2016 bni entry ad - BECKLEYREGISTER
2016 bni entry ad - BECKLEYREGISTER
Honoring David and Sherrie Hunter 36TH ANNUAL July 16 Grandview Brier Patch July 17 Grandview Brier Patch July 18 Glade Springs Cobb Course ENTRY FEE IS $175 PER GOLFER Pairings will be determined by the committee. This entry form must be returned with payment. For more information, contact Dawn Lockett at The RegisterHerald from 9-5 M-F by calling 304-255-4409 or email dlockett@register-herald.com or after 5 The Register-Herald Sports Dept. at 304-255-4475 IF ENTERING AS A FOURSOME PLEASE INCLUDE ALL FOUR PLAYERS’ INFORMATION. Please Check One! Championship Division Senior Division (50-64 Years) (Will play preferred lies in fairway) (Will play blue tees and follow WVGA rules) Players Division Super Senior Division (Will play preferred lies in fairway) (65 or Older) (Will play preferred lies in fairway) (1) Name (2)Name Age as of July 12 Age as of July 12 Phone Phone Email Address Email Address (3) Name (4) Name Age as of July 12 Age as of July 12 Phone Phone Email Address Email Address Name Address City State Phone Birthdate Email Address Credit/Debit Card Check/Money Order Name (on card): Card Number: Address on Card: City State Expiration Date: Code on Back: Zip: Signature: For more information, contact Dawn Lockett at The Register-Herald by email: dlockett@register-herald.com Make checks payable to Beckley Newspapers, c/o BNI Golf Tournament, or fill out credit & debit card information and return with entry form to: The Register-Herald c/o BNI Golf Tournament PO Box 2398 • Beckley, WV 25802 J1GOL053 Major Sponsor: