Seva Canada Annual Report 2008-2009
Seva Canada Annual Report 2008-2009
SEVA CANADA SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1 2008 - JUNE 30 2009 ABOUT SEVA CANADA Since 1982, Seva Canada has helped communities in some of the poorest areas of the world develop their own capacity to deliver affordable eye care services. Seva Canada’s partners in Nepal, Tibet, India, Tanzania and eastern Africa, Guatemala, Cambodia and Egypt, provide comprehensive eye care programs, centred on cataract surgery, but including all other eye diseases, and refraction services for glasses. Seva (say-va) is Sanskrit for service. Seva has helped to create sustainable, economically viable, locally managed eye care programs that will continue to serve local populations long after Seva’s involvement is complete. MISSION STATEMENT Through compassion in action, Seva Canada seeks to create a better world by volunteer and professional programs designed to alleviate human suffering – particularly through preventable blindness. OUR FOCUS Our focus is to establish and expand Seva’s sustainable eye care programs with partners in developing countries. We strive to inform Canadians of our work and to inspire them to join us, thereby increasing our overall impact on global blindness. CORE VALUES We are guided by: • Respect for cultural, ethnic, spiritual and other forms of diversity. • Commitment to working with partners in a compassionate way to achieve appropriate goals. • Belief that, with adequate resources, all people can meet their own needs. SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 2 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR For 27 years, friends and donors like you have supported Seva Canada projects in Nepal, India, Tibet and Tanzania and more recently in Cambodia, Egypt and Guatemala. These projects have restored sight to more than 1 million blind people, established eye care centres in remote communities, provided training for local ophthalmologists, and built and educated volunteer networks throughout our sphere of influence. I am happy to report that, in spite of the world economic crisis that has occurred most dramatically during our recent fiscal year, we once again exceeded our budgeted revenue and increased our program funding. This is all thanks to your unfaltering generosity coupled with the total dedication of our management and staff. We believe that everyone is entitled to the Right to Sight. Our work is inspired by the vision that preventable and treatable blindness in developing countries can, and will be, eradicated. The challenge is significant. Approximately 314 million people worldwide live with debilitating low vision and 45 million are blind. Ninety per cent of the world’s blind live in developing countries. Two-thirds of all blind people are women and girls. Without major intervention, the number of blind people will increase to 76 million by the year 2020. Yet 80% of this blindness is either preventable or treatable. Having personally witnessed the extreme dedication of our partners and the overwhelming gratitude of families who have regained a mother, father, son or daughter who can see, study and work again — sometimes after years of darkness — I am both inspired and eternally grateful that I have the opportunity to become involved in this life-restoring program. Please join us in our quest to restore light to some of the darkest corners of our world. Your acts of kindness and compassion are at the very heart of our work. David Hardouin Chair of the Board 3 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Dear Donors, Supporters and Champions of Seva, We have had a great year — a great year in financial terms but also in human terms. Our partners overseas have flooded us with heart-rending and heartwarming stories about the people we serve. We have tried to share as many as we could throughout the year in our newsletters, on our website ( and blog ( I hope you have enjoyed them. I am writing this letter at the beginning of the holiday season when our thoughts turn to the people who are most important to us and to the gifts we give them to show them how important they truly are. These stories are Seva’s gift to you, our donors and supporters. Thank you. ESTEFANY Estefany lives in a two-room wooden house with her three brothers, father and stepmother. She was treated very badly, not only by her peers at school but also by members of her family because of her eye conditions. Her parents had tried to get help for her but her father makes less than $8 a day. Her stepmother is a maid and makes even less. In December 2008, Estefany was brought to Visualiza, Seva’s partner in Guatemala, and during the visit she was diagnosed with both strabismus and ptosis. Strabismus, sometimes known as squint, is a condition in which the eyes are not properly aligned with each other. Ptosis is an abnormally low position or drooping of the upper eyelid. Estefany had her first surgery in February 2009 for strabismus and the next week she had surgery for the ptosis. Her beautiful smile speaks volumes. KHADIJA Khadija lives with her parents in a one-room house in northern Tanzania. She was just one year old when her mother noticed “white spots” in Khadija’s eyes. She had no idea what they were or how they might be treated. Sadly, Khadija was going blind from bilateral cataracts. Khadija’s mother had to watch her daughter SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 4 MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR continued constantly, even carrying her on her back while cooking so she could not wander off towards the stove. Khadija could not tolerate the sun, forever closing her eyes. People would ask, “Why is your child always sleeping?” Khadija was not eating well and was bullied by playmates who took things from her, knowing she couldn’t see. At first the family turned to prayer, but then Khadija’s uncle persuaded her skeptical father (who was worried surgery might cause more problems) to take her to the Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology in Moshi. Surgery was postponed twice due to her anemia, but finally Khadija’s right eye was operated on and, a week later, her left eye too. Four months after the surgeries, Khadija’s mother reported that her daughter, now two years old, was always happy, lively, and smiling. She herself is more relaxed, able to do chores while her child plays with friends – so the whole household is more congenial, and the father is definitely a happier man. He never believed in surgery until he saw that his child could see again! On behalf of Estefany and Khadija, thank you from all of us at Seva Canada. Penny Lyons Executive Director 5 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR We work in many different cultural and geographic areas and Seva’s programs in each country are as unique as the countries themselves. Each program, however, is committed to particular strategies and themes that have proven to be the basis of a successful model for delivering sustainable eye care, both in terms of income generation and human resources, to the world’s most vulnerable people. Seva’s support to eye care programs follows a ‘life-cycle’ model that includes an initiation and exit strategy first established in India and further refined with programs in Nepal. Seva begins by providing consultation and direct service funding, then supports the development of human resources and the establishment of infrastructure and sustainable systems. Later, when the programs are fully self sustaining they are transformed into regional anchors as training institutes. More and more, these institutes are becoming the engines for positive health change in their regions. A. SERVICE DELIVERY 1. Strengthening the capacity of eye care programs to provide high-quality, high-volume and low-cost services. Cataract remains the leading cause of blindness worldwide and providing cataract surgical services remains our main program focus and source of cost-recovery income. By focusing on providing high-quality, high-volume and low-cost cataract services programs, we achieve the greatest human impact in reducing needless blindness and can support less cost-effective eye care services. Childhood blindness services have become a priority, but not because of cost recovery. In fact, providing these services places a considerable drain on other eye care program resources. However, in terms of the numbers of years of blindness, the various diseases that cause childhood blindness when combined together, constitute the second leading cause of blindness globally. Seva therefore increasingly supports the development of these relatively expensive services for children and the complex community and family outreach activities required for prolonged follow-up, often over several years. Seva Canada works with its Seva US partner to support transformation of existing eye care programs to follow the successful models demonstrated by the Indian and Nepali partners. In these activities, the Indian and Nepali partners act as evaluators and mentors to existing governmental and non-governmental institutions to strengthen and promote optimum utilization of eye care services, which can lead to financial sustainability in the long term. 2. Community ophthalmology Seva works with partners to develop and test strategies to increase utilization of available services. Correctable blindness is a condition of poverty and isolation making its reduction a social and political challenge. We need active means to connect the majority of blind people — who live in remote rural areas — with the eye care providers and hospitals concentrated in the cities. SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 6 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS continued Connecting eye care services with the population in need requires active interventions, often termed ‘bridging’ strategies. Bridging strategies involve investment in community liaison, both to determine existing health-seeking behaviors and educational opportunities. In addition, program partners must empower marginalized populations to facilitate the use of limited resources. The challenge of breaking down the barriers to access at the community level demands innovation and experimentation. Seva’s strong support for rigorous socio-epidemiological studies, allows it to make significant contributions to the global knowledge about effective strategies to reach populations in need, particularly women. B. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Seva helps to build global human resource capacity necessary to meet the demand in eye care by strengthening the partner training programs: their faculty, teaching methods, curricula, and results. More recently, Seva’s Indian partner has taken the next step of training. It promotes and strengthens regional training institutes to prepare managers, clinicians and other human resources for delivery of high-volume, high-quality eye care services. C. KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER A large part of Seva’s work is to teach its program partners to develop demonstration projects that serve as models to assess the cost-effectiveness of their work. In addition, Seva is strengthening their efforts to document and publish their experiences, both successes and failures. Our program partners must invest time and personnel in documentation and dissemination of their results. D. OUTCOME EVALUATION AND MONITORING Seva continues to work with each of the program partners to establish adequate datagathering and record-keeping systems and develop protocols for monitoring and assessment of surgical outcomes. In addition to improving the quality of local services, Seva increasingly supports partners to share their findings among themselves for mutual learning and development. E. PROGRAM EVALUATION Most Seva partners have adopted internal processes for program design monitoring and evaluation, as integral parts of their program development. More and more, they are becoming interested in making the programs more efficient as well as effective. Monitoring and evaluation therefore is highly inclusive of program partners, and evaluations are expected as a routine part of work. Penny Lyons Executive Director 7 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 8 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 9 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 10 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 11 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 12 13 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 14 15 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 16 The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 17 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 VOLUNTEERS Volunteers have always played a crucial role in Seva’s work. From ophthalmologists helping train local physicians, to the epidemiologists conducting blindness surveys, to nurses, management consultants, graphic designers, envelope stuffers, special events helpers, information technologists, writers and editors – volunteers sustain Seva programs. Volunteer opportunities abound at Seva. For current volunteer openings, please visit our website at or contact OVERSEAS VOLUNTEERS Jaafar Aghajanian Dr. Ken Bassett Mollie Colson Susan Erdmann Don & Ann Gardiner Catherine Howett Barry Lester Dr. Larry Louie Maureen & Nagib Padamshi Justine Spencer Laura Spencer Dr. Martin Spencer Wanda Vivequin Joanna Wong Linda Young VOLUNTEERS IN CANADA Bob Andrews Alison Bird Johannes Burge Alistair Butt Mollie Colson Shelagh Jaya de Belder Anne Frigon Mary Gavan Gregory Green Mary Guilfoyle Diane Hardouin David Harrison Linda Harth David Hickey Terry Kelly Janice Kerr Murray & Laura Klaiman Nazira Lakhani Maggie Leithead Junica Lin Dr. Larry Louie Drew Lyall JoAn Maurer Diane McIntosh Robert McClure Erin Morantz Ken Moss Kathy Murphy Amir & Chloe O’Loughlin Renee Olson Nagib & Maureen Padamshi Vicki Robinson Sue Roper Cindy Rose Robin Round Balraj Singh Dhillon Shelagh Smith Justine Spencer Laura Spencer Susan Spinola Charlene Taylor Simon Trevelyan David Usher Barbara Wallace Dorothy Wardle Ian Wardle Donna Webb Ashley West Joanna Wong Serena Wong SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 18 DONORS GOVERNMENT Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) ESTATES Estate of Michael Andrew Frastacky FOUNDATIONS The Johnson Eye Foundation The Pratt-Johnson Foundation Lewis & Ruth Sherman Charitable Foundation The Somerset Foundation IN-KIND DONATIONS Acculogic Technologies Inc. Alcon Canada Bo-Optik Johannes Burge Centennial Optical Chai Gallery Colyn Clay Festival Cinemas Great Little Box Company Greg Green Hartley & Marks Publishers Tammy Hudgeon William Jans Jon Kaplan KLM Cargo Melanie Lichtinger Dr. Larry Louie & Joanna Wong Gary Lyons Diane McIntosh Ian McLennan Ian McWhinnie Mountain Equipment Co-op OGI Canada Inc. Perfect Optical (Canada) Ltd. Shambhala Sun VKI Studios Dorothy Wardle Mark Weintraub Joel Wener Ted Wong World Wide Animal Travel CIRCLE OF LIGHT DONORS The following members of the Circle of Light are a group of extraordinary individuals who care deeply about changing the world through restoring sight and preventing blindness. We are grateful to this special group of donors who are willing and able to make a significant pledge to Seva’s mission. The Circle of Light is composed of people who made a monetary donation of $750 or more in the financial year 2008-09. Anonymous (8) Amir Ahamed Robert Askew Assante Wealth Management Cynthia Balaberda Donna Balmain & Frank Liszczak Suzanne Bolton & Jefferson Mooney Micheline Brunelle Buntain Insurance Agencies Ltd. Tim Carson Tessa Cherniavsky Nick Christoffersson & Kris Bury Mollie Colson Doreen A. Crawford Alexander & Mary-Ann Currie David Dale Judith Daylen & John Yuille Leonard DeLozier Gladys Dunn Heather Ferris & Gary Greenstein The Fudgery Judy Gale & Ken Spencer Joseph Goodman Goren, Marcus, Masino & Marsh Paul Green Robin & Terry Gregory Paul Grof Faye & David Haigh David & Diane Hardouin Mary Beth Harris 19 Hartley & Marks Publishers Inc. Ann Harvey & Don Gardiner Thomas Hellmann & Anne Devine ICROSS CANADA Anita Jenzena Johnson Eye Foundation Terry Kelly Lewis & Ruth Sherman Charitable Foundation Dr. J. Lindley Inc. Harvey Loen Larry Louie & Joanna Wong Drew Lyall & Kathy Murphy Penny & Gary Lyons Brenda & Brett Marsh Rookaya Mather Kathryn Maurer Michel & JoAn Maurer James McEwen Arlene McGibbon Ian C. McLennan Alan McWhinnie John E. Mills Brenda Mitchell Nancy Mortifee Mustafa Nahib Peter Nash & Linda Harth Brenda & Jeremy Nightingale Michael & Francine O'Donnell Chloe & Peter O'Loughlin Lowell Orcutt Philippa Ostler Maureen & Nagib Padamshi Rupinder Singh Parhar John & Virginia Pearson Jim Peerless Brice Peressini Chris Pool & Martha Entin The Pratt-Johnson Foundation Cathy Rose Leonard Schein Vamini Selvanandan & Ross Glenfield Alexandra Sherman Patricia & Ken Shields Jane & Donald Shumka Shelagh Smith & Robert McClure The Somerset Foundation Marty Spencer Brian & Paula Stanko Telus Communication Inc. Reginald Tyler Vancouver Talmud Torah Association Olinda Vriend Janice Walker Heather Wardle & Ted Wong Laurence Weil Stephen Worthington-White David Yeung Natalie Zinetti SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 CIRCLE OF SHARING MONTHLY DONORS Seva is very grateful to the following dedicated donors who give monthly by automatic payments from their bank account or credit card, thereby reducing administrative costs and ensuring that our programs have steady funding throughout the year. Anonymous (26) Howard Abrams & Pauline Pariser Micky Absil Alannah Anderson David Armstrong & Linda Christensen Susan Armstrong Maggi Bailey Eric & Peggie Balkind Wendy Barrett Bitte Baxter Nalini Bhagat Eileen Blanchet Marina Blaskovits Shirley & Peter Bonner Mary Lou Booth Diane Bouchard Diane Bourguignon Anita Boyd Mary Bragg Eliz Brandon Nancy Brine Andrew & Helen Brink Mariette Brinkerink Dr. Stephen Brodovsky & France Adams John Brody Micheline Brunelle David & Shari Buchan Rick Buchan Liz & Bill Buddle Roger Burrows Phyllis Butler Susan Butler Miriam Caplan Tim Carson H. Ross Catt Anita Chambers Jeffrey Chance Daily & Dominic Cheng Marion Clapham Janice Clarfield Linda Clark James Cliffe Nicholas Cohen Linda Cole Diane & Leagh Colins Marian Collins Lenore Conacher Burke & Hanneke Corbet Ann Corcoran Gina Corfield Priscilla Costello Patricia Cottingham Eileen Cousineau Bart Craig Heather Crandall Brian Crawford Harvey Crossland Jyoti Sarah Daniels Joanne Davidson Gail P. Davidson Michele Davidson Gloria Davies Judith Daylen & John Yuille Paul Degiacomo Leonard DeLozier Michael Devecchi Ruth Dobb Helen Dodd Pema Dolma Patricia Dooley Michelle Doyle Jane Drake Kathleen Drumheller Helen Dubas Nancy Duchene Pauline Dupas Bonnie & Chester Emery Nelson Eng Lynn Fairey Catherine Fallis Diane Fay Derek Fenske Kent & Marta Fiddy David & Carol Field Terry Finnigan Kris Fleerackers & Carine De Kock Gary Fohr Marie Fortier Ringard Frank Betty-Anne Friesen Petr Fuxa Michael Galloway Chandan Gandhi Lee Geraghty Ute & Leonard Gerbrandt Paul Gervan Manjulaben Gheewala Verena Gibbs Frank Gillespie Leona Gleason Hilary Glicksohn Joseph Goodman Donna & Jim Goodridge Adrian Gordon Ken Gordon Bill Graham Brent Granby Paul Green Shirley Gail Guy Faye & David Haigh Liz Hales Nick Halpin & Valerie Mermet Ruth Hansson Craig & Debbie Harding Jane Harris Hartley & Marks Publishers Inc. Ann Harvey & Don Gardiner Fran Harwood Mel Henderson Dr. Robert Hill Don Himmelman Anne Hodgetts Judith Hodgson Jennifer M. & John C. Hopkins Teresa Hotell Jane Hugessen Teresa Hwang Don & Kathleen Hyde Susan Ikeda Fallo Ings Anne Jagdeo Parin Jamal Lynn Jennings Sandra Jewell Beth Johns & Norris Turner Jacqueline Jolliffe SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 Peter Juknys Roger Kayo Pauline & Simon Kendall Patricia Kerr John and Laura Kittridge Dina Korpershoek Katherine Kortikow Liza Kruyff Burton Lancaster Barb & Robert Landell Serena & Richard Laskin B.A. Lauridsen Hugh Lecky Carole Leclerc Hong Twu Lee Mia Lee Alma Legg Miriam Ana Leigh Juanita & Mike Lepage Tony Leslie Anne Lessard Noel Lewis-Watts A.M. Longson Susan Lovejoy Beth Lowther Bhavana E. Lymworth Linda Lynch Gerald Lyons Penny & Gary Lyons Alice MacPherson Alan Madras & Ruth Howard Marilyn Martin Todd Mawhinney Margo McCarthy Denis McCull Marnie & John McDougal Clare McDuff Arlene McGibbon Marnie McGrath Carol McKee Tim McKee Ian C. McLennan Iris Mennie Glenda Miller Sharon Miller & Alan Brown Daksa Mody Erin and Noah Morantz 20 CIRCLE OF SHARING MONTHLY DONORS Candice Morgan & Ian Macdonald Laura Mortimer Mary Murphy Raji & Pradeep Narayanaswamy Kate Niamath Lynne Novak-Garrod Linda Nycholat Barbara Jean O'Brien Michael & Francine O'Donnell Ed Oke Ken Olive Jane Oliver Chloe & Peter O'Loughlin Renee Olson John Ombodhi Irina Oobik Lila Ostermann Guy & Christine Ouradou Jasmine Pahl Ruth Payne Jacqueline Peck Brice Peressini Glynis Peters Peter Petrik Brenda Quick Cynthia Quinn-Young Barbara Ralph Barbara Raphael Donald Read Leanne Regina Dr. Launette Rieb Corinne Riedyk Gregg Robins Vicki Robinson Douglas Rooks Susan Roper Cathy Rose Dr. Adrianne Ross Robert A. Ross Robin Round Kim Rowan Jerome & Charlotte Ryan Nisheeth Saini Joyce & John Sandercock Susan Schmitten Jill Schroeder Nicholas Scott Kim Semonick Alexander Shaw Alexandra Sherman Banakesari N. Shetty Aruna Singh Earle Smith Hanna & Elvins Spencer Marian & Michael Spencer Marty Spencer Nicole Spencer Marian Stack Paul Stansfield Susan Stewart Wendy Strachan Gina & David Sufrin Georgia & Brian Summer Sandra Summers Michael Sumner Paul Thompson Glen Timms Eileen Tomalty Norma Turnbull Lynne Turner Ronnie & Peter Uhlmann Katherine M. Van Lammeren Susan Vickers Marni Virtue Fiona & Willo Walker Dorothy J. Wardle Heather Wardle & Ted Wong Arlene Weaver Jacqueline Webster & Morris Baumel Laurence Weil Wayne Westfall John Westover Jacki Willcox Christine Willette Randy Wolfert John Wright Christine Yeomans LEAVING A LEGACY OF SIGHT Seva’s vision is a world in which no one is needlessly blind and where those with unavoidable vision loss can achieve their full potential. As an active member of VISION 2020 and the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), Seva is working on the global campaign to eliminate the main causes of avoidable blindness by the year 2020. As an organization we are growing, getting stronger because of your support. The future is bright and with your help Seva can do a lot more and bring light and sight to the world’s needlessly blind. We thank those supporters who have made Seva Canada part of their long-term charitable giving plan and named Seva Canada Society in their Wills. You too can leave a legacy of sight. If you are interested in making a bequest in your Will, please contact Penny Lyons at 604-713-6622 or 1877-460-6622 or email 21 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 SEVA DONORS OVER $10000 Micheline Brunelle Buntain Insurance Agencies Ltd Doreen A. Crawford Alexander & Mary-Ann Currie Judith Daylen & John Yuille The Fudgery Goren, Marcus, Masino & Marsh Robin & Terry Gregory $ 5 0 0 0 T O $ 9 9 9 9 ICROSS CANADA Terry Kelly Anonymous (2) Nick Christoffersson & Kris Bury Harvey Loen Hartley & Marks Publishers Inc. Brenda & Brett Marsh Dr. Rookaya Mather Larry Louie & Joanna Wong James McEwen Michel & JoAn Maurer Arlene McGibbon Jim Peerless Alan McWhinnie Chris Pool & Martha Entin Brenda Mitchell Leonard Schein Michael & Francine O'Donnell The Somerset Foundation Chloe & Peter O'Loughlin $ 2 0 0 0 T O $ 4 9 9 9 John & Virginia Pearson Brice Peressini Anonymous (3) Cathy Rose Amir Ahamed Alexandra Sherman Tim Carson Patricia & Ken Shields Mollie Colson Jane & Donald Shumka Judy Gale & Ken Spencer Shelagh Smith & Ann Harvey & Don Gardiner Robert McClure Thomas Hellmann & Brian & Paula Stanko Anne Devine Reginald Tyler Anita Jenzena Heather Wardle & Ted Wong Dr. J. Lindley Inc. Laurence Weil Penny & Gary Lyons Dr. David Yeung Ian C. McLennan John E. Mills $500 TO $999 Nancy Mortifee Anonymous (8) Mustafa Nahib Howard Abrams & Peter Nash & Linda Harth Pauline Pariser Lowell Orcutt Leroy & Patricia Anholt Philippa Ostler Michele Anholt & Craig Dorin Maureen & Nagib Padamshi Maggi Bailey Rupinder Singh Parhar Dr. Stephen Brodovsky & Pratt-Johnson Foundation France Adams Dr. Vamini Selvanandan & Rick Buchan Ross Glenfield Matt Buie Dr. Martin Spencer Tessa Cherniavsky Olinda Vriend Robert & Linda Cobb Janice Walker David Dale $ 1 0 0 0 T O $ 1 9 9 9 Jyoti Sarah Daniels Leonard DeLozier Anonymous (2) Gladys Dunn Robert Askew Assante Wealth Management Nelson Eng Susan Erdmann Cynthia Balaberda Heather Ferris & Donna Balmain & Gary Greenstein Frank Liszczak Dr. Jane Gardiner Suzanne Bolton & Joseph Goodman Jefferson Mooney Estate of Michael Andrew Frastacky David & Diane Hardouin Johnson Eye Foundation Lewis & Ruth Sherman Charitable Foundation Bill Graham Paul Green Dr. Paul Grof Alison Hackney Faye & David Haigh Mary Beth Harris Dolores, Melle & James Huizinga Teresa Hwang Don & Kathleen Hyde Sarah Kidner Karen Lam Alma Legg Helena & David Lin Alice MacPherson Ida Manly Kathryn Maurer Drs. Carol Murphy & Duncan Anderson Kathleen Murphy & Drew Lyall Dr. Lee Napier Brenda & Jeremy Nightingale Michael & Nurit Perla Jane Perry Rix Family Foundation Ruth E. & William H. Ross Foundation Joanne Sawadsky Philip E. Seaton Chandra Sehgal Isaac & Carmen Sobol J. David Spencer Joan & Jim Stevenson Michael Sumner Gloria & Hugh Sutcliffe Barry Swann Telus Communication Inc. Dr. George Tilser Vancouver Talmud Torah Association Tom Voss Mary & Floyd Wartnow William Waters Arlene Weaver Jacqueline Webster & Morris Baumel Dr. Rod Willis C.M. & Myra Wong Pamela Wong Stephen Worthington-White Denis Young Natalie Zinetti $250 TO $499 Anonymous (21) Alannah Anderson SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 Louise & Danny Anderson Stephen Antle & Bronwen Mears Susan Armstrong Herb & Mary Auerbach Eric & Peggie Balkind Florence A. Barbour Wendy Barrett Bitte Baxter Daniel Beaudry Alex & Mary Bell Mary Lou Booth Mary Bragg Andrew & Helen Brink Mariette Brinkerink John Brody Donna Brown Keith & Wanda Brown Brian Brunskill David & Shari Buchan Roger Burrows Phyllis Butler Alistair Butt Anita Chambers Dr. Jesse Chew Pamela Clelland James Cliffe Daphne Cole Mari Francine Conn Dianne & Derek Cook Heather & Jim Cooling Gina Corfield Eileen Cousineau Beryl Cowan Helen Daly Gail P. Davidson Joanne Davidson Gloria Davies Paul Degiacomo Audrey Dewan Pema Dolma Patricia Dooley Donald Dowsley Pauline Dupas Lisa Eckert Bonnie & Chester Emery Evelyn C. Eng Lynn Fairey Fran Ferguson David & Carol Field Terry Finnigan Ringard Frank Chandan Gandhi Paul Gervan Manjulaben Gheewala Granville EYELAND Lynn P. Grexton 22 SEVA DONORS Liz Hales Ruth Hansson Craig & Debbie Harding Jane Harris Mel Henderson Don Himmelman Peggy Hitchcock Rosemary B.H. Hoare Kathleen & Donald Hobbs Doris Hubbard Michael Hurley & Nancy MacMillan Cyrus Jagosh Parin Jamal Daralynn Johnson Dr. Carl V. Jones Inc. Kapilla Clothing Corp Pauline & Simon Kendall Christine & Hans Keppler John & Laura Kittridge Gail & Gordon Konantz Donna R. Konsorado Dina Korpershoek Linda Kuttis Kraulis Liza Kruyff Jo-Ann & Ken Labron B.A. Lauridsen Anne Lavergne Keith Lawrence Cheryl Lee Therese LeNeveu Frank Lomer Kolin Lymworth Nancy & Weiner L. Maddams Alan Madras & Ruth Howard Betty Manson Todd Mawhinney Michael Mayzel Marnie & John McDougal Darrell McKay Tim McKee In memory of Evert Bekooy Andrea Menezes Bruce Milne Mitchell Elementary School Dr. Alan Morinis & Dr. Bev Spring Morrow & Co. Joan C. Murray Frederick Muttiah Dr. M. Naran, Inc Raji & Pradeep Narayanaswamy Grace & Vic Neufeld Linda Nycholat Ed Oke Colin and Marie Oliver 23 Jane Oliver Marg Taylor-Parfitt & Christopher Parfitt Georgina & Stephen Patko Ruth Payne Glynis Peters Peter Petrik Michael Pettitt Paula Pothier Helen Purves Michel Ricard Dr. Launette Rieb Gregg Robins Vicki Robinson Jerome & Charlotte Ryan Johanna Ryffel Nisheeth Saini Joyce & John Sandercock Kathleen Sanderson Annalee & Brian Schnurr Eileen Scully Signature Vacations Paul Sopuck Hanna & Elvins Spencer Marian & Michael Spencer Nicole Spencer Dr. Marnie Spino Gina & David Sufrin Murray Sumpton & Laurel Gordon Lynn Thorsell & Craig Wynne Peter Tigar Eileen Tomalty Ronnie & Peter Uhlmann Under the Same Sun Fund United Way Ottawa Vancouver Foundation Debra Vanier Dirk Van Renesse Susan Vickers David Vivian Dr. Marilyn Walker Diana Walsh Dorothy J. Wardle John Westover Whitearn Investments Inc. Christine Willette Verdelle Wilson Hazel & John Wong G. Stuart & Cicely Wright Nga Hwa Yeo Georgia Guy & Robyn Young Todd Yuen Chris Zuberec $100 TO $249 Anonymous (72) Micky Absil Niloofar Ahanchi Kenji Akimoto & Anita Rehhorn Judith Albert Faud Ali Julia Amies & Nicholas Westwood Charles Anderson David Armstrong & Linda Christensen Dr. Bryan Arthurs Atlas Pots Helen Baker Kelly Baker Ruth & Robert Baldwin Thomas Barnes & Patti Ratcliff-Barnes Glenda Barr Doug Basarowich Mara Baudais Ross & Patricia Beaty Beate Beckmann Darcy Beer Agatha W. Bennett Bernard Besseling Nalini Bhagat Eileen Blanchet Marina Blaskovits Jana Bodiley Kathleen Boland Shirley & Peter Bonner Al Botteselle Diane Bouchard Diane Bourguignon Ursula & Dan Bowditch Judith Bowersox Anita Boyd Susan Bozic Eliz Brandon Murray Bridge Gerald Brimicombe Nancy Brine Shane Brock Muriel Anne Brothers Virginia Browning Kenneth & Diane Bryden Deana Brynildsen Liz & Bill Buddle Lorna Buhr Muriel Burger Susan Butler Fred & Dawn Cadham Dr. Eileen Cambon Miriam Caplan Richard Carlin H. Ross Catt Carole Chambers Jeffrey Chance Andree Chartrand Daily & Dominic Cheng Edward Chibber Brian Chisholm Ray Chow Cinnabar Valley Elementary School Janice Clarfield Linda Clark Dr. Joe Clarke & Rev. Catherine Gibbs Shannon Coffman Nicholas Cohen Dr. Shawn Cohen Joan V. Cole Linda Cole Gordon & Anna Collie Marian Collins Hazel Colme Common Ground Lenore Conacher Derek Cook Burke & Hanneke Corbet Marilyn & Gary Corbett Ann Corcoran Priscilla Costello Victoria & Lewis Cottell Jeanette Cournoyer Bart Craig Susan Craig Brian Crawford Creative Neurons Melanie May Crombie Farrell Crook Donna Crooks Harvey Crossland Paul & Dorothy Curtic Helene Cyr Maria D'Aversa Michele Davidson Polly Davis E. Demeter Michael Devecchi Chuck & Jodi Diamond Francisco Diaz Ruth Dobb Helen Dodd John Downer Michelle Doyle B. Alexander Drahotsky Lorna Drew & Leo Ferrari Kathleen Drumheller SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 SEVA DONORS Helen Dubas Nancy Duchene Ray & Paulette Duhaime Gillian Dunlop Terry Edgar L. Darien Elliott Margaret Emery Brenda Evans Diane Fay Dan Fedder Elizabeth Feick Davia Feinn Derek Fenske Kent & Marta Fiddy Kris Fleerackers & Carine De Kock Gary Fohr Liesl Fonseca Robert Forbes Michael Forsman Briar Foster Linda Freeman Betty-Anne Friesen Dennis & Daphne Frost Wendy Fuller Jane & Bruce Funk Eric Gabbott Josephine Gagnon Kathy & Mike Gallagher Peter & Rosemarie Gallagher Michael Galloway Amanda Gamley Gail Gardiner Lynne Gardner Garibaldi Fitness Judith Garland Elaine Gauthier Michael & Penny Gelber Patricia & Gerald Genovese Lee Geraghty Ute & Leonard Gerbrandt Ashok Gheewala Verena Gibbs Frank Gillespie Marilyn Ginsburg Leona Gleason Elizabeth Glosser Ellen Godfrey Donna & Jim Goodridge Adrian Gordon Ken Gordon Susan & Kenneth Grace Anne Graham Brent Granby Denise Grant Gail & Ian Grant Anna Grieve Warren Gschaid Gary Gumley Shirley Gail Guy Patrick Haberl Karen Hackett Joanne Hall William H. Hall Jack C. Hallam Frank Hallett Nick Halpin and Valerie Mermet Richard Hampton Mr. Gordon Harding Gerry & Barbara Hardy Dewar & Diane Harper Marelynn Harowitz David Harrison Fran Harwood Ernest Havard Laurine J. Hellam Peter Herd Arthur Herold Ruth and Cecil Hershler Dan & Michelle Hewitt Dr. Robert Hill Siegmund Hillbrecht Barbara & Robert Hindson Polly Ho Anne Hodgetts Doug Hodgins Judith Hodgson David & Heidi Hogg Leslie Holder Diana Holland Mairi Holland Jocelyne & John Holm Jennifer M. & John C. Hopkins Teresa Hotell K. Howarth Hao-Yen Huang & Pei-Li Wu Jane K. Hugessen Hydrecs Fund Shelley & Altaaf Ibrahim Endar Ilkay Fallo Ings Nancy Issenman Rajul and Akhil Iyer Anne Jagdeo Karen James William R. Jans Pamela Janz Jecco Properties Ltd. William & Sheila Jenkins Lynn Jennings Sandra Jewell Sukhvinder Johal Beth Johns & Norris Turner Jacqueline Jolliffe Catherine Jones Peter Juknys Kabuki Housing Coop Hilda Kalcsis Judith Katz Dr. Miriam Kaufman Conrad Kavalec Erika Kellerhals Maura Keohane Mary Kerr & John Armitage Patricia Kerr Charles & Karen Kertz Salim Khimani Ann M. Kilbertus & Michael Blades Carol Kirkwood Kishk Anaquot Health Research Katherine Kortikow Marjorie Krabb Gretchen Ladd Patrick Lally Richard & Claire Lament Barb & Robert Landell Kee Lang & Ronald MacDonald Lorraine Larson Serena & Richard Laskin Karin Latter Ingrid Lau Hugh Lecky Carole Leclerc Hong Twu Lee Marion Lee John & Liz Legge Miriam Ana Leigh J.J. Lemieux Trish & Paul Leslie Anne Lessard Barbara Lew Gisele Lincoln Merle Linde Vera D. Lindley Little Isle Glass Works Brett W. Lloyd Joanne Lochhead Carol London A.M. Longson Deborah Loren Susan Lovejoy Tod & Erin Lowe Beth Lowther Vladimira Ludvik Michael Lundine Bhavana E. Lymworth Linda Lynch SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 Jenni Lynnea Diane Lyon Dr. Christopher Lyons Gerald Lyons Dan Maas & Susan Ackland Eric Mabboux Dr. Alan L. Maberley Lyn MacBeath Natalie Mackay Dr. Paul Mackenzie Ruth MacKenzie Donald Mah John Mai Patricia Malo Don & Bev Manderscheid Emma Martin Marilyn Martin Ann-Kathrin Martins Claudia Mason Cameron Mathieson Don Maunders Stephen May Patricia Mayrs Herbert John McCann Cathleen McCarthy Margo McCarthy Gayle McCooey Dr. Edward & Ruth McDermott Mary & Peter McDonald Richard McDonald John McDowell Edith & Pat McGeer Marnie McGrath Myrna McGrath Peg McGuinness Glada McIntyre Sean McIntyre Carol McKee Elisa & James McLaren Brian McLeod Linda McLeod Cathy & Ernie McNally Mary McRae Marcie Mehaffey Iris Mennie Angela Miller Glenda Miller Janet & Stephen Mitchell Patricia Mitchell A. Mlodzianowski Daksa Mody Susan Moger & David Malcolm Scott Montgomery Montreal General Hospital Prudence & Andrew Moore Luis Moran 24 SEVA DONORS Candice Morgan & Ian Macdonald Laura Mortimer Ruth Mryglod Neha Munshi Kelly Murphy Mary Murphy Richard Murray Hesham Hassan Nabih Daryl Calder & Marianne Nahm Rosemary Nemetz Kate Niamath Keith Nichol Mike Nichols Malcolm Nicholson Dr. R. D. Nicoll Inc. Kevin Nolan Llaesa North & Elio Azzara Lynne Novak-Garrod Barbara Jean O'Brien Gina Ogilvie Ken Olive Renee Olson Lila Ostermann Kenton Otterbein Guy & Christine Ouradou Fred Owen Mimi Page Ramnik Pandher Jeffrey Parfitt John Parker Park Place Health Club Inc. Belle Parkinson Kathleen D. Patton Sadie Peatman Jacqueline Peck Marion Pederson Penny Pentley Anat Perry Carol J. Pettigrew Mary Petty Patricia Phillips Karim Pinter Nancy Pollak James Polson Tamara Pride Productions Mandalab Lonnie Propas Frank Prost Don Proteau Provincial Employees Community Services Fund Dale Pruden Nancy Pruden R.C. Purdy Chocolates Ltd. Mark & Pat Quayle 25 Brenda Quick Cynthia Quinn-Young Marcela Racakova Barbara Ralph Bryan Ralph Sue Randhawa Donald Read Yvonne & John Redant Leanne Regina Robert W. Rein Arliss Renwick Marianne Rev Katherine Richardson Corinne Riedyk Donna Riley Sherri Rinkel MacKay Della Roberts Cathy Robertson Kathleen K. Robertson Lorraine Robidas Ken & Susan Ronalds Douglas Rooks Susan Roper Ernest Rose Dr. Adrianne Ross Gordon Ross Robert A. Ross William J. Ross Yeshe Catherine Rosselet Neil Rothenberg Simone Rouillard Robin Round Kim Rowan Tim Rumsey & Nancy Dietrich Ambika Gail Rutherford Valerie E. Ryan Michele Samuelson Coro Saress Gabrielle Savard & Clarence Kort Giorgio Saviozzi Bonnie & John Schmelke Susan Schmitten Irvin Schonbrun Antya Schrack Carolyn Schramm Geraldine (Jill) Schroder Nicholas Scott Karen Selk Kim Semonick George & Naomi Sexsmith Nikhil & Punita Shah Eva Sham Alexander Shaw Lorne T. Shaw Banakesari N. Shetty Dr. Tanya Short Deborah Simpson Aruna Singh Dr. Carolyn Skov Earle Smith Emma Smith & Mary Lou Williams Neil Smith & Deidre A. Bjornson Paul N. Smith Saskia Soeterik Ravi-Inder Soligo Diana J. Somerville Irit Sorokin Holly Spence Laura Spencer Marian Stack Paul Stansfield Eileen Stewart Susan Stewart Alexander Stirling Marion Stork Steve Struthers & Alison Douglas Sandra Summers Carolyn M. Swanson J. Szasz Nicole Tarasiuk Dr. Patricia Teal Corinne Tench Harry A. Thompson Paul Thompson Carol & Kenneth Thorpe Glen Timms Brian Todd Timothy Trivett Sid Tukeman Ingrid Turnbull Lynne Turner United Way of Lower Mainland Rika Uto Katherine M. Van Lammeren Amarjit Vasran Christine Verstraete Beverley Viljakainen Marni Virtue Eduardo Visconte Peter Vroom & Amy Gorrell Anna Wagenhauser Clifford & Chris Walker Fiona & Willo Walker Brian Wallace Victoria Wallace Randal Warnock Priya Watson Wayne Westfall Barbara Whidden Dr. Valerie White Gwyneth Wickens Andrea Wilde John & Christine Wilkinson Jacki Willcox Lynda & Robert Williams Eric Wilson Ron Woodall Dr. Bruce Woodburn Donald Glen Wright John Wright Penny Wright Christine Yeomans Catherine Yestadt York House School Brenda Yoshida Linda Wai Ling Young Betty Yue Eric Zaunscherb Melanie Zuliani $50 TO $99 Anonymous (29) Linda & Christopher Abbott Louise Affourtit Sue Ann Alderson Sabina Altholz Archibald & Ruthe Andrew Carol Anthony Becky & Wayne Bagley Erin Baile Geoff Baile Mary-Jane Baker Cathy Bannink Deborah & Tom Barton-Moore John Beach Patricia Beatty Barbara Beck Frances M. Becker Nathaniel Berger Janet Bouey Barbara Bowles Ivy Braun Brenda Brazier Hugh Brown Evelyn W. Burgess Linda Burns Deirdre Byrne Allan N. Cabot Karen Cain Gillian Cameron Helen & Peter Campbell Hannelore Carrara J.R. & M.A Cartledge Stephanie Chalmers SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 SEVA DONORS Kristina Chand John H.T. & May Y. Cheng Mary Chiasson Josephine Chown Terri Chrupka Rita Ciammaichella Rod Clark Kristina Clarke Julian & Maureen Collis Susan Cook Patricia Cottingham Heather Crandall Christine Cuthbert Betty & Barrie Dargie Maria Da Silva-Cutchey Arlene Davidson Gregory Davis Wendy de Candole Dino & Helena Dell'Orletta Richard DeLorme Stacey DePass Nancy & Bill Dickinson Dr. Arthur Dodek Brian Done Mary Jay Douglas Slava Doval Jane Doyle Jane Drake Isabella Duff Valerie Dyer Susan Engelmann Faye Erbe Verena Fahrni Catherine Fallis Cheryl Farmer Lyn Farquharson Dr. Mohamed Eid Fawzy Patricia & David Fleming Irene & Rob Flett Marie Fortier Lena Frend Shawn Fuller Yvonne Fung Dr. Mark Gans Brian Gardiner Janice Gasparetto Elizabeth Gavin Ruth Gladstone Hilary Glicksohn William & Jane Glover Nancy Gordon J. E. Graham John Graham Nora Gray Daniel Griffin Elizabeth Guptill Diana & Ulrich Haag Jo-Marie Hall Ben Harapat Paulene Harris Catherine Heighway & Wallace MacKinnon Barb Hertell Elizabeth Hoadley Andy Horsnell Gwenneth Houghton Elinor & Helge Hoy Jeff Hull Audrey & John Hunter Bonita & John Hunter Judith Huntington Susan Ikeda Elaine Ing Valerie Ish Joan Johnston Shelley B. Jones Stacey Jones Selia Karsten Dave Kaube Judy Kawaja Ruth Kazdan Betty Kellow Maggie Kendall Janice Kerr Denise Kilshaw Leola Knight Lorraine Koren & Michael Moriarity Patricia & John Korenic Corry Koster Al Kucher Denise & Roger Lagasse Lucie Lalumiere Burton Lancaster James Langley James H. Laycraft Tony Leslie Dr. James Lewis Lise Loubert Patricia & Munro Mabey Connie MacKenzie Gael MacLean Eleanor Mae & Eric Zasburg Mail-o-Matic Sheila Malcolmson Kathryn Manry Michel Marenger Christine Mauro Barbara McAlpine Clare McDuff Nancy McDuffe Peter & Maureen McIntyre Jean McKinley Marilyn & John McVicar Linda Medland Susan Menning Gabriela Menyhart Helen Miller Suveera Minhas Devin Mittertreiner Carol Mooney Erin and Noah Morantz Linda Morgan Betsy Morrow Harold Murray Molly & Andrew Murray Stacey Narrowmore Mary Jane Nehring Dr. Franzi Ng Janet Nicol Mumtaz Noormohamed Joan & David Norris Wendy Northcut Nora Osborne Margaret Ostrowski Cora-Lee Parent William Patterson Paul Penner Elizabeth Grace Pettit Stephen Piernitzki Gerry W. Piro Susan Power Colin Race Angie Radford Janice Ramsay Barbara Raphael Mary Raphael Susan Raposo Nancy & David Raven Renee Rees Susan Reid Wolfgang Riedel Donald Brian Roberts Mindy & Murray Robinson Suzanne & Gunther Rohn David Rosentzveig Charlotte A. Ross Stephen Ross Eleanor Routley Dr. M. Ruthnum Inc. Dr. N.E. Saheb Karen Sanchuk SAS Construction Gunvant Shah Clara Shamanski Stella Shanks Celeste Shannte Bill Sheridan SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 Catherine Simpson Mary Simpson Bruce & Joanne Sinclair Lorea & Hale Sinclare Howard & Alanna Slang Jane Slingsby Francine Guerrette Smith Jane Smith Janet Smith Marg Smith Kristin Sonstebo & Ron McMurtrie Margaret & Robert Sorochan Yves-Marie Soucy Heather Specken Laura Steiman Mark Stenning & Patricia Hepper Lin Stevens Wendy Strachan Elaine & Roderick Stutt Georgia & Brian Summer Ann Swindlehurst Irene Tassie Elizabeth A. Taylor Ezat Tehrani Jessie Thompson Deryck Thomson Grace Ellen Tickson Eva Ticktin Gail Tiefenbach Norma Turnbull Doreen Veach Barbara Veale Salima Velji Creative Carpentry Adam Edward Velsen Lorena Vicente Helen & Peter Vyvadil Alan & Elizabeth Wacowich Alison Walker Michael Ward Christina Watts Janice Webb Suzanne & John Webster Dorcas & Dr. Raymond Wehner Carol Weinmeyer Marsha Weisfeld Melissa Wheaton Donna Wheeler Anne & Peter White Sonya White Susan White Mary Whitley Josette Wier Steven Wilson 26 SEVA DONORS Jennifer Wolfe Randy Wolfert Dennis N. Wong Barbara Woodstock Diane Young Thelma & Ronald Young Carol & Rinaldo Zanette Monika Ziegler $10 TO $49 Anonymous (23) Louise Allix Wendy & Michael Amrhein Jutta Toni Arenda Mary Armstead Jane Bailey Bank of Nova Scotia Arthur & Pauline Barker Ruth Beck Frances Becker Gelda Bell Keith Benson Robert Boelens Alison & John Bolton Gary Bouwman Dirk & Eveline Boysen May Brenner Irene Bresolin Ingrid & Tom Brown Mary Jane Brown Monica Brown Harjit Budial Jennifer Button Katherine Chapman Judy Chrastina Marion Clapham Pauline Clark Lorna Cliffe Diane & Leagh Colins John D. Cooper Dianne Crosbie Nina Cross 27 Dora M. Davies Mary Dyck Elsea Plumbing Julie Emerson Karen Erickson & Rob Grant Marc Fairgray Jennifer Feddersen Gregory A Freeman Maureen Freeman Tammy Frislev Petr Fuxa Susanne Galloway Susan Gardner Cheryl Garner Delilla Gilbert Danielle Girard Janet Goforth Bonnie Goss Ute Gust Johannes Halbertsma Richard & Eleanor Hamilton Melissa Harvey Sylvia Haynes Kathleen Hazen Sylvia Holland Femmeke & Albert Holthuis Marie Hugh Don & Violet Husvik Linelle & Wessel Ingram Susan Issenman J.A. Jemson Neil Jure Joan & Donald Kalmokoff Linnet Kartar Julianne Kasmer Roger Kayo Ketchum Canada Inc. Jan & Doug Kilburn Jill M. Kimmel William Knight Monika Koernig Herta Kubela Tony Kuczma Helene Lafontaine Janice Lake Janet Lalogeholme Theresa Lannan Mary Laplante Ilse & Erwin Laudien Mia Lee Juanita & Mike Lepage Sarah L'Estrange Anna Leszczynski Noel Lewis-Watts Julia & Sammy Lim Anne MaClean Judith & Richard Marcuse Herbert Massek Heidi Matter Debra McLean Ellen & Terry Mensing Lola Merenda Gina & Larry Mermelstein Lesly Merrill Maureen Messerli Susana Michaelis Laurel Miles Sharon Miller Edith Milne Maria & Antonio Moniz Margaret Moon Morden Collegiate HASTA Marilyn Nash Michael Nimz Elisabeth Nurisso John Ombodhi Mary On Irina Oobik Jasmine Pahl Daphne Paterson Theresa Paterson Christine Patterson Sandy Penker Alisa Posesorski Cathleen Quinlan Susan Anne Rance Eva Richardson Karen Robinson David Rookyard Jenny Sandy Jean-Paul Sarda Elizabeth F. Schenk Carrie Scott Dr. Krista Scott Cheryl & Jeffrey Shillington Jean Sims Janice Smithaniuk Joan Smith-Walsh Janis Soparlo Francie & Shimon Steen Brigitte Steiner Noel Stone Cal Sutela Gerry Takeuchi Naomi Tasaka Barbara Taylor Anne Thomas Lesley Thomson Betty J. Tillotson Mary & Gordon Toombs Debbie Tratechaud Heidi Turpin Judith & Ludwik Turzanski Susan vanGurp Anneke & Peter Vankerkoerle James Chester Volen Patricia Wallace Michele & Richard Weighill Barbara Whittle Frank Winstan Gwendolyn C. Winter Phyllis & George Wood Wool & Wicker Sales Ltd Diane Yip Sharon Yuen SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 SEVA BOARD OF DIRECTORS, HONOURARY PATRONS AND STAFF CHAIR OF THE BOARD David Hardouin BOARD MEMBERS Ken Bassett, M.D. Susan Erdmann Melle Huizinga Ian McLennan Michel Maurer Nancy Mortifee Peter Nash, M.D. Abdul Pirbhai John Pratt-Johnson, M.D. Martin Spencer, M.D. Tom Voss Linda Young HONOURARY PATRONS The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy PC, OM, PhD The Honourable Steven L. Point, OBC The Honourable Patrick Reid OC STAFF Penny Lyons, Executive Director Annie Chen, Office Manager (to Dec 2008) Roger Kayo, Office Manager (from Dec 2008) Paula Ford, Products Manager Heather Wardle, Development Director Seva Board Members (left to right): Abdul Pirbhai, Michel Maurer, Susan Erdmann, Linda Young, Dr. John Pratt-Johnson, David Hardouin (Chair), Dr. Peter Nash, Nancy Mortifee, Dr. Ken Bassett, Dr. Martin Spencer, Penny Lyons (Executive Director) and Ian McLennan. Missing: Melle Huizinga, Tom Voss Seva Canada is extremely grateful to the wonderful photographers who donate their work. Cover image and page 27 by Jon Kaplan , Brian Harris (page 2), Visualiza (page 4), KCCO (page 5), Heather Wardle (page 18) and Johannes Burge (page 21). SEVA CANADA SOCIETY Suite 100, 2000 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6J 2G2 Tel: 604-713-6622 Toll free: 1-877-460-6622 Fax: 604-733-4292 E-mail: Registered charity #13072 4941 RR0001 SEVA CANADA ANNUAL REPORT 2008-2009 28
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