BRUCE TRAIL DAY - Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club


BRUCE TRAIL DAY - Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club
Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club
2 Day
Fall 2011
Forks of the Credit Provincial Park
10 am – 4 pm
A series of hikes will be offered throughout the day
Free parking is available for all participants
Bruce Trail Day is held to promote public awareness of
the Bruce Trail and the benefits of outdoor activity on land
conserved for future generations.
All hikes are free and designed to be introductory.
Bring your family and friends!
Meet in the main parking area of Forks of the
Credit Provincial Park,
Off McLaren Rd., 2 km south of Peel Rd # 24. McLaren Rd is 2.75
km west of Highway # 10 at Caledon Village.
Vol 49 No 3
Caledon Comment
Sunday October 2rd
2011 –2012 EXECUTIVE
Jean Kerins
Jean Kerins
Robert Gillespie
Irmgard Richter
Joan Richard
Joan Richard
Carol Sheppard
Dave Moule
416-225-2069 (home)
519-940-9258 (farm)
Make sure you check out the
new Keen Boots on the Trail
fundraiser and special membership discount offer for
new members
Louise Carberry
Colleen Darrell
SEE PAGES 18 & 22
Greg Huffman
Janice McClelland
Peter Leeney
Diane McKenzie
Gary Hall
2010-2011 Support Volunteers
Steve Arscott
Kristina Zeromskiene
Helen Billing
Farrukh Husain
Marilyn Ross
Cal E-News is our club email newsletter that keeps members
up to date on major club activities between editions of The
Caledon Comment.
If you are interested in receiving Cal E-News, contact:
Kristina Zeromskiene
Nearly 400 subscribers and growing!
Leslie Bissegger
Louise Porter,
Business Card (3.5 x 2.0)
Quarter Page (3.75 x 5.0)
Column (3.0 x 9.0)
Half Page (7.5 x 5.0)
Full Page (7.5 x 9.5)
Send copy by email to:
Opinions expressed in Caledon Comment are not necessarily the views of
Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club unless stated as such.
Advertisements do not necessarily imply endorsement by
Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club or The Bruce Trail Conservancy.
Send address changes to The Bruce Trail Conservancy at
PO Box 857 Hamilton, ON L8N 3N9
Caledon Comment is the quarterly publication of
one of the nine member clubs of the Bruce Trail Conservancy.
Please visit Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club’s website at
Rates do not include HST
Terms: Cheque with order
Cheque must be made payable to:
―The Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club‖
Notes from the President <<< Jean Kerins
The mission of the Bruce Trail Conservancy is to establish a conservation corridor containing a public footpath along the Niagara Escarpment, in order to protect its natural ecosystems and to promote
environmentally responsible public access to this UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve.
You will notice that hiking is not explicitly mentioned in the BTC’s mission statement and yet you
probably think of our club as a hiking club. That is only a small part of the story and only a small part
of what we do in the Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club. Think of hiking as the teaser to encourage you
to get to know the Niagara Escarpment. The more you know the wonders of the escarpment, the
more likely you are to help look after it and to help preserve it for future generations. As a club, we
certainly endeavour to promote healthy living through our hiking program, but we also devote a lot of
time and energy to raising awareness about the Niagara Escarpment and to raising funds to help
secure the Bruce Trail and the conservation corridor containing the trail. At present about half the
trail is safe from future development, so there is still a lot of work to be done.
Please encourage your friends and neighbours to get out on the trail and learn about the Niagara
Escarpment. Then encourage them to join the Bruce Trail Conservancy so we can all be part of the
solution. Our beautiful treasure of a trail needs all the help from us that it can get. And we need to
get out on the next perfect autumn day and enjoy all the benefits that our trail returns to us.
Jean Kerins
Unveiling of the Dorothy Medhurst Side Trail
<<<Carol Sheppard
On December 29th 2010, Dorothy Medhurst passed away peacefully.
Since the inception of the Bruce Trail almost 50 years ago, she has assisted our Caledon Hills club in many ways.
I first met Dorothy 8 years ago when I became our club's landowner relation director. At that time, she was in her late 80's, sharp as a tack
and still very much full of zest for life. She was taking great joy in telling
me about the hungry raccoons who waited on her doorstep each evening for handouts.
Dorothy Medhurst in 2007
On Sunday October 23rd, we will rename the current Brimstone Side
Trail to the Dorothy Medhurst Side Trail. It will be a great honour for
the Caledon Hills club to have this side trail dedicated to one of our
strongest supporters and tireless volunteers.
Meeting at Willoughby Road and Escarpment Side Road in time to
leave for 9:30 am, we will hike 2.7 km to the Brimstone Side Trail where we will hold our renaming
celebration. You can either return to your car along the same path for a hike of 5.4 km or you can
continue along for an 11.6 km loop hike through the Forks of the Credit Park. See hike listing for details.
Please join us to recognize Dorothy's great contribution to our club and to celebrate a long life well
Fall 2011
mation on registering for lunch.
The new Bruce Trail/Jeju Olle Friendship Trail – Unveiling September 10th,
2011 <<<Jackie Randle, BTC Director of
Volunteer Programs
Editors Note:
For more information on the Jeju Olle Trail and
the cooperation with the Bruce Trail see
Olle is the Jeju word for
a narrow pathway that is
connected from the
street to the front gate of
a house. Olle is a path
that comes out from a secret room to an open
space and a gateway to the world. It has the
same sound as "Would you come?" in Korean,
so Jeju's Olle sounds the same as ―Would you
come to Jeju?‖.
The Jeju Olle walking trail is located on the
beautiful island of Jeju, South Korea. Jeju Island
is located 130 kilometers south of the Korean
Peninsula. It is a large volcanic island, almost
sub-tropical in climate, with incredible scenery
from the coastline through orange groves crisscrossed by distinctive stone walls and up to the
peak of an inactive volcano. The Jeju Olle is the
most popular walking trail in Korea providing
over 200km of pathways, and plans are underway to extend the trail to encircle the entire island in the coming years.
Photo of Jeju Olle Trail in South Korea
The Bruce Trail Conservancy is creating a
friendship trail with the Jeju Olle. On route 2 of
the Jeju Olle you will find signs for the Bruce
Trail, providing visitors to the Jeju Olle with a
chance to learn more about our magnificent
trail. This September representatives from the
Jeju Olle Foundation will travel to Canada for
the unveiling of our part of the friendship trail,
which will be located in the beautiful Hockley
Valley. A sign from the Jeju Olle trail will be installed at the trail head, and by walking the entire route of the Hockley Valley main trail and
three side trails, you can complete the Bruce
Trail/Jeju Olle Friendship Trail
Please join us on September 10th at 10am for
the unveiling of the sign and the first hike on the
new Friendship Trail. Lunch and entertainment
will be provided. Dropouts are possible at 5km
SeePage 17 in hike listing for details and infor4
Fall 2011
Fall 2 Day B&B Hikes, October 11 and 12, 2011 on the Bruce
Tuesday, October 11 Lion’s Head Provincial Reserve
13 kms. of typical Peninsula hiking
Meet: 9.15 at parking area at 81.8 km. [Map 38, 26th Ed.] at 9.30 we will carpool to Barrow
Bay parking area at 68.8 km. We will hike north on the Main Trail, lunch on the trail
Tuesday evening group dinner location and time to be advised on Tuesday morning
Wednesday, October 12 Sydney Bay Bluffs
8.1 kms. of typical ‘Peninsula’ hiking
Meet: 9.00 at parking area in Hope Bay at 44.9 km. [Map 37, 26th Ed.] at 9.15 we will carpool to 36.6 km. We will hike north on the Main Trail, snack stop only at about 11.00
Leaders – Dave Platt or
905 859 4704
Ray Matsalla or
905 727 6168
Please register with Ray no later
than September 28 for the hikes and
the group dinner on the Tuesday night,
as space for our group dinner may be
limited. Please, no late registrations
Recycling event a huge success
<<< Joan Richard and Jean Kerins
Hiking Holidays
On the only sunny Saturday in April, our club sponsored an
electronic recycling event at the Caledon Fairgrounds on Hwy
10 in the Village of Caledon in honour of Earth Day. The
event was conceived by the Bruce Trail Conservancy as a
way of raising awareness of our club and of conservation in
general. It was the BTC who located SIMS Recycling Solutions as an appropriate company to partner with to carry out
responsible disposal.
No one could have imagined how successful the day would
be. Everyone did their bit, and at least 140 volunteer hours
were expended. But the happy result was $1800 raised for
the BTC, and 20,000 tonnes of electronic waste safely diverted. I turn it over to Jean Kerins, who was the heart and
soul of this enterprise, to thank everyone.
Thanks go to Scott Hurren and Jan Graves who came up
with the idea - a truly great day for the environment and also
a truly great event to help lower everyone's blood pressure. Countless people vented some "electronic" frustration
by hurling their e-waste as hard as they could into the bins.
1 (866) 449-1908
January 28 to February 4, 2012
The Matterhorn awaits!
Come on a Comfortable Skiing Holiday to
one of the most famous resorts in the
world – Zermatt, Switzerland. The region
is home to four different interconnected ski
areas with over 350km of ski runs,
including the longest at an astonishing
14km! We’ll also ride the highest altitude
mountain railcar in Europe (which offers
breathtaking views of the Italian, French &
Swiss Alps), and even ski right over the
border to Cervinia, Italy. You haven’t truly
skied until you ski Zermatt
May 13 to 26, 2012
This Greek island is the perfect
combination of European flare and tranquil
sea-side living. Hike to the heavens to visit
holy monasteries, trek in shade of ancient
olive groves and lose yourself in the
cobblestone streets of Corfu Town. Corfu
is considered by many to be Greece’s
most beautiful island, especially in spring
when it is carpeted in wildflowers. And you
will never tire of the deep, deep blue of the
sea that surrounds you.
June 2012
With more shades of green than you can
imagine, the Emerald Isle lives up to its
deserving reputation. From historical
Dublin to picturesque Killarney & parts in
between, we will take you hiking through
some of the most sought-after scenery the
country has to offer - and we'll even make
a few pub stops along the way!
July 2012
And does everyone in Caledon own a pickup truck or
SUV? I've never seen so many- all full of e-waste. The traffic was almost constant from 9am until 3pm and we weren't
even supposed to be open for business until 10am. When
we arrived at 8am to start setting up there was already ewaste waiting on the grass to be loaded into the bins. We
were all absolutely stunned by the steady turnout. And there
were even several people who delivered (continued page 7)
Don’t just drive through Kenya – hike it too!
Imagine encountering herds of zebras,
giraffes and gazelles right on your path!
Travel to 3 different parts of the country, take
in incredible sunsets over the savannah,
visit Masai herdsmen in their homes and, of
course, see lions, elephants & leopards
on our game drives. Accommodations include
luxury tented camps and one night at famous
Treetops! And did you know that July is the
coolest month of the year in Kenya?
Recycling Cont’d
a load then came back with more. It was truly amazing.
Some more thank you's:
To Lorri King who co-ordinated the event for Sims Recycling and ensured that we had flyers, signs,
collection bins and refreshments - we couldn't have done it without you. It was a pleasure working
with you throughout the planning stages and at the event. And on top of that you provided an extremely interesting tour of the Sims facility.
To Jan Smith-Bull and Sara Peckford at the Town of Caledon who ran an offshoot e-waste collection
also co-ordinated by Lorri King at Sims, all in support of the CHBTC in honour of Earth Day.
To Stanley Dacres, President of the Caledon Fairgrounds who is one of the most co-operative people I have ever met. The Fairgrounds even promoted the event on their website too. Stanley was
always available to meet with us and answer any questions and he just generally pitched in to support the event in every way he could - even showing up at 7am to greet the dumpsters!
To Karen who found the heaviest typewriters ever created.
To Jackie Randle and Beth Kummling at Rasberry House who cleared out some serious e-waste .
To Norm Randle who spent many
hours delivering several loads in his
pick-up truck both prior to and at the
To Dave Sarginson who co-ordinated
his Probus club collection and Carol
Sheppard who shook some ewaste loose from her company.
To Dave Peacock, Colleen Darrell, Joan Richard, Carol Sheppard,
Marilyn Ross, Gord Ross, Alison Pollitt, Dennis Gallant, John Maxwell,
Carol Maxwell and Norm Randle who
hoisted how many tonnes? of e-waste
and brought lots of their own e-waste
To Peter Leeney who arrived with his
heavy-duty dolly plus more e-waste,
even as he was recovering from becoming a new grandfather.
To Sally Cohen and kids who delivered the road signs and more e-waste.
To everyone involved who circulated flyers to their friends, neighbours and co-workers.
To Councillor Richard Paterak for blitzing the community with an email flyer.
To Gosta Isakson who made sure notices went in all the local papers.
To Gary Hall who took photos all day for the local magazines.
And to everyone who dusted off the scary pile in the corner of their basement and drove it over to
the fairgrounds - Thank you! It couldn't have happened without you!
Several tonnes of e-waste have successfully been diverted from landfill and/or saved from being
shipped overseas for unsafe destruction. Every piece we collected will be 100% recycled through
Sims Recycling Solutions. What a great way to celebrate Earth Day and to promote environmental
5th Annual Volunteer Picnic at
Belfountain Park <<<Joan Richard
On Sunday, June 5th about 45 club members
and their families joined together to celebrate
our 5th Annual Volunteer Picnic at Belfountain
Park. This event is always one of the highlights of the club’s social calendar as likeminded people unite to share in the knowledge
that they have done a good deed and helped
the club by volunteering during the preceding
twelve months in order to ―give back‖ to the
Bruce Trail. Without volunteers, the Caledon
Hills Bruce Trail simply would not exist, and it is
truly wonderful to spend time just relaxing with
fellow volunteers.
We had something different this year too which
was a particular treat. Susan Bohan from the
Belfountain Heritage Society took us all on a
very interesting historical tour of the hamlet of
Belfountain in the morning. It was interesting
to walk the quaint streets and hear some stories
from the town’s past. Susan is passionate
about her home and her enthusiasm was contagious.
Irene & Laurence Christie receiving Ross McLean Award
nual club awards. The Isabel East Award was
presented to Greg Huffman for his amazing talents spreading cheer at club events. Frank
Chow received the Barry Westhouse Award as
an unsung hero of trail maintenance. Frank can
regularly be found pitching in at work parties for
the club. And lastly, Irene and Laurence
Christie were awarded the Ross McLean Award
for their significant long term contributions to
club activities in a variety of roles over the years.
And while every volunteer is important to the
club, it is a great pleasure to single out a few extraordinary volunteers each year for special
mention. Our club is grateful to you.
Following the tour and the always incredible
potluck lunch, Colleen Darrell, Volunteer Coordinator, oversaw the presentation of our an-
(Pictures by Gary Hall - Additional pictures on P.9)
Greg Huffman receiving Isabel East Award
Fall 2011
Volunteer Picnic (cont’d)
Thanks to all the volunteers that contributed to the potluck picnic
Hiking in the Highlands of North Central Pennsylvania
Labour Day - Aug. 29 to Sept. 5, 2011
The last days of full summer to relax before the busy fall
season gets underway.
Thanksgiving – Oct. 7to10
Great walking in the fall colours. Full Thanksgiving dinner.
New Years – Dec.28-Jan. 1, 2012
The Lodge is located in Potter County, Pennsylvania, 2.5
hours south of Buffalo. There is no agriculture or industry
in the area, just great trails. Daily hikes of 10 to 15 km are
led through hardwood forest, many beside mountain
streams. Our lodge provides comfortable accommodation
& excellent meals for $60.00 semi-private or $70.00
private U.S. per day per person. These outings have
proven to be popular with the lodge filling up quickly.
Frank Chow receiving the Barry Westhouse Award
For more information, including driving directions,
please see or contact
Greg Vincent at 519-579-8210 or
For reservations call Carol Szymanik at 1-814-435-2163
Hiking Schedule — Fall 2011 <<< Joan Richard
Please arrive 15 to 20 minutes
before departure time.
 Bruce Trail map and
kilometre references are
taken from the 26th edition
of the Bruce Trail Reference.
 Always carry your Ontario
Health Card.
 Carry an adequate amount
of water and food.
 If you have to carry an auto
-injector or other medical device, make sure someone on
the hike knows about it.
 Unless stated otherwise,
hiking boots are required and
no dogs
are allowed.
Hike Levels (Easy, Moderate,
or Strenuous) are assessed
by a combination of pace,
distance, and terrain.
Hike Pace
 Leisurely
 Medium
 Fast
3 km/hr or
about 4 km/hr
about 5 km/hr
on County Rd 4, then 18.1 km
north on County Rd 2 (to Ravenna),
then 1.6 km east on 15th Sideroad to
roadside parking on the south side.
We will start off in a westerly direction on the Chuck Grant Side Trail,
then at Pinnacle Rock, turn around
and head northeast to our destination point via the Kolapore Uplands – including a stop at Metcalfe
Leader: Charlie Atkinson
905.642.2408 (Before 9 p.m.) or
Peninsula, Map 39.
Peninsula E2E #9 of 12.
Moderate, 15 km. Variable terrain
with rocky sections. Medium pace.
A shuttle hike with no dropouts.
Hiking boots required. No dogs
Depart: 9 a.m. from Crane Lake
Rd. at the National Park gates (park
well away from the farm and Park
Gates to avoid blocking farm and
emergency vehicles) km 129.1 map
40. We will car shuttle to start the
Leader: Cathy Johnstone email
Peninsula E2E #7 of 12.
Moderate, 12 km. Variable terrain
with rocky sections. Medium pace.
A shuttle hike with no dropouts.
Hiking boots required. No dogs
Depart: 9 a.m. from the Cape Chin
South Road (small space on the
curve) km 99.6 map 39. We will car
shuttle to start the hike.
Leader: Cathy Johnstone email
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 4: Peninsula, Map 40.
Peninsula E2E #8 of 12.
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2: Beaver Valley, Kolapore, Ravenna,
Maps 24/25.
Moderate to Strenuous, 20 km, 6
hrs. Variable, hilly terrain with
rocky sections. Fast pace. A Shuttle
hike with no dropouts. Refreshment
stop afterwards.
Depart: 9:30 a.m., just east of km
15.8, map 24. Directions: From
Hwy 89, drive 29.5 km north on
Hwy 124 (to just south of
Singhampton), then 10.3 km west
MONDAY SEPTEMBER 5: Peninsula, Map 40.
Moderate, 15 km. Variable terrain
with rocky sections. Medium pace.
A shuttle hike with no dropouts.
Hiking boots required. No dogs
Depart: 9 a.m. from Cottrill Lake
parking on Britain Lake Road, km
114.1 map 40. We will car shuttle
to start the hike.
Leader: Cathy Johnstone email
Toronto, Scotsdale Farm, Maps
Moderate, 13 km, 5 hrs. Variable,
rocky terrain. Medium pace. A
Loop hike with no dropouts. New
Hikers are welcome. Hiking boots
suggested. No dogs please Refreshment stop afterwards.
Depart: 10 a.m., Scotsdale Farm
parking area. Directions: Take Hwy
401 West to Trafalgar Rd (exit
328). Follow Trafalgar North to
Hwy #7, turn left (West) on Hwy
#7 approx 4km to Trafalgar Rd.
Follow Trafalgar North approx 2km
to Scotsdale Farm on right side of
road. Pretty loop hike mostly in the
forest including the main trail and
Bennett and Great Esker side trails.
Quite rocky in some areas. Coffee
after at a nice bakery in Georgetown.
Leader: Tessa Shelvey
905.850.1507 (Before 9 p.m.)
Hikes may be added or changed after the Comment goes to print.
Check the website, for the most up-to-date hike listings.
Fall 2011
North on Airport Rd (No. 18) just
past Hwy 9. 7th Line EHS is the
SPECIAL EVENT: Unveiling of first road on the right north of Hwy
9. Enjoy the early fall colours.
Jeju Olle Trail Pony Marker to
Leader: Henry Kim email henrycelebrate twinning of our trail
and a trail on JeJu Island, South
don Hills, Hockley Valley, Map
Caledon Hills, Hockley Valley, Map 18.
Strenuous, 20 km, 5.75 hrs. Hilly
Easy, 5 or 10 km. Hilly terrain. Leiterrain. Fast pace. A Loop hike
surely pace. New Hikers are welwith no dropouts. Refreshment stop
come. Hiking boots suggested. No
dogs please. Refreshment stop. Preregister for lunch by September 6th at Depart: 9:30 a.m., near km 53.5,
map 18. Directions: From Hwy 9,
drive 3.5 km north on Airport Rd,
Depart: 10 a.m. at the Hockley Rd
then 1.4 km west on 5th Sideroad,
parking lot (east of Hwy 10 on BTC
map #18). We will hike to the junction then 2 km north on 5th Line EHS to
of the main trail and Tom East Side
roadside parking. A large loop, enTrail where there will be a short uncircling both sides of the Valley - to
veiling ceremony of the Jeju Olle Trail include the Hockley Heights, HemPony Marker. Then we will hike the
lock Ridge, Glacier Valley and Pemain trail and Glen Cross ST to
ter Beecham Side Trails plus the
the 3rd Line where lunch and refreshMono Township 1926 Tract.
ments will be offered. This is a suitLeader: Charlie Atkinson
able dropout for participants only
905.642.2408 (Before 9 p.m.) or
wishing to hike 5km. The hike will
continue after lunch completing the
Hiking Schedule
Glen Cross Side Trail and returning
along the main trail and the Tom East
Side Trail to the cars. These participants will have traversed the entire
Jeju Olle section of the Bruce Trail
totalling approx 10 km. Leader: Carol
Sheppard 519.942.9864 (Before 9
Caledon Hills, Hockley Valley,
Map 18.
Easy, 11 km, 4 hrs. Variable terrain. Leisurely pace. A Shuttle hike
with no dropouts. New Hikers and
Families are welcome. Hiking
boots suggested. No dogs please.
Refreshment stop afterwards.
Caledon Hills, Glen Haffy, Map Depart: 10 a.m., Parking lot on
Hockley Rd 200 m. east of Trail
Moderate, 17 km, 5 hrs. Hilly,
crossing. Near km 60. Directions:
rocky terrain. Medium pace. A
From Hwy 10 go 4 km north of
shuttle hike with no dropouts. New Orangeville and turn right on HockHikers are welcome. Hiking boots ley Rd (traffic lights). Follow 6 km
required. No dogs please. Pub stop to parking lot on left. We will drive
a few cars to Dunby Rd and hike
Depart: 9 a.m. from 7 Line park- back through the scenic Hockley
ing lot at km 45.1. Directions:
Valley. Some hills, but we will hike
at a relaxed pace with frequent
Leaders: Judy and Peter Leeney
905.822.1877 (Before 10 p.m.)
Dufferin Hi-Land, Mono Cliffs,
Map 19.
Moderate, 11 km, 3 hrs. Variable
terrain. Medium pace. New Hikers
are welcome. A Loop hike with no
dropouts. Hiking boots required.
No dogs please. Refreshment stop
Depart: 1:00 p.m., Mono Community Centre. Directions: Take Hwy
10 north to Dufferin Rd 8 about 10
km north of Orangeville. Follow
Rd 8 to Mono Centre. Parking is
on the right before the stop sign,
park in the gravel parking lot. A
scenic hike around the Mono Cliffs
Park. With luck the fall colours will
be out.
Leader: Albert McMaster
519.942.8624 (Before 9 p.m.) or
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25: Toronto, Silver Creek, Map 13.
Moderate, 16 km, 5 hrs. Hilly,
rocky terrain. Medium pace. A
Loop hike with no dropouts. New
Hikers are welcome. Hiking boots
required. No dogs please. Pub stop
Depart: 9 a.m. Km 38.4. Directions: 401 to Winton Churchill
Blvd (Exit 333) north to Terra
Cotta, 27 Sideroad W, Tenth Line
N to where trail cross the road. Enjoy the early fall colours.
Leader: Henry Kim email
Mountains, Nottawasaga Bluffs,
Hikes may be added or changed after the Comment goes to print.
Check the website, for the most up-to-date hike listings.
Hiking Schedule
Ganaraska Trail, Maps (BTC)
22 / (Ganaraska) 25.
Moderate to Strenuous, 21 km, 6.25
hrs. Variable terrain with rocky,
muddy or rough bush sections. Fast
pace. A Shuttle hike with no dropouts. Refreshment stop afterwards.
Depart: 9:30 a.m., Gowan Park in
Creemore (Edward and Library
Streets). Directions: From County
Rd 124 or Airport Rd (County Rd
42), take County Rd 9 into Creemore. In Creemore, drive south on
Mill St, then turn left at Edward St
to roadside parking by the park. We
will shuttle to km 16.3 (map 22)
and start off with a loop around the
Nottawasga Bluffs area before joining the Mad River section of the
Ganaraska Trail - and then continue on over a combination of
farmland, pastureland and rolling
countryside on our way to Creemore.
Leader: Charlie Atkinson
905.642.2408 (Before 9 p.m.) or
Brenda Dalglish 416.601.0378 (710 pm)
the gate, or from the King Rd crossroads (in Bolton), drive 12 km
north on Regional Rd 50, then turn
left and through the gate. A large
SATURDAY OCTOBER 1: Cale- figure-8 loop, combining the Oak
Ridges Trail, the Palgrave Side
don Hills, Hockley Valley, Map
Trail, a short section of the main
Moderate, 13 km, 3.5 hrs. Variable trail and some country road walkhilly terrain. Medium pace. New
ing.Leader: Charlie Atkinson
Hikers are welcome. A Loop hike 905.642.2408 (Before 9 p.m.) or
with no dropouts. Hiking boots re- email
quired. No dogs please. Refreshment stop afterwards.
Our club hosts the annual
Depart: 1:00 p.m., Hockley parkThanksgiving Fall Colours
ing area. Directions: Hwy 10 north
End-to-End of the Caledon
of Orangeville, East on Hockley
Valley Rd past 2nd line. Parking
Hills Section, a two day or
is .25 km past 2nd line on the north
three day event.
side. We will hike the south side of
Thanksgiving Weekend Hockley Valley
October 8, 9, and 10 - 2011
through the golf course along 3rd
See page 5 for further
line and return via Glen Cross and
Main trail. With luck the fall colours will be out.
Leader: Albert McMaster
To register, call Joan
519.942.8624 (Before 9 p.m.) or
Richard 416-767-7550
Hills, Albion Hills, Map 17.
Moderate to Strenuous, 23 km, 6
hrs. Variable terrain. Fast pace. A
An Adventure to Tobermory.
Moderate, 20 km. Variable terrain. Loop hike with no dropouts. ReMedium pace. A Shuttle hike with freshment stop afterwards.
no dropouts. Hiking boots required. Depart: 9:30 a.m., Palgrave Forest
No dogs please.
parking lot. Directions: From Hwy
Depart: 9 a.m. at km 38.4 in Terra 9, drive 2.4 km south on Regional
Cotta. Directions: exit the 401 at
Rd 50, then turn right and through
Winston Churchill Blvd, drive
north to Terra Cotta, turn left on
BRUCE TRAIL DAY27 Sideroad, then right on Tenth
Line, and follow to the bottom of
Guided hikes take place
the hill where the trail leaves the
throughout the day at Forks
road by the ponds. The fourteenth
of the Credit Provincial
of seventeen hikes that will take us
Park, McLaren Road, south
from Niagara to Mono Centre this
of Hwy 124.
year and ultimately on to Tobermory over three years. We will car
Come celebrate
shuttle to the start and hike back.
Leaders: Bob Humphreys
See page 1 for details
519.883.1840 (7-10 p.m.) or email
SATURDAY OCTOBER 1: Toronto/Caledon Hills, Map 14.
SATURDAY OCTOBER 8: Caledon Hills, Maps 15/16.
An Adventure to Tobermory.
Moderate, 22 km. Variable terrain.
Medium pace. A Shuttle hike with
no dropouts. Hiking boots required.
No dogs please.
Depart: 9 a.m. at km 31.2, the
junction of Airport Road and Escarpment Sideroad. The fifteenth of
seventeen hikes that will take us
from Niagara to Mono Centre this
year and ultimately on to Tobermory over three years. We will car
shuttle to the start and hike back.
Leader: Bob Humphreys
519.883.1840 (7-10 p.m.) or email
SATURDAY OCTOBER 8: Peninsula, Map 41.
Peninsula E2E #10 of 12.
Fall 2011
Hiking Schedule
Moderate, 15 km. Variable terrain
with rocky sections. Medium pace.
A shuttle hike with no dropouts.
Hiking boots required. No dogs
Depart: 9 a.m. Halfway Dump
Road, km 143.2 map 41 (Parking
We will car shuttle to start the hike.
Leader: Cathy Johnstone email
SATURDAY OCTOBER 8: Caledon Hills, Alton Area, Map 15.
Moderate, 11 km. Variable terrain.
Medium pace. New Hikers are
welcome. A Loop hike with no
dropouts. Hiking boots required.
No dogs please. Refreshment stop
Depart: 1:00 p.m., Parking lot
Caldwell St, Alton. Directions: Alton is south of Orangeville on Hwy
136. Cardwell St. is at the end of
Station St which is off Main St Alton. With luck the fall colours will
be out.
Leader: Albert McMaster
519.942.8624 (Before 9 p.m.) or
SUNDAY OCTOBER 9: Peninsula, Map 42.
Peninsula E2E #11 of 12.
Moderate, 16 km. Variable terrain
with rocky sections. Medium pace.
A shuttle hike with no dropouts.
Hiking boots required. No dogs
Depart: 9 a.m. from Little Cove
Road off road parking area, km
160.0 map 42. We will car shuttle
to start the hike.
Leader: Cathy Johnstone email
MONDAY OCTOBER 10: Peninsula, Map 42.
Depart: 1:00 p.m., Creditview Rd.
North of the Grange Sideroad. Directions: Hwy 10 North of Brampton or Hwy 10 South of Caledon
Village turn West on Grange Side
Rd. Creditview is third line west.
We will hike the Devils Pulpit, the
Trimble side trail through Belfountain and Caledon Mountain Estate
and back by the Main trail.
Leader: Albert McMaster
519.942.8624 (Before 9 p.m.) or
Peninsula E2E #12 of 12.
Moderate, 11 km. Variable terrain
with rocky sections. Medium pace.
A shuttle hike with no dropouts.
Hiking boots required. No dogs
Depart: 9 a.m. from Tobermory
cairn, km 167.4 map 42.
We will car shuttle to start the hike
and will also hike the Burnt Point
Side Trail during the hike.
Leader: Cathy Johnstone email
Caledon Hills, Forks of Credit,
Map 14.
Moderate, 12 km. Variable terrain.
Medium pace. New Hikers are
welcome. A Loop hike with no
dropouts. Hiking boots required.
No dogs please. Refreshment stop
SUNDAY OCTOBER 16: Caledon Hills, Hockley Valley, Map
Moderate, 15 km, 5 hrs. Hilly,
rocky terrain. Medium pace. A
Shuttle hike with no dropouts. New
Hikers are welcome. Hiking boots
required. No dogs please. Pub stop
Depart: 9 a.m. BTC Parking lot on
Hockley Road. Km 60.2. Directions: : Airport Rd (Reg. 18) North
to Hockley Rd (Reg. 7) West to
BTC parking lot just before 2nd
Line EHS on the north side. Enjoy
the fall colours.
Leader: Henry Kim email
SUNDAY OCTOBER 16: Toronto, Limehouse, Map 12.
Easy, 5 km, 2 hrs. Rocky terrain.
SPECIAL CLUB EVENT: Unveiling of Dorothy Medhurst Side Trail
SUNDAY OCTOBER 23: Caledon Hills, Map 15.
Easy to Moderate, 12 km, 4 hrs. Hilly terrain. Leisurely to Medium pace. A Loop hike with an optional dropout at 5.4 km. New Hikers are welcome. Hiking boots suggested. No dogs please. Pub stop afterwards.
Depart: 9:30 a.m., Willoughby Road & Escarpment Sideroad, km 19. Directions: From Brampton take Highway 10 north to Escarpment Sideroad. Turn left, go 1.2 km west and park at the corner of Willoughby Road
and Escarpement Sideroad. There is ample roadside parking here.
On this hike we will rename the Brimstone Side Trail to the Dorothy Medhurst Side Trail to honour her longstanding loyalty to the Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club. For further information see the Unveiling of the Dorothy Medhurst Side Trail article in this newsletter (page 3) .
Hikes may be added or changed after the Comment goes to print.
Check the website, for the most up-to-date hike listings.
Hiking Schedule
Leisurely pace. A Loop hike with
no dropouts. New Hikers are welcome. Hiking boots required. No
dogs please. Pub stop afterwards.
Depart: 10:30 a.m. In front of
Limehouse Public School. Directions: Travel north on Trafalgar Rd
through Stewarttown and continue
to lights at merge with highway 7.
Turn left at lights and continue
traveling north for about 1 km and
turn left onto 22 Sideroad at sign
for Limehouse. Travel west along
22 Sideroad for about 2.5 km
through the village of Limehouse
and park in front of the Limehouse
Public School on your right just
before the intersection with fifth
line. The hike leader’s car will have
a Canadian flag attached to the window behind the driver’s seat. Depending on the number of cars, we
may leave all cars here or move all
cars to a parking lot to begin this
loop hike. This hike is designed to
give new hikers a sense of what hiking on the Bruce Trail has to offer.
Since the ground on this hike is uneven and rocky (and may be
muddy) in some sections, hiking
boots or hiking shoes are preferable but since new hikers may not
have access to all equipment, just
be sure you wear comfortable walking shoes. If you do bring bottled
water, snacks or extra clothes,
please consider carrying these in a
knapsack or fanny pack so your
hands are free making walking
more comfortable.
Leader: Robert Gillespie email
FRIDAY OCTOBER 21: Dufferin Hi-Land, Mono Cliffs Provincial Park, Map 19.
Moderate to strenuous, 21 km, 5.5
hrs. Variable terrain with hilly sections. Fast pace. A Loop hike with
no dropouts. Refreshment stop afterwards.
Depart: 9:30 a.m., Mono Community Centre (south parking area).
Directions: From Hwy 10 at
Camilla (north of Orangeville), turn
right at Mono Centre Rd (Dufferin
Rd 8). Follow this road for 5.9 km
to just before it enters the village.
The Community Centre is on your
right. By utilizing a variety of trails
in this scenic area, we will create a
large loop. Stops will be made at
specific points of interest.
Leader: Charlie Atkinson
905.642.2408 (Before 9 p.m.) or
north of Orangeville, turn right on
Road 8 (flashing amber light) and
follow 6 km to Mono Centre. Parking just south of village on right.
We will utilize a variety of trails in
this scenic provincial park to create
a loop.
Leaders: Judy and Peter Leeney
905.822.1877 (Before 10 p.m.)
Caledon Hills, Maps 18/19.
An Adventure to Tobermory.
Moderate, 18 km. Variable terrain.
Medium pace. A Shuttle hike with
no dropouts. Hiking boots required.
No dogs please.
Depart: 9 a.m. at km 70.0, the
junction of County Road #8 & 3rd
Line EHS. Directions: take HighCaledon Hills, Maps 16/17/18.
way #10 north from Orangeville to
An Adventure to Tobermory.
Moderate, 22 km. Variable terrain. Camilla, turn right on County Road
Medium pace. A Shuttle hike with #8, and follow through Mono Cenno dropouts. Hiking boots required. tre to its junction with 3rd Line
No dogs please.
EHS. The last of seventeen hikes
Depart: 9 a.m. at km 31.2, the
that will take us from Niagara to
junction of Airport Road and EsMono Centre this year and ulticarpment Sideroad. The sixteenth of mately on to Tobermory over three
years. We will car shuttle to the start and
seventeen hikes that will take us
from Niagara to Mono Centre this hike back.
Leader: Bob Humphreys 519.883.1840 (7
year and ultimately on to Tober-10 p.m.) or email walk2tobermory over three years. We will car
shuttle to the start and hike back.
SUNDAY OCTOBER 30: Caledon Hills,
Leaders: Bob Humphreys
519.883.1840 (7-10 p.m.) or email Hockley Valley, Map 18.
Easy, 7 km, 2.5 hrs. Rocky terrain.
surely pace. A Loop hike with no dropouts.
Brenda Dalglish 416.601.0378 (7- New Hikers are welcome. Hiking boots
10 pm)
required. No dogs please. Pub stop afterSATURDAY OCTOBER 22:
Dufferin Hi-Lands, Mono Cliffs,
Map 19.
Easy, 9 km, 4 hrs. Variable terrain.
Leisurely pace. A Loop hike with
no dropouts. New Hikers and
Families are welcome. Hiking
boots suggested. No dogs please.
Refreshment stop afterwards.
Depart: 10 a.m., Parking lot at
Mono Centre Community Centre.
Directions: On Hwy 10 travel 8 km
Depart: 10:00 a.m. Bruce Trail parking on
north side of 5 Sideroad. Directions: Drive
north on Highway 10 to Orangeville, turn
right (east) on Highway 9 and drive to Airport Road and turn left (north) and drive to
5 Sideroad and turn right (east). There is a
sign for the Tai Chi Center on the north
east corner of the intersection and the
meeting place is about 500 meters east of
Airport Road. The hike leader’s car will
have a Canadian flag attached to the window behind the driver’s seat. This hike is
designed to give new hikers a sense of
(Continued on page 15)
what hiking on the Bruce Trail has to offer.
Since the ground on this hike is uneven and
rocky (and may be muddy) in some sections,
hiking boots or hiking shoes are preferable
but since new hikers may not have access to
all equipment, just be sure you wear comfortable walking shoes. If you do bring bottled
water, snacks or extra clothes, please consider carrying these in a knapsack or fanny
pack so your hands are free making walking
more comfortable.
Leader: Robert Gillespie email
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 13: Toronto, Silver Creek, Map 13.
Easy, 9 km, 3 hrs. Rocky terrain. Leisurely
pace. A Loop hike with no dropouts. New
Hikers are welcome. Hiking boots required.
No dogs please. Pub stop afterwards.
Depart: 9:30 a.m. Scotsdale Farm Parking
Lot. Directions: Take Trafalgar Road exit off
401. Travel north on Trafalgar Rd through
Stewarttown and continue to lights at merge
with highway 7. Turn left at lights and continue traveling north for about 4 km where
highway 7 carries on to left and Trafalgar Rd
exits on right. Continue north on Trafalgar
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 4: Iroquoia, Dun- Rd and after about 2 km turn right into the
Scotsdale Farm. Drive east along the gravel
das Valley, Map 8.
Moderate to Strenuous, 21 km, 6.25 hrs.
road to the parking lot on the left in front of
Variable, rocky terrain with hilly sections.
the farmhouse. The hike leader’s car will
Fast pace. A Shuttle hike with no dropouts.
have a Canadian flag attached to the window
Refreshment stop afterwards. There may be a behind the driver’s seat. This hike is designed
shared parking charge.
to give new hikers a sense of what hiking on
Depart: 9:30 a.m., Chedoke Golf Club car
the Bruce Trail has to offer. Since the ground
park. Directions: From Hwy 403 (in Hamil- on this hike is uneven and rocky (and may be
ton), take the Aberdeen Ave exit
muddy) in some sections, hiking boots or
(southbound), then after 1 km turn right onto hiking shoes are preferable but since new
to Studholme Rd , then turn left onto Beddoe hikers may not have access to all equipment,
Dr. The parking lot is accessed from the end just be sure you wear comfortable walking
of Beddoe Dr. We will shuttle to the parking shoes. If you do bring bottled water, snacks
area near Tews Falls, then make a large
or extra clothes, please consider carrying
curve around the Dundas Valley, visiting
these in a knapsack or fanny pack so your
Tews, Webster’s, Canterbury, Sherman and hands are free making walking more comTiffany Falls and finish up in the Iroquois
Heights area.
Leader: Robert Gillespie email
Leader: Charlie Atkinson 905.642.2408
(Before 9 p.m.) or email
Valley Heritage Trail.
Moderate, 15.5 or 8 km. Variable terrain.
Medium pace. Dogs must be on leashes.
Depart: 9:30 a.m. at Humber Station Road,
about 3 km. north of Old Church Road. This
is the intersection with the Caledon Trailway
and is the northern terminus of the Humber
Valley Heritage Trail. We will drive to Dick's
Dam Park in Bolton, leaving the cars of people who wish to only hike 8 km. on Castlederg Road, the drop out point. This is a beautiful trail, passing through a variety of terrain with signs of deer, turkeys and other
wildlife. Advise the leader if you may wish
to drop out.
Leader: Bob Slack 905.584.2360 or email
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18: Caledon Hills,
Forks of the Credit, Maps 14/15.
Moderate to Strenuous, 21 km, 5.5 hrs. Variable terrain with hilly sections. Fast pace. A
Loop hike with no dropouts. Refreshment
stop afterwards.Depart: 9:30 a.m., km 19.0,
map15 (Willoughby Rd and Escarpment
Sideroad). Directions: From Hwy 10, drive
west on Escarpment Sideroad for 1.5km.
Please use caution when pulling off busy
Hwy 10. Give yourself ample time by indicating early. A Forks of the Credit loop involving the village of Belfountain, the EloraCataract Trailway and Cataract Falls along with a mix of several side trails.
Leader: Charlie Atkinson 905.642.2408
(Before 9 p.m.) or email
Highlands, Maps 19.
Moderate, 15 km. Variable terrain. Medium
pace. A Loop hike with no dropouts. Hiking
boots required. Dogs must be on
leashes. Refreshment stop afterwards.
Depart: 9 a.m. at outer parking lot of
the Mono Centre Community Centre.
Directions: take Highway 10 north
from Orangeville, turn right onto Dufferin County Road 8, and 2nd Line
E.H.S., to Mono Centre. This is an
opportunity to hike all the side trails
in the Mono Cliffs Provincial Park,
linked together with short stretches of
the Main Trail. Optional stop afterwards at Tim Horton’s in Orangeville.
Leader: Bob Humphreys
519.883.1840 (7-10 p.m.) or email
Do You Have 4 Hours
to Spare in 2011?
We are developing an email
list of people who are willing
to attend local community
events once or twice a year
in order to spread the word
about our Club and the BTC
to local residents.
This is your chance to give
back to the Trail!
If you can spare 4 hours in
2011 to help with the
coverage of a club booth during the spring or fall, please
contact:Colleen Darrell,
Volunteer Co-ordinator,
at and
ask to have your name added
to our Community Outreach email list.
You will always be partnered
with an experienced
volunteer and I guarantee you
will have a really good time
while doing a really good thing.
Thank you for
considering this opportunity to
give back to the Trail.
Jean Kerins, Club President
Hikes may be added or changed after the Comment goes to print.
Check the website, for the most up-to-date hike listings.
Fall 2011
Tuesday Hikers Program <<< Marilyn Ross
Tuesday Sept 6: Caledon Section
Hockley Valley, Map 18
Moderate to strenuous, 9 km there and
back hike with some loops. Hilly sections. Medium pace, hiking boots required. Bring water and lunch/snacks.
Depart: 9:30 a.m. in the parking area on
the east side of the 5th Line EHS, just
south of the Hockley Rd.
Directions: Proceed along the Hockley
Road (Dufferin County Road 7) from
Hwy 10 or from Airport Rd., until you
reach the 5th Line EHS. Turn south for a
short distance. Because it is a small
parking area, carpool as much as possible to minimize the number of vehicles.
There is no shuttle for this hike.
The Hockley Heights Side Trail extends
to both the north and south, and the
Hemlock Ridge Side Trail heads east
into the bush.
We will hike up the Hemlock Ridge Side
Trail and then west on the main trail
from 53.1 to 56.7 and return by the Peter
Beecham Side Trail and the main trail.
Lunch after the hike at a restaurant.
Leader: Vic Davis 905-895-3944
(before 9:00 p.m.)
Tuesday Sept 13: Dufferin Section
Black Bank, Map 21, End to End hike
A 11 km car pool hike, with no dropouts on variable terrain, at a
medium pace. Hiking boots required.
Bring water and lunch/snack.
Depart: 9:30 a.m. from km 55.3 on the
Mulmur-Nottawsaga Townline
2km west of the 2nd Line E. Parking is
at the cemetery on the north side, not
in the village of Lavender by the houses.
Directions: Go north on Airport Rd to
County Rd 21 (Sideroad 25).
Turn left and go west for approx. 5km to
2nd Line E.
Turn right and go north for approx 3km
to Mulmar-Nottawasaga Townline.
Turn left and go west for approx 2km to
parking area on north side of road.
We will car pool to Km 44.6 and hike
back through the pretty Black Bank
Hill area to the cars. Refreshments afterwards.
Leader: Albert McMaster 519-942-8624 trails that have been defined as the
BTC’s optimum route, they are not at
this time signed and blazed as part of the
Bruce Trail. As well, we shall visit the
Tuesday Sept 20: Caledon Section
highest point on the Niagara EscarpForks of the Credit area, Map 14
A moderate 10 km loop hike at medium ment, also a spot on the optimum route
pace on variable terrain with no dropbut not yet on a pathway of the Bruce
Hiking boots required and bring water
Leaders: John Grandy and Ross
and lunch/ snack. No dogs please.
McLean. For more information, contact
Depart: 9:30 a.m. from the roadside
Ross (519-821-0243)
parking on the Forks of the Credit at
Dominion St .
Tuesday Oct 11: Beaver Valley SecDirections: Forks of the Credit Road
runs west from Hwy 10, south of CaleFlesherton, Map 25
don Village and north of Brampton.
A moderate level 11.0 km loop hike on
We will hike the Trimble Side Trail,
very rocky terrain at a medium pace.
through Belfountain Conservation Area Hiking boots required. Bring water &
to Caledon Mountain Rd to Lime Kiln
lunch. No dogs please.
Side trail and back to the cars. There are Depart: 9:30 a.m. from small off-road
some hilly sections and some road walk- parking area on edge of 9th Sideroad at
ing. Refreshments afterwards.
km 33.2
Leader: Albert McMasDirections: From Flesherton, drive NE
on Highway 4 about 4km then turn left
(north),on Hwy 13. Drive about 8km to
Tuesday Sept 27: Blue Mountain Sec- the Artemisia-Euphrasia Townline road
on the right: it is signposted to Duncan.
Take this road for 2km then turn left on
Pretty River Area: Map 23
A 10 km loop hike at a moderate pace
3rd Line A.
over hilly terrain.
After about 5km, the road bends sharply
No drop-outs. Bring water and lunch.
to the right & goes through the hamlet of
Hiking boots are required.
Duncan. Cross over the Blue Mountains
Depart: 10:00 a.m. from the corner of
– Euphrasia Townline here and you are
6th Sideroad and 2nd Line (map 23) on
now on the 9th Sideroad. Parking spot is
the John Haigh Side Trail. Parking is
about 300 metres on the right.
limited; park beside the 6th Sideroad to
Hike will pass through Duncan Crevice
the west of the meeting place. There is a Caves Nature Reserve and Metcalfe
small parking area at the junction of the Rock on both the Main trail and the
6th SR and 2nd Line. When it is full, we Chuck Grant side trail. Refreshments
can park along the sides of the 6th SR to afterwards.
the west of this junction.
Leader: Susan Atkinson susanatkinNote the late start to allow travel time.
Directions: From the Toronto area, go
north on Hwy 124 past Singhampton,
Tuesday Oct 18: Caledon Section
then left (west) on County Rd. 31 past
Hockley Valley, Map 18
Rob Roy, then right (north) on 6th Line
A moderate level 11 km loop hike at a
to 6th Sideroad, then right (east) on the
medium pace on very hilly terrain.
6th SR to the parking area at the 2nd
No drop-out possible. Hiking boots reLine.
quired. No dogs please. Bring water and
We will hike the optimum route in this
spectacular provincial park. The leaves
of fall should have begun to colour. Although we shall be hiking on established
Hikes may be added or changed after the Comment goes to print.
Check the website, for the most up-to-date hike listings.
Fall 2011
Tuesday Hikes
Depart: 9:30 a.m. from parking lot on
the north side of Hockley Road about
0.25km east of 2nd line EHS.
Directions: From Hwy 10, turn east
onto Hockley Valley Rd, and go .25 km
past 2nd Line EHS. Hockley Valley Rd
is north of Orangeville (Hwy 9).
We will hike the Tom East and the Glen
Cross Side Trails using the Bruce Trail
as the connection.
Leader: Albert McMaster 519 942
8624 before 9 pm
Tuesday October 25: Dufferin HiLand Section
Black Bank to Kilgorie, Maps 21 and
20 End to End
A 10.5 km moderate level hike with
some steep ups and downs. Medium
pace.No dogs please. Bring water and
lunch. Hiking boots required.
Depart: 9:30 a.m. from the Kilgorie
parking lot (km 34.1)
Directions: Take County Road 19 north
from Primrose. At the T junction with
River Road turn right and take this road
into Kilgorie.
We will car-pool to km 44.6 on the
Prince of Wales Road, then hike south
above and in the Pine River valley to
Leader: Dave Hull 519-821-9972
Tuesday November 1: Dufferin Hi
Land Section
Boyne River Valley area, Map 20 End
to End
A moderate 10.6 km with some steep
ups and downs. Medium pace.
No dogs please. Bring water and lunch.
Hiking boots recommended.
Depart: 9:30 a.m. from the parking area
on the 30th Sideroad (km 13.3)
Directions: Take Highway 10 north
from Orangeville. Turn right on 30th
Sideroad one km south of Primrose. Proceed across Hurontario Street to the
parking area.
We will car-pool to km 23.9 where the
8th Sideroad meets the 2nd Line E., then
hike south above and through the Boyne
River valley back to the meeting place.
Leader: Dave Hull 519-821-9972
Tuesday Nov 8: Dufferin Section
Mono Cliffs Area: Map 19
A 10 km loop hike on hilly terrain at a
moderate pace.
No drop-outs. Bring water and lunch.
Depart: 9;30 a.m. from the Mono Community Centre
parking lot. Park on the gravel area of
parking lot.
Directions: Take Hwy 10 north to Dufferin Road 8,
about 10 km north of Orangeville. Follow Road 8 to
Mono Centre.
A scenic hike around the loops of Mono
Cliffs Provincial
Park, including McCarston`s Lake and
the South Outlier.
We will see a variety of forest types and
geological features,
with excellent views from lookout points.
Refreshments afterwards.
Leader: Hamish Duthie 905-877-2341
evenings, or
Tuesday November 15: Iroquoia Section,
Crawford Lake, Kelso, Map 11
A moderate level14 km loop hike on
variable terrain at a medium pace.
No drop-out. Hiking boots required. No
dogs please. Bring water and lunch.
Depart: 9:30 a.m. from the parking lot
at Crawford Lake Conservation Area.
Parking fee.
Directions: From Hwy 401, take Exit
312 and travel south on Guelph Line
through Campbellville. Turn east on
Conservation Road (formerly Steeles
Avenue East) to reach the Conservation
Area parking lot.
Leaders: Doug Leiper and Jean
McKenzie Leiper, 519 836 1645 before
10 pm or
We will follow the Crawford Lake Side
Trail and then take the Canyon Bypass
Trail to the Leech Porter Side Trail,
leading back to the Main Trail. We will
then take the Rattlesnake Point Access
Trail. We will have lunch at Rattlesnake
Point, returning on the Rattlesnake
Point Access Trail and the Main Trail to
the parking lot. Refreshments afterwards.
Tuesday Nov 22: Toronto Section
Scotsdale Farm, Map 13
A moderate level 9 or 13 km loop hike
on variable, rocky terrain at a medium
No drop-outs. Hiking boots required. No
dogs please. Bring water and lunch.
Depart: 9:30 a.m. parking lot at
Scotsdale Farm
Directions: The entrance to the Farm is
from Trafalgar Rd about 1 km north of
where it separates from Hwy 7.
A loop hike using the Bennett Heritage
Side Trail, the Main Trail and the Great
Esker Side Trail. If the weather is poor,
we will omit the second side trail. Pub
stop afterwards.
Leader: Barbara Euler 416-695-1838
before 10:00 p.m.
Tuesday Nov 29: Dufferin Section
Mono Centre, Maps 19 & 20, End to
End Hike Repeat
A moderate level car shuttle hike, 12 km
on variable terrain
at a medium pace. No drop-outs. Bring
water and lunch.
Hiking boots required and no dogs
Depart: 9:30 am from Mono Centre
parking lot.
Directions: Take Hwy 10 to Camilla
north of Orangeville.
Go east on Mono Centre Rd (County Rd
8) to 2nd line EHS.
Go north to Mono Centre parking lot on
east side of road.
We will car shuttle to Km 13.3 and hike
back through this scenic
area to the cars. Refreshments afterwards.
Leaders: Albert McMaster 519-9428624
Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club
Annual End-to-End Hike
Thanksgiving Weekend - October 8, 9, and 10 - 2011
The Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club invites you to join us for our annual three-day endto-end hike on the Thanksgiving weekend. Again this year, in addition to the regular
three-day hike, we will offer the two-day end-to-end which will take place on Saturday
and Sunday. A different badge will be awarded to those who complete the end-to-end
over two days.
Plan now to participate in one of the most enjoyable and challenging hiking experiences of the year, a 70 km hike through the spectacular fall colours of the Caledon
Hills. Join the select group of hardy hikers who have earned the "Fall Colours" end-toend badge, awarded only to those who complete this event. The cost is:
$25.00 for the three-day event.
$20.00 for the two-day event.
$10.00 for a single day.
To register please send a cheque payable to the Caledon Hills Bruce Trail Club, to:
Joan Richard
1802-1300 Islington Avenue
Toronto ON M9A 5C4
Please include your email address and phone number with your payment.
This fee covers daily bus transportation, snacks and refreshments and the "Fall
Colours" end-to-end badge on completion. For further information please contact Joan
at (416) 767-7550 or
Discount membership for new members!!!
50% Off New One Year Membership
KEEN Canada will cover HALF of your $50 New One-Year Membership.
Get your promo code at
Limited Time offer Aug.1 2011 - Oct. 31 2011
(Does not apply to Additional Clubs, 3-Year, Lifetime, Community or Renewing Memberships.)
Thank you to the following people who came out to prune our Christmas Trees
on June 21ST <<<Jean Kerins
Thanks go to all the volunteers who came out today to Hockleycrest Farm to help prune the club's
Christmas Tree Plantation. Selling Christmas Trees every December is our biggest fundraiser, and
a day spent pruning in June guarantees that the trees will have that "perfect" shape for someone's
home in December. A special thanks go to the Tuesday Hiking Group who turned out in great numbers to assist with the pruning this year. A hike was promised after the pruning, but everyone
agreed to call it a day at about 1:30 p.m. In no particular order, the volunteers (according to Jean
Kerins) were:
David Lamb
Linda Ould
Dave Thomson
Sinjee Tan
Gertrude Schweizl
Halyna Buhel
Brice Hoyes
Case Balk
Albert McMaster
Alex McKenzie
Rose Karker
Gerry Karker
Peter Leeney
Paul Robinson
Janice McClelland
Don Blok
Jean Kerins
Louise Carberry
Marilyn Ross
And of course, many thanks to Dave Moule and Sally Cohen who generously donate their land for
our tree plantation. We couldn't do it without all of you! Photos on Page 20
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Fall 2011
Photos from Pruning Day
A food-lover’s destination located in a unique straw-bale building.
Award winning sweet and hard ciders.
Wood-fired stone oven artisan bakery.
Ontario cheeses & preserves, homemade soups & quiches.
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Fall 2011
NEW !!!
In order to keep
the Boots Give
Back program
fresh and interesting KEEN,
changes the program in some
manner. This year, the program encourages participants to visit specific Bruce
Trail locations to snap their Boots Give
Back image. Each image will generate a
$10 donation for the BTC. For full program details please see:
While we are talking to people in our community we can also share another exciting
opportunity. KEEN Canada is offering a
special discounted membership offer.
For a limited time, KEEN Canada will
cover HALF of a $50 New One-Year Membership. (Does not apply to Additional
Clubs, 3-Year, Lifetime, Community or Renewing Memberships.) Any new member
can join the BTC today for $25. This is a
never-before-offered special. It is a terrific
way start talking about membership with
folks. The membership offer is available at
We are very excited about both of these terIt will be a challenge to secure the 5,000 rific outreach opportunities. We sincerely
photo uploads required to generate the hope you enjoy sharing the message with
$50,000 donation but it is a terrific goal people in your community
for our organization. We are considering
this program to be a great outreach tool,
a terrific way to introduce people to the
Bruce Trail and to drive home the fact
that we are a charity that needs their
support. The program’s website http://
June 10 to June 26 2012
has all the tools required for a successful Our group will see and experience the many fascinating places of
outing. Each Boots Give Back location
the INCA EMPIRE and other earlier civilizations in the Andes
and around CUSCO. We will visit and tour fascinating
has a map, driving directions, parking in- Mountains
VALLEY of the INCAS, also WINAY WAYNA, and many other
formation and detailed hiking directions
incredible places, too many to mention here. As one of very few
for the participants.
groups, we will hike the INCA TRAIL the way it should be done, no
Participating in the program is fun and
easy. But we need your help to share
this program with your friends and your
communities. Pass this opportunity on to
your friends and family, groups they are
a part of (Rotary, Scouts, tennis club,
bridge club), consider asking members
to set up challenges where they work to
encourage people to participate in the
program and get out on the Trail
tourist short cuts. One of the most knowledgeable local tour guides
will be leading our group and will hold us spellbound with his many
stories of his ancestors. On the hike, the only sign of civilization
will be in the form of cooks to prepare our excellent meals in their
kitchen tent for us. We will also have a dining tent, tables and
chairs and even a sit-down toilet tent, all that at over 12.000 ft, or
roughly 4.000 m, surrounded by breathtaking scenery. Porters and
horses will carry all our luggage and gear. All we have to carry on
the trail is a camera, a supplied snack, a water bottle and ourselves. After the hike, our group will be in CUSCO, with many
others from around the World, to be part of the indescribable INTI
RAYMI festival. On the way home we will stop in LIMA to have a
LIMA City Tour and visit the famous GOLD MUSEUM.
For all information please call Heinz at: 905-852-0707,
A Special Place and A Special Bench<<<Laurence Christie
Over the last many years I have
regarded the view from where
the bench is located as one of
my special views. After a long
day’s work on the trails of the
Hockley Valley Provincial Nature
Reserve I would usually take the
Glen Cross ST route back to my
car on the 3rd Line. Usually this
would be late in the afternoon or
even in the early evening and
the sun was just right as it would
be casting its golden glow on the
trees at the east end of the
meadow. I said to myself that
there has to be a bench at this
spot for others to enjoy the view
that I liked so much.
I had to have a better reason for
this bench and I found it in the
fact that there is an old discarded farm binder in the sumacs just east of the bench. The farmer who over many years likely
grew barley and oats on this meadow left the binder there on his last harvest. There is a trail which
we call the Pine Ridge Trail which the farmer would have used to access this meadow with his
horses and wagon. We used to use this trail as a short cut for bringing in trail supplies. Many a time I
would trudge out this trail late in
the day and imagine the farmer
trudging home with his team of
horses after a long hard day of
work. The remains of the barn
and possible house foundation
can still be seen on the Glen
Cross ST close to the 3rd Line.
A Special Bench - Constructed by Laurence Christie
Through searching the land registry at the Dufferin Archives and
by talking to the archivist, Steve
Brown who originally came from
the Glen Cross area I have likely
found the name of the farmer
who owned the land where our
Glen Cross trail passes through
and where the bench is now located. William Thomas Allen
and his wife Minnie Allen bought
the farm on lot 11, con. 3 east
half where our trail passes
through in 1914(continued p 23 )
View from the bench
Fall 2011
A Special Bench cont’d
Laurence Christie
and spent the remainder
of his life there until
1947 when he died of a
heart condition due to
an earlier stroke. William
Allen operated a threshing machine business
for over 40 years. Because of his business of
threshing farmers' grain
harvest he was known
for many miles around
the Glen Cross district
and also known for his
cheerful nature and his
willingness to help others. He was regarded
by many to be a good
friend and a wonderful
All that remains on the farm now are the foundation
stones of the old barn, a depression in the ground
where the house likely stood, beside which are a
few lilacs and out in the farm meadow beside our
trail, the remains of an old binder rusting away in
the sumacs. The dedication on the bench is to William Thomas Allen. (1873—1947).
The Nature Reserve has always been a special
place both in my enjoyment and work on the Bruce
Walking, hiking, cycling,
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Ethiopia, Everest, Finland, France, Galapagos
Islands, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Gorillas,
Great Wall of China, Greece, Greenland,
Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland,
Inca Trail, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan,
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Venezuela, Victoria Falls, Vietnam, Yukon.
416-922-7584 or 1-800-267-3347
Suite 200 – 119 Spadina Ave. Toronto
Fall 2011
Thank you Trail Captains
Don’t miss a single Club event!
Save these Dates:
Thank you to our Trail Captains, who
maintain our beautiful trails in the Caledon Hills section of the Bruce Trail…
Saturday September 10:
Unveiling of Jeju Olle Trail Pony Marker to
celebrate twinning of our trail and a trail on JeJu
Island, South Korea See page 4 for details
Kitty Atkinson
Greg Huffman
Nathan Bain
Dave Hull
Roy Bauman
George Konrad
Alan Billing
Sig Langhammer
Beaver Valley Club welcomes you to Beautiful Beaver Valley for this year's AGM! See for more
Jason Broersma
Jim Lanthier
Louise Carberry
Mike Leduc
Laurence Christie
Ray Matsalla
Gerry Daly
John & Carol Maxwell
Franca De Angelis
Dave Moule
Barbara Forster
Fred Nix
Tom Fuller
Fran & Keith Oussoren
Marsha & Gerald Fox
Dave Platt
Dennis Gallant
Jane Rodger
Robert & Christina Gillespie
Marilyn Ross
Ron Gray
Nicola Ross
Derek Griffin
Grace Schwartkop
Hikes, on the Bruce Peninsula
Gary Hall
Bryan Smith
Krystin Henriques
Sallie Smyth
For up-to-date information on club activities, check our
Harry Hoogeveen
David Weicker
September 23, 24, 25, 2011
Bruce Trail Conservancy 2011 AGM & Conference Hosted by the Beaver Valley Bruce Trail Club The
October 2, 2011
Bruce Trail Day, Forks of the Credit
Provincial Park See cover page for details
Oct 8,9 & 10, 2011
Thanksgiving Weekend End to End Hike
Earn the Fall Colours End to End Badge
See page 15 for details
Sunday October 23:
Unveiling of Dorothy Medhurst Side Trail
See page 3 for details
October 11 and 12, 2011 Fall 2 Day B&B
Bruce Trail Conservancy Mission Statement
The Bruce Trail Conservancy is a charitable organization committed to establishing a conservation corridor
containing a public footpath along the Niagara Escarpment, in order to protect its natural ecosystems and to
promote environmentally responsible public access to this UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve
Thank you to all who have ‘gone green’ - you
are helping the club put more funds to trail
building and maintenance, by taking your
Comment electronically. Spread the word.
Return undeliverable copies to:
The Bruce Trail Conservancy
P.O. Box 857, Hamilton, ON L8N 3N9