn M. .................................5, 6 Patnode, Roger E. ........................28, 29 Patricia M. Pratt, MD Internal Medicine .................................28 Pattavina, Maria A. ..............................24 Patti, Lucy ..............................................16 Pattison, David G. ...............................13 Paul Rogers, MD ...................................12 35 INDEX INDEX Payne, Christine E. ....................... 16, 18 Payton, Jessica .................................... 25 Pedersen, Pamela C. .......................... 11 Pediatric Medicine, PLC .......................8 Peff, Peter J. .......................................... 28 Pekala, Kristin H. ................................. 21 Pelkey, Anne M. .....................................8 Pelletier, Joseph C. ............................. 13 Pelletier, Rachael R. ............................ 14 Pender, Matthew ......................... 28, 29 Penney, Robert .......................................6 Percy, Lianna R. ......................................5 Perron, Michelle L. ........................... 7, 9 Peter Stickney, PC, MD ...................... 16 Peterson, Thomas C. .............................7 Petrillo, Anthony P. ............................ 21 Petroff, Suanne ................................... 19 Petrova, Ekaterina N. ......................... 19 Philips, Daniel P. ................................. 19 Physician Practice at Alice Peck Day Memorial Hospital ............................................ 25, 26 Pinckney, Richard G. .............................6 Pinter, Ellen R. ...................................... 21 Pinto Powell, Roshini ........................ 26 Pipas, Catherine F. .............................. 24 Pitcher, Mark A. ......................................8 Pitts, Leslie T. ........................................ 24 Plante, Dennis A. ...................................9 Poradowski, Yolanda D. ................... 26 Poret, Todd M. ..................................... 26 Porter Hospital, Inc. ...............................3 Porter, Leah M. .......................................7 Potter, Doreen L. ................................. 28 Powell, Kenton E. ................................ 27 Pratt, Patricia M. .................................. 28 Prescott, Joseph W. ..............................5 Price, Mark J. ...........................................5 Primary Care Health Partners NY-LLP ............................ 28, 29 Primary Care Health Partners Vermont, LLP .... 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 18, 19 Primeau, Robert E. .............................. 10 Pringle, Brooke E. ............................... 23 Proctor, Cheryl D. ............................... 19 Profetto, Lisa A. ............................ 24, 25 Prouty, Melissa J. ...................................4 Provato, Frank L. ................................. 14 Przydzielski, Alicia M. ........................ 24 Puglisi, Maria R. ................................... 17 Pullin, Deborah ................................... 26 Puls, Wendie M. ......................................3 Purdell, Jenna E. .................... 10, 11, 12 Putnam, Rachel A. .............................. 12 Q Quayle, Sara A. .................................. 7, 9 Quinn, Colleen M. ............................... 28 Quintero, Nancy .................................. 23 36 R Rabin, Susan H. .......................................8 Racha, Lori B. ...........................................6 Rainbow Pediatrics ................................3 Raskin, Barbara .......................................4 Raszka, William V. ..................................6 Read, Jill V. ............................................ 15 Ready, Mary O. ..................................... 10 Rebecca A. Foulk, MD, PC ................. 20 Rebecca Chollet, ND, PLC .......... 20, 26 Rebecca J. Coilman, MD .......................7 Rebecca S. Shwartz ............................. 19 Reed, Laura B. ...................................... 26 Reeves, Rebekah L. ............................. 26 Regan, Andrea V. ...................................7 Regan, Stephen J. ........................ 25, 27 Reilly, Brian J. ........................................ 24 Reiss, Paul J. .............................................9 Resi, Nancy I. ............................................9 Resonant Medicine, Inc. .................... 13 Reynolds, Jessie .................................. 13 Rice, Emily A. ...........................................4 Richard D. Morrison, MD ......................7 Richard Katzman, MD, PC ................. 17 Richard Malik............................................4 Richards, Elizabeth M. ....................... 19 Richford Health Center, Inc. ..... 10, 11, 12 Richmond Family Medicine Pllc ...............................................................8 Richmond Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine ............................8 Rickman, Christopher E. ................... 14 Rideout, Marianne E. ....................... 6, 9 Rinehart, Jill S. .........................................6 Rippa, Diane ............................................7 Ritter, Mary L. ..........................................6 Riverside Internal Medicine, PLC ............................................................ 20 Robens, Angela J. ............................... 13 Robert E. Tortolani, MD ..................... 18 Robert W. Wood, MD.......................... 14 Roberts, Amy B. ............................ 11, 12 Robertson, Heather R. ....................... 26 Robillard, Travis ................................... 11 Robin A. Hallquist ................................ 27 Robinson III, Robert D. ...................... 17 Robinson, Elaine L. ............................. 14 Rodgers, Kevin A. ...................................8 Rodney A. Felgate, MD ...................... 26 Roger B. Kellogg, MD ......................... 17 Roger J. Giroux, MD ...............................7 Rogers, Paul .......................................... 12 Rohatgi, Lavi ......................................... 11 Romac, Michael D. .............................. 29 Rooney, Valerie A. .............................. 18 Rosales, Louise M. ..................................8 Roseberry, Beverly J. .......................... 15 Rosen, Bernard A. ............................... 23 Rosmus, Stephen M. .......................... 15 Rouse, Jessica A. .....................................3 Rowe, Melissa J. ......................................4 Roy, David L. .........................................12 Roy, Jackie M. .......................................21 Rubenstein, Barney ............................28 Rubin, Geraldine .................................25 Rubman, Jeffrey W. .............................. 6 Rude, Catherine S. ................................ 6 Ruede, Keith D. ...................................... 5 Runkel, Gregory W. ............................28 Russell, Margaret C. .............................. 5 Russo, Sam B. .......................................... 8 Ruta, George E. ....................................28 Rutland Regional Medical Center ......................................................16 Ryan, Dianne M. ..................................25 Ryan, Patricia ........................................26 S Saal, Andrew D. ..................................... 5 Sachs, Marlene .....................................21 Sacripante, Justin H. ...................20, 21 Sadkin, Toby R. ....................................11 Saferstein, Susan L. .............................10 Saggar, Shagun ...................................25 Salisbury Natural Family Health, PC .............................................3, 6 Samuelson, Joshua C. .......................... 4 Sanctuary Integravtive Medicine ..........................................15, 16 Sandoval, Marie B. ................................ 8 Sarayu Balu, MD ...................................12 Sargent, Brian E. ..................................13 Sargent, James D. ...............................26 Sarkis, Marlene S. .........................27, 28 Scanlon, Michael L. ...............26, 27, 28 Scherpa, Malinda ................................25 Schneider, David I. ..............................16 Schneider, Elizabeth ............................ 8 Schoenbeck, Lorilee ............................ 8 Schreiber, L Jocelyn ...........................26 Schuerman, Gabrielle ........................24 Schwartz, Lynn S. ................................26 Schwartz, Robert J. .............................20 Schwartz, Robert M. ............................. 4 Schwarz, Adam J. ................................24 Scott, Deborah J. .................................21 Scott, John G. ......................................... 5 Scovner, Michael E. ............................15 Sczesny-Aleshnick, Martina .............18 Seaton, Michael D. ................................ 3 Seaver, Brianna L. ................................18 Segal, David ..........................................24 Segal, Lorissa C. ...................................21 Senes, Laura B. .....................................19 Seth G. Coombs, MD...........................16 Seyferth, Eric S. ...................................... 4 Seymour, Mark G. ...............................20 Shafer, Heather ....................................24 Shafer, Timothy P. ..............................20 Shaftsbury Medical Associates, Inc. ........................................ 4 Shamansky, Eric ...................................27 35 INDEX Shanku, Bethany R. ............................ 26 Shannon, Kevin C. .............................. 24 Shapiro, Gary ....................................... 24 Sharkey-Fox, Nancy ........................... 19 Shea, Harriott M. ................................. 16 Sheffield, M Katherine ...................... 25 Shelburne Pediatrics, Inc. ....................9 Sher, Peter M. ..........................................5 Shillingford, Amelia G. ...................... 18 Shipman, Scott A. ............................... 26 Shubkin, Catherine D. ....................... 26 Shull, Susan .............................................9 Shumer, Daniel E. ..................................6 Shumway, Allegra L. .......................... 16 Shwartz, Rebecca S. ........................... 19 Siegel, Amy B. .........................................6 Silva, Kevin A. ....................................... 26 Silverman, Elaine M. .......................... 23 Silverstein, Joel W. ............................. 12 Silverstein, Marni A. ........................... 25 Simon, Miriam ........................................5 Singer, Linda ........................................ 25 Sirois, Michael R. ....................................7 Sischy, David M. .....................................4 Slimovitch, Caroline L. .........................8 Slowinski, Susan S. ............................. 18 Smith, Clyde W. ................................... 23 Smith, Cynthia S. ................................ 16 Smith, Kathleen J. ............................... 26 Smith, Kelly M. ..................................... 29 Smith, Scott D. ........................................3 Smith, Steven B. .................................. 21 Sobel, Halle ..............................................6 Sojourns Community Clinic ............. 20 Sokol, Karen E. ........................................5 Solnit, Aaron D. ................................... 28 Solnit, Loren L. ..................................... 28 Solomon, Andrea L. ..............................5 Somaini, Molly E. ................................ 11 Sorber, Kimberly A. ............................ 11 Sorrentino, Paula S. .................... 15, 21 Sorscher, Adam J. ............................... 24 Southall, Henry .................................... 12 Southern Vermont Health Services ................................................... 19 Southwestern Vermont Medical Center .................................4, 20 Southworth, Krista ............................. 28 Speir, Renee S. ........................................4 Spence, David A. ................................. 10 Spencer, H Todd ................................. 21 Spicer, John H. ..................................... 26 Springfield Medical Care Systems, Inc. ..................... 18, 20, 21, 23 Sproul, Marga S. .....................................7 Staats, Christine M. ............................ 10 Stadler, Daniel S. ................................. 26 Stadtmauer, Jessica L. ..........................8 Stadtmauer, Michael E. ................8, 17 Stafford, Dale ....................................... 17 Stall, Jeffrey R. ...................................... 15 Standish, Anne T. ................................ 10 36 Stark, Meryl L. ....................................... 15 Starr, Bram S. ........................................ 16 Stasny, Elaine V. .....................................5 Stefanovich Jr, Stefan J. .................... 28 Stein, Heather D. ....................................5 Steinberg, Clif M. ................................ 20 Steinberg, Judith E. ...............................9 Stephani, Pascale C. ........................... 16 Stephens, Margaret ........................... 25 Stevens, Matthew E. .......................... 15 Stevenson, Jill M. ................................ 10 Stewart, Brenda D. ...................... 25, 27 Stickney Pc, Peter ............................... 16 Stickney, Mark C. ................................. 16 Stifler, David E. ........................................7 Stowe Natural Family Wellness, PLLC ...................................... 13 Stram, Ronald .........................................4 Strong, Starr M. ................................... 13 Sturgis, Miriam S. ................................ 10 Sullivan, Craig ...................................... 17 Sullivan, Jillian S. ....................................6 Susan L. Lemei, MD, PC ..................... 20 Susan Shull, MD ......................................9 Sykas, Susan ............................................4 T Tabachnick, Diane .............................. 18 Talley, Emily M. .................................... 18 Tan, Shirley N. ...................................... 23 Taney, Susan G. ................................... 10 Tanner, Timothy H. ...............................5 Tanski, Susanne E. .............................. 26 Taras, Malgorzata M. ......................... 26 Tarnas, Robert H. ................................ 20 Tatum, Brent W. .................................. 14 Tatum, Miriam B. .................................14 Taylor H. Yates Jr., MD........................ 11 Teetz, Rick D. ........................................ 28 Teig Marco, MD .................................... 10 Tejeda Soto, Robin I. ................... 23, 27 Thayer, Carol L. .................................... 10 The Health Center ........................ 17, 18 Theodore J. Fink, MD .............................9 Theriault, Joseph G. ..............................8 Thibodeau, Jessica A. ................. 26, 27 Thomas A.E. Moseley III, MD ............ 14 Thomas Chittenden Health Center, PLC ...............................................9 Thomas E. McCormick, MD, PC .............................................................. 16 Thomas W. Lewis, MD ........................ 19 Thomas, Gordon M. ........................... 28 Thomas, Roberta M. ........................... 27 Thompson, Deborah J. ........................7 Thomson, Linda .................................. 18 Thornton, Patty A. ....................... 15, 16 Thwing, Michael W. ..............................4 Timothy G. Cook .................................. 15 Tina M. D'Amato, PC ..............................9 Toll, David ................................................5 Toms, Angela M. ..................................21 Toms, William B. ..................................24 Tonino, Richard P. ................................. 8 Torbert, Abigail ...................................... 6 Tortolani, Robert E. ............................18 Towle, Karen E. ......................10, 11, 12 Towle, Mattie E. ..................................... 3 Towle, Patricia A. ................................... 9 Tremblay, Andrew ..............................24 Trembley, Robert A. ...........................14 Tsai, Austin ............................................28 Turkington, Nancy M. ........................24 U Udomprasert, Pamela S. ...................13 Uiterwyk, Sean .....................................21 Ulager, James R. .................................... 7 Upper Valley Pediatrics .....................13 Uptegrove, Frances ............................23 Urquhart-Scott, Emily C. ...................16 V Vahey, Laura A. ....................................21 Valenza, Julie ........................................28 Vallario, Ronald D. ..............................19 Valley Family Physicians ....................23 Valley Regional Hospital ............23, 27 Van Dyke, Deborah E. ........................18 Vanderlaan, Pancras H. .......24, 25, 27 Vandervort, Elisa B. .............................17 Vanhollebeke, Lucy S. ......................... 7 Vassar, Carol A. ....................................17 Veit, Alicia J. ........................................7, 9 Vermont Integrative Medicine, PLC .......................................17 Vermont Natural Health Pllc .............................................................17 Vermont Naturopathic Clinic, PLC ................................................. 8 Vermont Physicians Clinic .........15, 16 Vermont State Colleges ....................12 Vicuna-Keady, Cecilia ........................18 Vicuna-keady, Cecilia ........................23 Vijups, Mara V. .....................................11 Volansky, Melissa ................................13 Von Lepel, Audrey ..............................10 W Wagner, Traci L. ...................................27 Walker, Martha J. ...................10, 11, 12 Walter J. Griffiths, MD .........................18 Walter, John ..........................................28 Ward, Norman S. ................................... 8 Waring, Gary L. .....................................12 Warnken, Wayne L. ............................... 5 Warnock, William E. ............................. 9 Watson, Ellen C. ...................................10 Watts, Lesley A. ....................................26 Weaver, Howard A. .............................16 Weeks Medical Center ..23, 24, 25, 27 Weideman, Kathleen .........................15 37 INDEX Weinberger, Stanley J. .................... 6, 9 Weinstock, Joanna S. ...........................8 Weisman, Lee F. .....................................7 Welch, Angela J. .................................. 13 Well-Natured, PLLC ............................. 17 Wellness Family Medicine, PLLC ......................................................... 18 Wells, Jr., Roy F. ................................... 12 Welther, Michael J. ................................3 Wen, Audrey C. .......................................5 Wenger, Jodi K. ................................... 26 West, John L. ................................. 23, 27 Weylman, Laura E. .................................3 Whitcomb, Holly T. ...............................7 White Mountain Family Healthcare ............................................. 26 White River Family Practice, PC .............................................................. 21 White, Richard B. ................................ 21 Whitney, Patricia G. ..............................9 Wiesenfeld, Amber F. ........................ 15 Wilkinson, Laura L. ................................3 Wilkinson, Tonya ...................................6 Williams, Anthony V. ......................... 17 Williams, Elaine M. ............................. 29 Williams, Forrest E. ............................. 20 Williams, Leesa L. ................................ 21 Williams, Stuart E. ............................... 17 Williamson, Douglas E. ..................... 26 Williams-suich, Carol ......................... 25 Willingham, Jennifer ............................5 Wilson, Janet D. ................................... 14 Wilson, Linda J. .................................... 21 Winchell, Angela M. ........................... 13 Windsor Hospital Corporation .................................... 21, 22 Wing, Delight ..........................................9 Wingate, Angela L. ................................4 Wirsing, Nellie M. ...................................8 Wiseman, Kathryn B. ......................... 23 Witham, Peter H. ....................................4 Witmer, Darla E. .....................................9 Wittpenn, Ann S. ....................................9 Wohlberg, Jeri ........................................6 Wolcott, Charles J. .............................. 23 Wolfe, Elizabeth K. ............................. 26 Wood, Avery S. .......................................4 Wood, Robert W. ................................ 14 Wood, Stephen J. ............................... 16 Wright, John M. ......................................6 Wulfman, Carrie C. ................................3 Wulfman, Jeffrey S. ...............................3 Wurst, Alison M. .....................................3 Z Zahn, Robert J. ..................................... 24 Zail S. Berry, MD MPH, PLLC ................7 Zegans, Claudia C. ....................... 24, 26 Zehle, Christa ..........................................6 Zelazo, Robert M. .................. 10, 11, 12 Ziegelman, David S. ..............................8 Zimakas, Nilgun T. .................................6 Zimmermann, Maja ..............................3 Ziobrowski, Thomas F. .........................5 Zsoldos, Frank J. .................................. 11 Zvolensky, Heidi .................................. 11 Y Yates, Jr., H Taylor .............................. 11 Yorra, Mark ........................................... 16 Young, Lauren E. ....................................3 Young-xu, Sarah P. ............................. 28 Yukica, Rebecca L. .............................. 13 38 37 P.O. Box 186 Montpelier, VT 05601-0186 284.54 (11/2011)
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