Map Projection
Map Projection
Map Projection § Curved surface (3D) 2D Flat Surface § Approaches to transfer the spherical earth on a two dimensional surface § Some distortions will always occur Projection cont. n Visualize a light shining through the Earth onto a surface Distortions n Fitting sphere to plane causes stretching or shrinking of features Types of Distortion Shape n Area n Distance n Direction n Projection properties n Conformal n n Equal- area n n maintains area Equidistant n n maintains shape maintains distance Azimuthal (Planar) n maintains some directions Example Mercator Projection (Shape Preserved) Mollweide Projection (Area preserved) Developable Surfaces n Can be flattened without distortion n n n n n Cylinders Cones Planes Other A point or line of contact is created when surface is combined with a sphere Developable surfaces contacting spheres n Tangent n n Secant n n n projection surface touches sphere surface cuts through sphere No distortion at contact points Increases away from contact points Example Lambert’s Conformal Conic From James R. Smith,page 194 Cylindrical Projection n Projecting a spherical surface onto a cylinder • Longitudes equally spaced • Latitudes unequally spaced • Scale is true along equator • Shape and scale distortions increase near poles • Best for equatorial or low latitudes Cylinder touches sphere along Rotate cylinder to reduce two lines - both small circles distortion along a line - UTM is based on this - Cylinder right angles to the pole Conic projections - result from projecting a spherical surface onto a cone. Best for mid- latitudes with an East- West orientation like Canada Azimuthal (Planar) projections - result from projecting a spherical surface onto a plane. •Best for polar or circular regions •Direction always true from center Common Projections n n n n n Mercator Universal Transverse Mercator Albers Equal Area Lambert’s Conformal Conic Azimuthal Equidistant Mercator Projection -Projected on a cylinder -Any straight line is a line of constant direction (rhumb line) -Used for navigation -True Directions, -Conformal (angles and shapes true in small areas) but not equal area or equidistant -Cylindrical Universal Transverse Mercator § Divides the earth from latitudes 84N to 80S in 60 vertical zones that are 6 deg wide. § Zones are numbered starting at 180th meridian in eastward direction § Each zone is divided into sections of 8 deg latitude each § Eastings (from Central meridian) and Northings(from equator) can be designated for each zone § UTM preserves Area, Distance and Shape well. Universal Transverse Mercator Albers Equal Area • Conic (Secant case) • Well-suited for areas that are mainly east-west in extent • Areas - True • Directions - Reasonably accurate in limited regions • Distances and Scale True only along standard parallels • Map - not conformal • Used for Thematic maps Lambert Conformal Conic • Conic (Secant case) • Distances - True only along standard parallels • Map - Conformal but not equal area or equidistant • Area and Shape - Distortion minimal at std. parallels • Directions - Reasonably accurate • Shape - True for small areas • To map large ocean Areas and regions in E-W extent Different map projections result in different spatial relationships between regions. Azimuthal Equidistant • Extent - World; Eq/midlat/Polar • Distances measured from centre are true; Distortion of other properties increases from centre point • Useful for showing airline distances from centre point • Useful for seismic & radio work Choosing a projection n n Often mandated by organization Or intended use: n n n Thematic = equal- area Presentation = conformal (also equal- area) Navigation = Mercator, true direction or equidistant Choosing, cont. n n n n Extent Location Predominant extent Projection supports spheroid/ datums? Combining data n n n Data must be in common coordinate system Must know projection AND GCS (datum) Ex. Both in UTM, zone 10, n n 1 is NAD27, 1 is NAD83 -Y coordinates up to 200 meters off COMMON MAP PROJECTIONS Equal Area – Goode’s Homolosine From Robinson, Sixth Edition, page 81 COMMON MAP PROJECTIONS Special Purpose Equidistant Cylindrical/Plane Chart From Robinson, Sixth Edition, page 86 COMMON MAP PROJECTIONS Special Purpose – Simple Conic From Robinson, Sixth Edition, page 87 COMMON MAP PROJECTIONS Special Purpose - Polyconic From Robinson, Sixth Edition, page 88, 89 The distribution of scale factors on a polyconic projection in the vacinity of 40° latitude. N-S SF values away from the central meridian are approximate. Note that the section of the projection which is used for a standard 7.5-minute quadrangle map would be 1/8 degree E-W and N-S along the central meridian. COMMON MAP PROJECTIONS Special Purpose Space Robinson’s Oblique Mercator
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