Gjennom dødsskyene inn i Russland


Gjennom dødsskyene inn i Russland
Gjennom dødsskyene inn i Russland
Yngvar Thomassen
Nikel: Smelter and Converter
Benefication: Crushing, Milling and Flotation
Ore Roasting
Nickel Carbonyl Plant
GRENSELAND: Sersjant Tharaldsen ved Storskog. Norge var eneste NATO-land med direkte grense mot Sovjet. Foto:
Isfront/Gyldendal norsk forlag
Målestasjon: Svanvik
Ved Svanvik, som ligger 9 km vest for Nikkel-smelteverket ved byen Nikel i Russland, måles
luftkvalitet og meteorologi. Nedbørkvalitet måles i Svanvik og ved Karpbukt øst for Kirkenes.
Konsentrasjonene av SO2 i Svanvik er vanligvis svært lave; nær bakgrunnsnivå. Bare når
vinden bringer røyken fra smelteverkene i Russland vestover, måles det forhøyede og ofte
svært høye kortvarige konsentrasjoner.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 1989 Jun 10;109(16):1762-4.
[Cancer in Pasvik. Pollution from Nikeli. A connection?]
[Article in Norwegian]
Sunde HG, Haldorsen T.
The Pasvik valley in Eastern Finnmark is polluted by large amounts of
sulphur dioxide and heavy metals from the Soviet industrial town Nikeli.
The cancer incidence in Pasvik may be increasing compared with the rest
of Finnmark. A connection between the pollution and the increase in
cancer incidence cannot be excluded.
"Stopp dødsskyene"
Sommeren 1990 rykket Kåre Tannvik, initiativtakeren til aksjonen "Stopp
dødsskyene fra Sovjet", inn en annonse i Sør-Varanger Avis med følgende
ordlyd: "Aksjonister søkes. Er det flere som er lei av dødsskyene fra Nikel?
Tror kun på direkteaksjoner! Blir du med?"
Og folk ble med, og et av høydepunktene ble en regnvåt men svært
oppsiktsvekkende aksjon på Treriksrøya i Pasvikdalen den 17. juni samme år.
Ved midnatt lenket flere aksjonister seg sammen og gikk i ring rundt røysa.
Fikk regjeringa på banen
Ulovlig grensepassering og bøtelegging ble den rettslige konsekvensen av
aksjonen, men den politiske følgen ble desto mer betydningsfull. De fikk
regjeringa på banen, og samme høst lå pengene på bordet.
Men det har altså tatt tid å få brukt pengene. Det skyldes delvis manglende
politisk initiativ fra norsk side, men det skyldes også svært uklare og
manglende planer fra russisk side for hva som kunne gjøres med
svovelutslippene fra Nikel.
Jan Peder Syse: Dødsskyene
Oslo, 10. september 1990
På Kola-halvøya sprer ørkenen seg. Mange har sett skadevirkningene
ved selvsyn. Andre har sett den uhyggelige virkelighet gjennom Knut Brys
bilder. Så galt er det ikke på norsk side. Men utviklingens tale er klar:
Svovel og tungmetaller påfører Finnmarks natursystem belastninger det ikke kan tåle.”
Vi kan ikke ha det slik, vi vil ikke ha det slik. Utviklingen må snus. Vi skal være med på å
snu den. Det er den marsjordre Regjeringen har gitt. Veien kan bli lang og vanskelig.
Vårt engasjement er først og fremst et miljøengasjement. Men et miljøsamarbeid i
nord har brede perspektiver. Et samarbeid om rensetiltak på Kola vil tjene som et
springbrett for betydelig utvidet kontakt innen økonomi, næringsliv og kultur. Det vil
være både i vår og i Sovjetunionens interesse.
Engasjement preger de tilstedeværende i denne sal. Engasjement for et bedre miljø,
for en trygg fremtid i nord. Folkeaksjonen har klart å uttrykke hva et helt fylke
frykter - og ønsker.
Regjeringen deler engasjementet. Vi kan ikke gi oss før målet er nådd. Jeg
takker aksjonen «Stopp dødsskyene fra Sovjet» og hilser med Ibsen: «Ikke
tusend ord sig prenter, som en gjernings spor.»
La oss lykkes i vår gjerning.
Kilde: Syse, Else, Christian & Henrik (red.): Ta ikke den ironiske tonen - Tanker og taler av Jan P. Syse. Oslo 2003, s.171-173.
Smelteverket på i Nikel på Kola-halvøya slipper årlig ut 4,2 ganger så mye svoveldioksid
som hele Norge tilsammen. På toppen av det går utslippene av tungmetaller som nikkel,
kobber og arsen rett i taket. STEIN J. BJØRGE
Forsuring er fortsatt et av Nordens største miljøproblem og fremdeles er det 70 år gamle Petsjenganikel-kombinatet den
største enkeltkilden når det gjelder utslipp av svoveldioksid i Nord-Europa. På begynnelsen av 1990-tallet ble det årlig
sluppet ut 250.000 tonn SO2 og 10.000 tonn tungmetallstøv fra nikkelverket. Den gang tilsvarte dette omlag fem ganger de
samlede norske utslipp av SO2. I løpet av de siste årene er utslippene redusert til 150.000 tonn, men dette tallet må
ytterligere ned for å unngå fortsatt skade på helse og miljø i de nordlige grenseområdene.
Metallindustrien kom til grenseområdet i nord da A/S Sydvaranger ble etablert i Kirkenes i 1906. Finnene fant nikkelmalm i
Petsjenga, daværende Petsamo, i 1930-årene, og i 1933 ble smelteverket i Nikel bygget som et kanadisk-finsk foretak. Etter
krigen overtok russerne nikkelproduksjonen og etter hvert utviklet den vestlige delen av Kolahalvøya seg til et område for
storindustri med særlig vekt på metallutvinning
Først i 1974 ble man oppmerksom på vegetasjonsskader på norsk side av grensen. Sviskader ble observert på vassarve i
området rundt Statens demonstrasjons- og forsøksgård Svanhovd, og etter hvert fant man også sviskader på furu og andre
Forsking viste at disse sviskadene var et resultat av kortvarig, intens påvirkning av svoveldioksid. Smelteverket i Nikel hadde i
1969 startet import av malm fra Norilsk i Sibir og denne malmen hadde et betydelig høyere svovelinnhold enn den lokale
malmen – noe som førte til høyere utslipp av svoveldioksid i Nikel og områdene rundt. I tillegg kom store utslipp av
tungmetaller og støv.
Nikelpipene har i mange år vært et symbol på miljøbelastningen i grenseområdet. Miljøbevegelsen, med "Stopp dødsskyene
fra Nikel" i spissen, har brukt bildet av pipene for å skape oppmerksomhet i media og hos befolkningen. I en periode var
nesten halvparten av befolkningen i Sør-Varanger støttemedlemmer i organisasjonen. Norges hovedmål i startfasen av det
norsk-russiske miljøsamarbeidet var å utforske virkningen av utslippene og deretter arbeide for en reduksjon.
Virkningen av utslippene ble undersøkt av en av de norsk-russiske ekspertgruppene som startet sitt arbeid i 1989. Resultater
av forskingen ble presentert under felles symposier i 1992 og 1994. I løpet av de årene som har gått har det framkommet en
mengde informasjon om påvirking på flora og fauna. Det har blitt foretatt analyser av blant annet forandringer i
artsammensetning og forekomst, dødelighet, helse og vitalitet, vekst, innhold av klorofyll, næringsstoffer og
forurensingsstoffer. Stoffet er publisert i ulike faglige fora. Kombinatet består idag av fire åpne gruver, en fabrikk for anrikning
av metaller, et anlegg for produksjon av pellets ved røsting i Zapoljarny, samt et smelteverk og to svovelsyrefabrikker i Nikel.
Det arbeider 10.000 mennesker ved kombinatet som produserer nikkelmatter som videreforedles i Severonikel i Monchegorsk.
I tillegg produseres det svovelsyre.
Moderniseringsprosjektet er tredelt. Det omfatter bygging av et briketteringsanlegg i Zapoljarny, samt bygging av ny smelteovn
og ny svovelsyrefabrikk i Nikel.
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 1992 Aug 10;112(18):2384-6.
[Cancer in Pasvik. II. Pollution from Nikel--no relationship after all?]
[Article in Norwegian]
Sunde HG, Alexander J.
Kommunehelsetjenesten i Sør-Varanger Bjørnevatn.
Previous medical investigations have indicated a connection between heavy
metal pollution from the metallurgical industry in the Russian town of Nikel on
the Kola peninsula and an observed increase of incidence of cancer among
the Norwegian population living near the Russian border. This report contains
the latest measurements of heavy metals in the local environment and
discusses exposure levels in relation to possible health effects. It is concluded
that exposure to heavy metals via food, water and air is considered so low as
to be unlikely to cause any increase in incidence of cancer. Thus, the
previously held hypothesis of a connection between heavy metal pollution from
Nikel and cancer in Pasvik is not confirmed.
Science of The Total Environment
Volume 148, Issues 2-3, 6 June 1994, Pages 103-108
Nickel Biochemistry, Toxicology, and Ecologic Issues
Environmental pollution around nickel smelters in the Kola Peninsula
Tor Norsetha
Institute of Occupational Health, Postboks 8149 Dep 0033, Oslo, Norway
Air pollution along the border between Norway and Russia has been
recorded since 1974 in Sør-Varanger county (Norway) and since 1985 in
Murmansk county (Russia). A more extensive collaboration on the
environmental pollution problems in the border region was started in 1988
with the establishment of a joint pollution commission. Sulphur dioxide
seems to be the most important pollutant causing both environmental
damage and adverse health effects. The recommended highest 6-month
mean acceptable value for Norway of 40–60 μg/m3 was exceeded for two
Russian and one Norwegian station during the winter of 1990/91. About
5% of hourly means exceeded 350 μg/m3 at the most polluted Norwegian
station. The highest value recorded at the nearest populated area in
Norway was 2500 μg/m3 (The Norwegian Institute for Air Research).
Standardized mortality data suggest an increase in deaths from cancer
and cardiovascular disease in two cities with nickel refineries, compared
to a control city. Further analysis is required to confirm this.
Science of The Total Environment
Volume 148, Issues 2-3, 6 June 1994, Pages 287-291
Nickel Biochemistry, Toxicology, and Ecologic Issues
Congenital defects, abortion and other health effects in nickel
refinery workers
Valeri P. Chashschina, Galina P. Artuninaa and Tor Norseth , b
aKola Institute of Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Lenin av. 34, 184230 Kirovsk, Murmansk reg., Russia
bNational Institute of Occupational Health, Postbox 8149 Dep 0033, Oslo 1, Norway
Health impairment was investigated by a thorough clinical investigation in a cross-sectional
study of 821 male and 758 female workers in a nickel hydrometallurgy refining plant. The
average nickel exposure levels were found to be around 0.2 mg/m3 in the electrolysis
department and 0.13 mg/m3 in the electrolyte purification department. Corresponding average
urinary values for nickel were 16 μg/l and 10 μg/l, respectively. The most common types of
health impairment found were respiratory, skin and cardiovascular diseases. Health
impairments, except for respiratory diseases, were found more often in females than in males.
The design of the study does not allow comparison with a non-exposed population. Even if there
are serious limitations in the statistical and sampling details of the pregnancies and new-born
babies, the results suggest adverse health effects at usually accepted exposure levels to
nickel. Normal pregnancies were reported in 29% of 356 pregnant nickel workers compared
with 39% in 342 local construction workers. Spontaneous and threatening abortions were
reported in 16% and 17% of all pregnancies in nickel-exposed workers, compared with 9% and
8%, respectively in the construction workers. Structural malformations were found in about
17% of alive-born infants with nickel-exposed mothers, compared with about 6% in the
reference group. Significant increased risks of 2.9, 6.1 and 1.9 for total defects, cardiovascular
defects and defects of the musculoskeletal system, respectively, were demonstrated.
This article is included in this special issue since it constitutes a first report on possible reproductive and
developmental effects in humans due to occupational exposure to nickel. Although the results are
incompletely documented and thus must be considered inconclusive, they identify a concern that
requires a more comprehensive and quantitative epidemiologic investigation
Archives of Environmental Health: An International Journal
Volume 52, Number 6 / November-December 1997, pp 464 - 471
Human Nickel Exposure in an Area Polluted by Nickel Refining: The SørVaranger Study
Tone Smith-sivertsen A1, E. Lund A1, Y. Thomassen A2, T. Norseth A2
A1 Institute of Community Medicine University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway
A2 National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo, Norway
Sør-Varanger municipality in northern Norway is located close to two Russian nickel
refineries that cause nickel and sulfur dioxide pollution. To investigate individual nickel
exposure and possible health effects from the pollution, the authors invited all adults
who were 18–69 y of age to a health survey in 1994. Urine samples were collected from
3 671 participants (participation rate = 59.4%), and nickel concentrations were
determined for 902 of them. Mean and median nickel concentrations were 0.9 μg/l and
0.6 μg/l, respectively. Individuals who lived in the rural areas closest to the refineries
had lower nickel concentrations than individuals who lived in the more urban areas.
Independent risk factors for nickel concentrations in urine were (a) being an urban
dweller and (b) living close to areas with high-density traffic. The authors concluded
that nickel exposure attributable to air pollution from Russian refineries was of minor
importance for people who lived in Sør-Varanger.
Environ Health Perspect. 1998 August; 106(8): 503–511.
Urinary nickel excretion in populations living in the proximity of two
russian nickel refineries: a Norwegian-Russian population-based study.
T Smith-Sivertsen, V Tchachtchine, E Lund, V Bykov, Y Thomassen, and T Norseth
The Russian nickel refineries located in the cities of Nikel and Zapolyarny close to the Norwegian
border are responsible for extensive sulfur dioxide and nickel pollution, as well as severe
ecological damage in both countries. The aim of our study was to investigate human nickel
exposure in the populations living on both sides of the Norwegian-Russian border. The design was
a cross-sectional population-based study of adults aged 18-69 years residing in Sor-Varanger
municipality, Norway, and Nikel and Zapolyarny, Russia, during 1994 and 1995. Individual exposure
to nickel was assessed by measurements of nickel in urine using electrothermal atomic absorption
spectrometry. For controls, urine was collected from adults in the Russian cities of Apatity and
Umba (Kola Peninsula) and the Norwegian city of Tromso, all of which are locations without
nearby point sources of nickel. Altogether 2,233 urine specimens were analysed for nickel. People
living in Nikel had the highest concentrations (median 3.4 microg/l), followed by Umba (median
2.7 microg/l), Zapolyarny (median 2.0 microg/l), Apatity (median 1.9 microg/l), Tromso (median 1.2
microg/l), and Sor-Varanger (median 0.6 microg/l). Regardless of geographical location, the
Russian study groups all had a higher urinary-nickel average than those in Norway (p<0.001). With
the exception of Nikel, neither the Russian nor the Norwegian urinary-nickel levels were
associated with residence location near a Russian nickel refinery. We concluded that industrial
nickel pollution alone could not explain the observed discrepancy between Norway and Russia; we
also discuss other possible nickel exposure sources that may account for the high urinary in
Int J Circumpolar Health. 2001 Aug;60(3):342-59
Sulphur dioxide exposure and lung function in a Norwegian and Russian
population living close to a nickel smelter.
Smith-Sivertsen T, Bykov V, Melbye H, Tchachtchine V, Selnes A, Lund E.
Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway. Tone.SmithSivertsen@isf.uib.no
The Norwegian-Russian border area is polluted by sulphur dioxide (SO2)
emitted from a Russian nickel smelter in the city of Nikel. We studied the
effects of daily variations in SO2 on the lung function levels of people on both
sides of the border. A cross-sectional population-based study was performed
among adults in Sør-Varanger, Norway (n = 3438) and Nikel, Russia (n = 1613).
All subjects were assigned 24 h mean SO2 concentrations for their day of
screening and the day before on basis of residency. The SO2-concentrations
were compared with the daily recordings of forced expiratory volume in one
second expressed as percentage of the predicted value (FEV1% predicted). In
Sør-Varanger, no significant associations between SO2 and FEV1% predicted
were found. In Nikel, FEV1% predicted was exceeded non-systematically in
some of the exposure categories (10-50, 50-90, or > 90 micrograms/m3)
compared to the reference exposure group (0-10 micrograms/m3). In
conclusion, neither of the study populations suffered from a measurable
reduction in lung function when SO2 increased above the reference level.
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica,
Volume 78, Issue 10 October 1999 , pages 852 - 860
Blood lead and cadmium and birth weight among sub-arctic and
arctic populations of Norway and Russia
Jon Øyvind Odland ; Evert Nieboer ; Natalya Romanova ; Yngvar Thomassen ;Eiliv Lund
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2004 Jan;83(1):58-69.
The Kola Birth Registry and perinatal mortality in Moncegorsk, Russia.
Vaktskjold A, Talykova L, Chashchin V, Nieboer E, Odland JØ.
Institutt for Samfunnsmedisin (ISM), Universitetet i Tromsø, N-9037 Tromsø, Norway.
BACKGROUND: A population-based birth registry has been set up for the Arctic town of
Moncegorsk in north-western Russia. In this investigation, the quality and the content of the
registry are assessed and the perinatal mortality (PM) rates in the period 1973-97 estimated.
MATERIAL AND METHOD: Enrollment in the Kola Birth Registry (KBR) involved the retrospective
inclusion of all births with at least 28 weeks of gestation in Moncegorsk in the period 1973-97. The
data in the registry were assessed for data entry errors, completeness of data and population
coverage. The annual PM rates were estimated for live- and stillborns with at least 28 weeks of
gestation. RESULTS: The KBR contains detailed information about the newborn, delivery, pregnancy
and mother for 21 214 births by women from Moncegorsk, covering at least 96% of all the births by
the population in the period studied. No records were missing data for gender and birth date of the
newborn, and more than 99.9% of the records contained data about gestational age and birthweight.
Data concerning the mothers' employment were missing in 0.4% of the records. The annual PM rate
fell from more than 20 to less than 10 deaths per 1000 births during this period. CONCLUSION:
The KBR provides an extensive data source useful for case-control and register-based prospective
studies, and constitutes the first such compilation in Russia. The homogeneity of the population in
Moncegorsk makes it advantageous for epidemiological investigations. The PM rate in Moncegorsk
was lower than the overall rate in Russia.
IOM sampler
Maxi charcoal tube
Respicon impactor
CO sensor
soot with inclusions (C/O/Si/Ni)
Weinbruch et al. (2002), J. Environ. Monit., 4, 344-350
Weinbruch et al. (2002), J. Environ. Monit., 4, 344-350
J. Environ. Monit., 2007, 9, 301–306
A Health Study of Welders
Exposed to Manganese in Russia
• Assess exposure and biological
monitoring in welders
• Assess nervous system functions by
neurobehavioral test battery
• Assess iron status
• Assess pituitary and testicular
A study of the nervous system
in welders (2008-2010)
• re-examine as many subjects as possible who were examined in
• study currently exposed welders with neurobehavioral methods
with the specific aim to identify the critical neurobehavioral
effect and the exposure level associated with this effect
• study the relation between serum prolactin and current and
previous exposure to Mn, respectively
• compare the neurobehavioral pattern observed in manganism
with idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease
• assess brain areas involved in movements related to the finger
tapping (bradykinesia) task by using PET-scan
• assess alterations in Fe-status
• describe exposure to Mn (and other compounds) in welders
A study of biomarkers of
inflammation and
coagulation in welders
study of exposure to welding fumes
study of biomarkers of pulmonary inflammation
study of biomarkers of systemic inflammation
study of biomarkers of endothelial and platelet
• study of biomarkers of coagulation
• study dose-response between exposure and
effect markers
Naar man føler hvor
man naar med sin flid,
er det nyttigt at mindes,
Ting Tar Tid.
”Erindringsvers” av Piet Hein