2017 Miss Jalapeño Contest Application


2017 Miss Jalapeño Contest Application
 WBCA Jalapeño Festival Sponsored by La Costeña®
February 17 – 18, 2017 El Metro Park & Ride 2017 Miss Jalapeño Contest Application Place/Date: 2017 Jalapeño Festival (located at El Metro Park & Ride, 1800 E. Hillside Rd.) Friday, February 17, 2017. Check-­‐in time: 6:00 P.M. (*Competition begins at 9:00 PM) *Time is subject to change Age: ü 17-­‐25 years of age (must show proof – Texas Driver’s License or ID). ü Contestant must provide parent/guardian authorization if under the age of 18 years. ü Single, never been married, and lives, works or attends school in Laredo, TX or surrounding areas. Contestant agrees that if selected as the 2017 Miss Jalapeño, she will make herself available for publicity purposes (TV, Radio, Photographs or Press) and make personal appearances at the request of the Washington’s Birthday Celebration Association. An opportunity to: •
represent the hottest event of the Washington’s Birthday Celebration •
build self-­‐esteem •
gain experience in public speaking •
wear the most beautiful crown of jalapeños (not edible peppers). For Inquiries: Contact WBCA at 956-­‐722-­‐0589 or email us at wbca@wbcalaredo.org Applications may be remitted to the office of the Washington’s Birthday Celebration Association up until Thursday, February 16, 2017 (1 P.M. Deadline) 1819 E. Hillside Rd.; Laredo, Texas 78041 WBCA Jalapeño Festival Sponsored by La Costeña®
February 17 – 18, 2017 El Metro Park & Ride 2017 Miss Jalapeño Contest Application Required Dress: Any type of GREEN dress or GREEN attire; BE CREATIVE! Talent Required: Contestant may choose any talent and display that talent for no longer than one minute. WBCA reserves the right to refuse any talent that may be deemed unacceptable or may appear vulgar. Contestant agrees that the decision of the judges and/or the crowd will be final. No appeal process will be in effect. Name: _____________________________________ Age as of Feb. 17, 2017______________ (Attach copy of Texas Driver’s License or Texas ID) If under the age of 18, please provide: Parent/Guardian Name:______________________________________ Contact phone#_____________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ My daughter __________________________ has my permission to enter the 2017 Miss Jalapeño Contest. I do hereby signify that I understand that the WBCA Miss Jalapeño Contest and all persons assisting this event are not responsible for any injuries or loss of property, which may result while taking part in this event. Parent’s Signature_________________________________ Date:____________________ Contestant’s E-­‐Mail: ________________________Contestant’s primary # ____________ School/Workplace: _______________________________________________________________ WBCA Jalapeño Festival Sponsored by La Costeña® February 17 – 18, 2017 El Metro Park & Ride 2017 Miss Jalapeño Contest Application Ambitions/Goals: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Honors/Awards: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Interesting Facts About Yourself: ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I
(PRINT NAME) in consideration of my participation
in the WBCA Jalapeño Festival, hereby grant to the Washington’s Birthday Celebration Association, Inc.
(WBCA), the right to record, broadcast and otherwise exploit in any and all media throughout the world
my performance in the event and/or event to use my name, likeness, voice and biographical information
concerning me in connection therewith.
I assume all risks associated with my participation in the event and hereby release and hold harmless the
WBCA, the sponsors of and suppliers to the event, and their respective directors, officers, employees,
agents, successors and assigns, from and against any and all claims, damages, liabilities, costs, and
expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising out of my participation in the event, including
without limitation any personal injuries [or damage to my property] which I may incur as a result of
participation in any WBCA Jalapeño Festival events. I warrant that I am of legal age and that I have read
and fully understand the foregoing terms.
I understand I may be asked to make appearances as the official Miss Jalapeño in Laredo, or any other
city, either in person or in print (i.e. event functions and event advertising such as magazine ads, articles,
commercials, etc.) at the request and approval of the WBCA. This also applies to any appearances at
local schools, sporting functions, and local and out-of -town parades.
Contestant’s Signature : __________________________________________ Date: ____________________