2014 Final Programme - Canadian Urological Association


2014 Final Programme - Canadian Urological Association
20-24 March 2015
Sharing knowledge - Raising the level of urological care
30th Anniversary Congress
of Urology
TITLE OF CONTENTS / Table des matiË res
Welcome Message from the Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
Welcome Message from the CUA President
CUA Executive and Committees
Abstract Reviewers
General Information
Continuing Professional Development
Future CUA Meetings
Floor Plan of the Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Floor Plan of the Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
Social Program
Companions’ Program / Kids’ Services
Mot de bienvenue du président du comité organisation local
Mot de bienvenue du président de l’AUC
Membres de l’exécutif et comités de l’AUC
Réviseurs de résumés
Renseignements généraux
Développement professionnel continu
Futurs congrès de l’AUC
Plan de l’hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s
Plan de l’hôtel Sheraton Newfoundland
Programme social
Programme des Accompagnateurs / Services de Garde
SPONSORS AND EXHIBITORS / Commanditaires et exposants
CUA 2014 Sponsors / Commanditaires de l’AUC 2014
Sponsored Sessions / Séances commanditées
Exhibit Information / Renseignements sur l’exposition
Exhibit Floor Plan / Plan de l’exposition
Exhibitor Listing / Liste des exposants
Exhibit Directory / Répertoire des exposants
TITLE OF CONTENTS / Table des matiË res
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM / Prog ramme sc ientifi q u e
Invited Speak ers / Conférenciers invités
CUA and Affi liated Meetings / É vénements de l’AUC et réunions affi liées
DETAILED PROGRAM / Prog ramme dé tail l é
Friday / V endredi - June 27 j uin
Saturday / Samedi - June 28 j uin
Sunday / Dimanche - June 29 j uin
Monday / Lundi - June 30 j uin
Tuesday / Mardi - July 1 j uillet
Unmoderated Posters / Posters non- modérés
Invited Speak er Disclosures / Divulgations des conférenciers invités
Abstract Presenter Index / Index des présentateurs des résumés
Invited Speak er Index / Index des conférenciers invités
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
It is with a great sense of pride that I welcome you to the 69th Annual
CUA Meeting here in St. John’s - Pride in how productive and dynamic
our organization has grown and pride in the priviledge to host you,
my friends and colleagues, in my home town.
This year’s CUA scientifi c program will feature dynamic and respected
guest speak ers, Canadian and international research and educational fora
and lectures that will impress. I am really impressed at the efforts by all our
CUA members and corporate offi ce; we have a great team.
The social program has been crafted so as to immerse participants in a
uniq uely Newfoundland cultural experience. There will be fi ne food and song, screech- ins, j igs and
reels, and plenty of opportunity to enj oy our city.
This is shaping up to be a great year for early summer icebergs off the coast, and j ust in time
given we sk ipped spring altogether this year. Don’t bother bringing an umbrella, it will j ust announce
to all you ‘ come from away’. A fl eece and a rain j ack et will prepare you comfortably for whale and
iceberg encounters.
Our President Peter Anderson, referred to affectionately by his wife Karen as a newfi e wannabe, has
tirelessly spearheaded a meeting for your education and fun. Greg and Tom have put together
a superb scientifi c program. I hope my small part meets your expectations.
Welcome and enj oy!
Ch ris Frenc h
Chair, Local Organizing Committee
The only other time the CUA Annual Meeting was held in St. John’s
was 2002, and that has been remembered as one of the best in the
history of our 69 year- old tradition of meetings. So, I feel j ust a little bit
of performance anxiety as we put the fi nishing touches on this year’s
meeting. However, my confi dence is q uite high that you will not be
disappointed, given the superb team that has been work ing on your
behalf to ensure a successful 3 ½ days in Canada’s most easterly city.
The scientifi c program is pack ed with excellent learning opportunities
thank s to the diligence of co- chairs Greg B ailly and Tom Whelan:
9 state- of- the- art lectures by world authorities, 10 Educational fora
on topics of relevance to all practising urologists, and many original poster and podium
presentations from our membership.
B ut if the meeting would be only about the academics, we could hold it at an airport hotel in the
centre of the country ( that would be Winnipeg) . We are all work ing hard in our daily lives to provide
the best possible urological care, so we deserve to have some fun mixed in with our Continuous
Professional Development. St. John’s is a place where fun can be had. Our Local Organizing
Committee Chair, Chris French, has made sure that you will have plenty of opportunities to partak e
in whatever fi ts your defi nition of fun. It might be a hik e up Signal Hill for a commanding view of the
harbour ( and maybe see an iceberg) , or an early morning drive to Cape Spear to be the fi rst person
in North America to see the sunrise, or a trip to any of several uniq ue and world- class museums, or
a stroll through the downtown shops, or an evening visiting the establishments on famous George
Street, which is k nown for having the most bars per sq uare foot of any location on the continent.
Actually, sk ip the last suggestion, since we have already organized that activity for you as part of our
Fun Night.
Now that you have arrived in beautiful, old St. John’s, tak e off your tie and stay awhile.
Peter Anderson
CUA President
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
President- El ec t
Past- President
V ic e- President
Treasu rer
Sec retary
V ic e- President Edu c
Stu art Oak e, Ch air
Peter Anderson
Joseph Chin
Karen Psooy
Peter Anderson
Stuart Oak e
Joseph Chin
Michael Leonard
Anne- Marie Houle
Karen Psooy
Gerald B rock
V ic e- President Commu nic ations
Wassim Kassouf
Memb ers- at- Larg e Sero Andonian
Scott B agnell
Howard Evans
Andrew MacNeily
British Columbia
& Territories
Frank Papanik olaou
Geral d Broc k , Ch air
Peter Anderson
Gregory B ailly
Anthony B ella
Rodney B reau
Ian B rown
Christopher French
Dianne Heritz
Jonathan Izawa
Anil Kapoor
Karen Psooy
Matthew Roberts
Thomas Whelan
Mic h ael Leonard, Ch air
Peter Anderson
Gregory B ailly
Ian Davis
Karen Psooy
Ben Ch ew , Ch air
Peter B lack
Jean- B aptiste Lattouf
Thierry LeB eau
Jay Lee
Scott Murray
Nicholas Power
B obby Shayegan
B layne Welk
J oseph Ch in, Ch air
Peter Anderson
Gerald B rock
Anne- Marie Houle
Wassim Kassouf
Michael Leonard
Stuart Oak e
Karen Psooy
Anne- Marie Hou l e, Ch air
Peter Anderson
Gerald B rock
Wassim Kassouf
Stuart Oak e
Karen Psooy
Robert Siemens
Antonio Finel l i, Ch air
Sero Andonian
Scott B agnell
Howard Evans
Andrew MacNeily
Frank Papanik olaou
J erz y Gaj ew sk i, Ch air
Sidney Radomsk i, Ch air
Ch ristoph er Ng u an, Ch air
Mik e Leveridge
Raj iv Singal
Peter Anderson, Ch air
Anne- Marie Houle
Karen Psooy
Ricardo Rendon
Robert Siemens
Ch ristoph er Frenc h , Ch air
J oseph Ch in, Ch air
Armen Aprik ian
Alvaro Morales
Christopher Morash B ruce Palmer
Trevor Schuler
Luc V aliq uette
Troy Sitl and, Ch air
B en Chew
Trevor Schuler
Thomas Whelan
Nafi sa Dharamsi
Robert Siemens
Greg ory Bail l y and Th omas W h el an, Co- c h airs
Andrew Mac Neil y , Ch air
Turk i Al- Essawi
Gregory B ailly
Diego B arrieras
Gerald B rock
William Gourlay
Anil Kapoor
Wassim Kassouf
Y ves Ponsot
Keith Rourk e
Stephen Steele
Robert Stewart
Frédéric Soucy
James Watterson
Greg ory Bail l y and Th
Sero Andonian
Rodney B reau
Ethan Grober
Paul Johnston
Rodrigo Romao
Alan So
omas W h el an, Co- c h airs
Anthony B ella
B en Chew
Jonathan Izawa
Anil Kapoor
Keith Rourk e
Rob ert Siemens, Ch air
Jun Kawak ami
Paul Whelan
Ric ardo Rendon, Ch air
Sero Andonian
Peter B lack
Luis Guerra
Munir Jamal
Keith Rourk e
B obby Shayegan
Ric ardo Rendon and Al an So, Co- c h airs
Sero Andonian
Peter B lack
Lesley Carr
Serge Carrier
Jonathan Izawa
Jay Lee
Andrew MacNeily
B obby Shayegan
Ric ardo Rendon, CUASF Sc ientifi c Ch air
Gregory B ailly
Stephen Steele
Alp Sener
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
Kourosh Afshar
Sero Andonian
Darius B agli
Richard B averstock
David B ell
Franç ois B énard
B rian B lew
Luis B raga
Gerald B rock
Kevin Carlson
Michael Chetner
Ashley Cox
Timothy Davies
Neil Dwyer
Tony Finelli
V incent Fradet
Jerzy Gaj ewsk i
John Grantmyre
Luis Guerra
Sender Herschorn
Roman Jednak
Paul Johnston
Wassim Kassouf
Darcie Kiddoo
Girish Kulk arni
Jean- B aptiste Lattouf
Armando Lorenzo
Edward Matsumoto
Dawn McLellan
Ron Moore
Chris Nguan
Kenneth Pace
Peter Pommerville
Karen Psooy
Hassan Razvi
Rodrigo Romao
Turk i Al Essawi
Armen Aprik ian
Gregory B ailly
Darren B eik o
Anthony B ella
Peter B lack
Stéphane B olduc
Rodney B reau
Ilias Cagiannos
Y ves Caumartin
B en Chew
Sumit Dave
Darrel Drachenberg
Walid Farhat
Neil Fleshner
Chris French
Geoff Gotto
Ethan Grober
Magdy Hassouna
Jonathan Izawa
Michael Jewett
Anil Kapoor
Jun Kawak ami
Lawrence Klotz
Andrea Lantz
Jay Lee
Patrick Luk e
Elspeth McDougall
Peter Metcalfe
Christopher Morash
Curtis Nick el
Ryan Paterson
Nick Power
Sidney Radomsk i
Ricardo Rendon
Keith Rourk e
Trevor Schuler
Alan So
Simon Tanguay
Luc V aliq uette
Jim Watterson
Thomas Whelan
Kevin Z orn
B obby Shayegan
Stephen Steele
Le Mai Tu
Jeff Warren
B layne Welk
Tim Wollin
The Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
is the headqua rter hotel and meeting venue
for the CUA Annual Meeting. All listed scientifi c
program activities tak e place at the hotel, unless
otherwise indicated.
The Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland is hosting
some affi liated meetings.
Del ta St. J oh n’ s Hotel & Conf erenc e Centre
120 New Gower Street
St. John’s, Newfoundland
A1C 6K4
Phone: 709- 739- 6404
Fax: 709- 570- 1622
Reservations: 888- 793- 3582
Sh eraton Hotel New f ou ndl and
115 Cavendish Sq uare
St. John’s, Newfoundland
A1C 3K2
Phone: 709- 726- 4980
Fax: 709- 726- 2025
Reservations: 1- 888- 870- 3033
Name badges are required to gain access to all
meeting functions. Tick ets mu st b e presented
at socia l ev ents and optional ev ents.
Registration categories are indicated by the
top- colour band of the badge holder included
in the registration pack age. Tick ets for social and
optional activities may be included in the pack age.
Upon claiming your registration materials, please
ensure that all of the activities you purchased
have been included, and that your badge holder
correctly corresponds to the legend below:
Fu l l Prog ram ( Scientifi c & Social) ........Bl u e
Sc ientifi c Prog ram Onl y .................... Red
Indu stry ........................................ Green
Companion.................................. Y el l ow
K ids........................................... Orang e
Media............................................Bl ac k
Ful Progr am delegates and companions
have access to the Welcome Reception,
Opening Lunch, Fun Night, President’s Reception
and Ba nquet and the closing ceremonies.
Regist ered c ompanions are entitled to a daily
break fast at Mick ey Q uinn’s restaurant located at
the Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre,
Sunday, June 29 and Monday, June 30, and the
Closing Ceremonies on Tuesday, July 1.
An information session will tak e place Saturday
at 1600 in Brow nsdale Room. Refreshments will
be served.
A private break fast will tak e place on Tuesday,
July 1 at 8 am in B rownsdale room. Learn
more about the CUA 2015 Companions’
Program in Ottawa.
Children registered to the Ki ds’ Serv ice s will
have access to dinner and refreshments on
Sunday and Monday evenings.
Delegates registered for the Sci entifi c Prog ram
Only may purchase tick ets to the optional social
events in the main registration area ( closing
ceremonies included) .
The book of abstracts, included in the delegate
bag, is published by the Canadian Urological
Association Journal ( CUAJ) .
A personalized certifi cate of attendance will be
sent via email after the event. This certifi cate
can be used to claim CPD credits.
The CUA and the Local Organizing Committee
wish to express their gratitude to the companies
who have given their support to this meeting by
tak ing part in the Exhibit. We invite you to visit
our Industry partners and gain valuable, up- todate k nowledge of their products and services.
Please refer to the Sponsors / Exhibitors section
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
( pages 35- 57) of this Program for a complete
list and fl oor plan.
The Exhibit Hall is located in Avalon B CD and
Foyer of the Delta St. John’s & Conference Centre
and will be open during the following hours:
Su nday , J u ne 2 9 ................... 0 8 0 0 - 1 7 0 0
Monday , J u ne 3 0 ................. 0 8 0 0 - 1 5 1 0
Wireless Internet is available on the convention
level of the hotel. Please verify the housek eeping
notes for the password.
CUA 2014 is pleased to offer a complimentary
shuttle service between the Delta St. John’s
Hotel & Conference Centre and the Sheraton
Hotel Newfoundland. The shuttle will be running
during peak times. Copies of the schedules are
available at the registration desk and at the front
desk of the Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference
Centre and the Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland.
The CUA St. John’s 2014 Annual Meeting
and IS Event Solutions Conference Secretariat
cannot accept responsibility for any accidents,
inj uries or illness that may occur during the
Annual Meeting.
Found items should be handed in promptly to
staff at the Registration Desk .
Souvenir photographs tak en at the Annual
Meeting will be posted online after the event.
Don’t forget to tak e your offi cial CUA 2014
photograph at the Olympus booth ( # 46) in
the Foyer area.
The Registration Desk is located in the Delta
St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre Lobby.
Hours of operation are as follows:
Satu rday , J u ne 2 8 .................0
Su nday , J u ne 2 9 ................... 0
Monday , J u ne 3 0 .................. 0
Tu esday , J u l y 1 ..................... 0
9 0 0
6 3 0
6 3 0
6 3 0
-1 8
-1 7
-1 7
-1 4
Room: St. Mary ’ s Bay
All podium, moderated poster, educational fora
and invited lecture presenters with PowerPoint
slides are ask ed to check in at the Speak er
Ready Room, located in St. Mary’s B ay Room,
24 hours before their scheduled talk .
Satu rday , J u ne 2 8 .................1
Su nday , J u ne 2 9 ................... 0
Monday , J u ne 3 0 .................. 0
Tu esday , J u l y 1 ..................... 0
1 0 0
6 3 0
6 3 0
6 3 0
-1 8
-1 7
-1 7
-1 2
0 0
3 0
0 0
0 0
A technician will be at the speak er’s disposal
to assist with any audio- visual qu eries. Speak ers
are ask ed to bring their fi les on a USB stick . The
use of individual laptop computers is prohibited.
Unmoderated poster displays will be held in
the plenary room ( Avalon A) and the Foyer area
from 1750 on Saturday, June 28, until Tuesday,
July 1 at 1415.
3 0
3 0
3 0
1 5
The goal of this program is to provide a forum to identify
and discuss “ state- of- the- art” information concerning
urological diseases, including the prevention, diagnosis
and treatments, and to support basic science and clinical
research by urologists and other healthcare professionals.
1. Review and discuss guidelines for the practicing
urologist to optimally diagnose metastatic CRPC
( castrate resistant prostate cancer) ;
2. Identify new medical therapies for mCRPC and
understand the urologist’s role in prescribing,
delivering and monitoring of patients using
these medications;
3. Discuss the surgical management of locally
advanced and metastatic prostate cancer and
to identify the appropriate operative approach
for individual patients;
4. Understand which patients require a metabolic
stone evaluation and to review the current
guidelines for the medical management of renal
calculus disease;
5. Implement the current management protocol for
specifi c stone types and to understand the effects
of obesity on stone management;
6. Understand the contemporary management
approach for upper tract surveillance in urothelial
carcinoma of the bladder;
7. Implement a strategy to monitor the upper tracts
in patients with urothelial carcinoma treated with
or without radical cystectomy;
8. Review neoadjuv ant chemotherapy for upper tract
urothelial carcinoma and its effect on pathologic
stage and 5- year survival;
9. Discuss the complications radical cystectomy and
to review their management;
10. Review the evaluation and surgical management
of female stress urinary incontinence and to
identify appropriate patient selection for various
operative techniques ;
11. Effectively manage OAB in the elderly.
12. Review the impact of technical changes in
prostate cancer surgery and the implication
on functional outcome;
13. Review resident education and to understand how
the changing of teaching methods and curriculum,
will impact the teachers as well as the residents;
14. Debate the appropriate treatment options for
congenital duplication anomalies and to review
the various surgical techniques ;
15. Review cryptorchidism and to review future
fertility and malignancy issues pertaining to the
undescended testicle;
16. Identify methods to improve patient safety when
undergoing transrectal prostate biopsies;
17. Understand the options and the approach when
managing an at risk patient with a negative
prostate biopsy;
18. Select appropriate patients for active surveillance
and to implement surveillance protocols;
19. Differentiate patients with concomitant erectile
dysfunction, storage symptoms, nocturia and
lower urinary tract symptoms and to formulate
appropriate management plans;
20. Individualize patient management for LUTS based
on the multifactorial etiology of the disease;
21. Understand the spectrum of scrotal pain disorders
and to optimize its evaluation and treatment in an
individual case;
22. Address the controversies and to identify the
contemporary role for a renal biopsy in patients
with renal masses;
23. Review the techniques and optimal role of open,
laparoscopic and robotic partial nephrectomy in
managing renal masses;
24. Discuss and implement a current multimodal
approach to advanced renal cell carcinoma;
25. Review and discuss the natural history and the
evaluation of a patient with Peyronie’s disease;
26. Formulate an appropriate treatment plan when
presented with the varying manifestations of
Peyronie’s disease;
27. Identify the association of physician health and
patient care and to review approaches to enhance
the physician’s well- being.
This program has been accredited by the CUA as
a Section 1 Group Learning Activity as defi ned by
the Maintenance of Certifi cation Program of the
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
For the specialist, this activity qua lifi es for 1 credit per
hour of participation as articulated in Section 1 of the
Maintenance of Certifi cation Program of the Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada for a
maximum of 2 . 5 cr edits. Participants should only
claim the credits corresponding to their attendance.
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
7 0 th
2 0 1 5 / J u ne 2 7 - 3 0
Ottawa, ON
The Westin Ottawa Hotel
7 2 nd
7 1 st
2 0 1 6 / J u ne 2 5 - 2 8
V ancouver, B C
The Westin B ayshore Hotel
7 3 rd
2 0 1 7 / J u ne 2 4 - 2 7
Toronto, ON
The Westin Harbour Castle Hotel
2 0 1 8 / J u ne 2 3 - 2 6
Halifax, NS
2 0 1 6 V ANCOUV ER
2 0 1 8 HALIFAX
2 0 1 5 OTTAWA
2 0 1 7 TORONTO
Salon G
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
*Numbers are guidelines only. Display tables, head tables, raised platforms and audiovisual equipment will a ect
. capabilities
Salon F
Salon E
Harbourview Ballroom
C O M P A N IO N S ’
K ID S ’
SATU R D AY , J U NE 2 8
1600- 1700
1750- 1840
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Brownsdale Room
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Avalon A and Foyer
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9
0700- 1030
Delta St. John’s Hotel &
Conference Centre - Lobby Level
Mickey Quinn’s Restaurant
1150- 1250
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Exhibit Hall - Avalon BCD and Foyer
1815- 1900
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre - Avalon A
1900- 2400
George Street
1730- 2330
Delta St. John’s Hotel
& Conference Centre
Brownsdale Room
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0
0700- 1030
1930- 2400
Delta St. John’s Hotel &
Conference Centre - Lobby Level
Mickey Quinn’s Restaurant
Reception at 1900
St. John’s Convention Centre - Marconi Room
Indoor access through the Delta St. John’s Hotel &
Conference Centre - follow the signs and staff!
0630- 0730
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Convention Centre
Hotel Lobby
0800- 0900
Delta St. John’s Hotel &
Conference Centre - Brownsdale Room
1345- 1415
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre - Avalon A
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
1730- 2330
Delta St. John’s Hotel
& Conference Centre
Brownsdale Room
Al l soc ial ev ents are b y tic k et admission /
reg istration b adg e onl y . Additional soc ial
ev ent tic k ets are av ail ab l e f or pu rc h ase
at th e Reg istration Desk .
Please note that all social events (except for the
CUA Charity Run / Walk, the Opening Lunch and
CUA Fun Night) are reserved for participants
aged 16 years and above. Fun Night is reserved
for participants aged 19 years and above, due
to provincial alcohol regulations.
1 7 5 0 -1 8 4 0
W el c ome Rec eption and
Unmoderated Poster Session
Delta St. John’s Hotel &
Conference Centre
Avalon A and Foyer
Inc l u ded f or al l reg istered partic ipants.
Mingle with your colleagues and friends and share
good memories of past CUA’s while preparing to
create new ones. The Welcome Reception will
feature CUA 2014 unmoderated posters.
1 1 5 0 -1 2 5 0
Opening Lu nc h
Delta St. John’s Hotel &
Conference Centre
Exhibit Hall – Avalon BCD and Foyer
Inc l u ded f or al l reg istered partic ipants.
After a session- fi lled morning, don’t miss the
CUA 2014 meet and- greet lunch in the Exhibit
Hall. Meet the exhibitors and prepare yourself for
three full days of exciting scientifi c updates.
1 9 0 0 -2 4 0 0
CUA Fu n Nig h t –
Ral l y in th e Al l ey
on Georg e Street
Meet at 1 8 1 5 at th e Del ta St. J oh n’ s
Hotel & Conf erenc e Centre f or
instru c tions in Av al on A.
Inc l u ded f or Fu l l Prog ram del eg ates and
reg istered c ompanions.
Cost of an additional tic k et:
$ 1 2 5 pl u s 1 3 % HST
Tic k ets on sal e u ntil noon on Su nday ,
J u ne 2 8 .
Rally in the Alley on St. John’s most legendary
street: George Street.
A Fun Night lik e you’ve never experienced
before! Discover what St. John’s is all about:
fun and friendship! Let yourself be guided
by a local team of whimsical personalities
through emblematic George Street for a Fish
N’ Chips dinner and a tour of the characteristic
pubs located in this alley. B e prepared to be
immersed in the oldest traditions Newfoundland
has to offer! Each stop will feature activities
such as Irish Step Dancing, Newfoundlander
Sing- a- Long and a Screech- In, the traditional
induction ceremony for those “ come from away” .
B e sure to wear your comfy shoes… not that
the walk is long, no worries, but the Grand
Finale of the “ Rally in the Alley” on George
Street will be full of surprises that will mak e you
want to stick around and dance ‘ til the end.
* * * IMPORTANT: Du e to New f ou ndl and
al c oh ol reg u l ations, th is ev ent is reserv ed
f or g u ests ag ed 1 9 y ears ol d and ov er. * * *
1 9 3 0 -2 3 0 0
President’ s Rec eption
and Banq u et
W el c ome to New f ou ndl and!
( Reception at 1900)
St. J oh n’ s Conv ention Centre Indoor ac c ess th rou g h th e Del ta
St. J oh n’ s Hotel & Conf erenc e Centre f ol l ow th e sig ns and th e staf f !
Inc l u ded f or Fu l l Prog ram del eg ates and
reg istered c ompanions.
Cost of an additional tic k et:
$ 1 5 0 pl u s 1 3 % HST
For centuries, the Atlantic Ocean has sculpted
the shores of Newfoundland as well as the
culture and the spirit of its inhabitants. Discover
the uniq ueness of Newfoundland through an
evening of cultural discoveries, where elements
of the sea are k ey players. Following a 4- course
meal carefully prepared by the culinary team of
the Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre,
you will enj oy an evening of dancing with old
and new friends!
* Limited seating . Adv anc ed reserv ation
req u ired. On- site av ail ab il ity is not g u aranteed.
1 3 4 5 -1 4 1 5
Cl osing Ceremonies
Delta St. John’s Hotel &
Conference Centre
Avalon A
Celebrations for 2015 will begin! Come
commemorate the CUA’s 70th Anniversary
in Ottawa for 2015 with a champagne
toast. We will also be drawing a $ 1, 000
gift certifi cate for Air Canada. Do not miss
out on a uniq ue experience to meet and
have your souvenir photo tak en with a
Newfoundland Dog.
Inc l u ded f or al l reg istered partic ipants
and reg istered c ompanions.
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
Registration for companions includes:
On Sunday, June 29 and Monday, June
30, the CUA will offer a service where
registereddelegates can attend the Fun Night and
Ba nque t and have their children tak en care of by
qua lifi ed monitors at the Delta St. John’s Hotel &
Conference Centre.
1. Welcome gift
2. Access to Exhibit Hall
3. Sunday and Monday break fast at
Mick ey Q uinn’s Restaurant at the Delta
St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
4. Information session with
refreshments ( Saturday)
5. Welcome Reception ( Saturday)
6. Exhibit Opening and Lunch ( Sunday)
7. Fun Night ( Sunday)
8. President’s Reception &
B anq uet ( Monday)
9. Private break fast ( Tuesday)
10. Closing Ceremonies ( Tuesday)
Serv ic es w il l b e av ail ab l e:
Sunday, June 29: 1730- 2330
Monday, June 30: 1730- 2330
Advanced reservation req uired.
Space is limited. No walk - ins accepted.
Children must be aged between 5 and 15
years- old.
Information & tour book ing will be available
onsite Sunday and Monday, at the McCarthy’s
Party B ooth located in the registration area.
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
C’est avec beaucoup de fi erté q ue j e vous souhaite la bienvenue au 69e
Congrès annuel de l’AUC tenu ici, à St. John’s – fi erté de voir à q uel point
notre association est devenue productive et dynamiq ue, et fi erté de vous
recevoir, chers amis et collègues, dans ma ville natale.
Le programme scientifi q ue du congrès de cette année comprend des
conférenciers dynamiq ues et respectés, des chercheurs canadiens et
de l’étranger et des forums éducatifs et conférences q ui sauront vous
impressionner. Je suis moi- mê me époustoufl é par tous les efforts
déployés par nos membres et le personnel du B ureau corporatif;
nous avons vraiment une éq uipe exceptionnelle.
Le programme social a été pensé de manière à amener les participants à s’immerger dans une
expérience culturelle profondément terre- neuvienne. V ous aurez droit à de la bonne bouffe et de
la musiq ue, des « screech- ins » , des jigs et des reels, et de nombreuses occasions de profi ter des
activités offertes par la ville.
Cette année est fort prometteuse du point de vue des icebergs en dérive le long de la côte, un
phénomène q ui arrive à point nommé, surtout q ue nous n’avons pas vraiment eu de printemps
cette année. Pas besoin d’apporter un parapluie, il ne servira q u’à prouver qu e vous « venez de loin » .
Avec une petite laine et un coupe- vent imperméable, vous serez assez bien vê tu pour observer les
baleines et les icebergs.
Notre président, Peter Anderson, q ue sa femme Karen appelle affectueusement un « aspirant terreneuvien » , a poursuivi inlassablement ses efforts pour organiser un congrès q ui saura vous informer
et vous divertir. Greg et Tom ont monté un fantastiq ue programme scientifi q ue. J’espère q ue la
petite partie q ui m’est attribuable répondra à vos attentes.
B ienvenue, et bon congrès!
Ch ris Frenc h
Président du comité d’organisation local
La seule autre fois où le Congrès annuel de l’AUC a eu lieu à
St. John’s était en 2002, et on s’en souvient encore comme l’un des
meilleurs congrès parmi les 69 de notre histoire. C’est pourq uoi j e
ressens une petite pointe d’anxiété de performance alors q ue nous
mettons la touche fi nale au congrès de cette année. Cela dit, j e suis
très confi ant q ue vous ne serez pas déç u, étant donné la superbe
éq uipe q ui a travaillé en votre nom pour garantir trois j ournées et
demie bien remplies dans la ville la plus à l’est du Canada. Le
programme scientifi q ue offre d’excellentes occasions d’apprentissage
grâ ce à la diligence des coprésidents Greg B ailly et Tom Whelan :
neuf conférences de pointe menées par des sommités au niveau mondial, dix forums éducatifs
sur des suj ets pertinents pour tous les urologues pratiq uants, et de nombreuses présentations par
affi ches et séances podium faites par nos membres.
Mais si le congrès se limitait au contenu scientifi q ue, nous pourrions le tenir dans un hôtel près d’un
aéroport en plein centre du pays ( à Winnipeg, donc) . Nous travaillons tous très fort au q uotidien
pour offrir les meilleurs soins urologiq ues possible, et nous méritons donc d’aj outer un élément de
plaisir à notre développement professionnel continu. St. John’s est une ville où on peut vraiment
s’amuser. Le président du Comité d’organisation local, Chris French, s’est assuré q ue vous aurez
de nombreuses occasions de participer à des activités q ui correspondent à votre défi nition du
plaisir. Il peut s’agir de gravir Signal Hill pour contempler une vue spectaculaire du port ( et peut- ê tre
apercevoir un iceberg) , de partir en balade en voiture tôt le matin j usq u’au cap Spear pour ê tre
la première personne en Amériq ue du Nord à voir le lever du soleil, de visiter l’un des nombreux
musées uniq ues de classe mondiale, ou de fl â ner dans les boutiq ues du centre- ville, ou encore
de passer une soirée à faire la tournée des établissements de la célèbre rue George, connue pour
compter le plus grand nombre de bars par pied carré de tout le continent. Tout compte fait, oubliez
la dernière suggestion, car elle fait déj à partie du programme dans le cadre de notre Grande Soirée.
Maintenant q ue vous ê tes arrivé dans la magnifi q ue et vieille ville de St. John’s, dénouez votre
cravate et restez un peu avec nous.
Peter Anderson
Président de l’AUC
2 0
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
Pré sident
President dé sig né
Pré sident sortant
V ic e- pré sident
Tré soriè re
Sec ré taire
V ic e- pré sident, Édu c
Stu art Oak e, pré sident
Peter Anderson
Joseph Chin
Karen Psooy
Peter Anderson
Stuart Oak e
Joseph Chin
Michael Leonard
Anne- Marie Houle
Karen Psooy
Gerald B rock
V ic e- pré sident, Commu nic ations
Wassim Kassouf
Exé c u tif s
Sero Andonian
Howard Evans
Ben Ch ew , pré sident
Peter B lack
Jean- B aptiste Lattouf
Thierry LeB eau
Jay Lee
Scott Murray
Nicholas Power
B obby Shayegan
B layne Welk
Scott B agnell
Andrew MacNeily
et territoires
Frank Papanik olaou
Geral d Broc k , pré sident
Peter Anderson
Gregory B ailly
Anthony B ella
Rodney B reau
Ian B rown
Christopher French
Dianne Heritz
Jonathan Izawa
Anil Kapoor
Karen Psooy
Matthew Roberts
Thomas Whelan
Mic h ael Leonard, pré sident
Peter Anderson
Gregory B ailly
Ian Davis
Karen Psooy
J oseph Ch in, pré sident
Peter Anderson
Gerald B rock
Anne- Marie Houle
Wassim Kassouf
Michael Leonard
Stuart Oak e
Karen Psooy
Anne- Marie Hou l e, pré sidente
Peter Anderson
Gerald B rock
Wassim Kassouf
Stuart Oak e
Karen Psooy
Robert Siemens
Antonio Finel l i, pré sident
Sero Andonian
Scott B agnell
Howard Evans
Andrew MacNeily
Frank Papanik olaou
2 1
J erz y Gaj ew sk i, pré sident
Sidney Radomsk i, pré sident
Ch ristoph er Ng u an, pré sident
Mik e Leveridge
Raj iv Singal
Ch ristoph er Frenc h , pré sident
J oseph Ch in, pré sident
Armen Aprik ian
Alvaro Morales
Christopher Morash B ruce Palmer
Trevor Schuler
Luc V aliq uette
Peter Anderson, pré sident
Anne- Marie Houle
Karen Psooy
Ricardo Rendon
Robert Siemens
Rob ert Siemens, pré sident
Jun Kawak ami
Paul Whelan
Ric ardo Rendon, pré sident
Sero Andonian
Peter B lack
Luis Guerra
Munir Jamal
Keith Rourk e
B obby Shayegan
Greg ory Bail l y et Th omas W h el an,
c o- pré sidents
Ric ardo Rendon et Al an So, c o- pré sidents
Sero Andonian
Peter B lack
Lesley Carr
Serge Carrier
Jonathan Izawa
Jay Lee
Andrew MacNeily
B obby Shayegan
Troy Sitl and, pré sident
B en Chew
Nafi sa Dharamsi
Trevor Schuler
Robert Siemens
Thomas Whelan
Andrew Mac Neil y , pré sident
Turk i Al- Essawi
Gregory B ailly
Diego B arrieras
Gerald B rock
William Gourlay
Anil Kapoor
Wassim Kassouf
Y ves Ponsot
Keith Rourk e
Stephen Steele
Robert Stewart
Frédéric Soucy
James Watterson
Greg ory Bail l y et Th omas W h el an,
c o- pré sidents
Sero Andonian
Anthony B ella
Rodney B reau
B en Chew
Ethan Grober
Jonathan Izawa
Paul Johnston
Anil Kapoor
Rodrigo Romao
Keith Rourk e
Alan So
2 2
Ric ardo Rendon, pré sident
Gregory B ailly
Stephen Steele
Alp Sener
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
R … V ISEU R S D E R … SU M … S
Kourosh Afshar
Sero Andonian
Darius B agli
Richard B averstock
David B ell
Franç ois B énard
B rian B lew
Luis B raga
Gerald B rock
Kevin Carlson
Michael Chetner
Ashley Cox
Timothy Davies
Neil Dwyer
Tony Finelli
V incent Fradet
Jerzy Gaj ewsk i
John Grantmyre
Luis Guerra
Sender Herschorn
Roman Jednak
Paul Johnston
Wassim Kassouf
Darcie Kiddoo
Girish Kulk arni
Jean- B aptiste Lattouf
Armando Lorenzo
Edward Matsumoto
Dawn McLellan
Ron Moore
Chris Nguan
Kenneth Pace
Peter Pommerville
Karen Psooy
Hassan Razvi
Rodrigo Romao
Turk i Al Essawi
Armen Aprik ian
Gregory B ailly
Darren B eik o
Anthony B ella
Peter B lack
Stéphane B olduc
Rodney B reau
Ilias Cagiannos
Y ves Caumartin
B en Chew
Sumit Dave
Darrel Drachenberg
Walid Farhat
Neil Fleshner
Chris French
Geoff Gotto
Ethan Grober
Magdy Hassouna
Jonathan Izawa
Michael Jewett
Anil Kapoor
Jun Kawak ami
Lawrence Klotz
Andrea Lantz
Jay Lee
Patrick Luk e
Elspeth McDougall
Peter Metcalfe
Christopher Morash
Curtis Nick el
Ryan Paterson
Nick Power
Sidney Radomsk i
Ricardo Rendon
Keith Rourk e
Trevor Schuler
Alan So
Simon Tanguay
Luc V aliq uette
Jim Watterson
Thomas Whelan
Kevin Z orn
B obby Shayegan
Stephen Steele
Le Mai Tu
Jeff Warren
B layne Welk
Tim Wollin
2 3
L’hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s
est le site du Congrès annuel de l’AUC. Toutes
les activités prévues au programme scientifi q ue
s’y dérouleront, à moins d’indication contraire.
Certaines réunions affi liées auront lieu à l’hôtel
Sheraton Newfoundland.
Hô tel et c entre des c ong rè s
Del ta St. J oh n’ s
120 rue New Gower
St. John’s ( Terre- Neuve)
A1C 6K4
Téléphone : 709- 739- 6404
Télécopieur : 709- 570- 1622
Réservations : 888- 793- 3582
Hô tel Sh eraton New f ou ndl and
115 carré Cavendish
St. John’s ( Terre- Neuve)
A1C 3K2
Téléphone : 709- 726- 4980
Télécopieur : 709- 726- 2025
Réservations : 1- 888- 870- 3033
V ous devez porter votre cocarde pour entrer au
Congrès. V ous dev ez pré senter v otre b il l et
lo rs des é v é nements socia ux et f acult atif s.
La catégorie d’inscription se reconnaît à la
couleur de la cocarde comprise dans votre
trousse d’inscription. Les billets pour les
événements sociaux et facultatifs se retrouvent
également dans la trousse.
Lorsq ue vous récupérerez votre matériel
d’inscription, veuillez vous assurer q ue toutes les
activités q ue vous avez payées sont bien indiq uées
et q ue la couleur de votre cocarde correspond à la
légende ci- dessous :
Prog ramme c ompl et
( scientifi q ue et social) ............................. Bl eu
Prog ramme ( scientifi q ue seulement) .....Rou g e
Indu strie............................................. V ert
Ac c ompag nateu rs............................ J au ne
Enf ants.......................................... Orang e
Mé dia................................................. Noir
2 4
Les délégués inscrits au prog ramme c ompl et
ainsi q ue les accompagnateurs ont accès à
la Réception d’accueil, au Lunch d’ouverture,
à la Grande Soirée de l’AUC et au B anq uet
présidentiel et au cérémonies de clôture.
Les ac c ompag nateu rs insc rits peuvent
également prendre leur petit- déj euner au
restaurant Mick ey Q uinn’s de l’hôtel et centre des
congrès Delta St. John’s, le dimanche 29 j uin et le
lundi 30 j uin, ainsi q u’aux cérémonies de clôture.
Une séance d’information aura lieu le samedi à
1600 à la salle B rownsdale. Des rafraî chissements
seront servis.
Un petit déj euner privé sera servi, mardi le 1er j uillet
à la salle B rownsdale. V enez entendre parler de
l’AUC 2015 q ui aura lieu à Ottawa.
Les enf ants insc rits au service de garde auront
droit à un souper et à des collations dimanche et
lundi soir.
Les délégués inscrits au Prog ramme
sc ientifi q u e seu l ement peuvent acheter des
billets pour les événements sociaux et facultatifs
au k iosq ue d’inscription ( cérémonies de clôture
inclus) .
Un recueil des résumés présentés, publié par le
Journal de l’Association des urologues du Canada
( JAUC) , est inclus dans la trousse des délégués.
Une attestation de participation vous sera
envoyée par courriel, après l’événement. Cette
attestation peut ê tre utilisée pour réclamer vos
crédits de DPC.
L’AUC et le Comité d’organisation local désirent
exprimer leur reconnaissance envers les
compagnies q ui ont prê té leur soutien à ce
congrès en participant à cette exposition. Nous
vous invitons à rendre visite à nos partenaires de
l’industrie et à demeurer à j our au suj et de leurs
produits et services. V euillez vous reporter à la
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
section “ Commanditaires / Exposants”
( page 35- 57) de ce programme pour consulter
le répertoire des exposants et le plan de la
salle d’exposition.
L’exposition se tiendra dans la salle Avalon B CD
et son foyer selon l’horaire suivant :
Dimanc h e 2 9 j u in................. 0 8 0 0 - 1 7 0 0
Lu ndi 3 0 j u in ....................... 0 8 0 0 - 1 5 1 0
Un accès internet sans fi l gratuit est disponible au
niveau du Centre des congrès de l’hôtel. Le mot
de passe sera affi ché sur les écrans d’information.
Le Congrès annuel 2014 de l’AUC et le
secrétariat du congrès IS Event Solutions
ne peuvent ê tre tenus responsables de tout
accident, blessure ou maladie survenant lors
du congrès.
Les obj ets trouvés devraient ê tre remis rapidement
au personnel du k iosq ue d’inscription.
Des photographies seront prises lors du Congrès
annuel et seront affi chées en ligne après
l’événement. N’oubliez pas de prendre votre
photo offi cielle de l’AUC au k iosq ue Olympus
( # 46) situé au foyer du hall d’exposition.
Le k iosq ue d’inscription est situé au Lobby de
l’hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s.
Les heures d’ouverture sont les suivantes :
Samedi 2 8 j u in..................... 0
Dimanc h e 2 9 j u in..................0
Lu ndi 3 0 j u in........................ 0
Mardi 1 er j u il l et..................... 0
9 0
6 3
6 3
6 3
0 0 0 0 -
1 8
1 7
1 7
1 4
L’AUC est fi ère d’offrir pour son congrès 2014
un service de navettes gratuites entre l’hôtel
et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s et
l’hôtel Sheraton Newfoundland. Les navettes
seront à votre disposition durant les principales
périodes d’activité. V ous pouvez vous procurer
un exemplaire de leur horaire au k iosq ue
d’inscription et à la réception des deux hôtels.
Sal l e St. Mary ’ s Bay
Tous les présentateurs ayant des diapositives
PowerPoint doivent se présenter au Salon des
conférenciers, situé à la salle St. Mary’s B ay, 24
heures avant leur présentation.
Samedi 2 8 j u in .................... 1
Dimanc h e 2 9 j u in................. 0
Lu ndi 3 0 j u in ....................... 0
Mardi 1 er j u il l et..................... 0
1 0 0
6 3 0
6 3 0
6 3 0
-1 8
-1 7
-1 7
-1 2
0 0
3 0
0 0
0 0
Les conférenciers sont priés d’apporter leurs
fi chiers sur des dispositifs courants de stock age
de données ( clés USB) . Un technicien sera sur
place en tout temps. L’utilisation du portable
personnel est interdite.
Des présentations de posters non- modérés auront
lieu à la salle de la plénière ( salon Avalon A) et
dans le foyer de 1750 le samedi 28 j uin à 1415
le mardi 1er j uillet.
3 0
3 0
3 0
1 5
2 5
L’obj ectif de ce programme est d’offrir un forum pour
cerner et discuter de données scientifi q ues de pointe
concernant les maladies urologiq ues, notamment leur
prévention, leur diagnostic et leur traitement, et pour
appuyer la recherche fondamentale et cliniq ue effectuée
par des urologues et d’autres professionnels de la santé.
1. Passer en revue et discuter les lignes directrices
pour l’urologue afi n de diagnostiq uer de manière
optimale le CPRC ( cancer de la prostate résistant
à la castration) métastatiq ue;
2. Cerner les nouvelles thérapies médicamenteuses du
CPRCm et comprendre le rôle de l’urologue dans la
prescription des agents, la prestation des soins et la
surveillance des patients traités par ces agents;
3. Discuter de la prise en charge chirurgicale du cancer
de la prostate localement avancé et métastatiq ue
et du choix de l’abord chirurgical approprié pour
chaq ue type de patient;
4. Comprendre q uels patients ont besoin d’une
évaluation métaboliq ue des lithiases et passer en
revue les lignes directrices actuelles en matière de
prise en charge médicale des lithiases rénales;
5. Mettre en oeuvre le protocole actuel de prise en
charge pour les types particuliers de calculs et
comprendre les effets de l’obésité sur la prise en
charge des lithiases;
6. Comprendre l’approche contemporaine de prise
en charge pour la surveillance des voies urinaires
supérieures dans le carcinome urothélial de la vessie;
7. Mettre en place une stratégie de surveillance des
voies urinaires supérieures chez les patients atteints
de carcinome urothélial dont le traitement comprend
ou non une cystectomie radicale;
8. Examiner la chimiothérapie néoadj uvante pour traiter
le carcinome urothélial des voies supérieures et
son effet sur le stade de la pathologie et la survie
après 5 ans;
9. Discuter des complications de la cystectomie
radicale et passer en revue la prise en charge
de ces complications;
10. Passer en revue l’évaluation et la prise en charge
chirurgicale de l’incontinence urinaire à l’effort
chez la femme et déterminer comment bien
choisir les patientes en fonction des diverses
techniq ues chirurgicales;
11. Prendre en charge la vessie hyperactive de manière
effi cace chez les patients â gés;
12. Passer en revue l’impact des modifi cations des
techniq ues chirurgicales dans le cancer de la prostate
et leurs répercusssions sur le résultat fonctionnel;
2 6
13. Examiner la formation des résidents et comprendre
les répercussions sur les enseignants et sur les
résidents des modifi cations apportées aux méthodes
pédagogiq ues et au cursus;
14. Débattre des options thérapeutiq ues q ui conviennent
pour le traitement des duplications congénitales et
examiner les diverses techniq ues chirurgicales;
15. Examiner la cryptorchidie et les enjeux liés à la
fertilité ultérieure et aux tumeurs en lien avec le
testicule non descendu;
16. Cerner les méthodes permettant d’améliorer
l’innocuité des biopsies prostatiq ues transrectales.
17. Comprendre les options et la ligne de conduite lors de
la prise en charge d’un patient à risq ue dont la biopsie
prostatiq ue était négative;
18. Sélectionner les bons patients pour la surveillance active
et mettre en place des protocoles de surveillance;
19. Distinguer les patients présentant en concomitance
une dysfonction érectile, des symptômes mictionnels,
une nycturie et des troubles du bas appareil urinaire et
formuler des plans de prise en charge adéq uats;
20. Individualiser la prise en charge des TUB A en fonction
de l’étiologie multifactorielle de la maladie;
21. Comprendre le spectre des troubles de douleur
scrotale et optimiser leur évaluation et leur traitement
au cas par cas;
22. Aborder les controverses et cerner le rôle
contemporain de la biopsie rénale chez les patients
présentant des masses rénales;
23. Passer en revue les techniq ues et le rôle optimal de
la néphrectomie partielle par chirurgie ouverte, par
laparoscopie et par chirurgie assistée par robot dans
la prise en charge des masses rénales;
24. Discuter d’une ligne de conduite multimodale
actualisée pour le traitement de l’hypernéphrome
avancé et mettre en place une telle ligne de conduite;
25. Passer en revue et discuter l’évolution naturelle et
l’évaluation de la maladie de La Peyronie;
26. Formuler un plan de traitement adéq uat
correspondant aux diverses manifestations de la
maladie de La Peyronie;
27. Cerner le lien entre la santé du médecin et les soins
aux patients et passer en revue les lignes de conduite
pour améliorer le bien- être du médecin.
Ce programme est agréé par l’AUC en tant q u’activité de
la section 1 ( formation collective) telle q ue défi nie par le
Programme de maintien du certifi cat du Collège royal des
médecins et chirurgiens du Canada, j usq u’à un maximum
de 2 2 . 5 c ré dits. Les participants ne doivent réclamer q ue
les crédits correspondant à leur participation.
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
7 0 e
2 0 1 5 / 2 7 - 3 0 j u in
Ottawa, Ont.
Hôtel Westin Ottawa
7 2 e
7 1 e
2 0 1 6 / 2 5 - 2 8 j u in
V ancouver, C.B .
Hôtel Westin B ayshore
7 3 e
2 0 1 7 / 2 4 - 2 7 j u in
Toronto, Ont.
Hôtel Westin Harbour Castle
2 0 1 8 / 2 3 - 2 6 j u in
Halifax, N.- É .
2 0 1 6 V ANCOUV ER
2 0 1 8 HALIFAX
2 0 1 5 OTTAWA
2 0 1 7 TORONTO
2 7
2 8
Salon G
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
*Numbers are guidelines only. Display tables, head tables, raised platforms and audiovisual equipment will a ect
. capabilities
Salon F
Salon E
2 9
1600- 1700
1750- 1840
Hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s
Salle Brownsdale
Hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s
Avalon A et foyer
0700- 1030
Hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s Niveau Lobby - Mickey Quinn’s Restaurant
1150- 1250
Hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s
Hall d’exposition - Avalon BCD et foyer
1815- 1900
Hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s - Avalon A
1900- 2400
Rue George
1730- 2330
Hôtel et centre
des congrès Delta
St. John’s
Salle Brownsdale
LU ND I 3 0 J U IN
0700- 1030
1930- 2400
Hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s Niveau Lobby - Mickey Quinn’s Restaurant
Réception à 1900
Centre des congrès de St. John’s
Salle Marconi - accès intérieur par le Delta.
Suivez la signalisation et le personnel.
M AR D I 1
1730- 2330
Hôtel et centre
des congrès Delta
St. John’s
Salle Brownsdale
0630- 0730
Départ de l’entrée de l’hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s
0700- 1030
DE L’ AUC 2 0 1 5 À OTTAW A
Hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St.John’s Salle Brownsdale
1345- 1415
3 0
Hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s - Avalon A
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
ac c
é vé
l ’ ac
s l es é v é nements soc iau x sont
essib l es av ec b il l et d’ admission / c oc arde
l ement. Des b il l ets additionnel s pou r l es
nements soc iau x sont disponib l es à
h at au k iosq u e d’ insc ription.
Merci de noter que tous les événements
sociaux de l’AUC (excluant le Lunch d’ouverture,
la course et marche de bienfaisance de l’AUC
et la Grande Soirée de l’AUC) sont réservés aux
participants âgés de 16 ans et plus. Veuillez
noter que la Grande Soirée de l’AUC est
réservée aux participants de 19 ans et plus.
1 7 5 0 -1 8 4 0
Ré c eption de b ienv enu e
et sé ance de poster
non- modé ré s
Hôtel et centre des congrès
Delta St. John’s
Avalon A et foyer
Compris dans tou tes l es c até g ories
d’ insc ription.
Joignez vos collègues et amis et partagez
vos bons souvenirs des précédents congrès
de l’AUC tout en accumulant de nouveaux
souvenirs. La Réception de bienvenue
comportera encore cette année un volet de
présentations de posters non- modérés.
1 1 5 0 -1 2 5 0
Lu nc h d’ ou v ertu re
Hôtel et centre des congrès
Delta St. Johns
Hall d’exposition –
Avalon BCD et foyer
Compris dans tou tes l es c até g ories
d’ insc ription.
Après un avant- midi de séances scientifi q ues, ne
manq uez pas le lunch d’ouverture du Congrès
2014 dans le hall d’exposition. V enez rencontrer
les exposants et vous préparer pour trois j ournées
pleines d’informations scientifi q ues stimulantes.
1 9 0 0 -2 4 0 0
Grande Soiré e de l ’ AUC –
« Ral l y in th e Al l ey » su r
Georg e Street
Pré sentez - v ou s à 1 8 1 5 à l ’ h ô tel et
c entre des c ong rè s Del ta St. J oh n’ s
pou r des direct iv es. Sal l e Av al on A
Inc l u s dans l e prog ramme c ompl et et pou r
l es ac c ompag nateu rs insc rits.
Prix d’ u n b il l et su ppl é mentaire :
1 2 5 $ pl u s TV H de 1 3 %
Bil l ets su ppl é mentaires sont disponib l es
j u sq u ’ à midi, samedi l e 2 8 j u in.
« Rally in the Alley » sur la rue la plus légendaire
de St. John’s, la rue George.
Une Grande Soirée comme vous n’en avez
j amais vécue! Découvrez la véritable essence
de St. John’s : plaisir et camaraderie !
Laissez- vous guider par une éq uipe locale
de personnages fantaisistes q ui vous feront
visiter l’emblématiq ue rue George, d’abord
par un souper de Fish N’ Chips puis une visite
des fameux pubs q ui ont rendu cette rue
célèbre. Soyez prê t à plonger dans les plus
vieilles traditions de Terre- Neuve; chaq ue arrê t
présentera des activités telles q ue la danse
irlandaise, des chants en choeur de TerreNeuve et un « Screech- In » , la traditionnelle
cérémonie d’accueil pour « ceux q ui viennent
de loin » .
Assurez- vous de porter des chaussures
confortables… vous n’aurez pas une longue
marche à faire, rassurez- vous, mais le clou de
la soirée « Rally in the Alley » vous réservera
des surprises q ui vous donneront le goû t de
rester et de danser j usq u’à la fi n.
* * * IMPORTANT : V eu il l ez noter q u e c et
é v é nement est ré serv é au x partic ipants
â g é s de 1 9 ans et pl u s. * * *
3 1
Ré c eption et b anq u et
du Pré sident Bienv enu e à Terre- Neu v e!
( Réception à 1900)
Inc l u s dans l e prog ramme c ompl et et pou r
l es ac c ompag nateu rs insc rits.
Centre des c ong rè s de St. J oh n’ s - Sal l e
Marc oni - ac c è s inté rieu r par l e Del ta.
Su iv ez l a sig nal isation et l e personnel !
Pendant des siècles, l’Océan Atlantiq ue a
sculpté les côtes de Terre- Neuve ainsi q ue la
culture et l’esprit de ses habitants. Découvrez
ce q ui rend Terre- Neuve si uniq ue grâ ce à
une soirée de découvertes culturelles où des
éléments de la mer occuperont le centre de
la scène. Après un repas à q uatre services
préparé avec soins par l’éq uipe culinaire du
Delta St. John’s, vous aurez droit à une super
soirée de danse avec vos amis de longue date
et vos nouveaux amis!
1 9 3 0 -2 4 0 0
Prix d’ u n b il l et su ppl é mentaire :
1 5 0 $ pl u s TV H de 1 3 %
* Les pl ac es sont l imité es. Une ré serv ation
est req u ise. La disponib il ité u ne f ois su r
pl ac e n’ est pas g arantie.
1 3 4 5 -1 4 1 5
Cé ré monies de c l ô tu re
Hôtel et centre des congrès
Delta St. John’s
Avalon A
Les célébrations pour 2015 débuteront!
V enez célébrer le 70e anniversaire de l’AUC
à Ottawa avec un verre de champagne. Nous
ferons aussi un tirage pour un certifi cat cadeau
de 1 000 $ pour Air Canada. À ne pas manq uer,
l’expérience uniq ue de rencontrer et de prendre
une photo souvenir avec un chien Terre- Neuve.
Compris dans tou ts l es c até g ories
d’ insc riptions et pou r l es ac c ompag nateu rs
insc rits.
3 2
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
Les frais d’inscription pour les accompagnateurs
incluent :
Le dimanche 29 j uin et le lundi 30 j uin, l’AUC
offrira à l’hôtel Delta un service de garde
avec moniteurs q ualifi és pour les enfants des
participants q ui assisteront à la Grande Soirée et
au banq uet du Président.
1. Un cadeau de bienvenue
2. Accès au hall d’exposition
3. Session d’information et
rafraî chissements ( samedi)
4. Petit- déj euner le matin au restaurant
Mick ey Q uinn’s de l’hôtel et centre
des congrès Delta St. John’s
( dimanche et lundi)
5. Réception de bienvenue ( samedi)
6. Lunch d’ouverture et accès au hall
d’exposition ( dimanche)
7. Grande Soirée de l’AUC ( dimanche)
8. Réception et B anq uet du
Président ( lundi)
9. Petit déj euner privé ( mardi)
10. Cérémonies de clôture ( mardi)
Les serv ic es seront of f erts :
Dimanche 29 j uin: 1730- 2330
Lundi 30 j uin: 1730- 2330
Une réservation est req uise à l’avance.
Les places sont limitées. Aucun enfant accepté
le j our mê me.
Les enfants doivent ê tre â gés entre 5 à 15 ans.
Information et réservation de visites guides
seront disponibles sur place, dimanche et lundi
au k iosq ue de McCarthy’s Party, situé dans
l’aire d’inscription.
3 3
3 4
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
CU A 2 0 1 4 SP ONSOR S / Co mman ditaires de lí AU C 2 0 1 4
CUA CORPORATE SPONSORS 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 /
Commanditaires c orporatif s de l ’ AUC 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4
Grands c ommanditaires du Cong rè s annu el 2 0 1 4 de l ’ AUC
Commanditaires du Cong rè s annu el 2 0 1 4 de l ’ AUC
PLATINUM / Pl atine
SILV ER / Arg ent
AstraZ eneca
B ayer
3 5
SP ONSOR ED SESSIONS / SÈ an c es c o mman ditÈ es
AstraZ eneca
B ayer
3 6
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
SP ONSOR ED SESSIONS / SÈ an c es c o mman ditÈ es
AstraZ eneca
B ayer
3 7
EX H IBIT INFOR M ATION / R en seig n emen ts su r lí ex p o sitio n
Lieu de l ’ exposition
Ac tiv ité s dans l e h al l d’ exposition
The exhibit hall is located at the Delta
St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre in
Avalon B CD and Foyer.
Su nday , J u ne 2 9 / Dimanc h e l e 2 9 j u in
0900- 0930
Network ing B reak / Pause-réseautage
Le hall d’exposition est situé à l’hôtel et
centre des congrès Delta St. John’s dans
la salle Avalon BCD et foyer.
1150- 1250
Opening Lunch / Lunch d’ouverture
Heu res d’ ac c u eil
Registered exhibitors with badges will be
allowed into the exhibit hall 30 minutes before
opening and 30 minutes after closing.
Les exposants munis de cocardes pourront
accéder au hall d’exposition 30 minutes avant
l’ouverture et 30 minutes après la fermeture.
Opening Hou rs / Heu res d’ ou v ertu re:
Sunday, June 29.........................0800- 1700
Monday, June 30........................0800- 1510
Dimanche le 29 juin.................... 0800-1700
Lundi le 30 juin...........................0800-1510
3 8
1450- 1510
Network ing B reak / Pause-réseautage
Monday , J u ne 3 0 / Lu ndi l e 3 0 j u in
0940- 1000
Network ing B reak / Pause-réseautage
1150- 1250
Luncheon / Déjeuner
1450- 1510
Network ing B reak / Pause-réseautage
Say cheese! Do not forget to pick up your
CUA 2014 souvenir photo at the Olympus
photobooth ( booth # 46) , located in the exhibit
area Foyer.
Dites “ouistiti”! N’oubliez pas votre photo
souvenir de l’AUC 2014 au kiosque de photo
Olympus situé au (kiosque #46) situé dans
le foyer!
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
EX H IBIT FLOOR P LAN / P lan de lí ex p o sitio n
Karl Storz
GD Diagnostics
Novartis Zeneca
Red Leaf
Cook Medical
Hitachi Merus
Aloka Labs
AbbVie Prov.
Clarion Medical
AMS Canada
NFLD Chocolate
3 9
EX H IBITOR LISTING / Liste des ex p o san ts
Abbott.................................................. 6 7
Abbvie Corporation................................. 3 7
Kidney Cancer Research Network
of Canada...................................... Tab l e E
Actavis Specialty Pharmaceuticals...... 2 3 / 2 4
Laborie................................................. 3 4
Allergan Inc. ..........................................1 8
mdB riefCase Inc. ............................Tab l e D
American Urological Association ( AUA) ....... 6 6
Medtronic of Canada Ltd. ....................... 2 1
AMGEN..........................................1 9 / 2 0
Men’s Health Solutions............................ 7 0
AMS Canada Inc. ........................... 6 1 / 6 2
Merus Labs........................................... 3 5
Analogic Ultrasound.................................. 2
Minogue Medical Inc. ............................. 4 5
Astellas Pharma Canada, Inc. .....1 4 / 1 5 / 1 7
Myriad Genetics....................................... 3
AstraZ eneca Canada Inc. ........................ 3 2
Novartis Pharmaceuticals......................... 3 3
B ayer Inc. .............................................5 2
Olympus Canada Inc. ............... 2 7 / 2 8 / 4 6
B ladder Cancer Canada.................... Tab l e F
Paladin Labs Inc. ..................................... 1
B oston Scientifi c................................ 9 /1 0
Pendopharm - Division of
Pharmascience Inc. ................................1 6
B racco Imaging Canada.......................... 6 9
Calmoseptine Inc. .................................. 1 3
Canadian Urological Association ( CUA) ....... 6 5
Can- Am HIFU........................................ 3 9
Clarion Medical Technologies............. 2 9 / 3 0
CMX Research Inc. ................................. 4
Coloplast Canada Corp. ................... 5 6 / 5 7
Cook Medical................................. 4 3 / 4 4
Ethicon Canada - Johnson & Johnson........ 5 5
Ferring Inc. ........................................... 3 1
GD Specialized Diagnostics....................... 8
Pfi zer Canada Inc. .......................... 2 5 / 2 6
Prostate Cancer Canada................... Tab l e C
Provincial Medical Supplies.......................3 6
Red Leaf Medical Inc. ............................ 2 2
Sanofi ................................................... 4 0
Southmedic Inc. ...................................... 5
Stryk er Canada.........................................7
Testicular Cancer Canada...................Tab l e B
Ultramed Inc. ................................. 5 9 / 6 0
Urology Nurses of Canada.................Tab l e A
GlaxoSmithKline Inc. .............................. 5 8
GlaxoSmithKline Inc. - Oncology................ 4 2
Hitachi Alok a Medical America Inc. ........... 3 8
Janssen Inc. .................................. 5 3 / 5 4
KARL STORZ Endoscopy
Canada Ltd. .................................. 1 1 / 1 2
Kidney Cancer Canada..................... Tab l e G
4 0
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
Booth / K iosq u e: 6 7
6 0 Col u mb ia W ay , Su ite 2 0 7
Mark h am, ON, L3 R 0 C9
T: 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 9 9 - 9 9 4 8
F: 1 - 5 1 4 - 8 3 2 - 7 0 3 5
Email : ai. c u stomer. rel ations@ ab b ott. c a
ANDROGEL is a 1% testosterone gel that is
applied topically and is used to treat men with
low testosterone.
ANDROGEL est un gel de testostérone à 1 % qui
s’applique sur la peau et est utilisé pour traiter les
hommes ayant un déficit en testostérone.
Booth / K iosq u e: 3 7
Contac t: Mic h el l e Andreasen
8 4 0 1 Transc anada Hig h w ay
St. Lau rent, Q C, H4 S 1 Z 1
T: 5 1 4 - 8 3 2 - 7 1 1 3
Email : mic h el l e. andreasen@ ab b v ie. c om
AbbV ie represents a new biopharmaceutical
company – With over 25 years of history, Lupron
has a total value offering that is built on the
foundation of a patient- centered approach, an
enduring commitment to HCPs, AbbV ie’s research
commitment, and providing relief and reassurance.
AbbVie est le symbole d’une nouvelle société
biopharmaceutique. Avec plus de 25 ans
d’histoire, Lupron propose une offre de valeur
totale qui repose sur une approche centrée sur
le patient, un engagement constant envers les
professionnels de la santé, une détermination
à poursuivre la recherche et une volonté de
soulager et de rassurer.
Booth s / K iosq u es: 2 3 / 2 4
Contac t: Rak esh K rish nan
2 2 9 5 Bristol Circ l e
Oak v il l e, ON, L6 H 6 P8
T: 9 0 5 - 8 5 5 - 4 4 4 7
F: 9 0 5 - 8 5 5 - 4 4 4 3
Email : rak esh . k rish nan@ ac tav is. c om
Actavis Specialty Pharmaceuticals Co., is a
Canadian subsidiary of Actavis plc ( NY SE: ACT) .
We are engaged in the mark eting, sale and
distribution of branded pharmaceutical products
within the Canadian mark et. We are focused
on delivering innovative products that address
k ey therapeutic categories in Women’s Health,
Urology, Rheumatology and Gastroenterology.
Actavis Specialty Pharmaceuticals Co. est la
filiale canadienne d’Actavis plc. Nous nous
occupons du marketing et de la vente de produits
pharmaceutiques de marque sur le marché
canadien. Nous offrons des produits innovateurs
dans les domaines de la santé des femmes,
l’urologie, la rhumatologie et la gastro-entérologie.
Booth / K iosq u e: 1 8
Contac t: Sean Gal b raith
8 5 Enterprise Bl v d. , Su ite 5 0 0
Mark h am, ON, L6 G 0 B5
T: 9 0 5 - 9 4 0 - 7 0 9 3
F: 9 0 5 - 9 4 0 - 3 8 6 4
Email : g al b raith _ sean@ al l erg an. c om
Allergan Canada is proud to bring B OTOX ®
( onabotulinumtoxinA) to Canadian Urologists
for treatment of Urinary Incontinence due to
Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity resulting from
Neurogenic bladder associated with Multiple
Sclerosis or subcervical spinal cord inj ury in
adults who had an inadeq uate response to or
are intolerant of anticholinergic medications.
4 1
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
Allergan Canada est fier d’offrir BOTOX®
(onabotulinumtoxinA) aux Urologues du Canada
pour le traitement de l’incontinence urinaire
causée par l’hyperactivité neurogène du
détrusor attribuable à une vessie neurogène
associée à la sclérose en plaques ou à une
lésion du rachis cervical inférieur chez les
adultes ayant une réponse inadéquate ou
une intolérance aux anticholinergiques.
Booth / K iosq u e: 6 6
Contac t: Carol ine W il l iams
1 0 0 0 Corporate Bou l ev ard
Linth ic u m, MD 2 1 0 9 0 , United States
T: 4 1 0 - 6 8 9 - 3 9 3 3
F: 4 1 0 - 6 8 9 - 3 9 3 9
Email : memb ersh ip@ AUAnet. org
Founded in 1902 and headq uartered near
B altimore, Maryland, the American Urological
Association is a leading advocate for the
specialty of urology, and has more than 20, 000
members throughout the world. The AUA
is a premier urologic association, providing
invaluable support to the urologic community
as it pursues its mission of fostering the highest
standards of urologic care through education,
research and the formulation of health policy.
L’American Urological Association, dont le siège
social se situe près de Baltimore, au Maryland,
a été fondée en 1902 et elle est le principal
avocat de ses quelques 20,000 membres,
dans le monde, dans le domaine de l’urologie.
L’AUA est une association urologique de
premier ordre qui fournit un soutien inestimable
à la communauté urologique en remplissant
sa mission, celle d’encourager les plus hauts
standards dans les soins urologiques grâce à
l’éducation, la recherche et la formulation de
politiques en santé.
4 2
Booth s / K iosq u es: 1 9 / 2 0
Contac t: Moniq u e K eu per
6 7 7 5 Financ ial Driv e
Mississau g a, ON, L5 N 0 A4
T: 9 0 5 - 2 8 5 - 3 2 5 9
F: 9 0 5 - 2 8 6 - 4 9 9 1
Amgen, a biotechnology pioneer, discovers,
develops, and delivers innovative human
therapeutics. Our medicines help millions of
patients in the fi ght against cancer, k idney
disease, rheumatoid arthritis, bone disease,
and other serious illnesses. With a deep and
broad pipeline of potential new medicines, we
continue to advance science to serve patients.
For more information, visit www.amgen.ca.
Amgen, pionnière en biotechnologie, découvre,
élabore et distribue des traitements novateurs.
Nos médicaments ont aidé des millions de
patients à combattre le cancer, les maladies
rénales, la polyarthrite rhumatoïde et d’autres
maladies graves. Nantis d’une solide pépinière
de produits, nous faisons avancer la science
pour toujours mieux servir les patients. Pour en
apprendre davantage, visitez le site www.amgen.ca.
Booth / K iosq u e: 6 1 / 6 2
P. O. Box 4 6 1
Gu el ph , ON, N1 H 6 K 9
T: 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 6 5 - 2 6 1 1 ; 5 1 9 - 8 2 6 - 5 3 3 3
F: 5 1 9 - 8 2 1 - 1 3 5 6
American Medical Systems ( AMS) is a
diversifi ed supplier of medical devices and
procedures to treat incontinence, erectile
dysfunction, benign prostatic hyperplasia, pelvic
fl oor prolapse and other pelvic disorders in
men and women. AMS continues to develop
new therapies to restore bodily functions and
to enable people to regain control of their lives.
AMS is an operating company of Endo Health
Solutions Inc. Learn more at www.endo.com.
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
American Medical Systems (AMS) est un
fournisseur de diverses procédures et dispositifs
médicaux visant à améliorer la qualité de vie
des personnes souffrant d’incontinence urinaire,
de dysfonction érectile, d’hypertrophie bénigne
de la prostate, de prolapsus du plancher pelvien
et d’autres troubles pelviens chez l’homme
et la femme. AMS continue à développer de
nouvelles thérapies pour restaurer les fonctions
du corps permettant aux gens de reprendre
le contrôle de leur vie. AMS est une société
du groupe Endo Health Solutions Inc. Pour en
savoir plus, visitez le site www.endo.com.
Booth / K iosq u e : 2
Contac t: Drew D’ Ag u il ar
4 9 5 0 Lev y Street
St. Lau rent, Q C, H4 R 2 P1
T: 6 4 7 - 6 3 1 - 7 1 0 0
Email : ddag u il ar@ anal og ic . c om
Analogic’s B K ultrasound products provide a
comprehensive range of premium ultrasound
solutions for urology. Our ground- break ing
triplane transducer enables both biplane and
endfi re imaging. Providing one- button control,
B K transducers offer puncture guides and
are compatible with modern disinfection and
sterilization techniq ues.
Les produits d’échographie BK Medical par
Analogic offrent une gamme diversifiée de
solutions dédiées spécifiquement à l’urologie.
Notre sonde révolutionnaire Triplan permet
à la fois l’imagerie dite ‘’biplan’’ et l’imagerie
‘’end-fire’’. Avec un bouton unique de
contrôle intégré, les sondes BK offrent aussi
une multitude de guides à biopsie et sont
compatibles avec les techniques modernes de
désinfection et de stérilisation.
Booth s / K iosq u es: 1 4 / 1 5 / 1 7
Contac t: Neil Sarin
6 7 5 Coc h rane Driv e, Su ite 5 0 0 ,
W est Tow er
Mark h am, ON, L3 R 0 B8
T: 9 0 5 - 4 7 0 - 7 9 9 0
Email : neil . sarin@ astel l as. c om
Astellas Pharma Canada, Inc. is a Canadian
affi liate of Tok yo- based Astellas Pharma Inc.
Astellas is a pharmaceutical company dedicated
to improving the health of people around
the world through the provision of innovative
and reliable pharmaceutical products. The
organization is committed to becoming a global
category leader in focused areas by combining
outstanding R&D and mark eting capabilities.
In Canada, Astellas has an intense commercial
focus on fi ve therapeutic areas – Urology,
Immunology, Infectious Disease, Dermatology
and Oncology.
V isit: www.astellas.ca
Astellas Pharma Canada, Inc. est une filiale
canadienne d’Astellas Pharma Inc. établie à
Tokyo. Astellas est une société pharmaceutique
qui a pour objectif d’améliorer la santé de la
population mondiale grâce à la mise au point de
produits pharmaceutiques novateurs et fiables.
La société se consacre à devenir un chef de file
d’envergure mondiale dans des domaines ciblés
en combinant ses activités de recherche et de
développement hors pair avec son expertise de
la commercialisation. Au Canada, Astellas axe
son travail dans cinq domaines thérapeutiques :
l’urologie, l’immunologie, les maladies
infectieuses, la dermatologie et l’oncologie.
Consultez le site www.astellas.ca/fr/
4 3
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
Booth / K iosq u e: 3 2
Contac t: J ef f Hames
1 0 0 4 Middl eg ate Road
Mississau g a, ON, L4 Y 1 M4
T: 9 0 5 - 8 0 4 - 4 9 1 6
Email : J ef f rey . h ames@ astraz enec a. c om
Booth / K iosq u e: 5 2
Contac t: Nic ol e Pol h mann
7 7 Bel fi el d Road
Toronto, ON, M9 W 1 G6
T: 4 1 6 - 4 5 0 - 7 3 6 0
F: 4 1 6 - 2 4 0 - 5 2 9 2
Email : nic ol e. poh l mann@ b ay er. c om
AstraZ eneca is a global, innovation- driven
biopharmaceutical business with a primary
focus on the discovery, development and
commercialization of prescription medicines for
gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neuroscience,
respiratory and infl ammation, oncology and
infectious disease. AstraZ eneca operates in
over 100 countries and its innovative medicines
are used by millions of patients worldwide.
AstraZ eneca’s Canadian headq uarters are
located in Mississauga, Ontario.
For more information, please visit the
company’s website at www.astrazeneca.ca.
AstraZeneca est une société biopharmaceutique
internationale axée sur l’innovation, dont la
priorité est de découvrir, mettre au point et
commercialiser des médicaments d’ordonnance
en gastro-entérologie, cardiologie,
neurosciences, pneumologie et inflammation,
oncologie et infectiologie. AstraZeneca a
des activités dans plus de 100 pays et ses
médicaments innovateurs sont utilisés par des
millions de patients dans le monde entier. Le
siège social canadien d’AstraZeneca est situé à
Mississauga, en Ontario.
Pour de plus amples renseignements, visitez le site
Web de la compagnie au www.astrazeneca.ca.
At B ayer, we put science to work in the areas
of health, nutrition and high- tech materials.
Around the world, we develop products that
improve q uality of life for people, animals and
communities. We value integrity, honesty, and
openness, and we have respect for one another
and the environment.
Chez Bayer, nous mettons la science à profit
dans les domaines des soins de santé, de la
nutrition et des matériaux novateurs. Partout
dans le monde, nous mettons au point des
produits qui améliorent la qualité de vie des
personnes, des animaux et des collectivités.
Nous accordons de l’importance à l’intégrité,
à l’honnêteté et à l’ouverture, et faisons preuve
de respect envers les autres et l’environnement.
Tab l e: F
Contac t: Dav id Gu ttman
2 1 J ason Cresc ent
Georg etow n, ON, L7 G 4 Z 3
T: 1 - 8 6 6 - 6 7 4 - 8 8 8 9
Email : dav idg @ b l adderc anc erc anada. org
B ladder Cancer Canada is a national charity
organized to help bladder cancer patients and
their support teams address the day- to- day
issues of this disease, increase awareness of
bladder cancer among the general public and
medical community and fund research which
pursues the diagnosis, treatment and elimination
of bladder cancer.
Cancer de la vessie Canada est un organisme
qui œuvre à l’échelle nationale pour venir
en aide aux patients atteints du cancer de la
4 4
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
vessie et aux personnes qui les soutiennent
dans leurs épreuves quotidiennes avec la
maladie, accroître la sensibilisation auprès du
grand public et de la communauté médicale à
la cause du cancer de la vessie, ainsi que de
financer la recherche pour le diagnostic
et le traitement du cancer de la vessie afin
de vaincre cette maladie.
Booth s / K iosq u es: 9 / 1 0
Contac t: K ristin Mu z y l o
6 4 3 0 V ipond Driv e
Mississau g a, ON, L5 T 1 W 8
T: 9 0 5 - 6 9 6 - 1 9 4 7
F: 9 0 5 - 6 9 6 - 1 8 9 3
Email : K ristin. Mu z y l o@ b sc i. c om
B oston Scientifi c is dedicated to transforming
lives through innovative medical solutions that
improve the health of patients around the world.
Boston Scientific consacre tous ses efforts
à transformer des vies grâce à des solutions
médicales innovatrices qui améliorent la santé
des patients partout dans le monde.
Booth / K iosq u e: 6 9
Contac t: Patric e Pl ou rde
1 1 0 6 5 b ou l . L. - H. Laf ontaine
Montreal , Q C, H1 J 2 Z 4
T: 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 6 5 - 5 8 2 0
F: 5 1 4 - 8 0 7 - 9 4 9 9
Email : Patric e. pl ou rde@ b ic . b rac c o. c om
BRA CCO IMAGING Canada is dedicated to the
production of barium products, the distribution
of Bra cco’s contrast media and contrast delivery
systems in CT, MRI and Cardiovascular. With its
head offi ce located in Montreal, the company
employs approximately 250 people with its main
focus on providing Healthcare Professionals with
excellent qua lity products and service.
Bracco Imaging Canada est dédiée à la
production de produits barytés, la distribution
des agents de contraste de Bracco et des
systèmes d’injection d’agents de contraste en
CT, IRM et cardiovasculaire. Ayant son siège
social situé à Montréal, cette division du groupe
Bracco emploie environ 250 personnes avec
l’objectif de fournir aux professionnels de
santé Canadiens des produits et un service
d’excellente qualité.
Booth / K iosq u e: 1 3
Contac t: K im Saeng
1 6 6 0 2 Bu rk e Lane
Hunt ingt on Beac h , CA 9 2 6 4 7 , United States
T: 7 1 4 - 8 4 0 - 3 4 0 5
F: 7 1 4 - 8 4 0 - 9 8 1 0
Email : sh ow s@ c al moseptine. c om
Calmoseptine® Inc. promotes Calmoseptine®
Ointment for the prevention and treatment of
sk in irritations from moisture such as urinary
and fecal incontinence. It is also effective for
irritations from perspiration, wound drainage,
fecal & vaginal fi stulas and feeding tube site
leak age. Calmoseptine® Ointment temporarily
relieves discomfort and itching. Free samples at
our booth!
Calmoseptine® Inc. fait la promotion d’un
onguent multifonctionnel agissant comme
barrière contre l’humidité et qui protège, apaise
et aide à favoriser la guérison de l’irritation de la
peau contre : l’urine, la diarrhée, la transpiration,
les écoulements venant d’une fistule ou d’une
plaie, l’erythème fessier, les petites brûlures, les
coupures, les écorchures, les gerçures et les
4 5
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
Booth / K iosq u e: 6 5
Contac t: Corporate Of fi c e
1 8 5 Dorv al , Su ite 4 0 1
Dorv al , Q C, H9 S 5 J 9
T: 5 1 4 - 3 9 5 - 0 3 7 6
F: 5 1 4 - 3 9 5 - 1 6 6 4
Email : c orporate. of fi c e@ c u a. org
The Canadian Urological Association represents
and provides a voice for all Canadian urologists
and fosters dedication of all members of the
profession toward ensuring the highest possible
standard of urologic care of Canadians.
La vocation de l’AUC est de représenter tous
les urologues canadiens et inciter tous les
membres de la profession à se consacrer à
l’optimisation de la qualité des soins urologiques
offerts au Canada.
Booth / K iosq u e: 3 9
Contac t: Mary Du g g an
1 2 3 Edw ard Street, Su ite 1 4 0 1
Toronto, ON, M5 G 1 E2
T: 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 8 7 - 5 9 0 6
F: 4 1 6 - 9 2 4 - 4 9 9 3
High Intensity Focused Ultrasound ( HIFU) is
a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure for
men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer.
Can- Am HIFU is owned and operated by a
group of Canada’s foremost Urologists and
Urological Oncologists. The Sonablate® 500
is the medical device that delivers HIFU to
the tissues affected by prostate disease.
Booth s / K iosq u es: 2 9 / 3 0
1 2 5 Fl eming Driv e
Camb ridg e, ON, N1 T 2 B8
T: 8 0 0 - 6 6 8 - 5 2 3 6
F: 8 6 6 - 3 2 0 - 7 2 8 7
Email : inf o@ c l arionmedic al . c om
Clarion Medical Technologies is one of the
leading specialty medical technology companies
in Canada, offering the most sophisticated
and high performance technologies including
100W holmium and dual wave length diode
laser systems, as well as specialty instruments
for urologic and endourologic applications. The
Clarion product portfolio gives offi ce- based
physicians and hospitals the ability to treat a
wide range of conditions.
Clarion Medical Technologies Inc. est le chef de
file des fournisseurs de technologie médicale
spécialisée au Canada. Offrant les technologies
laser les plus perfectionnées et au meilleur
rendement, notamment les dispositifs à l’holmium
et à double longueur d’onde diodes, le portefeuille
de produits des technologies médicales de Clarion
donne aux praticiens en cabinet et aux hôpitaux la
capacité de traiter une vaste gamme d’états dans
le domaine de l’urologie.
Booth / K iosq u e: 4
Contac t: Nada Drag ic ev ic
2 – 4 1 6 North Serv ic e Road East
Oak v il l e, ON, L6 H 5 R2
T: 9 0 5 - 3 3 8 - 1 0 7 8 , ext. 2 2 5
F: 9 0 5 - 3 3 8 - 0 0 5 4
Email : ndrag ic ev ic @ c mxres. c om
CMX Research Inc. a niche CRO conducting
Phase I- IV studies focusing on Urology/
Oncology Trials as well as other therapeutic
areas. The CEO is an experienced MD and
an Urologist and understands clinical trials
thoroughly. We have the largest network
4 6
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
of investigators and provide service to the
pharmaceutical industry, biotech fi rms and
device companies.
CMX Research Inc., une niche CRO mène
des études de phase I à IV portant sur les
essais Urologie / Oncologie, ainsi que d’autres
domaines thérapeutiques. Le directeur général
est un MD expérimenté et un urologue et
comprend des essais cliniques soigneusement.
Nous avons le plus grand réseau de chercheurs
et nous fournissons un service aux sites de
l’industrie pharmaceutique, les entreprises de
biotechnologie et de dispositifs.
Booth s / K iosq u es: 5 6 /5 7
Contac t: J oe Hol l ow ay
3 3 0 0 Ridg ew ay Driv e, Unit # 1 2
Mississau g a, ON, L5 L 5 Z 9
T: 4 1 6 - 5 7 8 - 0 4 2 7
F: 9 0 5 - 8 2 0 - 8 2 1 8
Email : c aj h o@ c ol opl ast. c om
Coloplast develops products that mak e life
easier for people with very personal and private
medical conditions. Within the fi eld of urology,
Coloplast offers a wide range of devices
that help people who suffer from urinary
incontinence and erectile dysfunction.
Coloplast développe des produits et services
qui simplifient la vie des personnes aux prises
avec des problèmes médicaux intimes et très
personnels. Dans le domaine de l’urologie,
Coloplast offre une vaste gamme de dispositifs
pour aider les personnes qui souffrent
d’incontinence urinaire et de dysfonction érectile.
Booth s / K iosq u es: 4 3 / 4 4
Contac t: Al ex Sz ab o
1 6 5 Mostar Street
Stou f f v il l e, ON, L4 A 0 Y 2
T: 9 0 5 - 6 4 0 - 7 1 1 0
F: 9 0 5 - 6 4 0 - 7 4 0 8
Email : al ex. sz ab o@ c ook medic al . c om
Since 1963, Cook Group companies develop
healthcare devices. We are at the forefront of
medical research and product development in
minimally invasive medical device technology
for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Depuis 1963, les sociétés du Groupe Cook
effectuent le développement des dispositifs
médicaux. Nous sommes au premier rang de
la recherche médicale et du développement
des produits et de la technologie des dispositifs
médicaux à effraction minimale aux fins des
interventions diagnostiques et thérapeutiques.
Booth / K iosq u e: 5 5
Contac t: J il l V ardy
9 1 Brad Gu sh u e Cres.
St. J oh n’ s, NL, A1 H 0 A4
T: 7 0 9 - 7 2 7 - 7 2 0 5
Email : j v ardy @ its. j nj . c om
Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies
mark ets medical devices for use by health- care
professionals and hospitals in Canada.
Our products include medical devices for
MIS and open surgical procedures; devices
for women’s health; infection prevention and
control; cardiovascular and Neurovascular
diagnostics and treatment; and breast implants
for augmentation and reconstruction.
4 7
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
Johnson & Johnson Compagnies Médicales
commercialise des dispositifs médicaux utilisés
par les professionnels de la santé et les
hôpitaux au Canada.
Nos produits incluent les dispositifs médicaux
pour : MIS et les procédures chirurgicales
ouvertes; dispositifs pour la sante féminine;
la prévention et le contrôle des infections;
traitement cardiovasculaire et diagnostique
neurovasculaire; et implants utilisés pour les
augmentations et reconstructions mammaires.
Booth / K iosq u e: 3 1
Contac t: J ean- Sé b astien Roy
2 0 0 Y ork l and Bl v d, Su ite 5 0 0
North Y ork , ON, M2 J 5 C1
T: 4 1 6 - 4 9 0 - 0 1 2 1
F: 4 1 6 - 4 9 3 - 1 6 9 2
Email : J ean- Seb astien. Roy @ f erring . c om
A new option to reduce nighttime urine
production. Nocdurna® , the fi rst low dose
melt format of Desmopressin approved for the
treatment of Nocturia. Come visit us to learn
more about this new product.
Une nouvelle option pour réduire la production
d’urine nocturne. Nocdurna® - la première
version de la desmopressine à dose faible
approuvé pour le traitement de la nycturie.
Venez nous voir pour en apprendre d’avantage
sur ce nouveau produit.
Booth / K iosq u e: 8
Contac t: Gil l es Paq u in
3 8 8 5 Indu striel Bl v d.
Lav al , Q C, H7 L 4 S3
T: 4 5 0 - 9 0 1 - 3 0 7 1
F: 4 5 0 - 6 6 3 - 6 7 2 4
Email : paq u ing @ g amma- dy nac are. c om
GD Specialized Diagnostics offers PCA3 testing,
a new gene- based tool to help detect prostate
cancer from a urine sample. PCA3 can be used
to help identify new prostate cancers, patients
who should have a repeat biopsy, or candidates
for active surveillance following a prostate
cancer diagnosis.
GD Diagnostics spécialisés offre l’analyse
PCA3, un nouvel outil basé sur la génétique
aidant à détecter le cancer de la prostate
à partir d’un échantillon d’urine. L’analyse
PCA3 peut être utilisée pour aider à détecter
un nouveau cancer de la prostate, identifier
les patients chez qui une autre biopsie serait
nécessaire et identifier les candidats nécessitant
une surveillance active suite à un diagnostic de
cancer de la prostate.
Booth s / K iosq u es: 5 8 / 4 2 ( Onc ol og y )
7 3 3 3 Mississau g a Road North
Mississau g a, ON, L5 N 6 L4
T: 9 0 5 - 8 1 9 - 3 0 0 0
F: 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 6 1 - 7 0 9 6
Email : mark . d. oak l ey @ g sk . c om
GSK is a leading research- based pharmaceutical
company with a challenging and inspiring
mission: to improve the q uality of human life
by enabling people to do more, feel better, and
live longer. www.gsk .ca.
4 8
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
GSK est un géant pharmaceutique voué à
la recherche dont la mission ambitieuse et
édifiante est d’améliorer la qualité de la vie en
aidant les gens à être plus actifs, à se sentir
mieux et à vivre plus longtemps. www.gsk.ca.
Booth / K iosq u e: 3 8
Contac t: Natac h a Tresk in
3 - 2 7 3 5 Math eson Bl v d. East
Mississau g a, ON, L4 W 4 M8
T: 5 1 4 - 9 5 2 - 5 7 6 0
F: 2 0 3 - 2 6 9 - 6 0 7 5
Email : ntresk in@ h itac h i- al ok a. c om
The Hitachi Alok a ultrasound platforms range
from state- of- the- art devices used in a
contemporary doctor’s surgery to the ultimate
high- end platforms, designed for hospitals. All
of these benefi t from our technological thought
leadership. Our extensive range of transducers
incorporates a diverse selection of specialist
probes, including endoscopic, intraoperative or
laparoscopic examinations.
La gamme d’échographie Hitachi-Aloka
comprend aussi bien des appareils de pointe
pour cabinets médicaux que des systèmes
très haut de gamme conçus pour l’expertise
hospitalière. Toutes ces plates-formes
bénéficient du leadership d’Hitachi en matière
d’avances technologiques. La vaste gamme de
sondes d’Hitachi et d’Aloka inclut une sélection
variée de sondes spécialisées - pour des
examens endoscopiques, per-opératoires
ou laparoscopiques.
Booth s / K iosq u es: 5 3 /5 4
Contac t: Leandra W el l s
1 9 Greenb el t Dr.
Toronto, ON, M3 C 1 L9
T: 4 1 6 - 3 8 2 - 5 0 0 0
Email : l w el l s8 2 @ ITS. J NJ . c om
Janssen Inc. is one of the Janssen
Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson &
Johnson, which are dedicated to addressing
and solving some of the most important unmet
medical needs in oncology, immunology,
neuroscience, infectious diseases and vaccines,
and cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
Chez Janssen, membre du groupe Janssen
Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson &
Johnson, nous nous employons à répondre aux
besoins non satisfaits les plus importants dans
les domaines de l’oncologie, de l’immunologie,
de la neuroscience, des maladies infectieuses
et des vaccins, ainsi que des maladies
cardiovasculaires et métaboliques.
Booth s / K iosq u es: 1 1 / 1 2
Contac t: J oc el y n Fernandes
7 1 7 1 Mil l c reek Driv e
Mississau g a, ON, L5 N 3 R3
T: 9 0 5 - 8 1 6 - 4 5 2 9
F: 9 0 5 - 8 1 6 - 4 5 9 9
Email : J oc el y n. Fernandes@ k arl storz . c om
Karl Storz Endoscopy Canada is a leader in
Endoscopic eq uipment and instruments that
emphasize visionary design, craftsmanship and
clinical effectiveness and facilitate demanding
Urology procedures.
Karl Storz Endoscopy Canada est un
meneur dans la production d’équipement et
d’instruments endoscopiques. Le concept
visionnaire de nos artisanats met l’accent sur
l’efficacité clinique de tous nos produits avec
emphase de faciliter vos procédures d’urologie.
4 9
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
Tab l e: G
P. O. Box 2 5 0 3 4
4 1 1 Th e Q u eensw ay Av enu e S.
K esw ic k , ON, L4 P 4 C2
T: 1 - 8 6 6 - 5 9 8 - 7 1 6 6
Kidney Cancer Canada was founded by
patients… for patients, and we are the fi rst and
only Canadian charitable, patient- led, support
and advocacy organization for k idney cancer.
Kidney Cancer Canada’s mission is to improve
the lives of those affected by k idney cancer
across Canada by advocating for access to new
treatments, promoting research and providing
support, information and education. With a
growing community of over 2, 400 we are
work ing to ensure that no one is alone on this
j ourney. Website: www.k idneycancercanada.ca
L’Association canadienne du cancer du rein
a été créée par des patients… pour des
patients. Nous sommes le premier et le seul
organisme de bienfaisance canadien, créé et
dirigé par des patients, qui milite pour l’accès
aux nouveaux traitements et qui se consacre
au soutien des patients atteints du cancer du
rein. La mission de l’Association canadienne du
cancer du rein est d’améliorer la qualité de vie
des patients atteints du cancer du rein et celle
de leurs familles dans l’ensemble du Canada en
militant pour l’accès aux nouveaux traitements,
en faisant la promotion de la recherche et
en offrant du soutien, de l’information et des
ressources éducatives. Avec une communauté
grandissante de plus de 2 400 personnes, nous
travaillons à ce que personne ne soit seule tout
au long de ce parcours.
Site Web : www.cancerdurein.ca
5 0
Tab l e: E
Contac t: J oan Basiu k
T: 6 4 7 - 2 9 0 - 9 8 6 5
F: 8 6 6 - 5 1 9 - 9 2 5 3
Email : J oan. b asiu k @ u h nresearc h . c a
The Kidney Cancer Research Network of
Canada ( KCRNC/RRCRC) is a consortium of
Canadian k idney cancer clinicians, researchers
and survivors. It is a virtual and inclusive
network of interest groups committed to the
facilitation of k idney cancer research across
Canada that will enhance the k nowledge of
k idney cancer and its treatment.
Booth / K iosq u e: 3 4
Contac t: Ch ristine Frew en
6 4 1 5 North w est Driv e, Unit 1 0
Mississau g a, ON, L4 V 1 X1
T: 9 0 5 - 3 0 1 - 1 6 1 9
F: 4 5 0 - 6 7 1 - 7 1 8 2
Email : c f rew en@ l ab orie. c om
LAB ORIE, the worldwide industry leader
in Urodynamics, is pleased to provide you
with the most advanced solutions in Pelvic
Floor Dysfunction Management. LAB ORIE is
committed to bringing you the most innovative
products: from private offi ces to world- class
research institutions, our solutions are designed
to expand with your practice.
LABORIE, leader mondial de l’urodynamie, vous
offre les solutions les plus performantes dans la
gestion des dysfunctions du plancher pelvien.
LABORIE s’engage a vous apporter les produits
les plus innovants: pour votre consultation privée
ou votre centre de recherche, nos solutions sont
conçues pour évoluer avec votre pratique.
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
Tab l e: D
Contac t: J anet K imu ra
2 0 Eg l inton Av enu e W est, Su ite 1 3 0 0
Toronto, ON, M4 R 1 K 8
T: 4 1 6 - 4 8 8 - 5 5 0 0 , ext. 2 2 1
Email : j anet. k imu ra@ mdb rief c ase. c om
mdB riefCase Inc. is the leading provider
of online continuing education for Canadian
health care professionals since 2002.
mdB riefCase creates more than 100 online
learning programs annually in collaboration
with leading experts, professional societies
and academic institutions for its 90, 000+
health care professional membership. Programs
are offered through www.mdB riefCase.com,
www.AdvancingIn.com, and www.rxB riefCase.com.
mdBriefCase Inc. est le principal prestataire de
formation médicale continue en ligne pour les
professionnels de la santé au Canada depuis
2002. mdBriefCase crée chaque année plus
de 100 programmes d’apprentissage en ligne
en collaboration avec des spécialistes de
premier plan, des associations professionnelles
et des établissements d’enseignement à
l’intention de ses membres : plus de 85 000
professionnels de la santé. Les programmes
sont offerts par www.mdBriefCase.com, www.
AdvancingIn.com, et www.rxBriefCase.com.
Booth / K iosq u e: 2 1
Contac t: K itty Z anata
9 9 Heref ord Street
Brampton, ON, L6 Y 0 R3
T: 9 0 5 - 4 6 0 - 3 6 4 2
F: 9 0 5 - 4 6 0 - 3 9 9 9
Email : k itty . z anata@ medtronic . c om
of neuromodulation, the targeted and regulated
delivery of electrical pulses and pharmaceuticals
to specifi c sites in the nervous system.
Medtronic Neuromodulation est le leader
global dans l’offre de la thérapie innovatrice
et réversible pour la vessie hyperactive, la
rétention urinaire et l’incontinence d’intestin.
Nous avons développé et mené le domaine
de la neuromodulation, la délivrance ciblée et
régulée des pulses électriques et des produits
pharmaceutiques aux sites spécifiques dans le
système nerveux.
Booth / K iosq u e: 7 0
Contac t: Orest Sk l ierenk o
Email : orest@ mensh eal th sol u tions. c a
Men’s Health Solutions Inc. is a healthcare
company with a uniq ue focus on men’s health
issues, specializing in optimizing the patient
j ourney and improving treatment outcomes.
Men’s Health Solutions Inc. is the Canadian
distributor of the ED1000 for Medispec,
the leading designer and manufacturer of
effective acoustic wave and radial wave
technology. Men’s Health Solutions Inc.’s
unparalleled patient focus, clinical experience
and relationship with the urology community
combined with Medispec’s application
expertise, renowned reputation for reliability and
unwavering dedication to excellence introduces
a new level of patient- centered care and clinical
results to the Canadian Healthcare community.
Website: menshealthsolutions.ca
Medtronic Neuromodulation is the global leader
in offering innovative and reversible therapy for
overactive bladder, urinary retention and bowel
incontinence. We developed and led the fi eld
5 1
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
Booth / K iosq u e: 3 5
Contac t: Bob Mc Lay
2 1 0 0 - 1 0 0 W el l ing ton St. W . , P. O. Box 1 5 1
Toronto, ON, M5 K 1 H1
T: 4 1 6 - 6 2 7 - 5 9 5 6
F: 4 1 6 - 5 9 3 - 4 4 3 4
Email : b mc l ay @ meru sl ab s. c om
Merus Labs is a Canadian based
pharmaceutical company committed to bringing
novel and valuable products to Canadian
patients and health care professionals. We
are committed to the fi eld of Urology and
are pleased to promote and supply Enablex®
( darifenacin) to help Canadians suffering from
over active bladder.
Merus Labs est une compagnie canadienne de
produits pharmaceutiques qui s’est engagée à
proposer des produits novateurs et de grande
valeur aux patients et aux professionnels
de la santé canadiens. Spécialistes dans le
domaine de l’urologie, nous avons le plaisir
de promouvoir et de fournir la darifénacine
EnablexMD afin d’aider les Canadiens qui
souffrent d’hyperactivité vésicale.
Booth / K iosq u e: 4 5
Contac t: Danny Minog u e
1 8 0 Peel Street, Su ite # 3 0 0
Montreal , Q C, H3 C 2 G7
T: 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 5 - 6 4 6 6
F: 5 1 4 - 2 8 7 - 0 8 5 3
Email : danny @ minog u e- med. c om
Fondée en 1986, Minogue Medical Inc. s’est
spécialisé dans la distribution de technologies
médicales innovantes et est le distributeur
canadien exclusif du système chirurgical da
Vinci® et de ses plateformes technologiques.
Le système da Vinci® permet aux chirurgiens
de réaliser par chirurgie minimale-invasive des
opérations complexes comme la prostatectomie,
la néphrectomie / néphrectomie partielle, la
cystectomie radicale, et la pyeloplastie.
Booth / K iosq u e: 3
Contac t: Nic k Mapara
5 4 Al pac a Driv e
Ric h mond Hil l , ON, L4 E 0 G1
T: 6 4 7 - 5 3 3 - 8 7 8 8
F: 6 4 7 - 4 3 5 - 4 5 6 6
Email : nmapara@ my riad. c om
Myriad Genetics is a leading molecular
diagnostic company dedicated to mak ing
a difference in patient’s lives through the discovery
and commercialization of transformative tests
to assess a person’s risk of developing disease,
guide treatment decisions and assess risk of
disease progression and recurrence.
Myriad Genetics, société phare dans le domaine
du diagnostic moléculaire, se consacre
à améliorer la vie des patients grâce à la
découverte et la commercialisation de tests
permettant d’évaluer le risque de développer
certaines maladies, d’orienter les décisions en
terme de traitement et de calculer les risques
d’évolution et de récurrence d’une maladie.
Minogue Medical Inc. has specialized in the
delivery of innovative medical technologies for over
25 years. It is the exclusive Canadian distributor of
the Intuitive Surgical da V inci® Surgical Systems
and Platform Technologies. Globally the da V inci®
allows surgeons to perform complex minimally
invasive procedures including Prostatectomy,
Nephrectomy/Partial Nephrectomy, Radical
Cystectomy, and Pyeloplasty.
5 2
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
Booth / K iosq u e: 3 3
Contac t: Pau l e Rac ine
3 8 5 Bou c h ard Bl v d.
Dorv al , Q C, H9 S 1 A9
T: 5 1 4 - 6 3 1 - 6 7 7 5 , ext. 3 2 0 7
F: 5 1 4 - 6 3 1 - 7 7 0 4
Email : pau l e. rac ine@ nov artis. c om
Novartis Pharmaceuticals is dedicated to
answering unmet medical needs. Our priority is
to discover, develop and mak e broadly available
novel therapies that may improve and extend
the lives of patients.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals se consacre à
satisfaire les besoins médicaux non comblés.
Notre priorité est de découvrir, de mettre
au point, et d’offrir à tous des traitements
novateurs pouvant améliorer et prolonger la
vie des patients.
Booth s / K iosq u es: 2 7 / 2 8 / 4 6
Contac t: Bry an Mil l ey
2 5 Leek Cresc ent
Ric h mond Hil l , ON, L4 B 4 B3
T: 2 8 9 - 2 6 9 - 0 1 5 4
F: 9 0 5 - 8 8 6 - 7 4 6 9
Email : b ry an. mil l ey @ ol y mpu s. c om
Olympus Canada offers Urologists the vision to
see and the power to treat with leading edge
visualization and best in class surgical tissue
management. Our leading edge technologies
enable urologists to perform a wide range
of procedures with pinpoint precision and
maximum safety. For more information on our
products, please contact Olympus Canada
800- 387- 0437; www.olympuscanada.com
Olympus Canada offre aux urologues la vision
et le pouvoir de traiter avec une visualisation de
pointe et une gestion des tissus chirurgicaux
reconnue comme meilleure dans sa catégorie.
Nos technologies permettent aux urologues
d’effectuer une variété de procédures avec
haute précision et sécurité maximale. Pour
de plus amples informations sur nos produits,
veuillez contacter Olympus Canada
800-387-0437; www.olympuscanada.com
Booth / K iosq u e: 1
Contac t: Ph il ippe Leb l ond
1 0 0 Al exis Nih on Bl v d. , Su ite 6 0 0
St- Lau rent, Q C, H4 M 2 P2
T: 5 1 4 - 3 4 0 - 1 1 1 2 , ext. 5 4 4 5
F: 5 1 4 - 3 4 4 - 4 6 7 5
Email : pl eb l ond@ pal adinl ab s. c om
Paladin Labs is a specialty pharmaceutical
company focused on bringing innovative
therapies to Canada. Key products include
Trelstar ( LHRHa) , Testim ( testosterone gel) and
Urocit- K ( potassium citrate) in urology. V isit our
booth to fi nd out more about our products!
Website: www.paladinlabs.com
Les Laboratoires Paladin est une compagnie
pharmaceutique spécialisée dans la mise
en marché de thérapies innovatrices pour le
Canada. Les principaux produits comprennent
Trelstar (LHRHa), Testim (gel de testostérone)
et Urocit-K (citrate de potassium) en urologie.
Visitez notre kiosque pour en savoir plus sur
nos produits!
5 3
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
Booth / K iosq u e: 1 6
Contac t: Brig itte Roy
6 1 1 1 Roy al mou nt Av enu e
Montreal , Q C, H4 P 2 T4
T: 5 1 4 - 3 4 0 - 9 8 0 0 , ext. 3 4 0 9
F: 5 1 4 - 7 3 3 - 9 6 8 4
Email : b roy @ pendoph arm. c om
PENDOPHARM is the specialty pharmaceutical
company that brings you proven medicines
your patients rely on. Our experienced team is
here to support you - the medical community,
patients and partners. It is committed to
being creative and fl exible, and dedicated to
“ going the extra mile” to develop long- lasting
relationships and build strong brands.
PENDOPHARM est l’entreprise pharmaceutique
spécialisée qui vous offre des médicaments
reconnus sur lesquels vos patients peuvent
compter. Notre équipe d’expérience vise à
appuyer le corps médical, les patients et nos
partenaires. Elle s’est engagée à faire preuve de
créativité et de flexibilité et à faire le maximum
pour tisser des liens durables ainsi que
promouvoir des marques solides.
Booth s / K iosq u es: 2 5 / 2 6
Contac t: Col ette Martin
1 7 3 0 0 Trans- Canada Hig h w ay
K irk l and, Q C, H9 J 2 M5
T: 5 1 4 - 6 9 3 - 4 4 3 5
Email : Col ette. martin@ pfi z er. c om
Pfi zer Canada Inc. is the Canadian operation
of Pfi zer Inc., one of the world’s leading
biopharmaceutical companies. Our diversifi ed
health care portfolio includes some of the
world’s best- k nown and most prescribed
medicines and vaccines. Pfi zer’s ongoing
5 4
research and development activities focus on
a wide range of therapeutic areas following
our guiding aspiration: Work ing together for
a healthier world. To learn more about Pfi zer
Canada, visit pfi zer.ca or you can follow us
on Twitter ( twitter.com/Pfi zerCA) or Facebook
( facebook .com/Pfi zer.Canada) .
Pfizer Canada inc. est la filiale canadienne de
Pfizer Inc., l’une des principales entreprises
biopharmaceutiques à l’échelle mondiale.
Notre gamme diversifiée de produits de soins
de santé comprend des médicaments et des
vaccins figurant parmi les plus populaires et
les plus prescrits dans le monde. Fidèle à son
principe directeur, « Ensemble, vers un monde
en meilleure santé », Pfizer mène des travaux de
recherche et de développement dans plusieurs
domaines thérapeutiques. Pour en savoir plus
sur Pfizer Canada, visitez le site pfizer.ca ou
suivez-nous sur Twitter (twitter.com/PfizerCA)
ou Facebook (facebook.com/Pfizer.Canada).
Tab l e: C
2 Lomb ard Street, 3 rd Fl oor
Toronto, ON, M5 C 1 M1
Email : inf o@ prostatec anc er. c a
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer to
affect Canadian men, impacting one in seven
men over the course of their lifetime. Prostate
Cancer Canada funds programs related to
awareness and public education, advocacy,
support of those affected, and research into the
prevention, detection, treatment and cure of
prostate cancer. Website: www.prostatecancer.ca
Le cancer de la prostate est le cancer le plus
courant chez les Canadiens : un homme sur
sept en sera atteint au cours de sa vie. Cancer
de la Prostate Canada finance des programmes
indispensables de sensibilisation et d’éducation
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
du public, de défense des droits, de soutien
des hommes atteints et de recherche sur la
prévention, le dépistage, le traitement et la
guérison du cancer de la prostate.
Booth / K iosq u e: 3 6
Contac t: Rob ert Grady
5 1 Pippy Pl ac e
St. J oh n’ s, NL, A1 B 4 B7
T: 7 0 9 - 7 5 4 - 3 0 3 3
F: 7 0 9 - 7 5 4 - 3 0 1 4
Email : rob ag rady @ aol . c om
Intone treatment for Stress and urge
incontinence. Website: www.intone.com
Booth / K iosq u e: 2 2
Contac t: Ch arl es K o
4 0 5 5 Sl adev iew Cresc ent, Unit 1 2
Mississau g a, ON, L5 L 5 Y 1
T: 9 0 5 - 5 6 9 - 7 7 7 1
F: 9 0 5 - 5 6 9 - 7 7 7 8
Email : inf o@ redl eaf medic al . c om
Red Leaf Medical Inc. is a provider of premier
medical products to help patients get the most
out of life every day. The Company is rapidly
growing and specializes in the acquis ition,
development and commercialization of innovative
medical devices in the fi eld of urology.
Red Leaf Medical Inc. est un fournisseur
de produits médicaux de premier plan pour
aider les patients à mieux profiter de la vie
chaque jour. La société, dont la croissance
est rapide, se spécialise dans l’acquisition,
le développement et la commercialisation
d’instruments médicaux novateurs dans le
domaine de l’urologie.
Booth / K iosq u e: 4 0
Contac t: Franc e St- Germain
2 9 0 5 Pl ac e Lou is- R. - Renau d
Lav al , Q C, H7 V 0 A3
T: 5 1 4 - 9 7 3 - 6 9 6 4
F: 5 1 4 - 9 5 6 - 4 0 8 3
Email : f ranc e. st- g ermain@ sanofi . c om
Sanofi is dedicated to translating science into
effective therapeutics that address unmet
medical needs for cancer and organ transplant
patients. Together with our partners, we are
building a diversifi ed portfolio, driven by the
principles of innovation, personalization and
patient access to medicines.
Sanofi a pour mission de traduire les avancées
scientifiques en solutions thérapeutiques
efficaces pour répondre aux besoins non
satisfaits des patients cancéreux et transplantés.
En collaboration avec nos partenaires, nous
constituons un portefeuille diversifié dont
les principaux leviers sont l’innovation, la
personnalisation et l’accès au médicament.
Booth / K iosq u e: 5
Contac t: J ordan Cu nning h am
5 0 Al l ianc e Bl v d.
Barrie, ON, L4 M 5 K 3
T: 7 0 5 - 7 2 0 - 1 9 0 2 , ext. 2 5 4
F: 7 0 5 - 7 2 8 - 9 5 3 7
Email : j mc u nning h am@ sou th medic . c om
Southmedic provides innovative and uniq ue
surgical products that improve clinical
outcomes, enhances clinician performance,
and have a benefi cial fi nancial impact. Our
Portfolio Highlights: Applied Medical - The most
advanced and innovative abdominal access
products on the mark et, ATOMS - Adj ustable
Male Urinary Incontinence Implant, Gelita
Medical - Innovative Hemostatic Agents.
5 5
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
Southmedic fournit des produits médicaux
innovateurs et uniques qui améliorent les résultats
cliniques, améliore la performance des cliniciens,
et ont un impact financier bénéfique. Nos faits
saillants du portefeuille : Applied atomes-réglables
Homme incontinence urinaire d’implants, agents
hémostatiques Gelita médical innovatrices
médicaux - Les produits d’accès abdominale plus
avancées et innovantes sur le marché.
Booth / K iosq u e: 7
Contac t: Lorraine Metl er
4 5 Innov ation Driv e
Hamil ton, ON, L9 H 7 L8
T: 8 0 0 - 6 6 8 - 8 3 2 4
F: 9 0 5 - 6 9 0 - 5 7 0 1
Email : l orraine. metl er@ stry k er. c om
Stryk er is committed to mak ing healthcare
better. We strive to provide outstanding service
and we work together with our customers to
develop innovative products. We understand
that in today’s challenging healthcare
environment, you need solutions that improve
q uality, effi ciency and the patient experience.
Y ou can count on Stryk er to deliver.
Stryker s’engage à améliorer les soins de
santé. Nous voulons vous fournir un service
exceptionnel et nous collaborons avec nos
clients dans le développement de produits
innovants. Dans le contexte complexe des
soins de santé, nous comprenons que vous
recherchez des solutions qui augmentent la
qualité, favorisent l’efficacité et améliorent
l’expérience des patients. Comptez sur Stryker,
nous tenons promesse.
5 6
Tab l e: B
Contac t: Ch ery l Perry
4 5 0 5 8 - 3 1 0 Fairw ay Rd. S.
K itc h ener, ON, N2 C 1 X0
T: 5 1 9 - 8 9 4 - 0 1 3 4
Email : h el l o@ testic u l arc anc erc anada. c a
Testicular Cancer Canada is a national charity
whose vision is to reduce the suffering caused
by testicular cancer, the most commonlydiagnosed cancer in Canadian men aged
15- 29 through our educational programs,
work ing directly with TC patients, caregivers and
right into survivorship.
Website: testicularcancercanada.ca
Cancer du testicule Canada est un organisme de
bienfaisance national dont la vision est de réduire
la souffrance causée par le cancer du testicule,
le cancer le plus fréquemment diagnostiqué
chez les hommes canadiens âgés de 15-29
grâce à nos programmes éducatifs, en travaillant
directement avec les patients, les soignants et TC
à droite dans la survie.
Booth s / K iosq u es: 5 9 / 6 0
5 0 Steel es Av enu e East, Su ite 1 5
Mil ton, ON, L9 T 4 W 9
T: 9 0 5 - 8 7 8 - 4 4 0 0
F: 9 0 5 - 8 7 8 - 5 0 4 4
Email : sal es@ u l tramedinc . c om
Ultramed Inc. is a proud Canadian company
since 1987. We are a distributor of medical
eq uipment/supplies delivering the best in
eq uipment, service and support for your
clinical needs. R. Wolf Endoscopy, Uroplasty
Urinary Incontinence and MediPlus Suprapubic
Catheterization trays are j ust some of the
superior products we have available.
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
EX H IBIT D IR ECTOR Y / R È p erto ire des ex p o san ts
Ultramed Inc. est fier d’être une compagnie
canadienne en affaires depuis 1987.
Distributeur d’équipement et de fournitures
médicales de qualité supérieure, nous assurons
le service et le support pour vos besoins
cliniques. R. Wolf, Uroplasty et MediPlus sont
que quelques-uns des produits de qualité
supérieure que nous distribuons.
Tab l e: A
Contac t: Franc is Stew art
East W ing - 3 rd Fl oor
W omen’ s Col l eg e Hospital
Toronto, ON, M5 S 1 B6
T: 4 1 6 - 3 2 3 - 6 4 0 0 , ext. 4 4 3 7
F: 4 1 6 - 3 2 3 - 6 2 3 7
Email : f ran. stew art@ h otmail . c om
The Urology Nurses of Canada is a National
Not- for- Profi t Organization whose mandate is
to enhance the specialty of Urologic nursing
in Canada by promoting education research
and clinical practice. The activities of the UNC
are designed to enrich members’ professional
growth and development. We thank the CUA for
their ongoing support.
5 7
5 8
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
INV ITED SP EAK ER S / Co n f È ren c iers in v itÈ s
Anth ony Cal damone
Director of Pediatric Urology
Professor of Surgery ( Urology) and Pediatrics
Hasbro Children’s Hospital
Alpert Medical School, B rown University
Providence, RI, United States
W il l iam Gee, MD, FACS
President- elect
American Urological Association
Commonwealth Urology
Lexington, KY , United States
Axel Heidenreic h , MD
Professor of Urology
Department of Urology
Unik linik RWTH Aachen
Aachen, Germany
Ron K odama, MD, FRCSC
Professor of Surgery
Head- Division of Urology
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
University of Toronto
Toronto, ON, Canada
Lau renc e Lev ine, MD
Professor of Urology
Rush University
Chicago, IL, United States
Su rena Matin, MD, FACS
Associate Professor with Tenure
Department of Urology
Medical Director of the Minimally Invasive
New Technology in Oncologic Surgery
Multidisciplinary Program
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX , United States
Gl enn Preming er, MD
Professor and Chief
Department of Urology
Duk e University Medical Center
Durham, NC, United States
Derek Pu ddester, MD, Med, FRCPC, ACC
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
Director, Canadian Physician Health Institute
Ottawa, ON, Canada
Eric Rov ner, MD
Professor of Urology
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, SC, United States
Mark Speak man, MB, BS, FRCS, MS
Consultant Urological Surgeon
Taunton & Somerset NHS Trust Hospital
Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom
Daniel Lin, MD
Professor and Chief of Urologic Oncology
Department of Urology
B ridges Endowed Professorship in Prostate
Cancer Research
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, United States
5 9
… v È n emen ts de lí AU C et rÈ u n io n s af f iliÈ es
FRIDAY , J UNE 2 7 / V endredi 2 7 j u in
1 7 0 0 -1 9 0 0
0 9 0 0 -1 2 0 0
Room / Salle: Salon C
CUA Financ e Committee
Comité des finances de l’AUC
1 7 1 5 -1 8 1 5
Room / Salle: Executive B oardroom
0 8 0 0 -1 7 0 0
Adv anc ed Laparosc opic and
Rob otic Urol og y Sk il l s Cou rse
Cours sur les techniques avancées
de laparascopie et de robotique
SATURDAY , J UNE 2 8 / Samedi 2 8 j u in
Cou nc il of Canadian Univ ersity
Urol og y Ch airs ( CCUUC)
Conseil des Chefs de
départements d’urologie des
universités canadiennes (CCUUC)
0 8 0 0 -1 2 0 0
Room / Salle: Salon F
1 2 0 0 -1 7 0 0
Th e Medic al Adv isory Board of
K idney Canc er Canada
Conseil médical consultatif de
l’Association canadienne du
cancer du rein
Room / Salle: Confederation B oardroom
Room / Salle: Salon E
0 9 0 0 -1 2 0 0
CUOG Exec u tiv e
Committee Meeting
Comité exécutif du CUOG
CUA Patient Inf ormation
Committee ( PIC)
Comité info-patients (PIC) de l’AUC
Room / Salle: Executive B oardroom
CUA Exec u tiv e
Committee Meeting
Comité exécutif de l’AUC
1 1 0 0 -1 6 0 0
Room / Salle: Salon G
CUA Exec u tiv e
Committee Meeting
Comité exécutif de l’AUC
Room / Salle: Salon G
0 8 0 0 -1 7 0 0
Annu al Canadian Assoc iation
of Genitou rinary Medic al
Onc ol og y ( CAGMO) Meeting
9 ème Assemblée annuelle de
l’Association canadienne d’oncologie
médicale génito-urinaire
Room / Salle: Garrison / Signal
1 2 0 0 -1 6 0 0
GU Canc er Adv oc ac y Grou ps
Organismes militants pour les
cancers génito-urinaires
Room / Salle: Salon C
1 5 0 0 -1 8 0 0
1 2 0 0 -1 7 0 0
7 th Annu al Canadian Senior
Urol og ists Retreat ( CSUR)
7ème Réunion annuelle des
résidents seniors en urologie
du Canada (CSUR)
RCPSC – Spec ial ty Committee
Meeting in Urol og y
Comité des spécialités, Collège
royal des médecins et chirurgiens
du Canada
Room / Salle: Salon E
Canadian Endou rol og y Meeting
Groupe canadien d’endo-urologie
Room / Salle: Salon F
SATURDAY J UNE 2 8 / Samedi 2 8 j u in
0 7 0 0 -1 0 3 0
Room / Salle: Avalon / B attery
Canadian Ac ademy of
Urol og ic al Su rg eons ( CAUS)
Académie canadienne des
chirurgiens oncologues (CAUS)
Room / Salle: Salon CD
* Please refer to page 63 for meeting
agenda. SVP, vous référez à la
page 63, pour l’agenda.
6 0
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
… v È n emen ts de lí AU C et rÈ u n io n s af f iliÈ es
0 8 0 0 -1 0 3 0
SUNDAY , J UNE 2 9 / Dimanc h e 2 9 j u in
Room / Salle: Confederation B oardroom
0 7 0 0 -0 8 3 0
0 8 0 0 -1 0 3 0
Canadian Netw ork of
Urol og ic al Path ol og ists ( CNUP)
Réseau des pathologistes
urologues du Canada (CNUP)
CUOG Annu al General Meeting
Assemblée générale annuelle
Room / Salle: Salon G
0 8 0 0 -1 2 0 0
Room / Salle: Plymouth
0 8 0 0 -1 3 0 0
7 th Annu al Canadian Senior
Urol og ists Retreat ( CSUR)
7ème Réunion annuel des résidents
seniors en urologie du Canada
CUA Instru c tional Cou rse:
Better Botox - From patient
prep to inj ec tion protoc ol s
Cours pratique sur le botox De la préparation du patient aux
protocoles d’injection
0 8 3 0 -1 0 0 0
agenda. SVP, vous référez à la
page 65, pour l’agenda.
1 0 3 0 -1 5 3 0
0 9 1 0 -0 9 4 5
1 0 0 0 -1 2 0 0
CUASF Sc ientifi c Cou nc il
Conseil scientifique de la FBAUC
Room / Salle: Governor Duck worth
1 1 5 0 -1 3 2 0
Room / Salle: Salon A
1 5 0 0 -1 7 0 0
K CRNC ( b y inv itation onl y )
KCRNC (sur invitation seulement)
Room / Salle: Salon G
1 3 0 0 -1 5 0 0
CUASF Exec u tiv e Meeting
Comité éxecutif de la FBAUC
Room / Salle: Governor Duck worth
* Please refer to page 67 for meeting
agenda. SVP, vous référez à la
page 67, pour l’agenda.
Canadian Urol og ic al Researc h
Consoritu m ( CURC) Annu al
General Meeting
Assemblée générale annuelle
du Consortium canadien sur la
recherche en urologie (CURC)
Room / Salle: Governor Gower
CUA Mu l tidisc ipl inary
Meeting ( f or memb ers of
and CNUP)
2è Réunion pluridisciplinaire de
l’AUC (réservée aux membres de
CUA Nominating Committee
Comité des candidatures de l’AUC
Room / Salle: Executive B oardroom
Room / Salle: Garrison / Signal
* Please refer to page 65 for meeting
Pediatric Urol og ists of
Canada ( PUC)
Réunion des pédiatres urologues
du Canada (PUC)
Room / Salle: Salon F
Room / Salle: Avalon / B attery
1 0 3 0 -1 4 3 0
CK CIS Meeting
Réunion CKCIS
Bl adder Canc er Canada
Cancer de la Vessie Canada
Room / Salle: Governor Le Marchant
1 6 0 0 -1 7 3 0
Metf ormin in Ac tiv e
Su rv eil l anc e ( MAST)
Inv estig ator Meeting
Room / Salle: Governor Cochrane
6 1
… v È n emen ts de lí AU C et rÈ u n io n s af f iliÈ es
MONDAY , J UNE 3 0 / Lu ndi 3 0 j u in
TUESDAY , J ULY 1 / Mardi 1
0 9 0 0 -1 0 3 0
0 8 0 0 -0 9 0 0
Canadian Mal e Sexu al Heal th
Cou nc il ( CMSHC)
Conseil canadien sur la santé
sexuelle de l’homme
Room / Salle: Executive B oardroom
0 9 0 0 -1 2 0 0
Canadian Underg rad
Urol og y Committee
Meeting of th e Prov inc ial Ch airs
Réunion des directeurs provinciaux
Room / Salle: Governor Duck worth
1 0 0 0 -1 1 3 0
1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0
Continu ing Prof essional
Dev el opment ( CPD)
Comité de développement
professionnel continu (DPC)
CUA Annu al General Meeting
Assemblée générale annuelle
de l’AUC
Room / Salle: Salon EFG
1 2 0 0 -1 3 0 0
SIU Canadian Sec tion
Section canadienne de la SIU
Room / Salle: Garrison / Signal
1 6 0 0 -1 8 0 0
Urol og y Nu rses of Canada
Infirmières en urologie du Canada
Room / Salle: Garrison / Signal
6 2
Sc ientifi c Prog ram
Committee Meeting
Réunion du comité du
programme scientifique
Annu al Meeting
Pl anning Committee
Comité de planification de la
réunion annuelle
Room / Salle: Executive B oardroom
1 2 1 5 -1 3 1 5
Room / Salle: Governor Le Merchant
1 6 0 0 -1 7 3 0
j u il l et
Room / Salle: Governor Gower
Room / Salle: Governor Cochrane
1 0 0 0 -1 2 0 0
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
CUAJ Editorial Board Meeting
Comité de rédaction du Journal
de l’AUC
Room / Salle: Executive B oardroom
Ac adÈ mie c an adien n e des c h iru rg ien s o n c o lo g u es ( CAU S)
Update on Manpow er Pl anning & Competenc y
Based Medic al Edu c ation
Mise à jour sur la planifi cation de la main- d’œuv re
et la formation médicale fondée sur les compétences
Room / Salle: Salon CD
Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
0 7 0 0 -0 7 1 0
Date: Saturday June 28 /
Samedi 28 j uin
Mise à j our sur la main- d’œ uvre en urologie
CUA Soc ioec onomic Committee / Comité socio- économiq ue de l’AUC
Sidney Radomsk i, Chair
0 7 1 0 -0 7 2 0
Roy al Col l eg e of Ph y sic ians and Su rg eons of Canada
Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada
Peter Anderson, CUA President
0 7 2 0 -0 7 3 0
Resident Perspec tiv e / Point de vue des résidents
Naj i Touma
0 7 3 0 – 0 8 0 0
0 8 0 0 -0 8 1 5
Grou p Disc u ssion / Discussion de groupe
Formation médicale fondée sur les compétences
Th ou g h ts f rom th e Speci al ty Committee
Réfl exions du Comité de spécialité
Andrew MacNeily
0 8 1 5 -0 8 3 0
Competenc y b y Desig n: Th e Roy al Col l eg e Perspec tiv e
La Compétence par conception : Point de vue du Collège royal
James Wilson
0 8 3 0 -0 8 4 0
Competenc y Based Medic al Edu c ation:
Th e Tru th Ab ou t Impl ementation
Formation médicale fondée sur les compétences :
La vérité au suj et de sa mise en œ uvre
Stephen Steele
0 8 4 0 -0 9 1 0
Grou p Disc u ssion / Discussion de groupe
0 9 1 0 -0 9 2 0
Break / Pause
6 3
Ac adÈ mie c an adien n e des c h iru rg ien s o n c o lo g u es ( CAU S)
0 9 2 0 -0 9 3 0
Enseignement des techniq ues chirurgicales :
Programme national en urologie
Su rg ic al Sk il l s Teac h ing : Dev el opment of a National Urol og y Prog ram
Enseignement des techniq ues chirurgicales :
É laboration d’un programme national en urologie
Jason Lee
0 9 3 0 -0 9 4 0
Lessons Learned f rom Impl ementation of th e
National Underg radu ate Cu rric u l u m
Leç ons acq uises de la mise en œ uvre du cursus national de premier cycle
Keith Rourk e
0 9 4 0 -1 0 0 0
6 4
Grou p Disc u ssion / Discussion de groupe
Réunion d’affaires et aj ournement
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
Co u rs p ratiq u e o f f ert p ar lí AU C
Better Botox:
From Patient Prep to Inj ec tion Protoc ol s
B otox Plus :
De la préparation du patient aux protocoles d’inj ection
Room / Salle: Garrison / Signal
Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
1 0 3 0 -1 0 4 5
Date: Saturday, June 28 /
Samedi 28 j uin
Opening Remark s / Mot de bienvenue
R. B averstock
1 0 4 5 -1 1 3 0
Raising th e OAB Bar
Placer la barre plus haute en matière de vessie hyperactive
S. Rangaswamy
1 1 3 0 -1 2 1 5
Su c c essf u l l y Impl ementing a Botox Prog ram
Mettre en place avec succès un programme d’inj ection de B otox
R. B averstock
1 2 1 5 -1 2 4 5
Lu nc h Break / Dî ner
1 2 4 5 -1 3 1 5
Coac h ’ s Corner / Le coin du coach
L. Carr
1 3 1 5 -1 4 1 5
W ork ing W ith EV A: Simu l ation Exerc ise
Utiliser l’EV A : Exercice de simulation
1 4 1 5 -1 4 3 0
Cl osing Remark s / Mot de la fi n
R. B averstock
6 5
6 6
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
R È u n io n p lu ridisc ip lin aire de lí AU C
n d
For members of CAGMO, CUOG, GUROC and CNUP /
Réservée aux membres de CAGMO, CUOG, GUROC
Room / Salle: Salon A
Date: Saturday, June 28 / Samedi 28 j uin
Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
Moderator / Modérateur: N. Fleshner
1 0 3 0 -1 0 3 5
W el c ome Address / Mot de bienvenue
1 0 3 5 -1 1 5 5
Onc ol og y of th e Fu tu re
L’ onc ol og ie du f u tu r
Moderator / Modérateur: N. Fleshner
Objectives / Objectifs
1 0 3 5 -1 0 5 0
1 .
To understand the role of tissue profi ling in personalized cancer care
2 .
To understand the future direction of surgical oncology
3 .
To understand the future direction of radiation oncology
1 .
De comprendre le rôle de profilage de tissus dans le traitement personnalisé
du cancer
2 .
De comprendre l’orientation future de l’oncologie chirurgicale
3 .
De comprendre l’orientation future de la radio-oncologie
Omic Profi l ing in Hu man Canc ers f or Targ eting : Brig h t Fu tu re of Fool ’ s Gol d
Profi lage « omiq ue » des cancers chez l’humain en vue du ciblage :
Un avenir prometteur rempli d’illusions
P. B edard
1 0 5 0 -1 0 5 5
Q & A
1 0 5 5 -1 1 1 0
Critic al Assessment of Nov el Prostate Canc er Biomark ers /
É valuation critiq ue des nouveaux biomarq ueurs du cancer de la prostate
R. B ristow
1 1 1 0 -1 1 1 5
Q & A
1 1 1 5 -1 1 3 0
Imag ing and Energ y in Urol og ic Onc ol og y : Ready f or Prime Time
Imagerie et énergie en oncologie urologiq ue : Prê tes pour le grand saut
J. Chin
1 1 3 0 -1 1 3 5
Q & A
6 7
R È u n io n p lu ridisc ip lin aire de lí AU C
n d
1 1 3 5 -1 1 5 0
Hig h Prec ision Radioth erapy : Gadg et Idol atry v s. Tru e Prog ress
Radiothérapie de haute précision : Fanatisme pour les gadgets ou véritable progrès
H. Luk k a
1 1 5 0 -1 1 5 5
Q & A
1 1 5 5 -1 2 3 0
1 2 3 0 -1 3 3 0
Sh ou l d W e Al l Be Part of Mu l tidisc ipl inary Bl adder Cl inic s
Dev rions- nou s tou s partic iper à des c l iniq u es pl u ridisc ipl inaires su r l e
c anc er de l a v essie?
Break wit h Exhibit ors (F oy er) / Pause du dî ner avec les exposants ( Salon B )
Moderator / Modérateur: S. North
Objectives / Objectifs
1 2 3 0 -1 2 3 5
1 .
Participants will be able to describe the importance of a multidisciplinary approach
to optimal management of the patient with muscle invasive bladder cancer,
including the role of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy
1 .
Les participants seront en mesure de décrire l’importance d’une approche
pluridisciplinaire pour optimiser la prise en charge du patient atteint de cancer de
la vessie avec envahissement musculaire, y compris le rôle de la chirurgie, de la
radiothérapie et de la chimiothérapie
Case Presentation: Neoadj u v ant and Bl adder Sparing
É tude de cas : Traitement néoadj uvant et épargne vésicale
S. North
1 2 3 5 -1 2 4 5
Medic al Onc ol og ist V iew point / Point de vue de l’oncologue médical
K. Sridhar
1 2 4 5 -1 2 5 5
Radiation Onc ol og ist V iew point / Point de vue du radio- oncologue
T. Pick les
1 2 5 5 -1 3 0 5
Urol og ist V iew point / Point de vue de l’urologue
G. Kulk arni
1 3 0 5 -1 3 1 5
Path ol og ist Tal k : Histol og ic V arianc e in Bl adder Canc er
L’avis du pathologiste : V ariation histologiq ue dans le cancer de la vessie
J. Merrimen
1 3 1 5 -1 3 3 0
Panel Disc u ssion – Q & A / Discussion des experts – Q et R
1 3 3 0 -1 4 0 5
W h o Sh ou l d Manag e First Line CRPC in Canada?
Q u i dev rait traiter l e CPRC en premiè re intention au Canada?
Moderator / Modérateur: I. Reid
6 8
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
R È u n io n p lu ridisc ip lin aire de lí AU C
n d
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
What are the optimal boundaries of scope of practice for treatment of CRPC in the
new age of oral options for therapy?
2 .
What treatment paradigm offers the most streamlined route to timely and
appropriate patient care?
3 .
What needs of the CRPC patient may best be managed by their primary
care physician ?
4 .
How can care be comprehensive and meet all dimensions of the patient’s needs?
1 .
Quelles sont les limites optimales de la pratique pour le traitement du CPRC en
cette nouvelle ère de traitements par voie orale?
2 .
Quel paradigme thérapeutique offre la voie la plus simple vers des soins
opportuns et adéquats pour le patient?
3 .
Quels sont les besoins du patient atteint de CPRC qui seront le mieux comblés par
le médecin de soins primaires?
4 .
Comment peut-on assurer des soins complets et combler toutes les dimensions
des besoins du patient?
1 3 3 0 -1 3 3 5
Urol og ist Perspec tiv e / Point de vue de l’urologue
F. Saad
1 3 3 5 -1 3 4 0
Radiation Onc ol og ist Perspec tiv e / Point de vue du radio- oncologue
P. Warde
1 3 4 0 -1 3 4 5
Medic al Onc ol og ist Perspec tiv e / Point de vue de l’oncologue médical
D. Ruether
1 3 4 5 -1 4 0 0
Panel Disc u ssion / Discussion des experts
1 4 0 0 -1 4 0 5
Q & A
1 4 0 5 -1 4 2 0
Exh ib itor Heal th Break ( Sal on B) / Pause- santé avec les exposants ( Salon B )
1 4 2 0 -1 5 1 5
Spec ial Onc ol og ic al Popu l ations
Popu l ations partic u l iè res en onc ol og ie
Moderator / Modérateur: E. Winq uist
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To appreciate bladder cancer as a geriatric disease and how this impacts
2 .
To understand the concept of oligometastatic disease in the GU cancer setting
3 .
To be aware of the potential role for local therapy in renal cell and prostate cancer
patients with oligometastatic disease
6 9
R È u n io n p lu ridisc ip lin aire de lí AU C
n d
1 4 2 0 -1 4 3 5
1 .
Évaluer le cancer de la vessie en tant que pathologie gériatrique et voir comment
cette perspective influe sur le traitement
2 .
Comprendre le concept de la maladie oligométastatique en présence de cancer
3 .
Reconnaître le rôle potentiel du traitement local chez les patients atteints
d’hypernéphrome et de cancer de la prostate avec maladie oligométastatique
Manag ement of Inv asiv e Bl adder Canc er in Oc to and Nonag enarian
Prise en charge du cancer invasif de la vessie chez les patients octogénaires
et nonagénaires
W. Kassouf
1 4 3 5 -1 4 5 0
Manag ement of Ol ig ometastatic Disease in K idney Canc ers
Prise en charge de la maladie oligométastatiq ue en présence de cancer du rein
A. Kapoor
1 4 5 0 -1 5 0 5
Manag ement of Ol ig ometastatic Disease in Prostate Canc er
Prise en charge de la maladie oligtométastatiq ue en présence de cancer de la prostate
S. Morgan
1 5 0 5 -1 5 1 5
Q & A
1 5 1 5 -1 5 3 0
W rap Up / Récapitulation
N. Fleshner
7 0
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
FR ID AY , J U NE 2 7 / V en dredi 2 7 j u in
0 8 0 0 -1 7 0 0
Adv anc ed Laparosc opy and Rob otic Urol og y Sk il l s Cou rse
Cours sur les techniqu es avancées de laparascopie et de robotiqu e
Room / Salle: Salon E
0 9 0 0 -1 2 0 0
CUA Financ e Committee / Comité des fi nances de l’AUC
Room / Salle: Executive B oardroom
0 9 0 0 -1 2 0 0
Cou nc il of Canadian Univ ersity Urol og y Ch airs ( CCUUC)
Conseil des Chefs de départements d’urologie des universités canadiennes ( CCUUC)
Room / Salle: Salon F
1 2 0 0 -1 7 0 0
CUA Exec u tiv e Committee Meeting / Comité exécutif de l’AUC
Room / Salle: Salon G
0 8 0 0 -1 7 0 0
Annu al Canadian Assoc iation of Genitou rinary Medic al Onc ol og y
( CAGMO) Meeting
9ème Assemblée annuelle de l’Association canadienne d’oncologie médicale génito- urinaire
Room / Salle: Garrison / Signal
1 2 0 0 -1 6 0 0
GU Canc er Adv oc ac y Grou ps / Organismes militants pour les cancers génito- urinaires
Room / Salle: Salon C
1 5 0 0 -1 8 0 0
7 th Annu al Canadian Senior Urol og ists Retreat ( CSUR)
7eme Réunion annuelle des résidents seniors en urologie du Canada ( CSUR)
Room / Salle: Avalon / B attery
1 7 0 0 -1 9 0 0
CUOG Exec u tiv e Committee Meeting / Comité exécutif du CUOG
Room / Salle: Salon C
1 7 1 5 -1 8 1 5
Th e Medic al Adv isory Board of K idney Canc er Canada
Conseil médical consultatif de l’Association canadienne du cancer du rein
Room / Salle: Confederation B oardroom
7 1
7 2
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
SATU R D AY , J U NE 2 8 / Samedi 2 8 j u in
0 7 0 0 -1 0 3 0
Canadian Ac ademy of Urol og ic al Su rg eons ( CAUS)
Académie canadienne des chirurgiens oncologues ( CAUS)
Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
Room / Salle: Salon CD
* Please refer to page 63 for meeting agenda. / SVP, vous référez à la page 63, pour l’agenda.
0 8 0 0 -1 0 3 0
Canadian Netw ork of Urol og ic al Path ol og ists ( CNUP)
Réseau des pathologistes urologues du Canada ( CNUP)
Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
Room / Salle: Confederation B oardroom
0 8 0 0 -1 0 3 0
CUOG Annua l General Meeting / Assemblée générale annuelle du CUOG
Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
Room / Salle: Plymouth
0 8 0 0 -1 2 0 0
CUA Patient Inf ormation Committee ( PIC)
Comité info- patients ( PIC) de l’AUC
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Executive B oardroom
0 8 0 0 -1 3 0 0
7 th Annu al Canadian Senior Urol og ists Retreat ( CSUR)
7ème Réunion annuelle des résidents seniors en urologie du Canada ( CSUR)
Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
Room / Salle: Avalon / B attery
1 0 3 0 -1 4 3 0
CUA Instru c tional Cou rse: Better Botox - From patient prep to inj ec tion protoc ol s
Cours pratiqu e sur le botox - De la préparation du patient aux protocoles d’inj ection
Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
Room / Salle: Garrison / Signal
* Please refer to page 65 for meeting agenda. / SVP, vous référez à la page 65, pour l’agenda.
1 0 3 0 -1 5 3 0
2 nd CUA Mu l tidisc ipl inary Meeting ( f or memb ers of CAGMO, CUOG, GUROC
and CNUP)
2e Réunion pluridisciplinaire de l’AUC ( réservée aux membres de CAGMO, CUOG,
Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
Room / Salle: Salon A
* Please refer to page 67 for meeting agenda. / SVP, vous référez à la page 67, pour l’agenda.
1 1 0 0 -1 6 0 0
CUA Exec u tiv e Committee Meeting / Comité exécutif de l’AUC
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Salon G
1 2 0 0 -1 7 0 0
RCPSC – Spec ial ty Committee Meeting in Urol og y
Comité des spécialités, Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Salon E
7 3
SATU R D AY , J U NE 2 8 / Samedi 2 8 j u in
1 4 0 0 -1 6 0 0
Canadian Endou rol og y Meeting / Groupe canadien d’endo- urologie
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Salon F
1 6 0 0 -1 6 5 0
Edu c ational Foru m 1 / Forum éducatif 1
Room / Salle: Avalon A
CaPCan II: A Tool to Tak e th e Canadian Urol og ist to th e Next Lev el of
CRPC Manag ement
CaPCan II : Un ou til pou r mener l ’ u rol og u e c anadien au proc h ain niv eau
de prise en c h arg e du CPRC
Moderator / Modérateur: Fred Saad, Montreal, Q C
Faculty / Facultés: Neil Fleshner, Toronto, ON; Ricardo Rendon, Halifax, NS; Alan So, V ancouver, B C
Ob j ec tiv es / Ob j ec tif s
1 . To review and optimize the diagnostic and prognostic tools of importance in
patients with mCRPC
2 .
To review the therapeutic alternatives available to urologists and how to safely and
effectively use these agents
3 . To review the CUA guidelines for mCRPC and how they can be applied to different
clinical realities in mCRPC
1 6 5 0 -1 7 4 0
1 .
Passer en revue et optimiser les outils de diagnostic et de pronostic d’importance
à utiliser chez les patients atteints de CPRCm
2 .
Examiner les options thérapeutiques à la disposition des urologues et comment
utiliser ces agents de façon sûre et efficace
3 .
Examiner les guides de pratique de l’AUC concernant le CPRCm et comment ces
guides peuvent être appliqués pour gérer différentes réalités cliniques en lien avec
le CPRCm
Edu c ational Foru m 2 / Forum éducatif 2
Room / Salle: Avalon A
New Ch al l eng es in Caring f or th e Patient w ith CRPC:
Tips and Tool s f or th e Bu sy Urol og ist
Nou v eau x enj eu x dans l es soins des patients atteints de CPRC:
Tru c s et c onseil s pou r l ’ u rol og u e oc c u pé
Moderator / Modérateur: Tony Finelli, Toronto, ON
Faculty / Facultés: Lorne Aaron, Montreal, Q C; Geoff Gotto, Calgary, AB
7 4
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
SATU R D AY , J U NE 2 8 / Samedi 2 8 j u in
Objectives / Objectifs
1 7 4 0 -1 7 5 0
1 .
To discuss the impact of the newer hormonal agents on the care of patients with CRPC
2 .
To explore tips/tools for a busy urologist to best manage the care of a patient on
these treatments
1 .
Discuter de l’impact des agents hormonaux plus récents sur les soins à prodiguer
aux patients atteints de CPRC
2 .
Explorer les trucs et outils pour un urologue très occupé afin d’optimiser la prise
en charge d’un patient avec ces traitements
ASAP Su rv iv orsh ip Prog ram Presentation
Présentation sur le programme PAPS pour les survivants
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Speak er / Conférencier: Joseph Chin, London, ON
1 7 5 0 -1 8 4 0
W el c ome Rec eption and Unmoderated Poster Session
Réception de bienvenue et séance de posters non- modérés
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Avalon A and Foyer
7 5
7 6
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9 / D iman c h e 2 9 j u in
0 7 0 0 -0 8 3 0
CK CIS Meeting / Réunion CKCIS
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Salon G
0 7 3 0 -0 7 4 0
W el c ome Address / Mot de B ienvenue
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Peter Anderson, CUA President / Président de l’AUC
0 7 4 0 -0 8 1 0
State- of - th e- Art Lec tu re 1 / Conférence d’honneur 1
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Is Th ere Stil l a Rol e f or th e Medic al Manag ement of Neph rol ith iasis in
th e Ag e of Lith otripsy ? Perspec tiv es f rom th e AUA Gu idel ines Panel
La prise en c h arg e mé dic al e de l a né ph rol ith iase j ou e- t- el l e enc ore u n
rô l e à l’ è re de la lit ho tripsie? Perspect iv e des experts derriè re l es l ig nes
direct rice s de l ’ AUA
Introduction: B en Chew, V ancouver, B C
Speak er / Conférencier: Glenn Preminger, Durham, NC, United States
Objectives / Objectifs
0 8 0 0 -1 2 0 0
1 .
To understand the basic pathophysiology of nephrolithiasis
2 .
To be familiar with indications and options for the medical evaluation of recurrent
and fi rst time stone formers
3 .
To establish an effective algorithm for the medical management of nephrolithiasis
1 .
Comprendre la physiopathologie fondamentale de la néphrolithiase
2 .
Se familiariser avec les indications et les options pour l’évaluation médicale des
calculs récurrents et des premiers calculs
3 .
Établir un algorithme efficace pour la prise en charge médicale de la néphrolithiase
Pediatric Urol og ists of Canada ( PUC)
Réunion des pédiatres urologues du Canada ( PUC)
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Salon F
0 8 1 0 -0 9 0 0
Edu c ational Foru m 3 / Forum éducatif 3
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Medic al Manag ement of Stones: A Case Based Approac h
Prise en c h arg e mé dic al e des c al c u l s : Une approc h e f ondé e su r des c as
Moderator / Modérateur: Ken Pace, Toronto, ON
Faculty / Facultés: Sero Andonian, Montreal, Q C; John Dushinsk i, Calgary, AB ;
Jason Lee, Toronto, ON; Glenn Preminger, Durham, NC, United States
7 7
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9 / D iman c h e 2 9 j u in
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To provide an update on the metabolic evaluation of stone patients
2 .
To provide an update on the management of cystine stones
3 .
To show the impact of obesity and bariatric surgery on stone disease
1 .
Faire une mise à jour concernant l’évaluation métabolique des patients porteurs
de calculs
2 .
Faire une mise à jour sur la prise en charge des calculs de cystine
3 .
Impact de l’obésité et de la chirurgie bariatrique sur les lithiases
0 8 3 0 -1 0 0 0
CUA Nominating Committee
Comité des candidatures de l’AUC
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Executive B oardroom
0 9 0 0 -0 9 3 0
Break in Exh ib it Hal l / Pause dans le hall d’exposition
Room / Salle: Avalon B CD and Foyer
0 9 1 0 -0 9 4 5
Canadian Urol og ic al Researc h Consoritu m ( CURC) Annu al General Meeting
Assemblée générale annuelle du Consortium canadien sur la recherche en urologie ( CURC)
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Governor Gower
0 9 3 0 -1 0 0 0
State- of - th e- Art Lec tu re 2 ( CAUS Lec tu re)
Conférence d’honneur 2 ( Conférence de la CAUS)
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Neoadj u v ant c h emoth erapy f or UTUC: Rational e and Ou tc omes of a
New Paradig m
Ch imioth é rapie né oadj u v ante pou r l e traitement du c arc inome u roth é l ial
des v oies su pé rieu res : J u stifi c ation et ré su l tats d’ u n nou v eau paradig me
Introduction: Anil Kapoor, Hamilton, ON
Speak er / Conférencier: Surena Matin, Houston, TX , United States
Objectives / Objectifs
7 8
1 .
To recognize the signifi cant loss of renal function occurring in patients
undergoing nephroureterectomy and implications this has on delivery of
postoperative adj uvant therapy
2 .
To identify clinical risk factors used in nomograms predicting high- risk pathologic
disease and the critical role of ureteroscopic evaluation in assessing disease risk
3 .
To describe results of neoadj uvant chemotherapy on pathologic outcomes and
5- year survival
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9 / D iman c h e 2 9 j u in
1 .
Reconnaître la perte importante de fonction rénale survenant chez les patients
ayant subi une néphro-urétérectomie et les répercussions de cette perte sur le
recours à un traitement adjuvant postopératoire
2 .
Cerner les facteurs de risque cliniques utilisés dans les nomogrammes prédisant
une pathologie à risque élevé et le rôle crucial de l’évaluation urétéroscopique
dans l’évaluation du risque lié à la maladie
3 .
Décrire les résultats de la chimiothérapie néoadjuvante sur les résultats liés à la
maladie et la survie après 5 ans
1 0 0 0 -1 0 5 0
Edu c ational Foru m 4 / Forum éducatif 4
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Uroth el ial c arc inoma: Strateg ies f or u pper trac t su rv eil l anc e, manag ement of
postoperativ e u rinary div ersion c ompl ic ations and c ontemporary u se of b iomark ers
Carc inome u roth é l ial : Straté g ies de su rv eil l anc e des v oies su pé rieu res,
prise en c h arg e des c ompl ic ations protopé ratoires l ié es à l a dé riv ation
u rinaire et u sag e c ontemporain des b iomarq u eu rs
Moderator / Modérateur: Jonathan Izawa, London, ON
Faculty / Facultés: Adrian Fairey, Edmonton, AB ; Surena Matin, Houston, TX , United States;
Alan So, V ancouver, B C
Objectives / Objectifs
1 0 0 0 -1 2 0 0
1 .
To review the data on how to monitor the upper urinary tract for disease
recurrence in bladder cancer with or without cystectomy
2 .
To review the data on the management of the more common urinary diversion
complications following radical cystectomy
3 .
To review the data on how to integrate biomark ers in urothelial carcinoma
1 .
Examiner les données sur la façon de surveiller l’apparition dans les voies urinaires
supérieures d’une récidive d’un cancer de la vessie traité ou non par cystectomie
2 .
Examiner les données sur la prise en charge des complications les plus fréquentes
d’une dérivation urinaire après une cystectomie radicale
3 .
Examiner les données sur la façon d’intégrer les biomarqueurs dans la prise en
charge d’un carcinome urothélial
CUASF Sc ientifi c Cou nc il / Conseil scientifi q ue de la FB AUC
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Governor Duck worth
7 9
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9 / D iman c h e 2 9 j u in
1 0 5 0 -1 1 5 0
POD- 0 1
Podiu m Session 1 : K idney Canc er
Séance Podium 1: Cancer du rein
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Moderators / Modérateurs: Surena Matin, Houston, TX , United States;
Ricardo Rendon, Halifax, NS
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To discuss the role of percutaneous renal biopsies in the management of small renal
masses and to develop a strategy for appropriate implementation in clinical practice
2 .
To realize the effect of surgical techniq ues on postoperative renal function
3 .
To review recurrence and survival rates in patients with renal cell carcinoma
1 .
Discuter du rôle des biopsies rénales percutanées dans la prise en charge
des petites masses rénales et formuler une stratégie pour la mise en oeuvre
appropriée dans la pratique clinique
2 .
Prendre conscience de l’effet des techniques chirurgicales sur la fonction
rénale postopératoire
3 .
Passer en revue les taux de récidive et de survie chez les patients atteints
POD- 0 1 . 0 1
A Larg e Sing l e Center Stu dy Desc rib ing th e Ev ol u tion of Renal Tu mor
Biopsy ov er a 1 3 Y ear Period
Richard, Patrick O.; B hatt, Jaimin; Jewett, Michael; Komisarenk o, Maria; Kachura, John R.;
Evans, Andrew; Finelli, Antonio
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada
POD- 0 1 . 0 2
Ty pe of Su rg ery and Not Tu mor Siz e, Isc h emia Ty pe, or Isc h emia Du ration
is Predic tiv e of Postoperativ e Renal Fu nc tion: Resu l ts f rom th e Canadian
K idney Canc er Inf ormation Sy stem
Mason, Ross1; Tanguay, Simon2; Liu, Z hihui3; Kapoor, Anil4; B lack , Peter5; Moore, Ronald6;
Morash, Chris7; Lacombe, Louis8; Drachenberg, Darrel9; Rendon, Ricardo1
Department of Urology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 2Division of Urology, McGill
University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 3Department of B iostatistics, Epidemiology, and
Occupational Health, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 4Division of Urology, McMaster
University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 5Department of Urologic Sciences, University of B ritish
Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada; 6Division of Urology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB ,
Canada; 7Division of Urology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; 8Department of
Surgery, Laval University, Q uebec, Q C, Canada; 9Division of Urology, University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MB , Canada
8 0
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9 / D iman c h e 2 9 j u in
POD- 0 1 . 0 3
Rec u rrenc e and Su rv iv al af ter Partial v ersu s Radic al Neph rec tomy f or T1
Renal Mass
Forbes, Connor1; Rendon, Ricardo1; Finelli, Antonio2; Kapoor, Anil3; Moore, Ronald4;
B reau, Rodney5; Lacombe, Louis6; Kawak ami, Jun7; Drachenberg, Darrel8; Pautler, Stephen9;
Liu, Z hihui10; Tanguay, Simon10; B lack , Peter11
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 2University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada;
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 4University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada;
Division of Urology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON,
Canada; 6Centre de recherche cliniq ue et évaluative en oncologie, Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire de Q uébec - Hotel- Dieu de Q uébec, Q uebec, Q C, Canada; 7Southern Alberta
Institute of Urology, Calgary, AB , Canada; 8University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada;
Western University, London, ON, Canada; 10McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada;
University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada
POD- 0 1 . 0 4
Anal y sis of Renal Cel l Carc inoma Rec u rrenc e and Mortal ity in a Popu l ation
Based Coh ort of Su rg ic al Patients f rom Nov a Sc otia
Marzouk , Karim1; Moideen, Nik itha2; Thompson, Kara2; Wood, Lori2
Department of Urology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 2Department of Medicine,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
POD- 0 1 . 0 5
Renal Ang iomy olipo mas Do Not Req u ire Intensiv e Fol l ow Up or Interv ention A Stu dy of Th eir Natu ral History
B hatt, Jaimin; Kim, Nicole; Manick avachagam, Karthik eyan; Evans, Andrew; Pei, Y ork ; Legere,
Laura; Jhaveri, Kartik ; Finelli, Antonio; Jewett, Michael
University of Toronto, University Health Network , Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
POD- 0 1 . 0 6
Canadian Experienc e of Mu l tic entre Uptak e of Renal Tu mou r Biopsies f or
Smal l Renal Masses
B hatt, Jaimin1; Kapoor, Anil2; Tanguay, Simon3; Rendon, Ricardo4; Lacombe, Louis5; B lack ,
Peter6; Pautler, Stephen7; B reau, Rodney8; Moore, Ronald9; Jewett, Michael1; Finelli, Antonio1
University of Toronto, University Health Network , Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON,
Canada; 2St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 3McGill University,
Montreal, Q C, Canada; 4Capital Health, Halifax, NS, Canada; 5Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
de Q uébec, Q uebec, Q C, Canada; 6University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada;
Western University, London, ON, Canada; 8Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON, Canada; 9University
of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
8 1
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9 / D iman c h e 2 9 j u in
1 1 5 0 -1 2 5 0
Opening Lu nc h in Exh ib it Hal l / Lunch d’ouverture dans le hall d’exposition
Room / Salle: Avalon B CD and Foyer
1 1 5 0 -1 3 2 0
K CRNC ( b y inv itation onl y ) / KCRNC ( sur invitation seulement)
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Salon G
1 2 5 0 -1 3 2 0
State- of - th e- Art Lec tu re 3 / Conférence d’honneur 3
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Does One Sl ing Fit Al l … Or Not? Siz ing Up SUI in 2 0 1 4
Bandel ettes sou s- u ré tal es… u ne tail l e pou r tou s?
L’ é tat des l ieu x dans l ’ inc ontinenc e u rinaire à l ’ ef f ort en 2 0 1 4
Introduction: Kevin Carlson, Calgary, AB
Speak er / Conférencier: Eric Rovner, Charleston, SC, United States
Objectives / Objectifs
1 3 0 0 -1 5 0 0
1 .
To describe the approach to the management SUI in the index patient as well as
the recurrent SUI patient
2 .
To understand the variability within the population of individuals with SUI
3 .
To comprehend the appropriate application of each of the various surgical
interventions for SUI
1 .
Décrire la ligne de conduite pour la prise en charge de l’incontinence urinaire à
l’effort chez le patient de référence ainsi que chez le patient atteint d’IUE récidivante
2 .
Comprendre la variabilité au sein de la population atteinte d’incontinence urinaire à l’effort
3 .
Comprendre l’application appropriée de chacune des diverses interventions
chirurgicales visant à corriger l’incontinence urinaire à l’effort
CUASF Exec u tiv e Meeting / Comité éxecutif de la FB AUC
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Governor Duck worth
1 3 2 0 -1 4 1 0
Edu c ational Foru m 5 / Forum éducatif 5
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Innov ations in Fu nc tional Urol og y
Innov ations en u rol og ie f onc tionel l e
Moderator / Modérateur: Sender Herschorn, Toronto, ON
Faculty / Facultés: Catherine Dubeau, Worcester, MA, United States;
Sender Herschorn, Toronto, ON; Eric Rovner, Charleston, SC, United States
8 2
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9 / D iman c h e 2 9 j u in
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To appreciate the role of minislings in the surgical management of female stress
urinary incontinence
2 .
To understand whether modifi cations in the techniq ue of radical prostatectomy
contribute to postoperative recovery of continence
3 .
To be able to better manage expectations in elderly patients with OAB
1 .
Évaluer le rôle des minibandelettes dans la prise en charge chirurgicale de
l’incontinence urinaire à l’effort chez la femme
2 .
Comprendre si les modifications apportées à la technique de la prostatectomie
radicale contribuent à un retour postopératoire de la continence
3 .
Être mieux en mesure de gérer les attentes chez les patients âgés atteints de
vessie hyperactive
1 4 1 0 -1 4 2 0
Address of th e AUA President- el ec t / Allocution du Président élu de l’AUA
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Introduction: Peter Anderson, Halifax, NS
Speak er / Conférencier: William Gee, Lexington, KY , United States
1 4 2 0 -1 4 5 0
CUASF Lec tu re / Conf é renc e de l a FBAUC
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Residenc y Edu c ation: A Q u arter Centu ry Later: Hav e W e Got It Rig h t?
Ré sidenc e : Un q u art de siè c l e pl u s tard : Sommes- nou s su r l a b onne v oie?
Introduction: Greg B ailly, Halifax, NS
Speak er / Conférencier: Ron Kodama, Toronto, ON
Objectives / Objectifs
1 4 5 0 -1 5 1 0
1 .
To refl ect and discuss the education and evaluation of our residents over the past
two decades
2 .
To refl ect and discuss the impact of curriculum change on us - the teachers
1 .
Réfléchir et discuter sur le sujet de l’éducation et de l’évaluation de nos résidents
au cours des deux dernières décennies
2 .
Réfléchir et discuter sur le sujet de l’impact de changements apportés au cursus
sur nous, les enseignants
Break in Exh ib it Hal l / Pause dans le hall d’exposition
Room / Salle: Avalon B CD and Foyer
1 5 0 0 -1 7 0 0
Bl adder Canc er Canada / Cancer de la vessie Canada
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Governor Le Marchant
8 3
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9 / D iman c h e 2 9 j u in
1 5 1 0 -1 5 4 0
State- of - th e- Art Lec tu re 4 / Conférence d’honneur 4
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Pu tting th e Undesc ended Testic l e in Its Pl ac e!
Remettre l e testic u l e non desc endu à sa pl ac e!
Introduction: Rodrigo Romao, Halifax, NS
Speak er / Conférencier: Anthony Caldamone, Providence, RI, United States
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To gain an understanding of the mechanism of testicular descent
2 .
To become familiar with the risk of malignancy with the undescended testis
3 .
To learn the mechanisms responsible for fertility issues with the undescended testis
1 .
Comprendre le mécanisme de descente testiculaire
2 .
Se familiariser avec le risque de tumeur lié à un testicule non descendu
3 .
Comprendre les mécanismes sous-tendant les problèmes de fertilité liés à un
testicule non descendu
1 5 4 0 -1 6 3 0
Edu c ational Foru m 6 / Forum éducatif 6
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Point/Cou nterpoint: Ideal
Anomal ies - Upper or Low
Dé b at : Prise en c h arg e c
de du pl ic ation – Ab ord c h
Su rg ic al Manag ement f or Cong enital Du pl ic ation
er Urinary Trac t Su rg ic al Approac h ?
h iru rg ic al e idé al e des mal f ormations c ong enital es
iru rg ic al : v oies su pé rieu res ou inf é rieu res?
Moderator / Modérateur: Rodrigo Romao, Halifax, NS
Faculty / Facultés: Anthony Caldamone, Providence, RI, United States;
Martin Koyle, Toronto, ON
Objectives / Objectifs
8 4
1 .
To discuss surgical management options for children with symptomatic duplication
anomalies of the collecting system
2 .
To discuss the pros and cons of heminephrectomy, uretero- ureterostomy and
laparoscopic ureteric clipping in the management of these anomalies
3 .
To introduce a framework for decision- mak ing when choosing a surgical approach
for patients with symptomatic duplication anomalies
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9 / D iman c h e 2 9 j u in
1 .
Discuter des options de prise en charge chirurgicale chez les enfants atteints
d’anomalies de duplication symptomatiques du système collecteur
2 .
Discuter du pour et du contre de l’héminéphrectomie, de l’urétéro-urétérostomie et
de la ligature urétérale par laparoscopie dans la prise en charge de ces anomalies
3 .
Présenter un cadre de travail pour le processus décisionnel au moment de choisir
la modalité chirurgicale chez les patients atteints de duplication symptomatique
1 6 0 0 -1 7 3 0
Metf ormin in Ac tiv e Su rv eil l anc e ( MAST) Inv estig ator Meeting
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Governor Cochrane
1 6 3 0 -1 7 3 0
POD- 0 2
Podiu m Session 2 : Pediatric Urol og y
Séance Podium 2: Urologie pédiatriq ue
Room / Salle: Salon EFG
Moderators / Modérateurs: Stéphane Bolduc , Q uebec, Q C;
Anthony Caldamone, Providence, RI, United States
Ob j ec tiv es / Ob j ec tif s
1 .
To compare the effi cacy of percutaneous nephrolithotomy in the management of
pediatric and adult patients
2 .
To review the role of antibiotics in patients with antenatal hydronephrosis and
febrile urinary tract infections
3 .
To discuss different agents for the endoscopic treatment of vesicoureteral refl ux
1 .
Comparer l’efficacité de la néphrolithotomie percutanée dans la prise en charge
des patients, enfants et adultes
2 .
Examiner le rôle des antibiotiques chez les patients atteints d’hydronéphrose
anténatale et d’infections fébriles des voies urinaires
3 .
Discuter des différents agents pour le traitement endoscopique du
reflux vésico-urétéral
POD- 0 2 . 0 1
A Comparison of Ou tc omes Af ter Perc u taneou s Neph rol ith otomy in
Ch il dren and Adu l ts: A Matc h ed Coh ort Stu dy
Lee, Linda; V iolette, Philippe; Denstedt, John D.; Razvi, Hassan
Western University, London, ON, Canada
8 5
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9 / D iman c h e 2 9 j u in
POD- 0 2 . 0 2
Time to Feb ril e Urinary Trac t Inf ec tion ( f UTI) in Ch il dren w ith Antenatal
Hy droneph rosis ( AHN) : A Prospec tiv e Stu dy
B raga, Luis1; Kanters, David M.1; Farrok hyar, Forough1; Pemberton, Julia1; Lorenzo, Armando2
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 2University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
POD- 0 2 . 0 3
Ef fi c ac y of Intrav esic al Onab otu l inu mtoxin A in Redu c ing Perioperativ e
Bow el Compl ic ations in Ch il dren Underg oing Low er Urine Trac t
Rec onstru c tion f or Neu rog enic Bl adder
Fermin Risso, Carolina; Singh, Heena; Cook , Anthony; Hyndman, William; Weber, B ryce
Alberta Children’s Hospital, Calgary, AB , Canada
POD- 0 2 . 0 4
A Canadian Perspec tiv e on Parental W ork Ab senteeism Rel ated to Rou tine
Pediatric Urol og y Cl inic V isits
B ator, Eli; Lorenzo, Armando; Kanaroglou, Nik i; B agli, Darius; Pippi Salle, Joao; Koyle, Martin
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada
POD- 0 2 . 0 5
Prev al enc e of Foresk in Prob l ems in Ch il dren Presenting to a Pediatric
Urol og y Prac tic e
Rasmussen, Andrew; Kiddoo, Darcie
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
POD- 0 2 . 0 6
Ef fi c ac y of Dextranomer Hy al u ronic Ac id and Pol y ac ry l amide Hy drog el in
Endosc opic Treatment of V esic ou reteral Refl u x: A Comparativ e Stu dy
B lais, Anne- Sophie; Moore, Katherine; B olduc, Stéphane
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Q uébec, Université Laval, Q uebec, Q C, Canada
1 6 3 0 -1 7 3 0
POD- 0 3
Podiu m Session 3 : Endou rol og y and Su rg ic al Edu c ation
Séance Podium 3: Endo- urologie et formation chirurgical
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Moderators / Modérateurs: Glenn Preminger, Durham, NC, United States;
Trevor Schuler, Edmonton, AB
8 6
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9 / D iman c h e 2 9 j u in
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To review pre- lithotripsy patient preparation and lithotripsy techniq ues and how
these affect patient outcome
2 .
To review percutaneous nephrolithotomy techniq ues and its effect on stone free
rate and patient morbidity
3 .
To understand new evaluation methods of learners as they pertain to the
acq uisition of surgical sk ills
1 .
Examiner la préparation du patient avant une lithotripsie et les techniques de
lithotripsie et comment ces techniques affectent les résultats pour le patient
2 .
Passer en revue les techniques de néphrolithotomie percutanée et leurs effets sur
le taux d’absence de calcul et la morbidité du patient
3 .
Comprendre les nouvelles méthodes d’évaluation de l’apprenant en ce qui a trait à
l’acquisition des techniques chirurgicales
POD- 0 3 . 0 1
A Sing l e Institu tion PCNL Experienc e ov er 2 2 Y ears:
Defi ning Independent Predic tors of Residu al Stone Bu rden
V iolette, Philippe; Tailly, Thomas; B ao, Y ige; Denstedt, John D.; Razvi, Hassan
Western University, London, ON, Canada
POD- 0 3 . 0 2
Prac tic e Patterns of Extrac orporeal Sh oc k w av e Lith otripsy :
V ariab il ity Among st and Betw een Canadian and Americ an Urol og ists Do W e Need Gu idel ines?
McKay, Jeff1; Lantz, Andrea2; Ordon, Michael3; Pace, Kenneth3; Honey, R.J. D’A3
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 2Department of Urology, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, NS, Canada; 3Division of Urology, St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada
POD- 0 3 . 0 3
Interim Resu l ts of a Randomiz ed Trial Comparing Narrow V ersu s
W ide Foc al Z ones f or Sh oc k W av e Lith otripsy of Renal Cal c u l i
Honey, R.J. D’A; Alzahrani, Tarek ; Ghiculete, Daniela; Pace, Kenneth
St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
POD- 0 3 . 0 4
Is Canada Pioneering Amb u l atory Perc u taneou s Neph rol ith otomy ?
Th e Q u een’ s/Mc Gil l Experienc e
B eik o, Darren1; Kok orovic, Andrea1; Roberts, Gregory1; Elk oushy, Mohamed2; Andonian, Sero2
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada; 2McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada
8 7
SU ND AY , J U NE 2 9 / D iman c h e 2 9 j u in
POD- 0 3 . 0 5
Inc orporation of th e GreenLig h t- SIM™ Simu l ator at th e
Annu al Q u eb ec Urol og y Ob j ec tiv e Stru c tu red Cl inic al Examinations
Noureldin, Y asser1; Elk oushy, Mohamed2; Carrier, Serge2; Elhilali, Mostafa M.2; Fahmy, Nader2;
Andonian, Sero2
McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Q C, Canada; B enha University, Kalyobiya, Egypt;
McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Q C, Canada
POD- 0 3 . 0 6
Can Basel ine Laparosco pic Sk ills Predict Innate and Fu tu re Rob otics Sk il l s?
Goldenberg, Mitchell; McV ey, Ruaidhri; B ernardini, Marcus; Y asufuk u, Kazuhiro; Q uereshy,
Fayez A.; Finelli, Antonio; Pace, Kenneth; Lee, Jason
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
1 9 0 0 -2 4 0 0
CUA Fu n Nig h t / Grande soirée de l’AUC
Ral l y in th e Al l ey on Georg e Street
Meet at 1815 in Avalon A at the Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre /
Rencontre à 1815 dans le salon Avalon A à l’hôtel et centre des congrès
Delta St. John’s
8 8
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
0 7 3 0 -0 9 0 0
MP- 0 1
Moderated Poster Session 1 : Prostate Canc er
( Su rg ery / Ac tiv e Su rv eil l anc e / Misc el l aneou s)
Séance de posters modérés 1 : Cancer de la prostate
( chirurgie / surveillance active / suj ets divers)
Room / Salle: Salon E
Moderators / Modérateurs: Armen Aprik ian, Montreal, Q C; Ilias Cagiannos, Ottawa, ON
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To gain perspective on the effects of robotic prostatectomy with regards to surgical
margins, complication rates, economic burden and resident sk ill acqu isition
2 .
To discuss obesity and metabolic syndrome in patients with prostate cancer and
the impact on disease progression
3 .
To review the complications and outcomes of prostate cancer patients treated with
radical prostatectomy
1 .
Avoir une meilleure perspective des effets de la prostatectomie par robot quant
aux marges chirurgicales, aux taux de complications, au fardeau économique et à
l’acquisition des techniques par les residents
2 .
Discuter de l’obésité et du syndrome métabolique chez les patients atteints de cancer
de la prostate et de l’impact de ces phénomènes sur la progression de la maladie
3 .
Passer en revue les complications et les résultats chez les patients atteints de
cancer de la prostate traités par prostatectomie radicale
MP- 0 1 . 0 1
Comparativ e Ef f ec tiv eness of Rob otic - assisted v ersu s Open Radic al
Prostatec tomy Canc er Control Ou tc omes
Trudeau, V incent1; Popa, Ioana1; Gandaglia, Giorgio1; Hanna, Nawar1; Schiffmann, Jonas1;
Azizi, Mounsif1; Trinh, Q uoc- Dien2; Sun, Maxine1; Karak iewicz, Pierre I.1
Cancer Prognostics and Health Outcomes Unit, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of
Surgery, Division of Urology, B righam and Women’s Hospital; Dana- Farber Cancer Institute,
Harvard Medical School, B oston, MA, United States
MP- 0 1 . 0 2
Comparativ e Ef f ec tiv eness of Rob otic - assisted and Open Radic al
Prostatec tomy in th e “ Post- Learning Cu rv e” Era
Trudeau, V incent1; Gandaglia, Giorgio1; Popa, Ioana1; Schiffmann, Jonas1; Hanna, Nawar1;
Azizi, Mounsif1; Trinh, Q uoc- Dien2; Sun, Maxine1; Karak iewicz, Pierre I.1
Cancer Prognostics and Health Outcomes Unit, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of
Surgery, Division of Urology, B righam and Women’s Hospital; Dana- Farber Cancer Institute,
Harvard Medical School, B oston, MA, United States
8 9
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
MP- 0 1 . 0 3
Metab ol ic Sy ndrome and Onc ol og ic Ou tc omes in Men Underg oing Radic al
Prostatec tomy f or Prostate Canc er
Bhindi, iB ma l1; Xie , Wen2; Hamilton, Robert1; Kulk arni, Girish1; Kalnin, Robin1; Nesbitt, Michael1;
Alibhai, Shabbir1; Finelli, Antonio1; Zlotta , Alexandre1; Trachtenberg, John1; Fleshner, Neil1
University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada; 2University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 1 . 0 4
Ob esity Is Assoc iated w ith an Inc reased Risk of Prog ression f or Men on
Ac tiv e Su rv eil l anc e f or Low Risk Prostate Canc er
B hindi, B imal; Kulk arni, Girish; Finelli, Antonio; Alibhai, Shabbir; Hamilton, Robert; Toi, Ants;
van der Kwast, Theodorus; Evans, Andrew; Hersey, Karen; Jewett, Michael; Z lotta, Alexandre;
Trachtenberg, John; Fleshner, Neil
University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 1 . 0 5
Prostate Canc er Is Not Assoc iated w ith Low er Urinary Trac t Sy mptoms
in th e Modern Era: Anal y sis of a Contemporary Propensity Sc ore- matc h ed Coh ort
B hindi, B imal; Kulk arni, Girish; Hamilton, Robert; Toi, Ants; van der Kwast, Theodorus;
Evans, Andrew; Jewett, Michael; Z lotta, Alexandre; Trachtenberg, John; Finelli, Antonio;
Fleshner, Neil
University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 1 . 0 6
A Comparison of Patients Comf ort and Satisf ac tion af ter Rob otic
Prostatec tomy w ith Su prapu b ic Tu b e v ersu s Ureth ral Cath eter Drainag e
Morgan, Monica1; B edir, Selahattin2; Roehrborn, Claus1; Cadeddu, Jeffrey A.1; Antonelli, Jodi1
University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX , United States; 2Department of Urology, Gulhane
Military Medical Academy, School of Medicine, Ank ara, Turk ey
MP- 0 1 . 0 7
Onc ol og ic al and Fu nc tion Ou tc omes of 7 2 0 RARP Cases and Assessment
of th e Onc ol og ic al and Su rg ic al Learning Cu rv e - Larg est Canadian Experienc e
Tholomier, Côme1; Al- Hathal, Naif1; B ienz, Marc2; Hueber, Pierre- Alain1; V aldivieso, Roger1;
Liberman, Moishe1; El- Hak im, Assaad1; Saad, Fred1; Lebeau, Thiery1; B enayoun, Serge1;
Latour, Mathieu1; Lattouf, Jean- B aptiste1; Widmer, Hugues1; B égin, Louis R.1; Trinh, Q uocDien1; Z orn, Kevin1
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Institut du Cancer de
Montréal, Faculté de Medicine, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada
9 0
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
MP- 0 1 . 0 8
Prev al enc e and Risk Fac tors of Contral ateral Extraprostatic Extension in
Men Underg oing Radic al Prostatec tomy f or Unil ateral Disease at Biopsy : A
Gl ob al Mu l ti- institu tional Experienc e
B ienz, Marc1; Camacho, Alina2; Hueber, Pierre- Alain3; Liberman, Daniel3; Al- Hathal, Naif4;
Mouraviev, V ladimir5; Canda, Abdullah Erdem6; Adom, Modar5; Al- Enizi, Abdullah7; Albala,
David5; El- Hak im, Assaad7; Latour, Mathieu8; Saad, Fred3; Z orn, Kevin3
Institut du Cancer de Montréal, Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l’Université
de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Faculty of Medicine, Université de Montréal, Montreal,
Q C, Canada; 3Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université
de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 4King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; 5Associated Medical Professionals of New Y ork , Syracuse, NY , United
States; 6Ank ara Ataturk Training and Research Hospital, Ank ara, Turk ey; 7Sacré- Coeur
Hospital, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 8Department of Anatomo- Pathology, Centre Hospitalier de
l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 1 . 0 9
Emerg enc y V isits Fol l ow ing Radic al Prostatec tomy in Ontario:
Distu rb ing Prev al enc e and Nov el Insig h ts
Fleshner, Katherine; Diamond, Joshua; Jamnick y, Leah; Gollnow, Angelik a; B rundage, Michael;
Hersey, Karen; Fleshner, Neil
University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 1 . 1 0
Natu ral History of a Larg e Ac tiv e Su rv eil l anc e Coh ort of Prostate Canc er
Patients w ith 5 - y ear Median Fol l ow - u p: Predic tors of Underg oing
Treatment and Su rg ic al Ou tc omes in a Real - w orl d Setting
Kaler, Kamalj ot; Patel, Premal; Kroczak , Tadeusz; Nayak , Jasmir; Rittberg, Rebek ah;
MacMahon, Ross; Saranchuk , Jeffery; Drachenberg, Darrel
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada
MP- 0 1 . 1 1
5 - y ear Fol l ow - u p of Ac tiv e Su rv eil l anc e f or Prostate Canc er:
A Canadian Commu nity - b ased Urol og ic al Experienc e
Andrews, Matthew1; Ashfi eld, James E.2; Morse, Michael2; Whelan, Thomas F.2
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 2Dalhousie University, Saint John, NB , Canada
MP- 0 1 . 1 2
Mag netic Resonanc e Imag ing ( MRI) - g u ided Transu reth ral Ul trasou nd
Ab l ation of Prostate Cance r: Prel iminary Ou tco mes of a Ph ase I Cl inica l Trial
B illia, Michele1; B urtnyk , Mathieu2; Pahernik , Sascha3; Roethk e, Matthias3; Schlemmer,
Heinz- Peter3; Romagnoli, Cesare4; Chin, Joseph1
Departments of Urology, Western University; London Health Sciences Centre; London
V ictoria Hospital, London, ON, Canada; 2Profound Medical Inc., Toronto, ON, Canada;
Department of Radiology, German Cancer Research Center DKFZ , and Department of
Urology, University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany; 4Departments of Radiology, Western
University; London Health Sciences Centre; London V ictoria Hospital, London, ON, Canada
9 1
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
MP- 0 1 . 1 3
Th e Ef f ec t of Energ y Drink s on LHRH- Indu c ed Fatig u e: Resu l ts of a Pil ot Stu dy
Richard, Patrick O.; Abramsk y, Hillary; B hatt, Jaimin; Hermanns, Thomas; Hersey, Karen;
Chadwick , Karen; Fleshner, Neil
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 1 . 1 4
Impac t of Initiation of a Rob otic Su rg ery Prog ram on Radic al Prostatec tomy
at an Ac ademic Center
Elzayat, Ehab1; Morash, Chris1; Cagiannos, Ilias1; FungKeeFung, Michael2; Witiuk , Kelsey3;
Weber, Robert2; B lew, B rian1; Watterson, James D.1; Warren, Jeff1; Fergusson, Dean2; Momoli,
F.2; Mallick , Ranj eeta2; Woodall, K.2; Thompson, Calvin2; B reau, Rodney1
Urology Division, Surgery Department, Ottawa University, Ottawa, ON, Canada; 2The Ottawa
Hospital, Ottawa, ON, Canada; 3The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada
MP- 0 1 . 1 5
Circ u l ating Tu mor Cel l s in Metastatic Prostate Canc er Patients:
Isol ation and Th ree- dimensional Mol ec u l ar Ch arac teriz ation
Kroczak , Tadeusz1; Adebayo Awe, Julius2; Y an, Adam2; Shah, Nidhi2; X u, Mik e2; B oles, Ramy2;
Saranchuk , Jeffery1; Mai, Sabine2; Drachenberg, Darrel1
Manitoba Prostate Center, Section of Urology, Department of Surgery, University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, MB , Canada; 2Manitoba Institute of Cell B iology, University of Manitoba, CancerCare
Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada
MP- 0 1 . 1 6
Denosu mab f or th e Prev ention of Sy mptomatic Sk el etal Ev ents in Patients
w ith Castration- resistant Adv anc ed Prostate Canc er: A Comparison w ith
Sk el etal - rel ated Ev ents
Klotz, Laurence1; Smith, Matthew2; Coleman, Robert3; Pittman, Kenneth4; Mileck i, Piotr5; Wei,
Rachel6; B alak umaran, Arun6; Fizazi, Karim7
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Massachusetts General Hospital
Cancer Center, B oston, MA, United States; 3Academic Unit of Clinical Oncology, Weston Park
Hospital, Sheffi eld, United Kingdom; 4The Q ueen Elizabeth Hospital, Woodville, SA, Australia;
Wielk opolsk ie Centrum Onk ologii, Poznan, Poland; 6Amgen Inc, Thousand Oak s, CA, United
States; 7Institut Gustave Roussy, Université Paris- Sud, Paris, France
9 2
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
0 7 3 0 -0 9 0 0
MP- 0 2
Moderated Poster Session 2 : Pediatric s
Séance de posters modérés 2 : Pédiatrie
Room / Salle: Salon F
Moderators / Modérateurs: JP Capolicchio, Montreal, Q C; Rodrigo Romao, Halifax, NS
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To review the treatment of UPJ obstruction including anatomic factors affecting
outcomes, surgical techniq ues and methods to decrease postoperative testing
2 .
To evaluate antibiotic prophylaxis and its effi cacy in decreasing infections and
economic burden
3 .
To review a variety of surgical techniq ues for the management of hypospadias,
cryptorchidism and renal cyst disease
1 .
Passer en revue le traitement de l’obstruction de la jonction pyélo-urétérale, dont
les facteurs anatomiques affectant les résultats, les techniques chirurgicales et les
méthodes visant à réduire les tests postopératoires
2 .
Évaluer l’antibiothérapie prophylactique et son efficacité dans la réduction des
infections et du fardeau économique
3 .
Passer en revue une variété de techniques chirurgicales pour la prise en charge
de l’hypospadias, de la cryptorchidie et de la maladie kystique rénale
MP- 0 2 . 0 1
Laparosc opic Py el opl asty : Impac t of 3 D V ision Laparosc opy
and Artic u l ating Sh ears
Abou- haidar, Hiba; Al- Q aoud, Talal; Jednak , Roman; B rzezinsk i, Alex; El- Sherbiny, Mohamed;
Capolicchio, John- Paul
McGill University Health Centre, Montreal Children’s Hospital, Montreal, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 2 . 0 2
Reserv oir Lith iasis Fol l ow ing Au g mentation Cy stopl asty and Umb il ic al
Continent Urinary Div ersion
B idnur, Samir; MacNeily, Andrew; Afshar, Kourosh
University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada
MP- 0 2 . 0 3
Mu l tic y stic Dy spl astic K idney in Ch il dren:
Is Long - term Radiog raph ic Fol l ow - u p Nec essary ?
Da Silva, V itor; Leonard, Michael; Guerra, Luis
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, ON, Canada
9 3
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
MP- 0 2 . 0 4
Predic tors of Morb idity , Mortal ity and Re- operation Du e to Hernia
and Cath eter- rel ated Compl ic ations in Ch il dren on Peritoneal Dial y sis
Schrö der, Annette; Rumman, Amir; B agli, Darius; Farhat, Walid; Lorenzo, Armando;
Koyle, Martin; Harvey, Elizabeth; Pippi Salle, Joao
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 2 . 0 5
Prol ong ed Urinary Retention Can and Does Oc c u r af ter
“ Any ” Ty pe of Ureteral Reimpl ant
Koyle, Martin1; Mingin, Gerald2; Elder, Jack 3; Smith, Grahame4
Hospital for Sick Children; University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2University of V ermont,
B urlington, V T, United States; 3Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States; 4Sydney
Children’s Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia
MP- 0 2 . 0 6
Impl ementation of Strateg ies to Dec rease th e Exposu re to General
Anesth esia in Ch il dren Underg oing Dismemb ered Py el opl asty
Gleason, Joseph; B utt, Hissan; B agli, Darius; Koyle, Martin; Farhat, Walid; Lorenzo, Armando
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 2 . 0 7
Does Dismemb ered Py el opl asty in th e Presenc e of a Crossing V essel
Hav e Su perior Su rg ic al Ou tc omes?
B utt, Hissan; B agli, Darius; Lorenzo, Armando; Pippi Salle, Joao; Koyle, Martin; Farhat, Walid;
Gleason, Joseph
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 2 . 0 8
V al idation of a Non- inv asiv e Sonog raph ic Tool to Detec t Su c c ess Earl y
on Af ter th e Pediatric Py el opl asty
Massaro, Peter; Anderson, Peter; MacLellan, Dawn; Romao, Rodrigo
Department of Urology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
MP- 0 2 . 0 9
Can More Cost Less? An Ec onomic Ev al u ation of Proph y l ac tic Antib iotic
Treatment f or Inf ants w ith Hig h Grade Hy droneph rosis f or th e Prev ention
of Urinary Trac t Inf ec tions in Canada
Pemberton, Julia; Kim, Sooj in; B raga, Luis
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
9 4
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
MP- 0 2 . 1 0
Distanc e Trav el l ed f or Hospital V isit as a Predic tor of Pref erenc e
f or Tel e- Heal th Pediatric Urol og y Cl inic Ev al u ation: Q u al ity Assu ranc e
Assessment of Famil ies V isiting a Tertiary Care- c enter
B ator, Eli; Lorenzo, Armando; Kanaroglou, Nik i; B agli, Darius; Pippi Salle, Joao; Koyle, Martin
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 2 . 1 1
Comparison of Ou tc omes and Compl ic ations in Pediatric Renal Transpl ant
Patients w ith Au toimmu ne v ersu s Urol og ic Cau ses of End Stag e Renal
Disease ( ESRD)
B ak er, Ryan; Sindhwani, Puneet
University of Ok lahoma Health Science Center, Ok lahoma City, OK, United States
MP- 0 2 . 1 2
Laparosc opic Orc h idopexy w ith or w ith ou t Preserv ation of Cremasteric V essel s:
Can W e Redu c e Atroph y Rates?
B raga, Luis; DeMaria, Jorge
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
MP- 0 2 . 1 3
Ef f ec t of Hy pospadias Sev erity and Preoperativ e Hormone Stimu l ation
( PHS) on Ureth roc u taneou s Fistu l a ( UCF) Rate af ter Tu b u l ariz ed Inc ised
Pl ate ( TIP) Repair: A Prospec tiv e Anal y sis
B raga, Luis1; Kanters, David M.1; Pemberton, Julia1; DeMaria, Jorge1; B agli, Darius2;
Lorenzo, Armando2
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 2Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 2 . 1 4
More Is Not Nec essaril y Better: A Randomiz ed Control l ed Trial Ev al u ating
th e Ef f ec tiv eness of Grou p v ersu s Indiv idu al Uroth erapy in Redu c ing
Sy mptoms Assoc iated w ith Bl adder Dy sf u nc tion
B rownrigg, Natasha1; Pemberton, Julia2; Heaman, Jessie2; Jegatheeswaran, Kizanee2;
DeMaria, Jorge1; B raga, Luis1
Division of Urology, McMaster Children’s Hospital, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 2Department of
Surgery, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
MP- 0 2 . 1 5
Laparosc opic Renal Cy st Dec ortic ation ( LRCD) f or Au tosomal Dominant
Pol y c y stic K idney Disease ( ADPK D) in a 5 - y ear- ol d Ch il d
B ansal, Rahul1; Lorenzo, Armando2; DeMaria, Jorge1; Kanters, David M.1; B raga, Luis1
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 2University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
9 5
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
0 7 3 0 -0 9 0 0
MP- 0 3
Moderated Poster Session 3 : Sexu al Heal th and Inf ertil ity
Séance de posters modérés 3 : Santé sexuelle et infertilité
Room / Salle: Salon G
Moderators / Modérateurs: Derek B ochinsk i, Edmonton, AB ; Matthew Roberts, Ottawa, ON
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To review erectile dysfunction and the role of penile prosthesis
2 .
To understand prostate cancer survivorship
3 .
To review techniq ues that may increase clinical information to assist infertile men
1 .
Passer en revue la dysfonction érectile et le rôle des prothèses péniennes
2 .
Comprendre la survie à un cancer de la prostate
3 .
Examiner des techniques pouvant accroître l’information clinique afin d’aider les
hommes infertiles
MP- 0 3 . 0 1
Antic ipated v ersu s Ac tu al Pain f rom Of fi c e V asec tomy - “ Not Hal f as Bad”
Sulley, Glenn; B ak er, Ryan; Mellis, Adam; Sindhwani, Puneet
University of Ok lahoma Health Science Center, Ok lahoma City, OK, United States
MP- 0 3 . 0 2
Eu l erian V ideo Mag nifi c ation: A Nov el Tec h niq u e f or Improv ed Sperm
Sel ec tion in Men w ith Sev ere Ol ig oasth enospermia
Langille, Gavin1; Dupree, James1; Czerwinsk i, Michael2; Kovac, Jason1; Ramasamy, Ranj ith1;
Lamb, Dolores J.1; Lipshultz, Larry I.1; Lehmann, Kyle2
B aylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX , United States; 2Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
MP- 0 3 . 0 3
Sc rotal Su rg ic al Hair Remov al : Resu l ts f rom a 1 2 0 Patient Randomiz ed
Prospec tiv e Series Util iz ing Smooth v ersu s Serrated Raz ors
Costa, Daniel; Z appavigna, Christopher; DeSantis, Darren; De Jesus, Anthony; Maggs,
Susan; B ella, Anthony
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
MP- 0 3 . 0 4
Treatment w ith Penil e Prosth eses Improv es Mental Heal th Statu s
in Men w ith Ref rac tory Erec til e Dy sf u nc tion af ter Prostate Canc er Su rg ery
B ella, Anthony; De Jesus, Anthony; Z appavigna, Christopher; Shamloul, Rany
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
9 6
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
MP- 0 3 . 0 5
Prospec tiv e Reg istry of Ou tc omes w ith Penil e Prosth esis f or Erec til e Restoration
( PROPPER) Inf ec tion Rates f or First- time ( V irg in) Penil e Impl antation
Henry, Gerard D.1; Karpman, Edward2; Kansas, B ryan3; B rant, William O.4; Jones, Leroy5;
B ennett, Nelson6; Khera, Mohit7; Kohler, Tobias8; Kramer, Andrew9; Christine, B rian S.10; Rhee,
Eugene11; B ella, Anthony12
Regional Urology, Shreveport, LA, United States; 2El Camino Urology, Mountain V iew, CA,
United States; 3Urology Team, Austin, TX , United States; 4University of Utah, Salt Lak e City,
UT, United States; 5Urology San Antonio, San Antonio, TX , United States; 6Lahey Clinic,
B urlington, MA, United States; 7B aylor College, Houston, TX , United States; 8Southern Illinois
University, Springfi eld, IL, United States; 9University of Maryland, B altimore, MD, United States;
Urology Centers of Alabama, B irmingham, AL, United States; 11Kaiser Permanente, San
Diego, CA, United States; 12University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
MP- 0 3 . 0 6
Can It W ait? - A Sy stematic Rev iew of Immediate V ersu s
Del ay ed Su rg ic al Repair of Penil e Frac tu re
Wong, Nathan; Dason, Shawn; B ansal, Rahul; Davies, Timothy; B raga, Luis
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
MP- 0 3 . 0 7
Q u al ity of Lif e and Su rv iv orsh ip Post- prostate Canc er Treatment:
Patient Reported Aw areness, Expec tations and Options f or Ph y sic al
and Emotional Side- ef f ec ts in 5 0 2 Canadian Men
De Jesus, Anthony; B ella, Anthony
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
MP- 0 3 . 0 8
Retail Pric ing f or Ph osph odiesterase 5 Inh ib itor is Sig nifi c antl y V ariab l e:
Resu l ts f rom a Cross- Canada Anal y sis of Cost- to- patient and Potential
Impac t on Patient Care
De Jesus, Anthony; B ella, Anthony
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
MP- 0 3 . 0 9
Prospec tiv e Ev al u ation of Gl ov e Perf oration f or 1 2 0 Consec u tiv e Cases
Su pports Dou b l e- g l ov ing f or Infl atab l e Penil e Prosth esis Su rg ery as
Standard Operating Proc edu re
Hartman, Paul; Z appavigna, Christopher; Shamloul, Rany; B ella, Anthony
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
MP- 0 3 . 1 0
Predic tors f or Inc rease in Seru m Testosterone af ter V aric oc el e Emb ol iz ation
Haj iha, Mohammad; Samplask i, Mary K.; Lau, Esther; Jarvi, Keith; Grober, Ethan; Lo, Kirk C.
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
9 7
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
MP- 0 3 . 1 1
El ec tron Mic rosc opy of Sperm Prov ides Important Cl inic al Inf ormation f or
Inf ertil e Men w ith Sev ere Asth enospermia
Hajiha , Mohammad; Samplask i, Mary K.; Lo, Kirk C.; Grober, Ethan; Mullen, Brenda n; Jarvi, Keith
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 3 . 1 2
Erec til e Dy sf u nc tion is a Predic tor of Undiag nosed Diab etes: Resu l ts f rom a
National l y Representativ e Su rv ey
Sk eldon, Sean1; Goldenberg, Larry2; Law, Michael2
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada
MP- 0 3 . 1 3
Sing l e Inc ision V asec tomy Rev ersal ( SIV R)
Grober, Ethan; Samplask i, Mary K.; Mehta, Shaun
Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, Mount Sinai & Women’s College Hospital,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
0 9 0 0 -0 9 1 0
Cl inic al Pearl s Th at Cou l d Ch ang e Y ou r Prac tic e
Des perles cliniq ues q ui pourraient changer votre pratiq ue
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Speak er / Conférencier: Paul Johnston, St. John’s, NL; Stephen Steele, Kingston, ON
0 9 0 0 -1 0 3 0
Canadian Mal e Sexu al Heal th Cou nc il ( CMSHC)
Conseil canadien sur la santé sexuelle de l’homme
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Executive B oardroom
0 9 0 0 -1 2 0 0
Canadian Underg rad Urol og y Committee ( CanUUC)
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Governor Cochrane
0 9 1 0 -0 9 4 0
State- of - th e- Art Lec tu re 5 / Conférence d’honneur 5
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Sel ec tion of Patients f or Ac tiv e Su rv eil l anc e
Sé l ec tion des patients pou r l a su rv eil l anc e ac tiv e
Introduction: Alan So, V ancouver, B C
Speak er / Conférencier: Daniel Lin, Seattle, WA, United States
9 8
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
Ob j ec tiv es / Ob j ec tif s
1 .
To examine the outcomes in established active surveillance cohorts
2 .
To review the selection criteria and potential modifi cations for active surveillance
3 .
To present future directions and emerging data in active surveillance
1 .
Examiner les résultats dans des cohortes établies de surveillance active
2 .
Passer en revue les critères de sélection et les modifications potentielles
apportées à la surveillance active
3 .
Présenter les orientations futures et les données émergentes concernant la
surveillance active
0 9 4 0 -1 0 0 0
Break in Exh ib it Hal l / Pause dans le hall d’exposition
Room / Salle: Avalon B CD and Foyer
1 0 0 0 -1 0 5 0
Edu c ational Foru m 7 / Forum éducatif 7
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Improv ing Saf ety and Ac c u rac y of Prostate Diag nosis
Amé l iorer l ’ innoc u ité et l ’ exac titu de du diag nostic de mal adie prostatiq u e
Moderator / Modérateur: Rodney B reau, Ottawa, ON
Faculty / Facultés: Laurence Klotz, Toronto, ON; Daniel Lin, Seattle, WA, United States;
Chris Morash, Ottawa, ON;
Objectives / Objectifs
1 0 0 0 -1 1 3 0
1 .
To reduce risk s associated with prostate biopsy
2 .
To optimize approach to a patient with a negative biopsy
3 .
To review selection of patients for active surveillance
4 .
To review protocol for active surveillance follow- up
1 .
Réduire les risques associés à la biopsie prostatique
2 .
Optimiser la ligne de conduite chez un patient dont la biopsie est négative
3 .
Passer en revue la sélection des patients en vue de la surveillance active
4 .
Passer en revue le protocole pour le suivi de la surveillance active
Continu ing Prof essional Dev el opment ( CPD)
Comité de développement professionnel continu ( CDP)
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Governor Le Merchant
1 0 0 0 -1 2 0 0
Meeting of th e Prov inc ial Ch airs / Réunion des directeurs provinciaux
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Governor Duck worth
9 9
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
1 0 5 0 -1 1 5 0
POD- 0 4
Podiu m Session 4 : Bl adder and Prostate Canc er
Séance Podium 4: Cancer de la vessie et de la prostate
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Moderators / Modérateurs: V incent Fradet, Q uebec, Q C; Daniel Lin, Seattle, WA, United States
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To review active surveillance in patients with nonseminomatous germ cell tumors
2 .
To discuss the treatment of patients with metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer
3 .
To review the perioperative management of patients with urothelial carcinoma
undergoing radical cystectomy
1 .
Passer en revue la surveillance active chez les patients porteurs de tumeurs
germinales non séminomateuses
2 .
Discuter du traitement des patients atteints de cancer de la prostate résistant à la
castration et métastatique
3 .
Examiner la prise en charge périopératoire des patients atteints de carcinome
urothélial subissant une cystectomie radicale
POD- 0 4 . 0 1
Enz alu tamide in Men w ith Ch emoth erapy - naï v e Metastatic Prostate Cance r:
Resu l ts of th e Ph ase 3 PREV AIL Stu dy
Saad, Fred1; Gleave, Martin2; Joshua, Anthony3; Klotz, Laurence4; Lacombe, Louis5; B eer,
Tomasz6; Tombal, B ertrand7; Noonberg, Sarah8; B hattacharya, Suman8; Phung, De9; Loriot,
Y ohann10; Evans, Christopher11; Armstrong, Andrew12; V enner, Peter13
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2V ancouver Prostate
Centre, V ancouver, B C, Canada; 3Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada;
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada; 5Centre de recherche cliniq ue
et évaluative en oncologie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Q uébec - Hotel- Dieu de
Q uébec, Q uebec, Q C, Canada; 6Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, Canada;
Cliniq ues Universitaires Saint- Luc, B russels, B elgium; 8Medivation Inc, San Francisco, CA,
United States; 9Astellas Pharma, Leiden, Netherlands; 10Institut Gustave- Roussy, V illej uif,
France; 11UC Davis Cancer Center, Sacremento, CA, United States; 12Duk e University Medical
Center, Durham, NC, United States; 13Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, AB , Canada
POD- 0 4 . 0 2
Rates of Compl ica tions not Rel ated to Urinary Inco ntinence or Erec til e
Dy sf unct ion af ter Radica l Prostatect omy or Radioth erapy f or Prostate Cance r
Nam, Robert1; Cheung, Patrick 2; Herschorn, Sender1; Sask in, Refi k 3; Su, Jiandong3; Klotz,
Laurence1; Chang, Michelle1; Kulk arni, Girish1; Lee, Y una4; Kodama, Ronald1; Narod, Steven5
Division of Urology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Department of Radiation
Oncology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 3Institute of Evaluative Clinical Sciences,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 4Department of Medicine, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON, Canada; 5Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada
10 0
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
POD- 0 4 . 0 3
Ch ronic Diseases, Prostate Canc er Ag g ressiv eness
and Mortal ity Af ter Radic al Prostatec tomy
Allard, Marc- André1; Caron, André2; Nguile Mak ao, Molière2; Lacombe, Louis3; Fradet, Y ves3;
Leger, Caroline2; Fradet, V incent3
Université Laval, Q uebec, Q C, Canada; 2Centre de recherche du Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire de Q uébec, Q uebec, Q C, Canada; 3Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Q uébec;
Université Laval, Q uebec, Q C, Canada
POD- 0 4 . 0 4
Mu l tic enter Assessment of Neoadj u v ant Ch emoth erapy
f or Mu sc l e- inv asiv e Bl adder Canc er
Y oussef, David1; Z argar, Homayoun2; Espiritu, Patrick N.3; Fairey, Adrian4; Mertens, Laura5;
Dinney, Colin P.6; Mir, Maria C.2; Krabbe, Laura- Maria7; Cook son, Michael S.8; Jacobsen,
Niels- Erik 9; Gandhi, Nilay10; Griffi n, Joshua11; Montgomery, Jeffrey S.12; V asdev, Nik hil13; Y u,
Evan Y .14; X ylinas, Evanguelos15; Campain, Nicholas J.16; Kassouf, Wassim17; Dall’Era, Marc
A.18; Seah, Jo- An19; Sridhar, Srik ala19; Horenblas, Simon5; Aning, Jonathan13; Shariat,
Shahrok h F.15; Wright, Jonathan L.14; Thorpe, Andrew C.13; Holzbeierlein, Jeff M.11;
B ivalacqua , Trinity J.10; North, Scott20; Ba rocas, Daniel A.21; Lotan, Y air7; Stephenson, Andrew J.2;
Shah, Jay B .6; van Rhijn, Ba s W.5; Daneshmand, Siamak 4; Spiess, Philippe E.3; Bla ck , Peter2
Department of Urologic Sciences, University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada;
V ancouver Prostate Centre, V ancouver, B C, Canada; 3Department of Genitourinary Oncology,
H Lee Moffi tt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL, United States; 4USC/
Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Institute of Urology, University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA, United States; 5Department of Urology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, Netherlands; 6Department of Urology, MD
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX , United States; 7Department of Urology, University of
Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX , United States; 8Department of Urology,
University of Ok lahoma College of Medicine, Norman, OK, United States; 9University of
Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada; 10Department of Urology, The James B uchanan B rady
Urological Institute, The Johns Hopk ins School of Medicine, B altimore, MD, United States;
Department of Urology, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, United States;
Department of Urology, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI, United States;
Department of Urology, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom;
Department of Urology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, United States; 15Department of Urology, Weill Cornell
Medical College, Presbyterian Hospital, New Y ork , NY , United States; 16Department of
Surgery, Exeter Surgical Health Services Research Unit, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Trust,
Exeter, United Kingdom; 17Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, McGill University Health
Centre, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 18Department of Urology, University of California at Davis, Davis
Medical Center, Sacramento, CA, United States; 19Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON,
Canada; 20Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, AB , Canada; 21Department of Urologic Surgery,
V anderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, United States
10 1
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
POD- 0 4 . 0 5
Resu l ts of a Randomiz ed Control Trial Assessing Enh anc ed Rec ov ery Af ter
Su rg ery in Patients Underg oing Radic al Cy stec tomy f or Bl adder Canc er
Aning, Jonathan; B lack , Peter; Ischia, Joseph; Z argar, Homayoun; So, Alan
V ancouver Prostate Centre, V ancouver, B C, Canada
POD- 0 4 . 0 6
Out co mes of Prog ression on Su rv eil l ance f or Cl inica l Stag e I Non- seminoma
Germ Cell Tum our s
Nayan, Madhur1; Jewett, Michael2; Anson- Cartwright, Lynn2; B edard, Philippe2; Moore,
Malcolm2; Chung, Peter2; Warde, Padraig2; Sweet, Joan2; O’Malley, Martin2; Hamilton, Robert2
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2University Health Network , Princess Margaret
Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
1 1 5 0 -1 2 5 0
Lu nc h in Exh ib it Hal l / Déj euner dans le hall d’exposition
Room / Salle: Avalon B CD and Foyer
1 2 0 0 -1 3 0 0
SIU Canadian Sec tion / Section canadienne de la SIU
Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
Room / Salle: Garrison / Signal
1 2 5 0 -1 3 0 0
Th e EAU Address / Allocution de l’EAU
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Introduction: Jerzy Gaj ewsk i, Halifax, NS
Speak er / Conférencier: Andrzej B ork owsk i, Warsaw, Poland
1 3 0 0 -1 3 3 0
State- of - th e- Art Lec tu re 6 / Conférence d’honneur 6
Room / Salle: Avalon A
LUTS/BPH Terminol og y : Stop th e Conf u sion
Terminol og ie l ié e au x TUBA / à l ’ HBP : Mettre fi n à l a c onf u sion
Introduction: Curtis Nick el, Kingston, ON
Speak er / Conférencier: Mark Speak man, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom
Objectives / Objectifs
10 2
1 .
To understand the importance of modern terminology and its defi nitions
2 .
To move away from a prostate- centric to a non- prostate multifactorial approach
to the understanding of LUTS
3 .
To use this information to individualise treatment for each of your patients
1 .
Comprendre l’importance de la terminologie moderne et des définitions
2 .
S’écarter d’une approche centrée sur la prostate pour aller vers une approche
multifactorielle non prostatique dans la compréhension des TUBA
3 .
Utiliser cette information pour individualiser le traitement en fonction de chaque patient
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
1 3 3 0 -1 4 2 0
Edu c ational Foru m 8 / Forum éducatif 8
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Mal e LUTS/BPH: New Paradig ms f or Predict ion, Prev ention and Manag ement
TUBA c h ez l ’ h omme / HBP: Nou v eau x paradig mes pou r l a predic tion, l a
prev ention et l a prise en c h arg e
Moderator / Modérateur: Curtis Nick el, Kingston, ON
Faculty / Facultés: Gerald B rock , London, ON; Sender Herschorn, Toronto, ON;
Mark Speak man, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom; David Stask in, B oston, MA, United States
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To learn to identify persistent storage symptoms, co- existing LUTS and ED and
nocturia as maj or parameters in the evaluation of male LUTS
2 .
To develop management strategies for persistent storage symptoms, co- existing
LUTS and ED and nocturia in men being treated for LUTS
3 .
To have a clinical strategy to predict and prevent progression of symptoms and
complications in men being followed for LUTS
1 .
Apprendre à repérer les symptômes persistants liés au stockage, les TUBA
concomitants, la DE et la nycturie en tant que paramètres importants de
l’évaluation des TUBA chez l’homme
2 .
Élaborer des stratégies de prise en charge des symptômes persistants liés au
stockage, des TUBA concomitants, de la DE et de la nycturie chez les hommes
traités pour des TUBA
3 .
Établir une stratégie clinique pour prédire et prévenir la progression des
symptômes et les complications chez les hommes suivis pour des TUBA
1 4 2 0 -1 4 5 0
State- of - th e- Art Lec tu re 7 / Conférence d’honneur 7
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Treatment of Pey ronie’ s Disease: W h at’ s New and W h at W ork s
Traitement de l a mal adie de l a Pey ronie : Q u oi de neu f ?
Q u ’ est- c e q u i f onc tionne?
Introduction: Anthony B ella, Ottawa, ON
Speak er / Conférencier: Laurence Levine, Chicago, IL, United States
Ob j ec tiv es / Ob j ec tif s
1 .
To enumerate the historical misconceptions regarding the demographic and
natural history of Peyronie’s disease
2 .
To manage the initial evaluation of the patient presenting with Peyronie’s disease
3 .
To propose a treatment strategy for the patient with Peyronie’s disease in all of its
manifestations- active vs. stable; calcifi ed vs. non- calcifi ed plaq ues; associated with
erectile dysfunction; mild, moderate or severe curve with or without hinge effect
10 3
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
1 .
Énumérer les anciennes idées reçues au sujet de la population atteinte de la
maladie de La Peyronie et de l’évolution naturelle de cette maladie
2 .
Prendre en charge l’évaluation initiale du patient atteint d’une maladie de La
3 .
Proposer une stratégie thérapeutique pour le patient atteint de la maladie de La
Peyronie dans toutes ses manifestations : évolutive ou stable; plaques calcifiées
ou non calcifiées; associée à une dysfonction érectile; courbure légère, modérée
ou marquée avec ou sans effet charnière
1 4 5 0 -1 5 1 0
Break in Exh ib it Hal l / Pause dans le hall d’exposition
Room / Salle: Avalon B CD and Foyer
1 5 1 0 -1 6 0 0
Edu c ational Foru m 9 / Forum éducatif 9
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Manag ement of Sc rotal Pain
Prise en c h arg e de l a dou l eu r sc rotal e
Moderator / Modérateur: Ethan Grober, Toronto, ON
Faculty / Facultés: Keith Jarvi, Toronto, ON; Jay Lee, Calgary, AB ;
Laurence Levine, Chicago, IL, United States;
Objectives / Objectifs
1 6 0 0 -1 7 3 0
1 .
To appreciate the incidence, etiology and classifi cation of scrotal pain disorders
2 .
To develop a rational approach to the evaluation of scrotal pain in an effort to offer
cause- specifi c treatments
3 .
To review the latest and most effective treatment strategies, and those to avoid
1 .
Évaluer l’incidence, l’étiologie et la classification des troubles de douleur scrotale
2 .
Élaborer une approche rationnelle à l’évaluation de la douleur scrotale en vue
d’offrir des traitements propres à chaque cause
3 .
Passer en revue les stratégies thérapeutiques les plus récentes et les plus
efficaces, et les stratégies à éviter
CUA Annu al General Meeting / Assemblée générale annuelle de l’AUC
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Salon EFG
1 6 0 0 -1 8 0 0
Urol og y Nu rses of Canada / Infi rmières en urologie du Canada
Sheraton Hotel Newfoundland
Room / Salle: Garrison / Signal
10 4
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
M OND AY , J U NE 3 0 / Lu n di 3 0 j u in
1 9 3 0 -2 4 0 0
President’ s Banq u et ( Rec eption at 1 9 0 0 )
B anq uet du Président ( Réception à 1900)
St. John’s Convention Centre
Room / Salle: Marconi
Indoor acces through the Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre.
Follow the signs and the staff!
Accès intérieur par l’hôtel et centre des congrès Delta St. John’s.
Suivez la signalisation et le personnel!
10 5
10 6
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
0 7 3 0 -0 9 1 5
j u illet
MP- 0 4
Moderated Poster Session 4 : Stones, Endou rol og y and Transpl ant
Séance de posters modérés 4 : Lithiases, endo- urologie et transplantations
Room / Salle: Avalon B
Moderators / Modérateurs: B en Chew, V ancouver, B C; Hassan Razvi, London, ON
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To review the techniq ue of percutaneous nephrolithotomy and how body habitus
impacts surgery
2 .
To understand new surgical techniq ues for donor nephrectomy and methods to
decrease morbidity
3 .
To review a selection of laparoscopic and robotic surgical procedures
1 .
Passer en revue la technique de la néphrolithotomie percutanée et comment
l’habitus influe sur la chirurgie
2 .
Comprendre les nouvelles techniques chirurgicales de néphrectomie chez un
donneur et les méthodes visant à réduire la morbidité
3 .
Passer en revue une sélection d’interventions laparoscopiques et de chirurgie
assistée par robot
MP- 0 4 . 0 1
Comparing Rob otic Sing l e Inc ision Laparosc opic Donor Neph rec tomy
w ith Standard Laparosc opic Mu l ti- inc ision Donor Neph rec tomy
Archambault, Jason; Rowe, Neal; Nagdee, Imraan; Sener, Alp; Luk e, Patrick
Western University, London, ON, Canada
MP- 0 4 . 0 2
Donation af ter Circ u l atory Death ( DCD) Renal Al l og raf ts: Th e Impac t of
Donor Ag e on Rec ipient Ou tc ome in a Contemporary Canadian Coh ort
Rowe, Neal1; V iolette, Philippe1; Huynh, Melissa1; Weernink , Corinne2; Sener, Alp1; Luk e, Patrick
Western University, London, ON, Canada; London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON, Canada
MP- 0 4 . 0 3
Rob otic - assisted Laparosc opic Py el opl asty at a Canadian Institu tion:
Perioperativ e Comparison of Sing l e Inci sion and Mu l tipl e Inci sion Tech niq u es
Rowe, Neal; Nastis, Sofi a; Sener, Alp; Luk e, Patrick
Western University, London, ON, Canada
10 7
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 4 . 0 4
Th e Impac t of CT- Defi ned Cal c u l u s- indu c ed Renal Ob stru c tion
on th e Ac u te Manag ement and Disposition of th e Renal Col ic Patient
Massaro, Peter1; Pawsey, Ryan2; Atk inson, Paul3; Archer, B rian4; Whelan, Thomas F.5
Department of Urology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 2Faculty of Medicine,
Dalhousie Medicine New B runswick , Dalhousie University, Saint John, NB , Canada;
Department of Emergency Medicine, Dalhousie University, Saint John, NB , Canada;
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Dalhousie University, Saint John, NB , Canada;
Department of Urology, Dalhousie University, Saint John, NB , Canada
MP- 0 4 . 0 5
Impac t of Sh oc k W av e Lith otripsy on Renal Fu nc tion
Tam, Stephanie; Ghiculete, Daniela; Alzahrani, Tarek ; Honey, R.J. D’A; Pace, Kenneth
St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 4 . 0 6
Perc u taneou s Ac c ess Made Easy :
Needl e Gu idanc e w ith Trac k ed Ul trasou nd Snapsh ots
Fuoco, Michael1; Ungi, Tamas2; Fichtinger, Gabor2; Siemens, Robert2; B eik o, Darren2
Q ueen’s Urology, Kingston, ON, Canada; 2Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
MP- 0 4 . 0 7
V isu al Enh anc ement of Intraoperativ e Laparosc opic Su rg ery
Using Eu l erian V ideo Mag nifi c ation
Lehmann, Kyle1; Mocanu, V alentin2; Langille, Gavin3; Rendon, Ricardo1
Department of Urology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 2Dalhousie University, Halifax,
NS, Canada; 3Department of Urology, Ba ylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, United States
MP- 0 4 . 0 8
Dismemb ered Py el opl asty in Sy mptomatic Patients w ith Eq u iv oc al Ob stru c tion:
Does It Mak e a Dif f erenc e?
Morgan, Monica; Ozayar, Asim; Saumur, Meghan; Krishnan, Govind; Gahan, Jeffrey;
Cadeddu, Jeffrey A.
University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX , United States
MP- 0 4 . 0 9
Th e Impac t of Patient BMI on Ou tc omes of Perc u taneou s Neph rol ith otomy
V iolette, Philippe; Tailly, Thomas; B ao, Y ige; Denstedt, John D.; Razvi, Hassan
Western University, London, ON, Canada
MP- 0 4 . 1 0
Transv ersu s Ab dominis Pl ane Bl oc k f or Pain Manag ement
of Liv ing Donor K idney Transpl ant Rec ipients
Nguan, Christopher; Kim, David; B idnur, Samir; Tang, Steven
University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada
10 8
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 4 . 1 1
A Parac rine Mec h anism Inv ol v ing Renal Tu b u l ar Cel l s, Adipoc y tes,
and Mac roph ag es Promotes K idney Stone Formation in a Simu l ated
Metab ol ic Sy ndrome Env ironment
Z uo, Li1; Z ou, Jiangang1; Ok ada, Atsushi2; Y asui, Tak ahiro2; Taguchi, Kazumi2; Ito, Y asuhik o2;
Hirose, Y asuhik o2; Hamamoto, Shuzo2; Kohri, Kenj iro2; Lu, Shuyan1
Urology Division, Nanj ing Medical University Changzhou No.2 People Hospital, Changzhou,
Jiangsu, China; 2Department of Nephro- urology, Nagoya City University Graduate School of
Medical Sciences, Aichi, Japan, Nagoya, Japan
MP- 0 4 . 1 2
A Comb ination of Th romb in/Gel atin Matrix and Fib rin Tissu e Seal ant
May Saf el y Repl ac e th e Conv entional Deep Medu l l ary Su tu re Du ring
Laparosc opic Partial Neph rec tomy
Ploussard, Guillaume1; Haddad, Richard2; Outochin, Oleg3; B era, Rahul4; Cabrera, Tatiana4;
Malibari, Nouf5; Derbek yan, V ilma5; B ladou, Franck 2; Anidj ar, Maurice2
Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of Urology,
McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 3McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada;
Department of Radiology, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 5Department of Nuclear
Medecine, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 4 . 1 3
Rob otic LESS ( Laparo- endosc opic Sing l e- site Su rg ery ) in Urol og y :
Th e First Canadian Experienc e
Mik hail, David; Rowe, Neal; Archambault, Jason; Nagdee, Imraan; Nastis, Sofi a; Sener, Alp;
Luk e, Patrick
Western University, London, ON, Canada
MP- 0 4 . 1 4
Ureteral Stenting af ter Unc ompl ic ated Ureterosc opic Laser Lith otripsy
f or Urol ith iasis: Is It Real l y Nec essary ? Resu l ts of a Cost- ef f ec tiv e Anal y sis
Tu, Hin Y u V incent; Matsumoto, Edward
McMaster Institute of Urology, Hamilton, ON, Canada
MP- 0 4 . 1 5
Identifi c ation and Preserv ation of Ac c essory Pu dendal Arteries
in Rob otic - assisted Laparosc opic Radic al Prostatec tomy ( RARP)
Tu, Hin Y u V incent; Hoogenes, Jen; Kapoor, Anil; Shayegan, B obby
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
10 9
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
0 7 3 0 -0 9 1 5
j u illet
MP- 0 5
Moderated Poster Session 5 : Edu c ation, Ec onomic s and Tec h nol og y
Séance de posters modérés 5 : É ducation, économie et technologie
Room / Salle: Avalon C
Moderators / Modérateurs: Darren B eik o, Kingston, ON; Mik e Leveridge, Kingston, ON
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To consider the impact on urologists and urologist in training of the work load,
pages and phone calls
2 .
To understand how technology has changed how we communicate, learn and tak e
care of patients
3 .
To review the differences in healthcare funding and how this translates into timely
patient care
1 .
Envisager l’impact sur les urologues et les résidents en urologie de la charge de
travail, des téléavertisseurs et des appels téléphoniques
2 .
Comprendre comment la technologie a modifié notre façon de communiquer,
d’apprendre et de prendre soin des patients
3 .
Examiner les différences dans le financement des soins de santé et comment ces
différences se traduisent par des soins opportuns aux patients
MP- 0 5 . 0 1
Urol og y Residents on Cal l : Inv estig ating th e W ork l oad
Marceau- Grimard, Maryse; B lais, Anne- Sophie; Cloutier, Jonathan
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Q uébec, Q uebec, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 5 . 0 2
Contemporary Cost- ef f ec tiv eness Anal y sis Comparing Seq u ential BCG
and El ec tromotiv e Mitomy c in v ersu s BCG Al one f or Patients w ith Hig h - risk
Non- mu sc l e Inv asiv e Bl adder Canc er
B achir, B assel1; Dragomir, Alice1; Aprik ian, Armen1; Tanguay, Simon1; Fairey, Adrian2;
Kulk arni, Girish3; B reau, Rodney4; B lack , Peter5; Kassouf, Wassim1
McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB ,
Canada; 3University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 4University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON,
Canada; 5University of B ritsh Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada
MP- 0 5 . 0 3
Dev elo ping th e Bl adder Util ity Sy mptom Sca l e: A Mu l tiattrib u te Heal th State
Cla ssifi ca tion f or Bla dder Cance r
Perlis, Nathan1; Krahn, Murray2; Alibhai, Shabbir2; B oehme, Kirstin3; B remner, Karen3;
Finelli, Antonio2; Kulk arni, Girish2
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2University of Toronto, University Health Network ,
Toronto, ON, Canada; 3Toronto General Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 5 . 0 4
Comparison of Transu reth ral Urol og ic Proc edu re W ait Times Betw een
Priv atel y and Univ ersal l y Fu nded Heal th Care Sy stems: W h at Ch ang es May
Be Expec ted w ith a Sh if t in Fu nding Sou rc e?
Leslie, Robert1; Feustel, Paul2; Walk er, Adam2; Ferrara, Sarah1; Siemens, Robert1; Kogan, Ba rry2
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada; 2Albany Medical Center, Albany, NY , United States
MP- 0 5 . 0 5
An Anal y sis of th e Readab il ity of Patient Inf ormation Material s f or Common
Urol og ic Conditions
Dalziel, Katie; Steele, Stephen; Izard, Jason
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
MP- 0 5 . 0 6
V alida tion of an Intraoperativ e Assessment Tool f or Ev al u ation
and th e Prov ision of Feedb ack du ring Rob otic- assisted Radica l
Prostatect omy Training
Morris, Christopher; Hoogenes, Jen; Matsumoto, Edward; Sonnadara, Ranil; Shayegan, B obby
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
MP- 0 5 . 0 7
Th e iPad in Urol og y Residenc y Training Feasib il ity and Desc ription of Mu l tipl e Appl ic ations
Roberts, Matthew; Lavallée, Luk e; Watterson, James D.
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
MP- 0 5 . 0 8
A Mu l ti- disc ipl inary Approac h to an Enh anc ed Rec ov ery Prog ramme
f or Neph rec tomies - W h at Hav e W e Ac h iev ed?
Gordon, Karen; Khan, Faisal; McMeek in, Faith; B urns- Cox, Nick
Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom
MP- 0 5 . 0 9
Th e Dramatic Rise of Soc ial Media in Urol og y : Trends in Tw itter Use
at th e Americ an and Canadian Urol og ic al Assoc iation Annu al Meeting s
in 2 0 1 2 and 2 0 1 3
Doiron, Chris1; Matta, Rano2; Leveridge, Michael1
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada; 2University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 5 . 1 0
Enh anc ing Urol og y Residenc y Edu c ational Experienc e w ith a Training Prog ram
Spec ifi c Cl ou d- b ased Sc al ab l e and Modifi ab l e Learning Resou rc e
Da Silva, V itor; Watterson, James D.; Roberts, Matthew; B ella, Anthony
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 5 . 1 1
Tu rning a New “ Pag e” - Pag es ov er Nig h t - W h at Is Reasonab l e?
Schrö der, Annette; Farhat, Walid; Koyle, Martin
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 5 . 1 2
Perspec tiv es of Urol og y Inv ol v ement in Renal Transpl antation:
A Su rv ey of Canadian Senior Residents
B j azevic, Jennifer; McGregor, Thomas
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada
MP- 0 5 . 1 3
Impac t of Cl inic al Fel l ow s on Urol og y Resident Training : Perc eptions and Real ity
Harriman, David; Hoag, Nathan; MacNeily, Andrew; Gourlay, William
University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada
MP- 0 5 . 1 4
An Expl oration of Commu nic ation Betw een Su rg ic al Instru c tors
and Trainees and th e Ef f ec t of an On- sc reen Frame of Ref erenc e
Teac h ing Tool Empl oy ed du ring Urol og ic Laparosc opic Training
Kim, Sooj in; Hoogenes, Jen; Elias, Rami; Kim, Kevin; Sonnadara, Ranil; Matsumoto, Edward
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
MP- 0 5 . 1 5
Tel eph one Consu l tations in Urol og y : W h o, W h en, W h ere and W h y ?
B lais, Anne- Sophie; Moore, Katherine
Université Laval, Q uebec, Q C, Canada
0 7 3 0 -0 9 1 5
MP- 0 6
Moderated Poster Session 6 : Bl adder Canc er
Séance de posters modérés 6 : Cancer de la vessie
Room / Salle: Avalon D
Moderators / Modérateurs: Adrian Fairey, Edmonton, AB ; Wassim Kassouf, Montreal, Q C
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To review the role of neoadj uvant chemotherapy in urothelial carcinoma of the bladder
2 .
To discuss surgical approach, case volume, patient’s age, etc. in radical
cystectomy for the management of urothelial carcinoma of the bladder
3 .
To review the status of non- radical surgery in the management of bladder cancer
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
1 .
Examiner le rôle de la chimiothérapie néoadjuvante dans le carcinome urothélial
de la vessie
2 .
Discuter de l’abord chirurgical, du volume du cas, de l’âge du patient, etc. dans la
cystectomie radicale pour la prise en charge du carcinome urothélial de la vessie
3 .
Examiner le statut de la chirurgie non radicale dans la prise en charge du cancer
de la vessie
MP- 0 6 . 0 1
A 3 - Gene DNA- Meth y l ation Biomark er Panel Sensitiv el y Detec ts Bl adder
Canc er and Disc riminates Betw een Hig h - g rade and Low - g rade Disease
in V oided Urine
Hermanns, Thomas1; Olk hov- Mitsel, Ek aterina2; Savio, Andrea2; Z dravic, Dark o2;
B hindi, B imal3; Kuk , Cynthia4; Noon, Aidan1; Rendon, Ricardo5; Waltregny, David6; Lo, Kirk C.4;
van der Kwast, Theodorus7; Finelli, Antonio1; Fleshner, Neil1; B apat, B harati2; Z lotta, Alexandre4
Department of Surgical Oncology, Division of Urology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Mount
Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada; 3Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, University
Health Network , University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 4Department of Urology, Mount
Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada; 5Department of Urology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS,
Canada; 6Department of Urology, University of Liege, Liege, B elgium; 7Department of
Pathology, University Health Network , University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 6 . 0 2
Ac c el erating th e Uptak e of Neo- adj u v ant Ch emoth erapy at a Tertiary Care
Ac ademic Centre: A Time- series Anal y sis to Determine How W e Did It
B hindi, B imal1; Y u, Julie2; Mamdani, Muhammad3; Sridhar, Srik ala1; Hermanns, Thomas1;
Hamilton, Robert1; Finelli, Antonio1; Jewett, Michael1; Z lotta, Alexandre1; Fleshner, Neil1;
Kulk arni, Girish1
University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada; 2University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada;
Applied Health Research Centre, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 6 . 0 3
Popu l ation- b ased Patterns of Ref erral f or Perioperativ e Ch emoth erapy
Among Patients w ith Mu sc l e- inv asiv e Bl adder Canc er
Siemens, Robert; Peng, Y ingwei; Mack illop, William; B ooth, Christopher; Leveridge, Michael
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 6 . 0 4
Dev el opment and External V al idation of a Prog nostic Tool f or Predic tion
of Canc er- spec ifi c Mortal ity af ter Compl ete Loc o- reg ional Path ol og ic al
Stag ing f or Sq u amou s Cel l Carc inoma of th e Penis
Popa, Ioana1; Trudeau, V incent1; Gandaglia, Giorgio2; Schiffmann, Jonas3; Azizi, Mounsif1;
Hanna, Nawar1; Trinh, Q uoc- Dien4; Dj aj adiningrat, Rosa S.5; Horenblas, Simon5; Sun, Maxine6;
Karak iewicz, Pierre I.1
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of
Urology, V ita- Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy; 3Martini- Clinic, Prostate Cancer Center
Hamburg- Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 4Division of Urologic Surgery, Department
of Surgical Oncology, Dana- Farber Cancer Institute, B oston, MA, United States; 5Department
of Urology, Netherlands Cancer Institute- Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam,
Netherlands; 6Cancer Prognostics and Health Outcomes Unit, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université
de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 6 . 0 5
Partial Cy stec tomy f or Uroth el ial Carc inoma of th e Bl adder:
Prac tic e Patterns and Ou tc omes in th e General Popu l ation
Leveridge, Michael; Siemens, Robert; Izard, Jason; Wei, X uej iao; Mack illop, William;
B erman, David; B ooth, Christopher
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
MP- 0 6 . 0 6
Adv erse Ou tc omes Fol l ow ing Radic al Cy stec tomy
Lavallée, Luk e1; Witiuk , Kelsey2; Mallick , Ranj eeta2; Fergusson, Dean2; Schram, David3;
Cagiannos, Ilias1; Morash, Chris1; B reau, Rodney1
Division of Urology, University of Ottawa and Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON,
Canada; 2Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada; 3Division of Otolaryngology,
The University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
MP- 0 6 . 0 7
Radic al Cy stec tomy in Patients ov er 8 0 Y ears Ol d in Q u eb ec :
A Popu l ation- b ased Stu dy of Ou tc omes
Ahmed, Ahmed S. Z ak aria1; Santos, Fabiano2; Kassouf, Wassim1; Tanguay, Simon1; Aprik ian, Armen1
Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Division
of Cancer Epidemiology, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 6 . 0 8
Su rv iv al af ter Radic al Cy stec tomy f or Bl adder Canc er in Rel ation to Prior
Non- mu sc l e Inv asiv e Disease in Q u eb ec
Ahmed, Ahmed S. Z ak aria1; Santos, Fabiano2; Kassouf, Wassim1; Tanguay, Simon1; Aprik ian, Armen1
Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Division
of Cancer Epidemiology, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 6 . 0 9
Hig h Hospital and Su rg eon V ol u me and Its Impac t on Ov eral l Su rv iv al Af ter
Radic al Cy stec tomy among Patients w ith Bl adder Canc er in Q u eb ec
Santos, Fabiano1; Ahmed, Ahmed S. Z ak aria2; Kassouf, Wassim2; Tanguay, Simon2; Franco,
Eduardo1; Aprik ian, Armen2
Division of Cancer Epidemiology, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Montreal General
Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 6 . 1 0
A Ph ase I/II Trial of Transu reth ral Su rg ery Fol l ow ed b y a Comb ination of
Ev erol imu s and Gemc itab ine w ith Intensity - modu l ated Radiation Th erapy
in Patients w ith Mu sc l e- inv asiv e Bl adder Canc er
B achir, B assel; Souhami, Luis; Mansure, Jose; Cury, Fabio; Sturgeon, Jeremy; Aprik ian,
Armen; Tanguay, Simon; Kassouf, Wassim
McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 6 . 1 1
Pre- treatment Neu troph il - to- Ly mph oc y te Ratio as Predic tor of Adv erse
Ou tc omes in Patients Underg oing Radic al Cy stec tomy f or Uroth el ial
Carc inoma of th e Bl adder
Hermanns, Thomas1; B hindi, B imal2; Wei, Y anliang1; B hatt, Jaimin1; Almatar, Ashraf1; Y u, Julie1;
Noon, Aidan1; Richard, Patrick O.1; Jewett, Michael1; Fleshner, Neil1; Z lotta, Alexandre3;
Templeton, Arnoud J.4; Kulk arni, Girish1
Department of Surgical Oncology, Division of Urology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre,
Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, University Health Network ,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 3Department of Urology, Mount Sinai Hospital,
Toronto, ON, Canada; 4Department of Medicine, Division Medical Oncology, Princess Margaret
Cancer Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 6 . 1 2
A Mu l tidisc ipl inary Bl adder Canc er Cl inic Del iv ers Personal iz ed Care f or
Compl ex Bl adder Canc er Patients
Hermanns, Thomas1; Wei, Y anliang1; B hindi, B imal2; Satk unasivam, Raj 2; B ostrom, Peter J.1;
Athanasopoulos, Paul1; Kuk , Cynthia3; Templeton, Arnoud J.4; Sridhar, Srik ala4; van der Kwast,
Theodorus5; Chung, Peter6; B ristow, Robert G.6; Milosevic, Michael6; Fleshner, Neil1; Jewett,
Michael1; Z lotta, Alexandre3; Kulk arni, Girish1
Department of Surgical Oncology, Division of Urology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Department of Surgery, Division of Urology,
University Health Network , University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 3Department of Urology,
Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada; 4Department of Medicine, Division Medical
Oncology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada;
Department of Pathology, University Health Network , University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
Canada; 6Department of Radiation Oncology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 6 . 1 3
A Popu l ation- b ased Anal y sis of Adenoc arc inoma of th e Bl adder
Izard, Jason; Siemens, Robert; Leveridge, Michael; B erman, David; Peng, Paul; Wei, X uej iao;
Mack illop, William; B ooth, Christopher
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
MP- 0 6 . 1 4
A Popu l ation- b ased Anal y sis of Sq u amou s Histol og y in Bl adder Canc er
Izard, Jason; Siemens, Robert; Leveridge, Michael; B erman, David; Peng, Paul; Wei, X uej iao;
Mack illop, William; B ooth, Christopher
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
MP- 0 6 . 1 5
Th e Impac t of Metf ormin on Canc er- spec ifi c Su rv iv al Ou tc omes in
Diab etic Patients Underg oing Radic al Cy stec tomy f or Uroth el ial Carc inoma
of th e Bl adder
Nayan, Madhur; B hindi, B imal; Y u, Julie; Hermanns, Thomas; Hamilton, Robert; Finelli,
Antonio; Jewett, Michael; Z lotta, Alexandre; Fleshner, Neil; Kulk arni, Girish
University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 6 . 1 6
Comparing Rob otic , Laparosc opic and Open Cy stec tomy : A Meta- anal y sis
Fonsek a, Thomas1; Ahmed, Kamran2; Froghi, Saied2; Dasgupta, Prok ar2; Khan, Shamim2
King’s College London, London, United Kingdom; 2MRC Centre for Transplantation, King’s
College London; King’s Health Partners; Guy’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom
0 7 3 0 -0 9 1 5
MP- 0 7
Moderated Poster Session 7 :
Fu nc tional Urol og y ( Inc ontinenc e / Neu rol og y / LUTS / UDS)
Séance de posters modérés 7 :
Urologie fonctionnelle ( incontinence / neurologie / TUB A / urodynamiq ue)
Room / Salle: Salon E
Moderators / Modérateurs: Keith Rourk e, Edmonton, AB ; Stephen Steele, Kingston, ON
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To understand the side effects of medical therapy for overactive bladder including
for the elderly patient
2 .
To review the contemporary role for B otox in patients with voiding dysfunction
3 .
To discuss the techniq ues and outcomes of urethroplasty
1 .
Comprendre les effets secondaires d’un traitement médicamenteux contre
la vessie hyperactive, y compris chez le patient âgé
2 .
Examiner le rôle contemporain du Botox chez les patients atteints de
dysfonction mictionnelle
3 .
Discuter des techniques d’urétroplastie et de leurs résultats
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 7 . 0 1
Urinary Retention in Patients w ith Ov erac tiv e Bl adder Treated w ith
Mirab eg ron Al one and in Comb ination w ith Sol if enac in: Th e Resu l ts of Tw o
Randomised, Dou b l e- b l ind, Ph ase II Stu dies
Nitti, V ictor1; Abrams, Paul2; Stask in, David3; Auerbach, Stephen4; Martina, Reynaldo5; van
Maanen, Robert5
NY U Langone Medical Center, New Y ork , NY , United States; 2B ristol Urological Institute,
B ristol, United Kingdom; 3Tufts University School of Medicine, B oston, MA, United States;
Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital, Newport B each, CA, United States; 5Astellas Inc,
Leiden, Netherlands
MP- 0 7 . 0 2
Rates of Urinary Retention in Mirab eg ron- treated Patients
Chapple, Christopher1; Nitti, V ictor2; Herschorn, Sender3; B lauwet, Mary B eth4; Traudtner,
Klaudia5; Walters, Carien6; Siddiq ui, Emad6
Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffi eld, United Kingdom; 2NY U Langone Medical Center, New
Y ork , NY , United States; 3University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 4Astellas Inc, Northbrook , IL,
United States; 5Astellas EU, Leiderdorp, Netherlands; 6Astellas Inc, Chertsey, United Kingdom
MP- 0 7 . 0 3
Cy stosc opic Patenc y and IPSS Improv ement Are Independentl y Assoc iated
w ith Improv ed Urinary Q u al ity of Lif e af ter Ureth ropl asty
Rourk e, Keith; Haines, Trevor
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
MP- 0 7 . 0 4
Repeat Onab otu l inu mtoxinA Treatment f or Ov erac tiv e Bl adder and Urinary
Inc ontinenc e: Interim Anal y sis of Long - term Ef fi c ac y and Saf ety Data W ith
2 . 4 Y ears’ Fol l ow - u p
Radomsk i, Sidney1; Chapple, Christopher2; Sussman, David3; Sand, Peter4; Guard, Steven5;
Z hou, Jihao6; Sievert, Karl- Dietrich7; Nitti, V ictor8
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Sheffi eld Teaching Hospital, Sheffi eld, United
Kingdom; 3Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine, Stratford, NJ, United States;
Evanston Continence Center, Evanston, IL, United States; 5Allergan, Ltd., Marlow, United
Kingdom; 6Allergan, Inc., B ridgewater, NJ, United States; 7University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen,
Germany; 8NY U Langone Medical Center, New Y ork , NY , United States
MP- 0 7 . 0 5
Determining th e Best Inc ision f or Bu l b ar Ureth ropl asty : A Comparison of
Compl ic ations and Ou tc omes of Lamb da and Midl ine Perineal Inc isions
B ascom, Alexandra; Rourk e, Keith
Division of Urology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 7 . 0 6
Long - term Rates of Urinary Inc ontinenc e Fol l ow ing Treatment of Loc al iz ed
Prostate Canc er: A Sy stematic Rev iew and Meta- anal y sis
Cox, Ashley1; Chang, Michelle2; Czerwinsk i, Michael1; Shah, Prak esh2; B eyene, Joseph3;
Nam, Robert2
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 2University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada;
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
MP- 0 7 . 0 7
Ureth ral Transec tion Does Not Infl u enc e Erec til e Fu nc tion af ter Anterior
Ureth ropl asty : A Prospec tiv e Anal y sis
Rourk e, Keith; Haines, Trevor; Z orn, Jeff
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
MP- 0 7 . 0 8
A Sing l e Centre Contemporary Anal y sis of th e Util ity of Retrog rade
Ureth rog ram in th e Manag ement of Pel v ic Frac tu re Ureth ral Inj u ries
Rourk e, Keith; Maciej ewsk i, Conrad
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
MP- 0 7 . 0 9
Th e Oral Mu c osa Graf t Harv est Pref erenc es of Rec onstru c tiv e Urol og ists
Rourk e, Keith; Maciej ewsk i, Conrad
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
MP- 0 7 . 1 0
Artifi c ial Urinary Sph inc ter Erosion af ter Radic al Prostatec tomy in Patients
Treated w ith and w ith ou t Sal v ag e Radiation
Hird, Amanda; Radomsk i, Sidney
Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network , University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 7 . 1 1
Bu il ding an Innov ativ e Del iv ery Model f or Ov erac tiv e Bl adder ( OAB) :
A Mu l tidisc ipl inary Approac h
Y ank o, Daniel; Crump, Trafford; B averstock , Richard; Carlson, Kevin
vesia [ Alberta B ladder Centre] , Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, University of
Calgary, Calgary, AB , Canada
MP- 0 7 . 1 2
Th e Dev astated Ureth ra: Ou r Experienc e in th e Manag ement of Ref rac tory
Post- prostate Th erapy Ureth ral Stric tu res
Y ank o, Daniel; Carlson, Kevin; Crump, Trafford; Weber, B ryce; B averstock , Richard
vesia [ Alberta B ladder Centre] , Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, University of
Calgary, Calgary, AB , Canada
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 7 . 1 3
Intrav esic al Onab otu l inu mtoxin A ( BTA) f or Bl adder Dy sf u nc tion in
“ Real W orl d” Cl inic al Prac tic e
B averstock , Richard; Hoyda, Ted; Singh, Heena; Y ank o, Daniel; Crump, Trafford; Weber, B ryce;
Carlson, Kevin
vesia [ Alberta B ladder Centre] , Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, University of
Calgary, Calgary, AB , Canada
MP- 0 7 . 1 4
Monoth erapy v ersu s Comb ination Th erapy w ith Antimu sc arinic s in Patients
w ith Persistent LUTS Storag e Sy mptoms Ref rac tory to Al ph a- adrenerg ic
Treatment: Patterns of Adh erenc e and Persistenc e
B ark in, Jack 1; B erner, Todd2; Diles, Demitri3; Radomsk i, Sidney4
Humber River Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Astellas Scientifi c and Medical Affairs, Inc.,
Northbrook , IL, United States; 3Astellas Pharma Canada, Inc., Mark ham, ON, Canada; 4Toronto
Western Hospital, University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 7 . 1 5
Urody namic and Cy stosc opy Finding s in Men Less Th an 5 0 Y ears of Ag e
w ith Low er Urinary Trac t Sy mptoms
Andrews, Matthew; Gaj ewsk i, Jerzy
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
MP- 0 7 . 1 6
Transc orporal Artifi c ial Urinary Sph inc ter f or Post- prostatec tomy Inc ontinenc e:
Intermediate Term Ou tc omes f rom th e Al b erta Experienc e
Hoy, Nathan; Rourk e, Keith
Division of Urology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
MP- 0 7 . 1 7
Ef f ec t of th e β3 - adrenoc eptor ag onist, mirab eg ron, on Q u al ity of Lif e
in Ol der Patients w ith Ov erac tiv e Bl adder: A Post- h oc Anal y sis of Pool ed
Data f rom 3 Randomised Ph ase 3 Trial s
Wagg, Adrian1; Nitti, V ictor2; Kelleher, Con3; Auerbach, Stephen4; B lauwet, Mary B eth5;
Siddiq ui, Emad6
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada; 2NY U Langone Medical Center, New Y ork ,
NY , United States; 3Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom;
Hoag Memorial Presbyterian Hospital, Newport B each, CA, United States; 5Astellas Inc,
Northbrook , IL, United States; 6Astellas Inc, Chertsey, United Kingdom
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
0 7 3 0 -0 9 1 5
j u illet
MP- 0 8
Moderated Poster Session 8 : Prostate ( Canc er / BPH)
Séance de posters modérés 8 : Prostate ( cancer / HB P)
Room / Salle: Salon F
Moderators / Modérateurs: Scott B agnell, Halifax, NS; Gerald B rock , London, ON
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To review different techniq ues in radiation therapy for the treatment of prostate
2 .
To discuss tools to refi ne indications for prostate biopsy and recent trends in the
usage of prostate biopsy
3 .
To review the role of MRI preoperatively and its utility in extracapsular extension/
positive margins in prostate cancer patients
1 .
Passer en revue les différentes techniques de radiothérapie pour le traitement du
cancer de la prostate
2 .
Discuter des outils permettant de préciser les indications d’une biopsie prostatique
et des tendances récentes dans le recours aux biopsies prostatiques
3 .
Examininer le rôle de l’IRM en préopératoire et son utilité dans l’établissement de
marges positives/d’extensions extracapsulaires chez les patients atteints de cancer
de la prostate
MP- 0 8 . 0 1
Dev el opment of a Mol ec u l ar Imag ing Sy stem Based on th e Transc riptional
Ac tiv ity of th e DD3 /PCA3 Non- c oding RNA f or Imag ing Spec ifi c al l y th e
Prostate Canc er Cel l s
Jain, Pallavi1; Neveu, B ertrand1; Fradet, Y ves2; Pouliot, Frederic2
Université Laval, Q uebec, Q C, Canada; 2Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Q uébec, Université
Laval, Q uebec, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 8 . 0 2
Th e Ef f ec t of Ag e at Diag nosis on Prostate Canc er Mortal ity :
A Grade- f or- Grade and Stag e- f or- Stag e Anal y sis
Trudeau, V incent1; Gandaglia, Giorgio1; Popa, Ioana1; Azizi, Mounsif1; Hanna, Nawar1;
Schiffmann, Jonas1; Trinh, Q uoc- Dien2; Sun, Maxine1; Karak iewicz, Pierre I.1
Cancer Prognostics and Health Outcomes Unit, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of
Surgery, Division of Urology, B righam and Women’s Hospital; Dana- Farber Cancer Institute,
Harvard Medical School, B oston, MA, United States
MP- 0 8 . 0 3
W ith draw n / Retiré
12 0
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 8 . 0 4
Util ity of Preoperativ e 3 Tesl a Pel v ic Ph ased- array Mag netic Resonanc e
Imag ing in Predic tion of Extrac apsu l ar Extension of Prostate Canc er and Its
Impac t on Su rg ic al Marg in Statu s
Wright, Ian; Lee, Justin; Hoogenes, Jen; B oylan, Colm; Shayegan, B obby
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
MP- 0 8 . 0 5
Dev el opment and V al idation of a Mark ov Monte Carl o Model f or Prostate
Canc er Manag ement
Sanyal, Chiranj eev1; Aprik ian, Armen2; Cury, Fabio2; Chevalier, Simone3; Dragomir, Alice3
McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Q C,
Canada; 3Research Institute of McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 8 . 0 6
Cost Comparison of Dif f erent Forms of Androg en Ab l ativ e Th erapies in
Metastatic Castration- resistant Prostate Canc er in Canada
Dragomir, Alice1; V anhuyse, Marie2; Aprik ian, Armen2
McGill University, Urology/Surgery, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2McGill University Health Centre,
Montreal, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 8 . 0 7
Extremel y Hig h Lev el s of PCA- 3 is Assoc iated w ith Prostatic Infl ammation
Alk asab, Thamir; Kulk arni, Girish; Hamilton, Robert; Z lotta, Alexandre; Finelli, Antonio; Fleshner, Neil
Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 8 . 0 8
Comparison of th e Canc er of th e Prostate Risk Assessment ( CAPRA) and
D’ Amic o Cl assifi c ation af ter External Beam Radioth erapy or Permanent
Seed Prostate Brac h y th erapy
Taussk y, Daniel; Delouya, Guila; Krishnan, V imal; B ahary, Jean- Paul; Larrivée, Sandra
University of Montreal, Montreal, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 8 . 0 9
IK K e Impac ts Grow th of Castrate- resistant Prostate Canc er Tu mors
Th rou g h th e Control of IL- 6 Gene Expression
Péant, B enj amin1; Poisson, Alexis1; B ienz, Marc1; L’Ecuyer, É milie1; Leclerc- Desaulniers, Kim1;
Delvoye, Nathalie1; Latour, Mathieu2; Mes- Masson, Anne- Marie1; Saad, Fred3
Institut du Cancer de Montréal, Centre de recherche du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de
l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of Pathology, Centre Hospitalier
de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 3Department of Surgery/Urology, Université
de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada
12 1
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 8 . 1 0
Greenl ig h t XPS- 1 8 0 W Laser V aporiz ation of th e Prostate f or Benig n
Prostatic Hy perpl asia: A Gl ob al , Mu l ti- c enter Stu dy Inc l u ding 1 0 5 3 Patients,
Anal y sis of Compl ic ation Rates and Ou tc omes at 2 Y ears
Hueber, Pierre- Alain1; B ienz, Marc1; Liberman, Daniel1; Misrai, V incent2; Rutman, Matthew3;
Te, Alexis E.4; Chughtai, B ilal4; B arber, Neil J.5; Emara, Amr M.5; Gonzalez, Ricardo R.6;
B hoj ani, Naeem1; Z orn, Kevin1
Urology Department of Surgery, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal,
Q C, Canada; 2Department of Urology, Cliniq ue Pasteur, Toulouse, France; 3Department of
Urology, Columbia University, New Y ork , NY , United States; 4Department of Urology, Cornell
University, New Y ork , NY , United States; 5Department of Urology, Frimley Park Hospital,
Frimley, Surrey, United Kingdom; 6Department of Urology, B aylor College of Medicine,
Houston, TX , United States
MP- 0 8 . 1 1
Ev al u ating th e Correl ation of Seru m Gonadotropins w ith th e Dev el opment
of Castrate Resistant Prostate Canc er
Hoare, Dylan; Sk inner, Thomas; B lack , Angela; Magee, Diana; Siemens, Robert
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
MP- 0 8 . 1 2
Th e Importanc e of Oth er Cau se Mortal ity and Cardiov asc u l ar Morb idity
in Patients w ith Metastatic Prostate Canc er Exposed to Conv entional
Androg en Depriv ation Th erapy
Popa, Ioana1; Gandaglia, Giorgio2; Trudeau, V incent1; Schiffmann, Jonas3; Azizi, Mounsif1;
Hanna, Nawar1; Montorsi, Francesco2; Trinh, Q uoc- Dien4; Saad, Fred1; Sun, Maxine5;
Karak iewicz, Pierre I.1
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of
Urology, V ita- Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy; 3Martini- Clinic, Prostate Cancer Center
Hamburg- Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 4Division of Urologic Surgery, Department of
Surgical Oncology, Dana- Farber Cancer Institute, B oston, MA, United States; 5Cancer
Prognostics and Health Outcomes Unit, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal,
Montreal, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 8 . 1 3
Intensity - modu l ated Radiation Th erapy Leads to Su rv iv al Benefi t Onl y
in Patients w ith Hig h - risk Prostate Canc er: A Popu l ation- b ased Stu dy
Popa, Ioana1; Gandaglia, Giorgio2; Trudeau, V incent1; Azizi, Mounsif1; Cucchiara, V ito2; V izziello,
Damiano2; Z affuto, Emanuele2; Perrotte, Paul1; Abdollah, Firas2; Sun, Maxine3; Karak iewicz, Pierre I.1
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of
Urology, V ita- Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy; 3Cancer Prognostics and Health
Outcomes Unit, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada
12 2
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 8 . 1 4
Redu c ing th e Ov er- diag nosis of Prostate Canc er w ith th e J u dic iou s Use of
First- time Biopsy : V al idation of th e Toronto Biopsy Av oidanc e Tool ( T- BAT)
B hindi, B imal; Jiang, Haiyan; Hamilton, Robert; Toi, Ants; Finelli, Antonio; Trachtenberg, John;
Z lotta, Alexandre; van der Kwast, Theodorus; Evans, Andrew; Fleshner, Neil; Kulk arni, Girish
University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 8 . 1 5
Creation of th e Toronto Biopsy Av oidanc e Tool ( T- BAT) w ith Cl inic al
Parameter- onl y and Adipok ine Biomark er- au g mented V ersions
B hindi, B imal; Jiang, Haiyan; Hamilton, Robert; Toi, Ants; Finelli, Antonio; Trachtenberg, John;
Z lotta, Alexandre; van der Kwast, Theodorus; Evans, Andrew; Fleshner, Neil; Kulk arni, Girish
University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 8 . 1 6
Prostate Biopsy Trends in Rel ation to U. S. Prev entativ e Task Forc e
Rec ommendations ag ainst Rou tine PSA- b ased Sc reening :
A Time- series Anal y sis
B hindi, B imal1; Mamdani, Muhammad2; Kulk arni, Girish1; Finelli, Antonio1; Hamilton, Robert1;
Trachtenberg, John1; Z lotta, Alexandre1; Evans, Andrew1; van der Kwast, Theodorus1; Toi,
Ants1; Fleshner, Neil1
University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Applied Health Research Centre,
St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
0 7 3 0 -0 9 1 5
MP- 0 9
Moderated Poster Session 9 : K idney Canc er
Séance de posters modérés 9 : Cancer du rein
Room / Salle: Salon G
Moderators / Modérateurs: Axel Heidenreich, Aachen, Germany; Frédéric Pouliot, Q uebec, Q C
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To review the impact of premorbid health, nephrometry scores and intraoperative
techniq ues on renal function outcomes in partial nephrectomy
2 .
To understand the role of neoadj uvant therapy and metastasectomy in metastatic
renal cell carcinoma
3 .
To review surgical management in pT2 and pT3 renal cell carcinoma
1 .
Examiner l’impact de la santé prémorbide, des scores de néphrométrie et
des techniques périopératoires sur les résultats liés à la fonction rénale de la
néphrectomie partielle
2 .
Comprendre le rôle de la thérapie néoadjuvante et de la métastatectomie dans
l’hypernéphrome métastatique
3 .
Passer en revue la prise en charge chirurgicale de l’hypernéphrome de classe pT2
et pT3
12 3
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 9 . 0 1
The Impact of Histopath ol og ica l Su b ty pes on Cl inica l Ou tco mes f or Su rg ica l l y
Treated Renal Cell Carci noma: A Canadian Mu l ti- institu tional Anal y sis
B j azevic, Jennifer1; Nayak , Jasmir1; Patel, Premal1; Liu, Z hihui2; Kapoor, Anil3; Finelli, Antonio4;
Rendon, Ricardo5; B lack , Peter6; Moore, Ronald7; Tanguay, Simon2; Drachenberg, Darrel1
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada; 2McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada;
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 4University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada;
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 6University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C,
Canada; 7University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
MP- 0 9 . 0 2
Renal Artery Pseu doaneu ry sms af ter Neph ron Sparing Su rg ery f or Renal
Cel l Carc inoma: Inc idenc e, Manag ement and Fu nc tional Ou tc omes f rom
Canadian K idney Canc er Inf ormation Sy stem Datab ase
B ansal, Rahul1; Kapoor, Anil1; Finelli, Antonio2; Rendon, Ricardo3; Moore, Ronald4; B reau,
Rodney5; Lacombe, Louis6; Kawak ami, Jun7; Drachenberg, Darrel8; B lack , Peter9; Pautler,
Stephen10; Liu, Z hihui11; Tanguay, Simon11
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 2University
Health Network , University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 3Dalhousie University, Halifax,
NS, Canada; 4University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada; 5University of Ottawa, Ottawa,
ON, Canada; 6Laval University, Q uebec, Q C, Canada; 7Southern Alberta Institute of Urology,
Calgary, AB , Canada; 8University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada; 9University of B ritish
Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada; 10Western University, London, ON, Canada; 11McGill
University, Montreal, Q C, Canada
MP- 0 9 . 0 3
Positiv e Su rg ic al Marg ins af ter Partial Neph rec tomy f or Renal Cel l Carc inoma:
Resu l ts f rom Canadian K idney Canc er Inf ormation Sy stem Datab ase
B ansal, Rahul1; Kapoor, Anil1; Finelli, Antonio2; Rendon, Ricardo3; Moore, Ronald4; B reau,
Rodney5; Lacombe, Louis6; Kawak ami, Jun7; Drachenberg, Darrel8; B lack , Peter9; Pautler,
Stephen10; Liu, Z hihui11; Tanguay, Simon11
St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 2University
Health Network , University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 3Dalhousie University, Halifax,
NS, Canada; 4University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada; 5University of Ottawa, Ottawa,
ON, Canada; 6Laval University, Q uebec, Q C, Canada; 7Southern Alberta Institute of Urology,
Calgary, AB , Canada; 8University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada; 9University of B ritish
Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada; 10Western University, London, ON, Canada; 11McGill
University, Montreal, Q C, Canada
12 4
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 9 . 0 4
Contemporary Ou tc omes of pT3 Renal Cel l Carc inoma: Th e Canadian
K idney Canc er Inf ormation Sy stem ( CK Cis) Data
Gardiner, Clare1; Nayak , Jasmir1; Liu, Z hihui2; Tanguay, Simon2; Kapoor, Anil3; Finelli,
Antonio4; Rendon, Ricardo5; B lack , Peter6; Klotz, Laurence4; Moore, Ronald7; Kawak ami, Jun8;
B reau, Rodney9; Drachenberg, Darrel1
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada; 2McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada;
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 4University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada;
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 6University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C,
Canada; 7University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada; 8Southern Alberta Institute of Urology,
Calgary, AB , Canada; 9University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
MP- 0 9 . 0 5
Long Term Su rv iv al in Metastatic Renal Cel l Carc inoma Patients
Underg oing Preoperativ e Soraf enib Th erapy
Lawson, Keith1; Knox, Jennifer2; Horgan, Anne2; Evans, Andrew3; Fleshner, Neil1; Jewett,
Michael1; Joshua, Anthony2; Sridhar, Srik ala2; Z lotta, Alexandre1; Finelli, Antonio1
Department of Surgical Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada; 2Department of Medical Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 3Department of Pathology, University Health Network , University
of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 9 . 0 6
Predic tion of Hig h v ersu s Low Grade Disease in Patients w ith Smal l Renal
Masses Using a Cl assifi c ation Tree
Organ, Michael; Mason, Ross; Abdolell, Mohamed; Rendon, Ricardo
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
MP- 0 9 . 0 7
A Contemporary Anal y sis of Patients Underg oing Laparosc opic
Manag ement of pT3 Renal Masses: A Canadian Mu l ti- institu tional Series
Patel, Premal1; Nayak , Jasmir1; B j azevic, Jennifer1; Liu, Z hihui2; Kapoor, Anil3; Rendon,
Ricardo4; Tanguay, Simon5; B lack , Peter6; Kawak ami, Jun7; B reau, Rodney8; Drachenberg, Darrel1
Section of Urology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada; 2Department of
B iostatistics, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 3Division of Urology, McMaster
University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 4Department of Urology, Dalhousie University, Halifax,
NS, Canada; 5Division of Urology, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 6Department of
Urologic Sciences, University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada; 7Division of Urology,
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB , Canada; 8Division of Urology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa,
ON, Canada
MP- 0 9 . 0 8
Inh ib ition of Py ru v ate Deh y drog enase K inase Inc reases Apoptosis and
Redu c es Prol if eration and Ang iog enesis in Renal Cel l Carc inoma
Kinnaird, Adam; Dromparis, Peter; Paulin, Roxane; Sutendra, Gopinath; Michelak is, Evangelos
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
12 5
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 9 . 0 9
Manag ement of Cl inic al l y Loc al iz ed Stag e T1 Renal Tu mors in a
Mu l tic enter Canadian Coh ort
Lavallée, Luk e1; Tanguay, Simon2; Jewett, Michael3; Finelli, Antonio3; Wood, Lori4;
Cagiannos, Ilias5; Morash, Chris5; Pautler, Stephen6; Liu, Z hihui2; B reau, Rodney5
Division of Urology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; 2McGill University, Montreal,
Q C, Canada; 3University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 4Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS,
Canada; 5University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; 6Western University, London, ON, Canada
MP- 0 9 . 1 0
Dev el oping a Patient- deriv ed Xenog raf t Model Using Ch ic k en Emb ry os to
Predic t Targ eted Th erapy Tu mor Resistanc e in Renal Cel l Carc inomas
Mazzola, Clarisse1; Willie, Chantalle1; Pardhan, Siddik a1; Siddiq ui, Khurram1; B illia,
Michele1; Izawa, Jonathan1; Chin, Joseph1; Chambers, Ann F.1; B rugarolas, James2; Tram,
Ahn2; Power, Nicholas1; Leong, Hon1
Western University, London, ON, Canada; 2UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX , United States
MP- 0 9 . 1 1
Renal Neph rometry Sc ore and Predic tors of Ou tc omes in Partial Neph rec tomies
Pruthi, Deepak ; Drachenberg, Darrel; McGregor, Thomas
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada
MP- 0 9 . 1 2
Sh ort- term Ou tc ome of Metastasec tomy in Renal Cel l Carc inoma:
Th e Canadian K idney Canc er Inf ormation Sy stem Initial Experienc e
B arayan, Ghassan1; Klotz, Laurence2; B lack , Peter3; Rendon, Ricardo4; Kapoor, Anil5;
Pautler, Stephen6; Jewett, Michael2; Drachenberg, Darrel7; Moore, Ronald8; Tanguay, Simon1
Montreal General Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON, Canada; 3University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada; 4Dalhousie
University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 5McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 6Western
University, London, ON, Canada; 7University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada; 8University of
Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
MP- 0 9 . 1 3
Sur ge on- specifi c Fact ors Af f ect ing Treatment Dec isions in th e
Manage ment of Smal l Renal Cance rs
Millman, Alexandra; Pace, Kenneth; Ordon, Michael; Lee, Jason
St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
MP- 0 9 . 1 4
Patients w ith T2B Renal Cel l Carci noma Hav e no Dif f erence in Su rv iv al w h en
Treated wit h Radica l or Partial Neph rec tomy : Anal y sis of th e SEER Datab ase
Daugherty, Michael; Khanna, Rak esh
SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY , United States
12 6
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
MP- 0 9 . 1 5
Rob ot- assisted v ersu s Laparosc opic Neph rou reterec tomy f or Upper
Trac t Ureth el ial Canc er: A Popu l ation- b ased Assessment of Costs
and Perioperativ e Ou tc omes
Trudeau, V incent1; Gandaglia, Giorgio1; Popa, Ioana1; Schiffmann, Jonas1; Hanna, Nawar1;
Trinh, Q uoc- Dien2; Sun, Maxine1; Karak iewicz, Pierre I.1
Cancer Prognostics and Health Outcomes Unit, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of
Surgery, Division of Urology, B righam and Women’s Hospital; Dana- Farber Cancer Institute,
Harvard Medical School, B oston, MA, United States
MP- 0 9 . 1 6
Measu ring th e Impac t Medic al Prog nostic Fac tors f or Renal Fu nc tional
Dec l ine Fol l ow ing Radic al Neph rec tomy and Neph ron- sparing Su rg ery
f or Renal Cel l Carc inoma
Rowe, Neal; Mamut, Adiel; V iolette, Philippe; Cui, Fulan; Sener, Alp; Luk e, Patrick
Western University, London, ON, Canada
MP- 0 9 . 1 7
Z ero Isc h emia Rob otic Partial Neph rec tomy in Al b erta:
Initial Resu l ts of a Nov el Approac h
Forbes, Ellen; Kinnaird, Adam; St. Martin, B lair
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
0 8 0 0 -0 9 0 0
Sc ientifi c Prog ram Committee Meeting
Réunion programme du comité scientifi q ue
Room / Salle: Governor Gower
0 9 1 5 -0 9 2 5
Cl inic al Pearl s Th at Cou l d Ch ang e Y ou r Prac tic e
Des perles cliniq ues q ui pourraient changer votre pratiq ue
Speak er / Conférencier: B obby Shayegan, Hamilton, ON; Keith Rourk e, Edmonton, AB
Room / Salle: Avalon A
0 9 2 5 -0 9 5 5
State- of - th e- Art Lec tu re 8 / Conférence d’honneur 8
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Ph y sic ian Heal th : K eeping Y ou Ou t of Cou rt, Connec ted w ith Y ou r Famil y ,
and Happy w ith Y ou r Lif e
Santé du médecin : V ous garder loin des tribunaux, connecté à votre famille et
heureux dans votre vie
Introduction: Peter Anderson, Halifax, NS
Speak er / Conférencier: Derek Puddester, Ottawa, ON
12 7
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
Objectives / Objectifs
1 .
To defi ne and describe physician health as a core competency of urological practice
2 .
To identify the link ages between physician health, professionalism, and improved
patient care
3 .
To apply strategies to enhance their personal and family connection, sustainability,
and satisfaction
1 .
Définir et décrire la santé du médecin en tant que compétence centrale de la
pratique urologique
2 .
Cerner les liens entre la santé du médecin, le professionnalisme et de meilleurs
soins au patient
3 .
Appliquer des stratégies pour améliorer les liens interpersonnels et familiaux,
leur durabilité et la satisfaction retirée de ces liens
0 9 5 5 -1 0 1 5
Break / Pau se
Room / Salle: Avalon Foyer
1 0 0 0 -1 1 0 0
Annu al Meeting Pl anning Committee
Comité de planifi cation de la réunion annuelle
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Executive B oardroom
1 0 1 5 -1 1 4 5
POD- 0 5
Podiu m Session 5 : Fu nc tional Urol og y
( Inc ontinenc e / Neu rol og y / LUTS / Men’ s Heal th )
Séance Podium 5 : Urologie fonctionnelle
( incontinence / neurologie / TUB A / santé des hommes)
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Moderators / Modérateurs: Greg B ailly, Halifax, NS; Kevin Carlson, Calgary, AB
Objectives / Objectifs
12 8
1 .
To review the management of Peyronie’s disease
2 .
To discuss the management of incontinence and urethral stricture disease,
including post radical treatment of prostate cancer patients
3 .
To review the diagnosis and therapy in patients with incontinence and
overactive bladder
1 .
Passer en revue la prise en charge de la maladie de La Peyronie
2 .
Discuter de la prise en charge de l’incontinence et de la sténose urétrale,
y compris après un traitement radical du cancer de la prostate
3 .
Passer en revue le diagnostic et le traitement des patients présentant une
incontinence et une vessie hyperactive
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
POD- 0 5 . 0 1
Stemming th e Tide of Mil d to Moderate Post- prostatec tomy Inc ontinenc e:
A Retrospec tiv e Comparison of Transob tu rator Mal e Sl ing s and th e Artifi c ial
Urinary Sph inc ter
Hoy, Nathan; Rourk e, Keith
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
POD- 0 5 . 0 2
Th e V alidit y and Rel iabilit y of the Neur og enic Bl adder Sy mptom Sco re (NB SS)
Welk , B layne1; Morrow, Sarah1; Madarasz, Wendy2; B averstock , Richard3; Macnab, Jennifer1;
Seq ueira, Keith1
Western University, London, ON, Canada; 2St. Joseph’s Health Care London, London, ON,
Canada; 3University of Calgary, Calgary, AB , Canada
POD- 0 5 . 0 3
Urol og ic al Issu es in an Adu l t Spina Bifi da ( SB) Popu l ation:
W h at Is th e Ideal Fol l ow - u p Interv al ?
Duplisea, Jon; Romao, Rodrigo; MacLellan, Dawn; Cox, Ashley; Anderson, Peter
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
POD- 0 5 . 0 4
A Searc h f or Mic roorg anisms in Patients w ith Urol og ic Ch ronic Pel v ic Pain
Sy ndromes ( UCPPS) : A Cu l tu re Independent Anal y sis of Cases and Control s
in th e NIH MAPP EP Stu dy
Nick el, J. Curtis1; Stephens, Alisa2; Ehrlich, Garth3; MAPP Research Network
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,
United States; 3Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, United States; 4National Institutes of Health,
B ethesda, MD, United States
POD- 0 5 . 0 5
Lessons Learned f rom th e Prospec tiv e Ev al u ation of Penil e Trac tion
Ph y sioth erapy Dev ic e Util iz ation in 1 0 0 Consec u tiv e Men w ith Pey ronie’ s Disease
B ella, Anthony1; Greenspan, Michael B .2; B rant, William O.3
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; 2McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada;
University of Utah, Salt Lak e City, UT, United States
POD- 0 5 . 0 6
Does Patient Ag e at Presentation of Pey ronie’ s Disease Infl u enc e
Treatment Satisf ac tion?
De Jesus, Anthony; Shamloul, Rany; B ella, Anthony
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
12 9
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
j u illet
POD- 0 5 . 0 7
Ob serv ations, Ou tc omes and Compl ic ations of Ureth ropl asty f or
Bu b l omemb ranou s Stenosis af ter Radiation Treatment f or Prostate Canc er
Rourk e, Keith
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
POD- 0 5 . 0 8
Cardiov asc u l ar Saf ety of Comb ination Th erapy w ith Mirab eg ron and
Sol if enac in in Patients w ith Ov erac tiv e Bl adder in a Randomised,
Dou b l e- b l ind, Dose- rang ing , Ph ase II Stu dy ( Sy mph ony )
Abrams, Paul1; Kelleher, Con2; Stask in, David3; Kay, Richard4; Martina, Reynaldo5; Newgreen,
Donald5; Paireddy, Asha5; van Maanen, Robert5; Ridder, Arwin5
B ristol Urological Institute, B ristol, United Kingdom; 2Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation
Trust, London, United Kingdom; 3Tufts University School of Medicine, B oston, MA, United
States; 4RK Statistics Ltd, B ak ewell, United Kingdom; 5Astellas Inc, Leiden, Netherlands
POD- 0 5 . 0 9
Urinary Inc ontinenc e in W omen: W h at is th e Trig g er to Final l y Seek Treatment?
Pace, Jonathan; Steele, Stephen
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
1 1 4 5 -1 2 1 5
State- of - th e- Art Lec tu re 9 / Conférence d’honneur 9
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Th e Rol e of Radic al Prostatec tomy in th e Manag ement of Loc al l y Adv anc ed
and Metastatic Prostate Canc er
Rôle de la prostatectomy radicale dans la prise en charge du cancer de la prostate
localement avancé et métastatiq ue
Introduction: Ricardo Rendon, Halifax, NS
Speak er / Conférencier: Axel Heidenreich, Aachen, Germany
Objectives / Objectifs
13 0
1 .
To identify preoperatively the most appropriate surgical approach in high risk PCA
2 .
To review surgical techniq ue, pitfalls and prevention of perioperative complications
3 .
To identify patients who are candidates for a multimodality approach
1 .
Détermination préopératoire de l’approche chirurgicale convenant le mieux dans le
cancer de la prostate à risque élevé
2 .
Technique chirurgicale, écueils et prévention des complications périopératoires
3 .
Sélection des patients à qui convient une approche multimodale
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
TU ESD AY , J U LY 1 / M ardi 1
1 2 1 5 -1 3 4 5
j u illet
EF1 0
Lu nc h and Edu c ational Foru m 1 0 / Déj euner et Forum éducatif 10
Room / Salle: Avalon A
Ch al l eng ing Dec isions and Deb ates in K idney Canc er:
Optimiz ing Patient Ou tc omes
Décisions diffi ciles et débats entourant le cancer du rein :
Optimisation des résultats pour les patients
Moderator / Modérateur: Anil Kapoor, Hamilton, ON
Faculty / Facultés: Rodney B reau, Ottawa, ON; Axel Heidenreich, Aachen, Germany;
Steven Pautler, London, ON; Simon Tanguay, Montreal, Q C
Objectives / Objectifs
1 2 1 5 -1 3 1 5
1 .
To discuss controversies regarding when to biopsy for renal cell carcinoma, and
cases where biopsy may not be necessary
2 .
To discuss indications and techniq ues for open versus laparoscopic versus robotic
partial nephrectomy
3 .
To discuss medical and surgical management of advanced renal cell carcinoma –
upfront medical therapy versus upfront surgical therapy for advanced disease
1 .
Discuter des controverses ayant trait au moment de procéder à une biopsie pour
confirmer un hypernéphrome et des cas où une biopsie pourrait ne pas être
2 .
Discuter des indications et des techniques de néphrectomie partielle par chirurgie
ouverte, par laparoscopie et par chirurgie assistée par robot
3 .
Discuter de la prise en charge médicale et chirurgicale de l’hypernéphrome
avancé - traitement médicamenteux immédiat ou traitement chirurgical immédiat
en cas de cancer avancé
CUAJ Editorial Board Meeting / Comité de rédaction du Journal de l’AUC
Delta St. John’s Hotel & Conference Centre
Room / Salle: Executive B oardroom
1 3 4 5 -1 4 1 5
Cl osing Ceremonies / Cérémonies de clôture
Room / Salle: Avalon A
13 1
13 2
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
U NM OD ER ATED P OSTER S / P o sters n o n ≠ mo dÈ rÈ s
UP- 0 1
Cl inic al l y Meaning f u l Improv ement of Low er Urinary Trac t Sy mptoms
Sec ondary to Benig n Prostatic Hy perpl asia w ith Tadal afi l : Integ rated
Anal y ses f rom 4 Dou b l e- b l ind Pl ac eb o- c ontrol l ed Stu dies
Nick el, J. Curtis1; B rock , Gerald2; Herschorn, Sender3; Dick son, Ruth4; Henneges, Carsten5;
V ik trup, Lars6
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada; 2Western University, London, ON, Canada;
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 4Eli Lilly and Company, Toronto, ON, Canada; 5Eli
Lilly and Company, B ad Homburg, Germany; 6Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN, United States
UP- 0 2
Prostate Spec ifi c Antig en as a Predic tiv e Tool f or Prostate V ol u me in
New Bru nsw ic k Men w ith ou t Prostate Canc er
Pawsey, Ryan1; Whelan, Thomas F.2; McB riarty, Heather2
Dalhousie Medicine New B runswick , Dalhousie University, Saint John, NB , Canada; 2Horizon
Health, Saint John, NB , Canada
UP- 0 3
Capsaic in May Redu c e th e Metastatic Bu rden in th e Transg enic
Adenoc arc ioma of th e Mou se Prostate ( TRAMP) Model
V enier, Natalie1; Y amamoto, Toshihiro1; Sugar, Linda1; Fleshner, Neil2; Klotz, Laurence3;
V enk ateswaran, V asundara1
Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2University Health Network , Toronto, ON,
Canada; 3Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada
UP- 0 4
Androg en Leads to Tu mou r Grow th Control th rou g h IK K ε Expression
in a Mou se Xenog raf t Model of Prostate Canc er
Huon, Y annick 1; Péant, B enj amin1; Leclerc- Desaulniers, Kim1; Delvoye, Nathalie1; MesMasson, Anne- Marie2; Saad, Fred3
Institut du Cancer de Montréal, Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l’Université
de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Institut du Cancer de Montréal; Département de
Médecine, Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal,
Q C, Canada; 3Institut du Cancer de Montréal; Département de Chirurgie, Centre de Recherche
du Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada
UP- 0 5
Demonstration of th e Direc t Impac t of K etamine on Uroth el iu m Using
a Tissu e Eng ineered Bl adder Model
B ureau, Michel; Rousseau, Alexandre; Chabaud, Stéphane; B ernard, Geneviève; B olduc, Stéphane
Laboratoire d’Organogenèse Expérimentale, Université Laval, Q uebec, Q C, Canada
13 3
U NM OD ER ATED P OSTER S / P o sters n o n ≠ mo dÈ rÈ s
UP- 0 6
V al idation of a Simu l ation- b ased Fl exib l e Ureterosc opy Training Cou rse
and Nov el Inanimate Ureterosc opy Training Model
B lank stein, Udi; Lantz, Andrea; Honey, R.J. D’A; Ordon, Michael; Pace, Kenneth; Lee, Jason
St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
UP- 0 7
Stu dy Hab its of Canadian Urol og y Residents
Sk inner, Thomas; Touma, Naj i
Department of Urology, Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
UP- 0 8
Th e Sh ark l et Mic ro- pattern Limits Bac terial Mig ration and Col oniz ation
Mann, Ethan1; Hoffman, Matthew1; May, Rhea1; Cowan, B arrett2; B rennan, Anthony3;
Landman, Jaime4; Reddy, Shravanthi1
Shark let Technologies, Inc., Aurora, CO, United States; 2Urology Associates of Denver, Denver,
CO, United States; 3Department of Materials Science Engineering, College of Engineering,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States; 4Urology Department, School of Medicine,
University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, Canada
UP- 0 9
Bl adder Pain Sy ndrome/Interstitial Cy stitis in Mal es: Cl inic al Presentation
and Correl ation Betw een Sy mptoms, Cy stosc opic and Urody namic Finding s
Sawaq ed, Fadi; Gaj ewsk i, Jerzy
Department of Urology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
UP- 1 0
Dail y v ersu s Postc oital Antib iotic Proph y l axis in W omen w ith Rec u rrent Urinary
Trac t Inf ec tions: Ch oic e of Antib iotic f rom a Cost- ef f ec tiv eness Perspec tiv e
Tu, Hin Y u V incent; Davies, Timothy
McMaster Institute of Urology, Hamilton, ON, Canada
UP- 1 1
Prev al enc e and Treatment of Ch ronic Prostatitis in Inf ertil e Men and Py ospermia
Sulley, Glenn; Sindhwani, Puneet; Uwaydah, Nabeel; Shaw, Marshall
University of Ok lahoma Health Science Center, Ok lahoma City, OK, United States
UP- 1 2
Th e Anatomy of Post- c h emoth erapy Retroperitoneal Ly mph Node
Dissec tions f or Testis Canc er: A Cadav eric Stu dy of th e Aortic Pl exu s and
Patterns of Lu mb ar V essel s
B everidge, Tyler1; Johnson, Marj orie1; Power, Adam2; Allman, B rian L.1; Power, Nicholas2
Western University, London, ON, Canada; 2London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON, Canada
13 4
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
U NM OD ER ATED P OSTER S / P o sters n o n ≠ mo dÈ rÈ s
UP- 1 3
Nov el Measu rement of Ob esity Using V isc eral Adipose Tissu e on
Preoperativ e CT Sc an f or Uroth el ial Bl adder Canc er and Correl ating
Ou tc omes af ter Radic al Cy stec tomy
B hatt, Jaimin1; Tse, Donald2; B hindi, B imal2; Hermanns, Thomas2; Hamilton, Robert2; Fleshner,
Neil2; Finelli, Antonio2; Jewett, Michael2; Z lotta, Alexandre2; Kulk arni, Girish2
University of Toronto, University Health Network , Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON,
Canada; 2University of Toronto, University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada
UP- 1 4
Ef f ec t of Contrast Media on Urinary Cy topath ol og y Spec imens
Metcalfe, Michael; Raven, Peter; Fazli, Ladan; So, Alan; B idnur, Samir
University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada
UP- 1 5
Measu ring Sy stemic Immu ne- response to Intrav esic al BCG f or Su perfi c ial
Bl adder Canc er Using Commerc ial l y Av ail ab l e Immu k now ® Assay :
Correl ation w ith Ou tc omes and Low er Urinary Trac t Sy mptoms
B ak er, Ryan
University of Ok lahoma Health Science Center, Ok lahoma City, OK, United States
UP- 1 6
Th e Ef fi c ac y and Saf ety of Mitomy c in- C Hy perth ermia in th e Treatment of
Hig h Risk Non- mu sc l e Inv asiv e Bl adder Canc er in a Sing l e Reg ional Centre
Das, Gary1; Ayres, B en2; Corbishley, Cathy2; B ailey, Mik e2; Perry, Matthew2; Lynch, Mark 1; Nair,
Raj 2; Pai, Aak ash2; Issa, Rami2
Croydon University Hospital, Croydon, London, United Kingdom; 2St George’s Hospital,
Tooting, London, United Kingdom
UP- 1 7
Comparativ e Ef f ect iv eness of Radica l Cy stect omy v ersu s Bl adder- sparing
Treatment f or Mu sc l e- inv asiv e Uroth el ial Carc inoma: A Popu l ation- b ased Report
Popa, Ioana1; Trudeau, V incent1; Gandaglia, Giorgio2; Schiffmann, Jonas3; Azizi, Mounsif1;
Hanna, Nawar1; Trinh, Q uoc- Dien4; Sun, Maxine5; Karak iewicz, Pierre I.1
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of
Urology, V ita- Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy; 3Martini- Clinic, Prostate Cancer Center
Hamburg- Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 4Division of Urologic Surgery, Department of
Surgical Oncology, Dana- Farber Cancer Institute, B oston, MA, United States; 5Cancer
Prognostics and Health Outcomes Unit, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal,
Montreal, Q C, Canada
13 5
U NM OD ER ATED P OSTER S / P o sters n o n ≠ mo dÈ rÈ s
UP- 1 8
Patterns of Sy stemic Ch emoth erapy Use in Metastatic Castration Resistant
Prostate Canc er Patients: A Popu l ation- b ased Stu dy
Popa, Ioana1; Gandaglia, Giorgio2; Sun, Maxine3; Schiffmann, Jonas4; Azizi, Mounsif1; Graefen,
Mark us4; Montorsi, Francesco2; Saad, Fred1; Trinh, Q uoc- Dien5; Karak iewicz, Pierre I.1
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of
Urology, V ita- Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy; 3Cancer Prognostics and Health
Outcomes Unit, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada;
Martini- Clinic, Prostate Cancer Center Hamburg- Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 5Division of
Urologic Surgery, Department of Surgical Oncology, Dana- Farber Cancer Institute, B oston,
MA, United States
UP- 1 9
Patterns of Use of Bone- targe ted Th erapy in Metastatic Castration Resistant
Prostate Cance r Patients: A Popu l ation- ba sed Stu dy
Popa, Ioana1; Gandaglia, Giorgio2; Sun, Maxine3; Schiffmann, Jonas4; Azizi, Mounsif1; Graefen,
Mark us4; Montorsi, Francesco2; Trinh, Q uoc- Dien5; Saad, Fred1; Karak iewicz, Pierre I.1
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of
Urology, V ita- Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy; 3Cancer Prognostics and Health
Outcomes Unit, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada;
Martini- Clinic, Prostate Cancer Center Hamburg- Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany; 5Division of
Urologic Surgery, Department of Surgical Oncology, Dana- Farber Cancer Institute, B oston,
MA, United States
UP- 2 0
Impac t on Su rv iv al of Prostate Canc ers Fou nd in Radic al
Cy stoprostatec tomy Spec imens: Resu l ts of a Mu l ti- c enter Stu dy
Mazzola, Clarisse1; Siddiq ui, Khurram1; B illia, Michele1; Kassouf, Wassim2; Aprik ian,
Armen2; Chin, Joseph1; Fradet, Y ves3; Estey, Eric4; Fairey, Adrian4; Rendon, Ricardo5;
Cagiannos, Ilias6; Lacombe, Louis3; Lattouf, Jean- B aptiste7; B ell, David5; Drachenberg, Darrel8;
Izawa, Jonathan1
Western University, London, ON, Canada; 2McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada;
Université de Laval, Q uebec, Q C, Canada; 4Alberta University, Edmonton, AB , Canada;
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 6University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada;
Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 8University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada
UP- 2 1
Correl ation of PCA3 and Mu l ti- parametric Prostatic MRI in th e Detec tion
and Monitoring of Prostate Canc er
Alk asab, Thamir; Kulk arni, Girish; Hamilton, Robert; Z lotta, Alexandre; Finelli, Antonio; Fleshner, Neil
Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
UP- 2 2
Th e Rol e of Prostate Canc er Antig en 3 Test and Mu l ti- parametric Prostatic
Mag netic Resonanc e Imag ing f or Diag nosis of Prostate Canc er in Patient
w ith Mu l tipl e Prior Neg ativ e Biopsies
Alk asab, Thamir; Kulk arni, Girish; Hamilton, Robert; Z lotta, Alexandre; Finelli, Antonio; Fleshner, Neil
Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada
13 6
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
U NM OD ER ATED P OSTER S / P o sters n o n ≠ mo dÈ rÈ s
UP- 2 3
Immediate Foc al Th erapy v ersu s Ac tiv e Su rv eil l anc e of Cl inic al l y Loc al iz ed
Low - intermediate Risk Prostate Canc er
B arayan, Ghassan1; Hanley, James A.2; Aprik ian, Armen1; Kassouf, Wassim1; B rimo, Fadi1;
B égin, Louis R.1; Tanguay, Simon1
Montreal General Hospital, McGill University, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2McGill University,
Montreal, Q C, Canada
UP- 2 4
PSA Bou nc e af ter Standard Frac tionation or Hy pof rac tionated External
Beam Radioth erapy and Brac h y th erapy : An Inv estig ation of Its Etiol og y and
Comparison of Its Oc c u rrenc e
Taussk y, Daniel; Waters, Alexandra; Lambert, Carole; Larrivée, Sandra
University of Montreal, Montreal, Q C, Canada
UP- 2 5
Do 5 - Al ph a- Redu c tase Inh ib itors Hav e a Radiosensitiz ing Ef f ec t?
Taussk y, Daniel; Krishnan, V imal; Delouya, Guila; Donath, David
University of Montreal, Montreal, Q C, Canada
UP- 2 6
Th e Ef f ec t of Cav ernosal Neu rv asc u l ar Preserv ation Du ring Radic al
Prostatec tomy on Su rg ic al Marg in Statu s: A Sy stematic Rev iew
and Meta- anal y sis
Nguyen, Laura1; Head, Linden2; Witiuk , Kelsey3; Punj ani, Nahid2; Mallick , Ranj eeta3;
Fergusson, Dean3; Cagiannos, Ilias1; Morash, Chris1; B reau, Rodney1
Division of Urology, University of Ottawa, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa, ON, Canada;
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; 3Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada
UP- 2 7
Can 1 1 C- Ch ol ine PET/CT Detec t Disease Prog ression in Ac tiv e Su rv eil l anc e
of Prostate Canc er?
B oychak , Alex; Mak is, V illiam; B uteau, Francois- Alexandre; Pervez, Nadeem; Parliament,
Matthew; McEwan, Alexander J.; Usmani, Nawaid
Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, AB , Canada
UP- 2 8
Th e Impac t of Rob otic - assisted Radic al Prostatec tomy on th e Use and
Extent of Pel v ic Ly mph Node Dissec tion in th e “ Post- Learning Cu rv e” Era
Trudeau, V incent1; Gandaglia, Giorgio1; Popa, Ioana1; Hanna, Nawar1; Schiffmann, Jonas1;
Azizi, Mounsif1; Trinh, Q uoc- Dien2; Sun, Maxine1; Karak iewicz, Pierre I.1
Cancer Prognostics and Health Outcomes Unit, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Department of
Surgery, Division of Urology, B righam and Women’s Hospital; Dana- Farber Cancer Institute,
Harvard Medical School, B oston, MA, United States
UP- 2 9
A Contemporary Anal y sis of Predic tors of Ly mph Node Positiv ity at Radic al
Prostatec tomy and Cl inic al Ou tc omes at a Tertiary Care Ref erral Center
Kaler, Kamalj ot; Kroczak , Tadeusz; Patel, Premal; Nayak , Jasmir; Rittberg, Rebek ah;
Saranchuk , Jeffery; Drachenberg, Darrel
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada
13 7
U NM OD ER ATED P OSTER S / P o sters n o n ≠ mo dÈ rÈ s
UP- 3 0
Distant Metastases of Men Treated W ith Initial Ac tiv e Su rv eil l anc e
Y amamoto, Toshihiro; V enier, Natalie; V enk ateswaran, V asundara; Klotz, Laurence
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada
UP- 3 1
Barriers and Enab l ers of Ac tiv e Su rv eil l anc e: Th e Canadian Prostate Canc er
Biomark er Netw ork Initiativ e
Fitch, Margaret1; Chevalier, Simone2; Drachenberg, Darrel3; Finelli, Antonio4; Hamilton,
Wendella2; Lattouf, Jean- B aptiste5; Li, Kathy4; Mes- Masson, Anne- Marie5; Ouellet, V eroniq ue5;
Pang, Kittie1; Sitarik , Paula3; Sutcliffe, Simon6; So, Alan7; Tanguay, Simon2; Saad, Fred5
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2McGill University Health Centre,
Montreal, Q C, Canada; 3Manitoba Prostate Center, Winnipeg, MB , Canada; 4University Health
Network , Toronto, ON, Canada; 5Centre de recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l’Université
de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 6B C Cancer Agency, V ancouver, B C, Canada; 7V ancouver
Prostate Centre, V ancouver, B C, Canada
UP- 3 2
Ac tiv e Su rv eil l anc e f or Low Risk Prostate Canc er Patients: Th e Canadian
Prostate Canc er Biomark er Netw ork Initiativ e
Ouellet, V eroniq ue1; Alibhai, Shabbir2; Delvoye, Nathalie1; Drachenberg, Darrel3; Finelli,
Antonio2; Jammal, Marie- Paule4; Lapointe, Helene5; Lattouf, Jean- B aptiste1; Li, Kathy2; MesMasson, Anne- Marie1; Ouellet, V eroniq ue1; Paradis, Jean- B enoit5; Sitarik , Paula3; So, Alan6;
Saad, Fred1
Centre de recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada;
University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada; 3Manitoba Prostate Center, Winnipeg,
MB , Canada; 4Centre de Santé et des Services Sociaux de Laval, Laval, Q C, Canada;
Centre de Santé et des Services Sociaux de Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, Q C, Canada; 6V ancouver
Prostate Centre, V ancouver, B C, Canada
UP- 3 3
Sal v ag e Hig h Intensity Foc u sed Ul trasou nd of Radio- rec u rrent Prostate Canc er:
Cl inic al Ou tc omes of a Prospec tiv e Trial at Tertiary Ref erral Center
B illia, Michele1; Siddiq ui, Khurram1; Y utk in, V ladimir1; Al- Z harani, Ali1; Williams, Andrew1;
B aumann, Glenn2; Chin, Joseph1
Department of Urology, Western University; London Health Sciences Centre; London V ictoria
Hospital, London, ON, Canada; 2Department of Oncology, Western University; London Health
Sciences Centre; London V ictoria Hospital, London, ON, Canada
UP- 3 4
Enu meration of Prostate Canc er Mic ropartic l es as a Tool to Identif y
Prostate Canc er
Siddiq ui, Khurram1; B iggs, Colleen2; B illia, Michele2; Mazzola, Clarisse2; Izawa,
Jonathan2; Power, Nicholas2; Chin, Joseph2; Leong, Hon2
London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON, Canada; 2Western University, London, ON, Canada
13 8
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
U NM OD ER ATED P OSTER S / P o sters n o n ≠ mo dÈ rÈ s
UP- 3 5
Perc u taneou s Radiof req u enc y Ab l ation of Renal Cel l Carc inoma in Patients
at Hig h Risk f or Su rg ery
B illia, Michele1; Muj oomdar, Amol2; Siddiq ui, Khurram1; Mazzola, Clarisse1; Izawa,
Jonathan1; Power, Nicholas1; Chin, Joseph1
Departments of Urology, Western University; London Health Sciences Centre; London V ictoria
Hospital, London, ON, Canada; 2Departments of Radiology, Western University; London Health
Sciences Centre; London V ictoria Hospital, London, ON, Canada
UP- 3 6
Util iz ation of Preoperativ e Inv estig ations in Cu rativ e Renal Cel l Carc inoma
in a Popu l ation Based Coh ort of Nov a Sc otia Patients
Moideen, Nik itha1; Marzouk , Karim1; Thompson, Kara2; Wood, Lori3
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada; 2Research Methods Unit, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, NS, Canada; 3Dalhousie University; Q EII Health Sciences Centre, Halifax, NS, Canada
UP- 3 7
Ly mph atic Drainag e in Renal Cel l Carc inoma: Bac k to th e Basic s
Karmali, Riaz1; Suami, Hiroo1; Wood, Christopher G.2; Karam, Jose2
Department of Plastic Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
TX , United States; 2Department of Urology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, TX , United States
UP- 3 8
Ac c u rac y and Cl inic al Util ity of Perc u taneou s Renal Core Biopsies and Fine
Needl e Aspirations
Patel, Premal1; Kaler, Kamalj ot1; Kirk patrick , Iain2; McGregor, Thomas1
UP- 3 9
Section of Urology, Department of Surgery, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada;
Division of Abdominal Imaging, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB , Canada
Th e Canadian National Hereditary Ki dney Cance r Needs Assessment Su rv ey
V iolette, Philippe1; Kamel- Reid, Suzanne2; Reaume, Neil3; Jewett, Michael4; Care, Melanie2;
B asiuk , Joan5; Pautler, Stephen1
Western University, London, ON, Canada; 2The University Health Network , Toronto, ON,
Canada; 3The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre; University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada;
Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada; 5Kidney Cancer
Research Network of Canada, Toronto, ON, Canada
UP- 4 0
Presentation, Path ol og y and Ou tc ome of Non- c l ear Cel l Renal Cel l
Carc inoma in a Popu l ation Based Coh ort of Nov a Sc otia Patients
Himmelman, Jeffrey; Merrimen, Jennifer; Moideen, Nik itha; Marzouk , Karim; Thompson, Kara;
Wood, Lori
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
UP- 4 1
Su rv iv al Ou tc omes f or Sq u amou s Cel l Carc inoma in Patients Underg oing
Renal Su rg ery : A Canadian Popu l ation Heal th Assessment
Lawson, Keith; Chan, Tony; Timilshina, Narhari; Alibhai, Shabbir; B hatt, Jaimin; Finelli, Antonio
Department of Surgical Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada
13 9
U NM OD ER ATED P OSTER S / P o sters n o n ≠ mo dÈ rÈ s
UP- 4 2
Rob otic Partial Neph rec tomy f or pT1 b - T2 Tu mors in 9 8 Patients
Metcalfe, Charles1; Satk unasivam, Raj 2; Y ip, Wesley2; Abreu, Andre2; Aron, Monish2; Gill,
Inderbir2; Desai, Mihir2
UP- 4 3
University of Southern California Institute of Urology, Santa Monica, CA, United States;
University of Southern California Institute of Urology, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Predic ting Inc idental Path ol og ic Up- stag ing of Cl inic al T1 Renal Masses
Metcalfe, Charles1; Santomauro, Michael2; Chopra, Sameer2; Aron, Monish2; Gill, Inderbir2;
Desai, Mihir2
University of Southern California Institute of Urology, Santa Monica, CA, United States;
University of Southern California Institute of Urology, Los Angeles, CA, United States
UP- 4 4
Maintenanc e of Continenc e w ith Rig id Endosc opic Proc edu res in Continent
Cu taneou s Urinary Div ersions
Metcalfe, Charles1; Loh- Doyle, Jeffrey2; Chopra, Sameer2; Y ip, Wesley2; Simma- Chiang,
V annita2; Dunn, Matthew2
UP- 4 5
University of Southern California Institute of Urology, Santa Monica, CA, United States;
University of Southern California Institute of Urology, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Th e Best Ch oic e and Use of Gu ide W ires W h en Bu ttressed du ring Stenting
or Ureterosc opy
Alzahrani, Tarek ; Ghiculete, Daniela; Pace, Kenneth; Honey, R.J. D’A
St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
UP- 4 6
Inf ec tion Stones: An Ol d Ac q u aintanc e, w ith a New Fac e?
Flannigan, Ryan; B attison, Andrew; Arsovsk a, Olga; Chew, B en; Lange, Dirk
University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada
UP- 4 7
Ev al u ation of Risk Fac tors and Treatment Options in Patients w ith Ureteral
Stric tu re Disease at a Sing l e Institu tion
Tran, Henry; Hamidizadeh, Reza; Arsovsk a, Olga; Paterson, Ryan; Chew, B en
Department of Urology, University of B ritish Columbia, V ancouver, B C, Canada
UP- 4 8
Sing l e Center Experienc e w ith Transdermal Oxy b u ty nin Gel f or Ch il dren
w ith Ov erac tiv e or Neu rog enic Bl adders
Gleason, Joseph; Williams, Katharine; V arghese, Abby; B agli, Darius; Koyle, Martin;
Pippi Salle, Joao; Lorenzo, Armando
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada
UP- 4 9
3 D V ision Laparosc opic Ureteral Re- impl antation:
Benefi t Compared to Conv entional Laparosc opy
Al- Q aoud, Talal; Abou- Haidar, Hiba; Jednak , Roman; B rzezinsk i, Alex; El- Sherbiny, Mohamed;
Capolicchio, John- Paul
McGill University Health Centre, Montreal Children’s Hospital, Montreal, Q C, Canada
14 0
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
U NM OD ER ATED P OSTER S / P o sters n o n ≠ mo dÈ rÈ s
UP- 5 0
Bil ateral Rob ot- assisted Laparosc opic Ureteral Reimpl antation:
Deb u nk ing th e My th of Urinary Retention
Riddell, Jonathan1; Mingin, Gerald2; Wachterman, Jared2; Michel, Samuel1
SUNY - Upstate, Syracuse, NY , United States; 2Fletcher Allen Healthcare, B urlington, V T,
United States
UP- 5 1
Th ree Y ear Ou tc omes of Rec ov ery of Erec til e Fu nc tion af ter Open Radic al
Prostatect omy wit h Sur al Nerv e Graf ting b y a Mu l tidisci pl inary Su rg ica l Team
Siddiq ui, Khurram1; B illia, Michele1; Mazzola, Clarisse1; Al- Z ahrani, Ali2; B rock , Gerald1;
Chin, Joseph1
London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON, Canada; 2Dammam University, Dammam,
Saudi Arabia
UP- 5 2
Cu rrent Manag ement of Pey ronie’ s Disease among Urol og ic al Consu l tants
in th e United K ing dom National Heal th Serv ic e
Al- Q assim, Z ubair1; Mohammed, Aza1; Payne, David1; England, Roland1; Summerton, Duncan2
Kettering General Hospital, Kettering, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom; 2Leicester General
Hospital, Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
UP- 5 3
V arianc e of Urosu rg eon Reimb u rsement f or Infl atab l e Penil e Prosth esis
Su rg ery : Anal y ses of Prov inc ial Reimb u rsement Sc h edu l es and Comparison
to Artifi c ial Urinary Sph inc ter Impl antation
B ella, Anthony; De Jesus, Anthony
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
UP- 5 4
Ec onomic and Time Costs Attrib u tab l e to El ec tronic Commu nic ation w ith
Patients: Anal y sis of 2 2 7 6 Email Interac tions
De Jesus, Anthony1; Nowak , Karina A.2; B ella, Anthony1
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada; 2Law Society of Upper Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
UP- 5 5
Th e First Report of Al emtu z u mab as Resc u e Th erapy in K idney - panc reas
Al l og raf t Rej ec tion
Rowe, Neal1; Archambault, Jason1; Aboalsamh, Ghaleb1; Maclean, Kelly2; Sener, Alp1; Luk e, Patrick
Western University, London, ON, Canada; London Health Sciences Centre, London, ON, Canada
14 1
U NM OD ER ATED P OSTER S / P o sters n o n ≠ mo dÈ rÈ s
UP- 5 6
Th e Ef f ec t of Preoperativ e Urine Cu l tu re Statu s on Ureth ropl asty
Compl ic ations and Ou tc omes
Rourk e, Keith; Lavoie, Callum; Kinnaird, Adam
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB , Canada
UP- 5 7
Urol og ic Morb idity and Ac c ess to Care among Trau matic Spinal Cord
Inj u red Patients
Welk , B layne1; Tran, Kim- Chi1; Li, Kuan2; Shariff, Salimah2
Western University, London, ON, Canada; 2Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, London,
ON, Canada
UP- 5 8
Penil e Ampu tation and Su c c essf u l Reattac h ment: Rol e of W inter Sh u nt
in Postoperativ e V iab il ity : A Case Report and Rev iew of Literatu re
Fuoco, Michael1; Cox, Leonard2; Kinahan, Thomas3
Q ueen’s University, Department of Urology, Kingston, ON, Canada; 2V ictoria General Hospital,
V ictoria, B C, Canada; 3University of B ritish Columbia; Kelowna General Hospital, Kelowna, B C, Canada
UP- 5 9
Ev al u ation of Th ree Penil e Cl amps f or Post Prostatec tomy Urinary Inc ontinenc e
Martel, Tristan1; B ienz, Marc1; McCormack , Michael2; Karak iewicz, Pierre I.2; V aliq uette, Luc2
Université de Montréal, Montreal, Q C, Canada; 2Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal,
Montreal, Q C, Canada
UP- 6 0
Cl inic al Researc h : Prospec tiv e Ev al u ation of Pain du ring Botil u m Toxin
A Detru sor Inj ec tion
St- Pierre, Rachel; Marceau- Grimard, Maryse; Moore, Katherine
Université Laval, Q uebec, Q C, Canada
UP- 6 1
An In- depth Psy c h ol og ic al Anal y sis of Th ree Desc riptiv e Ac c ou nts
of Urinary Urg enc y in Inc ontinent W omen
Miceli, Paula1; Love, William2; Radomsk i, Sidney3; Giorgi, Amedeo4; Katz, Joel1
Y ork University, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Private Practice, B urlington, ON, Canada; 3University
Health Network , Toronto, ON, Canada; 4Saybrook University, San Francisco, CA, United States
14 2
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
U NM OD ER ATED P OSTER S / P o sters n o n ≠ mo dÈ rÈ s
UP- 6 2
Remov al of Sac ral Neu romodu l ation Dev ic es f or MRI
Q uirouet, Adrienne; Tenggardj aj a, Chris; V asavada, Sandip; Goldman, Howard;
Moore, Courtenay; Rack ley, Raymond
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
UP- 6 3
An Ev al u ation of Adoption and Adh erenc e to Proposed Mesh Compl ic ation
Terminol og y at Fou r Prof essional Soc iety Meeting s
Q uirouet, Adrienne; Tenggardj aj a, Chris; Goldman, Howard
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
UP- 6 4
Sh ou l d W e as Su rg eons W orry ab ou t Perc eiv ed Coerc ion b y th e in Cl inic al
Dec ision to Operate in Non- ab sol u te Indic ation f or Su rg ery ?
Anwar, Adeel; Ahmed, Munir; Khak wani, Alex
Princess Royal University Hospital, Orpington, Kent, United Kingdom
UP- 6 5
Prostate Canc er Aw areness Campaig n and th e V ol u me of Pu b l ic Internet
Searc h es f or Disease and Sc reening Inf ormation
Leveridge, Michael1; Matta, Rano2
Q ueen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada; 2University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
UP- 6 6
A Comparison of Prone v ersu s Lateral Dec u b itu s Positioning in
Perc u taneou s Neph rostomy Tu b e Insertion
Wu, Christopher; Kwong, Justin; Lindsay, Leanne; V ora, Parag; Davies, Timothy
McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
14 3
14 4
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
D iv u lg atio n s des c o n f È ren c iers in v itÈ s *
This index discloses all conflicts of interest of SOA Speakers, SOA Introducers,
EF Speakers, EF Moderators, Podium Moderators, Moderated Posters Moderators and
Clinical Pearl Presenters.
Aaron, Lorne
Adv isory Board: Amgen, Janssen, Actavis, Astellas, AstraZ eneca, Sanofi
Anderson, Peter
No potential c onfl ic ts of interest to disc l ose
Andonian, Sero
No potential c onfl ic ts of interest to disc l ose
Aprik ian, Armen
Adv isory Board: B ioniche - board observer
Speak ers Bu reau : Amgen, Astellas, Abbvi
Inv estments: B ioniche Inc
Cl inic al Trial s: Astellas - Prosper
B ailly, Greg
Adv isory Board: Astellas, Pfi zer, Allergan, Eli Lilly,
Speak ers Bu reau : Astellas, Pfi zer, Allergan, Eli Lilly
Cl inic al Trial s: Astellas, Pfi zer, Allergan
B eik o, Darren
No potential c onfl ic ts of interest to disc l ose
B ella, Anthony
Adv isory Boards: Lilly, Actavis, American Medical Systems, Coloplast
Speak er’ s Bu reau : Lilly
Cl inic al Trial s: www.clinicaltrials.gov PROPPER registry
B ochinsk i, Derek
Adv isory Board: Lilly, Abbott, Pfi zer
Speak ers Bu reau : Lilly, Abbott, AMS
B olduc, Stéphane
Adv isory Board: Astellas
Grants: Pfi zer
Cl inic al Trial s: Astellas
B reau, Rodney
Adv isory Board: Pfi zer
Grants: Pfi zer
B rock , Gerald
Adv isory Board: Lilly, Coloplast, AMS, GSK, Abbott, Actavis
Speak er’ s Bu reau : Lilly, Coloplast, AMS, GSK, Abbott, Actavis
Grants: Lilly, Coloplast, AMS, GSK, Abbott, Actavis
Inv estments: Lilly, Coloplast, AMS, GSK, Abbott, Actavis
Cl inic al Trial s: Lilly, JNJ, Abbott, GSK, Ferring
Caldamone, Anthony
No potential c onfl ic ts of interest to disc l ose
Capolicchio, JP
Cl inic al Trial s: Astellas ( V esicare Trials)
Chew, B en
Adv isory Boards: B oston Scientifi c, Cook Medical, Olympus, B ard,
Poly- Med, PercSys
Grants: B oston Scientifi c, Astellas, Cook Medical
Cl inic al Trial s: B oston Scientifi c, Cook Medical, Poly- Med, PercSys
Dubeau, Catherine
Adv isory Board: Pfi zer
Pay ment ( to trav el to Adv isory Board) : Pfi zer
Honorariu m: UpToDate Online ( payment for a text book chapter)
*at press time
14 5
D iv u lg atio n s des c o n f È ren c iers in v itÈ s *
Dushinsk i, John
No potential c onfl ic ts of interest to disc l ose
Finelli, Tony
Adv isory Board: Actavis, Amgen, Astellas, Janssen
Grants: Actavis, Amgen, Astellas, Janssen, Paladin
Cl inic al Trial s: Janssen, Firmagon
Fleshner, Neil
Adv isory Board: Amgen, Janssen, Astellas, Lilly
Honoraria: Amgen, Janssen, Astellas, Lilly
Cl inic al Trial s: Ferring, Astellas, Janssen, Lilly
Gaj ewsk i, Jerzy
Adv isory Board: Astellas, Allergan, Pfi zer, Medtronic and Actavis
Speak er’ s Bu reau : Pfi zer
Grants ( researc h and edu c ational ) : Astellas, Pfi zer, Allergan,
Medtronic, Actavis
Cl inic al Trial s: Astellas, Allergan
Gotto, Geoff
Adv isory Board: Amgen, Janssen
Grober, Ethan
Adv isory Board: Eli Lilly, Abbott, Paladin
Speak er’ s Bu reau : Eli Lilly, Abbott, Paladin
Pay ment/Grants: Eli Lilly, Abbott, Paladin
Heidenreich, Axel
Adv isory Board: Astellas, B ayer, Ferring, Ipsen, Janssen, Sanofi
Speak er’ s Bu reau : Astellas, Amgen, B ayer, Ferring, Ipsen, Janssen, Pfi zer,
Sanofi , Tak eda
Grants or h onoraria: Astellas, Sanofi Aventis
Cl inic al Trial s: Astellas, Amgen, B ayer, Ferring, Ipsen, Janssen, Pfi zer,
Sanofi , Tak eda
Herschorn, Sender
Adv isory Board: Astellas, Pfi zer, Allergan, Merus, Lilly
Grants or h onoraria: Allergan, Astellas, Pfi zer, Merus, Lilly
Cl inic al Trial s: Astellas, Pfi zer, Allergan
Izawa, Jonathan
Adv isory Board: Janssen, Watson
Grants or h onoraria: Abbott
Jarvi, Keith
Adv isory Board: Eli Lilly, Paid consultant for Urology Strategy
Johnston, Paul
Inv estments: Pfi zer
Kapoor, Anil
Speak er’ s Bu reau : Pfi zer, Novartis
Grants or h onoraria: Pfi zer, GSK, Novartis, Amgen
Cl inic al Trial s: NCIC, Pfi zer, GSK, Novartis, Amgen
Kodama, Ron
No potential c onfl ic ts of interest to disc l ose
Koyle, Martin
Adv isory Board: Salix
Klotz, Laurence
Adv isory Board: Dendreon, Amgen, Janssen, Ferring, GSK, Profound
Speak er’ s Bu reau : GSK, Sanofi - Aventis, Amgen, Ferring, Janssen,
Dendreon, Merck , Sanofi - Aventis, Profound
Grants or h onoraria: B ayer/Algeta, Ferring, Abbott, GSK, EMD Serrono
14 6
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
*at press time
D iv u lg atio n s des c o n f È ren c iers in v itÈ s *
Lee, Jason
Grants or Honorariu m: Tak eda Inc.
Lee, Jay
Adv isory Board: Abbott, Lilly
Speak er’ s Bu reau : Abbott, Lilly, Actavis
Honorariu m: Abbott, Lilly, Actavis
Cl inic al Trial s: Lilly
Leveridge, Mik e
Adv isory Board: Amgen, Astellas, Janssen
Lin, Daniel
Grants: Genomic Health
Cl inic al Trial s: Gen Probe, OPKO, Dendreon
Morash, Chris
Adv isory Board: Amgen, Janssen, Ferring
Cl inc al Trial s: Trial chain for Tolt cancer centre
Nick el, Curtis
Speak er’ s Bu reau : Astellas, Eli- Lilly
Pay ments ( c onsu l tant f ees) : Glaxo- Smith- Kline, Taris B iomedical, Pfi zer,
Eli Lilly, Farr Labs, Astellas, Trillium Therapeutics, Auxillium, Ferring
Inv estig ator: Glaxo- Smith- Kline, Taris B iomedical, Pfi zer, Eli Lilly,
Johnson & Johnson
Pace, Ken
Adv isory Board: Janssen, Amgen
Grants or h onoraria: Cook
Pautler, Steven
Grants ( u nrestric ted) : Paladin, Sanofi
Cl inic al Trial s: Astellas - Ongoing DAB Trial
Pouliot, Frédéric
No potential c onfl ic ts of interest to disc l ose
Razvi, Hassan
Speak er’ s Bu reau : Olympus
Patents: Cook Urological
Cl inic al Trial s: Histosonics
Rendon, Ricardo
Adv isory Board: Astellas, Amgen, Janssen, Ferring
Speak er’ s Bu reau : Astellas, Amgen, Janssen, Ferring
Cl inic al Trial s: Amgen
Roberts, Matt
Adv isory Board: Janssen
Speak er’ s Bu reau ( CME Speak er) : Abbott, Paladin
Romao, Rodrigo
No potential c onfl ic ts of interest to disc l ose
Rourk e, Keith
No potential c onfl ic ts of interest to disc l ose
Rovner, Eric
Adv isory Board: Amphora, Medtronics, Solace, AMS, Pfi zer,
Allergan, Astellas
Grants or h onorariu m: Amphora, Allergan, Astellas, Medtronics, AMS,
Solace, Pfi zer
Cl inic al Trial s: Ferring, Allergan, Targacepts, Ion Innovations, Taris, Solace,
Cl inic al Trial s: Astellas – Phase II Trial Investigator
Saad, Fred
Adv isory Board: Amgen, Astellas, Janssen, Abbott, Sanofi , B ayer
Grants or h onoraria: Amgen, Astellas, Janssen, Abbott, Sanofi , B ayer
*at press time
14 7
D iv u lg atio n s des c o n f È ren c iers in v itÈ s *
Cl inic al Trial s: Amgen, Astellas, Janssen, Sanofi , B ayer
So, Alan
Adv isory Board: Amgen, Janssen, Astellas
Patents: CDRD
Cl inic al Trial s: Amgen, Cougar, Janssen, Astellas
Stask in, David
Adv isory Board: Allergan, Astellas, Altherx
Speak er’ s Bu reau : Allergan/Astellas
Patents: ENDO/AMS
Cl inic al Trial s: Astellas
Steele, Stephen
Adv isory Board: Pfi zer, Astellas, Lilly, Allergan
Speak er’ s Bu reau : Pfi zer, Astellas, Lilly, Sanofi
14 8
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
INV ITED SP EAK ER S IND EX / In dex des c o n f È ren c iers in v itÈ s
Aaron, Lorne
Rov ner, Eric
Andonian, Sero
Sh ay eg an, B obby
Breau , Rodney
So, Alan
EF1, EF4
Broc k , Gerald
Speak man, Mark
Cal damone, Anthony
Stask in, David
Du b eau , Catherine
Steel e, Stephen
Du sh insk i, John
Tang u ay , Simon
Fairey , Adrian
Fl esh ner, Neil
Gee, William
Gotto, Geoff
Heidenreic h , Axel
SOA9, EF10
Hersc h orn, Sender
EF5, EF8
J arv i, Keith
J oh nston, Paul
K l otz , Laurence
K odama, Ron
K oy l e, Martin
Lee, Jay
Lee, Jason
Lev ine, Laurence
Lin, Daniel
Matin, Surena
Morash , Chris
Pau tl er, Steven
Preming er, Glenn
Pu ddester, Derek
Rendon, Ricardo
Rou rk e, Keith
14 9
15 0
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
In dex des p rÈ sen tateu rs des rÈ su mÈ s
Ah med, Ahmed S. Z ak aria
MP- 06.07, MP- 06.08, MP- 06.09
Al k asab , Thamir
MP- 08.07, UP- 21, UP- 22
Al - Q aou d, Talal
MP- 02.01, UP- 49
Al - Q assim, Z ubair
UP- 52
Al z ah rani, Tarek
POD- 03.03, MP- 04.05, UP- 45
Andrew s, Matthew
MP- 01.11, MP- 07.15
Anw ar, Adeel
UP- 64
Arc h amb au l t, Jason
MP- 04.01
Bac h ir, B assel
MP- 05.02, MP- 06.10
Bak er, Ryan
MP- 02.11, UP- 15
Baray an, Ghassan
MP- 09.12, UP- 23
Basc om, Alexandra
MP- 07.05
Bator, Eli
POD- 02.04, MP- 02.10
Bav erstoc k , Richard
MP- 07.13
Beik o, Darren
POD- 03.04
Bel l a, Anthony
POD- 05.05, POD- 05.06, MP- 03.04, MP- 03.05, MP- 03.07,
MP- 03.08, UP- 53, UP- 54
Bev eridg e, Tyler
UP- 12
Bh att, Jaimin
POD- 01.05, POD- 01.06, UP- 13
Bh indi, B imal
MP- 01.03, MP- 01.04, MP- 01.05, MP- 06.01, MP- 06.02,
MP- 08.14, MP- 08.15, MP- 08.16
Bidnu r, Samir
MP- 02.02, MP- 04.10, UP- 14
Bienz , Marc
MP- 01.08, MP- 08.09
Bil l ia, Michele
MP- 01.12, UP- 33, UP- 35
Bj az ev ic , Jennifer
MP- 05.12, MP- 09.01
Bl adou , Franck
MP- 04.12
Bl ais, Anne- Sophie
POD- 02.06, MP- 05.15
Bol du c , Stéphane
UP- 05
15 1
In dex des p rÈ sen tateu rs des rÈ su mÈ s
Brag a, Luis
MP- 02.12, MP- 02.13, MP- 02.15
Brow nrig g , Natasha
MP- 02.14
Bu tt, Hissan
MP- 02.07
Ch ang , Michelle
POD- 04.02
Costa, Daniel
MP- 03.03
Cox, Ashley
MP- 07.06
Da Sil v a, V itor
MP- 02.03, MP- 05.10
Dal z iel , Katie
MP- 05.05
Das, Gary
UP- 16
Doiron, Chris
MP- 05.09
Drag omir, Alice
MP- 08.05, MP- 08.06
Du pl isea, Jon
POD- 05.03
E- F
El z ay at, Ehab
MP- 01.14
Fairey , Adrian
POD- 04.04
Fermin Risso, Carolina
POD- 02.03
Finel l i, Antonio
POD- 01.01
Fl annig an, Ryan
UP- 46
Fl esh ner, Katherine
MP- 01.09
Fl esh ner, Neil
MP- 01.13
Fonsek a, Thomas
MP- 06.16
Forb es, Connor
POD- 01.03
Forb es, Ellen
MP- 09.17
Fradet, V incent
POD- 04.03
Fu oc o, Michael
MP- 04.06, UP- 58
15 2
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
In dex des p rÈ sen tateu rs des rÈ su mÈ s
Gaj ew sk i, Jerzy
UP- 09
Gardiner, Clare
MP- 09.04
Gl eason, Joseph
MP- 02.06, UP- 48
Gol denb erg , Mitchell
POD- 03.06
Gordon, Karen
MP- 05.08
Grob er, Ethan
MP- 03.13
Haines, Trevor
MP- 07.03
Haj ih a, Mohammad
MP- 03.10, MP- 03.11
Harriman, David
MP- 05.13
Hartman, Paul
MP- 03.09
Hersc h orn, Sender
MP- 07.02
Himmel man, Jeffrey
UP- 40
Hird, Amanda
MP- 07.10
Hoare, Dylan
MP- 08.11
Hoy , Nathan
POD- 05.01, MP- 07.16
Hu eb er, Pierre- Alain
MP- 08.10
Hu on, Y annick
UP- 04
I- J
Iz ard, Jason
MP- 06.13, MP- 06.14
J ain, Pallavi
MP- 08.01
K al er, Kamalj ot
MP- 01.10, UP- 29
K apoor, Anil
MP- 09.02, MP- 09.03
K armal i, Riaz
UP- 37
K h anna, Rak esh
MP- 09.14
K im, Sooj in
MP- 05.14
K innaird, Adam
MP- 09.08
15 3
In dex des p rÈ sen tateu rs des rÈ su mÈ s
K l otz , Laurence
MP- 01.16, UP- 03
K oy l e, Martin
MP- 02.05
K roc z ak , Tadeusz
MP- 01.15
K u l k arni, Girish
MP- 05.03, MP- 06.11, MP- 06.12
Lav al l é e, Luk e
MP- 06.06, MP- 09.09
Law son, Keith
MP- 09.05, UP- 41
Lee, Jason
MP- 09.13, UP- 06
Lee, Linda
POD- 02.01
Leh mann, Kyle
MP- 03.02, MP- 04.07
Lesl ie, Robert
MP- 05.04
Lev eridg e, Michael
MP- 06.03, MP- 06.05, UP- 65
Mann, Ethan
UP- 08
Marc eau - Grimard, Maryse
MP- 05.01
Martel , Tristan
UP- 59
Marz ou k , Karim
POD- 01.04, UP- 36
Mason, Ross
POD- 01.02, MP- 09.06
Massaro, Peter
MP- 02.08, MP- 04.04
Maz z ol a, Clarisse
MP- 09.10, UP- 20
Mc K ay , Jeff
POD- 03.02
Metc al f e, Charles
UP- 42, UP- 43, UP- 44
Mic el i, Paula
UP- 61
Mik h ail , David
MP- 04.13
Morg an, Monica
MP- 01.06, MP- 04.08
Morris, Christopher
MP- 05.06
Nay an, Madhur
POD- 04.06, MP- 06.15
Ng u y en, Laura
UP- 26
15 4
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
In dex des p rÈ sen tateu rs des rÈ su mÈ s
Nic k el , J. Curtis
POD- 05.04, UP- 01
Nou rel din, Y asser
POD- 03.05
O- P
Ou el l et, V eroniq ue
UP- 31, UP- 32
Pac e, Jonathan
POD- 05.09
Patel , Premal
MP- 09.07, UP- 38
Paw sey , Ryan
UP- 02
Pemb erton, Julia
POD- 02.02, MP- 02.09
Popa, Ioana
MP- 06.04, MP- 08.12, MP- 08.13, UP- 17, UP- 18, UP- 19
Pru th i, Deepak
MP- 09.11
Q -R
Q u irou et, Adrienne
UP- 62, UP- 63
Radomsk i, Sidney
MP- 07.04, MP- 07.14
Rasmu ssen, Andrew
POD- 02.05
Riddel l , Jonathan
UP- 50
Rob erts, Matthew
MP- 05.07
Rou rk e, Keith
POD- 05.07, MP- 07.07, MP- 07.08, MP- 07.09, UP- 56
Row e, Neal
MP- 04.02, MP- 04.03, MP- 09.16, UP- 55
Saad, Fred
POD- 04.01
Sc h rö der, Annette
MP- 02.04, MP- 05.11
Siddiq u i, Khurram
UP- 34, UP- 51
Sindh w ani, Puneet
MP- 03.01, UP- 11
Sk el don, Sean
MP- 03.12
Sk inner, Thomas
UP- 07
So, Alan
POD- 04.05
Stask in, David
POD- 05.08, MP- 07.01
St- Pierre, Rachel
UP- 60
15 5
In dex des p rÈ sen tateu rs des rÈ su mÈ s
Tau ssk y , Daniel
MP- 08.08, UP- 24, UP- 25
Tran, Henry
UP- 47
Tran, Kim- Chi
UP- 57
Tru deau , V incent
MP- 01.01, MP- 01.02, MP- 08.02, MP- 09.15, UP- 28
Tu , Hin Y u V incent
MP- 04.14, MP- 04.15, UP- 10
U- V
Usmani, Nawaid
UP- 27
V iol ette, Philippe
POD- 03.01, MP- 04.09, UP- 39
W ag g , Adrian
MP- 07.17
W el k , B layne
POD- 05.02
W ong , Nathan
MP- 03.06
W rig h t, Ian
MP- 08.04
W u , Christopher
UP- 66
Y amamoto, Toshihiro
UP- 30
Y ank o, Daniel
MP- 07.11, MP- 07.12
Z orn, Kevin
MP- 01.07
Z u o, Li
MP- 04.11
15 6
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC
15 7
15 8
CUA ANNUAL MEETING / Congrès annuel de l’AUC